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ADDER X200 User Manual

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Adder X00 Extender




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Summary of Contents for ADDER X200

  • Page 1
    Adder X00 Extender User.Guide contents…
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    Contents Welcome Introduction…2…3 Installation & Operation Connections…4 Cable.length.advice…4…5…6 Operation..8 General.use…8 Selecting.and.using.computers…8 Locking.and.unlocking.the.system…8 Special configuration Configuration…9 What.are.hotkeys?…9 Entering,.using.and.exiting.configuration.mode..9 Password.setting…10 Mouse.switching.control…10 Hot.plugging.PS/2-style.connections.. and.mouse.restoration…11 Microsoft.and.Logitech.-specific.mouse.settings…11 Video.compensation.(sharpness.and.brightness)..12 Video.skew.adjustment.(X200AS.models.only)..13 Miscellaneous.settings..14 Performing.flash.upgrades…15…

  • Page 3: Introduction

    Peripheral connections to each computer system are handled by Computer Access Modules (or CAMs). The long distance link between the CAMs and the common X200 module is made via Category 5, 5e or 6 twisted pair cabling. X200 X200 modules can be used to connect to…

  • Page 4:

    Supplied items Computer Access Module (CAM) Supplied as standard only in extender pair packages, otherwise available as options — see opposite. Power adapter and country- specific power lead Four self- adhesive rubber feet CD-ROM What you may additionally need Additional Computer Access Module (CAM) modules: USB CAM, no audio USB CAM with audio PS/ CAM…

  • Page 5: Installation & Operation

    This distance must be taken into account when planning the cable run from the X200 to the CATx switch. The total distance from any X200 to any CAM must not exceed 300 metres (or less if an X200 without de-skew is used).

  • Page 6:

    4 For each cable run, attach the cable connector to the Hot. socket of the CAM. The other end of each cable run will attach to the remote X200 module. Green indicator — power present Yellow indicator — signal activity Sun.keyboard/mouse…

  • Page 7:

    Connections at the X200 (remote) module 1 Place the X200 module adjacent to the remote user location. 2 Attach the video monitor, USB keyboard, USB mouse and speaker connectors to the sockets of the Adder X200 module. From USB mouse and…

  • Page 8
    Switches 2 and 3 determine which two keyboard keys (when pressed in unison) are to be designated as ‘hotkeys’. Hotkeys signal to the X200 module that the next key to be pressed is a special configuration command for the module and is not to be passed to the computer system.
  • Page 9: Operation

    Operation General use In use, the X200 module should be transparent — the system and its peripherals should operate exactly as normal, the only difference being that they are now a long distance apart and two computer systems (or more when used with an AdderView CATx switch) can be viewed from a single set of peripherals.

  • Page 10: Special Configuration

    Special configuration Configuration You can alter the way that the X200 module operates to suit your requirements. This is done using the Configuration mode and you can affect the following settings: • Password.setting – allows you to lock the remote module to prevent unauthorised system access.

  • Page 11: Password.setting

    To clear a password (and restore factory default settings) 1 Connect the X200 module to a computer in the same manner as you would to carry out a flash upgrade — see Performing.flash.upgrades. 2 While power is applied, set the X200 upgrade switch SW1 to its ON position.

  • Page 12: And.mouse.restoration

    Hot plugging PS/2-style connections and mouse restoration For computer systems that use PS/2-style keyboard and mouse connections, it is strongly recommended that you switch off the computer system before attempting to connect it via the CAM. However, if this is not possible then you need to ‘hot plug’…

  • Page 13: Video.compensation.(Sharpness.and.brightness)

    Video compensation (sharpness and brightness) Using the in-built X200 controls you can adjust the picture sharpness and brightness to improve the remote picture quality. Video compensation is best carried out when viewing high contrast images with vertical edges, such as black lines on a white background. When doing so, if you notice that the screen image is ‘fuzzy’…

  • Page 14: Video.skew.adjustment.(X200As.models.only)

    Video skew adjustment (X200AS models only) The category 5, 5e and 6 cabling supported by the AdderView CATx consists of four pairs of wires per cable. Three of these pairs are used to convey red, green and blue video signals to the remote video monitor. due to the slight difference in twist rate between these three pairs, the red, green and blue video signals may not arrive at precisely the same time.

  • Page 15: Miscellaneous.settings

    3 As appropriate, press either the R, G or B keyboard keys to select the appropriate colour channel. Corresponding keyboard indicators will flash rapidly to show which channel is currently selected for adjustment: Num Lock for Red, Caps Lock for Green and Scroll Lock for Blue.

  • Page 16: Performing.flash.upgrades

    X200 firmware. To perform a flash upgrade 1 Remove power from the X200 module. If one or both CAMs also need to be upgraded, ensure that they are connected to the X200 in the usual manner. 2 On the side of the X200 module, place switch 1 into its ON position.

  • Page 17
    (this may take a few seconds). 10 Change the X200 switch 1 to the OFF position and cycle the power. When the power is re-applied the X200 module and any upgraded CAMs will operate using the new firmware.
  • Page 18: Further Information

    Further information Getting assistance • – Check the Support section of our website for the latest solutions and driver files. • Email – • Fax 094 00 in the UK: + in the US: •…

  • Page 19: Warranty

    • No user serviceable parts are contained within the power adapter — do not dismantle. • Plug the power adapter into a socket outlet close to the X200 module that it is powering. • Replace the power adapter with a manufacturer approved type only.

  • Page 20:

    Radio Frequency Energy A Category 5 (or better) twisted pair cable must be used to connect the units in order to maintain compliance with radio frequency energy emission regulations and ensure a suitably high level of immunity to electromagnetic disturbances. All other interface cables used with this equipment must be shielded in order to maintain compliance with radio frequency energy emission regulations and ensure a suitably high level of immunity to electromagnetic disturbances.

  • Page 21
    © 2007 Adder Technology Limited All trademarks are acknowledged. Release 1.0d October 2007 Part No. Add0073 Adder Technology Limited, Technology House, Trafalgar Way, Bar Hill, Cambridge, CB3 8SQ, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1954 780044 Fax: +44 (0)1954 780081 Documentation by:…

AdderLink x200 — KVM удлинитель со встроенным KVM переключателем. Эта модель KVM удлинителя позволяет осуществлять управление двумя компьютерами, установленными на дистанции до 300 метров от рабочего места оператора. KVM удлинитель AdderLink X200 позволяет одному пользователю управлять двумя удаленными компьютерами при помощи клавиатуры, мыши и монитора на расстоянии до 300 метров по витой паре (UTP кабель).  

KVM удлинитель AdderLink X200 может применяться для организации удаленного рабочего места пользователя и подключаться к KVM переключателю AdderView CATx.

Передача видеосигнала:

  • С  разрешением 1920 x 1200 на дистанцию до 50 метров/165 футов
  • С  разрешением 1600 x 1200 на дистанцию до 200 метров/650 футов
  • С  разрешением 1280 x 1024 на дистанцию до 300 метров/1000 футов

Максимальная дистанция трансляции

До 300 по одному кабелю витой пары (cat=5,5e,6)

Adder x200: аппаратная совместимость

Совместимость с компьютерами, поддерживающими USB клавиатуру и мышь. Совместимость с любыми жидкокристаллическими и CRT дисплеями со стандартным видео интерфейсом HDD-15, а также разъемом стерео аудио 3,5 (mini jack)

Особенности KVM удлинителя AdderLink x200

Компенсация видео

AdderLink X200 использует 128 шагов компенсации сигнала, делая доступной тонкую настройку изображения.

Управление яркостью 

AdderLink X200 предлагает автоматическую коррекцию яркости, что гарантирует, что получаемое изображение будет четким, чистым и ярким.

Встроенная коррекция искажений

Модель AdderLink X200 AS/R оборудована встроенной коррекцией изображений с частотой 300MHz (1/4 пикселя на разрешении 1600 x 1200 resolution). Эта функция позволяет избавиться от искажений, возникающих из-за более длинного кабеля CATx.

Встроенный двухпортовый KVM переключатель 

Каждый из ресиверов оборудован двумя портами, что обеспечивает подключение к локальному и удаленному компьютерам, либо к двум удаленным компьютерам. Пользователь может быстро выбирать между этим портами, используя горячие клавиши на клавиатуре или мышку. Для каждого из соединений обеспечиваются индивидуальные настройки яркости, компенсации и коррекции искажений.

Гибкая настройка системы

Передатчик может подключаться к одному или двум USB, PS/2 или Sun модулям доступа. Более того, ресивер X200 может использоваться как удаленная пользовательская станция для любого Adder CATx KVM переключателя.

Эмуляция DDC

AdderLink X200 полностью поддерживает DDC. Без поддержки DDC большинство известных производительных видеокарт не могут работать на высоких разрешениях.

Цифровое аудио

Цифровое стерео 44.1kHz гарантирует высокое качество звучания колонок.

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ADDERLink X200
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Сопутствующие товары Adder ADDERLink X200

ADDERLink X200 Extenders

Fully featured USB keyboard, video and mouse extender with 44.1kHz digital stereo audio support 

for two computers.

AdderLink X200s have been designed for use in applications where up to two computers can have their keyboard, video, 

audio and mouse control extended up to 300 m (1000 ft.) across CAT5 or higher UTP cable. The AdderLink X200 
provides absolute real time keyboard and mouse performance along with hi-definition, hi-resolution video over a VGA 
interface. The AdderLink X200 receiver can also be used as a remote user station for the AdderView CATx range of 
KVM switches.


Video performance

Industry leading resolutions of:

1920 x 1200 to 50 m (165 ft.)

1600 x 1200 to 200 m (650 ft.)

1280 x 1024 to 300 m (1000 ft.)

Video compensation

The AdderLink X200 applies 128 steps of signal

compensation enabling fine picture adjustments.

Brightness control

The AdderLink X200 offers its own brightness

correction to ensure images are crisp, clear and


Integrated De-Skew

The AdderLink X200 AS/R model has integrated skew 

correction with a 300MHz bandwidth (1/4

of a pixel movement at 1600 x 1200 resolution). This 

removes the video skew issues that can be caused by 

longer CATx cables.

Two port integrated KVM switch 

Each receiver is fitted with two ports to enable connection 

to a local and remote computer, or two remote 

computers. The user can quickly select between these 

ports using keyboard hotkeys or mouse control. Individual 

video brightness, compensation and skew settings can be 

applied to each connection. 

Flexible system configuration

Each receiver may be connected to one or two USB, PS/2 

or Sun style computer access modules. Furthermore, the 

X200 receiver unit may be used as the remote user station 

for any Adder CATx KVM switch.

Emulated DDC

Unless an extender actively supports DDC some well-

known high performance video cards cannot be used at 

high resolutions. The AdderLink X200 fully supports DDC.

Digital audio

44.1kHz digital stereo audio delivers high fidelity audio for 









 Local, Remote and Global Computer Control

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