Arturia minibrute 2 инструкция на русском

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Какая высота Arturia MiniBrute 2?

Какая ширина Arturia MiniBrute 2?

Какая толщина Arturia MiniBrute 2?

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MiniBrute 2
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Аналоговый синтезатор Arturia MiniBrute 2 Noir

Аналоговый синтезатор Arturia MiniBrute 2 Noir

Аналоговый синтезатор Arturia MiniBrute 2 Noir

Аналоговый синтезатор Arturia MiniBrute 2 Noir

Аналоговый синтезатор Arturia MiniBrute 2 Noir

Аналоговый синтезатор Arturia MiniBrute 2 Noir

Аналоговый синтезатор Arturia MiniBrute 2 Noir

Аналоговый синтезатор Arturia MiniBrute 2 Noir

Аналоговый синтезатор Arturia MiniBrute 2 Noir

Аналоговый синтезатор Arturia MiniBrute 2 Noir

Аналоговый синтезатор Arturia MiniBrute 2 Noir

Аналоговый синтезатор Arturia MiniBrute 2 Noir

  • Безопасные способы оплаты

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в наличии

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Доставка на дом и в ПВЗ24 — 26 мая

Самовывоз из магазинов 24 — 26 мая

Arturia MiniBrute 2 Noir — аналоговый полумодульный монофонический синтезатор. Лимитированная серия Noir. В основе субтрактивного синтеза находятся два аналоговых осциллятора, генератор шума и внешний вход. Для формирования сигнала VCO 1 доступны пилообразная, квадратная и треугольная формы. Фильтр Штайнера-Паркера позволяет переключаться между режимами низких, полосовых, высоких частот, а также режекторным режимом. Регулируется срез и резонанс. В фильтр встроен дисторшн Brute Factor.

Среди источников модуляции: два гибких LFO, две огибающие ADSR и AD, которые могут быть направлены к VCO FM, Filter FM, RM и другим параметрам. Коммутационная патч-панель позволяет управлять многими элементами синтезатора и секвенсора, а также взаимодействовать с модулями Eurorack.

25-клавишная клавиатура поддерживает velocity и aftertouch. Есть возможность транспонирования +/- 2 октавы, а также колеса высоты тона и модуляции. Встроенные секвенсор и арпеджиатор можно синхронизировать с внутренним или внешним тактовым сигналом через разъемы Clock, MIDI или USB. Арпеджиатор может воспроизводить восемь предустановленных арпеджио. Секвенсор содержит восемь слотов для сохранения последовательностей длиной до 64 шагов.

Особенности MiniBrute 2 Noir:

  • Полумодульный аналоговый синтезатор;
  • Два аналоговых осциллятора и генератор шума;
  • Мультирежимный фильтр Штайнера-Паркера с четырьмя типами фильтров;
  • Схема искажения Arturia Brute Factor;
  • Два LFO, огибающие ADSR и AD с возможностью петли;
  • 48-точечная CV / гейт патч-панель, совместимая с Eurorack;
  • 25-клавишная клавиатура, чувствительная к скорости нажатия и послекасанию;
  • Колеса модуляции и высоты тона;
  • Встроенный арпеджиатор и 64-шаговый секвенсор с восемью сохраняемыми слотами;
  • Источники синхронизации вход/выход MIDI, CV, вход/выход USB.
  • Arturia
  • Клавиши Arturia
  • Синтезаторы Arturia

Файлы для скачивания

  • Инструкция для Arturia MiniBrute 2 Noir (англ.) (PDF 12 Мб 376 Кб)
  • Тип: аналоговый синтезатор;
  • Количество голосов: монофонический;
  • Тип клавиатуры: 25 клавиш, velocity, aftertouch;
  • Фильтр: Штайнера-Паркера 12 дБ/окт, мультирежимный НЧ / полосовой / ВЧ / режекторный;
  • Осцилляторы: 2;
  • Формы VCO1: пилообразная + суперпила, прямоугольная + PWM, треугольная + Metalizer;
  • Формы VCO2: синусоидальная, пилообразная, прямоугольная;
  • LFO: 2 (синусоидальная, треугольная, пилообразная, квадратная, случайная ступенчатая, случайное скольжение);
  • Генераторы огибающей: 2 (ADSR, AD);
  • Колеса модуляции и высоты тона: есть;
  • Переключение октавы: есть (от -2 до +2 октавы);
  • Внешний аналоговый аудиовход: есть;
  • Коммутационная панель: 48 x 1/8”;
  • Входы CV: сигналы уровня Eurorack, 100 кОм, +/-5 В (Pitch CV — 6,8 МОм);
  • Выходы CV: сигналы уровня Eurorack, 680 Ом, +/-5 В;
  • Входы Clock / Gate: сигналы уровня Eurorack, 68 кОм, 0 В / +5 В;
  • Выходы Clock / Gate: сигналы уровня Eurorack, 2 кОм, 0 В / +5 В;
  • MIDI: вход / выход (5-контактный разъем DIN);
  • USB: MIDI-вход, MIDI-выход;
  • Аудиовыход: 1 x 1/4″ (Output), 1 x 1/4″ (Phones);
  • Арпеджиатор: есть, 8 режимов;
  • Секвенсор: есть, 64 шага;
  • Материал корпуса: алюминий и дерево;
  • Источник питания: 12 В постоянного тока / 2 А;
  • Размеры: 484 х 336 х 58 мм;
  • Вес: 4,8 кг.


Special Thanks


Frederic Brun Nicolas Dubois Adrien Courdavault Philippe Vivancos


Fred’s Lab / Frédéric

Nicolas Dubois

Luc Walrawens

Yves Usson

Meslin (lead engineer)

Benjamin Renard

Victor Morello

Olivier Delhomme

Valentin Lepetit

Bruno Pillet

Nadine Lantheaume

Pierre-Lin Laneyrie

Thierry Chatelain


Sebastien Rochard Morgan Perrier Florian Marin Randy Lee


Sebastien Rochard DesignBox Sylvain Missemer Morgan Perrier


Victor Morello Jean-Baptiste Arthus Jean-Michel Blanchet


Chuck Capsis

Adrien Kanter

Andrew Capon

Reek Havok

Terry Mardsen

Jean-Philippe Gross

Gert Braakman

Randy Lee

Marco Correia

Ken Flux Pierce

Tom Hall

Simon Gallifet

© ARTURIA SA – 2017 – All rights reserved. 11 Chemin de la Dhuy

38240 Meylan FRANCE

Information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Arturia. The software described in this manual is provided under the terms of a license agreement or non-disclosure agreement. The software license agreement specifies the terms and conditions for its lawful use. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any purpose other than purchaser’s personal use, without the express written permission of ARTURIA S.A.

All other products, logos or company names quoted in this manual are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

Product version: 1.0

Revision date: 15 January 2018

Thank you for purchasing the Arturia MiniBrute 2/2S!

This manual covers the features and operation of Arturia’s MiniBrute 2 or MiniBrute 2S. In this package you will find:

One MiniBrute 2 series analog synthesizer, with a serial number on the bottom. You will need this information in order to register your MiniBrute 2 online.

One IEC AC power adapter

One Eurorack cable set

One preset catalog

Be sure to register your MiniBrute 2 as soon as possible! There is a sticker on the bottom panel that contains the serial number of your unit. This is required during the online registration process. You may want to record these elsewhere or take a photo of the sticker in case it becomes damaged.

Registering your MiniBrute 2 series synthesizer provides the following benefits:

It enables you to download the user manual and the latest version of the MIDI Control Center software

It allows you to receive special offers restricted to owners of MiniBrute 2 series synthesizers.

Special Message Section

Specifications Subject to Change:

The information contained in this manual is believed to be correct at the time of printing. However, Arturia reserves the right to change or modify any of the specifications without notice or obligation to update the hardware that has been purchased.


The product and its software, when used in combination with an amplifier, headphones or speakers, may be able to produce sound levels that could cause permanent hearing loss. DO NOT operate for long periods of time at a high level or at a level that is uncomfortable.

If you encounter any hearing loss or ringing in the ears, you should consult an audiologist.


Service charges incurred due to a lack of knowledge related to how a function or feature works (when the product is operating as designed) are not covered by the manufacturer’s warranty, and are therefore the owner’s responsibility. Please study this manual carefully and consult your dealer before requesting service.

Precautions include, but are not limited to, the following:

1.Read and understand all the instructions.

2.Always follow the instructions on the instrument.

3.Before cleaning the instrument, always remove the electrical plug from the outlet and remove the power cord and USB cable from the unit. When cleaning, use a soft and dry cloth. Do not use gasoline, alcohol, acetone, turpentine or any other organic solutions; do not use liquid cleaner, spray or cloth that’s too wet.

4.Do not use the instrument near water or moisture, such as a bathtub, sink, swimming pool or similar place.

5.Do not place the instrument in an unstable position where it might accidentally fall over.

6.Do not place heavy objects on the instrument. Do not block openings or vents of the instrument; these locations are used for ventilation to prevent the instrument from overheating. Do not place the instrument near a heat vent or any place of poor air circulation.

7.Use only the provided AC adapter, as specified by Arturia.

8.Make sure the line voltage in your location matches the input voltage specified on the AC power adapter.

9.Do not open and insert anything into the instrument, as this could cause a fire or electrical shock.

10.Do not spill any kind of liquid onto the instrument.

11.In the event of a malfunction, always take the instrument to a qualified service center. You will invalidate your warranty if you open and remove the cover, and improper testing may cause electrical shock or other malfunctions.

12.Do not use the instrument when thunder and lightning is present.

13.Do not expose the instrument to hot sunlight.

14.Do not use the instrument when there is a gas leak nearby.

15.Arturia is not responsible for any damage or data loss caused by improper operation of the instrument.

16.Arturia recommends the use of shielded cables for audio (less than 3 meters long), and ferrite equipped CV/Gate cables.


Congratulations on your purchase of the Arturia MiniBrute 2!

The MiniBrute 2 is designed to be an exceptionally powerful, modern analog synthesizer with a classic flair.

The roots of this product stem from the greatest synthesizers of all time, all enhanced with Arturia’s own modern touch and character. The now famous ‘Brute’ style oscillators, paired with the classic sounds of the Steiner-Parker filter, give you a wealth of tools and amazing sonic character with which to build your own sounds.

There are many great features, both old and new, in the MiniBrute 2 series synths. But the pièce de résistance of the MiniBrute 2 might be the inclusion of a very flexible 48-point patch bay. This physical matrix allows you to route modulation sources in a nearly endless number of ways, both within the MiniBrute 2 and with external devices.

Couple these features with the sheer musicality of the sequencer and arpeggiator and you have an instrument that will become a powerful asset in your creative endeavors, be they on stage or in the studio.

We are excited to bring you this powerful and affordable synthesizer. It is the culmination of many years of research, and is the perfect combination of our passion for the world of synthesizers and our deep appreciation for the the world of music they help to create.

Be sure to visit the website and check for the latest firmware, download the MIDI Control Center and check out the tutorials and FAQs. You are about to experience a synthesizer of an entirely different breed.

Musically yours, The Arturia team

Table Of Contents

1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


2. Installation…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


2.1. Usage Precautions…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


2.2. WARNING …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


2.3. Register your Instrument………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


2.4. Connecting the MiniBrute 2 to the World………………………………………………………………………………………………..


2.5. Warm-Up and General Tuning ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


3. Quick start………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


3.1. Create your first sound: the “basic patch” ……………………………………………………………………………………………


3.2. Add some vibrato…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


3.3. Add a second oscillator…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


3.4. Introduction to envelopes……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


3.5. Get to know an LFO……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


3.6. The Sequencer and Arpeggiator ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


4. Hardware overview ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


4.1. Main features ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


4.2. The Control section…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


4.3. Inputs and outputs ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


4.4. Top panel…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


4.5. The rear panel ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


5. The top panel ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


5.1. The LFOs …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


5.2. VCO 1……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


5.3. VCO 2 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


5.4. The Filter section……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


5.5. The Amplifier section (AMP)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


5.6. The Osc Mixer ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


5.7. Legato vs. Retrigger note response ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….


5.8. The Patch bay section…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


5.9. Secondary Shift functions …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


6. Basics of synthesis …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


6.1. Analog synthesizer architecture………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


7. The Patch bay………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


7.1. General concepts …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


7.2. The VCO 1 section …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


7.3. The VCO 2 section………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


7.4. The EXT IN section …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


7.5. The FILTER jacks …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


7.6. The AMP section ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


7.7. The INVERTER section…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


7.8. The ADSR section……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


7.9. The AD section…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


7.10. The LFO 1&2 section…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


7.11. The VCA section ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


7.12. The ATTENUATORS section………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


7.13. The Sequencer section ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


7.14. The MIDI section ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


8. Seq / Arp: shared features………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


8.1. Mode selection…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


8.2. Timing controls…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


8.3. Transport section …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


8.4. Playback functions…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


8.5. Skip selections: Seq / Arp……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


8.6. Skip selections: Time Division……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


8.7. Restart Seq / Arp from beginning……………………………………………………………………………………………………………


8.8. Synchronization………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


9. The Sequencer …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


9.1. Basic Operation ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


9.2. Transpose / Kbd Play …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


9.3. Creating a sequence …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


9.4. Modifying a sequence………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


9.5. Saving sequences ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


10. The Arpeggiator…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


10.1. What’s an arpeggiator? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


10.2. Arpeggiator features ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


10.3. Basic operations…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


10.4. Arpeggiator modes………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


10.5. Build a multi-octave arpeggio ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


10.6. Pausing an arpeggio ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


11. Introduction: the MIDI Control Center………………………………………………………………………………………..


11.1. MCC basics……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


12. MIDI Control Center…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


12.1. Template Browser ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


12.2. Device Memories………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


12.3. Local Templates……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


12.4. Store To/Recall From………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


12.5. Import/Export Device Settings……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


12.6. Data entry……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


12.7. Device Settings ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


13. Shift functions……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


13.1. SHIFT + Keys 1-5 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


13.2. SHIFT + Keys 6-16 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


13.3. SHIFT + Key 17………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


13.4. SHIFT + Keys 18-19………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


13.5. SHIFT + Oct down (Seq mode only)……………………………………………………………………………………………………


13.6. SHIFT + Oct up (Seq mode only)………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


13.7. SHIFT + Play ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


13.8. SHIFT + Rec (Seq mode only)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


13.9. SHIFT + Seq encoder…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


13.10. SHIFT + Stop (Seq mode only) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………


13.11. SHIFT + Sync………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


13.12. SHIFT + Tap / Rest (Arp mode only) ………………………………………………………………………………………………….


13.13. SHIFT + Time Div encoder……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


14. Declaration of Conformity……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….



Congratulations, and thank you for your purchase of the Arturia MiniBrute 2 analog synthesizer. You now own what many players feel is the best sounding, most versatile, and most powerful analog synthesizer in its class.

The MiniBrute series of synthesizers is the culmination of a lengthy (and very enjoyable!) collaboration between Arturia’s engineers and analog synthesizer «guru» Yves Usson.

Since the late 1990s, the French company Arturia has received acclaim from players and reviewers alike for designing state-of-the art software emulations of the venerable synthesizers from the 1960s to the 1980s. From the Modular V, back in 2004, to Origin, a modular system they introduced in 2010; from Analog Factory Experience, the first hybrid synthesizer ever (debuted in 2008), to the Synclavier V (2016) and the Buchla Easel V (2017), their passion for synthesizers and sonic purity has given demanding musicians the best software instruments for professional audio production.

After recreating so many legendary analog synthesizers by translating «golden» versions of these classic instruments into sophisticated DSP algorithms, the time was right for Arturia to introduce an analog synth of its own. But reproducing analog circuitry is not the same as designing great-sounding analog circuits, so we enlisted the aid of Yves Usson — an extremely talented analog circuit designer and synthesizer enthusiast whose work spans three decades.

Besides being a talented researcher in bio-molecular microscopy, his clones of the modules originally designed by Dr. Robert Moog, as well as ARP or EMS and his own designs, are highly renowned in the «modular» world and continuously produced under license by specialty manufacturers.

What’s more, he’s always willing to share his considerable experience and pass along his knowledge to others. All his schematics stay open to the Synthesizer-Do-It-Yourself (SDIY) community; most of his works can be found on the Yusynth ongoing project website, and he casts a long, and welcome, shadow on the major Internet forums devoted to analog fanatics.

Yves Usson and a couple of wired friends

Combining Arturia’s acclaimed savoir-faire in designing innovative musical instruments, and Yves’ deep knowledge and experience, the MiniBrute 2 analog synthesizer has its roots in the 1970s yet incorporates the best of the 21st century.

Arturia — User Manual MiniBrute 2 — Introduction


The Arturia MiniBrute 2 analog synthesizer

We built the MiniBrute 2 with four goals: peerless analog sound, intuitive operation, affordability — and no compromises, whether with parts, design, or connectivity.

From the smallest capacitor to the potentiometers and the casing, we cherry-picked the very best suppliers, subjected every component to exhaustive testing, and fine-tuned the design for the best possible player experience.

Furthermore, we decided to bring back the fun of creating your own sounds, and controlling them on stage or in the studio. There are no presets: All of the sound-shaping is at your fingertips. This design philosophy also meant we could use true analog oscillators, not digital ones, to provide the purity of sound that is the hallmark of analog synthesis.

But we also wanted you to be able to mangle that sonic purity the way the «big boys» can (you know, those hulking modular synthesizers with patch cables running every which way). So in addition to the powerful voice architecture the MiniBrute 2 provides a 48-point patch bay, which allows you to bypass any pre-conceived notions regarding the signal path. Now you can bring in control signals and audio from the outside world and patch them into the MiniBrute 2 circuitry. This open-ended approach to sound design will open sonic doors you never knew were there. We think it will even make the «big boys» come knocking at the door, wanting to join the fun!

And yet for all its flexibility, the focus of MiniBrute 2 is on music, creativity, and the experience of playing an instrument that is fun, physical, inspiring, and satisfying. What’s more, with its compact size, MiniBrute 2 is ideal for the mobile and desktop musician. Not only will it give you solid basses, amazing effects, and screaming lead lines, but it will give you sounds no other synth on this planet can make.

As everyone knows, analog synthesizers are expensive to produce. But what’s the point in making a synth for everyone, if no one could afford it? So, we made a bet it would be a hit, and geared up to produce MiniBrute 2 in volume — allowing us to obtain quantity pricing on parts, and translate the techniques of a craftsman to industrial manufacturing. The result is analog synthesis without compromise.

MiniBrute 2 is truly a musical instrument. We loved designing it, building it, and now, playing it. We hope you will share our enthusiasm, and find inspiration in its sounds.

Here’s an overview of the features at your disposal:


Arturia — User Manual MiniBrute 2 — Introduction

Fully analog signal path

2 multi-waveform voltage-controlled oscillators (VCOs)

Sawtooth, square, and triangle waveforms (VCO 1)

Ultrasaw, Metalizer, and pulse width modulation (PWM)

Sawtooth, square, and sine waveforms (VCO 2)

VCO 2 can be used as an additional LFO

FM modulation between oscillators

Random noise generator

Steiner-Parker multimode filter with FM and RM (Resonance Modulation)

48-point patchbay

Hard sync input for VCO1

Separate VCA for modulation routings

Two envelopes: ADSR (filter) and AD (amplitude)

Loopable AD envelope

Two multi-waveform LFOs with free-run or sync modes

Brute Factor: overdrive the filter input with the audio output

External audio can be routed through the Oscillator mixer or directly to the output

Sequencer and arpeggiator, syncable to external clock: MIDI, USB, or CLK (1 step, 1 pulse, 24/48 ppq)

MIDI input and output connectors

USB port for use with a DAW

Audio and headphone outputs

Use with Arturia’s MIDI Control Center for device configuration and sequence archival

But that’s enough talk — plug in your new analog friend, and start shaking the walls!

Arturia — User Manual MiniBrute 2 — Introduction



2.1. Usage Precautions

The MiniBrute 2 uses an external power adapter. Do not use any power supply or adapter other than the one provided by Arturia. Arturia accepts no responsibility for damage caused by use of an unauthorized power supply.


Do not place this product in a place or position where one might walk on, trip over, or roll anything over power cords or connecting cables.

The use of an extension cord is not recommended. However if you must use one, make sure that the cord has the ability to handle the maximum current needed by this product. Please consult a local electrician for more information on your power requirements.

This product should be used only with the components supplied or recommended by Arturia. When used with any components, please observe all safety markings and instructions that accompany the accessory products.

2.3. Register your Instrument

Registering your instrument establishes your legal ownership, which entitles you to access the Arturia Technical Support service, and be informed of updates.

Additionally, you can subscribe to the Arturia newsletter to be informed of Arturia-related news as well as promotional offers.

Connect to your Arturia account via this URL:

Go to the section “My Registered Products”, and add the MiniBrute 2 synthesizer by entering its serial number, as printed on the sticker located under the machine:


Arturia — User Manual MiniBrute 2 — Installation

2.4. Connecting the MiniBrute 2 to the World

Always power-off all audio gear before making any audio connections. Failing to do so may damage your speakers, the MiniBrute 2 synthesizer, or other audio equipment.

After completing all connections, set all levels to 0. Power on the various devices, with audio amplifier or monitoring system last, then raise the volumes to a comfortable listening level.

Here is an overview of the MiniBrute 2 synthesizer’s connectors:


Audio output


Patch bay (most jacks)

Patch bay (sync & clock jacks)

MIDI input & output USB

Power DC input

Connector type

6.35 mm (1/4») mono jack (470 Ω impedance / line level)

6.35 mm (1/4») TRS jack (signal is mono)

2Ω impedance (185mW @ 250Ω / 60mW @ 80Ω / 24mW @ 32Ω)

3.5 mm (1/8») miniature mono jacks

CV inputs: Eurorack level signals, 100kΩ, +/-5Vx (Exception: Pitch CV inputs are 6.8MΩ impedance)

CV outputs: Eurorack level signals, 680Ω, +/-5V

Clocks / Gates inputs: Eurorack level signals, 68kΩ, 0V/+5V Clocks / Gates outputs: Eurorack level signals, 2kR, 0V/+5V

3.5 mm (1/8») miniature TRS jacks

Clock inputs: Eurorack level signals, 68kΩ, 0V/+5V Clock outputs: Eurorack level signals, 2kR, 0V/+5V

Standard MIDI DIN-5

Standard USB type B

Internal 2.1 mm, external 5.5 mm

Arturia — User Manual MiniBrute 2 — Installation


Arturia MINIBRUTE-2 Users Manual

2.4.1. The rear panel connectors

The MiniBrute 2 rear panel

2.4.2. Patch Bay

MiniBrute 2 patch bay, modular synth, and external audio sources

This is only one example of the connections that can be made between the MiniBrute 2 and external devices. The possibilities are as endless as your imagination!


Arturia — User Manual MiniBrute 2 — Installation

2.5. Warm-Up and General Tuning

As with all other true analog synthesizers, after being powered-on the MiniBrute 2 needs a warm-up period of approximately five to ten minutes. This allows it to reach a stable operating temperature, which ensures accurate oscillator pitch. Warm-up time depends on the external temperature; a colder environment will require longer warm-up times, while a hotter environment will result in shorter times. Humidity levels also can affect the length of the warm-up period.

Once the synthesizer has reached its running temperature, tune it to pitch. Use an external tuner to check the instrument’s tuning; if needed, adjust the Global Tune knob to tune the MiniBrute 2 to the desired pitch.

The MiniBrute 2 has been designed for rock-solid pitch stability when operated in normal temperature and humidity conditions, at external temperatures between 20°C and 32°C in temperate areas. In practice, the MiniBrute 2 provides satisfactory operation over a much wider temperature range, although extreme external temperatures or fluctuations can lead to longer stabilization time or erratic tuning.

Arturia — User Manual MiniBrute 2 — Installation



This chapter provides the basics you’ll need to create your very first sounds with the MiniBrute 2, so you can start enjoying its rich, full sounds immediately. In subsequent chapters, we’ll get deeper into the sound design process so you can create more animated and complex sounds.

3.1. Create your first sound: the “basic patch”

Once your MiniBrute 2 has been correctly connected to your sound system, set all the controls to their minimum level: — counter-clockwise for the knobs — lowest position for sliders — center position (12 o’clock) for controls with – and + (FM 1 and RM) — center position for all three Tune controls — center position for the Master Volume knob

Switch on your MiniBrute 2, and as you let it warm up [p.9], set the following parameters to the recommended values:

Set the LFO 1 and LFO 2 Sync switches to the Free position

Set the LFO 1 and LFO 2 Rate controls to the center position

Set the VCO 2 Wave [p.22] and Range [p.29] switches to their «up» positions (Sine wave and Fine)

Set the FILTER section’s Mode knob to LP

Set the AD ENVELOPE switches to the Gate [p.39] and Once [p.39] positions

Set the OSC MIXER section’s square wave slider to maximum

Turn the FILTER section’s Cutoff knob fully clockwise

Set the Control section’s Mod Source [p.19] switch to Wheel

Set the Control section’s Mod Dest [p.20] switch to LFO 1 Vib

Set the Sync setting to Int

Set the Modulation Wheel to minimum

♪: No cables should be connected to the patch bay yet.

These settings give us a unified starting point for the following examples. Here’s a visual representation of the patch:

The (basic) patch

Now, press a key; you should hear your very first MiniBrute 2 sound!

That’s a fat square wave… but it sounds a bit static, doesn’t it? We’ll improve this in the Basics of Synthesis [p.41] chapter. But if you simply want to play the keyboard for a moment, you can use the Down or Up Octave [p.19] buttons to transpose the notes to the range you prefer.


Arturia — User Manual MiniBrute 2 — Quick start

♪: Once the MiniBrute 2 has warmed up, you can adjust the master tuning [p.9] as described in the previous chapter.

3.2. Add some vibrato

Press and hold a key on the keyboard, and slowly raise the Modulation Wheel — this will add some vibrato to the sound.

Return the Modulation Wheel to minimum position.

Set the Control section’s Mod Source [p.19] switch to the AT position.

Now play the keyboard and when a key is down, press down on it further. This «pressure sensitivity» is called Aftertouch (AT). And like the Modulation Wheel, it can introduce vibrato to the note you’re holding. This is a great way to add expressiveness to your playing.

3.3. Add a second oscillator

Press the Up Octave button to put the keyboard into the +2 Octave range. Now press and hold a key on the keyboard and do the following:

Raise the Osc 2 slider in the OSC MIXER section to maximum

Turn the VCO 2 Tune knob counter-clockwise until VCO 2 is an octave lower than the original pitch.

Play a few notes. VCO 2 has become a sub-oscillator, which beefs up your sound by adding more bass.

Here’s an overview of the patch:

VCO 2 is being used as a sub-oscillator

Arturia — User Manual MiniBrute 2 — Quick start


3.4. Introduction to envelopes

MiniBrute 2 has two independent envelopes: the AD and the ADSR. The AD ENVELOPE controls the amplitude of the sound, while the ADSR ENVELOPE is dedicated to the Filter; it affects the harmonic content of the sound.

3.4.1. The AD envelope

The sound’s amplification envelope determines how the level changes over time when you play a note. Up to this point in the chapter the note has only played while you were holding the key, which results in an “electronic organ” sound that has no dynamics. By changing the AD ENVELOPE parameters (Attack, Decay) we can control how the sound fades in and fades out.

Raise the AD ENVELOPE section’s Attack slider to its middle position, then press a key. Now the sound rises slowly to the maximum level. As soon as you release the key, the sound stops abruptly. Raise the Decay slider, and the sound will fade out to its minimum level when you release a key.

There are two switches inside the AD ENVELOPE section (Gate/Trig and Once/Loop [p.39]). Their functions are somewhat more complex and will be described in the Top Panel [p.22] chapter.


Arturia — User Manual MiniBrute 2 — Quick start

3.4.2. The ADSR envelope

This envelope controls the Filter, and it has more sliders than the AD envelope. The ADSR envelope is slightly more complex to use, so we will describe the basic concepts here and cover them more thoroughly in the Basics of Synthesis [p.50] chapter.

Pressing down a key or sending a gate signal provides an evolving modulation signal with up to four different stages:

The attack stage determines how long it takes for the envelope to go from zero to its maximum level. The attack time can be as short as 0.5ms or as long as 4 seconds.

The decay stage begins when the attack stage reaches its maximum value, and determines the time it takes to decrease from this maximum value down to a steady level (set by the sustain parameter; see next). The speed of this decay can vary from 0.5ms to 4 seconds.

The sustain stage starts at the end of the decay phase, and remains at the sustain value long as a keyboard key is held down or a gate signal remains full on. The sustain level is variable between zero (no sustain) and the envelope’s maximum value.

Finally, the release stage starts upon releasing the key, and sets the amount of time for the level to decrease from the sustain level down to zero. The release time can be as quick as 0.5ms and as long 4 seconds.

Examples of the ADSR envelope

Arturia — User Manual MiniBrute 2 — Quick start


3.5. Get to know an LFO

An LFO can do much more than add vibrato [p.11] to the sound. For example, it can be used to modulate the harmonic content also. We will use the patch bay to illustrate this point.

Set all sliders to minimum

Set the square wave slider in the OSC MIXER section to maximum

In the FILTER section, set the Cutoff and Resonance knobs to their middle points (12:00)

Set the FILTER section FM knob to the 12:00 position

Also in the FILTER section, set the Mode knob to BP (band pass)

Set the LFO1 Wave knob to Sine and its Rate to the 12:00 position

Locate the LFO1&2 section in the patch bay

Connect a patch cable to the Out 1 jack in the LFO1&2 section

Locate the FILTER section in the patch bay

Connect the other end of the patch cable to the Cutoff jack in the FILTER section

It’s important that everything is set up properly, so here’s how the patch should look:

LFO 1 modulating the filter cutoff via the patch bay

Play a note. You should immediately hear timbre sweeps, a bit like a didgeridoo, at the rate indicated by the red LED in the LFO 1 section. Tweak the Rate knob to slow down or accelerate this wah-wah effect, and play with the filter’s Resonance to accentuate it.

You also might want to try the various LFO waveforms, which we’ll describe in the LFO section [p.22] of the Top Panel [p.22] chapter.

We have barely scratched the surface! Thanks to the patch bay, an LFO can add a cyclical variation to almost any aspect of the MiniBrute 2 sound. To learn more, read the Patch Bay [p.53] chapter.


Arturia — User Manual MiniBrute 2 — Quick start

3.6. The Sequencer and Arpeggiator

As if you weren’t having enough fun already, let’s take a quick look at the Sequencer/ Arpeggiator section. To learn more about their features, we recommend starting with the introductory chapter [p.78].

♪: Before you proceed, play a note to make sure you have sound. If not, raise the level on one of the waveform sliders in the OSC MIXER section. If that doesn’t help, you may want to revisit the Basic Patch [p.10] section of the manual.

3.6.1. The Sync button

Before you can make music with the Sequencer or the Arpeggiator it is important to have the Sync button set to Int (Internal). Look at the right side of the MiniBrute 2 for a large button that says «Sync» right in the middle.

The Sync button

The four LEDs to the right of that button indicate the clock source for all of the timebased features of the MiniBrute 2: the LFOs, the Sequencer, and the Arpeggiator. Push the Sync button repeatedly until the LED next to the letters «INT» is lit. This means you have selected the Internal clock and will be able to work with the Sequencer and the Arpeggiator immediately.

Arturia — User Manual MiniBrute 2 — Quick start


3.6.2. The Mode switch

There’s a switch above the lowest «E» on the keyboard labeled «Mode». It is used to toggle between the Sequencer and Arpeggiator modes. Set that to Arp to select the Arpeggiator. Arpeggiator

With the Mode switch set to Arp, adjust the following settings:

Set the Seq / Arp Mode knob to 1 / Up

Set the Time Div knob to 1/8

Set the Rate knob to the center position (12:00)

If you haven’t already done it, press the large Sync button until the INT LED is lit.

Now press the Play button and hold down at least 3 notes. You should hear those three notes repeated in order from lowest to highest. If nothing happens, check the setting of the Sync button again. Sequencer

The MiniBrute 2 has eight sequences available and you can record your own sequences into them. But there may be something there already that you could use as a starting point later, so first we’ll audition the existing sequences. We’ll learn how to record them after we find an empty one.

With the Mode switch set to Seq, adjust the following settings:

Set the Seq / Arp Mode knob to 1 / Up

Set the Time Div knob to 1/8

Set the Rate knob to the center position (12:00)

If you haven’t already done it, press the large Sync button until the INT LED is lit.

Now press the Play button. If the sequence is silent, skip to the next section. If it is not silent, change the Seq / Arp Mode knob to 2 / Dwn; the next time the sequencer loops it will start playing sequence #2. Keep changing the sequence number until you’ve gone through all 8 sequences. Record a sequence

If you’ve found an empty sequence, or at least a sequence you don’t want to keep, let’s make a quick real-time recording.

Enable the metronome by holding the Shift button and then pressing the Sync button. If the Sync button lights up when you press the Shift button, the metronome is already enabled.

Press the Record button: it will become red

Press the Play button: it will become green and you should hear the metronome.

When you’re ready, play some notes. The default length of a sequence is 2 bars, so the sequencer will loop around after that and replace the first set of notes with new ones.

You can exit Record mode by pressing the Record button again. To disable the metronome, hold the Shift button and press the Sync button until it goes dark.

We’ll learn how to change the length of a sequence, erase unwanted notes from the end of a sequence, and use step-time recording in the Sequencer [p.87] chapter.


Arturia — User Manual MiniBrute 2 — Quick start


4.1. Main features

The MiniBrute 2 provides a two-octave, piano-type keyboard. Besides offering a way to play notes, this keyboard provides additional controls for adding expressiveness:

Aftertouch generates a signal that corresponds to how hard you press on a key after it’s down. You can use this signal to modulate vibrato, filter cutoff, and other parameters.

Velocity corresponds to the dynamics of your playing, and similarly to aftertouch, can modulate multiple parameters.

Transposition allows shifting the keyboard’s note range over six octaves.

The pitch bend wheel allows adding real-time pitch changes, like bending strings on a guitar.

The modulation wheel allows applying real-time modulation changes to various parameters. For example, it could add vibrato, or change the filter cutoff as you move it.

An arpeggiator automates the creation of repeating sequences of notes.

The sequencer allows you to trigger musical passages you have created, such as melodies, bass lines, or percussive riffs.

Alternative ways of playing the synthesizer are available through MIDI control and external CV/GATE signals.

Arturia — User Manual MiniBrute 2 — Hardware overview


4.2. The Control section

4.2.1. Keyboard

The MiniBrute 2 keyboard covers a two-octave range, which can be extended using the Octave Down/Up buttons. The keyboard also provides aftertouch and velocity control, and can also be used as fully polyphonic MIDI controller for other devices via the USB and MIDI out connectors on the rear panel.

4.2.2. Wheels

The MiniBrute 2 features the two classic control wheels: Pitch and Modulation. Pitch wheel

The Pitch wheel position defaults to the middle of its range, and returns to its default position when released. This wheel creates a pitch bend effect, where the player can shift pitch smoothly up or down while playing a note. The amount of shift is proportional to the rotation of the wheel, with its full range adjustable between +/- one semitone to +/- one octave by the Bend Range knob. Modulation wheel

The second wheel is the Modulation wheel (Mod wheel, for short). It is pre-wired to control the cutoff frequency of the filter in the amount set by the Att 1 -> Cutoff knob. (You will not hear this if the Att 1 -> Cutoff knob is set to zero, or if the filter cutoff frequency is too high.)

The Mod wheel also sets the overall amount of modulation signal sent to targets selected by the Mod Dest switch. Depending on the switch setting, it does one of the following things:

LFO 1 Vib: The Mod wheel controls the amount of LFO 1, which by default will introduce vibrato.

Mod CV: The Mod wheel becomes a modulation source in the patch bay via the Mod jack in the MIDI section.


Arturia — User Manual MiniBrute 2 — Hardware overview

4.2.3. Octave

The Octave section transposes the MiniBrute 2 keyboard over a wide pitch range. There are five colored LEDs and each one represents a different amount of octave shift. Only one is lit at a time: red = -2, orange = -1, green = 0 (center), orange = +1, red = +2. At the center range (green) the leftmost C key corresponds to C2 (130.81Hz) and the rightmost C key corresponds to C4 (523.25Hz).

For example, pressing the Down button once shifts the keyboard down by one octave and the leftmost C is now C1 and the rightmost is C3. Pressing the Down button a second time shifts the keyboard down by one more octave.

To shift the keyboard up by one octave press the Up button. To shift it back to center immediately, press the Up and Down buttons at the same time.

Using a combination of the Down and Up buttons and the keyboard, the MiniBrute 2 can play notes from C0 (32.7Hz) to C6 (2093Hz). The Pitch wheel can extend the frequency range even further.

♪: When you change the octave with Down/Up buttons, transposition occurs only after a key has been pressed.

4.2.4. The Shift button

The Shift button is circled in blue to draw attention to the blue letters that are silkscreened in various areas of the Control section: for example, look under the Octave buttons, across the top of the keyboard, and under the Transport section buttons.

When the Shift button is held and the corresponding button or key is pressed, secondary functions are activated or toggled. For example, the Sequencer/Arpeggiator Swing setting can be changed to 59% by holding the Shift button and pressing the lowest A on the keyboard.

For a complete description of the secondary Shift features, see the Shift functions [p.123] chapter.

♪: The Shift button is not related to the blue letters silkscreened under the synthesizer knobs or inside the patch bay.

4.2.5. Bend Range

This knob sets the range of the Pitch Bend wheel. At its minimum setting the pitch bend range will be +/- 1 semitone, and at its maximum setting the pitch bend range will be +/- 12 semitones (+/- 1 octave).

4.2.6. Mod Source

This switch determines which hardware control will be defined as the Mod source: the Mod wheel or Aftertouch. By default this signal appears at two locations: the Att 1 -> Cutoff knob and the Press / Mod output jack in the MIDI section of the patch bay.

The modulation signal is also routed by the Mod Dest switch (see the next section).

Arturia — User Manual MiniBrute 2 — Hardware overview


4.2.7. Mod Dest

Depending on the switch setting, the Mod Source signal is routed to one of the following destinations:

• LFO 1 Vib: The Mod Source controls the amount of LFO 1, which by default will introduce vibrato.

• Mod CV: The Mod Source is routed to the Press / Mod jack in the MIDI section of the patch bay.

♪: The Mod Source signal is always present at the Att 1 -> Cutoff knob in the Filter section. If you want to defeat this modulation routing, set the Att 1 -> Cutoff knob to zero.

4.3. Inputs and outputs

In order to hear the MiniBrute 2, its audio output needs to connect to an audio amplifier either directly or through a mixer console (or use the Headphones output).

As to control, the MiniBrute 2 can accept control voltage signals from devices like a modular synthesizer or a MIDI controller (e.g., a MIDI drum pad or wind controller), or even audio signals from an external sound source such as a microphone or electric guitar.

The means to control other instruments, or be controlled by other instruments, is provided by the collection of inputs and outputs such as USB/MIDI in and out, an external audio input, and the input and output connectors on the patch bay.

♪: It is necessary to use a pre-amplifier to raise the level of an audio source to match the line-level inputs of the Ext In section in the patch bay.

4.4. Top panel

The top panel of the MiniBrute 2

This is where all of the synthesizing takes place. There are so many powerful features located here that the top panel [p.22] has its own chapter. The Patch bay [p.8] has its own chapter too.


Arturia — User Manual MiniBrute 2 — Hardware overview

4.5. The rear panel

There are several types of connectors on the rear panel. When viewed left to right:

4.5.1. Kensington lock

The small hole over the product name is a security feature called a Kensington lock. We want to be sure that your creativity takes flight only when you want it to.

4.5.2. Outputs

Connect headphones to the headphone jack for personal monitoring and connect a 1/4″ TS (tip-sleeve) cable to the Master jack to run the audio into a mixer or external amplifier.

4.5.3. MIDI

Connect a pair of the classic 5-pin DIN cables to the MIDI In and Out ports to interface with other MIDI devices. Clock, control, and note data can be sent and received. The reception of MIDI clock signals is dependent on the Sync [p.85] setting.

4.5.4. USB

Connect a standard type-B USB cable to the USB port to interface with a computer. Clock, control, and note data can be sent and received. The reception of USB/MIDI clock signals is dependent on the Sync [p.85] setting.

In addition, the USB port is used to connect the MiniBrute 2 to Arturia’s MIDI Control Center. This software is used to configure various settings of the MiniBrute 2.

♪: Synchronization with non-MIDI devices is done through a connector on the patch bay. For a full description of the CLK setting and the connector types to use, see the Synchronization [p.85] section.

4.5.5. Power

Connect only the included power adapter to this jack. It will supply the necessary voltage and current to power the analog circuitry of the MiniBrute 2: 12V DC (center pin positive) and 2A (for Amperes).

Arturia — User Manual MiniBrute 2 — Hardware overview



This chapter covers the synthesizer features of the MiniBrute 2: the oscillators, the filter, the envelopes, etc. Click the following links for descriptions of the patch bay [p.53], the Control [p.18] section, the Sequencer [p.87] and Arpeggiator [p.97], and the Sync [p.85] settings.

5.1. The LFOs

An LFO is low frequency oscillator that can produce various waveforms at sub-audio frequencies (0.0625Hz up to 100Hz). The MiniBrute 2 provides two LFOs, each with waveform choices of sine, triangle, sawtooth, square, two types of random waves.

Each LFO has its own Wave selector, Rate control, a switch that determines whether it will run freely or synchronize to the master clock.

The LFO 1 section

♪: LFO 1 and 2 are identical, so this section of the manual applies equally to both.

5.1.1. Wave

The LFOs offer several types of modulation waveforms. The selection is made by the Wave knob: sine, triangle, sawtooth, square, random stepped (also referred to as Sample & Hold), and random gliding (or smoothed random).

Sine rises and falls smoothly between its minimum and maximum values

Triangle rises and falls in more of a linear manner between its minimum and maximum values

Sawtooth falls to its minimum value in a linear manner and then rises suddenly to its maximum value

Square rises and falls suddenly between its minimum and maximum values

Random stepped rises and falls suddenly between values that are generated at random

Random gliding rises and falls gradually between values that are generated at random


Arturia — User Manual MiniBrute 2 — The top panel

The sampling rate of the Random waveforms is controlled by the Rate knob, the same way the rate of the other LFO waveforms is controlled (see below).

5.1.2. Sync

The Sync switch sets the LFO rate’s operating mode. It can be slaved to the Sequencer/ Arpeggiator tempo clock (Seq) or set to Free mode (i.e., the LFO rate depends solely on the Rate knob setting).

5.1.3. Rate

The Rate knob sets the LFO oscillation rate, and ranges from very slow rates (once every 16 seconds, or 0.0625Hz) up to quite fast rates (100Hz). The red LED located near the knob blinks in time with the rate. Note that the LFO rate may be superseded by the Sequencer/ Arpeggiator tempo clock if the Sync switch is set to Seq (see above).

When set to Sync the LFO rate will always be a multiple or a subdivision of the Seq/Arp tempo. As the LFO Rate knob is turned clockwise:

Each increase in the LFO rate doubles the LFO frequency

Each decrease in the LFO rate cuts the LFO frequency in half.

There are nine potential rates when an LFO is set to Sync:


LFO cycle repeats every:



8 bars



4 bars



2 bars



1 bar



half note



quarter note



eighth note



sixteenth note



thirty-second note


Arturia — User Manual MiniBrute 2 — The top panel


5.1.4. Retrigger the LFOs

The LFO retrigger options

There’s a secondary Shift function for each LFO that lets you decide if you want an LFO to retrigger when a new note is played. To toggle this function, hold the Shift button and then press the top F key (LFO 1) or the top F# key (LFO 2).


Arturia — User Manual MiniBrute 2 — The top panel

5.2. VCO 1

The VCO 1 section has eight controls that form the foundation of the MiniBrute 2 sound.

The VCO 1 section

♪: Many top panel knobs have blue letters beneath them. This means there are pre-wired connections between those knobs and the blue-lettered item. For example, (VCO 2) is written beneath the FM knob. That means the second voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO 2) is the default source for the modulation that happens when the FM knob is turned clockwise. Similarly, LFO 2 is the default modulation source for Ultrasaw Amt. Keep this in mind as you look around the top panel for other pre-wired connections.

5.2.1. Fine Tune

This knob allows you to make precise adjustments to the pitch of VCO 1. Its range is slightly greater than one octave in either direction. Rotate the knob counter-clockwise to lower the pitch, and rotate the knob clockwise to raise the pitch.

♪: Changing the Fine Tune knob of VCO 1 does not affect the pitch of VCO 2.

5.2.2. Glide

Glide is also known as Portamento. The Glide knob determines the amount of time it takes for the pitch to glide from one note to another when notes are played. With this knob fully counter-clockwise, there is no glide and the note pitch transitions instantly to the next note. Turning this knob clockwise increases the portamento effect. At the maximum setting it will take 3 seconds to glide from the first note to the second note, regardless of the distance between them.

♪: By default the pitch of VCO 2 will track the pitch of VCO 1 when the Glide value is increased. The main exception to this rule is when a patch cord is inserted into the Pitch 2 input [p.63] jack in the VCO 2 section of the patch bay [p.53].

Arturia — User Manual MiniBrute 2 — The top panel


5.2.3. Pulse Width

This knob affects only the square wave of VCO 1. It has no impact on the saw or triangle waveforms. What it does is alter the width of the square wave from a «round-sounding» 50% to increasingly narrow-sounding pulse waves. See the Signal enhancers [p.43] section of the Basic Synthesis [p.41] chapter for a visual representation of the waveforms.

The Pulse Width can be modulated by an LFO or other sources via the patch bay. See the PWM [p.26] section for more information and related links to other chapters.

♪: The setting of the Pulse Width knob does not affect the square wave of VCO 2.

5.2.4. Metalizer

This knob affects only the triangle wave of VCO 1. It has no impact on the saw or square waveforms. The Metalizer takes the peaks of the basic triangular waveform and “folds” them downward to create very complex jagged waveforms that are rich in high harmonics. See the Signal enhancers [p.43] section of the Basic Synthesis [p.41] chapter for a visual representation of the waveforms.

5.2.5. FM

FM stands for Frequency Modulation. This knob affects all three waveforms of VCO 1 at the same time. By default the FM source is VCO 2, so the frequency of that oscillator will modulate the frequency (pitch) of VCO 1 as the value of this knob is increased.

When range switch of VCO 2 is set to LFO the frequency modulation will sound more like vibrato. But when it is set to Fine or All the frequencies of VCO 2 are so high that they will cause a significant disruption to the waveforms being generated by VCO 1. The resultant sound can be clangorous (bell-like) or somewhat noisy depending on the frequencies and waveforms involved.

5.2.6. Ultrasaw Amt

This knob affects only the sawtooth wave of VCO 1. It has no impact on the square or triangle waveforms. An increase in its value will mix the original sawtooth wave with two phase-shifted copies of itself, resulting in a fatter sound. The result is different in character than that of detuned sawtooth waveforms being generated by two different VCOs. See the Signal enhancers [p.43] section of the Basic Synthesis [p.41] chapter for a visual representation of the waveforms.

5.2.7. PWM

The Pulse Width of the square wave can be modulated by a source such as LFO 1 (the prewired default) or another source via the patch bay [p.53]. See the Signal enhancers [p.43] section of the Basic Synthesis [p.41] chapter for a visual representation of the waveforms.

♪: This knob affects only the square wave of VCO 1. It has no impact on the saw or triangle waveforms of VCO 1 nor the square wave of VCO 2.


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5.2.8. Metal Mod

The Metal Mod knob sets the modulation range for the Metalizer knob. Velocity is routed to the Metal Mod by default, but the patch bay allows you to use something else to modulate the parameter instead.

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5.3. VCO 2

MiniBrute 2 has two oscillators that are completely independent: each has its own waveshape and tuning, and can be mixed separately in the OSC MIXER section. They share the filter and amplifier stages.

The VCO 2 section

There is a certain level of pre-wired interaction between VCO 1 and VCO 2, though. For example:

The pitch of VCO 2 will track that of VCO 1 by default, but there is an input on the patch bay that allows the VCO 2 pitch to track another source.

The pitch of VCO 1 can be modulated by the pitch of VCO 2 through the FM knob in the VCO 1 section. (FM is an abbreviation for Frequency Modulation.) But there is an input on the patch bay that allows the VCO 1 pitch to be modulated by another source.

The output level of the second oscillator is controlled with the slider labeled Osc 2. Pulling it down reduces the level of the signal and moving it up increases its level.

The VCO 2 section contains a Tune knob and two toggle switches:

5.3.1. Tune

The Tune knob sweeps VCO 2 through the range determined by the Range switch (see below). Generally the middle position will tune it to the same pitch as VCO 1, but some adjustment may be necessary until the oscillators have warmed up.

5.3.2. Wave

The Wave switch selects the waveshape for VCO 2, which can be either a sine wave, a sawtooth wave, or a square wave.


Arturia — User Manual MiniBrute 2 — The top panel

5.3.3. Range

The Range switch sets VCO 2 to one of three tuning ranges:

Fine: a full turn of the knob covers a range of more than an octave above and below the center frequency

All: a full turn of the knob will sweep VCO2 through the entire frequency range of the MiniBrute 2

LFO: VCO2 can be used as an additional LFO with a wide frequency range (1Hz to audio range). This is handy if you’re already using LFOs 1 and 2 for other modulations through the patch bay, for example.

Arturia — User Manual MiniBrute 2 — The top panel


5.4. The Filter section

The filter alters the oscillators’ timbre via the four response modes described in the next chapter [p.45] (LP, BP, HP & Notch). Its cutoff and resonance can be adjusted manually. The cutoff can also be controlled by the keyboard and modulated by various modulation generators. The MiniBrute 2 filter is based on Nyle Steiner’s Sallen & Key architecture (designed in the 70s) and offers -12dB/octave slopes in LP and HP modes, and -6dB/octave slopes in BP and Notch modes.

The Filter section

5.4.1. Mode

This selects among the four filter modes: LP (low-pass), BP (band-pass), HP(high-pass), and Notch. The LP mode is the most commonly used, and provides sounds which are full, fat, and round. The BP and HP modes provide thinner and harsher sounds. When modulated by an LFO, the Notch filter mode sounds similar to a phaser effect pedal.

5.4.2. Cutoff

This knob adjusts the filter’s cutoff frequency. The frequency range goes from below 20Hz when turned fully counter-clockwise up to 18kHz when fully clockwise. For example, in LP mode you can adjust a sound’s brightness. As an exercise,

Set all of the OSC MIXER sliders to 0 (lowest position)

Adjust the NOISE generator slider to midrange

Set all of the filter envelope and amplifier envelope sliders to 0

Set the filter mode to LP

Play and hold a note

Adjust the Cutoff knob as you listen to the changes in the sound.

♪: You may want to try the same experiment with the other filter settings (BP, HP, and Notch). Since a noise source contains all frequencies, this is a great way to hear exactly which ones are cut and boosted by each filter type. !: Resonant filters can overload an audio circuit very easily. Be careful with the various levels involved (Noise level, Resonance amount, Master Volume, and the channel settings of your mixer or speaker). This is especially true when you are working with headphones!


Arturia — User Manual MiniBrute 2 — The top panel

5.4.3. Resonance

This knob lets you create a resonance peak at the cutoff frequency. Turning it clockwise emphasizes the partials at the cutoff frequency, and the sound becomes more aggressive. When the knob reaches its last quarter zone, the filter starts to oscillate on its own. However, this oscillating behavior depends on the cutoff frequency; the MiniBrute 2 filter oscillates within a range beginning around 180Hz up to approximately 8kHz. To extend the oscillation range, use the Brute Factor knob.

5.4.4. FM knob

The FM knob lets you control the amplitude and polarity of the envelope signal sent to modulate the filter cutoff frequency. At the middle position (12 o’clock), no envelope modulation occurs. When turned counter-clockwise (below the center), the FM knob sends an increasing amount of the inverted ADSR envelope. When turned clockwise (above the center) the FM knob sends an increasing amount of the standard, positive-going ADSR envelope.

♪: If you do not hear the effect of a negative-going filter envelope, try raising the Cutoff frequency. Conversely, if you do not hear the effect of a positive-going filter envelope, try lowering the Cutoff frequency. ADSR (the filter envelope)

The letters «ADSR» are silkscreened under the FM1 knob because this connection has been pre-wired for you. However this connection can be bypassed through the patch bay [p.53]. The ADSR Envelope [p.50] is covered extensively in the Basics of Synthesis [p.41] chapter.

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5.4.5. RM (Resonance Modulation)

This parameter modulates the level of resonance that will occur at the cutoff frequency of the filter. It is pre-wired to be modulated by LFO 2, but the patch bay can be used to route another input as the resonance modulation source.

This control is bi-polar, which means it allows the modulation to be either positiveor negative-going. It also means that when the knob is set to the center position (12:00) no modulation will occur.

Here’s a good experiment to illustrate what the RM parameter does:

Set all of the OSC MIXER sliders to 0 (lowest position)

Adjust the NOISE generator slider to midrange

Set all of the filter envelope and amplifier envelope sliders to 0

Set the filter mode to LP

Set the Cutoff knob to the 10:00 position

Set the Resonance knob to the middle position (12:00)

Set the LFO 1 waveshape to Sawtooth and the Rate to the 10:00 position

Play and hold a note

Slowly turn the RM knob clockwise (positive). At about the 3:00 position you should hear a falling «chirp» similar to an early electronic drum kit.

Slowly turn the RM knob counter-clockwise (negative). At about the 9:00 position you should hear that same «chirp» sound, but it will rise instead of fall. It will actually sound like a recording of the same drum is being played backward.

Here’s a graphic representation of the RM experiment:

Experimenting with RM modulation

♪: For the technically-minded, you may notice that there is a slight deformation of the RM signal due to the threshold in the bipolar attenuator circuitry.


Arturia — User Manual MiniBrute 2 — The top panel

5.4.6. Att 1 > Cutoff

This parameter provides another method of modulating the filter cutoff frequency. It is prewired to control the amount of pressure-sensitivity that will be applied to the filter, but the patch bay can be used to route another input as the modulation source.

The «Att 1» portion of the label stands for «Attenuator 1». The patch bay has a section labeled «Attenuators», and when a different source is routed to the first pair of connectors there, that input source becomes the modulator for which the Att 1 > Cutoff knob sets the modulation range. There’s more to say about using the patch bay and the Attenuators [p.71], and we’ll cover that in the patch bay chapter [p.53].

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5.5. The Amplifier section (AMP)

The amplifier section controls the final stage of the MiniBrute 2 output. Everything else that has happened on the synth will be fed through this section before it reaches the audio output connectors.

The Amplifier section

5.5.1. Brute Factor

The Brute Factor is a special MiniBrute 2 feature inspired by a common patch used on a famous vintage mono-synthesizer that connected the headphone output to the external audio input. The result is a kind of feedback loop that’s ideal for raspy and grungy sounds. This patch has been implemented internally to the MiniBrute 2, and is controlled by the Brute Factor knob.

This knob’s normal position is fully counter-clockwise, which disables the Brute Factor; turning up the knob gradually adds distortion to the sound. For low Brute Factor settings the distortion is smooth and gentle, but it becomes more harsh as you turn up the knob. When turned up higher than about 75% of the way, the MiniBrute 2 can go berserk and produce barely controllable, crazy feedback sounds.

!: The Brute Factor feature drastically alters the filter characteristics, so expect highly unpredictable results at extreme settings. You have been warned!

5.5.2. Master Volume

This knob controls the overall output level of the MiniBrute 2, and also controls the audio that arrives at the Master input in the patch bay. It affects only the rear panel outputs (Master and Headphones).

5.5.3. Global Tune

Once the oscillators have warmed up you can use this knob to tune the MiniBrute 2 to other devices. See the Warm-Up and General Tuning [p.9] section of the Installation chapter [p.6] for more information.


Arturia — User Manual MiniBrute 2 — The top panel


Arturia MiniBrute 2

Arturia MiniBrute 2 – это обновленная модель популярного аналогового синтезатора MiniBrute, обладающая рядом необходимых функций, которых не хватало в первой версии, а также с добавлением совершенно новых возможностей, которые по достоинству оценят профессиональные музыканты. Данная модель обладает все тем же полностью аналоговым звуковым генератором, который обеспечивает мощный и характерный тембр при любых настройках, а также предлагает тонко настроить звучание.

Инструмент является монофоническим и имеет лишь один голос для воспроизведения. Для исполнения партий есть полноразмерная клавиатура синтезаторного типа с 25 клавишами, оборудованными чувствительностью к силе нажатия и технологией послекасания (Aftertouch), посредством которой можно управлять некоторыми параметрами. За формирование тембра отвечают два осциллятора (VCO 1), первый из которых обладает тремя формами волны: пилой, квадратом и треугольником. Для каждой из них предусмотрены уникальные функции, например, для пилы можно добавить волну с фазовым смещением, что позволяет добиться эффекта Ultrasaw, а также применить частотную модуляцию (FM), который не было в первой версии синтезатора.

Есть изменение ширины импульса для квадрата, добавление эффекта Metalizer для треугольника и модуляция для каждого из них. Присутствует генератор шума и второй осциллятор (VCO 2), который также входит в число нововведений. Он выполнен максимально просто: три формы волны (синус, квадрат и пилу) и ручка для изменения высоты тона, которая может работать в широком или узком режимах. В секции микшера разные волны VCO 1 можно смешивать в любых пропорциях, добавлять сигнал с VCO 2, шум и внешний источник звука. Есть и два идентичных генератора низкой частоты (LFO) с шестью формами волны и регуляторами скорости (Rate). Второй осциллятор также способен функционировать в режиме LFO, что дает еще более обширное поле для экспериментов.

Аппаратные возможности

Аппаратные возможности

Далее сигнал попадает в фильтр Steiner-Parker, работающий в одном четырех режимах (High-pass, Low-pass, Band-pass и Notch). Рядом с ним находится секция усилителя (Amp), в которой располагаются регуляторы общей громкости, высоты тона, а также возможность включения дисторшна Brute Factor. Для фильтра и усилителя есть две раздельные огибающие: первая имеет стандартные параметры Attack, Decay, Sustain и Release, а вторая только Attack и Decay. К модификациям также относится встроенный секвенсер, который имеет 8 паттернов по 64 шага в каждом.

Есть и арпеджиатор с восемью различными ритмами. Секвенсер и арпеджиатор имеют общие настройки скорости и длительности нот (Time Div) от 1/4 до 1/32 триоли. Наконец, в наличии имеются два колеса, которые могут управлять питчем и интенсивностью модуляции. Рядом располагаются кнопки включения и остановки записи, метроном и клавиша, выполняющая роль Tap Tempo и удержания звука (Hold). Кнопкой Shift можно переключать второстепенные функции.

Многофункциональный патчбэй

Многофункциональныйо патчбэй

Главной же особенностью MiniBrute 2 является наличие многофункционального патчбэя для CV/Gate-коммутации, что предоставляет поистине бескрайние возможности для формирования тембров и позволяет справедливо назвать данный синтезатор полумодульным. Патчбэй насчитывает 48 входов и выходов на разъемах 1/8″ Jack TS, посредством которых можно модулировать любые параметры, назначать LFO на любые функции, а также осуществлять коммутацию и синхронизацию с различными Eurorack-модулями и другими синтезаторами.

Таким образом, можно создавать мрачные и тягучие дроны, шумовые тембры, атмосферы и многое другое. Для вывода аудиосигнала на акустическую систему предусмотрен небалансный выход на разъеме 1/4″ Jack TS. Есть выход для наушников, реализованный на разъеме 1/4″ Jack TRS и воспроизводящий монофонический сигнал. Присутствует и полноценный MIDI-интерфейс с входом и выходом, представленными на стандартных 5-контактных разъемах. Есть и порт USB-B, служащий для подключения к компьютеру и тонкой настройки функционала с помощью программы MIDI Control Center. Питание осуществляется от адаптера на 12V DC.

Arturia MiniBrute 2 представляет собой полностью аналоговый полумодульный синтезатор с практически бесконечным числом вариантов звучания за счет невероятно гибкой технической реализации. При этом интерфейс устройство нагляден и интуитивно понятен, что позволит даже новичку, которому не знакомы основные принципы синтеза звука, быстро разобраться с управлением и приступить к созданию музыки. Комплектация включает в себя адаптер питания и шесть патч-кабелей для работы с CV/Gate-интерфейсом.


  • аналоговый полумодульный синтезатор;
  • 25 полноразмерных клавиш с чувствительностью к силе нажатия и функцией послекасания;
  • два независимых осциллятора с разными формами волны и уникальными функциями;
  • широкие возможности модуляции сигнала с помощью двух LFO;
  • фильтр Steiner-Parker, эффект дисторшн Brute Factor;
  • раздельные огибающие для фильтра и усилителя;
  • полноценный секвенсер с 8 паттернами по 64 шага в каждом;
  • патчбэй с 48 входами и выходами для модулирования, синхронизации и работы с Eurorack-модулями;
  • общий выход и выход для наушников.


  • синтезатор;
  • блок питания;
  • 6 патч-кабелей;
  • документация.

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