Атоми saengmodan hair tonic инструкция по применению

Атоми Спрей против выпадения волос

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Спрей против выпадения волос от Атоми — это лечебное средство, представленное в виде тоника. Данное средство создано на основе 9 отборных трав, направленных на восстановление волосяного фолликула и укрепление структуры волос, что предотвращает их выпадение. Тоник глубоко проникает в волосяные луковицы и очищает поры от загрязнений, оставляя взамен лишь полезные микроэлементы. Салициловая кислота в своем большинстве производит нежный уход не только за волосами, но и за кожей головы, снимая раздражение и различные повреждения. Использование спрея против выпадения волос от Атоми на постоянной основе приводит к значительному уменьшению уровня выпадения волос, а также обеспечивает укрепление и рост здоровых волос.

Объем: 200 мл


Декспантенол, салициловая кислота, экстракт дудника даурского, жгун-корень, спаржа кохинхинская, сверция псевдо-китайская, ясенец мохнатоплодный, корень коры шелковицы белой, эклипс простертый, экстракты хризантемы широко лопастной, гореца.

Инструкция по применению

Перед употреблением потрясти. Ежедневно равномерно наносить на кожу головы, для достаточного впитывания интенсивно массировать кожу голову пальцами. Не смывать.

ВНИМАНИЕ. Продукцию компании Atomy могут приобрести только зарегистрированные пользователи. Регистрация позволит вам приобретать продукцию по выгодной цене.



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Количество товара Saengmodan hair tonic | Cпрей против выпадения волос

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Средство делает волосы свежими и чистыми, одновременно обеспечивая коже головы лечебный эффект.

Действие тоника предотвращает выпадение волос и стимулирует рост новых.

Тоник помогает удалить отходы в порах и сбалансировано лечит волосы, поддерживая их здоровье.

Девять органических трав, входящих в состав тоника (экстракт коры дуба, хризантемы и др.), препятствуют выпадению волос, укрепляя волосяные луковицы.

Регулярное применение средства усиливает рост волос и укрепляет их.

Декспантенол, салициловая кислота и ментол обеспечивают бережный уход за кожей головы.


⏩ Перед применением встряхните.

⏩ Массажными движениями равномерно нанесите небольшое количество средство на кожу головы, по проборам.

⏩ Для получения наилучшего эффекта, рекомендуется втирать в кожу головы до полного впитывания.

⏩ Повторяйте процедуру каждый день.

Объем: 200 мл.

Лечебный спрей — тоник против выпадения волос от ATOMY. Ежедневная обработка кожи головы тоником защищает и сохраняет ее чистой. Действие тоника предотвращает выпадение волос и стимулирует рост новых. Тоник помогает удалить отходы в порах и сбалансировано лечит волосы, поддерживая их здоровье. Декспантенол, салициловая кислота и ментол обеспечивают бережный уход за кожей головы. Укрепляет волосяные луковицы. Содержит 9 органических трав.


Предотвращение выпадения волос и стимулирование роста новых.

Способ применения:

Перед употреблением потрясти. Ежедневно равномерно наносить на кожу головы, для достаточного впитывания интенсивно массировать кожу голову пальцами. Не смывать.

Состав. Основные компоненты:

Декспантенол, салициловая кислота, экстракт дудника даурского, жгун-корень, спаржа кохинхинская, сверция псевдо-китайская, ясенец мохнатоплодный, корень коры шелковицы белой, эклипс простертый, экстракты хризантемы широко лопастной, гореца.

Объём:  200 мл.

Атоми Спрей против выпадения волос


Тоник для волос Atomy Saengmodan — это питательный тоник, который способствует здоровью кожи головы и росту волос. Его формула обогащена растительными экстрактами и запатентованными ингредиентами, которые доставляют необходимые питательные вещества к коже головы, укрепляя волосяные фолликулы и предотвращая выпадение волос. Используйте регулярно для более здоровых и объемных волос.

Фактическая цена может измениться во время заказа. Окончательную цену уточняйте у консультанта Атоми.

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Saengmodan Hiar Tonic Atomy



Atomy Saengmodan Hair Tonic

A herbal hair tonic that contains dexpanthenol, salicylic acid, and menthol to prevent hair loss, make your hair thicker, and promote hair growth.

Uploaded by: 3mm12 on 03/21/2021

Ingredients overview

Asparagus Lucidus Root Extract,
Angelica Dahurica Root Extract,
Chrysanthemum Sibiricum Extract,
Dictamnus Dasycarpus Root Extract,
Morus Alba Bark Extract,
Swertia Japonica Extract,
Cnidium Officinale Root Extract,

Polygonum Multiflorum Root Extract,
Eclipta Prostrata Extract,
Morus Albą Root Extract,
Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract,
Sodium Citrate,
C12-14 Pareth-12,
PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil,
Salicylic Acid,


#fragrance & essentialoil-free

Key Ingredients

Other Ingredients

Skim through

Ingredient name what-it-does irr.,
Aqua/Water/Eau solvent
Alcohol antimicrobial/​antibacterial,
viscosity controlling
Asparagus Lucidus Root Extract moisturizer/​humectant
Angelica Dahurica Root Extract
Chrysanthemum Sibiricum Extract antimicrobial/​antibacterial
Dictamnus Dasycarpus Root Extract
Morus Alba Bark Extract
Swertia Japonica Extract
Cnidium Officinale Root Extract
Polygonum Multiflorum Root Extract
Eclipta Prostrata Extract
Morus Albą Root Extract skin brightening
Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract soothing,
skin brightening
Sodium Citrate chelating,
C12-14 Pareth-12 emulsifying,
PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil emulsifying,
Menthol soothing icky
Salicylic Acid exfoliant,
Panthenol soothing,

Atomy Saengmodan Hair Tonic

Ingredients explained

Also-called: Aqua;Water |

Good old water, aka H2O. The most common skincare ingredient of all. You can usually find it right in the very first spot of the ingredient list, meaning it’s the biggest thing out of all the stuff that makes up the product. 

It’s mainly a solvent for ingredients that do not like to dissolve in oils but rather in water. 

Once inside the skin, it hydrates, but not from the outside — putting pure water on the skin (hello long baths!) is drying. 

One more thing: the water used in cosmetics is purified and deionized (it means that almost all of the mineral ions inside it is removed). Like this, the products can stay more stable over time. 

Simply alcohol refers to ethanol and it’s a pretty controversial ingredient. It has many instant benefits: it’s a great solvent, penetration enhancer, creates cosmetically elegant, light formulas, great astringent and antimicrobial. No wonder it’s popular in toners and oily skin formulas. 

The downside is that it can be very drying if it’s in the first few ingredients on an ingredient list. 

Some experts even think that regular exposure to alcohol damages skin barrier and causes inflammation though it’s a debated opinion. If you wanna know more, we wrote a more detailed explanation about what’s the deal with alcohol in skincare products at alcohol denat. (it’s also alcohol, but with some additives to make sure no one drinks it).

We don’t have description for this ingredient yet.

We don’t have description for this ingredient yet.

We don’t have description for this ingredient yet.

We don’t have description for this ingredient yet.

We don’t have description for this ingredient yet.

We don’t have description for this ingredient yet.

We don’t have description for this ingredient yet.

Also-called: Fo Ti Root

We don’t have description for this ingredient yet.

We don’t have description for this ingredient yet.

We don’t have description for this ingredient yet.

Also-called: Licorice Root;Glycyrrhiza Glabra Root Extract |
soothing, skin brightening

You might know licorice as a sweet treat from your childhood, but it’s actually a legume that grows around the Mediterranean Sea, the Middle East, central and southern Russia. It’s sweet and yellow and not only used for licorice all sorts but it’s also a skincare superstar thanks to two magic properties:

Nr. 1 magic property is that it has skin-lightening or to say it another way depigmenting properties. The most active part is called glabridin. The topical application (meaning when you put it on your face) of 0.5% glabridin was shown to inhibit UVB caused pigmentation of guinea pigs. Another study even suggested that licorice is more effective than the gold standard skin-lightening agent hydroquinone. All in all, licorice is considered to be one of the safest skin lightening agents with the fewest side effects.

There is just one catch regarding glabridin and licorice: the amount of glabridin in commercial licorice extracts can vary a lot. We have seen extracts with only 4% glabridin as well as 40% glabridin. The latter one is a very-very expensive ingredient, so if you are after the depigmenting properties try to choose a product that boasts its high-quality licorice extract. 

Nr. 2 magic property is that licorice is a potent anti-inflammatory. Glabridin has also some soothing properties but the main active anti-inflammatory component is glycyrrhizin. It’s used to treat several skin diseases that are connected to inflammation including atopic dermatitis, rosacea or eczema. 

Oh, and one more thing: glabridin seems to be also an antioxidant, which is just one more reason to be happy about licorice root extract on an ingredient list. 

Bottom line: Licorice is a great skincare ingredient with significant depigmenting, anti-inflammatory and even some antioxidant properties. Be happy if it’s on the ingredient list. :)

A little helper ingredient that is used to adjust the pH of the product. It also helps to keep products stay nice longer by neutralizing the metal ions in the formula (they usually come from water). 

An emulsifier (helps oily and watery things to mix) that usually comes to the formula as the buddy of the oil-dispersible silicone powder Dimethicone/Vinyl Dimethicone Crosspolymer.  The two together create a pre-emulsified, water-loving version of the elastomeric silicone powder which gives products a nice silky feel and has sebum absorption capabilities.  

A mildly viscous, amber-colored liquid with fatty odor, made from Castor Oil and polyethylene glycol (PEG).

If it were a person, we’d say, it’s agile, diligent & multifunctional. It’s mostly used as an emulsifier and surfactant but most often it is used to solubilize fragrances into water-based formulas.

Menthol needs no introduction: it’s the thing that causes the cooling sensation so well-known both from cosmetic products as well as a bunch of other things like chocolate, chewing gum, toothpaste or cigarette. It’s a natural compound that comes from the essential oil of Mentha species (peppermint oil contains 40-50% menthol) and it gives them their typical minty smell and flavor.

As for skincare, menthol seems to be a mixed bag. Apart from the cool cooling sensation (that might last up to 70 mins!), it also has painkilling, itch reducing, antibacterial, antifungal and even penetration enhancing properties. On the other hand, it also seems to act as a skin irritant that increases trans-epidermal water loss (the water that evaporates from the outer layer of the skin) and thus contributes to drying out the skin.

  • It’s one of the gold standard ingredients for treating problem skin
  • It can exfoliate skin both on the surface and in the pores
  • It’s a potent anti-inflammatory agent
  • It’s more effective for treating blackheads than acne
  • For acne combine it with antibacterial agents like benzoyl peroxide or azelaic acid

Read all the geeky details about Salicylic Acid here >>

An easy-to-formulate, commonly used, nice to have ingredient that’s also called pro-vitamin B5. As you might guess from the “pro” part, it’s a precursor to vitamin B5 (whose fancy name is pantothenic acid). 

Its main job in skincare products is to moisturise the skin. It’s a humectant meaning that it can help the skin to attract water and then hold onto it. There is also research showing that panthenol can help our skin to produce more lovely lipids that are important for a strong and healthy skin barrier. 

Another great thing about panthenol is that it has anti-inflammatory and skin protecting abilities. A study shows that it can reduce the irritation caused by less-nice other ingredients (e.g. fragrance, preservatives or chemical sunscreens) in the product.

Research also shows that it might be useful for wound healing as it promotes fibroblast (nice type of cells in our skin that produce skin-firming collagen) proliferation. 

If that wasn’t enough panthenol is also useful in nail and hair care products. A study shows that a nail treatment liquide with 2% panthenol could effectively get into the nail and significantly increase the hydration of it.

As for the hair the hydration effect is also true there. Panthenol might make your hair softer, more elastic and helps to comb your hair more easily. 

You may also want to take a look at…

Normal (well kind of — it’s purified and deionized) water. Usually the main solvent in cosmetic products.

Simple alcohol that’s a great solvent, penetration enhancer, creates cosmetically elegant, light formulas, great astringent, and antimicrobial. In large amount can be very drying.

A helper ingredient that is used to adjust the pH of the product. Also helps to keep products stay nice longer by neutralizing the metal ions in the formula. 

An emulsifier (helps oily and watery things to mix) that usually comes to the formula as the buddy of the oil-dispersible silicone powder Dimethicone/Vinyl Dimethicone Crosspolymer.

A mildly viscous, amber-colored liquid that works as an emulsifier and surfactant.

Menthol needs no introduction: it’s the thing that causes the cooling sensation so well-known both from cosmetic products as well as a bunch of other things like chocolate, chewing gum, toothpaste or cigarette. It’s a natural compound that comes from the essential oil of Mentha species (peppermint oil contains 40-50% menthol) and it gives them their typical minty smell a

One of the gold standard ingredients for treating problem skin. It can exfoliate skin both on the surface and in the pores and it’s a potent anti-inflammatory agent.

Pro-Vitamin B5 is a goodie that moisturises the skin, has anti-inflammatory, skin protecting and wound healing properties.

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