Audemars piguet royal oak offshore инструкция

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Audemars Piguet
Royal Oak Offshore | 26170ST.OO.1000ST.01
Руководство пользователя (PDF)
Технические характеристики
Тип часов Наручные часы
Тип механизма Механический (автозавод)
Хронограф Да
Тип циферблата часов Αналоговый циферблат
Глубина водонепроницаемости 100 m
Водонепроницаемый Да
Количество стрелок часов 3
Запас хода 50 h
Модель механизма 3126/3840
Производитель механизма Audemars Piguet
Тип календаря Дата
Календарь Да
Материал браслета Нержавеющая сталь
Материал корпуса часов Нержавеющая сталь
Цвет корпуса Нержавеющая сталь
Основной цвет ремешка Нержавеющая сталь
Типы часовых стекол Сапфир
Форма футляра Круглый
Стиль обозначений на циферблате Арабские цифры
Цвет обозначений на циферблате Черный
Дизайн продукта
Основной цвет циферблата Серебристый
Вес и размеры
Ширина 42 mm
Толщина корпуса 14.3 mm

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Page: 1

CALIBRE 3126 / 3840
3126 / 3840

Page: 2

28 29
Guarantee and care
All details concerning the guarantee and care
instructions of your watch are provided in the certificate
of origin and guarantee attached.
Introduction p. 31
— The Manufacture Audemars Piguet
About the watch p. 34
— The 3126/3840 SELFWINDING

Technical specifications of
the movement
Watch description p. 40
— Views of the movement
— Technical data of the movement
— Specificities
Use of functions p. 42
— Watch indications and functions
— Setting the time
— Balance stop when adjusting hands
— Winding the watch
— Rapid date setting
— Using the chronograph
— Using the tachometer
Quick-link contents page.
Simply click on the relevant title or subheading to following
the link to your chosen section.
Click on the white « English 
» to return to the main contents

Page: 3

30 31
THE Manufacture
Audemars Piguet
The Vallée de Joux :
cradle of the watchmaker’s art
In the heart of the Swiss Jura, around 50 kilometres
north of Geneva, nestles a landscape which has
retained its natural charm to this day 
: the Vallée
de Joux. Around the mid-18th century, the harsh
climate of this mountainous region and soil depletion
drove the farming community settled there to seek
other sources of income. With their high degree
of manual dexterity, inexhaustible creativity and
enormous determination, the inhabitants of the
valley, known as Combiers, were naturally drawn
to watchmaking.
Due to their high quality, the movements they
produced acquired great popularity with the Geneva
firms which used them to create complete watches.
From 1740 onwards, watchmaking developed into
the principal industry of the Vallée de Joux. This
region was thus transformed, as an 1881 chronicle
put it, “into a land of milk and honey, in which
poverty has rapidly disappeared”.

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32 33
ultra-thin movements. Perseverance and initiative
were the watchwords 
: while the Wall Street crash in
1929 was a bitter blow, the company directors were
soon designing so-called skeleton watches before
embarking on chronograph production. But this new
momentum was abruptly interrupted by
the Second World War. Re-organisation
was necessary in the aftermath of the
conflict. The factory focused on creating
top-of-the-range items in keeping with
its tradition of innovation. A strategy
that would prove its worth, especially
since it was backed by outstanding
creative daring.
Audemars Piguet continued to build
on its now international reputation
with creative designs. 1972 saw the
launch of the Royal Oak, the first,
immediately successful high-quality sports watch in
steel, followed in 1986 by the first ultra-thin tourbillon
wristwatch with automatic winding. The creative spirit
of the Manufacture has not faltered since, offering
aesthetically original timekeepers with outstanding
movements. Thus it brought watches with complications
back into fashion at the end of the 1980s, launching
its extraordinary Tradition d’Excellence collection in
1999. All the signs of a bold spirit rooted firmly in
tradition and auguring well for the future.
Two names for a great adventure
In 1875, two young men passionate about
Haute Horlogerie — Jules Louis Audemars and Edward
August Piguet — decided to pool their skills to design
and produce watches with complications in the Vallée
de Joux, the cradle of Haute Horlogerie. Determination,
imagination and discipline led them to instant success.
A branch in Geneva was their next move in about 1885
and new commercial links were forged at the 1889 Paris
World Exposition, where they exhibited complication
pocket watches. The Audemars Piguet factory continued
to expand as the years went by. Its creations represented
major milestones in the history of Haute Horlogerie,
like the first minute repeater wristwatch in 1892 and
the smallest five-minute repeater movement ever made
in 1915.
From 1918 onwards, the founders passed the reins of
the business onto their sons, who in turn perfected
their expertise in manufacturing men’s and ladies’
wristwatches as well as designing new sophisticated,

Page: 5

About the watch
THE 3126/3840 selfwinding
The Manufacture Audemars Piguet introduces the
calibre 3126/3840 — with a selfwinding movement,
digital date display and chronograph. It combines
functionality with aesthetics and the highest level
of refinement in the watchmaker’s art.
Tradition and innovation
Audemars Piguet has always striven to safeguard and
uphold its independence. This is why the company
developed its own method of crafting mechanisms,
particularly with the design of Audemars Piguet
calibres. Every aspect bears the unmistakable AP
signature – bridges arranged harmoniously side by
side, hand-finished and embellishments components –
and presents elegant equilibrium, further enhanced
by the angular balance cock.
the selfwinding chronograph
We are often called upon to be able to measure the time
separating two events. This makes the chronograph
an indispensable instrument. A watchmaker from
the Vallée de Joux — Adolphe Nicole — invented the
modern chronograph, lodging the first patent for
this complication in 1844.
The Audemars Piguet Chronograph is a wrist watch
which rewinds automatically. The movements of
the wearer’s wrist generate the energy required for
it to function.
This energy, harnessed by a 22 carat gold oscillating
weight, is transmitted to the mainspring by a
gear-train. As it gradually winds around the barrel-
arbor, the spring accumulates energy that is then
transmitted to the watch movement at a steady rate.
The maximum power reserve is reached after a period
of time varying from several hours to several days,
depending on the owner and the amount of activity.
To prevent overtensioning, the barrel spring is
released at just the right moment by a sophisticated
The tachometer
In watchmaking, the tachometer is a graduated dial
that allows you to determine the average speed taken
to cover a given distance, generally 1,000 metres.
This speed is usually expressed in km/h and is read
directly on the dial via the chronograph hand. Your
watch allows you to read speeds from 60 to 600 km/h.

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36 37
About the watch
Technical specifications
of the movement
regulating organ
Through balance bridge 1 :
Guarantees high precision positioning of the
balance and greater degree of shock resistance, thus
ensuring greater timekeeping precision.
Balance with 8 variable inertia blocks 2 :
Balance with variable inertia moment thanks to
eight inertia blocks used to adjust the running of
the watch without altering the active length of the
Second stop lever for the time setting function 3 :
Pull the crown to the position for setting the time.
This activates the second stop lever. This allows you
to stop the second counter hand immediately and
set the precise time.
Gear train
A train produced according to AP quality standards
fulfils the following criteria :

Pinions are polished 1.

The pivots and sweep of the pivots are burnished.

The non-functional surfaces of the wheels are
gold-plated and adorned with a circular pattern 2,
the arms are bevelled and the edges are diamond-

After being gold-plated, the teeth of the wheel are
milled to ensure a geometrically and functionally
flawless surface 3.

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38 39
This calibre meets the following standards :
Extremely low friction at the wheels and springs.
Rapid winding in both directions 1.
Barrel with large power reserve (approx. 50 hours) 2.

22-carat gold rotor mounted on ceramic ball-
bearings 3.
Date mechanism
The date display fulfils the following criteria :

Instantaneous date jump at midnight via the date
jumper train 1.
Fast correction of date disc via the correction
star 2.
Date disc guided by slides and resting on rubies
to reduce friction.

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40 41
Calibre 3126/3840
Watch description
Views of the movement
Dial side
Bridge side
Technical data of the movement
Total thickness : 7.16 mm
Total diameter : 29.92 mm
Frequency of balance wheel : 3 Hz
(21,600 vibrations/hour)
Number of jewels : 59
Minimal power reserve : approx. 50 hours
Bidirectional selfwinding
Balance with variable inertia blocks
Flat balance-spring
Screwed mobile stud-holder
Number of parts : 365
Stop balance when setting time
(stops second hand)
Cam chronograph mechanism
Rotor mounted on ceramic ball bearing, with
oscillating weight segment in 22 carat gold
Bevels of the bridges are diamond graved
Reversed circular Côtes de Genève on the bridge

Page: 9

Use of functions
Watch indications
and functions
(see figure on the inside cover)
The chronograph records intervals of 1/6th of a
second while counting the total number of minutes
and hours.
1 Hour hand
2 Minute hand
3 Small second hand at 12 o’clock
4 Chronograph hand
30-minute counter hand at 9 o’clock
12-hour counter hand at 6 o’clock
7 Date aperture
Pushbutton of the chronograph function
Push once 
: start
Push again 
: stop
f Pushbutton to return to zero
Your watch is fitted wih a three or four-position
crown :
Crown in “screwed down” position
(certain Royal Oak models only)
Crown in manual winding position
C Crown in position for rapid date correction
D Crown in position for setting the time
Caution : On certain Royal Oak models, the crown
must be unscrewed to access the different settings.
Afterwards, carefully screw it back into position A
to ensure water resistance.

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44 45
Use of functions
Setting the time
On certain Royal Oak models, always unscrew the
crown to access the different setting positions. The
unscrewed crown will automatically position itself
at B.
Pull the crown to position D. It is recommended
to set the time clockwise. It is advisable to position
the minute hand forwards by half a minute to
improve synchronisation between the minute and
second hands. This compensates for the hand-fitting
play before returning the crown to rewinding
position B.
Warning : do not confuse noon and midnight when
correcting the date.
Balance stop when adjusting hands
The balance and second hand stop simultaneously
when the winding crown is pulled out, allowing you
to set the time to within the second.
Winding the watch
On certain Royal Oak models, always unscrew the
crown to access the different setting positions. The
unscrewed crown will automatically position itself
at B.
Turn the crown at least 30 times (in position B)
to wind the watch. The movements of the wearer’s
wrist will then activate the selfwinding system and
keep the watch running.
Warning : the selfwinding system will not work
if the watch is not worn. The watch can then be
stopped before the 50 hours power reserve according
to its initial winding.
Rapid date setting
To avoid making any mistakes, it is recommended
to perform date changes when the mechanism is
not in operation, i.e. between 1.00 am in the
morning and 6.00 pm at the latest.
On certain Royal Oak models, always unscrew the
crown to access the different setting positions.
If the correct date is not displayed on the watch, pull
the crown to position C (rapid date correction) and
turn clockwise until the desired date is displayed.
On certain Royal Oak models, always screw the crown
back to position A to ensure water-resistance.

Page: 11

46 47
Returning to zero
Press the pushpiece f
Continue the timing
After the first stop, the chronograph can be restarted
and stopped at will without first requiring you to
return it to zero. This means you can obtain a total
time by adding the second time to the first and so
on. During all these operations, the watch continues
to function normally.
Use of functions
Using the chronograph
Press the pushpiece e
Press pushpiece e once again
To read the time taken for an event, consult the
following :
– the chronograph hand 4
– the minute counter hand 5
– the hour counter hand 6

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48 49
Use of functions
Using the tachometer
The tachometric scale associated with the
chronograph function enables speed read-off. Engage
the chronograph (START) and stop the chronograph
after 1 kilometre (STOP). The value indicated by
the chronograph hand on the tachometer scale
corresponds to the average speed over 1 kilometre.
For example :
If the time lapse between (START) and (STOP)
equals 20 seconds, the average speed – read on the
tachometer scale – is 180 km/h (fig. 1).
If the lapse is 30 seconds, the average speed is
120 km/h (fig. 2).
If 40 seconds were needed to cover one kilometre,
the average speed would be 90 km/h (fig. 3).
fig. 1
fig. 2
fig. 3
1 km

Audemars Piguet
Royal Oak Offshore
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Related products Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Offshore

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  5. royal oak offshore alinghi polaris

Manuals and User Guides for Audemars Piguet royal oak offshore alinghi polaris. We have 1 Audemars Piguet royal oak offshore alinghi polaris manual available for free PDF download: Instructions For Use Manual

Detail Specifications:

1049/1049092-royal_oak_offshore_alinghi_polaris.pdf file (16 Dec 2022)

Accompanying Data:

Audemars Piguet royal oak offshore alinghi polaris Watch PDF User Manual Manual (Updated: Friday 16th of December 2022 10:58:43 AM)

Rating: 4.2 (rated by 10 users)

Compatible devices: ROYAL OAK OFFSHORE DIVER, 2326, Calibre 2875, Calibre 2910, CALIBRE 3126, 2908, Royal Oak Carbon Concept2895, 2120.

Recommended Documentation:

Text Version of User Manual Manual

(Ocr-Read Summary of Contents, UPD: 16 December 2022)

  • 4, 1. THE MANUFACTURE AUDEMARS PIGUET T he Vallée de Joux : cradle of the watchmaker’s art In the heart of the Swiss Jura, around 50 kilometres miles north Geneva, nestles a landscape which has retained its natural charm to this day : the Vallée de Joux. Around the mid- 18th century, the harsh climate of this mountainous region and soil depletion drove t…

  • 5, Audemars Piguet royal oak offshore alinghi polaris 1.2 THE NEW SELFWINDING 2326 / 2847 CALIBRE After Alinghi’s victory in 2003, Audemars Piguet decided to set off on a new adventure with the holders of the America’s Cup title, and accompany them through to the next regatta in 2007. For the valiant yachtsmen of the “Silver Mug” and all their supporters, the manufacture has designed an innovative chrono- graph watch…

  • 11, 4.4.2 Orientation function Your watch is fitted with an orientation function that you can use to find geographic north. Make sure that N (North) on the rotating flange is positioned at 12 o’clock (9). Turn the watch so that the hour hand is pointing towards the sun (F). On the dial, read the figure indicated by the hour hand (G). Divide this figure by 2 …

  • 10, 4.4 Flange function 4.4.1 Countdown (or timer) function With the countdown function, you can, without starting the chronograph, measure a period of up to 60 minutes using the rotating flange and the minute hand. To activate this function : 1 Unscrew crown E, it releases the flange which you can now rotate. 2 Position the desired duration, for example 20 opposite the …

  • 9, 4.3.4 Final minute before start One minute before the official crossing of the start / finish line, when the chronograph starts to countdown the last ten minutes (5), counter (6) starts up. This warns the person wearing the watch that the race will officially start in one minute. Again, no function is activated on the watch. 4.3.3 Third warning signal The signal indicating f…

  • 3, TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 1.1 The Manufacture Audemars Piguet 1.2 The new selfwinding 2326/2847 calibre 2. Movement and case technical data 2.1 Movement technical data 3. Basic functions 3.1 Setting the watch time 3.2 Stopping the balance when setting the time 3.3 Rewinding the movement 4. Description of the watch 4.1 Watch indications 4.2 Chrono…

  • 8, 4.3 “Regatta” function with flyback 4.3.1 First warning signal Eleven minutes before the official crossing of the start / finish line, start the chronograph using the pushpiece at 2 o’clock (C). Simultaneously, chronograph hand 4, the red “regatta” hand 5 and counters (7 and 8) will start. 4.3.2 Second warning signal (flyback function) Ten minutes before the off…

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Product Types by Audemars Piguet:
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Operating Impressions, Questions and Answers:

Table of Contents for Audemars Piguet royal oak offshore alinghi polaris:

  • TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 1.1 The Manufacture Audemars Piguet 1.2 The new selfwinding 2326/2847 calibre 2. Movement and case technical data 2.1 Movement technical data 3. Basic functions 3.1 Setting the watch time 3.2 Stopping the balance when setting the time 3.3 Rewinding the movement 4. Description of the watch 4.1 Watch indications 4.2 Chronograph functions and use 4.3 “Regatta” function with flyback 4.3.1 First warning signal 4.3.2 Second warning signal 4.3.3

  • 4.4.2 Orientation function Your watch is fitted with an orientation function that you can use to find geographic north. Make sure that N (North) on the rotating flange is positioned at 12 o’clock (9). Turn the watch so that the hour hand is pointing towards the sun (F). On the dial, read the figure indicated by the hour hand (G). Divide this figure by 2 (for example 4 : 2 = 2), remember its position on the dial (in our example, 2 o’clock) and t

  • 2. TECHNICAL DATA 2.1 Movement technical data • 2326 / 2847 calibre • Total thickness of the movement : 7.30 mm • Total diameter of the movement : 25.60 mm (11 ½ lines) • Fitting diameter : 26.00 mm • Frequency : 28,800 vibrations/hour (4 Hz) • Number of jewels : 50 • Power reserve at maximum winding : above 40 hours • Unidirectional automatic winding (anticlockwise) • 21-carat gold rotor, ball-bearing mounted • “KIF Ela

  • 1.2 THE NEW SELFWINDING 2326 / 2847 CALIBRE After Alinghi’s victory in 2003, Audemars Piguet decided to set off on a new adventure with the holders of the America’s Cup title, and accompany them through to the next regatta in 2007. For the valiant yachtsmen of the “Silver Mug” and all their supporters, the manufacture has designed an innovative chrono- graph watch: the Royal Oak Offshore Alinghi Polaris, with a new movement including a totally unprecedented “regatta” flyback function. A new calibre An exceptional

  • 1. THE MANUFACTURE AUDEMARS PIGUET T he Vallée de Joux : cradle of the watchmaker’s art In the heart of the Swiss Jura, around 50 kilometres miles north Geneva, nestles a landscape which has retained its natural charm to this day : the Vallée de Joux. Around the mid- 18th century, the harsh climate of this mountainous region and soil depletion drove the farming community settled there to seek other sources of income. With their high degree of manual dexterity, inexhaustible creativity and enormous determination, th

  • 4.3.4 Final minute before start One minute before the official crossing of the start / finish line, when the chronograph starts to countdown the last ten minutes (5), counter (6) starts up. This warns the person wearing the watch that the race will officially start in one minute. Again, no function is activated on the watch. 4.3.3 Third warning signal The signal indicating five minutes remain before the official crossing of the st

  • ROYAL OAK OFFSHORE ALINGHI POLARIS LIMITED EDITION Calibre 2326/2847 Mode d’emploi / Instructions for use

  • 4.3 “Regatta” function with flyback 4.3.1 First warning signal Eleven minutes before the official crossing of the start / finish line, start the chronograph using the pushpiece at 2 o’clock (C). Simultaneously, chronograph hand 4, the red “regatta” hand 5 and counters (7 and 8) will start. 4.3.2 Second warning signal (flyback function) Ten minutes before the official crossing of the start / finish line, press th

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