Доброго времени суток, уважаемые читатели!
Сегодня на повестке дня, совершеннейше животрепещущий вопрос, без решения коего, магнитола Becker через неделю окажется в ближайшей урне, а у вас появится новый магнитофон, без запроса кода))) Когда поездки короткие и частые это просто… === ЦЕНЗУРА ===
Тем кому нужно только отучение от кода — листаем сразу в конец записи.
Искал информацию по данной магнитоле, понял что ее практически нет. Даже как управлять и настраивать ее найти сложно. Выкладываю — может кому-то пригодится.
1. Настройки Becker Traffic Pro
Полный размер
Настройки звука
Настройки звука — нажать клавишу с нотками, появятся настройки:
Bas (Bass) — регулировка НЧ
Trb (Treble) — регулировка ВЧ
Fad (Fader) — распределение звука передние-задние акустические системы
Bal (Balance) — распределение звука правые-левые акустические системы
Flt (Flat tone) — Отключение эквалайзера — все настройки в 0
Sub (Subwoofer) — Поднятие уровня сигнала на сабвуфер
Ldn (Loudness) — Тонокомпенсация (задирает НЧ и ВЧ рекомендуется для МП3 и на небольшой громкости)
Полный размер
Общие настройки
Настройки общие — нажать и удерживать клавишу с нотками 2 сек, появятся настройки
Gal (Gal) — громкость увеличивается в зависимости от ускорения авто (быстрее едешь — больше громкость)
Tel (Telephone) — активация подключения телефона к магнитоле
Col (Color Display) — цвет подсветки дисплея
Lcd (Lcd display normal/invert) — Матрица нормальный цвет — или инвертировано (Авторежим работает от включения фар)
Led (alarm LED) — моргающий красным светодиод, «сигнализация»
M/S (Mono/Stereo) — переключение моно — стерео
-> — переключение на 2 страницу настроек
Полный размер
Общие настройки 2 часть
Nav (Navi) — режим работы навигации
Aux (AUX) — включение-отключение входа (Аукс)
Cmp (Compass) — показывать компас или нет
BeV (Beep Volume) — громкости сигнализации (я так понимаю орет через магнитолу сигнализиция)
Настройка радио на Becker Traffic Pro BE4720, BE4721, BE4769 и другие
Полный размер
Настройка радио
Честно говоря, это то из-за чего я полез искать мануалы, инструкции — как искать радиостанции вручную? Потому что предустановленная автоматическая настройка поиска и памяти радио частот — сама решает что и как ей запомнить, и какие-то станции с небольшими помехами она просто пропускает.
Нажать кнопку Rad, далее нажать на кнопку под надписью «FM» 3 раза до режима «Station Fix», на 4 нижней кнопке будет подписано: Man, нажать ее дважды.
Все остальные функции поиска и режима радиоприемника, мне не требовались, не изучал, да и мне они бесполезны.
Отучение Becker Traffic Pro от запроса кода каждое включение.
Для того что бы все работало и не сбрасывалось после выключения зажигания без костылей — этой магнитоле необходим блок навигации. Которого а) нет б) нафик не нужен — в телефоне на данный момент навигация намного круче, удобнее, быстрее и тд.
ДОПОЛНЕНИЕ: сначала пробуйте провода переставить, внизу написано. Если не помогло — эту перемычку. Так как говорят перемычка на этой магнитоле не требовалась.
Наш путь — перемыкаем контакты 5 и 7 на разъеме С.
Разъем С поделен на 3 группы
левая (телефон), средина (блок навигации), правая (ченджер) больше всего контактов
5 контакт — это нижняя правая нога телефонной группы
7 контакт — это верхняя левая нога группы ченждера
В итоге это выглядит вот так:
Полный размер
Запрос кода Becker каждое включение аннулирован
Кроме того. Пришлось переставить провода в разъеме на магнитолу. Не знаю или раньше были другие стандарты, или в моей машине туда уже совал свои руки какой-то чудак… Но! Провода «постоянный +» и «+ с включения замка зажигания» были подключены наоборот. Поэтому проверьте и этот момент, если схема с проводом не помогла.
Navigation CD 8.X
If you received this operation guide update when purchasing
a new unit, the functions and modifications described from
page 21 are intended as a supplement to your operation guide.
If you received this operation guide update together with an
update CD, the update procedure and the new functions and
modifications are described on the following pages. As basis
for this description, it is assumed that you already own the
CD 3.X, CD 4.X, CD 5.X, CD 6.X or CD 7.X.
If this is not the case, i.e. you have previously used a Naviga-
tion CD 2.X, then the required information can be found in
the description for the CD 3.0, which is also enclosed.
Subject to errors and technical modifications
Installation of CD 8.X
In order to install CD 8.X, remove the old CD and insert the
new CD 8.X.
After a short time, the following display or a similar display
Using the right rotary control
The navigation and radio software is updated.
A progress bar appears on the display.
During updating, the ignition should be switched on and the
vehicle should not be moved.
Note on update for 4725/26 (blue display)
After starting an update, the display illumination is switched
off during installation. During this period , the unit should not
be operated. The switching off of the illumination does not
constitute a fault. After installation of the radio software, the
illumination is switched on and the unit is switched to radio
mode. Installation of the navigation software continues in the
background. Navigation mode can only be selected after com-
pletion of navigation software installation.
and press to
Copyright by Becker GmbH, D-76303 Karlsbad
Обновлено: 19.05.2023
Посмотреть инструкция для Becker Traffic Pro high speed 7820 бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории Навигаторы, 7 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 7.5. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: английский. У вас есть вопрос о Becker Traffic Pro high speed 7820 или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь
- Switch on / off
- Adjusting the volume
- Activating the tone menu
- Setting the bass
- Setting the treble
- Fader
- Setting the balance
- Linear setting
- Switching loudness on / off
- Setting the subwoofer or centre speaker volume
- What is navigation?
- Safety instructions
- Digitised area
- General notes
- Selecting navigation
- Main navigation menu
- Setting the time
- Saving the position
- Requesting the position
- Selecting a game
- Setting the language
- Animations
- Switching announcement of the estimated time of arrival on /off
- Selecting the measuring unit
- Influencing the calculation of ETA
- Setting the time display
- Switching on radio mode
- Switching on radio menu mode
- Selecting the FM waveband
- Selecting the AM waveband
- Setting options for transmitter selection
- Dynamic autostore (FM DAS)
- FM DAS transmitter search
- Transmitter search MW, LW, SW
- Scan search
- Programme filtering for FM DAS
- Programme type selection (PTY)
- Switching PTY display on / off
- Requesting/storing FM transmitters
- Requesting/storing MW, LW, SW transmitters
- MW, LW autostore
- FM manual tuning
- MW, LW, SW manual tuning
- Regionalisation
- Switching regionalisation on/off
- Switching frequency display on / off
- Switching radio text display on / off
- Traffic Programme (TP)
- Activating/quitting the TP menu
- Switching TP on/off
- Selecting automatic tracking
- Selecting / deleting direct programming
- Switching mute on/off
- Interrupting TP announcements
- TP announcement volume
- Switching TMC on/off
- Display for TMC stations
- Telephone mute function
- Compact Disc (CD) instructions
- Inserting / ejecting CDs
- Track skip — forwards / backwards
- Scan search
- Fast forward / rewind
- Random play
- Repeating a track
- Number of tracks and total playing time
- Temperature protection circuit
- Requesting/quitting user menu
- GAL setting (Gal)
- Telephone mute characteristics (Tel)
- Display colour setting (Col)
- Display setting (Lcd)
- Setting reception optimisation (M/S)
- LED setting (Led)
- Setting navigation announcements (Nav)
- AUX input (Aux)
- Compass display (Cmp)
- Signal tone volume (BeV)
- DAS Seek Qual. plane
- DAS Seek Name plane
- Stations RDS plane
- Stations Fix plane
- PTY (Programme Type)
Нужна помощь?
У вас есть вопрос о Becker а ответа нет в руководстве? Задайте свой вопрос здесь Дай исчерпывающее описание проблемы и четко задайте свой вопрос. Чем детальнее описание проблемы или вопроса, тем легче будет другим пользователям Samsung Galaxy A7 предоставить вам исчерпывающий ответ.
Как узнать код магнитолы ?
Количество вопросов: 1
Технические характеристики Becker Traffic Pro high speed 7820
Ниже вы найдете технические характеристики изделия и руководства по эксплуатации Becker Traffic Pro high speed 7820.
Бренд | Becker |
Модель | Traffic Pro high speed 7820 |
Изделие | Навигатор |
Язык | английский |
Тип файла |
Часто задаваемые вопросы
Не можете найти ответ на свой вопрос в руководстве? Вы можете найти ответ на свой вопрос ниже, в разделе часто задаваемых вопросов о Becker Traffic Pro high speed 7820.
Аббревиатура GPS расшифровывается как Global Positioning System, т. е. система глобального позиционирования.
GPS — это система, которая может использоваться в любой точке мира для определения вашего местоположения с помощью спутников.
Большинство навигационных систем поддерживают обновление карт. Большинство брендов периодически обновляют карты.
К сожалению, у нас нет руководства для Becker Traffic Pro high speed 7820, доступного в русский. Это руководство доступно в английский.
Похожие руководства по эксплуатации
Becker Traffic Assist Z203
Becker Indianapolis 7920
Garmin Camper 780
Becker Traffic Assist 7928
Becker Traffic Assist z 201
ManualsPDF . ru
Итак, вместе с моим новым любимцем мне досталась олдовая и, по мнению многих, душевно звучащая магнитола Becker Traffic Pro 4720. Путем допроса прошлых владельцев было выяснено, что данное устройство способно озвучивать телефонные разговоры. Более того, где-то даже спрятан микрофон, который делает возможным разговор в нормальном качестве. Ясное дело, мною было решено определить и выполнить все условия для пользования данной функцией в дальнейшем. Извиняйте, своих фото нет, поэтому буду пользоваться тем, что дарует Гугл. Погнали!
Магнитола Becker Traffic Pro 4720 (на моей имеется надпись «VIP edition», явно нанесенная производителем, однако, я не знаю, какие полезные фичи несет эта модификация — если откроете мне глаза на преймущесва, буду благодарен).
Вот так она выглядит в красно-черной гамме (есть возможность поставить красную, желтую или черную подложку и аналогичных цветов буквы)
Обратите внимание! Для реализации функции Hands-free у вас должен быть:
1) Подключен Aux-кабель на магнитоле (выход с обратной стороны магнитолы, подключается через разъем MiniISO, внешний вид и схема приведены ниже)
2) В телефоне должен быть разъем 3.5 jack под самый обычный штекер (фото прилагается, вдруг кто типа меня запутается)
3) Должен быть подключен выносной микрофон (подозреваю, что у меня он вынесен вместе с GPS под стекло).
Зажимаем на магнитоле указанную кнопку на 2 и более секунд.
Откроется список опций. При помощи кнопок переходим на вторую строку.
Находим вкладку AUX. Меняем «OFF» на «ON».
Возвращаемся в предыдущее меню, на первую строку списка. Находим вкладку «TEL».
Во вкладке «TEL» ставим режим «AUDIO SIGNAL». После этого необходимо подключить телефон к магнитоле через AUX.
После этого необходимо нажать кнопку CD. После смены во вкладке AUX, подключенные через кабель устройства, будь то MP3- плейер, телефон или другая приблуда, будут доступны именно через эту кнопку.
Готово! Теперь при входящем звонке Вам необходимо просто ответить на звонок на телефоне, и Вы услышите собеседника через динамики, которые еще пару секунд назад воспроизводили музыку!
Посмотреть инструкция для Becker Traffic Assist Pro Z302 бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории Навигаторы, 1 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 6.2. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: английский. У вас есть вопрос о Becker Traffic Assist Pro Z302 или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь
- Traffic Assist Pro — basic unit
- Cable for power supply from cigarette lighter
- Battery
- USB connection cable
- Unit bracket
- Entering characters
- Accepting proposals
- Scrolling through the lists
- Special characters and umlauts
- Other character sets
- Entering numbers
- Switching between upper and lower case
- Deleting characters
- Inserting spaces
- Entering an address using speech
- Start with existing destination
- Scrolling through stored destinations
- Displaying or editing a destination
- Home address
- Calling up the destination input menu
- Enter address
- Select Point of Interest
- Personal destinations
- Contacts
- Select on map
- Enter geo-coordinates
- Route planning
- Point of interest in the vicinity
- Point of interest near to an address
- Point of interest near to destination
- Entering a point of interest directly
- Calling telephone numbers for points of interest
- Additional point of interest information
- Point of interest on the route
- TMC on the route
- Cancel route guidance
- Changing route options
- Block route
- Switching the map mode
- Changing the map orientation
- Setting day/night display
- Selecting the vehicle profile
- Entering a destination
- Enter/delete waypoint
- Displaying the entire route
- Displaying the destination list
- Skipping destination
- Displaying current position
- Calling up the telephone
- Defining fast access buttons
- Switching Bluetooth on and off
- Automatic connection
- Visibility
- Automatic call acceptance
- Telephone volume
- Updating phonebook
- Bluetooth name
- Text message notification
- Track skip
- Playback
- Interrupting playback
- Track repeat / random play
- Setting the volume
- Closing the MP3 player
- Battery
- Day/night display
- Calibration
- Brightness
- Language
- Automatic on/off
- Sounds
- Setting the microphone orientation
- Setting the colour
- Factory settings
- Information
Нужна помощь?
У вас есть вопрос о Becker а ответа нет в руководстве? Задайте свой вопрос здесь Дай исчерпывающее описание проблемы и четко задайте свой вопрос. Чем детальнее описание проблемы или вопроса, тем легче будет другим пользователям Samsung Galaxy A7 предоставить вам исчерпывающий ответ.
Количество вопросов: 0
Технические характеристики Becker Traffic Assist Pro Z302
Ниже вы найдете технические характеристики изделия и руководства по эксплуатации Becker Traffic Assist Pro Z302.
Бренд | Becker |
Модель | Traffic Assist Pro Z302 |
Изделие | Навигатор |
EAN | 4029627003955 |
Язык | английский |
Тип файла |
На море (картплоттеры, эхолоты, поиск рыбы) | Нет |
Спорт (фитнес, бег) | Нет |
На открытом воздухе (туризм, отслеживание) | Нет |
Геокэшинг (GPS поиски клада) | Нет |
Авто | Да |
Авиа | Нет |
Нет | |
Грузовой транспорт | Да |
Канал оповещения о трафике (TMC) | Да |
3D ориентиры | Да |
Ограничения скорости | Да |
Он-лайн сервис | Нет |
Опции просмотра карты | 3D |
Голосовые карты | Да |
Покрытие карты | Вся Европа |
Приемник GPS | SIRF Star III GSC3TW |
Емкость памяти | 4096 MB |
Базовая карта | Да |
Формат | Фиксированный |
Тип интерфейса | Сенсорный экран |
Диагональ экрана | 4.3 « |
Широкоэкранный | Да |
Дисплей | TFT |
Сенсорный экран | Да |
Линейные выходы наушников | 1 |
Количество портов Mini-USB 2.0 | 1 |
Часто задаваемые вопросы
Не можете найти ответ на свой вопрос в руководстве? Вы можете найти ответ на свой вопрос ниже, в разделе часто задаваемых вопросов о Becker Traffic Assist Pro Z302.
Аббревиатура GPS расшифровывается как Global Positioning System, т. е. система глобального позиционирования.
GPS — это система, которая может использоваться в любой точке мира для определения вашего местоположения с помощью спутников.
Большинство навигационных систем поддерживают обновление карт. Большинство брендов периодически обновляют карты.
К сожалению, у нас нет руководства для Becker Traffic Assist Pro Z302, доступного в русский. Это руководство доступно в английский.
Похожие руководства по эксплуатации
Becker Traffic Assist Z203
Becker Traffic Assist 7928
Becker Traffic Assist z 201
Becker Traffic Assist Z213
Becker Traffic Assist 7926
ManualsPDF . ru
Посмотреть инструкция для Becker Indianapolis Pro 7950 бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории Автомагнитолы, 6 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 8.3. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: английский. У вас есть вопрос о Becker Indianapolis Pro 7950 или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь
- Setting the bass
- Setting the treble
- Fader
- Setting the balance
- Linear adjustment
- Adjusting the volume of the subwoofer or centre speaker
- Switching loudness on / off
- Selecting a country
- Entering a destination
- Selecting destination via post code
- Entering the destination town
- Entering the destination town centre
- Destination input via coordinates
- Setting time
- Saving position
- Selecting a game
- Setting the language
- Animation
- Switching announcement of arrival time on /off
- Selecting the units of measurement
- Influencing the calculation of ETA
- Switching the speed limits display on/off
- Setting the time display
- Activating / quitting the TP menu
- Switching TP on / off
- Selecting automatic tracking
- Selecting / cancelling direct programming
- Switching mute on/off
- Interrupting TP announcements
- TP Announcement volume
- Display for receivable TMC stations
- Notes on compact discs (CD)
- Inserting / ejecting CDs
- Forward / backward track skipping
- Scan search
- Fast forward / reverse
- Track repeat
- Random play
- Setting the GAL (Gal)
- Telephone mute function (Tel)
- Display brightness (Lum)
- LED setting
- Setting reception optimisation (M/S)
- Setting navigation announcements (Nav)
- AUX input (Aux)
- Display compass (Cmp)
- Signal tone volume (BeV)
- DAS Seek Qual. level
- DAS Seek Name level
- RDS Stations level
- Stations Fix level
- PTY (programme type)
- Prior to installation
- Symbols used in the installation guide
- Safety instructions
- Installation instructions
- Connection diagram for the navigation system
- Installation of the GPS antenna
- Installation of the microphone
- Connection of the reverse signal
- Connection of the speed signal (GAL) from the speedometer/speedometer cable
- Installation/Removal of the unit
- Using GPS for the first time, and sensors
- Installation of the Navigation Software
- Calibration
- Service Mode
- Connections
Нужна помощь?
У вас есть вопрос о Becker а ответа нет в руководстве? Задайте свой вопрос здесь Дай исчерпывающее описание проблемы и четко задайте свой вопрос. Чем детальнее описание проблемы или вопроса, тем легче будет другим пользователям Samsung Galaxy A7 предоставить вам исчерпывающий ответ.
Мне нужен код от модэли beker BE 7955
Привет. Я знаю код доступа модели Becker be7950 (код 63166), но сообщается, что логин был неправильным. Не могли бы вы помочь, пожалуйста?
Привет. Я знаю код доступа модели Becker be7950 (код 63166), но сообщается, что логин был неправильным. Не могли бы вы помочь, пожалуйста?
Количество вопросов: 3
Технические характеристики Becker Indianapolis Pro 7950
Ниже вы найдете технические характеристики изделия и руководства по эксплуатации Becker Indianapolis Pro 7950.
Бренд | Becker |
Модель | Indianapolis Pro 7950 |
Изделие | Автомагнитола |
EAN | 4029627002095 |
Язык | английский |
Тип файла |
Тип дисплея | — |
Количество цветов экрана | Монохромный |
Сенсорный экран | Нет |
Часто задаваемые вопросы
Не можете найти ответ на свой вопрос в руководстве? Вы можете найти ответ на свой вопрос ниже, в разделе часто задаваемых вопросов о Becker Indianapolis Pro 7950.
FM означает «частотная модуляция», AM — «амплитудная модуляция». Основная разница между FM- и AM-радиостанциями состоит в качестве звука.
Уровень звука выше 80 децибел может нанести вред слуху. Уровень звука выше 120 децибел может нанести прямое повреждение слуху. Вероятность повреждения слуха зависит от частоты и продолжительности прослушивания.
Если автомобильный радиоприемник не включен, на него не будет подаваться питание. Убедитесь, что красный провод подключен к контактному источнику питания, а желтый провод — к источнику питания постоянной мощности.
Для удаления отпечатков пальцев лучше всего использовать слегка влажную салфетку для уборки или мягкую чистую ткань. Пыль в труднодоступных местах лучше всего удаляется потоком сжатого воздуха.
Bluetooth — это способ обмена данными по беспроводной сети между электронными устройствами с помощью радиоволн. Расстояние между двумя устройствами обменивающимися данными в большинстве случаев составляет не более десяти метров.
К сожалению, у нас нет руководства для Becker Indianapolis Pro 7950, доступного в русский. Это руководство доступно в английский.
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Торговая марка Becker хорошо известна владельцам преимущественно одной элитной марки. Речь идет о Мерседес и одной из первых штатных магнитол, установленных на этих машинах. В продаже или у владельцев можно найти ряд моделей, начиная с одних из первых кассетных версий, заканчивая мультимедийной моделью BE 7434. Данные устройства отличаются продуманным функциональным дизайном и надежностью исполнения, по интерфейсу подходят к BMW, Audi, Porsche. Наш обзор, в свою очередь, касается моментов, чем магнитола Becker на Мерседес отличается от подобных девайсов. В конце приводится небольшая инструкция по установке и распиновка.
Автомагнитола на мерседес
Когда речь идет об установке Becker, невозможно не упомянуть о доступных б/у устройствах. Они могут обеспечить автомобилистов некогда элитных марок отличным качеством звука при доступной стоимости. Устройства поддерживают радио, кассетный магнитофон, при этом можно подключить виртуальный CD-чейнджер, а также рулевое управление и автоотключение. Причем, как это характерно для элитной техники, в этот момент включается блокировка, для желающих украсть раритетный девайс.
О моделях, функциях и интерфейсах
Модель BE 1350 выпускалась в трех версиях Classic, Special, Exquisit. Соответственно, устанавливалась в автомобили с разной комплектацией. Предлагается и Traffic Pro, среди любителей стильных девайсов популярна Becker Mexico Retro, которая и сейчас доступна в продаже на сайте производителя.
Магнитола Becker 1350
BE 1350 и Traffic Pro имеют базовый набор функций, который считается достаточным для эксплуатации в настоящее время. Для обновленной Becker Mexico Retro имеет смысл перечислить набор современных функций:
- система речевого диалога;
- Bluethooth;
- телефон;
- интернет;
- картридер;
- навигация с помощью карт CF;
- синхронизация с iPod и смартфонами;
- система объемного звучания
Как обычно, любая штатная магнитола Becker выполняется только из высококачественных материалов.
Штатная автомагнитола
Инструкция по эксплуатации BE 1350 предписывает такой алгоритм:
- при включении питания на экране появится надпись CODE с мигающей С;
- введите свой код разблокировки нажатием соответствующих клавиш с цифрами;
- вводимый код высвечивается на экране, при корректных цифрах нажмите после SC;
- магнитола должна заработать.
Для интересующихся приводим распиновку разъемов и дополнительную информацию из инструкции.
Как правило, эксплуатация не требует дополнительных действий. Если вы собираетесь отключать устройство, возможно, потребуется дополнительный ввод кода.
Мультимедийная магнитола
Используйте следующую распиновку:
- подключите к питанию;
- подключите CAN-шину;
- подключите оптоволоконный АГВ;
- настройте Мерседес Бенц COMAND.
Последняя рекомендация по настройке Мерседес Бенц COMAND не обязательна, но желательна, так как вы можете использовать расширенный набор мультимедийных возможностей. Речь идет о новейшей системе управления салоном, которая присутствует в некоторых машинах этой марки и существенно упрощает эксплуатацию.
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- Manuals
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- Becker Manuals
- Car Stereo System
- Traffic Pro 7945
- Operating manual
Table of Contents
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Operation Guide
Manual de usuario
Manual de instruções
Related Manuals for Becker Traffic Pro 7945
Summary of Contents for Becker Traffic Pro 7945
Page 1
Operation Guide Manual de usuario Manual de instruções… -
Page 2: Table Of Contents
Overview of controls Traffic Pro Fader setting Saving an entry in the address book with Bluetooth® Switching loudness on/off Creating a new entry General operation Becker Surround Adding data to entries Subwoofer Menu basics Selecting a destination from the Crossover Fast access function…
Page 3
Contents Information during route guidance Filter function Moving stations Switching the filter function on/off Deleting stations Displaying destination information Filtering stations Naming stations Displaying/Storing position Filtering stations Creating/Deleting voice entries Displaying traffic announcements Cancel filtering Create Displaying/Changing route settings Programme type Deleting Information during non-active route Switching the programme… -
Page 4
Contents MP3 mode Emergency call Find entry Settings General notes on MP3 Setting the search criterion Automatic call answering Creating an MP3 storage medium Editing entries Dialogue with call MP3 CD mode Modifying an entry Telephone calls MP3 memory cards/ Deleting an entry Micro-drive mode Status display… -
Page 5
Contents Connecting and disconnecting External device Commands for status displays, devices* Display brightness fast access functions and Connecting devices Day/ night design main menus Commands for radio mode (Traffic Pro BT)* Reset function Connecting a device Direction of rotation of the rotary Commands for the radio status (external device)* control/push button… -
Page 6
Contents Navigation commands Commands for the address book Correction option for incorrect Commands for address book fast destination entry access Commands for the navigation Commands in the Fast Access/Edit status display Entries menu Commands for navigation fast access 159 Commands in the Edit menu Commands in the Fast Access/ Commands in the Edit Data menu Edit Destinations menu… -
Page 7: Safety Instructions
Safety instructions Operation of the unit is permitted only if traffic conditions are suitable and you are absolutely sure that you, your passengers or other motorists are not endangered, obstructed or inconvenienced. In all cases, all applicable road traffic regulations must be obeyed. Destinations may only be entered when the vehicle is stationary.
Page 8: Information Regarding General Road Safety
Information regarding general road safety This car radio device is intended and approved for installation and operation in passenger cars, commercial vehicles and buses (vehicle classes M, N and O) whose electric system has a rated voltage of 12V. Installation and maintenance should only be carried out by specialists. Faulty installation or maintenance can result in the malfunctioning of the motor vehicle’s electronic systems.
Page 9: Overview Of Controls Traffic Pro
Overview of controls Traffic Pro Overview of controls Traffic Pro 1 Information button ( 10 Right-hand rotary control/push button ( 2 On / off switch ( Press = Confirm Turn = Scroll through lists and menus 3 Select radio ( 11 Back button ( 4 Select CD/CDC/memory card ( 12 Button for unlocking removable control panel…
Page 10: Overview Of Controls Traffic Pro With Bluetooth
Overview of controls Traffic Pro with Bluetooth® Overview of controls Traffic Pro with Bluetooth® 1 Information button 10 Right-hand rotary control/push button 2 On / off switch Press = Confirm Turn = Scroll through lists and menus 3 Select radio 11 Back button 4 Select CD/CDC/memory card 12 Release slide for removable control panel…
Page 11: General Operation
General operation General operation Menu basics Main menu Note The main menu for each operating mode If no selections are made for a short Note provides access to the various functions period of time when the fast access and possible settings for that mode. If an entry in the list is abbreviated function is displayed, the display will because it is too long (three dots appear…
Page 12: Status Display
General operation Status display The status display can always be accessed by pressing All the information you need about the 1005 If route guidance is active, you can current operating mode appears on the toggle between the combined display status screen. The Options menu for the radio function and the status display by pressing Note…
Page 13: Data Entry Menus
General operation If the menu entry is concealing another Data entry menus You can change the character set for the menu, a small triangle will appear after available characters by selecting various If data can be entered, special data entry the menu entry.
Page 14: Anti-Theft Device
General operation Anti-theft device Shortly after the unit has been switched What to do if an incorrect code number on by pressing , the data entry menu has been entered Your Traffic Pro features two anti-theft for the code number will appear. The following message appears if an devices: incorrect code number is entered.
Page 15: Removing/Inserting The Control Panel
General operation Removing/Inserting the Note control panel Entering an incorrect code number three 1009 Part of the control panel can be removed times will disable the unit for approx. to provide additional effective protection 1 hour. If the control panel is reinserted within against theft.
Page 16: Insertion
General operation Insertion Inserting/Removing the cover Removing the cover Take the control panel out of its pro- Remove the control panel as described The scope of supply of the Traffic Pro tective cover. in “Removing/Inserting the control includes a red plastic insert. This plastic Insert the left-hand side of the control panel”…
Page 17: Switching The Unit On/Off
General operation Switching the unit on/off Switching off Notes Press • Unless the warning message is con- If the ignition is switched on, the Traffic Switching on firmed, the Traffic Pro will remain Pro is switched to standby mode. The Press disabled.
Page 18: Setting The Volume
General operation Setting the volume Select in the radio or Audio Note: main menu (Radio main menu There are 50 volume settings. The vol- Subsequent sections of the operation Page 58/Audio main menu Page 80). ume setting applies to all radio and audio guide describe how to set the volume for: sources.
Page 19: Setting The Equalizer
General operation Setting the equalizer Turn the rotary control/push button Confirm your selection by pressing to apply the required equalizer setting. the rotary control/push button You can switch the acoustic pattern on 5 frequency bands with the equalizer Note: setting. The equalizer presets ( 4 equalizer presets are also available for 1015…
Page 20: Setting Balance And Fader
General operation Setting balance and fader Balance setting Switching loudness on/off Turn the rotary control/push button You can shift the tone centre in the vehi- With loudness, the sound is improved by clockwise/counter clockwise. cle using the balance and fader setting. increasing the bass volumes (especially suitable for low-volume settings).
Page 21: Becker Surround
Select in the sound settings. Select in the sound settings. Note: The Becker Surround function is not available for medium wave or short 1024 1025 wave. Turn the rotary control/push button You may now select…
Page 22: Reset Settings
General operation In this example you can see the settings Reset settings Mute for the front loudspeakers. You can reset all sound settings to the You can switch your Traffic Pro to mute, default settings. i.e. switch off the sound from the current The following settings are reset to the radio/media source.
Page 23
General operation You can deactivate the mute function as follows: • Press the rotary control/push button again and hold it down for at least 2 seconds. • Change the volume by turning the rotary control/push button • Press • Select another station or track. •… -
Page 24: Navigation Mode
Navigation mode Navigation mode What is navigation? Navigation CDs Safety instructions The term “navigation” (lat. navigare = to Two navigation CDs are supplied with travel by sea) is generally understood to the navigation unit. • Road traffic regulations always take mean the location of a vehicle, the deter- These CDs contain a digitised road map.
Page 25
Navigation mode One-way streets, pedestrian zones, turn Navigation with two European CDs For example, if you wish to navigate bans and other traffic regulations are from a town on the Southern/Western taken into account as far as possible. Europe CD (D) to a town on the North- There may be discrepancies between the ern/Eastern Europe CD (B), enter your data on the navigation CD and the actual… -
Page 26: Selecting Navigation
Navigation mode Selecting navigation Calling up the Navigation Note: main menu Press The navigation CD must be loaded when starting navigation mode for the Press twice. first time. If calibration of the navigation system 2001 Press has not yet been completed, the system The Fast Access menu appears.
Page 27: Entering A Destination
Navigation mode • Entering a destination Note Accesses the data entry menu for the If route guidance is already active, you In the Navigation main menu, select destination. See “Entering a destina- can start to enter another destination by entry. tion”…
Page 28: Selecting A Country
Navigation mode The corresponding menu appears or the Selecting a country Entering a destination town required action is initiated. If your destination is located in a different In the Enter Destination menu, select country ( in the example the town ( in the example).
Page 29: Selecting Destination Via Postcode
Navigation mode If the complete town name has already The town distinguishing list appears if Note been entered or completed automatically, the selection is ambiguous. Select the symbol to delete the last the unit will either switch automatically character in the entry. to either the town distinguishing list or you can continue directly with entering 2008…
Page 30: Entering The Destination Road
Navigation mode Turn the rotary control/push button Entering the destination road and then press the rotary control/ In the Enter Destination menu, select push button to select the required post- 2010 code. The data entry menu for the postcode The display then shows either the desti- appears.
Page 31: Entering The Destination Town Centre
Navigation mode The last letter entered is highlighted. To Turn the rotary control/push button Entering the destination help, the name of the road closest to the and then press the rotary control/push town centre previous entry is displayed. The Traffic button to select the required road.
Page 32: Entering House Number For Destination Road
Navigation mode 2020 2019 2022 Turn the rotary control/push button The last letter entered is highlighted. To A list containing ranges of house num- and then press the rotary control/push help, the name of the centre closest to bers appears. button to select the required centre.
Page 33: Setting The Route Options
Navigation mode Setting the route options Turn the rotary control/push button to select one of the following options: You can use the route options to specify 2023 how the Traffic Pro calculates the route to the destination. Confirm your selection by pressing In the Enter Destination menu, the rotary control/push button depending on the previous setting,…
Page 34: Saving/Deleting Route Options
Navigation mode Saving a destination Notes: Notes: Once you have entered a destination, • Dynamic route guidance is not possi- • Routes without motorways can only you can save it in the address book. This ble in all countries at present. be calculated for short distances (up may be useful if you wish to travel to to 200 km depending on digitalisation…
Page 35: Navigation Fast Access
Navigation mode Navigation fast access Press Protecting an entry Call up the navigation fast access In navigation fast access mode, the last function. 50 destinations to which the vehicle has 2002 Select the entry to be protected. travelled are displayed. Press the rotary control/push button The destinations 1 — 20 are numbered for The navigation fast access function…
Page 36: Deleting An Entry
Navigation mode Deleting an entry Deleting a list Saving an entry in the Call up the navigation fast access Call up the navigation fast access address book function. function. Call up the navigation fast access Select the entry to be deleted. Press the rotary control/push button function.
Page 37: Creating A New Entry
Navigation mode • In the data entry menu, select the Turn the rotary control/push button Select this option to create a new entry symbol. and then press the rotary control/push in the address book. button to select the entry. Press the rotary control/push button A confirmation that the entry has been •…
Page 38: Selecting A Destination From The Address Book
Navigation mode The navigation address previously Selecting a destination from the Turn the rotary control/push button selected is added to the selected address and then press the rotary control/push address book book entry. button to select the required entry. You can find a destination in the address book and start navigation to it.
Page 39: Point Of Interest
Navigation mode Point of interest Select the entry. • You can select a POI in the vicinity of You can select a POI as a main destina- the vehicle. When you make your tion or a stopover. selection, the unit will tell you in 2039 POIs include petrol stations, airports or which direction the POI is located and…
Page 40: Local
Navigation mode Local Turn the rotary control/push button In country and then press the rotary control/push In the POI menu, select the In the POI menu, select the button to select each letter one after the entry. entry. other. Accept entry: version 2045 In the data entry menu, select the…
Page 41: Local Area Of Destination
Navigation mode Turn the rotary control/push button In place and then press the rotary control/push In the POI menu, select the button to select the required POI. 2053 entry. Route guidance to the selected point of The data entry menu for POIs appears interest is initiated.
Page 42: Information About Points Of Interest
Navigation mode Accept entry: Information about points of In the data entry menu, select the interest 2052 symbol. You can call up additional information about many POIs, e.g. a brief description Turn the rotary control/push button Press the rotary control/push button or a telephone number.
Page 43: During Route Guidance
Navigation mode Turn the rotary control/push button During route guidance Navigation status screen to scroll through the information. All information relevant to information During route guidance, navigation infor- is displayed on the navigation status Note: mation is displayed on the status screen screen.
Page 44: Example Navigation Displays
Navigation mode Turn the rotary control/push button Example navigation displays • “Please turn left after 100 metres.” to select the various displays in the Warning status display. Accident hazard 2061 Road traffic regulations always take pri- ority when a vehicle is being driven in The name of the road the vehicle is 2057 traffic.
Page 45: Options Menu
Navigation mode • “Please follow the direction arrows.” • Recalculating route: Options menu During route guidance, you can call up the Options menu in the navigation status 2063 2066 screen. Press the rotary control/push button This display tells you that you are cur- •…
Page 46: Cancelling Route Guidance
Navigation mode • • Cancelling route guidance You can abort the current route guid- You can modify the route options dur- You can use this function to cancel route ance. See “Cancelling route guidance” ing navigation. See “Modifying route guidance before reaching the actual des- on page 46.
Page 47: Traffic Announcements
Navigation mode Traffic announcements Route list Press to exit the route list. You can display/listen to a list of traffic You can display the route planned by the announcements relevant to the route. Traffic Pro. Stopover You can enter another destination as a In the Options menu, select the In the Options menu, select the stopover during active navigation.
Page 48
Navigation mode • Note: Note: You can enter a complete address as a Once the stopover has been reached, the If no operator inputs are made, the stopover as described in “Entering a following display appears. menu will automatically disappear after destination”… -
Page 49: Blocking A Route
Navigation mode Blocking a route Unblocking a route Modifying route options You can use this function to block a sec- Once a block has been entered, it can be You can modify the route options during tion of the route still to be travelled when removed again.
Page 50: Switching Navigation Announcements On/Off
Navigation mode Switching navigation announcements Information during route Notes: on/off guidance • If a stopover is active, information You can switch navigation announce- about it is displayed. appears on ments off and then back on again. Displaying destination the display above the car. information •…
Page 51: Displaying/Storing Position
Navigation mode Displaying/Storing position Press the rotary control/push button Press the rotary control/push button to store the current position. Press Turn the rotary control/push button clockwise until appears on the top right of the display. 2078 2069 The current position was saved in fast All TMC messages are displayed.
Page 52: Displaying/Changing Route Settings
Navigation mode Displaying/Changing route settings Dynamic route guidance Note: Press with TMC Only one of the three settings ( Turn the rotary control/push button ) may be clockwise until appears on the top Note: active ( ) at the same time. right of the display.
Page 53: Dynamic Route Guidance
Navigation mode Dynamic route guidance Note: Note: You can activate dynamic route guid- As the traffic announcements are trans- If no TMC stations are received for ance by selecting in the mitted by radio stations, we cannot 10 minutes, route options. assume responsibility for the complete- is displayed If dynamic route guidance has been acti-…
Page 54: Displaying Traffic Information
Navigation mode Displaying traffic information Current traffic announcements can be 2069 2084 displayed in text form. There are several options for requesting current traffic All TMC messages are displayed. The announcement appears in full. information. To listen to the announcement, select You can call up traffic announcements Note: entry.
Page 55: Settings
Navigation mode Settings Confirm your selection by pressing • the rotary control/push button You can convert the calculation of the You can make various settings for navi- distances from metric (display in metres gation in the settings. and kilometres) to imperial (display in •…
Page 56: Announcing The Time Of Arrival
Navigation mode • Announcing the time of arrival ETA setting If this function is active, all traffic You can specify whether the calculated You can configure the calculation of the announcements are made automati- time of arrival should be announced ETA.
Page 57: Measuring Unit
Navigation mode • is selected, you still need to Measuring unit This is the default setting. It offers select the required setting. The available You can convert the calculation of the sufficiently accurate calculation of the range is between 50% and 200%. distances from metric (display in metres ETA for most drivers.
Page 58: Radio Mode
Radio mode Radio mode Switching on radio mode The Radio main menu appears. • The example shows the Radio main Accesses the selection menu for the Press menu for VHF. programme type. See “Programme Radio mode is activated. The last wave- Turn the rotary control/push button type”…
Page 59: Selecting A Waveband
Radio mode • • • Accesses the selection menu for If an FM station was selected previ- The last station set is retained. reception optimisation. See “Recep- ously, it will remain selected or, if an The station memory, which can store tion optimisation”…
Page 60: Fm Mode
Radio mode FM mode Station list Press or turn the rotary control/ All stations which can be received/iden- push button to the left to select the FM mode combines the two wavebands tified appear in the station list. previous station on the station list. The The display sequence is determined by name of the station appears above the the selected waveband…
Page 61: Scan Function
Radio mode Scan function Aborting the scan function Notes: All stations in the station list are scanned In the status display, press • If the selected entry is a station chain, briefly to enable you to select the one this is indicated by a small triangle on you require.
Page 62: Manual Station Tuning
Radio mode Manual station tuning Filter function Switching the filter function on/off You can set the required frequency In the Filter menu, select the You can use this function to filter manually. entry. stations or entire station chains out of the Turn the rotary control/push button station list.
Page 63: Filtering Stations
Radio mode Filtering stations Filtering stations Cancel filtering In the Filter menu, select the station In the Filter menu, select the station to Cancel all filters chain to be filtered out and press the be filtered. In the Filter menu, select the rotary control/push button Turn the rotary control/push button entry.
Page 64: Programme Type
Radio mode Programme type Switching the programme type Select in the programme type function on/off menu to reset all programme types to Programme type (PTY) is a service In the Programme Type menu, select off. offered by many stations within the entry.
Page 65: Regionalisation
Radio mode Regionalisation Radio text Press the rotary control/push button to activate the function ( ). During the transmission time, certain FM stations supply additional informa- RDS programmes are divided into tion, e.g. news or information about the regional programmes with different current programme, via the RDS data programme content.
Page 66: Voice Entries
Radio mode Voice entries • Reception optimisation is selected, a prompt You can delete or listen to voice entries You can select one of three settings to will appear asking you to confirm assigned to the station. You can also suppress reception-related interference.
Page 67: Bandwidth Control
Radio mode • Bandwidth control Traffic programme Setting for normal operation, i.e. Bandwidth control can be used to im- If an RDS station broadcasts traffic depending on reception, the unit prove station reception in difficult recep- announcements, it is possible to inter- switches back and forth from stereo to tion areas (station A has a neighbouring rupt audio mode (CD, MP3, etc.), AM…
Page 68: Switching A Traffic Programme On/Off
Radio mode Switching a traffic programme Selecting a TP station Manual TP station selection In the TP menu, select the station on on/off You can specify whether or not you wish which you wish to listen to traffic to listen to the traffic news on a specific In the TP menu, select the news.
Page 69: Tp Volume
Radio mode TP volume Cancelling traffic AM mode You can use this function to control the announcements AM mode combines the two wavebands increase in volume for traffic announce- You can cancel the reception of traffic ments. announcements. Possible settings for In the TP menu, select the The following display appears during a AM stations…
Page 70: Scan Search
Radio mode Scan search Scan function Aborting the scan function In the status display, press All stations which can be received are In the status display, press scanned briefly to enable you to select the one you require. Turn the rotary control/ push button Turn the rotary control/ push button In the status display, press and hold down…
Page 71: Station Memory
Radio mode Station memory Storing stations Different waveband set In the Fast Access menu (not for AM You can store the current station if you Up to 20 FM, medium wave and short waveband), select the station to be are already in the station memory or if a wave stations can be stored in the station stored.
Page 72: Station Already In Memory
Radio mode Turn the rotary control/push button Station already in memory Moving stations to select the required memory position. The station to be stored is already set and You can move the position of a station Confirm the memory position by press- you are in station memory fast access stored in the station memory.
Page 73: Deleting Stations
Radio mode Deleting stations Status display Select the entry. In the status display, press the rotary You can delete a station stored in the control/push button station memory. The Options menu appears. 3023 Select the entry. Fast access mode Turn the rotary control/push button Select the letters in the required name The station is deleted from the station to select the station to be deleted.
Page 74: Creating/Deleting Voice Entries
Radio mode Creating/Deleting voice entries Select the entry. Reading out voice entries The procedure for saving a voice entry is You can create a voice entry/delete an You can listen to the voice entry for a launched. existing voice entry for a station stored station stored in the station memory.
Page 75: Media Mode
Media mode Media mode Media mode includes all sources on the In all three cases, the media fast access Notes: Traffic Pro which can be used to play functions will appear on the display • In fast access mode, the individual back audio or MP3 media.
Page 76: Media Status Display
Media mode Media status display Note: Notes: The media status display is the “standard Once the last track on a CD/in a direc- Press and hold to display the full display” for audio mode. All relevant tory has been played, if possible, the names (if available) of the track entries data for audio mode appears in the status next track played by the Traffic Pro will…
Page 77: Track Jump/Track Skip
Media mode Track jump/Track skip Fast forward/rewind Note: You can start audible fast forward/rewind. If track skip reaches the first or the last Press to select the next track or track in a directory or on a CD, the unit Notes: to select the previous track.
Page 78: Play Mode
Media mode Play mode Notes: Play mode includes functions such as • Only one of the functions can be 4005 track mix (random play function), the switched on ( ). scan function and the repeat function. • Select to delete any other The Play Mode menu appears.
Page 79: Scan
Media mode Repeat track CD mix Notes: Activate the function to repeat the cur- Press to play the next Notes: rent track continuously. random track. If the current track has The function is only available if the CD Turn the rotary control/push button been playing for longer than 8 seconds changer is the active source.
Page 80: Repeat Cd
Media mode Repeat CD Directory mix Calling up the Media main menu Notes: Notes: You can make settings for media mode The function is only available if the CD This function is only available if an in the Media main menu. changer is the active source.
Page 81: Switching Detailed Track Display On/Off
Media mode Switching detailed track display on/off CD mode • Before playing the CD, it should be If detailed track display is activated, a cleaned with a special, commercially previously abbreviated track name/ID3 available cleaning cloth, wiping from Notes on compact discs (CD) tag is displayed in full, if possible.
Page 82: Inserting/Ejecting Cds
Media mode Inserting/Ejecting CDs Notes on CD-R and CD-RWs Temperature protection circuit Insertion You can play CD-Rs (writeable CDs) A temperature protection circuit in the Insert the disc into the CD slot with and CD-RWs (rewriteable CDs) on this Traffic Pro protects the laser diode from the printed side up.
Page 83: Mp3 Mode
Media mode MP3 mode Creating an MP3 storage • The display of artist’s name and track title is restricted to a total maximum medium length of 63 characters. General notes on MP3 • A maximum of 63 folders, each of •…
Page 84: Mp3 Cd Mode
Media mode For further information about creating MP3 CD mode MP3 memory cards/ MP3 files and ID3 tags, please consult The following points, described in “CD Micro-drive mode your dealer or check on the Internet. mode” on page 81 apply to MP3 CD Note: mode: Note:…
Page 85: Memory Card
Media mode Inserting a micro-drive/memory card Reinsert the cover as described in Removing a micro-drive/memory card The slot for micro-drive/memory cards is “Inserting/Removing the cover” on Remove the control panel as described located underneath the removable control page 16. in “Removing/Inserting the control panel on the Traffic Pro or underneath the Reinsert the control panel as described panel”…
Page 86: Cd Changer Mode
Media mode CD changer mode Loading/Ejecting the External units/AUX mode CD magazine The following points, described in “CD You can call up units connected exter- To eject the CD magazine, open the slid- mode” on page 81 apply to CD changer nally to the Traffic Pro as described in ing cover on the changer and press the mode:…
Page 87: Telephone Mode
“Importing an address book entry*” Bluetooth® wireless technology. on page 110. The Internet page www.becker.de contain additional informations. • It is only possible to display the name of a caller if the caller is listed in the •…
Page 88: Calling Up The Telephone
Telephone mode* Calling up the telephone Bluetooth not yet switched on Bluetooth mobile phone not yet If Bluetooth has not been switched on connected when you try to call up telephone mode, If the mobile phone has not been Note: you will be shown the following connected when you try to call up To call up telephone mode directly, it is…
Page 89: Calling Up The Telephone Main Menu
Telephone mode* Select the device to be connected from Calling up the Telephone main the list. menu Press the rotary control/push button 5004 In the Telephone main menu, you can enter/ select telephone numbers, call up The Telephone main menu appears. the call lists, connect a telephone, call Then proceed…
Page 90: Dialling Numbers
Telephone mode* • Dialling numbers Establishing a connection: You can select a telephone number In the input menu, select the entry. Use this function to enter a telephone from the address book. See “Selecting number and to call this number. a number from the address book”…
Page 91: Selecting A Number From The Address Book
Telephone mode* If the person called answers the Selecting a number from the If several telephone numbers have been telephone the Traffic Pro switches to the saved in the address book entry the address book status display for active telephone calls. following appears on the display.
Page 92: Call Lists
Telephone mode* The Traffic Pro indicates that a Call lists In the Telephone main menu, select connection is being established by You can obtain a display of the call lists displaying the following message. for missed calls, answered calls and numbers dialled.
Page 93: Calling A Number From The List
Select (delete) or (do not Harman/ Becker cannot generally be Calling a number from the list delete). held liable for the emergency call Select the list entry you wish to call. If you select , the call list will be function.
Page 94: Automatic Call Answering
Telephone mode* Following initiation of the emergency Settings Automatic call answering call, the following information is When the function ( ) is active, In the settings section you can activate/ displayed in the status bar. incoming calls will automatically be deactivate “Automatic call…
Page 95: Telephone Calls
Telephone mode* Telephone calls • The name of the telephone currently Accepting/ rejecting a call connected will be displayed at the You can accept or reject incoming calls. Below, you can find information on the bottom left. operating options available to you Accepting a call •…
Page 96: Rejecting A Call
Telephone mode* Ending a call Options menu Note: Active calls can be terminated. For this The Options menu can be displayed Selecting deactivates the signal purpose, status display must be first be during an active call. You can end the tone and the previously active source, accessed.
Page 97: End Call
Telephone mode* End call The entries must not be confirmed. The Private Select in the Options menu to individual DTMF tones will be sent You can divert calls received via Traffic end the active call. See “Ending a call” immediately after selection. Pro to the mobile phone.
Page 98: Fast Access Telephone Functions
Telephone mode* Fast access telephone functions You may: Direct calling Call up the telephone fast access • Call numbers and names listed in fast In fast access mode the last 20 numbers function. access mode directly. or names which have been dialled, Turn the rotary control/push button •…
Page 99: Protecting An Entry
Telephone mode* Protecting an entry Deleting an entry Deleting a list Call up the telephone fast access Call up the telephone fast access Call up the telephone fast access function. function. function. Select the entry to be protected. Select the entry to be deleted. Press the rotary control/push button Press the rotary control/push button Press the rotary control/push button…
Page 100: Saving A Number In The Address Book
Telephone mode* Saving a number in the address • Select this option to create a new entry book 2030 in the address book. Call up the telephone fast access function. • Turn the rotary control/push button Select the entry to be saved. Select this option to add the current and then press the rotary control/ Press the rotary control/push button…
Page 101: Adding Data To Entries
Telephone mode* Turn the rotary control/push button Adding data to entries and then press the rotary control/ Select the entry. push button to select each letter in the 5027 first name one after the other. Select the symbol from the Turn the rotary control/push button 5026 input menu.
Page 102: Address Book
Address book Address book You can store complete addresses with Calling up the Address Book Creating an entry telephone numbers and other informa- main menu In the Address Book main menu, tion in the address book. You can set up select the entry.
Page 103
Address book Accept entry: Note In the data entry menu, select the If for example a telephone number has 6005 symbol. been entered for , this will appear in the menu instead of You can now enter additional data: Press the rotary control/push button To enable you to identify numbers sub- Turn the rotary control/push button and hold it down for at least 2 seconds. -
Page 104: Creating An Entry Which
Address book If, under “Automatic dialogue” on Creating an entry which Once you have entered the address, you page 126, you specified that a prompt to must confirm your entry. supports navigation record a name should appear when an In the Address Book main menu, address entry is created, you will be You can enter additional data: select the…
Page 105: Find Entry
Address book Once you have entered all the informa- Find entry tion, you must save the entry. When searching for an address book 6008 Select the entry. entry, you can search based on names or towns. Please also refer to the descrip- Once you have recorded a name, the tion in “Setting the search criterion”…
Page 106: Setting The Search Criterion
Address book If the complete name/location has already Setting the search criterion Note been entered and/or added automatically, In the Address Book main menu, Select the symbol to delete the last the address book entry appears. select the entry. character in the entry. If an incomplete name/location entry was confirmed, the selection list appears.
Page 107: Editing Entries
Address book Editing entries Confirm your selection by pressing Modifying an entry the rotary control/push button In the Edit Entries menu, select the Find the address book entry to be entry. modified. • You can modify the data entered for an entry.
Page 108: Deleting An Entry
Address book Deleting an entry Creating/Deleting voice entries Note Find the address book entry to be You can record a voice entry or delete an If you wish to change part of the deleted. existing voice entry for the selected address, the Traffic Pro will prompt you Select the entry.
Page 109: Delete
Address book Delete Exporting an address book* The Traffic Pro tries to establish a Find the address book entry for which connection to the required device. Use this function to transfer the entire you wish to delete a voice entry. If authentication is required, you will address book in vCard format to another Select the…
Page 110: Exporting An Address Book Entry
Address book Exporting an address book The Traffic Pro tries to establish a Importing an address book connection to the required device. entry* entry* If authentication is required, you will Use this function to transfer a single Addresses in vCard format can be have to connect/ authenticate the device address book entry in vCard format to imported from other devices.
Page 111
Address book Then, depending on the settings in • The following information will be “Always allow connection*” Connection to the external device is displayed if the transfer was successful. page 116, the following query is sent or, allowed. The function described in if the function is active, this step will be “Always allow… -
Page 112: Navigating To An Address Book
Address book Navigating to an address book Voice entries • You can delete all stored voice entries. entry In the Address Book main menu, select the entry. You can start route guidance to an When the next prompt appears, address for an address book entry from select to delete the entry or the address book.
Page 113: Calling An Address Book Entry
Address book Calling an address book entry* Fast access functions Protecting an entry Call up the address book fast access From the address book you can start a The last 20 address book entries used in function. call to a telephone number stored in the the address book appear here.
Page 114: Deleting An Entry
Address book Deleting an entry Deleting a list Call up the address book fast access Call up the address book fast access function. function. In the Fast Access menu which appears, Press the rotary control/push button select the entry to be deleted. until a menu appears.
Page 115: Settings
Settings Settings Calling up general settings Bluetooth* Opening the device list* Press You can configure your Traffic Pro to Bluetooth® wireless technology is a Turn the rotary control/push button meet your requirements in the general system which allows radio contact anti-clockwise until settings.
Page 116: Always Allow Connection
Settings • Bluetooth is switched on and a • The symbol is shown on the Always allow connection* telephone is connected to the Traffic display if an error occurred in When this function is activated the Pro. establishing a connection. It is then corresponding external device can only possible to disconnect the device.
Page 117: Name Device
Settings Name device* Deleting a device from the list* Connecting and disconnecting You can change the name of a device You can delete devices from the devices* displayed in the Bluetooth device list. Bluetooth device list which are not used Before a Bluetoothdevice is able to or which are outdated.
Page 118: Connecting Devices
Settings Connecting devices (Traffic Pro)* Select the device to be connected from the device list. 7037 7038 Notes: Select to connect or not to Enter the password by rotating/ • A device that has not yet been connect. pressing rotary control/push connected is identified by the symbol is selected, the Traffic Pro will…
Page 119: Connecting A Device
Settings Connecting device (external The external device has previously • device)* been connected to the Traffic Pro* Connection to the external device is Connecting the Traffic Pro to an external allowed. The function described in Note: device can also be initiated by the “Always allow connection*”…
Page 120
Settings The external device has not been If the connection to the external device • connected to the Traffic Probefore* is established successfully, another Connection to the external device is When the external device attempts to signal tone can be heard and the allowed. -
Page 121: Disconnecting Devices
Settings Disconnecting devices* Calling up Bluetooth settings* Select the device to be disconnected Press from the device list. Turn the rotary control/push button 7044 anti-clockwise until Note: appears at the top right of the display. Turn the rotary control/push button A connected device is identified by the to select between symbol.
Page 122: Activating/ Deactivating Bluetooth
Settings Activating/ deactivating Bluetooth* Searching for Bluetooth devices* Press the rotary control/push button activate deactivate Use this function to start a Traffic Pro to cancel the search. Bluetooth. search for Bluetooth devices within the transmission/ reception range. If you do not cancel the search it will Call up the Bluetooth settings.
Page 123: Making Devices Visible To Others
Settings Making devices visible to others* Device name* Voice mode Here you can specify whether other You can give your Traffic Pro a name. You can make settings for voice mode as Bluetooth devices are to be able to This name will be displayed by other well as for traffic announcements and recognise the Traffic Pro or not.
Page 124: Setting The System Language
Settings Press the rotary control/push button Setting the system language Turn the rotary control/push button You can select the language for and then press the rotary control/push announcements and displays here. button to select the required language. Notes: 7003 • The navigation CD or system CD 7005 must be inserted in order to change Turn the rotary control/push button…
Page 125: Displaying Voice Settings
Settings Displaying voice settings Volume for voice output For the setting, select This function can be used to display the You can set the volume for announce- currently valid voice settings. ments from your Traffic Pro here. Select in the voice mode Select in the voice 7008…
Page 126: Automatic Dialogue
Settings Automatic dialogue Voice entries Deleting: You can specify which events should You can use this function to read out and Select trigger automatic voice dialogue. Auto- delete all voice entries already stored for matic dialogues are automatic queries the radio and address book functions. When the next prompt appears, select from the Traffic Pro after particular to delete the entry or…
Page 127: Extended Ptt
Settings • Extended PTT Repeating a voice announcement Once the function has been activated, If the function is active, voice mode can If the function has been switched on and in addition to being highlighted on the be activated automatically by pressing route guidance is active, the last naviga- Traffic Pro, a beep tone sounds to * or…
Page 128: System Settings
Settings System settings Other settings: • You can configure the GMT time sent • Using , you can specify You can configure various basic settings by the satellite in terms of its format whether an AUX source or an external on your Traffic Pro to meet your require- and the current time zone.
Page 129: Calling Up The System Settings
Settings Calling up the system settings Audio Note: Press The Audio section includes system A setting of “0” indicates no increase in Turn the rotary control/push button settings for audio mode. volume. counter clockwise until A setting of “10” indicates the maximum appears at the top right of the GAL (speed dependent volume) increase in volume.
Page 130: Volume For Acoustic Signals
Settings Displaying the volume Digital level Note: You can activate/deactivate the display of You can adapt the volume level of digital Only one of the two settings can be a change in volume in graphics format. audio sources (CD and all MP3 sources) active ( ) at one time.
Page 131: External Device
Settings External device Display brightness Day/ night design You can specify whether an AUX source You can use this function to set the You can configure settings for the or an external hands-free unit is display brightness to meet your require- changeover between day and night connected to the Traffic Pro instead of a ments.
Page 132: Reset Function
Settings Reset function • Direction of rotation of the Personal data is deleted. Settings are You can reset the Traffic Pro to the rotary control/push button not reset. factory settings. You can specify the direction in which lists and menus are scrolled when the In the following prompt, select Select in the system set-…
Page 133: Clock
Settings Clock The Clock Settings menu appears. The Software update current time setting appears on the right- You can configure the GMT time sent A software update for your Traffic Pro hand side of the display. by the satellite in terms of its format and can be carried out by inserting a CD.
Page 134
Settings 7027 A progress indicator informs you of the progress of the installation. The following message appears once the update has been completed successfully. 7028 Press the right-hand rotary control/ push button or wait for the menu to disappear automatically after a few seconds. -
Page 135: Voice Mode
Voice mode Voice mode What is voice mode? The following symbols are used in the • Symbol example dialogues: In an example dialogue between the In several instances, voice mode allows voice control system and user, this • …* you to control your Traffic Pro simply by symbol indicates a user voice com- You can use your voice control system pressing a button and using your voice.
Page 136: General Information About The Voice Control System
Voice mode General information about the • Avoid ambient noise in the vehicle Activating the voice control when entering voice commands (e.g. system voice control system conversations between other passen- The voice control system becomes avail- The primary principle of voice mode is gers going on at the same time).
Page 137: Ending Voice Dialogue Prematurely
Voice mode Ending voice dialogue prematurely Voice entries Notes: A voice dialogue can be ended at any Depending on the setting in “Voice You can activate or deactivate the time. entries” on page 137 for radio mode and sounding of the signal tone as described in “Voice entries”…
Page 138: Settings
Voice mode Settings • Detailed voice output Examples for a voice dialogue In some places, voice mode responds You can change the settings for voice A number of examples of voice dialogues with a slightly longer voice output. mode in “Voice mode” on page 123. The appear below.
Page 139: Example Operation In Radio Mode
Voice mode Example operation in VHF is switched on based on quality and the Fast Access menu appears. radio mode 9002 FM quality The following description assumes that You will hear a signal tone Ò. you are in the status display for radio The radio menu appears.
Page 140: Example For Entering A
Voice mode Example for entering a Spell out London L — O — N — D. Navigation You will hear a signal tone Ò. navigation destination The following description assumes that Say the command Enter destina- 9008 you are in the status display for radio tion.
Page 141
Voice mode Say the command Scroll forwards. 9011 9013 9009 The data entry menu for the road Would you like to enter a junction or a appears. house number? The unit scrolls through the selection Please say the first letter of the road. Say the command No. -
Page 142: Example For Entering A Telephone
Voice mode Example for entering a General commands Communication You will hear a signal tone Ò. telephone number* General commands are commands that The following description assumes that Speak the command Dial number. are common to different operating you are in the status display for radio modes.
Page 143: Help Function (Online Help)
Voice mode Help function (online help) Aborting voice dialogue Jump to top of list Say the command Top of list. The online help provides information You can abort a voice dialogue at any Alternative commands: about voice commands currently sup- time.
Page 144: Main Menus
Voice mode Commands for status displays, • You can call up media mode. • You can call up the sound menu (Only Say the command Media. for media and radio). fast access functions and Alternative commands: Say the command Tone. main menus Alternative commands: Media [player] [on], CD [player]…
Page 145: Commands For Radio Mode
Voice mode Commands for radio mode • Switch off the mute function. • Switch scan function on/off (page 61). Say the command Mute off. Switch on: If radio mode has been set as the active Alternative commands: Say the command Scan [on] or source, the following commands will Unmute radio, Unmute audio or Play sample [station].
Page 146
Voice mode • Switch radio text on/off (page 65). Switch off: • Deleting a voice entry (page 74). Switch on: Say the command Traffic pro- Speak the command Delete voice Say the command Radio text on or gramme off. entry. Alternative commands: [Activate] radio text. -
Page 147: Commands For Radio Fast Access
Voice mode Commands for radio fast access • Call up Radio main menu (page 58). • Call up TP menu (page 67). Say the command Radio menu. Say the command Traffic pro- mode Alternative commands: gramme. [Open] radio menu or [Open] menu. Alternative commands: Traffic info, Open traffic info [menu] •…
Page 148: Commands In The Edit Station Menu
Voice mode Commands in the Edit Station menu The following commands are available • Move station in memory (page 72). The following commands are available in the Edit Station menu for the wave- Say the command Move station. in the Edit Station menu for the VHF band station memory: •…
Page 149: Commands For The Radio Main
Voice mode Commands for the Radio • Call up TP menu (page 67). • Call up Reception Optimisation menu Say the command Traffic pro- (page 66). main menu gramme. Say the command Reception opti- Alternative commands: misation [menu] or [Open] reception Traffic info, Open traffic info [menu] optimisation [menu].
Page 150: Commands In The Waveband Menu
Voice mode Commands in the Waveband menu • Set VHF waveband alphabetically. • Select medium wave waveband. Say the command FM alphabeti- Say the command AM. cally. Alternative commands: Alternative commands: [Activate] medium wave, [Select] 3002 medium wave, [Activate] AM or [Activate] [FM] alphabetically, [Acti- vate] [very high frequency] alphabet- [Select] AM.
Page 151: Commands In The Programme Type Menu
Voice mode Commands in the Programme Type Commands in the Filter menu Switch off: menu Say the command Station number … (1 — X) filter off or Deactivate filter station [number] … (1 — X). 3006 3007 • Switch filtering off for all stations. In the Filter menu, the following com- Say the command Reset.
Page 152: Commands In The Tp Menu
Voice mode Commands in the TP menu • Set TP station selection to automatic. Commands in the Voice Entries menu Say the command Station auto- matic. Alternative commands: 3013 3024 [Search for] [traffic info] automati- cally or [Search for] [traffic info sta- In the TP menu, the following com- In the Voice Entries menu, the following tion] automatically.
Page 153: Commands In The Reception Optimisation Menu
Voice mode • Delete all assigned voice entries. Commands in the Reception Commands for media mode Say the command Delete entries. Optimisation menu If media mode has been set as the active Alternative commands: source, the following commands will Delete [all] entries or Delete [all] always be available: voice entries.
Page 154: Commands For The Media Status
Voice mode • Select previous CD (CD changer only) • Select CD using CD number. Commands for the media status (page 75). Say the command CD number … display Say the command Previous CD. (1 — X). Alternative commands: Alternative commands: Play last CD or Play previous CD.
Page 155: Commands For Media Fast Access
Voice mode • Call up the Media main menu • Switch on repeat track (page 79). Commands for media fast access (page 80). Say the command Repeat track. Say the command Media menu. • Switch on normal playback sequence. Alternative commands: Say the command Normal order or 4001 [Open] media menu or [Open] menu.
Page 156: Commands For The Media Main Menu
Voice mode Commands for the Media Commands for the media • Switch on repeat track (page 79). Say the command Repeat track. main menu Play Mode menu • Switch on normal playback sequence. Say the command Normal order or [Play] tracks in normal order. 4006 4005 Only if CD changer is an active media…
Page 157: Navigation Commands
Voice mode • Switch on repeat CD (page 80). Navigation commands Switch off: Say the command Repeat CD or Say the command Instructions If navigation is active, the following Activate repeat CD. off. commands are always available: Alternative commands: Deactivate instructions or Deactivate Only if MP3 is an active media source: •…
Page 158: Commands For The Navigation Status Display
Voice mode Commands for the navigation • Call up the Route Options menu • Call up the Block menu (page 49). (page 33). Say the command Block. status display Say the command Route options Alternative commands: or Open route options. Edit block, Edit blocking, Open block or Open blocking.
Page 159: Commands For Navigation Fast Access
Voice mode Commands for navigation • Call up the Enter Destination menu • Select a destination from the address (page 27). book (page 38). fast access Say the command Enter address Say the command From address or Address. book or [Select] [destination] from address book.
Page 160: Commands In The Fast Access/Edit Destinations Menu
Voice mode • Start navigation to a fast access desti- Commands in the Fast Access/Edit • Delete entire list (page 36). nation. Destinations menu Say the command Delete list or Say the command [Navigate] [des- Delete entire list. • Save destination in address book tination] number …
Page 161: Commands For The Destination Menu
Voice mode • Start destination input (page 27). Commands for the Destination • Enter destination road (page 30). Say the command Enter destina- Say the command Street or Enter menu tion. street. Alternative commands: • Enter junction (page 32). Enter town, Enter street, Spell town, Say the command Intersection or 2004 Spell street or Spell destination.
Page 162: Commands For The Poi Menu
Voice mode • Start route guidance to destination. Commands for the POI menu • Selecting a POI in a specific town Say the command Start route (page 41). guidance or Start navigation. Speak the command Enter town or [Special destination] [in [a]] town. •…
Page 163: Poi Categories (Page 39)
Voice mode POI categories (page 39) • Hotels Commands for the Say the command Hotel or Motel. Route Options menu Note: • Hospitals The POI categories specified here are Say the command Hospital. not commands in their own right. They 2026 •…
Page 164: Commands For The Stopover Menu
Voice mode • Switch avoid motorway on/off. • Switch avoid toll on/off. Commands for the Stopover Switch on: Switch on: menu Say the command Avoid motor- Say the command Avoid toll or way. Avoid toll on. Alternative commands: Switch off: 2039 Avoid motorway on or Activate avoid Say the command Avoid toll off or…
Page 165: Prompt: Is The New Destination A Main Destination Or A Stopover
Voice mode • Select a stopover as destination. Prompt: Is the new destination a main Commands for telephone Say the command Enter special destination or a stopover? mode* destination or Special destination. • Select a stopover from the fast access Commands for telephone fast 2096 list.
Page 166
Voice mode • Starting a redial to the number dialled • Calling up a work telephone number • Calling a fast access telephone last. from a voice entry equipped address number. Speak the command Redial or [Di- book entry. Speak the command Call tele- Speak the command Call [entry] al] [the] last [dialled] number. -
Page 167: Commands In The Fast Access/Edit Telephone Numbers Menu
Voice mode Commands in the Fast Access/ Edit • Saving a fast access telephone number Commands for the Telephone Telephone Numbers menu* in the address book. main menu* Speak the command Save to the • Switch entry protection on/ off address book.
Page 168: Commands In The Input Menu For Telephone Numbers
Voice mode • Calling Settings menu Commands in the input menu for Commands in the Call Lists menu* (page 94). telephone numbers* Speak the command Settings. Note: Alternative commands: 5011 Please refer to the description under Open settings or Open telephone set- “Example for entering a telephone tings.
Page 169: Commands In The Call Lists
Voice mode Commands in the call lists* • Calling up a work telephone number • Calling a fast access telephone from a voice entry equipped address number. book entry. Speak the command Call tele- Speak the command Call [entry] phone number … (1 — X). 5012 Alternative commands: …* business.
Page 170: Commands In The Settings Menu
Voice mode Commands in the Settings menu* • Switching automatic voice dialogue Commands for the on/ off in the event of a call (page 94). address book Switch on: Speak the command Dialogue for 5016 Commands for address book calls [on] or Activate dialogue for fast access calls.
Page 171
Voice mode • Create a new address book entry which • Calling up a work telephone number • Start route guidance to an address to cannot be used by the navigation from a voice entry equipped address which a voice entry has been assigned system (page 102). -
Page 172
Voice mode • Starting a call to a work telephone • Edit an entry to which a voice entry • Edit an entry/Call up the Edit menu number from a fast access entry.* has been assigned (page 107). (page 107). Speak the command Call [entry] … -
Page 173: Commands In The Fast Access/Edit Entries Menu
Voice mode • Call up the Search Criterion menu Commands in the Fast Access/Edit Commands in the Edit menu (page 106). Entries menu Say the command Search crite- rion or Set search criterion. 6016 6026 • Call Voice Entries menu (page 112).
Page 174: Commands In The Edit Data Menu
Voice mode Commands in the Edit Data menu Commands when an entry is open Commands for the Address Book main menu • Save data entered. Say the command Save. 6015 Commands in the menu for selecting a 6002 Bluetooth device for export* •…
Page 175: Commands In The Voice Entries Menu
Voice mode • Create a new address book entry which • Set search criterion town Commands in the Voice Entries menu cannot be used by the navigation (page 106). system (page 102). Say the command Search by town Say the command New entry text or [Set] search by town.
Page 176: Commands In The Search Criterion Menu
Voice mode • Delete all assigned voice entries (page 108). Say the command Delete entries. Alternative commands: Delete [all] entries or Delete [all] voice entries. Commands in the Search Criterion menu 6014 In the Search Criterion menu, the follow- ing commands are available (page 106): •…
Page 177: Technical Terminology
Technical terminology Technical terminology CF card Folder (Auxiliary) (Compact Flash) Directory Option to connect external audio signals. Type of memory card, rewriteable Folder on a CD/memory card/micro-drive removable memory card developed in containing MP3 tracks. 1994 by SanDisc. Balance Volume setting between left and right There are two different types of CF card, loudspeakers.
Page 178
Technical terminology ID3 tag • “Table of contents” for an MP3 track. (Push To Talk) • abbreviated to Contains information such as title, artist, Describes the initiation of voice dialogue • abbreviated to album, year and genre. in voice mode. •… -
Page 179
Technical terminology Radio text Additional information transmitted by most VHF stations via RDS. (Radio Data System) A process for transmission of inaudible information on the VHF band. Surround Surround sound function. Surround sound can be simulated by means of special settings. (Traffic Message Channel) Traffic announcements transmitted by most VHF stations via RDS. -
Page 180
Always allow connection ..116 Becker Surround ….21 Calling up general settings ..115 Always mono . -
Page 181
Index Controls ….9 Direction of rotation … .132 Eject ….. .82 Coordinates . -
Page 182
Index Emergency call ….93 Factory settings ….132 Height above sea level …51 Enter Fader . -
Page 183
Index Metrisch ….. .57 Navigation displays … . .44 Micro-drive ….84 Navigation fast access Loudness . -
Page 184
Index Route Option ….49 Avoid Ferry ….34 Play mode …..78 Radio mode . -
Page 185
Index Scan function Time …..133 Stopover ….. .47 FM . -
Page 186
Index Switching off ….17 Track jump ….77 Switching on . -
Page 187
Index Voice dialogue End ….. .137 Waveband …..59 Examples . -
Page 188: Technical Data
• Supply voltage: • Output: 12 V 4 x 18 W RMS • CD connection: • Line cross section: The Becker Silverstone 7860 CD For power supply min. 0.75 mm² changer can be connected. • Loudspeaker impedance: • Playable CDs: min. 4 Only CDs which comply with DIN EN 60908 can be used.
Page 189: Notice
Dear Listener, In conformance with current EC guidelines, any person may operate this radio receiver. This unit conforms to the current valid European or harmonised national standards. This designation is your guarantee that the unit conforms to the applicable specifications regarding electromagnetic compatibility.