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* при работе с предварительным подогревом
BONECO — зарегистрированная торговая марка BONECO AG, Швейцария.
BONECO North America Corp., 15821 Ventura Blvd, Encino, CA 91436
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Summary of Contents for Boneco U700
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U700 MANUAL… -
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Page 3: Table Of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS Overview and part names Comfort functions and mood light Switching the heater on and off Technical specifications Switching off the mood light Aroma compartment Introduction Valuable information about humidity Timer functions Items included Setting the OFF timer Setting the ON timer The right location The right location…
Page 4: Overview And Part Names
1 Water tank handle 2 Humidifier opening 3 Water tank 4 Ionic Silver Stick ® 5 Membrane 6 Touch display 7 Water tank opening 8 A250 AQUA PRO 9 Water tank cap 10 Cleaning brush 11 Aroma compartment 12 BONECO U700…
Page 5: Technical Specifications
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Technical specifications Mains voltage 220 – 240 V / 50 Hz Power consumption 45 W / 180 W* Humidity output up to 600 g/h* For rooms up to up to 80 m² Water capacity 9.0 liters Dimension 325×190×360 mm Weight (empty) 4.6 kg Operation noise level…
Page 6: Introduction
It makes your eyes and throat feel dry while significantly The BONECO U700 is designed for convenient, fully au- affecting physical comfort. Not only does this affect tomated operation. However, you can adjust all of its fea- adults, it is especially true for infants, small children and tures according to your preferences and requirements.
Page 7: The Right Location
THE RIGHT LOCATION THE RIGHT LOCATION A250 AQUA PRO The BONECO U700 releases more than half a liter of water Please observe the accompanying instructions for start- into the air per hour. This makes it important to set up the ing the A250 AQUA PRO.
Page 8: Starting Up And Switching Off
Fill the tank with cold tap water. Plug the power cord into a power outlet. to switch on the BONECO U700. Briefly tap once to switch off the blue mood light. Direct the mist into the open room. again to switch off the BONECO U700 entirely.
Page 9: Indicators On The Display
INDICATORS ON THE DISPL AY Overview of all indicators on the display Symbol Meaning Symbol Required action Current or desired humidity Refill the water Fully automated operation Change the water in the appliance Heater turned on Replace the Ionic Silver Stick ®…
Page 10: Keypad
KEYPAD Keypad on the appliance Symbol Function Switch heater on/off Access the timer function Change the humidity Automatic mode Regulate the output Switch the appliance on and off / start cleaning…
Page 11: Humidity And Humidifier
HUMIDIT Y AND HUMIDIFIER SAVE SETTINGS CONTROLLING HUMIDITY REGULATE THE OUTPUT The BONECO U700 saves the last-used settings when it The humidity can be set between 30% and 70%. In the 1. Tap the symbol multiple times, until the desired is switched off.
Page 12: Comfort Functions And Mood Light
SWITCHING THE HEATER ON AND OFF SWITCHING OFF THE MOOD LIGHT AROMA COMPARTMENT The BONECO U700 is equipped with a heater that can be The BONECO U700 is switched off in a two-step process Commercially available scented aromatic substances for turned on and off.
Page 13: Timer Functions
Now the BONECO U700 will run for the specified time and then switch off. 3. To deactivate the ON timer early, switch the BONECO U700 off and back on as needed.
Page 14: Cleaning And Maintenance
® Daily Check the water level; add water if necessary the BONECO U700. Stagnant water can also impair clean- liness and lead to unpleasant odors. This means regular After 3 days without operation Empty and clean the BONECO U700…
Page 15: Descaling
1. Switch off the BONECO U700. Stubborn limescale residue on the membrane can be re- All you need is a packet of BONECO CalcOff. One of these moved using the yellow brush stored inside the BONECO packets is included with the appliance. You can obtain 2.
Page 16: Replacing The Ionic Silver Stick
BONECO U700. ® ® water, making a vital contribution to health and cleanli- You can obtain replacements from your BONECO special- ness. The Ionic Silver Stick is also subject to wear and 2. Take out the used Ionic Silver Stick and dispose of it ist dealer or our online store at www.shop.boneco.com.
Page 18
BONECO is a registered trademark of BONECO AG, Switzerland…
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