Btl 4000 аппарат физиотерапевтический инструкция по применению

BTL 4000 Series User Manual

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U S E R ‘ S M A N U A L




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Summary of Contents for BTL 4000 Series

  • Page 1
    BTL-4000 Series U S E R ’ S M A N U A L GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS | Page 1 of 62 110DA03/03/2008EN…
  • Page 2
    BTL-4000 system. Again, thank you for being a BTL customer. In the event of any problem, or if you require service, please make an initial call to your local distributor, who will decide whether to refer the problem to our office.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Save Therapy……………………….25 2.11 Interconnection of Units ……………………..27 2.11.1 Interconnection of BTL 4000 Puls (COMBI) and Vacuum Unit BTL Vac ……….27 2.11.2 Interconnection of BTL-4000 Puls and BTL-4000 Sono …………….. 27 2.11.3 Interconnection of BTL-4000 Puls, BTL-4000 Sono and BTL Vac …………28 2.11.4…

  • Page 4
    Manufacturer …………………………. 56 UNITS CONFIGURATIONS ……………………..57 Table of Configurations of the Combined Devices BTL 4000 Series …………57 Table of Configurations of the Electrotherapy Devices BTL-4000 Puls …………60 Table of Configurations of the Ultrasound Therapy Devices BTL-4000 Sono……….61 Table of Configurations of the Laser Therapy Devices BTL-4000 Laser ………….
  • Page 5: General Characteristics

    Prepare your own protocols and later invoke them from easily accessible option. With every BTL unit, you can purchase a cart specially designed for BTL products. Its versatile design allows you to conveniently store and use 1 or 2 physiotherapy units and a vacuum unit. The cart includes a range of accessory trays and baskets.

  • Page 6: Instructions For Use

    2 INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE 2.1 TOP PANEL 1. — 6 outputs for patient cables on the rear panel of the device, see chapter Rear Panel display diag key, for quick selection of diagnosis or programs prog key, for quick selection of therapy program man key, for manual setting of all therapy parameters menu key, to set date, time, language, display contrast, sounds, user options, etc.

  • Page 7: Rear Panel

    2.2 REAR PANEL 1 -6 patient outputs – for exact configuration, see table Configuration of Output Connectors mains switch, for switching the device on/off – positions I / 0. socket for connection of external power supply Adapter 60W / Adapter 90W warning label with parameters of power supply and input of the device INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE | PAGE 7 OF 62…

  • Page 8: Front Panel

    2.3 FRONT PANEL display of the remaining time of therapy for the first channel display of the remaining time of the therapy for the second channel (or current intensity in case the channel is only one) start / stop1 key, for starting or pausing the therapy on the first channel start / stop2 key, for starting or pausing the therapy on the second channel on / off switch –…

  • Page 9
    Retain the original packaging to ensure future possible transportation of the device. Plug the device into the mains socket by means of the Adapter 60W / Adapter 90W power supply adapter (see chapter Technical Parameters). PLUG THE POWER SUPPLY ADAPTER DIRECTLY INTO THE MAINS SOCKET; DO NOT USE ANY MULTI- CONNECTION EXTENSION CABLE OR ADAPTOR.
  • Page 10
    BTL-4110 Laser Optimal door acup. BTL-4710 Sono Optimal E input E output BTL-4210 Sono Optimal E input E output BTL-4810 S Combi Optimal E1opti BTL-4815 S Combi Optimal E1opti BTL-4810 L Combi Optimal door E1opti BTL-4815 L Combi Optimal door…
  • Page 11: Operating The Unit

    Selected channel Although most of the devices of the BTL-4000 Series can run more therapies at a time, only one channel can be controlled at the particular moment. That channel is called the «selected channel». The tab of the «selected channel»…

  • Page 12
  • Page 13: Therapy Setting


  • Page 14: Welcome Screen And Selection Of Channels, Tabs And Accessories

    Examples of information on the tabs: tab of the selected E channel, to which no accessory is connected tab of the E channel, which is not selected, with connected accessory BTL-236-2 tab of the U generator , which is not selected, with connected ultrasound head;…

  • Page 15: Setting Of Therapy Parameters Via The Selection Of Diagnosis — «Diag» Key

    2.6.3 SETTING OF THERAPY PARAMETERS VIA THE SELECTION OF DIAGNOSIS – «DIAG» KEY To view the list of diagnoses press the diag key (8). Each channel tab has its own list of therapy protocols. The letter in front of each number corresponds to the type of selected therapy: E – electrotherapy; U – ultrasound; L –…

  • Page 16: Setting Of Therapy Parameters Via The Selection Of Program — «Prog» Key

    Press the prog (8) key to set the required program number. The program numbers generally correspond to the program numbers used in the traditional BTL physiotherapy line. The letter in front of each number corresponds to the type of therapy selected: E – electrotherapy; U – ultrasound; L – laser; M – magnetotherapy.

  • Page 17: Setting Of Therapy Parameters Manually Via The ‘Man’ Key

    2.6.5 SETTING OF THERAPY PARAMETERS MANUALLY VIA THE ‘MAN’ KEY Press the man (9) key to select manual setting for the therapy. All therapy parameters can be set and saved as a user program or diagnosis. It is obvious that the therapy parameters screens of individual currents of electrotherapy, ultrasound therapy and laser therapy differ in dependence on the options which can be set in the particular moment.

  • Page 18: Therapy Parameters Screen

    2.6.6 THERAPY PARAMETERS SCREEN This screen opens after selection of therapy after pressing the diag (8), prog (9) or man (10) key, (see the chapter Therapy Setting Flow Chart). Before the start of therapy you can change all parameters. • SETTING THERAPY TIME The time of the therapy can be set only on the therapy parameters screen, either by activation of the time button and pressing of the enter key (13) after which the time setting dialog opens, or by fast selection using the…

  • Page 19: Course Of Therapy

    2.7 COURSE OF THERAPY 2.7.1 START, INTERRUPT AND END OF THERAPY To start therapy on the first channel (tab) press the start / stop1 key (24). To start therapy on the second channel press the start / stop2 key (25). Therapy can be started only if the display of the selected channel is displaying the therapy parameters screen.

  • Page 20: Running Therapy Screen

    2.7.2 RUNNING THERAPY SCREEN 2.7.3 ELECTROTHERAPY – SETTING DURING THERAPY • SETTING THE INTENSITY IN 4-ELECTRODE THERAPIES Making a therapy with four electrodes, you can set different intensities between each pair of electrodes. In case of 4-pole interference, the output intensity is set by the select / intensity (12) knob on both channels at the same time (the screen button 1+2 is pressed) or on each channel separately (the screen button 1 or 2 is pressed).

  • Page 21: Accessories / Applicators — Visual Signalization

    •rapid blinking – wrong contact of head with patient’s tissue, therapy paused; contact must be re- established to continue therapy BTL-448: laser probes 635 nm and 830 nm – green pilot light and focusing beam: •blinking in rhythm of generated laser or continuous light – the device is generating laser radiation, during generation the device indicates occurrence of laser radiation by acoustic signal BTL-445: laser clusters: red, infrared and combined –…

  • Page 22: Indication Of Operation — Energy On Operation

    BTL vac: vacuum unit for electrotherapy – see separate manual for BTL vac unit. For detailed information please refer to the leaflet which is enclosed to each accessory supplied. BTL-239-1: disc magnetic applicator – blue pilot light signals: •slow blinking – accessories prepared for therapy, therapy settings screen displayed.

  • Page 23
    Some types of the generated currents do not allow monitoring of the contact with the patient. In such cases the crossed-out figure is displayed, regardless of the user setting of detection. Ultrasound Therapy Generation of ultrasound energy by ultrasound head BTL-237 is indicated: • on the screen: –…
  • Page 24: Therapy Parameters

    – by value of intensity and remaining time • on the magnetic applicator BTL-239 – by blue pilot light. 2.8 THERAPY PARAMETERS Therapy parameters are variable. Only the parameters that characterize the therapy and that can be set in manual mode are displayed — by pressing the man (10) key.

  • Page 25: Therapy Saving

    2.10 THERAPY SAVING Pressing the save button on the screen, the user can save the particular therapy setting under a name of diagnosis and number of program. 2.10.1 SAVE THERAPY Therapy can be saved always after setting of the therapy parameters – i.e. from the therapy parameters screen. The following information is saved with each therapy: Electrotherapy: •…

  • Page 26
    The number of the saved program falls within the interval from 8000 to 8999. and adds the letter of the corresponding generator (E for electrotherapy and combined therapies, U for ultrasound therapies, L for laser therapies and M for magnetotherapy). The unit suggests the lowest available number (from the range of 8000-8999) and adds the letter of the corresponding generator (E for electrotherapy and combined therapies, U for ultrasound therapies, L for laser therapies and M for magnetotherapy).
  • Page 27: Interconnection Of Units

    INTERCONNECTION OF BTL 4000 PULS (COMBI) AND VACUUM UNIT BTL VAC Combine any BTL-4000 Puls or Combi unit with the vacuum unit BTL vac to apply electrotherapy currents by means of suction cup electrodes. Adjustable vacuum pressure ensures simple and convenient attachment of patient electrodes, especially on parts of the body hard to reach with classic electrodes.

  • Page 28: Interconnection Of Btl-4000 Puls, Btl-4000 Sono And Btl Vac

    If you want to apply only electrotherapy with such interconnected devices, it is no problem. Uncheck the option «with electro» on the BTL-4000 Sono device, and the electrotherapy electrodes are automatically connected to the electrotherapy output. Connectors E-input and E-output are interconnected inside the ultrasound device even if the BTL-4000 Sono device is off.

  • Page 29: Setup And Operation Of Combined Therapy In Individual Devices

    2.11.4 SETUP AND OPERATION OF COMBINED THERAPY IN INDIVIDUAL DEVICES After checking for correct interconnection of the electrotherapy and ultrasound units, select a diagnosis or program that utilizes combined therapy. Select these separately on the electrotherapy and on the ultrasound units.

  • Page 30: Device Menu

    Make sure the installed accessory is connected directly, not via interface cable and vacuum or BTL-4000 Sono devices. This will help decrease electromagnetic interference, which could cause improper reading of memory data.

  • Page 31: Unit Settings

    The units as standard come with this function disabled. If the unit includes a laser generator — BTL-4000 Laser, BTL-48xx L, BTL-48xx xL, you cannot disable the password code (in compliance with the applicable standards). In this case, the four-digit code is factory-set to 0000.

  • Page 32: Setting Of Display Contrast

    3.2.4 SETTING OF DISPLAY CONTRAST After selection of this menu you can set the optimum contrast (readability) of the display by the select/intensity knob (12). Since the display contrast depends on many factors (e.g. temperature of the display), there is also another fast and direct way of setting the contrast.

  • Page 33: Service Functions

    3.2.14 SERVICE FUNCTIONS • SCAN DISK Checks the file system in the unit for possible errors. Recommended for use in case of lack of memory, if the unit refuses to save data, or if you think that some data have been lost. •…

  • Page 34: User Settings Option

    4 USER SETTINGS OPTION Press menu, select the user settings option — opens a screen allowing access to special features of the unit, as well as to data saved by the user. The following items can be selected: • user sequences •…

  • Page 35
    For the electro generator it is possible to select sequence in the therapy parameters screen (in the manual mode). For the laser generator, laser sequence is in the therapy parameter screen, accessible by means of the next key (from the manual mode). Creation of a new sequence for the electro generator is displayed in the following diagram.
  • Page 36: Parameters Of Sections In Sequence

    4.1.2 PARAMETERS OF SECTIONS IN SEQUENCE A sequence consists of a few currents / programs that are called sections. Parameters of sections must be set when creating a sequence. Each program includes basic current parameters such as frequency, pulse length, modulation, etc. For more information, please refer to the chapter Save Therapy.

  • Page 37: User Diagnoses / Programs

    4.2 USER DIAGNOSES / PROGRAMS Use this feature to run user designed therapies, to edit and delete their parameters and names. It is very similar to the creation of a new diagnosis / program – see the chapter Therapy Saving. On each channel tab, you can see only those therapies that were created on this tab.

  • Page 38: Accessories

    5.1 POWER SUPPLY ADAPTER 60W / ADAPTER 90W The devices of the BTL-4000 series can be connected to the mains exclusively via the supplied power supply Adapter 60W or Adapter 90W. Adapter 90W is more powerful and is used only for the connection of specific device configurations.

  • Page 39: Lithium Battery

    The device contains a lithium battery for backing up the date and time. The type of battery is stated in the chapter Technical Parameters. Replacement is provided by the authorized service of BTL devices. 5.4 ACCESSORIES COMMON FOR ALL UNITS •…

  • Page 40: Accessories For Ultrasound Therapy

    — BTL-239-4 • multi disc applicator — BTL-239-5 • linear applicator — BTL-239-6 • solenoid applicator ø70cm with couch- BTL-239-8 interface cable for connection of old type of applicators from BTL-09 • • fixation belts ACCESSORIES | PAGE 40 OF 62…

  • Page 41: Maintenance And Safety Instructions

    30 months. The inspection and recalibration is performed by the authorized BTL service department on the basis of the user’s order. If the inspection is not done within the stated term, the manufacturer does not guarantee the technical parameters or safe operation of the product.

  • Page 42: Safety

    If you do not determine the source of uncertainty after thorough study of the Manual, contact the BTL service department. If the equipment is not used in accord with this Manual or is used even if it shows functional differences from this Manual, the user is responsible for the damage caused by the equipment.

  • Page 43
    • The equipment does not contain any components which can be repaired by the user. Do not remove any covers from the equipment. All repairs should be done by the authorized BTL service department. • Don’t connect equipment to the patient when it is still connected to the computer (via service connector).
  • Page 44
    • For therapy, use only the BTL ultrasound gel; the head is not tested for other gels or oils and their use could damage the head. If you still want to use other gels, we recommend them to be only water-based gels.
  • Page 45
    Safety precautions for laser: • Mark the laser workplace with the respective warning notices and connect the door switch. • Equip the laser workplace with an operating code which must be approved by a competent health officer. • When using a laser probe with an output of 200 mW or more (300 mW, 400 mW) and if the laser power is set higher than 150 mW, the duration of therapy must not exceed 15 min.
  • Page 46: Contraindications

    6.2 CONTRAINDICATIONS The list of contraindications the cases when the manufacturer does not recommend applying the selected therapy. If a specialised medical workplace decides to apply the therapy in spite of it, they bear all the responsibility for this action. 6.2.1 CONTRAINDICATIONS FOR ELECTROTHERAPY •…

  • Page 47: Contraindications For Ultrasound

    6.2.2 CONTRAINDICATIONS FOR ULTRASOUND • Active tuberculosis • Allergies to used ultrasound gels • Applications on peripheral nerves (located on the bone, close to skin surface) • Applications on glands with inner secretion • Applications on areas around the eyes, brain, spinal cord •…

  • Page 48: Contraindications For Magnetotherapy

    Children – growth discs of bones (epiphysis) WARRANTY The Manufacturer of this product guarantees the product is free of defects in workmanship and material for the period and conditions defined in the BTL General Service Conditions. MAINTENANCE AND SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS | PAGE 48 OF 62…

  • Page 49: Technical Parameters

    7 TECHNICAL PARAMETERS 7.1 TECHNICAL PARAMETERS OF THE BTL-4000 SERIES DEVICES Device Type: BTL-4000 Series – physiotherapy Display: •dimensions: diagonal: 10.922 cm (4.3”) •resolution: 480 x 272 Low battery indication: on the display Design Weight – device only 2.9 kg…

  • Page 50: Technical Parameters Of Power Supply Adapter 60W / Adapter 90W

    Therapy duration For electro and laser therapies 0 to 100 minutes For ultrasound therapies 0 to 30 minutes For magnetotherapies 0 to 100 minutes Step of setting 1 second Accuracy of therapy time ± 2 % of the set value Accuracy of time values 5 seconds per day 7.2 TECHNICAL…

  • Page 51: Basic Parameters Of Electrotherapy Generator

    7.3 BASIC PARAMETERS OF ELECTROTHERAPY GENERATOR Output current* max. 140 mA (maximum instantaneous value) Output current — HVT** max. 4 A (maximum instantaneous value) Output current — microcurrents** max. 999 µA (maximum instantaneous value) Output voltage max. 130 V (maximum instantaneous value) Output voltage — HVT** max.

  • Page 52: Basic Parameters Of Laser Generator

    10mA active level settable positive / negative logic Adjustable values Frequency*** 0 – 10000 Hz with laser probe BTL-448 0 – 500 Hz with laser cluster BTL-445 ± 3 % of the stated value accuracy of frequency Dose* 0.1 – 100.0 J/cm accuracy of dose ±20% (according to IEC 60601-2-22)

  • Page 53: Technical Parameters Of Ultrasound Heads

    7.7 TECHNICAL PARAMETERS OF ULTRASOUND HEADS BTL-237-1-13 – small head Effective radiation area (ERA) ± 20% ERA (EN 61689) 0.7 cm ERA (21 CFR 1050) ± 20% 0.9 cm Maximum effective intensity ± 20% 3 W/cm 2.1 W ± 20%…

  • Page 54: Technical Parameters Of Laser Clusters

    Type: BTL-448-40IC Output power: 400 mW ± 20 % Wavelength: 830 nm Class*: Beam: collimated Aperture: Ø 4.4 mm 0.015 rad ± 0.005 rad BNR: NOHD**: 19.2 m * Laser class is classified according to IEC 60601-2-22:1995 and IEC 60825-1:1993/A2:2001.

  • Page 55: Technical Parameters Of Magnetic Applicators

    7.6 mT (76 G) These mentioned parameters for applicators are basic. The exact values and shape of the magnetic field – please see 2 part of manual – BTL-4000 Magnetotherapy User’s Guide. 7.11 APPLICABLE STANDARDS Name IEC, EN, ISO, MDD Medical electrical equipment.

  • Page 56: Interconnection Of Devices

    The contents of this document are provided «as is». Except as required by the applicable law, no warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, are made in relation to the accuracy, reliability or contents of this document. BTL Industries Limited reserves the right to revise this document or withdraw it at any time without prior notice.

  • Page 57: Units Configurations

    8 UNITS CONFIGURATIONS 8.1 TABLE OF CONFIGURATIONS OF THE COMBINED DEVICES BTL 4000 SERIES 4810S 4810L 4800SL 4810S 4810L 4800SL Type: Professional Professional Professional Optimal Optimal Optimal mains supply built-in accumulator manual mode predefined programs predefined diagnoses user programs ultrasound head 1MHz ultrasound head 1/3MHz el.

  • Page 58
    1MHz ultrasound head 1/3MHz el. patient cables – basic el. p. cab. with visual detection possibility to connect BTL-vac electrotherapies ultrasound therapies laser therapies magnetic therapies number of simultaneously running therapies number of simultaneously running electrotherapies.
  • Page 59
    2MHz el. patient cables – basic el. p. cab. with visual detection possibility to connect BTL-vac electrotherapies ultrasound therapies magnetic therapies laser therapies number of simultaneously running therapies number of simultaneously…
  • Page 60: Table Of Configurations Of The Electrotherapy Devices Btl-4000 Puls

    8.2 TABLE OF CONFIGURATIONS OF THE ELECTROTHERAPY DEVICES BTL-4000 PULS 4610 4615 4620 4625 4610 4615 4620 4625 Type: Professional Professional Professional Professional Optimal Optimal Optimal Optimal mains supply built-in accumulator manual mode pre-defined programs pre-defined diagnoses user programs ultrasound head 1MHz ultrasound head 1/3MHz el.

  • Page 61: Table Of Configurations Of The Ultrasound Therapy Devices Btl-4000 Sono

    2 MHz detection of contact continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous mode of operation pulse mode of operation duty factor 8.4 TABLE OF CONFIGURATIONS OF THE LASER THERAPY DEVICES BTL-4000 LASER 4110 4110 Type: Professional Optimal mains supply built-in accumulator…

  • Page 62: Table Of Configurations Of The Magnetotherapy Devices Btl-4000 Magnet

    8.5 TABLE OF CONFIGURATIONS OF THE MAGNETOTHERAPY DEVICES BTL- 4000 MAGNET 4920 4920 Type: Professional Optimal mains supply built-in accumulator manual mode number of magnetotherapies user programs predefined diagnoses preset programs language versions sound schemes recent therapies number of simultaneously…

BTL Magnetotherapy 4000 User manual



U S E R ’ S G U I D E




M AGNETOTHER APY …………………………………………………………………………..

. 4





Magnetic Field ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



Stationary Magnetic Field…………………………………………………………………………………………………..



Alternating Magnetic Field………………………………………………………………………………………………….



Pulse Magnetic Field…………………………………………………………………………………………………………



FMF Technology……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



Magnetic Field Units ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………






Analgesic Effect…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..



Antiphlogistic Effect ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..



Trophic Effect ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..



Myorelaxation and Spasmolytic Effect …………………………………………………………………………………….



Vasodilatation Effect …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….



Antiedematous Effect……………………………………………………………………………………………………………






BIBLIOGRAPHY ………………………………………………………………………………..





Magnetic Field Intensity ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..



Therapy DURATION…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….



Physiological Effects…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….



Selection of Therapy…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….



Magnetic Pulses……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..



Series of Magnetic Pulses………………………………………………………………………………………………..



Continuous Magnetic Field……………………………………………………………………………………………….



Pulse Shape ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….



Rectangular Pulses …………………………………………………………………………………………………………



Rectangular Protracted Pulses …………………………………………………………………………………………



Exponential Pulses………………………………………………………………………………………………………….



Sinusoidal Pulses……………………………………………………………………………………………………………



Triangular Pulses ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………



Modulation ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….



Random Frequency…………………………………………………………………………………………………………






Sine Surges …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..



Trapezoid Surges……………………………………………………………………………………………………………



Symmetric Surges…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..



Test of Connected Applicator ………………………………………………………………………………………………..



APPLICATORS …………………………………………………………………………………



“Disc» Applicator ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….



Technical Parameters ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..



Shape of the Magnetic Field of the Applicator……………………………………………………………………..



“Double Disc» Applicator ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….



Technical Parameters ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..



Shape of the Magnetic Field of the Applicator……………………………………………………………………..


PAGE 2 OF 35


“Multi Disc» Applicator…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..



Technical Parameters ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..



Shape of the Magnetic Field of the Applicator……………………………………………………………………..



“Solenoid 30” Applicator ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….



Technical Parameters ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..



Shape of the Magnetic Field of the Applicator……………………………………………………………………..



“Solenoid 60” Applicator ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….



Technical Parameters ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..



Shape of the Magnetic Field of the Applicator……………………………………………………………………..



“Linear» Applicator ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….



Technical Parameters ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..



Shape of the Magnetic Field of the Applicator……………………………………………………………………..



“Solenoid 70” Applicator ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….



Technical Parameters ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..



Shape of the Magnetic Field of the Applicator……………………………………………………………………..


PAGE 3 OF 35


Magnetotherapy is one of the basic physiotherapy procedures. Its basic form — application of a static magnetic field, i.e. a permanent magnet — has been used since time immemorial as one of the natural healing sources. However, only the coming of electronics and powerful switching elements enabled the rapid development of lowfrequency pulse magnet therapy, the effects of which are several times greater than those of the static magnetic field. Recently performed studies imply that therapy performed by means of pulse electromagnetic field is up to 100 times more effective than the application of a stationary magnetic field. That is why pulse magnetotherapy is becoming one of the most widespread physiotherapy methods nowadays. In some conditions (e.g. chronic pains in degenerative articular diseases) this method has proven successful as therapy withlong-lasting therapeutic effect even when other therapy methods failed.

Pulse magnetotherapy can be very effective in case of correct indication and application. It can also be recommended for use in combination with other therapy methods, such as pharmacotherapy, the effects of which are usually supported by magnetotherapy. That is why magnetotherapy should neither be left out in case of a comprehensive approach to treatment, nor given preference as monotherapy.

The latest findings about the physiological response of the body to the electromagnetic field imply the following effects of magnetotherapy:

analgesic effect,

antiedematous effect,

antiphlogistic effect,

trophic effect (acceleration of healing and growth),

myorelaxation and spasmolytic effect,

vasodilatation effect.

The following chapters contain a brief explanation of the physical background of magnetotherapy and the physiological mechanisms of its effect with the emphasis on application in individual fields of medicine.

The Encyclopaedia, which is a separate attachment to this User’s Guide, contains a list of recommended parameters of magnetotherapy in selected diagnoses.

The design of this device utilizes the experience acquired during the development, manufacturing and long-standing clinical operation of the BTL-09 device and state-of-the-art devices in the BTL-4000 and BTL-5000 series. During the design of new magnetic applicators for this device, there was developed a brand new technology – so-called “FMF” (“Focused Magnetic Field”) technology. Thus we managed to increase the electromagnetic field intensity on the patient’s side and significantly reduce the electromagnetic field intensity on the applicator’s side, turned away from the patient. Colloquially put, the magnetic field was moved from the improper side to the side where it is desired.

Thanks to these construction elements and thanks to state-of-the-art sources based on the principle of electronic switching elements, we have managed to reduce the power consumption significantly while preserving the same electromagnetic field intensities.


The authors of this User’s Guide are aware that such a small space is not sufficient for a detailed description of the entire magnetotherapy issue. They therefore had to make some generalizations and simplifications resulting from the limited scope of this text. More details can be found in the available literature (see the chapter





The magnetic field is an integral part of the electromagnetic field, which consists of electrical and magnetic components. Both components of the electromagnetic field are mutually closely connected and cannot exist without each other, except in the following two special cases:

electrostatic field, in which the magnetic component of the field is zero, and

stationary magnetic field, in which the electrical component is zero.

Owing to the used frequencies up to 150 Hz and owing to the design of the BTL applicators, the magnetic component of the field predominates over the electrical. In short we will hereinafter call the field by the commonly used term “magnetic field”.

The presence of a magnetic field is sensed primarily through its force effects, by which it affects magnetically conductive things, moving charges and conductors with electric current flowing through them. The force effects are not very important for our theory, because biological objects are diamagnetic. However, it is necessary to take these force effects into account in case of metal implants, especially those which are fixed in soft tissues and are not made of antimagnetic materials.

Another interaction between the magnetic field and matter occurs at the moment when matter is exposed to the magnetic field. At that moment, individual free molecules are orientated in such a way as to minimize the energy inside the field. In case of biological objects, these forces act against the bonds between atoms, molecules and ions in the tissues, which consequently also influence the cellular processes.

The effects important for physiotherapy are based on electrodynamic induction, discovered by the physicist M. Faraday in the 19th century. In practice, if you move an electric conductor in a magnetic field, voltage appears on it. If you make a closed loop of the moving conductor, electric current will flow through it. As Faraday discovered, this phenomenon also works the other way around – if the magnetic field moves or changes in the course of time (instead of the conductor), a similar effect occurs. These discoveries were only a short remove from the application of alternating magnetic fields in therapy.

In case of living organisms, the moving charges (the conductor moving in the magnetic field) are represented by the circulating body fluids (blood, lymph). In case of exposure to an alternating magnetic field, it refers to its individual more electrically conductive parts — the vascular bed (including circulating fluids), peripheral nerves, CNS neural paths and, last but not least, also individual ions and charges on cellular membranes.



A stationary magnetic field arises around permanent magnets but also around moving electric charges which move at a constant speed (direct current).

Electric charge may be carried e.g. by ions (electric current flowing in liquids) and electrons (electric current flowing in conductors). In the latter case, a magnetic field similar to that around a permanent magnet arises around the electric conductor with constant direct electric current flowing through it.


The time behaviour of this field is usually derived from the sinusoidal mains voltage. In common practice, devices most often generate fields of a frequency of 50 Hz and the sinusoidal waveform. The magnetic fields of these devices change their polarity in the course of time.

These fields, even though with much lower intensity, exist in the surroundings of each electrical conductor, transformer and motor supplied from the AC mains.


This field is characterized by fast changes of field; individual pulses are close to rectangular pulses, their edges are very steep. That is why in a pulse magnetic field the electrical component is higher and is permanently present beside the magnetic component. Some studies, which deal with the comparison of individual magnetic field types, point out the very high efficiency of the pulse magnetic field in comparison with the stationary magnetic field. Therefore, the question arises whether the positive results of the pulse magnetic field are not caused by the more intensive electrical component of the field.

Of all the possible pulse types, the BTL – 4000 Topline device has been equipped with the following ones. These pulses cover the entire spectrum of required applications, from acute to chronic states.

Device Options

The device can be set to generate the following pulse types:

• rectangular pulses,

rectangular protracted pulses,

exponential pulses,

sinusoidal pulses,

triangular pulses and

continuous magnetic field.

All the above listed magnetic field waveforms can be further modulated and the following surges of basic pulses can be created:

• trapezoid surges,

sine surges,

symmetrical surges.

It is also possible to create groups of magnetic pulses — so called bursts.

The option of random sweep of the basic selected frequency is available, too.

All these parameters can be set in the well-arranged manual mode. Preset programs and recommended diagnoses are available, too.



FMF = Focused Magnetic Field

In dependence on their spatial distribution, magnetic fields are divided into uniform and non-uniform. The uniform field has the same intensity and the same direction in all points of space.

The applicators were designed using state-of the-art ferromagnetic and magnetic materials which enable highly effective magnetic concentration systems to be assembled. These elements focus the electromagnetic field onto the desired space towards the treated body part. Therefore, the magnetic field of the BTL applicator is intentionally non-uniform and focused.

Standard Magnetic Applicator

FMF Technology Applicator of DISC Type

The sides of the applicator are identified as the patient side, from which the magnetic field is emitted to a higher extent, and the operator side, where the field intensities are several times lower.

blue indicator light

Patient / Application

Side turned away from the patient

Side of the Applicator

(operator side)

The side is marked with a pictograph of a “patient in the magnetic field”. The intensities on this side of the applicator are much higher than those on the operator’s side. During operation of the device, the operator should not touch this side of the applicator.

The side marked with the BTL logo. It is also equipped with a blue indicator lamp which indicates operation of the applicator (continuous light, fast blinking) and its readiness for operation (slow blinking).


Example of possible use of the magnetic applicator with FMF technology:

The magnetic field of the solenoid type applicators is focused inward:

Standard applicator

and its

FMF technology applicator

— magnetic field

— focused magnetic field


The BTL-4000, BTL-4000 Topline and BTL-5000 devices use for magnetic field induction (B) the unit according to the SI international unit system – Tesla (T) or its one thousandth — millitesla (mT).

Owing to the fact that the formerly used unit Gauss (G) has the following relation to millitesla:

1mT = 10 G, the display shows the converted value in mT/10.

Then, 1mT/10 = 1G.

Other magnetic field units:

Then the unit of magnetic field intensity is ampere per meter (A/m).

An older unit of intensity is Oersted (Oe).

The relation between these two units is: 1 Oe = 79.577 A/m.

The relation between magnetic induction and magnetic intensity is the following:

B = µr . µo . H


where: B is the magnetic induction

H is the magnetic intensity

µo is the permeability of a vacuum, which equals 1.2566 . 10-6

µr is the relative permeability of the environment, which expresses the magnetic properties of the environment

for a vacuum it equals 1

for magnetically conductive materials, the values are much higher than 1 (e.g. for steel, the values range from 100 to 5800)

for air, the value is similar as for a vacuum, i.e. approximately 1 (1.00000038 to be accurate)

biological tissues from this view can be compared to water, for which the value equals 0.999991

It can be calculated that for biological tissues a magnetic field induction of 1mT corresponds to a magnetic field intensity of 795.8 A/m.



Magnetotherapy is one of the most commonly used physiotherapy procedures. This method has proved successful in some diseases as therapy with long-lasting therapeutic effect (e.g. in chronic pains of vertebrogenous aetiology or in degenerative joint diseases) even when other therapy methods have failed. However, it is necessary to consider that, like every therapeutic procedure, magnetotherapy also has a certain failure rate.

It has been proved that for the treatment of patients in acute stages it is better to use a static magnetic field at the beginning; in chronic diseases it is better to use pulse magnetotherapy. Application of magnetotherapy must always be based on a thorough medical history and detailed examination of the patient.

It is suitable to take into account that the natural magnetic field of the Earth equals approximately 0.04 – 0.05 mT (0.4 – 0.5 Gauss). The BTL-4000, BTL-4000 Topline and BTL-5000 devices work with magnetic fields, the intensity of which may be up to 1000 times higher. Therefore, the application requires particular caution, also with respect to the fact that man has no specific receptors for a magnetic field and therefore does not perceive it directly – unlike e.g. an electric current.

The latest findings about the physiological response of the body to the electromagnetic field imply the following effects of magnetotherapy:

analgesic effect,

antiphlogistic effect,

trophic effect (acceleration of healing and growth),

myorelaxation and spasmolytic effect,

vasodilatation effect,

antiedematous effect.


The analgesic effect of magnetotherapy applies in most algesic states of muscular as well as articular aetiology. A detailed description of this effect is quite complicated; its physiological effects have been specified in recent years. According to these findings, the analgesic effect of magnetotherapy is accounted for by the increased secretion of endogenous opioids caused by the myorelaxation, antiphlogistic and antiedematous effect and maybe also the impact on presinaptic inhibition of nociceptive signals at the level of the medullary dorsal horns.

The treatment should be combined with aimed pharmacotherapy, manual treatment and relaxation therapy, at least in the initial stage.


This effect has not been convincingly explained so far, but recent studies agree on the following principle:

The antiphlogistic effect is induced by increased phagocytosis of neutrophils and the increased production of hyperoxide. This is followed by the induction of hyperoxide dismutase bound to endothelium, which all probably leads to a higher concentration of hydrogen peroxide in the exposed area. Owing to the fast that hyperoxide inhibits the activity of catalase, the hydrogen peroxide is not degraded and thus is able to destroy leucotriens, some of the strongest activators of phagocytosis.


This mechanism also explains the initial controversial action of the magnetic field in sterile inflammations as well as in microbially induced inflammations. This effect also accounts for temporary impairment of rheumatic conditions during the first two or three exposures, when the inflammatory symptoms are intensified by increasingly produced hyperoxide.

Simultaneous medication and physical therapy is necessary; the patient must be monitored during the therapy and in case of longer negative reaction, the therapy must be stopped.


The magnetic field accelerates healing of the skeleton and soft tissues. It is caused by better blood circulation in the exposed area and by the irritation of cytoplasmatic membranes. This activates the metabolic chain, the key point of which is a change in the cAMP/cGMP ratio.

The acceleration of healing, especially of the skeleton, is described in detail in the literature (Chvojka, 1993, 2000).


Increased blood circulation in the area improves the washing away of acidic metabolites which cause painful irritation. In the muscles exposed to the magnetic field there also proceeds increased activity of LDH (lactate dehydrogenase) and efflux of the Ca2+ ion from muscle cells.


This effect is caused by the efflux of Ca2+ ions, which causes relaxation of the tonus of the vascular musculature and precapillary sphincters. Probably the n. vagus is also directly influenced and the increased metabolic activity of cells in the exposed area results in the creation of EDRF and prostacyclins.


This effect results from the two above-described effects — the antiphlogistic effect of the magnet and acceleration of healing and improved blood circulation.



Topline BTL-4000 User Manual

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BTL-4000 Topline

Ultrasound Therapy

U S E R ‘ S G U I D E




Summary of Contents for Topline BTL-4000

  • Page 1
    BTL-4000 Topline Ultrasound Therapy U S E R ‘ S G U I D E ULTRASOUND THERAPY | Page 1 of 19 100IE20/12/2007…
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    CONTENTS ULTRASOUND THERAPY ……………………..3 Mechanism of Action ……………………….. 3 Methods of Application ……………………..5 1.2.1 According to Application Area and Movement of the Emitter Head…………5 1.2.2 According to Application Area ……………………5 1.2.3 According to Contact Between Emitter Head and Body Surface………….. 5 Ultrasound Frequency ………………………

  • Page 3: Ultrasound Therapy | Page 3 Of 19

    1 U L T R A S O U N D T H E R A P Y Continuing education is a very important aspect of healthcare delivery. Many excellent resources are available today to expand a user’s knowledge about many aspects of ultrasound therapy. BTL recommends a thorough review of this guide prior to operating the equipment.

  • Page 4
    The ultrasound dose (power emitted to a surface area) is, therefore, related to the ERA and not to the actual surface area of the emitter head. The phenomena of ultrasound refraction and reflection are caused by ultrasound wave transmission from one tissue into another and by different transmission speeds in these tissues.
  • Page 5: Methods Of Application

    Ultrasound also has several non-therapeutic effects that can have negative impacts, such as: • Tissue lesion — Mechanical and/or thermic tissue lesion can occur when the intensity is too high. Especially sensitive is the nervous system (peripheral nerve) situated right on the bone (interference!) below the surface (close field!).

  • Page 6: Ultrasound Frequency

    Subaqual application. This method has a range of advantages: It uses mainly the distant ultrasound field, where interference does not occur. Furthermore, there is no need to press the emitter head against the skin in order to maintain sufficient contact (this pressure is unpleasant or even painful for post-traumatic conditions). In addition, this application is not limited by uneven surfaces, and ultrasound can be easily applied to these surfaces, such as to interphalangeal joints.

  • Page 7: Application Time

    1.9.1 ULTRASOUND + LOW-FREQUENCY CURRENTS This combination can be applied by using one BTL Combi unit (for example, BTL-4810S Topline Combi) or by the interconnection of two single units (BTL-4000 Topline Sono and BTL-4000 Topline Puls) The current with adjustable intensity is brought to the covering metallic plate of the emitter head. The other electrode (most usually a plate electrode) is placed contralaterally, so that both the ultrasound field and low-frequency currents are brought to the treatment area.

  • Page 8: Ultrasound + Amplitude Modulated Mid-Frequency Currents (2-Pole Interference)

    • Mechanism of Action When using appropriate low-frequency current (100 – 200 Hz), the myorelaxation effect of the ultrasound is cumulatively increased. This form of combined therapy (when using ultrasound of frequency 3 MHz) is used especially for treating localized muscle hypertonia, uncoordinated muscle fibres (unable to spontaneously relax), and trigger points in superficially located muscles.

  • Page 9: Ultrasound + Tens (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation)

    • Intensity The initial intensity for continuous ultrasound (Duty factor 1:1) is 0.4 — 0.6 W/cm , the initial intensity for pulsed ultrasound with Duty factor 1:2 — 1:4 is 0.5 — 1.0 W/cm , the initial intensity for pulsed ultrasound with Duty factor 1:8 — 1:16 is 1.0 — 1.3 W/cm The AMP intensity is chosen according to the desired effect.

  • Page 10: Specific Contraindications For Ultrasound Therapy

    1.10 SPECIFIC CONTRAINDICATIONS FOR ULTRASOUND THERAPY 1.10.1 ABSOLUTE Epiphyses Of Growing Bones There is the risk of irreversible damage of the growth zone, deformity and permanent impairment. Since older types of ultrasound units employed low intensity (the displayed data did not correspond with the actual energy applied), damage to the growth zones was exceptional and many physicians did not take this contraindication too seriously.

  • Page 11
    Bony Projections Located Under The Skin — Spinous Projections Of Spondyles, Ankles, Condyles, Epicondyles This contraindication is very often ignored. Ultrasound can be used for the treatment of epicondylitis, but this is true only in case of applying ultrasound to a specific muscular group (extensoric in lateral epicondylitis, flexoric in ulnar epicondylitis).
  • Page 12: Therapy Prescription

    • Name, surname, ID number, insurance company • Diagnosis (name and number), stage • Name of treatment, type of device, if possible (BTL-4000 Topline Sono, BTL-4000 Topline Puls + BTL-4000 Topline Sono) • Ultrasound parameters: — frequency — duty factor…

  • Page 13: Treatment Procedure

    1.13 TREATMENT PROCEDURE Inform the patient about the procedure. Never let patients apply ultrasound to themselves! It is strictly forbidden! Ask the patient about contraindications that may be temporarily present – epistaxis, menstruation or pregnancy. Place the patient in the proper position for the therapy and apply the contact medium. Set the prescribed intensity, time, place the emitter head and switch on the ultrasound.

  • Page 14: Setup Of Ultrasound Generator | Page 14 Of 19

    2 S E T U P O F U L T R A S O U N D G E N E R A T O R 2 . 1 S E T U P A N D C O N T R O L O F U L T R A S O U N D T H E R A P Y On the therapy parameters screen it is possible to select ultrasound or ultrasound sequences.

  • Page 15: Ultrasound Sequence

    For information about the configuration of output connectors and interconnection of units, see the BTL-4000 Topline Series User’s Manual. If your device contains an electrotherapy generator, this button is not displayed and one pole of electrotherapy is automatically connected to the case of the head after starting the combined therapy.

  • Page 16: Specific Settings

    The heads delivered with the BTL-4000 Topline devices are interchangeable. This means that the head can be connected to any device of the BTL-4000 Topline series which contains an ultrasound generator and it is not necessary to state the number of the equipment for which the head is designed.

  • Page 17: Technical Parameters | Page 17 Of 19

    3 T E C H N I C A L P A R A M E T E R S 3 . 1 P A R A M E T E R S O F U L T R A S O U N D G E N E R A T O R Effective intensity Continuous operation ±…

  • Page 18: Parameters Of Ultrasound Heads

    3 . 3 P A R A M E T E R S O F U L T R A S O U N D H E A D S BTL-237-1-13 – small head Effective radiation area (ERA) ERA (EN 61689) ±…

  • Page 19: Accessories

    User’s Guide Head BTL-237-4-13 (large) Head BTL-237-1-13 (small) Ultrasound gel 300ml, optionally 1l Touch-pen Holder for touch-pen Mains cable Adapter Built-in accumulator Interconnection cable for combined therapy (optionally) Carry bag (optionally) Cart for BTL-4000 (optionally) ACCESSORIES | Page 19 of 19…

Самые передовые технологии в индустрии

Новая и современная физиотерапевтическая серия BTL-4000 представляет аппараты для ультразвуковой, лазерной, электро- и магнитотерапии. Непревзойденные параметры аппаратов и широкий спектр аппликаторов, делают линейку аппаратов идеальным выбором для любого профессионального использования.

Новая и первая в своем роде безоператорная технология HandsFree Sono® — революционное достижение, которое делает ультразвуковую терапию более комфортной для пациента и позволяет сократить усилия врача и время процедуры.

BTL Manuals and Guides:

The main types of BTL BTL-4000 Topline Series instructions: user guide — rules of useing and characteristics, service manual — repair, diagnostics, maintenance, operation manual — description of the main functions of BTL BTL-4000 Topline Series equipment, etc.

Most of the instructions, that you can see on the site are uploaded by our users. If you have available a manual or document for BTL BTL-4000 Topline Series, which is currently not on the site or present in a different language version, we ask you to upload your document on website, using the «uploading form» available to all registered users.

Врачам важно иметь под рукой надежное и современное оборудование, которое вкупе со стандартными методами лечения будет оказывать положительное действие на пациента. К таковым относится новейшая серия аппаратов для физиотерапии BTL 4000 Premium G. Оборудование оснащается различными модулями: магнитным, ультразвуковым, электротерапевтическим, лазерным.

Аппараты BTL 4000 Premium G: показания к использованию

Физиотерапия с помощью современных аппаратов показана в следующих случаях:

  • Лечение женщин с проблемами зачатия.
  • Реабилитация поле абортов;
  • Подготовка матки к программе ЭКО.
  • Лечение воспаления придатков матки хронического типа.
  • Восстановление после гинекологических операций.
  • Лечение бесплодия, вызванного непроходимостью маточных труб.

Какие проблемы решает физиотерапия

Физиотерапия, как метод лечения, в некоторых случаях является единственно возможным способом. К проблемам, решаемым физиотерапией, относится хроническая боль в тазовой области, возникающая в результате невралгии и спаечных процессов.
Физиотерапевтическое лечение действенно в период восстановления после хирургического вмешательства, максимально сокращая его последствия.

Также физиотерапия способствует восстановлению поврежденной слизистой матки после процесса абортирования и выскабливания полости матки.

BTL 4000 Premium G – ультрасовременное физиотерапевтическое оборудование

BTL 4000 Premium G позволяют проводить эффективное избавление пациента от боли при помощи самых мощных аппликаторов и иных аксессуаров. Есть возможность настраивать параметры оборудования под индивидуальные запросы клиента. В аппаратах компании применяется ультразвуковая технология HandsFree Sono, которая работает благодаря запатентованной Технологии Вращающегося Поля.

Преимущества физиотерапевтического оборудования

  • 7-дюймовый цветной сенсорный экран, который выдает четкую картинку со всеми необходимыми данными.
  • Аппликатор HandsFree Sono.
  • Быстрые протоколы для терапии.
  • Предустановленная терапевтическая энциклопедия с анатомическими картинками.
  • Полная библиотека протоколов.
  • Портативность.
  • Клиентская база данных.

Дополнительные аксессуары

Компания BTL помимо самого аппарата BTL 4000 Premium G выпускает также ряд аппликаторов и аксессуаров, необходимых для оптимального результата при лечении и профилактики гинекологических проблем:

  • Тележка для хранения аксессуаров.
  • Аппликатор HandsFree Sono
  • Магнитотерапевтические аппликаторы.
  • Ультразвуковые эргономические головки с подогревом.
  • Широкий ассортимент лазерных зондов и кластеров
  • Вакуумная система с возможностью регулировать интенсивность.

Применение ультрасовременного оборудования компании BTL призвано сократить сроки лечения. Можно с уверенностью сказать, что эта методика является успешной профилактикой рецидивов и осложнений, не имеет побочных эффектов. Также она позволяет снизить лекарственную нагрузку, а в некоторых случаях даже отказаться от нее.

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