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Когда следует заменять тормозную жидкость на Cadillac?

В чем разница между топливом E10 и E5?

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  5. XT5 2017
  6. Owner’s manual
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  • Xt5 Owner’s Manual

  • In Brief 5

  • Windows

  • Seats and

  • Storage Storage Cupholders Compartments

  • Instruments and

  • Lighting Exterior Lighting

  • Driving and Operating

  • General Information

  • Service and Maintenance

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Related Manuals for Cadillac XT5 2017

Summary of Contents for Cadillac XT5 2017

  • Page 1
    Owner’s Manual…
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    Introduction ……2 In Brief ……. . 5 Keys, Doors, and Windows .

  • Page 3: Using This Manual

    GM, the Keep this manual in the vehicle for GM logo, CADILLAC, the CADILLAC DANGER, WARNING, AND quick reference. Emblem, and XT5 are trademarks and/ CAUTION…

  • Page 4
    describing the operation or : Certified Technician Warning information relating to a specific : Charging System component, control, message, gauge, Warning indicates a hazard that or indicator. : Cruise Control could result in injury or death. : Shown when the owner manual : Do Not Puncture has additional instructions or : Do Not Service…
  • Page 5
    ® : Traction Control/StabiliTrak : Under Pressure : Windshield Washer Fluid…
  • Page 6: In Brief

    IN BRIEF IN BRIEF Vehicle Features Fuel ……..23 E85 or FlexFuel .

  • Page 7: Instrument Panel


  • Page 8
    IN BRIEF 1. Air Vents 0 177. 9. Hazard Warning Flashers 0 165. Heated Steering Wheel 0 109 (If Equipped). 2. Exterior Lamp Controls 0 162. 10. Infotainment 0 169. 19. Cruise Control 0 209. Turn Signal Lever. See Turn and 11.
  • Page 9: Initial Drive Information

    IN BRIEF INITIAL DRIVE REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY Lock and unlock feedback can be personalized. (RKE) SYSTEM INFORMATION See Vehicle Personalization 0 151. The Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) This section provides a brief overview : Press and release one time to transmitter may be used to lock and about some of the important features initiate vehicle locator.

  • Page 10: Door Locks

    IN BRIEF DOOR LOCKS From the inside, push down on the 2. Immediately press and hold door lock knob at the rear of the door. for at least four seconds or until Keyless Access To unlock a door, pull once on the the turn signal lamps flash.

  • Page 11: Liftgate

    IN BRIEF LIFTGATE SEAT ADJUSTMENT To close, press on the bottom of the liftgate next to the pull cup. Power Liftgate Operation Warning To disable the power liftgate function, select OFF on the liftgate switch. See You can lose control of the vehicle Liftgate 0 38.

  • Page 12: Memory Features

    IN BRIEF Raise or lower the front part of the MEMORY FEATURES When Easy Exit Options is enabled in seat cushion by moving the front the personalization menu, the feature of the control up or down. automatically recalls the current driver s previously stored exit position Raise or lower the entire seat by when exiting the vehicle.

  • Page 13: Heated And Ventilated Seats

    IN BRIEF Folding the Seatback See Head Restraints 0 55 and Reclining Press to heat the driver or Seatbacks 0 58. passenger seatback only. Either side of the seatback can be folded for more cargo space. SAFETY BELTS Press to ventilate the driver See Rear Seats 0 62.

  • Page 14: Passenger Sensing System

    IN BRIEF PASSENGER SENSING MIRROR ADJUSTMENT Manual Rearview Mirror SYSTEM If equipped, push the tab forward for Exterior Mirror daytime use and pull it rearward for nighttime use to avoid glare of the headlamps from behind. Automatic Dimming Rearview Mirror If equipped, automatic dimming reduces the glare of headlamps from United States and Canada…

  • Page 15: Steering Wheel Adjustment

    IN BRIEF STEERING WHEEL INTERIOR LIGHTING ON/OFF : Press to turn the dome lamps on manually. ADJUSTMENT Dome Lamps Reading Lamps Power Tilt and Telescoping Steering There are front and rear reading lamps Wheel on the overhead console and over the rear passenger doors.

  • Page 16: Exterior Lighting

    IN BRIEF Turn the control to the following WINDSHIELD WIPER/ positions: WASHER : Turns off the exterior lamps. The knob returns to the AUTO position after it is released. Turn to again to reactivate the AUTO mode. AUTO : Automatically turns the exterior lamps on and off, depending on outside lighting.

  • Page 17
    IN BRIEF LO : Use for slow wipes. Move the windshield wiper lever See Windshield Wiper/Washer 0 110 out of the AUTO position to and Rear Window Wiper/Washer 0 112. deactivate Rainsense. To turn the Rainsense feature on or off, see Rainsense Wipers under Vehicle Personalization 0 151.
  • Page 18: Climate Controls

    IN BRIEF CLIMATE CONTROLS The climate control buttons and the touch screen are used to adjust the heating, cooling, and ventilation. Climate Touch Screen Controls 1. Outside Temperature Display 2. Driver and Passenger Temperature Controls Climate Control Buttons 3. Fan Control 1.

  • Page 19: Transmission

    IN BRIEF See Dual Automatic Climate Control VEHICLE FEATURES CRUISE CONTROL System 0 170 and Rear Climate Control System 0 175 (if equipped). INFOTAINMENT SYSTEM TRANSMISSION See the infotainment manual for information on the radio, audio Tap Shift players, phone, navigation system, and voice or speech recognition.

  • Page 20: Driver Information

    IN BRIEF SET : Press briefly to set the speed FORWARD COLLISION and activate cruise control. If the ALERT (FCA) SYSTEM cruise control is already active, use to decrease vehicle speed. To decrease If equipped, FCA may help avoid or speed by 1 km/h (1 mph), press SET reduce the harm caused by front-end to the first detent.

  • Page 21: Front Pedestrian Braking (Fpb)

    IN BRIEF brake the vehicle. This can help avoid turning the steering wheel if the See Side Blind Zone Alert (SBZA) 0 231 or lessen the severity of crashes when vehicle approaches a detected lane and Lane Change Alert (LCA) 0 231. driving in a forward gear.

  • Page 22: Rear Cross Traffic Alert (Rcta)

    IN BRIEF See Assistance Systems for Parking or The vehicle may also have the Front to avoid a crash with a detected object Backing 0 219. Parking Assist system. behind your vehicle in your path, it may automatically brake hard to See Assistance Systems for Parking or REAR CROSS TRAFFIC a stop.

  • Page 23: Universal Remote System

    IN BRIEF Lift the cover to access the accessory have another person available to assist Sunroof Express Operation : Press and power outlet. you with programming the Universal release (1) to vent. Press and Remote system. release again to express-open. Press See Power Outlets 0 114.

  • Page 24: Performance And Maintenance

    IN BRIEF PERFORMANCE AND appropriate DIC message is The low tire pressure warning light displayed. See Ride Control System may come on in cool weather when MAINTENANCE Messages 0 148. the vehicle is first started, and then turn off as the vehicle is driven. This Press and release again to turn TRACTION CONTROL/…

  • Page 25: E85 Or Flexfuel

    IN BRIEF E85 OR FLEXFUEL remaining oil life is low, the DRIVING FOR BETTER FUEL CHANGE ENGINE OIL SOON ECONOMY message will appear on the display. See Engine Oil Driving habits can affect fuel mileage. Messages 0 144. Here are some driving tips to get the best fuel economy possible.

  • Page 26: Roadside Service

    IN BRIEF Follow recommended scheduled maintenance. ROADSIDE SERVICE U.S.: 1-800-224-1400 Canada: 1-800-882-1112 TTY Users (U.S. Only): 1-888-889-2438 New Cadillac owners are automatically enrolled in the Roadside Service Program. See Roadside Service 0 342.

  • Page 27: Keys

    KEYS, DOORS, AND WINDOWS KEYS, DOORS, AND Folding Mirrors ….. 46 KEYS AND LOCKS Heated Mirrors ….. 47 WINDOWS Automatic Dimming Mirror .

  • Page 28: Keys, Doors, And

    KEYS, DOORS, AND WINDOWS To remove the key, press the button Check the transmitter’s battery. See near the bottom of the transmitter, Battery Replacement later in this and pull the key out. Never pull the section. key out without pressing the button. If the transmitter is still not If it becomes difficult to turn the key, working correctly, see your dealer…

  • Page 29
    KEYS, DOORS, AND WINDOWS Pressing may also arm the If equipped, press and hold theft-deterrent system. See Vehicle one second to unfold the mirrors. The Alarm System 0 43. auto mirror folding feature will not operate unless it is enabled. See If equipped, press and hold Vehicle Personalization 0 151.
  • Page 30
    KEYS, DOORS, AND WINDOWS Keyless Unlocking/Locking from : Press twice quickly to open or Passenger Doors close the liftgate. When the doors are locked and the Press once to stop the liftgate from RKE transmitter is within 1 m (3 ft) of moving.
  • Page 31
    KEYS, DOORS, AND WINDOWS If passive locking is enabled, the doors Remote No longer in Vehicle Programming Transmitters to may lock with the RKE transmitter the Vehicle If the vehicle is on, with a door open, inside the vehicle. Do not leave the and then all doors are closed, the Only RKE transmitters programmed to RKE transmitter in an unattended…
  • Page 32
    KEYS, DOORS, AND WINDOWS driver door and turn the key 4. Press ENGINE START/STOP. 1. Remove the key lock cylinder cap counterclockwise, to the unlock When the transmitter is learned on the driver door handle. See position, five times within the DIC display will show that it Door Locks 0 35.
  • Page 33
    KEYS, DOORS, AND WINDOWS To program additional transmitters, repeat Steps 4 6. When all additional transmitters are programmed, press and hold ENGINE START/STOP for 12 seconds to exit programming mode. 7. Return the key back into the transmitter. Starting the Vehicle with a Low Transmitter Battery 4.
  • Page 34: Remote Vehicle Start

    KEYS, DOORS, AND WINDOWS Replace the battery if the REPLACE BATTERY IN REMOTE KEY message displays in the DIC. 2. Separate the two halves of the 3. Remove the old battery. Do not transmitter using a flat tool use a metal object. inserted into the bottom center 4.

  • Page 35
    KEYS, DOORS, AND WINDOWS Steps 1 and 2 are repeated while the Starting the Engine Using Remote : This button will be on the RKE Start engine is still running. An extension transmitter if the vehicle has remote can be requested 30 seconds after start.
  • Page 36: Door Locks

    KEYS, DOORS, AND WINDOWS Conditions in Which Remote Start DOOR LOCKS Warning (Continued) Will Not Work The remote start will not operate if Warning Outsiders can easily enter any of the following occur: through an unlocked door Unlocked doors can be dangerous. when you slow down or stop The RKE transmitter is in the the vehicle.

  • Page 37
    KEYS, DOORS, AND WINDOWS Keyless Access Key Cylinder Access To replace the cap: To access the key cylinder: 1. Pull the door handle to the open position. Use the Keyless Access system to lock Pull the door handle open and insert and unlock the door.
  • Page 38: Power Door Locks

    KEYS, DOORS, AND WINDOWS POWER DOOR LOCKS Automatic door locking cannot be When is pressed on the power door disabled. Automatic door unlocking lock switch while the door is open, a can be programmed. See Vehicle chime will sound three times Personalization 0 151.

  • Page 39: Safety Locks

    KEYS, DOORS, AND WINDOWS requested, all the doors will lock and 1. Move the lever down to the lock DOORS only the driver door will unlock. The position. Unlocked Door Anti-Lockout feature 2. Close the door. LIFTGATE can be turned on or off using the 3.

  • Page 40
    KEYS, DOORS, AND WINDOWS garage door or roof-mounted cargo. Warning (Continued) Caution The liftgate can be manually opened all the way. fan speed to the highest Driving with an open and unsecured OFF : Opens manually only. setting. See Climate Control liftgate may result in damage to the Systems in the Index.
  • Page 41
    KEYS, DOORS, AND WINDOWS The power liftgate may be temporarily liftgate operation can be used again. disabled under extreme low If the liftgate encounters multiple temperatures, or after repeated power obstacles on the same power cycle, the cycling over a short period of time. power function will deactivate.
  • Page 42
    KEYS, DOORS, AND WINDOWS 2. Stop the liftgate movement at the Operate the litftgate manually with a The liftgate can be opened when desired height by pressing any smooth motion and moderate speed. locked if the RKE transmitter is within liftgate switch.
  • Page 43
    KEYS, DOORS, AND WINDOWS To operate, kick your foot straight up by another method or start the in one swift motion under the left vehicle. The feature will be corner of the rear bumper, then pull re-enabled. it back. When closing the liftgate using this feature, there will be a short delay.
  • Page 44: Vehicle Security

    KEYS, DOORS, AND WINDOWS VEHICLE SECURITY Fast Flash : Vehicle is unsecured. If the driver door is opened without A door, the hood, or the liftgate first unlocking with the RKE This vehicle has theft-deterrent is open. transmitter, the horn will chirp and features;…

  • Page 45: Immobilizer

    KEYS, DOORS, AND WINDOWS To avoid setting off the alarm by Power Sounder, Inclination Secure any loose items such as a accident: sunshades. Sensor, and Intrusion Sensor Lock the vehicle after all occupants Make sure there are no In addition to the standard have left the vehicle and all doors obstructions blocking the sensors theft-deterrent system features, this…

  • Page 46
    KEYS, DOORS, AND WINDOWS The vehicle is automatically When trying to start the vehicle, the the vehicle. To program additional immobilized when the vehicle is security light may come on briefly transmitters, see Programming turned off. when the ignition is turned on. Transmitters to the Vehicle under Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) System The immobilization system is…
  • Page 47: Exterior Mirrors

    KEYS, DOORS, AND WINDOWS EXTERIOR MIRRORS POWER MIRRORS FOLDING MIRRORS Manual Folding Mirrors CONVEX MIRRORS If equipped, manually fold the mirrors inward toward the vehicle to prevent Warning damage when going through an automatic car wash. Push the mirror A convex mirror can make things, outward to return it to the original like other vehicles, look farther position.

  • Page 48: Heated Mirrors

    KEYS, DOORS, AND WINDOWS Resetting the Power Folding one second to unfold. See Remote The mirror(s) return to the original Keyless Entry (RKE) System position when: Mirrors Operation 0 27. The vehicle is shifted out of Reset the power folding mirrors if: This feature is turned on or off R (Reverse), or remains in The mirrors are accidentally…

  • Page 49: Interior Mirrors

    KEYS, DOORS, AND WINDOWS INTERIOR MIRRORS REAR CAMERA MIRROR If equipped, this automatic dimming INTERIOR REARVIEW mirror provides a wide angle camera MIRRORS view of the area behind the vehicle. Adjust the rearview mirror for a clear view of the area behind the vehicle. Do not spray glass cleaner directly on the mirror.

  • Page 50
    KEYS, DOORS, AND WINDOWS Dirt, snow, or other debris blocks the camera lens. Clean the lens with a soft damp cloth. The back of the vehicle has been damaged and the position and mounting angle of the camera has changed. The camera that provides the RCM Warning image is above the license plate, next…
  • Page 51: Windows

    KEYS, DOORS, AND WINDOWS WINDOWS the front windows are up. To reduce the sound, open either a front window or the sunroof, if equipped. Warning POWER WINDOWS Never leave a child, a helpless adult, or a pet alone in a vehicle, Warning especially with the windows closed in warm or hot weather.

  • Page 52
    KEYS, DOORS, AND WINDOWS Window Lockout up, and quickly release it to engage. The window can be closed by holding Briefly press or pull the same switch the window switch in the up position if conditions prevent it from express to stop window movement.
  • Page 53: Sun Visors

    KEYS, DOORS, AND WINDOWS ROOF the switch at any time to stop press and hold on the RKE movement. Press (1) to transmitter. See Vehicle Personalization 0 151. express-close. SUNROOF Sunroof Manual Operation : The If equipped, the ignition must be in SUN VISORS sunroof can change to manual mode ON/RUN or ACC/ACCESSORY, or in…

  • Page 54
    KEYS, DOORS, AND WINDOWS override the reversal system. To override the reversal system, close in manual mode. To stop the movement, release the switch. Dirt and debris may collect on the sunroof seal or in the track. This could cause an issue with sunroof operation or noise.
  • Page 55
    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS SEATS AND Safety Belt Care ….. 72 Securing Child Restraints (With Replacing Safety Belt System Parts the Safety Belt in the RESTRAINTS after a Crash .
  • Page 56: Seats And Restraints

    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS HEAD RESTRAINTS The vehicle s front seats have adjustable head restraints in the outboard seating positions. Warning With head restraints that are not installed and adjusted properly, there is a greater chance that occupants will suffer a neck/spinal injury in a crash.

  • Page 57
    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS Rear Seats Folding the Rear Head Restraint The head restraint can be folded Rear Head Restraint Adjustment rearward to allow for better visibility The vehicle’s rear seats have adjustable when the rear seat is unoccupied. head restraints in the outboard seating positions.
  • Page 58: Front Seats

    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS If you are installing a child restraint in FRONT SEATS To adjust a power seat: the rear seat, see Securing a Child Move the seat forward or rearward Restraint Designed for the LATCH SEAT ADJUSTMENT by sliding the control forward or System under Lower Anchors and rearward.

  • Page 59: Lumbar Adjustment

    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS LUMBAR ADJUSTMENT THIGH SUPPORT RECLINING SEATBACKS ADJUSTMENT Warning Sitting in a reclined position when the vehicle is in motion can be dangerous. Even when buckled up, the safety belts cannot do their job. The shoulder belt will not be against your body.

  • Page 60: Memory Seats

    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS To adjust: Storing Memory Positions Tilt the top of the control rearward To store positions to the 1 and 2 to recline. buttons: Tilt the top of the control forward 1. The ignition must be in ON/RUN to raise.

  • Page 61
    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS Manually Recalling Memory position is not automatically recalling, Obstructions Positions then store your positions to the other If something has blocked the driver button or switch RKE transmitters seat while recalling a memory Press and hold 1, 2, or to manually with the other driver.
  • Page 62: Heated And Ventilated Front

    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS HEATED AND VENTILATED setting and one for the lowest. If the front heated seats are on high, the FRONT SEATS level may automatically be lowered after approximately 30 minutes. Warning When this feature is off, the heated and ventilated seat symbols on the If you cannot feel temperature buttons are white.

  • Page 63: Rear Seats

    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS unoccupied, the auto heated or The temperature performance of an REAR SEATS ventilated seats feature will not unoccupied seat may be reduced. This activate that seat. The auto heated or is normal. Rear Seat Adjustment ventilated seats feature can be The heated or ventilated seats may be The second row seats slide forward for programmed to always be enabled…

  • Page 64
    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS Reclining the Seatback Folding the Seatback To recline the seatback: Either side of the seatback can be folded for more cargo space. Fold a seatback only when the vehicle is not moving. Caution Folding a rear seat with the safety belts still fastened may cause damage to the seat or the safety belts.
  • Page 65: Rear Seat Armrest

    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS REAR SEAT ARMREST Warning A safety belt that is improperly routed, not properly attached, or twisted will not provide the protection needed in a crash. The person wearing the belt could be seriously injured. After raising the rear seatback, always check to be sure that the safety belts are properly routed and attached, and…

  • Page 66: Heated Rear Seats

    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS HEATED REAR SEATS indicator light on the button will turn SAFETY BELTS on when the heated seat is on. On This section describes how to use vehicles with rear climate controls, an Warning safety belts properly, and some things indicator on the climate control not to do.

  • Page 67: How To Wear Safety Belts

    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS When riding in a vehicle, you travel as Q: If my vehicle has airbags, why Warning (Continued) fast as the vehicle does. If the vehicle should I have to wear safety belts? stops suddenly, you keep going until A: Airbags are supplemental systems area of the vehicle that is not something stops you.

  • Page 68: Lap-Shoulder Belt

    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS It is very important for all occupants pelvic bones and you would be less LAP-SHOULDER BELT to buckle up. Statistics show that likely to slide under the lap belt. All seating positions in the vehicle unbelted people are hurt more often in If you slid under it, the belt would have a lap-shoulder belt.

  • Page 69
    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS belt go back slightly to unlock it. If the webbing locks in the latch Shoulder Belt Height Adjuster Then pull the belt across you plate before it reaches the buckle, later in this section for more slowly. tilt the latch plate flat to unlock.
  • Page 70
    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS Shoulder Belt Height Adjuster Press the release button to lower the height adjuster. After the height The vehicle has a shoulder belt height adjuster is set to the desired position, adjuster for the driver and front try to move it down without pressing outboard passenger seating positions.
  • Page 71
    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS Center (DIC). See Safety Belt Messages Do not sit on the outboard safety belt This vehicle will have rear safety belt 0 149. Other safety belt functions are while entering or exiting the vehicle or comfort guides in the rear outboard not affected by the Automatic Safety seating positions.
  • Page 72: Safety Belt Use During

    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS SAFETY BELT USE DURING PREGNANCY Safety belts work for everyone, including pregnant women. Like all occupants, they are more likely to be seriously injured if they do not wear safety belts. 3. Be sure that the belt is not 4.

  • Page 73: Safety Belt Extender

    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS the fetus will not be hurt in a crash. keep a safety belt system from Safety belts should be properly cared For pregnant women, as for anyone, performing properly. See your dealer to for and maintained. the key to making safety belts have it repaired.

  • Page 74: Airbag System

    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS AIRBAG SYSTEM For frontal airbags, the word AIRBAG Warning (Continued) is on the center of the steering wheel The vehicle has the following airbags: for the driver and on the instrument after a crash, have them inspected panel for the front outboard passenger.

  • Page 75
    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS Warning (Continued) Warning (Continued) Warning Airbags are designed to work with inflates can be seriously injured or Children who are up against, or very safety belts, not replace them. Also, killed. Do not sit unnecessarily close close to, any airbag when it inflates airbags are not designed to inflate to any airbag, as you would be if can be seriously injured or killed.
  • Page 76: Where Are The Airbags

    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS WHERE ARE THE AIRBAGS? Driver Side Shown, Passenger Side The driver knee airbag is below the Similar steering column. The seat-mounted side impact airbags The driver frontal airbag is in the for the driver and front outboard center of the steering wheel.

  • Page 77: When Should An Airbag

    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS WHEN SHOULD AN AIRBAG Frontal airbags may inflate at different Warning crash speeds depending on whether INFLATE? the vehicle hits an object straight on If something is between an This vehicle is equipped with airbags. or at an angle, and whether the object occupant and an airbag, the airbag is fixed or moving, rigid or deformable, See Airbag System 0 73.

  • Page 78: What Makes An Airbag Inflate

    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS impacts. A seat-mounted side impact the cover. The inflator, the airbag, and But airbags would not help in many airbag is designed to inflate on the related hardware are all part of the types of collisions, primarily because side of the vehicle that is struck.

  • Page 79: Passenger Sensing System

    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS windshield or being able to steer the exceeds a predetermined threshold. Airbags are designed to inflate vehicle, nor does it prevent people You can lock the doors, turn off the only once. After an airbag inflates, from leaving the vehicle. interior lamps, and turn off the hazard you will need some new parts for warning flashers by using the controls…

  • Page 80
    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS airbag status indicator will light on the The passenger sensing system turns Warning overhead console when the vehicle is off the front outboard passenger started. frontal airbag under certain A child in a rear-facing child conditions. No other airbag is affected restraint can be seriously injured or by the passenger sensing system.
  • Page 81
    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS reminder that the airbag is off. See Warning (Continued) Warning Passenger Airbag Status Indicator 0 126. it will go. It is better to secure child If the airbag readiness light ever The passenger sensing system is restraints in the rear seat. Consider comes on and stays on, it means designed to turn on the front outboard using another vehicle to transport…
  • Page 82
    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS 3. Remove any additional items cushion, if adjustable, to make If the Off Indicator Is Lit for an from the seat such as blankets, sure that the vehicle seatback is Adult-Sized Occupant cushions, seat covers, seat not pushing the child restraint heaters, or seat massagers.
  • Page 83
    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS 2. Remove any additional material covers, seat heaters, and seat Warning from the seat, such as blankets, massagers can affect how well the cushions, seat covers, seat passenger sensing system operates. We If the front outboard passenger heaters, or seat massagers.
  • Page 84: Vehicle

    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS SERVICING THE ADDING EQUIPMENT TO with GM covers, upholstery, or trim designed for a different vehicle. Any AIRBAG-EQUIPPED VEHICLE THE AIRBAG-EQUIPPED object, such as an aftermarket seat VEHICLE Airbags affect how the vehicle should heater or a comfort-enhancing pad or device, installed under or on top of the be serviced.

  • Page 85: Airbag System Check

    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS AIRBAG SYSTEM CHECK REPLACING AIRBAG CHILD RESTRAINTS SYSTEM PARTS AFTER A The airbag system does not need OLDER CHILDREN CRASH regularly scheduled maintenance or replacement. Make sure the airbag readiness light is working. See Airbag Warning Readiness Light 0 125. A crash can damage the airbag Caution systems in the vehicle.

  • Page 86
    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS Sit all the way back on the seat. Do can provide. The shoulder belt Warning (Continued) the knees bend at the seat edge? If should not cross the face or neck. yes, continue. If no, return to the The lap belt should fit snugly can be crushed together and booster seat.
  • Page 87: Infants And Young Children

    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS INFANTS AND YOUNG Warning (Continued) Warning (Continued) CHILDREN crash, the child would not be tightened around a child s neck, the Everyone in a vehicle needs restrained by the shoulder belt. The only way to loosen the belt is to protection! This includes infants and child could move too far forward cut it.

  • Page 88
    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS Child restraints are devices used to Warning (Continued) Warning (Continued) restrain, seat, or position children in the vehicle and are sometimes called example, in a crash at only Never put a rear-facing child child seats or car seats. 40 km/h (25 mph), a 5.5 kg (12 lb) restraint in the front outboard seat.
  • Page 89: Child Restraint Systems

    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS CHILD RESTRAINT Warning SYSTEMS To reduce the risk of neck and head injury in a crash, infants and toddlers should be secured in a rear-facing child restraint until age two, or until they reach the maximum height and weight limits of their child restraint.

  • Page 90
    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS Securing an Add-On Child When securing an add-on child restraint, refer to the instructions that Restraint in the Vehicle come with the restraint which may be on the restraint itself or in a booklet, Warning or both, and to this manual. The child restraint instructions are important, so A child can be seriously injured or if they are not available, obtain a…
  • Page 91: Where To Put The Restraint

    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS Securing the Child Within the Warning Warning (Continued) Child Restraint A child in a rear-facing child back as it will go. It is better to Warning restraint can be seriously injured or secure the child restraint in a killed if the front passenger airbag rear seat.

  • Page 92: Lower Anchors And Tethers For Children (Latch System)

    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS Wherever a child restraint is installed, properly installed using either the alone instead of the LATCH anchorage be sure to follow the instructions that LATCH anchors or the vehicle s safety system once the combined weight is came with the child restraint system belts.

  • Page 93
    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS Lower Anchors Top Tether Anchor Some child restraints that have a top tether are designed for use with or without the top tether being attached. Others require the top tether always to be attached. In Canada, the law requires that forward-facing child restraints have a top tether, and that the tether be attached.
  • Page 94
    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS According to accident statistics, : Seating positions with two lower children and infants are safer when anchors. properly restrained in a child restraint system or infant restraint system secured in a rear seating position. See Where to Put the Restraint 0 90 for additional information.
  • Page 95
    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS Warning Warning (Continued) Caution (Continued) To reduce the risk of serious or fatal tightened around a child s neck, the buckled. This could damage the injuries during a crash, do not only way to loosen the belt is to safety belt or the seat.
  • Page 96
    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS restraints. Some restraints also use Refer to the child restraint another vehicle anchor to secure a top instructions and the following tether. steps: 1. Attach and tighten the lower 2.1. Find the top tether anchor. attachments to the lower 2.2.
  • Page 97: Replacing Latch System Parts

    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS If the position you are should be no more than New parts and repairs may be using does not have a 2.5 cm (1 in) of movement for necessary even if the LATCH system headrest or head restraint proper installation.

  • Page 98
    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS instructions that come with the child restraint say that the top strap must be anchored. In Canada, the law requires that forward-facing child restraints have a top tether, and that the tether be attached. If the child restraint or vehicle seat position does not have the LATCH system, you will be using the safety belt to secure the child restraint.
  • Page 99: Securing Child Restraints

    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS 6. If the child restraint has a top SECURING CHILD tether, follow the child restraint RESTRAINTS (WITH THE manufacturer’s instructions SAFETY BELT IN THE regarding the use of the top FRONT SEAT) tether. See Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children (LATCH This vehicle has airbags.

  • Page 100
    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS When using the lap-shoulder belt to Warning Warning (Continued) secure the child restraint in this position, follow the instructions that A child in a rear-facing child restraint in the front outboard came with the child restraint and the restraint can be seriously injured or passenger seat, always move the following instructions:…
  • Page 101
    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS Position the release button on the buckle, away from the child restraint system, so that the safety belt could be quickly unbuckled if necessary. Tilt the latch plate to adjust the 6. To tighten the belt, push down belt if needed.
  • Page 102
    SEATS AND RESTRAINTS 7. Before placing a child in the child restraint, make sure it is securely held in place. To check, grasp the child restraint at the safety belt path and attempt to move it side to side and back and forth. When the child restraint is properly installed, there should be no more than 2.5 cm (1 in) of…
  • Page 103: Storage Compartments

    STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE CUPHOLDERS COMPARTMENTS Cupholders in the center console have a retractable cover. Do not place items Storage Compartments on the cover. Warning Storage Compartments … 102 Glove Box ……102 Do not store heavy or sharp objects Cupholders .

  • Page 104: Armrest Storage

    STORAGE REAR STORAGE CENTER CONSOLE STORAGE Slide the cover back to open. ARMREST STORAGE There is storage in the floor of the Press the button to access the storage rear cargo area. Lift the handle to area in front of the armrest cover. For vehicles with a rear seat armrest, access.

  • Page 105: Additional Storage Features

    STORAGE ADDITIONAL STORAGE FEATURES CARGO COVER Warning An unsecured cargo cover could strike people in a sudden stop or turn, or in a crash. Store the cargo cover securely or remove it from the vehicle. If equipped, the cargo cover can be 2.

  • Page 106: Cargo Tie-Downs

    STORAGE CARGO TIE-DOWNS CARGO MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 5. Insert the cargo cover pins into the channels on both sides. The vehicle has two cargo tie-downs in Remove the Cargo Cover Cargo Management System the rear compartment. Remove the cargo cover pins from the channels and let the cover retract.

  • Page 107: Convenience Net

    STORAGE Cargo Management System Removal 1. Turn both knobs to the unlock position. 2. Press the buttons and pull up to remove the divider. 3. Remove the knobs prior to storing the divider. Failure to do so will cause interference. Cargo Management System Unlock Vehicle with Tire Inflator Kit 4.

  • Page 108: Roof Rack System

    STORAGE ROOF RACK SYSTEM sudden starts, sharp turns, sudden Caution braking, or abrupt maneuvers; otherwise it may result in loss of Loading cargo on the roof rack that Warning control. If driving for a long distance, weighs more than 100 kg (220 lb) or on rough roads, or at high speeds, If something is carried on top of the hangs over the rear or sides of the…

  • Page 109: Instruments And Controls

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS INSTRUMENTS AND Fuel Gauge ……121 Low Fuel Warning Light ..133 Engine Oil Pressure Gauge Security Light .

  • Page 110: Steering Wheel Adjustment

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS Airbag System Messages ..148 CONTROLS STEERING WHEEL Safety Belt Messages ….149 CONTROLS Security Messages ….149 STEERING WHEEL Service Vehicle Messages .

  • Page 111: Horn

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS HORN AUTO : If equipped with Rainsense , use this setting for intermittent wipes Press on the steering wheel pad to when Rainsense is disabled, sound the horn. or Rainsense wipes when Rainsense is enabled. For intermittent wipes, move WINDSHIELD WIPER/ the windshield wiper lever to AUTO, then turn the band up for more…

  • Page 112
    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS 1X : For a single wipe, briefly move Wiper Parking AUTO : Move the windshield wiper the wiper lever down. For several lever to AUTO. Turn the band on the If the ignition is put in OFF while the wipes, hold the wiper lever down.
  • Page 113: Rear Window Wiper/Washer

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS With Rainsense, if the transmission is REAR WINDOW WIPER/ The rear window wiper/washer will not in N (Neutral) and the vehicle speed is operate if the liftgate is open or ajar. WASHER very slow, the wipers will If the liftgate is opened while the rear automatically stop at the base of the wiper is on, the wiper returns to the…

  • Page 114: Compass

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS wiper is performing INT wipes, then automatically determine when a GPS Date the rear wiper automatically performs signal is restored and provide a To set the date: INT wipes. heading again. See Compass Messages 1. Touch the SETTINGS screen 0 142 for the messages that may be This feature can be turned on or off.

  • Page 115: Power Outlets

    To check for phone or other device compatibility: When adding electrical equipment, be sure to follow the proper installation In the U.S., see instructions included with the learn. equipment. See Add-On Electrical In Canada, see

  • Page 116: Cigarette Lighter

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS To charge a mobile device: Warning Warning (Continued) 1. Remove all objects from the charging pad. The system may Wireless charging can affect the between the phone and charging not charge if there are any operation of an implanted pad will become very hot.

  • Page 117: Ashtrays

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS To use the cigarette lighter, push it in To remove the ashtray, pull it from the WARNING LIGHTS, all the way, and let go. When it is cupholder. Push it back down to be GAUGES, AND ready, it will pop back out by itself. sure it is secure.

  • Page 118: Instrument Cluster


  • Page 119
    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS Cluster Application Displays Phone configuration of the steering wheel controls. When FAV While the Phone application page is The cluster has three interactive displayed, press SEL to enter the display zones. Primary is selected, pressing Phone menu. In the Phone menu, will go to the next or previous Use the five-way control on the right if there is no active phone call, view…
  • Page 120: Instrument Cluster


  • Page 121: Speedometer

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS Cluster Menu Phone desired item is highlighted. A checkmark will be displayed next to Press SEL to select the Phone app, There is an interactive display area in the selected item. the center of the instrument cluster. then press to enter the Phone Display Themes : There are three…

  • Page 122: Trip Odometer

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS TRIP ODOMETER A slight bump may be felt when the transmission is determining the most The trip odometer shows how far the fuel efficient operating range. vehicle has been driven since the trip odometer was last reset. FUEL GAUGE The trip odometer is accessed and reset through the Driver Information…

  • Page 123: Engine Oil Pressure Gauge (Uplevel Cluster)

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS At the service station, the fuel ENGINE OIL PRESSURE pump shuts off before the gauge GAUGE (UPLEVEL CLUSTER) reads full. It takes a little more or less fuel to fill up than the gauge indicated. For example, the gauge may have indicated the tank was half full, but it actually took a little more or less than half the tank’s capacity to…

  • Page 124: Engine Coolant Temperature Gauge

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS If the oil pressure warning light or ENGINE COOLANT Driver Information Center (DIC) TEMPERATURE GAUGE message indicates oil pressure outside the normal operating range, check the vehicle’s oil as soon as possible. See Engine Oil Messages 0 144. Caution Lack of proper engine oil maintenance can damage the…

  • Page 125: Voltmeter Gauge

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS VOLTMETER GAUGE Readings outside the normal operating range can also occur when a large (UPLEVEL CLUSTER) number of electrical accessories are operating in the vehicle and the engine is left idling for an extended period. This condition is normal since the charging system is not able to provide full power at engine idle.

  • Page 126: Safety Belt Reminders

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS SAFETY BELT REMINDERS Passenger Safety Belt Reminder turn off the reminder light and/or chime, remove the object from the Light Driver Safety Belt Reminder seat or buckle the safety belt. There is a passenger safety belt Light reminder light near the passenger AIRBAG READINESS LIGHT There is a driver safety belt reminder…

  • Page 127: Indicator

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS If the word ON or the on symbol is lit Warning on the passenger airbag status indicator, it means that the front If the airbag readiness light stays on outboard passenger frontal airbag is after the vehicle is started or comes allowed to inflate.

  • Page 128: Charging System Light

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS CHARGING SYSTEM LIGHT MALFUNCTION INDICATOR Caution LAMP (CHECK ENGINE If the vehicle is driven continually LIGHT) with this light on, the emission This light is part of the vehicle s control system may not work as emission control on-board diagnostic well, the fuel economy may be system.

  • Page 129
    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS If the light is flashing : A malfunction diagnostic system can detect if the has been detected that could damage adapter has been left installed in the emission control system and the vehicle, allowing fuel to increase vehicle emissions. Diagnosis evaporate into the atmosphere.
  • Page 130: Brake System Warning Light

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS 12-volt battery has recently been This light should come on briefly ELECTRIC PARKING BRAKE replaced or run down, or if the when the engine is started. If it does LIGHT vehicle has been recently serviced. not come on then, have it fixed so it will be ready to warn you if there is a See your dealer if the vehicle will not problem.

  • Page 131: Service Electric Parking Brake

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS SERVICE ELECTRIC ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM and there is a problem with the regular brakes. See your dealer for PARKING BRAKE LIGHT (ABS) WARNING LIGHT service. See Brake System Warning Light 0 129 and Brake System Messages 0 142. LANE KEEP ASSIST (LKA) LIGHT On some vehicles the service electric…

  • Page 132: Vehicle Ahead Indicator

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS without using the turn signal in that PEDESTRIAN AHEAD The traction off light comes on when direction. The LKA light will turn the Traction Control System (TCS) has INDICATOR amber. been turned off by pressing and releasing the TCS/StabiliTrak button. This light is amber and flashes as a Lane Departure Warning (LDW) alert, This light and the StabiliTrak OFF…

  • Page 133: Traction Control System (Tcs)

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS This light comes on when the If the light is on and not flashing, the If it does not, have the vehicle StabiliTrak system is turned off. TCS and potentially the StabiliTrak serviced by your dealer. If the system If StabiliTrak is off, the Traction system have been disabled.

  • Page 134: Tire Pressure Light

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS TIRE PRESSURE LIGHT When the Light Flashes First and Then Is On Steady If the light flashes for about a minute and then stays on, there may be a problem with the TPMS. If the problem is not corrected, the light will This light should come on briefly as come on at every ignition cycle.

  • Page 135: Security Light

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS It also comes on when the fuel tank is HIGH-BEAM ON LIGHT LAMPS ON REMINDER low on fuel. The light turns off when fuel is added. If it does not, have the vehicle serviced. SECURITY LIGHT This light comes on when the This light comes on when the exterior high-beam headlamps are in use.

  • Page 136: Door Ajar Light

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS Adaptive Cruise Control Light For vehicles equipped with this light, it INFORMATION DISPLAYS comes on when a door is open or not securely latched. Before driving, check DRIVER INFORMATION that all doors are properly closed. See CENTER (DIC) Door Ajar Messages 0 143 for more information.

  • Page 137
    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS SEL : Press to open a menu or select a Trip 1 or Trip 2 : The Trip display Instantaneous Fuel Economy : Shows menu item. Press and hold to reset shows the current distance traveled, in the current fuel economy in either values on certain screens.
  • Page 138
    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS Speed Limit : Shows the current speed Fuel Economy : Displays average fuel The Oil Life display must be reset after limit. The information for this page economy, the best fuel economy over each oil change. It will not reset itself. comes from a roadway database.
  • Page 139: Head-Up Display (Hud)

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS HEAD-UP DISPLAY (HUD) The HUD information can be displayed in various languages in some vehicles. The speedometer reading and other Warning numerical values can be displayed in either English or metric units. If the HUD image is too bright or The language selection is changed too high in your field of view, it through the radio and the units of…

  • Page 140
    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS : Lift up and hold to brighten the display. Press down and hold to dim the display. Hold down to turn the display off. The HUD image will automatically dim and brighten to compensate for English outside lighting. The HUD brightness control can also be adjusted as needed.
  • Page 141
    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS English English English Audio/Phone View : This displays the Navigation View : This display includes Performance View : This displays the speed view along with audio/phone the information in the speed view speedometer reading, rpm reading, information. The current radio station, along with Turn-by-Turn Navigation transmission positions, and gear shift media type, and incoming calls will be…
  • Page 142: Vehicle Messages

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS Polarized sunglasses are not worn. VEHICLE MESSAGES vehicle that may be noticed. At the point that features are disabled, this Windshield and HUD lens are Messages displayed on the DIC message displays. Turn off clean. indicate the status of the vehicle or unnecessary accessories to allow the If the HUD image is not correct, some action that may be needed to…

  • Page 143: Brake System Messages

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS BRAKE SYSTEM MESSAGES assist motor may be heard and brake CRUISE CONTROL pedal pulsation may be felt. This is MESSAGES BRAKE FLUID LOW normal under these conditions. Take the vehicle to your dealer for service. ADAPTIVE CRUISE SET TO XXX This message is displayed when the brake fluid level is low.

  • Page 144: Door Ajar Messages

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS CRUISE SET TO XXX DOOR AJAR MESSAGES the air conditioning compressor automatically turns off. When the This message displays when the cruise DOOR OPEN coolant temperature returns to normal, control speed is set. See Cruise the air conditioning compressor turns A door open symbol will be displayed Control 0 209.

  • Page 145: Engine Oil Messages

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS ENGINE OIL MESSAGES OIL PRESSURE LOW STOP FUEL SYSTEM MESSAGES ENGINE CHANGE ENGINE OIL SOON FUEL LEVEL LOW This message displays if low oil This message displays when the This message displays when the pressure levels occur. Stop the vehicle engine oil needs to be changed.

  • Page 146: Lamp Messages

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS NO REMOTE DETECTED PRESS LAMP MESSAGES and Forward Automatic Braking (FAB) may not work or may not work as well. BRAKE TO RESTART AUTOMATIC LIGHT CONTROL The vehicle does not need service. This message displays when ON/OFF FORWARD COLLISION ALERT OFF attempting to turn off the vehicle and This message is displayed when the…

  • Page 147
    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS FORWARD COLLISION SYSTEM Assist (LKA), and Lane Departure REAR AUTO BRAKE/PARK Warning (LDW) features will not UNAVAILABLE ASSIST OFF operate. Cleaning the outside of the This message displays when Forward This message displays when the windshield behind the rearview mirror Automatic Braking (FAB) has been Parking Assist system has been turned may correct the issue.
  • Page 148
    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS SERVICE FORWARD COLLISION (FCA), Forward Automatic Braking SIDE DETECTION SYSTEM (FAB), Lane Keep Assist (LKA), and SYSTEM UNAVAILABLE Lane Departure Warning (LDW) If this message displays, take the This message indicates that Side Blind features. vehicle to your dealer to repair the Zone Alert (SBZA), Lane Change Alert SERVICE PARK ASSIST system.
  • Page 149: Messages

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS RIDE CONTROL SYSTEM AWD RECOMMENDED CHANGE SERVICE TRACTION CONTROL DRIVER MODE MESSAGES This message displays if there is a problem with the Traction Control This message displays if the AWD AWD OFF System (TCS). See Traction Control/ system detects too much wheel slip Electronic Stability Control 0 206.

  • Page 150: Safety Belt Messages

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS SAFETY BELT MESSAGES SERVICE VEHICLE unlock the steering column, turn the ignition off, and then open the driver MESSAGES AUTOMATIC SEATBELT door. Then turn the vehicle back on TIGHTENING UNAVAILABLE and turn the steering wheel from side SERVICE POWER STEERING to side for about 15 seconds.

  • Page 151: Starting The Vehicle Messages

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS STARTING THE VEHICLE TIRE PRESSURE LOW ADD AIR TRANSMISSION MESSAGES TO TIRE MESSAGES SERVICE TRANSMISSION This message displays when the PRESS BRAKE TO START There may be a problem with the pressure in one or more of the tires transmission.

  • Page 152: Vehicle Reminder Messages

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS vehicle speed and engine revolutions TURN WIPER CONTROL TO VEHICLE per minute (rpm). See Manual INTERMITTENT FIRST PERSONALIZATION Mode 0 201. This message is displayed when Use the audio system controls to SHIFT TO PARK attempting to adjust the intermittent access the personalization menus for wiper speed without intermittent This message displays when the…

  • Page 153
    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS Language (Language) The selected language will display on Audible Touch Feedback the system, and voice recognition will Teen Driver Bose Audio Pilot reflect the selected language. Valet Mode Maximum Start Up Volume Teen Driver Radio Manage Favorites See Teen Driver under Settings in Vehicle This allows favorites to be edited.
  • Page 154
    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS Select Off or On. Auto Rear Defog Auto Rear Defog If equipped, this allows the Auto Rear Maximum Start Up Volume Auto Fan Speed Defog to be turned on or off. This This feature sets the maximum startup This feature will set the auto fan feature will automatically turn on the volume.
  • Page 155
    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS Select Beeps or Safety Alert Seat. Go Notifier Auto Memory Recall This feature will give a reminder that This feature automatically recalls the Forward Collision System Adaptive Cruise Control provides when current driver s previously stored 1 or This feature will turn on or off the it has brought the vehicle to a 2 button positions when entering the…
  • Page 156
    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS out of R (Reverse) or the engine is Lighting Delayed Door Lock turned off. See Reverse Tilt Select and the following may display: Unlocked Door Anti-Lockout Mirrors 0 47. Vehicle Locator Lights When on, this feature will keep the Select Off, On — Driver and Passenger, driver door from locking when the Exit Lighting…
  • Page 157
    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS Remote Start Auto Cool Seats Remote Start Auto Cool Seats Passive Door Lock Remote Start Auto Heat Seats If equipped and turned on, this feature This allows passive locking to be will turn the ventilated seats on when turned on or off and selects feedback.
  • Page 158
    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS Device Management Apple CarPlay Manage Android Auto Devices Select to connect to a different phone This feature allows Apple devices to be Select to manage Android devices. source, disconnect a phone, or delete a connected to the infotainment system Android Auto must be on for this phone.
  • Page 159
    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS Display What Can I Say? Tips Turn Display Off Clear All Private Data This feature gives voice command tips. Select to turn the display off. Touch This allows selection to clear all anywhere on the display area or any private information from the vehicle.
  • Page 160: Universal Remote System

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS UNIVERSAL REMOTE automation devices. These instructions Make sure the hand-held transmitter refer to a garage door opener, but can has a new battery for quick and SYSTEM be used for other devices. accurate transmission of the radio-frequency signal. Do not use the Universal Remote See Radio Frequency Statement 0 348.

  • Page 161
    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS until the indicator light changes light stays on or the garage 6. Inside the vehicle, press and hold from a slow to a rapid flash. door moves, programming is the newly programmed Universal Then release both buttons. complete.
  • Page 162: Universal Remote System

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS This may not be long enough for the Erasing Universal Remote Universal Remote system to pick up System Buttons the signal during programming. Erase all programmed buttons when If the programming did not work, vehicle ownership is terminated. replace Step 2 under Programming To erase: the Universal Remote System with the…

  • Page 163: Exterior Lamp Controls

    LIGHTING LIGHTING EXTERIOR LIGHTING : Turns on the parking lamps including all lamps, except the headlamps. EXTERIOR LAMP CONTROLS Exterior Lighting : Turns on the headlamps together Exterior Lamp Controls … 162 with the parking lamps and Exterior Lamps Off Reminder .

  • Page 164
    LIGHTING Turning On and Enabling IntelliBeam The high-beam headlamps remain on, The other vehicle’s lamps are under the automatic control, until one missing, damaged, obstructed from of the following situations occurs: view, or otherwise undetected. The system detects an approaching The other vehicle’s lamps are vehicle’s headlamps.
  • Page 165: Exterior Lamps Off Reminder

    LIGHTING EXTERIOR LAMPS OFF DAYTIME RUNNING AUTOMATIC HEADLAMP REMINDER LAMPS (DRL) SYSTEM A warning chime sounds if the driver DRL can make it easier for others to When the exterior lamp control is set door is opened while the ignition is off see the front of your vehicle during to AUTO and it is dark enough outside, and the exterior lamps are on.

  • Page 166: Hazard Warning Flashers

    LIGHTING the garage, there is a slight delay turn off. Move the exterior lamp TURN AND LANE-CHANGE before the automatic headlamp system control to to disable this SIGNALS changes to the Daytime Running feature. Lamps (DRL). During that delay, the instrument cluster may not be as HAZARD WARNING bright as usual.

  • Page 167: Cornering Lamps

    LIGHTING If after signaling a turn or lane change, INTERIOR LIGHTING COURTESY LAMPS the arrow flashes rapidly or does not The courtesy lamps come on when any come on, a signal bulb may be INSTRUMENT PANEL door is opened unless the dome lamp burned out.

  • Page 168: Reading Lamps

    LIGHTING To operate, press the following To manually turn the reading lamps LIGHTING FEATURES buttons: on or off: OFF : Press to turn off the dome ENTRY LIGHTING lamps when a door is open. An Some exterior lamps and most of the indicator light on the button will turn interior lights turn on briefly at night, on when the dome lamp override is…

  • Page 169: Exterior Lighting Battery Saver

    LIGHTING turned off. The dome lamp comes on EXTERIOR LIGHTING after the ignition is changed to the BATTERY SAVER OFF position. The exterior lamps and dome lamp remain on for a set The exterior lamps turn off about amount of time, then automatically 10 minutes after the ignition is turned turn off.

  • Page 170: Introduction

    INFOTAINMENT SYSTEM INFOTAINMENT INTRODUCTION SYSTEM INFOTAINMENT See the infotainment manual for information on the radio, audio Introduction players, phone, navigation system, and Infotainment ….. . 169 voice or speech recognition.

  • Page 171: Climate Control Systems

    CLIMATE CONTROLS CLIMATE CONTROLS CLIMATE CONTROL SYSTEMS DUAL AUTOMATIC CLIMATE CONTROL SYSTEM Climate Control Systems The climate control buttons and the touch screen are used to adjust the heating, Dual Automatic Climate Control cooling, and ventilation. System ……170 Rear Climate Control System .

  • Page 172
    CLIMATE CONTROLS Climate Control Touch Screen adjusted. The air delivery mode can be adjusted on the climate control status The fan, air delivery mode, air screen. conditioning, driver and passenger temperatures, and SYNC settings can Automatic Operation be controlled by touching CLIMATE on The system automatically controls the the infotainment home screen or the fan speed, air delivery, air…
  • Page 173
    CLIMATE CONTROLS rear passenger settings are adjusted, mode button is lit. Touching any of not come on. Press to select the SYNC indicator light turns off the air delivery buttons cancels recirculation; press it again to select when the temperatures are unlinked. automatic air delivery control and the outside air.
  • Page 174
    CLIMATE CONTROLS turned off or the outside temperature conditioner. If the climate control The heated outside rearview mirrors falls below freezing, the air conditioner system does not detect possible turn on when the rear window will not run. window fogging, it returns to normal defogger button is on and help to clear operation.
  • Page 175
    CLIMATE CONTROLS Auto Heated and Ventilated Seats : Sensor When the vehicle is on, this feature will automatically activate the heated or ventilated seats at the level required by the vehicle’s interior temperature. The active high, medium, low, or off heated seat level will be indicated by the manual heated seat buttons on the center stack.
  • Page 176
    CLIMATE CONTROLS REAR CLIMATE CONTROL SYSTEM If equipped, the rear climate control system is on the rear of the center console. The settings can be adjusted with the rear climate control buttons and the touch screen. Rear Climate Touch Screen Controls 1.
  • Page 177
    CLIMATE CONTROLS Rear : Touch Rear on the front climate Manual Operation To activate the rear floor air delivery control touch screen to open the rear mode, touch on the front climate : Press the rear fan control up or climate control screen.
  • Page 178: Air Vents

    CLIMATE CONTROLS AIR VENTS Keep the path under the front MAINTENANCE seats clear of objects to help circulate the air inside of the PASSENGER vehicle more effectively. COMPARTMENT AIR FILTER Use of non-GM approved hood deflectors can adversely affect the The filter reduces dust, pollen, and performance of the system.

  • Page 179
    CLIMATE CONTROLS It should only be replaced by a new evaporator to ensure proper and safe operation. During service, all refrigerants should be reclaimed with proper equipment. Venting refrigerants directly to the atmosphere is harmful to the environment and may also create unsafe conditions based on inhalation, combustion, frostbite, or other health-based concerns.
  • Page 180
    DRIVING AND OPERATING DRIVING AND Extended Parking ….196 Assistance Systems for Driving ……225 Engine Exhaust OPERATING Forward Collision Alert (FCA)
  • Page 181: Driving And Operating

    DRIVING AND OPERATING Conversions and Add-Ons DRIVING INFORMATION Become familiar with vehicle features before driving, such as Add-On Electrical Equipment ..245 programming favorite radio DISTRACTED DRIVING stations and adjusting climate control and seat settings. Program Distraction comes in many forms and all trip information into any can take your focus from the task of navigation device prior to driving.

  • Page 182: Defensive Driving

    DRIVING AND OPERATING Refer to the infotainment manual for Average driver reaction time is about Warning more information on using that three-quarters of a second. In that system, including pairing and using a time, a vehicle moving at 100 km/h Drinking and then driving is very cell phone (60 mph) travels 20 m (66 ft), which…

  • Page 183: Steering

    DRIVING AND OPERATING STEERING Curve Tips OFF-ROAD RECOVERY Take curves at a reasonable speed. Electric Power Steering Reduce speed before entering a The vehicle has electric power curve. steering. It does not have power Maintain a reasonable steady steering fluid. Regular maintenance is not required.

  • Page 184: Loss Of Control

    DRIVING AND OPERATING LOSS OF CONTROL Slow down and adjust your driving Warning according to weather conditions. Skidding Stopping distance can be longer Wet brakes can cause crashes. They and vehicle control can be affected There are three types of skids that might not work as well in a quick when traction is reduced by water, correspond to the vehicle’s three…

  • Page 185: Hill And Mountain Roads

    DRIVING AND OPERATING and you are going fast enough. When HILL AND MOUNTAIN Warning the vehicle is hydroplaning, it has little ROADS or no contact with the road. Coasting downhill in N (Neutral) or Driving on steep hills or through There is no hard and fast rule about with the ignition off is dangerous.

  • Page 186: Winter Driving

    DRIVING AND OPERATING WINTER DRIVING surface of a curve or an overpass Warning (Continued) can remain icy when the Driving on Snow or Ice surrounding roads are clear. Avoid contains carbon monoxide (CO), sudden steering maneuvers and Snow or ice between the tires and the which cannot be seen or smelled.

  • Page 187: If The Vehicle Is Stuck

    DRIVING AND OPERATING To save fuel, run the engine for short forward and reverse directions causes Warning periods to warm the vehicle and then a rocking motion that could free the shut the engine off and partially close vehicle. If that does not get the vehicle If the vehicle’s tires spin at high the window.

  • Page 188
    DRIVING AND OPERATING Tire and Loading Information Label information on tires and inflation Warning (Continued) see Tires 0 276 and Tire Pressure 0 283. Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR). This can cause systems There is also important loading to break and change the way the information on the vehicle vehicle handles.
  • Page 189
    DRIVING AND OPERATING Subtract the combined weight reduces the available cargo Available Occupant and and luggage load capacity of of the driver and passengers Cargo Weight = 317 kg your vehicle. from XXX kg or XXX lbs. (700 lbs). The resulting figure equals See Trailer Towing 0 241 for important information on towing a the available amount of cargo…
  • Page 190
    DRIVING AND OPERATING weight of the driver, passengers, Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR). and cargo should never exceed the The GVWR includes the weight of vehicle’s capacity weight. the vehicle, all occupants, fuel, and cargo. Certification/Tire Label The Certification/Tire label may also show the maximum weights for the front and rear axles, called the Gross Axle Weight Rating…
  • Page 191: Starting And Operating

    DRIVING AND OPERATING STARTING AND Warning Caution (Continued) OPERATING Things inside the vehicle can breaking-in guideline every time you get new brake strike and injure people in a NEW VEHICLE BREAK-IN linings. sudden stop or turn, or in a crash. Following break-in, engine speed Caution and load can be gradually increased.

  • Page 192
    DRIVING AND OPERATING the Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) If the vehicle must be shut off in an ACC/ACCESSORY (Amber Indicator system. See Remote Keyless Entry emergency: Light) : This mode allows you to use (RKE) System Operation 0 27. some electrical accessories when the 1.
  • Page 193: Starting The Engine

    DRIVING AND OPERATING and Car Wash Mode, see Automatic down as the engine warms up. Do Caution Transmission 0 198. And to verify the not race the engine immediately proper operation of the malfunction after starting it. Do not try to shift to P (Park) if the indicator lamp as may be required for If the RKE transmitter is not in vehicle is moving.

  • Page 194: Engine Heater

    DRIVING AND OPERATING too much gasoline. Try pushing The engine or transmission is not Warning (Continued) the accelerator pedal all the way at the required operating to the floor and hold it there, temperature. the auto engine stop/start feature, then press ENGINE START/STOP The outside temperature is not in the vehicle’s engine might seem to for up to a maximum of…

  • Page 195
    DRIVING AND OPERATING thermostat in the plug end of the cord Check the heater cord for Warning (Continued) will prevent engine coolant heater damage. If it is damaged, do not operation at temperatures above use it. See your dealer for a or using a damaged heater or 18 °C (0 °F).
  • Page 196: Retained Accessory

    DRIVING AND OPERATING 5. Before starting the engine, be SHIFTING INTO PARK Warning (Continued) sure to unplug and store the cord To shift into P (Park): as it was before to keep it away Do not leave the vehicle when the from moving engine parts.

  • Page 197: Parking Over Things

    DRIVING AND OPERATING unless the ignition is in ON/RUN, the If the vehicle cannot shift from If the vehicle is left in P (Park) while brake pedal is applied, and the shift P (Park), a Driver Information Center running and the Remote Keyless lever unlock button is pressed.

  • Page 198: Engine Exhaust

    DRIVING AND OPERATING ENGINE EXHAUST If the vehicle is left with the engine Warning (Continued) running, follow the proper steps to be sure the vehicle will not move. See There are holes or openings in Warning Shifting Into Park 0 195 and Engine the vehicle body from damage Exhaust 0 197.

  • Page 199: Automatic Transmission

    DRIVING AND OPERATING AUTOMATIC The transmission does not operate Warning when the vehicle is off. TRANSMISSION If the vehicle is in ACC/ACCESSORY, It is dangerous to get out of the the transmission can be shifted into vehicle if the transmission is not P (Park).

  • Page 200
    DRIVING AND OPERATING R : Use this gear to back up. At low vehicle speeds, R (Reverse) can be used to rock the vehicle back and If the vehicle is shifted from either forth to get out of snow, ice, or sand R (Reverse) to D (Drive), or D (Drive) to without damaging the transmission.
  • Page 201
    DRIVING AND OPERATING 2. After releasing the shift lever, it Car Wash Mode (Engine On) Caution will return to the center position. To place the vehicle in N (Neutral) To shift out of N (Neutral): with the engine running: Shifting out of P (Park) or N (Neutral) with the engine running 1.
  • Page 202: Manual Mode

    DRIVING AND OPERATING 2. From the center position, move Caution (Continued) the shift lever back. If the vehicle is in P (Park) push the shift lever warranty. If you are stuck, do not unlock button while pressing the spin the tires. When stopping on a shift lever back.

  • Page 203: All-Wheel Drive

    DRIVING AND OPERATING 3. To exit, pull back on the shift lower gear if the engine rpm is too DRIVE SYSTEMS lever a second time. The D in the high, nor to the next higher gear when shift pattern will illuminate in the maximum engine rpm is reached.

  • Page 204: Antilock Brake System (Abs)

    DRIVING AND OPERATING Sport Mode is canceled with each BRAKES sudden obstacle, a computer senses ignition cycle. See Driver Mode the wheels are slowing down. If one of Control 0 208. the wheels is about to stop rolling, the ANTILOCK BRAKE computer will separately work the When operated in Tour Mode, the SYSTEM (ABS)

  • Page 205: Electric Parking Brake

    DRIVING AND OPERATING Using ABS The Electric Parking Brake (EPB) The red parking brake status light will switch is on the instrument panel, to flash and then stay on once the EPB is Do not pump the brakes. Just hold the the left of the steering wheel.

  • Page 206: Brake Assist

    DRIVING AND OPERATING The EPB applies automatically when driving conditions. This feature uses Caution shifting to P (Park) on a steep incline. the stability system hydraulic brake The EPB releases as soon as the control module to supplement the Driving with the parking brake on vehicle is shifted out of P (Park) and power brake system under conditions can overheat the brake system and…

  • Page 207: Ride Control Systems

    DRIVING AND OPERATING holds the vehicle in a complete RIDE CONTROL StabiliTrak activates when the system standstill on a grade, HSA will be senses a discrepancy between the SYSTEMS automatically activated. During the intended path and the direction the transition period between when the vehicle is actually traveling.

  • Page 208
    DRIVING AND OPERATING in sand, mud, ice, or snow. See If the comes on and stays on: Caution Vehicle Is Stuck 0 186 and Turning 1. Stop the vehicle. the Systems Off and On later in this Do not repeatedly brake or section.
  • Page 209: Driver Mode Control

    DRIVING AND OPERATING turn TCS and StabiliTrak on again, When AWD Mode or Sport Mode is AWD : AWD Mode provides drive selected, the light will come on in the torque to all four wheels. Select AWD press and release .

  • Page 210: Cruise Control

    DRIVING AND OPERATING CRUISE CONTROL collision alert occurs when cruise RES+ : If there is a set speed in control is activated, cruise control is memory, press briefly to resume to disengaged. See Forward Collision Alert that speed or press and hold to Warning (FCA) System 0 225.

  • Page 211
    DRIVING AND OPERATING Increasing Speed While Using Reducing Speed While Using Cruise 1. Press Cruise Control Control 2. Get up to the desired speed. If the cruise control system is already If the cruise control system is already 3. Press and release SET . The activated: activated: desired set speed briefly appears…
  • Page 212: Adaptive Cruise Control

    DRIVING AND OPERATING Passing Another Vehicle While Ending Cruise Control regular cruise control. ACC uses Using Cruise Control camera and radar sensors. See Radio There are four ways to end cruise Frequency Statement 0 348. Use the accelerator pedal to increase control: the vehicle speed.

  • Page 213
    DRIVING AND OPERATING RES+ : Press briefly to resume the Warning (Continued) Warning (Continued) previous set speed or to increase vehicle speed if ACC is already ahead, or enter your lane. Also see Visibility is low, such as in activated. To increase speed by 1 km/h fog, rain, or snow conditions.
  • Page 214
    DRIVING AND OPERATING Select the set speed desired for cruise. Be mindful of speed limits, Information Center (DIC) and This is the vehicle speed when no surrounding traffic speeds, and Head-Up Display (HUD). See Cruise vehicle is detected in its path. weather conditions when selecting the Control Messages 0 142.
  • Page 215
    DRIVING AND OPERATING Reducing Speed While ACC is at a The speedometer reading can be detected ahead. Consider traffic and Set Speed displayed in either English or metric weather conditions when selecting the units. See Instrument Cluster (Base following gap. The range of selectable If ACC is already activated, do one of Level Cluster) 0 117 or Instrument gaps may not be appropriate for all…
  • Page 216
    DRIVING AND OPERATING Approaching and Following a feel or sound different than if the Vehicle brakes were applied manually. This is normal. Stationary or Very Slow-Moving Objects Without Head-Up Display Warning If ACC is engaged, driver action may ACC may not detect and react to be required when ACC cannot apply The vehicle ahead indicator is in the stopped or slow-moving vehicles…
  • Page 217
    DRIVING AND OPERATING The sensors are blocked. When the vehicle ahead drives away, Warning press RES+ or the accelerator pedal to The Traction Control System (TCS) resume cruise control. If stopped for or electronic stability control Leaving the vehicle without placing more than two minutes or if the driver system has activated or been it in P (Park) can be dangerous.
  • Page 218
    DRIVING AND OPERATING Curves in the Road Warning (Continued) Warning brakes if necessary. Select an appropriate speed while driving in On curves, ACC may not detect a curves. vehicle ahead in your lane. You could be startled if the vehicle ACC may operate differently in a sharp accelerates up to the set speed, curve.
  • Page 219
    DRIVING AND OPERATING Other Vehicle Lane Changes driving on steep hills. The driver will System operation may also be limited often need to take over acceleration under snow, heavy rain, or road spray and braking on steep hills, especially conditions. when towing a trailer.
  • Page 220: Driver Assistance Systems

    DRIVING AND OPERATING DRIVER ASSISTANCE Audible or Safety Alert Seat Warning (Continued) Some driver assistance features alert SYSTEMS the driver of obstacles by beeping. To Detect vehicles or objects change the volume of the warning This vehicle may have features that outside the area monitored by chime, see Comfort and Convenience work together to help avoid crashes or…

  • Page 221
    DRIVING AND OPERATING Rear Vision Camera (RVC) the front emblem, the side cameras are on the bottom of the outside When the vehicle is shifted into rearview mirrors, and the rear camera R (Reverse), the RVC displays an image is above the license plate. of the area behind the vehicle in the center stack display.
  • Page 222
    DRIVING AND OPERATING If equipped, the front view camera also 25 cm (10 in) high off the ground and displays when the Front Parking Assist below bumper level. These detection system detects an object within distances may be shorter during 30 cm (12 in).
  • Page 223
    DRIVING AND OPERATING Safety Alert Seat will pulse five times. Warning Beeps for FPA are higher pitched than for RPA. The Backing Warning System only Backing Warning and Reverse operates at speeds greater than Automatic Braking (RAB) 8 km/h (5 mph). It does not detect children, pedestrians, bicyclists, Vehicles with Adaptive Cruise Control animals, or objects below the…
  • Page 224
    DRIVING AND OPERATING Use caution while backing up when Warning Warning towing a trailer, as the RCTA detection zones that extend out from the back of RAB may not avoid many types of There may be instances where the vehicle do not move further back backing crashes.
  • Page 225
    DRIVING AND OPERATING Automatic Parking Assist (APA) to switch the APA parking mode Warning (Continued) between perpendicular and parallel If equipped, APA searches for and parking. steers the vehicle into parallel and that is behind or alongside of the APA searches for parking spaces to the perpendicular parking spots.
  • Page 226: System

    DRIVING AND OPERATING the parking maneuver. APA will beep ASSISTANCE SYSTEMS FOR and display a PARKING COMPLETE DRIVING message. Place the vehicle in P (Park). If equipped, when driving the vehicle APA may automatically disengage if: in a forward gear, Forward Collision The steering wheel is used by the Alert (FCA), Lane Departure Warning driver.

  • Page 227
    DRIVING AND OPERATING Cruise Control (ACC), it can detect personalization. See Collision/ Warning (Continued) vehicles to distances of approximately Detection Systems under Vehicle 110 m (360 ft) and operates at all Personalization 0 151. vehicle ahead if the FCA sensor is speeds.
  • Page 228
    DRIVING AND OPERATING The vehicle ahead indicator will the vehicle speed, the farther away the display amber when you are following alert will occur. Consider traffic and a vehicle ahead much too closely. weather conditions when selecting the alert timing. The range of selectable Selecting the Alert Timing alert timings may not be appropriate for all drivers and driving conditions.
  • Page 229: Forward Automatic

    DRIVING AND OPERATING FORWARD AUTOMATIC FAB may slow the vehicle to a Warning complete stop to try to avoid a BRAKING (FAB) potential crash. If this happens, FAB FAB is an emergency crash If the vehicle has Forward Collision may engage the Electric Parking Brake preparation feature and is not (EPB) to hold the vehicle at a stop.

  • Page 230: System

    DRIVING AND OPERATING to be applied as needed. IBA will FRONT PEDESTRIAN Warning automatically disengage only when the BRAKING (FPB) SYSTEM brake pedal is released. FPB does not provide an alert or If equipped, the FPB system may help automatically brake the vehicle, avoid or reduce the harm caused by Warning unless it detects a pedestrian.

  • Page 231
    DRIVING AND OPERATING FPB can be set to Off, Alert, or Alert crashes or reduce pedestrian injury. and Brake through vehicle FPB can automatically brake to personalization. See Collision/ detected pedestrians between 8 km/h Detection Systems under Vehicle (5 mph) and 80 km/h (50 mph). Personalization 0 151.
  • Page 232: Side Blind Zone Alert (Sbza)

    DRIVING AND OPERATING Automatic Braking can be disabled mirror display will light up if a moving Warning (Continued) through vehicle personalization. See vehicle is detected in that blind zone. Front Pedestrian Detection in If the turn signal is activated and a provide alerts when changing lanes Collision/Detection Systems under vehicle is also detected on the same…

  • Page 233
    DRIVING AND OPERATING approximately between 0.5 m (1.5 ft) When the vehicle is started, both LCA displays may not come on when and 2 m (6 ft) off the ground. The Side outside mirror LCA displays will passing a vehicle quickly, for a stopped Blind Zone Alert (SBZA) warning area briefly come on to indicate the system vehicle, or when towing a trailer.
  • Page 234: Lane Departure

    DRIVING AND OPERATING rainstorms. For cleaning instructions, LANE KEEP ASSIST (LKA) Warning (Continued) see «Washing the Vehicle» under If equipped, LKA may help avoid Exterior Care 0 314. If the DIC still The LKA and LDW systems crashes due to unintentional lane displays the system unavailable may not: departures.

  • Page 235
    DRIVING AND OPERATING Roads with poor lane markings, When on, is green if LKA is Warning (Continued) such as two-lane roads. available to assist and provide LDW alerts. It may assist by gently turning If the LKA system is not functioning keep your attention on the road and properly when lane markings are the steering wheel and display…
  • Page 236: Fuel

    DRIVING AND OPERATING FUEL octane rating of less than 87, as this Caution (Continued) may cause engine knock and will lower GM recommends the use of TOP TIER fuel economy. (MMT), which can damage the Detergent Gasoline to keep the engine Prohibited Fuels emissions control system and cleaner and reduce engine deposits.

  • Page 237: Fuels In Foreign Countries

    DRIVING AND OPERATING a smog-check test. See Malfunction FILLING THE TANK Warning (Continued) Indicator Lamp (Check Engine Light) 0 127. If this occurs, return to your Warning Fuel can spray out if the authorized dealer for diagnosis. If it is refueling nozzle is inserted determined that the condition is Fuel vapors and fuel fires burn…

  • Page 238: Filling A Portable Fuel

    DRIVING AND OPERATING unlock. To open the fuel door, push Warning Warning and release the rearward center edge of the door. If a fire starts while you are Attempting to refuel without using The vehicle has a capless refueling refueling, do not remove the nozzle. the funnel adapter may cause fuel system and does not have a fuel cap.

  • Page 239: Trailer Towing

    DRIVING AND OPERATING TRAILER TOWING Do not tow a trailer during the Warning (Continued) first 800 km (500 mi), to prevent damage to the engine, axle, GENERAL TOWING Remove the container from or other parts. the vehicle, trunk, or pickup INFORMATION Then, during the first 800 km bed before filling.

  • Page 240
    DRIVING AND OPERATING itself. Get acquainted with the This can help to avoid situations that Warning handling and braking of the rig before require heavy braking and sudden setting out for the open road. turns. When towing a trailer, exhaust Before starting, check all trailer hitch Passing gases may collect at the rear of the…
  • Page 241
    DRIVING AND OPERATING When turning with a trailer, make The vehicle can tow in D (Drive). Use a Warning (Continued) wider turns than normal so the trailer lower gear if the transmission shifts will not strike soft shoulders, curbs, too often. and the trailer can be damaged.
  • Page 242: Trailer Towing

    DRIVING AND OPERATING Shift into a gear. TRAILER TOWING Use the following chart to determine how much the vehicle can weigh, Release the parking brake. Before pulling a trailer, there are three based upon the vehicle model and important considerations that have to 2.

  • Page 243
    DRIVING AND OPERATING Maximum Trailer Maximum Tongue Vehicle Weight GCWR* Weight 3.6L Engine, without Trailering Package 454 kg (1,000 lb) 2 722 kg (6,001 lb) 45.4 kg (100 lb) 3.6L Engine, with Trailering Package 1 588 kg (3,500 lb) 3 850 kg (8,480 lb) 159 kg (350 lb) *The Gross Combination Weight Rating (GCWR) is the total allowable weight of the completely loaded vehicle and trailer including any passengers, cargo, equipment, and conversions.
  • Page 244: Towing Equipment

    DRIVING AND OPERATING It is important that the vehicle does TOWING EQUIPMENT Hitch Cover not exceed any of its ratings Hitches GCWR, GVWR, RGAWR, Maximum Trailer Rating, or Tongue Weight. The It is important to have the correct only way to be sure it is not exceeding hitch equipment.

  • Page 245
    DRIVING AND OPERATING 2. Move the bottom of the cover Because the vehicle has antilock Black: Ground forward until the lower tabs line brakes, do not tap into the vehicle’s Blue: Electric Brakes* up with the lower fascia slots. brake system. If you do, both brake *The fuse for this circuit is installed in systems will not work well, or at all.
  • Page 246: Trailer Sway Control (Tsc)

    DRIVING AND OPERATING The electric trailer brake controller CONVERSIONS AND Warning should be installed by your dealer or a ADD-ONS qualified service center. Even if the vehicle is equipped with TSC, trailer sway could result in loss TRAILER SWAY ADD-ON ELECTRICAL of control and the vehicle could CONTROL (TSC) EQUIPMENT…

  • Page 247
    DRIVING AND OPERATING Caution Some electrical equipment can damage the vehicle or cause components to not work and would not be covered by the vehicle warranty. Always check with your dealer before adding electrical equipment. Add-on equipment can drain the vehicle’s 12-volt battery, even if the vehicle is not operating.
  • Page 248: Vehicle Care

    VEHICLE CARE VEHICLE CARE Park Brake and P (Park) Tire Terminology and Mechanism Check ….264 Definitions ….. . . 281 Wiper Blade Replacement .

  • Page 249: General Information

    VEHICLE CARE Towing the Vehicle GENERAL INFORMATION birth defects or other reproductive harm. Engine exhaust, many parts and Towing the Vehicle ….312 For service and parts needs, visit your systems, many fluids, and some Recreational Vehicle Towing .

  • Page 250: Vehicle Checks

    VEHICLE CARE aerodynamics, durability, and VEHICLE CHECKS Keep a record with all parts receipts electronic systems like antilock brakes, and list the mileage and the date of traction control, and stability control. any service work performed. See DOING YOUR OWN These accessories or modifications Maintenance Records 0 335.

  • Page 251
    VEHICLE CARE 1. Pull the hood release lever with To close the hood: this symbol on it. It is inside the 1. Before closing the hood, be sure vehicle on the lower side of the all the filler caps are on properly. instrument panel.
  • Page 252: Overview


  • Page 253: Engine Oil

    VEHICLE CARE 1. Engine Air Cleaner/Filter 0 255. ENGINE OIL dipstick handle is a loop. See Engine Compartment Overview 0 251 for the 2. Engine Oil Fill Cap. See Engine To ensure proper engine performance location. Oil 0 252. and long life, careful attention must be paid to engine oil.

  • Page 254
    VEHICLE CARE If unable to wait two hours, the Selecting the Right Engine Oil Caution engine must be off for at least Selecting the right engine oil depends 15 minutes if the engine is warm, on both the proper oil specification Do not add too much oil.
  • Page 255: Engine Oil Life System

    VEHICLE CARE Viscosity Grade What to Do with Used Oil engine revolutions, engine temperature, and miles driven. Based Use SAE 5W-30 viscosity grade Used engine oil contains certain on driving conditions, the mileage at engine oil. elements that can be unhealthy for which an oil change is indicated can your skin and could even cause cancer.

  • Page 256: Automatic Transmission Fluid

    VEHICLE CARE If the system is ever reset accidentally, Be careful not to reset the oil life AUTOMATIC the oil must be changed at 5 000 km display accidentally at any time TRANSMISSION FLUID (3,000 mi) since the last oil change. other than after the oil is Remember to reset the oil life system changed.

  • Page 257: Cooling System

    VEHICLE CARE removing the engine air cleaner/filter, 2. Lift the air cleaner/filter cover COOLING SYSTEM make sure that the engine air cleaner/ housing away from the engine. The cooling system allows the engine filter housing and nearby components 3. Pull out the filter. to maintain the correct working are free of dirt and debris.

  • Page 258: Engine Coolant

    VEHICLE CARE What to Use Warning (Continued) Caution (Continued) Warning cause injury. Keep hands, clothing, corrosion. In addition, the engine and tools away from any underhood coolant could require changing Adding only plain water or some electric fan. sooner. Any repairs would not be other liquid to the cooling system covered by the vehicle warranty.

  • Page 259
    VEHICLE CARE Gives boiling protection up to service center, familiar with legal the top rib on the middle of the tank, 129 °C (265 °F), engine requirements regarding used coolant but be sure the cooling system is cool temperature. disposal. This will help protect the before this is done.
  • Page 260: Engine Overheating

    VEHICLE CARE 2. Keep turning the pressure cap ENGINE OVERHEATING Warning slowly and remove it. The vehicle has several indicators to 3. Fill the coolant surge tank with Steam and scalding liquids from a warn of the engine overheating. the proper mixture to the mark hot cooling system can blow out There is an engine coolant pointed to on the front of the…

  • Page 261: Washer Fluid

    VEHICLE CARE If No Steam Is Coming from the 10 minutes. Keep a safe distance from Caution the vehicle in front. If the warning Engine Compartment does not come back on, continue to Running the engine without coolant If an engine overheat warning is drive normally and have the cooling may cause damage or a fire.

  • Page 262: Brakes

    VEHICLE CARE Caution (Continued) Warning to freeze and damage the The brake wear warning sound washer fluid tank and other means that soon the brakes will not parts of the washer system. work well. That could lead to a crash. When the brake wear warning When using concentrated Open the cap with the washer symbol sound is heard, have the vehicle…

  • Page 263: Brake Fluid

    VEHICLE CARE Brake pads should be replaced as The brake master cylinder reservoir is linings are installed. Add or remove complete sets. filled with GM approved DOT 3 brake fluid, as necessary, only when work is fluid as indicated on the reservoir cap. done on the brake hydraulic system.

  • Page 264: Battery — North America

    VEHICLE CARE What to Add BATTERY — NORTH Warning AMERICA Use only GM approved DOT 3 brake fluid from a clean, sealed container. WARNING: Battery posts, terminals, The original equipment battery is See Recommended Fluids and and related accessories contain lead maintenance free.

  • Page 265: All-Wheel Drive

    VEHICLE CARE Infrequent Usage: Remove the black, 2. Apply both the parking brake and Park on a fairly steep hill, with the negative ( ) cable from the battery to the regular brake. vehicle facing downhill. Keeping your keep the battery from running down. foot on the regular brake, set the Do not use the accelerator pedal, parking brake.

  • Page 266
    VEHICLE CARE windshield wiper blade length and Rear Wiper Blade Replacement type, see Maintenance Replacement To remove the wiper blade: Parts 0 334. Caution Allowing the wiper arm to touch the windshield when no wiper blade is installed could damage the windshield.
  • Page 267: Windshield Replacement

    VEHICLE CARE WINDSHIELD HEADLAMP AIMING BULB REPLACEMENT REPLACEMENT Headlamp aim has been preset and For the proper type of replacement should need no further adjustment. bulbs, or any bulb changing procedure HUD System not listed in this section, contact your If the vehicle is damaged in a crash, The windshield is part of the HUD dealer.

  • Page 268: Signal

    VEHICLE CARE HEADLAMPS AND FRONT 4. Disconnect the wiring harness BACK-UP LAMPS connector from the bulb. TURN SIGNAL 5. Install the new bulb in the headlamp assembly by turning clockwise. 6. Reconnect the wiring harness connector. 7. Install the headlamp bulb access cover.

  • Page 269: Electrical System

    VEHICLE CARE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Headlamp Wiring breakers. This greatly reduces the chance of damage caused by electrical An electrical overload may cause the problems. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM lamps to go on and off, or in some To check a fuse, look at the cases to remain off.

  • Page 270
    VEHICLE CARE To remove the fuse block cover, press the clips on the cover and lift it straight up. The vehicle may not be equipped with all of the fuses, relays, and features shown. Caution Do not pull the engine compartment fuse block lever, since it is intended only for service purposes.
  • Page 271
    VEHICLE CARE Fuses Usage ABS pump Starter 1 DC DC transformer 1 DC DC transformer 2 Starter 3 Front wiper Starter 2 LED/Automatic headlamp leveling Rear wiper 1 Engine Compartment Fuse Block Automatic headlamp leveling…
  • Page 272
    VEHICLE CARE Fuses Usage Fuses Usage Fuses Usage Left high-beam Heated steering wheel headlamp A/C clutch Right high-beam Electronic brake Transmission range headlamp control module control module Automatic headlamp Parking/Trailer lamps Coolant pump leveling Right trailer Transmission control stoplamp/Turnlamp module 1 Steering column lock Engine control Left rear bus electrical…
  • Page 273: Instrument Panel Fuse Block

    VEHICLE CARE fuses, open the fuse panel door, Fuses Usage Fuses Usage or remove the panel from the Engine control Coolant pump passenger side by pulling it out. module powertrain 1 Engine control To reinstall the door, push the door Engine control module back into its original location.

  • Page 274
    VEHICLE CARE Fuses Usage Fuses Usage Body control Instrument panel module 6 switch bank Diagnostic link Sunroof Electric steering Body control column lock module 1 Instrument panel cluster Logistics HVAC Rear seat Body control entertainment module 3 Body control Head-up display (if module 4 equipped) Infotainment…
  • Page 275: Rear Compartment Fuse

    VEHICLE CARE REAR COMPARTMENT FUSE Fuses Usage BLOCK Radio Steering wheel controls Front blower AC DC inverter Driver power seat Passenger power seat Battery IEC 1 feed Electric power steering Rear seat The rear compartment fuse block is in entertainment/USB the cargo area, on the driver side of charge/Wireless the vehicle behind the lower trim…

  • Page 276
    VEHICLE CARE Fuses Usage Fuses Usage Fuses Usage Trailer connector Window module Trailer battery 1 Rear closure Driver safety belt Memory seat module Rear blower Passenger window Automatic occupancy switch sensor Rear drive control Trailer battery 2 Passenger safety belt Trailer brake Right window Driver ventilated seat/…
  • Page 277: Wheels And Tires

    VEHICLE CARE WHEELS AND TIRES Fuses Usage Warning (Continued) TIRES Underinflated tires pose Universal garage door the same danger as Every new GM vehicle has opener/Rain sensor overloaded tires. The high-quality tires made by a Theft deterrent resulting crash could cause leading tire manufacturer.

  • Page 278: All-Season Tires

    VEHICLE CARE ALL-SEASON TIRES on the vehicle if frequent driving on Warning (Continued) ice or snow covered roads is expected. This vehicle may come with all-season See your dealer for details regarding Replace any tires that have tires. These tires are designed to winter tire availability and proper tire been damaged by impacts provide good overall performance on…

  • Page 279: Summer Tires

    VEHICLE CARE SUMMER TIRES Caution (Continued) This vehicle may come with high less, let them warm up in a heated performance summer tires. These tires space to at least 5 °C (40 °F) for have a special tread and compound 24 hours or more before being that are optimized for maximum dry and wet road performance.

  • Page 280
    VEHICLE CARE molded onto the sidewall. GM’s molded onto both sides of the tire, TPC specifications meet or exceed although only one side may have all federal safety guidelines. the date of manufacture. (3) DOT (Department of (5) Tire Ply Material The type of Transportation) The Department…
  • Page 281: Tire Designations

    VEHICLE CARE (3) Tire Identification Number first character in the tire size means a passenger vehicle tire (TIN) The letters and numbers means the tire is for temporary engineered to standards set by the following the DOT (Department of use only. U.S.

  • Page 282: Tire Terminology And Definitions

    VEHICLE CARE (6) Service Description These Belt A rubber coated layer of DOT Markings A code molded characters represent the load index cords between the plies and the into the sidewall of a tire and speed rating of the tire. The tread.

  • Page 283
    VEHICLE CARE Kilopascal (kPa) The metric unit Normal Occupant Weight pressure as shown on the tire for air pressure. number of occupants a vehicle is placard. See Tire Pressure 0 283 designed to seat multiplied by and Vehicle Load Limits 0 186. Light Truck (LT-Metric) Tire 68 kg (150 lb).
  • Page 284: Tire Pressure

    VEHICLE CARE when only 1.6 mm (1/16 in) of Vehicle Placard A label Caution (Continued) tread remains. See When It Is Time permanently attached to a vehicle for New Tires 0 290. showing the vehicle capacity Poor handling. weight and the original equipment UTQGS (Uniform Tire Quality Reduced fuel economy.

  • Page 285: Operation

    VEHICLE CARE How the vehicle is loaded affects tire inflation pressure matches the TIRE PRESSURE FOR vehicle handling and ride comfort. recommended pressure on the Tire HIGH-SPEED OPERATION Never load the vehicle with more and Loading Information label, no weight than it was designed to further adjustment is necessary.

  • Page 286: Tire Pressure Monitor System

    VEHICLE CARE shown on the tire sidewall, or 280 kPa than the size indicated on the vehicle Your vehicle has also been equipped (41 psi), whichever is lower. Return the placard or tire inflation pressure label, with a TPMS malfunction indicator to tires to the recommended cold tire you should determine the proper tire indicate when the system is not…

  • Page 287: Operation

    VEHICLE CARE See Radio Frequency Statement 0 348. pressure shown on the Tire and example of the Tire and Loading Loading Information label. See Vehicle Information label and its location. Also TIRE PRESSURE MONITOR Load Limits 0 186. see Tire Pressure 0 283. OPERATION A message to check the pressure in a The TPMS can warn about a low tire…

  • Page 288
    VEHICLE CARE TPMS Malfunction Light and light and the DIC message should service if the TPMS malfunction light go off after successfully and DIC message comes on and Message completing the sensor matching stays on. The TPMS will not function properly if process.
  • Page 289: Tire Inspection

    VEHICLE CARE There are two minutes to match the The horn sounds twice to signal active. The TIRE LEARNING first tire/wheel position, and the receiver is in relearn mode ACTIVE message on the DIC five minutes overall to match all four and the TIRE LEARNING ACTIVE display screen goes off.

  • Page 290: Tire Rotation

    VEHICLE CARE The tire has a bump, bulge, Check that all wheel nuts are properly tightened. See Wheel or split. Nut Torque under Capacities and The tire has a puncture, cut, Specifications 0 337. or other damage that cannot be repaired well because of the Warning size or location of the damage.

  • Page 291: When It Is Time For New

    VEHICLE CARE WHEN IT IS TIME FOR NEW never used. Multiple factors including month, remove the tires or raise the temperatures, loading conditions, and vehicle to reduce the weight from the TIRES inflation pressure maintenance affect tires. Factors such as maintenance, how fast aging takes place.

  • Page 292
    VEHICLE CARE will be followed by MS for mud Warning Warning and snow. See Tire Sidewall Labeling 0 278. Tires could explode during Using bias-ply tires on the improper service. Attempting to vehicle may cause the wheel rim GM recommends replacing worn mount or dismount a tire could flanges to develop cracks after tires in complete sets of four.
  • Page 293: Different Size Tires And Wheels

    VEHICLE CARE The Tire and Loading Information tread, winter tires, compact spare Warning (Continued) label indicates the original tires, tires with nominal rim equipment tires on the vehicle. See diameters of 10 to 12 inches are selected. This increases the Vehicle Load Limits 0 186.

  • Page 294: Balance

    VEHICLE CARE Treadwear asphalt and concrete. A tire higher levels of performance on marked C may have poor traction the laboratory test wheel than the The treadwear grade is a performance. Warning: The minimum required by law. comparative rating based on the traction grade assigned to this tire Warning: The temperature grade wear rate of the tire when tested…

  • Page 295: Wheel Replacement

    VEHICLE CARE on a smooth road, the tires and wheels Used Replacement Wheels Warning may need to be rebalanced. See your dealer for proper diagnosis. Warning Using the wrong replacement wheels, wheel bolts, or wheel nuts WHEEL REPLACEMENT Replacing a wheel with a used one can be dangerous.

  • Page 296: If A Tire Goes Flat

    VEHICLE CARE A rear blowout, particularly on a curve, Warning (Continued) Caution (Continued) acts much like a skid and may require the same correction as used in a skid. manufacturer recommends it for the tightly as possible with the ends Stop pressing the accelerator pedal vehicle’s tire size combination and securely fastened.

  • Page 297
    VEHICLE CARE the tire sealant and compressor kit, Warning Warning (Continued) see Tire Sealant and Compressor Kit 0 297. Lifting a vehicle and getting under death. Find a level place to change When the vehicle has a flat tire (2), it to do maintenance or repairs is the tire.
  • Page 298: Tire Sealant And Compressor Kit

    VEHICLE CARE TIRE SEALANT AND Read and follow all of the tire sealant Warning and compressor kit instructions. COMPRESSOR KIT The kit includes: Storing the tire sealant and compressor kit or other equipment Warning in the passenger compartment of Idling a vehicle in an enclosed area the vehicle could cause injury.

  • Page 299
    VEHICLE CARE Using the Tire Sealant and 3. Place the compressor on the ground near the flat tire. Compressor Kit to Temporarily Seal and Inflate a Punctured Tire When using the tire sealant and compressor kit during cold temperatures, warm the kit in a heated environment for five minutes.
  • Page 300
    VEHICLE CARE 9. Start the vehicle. The vehicle must be running while using the air compressor. 10. Press the on/off button (5) to turn the tire sealant and compressor kit on. The compressor will inject sealant and air into the tire. The pressure gauge (8) will initially show a high pressure while the compressor pushes the…
  • Page 301
    VEHICLE CARE get an accurate pressure reading. Be careful while handling the tire The compressor may be turned sealant and compressor kit as it on/off until the correct pressure could be warm after usage. is reached. 13. Unplug the power plug (9) from the accessory power outlet in the Caution vehicle.
  • Page 302
    VEHICLE CARE If the tire pressure has fallen Using the Tire Sealant and more than 68 kPa (10 psi) below Compressor Kit without Sealant the recommended inflation to Inflate a Tire (Not Punctured) pressure, stop driving the vehicle. The kit includes: The tire is too severely damaged and the tire sealant cannot seal the tire.
  • Page 303
    VEHICLE CARE 3. Place the compressor on the 8. Press the on/off button (5) to Caution (Continued) ground near the flat tire. turn the tire sealant and compressor kit on. Make sure the tire valve stem is The tire is too severely damaged positioned close to the ground so The compressor will inflate the and the tire sealant and compressor…
  • Page 304: Tire Changing

    VEHICLE CARE 15. Return the equipment to its 2. See Cargo Management original storage location in the System 0 105. vehicle. The tire sealant and compressor kit has accessory adapters located in a compartment on the bottom of its housing that can be used to inflate air mattresses, balls, etc.

  • Page 305
    VEHICLE CARE 4. Turn the wing nut (4) 5. Remove the nut retaining the 2. Turn the wheel wrench counterclockwise to remove the spare tire. counterclockwise to loosen all the jack (1), wheel wrench (2), and wheel nuts, but do not remove 6.
  • Page 306
    VEHICLE CARE Warning Caution Raising the vehicle with the jack Using a jack to raise the vehicle improperly positioned can damage without positioning it correctly the vehicle and even make the could damage your vehicle. When vehicle fall. To help avoid personal raising your vehicle on a jack, be injury and vehicle damage, be sure sure to position it correctly under…
  • Page 307
    VEHICLE CARE 6. Put the compact spare tire 10. Remove any rust or dirt from the Warning near you. wheel bolts, mounting surfaces, and spare wheel. 7. Raise the vehicle by turning the Rust or dirt on a wheel, or on the wheel wrench clockwise in the 11.
  • Page 308
    VEHICLE CARE Warning (Continued) Caution Follow the torque specification Wheel covers will not fit on the supplied by the aftermarket vehicle’s compact spare. If you try manufacturer when using accessory to put a wheel cover on the compact locking wheel nuts. See Capacities spare, the cover or the spare could and Specifications 0 337 for original be damaged.
  • Page 309: Compact Spare Tire

    VEHICLE CARE 2. Put back all tools as they were COMPACT SPARE TIRE stored in the rear storage compartment and put the Warning compartment cover back on. 3. Install the cargo cover. Driving with more than one compact spare tire at a time could 4.

  • Page 310: Jump Starting

    VEHICLE CARE standard tire repaired or replaced as JUMP STARTING Caution soon as convenient and return the spare tire to the storage area. JUMP STARTING — NORTH Tire chains will not fit the compact When using a compact spare tire, the spare.

  • Page 311
    VEHICLE CARE The positive jump start connection for Warning the discharged battery is under a cover. Remove the cover to expose the Batteries can hurt you. They can be terminal. dangerous because: 1. Check the other vehicle. It must They contain acid that can have a 12-volt battery with a burn you.
  • Page 312
    VEHICLE CARE 6. Connect the other end of the red Caution Warning positive (+) cable to the positive (+) terminal of the good If any accessories are left on or Using a match near a battery can battery. plugged in during the jump starting cause battery gas to explode.
  • Page 313: Towing The Vehicle

    VEHICLE CARE TOWING THE VEHICLE RECREATIONAL VEHICLE Caution (Continued) TOWING damage the vehicle. The repairs Caution Recreational vehicle towing means would not be covered by the vehicle towing the vehicle behind another Incorrectly towing a disabled vehicle warranty. Always connect and vehicle, such as behind a motor home.

  • Page 314
    VEHICLE CARE The proper towing equipment. See Dinghy Towing ground, as long as the vehicle is in your dealer or trailering Tour Mode. See Driver Mode professional for additional advice Control 0 208. and equipment recommendations. Dolly Towing (Front-Wheel-Drive If the vehicle is ready to be towed. Vehicles) Just as preparing the vehicle for a long trip, make sure the vehicle is…
  • Page 315: Appearance Care

    VEHICLE CARE 5. Follow the dolly manufacturer’s APPEARANCE CARE instructions for preparing the vehicle and dolly for towing. EXTERIOR CARE 6. Release the parking brake. Locks Towing the Vehicle from Locks are lubricated at the factory. Use the Rear a de-icing agent only when absolutely necessary, and have the locks greased after using.

  • Page 316
    VEHICLE CARE If using an automatic car wash, follow If necessary, use non-abrasive cleaners Caution (Continued) the car wash instructions. The that are marked safe for painted windshield wiper and rear window surfaces to remove foreign matter. correct product usage, necessary wiper, if equipped, must be off.
  • Page 317
    VEHICLE CARE Protecting Exterior Bright Metal Do not use cleaners that are not Aftermarket appearance caps or Moldings intended for automotive use. covers while the lamps are illuminated, due to excessive heat Use a nonabrasive wax on the generated. Caution vehicle after washing to protect and extend the molding finish.
  • Page 318
    VEHICLE CARE Shutter System Bugs, road grime, sap, and a buildup of Caution vehicle wash/wax treatments may cause wiper streaking. Using petroleum-based tire dressing Replace the wiper blades if they are products on the vehicle may worn or damaged. Damage can be damage the paint finish and/or tires.
  • Page 319
    VEHICLE CARE Steering, Suspension, and Do not directly power wash the Caution transfer case and/or front/rear axle Chassis Components output seals. High pressure water can To avoid surface damage, do not use Visually inspect steering, suspension, overcome the seals and contaminate strong soaps, chemicals, abrasive and chassis components for damaged, the fluid.
  • Page 320: Interior Care

    VEHICLE CARE Chemical Paint Spotting Before using cleaners, read and follow Interior Glass all safety instructions on the label. Airborne pollutants can fall upon and To clean, use a terry cloth fabric While cleaning the interior, open the attack painted vehicle surfaces causing dampened with water.

  • Page 321
    VEHICLE CARE When lightly soiled, wipe with a 3. Start on the outside edge of the Cleaning High Gloss Surfaces sponge or soft, lint-free cloth soil and gently rub toward the and Vehicle Information and dampened with water. center. Fold the cleaning cloth to Radio Displays a clean area frequently to prevent When heavily soiled, use warm…
  • Page 322: Floor Mats

    VEHICLE CARE Instrument Panel, Leather, Vinyl, Do not use cleaners that increase Warning gloss, especially on the instrument Other Plastic Surfaces, Low panel. Reflected glare can decrease Gloss Paint Surfaces, and Do not bleach or dye safety belt visibility through the windshield under Natural Open Pore Wood webbing.

  • Page 323
    VEHICLE CARE The original equipment floor mats Removing and Replacing the 3. Make sure the floor mat is were designed for your vehicle. properly secured in place. Verify Floor Mats If the floor mats need replacing, it the floor mat does not interfere The driver side floor mat is held in is recommended that certified with the pedals.
  • Page 324: General Information

    General Information ….323 from neglect or inadequate Cadillac Premium Care maintenance. It may also help to Maintenance maintain the value of the vehicle if it is sold.

  • Page 325
    SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE additional maintenance items like checks and services. The Additional Refer to the information in the tires, brakes, batteries, and wiper Required Services — Normal are for Maintenance Schedule Additional blades. vehicles that: Required Services — Severe chart. Carry passengers and cargo within Caution Warning…
  • Page 326: Service And Maintenance

    CARE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE vehicle within 5 000 km/3,000 mi since the last service. Reset the oil life Your vehicle comes with the Cadillac Owner Checks and Services system when the oil is changed. See Premium Care Maintenance. It is a Engine Oil Life System 0 254.

  • Page 327
    SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE Check tire inflation pressures. See Check parking brake and Tire Pressure 0 283. automatic transmission park mechanism. See Park Brake and Inspect tire wear. See Tire P (Park) Mechanism Check 0 264. Inspection 0 288. Check accelerator pedal for Visually check for fluid leaks.
  • Page 328
    SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE Maintenance Schedule Additional Required Services — Normal Rotate tires and perform Required Services. Check engine oil level and oil life percentage. Change engine oil and filter, if needed. Replace passenger compartment air filter. (1) Inspect evaporative control system. (2) Replace engine air cleaner filter.
  • Page 329
    SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE (5) Or every 10 years, whichever comes overcome the seals and contaminate first. Inspect for fraying, excessive the transfer case fluid. Contaminated cracking, or damage; replace, fluid will decrease the life of the if needed. transfer case and/or axles and should be replaced.
  • Page 330
    SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE Maintenance Schedule Additional Required Services — Severe Rotate tires and perform Required Services. Check engine oil level and oil life percentage. Change engine oil and filter, if needed. Replace passenger compartment air filter. (1) Inspect evaporative control system. (2) Replace engine air cleaner filter.
  • Page 331: Special Application Services

    SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE (5) Or every 10 years, whichever comes SPECIAL APPLICATION ADDITIONAL first. Inspect for fraying, excessive SERVICES MAINTENANCE cracking, or damage; replace, if needed. AND CARE Severe Commercial Use Vehicles (6) Do not directly power wash the Only: Lubricate chassis Your vehicle is an important transfer case and/or front/rear axle components every oil change.

  • Page 332
    SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE To avoid break-down or failure to Trained dealer technicians have Lamps start the vehicle, maintain a access to tools and equipment to Properly working headlamps, battery with full cranking power. inspect the brakes and recommend taillamps, and brake lamps are quality parts engineered for the Trained dealer technicians have important to see and be seen on…
  • Page 333
    SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE leaking, blown seals, or damage, protect the vehicle s interior and Wiper Blades and can advise when service is exterior, see Interior Care 0 319 and Wiper blades need to be cleaned and needed. Exterior Care 0 314. kept in good condition to provide a clear view.
  • Page 334: Recommended Fluids, Lubricants, And Parts

    SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE RECOMMENDED FLUIDS, LUBRICANTS, AND PARTS RECOMMENDED FLUIDS AND LUBRICANTS Usage Fluid/Lubricant Automatic Transmission AW-1 Automatic Transmission Fluid (GM Part No. 19256039, in Canada 19256040). Chassis Lubrication Chassis Lubricant (GM Part No. 12377985, in Canada 88901242) or lubricant meeting requirements of NLGI #2, Category LB or GC-LB.

  • Page 335: Parts

    SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE Usage Fluid/Lubricant Weatherstrip Conditioning Weatherstrip Lubricant (GM Part No. 3634770, in Canada 10953518) or Dielectric Silicone Grease (GM Part No. 12345579, in Canada 10953481). Windshield Washer Automotive windshield washer fluid that meets regional freeze protection requirements. MAINTENANCE REPLACEMENT PARTS Replacement parts identified below by name, part number, or specification can be obtained from your dealer.

  • Page 336: Maintenance Records

    SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE RECORDS After the scheduled services are performed, record the date, odometer reading, who performed the service, and the type of services performed in the boxes provided. Retain all maintenance receipts. Odometer Date Serviced By Maintenance Stamp Services Performed Reading…

  • Page 337: Technical Data

    TECHNICAL DATA TECHNICAL DATA VEHICLE Specifications under Capacities and Specifications 0 337 for the vehicle’s IDENTIFICATION engine code. Vehicle Identification SERVICE PARTS VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION Vehicle Identification IDENTIFICATION LABEL NUMBER (VIN) Number (VIN) ….336 Service Parts Identification This label is in the rear compartment, Label .

  • Page 338: Vehicle Data

    TECHNICAL DATA VEHICLE DATA CAPACITIES AND SPECIFICATIONS The following approximate capacities are given in metric and English conversions. See Recommended Fluids and Lubricants 0 333 for more information. Capacities Application Metric English Air Conditioning Refrigerant For the air conditioning system refrigerant type and charge amount, see the refrigerant label under the hood.

  • Page 339
  • Page 340: Procedure

    Procedure ……339 important to your dealer and to Customer Assistance Offices ..341 Cadillac. Normally, any concerns with Customer Assistance for Text the sales transaction or the operation Telephone (TTY) Users .

  • Page 341
    BBB Auto Line Program further help, in the U.S., call the vehicle. However, if you continue to Council of Better Business Bureaus, Cadillac Customer Assistance Center at remain unsatisfied after following the Inc. 1-800 458 8006. In Canada, call the…
  • Page 342: Customer Assistance Offices

    However, if a customer wishes to write Cadillac Roadside Service: final decision, should be completed in or e-mail Cadillac, the letter should be 1-800-882-1112 about 70 days. We believe our addressed to:…

  • Page 343: Online Owner Center

    Only): 1-888-889-2438. : Chat with online help Service is available 24 hours a day, The Cadillac online owner experience representatives. 365 days a year. allows interaction with Cadillac and See to register your Calling for Service keeps important vehicle-specific vehicle.

  • Page 344
    General Motors North America and advantage of contacting a Cadillac sand, mud, or snow. Cadillac reserve the right to make any advisor and, where available, a Cadillac changes or discontinue the Roadside Flat Tire Change: Service to change…
  • Page 345: Scheduling Service

    CUSTOMER INFORMATION Mounting, dismounting, Alternative Service: If assistance If it is, please call your dealership, let or changing of snow tires, chains, cannot be provided right away, the them know this, and ask for or other traction devices. Roadside Service advisor may give instructions.

  • Page 346: Collision Damage Repair

    CUSTOMER INFORMATION Warranty and Owner Assistance amounts should reflect actual costs General Motors reserves the right to Information furnished with each new and be supported by original receipts. unilaterally modify, change, vehicle provides detailed warranty See your dealer for information. or discontinue Courtesy coverage information.

  • Page 347
    CUSTOMER INFORMATION The use of Genuine GM parts can help Warranty, and any vehicle failure ensure that the vehicle will be repaired maintain the GM New Vehicle Limited related to such parts is not covered by with GM original equipment collision Warranty.
  • Page 348: Information

    CUSTOMER INFORMATION Gather the following information: Managing the Vehicle Damage If another party’s insurance company is paying for the repairs, you are not Repair Process Driver name, address, and obligated to accept a repair valuation telephone number. In the event that the vehicle requires based on that insurance company’s damage repairs, GM recommends that Driver license number.

  • Page 349: Radio Frequency Statement

    CUSTOMER INFORMATION Owner Information Or write to: 2. The device must accept any interference received, including Helm, Incorporated Owner publications are written interference that may cause Attention: Customer Service specifically for owners and intended to undesired operation of the 47911 Halyard Drive provide basic operational information device.

  • Page 350: Reporting Safety Defects

    Call 1-800-458-8006, or write: 1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E. If you believe that your vehicle has Washington, D.C. 20590 Cadillac Customer Assistance Center a defect which could cause a crash Cadillac Motor Car Division or could cause injury or death, you You can also obtain other P.O.

  • Page 351: Privacy

    CUSTOMER INFORMATION VEHICLE DATA or near crash-like situations, such as and no personal data (e.g., name, an air bag deployment or hitting a gender, age, and crash location) are RECORDING AND road obstacle, data that will assist in recorded. However, other parties, such understanding how a vehicle s systems as law enforcement, could combine the PRIVACY…

  • Page 352: Customer Information Onstar

    CUSTOMER INFORMATION others for research purposes, where a See the infotainment manual for need is shown and the data is not tied information on stored data and for to a specific vehicle or vehicle owner. deletion instructions. ® ONSTAR ® If the vehicle is equipped with OnStar and has an active subscription, additional data may be collected…

  • Page 353: Onstar Overview

    ONSTAR ONSTAR ONSTAR OVERVIEW including system limitations at (U.S.) or (Canada). OnStar Overview The OnStar system status light is next to the OnStar buttons. If the status OnStar Overview ….352 light is: OnStar Services Solid Green: System is ready.

  • Page 354: Onstar Services

    ONSTAR ONSTAR SERVICES SECURITY Press to connect to an Advisor to: Verify account information or If equipped, OnStar provides these EMERGENCY update contact information. services: Get driving directions. Emergency Services require an active, With Stolen Vehicle Assistance, OnStar service plan (excludes Basic OnStar Advisors can use GPS to Receive a Diagnostic check of the Plan).

  • Page 355: Connections

    ONSTAR Route Preview Press to receive Turn-by-Turn Press , then ask the Advisor to directions or have them sent to the download directions to the vehicle s 1. Press . System responds: vehicle s navigation screen, navigation system, if equipped. After OnStar ready, then a tone.

  • Page 356
    ONSTAR Change the default name of the 3. To change the SSID or password, Send directions to the vehicle. SSID (Service Set Identifier). This press or call 1-888-4ONSTAR Locate the vehicle on a map (U.S. is your network s name that is to connect with an Advisor.
  • Page 357: Diagnostics

    ONSTAR Make a Call 2. Say My number. System OnStar can also monitor and report responds: Your OnStar tire pressure, if the vehicle is equipped 1. Press . System responds: Hands-Free Calling number is, with a Tire Pressure Monitoring OnStar ready. then says the number.

  • Page 358: Onstar Additional Information

    ONSTAR ONSTAR ADDITIONAL Reactivation for Subsequent Press to speak with an Advisor. Owners INFORMATION OnStar services cannot work unless the vehicle is in a place where OnStar Press and follow the prompts to In-Vehicle Audio Messages has an agreement with a wireless speak to an Advisor as soon as service provider for service in that possible.

  • Page 359
    ONSTAR Services for People with OnStar Personal Identification contact Roadside Assistance or a locksmith to help gain access to the Disabilities Number (PIN) vehicle. Advisors provide services to help A PIN is needed to access some Global Positioning System (GPS) Subscribers with physical disabilities OnStar services.
  • Page 360
    ONSTAR Cellular and GPS Antennas equipment. See Add-On Electrical vehicle system status, identify whether Equipment 0 245. Added electrical updates or changes are available, Cellular reception is required for equipment may interfere with the or deliver updates or changes. An OnStar to send remote signals to the operation of the OnStar system and active OnStar agreement constitutes…
  • Page 361
    ONSTAR OnStar — Software INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO Copyright (c) 1990-2005 Info-ZIP. All THE WARRANTIES OF rights reserved. Acknowledgements MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A For the purposes of this copyright and Certain OnStar components include PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND license, Info-ZIP is defined as the libcurl and unzip software and other NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD following set of individuals:…
  • Page 362
    ONSTAR Permission is granted to anyone to use with new graphical interfaces, this software for any purpose, and dynamic, shared, or static including commercial applications, and library versions must be plainly to alter it and redistribute it freely, marked as such and must not be subject to the following restrictions: misrepresented as being the original source.
  • Page 363: Additional Information

    INDEX INDEX Airbags Adding Equipment to the Accessories and Modifications ..248 Vehicle ……83 Accessory Power .

  • Page 364
    Light …….127 Saver …….168 Cadillac Premium Care Child Restraints Power Protection .
  • Page 365
    INDEX Clock ……. . . 113 Cover Dome Lamps ……166 Cluster, Instrument .
  • Page 366
    INDEX Dual Automatic Climate Engine (cont’d) Flat Tire (cont’d) Control System ….170 Exhaust ……197 Changing .
  • Page 367
    INDEX Fuel (cont’d) Horn ……..110 System Messages ….144 How to Wear Safety Belts Halogen Bulbs .
  • Page 368
    INDEX Lighting Lights (cont’d) Entry ……. .167 Traction Off ……131 Labeling, Tire Sidewall .
  • Page 369
    INDEX Messages Mirrors Oil (cont’d) Airbag System ….. .148 Automatic Dimming ….47 Engine Oil Life System .
  • Page 370
    Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) Cadillac ……325 Rotation, Tires ….. . . 289 System .
  • Page 371
    INDEX Running the Vehicle While Seats (cont’d) Shifting Rear ……..62 Parked .
  • Page 372
    INDEX Storage Areas (cont’d) Tires (cont’d) Towing Center Console …..103 Buying New Tires ….290 Driving Characteristics .
  • Page 373
    INDEX Visors ……..52 Wiper Blade Replacement ..264 Voltmeter Gauge .


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13527534) 2020 CRC 5/29/19


Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Keys, Doors, and Windows . . . . . . . . . . 9

Seats and Restraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 95

Instruments and Controls . . . . . . . . 102

Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

Infotainment System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150

Climate Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151

Driving and Operating . . . . . . . . . . . . 160

Vehicle Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250

Service and Maintenance . . . . . . . . . 335

Technical Data . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 349

Customer Information . . . . . . . . . . . . 353

Reporting Safety Defects . . . . . . . . . 363

OnStar ….. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367

Connected Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377

Cadillac XT5 Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-

13527534) 2020 CRC 5/29/19



The names, logos, emblems, slogans,
vehicle model names, and vehicle
body designs appearing in this manual
including, but not limited to, GM, the
Emblem, and XT5 are trademarks and/
or service marks of General Motors
LLC, its subsidiaries, affiliates,
or licensors.

For vehicles first sold in Canada,
substitute the name General Motors
of Canada Companyfor Cadillac
Motor Car Division wherever it
appears in this manual.

This manual describes features that
may or may not be on the vehicle
because of optional equipment that
was not purchased on the vehicle,
model variants, country specifications,
features/applications that may not be
available in your region, or changes
subsequent to the printing of this
owners manual.

Refer to the purchase documentation
relating to your specific vehicle to
confirm the features.

Keep this manual in the vehicle for
quick reference.

Canadian Vehicle Owners

A French language manual can be
obtained from your dealer, at, or from:

Propriétaires Canadiens

On peut obtenir un exemplaire de ce
guide en français auprès du
concessionnaire ou à l’adresse

Helm, Incorporated
Attention: Customer Service
47911 Halyard Drive
Plymouth, MI 48170

Using this Manual

To quickly locate information about
the vehicle, use the Index in the back
of the manual. It is an alphabetical
list of what is in the manual and the
page number where it can be found.

Danger, Warning, and

Warning messages found on vehicle
labels and in this manual describe
hazards and what to do to avoid or
reduce them.



Danger indicates a hazard with a
high level of risk which will result
in serious injury or death.

Litho in U.S.A.
Part No. 84290261 A First Printing


2019 General Motors LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Cadillac XT5 Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-

13527534) 2020 CRC 5/29/19




Warning indicates a hazard that
could result in injury or death.


Caution indicates a hazard that
could result in property or vehicle


The vehicle has components and
labels that use symbols instead of
text. Symbols are shown along with
the text describing the operation or
information relating to a specific
component, control, message, gauge,
or indicator.

M : Shown when the owners manual

has additional instructions or

* : Shown when the service manual

has additional instructions or

0 : Shown when there is more

information on another page
see page.

Vehicle Symbol Chart

A circle with a slash through it is a
safety symbol which means Do not,
Do not do this,or Do not let this

Here are some additional symbols that
may be found on the vehicle and what
they mean. See the features in this
manual for information.

u : Air Conditioning System
G : Air Conditioning Refrigerant Oil
9 : Airbag Readiness Light

! : Antilock Brake System (ABS)
$ : Brake System Warning Light

9 : Dispose of Used Components


P : Do Not Apply High Pressure


B : Engine Coolant Temperature
_ : Flame/Fire Prohibited
H : Flammable
[ : For ward Collision Alert
R : Fuse Block Cover Lock Location
+ : Fuses
j : ISOFIX/LATCH System Child


Q : Keep Fuse Block Covers Properly


| : Lane Change Alert
@ : Lane Departure Warning
A : Lane Keep Assist

* : Malfunction Indicator Lamp
: : Oil Pressure

X : Park Assist

Cadillac XT5 Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-

13527534) 2020 CRC 5/29/19


~ : Pedestrian Ahead Indicator

O : Power

7 : Rear Cross Traffic Alert

I : Registered Technician

/ : Remote Vehicle Start

> : Seat Belt Reminders

I : Side Blind Zone Alert

h : Stop/Start

7 : Tire Pressure Monitor

d : Traction Control/StabiliTrak/

Electronic Stability Control (ESC)

a : Under Pressure
V : Vehicle Ahead Indicator

Cadillac XT5 Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-

13527534) 2020 CRC 5/29/19

Instrument Panel Overview


Cadillac XT5 Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-

13527534) 2020 CRC 5/29/19


1. Air Vents 0 158.

2. Exterior Lamp Controls 0 143.

Turn Signal Lever. See Turn and
Lane-Change Signals 0 147.

IntelliBeam System Button (If
Equipped). See Exterior Lamp
Controls 0 143.

3. Tap Shift Controls. See Manual
Mode 0 191.

4. Instrument Cluster 0 111.

Driver Information Center (DIC)
Display. See Driver Information
Center (DIC) 0 127.

5. Windshield Wiper/Washer 0 104.

Rear Window Wiper/Washer

0 106.

See Ignition Positions 0 176.

7. Park Assist Button. See

Assistance Systems for Parking or
Backing 0 211.

Automatic Parking Assist (APA)
Button. See Assistance Systems

for Parking or Backing 0 211.

Stop/Start System 0 179 Disable


8. Light Sensor. See Automatic
Headlamp System 0 145.

9. Hazard Warning Flashers 0 146.

10. Infotainment 0 150.

11. Heated and Ventilated Front Seats
0 51 (If Equipped).

12. MODE Switch. See Driver Mode

Control 0 198.

Traction Control/Electronic
Stability Control 0 196.

All-Wheel Drive 0 192 (If


13. Dual Automatic Climate Control
System 0 151.

14. Wireless Charging 0 108 (If

15. Infotainment 0 150.

16. Shift Lever. See Automatic
Transmission 0 186.

17. Steering Wheel Controls 0 103.

Driver Information Center (DIC)
Controls. See Driver Information
Center (DIC) 0 127.

18. Steering Wheel Controls 0 103.

19. Horn 0 103.

20. Forward Collision Alert (FCA)

System 0 220 (If Equipped).

Lane Keep Assist (LKA) 0 231 (If


Heated Steering Wheel 0 103 (If

21. Cruise Control 0 199.

Adaptive Cruise Control 0 201 (If

Phone Button. See Steering Wheel
Controls 0 103.

22. Steering Wheel Adjustment 0 103

(Out of View).

23. Head-Up Display (HUD) 0 130 (If


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24. Hood Release. See Hood 0 253.

Data Link Connector (DLC) (Out
of View). See Malfunction

Indicator Lamp (Check Engine
Light) 0 118.

25. Instrument Panel Illumination
Control 0 147.

26. Electric Parking Brake 0 194.


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Keys, Doors, and

Keys and Locks

Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Remote Keyless Entry (RKE)

System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Remote Keyless Entry (RKE)

System Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Remote Vehicle Start . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 17
Door Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . … . . . . . . . . . . 18
Power Door Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Delayed Locking . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 21
Automatic Door Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Lockout Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Safety Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22


Liftgate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Vehicle Security

Vehicle Security ………. . . . . . . . . . . 31
Vehicle Alarm System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Steering Column Lock . . . . . . … . . . . 32

Immobilizer ….. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 33
Immobilizer Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Exterior Mirrors

Convex Mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Power Mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Folding Mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Heated Mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Automatic Dimming Mirror . . .. . . . 36
Reverse Tilt Mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Interior Mirrors

Interior Rearview Mirrors . . . . . . . . . 37
Manual Rearview Mirror . . . . . . . . . . 37
Automatic Dimming Rearview

Mirror . . . . . . . . ……. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Rear Camera Mirror …. . . . . . . . . . . . 37


Windows . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 39
Power Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Sun Visors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41


Sunroof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42


Keys and Locks




Leaving children in a vehicle with a
Remote Keyless Entry (RKE)
transmitter is dangerous and
children or others could be
seriously injured or killed. They
could operate the power windows
or other controls or make the
vehicle move. The windows will
function with the RKE transmitter
in the vehicle, and children or
others could be caught in the path
of a closing window. Do not leave
children in a vehicle with an RKE

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To remove the key, press the button
on the side of the transmitter, near
the bottom, and pull the key out.
Never pull the key out without
pressing the button.

If it becomes difficult to turn the key,
inspect the key blade for debris.
Periodically, clean with a brush or
a pick.

See your dealer if a new key is needed.

Contact Roadside Service if locked out

The key, inside the Remote Keyless
Entry (RKE) transmitter, can be used
for all locks.

of the vehicle. See Roadside Service
0 357.

With an active OnStar or connected
service plan, an OnStar Advisor may
remotely unlock the vehicle. See
OnStar Overview 0 367.

Remote Keyless Entry
(RKE) System

See Radio Frequency Statement 0 363.

If there is a decrease in the Remote
Keyless Entry (RKE) operating range:


Check the distance. The
transmitter may be too far from
the vehicle.


Check the location. Other vehicles
or objects may be blocking the


Check the transmitter’s battery.
See Battery Replacementlater in
this section.


If the transmitter is still not
working correctly, see your dealer
or a qualified technician for

Remote Keyless Entry
(RKE) System Operation

The Keyless Access system allows for
vehicle entry when the Remote
Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter is
within 1 m (3 ft). See Keyless Access

The RKE transmitter functions may
work up to 60 m (197 ft) away from
the vehicle.

Other conditions can impact the
performance of the transmitter. See

Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) System
0 10.

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Q : Press to lock all doors and if

equipped, the fuel door. The turn
signal indicators may flash and/or the
horn may sound on the second press
to indicate locking. See Vehicle
Personalization 0 134.

If the driver door is open when
pressed and Open Door Anti-Lockout
is enabled, all doors will lock and then
the driver door will immediately
unlock. See Vehicle Personalization
0 134. If the passenger door is open


Q is pressed, all doors lock.

Q is

theft-deterrent system. See Vehicle
Alarm System 0 31.

If equipped with remote folding
mirrors, press and hold
one second to fold the mirrors,
if enabled. See Folding Mirrors 0 35.

Q may also arm the

Q for

K : Press to unlock the driver door

and if equipped, the fuel door. Press
unlock again within five seconds to
unlock all doors. The RKE transmitter
can be programmed to unlock all
doors on the first button press. See
Vehicle Personalization 0 134. The turn
signal indicators may flash to indicate
unlocking. See Vehicle Personalization
0 134. When remotely unlocking the
vehicle at night, the lights come on
briefly to light your approach to the

theft-deterrent system. See Vehicle
Alarm System 0 31.

K will disarm the


If equipped with remote folding
mirrors, press and hold
one second to unfold the mirrors,
if enabled. See Folding Mirrors 0 35.

If equipped with remote windows,
press and hold
fully open, if enabled. See Vehicle
Personalization 0 134.

K until the windows

K for

/ : Press and release Q and then

immediately press and hold
least four seconds to start the engine
from outside the vehicle using the
RKE transmitter. See Remote Vehicle
Start 0 17.

/ for at

7 : Press and release one time to

initiate vehicle locator. The exterior
lamps flash and the horn chirps three

times. Press and hold
three seconds to sound the panic
alarm. The horn sounds and the turn
signal lamps flash for 30 seconds,

or until
vehicle is started.

7 is pressed again or the

7 for

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b : Press twice quickly to open or

close the liftgate.

Press once to stop the liftgate from

Keyless Access Operation

With the Keyless Access system, you
can lock and unlock the doors and
access the liftgate without removing
the RKE transmitter from your pocket,
purse, briefcase, etc. The RKE
transmitter should be within 1 m (3 ft)
of the liftgate or door being opened.

Keyless Access can be programmed to
unlock all doors on the first lock/
unlock press from the driver door. See
Vehicle Personalization 0 134.

If equipped with memory seats, RKE
transmitters 1 and 2 are linked to
seating positions of memory 1 or 2.
See Memory Seats 0 48.

Keyless Unlocking/Locking from the
Driver Door

When the doors are locked and the
RKE transmitter is within 1 m (3 ft) of
the driver door handle, pressing the
lock/unlock button on the driver door

handle will unlock the driver door.
If the lock/unlock button is pressed
again within five seconds, all
passenger doors will unlock.

Driver Shown, Passenger Similar

Pressing the lock/unlock button will
cause all doors to lock if any of the
following occur:


It has been more than five seconds
since the first lock/unlock button


Two lock/unlock button presses
were used to unlock all doors.


Any vehicle door has opened and
all doors are now closed.

Keyless Unlocking/Locking from
Passenger Doors

When the doors are locked and the
RKE transmitter is within 1 m (3 ft) of
the door handle, pressing the lock/
unlock button on that door handle
will unlock all doors. Pressing the
lock/unlock button will cause all doors
to lock if any of the following occur:


The lock/unlock button was used
to unlock all doors.


Any vehicle door has opened and
all doors are now closed.

Passive Locking

This vehicle will lock several seconds
after all doors are closed if the vehicle
is off and at least one RKE transmitter
has been removed or none remain in
the interior.

If equipped, the fuel door will lock.

If other electronic devices interfere
with the RKE transmitter signal, the
vehicle may not detect the RKE
transmitter inside the vehicle.
If passive locking is enabled, the doors
may lock with the RKE transmitter

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inside the vehicle. Do not leave the
RKE transmitter in an unattended

To customize the doors to
automatically lock when exiting the
vehicle, see Vehicle Personalization
0 134.

Temporary Disable of Passive

Temporarily disable passive locking by
pressing and holding

interior door switch with a door open
for at least four seconds, or until three
chimes are heard. Passive locking will

then remain disabled until
interior door is pressed, or until the
vehicle is turned on.

Remote Left in Vehicle Alert

When the vehicle is turned off and an
RKE transmitter is left in the vehicle,
the horn will chirp three times after
all doors are closed. To turn on or off,
see Vehicle Personalization 0 134.

K on the

Q on the

Remote No Longer in Vehicle Alert

If the vehicle is on with a door open,
and then all doors are closed, the
vehicle will check for RKE
transmitters inside. If an RKE
transmitter is not detected, the Driver
Information Center (DIC) will display
will chirp three times.

This occurs only once each time the
vehicle is driven.

To turn on or off, see Vehicle
Personalization 0 134.

Keyless Liftgate Opening

Press the touch pad on the liftgate
handle to open the liftgate if the RKE
transmitter is within 1 m (3 ft).

Key Access

To access a vehicle with a weak
transmitter battery, see Door Locks
0 18.


Programming Transmitters to
the Vehicle

Only RKE transmitters programmed to
the vehicle will work. If a transmitter
is lost or stolen, a replacement can be
purchased and programmed through
your dealer.

The vehicle can be reprogrammed so
that lost or stolen transmitters no
longer work. Each vehicle can have up
to eight transmitters matched to it.

Programming with Recognized

A new transmitter can be programmed
to the vehicle when there are two
recognized transmitters.

To program, the vehicle must be off
and all of the transmitters, both
currently recognized and new, must
be with you.

1. Place the two recognized
transmitters in the cupholder.

2. Remove the key lock cylinder cap
on the driver door handle. See
Door Locks 0 18. Inser t the
vehicle key of the transmitter
into the key lock cylinder on the

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driver door and turn the key
counterclockwise, to the unlock
position, five times within
10 seconds.

The DIC displays READY FOR
REMOTE #2, 3, 4, ETC.

3. Place the new transmitter into
the transmitter pocket. The
transmitter pocket is inside the
center console storage area
between the driver and front
passenger seats. The storage area
will need to be opened and the
storage tray lifted up to access
the transmitter pocket.

When the transmitter is learned
the DIC display will show that it
is ready to program the next

5. Remove the transmitter from the
transmitter pocket and press the


To program additional
transmitters, repeat Steps 3–5.

When all additional transmitters
are programmed, press and hold
12 seconds to exit
programming mode.

6. Return the key back into the

7. Replace the key lock cylinder
cap. See Door Locks 0 18.

Programming without Recognized

If two currently recognized
transmitters are not available, follow
this procedure to program up to eight
transmitters. This feature is not
available in Canada. This procedure
will take approximately 30 minutes to

K or Q button.

complete. The vehicle must be off and
all of the transmitters you wish to
program must be with you.

1. Remove the key lock cylinder cap
on the driver door handle. See
Door Locks 0 18. Inser t the
vehicle key of the transmitter
into the key lock cylinder on the
driver door handle and turn the
key counterclockwise, to the
unlock position, five times within
10 seconds.

The DIC displays REMOTE

2. Wait for 10 minutes until the
then press ENGINE

The DIC display will again show

3. Repeat Step 2 two additional
times. After the third time all
previously known transmitters
will no longer work with the

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vehicle. Remaining transmitters
can be relearned during the next

The DIC display should now

4. Place the new transmitter into
the transmitter pocket. The
transmitter pocket is inside the
center console storage area
between the driver and front
passenger seats. The storage area
will need to be opened and the
storage tray lifted up to access
the transmitter pocket.

When the transmitter is learned
the DIC display will show that it
is ready to program the next

6. Remove the transmitter from the
transmitter pocket and press the


To program additional
transmitters, repeat Steps 4–6.

When all additional transmitters
are programmed, press and hold
12 seconds to exit
programming mode.

7. Return the key back into the

8. Replace the key lock cylinder
cap. See Door Locks 0 18.

Starting the Vehicle with a Low
Transmitter Battery

When the vehicle is started, if the
transmitter battery is weak, the DIC


VEHICLE. The DIC may also display

To start the vehicle:

1. Open the center console storage
area and the storage tray.

K or Q button.

2. Place the transmitter in the
transmitter pocket.

3. With the vehicle in P (Park) or
N (Neutral), press the brake pedal

Replace the transmitter battery
as soon as possible.

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Battery Replacement



Never allow children to play with
the RKE transmitter. The
transmitter contains a small
battery, which can be a choking
hazard. If swallowed, internal burns
can occur, resulting in severe injury
or death. Seek medical attention
immediately if a battery is



Always replace the battery with the
correct type. Replacing the battery
with an incorrect type could
potentially create a risk of battery
explosion. Dispose of used batteries
according to instructions and local
laws. Do not attempt to burn,
crush, or cut the used batter y.

Replace the battery if the DIC displays

1. Press the button on the side of
the transmitter near the bottom
and pull the key out. Never pull
the key out without pressing the

When replacing the battery, do not
touch any of the circuitry on the
transmitter. Static from your body
could damage the transmitter.

2. Separate the two halves of the
transmitter using a flat tool
inserted into the bottom center
of the transmitter. Do not use
the key slot.

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/ : This button is on the RKE

transmitter for remote start.

The climate control system will use
the previous settings during a remote
start. The rear window defogger may
come on during remote start based on
cold ambient conditions. The rear
window defogger indicator light does
not come on during remote start.

If the vehicle has auto heated or
ventilated seats they may come on

3. Remove the old battery. Do not
use a metal object.

4. Insert the new battery on the
back housing, positive side facing
down. Replace with a CR2032 or
equivalent battery.

5. Align the front and back housing
then snap the transmitter

6. Reinsert the key.

Remote Vehicle Start

This feature allows the engine to be
started from outside of the vehicle.

during a remote start. See Heated and
Ventilated Front Seats 0 51.

Laws in some local communities may
restrict the use of remote starters. For
example, some laws may require a
person using remote start to have the
vehicle in view. Check local
regulations for any requirements.

Do not use the remote start feature if
the vehicle is low on fuel. The vehicle
could run out of fuel.

Other conditions can affect the
performance of the transmitter. See

Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) System
0 10.


Starting the Engine Using Remote

1. Press and release

2. Immediately press and hold
for at least four seconds or until
the turn signal lamps flash. The
turn signal lamps f lashing
confirms the request to remote
start the vehicle has been

During the remote start the
doors will be locked and the
parking lamps will remain on as
long as the engine is running.

The engine will shut off after
15 minutes unless a time
extension is done or the ignition
is turned on.

3. With the RKE transmitter in the
vehicle, press the brake pedal
and start the vehicle to drive.

Extending Engine Run Time

The engine run time can also be
extended by another 15 minutes,
if during the first 15 minutes

Q on the RKE


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Steps 1 and 2 are repeated while the
engine is still running. An extension
can be requested 30 seconds after
starting. This provides a total of
30 minutes.

The remote start can only be
extended once.

When the remote start is extended,
the second 15-minute period is added
on to the first 15 minutes for a total
of 30 minutes.

A maximum of two remote starts, or a
remote start with an extension, are
allowed between ignition cycles.

The ignition must be turned on and
then off before the remote start
procedure can be used again.

Canceling a Remote Start

To cancel a remote start, do any of
the following:


Press and hold
parking lamps turn off.


Turn on the hazard warning


Turn the vehicle on and then off.

/ until the

Conditions in Which Remote Start
Will Not Work

The remote start will not operate if
any of the following occur:


The RKE transmitter is in the


The ignition is on.


The hood is not closed.


The hazard warning flashers
are on.


There is an emission control
system malfunction.


The engine coolant temperature is
too high.


The oil pressure is low.


Two remote vehicle starts or a
start with an extension have
already been used.


The vehicle is not in P (Park).

Door Locks



Unlocked doors can be dangerous.


Passengers, especially
children, can easily open the
doors and fall out of a moving
vehicle. The doors can be
unlocked and opened while
the vehicle is moving. The
chance of being thrown out of
the vehicle in a crash is
increased if the doors are not
locked. So, all passengers
should wear seat belts
properly and the doors should
be locked whenever the
vehicle is driven.


Young children who get into
unlocked vehicles may be
unable to get out. A child can
be overcome by extreme heat
and can suffer permanent
injuries or even death from
heat stroke. Always lock the
vehicle whenever leaving it.


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Warning (Continued)


Outsiders can easily enter
through an unlocked door
when you slow down or stop
the vehicle. Locking the doors
can help prevent this from

To lock/unlock the doors from outside
the vehicle:



Q or K on the Remote

Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter.
See Remote Keyless Entry (RKE)
System Operation 0 10.


Use the key in the key lock
cylinder in the driver door. The
key lock cylinder is covered with
a cap.

To lock/unlock the doors from inside
the vehicle:



Q or K on the power door

lock switch. See Power Door Locks
0 21.


Pull once on the door handle to
unlock the door and again to open
the door.


On the rear doors, push down on
the door lock knob to lock the
door manually.

Keyless Access

If equipped, the RKE transmitter must
be within 1 m (3 ft) of the liftgate or
door being opened.


To lock or unlock the vehicle from the
driver door:


Press the button on the driver
door handle once to unlock the
driver door only.


Press the button again within
five seconds to unlock all doors.


Press the button a third time to
lock all doors.

When leaving the vehicle, press the
button on any door handle to lock all

To lock or unlock the vehicle from any
passenger door:


Press the button on the passenger
door handle. This will lock or
unlock all doors.

See Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) System
Operation 0 10.

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Driver Door Key Lock Cylinder
Access (In Case of Dead Battery)

To access the driver door key lock

1. Pull the door handle (1) to the
open position and hold it open
until the cap removal is

2. Insert the key into the slot (3) on
the bottom of the cap (2) and lift
the key upward.

3. Move the cap (2) rearward and

4. Use the key in the cylinder.

To replace the cap:

1. Pull the door handle (1) to the
open position and hold it open
until the cap installation is

2. Insert the two tabs (6) at the
back of the cap between the
seal (5) and the metal base (4).

3. Slide the cap forward and press
the forward edge to install the
cap in place.

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4. Release the door handle.

5. Check that the cap is secure.

Free-Turning Locks

The door key lock cylinder turns freely
when either the wrong key is used,
or the correct key is not fully inserted.
The free-turning door lock feature
prevents the lock from being forced
open. To reset the lock, turn it to the
vertical position with the correct key
fully inserted. Remove the key and
insert it again. If this does not reset
the lock, turn the key halfway around
in the cylinder and repeat the reset

Power Door Locks

Q : Press to lock the doors.

If equipped, the fuel door is also
locked or unlocked using these

K : Press to unlock the doors.

Delayed Locking

This feature delays the locking of the
doors until five seconds after all doors
are closed.

Delayed locking can only be turned on
when Open Door Anti Lockout has
been turned off.



Q is pressed on the power door

lock switch while the door is open, a
chime will sound three times
indicating delayed locking is active.

The doors will lock automatically
five seconds after all doors are closed.
If a door is reopened before that time,
the five-second timer will reset when
all doors are closed again.

Q on the door lock switch again

or press

lock the doors immediately.

This feature can also be programmed.
See Vehicle Personalization 0 134.

Q on the RKE transmitter to

Automatic Door Locks

The doors will lock automatically
when all doors are closed, the ignition
is on, and the vehicle is shifted out of
P (Park).

If a vehicle door is unlocked and then
opened and closed, the doors will lock
either when your foot is removed from
the brake or the vehicle speed
becomes faster than 13 km/h (8 mph).

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To unlock the doors:



K on the power door lock



Shift the transmission into
P (Park).

Automatic door locking cannot be
disabled. Automatic door unlocking
can be programmed. See Vehicle
Personalization 0 134.

Lockout Protection

If the ignition is on or in ACC/
ACCESSORY and the power door lock
switch is pressed with the driver door
open, all the doors will lock and only
the driver door will unlock.

If the vehicle is off and locking is
requested while a door is open, when
all doors are closed the vehicle will
check for RKE transmitters inside.
If an RKE transmitter is detected and
the number of RKE transmitters inside
has not reduced, the driver door will
unlock and the horn will chirp three

Lockout Protection can be manually
overridden with the driver door open

by pressing and holding
power door lock switch.

Open Door Anti-Lockout

If Open Door Anti Lockout is turned
on and the vehicle is off, the driver
door is open, and locking is requested,
all the doors will lock and the driver
door will remain unlocked. The Open
Door Anti Lockout feature can be
turned on or off. See Vehicle
Personalization 0 134.

Q on the

Safety Locks

The rear door safety locks prevent
passengers from opening the rear
doors from inside the vehicle.

Manual Safety Locks

If equipped, the safety lock is on the
inside edge of the rear doors. To use
the safety lock:

1. Move the lever down to the lock

2. Close the door.

3. Do the same for the other
rear door.

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To open a rear door when the safety
lock is on:

1. Unlock the door by activating the
inside handle, by pressing the
power door lock switch, or by
using the Remote Keyless
Entry (RKE) transmitter.

2. Open the door from the outside.

When the safety lock is enabled,
adults and older children will not be
able to open the rear door from the
inside. Cancel the safety locks to
enable the doors to open from the

To cancel the safety lock:

1. Unlock the door and open it
from the outside.

2. Move the lever up to unlock. Do
the same for the other door.





Exhaust gases can enter the vehicle
if it is driven with the liftgate or
trunk/hatch open, or with any
objects that pass through the seal
between the body and the trunk/
hatch or liftgate. Engine exhaust
contains carbon monoxide (CO)
which cannot be seen or smelled.
It can cause unconsciousness and
even death.

If the vehicle must be driven with
the liftgate or trunk/hatch open:


Close all of the windows.


Fully open the air outlets on
or under the instrument



Warning (Continued)


Adjust the climate control
system to a setting that
brings in only outside air and
set the fan speed to the
highest setting. See Climate
Control Systemsin the Index.


If the vehicle is equipped with
a power liftgate, disable the
power liftgate function.

See Engine Exhaust 0 185.


To avoid damage to the liftgate or
liftgate glass, make sure the area
above and behind the liftgate is
clear before opening it.

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Power Liftgate Operation



You or others could be injured if
caught in the path of the power
liftgate. Make sure there is no one
in the way of the liftgate as it is
opening and closing.


Driving with an open and
unsecured liftgate may result in
damage to the power liftgate

The power liftgate switch is on the
driver door. The vehicle must be in
P (Park).

The modes are:

MAX : Opens to maximum height.

3/4 : Opens to a reduced height that

can be set from 3/4 to fully open. Use
to prevent the liftgate from opening
into overhead obstructions such as a
garage door or roof-mounted cargo.
The liftgate can be manually opened
all the way.

OFF : Opens manually only.

To power open or close the liftgate,
select MAX or 3/4 mode.




b twice quickly on the RKE

transmitter until the liftgate


8 on the driver door. The

driver door must either be
unlocked or locked without the
security armed.

Press the touch pad on the
underside of the liftgate handle
after unlocking all doors. A locked
vehicle can be opened if the RKE
transmitter is within 1 m (3 ft) of
the touch pad.

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l on the bottom of the

liftgate next to the pull cup to

Press any liftgate button, the touch
pad, or

b on the RKE transmitter

while the liftgate is moving to stop it.
Pressing any liftgate button

or pressing
RKE transmitter again restarts the
operation in the reverse direction.
Pressing the touch pad on the liftgate
handle will restart the motion, but
only in the opening direction.

b twice quickly on the


Manually forcing the liftgate to
open or close during a power cycle
can damage the vehicle. Allow the
power cycle to complete.

The power liftgate may be temporarily
disabled under extreme low
temperatures, or after repeated power
cycling over a short period of time.
If this occurs, the liftgate can still be
operated manually.

If the vehicle is shifted out of P (Park)
while the power function is in
progress, the liftgate will continue to
completion. If the vehicle is
accelerated before the liftgate has
completed moving, the liftgate may
stop or reverse direction. Check for
Driver Information Center (DIC)
messages and make sure the liftgate is
closed and latched before driving.

Falling Liftgate Detection

If the power liftgate automatically
closes after a power opening cycle, it
indicates that the system is reacting
to excess weight on the liftgate or a
possible support strut failure.
A repetitive chime will sound while
the falling liftgate detection feature is
operating. Remove any excess weight.
If the liftgate continues to
automatically close after opening, see
your dealer for service before using
the power liftgate.

Interfering with the power liftgate
motion or manually closing the
liftgate too quickly after power
opening may resemble a support strut
failure. This could also activate the
falling liftgate detection feature. Allow


the liftgate to complete its operation
and wait a few seconds before
manually closing the liftgate.

Obstacle Detection Features

If the liftgate encounters an obstacle
during a power open or close cycle,
the liftgate will automatically reverse
direction and move a short distance
away from the obstacle. After
removing the obstruction, the power
liftgate operation can be used again.
If the liftgate encounters multiple
obstacles on the same power cycle,
the power function will deactivate.
After removing the obstructions,
manually close the liftgate. This will
allow normal power operation
functions to resume.

If the vehicle is locked while the
liftgate is closing, and an obstacle is
encountered that prevents the liftgate
from completely closing, the horn will
sound as an alert that the liftgate did
not close.

Pinch sensors are on the side edges of
the liftgate. If an object is caught
between the liftgate and the vehicle
and presses against a sensor, the

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liftgate will reverse direction and open
fully. The liftgate will remain open
until it is activated again or closed

Setting the 3/4 Mode

To change the position the liftgate
stops at when opening:

1. Select MAX or 3/4 mode and
power open the liftgate.

2. Stop the liftgate movement at
the desired height by pressing
any liftgate button. Manually
adjust the liftgate position if

3. Press and hold
pull cup on the outside of the
liftgate until the turn signals
flash and a beep sounds. This
indicates the setting has been

The liftgate cannot be set below a
minimum programmable height.
If there is no light flash or sound,
then the height adjustment may be
too low.

l next to the

Manual Operation

Select OFF to manually operate the


Attempting to move the liftgate too
quickly and with excessive force
may result in damage to the

Operate the liftgate manually with a
smooth motion and moderate speed.
The system includes a feature which
limits the manual closing speed to
protect the components.

To unlock the liftgate, press
power door lock switch or press

the Remote Keyless Entry (RKE)
transmitter twice within five seconds.
See Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) System
Operation 0 10.

K on the

K on

To open the liftgate, press the touch
pad under the liftgate handle and
lift up.

Use the pull cup to lower and close
the liftgate. Do not press the touch
pad while closing the liftgate. This
may cause the liftgate to be

If equipped with Keyless Access, the
liftgate can be opened when locked if
the RKE transmitter is within 1 m
(3 ft) of the touch pad. See Remote

Keyless Entry (RKE) System Operation
0 10.

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The liftgate has an electric latch.
If the battery is disconnected or has
low voltage, the liftgate will not open.
The liftgate will resume operation
when the battery is reconnected and

Always close the liftgate before

Hands-Free Operation

If equipped, the liftgate may be
operated with a kicking motion under
the left side of the rear bumper.

The RKE transmitter must be within
1 m (3 ft) of the rear bumper to
operate the power liftgate hands-free.

The hands-free feature will not work
while the liftgate is moving. To stop
the liftgate while in motion use one of
the liftgate switches.

The hands-free feature can be
customized. See Vehicle Personalization
0 134. Choose from the following:

On-Open and Close : The kicking
motion is activated to both open and
close the liftgate.

On-Open Only : The kicking motion is
activated to only open the liftgate.

Off : The feature is disabled.

Kick Zone

To operate, move your foot in a
forward kicking motion under the left
side of the rear bumper, at the
location of the projected logo, then
pull it back. Then step back. The kick
must come within 14 cm (6 in) of the
rear bumper to activate.



Splashing water may cause the
liftgate to open. Keep the RKE
transmitter away from the rear
bumper detection area or turn the
liftgate mode to OFF when cleaning
or working near the rear bumper to
avoid accidental opening.


Do not sweep your foot side
to side.


Do not keep your foot under the
bumper; the liftgate will not


Do not touch the liftgate until it
has stopped moving.


This feature may be temporarily
disabled under some conditions.
If the liftgate does not respond to
the kick, open or close the liftgate
by another method or start the
vehicle. The feature will be

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When closing the liftgate using this
feature, there will be a short delay.
The taillamps will f lash and a chime
will sound. Step away from the liftgate
before it starts moving.

Projected Logo

If equipped with this feature, a vehicle
logo will be projected for one minute
onto the ground near the rear bumper
when an RKE transmitter is detected
within approximately 2 m (6 ft). The
projected logo may not be visible
under brighter daytime conditions.

The projected logo shows where the
kicking motion is to take place.

The projected logo will only be
available for this RKE transmitter after
it has been out of range for at least
20 seconds.

If an RKE transmitter is again
detected within approximately 2 m
(6 ft) of the liftgate, or another
hands-free operation has been
detected, the one-minute timer will be

The projected logo will not work
under these conditions:




2. 2 m (6 ft) Projected Logo
Detection Zone

The vehicle battery is low.

The transmission is not in
P (Park).

Hands Free Liftgate Control is set
to Off in vehicle personalization.
See Vehicle Personalization 0 134.


The power liftgate is turned off.


The vehicle remains parked for
72 hours or more, with no RKE
transmitter use or Keyless Access
operation. To re-enable, press any
button on the RKE transmitter or
open and close a vehicle door.

The projected logo will not work for a
single RKE transmitter when a


Has been left within
approximately 5 m (15 ft) of the
liftgate for several minutes.


Has been left inside the vehicle
and all vehicle doors are closed.


Has approached the area outside
of the liftgate five times within
10 minutes.

1. 1 m (3 ft) Hands-Free
Operation Detection Zone

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Lens Cleaning

Use a soft, damp cloth to clean the
recessed lens.


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Hands-Free Liftgate and Projected Logo Availability

Action Hands-Free Liftgate Projected Logo

RKE transmitter entering projected logo
detection zone

RKE transmitter left inside projected
logo detection zone for minimum of
10 minutes

RKE transmitter brought in and out of
projected logo detection zone five times
or more within 10 minutes

Vehicle remains parked for more than
72 hours

Vehicle battery is low Non-operative Off

Transmission is not in P (Park) Non-operative Off

Power liftgate is turned off Non-operative Off

Hands-free liftgate is disabled in
vehicle personalization

Operative On for one minute

Operative Off until RKE transmitter button press

or a door is opened and closed

Operative Off for one hour or until RKE

transmitter button press or a door is
opened and closed

Operative Off until RKE transmitter button press

or a door is opened and closed

Non-operative Off

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Vehicle Security

This vehicle has theft-deterrent
features; however, they do not make
the vehicle impossible to steal.

Fast Flash : Vehicle is unsecured.
A door, the hood, or the liftgate
is open.

Slow Flash : Alarm system is armed.

Arming the Alarm System

Vehicle Alarm System

This vehicle has an anti-theft alarm

The indicator light, on the instrument
panel near the windshield, indicates
the status of the system.

Off : Alarm system is disarmed.

On Solid : Vehicle is secured during

the delay to arm the system.

1. Close the liftgate and the hood.
Turn off the vehicle.

2. Lock the vehicle in one of
three ways:


Use the RKE transmitter.


Use the Keyless Access


With a door open, press the

3. After 30 seconds the alarm
system will arm, and the
indicator light will begin to
slowly flash indicating the alarm

system is operating. Pressing
on the RKE transmitter a second
time will bypass the 30-second
delay and immediately arm the
alarm system.

The vehicle alarm system will not arm
if the doors are locked with the key.



If the driver door is opened without
first unlocking with the RKE
transmitter, the horn will chirp and
the lights will f lash to indicate
pre-alarm. If the vehicle is not started,
or the door is not unlocked by

during the 10-second pre-alarm, the
alarm will be activated.

The alarm will also be activated if a
passenger door, the liftgate, or the
hood is opened without first
disarming the system. When the
alarm is activated, the turn signals
flash and the horn sounds for about
30 seconds. The alarm system will
then re-arm to monitor for the next
unauthorized event.

Disarming the Alarm System

To disarm the alarm system or turn


off the alarm if it has been activated:




K on the RKE transmitter


K on the RKE transmitter.

Unlock the vehicle using the
Keyless Access system.

Start the vehicle.

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To avoid setting off the alarm by


Lock the vehicle after all
occupants have left the vehicle
and all doors are closed.


Always unlock a door with the
RKE transmitter or use the Keyless
Access system.

Unlocking the driver door with the key
will not disarm the system or turn off
the alarm.

How to Detect a Tamper

If K is pressed and the horn chirps
and the lights f lash three times, the
alarm was activated while the alarm
system was armed.

If the alarm system has been
activated, a message will appear on
the DIC.

Power Sounder, Inclination
Sensor, and Intrusion Sensor

In addition to the standard
theft-deterrent system features, this
system may also have an inclination
sensor, an intrusion sensor, and power

The power sounder provides an
audible alarm that is different from
the vehicles horn. It has its own
power source, and can sound an alarm
when the vehicles battery is

The inclination sensor can set off the
alarm if it senses movement of the
vehicle, such as a change in vehicle

The intrusion sensor monitors the
vehicle interior, and can set off the
alarm if it senses an unauthorized
entry into the vehicles interior. Do
not allow passengers or pets to remain
in the vehicle when the intrusion
sensor is activated.

Before arming the theft-deterrent
system and activating the intrusion


Make sure all doors and windows
are completely closed.


Secure any loose items such as a


Make sure there are no
obstructions blocking the sensors
in the front overhead console.

Inclination and Intrusion
Sensors Disable Switch

It is recommended that the inclination
and intrusion sensors be deactivated if
pets are left in the vehicle or if the
vehicle is being transported.

With the vehicle turned off, press
in the overhead console. The indicator
light will come on momentarily,
indicating that the sensor has been
disabled until the next time the alarm
system is armed.


Steering Column Lock

If equipped, the steering column lock
is a theft-deterrent device. This
feature locks the steering column
when the vehicle is turned off and the
driver door is opened, or when the
driver door is opened and then the

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vehicle is turned off. The steering
column unlocks when the vehicle is
turned on.

The Driver Information Center (DIC)
may display one of these messages:


A message to service the steering
column lock indicates that an
issue has been detected with the
column lock feature and the
vehicle should be serviced.


A message that the steering
column is locked indicates that
the engine is running, but the
steering column is still locked. It is
normal for the column to be
locked during a remote start, but
the column should unlock after
the brake pedal is pressed and the
vehicle is started. No message will
display during a remote start.


A message that the steering wheel
must be turned and the vehicle
must be started again indicates
that the column lock mechanism
is bound, the column locking
device was unable to unlock the
steering column, and the vehicle
did not start. If this happens,

immediately turn the steering
wheel from side to side to unbind
the column lock. If this does not
unlock the steering column, turn
the vehicle off and open the driver
door to reset the system. Then
turn the vehicle on and
immediately turn the steering
wheel side to side for about
15 seconds. In some cases, it may
take significant force to unbind
the column.

To keep the steering column from
binding, straighten the front wheels
before turning off the vehicle.


See Radio Frequency Statement 0 363.

Immobilizer Operation

This vehicle has a passive
theft-deterrent system.

The system does not have to be
manually armed or disarmed.

The vehicle is automatically
immobilized when the vehicle is
turned off.


The immobilization system is
disarmed when the ignition is on or in
ACC/ACCESSORY and a valid
transmitter is present in the vehicle.

The security light, in the instrument
cluster, comes on if there is a problem
with arming or disarming the
theft-deterrent system.

The system has one or more RKE
transmitters matched to an
immobilizer control unit in your
vehicle. Only a correctly matched RKE
transmitter will start the vehicle.
If the transmitter is ever damaged,
you may not be able to start your

When trying to start the vehicle, the
security light may come on briefly
when the ignition is turned on.

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If the engine does not start and the
security light stays on, there is a
problem with the system. Turn the
ignition off and try again.

If the vehicle will not change ignition
modes (ACC/ACCESSORY, on, off), and
the RKE transmitter appears to be
undamaged, try another transmitter.
Or, you may try placing the
transmitter in the transmitter pocket
located in the center console. See

Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) System
Operation 0 10.

If the ignition mode will not change
with the other transmitter or in the
transmitter pocket, your vehicle needs
service. If the ignition does change
modes, the first transmitter may be
faulty. See your dealer who can service
the theft-deterrent system and have a
new RKE transmitter programmed to
the vehicle.

It is possible for the immobilizer
system to learn new or replacement
RKE transmitters. Up to eight
transmitters can be programmed for
the vehicle. To program additional
transmitters, see Programming
Transmitters to the Vehicleunder

Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) System
Operation 0 10.

Do not leave the key or device that
disarms or deactivates the
theft-deterrent system in the vehicle.

Exterior Mirrors

Convex Mirrors



A convex mirror can make things,
like other vehicles, look farther
away than they really are. If you cut
too sharply into the right lane, you
could hit a vehicle on the right.
Check the inside mirror or glance
over your shoulder before changing

The passenger side mirror is convex
shaped. A convex mirror’s surface is
curved so more can be seen from the
driver seat.

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Power Mirrors

To adjust a mirror:

1. Press

2. Press the arrows on the control

3. Adjust each outside mirror so

4. Press

} or | to select the

driver or passenger side mirror.
The indicator light will

pad to move the mirror in the
desired direction.

that a little of the vehicle and
the area behind it can be seen.

} or | again to deselect

the mirror.

Memory Mirrors

The vehicle may have memory
mirrors. See Memory Seats 0 48.

Side Blind Zone Alert (SBZA)

The vehicle may have SBZA. See Side
Blind Zone Alert (SBZA) 0 229.

Lane Change Alert (LCA)

The vehicle may have LCA. See Lane
Change Alert (LCA) 0 229.

Turn Signal Indicator

The vehicle may have a turn signal
indicator lamp built into the mirror
housing. The turn signal lamp flashes
when the turn signals or hazard
flashers are used.

Puddle Light

The vehicle may have a puddle light
on the mirror housings. The light will
illuminate the ground when the door
is opened.


Folding Mirrors

Manual Folding Mirrors

If equipped, manually fold the mirrors
inward toward the vehicle to prevent
damage when going through an
automatic car wash. Push the mirror
outward to return it to the original

Power Folding Mirrors

If equipped, press { to power fold
the mirrors. Press

{ again to unfold.

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Resetting the Power Folding

Reset the power folding mirrors if:


The mirrors are accidentally
obstructed while folding.


They are accidentally manually


The mirrors do not stay in the
unfolded position.


The mirrors vibrate at normal
driving speeds.

Fold and unfold the mirrors one time
using the mirror controls to reset
them to their normal position. A noise
may be heard during the resetting of
the power folding mirrors. This sound
is normal after a manual folding

Remote Folding Mirror

If equipped, press and hold Q on the
RKE transmitter for approximately
one second to automatically fold the

exterior mirrors. Press and hold
the RKE transmitter for approximately

K on

one second to unfold. See Remote
Keyless Entry (RKE) System Operation

0 10.

This feature is turned on or off
through vehicle personalization. See
Vehicle Personalization 0 134.

Heated Mirrors


See Rear Window Defoggerunder

Dual Automatic Climate Control System
0 151.

Automatic Dimming Mirror

If the vehicle has the automatic
dimming mirror, the driver outside
mirror automatically adjusts for the
glare of headlamps behind you.

: Press to heat the mirrors.

Reverse Tilt Mirrors

If equipped with memory seats, the
passenger and/or driver mirror tilts to
a preselected position when the
vehicle is in R (Reverse). This allows
the curb to be seen when parallel

The mirror(s) return to the original
position when:


The vehicle is shifted out of
R (Reverse), or remains in
R (Reverse) for about 30 seconds.


The ignition is turned off.


The vehicle is driven in
R (Reverse) above a set speed.

To turn this feature on or off, see
Vehicle Personalization 0 134.

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Interior Mirrors

Interior Rearview Mirrors

Adjust the rearview mirror for a clear
view of the area behind the vehicle.

Do not spray glass cleaner directly on
the mirror. Use a soft towel dampened
with water.

Manual Rearview Mirror

Push the tab forward for daytime use
and pull it rearward for nighttime use
to avoid glare of the headlamps from

Automatic Dimming
Rearview Mirror

If equipped, automatic dimming
reduces the glare of headlamps from
behind. The dimming feature comes
on when the vehicle is started.

Rear Camera Mirror

If equipped, this automatic dimming
mirror provides a wide angle camera
view of the area behind the vehicle.

Pull the tab to turn on the display.
Push the tab to turn it off. When off
the mirror is automatic dimming.
Adjust the mirror for a clear view of
the area behind the vehicle while the
display is off.


Press V to scroll through the
adjustment options.


t and u to adjust the settings

using the indicators on the mirror.
The indicators will remain visible for
five seconds after the last button
activation, and the settings will
remain saved.

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The adjustment options are:







The Rear Camera Mirror (RCM) has
a limited view. Portions of the road,
vehicles, and other objects may not
be seen. Do not drive or park the
vehicle using only this camera.
Objects may appear closer than
they are. Check the outside mirrors
or glance over your shoulder when
making lane changes or merging.
Failure to use proper care may
result in injury, death, or vehicle



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See your dealer for service if a blue
screen and

mirror, and the display shuts off. Also,
push the tab as indicated to return to
the automatic dimming mode.

The Rear Camera Mirror may not work
properly or display a clear image if:



3 are displayed in the

There is glare from the sun or
headlamps. This may obstruct
objects from view. If needed, push
the tab to turn off the display.

Dirt, snow, or other debris blocks
the camera lens. Clean the lens
with a soft damp cloth, or if

equipped, with the Rear Camera
Washer. See Rear Window Wiper/
Washer 0 106.


The cameras mounting on the
vehicle has been damaged, and/or
the position or the mounting angle
of the camera has changed.





Never leave a child, a helpless adult,
or a pet alone in a vehicle,
especially with the windows closed
in warm or hot weather. They can
be overcome by the extreme heat
and suffer permanent injuries or
even death from heat stroke.

The vehicle aerodynamics are
designed to improve fuel economy
performance. This may result in a

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pulsing sound when either rear
window is down and the front
windows are up. To reduce the sound,
open either a front window or the
sunroof, if equipped.

Power Windows



Children could be seriously injured
or killed if caught in the path of a
closing window. Never leave the
Remote Keyless Entry (RKE)
transmitter in a vehicle with
children. When there are children in
the rear seat, use the window
lockout switch to prevent operation
of the windows. See Keys 0 9.

The power windows work when the
ignition is on, in ACC/ACCESSORY,
or when Retained Accessor y Power
(RAP) is active. See Retained Accessory
Power (RAP) 0 182.

Using the window switch, press to
open or pull to close the window.

The windows may be temporarily
disabled if they are used repeatedly
within a short time.

Window Lockout

This feature stops the rear passenger
window switches from working.



2 to engage the rear

window lockout feature. The
indicator light is on when engaged.


2 again to disengage.


Window Express Movement

All windows can be opened without
holding the window switch. Press the
switch down fully and quickly release
to express open the window.

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If equipped, pull the window switch
up fully and quickly release to express
close the window.

Briefly press or pull the window
switch in the same direction to stop
that windows express movement.

Window Automatic Reversal

The express-close feature will reverse
window movement if it comes in
contact with an object. Extreme cold
or ice could cause the window to
auto-reverse. The window will operate
normally after the object or condition
is removed.

Automatic Reversal System



If automatic reversal system
override is active, the window will
not reverse automatically. You or
others could be injured and the
window could be damaged. Before
using automatic reversal system


Warning (Continued)

override, make sure that all people
and obstructions are clear of the
window path.

When the engine is on, override the
automatic reversal system by pulling
and holding the window switch if
conditions prevent it from closing.

Programming the Power

Programming may be necessary if the
vehicle battery has been disconnected
or discharged. If the window is unable
to express-up, program each
express-close window:

1. Close all doors.

2. Turn the ignition on or to ACC/

3. Partially open the window to be
programmed. Then close it and
continue to pull the switch
briefly after the window has fully


4. Open the window and continue
to press the switch briefly after
the window has fully opened.

Remote Window Operation

If equipped, this feature allows all
windows to be opened remotely.
If enabled in vehicle personalization,

press and hold
transmitter. See Vehicle Personalization
0 134.

K on the RKE

Sun Visors

Pull the sun visor down to block glare.
Detach the sun visor from the center
mount to pivot to the side window
and, if equipped, extend along the rod.

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If equipped, the ignition must be on
or in ACC/ACCESSORY, or Retained
Accessory Power (RAP) must be active
to operate the sunroof. See Ignition

Positions 0 176 and
Retained Accessory Power (RAP) 0 182.

1. Sunroof Switch

2. Sunshade Switch

Sunroof Express Operation : Press
and release
release again to move to the partially

e (1) to vent. Press and

opened comfort stop position. Press
and release again to express-open to
the fully opened position. Press and

e (1) at any time to stop


movement. Press and release
to express-close. Press and release

g (1) at any time to stop


Sunroof Manual Operation : The
sunroof can change to manual mode

by holding

sunroof will now open as long as
(1) is held. Press and release e (1)

again to change back to express

Power Sunshade Express
Operation : Press and release

to express-open the sunshade. Press

and release

movement. Press and release
to express-close the sunshade. Press

and release
stop movement.

e (1) while opening. The

C (2) at any time to stop

Q (2) at any time to

g (1)


C (2)

Q (2)

Power Sunshade Manual
Operation : The sunshade can change

to manual mode by holding
while opening. The sunroof will now

open as long as

and release
back to express operation.

The sunroof cannot be opened or
closed if the vehicle has an electrical

C (2) is held. Press

C (2) again to change

C (2)

Automatic Reversal System

The sunroof and power sunshade have
an automatic reversal system that is
only active when the sunroof and
power sunshade, if equipped, are
operated in express-close mode.

If an object is in the path while
express-closing, the reversal system
will detect an object, stop, and open
the sunroof or power sunshade again.

If frost or other conditions prevent
closing, override the feature by closing
the sunroof or power sunshade in
manual mode. To stop movement,
release the switch.

Cadillac XT5 Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-

13527534) 2020 CRC 5/29/19

Dirt and debris may collect on the
sunroof seal or in the track. This
could cause an issue with sunroof
operation or noise. It could also plug
the water drainage system.
Periodically open the sunroof and
remove any obstacles or loose debris.
Wipe the sunroof seal and roof sealing
area using a clean cloth, mild soap,
and water. Do not remove grease from
the sunroof.

If water is seen dripping into the
water drainage system, this is normal.


Cadillac XT5 Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-

13527534) 2020 CRC 5/29/19


Seats and Restraints

Head Restraints

Head Restraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Front Seats

Seat Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 46
Lumbar Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Reclining Seatbacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Memory Seats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Heated and Ventilated Front

Seats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . 51

Rear Seats

Rear Seats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 52
Rear Seat Armrest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Heated Rear Seats . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 55

Seat Belts

Seat Belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
How to Wear Seat Belts

Properly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 57
Lap-Shoulder Belt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Seat Belt Use During

Pregnancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Seat Belt Extender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Safety System Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Seat Belt Care . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. 63
Replacing Seat Belt System Parts

after a Crash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Airbag System

Airbag System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Where Are the Airbags? . . . . . . . . . . . 66
When Should an Airbag

Inflate? . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
What Makes an Airbag Inflate? . . . 68
How Does an Airbag Restrain? . . . 68
What Will You See after an Airbag

Inflates? . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 68
Passenger Sensing System . . . . . . . . 70
Servicing the Airbag-Equipped

Vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Adding Equipment to the

Airbag-Equipped Vehicle . . . . . . . . 74
Airbag System Check . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 75
Replacing Airbag System Parts

after a Crash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Child Restraints

Older Children . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . 76
Infants and Young Children . . . . . . 77
Child Restraint Systems . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Where to Put the Restraint . . . . . . . 81
Lower Anchors and Tethers for

Children (LATCH System) . . . . . . . 83
Replacing LATCH System Parts

After a Crash . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 89
Securing Child Restraints (With

the Seat Belt in the

Rear Seat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 89

Securing Child Restraints (With

the Seat Belt in the
Front Seat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

Cadillac XT5 Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-

13527534) 2020 CRC 5/29/19

Head Restraints

The vehicles front seats have
adjustable head restraints in the
outboard seating positions.



With head restraints that are not
installed and adjusted properly,
there is a greater chance that
occupants will suffer a neck/spinal
injury in a crash. Do not drive until
the head restraints for all occupants
are installed and adjusted properly.

If your vehicle has rear head
restraints that fold down, always
return them to the full upright
position whenever an occupant is
seated in the seat.

Adjust the head restraint so that the
top of the restraint is at the same
height as the top of the occupant’s
head. This position reduces the
chance of a neck injury in a crash.

Front Seats

The vehicle’s front seats have
adjustable head restraints in the
outboard seating positions.


The height of the head restraint can
be adjusted.

To raise or lower the head restraint,
press the button located on the side of
the head restraint and pull up or push
the head restraint down, and release
the button. Pull and push on the head
restraint after the button is released
to make sure that it is locked in place.

The front seat outboard head
restraints are not removable.

Cadillac XT5 Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-

13527534) 2020 CRC 5/29/19


Rear Seats

Rear Head Restraint Adjustment

The vehicle’s rear seats have
adjustable head restraints in the
outboard seating positions.

The height of the head restraint can
be adjusted. Pull the head restraint up
to raise it. Try to move the head
restraint to make sure that it is locked
in place.

To lower the head restraint, press the
button, located on the top of the
seatback, and push the head restraint

down. Try to move the head restraint
after the button is released to make
sure that it is locked in place.

Always adjust the head restraint so
that the top of the restraint is at the
same height as the top of the
occupant’s head.

Rear outboard head restraints are not

If you are installing a child restraint
in the rear seat, see Securing a Child
Restraint Designed for the LATCH
Systemunder Lower Anchors and

Tethers for Children (LATCH System)
0 83.

Front Seats

Seat Adjustment



You can lose control of the vehicle
if you try to adjust a driver seat
while the vehicle is moving. Adjust
the driver seat only when the
vehicle is not moving.



The power seats will work with the
ignition off. Children could operate
the power seats and be injured.
Never leave children alone in the

Cadillac XT5 Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-

13527534) 2020 CRC 5/29/19

To adjust a power seat:


Move the seat forward or rearward
by sliding the control forward or


Raise or lower the front part of the
seat cushion by moving the front
of the control up or down.


Raise or lower the entire seat by
moving the rear of the control up
or down.

To adjust the seatback, see Reclining
Seatbacks 0 47.

To adjust the lumbar support, see
Lumbar Adjustment 0 47.

Some vehicles are equipped with a
feature that activates a vibration in
the driver seat to help the driver avoid
crashes. See Driver Assistance Systems
0 210.

Lumbar Adjustment

Press and hold the control forward to
increase or rearward to decrease


Reclining Seatbacks



Sitting in a reclined position when
the vehicle is in motion can be
dangerous. Even when buckled up,
the seat belts cannot do their job.

The shoulder belt will not be
against your body. Instead, it will be
in front of you. In a crash, you
could go into it, receiving neck or
other injuries.

The lap belt could go up over your
abdomen. The belt forces would be
there, not at your pelvic bones. This
could cause serious internal

For proper protection when the
vehicle is in motion, have the
seatback upright. Then sit well back
in the seat and wear the seat belt

Cadillac XT5 Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-

13527534) 2020 CRC 5/29/19



Tilt the top of the control
rearward to recline.


Tilt the top of the control forward
to raise.

Memory Seats

Do not have a seatback reclined if the
vehicle is moving.

If equipped, memory seats allow two
drivers to save and recall their unique
seat positions for driving the vehicle,
and a shared exit position for getting
out of the vehicle. Other feature
positions may also be saved, such as
power mirrors and power steering

To adjust:

wheel, if equipped. Memory positions
are linked to RKE transmitter 1 or 2
for automatic memory recalls.

Before saving, adjust all available
memory feature positions. Turn the
vehicle on and then press and release
SET; a beep will sound. Then
immediately press and hold 1, 2,


B (Exit) until two beeps sound.

To manually recall these positions,
press and hold 1, 2, or

saved position is reached. Follow the
instructions under Saving Memory

The vehicle identifies the current
drivers RKE transmitter number
(1–8). See Remote Keyless Entry (RKE)
System Operation 0 10. Only RKE
transmitters 1 and 2 can be used for
automatic memory recalls. A Driver
Information Center (DIC) welcome
message indicating the transmitter
number may display for the first few
ignition cycles following a transmitter
change. For Seat Entry Memory to
work properly, save the positions to
the memory button (1 or 2) matching
the RKE transmitter number displayed
in the DIC welcome message. Carr y
the linked RKE transmitter when
entering the vehicle.

B until the

Cadillac XT5 Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-

13527534) 2020 CRC 5/29/19

Vehicle Personalization Settings


To have the Seat Entry Memory
movement begin when the vehicle
is started, select the Settings
menu, then Vehicle, then Seating
Position, and then Seat Entr y
Memory. Select On or Off. See
Seat Entry Memorylater in this


To begin Seat Exit Memor y
movement when the vehicle is
turned off and the driver door is
opened, or when the vehicle is
turned off with the driver door
already opened, select the Settings
menu, then Vehicle, then Seating
Position, and then Seat Exit
Memory. Select On or Off. See
Seat Exit Memorylater in this


See Vehicle Personalization 0 134
for additional setting information.

Identifying Driver Number

To identify the driver number:

1. Move your RKE transmitter away
from the vehicle.

2. Start the vehicle with another
key or RKE transmitter. The DIC
should display the driver number
for the other RKE transmitter.
Turn the vehicle off and remove
the key or RKE transmitter from
the vehicle.

3. Start the vehicle with the initial
key or RKE transmitter. The DIC
should display the driver number
of your RKE transmitter.

Saving Memory Positions

Read these instructions completely
before saving memory positions.

To save preferred driving positions
1 and 2:

1. Turn the vehicle on or to ACC/

A DIC welcome message may
indicate driver number 1 or 2.

2. Adjust all available memory
features to the desired driving

3. Press and release SET; a beep
will sound.


4. Immediately press and hold the
1 or 2 memory button matching
the above DIC welcome message
until two beeps sound.

If too much time passes between
releasing SET and pressing 1, the
memory position will not be
saved and two beeps will not
sound. Repeat Steps 3 and 4.

1 or 2 corresponds to the driver
number. See Identifying Driver
Numberpreviously in this

5. Repeat Steps 1–4 for a second
driver using 1 or 2.

To save the position for
Exit Memory features, repeat Steps 1–

4 using
for getting out of the vehicle.

Save preferred memory feature
positions to both 1 and 2 if you are
the only driver.

B. This saves the position

B and Seat


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