Call of war руководство

Примечание переводчика:
Данное руководство является переводом официального руководства к игре Call of War. С момента его написания в игровой процесс могли быть внесены изменения, какие-то элементы игрового процесса могли быть изменены, упразднены либо добавлены, в связи с чем рекомендуем воспринимать это руководство исключительно как описание базовых принципов игры.
Некоторые очевидно устаревшие либо ошибочные пункты устранены либо отредактированы согласно ныне действующих игровых механизмов. Но в целом структура данного Мануала полностью соответствует структуре Официального Мануала.
Пункты, которых нет в оригинале, но мы сочли необходимым о них упомянуть, помечены звездочкой (*).
Для упрощения навигации заголовки основных разделов Мануала указываются по-русски и по-английски. В каждой теме вверху есть ссылка на оригинал на английском языке

Английская версия


Игра Call Of War основана на событиях и антураже Второй Мировой Войны — важнейшего и захватывающего периода мировой истории. Вы — великий лидер вашей нации и вы наделены абсолютной властью принимать все решения в вашей стране. Страна разделена на несколько провинций, каждая из которых производит определенное количество ресурсов. Всего в игре 7 видов ресурсов, необходимых для строительства инфраструктуры, развития технологий и производства вооружений и увеличения добычи ресурсов.


В Call Of War вы можете играть сразу в нескольких параллельных играх, зарабатывать очки рейтинга, что позволит разблокировать новые карты и юниты. Для победы в одной игре необходимо выполнить условия победы этой конкретной игры. Условия победы прописаны во внутриигровой газете «World Herald» в разделе «Сведения об игре». Как правило, цель игры — занять первое место, набрав определенное количество очков. Количество очков зависит от количества провинций под вашим контролем и суммы их Очков Победы.


Ваша первая игра будет называться «обучающая игра», в которой вы ознакомитесь с базовыми инструментами Call Of War, такими как создание юнитов и постройка сооружений, их прокачка, исследование новых юнитов, а также использование золота (игровой валюты). Вы возьмете на себя управление случайной страной из тех, что присутствуют на выбранной вами карте. Впоследствии вы сможете выбрать и такую карту, на которой вы сами сможете выбрать желаемую страну. Поскольку мы считаем обучение очень важным и полезным этапом, вам будет необходимо пройти его один раз с тем, чтобы не повторять обучающие элементы в каждой последующей игре, к которой вы присоединитесь.

Welcome to Call of War! Are you ready to fight for provinces and dominate the world? If you are, then keep reading!

Before You Start[]

Please check the game and Bytro rules, as you don’t want to get in trouble without knowing that you did! Most games have anti-cheat systems, so do not play the same game with two accounts with the same network, otherwise the anti-cheat will activate. Some games may allow teams or coalitions. These are groups of people who work together to achieve victory.

Another tip, check the day of the game of which you are entering! If it is later than Day 4, it is probably best not to enter! Also check how many people are in. If it is almost full, it is guaranteed that people will be ahead of you and may attack you first with you having no way to defend! Anonymous rounds mean that you have no idea who you are fighting or allying with until the game is over. Check for Elite AI as well! These AI are much smarter than the regular AI, and will try to resist your attack. You do not want to enter a game and realize that you are having a hard time with them unless you know what you are doing. (When joining rounds with Elite AI, or any round, you should stay online, checking at least 3 times a day, It will help.)

Once you get to the country selection screen, try to select countries that are strategically positioned so that you will not have a hard time fighting. Examples are countries with only one direction to expand in the beginning, countries with a coast, and countries that are islands. Take time to decide which country you are going to pick, as it may affect how easy or hard it is to win. Different countries employ different doctrines. Allies, Axis, Comintern, and Pan-Asian (but the starting 50 player map does not have Pan-Asian). Doctrines give pros & cons to your combat and research, so you should consider doctrines when you pick countries.

First Day[]

Once you enter the game, you should start your research. It’s best to research level 1 infantry and level 1 armored car first. These two units don’t take long to research (30 mins each, but 20 minutes for the countries of the Allies Doctrine). Level 1 infantry will unlock other unarmored units and level 1 armored car unlocks the rest of the armored tab.

While your units are being researched, you should build production buildings (barracks, tank plants, ordnance foundries, etc.) For now, barracks and tank plants are enough (you can build others too but barracks and tank plants are the priority). Once the research and production buildings are completed, you can start producing your units! If you have enough resources, you should also build industries in resource producing provinces to increase resource production. When your barracks are constructed, your research on infantry should be also be done. Produce a few infantries to get some early units for combat.

Try to be aware of your borders, for you should use troops that are in country and move them to your borders, It will help protect your borders.

You should start moving your units to the border of a country that you want to attack. It is suggested to attack an AI country first, rather than a player country. Alternatively, you can choose to preserve your military strength for future battles. After your first two researches are finished, you can move on to researching other units. Light tank, anti-tank, rocket artillery (available on day 1 if you choose Comintern doctrine), or submarines are good options.

Tips on attacking your first country: AI countries are weak. They have very little troops to start off with, plus they are small and the AI is nowhere as skilled as players. Most AI countries only have 1 city, but they are still worth attacking so that you can get an extra city. In the current version of Call of War, only urban provinces can produce units, so you should hold as many cities as possible. Make sure you defend your borders in all directions. When you choose to attack a country, you can be flanked from the side, or attacked from behind. Don’t let your guard down.

It is not required to produce as many buildings and units as you can. Focus constructing buildings in cities and only produce units that are most essential. Infantries are suggested. Armored cars can be skipped to save resources for light tanks. A few anti-tank guns and artillery would also be good options.

Day 2[]

Once Day 2 arrives, you will notice that a new batch of researches are available. Only research the ones that are crucial to increasing your military strength. For example, if you’re not encountering enemies that use a large sum of aircraft, then researching and/or producing anti-air guns would be useless. It is also quite unlikely that an enemy can produce a lot of aircraft in the first 2 days, so you don’t need to rush researching anti-air guns. Anti-tank guns would be more useful as most players would use tanks of all kinds, even though stronger tanks are not yet available in early days.

Depending on your doctrine, different units might be unlocked in the research tab. For example, the Comintern doctrine allows rocket artillery to be researched on day 1, while the allies doctrine has to wait until day 2.

Units to research on day 2 (may or may not be available to you): Level 2 infantry, rocket artillery, medium tank, submarine (if you haven’t already), etc.

What to research/produce also depends on your play style. You might like to play around with a lot of aircraft, so in that case, you need to build lots of aircraft factories/airstrips. You also need to research interceptors, tactical bombers, and attack bombers. If you want to attack quickly and aggressively, you might choose to research motorized infantry and tanks as they have faster movement compared to infantries.

Again, you should defend your border at all times. You can take risks and not defend parts of your borders, but if one of your cities is on the border, then you must leave troops guarding it. You can’t afford to lose a city, unless there is an obvious advantage to strategically retreat.

On Day 1, you might have already started invading an AI country, so on Day 2, you can proceed to conquer the rest of that country. If you haven’t started expanding on the previous day, then you should do so by this time. Alternatively, you can keep stacking up units and wait for the next day, but time is ticking. Don’t lose your chances to expand early game.

TIP FOR COMBAT (IMPORTANT): Please DO NOT send units to attack one by one. This is the worst method you can do. Always stack multiple units together as you invade enemies. If you’re fighting against players, send units in groups of 4/5 (at least, 5 or more is suggested). You can use your interceptor (the one you start off with) to patrol nearby countries and see if they are making any moves towards you.

TIP FOR BUILDING (IMPORTANT): Mainly focus building in cities. By leveling up production buildings (like barracks, secret labs, tank plants…), you can produce units faster. Though I don’t suggest trying to max out up production buildings early game, as you need to save resources to actually produce units. Propaganda offices and recruiting stations are not crucial in early game. Building industries and local industries will help to increase your resource production, but may use up your metal, oil, and rare materials supply.

Day 3[]

Continue expanding your country by attacking nearby countries. It is best to engage war with one country at a time, as you don’t want to exhaust your military strength. Don’t direct all your attention to a single battle and completely forget about guarding your borders. Anyone can sneak attack you and catch you off-guard. Choose an expansion route that is strategically beneficial to you.

Example for Europe: Clash of Nations map.

If you play as Caucasus, you might attack Cossack Republic on Day 2 and finish off Cossack Republic on Day 3. Then, you can move west to attack Ukraine, or Russian Empire. If you choose to attack Ukraine, then you must guard your border with Russian Empire. Do the same (vice versa) if you choose to invade Russian Empire first. Alternatively, you can also move south for Turkey.

Keep researching new units if required. Again, you DON’T need to research everything that is available to you. Only research the ones that you might produce the most. At this point of the game, motorized infantry, medium tank, and rocket artillery is suggested. You might also get some aircraft for air assaults, but it’s not very crucial, as aircraft can’t conquer provinces. If you want to preserve resources for an expensive research, that’s fine. Just leave your research slots temporarily idle.

Day 4[]

By this point, you should have taken out at least one AI country and probably started attacking a player country. Produce units in your core provinces and send them to the front line. Don’t put an order to push an army through multiple provinces. You should take provinces row by row, instead of crushing them as fast as you can. You won’t know what troops the enemy has placed in the provinces behind the border. If you put down an order to rush straight towards the capital, your army will take a lot of damage along the way and by the time it arrives at the capital, its hitpoints might be critically low.

Level up your production buildings so that you can produce units faster. If you lose a lot of units in battles, you should produce new units to replenish your army strength, otherwise you will be overpowered. If required, retreat your troops to a better location. You might need to abandon some provinces in order to reduce high death numbers.

Final tip for you all: Don’t be reckless. There is no need to push as fast as you can. You might be going for the blitzkrieg strategy, but it won’t pay off unless the enemy is unprepared. Stack up units into a decent-sized group until you press them forwards, and remember to guard your border (especially in the opposite direction).

Attacking Enemy countries/Defending From them[]

(NOTE: This is to explain deeper into attacking on the first few days.)

When attacking an enemy country, try to make strategic stacks of units, being that the easiest way to invade somebody is to make unit stacks of: 3 Infantry, 1 Armored Car, 1 Anti-Air unit. Or if you aren’t really that picky, just send infantry and ordinance in to invade. Now when doing this, you want to be ready for a counter offensive, which are surprising and usually non-strategic. This will move us to the second part of this section, defending from them.

When being invaded early, move your units to a strategic position, usually back to the provinces surrounding your main cities, for reinforcement will arrive faster. Also try to ally with countries on the opposite side of your invading country, for usually these as I call, «Evaders» or Early Invaders, will weaken their borders just to take you out. If you are the Invader, Watch your borders before being an Evader, as I said, they will be asking for help in a desperate manner, and If a neutral country sees this, they will play the smart move and invade. Counter Attacks can be a result of this, so always be ready.

Good luck on your Call of War games!

(Disclaimer: These tips do not ensure a victory in any Call of War match. You need to use your wits to survive and expand. Don’t come back complaining how this guide is trash. If you have suggestions to improve the guide, please comment below.)

Заметка от Али Гарха (Али-Гарх )

Не буду останавливаться на том как шпионы нанимаются и отправляются на миссии, это расписано в Руководстве, да и интуитивно понятно.

Наём шпиона стоит 15000 долларов. В зависимости от того какой тип миссии мы задали шпиону его содержание обойдётся от 500 до 4000 долларов день:

500 — Шпион без миссии,
1000 — Контрразведка,
2000 — Разведка,
4000 — Экономический саботаж,
4000 — Военный саботаж.

Зарплата шпиону выплачивается при смене игрового дня (GMT+0), в это же время шпион выполняет своё задание. Имейте ввиду, если в казне не осталось денег для выплат шпиону, то он уйдёт в самоволку, причём если его миссия выполнялась на чужой территории, то шпион бесплатно перейдёт к хозяину провинции.

Кроме обычных шпионов есть ещё Мастер Шпионы. Их содержание ничего не стоит, однако для выполнения миссии они требуют Goldmark. Мастер Шпионы выполняют свою работу сразу, как только вы накормили их донатом.

Когда вы отправляете шпиона на задание, вы можете задать ему тип миссии (Контрразведка, Разведка, Экономический или Военный саботаж), однако какая конкретно миссия из множества возможных будет выполнена определяется случайно. В одну провинцию можно отправить сразу несколько шпионов. В этом случае вероятность выполнения нужной миссии возрастает. Кроме того эффект от миссий выполненных несколько раз в одной провинции складывается.


Контрразведка имеет только одну миссию — обезвредить вражеского шпиона. Вражеский шпион, особенно с миссией саботаж, может быть пойман даже без наших контрразведчиков. Однако если в провинции, где действует вражеский шпион, работает один или несколько наших контрразведчиков, то вероятность поимки значительно возрастает. Так как эффект от контрразведчиков действует на одну провинцию, то и отправлять их нужно в первую очередь туда где следует ждать вражеских шпионов. Разведка, контрразведка и саботаж в столице никаких преимуществ по сравнению с обычными провинциями не даёт.

Стоит добавить, что один контрразведчик может обезвредить сразу несколько шпионов. Известен случай, когда 7 контрразведчиков обезвредили сразу 25 шпионов врага. Однако случается, что контрразведчик не может обезвредить вражеского разведчика или даже саботёра, работающего в той же провинции.


Разведка — наиболее полезная вещь, которая имеется в шпионаже. Всего имеется 5 разведывательных миссий из которых разведчик выполняет за день две. Одна миссия выполняется всегда:

получение информации об инфраструктуре и текущем фабричном производстве целевой провинции

и ещё одна миссия из 4 определяется случайно:

разведка позиций и миссий вражеских шпионов,
перехват политических отношений, входящих и исходящих сообщений включая информацию об обмене ресурсами,
получение информации об армиях в целевой провинции и всех соседних,
получение информации о запасе ресурсов, текущих и выполненных заказах на бирже

Разведка это единственный способ определить уровень фабрик у противника. Наличие фабрики вы можете определить по дымящейся трубе, а вот уровень нет — труба дымит всегда только одна.

Иметь одного-двух разведчиков рекомендуется с самого начала партии. Их следует отправлять к ближайшим соседям. Если соседей более двух, то разведчики командируются к каждому соседу по очереди. По полученной информации, а это не только перехваченная корреспонденция, но и дипломатические отношения, а так же информация по обмену ресурсами, можно на ранних этапах выявить союзников и врагов ваших соседей.

Тщательная разведка понадобится перед атакой врага. Конечно, если это не самое начало партии, когда численность вражеской армии легко просчитывается, а форты не скрывают численность армий, и не конец, когда провинций очень много и дешевле получить всю информацию от военного саботёра. Здесь нам потребуется уже с десяток разведчиков. Засылайте их группами по 2-3 разведчика на провинцию, так чтобы покрыть всю или хотя бы большую часть территории врага. Не забывайте, разведчики дают информацию об армиях в целевой и всех соседних провинциях.

Побочная информация пригодится нашим контрразведчикам и саботёрам. Информация о текущем фабричном производстве поможет нашим военным саботёрам притормозить дорогостоящий проект. Разведка позиций и миссий вражеских шпионов будет полезна нашим контрразведчикам. Именно туда они должны быть отправлены. Естественно, тоже самое может сделать противник. Поэтому провинции, в которых работают наши разведчики и саботёры необходимо менять.

Экономический саботаж

Что касается саботажа, то это полезное, но дорогое удовольствие. Использовать саботаж на ранних этапах не рекомендуется. Хотя саботаж и навредит врагу, но непомерные затраты на диверсантов бумерангом ударят по собственной экономике. В концовке игры, когда остался один противник, а казна полна, саботаж можно использовать во всю силу. С миссией саботаж отправляются группы по 5-10 иногда и больше шпионов на провинцию.

Всего имеется 4 миссии экономического саботажа:

уничтожение ресурсов,
кража налогов,
уменьшение морали в провинции,
включение/выключение построек.

Шпион выполняет за день только одну из миссий. Какую конкретно определяется случайно.

Наиболее полезной мне видится миссия уменьшения морали в провинции. Она падает на 10% в случае если миссия выполнена. С этой миссией бессмысленно (за исключением финального хода) отправлять шпионов в провинции с высокой моралью. Дело в том что движок просчитывает мораль и её эффекты следующим образом: сначала обрабатываются революции в провинциях с низкой моралью, затем шпионы понижают мораль, и в конце пересчитывается мораль на новый день. Таким образом мораль успеет частично восстановиться за счёт бонуса от соседних провинций и инфраструктуры, и шпион не сможет инициировать революцию в не революционной провинции в тот же день. А вот в недавно захваченной провинции с низкой моралью такой шпион спровоцирует население на длительные революции.

Как полезный побочный эффект — включение/выключение построек. Включение/выключение построек легко отслеживается через окно управления провинциями и противник может активировать все постройки в тот же день. Но иногда бывает, что противник, наоборот, из-за недостатка зерна отключает все свои казармы. Включив их вы возможно заставите врага голодать, в следствии чего мораль его войск и провинций понизится. Наиболее коварные игроки совмещают включение казарм с экономическим саботажем во всех зерновых провинциях.

Отправлять шпионов для уничтожения ресурсови меет смысл только в провинции со стратегически важными ресурсами — нефтью и зерном, и в некоторых редких случаях — углём. Один шпион уничтожает около 1000 ресурсов (количество определяется случайно) и никогда не может уничтожить больше, чем имеет игрок. Поэтому если у вас положительный баланс по какому-то ресурсу, то вы можете выставить его на рынок и тем самым уберечь от уничтожения. Впрочем этот трюк считается читом и негласно запрещён.

Кража налогов самая бесполезная вещь. Один шпион крадёт меньше 4000 и частенько даже меньше 2000, так что эта миссия не окупается.

Военный саботаж

Миссии военного саботажа:

выявление всех вражеских армий,
повреждение инфраструктуры,
задержка строительства зданий,
задержка строительства военной продукции.

Шпион выполняет за день только одну из миссий. Какую конкретно определяется случайно.

Военный саботаж более эффективное средство чем экономический. Один единственный шпион, если конечно повезёт, может вскрыть всю армию противника, чего на завершающей стадии игры не сделает даже десяток разведчиков.

Засылать саботёров следует в первую очередь в провинции с заводами, чтобы понизить их уровень (точнее пол уровня, то что рушит один саботёр восстанавливается за 12 часов), задержать их улучшение (на 50% времени улучшения), либо задержать формирование отрядов (на 10% от времени формирования). Провинция в которой заложен линкор или железнодорожная артиллерия обычно под надёжной охраной контрразведчиков, однако попробовать всегда стоит. Ну и наконец, подорванные пути могут отрезать железнодорожную артиллерию врага от линии фронта.

Мастер Шпионы

Работают только за донат, поэтому настоящие герои ими не пользуются. Выложу только картинку с их миссиями.

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Call of War - Beginners Guide

Call of War — Beginners Guide

This guide should help new players get more experience with playing and hopefully help them in succeding.

Dropping into a New Game


When starting a new game, you have several game mode options to choose from, it can range from, Artic Domination all the way to the 100 player World at War (my personal favourite). When starting a new game there is 1 day peace period, this gives you time to prepare troops and build infastructure or research, but before this you must choose a country to play as. When selecting a country it is important to keep in mind how you like to play the game, if you prefer to build up an army overtime and research more advanced troops, it might be a good idea to select an isolated country, such as Finland, UK or Japan, however it is important to note that island countries have less cities meaning you will have to sacrifice some resources to build more Industrial Complexes.


Once you have picked your country, your main priority will be to research infantry and Armoured Cars, Milita, while cheap and easy to produce, does not posses the defensive capabilites of an Infantry/ Armoured car duo. Another good tip is to befriend your neighbouring countries, possibly forming a coalition is a good idea. This will give you protection from aggressive countries trying to invade you. If you prefer to invade countries as soon as possible, make sure you have protection from other bordering countries, or else you will more than likely be attacked. It is also a good idea to research defensive units early, such as anti tank weapons can prove effective against enemies trying to rush you with armoured cars.


It is vital that you do your best efforts to preserve and maintain a solid supply of Oil and Food to keep your army and population stable, although I won my first game I was constantly pressured by low amounts of food leaving my morale to slowly stoop giving the enemy an advantage. To prevent this, purchase enough Rare Materials to build indusrial complexes in your Oil and Food regions, if you happen to possess a double resource region you will earn much more supplies and you will not have to develop as much industrial in that reigion. You can also develop infastructure which also boost supplies upwards of 14,000.

Planning Ahead

Make sure you have backup plans if your plan A goes south, such as leaving AT units in your cities or Bombers protecting your borders, many of my first games I was flanked and my units were unable to reach my mainland in time. This can be very frustrating and can be a gamechanger.

Mid-Game Tactics

Deciding which way to go

In almost every game you will be presented with the option of invading one way or the other, this can be regions such as Asia, Europe or America etc. If you are looking for high Victory Point (VP) Areas, you may want to direct your attention towards Europe, with many compact coutries it can be an easy place to invade, N. America also possess a lot of cities and capitols, the only downside is the fact that it can only be accessed by Sea or through S. America, it also has many Coastal Cities, meaning they will often be ahead in Naval Warfare. Asia possess lots of VP aswell, however its extreme terrains and large war front can leave you vunerable to flanks and you may be forced to split your Armies in order to control a wider area, to stop naval flanking, produce a few destroyers or submarines towards Northen Russia, this will give you some form of security when it comes to protection. Oceania, while being quite an easy area to invade, possess the least amount of VP, but can be a great place to stock up on food and naval bases.

What to research

When more options become available, you may be stuck on what you want to invest your rare materials in, it is quite important to leave Secret units locked away until your base army is strong enough to fight enemies, although I highly advise researching the Commando unit early to protect your capitol, the reason for this is they can be researched very early and do not require as much development as units such as the Railway gun. Medium tanks are your best bet for research, since you have 2 slots, devote one of them into researching armour and the other for Navy or Airforce (depending on the circumstances). Tactical bombers can be extremely useful when being attacked, as they can wipe ground forces within minutes and have an absurd range for quick counter attacks, when produced in buk (10-15) they make quick work of units unprotected by Anti-Air units, this is a mistake lots of players make.

Supporting Your Allies

Helping out freinds in need

If an ally is currently being invaded, don’t leave them to get massacred and taken over, if you have spare units, donate or move them over to the frontline to support them, leaving it to the last moment will give the enemy time to regroup and produce more units to invade you, when working together, combined forces can be strong and effective against holding off unwanted tresspassers.


Always make sure that your allies are not falling behind in terms of resources, losing an ally due to lack of oil makes their army redundant and can severly cripple your chances of winning, keep donating your spare resources when they need it, not only will they turn inactive and lose VP to your coalition, you will now be forced to fight whats left of their army in order to stay ahead of other coalitions. Next time an ally asks for support make sure to give what you can.

Late-Game Tactics

If you have managed to prevail into the final days of the game you have obviously made good decsions to bring you there, it is more than likely you are in a colaition and have control over a big region of land, however, there is almost always another competing coalition with roughly the same amount of VP. Dealing with them can be risky, as your coalition may be unprepared or lacking the man-power to fight, a viable tactic is to inform your coalition of what they should do next, what to build or research and where to attack. A strategy I have found useful is dontaing special materials to a coalition member, and let them research special units, such as rockets or nukes, having a nation with superior technology can change the fate of a game.


A very good tactic I have adopted is to put Espionage and Counter Espionage in as much areas as possibly, identifying possible future enemies and finding out their plans can prove useful in defending your nation, having counter espionage in your capitol will prevent them finding out about your plans with your coalition, creating a discord server can be useful in keeping infomation private. Finding out what sort of troops the enemy is developing will give you the upper hand in countering it, if they enemy is producing heavy tanks, developing lots of anti tank guns can be effective, if your enemy is lacking in AA then developing an Air Force will give you an advantage over unsuspecting enemies.

Switching capitols

When a large enemy force is present near your capitol, it may be a good idea to move it to a safer location to improve moral, add some fortifications and a few defensive troops and you will have a high morale in regions. Note that you only recieve 25% of resources from shaded provinces meaning having a large army with no base provinces will be difficult to maintian without imports.

Nuclear option

Once you have obtained the required research for Nuclear bombers, you have a large advantage, dealing a base damage in the hundereds if not thousands, outmatching every other unit other than Nuclear Missiles. Bombing an enemy capitol will destroy all of the buildings or severely damage them, meaning their resources and morale will drop, if you can successfully bomb all of their resources you can force them to pull back or retreat, giving you time to build up an army if needed. If the enemy has nuclear bombers, stacking large amounts of SP Anti Air is a good idea, make sure to have fighters defending your cities and towns, if the enemy has the Nuclear Missile, try to move your units out of the area before its too late.


  • After the Tutorial
  • Being Defensive
  • Moving
  • Attacking
  • Researching
  • How to Win
  • Alliances & Coalitions

After the Tutorial

After You’ve completed the tutorial it’s still not that easy to figure stuff out.
First You gonna see the country You are controling.
You want to see what Your neighbours are and if there is alot of entry points into your country.
Defence is the best way to win. Don’t get me wrong You need to still attack people.

Being Defensive

Being Defensive is a good way to start. You want to make sure Your units are equaly placed on Your country so there are no weak spots. Build fortifications in the most valuable spots. For example. in America You can be attacked from 2 sides North or South. It’s good cause You don’t have to spend alot on defences. And in Soviet Russia You are in the middle of other people so it’s harder.


Moving is a little weird. So on Your land you see little thin black lines connect with cities, Your ground units can only move on those lines. For example You are in Washington D.C. and You want to attack Philadelphia well first You have to go through Baltimore. You can leave units on the road anywhere on it and so if the enemy wants to attack Your city he has to go through the units You placed on the road first.


Attacking is something You want to do after You got a bit of army. You want to go for the capitol or other important cities for the enemy. Attacking someone could make someone else attack you. People are in coalitions (teams) to support each other in tough situations.
You have to attack to win the round.


Researching is the key to victory. The more You research the more powerful weapons You can use.
The research tab is locate in the top left corner of your screen. Click research and research units. It takes real life time to research them. Most of the units are avalible after a certain amount of days that the whole game was going. Planes are good and powerful in attacking cities or other planes but You need a ground unit to capture a city.

How to Win

To win You need to win a round to win a round You need to get 60% of the Victory Points (VP)
Victory Points are awared for capturing cities. Players city has more Victory Points than a AI (Bot) City. After you get 60% of the Victory Points on the whole map You will win.

Alliances & Coalitions

Alliance is what You create in the game menu. If You create it and get members and You win games Your alliance is going to go up in the alliance leaderboard.

Coalition is what You create in-game when You want to team up with some other countries. Coalitions can hold up to 3 members.

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