Cap 531 руководство по эксплуатации

  • 7/30/2019 CAP 531 1.5 User Manual


    Users ManualCAP 531*1.5

    Configuration and Programming tool

  • 7/30/2019 CAP 531 1.5 User Manual


    This manual belongs to:


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    Chapter Page

    About this manual 1

    Introduction 3

    Technical descriptions 81

    References 177

    Customer feedback report 185

    Software Registration Form 187

    Index 189


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    This is the users manual for CAP 531*1.5

    Document number: 1MRK 511 088-UEN

    Version: 1.5

    Revision: 01

    Issue date: February 2001

    Data subject to change without notice

    We reserve all rights to this document, even in the event that a
    patent is issued and adifferent commercial proprietary right is
    registered. Improper use, in particular repro-duction and
    dissemination to third parties, is not permitted.

    This document has been carefully checked. If the user
    nevertheless detects anyerrors, he is asked to notify us as soon as

    The data contained in this manual is intended solely for the
    product description and isnot to be deemed to be a statement of
    guaranteed properties. In the interests of ourcustomers, we
    constantly seek to ensure that our products are developed to the
    latesttechnological standards.

    As a result, it is possible that there may be some differences
    between the HW/SWproduct and this information product.

    Authors address:

    ABB Automation Products ABSubstation Automation DivisionSE-721
    59 VstersTel: +46 (0) 21 34 20 00Fax: +46 (0) 21 14 69 18Internet:

    ABB Automation Products AB 2001

    About this manual

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    About this manual

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    The chapter Introduction.This chapter introduces you to the
    software product CAP 531*1.5.


    Operating environment

    CAP 531 documentation

    Conventions used in this document

    Product overview

    IEC 1131 programming


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    1 Introduction

    This chapter describes:

    The CAP 531 operating environment


    Symbols and conventions used in this document

    A brief overview of CAP 531 and related configuration

    The Configuration and Programming tool CAP 531 enables
    configuration manage-ment, programming, and error detection and
    correction for REx 5xx terminals.

    1.1 Operating environment

    CAP 531 runs under Microsoft Windows NT. So you must be familiar
    with this pro-grams, which let you perform actions such as drag and
    drop, zoom, and scroll.

    1.2 CAP 531 documentation

    This Users Manual describes CAP 531*1.5.

    See also reference [1] for documentation on the Parameter
    Setting Tool.

    The CAP 531 documentation consists of these parts:

    Part Item Description

    Introduction This chapter.

    Instructions Installation Installation instruction.

    Instructions Help Instructions of how to use the help

    Instructions Tutorial Shows how to use CAP 531 with a mouse.
    Usethis to learn how a project is run with CAP 531.The Tutorial
    goes through the normal proce-dures of a project.


    GeneralProject TreeWork SheetPage Layout

    Describes all parts of CAP 531. It contains themain topics in
    the context-sensitive help.

    Customer feed-back card

    Software regis-tration form




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    There is also an on-line context-sensitive help in the program.
    Press from any-where in CAP 531 to get detailed reference
    information about all of CAP 531.

    1.3 Conventions used in this document

    This document uses the following symbols:

    This document uses the following conventions:

    All terminals that are supported by CAP 531 are referred to as
    REx 5xx in this Users

    Manual. REx 5xx can be considered as any of the 500-terminals
    that are supported by

    CAP 531.

    1.4 Product overview

    The ABB Automation Industrial IT concept for Substation
    Automation comprise a full

    range of protection and control terminals for protecting,
    controlling and monitoring allparts of electrical power
    transmission networks. The application and internal logic in

    these terminals are configured using the CAP 531 and the CAP/REx
    5xx function

    libraries for the specific terminal types.

    To work with the parameter settings for the protective functions
    in the terminals, theparameter setting tool (PST) and the
    corresponding PST/REx5xx library are used.

    1.5 IEC 1131 programming

    The IEC 1131 standard includes several graphical and textual
    programming languages.The CAP 531 function block diagram (FBD) is
    one of the IEC 1131 languages.

    Symbol Indicates…

    & Actions performed with the mouse.

    % Actions performed with the keyboard.

    Convention Indicates…

    Press the Alt key.

    Press the Ctrl key.

    Press the Tab key.

    + Hold down the Alt key and press the F4 key.

    + Hold down the Ctrl key and press the letter c.

    Press one of the arrow keys.

    < ENTER> Press the Enter key.

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    FBD is a graphical language. It is a widely used programming
    language used for creat-ing complicated networks with functions or
    function blocks. Networks are created

    with lines that connect or duplicate information.

    Fig. 1 Function block in the CAP 531 work sheet.

    In CAP 531, all the functions available in a terminal are
    represented by function

    blocks. A function block includes input and output parameters, a
    type name and func-tion block name. According to Fig. 1 above.

    A function that is represented as a function block in CAP 531
    can be one of the


    protection function

    control function

    monitoring function

    logic function

    The instance name makes the function block unique. Cycle time is
    the time betweenexecutions (8 ms in Fig. 1 ).

    Each function block has an execution number (986 in Fig. 1 ).
    The execution numbertells you in which order the function blocks
    are executed.


    Function blocks with cycle time 8 ms are executed in the
    terminal every 8 ms and exe-cution number 986 is executed after
    execution number 985. All function blocks withthis cycle time are
    executed within a period of 8 ms.

    Execution number.

    Instance name.Cycle time.

    Type name.


    Input parameter.

    Output parameters.

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    Fig. 2 Function block diagram.

    Some settings are done in CAP 531. They are presented as inputs
    with magenta color.

    In Fig. 2 the Timer function block has a setting of a delay time
    set to 1.000 seconds. A

    setting can be both numbers (as for a timer) or names.



    Ensure that the function blocks in the configuration are
    executed consecutively to min-

    imize delay.

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    The chapter Installation.This chapter instructs the user how to
    install the software CAP 531*1.5 on a PC and

    how to perform some typical tasks when using CAP 531.



    Pre-installation requirements

    The Readme file

    Installation of CAP


    Using help

    Other help

    Help on function blocks



    Quick Guide for using CAP 531


    Start CAP 531

    Start a

    Create a project tree

    Open a project

    Import a SMS project tree

    Edit the project tree


    Start configuration work
    23Insert a new work sheet

    Add another work sheet

    Insert a terminal configuration template
    ……………………………………………….. 25

    Insert a work sheet from a file

    Upload options

    Terminal options



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    Example of function selectors

    Using function selectors

    Work sheet

    Open the work sheet

    Using work

    Insert function blocks into work sheets

    Connect objects

    Save work

    Exit from work

    Variable, setting,




    Insert text (Comment)

    Copy, paste and save in files

    Clipboard functions

    Replace function blocks


    Create groups

    Save groups as

    Insert groups from

    Save work sheets in
    all work sheets in a terminal

    Save work sheets as files

    Insert work sheets from files

    Compile and link work sheets

    On-line functions

    Communication setup

    Upload options

    Download terminal configurations

    Upload configuration


    Compare configurations

    Start the page layout work


    Assign page layouts to work sheets, terminals or project tree

    Create a new page layout

    Copy and insert page

    Edit page layout


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    Source area

    Cross reference area

    Cross references from the source area


    Edit environment

    Finish the page layout work

    Save page layouts

    Exit from the page layout


    Print work sheets

    Print a terminal

    Print the project

    Exit CAP 531

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    This chapter describes:

    Pre-installation requirements

    The README file

    What is installed

    Installation of CAP 531.

    2 Introduction

    2.1 Pre-installation requirements

    Table 2: Requirements on operative system

    2.2 The Readme file

    CAP 531 comes with a Readme file, including last-minute updates
    that were madeafter this document was printed. The file also
    includes important information about

    this version of CAP 531.

    Read the Readme file before you start CAP 531.

    Table 1: Requirements on PC

    Item Minimum required

    Processor / Frequency Pentium / 166 MHz

    RAM 64 MByte

    Disk space 150 MByte

    Monitor / Resolution VGA compatible / 800 x 600, 256 colors

    CD-ROM drive Needed to install the tool package

    Operative System Release

    Windows NT 4

    (Microsoft version)

    4.0, service pack 3 or higher


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    Installation of CAP 531



    3 Installation of CAP 531

    CAP 531 is part of the CAP 535 tool package installation. See
    reference [2].The icons that will be added to the start menu in
    ProgramsCAP531 are:

    CAP 531 1.5

    CAP 531 1.5 README.TXT

    CAP 531 1.5 Help

    CAP 531 Users Manual

    Copy CAP modules from SMS structure

    SPA Emulator

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    Using help




    This chapter describes the help functions in CAP 531.

    4 Using help

    The CAP 531 context-sensitive help includes topics that cover
    all parts of the program.The items in the Help menu are:

    If you want help regarding what you currently work with, you
    select current object inthe help menu.

    To get an overview of all topics, you can start the table of
    contents in Help. From thetable of contents, you can select a

    5 Other help actions

    When you are in help, you can select the menu bar, buttons, or
    the underlined words.The underlined words are hypertext jumps
    (links). Click on them to quickly go to other

    topics. You can also use the search button, which displays a
    dialog box that promptsyou for search words.

    Menu item Select this command to…

    Contents Open the table of contents of the CAP 531 help.

    Index Open the index of the CAP 531 help.

    Current Object Provides help on a selected object.

    Current Window Provides help on the active window.

    About CAP 531… Specifies the CAP 531 version number, copyright
    infor-mation and user registration data.

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    Help on function blocks



    6 Help on function blocks

    It is possible to access help on the function blocks directly in
    the work sheet.

    &To access help on function blocks:

    1 Mark the function block in the work sheet.

    2 Double-click on the left or right mouse-button.

    3 Select help on FB type.


    The help text might not be available on all function block

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    This chapter instructs the user how some typical tasks are
    performed when working

    with CAP 531*1.5.

    7 Introduction

    This tutorial chapter will follow all the steps in a project,
    from setup of the projectstructure to the downloading, debug and
    final documentation.

    This chapter will show how to work with CAP 531 using a mouse.
    It is also possible to

    operate CAP 531 from the keyboard.

    The steps that will be gone through are:

    Start CAP 531, build a project structure

    Insert a terminal

    Setup the communication parameters

    Insert work sheets or a template configuration

    Upload options

    Function selectors

    Work in the work sheets, make a configuration Variable, setting,

    Copy, paste and save




    Compare configurations

    Page layout


    Exit from CAP 531.

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    Quick Guide for using CAP 531



    8 Quick Guide for using CAP 531

    The table below describes the work order when you use the
    program. For detailedinformation on each step, please see the
    referenced chapter. For a full understanding ofthe program, we
    recommend you to go through the entire tutorial chapter.

    Step To do… Reference

    1 Install CAP 531. See Installation of CAP 531 onpage 14.

    2 Install CAP/REx 5xx and/or run Copy CAPmodules from SMS

    See Installation of CAP 531 onpage 14.

    3 Start CAP 531. See Start CAP 531 on page20.

    4 Create a project tree or import it from SMS.Insert

    See Create a project tree onpage 20 and Import a SMSproject tree
    on page 21.

    5 Setup the communication parameters. See Communication setup
    onpage 52.

    6 Insert a work sheet or a template configura-tion in the
    selected terminal.

    See Insert a new work sheeton page 24 and Insert a termi-nal
    configuration template onpage 25.

    7 Before downloading to a new terminalalways run upload options,
    load uploaded

    data to the function selector and makeupdate version.

    See Upload options on page28.

    See Using function selectorson page 32.

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    Quick Guide for using CAP 531



    8 Use the Function Selector tool to select

    hardware and main functions in the termi-nal.

    See Using function selectors

    on page 32

    9 Open the work sheet. See Open the work sheet onpage 34

    10 Insert function blocks and connect them. See Insert function
    blocks intowork sheets on page 35 andConnect objects on page

    11 Close the work sheet. See Exit from work sheets onpage

    12 Compile the configuration. See Compile and link worksheets on
    page 50.

    13 Run Upload Options before the first down-loading to a
    terminal, if this has not beendone earlier in the project.

    See Upload options on page28.

    14 Download the configuration to the terminal. See Download
    terminal config-urations on page 55.

    15 Debug the configuration. See Debug mode on page 57.

    16 Prepare the drawing form by the use of thePage Layout.

    See Start the page layout workon page 61.

    17 Print the configuration. See Print on page 75.

    Step To do… Reference

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    Getting started



    9 Getting started

    9.1 Start CAP 531

    & To start CAP 531:

    1 Double-click on the CAP 531*1.5 icon.

    2 The latest opened project will open automatically and prompt
    for password. Ifthe program is started for the first time, no
    project will open.

    9.2 Start a project

    You can either:

    create a new project open an old project, or

    import a project from SMS.

    You can keep the project tree window visible in order to see
    which terminal you are

    currently working with. You cannot close the project tree
    window, but you can mini-mize it.

    9.3 Create a project tree

    You create a new project tree with New Project in the File menu.
    Password for a new

    project is .

    A project tree in CAP 531 can comprise the following levels;
    organization, station,

    object and terminal levels. The structure is free, so a terminal
    can be placed directly

    under the project icon etc. In the work sheets you make the
    graphical configuration ofthe corresponding terminal.

    All items in the project tree, including the terminals are added
    with Insert in the Edit


    Fig. 3 Project tree.






    Work sheets

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    Getting started



    9.4 Open a project

    You can open a project that is already prepared. The project can
    be stored on any parti-

    tion in your computer system. This is done with the Open Project
    command in theFile menu. A password is required. This password is
    set by the creator of the project.

    9.5 Import a SMS project tree

    You can import a project structure that you have created with
    SMS-BASE. When the

    structure has been imported into CAP 531, the structure can be
    changed and stored onany partition in your computer system. It is
    not possible to re-export the new structure

    back to SMS-BASE.

    1 Activate Import SMS project in the File menu.

    2 The file GLOBAL.CNF is asked for. This is normally available
    inC:SMSBASE. If this is the case, press .The generated project
    tree is displayed.

    If some terminals appear with red crosses, the corresponding
    CAP/REx module is

    missing, or the item has no correspondence with CAP 531.

    If a terminal appears with a red cross although the
    corresponding CAP/REx module is

    installed, you run Copy CAP modules from SMS structure which is
    a separate pro-gram in the CAP 531 program group. Activate the icon
    in this program group, and

    select the terminal type to copy. Close the program after
    copying the terminal with theAbort command. Import the SMS project
    again, and the red crosses will disappear.



    Only the structure from the SMS 010 tool can be imported. When
    you work with PST

    as the parameter setting tool, you always work in the same
    structure as CAP 531 uses.

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    Getting started



    9.6 Edit the project tree

    You can build up and change the project tree. You can have a
    project tree with a user-

    defined number of levels. This editing is done with Insert,
    Delete, Cut, Copyand Paste in the Edit menu.

    Fig. 4 Insert items in the project tree.

    You can change the name of any item in the project tree with the
    Object Properties

    command in the Edit menu.

    9.7 Password handling

    Password of a new project is always with access right 1. This
    means that the

    person who creates a new project has the complete system rights
    to the entire project.

    The creator can set a number of different passwords with
    different access levels(higher numbers).

    Fig. 5 Password definition.

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    Start configuration work



    10 Start configuration work

    You can start the configuration work with one of the following:
    blank pages (new work sheet)

    an example/standard configuration (template)

    a saved and prepared work sheet

    If you start the configuration work with blank work sheets, you
    start by inserting awork sheet (Edit — Insert).

    If you start with an example or a standard configuration, you
    start by inserting a tem-plate configuration (Edit — Insert

    If you start with a prepared work sheet, you start by inserting
    this work sheet

    (Copy/ Paste in the project tree, or Insert from in the work

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    Start configuration work



    10.1 Insert a new work sheet

    If you start your configuration work without using any
    previously prepared configura-

    tion, you start work by inserting a new work sheet inside the

    &To insert a new work sheet:

    Fig. 6 Insert dialog box.

    10.2 Add another work sheet

    If you want to split up your configuration on several work
    sheets, you can add more

    work sheets to the terminal. This can be done in the same way as
    described above,which inserts the new work sheet as the bottom one
    in the terminal, or in the following


    1 Select the terminal in the Project Tree.

    2 Select the Insert icon on the toolbar.A dialog box

    3 Select type: Work sheet.

    4 Type a name for the work sheet.

    5 Select to confirm.

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    Start configuration work



    & To add a work sheet:

    10.3 Insert a terminal configuration template

    You can start your configuration work by using a previously
    prepared configuration(template). This prepared configuration can
    be a:

    standard configuration of a company.

    configuration used in a previous project.

    example configuration included in the CAP/REx 5xx program

    For a more complex terminal with a comprehensive configuration,
    it is a big advantage

    to start the work by using an existing configuration as a
    template and only make thenecessary changes.

    Note that the default programming of terminals might differ from
    the example config-

    uration included in the corresponding CAP/REx 5xx program

    Use the Insert Template command in the Edit menu to insert the



    The terminal must not have any work sheets connected to it to
    start with. Otherwise the

    insert template command is not active.

    1 Select a Work Sheet icon. You can insert thenew work sheet
    above or below this selectedwork sheet.

    2 Select the Insert icon on the toolbar.A dialog box appears,
    see Fig. 6.

    3 Type a name for the work sheet. Select to placethe work sheet
    above or below the selected one.

    4 Select to confirm.

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    Start configuration work



    & To insert a template:

    1 Click on the terminal in the Project Tree to selectit.

    2 Select the Insert Template command in the Editmenu, and the
    Insert Template dialog boxappears.

    3 Select a template.

    4 Select to confirm. Update Version will runautomatically.

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    Start configuration work



    Fig. 7 The Insert Template dialog box.

    10.4 Insert a work sheet from a file

    You can use the Insert From command to insert a stored work
    sheet into a new termi-nal configuration.

    & To insert a stored work sheet:

    1 Insert a new work sheet in the Project Tree.

    2 Open the new, empty work sheet.3 Make an insertion mark in the
    upper left corner of the work sheet by clicking

    with the left mouse button.

    4 Select the Insert From command in the Edit menu, and the
    Insert From dia-log box appears.

    5 Select the directory and the file name of the stored work

    6 Select .

    Fig. 8 The Insert From dialog box.

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    Upload options



    11 Upload options

    When you start working with the configuration of a terminal, it
    is important that thefunctionality in the terminal is represented
    correctly in the CAP tool. This is done byrunning:

    1 Upload Options if the terminal is available

    or Terminal Options if this is supported by the terminal

    2 Function Selector tool

    If the terminal is available, it is recommended to connect the
    PC to the terminal andrun Upload Options in the On-line menu. You
    can connect the PC either to the front

    port of the terminal or to a rear SPA-port.



    Before you start communicating to a terminal, make sure the
    communication setup in

    the On-line menu is correct. See On-line functions on page

    The Upload Options command uploads from the terminal

    List of functions installed in the terminal

    Function selector information

    The terminal includes the set of functions that were ordered for
    this terminal. By run-ning Upload Options, the list of available
    function blocks in CAP 531 will match the

    installed functions in the terminal.

    In CAP/REx 5xx product module, function blocks representing all
    functions in the ter-

    minal (standard and optional) are available, and replace the
    complete list of functionsthat is provided by CAP 531. After
    uploading, Update Version runs automatically. The

    library used by CAP 531 for this terminal will be reduced so
    that it corresponds to thefunctionality.

    Uploading also involves the uploading of the function selectors
    of the terminal. In the

    function selector it is possible to choose Uploaded data as
    input to the function selec-tors. See chapter Function selector on
    page 31 for more information.

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    Upload options



    Fig. 9 A warning is displayed if the version differs.

    If the warning in the Fig. 9 is displayed, the version of
    CAP/REx 5xx differs from the


    Fig. 10 A warning is displayed if the library of elements

    The warning in the Fig. 10 is displayed if the list of available
    functions differs from

    the terminal and the corresponding library in CAP 531. This will
    be the normal casewhen you run Upload Options for the first time
    from a certain terminal.

    A message is displayed if no differences are found between the
    list of functions used inthe terminal and the library list that is
    used in the tool.

    & To upload the list of functions and function selectors
    from the terminal:

    1 Click on the terminal in the project tree to select it.

    2 Check that the communication setup is correct by look-ing at
    Setup in the On-line menu.

    3 Select Upload Options in the On-line menu, anduploading starts
    by uploading the list of functions. Awarning is displayed if
    contents differ.

    4 Select Replace, and the list of functions is replacedand
    Update Version starts automatically.

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    Upload options



    If a function appears in a work sheet, and this function is not
    available in the terminal,an error list is generated by the Update

    & If error messages are displayed from Update Version,

    1 Double-click on the error in the error list.

    2 Double-click on the functions block and the Replace dialog box

    3 Select the functions block for replacement, and then select .
    The func-tions block is replaced.

    4 Select the next error in the error list and repeat the above
    steps until all func-tions block are replaced.

    & When all errors are corrected, then run Update Version
    again manually:

    11.1 Terminal options

    The Terminal options command is available for some terminal

    Run Terminal Options in the Edit menu. The terminal options can
    be imported for off-

    line engineering if the terminal options are available in a
    file. Import the file from a

    diskette, or browse the disks for its current location.

    Fig. 11 The Terminal Options dialog

    1 Click on the terminal in the project tree to select it.

    2 Select Update Version in the Make menu, and updat-ing of the
    library starts.

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    Function selector



    12 Function selector

    When you start to work with the configuration of a terminal, it
    is important that youuse the correct set of functions. Some of
    these functions are selected in the FunctionSelector in the Edit


    Versions 2.0 and later of the REx 5xx terminals uses the
    function selectors.

    Function selectors are used to choose one of many available
    function blocks for the

    same function.

    If the terminal is available, it is recommended to connect the
    PC to the terminal andrun Upload Options before you run the
    Function Selector. In this way, the library offunctions in the PC
    will match completely the library of functions in the terminal.

    If you cannot connect the PC to terminal, you run the Function
    Selector directly.

    12.1 Example of function selectors

    I/O module01 in the CAP/REx 500 program module can be configured
    to be either of:

    BIM Binary Input Module

    BOM Binary Output Module

    IOM Input Output Module



    This choice of modules gives different shape of the function
    block for the

    I/O module01.

    Assume that you want to change the logical I/O module01 (IO01-)
    from being a

    Binary Input Module (BIM) to a Binary Output Module (BOM).

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    Function selector



    Fig. 12 Compare the I/O module as BIM (left) or as a BOM (right
    only a part of

    the function block is shown).

    When you select a Binary Output Module in the Function Selector
    tool, the library isupdated with the new function block, and only
    the selected module can be used in the


    12.2 Using function selectors

    & To start the Function Selector:

    Input data (data sources) to the Function Selector can be:

    Working data displayed on the screen

    Default data presented the first time for each terminal

    Uploaded data comes from the terminal at Upload Options

    1 Select the terminal in the Project Tree.

    2 Select the Function Selector in the Editmenu.

    3 Select the Load command in the Filemenu to select the data
    sources for thefunction selector tool.

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    Function selector



    When the CAP 531 is opened, working data is displayed; it
    includes the last saveddata. The CAP/REx 5xx product module
    specifies the default data. Default and work-

    ing data are equivalent before the working data is changed.
    Uploaded data consist of

    the function selectors that comes from the terminal while
    running Upload Options,which is an On-line function.

    Fig. 13 The function selector.

    The function selector contains these sections:

    Set Value (upper section), which you use to change the function
    selector values.

    Selected Values (lower section), which gives you an overview of
    all functionselector settings.

    When you scroll the Value, you can see what types of function
    blocks you can select.

    & To change the Type_IO1 function selector for the

    1 Select Function Group: I/O-module01.

    2 Use the Value scroll bar to change the value from BIM to

    3 Select the Set button, and the value changes in the Selected
    Values section.

    4 Select the Save button, and the new function is saved.

    & To close the function selector:

    1 Select Exit in the File menu.

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    Work sheet



    13 Work sheet

    13.1 Open the work sheet

    You open the work sheet from the project tree.

    & To open the work sheet:

    Fig. 14 Work sheet called MMI.

    13.2 Using work sheets

    A work sheet can consist of several pages. You set the number of
    pages from the WorkSheet size (WS size) dialog box on the Layout

    Fig. 15 Work Sheet Size dialog box.

    1 Double-click the left mouse button on thework sheet icon for
    the terminal, and thework sheet appears.

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    Work sheet



    You can use the work sheet to structure the different functions
    in the terminal configu-ration, where each work sheet can represent
    one or several functions.

    Select the Page Border command in the Layout menu to display the
    page border. Thesize of the page and page orientation is set in the
    Page Layout with the Paper Orienta-tion command in the Layout

    13.3 Insert function blocks into work sheets

    This section assumes that you want to insert an AND-function
    block called A067.

    & To insert this function block:

    Fig. 16 Function Block dialog box.

    & To use the Function Block dialog box:

    1 Click the left mouse button to set an insertion mark in
    thework sheet.

    2 Click the left mouse button on the Insert Function Blockicon
    on the toolbar, and the Function Block dialog boxappears.

    1 Select the type: AND.

    2 There are more than one AND function blocks. Select A001 from
    theInstance list.

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    Work sheet



    After insertion, the function block is no longer visible in the
    list of functions, becausethe function block can only be used once
    in the terminal.

    13.4 Connect objects

    If you insert function blocks or variables (objects) in your
    work sheet, you want to

    connect them to other function blocks.

    Assume that you want to connect the AND-function block A001 with
    the Timer-func-

    tion block TM01. First you must insert also TM01 by following
    the proceduredescribed above.

    & Connect two objects:

    Fig. 17 The two objects is connected by using the connection

    3 Select to confirm, and the function block is inserted at the

    1 Click the left mouse button on the Connect Objects icon onthe

    2 Position the cursor at the ON output (the blue circle) of
    theTM01 function block and click the left mouse button.

    3 Move the cursor towards the INPUT1 input of the A001function
    block. Click the left mouse button whenever youwant a new direction
    of the connection line.

    4 Click the left mouse button when you reached INPUT1 (thegreen
    circle), and the connection is set.

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    Work sheet



    You can also connect objects by moving them close together:

    & To connect two objects:

    You can now move one of the function blocks to a free position
    if desired.

    Fig. 18 The function blocks, before the connection is set.

    Fig. 19 The connection is set.

    1 Position the cursor on the A001 function block.

    2 Press and hold the left mouse button.

    3 Move towards the function block TM01 so that the con-nection
    points (blue and green circle) overlap.

    4 Release the mouse button, and the connection is set.

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    Work sheet



    Fig. 20 A001 is moved to a free position with the present

    13.5 Save work sheets

    Regularly save your changes while you work. If, for example, a
    power failure occurs,you risk losing data if you do not save

    In CAP 531, you can save changes in:

    all opened work sheets for one terminal.

    all opened work sheets for all terminals.

    & To save all opened work sheets for all terminals:

    1 Select Save All in the File menu, and the work sheet is

    13.6 Exit from work sheets

    You close a work sheet by using the Close Terminal command in
    the File menu.



    Select the Close All command on the File menu to save and exit
    from all opened work


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    Variable, setting, text



    14 Variable, setting, text

    14.1 Variable

    Variables are used in a configuration in order to increase the
    readability of the configu-

    ration. They provide a way of connecting signals between
    function blocks withoutdrawing lines. The connection is made using
    variable names instead of lines. You

    assign the output of a function block a user-defined name
    (Variable), and the same

    name is assigned to the input of another function block. The CAP
    531 program inter-prets this as a connection. The Variable name can
    have maximum 32 characters.

    With the use of Variables, it is possible to connect signals to
    and from function blocksin different work sheets, and function
    blocks in different pages of the same work sheet.

    14.2 Insert variables

    You can insert variables into a work sheet in two ways:

    Directly connected to a function block

    In the work sheet without connection to a function block

    Assume that you want to insert a variable that is directly
    connected to the AND A001function block.

    & Insert a variable at the input INPUT1:

    Fig. 21 Variable dialog box.

    1 Click on the input INPUT1 to select it.

    2 Click the left mouse button on the Variable icon onthe
    toolbar, and the Variable dialog appears.

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    Variable, setting, text



    & To use the Variable dialog box:

    & Insert a variable anywhere in the work sheet:

    Fig. 22 Variable dialog box.

    & To use the Variable dialog box:



    Use Copy and Paste to avoid mistyping of the Variable names. The
    input and output

    Variable must have identicalnames to be connected by the CAP

    1 Type the variable name, a text string of up to

    2 Select , and the variable is inserted at theINPUT1.

    1 Click on the left mouse button to set an insertionmark in the
    work sheet.

    2 Click the left mouse button on the Variable icon onthe
    toolbar, and the Variable dialog appears.

    1 Type the variable name.

    2 Choose if the Variable is to be connected to an OUTPUTor an
    INPUT on a function block.

    3 Select , and the variable is inserted at the inser-tion

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    Variable, setting, text



    14.3 Settings

    A setting is, for example, a time delay or a name. The setting
    parameter name is dis-

    played in magenta color on the work sheet. The program uses
    magenta color to high-light a setting input. Settings can be
    numbers or text strings.

    14.4 Insert settings

    Assume that you want to set the T parameter to 2.50 seconds in
    Timer TM01.

    & To set the value:

    After you set a value in the work sheet, you can move the value.
    The connection to the

    input parameter remains.

    Fig. 23 The Parameter Setting dialog box.

    1 Click the left mouse button on the T param-eter in TM01.

    2 Click the left mouse button on the Setting

    icon on the toolbar, and the Parameter Set-tings dialog box

    3 Change the value to 2.50.

    4 Select OK, and the 2.50 value is displayedto the left of the T

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    Variable, setting, text



    14.5 Insert text (Comment)

    Free text can be placed anywhere in the work sheet. This text
    can be used for different

    purposes. The configuration and the signals can be explained for
    the reader. This canalso be used for temporary comments during the
    configuration work.

    & Insert a comment in the work sheet:

    Fig. 24 Comment dialog box.

    & To use the Comment dialog box:

    1 Click on the left mouse button to set an insertion markin the
    work sheet.

    2 Click the left mouse button on the Text icon on thetoolbar,
    and the Comment dialog appears.

    1 Type the text.

    2 Press Font to change font, size and color of the text.

    3 Select , and the text is inserted at the insertion mark.

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    Copy, paste and save in files



    15 Copy, paste and save in files

    15.1 Clipboard functions

    You can use standard MS Windows commands such as cut, copy and
    paste within a

    work sheet or between work sheets. The commands can be applied
    to function blocks,variables and text comments. It is also possible
    to use the clipboard functions in the

    project tree.

    If you try to copy an existing function block, the Replace
    dialog box is displayed,because one function block (one instance)
    can only exist once in each terminal (see

    Fig. 24).

    15.2 Replace function blocks

    You can exchange a function block for another function block of
    the same type e.g. tochange execution order. Or you can totally
    change the function block type e.g. when

    changing the I/O-module after an upload options command has been

    Assume that you want to change AND A001 to OR O001.

    & To replace the function block:

    1 Select the AND function block A001.

    2 Click the left mouse button on the Replace icon on the

    bar, and the Replace dialog appears. Or, position the cursoron
    the A001 function block and double-click the left mousebutton.

    3 Change the function block type to OR.

    4 Select the O001 function block.

    5 Select , and O001 replaces A001.

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    Copy, paste and save in files



    Fig. 25 The Replace dialog box.

    Assume that you want to change a function block AND A001 to AND
    A005, which

    has a different execution number. Functions should be executed
    in consecutive order,to avoid additional time delay. Therefore you
    might want to change execution number

    of the logic function blocks.

    & To replace the function block:

    15.3 Groups

    You can group several function blocks by connecting them to get
    a structure of differ-ent functions. You can also copy the group to
    a library in order to enable reuse of the

    group in other terminals in the same project or other projects.
    The group is saved andreused as a file. It is not possible to
    perform copy and paste commands on a group.

    1 Select the AND function block A001.

    2 Double-click the right mouse button.

    3 Select the A005 function block.

    4 Select , and A005 replaces A001.

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    Copy, paste and save in files



    15.4 Create groups

    Assume that you want to create a group that consists of Timer
    TM01 and AND A001,

    and that you want to store it under a new name called Delay

    & To create a group:

    Fig. 26 The Delay1 group.



    You should not create a group of function blocks with
    connections leading outside of

    the group. First you create the group, such as in Fig. 25. Then
    you can connect the

    function blocks in the group to other objects outside the

    1 Click the left mouse button on the Group icon on thetoolbar to
    activate the group mode.

    2 Select the area that you want to group: Press and hold theleft
    mouse button and move the cursor over the objectsthat will be in
    the new group. A frame appears around thearea that you

    3 Release the mouse button, and the Group dialog boxappears.

    4 Type Delay 1, which is the new group name.

    5 Select .

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    Copy, paste and save in files



    15.5 Save groups as files

    You can save a group as a file. In this way you can use it for
    other terminal configura-

    tions in the same project or other projects. You can not use
    Copy and Paste on a group.

    & To save a group as a file:

    Fig. 27 The Copy To dialog box.

    15.6 Insert groups from files

    Use the Insert From command to insert a stored group into a work

    & To insert a group:

    1 Click the left mouse button on the group to select it.

    2 Select the Copy To command in the Edit menu, and theCopy To
    dialog box appears.

    3 Select a directory and type a file name for the group.

    4 Select .

    1 Select the Insert From command in the Edit menu, andthe Insert
    From dialog box appears.

    2 Select the directory and the file name for the

    3 Select .

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    Copy, paste and save in files



    Fig. 28 The Insert From dialog box.

    If a function block in the group already exists in the terminal,
    the Replace dialog box

    will be displayed, because one function block can only exist
    once in each terminal (seeFig. 24 ).

    15.7 Save work sheets in files

    In CAP 531 it is possible to save:

    a complete terminal as a template

    a single work sheet

    15.7.1 Save all work sheets in a terminal

    All work sheets in a terminal can be stored as a template and be
    reused in the same

    project or in other projects. It is also possible to create an
    internal standard as a base

    for future configuration work, stored as a template.

    & To save a template:

    1 Select the terminal (in the Project Tree).

    2 Select the Generate Template command in the Edit menu.

    3 Write a template name and a description.

    4 Select .

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    Copy, paste and save in files



    15.7.2 Save work sheets as files

    You can save a single work sheet as a separate file, which you
    can use in other terminal

    configurations in the same project or in other projects.

    & To save a work sheet as a file:

    Fig. 29 The Copy To dialog box.

    1 Open the work sheet that you want to save.

    2 Select the Mark All Objects command in the Edit menu.

    3 Select the Copy To command in the Edit menu, and theCopy To
    dialog box appears.

    4 Select a directory and type a file name for the work

    5 Select .

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    Copy, paste and save in files



    15.7.3 Insert work sheets from files

    You can use the Insert From command to insert a single stored
    work sheet into a new

    terminal configuration.

    & To insert a stored work sheet:

    Fig. 30 The Insert From dialog box.

    1 Insert a new work sheet in the Project Tree.

    2 Open the empty work sheet.

    3 Point with the cursor in the upper left corner in the

    4 Click on the left mouse button to set an insertion mark inthe

    5 Select the Insert From command in the Edit menu, andthe Insert
    From dialog box appears.

    6 Select the directory and the file name for the stored

    7 Select .

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    Compile and link work sheets



    16 Compile and link work sheets

    The program goes through the configuration in order to detect
    errors and to prepare theconfiguration for downloading into a
    terminal. This is done in a compilationprocedure.

    In CAP 531, you can compile the configuration in:

    One terminal

    All terminals in the project

    We recommend you to compile only one terminal at a time during
    the configuration

    work. This gives a better overview of the compilation

    & To compile a terminal:

    Fig. 31 The progress bar for compilation, which indicates the
    graphic compiler

    phase of compilation.

    Compilation is performed in several phases, which you can see
    when working. Fig. 30indicates the graphic compiler phase.

    When compilation ends without detecting programming errors, the
    progress bar for

    compilation disappears and the status bar displays this message:
    Code generation suc-cessful.

    During compilation for the first time, the compiler detects
    programming errors such as

    duplicate variable names or typing errors. When errors occur, a
    message box displays

    the number of detected errors.

    1 Select the terminal that you want to compile in theproject

    2 Select the Compile Terminal icon on the toolbar,and the
    progress bar for compilation appears.

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    Compile and link work sheets



    When you confirm the message box, CAP 531 displays an error list
    on your screen asshown in Fig. 31.

    Fig. 32 Error list with error messages.

    To get help, highlight the error in the error list, and press .
    CAP 531 displays:

    The reason for the error

    Corrective measures that you can take to correct the error

    Double-click with the left mouse button on the error in the
    error list to go directly tothe work sheet that contains the error.
    Normally, the line that contains the error is high-

    lighted. If you cannot find the error list, it is accessible
    with Error List in the Make



    If the error is of type Connector not found, the program always
    marks an input sig-

    nal. If the error is caused by a misprint of a Variable, the
    mistake might be on the cor-responding output signal connector, and
    not on the input which is marked by the


    If an error occurs, it is important to run the compilation once
    again after the errors havebeen corrected. It is possible that
    another part of the compiler can detect more errors in

    a second compilation since the compiler can proceed further than
    the first time.

    It is therefore necessary to repeat the compilation process
    until there are no errors fromthe compilation.

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    On-line functions



    17 On-line functions

    It is possible to perform the following functions when connected
    to the terminal: Upload Options

    Download Configuration


    Compare Configurations

    All on-line functions require a connection between the PC and
    the terminal. You canconnect the serial COM-port of the PC either
    to the front port of the terminal or to a

    rear SPA-port of the terminal.

    17.1 Communication setup

    Before you run Upload Options or any other on-line task, it is
    necessary to check thecommunication setup.

    1 Select the terminal in the project tree.

    2 On the On-line menu, click Setup.

    The following dialog appears:

    Fig. 33 Communication setup dialog

    3 In the Connection list, click Direct and then click

    The following dialog appears:

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    On-line functions



    Fig. 34 Default settings for the front communication.

    The default settings are prepared for front communication to the
    terminal. The Baud

    rate and the Slave number of the PCs COM-port must be set so
    they correspond to thesettings of the front port of the terminal.
    This must be set both in CAP 531 and on the

    built-in HMI of the terminal. The COM-port number depends on the
    configuration ofthe PC.

    For connection of the terminal to the PC a special cable is
    used. It is plugged into theoptical contact on the left side of the
    built-in HMI. The other end of the cable is

    plugged directly into the COM-port of the PC. This cable can be
    ordered from ABB

    Automation Products. Please contact your ABB sales

    If rear communication with a direct fibre connection is used (no
    modem), the setupshould look like Fig. 34.

    Fig. 35 Example of setup for rear communication.

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    On-line functions



    The other parameters are set depending on the communication
    channel, but if a direct(or a loop) fibre communication is used,
    the other parameters should not be changed

    from the example above. Note that the Flow control parameter is
    different between

    front and rear communication.

    17.2 Unlock terminal

    There is a lock in the terminal that will prevent two concurrent
    connections (i.e. front

    and backside communication) from accessing information from
    different settinggroups. The terminal will respond with a code to
    indicate that the setting group is

    locked if a request is made to access a different setting group
    than the locked one.

    One problem that can arise with this sort of logic is if a lock
    command is issued andaccepted by the terminal, but the
    communication is interrupted before the unlock com-

    mand is received by the terminal. A special unlock feature is
    available in the setup dia-log to eliminate this problem. Simply
    check the Unlock box and an unlock command

    will be issued to the terminal the next time a communication
    command is issued. Thecheckbooks will be cleared automatically
    after the communication attempt.

    The reason why the command is not always used is to insure
    safety at all times. Theoperator must before the checkbooks is
    checked be sure that no other interfering com-

    munication will be performed.

    Figure 36:Communication setup dialog for release of the locked
    setting group

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    On-line functions



    17.3 Upload options

    You should always run Upload Options as soon as you have access
    to the terminal.

    See Upload options on page 28.

    17.4 Download terminal configurations

    You can download a configuration to the terminal after
    compilation. If storing of thegraphics is supported by the
    terminal, the graphics will also be saved in the terminal

    for uploading later. See Upload configuration on page 57.

    First you get the following dialog:

    Fig. 37 Download configuration dialog

    The settings of the terminal are downloaded when the download
    box is checked.

    When downloading a configuration, a sequence of operations are
    performed in order tominimize the risk of maloperations.

    CAP 531 starts the downloading by uploading the list of
    available functions, the ver-sion and the serial number of the
    terminal. These are compared with the library versionand the
    function library used by CAP 531. The serial number of the terminal
    is com-

    pared to the registered serial number of any previous
    communication to this terminalin CAP 531. If no differences are
    found after the comparison, the download starts.

    A warning is displayed if the library version of CAP/REx 5xx
    differs from the termi-

    nal. Some function blocks might have changed between the
    versions, so the correctoperation cannot be guaranteed. Upgrade
    your CAP 531 with the correct version ofCAP/REx 5xx before you

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    On-line functions



    Fig. 38 A warning is displayed if the set of functions

    The warning message in Fig. 37 is displayed if the list of
    available functions differs

    between the terminal and the corresponding library in CAP 531.
    Interrupt the down-loading procedure with Cancel and run Upload
    Options manually. After this you

    can start the downloading procedure again. No warning message
    will appear.



    If you download a configuration with unavailable functions
    included, they will not be

    connected and the configuration of the terminal will not be
    identical to the configura-

    tion in CAP 531. You should therefore always press Cancel when
    the warning mes-

    sage appears as in Fig. 37.

    & To download the configuration to the terminal:

    The Compare Configuration function starts automatically. If the
    downloading has

    been successful and there are no differences between the
    function libraries in the ter-minal and in the configuration, no
    differences will be detected in the comparison pro-

    cess. If differences appear in the comparison list, then start
    the downloading procedureagain.

    1 Click on the terminal in the Project Tree to select
    theterminal that you want to download.

    2 Select Download Config. in the On-line menu, andthe Download
    configuration dialog appears.

    3 Select Download PST configuration if relevant, clickYes, and
    downloading starts by uploading the list ofavailable functions.

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    On-line functions



    17.5 Upload configuration

    This menu is active if the selected terminal supports this
    functionality. If the function-

    ality is supported, the entire configuration is stored in the
    terminal and it can beuploaded to the PC. For back-up purposes and
    off-line engineering be sure to always

    keep a copy of the terminal configuration on your PC system.

    17.6 Debug mode

    After you compile the configuration and download it to the
    terminal, you can activatethe debug mode for error detection and
    correction (debugging) in the work sheets.

    First you open a work sheet and then set the work sheet in the
    debug mode. You candebug several work sheets at the same time.


    CAP 531 will only debug signals visible in the work sheet. For
    fast updating of the sig-

    nals, make sure that only signals of interest are displayed in
    the work sheet.

    Ensure that the configuration in the terminal corresponds to the
    configuration in

    CAP 531, for example, by using Compare Configurations.

    & To set a work sheet in debug mode:

    The status of different signals is indicated by different colors
    on a work sheet in debugmode. These colors represent different

    It is necessary to have the Global Debug in the On-line menu
    marked active if you

    intend to debug a work sheet. The Global Debug works like a main
    switch to the debug


    1 Double-click on the work sheet in the project tree toselect it
    for debugging. The work sheet opens.

    2 Click on the Debug icon on the toolbar. The worksheet switches
    to debug mode.

    Color Meaning

    Red Boolean true (high)

    Blue Boolean false (low)

    Green Present analogue values

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    On-line functions




    Fig. 39 Global debug affects the debug mode in all work





    Work Sheet: HMI

    Work Sheet: I_O

    Work Sheet: REM

    Work Sheet: BAY_RE

    Global Debug checked

    Debug mode active

    Debug mode active

    Debug mode active

    Debug mode activeDebug ON

    Debug ON

    Debug ON

    Debug ON in the HMI work sheet

    in the REM work sheet

    in the I_O work sheet

    in the BAY_RE work sheet

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    On-line functions



    17.7 Compare configurations

    CAP 531 contains functionality that lets you compare the
    terminal configuration and

    the CAP 531 configuration. You can compare CAP 531
    configurations against previ-ously uploaded terminal configuration
    or you can upload a new configuration from the

    terminal and then make a comparison.

    The main purpose of Compare Configurations is for the user to
    verify that the configu-ration in the terminal is the same as the
    configuration is CAP 531.

    & To compare configuration when you are connected to a


    Fig. 41 show the difference between Fig. 39 and Fig. 40 . Note
    here that TRUE and

    FALSE are defined by the FixedSignal function block.

    Fig. 40 Configuration in the terminal.

    Fig. 41 Configuration in CAP 531.

    1 Click on the terminal in the project tree to select it.

    2 Select the Compare Configurations command in theOn-line menu,
    and the Compare Configurations dialog

    box appears.3 Select the Upload and Compare command in the

    menu, and the upload starts. The comparison startsafter the
    configuration is uploaded. A list displays thedifferences, see Fig.
    41 .

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    On-line functions



    Fig. 42 Comparison result given by Compare Configurations.

    In this case, the variables TRUE and FALSE were connected to the
    outputs FIXD-ON

    and FIXD-OFF.

    The main purpose of Configuration Compare is for the user to
    verify that the configu-

    ration in the terminal is the same as the configuration is CAP


    Do not confuse the Compare Configurations upload of a
    configuration with the

    Upload Options command in the On-line menu, which uploads the
    list of terminal

    options and the function selectors.

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    611MRK 511 088-UEN *1.5-01

    Start the page layout work



    18 Start the page layout work

    18.1 Introduction

    The CAP 531 lets you create and print your own drawing forms
    that can comply with

    your internal layout standards. This is called the page

    The page layout includes a set of graphical tools for inserting
    lines and text in the

    headers and footers.

    A default page layout is included in CAP 531, which follows an
    ABB standard draw-

    ing. This page layout is called DEFAULT.PLT. When you create
    your own standarddrawing form, you normally start with a page
    layout that already exists and change this

    according to your needs.


    Not all information is included in the *.plt files. Use the Copy
    To menu item and

    the Insert from menu item to move page layouts between PCs.

    18.2 Assign page layouts to work sheets, terminals or project

    When you insert a work sheet, the default page layout is used
    automatically for thiswork sheet. If you want to use another page
    layout, you assign this page layout to your

    work sheet or your project tree.

    & To assign the page layout to a work sheet:

    Fig. 43 The Properties dialog box, which is used to assign a
    page layout.

    1 Position the pointer on the work sheet icon in theproject

    2 Double-click on the right mouse button, and the Prop-erties
    dialog box appears, see Fig. 42. Or you open theproperties dialog
    by highlighting a work sheet, andthen select Object Properties in
    the Edit menu.

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    Start the page layout work



    Fig. 44 The Print Options dialog box.

    It is possible to assign a page layout to all work sheets in a
    terminal. To assign the page

    layout to a terminal, follow the steps for a work sheet, except
    that you double-click andhighlight a terminal instead.

    To assign a page layout to the project tree as such, highlight
    the project icon at the topof the tree, follow the same step 2 to 6
    as described above for work sheets.

    Fig. 45 The default page layout.

    3 Select Print Options, and the PrintOptions dialog box appears,
    see Fig. 43.

    4 Select or type the name of the page layout that you wantto

    5 Select in the Print Options dialog box.

    6 Select in the Properties dialog box.

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    631MRK 511 088-UEN *1.5-01

    Start the page layout work



    18.3 Create a new page layout

    Normally you start the page layout work by reusing an old page
    layout and change it.

    If however you want to start with a blank page, you can create a
    new page layout,where you can define everything from the

    & To create a new page layout:

    Fig. 46 A new page layout.

    Note that you must associate this new page layout with the work
    sheets that you want

    to print with this page layout. This is not done automatically
    when you create the newpage layout.

    18.4 Copy and insert page layouts

    All necessary information for a page layout is stored in several
    files. Use the CopyTo command to copy this data to another
    directory. Use the Insert From… com-

    mand to insert a page layout into a project.

    1 Select Page Layout in the File menu.

    2 Select Open Page Layout.

    3 Select the New command in the File menu and anuntitled page
    layout is displayed.

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    Start the page layout work



    & To copy the page layout to the A: drive:

    Fig. 47 The Copy To… dialog box.

    & To insert the page layout from the A: drive:

    Fig. 48 The Insert From… dialog box.

    1 Select Page Layout from the File menu.

    2 Select Open Page Layout.3 Select the Copy To command in the
    File menu of the

    Page Layout and the dialog box appears.

    4 Select the A: drive.

    5 Select a directory and type a name, *.plt file name.

    6 Select .

    1 Select Page Layout in the File menu.

    2 Select Open Page Layout.

    3 Select the Insert From command in the File menu of the Page
    Layout,and the Insert From dialog box in Fig. 47 appears.

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    651MRK 511 088-UEN *1.5-01

    Edit page layout



    19 Edit page layout

    After you have created a new page layout, you must define

    source area.

    cross reference area.

    part of the source area from where the cross references are

    19.1 Source area

    The source area is the area where you want to place the contents
    of the work sheet. It is

    limited by a red rectangle.


    The size of the source area affects what will be printed on each
    page. Some function

    blocks or variables might be cut off if the source area is
    changed after the configura-

    tion is made.

    & To define the source area:

    4 Select the A: drive.

    5 Select a directory and a file name.

    6 Select .

    1 Select the Source area icon on the toolbar, and thepointer
    symbol becomes a rectangle.

    2 Press and hold the left mouse button.

    3 Move the cursor across the area that you want todefine as the
    source area.

    4 Release the mouse button, and the source area isdrawn.

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    66 1MRK 511 088-UEN *1.5-01

    Edit page layout



    Fig. 49 Page layout with a marked source area.

    19.2 Cross reference area

    The page layout can have two sections for cross-references:

    The left legend contains cross-references for the inputs.

    The right legend contains cross-references for the outputs.

    The two sections are parts of the cross reference area, drawn as
    one area also covering

    the source area in the middle.

    & To define the cross reference area:

    1 Select the Cross reference area icon on thetoolbar, and the
    pointer symbol becomes arectangle.

    2 Press and hold the left mouse button.

    3 Move the cursor across the area that youwant to define as the
    area for cross refer-ences.

    4 Release the mouse button, and the crossreference area is

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    671MRK 511 088-UEN *1.5-01

    Edit page layout





    If you want cross references shown on both the right and left
    side of the source area,

    the cross reference area is drawn so that it covers the entire
    page, including the source

    area. See the DEFAULT.PLT for an example.

    19.3 Cross references from the source area

    Some cross references are shown on the same page as the drawing
    with the configura-

    tion. The remaining cross references are shown on a separate

    The cross references of the input and output signals that ends
    close to the left and rightside of the source area will be shown on
    the same page. The signals that ends on themiddle of the source
    area will be shown on extra pages after the last work sheet.

    extra pages contain only cross references. Also references that
    cannot be printed on theleft and right legend because of the
    limited space there, are shown on these extra


    The part of the source area from where the cross references on
    the same page are taken

    is shown with red dashed lines.

    Fig. 50 Page layout with the dashed line for the described part
    of the source area.

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    68 1MRK 511 088-UEN *1.5-01

    Edit page layout



    The size of this area can be increased by:

    19.4 Objects

    In CAP 531, you can insert different objects on your page
    layout, for example, lines,rectangles, bitmaps or text.

    & To insert a line:

    & To insert a bitmap:

    1 Mark the source area (click with the mouse in the middle of

    source area).

    2 Double click with the right mouse button (or select
    ObjectProperties in the Edit menu).

    3 Write a higher number in the Width of the area in the
    Left/right cross references section.

    4 Press .

    5 The dashed lines will be moved.

    1 Select the Line icon on the toolbar, and thepointer becomes
    the shape of a line.

    2 Press and hold the left mouse button.

    3 Move the cursor to draw a line.

    4 Release the mouse button, and the line is drawn.

    1 Select the Bitmap icon on the toolbar, andthe pointer becomes
    the shape of a rectan-gle.

    2 Press and hold the left mouse button.

    3 Move the cursor to area where the bitmapshould be located.

    4 Release the mouse button, and the Insertbitmap dialog window
    is opened.

  • 7/30/2019 CAP 531 1.5 User Manual


    691MRK 511 088-UEN *1.5-01

    Edit page layout



    Fig. 51 Insert bitmap dialog box.

    5 Select a bitmap file.

    6 Press .

    7 Change the size if necessary with Object Properties in theEdit

  • 7/30/2019 CAP 531 1.5 User Manual


    70 1MRK 511 088-UEN *1.5-01

    Edit environment items



    20 Edit environment items

    You can insert variable objects into your page layout. These are
    called environmentitems or environment variables, such as page
    numbers, your companys name, andother text. CAP 531 contains
    standard environment items, which are called system


    You can create user-defined environment items, and you can add
    them to the list of

    standard environment items. You can assign these special
    attributes (scope) to eachenvironment item:

    All projects

    This project


    Work Sheet


    Assume that an environment item is called prep_name (i.e. the
    name of the engineer

    preparing the configuration). Let us also assume that almost all
    the configuration isprepared by Smith. The configurations in one
    terminal was made by Jones instead. The

    environment item prep_name would then be given the assigned text
    Smith with scope

    Project. This can be done anywhere in the project. The other
    name must be assignedfrom the specific terminal. You open one work
    sheet in the terminal and activate Page

    Layout in the File menu. Select Environment Setup, modify the
    assigned text to Jones

    and change the scope to Work sheet.



    It is very important from where you open the page layout and
    where you activate the

    Environment Setup. You see the assigned text and the scope of
    the items from where

    you are. If you open the page layout or activate Environment
    Setup from the Project

    tree, you only see the layout and setup of the tree, not of the
    work sheets.

    After you edit the environment items, you can insert them into
    the page layout.

    To edit environment items:

    1 Select the Environment items icon on the toolbar.The pointer
    symbol becomes a T.

    2 Position the pointer in a field, where you want toinsert the
    environment item. The Settings Environ-ment Text dialog box

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    711MRK 511 088-UEN *1.5-01

    Edit environment items



    Fig. 52 Settings Environment Text dialog box.

    Fig. 53 The Environment Setting dialog box.

    1 Select the button and the Envi-ronment Setting dialog box in
    Fig. 52appears.

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    72 1MRK 511 088-UEN *1.5-01

    Edit environment items



    & To add a new item:

    Fig. 54 The Settings Environment Text dialog box with the new

    & To change items:

    Note that system items can only be changed with the Copy

    1 Select the button to activate the row above the listbox.

    2 Type User namein the Variable field.

    3 Type Smith in the Assigned Text field.

    4 Change the Scope of the Item to All projects.

    5 Select , and the Settings Environment Text appears andthe new
    item is displayed in the list box. Fig. 53

    1 Select the item that you want to change from the Environ-ment
    items list box.

    2 Select the button, and the cursor is displayed in theAssigned
    text field.

    3 Type an Assigned text or change the text.

    4 Change the scope if necessary.

    5 Select and the item is changed.

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    Edit environment items



    To add items that are similar to existing ones, or to change a
    system item:

    The assigned text of the environment item can be seen at
    print-out and with the Pre-

    view function. See the Print chapter for more information.

    1 Select the environment item that you want to change from
    thelist box.

    2 Select the button, and the contents of the selecteditem will
    be copied into the Variable and Assigned text fields.

    3 Type a new Variable for the item.

    4 Type a new Assigned text for the item if desired.

    5 Change the Scope of the Item if desired.

    6 Select .

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    Finish the page layout work



    21 Finish the page layout work

    21.1 Save page layouts

    Regularly save your work when working with the page layout so
    that you do not lose

    data if a power failure occurs.

    Assume that you want to save the untitledpage layout with the
    name sample.

    To save page layout changes:

    21.2 Exit from the page layout

    Close the page layout when you finish working with the page
    layout. A dialog box

    prompts you to save or discard your changes.

    To exit from the page layout:

    Fig. 55 The CAP 531 page layout dialog box.

    1 Select Save As… in the File menu, and the Save Asdialog box

    2 Type sample in the file name field.

    3 Select .

    1 Select Close or Close All in the File menu. If you havenot
    saved the page layout, the dialog box in

    Fig. 54 appears.

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    751MRK 511 088-UEN *1.5-01




    22 Print

    It is possible to print: the project structure.

    all work sheets in a terminal.

    one work sheet.

    one page of a work sheet.

    In all cases, it uses the page layout assigned to the work sheet
    or the project tree. Thiscan be verified with the Preview command
    in the File menu.

    The paper orientation is set in the Print Setup command in the
    File menu. The paper

    size and orientation is also affected of the settings in the
    Page Layout. This is set withthe Paper Orientation command in the
    Layout menu.

    22.1 Print work sheets

    To print all pages in a work sheet:

    To print one page in a work sheet:

    22.2 Print a terminal

    You can print all work sheets in one terminal. It is possible
    choose if the page numbers

    should run consecutively in all work sheets or if each work
    sheet should have its ownnumbering.

    1 Ensure that the work sheet is in the active window.

    2 Select the Print command from the File menu.

    3 Select if you want the cross references to beprinte

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1 2016-10-04 15:17:29

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Тема: ABB программы CAP540 & CAP531

Коллеги, доброго дня!
Порылся в поиске — информации не нашел…
На сайте АВВ в свободном доступе есть программа CAP540, но после установки там нет CAP531.
Никто не подскажет можно ли где-то эту программу добыть?

2 Ответ от Уставкин 2016-10-05 15:03:04

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Re: ABB программы CAP540 & CAP531

Вроде как 531 идёт внутри САР540?
Или в бесплатной версии не так?

3 Ответ от naladchik 2016-10-05 18:26:35 (2016-10-05 18:27:43 отредактировано naladchik)

  • naladchik
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Re: ABB программы CAP540 & CAP531

Бесплатная CAP540. CAP531 и PST платные. Добыть у тех, у кого есть. По-моему там никакого ключа не надо.

4 Ответ от matu 2016-10-05 21:23:13

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Re: ABB программы CAP540 & CAP531

А чем CAP531 выгодно отличается от САР540? Пользуюсь САР540.

5 Ответ от naladchik 2016-10-06 06:34:39

  • naladchik
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Re: ABB программы CAP540 & CAP531

CAP531 служит для конфигурирования программируемой логики терминалов, PST- для задания уставок. Как Вы это делаете в CAP540?

Присоединяйтесь!!! Мы в социальных сетях и на Ютуб.

6 Ответ от matu 2016-10-07 09:15:07

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Re: ABB программы CAP540 & CAP531

Давно не открывал эту прогу что и название подзабыл. Прошивку правим с использованием САР 505. Другого ничего не использовал. А есть более удобные программки для терминалов 500-й серии?

7 Ответ от Ivvan 2016-10-07 09:46:15

  • Ivvan
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Re: ABB программы CAP540 & CAP531

naladchik пишет:

CAP531 служит для конфигурирования программируемой логики терминалов, PST- для задания уставок.

Да, всё так.
Как выяснилось, в бесплатном софте действительно есть 540, есть PST, но нет 531.

(Посмотрев количество людей читающих форум уверен, что был здесь кто-то и из АВВ, но он читая эту тему только горько и иронично усмехался)

8 Ответ от Klim 2016-10-08 09:55:47

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Re: ABB программы CAP540 & CAP531

А насколько широко в России применяются реле от  АВВ?

9 Ответ от flash74 2016-10-10 22:45:43

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Re: ABB программы CAP540 & CAP531

Klim пишет:

А насколько широко в России применяются реле от  АВВ?

Не скажу, что очень широко, но применяются, слышал, что используются на нескольких сетевых подстанциях московского региона, и в промышленности (Сахалин-2, некоторые нефтехимические заводы)

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.

10 Ответ от naladchik 2016-10-13 17:39:48

  • naladchik
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Re: ABB программы CAP540 & CAP531

Бурейская ГЭС, в Забайкалье — Чита-500, Петровск-Забайкальская, Маккавеево, по северам, слышал, много

11 Ответ от Ivvan 2016-11-22 15:03:37 (2016-11-22 15:17:30 отредактировано Ivvan)

  • Ivvan
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Re: ABB программы CAP540 & CAP531

Коллеги, есть ещё один вопрос по АВВ.
Терминал REL551.
Скачиваем осциллограмму по SPA-Bus — получаем совсем маленький файл (это нее COMTRADE) , хотя процесс записан довольно сложный (к.з.) и длительный, пишутся все токи и напряжения. Это что, данные как-то хитро сжимаются? Никто не сталкивался с такой штукой? Есть предположения, почему так получается?

12 Ответ от Уставкин 2016-11-24 14:00:34 (2016-11-24 14:02:06 отредактировано Уставкин)

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Re: ABB программы CAP540 & CAP531

Ivvan пишет:

Это что, данные как-то хитро сжимаются?

Скорей всего у Вас неправильно организован опрос.
И что подразумеваете под «сжимаются»?

13 Ответ от vpa61 2017-04-12 11:42:03

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Re: ABB программы CAP540 & CAP531

ну так что никто не подскажет с 531. У меня такая же проблема. причем на разные компы ставили одно и тоже ,а где то 531 есть где то нет

14 Ответ от RIN 2017-04-12 12:04:03

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Re: ABB программы CAP540 & CAP531

У нас терминалы REM543, для них ПО САР505. Программу не могли установить нормально, пока один спец не подсказал что обязательно операционка должна быть ХР и 32 разрядн.

15 Ответ от vpa61 2017-04-13 12:02:31

  • vpa61
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Re: ABB программы CAP540 & CAP531

нам ставят на виртуальные машины

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Обнови Софт рекомендует использовать программу ABB CAP 531 в соответствии с правилами интеллектуальной собственности. Обнови Софт не рекомендует использовать кряк, серийник, ключ, keygen, crack, serial для ABB CAP 531

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