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OPERATION AND MAINTENANCEMANUAL FORCATERPILLAR C18 ENGINEBulletin # SEBU7899-02This manual contains important safety information.Do not destroy this manual.This manual must be available to the personnel who operate and maintain this machine.“Copyright @ Caterpillar” — Reproduced by Doosan Portable Power with permission.Doosan Infracore Portable Power1293 Glenway DriveStatesville, N.C. 28625www.doosanportablepower.comBook: 23366701 (9-08)Revised (09-12)Doosan purchased Bobcat Company from Ingersoll-Rand Company in2007. Any reference to Ingersoll-Rand Company or use of trademarks,service marks, logos, or other proprietary identifying marks belongingto Ingersoll-Rand Company in this manual is historical or nominativein nature, and is not meant to suggest a current affiliation betweenIngersoll-Rand Company and Doosan Company or the products ofeither.

SEBU7899-02February 2008Operation andMaintenanceManualC18 Industrial EngineWJH1-Up (Engine)SAFETY.CAT.COM

i01658146Important Safety InformationMost accidents that involve product operation, maintenance and repair are caused by failure to observebasic safety rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially hazardoussituations before an accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards. This person should alsohave the necessary training, skills and tools to perform these functions properly.Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous andcould result in injury or death.Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you haveread and understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information.Safety precautions and warnings are provided in this manual and on the product. If these hazard warningsare not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or to other persons.The hazards are identified by the “Safety Alert Symbol” and followed by a “Signal Word” such as“DANGER”, “WARNING” or “CAUTION”. The Safety Alert “WARNING” label is shown below.The meaning of this safety alert symbol is as follows:Attention! Become Alert! Your Safety is Involved.The message that appears under the warning explains the hazard and can be either written or pictoriallypresented.Operations that may cause product damage are identified by “NOTICE” labels on the product and inthis publication.Caterpillar cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard.The warnings in this publication and on the product are, therefore, not all inclusive. If a tool,procedure, work method or operating technique that is not specifically recommended by Caterpillaris used, you must satisfy yourself that it is safe for you and for others. You should also ensure thatthe product will not be damaged or be made unsafe by the operation, lubrication, maintenance orrepair procedures that you choose.The information, specifications, and illustrations in this publication are on the basis of information thatwas available at the time that the publication was written. The specifications, torques, pressures,measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and other items can change at any time. These changes canaffect the service that is given to the product. Obtain the complete and most current information before youstart any job. Caterpillar dealers have the most current information available.When replacement parts are required for thisproduct Caterpillar recommends using Caterpillar replacement parts or parts with equivalentspecifications including, but not limited to, physical dimensions, type, strength and material.Failure to heed this warning can lead to premature failures, product damage, personal injury ordeath.

SEBU7899-02Table of Contents3Table of ContentsWarranty SectionWarranty Information . 91Foreword . 4Safety SectionSafety Messages . 6General Hazard Information . 7Burn Prevention . 9Fire Prevention and Explosion Prevention . 10Crushing Prevention and Cutting Prevention . 11Mounting and Dismounting . 12Before Starting Engine . 12Engine Starting . 12Engine Stopping . 13Electrical System . 13Engine Electronics . 14Product Information SectionModel Views . 15Product Identification Information . 19Operation SectionLifting and Storage . 21Features and Controls . 22Engine Diagnostics . 27Engine Starting . 37Engine Operation . 40Engine Stopping . 42Cold Weather Operation . 43Maintenance SectionRefill Capacities . 45Maintenance Recommendations . 50Maintenance Interval Schedule . 52Reference Information SectionEngine Ratings . 93Customer Service . 94Reference Materials . 96Index SectionIndex . 100

4ForewordForewordLiterature InformationThis manual contains safety, operation instructions,lubrication and maintenance information. Thismanual should be stored in or near the engine areain a literature holder or literature storage area. Read,study and keep it with the literature and engineinformation.English is the primary language for all Caterpillarpublications. The English used facilitates translationand consistency in electronic media delivery.Some photographs or illustrations in this manualshow details or attachments that may be differentfrom your engine. Guards and covers may havebeen removed for illustrative purposes. Continuingimprovement and advancement of product designmay have caused changes to your engine which arenot included in this manual. Whenever a questionarises regarding your engine, or this manual, pleaseconsult with your Caterpillar dealer for the latestavailable information.SafetyThis safety section lists basic safety precautions.In addition, this section identifies hazardous,warning situations. Read and understand the basicprecautions listed in the safety section beforeoperating or performing lubrication, maintenance andrepair on this product.OperationOperating techniques outlined in this manual arebasic. They assist with developing the skills andtechniques required to operate the engine moreefficiently and economically. Skill and techniquesdevelop as the operator gains knowledge of theengine and its capabilities.The operation section is a reference for operators.Photographs and illustrations guide the operatorthrough procedures of inspecting, starting, operatingand stopping the engine. This section also includes adiscussion of electronic diagnostic information.MaintenanceThe maintenance section is a guide to engine care.The illustrated, step-by-step instructions are groupedby fuel consumption, service hours and/or calendartime maintenance intervals. Items in the maintenanceschedule are referenced to detailed instructions thatfollow.SEBU7899-02Use fuel consumption or service hours to determineintervals. Calendar intervals shown (daily, annually,etc.) may be used instead of service meter intervalsif they provide more convenient schedules andapproximate the indicated service meter reading.Recommended service should be performed at theappropriate intervals as indicated in the MaintenanceInterval Schedule. The actual operating environmentof the engine also governs the Maintenance IntervalSchedule. Therefore, under extremely severe,dusty, wet or freezing cold operating conditions,more frequent lubrication and maintenance than isspecified in the Maintenance Interval Schedule maybe necessary.The maintenance schedule items are organized fora preventive maintenance management program. Ifthe preventive maintenance program is followed, aperiodic tune-up is not required. The implementationof a preventive maintenance management programshould minimize operating costs through costavoidances resulting from reductions in unscheduleddowntime and failures.Maintenance IntervalsPerform maintenance on items at multiples of theoriginal requirement. Each level and/or individualitems in each level should be shifted ahead or backdepending upon your specific maintenance practices,operation and application. We recommend thatthe maintenance schedules be reproduced anddisplayed near the engine as a convenient reminder.We also recommend that a maintenance record bemaintained as part of the engine’s permanent record.See the section in the Operation and MaintenanceManual, “Maintenance Records” for informationregarding documents that are generally acceptedas proof of maintenance or repair. Your authorizedCaterpillar dealer can assist you in adjusting yourmaintenance schedule to meet the needs of youroperating environment.OverhaulMajor engine overhaul details are not covered in theOperation and Maintenance Manual except for theinterval and the maintenance items in that interval.Major repairs are best left to trained personnel oran authorized Caterpillar dealer. Your Caterpillardealer offers a variety of options regarding overhaulprograms. If you experience a major engine failure,there are also numerous after failure overhaul optionsavailable from your Caterpillar dealer. Consult withyour dealer for information regarding these options.

SEBU7899-02California Proposition 65 WarningDiesel engine exhaust and some of its constituentsare known to the State of California to cause cancer,birth defects, and other reproductive harm.Battery posts, terminals and related accessoriescontain lead and lead compounds. Wash handsafter handling.5Foreword

6Safety SectionSafety MessagesSEBU7899-02Safety Sectioni02840188Safety MessagesSMCS Code: 1000; 7405g01416712Illustration 1There may be several specific safety messages onyour engine. The exact location and a description ofthe safety messages are reviewed in this section.Please become familiar with all safety messages.Ensure that all of the safety messages are legible.Clean the safety messages or replace the safetymessages if the words cannot be read or if theillustrations are not visible. Use a cloth, water,and soap to clean the safety messages. Do notuse solvents, gasoline, or other harsh chemicals.Solvents, gasoline, or harsh chemicals could loosenthe adhesive that secures the safety messages. Thesafety messages that are loosened could drop offof the engine.Replace any safety message that is damaged ormissing. If a safety message is attached to a partof the engine that is replaced, install a new safetymessage on the replacement part. Your Caterpillardealer can provide new safety messages.Do not operate or work on this engine unless youhave read and understand the instructions andwarnings in the Operation and Maintenance Manual. Failure to follow the instructions or heed thewarnings could result in injury or death. Contactany Caterpillar dealer for replacement manuals.Proper care is your responsibility.Universal WarningThe safety messages for the universal warning arelocated toward the front of the engine on both sidesof the valve cover base.

SEBU7899-027Safety SectionGeneral Hazard InformationEngine exhaust contains products of combustionwhich may be harmful to your health. Always start theengine and operate the engine in a well ventilatedarea. If the engine is in an enclosed area, vent theengine exhaust to the outside.Cautiously remove the following parts. To helpprevent spraying or splashing of pressurized fluids,hold a rag over the part that is being removed. Filler caps Grease fittingsIllustration 2g01105289 Pressure taps BreathersDo not operate or work on this engine unless youhave read and understand the instructions andwarnings in the Operation and Maintenance Manual. Failure to follow the instructions or heed thewarnings could result in injury or death. Contactany Caterpillar dealer for replacement manuals.Proper care is your responsibility. Drain plugsUse caution when cover plates are removed.Gradually loosen, but do not remove the last twobolts or nuts that are located at opposite ends ofthe cover plate or the device. Before removing thelast two bolts or nuts, pry the cover loose in order torelieve any spring pressure or other pressure.i02566298General Hazard InformationSMCS Code: 1000; 7405Illustration 4g00702020 Wear a hard hat, protective glasses, and otherprotective equipment, as required. When work is performed around an engine that isIllustration 3g00104545operating, wear protective devices for ears in orderto help prevent damage to hearing.Attach a “Do Not Operate” warning tag or a similarwarning tag to the start switch or to the controlsbefore the engine is serviced or before the engine isrepaired. These warning tags (Special Instruction,SEHS7332) are available from your Caterpillardealer. Attach the warning tags to the engine and toeach operator control station. When it is appropriate,disconnect the starting controls. Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry that can snagDo not allow unauthorized personnel on the engine,or around the engine when the engine is beingserviced. Use all cleaning solutions with care.on controls or on other parts of the engine. Ensure that all protective guards and all covers aresecured in place on the engine. Never put maintenance fluids into glass containers.Glass containers can break. Report all necessary repairs.

8Safety SectionGeneral Hazard InformationSEBU7899-02Unless other instructions are provided, performthe maintenance under the following conditions: The engine is stopped. Ensure that the enginecannot be started. Disconnect the batteries when maintenanceis performed or when the electrical system isserviced. Disconnect the battery ground leads.Tape the leads in order to help prevent sparks. Do not attempt any repairs that are not understood.Use the proper tools. Replace any equipment thatis damaged or repair the equipment.Containing Fluid SpillageCare must be taken in order to ensure that fluidsare contained during performance of inspection,maintenance, testing, adjusting and repair of theengine. Prepare to collect the fluid with suitablecontainers before opening any compartment ordisassembling any component that contains fluids.Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, “CaterpillarDealer Service Tools Catalog” for the following items: Tools that are suitable for collecting fluids andequipment that is suitable for collecting fluidsPressurized Air and Water Tools that are suitable for containing fluids andPressurized air and/or water can cause debrisand/or hot water to be blown out. This could result inpersonal injury.Obey all local regulations for the disposal of that is suitable for containing fluidsWhen pressurized air and/or pressurized water isused for cleaning, wear protective clothing, protectiveshoes, and eye protection. Eye protection includesgoggles or a protective face shield.Asbestos InformationThe maximum air pressure for cleaning purposesmust be below 205 kPa (30 psi) when the air nozzleis deadheaded. The maximum water pressure forcleaning purposes must be below 275 kPa (40 psi).Fluid PenetrationIllustration 6g00702022Caterpillar equipment and replacement parts that areshipped from Caterpillar are asbestos free. Caterpillarrecommends the use of only genuine Caterpillarreplacement parts. Use the following guidelineswhen you handle any replacement parts that containasbestos or when you handle asbestos debris.Illustration 5g00687600Always use a board or cardboard when you checkfor a leak. Leaking fluid that is under pressure canpenetrate body tissue. Fluid penetration can causeserious injury and possible death. A pin hole leak cancause severe injury. If fluid is injected into your skin,you must get treatment immediately. Seek treatmentfrom a doctor that is familiar with this type of injury.Use caution. Avoid inhaling dust that might begenerated when you handle components that containasbestos fibers. Inhaling this dust can be hazardousto your health. The components that may containasbestos fibers are brake pads, brake bands, liningmaterial, clutch plates, and some gaskets. Theasbestos that is used in these components is usuallybound in a resin or sealed in some way. Normalhandling is not hazardous unless airborne dust thatcontains asbestos is generated.If dust that may contain asbestos is present, thereare several guidelines that should be followed: Never use compressed air for cleaning.

SEBU7899-029Safety SectionBurn Prevention Avoid brushing materials that contain asbestos.i02088921 Avoid grinding materials that contain asbestos.Burn Prevention Use a wet method in order to clean up asbestosSMCS Code: 1000; 7405materials. A vacuum cleaner that is equipped with a highefficiency particulate air filter (HEPA) can also beused. Use exhaust ventilation on permanent machiningjobs. Wear an approved respirator if there is no otherway to control the dust. Comply with applicable rules and regulationsfor the work place. In the United States, useOccupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA) requirements. These OSHA requirementscan be found in “29 CFR 1910.1001”. Obey environmental regulations for the disposalof asbestos. Stay away from areas that might have asbestosparticles in the air.Dispose of Waste ProperlyDo not touch any part of an operating engine.Allow the engine to cool before any maintenanceis performed on the engine. Relieve all pressure inthe appropriate system before any lines, fittings orrelated items are disconnected.CoolantWhen the engine is at operating temperature, theengine coolant is hot. The coolant is also underpressure. The radiator and all lines to the heaters orto the engine contain hot coolant. Any contact withhot coolant or with steam can cause severe burns.Allow cooling system components to cool before thecooling system is drained.Check the coolant level after the engine has stoppedand the engine has been allowed to cool. Ensurethat the filler cap is cool before removing the fillercap. The filler cap must be cool enough to touch witha bare hand. Remove the filler cap slowly in orderto relieve pressure.Cooling system conditioner contains alkali. Alkali cancause personal injury. Do not allow alkali to contactthe skin, the eyes, or the mouth.OilsHot oil and hot lubricating components can causepersonal injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot componentsto contact the skin.If the application has a makeup tank, remove the capfor the makeup tank after the engine has stopped.The filler cap must be cool to the touch.BatteriesIllustration 7g00706404Improperly disposing of waste can threaten theenvironment. Potentially harmful fluids should bedisposed of according to local regulations.Always use leakproof containers when you drainfluids. Do not pour waste onto the ground, down adrain, or into any source of water.The liquid in a battery is an electrolyte. Electrolyte isan acid that can cause personal injury. Do not allowelectrolyte to contact the skin or the eyes.Do not smoke while checking the battery electrolytelevels. Batteries give off flammable fumes which canexplode

Operation and Maintenance Manual except for the interval and the maintenance items in that interval. Major repairs are best left to trained personnel or an authorized Caterpillar dealer. Your Caterpillar dealer offers a variety of options regarding overhaul programs. If you experience a major engine failure,

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Caterpillar Cat C18 Marine Engine Parts Catalog Manual Download

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