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Руководство пользователя - Citect 6.00

Данное руководство является детализированным пособием с иллюстрациями по работе в среде SCADA — системы Citect
6.00. — 420 с.
Содержит следующие разделы:
— Компоненты системы Citect;
— Разработка проектов;
— Определение тэгов;
— Объекты;
— Общие свойства объектов;
— Управляющие объекты;
— Алармы;
— Конфигурирование событий;
— Аккумуляторы;
— Тренды;
— Статистическое управления процессами;
— Проектирование и создание графических страниц;
— Создание отчета;
— Контроль доступа;
— Метки;
— Устройства (принтеры, базы данных и файлы);
— Обмен данными со сторонними приложениями;
— Джинны и суперджинны;
— Многоязыковые проекты;
— Мастер конфигурирования Computer Setup Wizard;
— Обмен данными;
— Память и диски;
— Мастер экспресс-установки параметров связи;
— Компилирование и запуск прикладной системы;
— Среда исполнения;
— Ядро системы Citect;
— Сети Citect.

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Documentation Home

  • Help Overview
    • Legal
  • Getting Started
    • Safety Information
    • Getting Technical Support
      • Technical Support
      • Contact information
    • What’s New in v7.x
      • What’s New in CitectSCADA v7.0
        • The Migration Tool
        • Clustering
        • Local Variables
        • Publish Alarm Property
        • Memory Mode
        • Client-side Online Changes
        • Publisher-Subscriber Model
        • Dual Network Support
        • Project-Based Network Configuration
        • Citect.ini Parameters
          • New Parameters
          • Obsolete Parameters
        • Cicode Functions
        • CtAPI Functions
      • What’s New in CitectSCADA v7.10
        • CitectSCADA Security Enhancements
        • Windows® Integrated Security
        • Multi-Signature Support
        • Edit DBF Files in Microsoft® Excel
        • Enhanced Driver Installation
        • New Font Selection for Graphics Buttons
        • Microsoft® Windows Vista Support
        • New Locations for Configuration and Project Files
        • New Alarm Field Enhancements
        • New Time Synchronization Service
        • New Equipment Database Functions and Forms
        • Citect.ini Parameters
        • Cicode Functions
      • What’s New in CitectSCADA 7.20
        • Control SCADA Client Connections
        • Dynamically Optimized Writes
        • Environment variables
        • Graphic Enhancements
        • Improved Installation process
        • Improved CitectSCADA Security
        • Multi-process Support in Demo Mode
        • New Example Project
        • New Web-based Help
        • OPC Factory Server (OFS) Driver
        • Pelco Camera Support
        • Performance Improvements
        • Persisted I/O Memory Mode
        • Post Compile Commands
        • Improved Client Side Online Changes
        • Server Side Online Changes
        • Microsoft® Windows 7 Support
        • Supportability Enhancements
        • Tab Menu Templates
        • Tag Extensions
        • Time Scheduler
        • Citect.ini Parameters
        • CtAPI Functions
        • Cicode Functions
      • Kernel Commands in v7.0
    • Upgrading to CitectSCADA v7.20
      • Upgrade CTAPI Applications
      • Configure I/O Devices
      • Run the Citect Installer
      • Launch CitectSCADA
      • Migration Tool
        • Memory Devices
        • Alarm Devices
        • Converting Memory Variables
        • Inserting new local variables
        • Deleting Variable Tags
        • Default Scale
        • Deleting Obsolete I/O Devices
        • Included Projects
        • Creation of roles
        • Using the Migration Tool
      • Define Clusters
      • Configure Network Addresses
      • Configure Servers
      • Configure Tags to Use Clustering
        • Configure Alarm Tags to use Clustering
        • Configure Report Tags to use Clustering
        • Configure Trend Tags to use Clustering
        • Configure SPC Tags to use Clustering
        • Configure Accumulators to use Clustering
      • Configure Multiple Monitors
      • Compile the Project
      • Run Computer Setup Wizard
      • Troubleshooting
        • Compiler Errors
        • Upgrading a Project that uses Distributed Servers
    • About CitectSCADA
      • Dynamic-point count licensing
      • Configuring a CitectSCADA project
      • Deploying CitectSCADA
      • Running a project
    • Tools
      • Configuration Tools
      • Runtime Tools
      • Drivers
    • Components of a project
      • Graphics components
      • Tags
      • Alarms
      • System components
      • Communications components
      • I/OServer components
      • Cicode / CitectVBA
    • Typical system scenarios
      • Standalone system
      • Distributed I/O system
      • Client-Server system
      • Redundant server system
      • Clustered control system
      • Redundant and distributed control system
      • Load sharing system
  • Using CitectSCADA
    • Planning a Project
      • The Physical Layout of a Plant
      • Operational Requirements
        • Architecture
        • Security
        • Reliability
        • Monitoring
        • Data collection
      • Project Design
        • Naming Standards
        • Page Templates
        • Genies and Super Genies
        • Clustering
          • About cluster context
          • Cluster context rules
        • Included projects
        • Redundancy
      • Building Your Project
        • Projects
        • Setting up I/O Device Communication
        • Graphics Components
        • Alarms
        • Data Collection
        • Users and Areas
        • System Components
      • Setting up Your Computers
        • Setting up CitectSCADA as an OPC data source
    • Administering Projects
      • Managing your projects
        • Creating a project
          • New Project dialog
        • Editing the properties of an existing project
          • Project General Properties
          • Project Page Properties
        • Copying projects
          • Copy Project dialog
        • Printing project details
          • Print (project details) dialog
        • Deleting a project
        • Linking projects
        • Time Synchronization
          • Time Synchronization Dialog
      • Archiving projects
        • Backing up a project
        • Backing up INI files
        • Configuring a backup with password encryption
        • Running a backup from the command line
        • Restoring a project
      • Including projects
        • Including a project in the current project
          • Included Projects dialog
        • Included projects
      • Working with the Project Editor
        • Setting the Project Editor options
          • Project Editor Options dialog
        • Paste Tag dialog box
        • Paste Function dialog box
        • Find User Function dialog box
      • Using Find and Replace in a project
        • The Find and Replace dialog
        • Specifying search coverage
        • Using the results list
        • Removing results
        • Exporting results
        • Jumping to a result (Go To)
        • Replacing results
        • Find and Replace error messages
          • File in use
          • Replaced text truncated
          • Original text not found
          • Replaced text out of range
          • Replacement text not numeric
          • Field is read-only
          • Undetermined error
        • Troubleshooting Searches
    • Securing Projects
      • Overview
      • Securing a Top-level Project
      • Securing an Include Project
      • Making a Project Read-Only
      • Read-Only Privileges on Projects
        • Startup
        • General
        • Graphics and pages
        • Backup and restore
        • Project upgrades
        • Debugging
        • Web deployment
        • Runtime issues
        • Read-only on top-level projects
        • Read-only on include projects
      • Securing Runtime Computers
        • Client Start up Restrictions
        • Running a display client as a shell
        • Disabling Windows keyboard commands
        • Disabling control menu commands
        • Removing the Cancel button
      • Using CitectSCADA Security
        • Areas
        • Privileges
        • Roles
        • Users
      • Configuring Security
        • Configuring Areas
          • Using labels to name areas
          • Using groups of areas
          • Groups properties
          • Viewing areas of the plant
        • Adding Roles
          • Additional Fields
        • Configuring Privileges
          • Using hierarchical privilege
          • Implementing system security
          • Privilege and Area combinations
          • Using areas with privileges
        • Adding users
          • User records and project restoration
      • Using CitectSCADA with Windows Security
        • Adding Groups and Users
        • Scenarios and Usage
      • Authenticating a Trusted Network
      • Setting the Super User Password
    • Configuring Your System
      • Running the Computer Setup Wizard
      • Project Configuration
        • Runtime only environment
      • Computer Role Configuration
      • Network Model
      • Configure Server Password
      • Configure Server User
      • Internet Server Configuration
      • Alarm Configuration
      • Reports Configuration
      • Trends Configuration
      • CPU Configuration
      • Events Configuration
      • Startup Functions Configuration
      • Cluster Connections Configuration
      • Control Menu Security Configuration
      • Keyboard Security Configuration
      • Miscellaneous Security Configuration
      • General Options Setup
      • Finish
    • Implementing Clustering
      • Rules of Clustering
      • Cluster Definitions
      • Network Address Definitions
      • Alarm Server Definitions
      • Report Server Definitions
      • Trend Server Definitions
      • I/O Server Definitions
      • Assigning tags to a cluster at Runtime
    • Building Redundancy Into Your System
      • I/O Server Redundancy
        • I/O Device promotion
        • Redundancy and Persistence
      • Data Path Redundancy
        • Multiple Device Redundancy (Standby Data Paths)
      • Network Redundancy
        • Configuring Network Redundancy
      • Alarms, Reports and Trend Server Redundancy
        • Alarms server redundancy
        • Reports server redundancy
        • Trends server redundancy
        • File server redundancy
        • FTP server redundancy
      • Redundancy of Standalone Systems
    • Communicating with I/O Devices
      • The Role of the I/O Server
      • The Role of the I/O Device
      • The Role of the Transport Medium
      • The Role of the Protocol
      • Communication Configuration
      • Retrieving time-stamped data from field devices
      • Setting Up Communications
        • Preparing a Device
        • Preparing the I/O Server for Communication
          • Using a COM port
          • Using a Serial Board
            • COMX driver special options reference
          • Using an Ethernet Card
            • TCP/IP driver special options reference
          • Using a Proprietary Board/Intermediary Software
        • Creating a Communications Test Project
          • Running Your Test Project
          • When Your Test Project Does Not Communicate
        • Using the Communications Express Wizard
          • Express Communications Wizard — introduction
          • Express Communications Wizard — Server selection
          • Express Communications Wizard — Device selection
          • Express Communications Wizard — I/O device type
          • Express Communications Wizard — I/O device communications selection
          • Express Communications Wizard — TCP/IP address
          • Express Communications Wizard — I/O device address
          • Express Communications Wizard — I/O device connection schedule
            • Caller ID and commands
          • Express Communications Wizard — Link to external database
          • Express Communications Wizard — Serial device
          • Express Communications Wizard — Summary
        • Manually Configuring Communications
          • I/O Server Properties
            • Adding an I/O server
          • Boards Properties
          • Ports Properties
          • I/O Devices Properties
          • I/O Devices Properties — Extended
      • Working With Device Drivers
        • Determining Which Driver To Use
        • Installing A Driver Pack
        • The Driver Update Utility
        • Using the Driver Reference Help
      • Customising Communication using Citect.ini Parameters
      • Using a Disk I/O Device
        • Disk I/O device setup
        • Redundant Disk I/O Devices
        • Disk I/O Device Errors
      • Using Memory Mode
        • Using Persisted I/O Memory Mode
      • Troubleshooting Device Communications
        • Gathering communications information
        • Debugging Communications
          • Debugging a COMx driver
            • File formats
          • Debugging a TCP/IP driver
            • Procedure for debugging TCP/IP
          • Debugging a protocol driver using serial communications
          • Debugging proprietary board drivers
          • Serial Port Loop-Back Test
            • Test setup
            • Serial port loop-back cable
        • Contacting technical support
      • Communications Performance Considerations
        • Caching data
          • How data caching works
          • Keeping a persistent record of the data
        • Grouping registers
        • Remapping variables in an I/O device
        • Remapping example
      • Advanced Driver Information
        • Variable (digital) limitations
        • Validating distributed project data for tag-based drivers
        • Write delay effects
      • Communicating with Remote Devices via Modems
        • Modems at the I/O server
        • Modems at the I/O device
        • Example configurations for modems at the I/O server
        • I/O device constraints for multi-dropping
        • Configuring multidrop remote I/O devices
        • I/O server redundancy for dial-up remote I/O devices
        • Troubleshooting dial-up remote I/O device communications
        • Alternative (backward compatibility) method of persistent connection
      • Scheduled Communications
        • Specifying a schedule
        • Writing to the scheduled I/O device
        • Reading from the scheduled I/O device
          • Keeping data up-to-date during prolonged connections
          • Avoiding unnecessary multiple reads of I/O device data
    • Tagging Process Variables
      • Tag Naming
        • Tag name syntax
        • Using structured tag names
          • Area
          • Type
          • Occurrence
          • Attribute
          • Recommended Attributes
      • Tag Extensions
        • The Quality Tag Element
          • QUAL_BAD Substatus Values
          • QUAL_UNCERTAIN Substatus Values
          • QUAL_GOOD Substatus Values
          • QUAL_EXTENDED Substatus Values
        • Reading and Writing Tags
          • XML DataSource Schema
          • Reading Tag Values
          • Writing Tag Values
          • Controlling and Overriding Tag Values
          • Control Inhibit Mode
          • Override Mode
          • Tag Status
      • Tag Data Types
      • Configuring Variable Tags
        • Variable Tag Properties
          • Defining Variable Tag Names
        • Formatting numeric variables
          • Format specifiers
          • Specifying the number of digits
          • Padding with zeros
          • Changing justification
          • Specifying decimal notation
          • Specifying engineering units
          • Specifying exponential notation
          • Combining format specifiers
          • Using shortform notation
        • Using arrays
          • Referring to array elements
          • String arrays
      • Configuring Local Variables
    • Linking, Importing, and Exporting Tags
      • Linking tags
        • Breaking the link to the external data source
        • Deleting the I/O device
          • Refresh Linked Tags properties
      • Importing tags
        • Import variable tags properties
        • FastLinx for Mitsubishi Tag Import
          • Defining Variable Tag Names for Mitsubishi FastLinx
        • Unity Link Tag Import
        • OPC Data Access Server Tag Browser
      • Exporting tags
        • Export Variable Tags properties
        • External data source
        • Format file
        • Format file layout
          • [General] section
          • [Columns] section
          • [ImportFilterMap] and [ExportFilterMap] sections
          • Concatenation
        • Field conversion
        • Recognizing format files
      • Unity Support Matrixes
        • Imported Tags
        • Exported Tags
        • Linked Tags
    • Defining and Drawing Graphics Pages
      • Creating a New Graphics Page
        • Animation points
        • New Dialog Box
        • Working with pages
        • Use Template (new page/template) dialog box
        • Open/Save As dialog box
      • Using Page Templates
        • Choosing a page style
        • Linking templates
        • Creating your own templates
        • New Style dialog box
      • Using a Browse Sequence
      • Specifying a Startup Page
      • Sizing the Page
        • Page (screen) resolution
          • Screen examples
        • Page size at runtime
      • Securing the window title bar
      • Defining Page Properties
        • Page Properties — General
        • Page Properties — Appearance
        • Page properties — Keyboard Commands
        • Page Properties — Events
        • Page Properties — Environment
        • Page Properties — Associations
      • Setting Default Page Settings
        • Page defaults
      • Understanding the Drawing Environment
        • Grids
        • Grid Setup dialog box
        • Guidelines
        • Guidelines Setup dialog box
        • Options
        • Colors
          • Color Picker
        • Edit Favorite Colors dialog box
        • Swap Color dialog box
        • Adjust colors dialog box
        • Zooming
        • Using libraries
          • Copying an object to the library
        • Using symbols
        • Bitmaps
          • The Bitmap Editor
        • Import dialog box
      • Using Objects
        • Using groups
        • Reshaping objects
          • Reshaping a line object
        • Using bitmaps
        • Importing graphics
        • Object Properties
          • Appearance
          • Movement
          • Scaling
          • Fill
          • Input
          • Slider
          • Access
          • Metadata
            • Using Metadata
            • Passing Animation Point Metadata as Super Genie Associations
        • Manipulating Objects
          • Selecting objects
          • Moving objects
          • Resizing objects
          • Deleting objects
          • Locking/unlocking objects
          • Grouping objects
          • Copying and pasting objects
          • Changing the Overlap of Objects
          • Aligning objects
          • Rotating objects
          • Mirroring objects
          • Locate an object
      • Understanding Object Types
        • Free Hand Line Objects
          • Freehand Line Properties — Appearance (General)
        • Straight Line Objects
          • Straight Line Properties — Appearance (General)
        • Rectangle Objects
          • Rectangle Properties — Appearance (General)
        • Ellipse Objects
          • Ellipse Properties — Appearance (General)
        • Polygon Objects
          • Polygon Properties — Appearance (General)
        • Pipe Objects
          • Pipe Properties — Appearance (General)
        • Text Objects
          • Text Properties — Appearance (General)
          • Text Properties — Appearance (Display Value)
            • Text Properties — Appearance Display Value (On/Off)
            • Text Properties — Appearance Display Value (Multi-state)
            • Text Properties — Appearance Display Value (Array)
            • Text Properties — Appearance Display Value (Numeric)
            • Text Properties — Appearance Display Value (String)
        • Number Objects
        • Button Objects
          • Button Properties — Appearance (General)
        • Symbol Set Objects
          • Symbol Set Properties — Appearance General (On/Off)
          • Symbol Set Properties — Appearance General (Multi-state)
          • Symbol Set Properties — Appearance General (Array)
          • Symbol Set Properties — Appearance General (Animated)
        • Trend Objects
          • Trend properties
          • Insert Trend dialog box
        • Cicode Objects
          • Cicode Object Properties — Cicode (General)
        • Pasted Symbol Objects
          • Paste Symbol dialog box
          • Symbol Properties — Appearance (General)
        • Pasted Genie Objects
        • ActiveX Objects
          • Managing associated data sources
          • ActiveX Object Properties
          • Tag Association
          • ActiveX Object Properties — Appearance (Tag Association)
          • Object Identification
          • Object Properties — Access (Identification)
        • Database Exchange Control Objects
      • Defining Common Object Properties
        • 3D Effects
          • Object Properties — Appearance (3D Effects)
        • Visibility
          • Object Properties — Appearance (Visibility)
        • Movement
          • Object Properties — Movement (Horizontal)
          • Object Properties — Movement (Vertical)
          • Object Properties — Movement (Rotational)
          • Group and object movement — examples
        • Scaling
          • Object Properties — Scaling (Horizontal)
          • Object Properties — Scaling (Vertical)
        • Fill Color
          • Object Properties — Fill Color (On/Off)
          • Object Properties — Fill Color (Multi-state)
          • Object Properties — Fill Color (Array)
          • Object Properties — Fill Color (Threshold)
          • Object Properties — Fill Color (Gradient)
        • Fill Level
          • Object Properties — Fill (Level)
        • Touch Commands
          • Object Properties — Input (Touch)
        • Keyboard Commands
          • Object Properties — Input (Keyboard Commands)
        • Sliders
          • Object Properties — Slider (Horizontal)
          • Object Properties — Slider (Vertical)
          • Object Properties — Slider (Rotational)
        • Access
          • General Access to Objects
          • Object Properties — Access (General)
          • Disable Access to Objects
          • Object Properties — Access (Disable)
      • Defining Commands and Controls
        • Touch commands
        • Keyboard commands
        • Slider controls
        • System Keyboard Commands
          • System keyboard command properties
        • Keyboard Keys
          • Keyboard keys properties
        • Keyboards
        • Defining Key Sequences for Commands
          • Using a hot key
          • Using variable data input
          • Passing multiple arguments
          • Passing keyboard arguments to functions
      • Configuring Page Menus
        • Menu Configuration Dialog Properties
      • Displaying tags
    • Configuring and Processing Alarms
      • Configured alarms
      • Using alarm delay
      • Using custom alarm filters
        • Implementing queries that use custom alarm filters
        • Efficiency considerations
      • Alarm Categories
        • Alarm Category Properties
      • Digital Alarms
        • Digital Alarm Properties
      • Multi-digital Alarms
        • Multi-digital Alarm Properties
      • Time-stamped Alarms
        • Time-stamped Alarm Properties
      • Analog Alarms
        • Analog Alarm Properties
      • Advanced Alarms
        • Advanced Alarm Properties
      • Time-stamped Digital Alarms
        • Time-stamped Digital Alarm Properties
      • Time-stamped Analog Alarms
        • Time-stamped Analog Alarm Properties
      • Formatting an Alarm Display
        • Including CitectSCADA data
        • Including fixed text
        • Displaying lists and tables
        • Variable data in alarm messages
        • Alarm display fields
        • Alarm summary fields
        • Changing the Order of the Alarm Summary Display
      • Using Alarm Properties as Tags
        • Supported alarm properties
        • Writing to alarm properties
        • Setting up alarm properties
      • Handling Alarms at Runtime
      • Using System Fonts
        • Fonts properties
      • Configuring Custom Color Fonts
    • Configuring Events
      • Events Properties
      • Running Events
        • Specifying times and periods
        • Using triggers
    • Using Accumulators
      • Accumulator Properties
    • Logging and Trending Data
      • Trending Data
        • Configuring trend tags
        • Trend Tag Properties
      • Trend Graphs
        • Creating trend pages
        • Trend interpolation
      • Printing Trend Data
      • Exporting Trend Data
      • Using Trend History Files
        • Storage method
        • Calculating disk storage
          • Scaled
          • Floating point
        • Reconfiguring history files
      • Using Path Substitution
        • Default path definitions
      • Debugging Trending
    • Understanding Statistical Process Control
      • Process Variation
      • Statistical Control
      • Process Capability
      • XRS Control Charts
        • CL, UCL and LCL
        • Interpreting the chart
      • Capability Charts
        • USL and LSL
        • Cp index
        • Cpk Index
      • Pareto Charts
      • Using Statistical Process Control (SPC)
      • SPC Tags
        • SPC tag properties
      • SPC Control Charts
        • XRS control chart
        • Configuring XRS charts
        • Capability charts
        • Configuring capability charts
        • Pareto Charts
        • Configuring Pareto charts
      • SPC Alarms
      • SPC Formulas and Constants
      • Control Chart Line Constants
    • Reporting Information
      • Configuring reports
        • Reports dialog box
      • Running Reports
        • Running a report on startup
        • Specifying times and periods
        • Using triggers
        • Using commands
      • Report Format File
        • Report example
      • Handling Communication Errors in Reports
        • Reporting errors in I/O device data
        • Suppressing reports
    • Using Labels
      • Using Arguments in Labels
        • Specifying default values
      • Converting Values into Strings
      • Substituting Strings
      • Defining Labels
    • Using Devices
      • Using groups of devices
      • Using devices to read data
      • Configuring Devices
      • Formatting Data in the Device
        • Printer and ASCII devices format
          • Creating lists and tables
          • Including fixed text
        • dBASE and SQL database devices format
          • dBASE devices
          • SQL devices
        • Using a database device
          • Writing dBASE records using a database device
          • Writing SQL records using a database device
          • Locating and reading database records using a database device
          • Deleting records using a database device
          • Closing a database device
      • Using Device History Files
        • Archiving data
      • Using Command Fields
      • About Print Management
    • Using Equipment
      • Equipment Properties
    • Exchanging Data with Other Applications
      • Using DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange)
        • DDE conversations and client syntax
        • Setting up DDE conversations
        • DDE function types
        • Exchanging data via DDE
        • Connecting to the tag database using DDE
        • Posting select data using DDE
        • Writing values to a DDE application
        • Reading values from a DDE application
        • Using DDE with Microsoft Office applications
          • Long file names in DDE
          • Microsoft Office security
      • Network DDE
        • Starting network DDE services
        • Setting up network DDE shares
      • DDE Shares
      • Using DDE Trusted Shares
        • Using network DDE
        • Connecting to a network DDE shared application
      • Using the Citect Tags Excel macros
      • Using External Databases
        • dBASE databases
        • SQL databases
      • Using Structured Query Language
        • Connecting to an SQL database
        • Executing SQL commands
        • Using a transaction
        • Expressing dates and times in SQL
          • Database independent date-time syntax
      • Using ODBC drivers
        • Installing the ODBC driver
        • About the ODBC driver
        • Setting up ODBC
        • Getting the correct syntax with ODBC
        • Programming style with ODBC
        • Comparing DDE with ODBC
        • ODBC compatibility
          • Essential functions
          • Optional functions
        • Using CitectSCADA as an ODBC server
        • Reading data from an access table with ODBC
        • Appending data with ODBC
        • Editing data with ODBC
        • Deleting rows from an Access table
        • Calling action queries with ODBC
        • Parameter queries
        • Access and Cicode date/time conversions
      • Using Microsoft Excel to Edit .dbf Tables
        • Functionality
    • Genies and Super Genies
      • Genies
        • Defining Substitutions for Genies
        • Configuring Genies
        • Using Genies
        • Maintaining a Genie
        • Using Genie Substitutions in Templates
        • Using structured tags with Genies
      • Super Genies
        • Defining Substitutions for Super Genies
        • Defining Associations for Super Genies
        • Configuring Super Genies
          • Configuring a Super Genie as a Page
          • Configuring a Super Genie as a Library
        • Using a Super Genie Page
        • Using a Super Genie Library Object
        • Maintaining a Super Genie Page
        • Maintaining a Super Genie Library Object
        • Using Constants and Arrays with Super Genies
          • Constants
          • Arrays
            • Using Array Offsets with Super Genies
        • Nesting Super Genies
        • Super Genie areas
        • Super Genie Library Objects and Associations
        • Using structured tags with Super Genies
      • Hiding Graphics Objects
        • IFDEF macro
    • Working with Multi-Language Projects
      • Changing Languages
        • Marking text for language change
        • Language databases
        • Multiple languages
        • Multiple projects
        • Changing languages at runtime
        • Logging data in different languages
        • ASCII and ANSI character sets
        • OEM character sets
    • Working With Multiple Monitors
      • Configuring Startup Pages for Multiple Monitors
    • Using OPC Server DA2.0
      • OPC Overview
      • CitectSCADA OPC Server
      • CitectSCADA OPC Server Installation
      • Configuring Remote Access to the OPC Server
        • Configure the OPC Server
          • Windows Vista and Windows XP SP2
          • Windows 2000
          • Windows Server 2003
        • Configure the OPC Client
          • Windows Vista and Windows XP SP2
          • Windows 2000
          • Windows Server 2003
        • Create a data group
        • Add data items to the group
      • Troubleshooting
    • Compiling and Running a Project
      • Compiling a Project
        • Incremental compilation
        • Debugging the compilation
        • Compilation options
        • Compile Error Properties
        • Compile Error Messages
      • Distributing the Project
      • Running the System
        • Startup and runtime configuration
        • Running servers independently
        • Server Redirection Using Address Forwarding
        • Using an Alternative INI File
        • System tuning
          • Cache tuning
        • Client Side Online Changes
        • Server Side Online Changes
          • Effects of Server Reload on Servers
        • Restarting the System Online
          • Restarting a networked system online
            • Using multiple projects
            • Initiating the online restart
            • Using a Callback function
      • Running Your System Over the Internet
        • The Internet Display Client
        • The Internet server
        • Startup and runtime configuration
        • Server — client file updates
      • Software Protection
        • CiUSAFE dialog properties
        • Demo mode
    • Monitoring and Debugging Runtime
      • Gathering Runtime Information
        • Hardware Alarms
        • Log Files
        • Configuring Logging
        • Adjusting Logging During Runtime
        • The Crash Handler
      • Using the Kernel
        • Displaying the Kernel window
          • Displaying the kernel from the control menu
          • Displaying the kernel at startup
          • Defining a runtime command
          • Closing the kernel window
        • Inside the Kernel
          • What to look for
        • Using Kernel Commands
        • Kernel commands
          • Cache
          • Cicode
          • Cls
          • Debug
          • DriverTrace
          • Exit
          • Help
          • INI
          • Log
          • Page General
          • Page Driver
          • Page Memory
          • Page Queue
          • Page RDB
          • Page Table
          • Page Unit
          • Pause
          • Shell
          • Stats
          • SysLog
  • Using the Web Client
    • The CitectSCADA Web Client
      • System architecture
      • Getting Started
      • Preparing a Project for Deployment
        • Functionality limitations of the Web Client platform
          • Feature limitations
          • Cicode Function Limitations
        • Preparing a project’s user files for delivery
        • Running the Web Deployment Preparation tool
      • Configuring a deployment
        • Creating a new deployment
        • Deploying a project from within CitectSCADA
        • Displaying a deployment
        • Editing an existing deployment
        • Updating a deployment to reflect project changes
        • Deleting a deployment
      • Implementing Multiple Language Support
        • How default languages are implemented
        • Using a language different to the current system locale setting
        • Implementing a non-default language
      • Web Client Upgrade Considerations
      • Frequently Asked Questions
        • Windows 2003 Server-related considerations
        • General considerations
    • Windows Language Codes
  • Using the Process Analyst
    • Process Analyst for Developers
      • Integration with CitectSCADA
        • Configuring the Process Analyst Control from Graphics Builder
          • Tag Association
        • Security and Permissions
          • Administration privilege
          • Command privilege
          • Write privilege
        • Multi-language Support
          • Understanding the Process Analyst resources
          • Using CitectSCADA to switch the Process Analyst language
          • Manually switching languages
          • Specifying languages for the Web Client
          • Creating your own Process Analyst resource.dll
            • Setup for localization on Windows XP
            • Setup for localization on Windows 2000
            • Changing the input language
            • Localizing the Process Analyst resource dll
        • Persistence
          • Saving while using the Citect Graphics Builder
          • Using the Save View toolbar button
          • Using the SaveToFile automation method
          • Saving between CitectSCADA page transitions (Run-time)
          • Resetting back to the default state
        • Backing up Projects
      • Configuring Process Analyst Design Time Properties
        • Adding New Commands
        • Editing Existing Custom Commands
        • Creating or Editing Object View Columns
        • Process Analyst View Synchronization
      • Using the Process Analyst Command System
        • Command System Overview
        • Custom Commands
          • CommandExecuted
          • UpdateCommand
        • Icons
      • Automation Model
        • Execution Results
        • Enumerations
          • AlarmType [Enumeration]
          • AxisLabelType [Enumeration]
          • ErrorNotifyCode [Enumeration]
          • FileLocation [Enumeration]
          • HatchStyle [Enumeration]
          • LineStyle [Enumeration]
          • LineType [Enumeration]
          • PenNameMode [Enumeration]
          • PenType [Enumeration]
          • PointType [Enumeration]
          • QualityCompactionType [Enumeration]
          • QualityType [Enumeration]
          • RequestMode [Enumeration]
          • ToolbarButtonType [Enumeration]
        • Events
          • CommandExecuted [Event]
          • CursorMoved [Event]
          • Error [Event]
          • HorizontalAxisChanged [Event]
          • MouseClick [Event]
          • MouseDoubleClick [Event]
          • OVColumnAdded [Event]
          • OVColumnRemoved [Event]
          • OVItemAdded [Event]
          • OVItemChecked [Event]
          • OVItemRemoved [Event]
          • OVItemSelected [Event]
          • PenCreated [Event]
          • PenDeleted [Event]
          • PenRenamed [Event]
          • PenSelectionChanged [Event]
          • PropertyChanged [Event]
          • UpdateCommand [Event]
          • VerticalAxisChanged [Event]
        • Interfaces
          • IAlarmPen Interface
            • IAlarmPen.AlarmType [Property][Get/Set]
            • IAlarmPen.GetFillColor [Method]
            • IAlarmPen.GetHatchColor [Method]
            • IAlarmPen.GetHatchStyle [Method]
            • IAlarmPen.LineColor [Property][Get/Set]
            • IAlarmPen.LineWidth [Property][Get/Set]
            • IAlarmPen.SetFillColor [Method]
            • IAlarmPen.SetHatchColor [Method]
            • IAlarmPen.SetHatchStyle [Method]
          • IAnalogPen Interface
            • IAnalogPen.LineColor [Property][Get/Set]
            • IAnalogPen.LineInterpolation [Property][Get/Set]
            • IAnalogPen.LineWidth [Property][Get/Set]
          • ICommand Interface
            • ICommand.Tooltip [Property][Get]
            • ICommand.ButtonType [Property][Get]
            • ICommand.CommandId [Property][Get]
            • ICommand.Enabled [Property][Get/Set]
            • ICommand.Pressed [Property][Get/Set]
            • ICommand.Privilege [Property][Get]
          • ICommandSystem Interface
            • ICommandSystem._NewEnum [Property][Get]
            • ICommandSystem.Count [Property][Get]
            • ICommandSystem.Create [Method]
            • ICommandSystem.Execute [Method]
            • ICommandSystem.Item [Property][Get]
            • ICommandSystem.ItemById [Property][Get]
            • ICommandSystem.Remove [Method]
          • ICursors Interface
            • ICursors._NewEnum [Property][Get]
            • ICursors.Count [Property][Get]
            • ICursors.Create [Method]
            • ICursors.Item [Property][Get]
            • ICursors.ItemByName [Property][Get]
            • ICursors.RemoveAll [Method]
          • IDigitalPen Interface
            • IDigitalPen.Fill [Property][Get/Set]
            • IDigitalPen.FillColor [Property][Get/Set]
            • IDigitalPen.LineColor [Property][Get/Set]
            • IDigitalPen.LineWidth [Property][Get/Set]
          • IObjectView Interface
            • IObjectView.BackgroundColor [Property][Get/Set]
            • IObjectView.Columns [Property][Get]
            • IObjectView.ForeColor [Property][Get/Set]
            • IObjectView.Height [Property][Get/Set]
            • IObjectView.Items [Property][Get]
            • IObjectView.SelectedItem [Property][Get]
            • IObjectView.Visible [Property][Get/Set]
          • IObjectViewColumn Interface
            • IObjectViewColumn.Name [Property][Get]
            • IObjectViewColumn.Text [Property][Get]
            • IObjectViewColumn.Width [Property][Get/Set]
          • IObjectViewColumns Interface
            • IObjectViewColumns._NewEnum [Property][Get]
            • IObjectViewColumns.Add [Method]
            • IObjectViewColumns.Count [Property][Get]
            • IObjectViewColumns.Hide [Method]
            • IObjectViewColumns.Item [Property][Get]
            • IObjectViewColumns.ItemByName [Property][Get]
            • IObjectViewColumns.Remove [Method]
            • IObjectViewColumns.Show [Method]
          • IObjectViewItem Interface
            • IObjectViewItem.Expanded [Property][Get/Set]
            • IObjectViewItem.GetField [Method]
            • IObjectViewItem.Items [Property][Get]
            • IObjectViewItem.PutField [Method]
            • IObjectViewItem.Tag [Property][Get/Set]
          • IObjectViewItems Interface
            • IObjectViewItems._NewEnum [Property][Get]
            • IObjectViewItems.Count [Property][Get]
            • IObjectViewItems.Item [Property][Get]
          • IObjectViewPenItem Interface
            • IObjectViewPenItem.BlockColor [Property][Get]
            • IObjectViewPenItem.Checked [Property][Get/Set]
            • IObjectViewPenItem.Selected [Property][Get]
          • IPane Interface
            • IPane.BackgroundColor [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPane.Collection [Property][Get]
            • IPane.Delete [Method]
            • IPane.FixedHeight [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPane.Height [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPane.Name [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPane.Pens [Property][Get]
          • IPanes Interface
            • IPanes._NewEnum [Property][Get]
            • IPanes.Count [Property][Get]
            • IPanes.Create [Method]
            • IPanes.Item [Property][Get]
            • IPanes.ItemByName [Property][Get]
            • IPanes.RemoveAll [Method]
          • IPen Interface
            • IPen.AddSample
            • IPen.AxisBackgroundColor [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPen.BlockRepaint [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPen.Clear [Method]
            • IPen.Collection [Property][Get]
            • IPen.DataPoint [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPen.DataServer [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPen.Delete [Method]
            • IPen.GetDefaultSpan [Method]
            • IPen.GetHorizontalAxisTimeSpan [Method]
            • IPen.GetInformation [Method]
            • IPen.GetStatistic [Method]
            • IPen.GetVerticalAxisSpan [Method]
            • IPen.GoToNow [Method]
            • IPen.Height [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPen.HorizontalAxisColor [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPen.HorizontalAxisResize [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPen.HorizontalAxisScroll [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPen.HorizontalAxisWidth [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPen.HorizontalGridlinesColor [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPen.HorizontalGridlinesStyle [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPen.HorizontalGridlinesWidth [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPen.HorizontalMinorGridlinesColor [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPen.HorizontalMinorGridlinesStyle [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPen.HorizontalScrollBy [Method]
            • IPen.HorizontalZoom [Method]
            • IPen.InstantTrend [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPen.IsDeleted [Property][Get]
            • IPen.IsSelected [Property][Get]
            • IPen.LocalTime [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPen.Name [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPen.PointsVisible [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPen.PutHorizontalAxisTimeSpan [Method]
            • IPen.PutVerticalAxisSpan [Method]
            • IPen.RefreshData [Method]
            • IPen.RequestMode [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPen.ResetToDefaultSpan [Method]
            • IPen.Select [Method]
            • IPen.SetDefaultSpan [Method]
            • IPen.SetQualityCompactionPointType [Method]
            • IPen.SetQualityLineStyle [Method]
            • IPen.SetVerticalAxisLabelValue [Method]
            • IPen.Stacked [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPen.TrendCursorLabelFillColor [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPen.TrendCursorLabelLineColor [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPen.TrendCursorLabelTextColor [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPen.VerticalAxisAutoscale [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPen.VerticalAxisColor [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPen.VerticalAxisLabelType [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPen.VerticalAxisResize [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPen.VerticalAxisScroll [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPen.VerticalAxisWidth [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPen.VerticalGridlinesColor [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPen.VerticalGridlinesStyle [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPen.VerticalGridlinesWidth [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPen.VerticalMinorGridlinesColor [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPen.VerticalMinorGridlinesStyle [Property][Get/Set]
            • IPen.VerticalScrollBy [Method]
            • IPen.VerticalZoom [Method]
            • IPen.Visible [Property][Get/Set]
          • IPens Interface
            • IPens._NewEnum [Property][Get]
            • IPens.Count [Property][Get]
            • IPens.Create [Method]
            • IPens.Item [Property][Get]
            • IPens.ItemByName [Property][Get]
            • IPens.Pane[Property][Get]
            • IPens.RemoveAll [Method]
          • IProcessAnalyst Interface
            • IProcessAnalyst.AdminPrivilegeLevel [Property] [Get]
            • IProcessAnalyst.AutoScroll [Property][Get/Set]
            • IProcessAnalyst.BackgroundColor [Property][Get/Set]
            • IProcessAnalyst.BlockUpdates [Method]
            • IProcessAnalyst.CommandSystem [Property][Get]
            • IProcessAnalyst.ContextMenu [Property][Get/Set]
            • IProcessAnalyst.CopyToClipboard [Method]
            • IProcessAnalyst.CopyToFile [Method]
            • IProcessAnalyst.Cursors [Property][Get]
            • IProcessAnalyst.DataRequestRate [Property][Get/Set]
            • IProcessAnalyst.DisplayRefreshRate [Property][Get/Set]
            • IProcessAnalyst.FreezeEvent [Method]
            • IProcessAnalyst.Language [Property] [Get/Set]
            • IProcessAnalyst.LastSelectedPen [Property][Get]
            • IProcessAnalyst.LoadFromFile [Method]
            • IProcessAnalyst.LockedPens [Property][Get/Set]
            • IProcessAnalyst.NumberofSamples[Property][Get/Set]
            • IProcessAnalyst.ObjectView [Property][Get]
            • IProcessAnalyst.Panes [Property][Get]
            • IProcessAnalyst.PrimaryPath [Property][Get/Set]
            • IProcessAnalyst.PrintAll [Method]
            • IProcessAnalyst.SaveToFile [Method]
            • IProcessAnalyst.SecondaryPath [Property][Get/Set]
            • IProcessAnalyst.ShowProperties [Method]
            • IProcessAnalyst.SubscribeForPropertyChange [Method]
            • IProcessAnalyst.SynchroniseToNow [Method]
            • IProcessAnalyst.Toolbars [Property][Get]
            • IProcessAnalyst.UnBlockUpdates [Method]
            • IProcessAnalyst.UnsubscribePropertyChange [Method]
            • IProcessAnalyst.WritePrivilegeLevel [Property][Get]
            • IProcessAnalyst.ZoomMode [Property][Get/Set]
            • MouseClick [Event]
            • PenCreated [Event]
            • PenDeleted [Event]
            • PenRenamed [Event]
            • PenSelectionChanged [Event]
            • HorizontalAxisChanged [Event]
            • VerticalAxisChanged [Event]
            • CursorMoved [Event]
            • Error [Event]
            • PropertyChanged [Event]
            • OVItemAdded [Event]
            • OVItemChecked [Event]
            • OVItemRemoved [Event]
            • OVItemSelected [Event]
            • QualityType [Enumeration]
            • QualityCompactionType [Enumeration]
            • FileLocation [Enumeration]
          • IToolbar Interface
            • IToolbar.Buttons [Property][Get]
            • IToolbar.Visible [Property][Get/Set]
          • IToolbars Interface
            • IToolbars.Item [Property][Get]
            • IToolbars._NewEnum [Property][Get]
            • IToolbars.Count [Property][Get]
          • IToolbarButton Interface
            • IToolbarButton.CommandID [Property][Get]
          • IToolbarButtons Interface
            • IToolbarButtons._NewEnum [Property][Get]
            • IToolbarButtons.Add [Method]
            • IToolbarButtons.Count [Property][Get]
            • IToolbarButtons.Item [Property][Get]
            • IToolbarButtons.Remove [Method]
            • IToolbarButtons.RemoveAll [Method]
          • ITrendCursor Interface
            • ITrendCursor.Collection [Property][Get]
            • ITrendCursor.Color [Property][Get/Set]
            • ITrendCursor.Delete [Method]
            • ITrendCursor.GetValue [Method]
            • ITrendCursor.LabelsLocked [Property][Get/Set]
            • ITrendCursor.Name [Property][Get/Set]
            • ITrendCursor.PenLabelHeight [Property][Get/Set]
            • ITrendCursor.PenLabelVisible [Property][Get/Set]
            • ITrendCursor.PenLabelWidth [Property][Get/Set]
            • ITrendCursor.PenLabelX [Property][Get/Set]
            • ITrendCursor.PenLabelY [Property][Get/Set]
            • ITrendCursor.Position [Property][Get/Set]
            • ITrendCursor.Visible [Property][Get/Set]
            • ITrendCursor.Width [Property][Get/Set]
      • Cicode Programming Reference
        • Handling an Event
        • Enumerating collections
        • Implementing a custom command
          • Enabling and Disabling a Command
        • Implementing a custom column
          • The Update Function
          • Event Handlers
    • Process Analyst for Operators
      • The Process Analyst: An Overview
      • Using the Main Toolbar
      • Understanding Process Analyst Pens
        • Data Compaction
          • Interpolated samples
          • Request modes
        • Data Quality
        • Date/Time (Horizontal) Axis
          • Daylight savings (local time)
          • Now indicator
        • Vertical (Value) Axis
        • Gridlines
        • Pen Layout
        • Pen Types
          • Analog pens
            • Interpolation
          • Digital pens
          • Alarm pens
            • On/off
            • Alarm states
            • Alarm acknowledgment
            • Alarm types
      • Interacting with the Process Analyst
        • Pen Selection
        • Locking/Unlocking Pens
        • Scrolling the Chart
        • Scaling the Chart
        • Using the Navigation Toolbar
          • Specifying a start time and end time
          • Working with Daylight Savings
          • Shifting and fitting time units
        • About time spans
        • Span Lock
        • Navigating time
        • Synchronize to Now
        • Toggle Autoscrolling
        • Zoom In/Zoom Out
        • Undo Last Zoom
        • Toggle Box Zoom
        • Edit Span
        • Edit Vertical Scale
        • Reset to Default Span
      • Using Cursors
      • Using Cursor Labels
        • Alarm label value
      • Using the Right-click Menu
      • Understanding Mouse Pointers
      • Adding and Deleting Pens
        • Adding Pens
        • Deleting Pens
      • Viewing Pen Details
      • Using Instant Trends with Process Analyst
      • Using the Object View
        • Object View Basics
        • Using Object View
      • Printing and Exporting
        • About Process Analyst Reports
        • Configuring Process Analyst Report Options
          • Setting up report legends
          • Setting up report options
        • Exporting Pen Data
          • Copying data to the Clipboard
          • Copying data to file
      • Configuring the Process Analyst
        • Using the Process Analyst Properties Dialog Box
          • Main page
            • Using the property tree right-click menu
          • Toolbars
          • Object View
        • Configuring Chart-wide Properties
          • Configuring general properties
          • Configuring connection properties
          • Configuring server paths
        • Configuring Chart Panes
        • Configuring Pens
          • Configuring pen appearance
            • Configuring analog and digital pens
            • Configuring alarm pens
          • Configuring pen gridlines
          • Configuring pen axes
          • Configuring pen quality
          • Configuring the pen data connection
          • Configuring cursor labels
        • Configuring Cursors
        • Configuring Defaults
        • Configuring Toolbars
          • Adding or removing toolbar commands
          • Changing the order of toolbar commands
        • Configuring the Object View
          • Object View properties page
        • Working with Views
          • Saving a view
          • Loading a view
        • Operator Command Reference
          • View Commands
          • Zoom Commands
          • Navigation Commands
          • Export Commands
          • Interface Commands
          • General Commands
  • Using the Tab Style Page Templates
    • Introducing Tab Style Page Templates
      • Where to Find Information
    • Using Pages and Templates
      • Common Navigation Functionality
        • Custom Tabbed Menus Toolbar
        • Navigation Toolbar
        • Alarm Toolbar
      • Normal Page Template
      • Blank Page Template
      • Alarm Page Templates
        • Common Functionality
          • Task Panels
          • Interactive Alarm List
      • Process Analyst Page Templates
      • SPC Page Templates
      • File Page Templates
    • Creating a New Project
      • Creating a Privileged User
      • Running the Computer Setup Wizard
        • Security Setup — Control Menu page
      • Using Instant Trending
      • Displaying a Project on Multiple Monitors
      • Implementing Audible Alarms
      • Creating Pages
        • Creating new pages
      • Creating Custom Menus
        • Defining page menus
        • Defining template popup menus
      • Using Environment Variables in Tab Style Templates
    • Tab Style Template Reference
      • Tab Style Template Parameters
      • Tab Style Template Functions
        • TabAlarm_GetAn
        • TabAlarm_GetAckPriv
        • TabAlarm_GetDisablePriv
        • TabAlarmSnd_GetPriv
        • TabAlarmSnd_SoundState
        • TabAlarmSnd_Silence
        • TabAlarmSnd_SilenceOnAck
        • TabAlarmSnd_ShowContextMenu
        • DspFileGetAn
        • DspRtfFileGetAn
        • DspRtfFileGetName
        • DspRtfFileSetName
        • PageDspConfigMenu
        • PageDspLoginMenu
        • PageGetConfigMenuHnd
        • PageHomeGetName
        • PageParent
        • PageParentGetName
        • PagePrint
        • PagePrintGetName
  • Using the CSV_Include Project
    • Introducing CSV_Include
      • Where to Find Information
    • Using Pages and Templates
      • Normal Page Template
      • Alarm Page Templates
        • Common functionality
      • Trend Page Templates
        • Common functionality
          • Selected Trend Field
          • Range/Scale markers
          • Span markers
          • Set span button
          • Trend cursor
          • History mode
          • Zoom
          • Autoscale
          • Scale defaults
          • Export to file
          • Paste to clipboard
          • Plot trend
          • Trend group
      • File Page Templates
      • Admin Tools Page Template
      • Common Toolbars
      • Navigation Toolbar
      • Alarms Toolbar
    • Creating a New Project
      • Creating a Privileged User
      • Running the Computer Setup Wizard
        • Events Setup page
        • Security Setup — Control Menu page
      • Setting Up Instant Trending
      • Displaying a Project on Multiple Monitors
      • Implementing Audible Alarms
      • Creating Pages
        • Creating new pages
        • Adding user assistance to a page
      • Creating Custom Menus
        • Menu Configuration tool
        • Building custom menus
        • Editing an item
      • Creating an Alarms Group
      • Creating a Trends Group
      • Using Environment Variables
    • CSV_Include Reference
      • CSV_Include Parameters
      • CSV_Include Functions
        • CSV_Alarms_Ack
        • CSV_Alarms_AckHardware
        • CSV_Alarms_AckPage
        • CSV_Alarms_AckRec
        • CSV_Alarms_AdvFilter
        • CSV_Alarms_AdvFilterConfig
        • CSV_Alarms_AdvFilterQuery
        • CSV_Alarms_AdvFilterSetDateTime
        • CSV_Alarms_CheckSound
        • CSV_Alarms_ClearGroupFilter
        • CSV_Alarms_Disable
        • CSV_Alarms_DisableRec
        • CSV_Alarms_DspGroupFilter
        • CSV_Alarms_DspGroupList
        • CSV_Alarms_DspInfo
        • CSV_Alarms_DspInfoRec
        • CSV_Alarms_DspLast
        • CSV_Alarms_Enable
        • CSV_Alarms_EnableRec
        • CSV_Alarms_GetAckPrivilege()
        • CSV_Alarms_GetDisablePrivilege()
        • CSV_Alarms_GetGroupFilter
        • CSV_Alarms_GetGroupFilterID
        • CSV_Alarms_GetUniqueGroupName
        • CSV_Alarms_GroupAdd
        • CSV_Alarms_GroupConfig()
        • CSV_Alarms_GroupRemove
        • CSV_Alarms_GroupEdit
        • CSV_Alarms_GroupFilter
        • CSV_Alarms_GroupSelect
        • CSV_Alarms_GroupsInit()
        • CSV_Alarms_Help
        • CSV_Alarms_HelpRec
        • CSV_Alarms_ListHeading
        • CSV_Alarms_ListHeadingFont()
        • CSV_Alarms_PopupMenu
        • CSV_Alarms_Sound()
        • CSV_Alarms_SoundActive()
        • CSV_Alarms_Silence()
        • CSV_DB_BOF
        • CSV_DB_Close
        • CSV_DB_EOF()
        • CSV_DB_Execute
        • CSV_DB_GetExecuteError
        • CSV_DB_GetFieldCount
        • CSV_DB_GetFieldIndex
        • CSV_DB_GetFieldName
        • CSV_DB_GetFieldText
        • CSV_DB_GetRowCount
        • CSV_DB_GetRowCurrent
        • CSV_DB_GetRowFieldText
        • CSV_DB_MoveFirst
        • CSV_DB_MoveLast
        • CSV_DB_MoveNext
        • CSV_DB_MoveOffset
        • CSV_DB_MovePrev
        • CSV_DB_StandbyConnectionActive
        • CSV_DB_StrToSQL
        • CSV_Display_Logo
        • CSV_Display_ServicePack()
        • CSV_Display_Title()
        • CSV_Display_Version()
        • CSV_File_Display
        • CSV_File_Print
        • CSV_File_Save
        • CSV_Form_Centre
        • CSV_Form_Login()
        • CSV_Form_NumPad
        • CSV_Form_Position
        • CSV_Form_Shutdown()
        • CSV_Form_UserCreate()
        • CSV_Form_UserEdit()
        • CSV_Form_UserPassword()
        • CSV_ListBox_AddItem
        • CSV_ListBox_Clear
        • CSV_ListBox_Create()
        • CSV_ListBox_Create()
        • CSV_ListBox_Destroy
        • CSV_ListBox_GetCategory
        • CSV_ListBox_GetItem
        • CSV_ListBox_GetItemID
        • CSV_ListBox_GetSelectedItem
        • CSV_ListBox_GetSelectedItemCategory
        • CSV_ListBox_GetSelectedItemID
        • CSV_ListBox_GetTagComment
        • CSV_ListBox_GetTagDescFromTag
        • CSV_ListBox_GetTagName
        • CSV_ListBox_GetTrendDescFromTag()
        • CSV_ListBox_RemoveItem
        • CSV_ListBox_Hide
        • CSV_ListBox_SelectCategories
        • CSV_ListBox_SelectTags()
        • CSV_ListBox_SelectTrends()
        • CSV_ListBox_SetText
        • CSV_ListBox_Show
        • CSV_ListBox_TagFormat
        • CSV_ListBox_Visible
        • CSV_Math_RoundDown
        • CSV_Math_Truncate
        • CSV_MenuConfig_Close()
        • CSV_MenuConfig_Display()
        • CSV_MenuConfig_LoadDflt()
        • CSV_MenuConfig_UserPages()
        • CSV_MessageBox
        • CSV_Misc_CheckNumPadValue
        • CSV_Misc_IntRange
        • CSV_Misc_MouseOver
        • CSV_MM_BackEmpty()
        • CSV_MM_ConfigInit()
        • CSV_MM_FwdEmpty()
        • CSV_MM_GetMonitor()
        • CSV_MM_GetMonitors()
        • CSV_MM_GetMouseX
        • CSV_MM_GetMouseY
        • CSV_MM_GetOffset
        • CSV_MM_GetScreenWidth()
        • CSV_MM_ListLastPages
        • CSV_MM_MonitorFromPoint
        • CSV_MM_MonitorFromWindow
        • CSV_MM_MonitorGoto
        • CSV_MM_NextEmpty()
        • CSV_MM_PageDisplay
        • CSV_MM_PageLast
        • CSV_MM_PageNext()
        • CSV_MM_PagePrev()
        • CSV_MM_PagesInit()
        • CSV_MM_PreviousEmpty()
        • CSV_MM_StoreLastPage
        • CSV_MM_WinDrag()
        • CSV_MM_WinDragEnd()
        • CSV_MM_WinFree()
        • CSV_MM_WinNewAt
        • CSV_MM_WinPopup
        • CSV_MM_WinTitle
        • CSV_Nav_Alarms()
        • CSV_Nav_AlarmsDisabled()
        • CSV_Nav_AlarmsHardware()
        • CSV_Nav_AlarmsSummary()
        • CSV_Nav_CloseWindow()
        • CSV_Nav_DisableMenuItem
        • CSV_Nav_DisplayMenuBar
        • CSV_Nav_DisplayPopupMenu
        • CSV_Nav_File
        • CSV_Nav_GetEngToolsPrivilege()
        • CSV_Nav_Home()
        • CSV_Nav_Login()
        • CSV_Nav_LoginMenu()
        • CSV_Nav_MenuBar_MenuClick
        • CSV_Nav_Network()
        • CSV_Nav_NetworkBtnEnabled()
        • CSV_Nav_PageExists
        • CSV_Nav_PagePrint()
        • CSV_Nav_Parent()
        • CSV_Nav_ParentBtnEnabled()
        • CSV_Nav_Report()
        • CSV_Nav_ReportBtnEnabled()
        • CSV_Nav_ReportMenu
        • CSV_Nav_Tools()
        • CSV_Nav_ToolsBtnEnabled()
        • CSV_Nav_ToolsMenu()
        • CSV_Nav_Trend()
        • CSV_Nav_TrendBtnEnabled()
        • CSV_Nav_TrendMenu()
        • CSV_Nav_TrendX()
        • CSV_Nav_TickMenuItem
        • CSV_Sec_ShowLoginMenu
        • CSV_String_GetField
        • CSV_String_GetLines
        • CSV_String_Replace
        • CSV_Tag_Debug
        • CSV_Trend_AutoScale
        • CSV_Trend_DspGroup
        • CSV_Trend_DspGroupList
        • CSV_Trend_DspPopupMenu
        • CSV_Trend_DspScaleRange
        • CSV_Trend_DspTrendText
        • CSV_Trend_GetCursorPos
        • CSV_Trend_GetCursorTypeStr
        • CSV_Trend_GetCursorValueStr
        • CSV_Trend_GetGroup
        • CSV_Trend_GetMode
        • CSV_Trend_GetPen
        • CSV_Trend_GetPenFocus
        • CSV_Trend_GetSettings
        • CSV_Trend_GetSettings
        • CSV_Trend_GetSpan
        • CSV_Trend_GetTime
        • CSV_Trend_GetDate
        • CSV_Trend_GroupConfig()
        • CSV_Trend_Page
        • CSV_Trend_Popup
        • CSV_Trend_ScaleDigital
        • CSV_Trend_SelectGroup
        • CSV_Trend_SelectPen
        • CSV_Trend_SetCursor
        • CSV_Trend_SetDate
        • CSV_Trend_SetDateTime
        • CSV_Trend_SetPens
        • CSV_Trend_SetRange
        • CSV_Trend_SetScale
        • CSV_Trend_SetSpan
        • CSV_Trend_SetTime
        • CSV_Trend_SetTimebase
        • CSV_Trend_UpdatePens
        • CSV_Trend_Win
        • CSV_TrendX_AddVariable
        • CSV_TrendX_AgeTrends()
        • CSV_TrendX_ClearTrend
        • CSV_TrendX_Close
        • CSV_TrendX_DeletePen()
        • CSV_TrendX_Display()
        • CSV_TrendX_DspPopupMenu
        • CSV_TrendX_GenericToTag
        • CSV_TrendX_GenericToTagStr
        • CSV_TrendX_GetComment
        • CSV_TrendX_GetCursor
        • CSV_TrendX_GetDuration()
        • CSV_TrendX_GetSamplePeriod
        • CSV_TrendX_GetScale
        • CSV_TrendX_GetTrendName
        • CSV_TrendX_GetTrigger
        • CSV_TrendX_GetVal
        • CSV_TrendX_InitClient()
        • CSV_TrendX_InitSrvr()
        • CSV_TrendX_MapTrendTags()
        • CSV_TrendX_RefreshTrendPage
        • CSV_TrendX_SetDuration
        • CSV_TrendX_SetDuration
        • CSV_TrendX_SetPen()
        • CSV_TrendX_SetSamplePeriod
        • CSV_TrendX_SetScale
        • CSV_TrendX_TagSelect
        • CSV_TrendX_TagSelectFrmCursor()
        • CSV_TrendX_TagToGeneric
        • CSV_TrendX_TrendTimeout
        • CSV_WinUtl_DestroyCursor()
        • CSV_WinUtl_GetColourRes()
        • CSV_WinUtl_GetCpuUsage
        • CSV_WinUtl_GetSystemDir()
        • CSV_WinUtl_GetTotalCpuUsage()
        • CSV_WinUtl_GetWindowsDir()
        • CSV_WinUtl_GetWinMode()
        • CSV_WinUtl_LoadCursor
        • CSV_WinUtl_LockWindowUpdate
        • CSV_WinUtl_NormalCursor
        • CSV_WinUtl_ShellExec
        • CSV_WinUtl_UpdateTotalCpuUsage()
        • CSV_WinUtl_WaitCursor
  • Technical Reference
    • Parameters Overview
      • Parameter Precedence
      • Hierarchical Parameters
      • Rules for using parameters
      • Using parameters on a network
      • Parameters Dialog
        • Parameter Properties
      • Setting Parameter Values
        • Citect Project Editor
        • Computer Setup Wizard
        • Computer Setup Editor
        • Text Editors
    • Citect.ini File Parameters
      • Parameter Syntax
      • Comments in citect.ini
    • CitectSCADA Reference Information
      • Specifications
        • Graphics
        • Projects
        • I/O device data types
        • Reserved ANs
        • Predefined Templates
        • Predefined Commands
          • System keyboard commands database
          • Predefined keyboard keys
        • Predefined Character Sets
        • Predefined Fonts
        • Predefined Devices
        • Predefined Cicode Files
        • Predefined Color Names and Codes
        • Predefined Keyboard Key Codes
        • Predefined Labels
        • ASCII/ANSI Character Code Listings
      • Format Fields
        • Alarm Display Fields
        • Alarm Summary Fields
        • Command Fields
      • Error Messages
        • Protocol Generic Errors
          • Generic errors
          • Generic driver errors
        • Protocol-Specific Errors
        • Standard driver errors
    • CtAPI Functions
      • I/O Point Count
      • CtAPI Synchronous Operation
      • Reading Data Using the CTAPI Functions
        • I/O tags interface
        • The Tag functions
        • List functions
        • Array support
        • Bit shifting when reading digital arrays
      • CTAPI from CitectSCADA or CitectSCADA Driver
      • Error Codes
      • Debug Tracing
      • Function Reference
        • ctCancelIO
        • ctCiCode
        • ctClientCreate
        • ctClientDestroy
        • ctClose
        • ctCloseEx
        • ctEngToRaw
        • ctFindClose
        • ctFindFirst
        • ctFindFirstEx
        • ctFindNext
        • ctFindPrev
        • ctFindScroll
        • ctGetOverlappedResult
        • ctGetProperty
        • ctHasOverlappedIoCompleted
        • ctListAdd
        • ctListAddEx
        • ctListData
        • ctListDelete
        • ctListEvent
        • ctListFree
        • ctListItem
        • ctListNew
        • ctListRead
        • ctListWrite
        • ctOpen
        • ctOpenEx
        • ctRawToEng
        • ctTagGetProperty
        • ctTagRead
        • ctTagReadEx
        • ctTagWrite
        • ctTagWriteEx
        • AlmQuery
        • TrnQuery
          • Display Mode
          • Returned Data
        • CtAPIAlarm
        • CtAPITrend
    • Graphics Builder Automation Interface
      • Error Handling
      • Automation Events
      • Function Categories
      • Arrange and Position Functions
        • PositionAt
        • PositionBringForwards
        • PositionBringToFront
        • PositionMirrorHorizontal
        • PositionMirrorVertical
        • PositionRotate
        • PositionSendBackwards
        • PositionSendToBack
      • Events Functions
        • BrokenLink
        • PasteGenie
        • PasteSymbol
        • ProjectChange
        • Selection
        • SwapObject
      • Specific Functions
        • Visible
      • Dynamic Properties Functions
        • PropertiesAccessDisableGet
        • PropertiesAccessDisablePut
        • PropertiesAccessGeneralGet
        • PropertiesAccessGeneralPut
        • PropertiesButtonGet
        • PropertiesButtonPut
        • PropertiesCicodeObjectGet
        • PropertiesCicodeObjectPut
        • PropertiesDisplayValueGet
        • PropertiesDisplayValuePut
        • PropertiesDisplayValueTextGet
        • PropertiesDisplayValueTextPut
        • PropertiesFillColourColourGet
        • PropertiesFillColourColourGetEx
        • PropertiesFillColourColourPut
        • PropertiesFillColourColourPutEx
        • PropertiesFillColourGet
        • PropertiesFillColourPut
        • PropertiesFillLevelGet
        • PropertiesFillLevelGetEx
        • PropertiesFillLevelPut
        • PropertiesFillLevelPutEx
        • PropertiesInputKeyboardGet
        • PropertiesInputKeyboardPut
        • PropertiesInputTouchGet
        • PropertiesInputTouchPut
        • PropertiesShowDialog
        • PropertiesSymbolSetGet
        • PropertiesSymbolSetPut
        • PropertiesSymbolSetSymbolGet
        • PropertiesSymbolSetSymbolPut
        • PropertiesTransCentreOffsetExpressGet
        • PropertiesTransCentreOffsetExpressPut
        • PropertiesTransformationGet
        • PropertiesTransformationPut
        • PropertiesTrendGet
        • PropertiesTrendGetEx
        • PropertiesTrendPut
        • PropertiesTrendPutEx
        • PropertyVisibility
      • Library Object Functions
        • LibraryObjectFirstProperty
        • LibraryObjectFirstPropertyEx
        • LibraryObjectHotspotGet
        • LibraryObjectHotspotPut
        • LibraryObjectName
        • LibraryObjectNextProperty
        • LibraryObjectNextPropertyEx
        • LibraryObjectPlace
        • LibraryObjectPlaceEx
        • LibraryObjectPutProperty
        • LibraryShowPasteDialog
        • LibSelectionHooksEnabled
      • Metadata Functions
        • PropertiesAddMetadata
        • PropertiesDeleteMetadata
        • PropertiesMetadataName
        • PropertiesMetadataValue
        • PropertiesSelectFirstMetadata
        • PropertiesSelectMetadataByName
        • PropertiesSelectNextMetadata
      • Miscellaneous Functions
        • BrokenLinkCancelEnabled
        • ClipboardCopy
        • ClipboardCut
        • ClipboardPaste
        • ConvertToBitmap
        • Quit
        • SelectionEventEnabled
        • UnLockObject
      • Object Drawing and Property Functions
        • Attribute3dEffects
        • Attribute3dEffectDepth
        • AttributeAN
        • AttributeBaseCoordinates
        • AttributeClass
        • AttributeCornerRadius
        • AttributeEllipseStyle
        • AttributeEndAngle
        • AttributeExtentX
        • AttributeExtentY
        • AttributeFillColour
        • AttributeFillOffColourEx
        • AttributeFillOnColourEx
        • AttributeGradientMode
        • AttributeGradientOffColour
        • AttributeGradientOnColour
        • AttributeHiLightColour
        • AttributeHiLightOffColourEx
        • AttributeHiLightOnColourEx
        • AttributeLineColour
        • AttributeLineOffColourEx
        • AttributeLineOnColourEx
        • AttributeLineStyle
        • AttributeLineWidth
        • AttributeLoLightColour
        • AttributeLoLightOffColourEx
        • AttributeLoLightOnColourEx
        • AttributeNodeCoordinatesFirst
        • AttributeNodeCoordinatesNext
        • AttributePolygonOpen
        • AttributeRectangleStyle
        • AttributeSetFill
        • AttributeShadowColour
        • AttributeShadowOffColourEx
        • AttributeShadowOnColourEx
        • AttributeStartAngle
        • AttributeTransformationMatrixGet
        • AttributeTransformationMatrixPut
        • AttributeX
        • AttributeY
        • DrawButton
        • DrawCicodeObject
        • DrawEllipse
        • DrawLine
        • DrawNumber
        • DrawPipeEnd
        • DrawPipeSection
        • DrawPipeStart
        • DrawPolygonEnd
        • DrawPolygonLine
        • DrawPolygonStart
        • DrawRectangle
        • DrawSymbolSet
        • DrawText
        • DrawTrend
      • Options Functions
        • OptionDisplayPropertiesOnNew
        • OptionSnapToGrid
        • OptionSnapToGuidelines
      • Page Functions
        • PageActiveWindowHandle
        • PageClose
        • PageConvertWindowCoordinates
        • PageDelete
        • PageDeleteEx
        • PageDeleteObject
        • PageDeleteTemplate
        • PageGroupSelectedObjects
        • PageImport
        • PageNew
        • PageNewEx
        • PageNewLibrary
        • PageNewTemplate
        • PageOpen
        • PageOpenEx
        • PageOpenTemplate
        • PagePrint
        • PageSave
        • PageSaveAs
        • PageSaveAsEx
        • PageSelect
        • PageSelectFirst
        • PageSelectFirstObject
        • PageSelectFirstObjectEx
        • PageSelectFirstObjectInGenie
        • PageSelectFirstObjectInGroup
        • PageSelectNext
        • PageSelectNextObject
        • PageSelectNextObjectEx
        • PageSelectNextObjectInGenie
        • PageSelectNextObjectInGroup
        • PageSelectObject
        • PageSelectObjectAdd
        • PageTemplateSelectFirstObject
        • PageTemplateSelectNextObject
        • PageThumbnailToClipboard
        • PageUngroupSelectedObject
        • PageUpdated
      • Page Properties Functions
        • PageAddAssociation
        • PageAppearanceGet
        • PageAppearanceGetEx
        • PageArea
        • PageAssociationDefault
        • PageAssociationDescription
        • PageAssociationName
        • PageAssociationValueOnError
        • PageClusterInherit
        • PageClusterName
        • PageDeleteAssociation
        • PageDescription
        • PageLogDevice
        • PageEnvironmentAdd
        • PageEnvironmentFirst
        • PageEnvironmentNext
        • PageEnvironmentRemove
        • PageName
        • PageNext
        • PagePrevious
        • PageScanTime
        • PageSelectAssociationByName
        • PageSelectFirstAssociation
        • PageSelectNextAssociation
        • PageTitle
      • Project Functions
        • ProjectCompile
        • ProjectFirst
        • ProjectFirstInclude
        • ProjectNext
        • ProjectNextInclude
        • ProjectPackDatabase
        • ProjectPackLibraries
        • ProjectSelect
        • ProjectSelected
        • ProjectUpdatePages
        • ProjectUpgrade
        • ProjectUpgradeAll
      • Text Property Functions
        • AttributeText
        • AttributeTextColour
        • AttributeTextOffColourEx
        • AttributeTextOnColourEx
        • AttributeTextFont
        • AttributeTextFontSize
        • AttributeTextJustification
        • AttributeTextStyle
    • Frequently Asked Questions
      • Pages
      • Graphics
      • Runtime
      • Trends
      • Controls
      • Alarms
      • Miscellaneous
  • Cicode Programming Reference
    • Safety Information
    • Introducing Cicode
      • Getting Started
      • Using Cicode Files
    • Using Cicode Commands
      • Setting Variables
      • Performing Calculations
      • Using Multiple Command Statements
      • Using Include (Text) Files
      • Getting Runtime Operator Input
    • Using Cicode Expressions
      • Displaying Data Using Expressions
      • Decision-Making
      • Logging Expression Data
      • Triggering Events Using Expressions
    • Using Cicode Functions
      • Calling Functions from Commands and Expressions
      • Triggering Functions via Runtime Operator Input
      • Evaluating Functions
      • Combining Functions with Other Statements
      • Passing Data to Functions (Arguments)
      • Using String Arguments
        • String assignment
      • Using the Caret Escape Sequence Character
      • Using Multiple Arguments
      • Using Numeric Arguments
      • Using Variable Arguments
      • Using Operator Input in Functions
      • Returning Data from Functions
    • Working with Commonly Used Functions
      • Alarm Functions
      • Page Functions
      • Keyboard Functions
      • Report Functions
      • Time/date Functions
      • Miscellaneous Functions
    • Writing Functions
      • Cicode Function Structure
      • Function Uses
      • Writing Groups of Functions
      • Cicode Function Libraries
      • Creating a Function Outline
      • Pseudocode
      • Using Comments in Cicode
      • Using Comments for Debugging Functions
      • Tag Reference /TagReadEx() behaviour in Cicode Expressions
      • Following Cicode Syntax
      • Cicode Function Syntax
        • End of line markers
      • Function Scope
      • Declaring the Return Data Type
      • Declaring Functions
      • Naming Functions
      • Function Argument Structure
      • Declaring Argument Data Type
      • Naming Arguments
      • Setting Default Values for Arguments
      • Returning Values from Functions
    • Using Variables
      • Declaring Variable Properties
      • Declaring the Variable Data Type
        • QUALITY Data Type
        • TIMESTAMP Data Type
      • Naming Variables
      • Setting Default Variable Values
      • Using Variable Scope
        • Global variables
        • Module variables
        • Local variables
      • Using Database Variables
    • Using Arrays
      • Declaring Array Properties
      • Declaring the Array Data Type
      • Naming Arrays
      • Declaring the Variable Array Size
      • Setting Default (Initial) Array Values
      • Passing Array Elements as Function Arguments
      • Using One-dimensional Arrays
      • Using Two-dimensional Arrays
      • Using Three-dimensional Arrays
      • Using Array Elements in Loops
      • Using the Table (Array) Functions
    • Using Cicode Macros
      • IFDEF
      • IFDEFAdvAlm
      • IFDEFAnaAlm
      • IFDEFDigAlm
      • Macro Arguments
        • TagName
    • Converting and Formatting Cicode Variables
      • Converting Variable Integers to Strings
      • Converting Real Numbers to Strings
      • Converting Strings to Integers
      • Converting Strings to Real Numbers
      • Formatting Text Strings
      • Escape Sequences (String Formatting Commands)
    • Working with Operators
      • Using Mathematical Operators
      • Using Bit Operators
      • Using Relational Operators
      • Using Logical Operators
      • Order of Precedence of Operators
    • Working with Conditional Executors
      • Setting IF … THEN Conditions
      • Using FOR … DO Loops
      • Using WHILE … DO Conditional Loops
      • Nested Loops
      • Using the SELECT CASE statement
    • Performing Advanced Tasks
      • Handling Events
      • How Cicode is Executed
      • Multitasking
      • Foreground and background tasks
      • Controlling tasks
      • Pre-emptive multitasking
    • Editing and Debugging Code
      • The Cicode Editor
        • Starting the Cicode Editor
        • Changing the default Cicode Editor
        • Creating Cicode files
        • Creating functions
        • Saving files
        • Opening Cicode files
        • Deleting Cicode files
        • Finding text in Cicode files
        • Compiling Cicode files
        • Viewing errors detected by the Cicode Compiler
      • Cicode Editor Options
      • Docking the Windows and Toolbars
        • Displaying the Editor Options Properties dialog
      • Windows and Bars Tab
        • Toolbar options
        • Window options
        • Viewing Editor windows
          • Breakpoint window
          • Output window
          • Global Variable Window
          • Stack window
          • Thread window
          • Compile Errors window
          • CitectVBA Watch window
          • Files window
      • Options Properties Tab
      • Language Formatter Properties Tab
      • Debugging Cicode
        • Using debug mode
        • Debugging functions
        • Debugging functions remotely
      • Using breakpoints
        • Inserting or removing breakpoints
        • Enabling/disabling breakpoints
      • Stepping through code
    • Using Cicode Programming Standards
      • Variable Declaration Standards
      • Variable Scope Standards
      • Variable Naming Standards
      • Standards for Constants, Variable Tags, and Labels
        • Constants
        • Variable tags
        • Labels
      • Formatting Simple Declarations
      • Formatting Executable Statements
      • Formatting Expressions
      • Cicode Comments
      • Formatting Functions
      • Format Templates
      • Function Naming Standards
        • Source file headers
        • Function headers
      • Modular Programming
        • Cohesion
        • Coupling
      • Defensive Programming
      • Function Error handling
      • Debug Error Trapping
        • DebugMsg function
        • Assert function
    • Cicode Function Categories
      • Accumulator Functions Introduction
        • Accumulator Functions
          • AccControl
          • AccumBrowseClose
          • AccumBrowseFirst
          • AccumBrowseGetField
          • AccumBrowseNext
          • AccumBrowseNumRecords
          • AccumBrowseOpen
          • AccumBrowsePrev
      • ActiveX Objects Introduction
        • ActiveX Functions
          • _ObjectCallMethod
          • _ObjectGetProperty
          • _ObjectSetProperty
          • AnByName
          • CreateControlObject
          • CreateObject
          • ObjectAssociateEvents
          • ObjectAssociatePropertyWithTag
          • ObjectByName
          • ObjectHasInterface
          • ObjectIsValid
          • ObjectToStr
      • Alarm Functions Introduction
        • Alarm Functions
          • AlarmAck
          • AlarmAckRec
          • AlarmActive
          • AlarmCatGetFormat
          • AlarmClear
          • AlarmClearRec
          • AlarmComment
          • AlarmDelete
          • AlarmDisable
          • AlarmDisableRec
          • AlarmDsp
          • AlarmDspClusterAdd
          • AlarmDspClusterInUse
          • AlarmDspClusterRemove
          • AlarmDspLast
          • AlarmDspNext
          • AlarmDspPrev
          • AlarmEnable
          • AlarmEnableRec
          • AlarmEventQue
          • AlarmFirstCatRec
          • AlarmFirstPriRec
          • AlarmFirstTagRec
          • AlarmGetDelay
          • AlarmGetDelayRec
          • AlarmGetDsp
          • AlarmGetFieldRec
          • AlarmGetInfo
          • AlarmGetOrderbyKey
          • AlarmGetThreshold
          • AlarmGetThresholdRec
          • AlarmHelp
          • AlarmNextCatRec
          • AlarmNextPriRec
          • AlarmNextTagRec
          • AlarmNotifyVarChange
          • AlarmQueryFirstRec
          • AlarmQueryNextRec
          • AlarmSetDelay
          • AlarmSetDelayRec
          • AlarmSetInfo
          • AlarmSetQuery
          • AlarmSetThreshold
          • AlarmSetThresholdRec
          • AlarmSplit
          • AlarmSumAppend
          • AlarmSumCommit
          • AlarmSumDelete
          • AlarmSumFind
          • AlarmSumFirst
          • AlarmSumGet
          • AlarmSumLast
          • AlarmSumNext
          • AlarmSumPrev
          • AlarmSumSet
          • AlarmSumSplit
          • AlarmSumType
          • AlmSummaryAck
          • AlmSummaryClear
          • AlmSummaryClose
          • AlmSummaryCommit
          • AlmSummaryDelete
          • AlmSummaryDeleteAll
          • AlmSummaryDisable
          • AlmSummaryEnable
          • AlmSummaryFirst
          • AlmSummaryGetField
          • AlmSummaryLast
          • AlmSummaryNext
          • AlmSummaryOpen
          • AlmSummaryPrev
          • AlmSummarySetFieldValue
          • AlmTagsAck
          • AlmTagsClear
          • AlmTagsClose
          • AlmTagsDisable
          • AlmTagsEnable
          • AlmTagsFirst
          • AlmTagsGetField
          • AlmTagsNext
          • AlmTagsNumRecords
          • AlmTagsOpen
          • AlmTagsPrev
          • HwAlarmQue
          • QueryFunction
      • Clipboard Functions Introduction
        • Clipboard Functions
          • ClipCopy
          • ClipPaste
          • ClipReadLn
          • ClipSetMode
          • ClipWriteLn
      • Cluster Functions Introduction
        • Cluster Functions
          • ClusterActivate
          • ClusterDeactivate
          • ClusterFirst
          • ClusterGetName
          • ClusterIsActive
          • ClusterNext
          • ClusterServerTypes
          • ClusterSetName
          • ClusterStatus
          • ClusterSwapActive
      • Color Functions Introduction
        • Color Functions
          • CitectColourToPackedRGB
          • GetBlueValue
          • GetGreenValue
          • GetRedValue
          • MakeCitectColour
          • PackedRGB
          • PackedRGBToCitectColour
      • Communication Functions Introduction
        • Communication Functions
          • ComClose
          • ComOpen
          • ComRead
          • ComReset
          • ComWrite
          • SerialKey
      • Dynamic Data Exchange Functions Introduction
        • Dynamic Data Exchange Functions
          • DDEExec
          • DDEhExecute
          • DDEhGetLastError
          • DDEhInitiate
          • DDEhPoke
          • DDEhReadLn
          • DDEhRequest
          • DDEhSetMode
          • DDEhTerminate
          • DDEhWriteLn
          • DDEPost
          • DDERead
          • DDEWrite
      • Device Functions Introduction
        • Device Functions
          • DevAppend
          • DevClose
          • DevControl
          • DevCurr
          • DevDelete
          • DevDisable
          • DevEOF
          • DevFind
          • DevFirst
          • DevFlush
          • DevGetField
          • DevHistory
          • DevInfo
          • DevModify
          • DevNext
          • DevOpen
          • DevOpenGrp
          • DevPrev
          • DevPrint
          • DevRead
          • DevReadLn
          • DevRecNo
          • DevSeek
          • DevSetField
          • DevSize
          • DevWrite
          • DevWriteLn
          • DevZap
          • Print
          • PrintFont
          • PrintLn
      • Display Functions Introduction
        • Display Functions
          • DspAnCreateControlObject
          • DspAnFree
          • DspAnGetArea
          • DspAnGetMetadata
          • DspAnGetMetadataAt
          • DspAnGetPos
          • DspAnGetPrivilege
          • DspAnInfo
          • DspAnInRgn
          • DspAnMove
          • DspAnMoveRel
          • DspAnNew
          • DspAnNewRel
          • DspAnSetMetadata
          • DspAnSetMetadataAt
          • DspBar
          • DspBmp
          • DspButton
          • DspButtonFn
          • DspChart
          • DspCol
          • DspDel
          • DspDelayRenderBegin
          • DspDelayRenderEnd
          • DspDirty
          • DspError
          • DspFile
          • DspFileGetInfo
          • DspFileGetName
          • DspFileScroll
          • DspFileSetName
          • DspFont
          • DspFontHnd
          • DspFullScreen
          • DspGetAnBottom
          • DspGetAnCur
          • DspGetAnExtent
          • DspGetAnFirst
          • DspGetAnFromPoint
          • DspGetAnHeight
          • DspGetAnLeft
          • DspGetAnNext
          • DspGetAnRight
          • DspGetAnTop
          • DspGetAnWidth
          • DspGetEnv
          • DspGetMouse
          • DspGetMouseOver
          • DspGetNearestAn
          • DspGetParentAn
          • DspGetSlider
          • DspGetTip
          • DspGrayButton
          • DspInfo
          • DspInfoDestroy
          • DspInfoField
          • DspInfoNew
          • DspInfoValid
          • DspIsButtonGray
          • DspKernel
          • DspMarkerMove
          • DspMarkerNew
          • DspMCI
          • DspPlaySound
          • DspPopupConfigMenu
          • DspPopupMenu
          • DspRichText
          • DspRichTextEdit
          • DspRichTextEnable
          • DspRichTextGetInfo
          • DspRichTextLoad
          • DspRichTextPgScroll
          • DspRichTextPrint
          • DspRichTextSave
          • DspRichTextScroll
          • DspRubEnd
          • DspRubMove
          • DspRubSetClip
          • DspRubStart
          • DspSetSlider
          • DspSetTip
          • DspSetTooltipFont
          • DspStatus
          • DspStr
          • DspSym
          • DspSymAnm
          • DspSymAnmEx
          • DspSymAtSize
          • DspText
          • DspTipMode
          • DspTrend
          • DspTrendInfo
      • DLL Functions Introduction
        • DLL Functions
          • DLLCall
          • DLLCallEx
          • DLLClose
          • DLLOpen
      • Equipment Database Functions Introduction
        • Equipment Database Functions
          • EquipBrowseClose
          • EquipBrowseFirst
          • EquipBrowseGetField
          • EquipBrowseNext
          • EquipBrowseNumRecords
          • EquipBrowseOpen
          • EquipBrowsePrev
          • EquipCheckUpdate
          • EquipGetProperty
      • Error Functions Introduction
        • Error Functions
          • ErrCom
          • ErrDrv
          • ErrGetHw
          • ErrHelp
          • ErrInfo
          • ErrLog
          • ErrMsg
          • ErrSet
          • ErrSetHw
          • ErrSetLevel
          • ErrTrap
          • IsError
      • Event Functions Introduction
        • Event Functions
          • CallEvent
          • ChainEvent
          • GetEvent
          • OnEvent
          • SetEvent
      • File Functions Introduction
        • File Functions
          • FileClose
          • FileCopy
          • FileDelete
          • FileEOF
          • FileExist
          • FileFind
          • FileFindClose
          • FileGetTime
          • FileMakePath
          • FileOpen
          • FilePrint
          • FileRead
          • FileReadBlock
          • FileReadLn
          • FileRename
          • FileRichTextPrint
          • FileSeek
          • FileSetTime
          • FileSize
          • FileSplitPath
          • FileWrite
          • FileWriteBlock
          • FileWriteLn
      • Form Functions Introduction
        • Form Functions
          • FormActive
          • FormAddList
          • FormButton
          • FormCheckBox
          • FormComboBox
          • FormCurr
          • FormDestroy
          • FormEdit
          • FormField
          • FormGetCurrInst
          • FormGetData
          • FormGetInst
          • FormGetText
          • FormGoto
          • FormGroupBox
          • FormInput
          • FormListAddText
          • FormListBox
          • FormListDeleteText
          • FormListSelectText
          • FormNew
          • FormNumPad
          • FormOpenFile
          • FormPassword
          • FormPosition
          • FormPrompt
          • FormRadioButton
          • FormRead
          • FormSaveAsFile
          • FormSecurePassword
          • FormSelectPrinter
          • FormSetData
          • FormSetInst
          • FormSetText
          • FormWndHnd
      • Format Functions Introduction
        • Format Functions
          • FmtClose
          • FmtFieldHnd
          • FmtGetField
          • FmtGetFieldCount
          • FmtGetFieldHnd
          • FmtGetFieldName
          • FmtGetFieldWidth
          • FmtOpen
          • FmtSetField
          • FmtSetFieldHnd
          • FmtToStr
      • FTP Functions Introduction
        • FTP Functions
          • FTPClose
          • FTPFileCopy
          • FTPFileFind
          • FTPFileFindClose
          • FTPOpen
      • Fuzzy Logic Functions Introduction
        • Fuzzy Logic Functions
          • FuzzyClose
          • FuzzyGetCodeValue
          • FuzzyGetShellValue
          • FuzzyOpen
          • FuzzySetCodeValue
          • FuzzySetShellValue
          • FuzzyTrace
      • Group Functions Introduction
        • Group Functions
          • GrpClose
          • GrpDelete
          • GrpFirst
          • GrpIn
          • GrpInsert
          • GrpMath
          • GrpName
          • GrpNext
          • GrpOpen
          • GrpToStr
      • I/O Device Functions Introduction
        • I/O Device Functions
          • DriverInfo
          • IODeviceControl
          • IODeviceInfo
          • IODeviceStats
      • Keyboard Functions Introduction
        • Keyboard Functions
          • KeyAllowCursor
          • KeyBs
          • KeyDown
          • KeyGet
          • KeyGetCursor
          • KeyLeft
          • KeyMove
          • KeyPeek
          • KeyPut
          • KeyPutStr
          • KeyReplay
          • KeyReplayAll
          • KeyRight
          • KeySetCursor
          • KeySetSeq
          • KeyUp
          • SendKeys
      • Mail Functions Introduction
        • Mail Functions
          • MailError
          • MailLogoff
          • MailLogon
          • MailRead
          • MailSend
      • Math and Trigonometry Functions Introduction
        • Math and Trigonometry Functions
          • Abs
          • ArcCos
          • ArcSin
          • ArcTan
          • Cos
          • DegToRad
          • Exp
          • Fact
          • HighByte
          • HighWord
          • Ln
          • Log
          • LowByte
          • LowWord
          • Max
          • Min
          • Pi
          • Pow
          • RadToDeg
          • Rand
          • Round
          • Sign
          • Sin
          • Sqrt
          • Tan
      • Menu Functions Introduction
        • Menu Functions
          • MenuGetChild
          • MenuGetFirstChild
          • MenuGetGenericNode
          • MenuGetNextChild
          • MenuGetPageNode
          • MenuGetParent
          • MenuGetPrevChild
          • MenuGetWindowNode
          • MenuNodeAddChild
          • MenuNodeGetProperty
          • MenuNodeHasCommand
          • MenuNodeIsDisabled
          • MenuNodeIsHidden
          • MenuNodeRemove
          • MenuNodeRunCommand
          • MenuNodeSetDisabledWhen
          • MenuNodeSetHiddenWhen
          • MenuNodeSetProperty
          • MenuReload
      • Miscellaneous Functions Introduction
        • Miscellaneous Functions
          • AreaCheck
          • Assert
          • Beep
          • CitectInfo
          • CodeTrace
          • DebugBreak
          • DebugMsg
          • DebugMsgSet
          • DelayShutdown
          • DisplayRuntimeManager
          • DumpKernel
          • EngToGeneric
          • Exec
          • GetArea
          • GetEnv
          • GetLogging
          • InfoForm
          • InfoFormAn
          • Input
          • IntToReal
          • KerCmd
          • KernelQueueLength
          • KernelTableInfo
          • KernelTableItemCount
          • LanguageFileTranslate
          • Message
          • ParameterGet
          • ParameterPut
          • ProcessIsClient
          • ProcessIsServer
          • ProcessRestart
          • ProductInfo
          • ProjectInfo
          • ProjectRestartGet
          • ProjectRestartSet
          • ProjectSet
          • Prompt
          • Pulse
          • ServiceGetList
          • SetArea
          • SetLanguage
          • SetLogging
          • Shutdown
          • ShutdownForm
          • ShutdownMode
          • SwitchConfig
          • TestRandomWave
          • TestSawWave
          • TestSinWave
          • TestSquareWave
          • TestTriangWave
          • Toggle
          • TraceMsg
          • Version
      • Page Functions Introduction
        • Page Functions
          • PageAlarm
          • PageBack
          • PageDisabled
          • PageDisplay
          • PageFile
          • PageFileInfo
          • PageForward
          • PageGetInt
          • PageGetStr
          • PageGoto
          • PageHardware
          • PageHistoryDspMenu
          • PageHistoryEmpty
          • PageHome
          • PageInfo
          • PageLast
          • PageMenu
          • PageNext
          • PagePeekCurrent
          • PagePeekLast
          • PagePopLast
          • PagePopUp
          • PagePrev
          • PageProcessAnalyst
          • PageProcessAnalystPens
          • PagePushLast
          • PageRecall
          • PageRichTextFile
          • PageSelect
          • PageSetInt
          • PageSetStr
          • PageSummary
          • PageTask
          • PageTransformCoords
          • PageTrend
          • PageTrendEx
      • Plot Functions Introduction
        • Plot Functions
          • PlotClose
          • PlotDraw
          • PlotGetMarker
          • PlotGrid
          • PlotInfo
          • PlotLine
          • PlotMarker
          • PlotOpen
          • PlotScaleMarker
          • PlotSetMarker
          • PlotText
          • PlotXYLine
      • Process Analyst Functions Introduction
        • Process Analyst Functions
          • ProcessAnalystLoadFile
          • ProcessAnalystPopup
          • ProcessAnalystSelect
          • ProcessAnalystSetPen
          • ProcessAnalystWin
      • Quality Functions Introduction
        • Quality Functions
          • QualityCreate
          • QualityGetPart
          • QualityIsContolInhibit
          • QualityIsBad
          • QualityIsGood
          • QualityIsOverride
          • QualityIsUncertain
          • QualitySetPart
          • QualityToStr
          • VariableQuality
      • Report Functions Introduction
        • Report Functions
          • RepGetCluster
          • RepGetControl
          • Report
          • RepSetControl
      • Security Functions Introduction
        • Security Functions
          • FullName
          • GetPriv
          • Login
          • LoginForm
          • Logout
          • LogoutIdle
          • MultiSignatureForm
          • MultiSignatureTagWrite
          • Name
          • UserCreate
          • UserCreateForm
          • UserDelete
          • UserEditForm
          • UserInfo
          • UserLogin
          • UserPassword
          • UserPasswordExpiryDays
          • UserPasswordForm
          • UserSetStr
          • UserUpdateRecord
          • UserVerify
          • VerifyPrivilegeForm
          • VerifyPrivilegeTagWrite
          • WhoAmI
      • Server Functions Introduction
        • Server Functions
          • ServerBrowseClose
          • ServerBrowseOpen
          • ServerBrowseFirst
          • ServerBrowseNext
          • ServerBrowsePrev
          • ServerBrowseGetField
          • ServerBrowseNumRecords
          • ServerGetProperty
          • ServerInfo
          • ServerInfoEx
          • ServerIsOnline
          • ServerReload
          • ServerRestart
      • Statistical Process Control Functions Introduction
        • Statistical Process Control Functions
          • SPCAlarms
          • SPCClientInfo
          • SPCGetHistogramTable
          • SPCGetSubgroupTable
          • SPCPlot
          • SPCProcessXRSGet
          • SPCProcessXRSSet
          • SPCSetLimit
          • SPCSpecLimitGet
          • SPCSpecLimitSet
          • SPCSubgroupSizeGet
          • SPCSubgroupSizeSet
      • SQL Functions Introduction
        • SQL Functions
          • ExecuteDTSPkg
          • SQLAppend
          • SQLBeginTran
          • SQLCommit
          • SQLConnect
          • SQLDisconnect
          • SQLEnd
          • SQLErrMsg
          • SQLExec
          • SQLFieldInfo
          • SQLGetField
          • SQLInfo
          • SQLNext
          • SQLNoFields
          • SQLNumChange
          • SQLRollBack
          • SQLSet
          • SQLTraceOff
          • SQLTraceOn
      • String Functions Introduction
        • String Functions
          • CharToStr
          • HexToStr
          • IntToStr
          • PathToStr
          • RealToStr
          • StrCalcWidth
          • StrClean
          • StrFill
          • StrFormat
          • StrGetChar
          • StrLeft
          • StrLength
          • StrLower
          • StrMid
          • StrPad
          • StrRight
          • StrSearch
          • StrSetChar
          • StrToChar
          • StrToDate
          • StrToFmt
          • StrToGrp
          • StrToHex
          • StrToInt
          • StrToLines
          • StrToLocalText
          • StrToPeriod
          • StrToReal
          • StrToTime
          • StrToValue
          • StrTrim
          • StrTruncFont
          • StrTruncFontHnd
          • StrUpper
          • StrWord
      • Super Genie Functions Introduction
        • Super Genie Functions
          • Ass
          • AssChain
          • AssMetadata
          • AssMetadataPage
          • AssMetadataPopUp
          • AssMetadataWin
          • AssChainPage
          • AssChainPopUp
          • AssChainWin
          • AssChainWinFree
          • AssGetProperty
          • AssGetScale
          • AssInfo
          • AssInfoEx
          • AssPage
          • AssPopUp
          • AssScaleStr
          • AssTag
          • AssTitle
          • AssVarTags
          • AssWin
      • Table (Array) Functions Introduction
        • Table (Array) Functions
          • TableLookup
          • TableMath
          • TableShift
      • Tag Functions Introduction
        • Tag Functions
          • SubscriptionAddCallback
          • SubscriptionGetAttribute
          • SubscriptionGetInfo
          • SubscriptionGetQuality
          • SubscriptionGetTag
          • SubscriptionGetTimestamp
          • SubscriptionGetValue
          • SubscriptionRemoveCallback
          • TagDebug
          • TagEventFormat
          • TagEventQueue
          • TagGetProperty
          • TagGetScale
          • TagInfo
          • TagInfoEx
          • TagRamp
          • TagRDBReload
          • TagRead
          • TagReadEx
          • TagScaleStr
          • TagSetOverrideBad
          • TagSetOverrideGood
          • TagSetOverrideQuality
          • TagSetOverrideUncertain
          • TagSubscribe
          • TagUnsubscribe
          • TagWrite
          • TagWriteEventQue
      • Task Functions Introduction
        • Task Functions
          • CodeSetMode
          • EnterCriticalSection
          • Halt
          • LeaveCriticalSection
          • MsgBrdcst
          • MsgClose
          • MsgGetCurr
          • MsgOpen
          • MsgRead
          • MsgRPC
          • MsgState
          • MsgWrite
          • QueClose
          • QueLength
          • QueOpen
          • QuePeek
          • QueRead
          • QueWrite
          • ReRead
          • SemClose
          • SemOpen
          • SemSignal
          • SemWait
          • ServerRPC
          • Sleep
          • SleepMS
          • TaskCall
          • TaskCluster
          • TaskGetSignal
          • TaskHnd
          • TaskKill
          • TaskNew
          • TaskNewEx
          • TaskResume
          • TaskSetSignal
          • TaskSuspend
      • Time and Date Functions Introduction
        • Time and Date Functions
          • Date
          • DateAdd
          • DateDay
          • DateInfo
          • DateMonth
          • DateSub
          • DateWeekDay
          • DateYear
          • OLEDateToTime
          • SysTime
          • SysTimeDelta
          • Time
          • TimeCurrent
          • TimeHour
          • TimeInfo
          • TimeMidNight
          • TimeMin
          • TimeSec
          • TimeSet
          • TimeToOLEDate
          • TimeToStr
          • TimeUTCOffset
      • Timestamp Functions Introduction
        • Timestamp Functions
          • TimeIntToTimestamp
          • TimestampAdd
          • TimestampCurrent
          • TimestampCreate
          • TimestampDifference
          • TimestampFormat
          • TimestampGetPart
          • TimestampSub
          • TimestampToStr
          • TimestampToTimeInt
          • VariableTimestamp
      • Trend Functions Introduction
        • Trend Functions
          • TrendDspCursorScale
          • TrendDspCursorTag
          • TrendDspCursorTime
          • TrendDspCursorValue
          • TrendGetAn
          • TrendPopUp
          • TrendRun
          • TrendSetDate
          • TrendSetScale
          • TrendSetSpan
          • TrendSetTime
          • TrendSetTimebase
          • TrendWin
          • TrendZoom
          • TrnAddHistory
          • TrnBrowseClose
          • TrnBrowseFirst
          • TrnBrowseGetField
          • TrnBrowseNext
          • TrnBrowseNumRecords
          • TrnBrowseOpen
          • TrnBrowsePrev
          • TrnClientInfo
          • TrnComparePlot
          • TrnDelete
          • TrnDelHistory
          • TrnEcho
          • TrnEventGetTable
          • TrnEventGetTableMS
          • TrnEventSetTable
          • TrnEventSetTableMS
          • TrnExportClip
          • TrnExportCSV
          • TrnExportDBF
          • TrnExportDDE
          • TrnFlush
          • TrnGetBufEvent
          • TrnGetBufTime
          • TrnGetBufValue
          • TrnGetCluster
          • TrnGetCursorEvent
          • TrnGetCursorMSTime
          • TrnGetCursorPos
          • TrnGetCursorTime
          • TrnGetCursorValue
          • TrnGetCursorValueStr
          • TrnGetDefScale
          • TrnGetDisplayMode
          • TrnGetEvent
          • TrnGetFormat
          • TrnGetGatedValue
          • TrnGetInvalidValue
          • TrnGetMode
          • TrnGetMSTime
          • TrnGetPen
          • TrnGetPenComment
          • TrnGetPenFocus
          • TrnGetPenNo
          • TrnGetPeriod
          • TrnGetScale
          • TrnGetScaleStr
          • TrnGetSpan
          • TrnGetTable
          • TrnGetTime
          • TrnGetUnits
          • TrnInfo
          • TrnIsValidValue
          • TrnNew
          • TrnPlot
          • TrnPrint
          • TrnSamplesConfigured
          • TrnScroll
          • TrnSelect
          • TrnSetCursor
          • TrnSetCursorPos
          • TrnSetDisplayMode
          • TrnSetEvent
          • TrnSetPen
          • TrnSetPenFocus
          • TrnSetPeriod
          • TrnSetScale
          • TrnSetSpan
          • TrnSetTable
          • TrnSetTime
      • Window Functions Introduction
        • Window Functions
          • GetWinTitle
          • HtmlHelp
          • MultiMonitorStart
          • WinCopy
          • WinFile
          • WinFree
          • WinGetFocus
          • WinGetWndHnd
          • WinGoto
          • WinMode
          • WinMove
          • WinNew
          • WinNewAt
          • WinNext
          • WinNumber
          • WinPos
          • WinPrev
          • WinPrint
          • WinPrintFile
          • WinSelect
          • WinSetName
          • WinSize
          • WinStyle
          • WinTitle
          • WndFind
          • WndGetFileProfile
          • WndHelp
          • WndInfo
          • WndMonitorInfo
          • WndPutFileProfile
          • WndShow
          • WndViewer
    • Cicode Errors
      • Hardware/Cicode Errors
      • Cicode and General Errors
      • MAPI Errors
    • Browse Function Field Reference
  • CitectVBA Programming Reference
    • Safety Information
    • Introducing CitectVBA
    • Integrating CitectVBA into your project
      • Accessing Cicode Tags with CitectVBA
      • Using CitectVBA in Command or Expression fields
      • Accessing ActiveX Objects with CitectVBA
      • Multithread Considerations with CitectVBA
      • Calling CitectVBA from Cicode
      • Calling Cicode from CitectVBA
    • Using the CitectVBA Test Project
      • Creating the Test Project
      • Opening the Test Project
      • Setting up Test Project Communications
      • Setting up the Test Project Computer
      • Adding a Variable Tag
      • Adding a Graphics Page
      • Saving Your Graphics Page
      • Opening the Graphics Page
    • Understanding CitectVBA Language Basics
      • CitectVBA Files
      • Cicode Editor
      • Scope of CitectVBA
        • Procedural (local) level scope
        • Modular level scope
        • Global level scope
      • CitectVBA Statements
      • Comments
        • Header information
      • Labels
      • CitectVBA Line Continuation Character
      • Naming
      • Option Statements
        • Option Explicit statement
        • Option Compare statement
        • Option Base statement
      • CitectVBA Data Types
      • Constants
        • Declaration of constants
        • Intrinsic constants
      • Variables
        • Variable declaration
        • Variable initialization values
        • Arrays of Variables
          • Variable Array Declaration
          • Array Subscripts
          • Fixed Size Arrays
          • Multi-Dimensional Arrays
          • Dynamic Size Arrays
        • Variant Declaration
          • Variant Data Types and Coercion
          • Numbers in Variants
      • Numbers
        • Numeric Data Types
        • Exponential Notation
        • Floating Point Calculation Rules
        • Rounding Numbers
          • Rounding down
          • Rounding up
          • Arithmetic rounding
          • Banker’s rounding
          • Random rounding
          • Alternate rounding
      • Date and Time Handling
        • Date Constants
        • Formatting Date Values
          • Text
          • Day
          • Month
          • Year
          • Period/Era
          • Time
        • Date and Time Data Constraints
        • Date Data Type Structure
        • Date-values
        • Time-values
        • Dates in Databases Using Different Calendars
      • Operators
        • Assignment Operator
        • Arithmetical (Math) Operators
        • Relational Operators
        • Logical Operators
        • Operator Precedence
      • Strings
        • String Comparisons
        • String Concatenation
      • Control Structures
        • GoTo statement
        • Do statement
        • While statement
        • For statement
        • If statement
        • Select case statement
        • End statement
        • Exit statement
        • OnError statement
        • Stop statement
        • With statement
      • Subroutines and Functions
        • Subroutines
        • Functions
        • Arguments
      • DLLs and APIs
        • Accessing Functions in DLLs
          • Declare statement structure
            • Declare — Function Statement
            • Declare — Lib Statement
            • Declare — Alias Statement
          • Passing variables Byref and Byval
        • Passing Arguments to DLL Functions from CitectVBA
      • OLE Services
        • OLE terminology
          • OLE Linking and Embedding
          • OLE Automation
        • OLE automation objects
        • Declaration of OLE automation objects
        • Assigning references to OLE automation objects
        • Using OLE automation objects
        • Accessing the object model of OLE automation server applications
        • Understanding object models in OLE automation
          • What are objects and collections?
          • What is a property?
          • What is a method?
          • Returning an object
        • Using the Microsoft Word object model
        • OLE automation example using the Microsoft Word object
        • Using the Microsoft Excel object model
        • Deleting OLE automation objects
      • File Input/Output with CitectVBA
    • CitectVBA Function Reference
      • Array Functions
        • Dim
        • Erase
        • Lbound
        • Option Base
        • ReDim
        • Ubound
      • Conditional Statements
        • Do Loop
        • End Function
        • Exit
        • For
        • Goto
        • If
        • OnError
        • Select
        • Stop
        • While…Wend
        • With
      • Conversion Functions
        • ASCII character code conversion
          • Asc
          • Chr
        • Date conversion
          • CDate
          • CDbl
          • CInt
          • CLng
          • CSng
          • CStr
          • CVar
        • Date and time formatting/conversion
          • DateSerial
          • TimeSerial
        • Number and string conversion
          • Format
          • Hex
          • Oct
          • Str
          • Val
      • Declarations
        • CreateObject
        • Const
        • Declare
        • Dim
        • IsDate
        • IsEmpty
        • IsNull
        • IsNumeric
        • Nothing
        • Option Base
        • Option Compare
        • ReDim
        • Set
        • Static
        • VarType
      • Date and Time Functions
        • Date
        • Date statement
        • DateSerial
        • DateValue
        • Day
        • Hour
        • Minute
        • Month
        • Now
        • Second
        • Time
        • Time (statement)
        • Timer
        • TimeSerial
        • TimeValue
        • WeekDay
        • Year
      • File I/O Functions
        • ChDir
        • ChDrive
        • Close
        • CurDir, CurDir$
        • Dir
        • EOF
        • FileCopy
        • FileLen
        • FreeFile
        • Get #
        • GetAttr
        • Input
        • Kill
        • Line Input #
        • Loc
        • LOF
        • MkDir
        • Name
        • Open
        • Print (function)
        • Print #
        • Put #
        • RmDir
        • Seek
        • Write #
      • Math/Trigonometry Functions
        • Numeric functions
          • Abs
          • Exp
          • Fix
          • Int
          • Log
          • Rnd
          • Sgn
          • Sqrt
        • Trigonometric functions
          • Atn
          • Cos
          • Sin
          • Tan
      • Miscellaneous Functions
        • Beep
        • Randomize
        • Rem
        • SendKeys
      • Procedural Statements
        • Call
        • CicodeCallOpen
        • CicodeCallReturn
        • End Function
        • End Sub
        • Function
        • Sub
        • VbCallOpen function
        • VbCallReturn function
        • VbCallRun function
      • String Functions
        • Asc
        • Chr
        • InStr
        • LCase
        • Left, Left$
        • Len
        • Line Input #
        • LTrim
        • Mid
        • Option Compare
        • Option Explicit
        • Right
        • RTrim
        • Space
        • StrComp
        • String
        • Trim
        • UCase
    • ASCII/ANSI Character Code Listings
  • Parameters
    • Safety Information
    • Citect.ini File Parameters
      • System Parameters list
      • Logging Parameters list
        • Advanced Logging Parameters
      • Accumulator Parameters
        • [Accumulator]UpdateTime
        • [Accumulator]WatchTime
      • Address Forwarding Parameters
      • Alarm Parameters
        • [Alarm]Ack
        • [Alarm]AckHold
        • [Alarm]Active
        • [Alarm]ArgyleTagValueTimeout
        • [Alarm]AlarmDisable
        • [Alarm]BackgroundColorMode
        • [Alarm]CacheLength
        • [Alarm]DefDspFmt
        • [Alarm]DefSumFmt
        • [Alarm]DisplayDisable
        • [Alarm]EnableErrorLogging
        • [Alarm]EnableSmartCustomFilters
        • [Alarm]EnableStateLogging
        • [Alarm]EventFmt
        • [Alarm]EventQue
        • [Alarm]ExtendedDate
        • [Alarm]FilterViewByPrivilege
        • [Alarm]HardHoldTime
        • [Alarm]HardReAlarm
        • [Alarm]HardwareDisable
        • [Alarm]HeadingFont
        • [Alarm]HighResOff
        • [Alarm]Hres24HrDeadBand
        • [Alarm]HresType
        • [Alarm]HwAlarmFmt
        • [Alarm]HwAlarmQueMax
        • [Alarm]HwExclude
        • [Alarm]LastAlarmCategories
        • [Alarm]LastAlarmDisplayMode
        • [Alarm]LastAlarmFmt
        • [Alarm]LastAlarmPriorities
        • [Alarm]LastAlarmType
        • [Alarm]MaxOptimisedQueries
        • [Alarm]Period
        • [Alarm]ReloadBackOffTime
        • [Alarm]SavePeriod
        • [Alarm]SavePrimary
        • [Alarm]SaveSecondary
        • [Alarm]SaveStyle
        • [Alarm]ScanTime
        • [Alarm]SetTimeOnAck
        • [Alarm]SetTimeOnOff
        • [Alarm]Sort
        • [Alarm]SortMode
        • [Alarm]SoundSilenceTimeoutOnAck
        • [Alarm]StartTimeout
        • [Alarm]SummaryBufferSize
        • [Alarm]SummaryLength
        • [Alarm]SummaryMode
        • [Alarm]SummarySort
        • [Alarm]SummarySortMode
        • [Alarm]SummaryTimeout
        • [Alarm]SummaryTolerance
        • [Alarm]SummaryShutdownMode
        • [Alarm]SumStartupCopy
        • [Alarm]SumStateFix
        • [Alarm]UseConfigLimits
      • Alarm Process Parameters
      • Alarm Log Parameters
        • [AlarmLog]DefaultSearchDays
        • [AlarmLog]Format
        • [AlarmLog]NumFiles
      • Animator Parameters
        • [Animator]BoldWeight
        • [Animator]ButtonCancelMode
        • [Animator]CacheSize
        • [Animator]ConfigureMouseCommand
        • [Animator]EatMouseClick
        • [Animator]EatMouseFocus
        • [Animator]FastDisplay
        • [Animator]FlashTime
        • [Animator]FormFontWidth
        • [Animator]FullScreen
        • [Animator]InvalidRegionExpansion
        • [Animator]InvalidRegionQueueDepth
        • [Animator]LibraryError
        • [Animator]LibraryLength
        • [Animator]LibraryTime
        • [Animator]MaxAn
        • [Animator]MaximizedWindow
        • [Animator]PrintXScale
        • [Animator]PrintYScale
        • [Animator]TabFactor
        • [Animator]TemplateUpdate
        • [Animator]TooltipFont
        • [Animator]UseCTGIfNewer
      • AnmCursor Parameters
        • [AnmCursor]Color
        • [AnmCursor]Height
        • [AnmCursor]InvertText
        • [AnmCursor]MouseSnapToCursor
        • [AnmCursor]Thickness
        • [AnmCursor]Width
      • Backup Parameters
        • [Backup]IncludeDBOn
        • [Backup]SaveiniFiles
      • Client Parameters
        • [Client]AutoLoginClearPassword
        • [Client]AutoLoginMode
        • [Client]Clusters
        • [Client]ComputerRole
        • [Client]CPU
        • [Client]DisableDisplay
        • [Client]Events
        • [Client]EvictTimeout
        • [Client]ForceClient
        • [Client]FullLicense
        • [Client]PartOfTrustedNetwork
        • [Client]ReadOnly
        • [Client]ShutdownCode
        • [Client]StalenessPeriod
        • [Client]StalenessPeriodTolerance
        • [Client]StartupCode
        • [Client]WaitForConnectAtStartup
      • Code Parameters
        • [Code]BackwardCompatibleErrHw
        • [Code]CallbackThreads
        • [Code]DebugMessage
        • [Code]DllCallErrorPopup
        • [Code]DllCallProtect
        • [Code]EchoError
        • [Code]Export
        • [Code]HaltOnError
        • [Code]HaltOnInvalidTagData
        • [Code]IgnoreCase
        • [Code]Queue
        • [Code]ScaleCheck
        • [Code]ShutdownTime
        • [Code]Stack
        • [Code]StrictArgumentCheck
        • [Code]Threads
        • [Code]TimeData
        • [Code]TimeSlice
        • [Code]TimeSlicePage
        • [Code]Unsigned
        • [Code]VBASupport
        • [Code]WriteLocal
      • COM parameters
      • CrashHandler Parameters
        • [CrashHandler]Enable
        • [CrashHandler]KeepLogFiles
        • [CrashHandler]NoEmail
        • [CrashHandler]SendMailTo
      • CtAPI Parameters
        • [CtAPI]AllowLegacyConnections
        • [CtAPI]AllowLegacyServices
        • [CtAPI]CpuLoadCount
        • [CtAPI]CpuLoadSleepMS
        • [CtAPI]Debug
        • [CtAPI]EventLogging
        • [CtAPI]Remote
        • [CtAPI]RoundToFormat
      • CtCicode Parameters
        • [CtCicode]FastFormat
        • [CtCicode]MLCommentThreshold
      • CtDraw.RSC Parameters
        • [CtDraw.RSC]AllowEditSuperGeniePage
        • [CtDraw.RSC]BitmapCompression
        • [CtDraw.RSC]ColorDepthWarning
        • [CtDraw.RSC]PurgeGenieLists
      • CtEdit Parameters
        • [CtEdit]ANSIToOEM
        • [CtEdit]CompileErrorForm
        • [CtEdit]CompileSuccessfulCommand
        • [CtEdit]CompileUnsuccessfulCommand
        • [CtEdit]Backup
        • [CtEdit]Bin
        • [CtEdit]Config
        • [CtEdit]Copy
        • [CtEdit]Data
        • [CtEdit]DbFiles
        • [CtEdit]FTP
        • [CtEdit]Logs
        • [CtEdit]MaxCicodeFunctions
        • [CtEdit]MaxFields
        • [CtEdit]MaxHelpRec
        • [CtEdit]Run
        • [CtEdit]ShowToolbar
        • [CtEdit]Starter
        • [CtEdit]SubtAnValue
        • [CtEdit]SubtPageValue
        • [CtEdit]UpdateAnPage
        • [CtEdit]UpdateAnPageVer5
        • [CtEdit]User
        • [CtEdit]Upgrade
      • CtExplore Parameters
        • [CtExplore]DefaultTemplateStyle
        • [CtExplore]DefaultTemplateResolution
        • [CtExplore]DefaultTemplateTitleBar
      • DDE Parameters
        • [DDE]AllowCicode
        • [DDE]AllowWrites
        • [DDE]Timeout
      • Debug Parameters
        • [Debug]ArchiveFiles
        • [Debug]CategoryFilter
        • [Debug]CategoryFilterMode
        • [Debug]CodeDebug
        • [Debug]CrashOnError
        • [Debug]DebugAllTrans
        • [Debug]DisableWinTop
        • [Debug]DriverCheck
        • [Debug]DriverTrace
        • [Debug]DriverTracePort
        • [Debug]DriverTraceMask
        • [Debug]DriverTraceElements
        • [Debug]DrWatson
        • [Debug]EnableLogging
        • [Debug]EnableReloadLogging
        • [Debug]FlushPeriod
        • [Debug]Kernel
        • [Debug]LogsDriveMinimumFreeSpace
        • [Debug]LogShutDown
        • [Debug]MaximumFileSize
        • [Debug]MaxMiniDumps
        • [Debug]Memory
        • [Debug]Menu
        • [Debug]MiniDumpType
        • [Debug]Priority
        • [Debug]SeverityFilter
        • [Debug]SeverityFilterMode
        • [Debug]Shutdown
        • [Debug]ShutDownProtect
        • [Debug]SysErrDsp
        • [Debug]SysLogArchive
        • [Debug]SysLogSize
      • Device Parameters
        • [Device]AlwaysCreateHistory
        • [Device]CreateHistoryFiles
        • [Device]DiscardSpoolOnError
        • [Device]ForceHistoryOpenMode
        • [Device]FormLength
        • [Device]LptDosANSIToOEM
        • [Device]MaxSpool
        • [Device]SQLConnectOnStartUp
        • [Device]WatchTime
      • Dial Parameters
        • [Dial]CacheRefresh
        • [Dial]CallerIDTimeout
        • [Dial]ConnectionRetries
        • [Dial]Debug
        • [Dial]DebugLevel
        • [Dial]DefaultCallerID
        • [Dial]MaxConnectionTime
        • [Dial]MaxQueueTime
        • [Dial]MaxTimeAfterDisconnect
        • [Dial]MissedScheduleTolerance
        • [Dial]ModemRetryDelay
        • [Dial]PersistCache
        • [Dial]ReadThroughCache
        • [Dial]RingCount
        • [Dial]WatchTime
      • DisableIO Parameters
      • DiskDrv Parameters
        • [DiskDrv]UpDateTime
      • DNS Parameters
        • [DNS]Primary
        • [DNS]Standby
      • Driver Parameters
      • Event Parameters
        • [Event]InhibitEvent
        • [Event]Server
        • [Event]WatchTime
      • Font Parameters
        • [Font]Echo
        • [Font]Error
        • [Font]General
        • [Font]Print
        • [Font]Prompt
      • General Parameters
        • [General]AdvancedDDEPoll
        • [General]BufferIO
        • [General]CheckAddressBoundary
        • [General]Ctl3D
        • [General]DeadlockTimeout
        • [General]DeadlockWarning
        • [General]DebugInfo
        • [General]DisablePlotSetupForm
        • [General]DisableRemoteBlocking
        • [General]FormatCheck
        • [General]InfoDestroy
        • [General]LockDelay
        • [General]LockRetry
        • [General]LongFilename
        • [General]Multiprocess
        • [General]OSErrors
        • [General]PasswordExpiry
        • [General]PointCountHigh
        • [General]PointCountHighHigh
        • [General]PointLimitMsg
        • [General]PrinterColourMode
        • [General]RegionalNumbersFormat
        • [General]ServerMonitoringPeriod
        • [General]ShareFiles
        • [General]ShowDriverError
        • [General]Stack
        • [General]StartDelay
        • [General]SymbolicInfo
        • [General]TagDB
        • [General]TagStartDigit
        • [General]TagWriteEventFmt
        • [General]TagWriteEventQue
        • [General]TrnPrinter
        • [General]TypeRemapAllowed
        • [General]Verbose
        • [General]VerboseToSysLog
        • [General]WatermarkedPointCount
      • Internet Parameters
        • [Internet]Client
        • [Internet]Display
        • [Internet]FTPTimeout
        • [Internet]FTPWatchTime
        • [Internet]IPAddress
        • [Internet]LogFile
        • [Internet]Manager
        • [Internet]Password
        • [Internet]Port
        • [Internet]Redundancy
        • [Internet]RunFTP
        • [Internet]SearchCurrentPath
        • [Internet]Server
        • [Internet]ShowFileFTPDlg
        • [Internet]ShowSetupDlg
        • [Internet]UpdateTime
        • [Internet]ZipFiles
      • Intl Parameters
        • [Intl]bDecimal
        • [Intl]iDate
        • [Intl]iTime
        • [Intl]s1159
        • [Intl]s2359
        • [Intl]sDate
        • [Intl]sDecimal
        • [Intl]sTime
      • IOServer Parameters
        • [IOServer]AlwaysCallStopChannel
        • [IOServer]AlwaysCallStopUnit
        • [IOServer]AsyncConnect
        • [IOServer]BlockWrites
        • [IOServer]CacheDebug
        • [IOServer]CacheIgnoreDriver
        • [IOServer]CacheOptMode
        • [IOServer]CacheReadAhead
        • [IOServer]CancelTimeout
        • [IOServer]DebugLogTagHandshake
        • [IOServer]EnableEventQueue
        • [IOServer]HeartTime
        • [IOServer]HWAlarmOnDeviceDisable
        • [IOServer]InitMsg
        • [IOServer]LogTagHandshake
        • [IOServer]MaxEventsDrop
        • [IOServer]MaxEventsQueued
        • [IOServer]MaxTagHandshakeSize
        • [IOServer]MaxTimeInQueueMs
        • [IOServer]RedundancyDebug
        • [IOServer]SaveFile
        • [IOServer]SaveNetwork
        • [IOServer]StrictTagHandshake
        • [IOServer]TagAddressNoCase
        • [IOServer]WatchDog
        • [IOServer]WatchDogPrimary
      • IOServer Process Parameters
      • IPC Parameters
        • [IPC]bPipeToSocket
        • [IPC]EventLogging
        • [IPC]HeartBeat
        • [IPC]SocketSendTimeout
        • [IPC]SocketShutdownTimeout
      • Kernel Parameters
        • [Kernel]BufPoolProtect
        • [Kernel]ErrorBuffers
        • [Kernel]ExceptionWatchdog
        • [Kernel]Idle
        • [Kernel]Queue
        • [Kernel]Retries
        • [Kernel]Task
        • [Kernel]Watchdog
        • [Kernel]WatchdogTime
        • [Kernel]WinShutdown
      • Keyboard Parameters
        • [Keyboard]ButtonOnlyLeftClick
        • [Keyboard]ButtonRaw
        • [Keyboard]EchoPopUp
        • [Keyboard]LogExtendedDate
        • [Keyboard]NonPrint
        • [Keyboard]NonPrintChar
        • [Keyboard]Type
      • LAN Parameters
        • [LAN]AllowRemoteReload
        • [LAN]BackOffTime
        • [LAN]ClientRetryTime
        • [LAN]ConnectionLogging
        • [LAN]Delay
        • [LAN]EarliestLegacyVersion
        • [LAN]HighWaterMark
        • [LAN]KeepAliveInterval
        • [LAN]KeepAliveTime
        • [LAN]LocalNet
        • [LAN]LowWaterMark
        • [LAN]ListenerRetryTime
        • [LAN]Node
        • [LAN]ReadOnlyLegacyConnections
        • [LAN]ReadPool
        • [LAN]SecureLogin
        • [LAN]Sessions
        • [LAN]SocketNoDelay
        • [LAN]TCPIP
        • [LAN]WaitBufTime
        • [LAN]WritePool
      • Language Parameters
        • [Language]CaseSensitive
        • [Language]CharSet
        • [Language]ClientTranslateFile
        • [Language]CodePage
        • [Language]DisplayError
        • [Language]LocalLanguage
      • Memory Parameters
        • [Memory]Free
        • [Memory]MinPhyK
        • [Memory]PageLock
        • [Memory]Segment
      • MultiMonitors Parameters
        • [MultiMonitors]DisableAutoStart
        • [MultiMonitors]Monitors
      • ODBC Parameters
        • [ODBC]Server
      • OID Parameters
        • [OID]Reset
      • Page Parameters
        • [Page]AddDefaultMenu
        • [Page]Alarm
        • [Page]AlarmPage
        • [Page]AllowHScroll
        • [Page]AllowHScrollBar
        • [Page]AllowVScroll
        • [Page]AllowVScrollBar
        • [Page]AnmDelay
        • [Page]BackgroundColor
        • [Page]BadDitheringColor
        • [Page]BadDitheringDensity
        • [Page]BadText
        • [Page]BadTextBackgroundColor
        • [Page]CenterStartupPage
        • [Page]ControlinhibitDitheringColor
        • [Page]ControlInhibitDitheringDensity
        • [Page]ControlInhibitTextBackgroundColor
        • [Page]Date
        • [Page]DefaultQualityFormat
        • [Page]DefaultTimestampFormat
        • [Page]Delay
        • [Page]DelayRenderAdvancedAnimation
        • [Page]DelayRenderAll
        • [Page]DisabledAlarm
        • [Page]DisabledPage
        • [Page]DynamicSizing
        • [Page]EnableQualityToolTip
        • [Page]ErrorDitheringColor
        • [Page]ErrorDitheringDensity
        • [Page]ErrorTextBackgroundColor
        • [Page]HomePage
        • [Page]HardwarePage
        • [Page]HwAlarm
        • [Page]IgnoreValueQuality
        • [Page]InheritParentScale
        • [Page]KeyEcho
        • [Page]LastAlarm
        • [Page]Logo
        • [Page]MaintainAspectRatio
        • [Page]MaxInt
        • [Page]MaximiseOnCreation
        • [Page]MaxLast
        • [Page]MaxRecursion
        • [Page]MaxStr
        • [Page]MenuDisable
        • [Page]MenuShutdown
        • [Page]Name
        • [Page]OriginAdjust
        • [Page]OverrideDitheringColor
        • [Page]OverrideDitheringDensity
        • [Page]OverrideTextBackgroundColor
        • [Page]PrintPage
        • [Page]ProcessAnalystPage
        • [Page]ProcessAnalystPopupPage
        • [Page]Prompt
        • [Page]RangeCheck
        • [Page]RelocateNonResizedOnCreation
        • [Page]ScaleTextToMax
        • [Page]ScanTime
        • [Page]ShowBadText
        • [Page]ShowErrorText
        • [Page]ShowUncertainText
        • [Page]Splash
        • [Page]SplashTimeout
        • [Page]SplashWinName
        • [Page]Startup
        • [Page]StartUpCancel
        • [Page]StartupDelay
        • [Page]StartupHeight
        • [Page]StartupMode
        • [Page]StartupWidth
        • [Page]StartupWinName
        • [Page]StartupX
        • [Page]StartupY
        • [Page]SummaryPage
        • [Page]Time
        • [Page]Tip
        • [Page]TipHelp
        • [Page]TipTimeOut
        • [Page]Title
        • [Page]UncertainDitheringColor
        • [Page]UncertainDitheringDensity
        • [Page]UncertainText
        • [Page]UncertainTextBackgroundColor
        • [Page]Wait For Valid Data
        • [Page]Windows
        • [Page]WinTitle
      • Path Parameters
      • Privilege Parameters
        • [Privilege]AckAlarms
        • [Privilege]DisableAlarms
        • [Privilege]EditUser
        • [Privilege]EngTools
        • [Privilege]Exclusive
        • [Privilege]Shutdown
        • [Privilege]SilenceAlarms
      • ProcessAnalyst Parameters
      • Protocol Parameters
      • PubSub Parameters
        • [PubSub]LogDevice
        • [PubSub]LogLevel
      • Proxi Parameters
      • RemoteDB Parameters
        • [RemoteDB]DefaultComment
        • [RemoteDB]DefaultEngFull
        • [RemoteDB]DefaultEngZero
        • [RemoteDB]DefaultEU
        • [RemoteDB]DefaultRawFull
        • [RemoteDB]DefaultRawZero
      • Report Parameters
        • [Report]ComBreak
        • [Report]Disable
        • [Report]HeartBeat
        • [Report]HeartBeatTime
        • [Report]InhibitEvent
        • [Report]RtfRollOver
        • [Report]RunStandby
        • [Report]Startup
        • [Report]TxtRollOver
        • [Report]WatchTime
      • Report Process Parameters
      • RuntimeManager Parameters
        • [RuntimeManager]AllowReload
        • [RuntimeManager]AllowRestartDefVer
        • [RuntimeManager]AutoRestartTrigger
        • [RuntimeManager]ExitAfterShutdown
        • [RuntimeManager]NotRespondingRetries
      • Security Parameters
        • [Security]AuthenticationLogging
        • [Security]DisableDEP
      • Server Parameters
        • [Server]AutoLoginMode
      • Shutdown Parameters
        • [Shutdown]NetworkIgnore
        • [Shutdown]NetworkStart
        • [Shutdown]Phase
      • SPC Parameters
        • [SPC]AlarmBufferSize
        • [SPC]XFreak
        • [SPC]PartialSubgroup
        • [SPC]RAboveUCL
        • [SPC]RBelowLCL
        • [SPC]ROutsideCL
        • [SPC]XAboveUCL
        • [SPC]XBelowLCL
        • [SPC]XDownTrend
        • [SPC]XErratic
        • [SPC]XGradualDown
        • [SPC]XGradualUp
        • [SPC]XMixture
        • [SPC]XOutsideCL
        • [SPC]XOutsideWL
        • [SPC]XStratification
        • [SPC]XUptrend
      • SQL Parameters
        • [SQL]QueryTimeout
        • [SQL]TextColWidth
      • Time Parameters
      • Time Scheduler Parameters
        • [TMSCHED]FilterMask
        • [TMSCHED]FilterIODevice
      • Trend Parameters
        • [Trend]AbortStartupOnError
        • [Trend]AcquisitionTimeout
        • [Trend]AllFiles
        • [Trend]BlockByIODevice
        • [Trend]BytesReadBeforeSleep
        • [Trend]BytesWrittenBeforeSleep
        • [Trend]CacheSize0
        • [Trend]CacheSize1
        • [Trend]CacheSize2
        • [Trend]CacheSize3
        • [Trend]CacheSize4
        • [Trend]CacheSize5
        • [Trend]CacheSize6
        • [Trend]CacheSize7
        • [Trend]CacheSize8
        • [Trend]ClientRequestTime
        • [Trend]CopyFilesMessage
        • [Trend]CursorColor
        • [Trend]DeleteIfIncompatible
        • [Trend]Disable
        • [Trend]EnableBackfill
        • [Trend]FileCreationWriteSize
        • [Trend]FileNameType
        • [Trend]FilterViewByPrivilege
        • [Trend]GapFillMode
        • [Trend]GapFillSamples
        • [Trend]GapFillTime
        • [Trend]InhibitEvent
        • [Trend]InstantTrendIdleTime
        • [Trend]InstantTrendSamples
        • [Trend]MaxBackfillsAtOnce
        • [Trend]MaxRdnSamples
        • [Trend]MaxRequestLength
        • [Trend]MaxSetTableQue
        • [Trend]MaxSetTableStnbyPending
        • [Trend]MissedSamplesAlarmTime
        • [Trend]RangeCheck
        • [Trend]ReadWatchTime
        • [Trend]ReloadBackOffTime
        • [Trend]ShowCacheSizes
        • [Trend]TrendDebug
        • [Trend]WatchTime
        • [Trend]WriteWatchTime
      • Trend Process Parameters
      • Win Parameters
        • [Win]AltEsc
        • [Win]AltSpace
        • [Win]AltTab
        • [Win]Configure
        • [Win]ScreenSaver
      • Web Server Parameters
        • [WebServer]DeployRoot
        • [WebServer]WebClientCab
    • Tab Style Template Parameters
      • [Alarm] Parameters
      • [AlarmHeading] Parameters
        • [AlarmHeading]AlarmField
      • [Format] Parameters
        • [Format]FormatName
      • [Page] Parameters
      • [Privilege] Parameters
    • CSV_Include Parameters
      • [Alarm] Parameters
      • [MultiMonitors] Parameters
        • [MultiMonitors]LastPageStackSize
        • [MultiMonitors]ScreenWidth
      • [Navigation] Parameters
        • [Navigation]AlarmPage
        • [Navigation]DisabledPage
        • [Navigation]FilePage
        • [Navigation]HardwarePage
        • [Navigation]HelpPage
        • [Navigation]HomePage
        • [Navigation]MenuBackColour
        • [Navigation]MenuForeColour
        • [Navigation]MenuXPos
        • [Navigation]MenuYPos
        • [Navigation]NetworkPage
        • [Navigation]ProcessAnalystPage
        • [Navigation]SummaryPage
        • [Navigation]ToolsPage
        • [Navigation]TrendPage
      • [Page] Parameters
        • [Page]DelayRepaint
        • [Page]NewPageInBase
      • [Printer] Parameters
        • [Printer]Port
      • [Privilege] Parameters
      • [TrendX] Parameters
        • [TrendX]Duration
        • [TrendX]KeySeq
        • [TrendX]TagListEnable
  • Computer Setup Editor
    • Getting Started with the Computer Setup Editor
    • About the citect.ini file
      • Header
      • Parameters
      • Comments
    • Before You Begin
    • Using the Computer Setup Editor Interface
      • Expandable tree pane
      • Tree search pane
      • Parameter Details pane
      • Help pane
      • Parameter Reference pane
      • Parameter status pane
    • Using Computer Setup Editor
    • Opening the configuration file
    • Maintaining Sections
      • Adding a section
      • Deleting a section
      • Disabling a section
      • Enabling a section
    • Maintaining Parameters
      • Adding a parameter
      • Editing a parameter
      • Deleting a parameter
      • Disabling a parameter
      • Enabling a parameter
      • Viewing undocumented parameters
    • Commenting the citect.ini file
      • Commenting a section entry
      • Commenting a parameter entry
      • Entering comments in the header
    • Using the Comparison Wizard
      • Running the Comparison Wizard
      • Interpreting the Comparison Wizard
      • Copying values between the files
      • Undoing and redoing changes to the compared files
      • Saving changes to the compared file
      • Closing without saving changes
    • Saving changes to the citect.ini file
      • Saving the changes to your citect.ini file
      • Saving a backup of your changes to the configuration file
      • Abandoning the changes to your configuration file
  • CI MeterX
    • Safety Information
    • ActiveX Control Reference
      • The ActiveX Control’s Custom Properties Dialog Box
      • Examples
        • Using Property Dialog Box to Set Properties
        • Using Cicode to Set Properties at Runtime
        • Using VB Code to Set Properties at Runtime
      • Events
        • Change
        • Click
        • DoubleClick
        • MouseDown
        • MouseMove
        • MouseUp
      • Methods
        • Refresh
      • Properties
        • AlarmFlashEnabled
        • AlarmFlashColor
        • AlarmLowerBoundary
        • AlarmUpperBoundary
        • BorderStyle
        • BackColor
        • Caption
        • CaptionAlignment
        • CaptionBackColor
        • CaptionForeColor
        • CaptionFont
        • CaptionVisible
        • DegreeEnd
        • DegreeStart
        • Enabled
        • EngUnit
        • EngUnitColor
        • EngUnitFont
        • EngUnitPosition
        • ForeColor
        • LabelColor
        • LabelFont
        • LabelOffset
        • LabelOutside
        • MajorDivColor
        • ManualAdjustment
        • MeterTipText
        • MaxValue
        • MinorDivColor
        • MinValue
        • NeedleColor
        • NeedleLength
        • NeedleWidth
        • NumMajorDiv
        • NumMinorDiv
        • ReadingFont
        • RotateCenter
        • RotateDirection
        • ScaleColor
        • Value
        • ValueFormat
        • Xmid
        • Ymid
  • Database Exchange
    • Safety Information
    • Configuration
      • Adding to a graphics page
      • Setting up a data source
      • Appearance Options
      • Using properties
        • Properties
          • AccessPrivilege
          • BackColor
          • BorderStyle
          • Caption
          • Click2SelectRecipe
          • ColumnCount
          • Column001-Column1000
          • Column001-Column100
          • CommandType
          • DataEditMode
          • DataGridHeight
          • DataGridWidth
          • DBConString
          • DBProvider
          • Font
          • ForeColor
          • HeadFont
          • LockDownLoad
          • MenuPosition
          • Privilege
          • RecordCount
          • RecordSource
          • ShowConfirmDownloadMsg
          • ShowConfirmUploadMsg
          • ShowErrorMsg
          • ShowMenuBar
          • VisibleRows
        • Methods
          • DownloadData
          • PrintTable()
          • Refresh()
          • Supports(Name as String)
          • Update()
          • UpdateBatch()
          • UploadData(ByVal Index As Integer)
        • Events
          • Change()
          • Click()
          • DataDownloading()
          • Print_Button
          • DataUploaded(ByVal Flag As Integer)
          • DoubleClick()
          • MouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y)
          • MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y)
          • MouseMove(Button, Shift, X, Y)
          • OnShow()
    • Runtime interface
      • Sorting data
      • Filtering data
      • Editing data
      • Printing
      • Show/Hide Columns
      • Download data to an associated variable tag
      • Make changes to the data source
      • Refresh Data at Runtime
      • Database Exchange ActiveX control — Using Cicode
    • Using MS SQL Server 2000 as a Data Source
      • Using a Stored Procedure as Record Source
      • Changing the Parameters of a Stored Procedure at Runtime
      • Using an SQL Statement as a Record Source
      • Using a Table or View as a Record Source
    • Using a dBase DBF as a Data Source
      • Configuring an ODBC using a dBase Driver
      • Using a DSN as a Data Source
      • Using a Connection String
    • Using Access MDB as a Data Source
      • Using the ODBC Driver
      • Using Microsoft Jet OLE DB Provider
    • Using Excel as a Data Source
    • Tag association
    • Known Issues
    • Working with the Web Client — Introduction
      • Preparing Database Exchange for Web Deployment
      • Connecting to a Database
    • Tips and Hints
    • Troubleshooting
    • ODBC Connection Strings for CityplaceADO
  • Runtime Manager
    • Safety Information
    • Launching Runtime Manager
    • The Runtime Manager Interface
    • Hiding the Runtime Manager
    • Shutting Down The Runtime Manager
    • Monitoring Startup
    • Monitoring Runtime Processes
    • Starting a Process
    • Stopping a Process
    • Restarting a Process
    • Starting all Processes
    • Cancelling a Process
    • Viewing the Kernel
    • Troubleshooting
      • Incorrect configuration
      • Incorrect License
  • Glossary

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Программное обеспечение Prometheus (Прометей) — это первый в отрасли промышленной автоматизации мультивендорный универсальный инструмент конфигурирования.


  • Prometheus, Shneider Electric, SIEMENS, Rockwell Automation, PLC, HMI, MES, ClearSCADA, Vijeo Citect, System Platform, InTouch, Unity Pro, Peer to Peer, DFS, SOP, Linux, Raspberry PI

9 мая 2013 года состоялся релиз пакета обновлений №1 для SCADA Vijeo Citect 7.30 и CitectSCADA 7.30. Одним из главным достижений этого пакете — это официальная поддержка операционной системы Microsoft Windows 8, кроме этого, упор был сделан на улучшение стабильности, производительности и функциональности.


  • CitectSCADA, Vijeo Citect, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012

Статья представляет собой пошаговое руководство, описывающее создание элемента управления ActiveX с помощью Microsoft Visual C# 2012 и последующего его встраивания в графические страницы SCADA Vijeo Citect


  • ActiveX, C#, Cicode, Microsoft Visual Studio, SCADA, Vijeo Citect

19 декабря 2012 года в Австралии в Сиднее Sсhnaider Electric анонсировал выпуск новых версий своих продуктов SCADA и Historian, в частности это продукты Vijeo Citect 7.30, CitectSCADA 7.30, Vijeo Historian 4.40 и CitectHistorian 4.40. В пресс-релизе Sсhnaider Electric акцентируется, что выход новых версий SCADA и Historian позволяет пользователям этого программного обеспечения осуществить переход к объектно-ориентированным SCADA системам. 


  • CitectHistorian, CitectSCADA, SCADA, Vijeo Citect, Vijeo Historian

Не так давно Шнейдер Электрик опубликовал на своем сайте приглашение принять участие в бета-тестировании новых версий SCADA (Vijeo Citect 7.30 и CitectSCADA 7.30) и Historian (Vijeo Historian 4.40 и CitectHistorian 4.40). Это в значительной степени интересное событие, учитывая то, что в мире программного обеспечения уровня SCADA и Historian новые версии выходят достаточно редко.


  • CitectHistorian, Vijeo Citect, Vijeo Historian, бета-тестирование, CitectSCADA

6 декабря 2011 года Schneider Electric выпустил в свет третий пакет обновления для Vijeo Citect 7.20 и CitectSCADA 7.20. Помимо обычного устранения ошибок, оптимизации производительности и повышения стабильности этот обновление привнесло интересный функционал в SCADA пакеты. Начиная с этого обновления, штатными функциями для SCADA пакетов станет новый планировщик и шаблоны оборудования.


  • Cicode, CitectSCADA, Process Analyst, SCADA, Service Pack, Vijeo Citect

Сегодня, 20 сентября 2011 года выпущен пакет обновлений номер 2 для SCADA Vijeo Citect 7.20 и CitectSCADA 7.20. В Service Pack 2 вошли улучшения связанные с повышением стабильности SCADA, повышением производительности и  расширением функциональности.


  • CitectSCADA, Service Pack, Vijeo Citect

Citect SCADA — надежное, гибкое и масштабируемое программное обеспечение для построения систем диспетчеризации любого масштаба. Обладает мощными возможностями визуализации и богатым функционалом, обеспечивает удобство работы операторов и повышает ее эффективность. Является компонентом EcoStruxure Plant Функционал:

Полное резервирование для самых надежных решений. На важных производственных участках аппаратный сбой может привести к крайне опасным ситуациям. Благодаря функции полного резервирования сбой в любой части вашей системы не приведет к потере ее функциональности и производительности;

Мощный графический редактор и удобный пользовательский интерфейс: графические возможности вашей SCADA системы определяют удобство ее использования. Citect SCADA позволяет разрабатывать полноцветный, выдержанный в одном стиле, легкий в использовании и интуитивно понятный графический интерфейс пользователя, отвечающий требованиям концепции ситуационной осведомлённости;

Простое конфигурирование: гибкость и большой набор инструментов Citect SCADA ускоряют процесс конфигурирования системы управления, будь то распределенная система для технологического процесса водоподготовки или централизованная система для технологического процесса транспортировки руды. Так существенно снижается время и стоимость разработки, а также минимизируются проектные риски.


— Масштабируемость до систем любого размера;

— Гибкость, позволяющая управлять нестандартными процессами;

— Оптимизация ваших активов, ресурсов и средств производства для повышения эффективности;

— Комплексное понимание текущих процессов;

— Защита инвестиций в автоматизацию благодаря повышению качества вашей продукции и безопасности производства;

— Эффективные управленческие решения, принимаемые благодаря своевременному получению точной информации;

— Новейшие средства кибербезопасности и система предоставления информации по процессам и аварийным сигналам повышает эффективность операторов;

— Снижение стоимости разработки, уменьшение времени проектирования и нивелирование рисков.


Многие ведущие предприятия и организации в мире и в России успешно используют Citect SCADA, потому что Citect SCADA отвечает специфическим требованиям их отрасли и удовлетворяет их потребности. При необходимости, Citect SCADA может быть адаптирована к широкому спектру промышленных требований. Citect SCADA постоянно стремится удовлетворить самые высокие требования заказчиков из ведущих отраслей


Citect SCADA предназначен для разработки и разворачивания систем любого масштаба в разных отраслях промышленности, например — водоподготовка и водоотведение, пищевая промышленность, инфраструктура, производство, металлургия и горнодобывающая промышленность, нефтегазовая промышленность, автомобильная промышленность, аэрокосмическая и оборонная промышленность.

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