Citizen mb 165r инструкция по эксплуатации

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  • Страница 1 из 17
    сITIZЕN ]Ulв.165пA элEктPoHHAя зAписHAя кHижl(A oбщaя инфopмaцпяo6 элeктpoннoй зeписнoйкнtlжкe . Фyнкции: (1) Teлeфoннaя книжкa (2) 3амeтки (3) Пapoль (4) .Qoмaшнee/Mиpoвoe вpeмя (5) Ежeднeвньlй бyдильник (6) .tO-paзpяднЬ|й с кaлЬкyлятop peжимoм вeл пpeoбpазoвaния ичин , flиcnлcЙ : д : } : ф : я
  • Страница 2 из 17
    oбecпeчeну;и, сoxpанятся. npи oтoM даннЬ|e в пaliят|l| oпepация Экpaн Hажмитe кнoпкyCБPoC сБPoс? .01 Hажмитeшtaви [ИCп.]. шy 01/0.1 гЮH Аl, 12-00 03 Пpи этoм экpaHaвтon’aтичeски вepнeтся в peжим вpei’eни . Aвтoмaтичeскoe oтключeниe питания flaннaя книжка aвтoмaтичeскиoтключaeт питaниe’eсли
  • Страница 3 из 17
    Пpимeнaниe: Если Baшeгo дo]l’ашнeгo гopoдa нeт в спискe, выбepитeгopoд и3 тoй жe вpeмeннoЙ зoнЬ|. Cписoк Coрaщeнис лoH EКт гopoд лo|-lдoH EюqTEPИHьуPг гoooл тoK тoкИo пAP гtAPt4к кИЕв гHл Гo|-ЮJ]УУ кV|B Moс MoскBA ,юcАl-tl}{€,Ес кяс кPАсHoЯPск ,ш{ гКг t1ЙK |-но{bH{ HOB |-ЮфOz1ЕРCK гoH кoHг .
  • Страница 4 из 17
    Bы мoжeтe пpoсмoтpeтЬ зaпиcll|в Teлeфoннoй книжкeс пoмoщЬю клавишeй (i-.)или .i, a тaкжe нaЙтиoпpeдeлеHнyю зaписЬс пoмoщьюслeдyющeй oпepaция Haжмитe [t] 8 иMя? сBoБ 1586. Bвeдитe пepвьlй сиtvlвoл записи, кoтopyю Bьt xoтитe нaйти’ Haпpимep’A(Bьt мoжeтe ввeсги бoльшe симвoлoвдля сy)кeнияпoискa) 8
  • Страница 5 из 17
    . yдалeниg 3апиGи oпepaция HaЙдитe 3aписЬ,кoтopyюBьt xoтитe yдaлитЬ. Haжмитe [CЕ/C] Экpан tA,lлЕH 080-000-91 9tyдAлИтЬ? Haжмитe[ИCП.]для yдaлeни’ t И t 4 я ? с B o Б з a пи с и . 1626. Еcли Bьt нa)кмeтe клавишy [CЕ/C] пo oшибкe’ нaжiltитe любyю дpyryю Клавишy,кpoмe[ИCП.]для yдaления.
  • Страница 6 из 17
    r И Mя ? с B o Б 1600. ф Haжмитe [Cflв.] [*] для вЬ|хoдaи3 сeкpeтнoгo (.Qаннyю пpoцeдypy слeдyeт в ь | п o л н я т ьo с н o в н o м в tиMЯ?свoБ 1600. сoстoянииэкpaна) Bьl мoжeтe тaкжe вьlйти из сeкpeтнoгopeжимa, вьtбpaвлюбoЙдpyгoй peжим,кpoмeтeлeфoHHoЙ кHи)i{ки 3aмeтoк. и нoгo oпepация Экpан B
  • Страница 7 из 17
    ЕкЕдlнЕвнЬtЙБyдилЬниK Пpимep: Устaнoвитe eжeднeвный бyдильник нa AМ 8:30 oпepация Hажмитe [A] Hажмитe[CДB.][PEД.]’зaтeм ввeдитeвpeмя звoнкa Экpaн БУд вЬ|кЛ Ar,r12_00 БУдвЬ|кл Aм 08-30 бyдильникa:t01 t0](с t81 tз] пoмoщЬю клaви[.lJи AM/PM] [ вьlбepитe AM или PM) Haжмитe [ИCП.] БУд BкЛ N 8-30 д C и г
  • Страница 8 из 17
    кypса Bвeдитe кypс oбмeнa: 1.67, нaжмитe [ИCП.] Bведитe сyi,мy для oбмeна: 200 Haжмитe [=]для пoлyнeния КУPC=,!.67 0. КУPC=1.67 200. КУPC=1.67 з34. oтвeтa. . oснoвньle oпepации oпepaции Пpимep Iв1 Экpaн кAлЬкyлятoP 53+1 23_6з= [сE/с]53[+] [_] 123 63 1=1 23 963x(23-56)= [_l 56 [x]96з [=1 114
  • Страница 9 из 17
    lUIB.165RA ELEGтRoNIс oRGANlzER AboutThis Unit . Funсtion (‘l ) Phone Book (2) Memo (3) Pаssword Seоurity (4) Home тimeАNorld Time Disp|ay (5) Dai|y A|аrm (6) 10.Digit Withсonversion Ca|culator . Display д ) ф я Dai|yа|armindiсаtor. Key tone indiсator. Seсuredmode indiсаtoг. Phone book modе
  • Страница 10 из 17
    I t»J u|||l lu|llЭ L||с U|| P9WЕ| dul9|||dl|Ud||y W|lЕ|| no keys have been pressedfoг about 7 minutes. . Replaсe тhe вattery Wnen the disp|аyis gettingdim’ the bаtteryneeds repIaсing.Тurn the poweг off first, unsсrew а sсrew from the bаttery сover on the lower оаbi. net and open the battery сover,
  • Страница 11 из 17
    . нome Тime Setting ЕхampIe: the hometimeat PM 2:30’Fridaу’ Set Jan. 26. 2001 Key oрrаtion DispIaу . 1 Press [Ф] if the disp|аyis at other 0 1 / 0 10 . п o H Aм 3-03 30 mode,thenpress [CДB.] [PЕ’Ц.] ,01 Еnterthedatein DD/MMД/Y 26101 t1Ят format: t61 tll [0][1], Then AM03-03 50 [2] tOl press[l[ЕHЬ]
  • Страница 12 из 17
    486-315-027_ Press 6 lt refums mainsсreen r И M Я ? с B o Б to ‘1586. аftershowingthe |astentry |f there is no conformabIe dаtа. »HЕ H ! «i s d i s played for about 2 seсonds and then return to main sсreen.. * Тhe саpital |etter and sma|l |etter are not identifiab|e for this unit. . Еditing Reсord
  • Страница 13 из 17
    PAssWoRDsEсURlтY A separаte dаtabase for phone book and memo оan be seсured by setting а password. Тhe password can’t be more thаn 6 сharaсters. Note:Keep your passwordin mind.Тhere noway is to aссess the seсret data except the сorreсt password. . Setting Тhe Pаssword AI|funсtionsat phone book and
  • Страница 14 из 17
    @Er< | I DAILYALARM Example:Set dai|yаlarm8:30AM Display Key Operation Press [A] БУд BЬ|Кл А},1 12-00 Press [CДB.][PЦ.] тhen enter the a|armtime:[0][8 [3][0](Using [CДB.][AM/PM] to seleсt AM or PM if neсessaгy.) Бyд вЬ|Кл м 08-з0 Press[ИCЛ.] Бyд вкл ш 8.з0 A Тhe alarm sounds when the a|armtime
  • Страница 15 из 17
    Е x a m p | e : H o wm a n y d o | | a r sa r e 2 0 0 p o u n d s e x for as 1 Dound=1.67dollars Key Operation Display Press [C.ЦB.] [PЕД.]to eliminаte КУPC= the previous rate setting Key in the exсhange rate ..1 .67 КУPC=1.67 исл] Key in the eхсhаnged money: 200 КУPC=1.67 200. to Press 1=1 get the
  • Страница 16 из 17
    T h e u n i t с o m p I i e sw i t h t h e г e q u i г e m e n t so f D i r e с t i v e 8 9 / 3 3 6 / Е E Ca s a m e n d e d by 93/68/EЕC Japan сBМ Corpoгation Toфo, Japan Nakano-ku CBM Bldg. 5-68-10 Nakano, ( с ТoKYo 164-0001, JAPAN тЕL.0з-5з45-7430 FAx.0з-5заs-zдзl сlт|zEN is а
  • Страница 17 из 17

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Citizen MB Series Operating Manual

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Summary of Contents for Citizen MB Series

  • Page 1
    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!»#$%&'()!*+,+-.)!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!»*!/)($)%!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    Contents 1. Application ………………..3 2. Structure And Principle Of Operation …………4 3. Key Description………………5 4. Unpacking And Setting Up The Moisture Analyzer ……..6 5. Turn Moisture Balance On……………. 7 6. Maintenance ………………… 7 7. Preparation Samples To Drying …………… 8 8.

  • Page 3: Application

    1. APPLICATION The MB 200 moisture analyzer is a precision device for the determination of moisture content in small samples of materials by drying the sample with halogen heaters. The moisture analyzer is easy to use. The user sets the drying parameters into memory, puts the samples into the weighing chamber then starts the test.

  • Page 4: Structure And Principle Of Operation

    The following data is output: over the RS-232 interface at the end of the test: 1. Test mode 2. Percentage moisture or percentage solids 3. Initial mass (mg) 4. Final mass (mg) 5. Drying temperature (ºC) 6. Elapsed drying time (sec) 7.

  • Page 5: Key Description

    The front panel of the MB 200. There are 4 display areas, Temperature, Time, Mode and the Main Display. Next to the main display are 2 indicators to signify when the display is showing a weight value (g) or a result of a drying test (%). The keypad has 6 keys to control the operation of the balance.

  • Page 6: Unpacking And Setting Up The Moisture Analyzer

    4. UNPACKING AND SETTING UP THE MOISTURE ANALYZER Unpack the moisture analyser carefully. The carton contains 1. Drying chamber casing 2. Weighing pan support 3. Weighing pans 4. Weighing pans, pack of 10 Place the moisture analyser on a stable weighing table. Do not install the balance near warm and cold sources, such as windows, radiators or air conditioners.

  • Page 7: Turn Moisture Balance On

    5. TURN MOISTURE BALANCE ON After turn power on moisture balance does two actives automatically. First of them is heating drying chamber – halogen heater shed light. Time of heating drying chamber is 3 min. Second activation is 3 min stabilization entire moisture balance.

  • Page 8: Preparation Samples To Drying

    7. PREPARATION SAMPLES TO DRYING Loose materials They are dried in natural form or after comminution. Disintegration sample makes dispersions between following measurements smaller. Mass of ample cannot be too big. Surface of scale should be covered by thin layer of sample. Liquid Semi –…

  • Page 9: Choice Parameters Of Drying

    8. CHOICE PARAMETERS OF DRYING Temperature of drying Value depends on kind of material. Too low temperature makes partial evaporation (sample isn’t dried completely). Too high temperature makes deflagration substance (sample is overheated) or possibility to appearance chemical reactions. Temperature of drying is given by factory and trade rules.

  • Page 10: Control Reliability Of Temperature Annunciators

    9. CONTROL RELIABILITY OF TEMPERATURE ANNUNCIATORS Checking if temperature of drying is conformable to temperature shown on display of moisture balance. To control certified thermometer PT 101 is used. It’s additional equipment of every moisture balance. Both terometers measure temperature of air in short distance from controled sample.

  • Page 11
    10.1. Sett-up number of sample: it is shown in MODE Function key Application Changing value is done by pressing key many times – range of numbers from SubSt 1 to SubSt 9. If there is no factor for correction temperature choose SubSt 0 Confirm value After pressing F key next parameter is shown automatically.
  • Page 12
    Factor for correction temperature of drying Absorbing heat happens for dark colour materials. Sample can be overheated. For 120 C temperature sample absorbs heat and gets temperature about 135 C. Factor for correction temperature of drying should be defined. To define this factor control termometer with sonde is neccesary (additional equipment of moisture balance).
  • Page 13
    10.3. Choose way of working it is shown in MODE Function key Application Change value by pressing key- range from rnodE 1 to rnodE 7. confirm value. After pressing key F next parameter is shown automatically. There are 3 general blocks that defines ways of working: — get stable mass (rnodE 1,2,3) — drying in defined time and get previous stable mass (rnodE 4,5,6) — drying in defined time(rnodE 7)
  • Page 14
    Choose one of ways of work: rnodE 4 Weight loss 4. Percent Moisture determination with w [%] = ——————— x 100% respect to initial weight. Initial weight Stop drying when results are the same for 3 consecutive strobe intervals or the maximum time limit has expired..
  • Page 15
    10.4. Defition temperature of drying The temperature can be set in the range from 50ºC to 160ºC. Function keys Applications Change of value of current flashing nubmer. Values are changed by pressing key many times in range of 0-9 Choose number which value must be defined.
  • Page 16
    Function keys Applications change value of digital Values are changed by pressing key range 0 — 9 Choose number which value must be defined. Every pressing key mores cursor in right side. confirm value After pressing key F next parameter is show automatically.
  • Page 17
    10.7. Definition of time of drying Value of drying time is shown in TIME Function key Application Change of value of current flashing nubmer. Values are changed by pressing key many times in range of 0-9 Choose number which value must be defined.
  • Page 18: Procedure Of Drying

    11. PROCEDURE OF DRYING 11.1. Drying Program all parameters of drying. Put sample on scale.Press: All values of programmed parameters appears on display. If they are correct press key once again If displayed values are supposed to be changed press key: Change wrong values and start procedure of weighing.

  • Page 19
    11.2. Register procedure of drying Moisture balance can work: independently cooperate with thermal printer (KAFKA 1/Z) cooperate with computer If moisture balance works independently result appears on main display. After measure moisture press key switch over state of display from moisture measurement to mass measurement.
  • Page 20
    Printer prints final report: DATE 1999.01.20 TIME 10:32 MODE MASS DECREMENT 14,57% INITIAL MASS 1,926g FINAL MASS 1,645g 121 0 C TEMPERATURE DRYING TIME h:mm:ss 0:08:50 FREQUENCY OF READOUT 11.2.2. Cooperation with computer Schedule of connection conductors Following results of detecting moisture are registered and presented in digital or graphic form (schedule).
  • Page 21: Directions For Using

    Parameters of transmission: Speed of transmission in range of 4800 bit/s Data bits STOP bits Control parity NONE Graphic schedule of drying 12. DIRECTIONS FOR USING Measurement of moisture by means of moisture balance is much faster and simplier in comparison to traditional proces (weighing — drying — weighing — counting).

  • Page 22: Optimum Parameters For Moisture

    3 — 4 0,05 Paper 2 — 4 0,07 For granulated synthetic substances Citizen offers moisture balances with capacity 0,001%. Size of sample should be about 20g, temperature of drying 130 C and time of testing samples 10s. — 22 -…

  • Page 23: Procedure Of Calibration

    14. PROCEDURE OF CALIBRATION If moisture balance is used as II lass laboratory scale do the calibration before measurement. Calibration defines relations between value if annunciator and mass of standard (calibration weight), which is load of balance and corrections if it’s meccesary.

  • Page 24: Check Correctness Of Working

    When calibration is finished display will show: Take calibration weight off scale. 15. CHECK CORRECTNESS OF WORKING Check halogen lamps) Constance temperature is kept in drying chamber –system of temperature regulation causes flashing halogen lamps according to temperature. If lamps don’t light or the light is constance not flashing – moisture should be repaired.

  • Page 25: Additional Equipment For Moisture Balances

    16. ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT FOR MOISTURE BALANCES 1. Anti-vibration table 2. Control termometer 3. KAFKA thermal printer 4. Single pan 5. Calibration weights 6. Computer software — Pomiar WIN (WIN) 7. Moisture balances with higher temperature of weighing — to 250 — 25 -…

  • Page 26: Technical Parameters

    17. TECHNICAL PARAMETERS Type MB 200 Maximum capacity Max [g] Readability d [mg] ° C (+ 15 to + 30) ° C Temperature work Tare range -T [g] -200 Pan size [mm] !100 Power 230V, 110VA Output signal RS 232 Calibration weight Maximum sample Minimum sample…

  • Page 27: Dimensions

    17.1. DIMENSIONS — 27 -…


Как давно у вас это устройство?

Электронным органайзером Citizen я пользуюсь
относительно недавно, всего пару месяцев.

Используете ли вы его до сих пор?
Если нет — почему с ним расстались?

Сейчас я им пользуюсь не особо часто — в основном
пользуюсь калькулятором и конвертором валют. Хоть он и
не такой компактный, как хотелось бы (72х106х10 мм
в закрытом состоянии), я довольно часто беру его с собой в
комплекте с обычным бумажным блокнотом.

Как к вам попало это устройство?
По каким критериям было выбрано?
Где и почём куплено?

Citizen я выменял у друга на старые наушники — как
оказалось, это даже высоковатая цена, на большинстве
сайтов-аукционов его предлагают отдать даром. Никаких
критериев отбора не было — просто понравилась штука,
захотелось себе такую.

Что нравится? Сильные стороны, достоинства.

Все функции, ради которых я его и брал: калькулятор,
заметки, конвертор валют, и даже телефонная книга.
Небольшим плюсом можно считать и наличие крышки, которая
полностью закрывает органайзер, дабы не дать пыли и
влаге сделать свое гнусное дело. И еще один небольшой,
но очень значимый плюс — клавиатура подписана не только
русскими, но и английскими буквами.

Что не нравится? Слабые стороны, недостатки.

Размеры. По толщине — почти как мой блокнот (хоть он у
меня и маленький). Дисплей — 2 строки по 12 символов и по
размерам — 46 мм на 12 мм. Слабый функционал к
недостаткам, я думаю, причислять глупо — все-таки модель
древняя, и ни на что большее не рассчитано (там всего-то
2 КБ (!) памяти).

Какие функции вы используете часто?

Чаще всего калькулятор и конвертор валют. Кто-то скажет,
мол, неудобно, лучше на телефоне, но мне так кажется
удобнее. Если не оказывается под рукой блокнота,
встроенная записная книжка — неплохая альтернатива.

Какие функции вы используете изредка?

Вышеперечисленные функции — это уже практически все, что
есть. Присутствует мировое время, но разбираться в нем и
настраивать его не было абсолютно никакого желания.
Хотя, присутствует еще телефонная книга, в которой
у меня всего пару записей.

Приходилось ли устройство ремонтировать?

Да нет, у меня с ним ничего страшного не приключалось.
Падения он переживает спокойно — как о кафель, так и об

Оцените устройство по 10-балльной системе.
Порекомендуете ли вы его другим?

Советовать никому это устройство я не могу — сам я
приобрел его не столько ради функционала, сколько из-за
любви к ретро. Лично я им доволен — баллов 7 точно. Но
если вы не такой любитель старья, как я, то вам Citizen
MB-165RA я не советую — окажется не нужным и только


Detail Specifications:

1455/1455226-mb_series.pdf file (02 Jan 2023)

Accompanying Data:

Citizen MB Series Scales PDF Operating Manual (Updated: Monday 2nd of January 2023 01:06:07 PM)

Rating: 4.8 (rated by 41 users)

Compatible devices: CLASSIC BS15 Series, CX 301, GAUGE, CW series, CTP Series, CY, GBF-1267-F, HMS324.

Recommended Documentation:

Text Version of Operating Manual

(Ocr-Read Summary of Contents, UPD: 02 January 2023)

  • 23, — 23 — 14. PROCEDURE OF CALIBRATION If moisture balance is used as II lass laboratory scale do the calibration before measurement. Calibration defines relations between value if annunciator and mass of standard (calibration weight), which is load of balance and corrections if it’s meccesary. To calibrate scale calibration weight of class F 2 is neccesary. It�…

  • 12, Citizen MB Series — 12 — Factor for correction temperature of drying Absorbing heat happens for dark colour materials. Sample can be overheated. For 120 o C temperature sample absorbs heat and gets temperature about 135 o C. Factor for correction temperature of drying should be defined. To define this factor control termometer with sonde is neccesary (additional equipment of moisture balance). …

  • 17, Citizen MB Series — 17 — 10.7. Definition of time of drying Value of drying time is shown in TIME Function key Application Change of value of current flashing nubmer. Values are changed by pressing key many times in range of 0-9 Choose number which value must be defined. Every pressing key moves cursor in right side. confirm value After pressing key F next paramete…

  • 2, Citizen MB Series — 1 — Contents 1. Application ……………………………………………………………………………………3 2. Structure And Principle Of Operation ……………………………………………….4 3. Key Description……………………………………………………………………………..5 4. Unpacking And Setting Up …

  • 6, — 6 — 4. UNPACKING AND SETTING UP THE MOISTURE ANALYZER Unpack the moisture analyser carefully. The carton contains : 1. Drying chamber casing 2. Weighing pan support 3. Weighing pans 4. Weighing pans, pack of 10 Place the moisture analyser on a stable weighing table. Do not install the balance near warm and cold sources, such as windows, radiators or air c…

  • 19, — 19 — 11.2. Register procedure of drying Moisture balance can work: — independently — cooperate with thermal printer (KAFKA 1/Z) — cooperate with computer If moisture balance works independently result appears on main display. After measure moisture press key switch over state of display from moisture measurement to mass measurement. Display…

  • 25, — 25 — 16. ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT FOR MOISTURE BALANCES 1. Anti-vibration table 2. Control termometer 3. KAFKA thermal printer 4. Single pan 5. Calibration weights 6. Computer software — Pomiar WIN (WIN) 7. Moisture balances with higher temperature of weighing — to 250 o C

  • 14, — 14 — Choose one of ways of work: rnodE 4 4. Percent Moisture determination with respect to initial weight. Weight loss w [%] = ——————— x 100% Initial weight Stop drying when results are the same for 3 consecutive strobe intervals or the maximum time limit has expired.. rnodE 5 5. Percent solids Current weight w [%] = ——-…

Recommended Instructions:

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