Covidien kendall scd 700 series инструкция

Operation and Service Manual

Kendall SCD

700 Sequential Compression System

700 Système de compression séquentielle

— Manuel d’utilisation et d’entretien

700 Sequenzielles Kompressionssystem

— Bedienungs- und Servicehandbuch

Sistema di compressione sequenziale 700

— Manuale d’uso e di manutenzione

Sistema de compresión secuencial 700

— Manual de funcionamiento y mantenimiento

700 Sekventiellt kompressionssystem

— Användar- och servicehandbok

700 sequentieel compressiesysteem

— Bedienings- en onderhoudshandleiding

Sistema de Compressão Sequencial 700

— Manual de Funcionamento e Assistência

700 jaksoittainen kompressiojärjestelmä

— Käyttö- ja huolto-ohjekirja

700 Sekventielt kompressionssystem

— Bruger- og servicevejledning

Σύστημα διαδοχικής συμπίεσης 700

— Εγχειρίδιο λειτουργίας και σέρβις

Sekvenční kompresní systém 700

— Uživatelská a servisní příručka

700 Szekvenciális kompressziós rendszer

— Kezelési és szervizelési kézikönyv

700 Система терапевтическая для

последовательной компрессии

— Руководство по эксплуатации и


System stopniowanego ucisku 700

— Podręcznik obsługi i serwisu

700 Sıralı Kompresyon Sistemi

— Çalıştırma ve Servis El Kitabı

700 Sekvensielt kompresjonssystem

— Bruker- og servicehåndbok

Sekvenčný kompresný systém 700

— Príručka na obsluhu a servis

Sistem de compresie secvenţială 700

— Manual de operare şi întreţinere

Система за последователна компресия 700

— Ръководство за работа и сервиз

Раздел I. Общая инструкция по эксплуатации


• Поместите контроллер на изножье. Для этого возьмитесь за ручку устройства

и верхнюю часть поворотного крюка для кровати и сожмите их, чтобы

расширить зазор. Поместите устройство на изножье кровати так, чтобы

изножье находилось между крюком и кожухом устройства, и отпустите зажим

для кровати. См. рисунок справа. Проверьте надежность его закрепления. При

необходимости устройство можно также поместить на подходящую в данных

условиях горизонтальную поверхность, такую как стол, в разумной близости от

точки применения. Обеспечьте достаточный приток воздуха к вентиляционным

отверстиям, расположенным на покрытии кабеля питания и ниже точек

соединения набора трубок.

• Контроллер может работать с одной или двумя компрессионными шинами,

надетыми на пациента.

• Подключите набор(ы) трубок к задней части контроллера. Проведите трубки к конечностям пациента, обеспечив

беспрепятственный подход к пациенту и исключив опасность спотыкания.

• Подключите трубки к компрессионным шинам, надетым на конечности пациента.

• Подключите левый и правый порты с отметками соответственно «В» и «А» к левой и правой конечностям

пациента. Хотя это и не влияет на работу контроллера, но облегчает поиск и устранение неисправностей.

Проверьте набор(ы) трубок на отсутствие скручивания и закрепите их соединения с контроллером и


• Подключите кабель питания контроллера к правильно заземленной розетке больничного типа. Загорится синий

индикатор питания переменного тока. Если источник переменного тока отсутствует, контроллер может работать

от внутреннего аккумулятора.

• Если желателен мониторинг соответствия, ознакомьтесь с разделом II.


• Нажмите кнопку включения/ожидания, чтобы приступить к нормальной работе. При использовании шин для

ног от пользователя не требуется каких-либо дальнейших действий, если не обнаруживается неисправность или

не нужно прекратить лечение.

• Контроллер подаст звуковой сигнал, все светодиодные индикаторы начнут мигать, и загорится экран дисплея.

Будут проведены краткие внутренние проверки устройства, которые могут сопровождаться шумами.

• Насос начнет работать в ходе процедуры выбора и проверки компрессионных шин.

• Ответственность за проверку на наличие неисправностей светодиодных индикаторов, экрана дисплея и

звуковой сигнализации об ошибке при запуске лежит на пользователе.

Выбор и проверка компрессионных шин

Проводимая после запуска процедура конфигурации компрессионных шин позволяет пользователю выбрать

компрессию стопы на любом из двух портов контроллера.

• На дисплее мигают изображения ноги на порту А и ноги на порту В, указывающие на конфигурацию

компрессионных шин по умолчанию (компрессия ноги).

• Нажатие на кнопку А или В приведет к замене изображения ноги на соответствующем порту на изображение

стопы, означающее компрессию стопы. Кнопки необходимо нажимать отдельно для каждого порта,

подключенного к шине для стопы, чтобы включить соответствующее изображение стопы.

Примечание. При первом включении контроллера компрессия ноги с помощью шины для ноги является

конфигурацией по умолчанию. Поэтому кнопки A и B не требуется нажимать для начала компрессии при

использовании шин для ноги.

Нажимать на кнопки А и В нужно только в том случае, если используется компрессия стопы.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Если компрессионную шину подключают в любой момент после начала процедуры обнаружения

компрессионных шин, необходимо перезапустить систему, чтобы обеспечить правильный тип терапии конечности.

Также после запуска контроллер немедленно начинает проведение выбора компрессионных шин и процедуру

проверки на каждом порте для определения правильности подсоединения компрессионных шин к контроллеру.

Kendall SCD™ серии 700




Table of Contents for Covidien Kendall SCD 700 Series:

  • EN-12 Kendall SCD 700 Series Alarm Code Alarm Type Description Troubleshooting Temperature Alarm Manual reset required If the internal case temperature of the Controller drops below 5°C (41°F) or exceeds 55°C (131°F). High temperature: Make sure the controller is not covered by bedding and that the fan port, located near the power cord is not obstructed. Low Temperature: Allow the system to warm to room temperature E9 E9 Batter

  • EN-6 Kendall SCD 700 Series Garment Compatibility The Kendall SCD 700 Series Compression System is designed for use with Kendall SCD garment Reorder Codes: Kendall SCD Sequential Compression Comfort Sleeves 74010 Thigh Length X-Small 74011 Thigh Length Small 74012 Thigh Length Medium 74013 Thigh Length Large 74021 Knee Length Small 74022 Knee Length Medium 74023 Knee Length Large Express Sleeves 9529 Knee Length Medium 9

  • EN-24 Kendall SCD 700 Series Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration — electromagnetic emissions The SCD 700 Series controller is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of the SCD 700 Series should assure that it is used in such an environment. Immunity test IEC 60601 Test level Compliance Level Electromagnetic environment — guidance Conducted RF IEC 61000-4-6 Radiated RF IEC 61000-4-3 3 Vrms 150 kHz to 80 MHz 3 V/m 80 MH

  • Kendall SCD 700 Series TABLE OF CONTENTS Indications ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… EN-1 Leg Compression …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. EN-1 Foot Compression …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

  • EN-11 Kendall SCD 700 Series Alarm Code Alarm Type Description Troubleshooting Low Pressure (Leg Sleeves) User Resettable Leg Sleeve pressure is not between 35 and 55 mmHg for 12 consecutive cycles. Check garment application for proper fit. Check for patient interference with the garments, like pressing the foot against the foot board. A B E4 Low Pressure (Foot Cuffs) User Resettable Foot Cuff pressure is not between 110 and 150 mmHg for 12 consecutive cycles. Check

  • EN-28 Kendall SCD 700 Series Figure 8 — Rear Enclosure View Muffler Equipotential Lug Location Compressor Assembly Power Supply Battery

  • EN-15 Kendall SCD 700 Series The SCD 700 Series Compression System cannot be effectively sterilized by liquid immersion, autoclaving, or ETO sterilization, as irreparable damage to the System will occur. TUBE SET CLEANERS Chemical component (with approximate concentrations) Commercial Example 0.5% bleach solution Dispatch™* 70% Isopropanol alcohol Generic 7.35% Hydrogen Peroxide, .023% Peracetic Acid Sporgon™* Dodecylbenzene Sulfonate, Coconut Diethanolamide diluted per instructions Manu-klenz™* TUBE SET CLEANING The tube sets can be cleaned

  • EN-23 Kendall SCD 700 Series Warning: Medical electrical equipment needs special precautions regarding EMC and needs to be installed according to the EMC information provided. Careful consideration of this information is essential when stacking or collocating equipment and when routing cables and accessories. Warning: RF mobile communications equipment can effect medical electrical equipment. Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration — electromagnetic emissions The SCD 700 Series Compression System is

  • EN-13 Kendall SCD 700 Series Section IV — Service and Maintenance This service manual is intended for use as a guide to technically qualified personnel when evaluating System malfunctions. It is not to be construed as authorization to perform warranty repairs. Unauthorized service will void the warranty. Introduction The Kendall SCD 700 Series Controller contains no user serviceable parts. User maintenance is covered in the sections that follow. All other maintenance must be performed by technically qualified se

  • EN-1 Kendall SCD 700 Series Indications The Kendall SCD 700 Sequential Compression System (hereby referenced as “Kendall SCD 700 Series”) is designed to apply intermittent pneumatic compression to increase venous blood flow in at-risk patients in order to help prevent deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. The System consists of the controller, the tubing sets (provided with the controller) and single-patient use garments (purchased separately

  • EN-21 Kendall SCD 700 Series Section VII — Parts Listing To order repair parts listed here, call Covidien at (800) 255-8522 — USA; 877-664-TYCO (8926) — Canada; (+44) 1869328065 — International. Contact Customer Service for availability of parts not listed below. Description Order Part Number Front Enclosure Assembly Bed hook Assembly Main CPU printed circuit board Power supply circuit board LCD Display Membrane switch panel Power cord Power cord (UK) Power cord (Europe) Power cord (Japan) Power cor

  • EN-9 Kendall SCD 700 Series Section III — Fault Conditions and Troubleshooting When the microprocessor detects a fault condition, it interrupts the normal operation of the Controller, deactivates all valves to vent the air from the garment(s), displays a fault code, and sounds an audible alarm. If a Garment Mismatch alarm is triggered the user may remedy the problem by pressing the corresponding A and B Button(s). Some alarms will remain active until the Controller

  • EN-10 Kendall SCD 700 Series Alarm Codes Alarm Code Alarm Type Description Troubleshooting Garment Mismatch Error User Resettable The Garment Detection procedure has detected a garment configuration (Leg or Foot flashing green) that does not match the User-selected configuration (Leg or Foot red). Press the port configuration button(s) to turn the foot selection on/off depending on what type of ga

  • EN-20 Kendall SCD 700 Series • Remove the muffler by detaching the compressor intake tubing and pullingthe compressor outlet check valve from its retaining clip. • Remove the three screws holding it in place and remove the muffler. • Remove the three screws from the valve manifold assembly and pull it from the enclosure. • Installation is the reverse of removal. Power Supply Board (Removal / Installation) CAUTION: Use a grounded strap when hand

  • EN-26 Kendall SCD 700 Series 19 20 16 1 17 18 Figure 6 — Parts Assembly Diagram (front enclosure)– Exploded view (Page 2 of 2)

Questions, Opinions and Exploitation Impressions:

You can ask a question, express your opinion or share our experience of Covidien Kendall SCD 700 Series device using right now.

Detail Specifications:

2091/2091394-kendall_scd_700_series.pdf file (04 Apr 2023)

Accompanying Data:

Covidien Kendall SCD 700 Series Air Compressor, Controller PDF Quick Start Manual (Updated: Tuesday 4th of April 2023 02:47:39 AM)

Rating: 4.3 (rated by 51 users)

Compatible devices: ForceTriad, Newport HT70, Nellcor D-YSPD, Puritan Bennett 560, WarmTouch, Valleylab FX8 Series, Nellcor Series, Nellcor FLEXMAX.

Recommended Documentation:

Text Version of Quick Start Manual

(Ocr-Read Summary of Contents, UPD: 04 April 2023)

  • 1, Kendall SCD ™ 700 Series Controller error Key When the microprocessor detects a fault condition, it interrupts the normal operation of the controller, deactivates all valves to vent the air from the garment(s), displays a fault code, and sounds an audible error. Errors can be reset once the user confirms the cause of the error and remedies the problem. If a Garment …

  • 2, Error Code Error Type Description Troubleshooting Garment Mismatch Error User Resettable The garment detection procedure has detected a garment configuration (leg or foot flashing green) that does not match the user- selected configuration (leg or foot red). Press the port configuration button(s) to turn the foot selection on/off depending on what type of gar…

  • 3, Covidien Kendall SCD 700 Series Error Code Error Type Description Troubleshooting Low Pressure (Leg Sleeves) User Resettable Leg Sleeve pressure is not between 35 and 55 mmHg for 12 consecutive cycles. Check for leaks in the sleeve or the tube connections. Low Pressure (Foot Cuffs) User Resettable Foot Cuff pressure is not between 110 and 150 mmHg for 12 consecutive cycles. Check for leaks in the cuff or the tube…

  • 4, COVIDIEN, COVIDIEN with logo, and Covidien logo and are U.S. and internationally registered trademarks of Covidien AG. Other brands are trademarks of a Covidien company. ©2013 Covidien. 13MAN0079 VTH0304 12/13 Error Code Error Type Description Troubleshooting Temperature Error Manual reset required If the internal case temperature of the controller dr…

Recommended Instructions:

ASR150, 5466A, LIFEBOOK UH552, EOB5610

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  • Electronic Speed Controller ROUNDHOUSE ENGINEERING CO. LTD. Units 6-10 Churchill Business Park. Churchill Road. Wheatley. Doncaster. DN1 2TF. England Telephone 01302 328035 Fax 01302 761312 Email [email protected] ONLINE Please read the instructions carefully before use. If there is anything that you do not understand or are unsure of, check with Roundhou …


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Popular Right Now:
Operating Impressions, Questions and Answers:

[Page 1] Covidien Kendall SCD 700 Series

Kendall SCD ™ 700 Sequential Compression System Operation and Service Manual 700 Système de compression séquentielle — Manuel d’utilisation et d’entretien 700 Sequenzielles Kompressionssystem — Bedienungs- und Servicehandbuch Sistema …

[Page 2] Covidien Kendall SCD 700 Series

Kendall SCD 700 Series TABLE OF CONTENTS Indications ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… EN-1 Leg Compression …………………………………………………….

[Page 3] Covidien Kendall SCD 700 Series

Kendall SCD 700 Series TABLE OF CONTENTS Section VI — General Disassembly / Reassembly ……………………………………………………….EN-19 Battery Pack (Removal / Installation — see Figure 6) …………………………………..

[Page 4] Covidien Kendall SCD 700 Series

EN-1 Kendall SCD 700 Series Indications The Kendall SCD 700 Sequential Compression System (hereby referenced as “Kendall SCD 700 Series”) is designed to apply intermittent pneumatic compression to increase venous blood flow in at-risk patients i…

[Page 5] Covidien Kendall SCD 700 Series

EN-2 Kendall SCD 700 Series Cautions 1. Federal (U.S.A.) law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician. 2. Patients with diabetes or vascular disease require frequent skin assessment. 3. Explosion hazard. Not suitable f…

[Page 6] Covidien Kendall SCD 700 Series

EN-3 Kendall SCD 700 Series Front Panel Display 1 2 3 6 7 4 5 Item Explanation Item Explanation 1 Power On Indicator 5 Battery Status Indicators 1-3 2 Power On/Standby Button 6 Right Arrow Button 3 A — Button 7 B — Button 4 AC Power/Battery Charging…

[Page 7] Covidien Kendall SCD 700 Series

EN-4 Kendall SCD 700 Series Start-up • Press the Power On/Standby button to begin normal operation. If using leg sleeves, no further user intervention is required unless there is a fault condition detected or if therapy must be discontinued. �…

[Page 8] Covidien Kendall SCD 700 Series

EN-5 Kendall SCD 700 Series • Once the Garment Detection procedure is completed and any garment mismatch errors are addressed, the A and B button(s) will be disabled and normal operation begins by starting the compression therapy. • If only o…

[Page 9] Covidien Kendall SCD 700 Series

EN-6 Kendall SCD 700 Series Garment Compatibility The Kendall SCD 700 Series Compression System is designed for use with Kendall SCD garment Reorder Codes: Kendall SCD Sequential Compression Comfort Sleeves 74010 Thigh Length X-Small 7…

[Page 10] Covidien Kendall SCD 700 Series

EN-7 Kendall SCD 700 Series Section II — Battery Operation The Kendall SCD 700 Series Compression System is designed to operate normally on AC line power or DC battery power without interruption. There are three Battery Status Indicator LED’s us…

[Page 11] Covidien Kendall SCD 700 Series

EN-8 Kendall SCD 700 Series Unit Powered Off (charging when plugged in) Battery State Battery Status 1 Battery Status 2 Battery Status 3 0 -100% charge Off Off Off With 15-40 minutes of battery charge left, an alarm will sound in a sequence…

[Page 12] Covidien Kendall SCD 700 Series

EN-9 Kendall SCD 700 Series Section III — Fault Conditions and Troubleshooting When the microprocessor detects a fault condition, it interrupts the normal operation of the Controller, deactivates all valves to vent the air from the garment(s), disp…

[Page 13] Covidien Kendall SCD 700 Series

EN-10 Kendall SCD 700 Series Alarm Codes Alarm Code Alarm Type Description Troubleshooting Garment Mismatch Error User Resettable The Garment Detection procedure has detected a garment configuration (Leg or Foot flashing green) that does not mat…

[Page 14] Covidien Kendall SCD 700 Series

EN-11 Kendall SCD 700 Series Alarm Code Alarm Type Description Troubleshooting Low Pressure (Leg Sleeves) User Resettable Leg Sleeve pressure is not between 35 and 55 mmHg for 12 consecutive cycles. Check garment application for proper fit. Check…

[Page 15] Covidien Kendall SCD 700 Series

EN-12 Kendall SCD 700 Series Alarm Code Alarm Type Description Troubleshooting Temperature Alarm Manual reset required If the internal case temperature of the Controller drops below 5°C (41°F) or exceeds 55°C (131°F). High temperature: Mak…

[Page 16] Covidien Kendall SCD 700 Series

EN-13 Kendall SCD 700 Series Section IV — Service and Maintenance This service manual is intended for use as a guide to technically qualified personnel when evaluating System malfunctions. It is not to be construed as authorization to perform warra…

[Page 17] Covidien Kendall SCD 700 Series

EN-14 Kendall SCD 700 Series Fan Filter and Ventilation CAUTION: Unplug the Controller before accessing the fan filter. The fan filter must be kept clean to ensure continued trouble-free operation. The Controller should never be run without the fa…

[Page 18] Covidien Kendall SCD 700 Series

EN-15 Kendall SCD 700 Series The SCD 700 Series Compression System cannot be effectively sterilized by liquid immersion, autoclaving, or ETO sterilization, as irreparable damage to the System will occur. TUBE SET CLEANERS Chemical component (with a…

[Page 19] Covidien Kendall SCD 700 Series

EN-16 Kendall SCD 700 Series • After selecting the desired test mode, the B Button can be pressed to initiate the test. • If test access is entered but no test mode is selected within 2 minutes, it is assumed that the test access mode was ent…

[Page 20] Covidien Kendall SCD 700 Series

EN-17 Kendall SCD 700 Series transducer with the case open, or it can be attached to the Bladder #1 location at Port A with the case closed. The Bladder #1 location is the left-most fitting within Port A (as viewed from the back of the Controller)….

[Page 21] Covidien Kendall SCD 700 Series

EN-18 Kendall SCD 700 Series Test Mode T6 — Performance Test When in this mode, the user can verify the pump and valve performance, pressure delivery, and the airflow through the pneumatic circuit. In manufacturing, this test is conducted with kno…

[Page 22] Covidien Kendall SCD 700 Series

EN-19 Kendall SCD 700 Series Section VI — General Disassembly / Reassembly Warning: Always make sure the power cord is unplugged before attempting to perform any installation or removal procedures. • Follow ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) safety …

[Page 23] Covidien Kendall SCD 700 Series

EN-20 Kendall SCD 700 Series • Remove the muffler by detaching the compressor intake tubing and pullingthe compressor outlet check valve from its retaining clip. • Remove the three screws holding it in place and remove the muffler. • Remove…

[Page 24] Covidien Kendall SCD 700 Series

EN-21 Kendall SCD 700 Series Section VII — Parts Listing To order repair parts listed here, call Covidien at (800) 255-8522 — USA; 877-664-TYCO (8926) — Canada; (+44) 1869328065 — International. Contact Customer Service for availability of parts…

[Page 25] Covidien Kendall SCD 700 Series

EN-22 Kendall SCD 700 Series Section VIII — Specications Kendall SCD 700 Series Compression System Safety Standards Built to UL60601-1, CSA-C22.2 No. 601.1-M90, JIS T 0601-2-204, EN60601-1, and IEC 60601-1-2 Standards UL Classified File # E1891…

[Page 26] Covidien Kendall SCD 700 Series

EN-23 Kendall SCD 700 Series Warning: Medical electrical equipment needs special precautions regarding EMC and needs to be installed according to the EMC information provided. Careful consideration of this information is essential when stacking or …

[Page 27] Covidien Kendall SCD 700 Series

EN-24 Kendall SCD 700 Series Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration — electromagnetic emissions The SCD 700 Series controller is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of the SCD 700 Series s…

[Page 28] Covidien Kendall SCD 700 Series

EN-25 Kendall SCD 700 Series 3 1 4 9 15 12 14 11 13 8 7 62 5 10 Section IX — Schematics Figure 6 — Parts Assembly Diagram – Exploded view (Page 1 of 2) Controller Parts List 1. Front Enclosure assembly 2. Compressor assembly 3. Power…

[Page 29] Covidien Kendall SCD 700 Series

EN-26 Kendall SCD 700 Series 19 20 16 1 17 18 Figure 6 — Parts Assembly Diagram (front enclosure)– Exploded view (Page 2 of 2)

[Page 30] Covidien Kendall SCD 700 Series


[Page 31] Covidien Kendall SCD 700 Series

EN-28 Kendall SCD 700 Series Figure 8 — Rear Enclosure View Muffler Equipotential Lug Location Compressor Assembly Power Supply Battery

[Page 32] Covidien Kendall SCD 700 Series

EN-29 Kendall SCD 700 Series Figure 9 — Front Enclosure View Main CPU Board

[Page 33] Covidien Kendall SCD 700 Series

IFU No. SMF1110-001 COVIDIEN, COVIDIEN with logo, and Covidien logo are U.S. and internationally registered trademarks of Covidien AG. ™*Trademark of its respective owner. Other brands are trademarks of a Covidien company. ©2010 Covidien. Made…

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