Программное обеспечение управления стадом DairyPlan C21
Наибольшая эффективность в управлении стадом обеспечивается при использовании программного обеспечения DairyPlan C21. Данный продукт регулярно обеспечивает Вас важной информацией для принятия ключевых решений.
Наибольшая эффективность в управлении стадом обеспечивается при использовании программного обеспечения DairyPlan C21. Данный продукт регулярно обеспечивает Вас важной информацией для принятия ключевых решений.
Программное обеспечение управления стадом DairyPlan C21
- Обзор
В современных условиях для успешного ведения молочного хозяйства на профессиональном уровне необходимо учитывать все решающие факторы и контролировать их динамику. Для планирования деятельности, ведения и мониторинга молочного производства, воспроизводства поголовья, кормления и здоровья коров необходимо располагать подробной информацией, полученной из надежных источников. Полученные данные анализируются и далее оптимальным образом интегрируются в существующую систему управления стадом. Такой подход позволяет принимать правильные решения и своевременно их выполнять.
Большая эффективность за счет экономии времени: Многие задачи, связанные с управлением стадом, можно автоматизировать
Программное обеспечение для управления стадом DairyPlan C21 — это комплексное решение с модульной архитектурой, благодаря которой оно легко адаптируется под молочную ферму любого размера и Ваши индивидуальные потребности. Очевидные преимущества:
- Централизация управления стадом с полным комплектом данных по животным и их производственных показателей
- Функции по управлению доением, воспроизводством, кормлением и здоровьем животных
- Широкие возможности по проведению индивидуальной оценки и представление результатов анализа данных в виде графиков и таблиц
- Органичная интеграция индивидуально настроенных систем для расчета молочной продуктивности
- Также выпускается в версиях G21 и S21 для управления поголовьем коз и овец
Наиболее важные элементы системного решения по эффективному управлению стадом включают в себя изготавливаемую по индивидуальным требованиями систему управления доением, систему точного распознавания животных, систему автоматической раздачи кормов, системы сортировки животных AutoSelect и FeedSelect и систему автоматического определения половой охоты.
Ключевым элементом системы является программное обеспечение для управления стадом DairyPlan C21. Это удобная в эксплуатации и понятная программа для любого поголовья. Вы моментально получаете комплексную картину молочной продуктивности и поведения каждой коровы. Программное обеспечение предоставляет Вам подробные данные о надоях, плодовитости, здоровье и питании всего стада.
Наличие четких показателей по каждому отдельному животному, группе животных и стаду в целом составляют основу повседневной деятельности хозяйства. Таким образом, наблюдение за здоровьем животных всегда остается первоочередной задачей. Независимо от уровня эффективности хозяйства широкий спектр функций мониторинга и тревожных оповещений DairyPlan C21 позволяет определить способы улучшить показатели производства, а также обеспечить индивидуальный уход за каждым животным.
DPVet — неотъемлемый элемент программы управления стадом DairyPlan C21
Важное условие успешной работы молочной фермы — возможность выявления заболеваний на ранней стадии. Идет ли речь об анализе отклонений от нормы у животного, назначении или проведении необходимого лечения, программа DPVet обеспечивает постоянный контроль за состоянием животного и одновременно ведет журнал учета лекарственных препаратов. Автоматизация процесса мониторинга здоровья и лечения заболеваний у коров позволяет фермеру эффективно использовать свои возможности и направлять больше усилий на другие рабочие процессы и управление стадом.
Очевидные преимущества:
- Точное и своевременное определение необходимости проведения лечения больных животных
- Назначение, проведение и проверка хода лечения каждого отдельного животного
Управляемое с компьютера автоматизированное управление стадом при помощи системы распознавания DPSingle
Электронное распознавание животных — необходимое условие для автоматической регистрации и обработки данных по всем животным и, соответственно, успешного управления стадом, осуществляемого при помощи программы DairyPlan C21.
При помощи виртуальной картотеки DPSingle позволяет автоматически распознавать в том числе и животных с низкой нормой надоев и явными признаками мастита. DPSingle обеспечивает регулярное получение основных данных по всем животным, а также важной информации о ходе лактации в стандартном представлении и даже в виде графиков.
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Наибольшая эффективность в управлении стадом обеспечивается при использовании программного обеспечения DairyPlan C21. Данный продукт регулярно обеспечивает Вас важной информацией для принятия ключевых решений.
В современных условиях для успешного ведения молочного хозяйства на профессиональном уровне необходимо учитывать все решающие факторы и контролировать их динамику. Для планирования деятельности, ведения и мониторинга молочного производства, воспроизводства поголовья, кормления и здоровья коров необходимо располагать подробной информацией, полученной из надежных источников. Полученные данные анализируются и далее оптимальным образом интегрируются в существующую систему управления стадом. Такой подход позволяет принимать правильные решения и своевременно их выполнять.
Большая эффективность за счет экономии времени: Многие задачи, связанные с управлением стадом, можно автоматизировать
Программное обеспечение для управления стадом DairyPlan C21 — это комплексное решение с модульной архитектурой, благодаря которой оно легко адаптируется под молочную ферму любого размера и Ваши индивидуальные потребности. Очевидные преимущества:
План/фактный анализ и графические индикаторы в MS Project 2013
- Централизация управления стадом с полным комплектом данных по животным и их производственных показателей
- Функции по управлению доением, воспроизводством, кормлением и здоровьем животных
- Широкие возможности по проведению индивидуальной оценки и представление результатов анализа данных в виде графиков и таблиц
- Органичная интеграция индивидуально настроенных систем для расчета молочной продуктивности
- Также выпускается в версиях G21 и S21 для управления поголовьем коз и овец
Наиболее важные элементы системного решения по эффективному управлению стадом включают в себя изготавливаемую по индивидуальным требованиями систему управления доением, систему точного распознавания животных, систему автоматической раздачи кормов, системы сортировки животных AutoSelect и FeedSelect и систему автоматического определения половой охоты.
Ключевым элементом системы является программное обеспечение для управления стадом DairyPlan C21. Это удобная в эксплуатации и понятная программа для любого поголовья. Вы моментально получаете комплексную картину молочной продуктивности и поведения каждой коровы. Программное обеспечение предоставляет Вам подробные данные о надоях, плодовитости, здоровье и питании всего стада.
Наличие четких показателей по каждому отдельному животному, группе животных и стаду в целом составляют основу повседневной деятельности хозяйства. Таким образом, наблюдение за здоровьем животных всегда остается первоочередной задачей. Независимо от уровня эффективности хозяйства широкий спектр функций мониторинга и тревожных оповещений DairyPlan C21 позволяет определить способы улучшить показатели производства, а также обеспечить индивидуальный уход за каждым животным.
Автоматический календарь-планировщик смен в Excel
DPVet — неотъемлемый элемент программы управления стадом DairyPlan C21
Важное условие успешной работы молочной фермы — возможность выявления заболеваний на ранней стадии. Идет ли речь об анализе отклонений от нормы у животного, назначении или проведении необходимого лечения, программа DPVet обеспечивает постоянный контроль за состоянием животного и одновременно ведет журнал учета лекарственных препаратов. Автоматизация процесса мониторинга здоровья и лечения заболеваний у коров позволяет фермеру эффективно использовать свои возможности и направлять больше усилий на другие рабочие процессы и управление стадом.
- Точное и своевременное определение необходимости проведения лечения больных животных
- Назначение, проведение и проверка хода лечения каждого отдельного животного
Управляемое с компьютера автоматизированное управление стадом при помощи системы распознавания DPSingle
Электронное распознавание животных — необходимое условие для автоматической регистрации и обработки данных по всем животным и, соответственно, успешного управления стадом, осуществляемого при помощи программы DairyPlan C21.
При помощи виртуальной картотеки DPSingle позволяет автоматически распознавать в том числе и животных с низкой нормой надоев и явными признаками мастита. DPSingle обеспечивает регулярное получение основных данных по всем животным, а также важной информации о ходе лактации в стандартном представлении и даже в виде графиков.
Источник: www.modernfarms.ru
GEA Программное обеспечение управления стадом
Наибольшая эффективность в управлении стадом обеспечивается при использовании программного обеспечения DairyPlan C21. Данный продукт регулярно обеспечивает Вас важной информацией для принятия ключевых решений.
В современных условиях для успешного ведения молочного хозяйства на профессиональном уровне необходимо учитывать все решающие факторы и контролировать их динамику. Для планирования деятельности, ведения и мониторинга молочного производства, воспроизводства поголовья, кормления и здоровья коров необходимо располагать подробной информацией, полученной из надежных источников. Полученные данные анализируются и далее оптимальным образом интегрируются в существующую систему управления стадом. Такой подход позволяет принимать правильные решения и своевременно их выполнять.
Большая эффективность за счет экономии времени: Многие задачи, связанные с управлением стадом, можно автоматизировать
Программное обеспечение для управления стадом DairyPlan C21 – это комплексное решение с модульной архитектурой, благодаря которой оно легко адаптируется под молочную ферму любого размера и Ваши индивидуальные потребности. Очевидные преимущества:
- Централизация управления стадом с полным комплектом данных по животным и их производственных показателей
- Функции по управлению доением, воспроизводством, кормлением и здоровьем животных
- Широкие возможности по проведению индивидуальной оценки и представление результатов анализа данных в виде графиков и таблиц
- Органичная интеграция индивидуально настроенных систем для расчета молочной продуктивности
- Также выпускается в версиях G21 и S21 для управления поголовьем коз и овец
Наиболее важные элементы системного решения по эффективному управлению стадом включают в себя изготавливаемую по индивидуальным требованиями систему управления доением, систему точного распознавания животных, систему автоматической раздачи кормов, системы сортировки животных AutoSelect и FeedSelect и систему автоматического определения половой охоты.
Ключевым элементом системы является программное обеспечение для управления стадом DairyPlan C21. Это удобная в эксплуатации и понятная программа для любого поголовья. Вы моментально получаете комплексную картину молочной продуктивности и поведения каждой коровы. Программное обеспечение предоставляет Вам подробные данные о надоях, плодовитости, здоровье и питании всего стада.
Наличие четких показателей по каждому отдельному животному, группе животных и стаду в целом составляют основу повседневной деятельности хозяйства. Таким образом, наблюдение за здоровьем животных всегда остается первоочередной задачей. Независимо от уровня эффективности хозяйства широкий спектр функций мониторинга и тревожных оповещений DairyPlan C21 позволяет определить способы улучшить показатели производства, а также обеспечить индивидуальный уход за каждым животным.
DPVet – неотъемлемый элемент программы управления стадом DairyPlan C21
Важное условие успешной работы молочной фермы – возможность выявления заболеваний на ранней стадии. Идет ли речь об анализе отклонений от нормы у животного, назначении или проведении необходимого лечения, программа DPVet обеспечивает постоянный контроль за состоянием животного и одновременно ведет журнал учета лекарственных препаратов. Автоматизация процесса мониторинга здоровья и лечения заболеваний у коров позволяет фермеру эффективно использовать свои возможности и направлять больше усилий на другие рабочие процессы и управление стадом.
- Точное и своевременное определение необходимости проведения лечения больных животных
- Назначение, проведение и проверка хода лечения каждого отдельного животного
Управляемое с компьютера автоматизированное управление стадом при помощи системы распознавания DPSingle
Электронное распознавание животных – необходимое условие для автоматической регистрации и обработки данных по всем животным и, соответственно, успешного управления стадом, осуществляемого при помощи программы DairyPlan C21.
При помощи виртуальной картотеки DPSingle позволяет автоматически распознавать в том числе и животных с низкой нормой надоев и явными признаками мастита. DPSingle обеспечивает регулярное получение основных данных по всем животным, а также важной информации о ходе лактации в стандартном представлении и даже в виде графиков.
Источник: ag-res.ru
Программное обеспечение управления стадом DairyPlan C21
Наибольшая эффективность в управлении стадом обеспечивается при использовании программного обеспечения DairyPlan C21. Данный продукт регулярно обеспечивает Вас важной информацией для принятия ключевых решений.
Наибольшая эффективность в управлении стадом обеспечивается при использовании программного обеспечения DairyPlan C21. Данный продукт регулярно обеспечивает Вас важной информацией для принятия ключевых решений.
Программное обеспечение управления стадом DairyPlan C21
В современных условиях для успешного ведения молочного хозяйства на профессиональном уровне необходимо учитывать все решающие факторы и контролировать их динамику. Для планирования деятельности, ведения и мониторинга молочного производства, воспроизводства поголовья, кормления и здоровья коров необходимо располагать подробной информацией, полученной из надежных источников. Полученные данные анализируются и далее оптимальным образом интегрируются в существующую систему управления стадом. Такой подход позволяет принимать правильные решения и своевременно их выполнять.
Большая эффективность за счет экономии времени: Многие задачи, связанные с управлением стадом, можно автоматизировать
Программное обеспечение для управления стадом DairyPlan C21 — это комплексное решение с модульной архитектурой, благодаря которой оно легко адаптируется под молочную ферму любого размера и Ваши индивидуальные потребности. Очевидные преимущества:
- Централизация управления стадом с полным комплектом данных по животным и их производственных показателей
- Функции по управлению доением, воспроизводством, кормлением и здоровьем животных
- Широкие возможности по проведению индивидуальной оценки и представление результатов анализа данных в виде графиков и таблиц
- Органичная интеграция индивидуально настроенных систем для расчета молочной продуктивности
- Также выпускается в версиях G21 и S21 для управления поголовьем коз и овец
Наиболее важные элементы системного решения по эффективному управлению стадом включают в себя изготавливаемую по индивидуальным требованиями систему управления доением, систему точного распознавания животных, систему автоматической раздачи кормов, системы сортировки животных AutoSelect и FeedSelect и систему автоматического определения половой охоты.
Ключевым элементом системы является программное обеспечение для управления стадом DairyPlan C21. Это удобная в эксплуатации и понятная программа для любого поголовья. Вы моментально получаете комплексную картину молочной продуктивности и поведения каждой коровы. Программное обеспечение предоставляет Вам подробные данные о надоях, плодовитости, здоровье и питании всего стада.
Наличие четких показателей по каждому отдельному животному, группе животных и стаду в целом составляют основу повседневной деятельности хозяйства. Таким образом, наблюдение за здоровьем животных всегда остается первоочередной задачей. Независимо от уровня эффективности хозяйства широкий спектр функций мониторинга и тревожных оповещений DairyPlan C21 позволяет определить способы улучшить показатели производства, а также обеспечить индивидуальный уход за каждым животным.
DPVet — неотъемлемый элемент программы управления стадом DairyPlan C21
Важное условие успешной работы молочной фермы — возможность выявления заболеваний на ранней стадии. Идет ли речь об анализе отклонений от нормы у животного, назначении или проведении необходимого лечения, программа DPVet обеспечивает постоянный контроль за состоянием животного и одновременно ведет журнал учета лекарственных препаратов. Автоматизация процесса мониторинга здоровья и лечения заболеваний у коров позволяет фермеру эффективно использовать свои возможности и направлять больше усилий на другие рабочие процессы и управление стадом.
- Точное и своевременное определение необходимости проведения лечения больных животных
- Назначение, проведение и проверка хода лечения каждого отдельного животного
Управляемое с компьютера автоматизированное управление стадом при помощи системы распознавания DPSingle
Электронное распознавание животных — необходимое условие для автоматической регистрации и обработки данных по всем животным и, соответственно, успешного управления стадом, осуществляемого при помощи программы DairyPlan C21.
При помощи виртуальной картотеки DPSingle позволяет автоматически распознавать в том числе и животных с низкой нормой надоев и явными признаками мастита. DPSingle обеспечивает регулярное получение основных данных по всем животным, а также важной информации о ходе лактации в стандартном представлении и даже в виде графиков.
Обращаем Ваше внимание, что Вы находитесь на глобальном сайте. Информацию о наличии товара можно получить у регионального дилера.
Источник: www.gea.com
ПО для менеджмента стада DairyPlan C21
Программа управления стадом Юниформ-Агри — это удобный и полезный инструмент для любого молочного фермера. Юниформ-Агри используют фермеры со всего мира. В независимости от размера стада или языка, на котором вы говорите, мы готовы предложить вам наилучшее решение для вашего хозяйства.
Задача Юниформ-Агри – облегчить работу фермеров и избавить их от административной работы. Вам нужно будет внести данные в программу только один раз, а дальше они будут обрабатываться автоматически во всех анализах и отчётах, а также отображаться в карточках коров. Внесение данных упростилось до введения всех ежедневных событий в одном окне (меню) и не имеет значения, вводите ли вы данные по воспроизводству, здоровью, изменению группы, продаже и т. д.
Программа содержит встроенную проверку данных, которая поможет обеспечить принятие решений, приносящих прибыль. Фермеры могут быть спокойны, зная, что данные в программе являются точными. Актуальность данных имеет большое значение для анализа качества.
+7 (911) 153-34-56
360 000 руб / шт
Отдельный модуль программы M-complex для гибкой и прозрачной настройки рационов, групп кормления, процессов смешивания и раздачи кормов. Программа фиксирует все движения ингредиентов и заранее предупреждает о приближении к порогу дефицита. Контроль исполнения плана ведется по фактическому весу и по сухому веществу, по головам и по группам.
Работает в режиме Online (требуется подключение к Интернет). При помощи этого модуля вы сможете:
1. Изменять цену или СВ ингредиента;
2. Автоматически пересчитывать рационы, группы кормления;
3. Обновлять план кормления и аналитические отчеты по ферме одной кнопкой;
4. Отслеживать точность разгрузки и загрузки в разрезе ингредиентов, групп кормления и операторов;
5. Выявлять отклонения от заданного веса, время начала и окончания смешивания;
6. Анализировать остатки с кормовых столов, осуществлять их отгрузку в хранилище и использование в рационах;
7. Рассчитывать стоимость кормления на голову, конверсию корма и фактические затраты на кормл.
Источник: agroserver.ru
DairyPlan C21 — програмное обеспечение для успешного управления стадом молочного хозяйства на профессиональном уровне. Это комплексное решение, легко интегрируемое в молочную ферму любого размера и адаптируемое под ваши потребности.
Основные преимущества DairyPlan C21:
1. Централизация управления стадом .
2. Надёжное хранения данных о животных и их производственных показателях.
3. Функции по управлению доением, воспроизводством, кормлением и здоровьем животных.
4. Расширенные возможности по анализированию и статистической обработке данных.
5. Ограниченная интеграция индивидуально настроенных систем для расчета молочной продуктивности.
6. Наличие адаптированных систем для управления стадом коз и овец — G21 и S21.
7. Удобное и простое управление.
Основой системы служит программное обеспечение DairyPlan C21. Это удобная и простая в использовании программа, рассчитанная на любое поголовье. При работе с DairyPlan C21 Вы быстро и наглядно получаете подробную информацию о надоях, плодовитости, здоровье и питании всего стада.
Широкий спектр функций мониторинга позволяет следить за состоянием каждого отдельного животного, групп животных или стада в целом. А система тревожных оповещений позволяет определить способы улучшения производства и обеспечить индивидуальный контроль за каждым животным.
Неотъемлемой частью программного обеспечения DairyPlan C21 является DPVet. DPVet не только контролирует состояние каждого животного, но и ведёт учёт дачи лекарственных препаратов.
1. Точное и своевременное определение необходимости проведения ветеринарных мероприятий.
2. Назначение, проведение и проверка хода лечения каждого животного.
Также, в состав DairyPlan C21 входит автоматизированное управление стадом при помощи системы распознавания DPSingle. Виртуальная картотека DPSingle позволяет автоматически обрабатывать данные по всем животным. Кроме того, DPSingle распознаёт животных с низкой нормой надоев и признаками мастита, обеспечивает регулярное получение основных данных по всем животным, а также важной информацией о ходе лактации. Хотели бы получить профессиональную консультацию?
Напишите нам
Наибольшая эффективность в управлении стадом обеспечивается при использовании программного обеспечения DairyPlan C21. Данный продукт регулярно обеспечивает Вас важной информацией для принятия ключевых решений.
В современных условиях для успешного ведения молочного хозяйства на профессиональном уровне необходимо учитывать все решающие факторы и контролировать их динамику. Для планирования деятельности, ведения и мониторинга молочного производства, воспроизводства поголовья, кормления и здоровья коров необходимо располагать подробной информацией, полученной из надежных источников. Полученные данные анализируются и далее оптимальным образом интегрируются в существующую систему управления стадом. Такой подход позволяет принимать правильные решения и своевременно их выполнять.
Большая эффективность за счет экономии времени: Многие задачи, связанные с управлением стадом, можно автоматизировать
Программное обеспечение для управления стадом DairyPlan C21 – это комплексное решение с модульной архитектурой, благодаря которой оно легко адаптируется под молочную ферму любого размера и Ваши индивидуальные потребности. Очевидные преимущества:
- Централизация управления стадом с полным комплектом данных по животным и их производственных показателей
- Функции по управлению доением, воспроизводством, кормлением и здоровьем животных
- Широкие возможности по проведению индивидуальной оценки и представление результатов анализа данных в виде графиков и таблиц
- Органичная интеграция индивидуально настроенных систем для расчета молочной продуктивности
- Также выпускается в версиях G21 и S21 для управления поголовьем коз и овец
Наиболее важные элементы системного решения по эффективному управлению стадом включают в себя изготавливаемую по индивидуальным требованиями систему управления доением, систему точного распознавания животных, систему автоматической раздачи кормов, системы сортировки животных AutoSelect и FeedSelect и систему автоматического определения половой охоты.
Ключевым элементом системы является программное обеспечение для управления стадом DairyPlan C21. Это удобная в эксплуатации и понятная программа для любого поголовья. Вы моментально получаете комплексную картину молочной продуктивности и поведения каждой коровы. Программное обеспечение предоставляет Вам подробные данные о надоях, плодовитости, здоровье и питании всего стада.
Наличие четких показателей по каждому отдельному животному, группе животных и стаду в целом составляют основу повседневной деятельности хозяйства. Таким образом, наблюдение за здоровьем животных всегда остается первоочередной задачей. Независимо от уровня эффективности хозяйства широкий спектр функций мониторинга и тревожных оповещений DairyPlan C21 позволяет определить способы улучшить показатели производства, а также обеспечить индивидуальный уход за каждым животным.
DPVet – неотъемлемый элемент программы управления стадом DairyPlan C21
Важное условие успешной работы молочной фермы – возможность выявления заболеваний на ранней стадии. Идет ли речь об анализе отклонений от нормы у животного, назначении или проведении необходимого лечения, программа DPVet обеспечивает постоянный контроль за состоянием животного и одновременно ведет журнал учета лекарственных препаратов. Автоматизация процесса мониторинга здоровья и лечения заболеваний у коров позволяет фермеру эффективно использовать свои возможности и направлять больше усилий на другие рабочие процессы и управление стадом.
Очевидные преимущества:
- Точное и своевременное определение необходимости проведения лечения больных животных
- Назначение, проведение и проверка хода лечения каждого отдельного животного
Управляемое с компьютера автоматизированное управление стадом при помощи системы распознавания DPSingle
Электронное распознавание животных – необходимое условие для автоматической регистрации и обработки данных по всем животным и, соответственно, успешного управления стадом, осуществляемого при помощи программы DairyPlan C21.
При помощи виртуальной картотеки DPSingle позволяет автоматически распознавать в том числе и животных с низкой нормой надоев и явными признаками мастита. DPSingle обеспечивает регулярное получение основных данных по всем животным, а также важной информации о ходе лактации в стандартном представлении и даже в виде графиков.
GEA Farm Technologies DairyManagementSystem 21 ”DairyPlan C21” (Version 5.2) Installation and commissioning Instruction Manual / Installation Instructions / Parts List 7160-9001-531 01-2011 GEA Farm Technologies - The right choice. Contents 1 Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.1 1.2 1.3 Information on the instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacturer's address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Customer service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6 6 2 Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Backing up data with DPBackup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Owner's obligation of care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Explanation of the safety symbols used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Basic safety instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Personnel qualification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 8 9 9 9 3 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 DairyPlan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DPNet PCI/USB Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DMS 21 GateWay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Multi-Port Connection Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Default Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 11 12 13 16 4 Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 4.1 4.2 4.3 Checking what has been delivered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Storage conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Information on disposing of packing material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 5 Installation guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 5.1 5.2 Special personnel qualification required for installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Safety instructions for installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 6 System requirements (recommendations) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 7 Installation of the interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.3.1 7.3.2 7.3.3 7.3.4 7.3.5 Installation of DPNet PCI interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Installation of the network connection to the DMS 21 GateWay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Installing the multi-port connection set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Connecting the Multi-Port connection set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Connecting the Uno-Port connection set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Installation of the driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Checking data connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Setting up the multi-port card in DairyPlan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 26 28 29 31 32 38 38 8 Installing DairyPlan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 System levels and different types of installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DairyPlan network installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DairyPlan licensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Uninstalling DairyPlan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7160-9001-531 01-2011 41 52 55 58 9 Start-up DairyPlan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 9.1 9.2 9.2.1 9.2.2 9.2.3 9.2.4 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 Special personnel qualification required for initial commissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Settings in DPSetup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Setting up the Multi Port Card with DPSetup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Setting up the DMS 21 GateWay with DPSetup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Changing the connection of VC3 units from MultiPort card to DMS 21 GateWay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Changing the connection of DPNetA devices from DPNet PCI/USB card to DMS 21 GateWay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feed Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Checking the feeder system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Milking Parlour and Milking Place Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Checking the milking parlour units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Minimum entry of animal records (for functional test) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Automatic functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 60 60 61 67 69 71 78 80 83 85 86 10 DPService . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 10.1 10.1.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 User interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Creating a new farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Creating components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Setting up components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adding to farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 97 99 100 101 102 11 DPNet Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.3.1 11.3.2 11.3.3 11.3.4 11.4 DPNetInstall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DPNet network installation / Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Installation procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assigning addresses to DPNet devices (network installation) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Downloading equipment software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Group download . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scan the network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Equipment information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Installation of DPCalfFeeder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 13 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 14 DairyPlan programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 General remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DPBackup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DPDataTest ‐ Test Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DPDataConfig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DPPort ‐ Help Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DPAlarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DPProcessControl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7160-9001-531 01-2011 103 107 111 111 113 117 120 121 125 126 130 132 133 135 138 3 15 Operating faults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 15.7 15.8 15.9 Special personnel qualification required for troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Safety instructions for troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Computer System - Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Computer system - DairyPlan software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feeding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DairyPlan Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Multi-Port Connection Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DPNet PCI/USB Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 139 140 141 142 143 144 154 155 16 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 16.1 16.2 Special personnel qualification required for maintenance work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 Safety instructions for maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 17 Deinstallation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 18 Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 Milking control unit settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DairyPlan information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Specialist terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ”DairyPlan System Description” form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 159 169 173 174 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Preface Information on the instructions 1 Preface 1.1 Information on the instructions These instructions are supplied with the product. D They are designed modular and are only in relation to the mentioned product. For details of the components which are relevant to the product, please refer to the appropriate manuals. This applies especially for safety information! D They should be kept close at hand and remain with the equipment even if the equipment is sold. D This manual is not subject to an amendment service. The most recent version at any time can be obtained through the technical dealer or directly from the manufacturer. The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes due to technical developments in the data and images given in this manual. Reproductions, translations and copies of any kind, even of extracts, require written authorization from the manufacturer. Abbreviations, units, specialist terms, special names or specialist terminology are explained in more detail in the ”Appendix”. Pictograms used This pictogram indicates information that will help towards a better understanding of the working processes. A correction bar in the margin indicates changes to the previous edition. This pictogram refers to another document or chapter. If a manual number is given, the middle 4 figures indicate the language, as follows: Language Language Language -9000-9001- German English (Great Britain) -9013- Dutch -9015- English (America) -9032-9034- Serbian Slovakian -9002-9003-9004-9005-9007-9008- French (France) Italian Romanian Spanish Swedish Norwegian -9016-9021-9022-9023-9024-9025- -9036-9038-9039-9040-9041-9043- Lithuanian Portuguese (Brazil) French (Canada) Latvian Estonian Spanish (North America) Polish Danish Hungarian Czech Finnish Croatian -9009- Russian -9027- Bulgarian -9010- Greek -9029- Slovene Possibly not all above-mentioned languages are available. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 5 Preface Customer service 1.2 Manufacturer's address GEA Farm Technologies GmbH Siemensstraße 25-27 D-59199 Bönen +49 (0) 2383 / 93-70 +49 (0) 2383 / 93-80 [email protected] www.gea-farmtechnologies.com 1.3 Customer service Authorised Technical Dealer If necessary, please contact your nearest authorised technical dealer. There is a comprehensive dealer Internet search function on our website at the following address: D www.gea-farmtechnologies.com European Contact Information: GEA Farm Technologies GmbH Siemensstraße 25-27 D-59199 Bönen +49 (0) 2383 / 93-70 +49 (0) 2383 / 93-80 [email protected] www.gea-farmtechnologies.com US Contact Information: GEA Farm Technologies, Inc. 1880 Country Farm Dr. Naperville, IL 60563 +1 630 369 - 8100 +1 630 369 - 9875 [email protected] www.gea-farmtechnologies.com 6 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Safety Backing up data with DPBackup 2 Safety 2.1 Backing up data with DPBackup Attention! Loss of the whole data base. Data records on the computer hard disk or on the back-up media can get damaged and become unreadable. So save the data on different data carriers. It is best to backup the data every day! Data is to be saved after and before amendments are carried out. In general, backups should be made at regular intervals and stored in a safe place. For more information on this subject see section on DairyPlan programs; DPBackup 7160-9001-531 01-2011 7 Safety Owner's obligation of care 2.2 Owner's obligation of care Notes for the owner Working with DairyPlan requires a basic knowledge of computers with the WINDOWS operating system. To fully understand and make full use of the benefits offered by the DairyPlan system, the user must be familiar with the process of milk production. Such knowledge cannot be provided by these instructions. The owner is responsible for ensuring that all safety instructions are followed and that this software is used in accordance with the intended purpose. He must make sure that every user knows how to use the software/computer and can operate them safely. Only use computers which are in perfect working condition. Make sure that only ”authorized personnel” have access to the computer. In particular, the owner must ensure that D Anyone who is involved in the operation, maintenance, inspection or handling of this product in any other way reads and understands this manual (especially the safety information and warnings). D A full set of legible instructions is always kept by the product. D Anyone who has to carry out work on the product can look at the instructions at any time. D The instructions in the section entitled ”Basic safety instructions” are observed. D The legal requirements are observed. D The work to be carried out is performed by a sufficiently qualified person! Attention! Particular qualifications are described in the corresponding chapters! Work which may only be performed by authorized personnel: - 8 Installation Commissioning Troubleshooting Deinstallation D These personnel are regularly instructed in all relevant matters of safety at work and protection of the environment and be familiar with the manual, particularly the safety instructions it contains. D Operating personnel who require training only work on the product under the supervision of an experienced person. The successful completion of training is to be confirmed in writing. D Operating instructions are produced for the farm. These must be especially adapted to the conditions of the business, once again, expressly taking account of safety aspects. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Safety Personnel qualification 2.3 Explanation of the safety symbols used Safety symbols draw attention to the importance of the adjacent text. Safety symbols and signaling word DANGER! The word ”Danger” together with a symbol signals a danger to people's and/ or animals` lives and health. Attention! The word ”Attention” together with a symbol signals a danger for product, material or the environment. 2.4 Basic safety instructions DANGER! There are warnings about specific residual dangers in the corresponding chapters. Attention! If the work requires special qualifications, these are described in the corresponding chapters! 2.5 D When working with products from other manufacturers always observe the warnings from the safety data sheets and operating instructions from the product manufacturer! D Disconnect electrical installations or equipment before working on them. Lock any main or emergency stop switches to prevent them from being switched on again and put up a warning sign. D Note that electronic components can be destroyed by electrostatic processes. D Work should only be carried out on the installation when it is disconnected from the power supply. D ”Unnecessary software and hardware (games, Internet, ...) puts an extra load on the computer. In the worst case this may cause the computer to crash resulting in data loss. Personnel qualification Anyone who performs work or activities relating to the Magnum 90 Autorotor must carefully read the manual and sign to confirm that they have understood it and will be act accordingly! D 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Participation in corresponding product training is necessary. 9 Description DairyPlan 3 Description For further information on the subject, see the manual 7160-90 . . -530 3.1 DairyPlan DairyPlan is a herd management program for the comprehensive management, analysis and monitoring of a herd from the point of view of: D Income from milk D Feeding D Assessing D Insemination / Pregnancy For further information on the subject, see the manual 7160-90 . . -530 DairyPlan can be operated with one or more PCs (network).. Structure of the program DairyPlan has a modular structure. This means that the program can be expanded according to the farmer's requirements. If, for example, a milking installation is expanded with a milk metering system, the P-M option must then be added to DairyPlan. Note! Each additional option requires a new software key. The costs of the new options are calculated by the Technical Centre or the dealer if they have not been obtained before. Network structure In a network several computers are connected together. This means that all users can work with one data source (databank). In the centre there is the main computer (also called a server or master computer) on which DairyPlan is installed with the databank. All of the other computers (also called slave computers, clients or work stations) use DairyPlan without it being installed on their own hard disks. The size of the network depends upon the network software and the network hardware used. There are networks on which between 2 and over 255 users or computers can be connected. For more information on this subject see section on ”DairyPlan Network Installation” 10 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Description DPNet PCI/USB Interface 3.2 DPNet PCI/USB Interface The DPNet interface is used in DPNet network technology based systems. It is intended only for creating a data connection between the ”DairyPlan” program and the connected devices. Note! The DPNet interface is not designed for use in any types of application other than the ones listed here! This would be considered as use not in accordance with the intended purpose! Technical data DPNet interface XLON PCI Operating systems: Win 2000 / XP / Vista Connection: PCI Dimensions: 4,7cm x 13.2cm (HxL) CE: ‐ Interference immunity EN61000-6-1 ‐ Emitted interference EN61000-6-3 / EN55022 Includes D DPNet interface Part No. 7300-9047-110 Description DPNet interface XLON PCI Note! Alternatively there is a USB port for use with a portable computer. D Driver software on diskette Note! The driver for the DPNet interface can also be found on the ”DairyPlan” CD (to be ordered separately). Or download from: www.gea-farmtechnologies.com Bearings Storage temperature: 7160-9001-531 01-2011 -45 _C .... +60 _C 11 Description DMS 21 GateWay 3.3 DMS 21 GateWay The DMS 21 GateWay is used in milking parlours that work with DPNetB network technology. D It has 4 DPNetB/ 3 VC3/ 1 Ethernet and one DPNet-A channel. D It is intended only for creating a network in a GEA Farm Technologies GmbH milking parlour. The devices are connected to the computer via the Ethernet channel. No driver software is needed for the DMS 21 GateWay. For further information on the subject, see the manual 7300-90..-008 DMS 21 GateWay 12 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Description Multi-Port Connection Set 3.4 Multi-Port Connection Set The Multi-Port connection set is intended only for creating a data connection between the ”DairyPlan” program and connected GEA Farm Technologies GmbH devices with VC4/3 communication technology (e.g. feed stations). Each Multi-Port connection set has 4 DairyPlan channels (current loop) to each of which up to 16 peripherals can be connected. Systems that only need one DairyPlan channel (current loop) to connect one type of GEA Farm Technologies GmbH peripheral can use the ”Uno-Port connection set”. This is connected to an existing ”COM interface” (see ”Connecting the Uno-Port connection set”). Note! The Multi-Port connection set is not intended for applications other than those listed here - and that would be considered as improper use! 7160-9001-531 01-2011 13 Description Multi-Port Connection Set Technical data Multi-Port card 41094B (7162-9047-170) Compatibility: PCI 32-bit serial card for Pentium / MMX / Pentium II / III / IV Operating systems: Win 2000, Win XP, Vista Modules: 4x FIFO 16C950 serial module with PCI bridge Connection: SUB-D 37 socket PCB: 2-layer 120mm x 79mm CE: ‐ Interference immunity ‐ Emitted interference EN61000-6-1 EN61000-6-3 / EN55022 Data cable 37/37 Length: 1.8 m Assignment: 37-pole 1:1, screened CL transformer box Data input: 37-pole SUB-D from Multi-Port card Data output: 4 x current loop (CL) Supply voltage: 9V AC / min. 150 mA Over-voltage protection: Diverted to earth connection via varistors (earth circuit connector) Connection line min. [email protected] (Cu) Dimensions: 160mm x 120mm x 90mm Plug-in power pack 14 Input data: 230V ~ / 50 Hz / (USA: 115V) Output data: 9V AC / 300 mA Connection line (sec.): approx. 2m 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Description Multi-Port Connection Set Includes Individual parts of the Multi-Port connection set D C A B E Pos. A B B C D D E Part No. Description 7162-9046-020 Electronic card, complete (Multi-Port-Anschluss-Set) PCI, 230V 7162-9046-030 Electronic card, complete (Multi-Port-Anschluss-Set) PCI, 115V 7162-9046-040 Electronic card, complete (Uno-Port-Anschluss-Set) COM, 230V 7162-9047-170 7162-2380-060 7162-2380-050 7162-2680-040 7162-5986-000 7162-5986-010 Multi-Port card (type 41094B) Data cable Data cable CL transformer box Plug-in power pack Plug-in power pack [email protected] Line for connection to the earth circuit connector (green/yellow) PCI 37/37 37/9 230V / 9V 115V / 9V Note! The driver for the Multi-Port Card 7162-9047-170 is on the DairyPlan CD. If required, current driver versions are available on the GEA Farm Technologies GmbH website. Bearings Storage temperature: 7160-9001-531 01-2011 -10 oC .... +70 oC 15 Description Default Settings 3.5 Default Settings Other settings can be used! Changes may only be made by authorized personnel! Check all factory settings before commissioning and adjust in line with the individual requirements of the installation or animal if necessary. Attention! Incorrect settings can have a negative effect on the health of the animals, the quality of the milk and milking results! 16 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Transport Information on disposing of packing material 4 Transport 4.1 Checking what has been delivered D Installation CD Note! Always keep the CD safe after installation because the serial number may be needed. D Installation instructions Part No. 7162-2362-080 7162-2362-090 7162-2362-100 4.2 Description The DairyPlan CD ROM contains all languages, all modules, types of installation include new, demo, update, upgrade CD ROM manual DVD-ROM for ”acapela” speech output Storage conditions D Storage temperature Store the CD at room temperature. When storing the goods supplied, the location must provide protection against: 4.3 D Moisture D External damage (jolts, knocks, rodents, insects, . . . ) D Direct sunlight Information on disposing of packing material After unpacking, the packing material is to be handled properly and disposed of carefully in accordance with the valid local regulations on waste disposal and utilisation. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 17 Installation guide 5 Installation guide The following steps are required to install or start up DairyPlan: D Check system requirements. To make sure that all of DP's features can be taken advantage of. Section: D System requirements (recommendations) Fitting the interfaces and installing the corresponding drivers. Section: Interface installation ‐ DPNet PCI/USB-Interface (Beschreibung siehe entsprechendes Kapitel) Section: DPNet Interface - DMS 21 GateWay (See relevant section for explanation) - Multi-Port Connection Set (See relevant section for explanation) Section: D Multi-Port Connection Set Installation Installation of the DairyPlan herd management program Section: DairyPlan installation - Obtain authorization (software key) through the specialist dealer D Start-up DairyPlan Enter basic settings for DairyPlan Adjusting the program to the conditions of the installation. Section: D Installation and start-up of DPNet components with DPNetInstall (See relevant section for explanation) Section: D Starting up DairyPlan DPNet installation Functional test for the peripheral units. Section: Feed System Test Section: Testing Metatron These steps are described in the following sections in chronological order. If necessary, please contact your nearest authorised technical dealer. 18 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Installation guide Safety instructions for installation 5.1 Special personnel qualification required for installation Installation may only be carried out by specially qualified personnel in accordance with the safety instructions. Also see the section on ”Personnel qualification”. 5.2 Safety instructions for installation Also read the chapter on ”Safety”. Special hazards during installation: D Electrostatic processes can cause damage to electronic components. Attention! Only touch the edge of the printed circuit board and avoid static caused for example by clothing. D 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Before working on electrical installations or equipment (components, housings, etc.), they are to be disconnected from the mains. Any on/off or emergency stop switches are to be fitted with a lock to immobilise them in the open position and a warning sign is to be put up. 19 System requirements (recommendations) 6 System requirements (recommendations) Voltage stabiliser Since the power supply in agricultural establishments frequently fluctuates heavily, it is advisable to use a voltage stabiliser to protect your PC and ensure there are no interruptions in the supply. PC‐Protective Measures PC‐These measures (e.g. surge voltage protection, lightning protection) should be agreed with your supplier. Check the computer configuration Note! A note on working with DairyPlan 5 GEA Farm Technologies GmbH can only guarantee problem-free working with DairyPlan if it has been installed in accordance with the installation instructions. Other programs installed on the PC do not generally interfere with the operation of DairyPlan. But it is necessary to check in each individual case. The first step in the installation is to check the configuration of the computer. This step is necessary to ensure that all of DairyPlan's features will be able to be used later on. After checking, please enter the computer's configuration in the installation description at the end of the instructions. Information on the computer configuration is available from the Windows Start Button under ”Settings-> Control Panel-> System”. Note! Please note the ”Recommended computer equipment” in the current Technical Information sheets from GEA Farm Technologies GmbH. 20 7160-9001-531 01-2011 System requirements (recommendations) PC requirements / recommendations The following basic configuration is recommended for using DairyPlan: Minimum requirement / Recommendation Operating system PCI slots Processor D Windows 2000 D Windows XP D Windows Vista Free PCI slots for the peripherals connected (see also section on ”DairyPlan information / slots”). 1 multi-port connection set = 4 channels (VC3) D RAM (working memory) Pentium 4 (at least 2 GHz) or comparable processors Animals 500 500 - 1000 1000 - 2500 2500 - . . . Win2000/XP Windows Vista 256 MB 384 MB 512 MB 1024 MB 1 GB 1 GB 2 GB 2 GB Comment: The amount of RAM depends upon the number of animal data records and the choice/amount of data to be stored on each animal. The number of animal data records is calculated from the total number of active (living) animals and inactive (dead) animals. Include an annual herd growth of approximately 30% if the outgoing animals are to be archived in the DairyPlan data record. The working memory required also depends upon the hardware configuration, the operating system and the software installed on the computer. Please contact the PC dealer if you have any questions regarding the computer configuration. Hard disk 7160-9001-531 01-2011 4 GByte and larger. For DP, at least the following is required: D 500 MB (up to 1000 animals) D + 100 MB for every further 1000 animals Printer Graphics printer for Windows Modem Internet access for the DairyPlan online update Drives for alternative data carriers 24x (4x) At least one CD ROM drive is required for installing the DairyPlan programs. One DVD drive is required for installing speech output (TextToSpeech). Drives and data carriers for data backup: CD / DVD burner Monitor / Graphics card 17” Monitor Monitor and graphics card should support a screen resolution of at least 1024*768 (800*600) pixels with „True color -16 bit” (256) colours. Network card 100 MB network card for connecting the PC to a DMS 21 GateWay USB storage media 21 System requirements (recommendations) Information on network operation Note! Because of the large quantities of data, the network transmission rate required is at least 100 Mbit/sec. D additional network card for the PC (e.g. 100 MBit/s NE2000 or compatible) D 100Mbit cable (e.g. CAT.5) for connection to other computers. Connection of 2 PCs with cross-over cable (special cable for connecting PCs without a HUB). A network hub/switch and corresponding cable is required if there are 3 or more PCs. Cable type CAT.5 Shield Twisted Pair max. distance Transmission speed 80-100 m 100 MBit/s PC requirements Network card and network software must be available on each computer. A network distributor (HUB/Switch) is required for each network. Network design using CAT.5 cable PC 1 PC 2 PC n Cable type CAT.5 maximum length: 100 m Network distributor (HUB/Switch) Attention! The use of 10 Mbit cables is not recommended! An efficient network is necessary if DairyPlan is to be used effectively. A transmission speed of at least 100 MBit/s is required for this. 22 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Installation of the interfaces Installation of DPNet PCI interface 7 Installation of the interfaces A DPNet interface or Multi-Port connection set is installed to enable data exchange with the DPNet peripherals. A corresponding driver is then installed, or a DMS 21 GateWay connected. 7.1 Installation of DPNet PCI interface Handle all electronic components correctly to prevent electrostatic damage. Conditions of application Note! The system voltage (230 VAC) must be stable! If the system voltage is not stable (significant fluctuations or voltage dips), an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) must be connected upstream. Ambient temperature: 0 _C ... 50 _C Installing the DPNet interface Attention! When installing the DPNet interface, switch off the PC and disconnect it from the mains (230 V)! D Disconnect the mains and all connected peripherals from the mains. D Carefully open the PC casing. D Carefully install the DPNet interface in a free PCI slot and screw to the housing. D Close the PC again. Note! D With some motherboards, the AGP slot and the first PCI slot share an Interrupt (IRQ). It is recommended that you start with the second PCI slot. Data line Attention! When connecting the lines, the whole installation is to be disconnected from the power supply so that no short-circuits can occur due to uninsulated cable ends. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 23 Installation of the interfaces Installation of DPNet PCI interface Installation of the driver Windows 2000 / XP / Vista (DPNet interface ”XLON-PCI”) D Once the interface has been installed, restart the computer. Windows will identify the new interface as it boots up. D Install the driver by following the instructions on the screen (see following section). D PC configuration will be updated. The entry ”XLON Lonworks Network Interfaces” has been applied Note! + Pause The system properties (Hardware-> Device Manager) can also be called up with this key combination. Call up the index card according to the operating system in each case under: Win2000: ”Start > Settings > System control > System > Hardware > Device Manager” Windows XP: ”Start > System control > Printer and other hardware > See also System > Hardware > Device Manager” Select ”Properties” to check that installation has been carried out correctly. ”Properties” index card D Transceiver ID: Set as shown in the diagram opposite! D Service PIN: Service PIN - message is sent D Test Device: A functional test of the card is carried out. D Reboot: The card is restarted. 24 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Installation of the interfaces Installation of DPNet PCI interface Deinstallation If you want to uninstall the DPNet interface driver, select the entry in the index card and then click on the ”Remove” button. The driver is then removed. Note! The computer must be restarted in order to accept the changes. Set-up with DPNetInstall Once the DPNet interface has been successfully fitted and the driver installed, after installing the DairyPlan herd management program the settings have to be made with DPNetInstall. For more information on this subject see section on Installing DPNet-> Setting up DPNet Interface 7160-9001-531 01-2011 25 Installation of the interfaces Installation of the network connection to the DMS 21 GateWay 7.2 Installation of the network connection to the DMS 21 GateWay The DMS 21 GateWay is connected with a network cable (Ethernet cable Cat 5 cable Part No. 0005-3999-078). The computer must have a network card that supports 100 MB/s. On the computer make the following setting in the network connection: - Set IP Address: (example) - Subnet Mask: In Microsoft Windows XP this is through: - System control Start ->right mouse-click on the connection required ->Properties The following dialogue appears: Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click on ”Properties”. Attention! The IP address xxx.xxx.xxx.240 is reserved for the GateWay. Do not use the final number 240 as an IP address for a PC or other device in the network. 26 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Installation of the interfaces Installation of the network connection to the DMS 21 GateWay Enter the settings shown for IP address and Subnet mask. If the computer is also in a company or office network, an additional network card must be fitted. The address ranges for the networks must differ at at least the third point. Example: 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Gateway network 192.168.1.xxx Company network 192.168.55.xxx 27 Installation of the interfaces Installing the multi-port connection set 7.3 Installing the multi-port connection set Note! The ”Uno-Port connection set” can be used in installations that only need one DairyPlan channel (current loop) to connect one type of GEA Farm Technologies peripheral. When installing, make sure that the data lines are connected while the device is disconnected from the power supply so that no short circuits can occur through the uninsulated cable ends. Attention! When fitting the Multi-Port card the PC should be switched off and separated from the mains (230V). Handle all electronic components correctly to prevent electrostatic damage. Conditions of application The Multi-Port connection set should be installed in an office environment in the direct vicinity of the PC. The CL transformer box is to be mounted on a wall. Ambient temperature: 0 °C ... 40 °C supply connections A mains socket (230V AC) is required to supply the transformer box. This should be provided by the client. The mains voltage must be stable. If the mains voltage is polluted by large fluctuations or voltage dips, an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) must be connected in series. 28 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Installation of the interfaces Installing the multi-port connection set 7.3.1 Connecting the Multi-Port connection set Attention! If several cards are required, then these are to be installed individually, one after the other. D C A 1 B E D Plug in jumper (1) as shown (Multi-Port Card 7162-9047-170). Multi-Port card (A) The Multi-Port card is inserted in a free PCI slot. This requires the following steps: D Disconnect the mains and all connected peripherals from the mains. D Loosen the screws on the back of the PC and carefully open the housing. D Carefully insert the Multi-Port card in a free PCI slot and fasten to the housing with a screw. Attention! On most motherboards the AGP slot and the first PCI slot share an interrupt (IRQ). It is recommended to start with the second PCI slot. D Close the PC again. Data cable (B) The data cable (37/37-pole) is used to connect the Multi-Port card to the transformer box. It is to be inserted into the 37-pole plug connector and fixed with screws. Transformer box (C) The transformer box is to be mounted on a wall. Make sure that the housing is mounted with the openings at the bottom. The lines are fed through a cable gland into the inside of the box. Attention! D When connecting the lines the device and the whole installation should be disconnected from the power supply so that no short-circuits can occur due to the uninsulated cable ends. D 7160-9001-531 01-2011 The shielding used for the data lines may not be connected to the CL wall box. It is to be connected to the fuse block in the power supply at one end. 29 Installation of the interfaces Installing the multi-port connection set In order to increase the protection against overvoltages on the data lines, the green and yellow equipotential bonding conductor ([email protected]) is to be connected to the equipotential bonding strip (EBS) from the customer's electrical installation. It can be made shorter or longer as required. The connection facility should be provided by the client. All work on the electrical system should only ever be carried out by trained electricians. Installation diagram for Multi-Port Connection Set A Multi-Port card TYPE 41094 Rev. C B PCI contact strip C SUB D 37 connection to the CL converter D E F G Connection via data cable 7162-2380-060 Power supply LED supply voltage Equipotential bonding connection (PA) min 4 mm2 H SUB D 37 connection to the Multi-Port card J Cable green/yellow 4 mm2, 2m, equipotential bonding connection K Power supply for test plug (7162-9047-080) L Channel 1...4, connection of peripherals (to fuse block DS, DR, -) 30 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Installation of the interfaces Installing the multi-port connection set 7.3.2 Connecting the Uno-Port connection set D Install the transformer box (as described in the section entitled ”Multi-Port connection set”). D Use the data cable (37/9-pole) to connect the transformer box to a free COM port (COM1, COM2). Note! D Only channel ”1” can be used on the transformer box! D It is not necessary for a driver to be installed. D The Single Port Connection Set can be combined with a Multi-Port Connection Set. Make sure that the DP channels are correctly assigned to the COM ports. Installation diagram for Single Port Connection Set Legend D E F G Connect with data cable 7162-2380-050 (to the PC COM port) Power supply LED supply voltage Equipotential bonding connection (PA) min 4 mm2 H SUB D 37 connection to COM interface (PC) J Cable green/yellow 4 mm2, 2m, equipotential bonding connection K Power supply for test plug (7162-9047-080) L Channel 1, connection of peripherals (to fuse block DS, DR, -) 7160-9001-531 01-2011 31 Installation of the interfaces Installing the multi-port connection set 7.3.3 Installation of the driver Multi-Port card TYPE 41094 Rev. C (7162-9047-170) When the computer is switched on the PC devices installed are displayed. The scrolling display can be stopped with the ”Pause” key so that, for example, the ”PCI / AGP device listing” can be viewed: Bus No Device No Func No Vendor ID Device ID Device Class IRQ 0 11 0 1415 9501 Simple COMM. Controller 11 Note! The display for ”Device No” and ”IRQ” depends upon which slot the Multi-Port card is in! Press any key for the display to continue. 32 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Installation of the interfaces Installing the multi-port connection set Windows 2000 After starting the Windows 2000 operating system, a new ”16C95x serial port” will be identified. The procedure for installating the driver is as follows. The automatic hardware identification identifies the Multi-Port card and starts the installation assistant. In order to install the correct driver, it is necessary to specify its position. D The driver is on the DairyPlan CD in the directory: ”DriverPCI41094Win9 x_2K_XP” D The driver can also be downloaded from the GEA Farm Technologies GmbH website. www.gea-farmtechnolog ies.com Carry out the installation step by step. At the end click on ”End”. Next install the driver for the ”PCI parallel port”. Installation should be carried out as described above. Once the driver has been installed, you will need to reboot the computer. Note! It is possible that Windows may find ”new hardware” again. If so, the details are to be specified as described above. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 33 Installation of the interfaces Installing the multi-port connection set After installation Then, in ”Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Hardware > Device Manager” under ”Ports (COM and LPT)” check whether all of the ports have been installed correctly. Example: COM3 ... COM6 are to be entered under ”Connections (COM and LPT)”. The relevant settings for the ports are to be entered in DPSetup (see ”Settings under DairyPlan (DPSetup)”). Note! + Pause The system properties (Device Manager) can also be called up with this key combination. Once the driver has been installed correctly, the FIFO settings for each new COM port installed will have to be adjusted. To do this, the slide controllers are to be moved over to the left. 34 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Installation of the interfaces Installing the multi-port connection set Windows XP / Vista The newly installed multi-port card is identified when the Windows XP / Vista operating system starts. Install the driver as follows. Note! The installation can be performed automatically (driver is searched for on all available media) or manually (driver location is specified)! Automatic installation This installation should be performed for the multi-port card and the COM ports. Note! For the driver to be installed automatically, make sure that the DairyPlan CD is in the CD ROM drive! D To conclude installation click on ”Finish”. D Restart the computer after installation. Note! It is possible that Windows may find ”new hardware” again. If so, the installation should be repeated! 7160-9001-531 01-2011 35 Installation of the interfaces Installing the multi-port connection set Manual installation This installation should be performed for the multi-port card and the COM ports. In order to install the correct driver, it is necessary to specify its position. D The driver is on the DairyPlan CD in the directory: ”DriverPCI41094Win XP” D The driver can also be downloaded from the GEA Farm Technologies GmbH website. www.gea-farmtechnolog ies.com D To conclude installation click on ”Finish”. D Restart the computer after installation. Note! It is possible that Windows may find ”new hardware” again. If so, the installation should be repeated! 36 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Installation of the interfaces Installing the multi-port connection set After installation Then, in the Windows-Device Manager, under ”Ports (COM and LPT)” check whether all of the ports have been installed correctly. Note! + Pause The system properties (Device Manager) can also be called up with this key combination. Example: COM3 ... COM6 are to be entered under ”Connections (COM and LPT)”. The relevant settings for the ports are to be entered in DPSetup (see ”Settings under DairyPlan (DPSetup)”). Once the driver has been installed correctly, the ”FIFO settings” (COM port properties) for each new COM port installed will have to be adjusted. Move the slide control (as shown in the figure) over to the left. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 37 Installation of the interfaces Installing the multi-port connection set Uninstallation of driver for Multi-Port card TYPE 41094 Rev.C (7162-9047-170) Note! The computer must be restarted after uninstalling so that the changes can be registered. The Windows drivers for the multi-port card (7162-9047-170) are uninstalled directly in Device Manager. Windows 2000 Under ”Multi-function adapters” mark the entry for the multi-port card (OX16PCI954 PCI UARTs) and remove in the menu ”Process > Uninstall”. Windows XP Under ”Multi-function adapters” mark the entry for the multi-port card (OX16PCI954 PCI UARTs) and remove in the menu ”Process > Uninstall”. 7.3.4 Checking data connection When DairyPlan has been installed and configured and all peripherals have been started, it is possible to check the data connection in the program ”DPProcessControl”. A detailed display of all of the devices connected with VC4/3 communication appears in the program ”DPPort.exe”. The channels on which the devices are displayed must also be shown on the ”DPSetup” main screen. Note! The DOS program ”Port.exe” cannot be used to check communication in systems with multi-port cards. Use the Windows program ”DPPort.exe”. 7.3.5 Setting up the multi-port card in DairyPlan The multi-port card is set up when DairyPlan is started up. For more information on this subject see section on Setting up the multi-port card with DPSetup 38 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Installing DairyPlan 8 Installing DairyPlan To install the DairyPlan herd management program, have ready the unopened DairyPlan CD. If the sticker with the serial number has already been removed it can be assumed that this CD has already been installed once before. Serial Numbers Why a serial number? D The serial number is an encoded number that clearly identifies the installation (not the customer). D The installation, together with the modules installed, is registered under the serial number. D An installation is identified by the serial number of the first-time installation. D The serial number is carried over from the previous program version if the software is upgraded. When is a serial number needed? The serial number will be asked for when the HerdManager or DairyMonitor system level is installed (see explanation on system levels). Note! DairyPlan cannot be installed if the serial number is incorrect or missing. If problems are encountered when installing in Windows Vista, it may be that the User Account Manager has to be switched off. Where do I find the serial number? On the CD packaging there is a sticker with the so-called CD key. The first figures in the CD key are the serial number. The other figures are a kind of check sum to check that the serial number has been entered correctly. The whole CD key should be entered at this point. If the sticker has already been opened, it can be assumed that this CD has already been installed and that the serial number has already been assigned therefore. A new serial number must be obtained for another first-time installation. By opening the CD packaging by tearing the sticker with the serial number, the customer declares that he agrees with the GEA Farm Technologies GmbH licence conditions. For more information on this subject see section on DairyPlan licence 7160-9001-531 01-2011 39 Installing DairyPlan Networks Note! If DairyPlan is to be installed in a network, see the section on ”DairyPlan Network Installation”. 40 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Installing DairyPlan System levels and different types of installation 8.1 System levels and different types of installation System level The ”DairyPlan C21” product is offered in different system levels. D DairySetup ”installation setup” D DairyMonitor ”installation monitoring” D HerdManager ”Installation and herd management” (full version) with the different module options: - P-M automatic milk metering and conductivity measurement - P-F feed station control from DP (excluding feeding in the milking parlour) - P-S activity measurement and segregation/scales control - HM-D data exchange - HM-M2 connection of a handheld computer - HM-J connection of certain standalone calf feeders Note! For the sake of simplicity, the term ”DairyPlan” and also the abbreviation ”DP” often refers to the whole DairyManagementSystem 21 product's program system ”DairyPlan C21” regardless of the system level and module options installed in each case. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 41 Installing DairyPlan System levels and different types of installation F DP constantly connected to installation Demo HM-M2 HM-D HM-J P-C P-S HerdManager *) P-F Dairy Monitor P-M Dairy Setup F F F F F Time restriction Modifications and settings with mobile laptops F Subject to a charge (second software key required) F F F F F F F F (5 animals) (5 animals) F F F F F F F F F F F F F F Feeding in the milking parlour (rotary or PF21, without animals only basic ration) F F Identification F F F F F F Enter and manage animals Milking parlour installation and setup Installation monitoring, recording installation data - milking parlour Activity measurement Milking parlour controlled segregation, input in the milking parlour (previously only new types of Capri) F F Automatically record milk quantities F F F F F Segregation/scales controlled from DP Connection of feed stations and calf feeders with DP connection F demo data only F Connection of standalone calf feeders C400, V600, V640 Installation monitoring, recording installation data - tank control Certain, mostly functions national, F F Install and setup tank control data exchange F F F F F F F DPMobil, connection of a handheld computer, version 5.230 or higher *) 42 F (restricted) F F F Animal capacity greater than zero (K>0), more than 5 animals can be set up 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Installing DairyPlan System levels and different types of installation Different types of installation 7160-9001-531 01-2011 D First Time Installation DairyPlan C 21 has not been installed on the computer before. D Version Upgrade An older main version is installed on the computer and a new main version is to be installed over it. For example, Version 5.112 to Version 5.230 is an upgrade. D Update DairyPlan C21 is installed on the computer and a newer program version is to be installed over it, but the main version is the same. For example from 5.200 to 5.230 is an update. D Online Update Technical dealers can download program updates from the Internet and these can then be installed as an update over an existing installation with the same main version. End customers can download a language installation from the Internet and either update the language they have installed or install another language. D Module Upgrade For existing systems with the Herdmanager system level (full version): A new module is added to the existing installation. An example of a module is ”P-M” for milk metering. D Language Installation For existing installations: Update a language that is already installed or add further languages to it. D System Level Upgrade For an existing installation of the DairySetup or DairyMonitor system level: Install the higher system level that has been purchased. 43 Installing DairyPlan System levels and different types of installation First Time Installation 44 D Place the DairyPlan 5 CD in the CD drive. The DairyPlan installation program starts automatically. If it does not, select the DairyPlan CD with Windows Explorer and start the program ”CDAutoPlay” on the CD. D The display now shows the opening screen of the installation program with information on the version. Click on ”Install” to continue. D Select the language and type of animal (cows, goats, sheep or buffalo) required. Click on ”Next” to continue. D The ”Program installation” program window appears 1 2 3 4 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Installing DairyPlan System levels and different types of installation 1 2 ”New Installation: Select System Level” D If there is still no installation, select system level. D With the ”DairySetup” or ”DEMO Version” system level, further installation is performed without the serial number, etc. being asked for. ”For existing installations” Nothing should be selected for a new installation. Note! In the case of existing installations the type of installation required can be selected. (For explanation see section on ”Different types of installation”) 3 ”File locations” Select the directory in which DairyPlan is to be installed. The specifications should only be changed in exceptional cases! 4 ”Windows task bar and autostart folder” With the option in ”Start Menu / Create program” DairyPlan is copied into the computer system's program menu. A desktop icon (shortcut) is also set up for direct access. With the ”Start DPProcessControl” option, process control starts automatically when the computer is started. This option should also be set in HerdManager and DairyMonitor systems where process control has to be constantly running. This function is not used in a Demo version or DairySetup level. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 D When all of the options have been set, confirm the details with the ”Next” key. During the installation, amongst other things, the hard disk capacity is now checked. A warning is given if there is not enough storage capacity available. D Entry of the serial number for DairyMonitor and DairyPlan systems. The CD key, the first figures of which correspond to the serial number, should be entered. The CD key is on the sticker on the back of the CD sleeve. Enter in the field provided (with no empty spaces) and then click on ”Install”. D With DairyPlan Version 5.230 or higher, the installation of some necessary additional Microsofte files is requested. In this case the window ”Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable” appears on the screen. This installation stage may last a while, do not interrupt. 45 Installing DairyPlan System levels and different types of installation D Once the individual program parts have been copied from the CD ROM to the hard disk, for systems with HerdManager or DairyMonitor level, or when changing a DairySetup system, the ”Module Options” window appears. D Enter details in the ”Module Options” window: 1 2 3 46 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Installing DairyPlan System levels and different types of installation 1 ”Program Options - DairyMonitor” Change DairySetup system to a DairyMonitor system or run tank control in a system with HerdManager system level. 2 ”Number of animal records” Select the maximum number of animals envisaged for operation. Note! If increasing the number of animal data records, check whether the computer has sufficient capacity as described in the section on ”System Requirements (Recommendations)”. The options selected are shown below in the ”Program Options” window. 3 D ”Purchase Options - DairyPlan” The window offers modules to choose from such as, for example: ”P-F” for controlling the feed boxes/calf feeders. Select the options planned for the farm. Multiple selections can be made. These options are only possible in systems with the HerdManager level (full DairyPlan version). A P-M option is not necessary to setup a milking parlour in DairySetup or DairyMonitor systems. Once the details have been confirmed with the ”Next” button, in DairyMonitor and HerdManager system levels, a message appears saying that the required module options are available to purchase. The program is protected by the so-called software key. Note! To protect its rights, GEA Farm Technologies GmbH has given DairyPlan a software key. This is used to authorize your program. Without authorization, the program can only be used to a limited extent once the introductory period has ended. Request approval or the second software key from the specialist dealer. The program will only be approved if the modules installed have actually been purchased. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 47 Installing DairyPlan System levels and different types of installation D Confirm the instruction window. D The installation is now complete and the following window appears: A B C Press the keys indicated to choose from the following options: A Start the DairyPlan program or call up the main menu. B Request registration form (if options that are subject to a charge have been added / after a new installation). C End installation process. For ”Starting out” with DairyPlan, please see 7160-90 . . -530 48 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Installing DairyPlan System levels and different types of installation Upgrade to DairyPlan 21 Update an existing version of DP to DairyPlan 21. D Start the ”Test Data Base” function. Correct any errors before starting the update. D Note the number of animal data records and check whether the ”Licensing” is sufficient. D Make a backup of the current (present) data set with the corresponding backup function in the old DairyPlan version. Or, the whole DairyPlan directory can be copied into a special security directory. D End all DairyPlan programs. D Insert the DairyPlan CD to install the upgrade. D The installation program automatically identifies that there is already a version of DairyPlan on the system and therefore sets the installation option to ”Upgrade DairyPlan”. Confirm by pressing the ”Install” button. D Follow the steps for ”New installation” until the ”Program installation” window appears. D Now follow the instructions in the section on ”Installation”. Attention! Upgrade from DairyPlan 4 versions: The old Dairy Plan 4 entries must be manually removed from the ”Autostart” program group. The settings in the ”Autoexec.bat” file might have to be changed or deleted. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 49 Installing DairyPlan System levels and different types of installation Update from DairyPlan C21 Replace an installed DairyPlan system with the same main version. D Start ”Check system data records”. Correct any errors before performing the update. D Backup the current data record with the backup function. D End all DairyPlan programs including process control ”DPProcessControl”. D Follow the installation steps until the ”Program installation” window appears. The ”Module Options” window is not shown because the installation program automatically identifies that a DairyPlan version is already on the system and therefore sets the installation option to ”Update DairyPlan”. Confirm the details by pressing the ”Install” button. D Continue with the installation. Online‐Update Information on DP Online Update Free DairyPlan update files can be downloaded quickly and easily from the DairyPlan update website. There are free online update files for the individual languages, interface card driver programs and demo data records. Program update files can only be accessed online by customer service managers and technical dealers. Please contact your customer service manager or technical dealer to obtain an online program update. Note! A main version of DairyPlan cannot be updated with an on-line update (no upgrade)! The requirements for an Online Update are as follows: D Internet connection D Internet browser How do I carry out an online update? 50 D Go to the GEA Farm Technologies GmbH website in the relevant language: www.gea-farmtechnologies.com D In the Download area, select: Home > Products & Services > ProFormance Milking Technology > Products > Milking/Herd Management > Software > DairyPlan C21 D Select ”Download Demo Versions and Update”. Another page opens offering the different update versions in different languages. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Installing DairyPlan System levels and different types of installation Installation of module options The HerdManager system level (e.g. the full DairyPlan C21 version) is modular. If, for example, a milking installation is expanded with a milk metering system, the P-M option must then be added to DairyPlan. Note! Each additional option requires a new software key. The costs of the new options are calculated by the Technical Centre or the dealer if they have not been obtained before. This requires the following steps: D Insert the DairyPlan CD into the CD ROM drive and start the installation program. D The ”Program Installation” window opens. Activate the ”Module Options” field and click on ”Next”. D Activate the new option required and confirm the details. D Continue to follow the instructions Language Installation DairyPlan can be installed in various languages. All of the languages are on the DairyPlan CD. So a language can be installed later. This requires the following steps: D Select installation language. D In the ”Installation Options” dialogue box that appears later, select ”Only install languages”. Another language can also be installed using the online update. Note! The language version and the DP version installed must correspond. If the language version is newer than the installed version of DairyPlan, a program update has to be installed first (only available from GEA Farm Technologies engineers). 7160-9001-531 01-2011 51 Installing DairyPlan DairyPlan network installation 8.2 DairyPlan network installation Note! Because of the large quantities of data, the network transmission rate required is at least 100 Mbit/sec. The DairyPlan system can be used on different computers (PCs) at the same time in a local network. Only one PC is connected to the peripherals and performs process control. This PC is referred to below as the ”Master”. Other PCs have access only to the database. These PCs can view and also edit data. These PCs are referred to below as ”Slaves”. The following should be noted for a network installation: Note! Installing the network (wiring and setting up the network in the PC operating system) and setting the authorizations is not part of the DairyPlan installation. We recommend consulting a specialist. - Make sure that the first PC in the network, the one that starts the DairyPlan program, is the Master PC. - Make sure that the Slave PCs have authorized read and write access to the whole of the Master PC's hard disk. - The Slave PC must have the Master PC's hard drive connected as a network drive. - The authorized drive on the master PC appears on the Slave PC as a network drive with a drive letter and details of the path (for example ”N:DairyPln”). At first it advisable to run DairyPlan without being connected to a network. If there are starting problems, these will be easier to solve without any complex network connections. Moving on to the network can take place when the system is running smoothly with the peripherals and the user is familiar with the PC and the DairyPlan program. 52 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Installing DairyPlan DairyPlan network installation Installing DairyPlan on a ”Slave PC” The ”DairyPlan” program is installed on the Slave PC in the same way as on an individual PC. Place the installation CD in the Slave PC's CD drive and start installation. The installation program will start as for a new installation because DairyPlan is not on the PC. The following installation steps are different for installing Slave PCs in a network: 7160-9001-531 01-2011 53 Installing DairyPlan DairyPlan network installation A Change target directory: Enter the path and directory name of the DairyPlan directory on the Master PC as it will be reached through the network. Example: If the Master PC's hard disk is shown on the Slave PC as network drive ”N:”, then the entry should read ”N:DairyPln”. B Conclude the entry of the directory name by clicking on another dialogue field. (for example on the field with the directory from which the installation is being performed.) This changes the installation dialogue and the other steps can be performed. C Once this has been entered, the farm's name will appear, as it is entered on the Master PC. D Select the ”Set up start menu and registry entries” option. E Make sure that the ”Run DPProcessControl” option is not activated for installation on the Slave PC. (this option may only be selected for installation on a Master PC!) F Continue with the installation. The program start folder and the necessary Windows registry entries are created on the Slave PC. Attention! A new main version or a new program must also be installed on the Slave PCs so that the correct Windows taskbar entries are created for new program parts. Otherwise it may be that individual DairyPlan programs will not work correctly. 54 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Installing DairyPlan DairyPlan licensing 8.3 DairyPlan licensing Licence rights DairyPlan 5 is protected by copyright. To protect its rights, GEA Farm Technologies GmbH has given DairyPlan a software key. This is used to authorize the program. Without authorization, once the input period has expired, it will only be possible to use the program to a limited extent. Obtain authorization (software key) through the specialist dealer. Note! The program is only authorized if the options installed have actually been purchased. Only the DairyMonitor and HerdManager system levels are subject to a charge. There are no licence fees for DairySetup or a Demo version. Approval Approval is given either by the Technical Centre of by the dealer if: D the serial number is the right one, D if software key 2 has been issued. Software key 1 / Software key 2 When is a new software key required? Software key 2 is a coded number which is keyed in within 30 days and is always asked for if: D a new installation has been performed. D an upgrade installation has been performed. D the installed module or animal capacities have been changed. D the DairyPlan program recognises that it is running on another hard disk. This may occur if: - the files have been copied onto another computer, - the hard disk has been re-formatted, or if - a new version of Windows has been installed on the hard disk. How does the software key system work? For the first 30 days after a new installation, you can access the required part of the program and work using the ”Close” key. After this time all of the data management program functions (e.g. list and graph display) will be blocked until the 2nd software key is entered.. The program functions for data communication and data collection (DPProcessControl) will still be performed. The serial number, the options installed and the 1st software key will be displayed. The 2nd software key should be entered in the empty field. If the application is to be processed on the 2nd software key, click on the ”Process request” field. The application is processed through this field with a corresponding form. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 55 Installing DairyPlan DairyPlan licensing Entering the fax number and e-mail address is optional. However, giving them makes allocation of the 2nd software key quicker and more secure. Note! Obligatory fields are highlighted in yellow. Information must always be entered in these. 56 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Installing DairyPlan DairyPlan licensing Application Form for Second Software Key With the details given, DairyPlan generates the following application form. This form can be printed out directly. If there is no printer available, in emergencies the form can also be saved in a file so that it can be printed from another PC. Alternatively, the second software key can be applied for by e-mail to your dealer (see following explanations ”Applying for a 2nd software key by e-mail”). Application Form 7160-9001-531 01-2011 57 Installing DairyPlan Uninstalling DairyPlan Signing the form confirms that the information given is correct and you agree with the conditions for requesting the software key. The 2nd software key from GEA Farm Technologies GmbH is entered in the application form submitted and assigned to the customer through the technical centre/dealer. On receipt the second key is entered in the entry window described above. Requesting a 2nd software key by e-mail On PCs with an e-mail connection, the software key can also be requested from the specialist dealer by e-mail. 8.4 D To do this, click on the envelope symbol in the symbol bar. An e-mail containing all of the necessary data and the dealer's e-mail address will be created and opened in the standard e-mail program. D Before sending, check all of the details and especially the e-mail address one more time. Uninstalling DairyPlan D End all DairyPlan programs (see also section on ”DairyPlan information / Ending DairyPlan”). D In Windows ”Start - Programs - DairyPlan”, start the ”DPUninstall” program. D Confirm deletion of all files with the button ”yes - remove”. D Delete the ”dairypln” directory using Windows-Explorers. Note! Uninstall is also possible via the DairyPlan CD. Start CD installation and select ”Uninstall DairyPlan” from the menu. 58 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Start-up DairyPlan 9 Start-up DairyPlan Once DairyPlan has been installed on the computer, the necessary settings have to be made. D Start DairyPlan. D You may be asked for a ”software key”. For more information on this subject see section on DairyPlan licence - To temporarily pass over entering the second software key, click on ”Close”. - The question about the 2nd software key appears whenever DairyPlan programs or functions are started or data have been entered. - Enter the second software key before the expiry date. Note! If the 2nd software key has not been entered at the right time, DairyPlan programs for evaluating data and entering data will be blocked. Process control continues to work (feeding and milking parlour control continue to work). Base Setting When DairyPlan is installed on the computer, the basic settings are required to control the connected peripherals. Make or check the following settings: D The settings in DPSetup Note! For a first-time installation the settings are made with the installation wizard. This goes through the settings that have to be made. D Settings for feeding and calf feeder system (if installed) D Settings for milking control (if installed) D Settings for DPNet components (if present). D Minimum input of animal records for functional test D Setting up the Multi Port Card D Setting up the DPNet PCI/USB interface card D Setting up the DMS 21 GateWay To ensure that DairyPlan starts automatically when the PC is switched on, there must be a link from DPProcessControl in the Windows Autostart directory. Note! The link is generally created by the installation routine. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 59 Start-up DairyPlan Settings in DPSetup 9.1 Special personnel qualification required for initial commissioning Initial commissioning may only be performed by specially qualified personnel in accordance with the safety instructions. Also see the section on ”Personnel qualification”. Special risks involved in initial commissioning: D Electrostatic processes/interference may endanger electronic components and also lead to software faults and data loss. Back up data regularly therefore. Attention! Only touch the edge of the printed circuit board and avoid static caused for example by clothing. 9.2 Settings in DPSetup 9.2.1 Setting up the Multi Port Card with DPSetup A few settings are required so that DairyPlan can operate with the Multi Port Card. These are in the ”Devices -> Select interface” dialogue. D Activate ”Use COM Ports”. D For the channels used by DairyPlan (e.g. COM5 ... COM8), set the maximum number of devices or transceivers on that channel. It is generally sufficient to enter ”16” as the maximum. The number of devices actually connected may be lower. Attention! All channels before the first channel used by DP (e.g. COM1 .... COM4) should be set to ”0” unless they are being used for a ”Uno Port” connection. 60 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Start-up DairyPlan Settings in DPSetup Note! Some of the settings for the VC3 channels will be processed when the installation settings are created with the Wizard. However, check afterwards that these settings are correct. 9.2.2 Setting up the DMS 21 GateWay with DPSetup From Version 0.50, the DMS 21 GateWay provides the following: - 3 channels for connecting DPNetB controllers (DemaTron for example) - 3 channels for VC3 units (all VC3 units except for Metatron 12) - 1 channel for DPNetA devices If a system has DPNetA devices, they must all be connected to the DPNetA channel on the DMS 21 GateWay or they must all be connected to the DPNetA channel on the DPNet PCI/USB interface card. Attention! DPNetA devices in an installation CANNOT be divided between the DMS 21 GateWay and the PCI-USB interface card! It is possible to place DemaTron controllers on the DPNetB channels of a DMS 21 GateWay and all DPNetA devices in the system to a DPNet PCI/USB interface card. A DMS 21 GateWay is essential for the following devices: - DemaTron and DeMax - new generation DPNetA nodes A few older versions of DPNetA devices cannot be connected to a DMS 21 GateWay. These devise must have a DPNet PCI/USB interface card. DPNet devices and interface cards Version number Abbre‐ viation Description DPNetA or DPNetB device for DPNetA proto‐ col, via DPNet PCI/ USB card for DPNetB proto‐ col, via DMS 21 GateWay BOA AutoTandem box control system A lower than 6.0 6.0 or higher DCR Cluster removal in AutoRotor Magnum 90 A lower than 6.0 - DMX055 DeMax 55 B - 6.20 or higher DMX060 DeMax 60 B - 6.20 or higher DMT060 DemaTron 60 B - 6.20 or higher DMT070 DemaTron 70 B - 6.20 or higher FTM Milking parlour feeding module A lower than 6.0 6.0 or higher JTC Expert tank control connection A lower than 6.0 6.0 or higher MCR Motor control Magnum 90 AutoRotor A lower than 6.0 - MCR Motor control in AutoRotor Magnum 40 / Global 90 A - 6.0 or higher OCR User interface Magnum 90 AutoRotor A lower than 6.0 - OPR User interface in AutoRotor Magnum 40 / Global 90 A - 6.0 or higher 7160-9001-531 01-2011 in in 61 Start-up DairyPlan Settings in DPSetup Abbre‐ viation Description for DPNetA proto‐ col, via DPNet PCI/ USB card for DPNetB proto‐ col, via DMS 21 GateWay OPG User interface in AR Capri (retaining rail via cylinder and control unit without RIO) A lower than 6.0 - OPG User interface in AR Capri (retaining rail via cylinder and control unit with RIO) A - 6.0 or higher OPG User interface in AR Capri (retaining rail via curved track) A - 6.0 or higher A all Host version 2.10 or higher P21/WMP Metatron 21 62 DPNetA or DPNetB device PAR Identification module in older AutoRotor Magnum 90 A lower than 6.0 - PBG Retaining rail control in AR Capri via cylinder and control unit without RIO A lower than 6.0 - PBG Retaining rail control in AR Capri via cylinder and control unit with RIO A - 6.0 or higher RIO I/O control in AutoRotor Magnum 40 or some AR Capri A - 6.0 or higher ROC Rotation control in AutoRotor Magnum 90 A lower than 6.0 - ROC Rotation control in AutoRotor Magnum 40 / Global 90 A - 6.0 or higher SCR Rotation transmission AutoRotor Magnum 90) A lower than 6.0 - STB Standby module A lower than 6.0 6.0 or higher TIA AutoTandem gate controller A lower than 6.0 6.0 or higher TIF Gate controller, old (1 per row) in group milking parlours, conventional exit A lower than 6.0 - TIX Gate controller (1 for every 2 rows) in group milking parlours, conventional exit A lower than 6.0 6.0 or higher TFE FastExit group milking parlour gate controller A lower than 6.0 6.0 or higher XCR Exit controller Magnum 90 A lower than 6.0 - in (older AutoRotor 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Start-up DairyPlan Settings in DPSetup VC3 units, except for Metatron 12, can either be all connected to the VC3 channels on the DMS 21 GateWay or all connected to a MultiPort card. Installations with Metatron 12 CANNOT be operated via the DMS 21 GateWay. Note! When setting up the installation settings with the Wizard in DPSetup, most of the settings for the DMS 21 GateWay will be asked for or set automatically. Check the VC3 connection, especially if changes have been made or in the case of more complex installations. When the interfaces have been set up manually, the function ”Check PC interfaces” in the ”Help” can be used to check the settings. Further instructions are given if there are any errors. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 63 Start-up DairyPlan Settings in DPSetup Settings for VC3 units on DMS 21 GateWay If VC3 units are connected to the DMS 21 GateWay, ”Use VC3 channels on the DMS21” must be set (”Select interface” dialogue box from the ”Devices” menu): In this example, for wiring reasons, the first four of a total of six feed stations are on the first VC3 channel, separate from the other two stations. The maximum number on the first VC3 channel is therefore set to 4. DP automatically shifts feed stations 5 and 6 to the second channel. Note! If a maximum number is set as zero, the corresponding VC3 channel on that DMS 21 GateWay will not be used. If there is a change from Multiport to GateWay, it is necessary to check the maximum number of devices per channel. The DPSetup main window below in the section on ”Wiring Assignments” shows the VC3 channel assignments. 64 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Start-up DairyPlan Settings in DPSetup Settings in DMS 21 GateWay for VC3 The settings for the DMS 21 GateWay are reached via ”More DPNet components” in the ”Devices” menu: Note! Transfer revised VC3 settings to DMS 21 GateWay If settings for VC3 channels or Baud rates are changed, a DMS 21 GateWay installation stage has to be performed with DPNetInstall in order to transfer the changes. - ”Network Installation” menu ”Address Specification” submenu ”Install Gateway” point If no further node connections or network settings are changed, the other ”Address Specification” and ”Close Gateway network installation” stages do not have to be performed. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 65 Start-up DairyPlan Settings in DPSetup The number of transceiver units connected to a channel is set in the DMS 21 GateWay. The code for the type of communication has to be given for each channel. With the standard methods of connecting VC3 to the DMS 21 GateWay in DairyPlan version 5.230 or higher, there should be a ”0” here. VC3 units with Baud rate 4800 On the DMS 21 GateWay ”Baud rate VC3 channels” setup page, the standard 1200 Baud rate can be changed to the higher rate of 4800. D The setting for the Baud rate on the VC3 peripheral must match the setting in DPSetup. Note! Only the latest chip versions for VC3 peripheral units support the higher Baud rate. D The setting must be the same for all VC3 units on one channel. If Baud rate settings are changed, they must be transferred to the DMS 21 GateWay with DPNetInstall (see note on ”Transferring revised VC3 settings to DMS 21 GateWay”). 66 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Start-up DairyPlan Settings in DPSetup 9.2.3 Changing the connection of VC3 units from MultiPort card to DMS 21 GateWay Farms that previously had VC3 peripherals connected to the PC with a MultiPort or UnoPort card and now have a DMS 21 GateWay can connect the VC3 units to the three VC3 channels on the DMS 21 GateWay. Note! If the connection is changed, all of the VC3 units in the whole farm must be placed on the DMS 21 GateWay. For example, the VC3 units in one milking parlour cannot be on a MultiPort card and those in another milking parlour on the DMS 21 GateWay. Note! Metatron 12 cannot communicate with DairyPlan via the DMS 21 GateWay. If there are Metatron 12 units on the farm then no VC3 units can be placed on the DMS 21 GateWay. Changing the connection In DPSetup in the ”Devices” menu, in the ”Select Interface” dialogue box D Activate the ”Use VC3 channels on the DSM 21 GateWay” setting. D The first two channels on the MultiPort card are usually empty because, otherwise, they are in conflict the PC's serial interfaces COM1 and COM2. For DMS 21 GateWay, enter a suitable maximum number so that the first two VC3 channels on the GateWay can be used. See section on ”Setting up DMS 21 GateWay with DPSetup”. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 67 Start-up DairyPlan Settings in DPSetup Installing and setting up DMS 21 GateWay in DPSetup Case 1: There is no DMS 21 GateWay or not enough DMS 21 GateWays set up in DPSetup. D DPSetup notices they are missing. - Setup error 101 is reported in the main window with the suggestion to run the ”Check PC interfaces” function. Case 2: There is already one DMS 21 GateWay set up in DPSetup (for example if it has already been set up for DPNet units). D DPSetup notices that the DMS 21 GateWay does not have the right VC3 settings. - Setup error 102 is reported in the main window with the suggestion to run the ”Check PC interfaces” function. In both cases: D Call up the ”Check PC interfaces” function from the DPSetup ”Help” menu and confirm the messages. D Answer ”Yes” to the question whether the VC3 settings in the DMS 21 GateWay should be calculated. D The settings for all VC3 channels on all DMS GateWays in the system are overwritten. Check VC3 settings Information on this subject is given in the section on ”Setting up DMS 21 GateWay with DPSetup”. 68 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Start-up DairyPlan Settings in DPSetup 9.2.4 Changing the connection of DPNetA devices from DPNet PCI/USB card to DMS 21 GateWay From DP version 5.230, farms with DPNetA devices connected to the PC via a DPNet PCI/USB card can also connect all of the DPNetA devices to the DPNetA channel on the DMS 21 GateWay. Note! If the connection is changed, all of the DPNetA devices in the whole farm must be placed on the DMS 21 GateWay. For example, the DPNetA devices in one milking parlour cannot be on a DPNet PCI/USB card and those in another milking parlour on the DMS 21 GateWay. Note! If there is more than 1 DMS 21 GateWay being used on the farm, all of the DPNetA devices must be connected to the PDNetA channel on the first DMS 21 GateWay. Changing the connection Remove the DPNet PCI/USB card from DPSetup D In the ”Devices” menu, call up the ”More DPNet components” dialogue box. D Press the ”Device Setup” button. D In the ”More device settings” dialogue box, select ”DPNet PCI/USB” (by double clicking on it, or by marking the line and confirming with ”OK”). D The DPNet PCI/USB card set up dialogue box will open. D Press the ”Remove device” button to delete the DPNet PCI/USB from DPSetup. Setting up a type DMS 21 Gateway PC interface D When the dialogue box is closed, DPSetup checks the setting and notes that there is no PC interface. - Setup error 101 is reported in the main window with the suggestion to run the ”Check PC interfaces” function. D Call up the ”Check PC interfaces” function from the DPSetup ”Help” menu and confirm the messages. D Answer ”Yes” to the question of whether the controllers are connected via DMS 21 GateWay. Installing DMS 21 GateWay with DPNetInstall Information on this subject is given in the section on ”DPNetInstall”. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 69 Start-up DairyPlan Settings in DPSetup Scanning the network with DPNetInstall D Scan the network to obtain information on the software versions to be updated. Information on this subject is given in the section on ”DPNetInstall”. Updating equipment software D Update the software for all DPNetA devices. Information on this subject is given in the section on ”DPNetInstall”. Completing DMS 21 GateWay installation Information on this subject is given in the section on ”DPNetInstall”. 70 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Start-up DairyPlan Feed Settings 9.3 Feed Settings The following settings should be made in order to guarantee correct feeding. Device-specific set-up for feeding In the menu ”Device management Feed station set-up” first of all specify the number of stations connected (feed concentrate and drinking stations). The following settings can be made for each feeder and feeder motor via the ”Feeder Setup” button: On the ”Feeder Setup - General” page: 7160-9001-531 01-2011 D Type of feeding D Number of feeder motors D Name can be given 71 Start-up DairyPlan Feed Settings On the ”Feeder Setup - Motor 1-3” page or, if appropriate, the ”Feeder Setup - Motor 4-6” page: D Portion weight D Pause time D type of feed allocated D type of feed for silo D type of feed if from another bin Note! If more than three different types of feed are provided, the feed lists used by the customer might have to be supplemented. For list processing, see manual 7160-90 . . -530 Section on ”DairyPlan Programs” - ”DPList - List Generator”. 72 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Start-up DairyPlan Feed Settings Feed Types and Bins Details on types of feed and interval feeding can be set up from the ”System Feed Type Setup”. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 73 Start-up DairyPlan Feed Settings Responder settings Menu ”Device - Responder and activity setup” The following types of responder can be set: D 4-figure 4-figure X-responder and Rescounter (amplitude and phase modulated) D 8-figure 15-figure ISO responders (only the last 8 figures are used). D 15-figure 15-figure ISO responders (all 15 figures are used). Note! ISO responders and the Rescounter II option must be selected for activity measurement with Rescounter II. 8- and 15- figure responder types require an ISO transceiver with corresponding program chip! If there is activity measurement and both 120kHz and ISO responders are being used, only one type of responder can be selected for activity measurement. 74 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Start-up DairyPlan Feed Settings System-specific settings for feeding ”System - feed schedule and general setup” menu The system-specific settings include specifications for the delivery of a test portion, feed times, settings for scanning and report files. On the ”Feeding times” record card the ”Feed cycle start time” can be adapted to the conditions of the farm. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 75 Start-up DairyPlan Feed Settings Determining and entering the portion weight for a feed type (Feeder Calibration Wizard) For the following types of feeder, the portion weight for a type of feed can be found using the Feeder Calibration Wizard: - VC4/VC3 feed stations (including Junior box) - VC4/VC3 carousel feeders with feed screw - Feeders in DPNet-controlled rotary parlours (AutoRotor II). - DPNet-controlled milking parlour feeders (PF21, PF21 Basic) Starting the Feeder Calibration Wizard The Feeder Calibration Wizard can only be started if DPProcessControl is running. D From the main menu ”System”, ”Feeder Setup”, Feeder Calibration Wizard D From DPProcessControl via: - the ”Extras - Feeder Calibration Wizard” menu - D 76 the button shown opposite From DPSetup The set-up dialogue ”General Feeder Control” (”System” menu), the ”Feeder Calibration Wizard” record card 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Start-up DairyPlan Feed Settings Entering settings For the Feeder Calibration Wizard, select the feeder for which a portion weight is to be determined. 1 2 3 1 Select the motor for which the portion weight is to be calibrated. 2 Enter the total reference quantity given. The portion weights for setting up the feeder motors are automatically determined from this and entered in the Feeder Setup. 3 Use the ”Next” button to go through the dialogue step by step, following the instructions. See Online Help for details. For VC4/VC3 feeders a test responder is used which is to be kept for the ejection of feed into the identification field. Attention! The test responder must never be attached to an animal because that animal would then receive unlimited feed! Note! If another responder is brought into the identification field during the delivery of feed, this will abort the calibration process. Attention! This procedure should be performed for each type of feed, each feed station and for each new delivery of feed in order to ensure correct calculation of the feed quantities! 7160-9001-531 01-2011 77 Start-up DairyPlan Checking the feeder system 9.4 Checking the feeder system Note! If no feeder system is installed, pass on to the section headed ”Testing Metatron”. A test should be carried out to check whether all of the feed stations and calf feeders connected have the correct electrical and logical connection to the PC or DairyPlan. If there is a connection a ”Feeder motor test” should be carried out. Checking the connection D From Windows ”Start - Programs - DairyPlan”, start ”Process Control (DPProcessControl)”. Alternatively, in the DairyPlan main menu click on ”S-> System programs-> Process control (DPProcessControl)”. A process control window appears with the following tool bar (see also section on ”DairyPlan Programs / DPProcessControl”). 78 D The button shown opposite can be used to call up the status display for feeder stations and feeders. Errors in communication with the peripherals are shown in the ”Error” column. D Possible error messages in the ”Error” column: OFF No response from the transceiver RESPOND? Unknown responder number XM EOF Transmission error (end of file not received) XM ECHO Transmission error (character transmitted not the same as the one sent) (Note: may also be displayed in XMMonitor is running) XM TIME Transmission error (the unit is not responding within the permitted time) XM EXTRA Transmission error (”unusual” data) DUP ADDR Address possibly duplicated NO PORT VC3/4 interface card is not working correctly BAD No return message from motors after starting a motor test. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Start-up DairyPlan Checking the feeder system Note! Occasional error messages (especially after the system has been restarted) are not significant. These errors often occur. Check wiring. The faults may also be caused by defective electrical components. Testing the Feeder Motors D Select ”Test Feeder Motor” from the ”Actions” menu or click on the button shown opposite with the information text ”Test Feeder Motor”. D Alternatively, the test may be performed using the Feeder Calibration Wizard. (Icon Futterkalibrierwizard.jpg) For further information on the subject, see the manual 7160-90 . . -530 D In the following window select the feed station required. Then click on ”Start Motor Test”. D This also checks the weight of the feed portion. If the function test has been successful for all feeder motors and stations, you can start working with the feeding system. Alternatively the test may be performed using the feeding calibration wizard. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 79 Start-up DairyPlan Milking Parlour and Milking Place Settings 9.5 Milking Parlour and Milking Place Settings In addition to the main settings which have been made using the Wizard, other information on the milking parlour can also be given. Fine settings can be made in the DairyPlan menu. ”S-> Settings-> General (DPSetup)-> Devices -> Parlour and Stall ”. When this menu point is selected, the following dialogue box appears: 80 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Start-up DairyPlan Milking Parlour and Milking Place Settings Setting milking control of stalls This function can be used to make the farm-specific settings for the milking places and milk meters. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 D The specifications can be entered for one or several milking control units (e.g. 1-5). D Whenever the milking control unit are changed to ”Rinse” DairyPlan checks whether the setting for the milk meters in the milking parlour agree with the values entered. D If DairyPlan finds differences between the settings in the PC and the devices in the milking parlour, the values saved in DairyPlan will be transferred to the milking controllers. 81 Start-up DairyPlan Milking Parlour and Milking Place Settings Settings for milking parlour and milking places Most of the settings under ”Milking Parlour and Milking Place” are performed by the Wizard according to the type of milking parlour. D To make individual settings later, start the ”Milking Parlour and Milking Place” dialogue from the ”Milking Parlour Setup” button. D To set up the rows in a specific milking parlour, call up the first record card ”General” in Milking Parlour Setup. Amongst other things, this record card contains: - ”ID Parameter” setup (only needed for VC3 milking parlours) Must be set individually for each transceiver. In earlier versions ”ID Parameter” has also been called ”Calibration Value and Pause Times”. - Transceiver setup for row Two different rows of a milking parlour must have the same type of transceiver. In exceptional, rare cases however, one transceiver, with its own settings, may be installed for each row. - The ID parameters of rotary parlours that are controlled conventionally with VC4/3 transceivers are also in the settings for the (one) milking parlour row. More details in Online Help. 82 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Start-up DairyPlan Checking the milking parlour units 9.6 Checking the milking parlour units Note! If there are no milking parlour units, please continue with the section on ”Minimum DairyPlan Settings”. A check is performed as to whether all of the milking control units and milking places have the correct electrical and logical connection to the PC and to DairyPlan. With regard to Metatron 12 milking parlour control units: If there is a connection, individual devices can be switched off and on with the main switch in order to check the addressing of the devices. Checking the connection D From the DairyPlan menu, click on ”S-> System Programs-> Process Control (DPProcessControl)”. D A process control window appears with the following toolbar. D Click on the icon with the ”Milking control unit” info text in order to list milking control units. The status of communication between the peripherals and DairyPlan is shown in the ”Error” column. If everything is working correctly, the ”Error” column will be empty, otherwise an error message or the status of the devices will be shown. D If no equipment is displayed you must check to see if the system is set to measure milk yield. D In conjunction with Metatron: If milking has been performed without a connection to the computer, remove the bridge from the ”DS” to ”‐” data lines on the Metatron connection card. D Switch on the vacuum pump. If some or all units display ”OFF” for more than three minutes, proceed as described in the Section entitled ”DairyPlan Programs”; ”DPPORT ‐ Help Program”. Note! The fact that Metatron 12 displays ”OFF” when the vacuum pump is not running is not a fault. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 83 Start-up DairyPlan Checking the milking parlour units Testing a METATRON 12 ‐ device Note! The test described does not apply to Metatron P21/S21! The previous test showed how the electrical connection for the Metatron devices is checked. This next ”check” can be performed if, for example, two Metatron devices are mixed up because their addresses are incorrect. This also checks the logical connection. D Switch some of the Metatron units off at the main switch. D In the ”Error” column, the changes must be identified at the correct units. If not set the address correctly. D This completes the check on the Metatron units. Possible error messages in the ”Error” column: ID Off No response from ID (S/E switched off?) COW# ? Unknown animal ID received MATCH ? Animal ID and milk quantity do not match REPEAT? Animal has already been milked at another milking place 1111? Unknown responder number 1111 XM EOF Transmission error (end of file not received) XM ECHO Transmission error (character transmitted not the same as the one sent) XM TIME Transmission error (the unit is not responding within the permitted time) XM EXTRA Transmission error (unusual data) 84 DUP ADDR Address may have been duplicated NO PORT Dual‐Port card is not working correctly ID ADDR ID address may have been duplicated ID PORT? Interface card is not working correctly for identification MAN ENTR Manual milk entries not permitted on Metatron 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Start-up DairyPlan Minimum entry of animal records (for functional test) 9.7 Minimum entry of animal records (for functional test) Once the PCs and peripherals have been connected, the animal data have to be entered. To check that the system is operating between three and ten animals have to be entered, depending on the size of the installation. For further information on the subject, see the manual 7160-90 . . -530 Entering Information on Livestock Enter new animals with ”DPMenu -> Animal Data -> Manage Animals ->Save”: To run the installation the following minimum entries are absolutely essential: for cows / goats / sheep Animal ID Responder number Group ID number Date of birth Last birth date Lactation number 7160-9001-531 01-2011 for young animals Animal ID Group ID number Date of birth 85 Start-up DairyPlan Automatic functions 9.8 Automatic functions In DPProcessControl, in the menu ”Actions-> autom. functions” exact details must be given on the functions that are to be performed automatically (see ”Installation Report”). For more information press ”F1”. D Feed-> Feed times: Enter a suitable start time for the feeding cycle. D Milk: Enter the milking times. The actual milking times must be within the times set. D Autom. reports: Select or enter reports which are to be printed automatically at specific times. Note! DairyPlan provides a number of pre-set lists in the directory ”dairypln - FactOrig - XX (= language that has been installed and set)”. Examples of monitoring lists: Report name 86 Recommended printing time Purpose Feed monitoring after start of feed Feed monitoring Observe daily / weekly Heat monitoring Heifer about to calve weekly Calved heifer overview Animals due to calve weekly Calving overview Vet action weekly scheduled vet action Unidentified animals in the milking parlour Post milking Animals with no milk quantity Conductivity value and milk alarm Post milking Conductivity value and milk monitoring Activity monitoring 2 daily Activity monitoring 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Start-up DairyPlan Automatic functions D 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Back-up: Enter the time and filename (including path) for the scheduled file back-up. The data is then saved at the time specified every day. 87 DPService User interface 10 DPService DPService is a program that dairy farms can use to create and set up all of their corresponding devices and components. The graphical interface not only makes it easier to configure new dairy farms, it also enables the user to import, display and edit operating data that have already been created, from the DairyPlan database. Call up DPService Start the DPService program 10.1 User interface The user interface is divided into different areas representing different program functions and providing interaction. A B D C Example: View of a new farm 88 7160-9001-531 01-2011 DPService User interface A Functional area In the current version of DPService, the function area includes a configurable icon bar, the ”General” tab and menu bar. More tabs will be added in future versions. Functional area version 1.026 Symbol bar In the symbol bar click on an icon in the menu bar, the illustrated functions can be performed. The displayed dropdown menu right above the icons can either be shown the symbol bar above or below the menu bar. General Clicking on the ”General” tab, the menu bar can be fade in and out. Menu bar The menu bar is divided into the following DPService functions: 7160-9001-531 01-2011 89 DPService User interface Farm details This menu is for creating new farms and storing the operating data entered. D New An ”empty” milking parlour is created. Any data saved for a previously created milking parlour will be lost. The devices and components of the new milking parlour have to be created again (configured and set up). D Save Saves the current milking parlour configuration in the DairyPlan database. This function can be executed from the icon in the menu bar and also from the ”Save” button in the properties area. database D Import This function is used to import a configuration file that has already been created. D Export Saves a configuration with any name in the file system, not in the DairyPlan database. The configuration can then be sent to Technical Support for example. D Reload The configuration stored in the local DP database is re-imported. Any settings that have not been saved at that time will be lost. D Pass Code Protects the operating data entered against unauthorized access by third parties. The pass code can consist of up to 13 alphanumerical characters. The pass code also applies to the settings in DPSetup. View 90 7160-9001-531 01-2011 DPService User interface D Quick navigation The graphical overview of the farm created can be displayed and hidden again by a checkbox in the Graphics area. D Description The background colour can be changed from white to black with a dropdown menu. Mode 7160-9001-531 01-2011 D Configure All of the components in a newly created farm must first be defined in full in the Properties area (configured). D Setting When all of the components have been defined (the corresponding icons are green), if necessary more parameters can be adjusted in the Properties area. However, because the configured components already have standard parameters, this is only necessary if there are any system-related deviations from the standard parameters. 91 DPService User interface B Graphics area The Graphics area is for quick navigation. The icons shown here can be used to select faulty components directly with a click of the mouse and show the corresponding Properties area without having to laboriously search for them in the tree structure of the Components area. Grafikbereich, Version 1.026 92 7160-9001-531 01-2011 DPService User interface C Components area In the Components area, all devices and components in a created milking parlour are displayed hierarchically in a tree structure. Komponentenbereich, Version 1.026 Component groups In the Components area the devices belonging to a milking parlour are displayed in groups in a tree structure. Clicking on the plus sign in front of a component icon (milking parlour example), or double clicking on the milking parlour icon, expands the component tree. There will be a minus sign in front of the component tree that is opened. Clicking on the minus sign closes the tree. Call up the DPSetup dialogue window In the component tree, for a few components (e.g. feed station), the corresponding dialogue window in DPSetup can be called up by clicking on it with the right mouse button. This is so that herd management data can be processed quickly. For direct access, it is necessary for the data to be stored in the database and for the components to be in ”Set-up” mode (see description of the Mode function area). 7160-9001-531 01-2011 93 DPService User interface D Properties area In the Properties area, depending on the mode selected, the basic configuration (configuration mode) and the parameter settings (set-up mode) of the operating components can be displayed and edited. Grey fields are for information only and cannot be edited. The input fields to be configured are highlighted in yellow. Help window Eigenschaftsbereich, Version 1.026 Data entry To facilitate data entry, in some windows, predefined configuration data can be selected from a dropdown menu. Other data must be entered by hand. The completed entry can be confirmed by clicking on the ”Accept” button or deleted with ”Reject”. Only when there is data in all of the necessary input fields will the colour of the icon for the corresponding component turn green and the component data can be saved in the DP database. Any values that differ from the standard values will be subjected to a logical check. If a value is above or below a valid range, the last valid value saved for the farm in the database will be used. If there is no suitable value in the database, the standard value will be selected. 94 7160-9001-531 01-2011 DPService User interface Multiple selection If a milking parlour has several of the same kind of device, (milking controllers, feeding systems, etc.), these can be selected from the component tree together and configured as follows: A With the right mouse button click on the milking parlour or milking parlour row icon and choose ”Select all milking controllers”. As with Windows file manager, either: B Click on the first and last device group while holding down the SHIFT key and select all of the groups in between, or: C Hold down the control key (Ctrl) and select the device groups individually with the left mouse button. Help text For each component selected, help text appears at the bottom of the Properties area above the buttons. Automatic data save If the DPService program is ended without first saving the edited data, a popup window appears to say that the data have not been saved. The user can then either reject the changes, save them in the DP database or save them with automatic temporary buffer storage. With buffer storage, the data are saved in the file ”Autosave.sav” in the DPService program folder. However, the file should not be edited manually because otherwise it might not be possible for it to be loaded when DPService is started again. When DPService is restarted, the program checks whether there is an Autosave file in the buffer. The user can then decide whether to load the last unsaved status from the buffer or the last saved status from the database. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 95 DPService User interface Save Once all of the components have been configured and set up, the operating data must be saved in the DairyPlan database. To do this, select the ”Save” icon in the menu bar or click on the ”Save” button at the bottom of the Properties area. Note! If new data are to be saved for later use and not stored in the database, they can be transferred to a file with the ”Export” option. The saved data are stored in the DP database and can be transferred in the next step (open DPSetup and start DPNetInstall). For more information on this subject, please refer to the section: ”DP Setup”. 96 7160-9001-531 01-2011 DPService User interface 10.1.1 Symbols In the graphics and components area, operating areas and components are represented hierarchically by the following icons. Farm details Farm details Operating areas Gateway / PC connection AutoRotor milking parlour AutomTandem milking parlour Group milking parlour Automatic milking systems (MIone)milking parlour Components Control panel Milking controller Standby module Other components / controllers Milking parlour row group milking parlour: one-row ready for operation Milking parlour row (AutoTandem): one row ready for operation. The icon is the same for the right and left-hand row Milking parlour row (AutoRotor) Milking box (MIone) Selection Scales Feeding Tank controller 7160-9001-531 01-2011 97 DPService User interface Operating status The operating status of each operating area and each component is indicated by one of three colours. D Green All of the fields for the component and all of the fields in the subordinate tree structure have valid values. The component is ready for operation D Yellow One or more subordinate devices still have empty fields. But the component has been filled out completely. D Red Some fields for the component are still empty. The component is not ready for operation. D Milking parlour type not defined. Once the required milking parlour type has been selected, the icon shown on the right changes to red operating status for the milking parlour selected. 98 7160-9001-531 01-2011 DPService Creating a new farm 10.2 Creating a new farm To create a new farm, one row of basic settings must first be entered and the operating areas and their components set up. Start DPService Call up the program with the DPService icon in the DairyPlan user interface. Um einen neuen Betrieb anzulegen müssen zunächst einige Grundeinstellungen vorgenommen und die Betriebsbereiche und deren Komponenten eingerichtet werden. 1. Under mode, select the option ”Configure”. 2. Under ”Farm” click on the option ”New”. 3. The ”Farm” and ”Gateway” icons are now displayed in the Components area. Create operating areas 7160-9001-531 01-2011 1. Select the ”Farm” icon. The corresponding input fields appear in the Properties area of the user interface. 2. Enter the number of operating areas. 3. Eingaben übernehmen. Once the settings have been accepted, the icons appear for the operating areas created. 99 DPService Creating components 10.3 Creating components The ”Create components” procedure is the same for the individual operating areas and is described here with one example. 1. Select icon (example: milking parlour). 2. Enter the corresponding milking parlour details in the fields that appear in the Properties area. 3. Confirm each entry with ENTER or by clicking on the ”Accept” button. Other input fields open with a yellow background. Note! In group and AutoTandem milking parlours, the number of milking places is entered for each row. 4. Repeat the procedure until all of the input fields have been completed and the details accepted. 5. When the entry is correct and complete, the icon turns green. 6. Create components for all other operating areas. 7. Save configuration in the DairyPlan database. Update software and specify addresses (DPNetInstall) For all of the components that have been created, the software now has to be updated and a device address specified. D Starting DPNetInstall For more information on this subject, please refer to the section on: ”DPNet Installation”. Provided no entries have to be made that are different from the specifications, the milking installation is now ready for operation with the factory settings. For more information on this subject, please refer to the section on: ”Setting up components”. 100 7160-9001-531 01-2011 DPService Setting up components 10.4 Setting up components The setting up of component parameters is the same for the individual components and is described here with the example of a milking controller. 1. If not already active, change to ”Set-up” mode. 2. In the Components area, navigate to the Components to be set up. 3. Select the ”Milking controller” icon. Input fields appear in the Properties area. Note! It is possible to select multiple components with the mouse. (same as Windows Explorer) D Specific selection by holding down the ”Ctrl” key D Mark range with the Shift key 4. Adjust settings individually. Input fields appear in the Properties area Example: D Threshold for removal (050/040/010) D Number of pulses (050/020/010) 5. 6. Accept and save settings. Repeat the procedure until the components in all of the operating areas have been set up. Send the settings to the components (DPNetInstall) The individual settings must now be sent to the components. For more information on this subject, please refer to the section on ”Installation DPNet”. The milking installation is then ready for operation with the individual settings. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 101 DPService Adding to farms 10.5 Adding to farms Operating areas and components can be added to an existing farm. The ”Add to farm” procedure is the same for operating areas and components and is described below with one example. 1. Start DPService. 2. In the Components area navigate to the components to be set up. 3. Click on the Farm icon. The corresponding input fields appear in the Properties area. Change number of Expert tank controllers. Accept settings. The icon appears in the Components area Save settings. 4. 5. 6. Note! Alternatively, to add a component, proceed as follows: 7. 8. 9. In the Components area, navigate to the operating area. Select operating area (e.g. milking parlour) Input fields appear in the Properties area Add component (e.g. automatic stripping unit) Update software and specify addresses (DPNetInstall) The software has to be updated for the components that have been created or expanded, and a device address specified. For more information on this subject, please refer to the section on Starting DPNetInstall The milking installation is ready for operation with the settings selected. For more information on this subject, please refer to the section on Setting up components Note! Once a farm has been set up in DPService and the details saved in the database, the devices created must be given an address via DPNetInstall. 102 7160-9001-531 01-2011 DPNet Installation DPNetInstall 11 DPNet Installation 11.1 DPNetInstall Note! DPNetInstall is included on the DairyPlan installation CD from Version 5.100. The DPNetInstall program is for installing and commissioning DPNet networks and modifying them in the event of any version-related hardware or software changes. Various settings are made for DPNet devices. DPNetInstall also offers the following functions: D Scanning the network in order to find out the current status of the installation. D Updating of the equipment software by transferring Neuron and host software. D Displaying component information. Only when all of the connected devices have been correctly installed is the milking parlour fully functional. Thanks to the installation process, communication becomes possible between the individual devices and between the individual devices and DairyPlan. The following steps need to be taken in order to operate a DPNet network: D Install DPNet equipment in the installation as well as the cabling required (see relevant user manual and assembly instructions for the equipment). D Install DairyPlan on PC. D If necessary, fit a Multiport card and install drivers. D If necessary, fit DPNet Interface PCI or USB and install DPNet driver software. D Make milking parlour settings with DPSetup/DPService. D Configure network card in the PC. D Enter settings in DPSetup for DPNet. D Start the ”DPNetInstall” program. - Install Gateway. - Download device software (gate control only or other applications that are based on the hardware of a gate control card). - Close Gateway network installation. - Download other devices. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 103 DPNet Installation DPNetInstall Start program for the first time The DPNetInstall program can be started as follows after installation: D Directly from this DairyPlan directory D From DPSetup under the menu ”Devices->DPNetInstall” Special features of the initial start-up process The window shown below opens automatically when the program is started for the first time (only if there is a DPNet-PCI/USB interface card). The following details on the DPNet interface have to be entered here once: D DPNet interface: ”Xlon PCI” In exceptional cases, it may be necessary to select a different interface. D Interface no.: ”0” The first card fitted has the number ”0”. D If ”PCLTA-20” is selected, the number ”1” should be entered for the first card fitted. The following selection dialogue box will be displayed when devices in the DPNetB network are triggered for the first time via a DMS 21 GateWay. Note! The GateWay must be connected to the PC and to the power supply for the corresponding network card to appear in the dialogue box. 104 7160-9001-531 01-2011 DPNet Installation DPNetInstall The network card that is to be used for data traffic via the DMS 21 GateWay should be selected here. Then install the DMS 21 GateWay via Network Installation ->Address Specification->Gateway. Only then will communication be possible with the DPNetB devices. During the start-up procedure the program window appears showing the installation tree resulting from the information given in DPSetup. Because their status is still unknown the devices will be shown in grey or red. The PC (PC system) shown in the tree must be highlighted in green. Only then will a DPNet interface have been identified and correctly set up. If the icon is red, check the settings in ”Network Installation->Interface-Setup”! 7160-9001-531 01-2011 105 DPNet Installation DPNetInstall Program symbols The following pictograms might appear in the tree for example. Gate control Box control unit PC DemaTron Metatron Stand-By Close/open directory Here, the background colour provides information on the installation status. Background colour 106 gree n Installation OK grey Installation incomplete - Install device (address specification). red Installation incorrect - Note the information shown for the device! Example DPNet Installation-Metatron Interface O.K. Metatron installation Metatron incomplete. Install device (address specification). Gate controller installation incorrect. Note the information shown for the device! 7160-9001-531 01-2011 DPNet Installation DPNet network installation / Update 11.2 DPNet network installation / Update Requirements D DairyPlan/DPNetInstall are installed. D The DPNet PCI/USB interface, including driver and/or the Ethernet network card for connecting the DMS 21 GateWay, is installed and configured. D The equipment for the DPNet network which is to be put into operation, (eg a milking parlour or a feed box unit), must be assembled in the milking parlour and connected to the DPNet interface of the PC. D Settings have been entered in DPSetup for DPNet. Before the network can be installed the installation has to be configured in DPSetup. To do this start the Wizard with ”DPSetup->Wizard->Start”. Once all the forms have been filled in, the milking parlour is configured and DPNetInstall can be started up. Installing/updating In order to install or update a network, the following points are to be carried out in the order specified: Note! The installation described is restricted to essential components. If necessary, detailed information/instructions on the points can be taken from the section entitled ”Installation steps”! D Start up the DPNetInstall program - Directly from this DairyPlan directory - From DPSetup under the menu ”Devices->DPNetInstall” 7160-9001-531 01-2011 107 DPNet Installation DPNet network installation / Update GateWay installation for DPNetB installations. Note! In the case of a network installation that needs more than one DMS 21 GateWay, note that, when installed for the first time, the address specification for the GateWays takes place individually, one after the other. Any others should be switched off in order to avoid address conflicts. Only one DMS 21 GateWay should be connected to the network for first-time installation. D Assign addresses to DPNet devices Attention! Please follow the relevant user manual for the device when installing DPNet equipment! (eg for Metatron) - Print out the installation tree (to help with installation) - In the „Network installation” menu, choose between „Address assignment->All” (Installation of all devices) and ”Address assignment->Single” (Installation of single devices). - Send the PIN to DP for each device one after the other (in the order shown in the installation tree). - After sending the PIN, wait for the „signal” from the device (eg Metatron will flash 3 times). - Next device. 108 7160-9001-531 01-2011 DPNet Installation DPNet network installation / Update D Download equipment software (for new device or update). Note! With a first-time installation a Neuron download only has to be performed for the gate / box control unit because the software has to be adapted specifically for the milking parlour. - Select the gate control unit to be installed from the tree (background colour red or grey). - In the ”Device Software” menu, select ”Neuron Processor”. - Call up the device with Service Pin (first-time installation). Attention! During initial commissioning, call up the device using the Service PIN! (see corresponding user manual for the device). - The program will propose the correct software automatically. If necessary, a message will appear indicating that the latest software version is already available. - Carry out the download. - Download the next device. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 109 DPNet Installation DPNet network installation / Update D Download more updates Note! With a first-time installation a Neuron download only has to be performed for the gate / box control unit because the software has to be adapted specifically for the milking parlour. - Select the device to be installed in the tree (background colour red or grey). - In the ”Device Software” menu, select ”Host/Application Software”. - Call up device from tree (update). Attention! During initial commissioning, call up the device using the Service PIN! (see corresponding user manual for the device). - The program will propose the correct software automatically. If necessary, a message will appear indicating that the latest software version is already available. - Carry out the download. - Download the next device. D Complete installation (only for installations with DMS 21 GateWay) D Scan network Once all devices have been linked up, a final check will be carried out on the network. If installed correctly, all pictograms will have a green background! D Close program ”Close” in the ”File” menu Note! Once the devices have been installed, finally check the settings on the device and retransmit if necessary! The installation/update is complete. 110 7160-9001-531 01-2011 DPNet Installation Installation procedure 11.3 Installation procedure 11.3.1 Assigning addresses to DPNet devices (network installation) Attention! Please follow the relevant user manual for the device when installing DPNet equipment! (eg for Metatron) When installing the system, each device will be allocated an address in the network and the devices will be configured. First of all, install all the DPNet devices within an installation. Installation procedure D In order to ensure that the individual Service Pins are sent in the correct order, you can print out the installation tree to help you by clicking on ”File -> Print”. D In the „Network installation” menu, choose: - „Address assignment->All” in order to install all the devices in the tree. - ”Address assignment->Single” in order to install a single device selected D Send the Service Pin from each device to DP one after the other (in the order of the installation tree). Attention! Make sure that you send the Service Pin for the right device as otherwise this will cause malfunctions in network communications. D 7160-9001-531 01-2011 After sending the Service PIN wait for the device to „Wink” (e.g. Metatron will flash three times). If this does not happen, then check progress on the PC. 111 DPNet Installation Installation procedure D Continue with the next device until all the devices have been installed. After installing the last device, a corresponding message will appear in DPNetInstall. Attention! When all of the device addresses have been specified the installation must be completed again. This is performed through Network Installation-> Address Specification-> Complete Gateway Network Installation. D 112 Scan the network 7160-9001-531 01-2011 DPNet Installation Installation procedure 11.3.2 Downloading equipment software DPNetA devices work with a neuron processor (Metatron 21 with neuron and host), on which any relevant software has to be installed. D for first time installation D for an update For several areas of application, a standard control module, supplied with universal DPNetA software, is used. Only when the right equipment software is downloaded will this control module become e.g. an AutoTandem box controller. DPNetB devices have bootloader and application software. The bootloader software makes it possible to update the application software. The type of download will depend on the processor for the DPNet device used to run the equipment software. - Neuron/bootloader software Network processor used to run programs for single devices. - Host/application software Processor used to run additional programs for complex devices (Metatron 21). 7160-9001-531 01-2011 113 DPNet Installation Installation procedure The following table shows which devices have which software DPNet device Host / application DemaTron DMT X X DMS 21 GateWay GWA X X Standby STB X Stall gate controls (different types) TIX / TFE / TIA X Box control unit 114 Neuron / bootloader X Metatron P21 P21 / WMP X X Metatron S21 P21 / WMP X X Motor control unit MCR X X Control panel OCR X Exit Control Rotary XCR X Revolution cntr ROC X Cluster removal DCR X Place control unit PBG X Control panel OPG X Milking parlour feeding module FTM X AutoRotor I/O control RIO X AutoRotor user interface OPR X Expert tank control connection JTC X 7160-9001-531 01-2011 DPNet Installation Installation procedure Download process Note! With a first-time installation a Neuron download only has to be performed for the gate / box control unit because the software has to be adapted specifically for the milking parlour. D Select the device to be installed in the tree (background colour red or grey). D In the menu ”Equipment software”, select the menu point ”Neuron processor” or ”Host processor” (host only for Metatron). D Call up device Attention! During initial commissioning, call up the device using the Service PIN! (see corresponding user manual for the device). To do this select whether the device should be called up via the tree or by pressing Service Pin. - ”Service-PIN” for first-time installation and update Is released on the device and sent to DPNetInstall. DPNetInstall will wait for the Service Pin for the device When the service pin is actuated, the display will show which file is being transferred. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 115 DPNet Installation Installation procedure Press ”OK” to confirm and transfer the software to the device. When the host software is downloaded a progress display appears because in this case there is a lot more data to be downloaded than for the neuron software. - ”Tree” - only possible for an update (devices already installed) The whole process can be operated directly from the computer. You only have this facility if the device selected has already been installed in the network. After pressing the ”Tree” button, the file to be transferred will be displayed. Press ”OK” to confirm. 116 D The program will propose the correct software automatically. If the current version is already installed on the device, a message will appear indicating that no download is necessary. D Carry out the download. D After the Neuron software has been transferred, the device will have to be re-installed. DPNetInstall will do this automatically. D Continue the download process for the next device. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 DPNet Installation Installation procedure 11.3.3 Group download Note! Requirements for a group download: D The devices that are to receive the new software are already installed. D All of the devices are of the same type. A group download enables software to be downloaded to several devices at the same time. Attention! Close all other programs before the download. The power supply and data communication must not be interrupted during the process! Once the group download had been completed, the whole process can be checked in a progress window. Group download, Neuron processor Note! A group download is not possible for the bootloader software. To transfer neuron software to several devices: D Select the type of device from the ”tree”. D Start the group download from Download->Neuron Processor” menu. D Area (1) lists all devices in the installation which correspond to the device type selected. the ”Device Software->Group 1 D Copy all of the devices to be updated into the selection list with the copy buttons (2). 2 D Confirm with OK (3). The neuron software is automatically transferred to all of the devices in the selection list, one after the other. 2 3 Note! The transfer to the individual devices always takes place one after the other (sequentially) and not at the same time as in a group download for the host/application software. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 117 DPNet Installation Installation procedure Group download, Host processor Group download enables the host software to be transferred to all of the devices in a milking parlour row at the same time. Note! A group download only saves time if there are at least 6-8 devices to be updated. Note! D A group download is not possible with the Service Pin. D Only those devices which require the same software version can be updated at the same time. D Devices that are not compatible with the software determined (the guide for this is the device selected) are automatically removed from the download list and must be transmitted individually afterwards. D At least Metatron Host Version 1.20 is required for the group download. If this has not yet been installed, all of the devices to be updated must first be supplied individually with new software. There is a special host version 1.19 for this that is only suitable for preparing a group download. This version can be installed in a much shorter time. Version 1.19 is not suitable for milking! Start group download for the host application for DPNetA devices: D Select a device for the relevant row from the ”tree”. D Select ”Device Software -> Group Download-> Host/Application Software”. D The current host software is transferred to all devices in corresponding series. Note! Devices with host software which could not be updated in the group download will be automatically updated individually at the end of the group host download. When the group download has ended, all of the updated values will be listed. 118 7160-9001-531 01-2011 DPNet Installation Installation procedure Starting group download for the application software for a DPNetB device D Select a device of the type required. - The device selected determines which software is to be transferred to the device. D Select Device Software ->Group Download ->Host/Application Software. D The following dialogue box opens: On the left of this dialogue box is a list of the available devices (as with the group download for neuron software). When individual devices are marked, clicking on the ”Add” button moves them to the list of devices to be updated (right-hand list). If all of the devices are to be updated, this can be achieved with the ”Add all” button. D The ”OK” button starts the download process. When the group download has ended, all of the updated values will be listed. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 119 DPNet Installation Installation procedure 11.3.4 Scan the network When scanning the network, DPNetInstall searches for current devices (installed in the milking parlour and connected to the interface). While doing so, the addressing and configuration of all devices found are checked. If devices are discovered with addresses that are outside of the permitted range or which already exist, this is indicated by the background colour for the device. An error message may also be given. The software version of the devices is also checked. If there is a more recent version of the software this will be shown in the text of the installation tree. More information is given in the section on ”Program Symbols” in the ”DPNetInstall” section. If the milking parlour has been installed correctly, the following image will be shown: Start scan D 120 Under ”Network installation”, select the option ”Scan network”. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 DPNet Installation Equipment information 11.4 Equipment information Here, you can call up information on a device selected or call up actions. There are two ways to select the device: D By clicking on the Service Pin D By making a selection in the tree Status query Display of status information on the Neuron processor (important for fault diagnosis). ‐ ”Node state” value must be the ”Configured/Online” value If the entry does not match, a new Neuron download must be carried out. ‐ If any problems occur, note the value of ”ResetCause” and ”NodeState” and give to the engineer if asked. Communication table query Display of the devices with which the device selected can communicate. Version query Display of version information on the device (including the current version of software and hardware). ”Host Identifier”, ”Software Version Host” and ”Boot Version” only have entries if the devices have host/application software (see Metatron example). If there are any problems, note the details for the engineer. Configuration data query The configuration data asked for can be compared with those in DairyPlan. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 121 DPNet Installation Equipment information The interactive window displays the configuration data on the device selected Signals The signal command for the selected device is triggered by means of ”signals”. This command is carried out differently by the various devices. Device DeMax/DemaTron Signal command LEDs will flash 3 times Metatron P21/S21 LEDs will flash 3 times Gate control Gate rattles (only when vacuum is connected) Box control unit Gate rattles (only when vacuum is connected) Standby module No action Control panel OCR ”Winking” on the display Feed module FTM Gives out a portion of feed. Setting of configuration parameters Transfer of configuration data to the device selected without having to carry out installation. This action can only be used for installed devices. Transfer communication partner Transfer entries in the communication table to the selected device without having to perform an installation. This action can only be used for installed devices. 122 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Installation of DPCalfFeeder 12 Installation of DPCalfFeeder The DPCalfFeeder program connects DairyPlan to a calf feeder via an FT GateWay. The DairyPlan module HM-J is required for this. A CD supplied with the FT GateWay has the additional program modules required. The following programs should be installed from this CD, in the order given: 1. FT COM Server 2. FT Terminal Program 3. Licence file for FT COM Server D To do this, start the file com_setup.exe from the CD. This installs the COM Server and the Terminal Program. Once the installation has been successfully completed, the program will then be in the folder specified during the installation. D Copy the licence file named dspkm.liz into this folder from the main directory on the CD. Then continue with the installation as described in the manual supplied with the FT GateWay. Note! To configure the FT COM Server, start DPCalfFeeder and in the Links menu, select ”Feeder Connection...”. Then follow the instructions in the manual supplied with the calf feeder, section, paragraph 3. When all of the entries have been made, the data for the calf feeder will be displayed in DPCalfFeeder. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 123 Installation of DPCalfFeeder Match animal data in DairyPlan and in the feeder (when commissioning) If a feeder that already has animals logged in is to be connected to the DairyPlan programs for the first time, the animal IDs in the feeder have to be assigned to the animal IDs in DP, once manually. D Start DPSingle and, in the ”Responder Number” field, enter the transmitter number from the feeder. In the ”Special Animal ID” field, give the machine number of the feeder and the animal ID in the feeder, as shown in the diagram below. Machine No. Feeder_Animal ID Feeder These entries are made automatically for animals that, once the connection has been set up, are logged onto the feeder via the log-on dialogue box in DPCalfFeeder. 124 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Operation General remarks 13 Operation For detailed information on operating Dairy Management System 21, see the following manual: Effective herd management with Dairy Management System 21 (Version 5.2) 7160-90 . . -530 14 DairyPlan programs This section describes the areas in which some of the DairyPlan programs can be used, and how to use them. 14.1 General remarks Help In DairyPlan press ”F1” to call up the Online Help. It appears in the context of what is in the current window. Enter Date / Time D current date/time: enter ”-” or ”+” and leave the field. D Entering retro-active date: enter ”-3” (date three days previously). D Of course the date can also be written out. D Other possibilities: - Enter day: current month/year is added automatically, - Enter day and month: current year is added automatically. Data input To get into the field to be edited, press the Tab key (Backspace with ”SHIFT”-”TAB”), Pressing the ”Enter” key usually saves the data entered and completes the function. Attention! The data stored in DairyPlan are an extremely important and practically irreplaceable asset! Therefore, back up the data every day on an external data carrier (e.g. writable CD or USB stick). 7160-9001-531 01-2011 125 DairyPlan programs DPBackup 14.2 DPBackup The program ”DPBackup” is available for backing up data or reading an existing backup. Note! Save data regularly and keep in a safe place! For further information on the subject, see the manual 7160-90 . . -530 Calling up DPBackup D Press button (1) D Start ”Data backup (DPBackup)” (2). 1 2 D 126 Select next step. 3 Protect data 4 Retrieving data 3 4 7160-9001-531 01-2011 DairyPlan programs DPBackup Protect data D Call up DPBackup. D Select the destination for the back-up. Data can be backed up on diskette and also on other data media. For more information on this subject, please refer to the ”Online Help” (F1). E A B C D 7160-9001-531 01-2011 A Set-up for automatic data back-up B Floppy disk drive. File name ”DPBackup.dpb” is given as a default. This can be changed if necessary C The Windows standard window for saving files is opened. Here any drive/directory on the computer can be specified for data back-up. D You can enter a comment on the back-up here. If the back-up data is to be retrieved, the relevant comment appears in this line. E Option for backing up all data (including special log files). Important for problem analyses by the service engineer. D Confirm entries with ”OK” D The data has been backed up. 127 DairyPlan programs DPBackup Automatic data back-up Note! Unlike a manual back-up, to carry out an automatic back-up the ”DPProcessControl” has to be opened in the background. It is possible to have data backed up on a daily basis. Click on ”Setup” to open the window opposite. 1 2 3 128 1 Once a backup has been performed on the specified date, the date will be moved forward by one day. 2 Under file name, enter the desired name and the path and confirm by clicking on ”OK”. No warning will be given if the directory selected already has a previous backup with the same name, and the file will be overwritten without confirmation. 3 Multiple backups. Backups are saved at regular intervals under different names. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 DairyPlan programs DPBackup Retrieving data If necessary (e.g. if the PC is faulty following lightning) it may be necessary to retrieve old backed-up data. Note! With the exception of DPBackup, all DairyPlan programs that are currently open must be closed. This also includes the main menu and process control! the latter can only be closed via ”File close”. You can specify the extent of the retrieved files. Clicking on ”List” will display the corresponding files which are marked with a blue tick. The files are selected in the same way as when data is backed up. Once the old data backup has been loaded, the PC should then be shut down and restarted. Make sure that the process control starts up at the same time. Note! The data in a backup are always ”historical” and only as current as the date of the backup. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 129 DairyPlan programs DPDataTest ‐ Test Program 14.3 DPDataTest ‐ Test Program What DPDataTest Does ”DPDataTest” is a test and repair program for DairyPlan data records. The program analyzes the data record for errors and warnings in each individual animal record. All messages can be printed out. Carrying out DPDataTest 130 D Start program ”S-> System Programs-> Data Base Test (DPDataTest)” D In the ”File” call up ”Test Data Base” in order to activate the data test (alternatively click on the button shown). 7160-9001-531 01-2011 DairyPlan programs DPDataTest ‐ Test Program D The customer data record is opened and analyzed for errors/warnings. If the program finds any errors or warnings, the menu point ”Repair file-data record” can be called (alternatively, click on the button shown). The screen will also show whether it has been possible to remove the errors successfully. Notes on the ”File-> Repair data record” menu The dialog box ”DataBase Repair Set-up” selects which errors are to be corrected. In the standard set-up all possibilities such as string errors, data type errors, data and time data are selected. Note! To correct an error in the table, all three options ”Delete bad index, Delete bad date, Delete bad date/time” should be selected one after the other and the corresponding repair tool called up. Keep repeating the ”Check and Repair Database” procedure until no more errors are displayed. Cause of Error when Starting DPDataTest: D less than 200 megabytes of space on the hard disk 7160-9001-531 01-2011 D temporarily remove all programs from the ”AutoStart” group D please note the exact error message D delete the DairyPlan file ”DPNet.DAT” 131 DairyPlan programs DPDataConfig 14.4 DPDataConfig When to use ”DPDataConfig” D To maintain the DairyPlan data records D When the size of the data bank tables for an animal in DairyPlan is to be changed. D To optimize data access (defragmentation) D If various tables (e.g. ”Measurements” or ”Weekly Resources”) are to be extended for certain applications. Function The program copies all data from DairyPlan into new files on the hard disk. The new file is sorted according to animal ID; all deletions and file errors are eliminated. ”DPDataConfig” checks the settings made for the hardware and the various graphs if entries have also been made in different tables (e.g. ”Measurements” or ”Weekly average”). The tables are expanded to take additional data. Most data record settings are made automatically. Executing the Program 132 D End all DairyPlan programs (see also ”Appendix”). D Start ”DPDataConfig” from the Windows task bar via the ”Start” button, then ”Programs”, ”DairyPlan”. D End the program with the OK button. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 DairyPlan programs DPPort ‐ Help Program 14.5 DPPort ‐ Help Program When to use DPPort D when the electrical wiring between the interface card and peripheral has to be checked. D to check the addresses of the interface cards or existing COM ports. D when a check has to be made to ensure that the peripheral units are responding correctly D when it is necessary to check whether the peripherals are connected to the right channel (1A, 2A, etc.) / COM Port. Note! DPPort works independently of any DairyPlan settings. DPPort cannot be used for DMS 21 GateWay ports. Function Shows a test of the interface connection. All channels are tested simultaneously. The cable connections can be put together and taken apart while the program is running so that the results can be seen. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 133 DairyPlan programs DPPort ‐ Help Program Executing the Program D In Windows Explorer, start the program ”DPPort” by double clicking on it. D When the relevant icon is clicked on in DPSetup, the screen shows information on the connection (COM port, channel), speed, device type and number. If various peripherals are connected the number of devices will be shown. Example: - Metatron COM 6 with 4 connected devices - Feed box COM 5 with 2 feed stations. D If the screen shows ”PORT NOT FOUND” and the interface card actually has been installed, then check all of the plug-in connections or replace the card. D Insert a test plug (7162‐9047‐080) in each available outlet in order to test the channels on the interface card. If the ”Test Plug” is not displayed, check the plug connections in the card and/or replace the card. Note! Internal modems may sometimes be shown as a ”Testplug”. D Connect the cable to the peripheral's power supply. Each address from 0 to 15 is tested separately. Make sure that the first feed station (or the first milk meter) has the address 0. If some devices answer with the wrong address / answer on the wrong COM port, check the plug connections and feed stations. For further information on the subject, see the manual 7161-90 . . -530 Note! Device 1 has the address 0, device 2 has the address 1, etc. Device numbers: 1 - 16, Address numbers: 0 - 15 134 D If none of the connected units replies then disconnect all units (except the first) from the power supply. Check all wiring and fuses carefully until the first units works correctly. D Once the first unit is working, wire up the additional units one by one. A single faulty unit can affect the entire system of communication of the entire channel. Replace any defective units. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 DairyPlan programs DPAlarm 14.6 DPAlarm General remarks Different programs send an alarm signal to DPAlarm as the central alarm administration if a problem occurs (e.g. problem with a feed box). The program manages the alarms raised, shows a current alarm in a clearly visible window and may also give an acoustic alarm. This will need a sound card with associated loudspeaker boxes. It is also possible to call up other programs via an alarm (e.g. pager - radio call - program) Function If a message relating to a malfunction has been sent to ”DPAlarm”, the pre-alarm time is first to be activated. This can be set by the individual user (see ”Set-up”). In the case of a one-off short malfunction - e.g. brief cut in power supply to feeder box), an unnecessary alarm can be avoided in this way. Only if the problem is still present when the pre-alarm time expires will the actual alarm be triggered. If an alarm is sent several times without being acknowledged in the interim, it is only displayed once. 1 Optical signal: Flashes when there is an alarm signal 2 Details: Click here to activate the set-up functions of the alarm program. 3 Acknowledge Clicking here clears an alarm. 4 Pre-alarm time 5 OK: Clicking on ”OK” closes the program. 1 2 3 4 5 1 Note! If the program is terminated without acknowledging a current alarm the corresponding alarm signal will still be given. DPAlarm ”DETAILS” 7160-9001-531 01-2011 135 DairyPlan programs DPAlarm 1 Alarms: Only the current alarm will be indicated 2 Setting: Call up set-up dialog 3 Inactive Alarms already confirmed are indicated. Double-clicking on the relevant alarm gives additional information on the alarm. 1 2 3 4 4 Comment: Any comments can be added 5 All: All alarms and actions (e.g. last update) are shown 6 Test: Call up flashing and alarm display on the computer 5 6 Settings ”Programs” Alarms are reported to the DP alarm program in three different levels, the priority of which is determined by the sending program and cannot be influenced. Clicking on the appropriate checkbox calls up the program and the name of the program can then be entered. If there are several current alarms waiting, the one with the highest priority will be sent first. If ”Repeat” is activated the pre-alarm time will start to run again and again and each time the time expires the programs entered will be called up. ”Sound” If the ”Special” function is selected, any *.wav (Windows–Sound file) can be activated when there is an alarm. 136 7160-9001-531 01-2011 DairyPlan programs DPAlarm This requires the entering of the corresponding file name with the appropriate path specification. ”Time” In this menu it is possible D to enter the pre-alarm time. D Number of days after which old alarms can be cancelled. ”Alarm List” Using this function it is possible to show, copy or export into a file all saved alarms in accordance with certain selection criteria If only certain types of alarm are to be displayed, enter the type of alarm here (e.g. ”FeedOff”). Finally, click on ”Update”. Export: With this function the alarms can be copied into a text file. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 137 DairyPlan programs DPProcessControl 14.7 DPProcessControl The ”DPProcessControl” program controls communication between the peripherals connected and DairyPlan. Attention! Process control stops immediately if the ”DPProcessControl” program is stopped. Then the animals will not receive any feed and the milk metering and identification systems will cease to work! DPProcessControl can only be stopped with ”File-> Exit”. Pressing ”X” minimizes the program window and places it in the task bar. 138 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Operating faults Safety instructions for troubleshooting 15 Operating faults If necessary, please contact your nearest authorised technical dealer. 15.1 Special personnel qualification required for troubleshooting Troubleshooting may only be performed by specially qualified personnel in accordance with the safety instructions. Also see the section on ”Personnel qualification”. 15.2 Safety instructions for troubleshooting To prevent damage to property and/or life-threatening injury to personnel always observe the following: Also read the chapter on ”Safety”. Special dangers involved in troubleshooting: D Electrostatic processes may damage electronic components. Attention! Only touch the edge of the printed circuit board and avoid static caused for example by clothing. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 139 Operating faults Computer System - Hardware 15.3 Computer System - Hardware Windows provides facilities for checking the computer system. Information on the hardware can be called up in Device Manager. Note! The system properties (Device Manager) can also be called up with this key combination. Malfunction Total failure Empty screen even though the system is working (feed or milk OK or printer reports) Empty screen - system not operating, with exception of light on keyboard and/or hard disk noises The computer does not start DairyPlan Cause + Pause Remedy Power supply problem Check all socket outlets and all cable connections Wrong supply voltage being used Voltage setting Lightning strike Check the interface card Hardware problem Service the unit No power supply to monitor Check plug Not enough brightness or contrast Change control settings Loose monitor cable Secure cable Defect on the monitor Replace monitor. Defective video adapter card in PC Change adapter card (see PC Operating Instructions) Faulty PC motherboard Have the PC serviced A faulty adapter card can block all PC operations Check the following: remove all additional cards - especially the interface cards, modems and serial adapter cards. Replace any faulty cards. Screen possibly faulty or the problem (especially after power failure) Check monitor When the unit is switched on the PC would have to display the memory test otherwise it is a major hardware problem Defective PC motherboard or other PC fault Service the unit Floppy disk sticking in drive Remove floppy disk and start again from the hard disk DairyPlan has not been set up for automatic start (another program always appears) Use the program ”CDAutoPlay” on the DairyPlan CD to set up ”Automatic Start” Windows 98 start files have been deleted from the hard disk (shown by ”Command not found” or ”Non‐System Disk” or another system error message) Call up Windows installation program from the CD (see Windows manual), then the program ”CDAutoPlay”. Interface card faulty or not installed correctly Replace or reinstall interface card Hard disk fault 140 Switch off PC and allow to cool. Try again a few times. If it works then immediately make a backup on a separate disk! Start hard disk repair program (e.g. ScanDisk). If necessary format the hard disk and reinstall the whole PC system (see PC manual for description). Preferably consult a PC specialist. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Operating faults Computer system - DairyPlan software 15.4 Computer system - DairyPlan software Malfunction Cause Animals are not appearing Poorly designed report on the right lists Animal data not entered Unsuitable ”Follow-up vet actions” Reports not printed automatically Automatic functions not set Report has no animals Milking animals are being listed as ”missing” Animal not identified Animals are not being milked but are not being identified as ”missing” Wrong setting in ”automatic time event”. Too short a time has been set for the time before next ”missing animals” check. Another animal has been incorrectly identified. Wrong setting in ”automatic functions” Too much time has been set as the time before next ”missing animals” check Animal has the wrong status code Animal has the wrong lactation number Remedy Set-up in list design (DPList) in order to see the animals included by DairyPlan. Select a missing animal. Call up DPSingle to check the data entry. Check all programmed data as ”List limit” and verify the ”Status code”. A lot of reports require a ”future vet action” for the animals to be listed correctly. Set automatic functions The report must have at least one animal within the limit values. Try to start the list manually and change the ”Report limits”. No action required. DairyPlan will estimate the data required. Correct settings Correct the time between the first and last milking of animals within one milking session. Delete the incorrect animal data Set the automatic functions correctly Correct the time between the first and last milking of animals within one milking session. ”Dry”, ”prepared” or is not being checked. Enter correct status. Enter the right lactation number for the animal. The group of animals has been set to the wrong number of milking operations. Lactation totals are not correct The milk yield of missing animals is not being estimated correctly. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Change the setting for the animal in ”Group Setup, Group Parameters” or ”Group Numbers”. System still not working long enough. A full lactation is needed to obtain a proper production data record. Estimations can be made by (a) entering the current estimated values from the control association ( computer centre, etc.) or (b) starting ”estimation of the last lactation totals” for a rough estimate of the last production. ””Estimation of lactation totals ” has been The last production will be estimated roughly started. based on the actual daily quantity of milk. It should not be used apart from shortly after the system starts. If it has been used inadvertently, then current data may be confused with the estimated values. For this reason, enter numbers from old reports. The animal has no milk yield during Animals are not identified as missing if they do lactation. not have a milk yield from Metatron at least once a month. The animal's group has been set to the Change group set-up or put the animal in wrong ”Number of milking operations”. another group. 141 Operating faults Feeding 15.5 Feeding Malfunction Cause Remedy ”Off” or repeated error messages on the ”feed system interface” test screen. Equipment fault. Mains voltage or other electrical faults Check transceiver Feed monitoring says that animals are feeding although actually they are not feeding Feed supply faulty or empty Fill the silo Mechanical or electrical problem with feed dispensing system Compare feed dispensing service Wrong amount of feed programmed See section headed ”Main menu”; ”Feeding”. Wrong feed calculation programmed The automatic feed calculation facility should not be used until the system has been running on manual for a month. Weight of portion too small DairyPlan is not giving out the specified feed quantities (see Section on ”Starting up DairyPlan”; ”Settings, Feeding”) ”Maximum feed quantity per Interval” is set too low The animals are being prevented from receiving enough food whenever they visit. ”Number of entitlement intervals” or ”Intervals per day have not been set correctly. Start with the setting shown in the Section ”Start-up”; ”Set-up, feed ” according to the animals; admission to the feed stations. Insufficient access to the feed stations. If easy access is provided, approximately 25 animals can feed at one station for 20 hours and more a day. Check how much it is being used with the feed lists or the report on visits to the feed box. (DPSetup, menu: ”System”, ”General Setup, Feeding”, record card: ”Other”) If the animals have only inadequate access you might try to modify or convert the feed station. Feed monitoring (correct) shows a lot of animals not calling for food. 142 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Operating faults Printer 15.6 Printer Malfunction Printer not working - no test printout Printer not printing - test printout OK Cause Remedy No voltage Check the main fuse or switch. Melted fuse Replace fuse Faulty mains cable Replace mains cable Faulty printer Have the printer serviced Printer not switched on (indicator lights not coming on) Switch printer on Printer is ”OffLine” Press the ”online” key Faulty cable, loose connections or connection made at the wrong point. Repair the cable or connections (check on the correct connections in the PC manual). Wrong printer entered in the System Control. PC faults To check, test another printer and have the PC checked. Printer not printing automatically Printer switched off Switch printer on. ”Autom. functions” have not been programmed into DairyPlan. See ”DP Start-up DP; Minimum entry ...” Printout is weak and illegible Printer cartridge is empty. Replace printer cartridge. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 143 Operating faults DairyPlan Error Messages 15.7 DairyPlan Error Messages ”Internal error number X has occurred” This message appears if an error has occurred within the DairyPlan 5 family. To rectify the error, certain actions have to be carried out. Note the action number in the corresponding line of your error number. The individual actions are described in the table ””What to do in the event of errors” at the end of this section. The ”Source” and ”Description” columns are references points for GEA Farm Technologies GmbH technical personnel when troubleshooting. 144 No. 0 Action 1 Programs DW misc 1 1 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 Source Description error conditions not assigned to a number D new operator out of memory (C++ new operator) 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 W W W W W W W W ADIS_QuickImport ADIS_QuickImport ADIS_QuickImport ADIS_QuickImport ADIS_QuickImport ADIS_QuickImport ADIS_QuickImport ADIS_QuickImport Cannot index to record Cannot prepare to put data Cannot prepare subindex to put Cannot index to sub record Field does not allow import Error saving Field Error saving sub index record Error saving index record 102 103* 104* 105* 106 107 2 2 2 2 2 1 D D* D* D* D D loadadd: opencow: opencow: opencow: opencow: checkleft: incorrect offset address for pp can't find cowdata file data version older than program data version newer than program wrong number of file divisions insufficient memory 115* 116 117 121 5 1 1 3 D* D D D messup: messfile: messload: loadary: wrong number of message pointers insufficient memory insufficient memory lastcow pointer out of range 131 132 135 141 142 3 4 4 4 1 D D D D D cowadd: loadary: saveary: settdc: gettdcin: record number greater than max out of memory incorrect count from sort incorrect memory pointer insufficient memory 201 202* 203 204 205 4 6 6 4 4 D D* D D D closrep: openrep: closrep: closrep: closrep: write report form w/ neg file incorrect report file size error writing report form file repfile value error error closing report form file 221* 231 232 233 234 235 5 4 4 1 4 1 D* D D D D D repask: groupld: groupset: groupset: lhidset: lhidset: branching error sorted wrong number of cows missing zero in group rstr array insufficient memory sorted wrong number of cows insufficient memory 241 242 243 4 4 4 D D D mcrgmem: mcrgmem: mcrgmem: null cow structure null cow pointer array null sire structure / ptr array 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Operating faults DairyPlan Error Messages No. 244 245 246 247 248 249 Action 4 4 4 5 5 5 Programs D D D D D D Source mcrgmem: mcrtmem: mcremem: mcrgmem: mcrgmem: mcrgmem: Description null sorting array memory reallocation error memory reallocation error non-null pointers non-null pointers non-null pointers 251 252 253 261 262 263 271 4 4 1 4 4 5 4 D D D D D D D indivrep: mcrgpadj: mcrepload: mcrsst: mcrsst: mcrsst: getmcrs: insufficient memory insufficient memory insufficient memory insufficient memory insufficient memory null pointers insufficient memory 301* 302* 303 304 305 306 307* 308* 309 310 6 5 5 5 4 5 1 1 1 5 D* D* D D D D D* D* D D menurep: repset: spcptrs: mcrepmak: mcrepmak: dpreport: menurep: menuanal: dpimport: mlkcalc: report format file not found incorrect number of pointers incorrect number of pointers dfmode out of range mcr not compiled dfmode out of range out of memory out of memory out of memory illegal estimates attempted 351* 352* 353 354 355 356 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 5 5 5 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 D* D* D D D D D D D D D D D DW edtcal: edtfed: cowptrs: edwfsav: edwfres: dpf34: edstuff: askstr: edstuff: edstuff: genpop: swpolice swpolice TarSet incorrect number of pointers incorrect number of pointers incorrect number of pointers cow number already exists cow number mismatch rec34 undefined insufficient memory field length <= 0 NULL pointer to data field itm out of range attempt to restore before save ram security check failed heap security check failed illegal time entry in table 381 382 383 384 385 391 392 393 394 395 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 6 1 1 D D D D D D D D D D fastfeed: feedtabl: edcfed: mbackup: fastmth: fcv_get_data fcv_get_fmem fcv_get_fmem feedtable fcv insufficient memory insufficient memory insufficient memory insufficient memory insufficient memory NULL structure pointer insufficient memory incorrect number of feeds insufficient memory insufficient memory 401 402 411 412 413 1 1 4 1 4 D D D D D memsetup: wwopen: malint: malint: mfrint: cannot allocate any memory insufficient memory to open window pointer was previously defined cannot allocate sufficient mem pointer not defined 7160-9001-531 01-2011 145 Operating faults DairyPlan Error Messages 146 No. 414 416 417 418 419 420 430 Action 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 Programs D D D D D D D Source mfrint: malrel: malrel: mfrrel: mfrrel: dumchkgr: swapres: Description error freeing memory pointer was previously defined cannot allocate sufficient mem pointer not defined error freeing memory dummy graphics check in gr mode item pointer error 451 452 453 454 455 461 472 473 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 D D D D D D D D edbins: edtfed: edtmlk: edhard: edtime: grouprep: edtfedar: edtmlkar: insufficient memory insufficient memory insufficient memory insufficient memory insufficient memory insufficient memory incorrect number of pointers incorrect number of pointers 501* 4 D* mlkfp: negative number of days 601 602 603* 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 4 1 4 4 4 5 D D D* D D D D D D D D D D cowload: cowsave: savecid: cowload: cowload: cowsave: cowsave: cowsave: cowload: cowdisk cowdisk cowdisk cowgsiz read error from cow file write error in cow file write error saving cowid in file record number range error seek error in cow file record number range error seek error in cow file record number mismatch out of memory incorrect substructure count attempt to write cow, not allowed function pointer NULL incorrect cow structure size 651 652 653 661 662 663 664 671 681 682 4 1 1 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 D D D D D D D D D D cowgmem: cowgmem: cowgmem: cowmchk: cowmchk: cowmchk: cowmchk: cowrmem: cowsask: dpmain null cow pointer insufficient memory for cow ptr too many cow pointers null cow pointer null cow->gen pointer safety variable error record size error pointer count error null pointer error chaining to DPSIZE program 701* 703* 711* 712* 721* 731 732 733 741 751 1 1 6 6 3 6 3 6 4 4 D* D* D* D* D* D D D D D cownotes: cownotes: cownotes: cownotes: cownotes: cownotes: cownotes: cownotes: edfmth: edcamlk error allocating memory error allocating filler memory error reading file header range error in file header read error error filling file error writing to file error writing file header assignment to Null pointer incorrect index array (possibly DPSIZE) 801 802 3 6 D D bullload: bullsave: read error from bull file write error in bull file 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Operating faults DairyPlan Error Messages No. 803 804 805 806 807 808 810 811 812 Action 4 2 2 4 4 4 4 1 5 Programs D D D D D D D D D Source bullsave: bullopen: bullopen: bullload: bullsave: bullload: bullopen: bullnewr: siptrs; Description file not previously opened data version older than program data version newer than program bull ptr not initialized ok attempt to save past file end file not opened first bullary pointer not null insufficient memory incorrect number of pointers 901* 951 952 953 2 4 4 4 D* DW DW D mbackup: StringArray IntSet mcrgmem unrecognized backup drive Allocation Count too high Allocation Count too high Allocation Count too high 1001 1002 1011 1101 1 1 1 4 D D D D setuprt: setuprt: dpscales: scanid; insufficient memory insufficient mem for resp array insufficient memory for gate/scale control null pointer 1201 1202 1203 1204 4 4 1 4 DW D D D vetpre; edcivet; edcalve; vetcheck action number out of range civary NULL insufficient memory incorrect cow number in array 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1311 1351 1352 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D D D D D D D D dr1cow; breedgra vetgraph duegraph dr1indiv dr1group gqprint dpgraphs out of memory out of memory out of memory out of memory out of memory out of memory out of memory out of memory 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D edcamlk stitpush ucopdel dpimport dpimport mcrepsav mcrptop fastbull edfmth fastgroup replacemess writemessfi edcamlk vetcheck fkereplist fkecow out of memory out of memory out of memory out of memory out of memory out of memory out of memory out of memory out of memory out of memory out of memory out of memory out of memory out of memory out of memory out of memory 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 6 7 7 6 6 6 D DW DW D DW DW DPNetfun DPNetfun DPNetfun DPNetfun DPNetfun DPNetfun cannot write to file DPNet.DAT cannot open file DPNet.DAT cannot write share-test region cannot write to file DPNet.DAT cannot write to file DPNet.DAT cannot write to file DPNet.DAT 7160-9001-531 01-2011 147 Operating faults DairyPlan Error Messages 148 No. 1507 1508 1509 1510 Action 6 6 6 6 Programs DW DW DW W Source DPNetfun DPNetfun DPNetfun DPNetFile Description cannot write to file DPNet.DAT cannot write to file DPNet.DAT cannot write to file DPNet.DAT UpdateRam: illegal nesting 1601 1602 8 8 W W DPDataFile DPDataFile OpenMemoryMappedFile, physical file error OpenMemoryMappedFile, mapped object 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 4 4 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 DW DW DW DW DW DW DW DW DW DW DW DW DW DW DW DW DW D5 W prc prc prc prc prc prc prc prc prc prc prc prc prc prc prc prc prc prc control system already activated illegal reactivation too many channels channel object integrity error control system integrity error control system integrity error control system integrity error control system integrity error control system integrity error channel object integrity error control system integrity error control system integrity error control system integrity error control system integrity error peripheral object integrity error peripheral object integrity error peripheral object integrity error Conductivity table is NULL 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 – 2249 2251 5 5 5 5 1 DW DW DW DW DW prc prc prc prc prc side controller integrity error side controller integrity error side controller integrity error side controller integrity error Memory Check prc files 5 W Prc Side controller, attempt to use dummy object 2301 2302 2303 1 1 1 DW DW DW TarHG TarHG TarHG 2304 1 DW TarHG 2305 4 DW TarHG GroupTable::ResetPrepare memory error GroupTable::ResetFinalize memory error TarHerdGroupCorrectionTable::CheckForUpdate memory error TarHerdGroupCorrectionTable::ResetPrepare memory error Factor table not initialized (null) 24012428 1 W ADIS_Engine Memory checks, DPData and ADIS_Engine files 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Operating faults DairyPlan Error Messages What to do in the event of errors Carry out the following procedures if DairyPlan 5 has shown the ”internal error number X has occurred” error message. See table in this section. Action 7160-9001-531 01-2011 1 Rare problem that is not serious. DairyPlan did not have enough memory. You should restart. 2 Installation error. Perform a data backup and install the latest update or installation CD again with the current system 3 Physical problem in the data files - maybe due to the PC crashing, power failure or shaking. Make a backup (DPBackup) on an external medium. Use DPDataTest and DPDataConfig on the data record until, as far as possible, no more error messages appear. Individual animal data may be lost. Make another backup after the repair. Check the PC's hard disk with Scandisk. 4 Internal program fault in DairyPlan. Check data record with DPDataTest and DPDataConfig. If there is no improvement, please note which function led to the crash and report it to GEA Farm Technologies GmbH customer service. Restart DairyPlan. 5 Serious program fault in DairyPlan. Please proceed as described in 4. 6 Hard disk fault or hard disk full. Please try data repair with DPDataTest or DPDataConfig. Delete any superfluous files. Restart DairyPlan. 7 Problem connected with data access by several programs at the same time. End all programs, restart all computers (the whole network if necessary) and restart DairyPlan. If the problem persists, delete the file DPNet.dat” from the DairyPlan folder (this is a temporary file created when the program is started). The file can only be deleted when there are no DairyPlan programs running. Temporary files can be deleted with DPDataTest (click on the ”sticking plaster” icon). 8 Problems with the mmp files (”Memory Mapped Files”), that the DairyPlan program data management memory works with. Close all DairyPlan programs and delete the files ending with ”*.mmp” in the DairyPlan directory. Can also be deleted with DPDataTest (click on the ”sticking plaster” icon). 9 Problems saving data for data codes such as those used, for example, for DPEditData worksheets. Check the settings and data codes for the work sheet. Check animal data with DPDataTest and DPDataConfig until no more errors are reported. 149 Operating faults DairyPlan Error Messages ADIS Engine error codes No Source 2501 ADIS_Engine:: ProcessFileSection 2502 2503 2504 2505 2506 Error Including File 2507 Error Request without definition Data Value line without definition ADIS_Engine:: ProcessValueLine 2509 Status of Value line does not match definition line status Warning: No Index Field or no Import Fields 2510 2511 Value Line, Data record incorrect size Cannot add sub index (unknown vet action?) 2512 2513 Cannot Find Index (Cow?) - or Data Set Full? 2514 Cannot Prepare Indexes to Put Data 2515 Cannot Save Data 2516 ADIS_Engine:: ProcessAbort 2517 ADIS_Engine:: ProcessDefinitionRecord Warning: Import of Manufacturer Specific Events denied 2518 ADIS_Engine::ProcessSea rchRecord ADIS_Engine::ProcessSort Record ADIS_Engine:: ProcessWestfaliaRecord Invalid Search Record 2519 2520 2521 150 Line Status Fault Unknown Line Status Unknown control record Record must be alphanumeric Invalid DII Header Record 2508 Error / Comment Message Text Error Returning from Include File Invalid Sort Record ADIS File Wants Version xx or Higher Interprets XF line (except comment CF) Second char unknown First Char unknown First char not alphanumeric Wrong length for DII header Cannot include file of „IN“ line Request line without valid definition Value line without valid definition (Event number not matching?) Cannot import because of missing index or no importable field defined Wrong length of value line according to its definition Sub Index Field cannot be imported/added, e.g. because it is an unknown vet action but main index „cow“ is valid Main Index field (Cow, Bull, Meter,...) cannot be imported, maybe invalid value or data set is full (capacity reached) Something wrong with the composition of value and index fields Writing Data to DP Database failed (Access denied?) Recursive File Includes do not return correctly to higher level Import of Manufacturer Specific Events (0 < Eventnumber < 6 digits) can be denied Invalid Search Record („SN“ for ADIS) Sort Record Wrong (only RFA files) Version Check Failed (Westfalia Manufacturer Specific Command) C C C C Processing Westfalia Record, DELNOTCH no longer supported since DP5.0 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Operating faults DairyPlan Error Messages No Source 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 ADIS_Engine:: ProcessFlagRecord 2529 2530 ADIS_Engine:: ProcessExecuteRecord 2531 ADIS_Engine:: ProcessCreateField 2532 2533 2534 ADIS_Engine:: MasterFieldListDiagnostics Processing Westfalia Record, UNLINK not implemented Processing Westfalia Record, DECIMAL no longer supported since DP5.0 Processing Westfalia Record, DEFREC no longer supported since DP5.0 Processing Westfalia Record, UNREC no longer supported since DP5.0 Processing Westfalia Record, REPEAT no longer supported since DP5.0 Error processing Westfalia Record Error processing Control Flag Record, Option xx Error processing Control Flag Record, Option xx=0/1 unknown Execute Records no longer supported since DP5.0 DPD#2531 Cannot create fields with DDNumber <= 9999 Cannot create new field Master Field list contains xx Fields plus yy Substitutions Error: Duplicate DDNumber xx 2535 Error: Duplicate Mnemonic yy 2536 Warning: Unknown IndexDD xx for code yy 2537 Warning: Unknown ParentDD xx for code yy 2538 Warning: Duplicate Sub DDNumber xx 2539 Warning: Duplicate Sub Mnemonic xx 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Error / Comment Message Text Any other error with Westfalia record Unknown Option in Control record Unknown Flag Mnemonic These numbers <= 9999 are needed for internal DP numberings Somehow the CREATE failed Count the different types of fields defined (only in diagnostic mode) same field number defined twice (only in diagnostic mode) Same Mnemonic defined twice (only in diagnostic mode) Something wrong with field definitions and mapping to codes or formulas (only in diagnostic mode) Something wrong with the field definition and subindex ordering (only in diagnostic mode) Something wrong in field definition with Sub-Index field numbers (only in diagnostic mode) Something wrong in field definition with Sub-Index field Mnemonics (only in diagnostic mode) C C C C C C C C C 151 Operating faults DairyPlan Error Messages No Source Message Text 2540 Warning: Sub replaces original xx and/or yy 2541 Warning: Indirect Substitution for xx 2542 Error: Cannot Resolve Substitution for xx 2543 2544 2545 2546 2547 2590 ADIS_Engine:: GetBuffer ADIS_Engine:: CreateHeader ADIS_Engine:: ErrorMessage ADIS_UserWin:: UpdateProgressDialog Checksum Incorrect This header was created by DairyPlan Error reading file xx, line y DP_ADIS_Engine::Process WestfaliaDelete CDPDataExchangeApp::O urProcessShellCommand Error attempting to delete cow number xx Auto Mode impossible without Input File 2591 2592 User Break Input File does not Exist GStringArray::ToControlMa x32 CN .... DPD#2592 Additional Lines not Shown A Substitution overwrites another field (only in diagnostic mode) The substitution field itself maps to a substitution (only in diagnostic mode) The substitution does not map to a valid field (only in diagnostic mode) (only for DII) Header not specified by Request file May precede an error message Shown when user interrupts the progress dialog Cannot delete the given cow -A option set but no input file given (nothing to process) Given fiel does not exist, even with „.ads“ extension added The input was longer than 32KB and therefore was not displayed Error / Comment C C C C C C MessageB ox MessageB ox DPNetInstall Errors (2700 – 2799) Note! Available in online help (press F1). 152 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Operating faults DairyPlan Error Messages DPRequest Errors (2800 – 2899) No 2800 Source CDPRequestDlg::ExportData () Message Text Internal Error DPR#2800 DPRequestDlg::ExportData (): TmpRequestFile Name empty 2801 CDPRequestDlg:: ExportRFARequestData () 2802 CDPRequestDlg:: ExportRFARequestData () 2803 CDPRequestDlg::ExportADISR equestData 2804 CDPRequestDlg::ExportADISR equestData 2805 CDPRequestDlg::ExportADISR equestData Internal Error DPR#2801 DPRequestDlg:: ExportRFARequestData ():TmpRequestFile '%s' empty or invalid Internal Error DPR#2802 DPRequestDlg:: ExportRFARequestData ():ADISEngine not found Internal Error DPR#2803 CDPRequestDlg:: ExportADISRequestData (): ADISEngine not found Internal Error DPR#2804 CDPRequestDlg::ExportADISR equestData ():temporary request file %s not found or invalid Internal Error DPR#2805 CDPRequestDlg::ExportADISR equestData ():No data could be created? 7160-9001-531 01-2011 The request file modified for this request is stored in a temporary file with a certain name. This name is lost due to a programming error. Install system again and restart The request report definition file modified for this request is stored in a temporary file. This file is empty or does not contain a valid report definition Problems with DP database connection. Shut the DPRequest application and start again Problems with DP database connection. Shut the DPRequest application and start again The request ADIS file modified for this request is stored in a temporary file. This file is empty or does not contain valid ADIS request data No data produced by processing the ADIS request file. Maybe the file is not a request? 153 Operating faults Multi-Port Connection Set 15.8 Multi-Port Connection Set Malfunction No data connection Cause Incorrect settings in DPSetup Remedy Check settings Multi-Port card driver not installed Install and check driver Multi-Port card not fitted correctly Check installation Multi-Port card defective Replace card Data cable not connected correctly Check data cable Data cable defective Replace data cable No power supply to the CL transformer Check plug-in power pack CL transformer defective Replace CL transformer No data connection to COM3 and COM4 (7162-9047-160) Problem initialising DPProcessControl Update to DairyPlan Version 5.018 or higher Possible conflicts with internal Windows processes. Problem initialising DPProcessControl Increase COM port numbers or use higher port number for DairyPlan communication. No data connection when using an AVM-Fritzcard (Win 98SE/NT 4.0 7162-9047-160) AVM-Fritzcard uses internal Free COM4 (DPSetup) or COM4 use card 7162-9047-170 (installation in Win98 from COM5). Conflict with another card Install card in another slot. COM ports of several cards Cards have not been Uninstall all ports, uninstall are not in the correct order. installed one after the other Multiport cards and then insert individually one after the other and install drivers. Re-start Windows between each installation. 154 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Operating faults DPNet PCI/USB Interface 15.9 DPNet PCI/USB Interface Malfunction No data connection 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Cause Incorrect settings in DPSetup Remedy Check settings and adjust if necessary Driver for DPNet interface not installed Install and check driver DPNet interface not installed correctly Check installation DPNet interface defective Replace interface Data cable not connected correctly Check data cable Data cable defective Replace data cable Conflict with another interface Install interface in another slot. 155 Maintenance Safety instructions for maintenance 16 Maintenance Make regular backups on different media! If necessary, please contact your nearest authorised technical dealer. 16.1 Special personnel qualification required for maintenance work Maintenance work may only be performed by specially qualified personnel in accordance with the safety instructions. Also see the section on ”Personnel qualification”. 16.2 Safety instructions for maintenance To prevent damage to property and/or life-threatening injury to personnel always observe the following: D Only use original replacement parts / original accessories. It cannot be guaranteed that parts from other manufacturers that have not been authorized by GEA Farm Technologies GmbH have been designed and manufactured correctly from the point of view of safety and the stresses encountered. Also read the chapter on ”Safety”. 156 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Deinstallation 17 Deinstallation De-installation is performed with the program ”DPUninstall”. This can either be via the input dialogue on the DairyPlan CD, or via the Windows task bar. Attention! DPUninstall irrevocably deletes the whole stock of data (program files, lists, analyses, worksheets, data and the entries in the Windows Registry)! If necessary, make a backup (with DPBackup) of the data stock. De-installation using the DairyPlan CD. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 D Insert the DairyPlan CD. D In the ”DairyPlan Installation” dialogue, select the option ”Uninstall DairyPlan”. D After running DPUninstall, delete the program file ”DPUninstall.exe” from the DairyPlan directory. 157 Deinstallation De-installation from the Windows task bar. 158 D ”Start”, ”Programs”, ”DairyPlan”, ”Uninstall” D At the warning, confirm that you want to remove DiaryPlan. D After running DPUninstall, delete the program file ”DPUninstall.exe” from the DairyPlan directory. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Appendix Milking control unit settings 18 Appendix 18.1 Milking control unit settings Note! More information on the settings is available from DPSetup online help. Assignment code The ”code” from the column of the same name is used: D to assign texts in the user manual to the program or menu D to assign settings in DPSetup Examples for a milking sequence ”Normal” milking sequence Quantity (kg/min) Transition time for milk flow Threshold for removal (050/040/050) (050/040/010) Cluster removal 050/040/020 Minimum milking time Time (s) (050/040/060) Milking time 050/040/150 Illogical milking sequence Quantity (kg/min) Transition time for milk flow Threshold for removal (050/040/050) (050/040/010) Cluster removal 050/040/020 Milking time Time (s) Minimum milking time (050/040/060) 7160-9001-531 01-2011 050/040/150 159 Appendix Milking control unit settings Code Function Default (range) Setting Control unit* Milking The following settings in DPSetup under: Devices -> Milking Parlour/Milking Stall Setup -> Stall Milking Control Unit -> Milking 1 050/040/070 Minimum milk quantity 0.200 0.050 – 4000 kg(lbs) The minimum milk yield can be changed so that it is possible to capture low yield animals. The computer will not consider an animal as having been milked if it has not yet yielded the quantity of milk specified here. Note! With the measuring procedure using the Metatron measuring reservoir, the lowest value for the minimum quantity is limited to 200 grams (filling volume up to the lower sensor). 050/040/050 90 seconds Transition time for milk flow (0-240) Increment: 1 s The bridging time starts at the start of milking. It is during the bridging time that the animal is stimulated, the cluster is applied and the milk flow sets in. At the end of the bridging time, milk flow control will start. D If the milk flow goes above the removal threshold set (b) after the start, the yellow LED will start to flash. D When the milk flow falls below the set removal threshold (c), the LED goes out and the flashing time begins. The factory setting applies to cows. Recommended setting for goats and sheep: 40 s 050/040/060 Minimum milking time 150 30-240 s If, at the end of milking, the milking time is shorter than the minimum milking time the warning message ”illogical milking sequence” is given. 050/040/010 Threshold for removal 0.250 0.050 – 4.000 kg(lbs)/min Milk flow threshold at time of removal. 050/040/020 15 seconds Flashing time (0-30) Increment: 1 s Indicates imminent cluster removal for the set time. 050/040/040 End of milking time 10 1-120 s The End of milking time starts when the cluster is removed (the red signal lamps will light up). During the end of milking time, the current milking process can be reactivated by calling up the ”Restart” function. Once the end of milking time has ended (red signal lamps no longer on), the measurement values are released for transmission and the signal is set for the AutoTandem gate controller. The end of milking time is indefinitely extended for D manual operation D Irregularities in the milking process See the ”Alarm” menu (050/080/000) with regard to this. 0 050/040/080 Milking time until removal 0 60 - 1200 sek In addition to cluster removal being controlled by milk flow, as is known, it can also be controlled by time (for the whole herd). If the milk flow threshold is reached before the end of the set milking time, the cluster is removed immediately, otherwise it is removed at the end of the set milking time. D 0 = milk flow controlled cluster removal (default setting) D 60-1200 = time controlled cluster removal (in seconds) 050/040/110 0 = cows Small amount of milk 0 1 = sheep / goats DT70 (DemaTron 70) (0-2) 2 = parameter 0.1 kg With setting 2 at least the quantity 0.1 kg is sent for each animal so that the animal is assessed as having been milked. 050/040/110 * 160 0 = cows 1 = no function Small amount of milk 0 2 = goats (DemaTron 60) (0-4) 3 = sheep 4 = sheep, special breeds (milking pattern with two peaks) Setting applicable for control unit specified?? D D D DT60 no specification = all control units DT60 / DT70 = DemaTron 60 / DemaTron 70 DM55 / DM60 = DeMax 55 / DeMax 60 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Appendix Milking control unit settings Code 050/040/030 Function Default (range) The following settings in DPSetup under: Devices -> Milking Parlour/Milking Stall Setup -> Stall Milking Control Unit -> Milking 2 Removal delay 1 (0,0-6,0) Setting Control unit* seconds Increment: 0.1 s Delay in removal is the time between the route taken by the milk being shut off at the cluster and cluster removal (e). In order to enable gentle removal of the cluster, the shut-off valve will be closed at the end of milking (atmosphere above the cluster). The removal valve will follow after a time delay. 050/040/090 Delay in application at the 0,0 seconds start of milking (0,0-6,0) Increment: 0.1 s The function which delays application at the start of milking delays the release of the route for the milk in order to minimise the vacuum fluctuations in the milking installation during the application phase. When the default setting is changed it should be noted that the vacuum release changes as well. 050/040/130 Manual removal no yes/no All animals will be milked without automatic removal. The following settings in DPSetup under: Devices -> Milking Parlour/Milking Stall Setup -> Stall Milking Control Unit -> Milking 3 050/040/150 Shutting off the route taken 0 0 = before removal by the milk before/after (0-1) 1 = after removal removal Is the route taken by the milk to be shut off before or after removal? Shut off before removal Under normal conditions, the route taken by the milk will be shut off before removal. D Shut off after removal If the cluster is heavy or the vacuum level is poor, the route taken by the milk should be shut off after removal so that the cluster does not fall off at the end of milking. Setting for animals with low milk yield. 050/040/140 Maximum milk duration no yes/no Setting 050/040/080, only for animals with active separation function. * Setting applicable for control unit specified?? D D D D 7160-9001-531 01-2011 no specification = all control units DT60 / DT70 = DemaTron 60 / DemaTron 70 DM55 / DM60 = DeMax 55 / DeMax 60 161 Appendix Milking control unit settings Code Function Default (range) Setting Control unit* Pulsation The following settings in DPSetup under: Devices -> Milking Parlour/Milking Stall Setup -> Stall Milking Control Unit -> Pulsation 050/020/010 Number of pulses 62 (30-300) Pulses/min Increment: 1 The number of pulses is to be adapted to the cow to be milked. The default setting for cows is 62 pulses/min. Higher pulse rates are normally required when milking sheep and goats. Recommended settings: D goats: 90/min D sheep: 120/150/min Ratio between suction 64:36 050/020/020 phase (SP) and relaxation (50-70:50-30) phase (RP) The fraction for the suction phase (a+b) can be set within a range of 50-70% of the whole phase. The fraction for the relaxation phase (c+d) will change accordingly. Recommended settings for: Goats: 60:40 Sheep: 50:50 Increment: 1% Vacuum Time 050/020/080 Delay to stimulation start 0 (0-10s) 0 = off After the start of milking, stimulation can be delayed by the time set here so that it does not start while the cluster is being applied. Milking pulsation is running during the delay time. 050/020/040 Pulsation stop in manual mode (manual operation) 1 (0-1) 0 = without 1 = with In manual mode, you can choose with or without manual pulsation stop at the end of milking. Without pulsation stop Pulsator will continue to run continuously, automatic removal is switched off. D With pulsation stop Pulsator will stop at the end of milking, automatic removal is switched off. If set to ”with”, milking can be D Continued with the ”Hand” key (restart) D stopped by pressing the ”STOP” key Alternate/simultaneous 0 0 = asynchronous pulse 050/020/030 pulsation (0 - 1) 1 = synchronous pulse D Alternate pulsation: With Alternate pulsation, the milk will be extracted from the left half of the udder within the suction phase while the right half of the udder will be within the relaxation phase during a pulse cycle. Alternate pulsation also functions accordingly in order to separate the front and rear halves of the udder (see P4). A prerequisite for this is a cluster with an air distributor for separating the halves of the udder. Simultaneous pulsation: With simultaneous pulsation, the milk will be extracted from all four quarters of the udder at the same time within the suction phase and in the subsequent relaxation phase all four quarters will be relaxed during a pulse cycle. * Setting applicable for control unit specified?? D D D 162 no specification = all control units DT60 / DT70 = DemaTron 60 / DemaTron 70 DM55 / DM60 = DeMax 55 / DeMax 60 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Appendix Milking control unit settings Code Function Default (range) Setting Control unit* 0 = End of milking without pulsator overrun, 1 = End of milking with pulsator overrun When the end of milking is reached, the pulsator will overrun for another 5 pulses in order to make it easier for the cluster to be removed from the teats. 050/020/050 Stimulation time 1 1 0 050/020/060 Stimulation time 2 40 1 20s – 95s 050/020/070 Stimulation time 3 20 Setting options (050/020/050-050/020/070) Pulsator overrun at the end 050/020/090 of milking 1 (0-1) Start key assignment (with stimulation time) Assignment of the start keys 0 no stimulation can be programmed in any 1 stimulation time for each individual animal or stimulation adjusted way; the following automatically depending on lactation, as transferred from the assignments are permitted: DairyPlan computer, * no stimulation if there is no valid animal file present 20-95 fixed stimulation time (in seconds) Setting applicable for control unit specified?? D D D no specification = all control units DT60 / DT70 = DemaTron 60 / DemaTron 70 DM55 / DM60 = DeMax 55 / DeMax 60 For guidance on taking measurements on pulsators, please refer to the following manual: 7037-90 . . -033 7160-9001-531 01-2011 163 Appendix Milking control unit settings Code Function Default (range) Setting Control unit* Cleaning 050/010/020 050/010/030 050/010/040 050/040/100 The following settings in DPSetup under: Devices -> Milking Parlour/Milking Stall Setup -> Stall Milking Control Unit -> Cleaning max. fill time 25 20s - 60s DT70 Limit for rinse cycle, otherwise forced drainage Flooding time 15 5-60 s DT70 After the flooding of the upper electrode, drainage will be delayed Drainage time 5 5-60 s DT70 Opening time of the drain valve Lower cluster for rinsing no yes/no To prepare for rinsing at the end of milking, the individual clusters can be lowered for insertion in the cluster receptacle. Once the cluster has been lowered the vacuum remains shut off. This function is called up with the ”Hand” button (alternative to switching directly to the rinsing position). Call up function by pressing the ”Hand” key (for a long time) 0 0 = off 050/040/120 Central switch to milking (0-1) 1 = on If this function is activated, each row can be switched from Rinse mode to Ready for milking by pressing the Start/Stop key (for a long time). 050/010/062 Central switch to rinsing 0 (0-1) 0 = deactivated 1 = activated This function switches all of the control units in a milking parlour row to ready for rinsing at the end of milking (instead of ready for milking). * 164 If this function is activated central switching is performed by pressing the ”Cleaning” key (press ”Hand” for a long time). D milking places that have finished milking switch over immediately. D milking places that are still milking follow automatically after the end of milking time or after any information messages have been acknowledged. Setting applicable for control unit specified?? D D D no specification = all control units DT60 / DT70 = DemaTron 60 / DemaTron 70 DM55 / DM60 = DeMax 55 / DeMax 60 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Appendix Milking control unit settings Code Function Default (range) Setting Control unit* Automatic stripping machine The following settings in DPSetup under: Devices -> Milking Parlour/Milking Stall Setup -> Stall Milking Control Unit -> Automatic stripping unit Quantity (kg/min) Stripping threshold (M2) Threshold for removal Time (s) 050/050/010 Stripping function 1 (0-1) 0 = without 1 = with Work with or without an automatic stripping unit. 0,8 kg/min 050/050/020 Stripping threshold (0,5-4,00) Increment: 0.05 kg/min If the milk flow falls below the stripping threshold set (h), the automatic stripping unit is automatically switched on and remains active until the end of milking. The threshold value is recorded during milk flow monitoring. Special functions The following settings in DPSetup under: Devices -> Milking Parlour/Milking Stall Setup -> Stall Milking Control Unit -> Milking 3 040/000/066 Retaining rail signal inverted 0 (0-1) 0 = signal unchanged 1 = signal changed (inverted) If the retaining rail closes instead of opening the signal may be inverted. 0 = manual SwingOver side change 0 1 = automatically at the end of milking 040/000/150 stall (0-2) 2 = external signal (magnet integrated in the arm) How does side change-over switching take place in a SwingOver milking parlour? 0 = deactivated Remote start input 0 1 = remote start 050/140/010 (IN 1 / IN 2) (0-3) 2 = EasyStart 3 = Remote start and EasyStart Connection of an optional remote start or EasyStart. Remote start debouncing 0,1 seconds 050/140/020 time (0-1,0) Increment: 0.01 In order to prevent a fault occurring during the start-up of the controller, a debouncing time of 100 ms will be operated for the remote start. The following settings in DPSetup under: Devices -> Milking Parlour/Milking Stall Setup -> Stall Milking Control Unit -> Special functions 040/000/060 Function of the Segregation key 1 (1-2) 1 = change segregation marker 2 = change stimulation time DT60 DT70 Allocate a function that will be performed when the key is pressed. * Setting applicable for control unit specified?? D D D 7160-9001-531 01-2011 no specification = all control units DT60 / DT70 = DemaTron 60 / DemaTron 70 DM55 / DM60 = DeMax 55 / DeMax 60 165 Appendix Milking control unit settings Code Function Default (range) Setting Control unit* KickOff 050/060/010 050/060/020 050/060/030 050/060/040 The following settings in DPSetup under: Devices -> Milking Parlour/Milking Stall Setup -> Stall Milking Control Unit -> KickOff Activate KickOff off on/off The ”Release Kick‐Off” function must be commissioned by means of this setting. Transition time 15 5-60 s Kick‐Off transition time The time from the start of milking until Kick‐Off monitoring is activatedduring which the cluster can be attached. Waiting time 1.0 0.1–10.0 s Kick‐Off wait time The waiting time is used to compensate for short admissions of air which can occur during the pulsation cycle. If the switch signal is applied without interruption during this period, this will be indicated by the flashing of the signal lamps and the ”Kick‐Off” LED. Flashing time 1.0 0,1s – 20,0s Kick‐Off flashing time Duration of the Kick‐Off fault display until removal. Removal of the cluster and corresponding disconnection of the vacuum only takes place if the signal from the proximity switch is uninterrupted during the wait and flashing times. BackFlush The following settings in DPSetup under: Devices -> Milking Parlour/Milking Stall Setup -> Stall Milking Control Unit -> BackFlush 050/100/010 Activate ”Save milk” off on/off Activate ”Save milk” function. Residual milk which is still in the milk tube after the cluster has been removed is sucked in the measuring reservoir. To do this the shut-off valve is briefly actuated. Pulsation time for ”Save 050/100/030 2.0 0.1-10.0 s milk” ”Save milk” impulse time Time which is made available for extracting the residual milk (control time for shut-off valve Y8). 050/100/020 Time delay for ”Save milk” 1 1-60 s ”Save milk” delay time Time after cluster removal until the ”Save milk” signal is triggered. Save milk when switching off 050/100/035 over to cleaning (on/off) When the ”Lower cluster for rinsing” function 050/040/100 is activated, the vacuum valve is shutoff. The save milk function (briefly opens the vacuum valve) can also be activated when switching over to cleaning in order to suck out any remaining milk from the milk tube. The save milk time (050/100/020) and the save milk pulse duration (050/100/020) are used in the same way as for milking. 050/100/040 Activate ”Lower cluster” off on/off The ”Lower cluster for intermediate rinsing” function (BackFlush) is activated. Duration for ”Lower 050/100/060 30 0-999 s cluster” * 166 Entry of the time during which the cluster is to be lowered. Setting applicable for control unit specified?? D D D no specification = all control units DT60 / DT70 = DemaTron 60 / DemaTron 70 DM55 / DM60 = DeMax 55 / DeMax 60 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Appendix Milking control unit settings Code Function Default (range) Setting Control unit* Shut-off Extend end of milking time The following settings in DPSetup under: Devices -> Milking Parlour/Milking Stall Setup -> Stall Milking Control Unit -> Block Delay time after a warning 050/080/010 0 0–999 s message If any fault occurs, the End of milking time (signal lamps flash ”red”) will be extended by this time. If irregularities should arise during the milking process (eg if the minimum milking time set (050/040/060) has not been reached), you can block the opening of the AutoTandem box for the period set (0 to 600 seconds) after the end of milking so that the cow can be checked (the red signal lamps will flash quickly). The extended End of milking time can be reset immediately by pressing ”Restart” (Continue milking) or at the end of the normal End of milking time by pressing ”STOP”. Block start of milking if no 050/080/040 yes yes/no animal ID When this function is activated the milking process does not begin until an animal has been identified in the stall. Block end of milking if... A general block can be placed on the end of milking with the following markers. 050/080/020 Low milk yield yes yes/no Quantity of milk is less than the minimum quantity (see also 070/000/020) 050/080/050 KickOff no yes/no When the Kick-Off function is triggered before the expected milk quantity has been reached. ”KickOff” after the expected 050/080/060 milk quantity has been reached in every case. 050/080/070 High conductivity Block at the end of milking if the current conductivity value is higher than the conductivity value expected (alarm value). Delay end of milking for warning messages if ... 050/080/080 Low milk yield yes yes/no Quantity of milk is less than the minimum quantity 050/080/100 KickOff no yes/no When the Kick-Off function is triggered before the expected milk quantity has been reached. ”KickOff” after the expected 050/080/110 milk quantity has been reached in every case. 050/080/120 High conductivity Delay end of milking if the conductivity is high. Display The following settings in DPSetup under: Devices -> Milking Parlour/Milking Stall Setup -> Stall Milking Control Unit -> Display 0 010/000/135 Warning message display (0-3) DT60 DT70 0 : Alternating display, all warning messages are shown flashing alternately 1 : No warning message display, individual warning messages for each animal are not displayed. Warning messages from the milking sequence (e.g. manual removal, segregation,ATD box locking,..) continue to be displayed. 2 : No function 3 : With high priority, only the warning message with the highest priority is displayed. Alternating display 3 DT60 010/000/130 Animal ID / Milk quantity (0 - 60) DT70 Displays alternate between animal ID and milk quantity. Animal ID and milk quantity are each displayed for the time set. * Setting applicable for control unit specified?? D D D 7160-9001-531 01-2011 no specification = all control units DT60 / DT70 = DemaTron 60 / DemaTron 70 DM55 / DM60 = DeMax 55 / DeMax 60 167 Appendix Milking control unit settings Code Function Default (range) Setting Control unit* External alarm The following settings in DPSetup under: Devices -> Milking Parlour/Milking Stall Setup -> Stall setup Give external alarm if ... 050/070/040 No cow number no Signal output for warning ”no animal no.” Animal marker (heat, 050/070/060 no conductivity, etc.) -> Special functions yes/no yes/no Signal output with ”Animal information” info display at the start of milking (eg Dry, Separation, Milking ban). 050/070/020 Low milk yield no yes/no Signal output for warning ”Milk quantity too low” 050/070/050 Kick-Off no yes/no Signal output for warning ”Kick-Off” 050/070/070 High conductivity no yes/no Give a signal for ”high conductivity” info display Cluster function The following settings in DPSetup under: Devices -> Milking Parlour/Milking Stall Setup -> Parlour setup -> Technical features 050/105/010 Lower cluster after removal off on/off In side-by-side milking parlours, after milking the cluster often gets in the way by hanging in front of the udder. In order to have better access to the udder, the cluster can be lowered automatically after removal. At the start of the next milking the cluster is raised (for an adjustable time) to make application easier and is then lowered again for application. The lowering function is only activated if the cluster has been removed. If other functions that affect cluster removal control are also being used (e.g. removal delay, BackFlush), the times must be coordinated with each other. Time between removal and 050/105/020 5 1-60 s lowering Time between removal (cluster raised) and the cluster being lowered. This time can only be adjusted if ”Lower cluster after removal” is activated. Time for raising cluster at 050/105/030 1.5 0.1-10.0 s the start The duration time of the raising of the cluster after the ”start of milking” until it is lowered again for application. This time can only be adjusted if ”Lower cluster after removal” is activated. 0 = current stall Raise cluster at start of 0 1 = next stall up 050/105/040 milking (0-2) 2 = next stall down At which stall should the cluster be raised when the Start key is pressed? 0 = only at the current stall 1 = at the current stall and at the stall with the next number up 2 = at the current stall and at the stall with the next number down Unit of measurement: kg / lb The following settings in DPSetup under: Herd -> General -> Unit of measurement * Setting applicable for control unit specified?? D D D 168 no specification = all control units DT60 / DT70 = DemaTron 60 / DemaTron 70 DM55 / DM60 = DeMax 55 / DeMax 60 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Appendix DairyPlan information 18.2 DairyPlan information Finding out the version number The DP version number should be given in the event of any technical questions. DairyPlan D In the DiaryPlan menu, click on the ”S” button (top left). D Select ”Help-> on DPMenu”. D The version will be shown Other DP programs (e.g. DPList, DPTableGraph, DPView) D In the DiaryPlan menu, click on the ”S” button (top left). D Call up the corresonding program. D Select ”Help‐> on the program”. Ending DairyPlan There are always several ways of ending a DP or Windows program. D From ”File - Exit” (see also the section on ”DairyPlan Programs / DPProcessControl”). D From the cross icon on the menu bar. Except for ”DPProcessControl”, because this program can only be closed with ”File - Exit”. D If all open DairyPlan programs are to be closed again then, one after the other, click on all of the DairyPlan programs in the status bar with the right mouse button. Select ”Close” in the drop-down menu in order to close the application. The exception is ”DPProcessControl” as this can only be ended with ”End File”. D The key combination ”ALT/Tab” can be used to ”jump” from one Windows application to the next. Hold down the ”ALT” key and jump from one application to the next by pressing the ”Tab” key. A small window with all active programs will appear. Release the ”Tab” key if a DairyPlan program has been selected. End the DairyPlan application as described in the first bullet point. Creating a shortcut It is sometimes useful to create a shortcut on the desktop to reports/programs that are frequently used. 7160-9001-531 01-2011 D Select file in Explorer. D Call up the context menu with the right mouse button. D Select ”Send to”; ”Desktop (create shortcut)”. 169 Appendix DairyPlan information Files used by DairyPlan 170 AscToADS.exe, AscToAds-install.exe, Automatic-Import.exe Program for converting ASCII text data into importable ADIS data. Must be installed with AscToAds-install.exe before use CDAutoPlay.exe Needed on the DairyPlan installation CD for starting up installation DP_Data.dll, DP_General.dll DLL files with central DairyPlan functions that are used by all programs DP_DeviceParameter.dll DLL file that manages the definition of the configuration interface with DPNet devices DP4100.exe, DP4200.exe, ... DP5100.exe Conversion programs that are automatically called up when an upgrade is performed. DPAlarm.exe Program for organizing and displaying alarms and messages, may start other actions DPAutoServer.exe COM server, exchange data and settings on other programs with DairyPlan DPBackup.exe Program for creating and reloading DairyPlan data backups DPBridgeMonitor.exe Displays the flow of data between process control and DPNet devices DPBridgeNTalk.exe Used by process control for communication with DPNet devices DPCalfFeeder.exe Program for exchanging and displaying data with certain F”rster StandAlone automatic feeders DPDairy.dat DairyPlan database file (animal and system data) DPDataConfig.exe Utility program for arranging and setting DairyPlan data. Is run through automatically whenever process control is started up. DPDataExchange.exe Program for exporting and importing ADIS or DII data DPDataTest.exe Utility program for testing and repairing DairyPlan data records DPEditData.exe Program for viewing and entering data in table form. Works on so-called work sheets the definition of which is stored in ”*.dpe” files. DPEvents.exe Program for displaying saved events from process control, the milking routine for example. DPFeeds.dat DairyPlan database file (feed calculation settings) DPFeedTable.exe Program for feed calculation in DairyPlan DPHerdStat.exe Program with herd statistics data DPHitTransfer.exe Program for connecting to the DPHit program for sending data to the HIT Register (Germany only) 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Appendix DairyPlan information 7160-9001-531 01-2011 DPID.dat DairyPlan database file (for updates) DPInstall.exe Installs DairyPlan systems and updates. On the installation CD or included in the Internet update file DPKartenarten.exe Program for exchanging data with computer centres (East Germany only) DPList.exe Displays analyses and lists defined in the ”*.rfa” files. Specific analyses can also be printed or saved on the hard disk in an extra file. DPLKV.exe Program for reading in ADIS milk control results and registering a herd in accordance with DIN 11800 (Germany only) DpMenue.exe DairyPlan's main menu window. DPMiko.exe Program for starting various milk control data exchange applications (Germany only DPMikontroll.exe Program for milk control data transmission (East Germany only) DPMobilSetup.exe Program used for exchanging data with DPMobil (PalmPilot) DPMsg*.dpm File with the text entries for a language. The abbreviation for the language in question will appear instead of ”*” DPNet.dat Temporary file for organizing simultaneous data access in DairyPlan programs. Can be deleted if there are problems if all DairyPlan programs are closed. Will be regenerated automatically on start-up. DPNetInstall.exe Installation and configuration of DPNet devices DPNotes.dat DairyPlan database file (notepad data) DPPeriph.dat Temporary process control file. It is installed automatically at every start. DPPort.exe Test program for Multi-Port and Dual Port card connections DPProcessControl.exe Process control program: controls all communication between the installation and DairyPlan DPProgCoord.exe Utility program for debugging data access DPRegConverter.exe Utility program for processing text data in ear marker numbers, special animal numbers or responders DPRegToCow.exe Program with which new animals can be created from ADIS animal data with ear marker numbers. DPReproGraph.exe Program giving an overview of the reproduction statistics (history and future events), ”heat circle” DPRequest.exe Program with a user interface for data exchange applications DPScatterGraph.exe Displays various DairyPlan data series as dot diagrams 171 Appendix DairyPlan information 172 DPShiftW.exe Converts data entries and other data. Shifting date entries should only be used for demo data records! DPSingle.exe Program for displaying and editing data on individual animals. Main window gives a rapid overview of the most important data. DPSires.dat DairyPlan database file (bull data) DPSystemView.exe, DPSystemViewServer.exe, DPSystemViewClient.exe Programs for displaying the installation (particularly Expert tank control and milk meter rinsing report) DPTableGraph.exe Displays series of measurement values (except for Expert tank control) DPVet.exe Program for entering, editing and deleting vet actions and treatments (medicines) DPView.exe Displays information on the milking, feeding or segregation process taking place at that moment. Additional inputs and outputs are possible for milking systems. DPMeasGraph Shows a series of measurement values, optimized display for Rescounter 2 FactOrig This directory contains original files that have been defined by the manufacturer (”Factory Original”) and which should be copied first before any major customized changes are made. Nodetalk32.dll DLL file for communication with the DPNet devices Wordpad.exe Microsoft © program that must certainly be present if documents are to be displayed *.adf Files with other additional data (are recorded with the backup) *.ads Files containing data in ADIS format *.cnt Contents files for the online help *.dii Files containing data in DII format *.dpb Files with a DairyPlan backup *.dpe Worksheet for DPEditData *.dpu This is where the settings for DPMenue are stored *.dpx This is where the various DairyPlan programs store their settings *.hdi ”Header Inclusion Files”, files with additional definitions for ADIS data exchange *.hlp Online help files *.mmp ”Memory Mapped Files”, temporary files which DairyPlan uses to organize access to its data *.rfa List definitions for DPList 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Appendix Specialist terms 18.3 Specialist terms 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Term Explanation AR AutoRotor rotary milking parlour ATD AutoTandem milking parlour Tree Structure / arrangement of the network of controllers and devices DP ”DairyPlan” herd management program Desktop Windows desktop DPNet interface Interface for the data connection between ”DairyPlan” and the Westfalia peripherals connected DPNet equipment Network components (e.g. Metatron 21, Feeding, Box, Gate Control) FGM Herringbone milking parlour Host processor Additional processor for a DPNet device ISO reader Identification module for animal identification system Neuron processor Network processor for a DPNet device Network installation Addressing in the network Service Pin / Neuron ID Unique identification number (48-bit) for a DPNet device Peripherals DPNet components SBS Side-By-Side milking parlour Scanning Address check on the DPNet devices linked to the network Signal Command from DPNetInstall to the DPNet device after successful installation Wizard Help tool in DairyPlan 173 Appendix ”DairyPlan System Description” form 18.4 ”DairyPlan System Description” form If you report a problem to the service department, please try to supply the following information as far as possible. This will save time and telephone charges! DairyPlan 5 installation descriptionDate: ___________ Farm / dealer details Farm details Dealer Name / Address: Andrew Brown / Manor Farm 59302 Oelde Grove Road Name / Address: John Smith / Dairy Systems Cullompton / Devon Tel.: Tel.: 02522 / 1234 Fax: 02522 / 5678 02520 / 1234 Fax: 02520 / 5678 Details of milking installation Milking Installation (type, number) 2x6 FGM Milking places (number) and milking controller (type) - Find type on Metatron 12 with 93S 12 x Metatron Identification (Type - VC3, VC4, DPNet walk-through, ...) VC 4 Feed boxes (type, number) Feed concentrate box Calf feeder 2 1 TWIN Feeder Calf feeder DPCalfFeeder MK‐Feed Other parts controlled by DairyPlan (segregation gate, animal scales, ...) PC Equipment Details (information gathered from invoice or despatch note from supplier) Processor (type) Operating System (tick or enter under ”Miscellaneous”) Windows2000 Windows XP Windows Vista Miscellaneou s X Memory (RAM, amount shown on start-up) 256MB Networks - Programs running simultaneously with DairyPlan Word, Internet connection Details on DairyPlan: Version number of first installation with date: DP 4.326, November 1995 last update: DP 5.020, January 2002 Number of animal data records: 120 Installed modules: (mark with a cross) How long have you had the problem? What happened at the same time? (Power cut, changes in the installation...) P‐M P‐F P‐S HM‐D X X X X HM‐M2 HM‐J HM‐SG since power failed when lightening struck Description of problem (use extra sheet of paper if necessary) 174 7160-9001-531 01-2011 Appendix ”DairyPlan System Description” form DairyPlan 5 installation descriptionDate: ___________ Farm / dealer details Farm details Dealer Name / Address: Name / Address: Tel.: Fax: Tel.: Fax: Details of milking installation Milking Installation (type, number) Milking places (number) and milking controller (type) - Find type on Metatron 12 with 93S Identification (Type - VC3, VC4, DPNet walk-through, ...) Feed concentrate box Feed boxes (type, number) Calf feeder TWIN Feeder Calf feeder DPCalfFeeder MK‐Feed Other parts controlled by DairyPlan (segregation gate, animal scales, ...) PC Equipment Details (information gathered from invoice or despatch note from supplier) Processor (type) Operating System (tick or enter under ”Miscellaneous”) Windows2000 Windows XP Windows Vista Miscellaneou s Memory (RAM, amount shown on start-up) Networks Programs running simultaneously with DairyPlan Details on DairyPlan: Version number of first installation with date: last update: Number of animal data records: Installed modules: (mark with a cross) P‐M P‐F P‐S HM‐D HM‐M2 HM‐J HM‐SG How long have you had the problem? What happened at the same time? (Power cut, changes in the installation...) Description of problem (use extra sheet of paper if necessary) 7160-9001-531 01-2011 175 Appendix ”DairyPlan System Description” form GEA Farm Technologies The right choice. GEA Farm Technologies GEA Farm Technologies GmbH 176 Siemensstraße 25-27, D-59199 Bönen Tel. +49 (0) 2383 / 93-70, Fax. +49 (0) 2383 / 93-80 www.gea-farmtechnologies.com 7160-9001-531 01-2011