Dcs a 10c мануал

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  • 1

    Start up Manual



    Version 2.5

    last update 1/20/2012

    Based on Game Version: This Manual is created and tested
    under the conditions of the latest Patch

  • 2

    Cockpit Layout image Front Dash

    Graphic source1

    1 ED Wiki

  • 3

    Cockpit Layout image Left and Right Console

    Graphic source 2

    2 ED Wiki

  • 4

    A-10C Cockpit Cold and Dark, wake it up.

    Step 1

    Loc: Right Console

    PNL: Electrical Control Panel (5)

    First step is to provide (Battery) Power on the

    Systems by switching the

    Battery Power switch to PWR

    and the

    inverter switch to STBY

    Since Patch a new Sound environment was

    added which represents the Batteries working.

    Step 2

    Loc: Left Console

    PNL: Auxiliary Lightning Control Panel (5)

    Perform a lightning test by press and hold the

    Signallights Lamptest Button

    Step 3

    Loc: Right Console

    PNL: Oxygen Control Panel (5)

    Set the Oxygen Regulator Switch from OFF to ON

  • 5

    Step 4

    Loc: Right Console

    PNL: Environment Control Panel (10)

    Perform a check oft he Oxygen supply system by

    pressing and hold the Oxy IND Test Button. Watch

    fort he Oxy Low warning lights when the level gets

    to 0.5 l

    Step 5

    Loc: Front Dash

    PNL: Fuel quantity Indicator (47)

    Perform a Fuel Quantity Indicator Function test

    by pressing and hold the Test IND Button. The

    Indicator will indicate at least 3000 LBS.

    Step 6

    Loc: Right Console

    PNL: Electrical Control Panel (5)

    After now all Systems have checked for its

    functionality, its time to prepare the Engine start

    up. So switch the both AC GEN switches to the

    PWR position. This will provide Power to the System

    once both Engines are running.

    By switching the left AC Gen Switch to PWR a

    master Caution alert will occur, that’s but normal.

  • 6

    Step 7

    Loc: left Console

    PNL: Fuel System Control Panel (3)

    activate the Main- and Wings Boost pumps

    Step 8

    Loc: left Console

    PNL: Throttle Quadrant (7)

    Make sure that both FUEL FLOW switches are set

    to NORM. Once its checked

    Start up the APU

    Step 9

    Loc: Front Dash

    IND: APU Tachometer (44)

    Watch the APU Tachometer. It has to reach 100%.

  • 7

    Step 10

    Loc: Right Console

    PNL: Electrical Control Panel (5)

    APU is running now. So now set the APU GEN

    Switch to PWR, to enable the generators to provide

    Power to the Avionics and Engines to start up.

    Step 11

    Loc: Right Console

    PNL: Avionics Auxiliary Panel (21)

    Provide Power to the CDU by set the

    CDU Power Switch and the

    EGI Power Switch to the ON Position

    After that turn the STEER Pt Dial to the FLT PLAN


    Step 12

    Loc: Right Console

    PNL: Control Display Unit (CDU) (20)

    Once EGI and CDU Switches have been set to ON

    INS GROUND ALIGNEMENT will start automatically. Its

    not necessary to set up CDU at this point, but itll

    saving time since INS ALIGNEMENT takes round about

    4 Minutes. Youll save a lot of time at this point of

    the startup, yet without running engines.

    INS alignment has finished once the Display

    indicates T= 4.0 0.8

  • 8

    Step 13

    Loc: Left Console

    PNL: VHF/FM Radio Control panel (13)

    Turn the Transmission Dial to TR

    Perform a function test by clicking the squelch. That

    should cause a TRANSMISSION SOUND.

    Step 14

    Loc: Left Console

    PNL1: VHF/AM Radio Control panel (10)

    PNL2: UHF Radio Control panel (12)

    On the UHF Panel, turn the UHF Radio Power Dial

    to MAIN

    On the VHF/AM Panel set the Transmission Dial to

    TR and perform a

    SQUELCH Test (Transmission sound)

    Now get to the Manual on PAGE 657 Airdromes

    data and get respective Frequency (Tower Comm)

    of the Airfield where you are.

    Adjust the VHF/AM Radio and request start up on

    ATC (MIC switch Forward / Alt left + (Numpad) +).

    Frequencies are provided in the manual on Page

    657. I suggest to get the GROUND CHARTS provided

    by the Virtuelles Jagdbomber Geschwader 32 on

    the ED Forums



  • 9

    Step 15

    Loc: Left Console

    PNL: Throttle Quadrant (7)

    To start the engines, move the throttles from OFF to

    IDLE, or press Home + Right Alt key for left and Home

    + right CTRL key for the right engine to move.

    The respective Engine starts to turn on.

    Step 16

    Loc: Front Dash

    IND1: Interstage Turbine Temperature

    Indicator (left & right) (39)

    IND2: Engine Core Speed

    Indicator (left & right) (40)

    Watch the Interstage Turbine Temperature

    Indicator and the Engine Core speed indicator. The

    engines are finally running in Idle once the indicator

    needles are no more moving.

    Step 17

    Loc: Right Console

    PNL: Canopy Control Switch (2)

    It becomes quite loud in the Cockpit while the

    Engines run up. So close the Canopy by rightclick

    and hold the Canopy Control Switch until the

    Canopy is closed.

    Throttle in IDLE Position

    Throttle in OFF Position

  • 10

    Step 18

    Loc: Left Canopy bow

    PNL: None (2)

    The Accelerometer needs to be reseted to provide

    correct G-loading on the aircraft. Just press the

    Reset Button to do this.

    This is not a must. Real life Pilots like to forget this

    as well

    Step 19

    Loc: left Console

    PNL: Throttle Quadrant (7)

    Shut down the APU on the left Console

    After that set the APU Gen Switch back to OFF

    Step 20

    Loc: Right Console

    PNL: Lighting Control Panel (15)

    Set all the Light Switches in the opposite direction.

    Then use the Pinky Switch to adjust the Lights:



    After that play around with the Cockpit illumination

    dials. Youll se what happens when turning them, so

    no further explanation here.

  • 11

    Step 21

    Loc: Right Console

    PNL: Countermeasures Set Signal processor (23)

    Set CMS DIAL to SEMI or AUTO. To set up the proper

    Program and/or how to use ECM is detailed

    explained in the manual on PAGE 400.

    Do not set the JTSN switch as shown in this image,

    otherwise youll dispend all your flares.

    Step 22

    Loc: Front Dash

    PNL: Armament HUD Control Panel (18)

    After providing power to EGI and CDU activate

    CICU and

    IFFCC on the Armament HUD Control Panel


    Important Note:

    Set IFFCC to TEST in the first step only!

    Step 23

    Loc: Front Dash

    PNL: Up Front Controller (UFC) (36)

    Once IFFCC Switch has been set you need to engage

    Preflight BIT Test. This is not important at this point

    but recommended, cause it takes a while

    On the HUD youll be tasked to engage the Preflight

    BIT Test. To enable the BIT Test click on the Enter

    Button on the UFC.

    The BIT Test will take aprox 1 Minute and is been

    indicated as finished once you can hear pull up,

    pull up, altitude, altitude!

  • 12

    Step 24

    Loc: Front Dash

    PNL: MFCD (left and right) (29)

    Provide Power to the MFCDs by turning the Power

    knob from OFF to DAY (if its at night of course set it

    to Night (NT) to avoid cross fades caused by the

    Night Vision Goggle.

    IFFCC needs a while to load all needed Datas

    (approximately 1 Minute). Once

    this Process has finished the HUD will provide

    several selections. But until the IFFCC has

    finished, we’re going on to manage the Flight

    Control Systems.

    Step 25

    Loc: Left Console

    PNL: Stability Augmentation System (SAS) Panel


    Adjust the Flight Control System by setting the YAW


    Pitch Switches from OFF to ENGAGE

    Next is to press the T/O TRIM Button

  • 13

    3 Page 96 Flight Manual

    Step 26

    Loc: Front Dash

    IND: Standby Altitude Indicator (SAI) (20)

    Uncage the SAI by right click and hold/turn the Cage

    knob. The red OFF Warning Flag will release and

    the Indicator can be adjusted up and down to cover

    with the Artificial Horizon.

    This Indicator is a backup instrument and would only

    be used in case the ADI fails3

    Step 27

    Loc: Front Dash

    PNL: Multi Function Colored Display (MFCD) (29)

    While BIT Test is running

    On the MFCD appears the DTS UPLOAD Screen.

    Load all Datas in the System by pressing the

    Option Select Button (OSB) 6 on the left MFCD

    Step 28

    Loc: Front Dash

    PNL: Multi Function Colored Display (MFCD) (29)

    DTS Upload has been finished once these tiny dots

    appear next to the Load options.

    Once the upload is finished press OSB 13 (CDU) to

    take the CDU page on the right MFCD (CDU


  • 14

    Step 29

    Loc: Front Dash

    PNL: Multi Function Colored Display (MFCD) (29)

    INS alignment has already finished (depends on

    how fast you are and whether or not you take time

    for setting up DSMS (Weapon Configuration))

    After that press OSB 9 to switch to the navigation


    Step 30

    Loc: Front Dash

    PNL: HUD /UFC (4/36)

    BIT Test has been finished, so exit by pressing the

    ENT Button on the UFC

    Step 31

    Loc: Front Dash

    PNL: HUD /UFC (4/36)

    Now several Options are provided. But these are not

    important at the moment. So navigate to EXIT by

    pressing the Select Button on the UFC. Execute by

    pressing the ENT Button

  • 15

    Step 32

    Loc: Front Dash

    PNL: HUD /UFC (4/36)

    The next menu will provide a bunch of Options

    again. Only thing you may do now ist o set up the

    Bomb mode you prefer or which is the best

    according to your weapon loadout.



    Navigate by using the SELECT Switch and select the

    mode by using the DATA Switch.

    Step 33

    Loc: Front Dash

    PNL: HUD /UFC (4/36)

    By the end oft hat process set the IFFCC Toggle on

    the Armament HUD Control Panel to ON. This will

    display the HUD properly.

    JTRS (Joint Tactical Radio System) switch needs to

    be set in the ON position.

    Step 34

    Loc: Front DASH (Behind the Stick)

    PNL: NAV Panel / TISLE Control Panel (49)

    Switch from HARS to EGI.

    Thats important to enable EAC

  • 16

    Step 35

    Loc: Left Console

    PNL: LASTE Control Panel (9)

    Set EAC Switch to ARM and

    RDR ALTM Switch to NRM.



    Step 36

    Loc: Ejection Seat


    Arm the Ejection seat

    Step 37

    Loc: Left Console

    PNL: Throttle Quadrant (9)

    Set the Flaps Toggle in the FIRST POSITION for Take Off

    and in SECOND POSITION for Landing.

  • 17

    Once youre confident with the start up procedure, so you can
    start to create your own procedure.

    The way I was explaining is just one of a bunch.

    closing words

    Start up Procedure is finished now. For Weapons use go through
    the Manual or search for further

    Community based manuals, ideally use the tutorial Collection on
    one of the both Wiki resources.

    Eagle Wiki:


    Have fun while flying the Hog.



    Step 38

    Loc: Front Dash

    PNL: switches are not part of a certain panel


    Set the Anti Skid Switch and activate Taxi lights by

    right click the Taxi-/Landing lights switch.


    Set Tasi light switch tot he landing position after

    take off, to avoid struggling with the knobs while in

    landing process. Landing and Taxi lights are


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