Deutz d2011l03 руководство по ремонту

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  3. Deutz Manuals
  4. Engine
  5. D 2011 L03 o

Manuals and User Guides for Deutz D 2011 L03 o. We have 1 Deutz D 2011 L03 o manual available for free PDF download: Operation Manual

Workshop Manual

competence level 2

D 2011

TD 2011















lec .















































0312 4232 en


This document is subject to changes which may become necessary in the course of further development of the engines. Reprinting and reproductions of any kind, even in part, require our written permission.

Regarding copyright questions and licensing agreements please contact :


Mr. Lippke


+ 49 (0) 221 822-2599


Deutz AG

Informations Systeme Vertrieb u. Service

Ottostraße 1

D — 51149 Cologne

Tel.: + 49 (0) 221-8 22-0

Fax: + 49 (0) 221-8 22-3525

Printed in Germany All rights reserved 1st edition, 02/2011

Order No. 0312 4232 en

© 07/2007

DEUTZ engines

Table of contents



3User notes



3.3Operating manual and workshop manual

3.4Job cards

3.5Explanation of symbols

5Job card overview

5.1Sorted alphabetically

5.2Sorted numerically

6Job cards

7Commercial tools

8Special tools

© 01/2009


Table of contents

DEUTZ engines

© 01/2009




© 05/2005



© 05/2005


Read and observe the information in this documentation. You will avoid accidents, retain the manufacturer’s warranty and possess a fully functional and ready to operate engine.

This engine is built exclusively for purpose according to the scope of delivery — defined by the equipment manufacturer (use for the intended purpose). Any use above and beyond this is considered improper use. The manufacturer will not be liable for damages resulting from this. The user bears the sole risk.

Use for the intended purpose also includes observance of the operating, maintenance and repair instructions specified by the manufacturer. The engine may only be used, maintained and repaired by persons who are familiar with this and are aware of the risks involved.

Makesure thatthisdocumentationis availableto everyoneinvolvedin theoperation,maintenance and repair and that they have understood the contents.

Failure to observe this documentation may lead tomalfunctions and engine damageaswellasinjury to persons for which the manufacturer will not accept any liability.

Prerequisiteforpropermaintenanceandrepairis the availability of all the necessary equipment, conventional and special tools and their perfect condition.

Engine parts such as springs, clamps, elastic retaining rings etc. pose an increased risk of injury when handled incorrectly.

The pertinent rules for the prevention of accidents and other generally recognised health and safety regulations must be observed.

Maximumeconomy,reliabilityandlonglifeisonly guaranteed when using DEUTZ original parts.

● Repair of the engine must correspond to its use


for the intended purpose. Only parts released by

themanufacturerfortherespectivepurposemay be used for conversion work. Unauthorised modifications to the engine exclude manufacturer liability for resulting damages. Failure to observe this will void the warranty!

The engines made by DEUTZ are developed for a wide range of applications. A wide range of variants ensures that the respective special requirements are met.

The engine is equipped according to the installation case, i.e. not all the parts and components described in this documentation are installed in your engine necessarily.

We have done our best to highlight the differencessothatyoucaneasilyfindtheoperating,maintenance and repair instructions relevant to your engine.

We are at your service for any questions you may have in this matter.


© 05/2005



© 05/2005




© 11/2005



© 11/2005


DEUTZenginesaretheproductofyearsofresearch and development. The profound expertise gained through this, in combination with high demands on quality, attests to the fact that our engines possess

all the qualities of long life, high reliability and low 2 fuel consumption. It goes without saying that the

high environmental protection requirements are also met.

Maintenance and care are the only way the engine can satisfy the demands you make on it. Compliancewiththeprescribedmaintenancetimesandthe carefulexecutionofmaintenanceandcareworkare therefore essential. Difficult operating conditions, deviating from normal operation, must be particularly heeded.

Please consult one of our service representatives responsible for operating faults and spare parts questions. Our trained specialist personnel ensures fast and professional repairs using original DEUTZ spare parts in the event of damage.

Original spare parts from DEUTZ AG are always manufactured according to the state of the art.

© 11/2005



© 11/2005



3 User notes


3.1 General

The documentation of the workshop manual has been created based on the engine available at the time of going to press.

There may be deviations in the descriptions, illustrations and parts due to further developments.

The maintenance work described in the operation manual and in the workshop manual must be carried out on schedule and completely. The maintenance personnel must have the necessary technical knowledge to perform the work. Safety and protection devices which are removed during maintenance work must be replaced again afterwards.


The rules for the prevention of accidents and the safety regulations must be observed during maintenance work.

Reference is made in the workshop manual job cards to the regulations in chapter 3.2. These must be read before working on the engine and must be strictly followed.

The maintenance intervals and the work to be performed are specified in the maintenance schedule of the operation manual. The job cards contain technical documentation on the execution of maintenance work.

3.2 Specifications

3.2.1Accident prevention and safety regulations

The legally prescribed rules for the prevention of accidents must be observed. These are available from

professional associations or from dealers. These 3 are dependent on the application site, operating

mode and the operating and auxiliary materials being used.

Special protection measures are specified depending on the work being carried out, and are identified in the job description.

Among other things it generally applies that:

zfor the personnel:

Only briefed personnel may operate or maintain the engine. Unauthorised persons are prohibited access to the machine room.

Wear close-fitting clothing and ear protectors in the machine room when the engine is in operation.

Only deploy trained personnel to do repairs and maintenance work.

Do not work on the fuel system when the engine is running. The fuel system is under high pressure — danger of death.

Go to the workshop immediately in case of leaks in the fuel system.

zfor the engine room:

Ensure adequate ventilation (do not cover air shafts).

Provide first aid kit and suitable fire extinguishers. Check the filling and readiness for operation regularly.

Only store inflammable materials in the machine room if they are essential for operation of the system.

Smoking and naked flames are prohibited in the machine room.

zfor operation, maintenance and repairs on the engine:

Wait 30 seconds after switching off the engine before working on the fuel sytem.

After all work on the fuel system, it must be bleeded — see the operation manual, chapter «6 Fuel system“.

Only start the engine when all the protective devices have been fitted. Make sure no-one is standing in the danger area.

Cleaning, maintenance and repair work may only be performed with the engine at a standstill and secured against starting.

Injection lines and high pressure pipes must not be deformed.

Damaged injection lines and high-pressure pipes must be renewed.

Injection lines and high pressure fuel lines must never be connected when the engine is running.

Do not place hands near to a leak in the high

Also carefully check all high pressure components visually before performing tests on the running engine. Wear suitable protective clothing (for example protective glasses). Leaks are a potential source of danger for workshop personnel.

Even if no leaks are discernible on the high pressure fuel system, the workshop personnel should avoid the immediate danger zone or wear suitable protective clothing (such as protective glasses) when performing tests on the running engine and during the first trial run.

Always stay out of range of a fuel jet, as it could cause severe injury.

Smoking is strictly prohibited when working on the fuel system.

Do not work near to sparks and flames.

Never disconnect an injector when the engine is running.

3.2.2Cleanliness instructions and measures for handling the DEUTZ Common Rail System

The DEUTZ Common Rail system used in the DEUTZ engines consists of high-precision components which are exposed to extreme stress. Great attention must be paid to cleanliness when working on the fuel system due to the high precision technology.

Notes and measures to be observed before starting work on the fuel system

zThe fuel system must be closed. Make a visual inspection for leaks / damage to the fuel system.

zClean the whole engine and engine room with the system closed before starting work on the fuel system.

zThe engine must be dry when you start working on the fuel system.

zBlowing (dry) with compressed air is only permissible with the fuel system closed.

zWhen using a steam jet, first cover up the control unit, the cable plugs, all other electrical plug connections and the generator. Also, the steam jet may not be pointed directly at them.

zElectrical plug connections must be plugged when spraying.

zRemove loose parts (for example paint chips from assembly work) with an industrial vacuum cleaner or other suction device. Only suction may be used in assembly work on the open fuel system.

zOnly work on the fuel system in a clean environment (no dust, no grinding or welding). Avoid draughts (dust). Clean the workshop floor regularly. No brake or performance test benches may be kept or operated in the same room.

zAir currents which kick up dust, such as those caused by brake repairs or the starting of engines, should be avoided.

zFor work such as removal and installation on defective hydraulic components on the Common Rail System it is recommended to partition off a separate workshop area in the factory. This must be separate from other areas in which general vehicle repairs such as brake repairs are carried out.

zNo general machine tools may be operated in this room.

zRegular cleaning of the workshop area is mandatory. Draughts, ventilation systems and heating fans should be minimised.

zAreas of the engine room from which particles of dirt could be loosened (for example the bottom part of the tipped driver cab) must be covered with fresh clean film.

zWorking materials and tools must be cleaned before work. Only use tools without damage to the chrome plating or tools which are not chromeplated.

Notes and measures to be observed during work on the fuel system or with the fuel system open.

zOnly work in clean overalls.

zOnly lint-free cleaning cloths may be used for work on the fuel system.

zRemove loose parts (for example paint chips from assembly work) with an industrial vacuum cleaner or other suction device. Only suction may be used in assembly work on the open fuel system.

zWorking materials and tools must be cleaned before work. Only use tools without damage to the chrome plating or tools which are not chromeplated.

zDo not use used cleaning fluid or test fluid for cleaning.

zCompressed air must not be used for cleaning on the open fuel system.

zWork on removed components may only be performed at a suitably equipped workbench.

zWhen removing and installing components, no materials which can leave behind particles or fibres (cardboard, wood, cloths) may be used.

zRemoved parts may only be rubbed down with clean, lint-free cloths. No dirt particles may be rubbed into the components.

zOpenings on the components and on the engine must be closed immediately with suitable stoppers/caps.

zThe stoppers/caps may only be removed immediately before installing.

zStore stoppers/caps free from dust and dirt in the original packaging and dispose of after using once.

zOnly remove new parts from the original packaging just before installation.

zRemoved components must be kept in new, sealable bags or — if available — in the packaging of the new parts.

zAlways use the original packaging of the new part to send back the removed components.

Notes and measures for the vehicle workshop area

zFor work such as removal and installation on defective hydraulic components on the Common Rail System it is recommended to partition off a separate workshop area in the factory. This must be separate from other areas in which general vehicle repairs such as brake repairs are carried out.

zThe workshop floor is sealed or tiled.

zNo welding gear, grinders, general machine tools, brakes or performance test benches may be operated in this room.

zRegular cleaning of the workshop area is mandatory. Draughts, ventilation systems and heating fans should be minimised.

Notes and measures for workbench and tools in the vehicle hall

zA special workbench must be set up for work on removed components.

zClean the removal and installation tools regularly and keep them in a closed tool cabinet.

zRemove loose parts (for example paint chips from assembly work) with an industrial vacuum cleaner or other suction device.

zWorking materials and tools must be cleaned before work. Only use tools without damage to the chrome plating or tools which are not chromeplated.

3.2.3 Disposal regulations

The work described in the operation manual and workshop manual necessitates renewal of parts and

operating materials among other things. The re-

newed parts / operating materials must be stored,

transported and disposed of according to regula-

tions. The owner himself is responsible for this.

Disposal includes recycling and the scrapping of

parts / operating materials, although recycling has



Details of disposal and their monitoring are gov-

erned by regional, national and international laws

and directives which the system operator must ob-

serve on his own responsibility.

3.3 Operation manual and workshop


To structure the information to suit the user, the

service documentation is divided into operation

manual and workshop manual.


The operation manual contains a general descrip-

tion and instructions for all other maintenance work.

It contains the following chapters:


Contents, General


Engine description




Operating media




Care and maintenance work


Faults, causes and remedies


Engine conservation


Technical data


The workshop manual assumes knowledge of the contents of the operation manual. This applies especially for the safety regulations. The workshop manual describes repairs to the engine and components for which more effort and appropriately qualified technicians are required.

3.4 Job cards

The job cards are divided in the workshop manual into «W» and «I» job cards.

The «W» job card documents standard repairs on the engine and/or its components. The necessary tools and special tools are also specified in the «W» job card.

The «I» job card additionally documents the appropriate work procedures for repairing the engine and/ or its components. The workshop must satisfy special conditions to perform these work procedures. Special tools and machine tools must be available, for example.

3.4.1 Numbering of job cards

The job card numbers follow the pattern W 02-04- 01. The individual parts of this pattern are explained below:

zW 02-04-01: Documentation type

WWorkshop manual

I …… Repair instructions

zW 02-04-01: Maintenance group

00 … General / interdisciplinary activities

01 … Cylinder head

02Drive system

03 … Crankcase

04 … Engine control system

05 … Speed governing

06 … Exhaust system / Charging

07 … Fuel system

08 … Lube oil system

09 … Cooling system

10 … Compressed air system

11 … Monitoring system

12 … Other components

13 … Electrical system

zW 02-04-01: Component grouping

zW 02-04-01: Consecutive number

3.4.2 Structure of a job card





6 7





publisher of service documentation

2.Engine type (e.g. TCD 2013 4V)

3.Maintenance group

4.Job card number or topic

5.Title of job card

6.Reference to other job cards


8.Graphic or photo

9.DEUTZ internal creation number 10.Page number

11.Date of issue of job card 12.Note

13.Danger / Important 14.Work sequence

15.Special tools; auxiliary materials 16.Conventional tools

3.5 Explanation of symbols


of death or to health. Must be observed!

For example: The incorrect use or conver-

sion of the turbocharger can lead to serious




Danger to the component/engine. Noncompliance can lead to destruction of the component/engine.

Must be observed!


General notes on assembly, environmental protection etc. No potential danger for man or machine.


Conventional and special tools required for the work.

Auxiliary materials

Working materials required in addition to the tools for performing the work

(e.g. greases, oils, adhesives, sealants)


to important documents or job cards for the work process.

For example: Job card W 04-05-05


to a document or a job card within the work process.

Test and setting data

The necessary values are specified here. If several values are necessary, a cross reference is given to the Test and Setting Values table.

For example:

ID no. P01 61 = valve clearance, inlet

Tightening specification

The necessary values are specified here. If several values are necessary, a cross reference is given to the Tightening Specifications table.

For example:

ID no. A01 001 = cylinder head screws


D 2011

Job card overview

TD 2011

Sorted alphabetically


5Job card overview

5.1Sorted alphabetically

© 01/2009


Job card overview

D 2011

Sorted alphabetically

TD 2011


© 01/2009


D 2011

Job card overview

TD 2011

Sorted alphabetically


Job card

Maintenance group

Calculating the thickness of shim

W 07-06-03

Fuel system

Check start of injection

W 07-06-01

Fuel system

Checking the compression pressure

W 00-02-06


Dismantling and assembling the cooling blower

W 09-11-02

Cooling system

Installing and removing charge air pressure-de

W 07-08-02

Fuel system

pendent full load stop

Mounting engine on assembly block and demoun

W 00-05-01




Remove and install the cooling blower

W 09-11-01

Cooling system

Removing and install the charge air line

W 06-02-03

Exhaust system/Charging

Removing and installing air duct

W 09-11-03

Cooling system

Removing and installing fuel pipes

W 07-10-06

Fuel system

Removing and installing rear cover

W 03-09-01


Removing and installing temperature transmitter

W 08-11-11

Lube oil system

Removing and installing the air bearing

W 09-13-02

Cooling system

Removing and installing the connection housing

W 03-09-04


Removing and installing the control line

W 08-16-01

Lube oil system

Removing and installing the crankcase bleeding

W 03-01-11


Removing and installing the exhaust damper

W 06-01-05

Exhaust system/Charging

Removing and installing the exhaust gas collection

W 06-09-08

Exhaust system/Charging

pipe (Exhaust gas recirculation)

Removing and installing the exhaust gas return pipe

W 06-09-07

Exhaust system/Charging

Removing and installing the exhaust gas return val

W 06-09-06

Exhaust system/Charging


Removing and installing the exhaust line

W 06-01-05

Exhaust system/Charging

Removing and installing the flywheel

W 12-06-01

Other components

Removing and installing the fuel filter console

W 07-10-08

Fuel system

Removing and installing the fuel filter console

W 07-10-08

Fuel system

Removing and installing the fuel injector pump

W 07-04-01

Fuel system

Removing and installing the fuel injectors

W 07-07-01

Fuel system

Removing and installing the fuel supply pump

W 07-11-01

Fuel system

Removing and installing the generator

W 13-02-03

Electrical system

Removing and installing the glow plug

W 13-06-02

Electrical system

Removing and installing the heating plugs

W 13-06-01

Electrical system

Removing and installing the hydraulic pump

W 12-08-02

Other components

Removing and installing the impulse transmitter

W 05-07-01

Speed control

Removing and installing the intake manifold

W 06-07-03

Exhaust system/Charging

© 01/2009


Job card overview

D 2011

Sorted alphabetically

TD 2011


Job card

Maintenance group

Removing and installing the lifting magnet (charge

W 07-08-01

Fuel system

air pressure-dependent full load stop)

Removing and installing the lifting magnet (Engine

W 11-00-03

Monitoring system


Removing and installing the lifting magnet (Start

W 07-02-07

Fuel system

amount release)

Removing and installing the lubricating oil cooler

W 08-08-02

Lube oil system

Removing and installing the lubricating oil pan

W 08-04-07

Lube oil system


(metal sheet lubricating oil pan)

Removing and installing the lubricating oil pump

W 08-04-05

Lube oil system

Removing and installing the magnet clip (Exhaust

W 06-09-10

Exhaust system/Charging

gas recirculation)

Removing and installing the oil filter console

W 08-11-07

Lube oil system

Removing and installing the oil pressure regulating

W 08-11-02

Lube oil system


Removing and installing the oil pressure switch

W 08-11-08

Lube oil system

Removing and installing the oil suction pipe

W 08-04-06

Lube oil system

Removing and installing the rocker arm and rocker

W 01-02-02

Cylinder head

arm bracket

Removing and installing the sensor (Exhaust gas

W 06-09-09

Exhaust system/Charging


Removing and installing the starter

W 13-03-02

Electrical system

Removing and installing the starter

W 13-03-02

Electrical system

Removing and installing the thermostat (Lubricating

W 08-11-12

Lube oil system

oil cooler)

Removing and installing the toothed belt wheel

W 04-04-15

Engine control

Removing and installing the turbocharger

W 06-06-04

Exhaust system/Charging

Removing and installing the V-belt pulley

W 12-01-04

Other components

Renew camshaft sealing ring (opposite side to fly

W 04-03-01

Engine control


Renew toothed belt and tensioning pulley

W 04-04-12

Engine control


W 12-08-03

Other components


Renew V-belts, check V-belt tension

W 12-02-01

Other components

Renewing the crankshaft sealing ring (flywheel side)

W 02-02-02

Drive system

Renewing the crankshaft sealing ring (opposite side

W 02-02-04

Drive system

to flywheel)

Renewing the injection lines

W 07-03-01

Fuel system

Setting valve clearance

W 01-01-01

Cylinder head

Steuerzeiten prüfen

W 04-04-11

Engine control

© 01/2009


D 2011

Job card overview

TD 2011

Sorted numerically


5.2Sorted numerically

© 01/2009


Job card overview

D 2011

Sorted numerically

TD 2011


© 01/2009


D 2011

Job card overview

TD 2011

Sorted numerically

Job card


Maintenance group

W 00-02-06

Checking the compression pressure


W 00-05-01

Mounting engine on assembly block and demoun



W 01-01-01

Setting valve clearance

Cylinder head

W 01-02-02

Removing and installing the rocker arm and rocker

Cylinder head

arm bracket

W 02-02-02

Renewing the crankshaft sealing ring (flywheel side)

Drive system


W 02-02-04

Renewing the crankshaft sealingring (opposite side

Drive system

to flywheel)

W 03-01-11

Removing and installing the crankcase bleeding


W 03-09-01

Removing and installing rear cover


W 03-09-04

Removing and installing the connection housing


W 04-03-01

Renew camshaft sealing ring (opposite side to fly

Engine control


W 04-04-11

Steuerzeiten prüfen

Engine control

W 04-04-12

Renew toothed belt and tensioning pulley

Engine control

W 04-04-15

Removing and installing the toothed belt wheel

Engine control

W 05-07-01

Removing and installing the impulse transmitter

Speed control

W 06-01-05

Removing and installing the exhaust line

Exhaust system/Charging

W 06-01-05

Removing and installing the exhaust damper

Exhaust system/Charging

W 06-02-03

Removing and install the charge air line

Exhaust system/Charging

W 06-06-04

Removing and installing the turbocharger

Exhaust system/Charging

W 06-07-03

Removing and installing the intake manifold

Exhaust system/Charging

W 06-09-06

Removing and installing the exhaust gas return val

Exhaust system/Charging


W 06-09-07

Removing and installing the exhaust gas return pipe

Exhaust system/Charging

W 06-09-08

Removing and installing the exhaust gas collection

Exhaust system/Charging

pipe (Exhaust gas recirculation)

W 06-09-09

Removing and installing the sensor (Exhaust gas

Exhaust system/Charging


W 06-09-10

Removing and installing the magnet clip (Exhaust

Exhaust system/Charging

gas recirculation)

W 07-02-07

Removing and installing the lifting magnet (Start

Fuel system

amount release)

W 07-03-01

Renewing the injection lines

Fuel system

W 07-04-01

Removing and installing the fuel injector pump

Fuel system

W 07-06-01

Check start of injection

Fuel system

W 07-06-03

Calculating the thickness of shim

Fuel system

W 07-07-01

Removing and installing the fuel injectors

Fuel system

© 01/2009


Job card overview

D 2011

Sorted numerically

TD 2011

Job card


Maintenance group

W 07-08-01

Removing and installing the lifting magnet (charge

Fuel system

air pressure-dependent full load stop)

W 07-08-02

Installing and removing charge air pressure-de

Fuel system

pendent full load stop

W 07-10-06

Removing and installing fuel pipes

Fuel system

W 07-10-08

Removing and installing the fuel filter console

Fuel system

W 07-10-08

Removing and installing the fuel filter console

Fuel system


W 07-11-01

Removing and installing the fuel supply pump

Fuel system

W 08-04-05

Removing and installing the lubricating oil pump

Lube oil system

W 08-04-06

Removing and installing the oil suction pipe

Lube oil system

W 08-04-07

Removing and installing the lubricating oil pan

Lube oil system

(metal sheet lubricating oil pan)

W 08-08-02

Removing and installing the lubricating oil cooler

Lube oil system

W 08-11-02

Removing and installing the oil pressure regulating

Lube oil system


W 08-11-07

Removing and installing the oil filter console

Lube oil system

W 08-11-08

Removing and installing the oil pressure switch

Lube oil system

W 08-11-11

Removing and installing temperature transmitter

Lube oil system

W 08-11-12

Removing and installing the thermostat (Lubricating

Lube oil system

oil cooler)

W 08-16-01

Removing and installing the control line

Lube oil system

W 09-11-01

Remove and install the cooling blower

Cooling system

W 09-11-02

Dismantling and assembling the cooling blower

Cooling system

W 09-11-03

Removing and installing air duct

Cooling system

W 09-13-02

Removing and installing the air bearing

Cooling system

W 11-00-03

Removing and installing the lifting magnet (Engine

Monitoring system


W 12-01-04

Removing and installing the V-belt pulley

Other components

W 12-02-01

Renew V-belts, check V-belt tension

Other components

W 12-06-01

Removing and installing the flywheel

Other components

W 12-08-02

Removing and installing the hydraulic pump

Other components

W 12-08-03


Other components


W 13-02-03

Removing and installing the generator

Electrical system

W 13-03-02

Removing and installing the starter

Electrical system

W 13-03-02

Removing and installing the starter

Electrical system

W 13-06-01

Removing and installing the heating plugs

Electrical system

W 13-06-02

Removing and installing the glow plug

Electrical system

© 01/2009



Job cards


© 11/2005



© 11/2005


D 2011


TD 2011

W 00-02-06

Checking the compression pressure

Standard tools:

W 01-01-01

– Compression pressure

W 07-07-01



Special tools:


– Connector


Pay attention to utmost cleanliness when

working on the fuel system.

Remove residue paint and particles of dirt

before removing.

Clean the respective affected parts

carefully. Blow damp areas dry with com

pressed air.

Observe the safety regulations and natio

nal specifications for handling fuels.


Close all connections immediately after

opening with new, clean plugs/caps. Do not remove plugs/caps until immediately before assembling.

Collect leaking operating substances in suitable vessels and dispose of according to regulations.

After all work on the fuel system, it must be bleeded — see the operation manual, chapter «6 Fuel system“.

Checking the compression pressure

●Set valve clearance.

W 01-01-01 ●Removing fuel injectors.

W 07-07-01

●Mount sealing ring (1).

Use sealing ring (1) for fuel injector. ●Insert connector (2).

© 47001-1

© 01/2009



D 2011

W 00-02-06

TD 2011

●Mount clamping shoe (1). ●Tighten screw (2).

21 Nm


© 47002-0

●Connect adapter (1) to connector.

© 47004-0

●Mount the compression tester on the adapter. ●Turn over engine with starter.

25 — 30 bar (2500 — 3000 kPa)

© 46308-0

© 01/2009


D 2011


TD 2011

W 00-02-06

The measured compression pressure depends on the starting speed during the measuring process and the altitude of the engine installation site. Therefore, limit values cannot be determined exactly. The compression pressure measurement is only recommended as a reference measurement of all cylinders of an engine to each other. If more than 15% deviation has been determined, the cause should be determined by disassembling the cylinder unit concerned.


Kompression in bar

Compression value in bar


en bar Dat. _________


















Made in Germany



© 45103-0

●Remove the compression pressure tester.

© 47003-0

●Remove the compression pressure tester and adapter (1).

© 47004-0

© 01/2009



W 00-02-06

●Unscrew screw (1).


●Remove connector (1). ●Remove sealing ring. ●Install fuel injectors.

W 07-07-01

D 2011

TD 2011

© 47005-0

© 47001-0

© 01/2009


D 2011


TD 2011

W 00-02-06

Technical Data

Testing and setting data

ID no.


Additional information


P00 51

Compression pressure

25 — 30 bar

(2500 — 3000 kPa)

Tightening specifications

ID no.


Screw type

Notes / Remark


A07 001

Fuel injector on cylinder head

21 Nm

For the tightening procedure according to torque using a torque wrench, a maximum variation of the

tightening torque of +/- 10% is permissible.


© 01/2009



D 2011

W 00-02-06

TD 2011


© 01/2009


D 2011


TD 2011

W 00-05-01

Mounting engine on assembly block and demounting

Standard tools:

– Lifting gear

– Suspension ropes

– Eyelet bolts

Special tools:

– Assembly block


– Supporting bracket


– Clamping bracket


W 13-03-02


When using hoists (workshop crane) the safety regulations for handling hoists must be observed.

It is not permitted to stay under moving loads.

Different customer scopes are not taken into account in the repair sequence shown

here, accessories which deviate from the 6 standard equipment are not shown.

Mounting engine on assembly block

●Remove starter.


W 13-03-02

●Screw in eyelet bolts (1).

© 47006-0

●Hang engine on workshop crane.

– D 2011 L02

approx. 169 — 175 kg

– D 2011 L03

approx. 210 -217 kg

– D 2011 L04

approx. 253 — 261 kg

– TD 2011 L04

approx. 255 — 258 kg

© 47007-0

© 01/2009



D 2011

W 00-05-01

TD 2011

●Unscrew screws (1). ●Remove all mounting feet.

– TD 2011 ●Unscrew screw (2). ●Remove holder (3).

●Remove oil return pipe (4).


●Mount clamping holder (1). ●Tighten screws (2).

90 Nm

●Align engine on engine block. ●Mount retainer plate (1). ●Tighten screws (2) and lock nuts.

90 Nm

© 01/2009


D 2011


TD 2011

W 00-05-01

●Unhook engine. ●Unscrew eyelet bolts (1).


© 47006-0

Demounting engine from assembly block

●Screw in eyelet bolts (1).


●Hang engine on workshop crane.

– D 2011 L02

approx. 169 — 175 kg

– D 2011 L03

approx. 210 -217 kg

– D 2011 L04

approx. 253 — 261 kg

– TD 2011 L04

approx. 255 — 258 kg

© 47006-0

●Loosen lock nuts. ●Unscrew screws (2). ●Remove retainer plate (1).


© 47010-0

© 01/2009



D 2011

W 00-05-01

TD 2011


Lower engine with workshop crane.

●Unscrew screws (2). ●Remove clamping bracket (1).


– TD 2011

●Insert new O-ring (1). ●Lightly oil new O-ring (1).

– TD 2011

●Mount oil return pipe (1).


Install tension-free.

●Mount holder (2). ●Tighten screw (3).

8.5 Nm

– D 2011, TD 2011 ●Install all mounting feet. ●Tighten screws (4).

200 Nm

© 01/2009


D 2011


TD 2011

W 00-05-01


Put the engine down on a secure surface.

●Unhook the engine from the workshop crane.


●Unscrew eyelet bolts (1).

●Install starter.

W 13-03-02


© 47006-0

© 01/2009



D 2011

W 00-05-01

TD 2011

Technical Data

Testing and setting data

ID no.


Additional information


D 2011 L02



Engine weight according to DIN 70020-A

approx. 169 —

175 kg

D 2011 L03



Engine weight according to DIN 70020-A

approx. 210 —

217 kg

D 2011 L04



Engine weight according to DIN 70020-A

approx. 253 —

261 kg


TD 2011




Engine weight according to DIN 70020-A

approx. 255 —

258 kg

Tightening specifications

ID no.


Screw type

Notes / Remark




Clamping bracket on crankcase

90 Nm



Clamping bracket on adapter for

90 Nm

assembly block



Mounting foot/engine mounting on


200 Nm



TD 2011



Holder oil return line on crankcase


8.5 Nm


For the tightening procedure according to torque using a torque wrench, a maximum variation of the tightening torque of +/- 10% is permissible.

© 01/2009


D 2011

Cylinder head

TD 2011

W 01-01-01

Setting valve clearance

Standard tools:

– Feeler gauges

●Unscrew all screws (1). ●Remove cylinder head cowling (2). ●Remove gasket.


In case of internal exhaust gas recirculation, the inlet valve is opened briefly by an additional cam on the camshaft.

This is not to be confused with the valve overlap.

Allow the engine to cool down for at least 30 minutes before setting the valve

clearance. Engine oil temperature < 80 °C

The following work procedure describes the setting of the valve clearance on an inlet valve. The procedure is the same for

the setting on an outlet valve, taking into 6 consideration the setting dimension.


© 39131-5

Setting engine to valve overlap

●Turn crankshaft inthedirection of the engine (arrow).

●Turn over crankshaft until the valve overlap is achieved on cylinder 1.

© 39132-2

© 01/2009


Cylinder head

D 2011

W 01-01-01

TD 2011

Arrangement of the inlet and exhaust valves.

IN = inlet valve EX = exhaust valve

Valve overlap means:

The inlet valve starts opening,exhaust valve closes.


In case of internal exhaust gas recirculation, the inlet valve is opened briefly by an additional cam on the camshaft.

This is not to be confused with the valve overlap.


●Select feeler gauge.

●Check the setting on the appropriate valve.

The feeler gauge must pass between the rocker arm’s sliding surface and the valve without too much resistance.

© 39135-1

Setting valve clearance

●Loosen lock nut (1). ●Hold adjusting screw (2). ●Set valve clearance.

If there is not enough valve clearance,

unscrew setting screw (2).


If there is too much valve clearance, turn in

setting screw (2).

– Inlet

0.3 mm

– Outlet


0.5 mm

© 39136-1

© 01/2009


D 2011

Cylinder head

TD 2011

W 01-01-01

●Check the valve clearance with feeler gauge (1).


© 39135-2

●Hold adjusting screw (2). ●Tighten lock nut (1).

20 Nm

Do not turn the setting screw when tightening the locking nut.

© 39136-1

●Check the valve clearance again with feeler gauge.

© 39135-1

© 01/2009


Cylinder head

D 2011

W 01-01-01

TD 2011

Valve clearance setting schematic

– D 2011

According to the order given below, the

setting of the valve clearance is possible in

two turns of the crankshaft (each 360°).

Crankshaft position 1

●Turn over crankshaft until the valve overlap is

achieved on cylinder 1.

●Set black marked valves.


Crankshaft position 2

●Turn the crankshaft one turn (360°).

© 25894-5

●Set black marked valves.

– TD 2011








set to





Valve overlap: Outlet valve is not yet closed, inlet valve begins to open.

When the outlet valve is fully open, the inlet valve opens briefly approx. 2 mm. This is not the valve overlap!

●Clean sealing surfaces.

●Mount new gasket.

Note installation position: The bar (1) must


face the front cover.

© 47500-0

© 01/2009


D 2011

Cylinder head

TD 2011

W 01-01-01

●Mount cylinder head cover.

●Oil the screws lightly.

●Tighten all screws (1) alternately.

8.5 Nm



© 39131-4

© 01/2009


Cylinder head

D 2011

W 01-01-01

TD 2011

Technical Data

Testing and setting data

ID no.


Additional information


D 2011 L02

P00 71

Ignition sequence


D 2011 L03

P00 71

Ignition sequence


D 2011 L04

P00 71

Ignition sequence


D 2011,

TD 2011

P01 61

Valve clearance (inlet)

0.3 mm

P01 62

Valve clearance (outlet)

0.5 mm

6Tightening specifications

ID no.


Screw type Notes / Remark


A01 003

Locking nut, valve adjuster

20 Nm

A01 004

Cylinder head cover on cylinder head

8.5 Nm

For the tightening procedure according to torque using a torque wrench, a maximum variation of the tightening torque of +/- 10% is permissible.

© 01/2009


D 2011

Cylinder head

TD 2011

W 01-02-02

Removing and installing the rocker arm and rocker arm bracket

Standard tools:

W 01-01-01

– Torx tool set



Removing the rocker arm and rocker arm bracket

●Unscrew all screws (1).


●Remove cylinder head cowling (2).

●Remove gasket.


© 39131-5

●Unscrew screws (1).

Loosen screws evenly to avoid tension on the rocker arm brackets.

●Remove rocker arm bracket (2).


Lay out components in the order in which

they should be installed.

Note order of cylinders.

© 39140-1

© 01/2009


Deutz D 2011, TD 2011 Service Manual

Cylinder head

D 2011

W 01-02-02

TD 2011

●Remove push rods (1).

Lay out components in the order in which they should be installed.

●Visually inspect the components.


Installing the rocker arm and rocker arm bracket

●Insert stop rods (1).

Note the assignment of the stop rods.

The stop rod must be seated with the ball head in the ladle of the tappet.

© 39141-1

●Loosen lock nut (1).

●Unscrew setting screws (2).

●Mount rocker arm bracket (3).


●Position rocker arm.

The ball heads (4) must be seated in the ladles of the stop rods.

The rocker arm (arrow) must sit on the valve stem.

© 01/2009



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Deutz Engines

Modern technologies and materials, top quality, dependability, durability, and longevity are all features of Deutz diesel engines manufactured in Germany. German brand engines have high specific power and torque at the lightest possible weight for power plants with such specs. As a result, Deutz engines, which use the company’s unique innovations, can function well even in the most adverse circumstances and at a high maximum load for extended periods without diminishing motor resources or increasing overhaul time, therefore saving operational expenses.

After years of research at the company’s scientific and design bureaus, Deutz engineers developed motors that balance low operating costs and little impact on the environment. Because of their low fuel consumption, power plants from the German company Deutz are among the most cost effective in the world per kilowatt-hour produced, and they conform to the strictest standards for environmental protection. This means you may save money on gasoline and put Deutz generator installations close to where people live and work.

The Deutz 413 Series consists of V-shaped (V-Twin) diesel engines with 6, 8, 10, or 12 cylinders, a horizontal selection shaft, and valves in the upper location (OHV) for use in industrial and domestic applications. Focused on usage in sub-zero temperatures (down to -30 degrees Celsius), the 137 hp. (100 kW) to 322 hp. (236 kW) range of power and forced air conditioning;

Four-stroke, overhead-valve (OHV), horizontal power-shaft (HPS), and forced-air-cooled (FAC.) Deutz 912 Series diesel engines are designed for typical circumstances and may produce anywhere from 47 horsepower (34 kilowatts) to 111 horsepower (70 kW) (82 kW). The W models have a two-stage fuel combustion mechanism;

The Deutz 913 Series consists of 4-stroke, 3, 4, and 6-cylinder diesel engines with OHV, a horizontal power shaft, and forced air cooling, designed for use in typical circumstances and ranging in output from 59 horsepower (44 kilowatts) to 191 horsepower (141 kilowatts);

The Deutz 914 Series consists of four-stroke, three-, four-, five-, and six-cylinder diesel engines designed for professional and household appliances, featuring overhead valves, a horizontal power shaft, and forced air cooling, and optimized for normal conditions of operation between 59 horsepower (44 kilowatts) and 189 horsepower (141 kilowatts);

The Deutz 912/914 Genset Series includes 19 hp (14 kW) to 97.9 hp (4-stroke, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6-cylinder, OHV, horizontal air-cooled shaft, air-cooled) diesel engines for electro generators designed for usage in normal and harsh climatic situations (73 kW) manufactured with a mechanical or electronic (optional) fuel supply regulator;

The Deutz 1008 Series is a line of four-stroke, 2, 3, and 4-cylinder diesel engines designed for use in construction machinery, featuring overhead valves (OHV), a horizontal power shaft, liquid cooling, and an emphasis on operating in harsh environments, with outputs ranging from 17.7 horsepower (13 kilowatts) to 42 horsepower (31 kilowatts).

The Deutz 1011 Series is a line of 30-liter, 4-stroke, 2-, 3-, and 4-cylinder diesel engines used in construction machinery. These engines have overhead valves (OHV), a horizontal power shaft, and liquid cooling and are optimized for usage in harsh climates. (22 kW) up to (89.5 hp) (61 kW). Gas emission regulations that are in line with those of the European Union’s STEP II and the United States CFR 40, part 89, Tier II;

The Deutz 1013 Series consists of 4-stroke, 4- and 6-cylinder diesel engines with OHV, the horizontal power shaft, liquid cooling, and an output range of 154 hp (115 kW) to 313 hp (233 kW) for use in industrial and construction equipment in both mild and severe climates.

The Deutz 1015 Series consists of 6- and 8-cylinder V-shaped diesel engines with OHV, a horizontal power shaft, liquid cooling, and an output range of 407 hp (300 kW) to 598 hp (440 kW) that are designed for usage in typical climates.

The Deutz 1013/1015 Genset Series consists of four-stroke, six- and eight-cylinder diesel engines for electric generators, with overhead valves (OHV), a horizontal power shaft, liquid cooling, and an output ranging from 103 horsepower (77 kilowatts) to 571 horsepower (362 kilowatts) (426 kW) produced using both a mechanical regulator and electronic control (as an extra);

With power ranging from 31 horsepower (23 kilowatts) to 88 horsepower (65 kilowatts), the Deutz 2011 Series consists of 2, 3, 4, and 4-cylinder diesel engines for mobile medium-power mobile equipment with OHV, horizontal power shaft, air or liquid cooling, and an emphasis on operation in normal climatic conditions; the L models feature a heat exchanger.

The Deutz TCD 2011 Series is a line of air-cooled, OHV, horizontally-mounted, 2- and 3-cylinder diesel engines for medium-power mobile equipment ranging in output from 31 to 100 horsepower (23 to 74 kilowatts) (74.9 kW). Meet the gas emission requirements of European Union (EU) STEP III and United States (US) Tier 3;

Deutz f4m2011

Deutz f4m2011

The Deutz 2012 Series is a line of four- and six-cylinder diesel engines designed for medium-power mobile equipment. They feature overhead valves (OHV), a horizontal power shaft, and liquid cooling and are optimized for use in typical climates. Their output ranges from 101.8 horsepower (74.9 kilowatts) to 210 horsepower (155 kilowatts).

The Deutz TCD 2012 Series is a four-stroke and six-cylinder diesel engine line designed for medium-power mobile equipment. They feature overhead valves (OHV), a horizontal power shaft, and liquid cooling and are optimized for use in temperate climates.

The Deutz 2011/2012 Genset Series consists of four-stroke 2, 3, and 4-cylinder diesel engines for electric generators with overhead valves, horizontal power shafts, liquid or air cooling, and a primary focus on operation in both normal and difficult climatic conditions, with outputs ranging from 15.5 horsepower (11.4 kilowatts) to 101 horsepower (75 kilowatts);

The Deutz TCD2013 Series is a line of four- and six-cylinder diesel engines designed for use in mobile medium-power equipment. These engines feature overhead valves (OHV), a horizontal power shaft, liquid cooling, and are optimized for use in temperate climates. Their output ranges from 173 horsepower (129 kilowatts) to 325.9 horsepower (243 kW). Meet the requirements for gas emissions set out by the European Union’s STEP III A and the United States’ Tier 3;

The Deutz TCD2013 Genset Series consists of four- and six-cylinder diesel engines with an output ranging from 121 horsepower (90 kilowatts) to 314 horsepower (234 kilowatts) with an emphasis on normal climate operating.

The Deutz TCD 2015 Series consists of 6 and 8-cylinder, OHV, the horizontal power shaft, liquid-cooled, industrial diesel engines designed for usage in typical climates and capable of producing between 489 horsepower (360 kilowatts) and 670 horsepower (500 kilowatts);

The Deutz TCD 2.9-16 liter Series consists of 4, 6, and 8-cylinder diesel engines for mobile equipment; their engine volumes range from 2.9 to 16 liters; they feature overhead valves (OHV), a horizontal power shaft, water cooling, and are optimized for use in extreme climates; their outputs range from 50 horsepower (36.9 kW) to 697 horsepower (600 lb-ft) (520 kW).

User Manuals, Guides and Specifications for your Deutz D 2011 L03 i Engine. Database contains 1 Deutz D 2011 L03 i Manuals (available for free online viewing or downloading in PDF): Operation manual .




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