Digidens t6cr инструкция по применению на русском

in colour reflection mode..

Operating manual DigiDens T6CR

The measured value and the parameter modifica-

tion is displayed on the 16-digit LCD-display.

The precise state of the art light sensor measu-

res densities up to over density 6 in the transmis-

sion mode. The strong and constant reflection

colour light sources allow measurements up to

more than density 2.5 in colour reflection mode.

The accuracy of the measurements is excellent.

The device switches off automatically, if no button

is pressed within 10 minutes. This feature helps

minimizing battery consumption. The power sour-

The DigiDens T6CR is a robust and precise uni-

ce are 3 mignon cells (batteries or accumulators).

versal densitometer for transparent b/w-film and

colour control fields on reflection media. With

The operating procedure in transmission

these capabilities it is perfect for the reproduction

mode is different from the operating procedu-

field and printing houses. Due to its latest sensor

re in colour reflection mode. For that reason

and microprocessor technology it is small and

the following description on this page descri-

handy in size, exceptional in precision and very

bes the transmission mode only. You find the

easy to use.

description of the colour reflection mode on

You will find more technical data at the end of

the backside of this leaflet.

this manual.

Transmission mode:

The DigiDens T6CR possesses the following

important elements:

The functions in details:

Button P:

3 Pushbuttons M, C, P,

The DigiDens T6CR is switched on with this but-

16-digit LCD-display,

ton. If you switch on the device, you first will see


the indication ‘Wait’ to hold the button. If you

Battery case for 3 mignon cells

release the button before the display switches to

‘DigiDens Cal’, the device switches off (to pre-

vent the device from being switched on accident-

In both modes (reflection and transmission) push-

ly). Right to the ‘Wait’ you find the version num-

button M, C and P, are used for 2 functions each.

ber of the software (e.g. V5.1).Now the device is

The second function is initiated by pressing the

ready to use.

button for a longer period of time (>4 seconds).

If the device is currently in the colour reflec-

Pressing the red pushbutton P (power) switches

tion mode state, press the button P until you

between colour reflection (‘R’) and transmission

see ‘Cal T’ on the display, indicating that the

(‘T’). The second function of the red pushbutton

device is now in transmission mode (to mea-

P switches the device on or off.

sure transparent films)

(If you want to switch to colour reflection mode

The center button C (calibrate) calibrates the

and the device is currently in this transmission

device. Second function is the menue mode to

mode state, press the button P shortly.

modify some parameters.

In this case see further information on the back of

this page)

Pressing button M (measure) initiates the measu-

The switch off is also done with this button.

reing process. Second function is the switch to

Keeping the button pressed, (finally) leeds to

continuous mode (measuring continuously) in

‘Down’. Now you can release the button and the

transparent mode and to store a reference colour

device is switched off.

With button P you can decrease the slope in the

Button C:

same way.

With this center button C the calibration is done.

The second function is the menue function to

Pressing button C again leads to the next para-

modify some parmeters…

meter (step4) Display (only valid for transmis-

sion mode):

Calibration for the transmission mode ‘T’:

This parameter varies the display of the measu-

Mark a bright area of your light table with a circle

red values.

as a measuring area. Inside this circle you do

The values 1 to 7 represent

your calibration. Make sure, that ‘DigiDens’ is in

1. show density and percentage, density

transmission mode ‘T’. Position the measuring


spot of ‘DigiDens’ onto clear film on the marked

2. show percentage and density, percentage

measuring area. Press button C for less than 3


seconds to calibrate. Now the calibration is done.

3. show percentage only

4. show density only

Menue modes:

5. like 1, percentage for negative measurement

If you hold the button C for longer than 4

6. like 2, percentage for negative measurement

seconds, the menue mode is initiated. This mode

7. like 3, percentage for negative measurement

enables the user to modify some parameters.

Factory setting is value 1. With button M you can

The first step is

increment this value, button P decrements this

DotGain (Soft Dot):


You see ‘DotGain’ followed by ‘T’ or ‘R’ on the

display (depending in which mode you currently

Pressing the button C for a longer period of time

are) and the percentage of Dotgain for the middle

(>4 seconds) leaves the menue mode and saves

tones (around 50%). Factory setting is 0.0%.

the current parameters (you see ‘Save’ on the

With button M you can increase this value in

display). If you want to leave the menue mode

steps of 0.5%. With button P you can decrease

without saving the parameters, switch off the

this value in steps of 0.5%.

device by pressing button P for a longer period of

time until you see ‘Down’ on the display.

Sens in transmission mode T (Version 3.0):

The Sens parameter varies the sensitivity. The

Button M:

value is adjustable between 1 and 40. The fac-

This button is the measuring button. In the mea-

tory setting is individual to the sensor (see bat-

suring mode (not menue mode, where button M

tery cover inside). You also may use this feature

is the increment button) button M initiates the

to adjust to different light tables. There is the rela-

measuring process. It might take 1 to maximum 8

tion: Increasing sensitivity results in falling accu-

seconds until the new values appear on the dis-

racy. Increase this value only if you need to read

play. During this time a ‘w’ for wait overloads the

very high densities. The brighter your light sour-

mode letter ‘T’ to indicate, that the measuring

ce, the wider the density range (the better).

process is in progress. Coming close to the sen-

sitivity limit of the DigiDens T6CR displays a > to

Pressing button C again leads to the next para-

indicate, that the density may be higher than dis-

meter (step3) Slope adjustment:


The slope adjustment feature enables the user to

The longer periods between 2 and 8 seconds

adjust the density of ‘DigiDens’ to another densi-

only will appear in very dark areas (e.g densities

tometer. Despite the precision of ‘DigiDens’ ,

over 4 ) and only in transmission mode. Pressing

there might be a need to vary the density values

the button M for a longer period of time will

slightly for compatibility purposes. The slope

switch to continuous mode (only in transmission

value can be varied between 1 and 200. The fac-

mode). In this mode the ‘DigiDens’ measures

tory setting is 100, which means original slope.

continuously without the need to press button M

With button M you can increase the slope, each

for every measurement. To leave the continuous

step increases the density about 0.33% (e.g.

mode, press any button within this mode.

density 3.00 is increased to 3.01 by one step).

The 16 digits of the LCD-display allow a guided

The power source (batteries or accumulators)

and simple operation of ‘DigiDens T6CR’

should be checked from time to time.

The density is leaded by the letter ‘D’, the per-

Beside cleaning frequently, no further maintenan-

centage is trailed by the symbol ‘%’.

ce is necessary. The internal colour light sources

The rightmost letter is the mode letter ‘T’ for

are maintenance free.


The continuous mode is indicated by a ‘c’ left to

the mode symbol. If the batteries go low, an indi-

cation ‘e’ for empty will be seen.

If you want the default parameters (factory set-

This product is subject to change without notice

tings) reactivated, then with button P you have to

ColorPartner GmbH

press button M and C simultanuously when swit-

Holzkoppelweg 5

ching on the device until ‘DigiDens Cal’ shows

24118 Kiel

an additional ‘r’ for reset. This lasts about 15



Technical data:

— density max transmission

> 6 D

identical to > 120 dB

— deviation density trans. (D<5)

+- 0,02 D

— deviation percentage trans.

+- 0,5 %

— density reflection

> 2.5 D

— dev. colour density reflection

+- 0,02 D

— dev. colour percentage refl.

+- 1 %

— about

200 000 measurements transmission

50 000 measurements reflection

with 1 set of batteries (or accus)

— Input voltage

2.8 — 5.0 volts

— 3 x 1,5 Volt Mignon batteries


— 3 x 1,2 Volt Mignon accus

— measuring spot diameter

2,5 mm

To change batteries, open the battery case by

unscrewing the battery cover. Please place the

batteries carefully in the right direction (as shown

by the battery symbols) into the battery case.

To let the device always supply reliable values,

keep the area around the measuring spot clean.

To avoid unwanted infrared influence (in density

ranges higher than 5 is some despite the IR-

blocking filter), follow this advice:

Don’t expose your DigiDens T6CR to heat and in

particular: don’t leave the DigiDens T6CR and

the films you want to measure on the light

table while not using.

Measuring on a light table means relying on

the light source of this table. Check from time

to time if the light source is still stable.

modify some parameters.

Operating manual DigiDens T6CR

Colour reflection mode:

Pressing button M (measure) initiates the measu-

reing process, the second function stores the

measured value as a reference. For display

mode 1, 2 and 4 only the dominant colour

separation component of the reference is sto-

red (So you can have 4 references for the

four separation colours). For display mode 3

and 5 the complete colour with its 4 separati-

on components is stored.

The measured value and the parameter modifi-

cation is displayed on the 16-digit LCD-display.

You find the four values for cyan, magenta, yel-

In colour reflection mode you can measure densi-

low and black next to each other on the display.

ties and percentages of colour control fields on

Densities are displayed with two fraction digits,

reflective media.

percentages are displayed without fraction part.

If the display shows ‘DigiDens Cal CR’ after

There are 5 display modes:

switching on, the colour reflection mode is alrea-

1. Maximum display densities:

dy active. If the device is in transmission mode

after a measurement and always after calibra-

after switching on (this depends on the mode,

tion (zero adjustment) only the colour with the

which has been active when switching off the

maximum (dominant) value is changed in the

device the last time), press button P to enter the

display. This value is indicated with a leading

colour reflection mode (‘Cal CR’ on the display).


In this mode 3 specific colour light sources (filter

This mode is suitable for measuring colour

behaviour like Kodak Wratten Tricolor Filters) are

control fields of pure printing inks, because

switched on separately and the light sensor

values of other separations are left unchan-

examines the remission.

ged in the display.

The DigiDens T6CR possesses the following

2. Maximum display percentage:

important elements:

The percentage of the dominant separation

colour is displayed, the values of the other

3 Pushbuttons M, C, P,

separations are left unchanged. Percentages

16-digit LCD-display,

only can be measured after solid colour cali-

sensor head with 3 colour light

bration of this separation and only on pure

sources and lightsensor,

separation colours (control wedges).

Battery case for 3 mignon cells

3. All separation Display:

The three pushbuttons M, C and P are used for 2

In this display mode all separation compo-

functions each. The second function is initiated

nents of the measured colour are displayed.

by pressing the button for a longer period of

Attention: Even pure separation inks do con-

time (>4 seconds).

tain components of other separation colours

Pressing the red pushbutton P (power) switches

(e.g. magenta ink also contains yellow and

between the 5 different display modes. Second


function is the switch to Transmission (‘T’).

Switching off the device needs to press butten ‘P’

4. Differential display (to reference):

even longer.

In this mode the difference of the dominant

The center button C (calibrate) calibrates the

separation to the reference colour component

device. Second function is the menue mode to

is displayed. The display of the other separati-

ons is left unchanged. The differences are

every separation colour !

always displayed with its sign. After each

The second function is the menue function to

white calibration, the absolute values of all

modify some parmeters…

reference colour components are displayed.

Calibration for the reflection mode ‘CR’:

5. Display of weighted distance in RGB-colour

Make sure, your densitometer is in colour reflec-


tion mode ‘CR’. Position the measuring head

In a multi dimensional colour space every

above your white, then press button ‘C’. The

colour has its unique position. Two colours

white alignment is done, the display shows densi-

do have a distance value, which depends on

ty 0,00 for every separation and the arrow points

the similarity of this two colours. The more

to black as a default. Now you calibrate the solid

similar this colours are, the smaller the

separation colours: Place the measuring head on

distance. This display mode calculates in CIE-

a solid separation colour and press button ‘C’

Lab and the distance is delta E.

again. Now the white calibration value is referen-

Also a + or — is displayed behind the distance

ced as 0%. The solid colour value is references

value, which indicates, if the currently measu-

as 100%. Only for the separation colours

red colour is darker (+) or brighter (-) than the

which have been ‘solid colour calibrated’, per-

reference (luminance indicator).

centage measurements are possible. The other

separations permanently show 0%.

Pressing the button ‘P’ shortly, switches bet-

Now the calibration is finished. If white is inter-

ween the 5 display modes.

preted as solid colour (wrong handling, very few

cases), switch to transparent mode with the but-

The functions in details:

ton P and back to colour reflection mode to reset

Button P:

the calibration. A new calibration of white invali-

The DigiDens T6R is switched on with this but-

dates the old solid colour calibration too.

ton. If you switch on the device, you first will see

the indication ‘Wait’ to hold the button. On the

Menue modes:

right of ‘Wait’ you find the version number of the

If you hold the button C for longer than 4

software (e.g. V5.R). If you release the button

seconds, the menue mode is initiated. This mode

before the display switches to ‘DigiDens Cal’,

enables the user to modify some parameters.

the device switches off (to prevent the device

The first step is

from being switched on accidently). Now the

DotGain (Soft Dot):

device is ready and it should be calibrated for

You see ‘DotGain’ here followed by a ‘R’ and

the mode you want to use it (here ‘CR’).

the percentage of Dotgain for the middle tones

The switch between the 5 display modes also is

(around 50%) on the display. Factory setting is

done with this button.

0.0%. With button M you can increase this value

Holding the button for about 4 seconds leeds to

in steps of 0.5%. With button P you can decrease

the transparent mode (‘T’), if currently in colour

this value in steps of 0.5%. The DotGain value is

reflection mode. To switch off the device, press

valid for all 4 separations.

this button ‘P’ even longer, until you see ‘Down’.

Pressing button C switches to the next parameter

Now you can release the button and the device is

(step2)Select. The Select can be modified by

switched off. There is no real need to switch off

pressing the M (forward) or P (backward) button.

the device manually (whenever no measurement

Select A=Autoselect (factory setting) or the indivi-

is done, the device runs in low energy stand by

dual colors (C,M,Y,K) here.

and switches off automatically after about 8

For negative printing plate-measurements you


can use the next select Neg. THe select Abs

stand for absolute densities and can only be

Button C:

used, if you also ordered a reference white cera-

With this center button C the white and solid

mic tile (rarely used)

colour calibration is done. The white calibration

Pressing button C switches to the 4 colour-indivi-

is valid for all 4 separation colours. The solid

dual Yule Nielsen Factors (an improved and

colour calibration must be done separately for

generalized variant of the Murray-Davies formula)

for percentage measurements. This formula allo-

measuring process. During this time a ‘w’ for wait

ws the variation of paper and ink parameters The

is displayed on the display in the first digit to indi-

parameter varies from 0.6 up to 3.0. Factory set-

cate, that the measuring process is in progress.

ting is the medium value 1.2. Choosing the right

After the measurement the first digit shows a ‘D’

parameter needs some experiments in the begin-

in display mode 1 and 3, a % in display mode 2.

ning (Smaller values increase the mid tone per-

You can store a measured value as a referen-

centage values).

ce by holding the button M for a longer period

Pressing button C again leads to the next para-

of time (about 4 seconds) until the leading

meter (step3) Slope adjustment:

digit shows a ‘R’.

The slope adjustment is also separate for the four

For display mode 1, 2 and 4 only the dominant

colour separations. This feature enables the user

separation of the reference is stored and for dis-

to adjust the density of ‘DigiDens’ to another

play mode 3 and 5 all color components of the

densitometer. Despite the precision of

measured value are stored. Reference colours

‘DigiDens’, there might be a need to vary the

are needed for the difference calculation in dis-

density values slightly for compatibility purposes.

play mode 4 and delta E calculation in display

The slope value can be varied between 1 and

mode 5.

200. The factory setting is 100, which means ori-

ginal slope.

With button M you can increase the slope, each

step increases the density about 0.5% (e.g. den-

sity 2.00 is increased to 2.01 by one step). With

button P you can decrease the slope in the same


Service parameters (factory settings):

some parameters only can be changed when the

unit is startet in the reset mode (pressing button

M with button P simultaniously, when switching

on). Then you have access to parameters you

better only change with factory guidance.

The 3 internal Slope1 parameters change the

responding curve. The next 3 internal Slope2

parameters do the same as the external slope.

The following 3 color parameter influence the fil-

ter behaviour of the instrument.

The next 3 WT (White Threshold) parameters

decide when to interpret white and when to inter-

prete solid colour while calibrating.

With these service parameters component variati-

ons of the densitometers are balanced.

Pressing the button C for a longer period of time

(>4 seconds) leaves the menue mode and saves

the current parameters (you see ‘Save’ on the

display). If you want to leave the menue mode

without saving the parameters, switch off the

device by pressing button P until you see ‘Down’.

Button M:

This button is the measuring button. In the mea-

suring mode (not menue mode, where button M

is the increment button) button M initiates the


































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Чертежи самодельного котла на альтернативном топливе, лоток перфорированный н русском языке colorpartner digidens t6cr. Фотообои для стен. Densitometro de transmision y reflexion DigiDens T6CR. * Modo transmision: Densidad Porcentaje de punto. * Modo reflexion reconoce. Название: ИНСТРУКЦИЯ ДЕНСИТОМЕТР DIGIDENS T6CR Формат книги: fb2, txt, epub, pdf. Размер: 6.4 mb. Скачано: 1201 раз. Инструкция на русском языке. Производство Швейцария. Основные технические характеристики: Диапазон измерений относительной влажности:. … en todo el proceso grafico (preimpresion e impresion) pudiendo medir la pelicula, plancha y el impreso en color. (DIGIDENS T6CR). Бесплатные материалы на тему оверлокgn1 1 инструкция, также у нас. Инструкция по эксплуатации денситометра digidens t6cr. SilverFast Topaz SilverFast fur Heidelberg Topaz/Tango/Nexscan/PrimeScan/S3400 scanner software, scanner, camera, digital camera, dia, scan, it8, film,. ?Operating manual DigiDens T6CR The DigiDens T6CRis a robust and precise uni-versal densitometer for transparent bw-film and colour control fields on. DownloadOperating manual digidens t6cr pdf. Free Download e-Books so then what would be the point of the X line then 4 — Clique em Refresh All e aguarde. Скачать Инструкция по эксплуатации для денситометра digidens t6cr. Рейтинг: 8.5/10, голосов: 32, Размер: 8 MB, Скачано за неделю: 96. FOGRA Testform fur Digitaldrucksysteme Fogra. Так и есть то, что произошло, передалось настроение денситометра digidens t6cr инструкция, и они никогда еще ему не только. Скачать Инструкция по эксплуатации для денситометра digidens t6cr. Рейтинг: 8.1/10, голосов: 45, Размер: 4 MB, Скачано за неделю: 96. ColorParner DigiDens T6CR объеденяет в себе сразу три устройства: денситометр для пленок, денситометр для офсетных форм, цветной денситометр. Денситометры digidens t6cr инструкция должностная инструкция бухгалтера ревизора в ресторане. Скачать Инструкция по эксплуатации digidens t6cr. Рейтинг: 9.5/10, голосов: 31, Размер: 9 MB, Скачано за неделю: 50. Скачать или читать Инструкция rep stosd, Max cut 3816 инструкция.. мануал · Денситометр digidens t6cr инструкция · Открыть все машины в nfs carbon. 1С-Битрикс: Управление сайтом. Логин: Пароль: Запомнить меня на этом компьютере. Long description: DigiDens T6CR Now you can get. ColorParner DigiDens T6CR объеденяет в себе сразу три устройства: денситометр для пленок, денситометр для офсетных форм, цветной денситометр. Short operating description DigiDens T6CR: Power ON (button P): Press the (red) button P until DigiDens Cal CR (default setting reflection) or DigiDens Cal T. Operating manual DigiDens T6CR The DigiDens T6CRis a robust and precise. Инструкция н русском языке colorpartner digidens t6cr Язык:. Densitometro De Color Para Papel Y Pelicula Digidens T6cr · Densitometro De Color Para Papel Y Pelicula Digidens T6cr. $ 31.50000. 12x $ 4.24174. ?Operating manual DigiDens T6CR. The DigiDens T6CR is a robust and precise uni- versal densitometer for transparent b/w-film and colour control fields on. ИНСТРУКЦИЯ ДЕНСИТОМЕТР DIGIDENS T6CR. Инструкция для получения доступа к сайту БК… Гражданской войны работал в печати петрограда и. QUATO Intelli Proof 240 LED excellence LaCie electron,Softproof,kalibierbar,gebraucht,ICC,Barco,CCID 321 Plus,Personal Calibrator,Reference Calibrator.

Table of Contents for ColorPartner DigiDens T6CR:

  • Operating manual DigiDens T6CR Colour reflection mode: In colour reflection mode you can measure densi- ties and percentages of colour control fields on reflective media. If the display shows ‘DigiDens Cal CR’ after switching on, the colour reflection mode is alrea- dy active. If the device is in transmission mode after switching on (this depends on the mode, which has been active when switching off the device the last time), pr

  • Operating manual DigiDens T6CR The DigiDens T6CR is a robust and precise uni- versal densitometer for transparent b/w-film and colour control fields on reflection media. With these capabilities it is perfect for the reproduction field and printing houses. Due to its latest sensor and microprocessor technology it is small and handy in size, exceptional in precision and very easy to use. You will find more technical data at the end of this manual. The DigiDens T6CR possesses the following important elements: — 3 Pushbuttons M, C, P, — 16-digit LCD-display, — L

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ColorPartner DigiDens T6CR

CoLorPartner DigiDens T6CR в процессе работы автоматически распознает цвет и показывает на дисплее данные по всем цветам CMYK одновременно. Малое время измерений способствует быстрому анализу всего оттиска, что крайне актуально для приладки крупноформатных печатных машин. Функция измерения разности плотностей очень удобна для выравнивания оптической плотности по всей ширине оттиска, путем сравнения оптической плотности в каждой красочной зоне с заданной величиной.

Тип — ручной, настольный: настольный

Назначение: Контроль качества цветных тиражных оттисков

Аппертура: —

Диапазон измерений: 0-2.5 D

Стабильность нуля: +/-0,01D

Точность измерений: —

Габариты (Ш*В*Г, мм): —

Вес (кг): —

Где купить ColorPartner DigiDens T6CR

Временно нет в наличии у поставщиков

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