«Дикая природа «Звёздных войн»: практическое руководство» (англ. The Wildlife of Star Wars: A Field Guide) — справочник, содержащий подробную информацию о животных вселенной «Звёздных войн», их повадках, рационе, местах обитания и прочем, изданный в 2001 году. Авторами справочника являлись Террил Уитлэтч (дизайнер существ для Эпизода I и для специального издания Оригинальной трилогии) и Боб Карроу. Фан-перевод справочника на русский язык, выполненный участниками «Вукипедии», вышел в апреле 2020 года.
Вселенная «Звёздных войн» — это огромное место со множеством удивительных существ. Здесь, в одном-единственном и уникальном в своём роде издании, описан весь увлекательный мир животных. Много лет обширных исследований и полевых наблюдений запечатлены на его страницах. Чтобы узнать о естественной среде обитания каждого зверя, его брачных повадках, пищевом рационе, стадных инстинктах, механизмах защиты пришлось пойти на большой риск и посетить самые разные места: от ледяных полей Хота и пастбищ Набу до бетонных джунглей Корусанта и жарких пустынь Татуина.
Данное полевое руководство — это уникальная возможность целиком увидеть дикую природу «Звёздных войн».
- Предисловие
- Татуин
- Хот
- Дагоба
- Набу:
- Тид и окрестности
- Океанские глубины
- Болота гунганов
- Беспин
- Эндор
- Явин-4
- Корусант
- Альдераан
- Новые виды
- Указатель
За кулисами
С внутривселенской точки зрения автором книги значится зоолог Лирре Т’енна (англ. Lyrre T’enna), чьё имя и первая буква фамилии является отсылкой на имя реального автора, Террил Уитлэтч (англ. Terryl Whitlatch).
Bookshelf — Star Wars Insider 51
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- Review at TheForce.net
«Дикая природа «Звёздных войн»: практическое руководство» в официальной группе Вукипедии ВКонтакте (на русском)
На других языках
The Wildlife of Star Wars: A Field Guide is a 2001 book written by Terryl Whitlatch and Bob Carrau and published by Chronicle Books. The book details the wildlife of the galaxy up to and including Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. Information on the habits and habitats of each species is included, and many species are broken down and detailed in artist renditions.
Publisher’s summary[]
The Star Wars universe is a vast and varied place, populated with an amazing array of creatures. These fascinating fauna have been captured here in the only comprehensive annotated field journal of its kind. Many years of extensive study and on-site observation have gone into these renderings, and great risk taken to learn about the natural habitats of all of the creatures. From the ice fields of Hoth and the pastures of Naboo to the concrete jungle of Coruscant and the intense heat and wind of Tatooine, identify and learn about the mating habits, feeding patterns, herding instincts, and defense mechanisms of these incredible beings.
This extraordinary field guide provides the ultimate look at the wildlife of Star Wars.
- Introduction
- Tatooine
- Hoth
- Dagobah
- Naboo: Theedside
- Naboo: The Abyss
- Naboo: The Gungan Swamp
- Bespin
- Endor
- Yavin 4
- Coruscant
- Alderaan
- «New Arrivals«
- Index & Comparative Size Chart
Explore all of Wookieepedia’s images for this article subject.
In-universe, this guide’s research was carried out and written by Lyrre T’enna.
Written backwards, «Lyrre T» is the first name of the guide’s real-world coauthor Terryl Whitlatch, who was also a creature concept artist for The Phantom Menace.
External links[]
- Entry at Chroniclebooks.com
- Review at TheForce.net
Язык: русский
Год: 2003
Добавил: Admin 27 Май 15
Проверил: Admin 27 Май 15
PDF (107149 Kb)
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Chronicle Books — The Wildlife of Star Wars — A Field Guide
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Top reviews from the United States
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Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on March 24, 2023
I have been a fan of Star Wars for a few years now, although I had watched the original three films many, many years ago. The creatures/animals in the many films have fascinated me for a while, when I learned about the existence of this book from other books I have by Terryl Whitlatch (the very talented author who wrote and illustrated it), and had to read it. I was not disappointed! Her art if beautiful, and at the same time based on biology, ecology and other realities of the life of any creature she creates. The creatures/animals in this book could really have lived, and walked on planets similar to the ones in Star Wars, on which they live inside the SW universe. Looking at the beautiful drawings, and reading the detailed descriptions makes me feel as though I really am on those planets, meeting the fascinating animals in person, and experiencing their habitats as they know them. I also love the how time was taken to figure out the biology, and habits, of each animal, and how they live their live on their respective planets, and why. As both a student of biology, prehistory and palaeontology and a SW fan, this book is riveting, enjoyable and fascinating all at once. It is an indispensable companion for any SW fan, as well as anyone with an interest in sci-fi/fantasy creature/alien art and design, and biology. I highly Recommend it!
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on February 9, 2010
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This hardcover is actually texture-pressed with scale patterns from a creature I can’t identify. It has a nice touch.
This is a field guide to the wildlife from the Star Wars planets. It’s organised by planets and the included ones are Tatooine, Hoth, Dagobah, Naboo, Bespin, Endor, Yavin 4 and Coruscant. There’s a short introduction describing each ecosystem — fiery, freezing, vaporous, etc.
The illustrations are sketches drawn with pencils and colour markers, supposedly by a zoologist in the field, but is actually none other than Terryl Whitlatch. They are all wonderfully detailed showing the creatures in their natural habitat, be it hunting, caring for their young, chilling out, or even on sale at some market on Coruscant. The attention to skin textures is very nice. You can almost get a feel just by looking. Beautiful colours also.
Besides the paintings are field notes filling in on information like feeding patterns, mating habits, herding instincts and defensive mechanisms of these fascinating beings.
I didn’t know that the giant space slug is really that huge at 900 metres until I looked up the size of a blue whale for comparison, which is 33 metres. The space slugs gets nutrients from asteroids and you can see how the intestines work. Some of the designs you’ll see are inspired by Earth animals. The Opee Sea Killer has characteristics from lobster (shell), frog (long sticky tongue), anglerfish (that glowing forehead tip) and the arowana (breeding little babies in the mouth).
Some of the designs might look a bit far fetch but hey, this is Star Wars, this is science fiction. I guess anything goes but many are believable for the most part, in art and concept.
This is a very good book for all fans of Star Wars and animal art.
(More pictures are available on my blog. Just visit my Amazon profile for the link.)
33 people found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on January 9, 2022
It is older, and I wish some of the newer animals of Star Wars books took a page from this. The newer ones are all outlined into neat little boxes, which is good for condensing as much into one book as possible but it misses out a little on the fantastical element. That’s where this book really shines. The layout of this book is like a Zoologist’s journal and the artwork is beautiful.
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on January 20, 2021
This is an amazing book for star wars collectors, it’s a shame it is so hard to find. It seems to cover animals from episodes one, four, five, and six, plus a bunch of extras we’ve never seen before. It’s awesome to get full body designs for things like the Sarlacc and the Krayt Dragon.
I got a used one through Amazon that was listed as «good» condition but was covered in stickers and tape and has several ripped out pages. I’d say it was in poor condition. Just be aware that depending on who you buy from you may not get the listed quality.
3 people found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on November 6, 2011
I love this book! I’m not a huge Star Wars fan, but I love the art of Terryl Whitlatch and this was an example of her work which I didn’t already own. I was very excited to get the book and study her drawings and display it to show friends and family. It was ordered with another art book from amazon so I was eligible for the super saver shipping) and they arrived in the same box. It is unfortunate that apparently when you don’t pay for shipping, they don’t take care of the items sent or care about the condition of what is sent to you. The book itself was ripped and torn on the cover and a few other pages toward the front of the book. The box was small enough that the book had no room to move around and there was nothing that could have damaged the book while in transit. It was put in the box by someone that knew it was damaged and just didn’t care. Sad for a constant customer of amazon to see that all they want is your money and they don’t really care about what they give you in return.
One person found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on April 3, 2018
My son loves this book. We actually saw it at Hollywood Studios at Disney World this year when we went but I was able to find it here on Amazon at less than half the cost of the Disney gift shop it was in (near the newer Star Wars meet and greet area). I’m glad I waited and got him this one. The information inside is pretty detailed and a little violent (creatures eating/slicing open other creatures) in some of the hand drawn photos but isn’t too bad since its just a drawing. My son loves to read about the creatures and then try to draw them himself.
5 people found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on August 15, 2016
My Son cannot put this book down and that is coming from a kid who generally doesn’t like animals. I think pictures and diagrams read more like schematics to a robotic lab than a field guide which explains why he likes it. There is very technical and creative language which for the interested youth reader will help expand their vocabulary. I highly recommend the hard cover since the book gets used so much and spends much of its life in his backpack. Btw he is 11 years old.
One person found this helpful
Top reviews from other countries
5.0 out of 5 stars
Wildlife of Star Wars — written by a non-Star Wars geek!!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 on November 19, 2010
Its my husband who loves Star Wars and I was looking for a suitable gift on Amazon (very good place to look for Star wars gifts). I have bought hubby several Reference books as previous gifts and he loved them all, so when I saw this I felt sure he would love this book too. I read all the reviews and that convinced me.
This is a GREAT book, I loved it and I’m only midly into Star Wars, I’ve watched all the movies and read some of the books, (not as many as hubby), but I love books in general and this is a FANTASTIC book, from the touchable cover to the AMAZING artwork — if you are a fan of Star Wars YOU WILL LOVE this book ! I loved it so much I bought it a second time for another friend, both he and hubby spent many hours poring over all the pictures in detail. Definitely recommend to any Star Wars loving friend I have!
5.0 out of 5 stars
Great art work, well produced. An excellent book.
Reviewed in the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 on March 5, 2002
This book has a great feel to it. It is heavy and has lots of pages (complex analysis over).
Every page in this 175 page book is full colour and the artwork is inspiring. They go into full detail about the exact nature of many of the fantastic beasts including upbringing and pointing out details like digestive systems of many of the larger Star Wars monsters. These details are backed up by some great slice through views like the «Space Slug» (the animal that Han Solo landed the Millennium Falcon in).
If only these authors did a «Star ship» book.
4 people found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars
Reviewed in the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 on July 6, 2017
What a fantastically imaginative book! It left me wishing they would make further editions for all the hundreds of planets left unexamined in this tome, which covers only Tatooine, Naboo, Hoth, Yavin 4, the Forest Moon of Endor, Bespin, and Coruscant (with an honourable mention of Alderaan). The renderings are exquisite and really enhance the world-building of the Star Wars Universe. Highly recommended not just for Star Wars fans, but for anyone interested in alternative ecosystems, biology, and zoology, as well as the relationship between cultures and fauna.
4.0 out of 5 stars
Enjoyed the images
Reviewed in the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 on May 7, 2013
The images are beautiful and the book looks and feels great but there is not much information about the creation of the creatures and the thoughts behind decisions. Something to become inspired from but for learning to draw these guys I would look for another book
5.0 out of 5 stars
Please update. Great book
Reviewed in the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 on October 26, 2017
Love detail and pictures, hope they update with the new films
Название: Дикая природа звездных войн: полевое руководство
Эта книга английская оригинальная, весит около 1,3 кг. ISBN: 978-0811847360 Опубликовано: Хроника Книги Упаковка: Мягкая обложка Страницы: 175 страниц Размер: 30,7 x 25,1 x 1,5 см
Созданная как книга с набросками натуралиста (с подлинной обложкой для обложки) и с подробными иллюстрациями артиста Звездных войн Террила Уитлача, The Wildlife of Star Wars — действительно окончательное руководство для создания мега-творчества Джорджа Лукаса. чернила, художник захватывает необычную анатомию, необыкновенное поведение и радужные оттенки самой интересной дикой природы на Набу, Хот, Эндор и другие планеты Звездных войн. Подробные заметки на местах, написанные на полях, описывают таинственное кладбище banthas, паттерны спаривания плодовитых женщин-шакаков, пугливый характер ронтоса и то, как экзекуты выплевывают содержимое желудка при раздражении. Тщательный, точный и совершенно развлекательный, Дикая природа Звездных войн — это справочник для неосновных обитателей эта галактика. Хотя читатель не может слышать гулкий гром банды или пахнет прогорклым дыханием ревущего фалумпакета, он или она может наблюдать как они существуют в их странных и прекрасных домах, в галактике далеко, далеко.
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