Диктофон сони icd ux502 инструкция по применению

Посмотреть инструкция для Sony ICD-UX502 бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории диктофоны, 1 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 7.5. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: русский. У вас есть вопрос о Sony ICD-UX502 или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

Не можете найти ответ на свой вопрос в руководстве? Вы можете найти ответ на свой вопрос ниже, в разделе часто задаваемых вопросов о Sony ICD-UX502.

Инструкция Sony ICD-UX502 доступно в русский?

Не нашли свой вопрос? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

background image

ICD-UX502  4-416-975-21(1)

IC Recorder

Краткое руководство пользователя




© 2012 Sony Corporation  Printed in China




Испытайте ваш новый цифровой диктофон

1. Питание.

 Вставьте батарею, соблюдая полярность.

 Включите питание.

Сдвиньте переключатель HOLD•POWER в 
направлении “POWER” и удерживайте, пока в 
окошке дисплея не появится изображение. На 
дисплее появится анимационная индикация 
“Accessing…”, и цифровой диктофон включится.

Для выключения питания передвиньте переключатель 
HOLD•POWER в положение “POWER” и удерживайте, 
пока не появится сообщение “Power Off”.

Предотвращение случайных операций (функция HOLD)

Чтобы вывести цифровой диктофон из состояния 
HOLD, передвиньте переключатель HOLD•POWER в 
центральное положение.

2. Установка даты и времени.

При первой установке батареи появляется 
анимационная индикация “Set Date&Time”, и затем 
начнет мигать показание года.



, чтобы уставить год 

(две последние цифры года), а затем 


/ENT. Повторите эту 

процедуру, чтобы последовательно 

установить месяц, день, час и минуты. 

После ввода значения минут и нажатия 


на часах появится установленное время.

3. Выбор языка меню.

 Нажмите кнопку MENU/NOISE CUT.


, затем нажмите 


чтобы выбрать  , затем нажмите 




, чтобы выбрать 

“Language”, затем нажмите 




, чтобы выбрать язык, 

который будет использоваться в окошке 

дисплея, затем нажмите 


Можно выбрать следующие языки: 
Deutsch (немецкий), English (английский), 
Español (испанский), Français (французский), 
Italiano (итальянский), Русский.

 Нажмите кнопку 


4. Запись.



Перед началом использования цифрового диктофона 
передвиньте переключатель HOLD•POWER в 
центральное положение, чтобы вывести диктофон из 
состояния HOLD.

 Нажмите кнопку 


Запись начнется, и индикатор работы загорится 

Можно приостановить запись, нажав кнопку 


PAUSE. Нажмите кнопку 

REC/PAUSE еще раз, чтобы 

возобновить запись.

 Чтобы остановить запись, нажмите 



Запись остановится, и индикатор работы 
загорится оранжевым.

5. Прослушивание.



 Нажмите кнопку 


Воспроизведение начнется, и индикатор работы 
загорится зеленым.

 Установите уровень громкости, 

нажимая кнопку VOL –/+.

 Чтобы остановить воспроизведение, 

нажмите кнопку 


6. Удаление.

После удаления файла восстановить его невозможно.

 Нажмите кнопку ERASE.

Появится индикация “Erase?”, и выбранный 
файл будет воспроизведен для подтверждения 

 Выберите “Execute” с помощью кнопок 


, затем нажмите 


При удалении выбранного файла отображается 
анимационная индикация “Erasing…”.

Можно выбрать вкладку и папку, в 

которые будет записан файл. Кроме того, в 

выбранной папке можно выбрать файл для 

воспроизведения или удаления.

 Выберите вкладку.


  Для отображения окна выбора 

папок нажмите кнопку  .



, затем нажмите 


, чтобы выбрать вкладку, 

затем нажмите 


Появится окно выбора папок 

выбранной вкладки.

 (Голос): эта вкладка используется для 

управления файлами, записанными при 

помощи цифрового диктофона.

 (Музыка): эта вкладка используется 

только для воспроизведения и 

управления музыкальными файлами, 

переданными с компьютера.

 (Подкаст): эта вкладка используется 

только для воспроизведения и 

управления файлами подкастов, 

переданными с компьютера.

 Выберите папку.



, чтобы выбрать 

папку, затем нажмите 


Чтобы отобразить файлы, находящиеся 

в выбранной папке, нажмите 


 Выберите файл.

Когда появится окно выбора файла, 



, чтобы выбрать 

требуемый файл, затем нажмите 


Когда отображается экран режима 
остановки, файлы можно выбирать 
путем нажатия кнопок 


Выбор вкладки/папки/файла

Что делать дальше

Инструкция по эксплуатации, в 
которой представлены все функции и 
характеристики цифрового диктофона, 
хранится в виде файлов PDF во 
встроенной памяти цифрового диктофона.

Инструкцию по эксплуатации можно также 
загрузить с главной страницы технической 
поддержки Sony:  

 Подсоедините цифровой 

диктофон к компьютеру.

 Откройте папку “Instructions” 

на компьютере.

В системе Windows: нажмите [Мой 
компьютер] или [Компьютер] 
— [IC RECORDER] — [Instructions].
На компьютере Macintosh: щелкните 
[IC RECORDER] в окне поиска 
— [Instructions].

 Перетащите файлы инструкции 

по эксплуатации из папки 

“Instructions” на локальный 

диск компьютера.

Файлы инструкции по эксплуатации 
имеют следующие имена: 
Product name_language name_version.pdf 
(например, ICD-UX502_English_111.pdf)

 Отключите цифровой 

диктофон от компьютера.

Чтобы прочитать инструкции по 
эксплуатации, дважды нажмите на нужный 
файл PDF.

Копирование инструкции по эксплуатации 

на компьютер


Используйте источник питания напряжением 
только 1,5 В или 1,2 В постоянного тока.
Используйте щелочную батарею LR03 (тип 
AAA) или аккумуляторную батарею NH-AAA.

Техника безопасности

Не пользуйтесь устройством во 
время вождения автомобиля, езды на 
велосипеде или управления любыми 
моторизованными транспортными 

Обращение с устройством

Не оставляйте устройство вблизи 
источников тепла или в местах, 

подверженных воздействию прямых 
солнечных лучей, большого количества 
пыли или механических ударов.
В случае попадания внутрь устройства 
твердых предметов или жидкостей 
извлеките элементы питания и не 
пользуйтесь устройством, пока его 
не проверит квалифицированный 

В случае возникновения вопросов или 
проблем, касающихся данного устройства, 
обратитесь к ближайшему дилеру Sony.

меры предосторожности


Не подвергайте батареи (батарейный блок или установленные батареи) длительному 
воздействию чрезмерного нагрева, например на солнце, вблизи огня и т.п.


Существует угроза взрыва при использовании батареи недопустимого типа.
Проводите утилизацию использованных батарей согласно инструкциям.

Емкость (емкость, доступная для пользователя)

2 ГБ (прибл. 1,80 ГБ = 1932735283 байт)
Часть объема памяти используется для управления.

Изготовитель: Сони Kорпорейшн Адрес: 1-7-1 Kонан, Минато-ку, Токио 108-0075, Япония 
Страна-производитель: Kитай

  Относится только к первичным  элементам питания, идущим в комплекте с данным 


Импортер на территории РФ и название и адрес организации, раположенной на 
территории РФ, уполномоченной принимать претензии от пользователей:

ЗАО “Сони Электроникс”, 123103, Москва,Карамышевский проезд, 6, Россия

Дата изготовления

Цифровой диктофон : Указана на упаковке
Щелочные батарейки: Рекомендованный срок годности (месяц-год) указан на батарейках.


Цифровой диктофон : Сделано в Китае

Пpимeчaниe для покyпaтeлeй: cлeдyющaя инфоpмaция пpимeнимa только для 
обоpyдовaния, пpодaющeгоcя в cтpaнax, гдe дeйcтвyют диpeктивы EC

Производителем данного устройства является корпорация Sony Corporation, 1-7-1 Konan, 
Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-0075 Japan. Уполномоченным представителем по электромагнитной 
совместимости (EMC) и безопасности изделия является компания Sony Deutschland GmbH, 
Hedelfinger Strasse 61, 70327 Stuttgart, Germany. По вопросам обслуживания и гарантии 
обращайтесь по адресам, указанным в соответствующих документах.

Во избежание возможных повреждений органов слуха избегайте длительного 
прослушивания на высокой громкости.

Цифровой диктофон (1)
Стереофонические наушники (1)
Соединительный кабель USB (1)
Щелочная батарея LR03 (тип AAA) (1)

Инструкция по эксплуатации (хранится 
во встроенной памяти)
Краткое руководство пользователя

Проверьте комплект поставки.

Поздравляем! Настройка цифрового диктофона завершена, и первая запись успешно 
выполнена. Перейдите к следующему шагу. Для полноценного использования цифрового 
диктофона можно воспользоваться другими полезными функциями и информацией.

Подробные сведения по каждой 
операции см. в файлах PDF инструкции по 
эксплуатации, скопированной на компьютер.






Выбор сюжета

Можно настроить пункты меню для записи 
с наилучшими параметрами в соответствии 
с различными сюжетами записи.


Уменьшение постороннего шума для 
получения более четкой записи.


Добавление маркера дорожки в качестве 
точки начала во время записи или 
воспроизведения файла.


Настройка скорости воспроизведения.


Настройка различных пунктов меню, например 
REC Mode, Mic Sensitivity и др.

Дополнительные возможности

Sound Organizer (прикладное ПО 

для ПК*)

С программным обеспечением Sound 
Organizer на компьютере можно 
выполнить множество различных 
операций. Можно импортировать файлы, 
записанные с помощью цифрового 
диктофона, в Sound Organizer для их 
обработки. Можно импортировать файлы 
с музыкальных компакт-дисков или файлы 
подкастов и перенести их в цифровой 
диктофон. Кроме того, можно записать 
компакт-диск с любимой музыкой.

*  Не поставляется/только для Windows

Вы можете загрузить Sound Organizer с главной 
страницы технической поддержки Sony: 

Электретный конденсаторный микрофон 
Аккумуляторная батарея NH-AAA-B2KN
USB-адаптер переменного тока AC-U50AG

Зарядное устройство BCG-34HSN
Зарядное устройство BCG-34HS2KAN с 
двумя аккумуляторами AAA

Дополнительные принадлежности

Добро пожаловать в цифровой диктофон Sony!

Это краткое руководство пользователя, в нем содержатся инструкции по 

основным операциям с цифровым диктофоном.

Внимательно ознакомьтесь с данным руководством. Надеемся, что вы 

останетесь довольны своим новым цифровым диктофоном Sony.

Страницы: 2
Описание: Диктофон



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  • SONY ICD-UX502

Диктофоны Sony ICD-UX502 — инструкция пользователя по применению, эксплуатации и установке на русском языке. Мы надеемся, она поможет вам решить возникшие у вас вопросы при эксплуатации техники.

Вы можете скачать инструкцию к Sony ICD-UX502 по ссылке ниже, если не хотите ждать загрузки. Если остались вопросы, задайте их в комментариях после инструкции.

«Загружаем инструкцию», означает, что нужно подождать пока файл загрузится и можно будет его читать онлайн. Некоторые инструкции очень большие и время их появления зависит от вашей скорости интернета.

Остались вопросы?

Не нашли свой ответ в руководстве или возникли другие проблемы? Задайте свой вопрос в форме ниже с подробным описанием вашей ситуации, чтобы другие люди и специалисты смогли дать на него ответ. Если вы знаете как решить проблему другого человека, пожалуйста, подскажите ему :)

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Как посмотреть инструкцию к Sony ICD-UX502?

Необходимо подождать полной загрузки инструкции в сером окне на данной странице или скачать кликнув по специальной кнопке.

Руководство на русском языке?

Все наши руководства представлены на русском языке или схематично, поэтому вы без труда сможете разобраться с вашей моделью

Как можно распечатать инструкцию?

Скачайте ее по специальной кнопке над формой чтения на ваше устройства и отправьте на печать.

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

  • Bookmarks

Quick Links

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Table of contents

Recording files

Utilizing your computer





Related Manuals for Sony ICD-UX502

Summary of Contents for Sony ICD-UX502

  • Page 1
    Click! You can direct jump Table of contents Recording files Utilizing your computer Troubleshooting Index…
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    Table of Contents WARNING …………5 Playing Files Notice for users ……….6 Basic Playback ……..35 Stopping playback ……….35 Preparing the recorder Other operations ……….36 Display when playing back a file ….37 Checking the Parts and Controls …7 Changing the Playback Settings ….38 Using the Display Window ……9 Reducing noise in the playback sound and Preventing Unintentional Operations…

  • Page 3
    About the Menu Function Making Settings for the Menu ….63 Menu Settings ……..64 Utilizing Your Computer Using the IC Recorder with Your Computer ……….77 Connecting the IC recorder to your computer ……….78 Structure of folders and files ……79 Disconnecting the IC recorder from your computer ……….81 Copying Files from the IC Recorder to Your Computer ……..82…
  • Page 4
    Browsing the Operation Guide To use the buttons in the Operation Guide Click the buttons located in the upper right of the pages of this manual to jump to “Table of Contents, ” or “Index. ” Jumps to the table of contents Find what you are looking for from a list of topics in the manual.
  • Page 5: Warning

    Sony Corporation, 1-7-1 Konan Minato-ku Tokyo, 108-0075 Japan. The Authorized Representative for CAUTION EMC and product safety is Sony Risk of explosion if battery is replaced Deutschland GmbH, Hedelfinger by an incorrect type. Strasse 61, 70327 Stuttgart, Germany.

  • Page 6: Notice For Users


  • Page 7: Preparing The Recorder

    Preparing the Recorder Preparing the recorder Checking the Parts and Controls Front  Operation indicator  Built-in microphones (stereo) (L/R)  Display window   STOP button   REC (record)/PAUSE button  (folder) button  Control button (,  /  (review/fast backward), …

  • Page 8
    Preparing the Recorder Rear  Strap hole (A strap is not supplied.)  Speaker  USB DIRECT slide lever  HOLD•POWER switch  DPC(SPEED CTRL) switch  Battery compartment…
  • Page 9: Using The Display Window

    Preparing the Recorder Using the Display Window  Microphone sensitivity indicator Display when stopped Displays the currently selected microphone sensitivity used for recording: : High : Medium : Low  File information Displays the information for each file according to the file information Note type (folder name, title name, artist The above window and the other windows…

  • Page 10
    Preparing the Recorder : review/fast backward, cue/ Displays as follows when the IC fast forward recorder cannot get the recording : going backward/forward mode. continuously : Unknown  Elapsed time/Remaining time/  Protect indicator Recording date and time Appears when the protection is set indication for a file.
  • Page 11
    Preparing the Recorder Display when recording Display during playback  Recording level guide display  Play mode indicator Displays the recording level and the Appears when a file is played optimum level for recording. back. Appears when files in one folder are played back continuously.
  • Page 12
    Preparing the Recorder Display in the HOLD status Display of the current date and time  Current date display  HOLD indicator Displays the current date (year, Appears when the IC recorder is in month, and day) for 3 seconds when the HOLD status to prevent you press …
  • Page 13
    Preparing the Recorder Display during folder selection Display during menu operation  Tabs  Menu tabs Displays the types (recordable or Displays the menu tabs: playback-only) of areas available: : Recording (Voice): Recordable area used to : Playback manage files recorded with the : Edit IC recorder.
  • Page 14: Preventing Unintentional Operations (Hold)

    Preparing the Recorder Preventing Unintentional Operations (HOLD) You can disable all the buttons (HOLD) in order to prevent unintentional operations when you carry the IC recorder, etc. To disable the button operations (HOLD status) Slide the HOLD•POWER switch in the direction of “HOLD” to disable the buttons while the power is on.

  • Page 15: Maintaining The Moderate Volume Level (Avls)

    Preparing the Recorder Maintaining the Moderate Volume Level (AVLS) (For European models only) The AVLS (Automatic Volume Limiter System) function allows you to listen to the sound at a moderate volume level when using the headphones. The AVLS function limits the maximum volume to prevent auditory issues or distraction and also to maintain a moderate volume level.

  • Page 16: Turning The Ic Recorder On

    Preparing the Recorder Turning the IC Recorder On Inserting a battery Slide and lift the battery compartment lid, and then insert an LR03 (size AAA) alkaline battery (supplied) or an NH-AAA rechargeable battery (not supplied) with correct polarity, and close the lid. …

  • Page 17: Turning The Power On

    Preparing the Recorder Turning the power on Slide and hold the HOLD•POWER switch in the direction of “POWER” until the window display appears. The “Accessing… ” animation is displayed, and the IC recorder is turned on. Turning the power off Slide and hold the HOLD•POWER switch in the direction of the “POWER”…

  • Page 18: Setting The Clock

    Preparing the Recorder Setting the Clock You need to set the clock to use the alarm function or record the date and time. Setting the clock after preparing a power source ,   /ENT ,  When you insert a battery for the first time, or when you insert a battery after the IC recorder has been without a battery for more than 1 minute, the “Set Date&Time”…

  • Page 19: Setting The Clock Using The Menu

    Preparing the Recorder Setting the clock using the menu  STOP ,   /ENT MENU/NOISE CUT ,  While the IC recorder is in the stop mode, you can set the clock using the menu.  Select “Date&Time” in the menu.  Press MENU/NOISE CUT to enter the menu mode. The menu mode window will be displayed.

  • Page 20
    Preparing the Recorder  Set year, month, day, hour and minute. Press  or  to set the year (the last two digits of the year), and then press  /ENT. Repeat this procedure to set month, day, hour, and minute in sequence. You can move the cursor to the year, month, day, hour and minute by pressing …
  • Page 21: Setting The Language To Be Used In The Display Window

    Preparing the Recorder Setting the Language to Be Used in the Display Window  STOP  /ENT MENU/NOISE CUT ,  You can select the language to be used for messages, menus, folder names, file names, etc.   Press MENU/NOISE CUT. Select the tab “Language,” and then press  /ENT.

  • Page 22: Selecting A Folder, File, And Tab

    Preparing the Recorder Selecting a Folder, File, and Tab Selecting a folder and a file ,   /ENT ,  You can select a folder and a file for recording, playing or editing as follows:  Press . The folder selection window is displayed. …

  • Page 23: Selecting A Tab

    Preparing the Recorder Selecting a tab   /ENT ,  The recordable area and the playback-only area of folders stored on the IC recorder are managed separately, and are displayed with tabs. To select a folder, you can move to the desired area by selecting a tab as follows: …

  • Page 24: Recording Files

    Recording Files Recording Files Basic Recording Operation indicator Built-in microphones (L/R) HOLD•POWER  REC/PAUSE   /ENT  STOP The following are the basic recording procedures using the specified microphone sensitivity and recording mode. Note Noise may be recorded if an object, such as your finger, etc., accidentally rubs or scratches the IC recorder during recording.

  • Page 25: Monitoring The Recording

    Recording Files  Press  REC/PAUSE in the stop mode. The operation indicator lights in red. You do not need to press and hold  REC/PAUSE while recording. The new file will be automatically recorded as the last file in the current folder. Recording level guide About the recording level guide During recording, the recording level guide is displayed.

  • Page 26: Stopping The Recording

    Recording Files Stopping the recording  Press  STOP. The “Accessing… ” animation appears and the IC recorder stops at the beginning of the current recording file. Note while accessing The IC recorder is recording data and storing it on the memory when the “Accessing…

  • Page 27: Changing The Recording Settings

    Recording Files Changing the Recording Settings Selecting a recording scene for each situation  STOP  /ENT MENU/NOISE CUT ,  According to various recording scene, you can change the items for recording, such as REC Mode (  p. 67), Mic Sensitivity (  p. 67), etc., to the recommended settings in bulk.

  • Page 28: Tips For Better Recording

    Recording Files Tips for better recording There are ways of making better recordings other than using scene selection. Recording at a meeting By placing the IC recorder on a handkerchief, etc. substituting for a stand, you can record with clear, low-noise sound, without vibration noise from the desk.

  • Page 29: Changing The Scene Select Settings

    Recording Files Changing the Scene Select settings  In the stop mode, press MENU/NOISE CUT. Select  the tab “Scene Edit,” and then press /ENT.  Press  or  to select the scene you want to change the settings, and then press /ENT.  Press  or  to select “Edit from Current Setting” or “Edit,” and then press /ENT.  Press  or  to select the item you want to change, and then press /ENT.  Press  or  to select a setting item, and then press /ENT. For details on the menu items and settings, see “Making Settings for the Menu. ” (  p. 67 – 68) …

  • Page 30: Changing The Scene Select Setting To The Default Values

    Recording Files Changing the Scene Select setting to the default values   In the stop mode, press MENU/NOISE CUT. Select the tab “Scene Edit,” and then press /ENT.  Press  or  to select the scene you want to change the settings to the default values, and then press /ENT.  Select “Set Default Value,” and then press /ENT. “Default Value?” will be displayed.  Press  or  to select “Execute,” and then press /ENT. The menu item settings of the selected scene will be set to the default values.

  • Page 31: Starting To Record Automatically In Response To Sound — The Vor Function

    Recording Files Starting to Record Automatically in Response to Sound – the VOR Function  STOP  REC/PAUSE  /ENT MENU/NOISE CUT ,  You can set the VOR (Voice Operated Recording) function to “ON, ” to make the IC recorder start recording when the IC recorder detects sound that exceeds a specified level, and pause when sound falls to a level lower than a specified level.

  • Page 32: Recording Via Other Devices

    Recording Files Recording via Other Devices Recording with an external microphone Stereo microphone  jack  STOP  REC/PAUSE  /ENT ,   In the stop mode, connect an external microphone to the  jack. “Select Input” appears in the display window. If “Select Input” is not displayed, set it in the menu (  p. 68). …

  • Page 33: Recording From Other Equipment

    Recording Files Recording from other equipment Radio cassette recorder, tape recorder, etc.  jack  STOP  REC/PAUSE ,   /ENT MENU/NOISE CUT You can make music files without using the computer by recording sound/ music from other equipment such as a radio cassette recorder, a tape recorder, etc.

  • Page 34
    Recording Files  In the stop mode, connect other equipment to the IC recorder. Connect the audio output connector (stereo mini-jack) of other equipment to the  jack of the IC recorder using an audio connecting cable. “Select Input” appears in the display window. If “Select Input” is not displayed, set it in the menu (  p .
  • Page 35: Playing Files

    Playing Files Playing Files Basic Playback HOLD•POWER VOL−/+  STOP ,   /ENT  Slide the HOLD•POWER switch in the direction of “POWER” to turn on the IC recorder ( p. 17), or towards the center to release the IC recorder from the HOLD status ( p. 14). The stop mode window appears.  Select the desired file to be played back ( p.22). If you do not select a file, the file just recorded will be played back. …

  • Page 36: Other Operations

    Playing Files Other operations Do this stop at the current position Press /ENT. To resume playback from that (Playback Pause function) point, press /ENT again. go back to the beginning of the Press  once. current file go back to previous files Press …

  • Page 37: Display When Playing Back A File

    Playing Files Display when playing back a file  File information Press  or  to check the file information during playback. A file recorded using the IC recorder is displayed as follows. : Folder name: FOLDER01-FOLDER05 : File name: Date_file number (e.g., 120101_001) : Artist name (e.g., My Recording) : Title name: Date_file number (e.g., 120101_001) …

  • Page 38: Changing The Playback Settings

    Playing Files Changing the Playback Settings Reducing noise in the playback sound and making the human voice clearer – the noise cut function  STOP  /ENT MENU/NOISE CUT ,  When the noise cut function is effective in the playback mode, ambient noise other than the human voice is reduced.

  • Page 39: Adjusting The Playback Speed — The Dpc (Digital Pitch Control) Function

    Playing Files Adjusting the playback speed – the DPC (Digital Pitch Control) function ,  You can adjust the playback speed in a range from 0.50 times to 2.00 times. The file is played back in natural tones by means of a digital processing function. …

  • Page 40: Selecting The Sound Effect

    Playing Files Selecting the sound effect  STOP ,   /ENT MENU/NOISE CUT ,  You can set the effect you want for the playback in the menu.  In the stop or playback mode, press MENU/NOISE  CUT. Select the tab “Effect,” and then press / ENT.  Press  or  to select effect you want for the playback, and then press /ENT.  Press  STOP to exit the menu mode.

  • Page 41
    Playing Files To set your favorite sound level  Set “Effect” to “Custom” in step  on page 40 , and then press /ENT. The custom setting window will be displayed.  When you adjust the sound level for the 100 Hz, 300 Hz, 1 kHz, 3 kHz, and 10 kHz bands, press  or  to move to the band to the left or right, and then press  or  . The setting can be adjusted in 7 steps from –3 to +3.  Press /ENT.  Press  STOP to exit the menu mode. Continued …
  • Page 42: Selecting The Play Mode

    Playing Files Selecting the play mode  STOP  /ENT MENU/NOISE CUT ,  You can select the play mode in the menu.  In the stop or playback mode, press MENU/NOISE  CUT. Select the tab “Play Mode,” and then press /ENT.  Press  or  to select “1,” “ ,” “ALL,” “ 1,” “ ,” or “ ALL,” and then press /ENT.  Press  STOP to exit the menu mode. Option items Description/reference page A file is played back.

  • Page 43
    Playing Files To play back a specified section repeatedly – A-B repeat  During playback, press A-B to specify the starting point A. “A-B B?” is displayed.  Press A-B again to specify the finishing point B. “ A-B” is displayed and the specified section is played back repeatedly. To resume normal playback: Press /ENT. To stop A-B repeat playback: Press …
  • Page 44: Convenient Playback Methods

    Playing Files Convenient Playback Methods  (headphone) jack ,  Listening with better sound quality  To listen with the headphones: Connect the supplied stereo headphones to the (headphone) jack. The  built-in speaker will be automatically disconnected.  To listen from an external speaker: Connect an active or passive speaker to the (headphone) jack.

  • Page 45: Quickly Locating The Point You Wish To Start Playback — Easy Search Function

    Playing Files Quickly locating the point you wish to start playback – Easy search function  STOP ,   /ENT MENU/NOISE CUT ,  When “Easy Search” is set to “ON” in the menu, you can go back for the specified reverse skip time by pressing …

  • Page 46
    Playing Files  Press  or  to select the skip time, and then press /ENT.  Hint To adjust both the forward and backward skip times, repeat steps  and . Forward Skip Time 5sec, 10sec, 30sec, 1min, 5min, or 10min Reverse Skip Time 1sec, 3sec, 5sec, 10sec, 30sec, 1min, 5min, or 10min …
  • Page 47: Selecting A Recording Date From The Calendar And Playing Back

    Playing Files Selecting a Recording Date from the Calendar and Playing Back  STOP ,   /ENT MENU/NOISE CUT ,  You can play back a file recorded using the IC recorder by searching for it from the calendar. …

  • Page 48
    Playing Files To cancel the selection of a recording date from the calendar and the accompanying playback Press  STOP before step . Notes  You need to set the clock in advance to select a recording date from the calendar and …
  • Page 49: Playing Back A File At A Desired Time With An Alarm

    Playing Files Playing Back a File at a Desired Time with an Alarm  STOP  /ENT MENU/NOISE CUT ,  You can sound an alarm and start playback of a selected file at a desired time. You can have a file played back on a specified date, once every week, or at the same time every day.

  • Page 50
    Playing Files  Press  STOP to exit the menu mode. The setting process is finished and “” (alarm indicator) appears in the display window. To change the alarm setting Select the file you want to change its alarm setting, and then follow steps  through . To cancel the alarm setting Follow steps …
  • Page 51: Playback Via Other Devices

    Playing Files Playback via Other Devices Recording with other equipment Tape recorder, Mini disc recorder, etc.  (headphone) jack  STOP  /ENT You can record the sound of the IC recorder with other equipment. Before you start recording, we recommend you make a trial recording first. …

  • Page 52: Erasing Files

    Erasing Files Erasing Files Erasing a File ERASE HOLD•POWER ,   /ENT You can select a file and erase it as follows. Note Once a file has been erased, you cannot retrieve it.  Slide the HOLD•POWER switch in the direction of “POWER” to turn on the IC recorder ( p. 17), or towards the center to release the IC recorder from the HOLD status ( p. 14). The stop mode window appears. …

  • Page 53: Erasing All Files In A Folder

    Erasing Files Erasing All Files in a Folder  STOP  /ENT MENU/NOISE CUT ,   In the stop mode, select the folder containing the files you want to erase ( p.22).   Press MENU/NOISE CUT. Select the tab “Erase All,” and then press /ENT. “Erase All Files in the Folder?” will be displayed.  Press  or  to select “Execute,” and then press /ENT. The “Erasing… ” animation appears in the display window and all files in the selected folder will be erased.

  • Page 54: Editing Files

    Editing Files Editing Files Arranging Files in a Folder Moving a file to a different folder  STOP   /ENT MENU/NOISE CUT ,   Select the file you want to move.  In the stop mode, press MENU/NOISE CUT. Select  the tab “Move File,” and then press /ENT.  Press , press  or  to select the tab or the tab, and then press /ENT.  Press  or  to select the folder that you want to move the file into, and then press /ENT.

  • Page 55: Using A Track Mark

    Editing Files Using a Track Mark Adding a track mark T-MARK  /ENT ,  You can add a track mark at a point at which you would like to divide a file later or locate during playback. You can add a maximum of 98 track marks to each file.

  • Page 56: Erasing A Track Mark

    Editing Files Erasing a track mark  STOP  /ENT MENU/NOISE CUT ,   Stop at a position after the track mark you would like to erase.   Press MENU/NOISE CUT. Select the tab “Erase Track Mark,” and then press /ENT. “Erase Track Mark?” will be displayed.  Press  or  to select “Execute,” and then press /ENT. The “Erasing… ” animation appears in the display window and the selected track mark will be erased.

  • Page 57: Erasing All The Track Marks In The Selected File At One Time

    Editing Files Erasing all the track marks in the selected file at one time  STOP  /ENT MENU/NOISE CUT ,   Select a file from which you want to erase the track marks.   Press MENU/NOISE CUT. Select the tab “Erase All Track Marks,” and then press /ENT. “Erase All Track Marks?” will be displayed.  Press  or  to select “Execute,” and then press /ENT. The “Erasing… ” animation appears in the display window and all the track marks will be erased at one time.

  • Page 58: Dividing A File

    Editing Files Dividing a File Dividing a file at the current position  STOP  /ENT MENU/NOISE CUT ,  You can divide a file in the stop mode, so that the file is divided into two parts and new file numbers are added to the divided file names. By dividing a file, you can easily find the point from which you want to play back when you make a long recording such as at a meeting.

  • Page 59: Dividing A File At All The Track Mark Positions

    Editing Files Dividing a file at all the track mark positions  STOP  /ENT MENU/NOISE CUT ,   Select the file you want to divide.  In the stop mode, press MENU/NOISE CUT. Select  the tab “Divide All Track Marks,” and then press /ENT. “Divide All Track Marks?” will be displayed.  Press  or  to select “Execute,” and then press /ENT. The “Dividing… ” animation appears, and the file is divided at all the track mark positions.

  • Page 60: Renaming A Folder And A File

    Editing Files Renaming a Folder and a File Changing a folder name  STOP  /ENT MENU/NOISE CUT ,  You can change a name of a folder used to store files recorded with the IC recorder. You can choose a new folder name from the templates. …

  • Page 61: Changing A File Name

    Editing Files Changing a file name  STOP  /ENT MENU/NOISE CUT ,  You can rename a file by prefixing characters from a desired template to the file name. A file in the recordable area, or in a folder on the tab, can be renamed.

  • Page 62: Protecting A File

    Editing Files Protecting a File  STOP  /ENT MENU/NOISE CUT ,  To prevent a file from being accidentally erased or edited, you can protect an important file. A protected file is marked with the (protect) indicator and is regarded as a read-only file you cannot erase or edit.

  • Page 63: About The Menu Function

    About the Menu Function Making Settings for the Menu  STOP   /ENT MENU/NOISE CUT ,   Press MENU/NOISE CUT to enter the menu mode. The menu mode window will be displayed.  Press , press  or  to select the , , , , or tab, and then press /ENT.  Press  or  to select the menu item for which you want to make setting, and then press /ENT.  Press  or  to select the setting that you want to set, and then press /ENT.

  • Page 64: Menu Settings

    About the Menu Function Menu Settings  : the setting can be made/ Operation mode ( — : the setting cannot be made) Tabs Menu items Stop mode Playback mode Recording mode Scene Select (Recording)  Scene Edit  REC Mode …

  • Page 65
    About the Menu Function  : the setting can be made/ Operation mode ( — : the setting cannot be made) Tabs Menu items Stop mode Playback mode Recording mode (Display) Calendar  Display     Backlight  Language …
  • Page 66
    About the Menu Function Tabs Menu items Settings (* : Initial setting) Scene Select Allows you to choose a recording scene (Recording) (  p. 27) according to each recording situation as follows: (Meeting), (Voice Notes), (Interview), (Lecture), (Audio IN), (My Scene).
  • Page 67
    About the Menu Function Tabs Menu items Settings (* : Initial setting) REC Mode Sets the recording mode. (Recording) MP3 192kbps * : MP3 (compressed) in stereo standard-quality recording mode MP3 128kbps: MP3 (compressed) in long play stereo recording mode MP3 48kbps(MONO): MP3 (compressed) in monaural standard recording mode…
  • Page 68
    About the Menu Function Tabs Menu items Settings (* : Initial setting) Sets the VOR (Voice Operated (Recording) (  p. 31) Recording) function. Recording starts when the IC recorder detects sound that exceeds a specified level, and pause when sound falls below a specified level.
  • Page 69
    About the Menu Function Tabs Menu items Settings (* : Initial setting) Noise Cut Sets the noise cut function and its levels. (Playback) (  p. 38) Maximum: The noise cut levels will be more intense. Medium: The noise cut level will be weakened. Select when you cannot catch the sound easily by setting “Noise Cut Level”…
  • Page 70
    About the Menu Function Tabs Menu items Settings (* : Initial setting) Easy Search Sets the easy search function. (Playback) (  p. 45) You can go forward or backwards for the specified skip time by pressing  or during playback. This function is useful when attempting to locate desired point in a long recording.
  • Page 71
    About the Menu Function Tabs Menu items Settings (* : Initial setting) Alarm Sets the alarm. (Playback) (  p. 49) The alarm function is effective. Set the date, time or day of the week or choose daily for playback, and set the following alarm pattern.
  • Page 72
    About the Menu Function Tabs Menu items Settings (* : Initial setting) Protect Protects the selected file to prevent the (Edit) (  p. 62) file from being erased, divided, or being moved. Execute: The selected file will be protected. If you specify a file that has already been protected, the protection will be canceled.
  • Page 73
    About the Menu Function Tabs Menu items Settings (* : Initial setting) Divide All Track Marks Divides a file at all the track mark (Edit) (  p. 59) positions. Execute: The track mark division is executed. Cancel: The track mark division is not executed.
  • Page 74
    About the Menu Function Tabs Menu items Settings (* : Initial setting) Turns the operation indicator on or off (Display) during operation. ON * : During recording or playback, the operation indicator lights or flashes. OFF: The operation indicator does not light or flash, even during operation.
  • Page 75
    About the Menu Function Tabs Menu items Settings (* : Initial setting) Time Display Sets the clock display. 12-Hour: (IC recorder setting) 12:00AM = midnight, 12:00PM = noon 24-Hour: 0:00 = midnight, 12:00 = noon Note The default setting differs depending on the area you purchased your IC recorder.
  • Page 76
     When you format the built-in memory, the operating instructions stored in the built-in memory will also be erased. To get another copy of the operating instructions, please visit the Sony support home page depending on your area ( p. 94). System Information Displays the IC recorder model name and the version number of the software.
  • Page 77: Utilizing Your Computer

    Utilizing Your Computer Utilizing Your Computer Using the IC Recorder with Your Computer When the IC recorder is connected to your computer, you can transfer data between them. Copying files from the IC recorder to your computer to store them ( p. 82) Copying music files from your computer to the IC recorder to play them back (…

  • Page 78: Connecting The Ic Recorder To Your Computer

    Utilizing Your Computer Connecting the IC recorder to your computer Your computer IC recorder To USB port of your computer To exchange files between the IC recorder and your computer, connect the IC recorder to your computer.  Slide the USB DIRECT slide lever on the back of the IC recorder, and insert the USB connector into the USB port of a running computer. …

  • Page 79: Structure Of Folders And Files

    Utilizing Your Computer Structure of folders and files The folders and files are displayed on the computer screen as shown. On a Windows screen using Explorer, and on a Macintosh screen using Finder, folders and files can be displayed by opening “IC RECORDER. ” Built-in memory IC RECORDER Folder for files recorded…

  • Page 80
    Utilizing Your Computer Structure of folders displayed in the display window of the IC recorder The display of the structure of the folders seen in the display window of the IC recorder is different from that seen on the display of a computer. The folder indicators in the display window of the IC recorder are as follows: : Folder for files recorded using the IC recorder : Folder transferred from a computer (They are displayed when music files…
  • Page 81: Disconnecting The Ic Recorder From Your Computer

    Utilizing Your Computer Folders displayed on the tab of the IC recorder Folders for podcast files transferred from a computer will be displayed. Disconnecting the IC recorder from your computer Follow the procedures below; otherwise, data may be damaged.  Make sure that the operation indicator of the IC recorder does not light.

  • Page 82: Copying Files From The Ic Recorder To Your Computer

    Utilizing Your Computer Copying Files from the IC Recorder to Your Computer You can copy the files and folders from the IC recorder to your computer to store them.  Connect the IC recorder to your computer ( p. 78).  Copy files or folders you want to transfer to your computer. Drag and drop the files or folders you want to copy from “IC RECORDER” to the local disk on your computer.

  • Page 83: Copying Music Files From Your Computer To The Ic Recorder And Playing Them Back

    Utilizing Your Computer Copying Music Files from Your Computer to the IC Recorder and Playing Them Back You can copy music or the other audio files (MP3(.mp3)/WMA(.wma)/AAC- LC(.m4a) ) from your computer to the IC recorder by dragging and dropping them, and you can play them back using the IC recorder.

  • Page 84: Playing Back Music Files Copied From Your Computer Using The Ic Recorder

    Utilizing Your Computer Playing back music files copied from your computer using the IC recorder  Press .  Press , press  or  to select the tab, and then press /ENT.  Press  or  to select the folder ( ) in which music files are stored, and then press /ENT. To display the files contained in the selected folder, press .  Select the music file you want to play. When the file selection window is displayed, press  or  to select the desired file, and then press …

  • Page 85: Using The Ic Recorder As Usb Memory

    Utilizing Your Computer Using the IC Recorder as USB Memory When the IC recorder is connected to your computer, image data or text data on the computer, as well as files recorded using the IC recorder can be temporarily stored on the IC recorder. Your computer must meet the specified system requirements to use the IC recorder as USB memory.

  • Page 86: Additional Information

    Additional Information Additional Information Using a USB AC Adaptor USB connector of the IC recorder USB AC adaptor (not supplied) You can use the IC recorder by connecting the IC recorder to an AC outlet using a USB AC adaptor (not supplied). It is useful when you want to record for a long time.

  • Page 87: Precautions

    Additional Information Precautions On power Operate the unit only on 1.5 V or 1.2 V DC. Use one LR03 (size AAA) alkaline battery or one NH-AAA rechargeable battery. On safety Do not operate the unit while driving, cycling or operating any motorized vehicle.

  • Page 88
    Do not use alcohol, benzine or thinner. If you have any questions or problems concerning your unit, please consult your nearest Sony dealer. Backup recommendations To avoid potential risk of data loss caused by accidental operation or malfunction of the IC recorder, we recommend that you save a backup copy of your recorded files to a computer, etc.
  • Page 89: Specifications

    Additional Information Specifications System requirements To use your computer with the IC recorder, or to use the IC recorder as a USB mass storage device, your computer must meet the operating system requirements and port environment described below. Operating systems …

  • Page 90: Design And Specifications

    Additional Information Notes The following systems are not supported:  Operating systems other than the ones indicated on page 89  Personally constructed computers or operating systems  Upgraded operating systems  Multi-boot environment  Multi-monitor environment Design and specifications IC Recorder section Capacity (User available capacity) 2 GB (approx.

  • Page 91
    Additional Information General section Speaker Approx. 16 mm (21/32 in.) dia. Input/Output Microphone jack (minijack, stereo) input for plug in power, minimum input level 0.9 mV Headphone jack (minijack, stereo) recommended load impedance: 16 ohms USB connector (Type-A) High-Speed USB compatible Playback speed control (DPC) 2.00 times — 0.50 times MP3/WMA/AAC-LC…
  • Page 92
    Additional Information Maximum recording time *5*6 The maximum recording time of all the folders is as follows. REC mode Recording scene Built-in memory MP3 192kbps Stereo standard-quality recording mode 22h. 20m. MP3 128kbps Long play stereo recording mode 33h. 30m. MP3 48kbps (MONO) Monaural standard recording mode 89h.
  • Page 93: Battery Life

    Additional Information Battery life When using a Sony LR0 (SG) (size AAA) alkaline battery REC Mode Recording Playback through Playback using the speaker headphones MP3 192kbps Approx. 29h. Approx. 22h. Approx. 61h. MP3 128kbps Approx. 31h. Approx. 22h. Approx. 61h.

  • Page 94: Troubleshooting

    Before taking the IC recorder for repair, check the following sections. Should any problem persist after you have made these checks, consult your nearest Sony dealer. Please access the following support home page to get the support information about your IC recorder: For customers in Europe: http://support.sony-europe.com/DNA…

  • Page 95
    Troubleshooting Power source The IC recorder cannot be turned on. The IC recorder does not operate, even if you press any button.  The battery is weak.  The battery has been inserted with incorrect polarity (  p. 16).  The power of the IC recorder is off.  Slide and hold the HOLD•POWER switch in the direction of “POWER” until the window display appears.
  • Page 96
    Troubleshooting Operating The IC recorder does not operate correctly.  Take out the battery and insert it again.  You may have formatted the memory of the IC recorder using the computer.  Use the IC recorder formatting function to format the memory (  p. 76). The operation indicator does not light.
  • Page 97
    Troubleshooting Playback The playback volume is low.  The built-in speaker is mainly for monitoring, and the playback volume is low.  Use the supplied headphones. No sound comes from the speaker.  Headphones are plugged in (  p. 44). Sound comes from the speaker even when the headphones are plugged in.  If you plug in the headphones not securely during playback, the sound may come from the speaker.
  • Page 98
    Troubleshooting Clock “—:—” is displayed.  You have not set the clock (  p. 18). “—y—m—d” or “—:—” is displayed on the REC Date display.  The date of recording will not be displayed if you recorded the file when the clock was not set. Display There are fewer menu items displayed in the menu mode.  During playback or recording modes, there are menu items that are not displayed ( …
  • Page 99
    Troubleshooting Computers Menu does not reflect the change in settings.  If the battery is removed just after the menu setting is changed, the menu setting may not function. A character in a folder or file name is displayed in unreadable characters.  The IC recorder cannot support or display some special characters and symbols that are entered on a computer using Windows Explorer or the Macintosh Finder. It takes a long time to copy a file.
  • Page 100: Messages List

    Troubleshooting Messages List Follow the instructions below if a message appears in the display. Message Cause/Remedy HOLD  All the button operations are disabled because the IC Slide HOLD Switch to recorder is in the HOLD status to prevent unintentional Activate.

  • Page 101
    Troubleshooting Message Cause/Remedy Set Date&Time  Set the clock; otherwise, you cannot set the alarm. No File  The selected folder does not have any files. You cannot move a file or set the alarm, etc., because of this. No Track Marks …
  • Page 102
    Troubleshooting Message Cause/Remedy Invalid when Noise Cut is  When the noise cut function is effective, the effect function does not work. Set “Noise Cut” to “OFF” (  p. 38). Change Folder  If there are no files in the folder, no folders are displayed in the display window.
  • Page 103: System Limitations

    Troubleshooting System Limitations There are some system limitations of the IC recorder. Troubles as mentioned below are not malfunctions of the IC recorder. Symptom Cause/Remedy You cannot display or play  If you have transferred music files using your computer, back music files in order.

  • Page 104: Trademarks

    Trademarks  Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and Windows Media are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/ or other countries.  Macintosh and Mac OS are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the USA and other countries. …

  • Page 105: Index

    Additional Information Index A-B repeat ……..43 Easy search ……45, 64, 70 AAC-LC files ……..90 Editing files ……..54 Adjusting the volume ….25, 35 Effect ……..40, 64, 69 Alarm ……..49, 64, 71 Erasing ……….52 Alkaline battery ……93 Erasing all files in a AVLS (Automatic Volume Limiter folder …….53, 64, 73…

  • Page 106
    Additional Information Erase All Track Marks ….64, 72 Erase Track Mark ……64, 72 Rechargeable battery ….16, 93 Format ……….65, 76 Recording ……..24 Language ……..65, 74 LCF(Low Cut) ……64, 67 Recording from a telephone ..32 LED ……….65, 74 Recording from other Making settings ………63 equipment ……..

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