Диктофон sony icd ux512 инструкция по эксплуатации

Видео Цифровой диктофон Sony ICD ux-512 (автор: Шварценпух)06:59

Цифровой диктофон Sony ICD ux-512

Видео My in flight audio setup (автор: GoPro Flying)07:02

My in flight audio setup

Видео Sony ICD Digital Voice Recorder (автор: JordanHumble)05:29

Sony ICD Digital Voice Recorder

Видео Grabador de Voz - Sony IC Recorder ICD-UX512 (автор: Juan Marino)03:35

Grabador de Voz — Sony IC Recorder ICD-UX512

Видео Sony IC Recorder (ICD-UX512) Review (автор: Anderson Kamal)02:14

Sony IC Recorder (ICD-UX512) Review



Видео J.S BACH:AIR_Cover with Sony ICD UX-512 (автор: Ashraf Evan)02:51

J.S BACH:AIR_Cover with Sony ICD UX-512

F IC Recorder Инструкция по эксплуатации Начало работы Основ...



Изготовитель: Сони Kорпорейшн
Адрес: 1-7-1 Kонан, Минато-ку,
Токио 108-0075, Япония
Страна-производитель: Kитай

Во избежание возможных
повреждений органов слуха
избегайте длительного
прослушивания на высокой


Не подвергайте батареи (в блоке или
установленные) длительному воздействию
солнечного света, огня и других источников
высоких температур.
ТОКА: 800 мА

Утилизaция отслужившего
элeктpичecкого и элeктpонного
обоpyдовaния (диpeктивa
пpимeняeтcя в cтpaнax
Eвpоcоюзa и дpyгиx eвpопeйcкиx
cтpaнax, гдe дeйcтвyют cиcтeмы
paздeльного cбоpa отxодов)

Дaнный знaк нa ycтpойcтвe или
eго yпaковкe обознaчaeт, что
дaнноe ycтpойcтво нeльзя
yтилизиpовaть вмecтe c пpочими
бытовыми отxодaми. Eго cлeдyeт
cдaть в cоотвeтcтвyющий
пpиeмный пyнкт пepepaботки
элeктpичecкого и элeктpонного
Heпpaвильнaя yтилизaция

дaнного издeлия можeт пpивecти к потeнциaльно
нeгaтивномy влиянию нa окpyжaющyю cpeдy и
здоpовьe людeй, поэтомy для пpeдотвpaщeния
подобныx поcлeдcтвий нeобxодимо выполнять
cпeциaльныe тpeбовaния по yтилизaции этого

изделия. Пepepaботкa дaнныx мaтepиaлов
поможeт cоxpaнить пpиpодныe pecypcы. Для
полyчeния болee подpобной инфоpмaции о
пepepaботкe этого издeлия обpaтитecь в мecтныe
оpгaны гоpодcкого yпpaвлeния, cлyжбy cбоpa
бытовыx отxодов или в мaгaзин, гдe было
пpиобpeтeно издeлиe.

Вxодящиe в комплeкт пpинaдлeжноcти:
наушники, кабель поддерживающего USB-

Утилизация использованных
элементов питания (применяется
в странах Евросоюза и других
европейских странах, где
действуют системы раздельного
сбора отходов)

Данный знак на элементе питания
или упаковке означает, что
элемент питания, поставляемый с
устройством, нельзя
утилизировать вместе с прочими
бытовыми отходами.

На некоторых элементах питания

данный символ может комбинироваться с
символом химического элемента. Символы
ртути (Hg) или свинца (Pb) указываются, если
содержание данных металлов менее 0,0005% (для
ртути) и 0,004% (для свинца) соответственно.
Обеспечивая правильную утилизацию
использованных элементов питания, вы
предотвращаете негативное влияние на
окружающую среду и здоровье людей,
возникающее при неправильной утилизации.
Вторичная переработка материалов,
использованных при изготовлении элементов
питания, способствует сохранению природных
При работе устройств, для которых в целях
безопасности, выполнения каких-либо действий
или сохранения имеющихся в памяти устройств
данных необходима подача постоянного питания
от встроенного элемента питания, замену такого




элемента питания следует производить только
в специализированных сервисных центрах. Для
правильной утилизации использованных
элементов питания, после истечения срока
службы, сдавайте их в соответствующий пункт
по сбору электронного и электрического
Об использовании прочих элементов питания,
пожалуйста, узнайте в разделе, в котором даны
инструкции по извлечению элементов питания из
устройства, соблюдая меры безопасности.
Сдавайте использованные элементы питания в
соответствующие пункты по сбору и переработке
использованных элементов питания.
Для получения более подробной информации
о вторичной переработке данного изделия или
использованного элемента питания, пожалуйста,
обратитесь в местные органы городского
управления, службу сбора бытовых отходов
или в магазин, где было приобретено изделие.

Пpимeчaниe для покyпaтeлeй:
cлeдyющaя инфоpмaция
пpимeнимa только для
обоpyдовaния, пpодaющeгоcя в
cтpaнax, гдe дeйcтвyют
диpeктивы EC

Производителем данного устройства является
корпорация Sony Corporation, 1-7-1 Konan,
Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-0075 Japan.
Уполномоченным представителем по
электромагнитной совместимости (EMC) и
безопасности изделия является компания Sony
Deutschland GmbH, Hedelfinger Strasse 61, 70327
Stuttgart, Germany. По вопросам обслуживания и
гарантии обращайтесь по адресам, указанным в
соответствующих документах.

относится только к аккумуляторам.

Импортер на территории РФ и
название и адрес организации,
раположенной на территории РФ,
уполномоченной принимать
претензии от пользователей:

ЗАО “Сони Электроникс”, 123103,
Москва,Карамышевский проезд, 6, Россия

Дата изготовления

Цифровой диктофон : Указана на упаковке
Аккумуляторные батареи : Указан на
батареях (две последние цифры года и две
цифры месяца)


Цифровой диктофон : Сделано в Китае

• Записанную музыку можно использовать

только для личных нужд. Чтобы
использовать музыку для других нужд,
требуется разрешение владельцев
авторского права.

• Корпорация Sony не несет

ответственности за данные, записанные/
загруженные не полностью или
поврежденные вследствие неполадок
цифрового диктофона или компьютера.

• В зависимости от типа текста и символов

текст, отображаемый на цифровом
диктофоне, возможно, будет отображаться
на устройстве неверно. Это обусловлено
– Емкость памяти подсоединенного

цифрового диктофона.

– Цифровой диктофон не работает

надлежащим образом.

– Текущая информация записана на таком

языке или с использованием таких
символов, которые не поддерживаются
цифровым диктофоном.

Дата изготовления, Страна-изготовитель



Информация для

Все права защищены. Все или отдельные
части настоящего руководства или описанного
в нем программного обеспечения запрещается
воспроизводить, переводить или сокращать в
любом виде, пригодном для прочтения на
компьютере, без предварительного
письменного разрешения Sony Corporation.


Sony Corporation сохраняет за собой право в
любое время без уведомления вносить любые
изменения в данное руководство или
содержащуюся в нем информацию.
Использование программного обеспечения,
описанного в данном руководстве, также
может быть определено положениями
отдельного лицензионного соглашения

• Это программное обеспечение работает в

системе Windows, его нельзя использовать
на компьютерах Macintosh.

• Прилагаемый кабель поддерживающего

подключения для цифрового диктофона
ICD-UX512/UX513F. Другие цифровые
диктофоны подключать нельзя.

Записанный Вами материал
предназначен только для Вашего
персонального использования.
Законы об авторских правах
запрещают любые формы
использования без разрешения
владельцев авторского права.
Использование носителя Memory
Stick™ для записи графических или
других данных, защищенных
авторскими правами, запрещено
ограничениями соответствующих
законов об авторских правах.
Любое использование с этими
ограничениями запрещено.

Устройство поддерживает носитель
“Memory Stick Micro™ (M2™)”.
“M2™” является сокращенным
названием “Memory Stick Micro™”.
В дальнейшем в этом документе
используется сокращение “M2™”.

Информация для пользователей



Товарные знаки

• Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista и

Windows Media являются товарными
знаками или зарегистрированными
товарными знаками Microsoft Corporation в
США и (или) других странах.

• Macintosh и Mac OS являются

зарегистрированными товарными знаками
компании Apple Inc. в США и других

• Pentium является зарегистрированным

товарным знаком Intel Corporation.

• Технология кодирования звука MPEG

Layer-3 и патенты используются по лицензии
Fraunhofer IIS and Thomson.

• Логотипы microSD и microSDHC являются

товарными знаками SD-3C, LLC.

• “Memory Stick Micro”, “M2” и

являются товарными знаками или
зарегистрированными товарными знаками
Sony Corporation.

• “MagicGate” является товарным знаком

Sony Corporation.

• Nuance, the Nuance logo, Dragon, Dragon

NaturallySpeaking, and RealSpeak are
trademarks and/or registered trademarks of
Nuance Communications Inc., and/or its
affiliates in the United States and/or other

• Патенты США и других государств

используются по лицензии компании Dolby

Все другие товарные знаки и
зарегистрированные товарные знаки являются
товарными знаками и зарегистрированными
товарными знаками соответствующих
владельцев. В дальнейшем “™” и “®” в каждом
отдельном случае не упоминаются в данном

“Sound Organizer” использует модули
программного обеспечения, как показано
Windows Media Format Runtime

This product contains technology subject to
certain intellectual property rights of Microsoft.
Use or distribution of this technology outside of
this product is prohibited without the appropriate
license(s) from Microsoft.

Товарные знаки

RU Содержание Начало работы Шаг...

Другие операции воспроизведения, Редактирование файлов, Прослушивание fm-радио

Страница 7

  • Изображение
  • Текст

Другие операции воспроизведения, Редактирование файлов, Прослушивание fm-радио

Информация о функциях меню, Использование компьютера, Дополнительные сведения

Поиск и устранение неисправностей

  • Изображение
  • Текст

Информация о функциях меню, Использование компьютера, Дополнительные сведения







Начало работы

Шаг 1. Проверка комплектности поставки

Цифровой диктофон (1)

Перед началом использования
цифрового диктофона снимите
пленку с окошка дисплея.

Стереофонические наушники (1)

Кабель поддерживающего
USB-подключения (1)

Если цифровой диктофон
невозможно подключить к
компьютеру напрямую, используйте
прилагаемый кабель
поддерживающего USB-подключения.

Аккумуляторная батарейка
NH-AAA (размер AAA) (1)

Футляр для батарейки (1)

Программное обеспечение,
Sound Organizer (CD-ROM) (1)

Сумка для переноски (1)

Инструкция по эксплуатации

Инструкция по эксплуатации
хранится в виде файлов PDF во
встроенной памяти цифрового

Предупреждаем, что любые
изменения или модификации данного
оборудования, явно не описанные в
настоящем руководстве, могут
привести к аннулированию права на
использование данного оборудования.

Начало работы, Шаг 1. проверка комплектности поставки



Указатель деталей и
органов управления

Вид спереди

A Индикатор работы
B Встроенные микрофоны (стерео)
C Окошко дисплея
D Кнопка



E Кнопка


REC (запись)/PAUSE

F Кнопка управления (






(проверка/перемотка назад),


(поиск/перемотка вперед))

G Кнопка




H Кнопка



J Гнездо m (микрофон)*
K Гнездо i (наушники)
L Кнопка ERASE
M Кнопка VOL (громкость) –/+*
N Кнопка (повтор) A-B
O Кнопка T-MARK (маркер дорожки)

Вид сзади

P Отверстие для ремешка (ремешок

не прилагается)

Q Громкоговоритель
R Выдвижной рычажок USB
S Переключатель HOLD/POWER
T Переключатель DPC(SPEED


Указатель деталей и органов управления


Sony ICD-UX512 Operating Instructions Manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

  • Bookmarks

Quick Links


IC Recorder

Getting Started

Basic Operations

Operating Instructions

Other Recording Operations

Other Playback Operations

Editing Files

About the Menu Function

Utilizing Your Computer

Additional Information





Related Manuals for Sony ICD-UX512

Summary of Contents for Sony ICD-UX512

  • Page 1
    4-196-546-12(1) IC Recorder Getting Started Basic Operations Operating Instructions Other Recording Operations Other Playback Operations Editing Files About the Menu Function Utilizing Your Computer Additional Information Troubleshooting Index ICD-UX512…
  • Page 2: Declaration Of Conformity

    The model number is located at the rear panel and the serial number is located inside the battery compartment. Record these numbers in the space provided below. Refer to these numbers whenever you call upon your Sony dealer regarding this product. Model No. __________________________________ Serial No. __________________________________…

  • Page 3: Notice For Users

    • The recorded music is limited to private use only. Use of the music beyond this limit requires permission of the copyright holders. • Sony is not responsible for incomplete recording/ downloading or damaged data due to problems of the IC recorder or computer.

  • Page 4
    SD-3C, LLC. • “Memory Stick Micro,” “M2” and trademarks or registered trademarks of Sony Corporation. • “MagicGate” is a trademark of Sony Corporation. • Nuance, the Nuance logo, Dragon, Dragon NaturallySpeaking, and RealSpeak are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Nuance Communications Inc., and/or its affiliates in the…
  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    Table of Contents Getting Started Step 1: Checking the Contents of the Package …8 Index to parts and controls …9 Preventing unintentional operations (HOLD) …10 Step 2: Recharging the Battery …11 Recharging the battery using a computer …11 Recharging the battery using a USB AC adaptor …13 When to charge/replace the battery …13 Step 3: Turning the IC Recorder On …14…

  • Page 6
    Playback via Other Devices …54 Recording with other equipment …54 Editing Files Arranging Files in a Folder …55 Moving a file to a different folder …55 Copying a file to the other memory …56 Erasing all files in a folder …57 Using a Track Mark …59 Adding a track mark …59 Erasing a track mark …60…
  • Page 7
    Additional Information Using a USB AC Adaptor …95 Disconnecting the IC recorder from the AC outlet …96 Precautions …97 Specifications … 100 System requirements …100 Design and specifications … 101 Battery life … 104 Troubleshooting Troubleshooting …105 Message List … 114 System Limitations …
  • Page 8: Getting Started

    Getting Started Step 1: Checking the Contents of the Package IC Recorder (1) Remove the film on the display window before you use the IC recorder. Stereo headphones (1) USB connection support cable (1) If the IC recorder cannot be connected to a computer directly, use the supplied USB connection support cable.

  • Page 9: Index To Parts And Controls

    Index to parts and controls Front A Operation indicator B Built-in microphones (stereo) C Display window STOP button REC (record)/PAUSE button F Control button ( backward), (cue/fast forward)) > (play)/ENT (enter) button* (folder) button I MENU/NOISE CUT button J m (microphone) jack* K i (headphone) jack L ERASE button M VOL (volume) –/+* button…

  • Page 10: Preventing Unintentional Operations (Hold)

    Preventing unintentional operations (HOLD) You can disable all the buttons (HOLD) in order to prevent unintentional operations when you carry the IC recorder, etc. To put the IC recorder in the HOLD status Slide the HOLD/POWER switch in the direction of “HOLD.” “HOLD”…

  • Page 11: Step 2: Recharging The Battery

    Step 2: Recharging the Battery Recharging the battery using a computer Remove the film on the display window before you use the IC recorder. Connect the IC recorder to a running computer, and charge the battery until the battery indicator indicates “ It takes about 3 hours and 30 minutes to fully charge an exhausted battery.* Insert a rechargeable battery.

  • Page 12: If The Ic Recorder Cannot Be Connected To A

    When the battery is fully charged, the battery indicator will indicate “ Fully charged indicator Disconnect the IC recorder from your computer. Follow the procedures below; otherwise, when the IC recorder contains data files, the files may be damaged or become unplayable.

  • Page 13: Recharging The Battery Using A Usb Ac Adaptor

    P Note If the battery indicator is not displayed in an animation, charging has not been done properly. See “Troubleshooting” on page 105. When using a fully charged battery or an LR03 (size AAA) alkaline battery Follow the step 1. P Note You cannot charge an LR03 (size AAA) alkaline battery (not supplied).

  • Page 14: Step 3: Turning The Ic Recorder On

    Step 3: Turning the IC Recorder On Turning the power on Slide the HOLD/POWER switch in the direction of “POWER” for more than 1 second. The IC recorder is turned on, and the “Accessing…” animation is displayed. Turning the power off Slide the HOLD/POWER switch in the direction of the “POWER”…

  • Page 15: Step 4: Setting The Clock

    Step 4: Setting the Clock x STOP N /ENT MENU/NOISE CUT v , V You need to set the clock to use the alarm function or record the date and time. When you insert a battery for the first time, or when you insert a battery after the IC recorder has been without a battery for more than 1 minute, the “Set Date&Time”…

  • Page 16
    The menu mode window will be displayed. Press on the control button, press on the control button to select (IC recorder setting) tab, and then press /ENT. Press on the control button to select “Date&Time,” and then press /ENT. Press on the control button to select “Auto”…
  • Page 17
    P Note If you do not press N /ENT within 1 minute of entering the clock setting data, the clock setting mode is canceled and the window will return to the display of the stop mode. To display the current date and time While the IC recorder is in the stop mode, press…
  • Page 18: Step 5: Setting The Language To Be Used In The Display Window

    Step 5: Setting the Language to Be Used in the Display Window x STOP N /ENT v , V You can select the language to be used for messages, menus, folder names, file names, etc. from 3 languages. Select the (IC recorder setting) tab t “Language”…

  • Page 19: Basic Operations

    Basic Operations Recording P Notes • Before making a recording, be sure to check the battery indicator (page 13). • Noise may be recorded if an object, such as your finger, etc., accidentally rubs or scratches the IC recorder during recording. Before you start recording, we recommend you make a trial recording first, or monitor the recording (page 44).

  • Page 20
    Press on the control button, press control button to select the press on the control button. > P Note Only the (Voice) tab will be displayed when you purchase the IC recorder. (Music) tab and the displayed when you transfer files from your computer (page 87, 91).
  • Page 21
    Press /ENT. Starting to record (Auto (AGC) recording) Place the IC recorder so that the built-in microphones face the direction of the source to be recorded. Press REC/PAUSE in the stop mode. The operation indicator lights in red. You do not need to press and hold while recording.
  • Page 22: To Stop Recording

    To stop recording Press STOP. The “Accessing…” animation appears and the IC recorder stops at the beginning of the current recording file. Note while accessing The IC recorder is recording data and storing it on the memory media when the “Accessing…” animation appears on the display.

  • Page 23: Listening

    Listening Starting playback Slide the HOLD/POWER switch towards the center to release the IC recorder from the HOLD status (page 10). Press Press on the control button, press control button to select the (Music) tab, or the > on the control button. Press on the control button to select the folder.

  • Page 24
    Press on the control button. > Press on the control button to select the file you want to play. Press /ENT. Playback will start soon, and the operation indicator will light in green. (When “LED” is set to “OFF” in the menu (page 76), the operation indicator does not light.) Press VOL –/+ to adjust the volume.
  • Page 25: Other Operations

    To stop playback Press STOP. Other operations stop at the current position Press N /ENT. To resume playback from that point, press N /ENT (Playback Pause function) again. go back to the beginning of Press . on the control button once.* the current file Press .

  • Page 26: Display When Playing Back A File

    About the tab view The recordable area and the playback-only area of folders stored on the IC recorder are managed separately, and are displayed with tabs. When you choose a folder, you can move to one of those the areas by switching a tab. Tabs (Voice): Recordable area.

  • Page 27
    A File information Press on the control button to check the file information during playback. A file recorded using the IC recorder is displayed as follows. : Folder name: FOLDER01-FOLDER05 : File name: Date_file number (e.g. 100101_001) : Artist name (e.g. My Recording) : Title: Date_file number (e.g.
  • Page 28: Erasing

    Erasing P Note Once a recording has been erased, you cannot retrieve it. Selecting a file and erasing it Slide the HOLD/POWER switch towards the center to release the IC recorder from the HOLD status (page 10). Select the file you want to erase when the IC recorder is in the stop or playback mode.

  • Page 29
    Press /ENT. The “Erasing…” animation appears in the display window and the selected file will be erased. When a file is erased, the remaining files will advance so that there will be no space between files. To cancel erasing Select “Cancel” in step 4 of “Selecting a file and erasing it,”…
  • Page 30: Other Recording Operations

    Other Recording Operations Changing the Recording Settings Selecting a recording scene for each situation x STOP N /ENT v , V According to various recording scene, you can change the items for recording, such as REC Mode (page 70), Mic Sensitivity (page 70), etc., to the recommended settings in bulk.

  • Page 31: Tips For Better Recording

    To record in a variety of (Meeting) situations, such as recording in a spacious conference room. To record dictation with a (Voice Notes) microphone in front of your mouth. To record human voice at a (Interview) distance of 1 to 2 meters (40 to 80 in.).

  • Page 32
    Recording a voice note By placing the IC recorder close to one side of your mouth, you can prevent breathing on the built-in microphones, and record with clear sound. Built-in microphones Recording an interview Place the IC recorder so that the built-in microphones face the interviewee.
  • Page 33
    To change the settings when you set the scene Select the scene you want to edit in step 2 of “Selecting a recording scene for each situation,” press control button to select “Edit from Current Setting” or “Edit,” and then press /ENT.
  • Page 34
    “Default Value?” will be displayed. Press on the control button to select “Execute,” and then press ENT. The menu item settings will be set to the default settings. Press STOP to exit the menu mode. Default settings For details on the menu items and settings, see pages 70 through 71.
  • Page 35: Starting To Record Automatically In Response To Sound — The Vor Function

    Starting to record automatically in response to sound – the VOR function x STOP z REC/PAUSE N /ENT v , V You can set the VOR (Voice Operated Recording) function to “ON,” to make the IC recorder start recording when the IC recorder detects sound, and pause when no sound is heard, eliminating recording during soundless periods.

  • Page 36: Recording On A Memory Card

    * When you are inserting a memory Supplier card with the back side of the IC recorder SONY facing toward you. Toshiba Panasonic SanDisk a : Operation tested –: Operation not tested As of September 2010…

  • Page 37
    For the latest information about the memory cards that have been tested, please access the support home page for the IC recorder: http://www.sony.com/recordersupport In this manual, M2™ and microSD cards are generally referred to as a “memory card.” The M2™/microSD card slot is referred to as the “memory card slot.”…
  • Page 38
    memory card into the slot. Doing so may cause fire, electric shock, or malfunctions. To switch the IC recorder destination to the memory card (from the folder selection window) Press The folder selection window will be displayed. Press on the control button, press on the control button to select the (Built-in memory) tab, and then press…
  • Page 39
    Press on the control button to select “Memory Card,” and then press /ENT. “Select Memory” is set to “Built-In Memory” when you purchase the IC recorder. If the memory card has already been formatted, proceed to step 5. When the memory card is not formatted, select the (IC recorder setting) tab t “Format”…
  • Page 40: Recording Via Other Devices

    Recording via Other Devices Recording with an external microphone Stereo microphone m (microphone) jack x STOP z REC/PAUSE N /ENT v , V Connect an external microphone to the m (microphone) jack when the IC recorder is in the stop mode. “Select Input”…

  • Page 41: Recording From Other Equipment

    Recommended microphones You can use the Sony ECM-CS10, ECM-CZ10 electret condenser microphone (not supplied). To record sound from a telephone or a cell phone You can use the ECM-TL1 headphone-type electret condenser microphone (not supplied) to record sound from a telephone or a cell phone.

  • Page 42
    Tips • Before you start recording, we recommend you make a trial recording first. • If the input level is not strong enough, connect the headphone jack (minijack, stereo) of other equipment to the m (microphone) jack of the IC recorder and adjust the volume level on the piece of equipment connected to the IC recorder.
  • Page 43
    Press REC/PAUSE to start recording. “ ” flashes and the IC recorder enters the recording pause mode. Start playback on the piece of equipment connected to the IC recorder. “ ” appears on the display and synchronized recording starts. The synchronized recording pauses when no sound is detected for more than 2 seconds, and “…
  • Page 44: Operation During Recording

    Operation during Recording Monitoring the recording i (headphone) jack VOL –/+ If you connect the supplied stereo headphones to the i (headphone) jack, you can monitor the recording. You can adjust the monitoring volume by pressing VOL –/+, but the recording level is fixed. P Note When the cord of the headphones touches the IC recorder while you are monitoring the…

  • Page 45: Other Playback Operations

    Other Playback Operations Changing the Playback Settings Convenient playback methods Listening with better sound quality • To listen with the headphones: Connect the supplied stereo headphones to the (headphone) jack. The built-in speaker will be automatically disconnected. • To listen from an external speaker: Connect an active or passive speaker (not supplied) to the i (headphone) jack.

  • Page 46: Reducing Noise In The Playback Sound And Making The Human Voice Clearer — The Noise Cut Function

    • If the last file is long and you wish to start playback at a later part of the file, press and hold > on the control button to go to the end of the file, and then press . on the control button while “FILE END”…

  • Page 47: Adjusting The Playback Speed — The Dpc (Digital Pitch Control) Function

    Press STOP to exit the menu mode. To cancel the noise cut function Select “OFF” in step 2. To set the noise cut function in the menu Select and set “Noise Cut” from the (Playback) tab of the menu. Adjusting the playback speed –…

  • Page 48: Selecting The Sound Effect

    The playback speed is set to “×0.70” when you purchase the IC recorder. To resume normal playback speed Slide the DPC(SPEED CTRL) switch to “OFF.” P Note You can only adjust the playback speed in a 0.50 range from times to 1.00 time when files are recorded as LPCM/WMA/AAC-LC files.

  • Page 49
    Stresses middle ranges, ideal for vocals. Rock Emphasizes high and low ranges for a powerful sound. Jazz Emphasizes high ranges for lively sound. Bass1 Emphasizes the bass sound. Bass2 Emphasizes the bass sound even more. Custom You can design your own custom sound level for 5 bands.
  • Page 50: Selecting The Playback Mode

    Selecting the playback mode x STOP N /ENT v , V You can select the playback mode in the menu. (Playback) tab t “Play Select the Mode” in the menu when the IC recorder is in the stop or playback mode, and then press /ENT.

  • Page 51
    To play back a specified section repeatedly – A-B repeat During playback, press to specify the starting point A. “A-B B?” is displayed. Press (repeat) A-B again to specify the finishing point B. “ A-B” is displayed and the specified section is played back repeatedly.
  • Page 52: Playing Back A File At A Desired Time With An Alarm

    Playing Back a File at a Desired Time with an Alarm x STOP N /ENT v , V You can sound an alarm and start playback of a selected file at a desired time. You can have a file played back on a specified date, once every week, or at the same time every day.

  • Page 53
    “Executing…,” is displayed. Press STOP to exit the menu mode. The setting process is finished and “ (alarm indicator) appears in the display window. To change the alarm setting Select the file you want to change its alarm setting, and then follow steps 2 through 5 on page 52 through this page.
  • Page 54: Playback Via Other Devices

    Playback via Other Devices Recording with other equipment Tape recorder, Mini disc recorder, etc. i (headphone) jack x STOP N /ENT You can record the sound of the IC recorder with other equipment. Before you start recording, we recommend you make a trial recording first. Connect the i (headphone) jack of the IC recorder to the external input terminal of other equipment using an audio…

  • Page 55: Editing Files

    Editing Files Arranging Files in a Folder Moving a file to a different folder x STOP v , V N /ENT . , > Select the file you want to move. Select the (Edit) tab t “Move File” in the menu when the IC recorder is in the stop mode, and then press Press on the control button to select the…

  • Page 56: Copying A File To The Other Memory

    To cancel moving the file Press STOP before step 4. P Notes • You cannot move podcast files. • You cannot move protected files (page 65). • You cannot move files to the other memory media. Copying a file to the other memory Memory card slot x STOP…

  • Page 57: Erasing All Files In A Folder

    Press on the control button to select the folder that you want to copy the file into, and then press The “Copying…” animation appears and the file is copied as the last file in the destination folder. A file will be copied with the identical file name.

  • Page 58
    Select the (Edit) tab t “Erase All” in the menu, and then press “Erase All Files in the Folder?” will be displayed. Press on the control button to select “Execute,” and then press ENT. The “Erasing…” animation appears in the display window and all files in the selected folder will be erased.
  • Page 59: Using A Track Mark

    Using a Track Mark Adding a track mark T-MARK N /ENT . , > You can add a track mark at a point at which you would like to divide a file later or locate during playback. You can add a maximum of 98 track marks to each file.

  • Page 60: Erasing A Track Mark

    Erasing a track mark x STOP N /ENT v , V Stop at a position after the track mark you would like to erase. (Edit) tab t “Erase Track Select the Mark” in the menu, and then press ENT. “Erase Track Mark?” will be displayed. Press on the control button to select “Execute,”…

  • Page 61: Erasing All The Track Marks In The Selected File At One Time

    Erasing all the track marks in the selected file at one time x STOP N /ENT v , V Select a file from which you want to erase the track marks. (Edit) tab t “Erase All Select the Track Marks” in the menu, and then press /ENT.

  • Page 62: Dividing A File

    Dividing a File Dividing a file at the current position x STOP N /ENT v , V You can divide a file in the stop mode, so that the file is divided into two parts and a new file number is added to the newer part of the divided file.

  • Page 63: Dividing A File At All The Track Mark Positions

    P Notes • You need a certain amount of free space in the memory media to divide a file. • When you divide a file with a title and artist name, the newer part has the same title, and artist name. •…

  • Page 64
    Press on the control button to select “Execute,” and then press ENT. The “Dividing…” animation appears, and the file is divided at all the track mark positions. All the existing track marks in the files will be erased. File 1 File 1_01 File 1_02 A suffix made up of a sequential number is added each of the divided files.
  • Page 65: Protecting A File

    Protecting a File x STOP N /ENT v , V To prevent a file from being accidentally erased or edited, you can protect an important file. A protected file is marked with the (protect) indicator and is regarded as a read-only file you cannot erase or edit.

  • Page 66: About The Menu Function

    About the Menu Function Making Settings for the Menu x STOP N /ENT MENU/NOISE CUT v , V Press MENU/NOISE CUT to enter the menu mode. The menu mode window will be displayed. Press on the control button, press on the control button to select the (Recording) tab, the tab, the (Edit) tab, the…

  • Page 67: Menu Settings

    Menu Settings Tabs Menu items Scene Select (Recording) REC Mode Mic Sensitivity LCF(Low Cut) SYNC REC Select Input Noise Cut (Playback) Effect Easy Search Play Mode Alarm (Edit) Protect Divide Current Position Move File File Copy Erase Track Mark Erase All Track Marks Divide All Track Marks Erase All Operation mode…

  • Page 68
    Tabs Menu items Display (Display) Backlight Select Memory (IC recorder Language setting) Date&Time Time Display Beep USB Charge Auto Power Off Format Operation mode (a: the setting can be made / —: the setting cannot be made) Stop mode Playback mode Recording mode —…
  • Page 69
    Tabs Menu items Scene Select (Recording) Settings (*: Initial setting) Allows you to choose a recording scene item for each situation as follows: (Meeting), (Interview), (Lecture), Scene). You can also edit the settings of the various recording menu items which are pre-set in the “Scene Select”…
  • Page 70
    Tabs Menu items REC Mode (Recording) Mic Sensitivity Settings (*: Initial setting) Sets the recording mode. LPCM 44.1kHz/16bit: LPCM (not compressed) in stereo high-quality recording mode MP3 192kbps*: MP3 (compressed) in stereo standard-quality recording mode MP3 128kbps: MP3 (compressed) in long play stereo recording mode MP3 48kbps(MONO): MP3 (compressed) in monaural standard recording…
  • Page 71
    Tabs Menu items LCF(Low Cut) (Recording) SYNC REC Select Input Settings (*: Initial setting) Sets the LCF (Low Cut Filter) function to cut a low frequency to reduce the roaring noise from wind; therefore you can record a file more clearly. The LCF function is activated.
  • Page 72
    Tabs Menu items Noise Cut (Playback) Effect Settings (*: Initial setting) Sets the noise cut function and the noise cut level to use when the IC recorder play a file back which is recorded with noise cut function. Maximum: The noise cut levels will be more intense. Medium: The noise cut level will be weakened.
  • Page 73
    Tabs Menu items Easy Search (Playback) Play Mode Settings (*: Initial setting) Sets the easy search function. You can go forward for about 10 seconds by pressing on the control button and go back for about 3 > seconds by pressing on the control button.
  • Page 74
    Tabs Menu items Alarm (Playback) Protect (Edit) Divide Current Position Move File File Copy Settings (*: Initial setting) Sets the alarm. The alarm function is effective. Set the date, time or day of the week or choose daily for playback, and set the following alarm pattern.
  • Page 75
    Tabs Menu items Erase Track Mark (Edit) Erase All Track Marks Divide All Track Marks Erase All Display (Display) Settings (*: Initial setting) Erases the track mark just before the current position. Execute: The track mark will be erased. Cancel: The track mark will not be erased.
  • Page 76
    Tabs Menu items (Display) Backlight Select Memory (IC recorder setting) Settings (*: Initial setting) Turns the operation indicator on or off during operation. ON*: During recording or playback, the operation indicator lights or flashes. OFF: The operation indicator does not light or flash, even during operation.
  • Page 77
    Tabs Menu items Language (IC recorder setting) Date&Time Time Display Beep Settings (*: Initial setting) Sets the language to be used for messages, menus, folder names, file names, etc. English*, Español (Spanish), Français (French) Auto*: When the IC recorder is connected to a computer that is running the Sound Organizer, the clock will be automatically adjusted according to that computer.
  • Page 78
    Tabs Menu items USB Charge (IC recorder setting) Auto Power Off Settings (*: Initial setting) Sets whether battery will be charged using a USB connection or not. ON*: The battery will be charged. OFF: The battery will not be charged. P Note If you use a USB AC adaptor (not supplied) to connect the IC recorder to the AC outlet (page 95), you can…
  • Page 79
    Tabs Menu items Format (IC recorder setting) Settings (*: Initial setting) Formats the memory media currently selected (the built-in memory or the memory card), erasing all the data in the memory and resetting the folder structure to its default status. Execute: The “Formatting…”…
  • Page 80: Utilizing Your Computer

    Utilizing Your Computer Using the IC Recorder with Your Computer When the IC recorder is connected to your computer, you can transfer data between them. Copying files from the IC recorder to your computer to store them (page 86) Copying music files from your computer to the IC recorder to play them back (page 87) Using the IC recorder as USB…

  • Page 81: Structure Of Folders And Files

    DIRECT connector into the USB port of a running computer. Make sure the IC recorder has been recognized properly. On the Windows screen; open “My Computer” or “Computer,” and make sure that “IC RECORDER” or “MEMORY CARD” has been recognized. On the Macintosh screen;…

  • Page 82
    Built-in memory “IC RECORDER” Folder for files recorded using the IC recorder VOICE* FOLDER01 FOLDER05 Folder transferred from your computer MUSIC J-POP* PODCASTS NEWS* AAC-LC Conversation LPCM Even if a file is transferred directly under the VOICE folder, it will not be displayed on the (Voice) tab of the IC recorder.
  • Page 83
    Folder transferred from your computer MUSIC J-POP LPCM AAC-LC PODCASTS NEWS AAC-LC Conversation LPCM microSD card “MEMORY CARD” PRIVATE Sony Folder for files recorded using the IC recorder VOICE FOLDER01 FOLDER05 Folder transferred from your computer MUSIC J-POP LPCM PODCASTS AAC-LC NEWS…
  • Page 84
    Structure of folders displayed in the display window of the IC recorder The display of the structure of the folders seen in the display window of the IC recorder is different from that seen on the display of a computer. The folder indicators in the display window of the IC recorder are as follows: Folder for files recorded using the…
  • Page 85: Disconnecting The Ic Recorder From Your Computer

    • Folders transferred to places other than under the MUSIC folder or the PODCASTS folder • A folder called “No Folder” (If you transfer music files separately, those files will be displayed under this folder.) Folders displayed on the (Podcast) tab of the IC recorder Folders for podcast files transferred from a computer will be displayed.

  • Page 86: Copying Files From The Ic Recorder To Your Computer

    Copying Files from the IC Recorder to Your Computer You can copy the files and folders from the IC recorder to your computer to store them. Connect the IC recorder to your computer (page 80). Copy files or folders you want to transfer to your computer.

  • Page 87: Copying Music Files From Your Computer To The Ic Recorder And Playing Them Back

    Copying Music Files from Your Computer to the IC Recorder and Playing Them Back You can copy music or the other audio files (LPCM(.wav)/MP3(.mp3)/WMA(.wma)/ AAC-LC(.m4a)*) from your computer to the IC recorder by dragging and dropping them, and you can play them back using the IC recorder.

  • Page 88
    Press on the control button to select the folder ( ) in which music files are stored, and then press the control button. Press on the control button to select the music file you want to play. Press /ENT to start playback. Press STOP to stop playback.
  • Page 89: Using The Ic Recorder As Usb Memory

    Using the IC Recorder as USB Memory When the IC recorder is connected to your computer, image data or text data on the computer, as well as files recorded using the IC recorder can be temporarily stored on the IC recorder. Your computer must meet the specified system requirements to use the IC recorder as USB memory.

  • Page 90: Using The Supplied Sound Organizer Software

    Using the Supplied Sound Organizer Software What you can do using Sound Organizer Sound Organizer allows you to exchange files with an IC recorder or memory card. The songs imported from music CDs and other media, MP3 and other audio files imported from a computer, and podcasts can also be played and transferred to an IC recorder.

  • Page 91: System Requirements For Your Computer

    Combining files You can combine multiple files into one file. Deleting files from an IC recorder You can delete a file saved to an IC recorder. Use this operation to delete files in the IC recorder when you want to increase the amount of free space in the IC recorder or there are unnecessary files.

  • Page 92: Installing Sound Organizer

    P Notes • Operation is not guaranteed if any operating system other than those indicated listed above is used. • 64 bit versions of Windows XP are not supported. IBM PC/AT or compatible • CPU Windows XP: Pentium III processor of 500 MHz or faster Windows Vista: Pentium III processor of 800 MHz or faster…

  • Page 93
    • To use the software update function in Windows XP, you must log on to an account with computer administrator privileges. • The Windows Media Format Runtime module is added by the installer of Sound Organizer. This module is not removed when Sound Organizer is uninstalled.
  • Page 94: The Sound Organizer Window

    The Sound Organizer window A Help Displays the help of Sound Organizer. For details on each operation, refer to these help files. B The file list of Sound Organizer (My Library) Displays a list of files included in My Library of Sound Organizer in accordance with the operation.

  • Page 95: Additional Information

    Additional Information Using a USB AC Adaptor USB connector of the IC recorder USB AC adaptor (not supplied) You can charge the rechargeable battery by connecting the IC recorder to an AC outlet using a USB AC adaptor AC-U501AD (not supplied).

  • Page 96: Disconnecting The Ic Recorder From The Ac Outlet

    Disconnecting the IC recorder from the AC outlet Follow the procedures below; otherwise, when the IC recorder contains data files, the files may be damaged or become unplayable. If you are recording or playing back a file, press STOP to put the IC recorder into the stop mode.

  • Page 97: Precautions

    Precautions On power Operate the unit only on 1.2 V or 1.5 V DC. Use one NH-AAA rechargeable battery or one LR03 (size AAA) alkaline battery. On safety Do not operate the unit while driving, cycling or operating any motorized vehicle. On handling •…

  • Page 98
    • For compatible M2™, please refer to the Sony web site (page 101). • “MagicGate™” is the collective name of content protection technologies developed by Sony. The IC recorder does not support data recording/playback that requires MagicGate™ functions. • The IC recorder does not support parallel data transfer.
  • Page 99
    • Do not use a memory card under the following conditions: – Locations beyond the required operating conditions, including locations, such as the hot interior of a car parked in the sun and/ or in the summer, the outdoors exposed to direct sunlight, or a place near a heater.
  • Page 100: Specifications

    Specifications System requirements To use your computer with the Sound Organizer software To use your computer with the Sound Organizer software, see “System requirements for your computer” on page 91. To use your computer without the Sound Organizer software To use your computer with the IC recorder without the Sound Organizer software, or to use the IC recorder as a USB mass storage device, your computer must meet the…

  • Page 101: Design And Specifications

    • For the latest version information and compatibility with your operating system, please access the support home page for the IC recorder: http://www.sony.com/recordersupport Hardware environment: – Sound board: Sound cards compatible with any of the supported Microsoft Windows operating systems –…

  • Page 102
    Copyright-protected file cannot be played back. Not all AAC encoders are supported. Sampling frequencies and bit for linear PCM files Sampling frequencies: 44.1 kHz Bit: 16 bit File extension: .wav General Speaker Approx. 16 mm (21/32 in.) dia. Input/Output • Microphone jack (minijack, stereo) –…
  • Page 103
    Maximum recording time The maximum recording time of all the folders is as follows. REC Mode Recording scene* LPCM 44.1kHz/ 16bit (Meeting) 192kbps (Interview) (Lecture) (Audio IN) (My Scene) (Voice 128kbps Notes) MP3 48kbps (MONO) MP3 8kbps (MONO) When you are going to record continuously for a long time, you may have to replace the battery with new one in the midst of recording.
  • Page 104: Battery Life

    MP3 8kbps(MONO) Music file (128 kbps/44.1kHz) The battery life is measured in testing using methods proprietary to Sony. The battery life may shorten depending on how you operate the IC recorder. When playing back music through the internal speaker with the volume level set to 14…

  • Page 105: Troubleshooting

    Troubleshooting Before taking the IC recorder for repair, check the following sections. Should any problem persist after you have made these checks, consult your nearest Sony dealer. Please note that recorded files may be deleted during service or repair work.

  • Page 106
    Symptom The charging indicator is not displayed or disappears in the middle of charging. The IC recorder cannot be turned off. The IC recorder cannot be turned on. The IC recorder is powered off automatically. The IC recorder does not operate correctly.
  • Page 107
    Symptom Remedy The IC recorder does not • You may have formatted the memory of the IC recorder using the operate. The IC recorder does not • The battery is weak (page 13). operate, even if you press • The power to the IC recorder is off. Slide the HOLD/POWER any button.
  • Page 108
    Symptom The playback volume is low. • The volume is turned down completely. Press VOL+ or – to adjust Recording is interrupted. The VOR function does not work. When recording from other equipment, the input level is too strong or not strong enough.
  • Page 109
    Symptom Remedy The memory card is not • Since the memory card may contain image data or other files, the recognized. • Switch the memory media of the IC recorder to “Memory Card” • Remove a memory card and check the side of the memory card. “—:—”…
  • Page 110
    Symptom There is no battery power remaining when you disconnect the IC recorder from the USB AC adaptor after you have left the IC recorder connected for long time, fully charged. “ ” or “ ” is flashing instead of the battery indicator.
  • Page 111
    Symptom Remedy It takes a long time to copy a • If the file size of a file is large, it takes a considerable time to file. The transferred files are not • The IC recorder can recognize up to 8 levels of folders transferred displayed.
  • Page 112: Sound Organizer

    Sound Organizer Refer to the help files of the Sound Organizer software, too. Symptom The Sound Organizer software cannot be installed. The IC recorder cannot be properly connected. Cause/Remedy • The free disk or memory space on the computer is too small. Check the hard disk and memory space.

  • Page 113
    Symptom Cause/Remedy Playback sound from the • No sound board is installed. computer is low./No sound is • No speaker is built-in or connected to the computer. emitted from the computer. • The volume of the sound is turned down. •…
  • Page 114: Message List

    Message List Message HOLD Low Battery Memory Card Error Memory Card Not Supported • A memory card that the IC recorder does not support is inserted. Memory Card Locked Read Only Memory Card Memory Card Access Denied Memory Full File Full Cause/Remedy •…

  • Page 115
    Message Cause/Remedy File Damaged • You cannot play back or edit files, because the data of the selected Format Error • The IC recorder cannot be turned on using the computer because Process Error • The IC recorder failed in memory access. Remove and then re- •…
  • Page 116
    Message Already Set Past Date/Time Unknown Data Invalid Operation New File Invalid when Noise Cut is Cause/Remedy • You set the alarm to play back a file at a date and time previously set on another file. Change the alarm setting. •…
  • Page 117
    Message Cause/Remedy Change Folder • If there are no files in the Cannot Divide — Exceeds • When there are already 199 files in the selected folder or the total Max 199 Files in Folder Same File Name Exists • A file of the same file name already exists in the folder when a file No Memory Card •…
  • Page 118: System Limitations

    System Limitations There are some system limitations of the IC recorder. Troubles as mentioned below are not malfunctions of the IC recorder. Symptom You cannot record files up to the maximum recording time. You cannot display or play back music files in order.

  • Page 119: Display Window Guide

    Display Window Guide Display when stopped A Newly arriving podcast indication B Scene select indication Displays the currently selected scene used for recording. Appears when a scene is set. : Meeting : Voice Notes : Interview : Lecture : Audio IN : My Scene C File information type indicator : A folder where you can record a file…

  • Page 120: Alarm Indicator

    : recording standby/recording pause (flashing) : recording with the VOR function : recording pause with the VOR function (flashing) If you press REC/PAUSE to pause recording when “VOR” is set to “ON” in the menu, only “ : synchronized recording : synchronized recording pause (flashing) : review/fast backward, cue/…

  • Page 121
    O LCF (Low Cut Filter) indicator Appears when “LCF(Low Cut)” is set to “ON” in the menu. P Battery indicator Q Remaining recording time Displays the remaining recording time in hours, minutes, and seconds. If there is more than 10 hours time remaining, the time is displayed in hours.
  • Page 122
    Display during playback S Playback mode indicator 1: Appears when a file is played back. : Appears when files in one folder are played back continuously. ALL: Appears when all the files are played back continuously. 1:Appears when one file is played back repeatedly.
  • Page 123
    Display in the HOLD status U HOLD indicator Appears when the IC recorder is in the HOLD status to prevent unintentional operations. To release the HOLD status, slide the HOLD/POWER switch towards the center (page 10).
  • Page 124: Index

    Index AAC-LC files … 101 A-B repeat …51 Adjusting the volume …24, 44 Alarm …52, 67, 74 Alkaline battery …104 Auto (AGC) recording …21 Battery indicator …13 Battery life … 104 Built-in microphones …21 Changing the Scene Select settings …33, 67, 69 Connecting the IC recorder to your computer …80 Copying a file to the other memory…

  • Page 125
    Index to parts and controls Display window … 119 Front …9 Rear …9 Input selection …40, 67, 71 Maintenance …97 Memory card …36, 98 Memory Stick Micro™ (M2™) …36, 83 Menu Alarm …67, 74 Auto Power Off …68, 78 Backlight …68, 76 Beep …68, 77 Date&Time …68, 77 Display …68, 75…
  • Page 126
    Pause recording …22 Playback …23, 45 Playback modes …50, 67, 73 Podcast …90 Precautions …97 Protecting a file …65, 67, 74 Rechargeable battery …11, 95, 104 Recharging the battery …11 Recording …19, 30 Recording from a telephone …41 Recording from other equipment …41 Recording time …
  • Page 128
    © 2011 Sony Corporation Printed in China…

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