Disomat tersus руководство по эксплуатации

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Весовой терминал DISOMAT® Tersus 

— Полностью укомплектованный весовой терминал

— Графический ЖК-дисплей с подсветкой снизу

— Встроенное Ethernet-соединение 

— 4 встроенных USB-порта

— Возможность подключения полевых шин

— Интерфейс Bluetooth (опция)

— Встроенный модуль памяти (опция)

— Переносная клавиатура (опция)

— Модульное расширение входов/выходов

— Исполнение с 2 измерительными каналами

— Замена всех компонентов без необходимости повторной поверки


Компактный весовой терминал DISOMAT® Tersus находит оптимальное применение в решении различных задачах взвешивания, идёт ли речь об обслуживании весов, обработке данных, управлении процессом или о связи с системами заказчика.

Для типичных применений в приборе установлены 4 легко вызываемые конфигурации: 

Эти „функциональные варианты“:

— Весы для штучных грузов

— Крановые весы

— Весы на загрузке

— Весы на разгрузке

предлагают пользователю объём функций, ориентированный на определённое применение, не лишая однако возможности настройки согласно его специфических требований к весам. 

Опционально может быть активирована конфигурация для автовесов (весы на въезде/выезде) или для крановых весов с памятью совокупной нагрузки.

Посредством настройки связок логических функциональных блоков DISOMAT Tersus может быть индивидуально адаптирован почти ко всем задачам взвешивания. 

Данную настройку можно с удобством провести или с помощью ПК-программы DISOPLAN (графическое окно), или прямо в приборе. Таким образом становится возможной настройка на месте без затрат на программирование, просто и экономично.

В двухканальном исполнении DISOMAT Tersus подходит, к примеру, и для эксплуатации cо связанными автомобильными весами или с двухтележечными кранами с раздельным извещением о перегрузке, возможен и одновременный контроль уровня в двух бункерах. Возможна и параллельная обработка двух процессов дозирования. 


На графическом дисплее с подсветкой снизу в формате QVGA (320 x 240 точек) вес показывается в течение длительного времени, даже если в это время пользователь вводит данные в семистрочной диалоговой зоне, или следует вывод статусных данных.

Это может быть информация о ходе текущего дозирования (столбиковая индикация), о положении входов и выходов или помощь в управлении прибором. 

В специальном режиме работы (телефонный алфавит) с клавиатуры могут вводиться и αсимволы. Для комфортного ввода данных, особенно часто повторяемых текстов, в качестве опции предлагается выносная клавиатура. 

Вторая, независимая станция управления может быть создана с помощью ещё одного DISOMAT Tersus в конфигурации ‘Зеркало’.

Для задач управления могут использоваться 8 бинарных входов и 12 бинарных выходов для управления весами и прибором DISOMAT Tersus. Дополнением может служить аналоговый модуль ввода/вывода (два входа / два выхода). 

Функции входов и выходов могут быть адаптированы через связки функциональных блоков к требованиям конкретного применения. Число бинарных входов/выходов при необходимости может быть увеличено с помощью модулей расширения. 

Три последовательных интерфейса делают возможным подключение периферийных устройств – принтера, выносного табло и связь с системой электронной обработки данных или SPS.

Возможно дооснащение ещё несколькими последовательными интерфейсами.

Для соединения с промышленными системами полевых шин (Profibus, DeviceNet) используются дополнительные модули соединения – Ethernetинтерфейс (100 Mбод) уже включён в стандартную комплектацию прибора. 

Для подключения переносной клавиатуры, модуля памяти поверочных данных, принтера, у DISOMAT Tersus есть 4 USBпорта. 

Измерительная техника DISOMAT Tersus предлагает с её высокими разрешением и скоростью измерения резервы для сложных задач, к примеру, для весов с малой нагрузкой тензодатчиков, для весов, платформа которых находится во взрывоопасной среде, и быстрой расфасовки. Для прибора не является проблемой и высокая температура – номинальный диапазон от -30 до +60°C. 

Основные технические данные весов включают данные по юстировке в штекере подключения кабеля тензодатчика (донгеле). В случае повреждения любой компонент прибора может быть заменён без последующей калибровки или поверки. Система работает дальше с поверенной точностью (в двухканальном исполнении независимо для обоих каналов измерения).

Наряду с модульным устройством прибора минимизированы таким же образом и время простоя, и расходы на ремонт. 

Различные виды исполнения корпуса:

— настольный

— встроенный в распределительный щит

— из специальной стали

— полевой

— 19″ монтажная рама

предлагают для каждого вида условий правильную „упаковку“. 

Управление и настройка 

Управление прибором DISOMAT осуществляется на русском языке.

Программное обеспечение DISOPLAN делает возможным: 

— графическую конфигурацию функциональных блоков

— настройку всех параметров прибора

— юстировку прибора 

— простое форматирование бланков взвешивания

— НОВОЕ: Регистрация продолжительности отдельных процессов взвешивания

— считывание всей конфигурации прибора (Backup)

— возврат сохранённых данных в DISOMAT Tersus (Restore)

Таким образом, к примеру, в кратчайшие сроки может быть подготовлена замена существующего прибора. Вместе с использованием донгеля это гарантирует кратчайший срок простоя в случае неисправности и одновременно минимальную потребность в запасе запчастей.

DISOPLAN осуществляет передачу данных с DISOMAT:

— последовательно

— через Ethernet

— через Bluetooth (опция) 

Все параметры и данные по юстировке сохраняются в приборе без угрозы потери при отключении напряжения. Часы реального времени работают ещё минимум 7 дней. 


Изменение формата печатных образцов делает возможным свободное оформление бланков взвешивания.


Печатные образцы могут теперь быть графически сконфигурированы в DISOPLAN (прямой предварительный просмотр)

Помимо массы груза на печать могут выводиться:

— дата и время

— текущий №

— балансовые суммы

— количество взвешиваний

— 5 подзнаков до 25 мест

— 3 сохранённых текста, по 26 знаков 

Расположение выводимых на печать элементов заложено в формате формы, в памяти сохраняется 6 различных форматов формуляров. 

Для каждых условий правильная „упаковка“.

Виды исполнения корпуса DISOMAT Tersus.

Настольный VTG 20450

Класс защиты: IP54, пластик, 10 кабельных вводов, вкл. сетевое подключение и кабели весовых датчиков.

Вес: 3,7 кг

19″ модульная стойка VNG 20450 

со встроенным прибором VEG 20450 Глубина 195 мм + 25 мм для соединительного кабеля

Класс защиты: фронтальный IP 54 или IP 20.

Вес: 7,5 кг

Корпус из спецстали VKG 20450


Класс защиты: IP 65

Вес: 5 кг

VKG 20450 может быть установлен на прилагаемом держателе на стене.

(Кабельный вывод внизу)

Встраиваемый VEG 20450

Класс защиты: фронтальный IP54, или IP 20 пластик, встройка в распределительный щит 138,5 x 282мм

Вес: 3,5 кг

Корпус в полевом исполнении/для установки на кране VFG 20450

со встроенным прибором VEG 20450, 

Листовая сталь

Класс защиты: IP 54

Вес 11 кг 

Технические характеристики

Дисплей: Графический, жидкокристалический, 240 x 320 пикселей, 120 x 90 мм Отображение веса символами высотой 22 мм, 1 строка состояния и 7 диалоговых с высотой символов 5 мм

Клавиатура: Плёночно-контактная клавиатура с 33 многофункциональными клавишами, из них 12 конфигурируемых функциональных. 

Питание: 85 — 250VAC, 47 — 63 Гц, 24 VDC (18 — 36 VDC) 

Потребление мощности: макс. 20 VA 

Температурный диапазон: Рабочая температура: от -30 до +60 °C; Для ком. учёта: от -30 до +40 °C; Температура хранения: от -40 до +60 °C

Входной сигнал: 0 до 35mV

Чувствительность: 0,4 µV/d

Скорость измерений: 132 измерения в секунду

Величина приращения: 1, 2, 5, и т.д., устанавливается в пределах 0,01 — 5000 

Единица измерения: кг, г, т, фунты, N, kN 

Число делений: Весы для ком. учёта: макс. 8000d, Многодиапазонные весы 3 x 4000d, Многошкальные 3 x 4000d, Весы не для коммерческого учёта — разрешение не ограничено

Тарировка: До 100% полного диапазона

Устройство установки на нуль: Установка макс. 20%; Автоматическая регулировка нуля 0,5d/сек, переустанавливаемая

Фильтр: Подавление сигналов синхронных помехв сети питания ≥ 100dB, Коэффициент подавления синфазной составляющей ≥ 110dB; Программный фильтр, время фильтра 0 – 10 сек.. 

Нелинейность: < 0,025%o 

Стабильность нуля, Tko: < 0,3µV/10K

Стабильность диапазона, Tkc: < 0,015%o/10K

Точность, Fcomb: < 0,03%o / 10K

Дата/время: Часы реального времени, Время работы без питания мин. 7 дней

Сопротивление весовых датчиков: Мин. 43 Ω (соответствует 8 x 350 Ω — ВД или > 20 весовых датчиков RT по 4000 Ω) Действительно также как мин. общее полное сопротивление для двух канальных приборов (например 2 x 4 x 350 Ω) 

Питание весовых датчиков: 12 В переменного тока

Бинарные входы: 8 входов, гальванически изолированных, разделённых, 18 — 36VDC вспомогательное напряжение 24 В для настройки входов (макс. 150 мA). 

Бинарные выходы: 12 выходов, гальванически изолированных, надёжно разделенных (реле пассив. нагрузка 24 В пост. тока / В перем. тока макс. 500 мА, 90 — 250 В перем. тока макс. 300 мА. Частота обновления информации на выходах в функции „быстрый компаратор“, 132 в секунду.

Последовательные интерфейсы:

3 интерфейса для принтера, системы обработки данных или вторичного дисплея, S1 и S2: перестановка на:

— RS 232

— RS 422/485, 4-проводной

— RS 485, 2-проводной

— Перестановка с помощью программного обеспечения (без перемычек) S3: RS 232 жёстко, опционально через Bluetooth 

— Макс. скорость передачи данных для всех интерфейсов: 38400 бод

Протоколы системы обработки данных: Siemens 3964R, S5 (RK512), Modbus, Стандартный протокол компании Schenck, DDP8672, Протокол опроса компании Schenck DDP8785 

Протокол выносного дисплея: DTA, DDP 8861, DDP 8850

Ethernet-интерфейс: 10/100 Base-T, с возможностью одновременного приёма и передачи

USB-соединения: 4 x USB 2.0 Host (Master) 


Второй измерительный вход: Например, для весов с переключением и комбинированным включением

Выносная клавиатура VTT28000 (USBсоединение) для удобного ввода данных. 

Ввод данных посредством сканера баркодов: По запросу

Память поверочных данных VMM20450 в качестве замены принтера для выбивания чеков: Ёмкость памяти 128 Мбайт для 3 млн. взвешиваний

Аналоговый выход / вход VEA20450: 2 выхода, 0(4) – 20 мA, полное сопротивление нагрузки трансформатора тока макс. 500 Ω

Разрешение: 10.000 делений

Частота обновления информации: 10/сек

2 входа 0(4) – 20 мA, или 0 – 10V

Линейность < 0,15 %o

Стабильность нуля < 0,25%o /10K

Стабильность диапазона < 0,25%o/10K

Расширение интерфейса VSS 021: 1 последовательный интерфейс RS 232 

Модуль соединения по Profibus VPB: Протокол Profibus DP, Макс. скорость передачи данных 12Мбод

Модуль VCB для DeviceNet 

Модуль Bluetooth для последовательного интерфейса S3: Модуль Class 1 или Class 2, макс. расстояние передачи данных 100 (15) м

Передача данных по радио: для передачи данных на печать или соединения с системой обработки данных

Модули расширения ввода/вывода:

— Бинарные входы/выходы (макс. дополнительно 16 входов или 16 выходов)

— Дополнительный аналоговый выход

Подходящие барьерные модули для подключения самозащищённых весовых платформ и приборов управления в ка-тегории ATEX 2G (Зона 1) 

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  5. DISOCONT Tersus DT-9
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BVI6411GB; February, 2010

Revision B

DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9)

DT-9 Configuration and Operations Manual

VCU 20103


16490 Chillicothe Rd.

Chagrin Falls, OH 44023

(440) 543-6000

FAX (440) 543-6839

24 Hrs. (800) 628-3347

e-mail address: sales@stockequipment.com


Summary of Contents for Stock DISOCONT Tersus DT-9

  • Page 1
    DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) DT-9 Configuration and Operations Manual VCU 20103 STOCK EQUIPMENT COMPANY 16490 Chillicothe Rd. Chagrin Falls, OH 44023 (440) 543-6000 FAX (440) 543-6839 24 Hrs. (800) 628-3347 e-mail address: sales@stockequipment.com BVI6411GB; February, 2010 Revision B…
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    1 ABOUT THIS MANUAL ………………5 2 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ………………7 3 OVERVIEW………………….9 3.1 What is the DISOCONT Tersus/DT-9? ………………9 3.2 Definitions ……………………….9 3.3 Measuring Principle ……………………10 3.4 Operating Modes — Remote………………….12 3.4.1 Gravimetric……………………..12 3.4.2 Volumetric ……………………..

  • Page 4
    5.2 Display Functions ……………………31 5.2.1 The “Home” Screen ……………………. 31 Operating the HMI in “Off/Maintenance” Mode…………..31 Operating the HMI in “Remote” Mode …………….31 5.2.2 The “Trend” Screen ……………………. 32 5.2.3 The “Values” Screen…………………… 32 5.2.4 The “Setup” Screen ……………………. 32 Data Log Values …………………..
  • Page 5
    8.2 Chain Test ……………………….. 49 8.3 Material Test……………………..50 9 PARAMETERS………………… 51 9.1 General Information ……………………51 9.2 DT-9 Parameter List……………………55 9.2.1 Parameter Group 01 — Hardware Modules…………….55 9.2.2 Parameter Group 02 — Feeder Definitions…………….58 9.2.3 Parameter Group 03 — Control Sources ………………. 64 9.2.4 Parameter Group 04 — Feeder Rated Data …………….
  • Page 6
    13 APPENDIX C ………………..153 13.1 Trending Data ……………………… 153 DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual ©Schenck Process Group…
  • Page 7: About This Manual

    The information in this manual, including technical data and copies of drawings, contains information that is proprietary to Stock Equipment Company. This manual is provided to the user of equipment purchased from Stock Equipment Company for use only in operation or maintenance of such equipment.

  • Page 8
    DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual ©Schenck Process Group…
  • Page 9: Safety Instructions

    The measuring system’s functionality is determined by parameters, which may only be changed by persons familiar with the measuring system operating principles (e.g. after training by Stock). Incorrect parameter settings may cause injuries or damage to the machine and can adversely affect weighing operation.

  • Page 10
    Component Replacement Spare parts must meet the technical specifications indicated by Stock. To ensure this requirement is met, only genuine Stock spare parts should be used. When using other spare parts, the warranty will be void. DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual…
  • Page 11: Overview

    The second one uses the same components and software but has been optimized for use as an upgrade to existing Stock 8085, 196, and 196NT installations. This version uses the 196NT connectors and mounting footprint.

  • Page 12: Measuring Principle

    Abbreviation Meaning Explanation Unit The actual amount of Lbs/hr, Lbs/min, USTons/hr, Actual feed rate material delivered per Kg/hr, Kg/min or Metric Tons/hr unit time The desired amount of Lbs/hr, Lbs/min, USTons/hr, Feedrate setpoint material delivered per Kg/hr, Kg/min or Metric Tons/hr unit time Weight of material Totalized amount…

  • Page 13
    The microprocessor computes the feeder belt load by repeatedly reading the voltage signal from each load cell and converting the signal into a digital value (binary number) using an analog to digital (A/D) converter. Each value is then compared to parameters stored in permanent memory to determine if the signal is within acceptable limits, and if it is, it is stored for use.
  • Page 14: Operating Modes — Remote

    3.4 Operating Modes — Remote The Remote Operating Mode is provided for normal operation, with the feeder feeding coal under control of the plant control system. The source for the Start/Stop signal is designated by P03.01 Feeder Start and the source for the feedrate setpoint is designated by P03.02 Feedrate Setpoint. Analog feedback signals are generated based on the entries to parameter block 14 Analog Outputs.

  • Page 15: Setup

    This section describes the startup process when a new feeder is installed or when an existing DT-9 is replaced. Warning: Installing the DT-9 in a feeder that uses the Stock Load Cell Amplifier will damage the DT-9. • The old style Load Cell Amplifier must be replaced with the new version before the DT-9 can be used.

  • Page 16: Startup And Functional Check

    4.2 Startup and Functional Check This procedure verifies that the feeder and its controls are operating properly, simulates feeder trip conditions, and checks the principal input/output connections. 1) Apply power to the feeder. 2) Insure that the feeder is in OFF/Maint mode and that the touch screen HMI is set to the home screen.

  • Page 17: Setup Parameters

    These parameters can be viewed using EasyServe in expert mode (default password 7353) but should not be changed. The controllers will come preprogrammed from Stock Equipment Company but if changes are needed, there are two ways to do this: Using EasyServe Software (See section 7.5)

  • Page 18
    P02.01 Language Actual: ______________ P02.02 Units Actual: ______________ P02.07 Display formats Actual: ______________ P02.08 Flow Rate Units Actual: ______________ P02.09 Counter 1 Units Actual: ______________ P02.09 Counter 2 Units Actual: ______________ P02.09 Counter 2 Units Actual: ______________ These parameters select the units and formats that are used to display the various feeder information on the display.
  • Page 19: Calibration

    P13.02 Cleanout ON Time Actual: __________ Hour P13.02 Cleanout OFF Time Actual: __________ Hour These parameters specifies the cleanout conveyor duty cycle. Set P13.02 to zero to run the cleanout conveyor continuously. P15.13 Loss of Flow Trip Delay Actual: ______________ P15.14 Event: Loss of Material Actual: A / W1 / W2 / IG These parameters control the Loss of Material on Belt event.

  • Page 20: Performing Calibrations

    While the empty belt is being weighed, the belt speed is also being accurately measured. This is done by measuring the time it takes a retro-reflective marker, attached to the belt, to travel between two fixed points on the feeder body. This parameter is measured eight times to determine repeatability and to compensate for variations in belt thickness.

  • Page 21: Weigh Roller Adjustment

    4.4.2 Weigh Roller Adjustment For the feeder to weigh accurately, the central weigh roller must be aligned with the weigh span rollers within 0.002 inch (0.05mm). Refer to Figure 4-1. NOTE: The parts shown may differ from those that actually shipped. This figure is to be used as a general guideline.

  • Page 22: Basic (Cal 1)

    4.4.3 Basic (CAL 1) This operation measures the tare factor and the belt speed factor and updates the following parameters. P10.02 Pulses per Length • P10.10 Basic Tare • P10.11 Belt Circuit No. • Note: The calibration results are not saved to the parameter table until the operator accepts them buy pressing <Apply>…

  • Page 23
    Calibration Procedure: 1) Before starting the calibration, record the values of parameters P10.02 Pulses per Length and P10.10 Basic Tare. These will be used later to verify that the calibration results are consistent. 2) If the calibration is being performed using EasyServe, navigate to the calibration window using the Tools | Calibration Programs menu items.
  • Page 24: Span (Cal 2)

    4.4.4 Span (CAL 2) This operation measures the load cell span factor and the belt speed factor, and updates the following parameters. P10.03 Range Correction TW • P10.10 Basic Tare • P10.11 Belt Circuit No. • Note: The calibration results are not saved to the parameter table until the operator accepts them buy pressing <Apply>…

  • Page 25
    Calibration Procedure: 1) Before starting the calibration, record the value of parameters P10.02 Pulses per Length and P10.03 Range Correction TW. These will be used later to verify that the calibration results are consistent. 2) If the calibration is being performed using EasyServe, navigate to the calibration window using the Tools | Calibration Programs menu items.
  • Page 26: Tc: Span Calibration

    4.4.5 TC: Span Calibration This operation performs a chain calibration using the values in P10.07 Simulation Travel (Belt Rev.) and P10.09 Test Chain weight. The results are used to update the following parameter. P10.04 Range Correction TC. • Note: The calibration results are not saved to the parameter table until the operator accepts them buy pressing <Apply>…

  • Page 27: Lb: Pulses Per Belt

    8) Upon completion of the calibration, four values will be displayed on the screen. TC: Ready (Simulated weight delivered) Range Correction TC (P 10.04) 9) After successful completion, the screen will prompt you to either save or cancel the calibration values. 10) Press the <SAVE>, <…

  • Page 28
    Calibration Procedure: 1) Before starting the calibration, record the value of parameter P10.10 Basic Tare. This will be used later to verify that the calibration results are consistent. 2) If the calibration is being performed using EasyServe, navigate to the calibration window using the Tools | Calibration Programs menu items.
  • Page 29: Analog Trim

    To perform this procedure, Stock Equipment Company recommends the Fluke Model 87 Digital Multimeter or equivalent. The DC accuracy for milliamps should be ± 0.2% and the DC accuracy for voltage should be ±…

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    DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual ©Schenck Process Group…
  • Page 31: Operation Using The Touch Screen Hmi

    5 Operation Using the Touch Screen HMI This chapter describes control of the DT-9 using the Touch Screen HMI (Human-Machine Interface). Notes: 1) The following values and settings remain stored after power failure: Counter readings Parameter settings Setpoints Service values Counter pulses pending.

  • Page 32: The «Network» Screen

    2) Press the [Sel. Scale] button. A prompt will appear asking if you really want to exit the scale. Press [YES]. 3) The main HMI configuration screen will now appear. A list of available DT-9 controllers on the local subnet will be displayed on the upper left portion of the screen, and the main function buttons will be displayed along the right edge.

  • Page 33: The «Calibration» Screen

    5.1.6 The “Calibration” Screen Press the [Calibration] button and follow the on-screen prompts to calibrate the touch screen. 5.1.7 Exiting HMI Configuration Press the [Con. Scale] button to exit the HMI calibration screen and return to the DT-9 “Home” screen. 5.2 Display Functions 5.2.1 The “Home”…

  • Page 34: The «Trend» Screen

    5.2.2 The “Trend” Screen The “Trend” screen is a customizable line graph that can be used to plot various data items that are logged by the DT-9 over time. See Appendix C for a list of available data items. 5.2.3 The “Values” Screen The “Values”…

  • Page 35: Data Log Values

    To log in to the DT-9, press the [Login] button, enter the DT-9 password (the default is ‘”7353”), and press [Login]. The previously selected screen will reappear and the [Login] button will change to [Logout] to indicate that you have successfully logged in to the DT-9. The following subsections describe the various screens that are accessed via the buttons on the “Setup”…

  • Page 36
    I/O Channel Adjustment When setting the output channels use a meter to measure the signal on: • AO 1: Connected to wires 142, 143 & 144 (X6-6 and X6-7) AO 2: Connected to wires 139, 140 & 141 (X6-8 and X6-9). When setting the input channel source the signal to: •…
  • Page 37: Restoring The Factory Default Settings

    The “Defaults” screen allows the user to overwrite all parameter settings with the factory default values. The [Custom] button will overwrite all parameters with the original values as set by Stock Equipment at the time that the feeders were shipped. The [Factory] button will overwrite all parameters with the factory default values.

  • Page 38
    9) For a clean shutdown with an empty belt, close the inlet valve while the feeder is still running. When the belt is emptied, press the [OFF/Maint] button. This procedure is recommended whenever the feeder will be inactive for a long period of time, since it eliminates the possibility of material compaction at the feeder inlet due to consolidation caused by its own weight.
  • Page 39: Operation Using The 196Nt Display

    6 Operation using the 196NT Display The VCU20103 does not support the 196NT display. DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual ©Schenck Process Group…

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    DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual ©Schenck Process Group…
  • Page 41: Operation Using Easyserve

    7 Operation Using EasyServe This chapter describes control of the DT-9 using EasyServe. 7.1 Program EasyServe VPC 20150 Designed as PC program for DISOCONT commissioning and servicing, EasyServe lets you perform any operating and calibrating operation. The program is operable under Microsoft 2000/XP/Vista operating systems.

  • Page 42: Start Program And Connect To Feeder

    7.4 Start Program and Connect to Feeder Before EasyServe can be used the laptop or PC, an Ethernet cable must be installed between the DT-9 and the PC and the PC must be configured for direct Ethernet communications. This is process is described below.

  • Page 43
    7) If the Ethernet port has been set to a fixed IP address, the Obtain an IP address automatically button will not be set and the Alternate Configuration tab will not be visible. In this case either the fixed IP address can be changed, by changing the IP address and Subnet mask fields in the Use the following IP address: box, or by selecting the Obtain an IP address automatically button and following steps 5 and 6.
  • Page 44: Access To Feeder Commands And Parameters

    7.4.2 Access to Feeder Commands and Parameters Once a feeder connection has been established, you have to register to make any parameter changes or operate the feeder. To do this click on the red lock toolbar button it will change to a yellow key (or go to Edit –…

  • Page 45: Read/Change Parameters

    Custom Default Parameters. Stock recommends that parameters be printed or saved to disk before loading default values. Stock does not recommend loading factory defaults except after a firmware update, or when a memory error is detected.

  • Page 46: Expert Mode

    7.5.5 Expert Mode Parameter access permissions can be modified using expert mode. The three options available are: R: Read access only. The parameter cannot be edited. • W: Writable. The parameter can be viewed and edited. • H: Hide. The parameter cannot be viewed or edited unless in Expert mode. •…

  • Page 47: Events

    Local — Click the RUN>> button to run the feeder in LOCAL mode. Click the button again to stop the feeder and place it back in OFF mode. The RUN<< button will run the feeder in reverse. Jog — Click and hold to JOG>> the feeder. Click and hold the JOG<< to jog the feeder in reverse.

  • Page 48: Trends

    6) V103-DO Digital output status. 7) OP1 Feedrate info Totalizers Belt speed and load Density. 8) OP2 Does not contain any values with current DT-9 version. 7.6.5 Trends Like the service values, ten trend windows can be opened. Within each trend window the following values can be viewed.

  • Page 49: Setting Time

    4 tabs. This window lets you change language preferences, communication settings, display settings, print settings and working folder for the parameter set loaded. You can also the factory default parameters, STOCK DOES NOT RECOMMEND LOADING FACTORY DEFAULTS.

  • Page 50
    DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual ©Schenck Process Group…
  • Page 51: Testing

    8 Testing 8.1 Calibration Weight Test Calibration weight testing performs the following functions: Check for mechanical or electrical errors. • Can check system linearity. • Requirements Calibration weight. • Follow these steps: • Enter effective check weight into Parameter P 10.08 «Effective Check Weight». •…

  • Page 52: Material Test

    8.3 Material Test No check or calibration using check weights can perfectly simulate actual conditions. The actual accuracy can only be determining with a material test. The DT-9 allows errors found during this testing to be easily corrected using Parameter P10.05 Range Correction TM Requirements Handling route from weighing platform to material collecting point is totally clean.

  • Page 53: Parameters

    (H), read only (R) or read/write (W). Special parameters that are not normally used in Stock feeders are factory set to default values and then hidden. Their current values, default values and hidden status can be changed in EasyServe, using Expert Mode (Menu: Edit | Expert Mode).

  • Page 54
    Dependencies: There are parameters whose availability depends on other parameters setting values. These dependencies are stated in the header of every parameter description. Abbreviations: Source Description Fieldbus Operator Panel (control unit) Digital input Digital output Analog input Analog output Warning 1 (acknowledgement required) Warning 2 (no acknowledgement required) Alarm (Stops feeder) Ignore –…
  • Page 55
    Possible hardware configurations: Source Unit Channel Level VEA1-VEA3 AI1-AI4 VEA1-VEA3 VSE1-VSE3 AO1-AO4 VSE1-VSE3 VEA1-VEA3 DI1-DI4 High, Low VSE1-VSE3 DI1-DI16 VEA1-VEA3 DO1-DO5 High, Low VSE1-VSE3 DO1-DO4 DO1-DO16 Fieldbus (FB), control unit (OP), speed (v), are not assigned (n/a) and the low-resolution analog input (DI4) does not require additional specification for unit, channel or level.
  • Page 56
    Event messages: Some parameters specify the response to an error event. Example: Parameter P 01.02 determines the response to event SY 12, Communication Error ARM 7. P 01.02 Com. Error ARM7 Default: A Event Group: SY Number: 12 Options: A (Stop feeder) W1 (Warning –…
  • Page 57: Parameter List

    9.2 DT-9 Parameter List A complete set of DT-9 parameters is listed below with options, default values and descriptions. The factory default values are selected based on either, the requirements of the existing wiring groups or the most commonly used values. Some parameters are shown as “Hidden”. These parameters are not visible from the feeder display and it should not normally be necessary to changed them.

  • Page 58
    P 01.02 Com. Error ARM7 Default: A (Hidden) Event Group: SY Number: 12 Options: A (Stop feeder) W1 (Warning – Manual reset) W2 (Warning – Automatic reset) Normally Hidden – Must be set to A This parameter selects the error condition generated when communications between the ARM9 main processor and the ARM7 auxiliary processor are lost.
  • Page 59
    P 01.05 Analog Channel A12 Default: NO (Hidden) Options: NO (not used) AI 4 AO 5 Normally Hidden This parameter specifies the analog input card that is installed in position A12. It is connected to terminal blocks X12-5 and X12-6. This I/O port is not normally used on the VCU 20103 and this parameter is normally set to NO.
  • Page 60: Parameter Group 02 — Feeder Definitions

    9.2.2 Parameter Group 02 — Feeder Definitions Parameters in this group are used to select display formats and control some of the basic feeder output signals. P 02.01 Language Default: ENGLISH Options: DEUTSCH ENGLISH OTHER This parameter selects the language used in DT-9 displays. When it is set to “OTHER” the individual display strings can be set using EasyServe.

  • Page 61
    P 02.05 Nominal Flow Rate Io Default: 50,000.0 lb/h Min: 0.0 lb/h Max: 220,000,000 lb/h This parameter is used to specify the feeder design feedrate. It is similar to 196NT Setup 05 (Maximum Feedrate) and is used for limit alarms and display outputs. It should always be set to the same value as parameter P03.05 Maximum Feedrate.
  • Page 62
    P 02.07 Display Formats Default: SELECTABLE Options: STANDARD SELECTABLE This parameter allows the operator to either, accept the standard set of display formats (determined by the controller based on the P02.03 Nominal flow rate) or to select the display formats individually using parameters P02.08 through P02.11.
  • Page 63
    P 02.10 Counter 2 Unit Default: ——- lb Only available if Parameter: 02.05 = SELECTABLE Options: ——- lb ——.- lb —-.— lb —.— lb ——- t ——.- t —-.— t —.— t This parameter selects the format used to display the total value in Counter 2. It is only visible when parameter P02.05 Display Formats is set to SELECTABLE and the available options depend on the selection value of parameter P02.02 Units.
  • Page 64
    P 02.13 Totalizer Increment Default: 100.00 lb Min: 0.00 lb Max: 100,000 lb This parameter sets the weight associated with each Total Coal Integrator (TCI) pulse. It is the same as 196NT Setup 07 (Remote Totalizer Data Logging Increment). The TCI output frequency is based on parameter P02.11, parameter P02.12 and the actual feedrate. If the values selected for these parameters require an output frequency greater then the maximum frequency of the selected device, an error (MF 14 — P02.13) will be generated.
  • Page 65
    P 02.15 Event: Remote TCI too small Default: W2 (Hidden) Event Group: MF Number: 14 Options: A (Stop feeder) W1 (Warning – manual reset) W2 (Warning – Automatic reset) This parameter selects the error condition generated when totalizer pulses for the Total Coal Integrator (TCI) output are generated faster then the TCI output can operate.
  • Page 66: Parameter Group 03 — Control Sources

    9.2.3 Parameter Group 03 — Control Sources This parameter group is used to select the control sources for use during Remote mode operation. P 03.01 Feeder Start Default: DI 2 – High (Hidden) Options: NO (not used) DI 1 thru DI 14 – High/Low Normally Hidden This parameter selects the digital input used as the feeder start command.

  • Page 67
    P 03.04 Setpoint Offset Default: 4.00 mA Min: -200.00 mA Max: 200.00 mA This parameter determines the nominal 0% signal level for the analog input channel. This parameter is normally set to 4.00 mA and is only active when P03.02 is set to an analog input signal.
  • Page 68
    P 03.08 DI: Lower Setpoint Default: DI 11 – High (Hidden) Options: n/a (not used) DI 1 thru DI 14 – High/Low Normally Hidden This parameter selects the digital input signal used as the lower feedrate setpoint command. This parameter is only active if P03.02 is set to R-L. This parameter is normally set to DI 11 –…
  • Page 69
    P 03.12 Mode Select Enable/Disable Default: Keyboard only Options: Keyboard only Keyboard & Local Keyboard, Remote & Local This parameter is used to enable the Remote (P15.23 DI: Remote CTRL) and Local (P15.25 DI: Local Start) digital inputs. The Remote and Local digital inputs are edge triggered, meaning that their function is initiated by the transition from OFF to ON or, ON to OFF rather then by their state.
  • Page 70: Parameter Group 04 — Feeder Rated Data

    This parameter specifies the rated capacity of each load cell. Both load cells must have the same capacity. Stock feeders normally use 100.0 Lbs load cells but smaller load cells may be used for low capacity feeders or feeders with a short weigh span.

  • Page 71
    This parameter is used to specify the feeder inclination and is used to adjust the weight signal when the load cell is mounted perpendicular to the belt on an inclined feeder. The load cells in Stock feeders are always mounted vertically, to eliminate weighing errors, and this adjustment is not necessary.
  • Page 72
    P 04.08 Belt load LC right Default: LC2 (Hidden) Options: Normally Hidden This parameter specifies the input channel connected to the load cell on the right side of the feeder (viewed in the direction of belt travel). This parameter should always be set to LC 2. Note: Setting both P04.07 Belt LC Left and P04.08 Belt LC Right to Not Used, will disable the load cells and force the system to operate as a volumetric feeder.
  • Page 73: Parameter Group 05 — Feeder Control

    9.2.5 Parameter Group 05 – Feeder Control This parameter group specifies the actions to be taken when error conditions are detected. P 05.01 Volum on LC failure Default: YES (Hidden) Options: Normally Hidden This parameter allows the DT-9 to force the feeder into volumetric mode in the event of a weighing system failure.

  • Page 74
    P 05.04 Zero Drop-Out Active Default: NO (Hidden) Options: Normally Hidden This parameter is used to specify that the DT-9 should stop totalizing and set the weight signal to zero when the load on the belt reaches a low limit specified by P05.05 — Zero Drop-Out Limit This parameter must be set to NO.
  • Page 75: Parameter Group 06 — Feeder Monitoring

    9.2.6 Parameter Group 06 — Feeder Monitoring This parameter group can be used to cause various feeder operating conditions either to produce an alarm (W1 or W2) or to trip the feeder (A) P 06.01 Event: Stand-By Default: IG (Hidden) Event Group: SC Number: 02 Options:…

  • Page 76
    P 06.04 Event: LC Input Default: IG (Hidden) Event Group: CA Number: 01 Options: A (Stop feeder) W1 (Warning – manual reset) W2 (Warning – Automatic reset) Normally Hidden This parameter selects the error condition generated when the load cell signal is invalid. If P05.01 — Volumetric on LC Failure is set to YES, this condition will force the feeder into volumetric mode regardless of the value selected here.
  • Page 77
    P 06.07 Event: Setpoint Limited Default: IG (Hidden) Event Group: SC Number: 01 Options: A (Stop feeder) W1 (Warning – manual reset) W2 (Warning – Automatic reset) Normally Hidden This parameter selects the error condition generated when the feedrate demand signal is greater then the feedrate limit as determined by the operating mode.
  • Page 78
    P 06.10 Threshold Deviation Default: 5.0 % (Hidden) Min: 0.0 % Max: 100.0 % Normally Hidden This parameter specifies the minimum amount that the actual feedrate can differ from the feedrate setpoint without generating an error. The error is generated after a delay specified by P06.09 Time Deviation.
  • Page 79
    P 06.13 Event: Controller Limited Default: IG (Hidden) Event Group: CO Number: 01 Options: A (Stop feeder) W1 (Warning – manual reset) W2 (Warning – Automatic reset) Normally Hidden This parameter selects the error condition generated when the motor speed control demand signal reaches its upper limit.
  • Page 80: Parameter Group 07 — Belt Monitoring

    9.2.7 Parameter Group 07 – Belt Monitoring The parameters in this group control the Belt Motion Monitor (BMM). P 07.01 DI: Belt Motion Monitor Default: DI 12 – High (Hidden) Options: n/a (not used) DI 1 thru DI 14 – High/Low Normally Hidden This parameter selects the digital input used for the Belt Motion Monitor (BMM).

  • Page 81
    P 07.04 DI: Source Belt Sensor Default: n/a (Hidden) Options: n/a (not used) DI 13 – High/Low Normally Hidden This parameter is used to specify the digital input used for the belt slip sensor. The slip sensor is connected to a driven roller and generates a frequency input proportional to the belt speed. This value is compared to the tachometer signal from the motor to detect belt slippage at the head pulley.
  • Page 82
    P 07.08 Event: Belt Slip Default: IG (Hidden) Event Group: WE Number: 08 Options: A (Stop feeder) W1 (Warning – manual reset) W2 (Warning – Automatic reset) Normally Hidden This parameter selects the error condition generated when the belt slip exceeds the limit specified in parameter P07.07 Slip Value.
  • Page 83: Parameter Group 08 — Display Filters

    9.2.8 Parameter Group 08 — Display Filters The parameters in this group select the time constants for the digital filters used that are applied to the load cell and output signals. P 08.01 LC Filter Default: 4.00 sec Min: 0.25 sec Max: 300.00 sec This parameter sets the amount of digital filtering used on the load cell signals.

  • Page 84
    P 08.06 Belt Speed Default: 1.0 sec Min: 0.0 sec Max: 600.0 sec This parameter sets the amount of digital filtering used on the belt speed signal sent to the analog output channel. This parameter is normally set to 1 second. P 08.07 Deviation Default: 1.0 sec Min: 0.0 sec…
  • Page 85: Parameter Group 09 — Limit Values

    9.2.9 Parameter Group 09 — Limit Values The parameters in this group are used to set the limit points at witch various events are generated as well as selecting the type of event that are generated when the limit points are reached. Note: Limit values are only checked after the feeder has been running for 10 seconds.

  • Page 86
    P 09.04 Event: I-Max Default: IG (Hidden) Event Group: HI Number: 02 Options: A (Stop feeder) W1 (Warning – manual reset) W2 (Warning – Automatic reset) Normally Hidden This parameter determines the type of event that is generated when the feedrate exceeds the value specified in P09.03 Value for I-Max.
  • Page 87
    P 09.08 Event: Q-Max Default: IG (Hidden) Event Group: HI Number: 03 Options: A (Stop feeder) W1 (Warning – manual reset) W2 (Warning – Automatic reset) Normally Hidden This parameter determines the type of event that is generated when the feedrate exceeds the value specified in P09.07 Value for Q-Max.
  • Page 88
    P 09.12 Event: V-Max Default: IG (Hidden) Event Group: HI Number: 04 Options: A (Stop feeder) W1 (Warning – manual reset) W2 (Warning – Automatic reset) Normally Hidden This parameter determines the type of event that is generated when the feedrate exceeds the value specified in P09.01 Value for V-Max.
  • Page 89: Parameter Group 10 — Calibration Data

    9.2.10 Parameter Group 10 — Calibration Data The parameters in this group are used to either set or display the values used to calibrate the feeder weighing system. P 10.01 Calibration Probe Span Default: 36.0000 inch Min: 0.0100 inch Max: 500.0000 inch This parameter specifies the distance between the two calibration probe bosses.

  • Page 90
    P 10.05 Range Correction TM Default: 1.0000 (Read Only) Min: 0.5000 Max: 2.0000 This parameter specifies the correction factor applied to the load cell reading based on a material test. It is calculated by the operator based on the difference between the totalized value, indicated by the DT-9, and the actual value, determined by an external static scale.
  • Page 91
    P 10.10 Basic Tare Default: 0.00 lb/inch (Read Only) Min: 0.00 lb/inch Max: 10000.00 lb/inch This parameter indicates the weight of the empty belt. It is calculated by the DT-9 during the tare portion of the calibration process (BS: Tare/Belt Speed). This parameter should not normally be changed by the operator.
  • Page 92: Parameter Group 11 — Rate Controller

    9.2.11 Parameter Group 11 – Rate Controller The parameters in this group are used to control the operation of the Motor Speed Control (MSC). P 11.01 P-Component KP Default: 0.05000 mA/% Min: 0.00000 mA/% Max: 1000.00000 mA/% This parameter specifies the proportional gain of the speed control loop. Increasing this value produces a faster response but my produce oscillation or unstable operation.

  • Page 93
    P 11.04 Lower Limit Default: 4,0 mA Min: 0.00 mA Max: 20.00 mA This parameter determines the lower limit of the Motor Speed Control (MSC) demand signal. It should always be set to the same value as P11.06 Contr.Magn. Offset. This parameter is normally set to 4.00 mA.
  • Page 94
    This feature is useful when small batches are being delivered but is not used on Stock feeders. It should always be set to NO.
  • Page 95: Parameter Group 12 — Moisture

    Options: Normally Hidden – Set to NO. This parameter is used to activate the moisture compensation system. At present Stock does not supply moisture measurement equipment and these parameters should always be disabled. This parameter should always be set to NO.

  • Page 96
    P 12.06 Moisture Range Default: 20.00 mA (Hidden) Only available if Parameter: 12.01 = YES Min: 0.00 mA Max: 1000.00 mA Normally Hidden – Set to 20.00 mA. P 12.07 DO Moisture active Default: n/a (Hidden) Only available if Parameter: 12.01 = YES Options: Normally Hidden –…
  • Page 97
    P 12.12 AO Flow Rate Offset Default: 4.00 mA (Hidden) Only available if Parameter: 12.01 = YES Min: -200.00 mA Max: 200.00 mA Normally Hidden – Set to 4.00 mA. P 12.13 AO Flow Rate Range Default: 20.00 mA (Hidden) Only available if Parameter: 12.01 = YES Min: 0.00 mA Max: 1000.00 mA…
  • Page 98: Parameter Group 13 — Cleanout Control

    9.2.13 Parameter Group 13 – Cleanout Control The parameters in this group control the cleanout conveyor timer and Chain Motion Monitor (CMM) P 13.01 DO: Cleanout Timer Default: DO 10 Options: n/a (not used) DI 1 thru DI 14 – High/Low Normally Hidden.

  • Page 99
    P 13.05 Chain Motion Delay Default: 20 s (Hidden) Min: 1 s Max: 1000 s Normally Hidden. This parameter sets the maximum delay between Chain Motion Monitor (CMM) pulses before a CMM error (P13.06 Error Scraper) is generated. This parameter is normally set to 20 sec. To disable this function if a CMM is not installed set P13.06 Belt Motion Error to IG.
  • Page 100: Parameter Group 14 — Analog Outputs

    9.2.14 Parameter Group 14 — Analog Outputs The parameters in this group select the control source for the analog output channels. On the VCU 20104 controller only one analog channel is available and it is set to feedrate feedback by default. P 14.01 Setpoint Default: n/a (not used — Hidden) Options:…

  • Page 101
    P 14.04 Actual Flow Rate Default: AO 2 (Hidden) Options: n/a (not used) AO 1 thru AO 6 Normally Hidden. This parameter selects the analog output channel used for the indicated signal. Actual Flow Rate: The Actual Flow Rate value is the feedrate that the feeder is currently delivering. This is the default signal source for Analog Output 2 (Set by P01.04 Analog Chanel A11).
  • Page 102
    P 14.08 Belt Load Offset Default: 4.00 mA (Hidden) Min: -200.00 mA Max: 200.00 mA Normally Hidden. This parameter selects the actual analog output when the control signal is zero. This parameter is normally set to 4.00 mA. P 14.09 Belt Load Range Default: 20.00 mA (Hidden) Min: 0.00 mA Max: 1000.00 mA…
  • Page 103
    P 14.12 Speed Range Default: 20.00 mA (Hidden) Min: 0.00 mA Max: 1000.00 mA Normally Hidden. This parameter selects the actual analog output when the control signal is maximum. This parameter is normally set to 20.00 mA. P 14.13 Deviation Default: n/a (not used –…
  • Page 104
    P 14.16 Actual Flow Rate (2 Default: n/a (not used) Options: n/a (not used) AO 1 thru AO 6 This parameter is used when a second analog output proportional to feedrate is required. A second analog output card is required and is normally installed in position A10. In this case both parameter P01.03 Analog Channel A10 and P14.16 Actual Flow Rate (2 ) must be set to AO 3.
  • Page 105: Parameter Group 15 — Digital Inputs

    9.2.15 Parameter Group 15 — Digital Inputs The parameters in this group are used to associate various controller functions with specific digital input channels and to associate events with those functions. Most of the functions specified in this group are hard wired on the controller and cannot be changed. P 15.01 DI: Acknowledge Events Default: n/a (not used –…

  • Page 106
    P 15.04 DI: External Event 1 Default: n/a (not used – Hidden) Options: n/a (not used) DI 1 thru DI 14 – High/Low Normally Hidden. This parameter specifies the digital input used to remotely generate External Event 1. This function is not used and this parameter should be set to n/a (not used). P 15.05 Event: NAMUR Error V103-DI 13 Default: IG (Hidden) Event Group: WE…
  • Page 107
    P 15.07 DI: Reset Totalizer 1 Default: n/a (not used – Hidden) Options: n/a (not used) DI 1 thru DI 14 – High/Low Normally Hidden. This parameter specifies the digital input used to remotely reset totalizer 1. The totalizer is reset on the rising edge of the signal.
  • Page 108
    P 15.11 Event: Discharge Pluggage Default: A Event Group: WM Number: 07 Options: IG (Ignore) A (Stop feeder) W1 (Warning – manual reset) W2 (Warning – Automatic reset) This parameter specifies the event that is generated when a discharge pluggage is detected. This parameter is normally set to A (Stop feeder).
  • Page 109
    P 15.15 Event: Coal on Belt Default: A Event Group: WM Number: 12 Options: IG (Ignore) A (Stop feeder) W1 (Warning – manual reset) W2 (Warning – Automatic reset) This parameter specifies the event that is generated when the feeder attempts to run in Local mode with material on the belt (coal on belt switch is active).
  • Page 110
    P 15.18 Event: Motor Starter Default: A (Hidden) Event Group: WM Number: 09 Options: A (Stop feeder) W1 (Warning – manual reset) W2 (Warning – Automatic reset) Normally Hidden. This parameter specifies the type of event that is generated when the motor feedback signal (P15.17) does not follow the motor start signal (P16.04 through P16.07).
  • Page 111
    P 15.22 DI: Configuration Lock Default: DI 6 – High (Hidden) Options: n/a (not used) DI 1 thru DI 14 – High/Low Normally Hidden. This parameter specifies the digital input used prevent the parameters from being changed. This parameter is normally set to DI 6 – High (terminal block X2-2) and is connected to wire 117. P 15.23 DI: Remote Control Default: DI 1 (not used) Options:…
  • Page 112
    P 15.26 DI: Jog Forward Default: n/a (not used – Hidden) Options: n/a (not used) DI 1 thru DI 14 – High/Low Normally Hidden. This parameter specifies the digital input used to jog the feeder forward. This function is not used and this parameter should be set to n/a (not used). P 15.27 DI: Jog Backwards Default: n/a (not used — Hidden) Options:…
  • Page 113
    P 15.30 Event: External Event 3 Default: IG (Hidden) Event Group: SC Number: 11 Options: A (Stop feeder) W1 (Warning – manual reset) W2 (Warning – Automatic reset) Normally Hidden. This parameter specifies the event that is generated when the input specified in P15.31 DI External Event 3 is active.
  • Page 114: Parameter Group 16 — Digital Outputs

    9.2.16 Parameter Group 16 — Digital Outputs The parameters in this group are used to associate various controller functions with specific digital output channels. Most of the functions specified in this group are hard wired at assembly. P 16.01 DO: Start Feeder Default: DO 11 –…

  • Page 115
    P 16.05 DO: Feeder Run Forward 2 Default: n/a (not used — Hidden) Options: n/a (not used) DO 1 thru DO 13 — High/Low Normally Hidden. This parameter specifies the second digital output used to start the feeder running forward. This output is a duplicate of P 16.04 DO: Feeder Run Forward.
  • Page 116
    P 16.09 DO: Alarm Default: DO 1 High (Hidden) Options: n/a (not used) DO 1 thru DO 13 — High/Low Normally Hidden. This parameter specifies the digital output used to annunciate and alarm condition (Event type A — feeder Stopped). This output is similar to the K1 relay on the 196 NT. This parameter must be set to DO 1 –…
  • Page 117
    P 16.13 DO: I-MAX Default: n/a (not used — Hidden) Options: n/a (not used) DO 1 thru DO 13 — High/Low Normally Hidden. This parameter specifies the digital output used to indicate that a high flow rate event is active. This function is not used and this parameter should be set to n/a (not used).
  • Page 118
    P 16.17 DO: v-MAX Default: n/a (not used — Hidden) Options: n/a (not used) DO 1 thru DO 13 — High/Low Normally Hidden. This parameter specifies the digital output used to indicate that a high belt speed event is active. This function is not used and this parameter should be set to n/a (not used).
  • Page 119
    P 16.21 DO: WARNING Default: DO 8 — High (Hidden) Options: n/a (not used) DO 1 thru DO 13 — High/Low Normally Hidden. This parameter specifies the digital output used to annunciate a warning condition (Event type W1 or W2). This output is similar to the K7 relay on the 196 NT. This parameter must be set to DO 8 –…
  • Page 120
    P 16.25 DO: Remote CTRL Default: DO 4 High (Hidden) Options: n/a (not used) DO 1 thru DO 13 — High/Low Normally Hidden. This parameter specifies the digital output used to indicate that the feeder is in remote mode. This output is similar to the Kx relay on the 196 NT.
  • Page 121: Parameter Group 17 — Analog Calibration

    9.2.17 Parameter Group 17 – Analog Calibration The parameters in this group are used to trim the analog output values. They can be set manually but they are normally set using he Analog Trim Function (see section 5.6) P 17.01 Analog Input 1 Min Default: 4.00 mA Min: 1.00 mA Max: 7.00 mA…

  • Page 122
    P 17.08 Analog Input 4 Max Default: 20.00 mA Min: 17.00 mA Max: 23.00 mA See section 4.5, Analog Trim Function. P 17.09 Analog Input 5 Min Default: 4.00 mA Min: 1.00 mA Max: 7.00 mA See section 4.5, Analog Trim Function. P 17.10 Analog Input 5 Max Default: 20.00 mA Min: 17.00 mA…
  • Page 123
    P 17.16 Analog Output 3 Max Default: 20.00 mA Min: 17.00 mA Max: 23.00 mA See section 4.5, Analog Trim Function. P 17.17 Analog Output 4 Min Default: 4.00 mA Min: 1.00 mA Max: 7.00 mA See section 4.5, Analog Trim Function. P 17.18 Analog Output 4 Max Default: 20.00 mA Min: 17.00 mA…
  • Page 124: Parameter Group 18 — 2-Sensor Slip

    9.2.18 Parameter Group 18 — 2-Sensor Slip The parameters in this group control the DT-9 belt slip sensor system. This system is not currently supported and is disabled and hidden by default. P 18.01 2-Sensor Slip active Default: NO (Hidden) Options: Normally Hidden.

  • Page 125
    P 18.04 Char. Value Sensor 1 Default: 100.00 P/inch (Hidden) Min: 0.01 P/inch Max: 1000000.00 P/inch (Hidden) Normally Hidden. This parameter specifies the number of pluses that the first slip sensor generates in one inch of belt travel. The slip sensor system is not currently supported and this parameter should always be set to 100 P/inch.
  • Page 126
    P 18.08 Event: Slip 2 Default: IG (Hidden) Event Group: WM Number: 05 Options: IG (Ignore) A (Stop feeder) W1 (Warning – manual reset) W2 (Warning – Automatic reset) Normally Hidden. This parameter specifies the type of event that is generated when belt slippage is detected. The slip sensor system is not currently supported and this parameter should always be set to IG.
  • Page 127: Parameter Group 19 — Maintenance Interval

    9.2.19 Parameter Group 19 – Maintenance Interval The parameters in this group allow an event to be generated to indicate that periodic maintenance is required. P 19.01 Maintenance Electrical Default: 3000 h Min: 1 h Max: 10000 h This parameter specifies the time intervals between maintenance events based on the total amount of time the DT-9 is powered.

  • Page 128: Parameter Group 20 — Reports

    9.2.20 Parameter Group 20 — Reports The parameters in this group are used to specify the time that material total data logging occurs. P 20.01 Hourly Start Default: 0 min Min: 0 min Max: 59 min This parameter specifies the time that the hourly total is saved to the total data logging system. It is the same as Setup 37 (Hourly total time) on the 196NT.

  • Page 129: Parameter Group 21 — Comm. Easyserve

    9.2.21 Parameter Group 21 — Comm. EasyServe The parameters in this group control serial communication between EasyServe and the DT-9. Note: EasyServe is normally connected using Ethernet and these parameters are not used. P 21.01 Own Address Default: 1 (Hidden) Min: 1 Max: 11 Normally Hidden.

  • Page 130: Parameter Group 22 — Comm. Fieldbus

    9.2.22 Parameter Group 22 — Comm. Fieldbus The parameters in this group are used to control the various types of fieldbus communications that are supported by the DT-9. Contact Stock for a detailed description of Fieldbus communications. Note: Fieldbus communications are disabled and hidden by default.

  • Page 131: Parameter Group 23 — Ethernet

    9.2.23 Parameter Group 23 — Ethernet The parameters in this group control the DT-9 Ethernet ports. P 23.01 IP Address Default: This parameter specifies the DT-9 IP address. This parameter should be set to the default value of for normal communication with EasyServe and the (optional) touch screen display.

  • Page 132: Parameter Group 24 — Pls Outputs

    9.2.24 Parameter Group 24 — PLS Outputs This parameter group is used to specify analog and digital output channels that are under Fieldbus control. Contact Stock for a detailed description of Fieldbus communications. Note: Fieldbus communications are disabled and hidden by default.

  • Page 133: Event (Error) Messages

    10 Event (Error) Messages Event messages report abnormal states, e.g. errors or limit value excess. Always correct the cause of a fault before acknowledging it. The feeder has the potential to cause injuries or damage if this procedure is not followed. There are four different event classes: Event Class Code…

  • Page 134
    Note: In the following list, parameters related to the indicated event are shown in parenthesis. Event Group: Calibration CA-01 LC Input ( P 06.04 ) Normally disabled and hidden. Load cell cable wrong. Measuring amplifier A/D converter is in saturated state. Supply voltage is below 19V.
  • Page 135
    • Check the position of the Run Enable switch. Check the wiring to the Run Enable switch. Note: The Run Enable switch is not normally used with the Stock 196NT display and in this case P03.10 Run Enable must be set to n/a to allow motor operation.
  • Page 136
    Event Group: Material Flow MF-05 Moisture > MAX ( P 12.10 ) Normally disabled and hidden. The value of the moisture input signal is greater then the maximum signal set by P12.08. MF-14 Remote TCI too small ( P 02.15 ) The TCI is required to operate at a frequency greater then its limit.
  • Page 137
    Event Group: Mechanic WM-02 Event: Slip ( P 07.08 ) Normally disabled and hidden. WM-05 Slip Error 2 ( P 18.08 ) Normally disabled and hidden. The difference between the belt speed calculated using sensor 1 (P18.02) and sensor 2(P18.05) has exceeded the limit specified by P 18.07 Slip Value 2. WM-06 Chain Motion Monitor ( P 13.06 )
  • Page 138
    Event Group: MIN LO-01 LC Input < MIN ( P 06.05 ) Normally disabled and hidden. Load cell load is smaller than 3% of load cell rated capacities. LO-02 I < MIN ( P 09.02 ) Normally disabled and hidden. Flow rate smaller than set minimum value.
  • Page 139
    Event Group: Sequence Monitoring SC-01 Setpoint Limited ( P 06.07 ) Normally disabled and hidden. Depending on selected mode: a) In gravimetric mode, setpoint is limited to nominal feed rate. b) In volumetric mode, limitation starts from values exceeding 3 times the nominal value. c) Emergency setpoint is active (P 06.18).
  • Page 140
    Error has been detected by cyclic check of program and parameter memories. If SY 01 is output immediately after power-up. Call the «Load Default Parameters» function. If this does not help, contact Stock service; in most cases the controller is inoperable.
  • Page 141: Parameter Overview

    11 Appendix A Appendix A includes a list of all DT-9 parameters divided into functional parameter blocks. Listed are number, name and Sys ID. The Sys ID is the DT-9 internal ID number for the single parameters. 11.1 Parameter Overview VCF20171-002 2669 01 — Hardware Modules Number:…

  • Page 142
    P 03.10 Run Enable 4245 P 03.11 Event: Run Disabled 4246 P 03.12 Mode Select Enable/Disable Keyb.,Remote & 5707 Local P 03.13 Speed Setpoint 900 rpm 5682 P 03.14 Run Mode Select Frate Setpoint 5684 04 — Rated Data Number: Name Default Customer…
  • Page 143
    BIC Active P 07.05 DI: BIC Freeze P 07.06 Slip Value 10.00% LB P 07.07 Event: Slip P 07.08 DO: Belt Slip P 07.09 08 — Display Filters Number: Name Default Customer Sys ID P 08.01 LC Filter 4.0 s 4334 P 08.02 I-Display…
  • Page 144
    P 11.05 Upper Limit 20.00 mA 4372 P 11.06 Controller Magnitude Offset 4.00 mA 4373 P 11.07 Position at STOP Lower Limit 4374 P 11.08 KP speed controller 0.07000 mA/% 5734 P 11.09 VAP Active 4480 P 11.10 Platform Dis.Length 0.00 % LB 4482 12 — Moisture…
  • Page 145
    P 14.16 AO: Actual Flow Rate 2 4306 15 — Digital Inputs Number: Name Default Customer Sys ID P 15.01 DI: Acknowledge Events 4419 P 15.02 DI: VLG Mode P 15.03 Event: External Event 1 4417 P 15.04 DI: External Event 1 4418 P 15.05 Event: NAMUR Error V103-D13 IG…
  • Page 146
    P 16.09 DO: ALARM DO 1 4436 P 16.10 DO: ALARM 2 5674 P 16.11 DO: Deviation 4437 P 16.12 DO: I-MIN 4438 P 16.13 DO: I-MAX 4439 P 16.14 DO: Q-MIN 4440 P 16.15 DO: Q-MAX 4441 P 16.16 DO: v-MIN 4442 P 16.17…
  • Page 147
    P 22.01 Protocol Type 4528 P 22.02 Timeout Host 4529 P 22.03 Event: Cyclic Communication 4530 Host P 22.04 Modbus-Version compatible Stock 5729 P 22.05 Word Sequence I:std/L:std 6246 P 22.06 Byte Sequence High — Low 6245 P 22.07 Configuration…
  • Page 148
    23 — Ethernet Number: Name Default Customer Sys ID P 23.01 IP Address 6235 P 23.02 Net Mask 6236 P 23.03 Gateway 6237 24 — PLS Outputs Number: Name Default Customer Sys ID P 24.01 DO: PLS Binary OUT 1 4662 P 24.02 DO: PLS Binary OUT 2…
  • Page 149
    26 — FCB analog output Number: Name Default Customer Sys ID P 26.01 FCB_AOUT 1 20481 P 26.02 Offset FCB_AOUT 1 4.00 mA 6272 P 26.03 Range FCB_AOUT 1 20.00 mA 6273 P 26.04 Reference FCB_AOUT 1 1000.00 6274 P 26.05 FCB_AOUT 2 20482 P 26.06…
  • Page 150
    DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual ©Schenck Process Group…
  • Page 151: Default Digital Inputs

    12 Appendix B Appendix B describes the default I/O points. 12.1 Default Digital Inputs Note: The default parameter must be set to n/a if the digital input is reallocated. Input Terminal Wire Default Parameter Comments: Number Block Number DI 1 X1-6 P15.23 DI: Remote CTRL Not normally used.

  • Page 152: Default Digital Outputs

    DI 14 X5-3 P04.06 Speed Measurement NAMUR Tachometer X5-4 input DI 15 X5-1 145, 146 P04.06 Speed Measurement Can only be used for X5-2 tachometer input. 12.2 Default Digital Outputs Note: The default parameter must be set to n/a if the digital output is reallocated. Each output is a single form C contact (NO, C, NC).

  • Page 153: Default Analog I/O

    12.3 Default Analog I/O Output Terminal Wire Default Parameter Comments: Number Block Numbers AI 1 X6-3 Sig +, Sig- P03.02 Feedrate Setpoint Customer Demand X6-4 Signal AO 1 X6-8 142-144 P11.03 AO: Motor Speed X6-9 Control AO 2 X6-7 139-141 P14.04 AO: Actual Flow Rate Customer Feedback X6-8…

  • Page 154
    DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual ©Schenck Process Group…
  • Page 155
    13 Appendix C Appendix C lists the data addresses available with the trending display. 13.1 Trending Data Data Value Comments: Data Address 1872 Feedrate lb/h 1874 Totalizer 1 1876 Totalizer 2 1878 Totalizer 3 1880 Belt Load lb/f 1884 Belt Speed 1894 Setpoint lb/h…
  • Page 156
    2242 Analog Input 4 Raw 2244 Analog Input 5 Raw 2246 Analog Input 1 2248 Analog Input 2 2250 Analog Input 3 2252 Analog Input 4 2254 Analog Input 5 2256 Analog Output 3 Raw 2258 Analog Output 4 Raw 2260 Analog Output 5 Raw 2262…
  • Page 157
    196NT Display, 37 Expert Mode, 44, 51 A/Alarm (Definition), 52, 131 FB (Definition), 52 About this Manual, v Feedrate Control, 11 AI (Definition), 52 Gravimetric Mode, 12 Analog I/O Points, 27, 151 Hidden Parameters, 51 Analog Trim, 33 HMI – Calibration, 35 Analog Trim, 27 HMI — Configuration, 29 AO (Definition), 52…
  • Page 158
    Parameter Group 11 – Rate Controller, 90 Read Only Parameters, 51 Parameter Group 12 — Moisture, 93 Remote Mode, 12 Parameter Group 13 — Cleanout Control, 96 Retro-reflective Tape Clips, 20, 22 Parameter Group 14 — Analog Outputs, 98 Safety Instructions, 7 Parameter Group 15 — Digital Inputs, 103 Setup, 13 Parameter Group 16 — Digital Outputs, 112…

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