Domyos ve 680 инструкция на русском

You have chosen a piece of fitness equipment by DOMYOS. We thank you for your confidence in us. We have created the DOMYOS

brand to provide a way for all athletes to stay in shape. This product has been designed by athletes for athletes. We would be pleased

to receive your comments and suggestions concerning DOMYOS products. Therefore, your store team is ready to listen, as is

the DOMYOS products design department. You can also find us at We wish you successful training and hope

This product is a new-generation fi tness device. It is equipped with a magnetic resistance system for optimal, silent and smooth pedalling

comfort. This product combines the circular movements of cycling, the horizontal movements of running and the vertical movements of

stepping. The elliptical movement of your legs combined with arm movements develops your buttock muscles, quadriceps, calves, back

muscles, pectorals and biceps. The elliptical bike is an excellent form of cardiovascular exercise. The elliptical device helps you to tone

your legs, buttocks and upper body (chest, back and arms). Your calf muscles and lower abs are also involved in the workout.

You can concentrate work on your buttocks by pedalling backwards. Training on this apparatus will increase your cardiovascular

capacity. This will help to improve your physical fi tness and your endurance, and you will also burn calories (a necessary

Getting into shape must be done in a CONTROLLED manner. Before beginning any exercise program, consult your doctor.

CThis is especially important for people aged over 35 or who have previously had health problems,

and those who have not done any sport for a number of years. Read all instructions before use.

To reduce the risk of serious injury, please read the following

important user precautions before using the product.

1. Read all the instructions in this manual before using the product.

Only use this product in the manner described in this manual.

Keep this manual for the entire life of the product

2. The owner is responsible for ensuring that all users of this product are

properly informed as to how to use this product safely

3. DOMYOS cannot be held liable for claims of injury or damage sustai-

ned by any person or property originating from the use or misuse of

this product by the purchaser or by any other person. Do not use this

product in a commercial, rental, or institutional setting.

4. This device complies with European standards (standard CE, stan-

dards (EN-957-1 and EN 957-9 category HA) concerning fi tness

equipment in domestic, non-therapeutic use (equivalent to GB17498).

Do not use this product in a commercial, rental, or institutional setting.

5. Use the product indoors on a fl at surface in a dry, dust-free uncluttered


6. Ensure that you have enough space to access and move around the

device safely. Do not store or use this product outdoors.

7. It is the user’s responsibility to inspect and if necessary tighten all parts

before using the product.

8. Immediately replace any worn or defective parts.

9. Any assembly or disassembly of the product should be carried out

with care.

10. Do not modify your product

11. If your product deteriorates, do not use it any longer and take it to

your Decathlon store.

12. Do not store this product in a damp place (e.g. edge of a pool,

bathroom etc.)

13. For its protection, cover the fl oor under the product with a suitable

fl oor mat, available in Decathlon stores.


This product is DIS compatible.

that you will enjoy using this DOMYOS product.


step in losing weight, in conjunction with a diet).



14. Never allow more than one person to use the product at any one


15. Keep your hands and feet away from moving parts

16. Keep your back straight while exercising.

17. Put your hair up so that it does not get in the way during exercise

18. DO NOT wear loose or baggy clothing, since it may get caught in

the machine.

19. Always hold the fi xed handlebars while climbing onto or off the


20. Keep children and pets away from the product at all times

21. There are many factors that may affect the precision of the readout

from the pulse sensor; it is not a medical device..

22. TIt is designed merely to help you determine your approximate heart


23. WARNING! Heart rate monitoring systems may be inaccurate. Over

exercise may result in serious injury or death. If you feel faint or any

pain, stop exercising immediately.

Medical warning

24. People wearing a pace maker, a defi brillator, or any other electronic

implant are advised that they use the pulse sensor at their own risk.

25. Before the fi rst use, a test exercise under the supervision of a doctor

is thus recommended.

26. Pregnant women are advised not to use the pulse sensor.

27. Before any use consult your doctor.

28. As you fi nish your workout, gradually reduce your pedalling speed

until the pedals come to a complete stop.

29. Maximum user weight: 130kg – 287lbs.





This product is DIS compatible.

You have chosen a piece of fitness equipment by DOMYOS. We thank you for your confidence in us. We have created the DOMYOS

brand to provide a way for all athletes to stay in shape. This product has been designed by athletes for athletes. We would be pleased

to receive your comments and suggestions concerning DOMYOS products. Therefore, your store team is ready to listen, as is

the DOMYOS products design department. You can also find us at We wish you successful training and hope

that you will enjoy using this DOMYOS product.

This product is a new-generation fi tness device. It is equipped with a magnetic resistance system for optimal, silent and smooth pedalling

comfort. This product combines the circular movements of cycling, the horizontal movements of running and the vertical movements of

stepping. The elliptical movement of your legs combined with arm movements develops your buttock muscles, quadriceps, calves, back

muscles, pectorals and biceps. The elliptical bike is an excellent form of cardiovascular exercise. The elliptical device helps you to tone

your legs, buttocks and upper body (chest, back and arms). Your calf muscles and lower abs are also involved in the workout.

You can concentrate work on your buttocks by pedalling backwards. Training on this apparatus will increase your cardiovascular

capacity. This will help to improve your physical fi tness and your endurance, and you will also burn calories (a necessary

step in losing weight, in conjunction with a diet).


To reduce the risk of serious injury, please read the following

important user precautions before using the product.

1. Read all the instructions in this manual before using the product.

Only use this product in the manner described in this manual.

Keep this manual for the entire life of the product

2. The owner is responsible for ensuring that all users of this product are

properly informed as to how to use this product safely

3. DOMYOS cannot be held liable for claims of injury or damage sustai-

ned by any person or property originating from the use or misuse of

this product by the purchaser or by any other person. Do not use this

product in a commercial, rental, or institutional setting.


This device complies with European standards (standard CE, stan-

dards (EN-957-1 and EN 957-9 category HA) concerning fi tness

equipment in domestic, non-therapeutic use (equivalent to GB17498).

Do not use this product in a commercial, rental, or institutional setting.

5. Use the product indoors on a fl at surface in a dry, dust-free uncluttered


6. Ensure that you have enough space to access and move around the

device safely. Do not store or use this product outdoors.

7. It is the user’s responsibility to inspect and if necessary tighten all parts

before using the product.

8. Immediately replace any worn or defective parts.

9. Any assembly or disassembly of the product should be carried out

with care.

10. Do not modify your product

11. If your product deteriorates, do not use it any longer and take it to

your Decathlon store.

12. Do not store this product in a damp place (e.g. edge of a pool,

bathroom etc.)

13. For its protection, cover the fl oor under the product with a suitable

oor mat, available in Decathlon stores.

14. Never allow more than one person to use the product at any one


15. Keep your hands and feet away from moving parts

16. Keep your back straight while exercising.

17. Put your hair up so that it does not get in the way during exercise

18. DO NOT wear loose or baggy clothing, since it may get caught in

the machine.

19. Always hold the fi xed handlebars while climbing onto or off the


20. Keep children and pets away from the product at all times

21. There are many factors that may affect the precision of the readout

from the pulse sensor; it is not a medical device..

22. TIt is designed merely to help you determine your approximate heart


23. WARNING! Heart rate monitoring systems may be inaccurate. Over

exercise may result in serious injury or death. If you feel faint or any

pain, stop exercising immediately.

Medical warning

24. People wearing a pace maker, a defi brillator, or any other electronic

implant are advised that they use the pulse sensor at their own risk.

25. Before the fi rst use, a test exercise under the supervision of a doctor

is thus recommended.

26. Pregnant women are advised not to use the pulse sensor.

27. Before any use consult your doctor.

28. As you fi nish your workout, gradually reduce your pedalling speed

until the pedals come to a complete stop.


Maximum user weight: 130kg – 287lbs.


Getting into shape must be done in a CONTROLLED manner. Before beginning any exercise program, consult your doctor.

CThis is especially important for people aged over 35 or who have previously had health problems,

and those who have not done any sport for a number of years. Read all instructions before use.





• 安装 • 安裝










Русский язык


…………………………………………………………………………….. 122-131





……………………………………………………………………………… 172-181

……………………………………………………………………………… 182-191

VE 680 DIS.indd 2

VE 680 DIS.indd 2

……………………………………………………………………………. 3-9

…………………………………………………………………………. 12-21

……………………………………………………………………………. 22-31

…………………………………………………………………………… 32-41

……………………………………………………………………………. 42-51

………………………………………………………………………….. 52-61

……………………………………………………………………. 62-71

……………………………………………………………………… 72-81

…………………………………………………………. 82-91

…………………………………………………………………………. 92-101

…………………………………………………………………. 102-111

………………………………………………………………………. 112-121

……………………………………………………………………….. 132-141

……………………………………………………………………….. 142-151

………………………………………………………………………….. 152-161

………………………………………………………………………… 162-171


09/11/10 14:38

09/11/10 14:38

Смотреть руководство для Domyos VE 680 ниже. Все руководства на могут просматриваться абсолютно бесплатно. Нажав кнопку «Выбор языка» вы можете изменить язык руководства, которое хотите просмотреть.


Вопросы и ответы

У вас есть вопрос о Domyos VE 680, но вы не можете найти ответ в пользовательском руководстве? Возможно, пользователи смогут помочь вам и ответят на ваш вопрос. Заполните форму ниже — и ваш вопрос будет отображаться под руководством для Domyos VE 680. Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что вы опишите свои трудности с Domyos VE 680 как можно более детально. Чем более детальным является ваш вопрос, тем более высоки шансы, что другой пользователь быстро ответит на него. Вам будет автоматически отправлено электронное письмо, чтобы проинформировать вас, когда кто-то из пользователей ответит на ваш вопрос.

Просьба сообщить характеристики зарядного устройства


Задать вопрос о Domyos VE 680

эллиптические кросс-тренажеры
VE 680
Тип файла:
Доступные языки:

Сопутствующие товары Domyos VE 680


  • Система нагрузкимагнитная
  • Расположениесзади
  • Вес8 кг
  • Возможность измененияНет
  • Возможность профессионального использованияЕсть
  • Складная конструкцияНет
  • ЭргометрНет
  • Встроенные программы тренировкиЕсть
  • Оценка Body FatЕсть
  • Показать все

Перед приобретением DOMYOS VE 680 по самой низкой цене, изучите характеристики, плюсы и минусы модели, отзывы покупателей.

Характеристики DOMYOS VE 680

Длина шага*

Возможность профессионального использования Есть
Возможность изменения Нет
Складная конструкция Нет
Эргометр Нет

Датчики и показатели*

Встроенные программы тренировки Есть
Оценка Body Fat Есть
Количество программ тренировки 12

Отображение данных*

Пройденного расстояния Есть
Времени тренировки в целевой зоне Нет
Расхода калорий Есть
Средней скорости Нет
Темпа Нет
Текущей скорости Есть
Угла наклона платформ Нет


Кардиодатчик на ручке Есть
Поясной кардиодатчик Нет
Измерение пульса Есть
Подключение беспроводного кардиодатчика Есть
Нагрудный кардиодатчик Есть
Кардиодатчик — клипса на ухо Нет
Тип кардиодатчика встроенный

Дополнительная информация*

Вентилятор Нет
Подключение к компьютеру Нет
Подставка для стакана/бутылки Нет
Подставка для книг Нет
Компенсаторы неровности пола Нет
Клавиши на рукоятках Нет
Рычаги для рук Есть
Цветной монитор Нет
DVD-проигрыватель Нет
Динамики Нет
Возможность просмотра ТВ-каналов Нет
Возможность подключения системы кардиотеатра Нет
COM-порт Нет
Транспортировочные ролики/колеса Есть
Подключение к кардиографу Нет

Габариты и вес*

Высота 158 см
Вес 55 кг
Длина 155 см
Ширина 66 см

* Точные параметры уточняйте на сайте продавца.

Отзывы пользователей о DOMYOS VE 680

inna s.7 лет назад

яндекс маркет

Супер Тренажер с одними плюсами.

Достоинства: Мощный,надёжный,можно регулировать нагрузку даже в одной из 12 выбранной программе.Бесшумный.

Недостатки: Нет

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