инструкцияTeka HA 830
1 Selector de funciones.
2 Reloj electrónico programador.
3 Selector de temperaturas.
Modelo HA-830
Frontal de Mandos
21 3
1 Frente de Mandos
Inox anti-huella
2 Junta de Horno
3 Resistencia de Grill
4 Panel Catalítico
5 Soporte Cromado
+ Guía Telescópica
6 Parrilla
7 Bandeja con Esmalte
de Fácil Limpieza
8 Bisagra
9 Puerta
10 Salida de Aire
de Refrigeración
11 Fijación al Mueble
12 Pantalla de Grill
13 Salida de Humos
14 Lámpara
15 Panel Trasero
16 Turbina
17 Cristal Interior
Templado Bajo Emisivo
3172092-ABB00 15/4/05 09:19 Página 3
Посмотреть инструкция для Teka HA 830 бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории печи, 80 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 8.5. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: английский. У вас есть вопрос о Teka HA 830 или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь
Teka | |
HA 830 | 41551010 | |
печь | |
8421152748084 | |
английский | |
Руководство пользователя (PDF) |
Общий объем духовки(ок) | 56 L |
Тип духовки | Электрическая плита |
Внутреннее освещение | Да |
Мощность лампочки | 25 W |
Размер лотка для выпекания | 50 mm |
Длина шнура | 1.1 m |
Цвет товара | Серебристый |
Мощность | 2550 W |
Частота входящего переменного тока | 50 — 60 Hz |
Входящее напряжение сети | 230 V |
Вес и размеры
Ширина | 595 mm |
Глубина | 562 mm |
Высота | 595 mm |
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Правильно ли, что вентилятор продолжает работать, когда духовка уже выключена?
Что происходит при использовании функции «гриль»?
Обязательно ли предварительно разогревать духовку Teka?
Как очистить духовку от пригоревшего жира?
Какой способ лучше всего подходит для очистки решетки в духовке?
Какая высота Teka HA 830?
Какая ширина Teka HA 830?
Какая толщина Teka HA 830?
Инструкция Teka HA 830 доступно в русский?
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Вопросы и ответы
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Задать вопрос о Teka HA 830
- Бренд:
- Teka
- Продукт:
- печи
- Модель/название:
- HA 830
- Тип файла:
- Доступные языки:
- английский, немецкий, французский, испанский, португальский
Сопутствующие товары Teka HA 830
HA-830 |
1 |
50 |
250 |
90 |
210 |
130 |
170 |
HA830 |
10 |
11 |
2 |
12 |
3 |
13 |
4 |
14 |
15 |
5 |
6 |
16 |
7 |
(*) In functie de model
Panou de control
1Panou de control din inox, material «rezistent»
la amprente.
2Garnitura cuptorului
4Peretele lateral catalitic (*)
5Suport de crom
+ Suport telescopic(*)
7Tava emailata usor de curatat.
10Canal de aerisire
11Sistem de fixare de unitate
12Ecranul gratarului
13Evacuare fum
15Panoul negru al peretelui
16 |
Ventilator |
17 |
Usa interioara |
de sticla |
250 90
Model HA-830 E
1 2 3 4 5 5 5 5
1 |
Ceas electronic |
3 |
Selectorul functiei. |
2 |
Indicatorul luminos al aragazului. Indica |
4 |
Selectorul de temperatura. |
faptul ca unul dintre arzatoarele plitei |
5 |
Butoanele de control pentru plita. |
este pornit.
Functiile cuptorului
Inchideti cuptorul
Gratarul si elementul de jos
Special pentru fripturi. Poate fi folosit pentru orice preparat indiferent de marime.
Modul conventional cu ventilator
Potrivit pentru fripturi si prajituri. Ventilatorul distribuie caldura in cuptor in mod uniform.
Pentru pregatirea preparatelor care necesita
o prajire superficiala. Permite ca stratul superior sa se rumeneasca fara sa afecteze interiorul mancarii. Ideal pentru preparate precum, fripturi, coaste, peste, paine prajita.
Atunci cand folositi gratarul usa trebuie tinuta inchisa.
Elementul de jos
Incalzeste doar din partea de jos. Este potrivit pentru incalzirea preparatelor sau dospirea aluaturilor.
Aceasta functie este potrivita pentru dezghetarea usoara a preparatelor. Este potrivit pentru preparate care se servesc neincalzite cum ar fi: crema, crema din oua si lapte, produse de panificatie, tarte, prajituri, fructe,…
Indicatorul luminos ramane pornit pentru orice functie.
Utilizarea cuptorului
Setarea orei pe ceasul electronic
Cand cuptorul este concectat la sursa de curent, pe display palpaie indicatorul 00:00. Apasati sau
pentru a seta timpul ceasului. Ceasul suna de doua ori pentru a confirma timpul selectat.
Daca doriti sa modificati timpul apasati
pana cand apare ora exacta pe ecran. Apasati OK. Apoi apasati
pentru a modifica timpul. Ceasul suna de
doua ori pentru a confirma modificarea.
Operarea manuala
Cuptorul este gata de utilizare dupa ce ora a fost setata. Selectati o functie de coacere si o temperatura.
Cand incepeti sa gatiti simbolul apare pentru a indica ca cuptorul incalzeste; simbolul
se stinge cand se ajunge la nivelul temperaturii selectate.
Setati butoanele la pentru a opri cuptorul.
Functiile ceasului electronic
Alarma: Cand intervalul de timp se termina, porneste un semnal de alarma; cuptorul nu trebuie sa fie in functiune pentru a folosi aceasta functie.
Timpul de coacere: este folosit pentru a gati pentru o perioada de timp selectata; cuptorul se opreste automat cand timpul expira.
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Need a manual for your Teka HA 830 Oven? Below you can view and download the PDF manual for free. There are also frequently asked questions, a product rating and feedback from users to enable you to optimally use your product. If this is not the manual you want, please contact us.
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63 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.
My oven does not get warm enough, what should I do? Verified
The thermostat makes sure the ovens heats up to the designated temperature. It is likely that the thermostat is defective. Have it replaced. When in doubt, contact the manufacturer.
This was helpful (2349)
What is pyrolysis? Verified
Some ovens are equipped with a pyrolysis function. This is a cleaning system that burns dirt and fat in the oven by using very high temperatures. After pyrolysis, all the dirt will have turned to ash and can be easily removed. If the oven has a pyrolysis function, it is advisable to use it 3 to 4 times a year to keep the oven clean.
This was helpful (2183)
When I use the oven there often food remains that fall on the bottom, causing smoke. How can I prevent this? Verified
Many ovens come with both a grid and a baking tray. When food is prepared on the grid, the baking tray can be placed on the bottom to prevent food remains from burning and causing smoke.
This was helpful (528)
Can I prepare several items simultaneously by using more grill trays? Verified
Technically this is possible. However, it depends on the type of food if you need to adjust the preparation time or swap the trays halfway during the preparation.
This was helpful (524)
Smoke is accumulating in the oven when warming up, why is that? Verified
Probably there are food remains from previous use left in the oven. Especially greasy food remains can generate smoke when heated. Clean the oven thoroughly.
This was helpful (524)
You can read the recommendations in the user guide, the technical guide or the installation guide for <strong>TEKA</strong> <strong>HA</strong>-<strong>830</strong> E. You’ll find the answers to all your questions on the <strong>TEKA</strong> <strong>HA</strong>-<strong>830</strong> E in the user <strong>manual</strong> (information, specifications, safety advice, size, accessories, etc.). Detailed instructions for use are in the <strong>User</strong>’s Guide. <strong>User</strong> <strong>manual</strong> <strong>TEKA</strong> <strong>HA</strong>-<strong>830</strong> E <strong>User</strong> guide <strong>TEKA</strong> <strong>HA</strong>-<strong>830</strong> E Operating instructions <strong>TEKA</strong> <strong>HA</strong>-<strong>830</strong> E Instructions for use <strong>TEKA</strong> <strong>HA</strong>-<strong>830</strong> E Instruction <strong>manual</strong> <strong>TEKA</strong> <strong>HA</strong>-<strong>830</strong> E Your user <strong>manual</strong> <strong>TEKA</strong> <strong>HA</strong>-<strong>830</strong> E
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