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Характеристики автомобиля





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Содержание мануала
# Главы
Общая спецификация
1 Впускное отверстие
2 Затяжка пластины привода распределительного механизма крутящего момента
3 Каркас лестницы
4 Корпус привода ГРМ
5 Крышка масляного радиатора
6 Масляный радиатор
7 Момент затяжки ГБЦ
8 Момент затяжки коробки передач двигателя
9 Момент затяжки масляного картера
10 Момент затяжки топливной системы
11 Моменты затяжки
12 Моменты затяжки блока цилиндров
13 Моменты затяжки вала коромысла
14 Моменты затяжки выпускного коллектора
15 Моменты затяжки клапанного механизма
16 Моменты затяжки клапанной крышки
16 Моменты затяжки коленчатого вала
17 Моменты затяжки корпуса маховика WLO / EXC
18 Моменты затяжки масляного радиатора
19 Моменты затяжки маховика
20 Моменты затяжки ременного шкива / гасителя колебаний
21 Моменты затяжки турбокомпрессора
22 Общие сведения
23 Подушка двигателя с кронштейном
24 Спецификация двигателя
25 Спецификация трансмиссии двигателя
26 Технические характеристики блока цилиндров
27 Технические характеристики клапанного механизма
28 Характеристики кривошипно-шатунного механизма
1 Демонтаж двигателя
2 Корпус маховика
3 Крепление двигателя на рабочем стенде
4 Общая информация
5 Передний сальник коленвала
6 Регулировка датчика скорости (об / мин)
7 Сальник  коленвала задний
8 Сборка двигателя
9 Снятие гильз цилиндров
10 Снятие двигателя с рабочего стенда
11 Установка гильз цилиндров
12 Установка коленчатого вала
13 Установка пластины привода ГРМ
14 Установка поршней
Крышка цилиндра
1 Втулка для снятия насос-форсунки
2 Вытащите с помощью съемника
3 Замена направляющих клапана
4 Замена седла клапана
5 Очистка седла клапана от сажи и шлифовки
6 Постучите по направлению
7 Проверка головки блока цилиндров на герметичность
8 Проверка направляющей клапана
9 Проверка седла клапана
10 Ремонт ГБЦ
11 Сборка ГБЦ
12 Снятие головки цилиндров
13 Снятие клапанов
14 Установка гильзы форсунки
15 Установка на рабочий стенд
16 Фитинг головки цилиндров
17 Шлифовка клапанов
Блок цилиндров с картером
1 Гильзование блока цилиндров
2 Фрезеровка всех втулок
Механизм клапана
1 Клапаны регулирующие
2 Масляный радиатор
3 Проверка герметичности масляного радиатора
4 Проверка и регулировка впускных клапанов
Проверка и регулировка выпускных клапанов
1 Регулировка насос-форсунок
2 Система смазки
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KrutilVertel Мануал 5.50 $ В магазин

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Volvo D11 D13 D16 Service Manual
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VOLVO Truck Operator’s Engine Maintenance

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Dec 29, 2018

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Sep 3, 2012



Dec 29, 2018

Thanks for the Manuals can i get the password to print please

Dear friend you can use adobe or Foxit, no need pass my friend.


PA1561 1


1. VOLVO D13 ENGINE……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3

1.1 SYSTEM OVERVIEW……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3

1.2 ENGINE OVERVIEW………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6

1.3 ENGINE OIL ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7

1.3.1 General…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7

1.3.2 Oil Quality ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7

1.3.3 Oil Change Intervals……………………………………………………………………………………………..….. 8

1.3.4 Oil Filters ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………. 9

1.3.5 Synthetic Lubrication …………………………………………………………………………………………….….. 9

1.3.6 Oil Viscosity …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9

1.3.7 Oil Additives…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9

1.3.8 Oil Consumption………………………………………………………………………………………………….…… 9

1.3.9 Oil Change…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10

1.3.10 Oil Filters Change……………………………………………………………………………………………….….. 10

1.3.11 Checking The Oil Level ……………………………………………………………………………………………11

1.4 POWER PLANT ASSEMBLY REMOVAL …………………………………………………………………………. 11

1.5 POWER PLANT ASSY. INSTALLATION………………………………………………………………………….. 14

1.6 ENGINE MOUNTS ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 14

2. DETROIT DIESEL SERIES 60 ENGINE ………………………………………………………………………………… 16

2.1 DDEC VI SYSTEM………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16

2.2 HARNESSES……………………………………………………………………………………………………….………. 16

2.3 ENGINE OVERVIEW…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 17

2.4 DDEC VI SENSORS……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18

2.5 PREVOST INSTALLED SENSORS ………………………………………………………………………………… 19

2.6 MOTOR CONTROL MODULE (MCM)……………………………………………………………………………… 19

2.7 COMMON POWERTRAIN CONTROLLER (CPC) …………………………………………………………….. 19

2.8 DDEC VI DIAGNOSTICS……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 19

2.8.1 Diagnostic system ………………………………………………………………………………………………..… 19

2.8.2 Check Engine Telltale Light (AWL) …………………………………………………………………………… 20

2.8.3 Stop Engine Warning Light (RSL) …………………………………………………………………………….. 20

2.8.4 Stop Engine Override Switch (SEO) …………………………………………………………………………. 20

2.8.5 Diagnostic Data Link (DDL) Connectors ……………………………………………………………………. 20


2.10 DDEC VI CPC DIAGNOSTIC CODES LIST ……………………………………………………………………… 21

2.11 DDEC VI MCM DIAGNOSTIC CODES LIST …………………………………………………………………….. 28

2.12 ENGINE OIL LEVEL ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 39

2.13 ENGINE OIL AND FILTER CHANGE ………………………………………………………………………………. 40

2.14 RECOMMENDED ENGINE OIL TYPE …………………………………………………………………………….. 41

2.15 POWER PLANT ASSEMBLY REMOVAL …………………………………………………………………………. 41

2.16 POWER PLANT ASSY. INSTALLATION………………………………………………………………………….. 45

2.17 JAKE BRAKE…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…… 45

2.18 ENGINE MOUNTS ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 45


4. ENGINE TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE………………………………………………………………………………… 47

5. SPECIFICATIONS…………………………………………………………………………………………………..………….. 49

5.1 SERIES 60 ENGINE ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 49

5.2 VOLVO D13 ENGINE ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 50

Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 2


FIGURE 1: D13F ENGINE, ALTERNATOR SIDE (TYPICAL) …………………………………………………………………………… 6

FIGURE 2: D13F ENGINE, TURBO SIDE (TYPICAL) …………………………………………………………………………………… 7

FIGURE 3: D13F OIL FILTERS…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9

FIGURE 4: OIL FILTER WRENCH………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10

FIGURE 5: OIL FITER REPLACEMENT………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11

FIGURE 6: ENGINE OIL FILLING TUBE …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11

FIGURE 7: ENGINE OIL LEVEL DIPSTICK ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 11

FIGURE 8: BELT TENSIONER VALVE…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12

FIGURE 9: ENGINE COMPARTMENT H3 COACHES (TYPICAL) ……………………………………………………………………. 14



FIGURE 12: DETROIT DIESEL 2007 SERIES 60 ENGINE (TYPICAL ……………………………………………………………… 18

FIGURE 13: MOTOR CONTROL MODULE (MCM) …………………………………………………………………………………….. 19

FIGURE 14: CPC……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………….. 19


FIGURE 16: FLASHING FAULTS CODES ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 21

FIGURE 17: ENGINE OIL LEVEL DIPSTICK ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 39

FIGURE 18: OIL RESERVE TANK ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 39

FIGURE 19: UNDER VEHICLE VIEW ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 40

FIGURE 20: ENGINE COMPARTMENT …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 42

FIGURE 21: ENGINE COMPARTMENT H3 COACHES (TYPICAL) ………………………………………………………………….. 44

FIGURE 22: ENGINE COMPARTMENT VIP (TYPICAL)……………………………………………………………………………….. 44

FIGURE 23: POWER PLANT CRADLE INSTALLATION……………………………………………………………………………….. 45

FIGURE 24: ELECTRONIC FOOT PEDAL ASSEMBLY………………………………………………………………………………… 46

Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 3




The “Premium Tech Tool” (PTT) is the

preferred tool for performing diagnostic work.

Contact your local dealer for more information.

The Engine Management System (EMS)

controls many engine functions such as: fuel

timing and delivery, engine protection functions,

engine brake operation, EGR valve function and

the turbocharger nozzle function. The Engine

Electronic Control Unit (EECU) along with other

supporting control units and sensors are

responsible for monitoring and controlling these

functions. These control units communicate

through the J1939 high speed serial data line to

share data.

In addition to their control functions, the modules

have on-board diagnostic capabilities. The on-

board diagnostics are designed to detect faults

or abnormal conditions that are not within their

operating parameters. When the system detects

a fault or abnormal condition, the fault will be

logged in one or both of the modules’ memory.

The vehicle operator will be advised that a fault

has occurred by the illumination of a malfunction

indicator lamp and a message in the driver

information display, if equipped. The module

may initiate the engine shutdown procedure if

the system determines that the abnormal

condition could damage the engine. In some

situations, the system will enter the «limp home»

mode. Limp home mode allows continued

vehicle operation but, the system may substitute

a sensor or signal value that may result in

reduced engine performance.

Fault codes logged in the system memory, can

later be read to aid in diagnosing the fault.

These faults can be read via a diagnostic

computer or through the instrument cluster

display, if equipped. The “Premium Tech Tool”

(PTT) is the preferred tool for performing

diagnostic work. Using a diagnostic computer

(or PTT) connected to the Serial

Communication Port, expands the technicians

diagnostic capabilities with additional data and


For diagnostic software, contact your local


The following is a list of engine sensors that

provide input to the EMS:

Ambient Air Temperature Sensor

Ambient Pressure sensor

Boost Air Pressure (BAP) Sensor

Camshaft Position (Engine Position) Sensor

Crankshaft Position (Engine Speed) Sensor

Differential Pressure DPF Sensor

EGR Differential Pressure Sensor

EGR Temperature Sensor

Engine Coolant Level (ECL) Sensor

Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor

Engine Oil Pressure (EOP) Sensor

Engine Oil Level (EOL) Sensor

Engine Oil Temperature (EOT) Sensor

Exhaust Temperature Sensor (DPF


Fuel Pressure Sensor

Intake Air Temperature And Humidity (IATH)


Intake Manifold (Boost) Temperature Sensor

Throttle Position (TP) Sensor

Turbo Speed Sensor

Variable Geometry Turbocharger (VGT)

Position Sensor


Ambient Air Temperature Sensor

The Ambient Air Temperature Sensor is used to

detect the outside air temperature. The sensor

modifies a voltage signal from the ECM. The

modified signal returns to the ECM as the

ambient air temperature. The sensor uses a

thermistor that is sensitive to the change in

temperature. The electrical resistance of the

thermistor decreases as temperature increases.

The Ambient Air Temperature Sensor is located

in the front of the vehicle.

Ambient (Atmospheric) Pressure Sensor

The Ambient (Atmospheric) Pressure Sensor

contains a pressure sensitive diaphragm and an

electrical amplifier. Mechanical pressure applied

Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 4

to the diaphragm causes the diaphragm to

deflect and the amplifier to produce an electrical

signal proportional to the deflection.

The Ambient (Atmospheric) Pressure Sensor is

built into the Engine Management System

(EMS) Module.

Camshaft Position Sensor

The Camshaft Position (Engine Position) Sensor

is located in the rear face of the timing gear

cover at the rear of the engine, near the bottom

of the valve cover. It uses magnetic induction to

generate a pulsed electrical signal. It senses the

passage of seven (7) timing bumps on the edge

of the camshaft dampener. Six of the holes

correspond to the phasing of the electronic unit

injectors, while the seventh hole indicates the

top dead center position.

Crankshaft Position (Engine Speed) Sensor

The Crankshaft Position (Engine Speed) Sensor

uses magnetic induction to generate a pulsed

electrical signal. Notches are machined into the

edge of the flywheel. When one of the notches

passes close to the sensor, electric pulses


The Crankshaft Position (Engine Speed) Sensor

also indicates when the crankshaft is at the top

dead center position.

Differential Pressure DP Sensor

The differential pressure sensor is used for flow

measurement of the Diesel Particulate Filter

(DPF). This sensor has two pressure ports and

senses the difference in pressure between the

two ports. Measurement of the pressure before

and after the DPF is used to calculate diesel

filter regeneration.

The Differential Pressure DPF Sensor is located

on the side of the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF).

EGR Differential Pressure Sensor

The EGR differential pressure sensor is used for

flow measurement of the Exhaust Gas

Recirculation (EGR) valve. This sensor has two

pressure ports and senses the difference in

pressure between the two ports. Measurement

of the pressure before and after the EGR valve

is used to calculate EGR flow.

The EGR Differential Pressure Sensor is located

on the left or right side of the engine.

EGR Temperature Sensor

The EGR temperature sensor detects exhaust

gas temperature for EGR system. The sensor

modifies a voltage signal from the control unit.

The modified signal returns to the control unit as

the exhaust temperature of the EGR system to

confirm EGR operation. The sensor uses a

thermistor that is sensitive to the change in


The EGR Temperature Sensor is located near

the EGR valve.

Engine Coolant Level (ECL) Sensor

The Engine Coolant Level (ECL) Sensor is a

switch. If engine coolant level falls below a

calibrated point the contacts open and the driver

will be notified of the low coolant level.

The Engine Coolant Level (ECL) Sensor is

located in the cooling system reservoir tank.

Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor

The Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor is

located at the front of the engine. The sensor

will indicate a high coolant temperature caused

by problems like radiator blockage, thermostat

failure, heavy load, or high ambient

temperatures. This sensor is also used for cold

start enhancement and for fan clutch


Engine Oil Pressure (EOP) Sensor

The Engine Oil Pressure Sensor contains a

pressure sensitive diaphragm and a electrical

amplifier. Mechanical pressure applied to the

diaphragm causes the diaphragm to deflect and

the amplifier to produce an electrical signal

proportional to the deflection.

The Engine Oil Pressure Sensor is located on

the oil filter assembly. The sensor monitors

engine oil pressure to warn of lubrication system


Engine Oil Level (EOL) Sensor

The Engine Oil Level Sensor is located in the oil


Engine Oil Temperature (EOT) Sensor

The Engine Oil Temperature Sensor is a

thermistor whose resistance varies inversely to

temperature. The sensor has a negative

Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 5

temperature coefficient, which means the sensor

resistance will decrease as the engine oil

temperature increases.

The Engine Oil Temperature Sensor is located

in the oil pan.

Exhaust Temperature Sensor (DPF Sensors)

The exhaust gas temperature sensor detects

exhaust gas temperature for DPF protection as

well as DPF regeneration control. The sensor

modifies a voltage signal from the control unit.

The modified signal returns to the control unit as

the exhaust temperature at that specific location

of the exhaust. The sensor uses a thermistor

that is sensitive to the change in temperature.

The Exhaust Temperature Sensors are located in

the DPF assembly.

Fuel Pressure Sensor

The fuel pressure sensor contains a diaphragm

that senses fuel pressure. A pressure change

causes the diaphragm to flex, inducing a stress

or strain in the diaphragm. The resistor values in

the sensor change in proportion to the stress

applied to the diaphragm and produces an

electrical output.

The Fuel Pressure Sensor is located on top of

the fuel filter housing.

Intake Air Temperature and Humidity (IATH)


The Intake Air Temperature and Humidity (IATH)

Sensor contains a thermistor and a capacitive

sensor. The resistance of the thermistor varies

inversely to temperature. The output of the

capacitive sensor increases as the humidity of

the surrounding air increases. By monitoring the

signals from both portions of the sensor, the

Engine Management System (EMS) Module

calculates the temperature and humidity of the

air passing through the air filter housing.

The Intake Air Temperature and Humidity (IATH)

Sensor is located in the air intake tube just

downstream from the air filter canister.

Intake Manifold (Boost) Temperature Sensor

The Intake Manifold (Boost) Temperature

Sensor is a thermistor whose resistance varies

inversely to temperature. The sensor has a

negative temperature coefficient, which means

the sensor resistance will decrease as the inlet

air temperature increases.

The Intake Manifold (Boost) Temperature

Sensor is located in the intake manifold.

Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor

The Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor contains a

pressure sensitive diaphragm and an electrical

amplifier. Mechanical pressure applied to the

diaphragm causes the diaphragm to deflect and

the amplifier to produce an electrical signal

proportional to the deflection.

The Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor is located

on the air inlet pipe before the intake manifold.

Throttle Position (TP) Sensor

The Throttle Position Sensor is a potentiometer

that is mechanically linked to the accelerator

pedal. A potentiometer is a variable resistor

whose resistance will change as the pedal is

pressed. As the resistance changes, the signal

voltage of the sensor changes indicating the

accelerator pedal position.

The Throttle Position Sensor is located above

the accelerator pedal. The sensor is designed to

improve the driver’s control by reducing

sensitivity to chassis motion. This sensor

provides the driver’s fuel request input to the


Turbo Speed Sensor

The Turbo Speed Sensor informs the EMS of

the turbo shaft speed. The sensor does not read

from the vanes, but reads from the shaft. The

Engine Management System (EMS) Module

uses this signal in conjunction with the VGT

position sensor signal to control the speed of the

turbocharger and therefore optimize the intake

manifold pressure.

The Turbo Speed Sensor is mounted in the

center of the turbocharger.

Variable Geometry Turbocharger Smart

Remote Actuator (VGT SRA)

The Variable Geometry Turbocharger Smart

Remote Actuator (VGT SRA) takes the position

commands from the EMS, moves the nozzle of

the turbocharger to the desired position, and

performs all of the diagnostics and self checks

on the actuator.

Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 6



For additional information concerning Volvo D13 engine components or engine-related components,

consult Volvo Trucks Canada or Volvo Trucks North America Web Site under: Parts & Service. On

Volvo web site, you will find detailed service procedures for parts replacement, repair and



1. Breather Tube 7. Fuel Filter

2. Intake Manifold 8. Fuel/Water Separator

3. Air Compressor 9. Fuel Filter

4. Power Steering Pump 10. Hand-Priming Pump

5. Fuel Pump 11. Crankcase Ventilator

6. Engine Electronic Control Unit (EECU) 12. EGR Mixing Chamber

Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 7


13. Exhaust Manifold 20. Oil Filters

14. Valve Cover 21. Oil Pan

15. Engine Pre-Heater Element (Optional) 22. EGR Cooler

16. DRV Valve 23. Turbocharger

17. Coolant Pump 24. Starter Motor

18. Coolant Filter 25. EGR Valve

19. Venturi Pipe


1.3.1 General

Keep the engine oil at the proper level and change it at the recommended intervals. Always replace the

oil filters at the same time as when the oil is changed.

1.3.2 Oil Quality

Volvo North America recognizes engine oils that meet or exceed the standards given by American

Petroleum Institute (API) for the oil classifications listed in this manual. Only oils licensed to carry the API

Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 8

symbol should be used. Lubricants meeting API standards have provided maximum engine life when

used together with the recommended oil and oil filter change intervals.

EO-O Premium Plus (or VDS-4) diesel engine oil is mandatory for use in all 2007 emission compliant

Volvo engines. Chassis equipped with a 2007 emission compliant engine, which can be identified by the

presence of a Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF), also require the use of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) fuel.

EO-O Premium Plus oils exceed the new API service category CJ-4.


DO NOT add extra oil additives. Additives such as break-in oils, top oils, graphitizers, and friction-

reducing liquids are not necessary and can harm the engine.

1.3.3 Oil Change Intervals

The length of time an engine can operate before an oil change depends on the quality oil used, the type

of fuel used, fuel consumption, engine oil consumption, vehicle application, level of dust in the air, and

fuel consumption. The change intervals given in this manual are maximum intervals. If the vehicle is

operating in heavy-duty operation, dusty or off-road conditions, etc., reduce the intervals for more

frequent oil changes.


Use the information in the table below to determine the operating condition and usage applicable to your


Engine Operating Condition Medium Heavy Severe

Total Fuel Consumption (mpg) More than 6 More than 4.7 More than 3.7

Total Fuel Consumption (L/100 KM) Less than 39 Less than 50 Less than 64

Engine Oil and Filter Change

Interval, miles (km) – 41 U.S. quarts (39L)

Oil capacity

35,000 (55 000) 25,000 (40 000) 15,000 (24 000)

NOTE: If idle time is greater than 25%, use the next lower drain interval.

Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 9


Oil filters should always be changed when

changing the oil.

1.3.4 Oil Filters

There are three filters on the engine, one of

which is a bypass filter. This should be changed

at the same time as the full-flow filter(s).


Volvo branded oil filters are designed to

provide the proper level of filtration and

protection for Volvo engines. Filters that do

not meet the same stringent requirements

may void engine warranty.


1.3.5 Synthetic Lubrication

Synthetic oils are offered by some oil suppliers

as an alternative to the traditional, petroleum

based oils for engines. These oils may be used

in Volvo engines, provided they meet the quality

levels specified on the previous pages, that is:

both VDS-4 and EO-O Premium Plus.

The use of synthetic oils does not permit the

extension of the recommended oil change


1.3.6 Oil Viscosity

The viscosity grade defines the thickness of the

oil. The oil must be thin enough at low

temperatures for easy cold starts and thick

enough to protect at high temperatures. An oil is

not fully defined until both the API quality

classification and the viscosity grade are


Choose the viscosity grade for the typical

ambient temperature for the application.

Multigrade oils have a broad range that suit

operation in changing temperature.

Volvo North America recommends the

viscosities shown in the viscosity/temperature

table for Volvo engines.

1.3.7 Oil Additives


Extra oil additives must never be added to

any engine oil used. Additives such as break-

in oils, top oils, graphitizers, and friction

reducing liquids are not necessary and may

even harm the engine.

Using oils to the quality standards

recommended in this manual makes the use of

extra oil additives unnecessary, as these oils

already contain a balanced treatment of


1.3.8 Oil Consumption

Once the engine is stopped, check the oil level

daily. If the engine has just been stopped and it

is warm, wait approximately five minutes to allow

the oil to drain back to the oil pan before

checking. Add oil as necessary.


DO NOT overfill engine with oil.

All diesel engines are designed to consume

some oil, so it is normal to add oil periodically.

An engine used in heavy-duty operation will

consume more oil than one in normal operation.

Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 10

1.3.9 Oil Change


A hot engine or engine oil can be dangerous.

Serious burns can result from contact with a

hot engine or oil. Take precautions when

draining the oil. Wear gloves or let the engine

cool down before draining.


When draining the oil, use the proper tools

and keep away as far as possible. Raise the

elbow so the forearm is parallel to the ground

to prevent oil running down the arm, causing



Always dispose of all lubricants (motor oil,

coolant, gear box oils, etc) and filters

according to Federal or local regulations.

Used oil disposed of in nature or waterways

contaminates our drinking water and kills



Prolonged contact with used engine oil may

be harmful. Use rubber gloves when handling

used oil. Wash skin thoroughly if it comes in

contact with used oil.

It is important to drain as much oil as possible.

Try to change oil immediately after driving, when

the oil is warm. Always replace the oil filters

when changing the oil.

Component Capacity (L)

Oil pan 24 min — 32 max

Engine block 4.5

Filters (3) 6

Total oil fill (empty) 42.5


Since about 1 liter of oil remains in the engine

after draining, approximately 38 liters will be

needed for a complete oil change.

1.3.10 Oil Filters Change


Hot oil can cause severe burns. DO NOT

allow hot oil to contact the skin. When

changing oil, wear protective gloves.


Volvo-branded oil filters are designed to

provide the proper level of filtration and

protection for Volvo engines. Filters that do

not meet the same stringent requirements

may cause unsatisfactory results.

Clean around the oil filter housing and

remove the filters using the oil filter

wrench or the oil filter socket.


Prefill the new oil filters with approved

engine oil. Also, lubricate the filter gaskets

with engine oil (1). Hand tighten the oil

filters until they contact the sealing surface

of the oil filter housing (2). Manually

tighten the oil filters an additional ¾ to 1

full turn (3).

Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 11


Start the engine and check for leaks

around the oil filter housing and filters.

Check the oil level. Add approved engine

oil to the recommended level, if

necessary. Do not overfill.

1.3.11 Checking the Oil Level

Ensure that the vehicle is parked on level

ground before checking the oil level. Wait five

minutes after shutting off the engine and then

proceed with checking the oil.


DO NOT let the oil level fall below the marking

on the dipstick. DO NOT overfill so the level is

above the upper marking on the dipstick. This

could lead to excessive oil temperature and/or

poor crankcase breather performance. Add oil

through the oil filler pipe as required in order

to maintain level within the safe range.




To access the engine or engine-related

components, the vehicle power plant assembly

must be removed as a whole unit by means of a

slide-out cradle. The power plant assembly

includes the engine, transmission (including

retarder if so equipped), air compressor,

alternator and transmission oil cooler.

Remove the power plant assembly as follows:


Tag hoses and cables for identification before

disconnecting in order to facilitate reinstallation.

Plug all openings to prevent dirt from entering

the system.


No parts within the EECU are serviceable. If

found defective, replace the EECU as a unit.


1. Close the heater lines shut-off valves.

2. Disconnect the battery or batteries from the

starting system by removing one or both of

the battery cables from each battery system.

With the electrical circuit disrupted,

accidental contact with the starter button will

not produce an engine start.

Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 12


Due to the heavy load of the rear bumper

assembly, it must be adequately supported

before attempting to remove it.

3. Remove the rear bumper assembly from the

vehicle. Refer to Section 18 BODY, under

«Rear Bumper Removal».

4. If applicable, disconnect the block heater

connector located near the EGR mixing



5. Locate the A/C compressor belt tensioner

pressure releasing valve (Fig. 8). Turn

pressure releasing valve handle

counterclockwise in order to release pressure

in belt-tensioner air bellows and loosen belt.

Remove the A/C compressor belt.

6. To release all pressure from the air system.

Refer to Section 12, BRAKES & AIR

SYSTEM for instructions.

7. Disconnect and remove the engine-air intake

duct mounted between air cleaner housing

and turbocharger inlet.


To avoid damage to turbocharger, cover the

turbocharger inlet opening to prevent foreign

material from entering.

8. Disconnect and remove the air intake duct

mounted between the air cooler outlet and

the engine intake.

9. Disconnect and remove the air intake duct

mounted between the turbocharger outlet

and the air cooler inlet.

10. Disconnect and remove section of coolant

pipe assembly mounted between the radiator

outlet and the water pump inlet.

11. Disconnect and remove a section of coolant

pipe assembly mounted between the

thermostat housing and the radiator inlet, if


12. Disconnect the electric fan-clutch connector

located near the cooling fan right angle


13. Disconnect the cooling fan drive shaft.


To avoid damage to cooling fan right angle

gearbox, make sure the power plant cradle

clears the gearbox when pulling the engine out.

14. Disconnect surge tank hoses connected to

the thermostat housing, the pump inlet and to

the transmission oil cooler.

15. Disconnect and remove the exhaust pipe

mounted between the flexible coupling and

the pipe going to the Aftertreatment Device

(ATD). If necessary, refer to Section 04

EXHAUST SYSTEM under “Muffler Removal

and Installation».


To avoid damage to turbocharger, cover the

turbocharger outlet opening to prevent foreign

material from entering.

16. Remove the power steering pump.

17. Close engine fuel supply shutoff valve on

primary fuel filter or Fuel Pro. Disconnect the

fuel line located above fuel filters and

connected to inlet port. On vehicles equipped

with the optional fuel filter/water separator,

disconnect the connector and remove cable

ties from cradle.

With Vehicle Raised

18. Using the quick-connect drain hose, drain

the engine cooling system. Refer to Section

05 COOLING under «Draining Cooling System».

Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 13

19. From under the vehicle, disconnect the

propeller shaft as detailed in Section 09,

under heading «Propeller Shaft Removal».

20. On vehicles equipped with an automatic

transmission provided with a hydraulic output

retarder, disconnect steel-braided airline from

pressure regulator output. The pressure

regulator is mounted in the upper section of

engine compartment backwall and is

accessible through the engine compartment

R.H. side door.

21. Remove the retaining bolts, washers and

nuts securing the power plant cradle to the

vehicle rear subframe.

22. Disconnect transmission harness from

transmission housing.

With Vehicle Lowered

23. Disconnect the air compressor discharge,

governor steel-braided airlines and manual

filling airlines from compressor. Remove

retaining clips.

24. Disconnect the hose connecting the

compressor head to the sump tank, if


25. Disconnect ground cables from rear

subframe ground-stud located close to the

starter motor.

26. Disconnect alternators cooling duct and put


27. Inside rear electrical compartment,

disconnect starter, alternators and heater

cables. Also disconnect AFSS cable if


28. Disconnect Aftertreatment Device (ATD)

control cable.

29. Disconnect VIH (vehicle interface harness)


30. Disconnect fuel return line from bulkhead

fixed on engine cylinder head end.

31. Unfasten and put aside engine compartment

lighting fixture and turbocharger fire

suppression nozzle if applicable.

32. Disconnect turbo boost pressure gauge

airline from engine air intake, if applicable.

33. Disconnect the engine coolant hose near the


34. On partition wall, disconnect connector C397

located between engine compartment and

main power compartment.

35. Inspect the power plant assembly to ensure

that nothing will interfere when sliding out the

cradle. Check for connections or hoses not

mentioned in this list as some vehicles are

equipped with special or aftermarket



Check if any spacer(s) have been installed

between power plant cradle and vehicle rear

subframe, and if so, note position of each

washer for reinstallation purposes.

36. Using a forklift, with a minimum capacity of

4,000 lbs (1 800 kg), slightly raise the power

plant cradle.

37. Pull engine out slowly from the engine

compartment. Make sure all lines, wiring and

accessories are disconnected and are not



Due to the minimum clearance between the

power plant equipment and the top of the

engine compartment, extreme care should be

used to raise the power plant cradle, just

enough to free the cradle. Clearance between

power plant cradle and mounting rail should

range between ¼» and ½» (6-12 mm).

Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 14



To install a power plant assembly, follow the

same procedure as in «Power Plant Assembly

Removal» except in reverse order, then proceed

with the following:

1. Torque the power plant cradle mounting

bolts to 190 lbf-ft (255 Nm).

2. Refill cooling system with saved fluid (refer

to Section 05 COOLANT SYSTEM).

3. Once engine fuel system has been drained,

it will aid restarting if fuel filters are filled with

fuel oil (refer to Section 03 FUEL SYSTEM).

4. Start engine for a visual check. Check fuel,

oil, cooling, pneumatic and hydraulic system

connections for leakage. Test operation of

engine controls and accessories.


The power plant assembly is mounted to the

cradle by means of rubber mounts and supports.

Two engine support brackets are used at the

front of the engine while two rubber mounts are

mounted underneath the engine & radiator fan

drive mechanism support and the engine &

alternator support (Fig. 10).

It is recommended that new rubber mounts be

installed at each major overhaul.


Refer to the table on the following page for

engine cradle tightening torques.

Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 15




A SCREW, CAP HEXAGONAL HEAD M8 – 1.25 G8.8 16 22

B SCREW, CAP HEXAGONAL HEAD M8 – 1.25 G10.9 22 30

C SCREW, CAP HEXAGONAL HEAD M10 – 1.5 G10.9 43 58

D SCREW, CAP HEXAGONAL HEAD M12 – 1.75 G8.8 60 81

E SCREW, CAP HEXAGONAL HEAD M14 – 2.0 G8.8 90 122

F SCREW, CAP HEXAGONAL HEAD M16 – 2.0 G8.8 140 190

G SCREW, CAP HEXAGONAL HEAD M16 – 2.0 G10.9 190 258

H SCREW, CAP HEXAGONAL HEAD M20 – 2.5 G10.9 450 610

Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 16


The DDC series 60 engine is a 6-cylinder, four-

cycle, 14.0 liters Detroit Diesel series 60 engine,

equipped with an electronic control system


Complete maintenance and repair information

on the engine will be found in the current



essential manual contains complete instructions

on operation, adjustment (tune-up), preventive

maintenance and lubrication, parts verification,

repair or replacement. This manual’s sections

cover complete systems such as:

Engine main assembly;

Fuel system;

Lubrication system;

Cooling system;

Fuel, lubricating oil and coolant;

Air intake system;

Exhaust system;

Exhaust gas recirculation components;

Electrical equipment;

Operation and verification;

Engine tune-up;

Preventive maintenance;


Refer to Series 60 DDEC VI Troubleshooting

Guide published by Detroit Diesel for more

complete information on diagnosis of

components and system problems.

Procedures for engine removal and installation

are given at the end of this section. The DDEC

system is self-diagnostic. It can identify faulty

components and other engine-related problems

by providing the technician with diagnostic



DDEC VI (Detroit Diesel Electronic Control) is a

system that monitors and determines all values

required for the operation of the engine. A

diagnostic interface is provided to connect to an

external diagnosis tester. Besides the engine

related sensors and the engine-resident control

unit, the Motor Control Module (MCM), this

system has a chassis-mounted control unit for

vehicle engine management, the Common

Powertrain Controller (CPC). The connection to

the vehicle is made via a CAN interface which

digitally transmits the nominal values (e.g.

torque, engine speed specification, etc.) and the

actual values (e.g. engine speed, oil pressure,


DDEC VI controls the timing and amount of fuel

injected by the electronic unit injectors (EUI).

The system also monitors several engine

functions using electrical sensors, which send

electrical signals to the Motor Control Module

(MCM). The MCM computes the electrical

signals and determines the correct fuel output

and timing for optimum power, fuel economy

and emissions. The MCM also has the ability to

display warnings or shut down the engine

completely (depending on option selection) in

the event of damaging engine conditions, such

as low oil pressure or high engine temperature.


There are two major harnesses: the Engine

Harness (EH) and the Vehicle Interface Harness

(VIH). The Engine Harness is installed at the

Detroit Diesel factory and is delivered connected

to all engine sensors, the fuel injection system,

and the MCM.

The OEM supplied Vehicle Interface Harness

connects the CPC to other vehicle systems.



Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 17


1- Starter motor

2- Oil pan drain plug

3- Primary fuel-filter/water-


4- MCM (DDEC VI Electronics)

5- Secondary fuel filter shutoff


6- Secondary fuel filter

7- Fuel pump

8- Air compressor

9- Engine oil filling tube

10- Bosch alternators (2)

11- Engine oil dipstick

12- EGR delta pressure sensor

13- EGR valve

14- Intake throttle

15- EGR mixer

16- Intake manifold

17- Engine Harness

18- Thermostat housing

19- Turbo compressor outlet

20- Actuator coolant return line

21- Electrically controlled actuator

22- HC doser

23- Closed-crankcase breather/oil separator

Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 18

24- Water pump

25- EGR cooler

26- Oil filter (2)

27- Crankcase breather tube

28- EGR tube



Camshaft Position Sensor (CMP Sensor):

Indicates a specific cylinder in the firing


Crankshaft Position Sensor (CKP Sensor):

Senses crankshaft position and engine

speed for functions such as fuel control


DPF Inlet Pressure Sensor Measures

pressure between the Diesel Oxidation

Catalyst (DOC) and the Diesel Particulate

Filter (DPF) in the aftertreatment assembly.

DPF Outlet Pressure Sensor: Measures

pressure on the outlet of the aftertreatment

device in the exhaust system of the vehicle.

DPF Outlet Temperature Sensor:

Temperature measured at the outlet of the

after-treatment system that is installed within

the exhaust system of the vehicle.

DOC Inlet Temperature Sensor:

Temperature measured at the outlet of the


DOC Outlet Temperature Sensor:

Temperature measured between the DOC

and the DPF in the aftertreatment assembly.

EGR Delta Pressure Sensor: Senses EGR

pressure for EGR control.

EGR Temperature Sensor: Senses EGR

exhaust temperature after EGR cooler. Used

for EGR system diagnosis.

Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (ECT

Sensor): Senses coolant temperature for

functions such as engine protection, fan

control and engine fueling.

Engine Oil Pressure Sensor (EOP

Sensor): Senses gallery oil pressure for

functions such as engine protection.

Engine Oil Temperature Sensor (EOT

Sensor): Senses oil temperature for

functions such as reducing variation in fuel

injection and fan control.

Fuel Line Pressure Sensor: Senses fuel

line pressure.

Fuel Compensation Pressure Sensor:

Compensates fuel line pressure.

Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor (IMP

Sensor): Senses turbo boost for functions

such as smoke control and engine protection.

Intake Manifold Air Temperature Sensor

(IMT Sensor): Senses pressure. The MCM

uses this information to compute the amount

of air entering the engine.

Supply Fuel Temperature Sensor (SFT

Sensor): Senses fuel temperature for

functions such as engine fueling.

Turbo Compressor Temperature Out

Sensor: Senses turbo out air temperature.

Turbo Speed Sensor (TSS): Monitors turbo

speed for overspeed conditions.

VGT Position Sensor/EGR Valve Position


Intake Air Throttle Valve Sensor.

Exhaust Valve Recirculation Valve (EGR)


Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 19


Engine Coolant Level Sensor (ECL

Sensor): Senses coolant level for engine

protection (mounted on coolant surge tank).

Turbo Compressor In Temperature

Sensor: Senses the air temperature at the

turbo compressor inlet.

Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS): Provides a

vehicle speed signal (connected to



The Motor Control Module is mounted, on the

starter side of the engine (Fig. 13). Considered

the «Brain» of the DDEC VI system, it provides

overall monitoring and control of the engine. It

does so by comparing input data from the

various sensors to a set of calibration data

stored in the EEPROM (Electrically Erasable,

Programmable, Read-Only Memory) within the

Motor Control Module. After comparing the

input data with the calibration data, the MCM

sends high-current command pulses to the

Electronic Unit Injectors (EUI) to initiate fuel

injection. The MCM also receives feedback

regarding the start and end of injection for a

given cylinder. The EEPROM within the Motor

Control Module is factory programmed by

Detroit Diesel. Reprogramming must be done at

a Detroit Diesel authorized service center.

However, some changes may be performed to

the cruise control and road speed limiter using a

diagnostic data reader (see paragraph «DDEC

VI Diagnostic Codes» in this section).




The CPC is the interface between the MCM and

the vehicle/equipment for engine control and

manages other vehicle/equipment functions.

Within the CPC, sets of data for specific

applications are stored. These include idle

speed, maximum running speed, and speed

limitation. Customer programmable parameters

are also stored here. The CPC receives data

from the operator (accelerator pedal position,

switches and various sensors) and other

electronic control units. From this data,

instructions are computed for controlling the

engine and transmitted to the MCM via the

proprietary data link.





2.8.1 Diagnostic system

Diagnostics is a standard feature of DDEC VI.

The purpose of this feature is to provide

information for problem identification and

Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 20

problem solving in the form of a code. The MCM

and CPC continuously perform self diagnostic

checks and monitor the other system

components. Information for problem

identification and problem solving is enhanced

by the detection of faults, retention of fault codes

and separation of active from inactive codes.

The engine-mounted MCM includes control logic

to provide overall engine management. System

diagnostic checks are made at ignition on and

continue throughout all engine operating modes.

Sensors provide information to the MCM and

CPC regarding various engine and vehicle

performance characteristics. The information is

used to regulate engine and vehicle

performance, provide diagnostic information,

and activate the engine protection system.

The DDEC VI on-board diagnostic system

accessories include the following:

Check Engine telltale light (AWL);

Stop Engine telltale light (RSL);

Stop Engine Override switch (SEO);

Diagnostic Data Link (DDL) connectors.

The AWL is illuminated and a code is stored if

an electronic system fault occurs. This indicates

the problem should be diagnosed as soon as

possible. The CPC illuminates the AWL and

RSL and stores a malfunction code if a

potentially engine damaging fault is detected.

These codes can be accessed in one of four


Commercially available J1587/J1939

diagnostic tools.

Detroit Diesel Diagnostic Link® (DDDL 7.0).

Flashing the AWL and RSL with the

SEO/Diagnostic Request Switch.

Dashboard’s Message Center Display


2.8.2 Check Engine Telltale Light (AWL)

The CPC illuminates the Check Engine telltale,

mounted on the telltale light panel to indicate

that a problem has been detected and that a

code has been stored in the MCM memory.

This light also has a 5-second bulb check when

the ignition is first turned on.

2.8.3 Stop Engine Warning Light (RSL)

This light, also mounted on the telltale light

panel, illuminates to indicate that a major engine

problem is occurring (with the exception of a 5-

second bulb check when the ignition is first

turned on).

2.8.4 Stop Engine Override Switch (SEO)

This switch, mounted on the dashboard, may be

used to extend the 30-second delay period

before engine shutdown when the Stop engine

telltale light is illuminated. This switch can be

repeatedly depressed in order to move the

vehicle out of traffic.


The stop engine override switch will be

operative only if it has been depressed before

the end of the 30 second delay period.


The OVERRIDE switch must be used only in

emergency cases, such as to move the

vehicle out of traffic. Excessive use of this

switch can cause serious damage to the


This switch is also used for DDEC diagnostic

code requests. Press this switch with the engine

at idle or off but with the ignition in the «ON»

position and active codes will be flashed on the


lights alternately.

2.8.5 Diagnostic Data Link (DDL) Connectors

A connector is mounted on the L.H. footwell

wall. Another connector is located in the rear

electric compartment. They allow the connection

of the Diagnostic Data Reader (DDR) to read

the codes or to access pertinent data on the

condition of the engine. This enables a more

complete analysis of any defect found in the

DDEC system operation. For more information,

see Detroit Diesel Troubleshooting Guide




DDEC VI makes use of two types of codes:

Active and inactive. The difference between the

two types of codes is as follows:

Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 21

Active Codes: Codes that are currently

keeping the Check Engine or Stop Engine

telltale light illuminated. Active codes are flashed

via the Stop Engine Light when checked with the

stop-engine-override switch.

Inactive Codes: These are all the codes

logged in the CPC, which have previously

occurred, (whether or not they are currently

turning on the Stop or Check Engine Light).

Inactive codes are flashed via the Check Engine

telltale light when checked with the stop-engine-

override switch.

In most instances, only the DDR can provide the

information necessary for a quick diagnosis of

the problem. If you just need to read out codes,

however, and do not have a DDR available, the

following procedure will let you read out codes.

Make sure the rear-starting switch (located in

the engine compartment) is in the normal

position. With the ignition ON, the engine idling

or engine shut-off, momentarily depress the

Stop Engine Override (SEO) switch. Active

codes will be flashed on the stop engine telltale,

followed by the inactive codes being flashed on

the check-engine telltale panel. The cycle

repeats itself until the operator depresses the

stop engine override switch again.

Flashing codes provide a four digit number.

Each fault code is flashed twice in order to help

with counting the flashes. If there are no active

faults or if there are no inactive faults the

number “3” is flashed once followed by an ~3s



Refer to DDEC Troubleshooting Manual 6SE567

for more information and SAE codes.


Active codes are flashed in ascending

numerical flash code order. Inactive codes are

flashed in most recent to least recent order.


Fault codes can only be cleared using the



The listed codes may not be used in all

applications. A default value in the normal

operating range is used by the MCM to

provide for engine operation if a sensor failure

is present.






70 2 PID 70 2111 Park Brake Status Not Plausible (Vehicle Moving)

70 19 SID 234 2112 J1939 Park Brake Switch Signal from Source #1 is


70 13 SID 234 2112 J1939 Park Brake Switch Signal from Source #1 is


70 19 SID 234 2112 J1939 Park Brake Switch Signal from Source #2 is


70 13 SID 234 2112 J1939 Park Brake Switch Signal from Source #2 is


70 19 SID 234 2112 J1939 Park Brake Switch Signal from Source #3 is


70 13 SID 234 2112 J1939 Park Brake Switch Signal from Source #3 is


84 21 PID 84 2113 Vehicle Speed Failure

Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 22





84 3 PID 84 2113 Vehicle Speed Sensor Circuit Failed High

84 4 PID 84 2113 Vehicle Speed Sensor Circuit Failed Low

84 2 PID 84 2113 VSS Anti Tamper Detection via Virtual Gear Ratio

84 8 PID 84 2113 VSS Anti Tamper Detection via Fixed Frequency


84 6 PID 84 2113 VSS Anti-Tamper Detection via ABS Vehicle Speed


84 19 PID 84 2113 J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from

Source#1 is erratic

84 13 PID 84 2113 J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from

Source#1 is missing

84 19 SID 84 2113 J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from

Source#2 is erratic

84 13 PID 84 2113 J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from

Source#2 is missing

84 19 PID 84 2113 J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from

Source#3 is erratic

84 13 PID 84 2113 J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from

Source#3 is missing

84 20 PID 84 2113 Vehicle Speed Sensor Drifted High Error (VSS

signal not plausible)

91 13 PID 91 2114 Accelerator Pedal Learn Error

91 3 PID 91 2114 Accelerator Pedal Circuit Failed High

91 4 PID 91 2114 Accelerator Pedal Circuit Failed Low

91 8 PID 91 2114 Pwm Accelerator Pedal Signal 1 Frequency Out Of


91 14 PID 91 2114 Pwm Accelerator Pedal Not Learned

91 7 PID 91 2114 Pwm Accelerator Pedal Idle Not Recognized

91 31 PID 91 2114 Pwm Accelerator Pedal Learned Range to Large

91 3 PID 91 2114 Accelerator Pedal Signal Circuit Failed High

91 9 SID 231 2615 J1939 EEC2 Message is missing

98 0 PID 98 2115 Oil Level High

98 18 PID 98 2115 Oil Level Low

98 1 PID 98 2115 Oil Level Very Low

100 18 PID 100 2121 Oil Pressure Low

100 1 PID 100 2121 Oil Pressure Very Low

107 0 PID 107 2122 Air Filter Restriction High

107 4 PID 107 2122 Air Filter Signal Circuit Failed Low

107 3 PID 107 2122 Air Filter Signal Circuit Failed High

110 16 PID 110 2123 Coolant Temperature High

Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 23





110 0 PID 110 2123 Coolant Temperature Very High

111 18 PID 111 2124 Coolant Level Low

111 3 PID 111 2124 Coolant Level Circuit Failed High

111 4 PID 111 2124 Coolant Level Circuit Failed Low

111 1 PID 111 2124 Coolant Level Very Low

168 0 PID 168 2125 Battery Voltage Very Low

168 0 PID 168 2125 Battery Voltage High

168 18 PID 168 2125 Battery Voltage Low

168 14 PID 168 2125 Opt Idle Detected Charging System or Battery


168 14 PID 168 2125 ECU powerdown not completed (Main Battery

Terminal Possibly Floating)

171 2 PID 171 2131 Ambient Temperature Sensor Data Erratic

171 14 PID 171 2131 J1587 Ambient Air Temp Sensor Data Not

Received This Ign Cycle

171 9 PID 171 2131 J1587 Ambient Air Temp Sensor Data Message

Stopped Arriving

191 9 SID 231 2615 J1939 ETC1 Message is missing

191 19 SID 231 2132 J1939 Transmission Output Shaft Speed Signal is


191 13 SID 231 2132 J1939 Transmission Output Shaft Speed Signal is


247 9 PID 247 2615 MCM Engine Hours Data not received or stopped


247 10 PID 247 2615 MCM Engine Hours Data increasing at an

implausible rate

247 0 PID 247 2615 MCM Engine Hours Data higher than expected

247 1 PID 247 2615 MCM Engine Hours Data lower than expected

523 19 PID 163 2133 J1939 Transmission Current Gear Signal is erratic

523 13 PID 163 2133 J1939 Transmission Current Gear Signal is missing

524 9 SID 231 2615 J1939 ETC2 Message is missing

527 9 SID 231 2615 J1939 CCVS Message from Source #1 is missing

527 9 SID 231 2615 J1939 CCVS Message from Source #2 is missing

527 9 SID 231 2615 J1939 CCVS Message from Source #3 is missing

558 2 SID 230 2134 Idle Validation Switch Inputs Reversed

558 5 SID 230 2134 Idle Validation Switch 2 Circuit Failed Low

558 6 SID 230 2134 Idle Validation Switch 2 Circuit Failed High

558 4 SID 230 2134 Idle Validation Switch 1 Circuit Failed Low

558 3 SID 230 2134 Idle Validation Switch 1 Circuit Failed High

Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 24





596 19 SID 244 2135 J1939 Cruise Control Enable Switch Signal from

Source #1 is erratic

596 13 SID 244 2135 J1939 Cruise Control Enable Switch Signal from

Source #1 is missing

596 19 SID 244 2135 J1939 Cruise Control Enable Switch Signal from

Source #2 is erratic

596 13 SID 244 2135 J1939 Cruise Control Enable Switch Signal from

Source #2 is missing

596 19 SID 244 2135 J1939 Cruise Control Enable Switch Signal from

Source #3 is erratic

596 13 SID 244 2135 J1939 Cruise Control Enable Switch Signal from

Source #3 is missing

597 2 SID 246 2141 Service Brake Status Not Plausible

597 19 SID 246 2141 J1939 Service Brake Switch Signal from Source #1

is erratic

597 13 SID 246 2141 J1939 Service Brake Switch Signal from Source #1

is missing

597 19 SID 246 2141 J1939 Service Brake Switch Signal from Source #2

is erratic

597 13 SID 246 2141 J1939 Service Brake Switch Signal from Source #2

is missing

597 19 SID 246 2141 J1939 Service Brake Switch Signal from Source #3

is erratic

597 13 SID 246 2141 J1939 Service Brake Switch Signal from Source #3

is missing

599 4 SID 243 2142 Cruise Control SET and RESUME Circuits Failed


600 19 SID 243 2143 J1939 Cruise Control Coast Switch Signal from

Source #1 is erratic

600 13 SID 243 2143 J1939 Cruise Control Coast Switch Signal from

Source #1 is missing

600 19 SID 243 2143 J1939 Cruise Control Coast Switch Signal from

Source #2 is erratic

600 13 SID 243 2143 J1939 Cruise Control Coast Switch Signal from

Source #2 is missing

600 19 SID 243 2143 J1939 Cruise Control Coast Switch Signal from

Source #3 is erratic

600 13 SID 243 2143 J1939 Cruise Control Coast Switch Signal from

Source #3 is missing

602 19 SID 242 2144 J1939 Cruise Control Accelerate Switch Signal

from Source #1 is erratic

602 13 SID 242 2144 J1939 Cruise Control Accelerate Switch Signal

from Source #1 is missing

602 19 SID 242 2144 J1939 Cruise Control Accelerate Switch Signal

from Source #2 is erratic

602 13 SID 242 2144 J1939 Cruise Control Accelerate Switch Signal

from Source #2 is missing

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602 19 SID 242 2144 J1939 Cruise Control Accelerate Switch Signal

from Source #3 is erratic

602 13 SID 242 2144 J1939 Cruise Control Accelerate Switch Signal

from Source #3 is missing

608 14 SID 250 2145 J1708 Data Link Failure

609 12 SID 233 2145 CPC2 Hardware Failure

615 9 SID 231 2615 J1939 DM1 Message from Transmission is missing

625 13 SID 248 2151 ECAN ID_1629 Diagnostic Message Not Received

This Ignition Cycle

625 9 SID 248 2151 ECAN ID_1629 Diagnostic Message No Longer

Being Received

625 10 SID 248 2151 ECAN ID_1629 Reporting Inconsistent Number of


625 2 SID 248 2151 ECAN ID_1629 Diagnostic Message Reporting

Data Not Available

625 14 SID 248 2151 ECAN ID_1629 Diagnostic Message Reporting an

Unknown MUID

625 9 SID 248 2151 Incorrect MCM System ID Received

625 9 SID 248 2151 MCM System ID Not Received or Stopped Arriving

625 4 SID 248 2151 ECAN Link Circuit Failure

628 14 SID 254 2151 XFLASH Static Fault Code Memory Page Read

Write Failure

628 13 SID 155 2615 20ms ECU OS Task Locked in an Endless Loop

628 13 SID 155 2615 20ms ECU OS Task Timed out Prior to Completion

628 13 SID 155 2615 1000ms ECU OS Task Locked in an Endless Loop

628 13 SID 155 2615 1000ms ECU OS Task Timed out Prior to


629 2 SID 254 2151 CPC Hardware/Software Mismatch

629 12 SID 254 2151 DDEC Data Xflash Write Error. Replace CPC2.

630 2 SID 253 2152 EEPROM Checksum Failure

630 2 SID 253 2152 EEPROM Checksum Failure for the SCR Block

630 13 SID 253 2152 SCR Number Out of Range

630 14 SID 155 2615 MCM Fault Codes Unavailable via J1939 and


630 14 SID 155 2615 MCM Fault Code Table Inconsistant — Upgrade

MCM Software

630 14 SID 155 2615 Insufficient Static Fault Code Storrage Memory —

Upgrade CPC Software

Section 01: ENGINE

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630 14 SID 155 2615 MCM Fault Code Table Inconsistant — Upgrade

MCM Software

639 14 SID 231 2153 J1939 Data Link Failure

701 3 SID 26 2211 Digital Output 4 09 Circuit Failed High

701 4 SID 26 2211 Digital Output 4 09 Circuit Failed Low

702 3 SID 40 2212 Digital Output 3 17 Circuit Failed High

702 4 SID 40 2212 Digital Output 3 17 Circuit Failed Low

703 3 SID 51 2213 Digital Output 3 09 Circuit Failed High

703 4 SID 51 2213 Digital Output 3 09 Circuit Failed Low

704 3 SID 52 2214 Digital Output 4 07 Circuit Failed High

704 4 SID 52 2214 Digital Output 4 07 Circuit Failed Low

705 3 SID 53 2215 Digital Output 1 13 Circuit Failed High

705 4 SID 53 2215 Digital Output 1 13 Circuit Failed Low

706 3 SID 54 2221 Digital Output 3 10 Circuit Failed High

706 4 SID 54 2221 Digital Output 3 10 Circuit Failed Low

707 3 SID 55 2222 Digital Output 2 10 Circuit Failed High (CEL / AWL


707 4 SID 55 2222 Digital Output 2 10 Circuit Failed Low (CEL / AWL


708 3 SID 56 2223 Digital Output 3 12 Circuit Failed High

708 4 SID 56 2223 Digital Output 3 12 Circuit Failed Low

709 3 SID 257 2224 Digital Output 3 16 Circuit Failed High

709 4 SID 257 2224 Digital Output 3 16 Circuit Failed Low

710 3 SID 258 2225 Digital Output 4 06 Circuit Failed High

710 4 SID 258 2225 Digital Output 4 06 Circuit Failed Low

711 3 SID 259 2231 Digital Output 1 05 Circuit Failed High

711 4 SID 259 2231 Digital Output 1 05 Circuit Failed Low

712 3 SID 260 2232 Digital Output 1 04 Circuit Failed High

712 4 SID 260 2232 Digital Output 1 04 Circuit Failed Low

713 3 SID 261 2234 Digital Output 3 07 Circuit Failed High

713 4 SID 261 2234 Digital Output 3 07 Circuit Failed Low

713 5 SID 261 2234 Digital Output 3 07 Open Circuit

713 7 SID 261 2234 TOP2 Shift Failure

714 3 SID 262 2235 Digital Output 3 08 Circuit Failed High

714 4 SID 262 2235 Digital Output 3 08 Circuit Failed Low

714 5 SID 262 2235 Digital Output 3 08 Open Circuit

715 3 SID 263 2241 Digital Output 4 10 Circuit Failed High

904 9 SID 231 2615 J1939 EBC2 Message from ABS is missing

904 19 SID 231 2242 J1939 Front Axle Speed Signal is erratic

904 13 SID 231 2242 J1939 Front Axle Speed Signal is missing

972 2 SID 203 2243 Throttle inhibit switch signal not plausible due to

excess vehicle speed

973 9 SID 231 2615 J1939 EBC1 Message is missing

973 13 SID 231 2244 J1939 Engine Retarder Selection Signal Missing

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973 19 SID 231 2244 J1939 Engine Retarder Selection Signal Erratic

974 2 PID 372 2245 Remote Accelerator Pedal Supply Voltage Out of


974 3 PID 372 2245 Remote Accelerator Pedal Circuit Failed High

974 4 PID 372 2245 Remote Accelerator Pedal Circuit Failed Low

981 0 SID 155 2311 PTO CC+ and CC- Switches Pressed


986 9 SID 231 2615 J1939 CM1 Message is missing

1267 4 SID 123 2312 Digital Output 4 10 Circuit Failed Low

1267 3 SID 123 2312 Digital Output 4 10 Circuit Failed Open

1321 4 SID 128 2314 Starter Lockout Output Shorted to Ground

1321 3 SID 128 2314 Starter Lockout Output Open Circuit

1590 19 SID 155 2615 Adaptive Cruise Control Message Not Received

1590 9 SID 231 2615 Adaptive Cruise Control Device Reporting Error

1624 9 SID 231 2615 J1939 TCO1 Message is missing

1624 19 SID 231 2315 J1939 Tachograph Vehicle Speed Signal is erratic

1624 13 SID 231 2315 J1939 Tachograph Vehicle Speed Signal is missing

1663 7 SID 123 2321 Optimized Idle Safety Loop Faulted

1716 9 SID 231 2615 J1939 ERC1 Message is missing

1845 9 SID 231 2615 J1939 TCFG2 Message is missing

2623 14 PID 91 2322 Pwm Accelerator Pedal GAS1 and GAS2 Signal


2623 8 PID 91 2322 Pwm Accelerator Pedal Signal 2 Frequency Out Of


2900 9 SID 231 2615 J1939 ETC7 Message is missing

3510 3 SID 211 2333 Accelerator Pedal Supply Voltage Circuit Failed


3510 4 SID 211 2333 Accelerator Pedal Supply Voltage Circuit Failed


3510 4 SID 211 2333 Pwm Accelerator Pedal Supply Voltage Missing

3510 3 SID 211 2333 Accelerator Pedal Supply Voltage Circuit Failed


3606 9 SID 231 2615 J1939 ESS Message is missing

3695 2 SID 155 2334 Manual DPF Regen and DPF Inhibit Switch

Rationality Fault

3695 19 SID 155 2334 DPF Regen Inhibit MUX Switch Message Contains

Data Error Indicator

3695 13 SID 155 2334 DPF Regen Inhibit MUX Switch Message Contains

SNV Indicator

3695 9 SID 155 2334 DPF Regen Inhibit MUX Switch Message Stopped


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3695 14 SID 155 2334 DPF Regen Inhibit MUX Switch Message Not

Received this Ign Cycle

3696 19 SID 155 2335 DPF Regen Force MUX Switch Message Contains

Data Error Indicator

3696 13 SID 155 2335 DPF Regen Force MUX Switch Message Contains

SNV Indicator

3696 9 SID 155 2335 DPF Regen Force MUX Switch Message Stopped


3696 14 SID 155 2335 DPF Regen Force MUX Switch Message Not

Received this Ign Cycle







27 4 PID 27 1111 EGR Valve Position Circuit Failed Low

27 3 PID 27 1111 EGR Valve Position Circuit Failed High

27 2 PID 27 1111 EGR Valve Position Feedback Failed

27 0 PID 27 1111 EGR Valve Position Feedback Failed (High Box)

27 1 PID 27 1111 EGR Valve Position Feedback Failed (Low Box)

27 14 PID 27 1111 EGR Valve Position Positive Torque Error

27 7 PID 27 1111 EGR Valve Stuck Open

27 19 PID 27 1521 Smart Actuator Indicates EGR Position Error

51 4 SID 51 1112 Intake Air Throttle Circuit Failed Low

51 3 SID 51 1112 Intake Air Throttle Circuit Failed High

51 2 PID 51 1112 Intake Throttle Position Deviation Error

51 0 PID 51 1112 Intake Air Throttle Position High

51 1 PID 51 1112 Intake Air Throttle Position Low

51 7 PID 51 1112 Intake Throttle Auto Calibration Error

94 4 PID 94 1112 Fuel Compensation Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed Low

94 3 PID 94 1112 Fuel Compensation Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed High

94 1 PID 94 1112 Fuel Pressure Too High/Too Low

97 4 PID 97 1615 Water in Fuel Circuit Failed Low

97 3 PID 97 1615 Water in Fuel Circuit Failed High

98 1 PID 98 1114 Oil Level Circuit Failed Low

98 0 PID 98 1114 Oil Level Circuit Failed High

98 13 PID 98 1634 Oil Level Mesaurement, Configuration Error

98 14 PID 98 1634 Oil Level Mesaurement, Oil Level Too Low or Too High

100 4 PID 100 1114 Engine Oil Pressure Circuit Failed Low

100 3 PID 100 1114 Engine Oil Pressure Circuit Failed High

100 1 PID 100 1114 Engine Oil Pressure Low

100 2 PID 100 1114 Oil Pressure Plausibility — Engine Running

100 2 PID 100 1114 Oil Pressure Plausibility — Stop

103 2 PID 103 1115 Turbocharger Speed Not Plausible

103 1 PID 103 1115 Turbo Charger Speed Below Threshold (High Box)

103 0 PID 103 1115 Turbo Charger Speed Above Threshold (Low Box)

103 4 PID 103 1115 Turbo Charger Speed Sensor Circuit Failed Low

103 3 PID 103 1115 Turbo Charger Speed Sensor Circuit Failed High

108 4 PID 108 1211 Barometric Pressure Circuit Failed Low

108 3 PID 108 1211 Barometric Pressure Circuit Failed High

108 2 PID 108 1211 Ambient Pressure Plausibility Fault (Low Box)

108 20 PID 108 1211 Ambient Pressure Plausibility Fault (High Box)

Section 01: ENGINE

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110 4 PID 110 1212 Engine Coolant Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed Low

110 3 PID 110 1212 Engine Coolant Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed High

110 0 PID 110 1212 Coolant Temperature High

110 14 PID 110 1212 Coolant Temperature / Engine Oil Temperature Plausibility Fault

110 2 PID 110 1212 Engine Coolant Sensor (OUT), General Temp. Plausibility Error

132 7 PID 132 1213 Intake Air Throttle Valve Closure Detection- Positive Torque

132 14 PID 132 1213 Intake Air Throttle Valve Closure Detection -Braking Condition

132 14 PID 322 1635 HC-Doser Fuel Pressure Not Plausible

132 1 PID 322 1213 Air Mass Flow Too Low

132 13 PID 132 1213 Air Mass Auto Calibration Failed

158 2 PID 43 1214 Ignition Switch Not Plausible

164 4 PID 164 1215 Rail Pressure Governor Sensor Circuit Failed Low

164 3 PID 164 1215 Rail Pressure Governor Sensor Circuit Failed High

164 0 PID 164 1215 Rail Pressure Governor (High Side) Error

164 0 PID 164 1215 Rail Pressure Governor (Low Side) Error

168 1 PID 168 1221 Battery Voltage Low

168 0 PID 168 1221 Battery Voltage High

171 4 PID 171 1222 Ambient Temperature Circuit Failed Low

171 3 PID 171 1222 Ambient Temperature Circuit Failed High

174 4 PID 174 1223 Fuel Temperature Circuit Failed Low

174 3 PID 174 1223 Fuel Temperature Circuit Failed High

174 2 PID 174 1223 Fuel Temperature Sensor, General Temp. Plausibility

174 0 PID 174 1223 Fuel Temperature Too High

175 4 PID 175 1224 Engine Oil Temperature Circuit Failed Low

175 3 PID 175 1224 Engine Oil Temperature Circuit Failed High

175 14 PID 175 1224 Engine Oil Temperature Sensor Plausibility Fault

175 2 PID 175 1224 Engine Oil Temperature Sensor, General Temp. Plausibility

190 2 PID 190 1225 Engine Speed High

354 4 PID 354 1231 Relative Humidity Circuit Failed Low

354 3 PID 354 1231 Relative Humidity Circuit Failed High

411 4 PID 411 1232 EGR Delta Pressure Sensor Circuit Low

411 3 PID 411 1232 EGR Delta Pressure Sensor Circuit High

411 0 PID 411 1232 EGR Differential Pressure Failed (High Box)

411 1 PID 411 1232 EGR Differential Pressure Failed (Low Box)

411 5 PID 411 1232 EGR Sampling Range Failed

411 13 PID 411 1232 EGR Delta Pressure Sensor Out Of Calibration

411 13 PID 411 1232 EGR Delta Pressure Sensor Out Of Calibration

412 3 PID 412 1233 EGR Temperature Sensor Circuit Failed High

412 4 PID 412 1233 EGR Temperature Sensor Circuit Failed Low

412 20 PID 412 1233 EGR Temperature Drift (High Box)

412 21 PID 412 1233 EGR Temperature Drift (Low Box)

412 2 PID 412 1233 EGR Temperature Sensor, General Temp. Plausibility Error

412 0 PID 412 1512 EGR Temperature Very High

412 16 PID 412 1233 EGR Temperature Sensor / Temperature Too High

615 4 SID 155 1615

Reserved Monitoring Unit For Temperature Diagnostics, Circuit Failed Low


615 3 SID 155 1615

Reserved Monitoring Unit For Temperature Diagnostics, Circuit Failed High


615 4 SID 155 1615

Reserved Monitoring Unit For Temperature Diagnostics, Circuit Failed Low


615 3 SID 155 1615

Reserved Monitoring Unit For Temperature Diagnostics, Circuit Failed High


615 4 SID 155 1615

Reserved Monitoring Unit For Temperature Diagnostics, Circuit Failed Low


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615 3 SID 155 1615

Reserved Monitoring Unit For Temperature Diagnostics, Circuit Failed High


615 4 SID 155 1615

Reserved Monitoring Unit For Temperature Diagnostics, Circuit Failed Low


615 3 SID 155 1615

Reserved Monitoring Unit For Temperature Diagnostics, Circuit Failed High


615 4 SID 155 1615 Catalyst Temperature Sensor Circuit High Input (Bank 1 Sensor 1)

615 3 SID 155 1615 Catalyst Temperature Sensor Circuit Low Input (Bank 1 Sensor 1)

615 4 SID 155 1615 Catalyst Temperature Sensor Circuit High (Bank 1 Sensor 2)

615 3 SID 155 1615 Catalyst Temperature Sensor Circuit Low (Bank 1 Sensor 2)

615 4 SID 51 1322 Water Pump 1 Circuit Failed Low

615 3 SID 51 1322 Water Pump 1 Circuit Failed High

615 5 SID 51 1322 Water Pump 1 Circuit Failed Open

615 4 SID 55 1331 Turbo Compound Valve Circuit Failed Low

615 3 SID 55 1331 Turbo Compound Valve Circuit Failed High

615 5 SID 55 1331 Turbo Compound Valve Circuit Failed Open

615 4 SID 259 1335 Turbo Brake Sleeve Circuit Failed Low

615 3 SID 259 1335 Turbo Brake Sleeve Circuit Failed High

615 5 SID 259 1335 Turbo Brake Sleeve Circuit Failed Open

615 4 SID 261 1355 Function 20 Circuit Failed Low

615 3 SID 261 1355 Function 20 Circuit Failed High

615 5 SID 261 1355 Function 20 Circuit Failed Open

615 3 SID 155 1451 Service Push Button Circuit Failed High

615 14 SID 155 1615 Turbocharger/Supercharger Boost System Performance

615 14 SID 155 1615 Starter Electronic Fault / ECU internal (Res)

615 14 SID 155 1615 Starter Jammed (Tooth to Tooth Jam)

615 14 SID 155 1615 Rail Pressure Governor, Valve Stays Open

615 14 SID 155 1615 MU_RPG_INT_MON_SRH, I Term Value Too High

615 14 SID 155 1615 Rail Pressure Governor, Leakage in High Pressure Too High

615 14 SID 155 1615 Rail Pressure Governor Sensor, Signal Drift

615 14 SID 155 1615 Rail Pressure Governor Sensor, Sensor Supply Line Broken

615 4 SID 155 1615 Compressor Differential Pressure Outlet Failed Low

615 3 SID 155 1615 Compressor Differential Pressure Outlet Failed High

615 14 SID 155 1615 Doser Metering and Safety Unit Valve Seals Check

615 14 SID 155 1615 High Pressure Pump, Leakage or TDC Position Wrong

615 4 SID 155 1615 Flap In Front of EGR Cooler Circuit Failed Low

615 3 SID 155 1615 Flap In Front of EGR Cooler Circuit Failed High

615 5 SID 155 1615 Flap In Front of EGR Cooler Circuit Failed Open

615 4 SID 155 1615 Water Pump 2 Circuit Failed Low

615 3 SID 155 1615 Water Pump 2 Circuit Failed High

615 5 SID 156 1615 Water Pump 2 Circuit Failed Open

615 4 SID 157 1615 RCP Test Function 1 Circuit Failed Low

615 3 SID 158 1615 RCP Test Function 1 Circuit Failed High

615 5 SID 159 1615 RCP Test Function 1 Circuit Failed Open

615 4 SID 160 1615 RCP Test Function 2 Circuit Failed Low

615 3 SID 161 1615 RCP Test Function 2 Circuit Failed High

615 5 SID 162 1615 RCP Test Function 2 Circuit Failed Open

615 4 SID 163 1615 Volute Control Valve, Shorted to Ground

615 3 SID 164 1615 Volute Control Valve, Shorted to Battery

615 5 SID 165 1615 Volute Control Valve, Open Load

615 4 SID 166 1615 Volute Shut Off Valve, Shorted to Ground

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615 3 SID 167 1615 Volute Shut Off Valve, Shorted to Battery

615 5 SID 168 1615 Volute Shut Off Valve, Open Load

615 4 SID 169 1615 Function 30 Circuit Failed Low

615 3 SID 170 1615 Function 30 Circuit Failed High

615 5 SID 171 1615 Function 30 Circuit Failed Open

615 4 SID 172 1615 Function 31 Circuit Failed Low

615 3 SID 173 1615 Function 31 Circuit Failed High

615 5 SID 174 1615 Function 31 Circuit Failed Open

615 14 SID 155 1453 Smart Remote Actuator 2, No Failsafe Mode, Motor Off

615 9 SID 155 1453 Smart Remote Actuator 2, Failsafe Mode, Motor Off

615 16 SID 155 1453 Smart Remote Actuator 2, Temperature Fault

615 7 SID 155 1453 Smart Remote Actuator 2, Failsafe Mode, Motor On

615 11 SID 155 1453 Smart Remote Actuator 2, Restricted Operability

615 15 SID 155 1453 Smart Remote Actuator 2, Temperature Warning

615 8 SID 155 1453 Smart Remote Actuator 2, Internal Test Running

615 31 SID 155 1453 Smart Remote Actuator 2, Unknown Error Code

615 13 SID 155

1454 Turbocharger Compressor Outlet Differential Pressure Sensor Out Of


615 13 SID 155

1454 Turbocharger Compressor Outlet Differential Pressure Sensor Out Of


615 19 SID 155 1637 Smart Actuator Indicates Actuator Position Error

625 2 SID 248 1234 Invalid Data on Engine CAN Link

625 9 SID 248 1234 No Data Received from Engine CAN Link

625 9 SID 248 1234 Engine CAN Low Wire Defect — (wire 1)

625 9 SID 248 1234 Engine CAN High Wire Defect — (wire 2)

630 12 SID 253 1452 EEPROM Read / Write Operation Failed

630 13 SID 253 1455 Calibration Data Not Plausible

630 13 SID 253 1455 Calibration Data Not Plausible (CPLD)

634 4 SID 40 1321 Constant Throttle Valve Circuit Failed Low

634 3 SID 40 1321 Constant Throttle Valve Circuit Failed High

634 5 SID 40 1321 Constant Throttle Valve Circuit Failed Open

636 1 SID 21 1235 Crankshaft Position Sensor Signal Voltage Too Low

636 3 SID 21 1235 Crankshaft Position Sensor Open Circuit

636 4 SID 21 1235 Crankshaft Position Sensor Short to Ground

636 8 SID 21 1235 Crankshaft Position Sensor Time Out

636 14 SID 21 1235 Crankshaft Position Sensor Pins Swapped

636 2 SID 21 1235 No Match of Camshaft and Crankshaft Signals

641 4 SID 27 1542 Turbo Control Circuit Failed Low

641 3 SID 27 1542 Turbo Control Circuit Failed High

641 5 SID 27 1542 Turbo Control Circuit Open

641 14 SID 147 1241 Smart Remote Actuator 5 (VGT), No Failsafe Mode, Motor Off

641 9 SID 147 1241 Smart Remote Actuator 5 (VGT), Failsafe Mode, Motor Off

641 7 SID 147 1241 Smart Remote Actuator 5 (VGT), Failsafe Mode, Motor On

641 11 SID 147 1241 Smart Remote Actuator 5 (VGT), Restricted Operability

641 8 SID 147 1241 Smart Remote Actuator 5 (VGT), Internal Test Running

641 31 SID 147 1241 Smart Remote Actuator 5 (VGT), Unknown Error Code

647 4 SID 33 1334 Fan Stage 1 Circuit Failed Low

647 3 SID 33 1334 Fan Stage 1 Circuit Failed High

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647 5 SID 33 1334 Fan Stage 1 Circuit Failed Open

651 14 SID 1 1242 Injector Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation

651 10 SID 1 1242 Injector Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Rate of Change

651 5 SID 1 1242

Injector Cylinder 1, Nozzle Control Valve or Spill Control Valve, Jammed


651 7 SID 1 1242

Injector Cylinder 1, Nozzle Control Valve or Spill Control Valve, Jammed

Open or Leakage

651 6 SID 1 1242 Injector Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve, Valve Shorted Circuit

651 31 SID 1 1242 Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #1 Value Out of Range

652 14 SID 2 1243 Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation

652 10 SID 2 1243 Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Rate of Change

652 5 SID 2 1243

Injector Cylinder 2, Nozzle Control Valve or Spill Control Valve, Jammed


652 7 SID 2 1243

Injector Cylinder 2, Nozzle Control Valve or Spill Control Valve, Jammed

Open or Leakage

652 6 SID 2 1243 Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve, Valve Shorted Circuit

652 31 SID 2 1243 Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #2 Value Out of Range

653 14 SID 3 1244 Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation

653 10 SID 3 1244 Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Rate of Change

653 5 SID 3 1244

Injector Cylinder 3, Nozzle Control Valve or Spill Control Valve, Jammed


653 7 SID 3 1244

Injector Cylinder 3, Nozzle Control Valve or Spill Control Valve, Jammed

Open or Leakage

653 6 SID 3 1244 Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve, Valve Shorted Circuit

653 31 SID 3 1244 Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #3 Value Out of Range

654 14 SID 4 1245 Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation

654 10 SID 4 1245 Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Rate of Change

654 5 SID 4 1245

Injector Cylinder 4, Nozzle Control Valve or Spill Control Valve, Jammed


654 7 SID 4 1245

Injector Cylinder 4, Nozzle Control Valve or Spill Control Valve, Jammed

Open or Leakage

654 6 SID 4 1245 Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve, Valve Shorted Circuit

654 31 SID 4 1245 Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #4 Value Out of Range

655 14 SID 5 1251 Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation

655 10 SID 5 1251 Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Rate of Change

655 5 SID 5 1251

Injector Cylinder 5, Nozzle Control Valve or Spill Control Valve, Jammed


655 7 SID 5 1251

Injector Cylinder 5, Nozzle Control Valve or Spill Control Valve, Jammed

Open or Leakage

655 6 SID 5 1251 Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve, Valve Shorted Circuit

655 31 SID 5 1251 Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #5 Value Out of Range

656 14 SID 6 1252 Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation

656 10 SID 6 1252 Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Rate of Change

656 5 SID 6 1252

Injector Cylinder 6, Nozzle Control Valve or Spill Control Valve, Jammed


656 7 SID 6 1252

Injector Cylinder 6, Nozzle Control Valve or Spill Control Valve, Jammed

Open or Leakage

656 6 SID 6 1252 Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve, Valve Shorted Circuit

656 31 SID 6 1252 Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #6 Value Out of Range

657 14 SID 7 1253 Injector Cylinder #7 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation

Section 01: ENGINE

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657 10 SID 7 1253 Injector Cylinder #7 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Rate of Change

657 6 SID 7 1253 Injector Cylinder #7 Needle Control Valve, Valve Shorted Circuit

657 31 SID 7 1253 Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #7 Value Out of Range

658 14 SID 8 1254 Injector Cylinder #8 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation

658 10 SID 8 1254 Injector Cylinder #8 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Rate of Change

658 6 SID 8 1254 Injector Cylinder #8 Needle Control Valve, Valve Shorted Circuit

658 31 SID 8 1254 Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #8 Value Out of Range

677 2 SID 39 1255 Starter Switch Inconsistent

677 5 SID 39 1255 Engine Starter Relay Circuit Failed Low

677 4 SID 39 1255 Engine Starter Relay Open Circuit

677 14 SID 39 1255 Starter Electronic Fault / ECU internal (Main)

677 7 SID 39 1255 Engine Starter Relay — Starter Does Not Engage

677 3 SID 39 1255 Engine Starter Relay Shorted to High Source

677 7 SID 39 1255 Engine Starter Relay Jammed

698 4 SID 58 1312 Gridheater Circuit Failed Low

698 3 SID 58 1312 Gridheater Circuit Failed High

698 5 SID 58 1312 Gridheater Circuit Failed Open

715 4 SID 263 1412 High Side Digital Output # 1 Circuit Failed Low

715 3 SID 263 1412 High Side Digital Output # 1 Circuit Failed High

715 5 SID 263 1412 High Side Digital Output # 2 Circuit Failed Open

716 4 SID 264 1413 High Side Digital Output # 2 Circuit Failed Low

723 1 SID 64 1415 Camshaft Position Sensor Signal Voltage Too Low

723 3 SID 64 1415 Camshaft Position Sensor Open Circuit

723 4 SID 64 1415 Camshaft Position Sensor Short to Ground

723 8 SID 64 1415 Camshaft Position Sensor Time Out

723 14 SID 64 1415 Camshaft Position Sensor Pins Swapped

729 4 PID 45 1421 Grid Heater Circuit Failed Low

729 14 PID 45 1421 Grid Heater Special Instructions

729 3 PID 45 1421 Grid Heater Circuit Failed High

729 7 PID 45 1421 Grid Heater Defect

729 0 PID 45 1421 Grid Heater Permanently On

1071 4 SID 60 1314 Fan Stage 2 Circuit Failed Low

1071 3 SID 60 1314 Fan Stage 2 Circuit Failed High

1071 5 SID 60 1314 Fan Stage 2 Circuit Failed Open

1072 4 SID 79 1422 Jake Brake Stage 1 Circuit Failed Low

1072 3 SID 79 1422 Jake Brake Stage 1 Circuit Failed High

1072 5 SID 79 1422 Jake Brake Stage 1 Circuit Failed Open

1073 4 SID 80 1315 Jake Brake Stage 2 Circuit Failed Low

1073 3 SID 80 1315 Jake Brake Stage 2 Circuit Failed High

1073 5 SID 80 1315 Jake Brake Stage 2 Circuit Failed Open

1074 4 SID 81 1345 Exhaust Brake Circuit Failed Low

1074 3 SID 81 1345 Exhaust Brake Circuit Failed High

1074 5 SID 81 1345 Exhaust Brake Circuit Failed Open

1077 14 PID 164 1241 Rail Pressure Governor Error, Open Loop Error

1077 5 PID 164 1423 Rail Pressure Governor Error, Current Governor, Current Too Low

1077 7 PID 164 1423 Rail Pressure Governor Error, Pressure Governor, Pressure Not Plausible

1077 6 SID 155 1423 Rail Pressure Governor Error, Current Too High

1127 4 SID 273 1424 Turbocharger Compressor Outlet Pressure Circuit Failed Low

1127 3 SID 273 1424 Turbocharger Compressor Outlet Pressure Circuit Failed High

1172 4 PID 351 1425 Turbocharger Compressor Inlet Temperature Circuit Failed Low

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1172 3 PID 351 1425 Turbocharger Compressor Inlet Temperature Circuit Failed High

1172 2 PID 351 1425 Coolant Temp/Compressor Inlet Temp Plausibility Error

1172 2 PID 351 1425

Turbocharger Compressor Inlet Temp. Sensor, General Temp. Plausibility


1176 4 SID 314 1431 Turbocharger Compressor Inlet Pressure Circuit Failed Low

1176 3 SID 314 1431 Turbocharger Compressor Inlet Pressure Circuit Failed High

1176 2 PID 314 1431 Compressor Pressure Plausibility Fault (High Box)

1176 5 PID 314 1431 Compressor Inlet Pressure Plausibility Fault (Delta)

1176 20 SID 314 1431 Compressor Inlet Pressure Plausibility Error, Pressure Too High (High Box)

1188 4 SID 32 1325 Waste Gate Circuit Failed Low

1188 3 SID 32 1325 Waste Gate Circuit Failed High

1188 5 SID 32 1325 Waste Gate Circuit Failed Open

1188 14 SID 32 1432 Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), No Failsafe Mode, Motor Off

1188 9 SID 32 1432 Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Failsafe Mode, Motor Off

1188 16 SID 32 1432 Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Temperature Fault

1188 7 SID 32 1432 Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Failsafe Mode, Motor On

1188 11 SID 32 1432 Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Restricted Operability

1188 15 SID 32 1432 Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Temperature Warning

1188 8 SID 32 1432 Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Internal Test Running

1188 31 SID 32 1432 Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Unknown Error Code

1188 19 SID 32 1432 Smart Actuator Indicates Turbocharger Wastegate Position Error

1213 4 SID 257 1333 MIL Lamp Circuit Failed Low

1213 3 SID 257 1333 MIL Lamp Circuit Failed High

1213 5 SID 257 1333 MIL Lamp Circuit Failed Open

1323 31 SID 155 1433 Cylinder 1 Misfire detected

1323 14 SID 156 1434 Misfire Detected

1324 31 SID 155 1435 Cylinder 2 Misfire detected

1325 31 SID 155 1441 Cylinder 3 Misfire detected

1326 31 SID 155 1442 Cylinder 4 Misfire detected

1327 31 SID 155 1443 Cylinder 5 Misfire detected

1328 31 SID 155 1444 Cylinder 6 Misfire Detected

1329 31 SID 155 1445 Cylinder 7 Misfire Detected

1330 31 SID 155 1446 Cylinder 8 Misfire Detected

1351 4 SID 155 1615 Switchable Air Compressor Circuit Failed Low

1351 3 SID 155 1615 Switchable Air Compressor Circuit Failed High

1351 5 SID 155 1615 Switchable Air Compressor Circuit Failed Open

1636 4 PID 105 1511 Intake Manifold Temperature Circuit Failed Low

1636 3 PID 105 1511 Intake Manifold Temperature Circuit Failed High

1636 2 PID 105 1511 Intake Manifold Temperature Plausibility Error

1636 21 PID 105 1511

Difference Intake Manifold Temperature and EGR Temp. Less Than

Threshold (Low Box)

1636 2 PID 105 1511

Difference Intake Manifold and I Cooler Temperature Out Less Than

Threshold (Low Box)

1636 2 PID 105 1511

Difference Intake Manifold and I Cooler Temperature Out Less Than

Threshold (High Box)

1636 20 PID 105 1511 Intake Manifold Temperature Drift (Low Box)

1636 21 PID 105 1511 Intake Manifold Temperature Drift (High Box)

2629 4 PID 404 1513 Turbocharger Compressor Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed Low

2629 3 PID 404 1513 Turbocharger Compressor Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed High

2629 20 PID 404 1513 Turbocharger Out Temperature, Temperature Too High (Low Box)

Section 01: ENGINE

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2629 21 PID 404 1513 Turbocharger Out Temperature, Temperature Too Low (High Box)

2629 2 PID 404 1513

Turbocharger Compressor Outlet Temp. Sensor, General Temp. Plausibility


2630 4 SID 272 1514 Charge Air Cooler Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed Low

2630 3 SID 272 1514 Charge Air Cooler Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed High

2630 2 SID 272 1514 Charge Air Cooler Outlet Temperature Sensor Plausibility Error

2630 20 SID 272 1514 Charge Air Outlet Temperature Drift (Low box)

2630 21 SID 272 1514 Charge Air Outlet Temperature Drift (High box)

2631 4 SID 273 1515 Charge Air Cooler Outlet Pressure Circuit Failed Low

2631 3 SID 273 1515 Charge Air Cooler Outlet Pressure Circuit Failed High

2659 1 SID 277 1515 EGR Flow Target Error Diagnostic — Low Flow

2659 0 SID 277 1515 EGR Flow Target Error Diagnostic — High Flow

2791 4 PID 146 1521 EGR Valve Circuit Failed Low

2791 3 PID 146 1521 EGR Valve Circuit Failed High

2791 5 PID 146 1521 EGR Valve Circuit Failed Open

2791 7 SID 146 1521 EGR Valve Position Incorrect

2791 14 SID 146 1521 Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), No Failsafe Mode, Motor Off

2791 9 SID 146 1521 Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Failsafe Mode, Motor Off

2791 16 SID 146 1521 Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Temperature Fault

2791 7 SID 146 1521 Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Failsafe Mode, Motor On

2791 11 SID 146 1521 Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Restricted Operability

2791 15 SID 146 1521 Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Temperature Warning

2791 8 SID 146 1521 Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Internal Test Running

2791 31 SID 146 1521 Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Unknown Error Code

2795 9 SID 269 1241 CAN3 Communication Error

2795 4 SID 269 1522 Position Waste Gate (VNT) Failed Low

2795 3 SID 269 1522 Position Waste Gate (VNT) Failed High

2795 2 SID 269 1522 VNT Valve Position Feedback Failed

2795 0 SID 269 1522 VNT Valve Position Feedback, Position Too Low (High Box)

2795 1 SID 269 1522 VNT Valve Position Feedback, Position Too High (Low Box)

2795 19 SID 147 1522 Smart Actuator Indicates Turbocharger Vane Position Error

2797 4 SID 317 1523 Injector Needle Control Valve Cylinder 1, 2, 3 Shorted to Ground

2797 4 SID 317 1524 Injector Needle Control Valve Cylinder 4, 5, 6 Shorted to Ground

2797 4 SID 317 1615 Injector Needle Control Valve Bank 3, Shorted to Ground

2797 3 SID 317 1523 Injector Needle Control Valve Cylinder 1,2,3 Shorted to Battery

2797 3 SID 317 1524 Injector Needle Control Valve Cylinder 4,5,6, Shorted to Battery

2797 3 SID 317 1615 Injector Needle Control Valve Bank 3, Shorted to Battery

2798 4 SID 317 1615 Injector Spill Control Valve Cylinder 1, 2, 3 Shorted to Ground

2798 4 SID 317 1615 Injector Spill Control Valve Cylinder 4, 5, 6 Shorted to Ground

2798 4 SID 317 1615 Injector Spill Control Valve («Amplifier») Bank 6, Shorted to Ground

2798 3 SID 317 1615 Injector Spill Control Valve Cylinder 1,2,3, Shorted to Battery

2798 3 SID 317 1615 Injector Spill Control Valve Cylinder 4,5,6, Shorted to Battery

2798 3 SID 317 1615 Injector Spill Control Valve («Amplifier») Bank 6, Shorted to Battery

2988 4 SID 262 1411 EGR Water Cooling Regulator Circuit Failed Low

988 3 SID 262 1411 EGR Water Cooling Regulator Circuit Failed High

2988 5 SID 262 1411 EGR Water Cooling Regulator Circuit Failed Open

Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 36






3050 0 SID 155 1525 Engine Air Flow Out of Range Low

3050 1 SID 324 1525 Active Regen Temp Out of Range Low

3058 13 PID 146 1615 EGR System Parametrization Failure

3064 13 SID 155 1615 DPF System Parametrization Failure

3242 4 PID 318 1531 DOC Inlet Temperature Circuit Failed Low

3242 3 PID 318 1531 DOC Inlet Temperature Circuit Failed High

3242 10 SID 318 1531 DOC Inlet Temperature Sensor Stuck

3242 2 SID 318 1531 DOC Inlet Temperature Sensor — Plausibility Error

3246 4 SID 320 1532 DPF Oulet Temperature Circuit Failed Low

3246 3 SID 320 1532 DPF Oulet Temperature Circuit Failed High

3246 14 SID 320 1532 Abnormal DPF Temperature Rise b)

3246 0 SID 320 1532 DPF Outlet Temperature High

3246 10 SID 320 1532 DPF Outlet Temperature Sensor Stuck

3246 2 SID 320 1532 DPF Outlet Sensor, General Temp. Plausibility

3246 31 SID 323 1532 Abnormal DPF Temperature Rise

3250 4 PID 322 1533 DOC Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed Low

3250 3 PID 322 1533 DOC Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed High

3250 14 PID 322 1533 Abnormal DOC Temperature Rise

3250 10 SID 322 1533 DOC Outlet Temperature Sensor Stuck

3250 2 SID 322 1533 DOC Outlet Temperature Sensor — Plausibility Error

3250 31 PID 322 1533 Abnormal DOC Temperature Rise

3250 0 PID 322 1533 DOC Outlet Temperature High

3251 0 SID 324 1534 DPF Pressure — Out of Range Very High

3251 1 SID 324 1534 DPF Pressure — Out of Range Low

3251 9 SID 324 1534 Abnormal Soot Rate

3251 16 SID 324 1534 DPF Pressure — Out of Range High

3358 4 SID 155 1535 EGR Pressure Failed Low

3358 3 SID 155 1535 EGR Pressure Failed High

3464 4 SID 59 1313 Intake Throttle Valve Circuit Failed Low

3464 3 SID 59 1313 Intake Throttle Valve Circuit Failed High

3464 5 SID 59 1313 Intake Throttle Valve Circuit Failed Open

3464 14 SID 59 1615 Intake Air Throttle Control Electrical Fault

3464 2 PID 51 1541 Intake Throttle Valve, Spring Response Time Not Plausible

3464 7 PID 51 1541 Intake Throttle Valve, Stuck

3464 14 PID 51 1541 Intake Throttle Valve, Integrated Absolute Error Plausibility

3464 8 PID 51 1541 Intake Throttle Valve, Current Deviation Too High

3470 4 SID 57 1311 Actuator Turbo Compound Bypass Circuit Failed Low

3470 3 SID 57 1311 Actuator Turbo Compound Bypass Circuit Failed High

3470 5 SID 57 1311 Actuator Turbo Compound Bypass Circuit Failed Open

3471 4 SID 334 1323 HC Doser Circuit Failed Low

3471 3 SID 334 1323 HC Doser Circuit Failed High

3471 5 SID 334 1323 HC Doser Circuit Failed Open

3471 1 SID 155 1542 EDV Failed Self Test

3480 2 SID 332 1543 Doser Fuel Line Pressure Abnormal

3480 1 SID 332 1543 Doser Fuel Supply Pressure Abnormal

3480 14 SID 332 1543 Doser FLP Sensors Failed Self Test

3482 4 SID 56 1332 Fuel Cut Off Valve Circuit Failed Low

3482 3 SID 56 1332 Fuel Cut Off Valve Circuit Failed High

3482 5 SID 56 1332 Fuel Cut Off Valve Circuit Failed Open

3482 7 SID 155 1544 FCV Failed Self Test

3509 3 SID 212 1631 Multiplexer 1 Channel 1, Shorted High

Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 37






3509 3 SID 212 1631 Multiplexer 1 Channel 2, Shorted High

3510 3 SID 211 1632 Multiplexer 2 Channel 1, Shorted High

3510 3 SID 211 1632 Multiplexer 2 Channel 2, Shorted High

3511 3 SID 211 1633 Multiplexer 3 Channel 1, Shorted High

3511 3 SID 211 1633 Multiplexer 3 Channel 2, Shorted High

3556 1 SID 155 1545 Regen Temperature — Out of Range Low

3556 0 SID 155 1551 Regen Temperature — Out of Range High

3563 4 PID 106 1551 Intake Manifold Pressure Circuit Failed Low

3563 3 PID 106 1551 Intake Manifold Pressure Circuit Failed High

3563 20 PID 106 1551 Ambient and Inlet Manifold Pressure Difference (Low Box)

3563 21 PID 106 1551 Ambient and Inlet Manifold Pressure Difference (High Box)

3563 1 PID 106 1551 Inlet Manifold Pressure Failed Low

3563 0 PID 106 1551 Inlet Manifold Pressure Failed High

3563 3 PID 106 1551 Inlet Manifold Pressure Sampling Range Failed

3563 20 PID 106 1551 Intake Manifold Pressure Plausibility (Low Box)

3563 21 PID 106 1551 Intake Manifold Pressure Plausibility Error, Pressure Too Low (High Box)

3588 4 SID 156 1552 Ether Start, Shorted to Ground

3588 3 SID 157 1552 Ether Start, Shorted to Battery

3588 5 SID 158 1552 Ether Start, Open Load

3597 3 SID 155 1553 Proportional Valve Bank 1 Circuit Failed Low

3597 3 SID 155 1615 Proportional Valve Bank 1 Circuit Failed High

3597 6 SID 155 1325 Current Flow on HS1 IM1 Too High

3598 4 SID 155 1615 Proportional Valve Bank 2 Circuit Failed Low

3598 3 SID 155 1615 Proportional Valve Bank 2 Circuit Failed High

3599 4 SID 317 1615 Switching Power Supply Voltage Failed Low

3599 3 SID 317 1615 Switching Power Supply Voltage Failed High

3609 4 PID 370 1554 DPF Inlet Pressure Circuit Failed Low

3609 3 PID 370 1554 DPF Inlet Pressure Circuit Failed High

3609 10 SID 370 1554 DPF Inlet Pressure Sensor Stuck

3609 20 SID 370 1554 DPF Inlet Pressure Sensor Drifted High In Range Fault (Low Box)

3609 2 SID 370 1554 DPF Inlet Pressure Sensor Drifted High In Range Fault (High Box)

3609 21 SID 370 1554 DPF Inlet Pressure Sensor Drifted Low In Range Fault (Low Box)

3609 21 SID 370 1554 DPF Inlet Pressure Sensor Drifted Low In Range Fault (High Box)

3610 3 SID 371 1555 DPF Outlet Pressure Circuit Failed High

3610 4 SID 371 1555 DPF Outlet Pressure Circuit Failed Low

3610 0 SID 371 1334 DPF System Back Pressure Too High

3610 10 SID 371 1555 DPF Outlet Pressure Sensor Stuck

3610 2 SID 371 1555 DPF Pressure Sensors — Plausibility Error

3610 20 SID 371 1555 DPF Outlet Pressure Sensor Drifted High In Range Fault (Low Box)

3610 14 SID 371 1555 DPF Outlet Pressure Sensor Drifted High In Range Fault (High Box)

3610 21 SID 371 1555 DPF Outlet Pressure Sensor Drifted Low In Range Fault (Low Box)

3610 31 SID 371 1555 DPF Outlet Pressure Sensor Drifted Low In Range Fault (High Box)

3659 14 SID 362 1611 Injector Cylinder #1 Spill Control Valve Abnormal Operation

3659 10 SID 362 1611

Injector Cylinder #1 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier») Abnormal Rate of


3659 6 SID 362 1611 Injector Cylinder #1 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Valve Shorted Circuit

3660 14 SID 363 1612 Injector Cylinder #2 Spill Control Valve Abnormal Operation

3660 10 SID 363 1612

Injector Cylinder #2 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier») Abnormal Rate of


3660 6 SID 363 1612 Injector Cylinder #2 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Valve Shorted Circuit

Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 38






3661 14 SID 364 1613 Injector Cylinder #3 Spill Control Valve Abnormal Operation

3661 10 SID 364 1613

Injector Cylinder #3 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier») Abnormal Rate of


3661 6 SID 364 1613 Injector Cylinder #3 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Valve Shorted Circuit

3662 14 SID 365 1614 Injector Cylinder #4 Spill Control Valve Abnormal Operation

3662 10 SID 365 1614

Injector Cylinder #4 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier») Abnormal Rate of


3662 6 SID 365 1614 Injector Cylinder #4 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Valve Shorted Circuit

3663 14 SID 366 1615 Injector Cylinder #5 Spill Control Valve Abnormal Operation

3663 10 SID 366 1615

Injector Cylinder #5 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier») Abnormal Rate of


3663 6 SID 366 1615 Injector Cylinder #5 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Valve Shorted Circuit

3664 14 SID 367 1621 Injector Cylinder #6 Spill Control Valve Abnormal Operation

3664 10 SID 367 1621

Injector Cylinder #6 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier») Abnormal Rate of


3664 6 SID 367 1621 Injector Cylinder #6 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Valve Shorted Circuit

3665 14 SID 368 1622 Injector Cylinder #7 Spill Control Valve Abnormal Operation

3665 10 SID 368 1622

Injector Cylinder #7 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier») Abnormal Rate of


3665 6 SID 368 1622 Injector Cylinder #7 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Valve Shorted Circuit

3666 14 SID 369 1623 Injector Cylinder #8 Spill Control Valve Abnormal Operation

3666 10 SID 369 1623

Injector Cylinder #8 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier») Abnormal Rate of


3666 6 SID 369 1623 Injector Cylinder #8 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Valve Shorted Circuit

3719 16 SID 155 1624 Soot Level High

3719 0 SID 155 1624 Soot Level Very High

3719 31 SID 155 1635 DPF Zone 2 Condition

3719 15 SID 155 1636 DPF Zone 3 Condition

3720 15 SID 155 1625 DPF Ash Clean Request

3720 16 SID 155 1625 DPF Ash Clean Request — Derate

4076 4 PID 110 1212 Engine Coolant Inlet Temperature Circuit Failed Low

4076 3 PID 110 1212 Engine Coolant Inlet Temperature Circuit Failed High

4076 2 SID 155 1615 Engine Coolant Sensor (IN), General Temp. Plausibility Error

4077 4 SID 332 1543 Doser Fuel Line Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed Low

4077 3 SID 332 1543 Doser Fuel Line Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed High

4077 14 SID 332 1543 Doser Fuel Line Pressure Failed Self Test

4226 4 SID 155 1615 Compressor Differential Pressure Inlet Failed Low

4226 3 SID 155 1615 Compressor Differential Pressure Inlet Failed High

4226 0 SID 155 1615 Turbocharger Compressor Inlet Differential Pressure Too High (Low Box)

4226 1 SID 155 1615 Turbocharger Compressor Inlet Differential Pressure Too Low (High Box)

4226 5 SID 155 1615

Turbocharger Compressor Inlet Differential Pressure Sampling Range


4226 13 SID 155

1454 Turbocharger Compressor Inlet Differential Pressure Sensor Out Of


4226 13 SID 155

1454 Turbocharger Compressor Inlet Differential Pressure Sensor Out Of


4227 4 SID 53 1324 Electrostatic Oil Separator Circuit Failed Low

4227 3 SID 53 1324 Electrostatic Oil Separator Circuit Failed High

Section 01: ENGINE

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4227 5 SID 53 1324 Electrostatic Oil Separator Circuit Failed Open

4227 4 SID 155 1615 Oil Separator Circuit Failed Low

4227 3 SID 155 1615 Oil Separator Circuit Failed High

4227 7 SID 155 1615 Oil Separator, Max. Duration Time Reached

4228 16 SID 147 1241 Smart Remote Actuator 5 (VGT), Temperature Fault

4228 15 SID 147 1241 Smart Remote Actuator 5 (VGT), Temperature Warning



Check the oil level daily with the engine

stopped. If the engine has just been stopped

and is warm, wait at least 10 minutes to allow

the oil to drain back to the oil pan before

checking. Wipe the dipstick clean then check

oil level. The level should always be within the

safe range on the dipstick (Fig. 17). Add the

proper grade of oil to maintain the correct level

on the dipstick. All diesel engines are

designed to consume some oil, so a periodic

addition of oil is normal.


Touching a hot engine can cause serious



Do not overfill. Oil may be blown out through

the crankcase breather if the crankcase is



Clean end of tube before removing the dipstick

to prevent oil contamination.



If the oil level is constantly above normal and

excess lube oil has not been added to the

crankcase, consult with an authorized Detroit

Diesel service outlet for the cause. Fuel or

coolant dilution of lube oil can result in serious

engine damage.

The vehicle is provided with an oil reserve tank

with a capacity of 2.2 US gallons (8,3 liters).

This reserve tank is connected to the crankcase

by a hose with a shutoff valve, allowing oil to be

added to crankcase. To adjust oil level, open the

oil reserve tank shutoff valve and allow oil to

discharge into the engine until the «Full» mark on

the dipstick is reached then close the valve.

Check oil reserve tank level and pour oil in the

reserve tank if necessary (Fig. 18). Comparison

of oil levels in sight gauge, before and after

adding oil to crankcase, shows approximately

how much oil has been added.


Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 40



Both the engine oil and filter should be

changed according to the following maximum

interval (based on an oil analysis program).

Short Haul: 15,000 miles (24,000km) or once

a year, whichever comes first.

Long Haul: 30,000 miles (48,000km) or once

a year, whichever comes first.

Oil analysis program may be used to determine

whether this interval should be shorter, but

should not be used to lengthen the interval.

Short haul: 6,000 miles (10,000km) to 60,000

miles (100,000 km) annual.

Long haul: over 60,000 miles (100,000 km)


However, changes that are more frequent may

be required when the engine is subject to high

levels of contamination and/or overheating.

Change intervals may be decreased or gradually

increased with experience on specific lubricants

until the most practical service condition has

been established. Always refer to the lubricant

manufacturer’s recommendations (analysis of

drained oil can be helpful).


Do not use solvents to dilute the engine oil

when draining. Dilution of fresh oil can occur

which may be detrimental to the engine.

Change engine oil with the vehicle on a flat and

level surface and with the parking brake applied.

It is best to drain the oil when the engine is still


1. From under the vehicle, remove the engine

drain plug on the oil pan. Allow oil to drain

(Fig. 19).


Hot engine oil can cause serious burns. Wear

coveralls with sleeves pulled down and gloves

to protect hands.

2. Reinstall the drain plug.

3. Remove the spin-on filter cartridge using a

1/2″ drive socket wrench and extension.

4. Dispose of the used oil and filter in an

environmentally responsible manner in

accordance with state and/or federal (EPA)


5. Clean the filter adapter with a clean rag.

6. Lightly coat the filter gasket (seal) with clean

engine oil.

7. Install the new filter on the adapter and

tighten manually until the gasket touches the

mounting adapter head. Tighten full-flow

filters an additional two-thirds of a turn

manually. Then, manually tighten bypass

filter one full turn.



Overtightening may distort or crack the filter


8. Remove the engine-oil filler cap and pour oil

in the engine until it reaches the «FULL» mark

on the dipstick (Fig. 17).

9. Start and run the engine for a short period

and check for leaks. After any leaks have

been corrected, stop the engine long enough

for oil from various parts of the engine to

drain back to the crankcase (approximately

20 minutes).

10. Add oil as required to bring the level within

the safe range on the dipstick.

Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 41


Engine oil temperature should be checked

every 25,000 miles (40 000 km) to determine

oil cooler efficiency. This check should be

made by inserting a steel jacketed

thermometer in the dipstick opening,

immediately after stopping a hot, loaded

engine. If the oil temperature exceeds the

coolant temperature by more than 60 °F (33

°C), the oil cooler may be clogged.

For detailed oil specifications, refer to



under heading «Lubricating Oil for Detroit

Diesel Engines».


To provide maximum engine life, lubricants shall

meet the following specifications: SAE Viscosity

Grade: 15W-40 API Classification: CJ-4.


Low ash oil formulation designated API CJ-4

is required in EPA-07 engines.

CJ-4 contains less than 1% ash which is the

key to achieving maximum diesel particulate

filter cleaning intervals. Use of high ash

engine oils will reduce the cleaning interval on

the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF). DPF

regenerates the combustible soot, but the ash

(a product of the oil lubricant package) slowly

accumulates in the channels of the DPF.


Monograde oils should not be used in these

engines regardless of API Service



The use of supplemental oil additives is

discouraged from use in Detroit Diesel


Synthetic oils: Synthetic oils may be used in

Detroit Diesel engines provided they are API-

licensed and meet the performance and

chemical requirements of non-synthetic oils

outlined previously. Synthetic oils do not permit

extension of recommended oil drain intervals.



The proper selection of the engine oil grade

will ease cold weather starting (refer to the

lubrication and servicing schedule for the

engine oil grade recommendation). Other

practical considerations, such as the use of

batteries, cables and connectors of adequate

size, proper setting of voltage regulator, ether

starting aid, oil and coolant heater systems,

and proper fuel selection will ease cold

weather starting.


To access the engine or engine-related

components, the vehicle power plant assembly

must be removed as a whole unit by means of a

slide-out cradle. The power plant assembly

includes the engine, transmission (including

retarder if so equipped), air compressor,

alternator and transmission oil cooler.

Remove the power plant assembly as follows:


Tag hoses and cables for identification before

disconnecting in order to facilitate

reinstallation. Plug all openings to prevent dirt

from entering the system.


The MCM is non-serviceable. If found

defective, replace as a unit.

1. Disconnect the battery cables from the

batteries. With the electrical circuit disrupted,

accidental contact with the starter button will

not produce an engine start. In addition, the

Electronic Unit Injectors (EUI) will be

disabled, preventing any fuel delivery to the

injector tips.


Due to the heavy load of the rear bumper

assembly, it must be adequately supported

before attempting to remove it.

2. Remove the rear bumper assembly from the

vehicle. Refer to Section 18 BODY, under

«Rear Bumper Removal And Installation».

Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 42

3. Drain the engine cooling system. Refer to

Section 05 COOLING under «Draining Cooling



4. Locate the A/C compressor drive belt

tensioner control valve (Fig. 23). Turn handle

clockwise in order to release pressure in belt-

tensioner air bellows and loosen belts.

Remove the belt.

5. Release all pressure from the air system.

Refer to Section 12 BRAKES & AIR

SYSTEM for instructions.

6. Disconnect and remove the engine-air

intake duct mounted between air cleaner

housing and turbocharger inlet.


To avoid damage to turbocharger, cover the

turbocharger inlet opening to prevent foreign

material from entering.

7. Disconnect and remove the air intake duct

mounted between the turbocharger outlet

and the charge air cooler inlet.

8. Disconnect and remove the air intake duct

mounted between the charge air cooler outlet

and the engine intake.

9. Disconnect and remove section of coolant

pipe assembly mounted between the radiator

outlet and the water pump inlet.

10. Disconnect and remove a section of coolant

pipe assembly mounted between the

thermostat housing and the radiator inlet.

11. Disconnect the coolant delivery hose

mounted between the coolant surge tank and

the water pump.

12. Disconnect two vent hoses from the

thermostat housing and from the coolant pipe


13. Disconnect the fan-clutch electrical


14. Disconnect the radiator fan drive shaft.

15. Disconnect the small heater hose located on

the cylinder head at the back of the engine.

16. Disconnect and remove the exhaust pipe

mounted between the turbocharger outlet

and the exhaust bellows. If necessary, refer

to Section 04 EXHAUST SYSTEM under “AFT

Removal and Installation».


To avoid damage to turbocharger, cover the

turbocharger outlet opening to prevent foreign

material from entering.

17. Disconnect the block heater connector

above the power steering pump.

18. Disconnect the steel-braided airline from the

A/C compressor air bellows.

19. Disconnect the oil delivery hose from the

valve located at the reserve tank drain.

20. Remove the power steering pump, leaving

the supply and discharge hoses connected t


21. Close engine fuel supply shutoff valve on

primary fuel filter. Disconnect the fuel line

connected to inlet port. On vehicles equipped

with the optional water-separator-fuel-filter,

disconnect the connector and remove cable

ties from cradle.

22. Disconnect fuel return line from bulkhead

fixed on engine cylinder head end.

23. Disconnect the air compressor discharge


24. Disconnect the coolant hose to the sump

tank heater system.

25. Disconnect positive (+) cable (red terminal)

from starter motor solenoid.

26. Disconnect starter motor ground cables from

rear subframe ground-stud located close to

the starter motor.

27. Disconnect VIH (vehicle interface harness)

main connectors from MCM and VSS

(vehicle speed sensor).

28. On vehicles equipped with an automatic

transmission provided with a hydraulic output

retarder, disconnect steel-braided airline from

Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 43

pressure regulator output. The pressure

regulator is mounted in the upper section of

engine compartment backwall and is

accessible through the engine compartment

R.H. side door.

29. On vehicles equipped with an electrically

operated cold-starting aid, disconnect the

delivery hose from the starting-aid cylinder

solenoid valve. Remove cable ties securing


30. Disconnect the transmission harness

(Allison: 2 main connectors, 1 connector to

the retarder accumulator solenoid) (ZF

transmission: 3 connectors).

31. From under the vehicle, disconnect the

propeller shaft as detailed in Section 09,

under heading «Propeller Shaft Removal».

32. Inspect the power plant assembly to ensure

that nothing will interfere when sliding out the

cradle. Check for connections or hoses not

mentioned in this list as some vehicles are

equipped with special or aftermarket


33. Remove the six retaining bolts, washers and

nuts securing the power plant cradle to the

vehicle rear subframe (Fig. 23).


Check if any spacer(s) have been installed

between power plant cradle and vehicle rear

subframe, and if so, note position of each

washer for reinstallation purposes.

34. Using a forklift, with a minimum capacity of

4,000 lbs (1 800 kg), slightly raise the power

plant cradle.

35. Pull engine out slowly from the engine

compartment. Make sure all lines, wiring and

accessories are disconnected and are not



Due to the minimum clearance between the

power plant equipment and the top of the

engine compartment, extreme care should be

used to raise the power plant cradle, just

enough to free the cradle. Clearance between

power plant cradle and mounting rail should

range between 1/4″ and 1/2″ (6-12 mm).

Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 44



Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 45


To install a power plant assembly, follow the

same procedure as in «Power Plant Assembly

Removal» except in reverse order, then proceed

with the following:

5. Torque the power plant cradle mounting

bolts to 190 lbf-ft (255 Nm).

6. If fan drive has been removed, reinstall and

align as per Section 05 COOLING SYSTEM,

under «Fan Drive Alignment».

7. Refill cooling system with saved fluid (refer

to Section 05 COOLANT SYSTEM).

8. Once engine fuel system has been drained,

it will aid restarting if fuel filters are filled with

fuel oil (refer to Section 03 FUEL SYSTEM).

9. Start engine for a visual check. Check fuel,

oil, cooling, pneumatic and hydraulic system

connections for leakage. Test operation of

engine controls and accessories.


Refer to both «The Jake Brake Troubleshooting

and Maintenance Manual» and «Installation

Manual for Model 797 Engine Brakes» for

troubleshooting and installation procedures.

They are annexed at the end of this section.


The power plant assembly on a vehicle powered

with a series 60 engine is mounted to the cradle

by means of rubber mounts.

Two rubber mounts are used at the front of the

engine while two others are mounted on each

side of the flywheel housing (Fig. 23).

It is recommended that new rubber mounts be

installed at each major overhaul.


Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 46



The Electronic Foot Pedal Assembly (EFPA)

connects the accelerator pedal to a Throttle

Position Sensor (TPS). The (TPS) is a device,

which sends an electrical signal to the Motor

Control Module (MCM). The TPS varies in

voltage depending on how far the pedal is

depressed. The system is installed in the space

normally occupied by a mechanical foot pedal.

The (EFPA) has maximum and minimum stops

that are built into the unit during manufacturing

(Fig. 24). The (TPS) converts the operator’s foot

pedal input into a signal for the MCM.

When installed by the equipment manufacturer,

the TPS should not require adjustment. If the

TPS is suspected of being misadjusted, confirm

that the sensor is installed in accordance with

the manufacturer’s specifications. It is

recommended that the idle count be at 50 or

higher with a full throttle count of up to 200.

The TPS is self-calibrating and therefore has no

optimum closed throttle or wide open throttle

count value. If the counts are within the 50 to

200 range, the sensor is properly set.


Monitor the (TPS) at the controls as you move it

through its full stroke. Be sure there is no

misalignment or obstruction preventing the

smooth movement of the TPS through the full

stroke. Using a diagnostic data reader, check

that the idle and full throttle position counts do

not fall within the error zones. The error zones

occur when the idle position is less than 14

counts, or when the full throttle position is more

than 233 counts. Should these conditions occur,

the CPC will signal diagnostic codes of 21-12 for

idle error and 21-23 for wide-open throttle error.

Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 47


is the


starting ?

plug the Diagnostics Data

Reader DDR into the receptacle

or momentarily depress the

stop engine «OVERRIDE»

switch to activate the DDEC

self-diagnostic system



does the


rotate ?



does the red

«Stop Engine»


illuminate and

go off after 5

sec. ?



go to

step 2

go to

step 3

with diagnostic code in

hand, contact your

Detroit Diesel service




note 1

faulty 12-volt-system power supply,

probable causes :

— battery cables improperly connected

— fuse blown

— faulty battery equalizer

— activate the DDEC self-diagnostic system

and contact your Detroit Diesel service


engine does not rotate

what is the

voltage reading

on 24-volt-



indicator ?

is the shift

selector to

neutral «N»

position ?

higher than

24 volts

lower than

24 volts



faulty 24-volt-system power supply

or low battery voltage. Contact

Prévost Action Services

there may be a problem

with the starter or starter

circuit. Contact Detroit

Diesel or Prévost Action


step 2

place the shift selector to

neutral «N» position and start

the engine

is the rear start

selector to




Set the rear start

selector to «NORMAL»


Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 48

is there motor

exhaust fumes



plug the Diagnostics Data

Reader DDR into the

receptacle or momentarily

depress the stop engine

«OVERRIDE» switch to

activate the DDEC self-

diagnostic system

note 1


-Operator’s Manual chap. 3,4 & 8

-Detroit Diesel pamphlet «DDEC

III/IV diagnostic codes and MPSI

reader functions»

-8V92 series engine, switch is

located in service compartment


what is the


reading on the


indicator ?

higher than

10 volts

lower than

10 volts

with diagnostic code in

hand, contact your

Detroit Diesel service


probable causes :

— 12-volt-system batteries low

— faulty battery equalizer

— 12-volt-system batteries

improperly connected

— 12-volt-system battery master

switch to «OFF» position (H3-40)

probable cause :

-no fuel

-check the 2 breakers on the injector

feeding system.

Contact Detroit Diesel

or Prévost Action Service

step 3


note 2

note 2

see the analog voltage indicator

on the dashboard or consult the

MCD «Message Center Display»

on the telltale panel. See the

Operator’s Manual chap. 4 for

more details


note 1


Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 49



Make …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………… Detroit Diesel

Type …………………………………………………………………………………………………Diesel four cycle/in-line engine

Description ………………………………………………………………………………………… Turbo/Air to air charge cooled

No. of cylinders …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6

Operating range ………………………………………………………………………………………………….….1200-2100 RPM

Maximum RPM……………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………….. 2100


To avoid possible engine damage, do not use single grade (Monograde) lubricants in Detroit Diesel

four-cycle Series 60 engines, regardless of API classification.

Detroit Diesel Series 60 engine ratings

Series 60 engine ratings used in Prevost Car Models are listed in the following tables. The standard

engine ratings are written in bold, customer may easily switch from one rating to another within the same

table by having the DDEC VI system reprogrammed.

Coach Engine (14.0L)

425 HP @1800 rpm; 1450 lb-ft @1200 rpm

445 HP @1800 rpm; 1450 lb-ft @1200 rpm

Motorhome (14.0L)

470 HP @1800 rpm; 1650 lb-ft @1200 rpm

515 HP @1800 rpm; 1650 lb-ft @1200 rpm

Entertainer Engine (14.0L)

455 HP @1800 rpm; 1550 lb-ft @1200 rpm

490 HP @1800 rpm; 1550 lb-ft @1200 rpm

515 HP @1800 rpm; 1550 lb-ft @1200 rpm


Oil reserve tank ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8.4 US qts (8.0 L)

Engine oil level quantity

Oil Pan Capacity; Low Limit ………………………………………………………………………………….26 quarts/25 liters

Oil Pan Capacity; High Limit …………………………………………………………………………………32 quarts/30 liters

Total Engine Oil Capacity with Filters …………………………………………………………………….38 quarts/36 liters

Lubricating oil filter elements

Make……………………………………………………………………………………… AC Rochester Div. GMC # 25014505

Make…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. A/C Filter # PF-2100

Type ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Full Flow

Prevost number…………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………. 510458

Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 50

Torque specification

Engine oil filter…………………………………………………………………… Tighten 2/3 of a turn after gasket contact


Engine Air Cleaner Filter

Make …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Nelson # 70337-N

Prevost number ………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………. 530197

Engine Coolant Filter/Conditioner

Make …………………………………………………………………………………Nalco Chemical Company # DDF3000

Make …………………………………………………………………………………………………..Detroit Diesel # 23507545

Prevost number…………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………. 550630


For primary and secondary fuel filters, refer to Specifications in section 03.


Make …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……….Volvo Powertrain

Type ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Diesel four cycle

Description ………………………………………………………………………………………… Turbo/Air to air charge cooled

No. of cylinders ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….12.8 L inline 6

Recommended cruise speed range ………………………………………………………………………….1300-1500 RPM

Maximum RPM……………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………….. 2100

Engine oil level quantity

Oil Pan Capacity; Low Limit ………………………………………………………………………………….25 quarts/24 liters

Oil Pan Capacity; High Limit …………………………………………………………………………………34 quarts/32 liters

Total Engine Oil Capacity with Filters ………………………………………………………………….45 quarts/42.5 liters

Lubricating oil filter elements

Prevost number………………………………………………………………………………………………… 478736 (Full Flow)

Prevost number…………………………………………………………………………………………………..510938 (By-pass)

Torque specification

Engine oil filter…………………………………………………………………… Tighten 3/4 to 1 turn after gasket contact


Engine Air Cleaner Filter

Prevost number ………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………. 530197

Engine Coolant Filter

Make ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Volvo

Number ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………. 20458771

Section 01: ENGINE

PA1561 51


For primary and secondary fuel filters, refer to Specifications in section 03.

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Volvo Trucks Corporation is a Swedish automotive company, one of the world leaders in the production of heavy trucks. Belongs to the second largest truck manufacturer in the
world «Volvo Group».

Volvo Trucks in 2001 acquired a controlling package of Renault’s cargo division (RVI), which in 2002 became part of Renault Trucks. The president and chairman of the board of
directors is Leif Johansson. The post of the chairman of the board is occupied by the former head of Renault — Louis Schweitzer.

Volvo FMX Truck
Volvo FMX Truck

The company was founded in 1916 by Assar Gabrielsson (Swede Assar Gabrielsson) and Gustaf Larson (Swede Gustaf Larson) as a subsidiary of the well-known bearing manufacturer SKF. In 1927, the
first production car leaves the factory gate. Already in 1935 Volvo gained complete independence from SKF.

The first truck appeared at the beginning of 1928 — it was LV series 1, which had instant success, and 500 units were sold until the summer. It had a 2.0 liter engine with 4 cylinders, a capacity
of 28 hp. (21 kW).

Volvo produces mainly (95%) heavy commercial vehicles (in the class of over 16 tons). In terms of production volumes, Volvo Truck Corporation ranks second in the world market. In 2006, Volvo
Trucks sold 105519 units of trucks.

Volvo trucks are positioned by the manufacturer as safe and comfortable.

The global international corporation Volvo Trucks Corporation includes design and manufacturing centers located in Sweden, Belgium, Brazil and the USA, as well as a large number of assembly
enterprises around the world, some of which are represented by the corporation as a co-founder, together with local industrial groups, in Others are directly owned by the Volvo Group.

Volvo Trucks, in addition to the same brand, is also the owner of such brands of truck manufacturers as Renault Trucks (Renault Trucks), Mack Truck (American brand) and Nissan Diesel (now — UD Trucks).

volvo fh16
volvo fh16

Volvo Trucks also was once the co-owner of the well-known truck manufacturer Scania, but in accordance with the decision of the antimonopoly committee of the European Union sold its share of the
company’s shares on the market.

Volvo Trucks has representative offices and service centers in more than 130 countries. Over 1000 local dealerships in different parts of the world and 1800 technical centers provide sales and
maintenance of trucks.

Almost half of the total sales of its new equipment Volvo Trucks in Western Europe, more than a third — in America. Eastern Europe accounts for 6% of gross sales, but this market is currently the
fastest growing for Volvo Trucks. In Russia in 2006, 2436 units of Volvo Trucks’ heavy-duty vehicles were sold.

In the structure of production of Volvo trucks Volvo FH owns the largest share, in 2006 the manufacturer sold over 40 thousand trucks of this series.

It’s easier than the FH series in the current lineup — Volvo’s FM series trucks, which are designed for short and medium haulage. Ravozovye
trucks — this Volvo FL. These trucks mainly serve for quick deliveries in the city and in the suburbs, the removal of domestic waste and the provision of other utilities.

Despite the fact that Volvo sold its Volvo Car division, the VOLVO group includes the following units:

Volvo FH 12
Volvo FH 12
  • Volvo Trucks (manufactures lorries)
  • Mack Trucks
  • Renault Trucks
  • UD Trucks
  • Volvo Bussar
  • Volvo Construction Equipment
  • Volvo Penta
  • Volvo Aero
  • Volvo Financial Services

In 2008, Volvo Trucks sold 105,952 trucks

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