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9-44061 NA

Replaces 9-44060 NA

Revised 05-2006

Issued 02-2006


Related Manuals for Case 4HK1-6HK1

Summary of Contents for Case 4HK1-6HK1

  • Page 1
    SERVICE MANUAL 4HK1-6HK1 ISUZU ENGINES 9-44061 NA Replaces 9-44060 NA Revised 05-2006 Issued 02-2006…
  • Page 2
    SERVICE MANUAL 4HK1-6HK1 ISUZU ENGINES Bur • Issued 05-2006 Printed in U.S.A. • Book/Form Number 9-44061 NA Copyright © 2006. CNH America, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Find manuals at https://best-manuals.com…
  • Page 3
    CNH America, LLC reserves the right to make improvements in design or changes in specifications at any time without incurring any obligation to install them on units previously sold. All data given in this publication is subject to production variations. Dimensions and weights are only approximate. Illustrations do not necessarily show products in standard condition.
  • Page 4
    INDEX OF CHAPTERS GENERAL INFORMATION ………………………. 0A ENGINE MECHANICAL ……………………….1A COOLING SYSTEM …………………………. 1B FUEL SYSTEM…………………………. 1C ENGINE ELECTRICAL……………………….1D EXHAUST SYSTEM AND TURBOCHARGER………………….1F NOTE: CNH Company reserves the right to make changes in the specification and design of the machine with- out prior notice and without incurring any obligation to modify units previously sold.
  • Page 5
    IN-2 Introduction UNITS OF MEASURE This manual adopts the units of measure based on International System. The MKSA system units of measure are indicated within brackets after the units of measure of the International System. Example: 24.5 MPa (250 kgf/cm The following table converts the International System units of measure in some of the main units belonging to other system.
  • Page 6
    General Information 0A-1 GENERAL INFORMATION General Information Contents General Information ….. . . 0A-2 Service Precautions ….. . 0A-2 Reading the model .
  • Page 7
    0A-2 General Information General Information Service Precautions In order to carry out work safely 1. Always use an engine stand when taking the engine down from the vehicle. Do not place the engine directly onto the ground, or place in a manner that interferes with the oil pan.
  • Page 8
    General Information 0A-3 8. Always check that there are no fuel leaks when Replacement parts and part numbers. performing maintenance work on the fuel system. (It may cause a fire.) 1. Always replace packing, oil seals, o-rings, caulking lock nuts, folding lock plates, split pins and other such parts with brand new parts.
  • Page 9
    1207B Three Bond Between cylinder block and – Flywheel housing and – 1207B Three Bond Crankcase Between cylinder block and – Crank case 1207B Three Bond Between cylinder block and – Front cover 1207B Three Bond Cylinder block, head plug nipple, unit, switches Loctite •…
  • Page 10
    • Gently rest the crank case on the cylinder block, and bolt to the correct torque. apply molybdenum disulphide to the thread section…
  • Page 11
    0A-6 General Information Reading the model Engine number stamping position 4HK1 WSHK0185…
  • Page 12
    General Information 0A-7 6HK1 WSHK0186 General information Terminology, description of abbreviations Terminology definitions Term Explanation Maintenance standard The generic name for reference values required for maintenance, such as nominal dimension, selection of a reference point, and limit. Nominal dimension Shows the standard value at the point of manufacture that does not include the common difference.
  • Page 13
    0A-8 General Information Term Explanation Notes Items that should receive special mention within a work procedure. Description of abbreviations Abbreviation Description Forward Forward Abbreviation Description Fuel Cut Alternating Current Fuel Cut Alternating Current Ground Accessory Earth Accessory Integrated Circuit Alternating Current Generator Integrated circuit Alternating current generator ID Plate…
  • Page 14
    General Information 0A-9 SI (International System of Units) Abbreviation Description With regards the conversion to SI (International R/H, RH Right Hand System of Units) Right hand side introduction systems aims Relay internationally unify the metric system and the various Relay units used by different countries (traditional weights Standard and measures, the foot pound method etc.), and to…
  • Page 15
    0A-10 General Information Table of standard Isuzu tightening torque The tightening torque values in the table below apply to all situations unless a special tightening torque is specified. Isuzu standard bolts, nuts N⋅m {kgf⋅m} Strength classification Bolt head Hexagon head bolt Flange bolt Hexagon head bolt Flange bolt…
  • Page 16
    General Information 0A-11 N⋅m {kgf⋅m} Strength classification Bolt head section Hexagon head bolt Flange bolt Hexagon head bolt Flange bolt shape 5.6 ~ 11.2 {0.6 ~ 6.6 ~ 12.2 {0.6 ~ M6 × 1 — — 1.1} 1.2} 13.4 ~ 25.7 {1.4 ~ 15.3 ~ 28.4 {1.6 ~ 16.7 ~ 30.4 {1.7 ~ 18.1 ~ 33.6 {1.9 ~…
  • Page 17
    0A-12 General Information Designations for Isuzu standard bolt heads Legend 1. Hexagon head bolt(4.8, 4T) 9. Hexagon head bolt(Un-refined 8.8) 2. Hexagon head bolt(4.8, 4T) 10. Hexagon head bolt(Un-refined 8.8) 3. Flange bolt(4.8, 4T) 11. Flange bolt(8.8) 4. Flange bolt(4.8, 4T) 12.
  • Page 18
    General Information 0A-13 Taper screw from connectors (brass) N⋅m {kgf⋅m} Screw size PT(R) 1/8 PT(R) 1/4 PT(R) 3/8 PT(R) 1/12 — 2.0 ~ 14.7 4.9 ~ 15.7 9.8 ~ 16.7 9.8 ~ 17.7 (0.2 ~ 1.5) (0.5 ~ 1.6) (1.0 ~ 1.7) (1.0 ~ 1.8)
  • Page 19
    ENGINE MECHANICAL (4HK1, 6HK1) 1A-1 ENGINE ENGINE MECHANICAL (4HK1, 6HK1) TABLE OF CONTENTS ISUZU DIESEL ENGINE (4HK1, 6HK1) ..1A-3 Inspection ……1A-82 Precautions on Service Work .
  • Page 20
    1A-2 ENGINE MECHANICAL (4HK1, 6HK1) Function Check ….. . . 1A-158 Special Tool ……1A-159 Oil Port Cover ASM .
  • Page 21
    ENGINE MECHANICAL (4HK1, 6HK1) 1A-3 ISUZU DIESEL ENGINE (4HK1, 6HK1) Precautions on Service Work Matters that require attention in specifically dealing with this engine. Matters that require attention terms Holes or clearances in the fuel system, which serve as maintenance a passage of fuel, including the inside of the injector, To prevent damage to the engine and ensure reliability are made with extreme precision.
  • Page 22
    1A-4 ENGINE MECHANICAL (4HK1, 6HK1) How to read the model 4HK1 Name 1. Cast The Engine Model 2. Stamp An Engine Number…
  • Page 23
    ENGINE MECHANICAL (4HK1, 6HK1) 1A-5 6HK1 WSHK0001 Name 1. Stamp An Engine Number Explanations on functions and operation Cylinder liner The cylinder liner is selected to match an internal Electronic engine control diameter of a bore of the cylinder block and built, which With the control unit, the range from injection to air is imprinted on the left side of the cylinder.
  • Page 24
    1A-6 ENGINE MECHANICAL (4HK1, 6HK1) EGR system 4HK1 Based upon data, including water temperature, engine speeds or engine loads, it is controlled via Engine Control Module (ECM) to purify exhaust by recycling part of it. Its main components include an EGR valve, an EGR cooler and various sensors.
  • Page 25
    ENGINE MECHANICAL (4HK1, 6HK1) 1A-7 b. Place a 0.4 mm (0.016 in) thickness gauge • With a thickness gauge kept inserted, tighten between the No. 1 cylinder rocker arm end and an adjusting screw of the bridge lightly and the bridge cap. make sure that the tip of the adjusting screw touches the end of valve axis and the c.
  • Page 26
    1A-8 ENGINE MECHANICAL (4HK1, 6HK1) Adjustment table (4HK1) Cylinder No. Valve arrangement IN EX IN EX IN EX IN EX No. 1 cylinder Compression top dead center position No. 4 cylinder × × × × Compression top dead center position Adjustment table (6HK1) Cylinder No.
  • Page 27
    ENGINE MECHANICAL (4HK1, 6HK1) 1A-9 4HK1 WSHK0003 • Attach the harness ASM to the fuel injector. Tighten harness bracket with Name designated torque. 1. Fuel Injector Harness Connector Tightening torque: 48 N⋅m (4.9 kg⋅m/35 lb ft) 6HK1 • Install the terminal nuts on the fuel injector. Tightening torque: 2 N⋅m (0.2 kg⋅m/18 lb in) Note: •…
  • Page 28
    1A-10 ENGINE MECHANICAL (4HK1, 6HK1) Compression gauge: 5-8840-2675-0 (J-26999-12) Compression gauge adapter 4HK1: EN-46722 6HK1: 380.002.627 • Turn on the starter to inspect compression pressure. 4HK1 Compression pressure MPa (psi) / 200 rpm Standard 2.84 – 3.24 (412 – 469) Limit 1.96 (284) Differences among…
  • Page 29
    ENGINE MECHANICAL (4HK1, 6HK1) 1A-11 Main Data and Specifications Item Engine model 4HK1 Type Diesel/4-cycle/water cooled-type, inline four-cylinder Combustion chamber form Direct injection type Cylinder liner type Dry type Number of cylinders — cylinder bore × 4-115 (4.53) × 125 (4.92) mm (in) strokes Displacement…
  • Page 30
    1A-12 ENGINE MECHANICAL (4HK1, 6HK1) Item Engine model 4HK1 Starting system Starter type Reduction type Power output V-kw 24 — 5.0 Preheat system type Glow plug Glow plug standard voltage/electric current 23 — 3.5 Item Engine model 6HK1 Type Diesel/4-cycle/water cooled-type, inline four-cylinder Combustion chamber form Direct injection type Cylinder liner type…
  • Page 31
    This as a preview PDF file from best-manuals.com Download full PDF manual at best-manuals.com…


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Книга по ремонту двигателей Исузу 6HK1-TC, 6НL1, 6НН1, 4HK1-T, 4HK1-TC, 4HL1, 4HL1-TC, а также руководство по техническому обслуживанию двигателей Isuzu 6HK1-TC (рабочим объемом 7,8 л), 6HL1 (объемом 7,2 л), 6HH1 (8,2 л), 4HK1-T (5,2 л), 4HK1-TC (5,2 л), 4HL1 (4,8 л), 4HL1-TC (4,8 л), которыми оснащаются:
Isuzu ELF / N-series
Isuzu Forward / F-series;
New Holland

Настоящее пособие издано в рамках серии Профессионал, все книги которой составлены специалистами авторемонта, проверены и рекомендованы к использованию в автосервисах двумя профессиональными сообществами автомобильных диагностов.

В мануале вы найдете детальное описание устройства, особенностей и специфики работы с двигателями Isuzu 6HK1-TC, 6НL1, 6НН1, 4HK1-T, 4HK1-TC, 4HL1, 4HL1-TC, процедур по проверке и настройке работы всех элементов и систем двигателей, в том числе систем смазки, охлаждения, турбонаддува, рециркуляции ОГ, снижения токсичности ОГ (включая систему с сажевым фильтром (DPD)), запуска и зарядки. Подробно описан ремонт двигателей указанных моделей, особое внимание уделено возможным неполадкам с приведением пошаговых методик их устранения.

Двигатели ISUZU 6HK1-TC, 6НL1, 6НН1, 4HK1-T, 4HK1-TC, 4HL1, 4HL1-TC Руководство по ремонту

Isuzu AA-6HK1T Workshop Manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Bookmarks

Related Manuals for Isuzu AA-6HK1T

Summary of Contents for Isuzu AA-6HK1T

  • Page 1
    AA-6HK1T, BB-6HK1T…
  • Page 2
  • Page 3
    Notes: 9806-2200…
  • Page 4
    NOTICE Before using this Workshop Manual to assist you in performing service maintenance operations, recommended that carefully read thoroughly understand the information contained in Section 00 under the heading “GENERAL INFORMATION”. All material contained in this Manual is based on latest product information available at the time of publication.
  • Page 5
    THIS MANUAL INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS: SECTION NO. CONTENTS General Information Engine Mechanical Engine Cooling Engine Fuel Starting and Charging — — Engine Lubrication Engine Induction…
  • Page 6: Table Of Contents

    15. Hot engine oil can cause severe skin burns. Allow the 5. Use genuine Isuzu parts. engine to cool before draining the engine oil. 6. Used cotter pins, plastic clips, gaskets, O-rings oil 16.

  • Page 7: General Information

    0A–2 GENERAL INFORMATION Illustration Arrows Arrows help you to understand technical illustrations. Arrow Type Application Arrow Type Application • Ambient/Clean air flow Front of Engine • Cool air flow • Gas other than ambient air • Hot air flow • Ambient air mixed with Task Related another gas •…

  • Page 8: Abbreviations

    GENERAL INFORMATION 0A–3 Abbreviations lb in – Inch Pounds LF – Left Front List of abbreviations which may be used in this LH – Left Hand manual LR – Left Rear A – Ampere(s) LS – Left Side AC – Alternating Current L-4 –…

  • Page 9: Nut And Bolt Angular Tightening Method

    0A–4 GENERAL INFORMATION Nut and Bolt Angular Tightening Method The angular tightening method uses the plastic region of Line high tensile steel nuts and bolts to precision tighten important engine fasteners. Because of the method’s nature, there is a limit to the number of times a particular fastener may be reused.

  • Page 10
    GENERAL INFORMATION 0A–5 7. Use a socket wrench to tighten each nut or bolt to the point where the line A – B is aligned with the line F – G. Tighten F00EY00005 Example: Specified Angle and Tightening Rotation 30° 1 / 12 of a turn 60°…
  • Page 11: Standard Bolt Torque Specifications

    0A–6 GENERAL INFORMATION Standard Bolt Torque Specifications The tightening torque values given in the table below are applicable to all bolts unless otherwise specified. STANDARD BOLT N·m (kgf·m/lb.ft) Bolt Identification Bolt Diameter × pitch (mm) M6 × 1.0 4 – 8 (0.4 – 0.8/3 – 6) 5 –…

  • Page 12
    GENERAL INFORMATION 0A–7 The tightening torque values given in the table below are applicable to all bolts unless otherwise specified. FLANGED HEAD BOLT N·m (kgf·m/lb.ft) Bolt Identification Bolt Diameter × pitch (mm) M6 × 1.0 5 – 9 (0.5 – 0.9/4 – 7) 6 –…
  • Page 13: Recommended Thread Locking Agents

    0A–8 GENERAL INFORMATION Recommended Thread Locking Agents LOCTITE Type LOCTITE Color LOCTITE 242 Blue LOCTITE 262 LOCTITE 271 Application Steps 1. Completely remove all lubricant and moisture from the bolts and the female-threaded surfaces of the parts to be joined. The surfaces must be perfectly dry.

  • Page 14: Main Data And Specifications

    GENERAL INFORMATION 0A–9 Main Data and Specifications ITEMS 6HK1 Engine type Four cycle, water cooled, in-line, overhead camshaft direct injection Combustion chamber Open type in piston crown Cylinder liner Timing drive system Gear drive No. of cylinders – bore × stroke 6 –…

  • Page 15
    0A–10 GENERAL INFORMATION ITEMS 6HK1 Relief valve opening pressure kPa (kg/cm /psi) 780 (8.0/114) Oil pressure switch operating pressure* kPa (kg/cm /psi) 29 (0.3/4) Main oil filter Paper element Bypass valve opening pressure kPa (kg/cm /psi) 200 (2.0/28.4) Oil volume* L (qts) 36 (38) with combined main and partial oil filter Oil cooler…
  • Page 16
    GENERAL INFORMATION 0A–11 Owner’s Manual 0 1 2 E Y 0 0 0 0 4 F08EY00008 I/M 6HK1(H) 五面図 012EY00004…
  • Page 17
    0A–12 GENERAL INFORMATION Service Standards ITEMS SERVICE STANDARD SERVICE LIMIT Cylinder Head Lower Face Warpage mm (in) 0.05 (0.002) or less 0.20 (0.008) Do not regrind the lower face. Valve Guide Valve Stem Clearance Intake mm (in) 0.04 – 0.06 0.20 (0.0016 –…
  • Page 18
    GENERAL INFORMATION 0A–13 ITEMS SERVICE STANDARD SERVICE LIMIT Rocker Arm Shaft and Rocker Arm Rocker Arm Shaft Run-Out mm (in) 0.30 (0.012) Rocker Arm Shaft Outside Diameter mm (in) 21.979 – 22.000 21.85 (0.865 – 0.866) (0.860) Rocker Arm Inside Diameter mm (in) 22.010 –…
  • Page 19
    0A–14 GENERAL INFORMATION ITEMS SERVICE STANDARD SERVICE LIMIT Piston and Piston Ring Piston Grade Cylinder Liner and Piston Clearance mm (in) 0.122 – 0.156 — (0.0048 – 0.0061) Piston Ring and Piston Ring Groove Clearance mm (in) 1st Compression Ring 0.057 –…
  • Page 20
    GENERAL INFORMATION 0A–15 ITEMS SERVICE STANDARD SERVICE LIMIT Idler Gear Idler Gear Shaft A Outside Diameter mm (in) 49.950 – 49.975 49.90 (1.9646) (1.9665 – 1.9675) Idler Gear Shaft B and C Outside Diameter mm (in) 29.959 – 29.980 29.9 (1.1795 –…
  • Page 21
    0A–16 GENERAL INFORMATION Torque Specifications Auxiliary Parts N·m (kgf·m/lb ft) 40(4.1/30) 97(9.9/72) 39(4.0/29) Cooling fan 40(4.1/30) 40(4.1/30) 83(8.5/61) Starter F06EY00104…
  • Page 22
    GENERAL INFORMATION 0A–17 Engine External Parts N·m (kgf·m/lb ft) 39(4.0/29) 19(1.9/14) Fuel filter Oil cooler 88(9.0/65) Coupling 39(4.0/29) Oil port cover 44(4.5/32) Injection pump 52(5.3/38) Turbocharger F06EY00105…
  • Page 23
    0A–18 GENERAL INFORMATION Cylinder Head N·m (kgf·m/lb ft) 13(1.3/9.4) 27(2.8/20) 56(5.7/41) 142(14.5/105) 27(2.8/20) 27(2.8/20) 12(1.2/8.7) Apply engine oil 30(3.1/22) M14: 98(10/72)}→147(15.0/108) Apply molybdenum →30°〜60° disulfide grease M10: 38(3.9/28) M14: Apply molybdenum disulfide grease 20(2.0/14) M10: Apply engine oil Apply engine oil Apply ThreeBond No1207B Apply ThreeBond…
  • Page 24
    GENERAL INFORMATION 0A–19 Cylinder Head N·m (kgf·m/lb ft) Apply engine oil Apply engine oil 95(9.7/70) 48(4.9/35) 48(4.9/35) 15(1.5/11) 20(2.0/14) 19(1.9/14) Apply engine oil 20(2.0/14) 52(5.3/38) 34(3.5/25) 5 4 4 1 6 A 01/6/28 Workshop Man F06E100074…
  • Page 25
    0A–20 GENERAL INFORMATION Oil Pan N·m (kgf·m/lb ft) 24(2.4/17) 48(4.9/35) 25(2.5/18) 25(2.5/18) 5 2 1 6 8 A 粟田 01/01/10 01/01/12 一般輸出 Workshop Manual F06EY00144…
  • Page 26
    GENERAL INFORMATION 0A–21 Timing Gears N·m (kgf·m/lb ft) Apply engine oil Apply engine oil 29(3.0/22)→60-90° Apply molybdenum Apply engine oil disulfide grease 24(2.4/17) 95(9.7/70) Apply engine oil Apply ThreeBond No.TB1201 Apply ThreeBond No TB1201 31(3.2/23) Apply engine oil 78(8.0/58)→60°→60-90° Apply molybdenum disulfide grease 119(12.1/88) 5 4 4 1 6 A…
  • Page 27
    0A–22 GENERAL INFORMATION Water Pump N·m (kgf·m/lb ft) 39(4.0/29) 20(2.0/14) 240(24/174) 20(2.0/14) 20(2.0/14) 20(2.0/14) 52(5.3/38) 5 4 4 1 6 A 01/6/28 F06E100076…
  • Page 28
    GENERAL INFORMATION 0A–23 Piston, Connecting Rod and Crankshaft N·m (kgf·m/lb ft) Apply ThreeBond No1207C Apply molybdenum disulfide grease Apply engine oil 19(1.9/14) 39(4.0/29)→60°→30-60° Apply molybdenum disulfide grease 21(2.1/15) 48(4.9/35) 200(20.4/148) Apply engine oil Apply engine oil Apply ThreeBond No1207C or No1216C M14: 98(10.0/72)→132(13.5/98)→30-60°…
  • Page 29
    0A–24 GENERAL INFORMATION Special Tools TOOL NO. TOOL NO. ILLUSTRATION ILLUSTRATION TOOL NAME TOOL NAME 8-94396-858-0 8-94396-819-0 Replacer; Slinger Installer; Crankshaft gear 901LX049 5-88402-627-0 8-94396-856-0 Installer; oil seal cylinder Setting tool; Oil seal head 5884026270 5-8840-2621-0 5-8840-2623-0 Remover; Valve spring Remover;…
  • Page 30
    GENERAL INFORMATION 0A–25 Troubleshooting 1. Hard starting Condition Possible Cause Correction Starter motor does not turn over Loose battery cable terminals Poor battery connections due to rusting Clean and/or retighten the battery cable terminals Battery discharged or weak Recharge or replace the battery Fusible link shorted Replace the fusible link Defective starter switch or starter relay…
  • Page 31
    0A–26 GENERAL INFORMATION 2. Unstable Idling Condition Possible Cause Correction Trouble in the engine stop Poor return of the engine stop button Completely return the engine stop mechanism button Fuel system leakage or blockage Repair or replace the fuel system Trouble in the fuel system Air in the fuel system Bleed the air from the fuel system…
  • Page 32
    GENERAL INFORMATION 0A–27 3. Insufficient Power Condition Possible Cause Correction Trouble in the air intake system Clogged air cleaner element Clean or replace the air cleaner element Water particles in fuel system Replace fuel Trouble in the fuel system Clogged fuel filter element Replace the fuel filter element or cartridge Clogged strainer or defective fuel feed…
  • Page 33
    0A–28 GENERAL INFORMATION 4. Excessive Fuel Consumption Condition Possible Cause Correction Repair or replace the fuel system Trouble in the fuel system Fuel leakage related parts Adjust or replace the injection nozzle Injection nozzle starting pressure too Adjust or replace the injection nozzle Improper spray condition Adjust the injection timing Injection timing improperly adjusted…
  • Page 34
    GENERAL INFORMATION 0A–29 6. Engine Cooling Trouble Condition Possible Cause Correction Replenish coolant Overheating Insufficient coolant Replace the radiator pressure cap or Defective pressure cap or clogged clean radiator core radiator core Repair or replace the water pump Defective water pump Replace the sealing cap Defective sealing cap resulting in the cooling water leakage…
  • Page 35
    0A–30 GENERAL INFORMATION 9. Lubrication Problems Condition Possible Cause Correction Replace the engine oil Oil pressure does not rise Improper engine oil viscosity Add engine oil Insufficient engine oil Repair or replace the oil pressure gauge Defective oil pressure gauge or unit or unit Replace the oil filter element or Clogged oil filter element…
  • Page 36
    GENERAL INFORMATION 0A–31 10. Abnormal Engine Noise Start the engine and allow it to warm up before beginning the troubleshooting procedure. Condition Possible Cause Correction Use correct fuel Engine knocking Use of wrong fuel Adjust the injection timing Fuel injection timing improperly adjusted Adjust or replace the injection nozzle Improper injection nozzle starting…
  • Page 37
    0A–32 GENERAL INFORMATION 11. Alternator Condition Possible Cause Correction Adjust Battery dead Loose alternator drive belt Replenish Low battery fluid Replace Defective battery terminals Replace Blown fuse Repair Poor contact between the fuse holder and fuse Adjust Low battery fluid specific gravity Repair Broken or poorly connected starter switch and regulator terminal wire…
  • Page 38
    GENERAL INFORMATION 0A–33 12. Starter Motor Condition Possible Cause Correction Replenish Starter and magnetic switch Low battery fluid level does not operate Recharge or replace Low battery specific gravity Replace Poor battery switch contacts Replace Defective starter switch Replace Defective magnetic switch pull-in coil and plunger Replace Broken armature coil…
  • Page 39
    0A–34 GENERAL INFORMATION 13. Turbocharger Condition Possible Cause Correction Clean or replace Engine has less than normal Restricted air cleaner power Clean or replace Restricted intake pipe and hose Repair Loose connection of the turbocharger inlet and outlet Repair Restricted exhaust and silencers Clean or replace Restricted air breather Replace…
  • Page 40: Sealant Application

    GENERAL INFORMATION 0A–35 Lubricant Application Name of Lubricant Lubrication area Engine Oil Turbocharger bearings Cylinder head bolts (M10 bolt) Rocker arm rollers Camshaft cam nose and journal Camshaft fixing bolts and stud bolts Valve ends Oil seal lips Idle gear shaft & fixing bolts Cylinder liner bores Connecting rod bearing sliding surfaces Crank bearing sliding surfaces…

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  • Page 43: Lubrication System

    0B–2 SERVICE INFORMATION Lubrication System 2. Before installing a new fuel filter, apply fuel to the gasket of the cartridge. Oil filter replacement 3. Turn the fuel filter until the filter gasket comes in contact with the sealed face. 1. Set a filter wrench to the cartridge and remove the oil filter.

  • Page 44
    SERVICE INFORMATION 0B–3 3. Check that the timing advancer notched line is aligned with the injection pump notched line. If the notched lines are out of alignment, the injection timing must be adjusted. 040EY00013 4. Move the timing advancer to the correct timing. 5.
  • Page 45
    0B–4 SERVICE INFORMATION Injection Nozzle Opening Pressure and Spray Condition Check 1. Use an injection nozzle tester to check the nozzle opening pressure. If the opening pressure is above or below the specified value, the injection nozzle must be replaced or adjusted.
  • Page 46
    SERVICE INFORMATION 0B–5 Air Bleeding Feed pump strainer 1. Remove the joint bolt (feed pump intake side). When the fuel filters are serviced or the fuel tank emptied, 2. Remove the strainer by turning it counterclockwise. air enters the fuel system. 3.
  • Page 47: Cooling System

    0B–6 SERVICE INFORMATION Cooling System Valve Clearance Adjustment The following instructions assume that valve clearance is Fan Belt Inspection adjusted beginning with the No. 1 piston at top dead Check the drive belt tension. center (TDC) on the compression stroke. Depress the drive belt mid-portion with a 100 N (10kg/22 Check the alignment timing mark between the timing lb) force.

  • Page 48
    SERVICE INFORMATION 0B–7 Valve Clearance: 0.4 mm (0.0016 in) 4. In this condition, the opposite end of the bridge is raised. Readjust by loosening the adjusting screw 2. Insert a feeler gauge between the rocker arm and on the bridge until there is a slight drag on the the bridge and adjust the valve clearance by feeler gauge.
  • Page 49
    0B–8 SERVICE INFORMATION Intake and Exhaust Valve Arrangement Cylinder No. Valve Names No. 1 cyl. at TDC on compression No. 6 cyl. at TDC on compression I : Intake valve. E: Exhaust valve Compression Pressure Measure To measure the compression pressure, the engine must be cold.
  • Page 50: Recommended Lubricants

    SERVICE INFORMATION 0B–9 Recommended Lubricants ENGINE TYPE TYPE OF LUBRICANT (API) Diesel engine oil With or without turbocharger CD grade Engine Oil Viscosity Chart ENGINE OIL VISCOSITY GRADE — AMBIENT TEMPERATURE [Single grade] SAE 20,20W SAE 40,50 SAE 10W SAE 30 -30ºC -15ºC -0ºC…

  • Page 51
  • Page 52
    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–1 ENGINE CONTENTS Engine Mechanical ……6A Starting and Charging ….. . . 6D3 Engine Cooling .
  • Page 53: Service Precautions

    6A–2 ENGINE MECHANICAL • After removing the intake air duct or air cleaner, Service Precautions immediately cover the intake opening with a clean • Be sure to use the correct fastener in the proper cloth. This prevents the entry of foreign material location.

  • Page 54
    Exhaust ports provide minimum exhaust resistance. Valve Arrangement Each cylinder has 2 intake valves and 2 exhaust valves. The intake valves use Isuzu’s unique inlet ports to provide high efficiency and complete combustion. The exhaust valves are connected to a single exhaust port.
  • Page 55: Turbocharger

    6A–4 ENGINE MECHANICAL Turbocharger Removal 1. Remove the oil feed pipe. • Discard the gaskets. 2. Remove the oil drain pipe. • Discard the gaskets. 3. Remove the turbocharger. NOTE: Plug the turbocharger body oil ports and openings to prevent the entry of foreign material. Installation 1.

  • Page 56: Exhaust Manifold

    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–5 Exhaust Manifold Removal Tighten the nuts to the specified torque in the order shown in the illustration below. 1. Remove the turbocharger oil feed pipe. Torque: 34 N·m (3.5 kgm/25 lbft) 2. Remove the turbocharger oil drain pipe. 3.

  • Page 57
    6A–6 ENGINE MECHANICAL 052EY00007…
  • Page 58: Intake Cover

    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–7 Intake Cover Removal 1. Remove the fuel pipes. 2. Remove the booster air pipe. 3. Remove the injection pipes. 4. Remove the fuel filter and bracket. 5. Remove the intake pipe. 6. Remove the intake cover. 7. Clean the sealing surfaces of the intake cover. Installation 1.

  • Page 59
    6A–8 ENGINE MECHANICAL 4. IInstall the injection pipes and tighten the steeve nuts 6. Install the fuel leak off pipe (1) with new gasket. to the specified torque. Tighten the eye bolts to the specified torque. Torque: 29 N·m (3.0 kgm/22 lbft) Torque: Cylinder head side: 29 N·m (3.0 kgm/22 lbft) Fuel filter side:…
  • Page 60: Water Pump

    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–9 Water Pump Removal 1. Loosen the fan fixing nuts to remove the cooling fan. 033EY00029 Legend (1) Bolt (2) Washer 033EY00003 (3) Rubber mount 2. Remove the fan guard and fan guide. (4) Rubber mount (5) Guide tube (6) Fan guide 3.

  • Page 61
    6A–10 ENGINE MECHANICAL 5. Remove the adapter and fan pulley. 030EY00023 Legend (4) Bypass hose (1) Adapter (5) Water duct (2) Fan pulley (6) Water duct (3) Water pump 6. Disconnect the bypass hose. 7. Loosen the fixing nuts and bolts from the water pump.
  • Page 62: Installation

    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–11 Installation 4. Install the water duct with new gasket to the oil cooler and water pump. 1. Install the water pump with new gaskets to the front Tighten the bolts to the specified torque. plate. Use the locating pin. Torque: 20 N·m (2.0 kgm/14 lbft) 2.

  • Page 63
    6A–12 ENGINE MECHANICAL 10. Install the cooling fan. 12. Install the fan guard. Tighten the fixing nuts to the specified torque. Tighten the fixing bolts to the specified torque. Torque: 39 N·m (4.0 kgm/29 lbft) Torque: 40 N·m (4.1 kgm30 lbft) 033EY00003 033EY00007 11.
  • Page 64: Alternator

    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–13 Alternator Removal 1. Remove the sliding piece nut (1). 2. Remove the alternator mounting bolt (2). 3. Remove the fan belt. 4. Remove the alternator. 066EY00003 Water pump Alternator 066EY00003 Installation 1. Install the alternator. 2. Install the adjusting plate. 3.

  • Page 65: Injection Pump

    6A–14 ENGINE MECHANICAL Injection Pump Removal 3. Remove the injection pipe. 1. Remove the leak off pipe (1). 040EY00009 NOTE: Protect the joint openings of the injection pipe to 041EY00015 prevent the entry of foreign material. 2. Remove the fuel pipes (1), (2) and (3). 4.

  • Page 66
    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–15 5. Remove the oil feed pipe (1) from the injection pump. 6. Remove the oil return pipe (2). 040EY00057 10. Remove the injection pump. 11. Remove the injection pump bracket. 052EY00005 7. Loosen the coupling bolts (1). 040EY00001 040EY00055 8.
  • Page 67: Installation

    6A–16 ENGINE MECHANICAL Installation 1. Install the injection pump bracket to the cylinder block. Use the locating pin. • Tighten the fixing bolts in the numerical order shown in the illustration. Torque: 50 N·m (5.1 kgm/37 lbft) 040EY00006 • Install the injection pump to the injection pump bracket.

  • Page 68
    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–17 5. Install the oil feed pipe (1) to the injection pump. 10. Install the fuel return pipe. • Tighten the bolts to the specified torque. Torque: 27 N·m (2.8 kgm/20 lbft) Torque: 37 N·m (3.8 kgm/27 lbft) 6.
  • Page 69: Bearing Case

    6A–18 ENGINE MECHANICAL Bearing Case Removal Installation 1. Remove the injection pump . 1. Bring No. 1 piston to top dead center on the compression stroke. Refer to “Injection Pump Removal” in this manual. 2. Remove the coupling. • Loosen the bolt (1). Pointer 020EY00006 2.

  • Page 70
    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–19 • Tighten the fixing nuts and bolts to the specified torque: Torque: Bolt (1): 73 N·m (7.4 kgm/54 lbft) Nut (2): 73 N·m (7.4 kgm/54 lbft) Nut (3), (4) : 40 N·m (4.1 kgm/30 lbft) POINTER 039EY00006 3.
  • Page 71: Oil Cooler

    6A–20 ENGINE MECHANICAL Oil Cooler Removal 1. Remove the fuel leak off pipe. 2. Remove the fuel pipes. 3. Remove the injection pipe. Gasket Gasket 4. Remove the fuel filter. 5. Remove the oil feed pipe from the injection pump. 6.

  • Page 72
    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–21 052EY00005 040EY00009 6. Install the air boost pipe (injection pump governor to 9. Install the fuel return pipe. • Tighten the bolts to the specified torque. the intake cover). 7. Install the fuel filter to the bracket. Torque: 37 N·m (3.8 kgm/27 lbft) •…
  • Page 73
    6A–22 ENGINE MECHANICAL 041EY00015…
  • Page 74: Rocker Arm And Shaft Assembly

    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–23 Rocker Arm and Shaft Assembly Removal 011EY00060 Legend (5) Bearing (1) Cylinder head cover (6) Camshaft (2) Gasket (7) Rubber plug (3) Rocker arm assembly (8) Cylinder head (4) Cam bearing cap…

  • Page 75: Installation

    6A–24 ENGINE MECHANICAL 1. Remove the head cover. 2. Remove the cylinder head cover gasket. Discard the gasket. NOTE : Be careful not to lose the collars inserted into the cylinder head cover assembly. 014EY00051 Installation 1. Apply engine oil to the bridge cap. 010EY00001 3.

  • Page 76
    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–25 Sealant 014MX016 015EY00171 4. Tighten the rocker arm bracket nuts and bolts to the 5. Install the cylinder head cover with new gasket. specified torque in the numerical order shown in the 1. Clean the head cover gasket groove and the head illustration.
  • Page 77
    6A–26 ENGINE MECHANICAL 010EY00008…
  • Page 78: Disassembly

    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–27 Disassembly 014EY00157 Legend (3) Spring washer (1) Camshaft bracket (4) Bracket (2) Rocker arm (5) Rocker arm shaft…

  • Page 79: Inspection And Repair

    6A–28 ENGINE MECHANICAL 1. Disassemble the rocker arm and shaft assembly. • Loosen the rocker arm shaft fixing bolts (1). • Disassemble the bracket, rocker arm, washer and rocker arm shaft. NOTE: Keep each rocker arm and bracket in order so that they can be reinstalled to their original positions.

  • Page 80
    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–29 Rocker Arm Bushing Inside Diameter Use either a vernier caliper or a dial indicator to measure the rocker arm bushing inside diameter. Rocker arm bushing inside diameter Standard: 22.010 – 22.035 mm (0.867 – 0.868 in.) Rocker arm and rocker arm shaft clearance Standard: 0.01 –…
  • Page 81
    6A–30 ENGINE MECHANICAL Rocker arm roller and rocker arm pin 7. Check the rocker arm roller and camshaft contact surfaces for excessive wear and damage. 1. Pass a piece of string between the rocker arm and the rocker arm roller. 2.
  • Page 82: Reassembly

    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–31 Bridge gap Check the valve cap and rocker arm contact surfaces for excessive wear and damage. If the wear exceeds the limit, the valve cap must be replaced. Valve cap wear Limit: 0.1 mm (0.004 in) Front 014MX028 5.

  • Page 83: Camshaft

    6A–32 ENGINE MECHANICAL Camshaft Removal 011EY00060 Legend (5) Bearing (1) Cylinder head cover (6) Camshaft (2) Gasket (7) Rubber plug (3) Rocker arm assembly (8) Cylinder head (4) Cam bearing cap…

  • Page 84: Installation

    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–33 1. Remove the head cover. Installation 2. Remove the cylinder head cover gasket. 1. Install the camshaft with camshaft gear to the Discard the gasket. cylinder head. NOTE : Be careful not to lose the collars inserted into the 1.

  • Page 85
    6A–34 ENGINE MECHANICAL 6. If the “B” mark and upper cylinder head face are not aligned, No.1 piston is not on the compression stroke. Remove the camshaft. Rotate the crankshaft one full turn and realign the crankshaft damper pulley TDC mark with the pointer by rotating the crankshaft in the normal direction of engine rotation.
  • Page 86
    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–35 010MX004 4. Tighten the cylinder head cover bolts to the specified torque a little at a time in the numerical order shown in the illustration. Torque : 13 N·m (1.3 kgm/9.4 lbft) 010MX003…
  • Page 87: Disassembly

    6A–36 ENGINE MECHANICAL Disassembly 014EY00102 Legend (1) Camshaft gear (2) Knock pin (3) Camshaft…

  • Page 88: Inspection And Repair

    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–37 1. Remove the camshaft gear. 2. Use a micrometer to measure each camshaft journal • Check the gear for excessive wear or damage. diameter in two directions ((1) and (2)). If the measured value is less than the specified limit, the •…

  • Page 89: Reassembly

    6A–38 ENGINE MECHANICAL 4. Mount the camshaft on V-blocks. Reassembly Measure the run-out with a dial indicator at the No. 4 1. Install the gear alignment pin to the camshaft. camshaft journal. 2. Install the camshaft gear to the camshaft. If the measured value exceeds the specified limit, the 1.

  • Page 90: Cylinder Head

    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–39 Cylinder Head Removal 011EY00001 Legend (8) Glow plug connector (1) Cylinder head cover (9) Glow plug (2) Gasket (10) Rocker arm assembly (3) Rubber plug (11) Bridge cap (4) Leak off pipe (12) Bridge (5) Injection nozzle bracket (13) Camshaft (6) Injection nozzle (14) Cylinder head…

  • Page 91
    6A–40 ENGINE MECHANICAL 1. Remove the head cover. 10. Remove the bridge. 2. Remove the cylinder head cover gasket. NOTE: Keep the bridges in order for reassembly to their original positions. Discard the gasket. 11. Remove the cylinder head. NOTE: Be careful not to lose the collars inserted into the •…
  • Page 92: Installation

    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–41 • Apply molybdeum disulfide grease to the cylinder Installation head bolts (M14) threads and setting faces. 1. Install the new cylinder head gasket. • Apply engine oil to the cylinder head bolts (M10) • Clean the cylinder block surface and remove (Number (1) to (26)) threads and setting faces.

  • Page 93
    6A–42 ENGINE MECHANICAL 3. Install the camshaft with gear to the cylinder head. 5. Install the bridge caps. Refer to “Camshaft Installation” in this manual. 1. Apply engine oil to the bridge cap. 2. Install the bridge cap to the bridge, 014EY00060 011MX042 4.
  • Page 94
    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–43 7. Install the glow plugs to the cylinder head. 10. Adjust the valve clearance. Tighten the glow plugs to the specified torque. Refer to “Valve Clearance Adjustment” in this manual. Torque: 20 N·m (2.0 kgm/14 lbft) 11. Install the rubber plugs. 8.
  • Page 95
    6A–44 ENGINE MECHANICAL 12. Install the cylinder head cover and gasket. 1. Clean the head cover gasket groove and the head cover gasket. 2. Install the new head cover gasket and collar to the head cover. 3. Install the cylinder head cover to the cylinder head.
  • Page 96: Disassembly

    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–45 Disassembly 011EY00062 Legend (13) Idler gear C (1) Cylinder head cover (14) Idler gear cover (2) Oil seal (15) Gasket (3) Bridge guide (16) Thermostat (4) Nozzle sleeve (17) Water outlet pipe (5) Valve seat insert (18) Overheat warning switch (6) Valve guide (19) Hanger (7) Lower spring seat…

  • Page 97
    6A–46 ENGINE MECHANICAL 1. Remove the bridge cap and bridge. NOTE: Keep the bridges and caps in order for reassembly to their original positions. 2. Remove the intake cover and gasket. Discard the gasket. 3. Remove the exhaust manifold and gasket. Discard the gasket.
  • Page 98
    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–47 11. Remove the valve guide. 13. Remove the injection nozzle sleeve. • Use the valve guide remover 5-8840-2628-0 to Use the nozzle sleeve remover 5-8840-2623-0 to remove the valve guide. drive the nozzle sleeve from the lower side cylinder head.
  • Page 99
    6A–48 ENGINE MECHANICAL 15. Remove the injection pipe oil seal. 011EY00066 011MX026 Inspection and Repair Make the necessary adjustments, repairs, and part replacements excessive wear damage discovered during inspection. Cylinder Head Cylinder Head Lower Face Warpage Use a straight edge and a feeler gauge to measure the four sides and the two diagonals of the cylinder head lower face.
  • Page 100
    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–49 Exhaust Valve Valve Stem Outside Diameter Standard: 0.06 – 0.10 mm (0.0024 – 0.0039 in) Measure the valve stem diameter at three points. Limit: 0.25 mm (0.010 in) If the measured value is less than the specified limit, the valve and the valve guide must be replaced as a set.
  • Page 101
    6A–50 ENGINE MECHANICAL Valve Guide Installation Valve and Valve Seat Insert Valve Thickness 1. Apply engine oil to the valve guide outer circumference. Measure the valve thickness. 2. Set the ring to the valve guide replacer 5-8840-2628- If the measured value is less than the specified limit, the valve and the valve guide must be replaced as a set.
  • Page 102
    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–51 3. Use a screwdriver (3) to pry the valve seat insert free. Take care not to damage the cylinder head (4). 014EY00064 Valve Contact Width 1. Check the valve contact faces for roughness and unevenness. 011EY00070 Make smooth the valve contact surfaces. Valve Seat Insert Installation 2.
  • Page 103
    6A–52 ENGINE MECHANICAL Valve Seat Insert Correction Valve Face Angle Intake: 30 degree 1. Remove the carbon from the valve seat insert Exhaust: 45 degree surface. NOTE: Use an adjustable valve cutter pilot. Do not allow the valve cutter pilot to wobble inside the valve guide.
  • Page 104
    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–53 Valve Spring Valve Spring Free Height Use a vernier caliper to measure the valve spring free height. If the measured value is less than the specified limit, the valve spring must be replaced. Spring Free Height Intake Standard: 65.9 mm (2.59 in) Limit: 64.6 mm (2.54 in) Exhaust…
  • Page 105: Reassembly

    6A–54 ENGINE MECHANICAL Reassembly 011EY00062 Legend (13) Idler gear C (1) Cylinder head cover (14) Idler gear cover (2) Oil seal (15) Gasket (3) Bridge guide (16) Thermostat (4) Nozzle sleeve (17) Water outlet pipe (5) Valve seat insert (18) Overheat warning switch (6) Valve guide (19) Hanger (7) Lower spring seat…

  • Page 106
    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–55 1. Use the oil seal installer 5-8840-2627-0 to install the 2. Tighten the engine hangers to the specified torque. oil seals to the cylinder head. Torque: 48 N·m (4.9 kgm/35 lbft) 011MX026 011MX044 3. Install the bridge guides to the cylinder head. 1.
  • Page 107
    6A–56 ENGINE MECHANICAL 4. Install the injection nozzle sleeves to the cylinder head. 1. Install the gasket (2) to the nozzle sleeve and apply engine oil. 2. Apply sealer to the tapered part (1) of the nozzle sleeve. LOCKTITE No. TL290 040MX039 5.
  • Page 108
    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–57 2. Attach the valve guide replacer 5-8840-2628-0 to 2. Install the valve springs with their fine pitched end the valve guide. (painted) facing down. 3. Use a hammer to drive the valve guide into Colored position from the cylinder head upper face. Intake Valve: Light blue 4.
  • Page 109
    6A–58 ENGINE MECHANICAL 13. Install the idler gear C. 1. Apply engine oil to the idler gear shaft and idler gear C bushing before installation. 2. Install the idler gear C with the boss side facing the front of the engine as shown in the illustration. Torque: 95 N·m (9.7 kgm/70 lbft) Front 031EY00023…
  • Page 110
    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–59 17. Install the exhaust manifold gaskets. 18. Install the exhaust manifold to the cylinder head. Install the gasket with the protruding part of the 1. Install the three gas seal rings to the rear exhaust gasket facing down. manifold.
  • Page 111
    6A–60 ENGINE MECHANICAL Intake cover 13 9 027EY0023 025MX016 20. Install the intake pipe with new gasket to the intake cover. Tighten the intake pipe bolts to the specified torque. Torque: 20 N·m (2.0 kg·m/14 lbft) 11 8 027EY0024 19. Install the intake cover with new gasket to the cylinder head.
  • Page 112
  • Page 113: Removal

    6A–62 ENGINE MECHANICAL Crank Pulley and Flywheel Removal 015EY00193 Legend (4) Ring gear (1) Crank pulley (5) Flywheel (2) Damper (6) Washer (3) Crankshaft…

  • Page 114: Installation

    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–63 1. Remove the cooling fan. 2. Remove the fan belts. 3. Remove the crankshaft damper pulley from the crankshaft. • Block the crankshaft with a piece of hard wood to prevent the damper pulley from turning. • Diagonally loosen the damper pulley bolts. 4.

  • Page 115: Disassembly

    6A–64 ENGINE MECHANICAL 3. Install the fan belts. 2. Inspect the crankshaft damper for cracking or separation. If any abnormality on the crankshaft 4. Adjust the fan belt tension. damper is found, inspect the crankshaft and the Refer to “Fan Belt Inspection” in this manual. flywheel fixing bolts.

  • Page 116
    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–65 3. Install the damper to the crankshaft pulley. 015EY00074 Diagonally tighten the damper fixing bolts to the specified torque. Torque: 48 N·m (4.9 kgm/35 lbft)
  • Page 117: Timing Gears

    6A–66 ENGINE MECHANICAL Timing Gears Removal 020EY00004 Legend (8) Slinger (1) Washer (9) Idler gear shaft A (2) Flywheel (10) Idler gear A (3) Cover (11) Thrust collar (4) Idler gear D (12) Oil pump (5) Idler gear shaft D (13) Idler gear B (6) Flywheel housing (14) Idler gear shaft B…

  • Page 118: Inspection And Repair

    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–67 1. Remove the flywheel housing. Refer to “Flywheel Housing Removal” in this manual. 2. Measure the idler gear backlash. 1. Set a dial indicator to the idler gear. Hold both the gear to be checked and the adjoining gear stationary.

  • Page 119: Installation

    6A–68 ENGINE MECHANICAL 2. Tighten the idler gear shaft bolts to the specified torque. Torque: 31 N·m (3.2 kgm/23 lbft) 014EY00175 2. Use an inside dial indicator or an inside micrometer to measure the idler gear inside diameter. If the clearance between the idler gear shaft outside 014EY00054 diameter and the idler gear inside diameter exceeds 2.

  • Page 120
    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–69 051EY00010 014EY00056 3. Apply ThreeBond No. TB1201 (or 1141E) or 4. Install the idler gear A and Idler gear shaft to the equivalent to the shaded areas shown in the cylinder block. illustration. 1. Install the idler gear shaft (1) to the cylinder body. CAUTION: The sealant must not obstruct the gear The idler gear shaft oil port must be facing the and oil ports (indicated by arrows).
  • Page 121
    6A–70 ENGINE MECHANICAL 014EY00169 014EY00170 5. Install the flywheel housing. 7. Install the cover with new gasket to the flywheel housing. 1. Apply ThreeBond No. TB1201 (or TB1207C) or equivalent to the flywheel housing fitting faces and the area marked with an arrow in the illustration. Do not apply sealant 020MX008 8.
  • Page 122: Flywheel Housing

    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–71 Flywheel Housing Removal 020EY00060 Legend (5) Idler gear shaft D (1) Washer (6) Flywheel housing (2) Flywheel (7) Oil seal (3) Cover (8) Oil slinger (4) Idler gear D…

  • Page 123: Installation

    6A–72 ENGINE MECHANICAL 1. Remove the oil pan. 9. Use the slinger remover 894396-8580 to remove the slinger. Refer to “Oil Pan Removal” in this manual. Take care not to damage the crankshaft. 2. Loosen the flywheel fixing bolts to remove the flywheel.

  • Page 124
    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–73 Torque : Bolt A : 73 N·m (7.4 kgm/54 lbft) Bolt B : 96 N·m (9.8 kgm/71 lbft) Bolt C : 73 N·m (7.4 kgm/54 lbft) Bolt D : 87 N·m (8.9 kgm/64 lbft) Bolt E : 119 N·m (12.1 kgm/88 lbft) Bolt F : 26 N·m (2.7 kgm/20 lbft) NOTE: 1.
  • Page 125
    6A–74 ENGINE MECHANICAL 5. Use the oil seal installer 894396-8560 to install the oil seal. 020EY00058 3. After pressing in the slinger, make sure that the distance between crankshaft end surface and the 020EY00023 slinger is A as specified. 1. Apply engine oil to the oil seal lip. Distance (A) : 16.7 — 17.3mm (0.657 — 0.681 in) Do not allow engine oil to come in contact with the NOTE : Be sure to replace the slinger and oil seal as a…
  • Page 126
    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–75 015EY00175 2. Apply molybdenum disulfide grease to the flywheel bolt threads. 3. Install the flywheel. Use the locating pin. 4. Tighten the fixing bolts to the specified torque in three steps. Follow the numerical order shown in the illustration.
  • Page 127: Oil Pan

    6A–76 ENGINE MECHANICAL Oil Pan Removal 013EY00038 Legend (3) Gasket (1) Clip (4) Oil strainer (2) Oil pan (5) Gasket…

  • Page 128: Installation

    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–77 1. Remove the breather hose clip. 2. Apply a 3 mm bead of sealant (Three Bond No.1207C or equivalent) to the cylinder block and 2. Loosen the fixing nuts and bolts to remove the oil flywheel housing fitting faces (1) and the crankcase pan and gasket.

  • Page 129: Front Cover

    6A–78 ENGINE MECHANICAL Front Cover Removal 015EY00177 Legend (5) Gasket (1) Damper pulley (6) Slinger (2) Oil seal (7) Crankshaft (3) Adjusting plate (8) Crankcase (4) Front plate…

  • Page 130: Installation

    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–79 1. Remove the water pump. 7. Use the slinger remover 8-94396-858-0 to remove the slinger. Refer to “Water Pump Removal” in this manual. • Discard the removed oil seal and slinger. 2. Remove the alternator. NOTE: If the oil seal has been removed, both the oil seal Refer to “Alternator Removal”…

  • Page 131
    6A–80 ENGINE MECHANICAL 020EY00008 015EY00178 2. Install the adjusting plate to the front plate. 4. Install the front oil seal to the front plate. Use the oil seal installer kit 8-94396-856-0 to install the oil seal. 1. Apply engine oil to the oil seal lip. 2.
  • Page 132
    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–81 3. Install the crankshaft damper pulley. Use the locating dowel pin. 4. Tighten the crankshaft damper pulley bolts to the specified torque a little at a time in the numerical order shown in the illustration. Torque: 200 N·m (20.4 kgm/148 lbft) 015EY00006 015EY00174 6.
  • Page 133: Piston

    6A–82 ENGINE MECHANICAL Piston Removal 015EY00180 Legend (3) Bearings (1) Bearing cap (4) Piston with connecting rod (2) Bolt…

  • Page 134: Installation

    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–83 1. Remove the cylinder head assembly. Installation Refer to “Cylinder Head Removal” in this manual. 1. Install the piston with connecting rod. 2. Remove the oil pan. 1. Clean the piston in solvent to remove all sludge. Refer to “Oil Pan Removal”…

  • Page 135
    6A–84 ENGINE MECHANICAL Front mark 012HW002 015EY00095 7. Position the piston head front mark (1) so that it is 11. Apply molybdenum disulfide grease to the threads facing the front of the engine. and setting faces of each connecting rod bolt. NOTE : The connecting rod forging mark (projecting) (2) 12.
  • Page 136: Disassembly

    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–85 Disassembly 015EY00119 Legend (5) Connecting rod (6) Connecting rod cap (1) Piston rings (7) Bearings (2) Snap ring (3) Piston pin (4) Piston…

  • Page 137: Inspection And Repair

    6A–86 ENGINE MECHANICAL CAUTION: Do not bend or damage the oil jet. NOTE: When removing the piston and connection rod assembly, pull the connecting rod parallel to the cylinder bore. 1. Remove the connecting rod cap. 2. Remove the bearings. •…

  • Page 138
    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–87 Piston Ring and Piston Ring Groove Clearance 1. Visually inspect the piston ring grooves. If a piston ring groove is damaged or distorted, the piston must be replaced. 2. Use a feeler gauge (1) to measure the clearance between the piston ring and the piston ring groove at several points around the piston.
  • Page 139
    6A–88 ENGINE MECHANICAL Piston Pin Diameter Use a micrometer to measure the piston pin outside diameter at several points If the measured value is less than the specified limit, the piston pin must be replaced. Piston pin diameter Standard: 35.995 – 36.000 mm (1.4171 – 1.4173 in.) Limit: 35.95 mm (1.4154 in.) 015HY00030 Piston Ring Expansion Force…
  • Page 140
    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–89 Crankshaft and Connecting Rod Bearing Clearance 1. Clean the crankshaft, connecting rod, bearing cap, and bearings. 2. Install the bearing to the connecting rod and bearing cap. 3. Apply a coat of molybdenum disulfide grease to the bearing cap bolt threads and setting faces.
  • Page 141
    6A–90 ENGINE MECHANICAL Piston and Liner Bore Clearance If the cylinder liner has been replaced, install the piston using service parts. The cylinder liner bore and pistons have only one grade. It is not necessary to select the piston grade. 1.
  • Page 142: Reassembly

    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–91 The grade mark is stamped on the top of the piston installed at the factory, but service part pistons do not have any grade (single grade). Piston outside diameter Standard: 114.894 – 114.909 mm (4.5233 – 4.5240 in.) Piston and Liner bore clearance Standard: 0.122 –…

  • Page 143
    6A–92 ENGINE MECHANICAL 5. Install the connecting rod cap. • Fit the lower connecting rod bearing to the connecting rod cap. • Apply engine oil to the circumference of each piston ring, piston and crankpin. • Position the piston ring gaps as shown in the illustration.
  • Page 144
    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–93 • Align the connecting rod cap cylinder number marks and the connecting rod cylinder number marks. 015EY00182 • Install the connecting rod caps. • Apply molybdenum disulfide grease to the threads and setting faces of each connecting rod bolt. •…
  • Page 145: Crankshaft

    6A–94 ENGINE MECHANICAL Crankshaft Removal 015EY00184 Legend (7) Connecting rod bearing (1) Crank pulley (8) Thrust bearings (2) Oil seal (9) Thrust bearings (3) Adjusting plate (10) Crank bearings (4) Front cover (11) Crankshaft (5) Gasket (12) Slinger (6) Piston with connecting rod (13) Crankcase…

  • Page 146
    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–95 1. Remove the cylinder head assembly. Refer to “Cylinder Head Removal” in this manual. 2. Remove the oil pan. Refer to “Oil Pan Removal” in this manual. 3. Remove the flywheel housing . Refer to “Flywheel Housing Removal” in this manual. 4.
  • Page 147: Installation

    6A–96 ENGINE MECHANICAL WARNING: Compressed air can cause personal 3. Install the upper bearings to their original position, injury when used for cleaning. Wear safety glasses if they are reused. and protective clothing. CAUTION: Do not apply engine oil to the bearing back faces and cylinder block bearing surfaces.

  • Page 148
    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–97 015EY00088 015EY00090 4. Install the upper side crankshaft thrust bearings. 6. Install the lower crankcase to the cylinder block. 1. Apply engine oil to the thrust bearing oil grooves 1. Carefully wipe any foreign material from the lower before installation.
  • Page 149
    6A–98 ENGINE MECHANICAL 012EY00014 012EY00015 5. Apply molybdenum disulfide grease to the lower 7. Check that the crankshaft rotates smoothly. crankcase bolt threads and setting faces. NOTE: Lower crankcase bolts can be reused six (6) times. 8. Tighten the lower crankcase M10 bolts a little at a time in the numerical order shown in the illustration.
  • Page 150
    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–99 10. Install the flywheel to the crankshaft. Refer to “Flywheel Installation” in this manual. 11. Install the front cover to the cylinder block. Refer to “Front Cover Installation” in this manual. 12. Install the crankshaft damper pulley. Refer to “Crank Pulley and Flywheel Installation”…
  • Page 151: Disassembly

    6A–100 ENGINE MECHANICAL Disassembly 015EY00191 Legend (3) Crankshaft gear (1) Crankshaft (2) Pin 1. Use the crankshaft gear remover 8-94396-818-0 to remove the crankshaft gear. NOTE: Do not remove the crankshaft gear from the crankshaft unless the gear is damaged. 014EY00115…

  • Page 152: Inspection And Repair

    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–101 Inspection and Repair Crankshaft Run-Out 1. Set a dial indicator to the center of the No.4 Make the necessary adjustments, repairs, and part crankshaft journal. replacements excessive wear damage 2. Gently turn the crankshaft in the normal direction of discovered during inspection.

  • Page 153: Cylinder Body

    6A–102 ENGINE MECHANICAL 5. Tighten the lower crankcase M10 bolts to the specified torque. Torque: 37 N·m (3.8 kgm/27 lbft) 19 15 11 7 9 13 17 21 20 16 12 8 6 10 14 18 015EY00195 Crankshaft Bearing Inside Diameter 1.

  • Page 154
    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–103 Crankshaft Tufftriding Inspection Crankshaft Tufftriding Judgment • Use an organic cleaner to thoroughly clean the • Wait for 30 to 40 seconds. crankshaft. If there is no discoloration after 30 or 40 seconds, There must be no oil on the crankshaft. the crankshaft is usable.
  • Page 155
    6A–104 ENGINE MECHANICAL Reassembly 015EY00191 Legend (3) Crankshaft gear (1) Crankshaft (2) Pin…
  • Page 156
    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–105 1. Install the crankshaft gear to the crankshaft (if necessary). 1. Install the crankshaft timing gear alignment pin. 2. Heat the crankshaft gear evenly with a gas burner to invite thermal expansion. Do not allow the temperature of the gas burner to exceed 180°C (356°F).
  • Page 157: Removal

    6A–106 ENGINE MECHANICAL Cylinder Block Removal 012EY00012 Legend (3) Oil jet (1) Oil pressure switch (4) Cylinder liner (2) Crankcase (5) Cylinder block…

  • Page 158: Installation

    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–107 1. Remove the turbocharger. 6. Install the flywheel to the crankshaft. Refer to “Turbocharger Removal” in this manual. Refer to “Crank Pulley and Flywheel Installation” in this manual. 2. Remove the fan guide from the engine (If so equipped.) 7.

  • Page 159: Disassembly

    6A–108 ENGINE MECHANICAL Disassembly 012EY00012 Legend (3) Oil jet (1) Oil pressure switch (4) Cylinder liner (2) Crankcase (5) Cylinder block…

  • Page 160: Inspection And Repair

    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–109 1. Remove the lower crankcase. • Loosen the fixing bolts to disassemble the lower crankcase. • Place the crankcase on a flat piece of wool. 2. Remove the oil jet. Loosen the bolt to remove the oil jet. NOTE: Take care not to bend or damage the oil jet.

  • Page 161
    6A–110 ENGINE MECHANICAL If the measured value exceeds the specified limit, the cylinder block must be replaced. Liner Outside Grade No. 012EY00065 012EY00064 • Apply water under pressure to the cylinder body Grade No. water jacket to check for leakages. Water Pressure: 490 kPa (5 kg/cm /70 psi) If water leakage is found, the cylinder block must be replaced.
  • Page 162
    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–111 Cylinder Bore Measurement Oil Jet If the marking is not clear, measure the cylinder bore Check the oil port on the oil jet for clogging. inside diameter. • Use a cylinder bore dial indicator to measure the cylinder bore in the thrust and axial direction of the crankshaft.
  • Page 163: Reassembly

    6A–112 ENGINE MECHANICAL Reassembly 012EY00012 Legend (3) Oil jet (1) Oil pressure switch (4) Cylinder liner (2) Crankcase (5) Cylinder block…

  • Page 164
    ENGINE MECHANICAL 6A–113 1. Install the cylinder liner to the cylinder block. • Use new kerosene or diesel fuel to thoroughly clean the cylinder liner and bore. • Use compressed air to blow-dry the cylinder liner and bore surface. WARNING: Compressed air can cause personal injury when used for cleaning.
  • Page 165
    6A–114 ENGINE MECHANICAL 5. Install the oil pressure switch. • Install the adapter (1) to the cylinder block and tighten to the specified torque. • Install the oil pressure switch (2). Torque: Adapter: 118 N·m (12.0 kgm)/87 lbft) Oil pressure switch: 18 N·m (1.8 kgm/13 lbft) Sealant 012EY00067…
  • Page 166
    ENGINE COOLING 6B–1 ENGINE COOLING CONTENTS Service Precautions ……6B-1 Water Pump ……6B-6 General Description .
  • Page 167: General Description

    6B–2 ENGINE COOLING General Description Coolant Flow Reserve Water outlet pipe tank Thermostat Water jacket, Cylinder head Water jacket Cylinder Water body pump Oil cooler Water drain F06EY00142 The engine cooling system consists of the radiator, the When the coolant temperature reaches 82°C (180°F), surge tank, the water pump, the cooling fan, and the the thermostat begins to open.

  • Page 168: Thermostat

    ENGINE COOLING 6B–3 Thermostat Disassembly 031EY00005 Legend (3) Gaskets (1) Water outlet pipe (2) Thermostats…

  • Page 169: Inspection And Repair

    6B–4 ENGINE COOLING 1. Loosen the fixing bolts to remove the water outlet pipe. Discard the gaskets. 2. Remove the thermostats. Stirring rod Inspection and Repair Make necessary adjustment, repairs, part replacements excessive wear damage discovered during inspection. 1. Check the wax pellet for leakage. 2.

  • Page 170
    ENGINE COOLING 6B–5 2. Install new gaskets. 3. Install the water outlet pipe. 4. Tighten the fixing bolts to the specified torque. Torque: 19 N·m (1.9 kg/14 lbft) 031EY00024…
  • Page 171: Water Pump

    6B–6 ENGINE COOLING Water Pump Disassembly 030EY00026 Legend (9) Shaft (1) Center (10) Water pump body (2) Dust cover (11) Dowel pin (3) Snap ring (12) Seal unit (4) Bearing (13) Impeller (5) Bearing (14) Gasket (6) Spacer (15) Cover (7) Bearing (16) Bolt (8) Washer…

  • Page 172: Inspection And Repair

    ENGINE COOLING 6B–7 1. Remove the rear cover from the water pump body. Inspection and Repair 2. Use a remover to remove the impeller from the water Make the necessary adjustments, repairs and part pump. replacements excessive wear damage 3. Use a puller to remove the water pump center. discovered during inspection.

  • Page 173: Reassembly

    6B–8 ENGINE COOLING 2. Carefully wipe away any bearing grease. 4. Use a bench press to gradually press the water pump shaft down until the bearings are seated 3. Listen for excessive bearing operating noise. correctly. 030EY00029 030HY00033 Excessive bearing operating noise indicates severe 2.

  • Page 174
    ENGINE COOLING 6B–9 3. Position the pump shaft with bearings to the water 4. Install the seal unit to the water pump body. • Press in the seal unit to the specified position pump body. 4. Use a bench press to gradually press the water using a bench press and installer 1-85220-047-0.
  • Page 175
  • Page 176
    ENGINE FUEL 6C–1 ENGINE FUEL CONTENTS Service Precautions ……6C-1 Injection Nozzle Holder ….. 6C-7 General Description .
  • Page 177: General Description

    6C–2 ENGINE FUEL General Description Fuel System Operation When working on the fuel system – • Disconnect the negative battery cable. The fuel injection pump is driven by the crankshaft. The • Have a dry chemical (Class B) fire extinguisher fuel injection pump drives the fuel feed pump.

  • Page 178
    ENGINE FUEL 6C–3 Fuel Flow 040EY00060 Fuel system components Open the drain plug at the bottom of the sedimentor to drain the water. The fuel system consists of the fuel tank, the fuel feed • Fuel filter pump, the water sedimentor, the fuel filter, the injection The fuel filter removes solid particles from the fuel.
  • Page 179
    6C–4 ENGINE FUEL • Injection pump Major injection pump components are the pump body, the plungers, the governor, and the timing advancer. The injection pump is the nucleus of the diesel engine fuel system. It pressurizes and delivers precisely timed and measured fuel charges to the engine cylinders.
  • Page 180: Fuel Filter

    ENGINE FUEL 6C–5 Fuel Filter Disassembly Legend (1) Fuel filter (2) Overflow valve (3) Fuel filter body…

  • Page 181: Inspection And Repair

    6C–6 ENGINE FUEL 1. Remove the fuel filter with a filter wrench. Reassembly CAUTION: Be careful not to spill the fuel remaining 1. Install the overflow valve to the fuel filter body. in the fuel filter when removing the filter. 2.

  • Page 182: Injection Nozzle Holder

    ENGINE FUEL 6C–7 Injection Nozzle Holder Reassembly 040EY00026 Legend (8) Push rod (1) Retaining nut (9) Adjusting shim (2) Nozzle (10) 2nd spring (3) Pin (11) Collar (4) Spacer (12) Spring seat (5) Pin (13) 1st spring (6) Lift piece (14) Adjusting shim (7) Spring seat (15) Nozzle holder body…

  • Page 183: Disassembly

    6C–8 ENGINE FUEL Disassembly 2. Install the adjusting shim (1), first spring (2), and spring seat (3). The 2-spring nozzle reduces nitrogen oxide Nox and particulate exhaust gas emissions. 1. Use a wire brush to remove carbon deposits from the nozzle and nozzle holder (before disassembly).

  • Page 184
    ENGINE FUEL 6C–9 4. Install the pins (1), lift piece (2), and spacer (3). 7. Hand-tighten the adjustment retaining nut together with the gasket to the nozzle holder. Retaining nut: 157892-4000 (ZEXEL) Gasket: 157892-1500 (ZEXEL) Retaining nut Nozzle (Special tool) Gasket 040EY00070 5.
  • Page 185
    6C–10 ENGINE FUEL 9. Set the nozzle holder to the nozzle tester. Full needle valve lift confirmation 10. Operate the nozzle tester. Measure the first nozzle 1. Install the gasket (1) and plug (2) to the adjustment opening pressure. retaining nut. 11.
  • Page 186
    ENGINE FUEL 6C–11 3. Install the nut (1) to the dial gauge holder (2). Nut: 157892-1000 (ZEXEL) 040EY00074 4. Install the pin to the dial gauge. Note: Pin lengths of the pins do not include the threaded portions. Pin (l=60 mm): 157892-5300 (ZEXEL) Dial gauge: 157892-3800 (ZEXEL) 040EY00076…
  • Page 187
    6C–12 ENGINE FUEL 6. Set the nozzle holder to the nozzle tester and zero Pre-lift confirmation the dial gauge. 1. With the needle valve at full lift, release the nozzle 7. Operate the nozzle tester to bleed any air from inside tester handle.
  • Page 188
    /140 psi). spacer, and nozzle assembly as a set with the Note: This point can be determined while the pressure is service kit. falling. Service kit: ZEXEL 105019-2200 Service kit: ISUZU 894392-1450 Measuring point (pre-lift) Lift piece Spacer 1st nozzle…
  • Page 189
    6C–14 ENGINE FUEL +0.05 2nd nozzle 34.3-44.1MPa opening pressure (350-450kg/cm Pressure gauge In-line pressure 040EY00081 040MV026 2. Release the nozzle tester handle so that in-line Second nozzle opening pressure adjustment pressure decreases. If the second nozzle opening pressure is not as Note: The in-line pressure will decrease and needle specified, disassemble the nozzle holder and remove valve lift (as indicated on the dial gauge) will fall slightly.
  • Page 190
    ENGINE FUEL 6C–15 Final inspection 1. Remove the dial gauge, nut, and dial gauge holder. Dial gauge Dial gauge holder 040EY00069 Legend (1) Collar 040MV028 (2) 2nd spring (3) Adjusting shim 2. Remove the retaining nut and gasket. (4) Spring seat (5) Push rod φ3.6 φ7.2…
  • Page 191
    6C–16 ENGINE FUEL CAUTION: The nozzle, lift piece, pins, and spacers must be replaced as a set (nozzle service kit). If only the nozzle is replaced, pre-lift specifications will not be applicable. Nozzle tester Nozzle holder 040MV030…
  • Page 192: Injection Pump

    If the applicable calibration data is not listed in this Manual, contact the manufacturer’s nearest authorized service facility (Bosch Automotive System Corporation or Robert Bosch GMBH). The Isuzu injection pump assembly number is also included on the plate. Use this number to order a replacement pump. MADE IN…

  • Page 193
    6C–18 ENGINE FUEL Injection Pump Calibration Data Test Conditions Injection nozzle ZEXEL No. 105780-0000 Injection nozzle holder ZEXEL No. 105780-2080 Injection starting pressure 17.2 MPa Injection line dimensions Inside diameter = 3 mm Outside diameter = 8 mm Length = 600 mm Transfer pump pressure 255 kPa Test diesel fuel…
  • Page 194
    ENGINE FUEL 6C–19 Injection Volume and Governor Performance Diagram Injection Pump Assembly Number ISUZU No. ZEXEL No. Remarks ISUZU No. ZEXEL No. Remarks 1-15603-334-1 106671-6451 Injection Volume Control rack Pump speed Injection volume Variance Boost pressure Remarks –1 position (mm)
  • Page 195
    6C–20 ENGINE FUEL Governor Performance RACK LIMIT IDLING SUB SPRING SET 14.0以上 ±0.1 BOOST COMPENSATOR STROKE ; 0.7 GOVERNOR SPRING SET 12.8 ±0.1 12.0 ±0.1 12.0 BOOST COMPENSATOR ±0.1 11.2 11.6 ADJUSTING SPEED 550min — 11.2 ±0.3 5.1以下 10.5 0 48.0 ±4.0 ±6.7 (147)
  • Page 196
    STARTING AND CHARGING 6D3–1 STARTING AND CHARGING CONTENTS Service Precautions ….. . . 6D3-1 Starter motor ……6D3-11 Alternator .
  • Page 197: Alternator

    6D3–2 STARTING AND CHARGING Alternator General Description 060EY00002 Legend (6) Rotor (1) Rear bracket (7) Bearing (2) IC regulator (8) Pulley (3) Bearing (9) Front bracket (4) Rectifier (10) Field coil assembly (5) Stator The engine uses a brushless alternator. Terminal R is active only until the alternator begins to Main alternator components are the rotor, the stator, the generate electricity.

  • Page 198
    Identification MITSUBISHI IDENTIFICATION PLATE The alternator identification plate is attached to the alternator rear bracket. The ISUZU part number, the manufacturer’s code number, and other important information are stamped on the plate. Refer to the identification plate together with the “Main Data and Specifications”…
  • Page 199
    6D3–4 STARTING AND CHARGING Main Data and Specifications Isuzu Part No. 181200-5902 Manufacturer’s code No. (MITSUBISHI) A004T05485 Rated voltage Rated output –1 Rated speed (min 5000 –1 Rated output (Amp./Volt/min 50/27/5000 –1 No-load output at 0 Amp. (Volt/min 24/900 Direction of rotation as viewed…
  • Page 200: Disassembly

    STARTING AND CHARGING 6D3–5 Disassembly 060EY00004 (1) IC regulator (6) Nut (2) Terminal stud (7) Side entry terminal (3) Side entry terminal (Terminal B) (8) Terminal stud (4) Rectifier assembly (9) Tube (5) Cap…

  • Page 201
    6D3–6 STARTING AND CHARGING 1. Scratch setting marks between the front and rear brackets and the alternator body (2 locations). This will ensure installation to its original position. 2. Remove the 4 through bolts. 3. Use the blade of a screwdriver to pry the front bracket and the stator apart.
  • Page 202: Inspection And Repair

    STARTING AND CHARGING 6D3–7 Inspections and Repair Rotor 1. Turn the rotor. Listen for bearing noise (a scraping Stator sound). Feel for rough rotation. Replace the rotor if 1. Check the stator for damage, loose connections, and either of these conditions is present. discolored windings.

  • Page 203: Reassembly

    6D3–8 STARTING AND CHARGING • Bracket, rotor, and stator reassembly is difficult 3. Check the diode trio for continuity in both directions. because of the tight fit of the components. To make If there is continuity and/or an open circuit in both reassembly easier, heat the area around the rear directions, the rectifier must be replaced.

  • Page 204
    STARTING AND CHARGING 6D3–9 AMMETER SWITCH 1 LAMP (24V) SWITCH 2 (3W MAX.) ALTERNATOR BATTERY (24V) LOAD VOLTMETER RESISTOR Current output 1. Operate the alternator at minimum speed. 2. Close switch 1. Check that the lamp lights. 3. Set the load resistor to its maximum resistance (minimum current).
  • Page 205
    6D3–10 STARTING AND CHARGING Troubleshooting Condition Possible Cause Correction No output Bad terminal connection Repair Open or shorted circuit Repair Open field coil Replace Defective diode Replace Defective IC regulator Replace Low output Loose terminal connection Tighten Loose cooling fan belt Adjust belt tension Defective diode Replace…
  • Page 206
    STARTING AND CHARGING 6D3–11 Starter Motor General Description 060EY00009 The starter motor has a reduction gear assembly that uses planetary gears.
  • Page 207
    6D3–12 STARTING AND CHARGING Main Data and Specifictions Isuzu Part No. 181100-4140 Mitsubishi code No. M008T60971 Rated voltage Rated output Rating Direction of rotation Clockwise (Viewed from the pinion side) Terminal voltage (No load) Minimum current (No load) –1 Starter motor minimum operating speed…
  • Page 208
    Identification MITSUBISHI starter motor is identified by the name plate attached to the yoke (illustration). (1) Manufacturer’s type (2) Isuzu part number (3) Bar code NOTE: Always check the identification number before beginning a service operation. Applicable service data will vary according to the identification number.
  • Page 209
    6D3–14 STARTING AND CHARGING Disassembly 060EX00001 Legend (14) Planetary gear (1) Snap ring (15) Ball (2) Stop ring (16) Gasket (3) Pinion (17) Plate (4) Pinion spring (18) Armature (5) Screw (19) Washer (6) Pinion case (20) Bearing (7) Lever (21) Gasket (8) Magnetic switch (22) Yoke…
  • Page 210
    STARTING AND CHARGING 6D3–15 1. Place matching marks on the magnetic switch and yoke to ensure reassembly to their original positions. 2. Connect the starter motor to a battery. The pinion rises and begins to rotate. 3. Open switch-2 to stop pinion rotation. SW 1 SW 2 24 V…
  • Page 211
    6D3–16 STARTING AND CHARGING Inspection and Repair Armature 1. Use a circuit tester to check armature continuity. Hold the circuit tester probes against 2 commutator segments. Repeat the procedure for several other segment pairs. There must be continuity between all commutator segments.
  • Page 212
    STARTING AND CHARGING 6D3–17 060EY00016 060EY00017 5. Inspect the gear for excessive wear and damage. Brush and Brush Holder Replace if required. 6. Rotate the commutator with your hand. Listen for 1. Measure the brush length. abnormal noise or rattling from the bearing. Check If the brush length is less than the specified limit, the for grease leakage.
  • Page 213
    6D3–18 STARTING AND CHARGING Front Bracket Check the front bracket bearing and oil seal for damage. Replace if required. Internal Gear and Planetary Gear Check the gears for excessive wear and damage. Replace if required. Magnetic Switch 1. Use a circuit tester to check for continuity between the magnetic switch terminal-M (1) and the body (2).
  • Page 214
    STARTING AND CHARGING 6D3–19 060EY00010 • Tighten the fixing bolts to the specified torque. Armature shaft axial play Torque Install the ball to the top of the armature shaft. Nut (1) : 23 N·m (2.3 kgm/17 lbft) No adjustment is required. Bolt (2) : 6.8 N·m (0.7 kgm/5.1 lbft) Gear shaft axial play Bolt (3) : 9.8 N·m (1.0 kgm/7.2 lbft)
  • Page 215
    6D3–20 STARTING AND CHARGING Pinion projection 1. Connect the starter motor to the battery. 2. Turn switch-1 and switch-2 on. The pinion moves forward to the cranking position and the armature rotates. 3. Turn switch-2 off. The armature stops rotating. 4.
  • Page 216
    STARTING AND CHARGING 6D3–21 Overrunning clutch shaft return 2. Turn the switch on. 3. Measure the starter motor speed, the current, and Press against the head of the overrunning clutch with the voltage. your hand. If the starter motor speed is less than the specified Measure the movement (return) of the clutch shaft.
  • Page 217
  • Page 218: Service Precaution

    ENGINE LUBRICATION 6G–1 ENGINE LUBRICATION CONTENTS Service Precautions ……6G-1 Oil Port Cover……6G-11 General Description .

  • Page 219: General Description

    6G–2 ENGINE LUBRICATION General Description Lubricating Oil Flow The engine uses a pressure-feed lubrication system. Oil flows from the oil pump to the oil filter for cleaning. It then travels to the oil cooler where it is cooled. From the oil cooler, the oil moves to the cylinder block oil gallery for distribution to the moving parts of the engine.

  • Page 220
    ENGINE LUBRICATION 6G–3 Lubricating Oil Flow Oil Filter Starter Battery Switch Oil Pressure Indicator Light Oil Cooler Main Oil Main Oil Gallery Sub Oil Gallery Filter Combined Type Partial Crank Camshaft Check Idler Idler Idler Shaft Bearing Valve Gear A Gear B Gear C Filter…
  • Page 221
    6G–4 ENGINE LUBRICATION Oil Pump Oil Pump Construction 051EY00035 Legend (4) Cotter pin (1) Oil pump drive gear (5) Drive gear (2) Oil pump body (6) Driven gear and shaft (3) Oil relief valve…
  • Page 222: Disassembly

    ENGINE LUBRICATION 6G–5 Disassembly 4. Remove the oil pump drive gear. Use a gear puller to remove the oil pump drive gear. 1. Remove the driven gear and shaft. 051EY00021 051EY00014 Inspection and Repair 2. Remove the cottter pin. 3. Remove the oil relief valve. Make the necessary adjustments, repairs, and part replacements if excessive wear of damage is discovered during inspection.

  • Page 223
    6G–6 ENGINE LUBRICATION 2. Use a feeler gauge to measure the clearance 4. Use an inside dial indicator or inside micrometer to between the body and the gear side surfaces. measure the pump body inside diameter and the cylinder block bushing inside diameter. If the clearance between the gears and the body exceeds the specified limit, the gears and/or the If the clearance between the gear shaft and the…
  • Page 224: Reassembly

    ENGINE LUBRICATION 6G–7 6. Use an inside and outside micrometer to measure 2. Install the oil relief valve. the interference between the oil pump drive gear 3. Install the cotter pin. inside diameter and drive gear shaft outside 4. Install the driven gear and shaft. diameter.

  • Page 225: Disassembly

    6G–8 ENGINE LUBRICATION Oil Cooler Disassembly 050EY00013 Legend (1) Oil cooler element (5) Plug (2) Gasket (6) Oil thermostat (3) Gasket (7) Bypass pipe (4) Body…

  • Page 226: Reassembly

    ENGINE LUBRICATION 6G–9 1. Loosen the fixing nuts to remove the element. Inspection and Repair Discard the gaskets. 1. Use the dye penetrant detector procedure to inspect 2. Remove the bypass pipe. the element for cracking. 3. Remove the oil thermostat. 2.

  • Page 227
    6G–10 ENGINE LUBRICATION 4. Install the oil cooler element with new gasket to the body. 5. Tighten the element fixing nuts to the specified torque. Torque : 20 N·m (2.0 kgm/14 lbft) 050EY00016…
  • Page 228
    ENGINE LUBRICATION 6G–11 Oil Port Cover 050EY00060 Legend (5) Plug (1) Oil port cover (6) Gasket (2) Gasket (7) Port cover (3) Oil relief valve (4) Gasket…
  • Page 229: Inspection And Repair

    6G–12 ENGINE LUBRICATION Removal 1. Remove the oil port cover from the cylinder block. Discard the gaskets. 2. Remove the oil relief valve from the oil port cover. Check the oil valve for restrictions. Inspection and Repair 1. Remove the plugs from the port cover. 2.

  • Page 230: Oil Filter

    ENGINE LUBRICATION 6G–13 Oil Filter 050EY00046 Legend (4) Oil filter body (1) Oil filter (5) Gaskets (2) By-pass valve (3) Gasket…

  • Page 231: Disassembly

    6G–14 ENGINE LUBRICATION Disassembly 1. Use the filter wrench 1-85221-097-0 to remove the oil filter. 050EY00064 Reassembly 1. Install the oil filter body with new gaskets to the 050EY00036 cylinder block. 2. Remove the by-pass valve. • Tighten the bolts to the specified torque. Discard the gasket.

  • Page 232
    ENGINE LUBRICATION 6G–15 050EY00051 3. Install the oil filter to the oil filter body. • Apply engine oil to the oil filter gasket. • Turn the oil filter until the filter gasket comes in contact with its sealed face. • Use a filter wrench to turn in the oil filter an additional one full turn.
  • Page 233
  • Page 234
    ENGINE INDUCTION 6J–1 ENGINE INDUCTION CONTENTS Service Precaution ……6J-1 Troubleshooting ……6J-4 Turbocharger.
  • Page 235
    6J–2 ENGINE INDUCTION Turbocharger General Description Major turbocharger components are the center housing Turbocharger rotating parts operate at very high speeds and rotating assembly (CHRA), the compressor and temperatures. The parts are built from carefully housing, and the turbine housing. selected materials and machined to extremely high Rotating parts are supported by the center housing and precision.
  • Page 236
    Name plate sample serious damage to pistons, valves, cylinder liners, and other important engine parts. Turbo Spec. ISUZU does not recommend the performance of any Serial No.RHG6 servicing procedure not described in this Manual. Part No. Contact your nearest IHI service facility to have the turbocharger assembly repaired or overhauled.
  • Page 237
    6J–4 ENGINE INDUCTION Troubleshooting If the engine does not run well (insufficient output or irregular acceleration) — 1. Run the engine at idle. 2. Check for oil leakage from the turbocharger. 3. Listen for abnormal turbocharger noise. 4. Write down any abnormal conditions and their location. 5.
  • Page 238
    ENGINE INDUCTION 6J–5 Disconnect the air inlet hose at the turbocharger to perform the following inspection. Checkpoint Problem Countermesure Oil on air inlet inside and outside surfaces Air inlet Turbocharger OK resulting from oil leakage Loose or missing Shaft end nuts Foreign particles in turbocharger or blades Bearing abrasion (Trouble in the oil supply system)
  • Page 239
    6J–6 ENGINE INDUCTION Inspection and Repair Rotor Shaft Radial Play 1. Invert the turbocharger so that the turbine exhaust Turbocharger damage or maladjustment results in a inlet flange is facing up. reduced volume of air to the engine. Engine 2. Install a dial indicator to the turbine housing as performance suffers.
  • Page 240
    ENGINE INDUCTION 6J–7 IHI SERVICE NETWORK For inquiries relating to turbochargers, please contact you ISUZU distributor or the nearest IHI Turbocharger Service Facility. HEADQUARTERS ISHIKAWAJIMA HARIMA HEAVY INDUSTRIES CO., LTD. (IHI) General Machinery Division Tokyo Chuo Building, 1-6-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku,…
  • Page 241
  • Page 242
    Copyright reserved. This manual may not be reproduced or copied, in whole or in part, without the specific written consent of ISUZU MOTORS LIMITED. WORKSHOP MANUAL (INDUSTRIAL) INDUSTRIAL DIESEL ENGINE AA-6HK1T BB-6HK1T (IDE-2394) Issued by ISUZU MOTORS LIMITED POWERTRAIN SERVICE & PARTS DEPARTMENT…

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