Двигатель ротакс 503 мануал







Sos uL

equipped with breakerless

dual ignition system

and BING carburetor

EDITION: 12 1990

This manual contains i-po»t


infolmation concerning your engine. ft must remain


the engine at time of resale.



Detail Specifications:

1284/1284207-503_ul.pdf file (02 Jan 2023)

Accompanying Data:

Rotax 503 UL DCDI Engine PDF Operator’s Manual (Updated: Monday 2nd of January 2023 10:49:28 AM)

Rating: 4.1 (rated by 55 users)

Compatible devices: Leonardo 120, 24-30-00, MMH-912 Series, 125 MAX evo, 914 F, 377 UL, 125 MAX DD2, 125 MAX DD2 evo.

Recommended Documentation:

Text Version of Operator’s Manual

(Ocr-Read Summary of Contents, UPD: 02 January 2023)

  • 31, 14.4) Engine head nuts: Afier break-in inspection they requirc only annual check. For re-torquing, see break-in procedllle (section 5). 14.5) Engine suspension nuts: Inspect visua.lly regdarly (pre-flight check), Re-rorque annually. Check procedrue with airframe manufacturer. 14.6) Air filtration system: Inspect frequently (10 hours) for cleanliness …

  • 4, Danger! This engine, by its design, is subject to sudden stoppage! Engine stoppage can result in crash landings. Such crash landings can lead to serious bodily injury or death. Never fly the aircraft equipped with this engine at locations, airspeeds, altitudes, or other circumstances frorn which a successful no-power landing cannot be made, after sudden engin…

  • 5, Rotax 503 UL DCDI . I 1) Important preface: Safcty i6 everyone’s business. We have included some of the important safety tips here, but the lisr is not complete. It would be impossible to list every way in which one may be injured. Please note dre following symbols throughour $e book. — S,A.FETY WARNING: Failure to obey a safety warning may result in injury to you or others. — …

  • 17, Rotax 503 UL DCDI 10.O Spark plugs: Due to varying fuel propeties etc., check every 10 hours of operation. Replace as requiied or annually, provided that spark plug heat range and the carburgtor calibration are colrect, the spark plugs will have a hownish tinge ar the electrodes of betrLspa* plugs after full load operation. On engines with single carbuetor, one sooty spark p…

  • 7, 3.1) Mixing procedure: STEPno. 1: Use a clean approved container ofknown volume. To help predilute tle oil, pour a bit of fuel into container. STEP no. 2: I FiI k ro*r, urnoont of oil into con- tainer. Oil musr be approved for air cooled engines at 50:1 mi;cing ratio. Agitate slighdy to dilute oil with gasotine. STEP no. 3: Add gasoline to obtain desired mixture ratio …

  • 22, Section 12 12) Instruments: Instruments can be a valuable addirion if they are of good quality, correcdy installed, mainrained, and if the operatot unde$tands what they are telling him. Poor quality instruments should never be used. Never use a tachometer directly connecied to the ignition system. Use a tachometer operating on the lighting coi.l. AII iflsfu…

  • 19, 10,7) Wiring diagram for rectifier-regulator 866 080 ATTENTION: @ To avoid excessive vollage ir conjunction with the rectifire regutator 866 080, a constant nfnimum ballast load of I amp is lequircd (example: lamp 12 v 15 W). wiring iliagram in s circuit witho t battery Il.2l viring .liagrum in conjurrction vjtLLbaftery f{.. t6n E’ E.+ E …

  • 12, A ‘ The BING carburetor is a piston type carbuetor wi$ float chamb€r. The carburetor can be adjusted by jet replacement of vaiious approved sizes, by adjusting idle air/fuel mixtule screw, carb piston stoD adjustment, needle sizes, and needle position. In no case should jet changes be made by unqualified peNons or those who do not have ROTAX…

  • 3, Rotax 503 UL DCDI Section l. Importantprefacc, genelalsafetypoints……………,………. 2. Forcword……. 3, Fuel&oi1……………………. Mixing procedure….. 4, Sbrting proccdurc, pre-st!-n check procedure …………….. 5. Break-inDroccdure……………….-….. Index Page 5 6 6 7 8 9 ll

Recommended Instructions:

700TCI, GM 7200M — Amplifier — 500 Watts x 1, PowerQUICC MPC885, LET’S GO BOWLING M1446

  • MODELS225 • 225 EFI • 250 EFI • 3.0 LitreMarathon • 3.0 Litre SeaProUnited States 0D280813 and Above. . . With Serial NumbersSERVICEMANU AL90-822900R3 DECEMBER 1997Printed in U.S.A.1997, Mercury Marine …

    225 OptiMax 13

  • 4265170ALTERNATEURS — ALTERNATORSLSA 32.1 — MonophasLSA 32.1 — Monophasé/single phase/single phaseInstallation et / and maintenanceInstallation et / and maintenanceR f. 1198 — 033 / d — 03.95Cette notice doit être transmise à l’utilisateur final …

    LSA 32.1 Series 11

  • 1© 2011 Somfy SAS. All rights reserved. 09/2011DE www.somfy.comMotore J4 per veneziane da esternoRef. 5055337CJ4 1TN / 2TN J4HTM J4WTAntrieb J4 für Außenjalousie / RaffstoreJ4 motor for exterior Venetian BlindsMoteur J4 pour brise soleil orientableNotice d’installation …

    J4 1TN 56

Additional Information:

Popular Right Now:
Operating Impressions, Questions and Answers:

10.4) Wiring diagram:

NOTE: When replacing widng on the ignirion system, coDnections must be as per widng diagram







l 0

t 1


Electrontc box

(ignition circuit I)

Electronic box

(ignitiorl circuit 2)

eight lighing coils

four charging coils

pickup (ignition circuit l)

pickup (ignition cficuit 2)

trigger cable, red

chargiag cable, green

charging cable,white

Shorting cables,


lighting cables ,

tellow- yellodblack

rc) .countef cable ,


mass cable, brown

ignitloa cables


spark plugs

shrink tube





l 6

1 7

na971s —

After installing, all the con-

nections have to be prctec-

ted with the supplied shdnk


1 7

r1l. 17


I[. 16

  • #42

Да потому что на почту нужно ехать на машине и тратить своё время

Тогда не предлагай!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

  • #43

так есть по 503-му у кого инструкция

Отослал (безвозмездно!) ждите скан, ОН обещал!

  • #44

В догонку: тот, кто покупал двигло в авиагамме, имеет мануал! Просто не хочет делиться :IMHO. ;D ;D ;D :mad:

  • #45

бытует мнение о недостаточной надежности Ротакса-503.

Это мнение тех, кто не летал много и правильно на них.
Из двухтактников (503 и 582)- это САМЫЕ-САМЫЕ надёжные!

Нет, не 503и 582 , а только 503 самый надежный!!

[highlight]К вопросу о надежности Р- 582.[/highlight]

Летал в испытательный полет на Бланик-13, оснащенном Ротакс-582. Полет помог организовать A36FLY. И самолет — его. Весь полет проходил на оборотах 6 000.
Взлет и набор высоты — на 6 600. Двигатель не только не чихнул ни разу, даже температура его все время была в норме!
Еще раз огромное спасибо A36FLY за помощь в провдении этого испытания.

Имеющиеся прежде сомнения в надежности Р-582 у меня прошли.

  • #46

  • Rotax-582.jpg

    109,7 КБ
    Просмотры: 160

  • #47

Ребята, сканирование в процессе…
Времени катастрофически не хватает((((
К тому же придется продавать свой аппарат с Р-503…  :mad:
В выходные выложу в соответствующий раздел..
Если кому интересно будет, заходите в торговлю. Буду продавать недорого
Обстоятельства, нахрен!

Мануал досканирую в любом случае! Обещал хорошему человеку с ником A36FLY

Алексей SPB

Алексей SPB

Хочешь сделать хорошо — сделай это сам! (c)

  • #48

Двигатель не только не чихнул ни разу

А обычно разок другой чихает?
То есть отсутствие чихов для 582го мотора является достижением?
Как же его тогда можно называть авиационным?
Дааа, выходит 503й действительно хороший моторчик!
Вон по 912му уже несколько страниц исписали обсуждая его различные глюки и это у мотора с 2000ч. назначенного ресурса.

  • #49

Ну Вы и язвы! Эксплуатирую 503 и 582 уже 18 лет! Нареканий НЕТ!

  • #50

Двигатель не только не чихнул ни разу

А обычно разок другой чихает?
То есть отсутствие чихов для 582го мотора является достижением?
Как же его тогда можно называть авиационным?
Дааа, выходит 503й действительно хороший моторчик!
Вон по 912му уже несколько страниц исписали обсуждая его различные глюки и это у мотора с 2000ч. назначенного ресурса.

Обычно, — [highlight]на 6000 оборотах [/highlight]НЕ ЛЕТАЮТ МАРШРУТЫ! :cool:[highlight][/highlight]

А вообще то — типичный пример флуда, Алексей!
Намеренно не замечаете ключевое обстоятельство. Я уже не говорю про уход от темы.
Вы, лучше бы, как человек разносторонних талантов, стихи написали о надежности 503-го и 582-го заодно!  ;)

  • Oboroty_6000.jpg

    57,5 КБ
    Просмотры: 121

  • #52

Здравствуйте. Ищу мануал на 503. Подскажите пожалуйста адрес , где его можно скачать в электронном виде.

  • #53

Ребята, сканирование в процессе…Времени катастрофически не хватает((((К тому же придется продавать свой аппарат с Р-503…  В выходные выложу в соответствующий раздел..Если кому интересно будет, заходите в торговлю. Буду продавать недорогоОбстоятельства, нахрен!Мануал досканирую в любом случае! Обещал хорошему человеку с ником A36FLY

Спросите у него. Он обещал! ;)

  • #54

Благодарю. Но, если я правильно понял, у Shut Обстоятельства.

  • #56

Всем спасибо. Всю необходимую на данный момент информацию нашел в гугле.

  • #58

Да, господа, извиняйте… (((
Нет времени дельтом заниматься — начал продавать.
Попросили фоток побольше — не было времени доехать до аэродрома. То ли дни удлинять, то ли ночи укорачивать  :-?
На работе хожу и кошусь на новый скоростной сканер… Скоро инструкция в скане будет!

  • #59

Для Pilot737. В гугл. есть инструкция для R 503 . Установка эксплуатация и обслуживание. Правда на английском языке. Но мне нужна была электросхема двигателя и цветовая маркировка проводов. Если есть гугл хром , то по запросу найти это всё можно легко. Купил у человека Rotax 503  за 25 т. руб. без документов и родословной, ну и пытаюсь  установить его и запустить.

  • #60

Схему  уже  выкладывали  на  форуме  пару  раз…
Однако  ищется  она  плоховато…
Наверно  выложить  её  здесь  ещё  раз  —  будет  не  лишним.

Электрическая  схема  мотора  Ротакс  503  и  582.
(  Схема  Rotax  )


Регулятор напряжения / выпрямитель — как  вариант  — 
например  Regulator # 264 870  :


More Manuals:

In case you failed to obtain relevant information in this document, please, look through related operating manuals and user instructions for Rotax 503 UL DCDI.
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  • Rotax 377 Operator's Manual

Summary of Contents:

[Page 1] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

ROTAX. f I l OFERATORIS IWANUA-L ENGINE TYPE Sos uL equipped with breakerless dual ignition system and BING carburetor EDITION: 12 1990 This manual contains i-po»t ffi infolmation concerning your engine. ft must remain with…

[Page 2] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

Modifi cations or spccial applications i ri

[Page 3] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

Section l. Importantprefacc, genelalsafetypoints……………,………. 2. Forcword……. 3, Fuel&oi1……………………. Mixing procedure….. 4, Sbrting proccdurc, pre-st!-n check procedure …………….. 5. Break-inDrocc…

[Page 4] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

Danger! This engine, by its design, is subject to sudden stoppage! Engine stoppage can result in crash landings. Such crash landings can lead to serious bodily injury or death. Never fly the aircraft equipped with this engine at locatio…

[Page 5] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

. I 1) Important preface: Safcty i6 everyone’s business. We have included some of the important safety tips here, but the lisr is not complete. It would be impossible to list every way in which one may be injured. Please note dre …

[Page 6] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

I 2) Foreword: The ROTAX engine is an air-cooled z-stroke engine, Careful and extensively tested design andrugged consEuction as well as the use of high quality parrs increaso reliabiliry and durabiliry, Wirh proper maintenance and care…

[Page 7] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

3.1) Mixing procedure: STEPno. 1: Use a clean approved container ofknown volume. To help predilute tle oil, pour a bit of fuel into container. STEP no. 2: I FiI k ro*r, urnoont of oil into con- tainer. Oil musr be approved for air c…

[Page 8] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

4) Starting procedure: 4,1) Pre-start check: Beforc starting engine read section dcaling with staning and cngine htak-in thoroughly. The service life of thc a[gine is largely detemined by how wcll you follow these instsuctioqs. Before st…

[Page 9] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

Section 5 5) Break-in procedure: for aircraft installation (in other applications prcceed accoldingly) Thobreak-inhas tobepcrtbrmed with drccngineinstalled, properlyloaded, i.e. propeuer installed, matched for max. r,p.m. In case of a…

[Page 10] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

DiagramJor torque sequence when manifold,s arc in place s-q n ,v, /T /T 3-/ r 5 . 7 NOTE: Consider both cylinders as one unit because they are joined by exhaust and intake manifolds. Use a cross sequence for tightening the nuts, star…

[Page 11] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

Section 7 7) Carburetionr 7.1) BING Carburetor — typical description: (Note: this is not a pafis list) B a; n tl U E EI n ll16 E -<-1 III.9 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) ol 10) 11) 12) r3) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) B IN G-double flo at c ar buretor…

[Page 12] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

A ‘ The BING carburetor is a piston type carbuetor wi$ float chamb€r. The carburetor can be adjusted by jet replacement of vaiious approved sizes, by adjusting idle air/fuel mixtule screw, carb piston stoD adjustment, needle…

[Page 13] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

I A. 8.) Exhaust systems: Considerable effort has gone into the design of the ROTAX exhaust systems. Any changes may seveEly detedonte performance, rcliability, engine life, fuel economy, and the system’s ability to reduce noise t…

[Page 14] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

NOTE: Prcpeller hub is rlreaded for 6 x l/4″ 28UNF- 28 bolts (or 6 x M8). For proper bolts follow propeller manufacrurer’s specifi cations. A fi[ appropriate gear oil cL 5 or cL 6 (refer technical data section 17) into …

[Page 15] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

10) Ignition System: 10.1) General: The engine is equipped wirh a breakerless 12V 170W DUCAII capacito!-discharge dual ignition. It consists of a flywheel magneto generato!, 2 double ignition coils widr integrated control-circuir and 2 e…

[Page 16] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

10.4) Wiring diagram: NOTE: When replacing widng on the ignirion system, coDnections must be as per widng diagram below. 5 6 7 8 9 l0 t1 4 Electrontc box (ignition circuit I) Electronic box (ignitiorl circuit 2) eight lighing coils four…

[Page 17] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

10.O Spark plugs: Due to varying fuel propeties etc., check every 10 hours of operation. Replace as requiied or annually, provided that spark plug heat range and the carburgtor calibration are colrect, the spark plugs will have a ho…

[Page 18] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

10.Q Lighting circuit: In dre $atq 8 lighting coils are incorporated. The output is 170W A.C. and 13,5 V effective at 6000 Vmin. This altematilg c’urlsnt can bc us€d dir€cdy to feed A.C. consume$, or via a rcctificr-rsgulator fo…

[Page 19] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

10,7) Wiring diagram for rectifier-regulator 866 080 ATTENTION: @ To avoid excessive vollage ir conjunction with the rectifire regutator 866 080, a constant nfnimum ballast load of I amp is lequircd (example: lamp 12 v 15 W). wiring il…

[Page 20] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

10.8) Wiping diagram for rectifier-regulator 264 870 (not limited to minimum of 1 Amperc con$r$ption) 1.27 gr-een rihite wiing diagram in a circuit ta,ithoLt battery rlt.24 viri g diLgram i cot junction v_i.JLL a bottery see page …

[Page 21] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

Section 11 L1) Electric starter: Two types of electric startels can be fitted !o case starting procedues especially in flight. 11.1) Electric starter fitted to p,t.o. side: Allows recoil starter to be retained, bur cannot be fined on eng…

[Page 22] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

Section 12 12) Instruments: Instruments can be a valuable addirion if they are of good quality, correcdy installed, mainrained, and if the operatot unde$tands what they are telling him. Poor quality instruments should never be used. Nev…

[Page 23] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

c 12.12) Connection to dual ignition system. Tachometer 966 072 rflith resitor integrated in coil kit: The generator integated in the DUCATI dual ignition has a spe- cial grey cable for tachooeter con- nection. The tachometet 9…

[Page 24] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

The tachometef, 966 072 has a rcd label oa irs back sid; drc new tacboEeter 966 ()74 has the same extemal appeararce but a bluc label oa its back side, The tachometer will indicate corect rpm even if one of the two ignition systeDs is tu…

[Page 25] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

12,2) Hour-neter: The hourmetcr part no. 966 075 is suioble both for en- gines v/ith contact-breaker ignition and electronic igni- tion ur[t. A tachometer, rectifier or auxiliary loads can be also connectcd to these ouputs without inter…

[Page 26] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

13) Special operating conditions: On water opeiation is a real pleasant experience — usually. However, there are dangers to your engine you won’t experience on land. Some ofthese dange$ are watet ingestion on take-off or landing…

[Page 27] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

13.3.4) Remedies: — — Fuelling without aaces of water (use shammy as filter). — G€nerously sized water separator. — Fuel lines routing inclined. prevenr condensation of humidity, i.e. avoid tempemture differences between aircr…

[Page 28] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

POST BREAK-IN INSPECTION CI]ECK LIST Engine timing check Spark plug(s) condition Carburetor adjustrnent Engine head nuts Engine suq)ension nuts Tighten a.ll loose bolts, nuts and linkages Muffler attachment Engine cooling system Air filtrati…

[Page 29] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

14.2) Rewind starter: Check cord condirion every 10 hours. Replace when wom or frayed. To change the safter rope, follow the procedure outlined (the numbers stated in brackets refer to the illustrarion). First remove the rewind s…

[Page 30] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

14.3) Cooling system: V-bElt deflection I + 10 mm — Inspect fan belt tension every 10 hours. Replace belt iffidyed or if it can no longe! be tensioled to specifi- cation. .35 + .39 in. The tension of the V-belt can be adusted by shims bet…

[Page 31] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

14.4) Engine head nuts: Afier break-in inspection they requirc only annual check. For re-torquing, see break-in procedllle (section 5). 14.5) Engine suspension nuts: Inspect visua.lly regdarly (pre-flight check), Re-rorque annually. …

[Page 32] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

14.10) Gear box: 15.10.1) To be performed every l0 operating hours: Check oii level on respective oil level screw ard secure again with lock wire. Change oil after lrsr 10 hours of operation. Change oil every 100 hours or every 2 …

[Page 33] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

Section 16 16) Engine repair log: Record any repairs or service on your ROTAX engine and use as a reference. Puchase Date : First Use : Break-in Inspection: Repair date Summary of work done

[Page 34] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

Engine repair log: cont. Repair date Surnmary of work done

[Page 35] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

L7) Technical data: DESCRIPTION: BORE: STROKE: DISPLACEMENT: COMPRESSION /rha^sri^rl POWER OUTPUT: MAX. RPM CYLINDER: PISTON: PISTON/CYLINDER RANCE: RATIO: CLEA- Section 17 twin cylinder-, two stroke Otto engine, lublicated by fuevoil mixtule, a…

[Page 36] Rotax 503 UL DCDI


[Page 37] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

ENGINE WEIGITTS: ADDMONAL WEIGHTS: without carburetor, inoke silencer, fuel puop, exhaust systcm, ……30,4 kg carburetor with rubber socket and claurps:.,..,..,…,………………,,……………..0,9 kg Exhaust systern assy. 4pro&…

[Page 38] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

18) Main torquing specifications: Nm in.lb. 1) Cra kcase screws .M8 ……………………….-….-.—….-….22 195 2) Gar <case base ruts (or sctervs)………,.. M10 ……………………………….,.,….38 335 3) Oankcase …

[Page 39] Rotax 503 UL DCDI

oi atct . tFo s* +o s* +o i%**j?*{:6’= aFo *6!J J s gl, $ts rFc s** iFc sv* !ro. -F+- rFo’ *t*f **1S»**f*;’*+l*i’**l . s»Fsi » ffiffiil#’-,’trr,ffi @ F:rqgd HRirAXl

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