Eki 1524 руководство на русском

Последовательные интерфейсы RS-232/422/485 до сих пор очень популярны в промышленности: по ним подключаются диагностические порты, датчики, сканеры штрих-кодов и RFID меток и т.д. Однако последовательные интерфейсы имеют свои ограничения. Иногда возникает необходимость получить доступ к такому интерфейсу по IP-сети, или, например, иметь доступ к одному устройству с RS-232 с нескольких удаленных компьютеров одновременно, или объединить несколько удаленных объектов в одну шину RS-485.

Сервер последовательных интерфейсов конвертирует последовательные физические протоколы в IP-пакеты, и позволяет программно управлять ими — подключать удаленный виртуальный COM-порт к компьютеру по сети так, будто он подключен физически, и прозрачно соединять несколько устройств в режиме P2P, без использования компьютеров.

В статье мы разберем сервер последовательных интерфейсов Advantech EKI-1524, имеющий четыре последовательных порта, каждый из которых поддерживает интерфейсы RS-232/422/485, и два LAN-порта.

Сервер последовательных интерфейсов EKI-1524 имеет четыре порта DB9 и два LAN-порта

Сервер последовательных интерфейсов EKI-1524 имеет четыре порта DB9 и два LAN-порта.

Ключевые функции EKI-1524:

  • Виртуальный COM-порт — позволяет программно эмулировать виртуальный COM-порт удаленного устройства.
  • Одновременное подключение нескольких клиентов — в режиме сервера дает возможность использовать один последовательный порт для нескольких устройств одновременно.
  • Работа в режиме P2P — одновременная работа в режиме клиента и сервера позволяет объединить несколько EKI-1524 напрямую, без использования серверов и компьютеров.


Серия серверов COM-портов EKI-1500 представлена широким спектром устройств для различных задач. От серверов начального уровня с одним последовательным портом и одним LAN EKI-1511 до устройств на 16 портов, для монтажа в серверную стойку, таких как EKI-1526N.

Дополнительно представлены модели с повышенным уровнем защищенности, для работы в экстремальных условиях, и гальванической развязкой портов, для защиты от высоких напряжений, и другие.

Серия EKI-1500 имеет два LAN-порта Ethernet 10/100Base-TX, которые имеют два IP-адреса. Это позволяет пользователям создавать резервируемые приложения на основе двойного IP-домена.

Кроме того, два Ethernet порта устройства EKI могут подключаться к одному Ethernet коммутатору и работать совместно в режиме «резервируемого IP соединения». Устройство EKI заблокирует второй порт Ethernet, чтобы предотвратить зацикливание пакетов; однако, если первый кабель Ethernet отключен или сломан, второй порт Ethernet разблокируется и обеспечит резервное соединение. Такое переключение выполняется быстро и не прерывает TCP-соединения, обеспечивая бесшовную передачу данных для резервируемых приложений.

Все модели поддерживают подключение двух источников питания. Переключение между источниками питания происходит без перезагрузки устройства. Реле индикации обрыва питания замыкается в случае, если на одной из линий отсутствует напряжение.

Виртуальный COM-порт

Сервер последовательных интерфейсов позволяет по TCP/IP получить доступ к удаленным устройствам таким образом, что для прикладного ПО это будет выглядеть так, будто устройства подключены к физическому COM-порту.

Принцип работы виртуального COM-порта по сети Ethernet

Принцип работы виртуального COM-порта по сети Ethernet

Для этого на стороне клиента используется модуль ядра Linux и программа для обмена данными с сервером последовательных интерфейсов. В итоге для пользователя такое подключение выглядит как физический порт (устройство /dev/ttyADV0).

Инструкция по сборке модуля ядра VCOM 2.0 на Ubuntu. Также существуют бинарные пакеты драйвера под разные дистрибутивы: Linux Pseudo TTY

Драйвера виртуального COM-порта имеется также под все поколения ОС Windows.

В веб-интерфейсе можно настроить параметры работы в режиме виртуального COM-порта, задать таймауты и др.:

Для каждого из последовательных интерфейсов настраивается его тип и параметры порта:

Режим RFC 2217

В устройствах серии EKI-1500 также доступен открытый протокол перенаправления COM-порта RFC 2217, представляющий собой расширенные команды для протокола Telnet. В этом режиме устройство принимает входящие подключения по TCP, в настройках можно указать порт для входящих соединений.

Режим P2P

Для сложных случаев, когда несколько устройств нельзя соединить напрямую, можно использовать два терминальных сервера в режиме прозрачного моста. Таким образом можно подключить удаленные устройства из разных RS-сетей, используя в качестве промежуточного транспорта TCP/IP.

Подключение двух удаленных RS-устройств через TCP/IP-транспорт

Подключение двух удаленных RS-устройств через TCP/IP-транспорт

Таким образом, можно программно переключать устройства между собой, соединять удаленные шины RS-485 и делать многое другое, используя все преимущества IP-сетей, включая радиомосты, виртуальные частные сети (VPN) и т.д. Передаваемые данные между двумя серверами можно дополнительно защитить от перехвата, используя шифрование на транспортном уровне.

Уведомления о событиях

Устройство позволяет настроить уведомления о событиях с помощью Email и SNMP Trap. MIB-файл для настройки SNMP-сервера доступен для каждого устройства. События для уведомлений можно настроить вручную.

Логирование через Syslog

В веб-интерфейсе можно задать адрес удаленного Syslog-сервера для логирования. В лог записываются события подключения клиентов, ошибки аутентификации, статус LAN и последовательных портов и т.д.

Первичная настройка

Первичную конфигурацию сервера последовательных интерфейсов можно выполнить через утилиту EKI Device Configuration Utility. При этом утилита работает через ARP-пакеты и не требует настройки соответствующего IP-адреса на сетевом интерфейсе. Это значит, что можно задать любой IP-адрес устройству, без утраты доступа.


Серверы COM-портов EKI-1500 позволяют обходить ограничения, которые накладывают RS-интерфейсы, и легко масштабировать подключения. Режим P2P позволяет соединять устаревшие устройства, используя интернет в качестве транспорта и обходиться при этом без шлюзов данных или каких-либо других вспомогательных устройств.

Источник: Advantech

Хакрактеристики EKI-1524 (EKI-1524-CE)

  • Последовательные интерфейсы EKI-1524: 4×RS-232/422/485 (DB9), скорость передачи данных до 921 кбит/с, режимы работы Virtual COMport, TCP и UDP
  • Сетевой интерфейс EKI-1524: 2 порта Ethernet 10/100Base-T (RJ-45)
  • Безопасность EKI-1524: настройка доступа по IP-адресам
  • Программная поддержка для Windows (x86)
  • Монтаж на DIN-рейку
  • Напряжение питания EKI-1524: 12…48 В пост.тока (2 входа)
  • Потребляемая мощность EKI-1524: 4 Вт
  • Диапазон рабочих температур EKI-1524: 0…+60°С
  • Документация на EKI-1524

    Спецификация на EKI-1524: скачать…

    Руководство по эксплуатации на EKI-1524: скачать…

    Технические характеристики
    Интерфейсы (порты)
    • Ethernet
    • RS232
    • RS422
    • RS485
    Кол-во COM-портов 4
    Наличие гальванической изоляции нет

    Серверы EKI-1521, EKI-1522 и EKI-1524 имеют два независимых порта Ethernet и MAC-адреса для создания механизма резервирования сети, который обеспечивает надежность работы сети Ethernet. EKI-1521, EKI-1522 и EKI-1524 – это серверы последовательных интерфейсов, используемые для соединения устройств с последовательными интерфейсами RS-232/422/485, таких как ПЛК, измерители, датчики и сканеры штрих-кодов с LAN Ethernet IP. Они позволяют подключить практически любое устройство с последовательными портами к сети Ethernet и совместно использовать ее. Серверы EKI-1521, EKI-1522 и EKI-1524 имеют различные рабочие режимы: перенаправление COM-порта (виртуальный COM-порт), TCP-сервер, TCP-клиент и режим UDP. В режиме перенаправления COM-порта стандартные рабочие запросы незаметно перенаправляются к серверам EKI-1521, EKI-1522 и EKI-1524 что гарантирует совместимость имеющихся устройств последовательной передачи данных, а также совместимость с предыдущими версиями установленного программного обеспечения. Режимы TCP-сервер, TCP-клиент и UDP серверы EKI- 1521, EKI-1522 и EKI-1524 обеспечивают совместимость программного обеспечения сети с использованием сетевого интерфейса программирования приложений (API). Кроме того, вы сможете наладить одноранговую связь между устройствами с последовательным интерфейсом и другими типами устройств без использования промежуточных хост-компьютеров и разработки программного обеспечения.

    инструкцияAdvantech EKI-1524-AE

    User Manual

    EKI-152X series

    1/2/4-port RS-232/422/485 Serial

    Device Servers

    Посмотреть инструкция для Advantech EKI-1524-AE бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории сервера, 1 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 6.9. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: английский. У вас есть вопрос о Advantech EKI-1524-AE или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

    • EKI-152X series
    EKI-1524-AE | EKI-1524-AE
    Руководство пользователя (PDF)
    Технические характеристики
    Скорость передачи данных Ethernet LAN 10, 100 Мбит/с
    Количество последовательных портов 4
    Защита электростатического разряда (ESD) 15 kV
    Протоколы управления SNMP MIB-II
    Тип последовательного интерфейса RS-232/422/485
    Сертификация FCC, CE
    Скорость двоичной передачи 921.6 кбит/с
    RS-232 сигналы CTS, DCD, DSR, DTR, GND, RI, RTS, Rx, Tx
    RS-422 сигналы GND, RxD+, RxD-, TxD+, TxD-
    RS-485 сигналы Data+, Data-, GND
    Поддержка управления потоками Да
    программное обеспечение
    Поддерживаемые операционные системы Windows Да
    Поддерживаемые операционные системы Linux Да
    Входное напряжение 12 — 48 V
    Тип источника питания Постоянный ток
    Условия эксплуатации
    Диапазон температур при эксплуатации -10 — 60 °C
    Диапазон температур при хранении -40 — 85 °C
    Диапазон относительной влажности при эксплуатации 5 — 95 %
    Вес и размеры
    Вес 690 g
    Размеры (ШхГхВ) 48.6 x 140 x 95 mm
    Порты и интерфейсы
    Количество портов Ethernet LAN ( RJ-45) 2
    Свивка кабеля 10/100Base-T(X)
    Количество портов USB 2.0 0
    Wi-Fi Нет
    Поддерживаемые сетевые протоколы TCP/UDP
    Светодиодные индикаторы Да

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    Advantech EKI-152X series User Manual

    • Contents

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    User Manual

    EKI-152X series

    1/2/4-port RS-232/422/485 Serial

    Device Servers


    Related Manuals for Advantech EKI-152X series

    Summary of Contents for Advantech EKI-152X series

    • Page 1
      User Manual EKI-152X series 1/2/4-port RS-232/422/485 Serial Device Servers…
    • Page 2
      No part of this manual may be reproduced, copied, translated or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Advantech Co., Ltd. Information provided in this manual is intended to be accurate and reliable. How- ever, Advantech Co., Ltd.
    • Page 3: Declaration Of Conformity

      This product has passed the CE test for environmental specifications when shielded cables are used for external wiring. We recommend the use of shielded cables. This kind of cable is available from Advantech. Please contact your local supplier for ordering information.

    • Page 4
      The sound pressure level at the operator’s position according to IEC 704-1:1982 is no more than 70 dB (A). DISCLAIMER: This set of instructions is given according to IEC 704-1. Advantech disclaims all responsibility for the accuracy of any statements contained herein.
    • Page 5: Table Of Contents

      2.1.7 Control Mode …………….10 Hardware………………..11 2.2.1 LED Indicators …………….11 Table 2.1: EKI-152X series LED Indicators ……. 11 2.2.2 Dimensions (Units: mm)………….. 12 Figure 2.7 Front View of EKI-1521/1522 ……..12 Figure 2.8 Side View of EKI-1521/1522……..12 Figure 2.9 Back View of EKI-1521/1522……..

    • Page 6
      Network Settings………………27 Serial Settings………………29 Operation Mode Settings ……………. 33 3.5.1 Virtual COM Mode …………..33 3.5.2 Data Mode (USDG Mode) …………34 3.5.3 Control Mode (USDG Mode) …………38 Table 3.1: AT Command List…………. 38 Accessible IP Settings …………….39 Auto Warning Settings …………….
    • Page 7: Chapter 1 Overview

      Chapter Overview…

    • Page 8: Introduction

      With serial ports and two auto-sensing Ethernet ports, the EKI-152X series can easily connects multiple serial devices to a network. The transmission speed of the EKI-152X series is up to 1.2M bps totally outstripping the competition to meet the demand for high-speed exchange. Functionally transpar- ent and efficient, the EKI-152X series is especially designed for remotely controlling and monitoring devices via the Internet.

    • Page 9: Features

      Supports multi-access features: allows maximum of five hosts to access one serial port simultaneously Allows maximum 16 hosts to access TCP client and command response mode Easy to locate specific EKI-152X series serial device server Mounts on DIN rail, or panel Surge protection for RS-422/485 line and power supply…

    • Page 10: Package Check List

      Software Utility: Advantech Serial Device Server Configuration Utility Driver support: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7, Windows Server 2003/2008, Linux Operation Mode: – COM port redirection (Virtual COM) – TCP/UDP server (polling) mode – TCP/UDP client (event handling) mode – Pair connection mode Configuration: Web interface, Windows utility, Telnet console…

    • Page 11: Chapter 2 Getting Started

      Chapter Getting Started…

    • Page 12: Understanding Eki-152X Series

      Ethernet network a surprisingly simple process. These units immediately upgrade your existing serial devices for integration into the Internet world. The EKI-152X series features a lot of powerful functions such as: high speed data transfer, access-control, auto-detection of all EKI series products, remote con- nection from different network domain, remote firmware download, and more.

    • Page 13: Com Port Redirector (Virtual Com Port)

      PC. The Advantech redirector can create up to 255 virtual COM ports. Application on the host can open virtual COM port to access the serial device servers at the same time.

    • Page 14: Figure 2.3 Multi-Access Mode Multi-Access Mode (Shared COM port mode) Most of serial devices are connected directly and physically to the PC serial ports via a cable. The operation system, ex. Windows XP, provides the COM ports that user’s application can access, and control the serial device through the serial cable. This means that the serial device can be connected to one host and only one application on this host can handle input, output and control operation on this device.

    • Page 15: Tcp Server Mode

      This operation mode supports max.16 simultaneous connections for each serial port on EKI-152X series to one host or several hosts. You should configure the IP address and TCP port number of the network hosts which the EKI serial device server connect to using Advantech Serial Device Server Configuration Utility.

    • Page 16: Serial Tunneling Mode

      UDP is used primarily for broadcasting messages over a network. In the UDP server mode, EKI-152X series access max. 8 hosts’ UDP message. In the UDP client mode, EKI serial device servers transmit UDP message to max. 16 hosts simultaneously.

    • Page 17: Hardware

      Hardware In this section, we will give you an overview of EKI-152X series hardware and instal- lation. 2.2.1 LED Indicators There are LEDs display the power status, network status, and serial communication status located on the front panel of EKI-1521, EKI-1522, and EKI-1524, each of them has its own specific meaning as below table.

    • Page 18: Dimensions (Units: Mm)

      2.2.2 Dimensions (Units: mm) EKI-1521 and EKI-1522 Figure 2.7 Front View of EKI-1521/1522 Figure 2.8 Side View of EKI-1521/1522 EKI-1521/1522/1524 User Manual…

    • Page 19: Figure 2.9 Back View Of Eki-1521/1522

      Figure 2.9 Back View of EKI-1521/1522 Figure 2.10 Top View of EKI-1521/1522 EKI-1521/1522/1524 User Manual…

    • Page 20: Figure 2.11Front View Of Eki-1524 EKI-1524 Figure 2.11 Front View of EKI-1524 Figure 2.12 Side View of EKI-1524 EKI-1521/1522/1524 User Manual…

    • Page 21: Figure 2.13Back View Of Eki-1524

      Figure 2.14 Top View of EKI-1524 Connecting Hardware Next, we will explain how to find a proper location for your EKI-152X series, and then explain how to connect to the network, hook up the power cable, and connect to the EKI-152X series serial port.

    • Page 22: Figure 2.15Combine The Metal Mounting Kit Panel/Wall Mounting The EKI-152X series can be attached to a wall using the included metal brackets. Each bracket comes with four screws; and then you can install the device firmly via the components, please see the figure as below.

    • Page 23: Figure 2.17Din-Rail Step 2

      2.3.2 Network Connection EKI-152X series has 2x RJ-45 that support connection to 10 Mbps Ethernet, or 100 Mbps Fast Ethernet, and half or full duplex operation. EKI-152X series can be con- nected to other hubs or switches through a twisted-pair straight through the cable or a crossover cable up to 100m long.

    • Page 24: Serial Connection

      RS-485 DATA- DATA+ Installing the Configuration Utility The following section will show you how to install the Advantech serial device server configuration utility, a tool to set up and monitor theEKI-152X series serial device servers. Note! Be sure the Microsoft .NET Framework on your host PC is greater than version 2.0.

    • Page 25
      Upon executing the setup program, the Welcome Dialog Box will be pop-up. Press the «Next» button to continue. Carefully read the Software License Agreement, and press «Yes» to continue. EKI-1521/1522/1524 User Manual…
    • Page 26
      The Setup program will specify a default installation path: C:Program FilesAdvantech eAutomationSerial Device Server Configuration Utility After setup has copied all program files to your computer, click the <Finish> but- ton to finish the installation. EKI-1521/1522/1524 User Manual…
    • Page 27: Chapter 3 Configuration

      Chapter Configuration…

    • Page 28: Configuration Utility Overview

      Configuration Utility Overview EKI-152X series serial device servers provide an easy-to-use utility to configure your serial device server through an Ethernet connection. For secure administration, it can also restrict the access rights for configuration to only one host PC. With this secure function enabled, other PCs will not have permission for configuration.

    • Page 29: Discovering Serial Device Servers

      3.2.1 Auto Searching Advantech Serial Device Server Configuration Utility will automatically search all the EKI-1000, ADAM-4570 and EDG-4500 series device servers on the network and show them on the Serial Device Server List Area of the utility. The utility provides an auto-search function to show your device(s) by simply executing the configuration utility program from the Start Menu.

    • Page 30
      Select the device in this sub-tree. The first tab on the “Configuration Area” shows the summary of “Basic Information” included device type, version, and name, “Ethernet Information”, and “Serial Port Information”. In the serial port information frame, it dis- plays the operation mode, status and connected host IP. Click on the “+”…
    • Page 31: Clear Device List And Search Again

      3.2.2 Clear Device List and Search Again You can click the button on the Quick Tool Bar. The utility will clear all list device servers in the Serial Device Server List Area and re-search again. Don’t use this function frequently. The warning message will be pop-up when you double click this button.

    • Page 32: Manual Appending

      3.2.3 Manual Appending Using “Add IP address to Favorite” or “Search a Range of IP addresses” function, you are able to add one device or group of devices to “Favorites”. These devices can locate on local network domain or other network domain. EKI-1521/1522/1524 User Manual…

    • Page 33: Network Settings

      Network Settings This section explains how to configure the EKI-152X series network using this utility so that it can communicate over a network with serial devices. Click on the “+” before the model name (e.g. EKI-1524), and the utility will expand the tree structure to show the individual device name.

    • Page 34
      In order to use DNS feature, you need to set the IP address of the DNS server to be able to access the host with the domain name. The EKI-152X series serial device server provides Primary DNS Server and Secondary DNS Server configuration items to set the IP address of the DNS server.
    • Page 35: Serial Settings

      Descriptions have a limit of 128 characters. Type The EKI-152X series serial device server offers three kinds of serial interfaces, RS- 232, RS-485 and RS-422. User can use any of the three serial interfaces according to user’s requirements.

    • Page 36
      The EKI-152X series serial device server provides five options: None, Odd, Even, Space, and Mark. Data Bits: The EKI-152X series serial device server provides four options: 5, 6, 7 and 8. Stop Bits: The EKI-152X series serial device server provides three options: 1, 1.5 and 2.
    • Page 37
      Serial Device Server. Advanced Settings: The EKI-152X series serial device server provides the advanced settings for some special applications which need critical time requirements. In normal applications, these settings are recommended not to be set to avoid the unusual action happened.
    • Page 38: Operation Mode Settings

      Operation Mode Settings 3.5.1 Virtual COM Mode The EKI-152X series serial device server extends traditional COM ports of a PC to Ethernet access. Through Ethernet networking, users can control and monitor EKI-1521/1522/1524 User Manual…

    • Page 39: Virtual Com Mode

      RS-232/422/485 serial communications software that was written for pure serial com- munication applications. The EKI-152X series comes with COM port redirector (virtual COM driver) that work with Window 2000/XP/Vista(X86) systems. The driver establishes a transparent con- nection between host and serial device by mapping the IP of the EKI-152X seriesserial device server serial port to a local COM port on the host computer.

    • Page 40: Data Mode (Usdg Mode)

      Ethernet and the outputs of serial port are mixed. When the EKI-152X series receives data from serial port, the data will also be transmitted to the connected hosts simultaneously.

    • Page 41
      The default is 60 seconds. If you want to keep connection continually, you can disable the Data Idle Timeout. Data idle Time is the time period in which the device waits for data. If the EKI-152X series does not receive data over an established idle EKI-1521/1522/1524 User Manual…
    • Page 42
      This is an efficient way to reduce the waiting time and improve the performance. Auto Connect Peer IP If enabling this option, EKI-152X series will connect to TCP/IP which are set at Peers page automatically after boot up. Peer Number…
    • Page 43
      (Byte), by time interval (ms), by character timeout (4 Bytes), or by end of character. 3.5.3 Control Mode (USDG Mode) In controlling mode, the EKI-152X series presents a modem interface to the attached serial device: it accepts AT-style modem commands to connect / disconnect to other EKI-1521/1522/1524 User Manual…
    • Page 44: Control Mode (Usdg Mode)

      The default character is “+”. After you have connected to another serial device via EKI-152X series, you may need to disconnect. Then you can use the command «+++» to disconnect. To do this leaves your keyboard idle (don’t press any keys) for at least several seconds, then press «+»…

    • Page 45: Accessible Ip Settings

      <LF><CR> RING ddd.ddd.ddd <LF>< Detect the connection request from other device, CR> which IP address is ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd. <LF><CR> DISCONNECT Disconnect from other device <LF><CR> <LF><CR> ERROR <LF><CR> Incorrect commands <LF><CR> FAIL <LF><CR> If you issu an ATDT command and can not connect to the device, it will response “FAIL”.

    • Page 46: Auto Warning Settings

      Auto Warning Settings 3.7.1 Email Alert Consult your ISP or Network Administrator for the proper SMTP mail server settings. The auto warning functions may not work properly without proper settings. 3.7.2 SNMP Trap You need to set the proper IP address of SNMP Trap Server. And choose the Trap Version;…

    • Page 47: System Event

      Occurs, the EKI-152X series will send an e-mail, or send a SNMP trap. IP Change The user changes the EKI-152X series’s IP address. When the IP address changes, the EKI-152X series will send an e-mail, or send a SNMP trap after restarting the sys- tem. Password Change The user changes the EKI-152X series’s password.

    • Page 48: Serial Port Event

      For example, a DSR change to high also means that the DCE is powered ON. If the DSR signal changes to low, it also means that the DCE is powered off. When the DSR signal changes, the EKI-152X series will send an e-mail, or send a SNMP trap.

    • Page 49: Administrator Settings

      Administrator Settings The configuration utility provides several administrator settings for easy management and configuration. Right click the mouse on the device name in the sub-tree of Serial Device Sever List Area, and select these administrator settings. EKI-1521/1522/1524 User Manual…

    • Page 50: Import/Export Device Setting

      3.9.1 Import/Export Device Setting The utility allows importing or exporting the serial device server’s setting via the “.conf” file format. 3.9.2 Import/Export Serial Port Setting The utility allows importing or exporting the serial port setting including “Basic Set- ting” and “Operation Setting” via “.sps” file format. EKI-1521/1522/1524 User Manual…

    • Page 51: Locate The Serial Device Server

      3.9.3 Locate the Serial Device Server If there are many serial device severs need your management, you may need to identify which unit is correct to configuration on utility. Click “Locate” to make that unit’s “Status” LED be steady on and the buzzer will make the beep sound until you click “Stop Locate”.

    • Page 52
      Click “Unlock Device” to unlock the serial device sever, and you need to fill in the password you have set up before. If you forgot the password, the only way to solve this problem is to restore the setting of the serial device server to the factory default which will be introduced next section.
    • Page 53: Restore To Factory Default Settings

      3.9.5 Restore to Factory Default Settings The configuration utility provides this function to let you can restore the serial device server to factory default settings. The confirm message will be pop-up while clicking “Restore to Factory Default Settings”. If you really want to restore the serial device sever to factory default settings, please click “Yes”…

    • Page 54: Update Firmware

      3.9.6 Update Firmware Advantech continually upgrades its firmware to keep up with the ever-expending world of computing. You can use the update firmware function in the utility to carry out the upgrade procedure. Please access Advantech’s website: http://www.advan- tech.com to download the latest version of the firmware. Before update the firmware, make sure that your host’s Network domain is as same as the serial device server or…

    • Page 55
      Note! Be sure that the host PC Ethernet network domain is as same as the EKI-152X series serial device server or the host PC can establish the TCP connection with the serial device server while doing the updating firmware process.
    • Page 56
      EKI-1521/1522/1524 User Manual…
    • Page 57: Setting Com Redirector

      Chapter Setting COM Redirector…

    • Page 58: Setting Com Redirector (Virtual Com Port)

      Setting COM Redirector (Virtual COM port) Advantech COM port mapping software is a serial COM port redirector that creates virtual COM ports and provides access to serial devices connected to Advantech serial device servers. Your serial device applications can communicate with serial devices connected to Advantech serial device servers without software changes.

    • Page 59
      The COM ports in the “Virtual Com Ports” listing are now available for use by Win- dows applications. EKI-1521/1522/1524 User Manual…
    • Page 60: Manual Mapping

      4.1.2 Manual Mapping Right click the serial device name on the sub-tree of Device Server List area and select the “Manual Mapping” function. ADAM series, EDG series, and EKI wireless series have only one IP address. Select the serial port on the device server and the host COM that you want to set. Press <Map it>…

    • Page 61
      Advantech serial device server. The function «Auto Reconnect» is for this purpose, if the Advantech serial server loses the connection to its host, the COM redirector will try to re-establish the connection while the host’s AP access the virtual COM port.
    • Page 62: Manual Direct Mapping Virtual Com Port

      4.1.3 Manual Direct Mapping Virtual COM Port Click the button on the Quick Took area, you can add a target by selecting the Device Type and inputting the IP address without physically connecting the serial device server to the network. 4.1.4 Remove the Virtual COM Port If you want to remove the virtual COM port, you can remove them one by one or…

    • Page 63: Running Diagnostic Test

      The purpose of this test is to make sure the communication from host PC to EKI- 152X series is OK. If there is still an error, you can check the communication from the EKI-152X series to the devices. If the test is selected, an external test will be done to check that the connection signals for each port are working properly.

    • Page 64
      Select which COM port you want to run a diagnostic test, and then press “Test” button to process the testing. Signal Test RTS -> CTS check the RTS and CTS signal between two ports DTR -> RI check the DTR and RI signal between two ports DTR ->…
    • Page 65: Web-Based Configuration

      Chapter Web-Based Configuration…

    • Page 66: Overview

      Overview EKI-152X series serial device server can be configured through a web interface. By using a standard web browser, the same procedure as with the Windows configura- tion utility can be used. In the browser’s address field, enter the IP Address of your EKI-152X series serial device server.

    • Page 67
      By Windows Internet Explorer EKI-1521/1522/1524 User Manual…
    • Page 68: System

      System You can change the Device Name and Device Description on this page. You can also enable or disable the Web, Telnet, and SNMP functions. Moreover, you can set the Timezone related setting. Network Configuration Click the Net Configuration and chose either Net 1 or Net 2, there are Net Mode, IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway and DNS.

    • Page 69: Port Configuration

      Note! All new configurations will take effect after rebooting. The reboot func- tion is located on the main menu of the Web Configuration. Port Configuration There are Basic, Operation Mode, and Advanced Setting in the serial port configuration. For more detailed information for setting, please refer to chapter 3.4 and chapter 3.5.

    • Page 70: Monitor

      Monitor You can monitor the serial ports settings, statistic, and the connected IP address by click on Monitor function on the main menu. EKI-1521/1522/1524 User Manual…

    • Page 71: Auto Warning (Alarm)

      Auto Warning (Alarm) You can set the e-mail server and SNMP Trap server in the Setting page, and set the event type in the Event page. For more detailed information for Auto Warning function, please refer to chapter 3.7. EKI-1521/1522/1524 User Manual…

    • Page 72: Change Password

      Note! All new configurations will take effect after rebooting. The reboot func- tion is located on the main menu of the Web Configuration. Change Password You can change the serial device server password on here: EKI-1521/1522/1524 User Manual…

    • Page 73
      If you have set a password via the configuration utility or Telnet or serial console, when you access the web configuration, you need to key in the password. Do not need to enter the username in the dialog. If you want to disable the password protection, just change the password to the default “None”…
    • Page 74: Import/Export Device Settings

      Import/Export Device Settings You can Import or Export the serial device server all setting as the “.conf” file format. EKI-1521/1522/1524 User Manual…

    • Page 75: Reboot

      5.10 Reboot The configuration will take effect after clicking “Save” button. But all configurations will save to flash memory after this reboot step. Press the “Reboot” button and the system will give a reset response. It will take a few seconds to reconnect with the new values.

    • Page 76
      EKI-1521/1522/1524 User Manual…
    • Page 77: Telnet Configuration

      Chapter Telnet Configuration…

    • Page 78: Overview

      Input the IP address Confirm that the Telnet console configuration works ok. Be sure that your host PC Ethernet network IP domain is as same as the EKI-152X series serial device server, and the Telnet TCP port number is “23”.

    • Page 79: Command List

      Connecting Success After connection the serial device server in Telnet console mode, you can see the welcome message in the Hyper Terminal Windows. Command List Table 6.1: Console Command List Command Function Description system Show or configure the system information port Show or configure the serial ports information portadv…

    • Page 80
      Help You might type the “help” command or press <Tab> twice to show the supported command list. [Usage] help [Function] Display help information of command list You might use “help” command to show the usage of all commands. [Usage] help [command] [Function] Show the usage of command EKI-1521/1522/1524 User Manual…
    • Page 81
      System [Usage] system [Function] Show firmware version, device name and description [Usage] system [Function] Show current device status and information [Usage] system name XXXX [Function] Set current device name [XXXX: maximum length 31 bytes] [Usage] system desc XXXX [Function] Set current device description [XXXX: maximum length 127 bytes] Port “Port”…
    • Page 82
      [Usage] port nn or port all [Function] Show the “nn”th port or all ports information [Usage] port nn desc XXXX [Function] Set the “nn”th port’s description [XXXX: maximum length 127 bytes] EKI-1521/1522/1524 User Manual…
    • Page 83
      [Usage] port nn||all type 232|422|485 flow 0|1|2|3 [Function] Set serial ports’ type and flow control Flow 0: None Flow 1: XOn/XOff Flow2: RTS/CTS Flow3: DTR/DSR [Usage] port nn|all baud XXXX parity n|e|o|m|s data 5|6|7|8 stop 1|1.5|2 [Function] Set the serial ports’ baud rate, parity, data bits, and stop bits. Acceptable baud rate: 50, 75, 110, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 7200, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800, and 921600 Parity n: None…
    • Page 84
      [Usage] mvcom [Function] Show all serial ports mode and related information [Usage] mvcom nn|all [Function] Set the “nn”th or all serial ports as the Virtual COM mode [Usage] mvcom nn|all idleto XX [Function] Set the “nn”th or all serial ports host idle timeout (S) [Usage] mvcom nn|all respto XX framebk XX [Function] Set the “nn”th or all serial ports response timeout and frame break mctrl…
    • Page 85
      mdata Show and setup the Data mode [Usage] mdata [Function] Show all serial ports mode and related information [Usage] mdata nn|all [Function] Set the “nn”th or all serial ports as the Data mode [Usage] mdata nn|all protocol TCP|UDP [Function] Set the “nn”th or all serial ports’ transmit protocol as TCP or UDP [Usage] mdata nn|all idleto XX lsport XXXX atport XXXX [Function] Set the “nn”th or all serial ports data idle timeout, listen port, and AT com- mand port…
    • Page 86
      Show and setup the Ethernet port configuration [Usage] net 1|2 [Function] Show the first or second Ethernet port status and information [Usage] net 1|2 mode static|dhcp|boot|all [Function] Set the network operating mode [Usage] net 1|2 ip XX.XX.XX.XX netmask XX.XX.XX.XX gw XX.XX.XX.XX [Function] Set IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway [Usage] net 1|2 dns auto|specific [Usage] net 1|2 dns1 XX.XX.XX.XX…
    • Page 87
      password [Usage] password new XXXX [Function] Set new password [XXXX: maximum 31 characters] [Usage] password old XXXX new XXXX [Function] Confirm the old password and set a new password apply [Usage] apply [Function] Save the settings to the flash memory and reboot the system immediately exit [Usage] exit [Function] Terminate the shell session…
    • Page 88
      monitor Show the serial ports settings, statistic, and connected IP address [Usage] monitor port 1|2|…|16 setting [Function] Monitor the serial ports settings [Usage] monitor port 1|2|…|16 statistic [Function] Monitor the serial ports statistic [Usage] monitor port 1|2…|16 ip [Function] Monitor the serial ports connected IP address EKI-1521/1522/1524 User Manual…
    • Page 89
      alarm Show or configure the auto warning function For more detailed setting for auto warning, please refer to chapter 3.7 time Show or configure the time information EKI-1521/1522/1524 User Manual…
    • Page 90
      [Usage] time [Function] Show the current time information [Usage] time YYYYMMDDhhmmss [Function] Modify the current time information [Usage] time timezone -12|…|0|1|…|12 [Function] Set the current timezone configuration [Usage] time daylight on|off begin MMDD end MMDD [Function] Set the current time daylight saving configuration [Usage] time ntp XXXX [Function] Set the NTP timeserver [XXXX: time server] service…
    • Page 91: Appendix A Pin Assignments

      Appendix Pin Assignments…

    • Page 92: Pin Assignments

      Pin Assignments A.1.1 RS-232 Pin Assignments Pin # Description A.1.2 RS-422/485 Pin Assignments A.1.2.1 1. RS-422 Pin #. Description A.1.2.2 2. RS-485 Pin # Description Data- Data+ EKI-1521/1522/1524 User Manual…

    • Page 93
      EKI-1521/1522/1524 User Manual…
    • Page 94
      No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permis- sion of the publisher. All brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. © Advantech Co., Ltd. 2010…

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