Elettrosit 810 руководство по эксплуатации

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Read the instructions before use. This control must be installed in accordance with the rules in force.

Leggere le istruzioni prima dell’uso. Questo controllo deve essere installato in accordo con le normative in vigore.

Consultez les notices avant d’utiliser ce dispositif. Son installation doit répondre aux règles en vigueur.

Lesen Sie die Instruktionen vor Inbetriebnahme. Dieser Regler muß nach den gültigen Vorschriften installiert werden.

Lees de richtlijnen voor gebruik. Deze regelaar moet worden geinstalleerd in overeenstemming met de heersende voorschriften.

Brugsanvisningen bør nøje gennemlæses inden anvendelse. Dette kontroludstyr skal installeres i overensstemmelse med gældende forskrifter.

Leer las instrucciones antes de usar este dispositivo. Este control debe ser instalado conforme a las normas en vigor.

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Summary of Contents for Sit 810 ELETTROSIT

810 ELETTROSIT — это многофункциональный клапан управления подачей газа, без модуляции мощности, с термоэлектрической системой контроля пламени. Применяется в устройствах мощностью до 100 КВт.

Клапан 810 ELETTROSIT выпускается в энергозависимом варианте с питанием от 220 В.

63AN7060 / 3

Одна кнопка управления (выключено, зажигание пилотной горелки, рабочее положение), блокировка повторного розжига, один автоматический запорный клапан. Имеется возможность регулировки потока газа на запальную горелку, выходного давления, настройки ступенчатого открывания.

Код автоматики по каталогу (указывается на шильдике, обязательно сверить) : 0.810.138

  • Инструкция, руководство на клапан 810 ElettroSit
  • Сертификат 810 Elettrosit (таможенный союз)
  • Сертификат 810 Elettrosit (12.10.2009-12.10.2012 г.)

Sit Manuals and Guides:

The main types of Sit 810 ELETTROSIT instructions: user guide — rules of useing and characteristics, service manual — repair, diagnostics, maintenance, operation manual — description of the main functions of Sit 810 ELETTROSIT equipment, etc.

Most of the instructions, that you can see on the site are uploaded by our users. If you have available a manual or document for Sit 810 ELETTROSIT, which is currently not on the site or present in a different language version, we ask you to upload your document on website, using the «uploading form» available to all registered users.

Detail Specifications:

2010/2010383-810_elettrosit.pdf file (17 Apr 2023)

Accompanying Data:

Sit 810 ELETTROSIT Controller PDF Manual  (Updated: Monday 17th of April 2023 11:39:28 AM)

Rating: 4.1 (rated by 30 users)

Compatible devices: 630 Eurosit, UniControl, 900 Series, 710 MINISIT, Eclipse MC240, 608-207, HMU8-860, TOUCH CONTROL.

Recommended Documentation:

Text Version of Manual 

(Ocr-Read Summary of Contents, UPD: 17 April 2023)

  • 6, FUNZIONAMENTO Accensione pilota Premere il pulsante e mantenerlo premuto a fondo, si aprirà la via di gas al bruciatore pilota. Accendere il bruciatore pilota e attendere qualche secondo (nelle valvole munite di consenso «W» all’accensione elettrica, il pilota può essere acceso automaticamente premendo il pulsante ). Rilasciare il pulsante . Nelle version…

  • 26, Sit 810 ELETTROSIT 33 ¢π∞∆∞•∂π™ ∫∞π ƒÀ£ªπ™∂π™ ŸÏ˜ ÔÈ Ú˘ıÌ›ÛÂȘ Ú¤ÂÈ Ó· Ú·ÁÌ·ÙÔÔÈËıÔ‡Ó ‚¿ÛÂÈ ÙˆÓ ¯·Ú·ÎÙËÚÈÛÙÈÎÒÓ ÚԉȷÁÚ·ÊÒÓ Ù˘ Û˘Û΢‹˜ ¯Ú‹Û˘. ∂ϤÍÙ ÙȘ ȤÛÂȘ ÛÙËÓ Â›ÛÔ‰Ô Î·È ÛÙËÓ ¤ÍÔ‰Ô Ì¤Ûˆ…

  • 16, Uitschakeling Druk de toets volledig in. Laat de toets los. De toetsen en blijven geblokkeerd in de lage INTERLOCK- stand. Wanneer de stroom opgewekt door het thermokoppel niet langer voldoende is om de magneeteenheid aan te trekken, komen de toetsen en vrij. Nu kan de ontstekingsprocedure worden herhaald. INSTALLATIE De 810 ELETTR…

  • 19, Slukning Tryk knappen helt i bund. Slip knappen. og knapperne forbliver blokeret i den lave INTERLOCK-stilling. Når strømmen fra varmeelementet ikke længere er i stand til at holde magneten tiltrukket, frigøres og knapperne. Først på dette tidspunkt kan tændingsoperationen gentages. INSTALLATION Ventilen 810 ELETTROSIT er i overensstemmelse med gæld…

  • 5, 5 SETTINGS AND ADJUSTMENTS All the adjustments must be made on the basis of the specific characteristics of the user appliance. Check the inlet and outlet pressures at the provided test points, and . After testing, seal the test points using the provided screws. Recommended torque: 2.5 Nm. Adjustment of the gas flow to the pilot («PILOT ADJ» adjustment screw) To reduce flow, tu…

  • 24, Sit 810 ELETTROSIT 31 GR √¢∏°π∂™ Ã∏™∏™ ∫∞π ∂°∫∞∆∞™∆∞™∏™ ¶ÔÏ˘ÏÂÈÙÔ˘ÚÁÈÎfi˜ ¤ÏÂÁ¯Ô˜ ÁÈ· Û˘Û΢¤˜ ı¤ÚÌ·ÓÛ˘ ‰È¿ ·ÂÚ›Ô˘ (Ϥ‚ËÙ˜, ÁÂÓÓ‹ÙÚȘ ˙ÂÛÙÔ‡ ·¤Ú·, ÎÏ.). ¶ÂÚÈÏ·Ì‚¿ÓÂÈ: — ‰È¿Ù·ÍË ·ÛÊ·Ï›·˜ ıÂÚÌÔËÏÂÎÙ�…

  • 15, Sit 810 ELETTROSIT BEDIENING Ontsteking van de waakvlam Druk op de toets en houd hem volledig ingedrukt — de gastoevoer naar de spaarbrander wordt geopend. Ontsteek de spaarbrander en wacht enkele seconden (bij regulateurs met een elektrische ontstekingsbewaking «W» kan de waakvlam automatisch worden ontstoken door op de toets te drukken). Laat de toets los. Bij modellen …

  • 12, INBETRIEBNAHME Zündbrenner einschalten Drucktaste drücken und niedergedrückt halten — Zündgas wird freigegeben. Zündbrenner anzünden und einige Sekunden warten (bei Ventilen mit elektrischer Zündzustimmung «W» kann der Zündbrenner durch drücken der Drucktaste automatisch eingeschaltet werden). Drucktaste loslassen. Bei den Versionen mit automatischer Quer…

  • 7, Spegnimento Premere a fondo il pulsante . Rilasciare il pulsante . I pulsanti e rimangono bloccati in basso in posizione di INTERLOCK. Quando la corrente generata dalla termocoppia non è più sufficiente a mantenere attratto il gruppo magnetico, si disimpegnano i pulsanti e . Solo da questo momento è possibile ripetere l’operazione di accensione…

  • 14, 17 EINSTELLUNGEN Alle Einstellungen werden auf Grundlage der spezifischen Eigenschaften des Gasgerätes durchgeführt. Der Druck in Ein- und Ausgang ist mittels der dafür vorgesehenen Meßstutzen und zu überprüfen. Nach durchgeführter Kontrolle werden sie mit den dafür vorgesehenen Schrauben gewindedicht verschlossen. Empfohlenes Anzugsmoment: 2,5 Nm. Einstellung d…

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Additional Information:

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Operating Impressions, Questions and Answers:

All the adjustments must be made on the basis of the

specific characteristics of the user appliance. Check the

inlet and outlet pressures at the provided test points,



. After testing, seal the test points using the provided


screws. Recommended torque: 2.5 Nm.

Adjustment of the gas flow to the pilot («PILOT ADJ»

adjustment screw)

To reduce flow, turn the «PILOT ADJ» screw clockwise.

To increase flow, turn the «PILOT ADJ» screw anticlockwise.

Adjusting the outlet pressure («REG ADJ» adjustment screw)

Remove the protective plastic cap. To increase the pressure, turn the «REG ADJ» screw clockwise. To decrease the

pressure, turn the «REG ADJ» screw anticlockwise.

Adjustment of minimum flow for slow ignition with natural gas («I STEP ADJ» adjustment screw)

System no. 1

Turn the «REG ADJ» screw completely anticlockwise. Adjust the «I STEP ADJ» screw until the burner ignites in a gradual

and silent manner. Adjust the «REG ADJ» screw to obtain the desired outlet pressure. Seal the «I STEP ADJ» and «REG

ADJ» screws.

System no. 2 (To be used when the pressure regulator has already been set and the «REG ADJ» screw is sealed)

Turn the «I STEP ADJ» screw completely clockwise. By trial and error, adjust the «I STEP ADJ» screw (each time, turn it

about 1/4 turn anticlockwise). After each adjustment, pass to the pilot position by pressing the button

; wait 30-60 s

and return to the «operation» position by pressing the cross button

. When the minimum flow which ensures slow

and gradual burner ignition has been determined, seal the «I STEP ADJ» screw.

NOTE: on request, the «I STEP ADJ» screw can be provided with a calibrated hole. In this case it must be screwed fully in.

Adjustment of minimum flow for slow ignition with LPG («NO PR» override screw)

Remove the protective cap and check that the «NO PR» screw is turned completely clockwise until it stops. Adjust the

«REG ADJ» screw to obtain an outlet pressure of about 12 mbar. Turn the «NO PR» screw completely anticlockwise until

it stops. Adjust the minimum flow for slow ignition using the system no. 2 described above. Turn the «PILOT ADJ»

screw completely anticlockwise. Seal the «I STEP ADJ», «REG ADJ» and «PILOT ADJ» screws.


The «NO PR» override screw must absolutely never be left in an intermediate position: it must be screwed fully in for

normal operation with town gas and natural gas, and unscrewed completely until it stops for use with LPG.



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