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Emotron FDU Series Instruction Manual

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Emotron FDU 2.1

AC drive

Instruction manual


Valid from software version 5.00


Related Manuals for Emotron FDU Series

Summary of Contents for Emotron FDU Series

  • Page 1
    Emotron FDU 2.1 AC drive Instruction manual English Valid from software version 5.00…
  • Page 3
    Emotron FDU 2.1 INSTRUCTION MANUAL — ENGLISH Valid from Software version 5.00 Document number: 01-7491-01 Edition: r0 Date of release: 05-06-2020 © Copyright CG Drives & Automation Sweden AB 2005 — 2020 CG Drives & Automation Sweden AB retains the right to change specifications and illustrations in the text, without prior notification.
  • Page 5: Safety Instructions

    Safety Instructions Congratulations for choosing a product from CG Drives & Precautions to be taken with a Automation! connected motor Before you begin with installation, commissioning or If work must be carried out on a connected motor or on the powering up the unit for the first time it is very important driven machine, the mains voltage must always be that you carefully study this Instruction manual.

  • Page 6
    Mains voltage selection Heat warning The AC drive may be ordered for use with the mains voltage range listed below. HOT SURFACE! Be aware of specific parts on the AC FDU48: 230-480 V drive having high temperature. FDU52: 440-525 V FDU69: 500-690 V DC-link residual voltage Voltage tests (Megger)
  • Page 7: Table Of Contents

    4.3.1 Analogue input configuration (S1 — S4)….49 Contents 4.3.2 RS-485 termination (S5) ……..50 Connection example ……….51 Connecting the control signals……. 52 Safety Instructions ……… 1 4.5.1 Cables …………..52 Contents …………3 4.5.2 Types of control signals ………. 54 4.5.3 Screening…………..

  • Page 8
    7.6.4 Feedback ‘Status’ input ………. 72 11.3.7 Preset References [360] ……..136 7.6.5 PID control …………… 74 11.3.8 PID Process Control [380] ……..138 7.6.6 Wiring Alternating Master ……..75 11.3.9 Pump/Fan Control [390] ……..141 7.6.7 Checklist And Tips ……….. 76 11.4 Load Monitor and Process Protection [400] ..
  • Page 9
    13.10 Communication options……..205 13.11 Standby supply board with isolated DC-voltage measurement ……..205 13.12 Safe Stop option………… 206 13.13 EMC filter class C1/C2 ……… 206 13.14 Output chokes …………206 13.15 Liquid cooling …………206 13.16 Top cover for IP20/21 version ……206 13.17 Other options…………
  • Page 10
    CG Drives & Automation 01-7491-01r0…
  • Page 11: Introduction

    1.2.1 Instruction manuals for optional equipment In the following table we have listed available options and Emotron FDU is used most commonly to control and the name of the Instruction manual or data sheet/ protect pump and fan applications that put high demands Instruction plus document number.

  • Page 12: Warranty

    Warranty The warranty applies when the equipment is installed, operated and maintained according to instructions in this instruction manual. Duration of warranty as per contract. Faults that arise due to faulty installation or operation are not covered by the warranty. Introduction CG Drives &…

  • Page 13: Type Code Number

    Type code number Fig. 1 gives an example of the type code numbering used on all AC drives With this code number the exact type of the drive can be determined. This identification will be required for type specific information when mounting and installing. The code number is located on the product label, on the unit.

  • Page 14: Standards

    The AC drives described in this instruction manual comply with the standards listed in table 2. For the declarations of conformity and manufacturer’s certificate, contact your supplier for more information or visit www.emotron.com/ WARNING! www.cgglobal.com. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference, in which 1.5.1 Product standard for EMC…

  • Page 15: Dismantling And Scrapping

    Table 2 Standards Market Standard Description EMC Directive 2014/30/EU European Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU WEEE Directive 2012/19/EU Safety of machinery — Electrical equipment of machines EN 60204-1 Part 1: General requirements. Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems Part 3: EMC requirements and specific test methods. EN(IEC)61800-3:2004 EMC Directive: Declaration of Conformity and…

  • Page 16: Glossary

    Glossary 1.7.1 Abbreviations and symbols In this manual the following abbreviations are used: Table 3 Abbreviations Abbreviation/ Description symbol Digital signals processor AC drive Frequency converter PEBB Power Electronic Building Block IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor Control panel, the programming and presentation unit on the AC drive Handheld control panel (option) EInt…

  • Page 17: Mounting

    Mounting This chapter describes how to mount the AC drive. Recommended for AC drive models Before mounting it is recommended that the installation is -300 to — 3K0 planned out first. • Be sure that the AC drive suits the mounting location. •…

  • Page 18: Stand-Alone Units

    Stand-alone units 2.2.1 Cooling Fig. 4 shows the minimum free space required around the The AC drive must be mounted in a vertical position against AC drive for the models 002 to 3K0 in order to guarantee a flat surface. Use the template (in the File archive on our adequate cooling.

  • Page 19: Mounting Schemes

    Fig. 5 Emotron FDU Model 48/52-003 to 018 (Frame size B). Fig. 7 Emotron FDU Model 48/52-003 to 018 (Frame size B) example with optional CRIO interface and D-sub connectors. Table 6 Dimensions connected to fig. 5. Dimensions in mm (in)

  • Page 20
    M32 (026-031) L1 L2 L3 DC- DC+ R U V W M40 (037-046) Fig. 11 Bottom view Emotron FDU Model 48-025 to 48-058 Fig. 9 Cable interface for mains, motor and communication, (Frame size C2) Model 69-002 to 69-025 (Frame size…
  • Page 21
    Emotron FDU Model 69-002 to 025 (Frame size C69). ø 7mm (x4) (0.27 in) 17 kg (37.4 lb) Fig. 12 Emotron FDU Model 69-002 to 025 (Frame size C69). Table 8 Dimensions connected to fig. 12. Dimensions in mm (in) Emotron Frame size…
  • Page 22
    32 kg 30 kg (71 lb) (66 lb) Fig. 14 Emotron FDU Model 48/52-061 to 074 (Frame size Fig. 16 Emotron FDU Model 48-072 to D), Model 69-033 to 69-058, (Frame size D69). 48-105 (Frame size D2), Model 69-033 to 69-058 (Frame size D2(69)), backside view.
  • Page 23
    56/60 kg (124/132 lb) 74 kg 163 lb) Fig. 18 Emotron FDU Model 48-090 to 175 (Frame size E). Fig. 20 Emotron FDU Model 48-210 to 295 (Frame size F), Emotron FDU Model 69-82 to 200 (Frame size F69). Cable glands M20…
  • Page 24
    Fig. 24 Emotron /FDU Model 48-205 to 48-293 (Frame size F2) and 48-365-20 (Frame size FA2). Fig. 23 Bottom view Emotron /FDU Model 48-142 to 48- 293 (Frame size E2 and F2), with cable interface for mains, motor, DC+/DC-, brake resistor and control.
  • Page 25
    (0.63 in) ø 9 mm(x6) (0.35 in) 95 kg (209 lb) Fig. 25 Emotron FDU Model 48-365-54 (Frame size FA). Fig. 27 Side view Emotron FDU Model 48-365-54 (Frame size FA). Cable glands M20 Cable flexible leadthrough (x5) Ø23-55 /M63 (0.91 — 2.1 in)
  • Page 26: Cabinet Mounting

    To be able to remove a PEBB in the future, we airflow supplied by the cooling fans must be taken into recommend 1.30 meter (39.4 in) free space in front of the consideration. cabinet, see fig. 28. Emotron FDU Flow rate Frame Model /h (ft…

  • Page 27: Mounting Schemes, Cabinets

    Emotron FDU48: Model 1K15 to 1K25 (Frame size KA) Emotron FDU48: Model 860 to 1K0 (Frame Emotron FDU69: Model 905 to 995 (Frame size KA69) size J) Emotron FDU69: Model 650 to 800 (Frame size J69) CG Drives & Automation 01-7491-01r0…

  • Page 28
    (23.6 in) (3.9 in) (23.6 in) Emotron FDU48: Model 1K75 (Frame size L) Emotron FDU48: Model 1K35 to 1K5 (Frame size K) Emotron FDU69: Model 1K4 (Frame size L69) Emotron FDU69: Model 1K2 (Frame size K69) 150 mm 150 mm (5.9 in)
  • Page 29: Installation

    Installation 3.1.1 Remove/open front cover Frame sizes B — FA (IP54) Remove/open the front cover to access the cable connections The description of installation in this chapter complies with and terminals. On Frame size B and C loosen the four screws the EMC standards and the Machine Directive.

  • Page 30: Remove/Open The Lower Front Cover On

    3.1.2 Remove/open the lower front Cable connections for cover on Frame size E2, F2 small and medium frame and FA2 (IP20/21) sizes IP54 — FDU48/52-003 to 074 (Frame sizes B, C and D) IP54-FDU69-002 to 058 (Frame sizes C69 and D69) IP20/21 — FDU48-025 to 365 (Frame sizes C2, D2, E2, F2 and FA2) IP20/21 — FDU69-002 to 058 (Frame sizes C2(69) and…

  • Page 31
    Strainrelief and EMC clamp for brake resistor cables (option) EMC gland, Screen connection of motor cables Fig. 31 Mains and motor connections, model 003-018, frame size B.. Strainrelief and EMC clamp for screen connection of cables Fig. 34 Mains and motor connections model 48-025 to 48- 058, frame size C2 and model 69-002 to 69-025 frame size C2(69).
  • Page 32
    Strainrelief and EMC clamp for brake resistor cables (option) Strainrelief and EMC clamp also for screen connection Strainrelief and EMC clamp also for screen connection of cables of cables Fig. 36 Mains and motor connections model 48-072 to 48-105, frame size D2 and model 69-033 to 69-058 Fig.
  • Page 33: Motor Cables

    3.2.2 Motor cables To comply with the EMC emission standards the AC drive Table 13 Mains and motor connections is provided with a RFI mains filter. The motor cables must also be screened and connected on both sides. In this way a L1,L2,L3 Mains supply, 3 -phase Safety earth (protected earth)

  • Page 34
    Switches between the motor and the Pay special attention to the following points: AC drive • If paint must be removed, steps must be taken to prevent subsequent corrosion. Repaint after making connections! If the motor cables are to be interrupted by maintenance switches, output coils, etc., it is necessary that the screening •…
  • Page 35
    Fig. 43 shows an example when there is no metal mounting Long motor cables plate used (e.g. if IP54 AC drives are used). It is important If the connection to the motor is longer than 100 m to keep the “circuit” closed, by using metal housing and (330 ft)(for powers below 7.5 kW (10.2 hp)) please contact cable glands.
  • Page 36: Connection Of Motor And Mains Cables For Larger Frame Sizes

    FDU 69-082 to 200 (Frame size F69) IP20 — FDU 48-300 and up (Frame sizes G and up) and FDU 69-250 and up (Frame sizes H69 and up). Emotron FDU48-090 to 48-295 Emotron FDU69-082 to 69-200 To simplify the connection of thick motor and mains cables to the AC drive, the cable interface plate can be removed.

  • Page 37
    3. Put the two lower cables (Mains 1 and Motor 1 Emotron FDU48-090 mount extra ferrite cables) through the lower glands in the cable core interface plate. Mount the ferrite core and its isolation sheet (included in 4. Strip the cables according to table 15 and fig. 55.
  • Page 38: Connection Of Mains And Motor Cables On Ip20 Modules

    3.3.1 Connection of mains and motor cables on IP20 modules The Emotron IP 20 modules are delivered complete with factory mounted cables for mains and motor. The length of the cables are app. 1100 mm (43 in). The cables are marked L1, L2, L3 for mains connection and U, V, W for motor connection.

  • Page 39
    PEBB 1 PEBB 3 PEBB 2 (Master) Mains cables Motor cables L1, L2, L3 U, V, W Fig. 52 IP20 module sizes I/I69 with qty 3 x 3 Mains cables and qty 3 x 3 motor cables. CG Drives & Automation 01-7491-01r0 Installation…
  • Page 40: Cable Specifications

    Cable specifications 3.4.1 Stripping lengths Fig. 53 indicates the recommended stripping lengths for Table 14 Cable specifications motor and mains cables. Cable Cable specification Power cable suitable for fixed installation for the Mains voltage used. Symmetrical three conductor cable with concentric protection (PE) wire or a four Motor conductor cable with compact low-impedance…

  • Page 41
    Fig. 54 indicates the distance from the cable clamp to the connection bolts for decision of stripping lengths for the cables. Recommended screen length for Motor and brake cables is approximate 35 mm (1.4 in). Fig. 54 Distances from the cable clamp to the connection bolts size FA2. Table 16 Distances from the cable clamp to the connection bolts for mains, motor, brake and earth cables for frame size FA2.
  • Page 42: Fuse Data

    Fig. 55 indicates the distance from the cable clamp to the connection bolts for decision of stripping lengths for the cables. Recommended screen length for Motor and brake cables is approximate 35 mm (1.4 in). Fig. 55 Distances from the cable clamp to the connection bolts size FA. Table 17 Distances from the cable clamp to the connection bolts for mains, motor, brake and earth cables for frame size FA.

  • Page 43: Cable Connection Data For Mains, Motor And Pe Cables According To Iec Ratings

    NOTE: The dimensions of the power terminals used in the cabinet drive models 300 to 3K0 can differ depending on customer specification. Table 18 Cable connector range and tightening torque for Emotron FDU48 and FDU52, according to IEC ratings. Cable cross section connector range…

  • Page 44
    Table 18 Cable connector range and tightening torque for Emotron FDU48 and FDU52, according to IEC ratings. Cable cross section connector range Mains and motor Brake Frame Cable Model FDU size type Tightening Tightening Tightening Cable area Cable area Cable area…
  • Page 45
    Table 19 Cable connector range and tightening torque for Emotron FDU69, according to IEC ratings Cable cross section connector range Mains and motor Brake Frame Cable Model FDU size type Tightening Tightening Cable area Cable area Tightening torque Cable area…
  • Page 46
    Table 19 Cable connector range and tightening torque for Emotron FDU69, according to IEC ratings 69-250 69-300 (2x) 25 — 240 (2x) 25 — 240 69-375 69-400 69-430 69-500 (3x) 25 — 240 (3x) 25 — 240 69-595 69-650 31 (for…
  • Page 47: Cable Connection Data For Mains, Motor And Pe Cables According To Nema Ratings

    List of cable cross section connector range with minimum required AWG cable cross section which fits to the terminals according to UL-requirements. Table 20 Cable connector range and tightening torque for Emotron FDU48 and FDU52, according to NEMA ratings Cable cross section connector range…

  • Page 48
    Table 20 Cable connector range and tightening torque for Emotron FDU48 and FDU52, according to NEMA ratings Cable cross section connector range Mains and motor Brake Model Frame Cable size type Tightening Tightening Tightening Cable range Cable range Cable range…
  • Page 49: Thermal Protection On The Motor

    Thermal protection on the motor Standard motors are normally fitted with an internal fan. The cooling capacity of this built-in fan is dependent on the frequency of the motor. At low frequency, the cooling capacity will be insufficient for nominal loads. Please contact the motor supplier for the cooling characteristics of the motor at lower frequency.

  • Page 50
    Installation CG Drives & Automation 01-7491-01r0…
  • Page 51: Control Connections

    Control Connections Control board WARNING! Always switch off the mains voltage and Fig. 56 shows the layout of the control board which is where wait at least 7 minutes to allow the DC the parts most important to the user are located. Although capacitors to discharge before connecting the control board is galvanically isolated from the mains, for the control signals or changing position of any…

  • Page 52: Terminal Connections

    (in normal cases) be connected to inverter PE via provided screen clamps, see fig. 57. For further information about Digital inputs Modbus RTU protocol and physical network connection see Emotron option manual for Serial communication RS-232/485 available on our DigIn 1 RunL (reverse) website.

  • Page 53: Stand By Supply Interface (Sbs)

    4.2.1 Stand by supply interface Configuration with (SBS) jumpers and switches The control board mounted standby supply, X11 connector, provides the possibility of keeping the communication 4.3.1 Analogue input configuration system up and running without having the 3-phase mains connected. Another advantage is that the system can be set (S1 — S4) up without mains power.

  • Page 54: Termination (S5)

    4.3.2 RS-485 termination (S5) Switch S5 is used to activate termination and fail-safe resistors for the integrated RS-485-interface on terminal X1: A+ and B-. See fig. 56 for the location of the switch. Table 24 Settings switch S5 Selector Input Termination configuration RS-485…

  • Page 55: Connection Example

    Connection example Fig. 57 gives an overall view of a AC drive connection example. EMC- Motor filter Alternative for Optional *** potentiometer Motor PTC control** Optional + 24 VDC SBS supply — 0 V +10 VDC 0 — 10 V AnIn 1: Reference 4 — 20 mA AnIn 2…

  • Page 56: Connecting The Control Signals

    Connecting the control signals 4.5.1 Cables The standard control signal connections are suitable for Terminal 78 & 79 stranded flexible wire up to 1.5 mm (AWG16) and for solid see table 25 wire up to 2.5 mm (AWG14). NOTE: The screening of control signal cables must comply with the immunity levels given in the EMC Directive (reduction of noise level).

  • Page 57
    Terminal 78 & 79 see table 25 Terminal A- & B+ see table 25 Screen clamps for signal cables Screen clamps for signal cables Control signals Control signals Fig. 61 Connecting the control signals, FDU model 061 to 074, frame size D and model 69-033 to 69-058 frame size D(69).
  • Page 58: Types Of Control Signals

    Example: The relay output from a AC drive which controls an auxiliary relay can, at the moment of switching, form a NOTE: The screening of control signal cables is source of interference (emission) for a measurement signal necessary to comply with the immunity levels given in the EMC Directive (it reduces the noise level).

  • Page 59: Current Signals ((0)4-20 Ma)

    Connecting options Control board The option cards are connected by the optional connectors Pres- X4 or X5 on the control board see Fig. 56, page 47 and sure mounted above the control board. The inputs and outputs sensor (exam- of the option cards are connected in the same way as other ple) control signals.

  • Page 60
    Control Connections CG Drives & Automation 01-7491-01r0…
  • Page 61: Getting Started

    Getting Started 5.1.2 Motor cables Connect the motor cables as in Fig. 66. To comply with the EMC directive you have to use screened cables and the This chapter is a step by step guide that will show you the motor cable screen has to be connected on both sides: to the quickest way to get the motor shaft turning.

  • Page 62: Using The Function Keys

    Using the function keys Remote control In this example external signals are used to control the AC drive/motor. A standard 4-pole motor for 400 V, an external start button and a reference value will also be used. 5.3.1 Connect control cables Here you will make up the minimum wiring for starting.

  • Page 63: Set The Motor Data

    5.3.3 Set the Motor Data Local control Enter correct motor data for the connected motor. The Manual control via the control panel can be used to carry motor data is used in the calculation of complete operational out a test run. data in the AC drive.

  • Page 64
    Getting Started CG Drives & Automation 01-7491-01r0…
  • Page 65: Applications

    CG Drives & Automation. Further on you will find application examples of the most common applications and solutions. Application overview 6.1.1 Pumps Challenge Emotron FDU solution Menu Dry-running, cavitation and overheating damage Pump Curve Protection detects deviation. 411–419, 41C1– 41C9 the pump and cause downtime.

  • Page 66: Compressors

    6.1.3 Compressors Challenge Emotron FDU solution Menu Compressor is damaged when cooling media Overload situation is quickly detected and safety 411–41A enters the compressor screw. stop can be activated to avoid breakdown. Load Curve Protection function detects Pressure is higher than needed, causing leaks, deviation.

  • Page 67: Main Features

    Main Features Parameter Set A Run/Stop Set B This chapter contains descriptions of the main features of Set C Torques the AC drive. Set D Controllers Parameter sets Only valid if the option HCP — Handheld Control Panel is Limits/Prot. used.

  • Page 68: One Motor And One Parameter Set

    Examples 7.1.4 One motor and two parameter Different parameter sets can be used to easily change the sets setup of a AC drive to adapt quickly to different application This application is useful if you for example have a machine requirements.

  • Page 69: Reference Priority

    7.1.7 Reference priority Remote control functions The active speed reference signal can be programmed from Operation of the Run/Stop/Enable/Reset functions several sources and functions. The table below shows the As default, all the run/stop/reset related commands are priority of the different functions with regards to the speed programmed for remote operation via the inputs on the reference.

  • Page 70
    Enable Reset and Autoreset operation Input must be active (HI) to allow any Run signal. If the If the AC drive is in Stop Mode due to a trip condition, the input is made LOW, the output of the AC drive is AC drive can be remotely reset by a pulse (“low”…
  • Page 71
    INPUTS INPUTS ENABLE ENABLE STOP STOP RUN R RUN R RUN L RUN L OUTPUT OUTPUT STATUS STATUS Right rotation Right rotation Left rotation Left rotation Standstill (06-F103new_1) Standstill (06-F94new_1) Fig. 73 Input and output status for level-control. Fig. 74 Input and output status for edge-control. Run Inputs Edge-controlled Menu “[21A] Start signal”…
  • Page 72: Performing An Identification Run

    Performing an Using the Control Panel Identification Run Memory To get the optimum performance out of your AC drive/ Data can be copied from the AC drive to the memory in the motor combination, the AC drive must measure the control panel and vice versa.

  • Page 73: Load Monitor And Process Protection [400]

    Load Monitor and Process Protection [400] 7.5.1 Load Monitor [410] The monitor functions enable the AC drive to be used as a load monitor. Load monitors are used to protect machines and processes against mechanical overload and underload, such as a conveyer belt or screw conveyer jamming, belt failure on a fan or a pump dry running.

  • Page 74
    Fig. 76 Main Features CG Drives & Automation 01-7491-01r0…
  • Page 75: Pump Function

    Pump function All additional pumps can be activated via an AC drive, soft Δ starter, Y or D.O.L. switches. 7.6.1 Introduction A maximum of 4 pumps can be controlled with the standard AC drive. R:SlavePump1 MASTER If I/O Board options are installed, a maximum of 7 pumps R:SlavePump2 PRESSURE can be controlled.

  • Page 76: Fixed Master

    7.6.2 Fixed MASTER This is the default setting of the Pump Control. The AC drive controls the Master pump which is always running. The relay outputs start and stop the other pumps P1 to P6, depending on flow/pressure. In this configuration, a R: SlavePump6 R: SlavePump5 maximum of 7 pumps can be controlled, see fig.

  • Page 77
    See menu: [529] to [52H] Digital Input [554] to [55C] Relay R:SlavePump3 MASTER R:SlavePump2 R:SlavePump1 other other drive DI:Pump1Feedb feedback other drive DI:Pump2Feedb inputs drive DI:Pump3Feedb (NG_50-PC-6_1) Fig. 82 Feedback «Status» input. Fail safe operation Fig. 83 Some pump systems must always have a minimum flow or pressure level, even if the fre- quency inverter is tripped or damaged.
  • Page 78: Pid Control

    7.6.5 PID control When using the Pump Control option, it is mandatory to activate the PID controller function. Analogue inputs AnIn1 to AnIn4 can be set as functions for PID set values and/or feedback values. See menu: [381] to [385] [553] to [55C] [411] to [41C] R:SlavePump6…

  • Page 79: Wiring Alternating Master

    7.6.6 Wiring Alternating Master Fig. 85 and fig. 86 show the relay functions MasterPump1-6 CAUTION! and SlavePump1-6. The Master and Additional contactors The wiring for the Alternating Master also interlock with each other to prevent dual powering of control needs special attention and the pump and damage to the inverter.

  • Page 80: Checklist And Tips

    7.6.7 Checklist And Tips 1. Main Functions Start by choosing which of the two main functions to use: — «Alternating MASTER» function In this case the “Master” pump can be alternated, although this function needs slightly more complicated wiring than the “Fixed MASTER”…

  • Page 81: Functional Examples Of Start/Stop Transitions

    7.6.8 Functional Examples of Start/ relay in this example starts the pump directly on line. Of course other start/stop equipment, like a soft starter, could Stop Transitions be controlled by the relay output. Starting an additional pump This figure shows a possible sequence with all levels and functions involved when a additional pump is started by means of the pump control relays.

  • Page 82
    Stopping an additional pump This figure shows a possible sequence with all levels and functions involved when an additional pump is stopped by means of the pump control relays. The stopping of the second pump is controlled by one of the relay outputs. The relay in this example stops the pump directly on line.
  • Page 83: Emc And Standards

    EMC and standards EMC standards Stop categories and emergency stop The AC drive complies with the following standards: EN(IEC)61800-3:2004 Adjustable speed electronic power The following information is important if emergency stop drive systems, part 3, EMC product standards: circuits are used or needed in the installation where a AC drive is used.

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    EMC and standards CG Drives & Automation 01-7491-01r0…
  • Page 85: Communication

    Communication WARNING! Correct and safe use of a RS connection depends on the ground pins of both ports being the same potential. The AC drive provides possibility for different types of Problems can occur when connecting two communication: ports of e.g. machinery and computers where both ground pins are not the same potential.

  • Page 86: Motor Data

    Example: 42904 RunL (See Emotron Fielbus manual for detailed information) We would like to control the AC drive over a bus system Note! Bipolar reference mode is activated if both using the first two bytes of the Basic Control Message by RunR and RunL is active.

  • Page 87: Description Of The Eint Formats

    A parameter with Eint format can be represented in two -2 1110 different formats (F). Either as a 15 bit unsigned integer -1 1111 format (F= 0) or a Emotron floating point format (F=1). 0 0000 The most significant bit (B15) indicates the format used. 1 0001 See detailed description below.

  • Page 88
    Programming example: typedef struct int m:11; // mantissa, -1024..1023 int e: 4; // exponent -8..7 unsigned int f: 1; // format, 1->special emoint format eint16; //————————————————————————— unsigned short int float_to_eint16(float value) eint16 etmp; int dec=0; while (floor(value) != value && dec<16) dec++;…
  • Page 89: Operation Via The Control Panel

    10. Operation via the 10.2 Control panel with 4-line display Control Panel This control panel with 4-line display is equipped with real time clock function. This means that actual date and time This chapter describes how to use the control panel. The AC will be shown at e.g.

  • Page 90
    Digits Description Bit* Motor is stopped NOTE: Run Motor runs In area B and area C only 8 characters are available, Acc Acceleration this means that some texts will be shortened. Dec Deceleration Tripped Operating Safe Stop, is flashing when activated Operating at voltage limit Operating at speed limit…
  • Page 91: Menu [100] Start Window

    10.2.2 Menu [100] Start Window This menu is displayed at every power-up. During operation, the menu [100] will automatically be displayed when the keyboard is not operated for 5 minutes. Menu “[100] Start Window” displays the settings made in menu “[110], 1st line”, “[120], 2nd line” and “[130], 3rd line”.

  • Page 92: Fault Logger

    10.2.4 Fault logger 10.2.6 LED indicators As real-time clock is available, line 2 will show trip/warning The symbols on the control panel have the following message and line three will show date and time when the trip functions: condition occurred. 1240rpm Ext trip 2017-01-25…

  • Page 93: The Toggle And Loc/Rem Key

    10.2.8 The Toggle and Loc/Rem This key has two functions: Toggle and Sub menus switching between Loc/Rem function. Press one second to use the toggle function Press and hold the toggle key for more than five seconds to switch between Local and Remote function, depending on the settings in [2171] and [2172].

  • Page 94: Function Keys

    Remote mode 10.3 The menu structure When the AC drive is switched to REMOTE operation, the The menu structure consists of 4 levels: AC drive will be controlled according to selected control methods in the menu’s “Reference Control [214]”, “Run/ Main Menu Stop Control [215]”…

  • Page 95: The Main Menu

    10.3.1 The main menu 10.4 Programming during This section gives you a short description of the functions in operation the Main Menu. Most of the parameters can be changed during operation without stopping the AC drive. Parameters that can not be Start Window changed are marked with a lock symbol in the display.

  • Page 96: Copy Current Parameter To All Sets

    10.6 Copy current parameter to all sets 0rpm Start/Stop When a parameter is displayed, press the Enter key for 5 seconds. Now the text To all sets? is displayed. Press Enter Key/Key to copy the setting for current parameter to all sets. Press “Enter”…

  • Page 97: Functional Description

    11. Functional description 11.1 Menus Following chapters describes the menus and parameters in the software. You will find a short description of each This chapter describes the menus and parameters in the function and information about default values, ranges, etc. software.

  • Page 98: Resolution Of Settings

    11.1.2 Resolution of settings 2nd Line [120] The resolution for all range settings described in this chapter Sets the content of the second line in the menu is 3 significant digits. Exceptions are speed values which are “[100] Start Window”. Same selection as in menu [110]. presented with 4 significant digits.

  • Page 99: Main Setup [200]

    11.2 Main Setup [200] Select Motor [212] This menu is used if you have more than one motor in your The Main Setup menu contains the most important settings application. Select the motor to define. It is possible to to get the AC drive operational and set up for the define up to four different motors, M1 to M4, in the AC application.

  • Page 100
    Reference control [214] Run/Stop Control [215] To control the speed of the motor, the AC drive needs a This function is used to select the source for run and stop reference signal. This reference signal can be controlled by a commands.
  • Page 101
    Local/Remote key function [217] Rotation [219] The Toggle key on the keyboard, see section 10.2.8, page Overall limitation of motor rotation 89, has two functions and is activated in this menu. As direction default the key is just set to operate as a Toggle key that This function limits the overall rotation, either to left or moves you easily through the menus in the toggle loop.
  • Page 102
    Remote Signal Level/Edge [21A] Supply Volts In this menu you select the way to control the inputs for Default: Not defined RunR, RunL and Reset that are operated via the digital inputs on the terminal strip. The inputs are default set for Inverter default value used.
  • Page 103: Motor Data [220]

    11.2.2 Motor Data [220] Motor Frequency [222] In this menu you enter the motor data to adapt the AC drive Set the nominal motor frequency. to the connected motor. This is crucial for the control accuracy as well as different read-outs and analogue output Motor Freq signals.

  • Page 104
    Motor Speed [225] Motor ventilation [228] Set the nominal asynchronous motor speed. Parameter for setting the type of motor ventilation. Affects the characteristics of the I t motor protection by lowering the actual overload current at lower speeds. Motor Speed Default: ) rpm (see Note 2 page 99) Motor Vent…
  • Page 105
    Motor Identification Run [229] Motor Sound [22A] This function is used when the AC drive is put into Sets the sound characteristic of the AC drive output stage by operation for the first time. To achieve an optimal control changing the switching frequency and/or pattern. Generally performance, fine tuning of the motor parameters using a the motor noise will go down at higher switching motor ID run is needed.
  • Page 106
    Encoder Speed [22D] PWM Mode [22E2] Only visible if the Encoder option board is installed and 22E2 PWM Mode added in menus 1×0. This parameter shows the measured motor speed. To check if the encoder is correctly installed, set Encoder Feedback [22B] to Off, run the AC drive at any Default: Standard speed and compare with the value in this menu.
  • Page 107
    Torque Limit (TL) or Current Limit (CL). Motor type [22I] Encoder speed deviation trip condition: In this menu select type of motor. Emotron AC drives can Encoder speed outside set speed deviation band [22G2] for control Asynchronous motors, Permanent Magnet…
  • Page 108: Motor Protection [230]

    Extend data [22J] 11.2.3 Motor Protection [230] Additional motor parameters for Permanent Magnet This function protects the motor against overload based on Synchronous Motors (PMSM) and Synchronous Reluctance the standard IEC 60947-4-2. motors. This menu is only available if PMSM or Sync Rel is selected Motor I t Type [231] in menu [22I].

  • Page 109
    Motor I t Current [232] Motor I t Time [233] Sets the current limit for the motor I t protection in percent Sets the time of the I t function. After this time the limit for of I the I t is reached if operating with 120% of the I t current value.
  • Page 110
    Thermal Protection [234] Motor Class [235] This menu selects active sensors for PTC motor protection Only visible if the PTC/PT100 option board is installed. Set and activates/deactivates PT100 motor protection. Select the class of motor used. The trip levels for the PT100 sensor active PT100 sensors in menu [236].
  • Page 111: Parameter Set Handling [240]

    PTC/PT100 option board, same data applies Following parameters are Global: [211] Language, [217] (could be found on www.emotron.com/www.cgglobal.com). Local Remote, [218] Lock Code, [220] Motor Data, [241] This menu is only visible if a PTC (or resistor <2 kOhm) is Select Set, [260] Serial Communication and [21B]Mains connected to terminals X1: 78–79.

  • Page 112
    Prepare parameter Set when different Motor data Load Default Values Into Set [243] M1 — M4: With this function three different levels (factory settings) 1. Select desired parameter Set to be set in [241] A — D. can be selected for the four parameter sets. When loading 2.
  • Page 113
    Copy All Settings to Control Panel Load Settings from Control Panel [244] [245] All the settings can be copied into the control panel This function can load all four parameter sets from the including the motor data. Start commands will be ignored control panel to the AC drive.
  • Page 114: Trip Autoreset/Trip Conditions [250]

    11.2.5 Trip Autoreset/Trip Conditions [250] No of Trips The benefit of this feature is that occasional trips that do not affect the process will be automatically reset. Only when the Default: 0 (no Autoreset) failure keeps on coming back, recurring at defined times and Range: 0–10 attempts therefore cannot be solved by the AC drive, will the unit give…

  • Page 115
    Over volt [255] Undervoltage [259] Delay time starts counting when the fault is gone. When the Delay time starts counting when the fault is gone. When the time delay has elapsed, the alarm will be reset if the function time delay has elapsed, the alarm will be reset if the function is active.
  • Page 116
    PTC [25E] Communication Error Trip Type Delay time starts counting when the fault is gone. When the [25J] time delay has elapsed, the alarm will be reset if the function Select the preferred way to react to a communication trip. is active.
  • Page 117
    Over current F [25O] Liquid cooling low level [25T] Delay time starts counting when the fault is gone. When the Delay time starts counting when the fault disappears. When time delay has elapsed, the alarm will be reset if the function the time delay has elapsed, the alarm will be reset if the is active.
  • Page 118: Serial Communication [260]

    11.2.6 Serial Communication [260] RS232/485 [262] The integrated RS485 interface on terminal X1: A+ and B- Press Enter to set up the parameters for RS-232/485 will always be enabled regardless of setting in menu [261] (Modbus/RTU) communication. Comm type. Further, it may be used in parallel to any Fieldbus option on X4 interface.

  • Page 119
    Process Data Mode [2632] CANBaudrate [2635] Enter the mode of process data (cyclic data). For further Set the baud rate for CANopen Fieldbus. information, see the Fieldbus option manual. NOTE: Used for CANopen module only NOTE: For CANopen module this menu is forced to “8”.
  • Page 120
    Communication Fault [264] 485 Fault Time [2644] Defines the delay time for the integrated RS485 trip/ Main menu for communication fault/warning settings. For warning. further details please see the Fieldbus option manual. Menus [2641] and [2642] are specifically used for Fieldbus 2644 485Flt Time option mounted on interface X4.
  • Page 121
    • Communication command Run and one or both of Gateway [2654] RunR or RunL are set. 2654 Gateway • Function enabled (Trip or Warning) in menu «[2647] CPportFMode» Default: • No communication on the control panel port for «[2648] CPportFTime» X seconds. DHCP [2655] Control Panel port Fault Mode [2647] 2655…
  • Page 122: Wireless [270]

    11.2.7 Wireless [270] Channel [2722] Sets the WiFi channel to operate on in AccessPoint mode. Parameters for configuring wireless communication links Menu hidden in Station mode (will adopt to the channel such as WiFi or Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). Changing used by AP/Router connected to).

  • Page 123
    WiFi Status Password [2726] [272A] Password to login to router/AP when «[2721] WiFi Mode» = Status of WiFi module is shown in this menu «[272A] WiFi Station or Password for clients to use if «[2721] WiFi Mode» Status». Status is set directly from control panel (that host = AccessPoint.
  • Page 124: Process And Application Parameters [300]

    Security [274] 11.3 Process and Application Possibility to limit access to control board (CB) registers Parameters [300] from the wireless interfaces. These parameters are mainly adjusted to obtain optimum Security mode [2741] process or machine performance. Sets the security mode to be used. The read-out, references and actual values depends on selected process source, [321]: 2741…

  • Page 125: Set/View Reference Value [310]

    11.3.1 Set/View Reference Value 11.3.2 Process Settings [320] [310] With these functions, the AC drive can be set up to fit the application. The menus [110], [120], [310], [362]-[368] View reference value and [711] use the process unit selected in [321] and [322] for the application, e.g.

  • Page 126
    User-defined Unit [323] NOTE: If F (Bus) is chosen in menu [321] see 11.5.1 Analogue Inputs [510] on page 152. This menu is only displayed if User is selected in menu [322]. The function enables the user to define a unit with six symbols.
  • Page 127
    Process Max [325] No. for serial No. for serial Character Character comm. comm. This menu is not visible when speed, torque or frequency is selected. The function sets the value of the maximum process value allowed. Process Max Default: é <…
  • Page 128
    F(Value), Process Min [327] Example A conveyor belt is used to transport bottles. The required This function is used for scaling if no sensor is used. It offers bottle speed needs to be within 10 to 100 bottles/s. Process you the possibility of increasing the process accuracy by characteristics: scaling the process values.
  • Page 129: Start/Stop Settings [330]

    11.3.3 Start/Stop settings [330] Deceleration Time [332] Submenu with all the functions for acceleration, The deceleration time is defined as the time it takes for the deceleration, starting, stopping, etc. motor to decelerate from nominal motor speed to 0 rpm. Dec Time Acceleration Time [331] The acceleration time is defined as the time it takes for the…

  • Page 130
    Acceleration Time to Minimum B. The acceleration continues from minimum speed level 600 rpm to maximum speed level 3000 rpm with Speed [335] acceleration rate according to ramp time Acceleration If minimum speed, [341]>0 rpm, is used in an application, time [331].
  • Page 131
    an exhausting fan, the motor shaft is already rotating due to external conditions, a smooth start of the application is required to prevent excessive wear. With the spinstart=On, the actual control of the motor is delayed due to detecting the actual speed and rotation direction, which depend on motor size, running conditions of the motor before the Linear Spinstart, inertia of the application, etc.
  • Page 132: Mechanical Brake Control

    11.3.4 Mechanical brake control Brake Release Time [33C] The four brake-related menus [33C] to [33F] can be used to The Brake Release Time sets the time the AC drive delays control mechanical brakes. before ramping up to whatever final reference value is selected.

  • Page 133
    Brake release Brake wait Brake engage time [33E] time [33C] time [33F] Start Release Speed [33D] Open Mechanical Brake Closed Brake Relay Output Action must take place within these time intervals Fig. 107 Brake Output functions. NOTE: This function is designed to operate a mechanical brake via the digital outputs or relays (set to brake function) controlling a mechanical brake.
  • Page 134
    Release Speed [33D] Brake Fault trip time [33H] The release speed only operates with the brake function: The “Brake Fault trip time” for “Brake not released” brake release [33C]. The release speed is the initial speed function is specified in this menu. reference during the brake release time.
  • Page 135
    Brake Brake Brake engage Brake wait release time release time time time Start Running Torque Speed>0 Brake relay Brake acknowledge Brake Trip <33H <33H Brake warning Brake Fault trip time During stop During run * Memorized load torque level, if function activated with parameter [33I] Release Torque. ** Time for operator to set down the load.
  • Page 136: Speed [340]

    11.3.5 Speed [340] Menu with all parameters for settings regarding to speeds, NOTE: If [381] PID Process controller is used, then such as Min/Max speeds, Jog speeds, Skip speeds. the PID sleep functionality [386] — [389] is recommended instead of [342]. See further page 138. Minimum Speed [341] Sets the minimum speed.

  • Page 137
    Skip Speed 1 Low [344] Skip Speed 2 Low [346] Within the Skip Speed range High to Low, the speed cannot The same function as menu [344] for the 2nd skip range. be constant in order to avoid mechanical resonance in the AC drive system.
  • Page 138: Torques [350]

    Droop Speed [349] 11.3.6 Torques [350] Speed drooping reduces the speed in proportion to the Menu with all parameters for torque settings. torque. This can be used for stationary load sharing between motors connected to the same load. The droop speed is the Maximum Torque [351] requested speed reduction at nominal torque.

  • Page 139
    Flux Optimization [354] Asynchronous motors Flux Optimization for asynchronous motors reduces the energy consumption and the motor noise, at low or no load conditions. Flux Optimization automatically decreases the IxR Comp=25% V/Hz ratio, depending on the actual load of the motor when the process is in a steady state.
  • Page 140: Preset References [360]

    Maximum power [355] 11.3.7 Preset References [360] Sets maximum power. Can be used for limiting motor power in field weakening operation. This function operates Motor Potentiometer [361] as an upper power limit and internally limits the parameter Sets the properties of the motor potentiometer function. See “Max Torque [351]”…

  • Page 141
    Preset Ref 1 [362] to Preset Ref 7 Keyboard reference mode [369] [368] This parameter sets how the reference value [310] is edited. Preset speeds have priority over the analogue inputs. Preset speeds are activated by the digital inputs. The digital inputs Key Ref Mode must be set to the function Pres.
  • Page 142: Pid Process Control [380]

    11.3.8 PID Process Control [380] Process PID D Time [385] The PID controller is used to control an external process via Setting the differentiation time for the PID controller. a feedback signal. The reference value can be set via analogue input AnIn1, at the Control Panel [310] by using a Preset PID D Time Reference, or via serial communication.

  • Page 143
    PID Activation Margin [387] The PID activation (wake-up) margin is related to the [711] Process Value process reference and sets the limit when the AC drive Activate/Wake up should wake-up/start again. [387] [310] Process Ref PID Act Marg [712] Speed [386] Stop/Sleep Default:…
  • Page 144
    PID Steady State Margin [389] Example: The PID Steady Test starts when the process value [711] is within the margin and Steady State Test Wait Delay PID steady state margin defines a margin band around the has expired. The PID output will decrease speed with a step reference that defines “steady state operation”.
  • Page 145: Pump/Fan Control [390]

    11.3.9 Pump/Fan Control [390] Select Drive [393] The Pump Control functions are in menu [390]. The Sets the main operation of the pump system. ‘Sequence’ and function is used to control a number of drives (pumps, fans, ‘Runtime’ are Fixed MASTER operation. ‘All’ means etc.) of which one is always driven by the AC drive.

  • Page 146
    Change Condition [394] Change Timer [395] This parameter determines the criteria for changing the When the time set here is elapsed, the master drive will be master. This menu only appears if Alternating MASTER changed. This function is only active if “Select Drive operation is selected.
  • Page 147
    Upper Band [397] Example Max Speed = 1500 rpm If the speed of the master drive comes into the upper band, Min Speed = 300 rpm an additional drive will be added after a delay time that is set Lower Band = 10% in “Start delay [399]”.
  • Page 148
    Upper Band Limit [39B] Lower Band Limit [39C] If the speed of the pump reaches the upper band limit, the If the speed of the pump reaches the lower band limit, the next pump is started immediately without delay. If a start ‘top’ pump is stopped immediately without delay.
  • Page 149
    Transition Speed Start [39E] Flow/Pressure The transition speed start is used to minimize a flow/ Transition speed pressure overshoot when adding another pump. When an decreases overshoot additional pump needs to be switched on, the master pump will slow down to the set transition speed start value, before the additional pump is started.
  • Page 150
    Transition Speed Stop [39G] Run Times 1-6 [39H] to [39M] The transition speed stop is used to minimize a flow/ Run Time 1 pressure overshoot when shutting down an additional pump. The setting depends on the dynamics of both the master Unit: h:mm:ss (hours:minutes:seconds) drive and the additional drives.
  • Page 151: Load Monitor And Process Protection [400]

    11.4 Load Monitor and Alarm Start Delay [414] This parameter is used if, for example, you want to override Process Protection [400] an alarm during the start-up procedure. Sets the delay time after a run command, after which the 11.4.1 Load Monitor [410] alarm may be given.

  • Page 152
    Max Alarm delay [4162] When the load level without interruption exceeds the alarm level longer than set “Max Alarm delay” time, an alarm is Load activated. 4162 MaxAlarmDel Default: 0.1 s Range: 0-90 s [41D] Min Abs Margine Max Pre Alarm [417] Max Pre AlarmMargin [4171] Speed With load type Basic [415], used the Max Pre-Alarm Margin…
  • Page 153
    Min Pre Alarm [418] Min Alarm Response delay [4192] When the load level without interruption is below the alarm Min Pre Alarm Margin [4181] level longer than set “Min Alarm delay” time, an alarm is With load type Basic, [415], used the Min Pre-Alarm activated.
  • Page 154
    Normal Load [41B] Min-Max alarm tolerance band graph Set the level of the normal load. The alarm or pre alarm will Max Speed be activated when the load is above/under normal load ± Min Speed margin. Normal Load Default: 100% Range: 0-400% of max torque NOTE: 100% Torque means: I…
  • Page 155: Process Protection [420]

    11.4.2 Process Protection [420] Rotor locked [422] Submenu with settings regarding protection functions for With the rotor locked function enabled, the AC drive will the AC drive and the motor. protect the motor and application when this is stalled whilst increasing the motor speed from standstill.

  • Page 156: I/Os And Virtual Connections [500]

    11.5 I/Os and Virtual Calculation: AnIn1 = (10-4) / (20-4) x (1500-0) + 0 = 562.5 rpm Connections [500] AnIn2 = (5-4) / (20-4) x (300-0) + 0 = 18.75 rpm Main menu with all the settings of the standard inputs and outputs of the AC drive.

  • Page 157
    Calculation: NOTE: For bipol function, input RunR and RunL AnIn1 = (8-0) / (10-0) x (1500-0) + 0 = 1200 rpm needs to be active and Rotation, [219] must be set to AnIn2 = (4-0) / (10-0) x (1500-0) + 0 = 600 rpm “R+L”.
  • Page 158
    AnIn1 Advanced [513] AnIn1 Bipol [5133] This menu is only displayed if AnIn1 Setup is set to User Bipol mA or User Bipol V. The window will NOTE: The different menus will automatically be set automatically show mA or V range according to selected to either “mA”…
  • Page 159
    AnIn1 Function Max [5136] AnIn1 Filter [5139] With AnIn1 Function Max the physical maximum value is If the input signal is unstable (e.g. fluctuation reference scaled to selected process unit. The default scaling is value), the filter can be used to stabilize the signal. A change dependent of the selected function of AnIn1 [511].
  • Page 160
    AnIn2 Function [514] AnIn3 Advanced [519] Parameter for setting the function of Analogue Input 2. Same functions and submenus as under “AnIn1 Advan [513]”. Same function as “AnIn1 Fc [511]”. AnIn3 Advan AnIn2 Fc Default: AnIn4 Function [51A] Selection: Same as in menu Parameter for setting the function of Analogue Input 4.
  • Page 161: Digital Inputs [520]

    11.5.2 Digital Inputs [520] Feedback input pump1 for Pump/Fan Pump 1 control and informs about the status of the Submenu with all the settings for the digital inputs. Feedb auxiliary connected pump/fan. Feedback input pump 2 for Pump/Fan NOTE: Additional inputs will become available when Pump 2 control and informs about the status of the the I/O option boards are connected.

  • Page 162: Analogue Outputs [530]

    11.5.3 Analogue Outputs [530] Timer 2 will be activated on the rising edge Submenu with all settings for the analogue outputs. Timer 2 of this signal. Selections can be made from application and AC drive values, in order to visualize actual status. Analogue outputs can also be used as a mirror of the analogue input.

  • Page 163
    AnOut 1 Setup [532] AnOut1 Advanced [533] Preset scaling and offset of the output configuration. With the functions in the AnOut1 Advanced menu, the output can be completely defined according to the application needs. The menus will automatically be adapted AnOut1 Setup to “mA”…
  • Page 164
    AnOut1 Function Min [5334] AnOut1 Function Value Min [5335] With AnOut1 Function Min the physical minimum value is With AnOut1 Function VaMin you define a user-defined scaled to selected presentation. The default scaling is value for the signal. Only visible when user-defined is dependent of the selected function of “AnOut1 [531]”.
  • Page 165: Digital Outputs [540]

    AnOut2 Setup [535] 11.5.4 Digital Outputs [540] Preset scaling and offset of the output configuration for Submenu with all the settings for the digital outputs. analogue output 2. Digital Out 1 [541] AnOut2 Setup Sets the function for the digital output 1. Default: 4-20mA NOTE: The definitions described here are valid for the…

  • Page 166
    The max alarm level has been PTC Trip Trip when function is active Max Alarm reached. PT100 Trip Trip when function is active The max pre alarm level has been Max PreAlarm 21 Overvolt Overvoltage due to high main voltage reached.
  • Page 167: Relays [550]

    11.5.5 Relays [550] NOT7 NOT gate 7 output Submenu with all the settings for the relay outputs. The NOT8 NOT gate 8 output relay mode selection makes it possible to establish a “fail CTR1 Counter 1 output safe” relay operation by using the normal closed contact to function as the normal open contact.

  • Page 168: Virtual Connections [560]

    Relay Advanced [55D] 11.5.6 Virtual Connections [560] This function makes it possible to ensure that the relay will Functions to enable eight internal connections of also be closed when the AC drive is malfunctioning or comparator, timer and digital signals, without occupying powered down.

  • Page 169: Logical Functions And Timers [600]

    11.6 Logical Functions and Analogue Comparator 1 Setup [611] Analogue comparator 1, parameter group. Timers [600] Analogue Comparator 1 Value [6111] With the Comparators, Logic Functions and Timers, conditional signals can be programmed for control or Selection of the analogue value for Analogue Comparator 1 signalling features.

  • Page 170
    Example 6111 CA1 Value Create automatic RUN/STOP signal via the analogue Default: Speed reference signal. Analogue current reference signal, 4-20 mA, is connected to Analogue Input 1. “AnIn1 Setup”, Set by Process settings [321] and Process Val menu [512] = 4-20 mA and the threshold is 4 mA. Full scale [322] (100%) input signal on “AnIn 1”…
  • Page 171
    Analogue Comparator 1, Level High [6112] Reference signal AnIn1 Sets the analogue comparator high level, with range Max speed according to the selected value in menu [6111]. 20 mA 6112 CA1 LevelHI Default: 300 rpm Range: See min/max in table below. 4 mA CA1 Level HI = 16% Min/Max setting range for menu [6112]…
  • Page 172
    Example Table 38 Comments to fig. 139 regarding Hysteresis selection. This example describes, both for hysteresis and window type Description Hysteresis comparator, the normal use of the constant level high and low. The reference signal passes the Level LO value from below (positive edge), the comparator CA1 does not change, output Menu Function…
  • Page 173
    Table 39 Comments to fig. 139 regarding Window selection. Analogue Comparator 1, Level Low [6113] Sets the analogue comparator low level, with unit and range Description Window according to the selected value in menu [6111]. The reference signal passes the Level LO 6113 CA1 LevelLO value from below (signal inside Window…
  • Page 174
    Analogue Comparator 1 Reset Delay Type [6114] = Window [6117] The reset of the output signal for the analogue comparator 1 [6115] Unipolar is delayed with the set time in this menu. See fig. 142. [6112] HI > 0 An.Value [6113] LO >…
  • Page 175: Analogue Multiplexer [620]

    11.6.2 Analogue Multiplexer [620] Operator [6213] Operator of the Analogue Mux 1. The names shown on the The Analog Mux compares two configurable analogue input control panel will be changed according to the following. signals (InA and InB) and generates a virtual analogue output.

  • Page 176: Not Gate [630]

    11.6.3 Not Gate [630] 11.6.4 Logic output [640] Output of the NOT gate is the inverted signal of the selected input. NOT gates are used when some other Logic Output 1 [641] function (logic expression, digital out, virtual IO) needs the By means of an expression editor, the input signals can be inverted signal.

  • Page 177
    Logic 1 Expression [6411] Let’s use the following values on the input signals as an example: Selection of execution order of the logic expression for the Logic 1 function: CA1=1 (active/high) F1= 1 (active/high) 6411 L1 Expr T1Q = 1 (active/high) Default: ((1.2).3).4 NOT1 = 0 (inactive/low)
  • Page 178
    Logic 1 Input 2 [6414] Logic 1 Reset Delay [641A] In this menu the second input for the Logic 1 function is The reset of the output signal for the Logic 1 function is selected. delayed with the set value in this menu. Compare to fchapter Fig.
  • Page 179: Timers [650]

    11.6.5 Timers [650] The function of the “On-time” mode is to extend an activated (high) timer output signal in comparison to the The Timer functions can be used as a delay timer or as an trigger signal. See Fig. 145. interval with separate “on”…

  • Page 180: Flip Flops [660]

    11.6.6 Flip flops [660] Output signal will be delayed in Delay comparison to the trigger signal. The flip-flop function is a memory circuit that can be used to store data concerning state. The output from a flip-flop is Timer output will automatically keep dependent not only on its current input, but also on its state on switching according to the Alternate…

  • Page 181
    Reset priority Flip flop 1 [661] «Reset priority» means that if both input signals becomes Function for SR flip-flop 1. active, it will be the RESET command that is obeyed, Flip flop 1 mode [6611] causing the output signal to become inactive (=0) on the Priority setting of input signals for flip-flop 1.
  • Page 182
    Flip flop 1 reset delay [6615] Counter1 [671] The RESET input signal for flip-flop 1 is delayed with the Counter 1 parameter group. set value in this menu. Counter 1 Trigger [6711] Selection of the digital output signal used as trigger signal 6615 F1 res Dly for counter 1.
  • Page 183
    Counter 1 Decrement timer [6715] Counter 2 High value [6723] Sets counter 1 automatic decrement timer value. The Function is identical to Counter 1 High value [6713]. counter 1 is decremented by 1 after elapsed decrement time and if no new trigger has happened within the decrement 6723 C2 High Val time.
  • Page 184: Clock Logic [680]

    11.6.7 Clock Logic [680] Clock 1 Weekday [6815] Weekdays when the clock function is active. Having entered Group 670 if only available if the drive is equipped with a the editing mode, select or unselect the desired weekdays 4-line type Control panel (incl. RTC). with the cursor using the PREV and NEXT keys on the There are two Clock functions, Clock 1 and Clock 2.

  • Page 185: View Operation/Status [700]

    11.7 View Operation/Status Electrical Power [715] Displays the actual electrical output power. Negative sign is [700] used when the motor is generating electrical power to the Menu with parameters for viewing all actual operational drive unit. data, such as speed, torque, power, etc. El Power 11.7.1 Operation [710]…

  • Page 186: Status [720]

    PT100_1_2_3 Temperature [71B] 11.7.2 Status [720] Displays the actual PT100 temperature, for PT100 board 1. Frequency Inverter Status [721] PT100 1,2,3 Indicates the overall status of the AC drive. Unit: °C 0rpm Resolution: 1°C VSD Status 1/222/333/44 PT100_4_5_6 Temperature [71C] Rem/Rem Displays the actual PT100 temperature, for PT100 board 2.

  • Page 187
    Example: Warning [722] Previous example “A/Key/Rem/TL” Display the actual or last warning condition. A warning occurs if the AC drive is close to a trip condition but still in is interpreted “0/1/0/4” operation. During a warning condition the red trip LED In bit format this is presented as will start to blink as long as the warning is active.
  • Page 188
    Digital Input Status [723] Analogue Input Status [725] Indicates the status of the digital inputs. See fig. 149. Indicates the status of the analogue inputs 1 and 2. DigIn 1 0rpm DigIn 2 AnIn 1 DigIn 3 DigIn 4 DigIn 5 Rem/Rem DigIn 6 DigIn 7…
  • Page 189: Stored Values [730]

    -100%AnOut1 has a negative 100% output value 11.7.3 Stored values [730] 65%AnOut2 has a 65% output value The shown values are the actual values built up over time. The example in fig. 153 indicates that both the Analogue Values are stored at power down and updated again at power outputs are active.

  • Page 190: View Trip Log [800]

    Reset Energy [7331] 11.8 View Trip Log [800] Resets the energy counter. The stored information will be Main menu with parameters for viewing all the logged trip erased and a new registration period will start. data. In total the AC drive saves the last nine trips in the trip memory.

  • Page 191
    Here the menu shows the run time when the trip occurred. Trip message [811]-[81Q] The information from the status menus are copied to the 0rpm trip message log when a trip occurs. Over temp 1396:13:00 Copied Trip menu Description Rem/Rem from Process Value Fig.
  • Page 192: Trip Messages [820] — [890]

    11.8.4 Trip Messages [820] — [890] 11.9 System Data [900] Same information as for menu [810]. Main menu for viewing all the AC drive system data. All nine alarm lists contain the same type of data. For example DeviceNet parameter 31101 in alarm list 1 11.9.1 VSD Data [920] contains the same data information as 31151 in alarm list 2.

  • Page 193
    Unit name [923] Option to enter a name of the unit for service use or Table 41 Information for Modbus and Profibus number, customer identity. The function enables the user to define a software version name with max 12 characters. Use the Prev and Next key to move the cursor to the required position.
  • Page 194: Real Time Clock

    CP HW ver [9252] 11.9.2 Real Time clock Hardware version of connected control panel. In the 4-line Control panel there is a built-in Real time clock. This means that actual date and time will be shown at 9252 e.g. a trip condition. There is a built-in capacitor to be able CP HW ver to keep the clock running if the power disappear.

  • Page 195
    CG Drives & Automation 01-7491-01r0…
  • Page 196
    CG Drives & Automation 01-7491-01r0…
  • Page 197: Troubleshooting, Diagnoses And Maintenance

    12. Troubleshooting, Diagnoses and Maintenance 12.1 Trips, warnings and limits “Warning” • The inverter is close to a trip limit. In order to protect the AC drive the principal operating variables are continuously monitored by the system. If one • The Warning relay or output is active (if selected). of these variables exceeds the safety limit an error/warning •…

  • Page 198: Trip Conditions, Causes And Remedial Action

    Table 43 List of trips and warnings 12.2 Trip conditions, causes and remedial action Trip Warning Trip/Warning Selections (Normal/ indicators messages The table later on in this section must be seen as a basic aid Soft) (Area D) to find the cause of a system failure and to how to solve any Motor I Trip/Off/Limit Normal/Soft…

  • Page 199: Technically Qualified Personnel

    12.2.1 Technically qualified personnel Installation, commissioning, demounting, making measurements, etc., of or at the AC drive may only be carried out by personnel technically qualified for the task. 12.2.2 Opening the AC drive WARNING! Always switch the mains voltage off if it is necessary to open the AC drive and wait at least 7 minutes to allow the capacitors to discharge.

  • Page 200
    Table 44 Trip condition, their possible causes and remedial action Trip condition Possible Cause Remedy Size** Check on mechanical overload on the t value is exceeded. motor or the machinery (bearings, Motor I Overload on the motor according to the gearboxes, chains, belts, etc.) “I t”…
  • Page 201
    Table 44 Trip condition, their possible causes and remedial action Trip condition Possible Cause Remedy Size** Check cables and connection of the serial communication. Check all settings with regard to the Comm error Error on serial communication (option) serial communication Restart the equipment including the AC drive Lost encoder board, encoder cable or…
  • Page 202
    Table 44 Trip condition, their possible causes and remedial action Trip condition Possible Cause Remedy Size** Desat 002 -105 Check on bad motor cable connections Check on bad earth cable connections Desat U+ * Failure in output stage, Check on water and moisture in the Desat U- * — desaturation of IGBTs motor housing and cable connections…
  • Page 203: Maintenance

    12.3 Maintenance The AC drive is designed to require minimum of servicing and maintenance. There are however some things which must be checked regularly in order to optimise product life time. • Keep the AC drive unit clean and cooling efficient (clean air inlets, heatsink profile, parts, components, etc) •…

  • Page 204
    Troubleshooting, Diagnoses and Maintenance CG Drives & Automation 01-7491-01r0…
  • Page 205: Options

    13. Options 13.2 External control panel The standard options available are described here briefly. Some of the options have their own instruction or kits installation manual. For more information please contact your supplier. See also in “Technical catalogue AC drives” for more info.

  • Page 206: Handheld Control Panel 2.0

    13.4 Gland kits Gland kits are available for frame sizes B, C and D. Optional gland kits are available for IP54 frame sizes B, C, D, C69 and D69. Metal EMC glands are used for motor and brake resistor cables. Frame Part Number Current (dimension)

  • Page 207: Brake Chopper

    13.6 Brake chopper Table 46 Brake resistor FDU48 V types All AC drive sizes AC drives with cable inlet on short side Rmin [ohm] if Rmin [ohm] if can be fitted with an optional built-in brake chopper. The Type supply 380–415 supply 440–480 brake resistor must be mounted outside the AC drive.

  • Page 208: I/O Board

    -058 12.9 14.8 17.0 encoder is described in a separate manual. -082 For Emotron FDU this function is for speed read-out only -090 or for spin start function. No speed control. -109 -146 13.9 PTC/PT100 -175…

  • Page 209: Communication Options

    13.10 Communication options 13.11 Standby supply board with isolated DC-voltage From FDUsoftware measurement Part number Description version (see menu [922]) For all FDU/VFX drives specified with the Marine option, 01-3876-05 Profibus DP the impedance power-to-ground is infinite (requires also drive IT-net configuration). This is achieved by using 01-3876-06 DeviceNet isolated DC-voltage measurement circuits.

  • Page 210: Safe Stop Option

    13.18 AFE — Active Front End is not part of the liquid cooling option. Emotron AC Drives from CG Drives & Automation are also Drive units with parallel power modules (frame size available as Low harmonic drives and Regenerative drives.

  • Page 211: Technical Data

    14.1 Electrical specifications related to model Note: Use motor rated current for drive sizing. Emotron FDU 2.1 — IP20/21 version Table 49 Typical motor power at mains voltage 230 V. AC drive main voltage range 230 — 480 V. Normal duty Heavy duty Max.

  • Page 212
    Table 51 Typical motor power at mains voltage 575 and 690 V. AC drive main voltage range 500 — 690 V. Normal duty Heavy duty Max. (120%, 1 min every 10 min) (150%, 1 min every 10 min) output Model FDU Frame size Power Power…
  • Page 213
    Emotron FDU 2.1 — IP54 version (Model 48-300 and up also available as IP20) Table 52 Typical motor power at mains voltage 230 V. AC drive main voltage range 230 — 480 V. Normal duty Heavy duty Frame Max. (120%, 1 min every 10 min)
  • Page 214
    Table 53 Typical motor power at mains voltage 400 V. AC drive main voltage range 230 — 480 V. Normal duty Heavy duty Max. (120%, 1 min every 10 min) (150%, 1 min every 10 min) Frame size output Model FDU (Number of Power Rated…
  • Page 215
    Table 54 Typical motor power at mains voltage 460 V. AC drive main voltage range 230 — 480 V. Normal duty Heavy duty Frame Max. (120%, 1 min every 10 min) (150%, 1 min every 10 min) size output Model FDU (Number Power Rated…
  • Page 216
    Emotron FDU 2.1 — IP54 version (Model 69-250 and up also available as IP20) Table 55 Typical motor power at mains voltage 525 V. AC drive main voltage range, for FDU52: 440 — 525 V and for FDU69: 500 — 690 V.
  • Page 217
    Table 56 Typical motor power at mains voltage 575 and 690 V. AC drive main voltage range 500 — 690 V. Normal duty Heavy duty Max. (120%, 1 min every 10 min) (150%, 1 min every 10 min) Frame size output Model FDU (Number of…
  • Page 218: General Electrical Specifications

    14.2 General electrical specifications Table 57 General electrical specifications General Mains voltage: FDU48 230-480 V +10%/-15% (-10% at 230 V) FDU52 440-525 V +10 %/-15 % FDU69 500-690 V +10%/-15% Mains frequency: 45 to 65 Hz Mains voltage imbalance: max. +3.0% of nominal phase to phase input voltage. Input power factor: 0.95 Output voltage:…

  • Page 219
    CG Drives & Automation 01-7491-01r0 Technical Data…
  • Page 220: Operation At Higher Temperatures

    14.3 Operation at higher temperatures Most Emotron AC drives are made for operation at maximum of 40 °C (104 °F) ambient temperature. Frame sizes C69/D69/C2(69)/D2(69) are rated at 45 °C (113 °F). However, it is possible to use the AC drive at higher temperatures with reduced output rating.

  • Page 221: Dimensions And Weights

    Weight 14.5 Dimensions and The table below gives an overview of the dimensions and weights. The models 002 to 295 and 365 are available in IP54 as wall mounted modules. The models 300 to 3K0 consist of 2, 3, 4 ..15 paralleled power electronic building block (PEBB) available in IP20 intended for cabinet mounting or mounted in IP54 standard cabinet.

  • Page 222
    Table 60 Mechanical specifications, FDU69 for IP20 module and IP54 IP20 module IP54 Weight IP20 Weight IP54 Models Frame size Dim. H x W x D Dim. H x W x D kg (lb) kg (lb) mm (in) mm (in) 440/512* x 178 x 314 002 to 025 –…
  • Page 223
    Dimensions and weights for models Emotron FDU48 — IP20/21 version The table below gives an overview of the dimensions and weights of the Emotron FDU IP20/21 version. These AC drives are available as wall mounted modules; The IP20 version is optimised for cabinet mounting.
  • Page 224: Environmental Conditions

    14.6 Environmental conditions Table 63 Operation Parameter Normal operation ° ° ° ° C–40 C (32 F — 104 F) See section 14.3 page 216 for different conditions Nominal ambient temperature ° ° ° ° C — 45 C (32 F — 113 F) for sizes C69/D69/C2(69)/D2(69) Atmospheric pressure…

  • Page 225: Fuses And Glands

    14.7 Fuses and glands 14.7.1 According to IEC ratings Use mains fuses of the type gL/gG conforming to IEC 269 NOTE: The dimensions of fuse and cable cross- or breakers with similar characteristics. Check the section are dependent on the application and must equipment first before installing the glands.

  • Page 226
    Table 65 Fuses, cable cross-sections and glands for FDU48 and FDU52 models Nominal input Maximum Cable glands (clamping range ) * Model FDU current value fuse mains / motor Brake — (48 — 52 mm(1.89 — 2.05 in)/ ##-205-20 — (44 — 48 mm (1.73 — 1.89 in)) 52 — 56 mm (2.05 — 2.2 in)) ##-210-54 (Ø23 — 55 mm (0.9 — 2.16 in))
  • Page 227
    Table 66 Fuses, cable cross-sections and glands for 690V models Nominal input Maximum Cable glands (clamping range ) * Model FDU current value fuse mains / motor Brake 69-002-54 M32 (8 — 17 / 9 — 17 mm) M25 (9 — 17 mm) 8 — 12 mm (0.32 — 0.47 in) 69-002-20 12 — 16 mm (0.47 — 0.63 in)
  • Page 228
    Table 66 Fuses, cable cross-sections and glands for 690V models Nominal input Maximum Cable glands (clamping range ) * Model FDU current value fuse mains / motor Brake 69-250-IP 69-300-IP 69-375-IP 69-400-IP 69-430-IP 69-500-IP 69-595-IP 69-650-IP 69-720-IP 69-800-IP 69-905-IP 69-995-IP 1000 69-1K2-IP 1037…
  • Page 229: Fuses According To Nema Ratings

    14.7.2 Fuses according to NEMA Table 67 Types and fuses ratings Mains input fuses Input Model Ferraz- current Class J TD Shawmut [Arms] Table 67 Types and fuses type 48-1K0 1000 A4BQ1000 Mains input fuses Input 48-1K15 1000 A4BQ1000 Model Ferraz- current 48-1K2…

  • Page 230: Control Signals

    14.8 Control signals Table 68 Terminal X1 Name: Function (Default): Signal: Type: +10 V +10 VDC Supply voltage +10 VDC, max 10 mA output 0 -10 VDC or 0/4–20 mA AnIn1 Process reference analogue input bipolar: -10 — +10 VDC or -20 — +20 mA 0 -10 VDC or 0/4–20 mA AnIn2 analogue input…

  • Page 231: Menu List

    15. Menu List In the download area on our website, www.cgglobal.com or www.emotron.com, you find a communication information list and a list for noting parameter set information. Modbus EtherCAT Default Instance/ Profibus Profinet Fieldbus Modbus Menu Parameters index Notes settings…

  • Page 232
    Modbus EtherCAT Default Instance/ Profibus Profinet Fieldbus Modbus Menu Parameters index Notes settings Device Net slot/index index format format (HEX) Motor Cosϕ [Motor] 43047 168/206 4BE7 19431 Long, 1=0.01 EInt Motor Vent Self 43048 168/207 4BE8 19432 UInt UInt Motor ID-Run 43049 168/208 4BE9…
  • Page 233
    Modbus EtherCAT Default Instance/ Profibus Profinet Fieldbus Modbus Menu Parameters index Notes settings Device Net slot/index index format format (HEX) Select Set 43022 168/181 4BCE 19406 UInt UInt Copy Set A>B 43021 168/180 4BCD 19405 UInt UInt Default>Set 43023 168/182 4BCF 19407 UInt…
  • Page 234
    Modbus EtherCAT Default Instance/ Profibus Profinet Fieldbus Modbus Menu Parameters index Notes settings Device Net slot/index index format format (HEX) Serial Communicati on [260] Com Type RS232/485 43031 168/190 4BD7 19415 UInt UInt RS232/485 2621 Baudrate 9600 43032 168/191 4BD8 19416 UInt UInt…
  • Page 235
    Modbus EtherCAT Default Instance/ Profibus Profinet Fieldbus Modbus Menu Parameters index Notes settings Device Net slot/index index format format (HEX) 42715 167/129 4A9B 19099 UInt, 1=1 UInt 42716 167/130 4A9C 19100 UInt, 1=1 UInt 2654 Gateway 42717 167/131 4A9D 19101 UInt, 1=1 UInt…
  • Page 236
    Modbus EtherCAT Default Instance/ Profibus Profinet Fieldbus Modbus Menu Parameters index Notes settings Device Net slot/index index format format (HEX) 40259 157/223 4103 16643 UInt, 1=1 UInt 40260 157/224 4104 16644 UInt, 1=1 UInt 2728 Subnet Mask 40261 157/225 4105 16645 UInt, 1=1…
  • Page 237
    Modbus EtherCAT Default Instance/ Profibus Profinet Fieldbus Modbus Menu Parameters index Notes settings Device Net slot/index index format format (HEX) Dec MotPot 43104 169/8 4C20 19488 Long, 1=0.01s EInt Acc<Min Spd 43105 169/9 4C21 19489 Long, 1=0.01s EInt Dec<Min Spd 43106 169/10 4C22…
  • Page 238
    Modbus EtherCAT Default Instance/ Profibus Profinet Fieldbus Modbus Menu Parameters index Notes settings Device Net slot/index index format format (HEX) Preset Ref 5 1000 43136 169/40 4C40 19520 Long, 1=0.001 EInt Preset Ref 6 1250 43137 169/41 4C41 19521 Long, 1=0.001 EInt Preset Ref 7 1500…
  • Page 239
    Modbus EtherCAT Default Instance/ Profibus Profinet Fieldbus Modbus Menu Parameters index Notes settings Device Net slot/index index format format (HEX) 31057 121/201 2421 1057 Long, 1=1h EInt Run Time 3 31058 121/202 2422 1058 Long, 1=1m EInt 31059 121/203 2423 1059 Long, 1=1s EInt…
  • Page 240
    Modbus EtherCAT Default Instance/ Profibus Profinet Fieldbus Modbus Menu Parameters index Notes settings Device Net slot/index index format format (HEX) 4191 MinAlarmMar 43329 169/233 4D01 19713 Long, 1=1% EInt 4192 MinAlarmDel 0.1s 43333 169/237 4D05 19717 Long, 1=0.1s EInt AutoSet Alrm 43334 169/238 4D06…
  • Page 241
    Modbus EtherCAT Default Instance/ Profibus Profinet Fieldbus Modbus Menu Parameters index Notes settings Device Net slot/index index format format (HEX) 5133 AnIn1 Bipol 20mA 43205 169/109 4C85 19589 Long, 1=0.01 EInt 5134 AnIn1 FcMin 43206 169/110 4C86 19590 UInt UInt 5135 AnIn1 VaMin 43541…
  • Page 242
    Modbus EtherCAT Default Instance/ Profibus Profinet Fieldbus Modbus Menu Parameters index Notes settings Device Net slot/index index format format (HEX) 51C2 AnIn4 Max 20mA 43234 169/138 4CA2 19618 Long, 1=0.01 EInt 51C3 AnIn4 Bipol 20mA 43235 169/139 4CA3 19619 Long, 1=0.01 EInt 51C4 AnIn4 FcMin…
  • Page 243
    Modbus EtherCAT Default Instance/ Profibus Profinet Fieldbus Modbus Menu Parameters index Notes settings Device Net slot/index index format format (HEX) AnOut2 Fc Torque 43261 169/165 4CBD 19645 UInt UInt AnOut2 Setup 4-20mA 43262 169/166 4CBE 19646 UInt UInt AnOut2 Advan 5361 AnOut2 Min 43263…
  • Page 244
    Modbus EtherCAT Default Instance/ Profibus Profinet Fieldbus Modbus Menu Parameters index Notes settings Device Net slot/index index format format (HEX) Virtual Connections [560] VIO 1 Dest 43281 169/185 4CD1 19665 UInt UInt VIO 1 Source 43282 169/186 4CD2 19666 UInt UInt VIO 2 Dest 43283…
  • Page 245
    Modbus EtherCAT Default Instance/ Profibus Profinet Fieldbus Modbus Menu Parameters index Notes settings Device Net slot/index index format format (HEX) 6127 CA2 Res Dly 43414 170/63 4D56 19798 Long, 1=1s EInt 6128 CA2 Tmr Val 43415 170/64 4D57 19799 Long, 1=1s EInt CA3 Setup [613]…
  • Page 246
    Modbus EtherCAT Default Instance/ Profibus Profinet Fieldbus Modbus Menu Parameters index Notes settings Device Net slot/index index format format (HEX) NOT8 Input 43445 170/94 4D75 19829 UInt UInt Logic output [640] Logic Output 31093 121/237 2445 1093 UInt, 1=1 UInt 1 [641] 6411 L1 Expr…
  • Page 247
    Modbus EtherCAT Default Instance/ Profibus Profinet Fieldbus Modbus Menu Parameters index Notes settings Device Net slot/index index format format (HEX) Logic 4 31096 121/240 2448 1096 UInt, 1=1 UInt 6441 L4 Expr ((1.2).3).4 43483 170/132 4D9B 19867 UInt UInt 6442 L4 Input 1 43484 170/133…
  • Page 248
    Modbus EtherCAT Default Instance/ Profibus Profinet Fieldbus Modbus Menu Parameters index Notes settings Device Net slot/index index format format (HEX) 6545 Timer4 T2 43622 171/16 4E26 20006 Long, 1=1s EInt 6546 Timer4Value 43623 171/17 4E27 20007 Long, 1=1s EInt Flip flops [660] Flip flop 1 6611…
  • Page 249
    Modbus EtherCAT Default Instance/ Profibus Profinet Fieldbus Modbus Menu Parameters index Notes settings Device Net slot/index index format format (HEX) 6719 C1 Value 43659 171/53 4E4B 20043 UInt, 1=1 UInt Counter2 6721 C2 Trig 43660 171/54 4E4C 20044 UInt UInt 6722 C2 Reset 43661…
  • Page 250
    Modbus EtherCAT Default Instance/ Profibus Profinet Fieldbus Modbus Menu Parameters index Notes settings Device Net slot/index index format format (HEX) Operation [710] Process Val 31001 121/145 23E9 1001 Long, 1=0.001 EInt Speed 31002 121/146 23EA 1002 Int, 1=1rpm Long, 31003 121/147 23EB 1003…
  • Page 251
    Modbus EtherCAT Default Instance/ Profibus Profinet Fieldbus Modbus Menu Parameters index Notes settings Device Net slot/index index format format (HEX) 31028 121/172 2404 1028 Long, 1=1h EInt Run Time 31029 121/173 2405 1029 Long, 1=1m EInt 31030 121/174 2406 1030 Long, 1=1s EInt 7311…
  • Page 252
    Modbus EtherCAT Default Instance/ Profibus Profinet Fieldbus Modbus Menu Parameters index Notes settings Device Net slot/index index format format (HEX) 31128 122/17 2468 1128 Long, 1=1h EInt Run Time 31129 122/18 2469 1129 Long, 1=1m EInt 31130 122/19 246A 1130 Long, 1=1s EInt 31131…
  • Page 253
    Modbus EtherCAT Default Instance/ Profibus Profinet Fieldbus Modbus Menu Parameters index Notes settings Device Net slot/index index format format (HEX) 31040 121/184 2410 1040 UInt UInt 31041 121/185 2411 1041 UInt UInt 31042 121/186 2412 1042 UInt UInt 9221 Build Info 31043 121/187 2413…
  • Page 254
    Menu List CG Drives & Automation 01-7491-01r0…
  • Page 255: Index

    I n d e x Motor output ……29, 57 Frequency priority ….65 Safety earth ……29, 57 Jog Frequency ……133 Control Panel memory Maximum Frequency ….. 132 Symbols Copy all settings to Control Minimum Frequency ….. 132 +10VDC Supply voltage ….226 Panel ……..109 Preset Frequency ….

  • Page 256
    (25C) ……..111 (345) ……133, 134 (25D) ……..111 (346) ……..133 Machine Directive ……11 (25E) ……..112 (347) ……..133 Main menu ……..91 (25F) ……..112 (348) ……..133 Mains supply …….29, 47, 57 (25G) ……..112 (351) ……..134 Maintenance ……..199 (25H) ……..112 (354) ……..
  • Page 257
    (424) ……..151 (727) ……..184 Parameter Set Selection …. 63 (511) ……..152 (728-72A) …….185 Select a Parameter set ….. 107 (730) ……..185 PID control ……..74 (512) ……..153 (513) ……..154 (731) ……..185 PID Controller ……138 (514) ……..156 (7311) ……..185 Closed loop PID control ..138 (515) ……..156 (732) ……..185 Feedback signal ……
  • Page 258
    Sound characteristic …….101 Speed ……….181 Spinstart ……..127 Standards ………10 Standby supply board ….205 Start Delay ……..143 Start/Stop settings ……125 Status indications ……85 Stop categories ………79 Stop command ……157 Stop Delay ……..143 Stripping lengths ……36 Switches ………..49 Switching frequency …….101 Switching in motor cables ….31 Technical Data ……207 Terminal connections ……48 Test Run ……..101…
  • Page 260
    Phone: +31 (0)497 389 222 drives.service@cgglobal.com info.se@cgglobal.com info.de@cgglobal.com Fax: +31 (0)497 386 275 info.nl@cgglobal.com CG Drives & Automation Sweden AB Mörsaregatan 12 Box 222 25 SE-250 24 Helsingborg Sweden T +46 42 16 99 00 F +46 42 16 99 49 www.emotron.com/www.cgglobal.com…

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  5. FDU40-010

Manuals and User Guides for Emotron FDU40-010. We have 1 Emotron FDU40-010 manual available for free PDF download: Instruction Manual

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Инструкции Frecon

Frecon FR100 Инструкция

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Руководство пользователя Frecon FR 100


Frecon FR200 инструкция

Размер файла: 1.38 мб

Руководство пользователя Frecon FR200


Инструкции INSTART

Инструкции instart


Размер файла: 11.41 мб

Руководство по эксплуатации INSTART FCI



Инструкции WEG 


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Инструкции WEG

WEG cfw08 инструкция

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Руководство пользователя WEG CFW 08


WEG cfw 09 инструкция

Размер файла: 19.34 мб

Руководство пользователя WEG CFW 09 англ.



Инструкции HITACHI 

WEG cfw10 инструкция

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WEG mvw 01 Инструкция

Размер файла: 24.99 мб

Руководство пользователя WEG MVW 01 англ.


Инструкции hitachi

hitachi SJ 300 ИНСТРУКЦИЯ

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Руководство пользователя Hitachi SJ 300


Hitachi L100 инструкция

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Руководство пользователя Hitachi l100


Hitachi L200 инструкция

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Руководство пользователя Hitachi L 200


Hitachi SJ200 инструкция

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Руководство пользователя Hitachi SJ 200


Hitachi X200 инструкция

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Руководство пользователя Hitachi X 200


Hitachi J300 инструкция

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Руководство пользователя Hitachi j300


HITACHI SJ700 инструкция

Размер файла: 6.70 мб

Руководство пользователя Hitachi SJ 700


Инструкции NORD 

Инструкции NORD

Nord NORDAC sk700 инструкция

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Руководство пользователя NORD NORDAC SK 700E


Nord nordac SK 750 ИНСТРУКЦИЯ

Размер файла: 2.48 мб

Руководство пользователя NORD NORDAC SK 750E англ.


NORD NORDAC SK200 инструкция

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Руководство пользователя NORD NORDAC SK 200E



Инструкции INVT


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Руководство пользователя NORD NORDAC TRIO SK 300 англ.


nord nordac SK 500E инструкция

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Руководство пользователя NORD NORDAC SK 500E


Nord nordac sk 400 инструкция

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Руководство пользователя NORD NORDAC SK 400


Инструкции INVT


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Руководство пользователя INVT CHF 100 A



Размер файла: 3.51 мб

Руководство пользователя INVT GD 100



Инструкции Fuji Electric


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Руководство пользователя INVT GD 200



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Руководство пользователя INVT GD 300


Инструкции INVT


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Руководство пользователя Fuji frenic 5000


Fuji Frenic Mini инструкция

Размер файла: 4.20 мб

Руководство пользователя Fuji frenic mini


Fuji Frenic Eco инструкция

Размер файла: 9.83 мб

Руководство пользователя Fuji Frenic Eco


Fuji frenic mega инструкция

Размер файла: 14.30 мб

Руководство пользователя Fuji Frenic mega



Инструкции Emotron 

Fuji FRENIC Lift инструкция

Размер файла: 1.28 мб

Руководство пользователя Fuji FRENIC Lift


Fuji Frenic Multi инструкция

Размер файла: 8.54 мб

Руководство пользователя Fuji Frenic Multi


Инструкции Emotron

Emotron FDU 2-0 инструкция

Размер файла: 22.61 мб

Руководство пользователя Emotron


emotron tsa инструкция

Размер файла: 16.17 мб

Руководство пользователя emotron tsa



Размер файла: 2.84 мб

Дополнение к руководству пользователя Emotron VFX-FDU



Размер файла: 3.88 мб

Руководство пользователя Emotron MSF 2-0


Emotron VFX 2-0 инструкция

Размер файла: 12.37 мб

Руководство пользователя Emotron VFX 2-0



Инструкции LG

Инструкции Emotron

lg LS iG5 инструкция

Размер файла: 16.39 мб

Руководство пользователя LG LS IG5



Размер файла: 6.43 мб

Руководство пользователя LG LS IS7



Размер файла: 4.00 мб

Руководство пользователя LG LS IS5



Размер файла: 6.10 мб

Руководство пользователя LG LS S100



Размер файла: 4.94 мб

Руководство пользователя LG LS IG5A



Размер файла: 4.31 мб

Руководство пользователя LG LS IE5



Размер файла: 5.83 мб

Руководство пользователя LG LS IC5



Размер файла: 5.65 мб

Руководство пользователя LG LS V5



Инструкции Allen Bradley

Инструкции Emotron


Размер файла: 4.34 мб

Руководство пользователя Allen bradliey PF 40


PowerFlex 525 инструкция

Размер файла: 5.73 мб

Руководство пользователя PowerFlex 525 англ.


allen bradley power flex

Размер файла: 6.43 мб

Руководство по выбору низковольтных
преобразователей частоты PowerFlex


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