Фотоаппарат canon powershot sx20 is инструкция

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Руководство пользователя камеры


Перед началом работы с камерой обязательно ознакомьтесь с данным Руководством.

Храните это Руководство в надежном месте, чтобы его можно было использовать
в будущем.

Много инструкций

Canon PowerShot SX20 IS

Данная инструкция на русском языке предназначена для фотокамеры
Canon PowerShot SX20 IS
, описывает принцип работы и основные моменты эксплуатации устройства.

Производитель настойчиво рекомендует перед включением фотокамеры
внимательно изучить настоящую инструкцию.

Инструкция для фотокамеры
представлена в формате PDF. Все современные браузеры уже поддерживают данный формат и сложностей с открытием файла возникнуть не должно.

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Комментарии (0)

Комментарии про другие Фотокамеры

Другие Фотокамеры Canon

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Моя камера Canon PowerShot SX20 IS

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Видео Canon PowerShot SX20 IS review (автор: Gordon Laing)10:08

Canon PowerShot SX20 IS review

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Canon PowerShot SX20 IS Digital Camera

Видео Не сохраняется дата и время при каждом включении фотоаппарата Canon SX20. (автор: OneManTime)03:00

Не сохраняется дата и время при каждом включении фотоаппарата Canon SX20.

Видео Canon Powershot SX20 IS review (автор: Professional Canadian beaver walker)09:57

Canon Powershot SX20 IS review

Видео ФОТОКАМЕРА "CANON SX50 HS" против "CANON SX20 IS" С ПЕРВЫМ СНЕГОМ ДРУЗЬЯ!!! (автор: Кладоискатели - Украина)18:07


Видео Новый девайс CANON SX20is. Всего за 2000 рублев!!! (автор: СергеевLIFE)02:44

Новый девайс CANON SX20is. Всего за 2000 рублев!!!

Руководство пользователя камеры


Перед началом работы с камерой обязательно ознакомьтесь с данным Руководством.

Храните это Руководство в надежном месте, чтобы его можно было использовать
в будущем.

Руководство пользователя камеры РУССКИЙ...


Проверьте наличие в комплекте поставки камеры перечисленных ниже комплектующих.
При отсутствии какой-либо принадлежности обращайтесь по месту приобретения камеры.

Использование Руководств

Также см. руководства на компакт-диске DIGITAL CAMERA Manuals Disk.

Руководство пользователя камеры (настоящее Руководство)
Освоив основные операции, переходите к освоению многочисленных функций камеры для
съемки более сложных фотографий.

Руководство по персональной печати
Ознакомьтесь с ним, если требуется подключить камеру к принтеру
(продается отдельно) и произвести печать.

Руководство по программному обеспечению
Ознакомьтесь с ним перед использованием прилагаемого програм-
много обеспечения.

Карта памяти не входит в комплект поставки.

Для просмотра руководств в формате PDF требуется программа Adobe Reader.
Для просмотра руководств в формате Word (требуется только для стран Среднего
Востока) можно установить программу Microsoft Word/Word Viewer.

Проверка комплектности


Щелочные элементы

питания AA (


Интерфейсный кабель



видеокабель STV-250N

Ремень NS-DC4

Начало работы

Компакт-диск DIGITAL

CAMERA Solution Disk



Бленда объектива


Гарантийный талон

на русском языке

Проверка комплектности, Использование руководств


Тестовые снимки

Для проверки правильности записи изображений сделайте несколько начальных тестовых
снимков и просмотрите их. Обратите внимание на то, что компания Canon Inc., ее филиалы
и дочерние компании, а также дистрибьюторы не несут никакой ответственности за любой
ущерб, обусловленный какой-либо неисправностью камеры и ее принадлежностей
(включая карты памяти), приводящей к сбою в записи изображения или к записи изобра-
жения не тем способом, на который рассчитан аппарат.

Предостережение в отношении нарушения авторских прав

Изображения, снятые данной камерой, предназначены для личного использования.
Не записывайте изображения, защищенные авторскими правами, без предварительного
разрешения владельца авторских прав. В некоторых случаях копирование с помощью
камеры или иного устройства изображений, снятых во время спектаклей или выставок,
а также снимков объектов коммерческого назначения может являться нарушением
авторских прав или других установленных законодательством прав даже в том случае,
если съемка изображения была произведена в целях личного использования.

Ограничения действия гарантии

Условия гарантии на камеру см. в гарантийном талоне на русском языке, входящем
в комплект поставки камеры.
Адреса службы поддержки клиентов Canon см. в гарантийном талоне на русском языке.


Жидкокристаллические монитор и видоискатель изготавливаются с использованием
высокопрецизионных технологий. Более 99,99% пикселов работают в соответствии
с техническими требованиями, но иногда неработающие пикселы могут отображаться
в виде ярких или темных точек. Это не является неисправностью и не влияет на записы-
ваемое изображение.

Для защиты от царапин во время транспортировки ЖК-монитор может быть закрыт
тонкой пластиковой пленкой. В таком случае перед началом использования камеры
удалите пленку.

Температура корпуса камеры

Будьте осторожны при длительной работе с камерой – ее корпус может нагреться.
Это не является неисправностью.

Карты памяти

В настоящем Руководстве для карт памяти различных типов, которые могут исполь-
зоваться в данной камере, используется общий термин «карта памяти».

Прочитайте это в первую очередь

Прочитайте это в первую очередь


Что требуется сделать


Съемка, все параметры настраиваются автоматически . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Съемка в соответствии с определенными условиями. . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Фокусировка на лица. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .








Съемка там, где вспышка запрещена (отключение вспышки) . . . . . . . . . . .


Съемка фотографий с самим собой (таймер автоспуска) . . . . . . . . . . .




Вставка в снимки даты и времени . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Съемка объектов крупным планом (макросъемка) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Съемка черно-белых или тонированных сепией фотографий . . . . . . . . . . .


Изменение размера снимаемых фотографий (разрешение). . . . . . . . . . . .


Серийная съемка фотографий . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Съемка без сотрясения камеры (стабилизация изображения) . . . . . . . . .


Съемка без сотрясения камеры даже при недостаточной
освещенности (Высокая ISO авто) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Сохранение фокусировки на движущиеся объекты (Servo AF) . . . . . . . . . .


Повышение яркости темных объектов (i-Contrast) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .







(стр. 58)

На пляже

(стр. 60)

На снежном


(стр. 61)


(стр. 59)


(стр. 58)

Качественная портретная съемка

Качественные пейзажи




(стр. 60)



стр. 59




(стр. 58)


Ночной сюжет

(стр. 60)



(стр. 60)



(стр. 60)




(стр. 61)


(стр. 58)

Съемка различных других сюжетов


Что требуется сделать, If w p

Что требуется сделать



Просмотр фотографий . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Автоматическое воспроизведение фотографий (слайд-шоу) . . . . . . . . . .


Просмотр фотографий на экране телевизора. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Быстрый поиск фотографий . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Стирание фотографий. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Защита изображений от случайного стирания . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Съемка видеофильмов . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Просмотр видеофильмов . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Съемка/просмотр видеозаписей



Простая печать фотографий . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Сохранение изображений в компьютере . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Отключение звуковых сигналов . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Использование камеры за рубежом. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Что требуется сделать...

рассматриваются основные операции с данной камерой и ее час…

Страница 6

  • Изображение
  • Текст

рассматриваются основные операции с данной камерой и ее час...

Изменение коэффициента компрессии...

Изменение эффекта перехода между изображениями...


Кнопки и переключатели камеры обозначаются в тексте значками.

Текст, отображаемый на экране, заключается в скобки [ ] (квадратные скобки).

Кнопки направления, диск управления и кнопка FUNC./SET обозначаются
следующими значками.

: Рекомендации по устранению неполадок.

: Советы по наиболее полному использованию возможностей камеры.

: Предостережения.

: Дополнительная информация.

(стр. xx): Ссылка на страницу. «xx» обозначает номер страницы.

В этом Руководстве предполагается, что для всех функций установлены значения
по умолчанию.

Условные обозначения

(Кнопка «Вверх»)

(Кнопка FUNC./SET)

(Кнопка «Вправо»)

(Кнопка «Влево»)

(Кнопка «Вниз»)

(Диск управления)

Условные обозначения


Перед использованием камеры обязательно прочтите приведенные ниже правила техники
безопасности. Строго следите за соблюдением правил надлежащего обращения с камерой.

Рассматриваемые на последующих страницах меры предосторожности позволят исключить
нанесение травм Вам и другим людям, а также повреждение оборудования.

Также обязательно изучите руководства, входящие в комплект поставки всех используемых
Вами дополнительных принадлежностей.



Указывает на возможность серьезной травмы, вплоть
до смертельного исхода.


Указывает на возможность травмы.


Указывает на возможность повреждения оборудования.


Запрещается применять вспышку в непосредственной близости от глаз человека.
Воздействие света повышенной интенсивности, испускаемого вспышкой, может привести
к ухудшению зрения. В частности, при съемке детей минимально допустимое расстояние
до ребенка составляет 1 м.

Оборудование следует хранить в местах, недоступных для детей и подростков.
Ремень: попадание наручного ремня на шею ребенка может привести к удушению.
Карта памяти, элемент питания календаря: представляет опасность при случайном проглаты-
вании. В этом случае немедленно обратитесь к врачу.

Не пытайтесь разобрать или изменить какую-либо часть оборудования, если это не предпи-
сывается настоящим Руководством.

Если камера упала или каким-либо другим образом повреждена, во избежание опасности
получения травмы не дотрагивайтесь до внутренних деталей камеры.

Если из камеры идет дым, ощущается посторонний запах или камера работает неправильно,
немедленно прекратите использование камеры.

Запрещается чистить оборудование органическими растворителями, такими как спирт,
бензол или растворитель для краски.

Не допускайте попадания в камеру жидкостей или посторонних предметов.
Это может привести к возгоранию или поражению электрическим током.
В случае попадания внутрь камеры жидкости или посторонних предметов немедленно выключите
питание камеры и извлеките из нее элементы питания.

Используйте только рекомендованные источники питания.
Использование других источников питания может привести к пожару или поражению электри-
ческим током.

Меры предосторожности

Меры предосторожности, Предостережение


PowerShot SX20 IS

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Canon Powershot SX20 IS User Manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

  • Bookmarks

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Make sure you read this guide before using the camera.

Store this guide safely so that you can use it in the future.

Camera User Guide


Related Manuals for Canon Powershot SX20 IS

Summary of Contents for Canon Powershot SX20 IS

  • Page 1
    ENGLISH • Make sure you read this guide before using the camera. • Store this guide safely so that you can use it in the future. Camera User Guide…
  • Page 2: Checking The Package Contents

    A memory card is not included. • Adobe Reader is required to view the PDF manuals. AA-size Alkaline Batteries (×4) Neck Strap NS-DC4 DIGITAL CAMERA Warranty Solution Disk Interface Cable IFC-400PCU Lens Cap Lens Hood LH-DC50 “Canon Customer Card Support” Leaflet…

  • Page 3: Read This First

    This camera’s warranty is only effective in the country of sale. If there is a problem with the camera while abroad, please return it to the country of sale before proceeding with a warranty claim to a Canon Customer Support Help Desk. For Canon Customer Support contacts, please see the customer support list supplied with your camera.

  • Page 4: What Do You Want To Do

    What Do You Want to Do? Shoot ● Shoot, leaving it to the camera to make settings … . 24 ● Shoot to match special conditions….58 – 61 Take good people shots Portraits (p.

  • Page 5
    View ● Look at my pictures ……..27 ●…
  • Page 6: Table Of Contents

    Table of Contents Chapters 1 – 3 explain the basic operations and frequently used functions of this camera. Chapters 4 onward explain the advanced functions, letting you learn more as you read each chapter. Checking the Package Contents …2 Read This First …3 What Do You Want to Do? …4 Conventions Used in this Guide …9 Safety Precautions…10…

  • Page 7
    Shooting Close-ups (Macro/Super Macro) … 72 Changing the ISO Speed … 73 Adjusting the White Balance … 74 Continuous Shooting… 75 Changing the Tone of an Image (My Colors) … 76 Shooting Using the Two Second Self-Timer … 77 Customizing the Self-Timer… 78 Shooting Using a TV Monitor …
  • Page 8
    Table of Contents Erasing All Images…127 Organizing Images by Category (My Category) …129 Rotating Images…131 Resizing Images …132 Trimming…133 Adding Effects with the My Colors Function…134 Correcting the Brightness (i-Contrast)…135 Correcting the Red-Eye Effect …136 Printing from the Print List (DPOF) …137 Choosing Images for Printing (DPOF) …138…
  • Page 9: Conventions Used In This Guide

    Conventions Used in this Guide • Icons are used in the text to represent the camera buttons and switches. • Language that displays on the screen appears inside [ ] (square brackets). • The directional buttons, control dial, and FUNC./SET button are represented by the following icons.

  • Page 10: Safety Precautions

    Safety Precautions • Before using the camera, please ensure that you read the safety precautions described below. Always ensure that the camera is operated correctly. • The safety precautions noted on the following pages are intended to prevent injuries to yourself and other persons, or damage to the equipment. •…

  • Page 11
    Battery • Use only recommended batteries. • Do not place the batteries near or in direct flame. • Do not let the batteries come into contact with water (e.g. sea water) or other liquids. • Do not attempt to disassemble, alter or apply heat to the batteries. •…
  • Page 12
    Safety Precautions • Do not aim the camera at bright light sources (the sun, etc.). Doing so may cause malfunctions or damage the image sensor. • When using the camera on a beach or at a windy location, be careful not to allow dust or sand to enter the camera.
  • Page 13: View Movies

    This chapter explains preparations before shooting, how to shoot in A mode, and then how to view, erase and print the images you take. The latter part of this chapter explains how to shoot and view movies and transfer images to a computer. Attaching the Strap/Removing the Lens Cap •…

  • Page 14: Inserting The Batteries

    Inserting the Batteries Open the cover. ● Slide and hold the cover lock slide and open the cover Insert the batteries. ● Insert the batteries with (+) and (–) ends oriented correctly. Close the cover. ● Close the cover as you slide it until it clicks into place , then as shown.

  • Page 15: Compatible Batteries

    • The values for NiMH batteries are based on fully charged batteries. Compatible Batteries AA-size alkaline batteries and Canon AA-size NiMH batteries (sold separately) (pp. 38, 40). Can any other batteries be used? We cannot recommend the use of any other batteries than those listed above because performance varies widely.

  • Page 16: Inserting The Memory Card

    Inserting the Memory Card Label Removing the Memory Card Check the card’s write-protect tab. ● If the memory card has a write-protect tab, you will not be able to record images if the tab is in the locked position. Slide the tab up until you hear a click.

  • Page 17: Compatible Memory Cards

    Approximate Number of Shots per Memory Card Memory Card Number of shots • Values are based on the default settings. • The number of shots that can be taken will vary depending on camera settings, the subject and the memory card used. Can you check the number of shots that can be taken? You can check the number of shots that can be taken when the camera is in a Shooting mode (p.

  • Page 18: Opening The Lcd Monitor

    Opening the LCD Monitor You can use the LCD monitor to compose pictures before shooting, operate menus or play back images. Approx. 180° Approx. 90° Approx. 170° Always keep the LCD monitor closed with the display facing the camera body when the camera is not in use. When you push the LCD monitor until you hear the clicking sound, the LCD monitor will automatically turn off, and the image will display in the viewfinder.

  • Page 19: Setting The Date And Time

    Setting the Date and Time The Date/Time settings screen will appear the first time the camera is turned on. Since the dates and times recorded into your images are based on these settings, be sure to set them. Reappearing Date/Time screen Set the correct date and time.

  • Page 20: Changing The Date And Time

    Setting the Date and Time Changing the Date and Time You can change the current date and time settings. Date/Time battery If [Date/Time] appear even when the date/time have been correctly set, insert a new date/time battery (p. 156). Display the menus. Press the n button.

  • Page 21: Setting The Display Language

    Setting the Display Language You can change the display language in the LCD monitor menus and messages. What if the clock appears when the m button is pressed? The clock will appear if too much time passes between pressing the m button and the n button in Step 2.

  • Page 22: Formatting Memory Cards

    Formatting Memory Cards Before you use a new memory card or one that has been used in other devices, you should format the card with this camera. Formatting (initializing) a memory card erases all data on the memory card. As you cannot retrieve the erased data, exercise adequate caution before formatting the memory card.

  • Page 23: Pressing The Shutter Button

    Pressing the Shutter Button The shutter button has two stops. To take images that are in focus, be sure to first press the shutter button lightly (halfway) to focus, then take the shot. Holding the Camera Keep your arms tight against your body while holding the camera firmly by the sides.

  • Page 24: Taking Pictures

    Taking Pictures Since the camera can determine the subject and shooting conditions, you can let it automatically select the best settings for the scene and just shoot. The camera can also detect and focus on faces, setting the color and brightness to optimal levels.

  • Page 25
    AF Frames What if… • a flashing appears? Attach the camera to a tripod so that the camera does not move and blur the image. • the screen does not turn on when you turn on the camera? The display is set to the viewfinder. Press the l button several times to restore the display to the screen.
  • Page 26: Scene Icons

    Taking Pictures • the camera does not play any sounds? Pressing the l button while turning on the camera power will turn off all sounds except for warning sounds. To turn the sounds on, press the n button, choose the 3 tab, and then choose [Mute]. Press the qr buttons to choose [Off].

  • Page 27: Viewing Images

    Under certain conditions, the icon that appears may not match the actual scene. Especially when there is an orange or blue colored background (a wall for example), not be possible to shoot with the appropriate color. If this happens, try shooting in G mode (p.

  • Page 28: Erasing Images

    Erasing Images You can choose and erase images one at a time. Please note that erased images cannot be recovered. Exercise adequate caution before erasing an image. Enter Playback mode. Press the 1 button. ● The last image you took will appear. Choose an image to erase.

  • Page 29: Printing Images

    Printing Images You can easily print the images you have taken if you connect the camera to a PictBridge compliant printer (sold separately). Items to Prepare • Camera and PictBridge compliant printer (sold separately) • Interface cable supplied with the camera (p. 2) Turn off the camera and printer.

  • Page 30: Print Images

    Printing Images • Refer to the Personal Printing Guide for details on printing. • Refer to p. 39 for Canon-brand Pictbridge compliant printers. Print images. Press the c button. ● Printing will start. ● If you want to print additional images, repeat Steps 5 and 6 after printing has completed.

  • Page 31: Shooting Movies

    Shooting Movies The camera can automatically select all settings so that you can shoot movies just by pressing the movie button. The audio will record in stereo. If you continue shooting for a long time, the camera may become warm. This is not a malfunction.

  • Page 32: Stop Shooting

    Shooting Movies Microphone Estimated Shooting Times Memory Card 10 min. 33 sec. Shooting Time • Shooting times are based on default settings. • Max. clip length is approx. 29 minutes and 59 seconds. Recording also stops when the file size reaches 4 GB. •…

  • Page 33: Viewing Movies

    Viewing Movies You can view your movies on the screen. When watching a movie on a computer, frames may drop, it may not play smoothly, and the audio may stop suddenly depending on the computer’s capabilities. If you use the supplied software to copy the movie back onto the memory card, you can play back the movie smoothly.

  • Page 34: Transferring Images To A Computer

    Transferring Images to a Computer You can use the included software to transfer your camera images to a computer. If you are already using ZoomBrowser EX/ImageBrowser, install the software from the included CD-ROM, overwriting your current installation. System Requirements Windows Windows Vista (including Service Pack 1 and 2) Windows XP Service Pack 2, Service Pack 3 Computer model…

  • Page 35: Install The Software

    Items to Prepare • Camera and computer • DIGITAL CAMERA Solution Disk supplied with the camera (p. 2) • Interface cable supplied with the camera (p. 2) Preparations Windows Vista and Mac OS X (v10.5) are used for these explanations.

  • Page 36: Turn On The Camera

    Turn on the camera. Press the 1 button to turn on the camera. ● Open CameraWindow. Windows ● Click [Downloads Images From Canon Camera using Canon CameraWindow]. CameraWindow will appear. ● If CameraWindow does not appear, click the [Start] menu and choose…

  • Page 37: Transfer Images

    Transfer Images You can transfer images without installing the included software by simply connecting your camera to a computer. There are, however, the following limitations. • After connecting to the camera, it may take a few minutes until you can transfer images.

  • Page 38: Accessories

    AA-size Alkaline Batteries (×4) Battery and Charger Kit CBK4-300 Battery Charger CB-5AH/CB-5AHE AA-size NiMH batteries NB-3AH (×4) • NiMH Battery NB4-300 (set of 4 AA-size) also available separately. ST-E2 Stereo Video Cable STV-250N Interface Cable IFC-400PCU DIGITAL CAMERA Solution Disk…

  • Page 39
    Use of genuine Canon accessories is recommended. This product is designed to achieve excellent performance when used with genuine Canon accessories. Canon shall not be liable for any damage to this product and/or accidents such as fire, etc., caused by the malfunction of non-genuine Canon accessories (e.g., a leakage and/or explosion of a battery pack).
  • Page 40: Separately Sold Accessories

    Some accessories are not sold in some regions, or may no longer be available. Flash • Speedlite 220EX/270EX/430EX II*/580EX II* Speedlites for Canon EOS models. Subjects are optimally illuminated for crisp, natural images. * Speedlite 430EX and 580EX may also be used. • Speedlite Transmitter ST-E2 This allows the wireless control of slave (remote) Speedlite flashes (except the Speedlite 220EX and 270EX).

  • Page 41: Learning More

    Learning More This chapter explains the parts of the camera and what appears on the screen, as well as the basic operating instructions.

  • Page 42: Components Guide

    Components Guide Zoom Lever Shooting: i (Telephoto) / j (Wide Angle) (p. 24) Playback: k (Magnify) / g (Index) (p. 116) Shutter Button (p. 23) Strap Mount (p. 13) Power Button / Power Lamp (p. 47) Flash (pp. 25, 69) Microphone (p.

  • Page 43: Control Dial

    Screen (LCD Monitor) (pp. 18, 44) c (Direct Print) (p. 29) / Cut) Button (p. 149) Diopter Adjustment Dial (p. 55) Viewfinder (p. 46) Hot Shoe (p. 158) Movie Button (pp. 31, 107) Mode Dial 1 (Playback) Button (pp. 27, 115) b (Exposure) (p.

  • Page 44: Information Displayed On The Screen

    Information Displayed on the Screen Shooting (Information Display) The same information will display on the viewfinder. Battery Charge Indicator (p. 15) Camera Orientation* White Balance (p. 74) My Colors (p. 76) i-Contrast (p. 96) Drive Mode (p. 75) Histogram (p. 148) Metering Modes (p.

  • Page 45
    Playback (Detailed Information Display) Print List (p. 137) My Category (p. 129) Shooting Mode ISO Speed (p. 73) Exposure Compensation (p. 69) / Exposure Shift Amount (p. 111) White Balance (p. 74) Histogram (p. 47) Image Editing (pp. 132 – 136) Compression (Image Quality) (p.
  • Page 46: Switching The Display

    Information Displayed on the Screen Switching the Display You can change the display using the l button. Shooting You can change the displayed content. Closing the screen turns on the viewfinder. Screen (LCD Monitor) Playback No Information Simple Information Display Closing the screen turns on the viewfinder.

  • Page 47: Indicators

    Overexposure Warning during Playback In “Detailed Information Display” (p. 45), overexposed areas of the image flash on the screen. Histogram High Dark Bright Indicators The indicator on the back of the camera and the power lamp (p. 43) will light or blink depending on the camera’s status.

  • Page 48: Func. Menu — Basic Operations

    FUNC. Menu – Basic Operations Commonly used shooting functions can be set with the FUNC. menu. The menu items and options differ depending on the mode (pp. 166 – 169). Available Options Menu Items Choose a shooting mode. ● Set the mode dial to the desired shooting mode.

  • Page 49: Menu — Basic Operations

    Menu – Basic Operations Various functions can be set from the menus. The menu items are organized under tabs, such as for shooting (4) and playback (1). The available menu items differ depending on the mode (pp. 168 – 171). Display the menu.

  • Page 50: Changing The Sound Settings

    Changing the Sound Settings You can silence or adjust the volume of camera sounds. Muting Sounds Adjusting the Volume Display the menu. Press the n button. ● Choose [Mute]. Press the qr buttons to choose the 3 ● tab. Press the op buttons or turn the  dial ●…

  • Page 51: Changing The Screen Brightness

    Changing the Screen Brightness The screen brightness can be changed in two ways. You can set the brightness of the LCD monitor and viewfinder separately (Press the l button to switch to the desired display before making settings). With the Menu With the l Button •…

  • Page 52: Returning The Camera To Default Settings

    Returning the Camera to Default Settings When you have mistakenly changed a setting, you can reset the camera to the default settings. Are there functions that cannot be reset? The [Date/Time] (p. 19) in the 3 tab, [Language] (p. 21), [Video System] •…

  • Page 53: Low Level Memory Card Formatting

    Low Level Memory Card Formatting Perform low level formatting when you think that the recording/reading speed of a memory card has dropped. As you cannot retrieve the erased data, exercise adequate caution before low level formatting the memory card. About low level formatting When the [Memory card error] message appears, or when the camera does not work correctly, low level formatting the memory card may solve the problem.

  • Page 54: Power Saving Function (Auto Power Down)

    Power Saving Function (Auto Power Down) To save battery power, the camera shuts down automatically when it is not operated for a certain time. Power Saving during Shooting The monitor will turn off approximately 1 minute after the camera is last operated.

  • Page 55: Adjusting The Viewfinder

    Adjusting the Viewfinder You can adjust the viewfinder so that Information Display is clearly visible. Attaching the Lens Hood When shooting a wide-angle photo that is backlit without using a flash, we recommend attaching Lens Hood LH-DC50 to reduce the amount of light entering the lens.

  • Page 57: Shooting In Special Conditions And Commonly Used Functions

    Conditions and Commonly This chapter explains how to shoot in different conditions, as well as how to use common functions, such as the flash and self-timer. • When you choose a Shooting mode that matches a particular set of conditions, the camera will automatically select any necessary settings. All you need do is press the shutter button to take an optimized picture.

  • Page 58: Shooting In Various Conditions

    Shooting in Various Conditions The camera will select the necessary settings for the conditions in which you wish to shoot when you choose the matching mode. Choose the Shooting mode. ● Set the mode dial to the desired Shooting mode. Shoot.

  • Page 59: Shooting In Special Scenes

    In F or mode, images may appear coarse because the ISO speed (p. 73) is increased to match the shooting conditions. Shooting in Special Scenes The camera will select the necessary settings for the conditions in which you wish to shoot when you choose the matching mode. Shooting in Special Scenes Choose a Shooting mode.

  • Page 60
    Shooting in Special Scenes , Take nightscapes (Night Scene) ● Lets you take beautifully lit city nightscapes or night backgrounds. ● You can also take beautifully lit pictures of people along with the backgrounds due to the slower shutter speed. t Take shots of fireworks (Fireworks) ●…
  • Page 61
    P Take shots of people in snow Z Shoot using high ISO speed In ’ or y mode, images may appear coarse because the ISO speed • (p. 73) is increased to match the shooting conditions. In , mode, make sure the subject does not move until the shutter sound •…
  • Page 62: Zooming In More Closely On Subjects (Digital Zoom)

    Zooming in More Closely on Subjects (Digital Zoom) You can use the digital zoom to zoom up to a maximum of 80x and capture subjects that are too far away for the optical zoom (p. 24) to enlarge. The images may appear coarse, however, depending on the recording pixel setting (p.

  • Page 63
    Turning off the digital zoom To turn off the digital zoom, press the n button, choose the 4 tab, and choose [Digital Zoom] and the [Off] option. Digital Tele-Converter The focal length of the lens can be increased by an equivalent of 1.5x or 2.0x.
  • Page 64: Inserting The Date And Time

    Inserting the Date and Time You can insert the shooting date and time in the lower right corner of an image. Once inserted, however, they cannot be deleted. Be sure to check beforehand that the date and time are correctly set (p. 19). Inserting and printing the date and time in images without an embedded date and time •…

  • Page 65: Using The Self-Timer

    Using the Self-Timer The self-timer can be used to shoot a group photo that includes the camera operator. The camera will activate approximately 10 seconds after the shutter button is pressed. You can change the delay time and number of shots (p. 78). Press the p button.

  • Page 66: Using The Face Self-Timer

    Using the Face Self-Timer Once you compose the shot, such as for a group photo, press the shutter button, and enter the composition, the camera will take three shots in a row two seconds after it detects your face (p. 82). What if a face is not detected? Even if your face is not detected after joining the subjects, the shutter will release approximately 30 seconds later.

  • Page 67: Choosing Settings Yourself

    Choosing Settings Yourself In this chapter you will learn how to use the various functions in G mode to progressively advance your shooting skills. This chapter assumes that the mode dial is set to G. • G stands for Program AE. •…

  • Page 68: Shooting In Program Ae

    Shooting in Program AE You can choose the settings for various functions to suit your preferences. AE stands for Auto Exposure. What if the shutter speed and aperture value are displayed in orange? If a correct exposure cannot be obtained when pressing the shutter button halfway, the shutter speed and aperture value are shown in orange.

  • Page 69: Adjusting The Brightness (Exposure Compensation)

    Adjusting the Brightness (Exposure Compensation) You can adjust the standard exposure set by the camera in 1/3-stop increments in the range of –2 to +2. Turning the Flash On You can make the flash fire every time you shoot. At maximum wide angle, the flash range is approximately 50 cm –…

  • Page 70: Changing The Recording Pixels (Image Size)

    Changing the Recording Pixels (Image Size) You can choose from six recording pixels (image size) settings. Changing the Compression Ratio (Image Quality) You can choose from the following two levels of compression ratio (image quality): (Fine), Choose the recording pixels. After pressing the m button, press the ●…

  • Page 71
    0.3 M/640 x 480 (Widescreen) 3840 x 2160 • The values in the table are measured according to Canon standards and may change depending on the subject, memory card and camera settings. Approximate Values for Paper Size A4, Letter size 5″…
  • Page 72: Shooting Close-Ups (Macro/Super Macro)

    Shooting Close-ups (Macro/Super Macro) You can shoot an object at a close distance or even shoot extreme close- ups of it. In œ mode you can approach the subject even closer than in e mode. The optical zoom (p. 24) or digital zoom (p. 62) cannot be used. Shooting Range Macro Mode Macro…

  • Page 73: Changing The Iso Speed

    Changing the ISO Speed Automatically adjusts the ISO speed to the Shooting mode and shooting conditions. Fine weather conditions, outdoor shooting. Cloudy, Twilight Nightscapes, Dark interiors High Changing the ISO speed • Lowering the ISO speed results in sharper images, but there may be an increased chance of image blurring in certain shooting conditions.

  • Page 74: Adjusting The White Balance

    Adjusting the White Balance The white balance (WB) function sets the optimal white balance for natural looking colors. Auto Automatically sets the optimal white balance for the shooting conditions. Day Light Fine weather conditions, outdoor shooting Cloudy Cloudy, shady, twilight conditions Tungsten Tungsten, bulb-type (3-wavelength) fluorescent lighting Warm-white fluorescent, cool-white fluorescent, warm-white-type…

  • Page 75: Continuous Shooting

    Continuous Shooting You can shoot continuously at a fixed interval. Drive Mode Continuous Continuous Shooting AF Continuous Shooting LV • Cannot be used with the self-timer (pp. 65, 66, 77, 78). • As the number of images increases, the shooting intervals may take longer.

  • Page 76: Changing The Tone Of An Image (My Colors)

    Changing the Tone of an Image (My Colors) You can change the tone of an image to sepia or black and white when shooting. My Colors Off Vivid Neutral Sepia Positive Film Lighter Skin Tone Darker Skin Tone Vivid Blue Vivid Green Vivid Red Custom Color…

  • Page 77: Shooting Using The Two Second Self-Timer

    Custom Color The contrast, sharpness, color saturation, red, green, blue, and skin tones in an image can be chosen and set from 5 different levels. Shooting Using the Two Second Self-Timer You can set the self-timer to a delay of approximately two seconds. Shooting Using the Two Second Self-Timer ●…

  • Page 78: Customizing The Self-Timer

    Customizing the Self-Timer You can set the time delay (0 – 30 seconds) and the number of shots (1 – 10 shots). What if the number of shots is set to two or more shots? • Exposure and white balance settings are set with the first shot. •…

  • Page 79: Shooting Using A Tv Monitor

    Shooting Using a TV Monitor You can use a TV to display the camera screen content while shooting. • Connect the camera to a TV as described in “Viewing Images on a TV” (p. 122). • Shooting procedures are the same as when using the camera’s monitor. •…

  • Page 81: Getting More Out Of Your Camera

    Getting More Out of Your This chapter serves as the advanced version of Chapter 4 and explains how to take pictures using various functions. This chapter assumes that the mode dial is set to G. • • The sections “Setting the Shutter Speed” (p. 93), “Setting the Aperture Value”…

  • Page 82: Changing The Af Frame Mode

    Changing the AF Frame Mode You can change the AF (Auto Focus) frame mode to match the conditions you want to shoot. Face Detect • Detects people’s faces and sets the focus, exposure (evaluative metering only) and white balance ( •…

  • Page 83: Changing The Af Frame Position And Size

    Changing the AF Frame Position and Size When the AF frame mode is set to [FlexiZone] (p. 82) you can change the position and size of the AF frame. • The Spot AE Point frame can be linked with the AF frame (p. 87). •…

  • Page 84: Magnifying The Focal Point

    Magnifying the Focal Point You can push the shutter button halfway to magnify the AF frame and check the focus. What if the display does not magnify? The display will not appear magnified in [Face Detect] if a face cannot be detected or is too big in relation to the screen (p.

  • Page 85: Shooting With The Af Lock

    Shooting with the AF Lock The focus can be locked. After locking the focus, the focal distance will not change even when you release your finger from the shutter button. Shooting with Servo AF While the shutter button is pressed halfway, the focus and exposure will continue to adjust, allowing you to take pictures of moving subjects without missing a shot.

  • Page 86: Choosing The Person To Focus On (Face Select)

    Choosing the Person to Focus On (Face Select) You can choose a specific person’s face to focus on and then shoot. Frame Confirming the number of detected faces Pressing the l button will display the number of faces detected by the camera (35 at the most) (orange: main subject’s face, white: detected face).

  • Page 87: Changing The Metering Mode

    Changing the Metering Mode You can change the Metering mode (brightness measuring function) to match the shooting conditions. Evaluative Center Weighted Avg. Spot Linking the Spot AE Point Frame to the AF Frame Choose the Metering mode. After pressing the m button, press the ●…

  • Page 88: Shooting In Manual Focus Mode

    Shooting in Manual Focus Mode You can use manual focus when auto focus is not possible. If you press the shutter button halfway after roughly focusing manually, you can fine tune the focus. • You cannot change the AF frame setting or size while focusing manually (p.

  • Page 89: Focus Bracketing (Focus-Bkt Mode)

    Focus Bracketing (Focus-BKT Mode) The camera automatically takes three shots in the following order: one at the manual focus position, and one each with focus positions preset farther and nearer. The three shots are taken at the same interval as continuous shooting (p.

  • Page 90: Shooting With The Ae Lock

    Shooting with the AE Lock When you wish to take several shots with the same exposure, you can set the exposure and focus separately using the AE lock. AE stands for “Auto Exposure”. Program Shift If you lock the exposure and then turn the  dial, you can change the shutter speed and aperture value combination.

  • Page 91: Shooting With The Fe Lock

    Shooting with the FE Lock Just as with the AE lock (p. 90), you can lock the exposure for shooting with the flash. FE stands for “Flash Exposure”. Auto Exposure Bracketing (AEB Mode) The camera automatically changes the exposure to take three shots at the same interval as continuous shooting (p.

  • Page 92: Shooting With Slow Synchro

    Shooting with Slow Synchro • If the flash fires, a single, normal image will be shot. • Continuous shooting (p. 75) cannot be used in this mode. Shooting with Slow Synchro You can make the main subject, such as people, appear bright by having the camera provide the appropriate illumination with the flash.

  • Page 93: Setting The Shutter Speed

    Setting the Shutter Speed You can set the shutter to the speed at which you want to shoot. The camera will set the appropriate aperture value for the shutter speed you set. M stands for “Time value”. Available Shutter Speeds 15″, 13″, 10″, 8″, 6″, 5″, 4″, 3″2, 2″5, 2″, 1″6, 1″3, 1″, 0″8, 0″6, 0″5, 0″4, 0″3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6, 1/8, 1/10, 1/13, 1/15, 1/20, 1/25, 1/30, 1/40, 1/50, 1/60, 1/80, 1/100, 1/125, 1/160, 1/200, 1/250, 1/320, 1/400, 1/500, 1/640, 1/800, 1/1000, 1/1250, 1/1600, 1/2000, 1/2500,…

  • Page 94: Setting The Aperture Value

    Setting the Aperture Value You can set the aperture to a value at which you want to shoot. The camera will set the appropriate shutter speed for the aperture value you set. B stands for “Aperture value”. Available Aperture Values F2.8, F3.2, F3.5, F4.0, F4.5, F5.0, F5.6, F5.7, F6.3, F7.1, F8.0 •…

  • Page 95: Setting The Shutter Speed And Aperture Value

    Setting the Shutter Speed and Aperture Value You can manually set the shutter speed and aperture to shoot images. D stands for “Manual”. Aperture Value Shutter Speed Exposure Level Indicator Standard Exposure Level Exposure Level • The standard exposure is calculated according to the metering method chosen (p.

  • Page 96: Correcting The Brightness And Shooting (I-Contrast)

    Correcting the Brightness and Shooting (i-Contrast) The camera can detect areas in the scene, such as faces or backgrounds, that are too bright or dark and automatically adjust them to the optimum brightness when shooting. Also, when the overall image is lacking in contrast, the camera will automatically correct the image for a sharper impression when shooting.

  • Page 97: Red-Eye Correction

    Red-Eye Correction You can automatically correct red-eye that occurs in images taken with the flash. Red-eye correction may be applied to red areas other than red eyes. For example, when red make-up has been used around eyes. • You can correct recorded images (p. 136). If you hold down the h button, the Built-in Flash Settings screen will •…

  • Page 98: Adjusting The Flash Exposure Compensation

    Adjusting the Flash Exposure Compensation Just like with exposure compensation (p. 69), you can adjust the exposure ±2 stops in 1/3-stop increments when using the flash. To set the flash exposure compensation, choose [Flash Control] (p. 97) from the 4 tab, then choose [Flash Exp. Comp] and press the qr buttons to choose a setting (p.

  • Page 99: Adjusting The Flash Output

    Adjusting the Flash Output In D mode, you can choose 3 levels of flash output. To set the flash output, choose [Flash Control] (p. 97) from the 4 tab, • then choose [Flash Exp. Comp] and press the qr buttons to choose a setting (p.

  • Page 100: Changing The Flash Timing

    Changing the Flash Timing You can change the timing for the flash and shutter. What are the 1st-curtain and 2nd-curtain? With the 1st-curtain, the flash fires right after the shutter opens. Choose [Flash Control] (p. 97). Make the setting. Press the op buttons or turn the  dial ●…

  • Page 101: Checking For Shut Eyes

    Checking for Shut Eyes When the camera detects the possibility that people have their eyes shut, appears. In «, $, • , and image shot. Not available in W, • Choose [Blink Detection]. Press the n button, choose the 4 ●…

  • Page 102: Registering Shooting Settings

    Registering Shooting Settings You can register commonly used shooting modes and settings. By simply turning the mode dial to shoot. Even if you switch shooting modes or turn off the power, settings that usually cancel (continuous shooting, self timer, etc.) will be saved. Settings that Can be Registered Shooting modes (G, M, B or D) •…

  • Page 103: Changing The Color And Shooting

    Changing the Color and Shooting You can change the look of an image when shooting. However, the shooting conditions may cause the image to become coarse, or the colors may not come out as expected. T Color Accent You can choose to retain a single color and change the rest to black and white in a composition.

  • Page 104
    Changing the Color and Shooting Y Color Swap You can swap one color in an image for another when recording it. You can only swap one color. Choose Y. Follow Step 1 on p. 59 to choose Y. ● Press the l button. ●…
  • Page 105: Shooting Stitch Assist Images

    • Using the flash may cause unexpected results in this mode. • Under some conditions, the image may appear coarse. Shooting Stitch Assist Images Large subjects can be split into several shots that can later be merged together using the included software on a computer to create a panoramic image.

  • Page 106
    Shooting Stitch Assist Images • This function is not available when a TV is used as the monitor (p. 79). To use AF lock, register % to the • Take subsequent shots. ● Overlap part of the first shot when taking the second shot.
  • Page 107: Using Various Functions For Shooting Movies

    Using Various Functions for This chapter provides more advanced information than the “Shooting Movies” and “Viewing Movies” sections of Chapter 1. This chapter assumes that the mode dial is set to E. However, even if the • mode dial is set to a position other than E, movies can be shot by pressing the movie button.

  • Page 108: Changing The Image Quality

    320 x 240 pixels, 30 frames/sec. Estimated Shooting Time Image Quality • Based on Canon’s testing standards. • Maximum clip length is approximately 29 minutes and 59 seconds in . Recording also stops when the file size reaches 4 GB.

  • Page 109: Taking Still Images While Shooting A Movie

    Taking Still Images while Shooting a Movie You can shoot still images while shooting a movie. • While shooting in (p. 70). • If you take a still image while shooting in setting will change to • The shutter sound and black screen when shooting a still image will be recorded in the movie.

  • Page 110: Sound Settings

    Sound Settings The sound recording levels and Wind Filter can be set. Adjusting the recording volume You can manually set the recording volume for shooting movies. Using the Wind Filter Wind Filter suppresses noise when the wind is strong. However, unnatural sound may result when used to record in locations with no wind.

  • Page 111: Ae Lock/Exposure Shift

    AE Lock/Exposure Shift You can set the exposure or change it in 1/3 steps within a range of ±2 before or during shooting. Other Shooting Functions When shooting with the AF Lock, you can register % to the easily call it up for use (p. 149). The following functions can be used in the same way as for still images.

  • Page 112: Playback Functions

    Playback Functions The following functions can be used in the same way as for still images. • Erasing Images (p. 28) • Quickly Searching Images (p. 116) • Viewing Images in Filtered Playback (p. 117) • Viewing Slideshows (p. 119) •…

  • Page 113: Editing

    Editing You can trim the beginnings and ends of recorded movies in one-second increments. Movie Editing Panel Movie Editing Bar Choose *. Follow Steps 1 and 3 on p. 33, choose * ● and press the m button. The movie editing panel and the movie editing bar will appear.

  • Page 114: Save The Edited Movie

    Editing • When [Overwrite] is chosen in Step 4, the unedited movie is overwritten with the edited movie, erasing the original movie. • When there is not enough space left on the memory card, only [Overwrite] can be chosen. • If the batteries are depleted partway through editing, the edited movie clips may not be saved.

  • Page 115: Using Playback And Other Functions

    Using Playback and Other The first part of this chapter explains various ways to play back and edit images. The latter part explains how to specify images for printing. Press the 1 button to enter Playback mode before operating the camera. •…

  • Page 116: Quickly Searching Images

    Quickly Searching Images g Searching Images Using Index Display Displaying multiple images at a time lets you quickly find the image you want. Searching Images Using the Control Dial Turn the control dial to quickly search images. You can also jump by the shooting date (Scroll Display).

  • Page 117: Viewing Images In Filtered Playback

    To turn off this function, press the n button, choose the 1 tab and [Scroll Display], then choose [Off]. Viewing Images in Filtered Playback When there are many images on the memory card, you can filter and display them by a specified filter. You can also protect (p. 124) or delete (p. 127) all images at once while filtered.

  • Page 118
    Viewing Images in Filtered Playback Jump by What if you can’t choose a filter? When you chose in Step 1 on p. 117, if there are only images with the same date, you can only choose one filter. Also, you can only choose images sorted into categories in Filter playback In filter playback (Step 2), you can view filtered images with “g Searching…
  • Page 119: Viewing Slideshows

    Viewing Slideshows You can automatically play back images recorded to a memory card. If you press the qr buttons or turn the  dial during playback, the • image will switch. If you keep the qr buttons pressed, you can fast- forward through images.

  • Page 120: Checking The Focus

    Checking the Focus You can magnify the area of a recorded image that was inside the AF Frame, or the area of a face that was detected, to check the focus. Press the l button, and switch to the focus check display (p. 46). A white frame will appear where the AF frame or face was when the focus was set.

  • Page 121: Magnifying Images

    Magnifying Images Approximate Location of Displayed Area Changing Image Transitions You can choose from three transition effects when switching between images in single image playback. Move the zoom lever toward k. ● The display will zoom in on the image and, if you continue to hold the zoom lever, it will continue to zoom in up to a factor of 10x.

  • Page 122: Viewing Images On A Tv

    Viewing Images on a TV Using the supplied stereo video cable, you can connect the camera to a TV to view images you have shot. Items to Prepare • Camera and TV • Stereo video cable supplied with the camera (p. 2) White Yellow Yellow…

  • Page 123: Viewing Images On A High-Definition Tv

    Viewing Images on a High-Definition TV Use the separately sold HDMI Cable HTC-100 to connect the camera to a high-definition TV for enhanced viewing experience. Operation sounds will not play when connected to a high-definition TV. Turn off the camera and TV. Connect the camera to the TV.

  • Page 124: Protecting Images

    Protecting Images You can protect important images so that they cannot be erased by the camera (pp. 28, 127). If you format the memory card (pp. 22, 53), protected images will also be erased. Protected images cannot be erased with the camera’s erase function. To erase an image, cancel protection first.

  • Page 125
    Select Range Choose [Select Range]. ● Follow Step 2 on p. 124 to choose [Select Range] and press the m button. Choose the starting image. Press the m button. ● Press the qr buttons or turn the  dial ● to choose the image and press the m button.
  • Page 126: Protect Images

    Protecting Images Choose images with the  dial You can also choose the first or last image by turning the  dial when the upper screen in Steps 2 and 3 is displayed. Choose All Images You can unlock groups of protected images if you choose [Unlock] in Step 4, while in [Select Range] or Step 2 while in [All Images].

  • Page 127: Erasing All Images

    Erasing All Images You can choose images and erase them in groups. Since erased images cannot be recovered, exercise adequate caution before erasing. Protected images (p. 124) cannot be erased. Choosing Images Individually Choose [Erase]. Press the n button, choose the 1 ●…

  • Page 128
    Erasing All Images Select Range Choose All Images Press the n button. Erase. Press the qr buttons or turn the  dial ● to choose [OK] and press the m button. Choose [Select Range]. ● Follow Step 2 on p. 127 to choose [Select Range] and press the m button.
  • Page 129: Organizing Images By Category (My Category)

    Organizing Images by Category (My Category) You can organize images in categories. You can display the images in a category in Filtered Playback (p. 117) and process all images at once by using the functions below. • Viewing Slideshows (p. 119), Protecting Images (p. 124), Erasing All Images (p.

  • Page 130
    Organizing Images by Category (My Category) Select Range If you choose [Deselect] in Step 2, you can deselect all of the images in the [Select Range] category. ● To choose multiple images, repeat the above operation. Choose [Select Range]. ● Follow Step 2 on p.
  • Page 131: Rotating Images

    Rotating Images You can change the orientation of an image and save it. Movies with a resolution of cannot be rotated. Choose [Rotate]. Press the n button, choose the 1 ● tab and [Rotate], and press the m button. Rotate the image. Press the qr buttons or turn the Â…

  • Page 132: Resizing Images

    Resizing Images You can resize images to a lower pixel setting and save the resized image as a separate file. • You cannot resize an image to a larger size. • You cannot resize images taken with the Choose [Resize]. Press the n button and choose the ●…

  • Page 133: Trimming

    Trimming You can cut out a portion of a recorded image and save it as a new image file. Trimming Area Trimming Area Display Recorded pixels after trimming Choose [Trimming]. Press the n button, choose the 1 ● tab and [Trimming], then press the m button.

  • Page 134: Adding Effects With The My Colors Function

    Adding Effects with the My Colors Function • • The width and height ratio of an image that can be changed is fixed at 4:3 (for a vertical image 3:4). • The number of recorded pixels in a trimmed image will be smaller than before trimming.

  • Page 135: Correcting The Brightness (I-Contrast)

    • If you repeatedly change the color of an image, the quality will gradually deteriorate and you may not achieve the expected color. • The coloration of images changed with this function may vary from those recorded with the My Colors function (p. 76). Correcting the Brightness (i-Contrast) The camera can detect areas in an image, such as faces or backgrounds, that are too dark and automatically adjust them to the optimum brightness.

  • Page 136: Correcting The Red-Eye Effect

    Correcting the Red-Eye Effect You can automatically correct red eyes in images and save them as new files. • Some images may not be properly corrected. • When [Overwrite] in Step 4 is chosen, the uncorrected image is overwritten with the corrected data, erasing the original image. •…

  • Page 137: Printing From The Print List (Dpof)

    DPOF (Digital Print Order Format) standards. Easily Add Images to the Print List Print Added Images The following examples use the Canon SELPHY series printers. Please also refer to the Personal Printing Guide. Number of copies to print Choose an image.

  • Page 138: Choosing Images For Printing (Dpof)

    Choosing Images for Printing (DPOF) You can choose certain images on a memory card for printing (up to 998 images) and specify the number of print copies so they can be printed together or processed at a photo developer service. You can then print all the chosen images at once or take the memory card to a photo developer to order prints.

  • Page 139: Choosing The Number Of Copies

    • With [Index] chosen, the [Date] and [File No.] options cannot be set to [On] at the same time. • The date will be printed in the style set in the [Date/Time] function in the 3 tab (p. 19). Choosing the Number of Copies Choosing Images for Printing (DPOF) Choose [Select Images &…

  • Page 140: Set All Images To Print Once

    Choosing Images for Printing (DPOF) Choose Range Set All Images to Print Once Clearing All Selections Choose [Select Range]. ● Choose [Select Range] in Step 1 on p. 139 and press the m button. ● Choose images according to Steps 2 and 3 on p.

  • Page 141: Customizing The Camera

    Customizing the Camera You can customize various functions to suit your shooting preferences. The first part of this chapter explains convenient and commonly used functions. The latter part explains how to change shooting and playback settings to suit your purposes.

  • Page 142: Changing Functions

    Changing Functions You can customize convenient and commonly used functions from the 3 tab (p. 49). Turning off the Power Saving Function You can set the power saving function (p. 54) to [Off]. Setting it to [On] is recommended to save battery power. Setting the Screen Shut-Off Time You can adjust the time the screen takes to shut off automatically (p.

  • Page 143: Using The World Clock

    Using the World Clock When traveling abroad, you can record images with local dates and times simply by switching the time zone setting if you pre-register the destination time zones. You can enjoy the convenience of not having to switch the Date/ Time settings.

  • Page 144
    Changing Functions If you change the date or time in the date will automatically change. Turning off Hints & Tips When you choose an item in the FUNC. menu (p. 48) or Menu (p. 49), hints and tips display. You can turn off this function. Changing the File Number Assignment Images you shoot are automatically assigned file numbers in the order they were taken, from 0001 –…
  • Page 145: Creating Folders By Shooting Date

    Creating Folders by Shooting Date Images are saved into folders created each month, however, you can also create folders by shooting date. Changing Distance Units You can change the distance units that display in the zoom bar (p. 24) and the MF indicator (p.

  • Page 146: Changing Shooting Functions

    Changing Shooting Functions If you set the mode dial to G, you can change the settings in the 4 tab (p. 49). Before attempting to shoot using a function explained in this chapter in modes other than G mode, check if the function is available in those modes (pp.

  • Page 147: Changing The Image Display Time

    Turning off the Red-Eye Reduction Function The red-eye reduction lamp lights in order to reduce the red-eye effect that occurs when shooting in dark conditions with the flash. You can turn off this function. Changing the Image Display Time You can change the length of time the images display directly after shooting. Changing the Way the Image Displays Right After Shooting You can change the way the image displays after shooting.

  • Page 148: Customizing Display Information

    Changing Shooting Functions Customizing Display Information You can choose which information is displayed when the l button is pressed, as well as the information displayed on the LCD monitor or viewfinder. If you press the shutter button halfway and return to the shooting screen from the custom display settings screen, the settings will not be saved.

  • Page 149
    Changing the IS-Mode Settings • If camera shake is too strong, attach the camera to a tripod. It is recommended to set the IS Mode to [Off] when the camera is attached to a tripod. • When using [Panning], hold the camera horizontally. Image stabilization does not work when the camera is held vertically.
  • Page 150: Registering Commonly Used Shooting Menus

    Registering Commonly Used Shooting Menus • Choose if you want to cancel registration. • When this symbol is shown on the bottom right of an icon, the function cannot be used in the current Shooting mode or function setting. • , each press of the and the white balance settings change to In %, each press of the…

  • Page 151: Changing Playback Functions

    • Gray items in Step 2 can also be set, however, they may not be available depending on the Shooting mode. Choose [Set default view] and press the qr buttons to choose [Yes]. My • Menu can now be displayed by pressing the n button when in a shooting mode.

  • Page 152: Changing The Start-Up Image Or Sound

    Changing the Start-up Image or Sound In the 3 tab, you can set one of your recorded images as the start-up image when the camera power is turned on, or change the sounds played for each camera operation with your recorded sounds. However, when starting the camera with the viewfinder display, the start-up image will not display, and there will be no start-up sound.

  • Page 153
    Register images or sounds saved on a computer You can register images or sounds to the camera using the included software. Software Guide Refer to the Any previously registered start-up image will be overwritten when registering a new start-up image. Changing the Start-up Image or Sound Press the qr buttons or turn the Â…
  • Page 155: Useful Information

    Useful Information This chapter introduces how to change the date/time battery, the use of separately sold accessories, troubleshooting tips, and contains lists of functions. The index also appears at the end.

  • Page 156: Replacing The Date/Time Battery

    Replacing the Date/Time Battery The life of the date/time battery (back-up battery) is approximately 7 years. If the Date/Time settings screen appears every time the camera is turned on, replace the date/time battery with a new one (CR1220). Turn off the camera. Open the cover and remove the AA batteries (p.

  • Page 157: Using Household Power

    Using Household Power If you use Compact Power Adapter CA-PS700 (sold separately), you can use the camera without worrying about how much charge is left in the battery. Do not unplug the plug and power cord with the camera turned on. This could erase images you have taken or damage the camera.

  • Page 158: Using An Externally Mounted Flash (Sold Separately)

    Some functions on Speedlite 220EX, 270EX, 430EX II, and 580EX II cannot be used with this camera. • The flash may not fire when using Canon brand flashes other than Speedlite EX series models. Also, automatic red-eye correction is not available.

  • Page 159
    Speedlite 220EX, 270EX, 430EX II, and 580EX II • The maximum flash synchro shutter speed is 1/250 second. • The flash will automatically adjust its output when [Flash Mode] is set to [Auto]. Flash exposure compensation and safety FE can be set when the flash is set to auto exposure.
  • Page 160
    Speedlite 380EX, 420EX, 430EX, 550EX, and 580EX can be used in the same way. Canon Flashes Other than Speedlite EX Series Since other flashes fire at full strength, refer to the guide number listed in the flash’s user guide for the optimal aperture values and ISO speeds for the…
  • Page 161: Troubleshooting

    Troubleshooting If you think there is a problem with the camera, first check the following. If the items below do not solve your problem, contact a Canon Customer Support Help Desk as listed on the included customer support list. Power You pressed the power button, but nothing happened.

  • Page 162: Image Is Blurred

    Troubleshooting Image is blurred. • Press the shutter button halfway to focus on the subject, then press fully to shoot (p. 23). • Shoot the subject within the focusing distance (p. 173). • Set the [AF-assist Beam] to [On] (p. 146). •…

  • Page 163
    Recording images to the memory card takes a long time, or continuous shooting slows down. • Perform a low-level format of the memory card in the camera (p. 53) When you can’t make settings for shooting functions or FUNC. menu. •…
  • Page 164: List Of Messages That Appear On The Screen

    Install the memory card in the correct direction when shooting (p. 16). Memory card error (p. 53) • Contact your Canon Customer Support Help Desk as there may be a problem with the camera. Memory card full •…

  • Page 165
    A lens error was detected. Press the power button to turn the camera off and back on (p. 42). If this error message continues to appear, contact your Canon Customer Support Help Desk as there may be a problem with the lens.
  • Page 166: Functions Available In Each Shooting Mode

    Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode Function Exposure Compensation (p. 69)/Exposure Shift (p. 111) ISO Speed (p. 73) Self-Timer (pp. 65, 66, 77, 78) Flash (pp. 25, 69, 92) Program Shift (p. 90) AE Lock (pp. 90, 111)/FE Lock (p. 91) AF Lock (p.

  • Page 167
    I J F H U , — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —…
  • Page 168: Menus

    Menus 4 Shooting Menu Function Face Detect AF Frame (p. 82) FlexiZone Center Standard Digital Zoom (p. 62) Digital Tele-Converter (1.5x/2.0x) AF-Point Zoom (p. 84) On/Off Servo AF (p. 85) On/Off Continuous AF On/Off AF-assist Beam (p. 146) On/Off MF-Point Zoom On/Off Safety MF (p.

  • Page 169
    I J F H U , — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —…
  • Page 170: Set Up Menu

    Menus 3 Set up Menu Item Mute On/Off* Volume Set all operation sounds (5 levels). Sound Options Set the sounds for each camera operation. Hints & Tips On*/Off LCD Brightness Set within a range of ±2. Start-up Image Add an image as start-up image. Format Formats memory card, erasing all data File Numbering…

  • Page 171: Playback Menu

    1 Playback Menu Item Slideshow Plays back images automatically. Erase Erases images. Protect Protects images. Rotate Rotates images. My Category Categorizes images. Corrects dark portions and contrast in still i-Contrast images. Red-Eye Correction Corrects red eyes in still images. Trimming Trims portions of still images.

  • Page 172: Handling Precautions

    LCD monitor. • Use a commercially available blower brush to remove dust from the lens. For stubborn dirt contact the closest Canon Customer Support Help Desk as listed on the customer support leaflet supplied with your camera. • When you move the camera rapidly from cold to hot temperatures, condensation may form on the internal or external surfaces of the camera.

  • Page 173: Specifications

    Specifications Camera Effective Pixels … . . Approx. 12.1 million Image Sensor ….. 1/2.3-inch type CCD (Total number of pixels: Lens .

  • Page 174
    Specifications Self-timer ……Approx. 10-sec./Approx. 2-sec. delay, FaceSelf-Timer, i-Contrast……Auto/Off Recording Media .
  • Page 175
    Weight ……Approx. 10 g (0.35 oz.) • All data is based on tests by Canon. •…
  • Page 176: Index

    Settings … 19 Date/Time Date and Time Default Settings … 52 Deleting Erasing DIGITAL CAMERA Solution Disk … 2 Digital Tele-Converter … 63 Digital Zoom … 62 Direct Print … 29 Display Language … 21 DPOF … 137, 138 Editing i-Contrast …

  • Page 177
    Face Selection … 86 Servo AF … 85 Focus Bracketing … 89 Focus Check … 120 Focus Lock … 79 Format Memory Card, Formatting Formatting (Memory Card) … 22, 53 FUNC. Menu Basic Operations … 48 List … 166 Green Leaves/Autumn Foliage (Scene Mode) …
  • Page 178
    Shooting Using a TV … 79 Shutter Button … 23 Slideshow … 119 Snow (Scene Mode) … 61 Software DIGITAL CAMERA Solution Disk … 2 Software Guide … 2 Transferring Images to a Computer … 34 Sound Settings … 50 Sports (Scene Mode) … 58 Stereo Video Cable …
  • Page 179
  • Page 180: Trademark Acknowledgments

    • Reprinting, transmitting, or storing in a retrieval system any part of this guide without the permission of Canon is prohibited. • Canon reserves the right to change the contents of this guide at any time without prior notice. • Illustrations and screenshots in this guide may differ slightly from the actual equipment.

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