Фритюрница тефаль макси фри инструкция по применению

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Да Нет

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Часто задаваемые вопросы

Наша служба поддержки выполняет поиск полезной информации по изделиям и отвечает на часто задаваемые вопросы. Если вы заметили неточность в наших часто задаваемых вопросах, сообщите нам об этом с помощью нашей контактной формы.

Как часто нужно менять фритюр или масло во фритюрнице? Проверенный
Для получения наилучшего результата рекомендуется менять фритюр или масло через каждые 8 прожарок, если вы готовите закуски. Если вы готовите картошку-фри, то масло или фритюр можно менять после 12-ти прожарок.

Это было полезно (920)

Можно ли чистить внутреннюю поверхность фритюрницы металлической губкой? Проверенный
Нельзя. У большинства фритюрниц есть особый слой, который можно повредить металлической губкой или абразивным чистящим средством. Используйте исключительно мягкую сторону губки или влажную салфетку.

Это было полезно (344)

Что такое холодная зона во фритюрнице? Проверенный
Во фритюрницах с холодной зоной часть масла находится под нагревательными элементами. Это масло остается более холодным, чем масло наверху. Когда остатки панировки падают вниз, они попадают в эту холодную зону, благодаря чему масло дольше остается чистым.

Это было полезно (326)

Руководство Tefal FF100073 Maxi-Fry Фритюрница

инструкцияTefal Maxi-Fry FF1001

S.A. SEB SELONGEY CEDEX • RC. DIJON B 302 412 226 • REF. 5065062

Friteuse • Fryer • Fritteuse

Посмотреть инструкция для Tefal Maxi-Fry FF1001 бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории фритюрницы, 7 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 7.5. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: английский. У вас есть вопрос о Tefal Maxi-Fry FF1001 или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

Maxi-Fry FF1001 | FF1001
Руководство пользователя (PDF)
Тип конструкции Одиночный
Автоматически открывающаяся крышка Да
Цвет товара Белый
Вместимость резервуара для продуктов 1.2 kg
Содержание масла 2.1 L
Регулируемый термостат Да
Цифровой таймер Да

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Как часто следует менять масло или жир во фритюрнице?

Можно ли чистить фритюрницу жесткой губкой?

На чём полезнее жарить, на растительном масле или животном жире?

Инструкция Tefal Maxi-Fry FF1001 доступно в русский?

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Battered food should not be put into the basket directly. The batter will wrap around the basket coils and get stuck.
Lower the basket into the oil first. Wearing gloves when placing battered food directly in oil.

The fryer cooks all types of food: vegetables, meat, fish, seafood, fruits. You can prepare desserts with your fryer: fritters, doughnuts, fruit.

Store the oil in the fryer with the lid closed, thereby keeping it fresh and clean. If the fryer will not be used for a long time, store the oil in a separate container and clean the fryer.

Never mix different oils together as each type of oil has a different frying temperature, which can cause the oils to emulsify and boil over during cooking.

The heating time will vary depending on the model and size. Whether you have a fixed bowl model or a removable bowl can make a difference. The average time for all should be between 10 and 18 minutes. The temperature indicator light will be on while the fryer is heating up. The light will go off when the fryer has reached temperature.

Metallic charcoal filters should be changed between 35 to 50 frying sessions, depending on model (the saturation indicator shows when the filter needs to be changed). Foam filters should be changed after 20 frying sessions. If you are frying fish we recommend using a separate filter and changing the oil after use. Waterclean filters made of carbon fibres should be washed after 80 uses (it regenerates after each wash). The Pure Air system is a permanent system that does not need to be replaced.

The oil in your fryer must be changed after 10 uses, as a minimum. Sunflower oil and groundnut oil must be changed after 5 uses or if you hear a popping sound (this means that there is water in the oil). To extend the life of the oil, filter it regularly. You may need to change it more often if frying fish, seafood or battered foods.

Oil should be strained and or filtered (by using paper filters or a filtering pot or a skimmer) after it cools and after each use. This will keep the oil from early contamination. Oil used for fish should be stored separately.

a) The oil is not hot enough. If you have an adjustable thermostat be sure it is set at the proper setting for the food you are cooking. If your unit does not have an adjustable thermostat, be sure the light on the fryer has gone off, this tells you that the oil is ready for frying.
b) Too much food is in the basket. Fry the food in smaller quantities (particularly frozen foods) for better results.
c) You did not cook the food long enough. Increase cooking time by a few minutes, lift basket to check for crispness.

a) The fryer was filled beyond the maximum level (either with oil or with food in the frying basket). Check the oil level. The bowl is marked with a minimum and a maximum level.
b) Wet food has been dropped into the oil. Dry the food completely or remove any loose ice from frozen foods before frying.

Use a fat content recommended for frying. For best results we recommend unsaturated vegetable oil.
Never mix different types of oil in your fryer, they may have different boiling points.
If you use solid vegetable fat:
• cut it into pieces and melt it in a bowl (at 150 °C) before putting it into your fryer.
• never melt solid fat in the basket of your fryer.
Never put solid fat directly into the frying basket.

Unpleasant odours can be due to aged oil and/or a saturated filter that needs to be changed. Change oil or filter or both.

Wipe the window with a little lemon juice or cut a potato in half and wipe this over the window before cooking.

Depending on the model:
a) Exterior Basket Control (allows you to lower food into the hot oil with the lid closed to prevent splashing).
b) Cool Touch Exterior.
c) Sealed Locking Lid with one-touch automatic opening.
d) Your fryer is equipped with thermal limiter to prevent overheating (dry-boil). This limiter is resettable for semi-pro models. If the appliance is not working, check to ensure that the limiter has not been triggered.

The fryer tank should be cold and filled before use, and the appliance should be unplugged.
After a few uses, you should adjust the level. Always do this with the appliance unplugged and cold.
Never use the fryer without oil or without cooking fat.

There are usually two markers in the tank: minimum and maximum. See the instructions for use.
In any case, do not exceed the maximum level, and do not add less oil than the minimum level indicated.

• As soon as the oil is heated to the proper frying temperature (Pilot light off).
• Selected models include a multi-position thermostat that lets you choose between various cooking temperatures. The lower position regulates the oil at around 170°C / 338°F, the higher position at 190°C / 374°F. The lower setting may be used when cooking delicate foods that do not stand up well under higher temperatures (mushrooms, some types of fish). The higher setting will provide excellent results when deep-frying chips, meat, prepared frozen foods, vegetables etc.

Put the foods in the basket in accordance with the maximum fill mark set forth in the instructions.
To get even better tasting food, we recommend filling to the half-way level rather than the maximum fill mark.

We recommend limiting the cooking temperature for potatoes to 170°C (338ºF).

• Let the fryer cool completely.
• Pour the oil into a separate container. This is a good time to strain the oil or replace it with new oil.
• Remove the filters and the lid from the fryer (see specific model instructions). The lid should be cleaned with hot soapy water and dried thoroughly. Some lids can be cleaned in a dishwasher (see specific model instructions).
• Change the filter (see specific model instructions).
• The removable bowl (on selected models) should be cleaned with hot soapy water and dried thoroughly. Do not use abrasives. Removable bowls are also dishwasher safe. Do not forget to drain your valve if it is equipped with a filtration system.
• Fixed bowls will need to be wiped out with paper towels to clean out as much oil residue as possible. Never immerse the fryer, cord or plug in water. You can place the fryer in a dry sink and fill the fryer halfway with water and a little washing up liquid. A non-abrasive sponge or kitchen brush can be used to scrub down the inside. Make sure the water does not overflow onto the outside of the fryer or over the heating element.
• Pour the water out and rinse just the inside, dry thoroughly.
• The outside of all fryers can be wiped down with a damp sponge. This is recommended after each use.

Regularly change the oil (8–10 uses).
Remove the burned particles at the bottom of the fryer (cooking residue) after each use in order to keep the oil in better condition for longer.
Regularly change (*according to model) or clean the filter: if this is not done, the filter will become clogged and prevent water from draining off during use.
Regularly clean your fryer according to the precautions for use in the instructions.

Put the used oil in an air-tight container and dispose of it (consult your local recycling service as waste collection and infrastructure differ from one region to another. The ability to process recyclables varies depending on the local recycling service).
Do not empty it in the sink.

Water and oil are not miscible: if they mix and overheat, the sudden evaporation of water can cause the oil to splatter.
If the fryer makes a noise, this indicates that there is water in it. The noise is caused by the water evaporating.
As soon as you hear these popping noises, please change the oil. If you do not change the oil, it may start to splatter.

‒ In semi-professional models, a safety device is activated if the fryer heats without oil.
• Leave the product to cool down.
• Use the RESET function on the base unit.
‒ Conventional cool wall fryers do not have a RESET function. Please take your product to one of our approved repair services.

• The lid is not properly closed, make sure it is properly locked.
   For removable lids, make sure the hinges are properly sealed.

• The gasket may be damaged. Contact an Approved Service Centre to get a replacement.

The battery is flat. Replace it.

After following the instructions in the user manual for starting the appliance, make sure that your electrical socket is working by plugging another appliance. If it still does not work, do not try to dismantle or repair the appliance yourself, instead, take it to an approved repair centre

Do not use your appliance. To avoid any danger, have it replaced by an approved repair centre.

• Chips made with fresh potatoes:
— Put the fresh, uncooked chips in boiling water to remove the starch and stop them from sticking together.
— Dry them with a tea towel, then put them on to cook in the basket for 8 minutes. Take them out and wait for the fryer to reach the right temperature, then put the basket of cooked chips into the fryer for two or three minutes to brown them.
• For frozen chips, never add the chips directly to the basket or into the fryer. Remove as much ice as possible and dry them with a tea towel before putting them in the boiling oil.
• For other types of food to be evenly cooked, cut them into pieces that are not too large and the same size.
• Add the salt or seasoning to accompany the fried food at a distance from the fryer to avoid it falling inside.

Electric fryers are controlled by a thermostat which is designed to keep the oil at the right temperature to avoid it overheating and igniting, which makes them safer. Most deep fat fryers also feature a thermal safety cut-out system to stop it working if it gets too hot. Other safety features include viewing windows so the cooking food is visible, cool walls to keep the outsides from getting too hot, and locking lids that prevent oil from splashing out while cooking and reducing the risks of spills if a fryer is knocked.

Too much water may have collected in the oil.
It is essential to dry the food completely and remove any ice from frozen foods before cooking.
If there is too much water in the oil, the water will boil and force its way to the surface, making the oil spit.

Peanut oil has a lower smoking point than most vegetable oils, so it may slightly smoke at frying temperatures. It also imparts a slight flavour that may or may not be desirable.

Battered food should not be put into the basket directly. The batter will wrap around the basket coils and get stuck.

Water and oil are not miscible: if they mix and overheat, the sudden evaporation of water can cause the oil to splatter.
Always remove the excess water from foods before frying to ensure that the amount of water in the oil is kept to a minimum.
Never pour food (in particular frozen food) directly into the basket or over the fryer, as the ice will introduce water into the oil.
Do not cover the frying basket with the lid after use, as this can produce condensation in the fryer.
Do not allow condensation from the lid to drip into the fryer.
Never store or use the fryer outside, as this produces condensation.

The fryer should never operate with fat levels exceeding the maximum fill mark, because that will cause overflows.
Remove the excess fat using a ladle.

Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled. Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.

Please go to the “Accessories” section of the website to easily find whatever you need for your product.

Find more detailed information in the Guarantee section of this website.

If you believe that one part is missing, please call Consumer Services Center and we will help you find a suitable solution.

Руководстве по эксплуатации Tefal Maxi-Fry FF1001 — вам приходилось его терять? Поскольку вы попали сюда, наверняка с вами это случилось. Но вы не единственный человек, сталкивающийся с проблемами с хранением руководства по эксплуатации всех домашних устройств. Ниже несколько советов, касающихся того, зачем собирать руководства по эксплуатации.

Руководстве по эксплуатации Tefal Maxi-Fry FF1001 это определенный вид технической документации, являющейся неразлучным элементом каждого устройства, которое мы приобретаем. Они отличаются между собой количеством информации, которую можно найти на тему данного устройства: напр. Tefal Maxi-Fry FF1001. Конечно же, если производитель считает что необходимо передать нам большее количество информации, касающейся устройства Tefal Maxi-Fry FF1001, то стоит ее хоть раз прочитать — в начале, сразу же после покупки данной вещи. Однако мы считаем, что инструкции должны заключать самую важную, наиболее необходимую информацию о Tefal Maxi-Fry FF1001, так, чтобы не отнимать желания пользователя прочесть ее уже в самом начале. Несомненно, если устройство Tefal Maxi-Fry FF1001 имеет много продвинутых функций, неизбежно большое количество информации в содержании этого документа.

Które из информации в инструкции Tefal Maxi-Fry FF1001 необходимо обязательно прочитать?

  • Информацию, касающуюся правильного использования и ухода за устройством Tefal Maxi-Fry FF1001 — нам необходимо ознакомиться с основными правилами, чтобы в случае проблем с устройством сервисный центр не отказал нам в гарантийном обслуживании, из-за неправильного использования
  • Информация, касающаяся самых частых проблем с Tefal Maxi-Fry FF1001 и способы их решения
  • Информация, касающаяся гарантии устройства Tefal Maxi-Fry FF1001 и ближайших сервисных центров, способных починить устройство в соответствии с рекомендациям производителя Tefal

Как хранить инструкции дома?

Хорошей идеей является предназначение одного ящика, в котором бы хранилась инструкция Tefal Maxi-Fry FF1001 а также всех других домашних устройств которыми мы пользуемся. Тогда значительно легче вам будет ее найти, чем искать в родных коробках, которые наверняка уже выбросили вы, или другие домочадцы. Раз в год достаточно просмотреть ящик и выбросить инструкции, которые касаются устройств, которыми вы уже не пользуетесь. Таким образом вы избежите хранения ненужных документов, а останутся только актуальные. Вы можете также скачать и распечатать инструкцию Tefal Maxi-Fry FF1001 чтобы разместить ее в своем ящике.

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