Genie™ 2000 Tutorials
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction to the Tutorials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. The User Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
The Top Four Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
How to Use the Control Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
How to Use the Spectral Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
How to Use the Status Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
How to Use the Report Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
How to Use the Analysis Status Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
How to Use the the Menu Commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3. Basic Genie 2000 Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
How to Open a Datasource. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
How to View the Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
The Display’s Vertical Full Scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
How to Use the Cursors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
How to Use the Markers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
How to Add, Use and Delete ROIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
How to Expand the Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
How to Describe the Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
How to Save the Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4. Basic Energy Calibration Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
How to Create a New Energy Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Starting the Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Entering the Peak Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Viewing the Energy Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Labeling the Peaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
5. Basic Efficiency Calibration Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
How to Create a New Efficiency Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Starting the Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Adding the Efficiency Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Viewing the Efficiency Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Accepting the Efficiency Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
6. Basic Spectroscopy Analysis Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
What Are Analysis Modules? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
How Are the Modules Used? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
How to Execute a Module Interactively . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
The Report Window Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
How to Execute an Analysis Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
How to Edit an Analysis Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Load the Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Modify the Peak Locate Step . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Store the Modified Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Use the Modified Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Creating Your Own Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Glossary · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 39
1. Introduction to the TutorialsThough these tutorials are written for Genie™ 2000’s Model S501 Gamma AnalysisSoftware, the Model S509 Alpha Analysis Software is similar enough that using thesetutorials shouldn’t cause any confusion.
• The user interface, starting on page 2.
• Basic Genie 2000 operations, starting on page 11.
• Basic energy calibration techniques, starting on page 21.
• Basic efficiency calibration techniques, starting on page 25
• Basic analysis techniques in three parts, starting on page 29.
� Executing a Module Interactively
� Executing an Analysis Sequence
� Editing an Analysis Sequence
The first tutorial, “The User Interface”, describes the main features of the application’suser interface.
The remaining tutorials are brief introductions; their functions are covered more thor-oughly in one of two documents:
• The Gamma Acquisition and Analysis chapter of the Genie 2000 OperationsManual.
• The Model S509 Genie 2000 Alpha Analysis User’s Manual, which is includedat the back of the Genie 2000 Operations Manual.
GlossaryA comprehensive glossary of nuclear spectroscopy terms is included at the back ofthis document, starting on page 39.
A Prerequisite to Using the TutorialsBefore you can use these Tutorials with Genie 2000, you must have created at leastone MCA Input Definition with either the MID Wizard or the MID Editor. Instructionsfor using both of these are provided in the MCA Input Definition chapter of the Genie2000 Operations Manual.
2. The User InterfaceThe Acquisition and Analysis window (Figure 1) is Genie™ 2000’s user interface foracquiring and analyzing nuclear spectra. Since the Gamma A&A window (GAA) issimilar to other Genie 2000 application windows, it’ll be used as a quick introductionto the parts of the window.
It consists of the Title Bar, the Menu Bar, the Toolbar and the Display Status Line atthe top of the screen, the Control Panel, the Spectral Display, the Status Pages, and theReport Window in the main part of the window, and, at the bottom of the screen, theAnalysis Status Line.
The Top Four LinesThe four lines at the top of the screen are the Title Bar, the Menu Bar, the Toolbar andthe Display Status Line.
The User Interface
Figure 1 The Basic Acquisition and Analysis Window
Status Page
Report Window
Spectral Display
The Title BarThe Title Bar, at the top of the screen, always shows the application’s name. If adatasource has been opened, the datasource’s file name will also be displayed(Nbsstd.cnf in Figure 2). If more than one datasource is open, the name of the currentone is displayed.
The Menu BarThe Menu Bar, just below the Title Bar, presents you with a choice of top-level menufunctions (Figure 3). Each of the submenus’ functions is covered in detail in yourGamma Acquisition and Analysis chapter or Alpha Analysis Manual.
The ToolbarThe Toolbar (Figure 4), directly under the Menu Bar, contains buttons correspondingto common menu commands. Throughout these tutorials, you’ll find examples of us-ing Toolbar buttons, each with an illustration of its icon. If you rest the mouse cursor(page 13) on an icon for a short time, you’ll see a tooltip describing its action.
If you don’t see the tooltips, select the “Show Tooltips” checkbox in Display | Prefer-ences | Toolbar Setup | Toolbars. Before closing the Toolbar Setup page, check oruncheck the “Cool Look” checkbox. You’ll immediately see another way of display-ing the Toolbar. Figure 4 shows the Toolbar with the “Cool Look” box unchecked.
The Top Four Lines
Figure 2 The Title Bar
Figure 3 The Menu Bar
Figure 4 The Toolbar
Display Status LineThe Display Status Line (Figure 5) is between the Menu Bar and the spectrum. It dis-plays the current status, such as Idle, Busy or Done, and the position of the spectrumcursor (page 13) in terms of both channel and energy, and the total counts at that loca-tion. The Preset at the right shows 2000/1826.00, the values for the preset setting andthe elapsed preset.
How to Use the Control PanelThe Control Panel (Figure 6), on the left-hand side of the screen, provides easy accessto the functions used in daily operations: Acquire Start/Stop, Expand On/Off, Cleardata and time, ROI Indexing, and moving forward/backward through the list of allopen datasources.
The User Interface
Figure 5 The Display Status Line
Figure 6 The Control Panel
You can make the spectral display area larger by hiding the Control Panel: select Dis-play | Preferences, then remove the check from the Control Panel Shown check box.
Acquire Start/StopClicking on these buttons starts or stops data acquisition. The buttons are disabled forfiles and for detector datasources that are opened as Read Only.
Expand OnClicking on this button toggles the state of the Expanded Display. See “Expand” onpage 16 for more information.
ClearClicking the Clear button, which is enabled only for detector datasources, clears allspectral data and time information from the currently displayed datasource.
ROI IndexTo quickly move the markers through the spectrum, from one ROI (Region of Interest)to the next, you can:
• Click one of the Control Panel’s ROI Index buttons. The (+) button moves oneROI to the right and the (–) button moves one ROI to the left.
• Use the keypad’s (+) and (–) keys.
• Click one of the ROI Index buttons in the Toolbar.
DatasourceIf more than one datasource is open, you can click on Next or press the F6 key tochange the display to the next datasource in the list of all open datasource. If you clickon Prev or press SHIFT+F6, you’ll display the previous datasource.
If less than two datasources are open, these buttons will be disabled (grayed out).
Up to 48 Detector and File Inputs in any combination may be opened and up to eightcan be displayed simultaneously.
Similarly, other open Detector Inputs or File Inputs (as well as multiple memorygroups) can be selected for display from the list of currently open Detector Inputs orFile Inputs.
How to Use the Control Panel
How to Use the Spectral DisplayThe Spectral Display (Figure 7) shows the current spectrum. The upper right corner ofthis area will show the display’s current VFS (vertical full scale) setting.
Changing the VFSThe scroll bar on the right side of this area lets you manually adjust the VFS.
How to Use the Status PagesDetailed information about the current datasource can be seen in the Status Pages dis-played below the spectrum.
You can move through the pages by selecting the Next or Prev button in the StatusPage area or by pressing keyboard’s PG DN or PG UP key. You can make the spectraldisplay area larger by hiding the Status Pages: select Display | Preferences, then re-move the check from the Status Page Shown check box. In addition, you can chosewhich status pages to display by selecting Display | Preferences, then the StatusPages button.
Note that some of the data shown on the Status Pages is the result of a rough calcula-tion for the region between the markers. This means that this displayed data may notagree with the data you see in a report generated by your analysis application.
Only the four default Status Pages are described here. For information on the otherpages, refer to the “Display Menu | Screen | Status Pages” section of your Gamma Ac-quisition and Analysis chapter or Alpha Analysis Manual.
The User Interface
Figure 7 The Spectral Display
The Time Info PageThe Time Info status page (Figure includes: acquire start time, percent dead time,computational preset region, and elapsed and preset values.
The Sample Info PageThe Sample Info status page (Figure 9) includes sample-related information: Title,ID, sample type, quantity and units, sample geometry, geometry id, and buildup type.
The Nuclide Info PageThe Nuclide Info status page (Figure 10) includes estimated nuclide information forthe location of the spectrum cursor (page 13): Nuclide, Energy, Half-life, and percentYield. If the cursor is within an ROI then the FWHM, Area, and estimated Activity arealso displayed.
How to Use the Status Pages
Figure 8 The Time Info Page
Figure 9 The Sample Info Page
Figure 10 The Nuclide Info Page
The Marker Info PageThe Marker Info status page includes data related to the current Region of Interest(ROI): left and right marker channel and energy, centroid channel and energy, areaand percent error, FWHM and FWTM, Gaussian ratio, ROI type, and integral.
How to Use the Report WindowThe Report Window (Figure 12) displays reports that have been created either interac-tively or automatically by the system.
Select the Options menu item, then Report Window to see commands to copy the datato the clipboard, to clear the data from the window, and to change the size of the win-dow for easier report viewing.
Copy (Highlighted) Data to ClipboardTo copy the entire report, select Options | Report Window | Copy Contents toClipboard.
To copy just the highlighted portion, created by dragging your mouse cursor (page 13)over the data of interest, select Options | Report Window | Copy Highlighted toClipboard.
The User Interface
Figure 11 The Marker Info Page
Figure 12 The Report Window
Printing the Report WindowTo print the data in the Report Window, select File | Print Report Window.
Clearing the Report WindowYou’ll have to clear the Report Window if you want to display the next report’s databy itself. If you don’t clear the Report Window, the next report will be appended to thecurrent report.
There are two ways to clear the window:
• Select the menu’s Options | Report Window | Clear Contents command.
• Click the Toolbar’s “trashcan”.
Resizing the Report WindowThere are two ways to make the Report Window larger or smaller or reset it to its de-fault size:
• Select the menu’s Options | Report Window | Minimize or Maximize or De-fault Size command.
• Click one of the Toolbar’s report window icons.
How to Use the Analysis Status LineThe Analysis Status Line at the bottom of the screen (Figure 13) displays the execu-tion status during various phases of an analysis.
How to Use the the Menu CommandsThe Gamma Acquisition and Analysis window’s Menu Bar contains the title of eachof eight main command groups: File, MCA, Calibrate, Display, Analyze, Edit, Optionsand Datasource, as well as Help.
The File MenuThe File menu lets you open, close or save a datasource, save it under another name(save as), access print options for the current spectrum and Report Window, accessworkspace files, and exit the program.
How to Use the Analysis Status Line
Figure 13 The Analysis Status Line
The MCA MenuThe MCA Menu’s commands include starting and stopping data acquisition, setting upthe acquisition parameters, clearing the spectral display, adjusting the hardwaredatasource’s programmable controls, checking the status of all MCA devices, advanc-ing to the next sample in a sample changer, and loading a data file into the currentdatasource.
The Calibrate MenuThe Calibrate Menu lets you set up calibration preferences, perform energy, efficiencyand peak-to-total calibrations, show the results of a calibration graphically, and load acalibration file into the current datasource or store the datasource’s calibration as afile.
The Display MenuIn the Display Menu, you’ll find commands for expanding and scaling the display,comparing two datasources, entering or deleting ROIs (regions of interest), and settingdisplay preferences.
The Analyze MenuThe Analyze Menu’s commands let you execute a single analysis step or a sequence ofanalysis steps. Every Genie 2000 system includes the acquisition, peak locate, peakarea, reporting, post-NID processing and datasource saving steps.
If your system includes the Model S501 Gamma Analysis option, the area correction,efficiency correction, nuclide identification and detection limits steps are added. Anyother installed options will add their own steps.
The Edit MenuThe Edit Menu allows you to enter and edit Sample Information and define and editAnalysis Sequences.
The Options MenuThe Options Menu lets you change the operator’s name, initiate interactive NID,launch the geometry composer, perform strip and smooth, and work with the reportwindow.
The Datasource MenuThe Datasource Menu lets you display up to eight of the currently open datasources. Ifthe datasource is a multi-memory group input, you’ll be able to move from one groupto another.
The User Interface
3. Basic Genie 2000 OperationsFor the procedures covered in this chapter, the Model S500/502/504 Basic Spectros-copy Software must be running.
This tutorial is intended to be a brief overview of the basic Gamma SpectroscopyAnalysis window and of some of its functions. The Alpha Spectroscopy Analysis win-dow is very similar, so Alpha users can benefit from this tutorial as well.
The first step in learning how to use Gamma Spectroscopy Analysis is to get somedata to work with. This process is called opening a datasource, where the source forthe data can be a Detector or a data file. For this tutorial, we’ll open a data file.
How to Open a DatasourceThere are two ways to open a datasource:
• Select the menu’s File | Open Datasource command.
• Click the Toolbar’s open datasource icon.
Either way, the dialog box in Figure 14 will be displayed.
How to Open a Datasource
Figure 14 Opening a Datasource
1. Source: If it’s not already highlighted, select the File button.
2. Type: Select CAM File. CAM stands for Configuration Access Method, atype of data file which contains a spectrum, its Regions of Interest (ROIs), itscalibration information, etc.
3. Read Only: This checkbox should not be checked.
4. Look in: Navigate to C:GENIE2KCAMFILES and select Nbsstd.cnf, theNBS Standard spectrum file.
5. Click Open.
How to View the DataThe name of the datasource you just opened can be seen in the window’s Title Bar,and the data itself in the window’s Spectral Display area as seen in Figure 15.
Basic Genie 2000 Operations
Figure 15 A Typical Gamma Display
A. The Display’s Vertical Full ScaleThe spectral display’s Vertical Full Scale (VFS) defaults to Linear Autoranging. Thatis, the vertical scale is linear rather than logarithmic, and the smallest VFS which willcontain the tallest peak in the data is automatically picked for you.
The VFS being used is always displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the spectraldisplay as either VFS=nnnn for a Linear scale or LOG=nnnn for a Logarithmic scale,where nnnn is the vertical full scale value.
How to Change the Scale ManuallyThere are several ways to change the Vertical Full Scale by a factor of two (1024,2048, 4096, etc.):
• Click on the upper or lower part scroll bar at right of the data display.
• Drag the scroll bar’s slider up or down.
• Use the keyboard’s up and down arrow keys. Each press of an arrow key is thesame as clicking once on the corresponding end of the scroll bar.
To toggle between Auto and Manual, press the keyboard’s F5 key.
Linear or Log ModeThere are two ways to change between Linear and Log data display:
• Select the menu’s Display | Scale | Linear or Log command.
• Click one of the Toolbar’s display mode icons.
How to Use the CursorsGenie 2000 uses two kinds of cursor:
• The mouse cursor.
• The spectrum cursor.
Move the mouse cursor to the middle of the spectrum, hold down the left mousebutton and move the cursor to the left and right. You’ll see a short vertical bar, thespectrum cursor, following your mouse’s movement.
Moving the Spectrum CursorAny time you point and click within the data display, the spectrum cursor will imme-diately jump to the channel which corresponds to the horizontal location of the mousecursor. In addition, you can also move the spectrum cursor by:
• Dragging it across the data by holding the left mouse button down while youmove the mouse.
How to Use the Cursors
• Using the keyboard’s left and right arrow keys to move the spectrum cursorthrough the data.
As you move the spectrum cursor, watch the Display Status Line (Figure 16). You’llsee the information displayed there, the current channel number, its energy, and thenumber of counts in that channel, change with the cursor’s movement. The word Idleat the far left lets you know that no data acquisition is under way.
How to Use the MarkersIn addition to the spectrum cursor, which is used to examine individual channels ofdata, the spectrum also includes a pair of region markers that are used to measurethings like peak areas and centroids. These are initially located on either side of thefirst ROI (Region of Interest), if there is one. If there is no ROI, they are at either endof the full spectrum.
The region markers look like an “upside down L”, with the horizontal part pointing tothe left for the left marker, and right for the right marker. Figure 17 on page 15 illus-trates the region markers.
Moving the Region MarkersThe region markers can be moved independently by either of two methods:
1. With the mouse: Move the spectrum cursor to the outside edge of the markeryou want to move. When the cursor turns into a vertical bar with an arrowattached to it (see Figure 17 on page 15), dragging with the mouse will movethe region marker.
2. From the keyboard: First, use the keypad’s arrow keys to move the spectrumcursor to the new location for a region marker. Press CTRL+L for the Leftmarker or CTRL+R for the Right marker and the selected marker will jump tothe cursor location.
In addition, a keyboard command, CTRL+M, is available to the markers from whereever they happen to be in the Reference (lower) Spectrum to the edges of the Ex-panded Spectrum. The Expand Mode is covered in detail in “Expanding the Display”on page 16.
Basic Genie 2000 Operations
Figure 16 The Display Status Line
While the region markers can be moved individually, we’ve found the following to bethe easiest way to quickly place the markers on either side of a peak of interest whenthe markers are close together:
1. Move the mouse cursor (not the spectrum cursor) to the region markers.When it reaches a marker, it will change into a vertical bar with an arrowattached to it. Dragging the mouse will move that marker.
Figure 17 shows the mouse cursor on the left (with an arrow), the two regionmarkers and the spectrum cursor, the vertical line at the top of the peak.
2. When the mouse cursor has a left-pointing arrow, it means that you haveselected the left marker for movement. Similarly, a right-pointing arrowaffects only the right marker.
3. Drag the left marker toward the right until it is just to the right of the peakyou want to analyze. You’ll notice that both markers will move togetherwhen you do this, because the left marker will “push” the right marker alongin front of it.
4. Now drag the left marker back to the left until it is at the left edge of theregion you want to analyze. When you do that the right marker will staywhere it was; the markers are now bracketing the region.
How to Use the Markers
Figure 17 The Mouse Cursor, the Two RegionMarkers and the Spectrum Cursor
How to Add, Use and Delete ROIsSince Genie 2000 has the ability to create and use Regions of Interest (ROIs), let’stake a look at them.
Creating an ROIIn the previous section, you moved the markers so that they would bracket a peak,which is the first step in creating an ROI. The second step is to press the keyboard’sINS key to create an ROI between the two markers.
Using the ROIsWhen there are ROIs in your spectrum, you can quickly move the markers to the re-gion you want to examine by:
• Clicking one of the Control Panel’s ROI Index buttons. The (+) button movesone ROI to the right and the (–) button moves one ROI to the left.
• Using the keypad’s (+) and (–) keys.
• Clicking one of the ROI Index buttons in the Toolbar.
Deleting an ROIDeleting an ROI is just as easy as entering one. Just Index the markers to the ROI youwant to remove, then press the keyboard’s DEL key.
How to Expand the DisplayTo create ROIs accurately, you really need to take a closer look at the data, and forthat, we use the expand mode.
Turning Expand On and OffThere are three ways to turn the expand mode on:
• Click on the Control Panel’s Expand On button.
• Press the F8 key on the keyboard.
• Click the Toolbar’s expand icon.
The result will be a display like the one in Figure 18. The Reference Spectrum, thelower half of the display, contains the full spectrum and the Expanded Region, theupper half of the display, shows the expanded data.
Turning the expand mode on changes the button’s name to Expand Off, so the nexttime you click on it (or press F8), the display will change back to normal.
Basic Genie 2000 Operations
The Expand RectangleAt the spectrum cursor’s location in the Reference Spectrum, you’ll see a large rectan-gle in the spectrum (Figure 18). What you see in the Expanded Region is the datawithin the rectangle.
Moving the RectangleTo view a different portion of the Reference Spectrum in the Expanded Region, allyou have to do is move the rectangle to a new section of the data. To do that:
1. Move the mouse cursor into the rectangle; it will change into the four-headedarrow shown inside the Expand Rectangle in Figure 18.
2. Press the left mouse button and drag the rectangle to the new location. TheExpanded Region will track the movement so you can view the data as theExpand Rectangle is moved.
Viewing the Data in ROIsYou can to move to and examine the ROIs in the Expanded Display by using any ofthe methods described in “Using the ROIs” on page 16.
Changing the Size of the RectangleTo change the amount of data shown in the Expanded Region all you have to do ischange the size and shape of the rectangle. This is done by stretching or shrinking therectangle.
How to Expand the Display
Figure 18 Expand Has Been Turned On
To change one side of the rectangle:
1. Move the mouse cursor to the side you want to change until it changes into ahorizontal or vertical double-headed arrow (Figure 19).
2. Click and drag the side to the new position.
To change two adjacent sides at the same time:
1. Move the mouse cursor to any corner of the rectangle until it changes into adiagonal double-headed arrow.
2. Click and drag with the mouse, which moves the rectangle’s corner,changing the size of the rectangle in two directions at once.
Using either of these two methods you can change the size and shape until the datayou want to view is displayed in the Expanded Region.
Using the Expanded RegionThe spectrum cursor, the markers, and adding and clearing ROIs all work in the usualway in the Expanded Region, allowing you to examine individual data channels and“fine tune” your ROI locations. When you’ve finished working with the expanded dis-play, click Expand Off and you’ll be ready to continue.
Basic Genie 2000 Operations
Figure 19 Stretching the Expand Rectangle
How to Describe the DataWhen you’ve acquired a spectrum, the next step is to enter some descriptive informa-tion before saving it for later analysis.
Editing the Sample InformationThere are two ways to open the Sample Information dialog box shown in Figure 20:
• Select the menu’s Edit | Sample info command.
• Click the Toolbar’s edit sample information icon.
The Sample Information editor lets you add a description of the sample to the data file.Note this information does not have to be entered at this time; it can be added atanalysis time.
Most of the fields in this dialog box are for descriptive purposes only. That is, the textyou type in is stored with the data and will be included with the analysis reports toprovide a better description of the sample.
You can also enter information in the sample Quantity, Uncertainty, Units, SampleGeometry, percent Random Error and percent Systematic Error fields, all of which areused during sample analysis. Their use is beyond the scope of this tutorial; for com-plete information, refer to “The Information Fields” in your Gamma Acquisition andAnalysis chapter or Alpha Analysis Manual.
Viewing the Sample InformationTo see the Sample Information for the current datasource, click on the Next button inthe window’s Status Page area until the SAMPLE INFO page appears. You’ll find asummary of the information you’ve entered displayed there.
How to Describe the Data
Figure 20 Editing Sample Information
If the Sample Info page is not available, you can enable it through the Display | Pref-erences menu selection.
How to Save the DataThere are three ways to save the data and its description:
• Select either the menu’s File | Save command or the Toolbar’s save icon ,which will save directly to an existing file.
• If there is no existing file, you’ll see the “Save as” dialog box shown in Figure21, which lets you save to a new file name
• Select the menu’s File | Save as command. You’ll see the “Save as” dialog box(Figure 21).
DescriptionFor CAM files, you can enter an optional description of up to 32 characters, making iteasier to identify this data file at a later date.
Save as TypeUse the default file type: CAM Files (*.CNF).
File NameAll you need to do is type in the file’s name. The dot and the extension (file type) willbe automatically added by Genie 2000 when you click Save.
Basic Genie 2000 Operations
Figure 21 The Save As Dialog
4. Basic Energy Calibration TechniquesEnergy calibration establishes a linear relationship between the spectrum’s channelsand their energy levels. By calibrating two peaks, one at each end of the spectrum, theenergy of any other peak can be estimated fairly accurately.
Though Genie 2000 Spectroscopy Analysis includes several methods for Energy Cali-brating a spectrum, we’ll use only one of these methods in the tutorial.
Calibration SetupBefore we create a new energy calibration, we’ll take a look at a system-wide parame-ter used in energy calibration. Select Calibrate | Setup to see the screen in Figure 22.
You can see two Tolerance parameters in the upper right corner of the window. Thefirst parameter, Energy Cal, is used in Energy Calibration, discussed below; thesecond parameter, Eff Match, is used in Efficiency Calibration (page 25).
Energy Cal ToleranceDuring energy calibration, the spectrum’s peaks are matched with the energies speci-fied in the selected certificate file, plus or minus this tolerance value. The default valueof 1.50 keV means that if a spectrum’s peak is within 1.50 keV of a matching energyin the certificate file, it will be accepted as valid.
How to Save the Data
Figure 22 Calibration Setup
If you use a higher value, more of the spectrum’s peaks will be seen, which could leadto false peaks being accepted. On the other hand, using a lower value may cause validpeaks to be overlooked. Determining the best setting for a given spectrum is beyondthe scope of this tutorial, so we’ll leave the parameter set to its default value.
How to Create a New Energy CalibrationTo create a new Energy Calibration, we’ll look at calibration by Certificate File. Amixed radionuclide calibration source includes a certificate that defines the source’sradionuclides, their peak energies, the calibrated activity for each, and so forth. A Cer-tificate File is this information stored in a computer file.
• For details on the other Energy Calibration methods, refer to the “Energy OnlyCalibration”, “Energy Full”, and “Energy Calibration | Full” subsections of the“Calibrate Menu” section in your Gamma Acquisition and Analysis chapter of,or the Alpha Analysis Manual in, the Genie 2000 Operations Manual.
• For information on how Certificate Files are created and maintained, refer to theUsing the Certificate File Editor chapter in your Genie 2000 Operations Man-ual.
A. Starting the CalibrationSince we’ve already opened a datasource (page 11), we’ll calibrate its spectrum by en-tering peak locations and their corresponding energies.
1. Click on Calibrate | Energy Full | By Certificate File.
2. In the Open Certificate File box, double click on Nbsstd.ctf.
The energies of the peaks in the datasource will be loaded into the calibration list foryou (Figure 23).
Basic Energy Calibration Techniques
Figure 23 The Energy Calibration – Full Dialog
To establish an energy calibration, we have to locate at least two of the datasource’speaks, one at the low end of the spectrum and one at the high end, which correspond tothe energy of the entries in the calibration file, ±1.50 keV, the Energy Calibration Tol-erance value.
B. Entering the Peak LocationsThe first energy line in Figure 23 is 88.04, which is the line for 109Cd. To enter thatpeak, place the spectrum cursor on the 88 keV peak at the low end of the spectrum,then click the Cursor button to add the cursor’s channel position to the Channel col-umn. The FWHM and Low Tail values will be calculated and added to the list.
Now scroll down the list in Figure 23 to the 1836 line (88Y), place the spectrum cursoron the 88Y peak at the high end of the spectrum, then click the Cursor button to addthe cursor’s channel position.
C. Viewing the Energy CalibrationTo view the new calibration, click the Show button to see the display in Figure 24.
Below the graph, you’ll see the Datasource’s file name and the equation’s values forEnergy, FWHM and Low Tail.
How to Create a New Energy Calibration
Figure 24 A Two-Point Energy Calibration Graph
D. Labeling the PeaksWhen the spectrum is calibrated, select Display | Preferences. On the left side of theDisplay Preferences dialog (Figure 25), check the Display Nuclide ID on Spectrumand Display Peak Information checkboxes.
This will add two kinds of peak information to the spectral display: Peak Labels, iden-tifying the nuclide for each peak, and a Peak Information Bubble for the current peak,listing the peak’s: Nuclide ID, Energy, Net Area with percent error and the nuclide’sActivity (optional).
Basic Energy Calibration Techniques
Figure 25 The Display Preferences Dialog
Figure 26 Nuclide IDs and 60Co Peak Information
5. Basic Efficiency Calibration TechniquesPut very simply, a detector’s efficiency changes at different levels of gamma-ray en-ergy. The efficiency calibration allows us to compensate for these changes.
Assuming you’ve gone through the procedures on Energy Calibration and the use ofCertificate Files, you’ll find Efficiency Calibration to be a similar process.
To create an efficiency calibration, your spectrum must be energy calibrated. If youhaven’t done that yet, go back to page 22 and follow the procedure in “How to Createa New Energy Calibration”.
Eff Match ToleranceThe Efficiency Match Tolerance parameter (Eff Match in Figure 27) is used during ef-ficiency calibration to match calculated peaks with the peaks in the specified certifi-cate file, plus or minus the specified tolerance value.
The default value of 1.00 keV means that if a spectrum’s peak is within 1.00 keV of amatching energy in the certificate file, it will be accepted as valid.
If you use a higher value, more of the spectrum’s peaks will be seen, which could leadto false peaks being accepted. On the other hand, using a lower value may cause valid
How to Create a New Energy Calibration
Figure 27 Calibration Setup
peaks to be overlooked. Determining the best setting for a given spectrum is beyondthe scope of this tutorial, so we’ll leave the parameter set to its default value
How to Create a New Efficiency CalibrationTo create a new Efficiency Calibration, we’ll use calibration by Certificate File, whichis similar to the Energy Calibration by Certificate File process.
• For details on the other Efficiency Calibration methods, refer to the “CalibrateMenu | Efficiency” section in your Gamma Acquisition and Analysis chapter orAlpha Analysis Manual.
• For information on how Certificate Files are created and maintained, refer to theUsing the Certificate File Editor chapter in your Genie 2000 Operations Man-ual.
A. Starting the CalibrationTo calibrate the spectrum, we have to enter peak locations and their corresponding en-ergies.
1. Click on Calibrate | Efficiency | By Certificate File.
2. In the Open Certificate File box, double click on Nbsstd.ctf (the sameCertificate File we used in Energy Calibration).
The energy lines in this file will populate the list box, as shown in Figure 28.
Basic Efficiency Calibration Techniques
Figure 28 Efficiency Calibration
B. Adding the Efficiency DataThe next step is to add efficiency and percent error values to each energy in the list.There are two ways to do this:
• If you know that the current datasource contains peak area analysis results, youcan click the Use-results button to populate the list box with that data. If you’renot sure whether the current datasource contains peak area data, you’ll have touse the second method.
• Click the Auto button to have the system automatically perform a Peak Locateand Peak Area analysis, then calculate and display the efficiency and percent er-ror values for each energy in the list box.
With either method, for each peak found that matches one in the list box, ±1.00 keV,the Efficiency Match Tolerance value, an efficiency is calculated based on the peaknet area and the calibration data contained in the Certificate File.
Dual Polynomial CurveFor the dual polynomial curve, the overall Efficiency Curve can be a combination oftwo curves, one for the lower energies and a second for the higher energies (above150–200 keV or so).
To use two curves, highlight an energy, then click the Cross-over button to specifythe point where you want the low energy curve to end and the high energy curve tostart. If no crossover point is specified, a single equation is used across the entire en-ergy range.
1, Click on the 165.85 keV line in the list to select it.
2. Click the Cross-over button to put an X to the right of the peak in the list.This will mark it as the energy used as the crossover point.
Peak EditsThe Peak Edits section lets you enter or change the Energy, Efficiency, and Error(%) data by hand. You can use up to 45 calibration triplets; any more than that will beignored. The Accept button verifies the entered values and displays them in the listbox; the Delete button deletes the highlighted entry from the list box.
Cascade CorrectionThe Cascade Correction function, which is enabled only under certain conditions, pro-duces an efficiency calibration that is free from cascade summing effects. Its use is be-yond the scope of this tutorial. You’ll find a full description of this function in theCorrecting for Cascade Summing appendix of the Genie 2000 Operations Manual.
How to Create a New Efficiency Calibration
C. Viewing the Efficiency CalibrationTo check the results of the Efficiency Calibration, click on the Show button, whichwill display the dual efficiency curves and the fit to the data points.
The Dual Energy CurvesThe low energy curve, a second order equation, is shown in red (white in Figure 29);the high energy curve, a fifth order equation, is shown in blue (black in the figure).The two share the data point at 165.85 keV to ensure continuity from one curve to theother.
In addition to the default Dual Curve, you can display the calibration as an EmpiricalCurve, a Linear Curve or an Interpolated Curve by selecting the appropriate button inthe Curve section of the data window.
To return to the Efficiency Calibration screen, click OK or Cancel.
D. Accepting the Efficiency CalibrationWhen you are satisfied with the calibration, click OK to have this calibration becomeyour current calibration.
Basic Efficiency Calibration Techniques
Figure 29 Show Efficiency Calibration
6. Basic Spectroscopy Analysis TechniquesNow that we have a calibrated system let’s look at Genie 2000’s analysis and report-ing routines. We’ll also find that the reports generated by the basic routines caninclude the calibration used during the analysis.
What Are Analysis Modules?Before we discuss the analysis modules, such as peak locate and area measurements,we’ll examine the philosophy behind them.
All of the Genie 2000 analyses use modules: programs that take one data set – such asspectral data – perform a process on it, then output the results – such as peak centroidlocations. Depending on the options installed on your system, you’ll find modules forfunctions like Peak Location, Peak Area Measurement and Nuclide Identification.
All of these modules share the following general features:
• All look to the datasource for their input data.
• All (with one exception) place their results back into the datasource so othermodules can use that data. For example, the output from the Peak LocationModule – Peak Centroids – is used as input data by the Peak Net Area and Nu-clide ID Modules. Their outputs, in turn, are used as inputs to other modules.
• None, with the one exception, are capable of generating a printed report; allthey can do is get data from a datasource, process it, and send results back tothat datasource.
• The one exception is the Report Module. It doesn’t analyze data; it uses the datagenerated by the other modules to create a report.
These modules can be run interactively, as demonstrated in the next section, or storedas an Analysis Sequence File (ASF) that lets you automatically implement a sequenceof analysis modules as discussed in “Executing an Analysis Sequence” on page 32.
How Are the Modules Used?The modules are the building blocks from which you create analysis procedures. Forexample, consider the following spectroscopy questions.
• Is Nuclide ‘X’ present in my spectrum?For this you would use the Peak Locate Module, the Peak Area Module, the Ef-ficiency Correction Module, the Nuclide ID Module, and the Report Module.
What Are Analysis Modules?
• Several days (weeks, months) later you’re asked “Since Nuclide X didnot appear to be present, what was its Minimum Detectable Activity(MDA)?”.The results from step 1 were stored in the datasource with the data, so all youhave to do is apply the MDA Module to the datasource and run the ReportModule again.
• Are you sure that’s right? What calibration did you use?Since the calibration equations are also stored in the datasource, all you need todo is use the Report Module to generate a Calibration Report. The report whichwill include the calibration.
In short, by running the modules you need in the order you need them, you can easilytailor your analyses to answer your questions. And, as you’ll see in “Editing an Analy-sis Sequence” on page 34, a module’s parameters can easily be modified to refine theresults.
As we just learned, performing an analysis consists of running a series of analysismodules one after the other, then generating a report. This sequence of events can bestored as an Analysis Sequence File (ASF). Executing the ASF file automatically per-forms the stored sequence of events.
Depending on which modules you use and how you modify them, you might have sev-eral automatic analysis sequences for various types of analyses.
How to Execute a Module InteractivelyBefore you start defining your own custom analysis sequences, you might ask, “Howdo I know just which steps to use and which parameters must be modified to get a par-ticular job done?”
For this, we’ll look at an individual module, which you can interactively modify andexecute so you can see just what their impact will be. We’ll see how this works bymodifying the Peak Locate module.
Locating the PeaksYou can run the Peak Locate module interactively by selecting Analyze | Peak Lo-cate | Unidentified 2nd Diff. You’ll see the dialog box in Figure 30.
Basic Spectroscopy Analysis Techniques
The Significance ThresholdThe Significance Threshold determines how large a peak must be (relative to the back-ground) to be recognized as a peak. For instance, if the Threshold is set to 5.00, as inthe figure, running the Peak Locate module will result in 26 peaks being found in theNbsstd.cnf spectrum.
To see the effects of a higher setting (less sensitivity), change the Significance Thresh-old value to 12.00, check the Generate Report checkbox, then click on Execute. Whenyou look at the results in the Report Window (Figure 31), you’ll see that a higherthreshold (12.00) results in a lower sensitivity: only 17 peaks have been found, nineless than with a Threshold setting of 5.00.
How to Execute a Module Interactively
Figure 30 The Peak Locate Module
Figure 31 Threshold Set to 12
The Report Window OptionThis is a good time to take a look at the Report Window options. There are commandsto copy the data to the clipboard, to clear the data from the window, and to change thesize of the window for easier report viewing.
Clearing the Report WindowYou’ll have to clear the Report Window if you want to display the next report’s databy itself. If you don’t clear the Report Window, the next report will be appended to thecurrent report.
There are two ways to clear the window:
• Select the menu’s Options | Report Window | Clear Contents command.
• Click the Toolbar’s clear report icon.
Creating a Printed ReportThere are two ways to create a printed record of this report:
• Select the menu’s File | Print Report Window command.
• Click the Toolbar’s print report icon.
How to Execute an Analysis SequenceAs we’ll see in “How to Edit an Analysis Sequence” on page 34, Genie 2000 includesan editor both for changing a module’s parameters and for custom-assembling theanalysis modules into any type of sequence you may need.
In addition, your custom sequences can be added to the Analyze Menu, allowing youto tailor your system’s automatic analysis to your specific application needs.
To gain an understanding of what an analysis sequence can do, we’ll examine a se-quence that’s included with Genie 2000. It automatically executes three analysis mod-ules in a specified order.
When you select Analyze | Execute Sequence, you’ll see a list of the sequences in-stalled on your system (Figure 32).
Remember that this tutorial assumes that the Model S501 Gamma Analysis option isinstalled on your system, so the list in Figure 32 includes the option’s sequences, aswell as those for the Basic Spectroscopy software.
Basic Spectroscopy Analysis Techniques
To use any sequence, there must be a spectrum in the Gamma window. If a spectrumis not displayed, open C:GENIE2KCAMFILESNbsstd.cnf.
Running the Peak Analysis w/Report SequenceThe fourth sequence in the list, Peak Analysis w/Report, runs four modules, or steps,sequentially. To run the sequence, click on Analyze | Execute Sequence | Peak Anal-ysis w/Report.
The Report Window will display a report of the Peak Analysis of the spectrum (at thebottom of Figure 33).
How to Execute an Analysis Sequence
Figure 32 Execute Sequence Menu
Figure 33 A Peak Analysis Report
Creating a Printed ReportThere are two ways to create a printed record of this report:
• Select the menu’s File | Print Report Window command.
• Click the Toolbar’s print report icon.
How to Edit an Analysis SequenceIf the standard Peak Analysis sequence isn’t quite what you want, you can edit it. Youcan even define entirely new sequences. To open the Analysis Sequence Editor, selectEdit | Analysis Sequence. You’ll see the dialog box in Figure 34.
As an example of how to use this editor, we’ll modify the standard Peak Analysisw/Report sequence to make it less sensitive, just as we did interactively.
A. Load the SequenceTo select the sequence to be edited, click on the Load button. You’ll see the dialogbox in Figure 35, which lets you pick the sequence to be loaded into the editor.
Basic Spectroscopy Analysis Techniques
Figure 34 The Edit Analysis Sequence Dialog
The Seq. Descriptions list in Figure 35 shows all of the Sequences in the AnalyzeMenu. The one we want to change is Peak Analysis w/Report. Double click on itsname to load its steps into the Edit Analysis Sequence window’s Current Steps list, asshown in Figure 36.
In the Current Steps window, you’ll see the four steps in this sequence:
• Reporting – Standard
• Peak Locate – Unidentified 2nd Difference
How to Edit an Analysis Sequence
Figure 35 Loading a Sequence
Figure 36 Editing the Peak Report Sequence
• Peak Area – Sum/Non-linear LSQ Fit
• Reporting – Standard.
The report module is run twice because each instance uses a different section of theAnalysis template to create its part of the report. When the first instance runs, thereport Header is created. When the second instance runs, the Peak Analysis report issent to the Report Window.
The second step in the sequence is the Peak Locate module we ran interactively. Sincewe already know how to use this module interactively, we’ll use it again as to see howit can be modified and run in a sequence.
B. Modify the Peak Locate StepTo modify the step’s parameters, double click on Peak Locate – Unidentified 2ndDiff in the Current Steps list to open the Peak Locate Setup dialog in Figure 37.
Since we want to change the sensitivity, we’ll edit the Significance Threshold param-eter to show 12.00 as the new value, as we did for the interactive version. Whenyou’re finished, click on OK to return to the Edit Analysis Sequence dialog box.
C. Store the Modified SequenceYou have two options here: Save the changes to the original ASF file or save thechanges to a new ASF file.
Saving to the Original FileTo save the changed Significance Threshold value to the original file:
Basic Spectroscopy Analysis Techniques
Figure 37 Modifying Peak Locate
1. Click the Edit Analysis Sequence screen’s Store button. You’ll see the StoreAnalysis Sequence dialog box in Figure 38.
2. Click OK to save the changed definition.
Saving to a New FileTo save the changed Significance Threshold value to a new file:
1. Click the Edit Analysis Sequence screen’s Store button.
2. Type a new file name, such as Peak_NEW, in the File name box (Figure 39).
3. Type a new description in the Seq. Description box. Since this descriptionwill be the sequence’s name in your Execute Sequence Menu, it should beboth meaningful and fairly short. For this example, the revised sequence hasbeen named Peak Analysis w/Less Sensitivity.
How to Edit an Analysis Sequence
Figure 38 Storing the Modified Sequence
Figure 39 Renaming the Modified Sequence
4. After you’ve completed your entries, click on OK to save the definition.
Using the procedures we’ve just covered, you can create any number of custom se-quences or edit existing sequences. For further information on defining a sequence, re-fer to the “Edit Menu | Analysis Sequence” section of your Gamma Acquisition andAnalysis chapter or Alpha Analysis Manual.
D. Use the Modified SequenceTo use the new definition file, click on OK in the Edit Analysis Sequence dialog boxto close it, then click on Analyze | Execute Sequence in the Menu Bar. Your new se-quence will be at the end of the list (Figure 40).
Creating Your Own SequenceCreating a sequence isn’t any more complicated than modifying the parameters of thePeak Locate – Unidentified 2nd Difference step. The only difference is that you’ll bemodifying the parameters of several modules instead of just one.
Of course, it’ll take a little study to determine which modules will be best for your se-quence. You’ll find that referring to either of the following documents will be veryuseful for that study.
All of the modules are fully described in the “Analyze Menu” section of your GammaAcquisition and Analysis chapter or Alpha Analysis Manual.
Basic Spectroscopy Analysis Techniques
Figure 40 New Execute Sequence
Underlined terms are defined elsewhere in this glossary. These terms and their cross refer-ences can also be researched online at
ABSORBED DOSE Absorbed dose is theamount of energy deposited in any materialby ionizing radiation. It is a measure of en-ergy absorbed per gram of material. The SIunit of absorbed dose is the gray. The spe-cial unit of absorbed dose is the rad.
ACCURACY The degree of agreement be-tween an individual measurement or aver-age of measurements and the acceptedreference value of the quantity being mea-sured. See also precision.
ACTIVATION ANALYSIS A method of chemi-cal analysis (for small traces of material)based on the detection of characteristicradionuclides in a sample after it has beensubjected to nuclear bombardment.
ADC Analog to Digital Converter. A devicewhich changes an analog signal to a digitalsignal.
AIM Acquisition Interface Module: a type of mul-tichannel analyzer.
ALGORITHM A set of well-defined rules forsolving a problem.
ALARA Since exposure to radiation always car-ries some risk, the exposure should be kept»As Low As Reasonably Achievable», as de-fined by 10 CFR 20.
ALPHA PARTICLE [Symbol: ] A particlemade up of two neutrons and two protons; itis identical to a helium nucleus and is theleast penetrating of the three common typesof radiation (the other two are beta particlesand gamma rays), being stopped by a sheetof paper or a few centimeters of air. An al-pha-emitting substance is generally not dan-gerous to a biological system, such as thehuman body, unless the substance has en-tered the system. See decay.
AMPLIFICATION The process by which weaksignals, such as those from a detector aremagnified to a degree suitable for measure-ment.
ANALOG MULTIPLEXER An electronic instru-ment that accepts several inputs and storeseach one in a separate section of MCAmemory. Also called a mixer/router.
ANNIHILATION RADIATION Radiation pro-duced by the annihilation of a positron andan electron. For particles at rest, two pho-tons with an energy of 511 keV each areproduced.
ANTICOINCIDENCE CIRCUIT A circuit withtwo inputs. The circuit delivers an outputpulse if one input receives a pulse within apredetermined time interval, usually on theorder of milliseconds, but not if both inputsreceive a pulse. A principle used in pulseheight analysis. See also coincidence cir-cuit.
AREA The number of counts in a given regionof a spectrum that are above the continuumlevel.
ASCII An acronym for American Standard Codefor Information Interchange, a method forencoding alphabetical, numeric, and punctu-ation characters and some computer controlcharacters.
ATTENUATION CORRECTION Correction tothe observed signal for the attenuation of ra-diation in a material between the sampleand the detector or within the sample itself.
BACKGROUND RADIATION Radiation due tosources other than the sample, such as cos-mic rays, radioactive materials in the vicinityof a detector or radioactive components ofthe detection system other than the sample.
BACKGROUND SUBTRACTION The statisti-cal process of subtracting the backgroundlevel of radiation from a sample count.
BACKSCATTERING The process of scatteringor deflecting into the sensitive volume of ameasuring instrument radiation that origi-nally had no motion in that direction. Theprocess is dependent on the nature of themounting material, the shield surroundingthe sample and the detector, the nature ofthe sample, the type of energy of the radia-tion, and the geometry. See also scattering.
BASELINE In biology, a known base state fromwhich changes are measured. In electron-ics, a voltage state (usually zero volts) fromwhich a pulse excursion varies.
BECQUEREL [Symbol: Bq] The SI unit of ac-tivity, defined as one disintegration per sec-ond (dps).
BETA PARTICLE [Symbol: ] An elementaryparticle emitted from a nucleus during radio-active decay with a single electrical chargeand a mass equal to 1/1837 that of a proton.A negatively charged beta particle is identi-cal to an electron. A positively-charged betaparticle is called a positron.
BIOLOGICAL HALF-LIFE [Symbol: Tb] Thetime required for a biological system to elimi-nate half of the amount of a substance (suchas radioactive material) by natural pro-cesses. Compare effective half-life andhalf-life.
BREMSSTRAHLUNG Radiation produced bythe sudden deceleration of an electricallycharged particle when passing through anintense electrical field.
CASCADE SUMMING Also referred to as truecoincidence summing, it occurs when two ormore pulses from the same decay aresummed because they deposit energy in thedetector at the same time. It is a function ofthe measurement efficiencies and occursonly with susceptible cascading nuclides(60Co, 88Y, 152Eu, 133Ba, etc.)
CENTROID The center of a peak; usually notan exact channel number.
CHANNEL One of an MCA’s memory locationsfor storage of a specific level of energy or di-vision of time.
CHERENKOV RADIATION Photons emittedfrom polarized molecules when returning totheir ground state following excitation bycharged particles traveling faster than thespeed of light in a transparent medium.
CHI-SQUARE TEST A general procedure fordetermining the probability that two differentdistributions are actually samples of thesame population. In nuclear counting mea-surements, this test is frequently used tocompare the observed variations in repeatcounts of a radioactive sample to the varia-tion predicted by statistical theory.
COINCIDENCE CIRCUIT A circuit with two in-puts. The circuit delivers an output pulse ifboth inputs receive a pulse within a prede-termined time interval, usually on the orderof milliseconds, but not if just one input re-ceives a pulse. A principle used in pulseheight analysis. See also anticoincidencecircuit.
COINCIDENCE SUMMING A process wherethe signal from two or more gamma raysemitted by a single decay of a singleradionuclide occur within the resolving timeof the detector end up being recorded to-gether as a single event so that the recordedevent is not representative of the original de-cay. Typically causes counts to be lost fromthe full energy peaks, but may also causeaddition to the full energy peaks. Coinci-dence summing is a function of the sam-ple-to-detector geometry, and the nuclide’sdecay scheme. It is not a function of theoverall count rate.
COLLECT An MCA function that causes stor-age of data in memory.
COMPTON SCATTERING Elastic scattering ofphotons in materials, resulting in a loss ofsome of the photon’s energy.
CONFIDENCE FACTOR It is common practicewhen reporting results to assign them a con-fidence level: the value plus or minus onestandard deviation. radiation protection mea-surements are usually reported at the 95%confidence level, meaning that the resultswould be expected to be within plus or mi-nus that range 95 out of 100 times. Alsocalled Confidence Level.
CONTINUUM A smooth distribution of energydeposited in a gamma detector caused bythe partial absorption of energy from pro-cesses such as Compton scattering orbremsstrahlung.
CONVERSION GAIN The number of discretevoltage levels (or channels) that the ADC’sfull scale input is divided into.
CONVERSION TIME The time required tochange an input signal from one format toanother, such as analog to digital, or timedifference to pulse amplitude; contributes todead time.
COSMIC RAYS Radiation, both particulate andelectromagnetic, that originates outside theearth’s atmosphere.
COUNT A single detected event or the totalnumber of events registered by a detectionsystem.
CRITICAL LEVEL (Lc) The level below which anet signal cannot reliably be detected. Seealso detection level.
CROSSOVER ENERGY In some efficiency cali-bration models, the energy at which one cal-ibration curve is changed into a secondcalibration curve. This is used in the Dual Ef-ficiency Calibration in Genie software.
CURIE [Symbol: Ci] The (approximate) rate ofdecay of 1 gram of radium; by definitionequal to 3.7 x 1010 becquerels (or disintegra-tions per second). Also, a quantity of any nu-clide having 1 curie of radioactivity.
DATASOURCE A hardware device or a filewhich stores data acquisition parametersand spectral data.
DAUGHTER NUCLIDE A radionuclide pro-duced by the decay of a parent nuclide.
DEAD TIME The time that the instrument isbusy processing an input signal and is notable to accept another input; often ex-pressed as a percentage. See also live time.
DECAY The disintegration of the nucleus of anunstable atom by spontaneous fission, bythe spontaneous emission of an alpha parti-cle or beta particle, isomeric transitions, orby electron capture.
DEFAULT The value of a parameter used by aprogram in the absence of a user-suppliedvalue.
DERIVED AIR CONCENTRATION (DAC) Theconcentration (Bq/m3) of a radionuclide in airthat if breathed by Reference Man for aworking year (2000 hours) under light activ-ity conditions would result in the annual limiton intake (ALI) by inhalation.
DETECTION LEVEL The level of net signal thatcan be predicted to be detectable. See alsocritical level.
DETECTOR A device sensitive to radiationwhich produces a current or voltage pulsewhich may or may not correspond to the en-ergy deposited by an individual photon orparticle.
DIGITAL STABILIZATION The monitoring ofone or two reference peaks in a spectrum,one for gain and one for zero, to correct fordrift in the system electronics.
DISCRIMINATOR An electronic circuit whichdistinguishes signal pulses according totheir pulse height or voltage so that un-wanted counts can be excluded.
DPM Disintegrations per minute. One DPMequals 1/60 becquerel.
DOSE The radiation delivered to the whole hu-man body or to a specified area or organ ofthe body. This term is used frequently inwhole body counting applications.
DOUBLE ESCAPE PEAK See escape peak.
EFFECTIVE HALF-LIFE [Symbol: Teff] Thetime required for a radioactive element in abiological system, such as the human body,to be reduced by one-half as a result of thecombined action of radioactive decay andbiological elimination. Compare half-life andbiological half-life.
EFFICIENCY The fraction of decay events froma standard sample seen by a detector in thepeak corresponding to the gamma ray en-ergy of the emission, and stored by a detec-tion system. Also called Peak Efficiency.Used to calibrate the system for quantitativeanalyses. Also used to specify germaniumdetectors, where the relative efficiency of thegermanium detector is compared to a stan-dard (3 x 3 in.) NaI(Tl) detector. Compare to-tal efficiency.
EFFICIENCY CALIBRATION A function, alookup table, or series of functions, whichcorrelate the number of counts seen by thedetection system in specific peaks withknown activity corresponding to such emis-sion energies in a radioactive sample.
ELECTRODEPOSITION A process for coatingthe surface of samples being prepared foralpha spectroscopy and alpha/beta count-ing.
ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION A generalterm to describe an interacting electric andmagnetic wave that propagates through vac-uum at the speed of light. It includes radiowaves, infrared light, visible light, ultravioletlight, X rays and gamma rays.
ELECTRON [Symbol: e¯] An elementary parti-cle with a unit negative electrical charge anda mass 1/1837 that of the proton. Electronssurround the positively charged nucleus anddetermine the chemical properties of theatom.
ELECTRON VOLT [Symbol: eV] The amountof kinetic energy gained by an electron as itpasses through a potential difference of 1volt. It is equivalent to 1.602 x 10-19 joulesper second. It is a unit of energy, or work,not of voltage.
ENERGY CALIBRATION A function which cor-relates each channel in the displayed spec-trum with a specific unit of energy. Allowspeaks to be identified by their location in thecalibrated spectrum.
ESCAPE PEAK A peak in a gamma ray spec-trum resulting from the pair production pro-cess, the subsequent annihilation of thephotons produced, and escape from the de-tector of the annihilation photons. If both an-nihilation photons escape, and the rest ofthe original gamma energy is fully absorbed,a double escape peak is produced at an en-ergy equal to the original gamma ray energyminus 1.022 MeV. If only one of the photonsescapes, a single escape peak is producedat an energy equal to the original gammaray energy minus 511 keV.
EXCITED STATE The state of molecule, atom,or nucleus when it possesses more than itsground state energy. Excess molecular oratomic energy may be reduced throughemission of photons or heat. Excess nuclearenergy may be reduced through emission ofgamma rays or conversion electrons or byfurther decay of a radionuclide.
eV See electron volt.
FACTORS The parameters used by an algo-rithm for its calculations.
FULL ENERGY ABSORPTION The absorptionand detection of all of the energy of an inci-dent photon. May take place as a directphotoabsorption or as a result of multipleCompton scatterings of the incident photonswithin the resolving time of the detectionsystem.
FULL ENERGY PEAK The peak in an energyspectrum of X-ray or gamma-ray photonsthat occurs when the full energy of the inci-dent photon is absorbed by the detector.
FWHM (Full Width at Half Maximum) The fullwidth of a peak measured at one-half of itsmaximum amplitude with the continuum re-moved. Defines the resolution of a spectros-copy system.
GAIN, ADC See conversion gain.
GAIN, AMPLIFIER The ratio of the amplifier’soutput signal to its input signal.
GAIN CONTROL A control used to adjust theheight of a pulse received from the detectingsystem.
GAMMA RAY [Symbol: ] A photon orhigh-energy quantum emitted from the nu-cleus of a radioactive atom. Gamma raysare the most penetrating of the three com-mon types of radiation (the other two are al-pha particles and beta particles) and arebest stopped by dense materials such aslead.
GAUSSIAN FIT Calculating the parameters of aGaussian (or Normal) function to best matcha set of empirical data (in spectroscopy, theacquired photopeak histogram). This calcu-lation is typically performed using a leastsquares method after subtracting theCompton continuum underlying the peak.
GAUSSIAN PULSE SHAPE A pulse shape re-sembling a statistical bell-curve, with little orno distortion.
GEOMETRY The detector to sample distance,the sizes and shapes of the detector, thesample, and any shielding, all of which affectthe radiation seen by the detector. The ge-ometry helps define the efficiency of the de-tector.
GRAY [Symbol: Gy] The SI unit of absorbeddose, defined as one joule per kilogram ofabsorbing medium.
GROUND STATE The state of a nucleus, atomor molecule at its lowest energy level.
HALF-LIFE [Symbol: Tl/2] The time in whichone half of the atoms of a particular radioac-tive substance decay to another nuclearform. Half-lives vary from millionths of a sec-ond to billions of years.
HISTOGRAM A representation of data by verti-cal bars, the heights of which indicate thefrequency of energy or time events.
ION An atom or molecule that has becomeelectrically charged by having lost or gainedone or more electrons. Examples of an ionare an alpha particle, which is a helium atomminus its two electrons, and a proton, whichis a hydrogen atom minus its single electron.
INDEX An MCA function that jumps the cursorfrom one region of interest to another.
INPUT/OUTPUT The process of loading datainto or copying data from an MCA or com-puter using a peripheral device, such as acomputer, a floppy disk, or a printer.
IN SITU COUNTING Measurement and analy-sis of radioactivity performed at the sample’slocation.
INTEGRAL The total sum of counts in the re-gion of interest.
INTENSIFY To change the contrast of a dis-played region of interest to set it off fromdata regions of lesser importance.
INTERACTIVE PEAK FIT The process of refin-ing and verifying the quality of a peak fit.The fitting parameters, such as the centroidlocation and the way the continuum is de-fined, can be changed. The change in thequality of the fit is displayed.
INTERFERING PEAK A peak due to back-ground radiation which is produced at the lo-cation of a peak in the sample spectrum ordue to a peak produced by a radionuclide inthe sample at the location of anotherradionuclide’s peak.
IN VIVO COUNTING In vivo counting refers todirectly measuring and analyzingradionuclide activity levels in a living body.
IN VITRO COUNTING In vitro counting refers tosamples, such as tissue or blood, being an-alyzed for radionuclide activity levels in anartificial environment (outside of a livingbody).
I/O See input/output.
IONIZATION The process by which an electri-cally neutral atom acquires a charge (eitherpositive or negative).
IONIZING EVENT Any process whereby an ionor group of ions is produced. As applied tonuclear spectroscopy, this refers to thepassing of radiation through a gas, a crystal,or a semiconductor.
ISOMERIC TRANSITION The de-excitation ofan elevated energy level of a nucleus to theground state of the same nucleus by theemission of a gamma ray or a conversionelectron.
ISOTOPE One of two or more atoms with thesame atomic number (the same chemical el-ement) but with different atomic weights. Anequivalent statement is that the nuclei of iso-topes have the same number of protons(thus the same chemical element) but differ-ent numbers of neutrons (thus the differentatomic weight). Isotopes usually have verynearly the same chemical properties, butsomewhat different physical properties. Seealso nuclide and stable isotope.
keV (kiloelectron volt) One thousand electronvolts.
KEY LINE Designated in nuclide libraries for re-porting purposes only. It is intended to indi-cate the highest abundance photopeakenergy for nuclides with multiple energylines, or the line that is the least likely tohave interferences.
LAN Local area network: a network of two ormore computers connected together.
Lc See critical level.
LIBRARY DIRECTED PEAK SEARCH Methodof designating the location of peaks using allof the lines from the specified nuclide library.All of the nuclide library energies are as-sumed to have photopeaks present and thepeak analysis is typically required to verifyor reject each peak. This limits the peaksearch to the nuclides in the library but al-lows for greater sensitivity than with typicalunknown peak searches. See also seconddifference peak search.
LIMIT OF DETECTION The minimum amountof the characteristic property being mea-sured that can be detected with reasonablecertainty by the analytical procedure beingused under specific measuring conditions. Ifthe conditions change, the limit of detectionwill also change, even if the analytical proce-dure remains the same. See also lower limitof detection.
LIVE TIME The time that the ADC is not busyprocessing a signal. See also dead time andreal time.
LIVE TIME CORRECTION In an MCA, the pro-cess of stopping the live time clock when-ever the processing circuits are busy andcannot accept further information. Com-monly used to extend the collection time byaccounting for the dead time.
LOWER LIMIT OF DETECTION (LLD) Thesmallest net signal that can reliably be quan-tified. LLD is a measure of the performanceof a system in terms of activity.
LOWER LEVEL DISCRIMINATOR (LLD) AnSCA’s minimum acceptable energy level. In-coming pulse amplitudes below this limit willnot be passed. See also upper leveldiscriminator.
MARINELLI BEAKER A standard sample con-tainer that fits securely over a detectorcryostat’s endcap and is used when calibrat-ing voluminous samples (usually soil or wa-ter solutions).
MASS NUMBER The sum of the neutrons andprotons in a nucleus. It is the nearest wholenumber to an atom’s atomic weight. For in-stance, the mass number of 235U is 235.
MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE CONCENTRATION(MPC) The concentration limit for a given
radionuclide in air or water in determiningpossible inhalation, ingestion or absorptionfor health physics controls.
MCA See multichannel analyzer.
MCS See multichannel scaling.
MDA Minimum detectable activity. See lowerlimit of detection.
MEAN The average of a group of numbers.
METASTABLE ISOTOPE A long-lived energystate of a particular nuclide that is not itsground state. Some nuclides have morethan one isomeric state. An isomeric statehas the same mass number and atomicnumber as the ground state, but possessesdifferent radioactive properties.
MeV (megaelectron volt) One million electronvolts.
MIXER/ROUTER See analog multiplexer.
MONITORING, PERSONNEL Periodic or con-tinuous observation of the amount of radia-tion or radioactive contamination present inor on an individual.
MULTICHANNEL ANALYZER (MCA) An in-strument which collects, stores and ana-lyzes time-correlated or energy-correlatedevents. See also multichannel scaling andpulse height analysis.
MULTICHANNEL SCALING (MCS) The acqui-sition of time-correlated data in an MCA.Each channel is sequentially allocated adwell time (a specified time period) for accu-mulating counts until all the memory hasbeen addressed. MCS is useful for studyingrapidly decaying radioactive sources.
MULTISPECTRAL SCALING Also calledmultiscaling, or MSS. See multichannel scal-ing.
MULTIPLET Peaks in a spectrum which over-lap each other. Compare singlet.
present in the earth.
NEUTRON [Symbol: n] An uncharged elemen-tary particle with mass slightly greater thanthat of the proton, and found in the nucleusof every atom heavier than hydrogen.
NEUTRON ACTIVATION ANALYSIS (NAA)The process of activating materials by neu-tron absorption then measuring the emissionof characteristic photons on decay to deter-mine the relative abundance of elements inan object.
NID Nuclide Identification, the process of identi-fying radionuclides by comparing peak ener-gies detected with entries in a nuclidelibrary.
NIM Nuclear Instrumentation Module. A nuclearinstrument conforming to theDOE/ER-00457T standard.
NOISE Unwanted signals on or with a usefulsignal which can distort its information con-tent.
NON-DESTRUCTIVE ASSAY An analysismethod that does not destroy the sample.For example: gamma spectroscopy, X-rayfluorescence and neutron activation.
NUCLEAR SAFEGUARDS The general topic ofmaintaining control and accountability ofspecial nuclear materials.
NUCLEUS The positively charged core of anatom, which contains nearly all of the atom’smass. All nuclei contain both protons andneutrons, except the nucleus of ordinary hy-drogen, which consists of a single proton.
NUCLIDE A general term applicable to the iso-topes of all elements, including both stableand radioactive forms (radionuclides).
NUCLIDE LIBRARY A file listing nuclides, theirnames, half-lives, types, energies/lines, andline abundances. These files are used withlibrary directed peak searches, nuclide iden-tification (NID) and as aids in performing cal-ibrations.
OFFSET, ADC A digitally performed shift in theADC’s channel zero. Shifts the entire spec-trum by the selected amount.
OVERLAP An MCA function allowing one sec-tion of memory to be displayed over another.
PAIR PRODUCTION Creation of an elec-tron-positron pair by gamma ray interactionin the field of a nucleus. For this process tobe possible, the gamma ray’s energy mustexceed 1.022 MeV, twice the rest mass ofan electron.
PARAMETER A variable that is given a con-stant value for a specific application.
PARENT NUCLIDE A radionuclide that pro-duces a daughter nuclide during decay.
PASSIVE NON-DESTRUCTIVE ASSAY Amethod that uses radiation emitted by thesample itself, without increasing the emis-sion by bombarding the sample with some-thing, such as neutrons. The sample itself isnot changed in any way in the course ofpassive assay.
PEAK A statistical distribution of digitizedenergy data for a single energy.
PEAK CHANNEL The channel number closestto the centroid of a peak.
PEAK FIT The optimization of parameters tomatch an expected model shape to empiri-cal data (see also gaussian fit). This optimi-zation is typically performed using a leastsquares method.
PEAK-TO-TOTAL RATIO The ratio of the ob-served counts in a full energy peak to thecounts in the entire spectrum, caused by theinteraction of radiation with the detector atthat emission energy only.
PERCENT SIGMA [Symbol: ] An expressionof the standard deviation as a percentage. Itis numerically equal to 100 times the stan-dard deviation divided by the mean.
PHA See pulse height analysis.
PHOTOELECTRIC ABSORPTION The processin which a photon interacts with an absorberatom, the photon disappears completely,and the atom ejects a photoelectron (fromone of its bound shells) in place of the pho-ton.
PHOTOELECTRON An electron released froman atom or molecule by means of energysupplied by radiation, especially light.
PHOTOMULTIPLIER TUBE (PMT) A devicefor amplifying the flashes of light producedby a scintillator.
PHOTON In quantum theory, light is propa-gated in discrete packets of energy calledphotons. The quantity of energy in eachpacket is called a quantum.
POLE/ZERO A method of compensating thepreamplifier’s output signal fall-time and theamplifier’s shaping time constant. Its use im-proves the amplifier’s high count rate resolu-tion and overload recovery.
PMT See photomultiplier tube.
POSITRON[Symbol: +] An elementary parti-cle, an “anti-electron”; with the mass of anelectron but having a positive charge. It isemitted by some radionuclides and is alsocreated in pair production by the interactionof high-energy gamma rays with matter.
POSITRON ANNIHILATION A process where apositron combines with an electron, produc-ing two annihilation photons of 511 keVeach.
PRECISION The degree of agreement betweenseveral measurements of the same quantityunder specific conditions. See also accu-racy.
PRIMORDIAL NUCLIDE A nuclide as it existsin its original state.
PROGENY See daughter nuclide.
PROMPT GAMMA ANALYSIS A form of neu-tron activation analysis where gammas,emitted during capture of neutrons, are usedfor analysis instead of gammas of subse-quent beta decay.
PROTON An elementary particle with a singlepositive electrical charge and a mass ap-proximately 1837 times that of the electron.The atomic number (Z) of an atom is equalto the number of protons in its nucleus.
PROTON INDUCED X-RAY EMISSION (PIXE)The emission of X ray when a sample isbombarded by protons. The X rays emittedare characteristic of the elements present inthe sample. Used for trace analysis.
PULSE HEIGHT ANALYSIS (PHA) The acqui-sition of energy-correlated data in the MCA.Each channel, defined as an energy win-dow, is incremented by one count for eachevent that falls within the window, producinga spectrum which correlates the number ofenergy events as a function of their ampli-tude.
PULSE PAIR RESOLUTION The ability to dis-criminate between two pulses close togetherin time.
PULSE PILEUP A condition, where two energypulses arrive at nearly the same time, whichcould produce false data in the spectrum.
PULSE PILEUP REJECTOR (PUR) An elec-tronic circuit for sensing the pulse pileupcondition and rejecting these pulses so thatonly single pulses are counted.
QUANTUM The unit quantity of energy accord-ing to quantum theory. It is equal to theproduct of the frequency of the electromag-netic radiation and Planck’s constant (6.626x 10-34 J/s).
RAD A special unit of absorbed dose. Equal to0.01 gray.
RADIATION The emission or propagation ofenergy through matter or space by electro-magnetic disturbances which display bothwave-like and particle-like behavior. Thoughin this context the “particles”; are known asphotons, the term radiation has been ex-tended to include streams of fast-movingparticles. Nuclear radiation includes alphaparticles, beta particles, gamma rays andfree neutrons emitted from an atomic nu-cleus during decay.
RADIOACTIVITY The emission of radiationfrom the spontaneous disintegration (decay)of an unstable nuclide.
RADIONUCLIDE A radioactive isotope. Seealso nuclide.
RANDOM SUMMING A process where the sig-nal from two or more separate decays of thesame radionuclide or different radionuclidesthat occur within the resolving time of thedetector end up being recorded together asa single event so that the recorded event isnot representative of the original decays.Typically causes counts to be lost from thefull energy peaks. Random summing is afunction of the overall count rate, or the ac-tivity of the sample being measured.
RANDOM SUMMING LOSS The loss of countsfrom the full energy peaks due to randomsumming.
RANGE, ADC The full-scale address (numberof channels) of the ADC’s assigned memorysegment.
REAL TIME Elapsed clock time; also called truetime. Compare live time.
RECOILING NUCLEUS A nucleus that gainssignificant kinetic energy from its decay.
REGION OF INTEREST (ROI) A user-definedarea of the spectrum which contains data ofparticular interest, such as a peak.
REM (Roentgen Equivalent Man) A unit ofdose equivalency; equal to 0.01 sievert. Seealso Roentgen.
RESOLUTION The ability of a spectroscopysystem to differentiate between two peaksthat are close together in energy. Thus, thenarrower the peak, the better the resolutioncapability. Measured as FWHM.
ROENTGEN The Roentgen, the internationalunit of X radiation or gamma radiation, is theamount of radiation producing, under idealconditions in one cc ionization of either signequal to one electrostatic unit of charge.
ROI See region of interest.
SCA Single Channel Analyzer. A device whichrecognizes events (pulses) occurring be-tween the settings of the lower leveldiscriminator and the upper leveldiscriminator. In an MCA, each event withinthese limits is counted; events outside ofthese limits are discarded.
SCATTERING A process that changes a parti-cle’s trajectory. Scattering is caused by par-ticle collisions with atoms, nuclei and otherparticles or by interactions with electric ormagnetic fields. If there is no change in thetotal kinetic energy of the system, the pro-cess is called elastic scattering. If the totalkinetic energy changes due to a change ininternal energy, the process is called inelas-tic scattering. See also backscattering.
SCINTILLATOR A type of detector which pro-duces a flash of light as the result of an ion-izing event. See also photomultiplier tube.
SECOND DIFFERENCE PEAK SEARCH Atechnique for locating photopeaks by calcu-lating the second difference for each chan-nel in a spectrum, then locating areas ofnegative concavity. See also library directedpeak search.
SEGMENTED GAMMA SCANNER A gammaspectroscopy system that analyzes a sam-ple by counting it in discrete segments.
SELF ABSORPTION Absorption of the photonsemitted by the radioactive nuclides in thesample by the sample material itself.
SHADOW SHIELD An attenuating enclosurethat shields the detector from direct back-ground radiation without being a 4π; shield.Typically used in whole body counting.
SHAPE CALIBRATION The process of estab-lishing a relationship between the expectedpeak shape and energy. A shape calibrationcan be established by using two or morepeak FWHM/energy (or FWHM/ channel)pairs or by using a least squares fit algo-rithm.
SIEVERT [Symbol: Sv] The SI unit of doseequivalency (a quantity used in radiationprotection). The sievert is the dose equiva-lent when the absorbed dose of ionizing ra-diation multiplied by the dimensionlessfactor Q (quality factor) and N (product ofany other multiplying factors) stipulated bythe International Commission on Radiologi-cal Protection is one joule per kilogram.
SINGLE ESCAPE PEAK See escape peak.
SINGLET A single peak in a spectrum, wellseparated from other peaks. Comparemultiplet.
SMOOTHING To decrease the effects of statis-tical uncertainties in computerized spectrumanalysis, the content of each channel is re-placed by a weighted average over a num-ber of adjacent channels.
SPECIFIC ACTIVITY The quantity of radioactiv-ity per unit mass; for example, dpm/g orBq</A>/g.
SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL (SNM) Mate-rial containing fissionable isotopes suitablefor nuclear weapons.
SPECTRUM A distribution of radiation intensityas a function of energy or time.
SPECTROMETER A device used to count anemission of radiation of a specific energy orrange of energies to the exclusion of allother energies. See also multichannel ana-lyzer.
STABLE ISOTOPE An isotope that does notundergo radioactive decay.
STANDARD DEVIATION [Symbol: ] A mea-sure of the dispersion about the mean valueof a series of observations expressed in thesame units as the mean value.
STRIPPING Subtracting a specified fractionalpart of the data in one section of memoryfrom the data in another section of memory.
SYSTEM BUSY TIME The dead time of an en-tire spectroscopy system.
TOTAL DETECTOR EFFICIENCY All pulsesfrom the detector are accepted, and all inter-actions (regardless of how low in energy)are assumed counted.
TOTAL EFFICIENCY The ratio of all pulses re-corded in the MCA memory (in all channels)to the gamma quanta emitted by the sample.Compare efficiency.
TRANSURANIC (TRU) Possessing an atomicnumber higher than that of uranium (92).
TRUE COINCIDENCE SUM PEAK A spectralpeak, the energy of which equals the sum ofthe energies of two or more gamma rays orX ray from a single nuclear event.
TRUE TIME See real time.
UNCERTAINTY In a nuclear decay measure-ment, uncertainty refers to the lack of com-plete knowledge of a sample’s decay ratedue to the random nature of the decay pro-cess and the finite length of time used tocount the sample.
UPPER LEVEL DISCRIMINATOR (ULD) AnSCA’s maximum acceptable energy level.Incoming pulse amplitudes above this limitwill not be passed. See also lower leveldiscriminator.
WHOLE BODY COUNTING (WBC) In vivo de-termination of radionuclide activity levels inthe human body. Used to determine compli-ance with the regulations of various govern-mental bodies regarding radiation exposure.
WINDOW A term describing the upper andlower limits of radiation energy accepted forcounting by a spectrometer.
X RAY A penetrating form of electromagneticradiation emitted during electron transitionsin an atom to a lower energy state; usuallywhen outer orbital electrons give up someenergy to replace missing inner orbital elec-trons.
ZERO, ADC An ADC control which aligns itszero energy output with a specific channel inthe MCA’s memory (usually channel zero).
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EXCLUSIONSOur warranty does not cover damage to equipment which has been altered or modified without our writtenpermission or damage which has been caused by abuse, misuse, accident, neglect or unusual physical orelectrical stress, as determined by our Service Personnel.
We are under no obligation to provide warranty service if adjustment or repair is required because of damagecaused by other than ordinary use or if the equipment is serviced or repaired, or if an attempt is made to service orrepair the equipment, by other than our Service Personnel without our prior approval.
Our warranty does not cover detector damage due to neutrons or heavy charged particles. Failure of beryllium,carbon composite, or polymer windows, or of windowless detectors caused by physical or chemical damage fromthe environment is not covered by warranty.
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Genie 2000 Operations Manual
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