Gigaset s4 professional инструкция на русском

В представленном списке руководства для конкретной модели Радиотелефона — Gigaset S4 professional. Вы можете скачать инструкции к себе на компьютер или просмотреть онлайн на страницах сайта бесплатно или распечатать.

В случае если инструкция на русском не полная или нужна дополнительная информация по этому устройству, если вам нужны
дополнительные файлы: драйвера, дополнительное руководство пользователя (производители зачастую для каждого
продукта делают несколько различных документов технической помощи и руководств), свежая версия прошивки, то
вы можете задать вопрос администраторам или всем пользователям сайта, все постараются оперативно отреагировать
на ваш запрос и как можно быстрее помочь. Ваше устройство имеет характеристики:Комплектация: трубка, Рабочая частота: 1880-1900 МГц, Стандарт: DECT/GAP, Радиус действия в помещении / на открытой местности: 50 / 300 м, Размеры трубки (ВхШхT): 149х49х26 мм, Вес трубки: 125 г, полные характеристики смотрите в следующей вкладке.

Для многих товаров, для работы с Gigaset S4 professional могут понадобиться различные дополнительные файлы: драйвера, патчи, обновления, программы установки. Вы можете скачать онлайн эти файлы для конкретнй модели Gigaset S4 professional или добавить свои для бесплатного скачивания другим посетителями.

Если вы не нашли файлов и документов для этой модели то можете посмотреть интсрукции для похожих товаров и моделей, так как они зачастую отличаются небольшим изменениями и взаимодополняемы.

Обязательно напишите несколько слов о преобретенном вами товаре, чтобы каждый мог ознакомиться с вашим отзывом или вопросом. Проявляйте активность что как можно бльше людей смогли узнать мнение настоящих людей которые уже пользовались Gigaset S4 professional.



2017-10-31 20:08:10

Так себе




Трубка проработала год, после этого пепестала включаться, при зарядке горят зелёная и красная лампочки



Основные и самые важные характеристики модели собраны из надежных источников и по характеристикам можно найти похожие модели.

Общие характеристики
Комплектация трубка
Рабочая частота 1880-1900 МГц
Стандарт DECT/GAP
Радиус действия в помещении / на открытой местности 50 / 300 м
Размеры трубки (ВхШхT) 149х49х26 мм
Вес трубки 125 г
Дисплей на трубке (цветной)
Подсветка кнопок на трубке есть
Цифровой автоответчик нет
Функциональные возможности
АОН/Caller ID есть/есть
Сервис коротких сообщений (SMS) есть
Громкая связь (спикерфон) есть
Внутренняя связь (интерком) между несколькими трубками
Конференц-связь (между базой, трубкой/трубками и внешним абонентом) нет
Голосовой набор есть
Ускоренный набор нет
Встроенная телефонная книга есть, на 500 номеров
Память набранных номеров 20
Время работы трубки (режим разговора / режим ожидания) 13 / 110 ч
Количество аккумуляторов 2
Формат AAA
Тип аккумулятора Ni-MH
Полифонические мелодии 20
Другие функции и особенности автодозвон, будильник, голосовой набор, блокировка клавиатуры от случайного нажатия, ответ поднятием трубки с базы, Bluetooth, разъем для гарнитуры
Дополнительная информация модель для бизнеса; совместим с базой Gigaset S400; интерфейс mini-USB

Здесь представлен список самых частых и распространенных поломок и неисправностей у Радиотелефонов. Если у вас такая поломка то вам повезло, это типовая неисправность для Gigaset S4 professional и вы можете задать вопрос о том как ее устранить и вам быстро ответят или же прочитайте в вопросах и ответах ниже.

Название поломки Описание поломки Действие
Нет Сигнала
Нет Звука
Не Включается
Сломалась Кнопка
Не Заряжается Приобрела Новый Оригинальный Аккумулятор , Так Как Со Старым Трубка Не Заряжалась. Новый Аккумулятор Был Немного Заряжен , Скоро Тоже Разрядится Так Как Трубка Не Заряжается.
Хрипит Наушник (Телефон) Неразборчивая Речь
Микрофон В Обоих Трубках Одновременно Перестал Работать Микрофон
Не Набирается Номер На Базовом Телефоне
Не Все Сегменты На Дисплее Трубки Индицируются Телефон Voxtel Profi 2500 W 0312001597
На Дисплее Не Видно Букв Цифры. Здравствуйте Уменя Проблема С Трубкой Техзет Пропали На Дисплее Вся Информация Что Делать.
На Дисплее Не Могу Ввести Дату И Время.сегодня Поменяла Батарейки Сегодня Поменяла Батарейки, Дисплей Не Работает .Звонки Принимаю,Звонить Тоже Могу
Неработает Микрофон Нас Не Слышат
Не Регистрируется Трубка На Базу
Работает Трубка Только На Громкой Связи. Пока Не Включишь Громкую Связь Трубка Молчит, Хотя Соединение Прошло. А На Громкой Всё Отлично. С Настройками Не Смогла Разобраться, Вернула К Заводским-Без Результата.
Ключ На Экране Не Работает
Определитель Входящего Звонка Нет Опознования Номера Телефона Звонка
Входящий Звонок Есть , Исходящие Все Время Заняты

В нашей базе сейчас зарегестрированно 18 353 сервиса в 513 города России, Беларусии, Казахстана и Украины.




ул. Электродная, дом 2, стр.14





Время работы
Время работы не указано




шоссе Варшавское, д. 143а стр 2





Время работы
Время работы не указано




ул. Маршала Новикова, д. 3





Время работы
Будни: с 1000 до 1800
Суббота: с 1100 до 1500
Воскресенье: выходной




ул. Дурова, 3/13





Время работы
Будни: с 1030 до 1900
Суббота: с 1200 до 1800
Воскресенье: выходной




Лубянский проезд 27/1





Время работы
Ежедневно: с 1000 до 2100

Siemens Gigaset S4 professional User Manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

  • Bookmarks

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Related Manuals for Siemens Gigaset S4 professional

Summary of Contents for Siemens Gigaset S4 professional

  • Page 1
    Documentation OpenScape Office LX/MX, OpenScape Voice Gigaset S4 professional on HiPath Cordless IP User Guide Siemens Enterprise Communications…
  • Page 2: Safety Notes

    Safety notes Safety notes Handset Danger: • Do not use the handset in potentially explosive atmospheres. • To avoid mutual interference, do not operate the handset in the vicinity of electronic equipment. • Do not use the handset in wet rooms! Devices are not splash- proof.

  • Page 3: Weee Mark

    Operating instructions WEEE mark Note: • All electrical and electronic products should be disposed of separately from the municipal waste stream via designated collection facilities ap- pointed by the government or the local authori- ties. • The correct disposal and separate collection of your old appliance will help prevent potential negative conse- quences for the environment and human health.

  • Page 4: Overview Of Handset

    Overview of handset Overview of handset Earpiece inset 10 Microphone Display Mute key Display keys 12 Hash key Control key 13 Number keys Speakerphone key 14 On-hook and on/off key Talk key 15 Message key Headset connection 16 Volume key Star key R key How to use the keys:…

  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    Contents Contents Safety notes ……..2 Handset ……….2 Batteries .

  • Page 6
    Contents Checking the available memory ……27 Activating or deactivating the ringer ……28 Activating or deactivating the warning tone .
  • Page 7
    Contents Dialling an entry with the speed dialling digit….59 Viewing an entry ……..59 Changing an entry .
  • Page 8
    Contents Documentation ……… . . 92 Technical data .
  • Page 9: Description Of Controls

    Description of controls Description of controls Function keys The following function keys are available: Name On-hook and • End a call on/off key • Cancel functions • Go back to the next menu level up • Turn the handset on or off Talk key •…

  • Page 10: R Key

    Description of controls R key Briefly pressing the R key enables the following functions in the different operating states: • When dialling: Insert a pause (for example, between the prefix and the phone number, or when checking a mailbox) • During a call: A consultation call is initiated •…

  • Page 11: Display Keys

    Description of controls Display keys The handset has two display keys, each with one or two functions. When the key is allocated two functions, press the right or left side of the key to select the corresponding function. Display key assignment depends on the operating status.

  • Page 12: Menu Icons In The Main Menu

    Description of controls Menu icons in the main menu The main menu of the handset is opened by pressing the right key on the control key. u v t s The menu icons are selected by pressing the top, bottom, right or left of the control key.

  • Page 13
    Description of controls Icon Name Ï Settings Configure handset: • Date/Time • Audio Settings – Handset Volume • – Advisory Tones – Ringtones(Handset) • Display – Screensaver – Large Font – Colour Schemes • – Backlight • Language • Registration –…
  • Page 14: Putting The Handset Into Operation

    Putting the Handset into Operation Putting the Handset into Operation Removing the protective cover Remove the protective cover from the display before putting the handset into service. Inserting/changing the batteries The handset is supplied with two approved batteries. The batteries are supplied uncharged.

  • Page 15
    Putting the Handset into Operation 2. Opening the battery compartment Press your index finger into the recess and pull the battery cover upward. 3. Insert/change the batteries Possibly remove old batteries. Insert the new batteries making sure the poles are facing the correct direction (see schematic diagram). The poles are indicated in or on the battery compartment.
  • Page 16: Charging And Using The Batteries

    Putting the Handset into Operation Charging and using the batteries To charge the batteries, insert the handset into the charging shell with the keypad facing forwards. Attention: Only use the relevant approved power supply units for operating the charging shell (for order numbers see Page 92).

  • Page 17: Operating And Charging Times Of The Batteries

    Putting the Handset into Operation Operating and charging times of the batteries The operating times are only achieved after several charging and discharg- ing cycles and are dependent on • the battery capacity, • the age of the batteries, • the settings made, •…

  • Page 18: Assembling Plastic Cover

    Putting the Handset into Operation Assembling plastic cover Use the supplied plastic cover for the headset port to achieve optimum sound in speakerphone mode. Connecting a headset Once the plastic cover has been removed, you can connect a headset to the left side of the handset using a 2.5 mm jack.

  • Page 19: Setting The Handset Display Language

    Putting the Handset into Operation Step by Step Setting the handset display language If your preferred language for the handset’s display texts is not set by default, then you can set it yourself. The language of the communication system’s display texts can only be set by the administrator.

  • Page 20: Setting Up The Handset

    Setting up the handset Step by Step Setting up the handset You can change the standard settings of the handset if you are not happy with them. Setting the volume During the call You can set the volume of the earpiece or when in speakerphone mode during a call by pressing the side volume keys.

  • Page 21: In Idle Status

    Setting up the handset Step by Step In idle status In idle mode you can adjust the call volume via the menu. Open the handset’s main menu. Ï Settings Select the menu icon and confirm. Audio Settings Select the menu item and confirm. Handset Volume Select the menu item and confirm.

  • Page 22: Advisory Tones

    Setting up the handset Step by Step Advisory tones Note: Can be set only when the menu item is visible. To change see Page 34. The advisory tones have the following meaning: Advisory Meaning Key Tones Every keystroke is confirmed Confirmation •…

  • Page 23: Setting The Ringer

    Setting up the handset Step by Step Setting the ringer Tones and melodies are saved on your handset. When you select the Volume and Melodies menu item, the respective ringtone in the current setting rings. Open the handset’s main menu. Ï…

  • Page 24
    Setting up the handset Step by Step Setting melodies You can activate ringtones for different calls on your handset to help you differentiate between calls and ap- pointments. Melodies Select the menu item and confirm. For internal calls Select the required menu item. For external calls Define settings.
  • Page 25: Setting Ringing Tones And Pictures With Resource Directory

    Setting up the handset Step by Step Setting ringing tones and pictures with resource directory The resource directory of the handset manages sounds which you can use as a ringtone and images (CLIP im- ages and screensavers) which you can use as a caller image or screensaver;…

  • Page 26: Renaming/Deleting Screensaver/Clip Images/Sounds

    Setting up the handset Step by Step Screensaver/CLIP images Press the display key. Show Switching between the images. If you have saved an image in an invalid format, you get an error message when you select the file. Sounds The sound marked is played immediately. Switching between the sounds.

  • Page 27: Checking The Available Memory

    Setting up the handset Step by Step Checking the available memory You can view the remaining memory available. Open the handset’s main menu. · Resource Di- Select the menu icon and confirm. rectory Available Memory Select the menu item and confirm.

  • Page 28: Activating Or Deactivating The Ringer

    Setting up the handset Step by Step Activating or deactivating the ringer Deactivating the ringer Hold down the key until a confirmation tone is emitted. The ó icon appears on the display. Activating the ringer Hold down the key until a confirmation tone is emitted. Activating or deactivating the warning tone Instead of a ringtone you can activate a warning tone.

  • Page 29: Activating/Deactivating Automatic Call Answering

    Setting up the handset Step by Step Activating/deactivating automatic call answering Note: Can be set only when the menu item is visible. To change see Page 34. This function allows you to accept calls by removing the handset from the charging shell. Open the handset’s main menu.

  • Page 30: Setting The Date And Time

    Setting up the handset Step by Step Setting the date and time Set the time and date so that the correct time and date are assigned to incoming calls and to use the alarm clock. The handset date and time are automatically set when you set up a call to another station.

  • Page 31: Display Settings

    Setting up the handset Step by Step Display settings A number of options are available for setting the display. You can set the screensaver (screen picture), the colour scheme, the font size and the display lighting. You can also change the name displayed for the base station. Screensaver In idle mode you can view an image from the resource directory…

  • Page 32
    Setting up the handset Step by Step Colour scheme Four colour schemes are saved on your handset. By se- lecting a colour scheme you define the colours to be used for the font, menu items and background. If you change to a different colour scheme during a set- ting, it is immediately previewed to show how it will ap- pear later for all menus.
  • Page 33: Setting The Conversion List For Vcard Transfer

    Setting up the handset Step by Step Out of Charger: Move the cursor down one line. Activating or deactivating. Save setting. Save Setting the conversion list for vCard transfer Note: Can be set only when the menu item is visible. To change see Page 34.

  • Page 34: Setting The Menu View

    Setting up the handset Step by Step Setting the menu view You can define whether to display a selection of or all menu items in the menus. Open the handset’s main menu. Ï Settings Select the menu icon and confirm. Menu View Select the menu item and confirm.

  • Page 35: Resetting The Defaults

    Setting up the handset Step by Step Resetting the defaults Note: Can be set only when the menu item is visible. To change see Page 34. This function allows you to reset your handset to the de- faults, e.g. if you want to pass it on to someone else or reset it.

  • Page 36
    Setting up the handset Step by Step Default settings Setting Explanation/notes Levels Default state Tones and Ringer volume signals Ringer melody, external «Bass me» Ringer melody, internal «Classic Ring» Warning tone Handset volume Volume in speakerphone mode 5 Appoint. Melody Volume Key tones, audible each time a key is pressed.
  • Page 37: Making Calls — The Basic Functions

    Making calls – the basic functions Step by Step Making calls – the basic functions You can use your handset to make both internal and ex- ternal calls. Internal calls are calls that • you make within the range of a communication sys- tem, forexample, within your company, •…

  • Page 38: Activating/Deactivating The Handset

    Making calls – the basic functions Step by Step Activating/deactivating the handset a Press the on-hook key until the activation or deactiva- tion is confirmed by a signal. If the default PIN has not been changed (0000), the handset is ready for operation as soon as it is switched on.

  • Page 39: Dial

    Making calls – the basic functions Step by Step Language If your preferred language for the display texts is not set, you can set this yourself Page 19. Dial Dialling: preparation and if necessary. Enter the required phone no. and correct individual char- acters as necessary using the «Delete»…

  • Page 40: Manual Number Redial

    Making calls – the basic functions Step by Step Manual number redial The last 20 phone numbers dialled are saved in the re- dial list. A phone number that was dialled several times is only saved once. Handset in idle status: Press the Talk key briefly. The re- dial list is displayed.

  • Page 41: Enquiry

    Making calls – the basic functions Step by Step Enquiry You interrupt your call to consult with a user (including external users) and then resume the original call. You are on a call. Activating and conducting an enquiry/consultation call Activate consultation. The current call is placed «on- Enquiry hold»…

  • Page 42: Answering Or Rejecting A Call

    Making calls – the basic functions Step by Step Answering or rejecting a call Answer a call Your handset rings Page 29. The caller information appears on the display. The phone number of the caller and possibly also the name can be displayed. If available, either the entry in the handset’s local phonebook Page 57, the entry in the system phone-…

  • Page 43: End A Call

    Making calls – the basic functions Step by Step End a call Press the on-hook key briefly or place the handset in the charging shell. The call charges are displayed, depending on the com- munication system. Activating or deactivating the keypad lock This feature protects against accidentally pressing but- tons when the handset is in a pocket, forexample.

  • Page 44: Making Calls — Enhanced Functions

    Making calls – enhanced functions Step by Step Making calls – enhanced functions Speakerphone mode Features Speakerphone mode offers you the following advantages: • Other persons can listen to and participate in the call. • Your hands are free. • When dialling, you can hear the ringtone, for exam- ple, without having to lift the handset to your ear.

  • Page 45: Conducting Calls With The Headset

    Making calls – enhanced functions Step by Step Setting the speakerphone volume The volume can be set during a call Page 20. Conducting calls with the headset The handset can be used with a corded and cordless headset. Corded headset You can connect a corded headset to the port on the side.

  • Page 46
    Making calls – enhanced functions Step by Step Registering a Bluetooth headset on the handset Set the headset to login mode (see the user manual supplied with your headset). Open the handset’s main menu. ò Bluetooth Select the menu icon and confirm. Search for Headset Select the menu item and confirm.
  • Page 47
    Making calls – enhanced functions Step by Step Accepting a call on the Bluetooth headset The headset uses a call tone to signal an incoming call. Press the Talk key on the Bluetooth headset (see the user manual supplied with your headset). Deactivating the Bluetooth headset during a call You are conducting a call via the Bluetooth headset.
  • Page 48: Switching To Mute

    Making calls – enhanced functions Step by Step Switching to mute You can switch off your handset’s microphone during a call if, forexample, you want to talk to someone else in the room. You are conducting a call. Either: h Press key to mute the handset. The display shows Microphone is off.

  • Page 49: Number Redial

    Making calls – enhanced functions Step by Step Number redial The last 20 phone numbers dialled are saved in the re- dial list. A phone number that was dialled several times is only saved once. If you tried to call a party from the handset’s local phonebook, the name of the party is displayed with a number redial.

  • Page 50: Adding A Telephone Number To The Handset’s Local Phonebook

    Making calls – enhanced functions Step by Step either: Delete Entry Select the menu item and confirm. The telephone number is deleted. Delete All Select the menu item and confirm. The redial list is de- leted. Press the on-hook key several times to end the opera- tion.

  • Page 51: Call Pickup

    Making calls – enhanced functions Step by Step Call pickup If you are in a call pickup group (ask your service techni- cian), you can accept calls on your handset for other members of your group. Picking up calls Your handset is in stand-by status. Another member of your call pickup group is called.

  • Page 52: Automatic Callback

    Making calls – enhanced functions Step by Step Automatic callback If you cannot reach a subscriber, either because there is no response or the line is busy, you can activate an au- tomatic callback. If the subscriber has hung up or (if there is no answer) any other activity has been detected on the subscrib- er’s phone, you will receive a callback advisory call.

  • Page 53: Deleting Callbacks

    Making calls – enhanced functions Step by Step Deleting callbacks You have activated one or more callbacks. Press the INT key. > < Telephony Select the menu item and confirm. > < Call Completion Select the menu item and confirm. >…

  • Page 54: Call Forward

    Making calls – enhanced functions Step by Step Call forward You can configure call forwards for your handset. Incom- ing calls are forwarded to a different number. The de- fault is no call forwarding active. The forwarding destination can be any internal or exter- nal phone number.

  • Page 55: Setting Up Call Forwarding

    Making calls – enhanced functions Step by Step Forward on no reply The call is forwarded if you do not accept the call. You can configure the length of time the handset will ring until the forward is activated. This also applies for a second call Page 69 if you are on a call.

  • Page 56: Deactivating An Individual Call Forward

    Making calls – enhanced functions Step by Step Deactivating an individual call forward Press the INT key. > < Call Forward Select the menu item and confirm. > < [ „Select «Internal» for internal calls or «External» for exter- nal calls and confirm. >…

  • Page 57: The Handset’s Local Phonebook

    Making calls – enhanced functions Step by Step The handset’s local phonebook You can save contact information for frequent call part- ners in the local phonebook. Once a phone number has been saved in this way you no longer have to enter it in full when you want to call someone.

  • Page 58: Saving An Entry

    Making calls – enhanced functions Step by Step Saving an entry Open the phonebook. New Entry Select the menu item and confirm. The input window opens. Enter the relevant information, see above. Jump to the next line..etc. Functions for text input: Switches mode from abc to Abc, from Abc to 123 and from 123 to abc If predictive text is off:…

  • Page 59: Finding And Dialling An Entry

    Making calls – enhanced functions Step by Step Finding and dialling an entry Open the phonebook. Browse to the required entry or enter the first letter of the entry. If necessary, press a key several times in succession to enter the required letter. either: Press the Talk key.

  • Page 60: Changing An Entry

    Making calls – enhanced functions Step by Step Changing an entry Open the phonebook. Browse to the required entry or enter the first letter of the entry. If necessary, press a key several times in succession to enter the required letter. either: Press the display keys one after the other.

  • Page 61: Displaying Available Memory

    Making calls – enhanced functions Step by Step Displaying available memory Open the phonebook. Select any entry. Press the display key. Options Available Memory Select the menu item and confirm. The amount of memory used and available is displayed. Press the on-hook key several times to end the opera- tion.

  • Page 62: Phonebook Of Communications Platform

    Making calls – enhanced functions Step by Step Phonebook of communications plat- form If configured, phone numbers can be searched for and dialled based on the names in the system phonebook. If the caller’s phone number is saved in the system phonebook for an incoming call, the associated name is shown on the display while the handset is ringing.

  • Page 63: Ldap Phonebook

    Making calls – enhanced functions Step by Step LDAP phonebook If an LDAP directory service is available to you, phone numbers can be searched for and dialled based on the names in this phonebook. Additional phonebooks: Handset’s local phonebook Page 57 and system phonebook Page 62.

  • Page 64: Voicemail

    Making calls – enhanced functions Step by Step VoiceMail Depending on the communications platform, a voice- mail function (answering machine) may be available to you (if set up, please consult your service technician). VoiceMail is the default destination for call forwarding Page 54.

  • Page 65: Using Dual-Tone Multifrequency Signalling

    Making calls – enhanced functions Step by Step Using dual-tone multifrequency signalling Your handset operates on the basis of digital informa- tion transmission. However, certain applications, forexample, answering machines, can only be operated using analog technology. For this you must send signals using the dual-tone multifrequency signalling (DTMF) process.

  • Page 66: Conducting Calls — With Multiple Users

    Conducting calls – with multiple users Step by Step Conducting calls – with multiple users Transferring a call Transferring a call means that you wish to hand over a call you are conducting on your handset to another user. Transferring (without announcing the transfer) You can use this function to forward a call which you an- swered to another user.

  • Page 67: Placing A Call On Hold

    Conducting calls – with multiple users Step by Step Placing a call on hold You can interrupt a call temporarily if, forexample, you want to talk to someone else in the room. The line is placed «on hold» . You are on a call. Press the R key or Display key.

  • Page 68: Conducting A Conference

    Conducting calls – with multiple users Step by Step Conducting a conference You can connect up to three internal or external partners with each other in a telephone conference. Setting up a conference You decide to set up a conference while talking to a us- You are on a call and wish to start a conference.

  • Page 69: Second Call (Call Waiting)

    Conducting calls – with multiple users Step by Step Second call (call waiting) If the call waiting function is set up, you can accept sec- ond calls on your handset. When a second call is incoming (call waiting), you will be informed of the second call during a call by a call waiting tone and a message on the display.

  • Page 70
    Conducting calls – with multiple users Step by Step Ending the call, accepting the second call You are on a call and hear the call waiting tone. Either: Press the On-hook key. Your handset rings. Press the Talk key. You are connected to the second call- Open the system menu.
  • Page 71: Caller List

    Caller list Step by Step Caller list All calls are logged in caller lists. There is a separate list for the following call types: • Calls for VoiceMail Page 64 (if set up). • Missed calls. • Forwarded calls. • Answered calls.

  • Page 72: Deleting All Lists

    Caller list Step by Step Calling back a caller Select an entry (see above). > < Select the call party and press the Talk key. The connec- tion is set up. Copying an entry to the redial buffer Select an entry (see above). ><…

  • Page 73: Additional Functions

    Additional functions Step by Step Additional functions Handset alarm clock When the alarm clock is activated, it rings every day or every day from Monday to Friday at the set time. The alarm clock is deactivated during automatic number re- dial.

  • Page 74
    Additional functions Step by Step a Press the on-hook key several times to end the opera- tion. Deactivating an alarm/repeating after a pause The alarm rings for 60 seconds. The following appears ì on the display: . If you do not press anything, the alarm repeats after five minutes and then deactivates.
  • Page 75: Headset Appointment Function

    Additional functions Step by Step Headset appointment function You can arrange your handset to remind you up to five appointments. The handset must be in idle status at the time of the appointment reminder. The appointment re- minder function is deactivated during automatic number redial.

  • Page 76
    Additional functions Step by Step The appointment reminder function is activated. If the appointment is ticked, it is active. a Press the on-hook key several times to end the opera- tion. Confirming an appointment reminder call An appointment reminder call is signalled in the same way as an incoming call.
  • Page 77
    Additional functions Step by Step Deleting an appointment The handset is in idle status. Open the handset’s main menu. á Organizer Select the menu icon and confirm. Calendar Select the menu item and confirm. The calendar for the current month is displayed. Select and confirm the required day.
  • Page 78: Selecting A Base

    Additional functions Step by Step Selecting a base If your handset is registered at multiple bases, then you can set a specific base or the base with the best recep- tion as the base to be used. The handset then switches automatically to this base.

  • Page 79: Setting The Base

    Additional functions Step by Step The cordless system overwrites the «base name» dis- play info as soon as an incoming or outgoing call is made. In this case, the name of the base station only re- appears after the handset has been switched off and back on again.

  • Page 80: Speed Dialling

    Additional functions Step by Step Speed dialling As number can be assigned to the number keys . The number is then dialled by press- ing the key. Configuring speed dialling Press the required number key briefly. If a function has not already been assigned to the key, a new number can be assigned to the key.

  • Page 81: Speed Access To Functions

    Additional functions Step by Step Speed access to functions You can program both display keys with functions. The function is launched by pressing the key. Configuring speed access Press and hold down the required display key. A list of functions that can be programmed on the key is displayed.

  • Page 82: Call Control From The Pc

    Additional functions Step by Step Call control from the PC You can initiate calls using a CTI program (CTI = Compu- ter Telephony Integration). The call is conducted as usu- al on your handset. The CTI program depends on your communications platform: •…

  • Page 83: Data Communication With The Pc

    Additional functions Step by Step Data communication with the PC So that your handset can communicate with your PC, you must install the «Gigaset QuickSync» application on your PC (download for free at gigasets790). Once you have installed «Gigaset Quick-Sync» you can connect the handset to your PC via Bluetooth Page 84 or a USB data cable Page 18.

  • Page 84: Bluetooth Interface

    Additional functions Step by Step Bluetooth interface If you have installed a Bluetooth interface on your PC, you can also communicate with the PC application via the Bluetooth interface on your handset. Attention: A Bluetooth connection can be tapped. To connect a Bluetooth headset, see Page 45.

  • Page 85
    Additional functions Step by Step On the other device agreed PIN: Enter and confirm the same Bluetooth PIN within a few seconds (default: 0000). If you were not fast enough, repeat the previous steps. Add to Confirm the prompt. Known Device list? The Bluetooth connection is set up.
  • Page 86
    Additional functions Step by Step Deactivating the Bluetooth interface If you are not using the Bluetooth interface for an ex- tended period, deactivate it. This increases your hand- set’s standby time. Open the handset’s main menu. ò Bluetooth Select the menu icon and confirm. Activation ³…
  • Page 87: Telephone Blocking

    Enter the value «0000» again to deactivate the PIN. Attention: If you have forgotten your PIN, please contact Siemens Enterprise Service. The PIN will be re- set at your own expense. The handset is re- turned to the default state (see…

  • Page 88
    Telephone blocking Step by Step Entering a new PIN Open the handset’s main menu. Ï Settings Select the menu icon and confirm. Audio Settings Select the menu item and confirm. System Select the menu item and confirm. Handset PIN Select the menu item and confirm. Enter and confirm the old PIN.
  • Page 89: Appendix

    Appendix Appendix Troubleshooting Some malfunctions can be resolved without outside intervention. The fol- lowing table provides a list of such malfunctions. All other malfunctions should be reported to the relevant service personnel. Error Possible cause Remedy No display. Handset is not Press the On-hook key switched on.

  • Page 90
    Appendix Error Possible cause Remedy The following appears Communication sys- Repeat call later. immediately after the tem is being used by Talk key is pressed: other users. Connect. No dial tone available; no calls can be made. The following, Handset is blocked. Remove the batteries forexample, appears: from the handset and…
  • Page 91: Taking Care Of The Handset

    Appendix Error Possible cause Remedy The following appears: Phone number was not Enter the phone number Not available fully entered, the star or correctly or as pre- hash key was not scribed. pressed. The following appears: Data transfer is active. Wait and try again later. Do not disturb Taking care of the handset Removing everyday dirt…

  • Page 92: Documentation

    Documentation These operating instructions can be found in PDF format at the following URL: To view or print the operating manual in PDF format, you need a computer on which the free Adobe Acrobat Reader program is installed. To view the operating manual in HTML format, you need a computer with a Web browser, forexample, Microsoft Internet Explorer.

  • Page 93: Accessories

    Source To purchase accessories (such as headsets, protective covers), contact the following address: Siemens AG, I&S IS SC S RC, Tübingerstrasse 1-5, 80686 Munich Mr. Jens Schwabe Tel.: +49 89 9221 — 3174 Fax: +49 89 9221 — 6603 E-mail:…

  • Page 94: Declaration Of Conformity

    The device complies with the basic requirements of the R&TTE Directive and therefore displays the CE symbol. Extract from original declaration «We, Siemens Enterprise Communications GmbH & Co KG Hofmannstr. 51, D-80200 Munich/Germany declare that the product Gigaset S4 profes- sional S30852-H2156-R*-* to which this declaration relates, conforms to the following European Directives and European standards: Directive 99/5/EEC: Radio and Telecommunication Terminal Equipment.»…

  • Page 95: Index

    Index Callback …………52 Index Caller list …………71 Calls answering ……….42 forwarding ……….54 Accessories ……….93 making …………39 Activating …………. 38 picking up ……….51 Advisory tones ……….22 rejecting ……….. 42 Alarm …………73 Changing a phone number …….

  • Page 96
    Index Display Keys …………4 colour scheme control key ……..32 ……….10 lighting display keys …………. 32 ……….11 screensaver (screen picture) function keys ….31 ……….9 settings ………… 31 Display keys ……….4, 11 Display lighting ……….. 32 LDAP phonebook ……..
  • Page 97
    Index Speakerphone key ……..4, 9 Speakerphone mode ……… 44 Parts of the device ……..4 Speed access to functions ……. 81 Phone number Speed dialling ……….80 changing ……….60 dialling …………59 dialling from the phonebook ….59 Star key …………
  • Page 98
    Hofmannstr. 51 80200 München Deutschland Siemens Enterprise Communications GmbH & Co. KG is a Trademark Licensee of Siemens AG Reference No: A31003-G2100-U115-2—7619 The information provided in this document contains merely general descriptions or char- acteristics of performance which in case of…

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Инструкции » Радио и проводные телефоны » GIGASET

Всего инструкций в разделе: 205

Мануал к DECT или проводному телефону GIGASET поможет разобраться с возможностями и функциями современного аппарата. Вы узнаете как включить автоответчик или АОН, как пользоваться встроеной памятью, научитесь наиболее полно использовать весь функционал.

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инструкция устройство размер
GIGASET SL450HX проводной телефон 765.74 kB
GIGASET S850HX проводной телефон 923.45 kB
GIGASET S850A GO проводной телефон 1.16 MB
GIGASET CL540H проводной телефон 1.22 MB
GIGASET A415H DECT телефон 892.23 kB
GIGASET A540 IP системный телефон 1.16 MB
GIGASET Repeater 2.0 телефон беспроводной dect 550.83 kB
GIGASET SL450 SYS телефон беспроводной dect 875.75 kB
GIGASET А415A радиотелефон 4.92 MB
GIGASET А415 радиотелефон 4.92 MB
GIGASET A415DUO радиотелефон 1.49 MB
GIGASET A220DUO радиотелефон 521.53 kB
GIGASET A120DUO радиотелефон 521.53 kB
GIGASET A120AM радиотелефон 521.53 kB
GIGASET E310 RUS радиотелефон 1.62 MB
GIGASET C620A радиотелефон 3.00 MB
GIGASET C530A IP ip телефон 6.91 MB
GIGASET A540 радиотелефон 1.73 MB
GIGASET A415А радиотелефон 1.49 MB
GIGASET A415 Trio радиотелефон 1.49 MB
GIGASET A116 радиотелефон 1.06 MB
GIGASET А510IP VoIP-телефон 4.89 MB
GIGASET SL450A GO телефон проводной 2.09 MB
GIGASET C620 телефон беспроводной DECT 5.30 MB
GIGASET C530A телефон беспроводной DECT 1.42 MB
GIGASET C610 & L410 радиотелефон 5.39 MB
GIGASET C530A DUO радиотелефон 1.07 MB
GIGASET USB Stick 108 радио телефон 1.74 MB
GIGASET USB Adapter 108 радио телефон 1.78 MB
GIGASET M34 USB радио телефон 514.40 kB
GIGASET Euroset 5020 проводной телефон 1.40 MB
GIGASET Euroset 5015 проводной телефон 985.05 kB
GIGASET Euroset 5010 проводной телефон 444.17 kB
GIGASET SL565 DECT телефон 963.67 kB
GIGASET SL560 DECT телефон 1.37 MB
GIGASET SL56 DECT телефон 1.35 MB
GIGASET SL37H DECT телефон 672.15 kB
GIGASET SL375 DECT телефон 1.51 MB
GIGASET SL370 DECT телефон 1.51 MB
GIGASET S68H DECT телефон 913.13 kB
GIGASET S685 DECT телефон 1.58 MB
GIGASET S680 DECT телефон 1.67 MB
GIGASET E455 DECT телефон 1.20 MB
GIGASET E450 DECT телефон 1.15 MB
GIGASET DX800A DECT телефон 3.15 MB
GIGASET C475 DECT телефон 1.44 MB
GIGASET C470 DECT телефон 3.71 MB
GIGASET C455 DECT телефон 1.37 MB
GIGASET C38H DECT телефон 1.63 MB
GIGASET C385 DECT телефон 2.34 MB

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Safety notes





Do not use the handset in potentially explosive atmospheres.

To avoid mutual interference, do not operate the handset in the

vicinity of electronic equipment.

Do not use the handset in wet rooms! Devices are not splash-


A transmitter signal is emitted by your handset. Please observe

safety procedures for your area.


The ringing tone, signal tones and speakerphone talking (speaker-

phone mode) are played over the loudspeaker. Do not hold the tel-

ephone to your ear when it is ringing or if speakerphone mode is

switched on. Otherwise you may seriously impair your hearing.


Information for hearing aid users: Radio signals can interfere in

hearing aids.

Please provide the operating instructions with the handset if giv-

ing it to another user.


Only use permitted batteries.

Do not use conventional batteries. This can result in serious in-

jury and material damage (risk of explosion, degradation of bat-

tery cladding, functional interference and handset damage).

Avoid contact with fire and water.

Only use the approved C39280-Z4-C373 power supply unit to

operate the charging shell.

Номер по каталогу: L30250-F600-C215
Заводской номер:
Gigaset S4 professional DECT-телефон

Gigaset S4 professional DECT-телефон, рекомендованный к применению в системе HiPath Cordless Office. Gigaset S4 professional помимо стандартных функций поддерживают функционал АТС HiPath, например, доступ к меню при поднятой трубке, доступ к меню во время разговора, получение имени звонящего и прочие.

Технические характеристики Gigaset S4 professional:
— 1,8» цветной дисплей с разрешением — 128×160 пикселей, 65 тысяч цветов, подсветка;
— определение номера (CLIP/АОН) абонента, VIP-вызовы, список входящих вызовов, прием и передача SMS;
— HPS (система позиционирования HiPath) для обнаружения местоположения пользователя;
— повторный набор последних 20 номеров;
— до 10 часов в режиме разговора и до 150 часов в режиме ожидания;
— адресная книга на 500 записей;
— полнодуплексная громкая связь – разговор в режиме Handsfree;
— интерфейс Bluetooth и 2.5-миллиметровое гнездо наушников, разъем Mini USB; 
— загрузка заставок и изображений;
— размеры (высота*ширина*глубина) — 146x49x26 мм;
— питание — 2 батарейки типа ААА 550-1000 мА/ч;
— вес — 0,125 кг.

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