Grand ma2 pc мануал на русском

Небольшой цикл статей помогающий новичкам создать примитивное шоу.

Мы не будем углубляться в тонкости настроек, сокращений, команд и тд. Просто следуйте простым шагам чтобы создать простое шоу готовое к изучению основ и для прописи в 3d визуализаторе.

Скачиваем официальный софт.

Ссылка для скачивания (на данный момент):

Нам необходим дистрибутив программы grandMA2 onPC Software. На данный момент актуальная версия Так же скачиваем визуализатор MA 3D Software 

Прошу обратить внимание что версии софта должны быть одинаковые, иначе мы не сможем присоединиться к сессии.


Далее нам необходимо установить софт. Следуйте стандартным шагам установки и все пройдет без проблем.

По умолчанию папка установки: C:Program FilesMA Lighting Technologiesgrandma.

Рабочая же папка: C:ProgramDataMA Lighting Technologiesgrandma

По второму пути вы можете найти все ваши шоу, библиотеку приборов и тд

Новое шоу

После установки нам необходимо запустить ПО.

Несмотря на то что шоу и так пустое, я рекомендую создать полностью чистое шоу. Для этого нам необходимо нажать клавишу  Backup (правый верхний угол)

Выбрать вкладку New Show в открывшемся окне

В новом окне выбираем кнопку Check All что означает что мы выбираем очистку всего шоу И нажимаем Please (или Enter)

Теперь нашу шоу полностью чистое и готово к работе

Патч приборов из библиотеки

Для того чтобы запатчить приборы нам необходимо перейти во вкладку Setup > Patch & Fixture Schedule

Далее перед нами откроется окно со слоями.

Дадим название слою Beam.

После создания слоя перед Вами откроется окно Fixture Wizard

Здесь нам необходимо нажать на вкладку From Library

В новом окне под названием Import Fixture Type нам необходимо найти приборы. Допустим это будут Sharpy Beam 16ch от ClayPaky. 

Для этого можно написать в строке FixtureSharpy

Выбираем Sharpy в моде Standard Lamp On и нажимаем на кнопку Import .Теперь нас вернуло в окно Fixture Wizard. Допустим у нас 8 приборов на 1 юниверсе с 1 адреса.

Устанавливаем значение Quantity на  8, Fixture ID и Channel ID на 1.(Адреса внутри консоли)

Нажимаем на кнопку Apply

Теперь у нас есть 8 Sharpy Beam на слое Beam с 1 по 128 адреса, включительно

Закрываем окно EditSetup сохраняя изменения

Сообщество художников по свету


Эта статья будет постоянно обновляться по мере того, как будут появляться новые предложения на рынке.

Я вам советую обзавестись своим пультом. Не важно: usb-контроллер или полноразмерная консоль. Выбор будет сделать легче, если вы трезво продумаете варианты применения сейчас и в перспективе.

У обладания пультом есть плюсы.

Хорошо выучите систему

Вы будете решать разнообразные задачи и это поможет быстрее и глубже изучить возможности вашего пульта. Не важно, какая у вас модель — софт един для всей линейки пультов у производителей. С хорошими знаниями конкретной системы, вы сможете быть востребованы как программист и оператор.

Сможете работать быстро

Знание быстрых комбинаций упрощает и ускоряет работу с софтом. Со временем вы сформируете мышечную память на сочетания клавиш и будете совершать действия с автоматизмом. Углубленное знание системы тоже скажется на скорости выполнения операций с консолью.

У вас появится преимущество

При равных условиях, заказчик отдаст предпочтение человеку со своим пультом. Вы сможете продавать свои услуги дороже.

Облегчите себе жизнь

Вам не будет страшно, что на говнополяне вам поставят Пилот или Санлайт. Приятно работать в комфортных условиях.

Поможете производителю и другим пользователям

Не думайте, что от вас ничего не зависит. Производителю сложно смоделировать все возможные пользовательские сценарии. Отправляйте баги и предлагайте идеи по развитию софта. Это двигает разработку вперед и полезно всем.

Что выбрать?

У всех производителей есть недорогие начальные решения. Я определил требования, чтобы сузить поиск:

  1. Распространенность.
    Иными словами, райдерность отобранных систем. Нет никакого смысла обладать и учить редкие невостребованные консоли. Я сужу по совокупным упоминаниям в профессиональных изданиях и сетевых сообществах.
  2. Цена.
    Не больше 2000 € с бижутерией типа миди-контроллеров и дополнительным софтом. Профессиональное оборудование может продаваться с большими скидками, поэтому ориентируюсь на цены из открытых источников.
  3. Физические фейдеры и кнопки — обязательно.

На сегодняшний день самые популярные системы:

  • Avolites
  • Chamsys
  • MA Lighting (grandMA2 и grandMA3)
  • High End Systems (Hog 4)
  • Obsidian Control Systems (Onyx)

Санлайт с Лайтжокеями и прочей маргинальщиной не рассматривается, поскольку не имеет пультовой логики программирования.

На остальных взглянем подробнее.


В 2022 году я вернулся на систему Аволайтс. Визуально у Аво самый приятный графический интерфейс. Есть все, что нужно: встроенный визуализатор, базовый медиасервер, таймкод с таймлайном. После лет, проведенных на MA2, меня ничто не раздражает.

Аволайтс победил пиратство. Китайские поддельные пульты работают только до версии v.11.4. Для старых оригинальных пультов нужен лицензионный usb-ключ AvoKey. Китайским подделкам AvoKey не поможет обновиться до свежих версий (v.15 и далее).

Avolites T1 — начальное устройство в экосистеме Аво.

Avolites T1

Производитель предлагает USB-интерфейс на один DMX-выход. Чтобы втиснуться в требования про фейдеры и кнопки, придется прибегнуть к пиратскому тюнингу. За дополнительные 99 € программа OsiMIDI позволит подключить миди-контроллер и замапить фейдеры, кнопки, энкодеры.

  • 1 выход DMX
  • Фейдеры, кнопки и энкодеры на миди-контроллере с отдельной платной программой
  • Цена: 250 € + контроллер 40 € + софт 99 €. Итого 390 € за весь набор
  • Встроенный визуализатор

Если есть деньги, советую доплатить и купить Avolites T2 за 750 €.

Avolites T2

Тут на борту уже 2 DMX выхода, вход для LTC таймкода и разрешено подключать миди-контроллеры без ухищрений.

Следующий по старшинству: Avolites Titan Mobile за 3100 €.

Примеры лоукост сетапов с Аволайтсом


Популярная в мире система со своим визуализатором и медиасервером. Часто обновляется, заимствует удачные функции у других производителей.

Мощь Камсиса в том, что их софт MagicQ бесплатно дает 64 юниверса с любым артнет преобразователем. Через заворот кишок можно подключить миди-контроллер, но для этого потребуется какая-нибудь железка от Камсиса.

В 2022 году у Камсиса не осталось в продуктовой линейке никаких недорогих крыльев — всё сняли с производства. По словам представителей, к концу года будут анонсированы новинки.

Ничего пиратского по Камсису не существует.

За 14 € или даже бесплатно в подарок от дилера можно получить «шнурок» MagicDMX Basic на одну физическую DMX-линию. Есть ограничение — софт будет работать беспрерывно 5 часов, после этого придется перезапустить программу.

Донгл MagicDMX Full за 80 € будет работать без ограничений.

USB-донгл MagicQ Rack Mount за 540 € снимает ограничения на миди. Можно подключить миди-контроллер и замапить фейдеры, кнопки, энкодеры.

MagicQ Rack Mount

Примеры лоукост сетапов с Камсисом

MA Lighting

Пока наиболее распространенная и райдерная система в мире — grandMA2. В настоящее время вся линейка grandMA2 снята с производства. Можно купить оригинальные устройства на вторичном рынке или подделки.

Самый дешевый билет в мир grandMA2 — это пиратские usb-флешки российского производства, которые определяются как Command Wing или Fader Wing. Каждая флешка разблокирует по 2048 параметров и в отличии от устройств с Алиэкспресса не привязана к версиям софта. Флешки стоят по 7500 рублей. Купить можно у меня.

В grandMA2 очень просто подключать миди-устройства. Проще всего это сделать с помощью программы RD/ShowCockpit, лицензия на это обойдется в 80 € (не продается россиянам). Крутость программы в том, что кроме фейдеров и кнопок позволяет замаппить энкодеры на миди-контроллере.

Наши хакеры национализировали и Шоукокпит. Полную пиратскую версию ShowCockpit Pro 4.6.0 со всеми плагинами можно найти в закрепах в телеграм-чате Clear — Художники по свету.

Покупай российское! Наш разработчик Артем Сысолятин создал приложение Midi to grandMA2. Дешевле и местами круче португальского аналога. Рекомендую!

Лоукост сетапы на grandMA2

MA Lighting GrandMA3

Презентация новой линейки состоялась в январе 2018 года. Продукт до сих пор сырой и малопригодный для использования. Есть вероятность, что за счет преданной пользовательской базы достигнет возможностей grandMA2, но темпы удручающие.

Ничего пиратского по grandMA3 пока не выпущено.

Самое недорогое предложение — это контроллер grandMA3 onPC 2Port Node 2K. Система позволяет подключать миди-контроллеры без стороннего софта. На момент написания заметки, опция в софте недоступна. Not Implemented Yet, как у них принято говорить.

  • 2 выхода DMX, 2048 параметров приборов можно раскидать хоть на 256 линий по артнету
  • Фейдеры, кнопки и энкодеры на миди-контроллере
  • Цена: 1390 €
  • Встроенный визуализатор
  • Следующий по старшинству: grandMA3 onPC command wing за 5400 €.

Hog 4

Популярная система с огромной пользовательской базой по всему миру. В последних версиях открыли возможность мапить фейдеры, кнопки и энкодеры на миди-контроллеры.

Самое простое устройство — usb-устройство Hog 4 DMX Widget. Стоит около 730 €.

Hog 4 DMX Widget

В линейке Hog 4 появилась флешка ETCnomad USB key unlocked, которая разблокирует 12 юниверсов по артнету. Стоит около 1500 €.

ETCnomad USB key unlocked

Владимир Тихонов, гений радиоэлектроники из Красноярска много лет занимается производством национализированных устройств семейства Hog 4.

Среди множества виджетов и артнет-преобразователей, которые он делает, я выделяю роскошный контроллер, получивший народное название «Двуручный кастет». Это крыло, полностью имитирующее работу Hog 4 Hoglet. Стоит 75 000 рублей.

Рекомендую, обращайтесь к нему напрямую:

Obsidian NX Touch

До продажи компании Elation, продукт принадлежал компании Martin и назывался Martin M-Touch. Его можно купить до сих пор и он ничем не отличается, кроме логотипа на панели.

Пульт с сенсорными панелями в качестве фейдеров. Можно подключать миди-конроллеры с полноценными фейдерами. На устройстве есть энкодеры и командные кнопки.

  • 1 выход DMX, 4 выхода по артнету
  • Сенсорные фейдеры или миди-контроллер
  • Цена: 530 €
  • Следующий по старшинству: NX Wing за 2500 €
А можно дешевле?

Можно. Оникс бесплатно дает 1 юниверс по артнету. Миди-контроллер прицепить при этом не получится, система специально будет выполнять OSC команды с задержкой.

Пиратского по системе Оникс ничего не выпускается.

Примеры лоукост сетапов на Обсидиан Ониксе

Art-net преобразователи

Поддерживайте российских производителей, вон их сколько оказывается!

  Выходы DMX Цена, руб
Siberian Lighting LanUNO 512 1 12500
Siberian Lighting LanDUO 1024 2 15000
Siberian Lighting LanQUAD 4 20000
ЯRILO LANdmx2 2 13950
ЯRILO LANdmx4 4 18950
DMX Tools DMX Widget 2U 2 15000
DMX Tools DMX Widget 3U 3 17000
Владимир Тихонов ART-Net <-> DMX 2 2 8000
Владимир Тихонов ART-Net <-> DMX 4 4 12 000
Цены по состоянию на май 2022


Самое недорогое решение — нелегальное grandMA2, для бессовестных и бездуховных. Несмотря на то, что линейка снята с производства — это самая популярная туровая система в мире. Покупаете за несколько тысяч рублей устройство на 2048 параметров, артнет преобразователь, подключаете миди-контроллер с замапленными фейдерами, кнопками и энкодерами — пульт готов!

Obsidian Onyx — самое выгодное и удобное предложение. Контроллер с энкодерами и фейдерами. Да, сенсорными, но можно прикрутить миди-контроллер. Система развивается очень быстро, пользовательская база большая.

Самая щедрая система — Chamsys MagicQ. USB-ключ MagicQ Rack Mount открывает миди и дает 64 юниверса по артнету.

Самое национализированное устройство — «Двуручный кастет» от Владимира Тихонова. За 75 000 рублей вы получаете полноценное крыло, рядом с которым вас будут уважать!

Для всех пультов нужен ноутбук или компьютер. Сенсорный экран — обязательно, даже не спорьте.

Есть что добавить? Не сдерживайте себя в комментариях или в личку.

  • grandMA2 User Manual
    • New in the Manual
    • Introduction
      • About this manual
      • System requirements grandMA2 onPC
      • Installation of grandMA2 onPC
      • Help from MA technical support
    • Safety Information
      • Symbols used
      • Intended use
      • Dangers caused by electric current
      • General safety instructions
    • Device Overview
      • grandMA2 console
      • grandMA2 replay unit (RPU)
      • grandMA2 fader wing
      • MA onPC command wing
      • MA onPC fader wing
    • System Overview
      • Standalone systems
      • Network systems
        • What is the replay unit (RPU)
        • What is the network processing unit (NPU)
        • What is the MA video processing unit (VPU)
        • What is the network dimmer processor (NDP)
        • What is MA 3D
        • What are the MA nodes
      • Parameters vs. DMX channels
      • Parameter expansion
      • Big systems
      • Media systems and CITP
    • First Steps
      • Unpack the device
      • Check scope of delivery
      • Position the device
      • Connect power
      • Connect desk lamps
      • Connect external screens
      • Connect USB mouse and USB keyboad
      • Connect DMX
      • Connect sound
      • Connect SMPTE (LTC)
      • Connect Ethernet
      • Connect analog remote control
      • Connect grandMA2 fader wing
      • Setup your PC
      • Turn on the console the first time
    • Keys & Buttons on the Console
      • Key overview
      • >>> [GoFastForward]
      • <<< [GoFastBack]
      • . [Dot]
      • Align
      • Assign
      • At
      • Backg [Background]
      • Backup
      • Blind
      • Bt Pg +
      • Bt Pg —
      • B.O. [Blackout]
      • Channel
      • Ch Pg +
      • Ch Pg —
      • Clear
      • Copy
      • Cue
      • Del [Delete]
      • Down
      • Edit
      • Effect
      • [Encoder]
      • Esc
      • Exec [Executor]
      • Executor Buttons
      • Fd Pg +
      • Fd Pg —
      • Fix
      • Fixture
      • Freeze
      • Full
      • Go + [small]
      • Go + [large]
      • Go — [small]
      • Go — [large]
      • Goto
      • Group
      • Help
      • Highlt [Highlight]
      • If
      • Keyboard
      • Learn
      • List
      • MA
      • Macro
      • [Minus] —
      • Mouse
      • Move
      • Next
      • [Numeric]
      • Off
      • On
      • Oops
      • Page
      • Pause [small]
      • Pause [large]
      • Please
      • [Plus] +
      • Preset
      • Prev [Previous]
      • Prvw [Preview]
      • Select
      • Sequ [Sequence]
      • Set
      • Setup
      • Solo
      • Store
      • Temp
      • Thru
      • Time
      • Top
      • Tools
      • Up
      • Update
      • User 1
      • User 2
      • View
      • U1 — U4
      • V1 — V10
      • X1 — X20
    • Workspace
      • User interface
        • Screen layout
        • User-defined area
        • Command line
        • X-Key labels
        • View buttons
        • Master section
        • Time control
      • Encoder bar
        • Preset control bar
        • Encoder toolbar
      • Encoder settings
      • Command wing bar
      • Command section
      • Mini executor bar
      • Work with views
      • Touch gestures
      • Calculator
      • Info
      • Oops and undo
      • Colors
        • System
        • Marker
        • Cue
      • Text indicators and symbols
      • Icons
      • Keyboard shortcuts
        • Turn on or turn off the keyboard shortcuts
        • Edit keyboard shortcuts
        • Add or delete keyboard shortcuts
        • Export or import keyboard shortcuts
    • Windows in General
      • Create and manage basic windows
      • Clear the screen or delete windows
    • Command Syntax and Keywords
      • General syntax rules
        • Helping keywords
        • Object keywords
        • Function keywords
      • All keywords
        • Special characters
        • <<< [GoFastBack]
        • >>> [GoFastForward]
        • — [Minus]
        • + [Plus]
        • AddUserVar
        • AddVar
        • Agenda
        • Alert
        • Align
        • AlignFaderModules
        • All
        • AllButtonExecutors
        • AllChaseExecutors
        • AllFaderExecutors
        • AllRows
        • AllSequExecutors
        • And
        • Appearance
        • Asterisk *
        • Assign
        • At
        • At @
        • Attribute
        • AutoCreate
        • Backup
        • Black
        • Blackout
        • BlackScreen
        • Blind
        • BlindEdit
        • Block
        • ButtonPage
        • Call
        • Camera
        • ChangeDest
        • Channel
        • ChannelFader
        • ChannelLink
        • ChannelPage
        • Chat
        • CircularCopy
        • Clear
        • ClearActive
        • ClearAll
        • ClearSelection
        • Clone
        • CmdDelay
        • CmdHelp
        • Copy
        • CrashLogCopy
        • CrashLogDelete
        • CrashLogList
        • Crossfade
        • CrossfadeA
        • CrossfadeB
        • Cue
        • Cut
        • Default
        • DefGoBack
        • DefGoForward
        • DefGoPause
        • Delay
        • Delete
        • DeleteShow
        • DisconnectStation
        • Dmx
        • Dollar $
        • DmxUniverse
        • Dot .
        • DoubleRate
        • DoubleSpeed
        • Down
        • DropControl
        • Edit
        • Effect
        • EffectAttack
        • EffectBPM
        • EffectDecay
        • EffectDelay
        • EffectFade
        • EffectForm
        • EffectHigh
        • EffectHZ
        • EffectID
        • EffectLow
        • EffectPhase
        • EffectSec
        • EffectSpeedGroup
        • EffectWidth
        • Empty
        • EndIf
        • EndSession
        • Escape
        • ExecButton1
        • ExecButton2
        • ExecButton3
        • Executor
        • Exit
        • Export
        • Extract
        • Fade
        • FadePath
        • Fader
        • FaderPage
        • Feature
        • Filter
        • Fix
        • Fixture
        • FixtureType
        • Flash
        • FlashGo
        • FlashOn
        • Flip
        • Form
        • Freeze
        • Full
        • FullHighlight
        • Gel
        • Go
        • GoBack
        • Goto
        • Group
        • HalfRate
        • HalfSpeed
        • Help
        • Highlight
        • IdentifyFaderModule
        • If
        • IfActive
        • IfOutput
        • IfProg
        • Image
        • Import
        • Info
        • Insert
        • Interleave
        • Invert
        • InviteStation
        • Item3D
        • JoinSession
        • Kill
        • Label
        • Layer
        • Layout
        • Learn
        • LeaveSession
        • List
        • ListEffectLibrary
        • ListFaderModules
        • ListLibrary
        • ListMacroLibrary
        • ListOops
        • ListOwner
        • ListPluginLibrary
        • ListShows
        • ListUpdate
        • ListUserVar
        • ListVar
        • Load
        • LoadNext
        • LoadPrev
        • LoadShow
        • Locate
        • Lock
        • Login
        • Logout
        • Lua
        • Macro
        • ManualXFade
        • Mask
        • Master
        • MasterFade
        • MAtricks
        • MAtricksBlocks
        • MAtricksFilter
        • MAtricksGroups
        • MAtricksInterleave
        • MAtricksReset
        • MAtricksWings
        • MediaServer
        • Menu
        • Message
        • Messages
        • MidiControl
        • MidiNote
        • MidiProgram
        • Model
        • Move
        • Move3D
        • NetworkInfo
        • NetworkNodeInfo
        • NetworkNodeUpdate
        • NetworkSpeedTest
        • NewShow
        • Next
        • NextRow
        • Normal
        • Off
        • On
        • Oops
        • Or
        • OutDelay
        • OutFade
        • Page
        • Parentheses ( )
        • Park
        • Part
        • Paste
        • Pause
        • Plugin
        • PMArea
        • Preset
        • PresetType
        • Preview
        • PreviewEdit
        • PreviewExecutor
        • Previous
        • PrevRow
        • Profile
        • Protocol
        • PSR
        • PSRList
        • PSRPrepare
        • Quotation marks » »
        • Rate
        • Rate1
        • RdmAutomatch
        • RdmAutopatch
        • RdmFixtureType
        • RdmInfo
        • RdmList
        • RdmSetParameter
        • RdmSetpatch
        • RdmUnmatch
        • Reboot
        • Record
        • Release
        • ReloadPlugins
        • Remote
        • RemoteCommand
        • Remove
        • RemoveIndividuals
        • Replace
        • ResetDmxSelection
        • ResetGuid
        • Restart
        • Root
        • Rotate3D
        • SaveShow
        • Screen
        • Search
        • SearchResult
        • Select
        • SelectDrive
        • Selection
        • SelFix
        • Semicolon ;
        • Sequence
        • SetHostname
        • SetIP
        • SetNetworkSpeed
        • Setup
        • SetUserVar
        • SetVar
        • ShuffleSelection
        • ShuffleValues
        • Shutdown
        • SnapPercent
        • Slash /
        • Solo
        • SpecialMaster
        • Square brackets [ ]
        • Speed
        • StepFade
        • StepInFade
        • StepOutFade
        • Stomp
        • Store
        • StoreLook
        • Surface
        • Swop
        • SwopGo
        • SwopOn
        • SyncEffects
        • TakeControl
        • Telnet
        • Temp
        • TempFader
        • Thru
        • Timecode
        • TimecodeSlot
        • Timer
        • ToFull
        • Toggle
        • Tools
        • Top
        • ToZero
        • Unblock
        • Unlock
        • Unpark
        • Up
        • Update
        • UpdateFirmware
        • UpdateSoftware
        • UpdateThumbnails
        • User
        • UserProfile
        • Value
        • Version
        • View
        • ViewButton
        • ViewPage
        • WebRemoteProgOnly
        • With
        • World
        • Zero
      • Work with lists
        • Object list
        • Selection list
        • Executor list
        • Attribute list
        • Station list
    • Using the Backup Menu
      • New show
      • Load show
      • Save show
      • Save show as…
      • Delete shows
      • Using a USB stick
      • Setting up a file server
      • Partial show read
      • ASCII show read
      • grandMA2 to grandMA3 show file converter
    • Single User and Multi User Systems
      • The difference between a single user and a multi user system
      • Create user profiles and users
      • User settings
      • Login
    • Networking
      • What is networking
      • Set the IP address in the console
      • Set the IP address in the onPC
      • Using DHCP in MA devices
      • Session control
        • How to create a session
        • Protecting the session and station
        • Adding devices to the session
        • How to end or leave a session
        • Session collision
      • Getting DMX in and out of the system
        • Setting up DMX ports on MA devices
        • Network DMX protocols
        • What affects my DMX output?
      • Using CITP
        • Streaming CITP
        • Thumbnail exchange
      • PosiStageNet (PSN)
      • FTP connection to console and NPU
    • Patching, DMX, and Fixture Setup
      • What are channels & fixtures
        • Attributes
        • DMX break
      • What is 3D and stage setup
      • Adding fixtures to the show
      • Delete fixtures from the show
      • Working with layers
      • Multipatching
      • Live patching
      • DMX sheet
      • DMX testing
      • DMX and parameter lists
      • Universe pool
      • Stage view
      • Virtual 3D cameras
      • Position fixtures in the 3D stage
      • Auto calibrate fixture positions
    • Basic Fixture Types
      • What are attributes, features & preset types
      • ColorMix vs. MixColor
      • Different fixture types
        • Conventional
        • LED
        • Mirror
        • Moving lights
        • Media server
        • Virtual fixtures
    • Operate Fixtures
      • Channel sheet
      • Fixture sheet
      • Sheet options
        • Tools
        • Layer mask
        • Display
        • Title buttons
        • Assign executor
        • Mask (local)
      • Layers in sheets
        • Channel sheet and fixture sheet
        • Sequence content and sequence tracking sheet
      • What is the programmer
      • Encoder grouping
      • Using the color picker
      • Using the shaper dialog
      • Using the smart view
      • Edit a channel or fixture
    • Pools in General
      • Manage pool objects
      • Adjust pool options
      • Call modes
    • Groups
      • Create groups
      • Auto create groups
      • Using groups when programming
      • Choose copy method
      • Change specific group colors
      • Group masters
    • Presets
      • What are special modes
      • Preset pools
      • Preset pool «Dynamic»
      • Create presets
      • Preset pool options
      • Create preset reference
      • Auto create presets
      • Auto create additional presets
      • Embedded presets
      • Edit presets
      • Update presets
      • Delete presets
    • Cues and Sequences
      • What are cues and sequences
      • Looking at the cue sequence
      • Store cues
      • Store options and defaults
      • Cue timings
      • Renumber cues
      • Delete cues
      • Playing back cues
      • Looking at the cue content
      • Update cues
      • What is tracking
      • What is MIB
      • Sequence mini executor
      • Commands in cues
    • Executors
      • What are executors
      • Executors on the screens
      • Assign a function
      • Looking at the active executors
      • Common executor options
    • Advanced Sequence Functionality
      • Using different view sets in the sheets
      • Working with MIB
      • Using cue modes
      • Cue zero
      • Sequence info window
      • Looping cues
      • Cue path
    • Advanced Executor Functionality
      • Executor pages
      • Channel pages
      • Executor options
      • Masters window
      • Special masters
        • Default masters
        • Grand masters
        • Speed masters
        • Rate masters
        • Playback masters
    • Clone
      • Clone in user interface
      • Examples
      • Clone presets
    • Search and Replace
      • Search
      • Replace
    • Image Pool
      • Import images and videos
      • Image limitations & guidelines for symbols
      • Supported file formats
      • Delete images and videos
    • Layouts
      • Create a layout
      • Layout pool options
      • Edit layout
      • Layout view options
    • Worlds, Filters and Masks
      • What are worlds
      • Create worlds
      • Auto create worlds
      • Use worlds when programming
      • What are filters
      • Create filters
      • Use filters when programming
      • Use temporary filters
      • What are masks
      • Create masks
      • Use masks in the sheets
      • Apply worlds or filters to executors and sequences
    • MAtricks
      • MAtricks toolbar
      • MAtricks pool
      • MAtricks interleave
      • MAtricks blocks
      • MAtricks wings
      • MAtricks groups
    • Chasers
      • Create a chaser
      • Chaser settings
      • Chaser mini executor
    • Effects
      • Use predefined effects
      • Use template and selective effects
      • Create an effect in the programmer
      • Create an effect that uses presets
      • Create effect forms
      • Pool options
      • Effects in a cue
      • Assign effect to executor
      • Live edit an effect
      • Running effects
      • Update effects
      • Delete effects
    • Bitmap Fixture
      • Import bitmap fixture
      • Apply bitmap fixture in the layout
      • Control bitmap fixture
      • Edit bitmap fixture
      • Example
      • Priorities for bitmap effects
      • Disable bitmap for fixtures
    • XYZ
      • XYZ vs. pan/tilt
      • XYZ and pan/tilt in cues and sequences
      • Use stage markers
      • Link objects to stage markers in MA 3D
    • Remote Controlling the System
      • Remote input
      • MIDI show control (MSC)
      • Web remote
      • Telnet remote
      • Decimal – hex table
    • Timecode
      • What is timecode and timecode shows
      • Record a timecode show
      • Edit a timecode show
      • Playing back a timecode show
      • Organize the show with multiple timecode shows
    • Timer
      • Timer pool
      • Timer pool options
    • Agenda
      • What is agenda
      • Create an appointment in the agenda
    • Macros
      • What are macros
      • Manually create a macro
        • Use variables
        • Create pop-ups
        • Conditional expressions
        • Macro timing
      • Record a macro
      • Edit a macro
      • Command line interaction
      • Assign a macro to a key
      • Example macros
    • Plugins
      • What is Lua
      • Edit plugins
    • Partial Show Read
      • What is partial show read (PSR)
      • How to do a PSR
    • RDM
      • Turn RDM on
      • Match RDM devices
      • Auto patch RDM devices
      • Work with RDM parameters
      • Work with RDM sensors
      • Configure RDM notifications
      • Use the RDM sheet
      • Unmatch RDM devices
      • Splitters and mergers that support RDM
      • Turn RDM off
      • RDM specific keywords
    • DMX Profiles
    • Other System Tools
      • Message center
      • Help
      • Clock
      • Sound input window
      • VPU pixel mapper view
      • Network dimmer
        • Views
        • Errors
        • Readout
        • Edit properties of a rack
        • Edit a module
      • Desk status
      • Performance window
      • System monitor
    • Export and Import
      • Export by using command line
      • Export by using user interface
      • Import by using command line
      • Import by using user interface
      • Import predefined objects
    • Update the Software
      • Update via setup
      • Format a USB stick for Linux
      • Update or factory reset via boot menu
      • Restart from Linux
    • Advanced Fixture Types
      • Anatomy of a fixture type
        • Module manager
        • Instance manager
        • Wheel manager
      • Attribute & Encoder Grouping
    • grandMA2 onPC Details
    • Control the MA NDPs
      • Add the MA NDPs
      • Configure the MA NDPs
      • Delete the MA NDPs
    • Control the MA Network Switch
      • Add MA Network Switch
      • Change IP address
      • Enable DHCP client
      • Change hostname
      • Change switch ID
      • Configure ports
      • Edit groups
      • Edit presets
      • Edit LAGs
      • Mirror ports
      • Work with the switch configuration
      • Disable SNMP
      • Change password
      • Update firmware
      • Reset to factory defaults
      • Delete MA Network Switch
    • Control the MA xPort Nodes
      • Add the MA xPort Nodes
      • Configure the MA xPort Nodes in the console
      • Configure the MA xPort Nodes in a browser
      • Configure the MA xPort Nodes as splitters or mergers
      • Delete the MA xPort Nodes
    • Console Settings
      • Adjust the intensity of desk lights
      • Change screen options
      • Local settings
      • Wing & monitor setup
      • Date & time
    • Shut Down the System
    • Error Messages
    • Technical Data
    • Glossary
  • grandMA3 Mode2
  • grandMA2 Quick Start Guide
  • grandMA2 Quick Manual onPC solutions
  • MA 3D
  • MA VPU
  • Release Notes
  1. Manuals
  2. Brands
  3. MA lighting Manuals
  4. Music Mixer
  5. grandMA2 Series
  6. User manual
  • Contents
    Table of Contents

  • Bookmarks

Quick Links

Version 3.3 | 2017-12-05



Related Manuals for MA lighting grandMA2

Summary of Contents for MA lighting grandMA2

  • Page 1
    Version 3.3 | 2017-12-05 English…
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    5.7. Connect USB Mouse and USB Keyboad 5.8. Connect DMX 5.9. Connect Sound 5.10. Connect SMPTE (LTC) © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Fd Pg + (Fader Page) Key 6.29. Fd Pg — (Fader Page) Key 6.30. Fix Key 6.31. Fixture Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    Select Key 6.65. Sequ (Sequence) Key 6.66. Set Key 6.67. Setup Key 6.68. Solo Key 6.69. Store Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    Clear the Screen or Delete Windows Function of the Command Line 9.1. General Syntax Rules 9.2. All keywords 9.3. Work with Lists © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 6: Table Of Contents

    Live patching 13.8. DMX Sheet 13.9. DMX testing in the DMX Sheet 13.10. DMX and Parameter lists © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 7: Table Of Contents

    Group Master on Executors What Are Presets? 18.1. What Are Special Modes? 18.2. Preset Pools 18.3. Preset Pool «Dynamic» © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 8: Table Of Contents

    Using different view sets in the sheets 21.2. Working with MIB 21.3. Using Cue Modes 21.4. Cue Zero 21.5. Sequence info window © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 9: Table Of Contents

    27.7. Use filters when you Store and use At 27.8. Use temporary filters 27.9. What are masks © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 10: Table Of Contents

    Example for bitmap fixture 1068 31.6. Priorities for bitmap effects 1071 31.7. Disable bitmap for fixtures 1072 © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 11: Table Of Contents

    Assign a macro to a key 1182 37.7. Example macros 1186 Plugins 1191 38.1. What is Lua 1191 38.2. Edit Plugins 1191 © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 12: Table Of Contents

    Update the Software 1280 44.1. Update via setup 1280 44.2. Format a USB stick for Linux 1283 © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 13: Table Of Contents

    Delete the MA xPort Nodes in the Network Configuration 1356 Console Settings 1358 50.1. Adjust Intensity of Desk Lights 1358 50.2. Change Screen Options 1359 © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 14: Table Of Contents

    Date & time 1367 Shut Down the System 1372 Error Messages 1377 Technical Data 1381 Glossary 1386 Index 1393 © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 15: Introduction

    Moreover, grandMA series 1-showfiles can be converted to be used with the grandMA2. And for yet easier operation, all command keys can be found in the same place on every console of the grandMA2 series. The grandMA2 offers extremely flexible and comfortable ways of programming, including nearly infinite numbers of presets, cues, pages, sequences and effects.

  • Page 16: About This Manual

    Command line entry is displayed with the help of the command line. Command line response is displayed in the command line feedback. 1.2. System Requirements grandMA2 onPC © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 17: System Requirements Grandma2 Onpc

    1.3. Installation of grandMA2 onPC To run the grandMA2 onPC software, it is necessary to copy and install the program files on your PC. standard directory It is possible to perform the installation in every root directory or in the «C:ProgramDataMA…

  • Page 18: Help From Ma Technical Support

    Please send an email (in English or German) to the tech support with your contact details and the technical question. See the email address of the technical support in the footer of this website. This email service is monitored during MA Lighting’s regular business hours in Germany from 8.30 a.m. until 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

  • Page 19: Safety Information

    However, residual risks cannot be ruled out. To avoid risks, follow the safety instructions. MA Lighting does not cover damages which can be the result of an inobservance of the safety instructions. 2.1. Symbols Used The following symbols display possible danger, useful hints and information when using the device.

  • Page 20: Intended Use

    This device is intended for indoor use only. Every other use is not intended and could lead to injury and damage to property. MA Lighting does not cover damages which can result from misuse of the console. 2.3. Dangers Caused by Electric Current Defective device or defective power cable poses a risk of severe or fatal injury due to electrical shock.

  • Page 21: Device Overview

    5. Power Key 6. Menu Keys 7. Attribute Encoders 8. Grand Master 9. Dimmer Wheel 10. Trackball © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 22
    6. MIDI In 7. MIDI Out 8. LTC / SMPTE In 9. Audio In 10. Reset Button © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 23: Grandma2 Replay Unit (Rpu)

    1. Power Button 2. Internal Command Touch Screen 3. Reset Button 4. 2 USB 2.0 connectors Rear Panel © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 24: Grandma2 Fader Wing

    15. DC Remote Control 16. 6 x DMX Out 17. 1 x DMX In 3.3. grandMA2 fader wing © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 25: Front Panel

    1. Connection to a grandMA2 fader wing. 2. Connection to the console or from a grandMA2 fader wing. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 26: Ma Onpc Command Wing

    5. 100 mm Fader 6. Page Buttons Rear Panel MA onPC command wing rear panel 1. Power Connector © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 27: Ma Onpc Fader Wing

    1. 45 x Fader Executor Buttons 2. 15 x Fader Executor 3. 15 x Button Executor Rear Panel © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 28
    4. USB Type A Connector 5. USB Type A Connector, 5V for desklamp 6. 4 x DMX Out © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 29: System Overview

    For more about setting up DMX ports, please have a look at the Configure the DMX ports on MA devices topic. 4.2. Network systems © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 30: Network Systems

    For more information see grandMA2 replay unit (RPU) general description technical data. 4.2.2. What is the Network Processing Unit (NPU) © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 31
    It is a device from the grandMA1 system and it has a 100Mbit/s network adaptor. 4.2.5. What is MA 3D? © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 32
    The 3D can be used to preprogram a show and/or have it onsite for Blind and Preview editing. MA 3D can connect to grandMA2 onPC (also free) and does not need parameters to visualize the lighting. You can add a virtual camera dolly and program a moving camera.
  • Page 33: Paramters Vs. Dmx Channels

    This can be a big advantage when there is a lot of fixtures that has a lot of 16-bit (or fine) channels. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 34: Parameter Expansion

    But if 3-party visualizers are used, then the hardware might be needed to give access to the parameters. MA Lighting is working with many visualizer manufactures to allow them to read the DMX data without hardware. Learn more about parameter expansion here.

  • Page 35
    1 grandMA2 light (4 096) + 15 NPUs (4 096) = 65 536 parameters (the limit) 1 grandMA2 full-size (8 192 parameters) + 1 grandMA2 light (4 096) = 8 192 parameters (Consoles cannot expand the parameter count so the parameters from the console with the highest number are unlocked) ©…
  • Page 36
    Version 3.3 1 grandMA2 light (4 096) + 15 2Port Node onPC 2K (2 048) = 4 096 parameters (Nodes cannot expand the parameter count, so the parameters from the console is used — onPC nodes cannot give parameters to consoles)
  • Page 37: Big Systems

    Version 3.3 4.5. Big systems There are some limitation to consider when using the grandMA2 in big systems. Gigabit The following is exploring some of these limitations running one session in a good network. There is the general limitation regarding the parameter count: It can control a maximum of 65 536 parameters.

  • Page 38: Media Systems And Citp

    There is no universal solution that fits all and makes everyone happy. MA VPUs are made to be controlled and programmed from the grandMA2 system. Media servers from other manufactures can be integrated into the MA system. They can be controlled via direct DMX, Art-Net, sACN or other network protocols.

  • Page 39: First Steps

    Keep the packing material for transport. Information: The device was tested for proper function at the factory. 5.2. Check Scope of Delivery © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 40: Check Scope Of Delivery

    Power Cord 1.9 m IECC plug (lockable) open end 1 x Quick Start Manual 5.3. Position the Device © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 41: Position The Device

    2. Connect the other end of the cable to a suitable power source. The console is connected to power. grandMA2 full-size power connector 5.5. Connect Desk Lamps © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 42: Connect Desk Lamps

    To adjust the intensity of the desk lamp see adjust desk lights. 5.6. Connect External Screens © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 43
    5. Connect power to the external screens. The external screens are connected. For more information see change screen options. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 44: Connect Usb Mouse And Usb Keyboad

    The USB mouse and / or USB keyboard is connected to the console. grandMA2 full-size USB connector front panel © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 45: Connect Dmx

    2. Connect the other end to a suitable DMX device. The console is connected to a DMX device. 5.9. Connect Sound © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 46: Connect Sound

    Audio IN connector For more information see adjust sound input create effect form. 5.10. Connect SMPTE (LTC) © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 47: Connect Smpte (Ltc)

    LTC IN connector 5.11. Connect Ethernet The grandMA2 console has two Ethernet ports on its rear panel. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 48
    1. Connect one end of an Ethernet cable to the port. 2. Connect the other end to a suitable switch. 3. Connect other grandMA2 equipment to the switch and turn on the power on the switch. Ethernet is connected to port 1. Ethernet Port 2 Information: The Ethernet port 2 is called eth1 in the grandMA2 software.
  • Page 49: Connect Analog Remote Control

    1. Connect one end of a Ethernet cable to the port. 2. Connect the other end to a suitable switch. 3. Connect other grandMA2 equipment to the switch and turn on the power on the switch. Ethernet is connected to port 2. 5.12. Connect Analog Remote Control To use the analog remote control, connect a contact closure switch e.g., a light barrier or a push button.

  • Page 50
    DC remote control connector MA onPC command wing DC remote control connector 5.13. Connect grandMA2 fader wing © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 51: Connect Grandma2 Fader Wing

    & monitor setup. 5.14. Setup your PC To run grandMA2 onPC with the best result, we recommend to adjust the following settings on your PC. Turn on High Performance Power Plan To turn on the high performance power plan:…

  • Page 52
    Open the Control Panel of the high performance graphic card. For more information, see the manual of the high performance graphic card. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 53: Turn On The Console The First Time

    2. Click under Power at All Applications 3. Click at High Performance. 4. Search for grandMA2 onPC and select in the drop down menu under Graphic Settings Apply. 5. Click grandMA2 onPC is using the dedicated AMD graphic card. 5.15. Turn on the Console the First Time Requirement: The console is placed on a stable surface and is connected to power.

  • Page 54
    Note that you cannot check the box while the session is running. The console has to be in the standalone mode. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 55
    . To close the backup menu, tap in the upper right corner of the menu. grandMA2 start show on screen 1 © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 56: Keys & Buttons On The Console

    Assign Executor 1 Assigns functions to buttons or opens the Assign Assign Assign Flash Executor 1 assign menu. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 57
    Clone Fixture 1 to 21 If Clones source object to destination Copy Copy Clone Sequence 1 object. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 58
    Sets selection to dimmer value 100%. Loads the highlight values into the Fixture 1 Full Full Full Full No command programmer. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 59
    Group 1 If Group 2 IF IF IF IF groups. Learn Learn Learns speed for a chaser or effect. No example © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 60
    Page Page Enters the keyword ButtonPage into the ButtonPage 4 ButtonPage Page Page command line. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 61
    Store Executor 1.10 Store Store command line. Store press & No command Opens the Temporary Store Options. hold © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 62: Gofastforward] Key

    ViewButton command line. View View ViewPage 2 ViewPage Switches to a ViewPage. View 6.2. >>> [GoFastForward] Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 63
    Pressing >>> >>> >>> enters ToFull keyword into the command line. [Channel]> ToFull 6.3. <<< [GoFastBack] Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 64: Gofastback] Key

    Pressing <<< <<< <<< enters ToZero keyword into the command line. [Channel]> ToZero 6.4. . [Dot] Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 65: Align Key

    The dimmer values of the selected fixtures are set to 0 %. Pressing and holding enters the Default keyword into the command line. [Channel]> Default 6.5. Align Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 66
    If you choose an other preset type in the preset control bar, the align mode turns off. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 67: Assign Key

    6.7. At Key The key is located in the command area on the right of the key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 68
    The values of the selected fixtures or channels are set to their defined normal values. Executing: Normal © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 69: Backg (Background) Key

    (Background) is located in the command area below the key Information: The Backg key has no function. 6.9. Backup Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 70: Backup Key

    Backup Backup executes SaveShow keyword and saves the show data on the currently selected drive. 6.10. Blind Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 71: Blind Key

    To change the function of the Blind key see User Settings. 6.11. Bt Pg + (Button Page) Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 72: Bt Pg + (Button Page) Key

    ButtonPage command. The button page switches to the next page. 6.12. Bt Pg — (Button Page) Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 73: Bt Pg — (Button Page) Key

    If you press and hold Bt Pg — , you will automatically jump to the first ButtonPage. 6.13. B.O. (Blackout) Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 74: B.o. (Blackout) Key

    The command line stays unaffected. To disable the B.O. key see User Settings. 6.14. Channel Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 75: Ch Pg + (Channel Page +) Key

    DmxUniverse keyword into the command line. [Channel]> DmxUniverse 6.15. Ch Pg + (Channel Page +) Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 76
    Ch Pg + jumps to the dynamic channel pages on screen 3 and 4. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 77: Ch Pg — (Channel Page -) Key

    Ch Pg — is located on the left of the 100 mm fader. Location key Ch Pg — © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 78: Clear Key

    , you will automatically jump to the first channel page or the first dynamic channel page. 6.17. Clear Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 79
    Pressing and holding Clear for 2 seconds executes the ClearAll keyword. 6.18. Copy Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 80: Copy Key

    [Channel]> Copy Pressing Copy Copy enters the Clone keyword into the command line. [Channel]> Clone 6.19. Cue Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 81: Cue Key

    Pressing Cue Cue enters the Part keyword into the command line. [Channel]> Part 6.20. Del (Delete) Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 82: Del (Delete) Key

    Pressing Del Del Del enters the Release keyword into the command line. [Channel]> Release 6.21. Down Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 83: Down Key

    Pressing and holding Down moves the monitor wing of the console downward. 6.22. Edit Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 84: Edit Key

    6.23. Effect Key The key Effect is located on the right of the key View © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 85
    If a function keyword such as Store is already in the command line, pressing Effect Effect enters the Form keyword into the command line. [Channel]>Form © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 86
    Pressing and holding List Effect opens the temporary effect pool. Temporary effect pool 6.24. [Encoder] Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 87: Encoder] Key

    2 and screen 1. Pressing and holding the key opens the encoder settings. 6.25. Esc Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 88: Esc Key

    Location key Esc Pressing deletes unexecuted commands in the command line and closes pop-ups. 6.26. Exec (Executor) Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 89: Executor Buttons

    [Channel]> Executor Pressing Exec Exec enters the SpecialMaster keyword into the command line. [Channel]> SpecialMaster 6.27. Executor Buttons © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 90
    Pressing an executor button on a channel page executes the functions off, on or flash. [time] : Executing: Off ChannelFader 1.1 6.28. Fd Pg + (Fader Page) Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 91: Fd Pg + (Fader Page) Key

    If you are on a channel page, press Fd Pg + to open the fader pages. 6.29. Fd Pg — (Fader Page) Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 92: Fd Pg — (Fader Page) Key

    Fd Pg — for 2 seconds, you will switch over to fader page 1. 6.30. Fix Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 93: Fix Key

    Select Location key Fix Pressing enters Fix keyword into the command line. [Channel]> Fix 6.31. Fixture Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 94
    [Channel]> Selection Pressing and holding Fixture enters FixtureType keyword into the command line. [Channel]> FixtureType 6.32. Freeze Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 95: Freeze Key

    Freeze keyword and turns on or off the freeze mode. The command line stays unaffected. 6.33. Full Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 96: Go + Key (Small)

    The highlight values, for the selected fixtures or channels, will be loaded into the programmer. 6.34. Go + Key (small) © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 97
    Go + Go + enters the Unpark keyword into the command line. [Channel]> Unpark 6.35. Go + (large) Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 98: Go + (Large) Key

    Go + executes DefGoForward keyword for the selected executor. [time] : Macro: DefGoForward 6.36. Go — Key (small) © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 99: Go — Key (Small)

    Go — enters the GoBack keyword into the command line. [Channel]> GoBack 6.37. Go — (large) Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 100: Goto Key

    Pressing Go — executes DefGoBack keyword for the selected executor. [time] : Macro: DefGoBack 6.38. Goto Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 101: Group Key

    Pressing and holding Goto Goto enters the LoadPrev keyword into the command line. [Channel]> LoadPrev 6.39. Group Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 102
    Filter keyword into the command line. [Channel]> Filter Pressing Group enters the Layout keyword into the command line. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 103
    Pressing Group Group Group enters the Mask keyword into the command line. [Channel]> Mask 6.40. Help Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 104: Help Key

    + pressing any other key on the console, for example Fixture , opens the help window to the key pressed. 6.41. Highlt (Highlight) Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 105: Highlt (Highlight) Key

    6.42. If Key The key is located in the command area on the left of the key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 106
    [Channel]> IfProg pressing If If If If enters the If keyword [Channel]> If into the command line. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 107: Keyboard Keys

    Selects multiple cells in sheets. mouse button Shift + left Selects range of cells in sheets. mouse button 6.44. Learn Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 108: Learn Key

    6.45. List Key The key List is located in the command area on the left of the key Store © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 109
    Pressing and holding List enters the List keyword into the command line. [Channel]> List Open Temporary Pools © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 110
    Version 3.3 Open Temporary Pools The following short cuts open the temporary pool on screen 2 respectively (except for grandMA2 onPC without MA onPC wing). Temporary pools can be identified by the red background color between the objects. Pressing and holding…
  • Page 111
    [time] : Macro: Menu Page Pressing and holding List Macro opens the temporary macro pool. Temporary Macro Pool © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 112
    Pressing and holding List View opens the temporary view pool. Temporary View Pool [time] : Macro: Menu View © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 113: Ma Key

    [time] : Macro: Menu Effect 6.46. MA Key key is located in the command area below the © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 114
    Enters the keyword Stomp into the command Stomp line. Enters the keyword Extract into the command Extract line. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 115
    Lists updates in the command line feedback Update command view. Enters the keyword Screen into the command View Screen line. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 116: Macro Key

    [Channel]> Agenda Pressing and holding Macro enters the Timer keyword into the command line. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 117
    Macro Pool on screen 2 (except for grandMA2 onPC without MA onPC wing). Temporary Macro Pool 6.48. [Minus] — Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 118: Minus] — Key

    10 % dimmer value of the selected fixture or channel. [time] :Macro: At — 10 6.49. Mouse Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 119: Mouse Key

    6.50. Move Key The key Move is located in the command area on the right of the key Group © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 120
    Pressing and holding Move enters the Search keyword into the command line. [Channel]> Search 6.51. Next Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 121: Next Key

    [time] : Executing : All 6.52. [Numeric] Keys The numeric keys trough are located in the command area of the console. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 122
    Version 3.3 Location numeric keys Pressing a numeric key enters the number in the line focused. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 123: Off Key

    6.53. Off Key The key is located in the command area on the right of the key Select © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 124
    [Channel]> Off Pressing and holding and pressing several executor buttons turns off the executors. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 125
    Version 3.3 Pressing Off Off opens the Off Menu. Off Menu 6.54. On Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 126: On Key

    6.55. Oops Key The key Oops is located in the command area on right of the key Edit © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 127
    Pop-up Confirm Undo Pressing and holding the key Oops for about 2 seconds, opens the pop-up Multi-Oops. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 128: Page Key

    Page is located in the command area on the left of the key Macro Location key Page © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 129: Pause (Small) Key

    Pages Executor pool on screen 2 (except for grandMA2 onPC without MA onPC wing). Temporary executor page pool 6.57. Pause (small) Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 130: Pause (Large) Key

    Pressing Pause Pause enters the Park keyword into the command line. [Channel]> Park 6.58. Pause (large) Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 131: Please Key

    [time] : Macro : DefGoPause 6.59. Please Key The key Please is located in the command area below the number pad. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 132
    Fixture sheet with active attributes in the programmer © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 133: Plus] + Key

    Command line with the cursor blinking 6.60. [Plus] + Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 134: Preset Key

    6.61. Preset Key The key Preset is located in the command area on the right of the key Macro © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 135
    [Channel]> Gel Pressing and holding Preset enters the PresetType keyword into the command line. [Channel]> PresetType © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 136
    2 for the selected preset in the preset control bar. Temporary preset pool 6.62. Prev (Previous) Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 137: Prev (Previous) Key

    The key Prvw (Preview) is located in the command area on the left of the key Assign © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 138
    If there is already a function keyword in the command line, pressing Prvw executes the function keyword with PreviewExecutor keyword. [time] : Executing : Go PreviewExecutor © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 139: Select Key

    Pressing Select Select enters the SelFix keyword into the command line. [Channel]> SelFix 6.65. Sequ (Sequence) Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 140: Sequ (Sequence) Key

    [Channel]> Sequence 6.66. Set Key The key is located in the command area below the key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 141
    If the MAtricks button is green, the MAtricks are enabled. Encoder Bar — Enabled MAtricks Pressing and holding Prev executes the MAtricksInterleave © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 142: Setup Key

    6.67. Setup Key The key Setup is located in the command area on the right of the key Tools © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 143: Solo Key

    Setup keyword and opens the setup on the screen which was opened last. Setup 6.68. Solo Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 144: Solo Key

    6.69. Store Key The key Store is located in the command area on the left of the key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 145
    [Channel]> Store Store Encoder Bar Pressing and holding Store opens the pop-up Temporary Store Options. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 146
    Cues and Sequences — What are common Store Options? Store a Bitmap Effect Store the First Cue 6.70. Temp Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 147: Temp Key

    [Channel]> Temp Pressing Temp Temp enters the Toggle keyword into the command line. [Channel]> Toggle 6.71. Thru Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 148: Thru Key

    6.72. Time Key The key Time is located in the command area on the left of the key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 149
    Time changes to the Layer Layer Control Bar — Fade Layer © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 150
    Assign keyword into the command line, pressing then Time enters the Fade keyword into the command line. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 151
    Time Effect Layer changes to the next Layer Control Bar — Effect Layer © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 152: Top Key

    6.74. Tools Key The key Tools is located in the command area on the left of the key Setup © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 153
    Location Key Tools Pressing Tools executes the Tools keyword. The menu Tools opens. Tools Menu 6.75. Up Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 154: Up Key

    6.76. Update Key The key Update is located in the command area on the left of the key Clear © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 155
    Update. Pop-up Update Related Links © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 156: User 1 Key

    1 change to the User 1 page. X-Key Labels on Screen 1, User 1 6.78. User 2 Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 157: User 2 Key

    6.79. View Key The key View is located in the command area on the left of the key Effect © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 158
    Pressing and holding View , enters the Screen keyword into the command line. [Channel]>Screen 6.80. U1 — U4 keys © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 159: U1 — U4 Keys

    The U-Keys have a function if function buttons are visible on screen 1. Assign Menu U-Key Function Buttons © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 160: V1 — V10 Keys

    The view page corresponding the V-Key number you have pressed, will be called. 6.82. X1 — X20 Keys © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 161
    , the X-Keys will work just like view buttons. If you press List , the X-Keys will work just like executor buttons. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 162: Workspace

    -Touch gestures -Keyboard shortcuts 7.1. User Interface This chapter gives you an understanding of the grandMA2 user interface, the different elements such as the command line, and how to work with these elements. 7.1.1. Screen Layout This topic provides information on the screen layouts of the different screens.

  • Page 163
    User Defined Area to create and arrange windows. Screen 2 The screen 2 is structured in seven areas. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 164
    Screen 3 and Screen 4 (only grandMA2 light or grandMA2 full-size) Screen 3 and screen 4 are structured in three areas. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 165
    Screen 5 and Screen 6 (external screens) The external screens are structured in two areas. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 166
    User defined area to create and arrange windows. View Buttons to recall user defined window arrangements. 7.1.2. User-Defined Area © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 167
    Press and hold and press Please Command line with blinking cursor The cursor is blinking in the command line. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 168
    Tap one of the visible icons in the command line. The message center opens above the command line. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 169
    The default keyword is the keyword displayed in square brackets on the left of the command line. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 170
    1. Press a key with a default keyword on it, for example Fixture 2. Press Please 7.1.4. X-Key Labels © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 171
    For more information about the function of the view buttons, see use view buttons. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 172
    On screen 3 are the view buttons [viewpage].11 through [viewpage].20. On screen 4 are the view buttons [viewpage].21 through [viewpage].30. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 173
    , you get view button 11.21 through 11.40. Areas of view button X-Key. The view button X-Key is structured in four areas. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 174: Master Section

    Open the Command Section View via the . For more information see Create and Manage Basic Windows. Open the Command Section View © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 175
    You can move the slider up or down and tap at the function buttons right beside the slider. If you tap in the fader description field, the fader assignment opens. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 176
    Version 3.3 Fader Assignment For more information, see executor — assign a function. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 177
    The two faders can be used to set a time. The default maximum is 10 seconds. This maximum value can be changed in Setup->User->Settings. The bottom of screen 2 can be changed on the grandMA2 onPC. This will make it fit the hardware on a grandMA2 onPC Command Wing. This will hide the Time Control. Please read the…
  • Page 178
    Options. This will make the Executor run as normal using the stored cue timings. 7.2. Encoder Bar © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 179: Encoder Bar

    The preset control bar displays the available presets types in the show, according to the patched fixtures or © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 180
    Change values in the programmer You can change programmer values by using the preset type bar for these functions: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 181
    1. Features of the preset type. If more features are available, swipe to change the feature. 2. Attributes of feature. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 182
    Set the value for the attributes matching the selected filter, only if the parameters are already active in programmer. The encoder link option is saved in the user settings. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 183: Encoder Settings

    When using the dimmer wheel to turn up the dimmer values, the difference in the dimmer values will Turning up to 100% will make all channels reach 100% at the same time. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 184
    Disable Multi Touch The touch function screen 1 is disabled. Switch dialogs to default screen © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 185: Command Wing Bar

    Tap in the , select tab Other and then Command Wing Bar The command wing bar window is open. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 186: Command Section

    View and select under CmdWing Bar The command wing bar is visible at the bottom of screen 2, left beside the encoder bar, in the grandMA2 onPC. Command wing bar grandMA2 onPC 7.5. Command Section © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany…

  • Page 187
    Pressing Please consequently sets the dimmer in channel 1 to 50 percent. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 188: Mini Executor Bar

    3 on the executor 5. 7.6. Mini executor bar Mini executor bars are visible at the bottom of screen 3 (grandMA2 light and grandMA2 full-size) and screen 4 (grandMA2 full-size). Furthermore, they are visible in the command wing bar and in the playback windows.

  • Page 189: Work With Views

    — A created view on a screen that you like to store. For more information, see Mange windows. — An open view pool. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 190
    1. Press Store 2. Press either a V-key or a X-key, or tap a view button. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 191
    The view is deleted from the view button but still stored in the view pool. To delete views from the view pool Requirement: Open view pool. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 192: Touch Gestures

    Shaper — Fader Mode — Move two or more shaper parameter fader simultaneously. If you want to know what we mean when we mention swipe, tap or other ways of interacting with the grandMA2, have a look at this table.

  • Page 193: Calculator

    Figure 5: Swipe to select in the layout view. rectangle. 7.9. Calculator © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 194
    Tap to delete the next sign left from the cursor. Delete: Tap to delete marked values or the next sign right from the cursor. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 195: Info

    You can add object info such as a what a macro does, what fixtures are included in a universe, what device creates a timecode slot, where a cue is used, and so on. Open the info window © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 196
    . See as an example the Preset keyword. Assign info to an object (not selected executor) by using the info window © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 197
    Assign info to an object (not selected executor) by using the pool Requirement: Existing pool object. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 198: Oops And Undo

    7.11. Oops and undo By using the oops functions, you can easily undo actions. Oops / undo the latest action © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 199
    After saved changes in the Patch & Fixture Schedule, the Oops list begins of new. Important: An oopsed / undone action cannot be reversed. To oops / undo more actions: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 200
    To change the oops settings: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 201
    Revert to a previously saved show file version Every time you saved the show, the previous state of the show file will be saved as a .backup file. The grandMA2 creates up to ten .backup files. After the tenth .backup file is created, the first .backup file will be deleted. This allows to revert a previously saved show file version.
  • Page 202: Colors

    The selected backup is reverted. 7.12. Colors This chapter gives you an overview about the different colors used in the grandMA2. The colors are there to gives directly information about something what happened. This could be either the status of values in the programmer, or where are they coming from, and so on.

  • Page 203
    Lavender background indicates fixtures or channels that are limited by a group master. For more information see group masters. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 204
    Gray values indicate default values and effect values in the programmer. Red and White: Red value White value Red background © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 205
    Dark yellow values or backgrounds indicate tracked values from an executor, but not from the selected executor. Pale Yellow: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 206
    Gray pool object numbers indicate that this pool object is not assigned to a button or an executor. It is not used in the show. Cyan Pool Object Number: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 207
    Red: Red Marker Red markers indicate active programmer values (storable). Pink and Red: Pink and Red Marker © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 208
    Small pink markers indicate stomped effect values. For more information on this effect see Stomp Keyword. White: White Marker © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 209
    Small yellow markers in the fixture sheet, channel sheet, or layout view, indicate values from a sequence. Big Yellow: Big Yellow Marker © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 210
    Pink pool object markers indicate that effect values are stored in the pool object. Green Pool Object Marker: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 211
    Enable or Disable Markers You can enable or disable the markers. By default, the markers are enabled. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 212
    Cyan values or backgrounds indicates altered values in the cue from a selected executor. For dimmer attributes, a cyan value indicates an increasing dimmer value. Green: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 213
    The cue color options are changed. To save the cue color option, save the option as default or save the view. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 214: Text Indicators And Symbols

    Version 3.3 7.13. Text indicators and symbols This topic provides an overview of the different text indicators and symbols used in the grandMA2. The text indicators display information about actions in form of letters or symbols. This could be either additional information or the priority.

  • Page 215: Icons

    Worlds, Filters, Masks. A mask is in use. For more information, see Use Masks in the Sheets. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 216
    Follows the time marker and sets it to the middle of the window. Opens the window options. Pool Object Icons © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 217
    Command Line and Message Center Icons command line and the message center provides you with information about the: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 218
    DMX channels are parked. To unpark DMX channels, see Unpark Keyword. Preview is on. For more information, see Preview Keyword. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 219: Keyboard Shortcuts

    Select to draw rectangles in the Layout View. Select to create text boxes in the Layout View. 7.15. Keyboard shortcuts © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 220
    Ctrl + S Temp Ctrl + Alt + T Alt + T Ctrl + O <<< Alt + < © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 221
    Ctrl + T Edit Oops Backspace Update Clear Delete List Store Shift Please Enter Thru / (number pad) © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 222
    Ctrl + F12 Setup Backup Ctrl + Alt + B Help Ctrl + Alt + H Shortcuts for X-keys © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 223
    Large Pause Alt + Space Large Ctrl + Space Large Space Shortcuts for grandMA2 onPC screen buttons © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 224
    Turn the keyboard shortcuts on Insert Click Shortcut in the grandMA2 onPC or press on your keyboard. The keyboard shortcuts are turned on for the grandMA2 onPC. The shortcuts are displayed in brackets below the keys. Turn the keyboard shortcuts off Insert Click Shortcut in the grandMA2 onPC or press on your keyboard.
  • Page 225
    If the key or virtual keyboard is free, you can assign it. Select Virtual Key Code If you have clicked in the PCkey column, the pop-up opens. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 226
    2. Choose if you would like to add a shortcut with: — Direct Access — Ctrl Access — Alt Access — Ctrl Alt Access © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 227
    Add Shortcut pop-up opens regarding to the selected table. Add Direct Access Shortcut pop-up © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 228
    You can export your customized keyboard shortcuts for a later import in another show file. Export keyboard shortcuts © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 229
    1. Click Setup and then under tab click Edit Keyboard Shortcuts Edit Keyboard Shortcuts window opens. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 230
    3. Select the drive from which the keyboard shortcuts to be imported. 4. Click at the file and click Import The selected keyboard shortcuts are imported. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 231: Manage Windows

    Pages Channel Pages Executor Sequence Timecode Timecode Slots Timer Views Universes Worlds Presets P reset pools ​ © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 232: Create And Manage Basic Windows

    You can create a basic window in the user-defined area on every screen. To create a basic window: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 233
    You can move windows around in the user-defined area. If you tap and hold and then move a window, its frame is highlighted. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 234
    1. Tap and hold the dots in lower right corner of the window. The frame around the window and the dots become brighter. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 235
    Load from Default Window options are loaded from default. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 236: Clear The Screen Or Delete Windows

    Press and tap the title bar of the window. The window is deleted in the user-defined area. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 237: Function Of The Command Line

    [time] : Executing: Delete Group 4 For more information on how to use the command line in detail see Command line. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 238: General Syntax Rules

    The console does not distinguish between upper case and lower case. Capitalization is used to improve readability only. 9.1.1. Helping Keywords © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 239
    Or keyword OutFade keyword OutDelay keyword S napPercent keyword ​ Thru keyword Toggle keyword 9.1.2. Object Keywords © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 240
    Executor keyword Fader keyword FaderPage keyword Feature keyword Filter keyword Fixture keyword FixtureType keyword Form keyword Full keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 241
    Function keywords are the verbs of the console, so to speak. Example: Goto [Channel]> Cue 3 — or — Delete [Channel]> Preset «Blue» © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 242
    CmdHelp keyword Copy keyword Delete keyword DeleteShow keyword DisconnectStation keyword DoubleRate keyword DoubleSpeed keyword Edit keyword EndSession keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 243
    ListUserVar keyword ListVar keyword Load keyword LoadShow keyword Lock keyword Login keyword Logout keyword MasterFade keyword MAtricksBlocks keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 244
    SelFix keyword SetIP keyword Setup keyword SetUserVar keyword SetVar keyword ShuffleSelection keyword ShuffleValues keyword Shutdown keyword Solo keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 245: All Keywords

    To view the individual keywords, either use the tree structure of the manual or click the links here. 9.2.1. Special Characters © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 246
    Parentheses ( ) Quotation marks » » Semicolon ; Slash / Square brackets [ ] 9.2.2. <<< [GoFastBack] keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 247
    To execute this function you can also use the key <<< on the console. For more information see the key <<<. 9.2.3. >>> [GoFastForward] keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 248
    If used as a starting keyword, — [Minus] creates a selection list, which is removed from the current selection. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 249
    To execute this function you can also use the key on the console. For more information see the key -. 9.2.5. + [Plus] keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 250
    AddUserVar is a function used to change/extend content of user specific variables. AddUserVar AddU To execute the keyword AddUserVar type or the shortcut into the command line. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 251
    ListVar Keyword SetVar Keyword SetUserVar Keyword AddVar Keyword AddUserVar Keyword [ ] [Square Brackets] 9.2.7. AddVar Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 252
    Agenda is an object type which holds scheduled tasks to be executed at specific dates and times. Syntax Agenda [ID] © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 253
    «Your info text» regarding a task. Sets the date of the kick off First MM/DD/YYYY of the first task. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 254
    It is also possible to enter agenda into the command line by pressing the key Macro three times on the console. For more information see the key Macro. 9.2.9. Alert keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 255
    [Channel]> Alert «coffee break» coffee break The text is displayed in red in the message center. 9.2.10. Align keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 256
    To turn off any align mode type in the command line: [Channel]> Align 0 9.2.11. AlignFaderModules keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 257
    It is also possible to configure external wings on the screen via Wing & Monitor Setup. For more information see Wing & Monitor Setup. 9.2.12. All Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 258
    To turn off all button executors type in the command line: [Channel]> Off AllButtonExecutors 9.2.14. AllChaseExecutors Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 259
    AllFaderExecutors may be used as an alias to address executor 1 through 90, on all pages. Syntax [Function] AllFaderExecutors Example To turn off all fader executors. [Channel]> Off AllFaderExecutors 9.2.16. AllRows keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 260
    Syntax [Function] AllSequExecutors Example To turn off all executors with sequences. [Channel]> Off AllSequExecutors 9.2.18. And keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 261
    To see a list of all options of the keyword Appearance in the command line feedback window, type the following into the command line: [Channel]> Appearance /? © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 262
    Example: 2 — Change Frame Color of Several Objects Assign group object 1 thru 5 a blue frame in the group pool. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 263
    [Channel]> Appearance Preset 0.1 /h=0 /s=100 /br=50 Press Please — or — [Channel]> A ppearance Preset 0.1 /r=100 /g=0 /b=0 ​ © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 264
    Syntax Assign [Object-list 1] (At) [Object-list 2] Assign [Function] (At) [Object-list] © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 265
    A ssign Dmx 2.101 At Channel 5 ​ Patches DMX address 101 on the second universe to channel 5. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 266
    [Channel]> Assign Go ExecButton1 1.1 /cue_mode=xassert Assigns Go button with cue mode «xassert» to ExecButton1 of the executor 1 on page 1. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 267
    EffectID; Auto; Valueonly; Output; layer. IDValueExec; IDEffectExec; IDValueCue; IDEffectCue; DMX Ignores ignoreselection no option value current selection. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 268
    Following an object list that follows a function, At is a helping keyword for the starting function. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 269
    Sets the fader of Executor 3 to 50%. [Channel]> Attribute «Pan» At 20 Sets the pan attributes of current selection to 20. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 270
    Sets individual delay time of 2 seconds to all attributes, except for dimmers, for the current selection. [Channel]> Copy Group 4 At 10 Copies Group 4 to Group 10. 9.2.23. At @ Character © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 271
    (blue column header). Pressing the button Preset twice takes over Attributes into the command line. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 272
    ​ Calls the first Attribute of the second feature of the third preset type. 9.2.25. AutoCreate keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 273
    Generates all presets with preset references of fixture type 2 and merges them with the existing presets. 9.2.26. Backup Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 274
    Backup Example To open the Backup menu type in the command line: [Channel]> Backup 9.2.27. Black keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 275
    [Channel]> Black Off Executor 1 Returns master level of Executor 1 to the master fader. 9.2.28. Blackout keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 276
    Tap either Show Display Show All Displays in the lower right corner of the screen. Syntax BlackScreen © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 277
    All screens of the console turn back on. [Channel]> BlackScreen 1 Screen 1 turns black. 9.2.30. Blind keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 278
    Blind is a toggle function. This means that entering Blind without any helping keyword will toggle Blind mode on/off. Example [Channel]> Blind On Turns on Blind mode (turns off output of programmer). 9.2.31. BlindEdit keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 279
    Live and the Blind programmer. Example [Channel]> B lindEdit On ​ Turns BlindEdit on, opens the Blind programmer. 9.2.32. Block keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 280
    B lock Cue 5 If Fixture 4 If Feature «Position» ​ Blocks pan and tilt of Fixture 4 in cue 5 of the selected executor. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 281
    If Call is used on other object types, their content will be applied in its context. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 282
    Loads the content of Preset 3.1 into programmer without selecting the fixtures. At universal presets all fixtures supporting these attributes are affected. [Channel]> C all Sequence 1 ​ © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 283
    Syntax [Function] Camera [ID] Example [Channel]> Select Camera 1 Displays the front view in the stage view. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 284
    [Channel] > CD «Edit Setup» Enters the element of the current destination named «Edit Setup»: Edit Setup > © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 285
    Edit Setup/Universes > CD / Exits all levels up the root (no destination): [Channel] > 9.2.37. Channel keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 286
    Selects the fifth subfixture of the fixture Channel 11. [Channel]> C hannel 11 ​ Selects all subfixtures of the fixture Channel 11. 9.2.38. ChannelFader keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 287
    Assigns the first attribute of the second subfixture of Fixture 3 to fader 11 of channel page 2. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 288
    C hannelLink Attribute «Iris» + «Focus» ​ Toggles ChannelLink mode on for iris and focus. 9.2.40. ChannelPage keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 289
    Changes your physical faders to the next ChannelPage. [Channel]> D elete ChannelPage 2 ​ Deletes ChannelPage 2. 9.2.41. Chat keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 290
    The text you typed in in the quotation marks is displayed in gray in the message center. 9.2.42. CircularCopy keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 291
    — To access the Circular Copy in a window, press Tools . For more Information see the Tools key. ​ 9.2.43. Clear keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 292
    For more information on further functions of the keyword Clear ClearAll and ClearSelection. 9.2.45. ClearAll keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 293
    Cloning to fixture types adds global data to presets. Syntax Clone [Source Selection-list] At [Destination Selection-list] Clone [Source Selection-list] At [Destination Selection-list] If [Scope Object-list] © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 294
    However, using the keyword If may limit the scope of cloning to just cloning parts of your show file. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 295
    Creates selective data for fixture 2. Fixture 2 now does the exact same thing as fixture 1. 2.Example: Cloning fixture to fixture type © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 296
    2 keeps the data of fixture type 1 in case fixture 2 should not have any data for specific objects. [Channel]> Clone FixtureType 1 At Fixture 2 /merge © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 297
    Creates global data for fixture type 2. Fixture type 2 now does the exact same thing as fixture type 1. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 298
    S tore Cue 3 CmdDelay 4 ​ Creates cue 3 and sets its cmd delay time to 4 seconds. 9.2.49. CmdHelp keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 299
    To get a list of all options available for the keyword in the command line feedback window type the following into the command line: [Channel]> Copy /? © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 300
    Copies cue 2 to cue 6. [Channel]> Copy Macro 2 At 6 Copies macro 2 to macro 6. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 301
    If there are any crash log files on the internal drive, these are copied to the first USB flash drive. The files are available on your USB in the folder gma2 / temp. 9.2.52. CrashLogDelete keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 302
    If there are any crash log files, these are listed in the command line response window. 9.2.54. Crossfade keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 303
    C rossfade 70 Executor 1 Fade 3 ​ Sets the Crossfade of executor 1 to 70% in 3 seconds. 9.2.55. CrossfadeA keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 304
    A ssign CrossfadeA At Executor 1 ​ Assigns fader 1 the functionality of CrossfadeA. 9.2.56. CrossfadeB keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 305
    A ssign CrossfadeB At Executor 1 ​ Assigns fader 1 the functionality of CrossfadeB. 9.2.57. Cue keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 306
    [Channel]> Cue 3 Selects fixtures in cue 3 of sequence assigned to selected executor. 9.2.58. Cut keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 307
    [Channel]> Cut Preset 4.1 Prepares color preset 1 to be moved via the Paste command. 9.2.59. Default Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 308
    Set all attributes of fixture 1 to their default values. [Channel]> Fixture 1 Default 9.2.60. DefGoBack keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 309
    For more information on the key Go — see Go — (large). 9.2.61. DefGoForward keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 310
    It is also possible to enter this command by pressing the large Go + button on the console. For more information see Go + (large). 9.2.62. DefGoPause keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 311
    It is also possible to enter this command by pressing the large Pause button on the console. For more information see Pause (large). 9.2.63. Delay keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 312
    For more information see Cue. If a selection list filter is given, only specified fixtures are deleted from the object list. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 313
    Deletes Cue 7 in the selected executor. [Channel]> Delete Messages Deletes all messages in the message center. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 314
    To get a list of all options available for the keyword in the command line feedback window type the following into the command line. [Channel]> DeleteShow /? © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 315
    Deletes show files only (file ending .show.gz). 9.2.66. DisconnectStation keyword DisconnectStation is a function used to throw stations out of your session. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 316
    Disconnects station with host ID 10 on your Network. [Channel]> D isconnectStation Thru ​ Disconnects all stations on your subnet. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 317
    Patching of fixtures with multiple breaks Assign [DMX address] (At) [Fixture] /break=n Assigning a DMX address to a specific break. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 318
    Patches DMX address 101 to the first break of fixture 2 (i.e., the dimmer of a VL5). 9.2.68. Dollar $ Character © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 319
    To execute this keyword press the button Channel on the console three times or type or the shortcut DmxU into the command line. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 320
    Opens universe editor to change its properties. [Channel]> Move DmxUniverse 2 at 12 Moves DmxUnvierse 2 to DmxUniverse 12. 9.2.70. Dot . Character © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 321
    DoubleRate [Object-list] Example: [Channel]> D oubleRate Executor 5 ​ Doubles the rate of Executor 5. 9.2.72. DoubleSpeed Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 322
    Down is a function keyword. Syntax Down Example [Channel]> Down Scrolls down one page in the fixture sheet. 9.2.74. DropControl keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 323
    Example [Channel]> DropControl Regains full control over all playbacks in the current user profile. 9.2.75. Edit keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 324
    Takes the first cue in the sequence of a selected executor. If the executor is in a certain cue, then this cue is edited. 9.2.76. Effect keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 325
    Selects fixtures in the fixture sheet that can run effect 1 if it is a selective effect. 9.2.77. EffectAttack Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 326
    To set the effect attack for «pan» for the selection to 50 % of the pulse width modulation width type in the command line: [Channel]> Attribute «pan» At EffectAttack 50 9.2.78. EffectBPM Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 327
    To set the effect speed for «pan» for the selection to 90 beats per minute type in the command line: [Channel]> Attribute «pan» At EffectBPM 90 9.2.79. EffectDecay Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 328
    To set the effect decay for «pan» for the selection to 50% of the pulse width modulation width type in the command line: [Channel]> Attribute «pan» At EffectDecay 50 9.2.80. EffectDelay Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 329
    To set the effect delay for «pan» for the selection to 2 seconds type in the command line: [Channel]> Attribute «pan» At EffectDelay 2 9.2.81. EffectFade Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 330
    To set the effect fade for «pan» for the selection to 2 seconds type in the command line: [Channel]> Attribute «pan» At EffectFade 2 9.2.82. EffectForm Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 331
    To set the effect form for «pan» for the selection to the 6th form type in the command line: [Channel]> Attribute «pan» At EffectForm 6 9.2.83. EffectHigh Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 332
    To set the EffectHigh for «pan» for the selection to 20 type in the command line: [Channel]> Attribute «pan» At EffectHigh 20 9.2.84. EffectHZ Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 333
    To set the effect speed for «pan» for the selection to 2 Hertz type in the command line: [Channel]> Attribute «pan» At EffectHZ 2 9.2.85. EffectID Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 334
    To knock out any EffectID values (effect reference) of the programmer for the selection/feature type in the command line: [Channel]> Off EffectID 9.2.86. EffectLow Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 335
    To set the effect low for «pan» for the selection to -20 type in the command line: [Channel]> Attribute «pan» At EffectLow -20 9.2.87. EffectPhase Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 336
    To Set the effect phase for «pan» for the selection to 180 degrees type in the command line: [Channel]> Attribute «pan» At EffectPhase 180 9.2.88. EffectSec Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 337
    To set the effect speed for «pan» for the selection to 4 seconds per cycle type in the command line: [Channel]> Attribute «pan» At EffectSec 4 9.2.89. EffectSpeedGroup keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 338
    To change to different layers, press Time Syntax EffectSpeedGroup Example [Channel]> EffectSpeedGroup Jumps to the effect layer Speed Group. 9.2.90. EffectWidth Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 339
    To set the EffectWidth for «pan» for the selection to 50 % of the cycle type in the command line: [Channel]> Attribute «pan» At EffectWidth 50 9.2.91. Empty Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 340
    Executor 101 is deactivated. The function empty is assigned. Deactivated executor indicated by the empty executor function field 9.2.92. EndIf Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 341
    To create preset 1.1 only for group 5 type in the command line: Store If Group 5 EndIf Preset 1.1 Store Preset 1.1 If Group 5 9.2.93. EndSession Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 342
    To end the session directly without a confirmation pop-up type in the command line: [Channel]> EndSession /noconfirm 9.2.94. Escape keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 343
    Description The keyword Escape closes modal dialogs within a macro. Syntax Escape 9.2.95. ExecButton1 Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 344
    [Channel]> Assign Toggle At ExecButton1 5 To delete executor 5 type in the command line: [Channel]> Delete ExecButton1 5 9.2.96. ExecButton2 Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 345
    [Channel]> Assign Toggle At ExecButton2 5 To delete executor 5 type in the command line: [Channel]> Delete ExecButton2 5 9.2.97. ExecButton3 Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 346
    The default function for Executor objects is SelFix. This means that calling executors without any function specified selects the fixtures of the executor in programmer. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 347
    Assigns if kill protect is on or off. For more information KillProtect «on», «off» Advanced executor functionality — Executor options. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 348
    Assigns if soft LTP is on or off. For more information see SoftLTP «on», «off» Cues and sequences — Playing back cues. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 349
    To select the second executor on page 4 type in the command line: [Channel]> Select Executor 4.2 9.2.99. Exit keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 350
    To get a list of all available options to the Export keyword in the command line feedback window, type in the command line: [Channel]> Export /? The Export keyword has the following options. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 351
    To create an .xml file labeled based on Effectname in the effect directory with effect 1, type in the command line: [Channel]> Export Effect 1 9.2.101. Extract Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 352
    To set the fixture selection to the hard values of Cue 4 type in the command line: [Channel]> Extract Cue 4 9.2.102. Fade Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 353
    To set the individual fade time of 2 seconds to the current selection/attributes type in the command line: [Channel]> Fade 2 © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 354
    To assign a high-low fadepath to the main part of cue 4 type in the command line: [Channel]> Assign FadePath 7 At Cue 4 Part 0 9.2.104. Fader Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 355
    To set the level/position of fader of executor 5 to 50 % type in the command line: [Channel]> Fader 5 At 50 9.2.105. FaderPage Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 356
    The feature number may change when new fixtures and attributes are added to the show file. It is recommended to use the unique feature name, for example macros. Syntax Feature [number] © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 357
    Calls the second attribute of the feature «Position» type in the command line. [Channel]> Feature $feature.2 Calls the second attribute of the current feature type in the command line. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 358
    Calls filter 4 (next programmer action uses this filter). [Channel]> Select Filter 5 Selects filter 5 (all programmer actions use this filter). 9.2.108. Fix Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 359
    To toggle executor 3 from changing page, or not to changing page, type in the command line: [Channel]> Fix Executor 3 9.2.109. Fixture Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 360
    To select all subfixtures of the fixture cluster fixture 11 type in the command line: [Channel]> Fixture 11 9.2.110. FixtureType Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 361
    [Channel]> Clone FixtureType 2 at 3 if Preset «Color».* Clones global color presets of fixture type 2 to fixture type 3. 9.2.111. Flash Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 362
    Returns master level of executor 1 to the master fader and sets executor to off if it was not on. 9.2.112. FlashGo keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 363
    [Channel]> FlashGo Executor 1 Overwrites master level temporarily and jumps into the next cue. 9.2.113. FlashOn keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 364
    [Channel]> FlashOn Executor 1 Activates the cue of the executor and ignores its fade times. 9.2.114. Flip Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 365
    To set the pan and tilt of group 7 to the second of the pan/tilt combination that points in the same direction, type in the command line: [Channel]> Flip 2 Group 7 9.2.115. Form Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 366
    [Channel]> At Form 10 Sets the first attribute of the current feature to Form 10, «Ramp Plus». 9.2.116. Freeze Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 367
    Freeze Freeze On Freeze Off Example [Channel]> Freeze On Turns the freeze mode on. 9.2.117. Full Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 368
    Fullhighlight takes all highlight values of the fixtures that are currently selected into the programmer. Syntax Fullhighlight Example [Channel]> Fullhighlight Takes the highlight values actively into the programmer. 9.2.119. Gel keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 369
    Sets the color of the selected fixtures to the 44th color of the seventh swatch book. [Channel]> Export Gel 7 Exports the «Lee» swatch book. 9.2.120. Go Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 370
    [Channel]> Go Executor 3 To start macro 2 type in the command line: [Channel]> Go Macro 2 © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 371
    To go to the previous step of executor 3 type in the command line: [Channel]> GoBack Executor 3 9.2.122. Goto Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 372
    To go to cue 5 of executor 4 type in the command line: [Channel]> Goto Cue 5 Executor 4 © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 373
    To halves the rate of executor 5 type in the command line: [Channel]> HalfRate Executor 5 9.2.125. HalfSpeed Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 374
    To open the help to the Fixture keyword type in the command line: [Channel]> Help Fixture 9.2.127. Highlight Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 375
    To turn on the highlight mode type in the command line: [Channel]> Highlight On 9.2.128. IdentifyFaderModule keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 376
    Examples To deselect fixtures not in group 5 type in the command line: [Channel]> If Group 5 © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 377
    To delete attribute «pan» of fixture 4 from cue 3 type in the command line: [Channel]> Delete Cue 3 If Fixture 4 If Attribute «pan» 9.2.130. IfActive Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 378
    To select only fixtures of group 5 which have active values in programmer type in the command line: [Channel]> IfActive Group 5 9.2.131. IfOutput Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 379
    To select all fixtures with dimmer value between 50 % and 75 % type in the command line: [Channel]> IfOutput At 50 Thru 75 9.2.132. IfProg Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 380
    To select only the fixtures of group 5 which have values in programmer type in the command line: [Channel]> IfProg Group 5 9.2.133. Image keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 381
    The Import command loads data into the current command line destination after the existing objects, if no destination object is given. The Import command will look for files on the currently selected hard-drive. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 382
    To import macros from files with names starting with «macr» type in the command line: Macros/Global 1> Import «macr*» © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 383
    To get the info of group 3 displayed in the command line feedback window type in the command line: Info Group 3 9.2.136. Insert Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 384
    If you selected from fixture 11 to 100, pressing the key Next selects fixture 11, 21, 31 etc. 9.2.138. Invert Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 385
    If fixtures 1, 3 and 5 were already selected, Invert selects fixtures 2, 4 and 6. [Channel]> Invert Fixture 1 Thru 6 9.2.139. InviteStation Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 386
    To invite all stations on your network type in the command line: [Channel]> InviteStation Thru 9.2.140. Item3D keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 387
    [Delete] Item3D [ID] Example [Channel]> Delete Item3D Thru Deletes all unused 3D objects in a show. 9.2.141. JoinSession Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 388
    To join the session called FOH with the session name and the password 1235 type in the command line: [Channel]> JoinSession 1 «FOH» /pw = «1235» 9.2.142. Kill Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 389
    To go to next cue on executor 1 and turn off other executors type in the command line: [Channel]> Kill Executor 1 9.2.143. Label Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 390
    To rename the color-preset «Red» to «Dark Red» type in the command line: [Channel]> Label Preset «color».»Red» «Dark Red» 9.2.144. Layer Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 391
    To switch the encoders to adjust EffectForm layer type in the command line: [Channel]> Layer EffectForm 9.2.145. Layout Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 392
    To add the selected bitmap effect to Layout 1, type in the command line: [Channel]> At Layout 1 9.2.146. Learn Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 393
    The master rate learns the speed of the tapping of the executor button. 9.2.147. LeaveSession Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 394
    To get a list of all available option to the List keyword, type in the command line: [Channel]> List /? © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 395
    To list all color presets starting with the letter m in the command line feedback window type in the command line: [Channel]>List Preset «color».»m*» — or — [Channel]>List Preset 4. «m*» 9.2.149. ListEffectLibrary Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 396
    To get all available internal and external wings displayed in the command line feedback window, type in the command line: [Channel]> ListFaderModules 9.2.151. ListLibrary Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 397
    To list all macro .xml files starting with , type in the command line: [Channel]> ListMacroLibrary «My*» 9.2.153. ListOops Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 398
    The command feedback displays all the owners which to show the reason for the conflict. 9.2.155. ListPluginLibrary Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 399
    To get all show files beginning with f in the command line feedback window displayed, type in the command line: [Channel]> ListShows f* 9.2.157. ListUpdate Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 400
    To get the objects displays that can be updated if a sequence is running and you have values in the programmer, type in the command line: [Channel]> ListUpdate 9.2.158. ListUserVar Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 401
    To get all user specific variables beginning with f in the command line feedback window displayed, type in the command line: [Channel]> ListUserVar f* 9.2.159. ListVar Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 402
    To get all variables beginning with f in the command line feedback window displayed, type in the command line: [Channel]> ListVar f* 9.2.160. Load Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 403
    To select from a list which cue to load on executor 3, type in the command line: [Channel]> Load Executor 3 9.2.161. LoadNext © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 404
    If cue 4 was loaded on the executor 2, LoadPrev loads cue 3. «Loaded 3» starts flashing in red at the bottom of the mini executor. For more information see the keyword Load and the keyword LoadNext. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 405
    To get a list all available options to the LoadShow keyword, type in the command line: [Channel]> LoadShow /? © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 406
    To load the show file with the file name «Macbeth», type in the command line: [Channel]> LoadShow «Macbeth» © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 407
    To locate sequence 1 and see where it is assigned, type in the command line. [Channel]> Locate Sequence 1 Executor with located sequence 1 9.2.165. Lock Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 408
    To logout the current user and login as user Jimmy Page with the password mac, type in the command line: [Channel]> Login «Jimmy Page» «mac» 9.2.167. Logout Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 409
    Description This keyword is used to execute commands written in the script language Lua. After entering Lua into the command line, type in the script language Lua version 5.3. The grandMA2 will directly execute the commands written in Lua. Syntax Lua «Lua code»…
  • Page 410
    To set the wait time of macro 3 line 4 to go, type in the command line: [Channel]> Assign Macro 1.3.4 /wait=»Go» © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 411
    Activates the ManualXFade mode for the Special Master «Exec Time». [Channel]> Off SpecialMaster 2.3 Deactivates the Special Master «Exec Time». 9.2.171. Mask Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 412
    Selects mask 3 in the mask pool. [Channel]> Mask «My Mask» Selects mask with the name «My Mask». 9.2.172. Master Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 413
    To assign executor 28 as a master, type in the command line: [Channel]> Assign Master Exec 28 9.2.173. MasterFade Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 414
    ​ Sets the on and off fade time of executor 1 to 5 seconds. 9.2.174. MAtricks Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 415
    To temporary disable the MAtricks mode type in the command line: [Channel]> Matricks Off 9.2.175. MAtricksBlocks Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 416
    To set the block size 2 columns wide and 3 rows high (if MAtricksInterleave is active) type in the command line: [Channel]> MatricksBlocks 2.3 9.2.176. MAtricksFilter Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 417
    To select the «OddID» filter, only channels/fixtures with last digit 1/3/5/7/9 will be actively selected type in the command line: [Channel]> MatricksFilter «OddID» 9.2.177. MAtricksGroups Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 418
    To repeat the aligning for every sixth column an every third row of an interleave array type in the command line: [Channel]> MAtricksGroups 6.3 9.2.178. MAtricksInterleave Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 419
    [Channel]> MatricksInterleave 1.2 To increase the array width type in the command line: [Channel]> MatricksInterleave + 9.2.179. MAtricksReset Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 420
    To divide the fixture selection in two parts and the second part mirrors the adjusted values type in the command line: [Channel]> MatricksWings 2 9.2.181. MediaServer keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 421
    [Channel]> List MediaServer Thru Displays all defined CITP Mediaservers in the Command Line Feedback window 9.2.182. Menu Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 422
    The command line feedback window lists all menu you can open by using the Menu keyword. 9.2.183. Message Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 423
    The Messages keyword can only be used with the option . The short cut for condition is The following table displays the supported condition values. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 424
    If you use operation syntax, the operation has to be surrounded by spaces. «condition1 = ‘conditionvalue1′» Operation Syntax «and», «&» «or», «I» «not», «!» © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 425
    Delete all alert messages from the message center. [Channel]> Delete Messages /condition=»type = ‘alert'» 9.2.185. MidiControl Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 426
    MidiNote [note] MidiNote [midichannel] . [note] MidiNote [note] [velocity] MidiNote [midichannel] . [note] [velocity] MidiNote [note] Off © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 427
    If no MIDI channel is given, the MIDI channel of the MIDI Show Control in the Setup is used. Syntax MidiProgram [program] MidiProgram [midichannel].[program] Examples To transmit a program change of 12. [Channel]> MidiProgram 12 © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 428
    To assign a 3D model to a fixture, type in the command line: [Channel]> Assign Model 2 At Item3d 10 9.2.189. Move Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 429
    To move group 5 at group 9, type in the command line: [Channel]> Move Group 5 At 9 9.2.190. Move3D Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 430
    Displays only the devices in my session. value. type Undefined Displays only undefined devices. type Console Displays only consoles. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 431
    The network info is displayed in the command line feedback window. Command Line Feedback Window — NetworkInfo 9.2.192. NetworkNodeInfo Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 432
    To get information about all in the network available MA Nodes, type in the command line: [Channel]> NetworkNodeInfo Command Line Feedback Window — NetworkNodeInfo 9.2.193. NetworkNodeUpdate Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 433
    Do not use the NetworkSpeedTest keyword in show situations.The NetworkSpeedTest keyword blocks all other network traffic and DMX traffic for some seconds. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 434
    To get a list of all available option to the NetworkSpeedTest keyword, type in the command line: [Channel]> NetworkSpeedTest /? © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 435
    To get a list all available options to the NewShow keyword, type in the command line: [Channel]> NewShow /? © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 436
    — Time Config — Local Settings — Network Config , type in the command line: [Channel]> NewShow «Macbeth» /full © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 437
    Fixture selection is fixture 1 thru 7, current selected with next is fixture 2 9.2.197. NextRow Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 438
    To select the first row of 4 fixtures type in the command line: [Channel]> MatricksInterleave 4 [Channel]> NextRow 9.2.198. Normal Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 439
    At At The selected fixtures have a dimmer value of 60 percent in the programmer. 9.2.199. Off Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 440
    [Channel]> Flash Off Executor 1.2.4 To turn off highlight, type in the command line: [Channel]> Highlight Off 9.2.200. On Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 441
    Examples To activate the parameters of cue 1 from the selected executor, type in the command line: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 442
    Option Shortcut Description noconfirm Suppress the confirm undo pop-up. clear Clears the oops list in the oops pop-up. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 443
    [Function] [Object-list] [If] [Object-list] Or [Object-list] Example [Channel]> Delete Cue 1 If Channel 2 or 3 9.2.203. OutDelay Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 444
    [Channel]> Store Cue 3 OutFade 4 9.2.205. Page Keyword To get the Page keyword in the command line, press Page © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 445
    To call a page by using the page name, type in the command line: [Channel]> Page «song name» 9.2.206. Parentheses ( ) Character © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 446
    To unpark previous parked values, use the Unpark keyword. Syntax Park [Selection-list] (At [Value] ) Park [Attribute-list] (At [Value] ) © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 447
    To create a second part of cue 3 for the selected executor, type in the command line: [Channel]> Store Cue 3 Part 2 © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 448
    To delete the part with all values tap, delete values of cue part The part is deleted. 9.2.209. Paste Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 449
    [Channel]> Paste Group 5 To copy cue 5 at cue 15: [Channel]> Copy 5 [Channel]> Paste 15 9.2.210. Pause Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 450
    To start running again paused chaser executor 3, type in the command line: [Channel]> Pause Executor 3 9.2.211. Plugin Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 451
    To get the PMArea (= Pixel Mapper Area) keyword in the command line, type or the shortcut in the command line. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 452
    See Patch & Fixture available Schedule. Suppress the storing output pop- noconfirm no option value © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 453
    Assign the priority. The sACNPriority (only if the 0…200 highest number has the protocol is sACN) highest priority. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 454
    To get the Preset keyword in the command line, press Preset You can also type Preset or the shortcut Pres in the command line. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 455
    Select all fixtures stored in any preset with the label «DarkRed». [Channel]> Preset *.»DarkRed» 9.2.214. PresetType Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 456
    Activate the second color feature for the selected fixtures. [Channel]> On PresetType «Color».2 Call the second feature of the current selected preset type. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 457
    To get a list of all available options to the preview keyword, type in the command line [Channel]> Preview /? © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 458
    Load current cue of executor 3 in the preview editor. [Channel]> Preview Executor 3 9.2.216. PreviewEdit Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 459
    The preview encoder bar is displayed. The title bar of the fixture sheet, channel sheet, and layout view is red. The Prvw key is flashing. Preview Encoder Bar 9.2.217. PreviewExecutor Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 460
    Selected sequence in the preview editor. Store cue 5 in the preview sequence. [Channel]> Store Cue 5 PreviewExecutor 9.2.218. Previous Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 461
    PrevRow Example Select the last row of fixtures, if MAtricksInterleave is on. [Channel]> PrevRow 9.2.220. Profile Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 462
    Assign the y position in 0…1 physical values of the point. Example To export DMX profile 1 from the grandMA2 onPC to the folder C:ProgramDataMA Lighting Technologiesgrandmagma2_V_3.1importexport: 1. Type in the command line: [Channel]> Export Profile 1 2. Press Please The DMX profile 1 is exported as a .xml file.
  • Page 463
    Art-Net switches from unicast to broadcast. Art-Net, ETC Net2, Assign additional Pathport, sACN, Shownet, Info «Information text» information. Kinet1 © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 464
    The DMX512 slot outputs the level of the Netslot with the highest priority if HTP is not selected. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 465
    «OutputUnicast», «OutputAuto», «Input» Assign the output or input sACN: Art-Net, sACN Mode mode. «OutputMulticast», «OutputUnicast», «InputMulticast», «InputUnicast» © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 466
    Some equipment have sACN Protocol «Final» or «Draft» implemented the draft version of sACN before the final release. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 467
    Send grandMA2 universe 9 to Art-Net universe 9. [Channel]> Assign Protocol 1.1 /mode=outputauto /localstart=9 /amount=2 /network=1 /subnet=0 /universe=9 9.2.222. PSR Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 468
    Partial show read on sequence 1, if channel 1 through 3 are used. [Channel]> PSR Sequence 1 If Channel 1 Thru 3 9.2.223. PSRList Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 469
    Show all available and changed sequences of the show file which can be inserted. [Channel]> PSRList Sequence 9.2.224. Quotation Marks » » Character © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 470
    [Channel]> Assign Cue 1 /info=»run after music stops» Cue 1 contains the information «run after music stops». 9.2.225. PSRPrepare Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 471
    Open the Partial Show Read Prepare Window for the demo dimmer and more show. [Channel]> PSRPrepare «demo dimmer and» 9.2.226. Rate Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 472
    RdmAutomatch RdmA To get the RdmAutomatch keyword in the command line, type or the shortcut in it. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 473
    To automatch only the fixtures used in group 1 and also used in sequence 2, type in the command line: [Channel]> RdmAutomatch Group 1 If Sequence 2 © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 474
    To autopatch only the fixtures used in group 1 and also used in sequence 2, type in the command line: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 475
    The RdmInfo keyword opens the RDM info pop-up with the actual RDM information to the entered fixture or channel. The RdmInfo keyword is a function keyword. For more information, see RDM. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 476
    [Channel]> RDMInfo Fixture 3/screen = 3 2. Press Please The RDM Info pop-up opens on screen 3. 9.2.232. RdmList Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 477
    [Channel]> RdmList Fixture 3 / filename = «RDM Fixture 3» © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 478
    Important: If you enter manufacturer specific PIDs or PID values in the command line, it is necessary to use the hex value. A manufacturer specific PID name or PID value name can not be processed from a grandMA2 command line.
  • Page 479
    2 character alpha code for Changes the language of the LANGUAGE 0x00B0 ISO 639-1 messages. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 480
    To get a list all available options to the RdmSetParameter keyword, type in the command line: [Channel]> RdmSetParameter /? © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 481
    To get a list all available options to the RdmSetPatch keyword, type in the command line: [Channel]> RdmSetPatch /? © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 482
    To set the DMX address of the fixture with the UID 43500F019FCB to 25, type in the command line: [Channel]> RdmSetPatch 25 / UID = 43500F019FCB 9.2.235. RdmUnmatch Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 483
    To unmatch the fixtures used in group 1 and in sequence 2, type in the command line: [Channel]> RdmUnmatch Group 1 If Sequence 2 © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 484
    To be faster, type only the part of the IP address in the command line what is differently. Reboot 11 If the console has the IP address, the command is enough. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 485
    [Channel]> Record Executor 1 Turn off the timecode executor record from executor 1. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 486
    Version 3.3 [Channel]> Record Off Executor 1 9.2.238. Release Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 487
    To enter release values in the programmer for effects you could also type in the command line, 9.2.239. ReloadPlugins Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 488
    The creation and use of plugins can go deeper into the system as the normal use of a console. Therefore the technical support team of MA Lighting may not be able to help you in all circumstances when using complex LUA plugins. LUA plugins might have to be rewritten when migrating show files to future grandMA2 software version.
  • Page 489
    If you store a remote input type, the IDs needs to be in an order and beginning from 1. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 490
    «additional information» Assign additional information. Examples Store new DMX remote. [Channel]> Store Remote 3.1 © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 491
    [Channel]> RemoteCommand «View 3» Start macro 4 only on a specific console. [Channel]> RemoteCommand «Macro 4» 9.2.242. Remove Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 492
    Enter remove values for dimmer attribute for fixture 1. [Channel]> Remove Fixture 1 If PresetType 1 9.2.243. RemoveIndividuals Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 493
    The replace keyword replaces object and values. For more information, see search and replace. The replace keyword is a function keyword. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 494
    [Channel]> Replace Fixture 3 with 1 Delete a specific fixture from everywhere where it is linked to. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 495
    ResetDmxSelection is a function keyword. Syntax ResetDmxSelection Example Reset DMX Selection in the DMX tester. [Channel]> ResetDmxSelection 9.2.246. ResetGuid keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 496
    9.2.247. Restart Keyword To go to the Restart keyword, type Restart in the command line or use the shortcut © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 497
    Restart 11 If the console has the IP address, the command is enough. 9.2.248. Root Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 498
    Root [root-index] . [sub-index] . [sub-sub-index] etc Examples Change the destination of the command line to DMX_Protocols/Art-Net. [Channel]> ChangeDest Root DMX_Protocols.Art-Net Export all live setup layers from the grandMA2 onPC to the folder C:ProgramDataMA Lighting Technologiesgrandmagma2_V_3.1fixture_layers. [Channel]> Export Root LiveSetup.Layers Hint:…
  • Page 499
    Rotate the selected 3D object in the Stage View. [Channel]> Rotate3D At 2.5 -5 3.3 9.2.250. SaveShow Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 500
    [Channel]> SaveShow Hint: To save the show file by a shortcut, press Backup Backup 9.2.251. Screen Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 501
    If you search only for a value, it will be searched for dimmer attributes. The Search keyword is a function keyword. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 502
    The SearchResult keyword opens the world search result after an executed search command. The search result world includes only the fixtures or channels from the last search command. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 503
    Search in the last search result for fixtures with the attribute green at 20. [Channel]> Search Fixture Thru Attribute «G» At 20 If SearchResult © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 504
    Select Timer [ID] Select Camera [ID] Examples Select executor 5 as the default. [Channel]> Select Executor 5 © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 505
    Load demoshow «demo dimmer and more». [Channel]> SelectDrive 2; LoadShow «demo dimmer and more» 9.2.256. Selection Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 506
    To turn off executor 5 and delete group 3, enter in the command line: [Channel]> Off Executor 5 ; Delete Group 3 9.2.258. SelFix Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 507
    [Channel]> SelFix Preset 1 Select all fixtures used in effect 3. [Channel]> SelFix Effect 3 9.2.259. Sequence Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 508
    Select all fixtures used in sequence 5. [Channel]> Sequence 5 Block all cues of sequence 5. [Channel]> Block Sequence 5 9.2.260. SetHostname Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 509
    The SetHostname keyword works only on grandMA2 consoles. It is not possible to change the station name in a grandMA2 onPC. The station name on a grandMA2 onPC is the computer name.To change the station name on a grandMA2 onPC you need to change the computer name.
  • Page 510
    [Channel]> SetIP eth1 /mask= Sets IP address and network mask for the second Ethernet interface. [Channel]> SetIP © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 511
    Description The SetNetworkSpeed keyword, changes the port speed of the first network adapter of grandMA2 consoles and MA NPU. It makes sense to reduce the port speed, if grandMA series 2 devices are together with grandMA series 1 devices.
  • Page 512
    The Setup keyword is a function keyword. Syntax Setup Example Open the setup menu. [Channel]> Setup 9.2.264. SetUserVar Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 513
    Edit and tap on a empty macro pool tile. The Edit Macro pop-up opens. Edit Macro Pop-Up © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 514
    Create a macro in the macro pool that asks «Which song?», and opens the respective page. 1. Open the Macro Pool. 2. Press Edit and tap on a empty macro pool tile. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 515
    Page $»Songname» 5. Type The macro is ready to use. Delete a variable. [Channel]> SetVar $CueNumber = © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 516
    Syntax ShuffleSelection Example Mix-up the order of the selected fixtures or channels. [Channel]> ShuffleSelection 9.2.267. ShuffleValues Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 517
    Description The shutdown keyword switches the grandMA2 console off or close the grandMA2 onPC. A shutdown needs a confirmation at the local station. The shutdown can be canceled on a remote station within 10 seconds.
  • Page 518
    2. Switch station off, by using the host ID of the network. [Channel]> Shutdown 10 3. Switch current console off. [Channel]> Shutdown 9.2.269. SnapPercent Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 519
    The slash along with the function ChangeDest changes the destinations to the root level. For more information, see ChangeDest keyword. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 520
    To exit the structure tree and go back to the root level: 1. Type in the command line: [Edit Setup/Universes]> CD / © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 521
    The Solo keyword is a function keyword. Syntax Solo Solo On Solo Off Example Turn Solo on. [Channel]> Solo On 9.2.272. SpecialMaster Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 522
    Tuns the executor 15 into a fader to control the volume of the sound output. 9.2.273. Square Brackets [ ] Character © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 523
    To goto Cue 1 if $var is less than 5, and goto Cue 35 if $var is greater or equals 5, type into the macro line: Goto Cue [$var<5]1 [$var>=5]35 9.2.274. Speed Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 524
    Sets speed of the sequence or chaser to 120. [Channel]> Speed 120 Executor 3 9.2.275. StepFade Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 525
    Set the stepfade to 50 % on executor 3. [Channel]> StepFade 50 Exec 3 9.2.276. StepInFade Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 526
    Set the step in fade level to 50 % on executor 3. [Channel]> StepInFade 50 Executor 3 9.2.277. StepOutFade Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 527
    Set the step out fader level to 50 % on executor 3. [Channel]> StepOutFade 50 Exec 3 9.2.278. Stomp Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 528
    Select fixture 2, set its dimmer to zero and stops the current running dimmer effects. [Channel]> Fixture 2 Stomp 0 9.2.279. Store Keyword To go to the Store keyword, press Store © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 529
    Use tracking shield for store. universal no option value Stores preset with universal values. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 530
    If the dimmer value is 0, it stores only the dimmer value because there is no further visible output. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 531
    Adds tracking status to existing cue. value False, Stores with tracking. False is the same as tracking True cueonly. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 532
    Surface [ID] Example Load surface 2 from the wing & monitor setup. [Channel]> Surface 2 9.2.282. Swop Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 533
    Returns the master level to the master fader position and turns the executor off. [Channel]> Swop Off Executor 1 © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 534
    2. Returns the master level to the master fader position. The executor stays on after releasing the executor button. SwopGo Off Executor 1 © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 535
    Version 3.3 9.2.284. SwopOn Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 536
    2. Returns the master level to the master fader position. The executor stays on after releasing the executor button. [Channel]> SwopOn Off Executor 1 9.2.285. SyncEffects Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 537
    The user who executes the TakeControl command has only the control about playbacks with the Takecontrol fixtures. The control about all other playbacks is lost. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 538
    Take the exclusive control of fixture 1 through 10 for the current user profile. All other fixtures are not controllable from playbacks anymore. [Channel]> TakeControl Fixture 1 Thru 10 9.2.287. Telnet Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 539
    The telnet receiver needs to read the commands without a telnet login. If the telnet receiver asks for a login, the command can not be processed. The Telnet keyword sends Telnet commands via grandMA2 command line directly to a telnet receiver. The Telnet keyword is a function keyword.
  • Page 540
    To turn executor 1 temporary off, type in the command line: [Channel]> Temp Off Executor 1 9.2.289. TempFader Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 541
    Set the temp fader to 50 % for the selected executor. [Channel]> TempFader 50 9.2.290. Thru Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 542
    Description The Timecode keyword, select the timecode by default. With the Timecode keyword, you can store © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 543
    Turns off (Playbacks Off) «Playbacks Off», SwitchOff Stays on (Keep Playbacks) «Keep Playbacks» when the timecode show turns off. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 544
    [Channel]> Record Timecode 2 Pool Object Record Timecode Play timecode show 2. [Channel]> Go Timecode 2 Pool Object Go Timecode © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 545
    [Channel]> Assign Timecode 1/Slot = 3 Timecode slot 3 is assgined to timecode show 1. 9.2.292. TimecodeSlot Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 546
    The Timer keyword is an object keyword. Syntax [Function] Timer [ID] Assign Timer [ID] / [Parameter] = [Parameter Value] © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 547
    0.01S .. 23H59M59.99S countdown) Examples Edit timer 4. The Edit Timer pop-up opens. [Channel]> Edit Timer 4 © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 548
    Assign a countdown time of 20 seconds to the existing timer 4. [Channel]> Assign Timer 4 /countdowntime = 20 9.2.294. ToFull Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 549
    Sets the fader of executor 1 with cue mode assert to full. [Channel]> ToFull Executor 1 / cm = A 9.2.295. Toggle Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 550
    1. Turn the running executor 4 off. [Channel]> Toggle Executor 4 2. Turn the blind mode off. [Channel]> Blind Toggle 9.2.296. Tools Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 551
    [Channel]> Tools 9.2.297. Top Keyword To go to the Top keyword, press or type in the command line. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 552
    Goes to the top of the sequence cue_mode cm XBreak and calls the first cue and sets a xbreak before the cue. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 553
    Go to the top of the cue list on executor 5 in 3 seconds. [Channel]> Top Executor 5 Fade 3 9.2.298. ToZero Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 554
    Sets the fader of executor 1 with cue mode assert to zero. [Channel]> ToZero Executor 1 / cm = A 9.2.299. Unblock Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 555
    [Channel]> Unblock Cue 3 If Fixture 1 If Feature «Position» Unblock all default values from sequence 1. [Channel]> Unblock Sequ 1 /dv © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 556
    [Channel]> Unlock Cue 3 2. Unlock world 3 to edit the world. [Channel]> Unlock World 3 9.2.301. Unpark Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 557
    [Channel]> Unpark Fixture 2 Related Links Park Keyword Go + Key (small) Command Line 9.2.302. Up Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 558
    False, True Prevents changes to track forward. effects False, True Filters or enables effect layer. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 559
    3. Update color preset 2 with global values, keep them active in the programmer, and without confirmation pop-up. For more information, see Update Presets. [Channel]> Update Preset 4.2 /global /keepactive=true /noconfirm 9.2.304. UpdateFirmware Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 560
    The UpdateFirmware keyword is an object keyword. Syntax UpdateFirmware Example Update the hardware components of the firmware. [Channel]> UpdateFirmware 9.2.305. UpdateSoftware Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 561
    To be faster, type only the part of the IP address in the command line what is differently. UpdateSoftware 11 If the console has the IP address, the type 9.2.306. UpdateThumbnails Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 562
    Thumbnail exchange. Example Update the thumbnails of media server, row 2. UpdateThumbnails MediaServer 2 9.2.307. User Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 563
    9.2.308. UserProfile Keyword UserProfile To execute the keyword UserProfile, type or the shortcut into the command line. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 564
    There are three commands that generate the same result: Assigns the user profile 2 to world 1. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 565
    9.2.310. Version Keyword Version To go to the version keyword, type in the command line or use the shortcut © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 566
    Version details in the commandline Feedback pop-up The version details are displayed in the commandline feedback pop-up. 9.2.311. View Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 567
    Store the content of screen 2, 3, and 4 at view object 5. [Channel]> Store View 5 /screen = 234 © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 568
    Store a view at key X1. [Channel]> Store ViewButton 11.1 Related Links ViewPage Keyword View Key V-Keys X-Keys 9.2.313. ViewPage Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 569
    WebRemoteProgOnly Example Select function Prg Only in the web remote fixture sheet. [Channel]> WebRemoteProgOnly 9.2.315. With Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 570
    [Channel]> Replace At 50 With 55 If Programmer Related Links Search and Replace Replace Keyword Move Key 9.2.316. World Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 571
    Label a world. [Channel]> Label World 4 «All Fixtures» Related Links World, Filters, and Masks 9.2.317. Zero Keyword © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 572
    [Channel]> Fixture 1 Thru 10 Zero Sets the master of executor 1 to zero. [Channel]> Executor 1 Zero 9.3. Work with Lists © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 573: Work With Lists

    Example: Fixture Thru [Channel] > Selects fixture 3 through 6 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 574
    [Object-type1] [ID1] Thru [Object-type2] [ID2] — [Object-type 3] [ID3] [Object-type1] [ID1] Thru [Object-type1] Thru [ID1] [Object-type1] Thru © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 575
    Group + Cue [Channel]> Selects fixtures in group 3 and fixtures in cue 4. 9.3.3. Executor List © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 576
    [Channel]> Delete Executor 10 Thru 13 Deletes executors 10 through 13 of the current page. 9.3.4. Attribute List © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 577: Station List

    Thru [Channel]> 8.1.1 Knocks out the first 4 shaper attributes out of the programmer. 9.3.5. Station List © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 578
    Shuts down all the devices with the host IDs 1, 2, 3, and 4. For more information on how to set the IP address see SetIP. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 579: Using The Backup Menu

    The Backup Menu is organized in two section. The top section is for manual show file management. The bottom part is the Backup Options. This is what it could look like: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 580
    The internal drive can do everything except ASCII Show Read. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 581
    Previous versions installed on the console or computer will have their own tab. Shows can be loaded and delete in these tabs. Backup Options © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 582: Create A New Show

    Pressing the new show button in the backup menu opens a pop-up that could look like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 583
    User profiles keep all the data that is connected to the users. Clearing this data leaves only the Administrator and Guest users and the Default user profile. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 584: Loading A Show

    The idea is that it is possible to load just a small part of a different show into the currently loaded show. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 585
    In the picture above there is a button called «Viewing Shows». This is a button with three different modes: Viewing Shows This only shows a list of the main show files. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 586
    Show files can be loaded using the command line. The command is called . Read more about it here. 10.3. Saving a show © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 587: Saving A Show

    Using the GUI Pressing the Delete Show(s) button in the Backup Menu opens a pop-up like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 588
    Deleting shows can be canceled by tapping Cancel or the closing in the upper right corner. Using the Command Line © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 589: Using A Usb Stick

    The server tab is only available for the master in the session. In the FTP setup you need to connect to a FTP server (using port 21). © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 590
    It is recommended to have a username and password on the FTP server. This input field can be used to write the username. Password: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 591
    © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 592
    If successful then a tab will appear with the label specified. 10.8. Partial Show Read © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 593: Partial Show Read

    After a file have been selected, then the ASCII Show Read pop-up is displayed. This pop-up is separated into Overview different tabs. The first one is called and could look like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 594
    Before importing any data, you need to make sure the attributes from the ASCII file matches the attributes in the grandMA. This can be matched and changed in the Attribute tab. It could look like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 595
    The first setting is the Page Width — it does not have anything to do with the ASCII file, but it has to do with the console. If you are working on a grandMA2 light or grandMA2 ultra-light, then you might want to set the width to 15.
  • Page 596
    «temp» folder in the consoles structure. To get to them a FTP connection is needed. Read about it in the FTP Connection to Console and NPU topic. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 597: Single User And Multi User Systems

    Version 3.3 11. Single User and Multi User systems The grandMA2 system can handle small and big systems, with one or many user at the same time. This section deal with the difference between a system with a single user and one with multiple users.

  • Page 598: What Is The Difference Between A Single-User And A Multi-User System

    The User Profiles can also be limited to only a specific world. This would only allow the user to access a part of the fixtures. 11.2. Create user profiles and users © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 599
    © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 600
    — Here you can see how many stations are currently logged in with this user. Info — Here you can type some information text to the user. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 601
    6. Tap the cell with «New» in the top » » section — you might need to scroll down. 7. Tap the Add User button. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 602: User Specific Settings

    Read about the different settings in each of the help pages describing the different windows. Grand Master & Misc. Keys © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 603
    Cues and Sequences Presets topics instead. Settings This section contains different settings all related to the User (Profile). © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 604
    — this will move the selected moving lights Wheel — emulates the level wheel Select Trackball Function pop-up © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 605
    There are four quick options that allow for fast selection of one out of four quarters on the circle. Pressing the yellow X in the upper right corner cancels any changes. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 606
    (0.1% of the range) Normal (1% of the range) Coarse (5% of the range) Select Dimmer Wheel Resolution © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 607
    Default — This will add the amount of your current console. Half Page (15 faders) — This will scale down a grandMA2 full-size or grandMA2 onPC to match a grandMA2 light or grandMA2 ultra-light. Full Page (30 faders) — This will not add more faders to your grandMA2 light or grandMA2 ultra-light, but it will spread it out as if it was a grandMA2 full-size.
  • Page 608
    The two options are . Read about the in the System Colors topic. 11.4. Login on a station © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 609: Login On A Station

    Example: If you wanted to log in as administrator then you would type: [Channel]> login administrator admin © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 610: Networking

    PosiStageNet or PSN. It is a protocol used to exchange real-time position values. 12.1. What is networking © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 611: What Is Networking

    Version 3.3 12.1. What is networking Networking in grandMA2 can be a lot of things. Generally when we talk about network, we are talking about the Ethernet connections on the consoles and devices. To make any connections, the devices will need an IP addresses and physically connection using good Ethernet switches.

  • Page 612: Set The Ip Address In The Console

    There is a column for activating DHCP. Read more about DHCP in the Using DHCP in MA devices topic. 12.3. Set the IP address in the onPC © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 613: Set The Ip Address In The Onpc

    IP address set in Windows. Remember that onPC needs to restart before it uses the selected IP address. 12.4. Using DHCP in MA devices © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 614: Using Dhcp In Ma Devices

    Version 3.3 12.4. Using DHCP in MA devices The grandMA2 supports the use of DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol). Use the normal procedure for setting static IP addresses in your devices, if you do not know what DHCP is. DHCP is enabled as a default when you do a full install. It can also be enabled on Consoles, NPU, and DMX Nodes from the Setup->Network->MA Network Configuration.

  • Page 615
    The session list will display the session number, name, IP address of the master and a . This speed can be Fast or Slow. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 616
    Your station will create a session and upload the show file to all devices that are linked to your session. Read more about this in the Adding devices to your session. 12.5.2. Protecting the session and station © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 617
    It is not all devices that prompts a show upload. Nodes are generally just listening to the network traffic, and do not need a show upload. 12.5.3. Adding devices to the session © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 618
    DMX ports and timecode can be configured. Stations in the session will also appear in the MA Network Configuration. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 619
    This connector is for Art-Net and should have an Art-Net compatible IP address. Changing this number will change the IP address on the console and requires a reboot. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 620
    There are not all the same columns in the onPC section as in the console section. Please read the description of the columns in the Console section above. There are some small differences: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 621
    — If a VPU is set as a Backup, then tapping this button allows to setup the relationship between the main and backup VPU. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 622
    If the Node is connected to a managed switch, then the port where the node is connected needs to be Auto-negotiate set to for the speed/connection method. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 623
    In the new (grandMA2 era) nodes there are two IP addresses with the option to activate DHCP on the Ethernet port. One will be used for all MA communication. The secondary IP address is the Art-Net address — it will be used if the mode of the node is changed to Art-Net.
  • Page 624
    One of the stations that have left the original session, will become master — if it was not already. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 625
    This stored show can then be the source for a partial show read or elements can be exported and later imported into the running show. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 626: Getting Dmx In And Out Of The System

    A different way to get DMX in and out of the system is using Ethernet protocols like Art-Net and sACN. Other Ethernet protocols are output only. The grandMA2 system can transmit ETC-Net2, Pathport, Shownet and Kinet1. Read more about configuring Ethernet protocols on the Network DMX protocols topic.

  • Page 627
    All DMX ports can be an Input or an Output. It is just a matter of maybe adding a XLR gender changer to the physical exceptions connector. The are: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 628
    There is also a limitation regarding the devices receiving the incoming DMX. Any grandMA2 device can only have one DMX port as input per universe. This means that for instance a 4 port can have the four DMX ports as input, but the ports need to send the DMX to different universes.
  • Page 629
    The DMX nodes (MA nodes) and MA switches are different. Their settings are stored locally in the devices and a not loaded or changed with the show file. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 630
    It could look like this: Network Protocols menu — Art-Net tap Network Protocols The grandMA2 supports the following network DMX protocols, each having their own tab in the view: Art-Net: Both transmit and receive. Several ranges of universes can have different settings.
  • Page 631
    — This is the amount of universes you want to receive or transmit. ExternStart — Many of the protocols use this to set the protocol universe number. For example grandMA2 universe number 10 should be transmitted as Shownet universe 5, then the ExternStart should be 5 and LocalStart is 10.
  • Page 632
    Select Mode pop-up — Art-Net mode The last option is «Input». This makes the line merge incoming Art-Net DMX into your system. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 633
    — This is an ‘On’/’Off’ option. When ‘On’ the console will transmit Pathport. When it is ‘Off’, the the text is hidden. This can also be toggled by the button on the right side. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 634
    You can choose between input and output and each of them can be unicast or multicast. OutputMulticast: When choosing Output Multicast, sACN will be sent as multicast to the relevant multicast addresses. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 635
    Show upload – this stops DMX output. – Changing the value of a fixture this changes the DMX output. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 636: Using Citp

    (connected) in case of a failure or crash. Here are three examples on how to create backup: Use the grandMA2 console as master and the grandaMA2 onPC software version as connected, and DMX nodes for emission of the signal.

  • Page 637: Important Information

    Streaming videos via network needs bandwidth. A single CITP video stream of 30fps generates up to 15Mbit/s. Video streams are sent as multicast. Requesting the same video stream from different grandMA2 consoles or MA 3Ds will not generate additional network traffic.

  • Page 638
    This view displays a list of all the CITP servers that can stream video. You see the IP address, Port, Name and © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 639
    This is not needed with MA VPU. They will automatically exchange the thumbnails using MA-Net. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 640
    If the line has a red background then the server is not present or it have CITP disabled. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 641: Posistagenet (Psn)

    It uses a PSN server that transmit position information from different trackers connected to the server. grandMA2 can connect to the server, as a client, and receive the position information from each tracker. Usually you then connect the tracker information to a patched StageMarker. The StageMarker will then move around based on the incoming position data.

  • Page 642
    . If you do not have a connection to a PSN server then this window is empty. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 643: Ftp Connection To Console And Npu

    — it does not do anything and is not implemented. 12.9. FTP connection to console and NPU The consoles and the grandMA2 NPU can be accessed using a FTP client program. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany…

  • Page 644
    «actual» link. This will give access to a new folder called Accessing this folder will give access to the folders and files that constitutes the grandMA2. The first few of these folders could look like this: gMA2 folders Some off these folders are also present on a USB stick if it has been used to save a show.
  • Page 645
    The Template show folder is found in the first layer of folders. Show files can be copied to this folder. Show files in this folder are read only, and cannot be overwritten. They can be loaded from the grandMA2 software and stored as a new show either internal or on a USB stick.
  • Page 646: Patching, Dmx, And Fixture Setup

    For this please have a look at Basic Fixture types, Advanced Fixture types Controlling Fixtures. 13.1. What Are Channels & Fixtures © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 647: What Are Channels & Fixtures

    When you program a show, you will need to be able to select these devices, so they have an ID number — something we can type on a numeric keypad. The grandMA2 have the option to give each device two ID numbers. They can be the same number or they can be Channel ID Fixture ID different numbers for the same physical device.

  • Page 648
    It might just be a dimmer that uses 1 DMX channel, but can be something more complex like the Pan function that often use 2 DMX channels. In the grandMA2 it is just 1 Attribute no matter if it uses 1, 2 or 3 DMX channels.
  • Page 649
    DMX address and the lamp inside is connected to an external dimmer in a rack in Dimmer City. The rack mounted dimmer have a different DMX address (might even be a different universe). In the grandMA2 we only look at this fixture as one device.
  • Page 650: What Is 3D And Stage Setup

    This could be a model of your venue and the set. There are generally two ways to see this 3D space. In the grandMA2 software and in the MA 3D visualizer running on a windows computer.

  • Page 651
    This is one of the essential access points for everything that has to do with your entire fixture setup structure. A very important menu. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 652
    If you are not already presented with the wizard then you can get to it by tapping on the layer, tap new in the fixture list and then tap the Add Fixture button. The wizard could look like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 653
    This pop-up is also divided into a left and right side. The left side is all the fields we need to fill out for the grandMA2 to add and be able to use the fixture. The right side is an area that changes depending on what input field you currently have selected on the left side.
  • Page 654
    At the top of the list you can select what library you are using — it is the «Select Drive» drop down. For the grandMA2 to be able to see the fixture types they need to be in the correct folder. If you insert a USB stick then it will automatically creates the folder structure needed.
  • Page 655
    «qwo». Since no one else currently have a fixture with «qwo» in the fixture name, we do not really need the manufacturer filter. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 656
    You can see the top two input fields are the fixture type you selected and the second is the of the fixture. The © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 657
    If you do not want to give the fixtures a DMX address now, then you can type «0» (zero) in the Patch Break. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 658
    If you change the Fixture Type for an already used fixture then you are asked how colors should be transformed: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 659
    This is «On» as a default. When it is on then the dimmer attribute of the fixture will be affected by the Grand Master, © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 660
    The number entered here is a degree number and can be a negative value. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 661
    Layout view, the MA 3D and can be visible in Fixture and Channel Sheets. Editing this cell opens the Select Color pop-up: Select color © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 662
    , it does not consume any parameters any more in the grandMA2 and the MA VPU The idea: will send out the default values defined in the fixture profile additional to the Color RGB 1-3 values.
  • Page 663
    This shows you the currently selected universe. If you tap it then you can use the calculator to change the universe. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 664
    The left encoder is used to select the fixtures — if you have selected more than one fixture going into the DMX patch window. The left center encoder is used to select the Universe. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 665
    There is only one button for this pop-up. The «Update» button runs the diagnostics again and check if there are still warnings and errors. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 666
    The system will stop all DMX output while the show upload is running. Further readings Fixture types Fixture position DMX profiles © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 667: Delete Fixtures From The Show

    Patch & Fixture Schedule button. EditSetup The fixtures are organized in layers (or maybe just one layer) in the © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 668: Working With Layers

    3. Select the fixture in the list. 4. Tap the Delete Fixture button at the bottom. If this window is on screen 1 and the console is a grandMA2 full-size or grandMA2 light, then it might also be possible to press the key.

  • Page 669
    You can not oops or undo the deletion of layers or fixtures. Please save your show before deleting layers or fixture. Move Layer — Cut and Paste © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 670
    5. Tap the fixture where you want to insert the fixture above. 6. Tap the Paste Fixture button. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 671: Multipatching

    Create Multipatch — tap it (if the fixture schedule is on screen 1 — and you are on a grandMA2 full-size or grandMA2 light console, then you can also press the key. 4. This opens a calculator pop-up. Enter the amount of multipatched fixtures you want to add the the selected fixture.

  • Page 672: Live Patching

    EditSetup instead. Live patching using the Setup Menu © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 673
    DMX address — without an Offset. You might get a warning pop-up telling you about any collisions. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 674
    3. Locate the DMX address where you want to patch the fixtures and tap the location 4. Know you can tap the right encoder. It opens a screen like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 675
    ID and then directly in the DMX sheet, where you want the selected fixture. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 676: Dmx Sheet

    «2:1» but as «513» (512 addresses from the first universe + 1 from the second). © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 677: Dmx Testing In The Dmx Sheet

    DMX tester has a white background color behind the value and a white marker. The currently selected DMX address also has a yellow marker. It could look like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 678
    This button toggles between three different options: All, Patched, and Unpatched. The selects what DMX address you are allowed to select and affect by the DMX tester. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 679
    (range) from the DMX tester. Off DMX Thru Will release all DMX addresses. 13.10. DMX and Parameter lists © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 680: Dmx And Parameter Lists

    The following is a short description of each column on the left side: Number: This is the universe number. You cannot change this value. Name: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 681
    Here you can write an info about the universe. The changes you make here are made immediately. That was the DMX List. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 682: Parameter List

    The Stage value is used when you are in the Auto-calibration of fixture position mode. This is typically not defined (None value). © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 683: Universe Pool

    If you change the pool to be displayed in sheet style (in the pool options) it could look like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 684
    This is where you can see or edit the information attached to the universe. If there is any information attached to the universe then there is the icon in the pool button. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 685: Stage View

    To learn more about positioning the fixtures please read the Position fixtures in the 3D stage topic. Moving around in the Stage View © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 686
    . If you swipe it, then it might give you the following options: Stage view — Camera selection © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 687
    This button will activate the Follow function. It also displays the «Z-offset». Read more about the follow function below. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 688: Virtual 3D Cameras

    It is a pool. To learn general thing about the pools please read the Pools in General section. The Camera pool could look like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 689
    Fixture ID of the controller. When a camera is linked, then you cannot control it manually. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 690
    Camera Fixture Controller pop-up. It lists the available controller fixtures. It could look like this: Select Camera Fixture Controller pop-up © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 691: Position Fixtures In The Virtual 3D Stage

    Move or rotate along the axis of the object/fixture. Stage Axis: Move or rotate along the world/stage axis. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 692
    It has three different tabs: Move, Circle and Matrix. Move Arrangement Wizard This is the move section of the © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 693
    If you are done moving or just want to close the pop-up without applying any new values you can use the big in the upper right corner. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 694
    With this you can choose in what (stage) plane your circle will be made. Relative: With this you expand your circle every time you tap the Apply button. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 695
    With this you can choose the plane in which your matrix will be created. Horizontal Direction: With this you can change the horizontal direction your fixtures should be placed in. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 696
    The top half works a lot like the Stage View. Although there is an extra swipe button in the title bar. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 697
    If this is «On» then the Follow Target function in the MA 3D visualizer is active. This has to do with the Follow function in the Stage view. It is relevant for 3D stage elements. Model: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 698
    Editing a fixture gives you the same position and rotation XYZ options as the using the EditSetup and LiveSetup layer view (read above). 13.15. Auto-calibrate fixture positions © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 699: Auto-Calibrate Fixture Positions

    . You can change between the two modes by tapping the Mode button on the right side of the pop-up. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 700
    X, Y and Z position of three corners (A, B and C). This allows you to create a rectangle on a sloped plane. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 701
    All XYZ values in your show are now updated! Some rules and limitations There are some rules and limitations using XYZ position programming: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 702
    XYZ. This could result in unexpected loss of position data inside your sequence. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 703: Basic Fixture Types

    If we look at the Preset Type Color, then it can have several Features, including color wheels and a MixColor system. The MixColor Feature can have several Attributes, including Red, Green, Blue, and White. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 704: Colormix Vs. Mixcolor

    Read more about controlling fixture and changing Attribute values in the Operate Fixtures section. grandMA2 counts in Attributes and not in DMX channel — read more about that in the Parameters vs. DMX channels topic. 14.2. ColorMix vs. MixColor There are two words used when talking about color systems in the fixtures.

  • Page 705
    MixColor has been called ColorDim and ColorMix (CM) in the past. These names are now obsolete and depreciated 14.3. Different Fixture Types © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 706: Different Fixture Types

    The LED fixture is usually set up with different colored LEDs. The grandMA2 will expect it to be colored LEDs and have their default value at 100%. If the fixture do not have an intensity attribute, then it is customary to add a virtual dimmer to the fixture. The Virtual dimmer will make the color attribute fade up and down when the dimmer attribute is changed.

  • Page 707
    MA 3D, then this OK. The video output from the server might be used as a CITP stream into the MA 3D (read more about CITP in the Using CITP topics). 14.3.6. Virtual Fixtures © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 708
    Virtual Cameras for MA 3D Moving Paths for moving elements in MA 3D Figure in MA 3D © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 709: Operate Fixtures

    For more information on how to patch channels see Adding fixtures to your show. Edit Setup – Patch Channels © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 710
    Furthermore, it displays the word «Mask» and if a mask was applied. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 711
    To learn about the single options of the channel sheet see: Tools Layer mask Display Title buttons Assign executor © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 712: Fixture Sheet

    For more information on how to patch fixtures see Adding fixtures to your show. Edit Setup – Patch Fixtures © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 713
    5. The fixture sheet opens. This sheet contains all fixtures and fixture types with a fixture ID. Fixture Sheet © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 714
    The dialog opens. Fixture Sheet Options To learn about the single options of the fixture sheet see: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 715: Sheet Options

    Any change you do in the options are immediately applied to the sheet. To keep the options it is needed to store the view containing the sheet. Options title bar © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 716
    The Layer Control Bar gives access to the different data layers for the fixtures. Read more about layers in the Layers in the programmer topic. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 717
    The scroll bar is only visible if it is needed. ScrollBar vertical ScrollBar vertical is an option in Channel, DMX, Fixture, Content, Executor, and Tracking Sheets. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 718
    Layer Control bar — read about turning it on in the Tools topic. Read about the layers in the Layers in sheets topic. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 719
    Hiding the tracked values will only display the values stored in the cue currently displayed in the content sheet. This option can also be a Title Button. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 720
    The default is Horizontal, but some like to use the vertical in situation where you have few fixtures. For instance when programming Media Servers. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 721
    Font is an option in all sheets. There is currently only one font type available in the grandMA2 software. So the only thing to change regarding the Font is the size. Tapping the button opens the Small Select Font pop-up. It looks like this: Small Select Font pop-up Here it is possible to select one of the six different sizes — ranging from 10 to 22.
  • Page 722
    There are more options in the Executor sheet than in the Tracking sheet. This is the pop-up from the Executor sheet: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 723
    Tapping the button opens the small Select Symbol Output pop-up. It looks like this: Small Select Symbol Output pop-up The options are: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 724
    These colors are described in detail in the Cue Colors Topic. Values from other executors are displayed in yellow. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 725
    Autoscroll can also be a Title Button. Feature Sort Feature Sort is an option in Fixture, Content, and Tracking sheets. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 726
    The number of the preset will be displayed. Numbers & Names: Both the number and the name of the preset will be displayed. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 727
    Small Select Show Additional pop-up The options are: Show only Values: No additional information are displayed. DMX values without additional information © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 728
    If they have different values then they are split up into each displaying the values they have. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 729
    Tapping the button opens the small Select RDM Info pop-up. It looks like this: Small Select RDM Info pop-up © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 730
    Executor, and Tracking Sheets. Read about it in the Sheet Options — Display topic. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 731
    Channel, Fixture, Content, and Tracking Sheets. Read about it in the Sheet Options — Layer Mask topic. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 732
    This is the Set3 button with a default assigned mask. This is default for Channel and Fixture Sheets. It can be changed. Read more about masks in the Use masks in the sheets topic. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 733
    Hide Countdown Timing is available in the Executor Sheets. Read about it in the Sheet Options — Display topic. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 734
    Enable Mask Follow Mask Prog Only Active Only Parked Seq+ Seq- Set6 Set7 Set8 Set9 Set10 Readout © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 735
    Sequence Tracking Sheet Fixture Sort Feature Sort Auto Scroll Link Mode Selection Only Link Encoders Enable Mask © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 736
    15.4. Layer in Sheets © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 737: Layer In Sheets

    [Channel]> Dimmer 1 At Full Sets the dimmer to full and displays the value as «open». Fade: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 738
    Displays speed groups that are linked to active values. All in all, there are 16 speed groups. Low: Displays the values of low that are set for fixtures. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 739
    Displays name and number if effect was started in the effect pool. Output Layers Output Layers comprise the following in the channel and fixture sheet: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 740
    Displays the DMX value that comes out of the console. Shows all values independently of masters or profiles. 15.4.2. Sequence Content Sheet And Sequence Tracking Sheet © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 741: What Is The Programmer

    4. The fixtures with values, which have just changed, have red markers within the object in the sheet. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 742
    To see the active values only, tap the tab in the mask of the title bar in the fixture sheet. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 743
    Hint: To clear the entire programmer, press Clear for approximately 2 seconds. The programmer is now empty. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 744: Encoder Grouping

    3. Tap Attribute & Encoder Grouping on the right of the dialog Fixture Types. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 745: Using The Color Picker

    For more information on how to patch fixtures see Adding fixtures to your show. Open the Color Picker © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 746
    1. Tap Color in the encoder bar. 2. Then tap Special Dialog 3. The temporary color picker opens. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 747
    As mentioned before the color picker consists of five views. 1. HSB: Hint: HSB is the abbreviation for hue, saturation and brightness. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 748
    MixColor attributes enable the Q fader. It consists of three categories: Primary: Represents RGB only. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 749
    Represents a special color attribute. HSB – Q Fader – Category Pure Bar In HSB – Special Dialog © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 750
    The swatch book displays manufacturers and their corresponding gels. For more information on gel see the keyword Gel. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 751
    Special Dialog – Bar In Swatch Book Clear Filter: Empties the filter on the top left of the dialog. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 752
    Faders display the three color systems – HSB, CMY and RGB along with the Q fader – in contrast to one another in form of faders. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 753
    Color Picker – Options Options display the following: Live Preview: See Bar in Swatch Book – Special Dialog. Linked Encoders: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 754
    To open the title buttons in the color picker, tap in the upper left corner of the window. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 755: Using The Shaper Dialog

    Encoder Toolbar right below Shapers in the preset control bar. Shaper 4. The dialog opens. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 756
    To move the blades, tap either a number or a letter displayed around the circle and use the screen encoder. Corner Mode © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 757
    Invert All Inverts the selection. Reset POV: Sets the point of view into its initial position. Reset Rot.: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 758
    For more information on the single buttons see Corner Mode. Fader Mode Displays the shaper parameters in form of faders. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 759
    Cog wheel symbol: Displays set values. Tapping on the cog wheel opens a pop-up with values and symbols: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 760: Using The Smart View

    The smart view displays default-defined channel sets of an attribute. These channel sets are stored in the library. Open the Smart View © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 761
    The smart view displays all default channel sets of attributes in a neat way. It basically facilitates your working steps. Channel Sets channel sets The tiles marked by a red box are © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 762
    The fields marked by a red box in the smart view display features of a preset type. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 763
    To open the options in the smart view, tap in the upper left corner of the window. The dialog opens. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 764: Edit A Channel Or A Fixture

    © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 765
    To jump between fixtures or channels, tap either Previous Next in the title of the edit pop-up. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 766
    To close the edit pop-up, tap in the upper right corner. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 767: Pools In General

    The first pool object tile displays the name of the pool. If the focus is set to a pool, the first pool tile is blue. Group pool with focus © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 768: Manage Pool Objects

    The number in the upper left corner of a pool object is the pool object number. A pool displays at least a full screen of pool object tiles, for example 127 pool object tiles on screen 2 of a grandMA2 console.

  • Page 769
    Move pool objects Requirements: Open groups pool Existing groups pool object To move pool objects around in a pool: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 770
    The Pages Channel Pool, the Pages Exec Pool, and the Views Pool does not support the Edit pool objects function. Requirements: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 771
    Group 17 is locked. A locked pool object is indicated by a © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 772
    Group 17 is deleted. Hint: You can also use the Delete command to delete pool objects. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 773: Adjust Pool Options

    Camera Options 6. To close the , tap in the upper right corner of the pop-up . © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 774: Call Modes

    Note that fast calling a template effect, triggers all fixtures in the fixture sheet. Fast calling a selective effect only triggers those that are set selectively for an object. Pool Playback © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 775
    3. Direct Action is enabled and displayed below the name of the pool. Direct action – enabled For more information see Assign effect to executor. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 776: Groups

    The Group pool can also be displayed in a Sheet style. The then above groups would look like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 777: Create Groups

    Groups contain a selection of fixtures and the selection order of the fixtures. To create groups you’ll need to select some fixtures first. Create group using Group pool (GUI) © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 778
    Labeling the groups The grandMA2 will try to give the group a name when you store it. But if your selection is to complex for the console, then it’ll just call it «Group» and then the group number.
  • Page 779: Auto Create Groups

    Layer Fixture Type This button has two different modes: . It chooses what the left section displays. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 780
    (using the Overwrite button). Last thing is to tap the Create Single button. Auto Create Conflict pop-up © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 781
    11 then it will create group 12. 17.3. Using groups when programming © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 782: Using Groups When Programming

    *cold* at 60 all of them needs to go to 60, then write the following 17.4. Choose copy method © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 783: Choose Copy Method

    — Tap on an empty space on the screen. Create Basic Window opens. — Tap Pools , then tap Groups © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 784
    For more information on how to reset and adjust colors, change the pool into sheet style and/or how to use Saturation Brightness and the slider see Adjust pool options. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 785: Group Master On Executors

    When we say using the screens, we cannot just use the touch screens — it a combination of keys and screens. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 786
    In this menu there is only one button called «Mode». Tapping this will open the Select Group Master Mode pop-up Here you can select what mode the Group Master should use. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 787
    If you limit the first Group Master (the one with 1 + 2) then you are limiting both fixture 1 and 2 even though fixture 2 is allowed in the second Group Master. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 788
    To exit the locate function, you will need to execute the locate command without anything specified. Read more about the locate command here. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 789
    They provide an overview off all the group masters in the show. They are described in the Masters Window topic. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 790: What Are Presets

    . For more information see Auto calibrate fixture positions. Normal: Normal reverts the special mode of a preset. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 791: Preset Pools

    2. The pop-up opens. 3. Next, tap Presets 4. Then, tap single presets to open the corresponding pools. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 792
    All Preset Pools at a Glance Here is an outline of all preset pools. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 793
    Version 3.3 Preset pools 18.3. Preset Pool «Dynamic» © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 794: Preset Pool «Dynamic

    2. Assign values to fixtures. Temporary Store Options 3. Press and hold Store until the pop-up opens. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 795
    Temporary Store Options 10. To close the , tap in the upper right corner of the pop-up. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 796: Preset Pool Options

    User Settings – Window Settings – Presets and then subsequently tap Reset All Preset Pool Colors © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 797
    Hint: To close the preset pool altogether, tap Delete Window © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 798: Create Preset Reference

    To use preset references in other show files, export the fixture type after creating the reference. 10. To close the menu, tap in the upper right corner of the window. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 799: Auto Create Presets

    8. To create presets for single fixture types, tap Add global Preset 9. To merge presets for several fixture types, tap Merge global Preset © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 800: Auto Create Additional Presets

    Amount Hue and the calculator opens. -To set the range of hue, tap a number in the calculator. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 801
    Additional presets – HSB 12. Furthermore, dimmer presets in an interval of 10 percent have been created as well. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 802
    -To display the name as well as the key of the color, tap Color Name + Key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 803: Embedded Presets

    8. Then, tap an empty store object in the preset pool where the embedded preset is to be stored. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 804: Edit Presets

    7. You have now created an embedded preset marked by a white E within the object. 18.10. Edit Presets © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 805
    To deactivate the edit mode, press -or- 2. Way of editing presets: Update presets. 18.11. Update Presets © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 806: Update Presets

    12. The preset has now been updated. Hint: For more information on filter, selective, global, universal and default see Create presets. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 807: Delete Presets

    Instead, the actual values will be displayed in the sequence. Oopsing the action will recover the preset but not the link. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 808: Cues And Sequences

    The top row displays the sequence number on the left. If this number is cyan then the sequence is assigned to an executor. If it is not assigned then the number is gray. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 809
    The title bar can have up to three buttons. The right one will hide or show all the empty pool elements in the Sequence Sheet. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 810: Looking At The Cue Sequence

    To see the content of the cues please read the Looking at the Cue Content topic. Sequence Executor Sheet © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 811
    This can also be done using the touch screens and fingers, but it can be easier with the mouse or trackball. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 812
    Here it is possible to select a cue that should be looped to. Loops are described in details in the Looping Cues topic. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 813
    Sequence Mini Executor — middle part marked The editor that appears could look like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 814
    Notice that when this pop-up is open, then the Encoder Toolbar is different. It could look like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 815
    This can be done using the keys or by writing in the command line input. The result is that the Sequence Editor pop-up appears. It could look like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 816: Storing Cues

    Store a new cue on an empty Executor If you store a cue on an empty executor then the grandMA2 software automatically stores the cue in a new sequence and assigns this sequence to the executor using the default settings.

  • Page 817
    This can be done by pressing the Select key and then one of the keys associated with the executor. Store the second cue © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 818
    Version 3.3 Store the second cue If the store function is used again on the same executor — without adding cue number details — then the grandMA2 does not know what is wanted and a pop-up appears giving the different choices.
  • Page 819
    Cues after a Status Merge store action The (tracked) value from fixture 1 is stored into cue 3. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 820
    BO plus an asterisk. See the following example. Example This is the cue sequence and content before storing © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 821
    [time] : Executing : Store Cue 2 Part 1 © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 822
    A version of storing is the Store Remove, where the Remove button is selected in the Store pop-up (described above). © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 823: Store Options And Defaults

    The «Presets» options are described in the Create Presets topic. «If not Empty» is described in the Store Cues topic. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 824
    . This can be used to save the current temporary options as the new default options into the current User Profile. Store Encoder Toolbar © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 825
    As mentioned above there are two pages to this Encoder Toolbar. The second page could look like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 826: Cue Timings

    This is the time used to wait before executing the «Fade». It can also be called «InDelay». © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 827
    Individual times are usually stored together with active values in the programmer. The Encoder Toolbar should look like this when working with values: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 828
    There is an asterisk symbol in front of the time to show you that the time is adjusted. It could look like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 829
    The «Exec Time» or «Executor Time» fader can be used to override the stored times in the cues. It is a fader visible in the lower right corner of screen 2 (unless you are on a grandMA2 onPC with the «CmdWing Bar» turned on). It can…
  • Page 830: Renumber Cues

    A range of cues can be selected for renumbering, but remember that the new numbers cannot exceed the numbers before and after the selection. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 831: Delete Cues

    When this command is run then a pop-up will appear. It could look like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 832
    Now we are going to delete cue number 3. Normal This is the result with delete: Sequence after a Normal delete © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 833: Playing Back Cues

    © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 834
    It can be hard to see this in the sequence pool, but the Call Mode can be changed to «Pool Playback». Then the sequence sheet could look like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 835
    2 has a Time trigger set to 2 seconds, then the countdown starts when cue 1 is triggered. The time is set in the Trig Time column. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 836
    This is the list of possible priorities. This is a short explanation of the priorities: Super: This priority is the LTP priority above any other playbacks and even above the programmer. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 837: Looking At The Cue Content

    Sheet, but it has a masking function that only displays what is stored in a cue. It is like a combined Sequence Tracking (read below) and Fixture Sheet. It could look like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 838
    This will display the values from the previous cue. This is the last cue that was active even if you jump in the cue sequence. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 839
    An active cue will be displayed using a yellow frame around the row. If a cue is being previewed or edited then this cue will have a red frame. It could look like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 840
    If you edit any value in the sheet, then a Tracking Options pop-up appears. It can do a lot more than just edit the selected values. It looks like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 841
    Block the «Source» with regards to the «Destination». Tracked values (default colored magenta) are converted into stored values (default colored white). © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 842: Update Cues

    When this scenario is valid then the Update key will light up. Pressing the key will open the Update Menu © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 843
    This allows you to choose to add the new updated values as a different type of data. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 844: What Is Tracking

    Quite simply, tracking is the idea that once a parameter is set to a level, it stays there until it is told to go somewhere else. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 845
    Sequence with 8 cues — fixture 1 has a new color in cue 4 — blocked dimmer © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 846
    , the new values is not tracked if the attribute has previous tracking values. The old tracking values are automatically stored in the cue after the new values. Example © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 847
    When an attribute is released in the sequence then it is the same as the sequence no longer sending any information to the attribute. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 848
    Off. 19.12. What is MIB © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 849: What Is Mib

    Cue 4. (cue number 4 then 2 cues back in the list equals cue number 2.5). © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 850: Sequence Mini Executor

    This symbol means that the executor is currently assigned the «SWP» priority. This symbol means that the executor is currently assigned the «HTP» priority. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 851
    The middle part can look very different if it is «located» using the Locate command. It will look like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 852
    The right side have three squares or one, depending on the amount of physical buttons. These graphical representations of the real physical key labels the function of the keys. In grandMA2 onPC they can be clicked or pressed just like the real physical keys.
  • Page 853: Commands In Cues

    A useful keyword to know, if you need to trigger a command on a specific station, is the RemoteCommand. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 854: Executors

    Executors are the handles that are usually preferred when controlling sequences and other playback elements on the grandMA2. The different elements that can be assigned to an executor are: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 855
    The executors are grouped in blocks of 5 executors. Three blocks of 5 is a section with 15 executors. A grandMA2 full size has 30 Fader Executors (numbered 1 through 30) and 30 Button Executors (numbered 101 through 130). There are also 20 X-Keys, they can also function as Button Executors (numbered X1 through X20).
  • Page 856
    Encoder Toolbar. Next are six buttons that can be used to control the sequence playback — please read more about these controls in the Playing back Cues topic. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 857: Executors On The Screens

    20.2. Executors on the screens The grandMA2 supports a lot of executors. Most system are not set up for physical control of all these executors. They are still reachable as virtual executors on the screens. The different virtual executors are windows that can be created using the Create Basic Windows pop-up.

  • Page 858
    If the height is only 4 or 5 squares then the window will only display the Fader Executors. From 6 and © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 859
    Read about the Channel Faders in the Channels Pages topic. Options The options could look like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 860
    It will adapt to the about of groups (of 5 executors) displayed depending on the width of the window. The minimum size could look like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 861: Assign A Function

    Using only the keys to assign sequence 3 at executor number 5 on the current page: Assign Sequ 3 Exec 5 Please © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 862
    2. Tap the top part of the Mini Executor Bar. The assign menu can look like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 863
    This will empty the executor. Tapping the Sequence button will open the list of possible sequences. It could look like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 864
    If continuing to work in the Assign menu, then the executor is symbolized on the left side. It could look like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 865
    Tapping any of the three buttons will open the Select Function pop-up. It looks like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 866
    This option will perform the main function and then turn off the executor. The main function are: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 867
    This fades backwards — The fade timing can be changed in Setup -> Show -> Playback & MIB Timing. Default is the cue timing. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 868
    This turns the executor On. Park This parks the fixtures in the object assigned to the executor. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 869
    For instance to assign the Off function to the top key associated with executor number 1, you need to press the following keys: Assign Off (the top executor key labeled:) Example 2 © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 870
    Small Select Function (Executor Fader) pop-up The pop-up might present a smaller selection. This depends on the object on the executor. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 871
    To assign the rate function to executor number 9 on the current page, you will need to type the following command: [Channel]> Assign Rate Executor 9 Or address the actual fader: [Channel]> Assign Rate Fader 9 © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 872
    This is changed using the Assign Menu (see the top of this topic for more about using the Assign menu). The left side of the Function page of the Assign Menu could look like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 873
    1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, and so on AND the following five executors needs to be empty. When fully extended it could look like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 874: Looking At The Active Executors

    Off Menu Off Menu Tapping the key twice will open the . It could look like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 875
    This is the name and number of the User Profile that has last activated the playback. Only relevant for Sequence, Chaser, and Effect. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 876
    Create Basic Windows pop-up. This window can be found in the tab. It could look like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 877
    Here you can selected the font size. Tapping it will open a small . Here you can select a font size from size 10 through size 22. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 878: Common Executor Options

    ‘Off’ when master is moved down to zero. There are some other options that are relevant for Auto Start and Auto Stop: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 879
    Small Select Restart Mode pop-up There are three options here: First Cue This always restarts the sequence with the first cue. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 880
    3. Moving down the second fader will make the fixture red (when the fader is at 0) because the first executor is still active. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 881: Advanced Sequence Functionality

    Pressing the Edit key followed by one of the set buttons, or use any other way of editing, will open a pop-up like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 882
    With the mouse or a lasso marking it is possible to select several cells at the same time, and editing them all will move the «Yes». © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 883: Working With Mib

    This provide three options at the top, and then a list of all the previous cues. This list of cues only displays the cues that are before the cue being edited. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 884
    15 exist. A useful MIB macro could be something like this: Assign Cue /mib=off SetVar $mibvalue=(«Please enter MIB») © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 885
    As we do not want to see the scroll to red in cue 4, we mark this cue as MIB Early. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 886: Using Cue Modes

    This will force attributes to the current tracking status using the basic timing of the current called cue. Release Turns off the executor when the fade is complete. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 887
    — until it is re-triggered. This could be a flash sequence being triggered by the main sequence. Instead of manually programming the sequence to turn Off, then it can be done automatically. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 888: Cue Zero

    Select Cue Zero Mode pop-up Tapping the Cue Zero button will open a small like this: Select Cue Zero Mode pop-up © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 889
    , is used to fade from a values or effect value back to values tracking from cue zero. Autostomp Cue Zero timing is also used when using setting of executors. CueZero Extract © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 890: Sequence Info Window

    Link Selected This swipe button offers two options. . This determine what sequences info the window displays. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 891: Looping Cues

    Cues can be looped. They can loop indefinitely or loops can be limited by time or number of loops. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 892
    When the time reaches 0 then the looping is disabled and the next trigger will run the cue © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 893: Cue Path

    The path defines the transition form/path. Select Fade Path pop-up Editing a cell in this column will open a like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 894
    Editor. If there are customs paths, then they will appear at the Select Fade Path pop-up bottom of the Predefined Fade Paths © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 895
    The blue path is the path. The green path is the path. Finally the red path is the path. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 896
    The vertical axis is the fade time. The horizontal axis describes the fade from one value to the next. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 897: Advanced Executor Functionality

    Channel page is currently active — Read more in the Channel Pages topic. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 898
    Change the Button Executors to page 20: [Channel]> ButtonPage 20 Rainbow Change both faders and buttons to a page called [Channel]> Page Rainbow © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 899: Channel

    Pools in General section, then please read it. This is what it looks like in Sheet Style: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 900
    We need to explore fixture 1 so type the following command and execute it with a please: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 901
    It is still useful to know how to find the attribute numbers and names of fixtures. That enables you to find and assign any attribute. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 902
    Create Next Page will also do a create action but it will start at the next page number. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 903: Executor Options

    Each column has a topic or headline. The options are described below and they are organized in those topics. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 904
    The MasterGo function is described in the Common Executor Options topic. Loop BreakingGo Loop BreakingGo is described in the Looping Cues topic. Playback © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 905
    The playback filter is described in the Apply Worlds or Filters to Executors and Sequences topic. XFade XFade © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 906
    The default is Active position data. This will use the stored position data. Read more in the XYZ vs. Pan/Tilt topic. Timecode © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 907
    The executor has a speed master. It can be linked to a shared global Speed Master or it can have an individual speed master. Tapping this button will open the Select Speed Master pop-up. It looks like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 908
    The Executor has a rate master. It can be linked to a shared global Rate Master or it can have an individual rate master. Tapping this button will open the Select Rate Master pop-up. It looks like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 909
    Swop Protect Enabling this will protect this executor from being swopped (temporary turned down) by other executors. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 910
    Individual attributes timing is also ignored. Attributes that uses MIB will use the MIB timing. Function Chaser © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 911: Masters Window

    It will write «Here» on a reds background for as long as the top part is pressd. It could look like this: Located master © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 912
    Group Master topic. This is what each master could look like in the Group Master tab: Group Master © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 913
    This will double the speed on all the speed masters. All Learn This will perform the Learn command on all the speed masters. Rate Master © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 914
    Below all the playback master are two buttons: . They set all the playback master to full or zero. 22.5. Special Masters © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 915: Special Masters

    — this is also called StepInFade SpecialMaster 1.11 ‘OFad’ — this is also called StepOutFade 22.5.2. Grand Masters © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 916
    All the Speed Masters can be seen and adjusted in the Masters window. 22.5.4. Rate Masters © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 917
    Read more about assigning playback masters to sequence executors in the Executor Options topic. All the Playback Masters can be seen and adjusted in the Masters window. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 918: Clone

    To protect existing data these dependencies are cloned with the default low priority clone option. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 919: Clone In User Interface

    Clone. Prepare Cloning After selecting the source and destination objects the pop-up opens. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 920
    2. To apply the selected fixtures or fixture types to their destination click on Take Selection on the right side of the pop-up. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 921
    . To paste fixtures into another cell in the destination click on the right side of the column and then click on Paste Lines © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 922
    — The data of source fixture 8 now corresponds to the destination fixture 102. ​ Prepare cloning — pasted line in the destination column © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 923
    10. Fixture 110 and fixture 103 swapped places. Fixture 1 now has the data of destination fixture 110. Fixture 9 now has the data of destination fixture 103. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 924
    11. To complete the preparing process click on the button Prepare Cloning Cloning If you click on the button Prepare the pop-up opens. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 925
    Here it is the window Select Sequences Choose sequences to which you copy the objects first and then clone these objects. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 926
    -Does not clone in any of the elements. Important: However, you can use All Items To None to select single objects of single elements. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 927
    It is also possible to set a filter via the Filter Pool. For more information see What are filters. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 928
    Set Command Filter Add Filter 1 opens To open this filter click on Command Filter and the window © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 929
    The pop-up appears displaying four options: Cancel: Cloning Choosing this option cancels cloning and returns to the pop-up © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 930: Examples

    1. Example: Low Prio Merge If you clone fixture 1 to fixture 2 with the default option, i.e., © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 931
    Fixture type 2 keeps its data in case fixture 1 should not have any data for specific objects. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 932
    Clone Fixture Type to Fixture Type Important: Cloning fixture types to fixture types clones global data to global data. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 933: Clone Presets

    Where to Use Clone It is possible: To clone from fixture to fixture © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 934
    -This process created selective data for fixture 11. -Fixture 11 now has the exact same pan and tilt values as fixture 1. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 935
    -This process created global data for fixture type 4.1. -Fixture type 4.1 now has the exact same pan and tilt values as fixture 1. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 936
    2. Initial preset situation: -The preset contains global data for fixture type 4.1. Preset Pool – Global Data © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 937
    2. Initial situation: -The preset contains global data for fixture type 4.1. Preset Pool — Global Data © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 938
    If the target data is to be universal, then clone to fixture type 1.1. [Channel]> Clone Fixture 1 At FixtureType 1.1 If Preset 2.4 © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 939: Search And Replace

    If the attribute is not specified, it will be searched for the dimmer attribute. Search pop-up The result of the search appears in a like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 940
    For instance searching for a Zoom value of 40 in the All Presets (preset pool number 0): [Channel]> Search Attribute «Zoom» At 40 If Preset 0.»*» Searching for objects © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 941
    [Channel]> Search Fixture 1 Thru 10 This search could give the following result: Search pop-up — fixture 1 through 10 © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 942: Replace

    — it is similar to the search report described in the Search topic. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 943
    The SearchResult command can be accessed by pressing the key while pressing the Group twice. Replacing values © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 944
    Or it can be shifted +20 degrees: [Channel]> Replace Fixture 1 Thru 10 Attribute «Pan» At -270 Thru 270 With -250 Thru 290 © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 945
    Then the result is used to limit where the replace is performed and the dimmer attribute (object) is replaced with the preset: [Channel]> Replace Attribute «Dim» With Preset 1.5 If SearchResult © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 946: Image Pool

    Version 3.3 25. Image Pool The grandMA2 has an image pool with predefined images, which cannot be edited. Open the Image Pool To open the image pool: user-defined area 1. Tap anywhere in the Create Basic Window 2. The pop-up opens.

  • Page 947: Import Images And Videos

    Image Viewer 3. The opens. Image viewer 4. Next, tap Import Image Open File 5. The dialog opens. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 948
    Console Software Update End User License Agreement Include third-party software 3. Check the box where it says © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 949: Image Limitations And Guidelines For Symbols

    Symbols have to be in alpha fill (transparent). The area around a symbol has to be black. 25.3. Supported file formats © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 950: Supported File Formats

    Portable Network Graphics (.png) Tagged Image File Format (.tif, .tiff) If you are using a file format that is not listed above, convert your file first before importing it into the grandMA2. 25.4. Delete Images and Videos It is possible to delete an imported image or video in two different ways.

  • Page 951: Layouts

    Layout Pool 5. The layout pool opens. Layout pool 6. Select fixtures or channels in the fixture sheet. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 952
    To operate the layouts faster and to have all at a glance, arrange the layouts and the layout view on one screen. All at a glance – layouts, groups and the layout view © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 953: Layout Pool Options

    -If you would like to close the layout pool altogether, tap Delete Window 26.3. Edit Layout © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 954: Edit Layout

    Whereas, disabling Setup allows editing as in the programmer. 2. The layout view encoder bar appears. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 955
    Edit Selected in the encoder bar. Edit Layout Element 2. The pop-up opens. Pop-up Edit Layout Element © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 956
    ), tap an image or an icon. -Then, tap Please -To import a new image into the image pool, tap Load image © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 957
    5. Next, tap Please Edit Layout Element 6. Right after tapping Please in the calculator, the pop-up opens. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 958
    To select a group of objects, tap the rectangle button and tap in the layout view. Then draw the «Lasso». Edit Layout Element The pop-up opens. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 959
    -To select an image or an icon as a background, tap the button below and the pop-up Image opens. -You can now select your background. Move © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 960: Layout View Options

    1. To open the options of the layout view, tap in the upper left corner of the view. 2. The option dialog opens. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 961
    1. To change the size of pool elements, tap the buttons below accordingly -The calculator opens. -Type the size of the elements here. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 962
    3. To enable or disable the ID, name or type of the element in the layout view, tap the buttons below Show Name Show Type © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 963
    -To apply the color selected, tap Please -To reset the color, tap Reset Reset to White © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 964
    -Tap the drop-down button below Select Visualization -The pop-up opens. Pop-up – Select Visualization -Tap to select one of the options. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 965
    , the button Fast Call will be highlighted in red in the title bar of the layout view. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 966
    Tap the exact same spot twice and then move your finger either to move the screen or to select the objects. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 967
    Enabled buttons have a yellow check mark and are highlighted in yellow. Disabled buttons have a black background. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 968
    The window closes. To close the layout view altogether, tap Delete Window © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 969: Worlds, Filters And Masks

    27.1. What are Worlds Worlds are a functionality in the grandMA2 that allows you to limit what is possible to access and what is displayed in windows. Worlds are organized in a World pool. Since it is a pool, it might be a good idea to read the Pools in General section.

  • Page 970
    Create User Profiles and Users topic. Read the next page for more on how to Create worlds. 27.2. Create worlds © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 971: Create Worlds

    Setup key and then tapping the Auto Create button under Show. The menu could look like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 972
    When this is On (yellow text and background), you will get a name pop-up when you create worlds. Create: This will create worlds for each of the selected Fixture Types or Layers. Overwrite: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 973: Use Worlds When Programming

    Now you are back to where you where. The output to the stage never changed! Entering a world do not change the output. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 974
    They still share the executors, so there is not a complete separation. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 975: What Are Filters

    It can be changed to «Sheet Style» in the pool options. Then it could look like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 976
    It is possible to create a window that displayed the filter settings. It’s called and can be found in the «Other» tab in the Create Basic Window pop-up. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 977: Create Filters

    (first available) filter — read more about the temporary filters in the Use temporary filters topic. The Edit Filter pop-up could look like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 978: Title Bar

    There are also two buttons that allow you to select None or All of the attributes. The last button closes the pop-up. Selecting what to filter © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 979: Use Filters When You Store And Use At

    2. If you do not have it, then create a filter that blocks the dimmer attributes but allows everything else including all Layers. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 980
    Please also have a look at the Use temporary filters topic and the Apply worlds and filters to executors and sequences topic. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 981: Use Temporary Filters

    Now you have stored all values except the dimmer in cue number 1. You still have the dimmer values active in your programmer, the rest is stored. The temporary filter is now gone and noting is filtered anymore. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 982
    Fixture [number] Please Now both fixtures have the same color values. Temporary filtering using the If key © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 983
    This was an example on how to use the If command to exclude an attribute — actually an entire preset type. The next example is about allowing some attributes to pass the filter. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 984: What Are Masks

    As with all pools, this can also be changed into Sheet style in the pool options. Then it could look like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 985: Create Masks

    Use Masks in sheets topic to learn about using the masks in the sheets and Stage window. 27.10. Create masks © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 986
    That means that in order for a fixture or attribute to be visible it needs to follow all of the four criteria or rules. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 987
    Displays all fixture or attributes stored in cues, selective Effects, selective Presets or additive Group Masters. Selected — both: Displays all (attributes of) selected fixtures. DMX-tested — both: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 988
    This can be used to display fixtures and attributes that will be affected by the same options as when using the Look options when storing. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 989
    This will give you a button in the fourth column. Tapping this button allows you to make a selection of which type of fixture you want to see. The Select Virtual Fixture Types pop-up could look like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 990
    This will display fixtures with active RDM notifications. Selecting this will give you a new button in the fourth column. Select RDM Display Mask pop-up Tapping this will open the . It looks like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 991
    Tapping this allows you to label the mask. This button is only an option when you edit a mask from the mask pool. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 992: Use Masks In The Sheets And Windows

    27.11. Use masks in the sheets and windows © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 993
    This can of cause be done using command line input (using the Mask command) or better yet a combination of command line input and touching the Channel Sheet. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 994: Apply Worlds Or Filters To Executors And Sequences

    Since the Input Filter is applied to the sequence then it is also applied at all the executors that uses this sequence. Assigning Worlds and Filters © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 995
    Select Input Filter pop-up Tapping one of these will open a — respectively. It could look like this: © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 996
    4. Tap the World or Filter you want to assign. 5. Tap the sequence you want to use the world or filter. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 997
    You can see in the mini executor if one or both of the filters are applied. It is a marking of ether the executor number (Playback Filter) or sequence number (Input Filter). Read more in the Sequence mini executor topic. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…
  • Page 998: Matricks

    5. To select the previous fixture, press Prev Pressing Prev in succession selects the fixtures in the opposite direction. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 999: Matricks Toolbar

    Create Basic Window For information on how to open the encoder bar via the Encoder bar. © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

  • Page 1000
    MAtricks Settings Hint: Adjust settings using in the MAtricks toolbar. 1000 © 2017 MA Lighting Technology GmbH | Dachdeckerstr. 16 | D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn | Germany Phone +49 5251 688865-30 | (at) |…

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