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Service Manual Great Wall Hover.

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту Great Wall Hover.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Great Wall Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 425
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 26,1 Mb

Руководство по ремонту Great Wall Hover с 2005 г.

Руководство по ремонту Great Wall Hover c 2005 года выпуска с бензиновым двигателем объемом 2,4 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 388
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Руководство по ремонту и ТО Great Wall Hover 2005-2010 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту + каталог расходных запчастей Great Wall Hover 2005-2010 годов выпуска с бензиновым двигателем объемом 2,4 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Легион-Автодата
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 360
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Руководство по ремонту и ТО Great Wall Hover H3 с 2010 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту Great Wall Hover H3 с 2010 года выпуска с бензиновым двигателем объемом 2,0 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Легион-Автодата
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 336
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Руководство по ремонту и ТО Great Wall Hover H5 с 2010 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту Great Wall Hover H5 с 2010 года выпуска с бензиновым двигателем объемом 2,4 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Легион-Автодата
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 336
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Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Great Wall Hover H3 с 2009 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту Great Wall Hover H3 и Haval H3 с 2009 года выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания: 2012
  • Страниц: 318
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Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Great Wall Hover H5 с 2010 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту Great Wall Hover H5 и Haval H5 с 2010 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания: 2012
  • Страниц: 380
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Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Great Wall Hover M2 с 2010 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту Great Wall Hover M2 и Haval M2 с 2010 года выпуска с бензиновым двигателем объемом 1,5 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 346
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Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Great Wall Hover M4 с 2013 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобилей Great Wall Hover M4 и Haval M4 с 2013 года выпуска с бензиновым двигателем объемом 1,5 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 332
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Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Great Wall Hover с 2004 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту Great Wall Hover c 2004 года выпуска с бензиновым двигателем объемом 2,4 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 162
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Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Great Wall Hover с 2005 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту + каталог запчастей автомобиля Great Wall Hover c 2005 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 362
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Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Great Wall Hover с 2007 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту Great Wall Hover с 2007 года выпуска с дизельным двигателем GW 2.8TC.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 232
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Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Great Wall Hover с 2007 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобилей Great Wall Hover с 2007 года выпуска с дизельным двигателем GW 2.8TC.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 232
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Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Great Wall Hover с 2011 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобилей Great Wall Hover и Haval H6 с 2011 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 552
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Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Great Wall Hover с 2011 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобилей Great Wall Hover и Haval H6 с 2011 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 552
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Руководство по эксплуатации Great Wall Hover.

Руководство по эксплуатации Great Wall Hover H3/H5/H5TD.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Great Wall
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 225
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 5,0 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации аудиосистемы Great Wall Hover.

Руководство по эксплуатации аудиосистемы Great Wall Hover.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Great Wall
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 32/24
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 3,7 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации, ТО и ремонту Great Wall Hover с 2005 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту Great Wall Hover c 2005 года выпуска с бензиновым двигателем объемом 2,4 л и дизельным двигателем объемом 2,0 л.

  • Автор: В.М. Декет
  • Издательство: Delta Publishing
  • Год издания: 2009
  • Страниц: 233
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 178,5 Mb

Эксплуатация, обслуживание, ремонт Great Wall Hover с 2009 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобилей Great Wall Hover H3 с 2009 и Great Wall Hover H5 с 2011 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Мир Автокниг
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 368
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Электросхемы автомобилей Great Wall Hover H8 и Haval H8 с 2015 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Motorist
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 161
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Электросхемы автомобилей Great Wall Hover H9 и Haval H9.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Motorist
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 150
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Все комментарии

GREAT WALL SAFE (Грей Вол Сейф) 2002-2009 бензин Книга по ремонту и эксплуатации в цветных фотографиях
Цветное иллюстрированное справочно-информационное руководство по ремонту Great Wall Safe / Great Wall Deer, а также доскональное руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию Great Wall Safe / Great Wall Deer, подробно рассмотренное устройство Great Wall Safe (2002-2009 гг. выпуска) / Great Wall Deer (2001-2008 гг. выпуска), оборудованных бензиновыми моторами рабочим объемом 2,2 л. (105 л.с.).

GREAT WALL HOVER H3 с 2010 бензин Руководство по ремонту в цветных фотографиях

Цветная иллюстрирована книга по ремонту Great Wall Hover H3, а также пособие по техническому обслуживанию и эксплуатации автомобилей Грейт Вол Ховен Н3 с 2010 года выпуска, оборудованных бензиновыми двигателями рабочим объемом 2,0 л. (R4 16V, 122 л.с.).

GREAT WALL DEER (Грейт Вол Дир) 2001-2008 бензин Пособие по ремонту и эксплуатации в цветных фотографиях

Цветное иллюстрированное справочно-информационное руководство по ремонту Great Wall Deer / Great Wall Deer, а также доскональное руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию Great Wall Deer / Great Wall Safe, подробно рассмотренное устройство Great Wall Deer (2001-2008 гг. выпуска) / Great Wall Safe (2002-2009 гг. выпуска), оборудованных бензиновыми моторами рабочим объемом 2,2 л. (105 л.с.).

GREAT WALL VOLEEX C30 с 2010 бензин Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации

Иллюстрированное издание Книга по ремонту Great Wall Voleex C30, а также пособие по техническому обслуживанию и эксплуатации автомобилей Грейт Вол Волекс С30 с 2010 года выпуска, оборудованных бензиновыми двигателями рабочим объемом 1,5 л.

GREAT WALL HOVER H5 / HAVAL H5 (Грейт Вол Ховер Н5) с 2010 бензин / дизель Книга по ремонту и эксплуатации

Иллюстрированное качественными фото и рисунками информационно-справочное руководство по ремонту Great Wall Hover H5 / Great Wall Haval H5, а также пособие по повседневной эксплуатации и руководство по техническому обслуживанию Great Wall Hover H5 / Great Wall Haval H5, устройство Great Wall Hover H5 / Great Wall Haval H5 с 2010 г. выпуска, оборудованных моторами 4G64S4M, работающими на бензине и объемом 2,4 л. / 136 л.с. и дизелем GW4D20 литражом 2,0 / 150 л.с.

GREAT WALL HAVAL H5 / HOVER H5 (Грейт Вол Ховер Н5) с 2010 бензин / дизель Книга по ремонту и эксплуатации

Иллюстрированное качественными фото и рисунками информационно-справочное руководство по ремонту Great Wall Haval H5 / Great Wall Hover H5, а также пособие по повседневной эксплуатации и руководство по техническому обслуживанию Great Wall Haval H5 / Great Wall Hover H5, устройство Great Wall Haval H5 / Great Wall Hover H5 с 2010 г. выпуска, оборудованных моторами 4G64S4M, работающими на бензине и объемом 2,4 л. / 136 л.с. и дизелем GW4D20 литражом 2,0 / 150 л.с.

GREAT WALL HOVER с 2005 бензин Инструкция по ремонту в цветных фотографиях

Профессиональная, в цветных фотографиях, книга по ремонту Ховер, а также инструкция по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию, устройство Great Wall Hover, оснащенных бензиновыми двигателями 4G64S4M рабочим объемом 2,4 л. Руководство по ремонту содержит полную информацию об автомобилях, поступивших в продажу с 2005 года.

GREAT WALL STEED / WINGLE 5 / V240 (Грей Вол Стид) с 2011 бензин / дизель Книга по ремонту и эксплуатации

Информационно-справочное, оснащенное качественными иллюстрациями и фотографиями руководство по ремонту Great Wall Steed / Great Wall Wingle 5 / Great Wall V240, а также пособие по грамотной эксплуатации, руководство по техническому обслуживанию Great Wall Steed / Great Wall Wingle 5 / Great Wall V240, устройство Great Wall Steed / Great Wall Wingle 5 / Great Wall V240 с 2011 г. выпуска, оборудованных моторами GW491QE, 4G69S4N, работающими на бензине и объемом 2,2 и 2,4 л. и дизелями GW4D20, GW4D28 литражом 2,0 и 2,8. Мощность двигателей составляет 105 л.с.

GREAT WALL V240 / WINGLE 5 / STEED (Грей Вол В240) с 2011 бензин / дизель Книга по ремонту и эксплуатации

Информационно-справочное, оснащенное качественными иллюстрациями и фотографиями руководство по ремонту Great Wall V240 / Great Wall Wingle 5 / Great Wall Steed, а также пособие по грамотной эксплуатации, руководство по техническому обслуживанию Great Wall V240 / Great Wall Wingle 5 / Great Wall Steed / устройство Great Wall V240 / Great Wall Wingle 5 / Great Wall Steed с 2011 г. выпуска, оборудованных моторами GW491QE, 4G69S4N, работающими на бензине и объемом 2,2 и 2,4 л. и дизелями GW4D20, GW4D28 литражом 2,0 и 2,8. Мощность двигателей составляет 105 л.с.

GREAT WALL WINGLE 5 / STEED / V240 (Грей Вол Вингл) с 2011 бензин / дизель Книга по ремонту и эксплуатации

Информационно-справочное, оснащенное качественными иллюстрациями и фотографиями руководство по ремонту Great Wall Wingle 5 / Great Wall Steed / Great Wall V240, а также пособие по грамотной эксплуатации, руководство по техническому обслуживанию Great Wall Wingle 5 / Great Wall Steed / Great Wall V240, устройство Great Wall Wingle 5 / Great Wall Steed / Great Wall V240 с 2011 г. выпуска, оборудованных моторами GW491QE, 4G69S4N, работающими на бензине и объемом 2,2 и 2,4 л. и дизелями GW4D20, GW4D28 литражом 2,0 и 2,8. Мощность двигателей составляет 105 л.с.

GREAT WALL HAVAL H3 / HOVER H3 (Грейт Вол Ховер Н3) с 2009 бензин Книга по ремонту и эксплуатации

Иллюстрированное справочно-информационное руководство по ремонту Great Wall Haval H3 / Great Wall Hover H3, а также руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию Great Wall Haval H3 / Great Wall Hover H3, устройство Great Wall Haval H3 / Great Wall Hover H3 с 2009 г. выпуска, оборудованных бензиновыми моторами рабочим объемом 2,0 (4G63S4M) и 2,4 л. (4G64S4M / 4G69S4N). Мощность агрегатов 120, 122 и 136 л.с.

GREAT WALL HOVER H3 / HAVAL H3 (Грейт Вол Ховер Н3 / Хавал Н3) с 2009 бензин Книга по ремонту и эксплуатации

Иллюстрированное справочно-информационное руководство по ремонту Great Wall Hover H3 / Great Wall Haval H3, а также руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию Great Wall Hover H3 / Great Wall Haval H3, устройство Great Wall Hover H3 / Great Wall Haval H3 с 2009 г. выпуска, оборудованных бензиновыми моторами рабочим объемом 2,0 (4G63S4M) и 2,4 л. (4G64S4M / 4G69S4N). Мощность агрегатов 120, 122 и 136 л.с.

GREAT WALL HOVER с 2007 дизель Пособие по ремонту и эксплуатации

Руководство по ремонту, эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию, устройство автомобилей Great Wall Hover TD с 2007 г. выпуска, оборудованных дизельными двигателями GW 2.8TC рабочим объемом 2,8 л.

GREAT WALL WINGLE с 2007 дизель Пособие по ремонту и эксплуатации

Справочно-информационное издание Руководство по ремонту Great Wall Wingle, а также устройство Great Wall Wingle, руководство по эксплуатации и техобслуживанию всех модификаций автомобилей Great Wall Wingle с 2007 г. выпуска, оборудованных дизельными двигателями рабочим объемом 2,8 л.

GREAT WALL HOVER 2005-2010 бензин Книга по ремонту и эксплуатации

Иллюстрированное профессиональное практическое руководство по ремонту Ховер, инструкция по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию, устройство автомобилей Great Wall Hover, выпускавшихся в период с 2005 по 2010 годы и оборудованных бензиновыми двигателями 4G64S4M рабочим объемом 2,4 л.

GREAT WALL HOVER H3 с 2010 бензин Пособие по ремонту и техобслуживанию

Универсальная практическая инструкция по ремонту Great Wall Hover H3, включающая руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию автомобилей Грейт Вол Ховер Х3 с 2010 года выпуска, оборудованных бензиновыми двигателями 4G63S4M рабочим объемом 2,0 л.

GREAT WALL HOVER H5 с 2010 бензин Пособие по ремонту и техобслуживанию

Профессиональное руководство по ремонту Hover H5, инструкция по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию, устройство автомобилей Great Wall Hover H5 моделей 4WD, выпускающихся с 2010 года, оборудованных бензиновыми двигателями 4G69S4N  рабочим объемом 2,4 л.

GREAT WALL HOVER с 2004 бензин Пособие по ремонту и эксплуатации

Руководство по ремонту, эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию автомобилей Great Wall Hover с 2004 г. выпуска, оборудованных бензиновыми двигателями рабочим объемом 2,4 л.

GREAT WALL DEER бензин Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации + Каталог деталей

Справочно-информационное иллюстрированное издание Пособие по обслуживанию Great Wall Deer, а также устройство, руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию, каталог деталей, сборочных единиц и запчастей, регулярные и периодические проверки автомобилей Great Wall Deer, оборудованных бензиновыми двигателями GW491QE рабочим объемом 2,2 л.

GREAT WALL PEGASUS (Грейт Вол Пегасус) бензин Книга по ремонту и эксплуатации + Каталог деталей

Справочно-информационное иллюстрированное издание Пособие по ремонту Great Wall Pegasus, а также устройство, руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию, каталог деталей, сборочных единиц и запчастей, регулярные и периодические проверки автомобилей Great Wall Pegasus, оборудованных бензиновыми двигателями GW491QE рабочим объемом 2,2 л.

GREAT WALL SAFE бензин Книга по ремонту и эксплуатации + Каталог деталей

Справочно-информационное иллюстрированное издание Пособие по обслуживанию Great Wall Safe, а также устройство, руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию, каталог деталей, сборочных единиц и запчастей, регулярные и периодические проверки автомобилей Great Wall Safe, оборудованных бензиновыми двигателями GW491QE рабочим объемом 2,2 л.

GREAT WALL SAILOR (грейт Вол Сейлор) бензин Книга по ремонту и эксплуатации + Каталог деталей

Справочно-информационное иллюстрированное издание Пособие по обслуживанию Great Wall Sailor, а также устройство, руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию, каталог деталей, сборочных единиц и запчастей, регулярные и периодические проверки автомобилей Great Wall Sailor, оборудованных бензиновыми двигателями GW491QE рабочим объемом 2,2 л.

GREAT WALL SING (Грей Вол Синг) бензин Книга по ремонту и эксплуатации + Каталог деталей

Справочно-информационное иллюстрированное издание Пособие по ремонту Great Wall Sing, а также устройство, руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию, каталог деталей, сборочных единиц и запчастей, регулярные и периодические проверки автомобилей Great Wall Sing, оборудованных бензиновыми двигателями GW491QE рабочим объемом 2,2 л.

GREAT WALL SO COOL (Грей Вол Со Кул) бензин Книга по ремонту и эксплуатации + Каталог деталей

Справочно-информационное иллюстрированное издание Пособие по ремонту Great Wall So Cool, а также устройство, руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию, каталог деталей, сборочных единиц и запчастей, регулярные и периодические проверки автомобилей Great Wall So Cool, оборудованных бензиновыми двигателями GW491QE рабочим объемом 2,2 л.

GREAT WALL DEER бензин Пособие по ремонту и эксплуатации

Руководство по ремонту, эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию автомобилей Great Wall Deer оборудованных бензиновыми двигателями GW491QE рабочим объемом 2,2 л.

GREAT WALL PEGASUS бензин Пособие по ремонту и эксплуатации

Руководство по ремонту, эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию автомобилей Great Wall Pegasus оборудованных бензиновыми двигателями GW491QE рабочим объемом 2,2 л.

GREAT WALL SAFE бензин Пособие по ремонту и эксплуатации

Руководство по ремонту, эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию, устройство автомобилей Great Wall Safe оборудованных бензиновыми двигателями GW491QE рабочим объемом 2,2 л.

GREAT WALL SAILOR бензин Пособие по ремонту и эксплуатации

Руководство по ремонту, эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию автомобилей Great Wall Sailor оборудованных бензиновыми двигателями GW491QE рабочим объемом 2,2 л.

GREAT WALL SING бензин Пособие по ремонту и эксплуатации

Руководство по ремонту, эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию автомобилей Great Wall Sing оборудованных бензиновыми двигателями GW491QE рабочим объемом 2,2 л.

GREAT WALL DEER с 2003 бензин Пособие по ремонту и эксплуатации

Справочное иллюстрированное издание Руководство по обслуживанию Great Wall Deer, устройство, руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту Great Wall Deer, которые сходят с конвейера начиная с 2003 года и оборудуются бензиновыми двигателями GW491QE литражом 2,2.

GREAT WALL SAFE с 2003 бензин Пособие по ремонту и эксплуатации

Справочное иллюстрированное издание Руководство по ремонту Great Wall Safe, устройство, руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию Great Wall Safe, которые сходят с конвейера начиная с 2003 года и оборудуются бензиновыми двигателями GW491QE литражом 2,2.

GREAT WALL SAILOR c 2003 бензин Книга по ремонту и эксплуатации

Справочное иллюстрированное издание Руководство по ремонту Great Wall Sailor, устройство, руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию Great Wall Sailor, которые сходят с конвейера начиная с 2003 года и оборудуются бензиновыми двигателями GW491QE литражом 2,2.

GREAT WALL SING RUV с 2003 бензин Пособие по ремонту и эксплуатации

Справочное иллюстрированное издание Руководство по ремонту Great Wall Sing RUV, устройство, руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию Great Wall Sing RUV, которые сходят с конвейера начиная с 2003 года и оборудуются бензиновыми двигателями GW491QE литражом 2,2.

GREAT WALL HOVER H5 с 2010 + HAVAL H5 / HOVER Н5 с 2011/ GREAT WALL HOVER H3 с 2009 бензин / дизель Книги по ремонту и эксплуатации

Профессиональные руководства по ремонту Ховер Н5 с 2010 и 2011 года выпуска, оборудованных бензиновыми двигателями рабочим объемом 2,0 л., 2,4 л. и дизельными двигателями объемом 2,0 л. А также подробная информация о ремонте, эксплуатации и обслуживании автомобилей Great Wall  Hover H5 с 2011 года выпуска. Пара пособий предложит самые полные данные по работе с автомобилями Грейт Волл Ховер Н3, Хавал Н5, Ховер Н5.

GREAT WALL HOVER H3 с 2009 + HAVAL H3 / HOVER Н5 с 2011 бензин / дизель Книги по ремонту и эксплуатации

Иллюстрированные руководства по ремонту Ховер Н3 с 2009 года выпуска, оборудованных бензиновыми двигателями рабочим объемом 2,0, 2,4 л. и дизельными двигателями объемом 2,0 л. А также подробная информация о ремонте, эксплуатации и обслуживании автомобилей Great Wall  Hover H5 с 2011 года выпуска. Пара пособий предложит самые полные данные по работе с автомобилями Грейт Волл Ховер Н3, Хавал Н3, Ховер Н5.

GREAT WALL HOVER с 2005 бензин / дизель Пособие по ремонту и эксплуатации + Каталог деталей

Иллюстрированное справочно-информационное издание Руководство по ремонту Грейт Вол Ховер, а также устройство этой модели, руководство по эксплуатации и пособие по техническому обслуживанию, каталог запчастей, деталей и сборочных единиц Great Wall Hover, выпускаемых с 2005 года. Эти машины оборудуются бензиновыми двигателями 4G64S4M рабочим объемом 2,4 л., а также дизельными двигателями GW4D28 литражом 2,8.

GREAT WALL HOVER H3 с 2009 / HOVER Н5 с 2011 бензин / дизель Книга по ремонту в цветных фотографиях УЖЕ В ПРОДАЖЕ

Цветное иллюстрированное в фотографиях руководство по ремонту Hover H3 / Hover H5, инструкция по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию автомобилей Great Wall Hover H3 с 2009 года выпуска и Great Wall  Hover H5 с 2011 года выпуска, оборудованных автоматическими и механическими коробками передач, бензиновыми двигателями рабочим объемом 2,0, 2,4 л либо дизельными двигателями объемом 2,0 л.

Клуб владельцев автомобилей Chery

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Great Wall Hover H3

Фото Great Wall Hover H3 От предыдущей модели Hover отличается новым двигателем и обновленной внешностью. Про отличия старой версии и Hover H3 можно почитать здесь.

  • Привод — полный
  • Двигатель — бензиновый 2.0л. мощностью 122 л.
  • КПП — ручная

Ранее продавался в России

Модель 2009 года.
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Summary of Contents for Great Wall hover

  • Page 2
    Preface Since the Great Wall Hover is put into the market, it has won the favor from the customers for its elegant appearance, excellent performance&price ratio,concept of double area and eternal safety.The car is furnished with Mitsubishi 4G64 engine.It has both the type of five shifts manual transmission and the type of automatic transmission as an option.
  • Page 3
    Instroduction-1 Instrodution How to use this mannual……….2 Identification mark…………Instruction to comprehensive maintenance……5…
  • Page 4: Instroduction

    Instroduction-2 Maintenance procedure How to use this manual Most part of the maintenance operation can be started In order to help you to use this manual, the chapter name and main from referencing the illustration. These illustrations help topics are given at the upper side of each page. you recognize the parts and show the mutual coordination.

  • Page 5
    Instroduction-3 The maintenance procedure is explained in the form step by step: The illustration shows what to do and where to do. The topic of maintenance work tells you what to do. The detailed instruction tells you how to finish the maintenance work and introduce other related issues, such as specification and warning, etc.
  • Page 6
    Instroduction-4 Identification mark The identification code of the car is a unique code of 17 bits to identify nameplate the car. Besides appearing on the label plate of the entire car, it is also inscripted on the external right side of the right stringer (chassis number) nameplate and on the VIN nameplate at the upper left part of the panel.
  • Page 7
    Instroduction-5 Comprehensive maintenance instruction 1. Use the protection plate, seat and floor covering cloth to make the car clean and prevent it from being damaged. 2. During the disassembling, place the components in order for the convenience of assembly. Observe the following issues: a.
  • Page 8
    Instroduction-6 9. Determine the necessity of using special maintenance tools and special maintenance material according to the practical situation of maintenance. Use them on the necessary position, and go on with the maintenance according to proper procedures. 10. To replace the fuse, check to see whether the rated current of new fuse is correct.
  • Page 9: Table Of Contents

    Preface Table of Contents Instruction How to use the manual Chapter 1 Overview of the entire car (parameters) Chapter 2 Fuel supply system and exhaust air system Chapter 3 Clutch Chapter 4 Transmission Chapter 5 Automatic transmission Chapter 6 Driving shaft Chapter 7 Suspension and vehicle axle Chapter 8 Brake (ABS)

  • Page 10: Table Of Contents

    Overview of the entire car-1 Chapter 1 Overview of the entire car Basic parameter …………2 Engine …………..4 Air inlet system …………5 Exhaust air system ……….. 5 Fuel supply system ……….. 5 Cooling system …………5 Clutch …………..5 Transmission …………

  • Page 11: Basic Parameter

    Basic parameter The basic parameters of the complete vehicle of CC6460K and CC6460KY estate car should be in accordance with the regulation in Table 1. Basic parameters of the complete vehicle of CC6460K and CC6460KY Item CC6460K CC6460KY Dimension parameter(no-load)(mm) 4620 1800 1710(car…

  • Page 12
    Overview of the entire car-3 Stability: ≥35 Max. side rotary stable angle in no-load and static(°) Na n ≥60 and N Z ≥60 Operating stability(miniture0 Smooth characteristic: ≤0.6883 Weighted mean square value of acceleration σ w (m/s 2 ) Equivalent mean value L eq (dB) ≤116.5 Decreased comfortable limitation T CD (h) ≥1.2…
  • Page 13: Engine

    Engine For the structure and main technical parameter of engine see Table 2. Table 2 Structure and main technical parameter of engine Serial No. Item Specification and parameter model 4G64S4M 4-cylinder, straight-line, water-cooling, single top style cam shaft, 4-stroke engine Fuel oil supply method Multi-point fuel oil injection(MPI) Measuring method of inlet capacity…

  • Page 14: Clutch

    Overview of the entire car-5 Table 2 Structure and main technical parameter of engine(continued) Serial No. Item Specification and parameter Consumption ratio of engine oil and fuel oil ≤0.8 Cooling method Closed forced water cooling Starting method Electric motor Net weight(kg) Outline dimension: L×W×H (mm) 730×653×667 ≤0.5/≤100…

  • Page 15: Transmission

    Transmission For the structure and main technical parameter of transmission see Table 3. Table 3 Structure and main technical parameter Serial Item Specification and parameter Model SC5M2D-C SC5M4D-C manual mechanical step manual mechanical step transmission with torque transmission of full synch, 5 style divider of full synch, 5 forward steps, 1 reverse step, forward steps, 1 reverse step, direct…

  • Page 16: Suspension

    Great wall on the steering wheel shall be in the confrontation position of the driver, tighten the nut, with a tightening torque of 25 — 35N·m.

  • Page 17: Brake System

    Brake system The front wheel brake is ventilation coil type, the rear wheel brake is disk and drum type. The service brake type is that the double- loop vacuum assist hydraulic brake is applied on the front and rear disc brake. The parking brake is mechanical dragline acting on the drum brake of the rear wheel.

  • Page 18: Frame

    Overview of the entire car-9 Car body The structure shape and parameters of the car body is shown in table 6. Table 6 The structure shape and parameters of the car body Serial No. Item structure and parameter Car body Structure shape of Long head two boxes five doors five seats totally metal enclosed type hard top no car body…

  • Page 19: Electrical System

    Electrical system The structure and parameter of the electrical system are shown in table 7. Table 7 Structure And Parameter of Electrical System Item Structure and Parameter Power, starting and charging system Lines Singe line system, voltage DC 12V, negative earth 55D26R maintenance free type, voltage 12V, 20 hours capacity 60Ah, storage Accumulator capacity 101min, low temperature starting current 475A…

  • Page 20
    Overview of the entire car-11 Cigar lighter 12V, 1 piece Horn Treble and bass Safety airbag Electric main and auxiliary airbag Checking and commissioning of the auxiliary components of car body: 1. Stop the car stably, check the doors, engine cover, fuel filling port cover, meter and tools box cover, front and rear ash tray cover, floor center console sundries box cover, CD disc conveyer (VCD disc conveyer), power socket cover, etc.
  • Page 21: Air-Conditioning System

    Air-conditioning system The structure and parameter of the air-conditioning system is shown in table 8. Table 8 The structure and parameter of the air-conditioning system Serial No. Item Structure and Parameter Structure and Front and rear heating and cooling air conditioner, vapor compression type shape cooling, hot-water heating Performance and…

  • Page 22
    Chapter 2 Fuel supply system and exhaust system Fuel supply system : Disassembly of the fuel tank …………….3 Installation and disassembly of the Fuel pump ……….4 Disassembly of the components of fuel supply system……..4 Disassembly and adjustment of the accelerator pedal operating system ..5 Exhaust system : Disassembly of the blast pipe assembly…………8 Installation of the blast pipe assembly…………9…
  • Page 23
    Fuel supply system adjustment nut throttle pull wire accelerator pedal assembly carbon tank exhaust rubber tube snap fitting steel strip type elastic hoop generator oil-in rubber tube generator of return rubber tube soft tube fixing clipper cleaner bracket carbon tank vaporizer soft tube 2 carbon b type…
  • Page 24
    Caution: When maintaining the fuel supply system, if the oil path needs to be removed, the pressure of the fuel system must be released to avoid the ejection of high pressure fuel. Disassembly of the fuel tank 1. First remove the oil-in and oil return hard tube of the generator, the oil return hard tube of fuel tank, and the connection rubber tube between the back parts of hard vaporizer tube.
  • Page 25
    The disassembly and installation of the fuel pump Removal of components of fuel supply system Gasoline filter disassembly 1. Firstly, use the straight screwdriver to remove the hose clamp and remove the connecting rubber hose on both sides of gasoline filter;…
  • Page 26
    Removal of fuel pipe 1. Remove the connection between the in/return fuel connector of engine fuel track and the fuel supply pipe: a. Remove the elastic hoop firstly; b. Remove the package connector; press down the button of package connector by hand, then pull it out outwardly. c.
  • Page 28: Exhaust System

    Exhaust system end washer assembly exhaust pipe outlet nut wahser assembly front section of exhaust pipe hexagon flange nut cleaner cushion fastening bolt of hoop rear section assembly assembly 1 cleaner heat insulation cover clip of exhaust pipe catalytic converter cleaner discharge pipe three-hole rubber block cleaner cushion assembly 2…

  • Page 29
    Warning : All components of the exhaust air system should be disassembled 30 minutes after shut down to avoid the human injury caused by hot parts. Removal of exhaust pipe assembly Removal of exhaust tail tube 1. Firstly, use the M15 box spanner, ratchet wrench and extension bar to remove the connecting nut of the rear flange of muffler assembly and rear section flange of exhaust pipe, take out the seal bush between the flanges.
  • Page 30
    Removal of cleaner . If necessary, remove the rear section of the exhaust pipe and the muffler according to the dismantling methods of the exhaust pipe and muffler; if not necessary, just loosen the two nuts fixing the shock absorption rubber brick of the muffler; 2.
  • Page 31
    Clutch-1 Chapter 3 Clutch Troubleshooting…………….2 Inspection and adjustment of clutch pedal……..3 Bleed air of clutch…………..3 Disassembly of clutch master cylinder and clutch cylinder ..5 Cautions for installation of clutch operation device…..5 Disassembly of clutch assembly……….6 Inspection of clutch component……….7 Installation of clutch…………..9…
  • Page 32: Troubleshooting

    Clutch-2 Troubleshooting failure cause inspection content Large free stroke of clutch pedal clutch Pipe Adjust the free stroke of pedal has air Discharge the air in clutch system Failure of clutch cylinder Replace Failure of clutch master cylinder replace Shift difficulty or can not shift The installation position of clutch disc is not Inspect the clutch disc;…

  • Page 33
    Clutch-3 the adjustment Inspection and adjustment of clutch pedal point of push rod 1. Check the correctness of pedal height and stroke of push rod stroke The pedal height starting from the meter: LHD 157.5mm The push pole travel at the top of the pedal: RHD 151.0mm If not correct, adjust the pedal height and push rod stroke.
  • Page 34
    Clutch-4 Cluch control mechanism clutch master cylinder m: specified torque…
  • Page 35
    Clutch-5 Removal of clutch master cylinder, clutch cylinder 1. Use the No. 16 open-end wrench to remove the hose connecting bleed bolt, use the cloth to cover the oil outlet of auxiliary pump to avoid the splash of 0brake fluid; step on the clutch pedal for several times to drain the clutch.
  • Page 36
    Clutch-6 Clutch release bearing profile spring assembly separation rocker arm assembly separation rocker arm ball support leather cup bolt, spring and washer assembly clutch cover assembly clutch disc assembly m: specified torque Removal of clutch assembly 1.Remove the transmission Remarks: Do not dry the transmission oil. 2.Remove the clutch cover and clutch disc a.
  • Page 37
    Clutch-7 Checking the clutch components 1. Whether there is breakage of the clutch disc The maximum of the rivet head: 0.3mm If there is problem, the clutch disc needs to be replaced. 2. Check the radial run-out tolerance of the clutch disc Use dial gauge to check the radial run-out tolerance of the clutch disc.
  • Page 38
    Clutch-8 b. Use special tools to install the guide bearing Remarks: Install the guide bearing into the flywheel, make special tools sure that the bearing can rotate well. 6. Check to see whether there is wearing of the diaphragm spring Use caliper to check the wearing depth and width of the diaphragm spring Limit value: maximum depth 0.6mm…
  • Page 39
    Clutch-9 Installation of clutch 1.Install the clutch disc on the flywheel Use the special tools to install the clutch disc on the flywheel. 2.Installtion of clutch cover a. Align the matching mark of clutch shell with that of flywheel . matching mark b.
  • Page 40
    Chapter 4 Specification of transmission……………2 Repair of transmission (SC5M2D C)………….4 Disassembly of transmission (SC5M2D C)……….6 Disassembly of transmission housing assembly/bearing housing assembly..18 Operating instruction of transmission (SC5M4D C)……24 Repair of transmission (SC5M4D C)………..25 Disassembly of rear housing assembly …………28 Disassembly of transfer case assembly…………30 Rear output shaft assembly ……………35…
  • Page 41
    Specification of transmission Structure diagram of SC5M2D-C and SC5M4D-C transmission: shown in figure Structure diagram of SC5M2D-C transmission Structure diagram of SC5M4D-C transmission…
  • Page 42
    Speed ratio of transmissio Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Gear Speed ratio 3.967 2.136 1.360 1.000 0.856 3.578 Speed ratio of transfer case SC5M4D-C Gear synchronizer Speed ratio 1.000 1.925 Central distance of main shaft transmission 72 mm transfer case 222.25 mm 4.
  • Page 43
    Inspection of SC5M2D-C transmission: oil filling screw plug (SC 1701005) 1.Check the oil level of transmission: Screw off the oil discharge plug of the transmission; discharge all lubri- cate oil; screw on the oil discharge plug to the specified torque; the torque is: 30 35N m.
  • Page 44
    SC5M2D-C transmission assembly handle of gearlever manipulator cover assembly dustproof seal cover select & shift seating elastic cylindrical pin 6 spring cylindrical pin rear housing assembly reverse lamp switch bracket bearing housing assembly clutch housing assembly oil seal 39.6 odometer driven gear assembly odometer seating lock plate bush location compression…
  • Page 45
    Disassembly of transmission (SC5M2D-C) 1.Remove the hexagon bolt M8 18 and lock plate. Caution: The tightening torque is 14-19N m when install the hexagon bolt; 2.Remove the odometer driven gear assembly Use the special tools to remove the odometer driven gear assembly 3.Remove the rear housing assembly a.
  • Page 46
    Manipulator cover assembly master control lever assembly pin 7 rubber cover bulb bush bulb base nut M8 stop plate of main rod bush bulb jacket reverse lock assembly m: specified torque Used component which can not be used any more. gearbox assembly (one) rubber choke plug selection and shifting…
  • Page 47
    gear 3/4 declutch pin 5 shift shaft in 6 declutch shift shaft reverse gear 5 gear 3/4 shifting shift fork block gear 1/2 shift- ing block ball bearing odometer drive gear declutch shift shaft for circlip for shaft steel ball first and secondea circlip for shaft circlip for shaft…
  • Page 48
    5. Remove the reverse lamp switch M12×1.25 Caution: When install the reverse lamp switch M12×1.25, the tightening torque is 26-36 N·m 6. Remove the gearbox a.Use the wrench to remove the 5 M8×55 bolts, 1 M8×6 bolt and 2 M8×110 bolts Caution: When install 5 M8×55 bolts, 1 M8×6 bolt and 2 M8×110 bolts.
  • Page 49
    9. Use the magnetic rod to take out the steel ball 10. Use the circlip pliers to remove the circlip for shaft 11. Use the circlip pliers to remove the circlip for shaft Caution: It is necessary to circlip for shaft when install the circlip for shaft 12.
  • Page 50
    14. Use the opener to pry out the riveted place of lock nut of intermedi ate shaft 15.Remove the self-locking screw plug, spring, steel ball a. Use the special tools to remove 3 locking screw plugs M10× 1.25×19 Caution: The tightening torque is 14-19N·m when install the locking screw plug M10×1.25×19.
  • Page 51
    b. Remove the lower cover plate assembly 17. Remove the declutch shift shaft assembly a. Use the punch to remove the reverse gear 5 shift fork elastic cylindrical pin b. Use the punch to remove the Gear 1/2 shift fork elastic cylindrical c.
  • Page 52
    e. Remove the gear 3/4 declutch shift shaft assembly f. Remove the reverse gear 5 shift fork 18. Remove the lock nut of intermediate shaft Caution: When install the lock nut of intermediate shaft , the tightening torque is 160-190N·m 19.Remove the Gear 1/2 declutch shift shaft assembly, intermediate shaft rear ball bearing, 5th-Gear drive gear 20.
  • Page 53
    21.Use the special tools to remove the second shaft lock nut Caution: When install the second shaft lock nut, the tightening torque is : 250-270N·m 22.Remove the thrust plate 23.Use the magnetic rod to remove the steel ball. 24.Remove the 5th-Gear driven gear assembly Caution: When install the 5th-Gear driven gear assembly, it should use the plug gage to test the 5th-Gear driven gear assembly axial clearance, ensure the axial clearance is within 0.170-0.284mm…
  • Page 54
    26. Remove the synchronizer gear ring Caution: When install the synchronizer gear, it should use the plug gage to test the synchronizer gear ring axial clearance, en- sure the axial clearance is within 1.25-1.65mm 27. Use the pliers to remove the split pin on the reverse shaft lock nut.
  • Page 55
    b. Remove the sleeve and 5th/reverse -Gear synchronizer assembly 31. Remove the reverse gear 32. Remove 2 needle bearings of reverse gear 33. Remove the reverse driven gear 34. Remove the needle bearing of reverse driven gear…
  • Page 56
    35. Remove the reverse drive gear 36. Remove the intermediate shaft spacing ring 37. Remove 8 countersunk screws Caution: when install the countersunk screw, the tightening torque is within 15-22N·m 38. Remove the support axial lock plate 39. Remove the air duct grease baffle…
  • Page 57
    Clutch housing assembly / Bearing housing assembly washer 8 throwout bearing ¦ non-standard spring assembly first bearing bush first shaft assembly second shaft assembly oil seal needle bearing ¦circles for shaft clutch cylinder assembly aluminum waher ¦adjusting shim separation rocker arm ball support leather cup separation rocker arm assembly front space ring of intermediate shaft…
  • Page 58
    b. Remove the first bearing blocks assembly ; take out the adjusting shim Caution: It should select the adjusting shim when install the adjusting shim Mark 43. Remove the bearing snap ring 44 Remove the intermediate shaft assembly 45. Remove the first shaft assembly 46.
  • Page 59
    47. Remove the 3rd/4th-Gear shift fork Remove the second shaft assembly a. Use the rubber hammer to knock the second shaft b. Remove the needle bearing bushing of reverse driven gear c. Remove the double inner-race ball bearing assembly d. Remove the second shaft assembly…
  • Page 60
    Secondary shaft assembly ¦circlips for shaft synchronizer gear ring needle bearing 3rd-Gear driven gear assembly second shaft 3rd/4th-Gear syn- chronizer assembly 1st-Gear driven gear assembly 2nd-Gear driven gear assembly needle bearing sleeve 2nd-Gear synchronizer gear ring 1st-Gear synchronizer gear ring double inner-race specified torque 1st/2nd-Gear synchronizer assembly…
  • Page 61
    d. Remove the 3rd-Gear driven gear assembly Caution: When install the 3rd-Gear driven gear assembly, it should use the plug gage to measure the 3rd-Gear driven gear assembly axial clearance to ensure it is within 0.17-0.284mm e. Remove the 3rd-Gear driven gear needle bearing f.
  • Page 62
    Transmission-23 i. Remove the sleeve j. Remove the 1st-Gear synchronizer gear ring k. Remove the 1st/2nd-Gear synchronizer assembly l. Remove the 2nd-Gear synchronizer gear ring , 2nd-Gear driven gear and second shaft Caution: When install the 2nd-Gear driven gear, it should use the plug gage to measure the 2nd-Gear driven gear axial clearance to ensure it is within 0.17-0.284mm…
  • Page 63
    Operating instruction of transmission SC5M4D-C hand hall of main steering column 1.The schematic diagram of transmission operating gear position is on the handle of steering column. During the process after vehicle is started and in traveling, it must step the clutch pedal to bottom before the shifting. If need shift from -Gear to reverse-Gear, it should move the shifting bar to the neutral position of 3rd/4th-Gear.
  • Page 64
    Transmission-25 oil filling screw plug Repair of transmission SC5M4D-C oil filling screw plug 1. Inspection of oil level of transmission and transfer case: Screw off the oil drainage screw plug of main box and transfer case; drain all lubrication oil, tighten the oil drain plug to specified torque. The torque is: 30 35N m.
  • Page 65
    Transmission SC5M4D C assembly manipulator cover assembly elastic cylindrical test switch bracket washer reverse lamp select & shift seating wire clip switch bracket cylindrical compression spring wire clip steel ball 6.35 cylindrical transmission compression spring separated case spring cylindrical pin bush stud M10 1.25…
  • Page 66
    Transmission-27 Manipulator cover assembly handle of transfer case auxiliary steering column assembly handle of gearlever washer ball head base bush master control lever assembly auxiliary steering column stop plate rubber cover ball head base ball head bush manipulator rubber cover cover assembly washer reverse lock…
  • Page 67
    Disassembly of rear housing assembly 1.Remove the M8 18 hexagon bolt and the lock plate Caution: When install the M8 18 hexagon bolt, the tightening torque is 14-19N m 2.Remove the odometer driven gear assembly Use the special tools to remove the odometer driven gear assembly 3.Remove the rear cover assembly Caution: When install 6 M10 1.25 30 hexagon bolts, the tightening torque is 14-19N m…
  • Page 68: Transfer Case Assembly

    Transmission-29 Transfer case assembly (one) aluminum gasket 18 30-35 30-35 waved spring high speed gear chain aluminum gasket 18 front output shaft assembly 26-36 rear output transfer case cover shaft assembly transfer case housing assembly m: specified torque Used component which can not be used any more. Pregummed component Transfer case assembly d r i v e…

  • Page 69
    Transfer case assembly (three) circlips for hole disk spring duplicate ball bearing auxiliary gear oil seal spacing ring circlips for back plate shaft bowel patch rear input shaft circlips for shaft ball bearing front output shaft ball bearing transfer case housing dustproof seal oil seal guide bushing…
  • Page 70
    Transmission-31 7.Remove the shouldered lock screw plug M14 Caution: When install the shouldered lock screw plug M14 10, the tightening torque is within 26-36N m 8.Remove the shouldered lock screw plug a. Use the wrench to remove the shouldered lock screw plug M12 1.25 Caution: When install the shouldered lock screw plug M14 10, the tightening torque is within 26-36N m…
  • Page 71
    b. Remove the select & shift seating elastic cylindrical pin c. Remove the high/low drive declutch shift shaft elastic cylindrical pin d. Remove the 2 declutch shift shaft elastic cylindrical pin e. Use the circlip pliers to remove the bearing snap ring f.
  • Page 72
    Transmission-33 10. Remove the high and low gear drive declutch shift shaft 11.Remove the second and fourth drive declutch shift shaft 12. Use the plastic hammer to knock out the rear output shaft assembly, front output shaft assembly and chain out slightly 13.
  • Page 73
    b. Remove the housing of transfer case 15.Remove a location pin For the disassembly of gearbox refer to “Disassembly of gearbox in SC5M2D C”…
  • Page 74
    Transmission-35 Rear output shaft assembly low-speed driven gear high and low gear hub rear output shaft sprocket needle bearing bushing needle bearing oil guide plate assembly drive sprocket 87-120 circlips for shaft needle bearing high and low gear sleeve second/fourth needle m: specified torque spacer of…
  • Page 75
    e. Use the magnetic rod to remove the steel ball. f. Remove the drive sprocket and needle bearing Caution: When install the drive sprocket, it should use the plug gage to measure the drive sprocket axial clearance and ensure within 0.19-0.338mm g Remove the drive geared sleeve h.
  • Page 76
    Transmission-37 j Remove the gear hub k Remove the spacing plate l. Use the circlip pliers to remove the circlip. Caution: It should select the circlip for shaft according the angle when install it. Mark Thickness (mm) White Blue Green m.Remove the high and low geared sleeve and gear hub n.
  • Page 77: Automatic Transmission

    Automatic transmission-1 Chapter 5 Automatic transmission (M88) Instruction for automatic transmission ………2 Operation and display interface ……….5 Control system…………….7 Power transmission system…………22 Power transmission …………..26 Diagnosis and test……………45 Adjustment…………….53 Disassembly /Assembly……………55 Specification and special tools ………..90 Annex………………92…

  • Page 78: Instruction For Automatic Transmission

    Automatic transmission-2 Instruction for automatic transmission 1. M88 4-speed automatic transmission is equipped with the hydraulic torque converter and electric control system with locking. When keep the stable forward status, the hydraulic torque converter can be locked automatically when the engine operates in low speed, then reduce the unnecessary slide.

  • Page 79
    Automatic transmission-3 8. Use two bolts to install the back device on the extended case of the transmission, these lengths are important. If it is too long, it will hinder the end of the bolt and affect the threads on the case. Ensure the proper length and special torque of the bolt. 9.
  • Page 80: Operation And Display Interface

    Automatic transmission-4 10. The gross weight of the transmission is 76kg; mostly weight is on the front of the transmission (side of torque converter). This should be considered when design the handling/assembly tools. 11. The crankshaft speed/position sensor is installed on the top of transmission torque converter housing which must be installed after the transmission is installed on the engine.

  • Page 81
    Automatic transmission-5 Table 2.1 Gear selection and its function Gear selection function The first gear is using for climbing and braking. It is a function which limits the speed of -Gear the car. The speed limitation by engine is realized by reduce the opening degree of (manual 1 -Gear ) throttle position.
  • Page 82
    Automatic transmission-6 Operation instruction automatic automatic automatic Having anti-slide function It is allowable that the D-Gear in “W” mode is used in snowland and M-A integration mode. Function Brake function Can decrease the gear-position in slope to improve the brake effect and increase the vehicle safety. Speed-up function It can select the manual shifting to increase the vehicle speed completely during the speed-up.
  • Page 83: Indicator Lamp

    Automatic transmission-7 Indicator lamp Figure 2.2 control system General The transmission has two sets of control system, a electric control system and a hydraulic control system. The electric control system monitors the vehicle parameter and adjusts the transmission performance; the hydraulic control system executes the command of electric control system.

  • Page 84
    Automatic transmission-8…
  • Page 85
    Automatic transmission-9 Table 3.1 Feature parameter of temperature /resistance 17,287 13,638 6,616 5,177 2,723 2,278 Temperature Centigrade degree Figure 3.2 Pin number of temperature /resistance Pin No. Wire color Connected solenoid valve solenoid valve 1 Blue solenoid valve 2 yellow solenoid valve 3 orange solenoid valve 4…
  • Page 86
    Automatic transmission-10 solenoid valve 4 (orange ) ground wire ground wire (2) solenoid valve (green ) solenoid valve (red ) ground wire temperature sensor solenoid valve (yellow ) ground wire solenoid valve (blue ) ground wire ground wire olenoid valve 6 (violet ) solenoid valve 7 power supply connector Figure 3.3 Schematic diagram of temperature sensor position and solenoid valve wiring 2.Throttle position sensor…
  • Page 87
    Automatic transmission-11 Diagnosis input S1 and S2 is the normal open solenoid valve, which is used to set the gear-position with other switch solenoid valve solenoid valve. It determines the static gear-position by operating the gear shift valve. Refer to Table 3.5, 1and 2 S1 and S2 also send the pressure single to allow or prohibit the engagement with rear brake belt.
  • Page 88
    Automatic transmission-12 Shifting Initial shifting status Current variation of S5 Finished shifting status S1 Off 950mA-650mA S4 Off 1-2 S4 On S1 Off S2 Off 900mA-400mA S3 Off 1-3 S3 On S4 Off S4 On S2 Off 850mA-750mA S3 Off 1-4 S3 On S4 Off…
  • Page 89
    Automatic transmission-13 Symbol of solenoid valve (On/off solenoid valve) Figure 3.5 Normal-opened type 1.Variable pressure regulating valve regulating system The shifting pressure of abrasion unit is controlled by the variable pressure regulating valve. The line pressure is independent of the shifting pressure and determined by the thro position, shifting status and engine speed.
  • Page 90
    Automatic transmission-14 Hydraulic control system The hydraulic control system is located in the valve, pump and main box. The valve includes the following types: Manual-operated valve Three shift valves sequence valve electromagnetic pressure control valve line pressure control valve clutch connection regulating valve brake belt connection regulating valve solenoid valve 1 to solenoid valve 6 reverse lock valve…
  • Page 91
    Automatic transmission-15 Figure 3.6 Hydraulic control circulation flow…
  • Page 92
    Automatic transmission-16 Figure 3.9 manual-operated valve 3. 1-2 shift valve 1-2 shift valve (refer to Figure 3.10) has two position status. It must be in the position (2, 3, 4) for the convenience of raising gear in 1 -Gear. It is using for all 1-2 and 2-1 shift. Through the power supply of S1 and (or ) S2, the 1-2 shift valve can acquire its On/Off status.
  • Page 93
    Automatic transmission-17 9. Clutch combination regulating valve Clutch combination regulating valve (refer to Figure 3.15) is a constant ratio regulating valve which provide the regulating pressure of clutch C1 to control the change ratio of shifting quality clutch status. The ratio is about 2.25:1. When the S3 is opened, the oil of 3 -Gear is provided to the valve and adjust the pressure (CAF) to 2.25 times of S5 signal pressure.
  • Page 94
    Automatic transmission-18 Figure 3.11 2-3gear shift valve Figure 3.12 3-4gear shift valve Figure 3.13 4-3sequence valve Figure 3.14 Electromagnetic pressure regulating valve and line pressure impelling valve…
  • Page 95
    Automatic transmission-19 Figure 3.15 clutch combination regulating valve Brake belt combination regulating valve P-Gear or N-Gear, vehicle speed 3km/h R-Gear , speed 10km/h c Speed of engine : 1250rpm Diesel vehicle , Opening degree of throttle position: Gasoline vehicle, opening degree of throttle position: In this condition, the TCU control solenoid valve S1 and S2 are closed.
  • Page 96
    Automatic transmission-20 Figure 3.17 reverse lock valve Primary regulating valve Primary regulating valve (PRV) (refer to Figure 3.18) can regulate the line pressure of transmission (or pump output pressure). The valve can give the high or low line pressure according to the on/off status of S6. When S6 is in on or off status, the pressure S6 is applied on PRV, move it and has the action of spring force.
  • Page 97
    Automatic transmission-21 Figure 3.20 torque converter clutch control valve Figure 3.21 C1 eccentrically arranged valve Figure 3.22 BIR blow-off valve…
  • Page 98: Power Transmission System

    Automatic transmission-22 Power transmission system The power transmission system includes: Torque converter equipped with single lock clutch. 4 multi-plate clutch assemblies 2 brake belts 2 one-way clutches Planetary gear assembly parking mechanism A traditional planetary gear assembly composed by six pinions is used in four-speed transmission. It realizes the 4 Gear power transmission through the drive gear bracket.

  • Page 99: Torque Converter

    Automatic transmission-23 Figure 4.1 Power flow chart Torque converter The torque converter (refer to Figure 4.2) consists of the turbine, stator, impeller and a lock throttle brake and piston assembly. Same as that of the traditional torque converter, the impeller is connected to the end cover of the torque converter. The turbine is connected to the input shaft through the spline.

  • Page 100
    Automatic transmission-24 Figure 4.3 Clutch assembly Brake belt The transmission has two brake belts, brake belt B1 (named as 2-4 brake belt sometimes ) and brake belt B2 (named as low-speed – reverse gear brake belt ) refer to Figure 4.4. The brake belt B1 is a flexible brake belt which is engaged with front servo piston.
  • Page 101
    Automatic transmission-25 Figure 4.5 Parking mechanism…
  • Page 102: Power Transmission

    Automatic transmission-26 Power transmission Introduction It has the following power transmission pointed to different Gear-position: power transmission N-Gear and P-Gear power transmission R-Gear power transmission manual 1 power transmission Automatic 1 -Gear power transmission Automatic 2 -Gear power transmission Automatic 3 -Gear power transmission Automatic 3…

  • Page 103
    Automatic transmission-27 Refer to Figure 5.1and table 5.2. Name of participated unit clutch Gear-position Parking and neutral position Table 5.2 The participation status of each unit in parking and neutral position…
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    Automatic transmission-28…
  • Page 105
    Automatic transmission-29 In reverse-Gear position, the drive of transmission is sent to the clutch hub through the input shaft and rear clutch piston. In this condition, the description of each function unit of transmission is shown as follows: The clutch C3 is engaged and drive the reverse central gear to rotate in clockwise. The engagement of B2 brake belt cause the rest of the planetary gear carrier, then make the long planetary gear rotates around its shaft anticlockwise.
  • Page 106
    Automatic transmission-30…
  • Page 107
    Automatic transmission-31 Power transmission manual 1 -Gear In manual 1 –Gear, the drive of transmission is send to the rear clutch cylinder through the input shaft. In this condition, each function unit of transmission is shown as follows: The clutch C2 is engaged through the 3-4 one-way clutch (OWC) to drive the front sun gear. The engagement of B2 brake belt make the planetary gear carrier to stop.
  • Page 108
    Automatic transmission-32…
  • Page 109
    Automatic transmission-33 Power transmission automatic 1 -Gear In automatic 1 -Gear, the drive of transmission reaches the reaches the front clutch cylinder through the input shaft. In this condition, the operating principle of each function unit of transmission is shown as follows: The engagement of clutch C2 drives the front sun gear The front sun gear drive the short planetary gear to rotate in anticlockwise.
  • Page 110
    Automatic transmission-34…
  • Page 111
    Automatic transmission-35 Power transmission automatic 2 -Gear and manual 2 In automatic 1 and manual 2 -Gear, the drive of transmission reaches the front clutch cylinder through the input shaft. In this condition, the operating principle of each functional unit of transmission is shown as follows: The engagement of clutch C2 drives the forward central gear.
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    Automatic transmission-36…
  • Page 113
    Automatic transmission-37 power transmission Automatic 3 -Gear and manual 3 -Gear In automatic and manual 3 -Gear, the drive of transmission reaches the front cylinder through the input shaft. In this condition, the operating principle of the transmission is shown as follows: The engagement of clutch C2 drives the front sun gear The engagement of clutch C1 drives the planetary gear carrier The forward central gear and planetary gear carrier rotate in the same speed clockwise.
  • Page 114
    Automatic transmission-38…
  • Page 115
    Automatic transmission-39 Power transmission locking of automatic and manual 3 -Gear When the automatic 3 -Gear and manual 3 -Gear is locked, the drive of transmission is basically same as that in automatic 3 Gear. But it provide the variable torque drive without slide for the application of torque converter locking clutch. Control: The control for the automatic 3 -Gear locking and manual 3…
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    Automatic transmission-40…
  • Page 117
    Automatic transmission-41 In automatic 4 -Gear (overspeed gear), the drive of transmission is sent to the front clutch cylinder through the input shaft. The operation principle of each function assembly of transmission is shown as follows: The engagement of clutch C1 drives the planetary gear carrier rotates in clockwise rotation. The engagement of B1 brake belt makes the reverse sun gear to stop.
  • Page 118
    Automatic transmission-42…
  • Page 119
    Automatic transmission-43 Power transmission Automatic 4 -Gear locking In automatic 4 –gear locking, the drive of transmission is same as that in automatic 4 –gear basically. But for the application of variable torque locking clutch, it provides the variable torque drive without slide. Control: The automatic 4 –Gear locking is same as that in automatic 4…
  • Page 120
    Automatic transmission-44…
  • Page 121: Diagnosis And Test

    Automatic transmission-45 Diagnosis and test Test system 1. Recommended test equipment and program The test equipment and control unit for design will be used for the test of all vehicles. The parts for transmission test includes: Tester for service after sales Special vehicle for test 2.

  • Page 122
    Automatic transmission-46 P in T ype 2W D D escription N o. ○ CA N (-ve) CAN h idden com m unication end ○ CA N (+ ve) CAN exposed co m m unication end K line com m un ication D iagnosis inform ation and car code ●…
  • Page 123
    Automatic transmission-47 reverse pin Gear sensor(black) gear indication pin Figure 6.1.1 Description for wire bundle pin 4. Operating mode of transmission TCU realizes the effective control for the transmission according to the accurate information acquired form the input data and complete control for the output data.
  • Page 124
    Automatic transmission-48 solenoid Condition Transmission operation valve 1st-Gear replaces 2nd-Gear; 4th-Gear replaces 3rd-Gear. It causes the car form the Gear shift of 1 Opened →1→4→4 when accelerate form static. The transmission stay longer time in Gear; worse 1→4 always shift feeling. 2nd-Gear replaces 1st-Gear;…
  • Page 125
    Automatic transmission-49 The distribution of FAQ table is shown as follows: Table 6.2.1 Drive failure Table 6.2.3 Shift quality failure Table 6.2.2 Shift mode failure Table 6.2.4 Disassembly failure failure Possible reason Corresponding measure The automatic transmission fluid is insufficient. Check the liquid level.
  • Page 126
    Automatic transmission-50 T h e s m a ll O -rin g o f fro n t ser v o p is to n is in v a lid o r lo s t. D et e ct th e O -rin g . P r o c es s th e rep la c e m e n t o r 2 →…
  • Page 127
    Automatic transmission-51 Detect the resistance, replace the sensor if The throttle position sensor has failure. necessary. The brake belt is adjusted incorrectly. Detect and replace the rake belt if necessary. The front servo piston O-ring is damaged. Detect and replace the O-ring if necessary. The variable pressure solenoid valve (S5) is damaged or Detect, repair or replace the S5 if necessary.
  • Page 128
    Automatic transmission-52 Failure Reason Corresponding measures T operation lever linkage is beyond the Monitor and repair the C2 if necessary and normal adjusting scope. adjust the linkage device. Repair the C2; detect, repair or replace the C2 is burnt. S6 is invalid.-Operating lever is hard. S6 if necessary.
  • Page 129
    Adjustment Hydraulic system Following parts is the detailed description for self-detection procedure pointed to the condition occurred in chapter 6. including the condition indicated the failure, to point the problem existed in the hydraulic system. It should select the proper procedure from the following primary detection when adjust the transmission. Detection process of transmission fluid Detect the manual linkage adjusting system(refer to factory manual of car) Detect the engine idle speed…
  • Page 130
    3. Oil filling of service after sales Set the liquid level position correctly; the procedure is shown as follows: a. Shut down the engine; place the gear-position in the P-Gear. b . Lift the vehicle (or place it above the trench). c.
  • Page 131: Disassembly /Assembly

    Disassembly /assembly Cautions for assembly It should notice the following items before reassemble the transmission system: 1. Ensure the cooler pipeline is washed and all chip is removed when replace the transmission. It can be realized by using the compressed air to enter into the rear cooler pipeline to remove the oil and all foreign material in the front cooler.

  • Page 132
    i. Use the pump remover to remove the pump, refer to Figure 8.1. g. Remove the input shaft , front clutch cylinder and overspeed –Gear shaft as an integral. Take it out from the front of housing. k. Remove the clutch C3 cylinder and central gear . l.
  • Page 133
    e. Take out the manual-operated valve operating lever and parking operating lever. f. Take out the 10 pin socket connector form the wire bunch bracket adjacent gear sensor. g. Press down the raised part of 10-pin plug and take out the 10-pin connecting plug from the box. h.
  • Page 134
    Figure 8.6 Removal of C1, C2 and clutch C4 piston Figure 8.5 Impressed clutch reset spring l. Reverse the clutch cylinder on the pressure machine; and remove the clutch C1 reset spring with same method. m. Send the compressed air into the cylinder through the cylinder hole, remove the clutch piston from the clutch cylinder. Refer to Figure 8.6.
  • Page 135
    Figure 8.8 Removal of clutch C3 piston c. Install the clutch assembly on the special tools, press down the piston out-back spring; take out the retainer and release spring. Caution: Ensure the spring keeping device does not be clamped in the spring groove and all spring pressure is released. d.
  • Page 136
    6. Pump Cautions: the following valves are installed in the pump cover: solenoid valve 7 C1 eccentric valve ( only for early stage mode, no valve in M88) torque converter control valve torque converter regulating valve primary regulating valve The disassembly procedure of pump is shown as follows: a.
  • Page 137
    Caution: Some valves are pulled by the spring and may fall down form the valve. m. Press down the plug of 4-3 sequence valve and take out the locking nut disc. n. Take out the plug, valve and spring. o. Press down the solenoid valve 5 gate. Remove the fixed pin, valve and spring. Caution: The valve is pulled by the spring and may fall down form the valve.
  • Page 138
    Figure 8.11 Rear servo bar Caution: Figure 8.12 Parking operating lever Pay attention to do not coat the sealant between the bolt and crown bar. e. Install the parking operating lever (as Figure 8.12), including the return spring and shaft pin. Coat the external end of shaft pin with small sealant.
  • Page 139
    Figure 8.15 manual-operated valve brake lever k. Install the manual-operated valve detent connecting rod (shown as Figure 8.15), align it with the cross shaft hole. l. Push the shaft by the positioning operating lever, until start from one side of box operating lever. m.
  • Page 140
    2.output shaft and gear assembly The assembly procedure of output shaft and gear assembly (Refer to Figure 8.19),is shown as follows: a. Check the output shaft bush for damage, replace it if necessary. b. Check the parking detent on the ring gear for damage ; replace it if necessary. c.
  • Page 141
    Figure 8.19 Position of thrust bearing and sealing pad 4. Rear servo assembly Install the rear servo assembly (Refer to Figure 8.18), the procedure is shown as follows: a. Check the servo piston O-ring and washer for damage. b. Use the transmission fluid to lubricate the servo piston O-ring and install the O-ring on the piston groove. c.
  • Page 142
    Figure 8.20 planet carrier assembly and central support Check whether the socket has the proper central support, then install the central support on the one-way clutch, ensure the support can rotate in anticlockwise. Refer to Figure 8.20 f. Use the Vaseline to lubricate the NO.9 needle thrust bearing and thrust washer, and install it on the rear of planet carrier. Refer to Figure 8.19 g.
  • Page 143
    Caution: Do not use the Vaseline to fix the washer. c. Install the transmission rear housing or adaptor rear housing with the new washer. Caution: Refer to the description in section 8.3.17 related installation of output flange assembly (rear wheel drive). d.
  • Page 144
    Figure 8.23 Installation of brake belt press lever d. Install the brake belt on the transmission, ensure it is installed on the correct position. e. Install the reaction support on the fixing plate and connect it to the brake belt and reinforcement lever. Install the application support on thea fixing plate and connect it to the brake belt and servo piston bar.
  • Page 145
    Caution: The diameter of spring wire bunch is 4.3mm. f. Install the piston out and back spring on the piston and install the spring fixing plate on the spring. g. Use the special tools and press down the spring to ensure the installation for fixing ring spring. And ensure the spring is fixed in the groove tightly, then remove the tools.
  • Page 146
    o. Maintain the horizontal position of cylinder , install the sleeve and clutch disk assembly on the cylinder; ensure the top of washer and external hole of cylinder are in order until the sleeve can contact the C2 wave plate. Caution: For the C2 wave spring is compressed and the clutch disk can endure the weight of 19.6N.
  • Page 147
    Caution: It should take out the clutch clearance assembly before immerse the assembly into the automatic transmission fluid (ATF). Use the gear selection plate to reach the correct specification. It should remove the clutch assembly and immerse the friction disk in the automatic transmission fluid for 5 minutes at least before the installation if install the new friction disks. Lubricate and install the 3-4 one-way clutch and install the sleeve on the C2 wheel axle.
  • Page 148
    Figure 8.28 clutch C3 and reverse central gear b. Check the damage of external diameter and central support diameter of C3 cylinder sleeve. Coat the sealing ring with the automatic transmission fluid and install it on the C3 cylinder groove. c.
  • Page 149
    Caution: It should take out the clutch assembly clearance before immerse the assembly into the transmission liquid. n. It should remove the clutch and immerse the assembly into the transmission liquid for 5 miniatures at least before the reassembly. 11. front sun gear and clutch C3 assembly The installation procedure of front sun gear and clutch C3 assembly (Refer to Figure 8.30) is shown as follows: a.
  • Page 150
    12. Clutch C1 overspeed shaft and input shaft assembly Caution: a. Ensure the correct installation of snap ring. b. Check the piston for crack. c. Must not mix the clutch piston out and back spring. d. If the connector of clutch C1/ C2 is disconnected form the clutch C3, ensure the NO.6 bearing can not slide down from the bearing retainer.
  • Page 151
    e. If need to install the new friction disk, please remove the clutch assembly and immerse the friction assembly into the transmission fluid for 5 minutes at least before the installation. f. Check whether the clutch C1 wheel axle is matched with the overspeed shaft. It should replace the wheel axle and wheel axle assembly if loose.
  • Page 152
    pump cover assembly pump housing cover oil seal pump assembly o-ring (pump ) Figure 8.34 pump, cover and torque converter support g. Use the automatic transmission liquid to lubricate the pump O-ring and install it on the pump. Place the pump on the other side. h.
  • Page 153
    s. Install the pump on the washer of transfer case of housing. t. Make the O-ring is proper for the external diameter of pump. u. Ensure the pump housing hole in main housing is clean and without dirt. v. Ensure the plastic connector of solenoid valve 7 is installed on the correct position of main housing. w.
  • Page 154
    Figure 8.39 Valve fixing plug and pin Figure 8.40 Torque converter release ball and spring…
  • Page 155
    Figure 8.41 Position of test ball Figure 8.42 Tighten the pump bolt in the sequence shown in figure Figure 8.43 Connect the pump to the housing in the sequence shown in figure…
  • Page 156
    14. Valve Caution: a. Must not clean the solenoid valve pipe port by solvent. b. Pay attention to the position of ball on upper of valve. c. Pay attention to the position of 1-2 Gear and 3-4 Gear gear shift valve which may be exchanged. d.
  • Page 157
    Figure 8.45 Lower valve Figure 8.46 Position of upper valve and detection ball Figure 8.47 solenoid valve 5 and damper…
  • Page 158
    Figure 8.48 1 2gear shift valve Figure 8.49 3 4 gear shift valve Figure 8.50 solenoid 2 and 2 3gear shift valve Figure 8.51 4 3sequence valve Figure 8.52 brake belt combination regulating valve and solenoid 4…
  • Page 159
    Figure 8.53 clutch combination regulating valve and solenoid 3 Figure 8.54 solenoid combination valve and solenoid 6 Figure 8.55 reverse lock valve j. Position the 3 feed ball (large nylon ) on the valve and solenoid supply valve filter, shown as Figure 8.54. k.
  • Page 160
    Figure 8.56 The tighten sequence of valve bolt from upper to lower q. Install the solenoid valve 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6. Ensure the solenoid valve is clamped by the clip tightly and the bolt is tightened to the specified torque. Caution: The wire harness ground wire port is protected by the solenoid valve fixing plate r.
  • Page 161
    Figure 8.58 Tighten sequence of bolt form valve to box 15. Installation of oil filter and oil bottom shell Caution: It should replace the filter when a important mechanical component is damaged and assemble a transmission. To assist the assembly of sealing gasket groove, please coat the surface of oil pan and washer with thin Vaseline to ensure the sealing gasket is in the groove.
  • Page 162
    Figure 8.59 Bushing of engine oil filter Figure 8.60 Installation of engine oil filter Figure 8.61 Tightening sequence of oil pan bolt It should abide by follows when assemble the oil filter and oil sump tank (Refer to Figure 8.59and Figure 8.60): a.
  • Page 163
    f. Make the installation of oil bottom shell is proper for transfer case and the tighten the safety valve according to the specification and sequence (Refer to Figure 8.61). do not distort it. 16.Torque converter and support sleeve assembly Install the hydraulic torque converter and housing assembly, the procedure is shown as follows: a.
  • Page 164
    Adjustment of front and rear brake belt 1. Setting procedure of brake belt The setting procedure of brake belt is shown as follows: a. For the calculating method of front servo mechanism thrust lever refer to Figure 8.62, dimension; standard A. .Allow the air pressure is in 650/700kPa in the operating area of front servo mechanism (external of B1), (refer to Figure 8.63).
  • Page 165
    Figure 8.62 Setting of brake belt Figure 8.63 External port position of B1 and B2 Figure 8.64 Setting of rear brake belt…
  • Page 166: Specification And Special Tools

    Oil filling procedure According to the procedure described in 7.2. Specification and special tools Type and specification hydraulic torque converter Specification maximum torque multiplier factor 179K 2.00: stalled speed (80 to 100 ℃ rpm) (179K torque converter ) 2090 Gear ratio First gear 2.393:1 Second gear…

  • Page 167: Special Tools

    Shifting point Opening Shifting Opening shifting degree degree of throttle throttle position position 100% (WOT) 100% (WOT) decreasing decreasing 55 Table 9.3- Shifting point-km/h Maximum speed of typical Gear-decreasing of vehicle The Gear-decreasing will be disabled when beyond the following speed. Gear-decreasing type Speed point for disable of Gear-decreasing Manual 2-1…

  • Page 168
    Annex Description for oil inlet hole of main housing…
  • Page 169
    Chapter 6 Drive shaft…
  • Page 170
    Cautions D o n o t c l a m p t h e d r i v e s h a f t b u s h i n g t o o t i g h t e n e d b y t h e b e n c h v i c e t o a v o i d t h e d e f o r m a t i o n .
  • Page 171
    front section of u n i v e r s a l — j o i n t f o r k r e a r a x l e p r o p e l l e r s h a f t universal- j o i n t f o r k c i r c l i p…
  • Page 172
    Disassembly of drive shaft: Remove the intermediate support bolt of drive shaft firstly (CC6460KY is without intermediate support connecting bolt ), then remove the c o n n e c t i n g b o l t b e t w e e n t h e d r i v e s h a f t a n d r e a r a x l e , l a s t l y , p u l l o u t t h e d r i v e s h a f t a s s e m b l y f r o m t h e t r a n s m i s s i o n o u t p u t s p l i n e s h a f t a n d r e m o v e i t i n i n t e g r a l .
  • Page 173: Suspension And Vehicle Axle

    Chapter 7 Suspension and vehicle axle Rear suspension …………………………………112…

  • Page 174: Steering

    Troubleshooting Failure Cause Repair content The tyre is worn or charged improperly. Charge the tyre to the proper pressure or replace the tyre. The front wheel alignment is incorrect. Check the condition of front wheel alignment. Floating/pulling The wheel bearing is adjusted too tightened. Adjust the wheel bearing The front /rear suspension components is loose or Tighten…

  • Page 175: Front Wheel Alignment

    Front wheel alignment 1. Process the following inspection and eliminate all problems a. Check the wear condition of tyre and proper inflation. Tyre inflation pressure: 230kPa b. Check the wheel bearing of front wheel for loose. c. Check the front suspension for loose. d.

  • Page 177
    6. Adjust the wheel toe Adjust the wheel toe according to the following method a. Shake the car upwardly and downwardly to make the suspension reach the stable status. b. Push the car forwardly for 5m in flat ground when the front wheel is in the straight forward position.
  • Page 178
    h. Check the sideslip Sideslip: Within 5m/km…
  • Page 179
    Front hub and steering knuckle (2WD) stabilizer bar spring shim brake caliper assembly upper suspension arm flat shim split pin connecting rod steering knuckle of stabilizer bar tight nut lock washer flat shim lower suspension arm screw disk shim split pin fill block shim fill block…
  • Page 180
    Front hub Disassembly of front hub 1. Remove the disc brake Remove the brake caliper and hang it by steel cable. Remarks: Do not remove the brake pipe and brake hose. 2. Remove the hub cap Use the inner hexagon spanner to screw off the fastening blot and remove the hub cap.
  • Page 181
    4. Remove the oil seal and inner bearing a. Use the screwdriver to pry out the oil seal. b .Remove the inner race of inner bearing from the hub. Check and repair of front hub 1. Check each bearing Wash the inner and outer race of each bearing and check them for damage or wear.
  • Page 182
    grease 2. Place in the bearing inner race; use the fill the gap between the inner and outer race of the bearing up with the HP-R grease. grease 3. Install the inner bearing and oil seal a. Place the inner bearing in the hub. diagram of spe- b.
  • Page 183
    Remarks: If the screw installation hole on the lock washer can not align with the screw hole on the lock nut, then it can remove the lock washer and adjust he lock nut slightly (rotate in the direction of Min. adjusting range ); then install the lock washer. 7.
  • Page 184
    Steering knuckle Disassembly of steering knuckle 1. Remove the disc brake and front hub (Refer to section “Front Hub”) 2. Remove the brake cover 3. Disconnect the steering cross rod from the steering knuckle arm a. Remove the split pin and nut on the ball pin. special tools 4.
  • Page 185
    Check and replacement of steering knuckle Use the dye penetrant to check the steering knuckle for crack.It should replace the steering knuckle if has crack. Installation of steering knuckle 1. Install the steering knuckle a. Install the lower ball pin on the steering knuckle and install the slotted nut temporarily.
  • Page 186
    3. Connect the steering cross rod to the steering knuckle arm. a. Tighten the slotted nut according to the specified torque. Tightening force: 170 15N m b. Install the new split pin. Remarks: It should align the notch of nut with the pinhole when install the split pin;…
  • Page 187
    Front suspension (2WD) shim upper arm shaft upper arm bush front stabilizer bar upper arm bush shim upper arm shaft rubber cover clip upper ball pin flat shim split pin lower arm long bush connecting rod of stabilizer bar rear shaft of lower arm torsion bar flat shim torsion bar base…
  • Page 188
    Ball pin Inspection of ball pin 1. Check the lower ball pin for loose a. Raise the front of the car by jack and support it by the frame. b. Ensure the front wheel is in straight advancing position and step down the brake pedal.
  • Page 189
    Disassembly of ball pin (Refer to section “Front Hub and Steering Knuckle”) 2. Remove the lower ball pin form the lower arm 3. Remove the upper ball pin from the upper arm. Installation of ball pin 1. Install the upper ball pin on the upper arm Tightening force: 78 5N m 2.
  • Page 190
    Torsion bar spring Disassembly of torsion bar spring Installation of torsion bar spring Caution: There are the L and R indication marks, which must not be exchanged on the read end of the torsion bar spring. Mark L means the left andRforright 1.
  • Page 191
    d. Tighten the adjusting bolt to make the extension length of the bolt equal to the length before remove. 2. For new torsion bar spring a. Remove the wheel. b. Coat thin grease on the spline of the torsion bar spring. c.
  • Page 192
    Lower suspension arm Removal of lower suspension arm 1. Disconnect the connecting rod of stabilizer bar from the lower arm a. Use the jack to support the lower arm. b. Remove the connecting nut; disconnect the connecting rod of sta bilizer bar form the lower arm. 2.
  • Page 193
    b.Remove the nut and front shaft of lower arm. 6. Remove the rear shaft of lower arm Screw off the nut; remove the rear shaft of lower arm shaft; remove the lower suspension arm. Replacement of lower suspension arm bush 1.
  • Page 194
    4. Installation of longbushoflowersuspensionarmUse the special tools to install the new bush. Remarks: Do not coat the bush with the grease. special tools Installation of lower suspension arm 1. Installation of lower suspension arm a. Install the rear shaft of lower arm and tighten the nut to the specified torque.
  • Page 195
    5. Install the torsion bar spring (Refer to “Torsion Bar Spring”) 6. Tighten the nut of front shaft of lower arm to specified torque a. Install the wheel, remove the bracket and bounce the vehicle for several times to make the vibration damper enters into the stable status.
  • Page 196
    Upper suspension arm special tools Disassembly of upper suspension arm 1. Disconnect the upper ball pin from the steering knuckle Remove the split pin and nut; use the special tools to disconnect the upper ball pin from the steering knuckle. 2.
  • Page 197
    Replacement of upper arm bush 1. Remove the bush a. Remove the bolt and washer b. Use the special tools to push out the bush. c. Remove the upper arm shaft; remove another bush in same proce- dure special tools 2.
  • Page 198
    b. Tighten the upper arm shaft nut to specified torque. Tightening force: 210 10N m Installation of upper suspension arm 1. Install the upper suspension arm on the carriage a. Install the upper suspension arm and camber adjusting shim. b. Tighten all bolts to the specified torque. Tightening force: 200 10N m Remarks: Install the shim with same quantity and thickness to…
  • Page 199
    Connect the copper gasket seal and tighten the hollowbolttospecified torque. Tightening force: 50 5N m 6. Discharge the air in front brake system (refer to relevant chapter) Remarks: It must discharge the air in the rear brake system if disassemble the right upper arm. 7.
  • Page 200: Stabilizer Bar

    Stabilizer bar Disassembly of stabilizer bar 1. Disconnect the connecting bar which supports both ends of the stabilizer bar form the stabilizer bar. Use the inner hexagon spanner to fix the ball pin; remove the self- locking nut. 2. Remove the bush and clip of stabilizer bar; remove the stabilizer bar Installation of stabilizer bar 1.

  • Page 201
    Front hub and steering knuckle (4WD) stabilizer bar spring shim disc brake upper suspension arm flat shim drive shaft split pin connecting rod oil seal of stabilizer bar steering knuckle lock nut flat shim screw lower suspen- n e e d l e sion arm bearing lock washer…
  • Page 202
    Front hub Disassembly of front hub 1. Remove the disc brake Remove the brake caliper and hang it by steel cable. Remarks: Do not remove the brake pipe and brake hose. 2. Remove the hub cap and flange a. Use the inner hexagon spanner to screw off the fastening blot and remove the hub cap.
  • Page 203
    4. Remove the oil seal and inner bearing a. Use the screwdriver to pry out the oil seal b. Remove the inner race of inner bearing form the hub. Check and repair of front hub 1. Check all bearings Wash the inner race and outer race of each bearing and check them for wear and damage.
  • Page 204
    2. Place in the bearing inner race; use the fill the gap grease between the inner and outer race of the bearing up with the HP-R grease. grease 3. Install the inner bearing and oil seal diagram of a. Place the inner bearing in the hub special tools b.
  • Page 205
    6. Install the lock washer Install the lock washer with the surface with counterbore outwardly and fix it on the lock nut by screw. Remarks: If the screw installation hole on the lock washer can not align with the screw hole on the lock nut, then it can remove the lock washer and adjust he lock nut slightly (rotate in the direction of Min.
  • Page 206: Steering Knuckle

    Steering knuckle Disassembly of steering knuckle 1. Remove the disc brake and front hub (Refer to section “Front Hub”) 2. Remove the brake cover 3. Disconnect the steering cross rod from the steer- ing knuckle arm a. Remove the split pin and nut on the ball pin. b.

  • Page 207
    e. Use the jack to raise the lower arm; remove the steering knuckle. Check and replacement of steering knuckle 1. Check of steering knuckle Use the dye penetrant to check the steering knuckle for crack. It should replace the steering knuckle if has crack. 2.
  • Page 208
    5. Installation of needle bearing special Use the special tools and hand hammer to knock in the new tools needle bearing slightly. Remarks: The thicker end of needle bearing should be upwardly when knock in. with thicker end. 6. Installation of thrust plate chamfer Coat the installation position of thrust plate of steering knuckle with the HP-R grease;…
  • Page 209
    c. Press down the upper arm and connect the upper ball pin to the steering knuckle. Install and tighten the nut to the specified torque. Tightening force: 145 15N m d. Install the new split pin. Remarks: It should align the notch of nut with the pinhole when install the split pin;…
  • Page 210
    Front suspension (4WD) shim upper arm shaft upper arm bush front stabilizer bar upper arm bush shim upper arm rubber sleeve clip upper ball pin flat shim lower arm long bush split pin connecting rod of stabilizer bar rear shaft of lower arm torsion flat shim Torsion base…
  • Page 211
    Ball pin Check of ball pin 1. Check the lower ball pin for loose a. Raise the front of the car by jack and support it by the frame. b. Ensure the front wheel is in straight advancing position and step down the brake pedal.
  • Page 212
    Installation of ball pin 1. Install the upper ball pin on the upper arm Tightening force: 78 5N m 2. Install the lower ball pin on the lower arm Tightening force: 140 10N m 3. Install the steering knuckle and front hub assembly (Refer to section “Front Hub and Steering Knuckle”)
  • Page 213
    Torsion bar spring Disassembly of torsion bar spring 1. Make the assembly mark on the torsion bar spring, torsion base and adjusting arm 2. Measure the length A of extension section of bolt according to the length shown in figure. Remarks: The measuring value is for reference when adjust the ground clearance of chassis.
  • Page 214
    d. Tighten the adjusting bolt and make the extension length of the bolt equal to the value before disassembly. 2. For new torsion bar spring a. Remove the wheel. b. Coat the spline of torsion bar spring with thin grease. c.
  • Page 215
    Lower suspension arm Disassembly of lower suspension arm 1.The disassembly of the front hub and steering knuckle assembly includes the removal of vibration damper, stabilizer bar and steering cross rod. (Refer to the section “Front Hub and SteeringKnuckle”) 2. Disassembly of torsion bar spring (Refer to section “Torsion Bar Spring”) 3.
  • Page 216
    Replacement of bush of lower suspension arm 1. Remove the short bush of lower suspension arm Use the special tools to press out the short bush form the lower arm. special tools 2. Installation of short bush of lower suspension arm Use the special tools to press the new short bush into the lower arm Remarks: Do not coat the bush with the grease.
  • Page 217
    Installation of lower suspension arm 1. Installation of lower suspension arm a. Install the rear shaft of lower arm and tighten the screw to the specified torque. Tightening force: 290 25N m b. Install the front shaft of lower arm and pretighten the nut. 2.
  • Page 218
    6. Install the torsion bar spring (Refer to the section “Torsion Bar Spring”) 7. Tighten the nut of front shaft of lower arm to the specified torque a. Install the wheel, remove the bracket and bounce the vehicle for several times to make the vibration damper enters into the stable status.
  • Page 219
    Upper suspension arm Disassembly of upper suspension arm special tools 1. Disconnect the upper ball pin form the steering knuckleRemove the split pin and nut; use the special tools to disconnect the upper ball pin from the steering knuckle. 2. Remove the brake oil pipe on the upper arm shaft a.
  • Page 220
    Replacement of upper arm bush 1. Remove the bush a. Remove the bolt and washer. b. Use the special tools to push out the bush. c. Remove the upper arm shaft; remove another bush in same procedure. special 2. Install the bush a.
  • Page 221
    b. Tighten the upper arm shaft nut to specified torque. Tightening force: 210 10N m Installation of upper suspension arm 1. Install the upper suspension arm on the carriage a. Install the upper suspension arm and camber adjusting shim. b. Tighten all bolts to the specified torque. Tightening force: 200 10N m Remarks: Install the shim with same quantity and thickness to the…
  • Page 222
    5. Connect the brake hose to the brake caliper. Install the copper gasket seal and tighten the hollow bolt to the specified torque. Tightening force: 50±5N·m 6. Discharge the air in front brake system (Refer to relevant chapter) Remarks: It must discharge the air in the rear brake system if disassembly the right upper arm.
  • Page 223
    Stabilizer bar Disassembly of stabilizer bar 1. Disconnect the connecting bar which supports both ends of the stabilizer bar form the stabilizer bar. Use the inner hexagon spanner to fix the ball pin; remove the self- locking nut. 2. Remove the bush and clip of stabilizer bar; remove the stabilizer bar Installation of stabilizer bar 1.
  • Page 224
    Constant-speed drive shaft assembly Installation and disassembly drawing of front drive shaft assembly on front drive axle constant-speed drive shaft assembly hanger plank universal-joint bearing circlip front reducer and electric clutch assembly circlip Power plug of electric clutch circlip universal-joint bearing universal-joint oil seal lower segment of vent tube of front drive axle circlip…
  • Page 225
    m: specified torque 1. Place the car in the middle of repair platform or trench, support the front of the car steadily(support on the carriage) then remove the left and right front wheel. (make the car in 2WD status before the disassembly) 2.
  • Page 226
    9. Use the wrench to screw off the bolt which fixes the lower segment assembly of front drive axle vent tube on the vent tube bracket. wrench 10. Support the front drive axle by the jack; screw off the lifting bolt of hanger plank and carriage. supporting position 11.
  • Page 227
    Constant-speed drive shaft assembly inner trumpet connector circlip inner jacket three-pin section assembly large clip of inner jacket small clip of outer jacket small clip of inner jacket outer jacket large clip of outer jacket outer trumpet connector dustproof cover Disassembly of constant-speed drive shaft assembly 1.
  • Page 228
    a. Make the assembly mark on the inner trumpet connector and assembly mark three-pin section assembly. Caution: remove the grease in the connector before make the mark and don’t make the mark by the hard object such as punch. b. Remove the inner trumpet connector. 4.
  • Page 229
    7. Remove the outer jacket Caution: Clean the protective jacket and remove the grease on the outer trumpet connector. Do not disassemble the outer trumpet connector. 8. Use the screwdriver and hand hammer to remove the dustproof cover. Assembly of constant-speed drive shaft assembly 1.
  • Page 230
    4. Install the three-pin section assembly on the front drive shaft. with chamfer a.Let the end of three-pin section assembly with chamfer faces the shaft inner direction. Caution: The three-pin section assembly should be replaced if its needle bearing position is damaged. b.Align the assembly mark made before disassembly.
  • Page 231
    6 Install the inner trumpet connector on the front drive shaft a. Fill the inner trumpet connector and inner jacket with the grease supplied with the jacket (Recommend used grease is CAPLEX or KY1). Amount About140g b. Align the assembly mark made during disassembly; covered with inner trumpet connector.
  • Page 232
    c.Use the special pneumatic pliers to lock the large and small clip of outer jacket. special tools d.Ensure the jacket of both sides does not be prolonged or shortened when the front drive shaft has the standard length. Standard length: 400.5mm If only need to replace the outer components of front drive shaft assembly on car, it can remove the left and right steer- ing knuckle of car, then disconnect the inner trumpet con-…
  • Page 233
    Use the special tools to knock bearing in slightly. Caution: Support the lower end of the drive shaft assembly special tools when knock the bearing in. The lower end must not slide out. 3. Use the circlip pliers to install the outer circlip on the front drive shaft assembly.
  • Page 234
    Specified torque : 200-220N m Caution: Drip 1-2 drop of screw lock agent on the middle front part of the lifting bolt 10 Use the bolt to connect the front drive axle flange and drive shaft according to the mark mage before disassembly and tighten it to the specified torque.
  • Page 235
    Replacement of drive gear oil seal of front reducer assembly front reducer assembly washer bearing oil seal spacer drive bevel gear front reducer drive gear flange, specified torque main gear flange and dustproof Used component which can not be used cover assembly any more.
  • Page 236
    5. Remove the drive gear flange and dustproof cover assembly a. Use the hand hammer and chisel to loose the riveted part on nut. b. Use the special tools to clamp the drive gear flangeandremove the drive gear nut. special c.
  • Page 237
    8 Install the drive gear flange and dustproof cover assembly a. Match the drive gear flange and dustproof cover assembly on the front drive gear. b. Coat the new nut with the lithium base grease. c. Use the special tools to clamp the flange and tighten the nut to the specified torque.
  • Page 238
    Rivet the drive gear nut after meet the previ- ous requirements. 12 Install the reducer assembly on the front drive axle assembly and assemble the front drive shaft assembly (refer to Assembly of Front Reducer Assembly and Assembly of Front Drive Shaft Assembly) 13 Install the oil drain plug;…
  • Page 239
    Front reducer assembly front drive shaft assembly hanger plank oil seal front vibration damper bearing front vibration damper circlip front reducer electric clutch assembly circlip Power plug of electric clutch circlip bearing front vibration damper oil seal front vibration damper front drive axle vent tube connector assembly hanger plank circlip…
  • Page 240
    1. Support the front of the car; remove two front assembly mark wheels and the beam under the front reducer assembly. 2. Drain the lubrication oil in the front reducer assembly. 3. Remove the flange of front reducer assembly from the drive shaft Caution: Make the assembly mark on the flange of front reducer assembly and drive shaft before discon-…
  • Page 241
    electric clutch connector m: specified torque 8. Use the jack to support the front reducer assembly 9. Remove the lifting bolt of front drive axle hanger plank and carriage. 10. Remove the front drive axle assembly Caution: Do not damage the drive shaft and front drive shaft jacket 11.
  • Page 242
    Replacement of oil seal and major semiaxle oil seal of front reducer assembly Replacement of front reducer assembly oil seal 1. Remove the front drive axle assembly (Refer to “Removal of Front Reducer Assembly”) 2. Remove the left and right front drive shaft assem- bly from the front drive axle assembly.
  • Page 243
    Replacement of major semiaxle oil seal 1. Make the electric clutch is in the 4WD status, them stop the engine and remove the front drive axle assembly (see the disassembly of front reducer assembly) 2. Use the wrench to screw off the bolt which fix the front axle vent tube connectorassemblyonventtubeb racket bolt disconnect the place…
  • Page 244
    6 Use the circlip pliers to remove the circlip circlip which clamp the major semiaxle bearing outer race. circlip pliers liftout bolt bolt pin special tools 7 Use the special tools to remove the major semiaxle and bearing, circlip assembly. 8.
  • Page 245
    9. Remove the sealant on the matching surface between the flange and electric clutch housing by knife. Caution: Do not scratch the matching surface. 10. Use the special tools to knock the new seal in the oil seal position in flange. Caution: Before install the new oil seal, it should coat the lip with thin lithium base grease, and the oil seal should be in alignment position.
  • Page 246
    14. Align the spline of mechanical wheel of separator with the spline in front drive shaft and separator shift fork sleeve, and install it in the front drive shaft and separator shift fork sleeve. 15. Coat the flange matching surface with the 1596 silicon rubber plane sealant uniformly and level it by plate.
  • Page 247
    20. Connect the vent tube on the electric clutch housing to the front axle vent tube connector connect the place assembly. 21. Connect the electric clutch vent tube to the front axle vent tube connector assembly. connect the place…
  • Page 248
    Disassembly and assembly of front reducer assembly and electric clutch adjusting shim bearing bearing gland differential housing half axle gear thrust plate half axle gear driven bevel gear planetary gear shaft planetary gear clump weight and bush bolt clump assembly weight bracket front drive axle housing washer…
  • Page 249
    Disassembly of front reducer assembly 1. Remove the front drive axle and left and right disconnected in front drive shaft assembly. this place disconnected in this place (Refer to “Removal of Front Reducer Assembly” and “Removal of Front Drive Shaft Assembly”) 2.
  • Page 250
    7. Use the circlip pliers to remove the circlip fixed the major semiaxle bearing outer race. 8. Use the special tools to pull out the major semiaxle and major semiaxle bearing with the major semiaxle inner race circlip. (Refer to “Replacement of Major Semiaxle Oil Seal”) 9.
  • Page 251
    15. Use the wrench to remove the bolt fixed the clump weight bracket welded assembly. 16. Use the wrench to remove the bolt and nut used to fix the front reducer assembly and front axle housing. 17. Use the brass rod or hand hammer to knock the front reducer housing to separate it from the front drive axle housing.
  • Page 252
    20. Check the engaging mark of drive and driven bevel gear. (Refer to “Assembly of Front Reducer Assembly”) 21. Measure the pre-applied load of drive bevel gear bearing. Use the torque measuring meter to measure the preapplied load on the gap between the drive and drivenbevel gear. Range of pre-applied load: 1.2-1.7N.m 22.
  • Page 253
    24. Use the special tools to remove the drive gear oil seal. holding special tools pliers rotate the wrench in clockwise 25. Use the special tools to remove the small bearing inner race, and then reverse the reducer to slide out the spacer. Remarks: The bearing should be replaced by new one if damaged.
  • Page 254
    30. Remove the drive bevel gear, then take out the adjusting washer under spacer. Check and replacement of reducer 1. Replace the big bearing of drive bevel gear . a. Use the special tools to press out the big bearing of drive bevel gear.
  • Page 255
    3. Replace the small bearing of drive bevel gear. a. Use the brass rod and hand hammer to knock down the small bearing outer race of drive bevel gear. b. Use the special tools to press in the new bearing outer race. c.
  • Page 256
    b. Knock out the planetary gear shaft, rotate the half axle gear to take out the planetary gear, then take out the half axle gear and thrust plate. 7. Assembly of differential assembly. a. Wash the differential housing. b. Cover the half axle gear thrust plate with the half axle gear, then installs it in the differential housing.
  • Page 257
    f. Clean the surface of differential housing; use the brass rod to install the driven bevel gear on the differential housing. Caution: It should align the marked assembly mark when install the driven bevel gear and knock it in uniformly in circumference ;…
  • Page 258
    1.Rotate the driven bevel gear, check the runout of driven bevel gear. Max. Runout: 0.07mm Assembly of front reducer assembly 1.Install the adjusting washer in the drive bevel gear, install the big bearing inner race of drive bevel gear by press. 2.
  • Page 259
    8. Place the differential assembly on the corresponding position of front reducer housing. 9.Select an adjusting shim and insert it in a side of side bearing outer race; push the differential assem- bly to the side with adjusting shim. 10. Use the dial indicator to measure the gear side clearance of driven bevel gear and drive bevel gear;…
  • Page 260
    13. Place an adjusting shim in the position of front reducer housing side bearing and close to exterior. 14. Install the other adjusting shim and the bearing outer race of another side with the differential assembly into the front reducer housing. Remarks: Ensure the selected adjusting shim has not gap with front reducer housing.
  • Page 261
    19. Use the torque measuring meter to measure the total pre-applied load of front reducer. specified torque : 1.8-2.4N m 20. Check the meshing mark of drive and driven bevel gear. a. Paint 3-4 teeth with the red lead in three different positions of driven bevel gear.
  • Page 262
    d. Remove the drive bevel gear and use the special toolsto remove the large bearing of drive bevel gear beforereplacethe adjusting washer. e. Insert the new adjusting washer and usethespecial tools to press in the large bearing of drivebevel gear. f.
  • Page 263
    23. Use the bolt coated with screw lock agent toconnect the clump weight bracket welded assembly to the front reducer housing and tighten it to the specified torque. Specified torque : 20-26N m 24.Use the bolt coated with screw lock agent to connect the clump weight assembly to the clump weight bracket assembly and tighten it to the speci- fied torque.
  • Page 264
    31.Use the special tools to install the needle bearing in the major semiaxle. special tools 32.Use the special tools to install the major semiaxle bearing by press.. special tools 33. Use the circlip pliers to install the circlip to clamp the bearing inner race of major semiaxle.
  • Page 265
    37. Detect the electric clutch assembly . a. Measure the clearance between the shift fork and shift fork sleeve. Range of clearance : 0.2-0.4mm It should replace the electric clutch assembly and shift fork sleeve when the clearance is not in the range. b.
  • Page 266
    43. Install the electric clutch assembly on the electric clutch housing. a. Make the shift fork cross on the shift fork sleeve. b. Align the location pin hole of electric clutch with two location pins, and tighten it by bolt; tighten the bolt to the specified torque.
  • Page 267
    Installation of front reducer assembly 1. Install the front drive shaft assembly on the reducer assembly (Refer to “Assembly of Front Drive Shaft”) 2. Use the jack to support the front drive axle, insert the hanger plank bolt with washer and tighten it to the speci- fied torque.
  • Page 268
    Axle drving assembly brake caliper assembly oil seal pressing block parking brake assembly oil seal bearing circlip oil seal base rear axle brake disc pull-wire assembly m: Specified torque Used component which can not be used any more. Removal of semiaxle 1.
  • Page 269
    Check and repair of rear axle components limitation limitation 1. Check the rear axle and flange for wear, damage and run-out. Max. Run-out of axle: 2mm Max. Run-out of flange: 0.2mm It should replace the rear axle if the rear axle or flange is worn or damaged, or the measured run-out is beyond the specified value.
  • Page 270
    8. Check the inner oil seal for wear or damage. 9. Remove the inner oil seal special tools Use the special tools to remove the inner oil seal. special tools 10. Install the new inner oil seal a. Coat the lip of oil seal with proper HP-R grease. b.
  • Page 271
    Reducer adjusting ring side bearing driven bevel gear adjusting washer differential housing locking plate drive bevel gear rear bearing bearing spacer lock washer with double ears oil baffle disc dustproof cover flange plain washer front bearing stop plate oil seal bearing gland Specified torque Used component which can not be used any more.
  • Page 272
    4. Install the new oil seal a. Coat the lip of oil seal with the HP-R grease. b. Use the special tools to knock in the new oil seal. Insertion depth of oil seal: 1.0mm 5. Install the flange and dustproof cover assembly special tools insertion depth : 1mm…
  • Page 273
    Disassembly of reducer Remarks: If the noise of differential is loud, process the follow- ing inspection before disassembles the differential to determine its reason. When the differential has serious problems, it can be disassembled for repair if necessary. 1. Check the internal clearance of driven bevel gear. If the clearance is beyond the specified range;…
  • Page 274
    Remarks: Mark the label on the removed components to indi- cate the position of reassembly. 7. Remove the flange and dustproof cover assembly a.Use the hammer and chisel to loose the riveted part of nut. special tools b.Use the special tools to clamps the flange; then remove the nut. Caution: The used nut can not be used any more.
  • Page 275
    b.Use the press machine and special tools to install the reused adjusting washer and new rear bearing on the drive bevel gear. special tools 12. Replacement of front and rear bearing outer race of drive bevel gear. a. Use the hammer and brass bar to knock out the front and rear bearing.
  • Page 276
    2. Install the rear bearing of drive bevel gear and ad justing washer special tools a. Select the proper adjusting washer according to “Meshing Condi tion of Drive Bevel Gear and Driven Bevel Gear”. b. Install the rear bearing and selected adjusting washer by press machine.
  • Page 277
    6 Use the special tools to clamp the flange; use the torque wrench to tighten the nut. Special tools Tightening force: 140 160N m 7. Measure the rotation pretightening force of bearing For new bearing : 1.2 1.7N m For reused bearing : 0.4 0.6N m If does not meet the requirement, replace the adjusting washer under the spacer until meet the requirement.
  • Page 278
    9. Install the differential side bearing by press. Use the press machine and special tools to install the side bearing special tools on the differential housing by press. special tools 10. Install the differential assembly a.Remove the bearing gland. Do not mix the left up with right. b.Install the differential assembly in the reducer housing.
  • Page 279
    b. Adhere the measuring meter base on the end surface of reducer housing; the measuring head contacts the tooth surface; rotate the driven gear by hand and measure the engagement clearance be tween the drive and driven gear. c. If the engagement clearance does not meet the requirement, use the special tools to adjust the left and right adjusting ring until it meets the requirement.
  • Page 280
    toe contact arge end contact select the shim which can make the small drive gear close to the driven bevel gear small end contact dedendum contact sound contact select the shim which can make the small drive gear away from the driven bevel gear Select the proper washer from the table for correction if the intertooth contacting status is bad.
  • Page 281
    17. Check and adjust the run-out of flange. a.Adhere the dial indicator base on the reducer housing; make the probe of dial indicator contact with the end surface of flange; rotate the flange and watch the rotation range of the dial. Full run-out tolerance of end surface: 0.10mm b.Adhere the dial indicator base on the reducer housing;…
  • Page 282
    Differential thrust plate straight pin lock washer half axle planetary gear differential housing gear planetary gear shaft half axle gear planetary gear thrust plate lock washer Differential 1 Remove the reducer and differential assembly (Refer to “Removal of reducer”) 2 Remove the differential from the reducer and dif ferential assembly.
  • Page 283
    c.Use the feeler to measure the clearance between the thrust plate and differential housing; it can be replaced by the thrust plate with different thickness if the clearance is beyond the specified range. eeler Standard clearance: 0.45-0.75mm d.Install the straight pin Use the hammer and punch to knock in the pin through the hole on the differential housing and planetary gear shaft.
  • Page 284: Rear Suspension

    Rear suspension upper support pad of coil spring coil spring long longitudinal rear axle pull-rod assembly assembly short longitudinal pull-rod assembly short longitudinal pull-rod fixed bolt short longitudinal cross pull-rod pull-rod assembly short longitudinal long longitudinal connecting bolt pull-rod fixed bolt pull-rod assembly rubber pad long longitudinal…

  • Page 285
    Removal of vibration damper 1. Use the lifter to raise the car firstly, then support the rear axle by bracket. 2. Remove the upper and lower fixing nut which is used to fix the vibration damper; compress the vibration damper by hand. Remove the upper end firstly, then the lower end;…
  • Page 286
    Removal of connecting rod of stabilizer bar: 1.Shown as figure, firstly screw off the nut in the con necting place between the connecting rod of stabi lizer bar and carriage. (Need the inner hexagon spanner ). 2.Screw off the nut connected to stabilizer bar in same method;…
  • Page 287
    Brake-1 Chapter 8 Brake Cautions………………2 Troubleshooting…………….2 Check and adjustment…………..5 Brake pedal………………7 Parking brake…………….8 Front brake……………….9 Rear brake……………….16 Rear parking brake…………..22 Sensor load proportional valve………….29 Antilock Braking System (ABS)……….31…
  • Page 288
    Brake-2 Cautions Troubleshooting Failure cause Inspection content brake pad is worn Replace the brake shoe brake block is worn Replace the brake block brake system is leaked Repair the leakage Pedal is low or soft master pump has failure Repair or replace the master pump Brake system has air Drain the air from brake system Brake pump has failure…
  • Page 289
    Brake-3 Troubleshooting (continued) failure cause Inspection content (drum brake) The brake shoe is blocked in the rear apron flange Filled with lubricated oil The brake generates the The rear apron flange is worn Replace the lubricant flange crack clatter during The brake shoe pull-out piece spring is loose or lost Replace operation.
  • Page 290
    Brake-4 failure cause Inspection content The brake pedal or assist push bar is adjusted Check and adjust incorrectly The return of brake assist or master pump or wheel Check, repair or replace pump is bad (disc brake ) The piston is corrosive or blocked Check and fill with lubrication oil if The brake block in brake caliper is in improper necessary.
  • Page 291
    Brake-5 Check and adjustment Check and adjustment of brake pedal 1. Check the correctness of height of pedal Distance from pedal to lower front apron: 152mm, Operating stroke of pedal push bar is 1mm. parking lamp switch pedal push rod a.
  • Page 292
    Brake-6 4. Adjust the stroke of pedal if necessary a. Rotate the pedal push bar to adjust the free stroke if the stroke length is improper. b. Start the engine to confirm the free stroke of pedal. c. Check the height of pedal after adjusts the free stroke of pedal. d.
  • Page 293: Brake Pedal

    Brake-7 Air discharge of brake system Remarks: It should discharge the air if operate on the brake system or as- sume the brake system pipeline has the air. Caution: Must not keep the brake fluid on the paint surface, wipe off it if has.

  • Page 294: Parking Brake

    Brake-8 Replacement of pin shaft fork pin shaft Remarks: When the connecting fork pin shaft and pin hole is over worn, it should replace the pin shaft bush. Remarks: lock nut When the clearance between the brake pedal shaft and bush is push bar inner distance large, it should remove the pedal and replace the bush.

  • Page 295: Front Brake

    Brake-9 Front brake front brake oil pipe cooper washer guide pin rubber cover tong guide pin dustproof cover air-bleed Piston piston bolt cover dustproof cover location pin guide pin dustproof cover square seal ring upper circlip of brake block (II) upper circlip of brake block (I) lnner silencing plate combination cliper bracket…

  • Page 296
    Brake-10 3 Lift the main body of brake caliper. a. Remove the hexagon flange bolt. b. Lift the brake pump and hang it by rope to protect the brake oil pipe. Remarks: Do not screw off the brake oil pipe and bleed plug. 4.
  • Page 297
    Brake-11 8. Install the new brake block a. Install a wear limitation alarm plate of brake block on the inner brake block. b. Install a silencing plate and a silencing plate combination on the inner brake block. c. Install a silencing plate combination on the on the outer brake block.
  • Page 298
    Brake-12 Removal of brake pump 1. Remove the brake pipeline Remove the brake pipeline. Use a container to contain the brake fluid. 2. Remove the brake pump from the clamp bracket a. Remove the hexagon flange bolt, location pin and guide pin. b.
  • Page 299
    Brake-13 Check the component of front brake 1. Measure the thickness of the brake block bush. standard thickness: 9.0mm minimum thickness: 2.0mm It should replace the brake block if less than minimum thickness or has uneven abrasion. 2. Measure the thickness of the brake disc. standard thickness: 26.0mm minimum thickness: 24.0mm It should repair or replace the brake disc if the brake disc is damaged…
  • Page 300
    Brake-14 Assembly of brake pump 1. Preparation work All components should be washed, dried by wind and without foreign material before the assembly. During the assembly, cost the guide pin and location pin with proper vacuum silicon based grease; coat the working surface of piston and square gasket with proper rubber lubricant.
  • Page 301
    Brake-15 Installation of brake caliper 1. Install the brake block 2. Install the brake pump a. Install the brake pump. b. Install and tighten the hexagon flange bolt. Tightening force: 25 35N m 3. Connect the brake pipeline Connect the brake oil pipe to the tong body. Tightening force: 50 5N m 4.
  • Page 302
    Brake-16 Rear brake (Disk-and-drum type) brake oil pipe fastening blot 55 copper washer guide pin 25 30 rectangle seal ring bleed screw dustproof cover rear brake oil pipeline bleed screw cylinder hole piston dustproof cover wire clip location pin 25 30 tong body (left) inside brake block pin rubber cover…
  • Page 303
    Brake-17 3. Uplift the brake pump a. Remove the location pin. b. Uplift the brake pump and hang it with a rope to protect the brake oil pipe. Remarks: do not remove the brake oil pipe. 4. Remove the following components: a.
  • Page 304
    Brake-18 8. Install new brake block a. Install a brake block bush wearing indication plate on the internal brake block. b. Install one silencing plate and one silencing plate combination on each brake block. Remarks: Coat the two sides of silencing plate with disc brake oil (which cannot be replaced with oil of other models).
  • Page 305
    Brake-19 Removal of brake pump 1.Remove the brake pipeline Remove the brake pipeline. Use a container to contain the brake fluid. 2. Remove the pump form the bracket a. Remove the location pin and guide pin. b. Remove the tong. 3.
  • Page 306
    Brake-20 Check the components of rear brake 1. Measure the thickness of the brake block bush. Standard thickness: 8.0mm Minimum thickness: 2.0mm It should replace the brake block if less than minimum thickness or has uneven abrasion. 2. Measure the thickness of brake disc. standard thickness: 18.0mm minimum thickness: 16.0mm It should repair or replacement brake disc if it is scratched or worn or…
  • Page 307
    Brake-21 Assembly of pump 1. During the assembly, coat the guide pin with the proper vacuum sili con based grease; coat the operating surface of piston and square gasket with proper rubber lubricant. 2. Install the piston gasket and piston in the tong 3.
  • Page 308
    Brake-22 2. Install the piston gasket in the tong body. a. Screw the bleed screw into the bleed hole; b. Install the square gasket in the sealing groove of two cylinders of pump respectively after coat its working surface with proper rubber lubricant.
  • Page 309
    Brake-23 1. Remove the rear wheel 2. Remove the rear brake caliper 3. Remove the rear brake disc Remarks: If the brake disc is difficult to remove, remove the adjust ment spout plug, insert the screwdriver into the adjust ment spout of the rear brake bedplate, Release the brake shoe adjustment device through twisting the clearance-adjusting gear.
  • Page 310
    Brake-24 8. Remove the parking brake pulling arm Use the screw driver to remove the parking brake pulling arm Check and maintain the components of brake 1. Check the dismantled components Check to se whether the dismantled components are wearing, rusted or damaged.
  • Page 311
    Brake-25 Assembly of rear parking brake Remarks: Assemble the component according to the direction shown in figure; It is prohibited strictly that the working surface of brake drum and abrasion disk is polluted by the paint and grease. It should be removed by the fine abrasive paper if the abrasion disk has little dirty. The brake shoe should be replaced when the polluted area is large, otherwise it will cause the serious effect of insufficient brake force.
  • Page 312
    Brake-26 2. Install the parking brake pulling arm Install the parking brake pulling arm and use a new saddle washer. 3. Install the rear brake shoe a. Install the parking brake pull wire on the parking brake pulling arm. b. Insert the end of rear brake shoe into the support pin of brake soleplate.
  • Page 313
    Brake-27 6 Install the lower tension spring Install the lower tension spring between the front and rear shoe plate. 7. Install the clearance-adjusting device. Install the clearance-adjusting device after poke the brake shoe by screwer. 8. Install two upper release springs Insert the block into the support pin, then install the upper release spring on the place between two brake assemblies.
  • Page 314
    Brake-28 10. Adjust the clearance between the brake drum and brake shoe. Poke the adjusting hole plug on the brake drum, insert the screwdriver into the clearance-adjusting hole; rotate the clearance-adjusting gear to expand the brake shoe until the brake disc can not be rotated by hand.
  • Page 315
    Brake-29 Adjustment load-sensing proportional valve The action of load-sensing proportional valve is to prevent the rear wheel is braked before the front wheel is braked by adjusting the distribution of front and rear brake force according to the difference of vehicle rear shaft load, then avoid the risk of vehicle rotation. The adjustment of proportional valve is shown as follows: a.
  • Page 316
    Brake-30 output manometer input manometer Replace of load-sensing proportional valve 1. Removal Disconnect the brake pipeline form the valve; remove the lock nut and remove the adjusting bolt from the suspension arm bracket; remove the installation bolt and take off the load-sensing proportional valve assembly. 2.
  • Page 317
    Brake-31 Antilock Braking System (ABS) Cautions It must not remove or install the electric elements and wire bunch plug when the ignition switch is in ON to avoid the damage of ECU. It should turn off the ignition switch if needs disassembly. Pay attention to do not knock or impact the ABS ECU during the maintenance and repair, for it will damage the ABS ECU easily.
  • Page 318
  • Page 319
    Brake-32 Table 1 Name of element Brake is low or The brake is very hard Brake Lag of brake Block of brake (failure) soft but has bad effect noise Brake system (leakage of brake fluid) Brake system (with air) brake shoe (worn) Piston oil seal (worn or damaged)
  • Page 320
    Steering-1 Chapter 9 Steering Precautions…………….2 Troubleshooting…………….2 Inspection on vehicle…………..3 Steering linkage…………….4 Hydraulic power steering system……….6…
  • Page 321
  • Page 322
  • Page 323
  • Page 324: Technical Requirements

    & right centering state; the symbol of “the Great Wall” on the steering wheel shall be in driver’s straight view position, secure the nut firmly with the fastening torque of 7.

  • Page 325
  • Page 326
  • Page 328
    B-Black Br- Brown G- Green Gr- Gray L- Lake blue Lg- Light green Or- Orange P- Pink R- Red V- Violet W- White Y- Yellow…
  • Page 329
    Wire Harness Wire harness middle link number pin function diagram 1 l i n k e d t o i n s t r u m e n t w i r e h a r n e s s 2 l i n k e d t o e n g i n e b a y 2 F i g u r e V I I I 2 .
  • Page 351
    Controller of the Central Door Lock 1. Positive pole of the power supply (12V) is connected to the positive pole of car’s battery through a 15A fuse; when the engine is started, the voltage is not less than 10V. 2. Output of the central door lock. The unlock cable connected to the executor of the central door lock is usually grounded through the normally-closed contact of the internal relay;…
  • Page 354
    CD Player and Air Conditioning System-1 Chapter 11 CD Player and Air Conditioning System…
  • Page 355
    CD Player and Air Conditioning System-2 CD Player Function Overview This product is a kind of car audio system with VFD multi-information integrated display screen with such functions as PLL e l e c t r o n i c t u n i n g r a d i o , C D p l a y i n g a n d o p e r a t i o n & c o n t r o l o f a i r c o n d i t i o n i n g s y s t e m , i t c a n r e c e i v e AM, FM and FM stereo r a d i o b r o a d c a s t p r o g r a m s , p l a y C D s , e l e c t r o n i c a l l y o p e r a t e a n d c o n t r o l t h e a i r c o n d i t i o n i n g s y s t e m o f t h e c a r .
  • Page 356
    CD Player and Air Conditioning System-3 A — s i d e View ( F i g u r e 7 — 2 ) c a b l e p o s i t i o n o f 2 — p i n c o n n e c t o r s o c k e t Pos.
  • Page 357: Air Conditioning System

    CD Player and Air Conditioning System-4 Air Conditioning System Composition of Air Conditioning System Air conditioning system mainly consists of air conditioner control unit, display unit, sensors and executor elements. outside temperature sensor f r e s h a i r d a m p e r e x e c u t o r inside temperature sensor mode damper executor i n t e g r a t e d d i s p l a y s c r e e n…

  • Page 358
    CD Player and Air Conditioning System-5 1 . i n t e g r a t e d d i s p l a y s c r e e n 2 . C D p l a y e r 3 .
  • Page 359
    CD Player and Air Conditioning System-6 The inspection procedures Turn the ignition switch from OFF to ON During the period of 10 seconds after the engine is started(turn the ignition switch from OFF to ON), press OF F, A U TO, RR and MODE once more, and the pressing of MODE switch shall last at least 2 seconds .
  • Page 360
    CD Player and Air Conditioning System-7 Sensor failure Code of failure Sensor failure Open circuit of outside temperature sensor Short circuit of outside temperature sensor Open circuit of inside temperature sensor The code of the sensor with failure short circuit of inside temperature sensor is showed on the display screen.
  • Page 361
    CD Player and Air Conditioning System-8 Step 6: Display “06”(set the temperature zone) Code number Code Meaning Temperature damper executor works normally Display the detection code of mode/ Detection for temperature damper executor is in progress. temperature damper executor Temperature damper executor failure Mode damper executor works normally Detection for mode damper executor is in progress.
  • Page 362
    CD Player and Air Conditioning System-9 Action of the executor mechanism: Mode damper: wind to the person and the fee Circulation damper: internal circulation Temperature damper: in the middle Wind amount: bigger Compressor: enabled Press down “Temp+” switch Step 9: display “09” Action of the executor mechanism: Mode damper: wind to the person and the feet Circulation damper: external circulation…
  • Page 363
    CD Player and Air Conditioning System-10 Press down “Temp+” switch Step 11: display “11”(set the temperature zone) Action of the executor mechanism: Mode damper: defrost Circulation damper: external circulation Temperature damper: cold end Wind amount: the minimum Compressor: off Attention: during the inspection period from step 7 to step 11, the controller will forcibly transit the output signal based on the code number displayed on the integrated display screen to the functioned executor;…
  • Page 364
    CD Player and Air Conditioning System-11 b .Insufficient refrigeration output T rouble Descriptions Analysis of the Cause 1. compressor works normally (1) low-level pressure at high-pressure and low-pressure sides a. block of expansion valve b. openness of expansion valve too narrow (2) high-level pressure at high-pressure and low-pressure sides a.
  • Page 365
    CD Player and Air Conditioning System-12 T he cooling system sometimes works while sometimes refuses to work. T rouble Descriptions A nalysis of the Cause 1. ice block in the cooling system T he cooling system 2. failure of thermal resistor or temperature sensing bulb 1.
  • Page 366
    CD Player and Air Conditioning System-13 2.air heating system T rouble C auses of the trouble 1. blower of air conditioner failure 2. relay of the blower damaged Heating not supplied or 3. heating water pipe blocked 4. cooling water pipe blocked not sufficiently supplied 5.
  • Page 367
    CD Player and Air Conditioning System-14 4. Attention: a. when a new compressor is used to substitute for the old one, the oil must be released to some extent that its oil volume is the same as that of old compressor so as to avoid the influence over the refrigeration effect due to too much oil. b.
  • Page 368
    CD Player and Air Conditioning System-15 low-pressure high-pressure air washing blue blue yellow yellow low-pressure pipe high-pressure pipe tip screw driver refrigerant reservoir refrigerant reservoir Turn on the high-pressure valve on the manifold pressure gauge and inject the refrigerant to the system from high-pressure pipeline. At this time, the attention shall be given to the readings of high-pressure meter and low-pressure meter, and make sure that these two pressure all go up.
  • Page 369
    CD Player and Air Conditioning System-16 low pressure high pressure blue low-pressure pipe high-pressure pipe yellow refrigerant reservoir When judging the injection volume of the refrigerant, please make the settings based on the following working conditions: Water tank temperature of the engine: stable Speed of the engine: normal free running speed Switch of air conditioner: ON Switch of the fan: “High”…
  • Page 370
    CD Player and Air Conditioning System-17 At ends of each pipe the protective caps should be installed till the pipe is connected to the refrigerating system. compressor oil fasten it by using two wrenches at the same time d. When connecting the pipe, apply little compressor oil to the O-ring and fasten the nut with two wrenches. Attention: never spatter the compressor oil to the painted parts or the plastic components to avoid the corrosion.
  • Page 371: Safety Airbag

    Safety airbag-1 Chapter 12 Safety airbag…

  • Page 372
    Safety airbag-2 Instructions for maintenance For your safe operation, please read the following instructions prior to your operation. 1. The maintenance of SRS safety airbag must be operated under the procedure and directions instructed in this chapter. 2. The operation must be done with the test instruments and special tools designated by the chapter. 3.
  • Page 373
    Safety airbag-3…
  • Page 374
    Safety airbag-4 safety airbag system alarm lamp impact sensor and diagnosis module passengers’ side inflation elements and airbag insulating tape battery wire…
  • Page 375
    Safety airbag-5 Test instrument Instrument Name Utility Test the systematic failures in diagnostic scanner SRS safety airbag system, debug ECU. failure codes. The basic failure diagnosis process The failure code DTC of both present and history-accumulated failures may co-exist. Caution The safety airbag alarm lamp flashes for 6 times and then extinguishes when the ignition switch is in ON position after the installation of new safety airbag system electronic control unit, which demonstrates the normal function of SRS safety airbag system.
  • Page 376
    Safety airbag-6 brown white diagnosis plug black Failure judgment Failure record (failure code storage) When ECU determines the error through the cyclic diagnosis and test, SRS-ECU should saves the corresponding code, first judgment time, final judgment time and number of occurrence in EEPROM. RS-ECU can stores 6 failures at most, under voltage failure and two collision records (front and side).
  • Page 377
    Safety airbag-7 The failure code transmission is completed by SRS-ECU’s input to the defined diagnostic scanner through the maintenance system’s serial data interface. (X-431 diagnostic scanner) Failure code of diagnosis Description of flash code Failure Failure code Flash code No storage error Front airbag driver’s, high resistance $9,021 Front airbag driver’s , low resistance…
  • Page 378
    Safety airbag-8 Internal failure determined by SRS-ECU Serial List of failure Description of failure AD converter or EEPROM is faulty (the micro controller will be reset Micro-controller and alarm lamp is light when the RAM has failure.) Enable the failure Driver’s front airbag ignition loop Measure the failure of loop Passenger front airbag ignition loop…
  • Page 379
    Safety airbag-9 Project 2. The number of history- accumulated failures is or more than one and less than 5. (The case of low power is excluded) Project 3 functional working (neither possible explosion failure or historical failure). Table 4.9 indicator lamp’s activities after ignition 2.Failure indication The alarm lamp will indicate it in case any failure arises.
  • Page 380
    Safety airbag-10 Troubleshooting Extinguishments or normal-light of alarm lamp Troubleshooting item Description The warning lamp of safety airbag Safety airbag system warns circuit failure system is not displayed. The warning lamp of safety airbag Safety airbag system warns circuit failure or external system is light normally.
  • Page 381
    Safety airbag-11 Procedure Test Operation Test the wiring harness connection between ECU Next procedure. unit and instrument cluster. ·Place the ignition switch in LOCK position。 ·shut off accumulator negative line Replace the wiring harness and get into ·shut off the instrument cluster plug step 5 ·test the connection between alarm lamp circuit and its relative circuits…
  • Page 382
    Safety airbag-12 Begin the test with diagnostic communication with special diagnostic device (X-431 diagnostic tester) and ECU to find out the failure causes, do the next test providing communication is not successful. Procedure Test Operation Next procedure Test the battery Insufficient battery supply.
  • Page 383
    Safety airbag-13 Internal failure Failure code SRS safety airbag system unit internal failure $9071 Warning The test condition of this failure is the failure code that may not emerge before the test, DTC conducts the test, and the preparatory work must be done before the test because the Test condition damage to working personnel or system may be caused by the incorrect operation during the test.
  • Page 384
    Safety airbag-14 Power-supply Failure code Low power-supply voltage for SRS safety airbag system electronic-control unit $9032 Warning The test condition of this failure is the failure code that may not emerge before the test, DTC conducts the test, Test condition and the preparatory work must be done before the test because the damage to working personnel or system may be caused by the incorrect operation during the test.
  • Page 385
    Safety airbag-15 Drive side failure Failure code Place the ignition switch in LOCK position Present failure codes Release accumulator negative wire and wait for 1 minute Replace SRS safety airbag system unit $9021 plus See he removal/installation of SRS $9022 Driver’s side safety airbag failure (high or low resistance, shorting grounding, etc.) Remove the left trim cover safety airbag system unit…
  • Page 386
    Safety airbag-16 Confirm the failure in clock spring or other parts Next step configure the special tools fuel and temperature diagnostic instrument at 2Ω position Replace clock spring Install back the accumulator negative wire Take references in the removal Place the ignition switch in ON place and installation for safety airbag Any failure code in display? system and clock spring.
  • Page 387
    Safety airbag-17 Passengers’ side failure Failure code $9015 $9016 Passengers’ side safety airbag module (high or low resistance or shorting grounding) $9018 $9019 Warning If not correctly handled, the safety airbag module as well as pretension safety belt may possibly be trigged, released and tensioned, thus make serene damage to people.
  • Page 388
    Safety airbag-18 Impact-vehicle diagnosis Test SRS-ECU diagnostic signals 1. Connect the (X-431 diagnostic test’s) diagnostic joint 2. Read the diagnostic results with X-431 diagnostic tester Repairing procedure 1.When safety airbag is released. The following parts should be replaced with new ones a.
  • Page 389
    Safety airbag-19 1. Check whether depression, crack or deformation is with the SRS-ECU bracket. 2. Check whether the joint is broken and terminal is deformed 3. Check SRS-ECU bracket’s installation status a. Check whether depression, crack or deformation is with the shroud b.
  • Page 390
    Safety airbag-20 Passenger side airbag (PAB) Wiring harness joint (instrument cluster wiring harness) Check whether the wiring harness is well installed, the joint is broken and the terminal is deformed. Warning The attentions for use and maintenance for SRS safety airbag are displayed in the Figure. Operate according to the sign and, the destructed and dirty sign must be replaced with a new one steering wheel in Figure6-1 Driver’s side safety airbag module in Figure 6.2…
  • Page 391
    Safety airbag-21 warning signs Figure 6 Figure 6 warning signs Figure 6 Figure 6 passengers’ side safety airbag module warning signs Figure 6 Figure 6 Removal methods for all the parts Safety airbag electronic-control unit Caution Continue the operation 60 seconds after the removal of accumulator negative. Wrap the removed negative with insulating tape for insulation.
  • Page 392
    Safety airbag-22 Operations before removal a. Place the ignition switch in OFF position. b. Remove the accumulator negative and well preserve it somewhere or wrap it with tape. Removal procedure. a. Central channel’s side panel (or remove the co-instrument panel) b.
  • Page 393
    Safety airbag-23 Driver’s and passengers’ side safety airbag module (DAB, PAB), clock spring Caution 1. Continue the operation 60 seconds after the removal of accumulator negative. Wrap the negative with insulating tape for insulation. 2. Safety airbag module and clock spring must not be separated nor repaired, replace the failed ones with new ones. 3.
  • Page 394
    Safety airbag-24 7. Passengers’ side safety airbag module (PAB) and its installation procedure. a. Test before installation Carefully take PAB module, justify both of them and plug four trim cover M5bolt into the mounting holes of the module’s both sides Well install together the module with trim cover bracket and instrument panel mounting bracket with four M5 bolts.
  • Page 395
    Safety airbag-25 d. Remove the steering wheel by removing the mounting screw from the mid-position. (Shut off the horn connector) Caution It is difficult to separate the steer from steering column due to the over meshing between spline and steering column, in this case, do not forcibly remove the steer but screw off the bolt on the steering column and lift up the steer instead (the forced removal will damage the clock spring since the connection between the steer and the spring) Caution…
  • Page 396
    Safety airbag-26 Caution If without the clock spring central involution, the steering wheel will not be able to rotate at midway, or the clock spring circuit will be damaged so that jeopardize SRS safety airbag’s normal activities. The spacer must be removed after replacing a clock spring with a new one, otherwise it will damage the clock spring. c.
  • Page 397
    Safety airbag-27 b. Clock spring test (figure 8.5,figure 8.6) Check the following items and replace the clock spring with anything abnormal (even it is quite tiny) with a new one Whether the joint and protection tube are broken and the terminal is deformed. Whether the shield is damaged.
  • Page 398
    Safety airbag-28 Safety airbag module abandoning instruction Carry out the operation according to the following procedure to abandon a safety airbag module or a vehicle with the SRS safety airbag. First of all, release the safety airbag. Unreleased safety airbag module abandoning Caution First release the SRS safety airbag when abdbdon it.
  • Page 399
    Its gas generator is quite hot after the driver’s side safety airbag’s release, it can be used after its cooling down for more than 30 minutes. Contact with the local service station of the Great Wall Auto Stock Corporation if the driver’s side safety airbag module cannot be released.
  • Page 400
    Safety airbag-30 Release outside the vehicle Caution Release the safety airbag somewhere open and plain as well as 6m plus from the obstacles and people When release the safety airbag outdoors, try to avoid the strong wind and ignite windward in the breeze. a.
  • Page 401
    Its gas generator is quite hot after the driver’s side safety airbag’s release, it can be used after its cooling down for more than 30 minutes. Contact with the local service station of the Great Wall Auto Stock Corporation if the driver’s side safety…
  • Page 402
    Safety airbag-15 Place the ignition switch in L OC K position Present failure codes R elease accumulator negative wire and wait for 1 minute R eplace SR S safety airbag system unit plus See he removal/installation of SR S Y es R emove the left trim cover safety airbag system unit Shut off SR S safety airbag system unit translation…
  • Page 403
    Safety airbag-16 Confirm the failure in clock spring or other parts Next step configure the special tools fuel and temperature diagnostic instrument at 2Ω position Replace clock spring Install back the accumulator negative wire Take references in the removal Place the ignition switch in ON place and installation for safety airbag Any failure code in display? system and clock spring.
  • Page 404
    Safety airbag-17 Passengers’ side failure Failure code $9015 $9016 Passengers’ side safety airbag module (high or low resistance or shorting grounding) $9018 $9019 Warning If not correctly handled, the safety airbag module as well as pretension safety belt may possibly be trigged, released and tensioned, thus make serene damage to people.
  • Page 405
    Safety airbag-18 Check the wiring harness between passengers’ side safety airbag module and SRS safety airbag system electronic-control unit Present failure code Place the ignition switch in LOCK position Replace SRS safety airbag system Release accumulator negative wire and then wait for about 1 unit minute plus Take…
  • Page 406
    Appendix-1 Appendix A important parts assurance and request………1 B non-metal materials consumption table……..12 C Special tools…………….14 D important working regions and tightening torque important working region…………17 E Electric wiring diagram …………..18…
  • Page 407
    Appendix A-1 Control item fixing to the Torque wrench 2N m Steel plate gauge 100mm hexagon flange nut (Q32012) Control item locate the riage and fix it with Torque wrench some bolts(Q32012), 1 0 N hexagon flange nut (Q32012)
  • Page 408
    Appendix A-2 Torque wrench Connection of steering linkage co- fixed torque of nut 1 in the Figure is 25 assembly and the fixed torque of nut 2 in the Figure is 70 10N m Torque wrench connection of steering linkage co- Torque wrench the torque is: 70 10N m the fixed…
  • Page 409
    Appendix A-3 Locate the rear transverse stabilizer rob in the corresponding Viewing confirmation position of carriage, symmetries the left and right during installation. Connection of rear transverse Torque wrench the fixed torque of nut 2 in the Figure is 23 3N m stabilizer rod and rear axle Connection of rear transverse…
  • Page 410
    Appendix A-4 Connection of front transverse stabilizer rod Torque wrench the fixed torque of nut 1in the Figure is 25 3N m and carriage. Connection of front transverse stabilizer rob the fixed torque of nut 2in the Figure is 63 5N m Torque wrench and front transverse stabilizer rod connecting…
  • Page 411
    Appendix A-5 the fixed torque of bolt 1 in the Figure is 78 5N m drive shaft bolt front axle drive shaft assembly rear axle drive shaft assembly transmission assembly rear axle assembly petrol lien joint petrol line joint tightening torque is 16 torque wrench petrol pipe joint two way valve…
  • Page 412
    Appendix A-6 Driver steering oil pump installation Fixed torque of tubular hexagon bolt 1 in the Figure is Torque 4 0 N Multi-wedge belt Multi-wedge belt 4PK1100 tension is 500 Torque driver steering oil pump multi-wedge belt 4PK1100 cover lock mounting bolt over lock mounting bolt’s torque is 9 2N m effect…
  • Page 413
    Appendix A-7 Out handle can be normally and efficiently used, no linkage Handle confirmation falling off, the backup door can be opened and closed freely without any jam nor unlocking. rear door assembly backup door bottom buckle backup door out handle backup door lock The fixed torque of bolt 1 in the Figure is 6 1N m…
  • Page 414
    Appendix A-8 Apply washer on the front windshield Evenly apply it on the sticking region with the width of about Viewing confirmation glass-sticking region 25mm and completely volatilize it. Apply base-coater on the front Shake the base-coater to be sufficiently even followed by the Viewing confirmation windshield glass-sticking region even application on the sticking region with the width of about…
  • Page 415
    Appendix A-9 Evenly apply it on the sticking region with the width of about Apply washer on the glass-sticking Viewing confirmation 25mm and volatilize it completely. region of the backup door Apply base-coater on the glass- Shake the base-coater to be sufficiently even followed by the Viewing confirmation sticking region of the backup door even application on the sticking region with the width of…
  • Page 416
    Appendix A-10 Control item Request Control mean Apply washer on side Evenly apply it on the sticking region with the width of about Viewing confirmation window sticking region 25mm and completely volatilize it. Apply base-coater on side Shake the base-coater to be sufficiently even (for at least 1 Viewing confirmation window sticking region minute) followed by the even application on the sticking region…
  • Page 417
    Appendix A-11 Driver seat assembly installation bolt 1 in the Figure tightening torque:is 33 43N m Torque wrench The headrest can be up and down smoothly, angle-adjuster Viewing and handle handle can be normally used, driver, co-driver seat can move confirmation freely and transmission trim cover can be freely opened.
  • Page 418
    Appendix B-12 Non-metal materials consumption table Brand, specification and Measuring Name Utility Suitable Note technical condition unit Transmission lever. Three-hole Silicon oil Suitable rubber block Short, longitudinal front fixed Thread block 1271 bolt, hub cap bolt, transmission Suitable sealing agent lever bolt, carriage fixing Silicone rubber surface sealing…
  • Page 419
    Appendix B-13 For the exported Auto gear oil GL-5 140 Transmission vehicle for extremely hot areas For the exported Auto gear oil GL-5 140 Transfer case vehicle for extremely hot areas For the exported vehicle for extremely Auto gear oil GL-5 140 Rear axle hot areas…
  • Page 420
    Appendix C-14 o n l y f o r 1 . 4 k w s t a r t e r f r o n t b e a r i n g valve guide bush removing or r e p a i r i n g t o o l v a l v e s p r i n g p r e s s e r crankshaft pulley remover c r a n k s h a f t p u l l e y f i x i n g t o o l…
  • Page 421
    Appendix C-15 c r a n k s h a f t f r o n t o i l s e a l r e p l a c i n g t o o l c r a n k s h a f t o i l s e a l r e p l a c i n g t o o l…
  • Page 422
    Appendix C-16 * 1 . o n l y f o r 1 . 0 k w s t a r t e r f r o n t i n j e c t i o n p u m p c r a n k s h a f t b e a r i n g b e a r i n g c o n e t o o l * 2 .
  • Page 423
    Appendix D-17 Serial Working region and Torque Serial Torque Working region and specification specification N·m N·m upper arm shaft fixed engine suspension connecting bolt M10× 78±10 bolt M14×1.5-10.9 1.25-10.9 front shaft of lower arm transmission suspension connecting bolt M10× connecting bolt M16× 270±25 78±10 1.25-10.9…
  • Page 424
    Appendix D-18 front cross stabilizer rod 63±5 brake petrol pipe joint M10×1.25 -connecting bar bottom arm bolt M10×1.25-8 long longitudinal tie safety belt body connecting bolt 7/16″-8.8 200±20 40±2 connecting bolt M14× 1.5-10.9 short longitudinal tie front connecting bolt 180±15 safety belt seat connecting bolt 7/16″-8.8 40±2 M14×1.5-10.9…

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Опубликовано 26.09.2021 Обновлено 24.02.2022


  1. Great Wall Hover
  2. Great Wall Haval / Hover H3
  3. Great Wall Haval / Hover H5
  4. Great Wall Haval / Hover H6
  5. Great Wall Safe / Deer
  6. Great Wall Safe / Deer / Sailor / Sing / Pegasus

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Great Wall Hover

Great Wall Haval / Hover H3

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Книги по ремонту Great Wall Hover H3 / Haval h3

Great Wall Haval / Hover H5

Книга по ремонту Great Wall Hover / Haval H5
Книга по ремонту Great Wall Hover / Haval H5

Great Wall Haval / Hover H6

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Модель Haval Н6 имеет следующие модификации:

  • 4G69+4AT (переднеприводная)
  • GW4G15B+6MT (переднеприводная и полноприводная), с системой пассивного доступа в автомобиль и пассивного пуска двигателя
  • GW4D20 (система Bosch) +6МТ (переднеприводная и полноприводная)
  • GW4D20D(система Bosch) +6МТ (переднеприводная и полноприводная)
  • GW4G15B+6АТ(переднеприводная)

Great Wall Safe / Deer

Книга по ремонту Great Wall Safe / Deer
Книга по ремонту Great Wall Safe / Deer

Great Wall Safe / Deer / Sailor / Sing / Pegasus

Книга по ремонту Great Wall Safe / Deer / Sailor / Sing / Pegasus

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