В этом разделе находятся уроки(мануалы по линейки пультов HOG 4)
Скачать HOG PC
Световые консоли управления светом HOG
Урок 1
Урок 2
Урок 3
Урок 4
Полезное использование генератора эффектов
Комплексное программирование, функции Active, Undo
Использование фильтров IFCB при записи программ (продолжение).
Примеры решений практических задач
Маленькие «хитрости» по теме
Урок 5
Организация воспроизведения программ
Миф о «нехватке ручек», работа со страницами
Макро комментарии, виртуальные CueLists
Примеры настроек пульта для постановочных шоу, ТВ программ
Маленькие «хитрости» по теме
Урок 6
Настройка пульта для выставок, дискотек
Как синхронизировать световое шоу с музыкой
Полезные приемы для туровой деятельности и проката
Расширенное использование макросов
Потенциал палитры Highlight
Маленькие «хитрости» по теме
* Кратко о принципах программирования света
* Особенности программирования многоканальных приборов
* Рабочая панель пульта, рабочее окружение и логика пульта
* Терминология HOG
* Как правильно сделать Patch
* Организация групп
* Программирование простых сцен
* Правильное использование пресетов
* Маленькие «хитрости» по теме
Видеоурок отличается от текстовой версии
Кратко о принципах программирования света
Уровень современных шоу подразумевает использование последних технологий во
всех сферах его подготовки.
Данная серия публикаций призвана раскрыть некоторые
практические приемы и методики программирования светового, видео оборудования,
медиасерверов на примере семейства передовых пультов HOG-4 (HOG 4, FULL BOAR
4, ROAD HOG 4, NANO HOG4, HOG-PC4) от компании Flying Pig Systems (Англия,
Особенности программирования многоканальных приборов
Краткая программа публикаций приведена ниже и будет включать в себя
методически разобранные примеры записи программ и конфигурирования пульта.
Многие изложенные советы и подходы можно использовать при программировании на
пультах и других производителей, поэтому приведенный материал должен быть
полезен широкому кругу профессионалов, занимающихся программированием света.
Первоначально световые прожекторы имели всего один канал управления,
отвечающий интенсивности.
Прожектор можно было выключить или включить с
определенной интенсивностью.
Особенности программирования многоканальных приборов
Задача пульта управления сводилась к записи значений
интенсивности каждого прожектора в единую сцену (световую картину) для
дальнейшего воспроизведения.
Командная строка в таком случае имеет примерно следующий вид:
1@100% + 12@50% + 14@60% + 23@75% Record Scene 1
Здесь первая цифра относится к номеру прожектора, вторая к значению интенсивности, знак
«@» от англ. ”at”, знак плюс “+” соответствует объединению нескольких прожекторов
в одной световой картине. Во время воспроизведения сцен, переходы между ними
могли осуществляться плавно, в соответствии с указанным временем. Структура
пультов управления совершенствовалась в сторону наиболее удобного
программирования простых одноканальных прожекторов. Количество каналов
управляемых пульта соответствовало количеству прожекторов. Если число
прожекторов не превышало 120, оперативный доступ к каждому каналу мог быть
осуществлен за счет индивидуального фейдера для каждого канала.
Появление в индустрии многоканальных управляемых прожекторов (сканеры,
вращающиеся «головы», скроллеры, лиры), поставило новые требования к организации
программирования, и как следствие, к структуре пультов.
Теперь, прожектор имеет помимо канала интенсивности, еще несколько дополнительных каналов (Pan, Tilt, цвет,
гобо, фокус, эффекты, …). Управление таким набором функций с помощью прежних
пультов было неэффективно. Во-первых, возросло число требуемых каналов
управления. Все 120 каналов пульта можно было занять всего лишь 12 прожекторами
(по 10 каналов на каждый), вместо 120 одноканальных прожекторов. Во-вторых, для
аккуратного воспроизведения, необходимо подготовить заранее все функции
прожектора в предыдущих сценах, когда прожектор выключен. Чтобы удовлетворить
стандартам новых мультифункциональных прожекторов, производителям пультов
оставалось два варианта: модернизировать «прежние» пульты для работы с
многоканальными приборами или создавать новые консоли, которые изначально будут
удобными при управлении такими прожекторами. По первому пути развития пошли
многие производители театральных пультов. Над созданием новых пультов трудились
как производители многоканальных прожекторов, так и отдельные компании. Одной из
таких компаний была Flying Pig Systems, выпустившая в 1991 году пульт управления
Рабочая панель пульта, рабочее окружение и логика пульта
Компания не лоббировала интересы ни одного производителя
управляемых прожекторов, ее сотрудниками были профессиональные художники по
свету, операторы пультов, программисты. Вскоре после пробного релиза пульта
WHOLEHOG-I, после учета замечаний и добавлений работающих профессионалов,
компания создала новую операционную систему WHOLEHOG-II и WHOLEHOG-III
которые по сегодняшний день является одним из эталонов оперативности
программирования многоканальных приборов. В настоящее время вышла в свет
последняя версия операционной системы HOG-4, позволившая поднять на новый
уровень не только программирование светового оборудования, но и медиа-серверов.
Начнем изучение
пультов HOG-4 именно с этой части подготовки светового шоу.
Терминология HOG
Введем некоторые термины, удобные для использования:
Прибор – световой прожектор (многоканальный или одноканальный)
Параметр – одна из функций прибора. Например, PAR имеет только один параметр
для управления: интенсивность (Intensity). Многоканальные приборы могут также
иметь параметры PAN, TILT и другие параметры, такие как COLOUR, GOBO и пр.
Все параметры в пультах HOG для удобства объединены в четыре группы:
(I) INTENSITY – Интенсивность прожектора
(P) POSITION – Положение луча, параметры направки луча Pan, Tilt, фокусировка
(С) COLOUR – Цвет, все параметра отвечающие за формирование цвета
(B) BEAM – Формирование луча, параметры гобо, призма, ирис, эффект…. Другими
словами все параметры, не относящиеся к первым трем группам.
Работа на пультах HOG-4 организована прозрачно и логично. Обращение к
приборам осуществляется по их номерам. Набирая на клавиатуре номер прожектора,
вы сразу получаете прямой доступ к управлению его параметрами. Чтобы выбрать для
управления несколько приборов, достаточно набрать их номера через знак «+».
Как правильно сделать Patch
Для настройки коммутации в пульте (Patch),
Вам необходимо выбрать прибор и присвоить
его стартовый адрес в цепи управления DMX.
Суть настройки Patch заключается в
установке соответствия между пультом управления и реальными приборами. Каждый
прибор занимает свое определенное количество каналов управления, начинающихся со
стартового адреса DMX.
Каждый поток управления DMX несет информацию
одновременно о 512 каналах управления.
Если Ваш прибор имеет 12 каналов
управления, то он займет из 512 только свою последовательную часть каналов,
начинающихся с некоторого стартового канала.
Стартовый канал иногда называют
стартовым или начальным DMX адресом прибора.
Так как последовательность каналов
прибора жестко задана, то знание стартового адреса полностью определяет прибор
среди остальных.
Информацию о том, как устанавливать стартовый адрес на приборе,
Вы сможете найти в инструкции по эксплуатации данного прожектора.
Организация групп
Итак, начнем изучать пульт.
В первую очередь, необходимо распаковать пульт и визуально определить его
основные органы управления. Начнем с задней панели пульта, будем рассматривать
пульт HOG-4 (Flying pig systems, США), как наиболее популярный пульт с
операционной системой HOG-4. Количество DMX каналов этого пульта
неограниченно. Каждый подключенный к пульту DMX-процессор DP 8000 обеспечит
8192 DMX каналов. На задней панели Вы найдете: гнездо для подключения сетевого
кабеля, выход Ethernet 100 BASE-TX (разъем RJ-45) для подключения DMX-
процессора (или нескольких DMX-процессоров, в случае, если 8192 каналов
недостаточно), разъемы для клавиатуры и мыши, аудио стерео вход и выход, два USB-
разъема, а также MIDI in/out/thru и разъемы VGA/SVGA для подключения
дополнительных мониторов. Сверху расположены два разъема для подключения
подсветки пульта (Cannon XLR 3 Pin). Подключите сетевой кабель. Если Вы
располагаете подсветками для пульта, подключите их. Подключите к пульту DMX-
процессор, используя кабель cross-over Ethernet cat5. Чтобы избежать возможных
поломок приборов из-за некорректных команд по сигналу DMX, кабель управления
DMX НЕ рекомендуется подключать к процессору, пока не выполнена настройка Patch.
Теперь посмотрим на переднюю, рабочую часть пульта. Пульт состоит из рабочей
панели и двух touch-screen мониторов. Назначение клавиш на рабочей панели хоть и
настраивается, но практически неизменно, в то время как на мониторах можно
открывать различные окна, перемещать их, изменять размеры, настраивать виды.
Работа с пультом может вестись как с рабочей панели, как и при помощи мониторов.
Использование клавиш панели намного быстрее, чем использование кнопок на
мониторах, но это требует знания правил написания команд (синтаксиса командной
строки). В то же время, мониторы имеют неоспоримое преимущество: наглядность,
простоту и возможность быть настроенными под конкретную задачу.
На первый взгляд на панели кнопок достаточно много, чтобы разобраться сразу, к
чему они относятся. Говорят, что на хороших пультах все необходимые органы
управления видны сразу.
Программирование простых сцен
Внешне все пульты серии HOG-4 разделены на две части (на
рисунках деление условно обозначено пунктиром).
Левая часть пульта с 10-ю
мастерами воспроизведения и основным мастером относится к процессу
ВОСПРОИЗВЕДЕНИЯ записанного шоу. Правая часть – к ПРОГРАММИРОВАНИЮ
светового шоу. По краям расположены вертикальные колеса изменений для
оперативного управления яркостью приборов (правое колесо) и временными
характеристиками (левое колесо).
В правой части консоли расположены:
– цифровая клавиатура (послужит для ввода номеров приборов и различных
– кнопки передвижения курсора;
– группа клавиш Intens, Positn, Colour, Beam, Effect, Time, Group, Fixture для
быстрого доступа к разнообразным параметрам приборов;
– служебная группа клавиш с понятными названиями Delete (удалить), Move
(переместить), Copy (копировать), Update (обновить), Merge (вписать), Record
– группа клавиш для быстрого доступа к разнообразным функциям, сценам и cue:
Live, Scene, Cue, Macro, List, Page;
– клавиши HighLight (установить максимальную интенсивность), Blind («слепой» –
режим, позволяющий программировать шоу независимо от его воспроизведения), Clear
(очистить командную строку), Back и Next (выделить предыдущий или следующий
прибор соответственно);
– четыре колеса изменений, на которые могут быть назначены различные параметры
(что именно назначено на колеса, отображается на правом мониторе);
– Trackball с четырьмя клавишами управления. Функции этого элемента управления
могут быть различными в зависимости от режима: в обычном режиме trackball
управляет курсором на экранах; при нажатии на правую верхнюю клавишу управления
на trackball назначаются каналы Pan и Tilt, что позволяет быстро направлять приборы в
нужную точку
Среди оставшихся клавиш наиболее загадочными и необычными кажутся
Клавиша Pig. Для удобства предусмотрены две такие клавиши, они абсолютно тождественны и выполняют функции, сходные с клавишей Shift на персональном компьютере.
Клавиша Set (установить). Клавиша используется при вводе числовых или текстовых значений в какую-либо ячейку.
Курсорами выделяется необходимая ячейка, например, отвечающая за имя сцены, затем после нажатия клавиши Set, Вы получаете возможность изменить имя сцены с клавиатуры.
Аналогично можно изменить время, установить количество приборов, и пр. Повторное
нажатие клавиши Set открывает цифровую клавиатуру.
Клавиша «at» (предлог-указатель «на»).
Клавиша вводит в командную строку символ @, который помогает пульту отличить номер прибора от значения его интенсивности или стартового адреса. Пример командной
строки: 15@70 – прибору номер 15 дать значение интенсивности 70%.
Включите пульт. Дождитесь появления на дисплее окна приветствия. Нажмите
Launch New Show для запуска нового шоу. (Для загрузки последнего шоу, надо нажать
Launch Existing Show, а для загрузки другого ранее созданного шоу или шоу из другого
источника, нажмите Browse…).
Перейдем к первой части создания светового шоу – настройки коммутации
приборов (Patch).
Нажмите на кнопку Setup, затем Patch на нижней панели
правого дисплея, откроется окно Patch (альтернативно нажмите
Нажмите кнопку Fixture Schedule сверху окна Fixture Window,
откроется список приборов.
Выберите название компании производителя прибора и разверните список,
нажав на [+] рядом с названием компании.
Найдите нужную модель прибора.
Нажав Set, введите в поле Number (или Count – в зависимости от версии
программного обеспечения) количество выбранных приборов.
Нажмите Enter.
Повторите действия для каждого типа приборов.
Нажмите OK, чтобы вернуться в окно Patch.
Настоятельно рекомендуется использовать индивидуальные номера для приборов.
Для этого в окне Fixture Window в колонке Num поменяйте номера приборов, выделив нужные ячейки и нажав Set. Данный подход сэкономит Вам много времени при программировании и общении с художником по свету.
После выполнения данной процедуры – вы сможете обращаться к каждому прибору по его
индивидуальному номеру.
Обратите внимание, что любым вновь добавленным
приборам автоматически присваиваются
индивидуальные номера, начиная с первого.
Звездочка * рядом с номером прибора означает, что
такой номер уже используется. Это значит, что
обратиться по индивидуальному номеру к этому
прибору невозможно.
Правильное использование пресетов
Процедура установки стартового адреса прибора в
окне Fixture Window сводится к простой команде (в
любом другом окне эта команда приведет к изменению интенсивности приборов):
“Номер прибора” “@” “Номер стартового канала [[:wiki:dmx_512|DMX]]” “Enter” \
Для того чтобы применить процедуру Patch к нескольким приборам, достаточно
немного изменить командную строку:
“Номер первого прибора” “Thru” “Номер последнего прибора” “@” “Номер
стартового канала DMX” “Enter”
Перед началом каждой операции, использующей командную
строку, рекомендуется ее очистить, нажав кнопку Clear.
Для обратной процедуры раскоммутирования приборов (Unpatch), логика
“**Номер прибора**” “**Unpatch**”
“**Номер первого прибора**” “**Thru**” “**Номер последнего прибора**” “**Unpatch**”
Обратите внимание, что процедура Unpatch только убирает связь между прибором и
его стартовым DMX каналом. ВСЕ записанные палитры, сцены и программы прибора
СОХРАНЯЮТСЯ! Менять, переставлять стартовые DMX адреса приборов в пульте,
можно совершенно смело, даже в момент записи или воспроизведения шоу.
Если процедура Patch выполнена правильно, управляемые приборы должны стоять в
положении Pan 0º, Tilt 0º с закрытым диммером.
Закройте окно Fixture Window.
Хорошо, коммутацию и номера каналов мы привели в соответствие. Как теперь
управлять приборами?
Чтобы начать программирование приборов, их, для начала хорошо бы включить по
интенсивности. Каждый прибор (диммер или многоканальный прожектор) имеет свой
индивидуальный номер. Чтобы включить прибор по интенсивности на 100%,
необходимо набрать в командной строке:
“**номер прибора**” “**Full**”
Чтобы включить комбинацию из трех приборов на 60%, нужно набрать:
“**номер прибора 1**” + “**номер прибора 2**” + “**номер прибора 3**”** @ 60**
Чтобы проверить, как приборы слушаются пульта по остальным параметрам,
используйте колеса изменений. В самом общем случае, параметры, назначаемые на
колеса изменений, зависят от типа прибора. Назначенные параметры с опциями (если
опции доступны) отображаются на специальной панели правого монитора:
Если над цифровой клавиатурой выделены клавиши:
Positn – на колеса назначаются каналы Intensity, Pan, Tilt;
Colour – на колеса назначаются каналы Color, Color 2, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow;
Beam – на колеса назначаются каналы Gobo, Gobo2, Iris, Focus и пр.
Довольно часто параметров определенной группы больше четырех. Например, если
в группе параметров Beam 12 параметров (Gobo, вращение Gobо, Gobo 2, вращение
Gobo 2, Iris, Focus, Frost и т.д.), то на экране появляется соответствующая панель:
Назначение колес зависит от того, какой из вариантов выбран на этой панели. В
приведенном примере назначение колес будет таким: Gobo 2, Gobo 2 < >, Macro Size и
Gobo 2 Shake. Выбрать другой вариант можно либо касанием на мониторе, либо еще
раз нажав соответствующую клавишу параметров (в данном случае, Beam).
Параметры бывают двух типов: непрерывные и дискретные. В любом случае,
управлять параметрами можно с колес изменений, однако в случае дискретных
параметров можно их выбрать с помощью специальной панели (Slot-панель):
Проверьте, как приборы реагируют на Ваши команды.
В следующем выпуске приложения, мы перейдем к тонкостям процесса
программирования. Пульт позволит использовать разные стили программирования
удобные в тех или иных ситуациях.
Маленькие «хитрости» по теме
Маленькие «хитрости»
1. В целях ознакомления, обучения и подготовки шоу на пультах серии HOG
используйте программу HOG4PC, которая является полноценным эмулятором
пультов HOG 4, FULL BOAR 4, ROAD HOG 4, NANO HOG4. Программа
распространяется бесплатно, ее можно найти на сайте www.highend.com
2. Обширную библиотеку пульта HOG можно использовать в информационных
целях. Если Вам необходима информация о каком-либо незнакомо приборе
(количество каналов, последовательность каналов и др.), выберите этот прибор
из библиотеки пульта (программы HOG4PC), проведите процедуру Patch.
Затем, в окне Fixture Window нажмите Edit Fixtures. На экране монитора вы
получите подробную информацию об интересующем Вас приборе.
3. Для удобной работы с составными приборами (скроллер-диммер, поворотная
лира-диммер) система Hog-4 позволяет раздельно назначать стартовые каналы
для диммера и скроллера. Для этого в окне установки стартового канала Fixture
Patch (окно открывается автоматически во время процедуры Patch при нажатии
на клавишу @ или на кнопку Patch @) вверху в поле Patch Points выберите
Fixture или Intensity. При программировании Вы выиграете в оперативности, а
вызов составного прибора не будет отличаться от вызова управляемого
4. Чтобы удалить прибор из шоу НАВСЕГДА, откройте окно Fixture Window
(Setup Patch или Open+Fixture), выберите прибор, нажмите Remove. Пульт
спросит подтверждение об удалении прибора из Шоу. ВНИМАНИЕ! В пультах
с операционной системой Wholehog-II этот процесс выполнялся по другому
5. Комбинация “Номер прибора” “Thru” Enter, выделит все приборы одного
типа, начиная с указанного номера. Конечно, выделить все приборы
академическим способом также можно, но это для этого нужно будет нажать
больше кнопок. Учитесь экономить время. Теперь запись группы из приборов
одного типа можно записать практически мгновенно: 1 Thru Record Group
номер Enter.
* Программирование простых сцен 2
* Правильное использование пресетов 2
* Маленькие «хитрости» по теме 2
* Дополнительные способы выделения параметров приборов
* Комплексное программирование приборов
* Использование внешнего монитора
* Метод записи программы простого шоу
* Маленькие «хитрости» по теме 3
Видеоурок отличается от текстовой версии
Программирование простых сцен 2
В прошлом уроке публикации мы познакомились с первым важным этапом работы
на любом световом пульте – настройкой Patch и нумерацией приборов. Продолжим
рассматривать тонкости программирования современных световых приборов. Каждый
прибор теперь имеет свой индивидуальный номер, свое имя. Набирая на цифровой
клавиатуре номер прибора, вы сразу получаете доступ ко всем его функциям. Но как
лучше организовать работу, если у Вас несколько приборов, причем от разных
производителей? Для удобной организации выбора приборов для программирования,
изменения текущих параметров незаменимым инструментом являются группы
(Groups). Клавиши, отвечающие за вызов, запись, хранение групп расположены на
сенсорных дисплеях в соответствующем окне Group Directory (для открытия окна
нажмите Open+Group или два раза быстро Group).
Напомним, чтобы выделить несколько приборов, достаточно набрать их
индивидуальные номера через соединяющий знак «+»:
“номер прибора 1” + “номер прибора 2” + “номер прибора 3”
а, чтобы включить их, необходимо добавить
“@” “Full”
Правильное использование пресетов 2
Использование групп позволяет значительное ускорить выполнение такой обычной
операции в несколько раз. Чтобы записать группу или что-либо еще на пульте HOG 4 в
первый раз, рассмотрим клавиши, применяемые при записи.
Клавиша Clear («Очистить»). Клавиша, с помощью которой очищается содержание командной строки. Данная клавиша имеет индикатор, который горит, если командная строка содержит информацию, т.е. не пуста.
Клавиша Record («Запись»). Самая главная клавиша программирования. Record переводится как «Запись». После того, как Вы нажмете данную
клавишу, в командной строке появится надпись Record, теперь пульт будет реагировать на последующие команды по-другому. Синтаксис команды таков:
«ЧТО записывать?» Record «КУДА записывать?».
Дополнительные способы выделения параметров приборов
Клавиша Enter. Подтверждает действие командной строки, например,
выбор приборов. Завершает текущий процесс записи.
Итак, запишем группу приборов:
Чтобы начать с «чистой» командной строки, нажмите Clear.
Выберите необходимые приборы. Например:
1 + 2 + 5 (выделить три прибора с номерами 1, 2 и 5)
3 Thru 10 – 6 (выделить все приборы с 3-го по 10-й за исключением 6-го).
Нажмите кнопку Record, в командной строке отобразится слово Record.
Откройте окно Group Directory, если оно еще не открыто, нажав кнопку Group.
В окне Group Directory выберите кнопку, с помощью которой вам будет удобно
вызвать данную группу приборов в будущем. Процесс записи завершен!
Нажмите клавишу Set и еще раз Set для открытия цифровой клавиатуры на
Введите имя для записанной группы, например, All Spots.
Нажмите Enter.
Нажмите Clear, чтобы очистить командную строку.
Группа записана. Теперь, чтобы открыть приборы достаточно нажать на кнопку
нужной группы (например, «All Spots») в окне Group Directory и клавишу «Full».
Записать группу из командной строки по началу сложнее, однако освоение этого
способа позволит Вам программировать гораздо быстрее. Например:
1 Thru 20 Record Group 3 Enter
В приведенном примере приборы с первого по двадцатый записываются в группу
под номером 3.
Аналогично осуществляется вызов группы из командной строки:
Group 5 Enter //(выбрать все приборы из группы под номером 5)//
Заметим, что номер любой группы можно посмотреть в окне Group Directory.
Кнопки вызова групп в окне Group Directory позволяют быстро
вызвать комбинацию приборов при этом не ограничивая Вас в
==== Комплексное программирование приборов ====
Группы можно с успехом объединять в командной
строке, например All Spots + All Washes или All Spots – 2, Enter
(Выбрать все приборы типа Spot, но без прибора номер 2).
Перед началом программирования параметров приборов рекомендуется создать
группы описанным выше способом. Какие группы Вам необходимы? Наиболее часто
вызываются группы приборов, объединенные по своему назначению: All Spots (все
приборы типа Spot), All Washes (все приборы заливающего света), ALL Fixtures (все
приборы вообще), All Strobes (все стробоскопы), Hazer (генератор дыма), Front Scene
(передние приборы на сцене), Stage Washes (приборы на декорации) и т.д. Хорошим
критерием для записи групп может служить «правило двух раз»: «Записывайте те
группы или параметры, к которым при программировании Вы планируете обратиться
более двух раз».
Подобно тому, как запись групп ускоряет процесс выбора приборов, запись
наиболее часто используемых параметров приборов (цветов, гобо, позиций луча, …)
заметно ускоряет программирование или изменение световой сцены.
Поэтому создадим для некоторых параметров соответствующие палитры, чтобы в будущем быстро
вызывать их значения одним нажатием клавиши.
Однако перед тем как мы запишем
палитру, поговорим о том, каким образом можно открывать окна и управлять ими.
Маленькие «хитрости» по теме 2
Существует универсальный подход для того, чтобы открыть окно:
зажать кнопку Open и выбрать, что именно Вы хотите открыть. Например:
+Open + Color – открыть окно Colour Directory;
+Open + Choose – открыть окно соответствующего мастера;
+Open + List 1 – открыть Cuelist 1 под названием «List 1»;
+OpenOpen + Blue – открыть палитру Color 1 под названием «Blue».
В некоторых случаях для открытия окон можно использовать альтернативный
способ: дважды быстро нажмите на клавишу. Например:
+Group Group – открыть окно групп;
+Choose Choose – открыть окно соответствующего мастера.
Быстрое двойное нажатие открывает соответствующие окна для следующих клавиш:
Intens, Positn, Colour, Beam, Effect, Group, Scene, Cue, List, Page, Choose.
Некоторые окна открываются при нажатии на специальную клавишу,
без использования кнопки Open. Например, окно Programmer
открывается при нажатии на соответствующую клавишу (нижняя панель
правого монитора).
Последний способ открытия окон – из командной строки.
Position 5 Open
открыть окно редактора для палитры Position 5;
Cue 4 / 8 Open
открыть окно редактора сцены Cue
номер 8 в мастере номер 4.
Открывать окна мы научились.
Использование внешнего монитора
Теперь необходимо изменить их размеры и удобно расположить на мониторах.
Для этого воспользуемся верхней панелью правого экрана:
Выделите окно, размер которого Вы хотите изменить, а затем нажимайте «Size» до
тех пор, пока окно не пример нужный размер и положение. Чтобы перенести окно на
другой монитор, нажмите клавишу «Move». Назначение остальных клавиш этой панели
Вы поймете без труда: Up, Down, Left, Right – перемещение курсора внутри
выделенного окна
Split – сделать копию окна; Maximize – растянуть выбранное окно
на весь экран; Focus – сделать активным следующее окно;
Lock – запретить (по
умолчанию) или разрешить перетаскивание окон с помощью курсора;
Close – закрыть
текущее окно.
Предположим, что мы создаем некоторую программу, и при программировании нам
удобно какое-то конкретное расположение окон. Можно сохранить этот «вид», и
впоследствии вызывать его одним нажатием клавиши. Имея несколько заранее
настроенных видов, можно оперативно, на лету, переключаться между процессами
программирования, воспроизведения, отладки и пр. Для того чтобы сохранить текущий
вид, удерживая Record, нажмите на любую клавишу панели видов (панель
расположена сверху левого монитора):
Номер вместо имени на этой панели обозначает свободную ячейку для вида.
Вы сохраните вид на ранее созданный, у Вас спросят, уверены ли Вы в том, что хотите
перезаписать вид. Сразу после сохранения нажмите дважды Set, чтобы дать имя
записанному виду.
Существует еще две панели, положение которых на мониторах не меняется. Во-
первых, это панель мастеров, расположенная снизу левого экрана:
Каждому мастеру соответствует клавиша на этой панели.
Если мастер пуст, что на
месте клавиши отображается число – номер соответствующего мастера.
На каждый
мастер может быть назначен CueList или сцена (надпись «Scene»). Позже мы подробнее
поговорим о том, какая информация отображается на этой панели.
Последняя, но чуть ли не самая важная панель – панель функций (правый экран,
Назначение большинства клавиш мы обсудим позднее.
Сейчас лишь заметим, что
вид этой панели и назначение клавиш в процессе программирования будут меняться.
Нажмите, к примеру, Select… – и Вы увидите, как изменится панель:
Нажмите Close, чтобы вернуться к первоначальному виду панели.
Теперь, наконец, перейдем к созданию палитр. Чтобы записать, например, палитру
цветов сделайте следующее:
Выберите и откройте один прибор (записанные в палитрах параметры для
одного прибора, автоматически «подхватятся» остальными приборами данного типа)
**“номер прибора 1” “Full”**
Назначьте на колесо изменений функцию цвет, для этого над цифровой
клавиатурой нажмите Colour.
Выберите с помощью колес изменений нужный цвет.
Нажмите кнопку Record, в командной строке отобразится слово Record.
Откройте окно Colour Directory, если оно еще не открыто, нажав кнопку Colour.
В окне Colour Directory выберите кнопку, с помощью которой вам будет удобно
вызвать данную группу приборов в будущем. Процесс записи завершен!
Приучитесь сразу давать имена всему, что Вы создаете. Дважды нажмите Set.
Введите имя для записанного цвета, например, Blue.
Нажмите Enter.
Запишите в палитру Color все цвета, в палитру Beam все гобо.
Комплексное программирование приборов
Так же, как в случае групп, использование командной строки ускорит процесс
записи и вызова ранее записанных палитр.
Для записи палитры после присвоения приборам нужных цветов, нажмите:
Record Colour 4 Enter
(записать параметры цвета в палитру номер 4)
Нажмите Set Set сразу после этого, чтобы дать имя записанной палитре.
Аналогично происходит вызов палитры.
1 + 3 Colour 2 Enter
(приборам 1 и 3 назначить цвета из палитры номер 2)
Group 2 + Group 3 Colour 5 Enter
(всем приборам из второй и третьей группы
назначить цвета из пятой палитры)
При записи палитр цвета удобно располагать в порядке их
следования на колесе цветов. При записи палитр гобо, не
забудьте записать «открытое положение». При записи позиций луча удобно пользоваться клавишей Next для выбора следующего прибора и Back для
выбора предыдущего прибора.
То небольшое время, которое потребуется для записи нескольких палитр, окупается
при программировании первых сцен. Командная строка будет похожа на понятные
фразы “All Spots” “Blue” “Gobo1”. Помните, что составлять сцену можно
одновременно с использованием палитр и колес изменений, но чаще лучше
пользоваться палитрами. Пока лишь ясно, что работа с палитрами экономит оператору
драгоценное время. Об остальных возможных преимуществах работы с палитрами
будет сказано позднее.
Перейдем к программированию и записи световых сцен. Световые сцены в
пультах с операционной системой Hog-4 для записи и воспроизведения
объединяются в списки, которые в терминах описания обозначаются как
Одна световая сцена (световое положение) называется Cue.
сцен содержит последовательность следующих друг за другом световых сцен.
Сцены переключаются по команде оператора или автоматически через заранее
установленное время.
Для воспроизведения одного списка сцен (Cuelist) предусмотрен мастер
воспроизведения, состоящий из нескольких элементов управления.
В пультах
серии HOG-4, можно увидеть 10 таких мастеров, расположенных в левой части
консоли. Назначение органов управления на Мастере (сверху вниз):
Choose – выбрать мастер;
Play – проиграть содержимое мастера, перейти к следующей сцене;
Pause – приостановить смену сцен (в процессе cross-fade) или перейти к
предыдущей сцене;
Back – Перейти к предыдущей сцене;
Fader – фейдер интенсивности;
Flash – дать максимальную интенсивность, в независимости от положения
Метод записи программы простого шоу
Запишем первую световую сцену.
Чтобы начать с «чистой» командной строки, нажмите Clear.
Выберите необходимые приборы с помощью номеров или групп.
Настройте необходимые параметры приборов с помощью колес или палитр:
Если над цифровой клавиатурой выделены клавиши:
Position – на колеса назначаются каналы
Intensity, Pan, Tilt (откройте
приборы, направьте луч);
Color – на колеса назначаются каналы Color, Color 2, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow
(настройте цвет приборов);
Beam – на колеса назначаются каналы Gobo, Gobo2, Iris, Focus, …
(настройте фокус, эффекты, гобо приборов);
Если Вы используете палитры Position, Color, Beam, то какая именно функция
назначена на колеса изменений, не имеет значения.
После того, как необходимая сцена составлена, нажмите Record.
Теперь, чтобы указать пульту, в какой CueList поместить созданную световую сцену, нажмите соответствующую кнопку Choose. Сцена (Cue) записана!
Для порядка, сразу присвойте имя записанной сцене, для этого нажмите
клавишу Set два раза.
Введите имя для записанной сцены (Cue), например, Start.
Нажмите Enter.
Нажмите Clear, чтобы очистить командную строку.
Чтобы воспроизвести записанную сцену, нажмите клавишу Play на мастере и
откройте приборы с помощью фейдера (не забудьте открыть Grand Master – самый
левый фейдер, который управляет интенсивностями всех приборов).
+Чтобы отменить воспроизведение сцены, необходимо выделить
мастер клавишей Choose и нажать клавишу Release. Другой вариант –
нажать комбинацию Choose + Release, при этом снимаемый с
воспроизведения мастер не окажется выбранным.
+Для отмены воспроизведения всех мастеров сразу нажмите Pig + Release.
Мы только что записали первую световую сцену. Чтобы записать второе световое
положение в выделенный CueList, необходимо повторить вышеуказанные действия.
Для каждого мастера на нижней панели левого экрана отображаются несколько
световых сцен (Cue).
Для того чтобы увидеть все сцены, записанные в мастере, нажмите комбинацию
клавиш Open + Choose или Choose Choose. На левом экране откроется окно Chosen
Расшифровка некоторых важных полей списка сцен CueList:
(в поле Wait) указатель текущего Cue;
Number номер Cue;
Name название Cue;
Fade время входа/выхода Cue;
Delay задержка перед входом/выходом Cue.
Чтобы изменить значение какого-либо поля, выделите его, нажмите Set (два раза,
если хотите открыть цифровую клавиатуру), присвойте имя или новое значение,
нажмите Enter.
Чтобы закрепить методику записи и сцен и познакомится с некоторыми понятиями
пультов, запишем на мастер воспроизведения список сцен для маленького шоу,
состоящего из 5 переходов, выполняемых оператором вручную.
В данном упражнении командная строка содержит
небольшое количество информации. Если же переходы более
сложные, а оператор только обучается процессу
программирования, настоятельно рекомендуется подключить к
пульту внешний монитор и вывести на него окно Programmer (нажав кнопку
Programmer на нижней панели правого экрана и нажимая кнопку Move на верхней
панели правого экрана). В окне Programmer отображаются все изменения командной
строки, что только повысит качество Вашей работы. Можно обойтись и без
внешнего монитора, просто открыв окно Programmer на одном из встроенных
Представим, что перед оператором поставлена задача:
На открытие занавеса, Открыть Все приборы на Сцене в Синем цвете.
На музыкальный акцент, нечетные приборы резко переходят в белый цвет.
На выход артиста, прибор номер 2 перемещается в центр сцены за 5 секунд.
На реплике «Рассвет» все синие приборы, меняют цвет на оранжевый.
По окончании фонограммы, приборы 2 и 4 перемещаются на декорацию за 10 секунд, меняя цвет на желтый за 2 секунды, остальные приборы гаснут за 3 секунды.
Перед началом программирования, отмените воспроизведения всех действующих
мастеров, для этого нажмите комбинацию клавиш Pig+Release.
На правом мониторе рекомендуется открыть Группы и Палитры (Open+Group, Open+Positn, Open+Colour и
пр.), изменив размеры окон и расположив их в удобном для Вас порядке.
На левый экран пульта лучше вывести окно CueList (Open+Choose) и содержание командной
строки (окно Programmer).
Если есть внешний монитор, лучше окно Programmer вывести на него. Это рабочее окружение наилучшим
образом подходит для программирования.
Теперь выберите свободный мастер с помощью кнопки Сhoose.
Для записи первой сцены, выберите группу все приборы (All Fixtures) и откройте их,
пока приборы имеют яркий белый цвет, направьте их по очереди на сцену (или просто
используйте палитру «Scene» из окна Position Directory).
Снова выберите все приборы и нажмите клавишу «Blue» из палитры цветов Color.
Первая сцена составлена, для записи нажмите Record и, затем, Enter. (Так как мы выделили в начале программирования мастер с помощью клавиши Choose, пульт знает КУДА записать текущую сцену, а
именно, в выделенный CueList).
Сразу присвойте имя «Start Blue» только что записанной сцене, дважды нажав
клавишу Set.
Перед записью второй сцены, нажмите Clear для очистки командной строки.
А чтобы видеть первую сцену, воспроизведите ее, нажав клавишу Play и открыв фейдер
Второй шаг, предусматривает изменение только нечетных приборов, поэтому только
их и необходимо выделить с помощью групп.
Если при записи групп Вы не
предусмотрели такое развитие событий, можно использовать некоторые
дополнительные возможности выбора приборов, заложенные в пульте.
Выделите группу «Все приборы», затем нажмите клавишу
Select… (на нижней панели правого
экрана). Из появившегося меню, выберите
Odd (Нечетные), пульт из всех приборов,
оставит только нечетные, теперь остается нажать клавишу
«White» в палитре цветов и записать второй шаг, Record, Enter.
Присвойте имя «Odd White» (два раза нажав Set).
Перед записью третьего положения, переходим на воспроизведение второй сцены
(нажав Play выделенного мастера) и нажимаем Clear для очистки командной строки.
Третий шаг записать несложно, но появляется дополнительный параметр – время.
Если время перехода отличается от значения по умолчанию (2 секунды), то рекомендуемый
подход следующий. Устанавливаете сначала изменения параметров по их значениям,
(цвет, позиция луча, …).
Затем выделите прибор, в котором требуется изменить значение времени и нажмите кнопку Time. На колеса изменений назначатся установки
времени: Fade In (время входа в сцену), Fade Out (время выхода из сцены), Delay In
(задержка перед входом в сцену), Delay Out (задержка перед выходом из сцены).
того, пульт позволяет установить значение временных параметров как для всех
параметров прибора одновременно, так и отдельно для каждого измененного параметра
выделенного прибора.
Нажав на кнопку Fade In, выберите в открывшемся списке
Position. После этого все изменения временных параметров будут касаться лишь
параметров позиции (Pan, Tilt). Второй прибор у Вас выбран, установите значение 5
секунд в поле Fade In, вращая левое колесо изменений, нажмите Record, Enter,
присвойте имя сцене «To center».
Как всегда, использование командной строки ускорит процесс программирования и
настройки временных параметров. Например, для изменения времени входа Fade In (5
секунд) выделенных приборов на позицию достаточно нажать
Positn Time 5 / 2 **Enter**
где через /2 обозначено время выхода с этой позиции, то есть Fade Out.
Четвертый шаг сформулирован несколько «нечетко». Как же узнать какие номера
приборов на сцене остались в синем цвете? Здесь можно воспользоваться еще одной из
удобных возможностей выбора приборов с помощью клавиш Live. Нажмите
клавишу Live (все «живые» приборы, то есть те, интенсивность которых не
нулевая), затем клавишу «Blue» из палитры цветов Color, нажмите Enter. Пульт
выделит все синие приборы, интенсивность которых больше нуля.
Теперь нажмите
клавишу Orange, чтобы изменить синий цвет на оранжевый. Задание выполнено!
Осталось записать этот шаг: Record, Enter. Имя для сцены «Rassvet».
Командная строка для последней сцены будет выглядеть так:
2 + 4 “Decoration” “Yellow” Positn Time 10 “All Fixtures” - 2 - 4 @ 0 Intens Time 3 Record, **Enter**
Для последней сцены присвойте имя «Final».
Поставленная задача воплощена без ошибок. Настоящий профессионал всегда
уделит немного времени, чтобы аккуратно оформить свой труд. Мы пока использовали
присвоение имени для каждой сцены.
Пульт предоставляет специальное поле Comment
для дополнительных комментариев, которыми более чем полезно снабдить каждую
сцену. Это поле находится в окне CueList.
В поле Comment можно ввести комментарии, например, подсказывающие момент воспроизведения данной сцены. Комментарии вводятся как обычно с помощью клавиши Set.
После выполнения всех действий, описанных выше, Ваш CueList, состоящий из 5
сцен (Cue) будет выглядеть примерно так, как показано на рисунке.
Попробуйте воспроизвести Ваше первое шоу. Перед тем, как начать
воспроизведение прочтите еще один совет.
При программировании мы отображали содержимое
программной строки. При воспроизведении удобно вывести на
левый экран содержание CueList, причем лучше на весь экран.
Нажмите Open+Choose или два раза быстро Choose и
расположите окно на экране.
В сегодняшней публикации, мы познакомились с некоторыми дополнительными
приемами выбора приборов и программирования простого шоу с переключением сцен
вручную, клавишей Play (Go).
В следующих публикациях мы раскроем некоторые полезные инструменты, которые можно использовать при записи программ, углубимся в понимание структуры пульта.
Маленькие «хитрости» по теме 3
Маленькие «хитрости»
6. При записи групп специального назначения, например, группа приборов,
направленная на Елку, не забудьте создать группу, которая содержит остальные
приборы. Эта группа позволит Вам быстро выбрать приборы, которые
составляют «неелочную» партитуру.
7. При записи палитр цветов, оптимально расположить цвета в порядке
следования их на колесе цвета. Таким образом, при смене цвета, Вы сможете
предугадать, когда цвет сменится на соседний, а когда перескочит через какие-
либо паразитные значения. Если используется несколько типов приборов с
колесом цвета, выберите в качестве основных те приборы, которые составляют
основную картину. Палитры для приборов с системой смешивания цвета
записывайте с помощью клавиши Merge на ТЕ ЖЕ самые клавиши, что и
палитры приборов с колесом цвета. Если после этого Вы выберите группу «Все
приборы» и назначите красный цвет, пульт автоматически пошлет правильные
сигналы для каждого типа приборов. Такой подход экономит массу времени.
8. Чтобы вернуть командную строку, после того как Вы ее очистили кнопкой
Clear, нажмите Undo.
9. Всегда присваивайте имя сцене, палитре и текущему cписку CueList, для этого
откройте директорию CueList с помощью комбинации клавиш Open+List.
Подведите курсор к номеру Вашего CueList, например List 4, и традиционным
способом присвойте имя с помощью кнопки Set. Теперь над Вашим мастером
появится Имя, вместо надписи «List 4».
* Организация воспроизведения
* Запись базовых световых картин
* Запись динамичных программ, запись движений, стробоскопов
* Конфигурация мастеров воспроизведения
* Маленькие «хитрости» по теме
Видеоурок отличается от текстовой версии
Организация воспроизведения
В прошлой публикации мы познакомились с методами составления и записи
простых программ, состоящих из 6-7 световых переходов осуществляемых вручную.
Методику записи таких программ можно с успехом применять для театральных
партитур, для постановочных номеров внутри большого составного шоу, на выставке, в
шоу-руме, а также в случаях, когда световые переходы предсказуемы и заранее
обозначены. Теоретически ясно, что таким способом и должны создаваться все
световые постановки, но на практике мы гораздо чаще имеем «непредсказуемые»
ситуации, на которые вынуждены быстро реагировать. В таком случае гибкость и
оперативность процесса программирования сказывается на качестве постановки
решающим образом. Чтобы справится с изменения световых картин и переходов «на
лету», необходимо располагать пультом, предоставляющим все возможности
оперативного управления и воспроизведения. Пульты серии HOG отвечают самым
высоким нормам оперативности, и в данной публикации мы перейдем к освоению
полезных методик быстрого и качественного реагирования на «непредсказуемости».
Запись базовых световых картин
Рассмотрим, как можно подготовить пульт HOG 4 для световой постановки из 10
приборов WASH и 10 приборов SPOT. Из предварительного сценария ясно, что свет
поддерживает шоу, где ожидается восемь номинаций, между которыми запланированы
«вставки» с выступлением звезд эстрады, а также два постановочных цирковых номера.
Если посмотреть на такую задачу глазами светооператора/художника, то
необходимо предусмотреть минимум восемь цельных световых картин для номинаций,
одну картину на вход гостей, одну картину на финал, две постановочные программы по
свету для цирка. Это то, что предсказуемо; из непредсказуемого остаются «вставки» с
артистами эстрады, о которых ничего не известно до их выхода на сцену. Итак,
рассмотрим, как такое шоу запрограммировать на пультах HOG.
Оптимальный план действий может выглядеть следующим образом:
Настроить Patch
Проверить приборы
Записать полезные группы
Записать совместные палитры для цветов, гобо, вращений, призм
Записать в палитры, часто используемые позиции
Составить и записать картины для номинаций
Составить и записать световые картины и их развития для «вставок»
Записать постановочные программы для цирковых выступлений
Действия, выделенные жирным шрифтом можно выполнить
заранее в «домашних условиях» с помощью бесплатной
программы HOG4PC (www.highend.com) и визуализатора
Lightconverse (www.lightconverse.de), Wysiwyg и др. Вы
сэкономите 1-2 часа на постановке, где лишнего времени не
Перед тем как составлять и записывать световые картины, остановимся на
терминологии, которую используют все операторы пультов HOG:
Cue – одна световая сцена (световое положение);
Cuelist– последовательный список нескольких Cue;
Для воспроизведения Cuelist назначается на Мастер воспроизведения.
Пульты серии HOG-4 имеют 10 мастеров воспроизведения. Каждый мастер может
иметь свои настройки, для удобного воспроизведения и отключения назначенного
на него программы (то есть Cuelist-а).
В пультах HOG все мастера изначально имеют равный приоритет. Если Вы
воспроизводите с помощью мастеров параллельно две или более программы, то для
параметров цвета, позиции луча, гобо и др. пульт выдаст последние полученные
значения. На рисунке схематично показан принцип работы пульта при
последовательном воспроизведении трех мастеров 1, 2, 3. На первом мастере
записана информация для параметров интенсивности, позиции, цвета и гобо. На
втором мастере информация записана только для позиции, поэтому при включении
мастера 2 при активном мастере 1 изменятся только параметры позиции, а
интенсивность, цвет, гобо из мастера 1 останутся на выходе пульта без изменений.
Такая же ситуация, но уже с параметром цвета будет иметь место после
воспроизведения мастера 3. Результат выполнения трех программ показан на
Мастера активированы последовательно 1, 2, 3. Если же Вы хотите вернуться к
световой картине мастера 1, просто нажмите кнопку Play мастера 1 еще раз. При
этом мастера 2 и 3 автоматически снимутся с воспроизведения, так как записанные
значения для их параметров полностью заместятся значениями мастера 1.
Организация пульта позволяет воспроизводить параллельно несколько Cuelist-
ов. Каждая программа вносит изменения только для тех параметров приборов,
которые в себе содержит.
Вернемся к созданию наших программ. Согласно плану, сначала создаем самые
необходимые световые картины для номинаций.
Выберем первый мастер, клавишей Choose. Клавиша Choose никак не влияет на
изменение программ и помечает текущий мастер, например, для отображения
информации на мониторе Для записи картин выполняем действия, подробно описанные ранее. Повторим
кратко оптимальный алгоритм:
1. Открыть окно Programmer (содержимое командной строки), нажав
соответствующую кнопку на верхней панели левого монитора.
Рекомендуется вывести окно Programmer на внешний монитор.
2. Выбрать с помощью групп или номеров приборы типа WASH, открыть
(Group Wash @ Full).
3. Направить приборы на декорации или сцену с помощью колес изменений
или палитр (Position, Focus).
При записи позиций создайте заранее и затем используйте
палитры «Декорация», «Трибуна», «Рояль», т.е. тех объектов,
которые в процессе монтажа еще не заняли своего места и могут
перемещаться. Перед входом гостей или генеральной репетицией
Вы найдете пять минут, чтобы подправить приборы на
указанные элементы, и все программы, где использованы палитры, обновятся
4. Выбрать форму луча (Beam): Frost, Heavy Frost, Shape, … (форму луча
удобнее выбирать, когда приборы в белом цвете).
5. Выбрать цвет (Color) приборов для первой картины (при выборе цвета с
помощью палитр значительно экономится время).
6. Выбрать все приборы WASH, нажать клавишу Touch на нижней панели
правого монитора (для того, чтобы в картину вписать все параметры
приборов, даже если их не изменяли).
7. Нажать Record, затем Enter (так как мы заранее выбрали мастер
клавишей Choose, пульт «знает» КУДА записать Cue).
Пульт создаст CueList с одним Cue, на дисплее над мастером воспроизведения
появится надпись “List 1” и чуть ниже “Cue 1”. List 1 означает на самом деле CueList 1,
а название “Cue 1” говорит само за себя. Чтобы подписать CueList, откройте окно с
помощью комбинации Open+List, подведите курсор к надписи List 1, нажмите два раза
Set. Введите имя, нажмите Enter. Название световой картины вводится аналогично, но в
окне, вызываемом комбинацией клавиш Open+Choose.
Воспроизводим световую картину, клавишей Play на первом мастере (не забудьте,
нажать Clear, чтобы очистить командную строку, поскольку она всегда имеет
приоритет над мастерами воспроизведения).
Для того чтобы добавить в нашу световую картину партию приборов SPOT,
проделаем те же действия, только в седьмом пункте нажмем Record 1, Enter. Пульт
выдаст запрос (Insert, Replace, Merge, Cancel), выберите “Merge” (что означает
“Объединить”). Все! Приборы типа SPOT вписаны в Cue 1 мастера 1.
Чтобы предвосхитить запрос (Insert, Replace, Merge, Cancel),
при записи вместо кнопки Record нажмите Merge, затем
нажмите номер сцены, в нашем случае «1», затем Enter.
Аналогичным образом в CueList 1 запишите 8-10 базовых световых картин
(Cue). Они будут иметь свои номера и названия.
Чтобы воспроизвести следующую картину (Cue) мастера 1, достаточно нажать
клавишу Play. Предыдущую картину можно вызвать клавишей Pause, которая кроме
прямого действия «Пауза при переходе», имеет функцию «Шаг назад к предыдущему
Cue». Чтобы перейти из Cue 1 в Cue 5, убедитесь, что выбран нужный мастер (горит
клавиша Choose), затем нажмите клавишу GoTo, 5, Enter.
Для «неожиданных» эстрадных вставок в CueList 2 создадим также 8-10
стартовых световых картин для медленных, средних, ритмичных и супер ритмичных
У нас есть базовые световые картины, сосредоточенные всего лишь на двух
мастерах. Эти картины, по сути, являются статичными. «Оживить» их, т.е. в
подходящий момент придать динамики можно за счет движения лучей, ритмичной
смены цвета, увеличения скорости вращения гобо, изменениями ширины луча в такт,
строб-эффектами и т.п. Чтобы иметь под рукой такие полезные динамические
«добавки», нам необходимо заранее создать их в виде программ.
Зарезервируем два мастера для постановочных цирковых выступлений, для
динамических программ осталось как минимум 8 мастеров.
На примере записи CueList движения лучей приборов SPOT, Вы легко поймете
принцип построения динамических программ-«добавок».
Чтобы увидеть приборы на сцене, воспроизведем с помощью мастеров 1 или 2
одну из базовых световых картин. Далее выполним следующие действия:
Выделяем свободный мастер клавишей Choose;
Составляем c помощью палитр или колес изменений первый шаг (Cue)
используя только каналы Pan и Tilt;
Для записи шага нажимаем Record, затем Enter;
Аналогично записываем остальные 3 – 4 шага.
Пульт создаст Cuelist, состоящий из записанного количества Cue, на выбранном
мастере. Нажмите Clear. До настоящего момента мы рассматривали пошаговое ручное
воспроизведение Cuelist-ов. Для движений луча удобнее было бы иметь
автоматические переходы от одного Cue к другому. Установить такой режим
воспроизведения для Cuelist-а можно одним касанием клавиши в меню опций. Откроем
окно опций Cuelist-а (Pig+Choose). Откроется окно настроек мастера воспроизведения
Playback Options (см. рисунок). (Клавишу PLAY в описаниях иногда называют GO.)
Значение некоторых клавиш в окне Playback Options:
Is A Chase – при включенной опции Мастер автоматически меняет Cue с
частотой по умолчанию 120 ударов в минуту (120 bpm), в противном случае (то есть
если опция отключена) смена Cue управляется вручную;
Release Time – время, за которое мастер снимается с воспроизведения, по
умолчанию 2 секунды.
Если включить опцию Is A Chase, появятся некоторые дополнительные поля,
главное из которых для нас сейчас Chase Rate (частота смены Cue). Теперь мастер
будет воспроизводить Cue в автоматическом режиме с частотой 120 шагов в минуту.
Нажмите Play, к базовой сцене добавились движения лучей. Чтобы изменить частоту
смены шагов, удерживайте клавишу Choose и установите новое значение левым
колесом изменений. Новое значение частоты смены шагов «приклеится» к мастеру до
следующего изменения. Таким образом, мы можем оперативно менять
скорость созданной программы, применяя ее как для медленных, так и для
быстрых динамических композиций.
В режиме Is A Chase изменяется вид панели, отображающей содержимое
Cuelist-а (см. рисунок). Появляется надпись Chase и частота смены Cue в
единицах bpm (шагов в минуту).
Программа движения лучей создана. Используя аналогичный алгоритм,
создаются остальные программы-«добавки» для ритмической смены цвета, ириса,
вращения гобо и др. Чтобы дополнить базовую световую картину динамикой
достаточно нажать клавишу Play/Go на соответствующем мастере.
Научитесь останавливать или снимать динамические
программы с воспроизведения. Это можно сделать несколькими
способами, которые мы опишем ниже. Выберите для себя
наиболее удобную стратегию.
Запись динамичных программ, запись движений, стробоскопов
Снять c воспроизведения / остановить дополнительные программы можно несколькими
Снова запустить базовую сцену, при этом все дополнительные программы
снимутся с воспроизведения за время FADE базовой сцены;
Для программ типа chase, нажать на клавишу Pause, при этом смена Cue
мгновенно остановится, не дожидаясь завершения перехода. Для продолжения
воспроизведения программы, нужно снова нажать Play/Go;
Прямая команда для прекращения воспроизведения любого мастера подается
клавишей Release. Если мастер выделен клавишей Choose, команда Release
подействует именно на него. Снять с воспроизведения другой мастер можно
комбинацией Choose+Release. Время, за которое программа снимается с
воспроизведения, устанавливается в окне опций мастера в поле Release Time
(см. рисунок выше);
Чтобы снять с воспроизведения все мастера, нажмите Pig+Release;
Для программ, которые добавляются на короткое время (стробоскопы, быстрая
смена цвета) удобно использовать следующую настройку: откройте окно
опций мастера (Pig+Choose) и выберите вкладку Master (см. рисунок). Для
клавиши Flash внизу окна добавьте опции +Go on flash, +Release on off. Теперь
при нажатии клавиши Flash, программа начинает работать за время входа Fade,
установленное в окне мастера (для открытия окна мастера нажмите Open+Choose),
когда отпускаете, программа снимается с воспроизведения за время Release Time,
установленное в окне опций мастера (для открытия окна опций мастера нажмите
Pig+Choose). Для стробоскопов оба значения времени лучше установить в 0s;
Снять с воспроизведения любую программу можно через макро команды.
Такой способ будет удобен для постановочных световых программ
выступлений цирка (подробнее о макро командах в следующей публикации).
Мы рассмотрели один из вариантов конфигурирования пульта HOG 4 для
смешанной шоу программы. В результате полученных навыков можно получить
следующее расположение программ на мастерах (см. рисунок). Первые два мастера
создают базовые световые картины, остальные дополняют эти картины динамическими
Конфигурация мастеров воспроизведения
Из данной публикации можно сделать следующие выводы:
1. В пультах HOG-4 процессы программирования и воспроизведения не
разделяются на отдельные режимы работы пульта. Все можно делать
2. В рассматриваемых пультах световая картина называется Cue, несколько
последовательных Cue образуют CueList. Такая простая организация ведет к
повышению оперативности и гибкости программирования. В любой момент
Cuelist может стать театральным стеком или автоматическим Chase-ом;
3. Пульт позволяет воспроизводить любое количество программ одновременно.
На выходе параметры приборов получат значения из последних вызванных
4. В пульте заложена реализация нескольких вариантов воспроизведения одних и
тех же программ, благодаря чему Вы можете использовать свой привычный
стиль работы (театральный, «живой», rock’n’roll, диско).
Маленькие «хитрости»
10. Если в момент работы Вам необходимо отработать один из приборов как
пушкой, выберите прибор и нажмите клавишу Highlight. Прибор сменит цвет на
белый, луч станет открытым, перемещайте прибор с помощью колес каналами
Pan и Tilt. Как только Вы нажмете Highlight еще раз, затем Clear, прибор
вернется к выполнению своих прежних «обязанностей».
11. Если в окне опций мастера включить функцию Use HTP, фейдер всегда будет
открывать записанное значение интенсивности, независимо от того
воспроизводится программа или нет. В рассмотренном примере, на первом
мастере можно в базовые картины вписать только интенсивность для приборов
SPOT, на втором мастере только интенсивность для приборов WASH.
Световые картины будут формироваться для двух типов приборов, а
управлять интенсивностью для SPOT и WASH можно раздельно!
12. Чтобы быстро переходить от одного Cue к другому без учета
времени перехода Fade, используйте клавиши »| и |«.
13. Если вы записали несколько Cue для стробоскопов, перед воспроизведением
выберите необходимый Cue клавишей Pause (шаг назад). В таком случае
вы не будете воспроизводить Cuelist раньше времени, и сможете
спокойно подготовить для запуска клавишей FLASH конкретный вид
Руководство пультов Hog 4 продолжение
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Каталоги в pdf:
Буклет по семейству HOG4
Описание архитектуры системы (на английском):
Hog 4
Full Boar 4
Road Hog 4
DMX Processor 8000
Условные обозначения для работы в CAD системах всей линейки продуктов High End Systems:
2D и 3D CAD символы в формате DWG
2D и 3D CAD символы в формате DXF
Условные обозначения для CAD системы VectorWorks:
VectorWorks 2012 format
VectorWorks 2011 format
VectorWorks 2010 format
VectorWorks 2009 format
VectorWorks 2008 format
VectorWorks v12 format
Условные обозначения линейки пультов
Консоль/прибор |
HOG 4 |
Скачать204 Kb |
Скачать4.3 Mb |
Скачать25.1 Mb |
Full Boar 4 |
Скачать138 Kb |
Скачать2,52 Mb |
Скачать12,9 Mb |
Road HOG 4 |
Скачать157 Kb |
Скачать2,7 Mb |
Скачать13,5 Mb |
Nano HOG 4 |
Скачать204 Kb |
Скачать4,3 Mb |
Скачать25,1 Mb |
Playback Wing |
Скачать118 Kb |
DP 8000 |
Скачать28 Kb |
Скачать260 Kb |
Скачать1,39 Mb |
HOG 4 PC | |
Программное обеспечение Hog 4 PC для операционных систем Windows XP 32-bit (SP3 и выше), Windows Vista 32 или 64-bit (SP2 и выше), Windows 7 32 или 64-bit (SP1 и выше), Windows 8. | Скачать |
Удаленное управление | |
Программное обеспечение Touch OSC для удаленного управления консолями | Скачать |
Шаблоны для управления консолями по протоколу Open Sound Control | Скачать |
Восстановление системы и образы для восстановления | |
ISO-образ диска для полного восстановления консолей Hog 4, Full Boar 4 или Road Hog 4 | Скачать |
Обновление программного обеспечения для консолей Hog 4, Full Boar 4 и Road Hog 4 | Скачать |
Образ флеш-диска для восстановления процессоров DP 8000 | Скачать |
Библиотеки приборов и универсальный драйвер для визуализаторов | |
Полная унифицированная библиотека приборов для консолей Hog 4, Full Boar 4, Road Hog 4, Nano Hog 4 | Скачать |
Драйвер соединения с системами визуализации для операционной системы Windows | Скачать |
Полное руководство пользователя Hog 4 OS на английском языке | Скачать |
Table of Contents
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High End Systems Hog 4
User Manual
Version 3.17.0
Part Number: 6102M1200-3.17.0 Rev: A
Released: 2021-11
Related Manuals for ETC Hog 4 Series
Summary of Contents for ETC Hog 4 Series
Page 1
High End Systems Hog 4 User Manual Version 3.17.0 Part Number: 6102M1200-3.17.0 Rev: A Released: 2021-11… -
Page 2
To view a list of ETC trademarks and patents, go to etcconnect.com/ip. All other trademarks, both marked and not marked, are the property of their respective owners. ETC intends this document, whether printed or electronic, to be provided in its entirety. -
Page 3
Hog 4 Lighting Control System User Manual Version 3.17.0 — EN… -
Page 4: Table Of Contents
Table of Contents 1. Getting Started 1.1 About this Manual 1.2 Manual Symbols 2. Hog OS Fundamentals 2.1 The Command Line 2.2 The Graphical User Interface 2.3 Abstraction 2.4 Tracking 2.5 HTP and LTP 2.6 Colour Matching 2.7 Palettes and Directories 2.8 Spreadsheets 2.9 Editors 2.10 Modifier Keys…
Page 5
3.6 Virtual Playback Wings 3.7 High End Systems USB DMX Widgets 3.8 ETC Gadget II 3.9 Hog 4 PC with ETCnomad Key 4. Shows 4.1 Launch a New Show 4.2 Launch an Existing Show 4.3 Connect to a Network Show 4.4 Change Currently Loaded Show… -
Page 6
5.5 Fixture Aggregation 5.6 Patching Fixtures 5.7 Replicating Fixtures 5.8 Changing the Fixture Type 5.9 Removing a Fixture from the Show 5.10 Creating Palettes and Groups Automatically 5.11 Configuring Fixtures 5.12 Auto Patch 6. Selecting and Modifying Fixture Parameters 6.1 Selecting Fixtures 6.2 Selection Order 6.3 Modifying Parameters 6.4 Fanning… -
Page 7: Hog
8. Palettes 8.1 Recording a Palette 8.2 Using Palettes in Programming 8.3 Editing Palette Contents 8.4 Deleting Palettes 8.5 Copying and Moving Palettes 8.6 Palette Recording Options 8.7 Insert, Merge and Replace 9. Directory Windows 9.1 Types of Directories 9.2 Palette Directory Masking (IPCBE) 9.3 Colour Coding 9.4 Directory Options 10.
Page 8
11.3 Deleting Cues 11.4 Copying and Moving Cues 11.5 Renumbering Cues 11.6 Editing Cue Contents 11.7 Working with Tracking 11.8 Mark Cues (Move in Black) 11.9 Understanding Cuelists 11.10 Naming Cuelists 11.11 Deleting Cuelists 11.12 Copying and Moving Cuelists 12. Scenes 12.1 Recording Scenes 12.2 Deleting Scenes 12.3 Copying and Moving Scenes… -
Page 9
14. Effects 14.1 Table Effects 14.2 Effect Palettes 15. Kinds and Wheelsets 15.1 Kinds 15.2 Wheelsets 16. Advanced Programming 16.1 Selecting from What is Onstage 16.2 Bringing Parameter Values into the Programmer 16.3 Highlight and Lowlight 16.4 Auto Update 16.5 Editing Discreetly 16.6 Parking 17. -
Page 10
17.11 Group Masters 17.12 Batches 18. Pages 18.1 How Pages are Used 18.2 Creating a New Page 18.3 Changing Pages 18.4 Modifying Pages 18.5 Copying and Moving Pages 18.6 Deleting Pages 18.7 Template Page 19. Command Keys 19.1 Command Key Overview 19.2 Creating Command Keys 19.3 Copying, Moving and Deleting Command Keys 19.4 Changing the Action of a Command Key… -
Page 11
21.2 MIDI Note and CC Input 21.3 MIDI Note and CC Output 21.4 MIDI Timecode 22. Open Sound Control 22.1 Introduction to OSC 22.2 Configuring OSC Input 22.3 Configuring OSC Output 22.4 OSC Mappings 22.5 OSC Over WiFi 23. Linear Time Code 23.1 LTC Input into Console 23.2 LTC Input into a DMX Processor 8000 23.3 Viewing Incoming LTC… -
Page 12
25.4 Reverting DMX Channels to HogNet Control 25.5 DMX Test 26. Reporting 26.1 Creating, Running, and Managing Report Queries 26.2 Organizing and Saving Report Results 26.3 Using Report Results to Edit Programming 27. Fixture Library 27.1 Introduction 27.2 Download and Install Fixture Libraries 27.3 Request Fixture Types from High End Systems 27.4 Build Fixture Types using Fixture Builder 27.5 Fixture Builder Practice Tutorial… -
Page 13
29.3 Create a USB Flash Drive for Full Install of Hog 4 OS v3.9.0 and Higher 29.4 Create a USB Flash Drive for Full Install of Hog 4 OS v3.8.0 and Lower 29.5 DMX Processor Software Update 29.6 DMX Processor Software Full Install 29.7 Upgrading HedgeHog 4 Consoles (2015 and later) 29.8 Upgrading Hog 2 USB DMX Widgets 30. -
Page 14
32.7 ETCnomad Key Not Recognized by Hog 4 PC 32.8 The Front Panel Reboots Unexpectedly 32.9 How to Report Problems to Support 32.10 Technical Services Contact Information 33. Service 33.1 Replacing the Screens 33.2 Replacing the Faders 33.3 Cleaning the Faders 33.4 How to Add Rear Rack Ears to HPU 33.5 Replacing the Trackball 34. -
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35.7 HedgeHog 4 35.8 HedgeHog 4N 35.9 HedgeHog 4N, 4S, 4X (Jan 2015 and later) 35.10 HedgeHog 4X (2020 Model) 35.11 Nano Hog 4 35.12 DMX Processor 8000 35.13 Playback Wing 4 35.14 Master Wing 4 35.15 Hog 4 PC 36. -
Page 16: Getting Started
1. Getting Started 1.1 About this Manual 1.2 Manual Symbols 1. Getting Started…
Page 17: About This Manual
1.1 About this Manual This manual describes the Hog 4 OS as it pertains to the Hog 4 range of consoles (Hog 4-18, Hog 4, Full Boar 4, HPU, Road Hog 4, Road Hog 4-21, HedgeHog 4, Nano Hog 4, Rack Hog 4, and Hog 4 PC).
Page 18: Hog Os Fundamentals
2. Hog OS Fundamentals 2.1 The Command Line 2.2 The Graphical User Interface 2.3 Abstraction 2.4 Tracking 2.5 HTP and LTP 2.6 Colour Matching 2.7 Palettes and Directories 2.8 Spreadsheets 2.9 Editors 2.10 Modifier Keys 2.11 Undo and Redo 2.12 The File Browser 2.
Page 19: The Command Line
2.1 The Command Line The majority of user input into Hog 4 OS is handled through the command line. Keystrokes and button presses accumulate on the C o mma n d L in e To o lb a r where users build executable commands such as recording a cue.
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Source Mask Command Options Destination Comments Records a position palette to location 1 in the position palette directory. R e c o r d Po s itio n No source is given, so the content of the current editor is assumed. The Replace option (on the Record Options Toolbar) ensures that the R e c o r d… -
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2.1.2 The Status Bar To the right of the command line is the Sta tu s Ba r which provides basic information about the status of the console as well as connected network items. The table below describes many of the different items shown on the Sta tu s Ba r Hog 4 Operations Manual… -
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Description Examples — No tasks running — Tasks are running System Task Status — Task failure Click on the task status icon to open the task status window and dismiss failure icon. — Keystroke macros idle Keystroke Macro Status — Keystroke macro playing — Keystroke macro recording CMD (command key mode) Function Key Mode… -
Page 23: The Graphical User Interface
2.2 The Graphical User Interface In addition to the conventional command line, the Hog 4 OS uses a graphical user interface similar to those found on personal computers. The advantages of the graphical user interface are far-reaching, and will become fully apparent as you get more familiar with Hog 4 OS. Key Features of the GUI are: You can work with on-screen controls and windows using the touch screen or through a •…
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Double Pressing Keys: You can also open some windows by double-pressing the • appropriate key: Po sitio n Po s itio n : opens the Position Directory window. Tip: If you prefer not to use the double-press shortcut to open windows, then assign the double-press time to zero to disable it: see Keys and Button Preferences. -
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Using the Mouse or Trackball To move a window, click and hold on the window’s top status bar whilst dragging it to its new position. To move a toolbar click and hold its left-hand edge and drag to its new position. Windows can be resized by clicking and holding on corners until the resize arrow appears. -
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Desktop Views The View Toolbar Desktop views allow you to store arrangements of windows for quick access so you do not have to re-open and re-arrange windows to perform specific tasks. For example, you could create a programming view that shows the group, palette and effects directories along with the Programmer window. -
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Naming a Desktop View To name a desktop view using the View Toolbar: 1. Press the Se t key together with the appropriate button on the View Toolbar. The Q u ickn a me window will open. 2. Enter a name, and click on To name a desktop view using the Views Directory: O p e n Vie w… -
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Desktop View Options By default, when you recall one desktop view it replaces the previous one, so that all windows not part of the new view are closed. However, you can set views so that they are additive instead: O p e n Vie w : opens the Vie w s D ir e c to r y. -
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2.2.2 Multi-Touch and Touchscreen Gestures The Hog 4 OS family of consoles have built-in touchscreens that are capable of responding to a variety of multi-touch gestures that provide convenient and intuitive methods for interacting with the user interface of the Hog application. Most external touchscreen monitors that feature multi-touch input are also supported by Hog 4 OS for multi-touch gesturing. -
Page 30: Abstraction
2.3 Abstraction A key advantage to the Hog 4 OS is that you don’t have to worry about the technicalities of how each lighting manufacturer implements the features of their lighting fixtures because the Hog 4 OS acts as a layer between you and the lighting hardware, automatically converting ‘abstract’…
Page 31: Htp And Ltp
Fixture: A Cue 1 Cue 2 Cue 3 With a non-tracking console, each value would have to be recorded into each cue as displayed above. However, with a tracking console such as the Hog 4, the only data that really needs to be recorded is much simpler as shown in the table below: Fixture: A Cue 1 Cue 2…
Page 32: Colour Matching
Many moving light consoles use HTP for intensity and LTP for all other parameters. By default, Hog 4 OS uses LTP for all parameters, but you can assign individual cuelists to use HTP for intensities (all other parameters are still LTP); see Highest Takes Precedence (HTP).
Page 33
The HSI Colour Wheel With these three pieces of information (hue, saturation and intensity), every possible colour can be represented. As most fixtures already feature a dimmer to control the intensity, it is only necessary to specify the Hue and Saturation to uniquely represent any colour. The Hue and Saturation of White Light White is defined as the colour with 0% saturation;… -
Page 34
Selecting colours using Hue and Saturation or the colour picker will produce the same • visual colour output on all calibrated fixture types. You can use fanning and effects on Hue and Saturation to produce attractive looks • quickly. When you use Hue and Saturation to pick a colour, Hog 4 OS will automatically use the •… -
Page 35: Palettes And Directories
2.7 Palettes and Directories Palettes help to simplify the programming process by allowing pre-defined lighting ‘elements’ to be created and then used as required. Once you have created a palette, such as a particular set of position settings with moving lights, you can recall those settings instantly, and record them into cues.
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Applies Display Description Palettes The palette is the Lowlight Palette. See Customizing Highlight. Cuelists The cuelist is a chase. See Using a Cuelist as a Chase. Cuelists The cuelist has timecode active. See MIDI. Cuelists The cuelist has clock triggers that are enabled. See Clock Triggers. -
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A Typical Directory in Spreadsheet View Tip: You can override the effect of the Guard button by holding down the Pig key while pressing a directory button. 2.7.1 Automatic Naming of Directory Items When you create or copy a directory item, the console automatically generates a name for the new item. -
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To customize the generated labels: 1. Click or press on the text box for the required type of directory (group, intensity, position, and so on). Labels for when the new directory item is created by recording or by copying are handled in separate text boxes. [ n e w l a b e l t e x t ] En te r : type in the label you want. -
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2.7.2 Colour Coding Directory Items Each directory window allows for unique colour coding of each button within the directory. The default colour for new directory items is standard grey. When you copy a directory item, the console will automatically copy the directory item’s custom colour as well. Note: The playback bar, view toolbar, and commands keys automatically reflect the colour- coding of the objects that they display. -
Page 40: Spreadsheets
3. Alternatively, click on C h o o s e to select a custom colour from a colour wheel or click N o n e to select the standard grey colour. Click on Au to to have palettes in the Colour directory automatically determine the button colour based upon the dominate colour value recorded in the palette.
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To edit the contents of cells in a spreadsheet: Click or press in the cell and press • the Set key, or double-click in the cell. Type in the new value, and press Enter. This works for both a single selected cell and a range. Cells that are editable have a red border when selected. -
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2.8.2 Aggregation In windows such as the Programmer, it is often useful to keep fixtures of the same type together; this is known as ‘aggregation’. The spreadsheet effectively becomes a list of fixtures in fixture type order, with headings in the list separating each fixture type. A Spreadsheet with Aggregation Turned On To use aggregation: 1. -
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Priority of Aggregated Sections You can change the position of an aggregation section in the list by altering its priority. Raising a section’s priority will make it appear nearer the top of the spreadsheet. To move an aggregate row up or down in priority, r ig h t click the section’s black header bar and then select… -
Page 44: Editors
Right-click to access c o p y / p a s te context menu • Touch and hold to access c o p y / p a s te context menu • C o p y to copy • Mo ve to paste •…
Page 45
The Editor Toolbar The Editor Toolbar has the following buttons: Button Purpose Press this to make the contents of the editor editable, rather than just to view it. Instructions given to the command line, or using the parameter wheels and I-Wheel, are directed to the editable editor. -
Page 46: Modifier Keys
After you have finished editing a cue, scene or palette, press the U p d a te key to apply changes. Until you do this, changes won’t show up if you run the cue or scene, or use the palette. The exception to this is when you are working in the Programmer, when the U p d a te key will perform the Auto Update function;…
Page 47: Undo And Redo
2.11 Undo and Redo U n d o button found on the Main Toolbar is similar to the undo command found in computer applications, allowing the user to work back through the last commands entered by the user, undoing them each time the button is pressed. In the Hog 4 OS the undo key is global, working back through operations in chronological order, and you can go back all the way to the point at which you logged on to the console (generally, this is when you started the console up).
Page 48: The File Browser
2.12 The File Browser You can browse and organize several different kinds of system files in the File Browser pane of the Show Manager window as seen below. On the left is a list of the main console folders and the console’s drives. Clicking on one of these will display its contents in the right hand list.
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2.12.1 Moving, Copying, Deleting and Renaming Files To move a file: Drag and drop files to destinations in the left hand folder list. Generally, you will find • dragging with the mouse or Trackball much easier than using the touchscreen. To copy a file: Drag and drop files while holding down the Pig key (or the Control key on an external •… -
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2.12.4 Burning files to CD To burn files onto a recordable CD: Se tu p → Sh o w s → C D Bu r n in g : see image below. 2. Select a file to be copied in the left-hand list, and click the Ad d to C D button to move it to the right-hand list. -
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Hog 4 Operations Manual… -
Page 52: Setting Up The System
3.2 DMX Processor 8000 Setup 3.3 HogNet Network 3.4 Art-Net and E1.31 (sACN) 3.5 Adding Playback Wings 3.6 Virtual Playback Wings 3.7 High End Systems USB DMX Widgets 3.8 ETC Gadget II 3.9 Hog 4 PC with ETCnomad Key 3. Setting up the System…
Page 53: Setting Up The Console
3.1 Setting Up the Console Setting up a Hog 4 series console can take just a few seconds to a few minutes depending on the complexity of the lighting rig, network, and external devices being controlled by the console. Always ensure that the console is located in a dry location and is placed on a stable surface.
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DMX Processor. If a console is shut down, restarted, or powercycled while running as a processor the console will automatically launch the processor again when it boots. Processor mode is also available on Hog 4 PC but requires an ETC Nomad key or High End Sytems widget to license output. -
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To upgrade or downgrade the software version of the processor running on a console simply upgrade or downgrade the console as described in Console Software Update. The number of universes each console is licensed to operate when running as a processor is shown the table below. -
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3.1.4 Calibrating the Touch Screens The touch screens may occasionally need to be calibrated. To recalibrate the touchscreens before launching a show, select the To u c h s c r e e n s button in the Sta r t window. -
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3.1.6 Changing the LCD Backlight Timeout The backlights that illuminate the console’s primary touch screens switch off automatically after a period of time if the console is idle. You can adjust the amount of time the backlights will wait before switching off in the Ap p e a r a n c e pane of the U se r Pr e fe r e n ce s… -
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3.1.7 External Touchscreens / Displays A wide variety of external displays and USB touchscreens are supported by Hog 4 series consoles. When an external touchscreen is required High End Systems recommends using Master Wing 4 or Playback Wing 4 for the greatest level of compatibility and integration. -
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To connect an external display and / or touchscreen to your console: 1. Power off the console. 2. Connect the external display’s video signal cable to one of the video output connections on the back of the console. A video adapter may be required (see tip below). -
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3.1.8 Keyboard Using an External Keyboard You can connect an external keyboard to the console via the console’s USB ports. Choose a keyboard model, and assign the keyboard layout according to the language of the keyboard you have connected, in the Ke y b o a r d pane of the C o n tr o l Pa n e… -
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3.1.10 Shutting Down and Restarting the Console To properly shut down or restart the console while running a show: Setup → Quit. The Quit button is located on the right hand end of the Setup Toolbar. After pressing the quit button a Shut Down dialog will appear with the following options: Shut Down: Shutting down the console exits the software completely. -
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3.1.11 Locking the Console for Access Consoles can be locked for access while a show is loaded by hitting the setup key on the console front panel and then pressing the lock button on the quit toolbar. Consoles can also be locked remotely by enabling the «lock local access»… -
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If you forget the passcode and are locked out of the console you will need to powercycle the console and relaunch the show in order to regain access to the show. Lock pin codes are stored per show and per console. Custom Lock Screen Image To specify a custom lock screen image: 1. -
Page 64: Dmx Processor 8000 Setup
3.2 DMX Processor 8000 Setup To set up a DMX Processor 8000 first plug in mains power at any voltage between 100 and 240V AC. The DMX Processor 8000’s most fundamental settings are available using the built in front panel menu system. To navigate through the front panel menu system of the DMX Processor 8000: Move the cursor through the options backwards.
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To assign a static IP address: Ma in → N e tw o r k → C o n s o le → C o n s o le L in k C o n fig : navigate to the IP Config screen. -
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You can lock and unlock remotely from a console via the processor settings window for each specific processor: Se tu p → N e tw o r k : the N e tw o r k button can be found on the Se tu p To o lb a r 2. -
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3.2.10 Checking a DMX Processor’s Status The indicator lights on the front of a DMX Processor 8000 display its status on the network. Light Blinking Not Connected Status Connected to a show Connecting to a show DMX Data DMX Data output 2Hz Keep Alive No DMX sending Art-Net configured, but not… -
Page 68: Hognet Network
3.3 HogNet Network On the back of every Hog 4 OS console is a dedicated Base-T Ethernet jack that can be used for connecting to a network of DMX Processors, computers, and other consoles. If there is more than one Ethernet jack on the back of the console, then the jack labeled HogNet should be used.
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3.3.1 Configuring Console Network Adapters At the top of the HogNet tab in the Control Panel, is a drop down menu of all the installed network adapters usable by the Hog OS. The Hog 4 console will only list one network adapter and it will be greyed out while Windows computers running Hog 4 PC might have more than one network adapter listed depending on how many network adapters are installed and enabled on the computer. -
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Configuring an IP Address for the HogNet Network Adapter In order for a network adapter to properly communicate on a network it must be configured with an IP address setting that is compatible with other devices on the network. There are three main options when configuring an IP address for a HogNet adapter: Default IP address: select this option to use an IP address of -
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Firewalls and Hog 4 PC Firewalls help to provide increased network security by controlling access to private networks and computers based on the public IP address of the client. Since the Hog 4 OS depends on multi-cast network traffic for communication to other system devices it is encouraged that users configure their network and computer firewalls and security settings to allow for HogNet network traffic. -
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Typical HogNet Network Configurations Example A: A single console and single DMX Processor. Example B: The console is a DHCP server, and all other nodes obtain an IP address from it. 3. Setting up the System… -
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Example C: A DHCP Router serves all components. Example D: All components have a custom unique static IP address. Hog 4 Operations Manual… -
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3.3.2 Port Number Since multiple shows can be run on a single network, each show server running on the network must have its own port number to keep lighting data for each show on the network separated. Nodes connecting to the show server must then have the same port number as the show server console. -
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3.3.5 Configuring the Network for Client / Server Multiple consoles as Client / Server Hog 4 Operations Manual… -
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Running the Console as a Show Server When the Run Server option located in the StartUp tab of the control panel is checked, the console is enabled as a show server. A show server console is able to do three main things that it would not otherwise be able to do as a client: 1. -
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3.3.6 Configuring the Network for Console Fail over When two or more show server consoles are connected to a network show, a feature known as fail over is automatically enabled, allowing for one of the consoles to “fail” without causing a loss of control over the show data or DMX output. -
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To enable console fail over: 1. Connect two consoles via an Ethernet switch. 2. Enable the R u n Se r v e r option in the StartUp tab of the control panel on each console. 3. Configure the primary console as Net number 1 and the secondary console as Net number 2. -
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Understanding Multi-Server Fail over Behavior Below are some specific rules and examples that describe how the Hog 4 OS works when setup in a Multi-Console / Multi-Server environment: 1. The server that initially launches a show is the active server. Other servers that join the show are backup servers. -
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Understanding Multi-Server Partitioning and Rejoining 1. All servers in a networked show constantly check for connectivity to each other. If connectivity is broken for more than a few seconds, the servers consider themselves isolated from the servers they can’t reach. This is called a partitioned network. The servers within each partition will continue to replicate changes amongst each other, so newly created data will be replicated amongst all servers in a partition. -
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3.3.7 Configuring the Network for Console Tracking Console tracking allows two or more consoles to track each other in terms of the chosen page, the chosen master, and playback state while still maintaining individual desktop/programmer experiences between the desks. A backup secondary networked show server console set to the same net number as the primary console is recommended when setting up Hog control systems for live shows. -
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The two consoles will now mirror each other in terms of chosen master, current page, and playback state. 3.3.8 More than One Show on the Network If you want to run more than one show on the same network, you need to choose a port number for each show. -
Page 83: Art-Net And E1.31 (Sacn)
5. Check the box if you want the connection to be saved with the console. If this option is not selected, then this mapping will be lost when the console is rebooted or power cycled. 6. Check the box to save the password if you wish to have the password for the drive mapping saved with the above option.
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3.4.1 Identifying the FixtureNet Port The FixtureNet port is the Ethernet port Hog 4 OS uses to send Art-Net and/or E1.31 data to fixtures, media servers, and DMX converters that are capable of receiving these protocols over Ethernet. The FixtureNet port is located on the rear panel of the console as well as on the rear panel of the DMX Processor 8000. -
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From these configurations menus you can configure the FixtureNet’s IP address (source address) in one of two ways: O btain an IP address using DHCP: select this option when running the Art-Net side • of the console on a network that contains a DHCP server such as a DHCP router. When using DHCP, the IP Ad d r e ss , N e tma sk , and… -
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3.4.4 Configuring E1.31(sACN) Output E1.31 Output is configured using the Outputs pane of the Processor settings window. Se tu p → N e tw o r k : open the Network window. 2. Select the processor and press Se ttin g s 3. -
Page 87: Adding Playback Wings
3.5 Adding Playback Wings The physical playback controls of all Hog 4 Series consoles (including Hog 4 PC) can be expanded through the use of external USB playback wings. The following playback wings are supported: PlayBack Wing 4 — 10 masters / motorized faders / play, pause, play backwards, flash, •…
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5. To show / hide a playback bar on the desktop, toggle it’s button in the Control Panel. Playback Bars can also be shown / hidden on the desktop by holding the Pig key and pressing the number on the numeric keypad that coordinates with the playback bar. For example, to show / hide Playback bar 1 press and hold the Pig key and then press the 1 key on the numeric keypad. -
Page 89: Virtual Playback Wings
3.6 Virtual Playback Wings To display a Virtual Wing Window on the console: 1. Press and hold the touchscreen to bring up the menu window press the Virtual Wing button in the menu window -OR- Hold the open key and select virtual wing from the main toolbar.
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Super Widget (4 Universes) Super Duper Widget (8 Universes) High End Systems USB DMX widgets can be mapped to any of the DMX universes being processed by the hardware platform it is connected to. The table below shows the number of DMX universes processed by each hardware device. Multiple widgets can be connected and mapped to these DMX universes. -
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Mapping a High End Systems USB DMX widget to a universe provides two benefits: 1. Physical 5-pin DMX output for the universe 2. Unlocks Art-Net & sACN output for the universe (Hog 4 PC Only) To connect and map a High End Systems Widget: 1. -
Page 92: Etc Gadget
Gadget II 4267A1004 The ETC Gadget II is a two port DMX output device that can be mapped to universes that are licensed for processing by the console or PC to which it is connected. To connect and map an ETC Gadget II for DMX output: 1.
Page 93: Hog 4 Pc With Etcnomad Key
Status Slow Blinking Red awaiting firmware from host computer Rapid Blinking Red loading firmware from host computer 3.9 Hog 4 PC with ETCnomad Key An ETCnomad Key is small USB device that unlocks the following features when attached to a computer running Hog 4 PC: Universes mapped to the local processor are licensed for output up to the key’s •…
Page 94: Shows
4. Shows 4.1 Launch a New Show 4.2 Launch an Existing Show 4.3 Connect to a Network Show 4.4 Change Currently Loaded Show 4.5 Auto Launch a Show at Startup 4.6 Managing Show Data 4.7 Startup Comment Macros 4.8 Backing Up Your Show 4.9 Optimizing Show Files 4.10 User Preferences 4.11 Merging Shows…
Page 95: Launch A New Show
4.1 Launch a New Show To launch a new show: 1. Press the L a u n c h N e w Sh o w button in the start window. 2. Use the browser window to select the directory where you wish to store the show, give it a name, and then press the finish button.
Page 96: Auto Launch A Show At Startup
4.5 Auto Launch a Show at Startup You can assign the Hog 4 OS to automatically launch an existing show file at startup: Se tu p → C o n tr o l Pa n e l → Sta r tu p 2.
Page 97: Managing Show Data
4.6 Managing Show Data All show data is stored on the internal hard disk of the console. Show files and folders are stored in the Shows folder while libraries are stored in the Libraries folder. As you edit your show file all of your changes are immediately saved to the console’s internal hard disk.
Page 98: Startup Comment Macros
4.7 Startup Comment Macros You can assign comment macros to be executed when a show file is launched. Comment macros can be used to automate a variety of tasks such as recalling views or changing pages. Startup comment macros are assigned in the Misc pane of the U se r Pr e fe r e n ce s window: Se tu p…
Page 99: Optimizing Show Files
3. The console will now scan the look data in the show (cues, palettes, scenes, etc.) and re-write the data in the show file using the most current and optimized methods utilized in the Hog 4 OS.
Page 100: User Preferences
4.10 User Preferences Settings within the User Preferences window are stored per user as part of the show file. If a show has more than one user the console will prompt the operator to select a user when the show is launched. (see Users) 4.10.1 Desklight, Worklight, and Vent Light Preferences You can individually adjust the brightness of the console’s desklights, worklight, and front panel key LEDs by holding down the…
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Trackball Keys You can configure the function of the four keys surrounding the Trackball according to the current mode (pointer or position). For example, in pointer mode you can have Right Click, Left Click, Flip and Ball Mode mapped while in position mode you could have Flip, Next, Ortho Toggle and Ball Mode mapped. -
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Next: sub-selects the next fixture in the current selection. See Selections. • Back: sub-selects the previous fixture in the current selection. See Selections. • Select All: selects all the fixtures currently in the Programmer. See Select All. • Flip: changes the pan and tilt of a moving head fixture to point at the same position on •… -
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When a fixture selection is made functions assigned to the center wheel will be displayed on the toolbar located at the bottom of the front panel’s center display. Functions that you’ve assigned to the center wheel will only be displayed if they are valid for your current fixture selection. -
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4.10.5 Encoder Wheel Button Options You can adjust the action that occurs when pressing the grey encoder wheel button (located to bottom left of each encoder wheel) in the Programming pane of the User Preferences window: Setting Function Fine Mode makes encoder wheel adjustments more refined (same as holding pig key) (default) when encoder wheel button is held down… -
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4.10.7 Importing and Exporting Show Preferences You can export the user preference settings as a separate file so that you can later import them into any show that you are working on. To export your user preferences: Se tu p →… -
Page 106: Merging Shows
4.11 Merging Shows Show merging allows you to take the programming from one show and merge it into another show. To merge show files you must first load the show you want to merge data into. This is known as the current show. The show you then select to merge data in from is called the source show.
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4.11.1 Merging Fixture Types Once you have selected a source show, Hog 4 OS compares the fixture types contained within each show file and creates a list of fixture types which have changed. The Type Merge page of the Merge Show window An expanding tree shows the fixture types that do not match exactly and will explain what their differences are: Newer: the fixture type in the source show is a newer revision. -
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4.11.2 Merging Fixtures After choosing to merge fixture types, you can merge the fixtures used in the two shows. If you choose not to merge fixtures, you will not be able to merge any programming other than macros, views, and reports. The Fixture Merge page of the Merge Show window There are two options for merging fixtures: Append: appending fixtures will add a copy of all of the fixtures from the source show… -
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4.11.3 Merging Programming After merging fixtures, you can merge the programming (user kinds, groups, palettes, plots, cuelists, scenes, pages, macros, views, and reports) from the source show. As shown below. The Group Merge page of the Merge Show window When merging programming the following merge methods are available from the drop down menu in the Me r g e field:… -
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After selecting the merge method, you can select which programming objects to merge by clicking on each item displayed in the window. Items highlighted in blue are selected for merging. Tip: You cannot replace palettes in the current show because you could replace a palette with one that doesn’t contain programming for fixture parameters that other programming expects it to have. -
Page 111: Importing And Exporting Cuelist Data
4.12 Importing and Exporting Cuelist Data This section covers which types of cuelist data can be imported/exported and the file formats supported for each. 4.12.1 Exporting Cuelist Data to an XML File To export all fundamental cuelist data from a show file into an XML document: L ist →…
Page 112
Creating XML Files for Hog Cuelist Import The following cuelist data is supported for XML import into Hog 4 OS show files and should be formatted as demonstrated below: Core Data: XML identification header, show name, software version XML was created with Sample XML : <?XML version=»1.0″… -
Page 113
How Hog 4 OS interprets Reaper Data Regions are imported as cuelists and markers are imported as cues. Therefore, • markers contained within a region’s timespan are interpreted as cues within a cuelist. If no regions are found in the csv file exported from Reaper then all markers will be •… -
Page 114: Importing And Exporting Fixture And Patch Data
How Hog 4 OS interprets Inqscribe Data Each Inqscribe XML document is imported as a single cuelist which is appended to the end of the list directory as a new cuelist. It is not possible to alter existing cuelist data using the cuelist import feature with Inqscribe exported XML files.
Page 115: Users
4. Once the export is complete a dialogue box will appear confirming export is complete. Press o ka y 4.13.2 Importing Fixture and Patch Data from an XML File Importing fixture and patch data into a show file adds new fixtures to the show specified in the XML document that do not already exist in the show file and also overwrites any existing data for fixtures that match the fixture type and user number data specified in the XML document.
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Se tu p → Sh o w s : opens the show manager window. 2. Select the U s e r s tab. 3. Select any user in the window so that it is highlighted in blue. 4. P ress the r e mo v e button and confirm. -
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4.14.2 Chat T o start a global show-wide chat with other users logged onto the same show via the HogNet network: 1. Click on the chat icon on the main toolbar. The chat icon is a white speech bubble with blue text. -
Page 118: Tips For Working With Large Shows
4.15 Tips for Working With Large Shows Shows that operate hundreds of moving lights and / or thousands of LED fixtures inherently demand more resources. Listed below are a few tips on how to craft large shows in Hog 4 OS so that the workload is manageable by both the console and processors running the show.
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Hog 4 Operations Manual… -
Page 120: Adding, Patching And Managing Fixtures
5. Adding, Patching and Managing Fixtures 5.1 Adding Fixtures 5.2 Assigning User Numbers to Fixtures 5.3 Assigning Dotted User Numbers to Fixtures 5.4 Compound Fixtures 5.5 Fixture Aggregation 5.6 Patching Fixtures 5.7 Replicating Fixtures 5.8 Changing the Fixture Type 5.9 Removing a Fixture from the Show 5.10 Creating Palettes and Groups Automatically 5.11 Configuring Fixtures 5.12 Auto Patch…
Page 121: Adding Fixtures
5.1 Adding Fixtures To add a fixture to a show: O p e n Fixtu r e : opens the Fixture window. 2. Press the Ad d Fix tu r e s button in the top left hand corner of the Fixture window. The Fixtu r e Sch e d u le window will open with a list of fixture personalities in the current show file as well as fixtures that are part of the currently chosen Fixture Library.
Page 122: Assigning User Numbers To Fixtures
5.2 Assigning User Numbers to Fixtures The User Number is the number used to select a particular fixture when programming. By default, Hog 4 OS gives each fixture type its own range of user numbers. However, if you manually re-assign more than one fixture to the same user number, the console will display an asterisk next to the fixture’s user number in the Fixture window to indicate that user number is not unique in the show file: To change the User Number:…
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to reduce the amount of whole numbers used in a show, gives the user the ability to aggregate fixtures, and take advantage of the advanced fixture selection mechanisms explained in Selecting Fixtures. To change a fixture’s user number to a dotted user number: O p e n Fixtu r e 2. -
Page 124: Compound Fixtures
To change the user numbers of several fixtures to dotted user numbers at once: O p e n Fixtu r e 2. Select a range of User Number cells by clicking / pressing and dragging. [ w h o l e n u m b e r ] / [ p a r t s p e r w h o l e n u m b e r ] En te r .
Page 125: Fixture Aggregation
5.5 Fixture Aggregation Sometimes a cluster of fixtures, although separate and independent from one another, frequently need to be selected and programmed together while still maintaining the ability to be selected, programmed, and patched individually. Hog 4 OS solves this problem with a feature called fixture aggregation.
Page 126: Patching Fixtures
5.6 Patching Fixtures Once fixtures have been added to a show they must be patched so that the console knows where to send control data for the fixtures (the address) and what type of data to send to the fixtures (the protocol). Many fixtures, such as moving lights, are assigned a DMX address and utilize the DMX-512 protocol for remote control of their various parameters whereas other devices such as video switchers are assigned an IP address and utilize IP protocols for remote control of their device parameters.
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The fixture patch window You can also use the keypad to patch fixtures. For example, to patch Studio Color 1 to Universe 4, address 17: Fixtu r e 4 / 1 7 En te r • To patch further fixtures to the same universe you can use the shorthand: Fixtu r e En te r •… -
Page 128
Patching Several Fixtures at Once If you select several fixtures and patch them, Hog 4 OS will allocate them to a continuous range of DMX addresses, assigning each fixture’s patch address so that it follows on from the last. For example, to patch 5 Studio Colors, starting at DMX address 1: O p e n Fixtu r e : open the Fixture window… -
Page 129
Patching Fixtures with DMX Gaps To specify a DMX channel gap when patching press the @ key a second time when the “fixture patch” window is open. This will put the word “Gap” on the command line. Input a numerical value after the word Gap and press enter. Example: [1<3 @ 1 Gap 5] will result in the following patch if the fixtures being patched are 3 channels each:… -
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Finding Unused DMX Addresses To see an overview of all patched fixtures in the Fixture window enable Universe View button at the top of the fixture window. The Universe view. Universe View shows a spreadsheet with start address, fixture type and user number for each universe. -
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Assigning Universes to Processors Universes must be mapped to processors in order to achieve DMX, Art-Net, or SACN output. To map universes to a processor: 1. Open the network window. 2. Select a processor from the list of processors and press the Se ttin g s button at the top of the network window. -
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Fixtures with Multiple DMX Patch Points Some fixture types consist of several separate elements that work together, each with their own DMX address. An example is a par-can with a scroller, which operationally you want to treat as a single fixture (‘a light that can change brightness and colour’) but that physically consists of a dimmer-controlled lamp and a colour scroller that have separate and often non- sequential patch points. -
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For example, to achieve a multiple patch point setup. Se tu p → Pa tc h : Open the Fixture window. Fixtu r e [Scr o lle r D imme r ] : Opens the Fixture Patch window. 3. Select the Fix tu r e Patch Point (for the scroller) from the drop down list in the top right corner of the Fixture Patch window:… -
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Cloning Universes Cloning a Universe will copies all of the fixture patch points and associated with the selected universe to another universe. To clone the patching of one universe to another: Se tu p → Pa tc h → U n iv e r s e Vie w : open the Fixture window in Universe View. -
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Unpatching by DMX Address To unpatch a specific DMX start address change the Fixture window to Universe View. Se tu p → Pa tc h : open the Fixture window. U n ive r se Vie w : change the Fixture window to Universe View. When Universe View is selected, the U n p a tc h @ button is available on the top toolbar of the… -
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To patch and configure a video protocol fixture: Se tu p → Pa tc h : this opens the Fixture window. 2. Press the Pa tc h Me d ia button located at the top of the fixture window. 3. Select the dedicated tab for the video switcher type to be patched. If a dedicated tab for the video switcher is not shown in the media patch window, then the video switcher fixture has not yet been scheduled in the show. -
Page 137: Replicating Fixtures
5.7 Replicating Fixtures You can expand your show to accommodate a larger rig using the Replicate Fixture function. This will create copies of fixtures, including all their programming. To replicate fixtures: Se tu p → Pa tc h : open the Fixture window. 2.
Page 138: Changing The Fixture Type
5.8 Changing the Fixture Type It is sometimes useful to change the type of a fixture, for example because of production changes where one fixture of one type is replaced by another of a different type, or because the rig has been changed, perhaps by adding a scroller to a desk channel fixture such as a Par.
Page 139: Creating Palettes And Groups Automatically
5.10 Creating Palettes and Groups Automatically Hog 4 OS can create groups and palettes automatically, based on the fixtures in your show. This rapidly gives you a set of ‘building blocks’ to start programming with. To use the Au to Pa le tte s function: Se tu p…
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Note Notes can be used to create a note(s) for a fixture, such as its location or intended use. Notes can also be used when auto-generating palettes to quickly create groups based on notes. To add a note to a fixture: O p e n Fixtu r e 2. -
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Swap Axes Depending on a fixture’s orientation in the rig, you may want to swap its pan and tilt axes. For example, if units are rigged facing across the stage rather than facing up or down stage, then swapping the axes keeps the Trackball movement and the fixture movement the same. This also ensures that fixtures selected in groups all move in the same direction as the Trackball is moved. -
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Colour Calibration When the «show details» button is enabled at the top of the fixture window a column labeled Col Cal will appear and shows whether the fixture has colour calibration data in the fixture library. You cannot edit this column, but it is useful to be able to check if the fixture is colour calibrated when working with the Colour Picker;… -
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5.11.2 Parameter Configuration You can configure settings that are specific to individual parameters in the Edit Fixtures window, as shown in the image below. Se tu p → Pa tc h → Ed it Fix tu r e s • You can select a fixture type from the list on the left hand side of the window. -
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Edit Fixtures window sorted by Function Assigning Minimums and Maximums for Parameters When fixtures are placed close to obstacles, such as trussing or set pieces, it may be important to limit movement to prevent accidental damage, especially when the fixture is out of view of the operator. -
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Assign a Parameter Offset This setting allows you to offset the range of values over which a parameter varies. For instance if one fixture is hung at an angle to the bar, so that it has a different pan centre-point from all the others on that bar, then you could assign an offset so that the fixture appeared to line up from a programming and operating point of view. -
Page 146: Auto Patch
5.12 Auto Patch Auto-patch is an easy way to quickly detect and patch fixtures that are connected and properly configured on the console’s FixtureNet port. The following fixtures are currently supported by Hog 4 OS for auto-patch: Arkaos MediaMaster (Software v5.0.3, 5.2.2, 5.3.1) •…
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Page 148: Selecting And Modifying Fixture Parameters
6. Selecting and Modifying Fixture Parameters 6.1 Selecting Fixtures 6.2 Selection Order 6.3 Modifying Parameters 6.4 Fanning 6.5 Removing Values 6.6 Separating Parameters 6. Selecting and Modifying Fixture Parameters…
Page 149: Selecting Fixtures
6.1 Selecting Fixtures There are three ways to select fixtures: using the command line with the numeric keypad, visually selecting and clicking on the fixture’s number in the programmer, or by selecting groups from the groups directory. 6.1.1 Selecting Single Fixtures To select a single fixture visually in the programmer or other open editor, click on the fixture’s number in the N u m…
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6.1.2 Selecting Multiple Fixtures You can select more than one fixture using the +, – and Thru keys. For example: 1 +5 , En te r : selects fixtures 1 and 5. • Th r u En te r : selects fixtures 1 to 5. •… -
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All Part Selections Hog 4 Operations Manual… -
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Whole Portion Only Selections 6. Selecting and Modifying Fixture Parameters… -
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Part Portion Selections Hog 4 Operations Manual… -
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Part Portion Selections with .0 Tip: Open ended fixture selections stop when a break (gap) in the whole portion of the user numbers is detected. In addition, open ended selections made within a range of part number portions will stop if a break (gap) is discovered in the part number portion of the selection. 6. -
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6.1.4 Select All You can select all the fixtures in the Programmer by pressing the ALL key on the front panel of the console or by using the button on the Se le c t To o lb a r . -
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6.1.6 Sub Selections Sub selections can be made from within the current selection, using the N e xt Ba ck keys, and the O d d Ev e n R a n d o m buttons on the Select Toolbar: Ma in To o lb a r →… -
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Lateral selections can only be used for fixtures in the show that have dotted user numbers (1.1, 1.2, etc). Much like sub selections, lateral selections are based on the current selection. However, unlike sub-selections, lateral selections do not select fixtures within the current selection. -
Page 158: Selection Order
6.1.9 Re-selecting Fixtures You can recall the last sub selection made before deselecting fixtures by pressing Pr e vio u s on the Select Toolbar. 6.2 Selection Order The order in which you select fixtures has significance when fanning and effects are applied to them.
Page 159: Modifying Parameters
6.3 Modifying Parameters Once fixtures are selected within an editor, you can modify their parameters. Hog consoles provide several ways to adjust the different parameter types: Command Line: Use for intensity and selecting palettes. • I-Wheel: Use for intensity. • Trackball: Use for position (pan and tilt).
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6.3.1 Intensity Fixture intensities can either be assigned from the keypad or using the I- W h e e l, as well as the parameter wheels and by editing directly in the editor spreadsheet. With the @ Key To assign intensities using the key and the numeric keypad: Fixtu r e En te r… -
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Remainder Dim R e m D im button on the Ma in To o lb a r sets the intensity of any unselected fixtures in the current editor to 0%. The R e m D im button is disabled by default in new shows. To enable R e m D im button open the preferences window and turn off the «Disable Rem Dim Button»… -
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6.3.3 Continuous Parameters: Colour and Beam Colour and beam parameters can be either discrete (known as ‘slotted’) or continuous. An example of a slotted parameter is the gobo and colour wheels in a moving light, which can be assigned to values such as Gobo 1 and Colour 3. Examples of continuous parameters are the colour mixing controls on some moving lights, irises, and variable-speed strobes;… -
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Direct Value Entry For parameters appearing on the parameter wheels, you can hold t, then press the associated button on the Wheels Toolbar to open a direct value entry dialog. The Wheels Toolbar Direct Entry Dialog Enter a value for the parameter in the direct value entry box and select any available modes. Press En te r to complete the direct value entry. -
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6.3.4 Slotted Parameters: Colour and Beam To control slotted colour and beam parameters such as gobo and colour wheels: 1. Press the appropriate parameter type key : C o lo u r Be a m. The Slo t To o lb a r shows the available parameters. -
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6.3.5 Working with Colour Fixtures that have continuously variable Colour mixing create Colour in different ways. The two main systems are: CMY: this system is used by most moving lights that have continuous Colour mixing; • the Colour is controlled by three parameters: Cyan (C), Magenta (M) and Yellow (Y). Fixtures that use the CMY system start by producing white light, and then filter out the unwanted Colours to leave the desired Colour;… -
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The Colour Wheel When you program with the HS parameters, Hog 4 OS stores all values as HS, and converts them to CMY or RGB as required when sending DMX data to the fixtures. As part of this process, the console is able to match the Colours of different fixture types; see Using Colour Matching. -
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Using Colour Matching One of the advantages of the Hog 4 OS’s HS Colour system is its ability to match Colours across different fixture types. Assigning the Hue and Saturation parameters of two different types of fixtures will set them to the same visual Colour (within the limitations of the fixtures), but it might send different DMX values to each. -
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The Colour Picker will change its display according to the fixture selection: With no fixtures selected, you just see the Colour wheel with saturated Colours around • the outside, and paler Colours towards the centre. When a calibrated fixture is selected, a dashed line will be superimposed on the Colour •… -
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The Gel Picker You can use the G e l Pic k e r to select Colours matched to traditional gels. Clicking on a button in the Gel Picker sets the Hue and Saturation parameters of the selected fixtures to values that match the selected Colour as closely as possible. -
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6.3.7 Touching Parameters When you start to record your programming as cues you will find that only the parameters that you have assigned values to are stored; these are known as ‘Hard Values’. This is important because in cuelists values track through until they are changed, and this allows different playbacks to interact to create a single onstage look. -
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Using Pig + Touch You can bring parameter values into an editor without touching them using To u ch . the parameters haven’t been touched, they won’t be recorded as part of the contents of the editor. This can be useful if you want to have the parameter values in the editor in order to copy them to other fixtures. -
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6.3.8 Copying Parameter Settings You can copy the parameter values of one fixture to another. Important: If you copy parameter settings between fixtures of different types, only those parameters that the fixtures have in common will be copied. Using the Command Line To copy from the current selection: C o p y En te r… -
Page 173: Fanning
Copy Options By default, when you copy parameter values from one fixture to another, the console will copy exactly the data from one fixture to another, including any palette references. You can optionally have the hard values from within the referenced palette copied to the destination instead of the palette references: Fixtu r e : select the fixture you want to copy.
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6.4.1 Using the Fan Key To fan a parameter: 1 Th r u En te r : select the fixtures and assign the intensities to 30%: 2. Press and hold the Fa n key, whilst slowly moving the I- W h e e l. -
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6.4.2 In the Programmer Window To fan a parameter: 1. Select a range of cells, for example the intensity cells of Studio Colors 1 to 5. Se t Th r u En te r : The fixtures at either end of the range take the values 10% and 50%, with those in between evenly spread across the intervening range. -
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Fan To Center: the middle fixture remains unchanged, while the first and last fixtures’ values change the most, in the same direction. For example: Before fanning: 30 After fanning: You can set the fanning mode from the Fanning Toolbar as shown below. Press and hold the Fa n key to display the Fanning Toolbar… -
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6.4.6 Fanning with Segments and Buddying Segmenting and buddying allows you to control the way that parameters are fanned to make complex patterns. The Se g me n ts … button on the main toolbar reflects the current segment / buddying settings of the console. To change segment and buddying settings press the Se g me n ts… -
Page 178
Buddy Parts: When buddy parts is enabled the individual parts of compound fixtures • and aggregated fixtures are treated as one fixture when fanning values. For example, when fanning intensity across a group of a compound fixtures such as LED bars composed of multiple cells, the standard fanning behavior results in a fanning between each cell. -
Page 179: Removing Values
6.5 Removing Values As well as assigning values for parameters, you will sometimes want to remove parameter values from editors. For example: You no longer want to use a particular fixture in a cue, scene or palette. • You decide to have the colour of several fixtures controlled by a different cuelist on •…
Page 180: Separating Parameters
6.6 Separating Parameters When recording a cue, scene or palette, Hog 4 OS only records parameters that have been changed or touched since the last cue was recorded. See Tracking Working with Tracking. However, some parameter types are treated as a single fixture ‘attribute’, so for example when you touch one of the three colour parameters of a colour mixing fixture (cyan, magenta or yellow), the other two are automatically touched at either their current value from playback, or at their default values.
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Page 182: Groups
7. Groups 7.1 Auto-Generating Groups 7.2 Recording Groups 7.3 Naming Groups 7.4 Using Groups in Programming 7.5 Editing Group Contents 7.6 Deleting Groups 7.7 Copying and Moving Groups 7.8 Insert, Merge and Replace 7. Groups…
Page 183: Auto-Generating Groups
7.1 Auto-Generating Groups The quickest and easiest way to create groups is via the auto-palettes button in the fixture window. Several group options exist when auto-paletting including how many different group combinations for each fixture type you want to generate (maximum group repeat) and whether you would like to generate groups based on notes written in the patch window (make group notes).
Page 184: Editing Group Contents
7.5 Editing Group Contents To edit a group’s contents, select the group within the Programmer or editor, make changes to the selection and re-record the group. Hog 4 OS will ask you to choose from Insert, Merge Replace. Select Replace to update the group with the new selection. 7.5.1 Removing Fixtures from Groups You can remove the fixtures that are currently selected in the Programmer or editor from a previously recorded group.
Page 185: Insert, Merge And Replace
To copy parameter values from the fixtures of one group to the fixtures of another group within an editor: G r o u p C o p y Fix tu r e G r o u p En te r : copies the parameter values of the fixtures •…
Page 186: Palettes
8. Palettes 8.1 Recording a Palette 8.2 Using Palettes in Programming 8.3 Editing Palette Contents 8.4 Deleting Palettes 8.5 Copying and Moving Palettes 8.6 Palette Recording Options 8.7 Insert, Merge and Replace 8. Palettes…
Page 187: Recording A Palette
8.1 Recording a Palette There are five palette directories (intensity, position, colour, beam, effects) into which users can record preset values for easy recall during show programming. The Hog 4 OS determines which function values are recorded into palettes based the kind masking specified at the time of recording.
Page 188: Using Palettes In Programming
8.2 Using Palettes in Programming In the Programmer or editor, you can apply a palette by selecting it from its directory window. The palette will be applied to the current fixture selection, as long as the palette contains parameter information for the selected fixtures. Doing so assigns the parameter value to be a reference to the palette.
Page 189: Deleting Palettes
Tip: When you open a palette for editing, you may only appear to see one fixture when you recorded several. This is due to the way palettes can be ‘global’, with a single set of parameter values that can be applied to any fixture; see Global, Per Fixture Type, and Per Fixture.
Page 190: Copying And Moving Palettes
1. Press and hold D e le te whilst selecting the palette to be deleted from directory. 2. Release the Delete key. A dialog will appear asking you to confirm the delete. 3. Click Tip: If you prefer not to be asked to confirm the delete action, select D o n ‘ t Ask Me Ag a in in the confirmation window.
Page 191: Palette Recording Options
8.6 Palette Recording Options 8.6.1 Global, Per Fixture Type, and Per Fixture When you record a palette, parameter values can be recorded as global, per fixture type, or per fixture. The three kinds work in different ways when you apply the palette to fixtures during programming: G lobal: the palette’s parameter values are applied to all selected fixtures that have that •…
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A Palette with Global Parameter Values A Palette with Per Fixture Type Values A Palette with Per Fixture Values You can override the default settings using the Record Options Toolbar; for example to record a single fixture’s parameter values as per fixture: 1. -
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8.6.2 Recording Palettes with Kind Masking The Hog 4 OS determines which function values are recorded into palettes based on the kind masking specified at the time of recording. If the kind mask is empty (no kinds are selected) then the directory’s kind mask will determine which function values are recorded into the palette. -
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5. Select a palette location in the directory by pressing on any button in the Pa le tte D ir e cto r y window. The Record Options Toolbar Masking Using the Command Line When recording a palette using the command line, you can choose which fixed kinds and / or user kind functions you want to start off with in the mask by listing them on the command line before the R e co r d… -
Page 195
8.6.4 Reference Palettes When you record a cue using a palette, a reference to the palette is recorded instead of a numerical value for the parameters. Similarly, you can record palettes using other palettes, so that the new palette contains references rather than numerical values. A palette recorded in this way is known as a reference palette, and is marked in the palette directory window by this icon: Reference palettes are useful when you want to create palettes to use as simple ‘building… -
Page 196: Insert, Merge And Replace
8.6.5 Direct Palettes Normally, when you use a palette to assign parameter values for recording in a cue or scene, a reference to the palette is inserted rather than numerical values. To insert numerical values instead of references, use direct palettes. Cues and scenes recorded using direct palettes will not update if the palette is later changed, because they contain ordinary parameter values rather than references to a palette.
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Page 198: Directory Windows
9. Directory Windows 9.1 Types of Directories 9.2 Palette Directory Masking (IPCBE) 9.3 Colour Coding 9.4 Directory Options 9. Directory Windows…
Page 199: Types Of Directories
9.1 Types of Directories Directory windows are the windows that allow users to access recorded data such as palettes, cuelists, scenes, pages, effects, kinds, and groups using a grid of buttons. Directory windows and their contents can be displayed in a number of ways. The following sections in this chapter will cover the different options available for directory windows.
Page 200: Colour Coding
9.3 Colour Coding Each button within a directory window can be colour coded to help distinguish it from the other buttons in the directory. To colour code a directory button right click on the button in the directory window and choose from a preset palette of 12 colours, mix a custom colour, or choose to have the console auto-colour code the button based on the dominant mixed colour data recorded in the button (palette buttons only).
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9.3.1 Colouring the entire button By default each directory window displays colour coding using an outline around the directory buttons. If you prefer that the console colour the entire background of the directory buttons click on the icon to open the window configuration menu and enable the «Colour Code Entire Button»… -
Page 202: Directory Options
9.4 Directory Options 9.4.1 Button Sizes By default each directory window displays its buttons using a medium size. To change the displayed button sizes in any directory window open the window configuration menu by clicking on the icon located at the top of the directory window. Locate the drop down menu option called «button sizes».
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9.4.2 Show Fewer Buttons By default directory windows display both active buttons (buttons that contain data) and inactive buttons (buttons with no data). In some cases you may wish to hide the inactive buttons in the directory. To hide the inactive buttons in a directory click on the icon to open the window configuration menu and enable the «show fewer buttons»… -
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9.4.3 Button Across By default each directory window will display as many buttons across as can possibly fit into the dimensions of the directory window as it is sized on the screen. The buttons across option allows users to specify exactly many cells across the directory window should draw before starting a new row of buttons. -
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9.4.5 Spreadsheet View By default directory windows are displayed as a grid of touch-sized buttons, however you can also view the contents of any directory as a spreadsheet by clicking on the button. When in list view the directory buttons can be selected and / or applied by pressing on it’s number in the num. -
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Page 208: Media Picker
10. Media Picker 10.1 Media Picker Overview 10.2 Media Picker Window Options 10.3 Media Picker — CITP Previews 10.4 Media Picker — Catalyst Previews 10.5 Adding Previews to Pre-v2.0 Show Files 10.6 Renaming and Customizing Preview Images 10.7 Managing Preview Packages 10.
Page 209: Media Picker Overview
10.1 Media Picker Overview The media picker is a tabbed, graphical window that allows users to view and select slotted function values for the current fixture selection using previews. To open the media picker window hold the open key and press the “media picker” button on the main toolbar or press O p e n Be a m…
Page 210: Media Picker Window Options
Click on the icon for a detailed view of all running and completed preview package tasks. 8. Function Tabs : fixture functions such as gobo wheels, color wheels, media indexes, etc. are grouped into selectable tabs for easy navigation. 10. Media Picker…
Page 211: Media Picker — Citp Previews
10.3 Media Picker — CITP Previews By default the media picker displays previews for fixtures using a default preview package for that fixture type as supplied by the fixture library. However, the media picker can also display previews that have been downloaded and cached from connected CITP enabled fixtures. In this section we will review which CITP clients are supported by the Hog 4 OS for previewing, how to configure the DMX Processor for CITP fixture discovery, how to associate fixtures to CITP media servers in the patch window, and finally how to use the patch window to refresh…
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10.3.3 Patching fixtures to CITP discovered fixtures Once a fixture is scheduled into the patch window and patched to a DMX output, the fixture can then be patched to a CITP fixture that has been discovered on the FixtureNet network of any active processor connected to the console. -
Page 213: Media Picker — Catalyst Previews
10.4 Media Picker — Catalyst Previews In addition to CITP and fixture library defined preview packages, the Hog 4 OS is also capable of displaying previews for content stored on Catalyst media servers. In this section we will review how to configure processors for downloading Catalyst previews, how to associate Catalyst fixtures to Catalyst media servers in the patch window, and how to use the patch window to refresh cache Catalyst preview packages on the console.
Page 214: Adding Previews To Pre-V2.0 Show Files
10.4.3 Refreshing Catalyst Previews Catalyst media server content may change during the programming of your show. For example, the video clip file used in the opening scene might have been changed on the Catalyst media server. The console is not automatically made aware of these content changes and so it is necessary to request new preview thumbnails from the Catalyst media server.
Page 215: Renaming And Customizing Preview Images
10.6 Renaming and Customizing Preview Images Users can define custom names and images for fixture previews using the media picker. For example, if a fixture in the rig has a custom gobo installed the user may want to change the library defined preview image to a custom image or change the library defined preview name to a custom name in order to better represent the custom gobo being used in the rig.
Page 216: Managing Preview Packages
10.7 Managing Preview Packages To view which preview package a fixture is using open the fixture window and locate the «preview package» column for that fixture. Listed in this column will be the name of the preview package currently being used by the fixture to display preview names and thumbnails on the slot toolbar, in the editors, and in the media picker.
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Page 218: Cue And Cuelists
11. Cue and Cuelists 11.1 Recording a Cue 11.2 Recording Options 11.3 Deleting Cues 11.4 Copying and Moving Cues 11.5 Renumbering Cues 11.6 Editing Cue Contents 11.7 Working with Tracking 11.8 Mark Cues (Move in Black) 11.9 Understanding Cuelists 11.10 Naming Cuelists 11.11 Deleting Cuelists 11.12 Copying and Moving Cuelists 11.
Page 219: Recording A Cue
11.1 Recording a Cue To record a look created in the Programmer or editor as a cue within a cuelist, you need to specify a cuelist and cue number to record to. If the cuelist does not yet exist, Hog 4 OS will create it automatically.
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11.1.3 Insert, Merge and Replace When recording, copying or moving a cue, if the destination location already has a cue recorded in it, you will be prompted with record options of Insert, Merge or Replace: Insert: creates a new destination cue. The new cue will be assigned a free location •… -
Page 221: Recording Options
11.2 Recording Options 11.2.1 Recording Selected Fixtures Only Normally, recording a cue records the total contents of the Programmer or editor, but you can choose to record only the currently selected fixtures. For example: 1. Select the fixtures that you want to record. R e co r d 3.
Page 222: Copying And Moving Cues
State. 11.5 Renumbering Cues If your cuelist has many point cues (1.2, 1.5, 2.5, etc.) or if cues have been deleted, you may wish to renumber the cues so that they are all whole numbers. You can renumber cuelists using the R e n u mb e r button;…
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L ist C u e Th r u R e n u mb e r Th r u En te r : renumber cues 3 through • 10 in cuelist 1, starting at 20, finishing at 30, with other cue numbers equally spaced between. -
Page 224: Editing Cue Contents
11.6 Editing Cue Contents You can edit the contents of a cue in an editor window as seen below. To open the current cue of the chosen master: C u e O p e n • C u e C u e •…
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11.6.1 Viewing Different Cues in the Editor In addition to the usual functions available in all editors, described in Editors, the Cue Editor window has controls that allow you to select which cue is displayed: Next and Back: The Next and Back buttons to allow you to easily step through the •… -
Page 226: Working With Tracking
11.7 Working with Tracking Hog 4 OS uses tracking, which gives it some very powerful abilities. Tracking can also add extra complexity, but Hog 4 OS has several functions that make working with tracking straightforward. For a detailed discussion about the fundamentals of tracking, see Tracking. 11.7.1 Tracking Values Backwards When Recording You can use the Track Backwards feature when you record a cue to assign the parameter values to the last cue they appeared in, rather than the cue being recorded.
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11.7.2 Stopping Values from Tracking Forward When you insert a new cue into a cuelist, or merge changes into an existing cue, the new values track forwards into later cues in the cuelist. For example, your cuelist has Cues 1 to 4, and Cue 1 has Fixture 1 programmed into it at 30%, so that it tracks through the subsequent cues. -
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You may want to record the new cue so that parameter values in the new cue return to their original value in the next cue (so that the inserted cue does not change the original looks due to tracking): Fixture: 1 Cue 1 Cue 2 Cue 2.5… -
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11.7.3 Deleting without Tracking Forward When you delete a cue, this can have unexpected consequences on later cues in the cuelist if the deleted cue contained parameter values that tracked through to contribute to the state of the later cues. For example, you have the following cues: Fixture: 1 Cue 1 Cue 2… -
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11.7.4 Blocking Cues Blocking cues prevent changes made earlier in the cuelist from tracking through to subsequent cues in the cuelist. Using State You can create blocking cues using the Sta te button on the R e co r d O p tio n s To o lb a r . example, suppose that you have the following cues: Fixture: Cue 1… -
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11.7.5 Unblocking Unblocking removes redundant hard parameter values. A parameter value is redundant in a cue if it is the same as the value for that parameter in the previous cue in the same cuelist. For example: Channel: Cue 1 Cue 2 Cue 3 In this cuelist, the values for channels 1, 3 and 4 are redundant in cue 3. -
Page 232: Mark Cues (Move In Black)
11.8 Mark Cues (Move in Black) A Mark cue is a special designator for a cue that looks at the previous cue and any fixtures with an intensity of zero after completion of the cue. If a fixture meets these requirements, the mark cue allows the fixture(s) to ‘preset’…
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Toggle the Ma r k Fa d e Ma r k Time button in a Cue Editor window of the cue you • wish to mark. 11.8.2 Fade Mark verses Time Marks Cues can be marked with either a Fade Mark or a Time Mark . While the basic principles of marking are the still the same, the timing in which the mark is executed varies between the two methods. -
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Mark Fade Intensity Position Colour Cue 2 Centre Cue 3 100% Left Green Tip: Marking occurs with the intensity parameter for standard fixtures as well as I Red, I Green, and I Blue parameters for RGB fixtures such as LEDs. 11.8.3 Marking the First Cue in a Cue List If the first cue in a list is assigned to mark, it will only mark after the last cue in the list is played. -
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11.8.4 Cuelist Feedback for Mark Cues The following figures show the different states of a marking cue. Cue 3 with a Fade Mark Cue 3 Actively Fading into its Mark Cue 3 Fully Marked Hog 4 Operations Manual… -
Page 236: Understanding Cuelists
11.9 Understanding Cuelists Cuelists are lists of cues, usually used to play back the cues in a defined order. A cue number is specific to each cuelist, not the entire console, so there can be a cue 1 for cuelists 1, 2 and 3.
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11.9.1 User Columns Four «user» columns can be shown in the master window for lists and scenes. These «user» columns are hidden by default for new shows but can be displayed by right clicking on any column header and selecting the option to show these columns. User columns can be utilized for simple text entry notes. -
Page 238: Naming Cuelists
11.10 Naming Cuelists You can name cuelists: O p e n L ist : open the Cuelist Directory. 2. Check that the G u a r d button is selected, so that you don’t accidentally activate a cuelist when pressing its button in the directory. 3.
Page 239: Deleting Cuelists
11.11 Deleting Cuelists To delete a cuelist: L ist D e le te : deletes cuelist 1. 2. Click to confirm the delete. Or from the cuelist directory: O p e n L ist : open cuelist directory. 2. Check that the G u a r d button is selected, so that you don’t accidentally activate a cuelist when pressing its button in the directory.
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11.12.3 Insert, Merge and Replace When copying or moving a cuelist, if the destination location already has a cuelist in it, you will be prompted with record options of Insert, Merge or Replace: Insert: creates a new destination cuelist. The new cuelist will be assigned a free •… -
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Page 242: Scenes
12. Scenes 12.1 Recording Scenes 12.2 Deleting Scenes 12.3 Copying and Moving Scenes 12.4 Editing Scene Contents 12.5 Scene Timing 12.6 Insert, Merge or Replace 12.7 Toggling Scenes in Playback 12. Scenes…
Page 243: Recording Scenes
12.1 Recording Scenes You can record scenes either directly to a physical master for immediate playback, or to the Scene Directory. 12.1.1 Recording to the Scene Directory To record a scene: 1. Create the look for the scene in the Programmer or editor. R e co r d Sc e n e : the…
Page 244: Copying And Moving Scenes
12.3 Copying and Moving Scenes To make a copy of a scene: Sce n e C o p y Sc e n e En te r : copies the contents of Scene 1 to Scene 2. • Similarly, to move a scene to a new location: Sce n e Mo v e Sc e n e En te r…
Page 245: Toggling Scenes In Playback
12.7 Toggling Scenes in Playback To configure a scene so that it can be toggled on/off in the scene directory, open the options window for the scene and look for an option called “action at end of scene”. Choose one of the following options that provides «toggle-like»…
Page 246: Timing
13. Timing 13.1 Timing Basics 13.2 Fade, Delay, and Path 13.3 Individual Parameter Timing 13.4 Wait Timing 13.5 Loops and Links 13. Timing…
Page 247: Timing Basics
13.1 Timing Basics With Hog 4 OS you can assign individual cross-fade timings for each parameter of each fixture, giving you complete control of how each parameter changes during a cue. Because of this, there are no cue parts as found on some other consoles. Hog 4 OS gives you easy ways to assign timings for the whole cue, for individual fixtures and by parameter type (intensity, position, colour, beam, and so on) as well as for each parameter.
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The different types of trigger values are: Wait time: The time from the previous cue being triggered to the current cue being • triggered. Follow-on time: The time from the end of the previous cue to the current cue being •… -
Page 249: Fade, Delay, And Path
13.2 Fade, Delay, and Path You can assign fade time and delay times, as well as paths, to cues and scenes. Cues recorded without assigning any time information will be given the default time; this can be adjusted in the D e fa u lt Timin g pane of the U s e r Pr e fe r e n ce s…
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13.2.2 Delay Time You can create a delay between the cue being triggered and the fade times beginning to execute by assigning the Delay time: L ist O p e n : open the cuelist. 2. Select the cue’s D e la y cell and press En te r : enter the delay time. -
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Path Description Uses the default path from the fixture’s library definition. This is Default generally Linear for continuous parameters and Start for slotted parameters. Linear Fades at a steady rate for the duration of the cue. Start Snap change at the beginning of the cue. Snap change at the end of the cue. -
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Path Description The parameters follow a chaotic, sawtooth fade over the course of the Shake cue. To select a path for a cue: L ist O p e n : open the Cuelist window. 2. Select the cue’s Pa th cell and press t. -
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13.2.4 Assigning Cue Timings in the Cuelist Window You can edit fade or delay times in the Cuelist window. Assigning fade or delay times here will assign the new value to all the parameters of all the fixtures in the cue. O p e n C h o o s e : open the cuelist of the desired master. -
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To assign paths directly in the Cuelist window: 1. Click in the Pa th cell for the desired cue, and press 2. Choose a path from the displayed list as shown below 3. The path is applied when a fixture is increasing in intensity during the cross-fade, and the O u t path when a fixture is decreasing in intensity. -
Page 255: Individual Parameter Timing
13.3 Individual Parameter Timing When you record a cue, all of the fixture parameters in the cue are assigned the default fade, delay, and path values. Similarly, when you assign timings to a cue after recording, the timing value is applied to all fixture parameters in the cue. However, you can assign fade, delay, or path values to individual parameters in the Programmer, and these settings are then included when you record cues and scenes, and (optionally) palettes.
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To assign a path to all the parameters of a fixture: 1. Select the fixtures that you want to assign a path to, making sure that they have been given parameter values. 2. Press the Time key. 3. The Slot Toolbar will show buttons for All, O u t 4. -
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13.3.2 Assign Parameter Timings with the Command Line To assign the fade time for all parameters of a fixture: Fixtu r e : select the fixtures you want to assign a time to, making sure that they have been given parameter values. Time En te r : assigns the fade time to 4 seconds. -
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13.3.3 Assign Parameter Timings in an Editor To assign fade or delay times directly in the spreadsheet of an editor: 1. View the required timing type by pressing either the Fade or Delay button in the top left of the editor window. 2. -
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To assign paths directly in the spreadsheet of an editor: 1. Press the Pa th button in the top left of the editor window. 2. Click in the cell for the desired parameter, or click and drag to select a range of cells. 3. -
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13.3.4 Fanned Timings You can fan timings across multiple fixtures, just as you can fan colour or position. For example, to fan times across 10 fixtures: Fixtu r e Th r u Time Th r u En te r : fans the fade times of Fixtures 1 through •… -
Page 261: Wait Timing
13.4 Wait Timing In addition to manually pressing to execute you can also automate the triggering of a cue by assigning a wait value for the cue. The wait value for a cue is assigned in the wait column of the cuelist window. To assign how long a cue timing: L i s t O p e n : open the cuelist.
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13.4.1 Learn Timing Learn Timing allows you to assign a cue’s wait time value by manual executing the cues with key when the learn timing option is selected for the cuelist. If a timecode clock assigned to that list is running when learn timing is enabled then the wait value recorded into the wait cell will be a timecode value. -
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13.4.2 Clock Triggers To assign a cue to be triggered at a particular time and date using Hog 4 OS’s internal clock: L ist O p e n : open the cuelist. 2. Select the W a it cell for the desired cue, and press 3. -
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Once you have set a clock trigger, the cuelist window will now indicate the trigger time and type in the cue’s Wait column: To enable or disable the clock functions on a cuelist, toggle the En a b le C lo ck button in the cuelist window: Tip: You can also enable or disable the clock functions for a cuelist in the Cuelist Cuelist… -
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Clock Recurrence Patterns Clock triggers can be programmed to trigger on a regularly scheduled interval such as every hour, day, or week based on the provided start time of the trigger and selected recurrence pattern. To set a recurrence pattern for a clock trigger check the R e cu r r e n c e Pa tte r n check box. -
Page 266: Loops And Links
13.5 Loops and Links Normally cues in a cuelist will be replayed in numerical order, but you can use links to change this. Links can be used to jump to other points in the cuelist, or to create loops. Unlike some consoles, Hog 4 OS creates a link as a special type of cue, rather than an attribute of an ordinary cue.
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Exiting Loops You can determine when the cuelist stops looping and continues with cues after the loop. The options are: Forever: the loop will run indefinitely until you press the key. • Count: the cuelist will loop the assigned number of times. Assigning a count of zero •… -
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13.5.3 Tracking Through Loops By default, Hog 4 OS’s feature ensures that, when you use links to change the order of cue playback, the cues appear on stage as if they had been played back in the order they appear in the cuelist. -
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Page 270: Effects
14. Effects 14.1 Table Effects 14.2 Effect Palettes 14. Effects…
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14.1 Table Effects Effects can be used to create a repeating change or ‘movement’ in the value of fixture parameters. Effects are recorded as part of cues, scenes and palettes. Table effects are effects applied to fixture functions using wave tables that apply mathematical functions (such as sine or tangent) to values against time. -
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Using Effect Tables Listed below are examples of combinations of effects tables in use: Circular Motion: A Sine table is applied to pan and tilt, with tilt given an Offset of 90 • degrees. Square Motion: A Sawtooth table is applied to pan and tilt, with tilt given an Offset of •… -
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Size The range over which the parameter value varies. This is described in terms appropriate for the parameter, for example degrees for position parameters, or slots for slotted colour parameters. For example, applying a Sine wave with the default size of 5Hz to a base value strobe rate of 5Hz will vary it from 0Hz through to 10Hz. -
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Begin, End, Start The begin and end values of an effect represent the limits that the function value will hit as it passes through the effect table. The begin and end values can be edited directly in the effects editor window or in the programmer / cue editor. Be aware that editing the begin and end values an effect result in an adjustment to the base value for that fixture function as well. -
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Bounce When bounce is enabled for an effect the fixture function will run one direction through the effect cycle and then reverse direction to run through the cycle in the opposite direction and will continue to alternate the direction in which it runs through the cycle. Direction The direction of an effect determines whether the selected wave table will be applied to the function in a forward or reverse direction. -
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Once the effect table is assigned, you can modify the effect attributes either by editing the values in the spreadsheet or using the parameter wheels when the Effe ct key is selected. Tip: You can quickly edit the attributes of all one parameter type (All In te n sity Po sitio n All C o lo u r… -
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14.1.4 Building Table Effects in Editors Effects can be assigned directly to specific fixtures and their attributes in any editor including the Programmer. This is helpful when you wish to make small changes without opening the Effects Engine. Effect types are assigned and edited in the Ta b le view, whilst effect attributes can be adjusted in the… -
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14.1.5 Effect Spread Effect Spread is an offset control mechanism that appears on the 5th encoder wheel of Hog 4 and Full Boar 4 consoles and on the second encoder wheel page of all other consoles when the effect kind is selected. The effect spread is a simple way to spread the effect offset evenly among the selected fixtures. -
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14.1.8 Cue Timing and Table Effects When you record a cue, scene or palette that includes effects values, each fixture parameter has its fade, delay, and path value in the usual way; see Individual Parameter Timings. These timings control how the fixture parameter changes from its starting value to its underlying value in the cue or scene, as the cue or scene is played back. -
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You can assign effect fade times using the command line: Fixtu r e : select the fixtures you want to assign an effect time to, making sure that they have been given parameter values. Effe ct Time En te r : assigns the effect fade time to 4 seconds. -
Page 281: Effect Palettes
14.2 Effect Palettes 14.2.1 Predefined Effect Palettes You can quickly apply effects to the current selection using predefined effects palettes that are available in the Effect Directory. Effects palettes for parameter functions not available in the current selection will be greyed out; for example the Iris Step palette is not available for a Studio Color 575 as they do not have an iris parameter.
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14.2.2 Adjusting Predefined Effects Once you have applied a predefined effects palette to the selected fixtures, you can alter the attributes of the effect using the parameter wheels. Typical attributes are Rate, Size, Offset and Length. For reference this is shown in the image below. Explanations of all the different attributes, see Table Effect Attributes page. -
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14.2.4 Using Effect Palettes in Programming In the Programmer or editor, you can apply an effect by selecting it from the Effect Directory. The effect will be applied to the current fixture selection, providing that it contains parameter information for the selected fixtures. An iris step effect cannot therefore be applied to a fixture that has no iris function. -
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14.2.7 Copying and Moving Effect Palettes To make a copy of an effect palette in a new location: Effe ct C o p y Effe c En te r : copies the contents of Effect Palette 1 to Effect Palette 2. Effe Po s itio n C o p y Effe c t… -
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Page 286: Kinds And Wheelsets
15. Kinds and Wheelsets 15.1 Kinds 15.2 Wheelsets 15. Kinds and Wheelsets…
Page 287: Kinds
15.1 Kinds Kinds are collections of fixture functions organized into wheelsets. The wheelsets determine how the fixture functions assigned to the kind will coordinate with the console’s main encoder wheels when the kind is selected and a fixture selection is made. Kinds are stored in the kinds directory and exist in two different forms: fixed kinds and user kinds.
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15.1.2 User Kinds User kinds, unlike fixed kinds, are not automatically generated when adding fixtures to the show. User kinds are custom built by the user, allowing you to create smaller collections of fixture functions on fewer wheelsets. User kinds are stored in the kinds directory and are also accessible using the 12 function keys on the front panel of the console (when the function keys are set to kind mode). -
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Auto-generating User Kinds You can auto-generate user kinds for your show by pressing the auto-kind button a the top of the kinds directory or fixture schedule window. Auto-generated user kinds are based on pre- defined families of functions established by the Hog 4 OS. For example, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Hue, and Saturation are all part of the colour mixing family as defined in the Hog 4 OS library model, therefore a fixture that features they functions would automatically generate a user kind containing CMY and HS functions. -
Page 290: Wheelsets
15.2 Wheelsets Wheelsets are the building blocks of both fixed kinds and user kinds. They specify how fixture funtions assigned within a kind are displayed on the console’s main encoder wheels when a fixture selection is made. Note: The center wheel located below the center touchscreen on the Hog 4 console’s front panel is configured separately from the wheelsets established in the fixed or user kinds.
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To add a wheelset: Click and drag a function listed in the left-hand column to an empty wheelset. Empty wheelsets are light grey in colour located in the right-hand column. This assignment to an empty wheelset creates a new wheelset ready for populating. To delete an entire wheelset: Click anywhere on the wheelset’s frame. -
Page 292: Advanced Programming
16. Advanced Programming 16.1 Selecting from What is Onstage 16.2 Bringing Parameter Values into the Programmer 16.3 Highlight and Lowlight 16.4 Auto Update 16.5 Editing Discreetly 16.6 Parking 16. Advanced Programming…
Page 293: Selecting From What Is Onstage
16.1 Selecting from What is Onstage You can select fixtures from what is on stage using the Live key. Fixtures are considered to be on stage if their intensities are non-zero. If you wish to select fixtures that are onstage but have intensity values at zero then you can use Pig + Live.
Page 294: Bringing Parameter Values Into The Programmer
16.2 Bringing Parameter Values into the Programmer Sometimes you will end up with a look onstage or in a cue, scene or palette that you want to reuse in further programming. There are various ways in which you can bring those fixtures and parameter values into the Programmer or editor.
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Similarly, you can apply this to palettes, scenes and cues, using the Live key to bring in fixtures and their parameter values that are on stage: L ive [R e d Pa le tte Su c k : fixtures on stage assigned to Red Palette are brought into •… -
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16.2.2 Using Live and Touch Using L ive To u c h together touches all parameters that belong to fixtures that are at non-zero intensity on stage, including parameters at their default values. This is similar to suck, except that it will bring all values into the Programmer or editor, including those that are at their default values. -
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You can select the parameter types to touch: L ive C o lo u r To u c h : only the colour parameters are touched: • 16.2.3 Using Copy to Bring Values into an Editor You can bring parameter values from a palette, scene or cue into an editor such as the Programmer using C o p y C u e… -
Page 298: Highlight And Lowlight
16.3 Highlight and Lowlight Pressing the H ig h lig h t key temporarily adjusts the selected fixtures to ‘open white’, with intensity at full and all other parameters at their default settings. This function can be useful when you want to see the beam of a fixture on a lit stage, when assigning focus positions for example.
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16.3.2 Lowlight By default, the parameters of fixtures that are not selected when you use highlight remain at their current output values. You can customise the output values of these parameters during highlight by creating a lowlight palette. For example, you could create a lowlight palette that sets the intensity of all fixtures to 30%, to give the highlighted fixture greater contrast. -
Page 300: Auto Update
16.4 Auto Update When you are programming a complex show, the look on stage may be built up from cuelists and scenes on several masters. You can change the look by assigning fixture parameter values in the Programmer, but it is difficult to know which cue or scene is contributing which values to the total on stage.
Page 301: Editing Discreetly
When you press the U p d a te key, the Update Toolbar will also appear. This allows you to select which parameter types are updated, whether changes should track forwards, and whether references should be allowed when updating palettes. See Recording Palettes with Kind Masking,…
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16.5.2 Blind Blind mode allows you to continue programming and editing cues, groups, palettes and scenes without changing the onstage parameter values of fixtures. The Blin d key is located above the Trackball; when in blind mode, the Blin d key will illuminate. -
Page 303: Parking
16.6 Parking Sometimes it is useful to lock certain parameter values of fixtures independently from programming, playback and the Grand Master. For example, you might want to lock a particular dimmer at a certain level as a working light, or point a fixture to provide light for maintenance whilst a rehearsal or programming is in progress.
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The Output Window Parked parameters are shown in the Output window with black text on an orange background. When the Output window Source view is selected the word ‘Parked’ is displayed. The Parked Output Window You can view and modify the parked settings of fixtures in the Pa r ke d O u tp u t window. -
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Page 306: Playback
17. Playback 17.1 Physical Master Playback 17.2 Virtual Master Playback 17.3 Choosing and Selecting Masters 17.4 Releasing Masters 17.5 Master Playback Options 17.6 Latest Takes Precedence (LTP) 17.7 Highest Takes Precedence (HTP) 17.8 Understanding Feedback 17.9 Advanced Playback 17.10 Grand Master 17.11 Group Masters 17.12 Batches 17.
Page 307: Physical Master Playback
17.1 Physical Master Playback Hog consoles have ten physical playback masters that cuelists, scenes, batches, and inhibitive submasters (groups) can be attached to for playback. Each physical master has one set of physical controls: a fader, a Play key, a Pause key, a Go Back key and a Flash key.
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17.1.4 Configuring Physical Master Playback Controls Once attached to a physical master, cuelists, scenes, and batches can be played back using the hardware keys located below the physical master’s choose key as well as via the console’s main playback keys (located to the right of master 10 on Hog 4 / Full Boar 4, located to the left master 1 on Road Hog 4, and located to the right of master 5 on HedgeHog Hog 4 OS uses mappings called «control sets»… -
Page 309
To change the master control set used by cuelist, scene, or batch when it is attached to a physical master, hold the choose key for the physical master and select a different control set using the button menu located above the fader. The active control set will be highlighted in blue. -
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The fader assignment for the currently active control set on a physical master can also be hot-swapped without needing to access the master options window. To hot-swap the fader for a contol set, hold choose and press one of the onscreen encoder wheel toolbar buttons (located above the encoder wheels). -
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17.1.5 Playback Commands Below is a list of the commands that can be assigned to the playback keys within a physical master control set and the main controls: Hog 4 Operations Manual… -
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Commands assignable to all keys: Command Options and Notes None Disables the control Asserts the master. Deselect U se d e fa u lt c u e lis t time to enter your own assert Assert time for the master, overriding the cuelist’s assert time. Releases the master. -
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Commands assignable to all keys: «Scale Playback Rate» then a button assigned to «Scale Fader Assignment» will scale the playback rate). Temporary: When temporary is turned on scaling will be applied when button is • pressed down and released when when button is released. Action and Value: … -
Page 314
Commands Assignable only to the Flash key Command Notes Options None Disables the control L e ve l: proportion of the programmed Brings the intensity to a specified level intensity that contents are flashed to. Flash regardless of the assignment of the fader. To If programmed levels are 80% and the intensity at specifically flash the assignment of the fader… -
Page 315: Virtual Master Playback
17.2 Virtual Master Playback You can run cuelists without assigning them to a physical master by using virtual masters. An almost unlimited number of virtual masters running different cuelists can be in operation at any one time. You can operate virtual masters from directory windows or from the command line. Tip: You can press L is t R e le a s e…
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17.2.2 Using the Play Controls Toolbar to Play a Cuelist, Scene, or Batch To run a cuelist, scene, or batch from the master window: 1. Open the master window for the cuelist, scene, or batch. 2. For example: [L is t 1 O p e n 3. -
Page 317: Choosing And Selecting Masters
17.3 Choosing and Selecting Masters At all times one of the physical masters of the console is chosen. When a master is chosen its choose LED will be illuminated, the title of the master will be shown on the playback bar with a blue background, and the master’s name will be announced on the main toolbar.
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17.4.1 Release Time When you release a cuelist and fixture parameters go to their default values, they do so over the release time, and this change may be visible if you have fixtures that are visibly live on stage (i.e. with intensities above zero). To assign the cuelist’s release time: O p e n C h o o s e : open the Cuelist window for the cuelist on the selected master. -
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17.4.2 Auto Release You can use auto release options to send fixture parameters to their default values at the end of a show, or to relinquish control of parameters for use by other cuelists when a cuelist is no- longer needed. There are two Auto Release options for cuelists: Auto-release at End: Use this to automatically release the Cuelist at the completion •… -
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17.4.3 Resetting Cuelists on Release You can assign a cuelist to reset when released so it will proceed from the first cue when is pressed again. You can assign Reset on Release in the Pla yb a ck O p tio n s window of each cuelist: O p e n… -
Page 321: Master Playback Options
17.5 Master Playback Options The priority, timing, and other various properties of a master that affect how it is played back are configured using the master’s Playback Options window. This is the same for all master types (cuelist, scene, batch, group). O p e n C h o o s e : opens the Master window.
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17.5.1 Master Timing and Rate Settings You can assign several settings that control cuelist timing: Timing Default Notes Function The time over which parameter values go to their default values when the cuelist is released; see Releasing Masters. Using the g lo b a l option will refer Release Time… -
Page 323
17.5.2 Cuelist Wrapping Wrapping decides what happens to a cuelist when it reaches the final cue. Configure the wrapping in the Ac tio n a t En d of List menu: Wrap to beginning of list: Pressing Go after the final cue is reached sends the cuelist •… -
Page 324
17.5.5 Action of Halt when Halted By default, pressing the Pa u s e key when a cue is halted steps the cuelist back a cue in the assigned back time, see Master Timing and Rate Settings. You can change this action using the Actio n o f H a lt W h e n H a lte d menu:… -
Page 325: Latest Takes Precedence (Ltp)
17.6 Latest Takes Precedence (LTP) Because Hog consoles can simultaneously run ten cuelists on masters (and more if virtual masters and playback wings are used) the question arises as to which master actually has control over a particular fixture parameter. To decide which master takes precedence Hog 4 OS applies the following rules: For intensity parameters: by default, intensity parameters are controlled on a Latest •…
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The Assert Time When you assert a cuelist, the parameters that have been asserted change to their new values over the assert time. The default is 2 seconds, but you can assign your preferred assert time for each cuelist: O p e n C h o o s e →… -
Page 327
17.6.2 Multiple Cuelists with Effects If a cuelist contains parameters that are running an effect, when another cuelist or scene changes the underlying values of those parameters the effect continues to run. Use Pile-Add FX to allow the second cuelist or scene to override the effect as well as the underlying values. -
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To change a cuelist’s priority: O p e n C h o o s e → O p tio n s → C u e lis t 2. Select the Pla y b a c k Pr io r ity cell: Se t En te r… -
Page 329: Highest Takes Precedence (Htp)
17.7 Highest Takes Precedence (HTP) You can switch a cuelist’s precedence from LTP to HTP, allowing intensity parameters that have programming to be output at their highest level rather than the most recently activated level. For example, you may have a series of intensity chases that you wish to fade in and out over a stage look without overriding the intensity information of the original look, or when touring with smoke machines you may wish to manually boost the level of smoke programmed into the main cuelist to combat changes in air conditioning or venue size at…
Page 330: Understanding Feedback
17.8 Understanding Feedback There are several ways in which you can tell the status of the console’s output: The status of masters is shown by the playback control key LED’s and the on-screen • Pla yb a ck Ba r You can use a master window to follow the progress of running cuelists.
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For batches: individually numbered cells that represent the lists and scenes assigned • to the batch will appear inside the batch’s playback bar display. Lists are represented solely by a number whereas scenes are marked with an «s» before the number. The running state of each list and scenes is then indicated by the background colour of the cell. -
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17.8.2 Cuelist Feedback The master window for a cuelist shows all of the cues in the cuelist as well as their running state. O p e n C h o o s e • Double click the Playback Bar above the required cuelist. •… -
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17.8.3 The Output Window The Output window displays the output value of all parameters controlled by Hog 4 OS from all cuelists, virtual cuelists, scenes, the Programmer and other editors, and parked parameters. It provides an accurate indication of the status of shared parameter values when multiple cuelists are running simultaneously. -
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Cross-fading values will appear in the Output window in the following colours: 17. Playback… -
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17.8.4 The Levels View Window The Levels View window displays the output value of all intensities controlled by Hog 4 OS from all cuelists, virtual cuelists, scenes, the Programmer and other editors, and parked parameters. It provides an accurate indication of the status of shared intensity values when multiple cuelists are running simultaneously. -
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Cross-fading values will appear in the Levels View window in the following colours: 17. Playback… -
Page 337: Advanced Playback
17.9 Advanced Playback 17.9.1 Adjusting the Playback and Effect Rates of a Master The playback and effect rates of a master (cuelist, scene, chase) can be adjusted several different ways: Changing the playback and effect rate fields in the cuelist / scene options •…
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17.9.2 Adjusting the Effect Size of a Master The effect size of a master (cuelist, scene, chase) can be adjusted several different ways: Changing the effect size field in the cuelist/scene options window: The simplest • way to adjust the effect size for a master (cuelist, scene, chase) is to open the options window for that master and directly modify the effect size field. -
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17.9.4 Manually Cross-fading Cuelists You can assign any cuelist to be operated manually, allowing you to perform the cross-fades from one cue to the next manually using the fader. Once a cuelist’s Manual Fade option is selected, the Master’s fader will no longer control intensity but instead the cross-fade progress of all parameters from the current cue to the next;… -
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17.9.5 IPCB Faders You can adjust the output values of any intensity, position, colour or beam parameter information in any cuelist by assigning its fader as a IPCB fader. To assign a cuelist to use the IPCB fader function: 1. Open the Pr o g r a mme r from the Main Toolbar. -
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When you select Is a C h a s e C u e lis t pane of the Pla y b a ck O p tio n s window, the following chase options appear: Playback Rate: the speed of the chase defined in Beats Per Minute (bpm). •… -
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You can also configure the following loop types in the C u e list pane of the Pla yb a ck O p tio n s window: Continuous: the chase steps indefinitely until paused or released. • Stop O n Last: the chase stops at the last cue in the cuelist until released or triggered •… -
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17.9.7 Cuelists and Tracking You can define how a cuelist deals with tracking in the C u e list pane of the Pla yb a ck O p tio n s window. O p e n C h o o se →… -
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17.9.9 Playback Masking You can mask which fixture function kinds that a cuelist or scene will playback by applying a playback mask to that cuelist or scene. Playback masking does not determine how data is recorded into a list or scene and does not change existing recorded data. Playback masking only determines which parts of the already recorded cue / scene data will be executed when that cuelist or scene is played. -
Page 345: Grand Master
17.10 Grand Master The Grand Master inhibits the intensities of all fixtures on the console, including those within the Programmer. Parked intensities are NOT effected by the Grand Master level. Hog 4-18, Hog 4, and Full Boar 4 feature a dedicated grand master fader on the far left side of the console whereas Road Hog 4, HedgeHog 4, and Hoglet 4 do not have a dedicated grand master fader and utilize the fader on master 1 as a grand master fader.
Page 346: Group Masters
When a group master’s level is inhibited it proportionally reduces the intensities of the fixtures within the group through the entire show (playback, editors, etc). For example, if fixtures 1<4 are in the programmer with intensities at 0%, 50%, 80% and 100%, then…
Page 347: Batches
By default, group master intensity levels are persisted through page changes and • remain in the background as virtual group masters. To disable this feature and force group masters back to 100% once they are no longer attached to a physical master on a page, then disable the L e a v e In h ib itiv e Ma s te r s in Ba c kg r o u n d option located in…
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ist, # , + , # Mo v e , C h o o s e • • Sce n e # , + , # Mo v e , C h o o s e • Tip: To create a single item batch on the playback bar use the list / scene number twice in the move operation. -
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17.12.5 Batch Master LED Feedback T he led feedback for a batch assigned to a physical master is exactly the same as if any single list or scene was assigned to the master, however, the batch will account for the highest running state of all the lists / scenes assigned to it. -
Page 350: Pages
18. Pages 18.1 How Pages are Used 18.2 Creating a New Page 18.3 Changing Pages 18.4 Modifying Pages 18.5 Copying and Moving Pages 18.6 Deleting Pages 18.7 Template Page 18. Pages…
Page 351: How Pages Are Used
18.1 How Pages are Used Pages allow you to predefine layouts of cuelists, scenes and group masters, so that they can be loaded quickly on to the available playback masters. For a concert, for example, cuelists can be organized in one page per song, so that before each performance it is possible to re-arrange the pages to reflect the current running order of the songs.
Page 352: Changing
18.3 Changing Pages Changing the page loads a different set of cuelists, scenes and/or group masters onto the physical playback masters. You can do this in several ways: Press the N e x t Pa g e key to go to the next page in the Page Directory. To go to the •…
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The default preferences for new shows files are Release All and Leave Inhibitive Masters in Background on page changes. To change these settings in the U se r Pr e fe r e n c e s window: Se tu p →… -
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18.3.2 Matching Levels When Changing Page When you change page using Leave In Background, it is possible for the actual position of the physical master faders to be different to the stored master level of the cuelist. For example, if you have the physical fader at 100% while on Page 1, then go to Page 2 and reduce the physical fader to 50%, and then go back to Page 1 the console must resolve the difference between the stored value of the master and the new physical position of the fader. -
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18.3.3 Restoring Activity When Changing Pages You can trigger cues to go and assign masters to specific fader levels when changing page by using Restore Activity. To do this, you capture the desired activities as a macro, which is later executed when the page is loaded. To capture page activity: Pa g e O p e n… -
Page 356: Modifying
18.4 Modifying Pages You can copy or move cuelists, scenes and group masters to a page, or remove them, as well as clearing the whole page. If you change which cuelists, scenes or group masters are assigned to the current page, then that assignment will automatically be recorded as part of the page.
Page 357: Copying And Moving
18.4.4 Clearing Lists, Scenes and Group Masters from a Page To clear all cuelists, scenes and group masters from the current page: O p e n Pa g e : opens the Page Directory window. 2. Press C le a r C u r r e n t Pa g e in the Page Directory.
Page 358: Deleting
18.6 Deleting Pages To delete a page: Pa g e D e le te 2. Click to confirm the delete. You can delete a range of pages: Pa g e Th r u D e le te 2. Click to confirm the delete. Note that you cannot delete the current page.
Page 359: Template Page
18.7 Template Page The template page specifies which cuelists will appear on specific masters for every page without physically having to load them onto the same masters on all pages. For example, you could have a primary cuelist containing the commonly used cues of the show, which you want available on the same master, regardless of which page you are on.
Page 360: Command Keys
19. Command Keys 19.1 Command Key Overview 19.2 Creating Command Keys 19.3 Copying, Moving and Deleting Command Keys 19.4 Changing the Action of a Command Key 19.5 Command Key Feedback 19. Command Keys…
Page 361: Command Key Overview
19.1 Command Key Overview Command Keys are user-created single button executor that trigger existing show objects including palettes, groups, views, lists, scenes, and keystroke macros. Command keys are stored in the commands directory and are also accessible using the 12 function keys on the front panel of the console (when the function keys are set to command mode).
Page 362: Changing The Action Of A Command Key
19.4 Changing the Action of a Command Key The action that occurs when a command key is pressed can be configured by viewing the commands directory in spreadsheet view and editing the «Action» cell. Command directory in list view; selecting an action Not all command keys have the same action options.
Page 363: Command Key Feedback
19.5 Command Key Feedback When a command key is executed the function key associated with that command key will provide the following feedback to indicate the running state of the show object linked to the command key: For Command Keys linked to G roups, Pages, & IPCBE Palettes: Blue LED on indicates the object is selected;…
Page 364: Plots
20. Plots 20.1 Introduction to Plots 20.2 Creating Plots 20.3 Editing Plots 20.4 Using Plots 20.5 Pixel Mapping 20. Plots…
Page 365: Introduction To Plots
20.1 Introduction to Plots Plots are user created graphical layouts that contain programmable objects. Once built, plots can be used to select fixtures, gather fixture feedback, apply PixelMapping and palette values to fixtures, and execute show items such as cuelists and scenes. Plots are stored in the plots directory.
Page 366: Creating Plots
20.2 Creating Plots Plots can be created as entirely blank or pre-populated with fixtures. To create a blank plot: 1. Ensure that no fixtures are currently selected. R e co r d Fixtu r e («plot» should now appear on the command line after record) 4.
Page 367: Editing Plots
20.3 Editing Plots Five types of objects can be added to a plot: fixtures, gangs, PixelMaps, show items and shapes. In this section we will review how to add, remove, and edit these different types of objects. 20.3.1 Fixtures To add fixtures to a plot: 1.
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3. Use the properties pane located on the right side of the plot window to adjust the gang’s position, size, fixture layout, fixture ordering, etc…). You can also reposition the gang by using the mouse or touchscreen to click and drag the gang into position. Similarly, you can re-size and rotate the gang using the blue object handles that appear when the gang is selected (circle handle for gang rotation / square handle for gang sizing). -
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20.3.3 PixelMaps PixelMaps are rectangular plot objects which can be used to map the pixels of rich media content (photos and videos) onto lighting fixtures through a process known as PixelMapping. In this section we will discuss how to add / remove PixelMaps in plots. For more information, see the section on PixelMapping To add a PixelMap:… -
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20.3.4 Show Items Show items such as lists, scenes, and views can be added plots and are displayed similar to how they are shown in their native directory window. Once a show item is added to a plot it can be executed in the plot by pressing on it. If the pig key is held when a show item is pressed in the plot window then the show item will not execute but rather token its name onto the command line allowing for even more complex operations (similar to guard in the directory window). -
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(this also affects the label colour), label, image assignment, etc. You can also re-size and rotate the shape using the blue object handles that appear when the shape is selected (circle handle for rotation / square handle for resizing from center / _| handle for resizing from the top left corner). -
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Importing Images from a USB Flash Drive To import an image file from a USB Flash drive into the image file list: 1. Use a personal computer to copy the image file you wish to import to an external USB flash drive. -
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20.3.6 Tips for editing multiple plot objects This section will cover some handy shortcuts and tips for editing multiple plot objects at once. These tips can help you to build complex plots more quickly and symmetrically. To equalize the properties of multiple plot objects: 1. -
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20.3.7 Aligning Plot Objects using the Background Grid To view the grid in a plot window toggle on the “grid” button. The horizontal and vertical center lines are thicker and colored blue to assist with window orientation. To adjust the grid size change the numeric value in the scroll box located directly to the right of the grid button. -
Page 375: Using Plots
20.4 Using Plots Plots can be used to accomplish a variety of important programming tasks. In this section we will review how to make simple and complex fixture selections using the plot window, how to navigate the plot window, and how to use the plot window to quickly view feedback for fixtures.
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There are four main ways to scroll the plot window horizontally and vertically: 1. Use the scroll bars in plot window. 2. Hold O p e n and turn the first and second main encoder wheels on the front panel. 3. -
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20.4.6 Exporting Plots There are two buttons at the top of a plot window that allow you to export the plot: Export Display: generates an image file (.PNG) of the current plot view (similar to print • screen). Export Extents: generates a vector graphics file (.SVG) file of the entire plot. •… -
Page 378: Pixel Mapping
20.5 Pixel Mapping One of the more complex objects that can be added to a plot is a PixelMap. A PixelMap allows the fixtures inside of it to dynamically change their parameter values based on the PixelMap Layer content being sent to the PixelMap. This process is called PixelMapping. Section 20.2.3 covers how to add and remove PixelMaps in a plot.
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20.5.2 Programming lighting fixtures to use PixelMaps PixelMaps are applied to fixtures very similar to how IPCB palettes are applied to fixtures. To assign a fixture’s parameters to a PixelMap: 1. Make a fixture selection 2. Open the plots directory (Pig O p e n Fixtu r e… -
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20.5.5 Managing PixelMap Layer Content A PixelMap layer is a programmable fixture that supplies media content to PixelMaps. When a PixelMap layer fixture is added to a show a small collection of stock media content is also added to the show’s PixelMap Content Package. The PixelMap Content Package is shared by all PixelMap layers in the show and is organized using a folder and file structure similar to how many standalone media servers store content. -
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Caution: Any folders or files in the PixelMap Content Package that do not have a DMX address assignment will still show up in the media picker window but will not be selectable for output. File Types Supported for PixelMap Content Package Import The following file types have successfully been tested and are supported for import into the PixelMap Content Package: Image Formats… -
Page 382: Midi
21. MIDI 21.1 MIDI Show Control 21.2 MIDI Note and CC Input 21.3 MIDI Note and CC Output 21.4 MIDI Timecode 21. MIDI…
Page 383: Midi Show Control
21.1 MIDI Show Control MIDI Show Control (MSC) is supported on all consoles in the Hog family including Hog 4 PC and can be used to send & receive basic playback control messages to and from third party show control devices. This section will cover how to connect and configure MSC devices on the console.
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21.1.2 Using MIDI Show Control Hog 4 OS recognizes and sends the following MSC commands: Hog 4 OS Command MSC Command MSC Data 0x1 GO cue number, cuelist number Halt 0x2 STOP cuelist number Resume 0x3 RESUME cuelist number Skip Forward 0x4 TIMED_GO time=0, cue number, cuelist number Skip Back… -
Page 385: Midi Note And Cc Input
21.2 MIDI Note and CC Input MIDI Notes and MIDI Control Change Messages (CC) are part of the MIDI standard that can be used to control console features such as front panel keys, faders, screen soft keys, and comment macros. 21.2.1 Enabling MIDI Note and Controller Message To enable MIDI note and controller message input for the console: 1.
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21.2.2 MIDI Map Editor The MIDI Map Editor Window allows operators to create custom mappings of MIDI Note and Controller input messages to Hog 4 OS functions such as keystrokes, faders, encoders, and comment macros. To open the MIDI Map Editor Window press the Se tu p key on the front panel, then press the MID I… -
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Editing MIDI Maps using Learn Mode Learn Mode provides a quick and easy method for buidling a MIDI Map by simply wiggling physical controls on a MIDI Device and then pressing/moving a Hog 4 feature such as a front panel key, encoder, or fader. To activate Learn Mode in the MIDI Map Editor simply enable the Learn button at the top of the window. -
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Picking the right Mode for MIDI Controller Messages Since control messages are sent is a variety of ways based on the MIDI device, the following modes can be assigned to a MIDI Controller entry. These modes cannot be automatically detected by Hog 4 OS, therefore 7-bit Relative Mode is used by default for all controller type entries in the mapping table until the operator assigns the entry to the most appropriate mode. -
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Assigning MIDI Maps to Devices MIDI hardware devices and MIDI Maps are associated with MIDI Indexes, therefore they have a relationship to one another through the index. To assign an existing MIDI Map to an index via the network window: Open the C o n s o le Se ttin g s window for the Node / Index you wish to configure… -
Page 390: Midi Note And Cc Output
21.3 MIDI Note and CC Output To configure the console for MIDI Note and Control Change message output: 1. Connect the input end of a third party MIDI device to the «MIDI Out» port on the back of the console. If you are using an external USB MIDI device such as a USB MIDI Widget then connect the external USB MIDI device to one of the USB ports on your console.
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5. Map a MIDI device to one of the listed indexes by pressing the blue plus button located to the far right of the index, then select a MIDI device from the device drop down menu and press Apply. (On Hog 4, Hog 4-18, and Full Boar 4 consoles the built-in MIDI device will be listed as «LTCMIDI».) 6. -
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7. In the MIDI Options window enable the N o te s O u t option and then click K. Please note that MIDI device index mappings are stored on the console while MIDI Options are stored in the show file. 21. -
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To send a MIDI note from the console: 1. Open the MIDI note window by holding the Open key on the front panel and select the MIDI Notes button from the open toolbar; this button will be on page 2 of the open toolbar for Hedge Hog 4 and Road Hog 4 consoles). -
Page 394: Midi Timecode
21.4 MIDI Timecode Up to 8 MIDI Timecode input devices can be mapped to a console (or Hog 4 PC). When MIDI Timecode is received by a console or Hog 4 PC it is also automatically available to all consoles connected to the show. 21.4.1 Configuring MIDI Timecode Input Devices Follow these steps to connect and configure a MIDI timecode device on a console: 1.
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4. Select the MID I Time c o d e tab of the Console Settings Window. 5. Map a MIDI device to one of the eight indexes by pressing the blue plus button located to the far right of the index, then select a MIDI device from the device drop down menu and press Ap p ly . -
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Time co d e To o lb a r displays the incoming timecode type, format, value, and frame regeneration. Frame Regeneration occurs when the console does not receive a clean timecode signal and must make up for the missing frames in order to prevent missed cues. You can set how many frames of timecode are generated by the console before timecode is lost in the timecode settings window by clicking on the word movie slate icon in the timecode toolbar. -
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21.4.4 Editing Timecode Values To change the timecode value used to trigger a cue: O p e n → C h o o s e : open the Cuelist window. 2. Select the W a it cell for the cue, and press 3. -
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21.4.5 Simulating MIDI Timecode You can temporarily simulate MIDI timecode on the console using the Time co d e To o lb a r . To simulate MIDI timecode: 1. Press the simulate button on the Timecode Toolbar. Simulate is now enabled and all external timecode input for that source will be ignored. -
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Page 400: Open Sound Control
22. Open Sound Control 22.1 Introduction to OSC 22.2 Configuring OSC Input 22.3 Configuring OSC Output 22.4 OSC Mappings 22.5 OSC Over WiFi 22. Open Sound Control…
Page 401: Introduction To Osc
22.1 Introduction to OSC Open Sound Control (OSC) is a network based communication protocol that can be used to send a variety of control messages between OSC enabled devices. OSC input is supported on every console in the Hog 4 family including Hog 4 PC. When configured properly OSC will enable you to use controllers such as a synthesizers, electronic music instruments, production audio software, and mobile phone apps such as Touch OSC to control the basic functions of the Hog 4 OS.
Page 402: Configuring Osc Output
22.3 Configuring OSC Output To send OSC messages from the Console: 1. Connect your OSC controller to a physical network port that is attached to the same local area network as the console’s HogNet port. Se tu p → N e tw o r k : opens the network window 3.
Page 403: Osc Mappings
22.4 OSC Mappings 22.4.1 OSC Playback Mappings Hog 4 OS uses the following OSC paths for sending and receiving playback messages: Hog 4 OS OSC Command Path Data Go a Cuelist / hog / playback / go / 0 cuelist # Go a specific cue in a list (goto) / hog / playback / go / 0 cuelist #.cue # Halt a Cuelist…
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22.4.3 OSC Button Mappings Hog 4 OS uses the following OSC paths for receiving front panel key commands: OSC Command Path C h o o se / hog / hardware / choose / master # / hog / hardware / go / master # Pa u se / hog / hardware / pause / master # Ba ck… -
Page 405
Key OSC Command Path / hog / hardware / zero / hog / hardware / one / hog / hardware / two / hog / hardware / three / hog / hardware / four / hog / hardware / five / hog / hardware / six / hog / hardware / seven / hog / hardware / eight… -
Page 406
22.4.5 OSC Status Mappings Hog 4 OS outputs the following status messages to OSC controllers: Hog 4 OS OSC Command Path Example / hog / status / led / button Front Panel LED Status hog / status / led / clear name The Command Line / hog / status / commandline… -
Page 407: Osc Over Wifi
22.5 OSC Over WiFi Sending and receiving OSC over WIFI is possible by Hog 4 OS through the use of 3rd party wireless routers, however, High End Systems does not recommend using OSC over Wifi for critical show tasks for several reasons: Reliability : Some mobile OSC software applications such as TouchOSC only support •…
Page 408: Linear Time Code
23. Linear Time Code 23.1 LTC Input into Console 23.2 LTC Input into a DMX Processor 8000 23.3 Viewing Incoming LTC 23.4 Triggering Cues from LTC 23.5 Editing Timecode Values for a Cue 23.6 Simulating LTC 23. Linear Time Code…
Page 409: Ltc Input Into Console
23.1 LTC Input into Console Linear Timecode (LTC) is a form of SMPTE timecode encoded into an audio signal. The Hog 4 OS can listen to LTC by inputting the LTC signal directly into the back of the Hog 4-18, Hog 4, or Full Boar 4.
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Hog 4 OS v3.16.0 and greater supports the use of ETC’s SMPTE Gateway I/O device via USB, but this device is actually recognized as a MIDI input device by Hog 4 OS. Therefore, when connecting an ETC SMPTE Gateway to a Hog Console use the… -
Page 411: Ltc Input Into A Dmx Processor 8000
23.2 LTC Input into a DMX Processor 8000 Linear Timecode (LTC) is a form of SMPTE timecode encoded into an audio signal. The Hog 4 OS can listen to LTC by inputting the LTC signal to a USB LTC widget attached to a DMX Processor.
Page 412: Viewing Incoming Ltc
23.3 Viewing Incoming LTC You can view the incoming LTC being processed by any DMX Processor by opening the Time c o d e To o lb a r associated with that DMX Processor: Se tu p → N e tw o r k : open the Network window.
Page 413: Triggering Cues From Ltc
23.4 Triggering Cues from LTC Cuelist can be assigned to listen to a single LTC source. To select an LTC timecode source for a cuelist: O p e n → C h o o s e : opens the Cuelist window. O p tio n s →…
Page 414: Editing Timecode Values For A Cue
23.5 Editing Timecode Values for a Cue To change the timecode value used to trigger a cue: O p e n → C h o o s e : open the Cuelist window. 2. Select the W a it cell for the cue, and press 3.
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Page 416: Macros
24. Macros 24.1 Intro to Macros 24.2 Comment Macros 24.3 Keystroke Macros 24. Macros…
Page 417: Intro To Macros
24.1 Intro to Macros There are two types of macros you can use to automate tasks on the console. Comment Macros are placed in the macro field of cuelist and other objects to trigger activity on the console. Keystroke Macros allow a sequence of screen and button presses to be recorded for later playback.
Page 418
Controlling Cuelists Comment Syntax Example Notes Macro G L [ l i s t ] / G L 1 . 5 , If you omit the cue number, the next cue will Go Cuelist [ c u e ] G L 2 / 5 Halt Cuelist H L [ l i s t ] H L 1 , 6… -
Page 419
Controlling Timecode Comment Macro Syntax Example Notes Enables timecode for the Enable Timecode E T [ c u e l i s t ] E T 2 selected cuelist. Disable D T [ c u e l i s t ] D T 2 Timecode O T d 1 / 1… -
Page 420
Enable and Disable MIDI Note and Controller Message Input / Output Comment Macro Syntax Example Enable Notes In E N I [ n o d e t y p e ] [ n e t n u m b e r ] / [ i n d e x ] E N I h 1 / 1 Disable Notes In D N I [ n o d e t y p e ] [ n e t n u m b e r ] / [ i n d e x ]… -
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24.2.2 Additional Comment Macro Syntax For some comment macro commands such as fading masters you can specify the execution timing of the macro by adding a «t» followed by a numerical value in seconds: F M 1 0 / 1 t 1 0 Also within a comment macro command, you can specify multiple targets separated with commas: R S 6 , 2 0… -
Page 422: Keystroke Macros
24.3 Keystroke Macros Keystroke Macros are a series of keystrokes, screen events, and encoder movements that are recorded into an object similar to a cuelist. When the Keystroke Macro is executed, the recorded key presses and actions are regenerated. Keystroke Macros can be executed manually or triggered by Comment Macros.
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24.3.3 Keystroke Macro Playback Every time a Keystroke Macro is recorded, it will automatically recall the state of the windows at the time of the recording. This assures that when a macro is run that the windows are set up in the correct places for touch screen presses. At the time of macro playback, the current onscreen windows will be replaced with that of the macro. -
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Running a Keystroke Macro from the Macro Window O p e n Ma cr o : open the Macro Directory Window. 2. Check that the G u a r d button is depressed. O p e n [Ma c r o 4 ]: open the required Macro. -
Page 425
24.3.4 Editing Keystroke Macros You can edit the contents of a Macro in an editor window. For example, to open Macro 1 for editing: O p e n Ma c r o : opens the Macro Directory. O p e n [Ma c r o 1 ]: opens the Macro editor for Macro 1. -
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Command Data Selection Deleting Keystroke Macro Steps To delete a macro step: 1. Press and hold D e le te whilst selecting the macro step to be deleted from the Macro window. 2. Release the D e le te key. A dialog will appear asking you to confirm the delete. 3. -
Page 427
24.3.5 Deleting Keystroke Macros To delete a keystroke macro: Ma cr o [ 1 ] D e le te : deletes Macro 1. 2. Click Or, from the macro directory: 1. Press and hold D e le te whilst selecting the macro to be deleted from the Macro Directory window. -
Page 428: Direct Control Of Dmx Channels
25. Direct Control of DMX Channels 25.1 The DMX Output Window 25.2 Manually Specifying DMX Channel Values 25.3 Setting DMX Channels to External Art-Net Source 25.4 Reverting DMX Channels to HogNet Control 25.5 DMX Test 25. Direct Control of DMX Channels…
Page 429: The Dmx Output Window
25.1 The DMX Output Window By default the DMX channel values output by a processor are controlled by patched fixture data as programmed in the Hog show file. However, you may wish to override these values with manually entered DMX values or with Art-Net values streaming into the console from a remote third party Art-Net source such as another console.
Page 430: Setting Dmx Channels To External Art-Net Source
25.3 Setting DMX Channels to External Art-Net Source Hog 4 OS supports routing Art-Net Input from external sources on the Fixture Net network to DMX Processor Outputs. Hog 4 OS does not support DMX In for console control or signal routing.
Page 431: Reverting Dmx Channels To Hognet Control
25.4 Reverting DMX Channels to HogNet Control To set a DMX channel or group of DMX channels back to values generated by Hog programming: 1. Select the desired DMX channel cell in the DMX output window’s spreadsheet (or highlight a group of DMX channel cells) 2.
Page 432: Reporting
26. Reporting 26.1 Creating, Running, and Managing Report Queries 26.2 Organizing and Saving Report Results 26.3 Using Report Results to Edit Programming 26. Reporting…
Page 433: Creating, Running, And Managing Report Queries
26.1 Creating, Running, and Managing Report Queries The reporting tool of the Hog 4 OS enables users to quickly search for specific programming in the current show file by creating custom queries that search for specific show data. For example, you may want to identify which fixtures in the show are referencing position palette 12 in list 43.
Page 434: Organizing And Saving Report Results
26.2 Organizing and Saving Report Results By default the results of a report are aggregated and sorted by container (list/scene) and then further sorted by location, fixture, and function/value. However, you can custom sort, sub- sort, and sub-aggregate the results as you wish. To master sort and master aggregate the report results right click on any one of the column headers and select So r t.
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Page 436: Fixture Library
27. Fixture Library 27.1 Introduction 27.2 Download and Install Fixture Libraries 27.3 Request Fixture Types from High End Systems 27.4 Build Fixture Types using Fixture Builder 27.5 Fixture Builder Practice Tutorial 27.6 Manually Building Compound Fixtures 27. Fixture Library…
Page 437: Introduction
End System website between software releases in order to ensure users have the most up- to-date information as possible. This section will cover how to install these full libraries onto a Hog 4 series console. To install a fixture library onto console: 1.
Page 438: Build Fixture Types Using Fixture Builder
27.4 Build Fixture Types using Fixture Builder 27.4.1 Build Fixture Types using Fixture Builder In some cases a fixture type may not be available in the full fixture library and is needed in a shorter time frame then can be delivered through a fixture request on the High End Systems website.
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Fixture Builder Basic View Ba sic tab of the fixture builder provides a simplified user interface for adding and modifying the basic DMX attributes of a fixture type. The first thing you will notice about the basic view are the large grey boxes labeled on the left with a number. These blocks represent the DMX channels of the fixture and are called DMX channel blocks. -
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To add a new DMX channel block click on the Blu e Plu s symbol located in the Ad d C h a n n e l box. To remove a DMX channel block click on the upper most R e d X button located in the DMX channel box. -
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Template Menu: Hog 4 Operations Manual… -
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Fixture Builder Advanced View Ad va n ce d tab of the fixture builder provides a detailed and fully comprehensive view of a fixture type’s DMX channel structure and allows for advanced editing of each DMX channel. Unlike the basic view, the advanced view give users access to every fixture function and feature supported by Hog 4 OS and allows for more complex relationships between fixture functions to be established through qualifiers (see Fixture Builder Terminology… -
Page 443
Fixture Builder Functions Tab Fu n ctio n s tab of the fixture builder contains a summary of all of the function/feature pairings used in the fixture type and allows for customization of the following: Default Feature Some functions only have one feature while others have several. When more than one feature is used for a function, use the default feature column in the functions tab to establish the fixture’s default feature for that function. -
Page 444
Exporting Fixture Types to a Library Exporting a fixture type from the fixture builder into a new or existing library file is a simple process that allows you to stuff multiple custom fixture types into a single, portable, and sharable fixture library file. To export a fixture type to a fixture library: 1. -
Page 445
Fixture Builder Terminology A variety of terminology used in the fixture builder is described in this section. DMX: represents the DMX value or range of DMX values that will output from the console when the specified real world values are programmed by the console operator. For example, a DMX channel entry with a DMX value of 0<255, a function of intensity, a feature of variable, and a real world value of 0<100% will result in a DMX output of 0 when the fixture’s intensity is at 0%, a DMX output of 255 when the fixture’s intensity is at 100%, and a variably scaled… -
Page 446
None: can be used as a DMX value to indicate that no changes will occur to the DMX output for a DMX channel regardless of whether the specified real world value conditions have been met. ANY: can be used as a function, feature, or real world value. When ANY is used as a function the console will output the DMX value specified in the •… -
Page 447: Fixture Builder Practice Tutorial
27.5 Fixture Builder Practice Tutorial 27.5.1 Fixture Builder Tutorial The following fixture builder tutorial provides step-by-step instructions for creating, building, and exporting a fixture type that is capable of controlling the essential functions of the High End Systems Uno fixture. Please refer to the DMX chart shown in the figure below as part of the tutorial.
Page 448
1. Open the fixture window (O p e n Fix tu r e ) and click on the Fixtu r e Bu ild e r button located at the top of the fixture window. 2. In the fixture builder window, use the C u r r e n t Ty p e drop down menu to select C r e a te… -
Page 449
11. Now we will add a series of DMX entries for channel 5. To add the first DMX entry press the Ad d Va lu e button. Refer to the Uno’s DMX chart. The DMX value of the first entry on DMX channel 5 is 0. Click on the DMX cell, input a DMX value of confirm by pressing the G r e e n C h e c k Ma r k button. -
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17. Once you are finished, channel 10 should look like the figure below. Fixture Builder Tutorial, Uno Channel 10 27. Fixture Library… -
Page 451
18. Now click on the Blu e Plu s button in the Ad d c h a n n e l rectangle to add channel 11 to the fixture. Refer to the DMX chart. As you will see channel 11 also controls the strobe function of the fixture but more specifically controls the rate of each strobe mode. -
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19. You might be questioning why we added a strobe / shutter definition to DMX channel 11 and channel 10. The reason is that Hog 4 OS must initialize every function / feature pair for all channels that refer to a specific function. 20. -
Page 453
28. The next step is to the build the fixture type so that it can be scheduled and patched in the current show file. Press the Bu ild Typ e button located at the top of the fixture builder window. If fixture builder finds any errors a dialogue box will pop up and the build process will fail until you correct the errors. -
Page 454: Manually Building Compound Fixtures
27.6 Manually Building Compound Fixtures Although the fixture builder does not have an interface for building compound fixture types it is still possible to create and build compound fixtures using the XML import / export tools of the fixture builder and an offline editing using a simple text editor or XML editor application. Refer to the procedure listed below for instructions on how to create and import compound fixtures: 1.
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10. Replace the word ED IT in the pasted text with the appropriate values as described below: C o mp o u n d Ty p e n a me value is the name of the compound fixture that • appears in the fixturer scheduler. -
Page 456: Visualizer Connectivity
28. Visualizer Connectivity 28.1 Connectivity Overview 28.2 Installing the Hog Connectivity Driver 28.3 Physically Connecting the Console 28.4 Configuring the Visualizer PC 28.5 Configuing the Console 28.6 Autofocus 28.7 Visualizer Troubleshooting 28. Visualizer Connectivity…
Page 457: Connectivity Overview
28.1 Connectivity Overview In addition to Art-Net, sACN, and DMX, Hog 4 OS consoles can control visualizers through a direct visualizer stream via the console’s FixtureNet port. For most applications this requires installation of the Hog 4 Connectivity Driver on the visualization computer. Installation of the Hog Connectivity Driver is NOT required if running the Capture v2019 (or newer) application or a Capture v2019 (or newer) presentation file since CITP is supported for Hog visualizer streaming.
Page 458: Installing The Hog Connectivity Driver
28.2 Installing the Hog Connectivity Driver The current Hog 4 Connectivity installation application can be downloaded from the website. The connectivity driver is also automatically installed with Hog 4 PC. Installation of the Hog Connectivity Driver is NOT required if running the Capture v2019 (or newer) application or a Capture v2019 (or newer) presentation file since CITP is supported for Hog visualizer streaming.
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3. The wizard displays an End User License Agreement. Select I accept the terms in the License Agreement and then press N e x t to continue. 4. A Ready to Install screen will appear with instructions on beginning or canceling the installation. -
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5. The installation only takes a few seconds. When the installation is complete, press Fin ish to exit the installer. 28. Visualizer Connectivity… -
Page 461: Physically Connecting The Console
28.3 Physically Connecting the Console Connect the console’s FixtureNet port to a Ethernet port on the visualizer PC using a standard Ethernet cable. Switches and routers can also be used inline to connect the console to the visualizer PC as needed by the network setup. Hog 4 Operations Manual…
Page 462: Configuring The Visualizer Pc
28.4 Configuring the Visualizer PC 28.4.1 Network Settings on the Visualizer PC 1. Navigate to the network and sharing center of your Visualizer PC by right clicking on the network icon on the windows desktop and select properties. If the network icon is not shown on your desktop then do a search for «network and sharing center»…
Page 463
28.4.2 WYSIWYG Configuration To configure WYSIWYG: 1. In WYSIWYG open the Device Manager: L iv e → D e vice Ma n a g e r 2. Click on N e w to add an additional device. Select Wholehog DMX Processor as the new device: Hog 4 Operations Manual… -
Page 464
3. The device window will now display the Wholehog DMX Processor, 4. Double click on this device or select it and press Pr o p e r tie s . The Properties window will open: 5. In the Ad d r e s s field enter a value of 1,2,3, or 4. -
Page 465
6. Bind the Hog output ports to the universes in your WYSIWYG show. 7. Once the universes are bound to the DMX Processor, press the connect button in the device manager window. 8. The DMX Processor will now show a «connected» status which indicates that WYSIWYG is now ready to receive a visualizer data stream from a console. -
Page 466
28.4.3 WYSIWYG Console Edition Configuration When using some versions of Console Edition (CE) WYSIWYG to connect directly to a Hog system, only one universe of visualization is possible at a time. If your version of CE is limited to one universe, you will need to specify which universe is active within the WYSIWYG file: With the WYSIWYG file open, go to the Live Module and select Ed it →… -
Page 467
Installation of the Hog Connectivity Driver on the visualizer computer is required. • On the console select the «Hog Connectivity» protocol and «Capture» manufacturer in • the visualizer node settings In Capture set the project console link and universe bindings to «Auto» or «Hog 3/4» •… -
Page 468: Configuing The Console
28.5 Configuing the Console 28.5.1 Enabling the Visualizer Stream on the Console Navigate to the start screen of Hog 4 OS and click on the C o n tr o l Pa n e l button. Select the Sta r tu p tab.
Page 469: Visualizer Troubleshooting
28.7 Visualizer Troubleshooting Question The visualizer node is showing as «idle» or «offline» in the network window. Answer: Ensure that the R u n Vis u a liz e r Str e a m option is turned on in the Se ttin g s window of the Hog 4 OS start screen.
Page 470: Updating Software
29. Updating Software 29.1 Console Software Update 29.2 Console Software Full Install 29.3 Create a USB Flash Drive for Full Install of Hog 4 OS v3.9.0 and Higher 29.4 Create a USB Flash Drive for Full Install of Hog 4 OS v3.8.0 and Lower 29.5 DMX Processor Software Update 29.6 DMX Processor Software Full Install 29.7 Upgrading HedgeHog 4 Consoles (2015 and later)
Page 471: Console Software Update
Caution: The software package should only be obtained from the High End website. To update software on a Hog 4 Series Console: 1. Download the latest Software update installer from the High End website (once downloaded the file name will be Hog4_X-X-X-X.fpspkg where the Xs represented the software version number).
Page 472: Console Software Full Install
29.2 Console Software Full Install Occasionally the entire contents of the hard drive will need to be replaced, this is referred to as a «full install.» As the name implies, performing a full install with completely erase the contents of the hard drive. The Hog OS core operating system will be replaced and any saved show files will be lost.
Page 473: Create A Usb Flash Drive For Full Install Of Hog 4 Os V3.9.0 And Higher
29.3 Create a USB Flash Drive for Full Install of Hog 4 OS v3.9.0 and Higher The following procedure demonstrates how to create a Full Install USB flash drive for use with all Hog 4 OS Consoles. This procedure is NOT compatible for full installs of Hog 4 OS v3.8.0 and lower. For full installs of Hog 4 OS v3.8.0 and older please refer to Create a USB Flash Drive for full install of Hog 4 OS v3.8.0…
Page 474: Create A Usb Flash Drive For Full Install Of Hog 4 Os V3.8.0 And Lower
29.4 Create a USB Flash Drive for Full Install of Hog 4 OS v3.8.0 and Lower The following procedure demonstrates how to use a Windows Computer to create a Full Install USB flash drive for use with Hog 4 OS Consoles, using an ISO version of 3.80 and below.
Page 475: Dmx Processor Software Update
29.5 DMX Processor Software Update When updating console software it is also necessary to update the software on all attached DMX processors as well. 1. Connect the console’s HogNet Ethernet port and the DMX Processor’s HogNet Ethernet port to the same physical Ethernet network. 2.
Page 476: Dmx Processor Software Full Install
29.6 DMX Processor Software Full Install The following procedure will install a full copy of the DMX Processor software onto the DMX Processor. The procedure is usually only necessary in cases where software updates are failing or when the compact flash drive inside the DMX Processor has been replaced. Caution: Selecting the wrong disk is «diskpart»can lead to data loss on your Windows PC, proceed only if comfortable.
Page 477: Upgrading Hedgehog 4 Consoles (2015 And Later)
29.7 Upgrading HedgeHog 4 Consoles (2015 and later) All HedgeHog 4 consoles manufactured in January 2015 or later that have the motherboard back plane exposed on the rear of the console are built using the exact same internal and external hardware. Therefore, the platform (or model) of the desk is not determined by the physical components of the desk but rather by an encrypted software certificate installed on the console.
Page 478
4. Select the platform (model) you wish to upgrade to and press 5. Contact a High End Systems Sales representative and provide them with the upgrade code shown on the screen as well as which console platform (model) you are upgrading from and which console model you are wanting to upgrade to. -
Page 479
6. Once your HedgeHog 4 upgrade order is complete, High End Systems will send you a validation code. Enter the validation code into the upgrade wizard and press 7. Press the Fin is h . The console will now reboot and operate as the new platform (model). -
Page 480: Upgrading Hog 2 Usb Dmx Widgets
29.8 Upgrading Hog 2 USB DMX Widgets Some older USB DMX Widgets (single universe) are compatible only with Hog 2. These USB DMX widgets will need to be upgraded to be compatible with Hog 4 OS. Please contact your High End Systems dealer for pricing and details. When purchasing, you need to provide your Widget serial number and Widget ID number.
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5. Enter the authorization code for the selected widget and press N e xt (the authorization code is delivered with the Widget Upgrade Kit). If the code is incorrect an error message will be displayed. Re-enter the proper authorization code. Codes are unique for each USB DMX Widget and will not function unless they match the expected serial number and Widget ID number. -
Page 482
6. Once complete, the widget will be fully upgraded. You can now select U p g r a d e An o th e r to upgrade another widget, or press Fin ish to exit the application. In the event of an error, a message will be displayed. Please contact Technical Services further assistance. -
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Page 484: Hog 4 Pc
30. Hog 4 PC 30.1 Software Installation 30.2 Software Removal 30.3 Operation 30. Hog 4 PC…
Page 485: Software Installation
30.1 Software Installation Hog 4 PC is a free software program that runs Hog 4 OS on Windows based computers and can be used as an offline editor, backup server, or stand alone controller. Hog 4 PC system requirements: Operating System: Windows 10 (32-bit or 64-bit) •…
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3. The installer will quickly examine the Operating System and disk space. Click Next to continue. 4. A setup screen will appear containing the Hog 4 PC End User License Agreement. Click the check-box to agree to the license terms and condition and then click Install. 30. -
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5. This prompts a screen with instructions for beginning or canceling the installation. Click Install to begin installing. 6. The installer will now proceed to copy several files onto the computer including a full fixture library. This can take several minutes depending on the computer’s hardware. Hog 4 Operations Manual… -
Page 488: Software Removal
7. When the installation is complete a confirmation screen will appear. If software for the ETCnomad key was not detected during install then an additional option to install ETCnomad Key software will appear. High End Systems recommends checking this option if presented. Click Finish. 8.
Page 489: Operation
30.3 Operation 30.3.1 Using the Hog 4 PC Interface Hog 4 PC Windows When Hog 4 PC opens the Start window will be displayed along with the splash screen. Once a show file is loaded or opened, the two Hog 4 PC default screens will be displayed. The Front Panel Interface The front panel of Hog 4 PC looks and behaves very similarly to the front panel of the Hog 4 console.
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Displaying Four Hog 4 PC Windows By default, only two Hog 4 PC windows are shown. However, the Hog 4 PC software supports the display of three or four windows if desired. To open these windows: Se tu p → C o n tr o l Pa n e l →… -
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Page 492: Cheatsheets
31. Cheatsheets 31.1 QWERTY Keyboard Shortcuts 31.2 Hog 4 OS Key Combinations 31.3 DMX Processor Front Panel Button Combinations 31.4 Front Panel Diagrams 31.5 Decimal to Hex Conversion Chart 31. Cheatsheets…
Page 493: Qwerty Keyboard Shortcuts
31.1 QWERTY Keyboard Shortcuts 31.1.1 QWERTY Keyboard Shortcuts Many functions of Hog 4 OS’s can be executed using a standard QWERTY keyboard. To enable keyboard shortcuts press the Pause / Break key or Control + Q on the keyboard until MAP is shown as the keyboard mode on the Command Line Toolbar.
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The following table contains a list of Hog 4 OS functions and their respective US keyboard mappings 31. Cheatsheets… -
Page 495
Function Keystroke Function Keystroke Toggle Shortcuts CTRL Q Main Go ] or Space CTRL or F14 Main Pause Open ESC or O Main Back INSERT or i Skip Fwd Intensity Skip Back Position Goto Colour Release Beam Pig + Release ALT Z or F14 + Z Effects Assert… -
Page 496: Hog 4 Os Key Combinations
31.2 Hog 4 OS Key Combinations Several of the functions of the Hog 4 OS can be accessed through use of the front panel key combinations and onscreen button combinations found in the tables below. Programming & Patching Blin d Fades Changes when blinding and un-blinding C le a r Undo…
Page 497
Window Control O p e n C o lo u r Opens the Colour Picker window O p e n Be a m Opens the Media Picker window O p e n Fixtu r e Opens the Plots directory O p e n L ist Sce n e Directory Item opens option window for the list or scene… -
Page 498
Adjusts brightness of LCD back lights, front panel LEDs, desk lights, Se tu p + encoder wheel and work light Toggles slot toolbar and encoder wheel toolbar on / off + 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. Toggles playback bars on / off 31. Cheatsheets… -
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Page 500: Dmx Processor Front Panel Button Combinations
31.3 DMX Processor Front Panel Button Combinations The keys on the front panel of the DMX Processor 8000 are used for standard menu navigation. However as the unit boots you can view specific boot information via a scroll bar. Once the DMX Processor 8000 is fully booted, it displays the standard menu. In addition the following reset options are available: Hard Reset: to force a hard reset of the DMX Processor 8000, hold the middle and bottom buttons for four seconds (use the center and right buttons for older DMX Processor units…
Page 501: Front Panel Diagrams
31.4 Front Panel Diagrams Programmer section of the Hog 4 and Hog 4-18 front panel Playback section of the Hog 4 front panel Hog 4 Operations Manual…
Page 502: Decimal To Hex Conversion Chart
31.5 Decimal to Hex Conversion Chart Dec Hex Dec Hex Dec Hex Dec Hex Dec Hex Dec Hex Dec Hex Dec Hex 112 70 113 71 114 72 115 73 100 64 116 74 101 65 117 75 102 66 118 76 103 67 119 77…
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Hog 4 Operations Manual… -
Page 504: Troubleshooting
32. Troubleshooting 32.1 Console Won’t Startup 32.2 No DMX Output from Console’s built-in DMX Outputs 32.3 No Art-Net Output from Console’s FixtureNet Port 32.4 The Console Appears to Have Crashed or Frozen 32.5 Console Not Communicating with DMX Processor 8000 32.6 Playback Controls Don’t Behave as Expected 32.7 ETCnomad Key Not Recognized by Hog 4 PC 32.8 The Front Panel Reboots Unexpectedly 32.9 How to Report Problems to Support…
Page 505: Console Won’t Startup
32.1 Console Won’t Startup If a software update has failed the console can get into a state where it either fails to start properly, or it goes immediately to the shutdown screen. A full re-install will be necessary; Console Software Full Install. 32.2 No DMX Output from Console’s built-in DMX Outputs 1.
Page 506: The Console Appears To Have Crashed Or Frozen
5. If a you have performed all the troubleshooting steps in this section and the problem continues to persist then please contact Technical Services for further assistance. 32.4 The Console Appears to Have Crashed or Frozen Hog 4 OS runs as a series of separate ‘processes’ that can start and stop individually. Often, when the console appears to have crashed or frozen, it is only one process that is causing the problem, while the rest of the processes are still running normally.
Page 507: Etcnomad Key Not Recognized By Hog 4 Pc
32.7 ETCnomad Key Not Recognized by Hog 4 PC Components needed to run the license key were either not installed or are currently missing from Windows. Try manually reinstalling the ETCnomad License key drivers by following these steps: 1. Press ⊞ Windows Key + R on the computer’s keyboard. This opens a «run» dialogue box.
Page 508
The type and number of Hog console systems in use • How many DMX Processors and MIDI/Timecode Processors. • What sort of routers/hubs are being used. • Other PC’s or applications (such as ArtNet, ETCNet, Web Servers, and so on) that are •… -
Page 509
32.9.4 About Software Version Numbering The software version number is made up of four parts: Major version number, Minor version number, Current release number, and the Build number. For example: v99.88.77 b555 : «99» is the major number • «88» is the minor version number •… -
Page 510: Technical Services Contact Information
32.10 Technical Services Contact Information If you are having difficulties and your problem is not addressed by this document, try the ETC support website at support.etcconnect.com or the High End Systems product website at etcconnect.com/Products/Live-Events/. If none of these resources are sufficient, contact ETC Technical Services directly at one of the offices identified below.
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Page 512: Service
33. Service 33.1 Replacing the Screens 33.2 Replacing the Faders 33.3 Cleaning the Faders 33.4 How to Add Rear Rack Ears to HPU 33.5 Replacing the Trackball 33. Service…
Page 513: Replacing The Screens
33.1 Replacing the Screens Caution: Always shut down and disconnect the mains power before removing the front panel. Damaged screens are easily replaced: 1. With the LCD box in the horizontal (flat) position undo the six screws surrounding the screen using a 3mm allen key. 2.
Page 514: Replacing The Faders
33.2 Replacing the Faders This section covers how to replace the faders on Hog 4-18, Hog 4, Full Boar 4, Playback Wing 4, Road Hog 4, and Nano Hog 4. NOTE: Faders cannot be replaced on the HedgeHog 4 console as they are soldered to the mainboard.
Page 515: Cleaning The Faders
33.3 Cleaning the Faders Faders are often unnecessarily discarded when all they need is a cleaning. This section will cover how to clean the faders on all of the consoles in the Hog 4 family. 33.3.1 Cleaning faders on Hog 4-18, Hog 4, Full Boar 4, and Playback Wing 4 1.
Page 516: How To Add Rear Rack Ears To Hpu
33.4 How to Add Rear Rack Ears to HPU The following instructions describe how to assemble and attach the rear rack mounting assembly kit (sold separately) to the HPU: 1. Attach the rail adapters to the rear chasis brackets using the 10-32 x .5 screws from the kit.
Page 517: Replacing The Trackball
33.5 Replacing the Trackball Caution: Always shut down and disconnect the mains power before removing the front panel. To replace the Trackball on a Hog 4-18, Hog 4 or Full Boar 4 console: 1. Undo the four front panel screws with a 3mm allen key (plus the two thumb screws in the armrest on the Hog 4 console) , and carefully lift up the front panel from the edge closest to you and insert into service slot.
Page 518: Safety Information
34. Safety Information 34.1 Safety Warnings 34.2 Informations Importantes Sur La Sécurité 34.3 Wichtige Hinweise Für Ihre Sicherheit 34.4 Información Importante De Seguridad 34.5 Importanti Informazioni Di Sicurezza 34.6 Vigtig Sikkerhedsinformation 34.7 安 全 に関 する情 報 34. Safety Information…
Page 519: Safety Warnings
34.1 Safety Warnings For Continued Protection Against Fire Only connect this equipment to a branch circuit having a maximum overload protection of 20A. For Continued Protection Against Electric Shock If this equipment was received without a line cord plug, attach the appropriate line cord plug according to the following code: Brown — live •…
Page 520: Informations Importantes Sur La Sécurité
34.2 Informations Importantes Sur La Sécurité Pour Une Protection Permanente Contre Les Incendies Cet appareil comporte une protection de 20 A contre les surcharges électrique. Pour Une Protection Permanente Contre Les Chocs Électriques Si cet équipement est livré sans prise sur le câble d’alimentation, veuillez connecter la prise de courant selon le code suivant: marron — phase •…
Page 521: Wichtige Hinweise Für Ihre Sicherheit
34.3 Wichtige Hinweise Für Ihre Sicherheit Zum Schutz Vor Brandgefahr Dieses Gerät darf nur an eine Zweigleitung mit einem Überlastungsschutz von höchstens 20A angeschlossen werden. Zum Schutz Gegen Gefährliche Körperströme Wenn dieses Gerät ohne einen Netzkabelstecker erhalten wurde, ist der entsprechende Netzkabelstecker entsprechend dem folgenden Code anzubringen: Braun — Unter Spannung stehend •…
Page 522: Información Importante De Seguridad
34.4 Información Importante De Seguridad Para Protección Continua Contra Incendios Este equipo debe conectarse a un circuito que tenga una protección máxima contra las sobrecargas de 20A. Para La Protección Continua Contra Electrocuciones Si se recibió este equipo sin el enchufe de alimentacion, monte usted el enchufe correcto según el clave siguente: moreno — vivo •…
Page 523: Importanti Informazioni Di Sicurezza
34.5 Importanti Informazioni Di Sicurezza Per Prevenire Incendi Questa apparecchiatura e’ da collegarsi ad un circuito con una protezzione da sovraccarico massima di 20 amperes. Per Prevenire Le Scosse Elettriche Se questa apparecchiatura è stata consegnata senza una spina del cavo di alimentazione, collegare la spina appropriata del cavo di alimentazione in base ai seguenti codici: marrone — sotto tensione •…
Page 524: Vigtig Sikkerhedsinformation
34.6 Vigtig Sikkerhedsinformation Advarsel: Beskyttelse mod elektrisk chock. VIGTIGT! LEDEREN MED GUL/GROEN ISOLATION MAA KUN TILSLUTTES KLEMME MAERKET ELLER. 34. Safety Information…
Page 525: 安 全 に関 する情 報
34.7 安 全 に関 する情 報 警 告 : 火 災 から の継 続 的 な保 護 の為 に こ の装 置 には分 岐 回 線 への接 続 の為 の最 大 20 A の過 負 荷 防 止 機 構 を持 っ ています。 警…
Page 526: Technical Specifications
35. Technical Specifications 35.1 Hog 4 35.2 Hog 4-18 35.3 Full Boar 4 35.4 HPU 35.5 Road Hog 4 35.6 Road Hog 4-21 35.7 HedgeHog 4 35.8 HedgeHog 4N 35.9 HedgeHog 4N, 4S, 4X (Jan 2015 and later) 35.10 HedgeHog 4X (2020 Model) 35.11 Nano Hog 4 35.12 DMX Processor 8000 35.13 Playback Wing 4…
Page 527: Hog
35.1 Hog 4 35.1.1 Input and Output Connections V-Lock style locking IEC 320 connector (5A/250V rated cable supplied) 100-240 Mains in: VAC, 3.2-2A, 50-60 Hz 1 x 5x20mm 5A T fuse MIDI MIDI — Input, Output, and Thru Ports Connections: LTC In: 3-pin XLR Linear Timecode Input Display…
Page 528
35.2 Hog 4-18 35.2.1 Input and Output Connections V-Lock style locking IEC 320 connector (5A/250V rated cable supplied) 100-240 Mains in: VAC, 3.2-2A, 50-60 Hz 1 x 5x20mm 5A T fuse MIDI MIDI — Input, Output, and Thru Ports Connections: LTC In: 3-pin XLR Linear Timecode Input Display… -
Page 529: Full Boar
35.3 Full Boar 4 35.3.1 Input and Output Connections IEC 320 connector (5A/250V rated cable supplied) 100-240V, 50/60Hz, 5A Mains in: maximum MIDI Connections: MIDI — Input, Output, and Thru Ports LTC In: 3-pin XLR Linear Timecode Input Display 2 x 24 pin DVI-D single link female connectors Connections: Ethernet: 2 x Neutrik Ethercon;…
Page 530: Hpu
3.5″ (89.1mm) high 35.4.3 HPU Trigger Ports The trigger ports on the rear of the HPU are removable, field replaceable headers. They are written below for reference. ETC Part number: J30215-F Manufacturer Part number: PHO ENIX CO NTACT 1844633 35. Technical Specifications…
Page 531
Attribute Value Mtg Type Through Hole Category Terminal Block Family Header Sub-Family Series Phoenix DMC Part Number J30214-F Description TBLK 16M HDR .1 RA DR PHX Pin Count Pitch 0.100 (2.54mm) Orientation Right Angle Row Count Shielded Gauge Attribute Value Mtg Type Non-PCB, BOM only Category… -
Page 532: Road Hog
35.5 Road Hog 4 35.5.1 Input and Output Connections IEC 320 connector (5A/250V rated cable supplied) 100-240V, 50/60Hz, 5A Mains in: maximum Display 1 x DVI-D / 1 x VGA (only 1 can be used at a time) Connections: Ethernet: 2 x Gigabit base-TX Ethernet port 3 x Universal Serial Bus 2.0 ports (2 rear, 1 front) 2 x Universal Serial Bus 3.0 USB:…
Page 533: Road Hog
35.6 Road Hog 4-21 35.6.1 Input and Output Connections IEC 320 connector (5A/250V rated cable supplied) 100-240V, 50/60Hz, 5A Mains in: maximum Display 2 x Display Port Connections: Ethernet: 2 x Gigabit base-TX Ethernet port 4 x Universal Serial Bus 2.0 ports (rear) USB: 4 x Universal Serial Bus 3.0 ports (rear) 1 x Universal Serial Bus 3.0 (front)
Page 534: Hedgehog
35.7 HedgeHog 4 35.7.1 Input and Output Connections IEC 320 connector (5A/250V rated cable supplied) 100-240V, 50/60Hz, 2.5 A Mains in: maximum Ethernet: 1 x Gigabit base-TX Ethernet port USB: 2 x Universal Serial Bus 2.0 ports (rear) DMX out: 2 x Neutrik 5 pin female XLR Keyboard: Not included (Generic Class USB keyboards Supported)
Page 535: Hedgehog 4N, 4S, 4X (Jan 2015 And Later)
35.9 HedgeHog 4N, 4S, 4X (Jan 2015 and later) 35.9.1 Input and Output Connections IEC 320 connector (5A/250V rated cable supplied) 100-240V, 50/60Hz, 2.5 A Mains in: maximum Display 1 x DVI-D / 1 x VGA (only 1 can be used at a time) Connections: Ethernet: 2 x Gigabit base-TX Ethernet port…
Page 536: Hedgehog 4X (2020 Model)
35.10 HedgeHog 4X (2020 Model) 35.10.1 Input and Output Connections IEC 320 connector (5A/250V rated cable supplied) 100-240V, 50/60Hz, 2.5 A Mains in: maximum Display 2 x Display Port Connections: Ethernet: 2 x Gigabit base-TX Ethernet port 4 x Universal Serial Bus 2.0 ports (rear) USB: 4 x Universal Serial Bus 3.0 ports (rear) DMX out:…
Page 537: Nano Hog
35.11 Nano Hog 4 35.11.1 Input and Output Connections Mains in: External DC Power Supply (5.5A/12V) 100-240V, 50/60Hz, 1.5A maximum USB: Type B USB Input Socket Universal Serial Bus 2.0 ports (2 rear) DMX out: 4 x 5-pin XLR DMX Outputs (when DMX output kit is installed) 35.11.2 Power, Weight and Dimensions Power: Weight:…
Page 538: Dmx Processor 8000
35.12 DMX Processor 8000 35.12.1 Input and Output Connections Mains in: V-Lock style locking IEC 320 connector 100-240V, 50/60Hz, 4A maximum Ethernet: EtherCon Gigabit Ethernet port (x2) USB: USB-A 2.0 High Speed (x2) DMX out: Neutrik 5 pin female XLR Isolated, Half Duplex DMX512 outputs (x8) 35.12.2 Power, Weight and Dimensions Power: 200W…
Page 539: Playback Wing
35.13 Playback Wing 4 35.13.1 Input and Output Connections Built-in Power Supply with IEC 320 connector 100-240V, 50/60Hz, 1.5A Mains in: maximum Display DVI-D connector Connections: USB: Type B USB input socket USB-A 2.0 High Speed (x2) 35.13.2 Power, Weight and Dimensions Power: Weight: 27.6 lbs (12.51 kg)
Page 540: Master Wing
35.14 Master Wing 4 35.14.1 Input and Output Connections Built-in Power Supply with IEC 320 connector 100-240V, 50/60Hz, 1.5A Mains in: maximum Display DVI-D connector Connections: USB: Type B USB input socket USB-A 2.0 High Speed (x2) 35.14.2 Power, Weight and Dimensions Power: Weight: 27.2 lbs (12.51 kg)
Page 541: Hog 4 Pc
35.15 Hog 4 PC 35.15.1 Minimum System Requirements Processor: 1.8 GHz Dual Core CPU or faster Supported Operating Systems: Windows 10 (32-bit or 64-bit) Memory: Hard Disk Space: 5 GB of free disk space Screen Resolution: 1024×768 or higher-resolution monitor Hog 4 Operations Manual…
Page 542: Legal Information
36. Legal Information End User License Agreement Trademarks and Patents Warranty Information Important Safety Information Third Party Software FCC Information 36. Legal Information…
Page 543: End User License Agreement
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Other than in its ordinary intended use, you may not alter, merge, modify, adapt or • translate the Software, or decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, or otherwise reduce the Software to a human-perceivable form. Certain components of the Software may have been or may be made available by •… -
Page 545
Page 546
THE FOREGOING LIMITATIONS ON LIABILITY ARE INTENDED TO APPLY TO • ALL ASPECTS OF THIS EULA. 7. Basis of Bargain The Warranty Disclaimer and Limited Liability set forth above are fundamental elements of the basis of the agreement between HES and you. HES would not be able to provide the Software on an economic basis without such limitations. -
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resolve any disputes arising under this EULA. In each case this EULA shall be construed and enforced without regard to the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods. This EULA contains the complete agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agreements or understandings, whether oral or written. -
Page 548: Trademarks And Patents
To view a list of ETC trademarks and patents, go to https://www.etcconnect.com/IP/ other trademarks, both marked and not marked, are the property of their respective owners. ETC intends this document, whether printed or electronic, to be provided in its entirety. 36. Legal Information…
Page 549: Warranty Information
Warranty Information Warranty is available here: https://www.etcconnect.com/Support/Warranty.aspx Hog 4 Operations Manual…
Page 550: Important Safety Information
Important Safety Information Instructions pertaining to continued protection against fire, electric shock, and injury to persons are found in Safety Warnings Please read all instructions prior to assembling, mounting, and operating this equipment. There are no internal user serviceable parts, this includes batteries and fuses. Only use the supplied power cord.
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Informacion Importante De Seguridad En el Información Importante De Seguridad (p.431) se encuentran instrucciones sobre protección continua contra incendios, descarga eléctrica y lesiones personales. Lea, por favor, todas las instrucciones antes del ensamblaje, montaje y operación de este equipo. 重 要 な安 全 に関 する情 報 継… -
Page 552: Third Party Software
Third Party Software AMD: This product uses the Catalyst fglrx drivers. Boost: The product include Boost software distributed underthe Boost Software License, Version 1.0, http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt. Botan: This product includes software developed by the Botan Project and its contributors. Copyright © 1999-2005 The Botan Project.
Page 553: Fcc Information
FCC Information This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received; including interference that may cause undesired operation. Visit etcconnect.com/products for current and complete compliance information including…
Page 554: Glossary
DMX values. Aggregate Fixtures When two or more fixtures are assigned dotted user numbers with the same whole number portion (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc…) Blocking Cue A blocking cue prevents changes made to earlier cues from tracking through to later cues.
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Cell A single rectangle in a spreadsheet, containing a value. -See Also Spread- sheet. Chase A series of cues, that run automatically, connected with link and delay attributes. CITP Controller Interface Transfer Protocol (CITP): a protocol used by the Hog 4 OS to supply the media picker with thumbnail previews of content on con- nected Media Servers -See Also Media Picker. -
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Cuelist A group of cues that run in a specific order consecutively, or even sim- ultaneously. These may be automatically linked to form a chase, or manu- ally triggered. A cuelist is run from a master. Dead Black Out (DBO). Pressing the DBO key on the console will set all intensity output to 0% regardless of the position of the grand master fader. -
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DMX Address A number between 1 and 512 that identifies a controllable parameter of a fixture. Each fixture or group of dimmers has a ‘start address’, the first of the range of DMX addresses that it uses. DMX Processor A nineteen inch, rack mounted network node that distributes DMX output. There may be many DMX Processors within a lighting control network. -
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Fanning A way of quickly assigning fixture parameters to an evenly spaced range of values. For example, you could use fanning to assign the intensity of 10 fix- tures to 10%, 20% … 90%, 100% in a single operation. -See Also Bud- dying. -
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Hard Value The output of a master running a cuelist is a mix of hard and soft parameter values. Hard values are those that are in the current cue, while soft values are those that have tracked through from previous cues. -See Also Track- ing. -
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different address, according to how your network is configured. -See Also Ethernet. A physical button on the console’s front panel. The manual reserves the word «button» for buttons that appear on screen. Kinds Kinds are collections of fixture functions organized into wheelsets. Kinds are stored in the kinds directory and exist in two different forms: fixed kinds and user kinds. -
Page 561
Master Wing A Hog accessory that increases the number of physical masters available on the console by 30. -See Also Master. Media Picker A graphic user interface window that displays selectabled thumnbail pre- views of slotted content for the current fixture selection -See Also CITP. MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI). -
Page 562
Open Sound Control (OSC) A protocol for communication among computers, sound synthesizers, and other multimedia devices that is optimized for modern networking tech- nology. Out Time The time of the fade of the outgoing cue during a crossfade. All fixtures that are decreasing in intensity will go down over this time. -
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curves is the property of a fixture. -See Also Fade Time, Conversion Curve. Pig Key The Pig button is a modifier key, and may be used in conjunction with other keys to alter their function. Pile On A system where new objects are added to previous ones, rather than repla- cing them. -
Page 564
Rate The adjusted speed at which a recorded cuelists, scenes, chases, and effects are played. For recorded chases rate is represented in beats per minute. For recorded cues, scenes, scenes, and effects rate is represnted in percentage. For example, a 2s cue will playback in 4s when the cuelist it is part of has a rate of 50%. -
Page 565
SMPTE A form of time code that can be used to synchronise the operation of vari- ous controllers, for example synchronising lighting to video playback. Soft Key The Soft Keys are the row of keys above and below the touchscreens. They mimic the function of toolbars docked along the edge of the screens. -
Page 566
Timing Cues have several values that control timing: fade, wait, delay and path. — See Also Fade Time, Wait Time, Delay Time, Path . Toolbar A long, thin window with a series of buttons, that generally sits along the top or bottom edge of the screens. When in this position, a toolbar is said to be ‘docked’. -
Page 567
User Kind User kinds are customized kinds built by the user, allowing you to create smaller collections of fixture functions on fewer wheelsets. -See Also Kinds. View An user-defined arrangement of windows that can be accessed with a single button press from the View Toolbar. Virtual Master A playback object (cuelist, scene, batch, or group) that is not attached to a physical master on current page but can still be executed by other means… -
Page 568
Widget A device that allows the connection of accessories to the console or PC via USB. Such accessories may range from input control panels to DMX outputs. -See Also USB. Zoom Allows the size of beam/ image to be adjusted whilst maintaining its focus. 37. -
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| Support support.etcconnect.com | Contact etcconnect.com/contactETC © 2021 Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc. | Trademark and patent info: etcconnect.com/ip Product information and specifications subject to change. ETC intends this document to be provided in its entirety. 6102M1200-3.17.0 Rev A Released 2021-11…