Hp designjet t630 инструкция по применению



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Серия принтеров HP DesignJet T630

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« Вернуться к списку товаров

Принтеры в той же ценовой категории:

Принтер Kyocera  ECOSYS M3145dn

Kyocera ECOSYS M3145dn

Цена: 140 150 р

МФУ лазерный HP LaserJet Enterprise M631dn

HP LaserJet Enterprise M631dn

Цена: 147 650 р

Принтер HP Color LaserJet Enterprise M652dn

HP M652dn

Цена: 158 960 р

Принтер  HP Color LaserJet Pro CP5225N

HP Color LaserJet Pro CP5225N

Цена: 161 990 р

Принтер Kyocera Ecosys P7240cdn

Kyocera Ecosys P7240cdn

Цена: 239 700 р

Принтер Kyocera P3260dn

Kyocera P3260dn

Цена: 135 750 р

Код: 129982

Извините, товара сейчас нет в наличии

Принтер HP DesignJet T630 24-in — фото 1 / 4

Принтер HP DesignJet T630 24-in — фото 3 / 4
Принтер HP DesignJet T630 24-in — фото 4 / 4
Принтер HP DesignJet T630 24-in — фото 5 / 4

Бесплатная доставка
по Красноярску

Извините, товара сейчас нет в наличии


Новости интернет-магазина «Лаукар»:

Скидка на продукцию бренда «TOR»

Ищете подарки на 8 марта? У нас большой выбор!

Каким подарком порадовать защитника Отечества на 23 февраля ?

Дополнительная информация в категории Принтер:

Таблица Авторизованных сервисных центров по брендам.



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В интернет-магазине бытовой техники «Лаукар» Вы можете скачать инструкцию к товару Принтер HP DesignJet T630 24-in совершенно бесплатно.

Все инструкции, представленные на сайте интернет-магазина бытовой техники «Лаукар», предоставляются производителем товара.
Перед началом использования товара рекомендуем Вам ознакомиться с инструкцией по применению.

Для того чтобы скачать инструкцию, Вам необходимо нажать на ссылку «скачать инструкцию», расположенную ниже, а в случае, если ссылки нет,
Вы можете попробовать обратиться к данной странице позднее,
возможно специалисты интернет-магазина бытовой техники «Лаукар» еще не успели загрузить для скачивания инструкцию к товару:
Принтер HP DesignJet T630 24-in.

Скачать инструкцию

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Фирма-производитель оставляет за собой право на внесение изменений в конструкцию, дизайн и комплектацию товара: Принтер HP DesignJet T630 24-in. Пожалуйста, сверяйте информацию о товаре с информацией на
официальном сайте компании производителя.

HP DesignJet T630

PDF инструкция  · 120 страниц(ы) английский

инструкцияHP DesignJet T630

HP DesignJet T200/T600 Printer series

User Guide

Посмотреть инструкция для HP DesignJet T630 бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории принтеры, 1 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 7.5. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: английский. У вас есть вопрос о HP DesignJet T630 или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

  • Introduction
  • Connecting the printer
  • Setting up the printer
  • Personalizing the printer
  • Paper handling
  • Printing
  • Practical printing examples
  • Handling ink cartridges and printhead
  • Maintaining the printer
  • Accessories
  • Troubleshooting paper issues
  • Troubleshooting print-quality issues
  • Troubleshooting ink cartridge and printhead issues
  • Troubleshooting data communication issues
  • Troubleshooting general printer issues
  • Front-panel error messages
  • HP Customer Care
  • Printer specifications
  • Glossary
  • Index
DesignJet T630 | 5HB09A
0193015779310, 0194850019906, 0194850020193, 0194850019937, 0194850019920, 0194850019913, 0193015779297, 0194850664922, 0194850951602
Руководство пользователя (PDF)
Цвет товара Черный
Оперативная память 1024 MB
Уровень давления звука (печать) 42 dB
Сертификация USA and Canada (CSA certified); EU (LVD, EN 60950-1 and EN 62368-1 compliant); Russia, Belarus, Khazakstan (EAC);nUkraine (UA); Singapore (PSB); China (CCC); Argentina (IRAM); India (BIS); Mexico (NYCE)
Встроенный экран Нет
Страна производства Китай
Порты и интерфейсы
Подключение Ethernet Да
Wi-Fi Да
USB порт Да
Количество портов USB 2.0 1
Скорость передачи данных Ethernet LAN 10,100,1000 Мбит/с
Максимальное разрешение 2400 x 1200 DPI
Технология печати Термическая струйная
Цветной Да
Цвета печати Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow
Число картриджей для печати 2
Печатающая головка 1
Языки описания страницы CALS G4, HP-GL/2, HP-RTL, JPEG, URF
Типы и характеристики бумаги
Максимальные размеры печати 610 x 1897 мм
Максимальная ширина рулона 610 mm
ISO A-форматы (А0…А9) A1, A2, A3, A4
Толщина носителей 0.3 mm
Отрезные листы
Типы материалов для печати Bond paper, Coated paper, Heavy paper, Recycled paper
Вес и размеры
Ширина 1013 mm
Глубина 605 mm
Высота 932 mm
Вес 28900 g
Данные об упаковке
Ширина упаковки 1155 mm
Глубина упаковки 575 mm
Высота упаковки 475 mm
Масса брутто 37400 g
Поставляемое ПО HP Click, HP Smart app, HP Print Preview for Windows, HP Easy Start, HP DesignJet Utility for Windows, HP Support Assistant
Системные требования
Поддерживаемые операционные системы Windows Да
Поддерживаемые операционные системы Mac Да
Условия эксплуатации
Диапазон температур при эксплуатации 5 — 40 °C
Диапазон относительной влажности при эксплуатации 20 — 80 %
Диапазон температур при хранении -25 — 55 °C
Потребляемая мощность (в обычном режиме) 35 W
Потребляемая мощность (в режим ожидания) 0.2 W
Входящее напряжение сети 100 — 240 V
Частота входящего переменного тока 50/60 Hz
Сертификаты устойчивого развития EPEAT Gold, ENERGY STAR

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Не можете найти ответ на свой вопрос в руководстве? Вы можете найти ответ на свой вопрос ниже, в разделе часто задаваемых вопросов о HP DesignJet T630.

Какой вес HP DesignJet T630?

Как удалить замятую бумагу из принтера?

Почему после установки оригинального картриджа принтер не работает?

Чем обусловлено плохое качество печати?

В чем разница между лазерным и струйным принтером?

Почему при печати на струйном принтере появляются черные полосы?

Что означает аббревиатура DPI?

Какие сертификаты HP DesignJet T630 имеет?

Сколько картриджей можно поместить в HP DesignJet T630?

Какая высота HP DesignJet T630?

Какая ширина HP DesignJet T630?

Какая толщина HP DesignJet T630?

Инструкция HP DesignJet T630 доступно в русский?

Не нашли свой вопрос? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

Посмотреть все HP руководства Посмотреть все HP принтер руководства

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    Здравствуйте, Ваша претензия принята и зарегистрирована.
    В течение 3-х рабочих дней Вам, на электронную почту, будет дан письменный ответ. В случае возникновения дополнительных вопросов, менеджер претензионного отдела свяжется с Вами.

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    Торг для данного товара сейчас не возможен!

    Сколько вы готовы заплатить за этот товар?

    Введите ваше ценовое предложение

    Мы согласны с вашим предложением 

    Мы принимаем вашу цену, и вы можете купить товар по цене:

    0 руб.

    Без рубрики HP DesignJet T630 36″ (5HB11A) — инструкция пользователя по применению, эксплуатации и установке на русском языке. Мы надеемся, она поможет вам решить возникшие у вас вопросы при эксплуатации техники.

    Вы можете скачать инструкцию к HP DesignJet T630 36″ (5HB11A) по ссылке ниже, если не хотите ждать загрузки. Если остались вопросы, задайте их в комментариях после инструкции.

    «Загружаем инструкцию», означает, что нужно подождать пока файл загрузится и можно будет его читать онлайн. Некоторые инструкции очень большие и время их появления зависит от вашей скорости интернета.

    Остались вопросы?

    Не нашли свой ответ в руководстве или возникли другие проблемы? Задайте свой вопрос в форме ниже с подробным описанием вашей ситуации, чтобы другие люди и специалисты смогли дать на него ответ. Если вы знаете как решить проблему другого человека, пожалуйста, подскажите ему :)

    Часто задаваемые вопросы

    Как посмотреть инструкцию к HP DesignJet T630 36″ (5HB11A)?

    Необходимо подождать полной загрузки инструкции в сером окне на данной странице или скачать кликнув по специальной кнопке.

    Руководство на русском языке?

    Все наши руководства представлены на русском языке или схематично, поэтому вы без труда сможете разобраться с вашей моделью

    Как можно распечатать инструкцию?

    Скачайте ее по специальной кнопке над формой чтения на ваше устройства и отправьте на печать.

    View a manual of the HP DesignJet T630 below. All manuals on ManualsCat.com can be viewed completely free of charge. By using the ‘Select a language’ button, you can choose the language of the manual you want to view.

    Page: 1

    © Copyright 2020 HP Development Company,
    Edition 1
    Legal notices
    The information contained herein is subject to
    change without notice.
    The only warranties for HP products and
    services are set forth in the express warranty
    statement accompanying such products and
    services. Nothing herein should be construed as
    constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not
    be liable for technical or editorial errors or
    omissions contained herein.
    Wi-Fi certified
    Adobe®, Acrobat®, and Adobe Photoshop® are
    trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
    ENERGY STAR and the ENERGY STAR mark are
    registered U.S. trademarks.
    Microsoft® and Windows® are U.S. registered
    trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
    Apple and AirPrint are trademarks of Apple Inc.,
    registered in the U.S. and other countries.

    Page: 2

    Table of contents
    1 Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1
    Safety precautions ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1
    Using this guide …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2
    Printer models …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
    Main features ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
    Main components ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
    Turn the printer on and off …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
    Front panel ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
    Printer solutions ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
    Mobile Printing …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11
    Enable email printing …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11
    Reports ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11
    2 Connecting the printer ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13
    Choose which connection method to use ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 13
    1. Connect the printer to your network ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14
    2. Set up your device …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 15
    Other options …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 15
    3 Setting up the printer ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 17
    Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 17
    Automatic firmware update ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 17
    Turn email notifications on and off …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 17
    Turn alerts on and off ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 17
    Control access to the Embedded Web Server ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 19
    Set Windows driver preferences ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 19
    4 Personalizing the printer ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 20
    Change the language of the front-panel display ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 20
    Access the Embedded Web Server …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 20
    Change the language of the Embedded Web Server …………………………………………………………………………………………. 20
    Access the HP Utility (Windows only) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 21
    Change the language of the HP Utility ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 21
    Change the sleep mode setting …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 21
    Configure power button mode …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 21
    Change the auto-off setting ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 21
    ENWW iii

    Page: 3

    Change the front-panel display brightness ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 22
    Configure network settings ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 22
    Configure firewall settings …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 23
    Embedded Web Server security settings …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 24
    5 Paper handling …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 26
    General paper-loading advice ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 26
    Load a roll onto the spindle ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 26
    Load a roll into the printer …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 27
    Unload a roll ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 28
    Load a single sheet ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 28
    Unload a single sheet ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 29
    Use the multi-sheet tray ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 29
    View information about the paper …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 30
    Maintain paper …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 31
    Change the drying time ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 31
    Turn the automatic cutter on and off …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 31
    Form feed and form feed and cut ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 32
    6 Printing …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 33
    Mobile Printing …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 33
    Print using Wi-Fi Direct ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 34
    Easy printing with HP Click ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 36
    Printing from an application using a printer driver …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 37
    7 Practical printing examples ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 43
    Print a draft for revision with the correct scale ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 43
    Print a PDF multipage job from Adobe Acrobat Reader or Adobe Acrobat Pro …………………………………………………… 43
    Print a document with the correct colors …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 44
    Print a project using Autodesk AutoCAD ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 48
    Print a presentation …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 50
    Print and scale from Microsoft Office …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 52
    8 Handling ink cartridges and printhead ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 54
    About the ink cartridges …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 54
    Storage of anonymous usage information ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 54
    Check ink cartridge status …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 54
    Replace an ink cartridge …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 55
    About the printhead …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 56
    Safe mode …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 56
    iv ENWW

    Page: 4

    9 Maintaining the printer …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 58
    Check printer status …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 58
    Take care of the printer ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 58
    Clean the exterior of the printer ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 58
    Print Quality Diagnostic Report ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 58
    Clean the printhead ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 59
    Align the printhead ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 60
    Replace the printhead ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 61
    Clean the encoder strip ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 63
    Recalibrate the paper advance ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 64
    Move or store the printer …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 65
    Firmware update ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 65
    Software update ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 65
    Printer maintenance kits ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 65
    HP Support Assistant …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 66
    10 Accessories …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 67
    How to order supplies and accessories ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 67
    Introduction to the accessories ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 68
    11 Troubleshooting paper issues ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 69
    Paper cannot be loaded successfully …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 69
    Paper type is not in the driver ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 71
    Printer printed on the wrong paper type …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 72
    Paper mismatch ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 73
    Roll has jammed ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 73
    Prevent a jam …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 74
    Multi-sheet tray has jammed …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 75
    A strip stays on the output tray and generates jams …………………………………………………………………………………………. 77
    Printer displays out of paper when paper is available ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 77
    Prints do not fall neatly into the bin …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 77
    Sheet stays in the printer when the print has been completed …………………………………………………………………………. 77
    Paper is cut when the print has been completed ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 78
    Cutter does not cut well …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 78
    Roll is loose on the spindle ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 78
    12 Troubleshooting print-quality issues ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 79
    General printing advice ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 79
    Horizontal lines across the image (banding) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 79
    Lines are too thick, too thin or missing ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 80
    ENWW v

    Page: 5

    Lines appear stepped or jagged ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 80
    Lines print double or in the wrong colors …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 80
    Lines are discontinuous …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 81
    Lines are blurred ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 81
    Line lengths are inaccurate ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 82
    Whole image is blurry or grainy …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 82
    Paper is not flat …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 83
    Print is scuffed or scratched ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 83
    Ink marks on the paper ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 84
    Black ink comes off when you touch the print …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 84
    Edges of objects are stepped or not sharp ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 84
    Edges of objects are darker than expected ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 85
    Vertical lines of different colors …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 85
    White spots on the print …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 85
    Colors are inaccurate …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 85
    Colors are fading ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 86
    Image is incomplete (clipped at the bottom) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 86
    Image is clipped …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 86
    Some objects are missing from the printed image ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 87
    If you still have a problem ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 87
    13 Troubleshooting ink cartridge and printhead issues ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 88
    Cannot insert an ink cartridge ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 88
    Ink cartridge status messages …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 88
    Cannot insert the printhead ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 88
    14 Troubleshooting data communication issues ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 89
    Communication failures between computer and printer ……………………………………………………………………………………. 89
    Wired network issues ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 90
    Wireless network issues …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 90
    Mobile Printing issues ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 93
    Network configuration page ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 93
    15 Troubleshooting general printer issues …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 95
    Printer does not start ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 95
    Printer does not print ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 95
    Printer seems slow ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 95
    Front panel is frozen ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 96
    Cannot access the Embedded Web Server ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 96
    Restore factory defaults and settings ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 96
    vi ENWW

    Page: 6

    Alerts …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 97
    16 Front-panel error messages ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 98
    Text messages and numerical error codes ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 98
    17 HP Customer Care ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 100
    Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 100
    HP Professional Services …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 100
    Customer Self Repair ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 101
    Contact HP Support …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 101
    18 Printer specifications ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 103
    Functional specifications …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 103
    Mobile Printing specifications ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 104
    Physical specifications …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 105
    Memory specifications …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 105
    Power specifications ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 105
    Ecological specifications ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 106
    Environmental specifications …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 106
    Acoustic specifications …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 106
    Glossary …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 107
    Index ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 110
    ENWW vii

    Page: 7

    1 Introduction
    Essential safety precautions and an overview of the printer’s main features, components, software options and
    printing possibilities.
    Safety precautions
    Ensure proper use of the printer to prevent the printer from being damaged.
    Follow these precautions at all times:
    ● Use the power supply voltage specified on the label. Avoid overloading the printer’s electrical outlet with
    multiple devices.
    ● Do not disassemble or repair the printer yourself. Contact your local HP Service Representative for service,
    see HP Support Center on page 100.
    ● Use only the electrical cord supplied by HP with the printer. Do not damage, cut, or repair the power cord. A
    damaged power cord can cause fire or electric shock. Replace a damaged power cord with an HP-approved
    power cord.
    ● Do not allow metal or liquids (except those used in HP Cleaning Kits) to touch the internal parts of the
    printer. Doing so may cause fire, electric shock, or other serious hazards.
    ● For printers without a stand:
    ● Use a support strong enough to hold at least twice the total combined weight of the printer, supplies,
    and accessories.
    ● Ensure the printer fits fully within the support’s surface.
    ● Ensure that the support is used exclusively for the printer.
    ● Ensure that all the printer rubber bearings are located fully within the support’s surface.
    ● Follow the assembly instructions that came with the printer, and keep them available to ensure safe
    ● Power off the printer and unplug the power cord from the power outlet in any of the following cases:
    ● When placing your hands inside the printer
    ● If there is smoke or an unusual smell coming from the printer
    ● If the printer is making an unusual noise not heard during normal operation
    ENWW Safety precautions 1

    Page: 8

    ● A piece of metal or a liquid (not part of cleaning and maintenance routines) touches internal parts of
    the printer
    ● During an electrical storm (thunder and lightning)
    ● During a power failure
    Using this guide
    This guide can be downloaded from the HP Support Center.
    See http://www.hp.com/go/DesignJetT200/manuals or http://www.hp.com/go/DesignJetT600/manuals.
    This is a brief introduction to the printer and its documentation for new users.
    Use and maintenance
    To help you carry out normal printer procedures.
    Topics include the following:
    ● Connecting the printer on page 13
    ● Setting up the printer on page 17
    ● Personalizing the printer on page 20
    ● Paper handling on page 26
    ● Printing on page 33
    ● Mobile Printing on page 33
    ● Practical printing examples on page 43
    ● Handling ink cartridges and printhead on page 54
    ● Maintaining the printer on page 58
    To help you solve problems that may occur while printing.
    Included are the following topics:
    ● Troubleshooting paper issues on page 69
    ● Troubleshooting print-quality issues on page 79
    ● Troubleshooting ink cartridge and printhead issues on page 88
    ● Troubleshooting data communication issues on page 89
    ● Troubleshooting general printer issues on page 95
    ● Text messages and numerical error codes on page 98
    2 Chapter 1 Introduction ENWW

    Page: 9

    Accessories, support and specifications
    Reference information, including customer care, the printer specifications, and part numbers for paper types, ink
    supplies, and accessories.
    Accessories on page 67, HP Customer Care on page 100, and Printer specifications on page 103.
    The glossary contains definitions of printing and HP terms used in this documentation.
    Glossary on page 107.
    In addition to the table of contents, there is an alphabetical index to help you to find topics quickly.
    Warnings and cautions
    Symbols are used in this manual to ensure the proper use of the printer and to prevent the printer from being
    Follow the instructions marked with these symbols:
    WARNING! Failure to follow the guidelines marked with this symbol could result in serious personal injury or
    CAUTION: Failure to follow the guidelines marked with this symbol could result in minor personal injury or
    damage to the printer.
    Printer models
    This guide covers various printer models. There may be slight differences depending on the model.
    Printer models are normally referred to by their short names for brevity:
    Full name Short name
    HP DesignJet T210 24-in Printer T210
    HP DesignJet T230 24-in Printer T230
    HP DesignJet T250 24-in Printer T250
    HP DesignJet T630 24-in Printer T630-24
    HP DesignJet T650 24-in Printer T650-24
    HP DesignJet T630 36-in Printer T630-36
    HP DesignJet T650 36-in Printer T650-36
    NOTE: The images appearing in this User Guide may not look the same as the printer you have.
    ENWW Printer models 3

    Page: 10

    Main features
    HP DesignJet T200/T600 Printer series are four color inkjet printers, designed to deliver CAD / Construction
    drawings as well as high quality graphics.
    Paper up to 610 mm (24 in) or 914 mm (36) wide can be used to print on. Some major features of the printer are
    shown below:
    ● Print resolution of up to 2400 × 1200 dpi using the Best print-quality option, the Maximum Detail option
    and photo paper
    ● The printer can be controlled from its front panel or from a remote computer using the Embedded Web
    Server, HP DesignJet Utility*. It can also be controlled from your tablet, or from your mobile device with the
    HP Smart App.
    ● Handles roll and cut-sheet paper, with a multi-sheet tray which automaticaly switches between both*
    ● Touch-sensitive front panel in color, with an intuitive graphical user interface
    ● Supports USB, Ethernet, or Wi-Fi connection
    ● Includes Web-connected features such as automatic firmware upgrades
    ● Supports remote printing from mobile devices with HP Smart App, see http://www.hpsmart.com
    ● Economode for printing economically
    ● Enables easy printing from desktop with HP Click, see http://www.hp.com/go/designjetclick
    ● Ink and paper usage information available from the Embedded Web Server, see Access the Embedded Web
    Server on page 20
    ● Supplies information, troubleshooting, and firmware updates available from the HP Utility, see Access the
    HP Utility (Windows only) on page 21
    ● Access to the online HP Support Center, see HP Support Center on page 100
    ● HP Support Assistant supports the printer, see HP Support Assistant on page 66
    ● Compatible with the HP Applications Center – Poster App, see
    *Windows only
    * Multi-sheet tray included in HP DesignJet T600 and available as accessory for HP DesignJet T200 Printer series
    Main components
    Hardware features of your printer.
    Front view (T600 Printer series)
    Overview of the front of the printer’s main hardware components.
    4 Chapter 1 Introduction ENWW

    Page: 11

    1. Multi-sheet tray
    2. Front panel
    3. Main door
    4. Ink cartridges
    5. Carriage
    6. Stand
    Rear view (T600 Printer series)
    Overview of the back of the printer’s main hardware components.
    ENWW Main components 5

    Page: 12

    1. Paper roll
    2. Communication ports
    3. Fast Ethernet port, to connect to a network
    4. Speed USB device port, to connect a computer
    5. Power button
    6. Power socket
    7. Multi-sheet tray
    Rear view (T200 Printer Series)
    Overview of the back of the printer’s main hardware components.
    NOTE: The multi-sheet tray is an accessory for this model.
    6 Chapter 1 Introduction ENWW

    Page: 13

    1. Blue stop
    2. Spindle
    3. Paper roll
    4. Fast Ethernet port, to connect to a network
    5. Speed USB device port, to connect a computer
    6. Power button
    7. Power socket
    Turn the printer on and off
    The power key is located at the back of the printer.
    The power key can also be used to put the printer into sleep mode. See Configure power button mode
    on page 21. The key is illuminated when the printer is on. It flashes when the printer is in transition between on
    and off.
    However, if you plan to store the printer for a long period or the power key does not seem to work, you are
    recommended to unplug the power cord.
    ENWW Turn the printer on and off 7

    Page: 14

    To turn it back on, plug in the power cord.
    When the printer is powered back on, it takes about three minutes to initialize and check and prepare the
    NOTE: When the printer has not been used for a certain period of time (the default time is determined by
    Energy Star), it saves power by going into sleep mode. However, any interaction with the printer’s front-panel
    display, or sending a new job to print, returns it to active mode, and it can resume printing immediately. To
    change the sleep mode time, see Change the sleep mode setting on page 21.
    Front panel
    Located on the front left of the printer there is a touch-sensitive screen with a graphical user interface. From it,
    you can print, view information, change settings, and perform calibrations and tests, etc.
    The front panel also displays alerts (warning and error messages) when needed.
    1. Dashboard icons
    The front panel dashboard lets you access the icons on the display, check the status of the printer, or monitor
    and manage current and scheduled printer tasks.
    Tap or swipe down the tab at the top of a screen to open the dashboard:
    ● Tap to change printer settings.
    ● Tap to view ink information.
    ● Tap to view printhead information.
    8 Chapter 1 Introduction ENWW

    Page: 15

    ● Tap to view connectivity status information and to perform network configuration. If a network cable is
    connected, is displayed instead.
    NOTE: It is not possible to use wireless and wired network connections simultaneously.
    ● Tap to view information about Wi-Fi Direct.
    ● Tap to view information and configure ePrint to print from a computer or mobile device, sending an
    email to the printer.
    If the printer is left idle for some time, it goes into sleep mode and switches off the front-panel display. See how
    to configure the power management: Configure power button mode on page 21.
    2. Home screen dynamic icons
    The front panel has a central area to display dynamic information and icons.
    The following items are displayed when you tap the paper icon :
    ● Tap to load, unload, and change options for roll paper.
    ● Tap to change options for the multi-sheet tray, or to activate it.
    ● Tap to load, unload, and change options for single sheets.
    To change the printer settings or print reports, use the options available in: .
    NOTE: The active paper source is indicated by a slightly larger icon, with a white tick in a green circle: .
    3. Fixed icons
    On the lower side of the screen up to 3 fixed icons can be seen at different times. Normally they are not all
    displayed at the same time.
    ● Tap to return to the home screen.
    ● Tap to view help about the current screen.
    ● Tap to go back to the previous screen without discarding changes.
    Printer solutions
    Drivers and other tools are provided with your printer to raster, review, print locally/remotely, and access support
    if required.
    The following software is available for your printer at: http://123.hp.com or http://www.hp.com/go/
    DesignJetT200/software or http://www.hp.com/go/DesignJetT600/software:
    ● Driver for Windows and Mac
    ENWW Printer solutions 9

    Page: 16

    ● The HP DesignJet driver that offers a preview, which enables you to see a basic preview of how your job will
    ● The Embedded Web Server that allows you to manage the printer from a remote computer, update the
    printer’s firmware and change various printer settings, etc.
    See Access the Embedded Web Server on page 20.
    ● The HP Utility (Windows only) that allows you to manage the printer from a remote computer:
    See Access the HP Utility (Windows only) on page 21.
    NOTE: New versions of all printer software can be expected to appear from time to time. In some cases, when
    you receive your printer there may already be later versions available on HP’s website of some of the software
    provided with it.
    10 Chapter 1 Introduction ENWW

    Page: 17

    Mobile Printing
    Your printer can be connected to the Internet and the Web, providing various benefits.
    ● Automatic firmware updates (see Firmware update on page 65)
    ● Print on HP printers from almost anywhere with HP Smart App
    ● Print on HP printers from almost any device, including smartphones and tablet computers
    To take advantage of these benefits, your printer must be connected to the Internet.
    For the latest information, see http://www.hp.com/go/designjetmobility.
    Enable email printing
    Turn on Web Services to allow your printer to communicate securely over the Internet with web-connected
    printing services.
    1. Make sure that your printer is correctly connected to the Internet.
    2. Enable Web Services during initial setup of the printer, or later by touching on the home screen and
    following the instructions on the front panel. The printer may need to restart if it has updated its firmware.
    3. Retrieve the printer’s email address by touching on the home screen at any time.
    4. This is an optional step: If you are the printer administrator, log in at HP Smart (http://www.hpsmart.com)
    to customize your printer’s email address or manage user access for remote printing.
    For the latest information, support, and terms of use of the HP Smart see http://www.hpsmart.com. You can
    also benefit from automatic firmware updates after following this setup.
    The internal prints give various kinds of information about your printer. They can be requested from the front
    Before requesting any internal print, check that the printer and the paper are ready for printing. The loaded paper
    should be at least A4 portrait—210 mm ((8.27 in)) wide—otherwise the print may be clipped.
    To print any internal print, tap , then scroll down to Reports and tap it, then select the internal print you want.
    These are some of the prints available:
    ● Demo prints that show some of the capabilities of the printer
    – Drawing demo
    – Rendering demo
    – GIS map demo
    ● User info prints
    ● Printer status report
    ● Print quality report
    ● Web access test report
    ● Network configuration
    ENWW Mobile Printing 11

    Page: 18

    ● Wireless test report
    ● Job log
    ● Error log
    12 Chapter 1 Introduction ENWW

    Page: 19

    2 Connecting the printer
    Printing has never been easier, and your printer comes with various options for connecting to help you do so.
    Choose which connection method to use
    Your printer can be connected via Wireless, Gigabit Ethernet, or Hi-Speed USB.
    Table 2-1 Connectivity methods
    Step 1: Connect the printer to your network:
    Use the front panel to choose one of these
    Using your mobile
    If you connect a new printer, the HP Smart App ( available in
    App Store and Play Store) can lead you through the process.
    Please note that both printer and device must be connected
    to the same Wi-Fi
    Connect to Wi-Fi
    — If the printer is new, just follow the steps in the
    front panel
    — Printer and device must be connected to the
    same Wi-Fi
    Connect to Ethernet
    If printer is new, connect the Ethernet cable
    before turning it on
    Connect to USB
    Use Hi-Speed USB cable, male USB type A to
    male USB type B
    Step 2: Set up your device:
    — Printer and devices must be connected to the same
    — If required you can find your printer’s IP by scrolling down
    from the top of the screen
    Automatic setup
    Go to http://123.hp.com to download the HP
    software and driver
    For advanced setup or additional software:
    Go to the support page for your printer series:
    or http://www.hp.com/go/DesignJetT600/
    NOTE: If you connect an Ethernet cable, it turns off the wireless capability of the printer.
    ENWW Choose which connection method to use 13

    Page: 20

    NOTE: Wireless connections can be affected by the location of the network router and the device. In order to
    improve a wireless connection:
    1. Position the wireless access point in a more central position within the work place.
    2. Place the wireless access point away from dense materials. Metal, concrete, double thick walls are the hardest
    to penetrate, wood and plasterboard are easier. Consider this when you position the printer.
    3. Change the wireless channel to one that is not being used. Preferably 1, 6, or 11, as these are non-overlapping
    4. Extend the range of the wireless network with the use of a simple wireless extender or add more wireless
    access points.
    1. Connect the printer to your network
    If this is the first time you are using the printer: Connect your printer by using the HP Smart App.
    NOTE: Use the HP Smart APP for printer Setup during initialization. If your printer is not new and you want to
    use the HP Smart App you need to go to the Default Configuration mode.
    Set up using the HP Smart App
    You can use the HP Smart App to set up the printer on your wireless network.
    The HP Smart App is supported on iOS, Android, and Windows devices. For information, see Print from Apple iOS
    or Android with HP Smart App on page 33.
    1. If you are using an iOS or Android mobile device, make sure that Bluetooth is turned on. (HP Smart uses
    Bluetooth to make the setup process faster and easier on iOS and Android mobile devices.)
    NOTE: The HP Smart App uses Bluetooth for printer setup only. Printing using Bluetooth is not supported.
    2. Open the HP Smart App.
    3. Windows: On the home screen, tap Set Up a New Printer and follow the onscreen instructions to add a
    printer to your network.
    Android: On the home screen, tap the + icon and then tap Add Printer. Follow the onscreen instructions to
    add a printer to your network.
    Set up the printer on your wireless network
    On the front panel, use the Wireless Setup Wizard or Wi-Fi Protected Setup to set up wireless communication.
    1. From the front panel, tap or swipe down the tab at the top of the screen to open the dashboard, and then
    tap .
    2. Tap .
    3. Tap Wireless Settings.
    4. Tap Wireless Setup Wizard or Wi-Fi Protected Setup.
    5. Follow the front panel instructions to complete the setup.
    If you are already using the printer with a different type of connection, such as a USB connection, to change see
    Mobile Printing on page 33.
    14 Chapter 2 Connecting the printer ENWW

    Page: 21

    2. Set up your device
    Prepare your printer with the correct software for your device.
    Install the software (Windows)
    Make sure to connect the printer and computer or mobile device to the same network.
    Download the software from http://123.hp.com or go to http://www.hp.com/go/DesignJetT200/software or
    Install the software (Mac OS X)
    Make sure to connect the printer and computer or mobile device to the same network.
    Download the software from http://123.hp.com or go to http://www.hp.com/go/DesignJetT200/software or
    Add your printer
    Add a printer to a network under Mac OS X.
    ▲ Go to System Preferences►Printers and Scanners, and then tap + to add a new printer.
    ● If you installed the driver: Select the IP tab, enter your IP address, and select the protocol HP Jetdirect-
    Socket. Tap Continue.
    ● If you want to use AirPrint: Choose your printer from the list of displayed network printers, and tap
    Add. Then, in the Use menu, select Secure AirPrint or AirPrint, and then tap Add.
    TIP: To see the bonjour name on the front panel, open the printer’s dashboard and tap the or icon.
    Other options
    There are other ways to connect your printer directly to a computer.
    Connect a computer to the printer by USB cable (Windows)
    You can connect your printer directly to a computer without going through a network, by using the printer’s built-
    in Hi-Speed USB device port. A USB connection may be faster than a network connection, but it has some
    disadvantages that you should bear in mind.
    ● The cable is of limited length.
    ● It is more difficult to share the printer.
    ● You cannot use Web Services.
    ● You cannot use automatic firmware updates.
    NOTE: The use of non-certified USB cables can lead to connectivity problems. Only cables certified by the USB
    Implementor’s Forum ( http://www.usb.org/) should be used with this printer.
    Printer sharing considerations
    Any other users sharing your USB-connected printer will be able to send print jobs, but will not be able to receive
    information from the printer—which affects status reports, administration and troubleshooting.
    ENWW 2. Set up your device 15

    Page: 22

    TIP: The best way to share the printer over a network is to connect the printer not to any computer, but to the
    network. See Connecting the printer on page 13.
    16 Chapter 2 Connecting the printer ENWW

    Page: 23

    3 Setting up the printer
    Set automatic firmware updates, email notifications and driver preferences, and control access to the Embedded
    Web Server.
    There are various printer settings that the printer administrator may wish to control as soon as a new printer is
    assembled and ready for use.
    Automatic firmware update
    The printer can automatically check for a firmware update periodically.
    See Firmware update on page 65
    Turn email notifications on and off
    In order to receive email notifications from the printer, you must have configured the email server.
    ● SMTP server: The IP address or hostname of the outgoing mail server (SMTP) that will process all email
    messages from the printer. If the mail server requires authentication, email notifications will not work.
    ● Printer email address: Each email message sent by the printer must include a return address, which does
    not need to be a real, functional email address, but it should be unique, so that recipients of the message
    can identify the printer that sent it.
    You can turn specific email notifications on or off by clicking Email alerts in the Embedded Web Server tab.
    Turn alerts on and off
    Printer alerts warn you when there is a printer problem that you can correct by taking action, or when one of your
    printing jobs changes its status. The alerts are displayed by the printer’s front panel, by the HP Utility, by the
    printer driver and by the Embedded Web Server.
    You can change the alert settings in various ways to display all, some, or none of the available alerts.
    To access alert settings under Windows:
    ● Click Alert Settings in the Tools menu of the Embedded Web Server.
    ● Right-click the HP DesignJet Utility’s system icon, and click Alert Settings.
    In the Alert Settings window, you can use the Alerting slider to turn off alerts completely.
    ENWW Introduction 17

    Page: 24

    Alternatively, you can choose when, if ever, to display critical or non-critical alerts.
    To access alert settings under Mac OS X:
    ● Open HP Printer Monitor preferences, select your printer, and then Customize Alerts, so that you can set
    each individual alert to appear in specific cases and with a specific time interval.
    ● You can turn off alerts completely by unchecking the Show monitor status in menu bar box in the
    Notifications tab of the HP Printer Monitor preferences. If you leave that box checked but uncheck the Notify
    me when alert appears box (as below), the alerts will be available in the HP Printer Monitor, but will not pop
    up in the Dock screen.
    18 Chapter 3 Setting up the printer ENWW

    Page: 25

    Control access to the Embedded Web Server
    You can prevent users from modifying important device settings by setting a password in the Embedded Web
    Users without the password can see only the Information tabs. Once set, the password is required to view or
    change any parameters in the other tabs.
    Set Windows driver preferences
    You can change some default settings in your printer driver according to your own preferences, for instance to
    set color or paper-saving options.
    To change default settings, click the Start or Search button on your computer’s screen (depending on your
    version of Windows), then click Devices and Settings, Devices and printers or Print Management. Then right-click
    your printer’s icon and click Printing preferences or Set Printing Defaults. Any settings you change in the Printing
    Preferences window will be saved as default values for the current user.
    To set the default values for all the users of your system, right-click the printer’s icon again, click Printer
    Properties, go to the Advanced tab, and click Printing Defaults. Any settings you change in the Printing Defaults
    window will be saved for all users.
    ENWW Control access to the Embedded Web Server 19

    Page: 26

    4 Personalizing the printer
    You can set your printer preferences such as language, sleep mode, firewall, and front panel brightness settings
    Change the language of the front-panel display
    Your printer includes many language options to choose from.
    To change the language of the front-panel menus and messages:
    If you can understand the current front-panel display language, tap then Preferences > language. Select your
    preferred language.
    Access the Embedded Web Server
    Manage your printer remotely using an ordinary web browser running on any computer.
    To access the Embedded Web Server on any computer, open your Web browser and type the IP address of your
    You can see your printer’s IP address on the front panel, open the dashboard and tap or .
    To access the Embedded Web Server, you must have a TCP/IP connection to your printer. You can access the
    Embedded Web Server indirectly through the HP Utility, if you connect to your printer with a TCP/IP connection
    (wired or wireless).
    The first time you access the Embedded Web Server, the computer requests your username and password to
    prevent unauthorized users from remotely configuring the printer, or viewing printer settings. The password is
    required to change or view printer settings. By default the user is admin. The PIN is found behind the printer.
    You can print the printer status report: Setup►Reports►Printer status report.
    NOTE: The status report has the PIN. If your changed the initial PIN by default and forgot it, go to
    Troubleshooting general printer issues on page 95.
    The following browsers are known to be compatible with the Embedded Web Server:
    ● Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 and later for Windows 7 and later
    ● Apple Safari 8 and later for OS X 10.10 and later
    ● Mozilla Firefox (latest version)
    ● Google Chrome (latest version)
    If you have followed these instructions but failed to get through to the Embedded Web Server, see Cannot access
    the Embedded Web Server on page 96.
    Change the language of the Embedded Web Server
    The default language is the same as your browser but if it is not supported, it will appear in English. You can
    change it to any supported one.
    20 Chapter 4 Personalizing the printer ENWW

    Page: 27

    Embedded Web Server supported languages are English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Polish,
    Russian, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, and Japanese. There is a tab at the top right of the
    window to select them from.
    Access the HP Utility (Windows only)
    Manage your printer from a computer with a USB, TCP/IP, or Wi-Fi connection.
    The first time you access to the application you need to enter the printer information. Enter the printer’s IP
    address or hostname to add it to the printer list. Alternatively, select General search to find all HP DesignJet and
    HP PageWide XL printers on your network.
    ● Under Windows, start the HP Utility from your desktop shortcut or from Start > All Programs > HP >
    HP DesignJet Utility > HP DesignJet Utility. This launches the HP DesignJet Utility, showing the HP DesignJet
    printers installed on your computer.
    ● When you select your printer in the left pane, everything that appears in the right pane is specific to that
    Change the language of the HP Utility
    Choose from English, Portuguese, Spanish, Catalan (Windows only), French, Italian, German, Russian, Simplified
    Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, and Japanese.
    ● Under Windows, the language will be adjusted to your regional language settings as defined in the
    Windows Control Panel.
    Change the sleep mode setting
    If the printer is left switched on but unused for a certain period of time, it automatically goes to sleep to save
    To change the time the printer waits before it goes into sleep mode, go to the front panel and tap , then
    Power management > Sleep mode. Select the wait time you want.
    Configure power button mode
    You can set the printer to turn itself off or enter into sleep mode.
    Go to , then Power Management►Power Button Mode and select the option you want.
    To change the time that elapses before sleep mode, tap , then Power Management►Sleep Mode. You can set
    a time between 5 minutes and the maximum time allowed by the current energy savings regulations.
    The printer wakes from sleep mode and switches on the front-panel display whenever there is some external
    interaction with it.
    Information about specific uses of the front panel can be found throughout this guide.
    Change the auto-off setting
    The printer can be set to turn the itself off automatically which is useful for power management control.
    ENWW Access the HP Utility (Windows only) 21

    Page: 28

    For example, setting the printer’s auto-off feature to 2 hours would turn the printer off after 2 hours of inactivity.
    In this way, you can save more energy. However, the auto-off feature is automatically disabled when the printer is
    connected to a network, to avoid inconveniencing network users.
    If you are using a USB connection, you can set the printer to turn itself off completely after 2 to 12 hours of
    inactivity. At the front panel, tap , then Power Management > Auto-off.
    Change the front-panel display brightness
    The level of brightness displayed can be adjusted.
    To change the brightness of the front-panel display, tap , then Preferences > Screen brightness and select the
    value you want. Tap Done to set the value.
    Configure network settings
    You can view and configure the network settings from the Embedded Web Server, the HP Utility or the front
    ● From the Embedded Web Server: Select the Network tab.
    ● From the HP Utility: You can access the Embedded Web Server through the HP Utility.
    ● From the front panel: Swipe down the dashboard, tap then scroll down the menu and touch Network
    The following options are available:
    ● Print the start Guide to print the instructions
    ● Enable/Disable wireless turns the wireless connection on or off.
    ● Wireless setup wizard provides an easy way to connect to a wireless network.
    ● Wi-Fi protected setup allows you to set up a connection with a wireless network using WPS (pushbutton or
    pin) encryption.
    ● View wireless details displays information about the wireless network
    ● IP settings allows you to select the IP address -automatic or manual (Static)
    ● Print Wireless test report print information about the wireless network
    ● Print wireless network test runs diagnostic tests of wireless connectivity
    ● Ethernet settings view and print ethernet details
    ● Advanced setup
    ● Link speed sets the speed at which data are transmitted over the network. The default is Automatic.
    ● IP settings allows you to view or change the IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, and DNS
    ● General settings
    ○ Hostname allows you to change the hostname.
    ○ Proxy settings allows you to change the proxy settings
    ○ Bonjour name allows you to change the bonjour name
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    ● Restore network defaults
    Configure firewall settings
    Firewall features provide network-layer security on both IPv4 and IPv6 networks. The firewall provides simple
    control of IP addresses that are allowed access.
    NOTE: In addition to firewall protection at the network layer, the printer also supports open secure sockets
    layer (SSL) standards at the transport layer for secure client-server applications, such as client-server
    authentication or HTTPS Web browsing.
    For firewall operation on the printer, you must configure a firewall policy to apply to specified IP traffic. Firewall
    policy pages are accessed through the Embedded Web Server and displayed by your Web browser. After a policy
    is configured, it is not activated until you click Apply in the Embedded Web Server.
    Creating and using firewall rules
    Control IP traffic and allow or drop IP traffic based on IP addresses and services.
    Enter up to ten rules, each rule specifying the host addresses, services, and the action to take for those
    addresses and services.
    Create a firewall rule
    Set up a new rule from the Embedded Web Server.
    1. Open the Embedded Web Server.
    2. Tap the Settings tab, then Firewall►Firewall Rules.
    3. Select Enable Firewall.
    4. Tap , and then follow the onscreen instructions.
    NOTE: After you tap Apply, the connection to the Embedded Web Server might be temporarily disrupted for a
    short period of time. If the IP address was unchanged, the Embedded Web Server connection will be enabled
    again. However, if the IP address was changed, use the new IP address to open the Embedded Web Server.
    Change the priority of firewall rules
    You can move a rule up or down in the priority list.
    1. Open the Embedded Web Server.
    2. Tap the Settings tab, then Firewall►Firewall Rules Priority.
    3. Select the priority from the Rule Precedence list, with 10 having the highest priority and 1 having the lowest
    4. Tap Apply.
    Change firewall options
    Options can always be edited at a later date.
    1. Open the Embedded Web Server.
    2. Tap the Settings tab, then Firewall►Firewall Options.
    3. Change whatever options you wish, then tap Apply.
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    NOTE: After you tap Apply, the connection to the Embedded Web Server might be temporarily disrupted for a
    short period of time. If the IP address was unchanged, the Embedded Web Server connection will be enabled
    again. However, if the IP address was changed, use the new IP address to open the Embedded Web Server.
    Reset firewall settings
    Restore the printer’s network settings to reset to factory defaults.
    Limitations to rules, templates, and services
    There is a limit per item that can be created and stored at any one time.
    Table 4-1 Limitations per item
    Item Limit
    Maximum number of rules 10 (one default rule)
    Maximum number of address templates 12
    Maximum number of user-defined address templates 5
    Maximum number of services you can add to a user-defined service template
    NOTE: The predefined All Services template is not subject to this limitation and includes all services
    supported by the print server.
    Maximum number of services you can add to the policy
    NOTE: For a given rule, only one address template and one service template can be added.
    Maximum number of service templates in the policy 10
    Maximum number of user-defined custom service templates 5
    Reset network settings
    The administrator password and network settings can be restored.
    Go to the front panel, swipe down the dashboard and tap , then scroll down the menu and tap Network setup
    > Restore network settings
    NOTE: Print the network configuration page and check that the network settings have been reset.
    NOTE: Resetting the printer’s network settings also resets the printer’s firewall settings.
    Embedded Web Server security settings
    Set a password and create an administrator account to control access and changes.
    From the Embedded Web Server menu, tap Settings►Security.
    Password settings:
    You can set a password to prevent unauthorized users from remotely configuring the printer or viewing printer
    settings from the embedded web server (EWS). Once set, this password is required to change or view many
    printer settings from the EWS.
    To disable the password, leave the boxes blank.
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    Administrator password:
    You can control access to the printer by specifying an administrator account to control access to the Embedded
    Web Server. You can customize your printer by enabling or disabling the features available. After a feature has
    been disabled, it is not available from the EWS or printer’s front panel.
    ENWW Embedded Web Server security settings 25

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    5 Paper handling
    To print you can load rolls, single sheets, or use the multi-sheet tray. View paper information and use the
    printer’s cutting tool.
    General paper-loading advice
    You can load paper into the printer in three different ways: from a roll, as a single sheet, or as a stack of single
    sheets from the multi-sheet tray (if you have one). Switching from one to another is automatic.
    CAUTION: If your model has a stand, make sure the printer wheels are locked (the brake lever is pressed down)
    to prevent the printer from moving.
    CAUTION: All paper must be 280 mm (11 in) or wider. A4 and letter paper should not be loaded in landscape
    TIP: For photo paper wear cotton gloves to avoid transferring oils onto the paper.
    CAUTION: Keep the bin closed throughout the loading process.
    Load a roll onto the spindle
    Rolls of different widths can be loaded onto the printer.
    1. Remove the spindle from the printer.
    WARNING! Do not insert your fingers into the spindle supports during the removal process.
    2. The spindle has a stop at each end to keep the roll in position. The blue stop can be removed to mount a
    new roll; it slides along the spindle to hold rolls of different widths. Remove the blue paper stop from the
    end of the spindle.
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    3. If the roll is long, rest the spindle horizontally on a table and load the roll on the table.
    4. Slide the new roll onto the spindle. Make sure the paper type is oriented as shown. If it is not, remove the
    roll, turn it 180 degrees and slide it back on to the spindle. There are labels on the spindle showing the
    correct orientation.
    NOTE: From the back of the printer, the blue stopper is inserted into the right-side holder.
    Ensure both ends of the roll are as close to the spindle stops as possible.
    5. Put the blue paper stop on to the open end of the spindle, and push it towards the end of the roll.
    6. Ensure the blue paper stop is pushed in as far as it goes. Check that there is no space between the roll and
    the stops at both ends.
    If you are a regular user of different paper types, you can change rolls more quickly if you preload rolls of
    different paper types on different spindles. Extra spindles are available for purchase, see Accessories
    on page 67.
    Load a roll into the printer
    Before you start this procedure, you must have a roll loaded on the spindle.
    See Load a roll onto the spindle on page 26.
    1. From the front panel, tap , then .
    This step is optional: if you just start feeding in roll paper, the printer recognizes that you want to load a roll.
    2. Insert the spindle into the printer, holding it by both ends. The blue hub should be on the left, as viewed
    from the front of the printer.
    ENWW Load a roll into the printer 27

    Page: 34

    3. If the edge of the roll is not straight or torn (sometimes due to tape used to hold end of the roll), pull the
    paper slightly and cut a straight edge.
    4. Insert the edge of the paper into the printer.
    WARNING! Do not push your fingers inside the printer’s paper path.
    5. Roll the paper into the printer until you feel resistance and the paper flexes slightly. When the printer
    detects the paper, it beeps, and feeds in the paper automatically.
    6. The front panel prompts you to select the paper category and type.
    If you do not see your paper type in the front panel, tap More paper types. If you still cannot find your paper
    type in the whole list, see Paper type is not in the driver on page 71 .
    7. The printer checks the alignment and measures the width. If the roll is not correctly aligned, follow the
    instructions on the front-panel display.
    NOTE: If you have an unexpected issue at any stage of the paper loading process, see Paper cannot be loaded
    successfully on page 69 .
    Unload a roll
    If there is paper on the roll, you can unload it from the front panel.
    Tap , then , then Unload roll. Afterwards, the multi-sheet tray will become the default active paper source.
    If the end of the paper is no longer attached to the core, the front panel asks you to unload the roll manually.
    After unloading, the multi-sheet tray is the default active paper source.
    Load a single sheet
    Roll paper and single sheets use the same input slot in the printer.
    NOTE: If you have a multi-sheet tray see Use the multi-sheet tray on page 29.
    NOTE: Sheets of width 329 mm ((12.95 in)) or less should be loaded from the multi-sheet tray.
    1. At the front panel, tap , then .
    2. If a roll is already loaded, you have to wait while it is automatically unloaded.
    3. Open the roll cover.
    4. Select your paper category and type. If you do not see your paper type in the front panel, tap More paper
    types. If you still cannot find your paper type in the whole list, see Paper type is not in the driver
    on page 71.
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    5. When prompted by the front panel, insert the sheet into the right-hand side of the input slot.
    WARNING! Do not push your fingers inside the printer’s paper path.
    6. Align the sheet with the blue line.
    7. Tap OK on the front panel to feed the paper into the printer. Guide the sheet into the printer; this is
    especially important with thicker papers.
    8. The printer checks the alignment and measures the sheet.
    NOTE: Depending on the width of the sheet, it feeds out the front of the printer.
    9. If the sheet is not correctly aligned, you may be asked to reload it.
    NOTE: If you have an unexpected problem at any stage of the paper loading process, see Paper cannot be
    loaded successfully on page 69 .
    Unload a single sheet
    Sheets are unloaded from the front of the printer.
    To unload a sheet, go to the front panel and tap , then then Unload.
    Either catch the sheet manually or allow it to fall into the bin.
    After unloading, the multi-sheet tray is the default active paper source.
    Use the multi-sheet tray
    You can load multiple sheets and ease single sheet printing.
    1. If no roll is loaded or the roll has run out of paper, the multi-sheet tray is active by default.
    Alternatively, at the front panel, tap , then .
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    2. Adjust the input tray extensions depending on the length of the paper: the first extension for A4 and the
    second extension for A3 paper.
    3. Load sheets of paper into the tray with the printed side facing outwards. Ensure that the sheets are all of
    the same size.
    4. Adjust the tray to fit the width of the paper.
    View information about the paper
    Tap the icon of the active paper source.
    The following information is displayed on the front panel:
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    ● Paper type you have selected
    ● Roll or sheet status
    ● Width of the paper
    If no roll and no single-sheet paper is loaded, the message Out of paper is displayed.
    Maintain paper
    Always protect your paper and sheets to print at the highest quality.
    ● Store rolls covered by another piece of paper or cloth
    ● Store cut sheets covered and clean or brush them before loading them in the printer
    ● Clean input and output platens
    ● Always keep the top cover of your printer closed
    NOTE: Photo and coated paper requires careful handling, see Print is scuffed or scratched on page 83.
    Change the drying time
    You may wish to change the drying time setting to suit special printing conditions such as multiple prints where
    time is of higher importance or when you need to be sure ink is dry before handling.
    Tap , then Printer preferences > Print retrieval > Select drying time. You can select:
    ● Extended, to set a longer than recommended time to ensure ink is completely dry
    ● Optimized, to set the default and recommended time for your selected paper (this is the default setting)
    ● None, to disable the drying time and remove your print as soon as it finishes printing
    CAUTION: If the ink is not dry when the print is removed it could leave ink in the output tray and marks on the
    NOTE: If you cancel the drying time during a print, the printer may not feed and cut the paper right away due to
    the printhead maintenance, which runs in parallel. If the dry time is zero, the printer cuts the paper and then
    performs the printhead maintenance. However, if the dry time is greater than zero, the printer does not cut the
    paper until after the printhead maintenance has completed.
    Turn the automatic cutter on and off
    You can change the cutter option to suit your requirements for each print job.
    To turn the printer’s paper cutter on or off, go to the front panel and tap , then Print Settings and change the
    cutter option.
    The default setting is On.
    NOTE: If the cutter is turned off, it will not cut the paper between jobs, but it will continue to cut the paper on
    loading and unloading rolls.
    TIP: To cut roll paper while the automatic cutter is disabled, see Form feed and form feed and cut on page 32.
    ENWW Maintain paper 31

    Page: 38

    Form feed and form feed and cut
    You can advance the paper with, or without cutting it.
    Go to the front panel and tap , then Form feed. There are 2 options: Form Feed and Form feed and Cut. The
    Form feed option advances the paper without cutting it. Form feed and cut advances the paper and makes a
    straight cut across the front edge. There are at least two possible reasons why you might want to do this:
    ● To trim the leading edge of the paper if it is damaged or not straight.
    ● To feed and cut the paper when the automatic cutter has been disabled.
    NOTE: The printhead is serviced after each print, and the paper cannot be cut until the process completes, so
    you may notice a delay.
    CAUTION: Remove the cut piece from the output platen. If strips or short prints are left on the output platen,
    the printer could jam. Check also that there are no pieces of paper in the cutter guide.
    NOTE: Photo and coated paper requires careful handling, see Print is scuffed or scratched on page 83.
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    6 Printing
    Printing has never been easier or more flexible. Print from computers and mobile devices with the use of a
    variety software, customizable options and advanced settings.
    Mobile Printing
    You can print to your printer from many mobile devices using direct printing by connection to the same network.
    Print from mobile devices
    With HP Mobile Printing Solutions you can print straight from your smartphone or tablet in just a few simple
    ● Apple iOS printing is enabled through AirPrint, which comes pre-installed in iOS devices.
    ● For Android printing, install the HP Print Service Plugin from Google Play (if you do not have it already pre-
    installed in your mobile device).
    For more information, see http://www.hp.com/go/designjetmobility.
    Print from Android
    Install and enable the HP Print Service App from Google Play.
    You can download the App from: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hp.android.printservice, if it
    is not already installed in your device. You must have Android Lollipop 5.0 or later.
    1. Open the document or photo you want to print, and tap the menu icon, then Print.
    2. Choose your printer from the list.
    3. Check the print settings, then tap Print.
    iOS (iPhone, iPad) with AirPrint
    Printing with AirPrint is simple, all you have to do is make sure your device and printer are operating on the same
    Follow the steps below:
    1. Choose your content. Open the document or photo you want to print, then tap the share button.
    2. Select print icon.
    3. Confirm that the correct printer and print setting are selected. Tap Print and collect your printed documents.
    Print from Apple iOS or Android with HP Smart App
    Connect and print wirelessly from an Android or Apple smartphone or tablet.
    Download from the Apple Store (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/hp-all-in-one-printer-remote/id469284907?
    mt=8) or from Google Play (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hp.printercontrol).
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    1. Open HP Smart App and browse for the document or photo you want to print.
    2. Go to Edit to adjust the output if necessary.
    3. Tap Print.
    With HP Smart App you can also print even when your mobile device and your printer are not in the same
    Remote Printing feature can be enabled either during the initialization process if you choose to do it with HP
    Smart. Otherwise, it can be enabled later.
    NOTE: Inside HP Smart, enable your printer for remote printing by pressing the printer icon. Check the option
    Print Anywhere in printer options and follow the steps in the app.
    NOTE: Remote Printing feature requires that device and printer are connected to Internet.
    NOTE: Remote Printing feature requires to have an HPSmart.com account. If you don´t have an account, HP
    Smart will guide you to create one.
    If Remote Printing feature is configured in your printer, the owner of the printer can manage the remote printing
    access to share the printer with other users:
    1. Open HP Smart App, select your printer and press the printer icon.
    2. If you are the owner of the printer, you will see an option called Manage Print Anywhere. Tap it.
    3. Decide whether to share the printer with others or grant/revoke access individually.
    NOTE: The owner of the printer is the HPSmart.com user that has registered the printer in their account.
    Print using Wi-Fi Direct
    With Wi-Fi Direct, you can print wirelessly from a computer, smart phone, tablet, or other wireless-capable device
    —without connecting to an existing wireless network.
    Guidelines for using Wi-Fi Direct
    There are essential prerequisites to using Wi-Fi Direct.
    ● Make sure your computer or mobile device has the necessary software.
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    ● If you are using a computer, make sure you have installed the HP printer software.
    ● If you have not installed the HP printer software on the computer, connect to Wi-Fi Direct first and
    then install the printer software. Select Wireless when prompted by the printer software for a
    connection type.
    ● If you are using a mobile device, make sure you have installed a compatible printing app. For more
    information, visit the HP Mobile Printing website at http://www.hp.com/go/mobileprinting. If a local version
    of this website is not available in your country/region or language, you might be directed to the HP Mobile
    Printing website in another country/region or language.
    ● Make sure Wi-Fi Direct for your printer is turned on.
    ● Up to five computers and mobile devices can use the same Wi-Fi Direct connection.
    ● Wi-Fi Direct can be used while the printer is also connected either to a computer using a USB cable or to a
    network using a wireless connection.
    ● Wi-Fi Direct cannot be used to connect a computer, mobile device, or printer to the Internet.
    Turn on Wi-Fi Direct
    You can turn on Wi-Fi Direct directly from the front panel, or alternatively from the EWS.
    1. From the printer front panel, tap or swipe down the tab at the top of the screen to open the dashboard, and
    then tap .
    2. Tap .
    3. If the display shows that Wi-Fi Direct is Off, tap Wi-Fi Direct and then switch it on.
    4. You can also turn on Wi-Fi Direct from the EWS. For more information about using the EWS, see Access the
    Embedded Web Server on page 20.
    Change connection method
    You can change the Wi-Fi Direct connection method, and choose between automatic and manual.
    1. From the printer front panel, tap or swipe down the tab at the top of the screen to open the dashboard, and
    then tap .
    2. Tap .
    3. Tap Connection Method and then select Automatic or Manual:
    ● If Automatic was selected during Wi-Fi Direct setup on the printer, the mobile device automatically
    connects to the printer.
    ● If Manual was selected during the Wi-Fi Direct setup on the printer, acknowledge the connection on
    the printer display or enter the printer PIN on your mobile device. The PIN is provided by the printer
    when a connection attempt is made.
    Print from a wireless-capable mobile device that supports Wi-Fi Direct
    Make sure you have installed the latest version of HP Print Service Plugin on your mobile device.
    NOTE: If your mobile device does not support Wi-Fi, you are not able to use Wi-Fi Direct.
    ENWW Print using Wi-Fi Direct 35

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    1. Make sure you have turned on Wi-Fi Direct on the printer.
    2. Turn on Wi-Fi Direct on your mobile device. For more information, see the documentation provided with the
    mobile device.
    3. From your mobile device, select a document from a print enabled application, and then select the option to
    print the document.
    The list of available printers appears.
    4. From the list of available printers, choose the Wi-Fi Direct name shown such as DIRECT-**-HP DesignJet
    T200 Printer or DIRECT-**-HP DesignJet T600 Printer (where ** are the unique characters to identify your
    printer), and then follow the onscreen instructions on the printer and your mobile device.
    5. Print your document.
    Print from a wireless-capable mobile device that does not support Wi-Fi Direct
    Make sure you have installed a compatible printing app on your mobile device.
    For more information, visit http://www.hp.com/global/us/en/eprint/mobile_printing_apps.html.
    1. Make sure you have turned on Wi-Fi Direct on the printer.
    2. Turn on the Wi-Fi connection on your mobile device. For more information, see the documentation provided
    with the mobile device.
    NOTE: If your mobile device does not support Wi-Fi, you are not able to use Wi-Fi Direct.
    3. From the mobile device, connect to a new network. Use the process you normally use to connect to a new
    wireless network or hotspot. Choose the Wi-Fi Direct name from the list of wireless networks shown such
    as DIRECT-**-HP DesignJet T200 Printer or DIRECT-**-HP DesignJet T600 Printer (where ** are the unique
    characters to identify your printer).
    4. Enter the Wi-Fi Direct password when prompted.
    5. Print your document.
    Print from a wireless-capable computer (Windows)
    To use Wi-Fi Direct, your computer must support Wi-Fi.
    This example is for Windows 10.
    1. Go to Start ►Settings►Devices►Printers & scanners, and tap Add a printer or scanner to add the Printer.
    NOTE: If your printer is not listed, you may need to wait until the Show Wi-Fi Direct printers link appears.
    2. Identify your Wi-Fi Direct, its name starts with the suffix DIRECT-XX-HP… followed by the model name.
    3. Depending on the Wi-Fi Direct connection method configured for your printer, you may need to accept the
    connection by tapping the message in the front panel.
    4. When connection is established, Windows downloads the appropriate driver and adds the printer to your
    5. Once added, the printer is ready for use with any Windows application.
    Easy printing with HP Click
    HP Click is an easy-to-use tool designed for people who want a simple way of printing on large format printers.
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    Ideal for a broad range of graphics and technical applications, including posters, roll-up banners, info-graphic
    presentations, maps, and CAD documents. See http://www.hp.com/go/clickDesignJet.
    Printing from an application using a printer driver
    This is the traditional way of printing from an application.
    The correct printer driver must be installed on the computer (see Connecting the printer on page 13), and the
    computer must be connected to the printer by network or USB cable.
    When the printer driver has been installed and the computer is connected to the printer, you can print from a
    software application by using the application’s own Print command and selecting the correct printer.
    Advanced print settings
    Advanced print settings can be used when the defaults do not meet your requirements.
    The rest of this chapter explains the various print settings that you can use. These methods offer a relatively
    large number of settings in order to satisfy all requirements.
    TIP: In general you are recommended to use the default settings unless you know that they do not meet your
    TIP: If you intend to reuse a particular group of settings repeatedly, you can save those settings under a name
    of your own choice and recall them later. A saved group of settings is known as a ‘quick set’ in the Windows
    printer driver.
    Select print quality
    The printer has various print-quality options because best-quality printing requires some loss of speed, while
    fast printing implies some reduction in print quality.
    You can select the options: Best, Normal and Fast. If you select Fast, you can also select Economode, which
    consumes less ink, increases printing speed even further, but reduces print quality. Economode can only be
    selected from the advanced options.
    There are supplementary custom options that may have an effect on print quality: Maximum detail. See High-
    quality printing on page 41.
    ● In the Windows driver dialog: Go to Print quality, then depending on the selection, more specific options
    such as Economode or Maximum detail which can only be selected from the advanced options.
    ● In the Mac OS X Print dialog: go to the Paper/Quality panel and look at the Quality Options section. If you
    select Standard quality options, you will see a simple slider with which you can select speed or quality. If
    you select Custom quality options, you will see the more specific options described above.
    NOTE: If the print quality is set from your computer, it overrides the print-quality setting in the front panel.
    NOTE: You cannot change the print quality of pages that the printer is already receiving or has already received
    (even if they have not started to print yet).
    Select paper size
    The paper size can be specified and the document can be rescaled if necessary.
    NOTE: The paper size specified should be the paper size the document was created at. It is possible to rescale
    the document to a different size for printing. See Rescale a print on page 39.
    ENWW Printing from an application using a printer driver 37

    Page: 44

    ● In the Windows driver dialog: Select the paper size from the Document Size list.
    ● In the Mac OS X Print dialog: Select your printer from the Printer list, then select your paper size from the
    Paper Size list.
    NOTE: If your application offers no Page Setup dialog, use the Print dialog.
    NOTE: If the paper size is set from your computer, it overrides the paper size setting in the front panel.
    Custom paper sizes
    If you want to choose a paper size that is not included in the list of standard paper sizes, there are various
    different ways to specify it.
    Use the Windows printer driver
    You can create and save custom paper sizes to suit your requirements.
    1. Go to Basic > Document size.
    2. Open the drop-down list, scroll down to the Custom section and tap on Create.
    3. Enter the name, unit, and size of the new paper custom size.
    4. Tap the Save button.
    Custom paper sizes created with the printer driver have the following characteristics:
    ● The paper size is permanent and does not disappear if the driver is closed or the computer is turned off.
    ● The paper size is local to the printer queue and not seen from other printer queues in the same computer.
    ● In Domain server networks, the paper size is local to the computer and not seen from other computers
    sharing the printer queue.
    ● In Workgroup networks, the paper size is shared among all the computers that share the printer queue.
    ● If the printer queue is deleted, the paper size is deleted with it.
    Use Windows forms
    Unrestricted users can create a new Windows form.
    1. From the Start menu or the front panel, tap Printers > File, and select Server Properties.
    Windows 7: From the Start menu or the front panel, tap Devices and Printers, then Select Printer.
    2. In the Forms tab, check the Create a new form box.
    3. Enter the name and dimensions of the new paper size. Leave the margins as 0.00.
    4. Tap the Save form button.
    5. Go to the printer driver and select the document size.
    6. Select your new paper size from the group of Custom sizes.
    Paper sizes created with Windows forms have the following characteristics:
    ● The paper size is permanent and does not disappear if the driver is closed or the computer is turned off.
    ● Restricted users cannot create paper forms. The manage documents role in the Windows Active Directory is
    the minimum required.
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    ● The paper size is local to the computer and is seen in all the printer queues created on the computer that
    support paper that size.
    ● If a printer queue is shared, this paper size appears in all the client’s computers.
    ● If a printer queue is shared from another computer, this paper size doesn’t appear on the driver´s
    document size list. A Windows form in a shared queue must be created in the server.
    ● If the printer queue is deleted, the paper size does not disappear.
    Use Mac OS X printer driver
    You can manage paper customs sizes from the driver.
    1. Go to the Print dialog.
    2. Select Paper Size►Manage Custom Sizes.
    Select margins options
    By default, the printer leaves a 5 mm margin between the edges of your image and the edges of the paper.
    However, you can change this behavior in the following way:
    ● In the Windows driver dialog: Select the correct option in the Margin layout area.
    ● In the Mac OS X Print dialog: Select the Margins/Layout panel.
    At least some of the following options appear:
    ● Standard or Use application settings. Your image will be printed on a page of the size you have selected,
    with the default margin between the edges of the image and the edges of the paper. The image should be
    small enough to fit between the margins.
    ● Oversize. You should load paper that is larger than the size you selected in the application or driver. If you
    cut off the margins after printing, you will be left with a page of the size you selected, with no margins
    remaining between your image and the edges of the paper. This is useful when you want your image to
    cover the whole area of the paper.
    ● Clip Contents By Margins. Your image will be printed on a page of the size you have selected, with the
    default margin between the edges of the image and the edges of the paper. In this case, if the image is the
    same size as the page, the printer assumes that the extreme edges of the image are either white or
    unimportant, and do not need to be printed. This may be useful when your image already contains a
    Print on loaded paper
    You can print a job on whichever substrate is loaded in the printer.
    ● In the Windows driver dialog: Select Use printer settings in the Paper Type option of your printer driver.
    ● In the Mac OS X Print dialog: Select the Paper/Quality panel, then in the Paper Type drop-down list, select
    NOTE: Use printer settings is the default Paper Type selection.
    Rescale a print
    You can send an image to the printer at a certain size but tell the printer to rescale it to a different size (normally
    larger). This may be useful:
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    ● If your software does not support large formats
    ● If your file is too large for the printer’s memory; in which case you can reduce the paper size in your
    software and then scale it up again using the front panel option
    ● You can rescale an image from the Windows driver dialog: Go to the Advance options > Scale.
    ● By selecting a paper size, the image size is adjusted to the paper size you have selected. For example,
    if you have selected ISO A2 and you print an A3-sized image, it is enlarged to fit the A2 paper. If the
    ISO A4 size is selected, the printer reduces a larger image to fit the A4 size.
    ● The percentage of actual size option enlarges the printable area of the original paper size by the
    percentage indicated, and then adds the margins to create the output paper size.
    ● In the Mac OS X Print dialog: Select the Paper Handling panel, then Scale to fit paper size, and select the
    paper size to which you want to scale the image. If you want to increase the size of the image, make sure
    that the Scale down only box is unchecked.
    If you are printing to a single sheet, you must ensure that the image fits onto the sheet, if not the image will be
    Preview a print
    If you preview a print on the screen you can check the layout before you print, which may help avoid paper and
    ink wastage.
    ● To preview a print under Windows, you have the following options:
    – Use the HP Print Preview application:
    Check the Show preview before printing box, which you can find in the right bottom corner of the
    driver dialog. Click Print, then wait a few seconds for the HP Print Preview application to be launched.
    Check that the job preview is as you wanted, and if it is, click Print. If it isn’t as you wanted, then
    modify the Print Preview options and check again, or click Cancel.
    NOTE: You can readjust the driver settings before you try again.
    NOTE: The Show preview before printing box appears in the driver dialog only if HP Print Preview is
    installed in your computer. If not installed, a download link is displayed.
    – Use your application’s print preview option.
    ● To preview a print under macOS, you have the following options:
    – Use your application’s print preview option.
    – There is no Preview button at the bottom of the Print dialog box in the latest versions of macOS. A
    print preview is always shown at the upper left of the Print dialog box for most applications.
    – Choose the HP Print Preview option from the PDF menu at the bottom of the Print dialog box. The
    print preview is displayed by a separate HP Print Preview application.
    Print a draft
    You can specify this to save time and cost.
    ● In the Windows driver dialog: Go to Print quality and select Fast.
    You can specify even faster draft-quality printing by using Economode, as follows. This is intended mainly for
    documents containing only text and line drawings:
    40 Chapter 6 Printing ENWW

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    ● In the Windows driver dialog: Go to Print quality, set the quality level to Fast and check the Economode box.
    ● In the Mac OS X Print dialog: Go to the Paper/Quality panel and move the print-quality slider to the extreme
    left (Speed).
    High-quality printing
    For unrivaled image quality.
    ● In the Windows driver dialog: Go to Print quality and select Best.
    ● In the Mac OS X Print dialog: Go to the Paper/Quality panel and move the print-quality slider to the extreme
    right (Quality).
    If you have a high-resolution image
    You can improve print sharpness when using glossy paper.
    If your image has a resolution greater than the rendering resolution (which you can see in the Custom Print
    Quality Options), print sharpness may be improved by selecting the Maximum Detail option.
    This option is available only if you are printing on photo paper and you have selected Best print quality.
    NOTE: The Maximum Detail option results in slower printing with photo papers, but it does not increase the
    amount of ink used.
    Use paper economically
    You may be able to save some of your roll paper by removing blank areas and/or by image rotation.
    ● In the Windows driver dialog: Check the Remove blank areas box.
    You can also select one of the Rotation options.
    ● In the Mac OS X Print dialog: Select Finishing panel►Remove Blank Areas.
    Use ink economically
    There are some recommendations you can follow to save ink.
    ● Check the print preview on your computer before you print and avoid wasting paper on prints containing
    obvious mistakes. See Preview a print on page 40.
    ● For draft prints use plain paper, select Print quality, then Fast. For more economy, select Economode.
    ● Clean the printhead only when needed. Cleaning the printhead can be useful, but it uses a small amount of
    ● Leave the printer permanently turned on so that it can maintain the printhead in good condition
    automatically. This regular printhead maintenance uses a small amount of ink. However, if it is not done,
    the printer may need to use much more ink later to maintain the printhead.
    ● Wide prints make more efficient use of ink than narrow prints, because printhead maintenance uses some
    ink, and its frequency is related to the number of passes made by the printhead.
    Color management
    Your printer has been engineered with advanced hardware and software features to ensure predictable and
    dependable color results.
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    ● State-of-the-art HP printheads and HP inks
    ● Dedicated color resources for most available paper types
    Color management options
    Reproduce colors as accurately as possible on all devices. When you print an image, you see very similar colors to
    the image on your monitor.
    Color management is highly dependent on the paper type loaded on the printer, so take care to select the correct
    preset for the paper type used. The color management options for your printer can be selected from the Color
    options section in the Windows driver dialog. In some applications you can make the choice in the application
    itself. Consult HP Support Center on page 100 for information about how to use the color management options
    in your application.
    ● Application-Managed Colors: Your application must convert the image colors to the color space of your
    printer and paper type, using the ICC profile embedded in the image and the ICC profile of your printer and
    paper type.
    ● Printer-Managed Colors: Your application sends the image to the printer without any color conversion, and
    the printer converts the colors to sRGB. This source profile emulates the characteristics of the average
    computer monitor. This standard space is endorsed by many hardware and software manufacturers and
    has become the default color space for many scanners, cameras, printers, and software applications.
    Printer color management is completed using a set of stored color tables. ICC profiles are not used. This
    method can produce very good results with supported HP paper types.
    Printing in grayscale or black-and-white
    There are a number of ways to convert all the colors in your image to shades of gray.
    ● In your application program: Many applications provide this option.
    ● In the Windows driver dialog: In the Color mode selection, tap Print in Grayscale. Only black ink is used to
    print, except if the paper loaded is glossy, in which case colored inks are used to compose the gray shades.
    You can also select Print in pure black and white for black and white output only, with no gray shades. In
    this case only black ink is used to print. The Print in pure black and white option is not supported when you
    print on glossy paper.
    ● In the Mac OS X Print dialog: Go to the Color Options panel and from the Mode drop-down list, select
    Grayscale. Only black ink is used for printing, unless the paper loaded is glossy, in which case the other inks
    are used to compose gray shades. You can also select Pure black and white for black and white output only,
    with no gray shades. In this case, only black ink is used for printing. The Print in pure black and white option
    is not supported when printing on glossy paper.
    42 Chapter 6 Printing ENWW

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    7 Practical printing examples
    Step by step examples to print drafts, projects, presentations etc. to help you follow correct procedure with your
    Print a draft for revision with the correct scale
    Page size and orientation may not always be set as you require. This can be altered.
    Using Adobe Acrobat
    Print a revision draft with the correct scale.
    1. In the Acrobat window, bring the mouse cursor to the bottom left corner of the document pane to check
    the page size.
    2. Select File > Print and ensure that Page Sizing & Handling is set to Actual size.
    NOTE: The page size will not be automatically selected according to the drawing size.
    3. Click the Properties button.
    4. Choose whatever Document Size and Print Quality you want to use. If you want to define a new custom
    paper size, follow the instructions in Custom paper sizes on page 38.
    5. Select Rotation, then Autorotate.
    6. Click OK, and check that the print preview in the Print dialog box seems correct.
    Print a PDF multipage job from Adobe Acrobat Reader or Adobe
    Acrobat Pro
    Set up for a multipage job is a quick and simple process.
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    Using a raster driver
    You can print a multipage job from Adobe Acrobat.
    1. Open a multipage job in Adobe Acrobat Reader or Adobe Acrobat Pro (HP recommends always using the
    latest version).
    2. Click File > Print.
    3. Select the printer and driver.
    4. Check the Choose paper source by PDF page size box.
    5. Adjust other properties in the driver properties window, as required.
    6. Click the Print button.
    The pages will be printed on the standard page size closest to the page size in the original document.
    Print a document with the correct colors
    Print a document from Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Photoshop, with the emphasis on color management.
    Using Adobe Acrobat Reader
    The print process is very simple. Acrobat Reader is the most basic application for PDF files; several color
    management tools common in more sophisticated applications are not explicitly present, and work by default
    with presets that cannot be changed.
    For example, there is no way to select a working color space; a default color space, most likely sRGB, is applied.
    This color space is used for screen display, for example. Also, as an alternative color profile when no other is
    specified by a file, as will be explained later.
    1. Click File > Print.
    44 Chapter 7 Practical printing examples ENWW

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