Hp pro 400 мануал

Окончание поддержки: драйверы для принтеров в Windows 7, 8, 8.1, Server 2008, 2008R2.

HP больше не поддерживает эти драйверы принтеров с 1 ноября 2022 г. HP рекомендует обновить операционную систему до поддерживаемой версии. Подробнее



Руководство пользователя



Цветные принтеры HP LaserJet Pro

300 M351 и HP LaserJet Pro 400 M451

Руководство пользователя

Авторские права и лицензия

© 2014 Copyright Hewlett-Packard

Development Company, L.P.

Копирование, адаптация или перевод

без предварительного письменного

разрешения запрещены, за исключением

случаев, разрешенных законом об

авторских правах.

Информация, содержащаяся в этом

документе, может быть изменена без

предварительного уведомления.

Гарантии на изделия и услуги HP

устанавливаются в специальных

гарантийных положениях, прилагаемых к

таким изделиям и услугам. Ничто из

сказанного в настоящем документе не

должно ис

толковываться как


тельная гарантия. HP не несет

ответственности за технические или

редакторские ошибки или упущения,

содержащиеся в настоящем документе.

Edition 1, 10/2014

Номер изделия: CE955-91006

Информация о товарных знаках



, Acrobat


и PostScript



зарегистрированными товарными

знаками Adobe Systems Incorporated.

Intel® Core™ является товарным знаком

Intel Corporation в США и других странах/


Java™ является зарегистрированным в

США товарным знаком Sun Microsystems


Microsoft®, Windows®, Windows XP® и

Windows Vista® являются

зарегистрированными в США товарными

знаками Microsoft Corporation.



является зарегистрированным

товарным знаком Open Group.


являются зарегистрированными в США

товарными знаками.

Условные обозначения

СОВЕТ: Врезки «совет» содержат полезные советы и ссылки.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Во врезках «примечание» указываются существенные пояснения к понятиям и

процедурам выполнения заданий.

ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ. Символами предостережения обозначены инструкции, которые следует

выполнять во избежание потерь данных или повреждения устройства.

ВНИМАНИЕ! Символы предупреждения указывают на необходимость соблюдения

инструкций, которые следует выполнять во избежание травм персонала, серьезных потерь

данных или существенных повреждений устройства.

RUWW iii

iv Условные обозначения RUWW


1 Основные функции устройства………..…….……….…………….…….………..…….……….……….…….……….…. 1

Сравнение продуктов …………..…………..………………….…………………..……..…………..………………….…. 2

Характеристики условий окружающей среды …..…………….…………………….…..……….………………… 4

Удобство обслуживания ……..…………..………………………….………………..…………………………..………… 4

Изображения изделия ……………………….……………………………..………………….………………….…………. 5

Вид спереди …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………… 5

Вид сзади ………….………..…………………….…………………….………………………………….………. 6

Интерфейсные соединения ………….…………..……..………….…………..…..……..………….…… 6

Расположение серийного номера и номера модели ……………….……………..………….….. 7

Устройство панели управления ..……………….………..……..………..…….……………….……….. 8

2 Меню панели управления ….………………………………..…….…………………..…………………………………………… 9

Меню Вебслужбы HP …………..…….…………….……….…………….…….………………..…………….…….….. 10

Меню Отчеты …..……….……………….……………….………….…….……………….……………….……………… 11

Меню Краткие формы ………………………..…………………………..………….……………….………….………… 12

Меню Настройка системы …………………………….……….…………..……….…………………….…………….… 13

Меню Обслуживание ..………..………….……….…………..……….…………..……….……………………………… 19

Меню Сетевая установка ……………..………………….…………………..………….…………………..……..……. 20

3 Программное обеспечение для Windows ………….…….………..……..……….…….……………….………..……... 23


ддерживаемые операционные системы и драйверы принтеров для Windows …………………. 24

Выберите правильную версию драйвера принтера для Windows ………..………………..………….…. 24

Универсальный драйвер печати HP ……………..…………..……….…………..…………………... 26

Режимы установки универсального драйвера печати …………………………… 26

Изменение настроек задания печати для Windows ………..………….…………………..……..………….... 27

Приоритет параметров печати …………………………..………..…………….………………………. 27

Изменение параметров всех заданий печати до закрытия программного

обеспечения ………….………..…….……….………..…….……….…….………..…….……….…….…… 27

Изменение параметров по умолчанию для всех заданий печати ……………….………… 28

Изменение параметров конфигурации продукта ……….………..……….………..……….…… 28


ение драйвера принтера в Windows …..…………..……….…………..……….………….………………… 29


Поддерживаемые утилиты для Windows ….……….……………..……….……………..……….……………..… 30

Другие компоненты и средства Windows ….…..…………..……..…..…………..……..…………. 30

Программное обеспечение для других операционных систем …………..………………………….…….. 30

4 Использование устройства с компьютерами Mac ………..……………..………………………………………….… 31

Программное обеспечение для Mac ………………..………….…….…………………….……..……………….... 32

Поддерживаемые операционные системы и драйверы принтеров для Mac ….…….... 32

Установка программного обеспечения для Mac …….………….………..………….…………... 32

Установка программы для Mac компьютеров, подключенных

непосредственно к устройству ….……………………………………..………………….. 32

Установка программного обеспечения для компьютеров Mac в

проводной сети ………………………………..………………..…………..…………………… 33

Настройка IP-адреса …………..………..……………….……………………… 33

Установка программного обеспечения ..

……..…..……..……..……. 33

Установка программного обеспечения для компьютеров Mac в

беспроводной сети ….…….………..……..………..…….………..…….……………….….. 33

Подсоединение устройства к беспроводной сети с

использованием WPS через меню панели управления ….….…… 34

Настройка подключения устройства к беспроводной сети при

помощи кабеля USB …..…..……..…..……..…..…….………….…………... 34

Удаление принтера в операционных системах Mac ..……..….……..…..…….…..…….….... 35

Приоритет параметров печати для Mac ..….…….….…….….………..……….…….……….…… 35

Изменение настроек драйвера принтера для Mac …….………………..…………..…………… 36

Изменение параметров всех заданий печати до закрытия

программного обеспечения ..……………………………………………………………….. 36

Изменение па

раметров вс

ех заданий печати ..……….…….……….……………... 36

Изменение параметров конфигурации продукта ..…….……….………..…….….. 36

Программное обеспечение для компьютеров Mac ..…….….…….…..………..………..…….. 36

HP Utility для Mac ………..………………..……………….………….………………..………. 36

Откройте утилиту HP Utility ..….…….…..…….…..…….…..…….…….…. 37

Функции HP Utility ………..……..…………..………………….……….……….. 37

Поддержка утилит для Mac ……..…..…….……..….……..…..…….…..……..…..…… 37

Встроенный Web-сервер HP ..……………………………………………….. 37

HP ePrint ..…..…………..…………..……..…………..…………..……..……….. 37

AirPrint ….……..……………….………….……..………..……..………………..… 38

Основные задания печати при использовании Mac ….……….………………..……………….…………….. 39

Отмена задания на компьютерах Mac ……….…..…….…….…..………..…….…..…….…..…… 39

Смена типа и формата бумаги (Mac) ………..…..……..………………..…………..……..……….. 39

Изменение форматов документов или печать документа на бумаге

нестандартного формата ….……….…..………………………….……..………………………….……. 39

Создание и использование готовых наборов на ком


ьютерах Mac …..……..……….….. 40

Печать обложки с помощью Mac ….…………….…..……….………………….……………………... 40


Использование водяных знаков в Mac ………………..…………..……..………….……..………… 40

Печать нескольких страниц на одном листе бумаги с помощью Mac …………..……….. 41

Печать на обеих сторонах листа (двусторонняя печать) в Mac …………………………….. 41

Настройка параметров цвета в Mac …..…………………………..………………..……………….… 42

Использование AirPrint ……………….………..…………….……….……………………..…………….………..…….. 44

Решение проблем в Mac ……….……….…………..……….…………..……….…………..……….…………..…….. 45

5 Подключение устройства в Windows …..………….……..…………..……..………….………………….……..……….. 47

Отказ от совместного использования принтера ….…..……..…..……..…..……..…..……..…….…………. 48

Соединение с USB ………..………………………..……………………………………………………………………….. 48

Установка ПО с компактдиска …….…….…….…..…….…..…….…..…….….…….…..…….….... 48

Подключение к сети в Windows ………….……………………………………………….……..………….……..…… 49

Поддерживаемые сетевые прото

колы ……..……..…………………………………..………….….. 49

Установка устройства в проводной сети в Windows …..…..…….….……..….…….…..…….. 49

Получение IP-адреса ……..…..……..…..……..…..…….…..……..…..……..…..……... 49

Установка программного обеспечения ….……………..…………….…….………….. 50

Установите устройство в беспроводной сети в Windows (только для

беспроводных моделей) ………….……….…………..……….…………………………………………… 50

Настройка подключения устройства к беспроводной сети при помощи

WPS …….………..…….……………….………..……..………..…….……………….………..… 51

Подсоединение устройства к беспроводной сети с использованием

WPS через меню панели управления ….……….…………….………..…………….… 51

Настройка подключения устройства к беспроводной сети при помощи

кабеля USB ..…………….……….……………..…………….…….…………….……….…….. 51

Установка пр

ограммного об

еспечения для беспроводного устройства,

подключенного к сети ……..………………………………..…………….………..…………. 52

Настройка сетевых параметров IP в Windows …………..…………..…………………………..… 53

Просмотр и изменение сетевых параметров …….………………………………….. 53

Установка или изменение пароля устройства ….……………..………….….….. 53

Настройка параметров TCP/IP IPv4 вручную с панели управления ……….. 54

Скорость подключения и параметры двусторонней печати ……….……..…… 55

6 Бумага и носители для печати …………………..…….…………….……….…….………..…………….……….…….…… 57

Использование бумаги …………………………..……….………….…………………..……….…………..……..……. 58

Смена драйвера принтера для соответствия типу и формату бумаги .…………..………..…….……. 59


держиваемые форматы бумаги ……………..………………….………………………..…………..……..…… 60

Поддерживаемые типы бумаги и емкость лотков ………..…………..……..………………………………..… 62

Загрузка бумаги в лотки ………….………….……..………….……..………….……..………….…….………….…… 65

Загрузка в лоток 1 ……….……………….………..………..……..……….…….………………..………... 65

Загрузка лотка 2 и дополнительного лотка 3 ………….……………………………………………. 66

Настройка лотков ……..………………..…………….……..…….…………..……………………………………………. 68

RUWW vii

7 Картриджи ……….…….………..…….………..………..…….……….…….………..……..………..…….…………………….….. 69

Сведения о картридже …..………..…….…………………..……..………..……..………..……..………..…….……. 70

Изображения расходных материалов…..……..….……..…..…….………….…..……..…….…..……..…... 71

Изображения картриджей печати ……….…….……………….……………….………..……..……… 71

Управление картриджами печати .……..…………..…..…………..……..…………..…………..…..……………. 72

Изменение параметров картриджей ……..…….………….…..…….…..…….…..……..….……... 72

Использование картриджей с заканчивающимся сроком службы ……..…… 72

Включение и отключение параметров «при очень низком уровне» с

панели управления …..….……..…..…….…….…..…….…..……..….…….………….…. 72

Печать в экономичном режиме (EconoMode) ……..……………………………….... 73

Хранение и переработка расходных материалов …….………………………………………….. 73

Переработка расходных материалов ………..…….…..……..…..……..….……..…. 73

Хранение картриджа ……………….………………….…………….…………………….….. 74

Политика компании НР относительно ра


одных материалов других

производителей ……………………..……………………………………………………..……. 74

Вебсайт HP по вопросам защиты от подделок………….….……..….…….….…….….…… 74

Инструкции по замене ……..………..………….…………………..……….………….…………..……….………….... 75

Замена картриджа ………………..………………..…………..…………………..…………..………….... 75

Решение проблем, связанных с расходными материалами ……….…………..…………………………... 79

Проверка картриджей……..………..……………….………………..………..……..……………….… 79

Печать страницы состояния расходных материалов ….……………………….... 80

Интерпретация страницы качества печати …..……..…..…….………….……..….. 81

Проверка повреждения картриджа …………..……..…………..…..……..…………... 81

Повторяющиеся дефекты …….……..……………….………………………….………….. 82

Интерпретация сообщений панели управления для расходных материалов .……….. 83

Голубой картридж в неправильном положении …….………….………………..…. 83

Голубой по

чти за

кончился ……………..…….……………….………..……..………..….. 83

Желтый в неправ. полнии ………..……………..………..……………….………..……… 83

Желтый почти закончился ….…………………..………………..…………………………. 84

Замените <цвет> ………..…………….…………….…………….……….…………….…….. 84

Используется б/у картридж: <color> ……….……………….……….………….………. 84

Используются б/у картриджи ……..………….……..………….……..………….……..… 85

Недопуст. расходный материал…….……………….…………………..……..……… 85

Неподдерживаемый <цвет> [OK] — продолжить …..…….…………….………..….. 85

Несовместимый <цвет> ……………………………….………………….…………..……… 85

Низкий уровень голубого картриджа ……..…….……………….….………….………. 85

Низкий уровень желтого картриджа …….…………………….……………..……….…. 86

Низкий уровень пурпурного картриджа ………..………….….………..……….…….. 86

Низкий уровень расходных материалов …..…………….……….……………..…….. 86

Низкий уровень черного картриджа …….…….……….…….……….…….……….….. 86

Ошибка расходного ма

териала 1

0.XXXX ….……..……..…..…….………….…..…. 87

viii RUWW

Пурпурный картридж в неправильном положении ..……….……….………….. 87

Пурпурный почти закончился ….…………………..………………………………..…….. 87

Удалите фиксатор с картриджа <цвет> …..………….……..…………………………. 88

Удалите фиксаторы с картриджей…….…………….……………….……………….. 88

Установ. <цвет.> картриджа ..…..……….………………….…………………….……….. 88

Установлен использованный картридж: <color> [OK] — продолжить ….……. 88

Установлен подлинный расходный материал HP ……..…….……..…..……..…. 88

Черный картридж находится в неверном положении ………………………..….. 89

Черный почти закончился …..……..…………………………..……..…………………….. 89

8 Функции печати ………….………………………..…………..……..………….………………………..………….……………..… 91

Отмена задания …..……….…………………….…………………….……………………..………………………………. 92

Основные задания печати при использовании ОС Windows …..…….………..…….……….…….……… 93

Открытие драйвера принтера в Wi

ndows ..………..………..………..…….….…….………..…… 93

Получение справки по параметрам печати в Windows ………….………….……..…………… 94

Изменение количества печатаемых копий в Windows ………….……….…….………..……... 94

Сохранение нестандартных параметров печати для повторного использования в

Windows ..………..…….………..…….……….…….………..…….……….…….………..…….………..….. 94

Использование ярлыка печати в Windows ….…..………..………..………….….…. 94

Создание ярлыков печати .…..……..…..……..…..……..……..…..……..…..……..…. 96

Улучшение качества печати в Windows ……….…………………………………………….……….. 98

Выбор формата страницы в Windows .…….…….…….….…….………….…………. 98

Выбор нестандартного формата страницы в Windows ….…….….…….…….… 98

Выбор типа бумаги в Windows ………..……….…….….…….….…….….………..…… 99

Выбор лотка для бумаги в Windows ………….…………………………………..……… 99

Печать на об


х сторонах (дуплекс) в Windows .……………….…….….………….…………... 99

Двусторонняя печать в Windows с ручной подачей ………………………..…….. 99

Автоматическая печать на обеих сторонах в Windows …..……………………. 101

Печать нескольких страниц на листе в Windows ………………………….…………………….. 102

Выбор ориентации страницы в Windows ……….….………..……….…….…..……….…….….. 104

Настройка параметров цвета в Windows ..…….……….………..……….…….….……….…….. 106

Использование HP ePrint .…………..……..…………..…………..…………..…..…………………..…..……..….. 107

Дополнительные задания на печать при использовании ОС Windows ...………..……………….. 108

Печать всего текста черным цветом (оттенки серого) в Windows …….………..……….. 108

Печать на фирменных блан

ках или печатных формах в Windows ………..………..…… 108

Печать на специальной бумаге, этикетках или прозрачных пленках из Windows .... 110

Печать первой или последней страницы на бумаге другого типа в Windows ….…… 113

Масштабирование документа до размера страницы в Windows .…………………….….. 115

Добавление водяные знаки к документу в Windows ....…...…...…...….. 117

Создание буклета в Windows ………….…………………………………………….………………….. 117


9 Цветная печать …………….…………………………………………………..………….……………..………..……….………… 121

Настройка цвета ……………………..……..………..…….……………….……………….………………..……….….. 122

Изменение цветовых тем для задания печати …………..……..……………………………….. 122

Изменение параметров цвета ….……..…….….…….………….….……..….…….…..…….…..… 123

Установка параметров цвета вручную ……..…….………..…….………..…….……….…….….. 124

Использование технологии HP EasyColor …..……….…….……….…….……….…….……….……………... 125

Соответствие цветов на отпечатке цветам на экране ….……….……….……….…..….……….……….. 127

10 Управление и обслуживание …..…….………..…….……….…….………..…….………..…….………..…….……….. 129

Печать информационных страниц …….………..……..………..……….……..………..……..……….……..…. 130

Использование встроенного Web-сервера HP ………………………………………………..………………... 131

Открытие встроенного Web-сервера HP ……………..………………………………………..…… 131

Функции встроенного вебсервера HP ..…………..………………………………………………… 131

Использование ПО HP Web Jetadmin …..……….…….…………….……….…………….……….…………….. 132

Функции безопасности устройства …..…………………………………………….……………..……….………… 132

Назначение системного пароля ……

……………………..…………………….……………………… 132

Параметры экономии …………………….…….………..…….……….…….………..…….……….…….………..…. 134

Печать в экономичном режиме (EconoMode) ..…..…….………….….……..…..…….……..… 134

Режимы энергосбережения .………………………………………………………..……………………. 134

Настройка режима ожидания …….……..…….…..……..…..…….………….…..…… 134

Установка задержки Автоматическое выключение. …………..……..……..….. 135

Архивная печать …………………..………………..………………………..…………………..…………. 135

Установка модулей памяти DIMM ………..………..…….……….…….………..…….………..…….………..…. 136

Установка модулей памяти DIMM ………..…….….…….…..…….….…….….……..….…….….. 136

Активация памяти ……..…………….……….…….…………….…………….……….…………….……. 139

Проверка правильности установки DIMM ……………..……..…………..…………………..…… 140

Установка памяти ………………….…………………………………………………………………………. 141

Очистка продукта ….………………………………………………………..………….……………..……………………. 142

Обновления ……………………..………………………….………….………………………………………………..……. 142

11 Решение проблем ……….…….…………….…………….…………….………………..…………….…………….……….. 143

Справочная информация ……………………..………..……………..………………………..………..…………….. 144

Контрольный список устранения типичных неполадок ….……..…..……..…..……..….……..…..…….. 145

Факторы, влияющие на производительность устройства …………………………………… 146

Восстановление зав


дских настроек………….………………………..………….……..…………………….. 147

Интерпретация сообщений панели управления ..………..…….………..…….………..……….…….…….. 148

Типы сообщений панели управления ….….………..………..…….…….…..………..……….. 148

Сообщения панели управления ..…….…..…….….……..….…….…..…….…….…..…….…..… 148

Голубой картридж в неправильном положении …….…..……..………….……… 148

Голубой почти закончился ……….……….…….………………..……….…….………... 148


Желтый в неправ. полнии ………..……………..………..……………….………..……. 149

Желтый почти закончился ….…………..………………………..…………..…………… 149

Загрузите лоток # <ТИП> <ФОРМАТ> ….…….……………..………….……………. 149

Загрузите лоток <X> Нажмите [OK] для доступного носителя....….. 149

Загрузите лоток 1 <ТИП> <ФОРМАТ> ….…….……………..………….……………. 150

Загрузите лоток 1 <ФОРМАТ> Режим очистки [OK] для запуска …….……. 150

Задн. дверца откр. …..……….…….…………….……….…………….……………..…….. 150

Замените <цвет> ………..…………….…………….…………….…………….……………. 150

Замятие в лотке # Устраните замятие и Нажмите [OK] ……………………….. 151

Замятие: <location> .………….………….…..……..……..…..……..…..……..…..…….. 151

Используется б/у картридж: <color> ……….…….………….……….………….……. 151

Используются б/у картриджи …………..………….…………..…..……..……..…..….. 151

Недопуст. расходный ма

териал .……..…..…….…..……..….……..…..…….…..…. 151

Недопустимый драйвер Нажмите [OK] ……….….……….…………….………..….. 152

Недост. памяти Нажмите [OK] …….………………….…………..…………..…………. 152

Неподдерживаемый <цвет> [OK] — продолжить ………….………….……….…… 152

Непредвиденный формат бумаги в лотке # Загрузите <формат>

Нажмите [OK] ………………………..………………..…………..………………………..….. 152

Несовместимый <цвет> …………………………………….…………..…………….……. 153

Низкий уровень голубого картриджа ……………………….…….….…….…………. 153

Низкий уровень желтого картриджа ….…………..………………………..………….. 153

Низкий уровень пурпурного картриджа ………..…………….…….….……….……. 153

Низкий уровень расходных материалов……..…………..…..……..………….... 153

Низкий уровень черного картриджа …..….…….….…….….………..………..…….. 154

Открыта передняя дверца .…..…….…..…….…..…….…….…..…….…..…….….. 154

Очистка . . . .……………….…………………………..……..……………….………………. 154

Ош. вентилят. 57 Выкл. и вкл. устрво ..

……..…..……..…..…….…..……..…..…. 154


иб.обслия 79 Выкл. и вкл. устрво …….……..…..…….….……..….…….……. 154

Ошибка 49 Выкл. и вкл. устрво ….…….….…….…..…….…..…………..….…….… 155

Ошибка 51.XX Выкл. и вкл. устрво …….…….………….……….………….……….. 155

Ошибка 54.XX Выкл. и вкл. устрво …….…….………….……….………….……….. 155

Ошибка 55.X Выкл. и вкл. устрво ……..…….….…….…..…….….…….….…….…. 156

Ошибка 59.X Выкл. и вкл. устрво ……..…….….…….…..…….….…….….…….…. 156

Ошибка 79 Выкл. и вкл. устрво ….…….….…….…..…….…..…………..….…….… 156

Ошибка печати Нажмите [OK] …..….……….……….…….….……….……….……. 156

Ошибка расходного материала 10

.XXXX .…….………….…….……..…….……... 157

Ошибка термоэлемента 50.x Выкл. и вкл. устрво……….…………………… 157

Ошибка устройства Нажмите [OK] ..……….…….……….…….….………..………... 158

Подача вручную <TYPE> <SIZE> Нажмите [OK] для доступного

носителя ………….…….…………….………..…………….………..…………….…….…….. 158

Пурпурный картридж в неправильном положении ………………………..…….. 158


Пурпурный почти закончился……….…….……….……….…….….……….……. 158

Ручной дуплекс Загрузите лоток <X> Нажмите [OK] ……………….…………… 159

Сбой печати, нажмите OK. Если ош. повтор., выкл. и вкл. снова. .……….. 159

Удалите фиксатор с картриджа <цвет> …..………………………………….………. 159

Удалите фиксаторы с картриджей ……………..……………..………..……………... 159

Установ. <цвет.> картриджа ..……….……………………..…………………….………. 160

Установлен использованный картридж: <color> [OK] — продолжить ..….... 160

Установлен подлинный расходный материал HP ………..……..……..…..…… 160

Черный картридж находится в неверном положении …..…….…….…..…….. 160

Черный почти закончился …..……..………………..………………..…………………... 160

Неправильная подача бумага и возникновение зам

ятий …………………..……….…………….……….. 162

Устройство не захватывает бумагу …………….………………………………..……….………….. 162

Устройство захватывает больше одного листа бумаги. …………………….……………….. 162

Предотвращение замятий бумаги ………..………………….……..………….…………………….. 163

Устранение замятий ….………………….………….………………….……..…………..……………………………… 164

Места возникновения замятий бумаги …………………………………………………………..….. 164

Устранение замятий в лотке 1 ……………………….………………………………………….……… 165

Устранение замятий в лотке 2 ……………………….………………………………………….……… 166

Устранение замятия в области термоэлемента ………….………….………………….………. 167

Устранение замятий в выходном лотке …………..………..……..………..……..………..…….. 169

Устранение замятий в устройстве двусторонней печати (только для моделей с

устройством двусторонней печ

ати) ….

…………..……..………….……..………….……………… 169

Улучшение качества печати .…………………….………………………….……….………………………………… 172

Использование настроек для соответствующего типа носителя в драйвере

принтера……………………………………….………………………………..……….…………..………. 172

Смена настроек для типа бумаги в Windows …………………………….…..……. 172

Смена настроек для типа бумаги в Mac ……..……..……………………………….. 172

Регулировка параметров цвета в драйвере принтера …………….………………………….. 173

Изменение цветовых тем для задания печати ……………..…………….………. 173

Изменение параметров цвета ……………………………………………………………. 174

Использование бумаги, которая соответствует требованиям HP ..…..…….…..…….... 174

Печать страницы очистки ……………….………………….………………….…………………………. 175

Калибровка устройства для в

ыравнивания цв

ета ……….…..……..…………………..….. 175

Проверка картриджей ….………………………….………..……………..………………………………. 176

Печать страницы состояния расходных материалов ….…………………..…... 177

Интерпретация страницы качества печати …………………………….…………… 178

Проверка повреждения картриджа …………..………………….………………….…. 178

Повторяющиеся дефекты …….……..……………….…………………..……..………… 179

Использование наиболее подходящего для нужд печати драйвера принтера ….…. 179

Устройство не печатает или печать выполняется слишком медленно …………..…..……..…..….. 181

Устройство не печатает ……….……………..………..……………..…………………………………... 181

xii RUWW

Устройство медленно печатает .………….…………………………..…………………………..…… 182

Устранение неполадок с подключением ….……..…..……..…..……..………….………….………….……… 183

Устранение неполадок прямого подключения …………………….………………….…………. 183

Решение проблем с сетью ……….…………….……………..…………….……….…………….……. 183

Некачественное подключение на физическом уровне ………………………… 183

В компьютере используется неверный IP-адрес устройства ……………….. 184

Компьютер не может связаться с устройством ……….……….………..……….. 184

В устройстве используется неверное подключение и неправильные

параметры двусторонней печати ..……………….………..…….………..…….…….. 184

Новое программное обеспечение может вызывать неполадки с

совместимостью. ..…….………………..…………….…………….…….…………….……. 184

Неправильные настройки ко

мпьютера ил

и рабочей станции ..…………….. 184

Устройство отключено или настройки сети неверны ……………..…..……..… 185

Решение проблем беспроводной сети ..…..………………………………………………………………………. 186

Контрольный список для проверки беспроводного соединения …….…..……..………… 186

На панели управления отображается сообщение: Функция беспроводного

соединения на этом устройстве отключена ……..………..………………………….……….…. 187

Устройство перестает печатать после завершения настройки беспроводного

соединения ……….…………………………………..………….…….………….…….………….……..….. 187

Устройство не печатает, а на компьютере установлен межсетевой экран

стороннего разработчика …………………………………………………………………………………. 187

Беспроводное с

оединение не ра

ботает после перемещения беспроводного

маршрутизатора или устройства …………….………..…….………..…….………..…….………… 188

Невозможно подсоединить дополнительные компьютеры к устройству с

функциями беспроводной связи …………………………………………..………………..…………. 188

Устройство с беспроводным соединением теряет связь при подсоединении к

виртуальной частной сети (VPN) ……..………………….………………..……..………..……..….. 188

Сеть не представлена в списке беспроводных сетей ….……..…..……………..……..…… 189

Беспроводная сеть не функционирует ……….……………..………..……………..……………... 189

Устранение неполадок программного обеспечения устройства в ОС Windows ………….………. 190

Устранение неполадок программного об

еспечения ус

тройства в ОС Mac .…….…….…….……… 192

Драйвер принтера не появляется в списке «Принтеры и факсы« ……..………..…….…. 192

Имя устройства, не отображается в списке «Принтеры и факсы» ………….……………. 192

Драйвер принтера не выполняет автоматическую настройку выбранного

устройства в списке «Принтеры и факсы» ………..……….……………….………………..…….. 192

Задание печати не было отправлено на нужное устройство ..…..…….…..…….……….. 193

При подключении с помощью USB-кабеля устройство не появляется в списке


интеры и факсы» после выбора драйвера ..…..………………….…………..…………..…. 193

При USB-соединении используется универсальный драйвер принтера …………..…. 193

Приложение А Расходные материалы и дополнительные принадлежности ……….….…….…………. 195

Заказ комплектующих, дополнительных принадлежностей и расходных материалов ………… 196

RUWW xiii

Коды изделий ……………..……….…………….………..…………….……….……………..……….…………….…. 196

Приложение Б Обслуживание и поддержка ………………….…………………………..………..………………..……. 197

Ограниченная гарантия компании Hewlett-Packard ……..…..…………..……..…………..…………..…... 198

Premium Protection Warranty HP: Обязательство ограниченной гарантии на картридж

печати LaserJet …………..………..……..………..……..………………..………..……..……………….…….………. 200

Данные, сохраняемые в картридже …….……….…….……….…………….…….……….……….…….………. 201

Лицензионное соглашение с конечным пользователем ..……..…..…….….……..….……..…….…..… 202

OpenSSL ….…………….……….…………………….…………….……….…………………….………….……………. 206

Поддержка заказчиков …………………………………….………………….…………………….………………….… 207

Повторная упаковка устройства ….………………….…………………………………….………………….……... 208

Приложение В Технические характеристики устройства ………..…………..…………………………..………… 209

Физические характеристики ………………..…………….………………………..………………………..……….... 210

Потребляемая мощность, электрические характеристики и акустическая эмиссия ……….…… 210

Требования к условиям окружающей среды …..…………………………….…………….……………………. 210


ие Г Регламентирующая информация ……..………..………..……..……….…….……………….……… 211

Правила FCC ………..…….……….……………..…………….…………….……….…………….…….…………….. 212

Программа поддержки экологически чистых изделий .………………………..……….…………..……….. 213

Защита окружающей среды …..……….……………..…….…………….………..…………….…….. 213

Образование озона …………….…………………..…………….…………..……….……………………. 213

Потребление электроэнергии ..…………….…….…………….…………….……….…………….…. 213

Расход тонера ………..………..……..……….………………..……….……..………..…….……………. 213

Использование бумаги …………..…………………………………………..…………….…………..…. 213

Пластмассовые материалы ……….…………..…………..…………..………………..……………… 214

Расходные материалы для печати HP LaserJet ……….……….……………..…………….….. 214

Инструкции для возврата и переработки ………………..………………..………………..……… 214

США и ПуэртоРико …….…………………………..……..……………….………………... 214

Возврат нескольких элементов (нескольких картриджей) ……... 214

Возврат одного картриджа ………………………….…………………….… 215

Доставка …………..…………..……..…..…………..……..…..…………..…… 215

Возврат картриджей для потребителей за п

ределами США ..

……..…..…… 215

Бумага ……………….…………………..……….………….…………………..…………………..………….. 215

Ограничения для материалов……………….………..……………..……………….………..……. 216

Утилизация использованного оборудования частными пользователями в

странах Европейского Союза ….……….…………….………..…………………….…………….…… 216

Химические вещества ……..…………..…………..……..…..…………..……..…………..…..……… 216

Таблица безопасности материалов (MSDS) ….………………..………….………………..……. 216

Дополнительная информация ….……..…..……..…………..…..……..…………..………….……. 217

Заявление о соответствии …..………….…………………..………………….…………………..………………….. 218

xiv RUWW

Декларации о соответствии (беспроводные модели) ……………..…………..…………………..……….. 220

Положения безопасности …….………………….……….…………..…………………..………….……….……….. 222

Лазерная безопасность ….……….…….……….…….……….…….……….………..…….……….…. 222

Правила DOC для Канады ……………….…………………………………..…………………….……. 222

Заявление VCCI (Япония) ……….……………..……………..………………………..………..……… 222

Инструкции относительно кабеля питания………………..…………….……………………… 222

Правила для шнуров питания (Япония) ………..…………….……..…….…………….……….… 223

Директива EMC (Корея) ………………….…………..………….…………………..……….…………... 223

Заявление о лазерной безопасности (Финляндия) .………..……..……….…….……………. 223

Заявление GS (Германия) ……..……….………………………………….……….……………………. 225

Таблица веществ (Китай) ……..………..…….……………….………..……..………..…….………... 225

Директива, ограничивающая содержание вредных веществ (Турция) ………………… 225

Заявление об ограничении по опасным веществам (Украина) ………………….……..…. 225

Дополнительные положения для б

еспроводных ус

тройств…………………………….……………… 226

Положение о соответствии требованиям FCC — США …….………..…….……….…….…… 226

Положения для Австралии ……….…………..……….…………..……….…………..……….………. 226

Положение для Бразилии (ANATEL) …..…………….…………….…………….…………….……. 226

Положения для Канады ………..………………………..…………..………………………..………….. 226

Регламентирующая информация для Европейского Союза (ЕС) ………………….…….. 226

Примечание для использования во Франции …….………………………..………….…………. 227

Примечание для использования в России ………………….……………………………….…….. 227

Положение для Кореи………………….……..……………………………..……..………….………. 227

Положения для Тайваня ………………….………………………….………..……………….…………. 228

Маркировка проводов Vietnam Telecom для утвержденных устройств типа

ICTQC ……………………………………..………………………..………..……………….………………….. 228

Указатель ……..……….…………..……….…………………….…………..……….…………….………….………………………….. 229


xvi RUWW

1 Основные функции устройства

Сравнение продуктов

Характеристики условий окружающей среды

Удобство обслуживания

Изображения изделия


Сравнение продуктов

Цветной принтер HP LaserJet Pro 300



Производительность: Скорость печати: до 18 страниц в минуту (стр./мин.) на

бумаге формата A4 и 19 стр./мин. на бумаге формата Letter

Работа с бумагой:

Лоток 1 на 50 листов, лоток 2 на 250 листов

Дополнительный лоток 3 на 250 листов

Выходной лоток на 150 листов

Поддерживаемые операционные системы:

Windows XP, 32-разрядная версия

Windows Vista (32- и 64-разрядные версии)

Windows 7 (32- и 64-разрядные версии)

Mac OS X версии 10.5 и выше

Возможности подключения: Высокоскоростное подключение USB 2.0

Установка программного обеспечения: Для установки в Windows используйте

компактдиск устройства.

Память: 128 МБ ОЗУ, расширяемое до 384 МБ

Экран панели управления: 2-строчный текстовый

Цветной принтер HP LaserJet Pro 400



Обладает теми же характеристиками, что и модель Цветной принтер HP LaserJet Pro

300 M351a, за исключением следующих отличий:

Производительность: Скорость печати: до 20 страниц в минуту (стр./мин.) на

бумаге формата A4 и 21 стр./мин. на бумаге формата Letter

Возможности подключения:

Высокоскоростное подключение USB 2.0

10/100 Ethernet LAN

Подключение к беспроводной сети

2 Глава 1 Основные функции устройства RUWW


Software Technical Reference


HP LaserJet Pro 400 M401 Printer Series

Software Technical Reference

Copyright and License

© 2012 Copyright Hewlett-Packard

Development Company, L.P.

Reproduction, adaptation, or translation

without prior written permission is

prohibited, except as allowed under the

copyright laws.

The information contained herein is subject

to change without notice.

The only warranties for HP products and

services are set forth in the express warranty

statements accompanying such products and

services. Nothing herein should be

construed as constituting an additional

warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical

or editorial errors or omissions contained


Edition 1, 4/2012

Trademark Credits



, Acrobat


, and PostScript



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Microsoft®, Windows®, Windows® XP,

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is a registered trademark of The

Open Group.

Table of contents

1 Document and product basics ………………………..…………………………..………………………… 1

Purpose and scope ………………….……………………..…………………………………………………….…… 2

Software availability and localization ………………….……………………………………………….………... 3

Printing-system software on the Web ………………………………………………………………… 3

In-box printing-system software CD …………………………………………………………………... 3

HP LaserJet Software CD — Windows partition ……………………….……………… 3

CD versions and language support …………..………………….……………………… 4

Driver languages ………………………………………..…………………….. 6

Installer languages ……………………………………………………………. 7

Documentation languages …………………………………………………… 8

2 Windows software description and installation ………………………………………………….….. 11

Introduction ……..………………………………………………..…………………….…………………….……… 11

Install overview …….…………………….……………………………………………..…………………….…….. 12

Software installation types for Windows ………………………………………………………….. 12

Installation options …………………………………..………………………………………………… 12

CD installation and HP Smart Install installation …………………………….…………………………………. 13

Supported operating systems for Windows …………....…………………………………………. 13

Installation for software components from the Web ………………………………………………………….. 13

Supported operating systems for Windows …………....…………………………………………. 13

HP LaserJet software components for Windows …………………..……………………………..……………. 14

Installer …………….……………………………………….…………………….………………….….. 14

Uninstaller ……….…………………..…………………..…………………….……………………….. 14

Print drivers ……………….………………………..…………………………………………………… 14

HP PCL 6 print driver and PS Universal Print Driver ………………………………… 14

Print driver version numbers for Windows operating systems ……………………. 14

HP PCL 6 print driver for Windows ………….………………………….…………….. 15

Introduction …………………………………………………………………… 15

Access print drivers …………………………………………………………. 15

Help system ………………..……………………….………………………… 17

Incompatible print settings messages ………………..…………………… 17

ENWW iii

Advanced tab features ……………………………………………………… 19

Printing Shortcuts tab features …………………………………………….. 22

Paper/Quality tab features ………………………………………………… 26

Effects tab features ………………………………………………………….. 32

Finishing tab features .……………………..……………………….………. 39

Services tab features ….…………………..……………………..…………. 44

Device Settings tab features ………………………………………….……. 45

About tab features ……….……………………………………………..…… 49

Driver configuration for Windows ………………………………………………………………….. 50

Driver autoconfiguration ……………………….………………………….…………….. 50

Bidirectional communication ……….…………………………………………………… 51

Enterprise AutoConfiguration ……….………………………………………………….. 51

Update Now ……………………..……………………………………………………..… 53

HP Reconfiguration Utility …..………………………………………………………………..………. 54

Font support ……………………………………………………….……………………………………. 54

Basic fonts …………..……………………..……………………..……………………..… 54

HP ePrint ………..…………………..…………………..………………………………………………. 55

HP Update ………………………………………………………….…………………………………... 55

Help & Learn Center .………………………………………….…………………..………………….. 55

Toner Cartridge Authentication ……………………………………………………………………… 56

HP Device Toolbox ……………………………………………………………………………….……. 57

Home tab …………………………………………………………………………….…….. 59

Device Status ……………..………………………………..………………… 59

Supplies Status ……………………………….…………………….………… 60

Device Configuration page ……………...……………………..…………. 60

Network Summary page …………………………………………………… 61

Reports …………………………………………………………….………….. 61

Event Log page …………………..………………………………..………… 62

System tab …………………………………..…………………………………………….. 62

Device Information page ……………………..……………………………. 63

Paper Setup page …………………………………………………………… 63

Print Quality page ………………………………………………..…………. 64

EcoSMART Console page ……………..………………………..…………. 64

Paper Types page ……………………………..……………………………. 64

System Setup page ……………………………….…………………………. 65

Service page ……………………………….………………………………… 65

Save and Restore page ………………………………………….…………. 65

Administration Page ………………………………………………………… 66

Print tab ……………………………………………………………………..……………… 66

Printing ……………………………….……………………………………….. 66

PCL5 …………………………………………………………………………… 66


PostScript ……………………………………………………………………… 66

Networking tab …………………..…………………………………………………..…… 67

Network Summary ………………..………………………….……………… 68

IPv4 Configuration …….……………………………………………………. 68

IPv6 Configuration …….……………………………………………………. 69

Wireless Configuration (wireless models only) ………………………… 70

Wireless Direct Setup (wireless models only) ……………….………….. 70

Network Identification …………….……………………….……………….. 70

Advanced page ………………..……………………..…………………….. 71

Certificates page ……..………………….………………………………….. 71

HTTPS Enforcement page .…………………………………………………. 72

SNMP page ……………..………………………….……………………….. 72

HP Web Services tab …………………………………………………………………….. 73

Web Services Setup page ……………………..………………………….. 73

HP ePrint page ……………….……………………..…………………….…. 73

Apps page …………..……………………..……………………..…………. 74

Proxy Settings page ……………………………………………………….… 74

HP Smart Install tab …………………………………..…………………..……………… 74

HP Product Improvement Study ……………………………………………………..……………….. 74

Online product registration ……………………………………………………………..……………. 76

Detailed Windows installation instructions …………………….……………………………………………….. 77

Use the Recommended installation with HP Smart Install or the CD ………………………….. 77

Perform a custom installation with HP Smart Install or the CD ……………………………..….. 85

Point-and Print installation ……………………………………………………………………………………..….. 97

Remove Windows software ………………..……………………………………………………………………… 98

Use the HP Uninstall utility to remove the product software ……………………………………. 98

Use the software CD to remove the product software …………………………………………. 100

Remove the print driver by using the Windows Add or Remove Programs feature ………. 103

Remove the print driver by using the Server Properties feature ……………….……………… 105

3 Mac software and utilities .……………….……………….……………..……………………………… 107

Software installation methods …………………………………………………………………………………… 108

CD installation ……..…………………………………………………………………………………. 108

Supported operating systems for Mac ……………………………….……………… 108

Supported languages ……………..…………………………..……………………….. 108

HP LaserJet software components and utilities for Mac ……………………………………….. 108

HP LaserJet Pro 400 M401 Printer Series PPD …………………………………….. 109

HP LaserJet Pro 400 M401 Printer Series PDE …………………………………….. 109

HP USB EWS Gateway …………..…………………….……………………………… 109

HP Utility for Mac ………………….…………………..……………………..………… 109

Open the HP Utility ……………..……………………..………………….. 110


HP Utility toolbar ……………….………………………….………………. 110

Supplies Status ……………………………………………………………… 111

Device Information ………………………………………………………… 112

File Upload …………………………………………………………………. 112

HP ePrintCenter …………………………………………………………….. 113

Test ………………………………………………………………..…………. 114

Upload Fonts ……………………………………………………………….. 114

Auto-off …………….……………………….……………………………….. 115

Network Settings …………….…………………….………………………. 116

Supplies Management ……………………………………………………. 117

Trays Configuration ……………………………………………………..… 118

Additional Settings ……………………………………………….……….. 119

Message Center ………….……………………..…………………………. 120

Supported print drivers for Mac ……………………………………………………… 120

Priority for print settings for Mac …………………………………………………….. 120

Install the Mac printing-system software …………..…………………………………………………………… 121

General installation for Mac operating systems ………………………………………………… 121

Detailed Mac installation …….…………………………………………………………………….. 122

Setup instructions …………….………………………………………………………………………. 132

Set up a printer with a Mac …….………………………..………………………..…. 132

Troubleshoot the product setup ……………………………………………………….. 133

Remove the printing-system software from Mac operating systems ………………………………………. 134

4 Linux and Unix …………………..…………………………………………………………………….……. 139

Linux information …………………..…………………………………..………………………………….…..….. 140

Unix information …………..…………………………….……………………………..…………………………. 141

5 Engineering details ..……………………….…………………………………………………….………… 143

Introduction ……..……………………….………………………..…………………….…………………………. 143

Network Diagnostic Utility (NDU) …………………………………………………………….………………… 144

Printer Diagnostic Utility (PDU) ………………………………..…………………………….………………….. 145

SAP and Citrix Printing …………………………………………………………………………………………... 146

Index ………………………………….…………………………………………..…………………….………… 147


1 Document and product basics

Purpose and scope

Software availability and localization


Purpose and scope

This software technical reference (STR) provides information about and troubleshooting tips for the

printing-system software for the product.

This STR is prepared in an electronic format to serve as a quick-reference tool for Global Support

Center (GSC) agents, support engineers, system administrators, management information systems (MIS)

personnel, and end users, as appropriate.

NOTE: This STR describes drivers that are available from the product firmware and shipped on the

printing-system software CD that comes with the product. This STR does not describe drivers that will

become available on the Web.

The following information is included in this STR:

Descriptions of drivers, operating systems, and system environments

Descriptions of installing and uninstalling the printing-system software components

For information about the location of information within chapters, see the table of contents. An index is

also provided in this STR.

Additional detailed information about the printing-system software is published in an addendum to this

STR. The following information is available in the addendum:

Lists of installed files

System-modification information, such as files added or modified

2 Chapter 1 Document and product basics ENWW

Software availability and localization

This section provides information about the availability of the product printing-system software and

related software and firmware. Printing-system software on a CD is available from HP fulfillment


Printing-system software on the Web

All software that is contained on the installation CD is also available on the Web.

Web deployment is the preferred method for obtaining the latest software. The Web site offers an

option for automatic email notification about new software releases.

NOTE: This STR describes drivers that are shipped with the printing-system software CD. This STR

does not describe any drivers that might be released for use by support personnel.

To view the product support Web site, complete the following steps.

1. In the main screen of the installer, click the More Options button, and then click the

Documentation button.

2. Click the HP Help and Learn Center button.

3. In the HP Help and Learn Center screen, click the Web Support tab, and then select the

product model number.

In-box printing-system software CD

The software CD contains a variety of files for installing the printing-system software on the computer.

This section describes the files that are available on the software CD and provides additional

information about support and availability.

The product comes with one printing-system software CD with software for both Windows operating

systems and Mac OS X operating systems.

The files on the CD include documentation files and files that are required in order to install and

uninstall the printing-system components.

NOTE: For the latest software and printer drivers, go to www.hp.com/support/ljm401series.

HP LaserJet Software CD — Windows partition

NOTE: For information about the contents of the Mac partition, see Mac software and utilities

on page 107.

The root directory of the Windows software partition contains the AUTORUN.EXE file, the SETUP.EXE

file, and the following directories:



Installer Content


Software availability and localization







The Utilities folder contains the files to run these stand-alone utilities:




CD versions and language support

The product printing-system software CD is available with the following components and languages.

Table 1-1 Software CD supported languages

Language Two-letter abbreviation HP-preferred name File designation

Arabic AR Arabic ARWW

Bulgarian BG Bulgarian BGWW

Catalan CA Catalan CAWW

Croatian HR Hrvatski HRWW

Czech CS Cestina CSWW

Danish DA Dansk DAWW

Dutch NL Nederlands NLWW

English EN English ENWW

Estonian ET Estonian ETWW

Farsi (Persian) FA Farsi (Persian) FAWW

Finnish FI Suomi FIWW

French FR Francais FRWW

German DE Deutsch DEWW

Greek EL Greek ELWW

Hebrew HE Hebrew HEWW

Hungarian HU Magyar HUWW

Italian IT Italiano ITWW

Japanese JA Japanese JAWW

Korean KO Korean KOWW

4 Chapter 1 Document and product basics ENWW

Table 1-1 Software CD supported languages (continued)

Language Two-letter abbreviation HP-preferred name File designation

Latvian LV Latvian LVWW

Lithuanian LT Lithuanian LTWW

Norwegian NO Norsk NOWW

Polish PL Polski PLWW

Portuguese PT Portugues PTWW

Romanian RO Romanian ROWW

Russian RU Russian RUWW

Serbian SR Serbian SRWW

Simplified Chinese ZHCN Simplified Chinese ZHCN

Slovak SK Slovak SKWW

Slovenian SL Slovenian SLWW

Spanish ES Espanol ESWW

Swedish SV Svenska SVWW

Thai TH Thai THWW

Traditional Chinese ZHTW Traditional Chinese ZHTW

Turkish TR Turkce TRWW

Ukrainian UK Ukrainian UKWW


Software availability and localization


Driver languages

The product provides discrete driver support in the following languages.

Table 1-2 Supported discrete driver languages

Component Language list

HP PCL 6 Print Driver




























Simplified Chinese






Traditional Chinese



6 Chapter 1 Document and product basics ENWW

Installer languages

The product provides installer component support in the following languages.

Table 1-3 Installer component languages

Component Language list

Administrator install


Common Windows installer

Web registration *


Bahasa Indonesian





















Simplified Chinese






Traditional Chinese


* Arabic and Hebrew support in English only

* Catalan support in Spanish only

* No support for Bulgarian, Estonian, Japanese, Kazakh, Lithuanian, Latvian, Serbian, Ukrainian, or



Software availability and localization


Documentation languages

The product provides documentation in the following languages.

Table 1-4 Documentation languages

Language User Guide Help and Learn


Warranty and

Legal Guide

Install Notes



Install Guide


Bahasa IndonesianXXXXX

Bulgarian X






Estonian X

Farsi X








Japanese X X X

Kazakh XX X


Latvian X

Lithuanian X






Serbian X

8 Chapter 1 Document and product basics ENWW

Table 1-4 Documentation languages (continued)

Language User Guide Help and Learn


Warranty and

Legal Guide

Install Notes



Install Guide







Ukranian X

Simplified ChineseXXXXX





Software availability and localization


10 Chapter 1 Document and product basics ENWW

2 Windows software description and



The product comes with software and installers for Microsoft Windows and Apple Computer, Inc., Mac

systems. Linux and UNIX systems are supported, and software is available on the Web. For information

about specific system installers, drivers, and components, see the section that corresponds to that

system. For information about Mac software, see

Mac software and utilities on page 107.

This section contains information about the following topics:

Install overview

CD installation and HP Smart Install installation

Installation for software components from the Web

HP LaserJet software components for Windows

Detailed Windows installation instructions

Point-and Print installation

Remove Windows software




Install overview

The printing-system software CD contains the product software. The printing-system software can also

be installed when the product is connected to the computer through Smart Install.

For all supported operating systems, each install option presents a series of screens that guide you

through the installation process.

Software installation types for Windows

The following printing-system software installation types are available:

Select the recommended software (default)

Select the minimum software

Selecting Click here for more install options allows you to choose between the installation types

and allows you to view the software components that are installed with each installation type.

Installing the recommended software installs these software components:

HP Device Toolbox

HP Help & Learn Center

HP Printer Status and Alerts

HP Product Improvement Study

Reconfigure your HP Device

Uninstall Product Software

The installer guides the installation, whether you are configuring a direct-connected or a network-

connected product.

The installer additionally detects hardware and network connections, and helps guide the installation.

For example, if the installer detects an HP LaserJet Pro 400 M401 Printer Series, it automatically

configures the software connection to that product. This saves several steps. If the installer detects a

network, it also guides setting up those features.

Installation options

The printing-system software can be installed when the product is connected to the computer in the

following configurations:

Directly connected via a USB port

NOTE: Smart Install will begin when a USB cable is connected.

Connected via a wired or wireless network

12 Chapter 2 Windows software description and installation ENWW

CD installation and HP Smart Install installation

Supported operating systems for Windows

The product comes with software for the following Windows operating systems:

Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)

Windows Vista (32-bit and 64-bit)

Windows XP (32-bit, Service Pack 2)

Windows Server 2003 (32-bit, Service Pack 3)

NOTE: Basic print and scan components only

Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2 (32-bit and 64-bit)

NOTE: Basic print and scan components only

Installation for software components from the Web

Supported operating systems for Windows

The product comes with software for the following Windows operating systems:

Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)

Windows Vista (32-bit and 64-bit)

Windows XP (32-bit, Service Pack 2)

Windows Server 2003 (32-bit, Service Pack 3)

NOTE: Basic print and scan components only

Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2 (32-bit and 64-bit)

NOTE: Basic print and scan components only


CD installation and HP Smart Install installation


HP LaserJet software components for Windows


The Installer is a Windows–only software component that provides an installer for the driver files,

connects the product to the user’s computer, installs software components, launches configuration

utilities, and provides links to Web sites or documentation.


The uninstall program removes files and folders that were installed when the printing-system software

was originally installed on the computer.

Print drivers

Print drivers provide the printing features and communication between the computer and the product.

The software CD includes software for end users and network administrators who are working in the

following operating environments:

Windows XP (32-bit and 64-bit), Windows Server 2003 (32-bit and 64-bit), Windows

Server 2008 and 2008 R2 (32-bit and 64-bit), and Windows Vista (32-bit and 64-bit), and

Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)

Mac OS X v10.5 and later

In Windows operating systems, automatic configuration, driver updates after a new product

configuration, and preconfiguration features are available with the product.

NOTE: For additional information about installing the printing-system software, see the HP LaserJet

Pro 400 M401 Printer Series Install Notes on the printing-system software CD.

All of the drivers provide access to the paper-handling and print-quality features.

HP PCL 6 print driver and PS Universal Print Driver

Windows drivers are supported by Microsoft 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems. The HP PCL 6 driver

is included on the HP LaserJet Pro 400 M401 Printer Series printing-system software CD. The PS

Universal Print Driver is available for download at the following Web site:


NOTE: If you select the recommended installation by clicking Install Now on the main screen of the

Installer, the HP PCL 6 print driver is installed by default.

Print driver version numbers for Windows operating systems

Access to print driver version numbers varies, depending on the operating system in which the product

is installed.

14 Chapter 2 Windows software description and installation ENWW

NOTE: For a list of HP LaserJet Pro 400 M401 print drivers, updated HP printing-system software,

and product-support information, go to:


The Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2, Windows Vista, and

Windows 7 operating systems support the HP PCL 6, PCL 5 Universal Print Driver, and PS Emulation

Universal Print Drivers. If you are using an HP print driver in a Windows environment, follow these

steps to find driver-version information:

1. Depending on your operating system, click the Start button and then do one of the following to

find the list of installed printers:

Click Devices and Printers or Printers and Faxes

Click Control Panel and then click Printers, or first click Hardware and Sound, and

then click Printers

Click Settings, and then click Printers or Printers and Faxes

2. Right-click the product icon.

3. Click Printer Properties.

4. Click the About tab.

You can also gain information about driver versions by clicking the About button that appears on most

driver tabs.

HP PCL 6 print driver for Windows

You can change the print job settings through the product control panel, the software program, or the

print driver.

Generally, for features that are duplicated in more than one location (for instance, you can select the

paper input tray from any of them), settings that are established in the software program take

precedence over print driver settings. Print driver settings, in turn, override product control-panel


Access print drivers

Depending on the operating system on which you are installing the print drivers, you can gain access

to the print drivers and different print-driver interfaces in several ways.

To gain access to the print driver settings from within most software programs, follow these steps:

1. Click the File menu.

2. Click the Print item.

3. Click the Properties button.


HP LaserJet software components for Windows


The appearance and names of the driver tabs can vary, depending on the operating system. These

driver settings apply only while that software program is open.

You can control the drivers directly from the Printers folder. Here you have access to two sets of driver

tabs: the Printing Preferences tabs and the Properties tabs. The settings that you make on the

Printing Preferences driver tabs control the driver default settings for each user profile. Installable

options can be configured in Properties driver tabs.

Printing Preferences driver tabs

The Printing Preferences driver tabs change the default settings that are used across all software

programs. To gain access to these tabs, follow these steps:

1. Depending on your operating system, click the Start button and then do one of the following to

find the list of installed printers:

Click Devices and Printers or Printers and Faxes

Click Control Panel and then click Printers, or first click Hardware and Sound, and

then click Printers

Click Settings, and then click Printers or Printers and Faxes

2. Right-click the product icon.

3. Click the Printing Preferences item.

The following Printing Preferences print-driver tabs are available:


Printing Shortcuts





16 Chapter 2 Windows software description and installation ENWW

Printer Properties driver tabs

This set of tabs controls the driver behavior and driver connections. To gain access to the Printer

Properties tabs, follow these steps:

1. Depending on your operating system, click the Start button and then do one of the following to

find the list of installed printers:

Click Devices and Printers or Printers and Faxes

Click Control Panel and then click Printers, or first click Hardware and Sound, and

then click Printers

Click Settings, and then click Printers or Printers and Faxes

2. Right-click the product icon.

3. Click the Properties or Printer Properties item.

The following Printer Properties print-driver tabs are available:






Device Settings


Help system

The HP PCL 6 print driver includes a full-featured Help system to provide assistance with printing and

configuration options.

Right-click a feature or control. A pop-up Help window appears.

Click a feature or control, and then press the F1 key. The Help window for the currently selected

control appears.

Incompatible print settings messages

Incompatible print settings (constraint) messages are unsolicited messages that appear in response to

specific print-driver selections. These messages alert you to selections that are illogical or impossible

given the product capabilities or the current settings of other controls.

NOTE: Constraint messages are limited, and the underlying software architecture might accept some

settings that are illogical or impossible for the product to perform. Sending a job with incompatible

settings can lead to unexpected results. If print jobs do not print as expected, check the product

documentation for the product capabilities.


HP LaserJet software components for Windows


In supported Windows operating environments, some technically invalid print-driver configurations

result in warning messages. For example, duplexing is not possible when printing an envelope. The

following figure shows an incompatible print settings warning.

Figure 2-1 Incompatible print settings warning

If you click the OK button, the Incompatible Print Settings dialog appears.

Figure 2-2 Incompatible Print Settings dialog

To resolve the conflicting settings, click the Restore my previous settings option, and then click the

OK button. The driver resets the conflicting control back to its previous state.

18 Chapter 2 Windows software description and installation ENWW

If you want to keep the conflicting setting, click the Keep this setting, and I will change it later

option, and then click the OK button.

NOTE: In this example, the conflict can be resolved manually. If the conflict is not resolved when the

driver is closed, then the same dialog appears again when a print job is sent to the product.

Advanced tab features

NOTE: The Advanced tab is located on the Printing Preferences tab set. For information about

how to access these tabs, see

Printing Preferences driver tabs on page 16,

Use the Advanced tab to change the layout of printed pages. Use this tab to configure special

controls that are not commonly used, as well as to control features such as collating and font

management in the driver (although most current software programs support these features in the print

dialog box or through the page settings in the software program). The following figure shows the

Advanced tab.

Figure 2-3 Advanced tab

The Advanced tab contains the following controls:


Document Options


HP LaserJet software components for Windows



The Graphic setting contains the following controls:

True Type Font settings

True Type Font

Use the Substitute with Device Font option (the default setting) to print documents that contain

TrueType fonts by using equivalent printer fonts. This permits faster printing; however, you might lose

special characters that the equivalent printer font does not support. Select the Download as

Softfont option to download TrueType fonts for printing instead of using printer fonts.

Document Options

The Document Options setting contains the following controls:

Advanced Printing Features

Printer Features

Layout Options

Advanced Printing Features

When the Advanced Printing Features setting is Enabled, metafile spooling is turned on and

Finishing tab options such as Page Order, Booklet Layout, and Pages per Sheet are

available, depending on the product.

Enhanced metafile spooling is used to greatly reduce the amount of time that elapses between a request

to print (initiated by a software program) and the return of control to the software program by the

operating system.

For normal printing, leave the Advanced Printing Features setting at the default (Enabled). If

compatibility problems occur, you can disable the feature. However, some advanced printing features

might still appear in the print driver, even though they have been disabled. If you select an advanced

printing feature in the print driver that has been disabled on the Advanced tab, the feature is

automatically re-enabled.

20 Chapter 2 Windows software description and installation ENWW

Printer Features

The Printer Features setting contains the following controls:

Print All Text as Black

The feature is Disabled by default. When Enabled is selected, the driver prints all text as black

regardless of the original document text color. Color text is printed as black, except for white text,

which remains white. (White text is a reliable method of printing reverse typeface against a dark

background.) This setting does not affect graphic images on the page, nor does it affect any text

that is part of a graphic.

Send True Type as Bitmap

Send True Type as Bitmap provides an alternative for software programs that have trouble

using TrueType fonts for special graphic aspects such as shading, rotation, or slanting. The setting

is Disabled (off) by default. The TrueType fonts are converted to bitmap soft fonts before

downloading. The Enabled setting causes the driver to send TrueType fonts to the product as

outlines, which retains the standard format (outline) of the fonts.

Raster Compression

Use the Raster Compression feature to select the graphics-compression method:

Automatic. The software determines the best compression method to use.

Best Quality. This option forces the software to use a lossless compression method.

(Lossless means that no data is lost during compression.)

Maximum Compression. Where applicable, this option requires the software to always

use a lossy compression method (some data is lost).

Print Data Optimization

When selected, this feature allows the print job to use the host memory to ensure quick and high-

quality printing. The print speed increases without any print quality degradation.

When this option is selected, you must use one of the following settings:

Auto (the default setting)

Optimize for Raster

Optimize for Text and Vector

Layout Options

The Layout Options setting contains the Page Order setting.

Page Order specifies the order in which the pages of your document are printed. Front to Back

prints the document so that page 1 prints first. Back to Front prints the document so that page 1

prints last.

NOTE: The page-ordering operation works on whole sheets of paper rather than on individual logical

pages. Accordingly, if you set Pages per Sheet (on the Finishing tab) to be greater than one, the

ordering of logical pages on a physical sheet of paper does not change.


HP LaserJet software components for Windows


Printing Shortcuts tab features

Use defined printing shortcuts

Create a custom printing shortcut

NOTE: The Printing Shortcuts tab is located on the Printing Preferences tab set. For

information about how to access these tabs, see

Printing Preferences driver tabs on page 16,

Use the Printing Shortcuts tab to store specific combinations of driver settings for easy use.

The following figure shows the Printing Shortcuts tab.

Figure 2-4 Printing Shortcuts tab

The Printing Shortcuts tab saves commonly used driver settings under a shortcut name.

Use defined printing shortcuts

Create a custom printing shortcut

Use defined printing shortcuts

The Printing Shortcuts tab contains the following pre-defined shortcuts:

22 Chapter 2 Windows software description and installation ENWW

Factory Defaults

General Everyday Printing


Cardstock Heavy



EcoSMART Settings

Booklet Printing

Factory Defaults

The Factory Defaults are as follows:

Paper sizes: Letter (This setting changes according to country/region.)

Paper source: Automatically Select

Paper type: Unspecified

Print on both sides: No

Pages per sheet: 1 page per sheet

General Everyday Printing

When General Everyday Printing is selected, the following controls are available:

Paper sizes: Letter (This setting changes according to country/region.)

Paper source: Automatically Select

Paper type: Unspecified

Print on both sides: No

Pages per sheet: 1 page per sheet

When options other than the defaults are selected, the Save as… and Reset buttons become active.

Click Save As… to create a custom printing shortcut.

Click Reset to change customized settings back to the default settings.

Paper sizes

The Paper sizes setting is a drop-down menu that lists all of the supported paper sizes. For detailed

information on the supported paper sizes, see the user guide.


HP LaserJet software components for Windows


Paper source

The following options are available:

Automatically Select (default)

Printer auto select

Manual Feed in Tray 1

Tray 1

Tray 2

Paper type

The Paper type setting is a drop-down menu that lists all of the supported paper types. For detailed

information on the supported paper types, see the user guide.

Print on both sides

The following options are available:

No (default)

Yes, flip over

Yes, flip up

Pages per sheet

The following options are available:

1 page per sheet (default)

2 pages per sheet

4 pages per sheet

6 pages per sheet

9 pages per sheet

16 pages per sheet


These settings are automatically selected:

Paper sizes: Envelope #10

Paper source: Automatically Select

Paper type: Envelope

24 Chapter 2 Windows software description and installation ENWW

Cardstock Heavy

These settings are automatically selected:

Paper sizes: Letter (This setting changes according to country/region.)

Paper source: Automatically Select

Paper type: Unspecified

Print on both sides: No


These settings are automatically selected:

Paper sizes: Letter (This setting changes according to country/region.)

Paper source: Automatically Select

Paper type: Labels


These settings are automatically selected:

Paper sizes: Letter (This setting changes according to country/region.)

Paper source: Automatically Select

Paper type: Monochrome Laser Transparency

EcoSMART Settings

Paper sizes: Letter (This setting changes according to country/region.)

Paper source: Automatically Select

Paper type: Unspecified

Print on both sides: Yes, flip over

Pages per sheet: 1 page per sheet

Booklet Printing

Paper sizes: Letter (This setting changes according to country/region.)

Paper source: Automatically Select

Paper type: Unspecified

Booklet Layout: Left binding


HP LaserJet software components for Windows


Create a custom printing shortcut

1. Select General Everyday Printing as a base.

2. Select the appropriate print settings on the Printing Shortcuts tab or use the settings on any of

the Printing Preferences tabs.

3. On the Printing Shortcuts tab, click Save As…. The Printing Shortcuts dialog box


4. Type a name for the custom printing shortcut, and then click the OK button. The custom printing

shortcut appears in the Printing Shortcuts list.

5. To delete a custom printing shortcut, click the custom shortcut, and then click the Delete button.

Paper/Quality tab features

NOTE: The Paper/Quality tab is located on the Printing Preferences tab set. For information

about how to access these tabs, see

Printing Preferences driver tabs on page 16,

Use the Paper/Quality tab to specify paper size, type, and source. You can also use this tab to

specify different paper selections for the front cover, first page, other pages, last page, and back cover

of the document. The following figure shows the Paper/Quality tab.

26 Chapter 2 Windows software description and installation ENWW

Figure 2-5 Paper/Quality tab

The Paper/Quality tab contains the following control sets:

Paper Options

Document preview image

Print Quality

Paper Options

The settings specified in the Paper Options group box on the Paper/Quality tab apply to all of the

pages of the document.

The settings in the Paper Options group box are described in the following order:

Paper sizes

Custom Paper Size

Paper source

Paper type


HP LaserJet software components for Windows


Special pages

Paper sizes

The Paper sizes setting is a drop-down menu that lists all of the supported paper sizes.

When you move the mouse over the dimensions label, the mouse cursor changes from an arrow to a

gloved hand. Click the dimensions label to toggle between English and metric units.

Because paper-size settings in most software programs override driver settings, it is generally best to

use the driver to set paper size only when you are printing from software programs that do not include

a paper-size setting, such as NotePad, or when you are producing a book or a booklet that does not

require different paper sizes.

NOTE: Certain software programs can override the size command and specify different paper sizes

within a single document.

When you change the print-driver setting to a paper size that is not currently loaded in the product, a

control-panel message appears that prompts you to load the paper size or select another tray.

When the Settings under the Special Pages section have been changed, the Paper sizes, Paper

source, and Paper type menus change also, offering a variety of options. For more information, see

Special pages on page 30.

Custom Paper Size

The Custom Paper Size dialog box appears when you click Custom… on the Paper/Quality

tab. The following figure shows the initial appearance of the Custom Paper Size dialog box.

NOTE: The HP LaserJet Pro 400 M401 Printer Series product supports custom paper sizes from 3

inches to 8.5 inches in width and 5 inches to 14 inches in length. To use this paper size, set the custom

paper size to match the custom paper size that you are using.


Use the Name text box to type a new name for a custom paper size. When you change the name to

something other than Custom, the Save and OK buttons become active.

The name that appears in the Name text box depends on the following conditions:

If a saved custom paper size has been selected from the drop-down menu on the Paper/Quality

tab, then the Name text box shows the name of the selected custom paper size.

If a standard paper size has been selected on the Paper/Quality tab, then the Name text box

shows the default name of Custom .

If a new name has been typed into the Name text box for the purpose of saving a new size or

renaming an existing size, then that new name will remain in the text box until the new size is

saved or the dialog box is closed.

If you type a new name into the Name text box, but then do not click Save, you can change the

width and height values without losing the name. However, if you close the dialog box without clicking

Save, any unsaved name or size values are lost without warning.

28 Chapter 2 Windows software description and installation ENWW

Paper size

The width and height values can be changed by typing numeric strings into the edit boxes in the

Paper Size group box.

Any entry that is greater than the maximum limits of the width and height control is rounded down to

the maximum valid entry, while any entry that is smaller than the minimum limits of the width and height

control is rounded up to the minimum valid entry.

If units are in millimeters, the custom paper-size range minimum is the limit rounded up to the nearest

whole millimeter. The custom paper-size range maximum is the limit rounded down to the nearest whole

millimeter. Any non-numerical entry reverts to the minimum value. Width and height entries are

validated when the focus has changed.

The resolution of each control is 1 millimeter or 1/10 of an inch, depending on the current

measurement units.

NOTE: If the paper size is not physically supported by the product, the driver will scale the page

data down to a size that will fit on a letter size paper.


To change measurement units, click one of the options in the Units group box (either Inches or


Custom width and height control limits

The minimum paper size for the product is 76 x 127 mm (3 x 5 in) and the maximum is 215.90 x

355.60 mm (8.50 x 14.00 in).

Paper source

The Paper source setting specifies the source tray to use for printing a document. The list of source

trays depends on the product accessories that are installed. Any optional source trays that are installed

through the Device Settings tab also appear here.

The Paper source drop-down menu can contain the following options, depending on what has been

installed on the product:

Automatically select

Printer auto select

Manual Feed in Tray 1

Tray 1

Tray 2

The default setting is Automatically Select. When this setting is selected, the product uses the source

tray that supports the paper size that you have selected. If you select a source tray other than

Automatically select, make sure that the correct paper size is loaded in the source tray.


HP LaserJet software components for Windows


Paper type

The Paper type drop-down menu shows the first few paper types that the product supports and an

entry for More. Clicking More opens the Type Is dialog box. Click the + next to Type Is and its

subcategories to view all of the paper types that the product supports. For detailed information on the

supported paper types, see the user guide.

The default setting is Unspecified.

No mechanism exists for manually adding custom paper types through the driver. Use HP Web

Jetadmin to add custom paper types. Custom types can be added only by using bidirectional

communication, so they must already exist in the product when the bidirectional query occurs. If

bidirectional communication is enabled, then an updated list of paper types is returned. If bidirectional

communication is not enabled, then the driver looks for custom paper types that have been saved from

a previous bidirectional communication query, and uses those. Otherwise, no custom paper types are

available through the driver.

NOTE: To download a current version of HP Web Jetamin and for the latest list of supported host

systems, go to the following Web site:


If you select a setting other than the default, make sure that the correct paper type is loaded in the tray

that you selected in the Paper source setting.

When you change the print-driver setting to a paper type that is not currently loaded in the product, a

control-panel message appears that prompts you to load the paper type or select another tray.

Special pages

To specify special pages to be used, click the Settings button under the Special Pages list.


To use specific cover settings, click the Covers item in the Special Pages list.

Use the Covers options to include a blank or preprinted cover on a document, or to include a front/

back cover from a source tray that is different from the one used for the remainder of the document.

The following are the Covers options:

Add a blank or preprinted cover: Select which cover is customized: Front, Back, or Both.

Paper source: The Paper source setting specifies the source tray to use for adding a front

and/or back cover to the document. The list of source trays depends on the accessories that are

installed. Any optional trays that are installed through the Device Settings tab also appear here.

Paper type: The Paper type setting specifies the paper size to use for front and/or back

covers. Changes made to the Paper type setting here override any previous Paper type

settings using the same paper source.

NOTE: The same size of paper will be used for the entire print job.

When you change the type and source of the paper and covers, the settings remain configured until

you close the software program.

30 Chapter 2 Windows software description and installation ENWW

Print pages on different paper

Use the Print pages on different paper options to select an alternative paper type or source for

the first, last, or other pages of a document.

The following are the Print pages on different paper options:

Pages in document. Select which pages are customized: the First page, the Last page, or

specify a page range with the Pages option.

Paper source: The Paper source setting specifies the source tray to use for printing a

document. The list of source trays depends on the accessories that are installed. Any optional trays

that are installed through the Device Settings tab also appear here.

Paper type: The Paper type drop-down menu shows all of the paper types that the HP LaserJet

Pro 400 M401 Printer Series supports.

NOTE: The same type of paper is used for the entire print job.

When you change the type and source of the paper and covers, the settings remain configured until

you close the software program.

Document preview image

The document preview image is a line-drawn image of a page that represents graphics and text. The

document preview image is always oriented so that the contents of the page are right-side-up. The

document preview image appears in the upper-right corner of the following Printing Preferences

driver tabs:

Printing Shortcuts




Switching between tabs does not change the location or appearance of the document preview image.

When you move the mouse over the document preview image, the mouse cursor changes from an

arrow to a gloved hand. You can toggle between portrait and landscape page orientation by clicking

the image.

Print Quality

The Print Quality group box contains the following control:

Print Quality drop down menu


Print Quality drop down menu

Use this control to select print quality. ImageREt settings precisely control colors by combining up to 4

colors and varying the amount of toner in a given area to create many smooth colors, sharp images,

and crisp text.


HP LaserJet software components for Windows


The Print Quality drop-down menu contains the following resolution options.

600 dpi

FastRes 1200 (the default setting)

ProRes 1200 (180 lpi)

ProRes 1200 (132 lpi)


Select the EconoMode check box to enable this feature. When this feature is turned on, the product

uses less toner on each page, extending the life of the toner cartridge and reducing the cost per page.

Because less toner is used on each page, the print quality is also reduced.

The default setting for the EconoMode option is off (not selected).

NOTE: HP does not recommend the full-time use of EconoMode. If EconoMode is used full-time,

the toner supply might outlast the mechanical parts in the toner cartridge. If print quality begins to

degrade and is no longer acceptable, consider replacing the toner cartridge.

Effects tab features

NOTE: The Effects tab is located on the Printing Preferences tab set. For information about how

to access these tabs, see

Printing Preferences driver tabs on page 16,

Use the Effects tab to create unique paper effects such as scaling and watermarks. The following

figure shows the Effects tab.

32 Chapter 2 Windows software description and installation ENWW

Figure 2-6 Effects tab

The Effects tab contains the following controls:

Resizing Options

Document preview image


Resizing Options

The Resizing Options group box consists of the following controls:

Actual size (default)

Print document on

Scale to fit

% of actual size

Actual size

Actual size is the default setting. It prints the document without changing the document size.


HP LaserJet software components for Windows


Print document on

Click the Print document on option to format the document for one paper size and then print the

document on a different paper size, with or without scaling the image to fit the new paper size.

The Print document on control is disabled by either of the following conditions:

The % of actual size value is not 100.

The Pages per sheet value (on the Finishing tab) is not 1.

When Print Document On is selected, the drop-down menu shows the paper sizes on which you

can print. The list contains all of the standard paper sizes that the selected paper source supports and

any custom sizes that you have created. When Print document on is selected, Scale to fit is

automatically selected. Clear this check box if you do not want your document reduced or enlarged to

fit on the selected paper.

Scale to fit

The Scale to fit option box specifies whether each formatted document page image is scaled to fit the

target paper size. By default, Scale to fit is selected when Print document on is selected. If the

setting is turned off, then the document page images will not be scaled, and are instead centered at full

size on the target paper. If the document size is larger than the target paper size, then the document

image is clipped. If it is smaller, then it is centered within the target paper.

When the size for which the document is formatted (that is, the logical size) differs from the target size,

the preview image uses a dashed gray line to show the boundaries of the logical page in relation to

the target paper size.

% of actual size

The % of actual size option provides a slider bar and input box to use for scaling the percentage

setting. The default setting in the entry box is 100% of actual size. Actual size is defined as the paper

size that is selected within the driver or what the driver receives from the software program (if the

software program does not negotiate the paper size with the driver). The driver scales the page by the

appropriate factor and sends it to the product.

The limits of the range are from 25% to 400%, and any values outside the range are adjusted to those

limits as soon as the focus is removed from the control (that is, when the Tab key is pressed or another

control is selected).

Any change to the scale also changes the page preview, which increases or decreases from the upper-

left corner of the preview.

The slider bar controls the scale directly. The value in the edit box changes as the slider-bar indicator is

dragged, and the document preview image is updated to the new image scale. Each click on the

arrows increases or decreases the scale by 1%. Each click on the slider bar affects the scale by 10%.

You cannot achieve an exact value by dragging the slider-bar indicator. Instead, either use the slider-

bar indicator to approximate the value that you want and then use the arrows to refine the value, or

type the value into the entry box.

34 Chapter 2 Windows software description and installation ENWW

The following settings disable % of actual size:

Print document on (on the Effects tab) is selected

Pages per sheet (on the Finishing tab) is not 1

Document preview image

The document preview image is a line-drawn image of a page that represents graphics and text. The

document preview image is always oriented so that the contents of the page are right-side-up. The

document preview image appears in the upper-right corner of the following Printing Preferences driver


Printing Shortcuts




Switching between tabs does not change the location or appearance of the document preview image.

When you move the mouse over the document preview image, the mouse cursor changes from an

arrow to a gloved hand. You can toggle between portrait and landscape page orientation by clicking

the image.


Use the Watermarks feature to select a watermark, create a new watermark (text only), or edit an

existing watermark. The following watermarks are preset in the driver:






The Watermarks feature can be configured using the Driver Configuration Utility.

If the [Username] watermark is selected, the driver will use the network username of the logged in

user for the watermark.

The drop-down menu shows alphabetically sorted watermarks that are currently available on the

system, plus the string «(none),» which indicates that no watermark is selected. This is the default

setting. Any watermark that is selected from this list appears in the preview image.

When the First page only check box is selected, the watermark is printed only on the first page of

the document. The First page only check box is disabled when the current watermark selection is



HP LaserJet software components for Windows


Watermarks are applied to logical pages. For example, when Pages per sheet is set to «4» and

First page only is turned off, four watermarks appear on the physical page (one on each logical


Click Edit, and the Watermark Details dialog box appears.

Figure 2-7 Watermark Details dialog box

The dialog box shows a preview image and provides options for creating a new watermark and

controlling the message angle and font attributes.

Click OK to accept all of the changes that are made in the Watermark Details dialog box.

However, clicking Cancel does not cancel all of the changes. If you make changes to a watermark

and then select a different watermark or click New, all of the changes are saved, and only the current,

unsaved changes can be canceled.

Current Watermarks

The Current Watermarks group box contains a list of available watermarks, both predefined

watermarks that are available in the driver and any new watermarks that you have created.

To create a new watermark, click New. The new watermark appears in the Current Watermarks

list and in the Watermark Message edit box as «Untitled» until you name it. The name that you

type in the Watermark Message field appears in the Current Watermarks group box in the

Watermark Details dialog box and in the Watermarks group box on the Effects tab.

36 Chapter 2 Windows software description and installation ENWW

To name the new watermark, type the selected watermark text in the Watermark Message edit


To delete a watermark, select the watermark in the Current Watermarks list, and then click Delete.

A warning appears asking whether you are sure you want to delete the selected item. Click Cancel if

you want to keep the watermark. Click OK to delete the selected watermark.

NOTE: You can have no more that 30 watermarks in the Current Watermarks list at one time.

When you reach the limit of 30 watermarks, the New button is disabled.

To edit an existing watermark, select the watermark in the Current Watermarks list. If you change

the Watermark Message for that watermark, you are, in effect, creating a new watermark.

Watermark Message

The Watermark Message is also the name that identifies the watermark in the Current

Watermarks list, except when more than one watermark has the same message. For example, you

might want several different watermarks with the message DRAFT, each with a different typeface or font

size. When this occurs, the string is appended with a space, a pound sign, and a number (for

example, Draft #2). When a number is added, the number two is used first, but if the resulting name

is also in the list, then the number increases until the name is unique (Draft #3, Draft #4, and so on).

Message Angle

Use the controls in the Message Angle group box to print the watermark in different orientations on

the page. All settings center the watermark string within the page; the selection of a particular setting

affects only the angle of the string placement. The following settings are available:

Diagonal. This is the default setting. Select this setting to place the text along a line that spans

the lower-left to upper-right corners of the page.

Horizontal. Select this setting to place the text along a line that spans the mid-left and mid-right

edges of the page.

Angle. Select this setting to place the text at the specified angle across the page. Use the numeric

spin box to select the angle.

Font Attributes

Use the controls in the Font Attributes group box to change the font and the shading, size, and style

of the font.

The Font Attributes group box contains the following controls:


The Name drop-down menu lists fonts that are currently installed on the system. The default is



The Color drop-down menu contains the following selections:



HP LaserJet software components for Windows



The default Shading setting for new and preset watermarks is Very light. The following range

of shades is available from the Shading drop-down menu:


Very light (default)


Medium light


Medium dark


Very dark


These values represent the intensity of the gray that is used. Select Light to produce a lightly

saturated gray watermark. Select Lightest to produce the lightest shade of watermark. Select

Darkest to produce a black watermark.


Font sizes from 1 to 999 points are available from the Size menu. The default point size is



The following settings are available:




Bold Italic

The default Style setting for new and preset watermarks is Regular.

Default watermark settings

The following table shows Font Attribute settings for new and preset watermarks.

Table 2-1 Font Attribute settings for new and preset watermarks

Setting New watermark Preset watermark

Name Arial Varies by language

Color Gray Gray

Shading Very light Very light

38 Chapter 2 Windows software description and installation ENWW

Table 2-1 Font Attribute settings for new and preset watermarks (continued)

Setting New watermark Preset watermark

Size 80 Varies by language

Style Regular Regular

Click the OK button to accept all of the changes that have been made in the Watermark Details

dialog box. Clicking the Cancel button does not cancel all of the changes. If you make changes to a

watermark and then select a different watermark or click New, all of the changes are saved, and only

the current, unsaved changes can be canceled.

Finishing tab features

NOTE: The Finishing tab is located on the Printing Preferences tab set. For information about

how to access these tabs, see

Printing Preferences driver tabs on page 16.

Use the Finishing tab to print booklets and control the paper output. The following figure shows the

Finishing tab.

Figure 2-8 Finishing tab

The Finishing tab contains the following controls:


HP LaserJet software components for Windows


Document Options

Document preview image


Document Options

The Document Options group box contains the following controls:

Print on both sides

Flip pages up

Booklet layout

Pages per sheet

Print page borders

Page order

Print on both sides

NOTE: For models that do not have the automatic duplexing feature, this feature appears as Print

on both sides (manually).

The default setting for the Print on both sides option is off (not selected).

Print on both sides is available when the following conditions exist:

Paper type on the Paper/Quality tab is set to any paper type except for the following



Laser Transparency


Opaque Film

Paper sizes is set to any paper size except for the following sizes:

Envelope #10

Double Japan Postcard Rotated

Envelope Monarch

Envelope B5

Envelope C5

Envelope DL

Select the Print on Both Sides check box to print on the second side of the paper.

40 Chapter 2 Windows software description and installation ENWW


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