Вопросы и ответы
Результаты, отвечающие критериям поиска, не найдены.
Советы по поиску и устранению неисправностей не найдены.
Введите минимум два символа.
Результаты, отвечающие критериям поиска, не найдены.
Не можете найти нужную информацию? Читайте раздел Вопросы и ответы.
- Бренд
- Huawei
- Модель
- P40
- Тип
- Руководство пользователя
Руководство пользователя
Базовые операции
Основные жесты
Системные жесты навигации
Phone Clone
Блокировка и разблокировка экрана
Обзор рабочего экрана
Уведомления и значки состояния
Значки быстрого доступа
Виджеты рабочего экрана
Настройка обоев
Скриншоты и запись с экрана
Просмотр и удаление уведомлений
Настройка параметров звука
Ввод текста
Режим нескольких окон и отображение поверх других
Отображение даты и времени на выключенном экране
Включение, выключение и перезагрузка устройства
Интеллектуальные функции
AI Lens
Huawei Share
Переключение аудиоканалов между устройствами
Камера и Галерея
Запуск приложения Камера
Съемка фото
Фотосъемка в ночном режиме и в режимах портретной
съемки и широкой диафрагмы
Модуль искусственного интеллекта
Масштабирование при фотосъемке
Панорамная съемка
Съемка черно-белых фотографий
Дополненная реальность
Фото с HDR
Живые фото
Добавление водяных знаков
Режим Документы
Режим подводной съемки
Съемка фото в высоком разрешении
Профессиональный режим
Запись видео
Эффекты искусственного интеллекта при записи видео
Видео в высоком разрешении в формате 4K
Замедленная съемка
Режим Отрезок времени
Режим камеры Двойной вид
Цвета Leica
Управление камерой с помощью других устройств
Настройка параметров камеры
Управление Галереей
Умная классификация фотографий
Редактор Huawei Vlog
Видеоклипы Huawei Vlog
Электронная почта
Быстрый доступ к часто используемым функциям в
Phone Clone
Поиск в разделе Настройки
Мобильная передача данных
Другие возможности связи
Рабочий экран и обои
Экран и яркость
Звуки и вибрация
Биометрические данные и пароли
Специальные возможности
Пользователи и аккаунты
Система и обновления
Сведения телефона
Базовые операции
Основные жесты
Основные жесты
Жесты в воздухе
Используйте движения, чтобы сделать скриншот или пролистывать контент, не касаясь
Перейдите в раздел
Настройки > Специальные возможности > Быстрый доступ и
жесты > Жесты в воздухе и убедитесь, что функции Прокрутка в воздухе и Съемка
скриншота сжатием руки включены.
Прокрутка в воздухе
Держите ладонь или тыльную сторону руки на расстоянии
20–40 см от экрана, пока вверху экрана не появится значок
или . Сделайте в воздухе жест проведения вверх-
вниз или влево-вправо для прокрутки страницы или
перемещения между страницами.
Съемка скриншота
Держите ладонь на расстоянии 20–40 см от экрана, пока
вверху экрана не появится значок . Сожмите руку в
кулак для съемки скриншота.
Системные жесты навигации
Перейдите в раздел Настройки > Система и обновления > Системная навигация
и убедитесь, что функция Жесты включена.
Проведите в центр с левого или правого края для возврата
к предыдущему экрану.
Возврат на рабочий экран
Проведите вверх с нижней части экрана, чтобы перейти на
рабочий экран.
Просмотр текущих задач
Проведите вверх с нижней части экрана и задержите палец,
чтобы посмотреть недавние задачи.
Закрытие приложения
На экране недавно использованных приложений проведите
вверх по одной карточке, чтобы закрыть приложение.
Переключение приложений
• Проведите по дуге вдоль нижней части экрана.
• Включите функцию Проведение по нижнему краю для
переключения приложений и проведите горизонтально
по нижней части экрана.
Жесты костяшками пальцев
Перейдите в меню Настройки > Специальные возможности > Быстрый доступ и
жесты, чтобы включить функции Съемка скриншота и Запись с экрана.
Съемка скриншота
Чтобы сделать скриншот, дважды коснитесь экрана
костяшкой пальца.
Съемка длинного скриншота
Чтобы сделать длинный скриншот, коснитесь экрана
костяшкой пальца, затем начертите букву «S».
Базовые операции
Съемка скриншота части экрана
Коснитесь экрана костяшкой и начертите замкнутый контур
вокруг требуемой области экрана.
Запись с экрана
Дважды коснитесь экрана костяшками двух пальцев, чтобы
начать или остановить запись с экрана.
Дополнительные жесты
Переход в режим редактирования рабочего экрана
Сведите два пальца на рабочем экране.
Отображение панели быстрого доступа на экране
Проведите вверх из нижней части экрана блокировки.
Отображение поисковой строки
Проведите вниз по рабочему экрану.
Открытие панели уведомлений
Проведите вниз по строке состояния.
Базовые операции
Кнопки и комбинации кнопок для быстрого доступа
Выключение питания и перезагрузка
Нажмите и удерживайте кнопку питания, пока на экране не
отобразятся опции Выключение и Перезагрузка.
Увеличение громкости
Нажмите на кнопку увеличения громкости.
Уменьшение громкости
Нажмите на кнопку уменьшения громкости.
Съемка скриншота
Одновременно нажмите на кнопку уменьшения громкости и
кнопку питания.
Мгновенная съемка
Для съемки фото дважды нажмите на кнопку уменьшения
громкости при выключенном или заблокированном экране.
Системные жесты навигации
Режимы навигации
Перейдите в раздел Настройки > Система и обновления > Системная навигация
и выберите режим навигации.
Жесты навигации
Перейдите в раздел Настройки > Система и обновления > Системная навигация
и включите или выключите функцию Жесты.
Базовые операции
Включив функцию Жесты, вы можете выполнять нижеприведенные действия.
• Вернуться к предыдущему экрану: проведите в центр экрана с левого или правого
• Вернуться на рабочий экран: проведите вверх с нижней части экрана.
• Перейти на экран недавно использованных приложений: проведите вверх с нижней
части экрана и не отпускайте палец.
• Закрыть приложения на экране недавно использованных приложений: проведите
вверх по карточке приложения, чтобы закрыть его.
• Переключить приложения: проведите по дуге вдоль нижней части экрана или, когда
включена функция Проведение по нижнему краю для переключения приложений,
проведите горизонтально в нижней части экрана.
Три навигационные кнопки
Перейдите в раздел Настройки > Система и обновления > Системная навигация
и выберите Три навигационные кнопки.
Нажмите Настройки, чтобы выбрать требуемую комбинацию кнопок.
Значки кнопок панели навигации:
: кнопка Назад, используется для возврата на предыдущий экран, выхода из
приложения или скрытия экранной клавиатуры.
• : кнопка Рабочий экран, используется для возврата на рабочий экран.
• : кнопка Обзор, используется для перехода на экран недавно использованных
• : кнопка уведомлений, используется для открытия панели уведомлений.
Настройка комбинаций навигационных кнопок
Перейдите в раздел Три навигационные кнопки > Настройки. Здесь вы можете
выполнить следующие действия.
• Выбрать комбинацию навигационных кнопок.
• Включить функцию Скрыть навигационные кнопки, чтобы скрывать панель
навигации, когда она не используется.
Кнопка навигации
Перейдите в меню
Настройки > Система и обновления > Системная навигация >
Еще и включите функцию Кнопка навигации.
После появления кнопки навигации вы сможете выполнять следующие действия:
• Перетащить кнопку навигации в требуемое место.
Базовые операции
• Нажать на кнопку, чтобы вернуться на шаг назад.
• Дважды нажать на кнопку, чтобы вернуться на два шага назад.
• Нажать и удерживать кнопку навигации, а затем отпустить ее, чтобы перейти на
рабочий экран.
• Нажать и удерживать кнопку навигации, а затем провести влево или вправо для
переключения между приложениями.
Phone Clone
Phone Clone
Приложение Phone Clone позволяет быстро и удобно перенести основные данные (в
том числе контакты, записи календаря, изображения и видео) со старого устройства на
Базовые операции
Перенос данных с устройств Android
1 На вашем новом устройстве откройте приложение Phone Clone. Вы также
можете перейти в раздел Настройки > Система и обновления > Phone Clone,
нажать Это новый телефон, затем нажать Huawei или Другое устройство Android.
2 Следуйте инструкциям на экране, чтобы загрузить и установить Phone Clone на
вашем старом устройстве.
3 На старом устройстве откройте приложение Phone Clone и нажмите Это старый
телефон. Следуйте инструкциям на экране, чтобы установить соединение между
старым и новым устройством с помощью сканирования кода или вручную.
4 На старом устройстве выберите данные, которые хотите перенести, затем нажмите
Перенос, чтобы начать процесс клонирования.
Приложение Phone Clone доступно только для устройств с ОС Android 4.4 и выше.
Перенос данных с устройств iPhone или iPad
1 На вашем новом устройстве откройте приложение Phone Clone. Вы также
можете перейти в раздел
Настройки > Система и обновления > Phone Clone,
нажать Это новый телефон, затем нажать iPhone или iPad.
2 Следуйте инструкциям на экране, чтобы загрузить и установить Phone Clone на
вашем старом устройстве.
3 На старом устройстве откройте приложение Phone Clone и нажмите Это старый
телефон. Следуйте инструкциям на экране, чтобы установить соединение между
старым и новым устройством с помощью сканирования кода или вручную.
4 На старом устройстве выберите данные, которые хотите перенести, и следуйте
инструкциям на экране, чтобы начать процесс клонирования.
Приложение Phone Clone доступно только для устройств с iOS 8.0 и выше.
Блокировка и разблокировка экрана
Блокировка и разблокировка экрана
Блокировка экрана
Если ваше устройство неактивно в течение определенного периода времени, система
автоматически блокирует экран и переходит в спящий режим для экономии энергии.
Вы также можете заблокировать экран вручную одним из предложенных способов.
• Нажмите на кнопку питания.
• На рабочем экране сведите два пальца вместе, чтобы открыть режим
редактирования экрана. Нажмите Виджеты, затем переместите значок функции
Базовые операции
Блокировка экрана на рабочий экран. Теперь вы можете блокировать экран
нажатием на значок функции Блокировка экрана.
Переход в спящий режим
Перейдите в раздел Настройки > Экран и яркость > Спящий режим и выберите
время перехода в спящий режим.
Постоянное включение экрана, когда вы смотрите на него
Вы можете задать параметры, чтобы экран оставался активным, когда вы смотрите на
него, например, когда вы читаете книгу.
Перейдите в раздел Настройки > Биометрические данные и пароли >
Распознавание лица, следуйте инструкциям на экране, чтобы перейти на экран
настроек распознавания лица, и убедитесь, что функция Постоянное включение
экрана, когда Вы смотрите на него включена.
Активация экрана
Вы можете активировать экран одним из предложенных способов.
• Нажмите на кнопку питания.
• Перейдите в раздел Настройки > Специальные возможности > Быстрый доступ
и жесты > Активация экрана и включите функцию Активация поднятием
устройства или Активация двойным касанием экрана.
• Когда включена функция Активация поднятием устройства, чтобы активировать
экран, поднимите устройство.
• Когда включена функция Активация двойным касанием экрана, чтобы
активировать экран, дважды нажмите на него.
Разблокировка экрана с помощью пароля
Когда экран активирован, проведите вверх из центра экрана, чтобы отобразилось поле
для ввода пароля. Введите пароль разблокировки экрана.
Разблокировка распознаванием лица
Включите экран и расположите его напротив вашего лица. Устройство разблокируется,
когда ваше лицо будет распознано.
Разблокировка сканированием отпечатка пальца
Когда экран активирован, на нем отобразится значок отпечатка пальца. Нажмите на
значок зарегистрированным пальцем, чтобы разблокировать экран.
Изменение пароля разблокировки экрана
Если на вашем устройстве установлена официальная тема, вы можете настроить
отображение на экране блокировки данных шагомера и подписи приветствия.
Базовые операции
Отображение подписи приветствия на экране блокировки
Перейдите в раздел Настройки > Рабочий экран и обои, нажмите Подпись на
экране блокировки, затем введите текст, который будет отображаться на экране
Чтобы удалить подпись приветствия, нажмите Подпись на экране блокировки и
удалите текст.
Доступ к приложениям с экрана блокировки
Вы можете открывать часто используемые приложения (например, Камера, Диктофон
или Калькулятор) с экрана блокировки.
• Включите экран, нажмите и удерживайте значок , затем проведите вверх, чтобы
открыть приложение Камера.
• Проведите вверх из нижней части экрана блокировки, чтобы открыть панель
быстрого доступа. Будут доступны значки быстрого доступа для приложений
Диктофон, Фонарик, Калькулятор и Таймер.
Обзор рабочего экрана
Обзор рабочего экрана
На рабочем экране можно выполнить следующие действия.
• Проверить статус вашего устройства и просмотреть уведомления в строке состояния в
верхней части экрана.
• Провести влево или вправо, чтобы просмотреть приложения и виджеты,
отображающиеся на рабочем экране.
Базовые операции
Уведомления и значки состояния
Уведомления и значки состояния
Значки состояния сети могут отличаться в зависимости от региона или оператора.
Набор функций отличается в зависимости от модели устройства. Некоторая
информация не относится к вашему устройству.
Подключено к сети 5G Подключено к сети 4G
Подключено к сети 3G Подключено к сети 2G
Сильный сигнал сети Роуминг
Базовые операции
Экономия трафика включена SIM-карта не установлена
Точка доступа включена Точка доступа подключена
Выполнение вызова Включено VoLTE
Подключено к сети Wi-Fi Используется функция SkyTone
Отключено от точки доступа
Переключение сети функцией
Включен режим полета Установлен сигнал будильника
Батарея разряжена Низкий уровень заряда батареи
Зарядка Быстрая зарядка (QuickCharge)
Быстрая зарядка (SuperCharge)
Энергосберегающий режим
Включен Bluetooth
Уровень заряда батареи
Подключено Bluetooth-
Подключение VPN
В автомобиле
Подключено устройство
Включены службы
определения местоположения
Режим защиты зрения включен
Подключены наушники
Подключены наушники с
Пропущенный вызов Новое SMS-сообщение
Микрофон выключен Звук выключен
Другие уведомления Только вибрация
Включено NFC Режим Не беспокоить включен
Синхронизация данных Сбой синхронизации данных
Производительный режим
Получены новые электронные
Базовые операции
Напоминания о событиях Цифровой баланс включен
Значки быстрого доступа
Значки быстрого доступа
Активация значков быстрого доступа
Проведите вниз по строке состояния, чтобы открыть панель уведомлений, затем
проведите вниз по панели уведомлений, чтобы открыть все значки.
• Нажмите на значок, чтобы включить или выключить соответствующую функцию.
• Нажмите и удерживайте значок, чтобы перейти на экран настроек соответствующей
Базовые операции
• Нажмите на значок , чтобы открыть настройки.
Настройка значков быстрого доступа
Нажмите на значок , затем удерживайте значок функции и переместите его в
другое место.
Виджеты рабочего экрана
Виджеты рабочего экрана
Вы можете добавить, переместить или удалить виджеты рабочего экрана, например,
виджеты экрана блокировки, погоды, заметок, часов, контактов и календаря.
Добавление виджетов на рабочий экран
1 На рабочем экране сведите два пальца вместе, чтобы перейти в режим
редактирования рабочего экрана.
2 Нажмите Виджеты, затем проведите влево, чтобы просмотреть все виджеты.
Базовые операции
3 Некоторые виджеты имеют разные форматы, например Погода. Нажмите на
виджет, чтобы просмотреть все доступные форматы, затем проведите вправо, чтобы
вернуться на шаг назад.
4 Нажмите на виджет, чтобы добавить его на рабочий экран. Если в текущем окне
рабочего экрана недостаточно места, перетащите виджет в другое окно.
Перемещение и удаление виджетов
Нажмите и удерживайте виджет на рабочем экране, пока устройство не завибрирует,
затем перетащите значок в необходимое место или нажмите Удалить.
Настройка обоев
Настройка обоев
Использование предустановленных обоев
1 Перейдите в меню
Настройки > Рабочий экран и обои > Обои.
2 Выберите фото, которое хотите установить в качестве обоев.
3 Вы также можете настроить следующие параметры.
• Затенение. Создает эффект размытия, который можно отрегулировать с
помощью ползунка.
• Прокрутка. Позволяет прокручивать обои рабочего экрана.
4 Нажмите на значок , затем установите изображение для параметра Экран
блокировки, Рабочий экран или для обоих параметров.
Использование в качестве обоев изображений из Галереи
1 Откройте приложение Галерея и откройте изображение, которое хотите
установить в качестве обоев.
2 Перейдите в раздел
> Установить как > Обои и следуйте инструкциям на
экране, чтобы завершить настройку.
Скриншоты и запись с экрана
Съемка скриншота
Съемка скриншота сжатием руки в кулак
Базовые операции
1 Перейдите в раздел Настройки > Специальные возможности > Быстрый
доступ и жесты > Жесты в воздухе и убедитесь, что функция Съемка скриншота
сжатием руки включена.
2 Держите руку на расстоянии 20–40 см от экрана, пока на экране не появится значок
. Сожмите руку в кулак для съемки скриншота.
Съемка скриншота костяшкой пальца
1 Перейдите в раздел Настройки > Специальные возможности > Быстрый
доступ и жесты > Съемка скриншота и убедитесь, что функция Скриншот
костяшкой пальца включена.
2 Дважды коснитесь экрана костяшкой пальца, чтобы сделать скриншот.
Съемка скриншота с помощью комбинации кнопок
Одновременно нажмите кнопку питания и кнопку уменьшения громкости, чтобы
сделать скриншот.
Базовые операции
Съемка скриншота с помощью значка
Проведите вниз по строке состояния, чтобы открыть панель уведомлений, затем
проведите вниз по панели уведомлений, чтобы открыть все значки. Нажмите на значок
, чтобы сделать скриншот.
Редактирование и отправка скриншота, съемка длинного скриншота
После съемки скриншота в нижнем левом углу экрана отобразится его миниатюра.
Далее вы можете выполнить следующие действия.
• Провести вниз по миниатюре, чтобы сделать длинный скриншот.
• Провести вверх по миниатюре, чтобы отправить скриншот одним из доступных
• Нажать на миниатюру, чтобы редактировать или удалить скриншот.
Скриншоты по умолчанию сохраняются в приложении Галерея.
Съемка длинного скриншота костяшкой пальца
Базовые операции
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Посмотреть инструкция для Huawei P40 бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории смартфоны, 7 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 7.2. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: английский. У вас есть вопрос о Huawei P40 или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь
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Как перезагрузить Huawei P40?
Моя SIM-карта слишком мала и не подходит к моему телефону Huawei. Что мне теперь делать?
Каковы размеры экрана смартфон?
Может ли аккумулятор моего смартфон взорваться?
Какая операционная система в Huawei P40 используется?
Какой размер экрана Huawei P40?
Сколько времени нужно, чтобы зарядить аккумулятор Huawei P40?
Какое разрешение экрана дисплея Huawei P40?
Какая толщина Huawei P40?
Какой тип USB-подключения Huawei P40 имеет?
Какой объем памяти Huawei P40 имеет?
Инструкция Huawei P40 доступно в русский?
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Table of Contents
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Summary of Contents for Huawei P40
Page 1
User Guide… -
Page 2: Table Of Contents
Power On and Off or Restart Your Device Charging Smart Features HiVoice AI Lens HiTouch Easy Projection Multi-Screen Collaboration Huawei Share Switch Audio Channels Between Devices Camera and Gallery Launch Camera Take Photos Shoot in Portrait, Night, and Wide Aperture Modes Master AI Zoom to Take Photos…
Page 3
4K HD Videos Slow-Mo Recording Time-Lapse Photography Dual-View Mode Leica Colors Filters Use the Camera with Other Devices Adjust Camera Settings Manage Gallery Gallery Smart Categorization Huawei Vlog Editor Huawei Vlogs Highlights Apps Apps Contacts Phone Messaging Calendar Clock Notepad… -
Page 4
Contents Wi-Fi Bluetooth Mobile Data More Connections Home Screen & Wallpaper Display & Brightness Sounds & Vibration Notifications Biometrics & Password Apps Battery Storage Security Privacy Accessibility Features Users & Accounts System & Updates About Phone… -
Page 5: Basic Gestures
Essentials Basic Gestures Basic Gestures Air Gestures You can use gestures to take screenshots and scroll without touching the screen. Go to Settings > Accessibility features > Shortcuts & gestures > Air gestures, and ensure that Air scroll and Grabshot are enabled. Air scroll To air scroll, do the following: Scroll down: Hold your hand half an arm’s length away from…
Page 6
Essentials Back to the home screen Swipe up from the bottom to go to the home screen. View recent tasks Swipe up from the bottom of the screen and hold to view recent tasks. Close an app On the recent tasks screen, swipe up on an app preview to close the app. -
Page 7
Essentials Capture part of the screen Knock and draw an enclosed area with a knuckle to capture part of the screen. Record screen Knock twice on the screen with two knuckles to start or end a screen recording. More Gestures Access Home screen editing mode Pinch two fingers together on the home screen. -
Page 8: System Navigation
Essentials Button Shortcuts Power off and restart Press and hold the Power button until the Power off and Restart options appear. Increase the volume Press the Volume up button. Decrease the volume Press the Volume down button. Take a screenshot Press the Volume down and Power buttons simultaneously.
Page 9: Phone Clone
Essentials After enabling Gestures, you can: Go back to the previous screen: Swipe inward from the left or right edge. • Return to the home screen: Swipe up from the bottom of the screen. • Access the recent tasks screen: Swipe up from the bottom of the screen and hold. •…
Page 10
On your new phone, open Phone Clone. Alternatively, go to Settings > System & updates > Phone Clone, touch This is the new phone, then touch Huawei or Other Android. Follow the onscreen instructions to download and install Phone Clone on your old device. -
Page 11: Lock And Unlock Your Screen
Essentials Clone Data from an iPhone or iPad On your new phone, open Phone Clone. Alternatively, go to Settings > System & updates > Phone Clone, touch This is the new phone, then touch iPhone/iPad. Follow the onscreen instructions to download and install Phone Clone on your old device. On your old device, open Phone Clone and touch This is the old phone.
Page 12: Get Familiar With The Home Screen
Essentials When Raise to wake is enabled, you can pick up your phone to turn on the screen. • When Double-tap to wake is enabled, you can touch the screen twice to turn it on. • Unlock the Screen with Password Once the screen is turned on, swipe up from the middle of the screen to display the password input panel.
Page 13: Notification And Status Icons
Essentials Notification and Status Icons Notification and Status Icons Network status icons may vary according to your region or network service provider. Supported functions vary according to the device model. Some of the following icons may not be applicable to your phone. 5G network connected 4G network connected 3G network connected…
Page 14
Essentials Data saver enabled SIM card not found Hotspot enabled Hotspot connected Calling VoLTE enabled Wi-Fi network connected SkyTone in use Network being switched by Wi-Fi Hotspot disconnected Airplane mode enabled Alarms set Battery empty Battery low Charging Quick charging Super charging Power saving mode enabled Bluetooth enabled… -
Page 15: Shortcut Switches
Essentials Shortcut Switches Shortcut Switches Turn on a Shortcut Switch Swipe down from the status bar to open the notification panel, then swipe down on it again to show all shortcuts. Touch a shortcut switch to enable or disable the corresponding feature. •…
Page 16: Home Screen Widgets
Essentials Customize Shortcut Switches Touch , touch and hold an icon, then drag it to the desired position. Home Screen Widgets Home Screen Widgets You can add, move, or delete home screen widgets, such as Screen lock, Weather, Notepad, Clock, Contacts, and Calendar, according to your personal requirements. Add a Widget to the Home Screen Pinch together two fingers on the home screen to access the Home screen editor.
Page 17: Set Your Wallpaper
Essentials Move or Delete a Widget Touch and hold a widget on your home screen until your phone vibrates, then drag it to the desired position or touch Remove. Set Your Wallpaper Set Your Wallpaper Use a Preset Wallpaper Go to Settings >…
Page 18
Essentials Go to Settings > Accessibility features > Shortcuts & gestures > Air gestures, and ensure that Grabshot is enabled. Place your hand half an arm’s length away from the screen with the palm of the hand facing the screen, and wait for to appear at the top of the screen. -
Page 19
Essentials Share and Edit a Screenshot, or Switch to Scrollshot After you take a screenshot, a thumbnail will display in the lower left corner of the screen. Then you can: Swipe down on the thumbnail to take a scrolling screenshot. •… -
Page 20
Essentials Knock the screen with a knuckle and hold to draw an «S». The screen will automatically scroll down to the bottom for you to capture the entire page. You can touch the screen at any point to stop the screenshot. Take a Partial Screenshot… -
Page 21
Essentials Knock the screen with a knuckle and hold to draw an outline around the part of the screen that you want to capture. Make sure that your knuckle does not leave the screen. The screen will display the movement trajectory of your knuckle and take a screenshot of the selected area. -
Page 22
Essentials Record the Screen Record your screen activities in sharable videos to compose a tutorial, show off your awesome gaming skills, and a lot more. Use a Key Combination to Start Screen Recording Press and hold the Power and Volume up buttons simultaneously to start screen recording. To stop recording, press and hold both buttons again. -
Page 23: View And Clear Notifications
Essentials Knock the screen twice in quick succession with two knuckles to start screen recording. To stop recording, knock twice again. Record Your Voice During Screen Recording You can enable the microphone to record your voice while recording the screen. After starting a screen recording, touch the microphone icon and ensure that it is displayed as .
Page 24: Adjust Sound Settings
Essentials Clear Notifications Swipe right on a notification reminder to clear the notification. • Touch at the bottom of the notification panel to clear all notifications. • Block, Silence, or Delay Notifications Swipe left on a notification, then touch to block, silence, or delay notifications from that source.
Page 25
Essentials Press the Power Button to Mute Your Device When It Rings When your phone rings for an incoming call or alarm, you can press the Power button to mute it. Flip to Mute or Raise to Reduce the Ringtone Volume When there is an incoming call, you can flip your phone to mute it, or raise it up to reduce the ringtone volume. -
Page 26: Enter Text
Essentials Calls • Use a Shortcut to Switch Between Ring, Vibrating, or Mute Mode Swipe down from the status bar to open the notification panel, then swipe down on it again to show all shortcuts. Touch the Sound, Silent, or Vibration icon to switch between different modes.
Page 27
Essentials Enable Split-screen Mode from the Multi-Window Dock Enable Split-screen mode: • Open an app and swipe inward from the left or right edge and hold to bring up the Multi-Window dock. -
Page 28
Essentials Drag an app icon out of the Multi-Window dock. Switch the split-screen panes: Touch and hold at the top of a split-screen pane • until the pane shrinks. Then drag the pane to the other side of the screen to switch them. Exit Split-screen mode: Drag in the middle of the split screen line horizontally •… -
Page 29
Essentials Touch an app icon in the Multi-Window dock to open the app in a floating window. Relocate the floating window: Drag the horizontal line at the top of the floating window to • the desired location. Display in full screen: Touch on the floating window to display the content in the •… -
Page 30: Show Date And Time When The Screen Is Off
Essentials Drag and drop text: When sending a message with WeChat, open Notepad, touch and hold • the text you want to send, and drag it to the text input box in WeChat. Drag and drop a document: When writing an email, open Files, select the document you •…
Page 31: Power On And Off Or Restart Your Device
Essentials On the Always On Display screen, touch Clock style, and swipe across to view the available clock styles. Select a preferred clock style, and touch Power On and Off or Restart Your Device Power On and Off or Restart Your Device Power Your Device On and Off To power off your device, press and hold the Power button for a few seconds, touch Power off and Touch to power off.
Page 32: Charging
Batteries have a limited number of charge cycles. When the battery life becomes noticeably • shorter, go to an authorized Huawei Customer Service Center to replace the battery. Do not cover your phone or charger during charging. •…
Page 33
Essentials Overview of Battery Icons You can check the battery level from the battery icon on the phone screen. Battery Icon Battery Level Less than 4% battery remaining. Charging, less than 10% battery remaining. Charging, 10% to 90% battery remaining. Charging, at least 90% battery remaining. -
Page 34: Smart Features
Smart Features HiVoice HiVoice You can use HiVoice to interact with Huawei devices (such as smartphones and tablets) hands-free. Countries and Regions Where HiVoice Can Be Used Currently, you can communicate with HiVoice in English, French, and Spanish in the UK, France, Spain, Chile, Mexico, and Colombia.
Page 35
Smart Features You cannot wake up HiVoice when your phone is in a call. You cannot wake up HiVoice with the wakeup word when your phone is making an audio or screen recording. However, you can still use the Power button to wake up HiVoice. When Can I Interact With HiVoice? HiVoice can be in an idle, listening, or thinking state. -
Page 36
Smart Features Send SMS Messages with Voice Commands To send SMS messages with voice commands, wake up HiVoice and give a command. For example: «Send an SMS» • «Send an SMS to 13057617562» • «Send an SMS to Jack» • «Send an SMS to Mum saying I’ll be home for dinner tonight»… -
Page 37
Smart Features «Set a daily alarm at 7:00 p.m.» • «Set an alarm for 5:00 p.m. from Monday to Wednesday» • «Wake me up at nine» • Turn off an alarm «Turn off the alarm clock at 8:00» • «Cancel all alarms» •… -
Page 38
Smart Features «Take a selfie» • Access Apps and Tools with Voice Commands To access Flashlight, Calculator, or other tools with voice commands, wake up HiVoice and give a command. For example: Use Flashlight «Turn on the flashlight» • «Turn off the flashlight» •… -
Page 39: Ai Lens
• Search with HiVoice If you want to use the browser to search for something, wake up HiVoice and give a voice command. For example: «Search for new Huawei products» • «Use website search for polar bear» • «Search for finance websites on browser»…
Page 40
Smart Features While the device is unlocked, swipe down on the screen to display the search bar. Then, touch to access AI Lens. From the Lock Screen When the device is locked, swipe up from the bottom of the screen. Touch , then unlock the device to access AI Lens. -
Page 41
Smart Features Scan Codes AI Lens can read QR codes and instantly direct you to the relevant app. Open the camera, touch , then touch Position the QR code within the frame and wait for it to be recognized. Scan to Translate AI Lens has an Instant translation feature that can help you quickly translate text, such as road signs, menus, or even descriptions on a medicine or cosmetic bottle. -
Page 42: Hitouch
Smart Features Position the target object within the viewfinder. You will receive purchase recommendations once the object has been recognized. You can also touch to take a photo, which will be recognized automatically. HiTouch Convenient Shopping When you see an item on your phone that you would like to buy, you can use HiTouch to quickly search for the item and compare prices across multiple shopping platforms before making the purchase.
Page 43: Easy Projection
Smart Features Touch the links to view product details and make a purchase. Easy Projection Wireless Projection You can connect your phone to an external display (for example, a TV) wirelessly. Based on the model and functions of your external display, do the following: If the external display supports Miracast, enable wireless projection on it.
Page 44
Wired Projection You can connect your phone to an external display (for example, a TV) using a wired connection. It is recommended that you purchase the accessories recommended or specified by Huawei from authorized sources. Projection Using a Type-C Cable Prepare a Type-C cable. -
Page 45
Smart Features On the external display, set the corresponding HDMI, DP, or MiniDP input as the signal source. Projection Using a Docking Station If you need to connect your phone to an external display and use a wired mouse and keyboard, use a docking station with a USB port. -
Page 46
Smart Features On the external display, set the corresponding HDMI, DP, or MiniDP input as the signal source. Desktop Mode For enhanced work efficiency, project the content of your phone onto an external display, swipe down from the status bar to open the notification panel, then enable DESKTOP MODE. -
Page 47: Multi-Screen Collaboration
Multi-Screen Collaboration Connect Your Phone to a Computer When you connect your phone to a Huawei/Honor laptop, the phone screen will be displayed in a window on the laptop screen, allowing you to easily operate your phone while on your laptop.
Page 48
NFC, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth. Tap the NFC area at the back of your phone against the Huawei Share icon or Magic-link icon on your computer and hold it there until your phone vibrates or plays a notification sound. -
Page 49
Files. By default, files transferred from your computer will be saved in the Huawei Share folder in Files. If a specific folder in Files has been opened, the files will be saved in it. -
Page 50
Select one or more pictures or videos in Gallery on your phone. Tap the NFC area on the back of your phone against the Huawei Share or Magic-link icon on the computer, and hold it there until your phone vibrates or plays a notification sound. -
Page 51
Shake your phone, then immediately tap its NFC area against the Huawei Share icon or Magic-link icon on the computer, and hold it there until your phone vibrates or plays a notification sound. -
Page 52
On your phone, use Microsoft Office to open the file you want to share. Tap the NFC area on the back of your phone against the Huawei Share or Magic-link icon on the computer, and hold it there until your phone vibrates or plays a notification sound. -
Page 53
Smart Features Open an app: Click an app in the window to open it. • Browse pages: Scroll the mouse wheel to browse web pages and switch between screens of • your phone displayed in the window. Exit an app: Press the ESC key on the computer keyboard to exit the app opened in the •… -
Page 54: Huawei Share
Swipe down from the status bar to open the notification panel, then touch to enable • or disable Huawei Share. Touch and hold the toggle to enter the Huawei Share settings screen. Go to Settings > More connections > Huawei Share, and enable or disable Huawei •…
Page 55
These steps may be different if you are sharing files directly from an app. On the receiving device, touch Accept to accept the transfer. To view the received files, go to Files, then go to Internal storage > Huawei Share on the Categories tab. -
Page 56
One-Touch Printing with Huawei Share When a printer that supports Huawei Share is nearby, you can use Huawei Share to find the printer and print out pictures or PDF files stored on your phone. -
Page 57: Switch Audio Channels Between Devices
• Bluetooth. On your phone, preview the file to be printed, then go to Share > Huawei Share. Once the printer has been discovered, touch its name on your phone, and adjust the settings on the preview screen. Then, touch PRINT to print.
Page 58
Smart Features Switch Audio Channels Between Devices When playing music or videos through your earphones, you can quickly switch the playback to another device without having to unplug your wired earphones or disconnect your Bluetooth earphones. Connect your wired earphones or Bluetooth audio devices (such as Bluetooth earphones, speaker, or in-car kit) to your phone. -
Page 59: Camera And Gallery
Camera and Gallery Launch Camera Launch Camera There are multiple ways to open the Camera app. From the Home Screen From the home screen, open Camera. From the Lock Screen When the screen is locked, turn on the screen, then swipe up on the camera icon in the lower right corner to open the camera.
Page 60: Take Photos
Camera and Gallery Open Camera. Go to > Ultra Snapshot and select Open Camera or Take a snapshot. You can now open the camera or take a snapshot without unlocking your screen. Take Photos Take Photos Open Camera. You can then: Focus: Touch the location you want to focus on.
Page 61
Camera and Gallery To adjust focus and metering separately, touch and hold the viewfinder and drag the respective frame or ring to the desired location. Adjust brightness: Touch the viewfinder. When the symbol appears next to the • focus frame, drag it up or down. Zoom in or out: On the viewfinder, pinch in or out, or drag the zoom slider. -
Page 62: Shoot In Portrait, Night, And Wide Aperture Modes
Camera and Gallery Return to the viewfinder and touch the shutter button. Your phone will take a photo when the countdown ends. Use Voice Commands to Take Photos You can use your voice to take photos without having to touch the shutter button. Open Camera.
Page 63
Camera and Gallery Frame your subject within the viewfinder. To take a selfie, touch You can then: Enable beauty effect: Touch and drag the slider to adjust beauty settings. A larger • value will produce a more pronounced beauty effect. To disable the beauty effect, drag the setting to its lowest value, or touch Set lighting effect: Touch and select an effect to your liking. -
Page 64
Camera and Gallery If you are using the rear camera, touch on the viewfinder to adjust the ISO sensitivity to adjust the shutter speed. Keep your phone steady and touch Your phone will adjust the exposure time based on the ambient brightness. Keep your phone steady. -
Page 65: Master Ai
Camera and Gallery Open Camera and select Aperture mode. Touch where you want to focus. For best results, your phone needs to be within 2 meters (about 7 ft.) of your subject. Touch in the viewfinder and drag the slider to adjust aperture settings. A smaller aperture value will create a more blurred background.
Page 66
Camera and Gallery Master AI Master AI is a pre-installed camera feature that helps you take better photos by intelligently identifying objects and scenes and optimizing the camera settings accordingly. Master AI is able to identify a variety of scenes, such as stages, beaches, blue skies, greenery, and text. -
Page 67: Zoom To Take Photos
Camera and Gallery Open Camera and select Photo mode. Touch to ensure that Master AI is enabled. Aim the camera at the moon and spread your fingers on the viewfinder to adjust the zoom to 10x or more. When your phone detects the moon, it will automatically enter Moon mode. Touch to take a photo.
Page 68: Super Macro
Camera and Gallery Open Camera and select Photo mode. Touch to ensure that Master AI is enabled. Aim the camera at the object you want to take a photo of. The camera will automatically recommend Wide mode if it detects a building. Touch Wide to have a wider angle of view.
Page 69: Take Panoramic Photos
Camera and Gallery Open Camera, then enter Super macro mode using either of the following methods: Automatic: Move your camera close to the subject and hold your device steady. When • your camera is close enough, it will automatically focus. If is enabled, the screen will display Super macro.
Page 70: Take Black And White Photos
Camera and Gallery Use the Rear Camera to Take Panoramic Photos Go to Camera > More and select Panorama mode. Touch at the bottom of the viewfinder to set the pan direction. Point the camera at your starting point, then touch to start shooting.
Page 71: Ar Lens
Camera and Gallery Aperture: This mode blurs the background and lends greater emphasis to the subject. • Portrait: This mode blurs the background and lets you adjust the beauty effect. • Pro: This mode allows you to adjust the camera settings, including the metering mode, •…
Page 72: Light Painting
Camera and Gallery Touch 3D Qmoji and select an animated Qmoji. The Qmoji will then mimic and act out your facial expressions accordingly. Touch to enable or disable the background. Touch to disable Qmoji, then look straight at the front camera. Touch to start recording Touch…
Page 73
Camera and Gallery Capture Car Light Trails in Traffic Trails Mode Traffic trails mode lets you create artistic photos of car tail lights at night. Go to Camera > More > Light painting > Traffic trails. Find a spot where you’ll see the light trails created by cars from a distance. Ensure that car headlights do not point directly at the camera, as this can overexpose the image. -
Page 74: Take Hdr Photos
Camera and Gallery Touch to start shooting. Observe the shot in the viewfinder. When the exposure is just right, touch to finish shooting. Capture Rivers and Waterfalls in Silky Water Mode Silky water mode lets you capture silky smooth photographs of waterfalls and rivers. Go to Camera >…
Page 75: Add Stickers To Photos
The moving picture will automatically stop after a complete playback. You can also touch the screen to stop the playback. Share Moving Pictures You can share moving pictures with Huawei or Honor devices using various methods, such as Wi-Fi Direct, Bluetooth, or Huawei Share. Go to Gallery >…
Page 76: Underwater Mode
Camera and Gallery Documents Mode Images shot at an angle always suffer from the problem of perspective. If you aren’t able to take a perfectly straight photo of a document, use Documents mode. The camera will automatically adjust skewed images shot in Documents mode. Shoot Photos in Documents Mode Go to Camera >…
Page 77: Take High-Resolution Photos
Camera and Gallery When you are finished, follow the onscreen instructions to exit the camera. Take High-Resolution Photos Take High-Resolution Photos Take high-resolution photos if you would like to print them later or display them on a large screen. Go to Camera >…
Page 78
Camera and Gallery Open Camera and select Pro mode. Customize camera settings to shoot unique and professional-looking photos. You can also shoot high-quality videos by touching Adjust the metering mode: Touch M and select a metering mode. • Metering Mode Description Measures the light in the whole frame. -
Page 79: Record Videos
Camera and Gallery Metering Mode Description Concentrates on the light in a small area of the Spot screen, such as the subject’s eyes. Adjust the ISO sensitivity: Touch ISO and drag the slider. • In low-light conditions, increase the ISO sensitivity. In well-lit environments, lower the ISO sensitivity to avoid image noise.
Page 80: Ai Movie Effects
Camera and Gallery Record Videos Open Camera and select Video mode. Adjust the following settings: Zoom in or out: On the viewfinder, pinch or spread two fingers, or drag the zoom • slider. Focus: Touch the location you want to focus on. Touch and hold the viewfinder to lock •…
Page 81: 4K Hd Videos
Camera and Gallery Open Camera and select Video mode. Switch to the rear camera, touch , and select a special effect. Go to > Video resolution and select 21:9 to give your video a cinematic character. Touch to start recording. While recording, touch to take a photo with the selected special effect.
Page 82: Slow-Mo Recording
Camera and Gallery Return to the Video screen and touch to record a video. A higher resolution will result in a higher quality video, but will also take up more storage space. Slow-Mo Recording Slow-Mo Recording Use Slow-mo mode to capture fleeting moments in detail. Adjust the slow motion speed based on how slow you want your footage to appear.
Page 83: Time-Lapse Photography
Camera and Gallery Shoot Slow-Mo Videos Go to Camera > More, then touch Slow-mo. Touch and select a speed. Touch to start recording. Touch to end the recording. Adjust the Slow-Mo Portion in Slow-Mo Videos The length of the slow-mo portion in slow motion videos can be adjusted. This feature is only available for slow motion videos recorded at 4x or 8x.
Page 84: Dual-View Mode
Camera and Gallery Place your phone in position. To reduce camera shake, use a tripod to steady your phone. By default, Auto mode is enabled. To manually adjust camera settings, touch Auto. Then you can: Touch to adjust the recording speed. For example, record traffic trails at 15x or •…
Page 85: Leica Colors
Camera and Gallery Leica Colors Leica Colors Open Camera and switch to the rear camera. Touch at the top of the viewfinder, then select Leica standard, Leica vivid, or Leica smooth. Touch the shutter button to shoot a photo or video. Not all camera modes support Leica colors.
Page 86
Camera and Gallery Swipe down from the status bar to open the notification panel, then touch to enable Bluetooth on your phone. Refer to the snorkeling case user guide to enable Bluetooth on the case, and place the case close to your phone. Your phone will automatically detect the snorkeling case and prompt you to connect to it. -
Page 87: Adjust Camera Settings
Camera and Gallery Follow the Profoto product user guide to pair your phone with the studio light through Bluetooth. Open Camera. When the camera detects the studio light, the flash icon on the top of the screen will automatically change to Touch the flash icon and select a flash mode.
Page 88: Manage Gallery
Camera and Gallery Go to Camera > Enable Assistive grid. Grid lines will appear in the viewfinder. Place the subject of your photo at one of the intersecting points, then touch the shutter button. Enable Mirror Reflection When using the front camera, touch to enable or disable Mirror reflection.
Page 89
Camera and Gallery View by Shooting Time Your photos and videos are stored in Gallery and can be viewed by time, location, category, or album. On the Photos tab, pinch two fingers on the screen to switch to the monthly view and spread them to enter the daily view. -
Page 90
Camera and Gallery View by Category Gallery intelligently sorts photos into categories, allowing you to quickly sift through large albums by category. Touch a category album on the Discover tab (such as food, portrait, or scenery) to view photos in that album. View Details About Photos and Videos Touch a photo or video to view it in Full screen mode. -
Page 91
Camera and Gallery Enter a keyword (such as «food», «scenery», or «flower»). Photos related to that keyword will be displayed. Touch a suggested keyword or enter more keywords for more precise results. Edit Photos and Videos Gallery offers a wide range of editing features for photos and videos. Basic Editing Open Gallery, touch the thumbnail of the photo you want to edit, then touch Edit to… -
Page 92
Camera and Gallery Adjust photo effects: Touch to adjust the brightness, contrast, saturation, and • other qualities of the photo. Other: Touch to edit the photo in other ways, such as color splash, blur, doodle, or • adding a text element. Touch to save your edits and touch to save the photo. -
Page 93
Camera and Gallery Go to Gallery > Albums > Videos and touch the video you want to edit. Touch . Then you can: Select a video template: Touch • Crop the video: Touch , then drag the slider at both ends of the video clip to select •… -
Page 94
Camera and Gallery Edit the intro and outro: Touch to select an intro and outro. After the preview is • complete, touch the screen to edit the text content and style of the intro. When you are finished, touch to export the video. The edited videos are saved in the Video Editor album, and the original video is left unchanged. -
Page 95
Camera and Gallery To permanently delete a photo or video manually, touch and hold its thumbnail in the Recently deleted album, then go to > Delete. Recover Deleted Photos and Videos In the Recently deleted album, touch and hold to select the items you want to recover, then touch to restore them to their original albums. -
Page 96: Gallery Smart Categorization
Camera and Gallery Hidden albums and the photos and videos in them are hidden from view in Gallery. Block Albums To prevent third-party app albums from displaying in Gallery, block these albums. On the Albums tab, touch Others. Touch an album, and if is displayed at the top, go to >…
Page 97: Huawei Vlog Editor
Highlights videos, and People albums, with added background music from your photos and videos. You can also select photos and videos yourself to create your own Huawei Vlogs. Either way, you can edit and share your Huawei Vlogs at the touch of a finger. Create a Video Clip with Photos and Videos…
Page 98
Camera and Gallery Go to Gallery > Photos. Touch and hold to select photos and videos, then go to > Video to create a video clip. You can then: Select a video template: Touch • Edit video clips: Touch to adjust the video frame or length, or add or delete video •… -
Page 99
This feature works automatically when your phone is charging and the screen is off. It only works on local videos between 10 seconds and 3 minutes long. Share Huawei Vlogs Go to Gallery > Albums > Video Editor, where you will find all your exported videos. -
Page 100: Huawei Vlogs
Huawei Vlogs People Album Videos Gallery automatically creates People albums by identifying faces in photos. View, edit, and share the videos generated in these People albums. View Huawei Vlogs Go to Gallery > Discover and touch a People album. Touch on the album cover.
Page 101
Camera and Gallery Highlights Gallery automatically creates Highlights albums from your best photos and videos based on time, location, and theme information, and even generates a short video clip so you can instantly relive the good times. To start using Highlights, go to Camera > and enable Location tag. -
Page 102
Camera and Gallery Select a video template: Touch • Edit video clips: Touch to adjust the video frame or length, or add or delete video • clips. Edit background music: Touch and choose from preset background music or your • locally saved music. -
Page 103: Apps
Apps Apps Apps Locate an Installed App Swipe down from the middle of the home screen to show the search bar, and enter the app name. When the app is found, touch next to its name. Uninstall an App You can uninstall an app using either of the following methods: Touch and hold the app icon you want to uninstall until your phone vibrates, touch •…
Page 104: Contacts
Apps Go to Settings > Apps > Apps, select the app that you want to clear the cache of, then go to Storage > Clear cache. Contacts Create and Edit Contact Information You can create contacts in multiple ways, as well as view and manage your contacts list. Create Contacts Open Phone, select the Contacts tab at the bottom of the screen, then touch…
Page 105
Apps Touch the camera image to set a profile picture for the contact, enter information such as the name, organization, and phone number of the contact, then touch Import Contacts On the Contacts screen, go to > Settings > Import/Export. Select Import via Bluetooth, Import via Wi-Fi Direct, or Import from storage, then follow the onscreen instructions to import contacts. -
Page 106
Apps Select a sharing method, then follow the onscreen instructions to share the contact. Export Contacts On the Contacts screen, go to > Settings > Import/Export. Touch Export to storage and follow the onscreen instructions to export contacts. The exported .vcf files are saved in the root directory of your device’s internal storage by default. -
Page 107: Phone
Apps Touch for Remove members, Group ringtone, Delete group, or Rename. Send Group Messages or Emails On the Groups screen, open a group, then touch to send a message or touch send an email. Delete Contact Groups On the Groups screen, touch and hold the group to be deleted, then touch Delete. Create Personal Information You can create a business card containing your personal information to share with others.
Page 108
Apps Make a Call Dial a Number or Select a Contact to Call Use either of the following methods to make a call: Open Phone, enter part of a phone number, the first letter of a contact’s name, or the •… -
Page 109
Apps Press the Power Button to End a Call During a call, press the Power button to end the call. Go to Phone > > Settings > More and enable Power button ends call. Set a Call Background You can set a wallpaper as the call background. Go to Settings >… -
Page 110
Apps Delete Call Logs Delete call logs using any of the following methods: On the Phone screen, touch and hold an entry, then touch Delete entry. • On the Phone screen, go to > Delete entries, select the entries you want to delete, •… -
Page 111
On the contact details screen, touch Ringtone and select a ringtone. MeeTime Use MeeTime to make HD video or audio calls with contacts who have Huawei/Honor devices, such as phones, tablets, and HUAWEI/HONOR Visions, and share your screen during calls. -
Page 112
Apps Your phone or tablet must run EMUI 10.0 or later. A HUAWEI/HONOR Vision supports this feature by default. Enable MeeTime Open Phone, touch MeeTime at the bottom of the screen, then touch Enable. Log in to your HUAWEI ID and link a phone number. -
Page 113
• Transfer a Call to a HUAWEI/HONOR Vision You can transfer a video call on your phone to a nearby HUAWEI/HONOR Vision. Make sure that your phone and HUAWEI/HONOR Vision have logged in to the same HUAWEI ID. -
Page 114
Apps VoLTE also provides you with a faster call connection time and higher quality voice and video calls. Enable VoLTE Contact your mobile carrier to activate the 4G and VoLTE functions for your SIM card. If both the primary and secondary SIM card trays of a dual-SIM phone support 4G and VoLTE, 4G and VoLTE can be enabled for both SIM cards. -
Page 115
Apps Drag left to reject the call. • Touch to reject the call and reply with an SMS message. • Touch to set a callback reminder. • If you receive a call when the screen is unlocked: Touch to answer the call. •… -
Page 116
Apps Touch , or touch a held call in the call list to switch between the two calls. Enable Call Forwarding After the Call forwarding feature is enabled, calls that meet set conditions will be automatically transferred to a specified phone number. This feature requires the support of your mobile carrier. -
Page 117
Apps Filter and Block Spam Calls Set different block rules to block sales, fraud, and other kinds of spam calls. Filter and Block Spam Calls Go to Phone > > Blocked > and set the block rules. Alternatively, go to Optimizer >… -
Page 118
Apps Set Whether to Receive Notifications for Blocked Calls Go to Phone > > Blocked > > Receive notifications and set whether to receive notifications for blocked calls. Emergency SOS and Calls Use Emergency SOS If you encounter an emergency, you can quickly and secretly send an SOS message to your emergency contacts. -
Page 119
Apps Touch to enable hands-free mode. • Touch to start another call (only available once three-way calling has been activated). • This feature requires the support of your mobile carrier. For details, contact your carrier. Touch to use the dialer. •… -
Page 120: Messaging
Apps Enable Voicemail Go to Phone > > Settings and touch More under the SIM card you wish to enable voicemail on. Go to Voicemail > Voicemail number, enter the voicemail number obtained from your carrier, and touch OK. Listen to a Voicemail Message Touch and hold the 1 key on the dialer and then enter your voicemail number.
Page 121
Apps Send Messages Open Messaging and touch On the New message screen, enter your message content. Touch to add other types of content such as pictures and audio files. In the recipient box, touch , select contacts or contact groups, then touch To send a group message to those not included in your contacts list, touch anywhere blank in the recipient box and enter the recipients’ phone number. -
Page 122
Apps Save a Draft Message From the New message screen, touch to save a draft message. Cancel Sending a Message On the Messaging screen, go to > Settings > Advanced and enable Recall messages. Within six seconds after the message is sent, you can double-touch the message to cancel sending it. -
Page 123: Calendar
Apps Block Messages from Specific Numbers Go to Messaging > > Blocked > > Blocklist. Touch and add the numbers you want to block. SMS and MMS messages sent by these numbers will all be blocked. Block Messages Containing Specific Keywords Go to Messaging >…
Page 124
Apps Create an Event Open Calendar and touch Enter the details of the event, such as the title, location, and start and end times. Touch Add reminder to set the reminder time for the event. Touch to save the event. Import Meeting Reminders Go to Calendar >… -
Page 125
Apps Search for Events On the Calendar screen, touch Enter keywords of your event in the search box, such as the title and location. Share an Event On the Calendar screen, touch an event on the calendar or under the schedule. Touch and follow the onscreen instructions to share the event using whichever method you prefer. -
Page 126: Clock
Apps View National/Regional Holidays View national/regional holidays in the calendar to help plan your travel. Go to Calendar > > Settings > National/Regional holidays. Turn on the switch of a country/region, and your phone will automatically download holiday information for that country/region and display it in the Calendar. Clock Alarm You can set alarms to play a sound or vibrate at specific times.
Page 127
Apps Timer Go to Clock > Timer, set the duration of time, and touch to start the timer. To stop it, touch Stopwatch Go to Clock > Stopwatch, and touch to start the stopwatch. To stop it, touch View the Time in Cities Worldwide Use Clock to see the local time in different time zones around the world. -
Page 128: Notepad
Apps Go to Settings > System & updates > Date & time, enable Dual clocks, and set a Home city. The time of your home city and current location will now both display on the lock screen. Only one clock will display on the lock screen if your current location is in the same time zone as your home city.
Page 129
Apps Enter the title and content of the note. Touch to insert a picture into the note as needed. Touch and hold the picture, then drag it to the desired position in the note. If you want to organize your notes for easier access and viewing, touch to add a tag to your note after finishing it. -
Page 130: Recorder
Apps To restore a deleted Notepad item, touch All notes or All to-dos, select the item you want to restore in Recently deleted, then touch Recorder Recorder In the Tools folder, open Recorder, and touch to start a recording. During a recording, you can touch to add a tag.
Page 131: Email
Apps Touch to skip the muted parts. • Touch to adjust the playback speed. • Touch to add a tag. • Touch a tag to rename it. • Edit a Recording On the Recorder home screen, touch a recording. Touch to display the waveform of the recording.
Page 132
Apps Open Email, and select Exchange. Enter the email address, username, and password. Touch Manual setup. On the Account setup screen, set parameters such as the email domain name, server address, port number, and security type. Touch Next, then follow the onscreen instructions to complete the configuration. The system will automatically connect to the server and check the server settings. -
Page 133
Apps From the Inbox screen, go to > Settings. Touch the account you want to set encryption for, touch Email encryption, then enable Encrypt outgoing emails. If the certificate has been installed, select Encryption certificate and set Encryption algorithm according to your preferences. If no certificate has been installed, enable Send encrypted emails without installing certificates. -
Page 134
Apps On the group selection screen, select an existing group, then touch to save the contact in the group. Alternatively, touch Create group, enter the group name, then touch Save. Once you have created a group, you can select the group from the recipient drop-down list to send emails to group members. -
Page 135: Calculator
Apps Manage VIP Contacts Important email contacts can be added as VIP contacts. Emails from VIP contacts will be automatically stored in the VIP inbox. Add a VIP Contact You can add VIP contacts using either of the following methods: Go to Email >…
Page 136: Flashlight
Apps Open the calculator and go to > Scientific. Copy, Delete, or Clear Numbers Copy a calculation result: Touch and hold the calculation result, touch Copy, then paste the • result somewhere else, such as in a note or message. Delete the last digit: Touch •…
Page 137: Mirror
Apps Swipe down from the middle of the home screen to display the search box. Search for • Compass, and the first result will be the preinstalled Compass app. Find Compass in the Tools folder. • To lock your current direction, touch the compass dial. The scale marks will turn blue if you go off course.
Page 138: Quickly Access Frequently Used App Features
Apps Two icons for the same app will display on the home screen for you to log in to your separate accounts simultaneously. To disable App twin, touch and hold the twinned version of the app, then touch Delete. All the data of the twin app will be deleted. Quickly Access Frequently Used App Features Quickly Access Frequently Used App Features You can access frequently used features of certain apps from app icons on the home screen,…
Page 139: Optimizer
Apps Add Frequently Used App Features to the Home Screen Touch and hold an app icon on your home screen to bring up the pop-up menu. Touch and hold the desired feature and drag it to your home screen to create a shortcut. Optimizer Cleanup You can use Cleanup in Optimizer to scan for redundant or large files, such as app residue,…
Page 140
Apps View and Manage High Data Consumption Apps You can find out how much data your apps are using in comparison to each other by going to Data usage this month on the Data usage screen. Touch a high data consumption app to set mobile data, roaming data, or background data usage limits for it. -
Page 141
Apps Add Mobile Data Usage Reminders Add data plans for your SIM cards and usage reminders in Optimizer to keep you informed of your data consumption. On the Data usage screen, go to More data settings > Monthly data limit and follow the onscreen instructions to add a data plan. -
Page 142
Apps Block Incoming Calls from Specific Numbers You can block incoming calls from specific numbers using either of the following methods: Go to Phone > > Blocked > > Blocklist, touch , then add the phone • numbers you want to block. On the Phone screen, touch the Contacts tab at the bottom, touch the contact you want to •… -
Page 143: Phone Clone
Apps Open Optimizer and touch OPTIMIZE. Results and recommendations will be displayed once the optimization is complete. Phone Clone Phone Clone Phone Clone lets you quickly and seamlessly move all the basic data (including contacts, calendar, images, and videos) from your old phone to your new phone.
Page 144
On your new phone, open Phone Clone. Alternatively, go to Settings > System & updates > Phone Clone, touch This is the new phone, then touch Huawei or Other Android. Follow the onscreen instructions to download and install Phone Clone on your old device. -
Page 145: Hisuite
Visit the official Huawei website on your computer, search for HiSuite, then download and install the latest version of HiSuite.
Page 146: Tips
Apps Restore Data On the HiSuite home page, click Restore. Click Backup Files, select the items you want to restore to your phone, then click Restore. Enter the password for the backup data and click OK. HiSuite will then restore the items you have selected. Keep the USB cable connected when the data is being restored.
Page 147
Apps Try out features: A TRY NOW button is available in certain cards for you to try out the • feature immediately. Search: Find what you’re looking for by searching for it in the search bar of Tips. The search •… -
Page 148: Settings
Settings Search for Items in Settings Search for Items in Settings Tired of trudging through layers of settings? Just search for them using the search box. Swipe down from the middle of the screen to display the search box. Enter the name of a •…
Page 149: Bluetooth
Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi Direct You can use Wi-Fi Direct to transfer data between Huawei devices. Wi-Fi Direct can transfer bigger files more quickly than Bluetooth, without having to pair the devices.
Page 150
Settings Bluetooth Basics You can connect your phone to Bluetooth headsets, speakers, and car kits. You can also use Bluetooth to share data between your phone and other devices. Make sure your phone is within 10 m (about 33 ft.) of other Bluetooth devices. Enable or Disable Bluetooth You can enable or disable Bluetooth in either of the following ways: Swipe down from the status bar to open the notification panel, then touch… -
Page 151: Mobile Data
Settings In the list of Paired devices, touch next to the name of the device you wish to unpair, then touch Unpair. Mobile Data Connect to Mobile Data Make sure that mobile data is available on your SIM card. Connect to mobile data using either of the following methods: Swipe down from the status bar to open the notification panel, then swipe down •…
Page 152
Settings Once disabled, a SIM card cannot be used for calling, messaging, or accessing the Internet. Name Your SIM Card You can name your SIM cards for easier identification and management. For example, you could mark one SIM card as «Work» and the other as «Personal». Go to Settings >… -
Page 153
Settings view the EID information, go to Settings > About phone > Show EID. If the EID information is not displayed, it indicates that this feature is not supported on your phone. You can apply for multiple eSIM cards, the maximum number of which is determined •… -
Page 154
Settings On the SIM management screen, touch SIM 2. Disable the eSIM card as prompted. If you want to switch SIM 2 to a physical card, touch Removable SIM. Your phone will automatically disable the eSIM card. Some eSIM cards cannot be disabled after being enabled. For details, contact your carrier. Naming the eSIM card You can give different names to eSIM cards that are used for different purposes. -
Page 155
Settings Share Your Network Connection via Personal Hotspot The following listed items are only available in some countries and regions. If your phone does not provide a specific item, it indicates that the corresponding feature is not supported. Go to Settings >… -
Page 156
Settings Enable VoLTE Contact your mobile carrier to activate the 4G and VoLTE functions for your SIM card. If both the primary and secondary SIM card trays of a dual-SIM phone support 4G and VoLTE, 4G and VoLTE can be enabled for both SIM cards. Go to Settings >… -
Page 157
Settings View and Manage High Data Consumption Apps You can find out how much data your apps are using in comparison to each other by going to Data usage this month on the Data usage screen. Touch a high data consumption app to set mobile data, roaming data, or background data usage limits for it. -
Page 158: More Connections
Settings Add Mobile Data Usage Reminders Add data plans for your SIM cards and usage reminders in Optimizer to keep you informed of your data consumption. On the Data usage screen, go to More data settings > Monthly data limit and follow the onscreen instructions to add a data plan.
Page 159
Settings Enable Read and write/P2P on the NFC settings screen if available. This feature may vary depending on your carrier. Enable or Disable NFC You can enable or disable NFC as follows: Swipe down from the status bar to open the notification panel, then swipe down further to •… -
Page 160
Settings Wireless Projection You can connect your phone to an external display (for example, a TV) wirelessly. Based on the model and functions of your external display, do the following: If the external display supports Miracast, enable wireless projection on it. •… -
Page 161
Wired Projection You can connect your phone to an external display (for example, a TV) using a wired connection. It is recommended that you purchase the accessories recommended or specified by Huawei from authorized sources. Projection Using a Type-C Cable Prepare a Type-C cable. -
Page 162
On the external display, set the corresponding HDMI, DP, or MiniDP input as the signal source. Huawei Beam You can hold the NFC sensors of two Huawei devices against each other to quickly transfer data between them, without the need to pair the devices or even having to touch to confirm. -
Page 163
Swipe down from the status bar to open the notification panel, then touch to enable • or disable Huawei Share. Touch and hold the toggle to enter the Huawei Share settings screen. Go to Settings > More connections > Huawei Share, and enable or disable Huawei •… -
Page 164
These steps may be different if you are sharing files directly from an app. On the receiving device, touch Accept to accept the transfer. To view the received files, go to Files, then go to Internal storage > Huawei Share on the Categories tab. -
Page 165
One-Touch Printing with Huawei Share When a printer that supports Huawei Share is nearby, you can use Huawei Share to find the printer and print out pictures or PDF files stored on your phone. -
Page 166
• Bluetooth. On your phone, preview the file to be printed, then go to Share > Huawei Share. Once the printer has been discovered, touch its name on your phone, and adjust the settings on the preview screen. Then, touch PRINT to print. -
Page 167
Settings Connect to a Laptop Using a USB Cable Connect your phone to a computer with a USB cable. After the driver is automatically installed on the computer, a drive letter corresponding to your phone will be displayed. On your phone, swipe down from the status bar to open the notification panel, go to Settings >… -
Page 168
Settings Go to Settings > More connections > Printing > Default Print Service, and enable Default Print Service. Select the printer from the search results and follow the onscreen instructions to add the printer. Print Files To print files in Gallery and Notepad, do the following: Print an image: Open Gallery. -
Page 169: Home Screen & Wallpaper
Settings Go to Settings > More connections > VPN > Add VPN network, enter the VPN server name, set the server type to L2TP/IPSec PSK, then enter the server address, L2TP key, IPsec identifier, and IPsec pre-shared key. If the VPN server does not have a DNS address, touch Show advanced options and enter the DNS domain, DNS server address, and forwarding route.
Page 170
Settings Deselect one or more apps, and touch OK to remove them from the folder. If you deselect • all apps, the folder will be deleted. App Drawer You can put your apps in a drawer and display only frequently used apps on your home screen to streamline your home screen. -
Page 171: Display & Brightness
Settings You can still find it in the app drawer. Disable the App Drawer To disable the App Drawer, set Home screen style to Standard. Display & Brightness Brightness, Color, and Color Temperature You can set the screen brightness, color mode, and color temperature according to your preferences.
Page 172
Settings You can touch anywhere on the color circle or drag the spot to adjust the color • temperature. Eye Comfort Mode Eye comfort mode can effectively reduce blue light and adjust the screen to show warmer colors, relieving eye fatigue and protecting your eyesight. After every half hour of screen time, rest your eyes for at least 10 minutes. -
Page 173
Settings Dark Mode In low light conditions or at night, you can enable Dark mode to apply a darker color scheme, which helps prevent excessive screen light from irritating your eyes. Go to Settings > Display & brightness, and enable or disable Dark mode. Adjust Text Style Settings You can adjust the system text size and app display size, as well as the text style. -
Page 174: Sounds & Vibration
Settings Swipe down from the status bar to open the notification panel, then swipe down on it again to show all shortcuts. Touch to enable or disable this feature. GPU Turbo GPU Turbo represents a radical redesign of the graphics processing framework of the phone at its most basic level, integrating hardware and software to achieve accelerated graphics processing.
Page 175
Settings When Do not disturb is enabled, will be displayed in the status bar. You can check for notifications on the lock screen or by swiping down from the status bar to open the notification panel. Swipe left on a notification and touch to delay the notification. -
Page 176
Settings Go to Phone > > Settings > Ringtone or Settings > Sounds & vibration > Phone ringtone. Touch Video ringtones and select a video to preview the effect for incoming calls. Touch Apply to set the video as the ringtone. Set a Ringtone for a Contact Open Phone, touch the Contacts tab at the bottom of the screen, then select the… -
Page 177
10 m (about 33 ft.). Huawei Histen Sound Effects Huawei Histen sound effects, with 3D surround sound support, deliver vibrant and crisp sound to create an immersive audio experience. -
Page 178: Notifications
Settings Auto: Automatically identifies what you are playing and intelligently applies sound effects • to optimize your experience. 3D audio: Delivers 3D spatial sounds. • Natural: Faithfully reproduces the original sounds. • Standard: Requires less power for audio playback. You can also customize equalizer •…
Page 179: Biometrics & Password
Settings If your facial data has not been enrolled on your phone, enabling Hide notification content will hide the notification content on the lock screen. More Notification Settings Go to Settings > Notifications > More notification settings and enable Wake screen. Your phone will automatically turn on the screen when it receives a notification.
Page 180
Settings Go to Settings > Biometrics & password > Fingerprint ID, and follow the instructions to set or enter the lock screen password. Touch New in-screen fingerprint to begin enrolling your fingerprint. Place your fingertip on the in-screen fingerprint sensor. When you feel a vibration, lift your finger then press again. -
Page 181
Settings In the Fingerprint list section, touch Identify fingerprint. Touch the fingerprint sensor with your finger. The recognized fingerprint will be highlighted. Use Your Fingerprint to Access Your Safe Go to Settings > Biometrics & password > Fingerprint ID and enter your lock screen password. -
Page 182
Settings Enroll Facial Data Go to Settings > Biometrics & password > Face Recognition, and enter your lock screen password. Select Enable raise to wake. Touch Get started and follow the onscreen instructions to enroll your facial data. Set an Alternate Look You can add an alternate look for more accurate and convenient face recognition. -
Page 183
Settings You can then touch a locked app on your home screen and use face recognition to access the app. Disable or Delete Facial Data On the Face Recognition screen, you can do the following: Disable facial data for certain features: Disable Unlock device, or Access App Lock as •… -
Page 184: Apps
Settings Change the Lock Screen Password On the Biometrics & password screen, go to Change lock screen password. Enter the original lock screen password. Enter a new password, or touch Change unlock method to select a password type, then follow the onscreen instructions to input a new password. Disable Lock Screen Password On the Biometrics &…
Page 185: Battery
Settings View or Change App Settings Go to Settings > Apps > Apps, and touch an app. You can force stop it, uninstall it, clear the app cache, view and change app permissions, set notification modes, and more. Battery Check Power Consumption Go to Settings >…
Page 186: Storage
Settings When the battery level is not extremely low, but you would still like to save power, enable • Power Saving mode. The icon will then be displayed in the status bar. Ultra Power Saving mode is not available on some devices. If this option is not displayed, it indicates that your device does not support the feature.
Page 187: Security
Password Vault saves your usernames and passwords and autofills them for you each time you log in to an app. This data is hardware encrypted and stored only on your device. Huawei does not have access to it, and will not upload it to the network or server.
Page 188
Settings Disable Password Vault Password Vault is enabled by default, but can be disabled if required. Go to Settings > Security > Password Vault, and disable Password Vault. App Lock With App Lock, you can lock apps containing private data, such as chat and payment apps, to prevent unauthorized access. -
Page 189
Settings Enable Intelligent Protection for Locked Apps If you have enabled App Lock and set Face Recognition as the app unlock method, the system will intelligently detect that it is a different face to normal and provide further security protection for locked apps. If your face is not detected, such as when someone else is using your device, the locked app can’t be accessed again after it is closed unless you verify your identity. -
Page 190
Settings Set a lock screen password for your phone. Go to Settings > Biometrics & password > Smart Unlock, and enable Smart Unlock. Touch to pair with a Bluetooth device, such as a smart band. After the pairing is successful, the Bluetooth device name will be displayed in the Paired devices list on the Smart Unlock settings screen. -
Page 191
Settings Touch Encrypt memory card and follow the onscreen instructions to encrypt the memory card. During the encryption, do not restart your phone or forcibly remove the memory card. Otherwise, the encryption may fail or data may be lost. To decrypt a memory card, touch Decrypt memory card and follow the onscreen instructions to decrypt files on the memory card. -
Page 192: Privacy
If the system runs abnormally in Safe mode, then the system is faulty. Back up your data • and take your device and proof of purchase to an authorized Huawei Customer Service Center for assistance. Enter and Exit Safe Mode Enter Safe mode: During the startup process, press and hold the Power and Volume up •…
Page 193
Settings Manage Permissions to Access Other Private Data You can also manage permissions to access your personal data, such as Contacts, Messaging, Call logs, Body sensors, Calendar, and Camera, to enjoy better services and protect your privacy. On the Permissions screen, touch the permission you want to manage, and toggle the switch for each app on or off as required. -
Page 194
Settings You can move private photos and confidential business files to your PrivateSpace to prevent unauthorized access. You can also move your payment and gaming apps to PrivateSpace to keep them away from your child. Enable and Access PrivateSpace Go to Settings >… -
Page 195: Accessibility Features
Settings In MainSpace, go to Settings > Privacy > PrivateSpace, then go to > Reset password, and follow the onscreen instructions to complete the verification and reset the password. Transfer Data in PrivateSpace to Your New Phone You can quickly transfer your PrivateSpace data, such as contacts, photos, and files, from your old phone to your new one.
Page 196
Settings On the Accessibility > Magnification screen, touch Magnification, then enable it. Zoom in or out by touching the screen three times in a row. While zoomed in, spread two or more fingers to further zoom in, then pinch two or more •… -
Page 197
Touch the blank area to exit. One-Handed mode will not work if Gesture magnification is enabled on your phone. Smart Cover Mode For best results, you are advised to use a standard Huawei flip cover. Enable Smart Cover Mode Go to Settings >… -
Page 198: Users & Accounts
Settings Open or Close the Flip Cover Flipping open the cover will wake your phone and display the lock screen (or Magazine • unlock screen). If a lock screen password has been set, closing the flip cover of your phone will lock the •…
Page 199: System & Updates
Settings A maximum of three user and one guest accounts can be added. Authorize a User or Guest Account to Make Calls and Send Messages You can set whether to allow a user or guest account to make calls, send SMS messages, and more.
Page 200
Settings Download the input method from an official app market. Follow the onscreen instructions to set it as the default input method, or go to Settings > System & updates > Language & input > Default keyboard and select the input method. -
Page 201
On your new phone, open Phone Clone. Alternatively, go to Settings > System & updates > Phone Clone, touch This is the new phone, then touch Huawei or Other Android. Follow the onscreen instructions to download and install Phone Clone on your old device. -
Page 202
The new password is only valid for backups created thereafter. After the backup is complete, you can find your data backup in the Huawei folder in Files > Categories > Memory card. You can go to the Memory card backup screen and enable Auto-backup. Your phone will then automatically back up your data every seven days when it is being charged, the screen is turned off, and the battery level is at least 75%. -
Page 203
Settings Follow the onscreen instructions to set the password and password hint. The data will be encrypted and backed up. The password will be required if you want to restore your data backup. To reset the password, go to the USB storage backup screen, then >… -
Page 204
Settings Go to Settings > System & updates > Reset, touch Reset network settings, then follow the onscreen instructions to reset network settings. Reset All Settings This operation will reset all network settings, fingerprints, face recognition data, and the lock screen password of your phone. -
Page 205
Settings Enable Simple Mode Go to Settings > System & updates > Simple mode and touch Enable. Touch and hold any icon to drag it to the desired location or uninstall it if it is not a mandatory app. Exit Simple mode Open Settings and touch Exit Simple mode. -
Page 206: About Phone
35%. Connect your phone to a charger if necessary. To disable automatic updates, touch on the Software update screen, then disable Auto- download over Wi-Fi. About Phone Legal Disclaimer Copyright © Huawei 2020. All rights reserved.
Page 207
All statements, information, and recommendations in this guide do not constitute a warranty of any kind, express or implied. Please visit http://consumer.huawei.com/en/support/hotline for recent updated hotline and email address in your country or region. Model: ANA-LX4 ANA-NX9 EMUI 10.1_01…
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