Индукционная плита neff инструкция по эксплуатации

  • Инструкции

  • Варочные панели

  • Neff

Независимая варочная панель Neff T56TS51N0

Инструкция к Neff T56TS51N0
PDF, 1.83 Мб

Схема встраивания
JPG, 83.36 Кб

Независимая варочная панель Neff T36FB40X0

Инструкция к Neff T36FB40X0
PDF, 1.35 Мб

Схема встраивания
JPG, 126.03 Кб

Независимая варочная панель Neff N53TD40N0

Инструкция к Neff N53TD40N0
PDF, 1.7 Мб

Схема встраивания
JPG, 139.49 Кб

Независимая варочная панель Neff T56BD50N0

Инструкция к Neff T56BD50N0
PDF, 1.63 Мб

Схема встраивания
JPG, 84.12 Кб

Индукционная варочная панель Neff N43TD20N0

Инструкция к Neff N43TD20N0
PDF, 1.41 Мб

Схема встраивания
JPG, 81.17 Кб

Независимая варочная панель Neff T46TS61N0

Инструкция к Neff T46TS61N0
PDF, 1.55 Мб

Схема встраивания
JPG, 83.36 Кб

Независимая варочная панель Neff T66TS6RN0

Инструкция к Neff T66TS6RN0
PDF, 4.9 Мб

Схема встраивания
JPG, 86.73 Кб

Независимая варочная панель Neff T26CS49S0R

Инструкция к Neff T26CS49S0R
PDF, 8.96 Мб

Инструкция по установке
PDF, 641.49 Кб

Схема встраивания
JPG, 109.56 Кб

Независимая варочная панель Neff T46FD53X2

Схема встраивания
JPG, 102.86 Кб

Инструкция по установке
PDF, 1.26 Мб

Инструкция к Neff T46FD53X2
PDF, 4.17 Мб

Независимая варочная панель Neff T26DA59N0

Схема встраивания
JPG, 157.19 Кб

Инструкция к Neff T26DA59N0
PDF, 650.93 Кб

Индукционная варочная панель Neff T36UB40X1

Инструкция к Neff T36UB40X1
PDF, 3.79 Мб

Монтажный план
PDF, 879.9 Кб

Схема встраивания с размерами (1)
JPG, 66.79 Кб

Схема встраивания с размерами (2)
JPG, 34.64 Кб

Схема встраивания с размерами (3)
JPG, 33.43 Кб

Индукционная варочная панель Neff T36FD40W2

Инструкция к Neff T36FD40W2
PDF, 6.92 Мб

Инструкция по установке Neff T36FD40W2
PDF, 1.28 Мб

Схема встраивания с размерами
PNG, 111.92 Кб

Индукционная варочная панель Neff T58PL6EX2

Инструкция к варочной панели Neff T58PL6EX2
PDF, 8.07 Мб

Схема встраивания
PNG, 44.72 Кб

Индукционная варочная панель Neff T36CB40X1

Инструкция к Neff T36CB40X1
PDF, 3.79 Мб

Руководство по установке и монтажу
PDF, 879.9 Кб

Схема встраивания с размерами
JPG, 69.57 Кб

Схема встраивания с духовым шкафом
JPG, 35.49 Кб

Схема встраивания с выдвижным ящиком
JPG, 23.72 Кб

Варочная панель Neff TR16FD9F1

Инструкция к Neff TR16FD9F1
PDF, 6.01 Мб

Руководство по эксплуатации
PDF, 307.3 Кб

Схема встраивания с размерами
JPG, 67.11 Кб

Независимая варочная панель Neff T16BT76N0

Схема встраивания
JPG, 83.62 Кб

Инструкция к Neff T16BT76N0
PDF, 2.41 Мб

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NEFF T5 L6E Series Instruction Manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

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Related Manuals for NEFF T5 L6E Series

Summary of Contents for NEFF T5 L6E Series

  • Page 1
  • Page 2
    Ø = cm…
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Table of contents [ e n ] I N S T R U C T I O N M A N U A L Intended use ……5 Time-setting options .

  • Page 4
    Test dishes ……49 Produktinfo Additional information on products, accessories, replacement parts and services can be found at www.neff-international.com and in the online shop www.neff-eshop.com…
  • Page 5: Intended Use

    Intended use This appliance may be used by children over 8Intended use the age of 8 years old and by persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental R ead these instructions carefully. Please keep capabilities or by persons with a lack of I n t e n d e d u s e the instruction and installation manual, as well experience or knowledge if they are…

  • Page 6: Important Safety Information

    Important safety information The exhaust air must not be conveyed into a (Important safety functioning smoke or exhaust gas flue or into information a shaft that is used to ventilate rooms in which heating appliances are installed. If the exhaust air is to be conveyed into a non- Warning –…

  • Page 7
    Important safety information Warning – Risk of burns! Warning – Hazard due to magnetism! The hotplates and surrounding area The removable control element is magnetic. ■ (particularly the hob surround, if fitted) Magnets may affect electronic implants, e.g. become very hot. Never touch the hot heart pacemakers or insulin pumps.
  • Page 8: Causes Of Damage

    Causes of damage ]Causes of damage 7Environmental protection I n this section, you can find information about saving C aution! C a u s e s o f d a m a g e E n v i r o n m e n t a l p r o t e c t i o n Rough pan bases may scratch the hob.

  • Page 9: Induction Cooking

    Induction cooking The ferromagnetic area will also be reduced if the fInduction cooking ■ material from which the base of the cookware is made contains aluminium, for example. This may mean that the cookware will not become sufficiently A dvantages of induction cooking I n d u c t i o n c o o k i n g hot or even that it will not be detected.

  • Page 10: Getting To Know Your Appliance

    Getting to know your appliance *Getting to know your appliance Y ou can find information on the dimensions and power G e t t i n g t o k n o w y o u r a p p l i a n c e of the hotplates in~ Page 2 Note: .

  • Page 11: The Control Panel

    Getting to know your appliance The control panel Display Selection sensors Operating status ‹ Main switch Power levels ‚ Š Keep-warm function – Residual heat • œ PowerBoost and ShortBoost functions ˜ PowerBoost and ShortBoost functions ˜ Frying sensor Û Intensive ventilation setting I FlexZone Intensive ventilation setting II…

  • Page 12: The Hotplates

    Getting to know your appliance The hotplates Hotplate Simple hotplate Use cookware that is a suitable size Û Flexible cooking zone See section ~ «Flex Zone» á Only use cookware that is suitable for induction cooking; see section ~ «Induction cooking» Residual heat indicator The hob has a residual heat indicator for each hotplate.

  • Page 13: Operating Modes

    Operating modes ÇOperating modes jTwist-Pad with Twist knob T his appliance can be used in air extraction mode or T he twistpad is the area in which you can use the twist O p e r a t i n g m o d e s T w i s t — P a d w i t h T w i s t k n o b circulating-air mode.

  • Page 14: Operating The Hob Without The Twist Knob

    Before using for the first time Operating the hob without the twist knob KBefore using for the first The hob can also be operated without the twist knob: time Switch on the hob using the main switch. Within the next 5 seconds, simultaneously touch and P lease read the following information before using the hold the symbols for 4 seconds.

  • Page 15: Operating The Appliance

    Operating the appliance Selecting a hotplate and heat setting 1Operating the appliance The hob must be switched on. Select the hotplate. To do this, touch the twist knob T his chapter explains how to set a hotplate. The table O p e r a t i n g t h e a p p l i a n c e in the appropriate area for the required hotplate.

  • Page 16: Chef’s Recommendations

    Operating the appliance Chef’s recommendations Recommendations When heating up puree, cream soups and thick ■ sauces, stir occasionally. Set heat setting 8 to 9 for preheating. ■ When cooking with the lid on, turn the heat setting ■ down as soon as steam escapes between the lid and the cookware.

  • Page 17
    Operating the appliance Heat setting Cooking time (mins) Boiling, steaming, braising Rice (with double the volume of water) 2. — 3. 15 — 30 Rice pudding*** 2 — 3 30 — 40 Unpeeled boiled potatoes 4. — 5. 25 — 35 Boiled potatoes 4.
  • Page 18: Manual Hood Control

    Operating the appliance Manual hood control Automatic start via power levels The ventilation system switches on at a power level in You can control the ventilation setting manually. accordance with the respective power level for the cooking zone. Note: Using tall items of cookware may prevent the extraction system from working at optimum power.

  • Page 19: Flex Zone

    Flex Zone As a single hotplate |Flex Zone Using the entire cooking zone by connecting both hotplates. Y ou can use each flex zone as a single hotplate or as F l e x Z o n e two independent hotplates, as required. Connecting the two cooking zones It consists of four inductors that work independently of The cooking zones are automatically connected or…

  • Page 20: Move Function

    Move function Activation uMove function Select one of the two hotplates in the flexible cooking zone. T his function activates the entire flexible cooking zone, M o v e f u n c t i o n Touch the symbol. The indicator beside the which is divided into three cooking areas and which has symbol lights up.

  • Page 21: Time-Setting Options

    Time-setting options Frying sensor OTime-setting options If a cooking time has been programmed for a hotplate and the frying sensor has been activated, the cooking Y our hob has three timer functions: time will not begin to count down until the selected T i m e — s e t t i n g o p t i o n s temperature setting has been reached.

  • Page 22: Stopwatch Function

    PowerBoost function Stopwatch function vPowerBoost function The stopwatch function displays the time that has elapsed since activation. T he PowerBoost function enables you to heat up large P o w e r B o o s t f u n c t i o n This functions independently from the hotplates and quantities of water faster than when using heat setting from other settings.

  • Page 23: Shortboost Function

    ShortBoost function xShortBoost function zKeep warm function T he ShortBoost function enables you to heat cookware T his function is suitable for melting chocolate or butter S h o r t B o o s t f u n c t i o n K e e p w a r m f u n c t i o n and for keeping food warm.

  • Page 24: Transferring Settings

    Transferring settings sTransferring settings cFrying Sensor T he heat setting and the programmed cooking time T his function can be used to fry food while maintaining T r a n s f e r r i n g s e t t i n g s F r y i n g S e n s o r can be transferred from one hotplate to another using the suitable frying pan temperature.

  • Page 25: Temperature Settings

    Frying Sensor Using a frying pan of a different size or one that is Notes ■ The frying sensor has been configured specifically poorly positioned on the flexible cooking zones may ■ for this type of frying pan. result in the frying sensor not being activated. See Ensure that the diameter of the base of the frying the section on ~ «Flex Zone».

  • Page 26
    Frying Sensor Temperature Total frying time after the signal setting tone sounds (min) 10 — 20 Meatballs (2 cm thick) 10 — 20 Rissoles 8 — 20 Pre-boiled sausages 8 — 20 Raw sausages Fish 10 — 20 Fish fillet, plain 10 — 20 Fish fillet, breaded 4 — 8…
  • Page 27
    Frying Sensor Temperature Total frying time after the signal setting tone sounds (min) 2,5 — 3,5 Potato pancakes 50 — 55 Swiss rösti 10 — 15 Glazed potatoes Sauces 25 — 35 Tomato sauce with vegetables 10 — 20 Béchamel sauce 10 — 20 Cheese sauce 25 — 35…
  • Page 28: Teppan Yaki And Grill For The Flex Zone

    Frying Sensor Teppan Yaki and Grill for the Flex Zone « Teppan Yaki The Teppan Yaki enables you to cook meat, fish, ¬ Grill seafood, vegetables, desserts and bread with very little The Grill adapts to the Flex Zone. You can cook large oil, easily and healthily.

  • Page 29
    Frying Sensor Cookware Temperature Total frying time after the signal level tone sounds (min) 4 — 15 « ¬ Frying green asparagus 10 — 15 « ¬ Mushrooms 2 — 10 « Garlic 2 — 10 « Sweating onions 6 — 10 «…
  • Page 30: Setting Procedure

    Childproof lock Setting procedure AChildproof lock Select the appropriate temperature level from the table. Set an empty item of cookware down on the cooking Y ou can use the childproof lock to prevent children zone. C h i l d p r o o f l o c k from switching on the hob.

  • Page 31: Wipe Protection

    Wipe protection kWipe protection bAutomatic safety cut-out W iping over the control panel while the hob is switched I f a hotplate operates for an extended period and no W i p e p r o t e c t i o n A u t o m a t i c s a f e t y c u t — o u t on may alter the settings.

  • Page 32: Basic Settings

    Basic settings QBasic settings T he appliance has various basic settings. These basic B a s i c s e t t i n g s settings can be altered to suit your individual requirements. Indicator/ Function symbol Childproof lock ™‚…

  • Page 33
    Basic settings Check the cookware and the cooking results ™‚ƒ ‹ Not suitable ‚ Not perfect ƒ Suitable Setting air recirculation mode or air extraction mode ™‚ˆ ‹ Configuring air recirculation mode.* ‚ Configuring air extraction mode. ™‚‰ Setting the automatic start ‹…
  • Page 34: To Access The Basic Settings

    Energy consumption indicator To access the basic settings: [Energy consumption The hob must be off. indicator Switch on the hob. Within ten seconds, touch and hold the symbol for T his function indicates the total amount of energy approximately three seconds. E n e r g y c o n s u m p t i o n i n d i c a t o r consumed by this hob the last time it was used for The first four displays provide product information.

  • Page 35: Cookware Check

    Cookware check tCookware check hPower manager T his function can be used to check the speed and Y ou can use the power manager to set the total power C o o k w a r e c h e c k P o w e r m a n a g e r quality of the cooking process depending on the of the hob.

  • Page 36: Home Connect

    Home Connect Automatic registration in the home network oHome Connect You require a router that has WPS functionality. You require access to your router.If you do not have this, follow the steps for «Manually logging into your H o m e C o n n e c t This appliance is WLAN-enabled and settings can be home network».

  • Page 37: Home Connect Settings

    Home Connect Manual registration in the home network If the symbol no longer flashes in the control panel but, instead, lights up constantly, the hob is Switch on the hob. connected to the home network. Touch and hold the symbol for 3 seconds. The appliance automatically tries to connect to the The product information is displayed.

  • Page 38
    Home Connect Disconnecting from the network Symbol Function D i s c o n n e c t i n g f r o m t h e n e t w o r k You can disconnect your hob from the network at any WLAN signal strength •’ˆ…
  • Page 39: Software Update

    Home Connect Switch on the hob. Confirming settings Touch and hold the symbol for 3 seconds. As soon as cooking settings are transmitted to a The product information is displayed. cooking zone, the cooking zone display, timer display Touch the symbol repeatedly until the •’ƒ…

  • Page 40: About Data Protection

    Warning – Risk of injury! Components inside the appliance may have sharp Declaration of Conformity edges. Wear protective gloves. Constructa Neff Vertriebs-GmbH hereby declares that Notes the appliance with functionality meets the basic Only use a minimal amount of water when cleaning ■…

  • Page 41: Components To Clean

    Cleaning Components to clean Area Cleaning products Glass ceramic Glass cleaner for stains due to limescale and water marks: Clean the cooktop as soon as it has cooled down. You can use a cleaning product that is suitable for glass-ceramic hobs or glass cleaner.

  • Page 42: Ventilation System

    Cleaning You can obtain a suitable glass scraper (article no. Remove the metal grease filter. 00087670) from our after-sales service or through our online shop. Using a special sponge for cleaning glass-ceramic hobs achieves great cleaning results. Ventilation system The filter must be regularly cleaned or replaced in order to guarantee efficient filtration of odours and grease.

  • Page 43
    Cleaning Resetting the saturation displays Cleaning the metal grease filter If you have replaced the activated charcoal filters, you Notes should reset the saturation indicator so that the ” Do not use aggressive, acidic or alkaline cleaning ■ display goes out. products.
  • Page 44: Cleaning The Overflow Container

    Cleaning Cleaning the overflow container Unscrew the overflow container with both hands. Note: Hold the overflow container level to prevent liquid from leaking out. Empty the overflow container and rinse it out. If necessary, unscrew the screw and clean the overflow container without the screw in the dishwasher.

  • Page 45: Frequently Asked Questions (Faq)

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) {Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) F r e q u e n t l y A s k e d Q u e s t i o n s ( F A Q ) Using the appliance Why can I not switch on the hob and why is the childproof lock symbol lit? The childproof lock is now active.

  • Page 46
    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Noises Fan noise: The hob is equipped with a fan that switches on automatically at high temperatures. The fan may continue to run even after you have switched off the hob if the temperature detected is still too high. Cookware Which types of cookware can be used with an induction hob? You can find information on which types of cookware can be used with an induction hob in the section on ~ «Induction cooking».
  • Page 47: Trouble Shooting

    Trouble shooting 3Trouble shooting U sually, faults are small matters that are easy to T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g eliminate. Please read the information in the table before calling the after-sales service. Display Possible cause Solution…

  • Page 48: Customer Service

    Customer service 4Customer service O ur after-sales service is there for you if your appliance C u s t o m e r s e r v i c e needs to be repaired. We will always find an appropriate solution, also in order to avoid after-sales personnel having to make unnecessary visits.

  • Page 49: Test Dishes

    Test dishes ETest dishes T his table has been produced for test institutes to T e s t d i s h e s facilitate the testing of our appliances. The data in the table refer to our Schulte-Ufer cookware accessories (4-piece cooking set for induction hob Z9442X0) with the following dimensions: Saucepan: 16 cm Ø, 1.2 l for 14.5 cm Ø…

  • Page 50
    Test dishes Preheating Cooking Heat set- Cooking time Test dishes Cookware Heat setting Lid ting (min:sec) Cooking rice pudding Rice pudding, cooked with the lid on Temperature of the milk: 7 ºC Heat the milk until it starts to rise up. Set the recommended heat setting and add rice, sugar and salt to the milk.
  • Page 52
    *9001469463* 9001469463 000108(01)

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