После покупки фотоаппарата моментальной печати Fujifilm Instax Mini 9 многие начинают искать статьи в интернете о том, как правильно фотографировать на этот полароид, какой режим выбрать, как снимать на улице и в помещении, и почему фотографии получаются слишком тёмными или, наоборот, слишком светлыми.
По опыту съёмки на Fujifilm Instax Mini 8 и аналогичный ему – Fujifilm Instax Mini 9 – скажу сразу, что, скорее всего, каких-то особенных лайфхайков на тему как пользоваться камерой, вы не найдёте. Также не стоит корить себя за кривые руки и незнание фотографических основ. Нужно просто принять тот факт, что современные полароиды fujifilm – достаточно ограничены в плане условий съёмки и возможностей настраивать режимы. Но есть несколько простых советов, как сделать фото на инстакс мини лучше и чётче:
1. Не забудьте менять режим на основе горящего светового индикатора. После того, как вы включили фотоаппарат, нажав на кнопку рядом с объективом, напротив нужного режима загорится лампочка. Вам нужно покрутить объектив, совместив точечку на нём с горящей лампочкой.
2. Всегда ли нужно использовать те режимы, которые подсказывает световой индикатор? Чаще всего да. По опыту съёмки вне помещения, оптимальными являются режимы «солнечно» (яркое солнышко) и «немного облачно» (просто солнышко). В этих режимах и фон и объект получаются оптимально освещены. Если фото слишком светлые, а вы снимаете в режиме «облачно», переключите на одну ступень выше, то есть на режим «неяркое солнце» (просто солнышко) или отойдите в более тёмное место.
При ясной погоде, а тем более на солнце фото, скорее всего, будут пересвеченными. Спрячьтесь от прямого солнечного света под дерево, включите режим «яркое солнце», постарайтесь, чтобы фон тоже был тёмным (не море и небо, а деревья, тёмная стена, тёмная одежда тоже поможет). А если фото слишком тёмные, переключите на ступень ниже, например из режима «неяркое солнце» в режим «яркое солнце».
Примеры снимков в режимах «домик», «облачно» и «неяркое солнце»:
3. В помещении снимайте только в режиме «домик», при этом вспышка срабатывает не дальше 1.5-2 м. Хорошо на фото получаются 2-3 весёлых лица, не больше. Когда делаете селфи, используйте макро-линзу (у instax mini 9 она идёт в комплекте, но можно также для фана купить дополнительную линзу в виде котика-кролика-машины) и максимально вытяните руку от лица. Старайтесь поместить камеру чуть выше уровня глаз, чтобы не было «плоских лиц». Любители селфи знают, что если поднять поворотную камеру на смартфоне и снимать как бы сверху, получается более естественный автопортрет, чем если снимать снизу или прямо перед собой. К сожалению, у Instax Mini 8/9 нет таймера и автоспуска, что может быть очень удобным при съёмке групповых автопортретов. Если хотите снимать себя с таймером, рассмотрите варианты фотоаппаратов Instax Mini 70 или Instax Mini 90.
4. Ночью фотографировать на Fujifilm Instax Mini 9 нет никакого смысла. Только портреты по пояс со вспышкой. Если хотите снимать ночные огни, подсвеченные здания, и другие элементы big city life, то следует купить фотоаппарат Lomo’Instant и прочитать пару статей по основам фотографии. У Lomo’Instant есть режимы ручной выдержки, разъём для штатива и прочие возможности, но это уже немного «для продвинутых». Более того, у него более широкое отверстие, то есть в темноте при определённых навыках могут получится вполне сносные фотографии. Что не скажешь о fujifilm instax mini. Разве что попробовать поэкспериментировать с Fuji Instax 90 Neoclassic, у которого есть также режим ручной выдержки.
5. Как получить чёткие фотографии на Instax Mini?.. Ну, во-первых, такими чёткими, как фото на смартфоне – снимки инстакс точно не будут. И в этом есть определённое очарование плёночной фотографии. Расстояние до объекта, если вы снимаете без линзы должно быть не менее 60 см (в линзой – 35 см).
6. Я хочу снимать пейзажи на Instax Mini 9. Без проблем! Просто переверните фотоаппарат на 90 градусов и делайте горизонтальные фото. При этом не забудьте настроить яркость и избегайте слишком светлых фонов, которые могут оказаться засвеченными.
7. Можно ли отключить вспышку на моей Instax Mini 9? Нет, нельзя. Но находчивые моментографы придумали закрывать вспышку с помощью чёрной изоленты. Особенно поможет это в случае, если вы делаете фото напротив зеркала. Закрытая изолентой вспышка не будет засвечивать вас и не оставить бликов на стекле. А отклеить изоленту проще простого, если вспышка вам снова понадобилась.
8. Как делать хорошие снимки на Instax Mini 9 дома? Во-первых, фотографируйте только в очень хорошо освещённых помещениях. Желательно, чтобы там даже присутствовал дневной, естественный свет из окна. Потому что искусственное освещение, которое для нашего глаза кажется ярким, для плёночного моментального фотоаппарата может быть недостаточным. Если помещение плохо освещено, используйте режим HI-KEY, чтобы увеличить экспозицию снимка.
Только не забудьте снять этот режим, когда выйдете из дома на улицу – иначе фото на улице получатся пересвеченными.
9. Можно ли делать чёрно-белые фото на Instax Mini 9?
С недавних пор можно! Потому что появились специальные картриджи Fujifilm Instax Mini Monochrome. Цена от 990 руб. за упаковку из 10 фото. Фотографии получаются очень крутые и артистичные.
10. Где купить купить дёшево картриджи Fujifilm Instax Mini или как сократить мои расходы на плёнку?
По правде сказать, это та цена, которую мы платим за возможность моментально получить карточку в век мобильной фотографии и онлайн-общения. Лучший способ сэкономить на картриджах – не повторять ошибок, описанных в этой статье, и заранее хорошо обдумать будущий кадр прежде, чем снимать. Проверить режим, внимательно посмотреть в видоискатель, учитывая эффект параллакса (смещения кадра), не снимать слишком близко, чтобы объект не получился размытым (бабочка или цветок точно не получатся чёткими). Попросить вашу модель не двигаться и не болтать. В общем, ценить каждый кадр также, как и каждый момент в жизни.
Цена картриджей по всему миру практически не отличается, даже если заказывать на aliexpress и других сайтах. Можно немного сэкономить, если заказывать картриджи по 2-3 упаковки, либо в подарочных наборах вместе с аксессуарами. При покупке и поиске картриджей обращайте внимание, сколько картриджей по 10 фото входит в упаковку: один или два. Двойную упаковку картриджей покупать обычно выгоднее. Обращайте также внимание на наличие и стоимость доставки.
Удачных снимков!
Оля Луветау
- Закажите чехол Instax Mini 9
- Или альбом Instax Mini
Купить фотоаппарат Fujifilm Instax Mini 9, картриджи и аксессуары можно в интернет-магазине с доставкой по Москве, Петербургу и всей России.
Parts Name
Film ejection slot
Brightness adjustment dial
Light sensor
Power button
Flash lampface
Flash charging lamp
Back cover lock
Shutter button
Film pack confirmation window
Lens/Lens cover
Back cover
Self-portrait mirror
Film counter
Lens barrel
Battery lid
Strap hook
Brightness indicator
Tabs (Back)
Inserting Batteries
• Use new alkaline batteries of the same brand/type only (AA only).
• Do not use any batteries other than alkaline batteries.
• Replace both batteries in the following cases:
— When the red lamp on viewfi nder lights
— When no lamp lights or blinks even though the power is turned on
• About 100 pictures (roughly 10 packs of INSTAX mini fi lm) can be taken with new batteries.
• The battery performance may be reduced when it is cold. In this case, warm up the batteries to room temperature
before using this camera.
• Use the supplied batteries for validation.
Slide on the battery lid to close.
Push up the battery lid lock, then slide
Insert two AA batteries matching the
off the battery cover.
Loading the INSTAX mini Film Pack
• Make sure that the batteries are installed before loading the fi lm pack.
• Avoid direct sunlight when loading the fi lm pack.
• Do not use any fi lm other than FUJIFILM INSTAX mini fi lm.
• When you load the fi lm pack, never press the two rectangular holes on the back.
• Do not open the back cover until you have used up the fi lm; otherwise, the rest of the fi lm is exposed and turns
white. The fi lm can no longer be used.
• Never use a fi lm pack beyond its shelf life; otherwise, it may damage the camera.
• For details, refer to the instructions and warnings on FUJIFILM INSTAX mini fi lm.
Press down the back cover lock
Hold both sides of the fi lm pack, align the
Close the back cover until the back
to open the back cover.
yellow marks on the camera and the fi lm pack
cover lock clicks into place.
as indicated on the INSTAX mini fi lm pack
instructions, then insert it straight.
Press the power button to
When you press the shutter button, the
After the fi lm cover has been ejected
turn the camera on.
fi lm cover (black) is ejected, and the fi lm
(the camera stops making a sound),
The fl ash charging lamp on
counter display on the back changes from
grasp the edge of the fi lm, then take it
the left of the eyepiece starts
«S» to «10».
blinking. (Indicates the fl ash is
Your camera is now ready to take a
[IMPORTANT] Taking Pictures
Close-up lens
Press the power button to turn the camera on.
The fl ash charging lamp on the left of the eyepiece
Turn the camera toward the subject, then turn
starts blinking. (Indicates the fl ash is charging.)
the brightness adjustment dial to move to the
You cannot take a photo while the lamp is blinking.
position (
Vertical image
Horizontal image
Hold the camera, confi rm the desired composition of the fi nal image,
then press the shutter button.
• Keep a distance from the subject of at least 0.6 m. The fl ash has an
eff ective range of between 0.6 m and 2.7 m.
• The subject will be out of focus using the regular lens if the
distance is less than 0.6 m. Use the close-up lens for short-distance
photography. Using it enables you to photograph the subject
between 35 cm and 50 cm.
• In short-distance photography (including photography using the
provided close-up lens), the center of the subject in the viewfi nder
will be on the upper right on the actual print.
Caution on holding the camera
• For horizontal image, hold the camera with the fl ash lampface at the top.
• Do not take pictures where fl ash photography is forbidden.
• Be careful so that your fi ngers or the strap do not cover the light sensor, fl ash lampface, fl ash, lens, or fi lm ejection
• Do not grasp the lens barrel when positioning the camera; otherwise, the fi nished print may not look as expected.
• Look into the viewfi nder so that the «O» mark appears in the center.
• Be careful not to touch the lens surface when you press the shutter button.
Every time you take a photo, the number
on the fi lm counter decreases from «10» to
When the fi lm has been ejected
refl ect the number of remaining photos,
(the camera stops making a sound),
and «0» is displayed when you have used up
grasp the edge of the fi lm, then take
the fi lm pack.
it out.
Unloading the INSTAX mini fi lm pack
When «0» is displayed on the fi lm counter, unload the fi lm pack following the procedure below and as indicated on the INSTAX
mini fi lm pack instructions.
Press down the back cover lock to
Grasp the rectangular holes on the fi lm pack, then pull
open the back cover.
it out straight.
Using the Close-Up Lens
You can photograph objects close-up, and can photograph yourself using the self-portrait mirror.
• Do not look through the close-up lens at the sun or other strong light. Blindness or vision problems could result.
• Do not leave the close-up lens in places exposed to strong sunlight. Personal injury or fi re could result if the lens should
accidentally concentrate the sunbeams on an object or a person.
• Switch off the camera before you attach/detach the close-up lens.
• Never turn the close-up lens when you attach/detach it; otherwise, the tabs on the back may be broken.
Attach the left tab on the back to the left
of the lens (1), then attach the right tab
(2) so that it clicks into place.
Taking self-portraits
Hold the camera securely
keeping 35 cm to 50 cm
Lift up the right side of the close-up lens
between you and the edge
supporting the left side (1), then detach
of the lens.
it (2).
[IMPORTANT] Taking a lighter (Hi-Key) picture
This camera automatically determines an appropriate brightness for taking any given picture, and informs you by lighting the
corresponding lamp.
To take a lighter (Hi-key) picture, set the position of the brightness adjustment dial to the position of the mode darker than the
mode for which the lamp on the dial lights.
Position at which the lamp lights
Position to set the dial for a lighter (Hi-
Key) picture
Do not use the
(Hi-key) function outside; otherwise, the picture may be much
lighter (whiter) than you intend.
Picture Size
62 mm × 46 mm
2 components, 2 elements, f=60 mm, 1:12.7
Viewfi nder
Real image finder 0.37× with target spot
Shooting range
0.6 m and beyond
Shutter Speed
1/60 sec.
Exposure Control
Manual switching system (LED indicator in exposure meter)
Film Feeding Out
Film Developing Time
Approximately 90 seconds (Varies depending on the ambient temperature)
Constant firing flash (automatic light adjustment) Recycle time: 0.2 sec. to 6 sec.
) where the lamp is lit.
(when using new batteries) Effective flash range: 0.6 m – 2.7 m
Two AA-size 1.5V alkaline batteries Capacity: 100 shots
Power Supply
(Approximately 10 INSTAX mini 10-pack film packs with new AA batteries)
Auto power off time
5 min.
Exposure counter (number of unexposed films), film pack confirmation window
116 mm × 118.3 mm × 68.2 mm
307 g (without batteries, strap and film pack)
* Specifi cations are subject to change without notice.
During operation
Possible Causes
The shutter release won’t
1 The battery power is low.
2 The batteries are not loaded
3 Power is not turned on.
4 Camera has remained idle for
roughly 5 minutes with the
power turned on.
The lamp on the view
● Flash is charging.
fi nder blinks and the
shutter release won’t trip.
The fi lm pack won’t load
1 The fi lm pack is not for your
into your camera, or won’t
load into your camera
2 You are not loading the fi lm
pack correctly.
All lamps on the
1 The battery power is low, and
When you have fi nished taking a
brightness adjustment
it takes a long time to charge
photo, push the lens barrel to turn
dial blink at the same
the fl ash.
2 A more signifi cant issue with
the camera off .
your camera has occurred.
The red lamp on the view
● The battery power is low.
fi nder lights up.
Printed pictures
Possible Causes
The fi nished print looks
1 The method of measuring
over exposed. (White in
the subject brightness is
2 Brightness adjustment dial
setting is incorrect.
3 The ambient temperature is
low (below +5°C/+41°F).
4 The background is too dark in
comparison with the subject.
5 The light sensor or fl ash sensor
window is blocked.
The fi nished print looks
1 The method of measuring
under exposed. (Dark)
the subject brightness is
2 Brightness adjustment dial
setting is incorrect.
3 The ambient temperature is
high (above +40°C/+104°F).
4 The picture was taken with
direct light in front of you.
5 The fl ash lampface was
6 The background is too bright
Hold the camera so that the «O» mark
in comparison with the
in the viewfi nder is on the upper right
of the center of the subject (see the
7 The fl ash did not reach the
illustration above), then take a photo.
8 The fl ash refl ected back from a
mirror or window glass.
9 Grasping the lens barrel
did not let the shutter work
The picture is out of focus. 1 The shooting range is too close
to the subject.
2 The lens is not clean.
3 Your camera was shaken when
taking pictures.
The picture is blurred.
1 Picture was not permitted to
Confi rm the composition using
develop without touching,
the self-portrait mirror, then take
pressure being applied or other
a photo.
interference once it ejected
from the camera.
2 The picture did not come out
The subject in the
● The shooting range is too close
viewfi nder has shifted in
to the subject.
fi nished print.
Information for traceability in Europe
FUJIFILM Corporation
Address, City:
7-3, Akasaka 9-Chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Authorized representative in Europe: FUJIFILM EUROPE GMBH
Address, City: Dusseldorf Heesenstrasse 31, 40549
Country: Germany
Information for FUJIFILM in the United States
FUJIFILM North America Corp.
200 Summit Lake Drive
Valhalla, New York 10595, USA
This product has been designed with safety in mind, and to provide safe service when handled correctly and in ac-
cordance with the User’s Guide and instructions. It is important that both the product and the INSTAX fi lm are handled
properly and used only to take pictures as instructed in this User’s Guide and in the INSTAX mini fi lm instructions. For
your ease and safety, please follow what is written in this User’s Guide. It is also a good idea to keep this User’s Guide in a
safe, easy to fi nd place where you can refer to it if needed.
This symbol indicates danger, which could result in injury or death. Please follow these instructions.
Never attempt to take this product apart. There is a danger of an electric shock.
If this product is dropped or damaged so that the inside is showing, do not touch it. There is danger of an electric shock.
If the camera or the batteries inside become hot, begin to smoke, make a burning smell or show any sign of unusual condition,
remove the batteries right away. Use gloves to keep from burning your hands. Not removing batteries could result in burns or fi re.
Using a fl ash too close to a person’s eyes may for the short term aff ect the eyesight. Take care when taking picture of infants
and young children.
If your camera gets wet or if something such as pieces of metal get inside, remove the batteries right away to avoid heat
buildup or a fi re starting inside the camera.
Do not use this camera in places where there is fl ammable gas or near open gasoline, benzene, paint thinner or other
unstable substances which can give off dangerous vapors. Doing so could result in explosion or fi re.
Store your camera out of the reach of infants and young children. Failure to do this could result in serious injury. (For
example, the strap could become wrapped around a child’s neck and cause choking.)
Never take apart the batteries. Do not subject them to heat, throw them into an open fi re, or attempt to short-circuit them.
Doing so could result in the batteries exploding or splitting open causing burns or fi re.
Only use specifi ed batteries in this product. Use of incorrect type of batteries could cause explosion. Dispose of used
batteries according to battery disposal instructions.
1 Replace the batteries with new ones.
Make sure batteries are stored in a safe, secure place and well out of the reach of any infants, young children or pets. Improper
2 Load the batteries correctly.
storage could result in a child swallowing a battery. (If a child swallows a battery, call a doctor or a hospital right away.)
3 Press the power button to turn on the power.
Do not look through the close-up lens at the sun or other strong light. Blindness or vision problems could result.
4 Press the power button after retracting the lens or press the
Never get this product wet or handle it with wet hands. Doing so may result in an electric shock.
shutter release button to restore the power-on state.
Never take fl ash photographs of people riding bicycles, driving cars or riding a horse. The fl ash can distract the driver and
frighten the animal, possibly causing an accident.
Make sure that the battery
● Wait until the lamp on the brightness adjustment dial is lit
leakage may cause a fi re, injury, and contaminate the environment.
without blinking.
Do not touch moving parts inside the camera. You may be injured.
When using the camera, make sure that the battery cover is attached; otherwise, you may be injured.
Do not leave the close-up lens in places exposed to strong sunlight. Personal injury or fi re could result if the lens should
1 Use FUJIFILM INSTAX mini fi lm only. (No other fi lms can be
accidentally concentrate the sunbeams on an object or a person.
2 Match the yellow line on the fi lm pack with the yellow
Do not swing around the camera. You may be injured.
positioning mark in your camera. Follow the INSTAX mini
fi lm pack instructions.
The «CE» mark certifi es that this product satisfi es the requirements of the EU (European Union) regarding safety,
● Replace the batteries with new ones while the power is
public health, environment and consumer protection. («CE» is the abbreviation of Conformité Européenne.)
turned on (when the lens is extended).
This product is in conformity with Directive 89/336/EEC.
For customers in Turkey:
Replace the batteries only while the power is turned on.
If you replace the batteries while the power is turned off
EEE Complies with Directive.
(when the lens is retracted), the lamps on the brightness
adjustment dial blink after turning on the power even with
For customers in the USA:
new batteries.
FCC Statement
* When the problem is due to reason 1, the lamps on the
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may
brightness adjustment dial turn off after replacing the
not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
If the problem is due to reason 2, the lamps on the
brightness adjustment dial blink even after replacing the
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC
batteries. In this case, turn off the power and remove the
Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
batteries immediately, then contact an authorized FUJIFILM
repair center.
equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruc-
tions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in
● Replace the batteries with new ones.
a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television, which can be determined by turn-
ing the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver
•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit diff erent from that to which the receiver id connected
•Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help
1 Point the lens toward the center of the subject and
Changes or modifi cations not expressly approved by FUJIFILM responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to oper-
measure the subject brightness.
ate the equipment.
2 While pointing the lens toward the subject, turn the
brightness adjustment dial to set the brightness to that for
For customers in Canada:
which the lamp lights.
CAUTION: This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
3 Before taking pictures, place your camera in a warm place
Disposal of Electric and Electronic Equipment in Private Households
to bring it to room temperature.
4 Turn the brightness adjustment dial one step toward the
Disposal of used Electrical & Electronic Equipment
(Applicable in the European Union and other European countries with separate collection systems)
5 When taking a picture, be careful not to cover the two small
This symbol on the product, or in the manual and in the warranty, and/or on its packaging indicates that this product shall not be
windows next to the fl ash on the camera.
treated as household waste.
1 Point the lens toward the center of the subject and
Instead it should be taken to an applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment.
measure the subject brightness.
2 While pointing the lens toward the subject, turn the
By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negative consequences to the environment and
human health, which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste handling of this product.
brightness adjustment dial to set the brightness to that for
If your equipment contains easy removable batteries or accumulators, please dispose these separately according to your local
which the brightness adjustment dial lamp lights.
3 Before taking pictures, place your camera in a cool place.
The recycling of materials will help to conserve natural resources. For more detailed information about recycling of this product, please
When the picture comes out from your camera, keep
contact your local city offi ce, your household waste disposal service or the shop where you have purchased the product.
it away from places or objects with excessively high
In Countries outside of EU: If you wish to discard this product, please contact your local authorities and ask for the correct way of disposal.
4 Take a picture with the light behind you, or turn the
brightness adjustment dial one step toward the
5 When holding your camera, be careful not to block the
fl ash lampface with your fi nger or strap.
1 Your camera is a precision instrument. Do not get it wet or drop it. Also, do not expose to sand.
6 Turn the brightness adjustment dial one step toward the
2 Do not use a strap made for cellular phones or other similar electronic products. These straps are usually too weak to hold your
camera securely. For safety, use only straps designed for your camera, and use only as specifi cally intended and instructed.
7 Take pictures within 0.6 m to 2.7 m from the subject.
3 If you are not using your camera for a long interval, unload the batteries and keep it where it will be safe from heat, dust, and
8 Adjust your position in taking the picture away from the
mirror or window glass.
4 Remove soil and dust from the lens, viewfi nder window, etc. with an air blower and by wiping lightly with a piece of soft cloth.
9 Do not grasp the lens barrel when you take pictures.
5 Do not use solvent such as thinner and alcohol to remove soil.
6 Keep the fi lm chamber and camera interior clean to avoid damaging fi lms.
7 In hot weather, do not leave your camera in a closed car or on the beach, and do not leave it in moist places.
1 Take pictures with a distance of at least 0.6 m between you
8 Moth repellent gas such as naphthalene adversely aff ects your camera and fi lms. Avoid keeping your camera or fi lms in a chest
and your subject.
2 Clean the lens.
with mothballs.
3 Hold your camera fi rmly and press the shutter release
9 Your camera is computer-controlled. If you should experience an operational issue, remove the batteries and then reload them.
button gently.
0 Note that the temperature range within which your camera can be used is +5°C/+41°F to +40°C/+104°F.
1 Do not press onto or fold the picture.
2 Do not block the fi lm exit with your fi nger.
See FUJIFILM INSTAX mini fi lm for fi lm use instructions. Follow all instructions for safe and proper use.
1 Keep the fi lm in a cool and dry place. Do not leave the fi lm in a place where the temperature is extremely high (e.g., in a closed car).
2 When you load a fi lm pack, use the fi lm as soon as possible.
3 If the fi lm has been kept in a place where the temperature is extremely high or low, bring it to room temperature before start-
ing to take pictures.
4 Be sure to use the fi lm before the expiration or «Use Before» date.
● Take pictures with a distance of at least 0.6 m between you
5 Avoid airport checked luggage inspection and other strong X-ray illumination. The eff ect of fogging, etc. may appear on un-
and your subject.
used fi lm. We recommend that you carry the camera and/or the fi lm onto the aircraft as carry-on luggage. (Check with each
airport for more information).
6 Avoiding strong light, keep the developed prints in a cool and dry place.
7 Do not puncture, tear, or cut INSTAX mini fi lm. If fi lm becomes damaged, do not use.
Cautions on handling the fi lm and prints
For details, refer to the instructions and warnings on FUJIFILM INSTAX mini fi lm.
Information for FUJIFILM in Canada
FUJIFILM Canada Inc.
600 Suffolk Court, Mississauga, Ontario L5R 4G4
polarities are installed correctly in the camera. A damaged battery or electrolyte
Наименования деталей
Отверстие для вывода отпечатков
Диск регулировки яркости
Датчик света
Кнопка питания
Лампа вспышки
Индикатор зарядки вспышки
Замок задней крышки
Кнопка спуска затвора
Окно подтверждения загрузки
Объектив/крышка объектива
Задняя крышка
Зеркальце для автопортретов
Счетчик кадров
Корпус объектива
Отверстие для ремня
Крышка батарейного отсека
Индикатор яркости
Язычки крепления макролинзы
Установка батарей
Отведите в сторону фиксатор крышки
батарейного отсека и откройте ее,
отведя в сторону.
Вставьте две батареи AA, соблюдая
правильную полярность.
Закройте крышку батарейного
отсека, задвинув ее.
Установка кассеты с фотобумагой Instax mini
Нажмите на замок задней
крышки, чтобы открыть ее.
Возьмите кассету за боковые грани, совместите
желтые отметки на кассете и камере, следуя
указаниям на упаковке фотобумаги Instax mini,
затем аккуратно установите кассету в камеру.
Закройте заднюю крышку до щелчка.
Нажмите кнопку включения питания, чтобы включить
Индикатор зарядки вспышки слева от окуляра начнет
мигать (указывает на то, что вспышка заряжается).
Когда индикатор мигает, фотографию сделать нельзя.
Когда защитный экран будет выве-
ден из камеры (камера перестанет
издавать характерный звук), возьми-
тесь за край фотобумаги и извлеките
ее полностью.
По окончании съемки надавите
на кольцо объектива, чтобы вы-
ключить камеру.
Направьте камеру на объект, затем поверните
диск регулировки яркости в позицию
), где горит индикатор.
Каждый раз, когда вы делаете снимок, число
оставшихся кадров на счетчике уменьшается
на единицу, показывая количество остав-
шихся кадров. Когда на счетчике отобража-
ется «0», это значит, что неиспользованная
фотобумага в кассете закончилась.
Вы можете фотографировать объекты с близкого расстояния или фотографировать самого себя, используя зеркало для автопортретов.
Присоедините левый язычок на задней
стороне к левой части линзы (
), а затем
присоедините правый язычок (
) до
характерного щелчка.
Держите камеру так, чтобы метка «O»
в видоискателе находилась в правом
верхнем углу кадра (как показано
на рисунке), и сделайте снимок.
Отодвиньте правую сторону объектива
для макросъемки, поддерживающую
левую сторону (
), и снимите его ().
• Не смотрите на солнце и другие источники яркого света через объектив для макросъемки. Это может привести к слепоте
или проблемам со зрением.
• Не оставляйте объектив для макросъемки в местах, освещенных ярким солнечным светом. Это может привести к травме
или пожару, так как линзы могут случайным образом сосредоточить солнечные лучи на объекте или человеке.
• Перед установкой/отсоединением объектива для макросъемки выключите камеру.
• Никогда не поворачивайте объектив для макросъемки при его установке/отсоединении, иначе язычки на его
задней стороне могут сломаться.
Держите камеру так, чтобы
расстояние между вами
и краем объектива составля-
ло 35–50 см.
Проверьте композицию с по-
мощью зеркальца и сделайте
35–50 см
• Используйте новые щелочные батареи одинакового типа (только AA) и одного производителя.
• Запрещается использовать любые элементы питания, кроме щелочных батарей.
• Замените обе батареи в следующих случаях:
– когда в видоискателе после включения горит, не мигая, красный индикатор;
– когда после включения камеры не загорается ни один индикатор.
• С момента установки новых батарей камера позволяет сделать 100 фотографий (это примерно 10 кассет с фотобумагой
Instax mini).
• На холоде заряд батарей может исчерпаться быстрее. В этом случае перед тем как устанавливать батареи в камеру,
их необходимо согреть до комнатной температуры.
• Используйте поставленные в комплекте батареи для проверки корректности.
• Вставляя кассеты с фотобумагой, убедитесь, что в камере уже установлены батареи.
• Не допускайте попадания прямого солнечного света на кассеты с фотобумагой.
• Не используйте никакую другую фотобумагу, кроме Fujifi lm Instax Mini.
• При установке кассеты с фотобумагой нельзя надавливать на два прямоугольных отверстия на ее задней стороне.
• Не открывайте заднюю крышку, если у вас остались неиспользованные кадры, иначе оставшаяся фотобумага
может быть засвечена и станет белой. В этом случае ее будет невозможно использовать по назначению.
• Не используйте кассеты с истекшим сроком годности: это может привести к повреждению камеры.
• Дополнительную информацию см. в инструкциях и предупреждениях на упаковке фотобумаги Fujifi lm Instax mini.
Держа камеру неподвижно, убедитесь, что кадр имеет нужную компо-
зицию, и нажмите на кнопку спуска затвора.
• Снимайте с расстояния не менее 0,6 м. Вспышка эффективно работа-
ет на расстоянии 0,6–2,7 м.
• Объект будет находится вне зоны фокусировки, если используется
обычный объектив и расстояние до объекта меньше 0,6 м. Для съем-
ки на коротком расстоянии используйте объектив для макросъемки.
С его помощью можно снимать объект на расстоянии от 35 до 50 см.
• При съемке на коротком расстоянии (включая съемку с использо-
ванием объектива для макросъемки) центр объекта в видоискателе
будет находиться в правом верхнем углу самого отпечатка.
Предостережения касательно держания камеры
• Чтобы сделать горизонтальный кадр, поверните камеру так, чтобы лампа вспышки находилась сверху.
• Не используйте камеру там, где запрещена съемка со вспышкой.
• Убедитесь, что ваши пальцы или ремень камеры не закрывают датчик света, лампу вспышки, окошко датчика вспышки,
объектив или отверстие для вывода готовых снимков.
• Не хватайтесь за кольцо объектива, когда держите камеру, иначе напечатанная фотография может выглядеть не так, как
вы запланировали.
• Убедитесь, что метка «О» в видоискателе находится в центре кадра.
• Следите за тем, чтобы при спуске затвора объектив не был закрыт пальцами.
Использование объектива для макросъемки
35–50 см
Когда на счетчике кадров отображается «0», кассету необходимо извлечь, как описано ниже и как указано на упаковке
фотобумаги Instax mini.
Удаление кассет с фотобумагой Instax mini
Нажмите на замок задней крышки,
чтобы открыть ее.
Ухватитесь за прямоугольные отверстия кассеты
и аккуратно извлеките ее.
Объектив для
Фотографирование себя
Нажмите кнопку включения
питания, чтобы включить
Индикатор зарядки вспышки
слева от окуляра начнет мигать
(указывает на то, что вспышка
При нажатии на кнопку спуска затвора
защитный экран (черного цвета) будет
извлечен из камеры, а на счетчике кадров
на задней панели камеры появится цифра
«10» вместо буквы «S».
Когда защитный экран будет выведен
из камеры (камера перестанет изда-
вать характерный звук), возьмитесь
за его край и извлеките полностью.
Теперь ваша камера готова к съемке.
Parts Name
Film ejection slot
Brightness adjustment dial
Light sensor
Power button
Flash lampface
Flash charging lamp
Back cover lock
Shutter button
Film pack confirmation window
Lens/Lens cover
Back cover
Self-portrait mirror
Film counter
Lens barrel
Strap hook
Battery lid
Brightness indicator
Tabs (Back)
Inserting Batteries
Push up the battery lid lock, then slide
o the battery cover.
Insert two AA batteries matching the
Slide on the battery lid to close.
Loading the INSTAX mini Film Pack
Press down the back cover lock
to open the back cover.
Hold both sides of the lm pack, align the
yellow marks on the camera and the lm pack
as indicated on the INSTAX mini lm pack
instructions, then insert it straight.
Close the back cover until the back
cover lock clicks into place.
[IMPORTANT] Taking Pictures
Press the power button to turn the camera on.
The ash charging lamp on the left of the eyepiece
starts blinking. (Indicates the ash is charging.)
You cannot take a photo while the lamp is blinking.
When the lm has been ejected
(the camera stops making a sound),
grasp the edge of the lm, then take
it out.
When you have nished taking a
photo, push the lens barrel to turn
the camera o .
Turn the camera toward the subject, then turn
the brightness adjustment dial to move to the
position (
/ / / ) where the lamp is lit.
Every time you take a photo, the number
on the lm counter decreases from “10” to
re ect the number of remaining photos,
and “0“ is displayed when you have used up
the lm pack.
You can photograph objects close-up, and can photograph yourself using the self-portrait mirror.
Attach the left tab on the back to the left
of the lens (
), then attach the right tab
) so that it clicks into place.
Hold the camera so that the “O” mark
in the view nder is on the upper right
of the center of the subject (see the
illustration above), then take a photo.
Lift up the right side of the close-up lens
supporting the left side (
), then detach
it (
• Do not look through the close-up lens at the sun or other strong light. Blindness or vision problems could result.
• Do not leave the close-up lens in places exposed to strong sunlight. Personal injury or re could result if the lens should
accidentally concentrate the sunbeams on an object or a person.
• Switch o the camera before you attach/detach the close-up lens.
• Never turn the close-up lens when you attach/detach it; otherwise, the tabs on the back may be broken.
Hold the camera securely
keeping 35 cm to 50 cm
between you and the edge
of the lens.
Con rm the composition using
the self-portrait mirror, then take
a photo.
• Use new alkaline batteries of the same brand/type only (AA only).
• Do not use any batteries other than alkaline batteries.
• Replace both batteries in the following cases:
— When the red lamp on view nder lights
— When no lamp lights or blinks even though the power is turned on
• About 100 pictures (roughly 10 packs of INSTAX mini lm) can be taken with new batteries.
• The battery performance may be reduced when it is cold. In this case, warm up the batteries to room temperature
before using this camera.
• Use the supplied batteries for validation.
• Make sure that the batteries are installed before loading the lm pack.
• Avoid direct sunlight when loading the lm pack.
• Do not use any lm other than FUJIFILM INSTAX mini lm.
• When you load the lm pack, never press the two rectangular holes on the back.
• Do not open the back cover until you have used up the lm; otherwise, the rest of the lm is exposed and turns
white. The lm can no longer be used.
• Never use a lm pack beyond its shelf life; otherwise, it may damage the camera.
• For details, refer to the instructions and warnings on FUJIFILM INSTAX mini lm.
Hold the camera, con rm the desired composition of the nal image,
then press the shutter button.
• Keep a distance from the subject of at least 0.6 m. The ash has an
e ective range of between 0.6 m and 2.7m.
• The subject will be out of focus using the regular lens if the
distance is less than 0.6 m. Use the close-up lens for short-distance
photography. Using it enables you to photograph the subject
between 35 cm and 50 cm.
• In short-distance photography (including photography using the
provided close-up lens), the center of the subject in the view nder
will be on the upper right on the actual print.
Caution on holding the camera
• For horizontal image, hold the camera with the ash lampface at the top.
• Do not take pictures where ash photography is forbidden.
• Be careful so that your ngers or the strap do not cover the light sensor, ash lampface, ash, lens, or lm ejection
• Do not grasp the lens barrel when positioning the camera; otherwise, the nished print may not look as expected.
• Look into the view nder so that the “O” mark appears in the center.
• Be careful not to touch the lens surface when you press the shutter button.
Using the Close-Up Lens
1 2
When “0” is displayed on the lm counter, unload the lm pack following the procedure below and as indicated on the INSTAX
mini lm pack instructions.
Unloading the INSTAX mini lm pack
Press down the back cover lock to
open the back cover.
Grasp the rectangular holes on the lm pack, then pull
it out straight.
Close-up lens
Vertical image Horizontal image
Taking self-portraits
Film FUJIFILM INSTAX mini filmPicture Size 62 mm × 46 mmLens 2 components, 2 elements, f=60 mm, 1:12.7View nder Realimage finder 0.37× with target spotShooting range 0.6 m and beyondShutter Speed 1/60 sec.
Exposure Control Manual switching system (LED indicator in exposure meter)
Film Feeding Out Automatic
Film Developing Time Approximately 90 seconds (Varies depending on the ambient temperature)
FlashConstant firing flash (automatic light adjustment) Recycle time: 0.2 sec. to 6 sec. (when using new batteries) Effective flash range: 0.6 m – 2.7 mPower SupplyTwo AA-size 1.5V alkaline batteries Capacity: 100 shots (Approximately 10 INSTAX mini 10-pack film packs with new AA batteries)Auto power o time 5 min.
Others Exposure counter (number of unexposed films), film pack confirmation window
Dimensions 116 mm × 118.3 mm × 68.2 mmWeight 307 g (without batteries, strap and film pack)
* Speci cations are subject to change without notice.
During operationProblems Possible Causes Solutions
The shutter release won’t
1 The battery power is low.
2 The batteries are not loaded
3 Power is not turned on.
4 Camera has remained idle for
roughly 5 minutes with the
power turned on.
1 Replace the batteries with new ones.
2 Load the batteries correctly.
3 Press the power button to turn on the power.
4 Press the power button after retracting the lens or press the
shutter release button to restore the power-on state.
The lamp on the view
nder blinks and the
shutter release won’t trip.
Flash is charging.
Wait until the lamp on the brightness adjustment dial is lit
without blinking.
The lm pack won’t load
into your camera, or won’t
load into your camera
1 The lm pack is not for your
2 You are not loading the lm
pack correctly.
1 Use FUJIFILM INSTAX mini lm only. (No other lms can be
2 Match the yellow line on the lm pack with the yellow
positioning mark in your camera. Follow the INSTAX mini
lm pack instructions.
All lamps on the
brightness adjustment
dial blink at the same
1 The battery power is low, and
it takes a long time to charge
the ash.
2 A more signi cant issue with
your camera has occurred.
● Replace the batteries with new ones while the power is
turned on (when the lens is extended).
Replace the batteries only while the power is turned on.
If you replace the batteries while the power is turned o
(when the lens is retracted), the lamps on the brightness
adjustment dial blink after turning on the power even with
new batteries.
* When the problem is due to reason 1, the lamps on the
brightness adjustment dial turn o after replacing the
If the problem is due to reason 2, the lamps on the
brightness adjustment dial blink even after replacing the
batteries. In this case, turn o the power and remove the
batteries immediately, then contact an authorized FUJIFILM
repair center.
The red lamp on the view
nder lights up.
● The battery power is low. ● Replace the batteries with new ones.
Printed picturesProblems Possible Causes Solutions
The nished print looks
over exposed. (White in
1 The method of measuring
the subject brightness is
2 Brightness adjustment dial
setting is incorrect.
3 The ambient temperature is
low (below +5°C/+41°F).
4 The background is too dark in
comparison with the subject.
5 The light sensor or ash sensor
window is blocked.
1 Point the lens toward the center of the subject and
measure the subject brightness.
2 While pointing the lens toward the subject, turn the
brightness adjustment dial to set the brightness to that for
which the lamp lights.
3 Before taking pictures, place your camera in a warm place
to bring it to room temperature.
4 Turn the brightness adjustment dial one step toward the
5 When taking a picture, be careful not to cover the two small
windows next to the ash on the camera.
The nished print looks
under exposed. (Dark)
1 The method of measuring
the subject brightness is
2 Brightness adjustment dial
setting is incorrect.
3 The ambient temperature is
high (above +40°C/+104°F).
4 The picture was taken with
direct light in front of you.
5 The ash lampface was
6 The background is too bright
in comparison with the
7 The ash did not reach the
8 The ash re ected back from a
mirror or window glass.
9 Grasping the lens barrel
did not let the shutter work
1 Point the lens toward the center of the subject and
measure the subject brightness.
2 While pointing the lens toward the subject, turn the
brightness adjustment dial to set the brightness to that for
which the brightness adjustment dial lamp lights.
3 Before taking pictures, place your camera in a cool place.
When the picture comes out from your camera, keep
it away from places or objects with excessively high
4 Take a picture with the light behind you, or turn the
brightness adjustment dial one step toward the
5 When holding your camera, be careful not to block the
ash lampface with your nger or strap.
6 Turn the brightness adjustment dial one step toward the
7 Take pictures within 0.6 m to 2.7 m from the subject.
8 Adjust your position in taking the picture away from the
mirror or window glass.
9 Do not grasp the lens barrel when you take pictures.
The picture is out of focus.
1 The shooting range is too close
to the subject.
2 The lens is not clean.
3 Your camera was shaken when
taking pictures.
1 Take pictures with a distance of at least 0.6 m between you
and your subject.
2 Clean the lens.
3 Hold your camera rmly and press the shutter release
button gently.
The picture is blurred.
Picture was not permitted to
develop without touching,
pressure being applied or other
interference once it ejected
from the camera.
2 The picture did not come out
1 Do not press onto or fold the picture.
2 Do not block the lm exit with your nger.
The subject in the
view nder has shifted in
nished print.
● The shooting range is too close
to the subject.
● Take pictures with a distance of at least 0.6 m between you
and your subject.
This product has been designed with safety in mind, and to provide safe service when handled correctly and in ac-
cordance with the User’s Guide and instructions. It is important that both the product and the INSTAX lm are handled
properly and used only to take pictures as instructed in this User’s Guide and in the INSTAX mini lm instructions. For
your ease and safety, please follow what is written in this User’s Guide. It is also a good idea to keep this User’s Guide in a
safe, easy to nd place where you can refer to it if needed.
This symbol indicates danger, which could result in injury or death. Please follow these instructions.
Never attempt to take this product apart. There is a danger of an electric shock.
If this product is dropped or damaged so that the inside is showing, do not touch it. There is danger of an electric shock.
If the camera or the batteries inside become hot, begin to smoke, make a burning smell or show any sign of unusual condition,
remove the batteries right away. Use gloves to keep from burning your hands. Not removing batteries could result in burns or re.
Using a ash too close to a person’s eyes may for the short term a ect the eyesight. Take care when taking picture of infants
and young children.
If your camera gets wet or if something such as pieces of metal get inside, remove the batteries right away to avoid heat
buildup or a re starting inside the camera.
Do not use this camera in places where there is ammable gas or near open gasoline, benzene, paint thinner or other
unstable substances which can give o dangerous vapors. Doing so could result in explosion or re.
Store your camera out of the reach of infants and young children. Failure to do this could result in serious injury. (For
example, the strap could become wrapped around a child’s neck and cause choking.)
Never take apart the batteries. Do not subject them to heat, throw them into an open re, or attempt to short-circuit them.
Doing so could result in the batteries exploding or splitting open causing burns or re.
Only use speci ed batteries in this product. Use of incorrect type of batteries could cause explosion. Dispose of used
batteries according to battery disposal instructions.
Make sure batteries are stored in a safe, secure place and well out of the reach of any infants, young children or pets. Improper
storage could result in a child swallowing a battery. (If a child swallows a battery, call a doctor or a hospital right away.)
Do not look through the close-up lens at the sun or other strong light. Blindness or vision problems could result.
Never get this product wet or handle it with wet hands. Doing so may result in an electric shock.
Never take ash photographs of people riding bicycles, driving cars or riding a horse. The ash can distract the driver and
frighten the animal, possibly causing an accident.
Make sure that the battery C and D polarities are installed correctly in the camera. A damaged battery or electrolyte
leakage may cause a re, injury, and contaminate the environment.
Do not touch moving parts inside the camera. You may be injured.
When using the camera, make sure that the battery cover is attached; otherwise, you may be injured.
Do not leave the close-up lens in places exposed to strong sunlight. Personal injury or re could result if the lens should
accidentally concentrate the sunbeams on an object or a person.
Do not swing around the camera. You may be injured.
The “CE” mark certi es that this product satis es the requirements of the EU (European Union) regarding safety,
public health, environment and consumer protection. (“CE” is the abbreviation of Conformité Européenne.)
For customers in Turkey:EEE Complies with Directive.For customers in the USA:FCC Statement
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may
not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC
Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruc-
tions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in
a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television, which can be determined by turn-
ing the equipment o and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver
•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit di erent from that to which the receiver id connected
•Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help
Changes or modi cations not expressly approved by FUJIFILM responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to oper-
ate the equipment.
For customers in Canada:
CAUTION: This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Disposal of Electric and Electronic Equipment in Private HouseholdsDisposal of used Electrical & Electronic Equipment (Applicable in the European Union and other European countries with separate collection systems)
This symbol on the product, or in the manual and in the warranty, and/or on its packaging indicates that this product shall not be
treated as household waste.
Instead it should be taken to an applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment.
By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negative consequences to the environment and
human health, which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste handling of this product.
If your equipment contains easy removable batteries or accumulators, please dispose these separately according to your local
The recycling of materials will help to conserve natural resources. For more detailed information about recycling of this product, please
contact your local city o ce, your household waste disposal service or the shop where you have purchased the product.
In Countries outside of EU: If you wish to discard this product, please contact your local authorities and ask for the correct way of disposal.
1 Your camera is a precision instrument. Do not get it wet or drop it. Also, do not expose to sand.
2 Do not use a strap made for cellular phones or other similar electronic products. These straps are usually too weak to hold your
camera securely. For safety, use only straps designed for your camera, and use only as speci cally intended and instructed.
3 If you are not using your camera for a long interval, unload the batteries and keep it where it will be safe from heat, dust, and
4 Remove soil and dust from the lens, view nder window, etc. with an air blower and by wiping lightly with a piece of soft cloth.
5 Do not use solvent such as thinner and alcohol to remove soil.
6 Keep the lm chamber and camera interior clean to avoid damaging lms.
7 In hot weather, do not leave your camera in a closed car or on the beach, and do not leave it in moist places.
8 Moth repellent gas such as naphthalene adversely a ects your camera and lms. Avoid keeping your camera or lms in a chest
with mothballs.
Your camera is computer-controlled. If you should experience an operational issue, remove the batteries and then reload them
0 Note that the temperature range within which your camera can be used is +5°C/+41°F to +40°C/+104°F.
See FUJIFILM INSTAX mini lm for lm use instructions. Follow all instructions for safe and proper use.
Keep the lm in a cool and dry place. Do not leave the lm in a place where the temperature is extremely high (e.g., in a closed car).
When you load a lm pack, use the lm as soon as possible.
If the lm has been kept in a place where the temperature is extremely high or low, bring it to room temperature before start-
ing to take pictures.
Be sure to use the lm before the expiration or “Use Before” date.
Avoid airport checked luggage inspection and other strong X-ray illumination. The e ect of fogging, etc. may appear on un-
used lm. We recommend that you carry the camera and/or the lm onto the aircraft as carry-on luggage. (Check with each
airport for more information).
Avoiding strong light, keep the developed prints in a cool and dry place.
Do not puncture, tear, or cut INSTAX mini lm. If lm becomes damaged, do not use.
Cautions on handling the lm and prints
For details, refer to the instructions and warnings on FUJIFILM INSTAX mini lm.
Information for traceability in EuropeManufacturer: FUJIFILM CorporationAddress, City: 7-3, Akasaka 9-Chome, Minato-ku, TokyoCountry: JAPANAuthorized representative in Europe: FUJIFILM EUROPE GMBH
Address, City: Dusseldorf Heesenstrasse 31, 40549
Country: GermanyInformation for FUJIFILM in CanadaFUJIFILM Canada Inc.
600 Suffolk Court, Mississauga, Ontario L5R 4G4
Information for FUJIFILM in the United StatesFUJIFILM North America Corp.200 Summit Lake DriveValhalla, New York 10595, USA
Press the power button to
turn the camera on.
The ash charging lamp on
the left of the eyepiece starts
blinking. (Indicates the ash is
When you press the shutter button, the
lm cover (black) is ejected, and the lm
counter display on the back changes from
“S” to “10”.
After the lm cover has been ejected
(the camera stops making a sound),
grasp the edge of the lm, then take it
Your camera is now ready to take a
[IMPORTANT] Taking a lighter (Hi-Key) picture
Position at which the lamp lights
Position to set the dial for a lighter (Hi-
Key) picture
This camera automatically determines an appropriate brightness for taking any given picture, and informs you by lighting the
corresponding lamp.
To take a lighter (Hi-key) picture, set the position of the brightness adjustment dial to the position of the mode darker than the
mode for which the lamp on the dial lights.
Do not use the (Hi-key) function outside; otherwise, the picture may be much
lighter (whiter) than you intend.
instax_mini9_rev_sheet_ENFR.indd 1 2017/5/11 15:14:17
Инструкции по эксплуатации
Fujifilm INSTAX MINI 9 инструкция по эксплуатации
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