Инструкция jeep wrangler jl на русском

Manufacturer: JEEP, Model Year: 2020,
Model line: WRANGLER,
Pages: 324, PDF Size: 5.08 MB

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Page 31 of 324

JEEP WRANGLER 2020  Руководство по эксплуатации и техобслуживанию (in Russian) Сиденье пассажира
Помимо функции облегчения входа, си-
денье пассажира также оснащено функ-
цией Tip ‘n Slide. Эта

Page 32 of 324

JEEP WRANGLER 2020  Руководство по эксплуатации и техобслуживанию (in Russian) ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЯ!
и также были пристегнуты ремнями
• При столкновении водитель и пасса-
жиры мог

Page 33 of 324

JEEP WRANGLER 2020  Руководство по эксплуатации и техобслуживанию (in Russian) ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЯ!
• Незакрепленный должным образом
подголовник может сорваться вперед
в случае дорожно-транс

Page 34 of 324

JEEP WRANGLER 2020  Руководство по эксплуатации и техобслуживанию (in Russian) ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЯ!
• Не эксплуатируйте автомобиль, если
на задних сидениях, занятых пасса-
жирами, не установле�

Page 35 of 324

JEEP WRANGLER 2020  Руководство по эксплуатации и техобслуживанию (in Russian) РУЛЕВОЕ КОЛЕСО
Рулевая колонка, регулируемая по
углу наклона
Эта функция позволяет отрегулировать
высоту по

Page 36 of 324

JEEP WRANGLER 2020  Руководство по эксплуатации и техобслуживанию (in Russian) ВНЕШНЕЕ ОСВЕЩЕНИЕ
Фары и габаритные огни
Поверните наконечник многофункцио-
нального рычага до первого щелч

Page 37 of 324

JEEP WRANGLER 2020  Руководство по эксплуатации и техобслуживанию (in Russian) ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ:
Перед включением фар в автоматичес-
ком режиме необходимо завести двига-
Передние противот�

Page 38 of 324

JEEP WRANGLER 2020  Руководство по эксплуатации и техобслуживанию (in Russian) Сигнализатор включенного
Если фары, габаритные огни или огни ба-
гажного отделения остаются включ�

Page 39 of 324

JEEP WRANGLER 2020  Руководство по эксплуатации и техобслуживанию (in Russian) ПРЕДОСТЕРЕЖЕНИЯ!
вы оставите дворники включенными и
они примерзнут к ветровому стеклу, мо-
жет сломаться мот�

Page 40 of 324

JEEP WRANGLER 2020  Руководство по эксплуатации и техобслуживанию (in Russian) Стеклоочиститель/омыватель
заднего стекла — при наличии
Поворотный переключатель в централь-
ной части рыч�

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View, print and download for free: JEEP WRANGLER 2020 Руководство по эксплуатации и техобслуживанию (in Russian), 324 Pages, PDF Size: 5.08 MB. Search in JEEP WRANGLER 2020 Руководство по эксплуатации и техобслуживанию (in Russian) online. CarManualsOnline.info is the largest online database of car user manuals. JEEP WRANGLER 2020 Руководство по эксплуатации и техобслуживанию (in Russian) PDF Download. Сиденье пассажира
Помимо функции облегчения входа, си-
денье пассажира также оснащено �

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Безусловно, бренд Jeep является настоящим бриллиантом в короне концерна FIAT Chrysler Automobiles и локомотивом роста, обеспечивая стабильный приток “кэша”.

Но вот заботливой взаимности от FCA американская марка явно недополучает, иначе как объяснить тот факт, что долгожданное новое поколение внедорожника Jeep Wrangler (кузов JL) постоянно фигурирует в нашей рубрике шпионских материалов – концерну следовало бы получше защищать свои жизненно-важные секреты.

Сегодня же в Сети была опубликована настоящая “бомба” – полная инструкция по эксплуатации нового Jeep Wrangler, опередив на месяц официальный дебют самого внедорожника. Стоит ли говорить о том, что теперь нам известны все особенности экстерьера, интерьера и технической начинки модели.

Среди интересных и неожиданных моментов стоит отметить опциональную автоматически сдвигающуюся крышу и систему раскрепления круза в багажнике под названием Trail Rail Management System, которая включает пару направляющих и фиксирующих рельсов по обе стороны багажного отсека для надежного удержания поклажи даже в условиях движения по пересеченной местности.

Что касается внутреннего устройства нового Wrangler, то будущего владельца встретит полу-цифровая приборная панель и усовершенствованный интерфейс последнего поколения мультимедиа-информационной системы.

Кроме того, стали известны буксировочные показатели внедорожника: для 2.0-литрового четырех-цилиндрового турбированного бензинового двигателя это 907 кг в 5-дверном кузове и 1 587 кг в 3-дверном. Для 3.6 V6 на бензине эти цифры идентичны, соответственно для 3- и 5-дверного кузова.

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Что такое идентификационный номер транспортного средства (VIN)?

Когда транспортному средству Jeep требуется техническое обслуживание?

Когда следует заменять тормозную жидкость на Jeep?

В чем разница между топливом E10 и E5?

Одна или несколько дверей не открываются изнутри. Что мне делать?

Автомобильный радиоприемник не включается, что делать?

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Jeep Wrangler JK 2018 Owner's Manual

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Wrangler JK

2 0 1 8

O W N E R ‘ S M A N U A L


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Summary of Contents for Jeep Wrangler JK 2018

  • Page 1
    Wrangler JK 2 0 1 8 O W N E R ’ S M A N U A L…
  • Page 2
    VEHICLES SOLD IN CANADA This manual illustrates and describes the operation of With respect to any Vehicles Sold in Canada, the name features and equipment that are either standard or op- FCA US LLC shall be deemed to be deleted and the name tional on this vehicle.
  • Page 3
  • Page 5: Table Of Contents


  • Page 6: Introduction

    4 INTRODUCTION This Owner’s Manual has been prepared with the assistance INTRODUCTION of service and engineering specialists to acquaint you with Dear Customer, congratulations on selecting your new the operation and maintenance of your vehicle. It is supple- vehicle. Be assured that it represents precision workman- mented by Warranty Information, and customer oriented ship, distinctive styling, and high quality.

  • Page 7: Rollover Warning

    INTRODUCTION If applicable, refer to the Owner’s Manual Supplement for related information. NOTE: After reviewing the Owner’s Information, it should be stored in the vehicle for convenient referencing, and remain with the vehicle when sold. When it comes to service, remember that your authorized dealer knows your vehicle best, has factory-trained techni- cians and genuine MOPAR®…

  • Page 8: Symbols

    6 INTRODUCTION The detailed index at the back of this Owner’s Manual HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL contains a complete listing of all subjects. Essential Information Symbols Consult the Table of Contents to determine which section contains the information you desire. Consult the following table for a description of the symbols that may be used on your vehicle or throughout this Since the specification of your vehicle depends on the items…

  • Page 9: Warnings And Cautions

    INTRODUCTION WARNINGS AND CAUTIONS VEHICLE MODIFICATIONS/ALTERATIONS This Owner’s Manual contains WARNINGS against oper- WARNING! ating procedures that could result in a collision, bodily injury and/or death. It also contains CAUTIONS against Any modifications or alterations to this vehicle could procedures that could result in damage to your vehicle. If seriously affect its roadworthiness and safety and may you do not read this entire Owner’s Manual, you may miss lead to a collision resulting in serious injury or death.

  • Page 11
  • Page 12: Front View

    10 GRAPHICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS FRONT VIEW Front View 1 — Door 4 — Rear View Mirror 2 — Exterior Mirror 5 — Hood/Engine Compartment 3 — Wheel/Tire 6 — Headlight…

  • Page 13: Rear View

    GRAPHICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS 11 REAR VIEW Rear View 1 — Rear Light 2 — Rear Windshield Wiper — If Equipped 3 — Swing Gate…

  • Page 14: Instrument Panel

    12 GRAPHICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS INSTRUMENT PANEL Instrument Panel 1 — Air Outlets 7 — Power Outlet 2 — Instrument Cluster 8 — Climate Controls 3 — Radio 9 — Lower Switch Bank 4 — Power Window Switches 10 — Power Mirror Switch — If Equipped 5 —…

  • Page 15: Interior

    GRAPHICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS 13 INTERIOR Interior Features 1 — Seats 5 — Switch Panel 2 — Power Window Switches 6 — Transmission Gear Selector 3 — Radio 4 — Climate Controls…

  • Page 17
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE CONTENTS KEY FOB ……19 ▫ Customer Key Programming ….26 ▫…
  • Page 18
    16 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE SEATS ……. .37 ▫ Outside Mirrors ……51 ▫…
  • Page 19
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 17 WINDSHIELD WIPERS AND WASHERS ..57 ▫ Installing The Soft Top — Four Door Models ..79 ▫ Windshield Wiper Operation….58 FREEDOM TOP THREE-PIECE MODULAR HARD TOP —…
  • Page 20
    18 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE ▫ Quick Steps To Raising The Soft Top ..105 ▫ Closing The Sunrider ….164 ▫…
  • Page 21: Key Fob

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 19 KEY FOB Your vehicle uses a key start ignition system. The ignition system consists of a Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) key fob with an ignition switch. Key Fob The key fob allows you to lock or unlock the doors and liftgate from distances up to approximately 66 ft (20 m) using a handheld key fob.

  • Page 22
    20 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE To Lock The Doors And Swing Gate Push and release the lock button on the key fob to lock all doors. The turn signals will flash, and the horn will chirp once to acknowledge the lock signal. Key Fob Battery Replacement The recommended replacement battery is CR2032.
  • Page 23: Ignition Switch

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 21 Refer to “Sentry Key” in “Getting To Know Your Vehicle” 2. Turn the ignition switch to the ACC (Accessory) posi- for further information. tion. 3. Push the key and cylinder inward and rotate the key to General Information the LOCK position.

  • Page 24: Remote Starting System — If Equipped

    22 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE WARNING! CAUTION! • Before exiting a vehicle, always shift the automatic An unlocked vehicle is an invitation for thieves. Al- transmission into PARK or the manual transmission ways remove key fob from the vehicle and lock all into FIRST gear or REVERSE, apply the parking doors when leaving the vehicle unattended.

  • Page 25: Remote Start Abort Message

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 23 • Hazard switch off Remote Start Abort Message • Brake switch inactive (brake pedal not pushed) The following messages will display in the instrument cluster display if the vehicle fails to remote start or exits •…

  • Page 26: To Exit Remote Start Mode Without Driving The Vehicle

    24 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE NOTE: To avoid unintentional shut downs, the system will NOTE: disable the one time push of the remote start button for two • The park lamps will turn on and remain on during seconds after receiving a valid remote start request. remote start mode.

  • Page 27: Sentry Key

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 25 NOTE: Changes or modifications not expressly approved to flash after the bulb check, it indicates that someone used by the party responsible for compliance could void the an invalid key to try to start the engine. Either of these user’s authority to operate the equipment.

  • Page 28: Customer Key Programming

    26 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 3. Insert the second valid key into the ignition. Place the CAUTION! ignition in the ON/RUN position within 15 seconds. After 10 seconds, a chime will sound. In addition, the Always remove the Sentry Keys from the vehicle and Vehicle Security Light will begin to flash.

  • Page 29: General Information

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 27 passenger door, other doors, ignition) after three minutes, General Information the headlights, park lamps and/or turn signals will flash The following regulatory statement applies to all radio for an additional 15 minutes. frequency (RF) devices equipped in this vehicle: NOTE: The Panic Alarm and the vehicle security alarm are This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and quite different.

  • Page 30: To Disarm The System

    28 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE arming period, opening any door or the swing gate will NOTE: cancel the arming. If the vehicle security alarm is success- • Unlocking the doors with the manual door lock plung- fully set, the vehicle security light will flash at a slower rate ers or the driver’s door lock cylinder will not disarm the to indicate the vehicle security alarm is armed.

  • Page 31: Manual Door Locks

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 29 Manual Door Locks All doors are equipped with an interior rocker-type door lock lever. To lock a door when leaving your vehicle, push the rocker lever forward to the lock position and close the door.

  • Page 32: Power Door Locks — If Equipped

    30 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE Power Door Locks — If Equipped WARNING! The power door lock switch is located on each front door • For personal security reasons and safety in a colli- panel. Push the switch forward to lock the doors, and sion, lock the vehicle doors when you drive, as well rearward to unlock the doors.

  • Page 33: Child-Protection Door Lock System — Rear Doors

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 31 Child-Protection Door Lock System — Rear Doors WARNING! To provide a safer environment for small children riding in • For personal security reasons and safety in a colli- the rear seats, the rear doors are equipped with Child- sion, lock the vehicle doors when you drive, as well Protection Door Lock system.

  • Page 34: Upper Half Door Window Removal — If Equipped

    32 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE WARNING! Avoid trapping anyone in a vehicle in a collision. Remember that the rear doors can only be opened from the outside when the Child-Protection locks are en- gaged (locked). NOTE: For emergency exit with the system engaged, move the rocker lever rearward (unlocked position), roll down the window and open the door with the outside door handle.

  • Page 35: Front Door Removal

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 33 1. Roll down the glass window to prevent any damage. Front Door Removal 2. Remove the hinge pin screws from the upper and lower WARNING! outside hinges (using a #T50 Torx head driver). Do not drive your vehicle on public roads with the NOTE: The hinge pin screws and nuts can be stowed in doors removed as you will lose the protection they can the rear cargo tray located under the rear loadfloor.

  • Page 36
    34 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 3. Unplug the wiring harness connector under the instru- 4. Unhook the door strap from the body hook. Be careful ment panel by pushing the tab at the base of the not to allow the door to swing fully open as the mirror connector and pulling down to disconnect.
  • Page 37: Rear Door Removal (Four-Door Models)

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 35 1. Roll down the glass window to prevent any damage. Rear Door Removal (Four-Door Models) 2. Remove the hinge pin screws from the upper and lower WARNING! outside hinges (using a #T50 Torx head driver). Do not drive your vehicle on public roads with the NOTE: The hinge pin screws and nuts can be stowed in the doors removed as you will lose the protection they can…

  • Page 38
    36 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 3. Slide the front seat(s) fully forward. 5. Unplug the wiring harness connector. 4. Remove the trim access door from the bottom of the NOTE: Squeeze the tab on the base of the connector. This B-pillar.
  • Page 39: Seats

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 37 WARNING! • It is dangerous to ride in a cargo area, inside or outside of a vehicle. In a collision, people riding in these areas are more likely to be seriously injured or killed. •…

  • Page 40
    38 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE Manual Seat Height Adjustment — If Equipped The driver’s seat height can be raised or lowered by using the ratcheting handle, located on the outboard side of the seat. Pull upward on the handle to raise the seat, push downward on the handle to lower the seat.
  • Page 41: Heated Seats — If Equipped

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 39 There are two heated seat switches that allow the driver and passenger to operate the seats independently. The controls for each seat are located on a switch bank near the bottom center of the instrument panel. You can choose from HI, LO or OFF heat settings.

  • Page 42: 60/40 Split Folding Rear Seat — Four Door Models

    40 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE NOTE: WARNING! • Prior to folding the rear seat, it may be necessary to • Persons who are unable to feel pain to the skin reposition the front seat to its mid-track position. because of advanced age, chronic illness, diabetes, •…

  • Page 43
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 41 To Fold Down The Rear Seat To Raise The Rear Seat Locate the release lever (upper outboard side of seat), and Raise the seatback and lock it into place. If interference lift it upward until the seatback releases. from the cargo area prevents the seatback from fully locking, you will have difficulty returning the seat to its proper position.
  • Page 44: Front Passenger Easy Entry Seat — Two Door Models

    42 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE Front Passenger Easy Entry Seat — Two Door Models Pull upward on the recline lever (toward the rear of the vehicle) and slide the entire seat forward. Easy Entry Seat To return the seat to a sitting position, rotate the seatback upright until it locks and push the seat rearward until the track locks.

  • Page 45: Tip ‘N Slide Seats — Two Door Models

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 43 Rotate the entire seat assembly toward the instrument Tip ‘n Slide Seats — Two Door Models panel. This feature allows the front seats to be rotated toward the instrument panel to allow easier entry into the rear seats. Driver’s Seat Pull upward on the recline lever and bring the seatback to its full forward position.

  • Page 46: Removing The Rear Seat — Two Door Models

    44 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE Passenger Seat In addition to Easy Entry, the front passenger seat is also equipped with Tip ‘n Slide. This feature allows for easier entry for rear passengers. Pull upward on the recline lever and slide the entire seat forward (Easy Entry).

  • Page 47
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 45 1. Lift the seatback release lever and fold the seatback forward. Folding Rear Seat WARNING! Rear Seat Release 2. Slowly flip the entire seat forward. Do not drive the vehicle with the seat in the forward tumble position.
  • Page 48: Head Restraints

    46 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE WARNING! (Continued) • In a collision, you or others in your vehicle could be injured if seats are not properly latched to their floor attachments. Always be sure that the seats are fully latched. Replacing The Rear Seat —…

  • Page 49: Front Head Restraints

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 47 WARNING! • All occupants, including the driver, should not oper- ate a vehicle or sit in a vehicle’s seat until the head restraints are placed in their proper positions in order to minimize the risk of neck injury in the event of a crash.

  • Page 50: Rear Head Restraints — Two Door Model

    48 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE WARNING! (Continued) WARNING! • ALL the head restraints MUST be reinstalled in the • Do not drive the vehicle without the rear seat head vehicle to properly protect the occupants. Follow the restraints installed while passengers are occupying re-installation instructions above prior to operating the rear seat.

  • Page 51: Steering Wheel

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 49 STEERING WHEEL Tilt Steering Column This feature allows you to tilt the steering column upward or downward. The tilt lever is located on the steering column, below the turn signal lever. To Adjust The Tilt Steering Column 1.

  • Page 52: Mirrors

    50 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE MIRRORS Automatic Dimming Mirror — If Equipped This mirror automatically adjusts for headlight glare from Inside Day/Night Mirror — If Equipped vehicles behind you. You can turn the feature on or off by The mirror head can be adjusted up, down, left, and right pushing the button at the base of the mirror.

  • Page 53: Outside Mirrors

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 51 There are also reading lights located at the bottom of the mirror. Refer to “Courtesy/Reading Lights” in “Interior Lights” for further information. CAUTION! To avoid damage to the mirror during cleaning, never spray any cleaning solution directly onto the mirror. Apply the solution onto a clean cloth and wipe the mirror clean.

  • Page 54: Power Mirrors — If Equipped

    52 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE Power Mirrors — If Equipped Heated Mirrors — If Equipped The power mirror switch is located on the center of the instrument panel, below the climate controls. A rotary knob These mirrors are heated to melt frost or ice. This selects the left mirror, right mirror or off position.

  • Page 55: Exterior Lights

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 53 NOTE: The Daytime Running Light, on the same side of EXTERIOR LIGHTS the vehicle as the active turn signal, will turn off automati- Headlights And Parking Lights cally when a turn signal is in operation and turn on again Turn the end of the multifunction lever to the first detent when the turn signal is not operating.

  • Page 56: Front Fog Lights

    54 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE ignition switch to the LOCK position. To turn the Auto- NOTE: The fog lights will only operate with the parking matic System off, turn the end of the multifunction lever lights or the headlights on low beam. Selecting high beam out of the AUTO position.

  • Page 57: Lane Change Assist — If Equipped

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 55 in the multifunction lever. These lights are also controlled NOTE: automatically by the Illuminated Entry System. • If either light remains on and does not flash, or there is a very fast flash rate, check for a defective outside light bulb.

  • Page 58: Cargo Lamp

    56 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE Rotate the center portion of the lever up to increase the Cargo Lamp brightness of the instrument panel lights when the parking The courtesy and dome lights will turn on in the following lights or headlights are on. cases: when the front doors are opened, when dimmer control switch on the multifunction lever is rotated fully Rotate the center portion of the lever upward to the next…

  • Page 59: Windshield Wipers And Washers

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 57 The rear cargo light may be turned on by pushing the lens. WINDSHIELD WIPERS AND WASHERS Push the lens a second time to turn the light off. The windshield wiper/washer control lever is located on the right side of the steering column.

  • Page 60: Windshield Wiper Operation

    58 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE Windshield Wiper Operation Intermittent Wiper System Rotate the end of the lever upward to the second detent past Use the intermittent wiper when weather conditions make the intermittent settings for low-speed wiper operation. a single wiping cycle, with a variable pause between cycles, Rotate the end of the lever upward to the third detent past desirable.

  • Page 61
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 59 NOTE: The mist feature does not activate the washer Windshield Washers pump; therefore, no washer fluid will be sprayed on the To use the washer, pull the lever toward you and hold windshield. The wash function must be used in order to while spray is desired.
  • Page 62: Rear Window Wiper/Washer — If Equipped

    60 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE If the rear wiper is operating when the ignition is turned to Rear Window Wiper/Washer — If Equipped the LOCK position, the wiper will automatically return to A rotary switch on the center portion of the control lever the “park”…

  • Page 63
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 61 Manual Climate Control Descriptions Icon Description A/C Button Push the A/C button to engage the Air Conditioning (A/C). An LED will illuminate when the A/C system is engaged. Recirculation Button Push and release this button to change the system between recirculation mode and outside air mode.
  • Page 64
    62 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE Icon Description Rear Defrost Button Push and release the Rear Defrost Control button to turn on the rear window defroster and the heated outside mirrors (if equipped). An indicator will illuminate when the rear window de- froster is on.
  • Page 65
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 63 Icon Description Bi-Level Mode Bi-Level Mode Air comes from the instrument panel outlets and floor outlets. A slight amount of air is directed through the defrost and side window demister outlets. NOTE: Bi-Level mode is designed under comfort conditions to provide cooler air out of the panel outlets and warmer air from the floor outlets.
  • Page 66: Automatic Climate Control Overview

    64 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE Automatic Climate Control Overview Automatic Temperature Controls Automatic Climate Control Descriptions Icon Description A/C Button Push the A/C button to engage the Air Conditioning (A/C). An LED will illuminate when the A/C system is engaged. Automatic Operation The Automatic Temperature Control system automatically maintains the climate in the cabin of the vehicle at the comfort levels desired by the driver and passenger.

  • Page 67
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 65 Icon Description quite simple. Turn the Mode Control knob (on the right) and the Blower Control knob (on the left) to AUTO. Refer to “Automatic Operation” in this section for more information. NOTE: The AUTO position performs best for front seat occupants only. Recirculation Button Push and release this button to change the system between recirculation mode and outside air mode.
  • Page 68
    66 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE Icon Description Temperature Control Use this control to regulate the temperature of the air inside the passenger compartment. Rotat- ing the knob counterclockwise, from top center into the blue area of the scale, indicates cooler temperatures.
  • Page 69
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 67 Icon Description Bi-Level Mode Bi-Level Mode Air comes from the instrument panel outlets and floor outlets. A slight amount of air is directed through the defrost and side window demister outlets. NOTE: Bi-Level mode is designed under comfort conditions to provide cooler air out of the panel outlets and warmer air from the floor outlets.
  • Page 70: Automatic Temperature Control (Atc) — If Equipped

    68 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE To provide you with maximum comfort in the Automatic Automatic Temperature Control (ATC) — If mode during cold start-ups, the blower fan will remain on Equipped low until the engine warms up. The blower will increase in Automatic Operation speed and transition into Auto mode.

  • Page 71
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 69 Winter Operation CAUTION! To ensure the best possible heater and defroster perfor- Failure to follow these cautions can cause damage to mance, make sure the engine cooling system is functioning the heating elements: properly and the proper amount, type, and concentration •…
  • Page 72
    70 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE Cabin Air Filter Operating Tips Chart The climate control system filters out dust and pollen from the air. Contact an authorized dealer to service your cabin air filter, and to have it replaced when needed.
  • Page 73: Power Windows — If Equipped

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 71 POWER WINDOWS — IF EQUIPPED The power window switches are located on the instrument panel below the radio. Push the switch downward to open the window and upward to close the window. The top left switch controls the left front window and the top right switch controls the right front window.

  • Page 74: Wind Buffeting

    DUAL TOP — TWO DOOR MODELS — IF • Rear window EQUIPPED • Two rear window roll up straps Please visit http://www.jeep.com/en/wrangler-rooftop- • Two Sunrider secure straps (if equipped) instructions/ for instructional videos. • Two rear swing gate brackets If your vehicle is equipped with a Dual Top, you must 2.

  • Page 75
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 73 3. Remove the soft top bow assembly pivot bracket screws (two per side) using a #T30 Torx head driver. Step Four 5. Unzip the zipper on the sport bar cover to expose the pivot brackets. Remove the brackets using a #T30 Torx Step Three head driver.
  • Page 76: Installing The Soft Top — Two Door Models

    74 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 4. If the soft top has been removed, follow these steps to Installing The Soft Top — Two Door Models reinstall the soft top. If the soft top is on the vehicle, NOTE: The following procedures are for first time set up proceed to step #5.

  • Page 77
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 75 Step Four Step Four CAUTION! Do not overtighten the screws. You can strip the screws if they are overtightened. 5. Remove the swing gate bar (black metal bar for bottom of rear window) and set aside. NOTE: Be sure the wire harness in the left rear corner is not tangled in the soft top bows before you lift the top.
  • Page 78: Dual Top — Four Door Models — If Equipped

    DUAL TOP — FOUR DOOR MODELS — IF • Two Sunrider secure straps (if equipped) EQUIPPED • Two rear swing gate brackets Please visit http://www.jeep.com/en/wrangler-rooftop- 2. Remove the hard top. Refer to “Freedom Top Three- instructions/ for instructional videos. Piece Modular Hard Top — Front/Rear Panel Removal”…

  • Page 79
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 77 3. Ensure the tether strap is secure to the pivot bracket. 4. Using the plastic reinforcement as a handle, slide the Unbutton the side bow tether strap (both sides). tether strap up the side bow (both sides). Step Three Step Four…
  • Page 80
    78 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 5. The tether strap must be hooked onto the pivot bracket prior to removal of soft top from vehicle (both sides). Step Seven 8. Remove the soft top from the vehicle and store in a clean, dry location (another person may be needed to Step Five help with this operation).
  • Page 81: Installing The Soft Top — Four Door Models

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 79 1. Locate and remove the following items prior to hard top removal: • Right and left door frames • Six door frame attachment knobs • Right and left quarter windows • Rear window 2. Remove the hard top. Refer to “Freedom Top Three- Piece Modular Hard Top —…

  • Page 82
    80 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE Step Four Step Five 5. Lower the pivot bracket onto the sport bar bracket 6. Install the pivot bracket bolts back into place using a mounting tab in a downward motion to lock into tab. 10.0 mm wrench or socket driver.
  • Page 83
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 81 7. Remove the tether strap from the pivot bracket. 8. Using the plastic reinforcement as a handle remove the tether strap from the bracket hook by sliding strap up off hook and slide down the side bow (both sides). Step Seven Step Eight…
  • Page 84: Freedom Top Three-Piece Modular Hard Top — If Equipped

    82 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 9. Button the side bow tether strap (both sides). 12. Put up the soft top. Refer to “Soft Top — Raising The Soft Top” in this section. FREEDOM TOP THREE-PIECE MODULAR HARD TOP — IF EQUIPPED CAUTION! •…

  • Page 85: Front Panel(S) Removal

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 83 Front Panel(s) Removal CAUTION! (Continued) NOTE: Left panel must be removed before removing • The hard top assembly must be positioned properly right panel. to ensure sealing. Improper installation can cause water to leak into the vehicle’s interior. 1.

  • Page 86
    84 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 3. Turn the center L-shaped locks (two) from the center of 4. Turn the rear L-shaped lock (located above the shoulder the roof panel. belt anchorage). Step Three Step Four…
  • Page 87: Freedom Top Storage Bag

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 85 5. Unlatch the header panel latch located at the top of the Lay the Freedom bag down so the loops and hooks are windshield. facing downward. Unzip the bag and fold back the outer flap.

  • Page 88
    86 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 2. Unfold the black panel divider (ensure the divider is 3. Insert the left-side Freedom panel into the bag with the laying flat). Secure the Velcro, located at the center of the latches facing upward. divider.
  • Page 89
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 87 4. Unfold the outer flap and zip the Freedom bag closed. 5. Install the seat attachment strap (at the top of the bag) through the loops. Step Four Step Five…
  • Page 90: Front Panel(S) Installation

    88 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 6. Lift the Freedom bag into the vehicle with the hooks and straps facing the back of the rear seat. Attach the clips at the bottom of the bag to the child restraint anchorages, located at the base of the rear seat.

  • Page 91: Front Panel(S) Installation With Rear Hard Top Removed

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 89 2. Install the right panel first, then the left panel. Front Panel(s) Installation With Rear Hard Top Removed 3. Reinstall the panel(s) using the same steps for removal 1. Turn the left and right panels over and move the spacer in reverse order.

  • Page 92
    90 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 5. Open the swing gate all the way to ensure clearance of 6. Locate the wire harness on the left rear inside corner of the rear window glass. Lift the rear window glass. the vehicle. Step Five Wire Harness Connector…
  • Page 93
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 91 7. Release the red locking tab by pulling outward to the 8. To remove the wiring harness push the tab and pull right. downward to disconnect. Red Locking Tab Push Tab To Disconnect…
  • Page 94: Rear Hard Top Installation

    92 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 9. To remove the washer hose, pinch the grips on hose Rear Hard Top Installation connector and pull downward. NOTE: If the door frames are installed from soft top usage, they must be removed prior to installation of the hard top. 1.

  • Page 95: Door Frame

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 93 DOOR FRAME Door Frame Removal 1. Unscrew and remove the door frame attachment knobs WARNING! (two per door). • Do not drive your vehicle on public roads with the door frame(s) removed as you will lose the protection that they can provide.

  • Page 96
    94 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 3. Pull the frame toward you with your rearward hand to remove the frame from the vehicle. Step Four WARNING! Step Three 4. Screw the knobs back into the door frame and fold for •…
  • Page 97: Door Frame Installation — Two Door Models — If Equipped

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 95 3. After the door frame pin has been set into the body side Door Frame Installation — Two Door Models — If hole, carefully set the front of the door frame into the Equipped rubber seal at the top of the windshield.

  • Page 98: Door Frame Installation — Four Door Models — If Equipped

    96 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 5. Starting with the front knob, screw in and tighten both Door Frame Installation — Four Door Models — If knobs. Repeat on the other side. Equipped 1. Install the rear door frame first. 2.

  • Page 99
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 97 3. Position the top of the door frame against the metal 4. Loosely install the rear knob (long knob) to hold the sport bar and push onto the side bar, making sure not to door rail in position.
  • Page 100
    98 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 7. Position the rear of the front door frame to lay on top of 8. Loosely install both knobs beginning with the front the front of the rear door frame. Ensure the seals are knob (long knob).
  • Page 101: Soft Top — Two Door Models

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 99 SOFT TOP — TWO DOOR MODELS CAUTION! Please visit http://www.jeep.com/en/wrangler-rooftop- The soft top is not designed to carry any additional instructions/ for instructional videos. loads such as roof racks, spare tires, building, hunting, or camping supplies, and/or luggage, etc. Also, it was…

  • Page 102
    100 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE CAUTION! CAUTION! (Continued) Failure to follow these cautions may cause interior • Do not run a fabric top through an automatic car water damage, stains or mildew on the top material: wash. Window scratches and wax build up may •…
  • Page 103: Quick Steps To Lowering The Soft Top

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 101 2. Remove the back window. Quick Steps To Lowering The Soft Top Refer to “Lowering The Soft Top” in this section for further information. 1. Remove the side windows. Step Two Step One…

  • Page 104
    102 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 3. Release header latches from the windshield frame. 4. Release the sail panel retainers from the body side channel at the rear corners of the vehicle. Step Three Step Four NOTE: When releasing the sail panel retainers, it is helpful to pull down on the rear roof bow.
  • Page 105
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 103 5. Make sure the plastic sleeves are slid rearward over the 6. As you begin to lower the top, fold the sail panels so that Sunrider link to lock in the link (Sunrider Models only). they rest on top of the soft top.
  • Page 106
    104 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 7. Release the Sunrider latch (both sides). 8. Open the swing gate and lower the top. NOTE: Ensure fabric does not overhang the sides of the vehicle. Step Seven Step Eight…
  • Page 107: Quick Steps To Raising The Soft Top

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 105 Quick Steps To Raising The Soft Top Refer to “Raising The Soft Top” in this section for further information. 1. Open the swing gate and raise the top, engaging the Sunrider latches (another person may be needed to help with this operation).

  • Page 108
    106 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 2. Engage header latches. 3. Install rear corner panels. Step Two Step Three…
  • Page 109
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 107 4. Install the back window. 5. Install the side windows. 6. To install the side windows, affix the window tempo- rarily by attaching to the Velcro in the rear corner. Start the zipper but close only about 1 inch (2.5 cm). Step Four Step Six…
  • Page 110
    108 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 7. Insert the front retainer of the window into the door channel, making sure the retainer is fully seated and properly positioned on the door frame. Failure to do so can result in wind and water leaks or damage to the window.
  • Page 111
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 109 8. Insert the retainer along the bottom edge of the window into the bottom side channel, beginning at the front and working to the rear of the vehicle. Finish by closing the zipper completely and attaching the Velcro along the top and rear of the window.
  • Page 112: Lowering The Soft Top

    110 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE Lowering The Soft Top Side View Top And Components 1 — 3–Bow 6 — Bottom Retainer — Quarter Window 2 — 2–Bow 7 — Quarter Window 3 — Header Bow 8 — Sail Panel 4 —…

  • Page 113
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 111 Rear View Top And Components 1 — Sail Panels 2 — Zipper Finish 3 — Swing Gate Bar 4 — Zipper Start 5 — Swing Gate Brackets…
  • Page 114
    112 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE NOTE: Clean side and rear windows before removal to assist in preventing scratching during removal of the soft top. If zippers are difficult to operate due to road dust, etc., clean them with a mild soap solution and a small brush. Cleaning products are available through your authorized dealer.
  • Page 115
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 113 4. Open the swing gate. 6. Unzip the rear window starting at the right lower corner of the window. Pull the zipper up, across the top and 5. Before unzipping the rear window, release the first 3 down to the left lower corner.
  • Page 116
    114 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 7. Remove the rear window retainer from the swing gate 9. Undo the Velcro that runs along the top and rear edge of bracket on both the left and right sides. the side window. 10.
  • Page 117
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 115 11. Once unzipped, remove the side window retainers 13. As you begin to lower the top, fold the sail panels so from the door channel and body side channel. Repeat that they rest on top of the soft top. this step on the opposite side.
  • Page 118
    116 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 14. The swing gate brackets do not need to be removed 15. Completely release the latches from the loops on the unless the hard top is being installed. To remove the windshield frame. If your vehicle is not equipped swing gate brackets, pull the front of the bracket with the Sunrider package, proceed to Step 18.
  • Page 119
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 117 16. Make sure the plastic sleeves are slid rearward over the 17. Unlatch the side bows from both door rails (Sunrider Sunrider link to lock in the link (Sunrider Models Models only). only). Step Seventeen 18.
  • Page 120
    118 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE NOTE: Help from another person will ease this operation. 19. Tuck the fabric and the check straps between the bows and as far inward as possible. This will keep any portion of the top from flapping outside of the vehicle. Step Eighteen Step Nineteen 20.
  • Page 121: Raising The Soft Top

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 119 4. Standing on the side of the vehicle, lift the top by the Raising The Soft Top side bow and the 2–bow (middle bow) up and over the 1. Unclip and move the sun visors to the side. sports bar until the header rests on the top of the 2.

  • Page 122
    120 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 5. Make sure the Sunrider bracket on the side bows latches 6. Open the header latches and engage the hook on each to the door rails (Sunrider Models only). side onto the windshield loops (do not close the latches). Step Five Step Six…
  • Page 123
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 121 7. If the swing gate brackets were removed, install them by 8. Move to the rear of the vehicle and gently pull the sail hooking the rear edge of the bracket on the interior side panels over the rear roof bow.
  • Page 124
    122 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 9. Partially install the sail panel retainers into the body 10. To install the side windows, affix the window tempo- side channel, leaving the last 3 inches (7.6 cm) toward rarily by attaching to the Velcro in the rear corner. Start the rear window loose (on both sides).
  • Page 125
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 123 11. Insert the front retainer of the window into the door channel, making sure the retainer is fully seated and properly positioned on the door frame. Failure to do so can result in wind and water leaks or damage to the window.
  • Page 126
    124 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 12. Insert the retainer along the bottom edge of the win- dow into the bottom side channel, beginning at the front and working to the rear of the vehicle. Finish by closing the zipper completely and attaching the Velcro along the top and rear of the window.
  • Page 127
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 125 13. Locate the black swing gate bar. Slide the swing gate 14. Install the rear window by starting both zipper ends at bar over the receiver at the bottom inside of the rear the lower left corner of the rear window opening. window.
  • Page 128
    126 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 16. Grasp the swing gate bar and position it into the swing gate brackets. Step Fourteen 15. Run the zipper fully around to the right side of the window. Step Sixteen…
  • Page 129: Sunrider (Two Door Models) — If Equipped

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 127 17. Insert the rear window retainer into the swing gate bracket on both the left and right sides. Step Nineteen SUNRIDER (TWO DOOR MODELS) — IF EQUIPPED Step Seventeen 18. Apply downward pressure on the top corner of the rear CAUTION! soft top bow (3–bow), then complete attaching the sail Operating the top, opening a door or lowering a…

  • Page 130: Opening The Sunrider

    128 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE Opening The Sunrider 1. Unclip and move the sun visors to the side. 2. Release the header latches from the loops on the wind- shield frame. Step Three 4. Grasp the header and lift the top back. Make sure the material is folded back as shown.

  • Page 131
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 129 Step Four Step Five 5. Locate the straps to secure the side bows. Wrap the 6. Reposition the sun visors. straps around the bows as shown. Repeat on the other side.
  • Page 132: Closing The Sunrider

    5. Slide the plastic sleeve rearward over the Sunrider link. CAUTION! SOFT TOP — FOUR DOOR MODELS Please visit http://www.jeep.com/en/wrangler-rooftop- The soft top is not designed to carry any additional instructions/ for instructional videos. loads such as roof racks, spare tires, building, hunting, or camping supplies, and/or luggage, etc.

  • Page 133
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 131 Place the vehicle in a warm area. Pull steadily on the top CAUTION! (Continued) fabric. The vinyl will stretch back to its original size and the • Do not use any tools (screwdrivers, etc.) to pry or top can then be snapped into place.
  • Page 134: Quick Steps For Lowering The Soft Top

    132 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE NOTE: Do not remove any of the three attachment knobs Quick Steps For Lowering The Soft Top unless you are planning on installing the hard top. 1. Remove the side windows. Attachment Knobs Step One 2.

  • Page 135
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 133 NOTE: Start zipper from the right side to remove back 3. Release header latches from the windshield frame. window. Step Three Step Two…
  • Page 136
    134 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 4. Release the sail panel retainers from the body side 5. Fold the sail panels so that they rest on top of the soft channel at the rear corners of the vehicle. top. Step Four Step Five NOTE: When releasing the sail panel retainers, it is helpful to pull down on the rear roof bow.
  • Page 137
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 135 6. Fold header rearward, pulling the fabric to the rear. Step Six Step Six…
  • Page 138
    136 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 7. Release Sunrider latch (both sides). Step Eight NOTE: Ensure the fabric does not overhang the sides of the Step Seven vehicle. 8. Open the swing gate and lower the top.
  • Page 139: Quick Steps For Raising The Soft Top

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 137 Quick Steps For Raising The Soft Top 1. Open the swing gate and raise the top, engaging the Sunrider latches (another person may be needed to help with this operation). Step One Step One…

  • Page 140
    138 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 2. Install rear corner panels. 3. Rotate the header forward. Step Two Step Three…
  • Page 141
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 139 4. Engage the header latches. 5. Install the back window. Step Four Step Five…
  • Page 142
    140 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 6. Install the side windows. 7. To install the side windows, affix the window tempo- rarily by attaching to the Velcro in the rear corner. Start the zipper but close only about 1 inch (2.5 cm). Step Six Step Seven…
  • Page 143
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 141 8. Insert the front retainer of the window into the door 9. Insert the retainer along the bottom edge of the window channel, making sure the retainer is fully seated and into the bottom side channel, beginning at the front and properly positioned on the door frame.
  • Page 144: Lowering The Soft Top

    142 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE Lowering The Soft Top Side View Top And Components 1 — 4–Bow 6 — Quarter Window 2 — 3–Bow 7 — Body Side Retainer 3 — 2–Bow 8 — Bottom Retainer — Quarter Window 4 —…

  • Page 145
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 143 Rear View Top And Components 1 — Sail Panels 2 — Zipper Finish 3 — Swing Gate Bar 4 — Zipper Start 5 — Swing Gate Brackets…
  • Page 146
    144 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE NOTE: Clean side and rear windows before removal to assist in preventing scratching during removal of the soft top. If zippers are difficult to operate due to road dust, etc., clean them with a mild soap solution and a small brush. Cleaning products are available through your authorized dealer.
  • Page 147
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 145 4. Open the swing gate. 6. Unzip the rear window starting at the right lower corner of the window. Pull the zipper up, across the top and 5. Before unzipping the rear window, release the first 3 down to the left lower corner.
  • Page 148
    146 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 7. Remove the rear window retainer from the swing gate 8. Stow the windows carefully to avoid scratching. bracket on both the left and right sides. 9. Undo the Velcro that runs along the top and rear edge of the side window.
  • Page 149
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 147 11. Once unzipped, remove the side window retainers 13. Fold the sail panels so that they rest on top of the soft from the door channel and body side channel. Repeat top. this step on the opposite side. 12.
  • Page 150
    148 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 14. The swing gate brackets do not need to be removed 15. Grasp the front side bow behind the header, and lift the unless the hard top is being installed. To remove the top. swing gate brackets, pull the front of the bracket forward while rolling the entire bracket back in toward the vehicle to disengage.
  • Page 151
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 149 16. Fold back the front section of the top, pulling the fabric 17. Fold the top so that the material forms a W as shown. rearward. Gently rest the header on top of the rear Enter the vehicle and move the material into two folds.
  • Page 152
    150 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 18. Release the side bows by pushing down on the latch 19. Before lowering the top, open the swing gate to prevent above the front of the rear door. Push the top rearward possible damage to the rear center high-mounted brake to disengage.
  • Page 153
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 151 20. Gently slide the side bows off the door frame track and 22. Once the top is fully down, use the Velcro straps lower the top down into the vehicle. provided to secure the top to the vehicle by wrapping the strap around the side bows and through the slot on NOTE: Help from another person will ease this operation.
  • Page 154: Raising The Soft Top

    152 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE Raising The Soft Top NOTE: Be extremely careful when putting up the soft top to prevent the doors from getting scratched. It may be helpful to open the rear doors. 1. Install the door frames, if removed. Refer to “Door Frame”…

  • Page 155
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 153 5. Insert the slider feature of the knuckles into the door 6. Ensure that the top locks into the Sunrider locking frame tracks and slide the top forward. mechanisms that are located above the front of the rear doors.
  • Page 156
    154 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 7. Unclip and move the sun visors to the side. 9. Open the header latches and engage the hook on each side onto the windshield loops (do not close the latches). 8. Standing on the side of the vehicle, lift the top by the side bow until it rests on the windshield frame.
  • Page 157
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 155 10. If the swing gate brackets were removed, install them 11. Ensure that the straps are positioned correctly before by hooking the rear edge of the bracket on the interior pulling the sail panels over the rear roof bow (4–bow). side of the body channel.
  • Page 158
    156 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE Partially install the sail panel retainers into the body side 12. To install the side windows, affix the window tempo- channel, leaving the last 3 inches (7.6 cm) toward the rear rarily by attaching it to the Velcro in the upper rear window loose (on both sides).
  • Page 159
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 157 13. Insert the front retainer of the window into the door channel, making sure the retainer is fully seated and properly positioned on the door frame. Failure to do so can result in wind and water leaks or damage to the window.
  • Page 160
    158 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 14. Insert the retainer along the bottom edge of the win- dow into the bottom side channel, beginning at the front and working to the rear of the vehicle. Finish by closing the zipper completely and attaching the Velcro along the top and rear of the window.
  • Page 161
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 159 15. Locate the black swing gate bar. Slide the swing gate 16. Install the rear window by starting both zipper ends at bar over the receiver at the bottom inside of the rear the lower left corner of the rear window opening. window.
  • Page 162
    160 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 17. Run the first zipper fully around to the right side of the 19. Insert the rear window retainer into the swing gate window. bracket on both the left and right sides. 18. Grasp the swing gate bar and position it into the swing gate brackets.
  • Page 163: Sunrider (Four Door Models) — If Equipped

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 161 20. Complete the installation of the sail panel by inserting SUNRIDER (FOUR DOOR MODELS) — IF the rest of the retainer into the body channel. EQUIPPED 21. Close the header latches and return the sun visors to CAUTION! their secured position.

  • Page 164: Opening The Sunrider

    162 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 3. Grasp the front side bow behind the header, and lift the Opening The Sunrider top. 1. Unclip and move the sun visors to the side. 2. Release the header latches from the loops on the wind- shield frame.

  • Page 165
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 163 4. Fold back the front section of the top and gently rest the 5. Fold the top so that the material forms a W as shown. header on top of the rear portion of the deck. Enter the vehicle and move the material into two folds.
  • Page 166: Closing The Sunrider

    164 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 6. Secure the top by using the two provided straps. Each FOLDING WINDSHIELD strap will wrap around the side bow and Velcro to itself; The fold-down windshield and removable side bars on use one strap on each side of the vehicle. your vehicle are structural elements that can provide some protection in some accidents.

  • Page 167: Lowering The Windshield And Removing Side Bars

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 165 Outside rearview mirrors are mounted on the doors. If you Lowering The Windshield And Removing Side Bars choose to remove the doors, see your authorized dealer for 1. Lower the fabric top or remove the hard top following a replacement cowl-mounted outside mirror.

  • Page 168
    166 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 4. Remove the A-pillar cap. CAUTION! 5. Disconnect microphone (if equipped with Uconnect Do not remove the head impact foam from the side phone). bars, as damage to the foam may result. 6. Open the sport bar Velcro covering. NOTE: Store all of the mounting bolts in their original 7.
  • Page 169: Raising The Windshield And Replacing Side Bars

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 167 position. Unsnap the wiper arm nut caps, and remove 12. Lower the windshield gently until it contacts the the retaining nuts. Lift the wiper arms off and store rubber hood bumpers. them in the center console or securely behind the rear 13.

  • Page 170
    168 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 2. Loosely attach the rear of the side bar to the sport bar. 5. Install the top two hex bolts (13 mm) first, then the lower Refer to Step 4 of “Lowering Windshield And Removing side hex bolt (13 mm).
  • Page 171: Hood

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 169 7. Install the lower windshield plates with the six black HOOD round-headed Torx head screws (using a #40 Torx head Opening The Hood driver) on each side of the base of the windshield. Release both the hood latches. Step Seven 8.

  • Page 172: Closing The Hood

    170 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE Closing The Hood To close the hood, remove the support rod from the hood panel and place it in the retaining clip. Lower the hood slowly. Secure both of the hood latches. WARNING! Be sure the hood is fully latched before driving your vehicle.

  • Page 173: Internal Equipment

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 171 Console Storage Compartment CAUTION! To lock or unlock the storage compartment, insert the Do not push on rear wiper blade when closing the rear ignition key and turn. To open the storage compartment, flip-up window, as damage to the blade will result. push the latch and lift the cover.

  • Page 174
    172 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE There is an extra storage area underneath the console lid. 1. Flip up the pull loop so it is perpendicular (straight up) The console lid has an integrated paper clip feature that to the top surface of the tray. can hold small items.
  • Page 175: Cupholders

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 173 Cupholders The front cupholders are located in the center console. Rear Cupholders Electrical Power Outlets There are two 12 Volt (13 Amp) auxiliary power outlets that Front Cupholders can provide power for accessories designed for use with The rear cupholders are located on the back of the center the standard power outlet adapters.

  • Page 176
    174 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE CAUTION! • Do not exceed the maximum power of 160 Watts (13 Amps) at 12 Volts. If the 160 Watt (13 Amp) power rating is exceeded the fuse protecting the system will need to be replaced. •…
  • Page 177
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 175 On vehicles equipped with a rear subwoofer, there is a third power outlet located in the right rear cargo area. Power Outlet Fuse Locations 1 — M36 Fuse 20 A Yellow Power Outlet Console Bin Rear Power Outlet —…
  • Page 178: Power Inverter — If Equipped

    176 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE Power Inverter — If Equipped CAUTION! There is a 115 Volt, 150 Watt inverter outlet located on the • Many accessories that can be plugged in draw power front of the center console to convert DC current to AC from the vehicle’s battery, even when not in use (i.e., current.

  • Page 179
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VEHICLE 177 power inverter may have to be reset manually. To reset the WARNING! inverter manually, push the power inverter button to turn it off and then push it again to turn it back on. To avoid To avoid serious injury or death: overloading the circuit, check the power ratings on electri- •…
  • Page 181
  • Page 182: Instrument Cluster

    180 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL INSTRUMENT CLUSTER Instrument Cluster • The fuel pump symbol points to the side of the Instrument Cluster Descriptions vehicle where the fuel filler door is located. 1. Fuel Gauge 2. Speedometer • The pointer shows the level of fuel in the fuel tank •…

  • Page 183
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL 181 3. Tachometer CAUTION! • Indicates the engine speed in revolutions per minute (RPM x 1000). Driving with a hot engine cooling system could dam- age your vehicle. If the temperature gauge reads “H” CAUTION! pull over and stop the vehicle.
  • Page 184: Instrument Cluster Display — If Equipped

    182 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL mileage was before the repair or service. It is a good idea 7. Instrument Cluster Display / Compass Mini-Trip for you to make a record of the odometer reading before Computer Display — If Equipped the repair/service, so that you can be sure that it is •…

  • Page 185: Instrument Cluster Display Location And Controls

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL 183 This system conveniently allows the driver to select a Instrument Cluster Display Location And Controls variety of useful information by pushing the switches The instrument cluster display features a driver-interactive mounted on the steering wheel. The instrument cluster display that is located in the instrument cluster.

  • Page 186
    184 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL The system allows the driver to select information by Upon reaching the last item in the Main Menu the instru- pushing the following buttons mounted on the steering ment cluster display will advance to the first item in the wheel: Main Menu with the next MENU button push and release.
  • Page 187: Instrument Cluster Display Messages

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL 185 • Door Open (with vehicle graphic showing which door is Instrument Cluster Display Messages open. A single chime sounds if the vehicle is in motion) When the appropriate conditions exist, the instrument cluster will display the following messages: •…

  • Page 188: Instrument Cluster Display Menu Items

    186 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL MENU button. To reset the oil change indicator system Compass, Outside Temperature Display / ECO (Fuel (after performing the scheduled maintenance), perform the Saver Mode) — If Equipped following procedure: The compass readings indicate the direction the vehicle is facing.

  • Page 189
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL 187 2. Push the MENU button until Personal Settings Automatic Compass Calibration (Customer-Programmable Features) displays in the in- This compass is self-calibrating, which eliminates the need strument cluster display. to set the compass manually. When the vehicle is new, the compass may appear erratic, and the instrument cluster 3.
  • Page 190
    188 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL 4. Push and release the right arrow button until the proper variance zone is selected according to the map. 5. Push and release the COMPASS button to exit. Digital Speedometer Shows the actual vehicle speed in mph or km/h. Average Fuel Economy Shows the average fuel economy since the last reset.
  • Page 191
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL 189 When the DTE value is less than 30 miles (48 km) estimated Vehicle Information driving distance, the DTE display will change to a text Push and release the MENU button until “Vehicle Infor- display of LOW FUEL.”…
  • Page 192
    190 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL and the navigation system (if equipped). Push the right System Warnings arrow button while in this display to select English, Displays “SYSTEM OK” if there are no active Warning Espanol or Francais. Then, as you continue, the informa- Messages stored.
  • Page 193
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL 191 unlock button. To make your selection, push and release Headlamps With Wipers (Available With Auto the right arrow button until “Driver Door 1st Press” or “All Headlights Only) Doors 1st Press” appears. When on is selected, and the headlight switch is in the AUTO position, the headlights will turn on approximately Sound Horn With Lock 10 seconds after the wipers are turned on.
  • Page 194
    192 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL Illumin. Approach Nav–Turn By Turn — If Equipped When this feature is selected, the headlights will activate When on enables display of Navigation System street and remain on for up to 90 seconds when the doors are name, turn direction, and distance to turn information in unlocked with the key fob.
  • Page 195: Warning Lights And Messages

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL 193 WARNING LIGHTS AND MESSAGES — Brake Warning Light The warning/indicator lights will illuminate in the instru- This light monitors various brake functions, including ment panel together with a dedicated message and/or brake fluid level and parking brake application. If the acoustic signal when applicable.

  • Page 196
    194 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL NOTE: The light may flash momentarily during sharp The light also will turn on when the parking brake is cornering maneuvers, which change fluid level conditions. applied with the ignition switch in the ON/RUN position. The vehicle should have service performed, and the brake NOTE: This light shows only that the parking brake is fluid level checked.
  • Page 197
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL 195 — Electronic Throttle Control (ETC) Warning — Oil Pressure Warning Light Light This warning light will illuminate to indicate low engine This warning light will illuminate to inform of a problem oil pressure. If the light turns on while driving, stop the with the Electronic Throttle Control (ETC) system.
  • Page 198: Yellow Warning Lights

    196 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL ESC system. If this light remains on after several ignition Yellow Warning Lights cycles, and the vehicle has been driven several miles — Anti-Lock Brake (ABS) Warning Light (kilometers) at speeds greater than 30 mph (48 km/h), see This light monitors the Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS).

  • Page 199
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL 197 — Low Fuel Warning Light WARNING! When the fuel level reaches approximately 2.8 gal (10.6 L), A malfunctioning catalytic converter, as referenced this light will turn on and a chime will sound. The light above, can reach higher temperatures than in normal will remain on until fuel is added.
  • Page 200
    198 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL Should one or more tires be in the condition mentioned should stop and check your tires as soon as possible, and above, the display will show the indications corresponding inflate them to the proper pressure. Driving on a signifi- to each tire in sequence.
  • Page 201: Yellow Indicator Lights

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL 199 properly. Always check the TPMS malfunction telltale after — Rear Axle Lock Indicator Light — If Equipped replacing one or more tires or wheels on your vehicle to This light indicates when the rear axle lock has been ensure that the replacement or alternate tires and wheels activated.

  • Page 202: White Indicator Lights

    200 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL then 30 mph (48 km/h). If these conditions are not met — Turn Signal Indicator Lights while attempting to use the HDC feature, the HDC indi- When the left or right turn signal is activated, the turn cator light will flash on/off.

  • Page 203: Onboard Diagnostic System (Obd Ii) Cybersecurity

    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL 201 If any of these systems require service, the OBD II system WARNING! will turn on the Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL). It will also store diagnostic codes and other information to assist • ONLY an authorized service technician should con- your service technician in making repairs.

  • Page 204: Emissions Inspection And Maintenance Programs

    202 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL to turn the message off. If the problem persists, the Your vehicle has a simple ignition actuated test, which you message will appear the next time the vehicle is started. can use prior to going to the test station. To check if your This might indicate a damaged cap.

  • Page 205
    GETTING TO KNOW YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL 203 If your OBD II system is not ready, you should see an authorized dealer or repair facility. If your vehicle was recently serviced or had a battery failure or replacement, you may need to do nothing more than drive your vehicle as you normally would in order for your OBD II system to update.
  • Page 207
    SAFETY CONTENTS SAFETY FEATURES ….. .206 ▫ Child Restraints ….. . .251 ▫…
  • Page 208: Safety Features

    206 SAFETY These are all normal characteristics of ABS. SAFETY FEATURES Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) WARNING! The Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) provides increased • The ABS contains sophisticated electronic equip- vehicle stability and brake performance under most brak- ment that may be susceptible to interference caused ing conditions.

  • Page 209: Electronic Brake Control System

    SAFETY benefits of anti-lock brakes. If the “Anti-Lock Brake Warn- WARNING! (Continued) ing Light” does not come on when the ignition is turned to • The capabilities of an ABS equipped vehicle must the ON/RUN mode, have the light repaired as soon as never be exploited in a reckless or dangerous manner possible.

  • Page 210
    208 SAFETY longer desired. Once the brake pedal is released, the BAS is Brake System Warning Light deactivated. The red “Brake System Warning Light” will turn on when the ignition is turned to the ON/RUN mode and may stay WARNING! on for as long as four seconds.
  • Page 211
    SAFETY The following conditions must be met in order for HSA to WARNING! (Continued) activate: while pulling a trailer. HSA is not a substitute for • The feature must be enabled. active driving involvement. It is always the driver’s • The vehicle must be stopped. responsibility to be attentive to distance to other ve- hicles, people, and objects, and most importantly brake •…
  • Page 212
    210 SAFETY 4. Start the engine. controls the wheel spin across a driven axle. If one wheel on a driven axle is spinning faster than the other, the 5. Rotate the steering wheel slightly more than one-half system will apply the brake of the spinning wheel. This turn to the left.
  • Page 213
    SAFETY The “ESC Activation/Malfunction Indicator Light” (lo- WARNING! (Continued) cated in the instrument cluster), starts to flash as soon as could jeopardize the user’s safety or the safety of the tires lose traction and the ESC system becomes active. others. The “ESC Activation/Malfunction Indicator Light”…
  • Page 214
    212 SAFETY ESC Partial Off WARNING! This mode is entered by momentarily pushing the ESC • When in ESC Partial Off mode, the TCS function- OFF switch. When in ESC Partial Off mode, the TCS ality of ESC, (except for the limited slip feature portion of ESC (except for the limited slip feature described described in the TCS section), has been disabled and in the TCS section), has been disabled and the ESC Off…
  • Page 215
    SAFETY WARNING! With the ESC in ESC Full Off mode, the engine torque reduction and stability features offered by ESC and ERM are disabled. In an emergency evasive ma- neuver, the ESC and ERM systems will not engage to assist in maintaining stability. The ESC Full Off mode is intended for off-road use only.
  • Page 216
    214 SAFETY above 40 mph (64 km/h). The “ESC OFF Indicator Light” ESC Partial Off will always be illuminated in 4L range when ESC is in ESC When in ESC Partial Off mode, the TCS portion of ESC Full Off or ESC Partial Off . (except for the limited slip feature described in the TCS NOTE: The “ESC OFF”…
  • Page 217
    SAFETY 30 mph (48 km/h), see an authorized dealer as soon as WARNING! possible to have the problem diagnosed and corrected. • When in “Partial Off” mode, the TCS functionality The “ESC Activation/Malfunction Indicator Light” (lo- of ESC, (except for the limited slip feature described cated in the instrument cluster) starts to flash as soon as the in the TCS section), has been disabled and the “ESC tires lose traction and the ESC system becomes active.
  • Page 218
    216 SAFETY The “ESC OFF Indicator Light” indicates the WARNING! customer has elected to have the Electronic Sta- bility Control (ESC) in a reduced mode. Many factors, such as vehicle loading, road conditions and driving conditions, influence the chance that Electronic Roll Mitigation (ERM) wheel lift or rollover may occur.
  • Page 219
    SAFETY When TSC is functioning, the “ESC Activation/ The symbol indicates the status of the Hill De- Malfunction Indicator Light” will flash, the engine power scent Control (HDC) feature. The lamp will be on may be reduced and you may feel the brakes being applied solid when HDC is armed.
  • Page 220
    218 SAFETY Gear Approximate HDC Set Speed 1 mph (1.5 km/h) 2.5 mph (4 km/h) 4 mph (6.5 km/h) 5.5 mph (9 km/h) DRIVE 7.5 mph (12 km/h) REVERSE 1 mph (1.5 km/h) However, the driver can override HDC operation by NOTE: applying the brake to slow the vehicle down below the •…
  • Page 221: Auxiliary Driving Systems

    SAFETY off until the tire pressure is at or above recommended cold AUXILIARY DRIVING SYSTEMS placard pressure. Once the “Tire Pressure Monitoring Tell- Tire Pressure Monitor System (TPMS) tale Light” has been illuminated, the tire pressure must be The Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) will warn the increased to the recommended cold placard pressure in driver of a low tire pressure based on the vehicle recom- order for the “Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale Light”…

  • Page 222
    220 SAFETY the “Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale Light” will still be CAUTION! (Continued) ON. In this situation, the “Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale • After inspecting or adjusting the tire pressure, al- Light” will turn OFF only after the tires have been inflated ways reinstall the valve stem cap.
  • Page 223
    SAFETY • Seasonal temperature changes will affect tire pressure, A tire pressure monitoring sensor is located in the spare and the TPMS will monitor the actual tire pressure in the wheel if the vehicle is equipped with a matching full size tire.
  • Page 224
    222 SAFETY The “Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale Light” will flash on Vehicles not equipped with instrument cluster display will and off for 75 seconds, and will remain on solid when a inform the driver which tire(s) are low but not provide system fault is detected.
  • Page 225
    SAFETY solid. For each subsequent ignition key cycle, a chime NOTE: will sound and the “Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale • If your vehicle is equipped with a matching full-size Light” will flash on and off for 75 seconds and then spare wheel and tire assembly, it has a tire pressure remain on solid.
  • Page 226
    224 SAFETY • Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale Light A tire pressure monitoring sensor is located in the spare wheel, if the vehicle is equipped with a matching full-size spare wheel and tire assembly. The matching full-size spare tire can be used in place of any of the four road tires. Tire Pressure Monitoring Low Pressure Warnings The Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale Light will illuminate in the instrument cluster, and an audible…
  • Page 227
    SAFETY NOTE: When filling warm tires, the tire pressure may need to be increased up to an additional 4 psi (28 kPa) above the recommended cold placard pressure in order to turn the Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale Light off. The vehicle may need to be driven for up to 20 minutes above 15 mph (24 km/h) to receive this information.
  • Page 228
    226 SAFETY If the ignition switch is cycled, this sequence will repeat, NOTE: providing the system fault still exists. If the system fault no • If your vehicle is equipped with a matching full-size longer exists, the “Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale Light” spare wheel and tire assembly, it has a tire pressure will no longer flash, the SERVICE TPM SYSTEM message monitoring sensor, and can be monitored by the Tire…
  • Page 229
    SAFETY • If your vehicle is not equipped with a matching full-size • Once you repair or replace the original road tire, and spare wheel and tire assembly, it does not have a tire reinstall it on the vehicle in place of the spare tire, the pressure monitoring sensor in the spare tire.
  • Page 230: Occupant Restraint Systems

    228 SAFETY Beginning with the next ignition cycle, the TPMS will no NOTE: Changes or modifications not expressly approved longer chime or display the “SERVICE TPM SYSTEM” by the party responsible for compliance could void the message in the instrument cluster but dashes (—) will user’s authority to operate the equipment.

  • Page 231
    SAFETY Here are some simple steps you can take to minimize the 6. All occupants should always wear their lap and shoul- risk of harm from a deploying air bag: der belts properly. 1. Children 12 years old and under should always ride 7.
  • Page 232: Seat Belt Systems

    230 SAFETY a few seconds. If the driver or outboard front seat passen- Seat Belt Systems ger (if equipped with outboard front passenger seat Buckle up even though you are an excellent driver, even on BeltAlert) is unbuckled when the ignition switch is first in short trips.

  • Page 233
    SAFETY Change of Status Lap/Shoulder Belts All seating positions in your vehicle are equipped with If the driver or outboard front seat passenger (if equipped lap/shoulder belts. with outboard front passenger seat BeltAlert) unbuckles their seat belt while the vehicle is traveling, the BeltAlert The seat belt webbing retractor will lock only during very warning sequence will begin until the seat belts are buck- sudden stops or collisions.
  • Page 234
    232 SAFETY WARNING! (Continued) WARNING! • It is dangerous to ride in a cargo area, inside or • A lap belt worn too high can increase the risk of outside of a vehicle. In a collision, people riding in injury in a collision. The seat belt forces won’t be at these areas are more likely to be seriously injured or the strong hip and pelvic bones, but across your killed.
  • Page 235
    SAFETY Lap/Shoulder Belt Operating Instructions WARNING! (Continued) 1. Enter the vehicle and close the door. Sit back and adjust • A seat belt that is worn under your arm is dangerous. the seat. Your body could strike the inside surfaces of the vehicle in a collision, increasing head and neck 2.
  • Page 236
    234 SAFETY 3. When the seat belt is long enough to fit, insert the latch plate into the buckle until you hear a “click.” Positioning The Lap Belt 5. Position the shoulder belt across the shoulder and chest with minimal, if any slack so that it is comfortable and Inserting Latch Plate Into Buckle not resting on your neck.
  • Page 237
    SAFETY Rear Center Lap/Shoulder Belt Retractor Lockout Lap/Shoulder Belt Untwisting Procedure This feature is designed to lock the retractor whenever the Use the following procedure to untwist a twisted lap/ rear seatback is not fully latched. This prevents someone shoulder belt. from wearing the rear center lap/shoulder belt when the 1.
  • Page 238
    236 SAFETY NOTE: The adjustable upper shoulder belt anchorage is equipped with an Easy Up feature. This feature allows the shoulder belt anchorage to be adjusted in the upward position without pushing or squeezing the release button. To verify the shoulder belt anchorage is latched, pull downward on the shoulder belt anchorage until it is locked into position.
  • Page 239
    SAFETY Seat Belt Extender Seat Belts And Pregnant Women If a seat belt is not long enough to fit properly, even when the webbing is fully extended and the adjustable upper shoulder belt anchorage (if equipped) is in its lowest position, your authorized dealer can provide you with a Seat Belt Extender.
  • Page 240
    238 SAFETY Seat Belt Pretensioner Switchable Automatic Locking Retractor (ALR) The front seat belt system is equipped with pretensioning The seat belts in the passenger seating positions are devices that are designed to remove slack from the seat belt equipped with a Switchable Automatic Locking Retractor in the event of a collision.
  • Page 241
    SAFETY In Automatic Locking Mode, the shoulder belt is automati- cally pre-locked. The seat belt will still retract to remove any slack in the shoulder belt. Use the Automatic Locking Mode anytime a child restraint is installed in a seating position that has a seat belt with this feature.
  • Page 242: Supplemental Restraint Systems (Srs)

    240 SAFETY 3. Allow the seat belt to retract. As the seat belt retracts, Supplemental Restraint Systems (SRS) you will hear a clicking sound. This indicates the seat Some of the safety features described in this section may be belt is now in the Automatic Locking Mode. standard equipment on some models, or may be optional equipment on others.

  • Page 243
    SAFETY • Front and Side Impact Sensors The ORC also includes diagnostics that will illuminate the instrument panel Air Bag Warning Light if a malfunction is • Seat Belt Pretensioners detected that could affect the air bag system. The diagnos- •…
  • Page 244
    242 SAFETY WARNING! Ignoring the Air Bag Warning Light in your instrument panel could mean you won’t have the air bag system to protect you in a collision. If the light does not come on as a bulb check when the ignition is first turned on, stays on after you start the vehicle, or if it comes on as you drive, have an authorized dealer service the air bag system immediately.
  • Page 245
    SAFETY driver or front passenger seat belt is buckled. The seat belt WARNING! (Continued) buckle switch may adjust the inflation rate of the Ad- • Never place a rear-facing child restraint in front of an vanced Front Air Bags. air bag. A deploying passenger front air bag can This vehicle may be equipped with driver and/or front cause death or serious injury to a child 12 years or passenger seat track position sensors that may adjust the…
  • Page 246
    244 SAFETY The steering wheel hub trim cover and the upper passen- Front Air Bag Operation ger side of the instrument panel separate and fold out of Front Air Bags are designed to provide additional protec- the way as the air bags inflate to their full size. The front air tion by supplementing the seat belts.
  • Page 247
    SAFETY Supplemental Seat-Mounted Side Air Bags (SABs) are and the door. The SAB moves at a very high speed and located in the outboard side of the front seats. The SABs are with such a high force that it could injure occupants if they marked with “SRS AIRBAG”…
  • Page 248
    246 SAFETY deploys the right Side Air Bags only. Vehicle damage by WARNING! (Continued) itself is not a good indicator of whether or not Side Air They also help keep you in position, away from an Bags should have deployed. inflating Side Air Bag.
  • Page 249
    SAFETY NOTE: Air bag covers may not be obvious in the interior If A Deployment Occurs trim, but they will open during air bag deployment. The front air bags are designed to deflate immediately after deployment. Air Bag System Components The Occupant Restraint Controller (ORC) monitors the NOTE: Front and/or side air bags will not deploy in all internal circuits and interconnecting wiring associated…
  • Page 250
    248 SAFETY irritation, move to fresh air. If the irritation continues, Enhanced Accident Response System see your doctor. If these particles settle on your clothing, In the event of an impact, if the communication network follow the garment manufacturer’s instructions for remains intact, and the power remains intact, depending cleaning.
  • Page 251
    SAFETY • Electric Motor (if equipped) compartment and on the ground near the engine compart- ment and fuel tank before resetting the system and starting • Electric power steering the engine. • Brake booster • Electric park brake Maintaining Your Air Bag System •…
  • Page 252
    250 SAFETY • How far (if at all) the driver was depressing the accel- WARNING! (Continued) erator and/or brake pedal; and, cover and cushion, needs to be serviced in any way • How fast the vehicle was traveling. (including removal or loosening/tightening of seat attachment bolts), take the vehicle to your authorized These data can help provide a better understanding of the dealer.
  • Page 253: Child Restraints

    SAFETY There are different sizes and types of restraints for children Child Restraints from newborn size to the child almost large enough for an Everyone in your vehicle needs to be buckled up at all adult safety belt. Always check the child seat Owner’s times, including babies and children.

  • Page 254
    252 SAFETY Summary Of Recommendations For Restraining Children In Vehicles Recommended Type Of Child Child Size, Height, Weight Or Age Restraint Infants and Toddlers Children who are two years old or Either an Infant Carrier or a Convert- younger and who have not reached ible Child Restraint, facing rearward the height or weight limits of their in the rear seat of the vehicle…
  • Page 255
    SAFETY Infant And Child Restraints WARNING! Safety experts recommend that children ride rear-facing in • Never place a rear-facing child restraint in front of an the vehicle until they are two years old or until they reach air bag. A deploying passenger front air bag can either the height or weight limit of their rear-facing child cause death or serious injury to a child 12 years or restraint.
  • Page 256
    254 SAFETY All children whose weight or height is above the forward- WARNING! (Continued) facing limit for the child seat should use a belt-positioning • When your child restraint is not in use, secure it in booster seat until the vehicle’s seat belts fit properly. If the the vehicle with the seat belt or LATCH anchorages, child cannot sit with knees bent over the vehicle’s seat or remove it from the vehicle.
  • Page 257
    SAFETY 4. Is the lap part of the belt as low as possible, touching the WARNING! child’s thighs and not the stomach? Never allow a child to put the shoulder belt under an arm 5. Can the child stay seated like this for the whole trip? or behind their back.
  • Page 258
    256 SAFETY Recommendations For Attaching Child Restraints Restraint Type Combined Use Any Attachment Method Shown With An “X” Below Weight of the LATCH – Lower Seat Belt Only LATCH – Lower Seat Belt + Top Child + Child Anchors Only Anchors + Top Tether Anchor Restraint…
  • Page 259
    SAFETY used with the top tether anchorage to install the child Lower Anchors And Tethers For CHildren (LATCH) restraint. Please see the following table for more Restraint System information. LATCH Positions For Installing Child Restraints In This Vehicle LATCH Label Your vehicle is equipped with the child restraint anchorage system called LATCH, which stands for Lower Anchors and Tethers for CHildren.
  • Page 260
    258 SAFETY LATCH Positions (Four-Door Models) Lower Anchorage Symbol (2 Anchorages Per Seating Position) Top Tether Anchorage Symbol Frequently Asked Questions About Installing Child Restraints With LATCH What is the weight limit (child’s 65 lbs (29.5 kg) Use the LATCH anchorage system weight + weight of the child re- until the combined weight of the straint) for using the LATCH anchor-…
  • Page 261
    SAFETY Frequently Asked Questions About Installing Child Restraints With LATCH Can the LATCH anchorages and the Do not use the seat belt when you seat belt be used together to attach a use the LATCH anchorage system to rear-facing or forward-facing child attach a rear-facing or forward-facing restraint? child restraint.
  • Page 262
    260 SAFETY Frequently Asked Questions About Installing Child Restraints With LATCH Can two child restraints be attached Never “share” a LATCH anchorage using a common lower LATCH an- with two or more child restraints. If chorage? the center position does not have dedicated LATCH lower anchorages, use the seat belt to install a child seat in the center position next to a child…
  • Page 263
    SAFETY Locating The LATCH Anchorages The lower anchorages are round bars that are found at the rear of the seat cushion where it meets the seatback, below the anchorage sym- bols on the seatback. They are just visible when you lean into the rear seat to install the child restraint. You will easily feel them if you run your finger along the gap between the seatback and seat cushion.
  • Page 264
    262 SAFETY Locating The Upper Tether Anchorages There are tether strap anchorages behind each rear seating position located on the back of the seat, near the floor. Tether Strap Anchorages (Four-Door Models) LATCH-compatible child restraint systems will be equipped with a rigid bar or a flexible strap on each side. Each will have a hook or connector to attach to the lower anchorage and a way to tighten the connection to the anchorage.
  • Page 265
    SAFETY Center Seat LATCH WARNING! (Continued) Two-Door Models: Please refer to “Installing The LATCH-Compatible Child Restraint System” for typical installation in- WARNING! structions. This vehicle does not have a center seating position. Always follow the directions of the child restraint manu- Do not use the center lower LATCH anchorages to facturer when installing your child restraint.
  • Page 266
    264 SAFETY move it to its rear-most position to make room for the unused belt could injure a child if they play with it and child seat. You may also move the front seat forward to accidentally lock the seat belt retractor. Before installing a allow more room for the child seat.
  • Page 267
    SAFETY The seat belts in the passenger seating positions are Installing Child Restraints Using The Vehicle Seat equipped with a Switchable Automatic Locking Retractor Belt (ALR) that is designed to keep the lap portion of the seat Child restraint systems are designed to be secured in belt tight around the child restraint so that it is not vehicle seats by lap belts or the lap belt portion of a necessary to use a locking clip.
  • Page 268
    266 SAFETY Lap/Shoulder Belt Systems For Installing Child Restraints In This Vehicle Automatic Locking Retractor (ALR) Locations (Four-Door Models) ALR = Switchable Automatic Locking Retractor Top Tether Anchorage Symbol Automatic Locking Retractor (ALR) Locations (Two-Door Models) ALR = Switchable Automatic Locking Retractor Top Tether Anchorage Symbol…
  • Page 269
    SAFETY Frequently Asked Questions About Installing Child Restraints With Seat Belts What is the weight limit (child’s Weight limit of the Child Restraint Always use the tether anchor when weight + weight of the child re- using the seat belt to install a for- straint) for using the Tether Anchor ward facing child restraint, up to the with the seat belt to attach a forward…
  • Page 270
    268 SAFETY 2. Pull enough of the seat belt webbing from the retractor Installing A Child Restraint With A Switchable to pass it through the belt path of the child restraint. Do Automatic Locking Retractor (ALR): not twist the belt webbing in the belt path. Child restraint systems are designed to be secured in vehicle seats by lap belts or the lap belt portion of a 3.
  • Page 271
    SAFETY 8. If the child restraint has a top tether strap and the WARNING! (Continued) seating position has a top tether anchorage, connect the “Lower Anchors and Tethers for CHildren (LATCH) tether strap to the anchorage and tighten the tether Restraint System”…
  • Page 272
    270 SAFETY 2. Route the tether strap to provide the most direct path for the strap between the anchor and the child seat. If your vehicle is equipped with adjustable rear head restraints, raise the head restraint, and where possible, route the tether strap under the head restraint and between the two posts.
  • Page 273: Transporting Pets

    SAFETY SAFETY TIPS WARNING! Transporting Passengers • An incorrectly anchored tether strap could lead to NEVER TRANSPORT PASSENGERS IN THE CARGO increased head motion and possible injury to the AREA. child. Use only the anchorage position directly be- hind the child seat to secure a child restraint top WARNING! tether strap.

  • Page 274: Exhaust Gas

    272 SAFETY vehicle, or when the underside or rear of the vehicle is Exhaust Gas damaged, have a competent mechanic inspect the complete exhaust system and adjacent body areas for broken, dam- WARNING! aged, deteriorated, or mispositioned parts. Open seams or Exhaust gases can injure or kill.

  • Page 275
    SAFETY have the system inspected at an authorized dealer as WARNING! soon as possible. This light will illuminate with a single chime when a fault with the Air Bag Warning Light has An improperly attached, damaged, folded, or stacked been detected, it will stay on until the fault is removed. floor mat, or damaged floor mat fasteners may cause If the light comes on intermittently or remains on while your floor mat to interfere with the accelerator, brake,…
  • Page 276
    274 SAFETY WARNING! (Continued) WARNING! (Continued) • ONLY use the driver’s side floor mat on the driver’s • If the vehicle carpet has been removed and re- side floor area. To check for interference, with the installed, always properly attach carpet to the floor vehicle properly parked with the engine off, fully and check the floor mat fasteners are secure to the depress the accelerator, the brake, and the clutch…
  • Page 277: Periodic Safety Checks You Should Make Outside The Vehicle

    SAFETY Periodic Safety Checks You Should Make Outside Door Latches The Vehicle Check for proper closing, latching, and locking. Tires Fluid Leaks Examine tires for excessive tread wear and uneven wear Check area under vehicle after overnight parking for fuel, patterns.

  • Page 279
  • Page 280
    278 STARTING AND OPERATING ▫ Electronic Sway Bar Disconnect — TRAILER TOWING ….. .310 If Equipped ……300 ▫…
  • Page 281: Starting The Engine

    STARTING AND OPERATING 279 STARTING THE ENGINE Manual Transmission — If Equipped Before starting your vehicle, adjust your seat, adjust both Apply the parking brake, place the gear selector in NEU- inside and outside mirrors, and fasten your seat belts. TRAL, and press the clutch pedal before starting the vehicle.

  • Page 282: Extreme Cold Weather (Below -22°F Or −30°C)

    280 STARTING AND OPERATING Cycle the ignition switch to the START position and release WARNING! (Continued) when the engine starts. If the engine fails to start within 10 • If the vehicle has a discharged battery, booster cables seconds, cycle the ignition switch to the LOCK/OFF posi- may be used to obtain a start from a booster battery tion, wait 10 to 15 seconds, then repeat the “Normal or the battery in another vehicle.

  • Page 283: After Starting

    STARTING AND OPERATING 281 If the engine has been flooded, it may start to run, but not CAUTION! have enough power to continue running when the key is released. If this occurs, continue cranking with the accel- To prevent damage to the starter, wait 10 to 15 seconds erator pedal pushed all the way to the floor.

  • Page 284: Engine Break-In Recommendations

    282 STARTING AND OPERATING NOTE: A new engine may consume some oil during its ENGINE BREAK-IN RECOMMENDATIONS first few thousand miles (kilometers) of operation. This A long break-in period is not required for the engine and should be considered a normal part of the break-in and not drivetrain (transmission and axle) in your vehicle.

  • Page 285
    STARTING AND OPERATING 283 When parking on a hill, it is important to turn the front wheels toward the curb on a downhill grade and away from the curb on an uphill grade. For vehicles equipped with an automatic transmission, apply the parking brake before placing the gear selector in PARK, otherwise the load on the transmission locking mechanism may make it difficult to move the gear selector out of PARK.
  • Page 286: Manual Transmission — If Equipped

    284 STARTING AND OPERATING MANUAL TRANSMISSION — IF EQUIPPED WARNING! (Continued) • Do not leave the key fob in or near the vehicle, or in WARNING! a location accessible to children. A child could oper- You or others could be injured if you leave the vehicle ate power windows, other controls, or move the unattended without having the parking brake fully vehicle.

  • Page 287: Shifting

    STARTING AND OPERATING 285 You should always use first gear when starting from a standing position. NOTE: A certain amount of noise from the transmission is normal. This noise can be most noticeable when the vehicle is idling in NEUTRAL with the clutch engaged (clutch pedal released), but it may also be heard when driving.

  • Page 288: Downshifting

    286 STARTING AND OPERATING Downshifting CAUTION! (Continued) Moving from a high gear down to a lower gear is recom- releasing the clutch may result in engine damage. mended to preserve brakes when driving down steep hills. • When descending a hill, be very careful to downshift In addition, downshifting at the right time provides better one gear at a time to prevent overspeeding the engine acceleration when you desire to resume speed.

  • Page 289: Reverse Shifting

    STARTING AND OPERATING 287 Manual Transmission Downshift Speeds in MPH (KM/H) Gear Selection 6 to 5 5 to 4 4 to 3 3 to 2 2 to 1 Maximum Speed 80 (129) 70 (113) 50 (81) 30 (48) 15 (24) NOTE: Vehicle speeds shown in the chart above are for 2H AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION —…

  • Page 290
    288 STARTING AND OPERATING WARNING! WARNING! (Continued) • Unintended movement of a vehicle could injure • Never use the PARK position as a substitute for the those in or near the vehicle. As with all vehicles, you parking brake. Always apply the parking brake fully should never exit a vehicle while the engine is when exiting the vehicle to guard against vehicle running.
  • Page 291: Key Ignition Park Interlock

    STARTING AND OPERATING 289 Key Ignition Park Interlock Five-Speed Automatic Transmission — If Equipped This vehicle is equipped with a Key Ignition Park Interlock The transmission gear position display (located in the which requires the transmission to be in PARK before the instrument cluster) indicates the transmission gear range.

  • Page 292: Gear Ranges

    290 STARTING AND OPERATING will display the current gear in the instrument cluster as 1, NOTE: 2, 3, etc. Refer to “AutoStick” in this section for further • After selecting any gear range, wait a moment to allow information. the selected gear to engage before accelerating. This is especially important when the engine is cold.

  • Page 293
    STARTING AND OPERATING 291 precaution, turn the front wheels toward the curb on a WARNING! (Continued) downhill grade and away from the curb on an uphill grade. foot is not firmly pressing the brake pedal, the NOTE: Be sure that the transfer case is in a drive position. vehicle could accelerate quickly forward or in re- verse.
  • Page 294
    292 STARTING AND OPERATING • Look at the transmission gear position display and WARNING! (Continued) verify that it indicates the PARK position (P). touch the parking brake, brake pedal or the trans- • With brake pedal released, verify that the gear selector mission gear selector.
  • Page 295
    STARTING AND OPERATING 293 Transmission Limp Home Mode CAUTION! Transmission function is monitored electronically for ab- Towing the vehicle, coasting, or driving for any other normal conditions. If a condition is detected that could reason with the transmission in NEUTRAL can cause result in transmission damage, Transmission Limp Home severe transmission damage.
  • Page 296: Autostick

    294 STARTING AND OPERATING 6. Shift into the desired gear range. If the problem is no vehicle. AutoStick allows you to maximize engine braking, longer detected, the transmission will return to normal eliminate undesirable upshifts and downshifts, and im- operation. prove overall vehicle performance.

  • Page 297: Four-Wheel Drive Operation (Command-Trac I Or Rock-Trac)

    STARTING AND OPERATING 295 • Heavily pressing the accelerator pedal will generate an To disengage AutoStick mode, hold the gear selector to the automatic downshift (for improved acceleration) when right (+) until D is once again displayed in the instrument reasonable.

  • Page 298: Operating Instructions/Precautions

    296 STARTING AND OPERATING In the event that additional traction is required, the transfer Operating Instructions/Precautions case 4H and 4L positions can be used to lock the front and The transfer case provides four mode positions: rear driveshafts together, forcing the front and rear wheels •…

  • Page 299: Shift Positions

    STARTING AND OPERATING 297 models) that of the 2H or 4H positions at a given road The “4WD Indicator Light” (located in the instrument speed. Take care not to overspeed the engine. cluster) will illuminate when the transfer case is shifted into the 4H position.

  • Page 300: Shifting Procedures

    298 STARTING AND OPERATING speed. This range (4L) provides additional traction and 4H to 4L or 4L to 4H maximum pulling power for loose, slippery road surfaces With the vehicle rolling at 2 to 3 mph (3 to 5 km/h), shift an only.

  • Page 301: Trac-Lok Rear Axle — If Equipped

    STARTING AND OPERATING 299 Trac-Lok Rear Axle — If Equipped Axle Lock (Tru-Lok) — Rubicon Models The Trac-Lok rear axle provides a constant driving force to The AXLE LOCK switch is located on the instrument panel both rear wheels and reduces wheel spin caused by the loss (to the left of the steering column).

  • Page 302: Electronic Sway Bar Disconnect — If Equipped

    300 STARTING AND OPERATING To activate the system, push the bottom of the AXLE LOCK switch once to lock the rear axle only (the “Rear Axle Lock Indicator Light” will illuminate), push the bottom of the switch again to lock the front axle (the “Front Axle Lock Indicator Light”…

  • Page 303
    STARTING AND OPERATING 301 NOTE: The stabilizer/sway bar may be torque locked due WARNING! to left and right suspension height differences. This condi- tion is due to driving surface differences or vehicle loading. Do not disconnect the stabilizer bar and drive on In order for the stabilizer/sway bar to disconnect/ hardsurfaced roads or at speeds above 18 mph (29 reconnect, the right and left halves of the bar must be…
  • Page 304: Power Steering

    302 STARTING AND OPERATING POWER STEERING CAUTION! The standard power steering system will give you good Prolonged operation of the steering system at the end vehicle response and increased ease of maneuverability in of the steering wheel travel will increase the steering tight spaces.

  • Page 305: Speed Control — If Equipped

    STARTING AND OPERATING 303 CAUTION! Do not use chemical flushes in your power steering system as the chemicals can damage your power steer- ing components. Such damage is not covered by the New Vehicle Limited Warranty. If necessary, add fluid to restore to the proper indicated level.

  • Page 306: To Activate

    304 STARTING AND OPERATING To Set A Desired Speed WARNING! Turn the Speed Control on. When the vehicle has reached Speed Control can be dangerous where the system the desired speed, push the SET (-) button and release. cannot maintain a constant speed. Your vehicle could Release the accelerator and the vehicle will operate at the go too fast for the conditions, and you could lose selected speed.

  • Page 307: To Accelerate For Passing

    STARTING AND OPERATING 305 • If the button is continually pushed, the set speed will • If the button is continually pushed, the set speed will continue to increase until the button is released, then the continue to decrease until the button is released, then the new set speed will be established.

  • Page 308: To Deactivate

    306 STARTING AND OPERATING To Deactivate WARNING! A soft tap on the brake pedal, pushing the CANCEL Speed Control can be dangerous where the system button, or normal brake pressure while slowing the vehicle cannot maintain a constant speed. Your vehicle could will deactivate the Speed Control without erasing the set go too fast for the conditions, and you could lose speed from memory.

  • Page 309
    STARTING AND OPERATING 307 CAUTION! • Damage to the fuel system or emission control sys- tem could result from using an improper fuel filler cap. A poorly fitting cap could let impurities into the fuel system. Also, a poorly fitting aftermarket cap can cause the “Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL)”…
  • Page 310: Loose Fuel Filler Cap Message

    308 STARTING AND OPERATING included on this label and indicates the Month, Day and Loose Fuel Filler Cap Message Hour of manufacture. The bar code that appears on the After fuel has been added, the vehicle diagnostic system bottom of the label is your VIN. can determine if the fuel filler cap is possibly loose, improperly installed, or damaged.

  • Page 311
    STARTING AND OPERATING 309 components sometimes specified by purchasers for in- Loading creased durability does not necessarily increase the vehi- The actual total weight and the weight of the front and rear cle’s GVWR. of your vehicle at the ground can best be determined by weighing it when it is loaded and ready for operation.
  • Page 312: Trailer Towing

    310 STARTING AND OPERATING The total load must be limited so that you do not exceed CAUTION! the GVWR. Refer to “Vehicle Loading/Vehicle Certification Label” in “Starting And Operating” for further informa- Do not load your vehicle any heavier than the GVWR or tion.

  • Page 313
    STARTING AND OPERATING 311 Weight-Carrying Hitch WARNING! A weight-carrying hitch supports the trailer tongue weight, It is important that you do not exceed the maximum just as if it were luggage located at a hitch ball or some front or rear GAWR. A dangerous driving condition other connecting point of the vehicle.
  • Page 314: Trailer Hitch Classification

    312 STARTING AND OPERATING Trailer Hitch Classification WARNING! The following chart provides the industry standard for the • An improperly adjusted Weight Distributing Hitch maximum trailer weight a given trailer hitch class can tow system may reduce handling, stability, braking per- and should be used to assist you in selecting the correct formance, and could result in a collision.

  • Page 315: Trailer Towing Weights (Maximum Trailer Weight Ratings)

    STARTING AND OPERATING 313 Trailer Towing Weights (Maximum Trailer Weight Ratings) GCWR Max. GTW Max. Trailer Engine/ (Gross Com- Axle Model Frontal Area (Gross Trailer Tongue Wt. Transmission bined Wt. Wt.) (See Note) Rating) 3.6L/Manual 3.21 Two–Door 6,900 lbs (3 25 sq ft (2.32 2,000 lbs 200 lbs (91 kg)

  • Page 316
    314 STARTING AND OPERATING GCWR Max. GTW Max. Trailer Engine/ (Gross Com- Axle Model Frontal Area (Gross Trailer Tongue Wt. Transmission bined Wt. Wt.) (See Note) Rating) 3.6L/ 3.21 Two–Door 7,000 lbs (3 25 sq ft (2.32 2,000 lbs 200 lbs (91 kg) Automatic Sahara Model 175 kg)
  • Page 317
    STARTING AND OPERATING 315 GCWR Max. GTW Max. Trailer Engine/ (Gross Com- Axle Model Frontal Area (Gross Trailer Tongue Wt. Transmission bined Wt. Wt.) (See Note) Rating) Automatic Sport Model 357 kg) sq m) (907 kg) (4WD) 3.6L/ 3.73 Four–Door 8,900 lbs (4 32 sq ft (2.97 3,500 lbs (1…
  • Page 318
    316 STARTING AND OPERATING GCWR Max. GTW Max. Trailer Engine/ (Gross Com- Axle Model Frontal Area (Gross Trailer Tongue Wt. Transmission bined Wt. Wt.) (See Note) Rating) Model (4WD) 3.6L/ 3.73 Four–Door 9,200 lbs (4 32 sq ft (2.97 3,500 lbs (1 350 lbs Automatic Rubicon…
  • Page 319: Trailer And Tongue Weight

    STARTING AND OPERATING 317 NOTE: Remember that everything put into or on the Trailer And Tongue Weight trailer adds to the load on your vehicle. Also, additional Never exceed the maximum tongue weight stamped on factory-installed options or dealer-installed options must your bumper or trailer hitch.

  • Page 320
    318 STARTING AND OPERATING Towing Requirements — Trailer Brakes CAUTION! • Do not interconnect the hydraulic brake system or If the trailer weighs more than 1,000 lbs (453 kg) vacuum system of your vehicle with that of the trailer. loaded, it should have its own brakes and they should This could cause inadequate braking and possible per- be of adequate capacity.
  • Page 321: Towing Tips

    STARTING AND OPERATING 319 The electrical connections are all complete to the vehicle If using a manual transmission vehicle for trailer towing, but you must mate the harness to a trailer connector. Refer all starts must be in first gear to avoid excessive clutch to the following illustration.

  • Page 322
    320 STARTING AND OPERATING AutoStick — If Equipped Cooling System • When using the AutoStick shift control, select the high- To reduce potential for engine and transmission overheat- est gear that allows for adequate performance and ing, take the following actions: avoids frequent downshifts.
  • Page 323: Recreational Towing (Behind Motorhome, Etc.)

    STARTING AND OPERATING 321 RECREATIONAL TOWING (BEHIND MOTORHOME, ETC.) Towing This Vehicle Behind Another Vehicle Towing Condition Wheels OFF the Ground Four-Wheel Drive Models Flat Tow NONE See Instructions • Automatic transmission in PARK. • Manual transmission in gear (NOT in NEUTRAL [N]).

  • Page 324: Recreational Towing — Four-Wheel Drive Models

    322 STARTING AND OPERATING Recreational Towing — Four-Wheel Drive Models CAUTION! (Continued) NOTE: The transfer case must be shifted into NEUTRAL • Towing this vehicle in violation of the above require- (N), automatic transmission must be in PARK, and manual ments can cause severe transmission and/or transfer transmission must be in gear (NOT in NEUTRAL) for case damage.

  • Page 325
    STARTING AND OPERATING 323 11. Firmly apply the parking brake. CAUTION! 12. Shift the transmission into PARK or place manual It is necessary to follow these steps to be certain that transmission in gear (NOT in NEUTRAL). the transfer case is fully in NEUTRAL (N) before recreational towing to prevent damage to internal CAUTION! parts.
  • Page 326: Driving Tips

    324 STARTING AND OPERATING 4. Press and hold the brake pedal. DRIVING TIPS 5. Shift the transmission into NEUTRAL. On-Road Driving Tips Utility vehicles have higher ground clearance and a nar- 6. Shift the transfer case lever to the desired position. rower track to make them capable of performing in a wide NOTE: When shifting the transfer case out of NEUTRAL variety of off-road applications.

  • Page 327: Off-Road Driving Tips

    STARTING AND OPERATING 325 Off-Road Driving Tips Side Step Removal — If Equipped NOTE: Prior to off-road usage, the side steps should be removed to prevent damage if so equipped. 1. Remove the two nuts from the bodyside. Underside Bolt 3.

  • Page 328
    326 STARTING AND OPERATING or braking. In most cases, there are no road signs, posted where additional low speed pulling power is needed. speed limits or signal lights. Therefore, you will need to use Vehicle speeds in excess of 25 mph (40 km/h) should be your own good judgment on what is safe and what is not.
  • Page 329
    STARTING AND OPERATING 327 lost. If you start to slow to a stop, try turning your steering Sand wheel no more than a 1/4 turn quickly back and forth, Soft sand is very difficult to travel through with full tire while still applying throttle.
  • Page 330
    328 STARTING AND OPERATING safe distance in front of you where they can see the Crossing Obstacles (Rocks And Other High Points) obstacle, watch your tires and undercarriage, and guide While driving off-road, you will encounter many types of you through. terrain.
  • Page 331
    STARTING AND OPERATING 329 large obstacle with steep sides at an angle great enough to Getting High-Centered put the vehicle at risk of a rollover. If you get caught in a If you get hung up or high-centered on an object, get out of rut, dig a small trench to the right or left at a 45-degree the vehicle and try to determine what the vehicle is hung angle ahead of the front tires.
  • Page 332
    330 STARTING AND OPERATING back and forth. This will provide a fresh bite into the Before Climbing A Steep Hill surface and will usually provide enough traction to com- As you approach a hill, consider its grade or steepness. plete the climb. If you do not make it to the top, place the Determine if it is too steep.
  • Page 333
    STARTING AND OPERATING 331 apply the brake. Restart the engine and shift into RE- WARNING! VERSE. Back slowly down the hill allowing engine braking to control the descent and apply your brakes, if necessary, Do not descend a steep grade in NEUTRAL. Use but do not allow the tires to lock.
  • Page 334
    332 STARTING AND OPERATING intake. If the engine stalls, do not attempt to restart it. Before You Cross Any Type Of Water Determine if it has ingested water first. The key to any As you approach any type of water, you need to determine crossing is low and slow.
  • Page 335
    STARTING AND OPERATING 333 CAUTION! WARNING! Muddy waters can reduce the cooling system effective- Never drive through fast moving deep water. It can ness by depositing debris onto the radiator. push your vehicle downstream, sweeping it out of control. This could put you and your passengers at risk Crossing Ditches, Streams, Shallow Rivers Or Other of injury or drowning.
  • Page 336
    334 STARTING AND OPERATING • Check for accumulations of plants or brush. These things • If you experience unusual vibration after driving in could be a fire hazard. They might hide damage to fuel mud, slush or similar conditions, check the wheels for lines, brake hoses, axle pinion seals, and propeller shafts.
  • Page 337
  • Page 338: Hazard Warning Flashers

    336 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY This is an emergency warning system and it should not be HAZARD WARNING FLASHERS used when the vehicle is in motion. Use it when your The Hazard Warning flasher switch is located on the vehicle is disabled and it is creating a safety hazard for instrument panel below the climate controls.

  • Page 339: Bulb Replacement

    IN CASE OF EMERGENCY 337 Exterior Bulbs Bulb Number Headlamps (2) Premium Head Lamps LED – (Serviced At Authorized Dealer) Front Park/Turn Signal Lamps (2) 3157NA Front Side Marker Lamps (2) Fog Lamps PSX24W Rear Stop/Tail/Turn Lamps (2) 3157 Center High-Mounted Stop Lamp LED –…

  • Page 340
    338 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY 4. Turn both park and turn signal socket assemblies 1/4 Front Park/Turn Signal turn counterclockwise and remove. 1. Remove the front grille. Turn the retainers along the top 5. Remove the four screws holding the metal retaining 1/4 turn counterclockwise and remove.
  • Page 341
    IN CASE OF EMERGENCY 339 3. Firmly grasp the bulb by the two latch features and squeeze them together to unlock the bulb from the back of the front fog lamp housing. 4. Pull the bulb straight out from the keyed opening in the housing and then connect the replacement bulb.
  • Page 342: Fuses

    340 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY Center High-Mounted Stop Lamp (CHMSL) FUSES The stop lamp is mounted on a bracket that extends WARNING! upward from the tailgate behind the spare tire. If service is needed, obtain the LED/Cover Assembly from your local •…

  • Page 343: General Information

    IN CASE OF EMERGENCY 341 General Information Totally Integrated Power Module The fuses protect electrical systems against excessive cur- The Totally Integrated Power Module is located in the rent. engine compartment near the battery. This center contains cartridge fuses, mini fuses, and relays. A label that identi- When a device does not work, you must check the fuse fies each component is printed on the inside of the cover.

  • Page 344
    342 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY Cavity Cartridge Fuse Mini Fuse Description – – – 30 Amp Pink – Transfer Case Module – – – 25 Amp Clear – Driver Door Node 25 Amp Clear – Passenger Door Node 40 Amp Green –…
  • Page 345
    IN CASE OF EMERGENCY 343 Cavity Cartridge Fuse Mini Fuse Description 20 Amp Blue – Powertrain Control Module (PCM) Trans Range 60 Amp Yellow – Radiator Fan 30 Amp Pink – Front Wiper LO/HI 20 Amp Blue – Front/Rear Washer –…
  • Page 346
    344 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY Cavity Cartridge Fuse Mini Fuse Description – 10 Amp Red (Ignition Off Draw) Climate Control System, Underhood Lamp – 30 Amp Green Amplifier – 20 Amp Yellow Ignition Off Draw – Cabin Compartment Node, Wireless Control Module, SIREN, Multifunction Control Switch –…
  • Page 347
    IN CASE OF EMERGENCY 345 Cavity Cartridge Fuse Mini Fuse Description – 25 Amp Clear Rear Wiper – 20 Amp Yellow Fuel Pump, Diesel Lift Pump – Export Only – 10 Amp Red Power Window Switch, Driver Window Switch – 10 Amp Red Ignition Switch Feed, Wireless Module –…
  • Page 348: Jacking And Tire Changing

    346 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY JACKING AND TIRE CHANGING CAUTION! • When installing the Integrated Power Module cover, WARNING! it is important to ensure the cover is properly posi- • Do not attempt to change a tire on the side of the tioned and fully latched.

  • Page 349: Jack Location

    IN CASE OF EMERGENCY 347 Jack Location The jack and lug wrench are located in the rear storage compartment. Plastic Wing Nut Location Spare Tire Removal To remove the spare tire from the carrier, remove the tire cover, if equipped, and remove the lug nuts with the lug Jack Storage wrench turning them counterclockwise.

  • Page 350: Preparations For Jacking

    348 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY Preparations For Jacking Jacking Instructions 1. Park on a firm, level surface. Avoid ice or slippery areas. WARNING! WARNING! Carefully follow these tire changing warnings to help prevent personal injury or damage to your vehicle: Do not attempt to change a tire on the side of the •…

  • Page 351
    IN CASE OF EMERGENCY 349 1. Remove the spare tire, jack and tools from the stored WARNING! (Continued) location. • If working on or near a roadway, be extremely 2. Loosen (but do not remove) the wheel lug nuts by careful of motor traffic.
  • Page 352
    350 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY 4. Operate the jack from the front or the rear of the vehicle. Place the jack under the axle tube, as shown. Do not raise the vehicle until you are sure the jack is fully engaged.
  • Page 353: Road Tire Installation

    IN CASE OF EMERGENCY 351 6. Remove the lug nuts and wheel. WARNING! 7. Position the spare wheel/tire on the vehicle and install A loose tire or jack thrown forward in a collision or the lug nuts with the cone-shaped end toward the hard stop, could endanger the occupants of the vehicle.

  • Page 354: Jump Starting

    352 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY 4. Finish tightening the lug nuts. Push down on the WARNING! wrench while at the end of the handle for increased leverage. Tighten the lug nuts in a star pattern until each Do not attempt jump starting if the battery is frozen. It nut has been tightened twice.

  • Page 355: Preparations For Jump Start

    IN CASE OF EMERGENCY 353 Preparations For Jump Start WARNING! (Continued) The battery in your vehicle is located in the right rear of the • Remove any metal jewelry such as rings, watch engine compartment, behind the Power Distribution Center. bands and bracelets that could make an inadvertent electrical contact.

  • Page 356: Jump Starting Procedure

    354 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY 4. Connect the opposite end of the negative (-) jumper Jump Starting Procedure cable to a good engine ground (exposed metal part of the discharged vehicle’s engine) away from the battery WARNING! and the fuel injection system. Failure to follow this jump starting procedure could result in personal injury or property damage due to WARNING!

  • Page 357: If Your Engine Overheats

    IN CASE OF EMERGENCY 355 Disconnecting The Jumper Cables CAUTION! 1. Disconnect the negative (-) end of the jumper cable from Accessories plugged into the vehicle power outlets the engine ground of the vehicle with the discharged draw power from the vehicle’s battery, even when not battery.

  • Page 358: Gear Selector Override

    356 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY CAUTION! WARNING! You or others can be badly burned by hot engine Driving with a hot cooling system could damage your coolant (antifreeze) or steam from your radiator. If you vehicle. If the temperature gauge reads HOT (H), pull see or hear steam coming from under the hood, do not over and stop the vehicle.

  • Page 359: Freeing A Stuck Vehicle

    IN CASE OF EMERGENCY 357 FREEING A STUCK VEHICLE If your vehicle becomes stuck in mud, sand or snow, it can often be moved using a rocking motion. Turn the steering wheel right and left to clear the area around the front wheels.

  • Page 360: Towing A Disabled Vehicle

    358 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY NOTE: Push the ESC Off switch to place the Electronic CAUTION! Stability Control (ESC) system in Partial Off mode before rocking the vehicle. Refer to “Electronic Brake Control • When “rocking” a stuck vehicle by shifting between System”…

  • Page 361
    IN CASE OF EMERGENCY 359 Towing Condition Wheels OFF The 4WD MODELS Ground Flat Tow NONE See instructions under “Recreational Towing” in “Starting And Operating”. • Automatic Transmission in PARK • Manual Transmission in gear ( NOT in NEUTRAL) • Transfer Case in NEUTRAL •…
  • Page 362: Without The Ignition Key

    360 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY Without The Ignition Key CAUTION! Special care must be taken when the vehicle is towed with • Front or rear wheel lifts must not be used (if the the ignition in the LOCK position. The only approved remaining wheels are on the ground).

  • Page 363: Enhanced Accident Response System (Ears)

    IN CASE OF EMERGENCY 361 ENHANCED ACCIDENT RESPONSE SYSTEM WARNING! (EARS) • Do not use a chain for freeing a stuck vehicle. Chains This vehicle is equipped with an Enhanced Accident may break, causing serious injury or death. Response System. •…

  • Page 365
  • Page 366
    364 SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE ▫ Spare Tires — If Equipped ….416 BODYWORK ……422 ▫…
  • Page 367: Scheduled Servicing

    SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE 365 Your authorized dealer will reset the oil change indicator SCHEDULED SERVICING message after completing the scheduled oil change. If a Your vehicle is equipped with an automatic oil change scheduled oil change is performed by someone other than indicator system.

  • Page 368: Maintenance Plan

    366 SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE Once A Month Or Before A Long Trip: At Every Oil Change Interval As Indicated By Oil • Check engine oil level Change Indicator System: • Change oil and filter • Check windshield washer fluid level •…

  • Page 369
    SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE 367 Mileage or time passed (which- ever comes first) Or Years: Or Kilometers: Additional Inspections Inspect the CV/Universal joints. Inspect front suspension, tie rod ends, and replace if necessary. Inspect the front and rear axle fluid. Inspect the brake linings, replace as necessary Adjust parking brake on vehicles equipped with four wheel disc…
  • Page 370
    368 SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE Mileage or time passed (which- ever comes first) Or Years: Or Kilometers: Flush and replace the engine cool- ant at 10 years or 150,000 miles (240,000 km) whichever comes first. Change automatic transmission fluid and filter if using your vehicle for any of the following: police, taxi, fleet, or frequent trailer tow- ing.
  • Page 371
    SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE 369 Mileage or time passed (which- ever comes first) Or Years: Or Kilometers: Change transfer case fluid if using your vehicle for any of the follow- ing: police, taxi, fleet, or frequent trailer towing. Inspect and replace PCV valve if necessary.
  • Page 372: Heavy Duty Use Of The Vehicle

    370 SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE Heavy Duty Use Of The Vehicle WARNING! Change engine oil at 4,000 miles (6,500 km) or 350 hours of • You can be badly injured working on or around a engine run time if the vehicle is operated in a dusty and off motor vehicle.

  • Page 373: Engine Compartment

    SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE 371 ENGINE COMPARTMENT 3.6L Engine 1 — Integrated Power Module (Fuses) 7 — Washer Fluid Reservoir 2 — Battery 8 — Engine Coolant Reservoir 3 — Engine Oil Dipstick 9 — Air Cleaner Filter 4 — Automatic Transmission Dipstick (Under Engine Cover) 10 —…

  • Page 374: Checking Oil Level

    372 SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE Checking Oil Level Adding Washer Fluid To ensure proper lubrication of your vehicle’s engine, the The fluid reservoir for the windshield washers and the rear engine oil must be maintained at the correct level. The window washer (if equipped) is shared. The fluid reservoir engine oil level should be checked five minutes after a is located in the engine compartment.

  • Page 375: Maintenance-Free Battery

    SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE 373 Maintenance-Free Battery CAUTION! Your vehicle is equipped with a maintenance-free battery. • It is essential when replacing the cables on the You will never have to add water, nor is periodic mainte- battery that the positive cable is attached to the nance required.

  • Page 376: Engine Oil

    374 SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE American Petroleum Institute (API) Engine Oil WARNING! Identification Symbol You can be badly injured working on or around a motor vehicle. Only do service work for which you This symbol means that the oil has have the knowledge and the proper equipment. If you been certified by the American Pe- have any doubt about your ability to perform a service troleum Institute (API).

  • Page 377: Engine Oil Filter

    SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE 375 The engine oil filler cap also shows the recommended engine oil. Engine oil is an engineered product and its engine oil viscosity for your engine. For information on performance may be impaired by supplemental additives. engine oil filler cap location, refer to the “Engine Compart- Disposing Of Used Engine Oil And Oil Filters ment”…

  • Page 378
    376 SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE NOTE: Be sure to follow the “Severe Duty Conditions” Engine Air Cleaner Filter Removal maintenance interval if applicable. 1. Remove the bolts from the air cleaner intake tube. WARNING! The air induction system (air cleaner, hoses, etc.) can provide a measure of protection in the case of engine backfire.
  • Page 379
    SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE 377 2. Remove air hose and loosen clean air hose clamp then 3. Lift the air cleaner cover to access the air cleaner filter. release the spring clips on the air intake cover. Air Cleaner Air Hose Air Cleaner Filter Cover 1 —…
  • Page 380: Accessory Drive Belt Inspection

    378 SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE 4. Remove the air cleaner filter element from the housing 2. Install the air cleaner cover onto the housing assembly assembly. locating tabs. 3. Latch the spring clips and lock the air cleaner cover to the housing assembly and install air hose. 4.

  • Page 381: Air Conditioner Maintenance

    SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE 379 When inspecting accessory drive belts, small cracks that • Longitudinal belt cracking (cracks between two ribs) run across ribbed surface of belt from rib to rib, are • Belt slips considered normal. These are not a reason to replace belt. •…

  • Page 382
    380 SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE Refrigerant Recovery And Recycling R-134a — If WARNING! Equipped • Use only refrigerants and compressor lubricants ap- R-134a Air Conditioning Refrigerant is a hydrofluoro- proved by the manufacturer for your air conditioning carbon (HFC) that is an ozone-friendly substance. The system.
  • Page 383
    SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE 381 Air Conditioning Filter Replacement (A/C Air Filter) WARNING! Do not remove the cabin air filter while the vehicle is running, or while the ignition is in the ACC or ON/ RUN mode. With the cabin air filter removed and the blower operating, the blower can contact hands and may propel dirt and debris into your eyes, resulting in personal injury.
  • Page 384
    382 SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE Air Filter Retaining Tabs Air Filter Access Door Open 1 — Left Retaining Tab 1 — Air Conditioning Filter Access Door 2 — Right Retaining Tab 2 — Air Conditioning Air Filter 5. Open the two air filter access doors. 7.
  • Page 385: Body Lubrication

    SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE 383 8. Close A/C Air Filter access doors and secure retaining Windshield Wiper Blades tabs. Clean the rubber edges of the wiper blades and the windshield periodically with a sponge or soft cloth and a 9. Rotate the glove compartment door back into position. mild nonabrasive cleaner.

  • Page 386
    384 SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE The wiper blades and wiper arms should be inspected 1. Lift the wiper arm to raise the wiper blade off of the periodically, not just when wiper performance problems glass, until the wiper arm is in the full up position. are experienced.
  • Page 387
    SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE 385 2. To disengage the wiper blade from the wiper arm, press the release tab on the wiper blade and while holding the wiper arm with one hand, slide the wiper blade down towards the base of the wiper arm. Wiper Blade Removed From Wiper Arm 1 —…
  • Page 388
    386 SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE Installing The Front Wipers 1. Lift the wiper arm off of the glass, until the wiper arm is in the full up position. 2. Position the wiper blade near the hook on the tip of the wiper arm.
  • Page 389
    SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE 387 Wiper Blade Removed From Wiper Arm Wiper Blade Removed From Wiper Arm 1 — Wiper Blade 2 — Wiper Blade Pivot Pin 1 — Wiper Arm 3 — Wiper Arm Receptacle 2 — Wiper Blade 4 — Wiper Arm 3.
  • Page 390: Exhaust System

    388 SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE Installing The Rear Wiper WARNING! 1. Insert the wiper blade pivot pin into the opening on the • Exhaust gases can injure or kill. They contain carbon end of the wiper arm. Grab the bottom end of the wiper monoxide (CO), which is colorless and odorless.

  • Page 391: Cooling System

    SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE 389 To minimize the possibility of catalytic converter damage: CAUTION! (Continued) • Do not interrupt the ignition when the transmission is in • Damage to the catalytic converter can result if your gear and the vehicle is in motion. vehicle is not kept in proper operating condition.

  • Page 392
    390 SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE Cooling System — Drain, Flush And Refill WARNING! (Continued) NOTE: Some vehicles require special tools to add coolant • When working near the radiator cooling fan, discon- properly. Failure to fill these systems properly could lead to nect the fan motor lead or turn the ignition to the severe internal engine damage.
  • Page 393
    SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE 391 • Some vehicles require special tools to add coolant prop- NOTE: erly. Failure to fill these systems properly could lead to • Mixing of engine coolant (antifreeze) other than speci- severe internal engine damage. If any coolant is needed fied Organic Additive Technology (OAT) engine coolant to be added to the system please contact your local (antifreeze), may result in engine damage and may…
  • Page 394
    392 SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE • Mix a minimum solution of 50% OAT engine coolant HOAT and OAT coolant are mixed in an emergency, that meets the requirements of FCA Material Standard have a authorized dealer drain, flush, and refill with MS.90032 and distilled water.
  • Page 395
    SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE 393 When additional engine coolant (antifreeze) is needed to Disposal Of Used Coolant maintain the proper level, only OAT coolant that meets the Used ethylene glycol-based coolant (antifreeze) is a regu- requirements of FCA Material Standard MS.90032 should lated substance requiring proper disposal.
  • Page 396: Brake System

    394 SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE • Maintain engine coolant (antifreeze) concentration at a WARNING! minimum of 50% OAT coolant (conforming to MS.90032) and distilled water for proper corrosion pro- Riding the brakes can lead to brake failure and possi- tection of your engine which contains aluminum com- bly a collision.

  • Page 397: Front/Rear Axle Fluid

    SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE 395 WARNING! WARNING! (Continued) • Do not allow petroleum based fluid to contaminate • Use only manufacturer’s recommended brake fluid. the brake fluid. Brake seal components could be Refer to “Fluids And Lubricants” in “Technical damaged, causing partial or complete brake failure. Specifications”…

  • Page 398: Transfer Case

    396 SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE Transfer Case Drain First remove the fill plug (B), then the drain plug (C). The Fluid Level Check recommended tightening torque for the drain and fill plugs The fluid level should be to the bottom edge of the fill hole is 15 to 25 ft lbs (20 to 34 N·m).

  • Page 399
    SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE 397 NOTE: No chemical flushes should be used in any trans- CAUTION! mission; only the approved lubricant should be used. Do not use chemical flushes in your transmission as CAUTION! the chemicals can damage your transmission compo- nents.
  • Page 400
    398 SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE 5. Place the gear selector momentarily into each gear NOTE: position (allowing time for the transmission to fully • The holes in the dipstick will be full of fluid if the engage in each position), ending with the transmission actual level is at or above the hole.
  • Page 401: Manual Transmission

    SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE 399 NOTE: To prevent dirt and water from entering the Add fluid, if necessary, to maintain the proper level. transmission after checking or replenishing fluid, make Frequency Of Fluid Change sure that the dipstick cap is properly reseated. It is normal Under normal operating conditions, the fluid installed at for the dipstick cap to spring back slightly from its fully the factory will give satisfactory lubrication for the life of…

  • Page 402
    400 SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE Tire Markings NOTE: • P (Passenger) — Metric tire sizing is based on U.S. design standards. P-Metric tires have the letter “P” molded into the sidewall preceding the size designation. Example: P215/65R15 95H. • European — Metric tire sizing is based on European design standards.
  • Page 403
    SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE 401 Tire Sizing Chart EXAMPLE: Example Size Designation: P215/65R15XL 95H, 215/65R15 96H, LT235/85R16C, T145/80D18 103M, 31×10.5 R15 LT P = Passenger car tire size based on U.S. design standards, or ..blank..= Passenger car tire based on European design standards, or LT = Light truck tire based on U.S.
  • Page 404
    402 SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE EXAMPLE: Service Description: 95 = Load Index – A numerical code associated with the maximum load a tire can carry H = Speed Symbol – A symbol indicating the range of speeds at which a tire can carry a load corresponding to its load index under cer- tain operating conditions –…
  • Page 405
    SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE 403 the TIN on the outboard side of black sidewall tires as Tire Identification Number (TIN) mounted on the vehicle. If the TIN is not found on the The TIN may be found on one or both sides of the tire; outboard side, then you will find it on the inboard side of however, the date code may only be on one side.
  • Page 406
    404 SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE Tire Terminology And Definitions Term Definition The vehicle B-Pillar is the structural member of the body located be- B-Pillar hind the front door. Cold tire inflation pressure is defined as the tire pressure after the Cold Tire Inflation Pressure vehicle has not been driven for at least three hours, or driven less than 1 mile (1.6 km) after sitting for a minimum of three hours.
  • Page 407
    SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE 405 Tire Loading And Tire Pressure NOTE: The proper cold tire inflation pressure is listed on the driver’s side B-Pillar or the rear edge of the driver’s side door. Check the inflation pressure of each tire, including the spare tire (if equipped), at least monthly and inflate to the recommended pressure for your vehicle.
  • Page 408
    406 SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE Tire And Loading Information Placard Loading The vehicle maximum load on the tire must not exceed the load carrying capacity of the tire on your vehicle. You will not exceed the tire’s load carrying capacity if you adhere to the loading conditions, tire size, and cold tire inflation pressures specified on the Tire and Loading Information placard in “Vehicle Loading”…
  • Page 409
    SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE 407 this manual to determine how this reduces the available Steps For Determining Correct Load Limit— cargo and luggage load capacity of your vehicle. (1) Locate the statement “The combined weight of occupants and cargo should never exceed XXX kg or Metric Example For Load Limit XXX lbs.”…
  • Page 410: Tires — General Information

    408 SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE Tires — General Information WARNING! Tire Pressure Overloading of your tires is dangerous. Overloading Proper tire inflation pressure is essential to the safe and can cause tire failure, affect vehicle handling, and satisfactory operation of your vehicle. Four primary areas increase your stopping distance.

  • Page 411
    SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE 409 • Economy Both under-inflation and over-inflation affect the stability of the vehicle and can produce a feeling of sluggish • Tread Wear response or over responsiveness in the steering. • Ride Comfort NOTE: Safety • Unequal tire pressures from side to side may cause erratic and unpredictable steering response.
  • Page 412
    410 SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE Check tire pressures more often if subject to a wide range Tire Inflation Pressures of outdoor temperatures, as tire pressures vary with tem- The proper cold tire inflation pressure is listed on the perature changes. driver’s side B-Pillar or rear edge of the driver’s side door. Tire pressures change by approximately 1 psi (7 kPa) per At least once a month: 12°F (7°C) of air temperature change.
  • Page 413
    SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE 411 dealer for recommended safe operating speeds, loading • The damage is only on the tread section of your tire and cold tire inflation pressures. (sidewall damage is not repairable). • The puncture is no greater than a ¼ of an inch (6 mm). WARNING! Consult an authorized tire dealer for tire repairs and High speed driving with your vehicle under maximum…
  • Page 414
    412 SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE See the tire pressure monitoring section for more informa- tion. Tire Spinning When stuck in mud, sand, snow, or ice conditions, do not spin your vehicle’s wheels above 30 mph (48 km/h) or for longer than 30 seconds continuously without stopping. Refer to “Freeing A Stuck Vehicle”…
  • Page 415
    SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE 413 Keep dismounted tires in a cool, dry place with as little Life Of Tire exposure to light as possible. Protect tires from contact with The service life of a tire is dependent upon varying factors oil, grease, and gasoline. including, but not limited to: Replacement Tires •…
  • Page 416: Tire Types

    414 SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE It is recommended you contact an authorized tire dealer or WARNING! (Continued) original equipment dealer with any questions you may • Failure to equip your vehicle with tires having ad- have on tire specifications or capability. Failure to use equate speed capability can result in sudden tire equivalent replacement tires may adversely affect the failure and loss of vehicle control.

  • Page 417
    SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE 415 Summer Or Three Season Tires — If Equipped Snow Tires Summer tires provide traction in both wet and dry condi- Some areas of the country require the use of snow tires tions, and are not intended to be driven in snow or on ice. during the Winter.
  • Page 418: Spare Tires — If Equipped

    416 SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE side door opening or on the sidewall of the tire. Compact Spare Tires — If Equipped spare tire descriptions begin with the letter “T” or “S” NOTE: For vehicles equipped with Tire Service Kit instead preceding the size designation. Example: T145/80D18 of a spare tire, please refer to “Tire Service Kit”…

  • Page 419: Wheel And Wheel Trim Care

    SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE 417 Full Size Spare — If Equipped WARNING! The full size spare is for temporary emergency use only. Limited use spares are for emergency use only. Instal- This tire may look like the originally equipped tire on the lation of this limited use spare tire affects vehicle front or rear axle of your vehicle, but it is not.

  • Page 420
    418 SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE Your wheels are susceptible to deterioration caused by salt, CAUTION! sodium chloride, magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, etc., and other road chemicals used to melt ice or control Do not use scouring pads, steel wool, a bristle brush, dust on dirt roads.
  • Page 421: Tire Chains (Traction Devices)

    SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE 419 CAUTION! (Continued) CAUTION! Vehicle Limited Warranty. HAND WASH ONLY US- To avoid damage to your vehicle or tires, observe the ING MILD SOAP AND WATER WITH A SOFT following precautions: CLOTH. Used on a regular basis; this is all that is •…

  • Page 422: Tire Rotation Recommendations

    420 SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE Tire Rotation Recommendations The tires on the front and rear of your vehicle operate at different loads and perform different steering, handling, and braking functions. For these reasons, they wear at unequal rates. These effects can be reduced by timely rotation of tires. The benefits of rotation are especially worthwhile with aggres- sive tread designs such as those on On/Off Road type tires.

  • Page 423: Department Of Transportation Uniform Tire Quality Grades

    SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE 421 on wet pavement, as measured under controlled condi- DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION UNIFORM tions on specified government test surfaces of asphalt TIRE QUALITY GRADES and concrete. A tire marked C may have poor traction The following tire grading categories were established performance.

  • Page 424: Storing The Vehicle

    422 SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE represent higher levels of performance on the laboratory BODYWORK test wheel, than the minimum required by law. Protection From Atmospheric Agents Vehicle body care requirements vary according to geo- WARNING! graphic locations and usage. Chemicals that make roads The temperature grade for this tire is established for passable in snow and ice and those that are sprayed on a tire that is properly inflated and not overloaded.

  • Page 425: Body And Underbody Maintenance

    SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE 423 • Salt in the air near seacoast localities. • If insects, tar, or other similar deposits have accumulated on your vehicle, use Mopar Super Kleen Bug and Tar • Atmospheric fallout/industrial pollutants. Remover to remove. Body And Underbody Maintenance •…

  • Page 426
    424 SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE • If you detect any stone chips or scratches in the paint, • Do not use harsh cleaners or bleaching agents on top touch them up immediately. The cost of such repairs is material, as damage may result. considered the responsibility of the owner.
  • Page 427
    • It is recommended that the top be free of water prior cold or warm, clean water, and wipe across the win- dow, not up and down. Mopar Jeep Soft Glass Window to opening it. Operating the top, opening a door or…
  • Page 428: Interiors

    426 SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE 5. Debris (sand, mud/dirt, dust, or salt) from off-road INTERIORS driving will have a major impact on zipper operation. Seats And Fabric Parts Even normal on-road driving and vehicle washing will Use Mopar Total Clean to clean fabric upholstery and eventually impact window zipper operation.

  • Page 429: Plastic And Coated Parts

    SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE 427 Cleaning Plastic Instrument Cluster Lenses WARNING! The lenses in front of the instruments in this vehicle are A frayed or torn belt could rip apart in a collision and molded in clear plastic. When cleaning the lenses, care leave you with no protection.

  • Page 430: Glass Surfaces

    428 SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE NOTE: If equipped with light colored leather, it tends to Glass Surfaces show any foreign material, dirt, and fabric dye transfer All glass surfaces should be cleaned on a regular basis with more so than darker colors. The leather is designed for easy Mopar Glass Cleaner, or any commercial household-type cleaning, and FCA recommends Mopar total care leather glass cleaner.

  • Page 431
  • Page 432: Vehicle Identification Number

    430 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS NOTE: It is illegal to remove or alter the VIN plate. VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is found on the BRAKE SYSTEM left front corner of the instrument panel pad, visible from Your vehicle is equipped with dual hydraulic brake sys- outside of the vehicle through the windshield.

  • Page 433: Torque Specifications

    TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 431 Tighten the lug nuts/bolts in a star pattern until each Torque Specifications nut/bolt has been tightened twice. Ensure that the socket is fully engaged on the lug nut/bolt (do not insert it halfway). Lug Nut/Bolt **Lug Nut/Bolt Lug Nut/Bolt Torque Size…

  • Page 434: Fuel Requirements

    432 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FUEL REQUIREMENTS Reformulated Gasoline Many areas of the country require the use of cleaner burning 3.6L Engine gasoline referred to as “Reformulated Gasoline”. Reformu- lated gasoline contains oxygenates and are specifically This engine is designed to meet all emis- blended to reduce vehicle emissions and improve air quality.

  • Page 435: Gasoline/Oxygenate Blends

    TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 433 Indiscriminate use of fuel system cleaning agents should be Do Not Use E-85 In Non-Flex Fuel Vehicles avoided. Many of these materials intended for gum and Non-Flex Fuel Vehicles (FFV) are compatible with gasoline varnish removal may contain active solvents or similar containing up to 15% ethanol (E-15).

  • Page 436: Cng And Lp Fuel System Modifications

    434 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CNG And LP Fuel System Modifications MMT In Gasoline Modifications that allow the engine to run on compressed Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl (MMT) is natural gas (CNG) or liquid propane (LP) may result in a manganese-containing metallic additive that is blended damage to the engine, emissions, and fuel system compo- into some gasoline to increase octane.

  • Page 437: Fuel System Cautions

    TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 435 NOTE: Intentional tampering with the emissions control Fuel System Cautions system can result in civil penalties being assessed against you. CAUTION! Carbon Monoxide Warnings Follow these guidelines to maintain your vehicle’s performance: • The use of leaded gasoline is prohibited by Federal WARNING! law.

  • Page 438: Fluid Capacities

    436 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FLUID CAPACITIES U.S. Metric Fuel (Approximate) Two Door Models 18.6 Gallons 70 Liters Four Door Models 22.5 Gallons 85 Liters Engine Oil with Filter 3.6L Engine 6 Quarts 5.6 Liters Cooling System * 3.6L Engine (Mopar Antifreeze/ 10.5 Quarts 9.9 Liters Engine Coolant 10 Year/150,000 Mile…

  • Page 439: Fluids And Lubricants

    TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 437 FLUIDS AND LUBRICANTS Engine Component Fluid, Lubricant, or Genuine Part Engine Coolant We recommend you use Mopar Antifreeze/Coolant 10 Year/150,000 Mile Formula OAT (Organic Additive Tech- nology) or equivalent meeting the requirements of FCA Material Standard MS.90032. Engine Oil We recommend you use API Certified SAE 5W-20 Engine Oil, meeting the requirements of FCA Material Standard…

  • Page 440
    438 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CAUTION! • Mixing of engine coolant (antifreeze) other than specified Organic Additive Technology (OAT) en- gine coolant (antifreeze), may result in engine dam- age and may decrease corrosion protection. Organic Additive Technology (OAT) engine coolant is differ- ent and should not be mixed with Hybrid Organic Additive Technology (HOAT) engine coolant (anti- freeze) or any “globally compatible”…
  • Page 441: Chassis

    TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 439 Chassis Component Fluid, Lubricant, or Genuine Part Automatic Transmission – If Equipped Use only ATF+4 Automatic Transmission Fluid. Failure to use ATF+4 fluid may affect the function or performance of your transmission. We recommend Mopar ATF+4 fluid. Manual Transmission –…

  • Page 443
    MULTIMEDIA CONTENTS RADIO 130 ……443 ▫ Operating Instructions — Uconnect (Satellite) Mode …….460 ▫…
  • Page 444
    442 MULTIMEDIA UCONNECT PHONE — IF EQUIPPED ..465 ▫ Phone Call Features …..473 ▫…
  • Page 445: Radio 130

    MULTIMEDIA RADIO 130 Electronic Volume Control The electronic volume control turns continuously (360 degrees) in either direction, without stopping. Turning the ON/VOLUME control knob to the right increases the volume, and to the left decreases it. When the audio system is turned on, the sound will be set at the same volume level as last played.

  • Page 446
    444 MULTIMEDIA 3. After adjusting the hours, push the right side TUNE/ Push the rotary TUNE/SCROLL control knob a second SCROLL control knob to set the minutes. The minutes time and MID will display. Turn the TUNE/SCROLL will begin to blink. control knob to the right or left to increase or decrease the mid-range tones.
  • Page 447: Operation Instructions — Cd Mode For Cd And Mp3 Audio Play

    MULTIMEDIA SET/RND Button — To Set The Pushbutton Memory DISC Button When you are receiving a station that you wish to commit Pushing the DISC button will allow you to switch from to pushbutton memory, push the SET/RND button. The AM/FM modes to Disc modes.

  • Page 448
    446 MULTIMEDIA show the track number, and index time in minutes and NOTE: Ejecting with the ignition OFF is not allowed on seconds. Play will begin at the start of track 1. convertible or soft-top models (if equipped.) SEEK Button CAUTION! Push the right SEEK button for the next selection on the •…
  • Page 449: Notes On Playing Mp3 Files

    MULTIMEDIA Level 1 and Level 2, the radio may fail to read files properly SET/RND Button (Random Play Button) and may be unable to play the file normally. UDF and Push this button while the CD is playing to activate Apple HFS formats are not supported.

  • Page 450
    448 MULTIMEDIA writing are most likely multi-session discs. The use of Sampling MPEG Specifi- multi-session for CD audio or MP3 playback may result in Frequency Bit Rate (kbps) longer disc loading times. cation (kHz) MPEG-1 Audio 48, 44.1, 32 320, 256, 224, Supported MP3 File Formats Layer 3 192, 160, 128,…
  • Page 451: Operation Instructions — Auxiliary Mode

    MULTIMEDIA Playback Of MP3 Files Operation Instructions — Auxiliary Mode When a medium containing MP3 data is loaded, the radio The auxiliary (AUX) jack is an audio input jack, which checks all files on the medium. If the medium contains a lot allows the user to plug in a portable device, such as an MP3 of folders or files, the radio will take more time to start player, or iPod, and utilize the vehicle’s audio system to…

  • Page 452: Radio 130 With Satellite Radio

    450 MULTIMEDIA RADIO 130 WITH SATELLITE RADIO Operating Instructions — Radio Mode NOTE: The ignition switch must be in the ON/RUN or ACC position to operate the radio. Power Switch/Volume Control (Rotary) Push the ON/VOLUME control knob to turn on the radio. Push the ON/VOLUME control knob a second time to turn off the radio.

  • Page 453
    MULTIMEDIA 2. Adjust the hours by turning the right side TUNE/ Voice Command System (Radio) — If Equipped SCROLL control knob. Refer to “Voice Command” in “Multimedia”. 3. After adjusting the hours, push the right side TUNE/ Voice Command Button Uconnect Phone — If SCROLL control knob to set the minutes.
  • Page 454
    452 MULTIMEDIA Setting The Tone, Balance And Fade MUSIC TYPE Button Push the rotary TUNE/SCROLL control knob and BASS Pushing this button once will turn on the Music Type mode will display. Turn the TUNE/SCROLL control knob to the for five seconds. Pushing the MUSIC TYPE button or right or left to increase or decrease the bass tones.
  • Page 455
    MULTIMEDIA station with the same selected Music Type name. The 16-Digit Character Program Type Music Type function only operates when in the FM mode. Display News News If a preset button is activated while in the Music Type (Program Type) mode, the Music Type mode will be exited Nostalgia Nostalga and the radio will tune to the preset station.
  • Page 456: Operation Instructions — Cd Mode For Cd And Mp3 Audio Play

    454 MULTIMEDIA push and release that button. If a button is not selected Operation Instructions — CD MODE For CD And within five seconds after pushing the SET/RND button, MP3 Audio Play the station will continue to play but will not be stored into NOTE: pushbutton memory.

  • Page 457
    MULTIMEDIA SEEK Button CAUTION! Push the right SEEK button for the next selection on the • This CD player will accept 4–3/4 inch (12 cm) discs CD. Push the left SEEK button to return to the beginning of only. The use of other sized discs may damage the the current selection, or return to the beginning of the CD player mechanism.
  • Page 458: Notes On Playing Mp3 Files

    456 MULTIMEDIA Level 1 and Level 2, the radio may fail to read files properly SET/RND Button (Random Play Button) and may be unable to play the file normally. UDF and Push this button while the CD is playing to activate Apple HFS formats are not supported.

  • Page 459
    MULTIMEDIA Multi-session disc formats are supported by the radio. Sampling MPEG Specifi- Multi-session discs may contain combinations of normal Frequency Bit Rate (kbps) CD audio tracks and computer files (including MP3 files). cation (kHz) Discs created with an option such as keep disc open after MPEG-1 Audio 48, 44.1, 32 320, 256, 224,…
  • Page 460: List Button — Cd Mode For Mp3 Play

    458 MULTIMEDIA Loading times for playback of MP3 files may be affected by INFO Button — CD Mode For MP3 Play the following: Pushing the INFO button repeatedly will scroll through the • Media — CD-RW media may take longer to load than following TAG information: Song Title, Artist, File Name, CD-R media and Folder Name (if available).

  • Page 461: Uconnect (Satellite Radio) — If Equipped

    MULTIMEDIA TIME Button (Auxiliary Mode) Electronic Serial Number/Sirius Identification Number (ESN/SID) Push this button to change the display to time of day. The time of day will display for five seconds (when the ignition Please have the following information available when is OFF).

  • Page 462: Operating Instructions — Uconnect (Satellite) Mode

    460 MULTIMEDIA Satellite Antenna Operating Instructions — Uconnect (Satellite) Mode To ensure optimum reception, do not place items on the roof around the rooftop antenna location. Metal objects NOTE: The ignition switch must be in the ON/RUN or placed within the line of sight of the antenna will cause ACC position to operate the radio.

  • Page 463
    MULTIMEDIA additional three seconds will make the radio display the If a preset button is activated while in the Music Type Song Title all of the time (push and hold again to return to (Program Type) mode, the Music Type mode will be exited normal display).
  • Page 464: Operating Instructions (Uconnect Phone) — If Equipped

    462 MULTIMEDIA allows a total of 12 Satellite channels to be stored into push Operating Instructions (Uconnect Phone) — If button memory. The channels stored in SET 2 memory can Equipped be selected by pushing the push button twice. Refer to “Uconnect Phone” in “Multimedia” for further details.

  • Page 465
    MULTIMEDIA and FCA US LLC, working with its suppliers, evaluates WARNING! (Continued) and takes appropriate steps as needed. Similar to a com- • ONLY insert media (e.g., USB, SD card, or CD) into puter or other devices, your vehicle may require software your vehicle if it came from a trusted source.
  • Page 466: Steering Wheel Audio Controls

    464 MULTIMEDIA Privacy of any wireless and wired communications cannot The right-hand control is a rocker-type switch with a be assured. Third parties may unlawfully intercept infor- push-button in the center and controls the volume and mation and private communications without your consent. mode of the sound system.

  • Page 467: Cd Player

    MULTIMEDIA CD Player WARNING! Pushing the top of the switch once will go to the next track Do not plug in or remove the iPod or external device on the CD. Pushing the bottom of the switch once will go while driving.

  • Page 468
    466 MULTIMEDIA • Sat., 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, ET WARNING! • Sun., Closed ALWAYS drive safely with your hands on the wheel. Uconnect Phone allows you to transfer calls between the You have full responsibility and assume all risks system and your mobile phone as you enter or exit your related to the use of the Uconnect features and appli- vehicle and enables you to mute the system’s microphone…
  • Page 469: Operation

    MULTIMEDIA The Uconnect display will be used for visual prompts from Voice Command Button the Uconnect Phone such as “CELL” or caller ID on certain radios. WARNING! Operation Any voice commanded system should be used only in safe driving conditions following all applicable laws. Voice commands can be used to operate the Uconnect Your attention should be focused on safely operating Phone and to navigate through the Uconnect Phone menu…

  • Page 470: Help Command

    468 MULTIMEDIA “Phonebook New Entry,” or you can break the com- Pair (Link) Uconnect Phone To A Mobile Phone pound form command into two voice commands: To begin using your Uconnect Phone, you must pair your “Phonebook” and “New Entry.” Please remember, the compatible Bluetooth enabled mobile phone.

  • Page 471: Dial By Saying A Number

    MULTIMEDIA • You will then be asked to give your mobile phone a • The system will prompt you to say the number you want priority level between one and seven, with one being the to call. highest priority. You can pair up to seven mobile phones •…

  • Page 472: Phonebook Download — Automatic Phonebook Transfer From Mobile Phone

    470 MULTIMEDIA • Only the phonebook of the currently connected mobile Phonebook Download – Automatic Phonebook phone is accessible. Transfer From Mobile Phone If equipped and specifically supported by your phone, • Only the mobile phone’s phonebook is downloaded. Uconnect Phone automatically downloads names (text SIM card phonebook is not part of the Mobile phone- names) and number entries from your mobile phone’s book.

  • Page 473: Edit Uconnect Phonebook Entries

    MULTIMEDIA • When prompted, enter the number designation (e.g., • Next, choose the number designation (home, work, “Home,” “Work,” “Mobile,” or “Other”). This will allow mobile, or other) that you wish to edit. you to store multiple numbers for each phonebook entry, •…

  • Page 474: Delete/Erase «All» Uconnect Phonebook Entries

    472 MULTIMEDIA To delete a Uconnect phonebook entry using Voice Com- Delete/Erase “All” Uconnect Phonebook Entries mands: NOTE: 1. Push the Phone button to begin. • ONLY the phonebook in the current language is deleted. 2. After the “Ready” prompt and the following beep, say •…

  • Page 475: Phone Call Features

    MULTIMEDIA • The Uconnect Phone will play the names of all the on, and will ask if you would like to answer the call. Push phonebook entries, including the downloaded phone- the Phone button to accept the call. To reject the call, book entries, if available.

  • Page 476
    474 MULTIMEDIA first call, refer to “Toggling Between Calls” in this Three-Way Calling section. To combine two calls, refer to “Conference Call” To initiate three-way calling, push the Voice Command in this section. button while a call is in progress, and make a second phone call, as described under “Making a Second Call Place/Retrieve A Call From Hold While Current Call is in Progress.”…
  • Page 477: Uconnect Phone Features

    MULTIMEDIA 2. After the “Ready” prompt and the following beep, say Uconnect Phone Features “Redial.” Language Selection • The Uconnect Phone will call the last number that was To change the language that the Uconnect Phone is using: dialed from your mobile phone. •…

  • Page 478
    476 MULTIMEDIA If the phone is not reachable and the Uconnect Phone is WARNING! operational, you may reach the emergency number as follows: To use your Uconnect Phone System in an emergency, your mobile phone must be: • Push the Phone button to begin.
  • Page 479
    MULTIMEDIA to enter your PIN followed with a pound, (3 7 4 6 #), you Paging can push the Voice Command button and say, “3 7 4 To learn how to page, refer to “Working With Automated 6 # Send.” Saying a number, or sequence of numbers, Systems.”…
  • Page 480
    478 MULTIMEDIA Barge In – Overriding Prompts Phone And Network Status Indicators The “Voice Command” button can be used when you wish If available on the radio and/or on a premium display such to skip part of a prompt and issue your voice command as the instrument panel cluster, and supported by your immediately.
  • Page 481: Advanced Phone Connectivity

    MULTIMEDIA Mute/Un-Mute (Mute ON/OFF) Connect Or Disconnect Link Between The Uconnect Phone And Mobile Phone When you mute the Uconnect Phone, you will still be able to hear the conversation coming from the other party, but Your mobile phone can be paired with many different the other party will not be able to hear you.

  • Page 482: Things You Should Know About Your Uconnect

    480 MULTIMEDIA • You can also push the Voice Command button at any Select Another Mobile Phone time while the list is being played, and then choose This feature allows you to select and start using another the phone you wish to delete. phone paired with the Uconnect Phone.

  • Page 483
    MULTIMEDIA You can either push the Uconnect Phone button to restore • Always wait for the beep before speaking. the factory setting or repeat the words and phrases when • Speak normally without pausing, just as you would prompted by the Uconnect Phone. For best results, the speak to a person sitting a few feet/meters away from Voice Training session should be completed when the you.
  • Page 484
    482 MULTIMEDIA • Storing names in the phonebook when the vehicle is not • Dry weather conditions in motion is recommended. • Operation from the driver’s seat • It is not recommended to store similar sounding names • Performance, such as audio clarity, echo, and loudness in the Uconnect Phonebook.
  • Page 485
    MULTIMEDIA 2. After the “Ready” prompt and the following beep, say List of Preset Messages: “SMS Read” or “Read Messages.” 1. Yes • Uconnect Phone will play the new text message for 2. No you. 3. Where are you? After reading a message, you can “Reply” or “Forward” the message using Uconnect Phone.
  • Page 486
    484 MULTIMEDIA 17. Bye for now Bluetooth Communication Link Mobile phones have been found to lose connection to the 18. When can we meet? Uconnect Phone. When this happens, the connection can 19. Send number to call generally be reestablished by switching the phone off/on. Your mobile phone is recommended to remain in Bluetooth 20.
  • Page 487
    MULTIMEDIA Voice Tree Main Menu…
  • Page 488
    486 MULTIMEDIA Voice Tree Phonebook…
  • Page 489
    MULTIMEDIA Voice Tree Setup Voice Commands Primary Alternate (s) Primary Alternate (s) zero three four…
  • Page 490
    488 MULTIMEDIA Primary Alternate (s) Primary Alternate (s) five erase all Espanol seven Francais eight help nine home star (*) language plus (+) list names pound (#) list phones add location mobile mute call mute off cancel new entry confirmation prompts continue other delete…
  • Page 491: General Information

    MULTIMEDIA 2. This device must accept any interference received, in- Primary Alternate (s) cluding interference that may cause undesired opera- return to main menu return or main menu tion. select phone select NOTE: Changes or modifications not expressly approved send by the party responsible for compliance could void the set up phone settings or phone…

  • Page 492: Regulatory And Safety Information

    490 MULTIMEDIA The following regulatory statement applies to all Radio Regulatory And Safety Information Frequency (RF) devices equipped in this vehicle: USA/CANADA This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). The radiated output power of the internal wireless radio is Operation is subject to the following two conditions: far below the FCC and IC radio frequency exposure limits.

  • Page 493: Voice Command — If Equipped

    MULTIMEDIA NOTE: VOICE COMMAND — IF EQUIPPED • This equipment has been tested and found to comply Voice Command System Operation with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to The Uconnect Voice Command system allows provide reasonable protection against harmful interfer- you to control your AM, FM radio, disk player,…

  • Page 494: Commands

    492 MULTIMEDIA When you push the Voice Command button, you will At any point, if the system does not recognize one of your hear a beep. The beep is your signal to give a command. commands, you will be prompted to repeat it. To hear the first available Menu, push the Voice Command NOTE: If you do not say a command within a few seconds, button and say “Help”…

  • Page 495
    MULTIMEDIA • “Previous Station” (to select the previous station) Main Menu Start a dialogue by pushing the Voice Command but- • “Radio Menu” (to switch to the radio menu) ton. You may say “Main Menu” to switch to the main •…
  • Page 496
    494 MULTIMEDIA • “List Channel” (to hear a list of available channels) Bluetooth Streaming (BT) Mode • “Select Name” (to say the name of a channel) To switch to Bluetooth Streaming (BT) mode, say “Bluetooth Streaming.” In this mode, you may say the •…
  • Page 497: Voice Training

    MULTIMEDIA • “Play Memos” (to play previously recorded memos) — • “Language Spanish” During the playback you may push the Voice Command • “Tutorial” button to stop playing memos. You proceed by • “Voice Training” saying one of the following commands: –…

  • Page 498: Cd/Dvd Disc Maintenance

    496 MULTIMEDIA 5. Store the disc in its case after playing. CD/DVD DISC MAINTENANCE To keep a CD/DVD in good condition, take the following 6. Do not expose the disc to direct sunlight. precautions: 7. Do not store the disc where temperatures may become 1.

  • Page 499
  • Page 500: Suggestions For Obtaining Service For Your Vehicle

    498 CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE SUGGESTIONS FOR OBTAINING SERVICE FOR IF YOU NEED ASSISTANCE YOUR VEHICLE The manufacturer and its authorized dealer are vitally interested in your satisfaction. We want you to be happy Prepare For The Appointment with our products and services. If you are having warranty work done, be sure to have the right papers with you.

  • Page 501: Fca Us Llc Customer Center

    CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE 499 Any communication to the manufacturer’s customer center In Mexico Contact should include the following information: Av. Prolongacion Paseo de la Reforma, 1240 • Owner’s name and address Sante Fe C.P. 05109 • Owner’s telephone number (home and office) Mexico, D.

  • Page 502: Customer Assistance For The Hearing Or Speech Impaired (Tdd/Tty)

    500 CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE questions about the service contract, call the manufactur- Customer Assistance For The Hearing Or Speech er’s Service Contract National Customer Hotline at 1-800- Impaired (TDD/TTY) 521-9922 (Canadian residents, call (800) 465-2001 English / To assist customers who have hearing difficulties, the (800) 387-9983 French).

  • Page 503: Warranty Information

    CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE 501 REPORTING SAFETY DEFECTS WARNING! In The 50 United States And Washington, D.C. Engine exhaust (internal combustion engines only), If you believe that your vehicle has a defect that could some of its constituents, and certain vehicle compo- cause a crash or cause injury or death, you should nents contain, or emit, chemicals known to the State of immediately inform the National Highway Traffic…

  • Page 504: In Canada

    502 CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE In Canada Diagnostic Procedure Manuals If you believe that your vehicle has a safety defect, you Diagnostic Procedure Manuals are filled with diagrams, should contact the Customer Service Department imme- charts and detailed illustrations. These practical manuals diately.

  • Page 505
  • Page 506
    504 INDEX About Your Brakes ……430 Air Filter ……. .375 Adding Engine Coolant (Antifreeze) .
  • Page 507
    INDEX 505 Fluid Type ……396, 439 Bulbs, Light ……275, 336 Special Additives .
  • Page 508
    506 INDEX How To Stow An unused ALR Seat Belt ..264 Contract, Service ……500 Infants And Child Restraints .
  • Page 509
    INDEX 507 Disabled Vehicle Towing …..358 Jump Starting ……352 Disarming, Security System .
  • Page 510
    508 INDEX Engine Oil Viscosity Chart ….374 Engine Oil ……372 Enhanced Accident Response Feature .
  • Page 511
    INDEX 509 Materials Added ……432 Hazard Warning Flasher….. .336 Methanol .
  • Page 512
    510 INDEX Instrument Cluster……180 Lane Change Assist ……55 Instrument Cluster Display Lap/Shoulder Belts .
  • Page 513
    INDEX 511 High Beam/Low Beam Select ….53 Maintenance Free Battery …..373 Hill Descent Control Indicator .
  • Page 514
    512 INDEX Mopar Parts ……501 Operating Precautions ….. . .200 Operator Manual New Vehicle Break-In Period .
  • Page 515
    INDEX 513 Pregnant Women And Seat Belts ….237 Refrigerant …….380 Preparation For Jacking .
  • Page 516
    514 INDEX Schedule, Maintenance….. . .365 Reminder ……195 Seat Belt Untwisting Procedure .
  • Page 517
    INDEX 515 Setting The Clock ….. . .443, 451 Starting …….22, 279 Shifting .
  • Page 518
    516 INDEX System, Remote Starting ….. .22 Sizes ……. . .401 Snow Tires .
  • Page 519
    INDEX 517 Wiring ……. .318 Uniform Tire Quality Grades ….421 Trailer Towing Guide .
  • Page 520
    518 INDEX Wind Buffeting ……72 Window Fogging ……69 Windows Power .
  • Page 521
    The antenna cable should be as short as practical and INSTALLATION OF RADIO TRANSMITTING routed away from the vehicle wiring when possible. Use EQUIPMENT Special design considerations are incorporated into this only fully shielded coaxial cable. vehicle’s electronic system to provide immunity to radio Carefully match the antenna and cable to the radio to frequency signals.
  • Page 522
    18JK-126-AC ©2017 FCA US LLC. All Rights Reserved. Third Edition Jeep is a registered trademark of FCA US LLC. Printed in the U.S.A.

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