Инструкция по эксплуатации renault vel satis

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77 11 311 002

«The repair methods given by the manufacturer in this document are based on the

technical specifications current when it was prepared.

The methods may be modified as a result of changes introduced by the manufacturer

in the production of the various component units and accessories from which his

vehicles are constructed.»











BJ0F — BJ0G — BJ0J — BJ0K — BJ0V


© RENAULT 2001

All copyrights reserved by Renault.

Copying or translating, in part or in full, of this document or use of the service part

reference numbering system is forbidden without the prior written authority of Renault.



Summary of Contents for Renault velSatis

Renault Vel Satis оригинальное (77 11 309 797 — NU 653-5 — Август 2002 — Русское издание) руководство по техническому обслуживанию и эксплуатации с бензиновыми двигателями: F4R 2.0 л (1998 см³) 170 л.с./125 кВт, V4Y 3.5 л (3498 см³) 240 л.с./177 кВт и дизельными M9R 2.0 л (1998 см³) 150-172 л.с./110-127 кВт, G9T 2.2 л (2188 см³) 115-140-150 л.с./84-103-110 кВт, P9X 3.0 л (2958 см³) 180 л.с./133 кВт; технические характеристики, устройство, особенности конструкции. Инструкция пользователя легковой автомобиль бизнес класса Рено Вел Сатис с цельнометаллическими несущими кузовами пятидверный хэтчбек переднеприводные модели первого поколения выпуска с 2002 по 2009 год

Renault Vel Satis Фаза 1 и 2 (Renault s.a.s 2009 X73 Русское издание) руководство по ремонту и техобслуживанию для СТО здесь

Renault Vel Satis I/ Рено Вел Сатис Фаза 1 (Renault s.a.s 2001 BJ0F — BJ0G — BJ0J — BJ0K — BJ0V Русское издание) руководство по ремонту и техобслуживанию для СТО выпуск с 2002

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Renault Vel Satis Видео замена обшивки дверей / door card removal(Рено Вел Сатис 02-09)

Renault Vel Satis общая информация (Рено Вел Сатис 2002-2009)

Renault Vel Satis (Рено Вел Сатис 2002-2009)

Облицовка передней двери: Снятие и установка
⇒ Отсоедините облицовку внутренней ручки (1).
Отсоедините облицовку внутренней ручки
⇒ Разъедините разъем переключателя наружного зеркала заднего вида.
⇒ Снимите заглушку и винт крепления (2) внутренней ручки привода замка двери.
Снимите заглушку и винт крепления внутренней ручки привода замка двери
⇒ Отверните два винта (3) крепления внутренней ручки.
⇒ Защитите облицовку (например: ножом для удаления мастики.
Отсоедините панель переключателя стеклоподъемника (в задней части) при помощи щипцов для снятия держателей обивок и облицовок
⇒ Отсоедините панель переключателя стеклоподъемника (в задней части) при помощи щипцов для снятия держателей обивок и облицовок.
Разъедините разъемы панели переключателей стеклоподъемников
⇒ Разъедините разъемы панели переключателей стеклоподъемников.
Разъедините разъемы панели переключателей стеклоподъемников
⇒ Отсоедините обивку двери при помощи щипцов для снятия держателей обивок и облицовок.
⇒ Снимите обивку двери.
⇒ Отверткой с плоским лезвием отсоедините трос привода внутренней ручки двери.
⇒ Разъедините разъемы.

⇒ Перед установкой обивки двери проверьте состояние держателей.
⇒ Удерживайте внутреннюю ручку двери в закрытом положении.
⇒ Присоедините трос привода внутренней ручки двери.
⇒ Соедините разъемы.

⇒ Установите обивку двери.

⇒ Установите:
— колодки проводов панели переключателей электростеклоподъемников,
— панель переключателей электростеклоподъемников,
— два винта крепления внутренней ручки,
— винт крепления и заглушку внутренней ручки двери,
— колодку проводов переключателя наружного зеркала заднего вида,
— облицовку внутренней ручки.
⇒ Проверьте работу.

Renault Vel Satis салон (Рено Вел Сатис 2002-2009)Габаритные размеры Рено Вел Сатис (dimensions Vel Satis 2002-2009)

Основные технические характеристики (General technical specifications) Renault Vel Satis BJ0J 2005 с мотором 3.0 литра

Спецификация / Specs Данные
Габариты (мм/mm) и масса (кг/kg) / Dimensions and Weight
1 Длина / Length 4860
2 Ширина (без/с зеркалами) / Width 1860/2177
3 Высота (загружен/пустой) / Height 1577
4 Колёсная база / Wheelbase 2840
5 Дорожный просвет (клиренс) / Ground clearance 120
6 Снаряжённая масса / Total (curb) weight 1735
Полная масса / Gross (max.) weight 2320

Двигатель / Engine

7 Тип / Engine Type, Code Дизельный, жидкостного охлаждения, четырехтактный, P9X 715
8 Количество цилиндров / Cylinder arrangement: Total number of cylinders, of valves 6-цилиндровый, 24V, V-образный, DOHC с верхним расположением двух распределительных валов
9 Диаметр цилиндра / Bore 87.5 мм
10 Ход поршня / Stroke 92.0 мм
11 Объём / Engine displacement 2958 см³
12 Система питания / Fuel supply, Aspiration Непосредственный впрыск топлива насос-форсунками Common Rail
Турбонаддув и промежуточное охлаждение наддувочного воздуха
13 Степень сжатия / Compression ratio 18.5:1
14 Максимальная мощность / Max. output power kW (HP) at rpm 133 кВт (180 л.с.) при 4400 об/мин
15 Максимальный крутящий момент / Max. torque N·m at rpm 400 Нм при 1800 об/мин

Трансмиссия / Transmission

16 Сцепление / Clutch type Гидромуфта
17 КПП / Transmission type SU4 000 АКПП 6 Автоматическая, шестиступенчатая, адаптивная

О Книге

  • Название: Renault Vel Satis Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию
  • Бензиновые двигатели: F4R 2.0 л (1998 см³) 170 л.с./125 кВт, V4Y 3.5 л (3498 см³) 240 л.с./177 кВт и дизельными M9R 2.0 л (1998 см³) 150-172 л.с./110-127 кВт, G9T 2.2 л (2188 см³) 115-140-150 л.с./84-103-110 кВт, P9X 3.0 л (2958 см³) 180 л.с./133 кВт
  • Выпуск с 2002 года
  • Серия: «Owner Guide / Driver’s handbook»
  • Год издания: Август 2002
  • Автор: Коллектив авторов
  • Издательство: «RENAULT S.A.S»
  • Формат: PDF
  • Страниц в книге: 238
  • Размер: 65.66 МБ
  • Язык: 1 на Русском + 3 на английском 2004-2005 в архиве
  • Количество электросхем: 0

Renault Vel Satis с 2002 руководство по эксплуатации

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Руководство по обслуживанию и ремонту Renault Vel Satis.

Руководство на испанском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Renault Vel Satis.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Renault
  • Год издания: 2001
  • Страниц:
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 23,4 Mb

Электросхемы Renault Vel Satis 2002-2004 г.

Сборник мультимедийных схем на нескольких языках (в том числе русском) электрооборудования автомобиля Renault Vel Satis 2002-2004 годов выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Renault
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц:
  • Формат: ISO
  • Размер: 172,0 Mb

Доп информация

NU739-6 | ENG | Dos = 8 mm | 227 pages | C68 J79 M24 N60 | 1 de Couv

Cyan Magenta Jaune Noir Noir texte

NU739-6 | ENG | Dos = 8 mm | 227 pages | C68 J79 M24 N60 | 4 de Couv

Cyan Magenta Jaune Noir Noir texte




92100 BOULOGNE-BILLANCOURT R.C.S. NANTERRE 780 129 987 — SIRET 780 129 987 03591 / TÉL. : 0810 40 50 60

NU 739-6 – 82 01 056 171 – 02/2009 – Edition anglaise










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  6. Driver’s handbook manual
  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Bookmarks

Related Manuals for Renault velSatis

Summary of Contents for Renault velSatis

  • Page 2: Driving

    TRANSELF TRP 75W-80 API GL5 Automatic gearbox Please contact your RENAULT Dealer RENAULT recommends approved ELF lubricants. When topping up or changing the oil, we recommend you use only the original lubricants. Consult your RENAULT Dealer or visit the site www.lubricants.elf.com…

  • Page 3
    Welcome to your new RENAULT This driver’s handbook contains the information necessary to: • enable you to get to know your RENAULT, to use it to its full potential and to benefit from all the latest technical developments which are incorporated into it.
  • Page 4
    Brief overview • Tyre pressures ……………….. 0.04 0.07 • RENAULT card: use ……………… 1.02 1.09 • Child restraint/seat ………………1.35 1.46 • Warning lights (instrument panel) …………1.50 1.65 • Driving ………………….2.02 2.42 • Starting/stopping the engine …………..2.03 2.06…
  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    Sections Getting to know your vehicle …………Driving ………………….. Your comfort ………………..Maintenance ………………..Practical advice ………………. Technical specifications ……………. Alphabetical index ………………0.03…

  • Page 6
    TYRE PRESSURES in bar or kg/cm² (when cold) 2.0 dCi Versions fitted with 17” wheels 2.0 T 3.5 V6 3.0 dCi 2.2 dCi Non-motorway use • Front • Rear Motorway use (1) • Front • Rear Emergency spare wheel Wheel rim sizes 7 J 17 — 5.5 J 17 (spare wheel) Tyre sizes 225/55 R 17 W — 185/60 R 17 C (spare wheel)
  • Page 7
    TYRE PRESSURES in bar or kg/cm² (when cold) (continued) 2.0 dCi Versions fitted with 18” wheels 2.0 T 3.5 V6 3.0 dCi 2.2 dCi Non-motorway use • Front • Rear Motorway use (1) • Front • Rear Emergency spare wheel Wheel rim sizes 7.5 J 18 — 5.5 J 17 (spare wheel) Tyre sizes…
  • Page 8
    TYRE INFLATION PRESSURE in PSI (when cold) 2.0 dCi Versions fitted with 17” wheels 2.0 T 3.5 V6 3.0 dCi 2.2 dCi Non-motorway use • Front • Rear Motorway use (1) • Front • Rear Emergency spare wheel Wheel rim sizes 7 J 17 — 5,5 J 17 (spare wheel) Tyre sizes 225/55 R 17 W — 185/60 R 17 C (spare wheel)
  • Page 9
    TYRE PRESSURES in PSI (when cold) (continued) 2.0 dCi Versions fitted with 18” wheels 2.0 T 3.5 V6 3.0 dCi 2.2 dCi Non-motorway use • Front • Rear Motorway use (1) • Front • Rear Emergency spare wheel Wheel rim sizes 7,5 J 18 — 5,5 J 17 (spare wheel) Tyre sizes 245/45 R 18 W — 185/60 R 17 C (spare wheel)
  • Page 10
  • Page 11
    Section 1: Getting to know your vehicle RENAULT Card: general information, use, deadlocking …………..1.02 1.09 Doors …………………………1.10 1.15 Engine immobiliser system ……………………1.16 — 1.17 Headrests — Seats ……………………..1.18 1.23 Seat belts …………………………. 1.24 1.27 Additional methods of restraint ………………….1.28 1.34…
  • Page 12
    — the operation of certain devices (e.g.: radio, electrically controlled seats, etc.); — the engine to be started (refer to the information on Starting the engine in Section 2). Remote control RENAULT Card A The Card has two buttons, 1 and 2. 1.02…
  • Page 13
    RENAULT CARDS: general information (continued) It enables: — automatic unlocking and locking, if desired, of the doors, boot and fuel filler cap; — the doors (including the tailgate) and the fuel filler flap to be locked or unlocked intentionally (see the following pages);…
  • Page 14
    RENAULT Card, so that you do not inadvertently lock or unlock the doors! RENAULT Cards A and B are Special note: for some vehicles, the Driver’s responsibility powered by a battery that should be…
  • Page 15
    RENAULT CARDS: general information (continued) Replacement: need additional RENAULT Card If you lose your RENAULT Card or require another, you can obtain one from your Dealer. If a RENAULT Card is replaced, it will be necessary to take the vehicle and all RENAULT Cards to your RENAULT Dealer to initialise the system.
  • Page 16
    REMOTE CONTROL RENAULT CARD: use Locking the doors Press the locking button 2. The hazard warning lights flash twice to indicate that the doors are locked: — if a front door is open or not closed properly, the doors and tailgate…
  • Page 17
    RENAULT CARD IN HANDS-FREE MODE: use If you have locked the vehicle by The hazard warning lights flash pressing locking button 2 on the twice and the side indicator lights RENAULT card, hands-free mode light (for approximately will no longer be active. It may only…
  • Page 18
    If you wish, you can exit the hands-free mode by pressing button 1 or 2; you will then switch to manual mode and operation of the RENAULT card is the same as that described in the section entitled Remote control RENAULT card: use.
  • Page 19
    Activating deadlocking deactivates hands-free mode. To unlock the doors, you must press button 1 (refer to the information in the RENAULT Card in hands-free mode: Use section). Hands-Free mode returns automatically each time the vehicle ignition is switched on.
  • Page 20: Opening And Closing The Doors

    Opening the doors from the outside inside Once the doors have been unlocked Pull handle 2. using the RENAULT Card, hold handle 1 and pull it towards you to Lights on warning buzzer open the door. If you have left the lights switched…

  • Page 21
    Other cases integrated indicator light Never leave your vehicle without To prevent the rear doors being removing the RENAULT Card from Press switch 3 to inhibit operation opened from the inside move lever inside and never leave a child (or a…
  • Page 22: Locking And Unlocking The Doors

    LOCKING AND UNLOCKING THE DOORS Locking/unlocking the doors from the outside This is done using the RENAULT card; see the RENAULT card information in Section 1. In certain cases, the RENAULT card may not work: — vehicle located in a zone of high…

  • Page 23
    LOCKING/UNLOCKING THE DOORS (continued) Using the separate emergency Locking the doors manually key 3 (depending on vehicle) With the door open, pivot bolt 4 (using a flat screwdriver or similar Insert key 3 in the left-hand door tool) and close the door. and lock or unlock the door.
  • Page 24
    LOCKING/UNLOCKING THE DOORS (continued) Locking the doors and boot without the RENAULT Card With the ignition off and a front door open, press switch 5 for more than five seconds. When the door is closed, all the doors and tailgate will be locked.
  • Page 25
    The door is unlocked: properly. they closed — when stationary, by opening a correctly, consult your RENAULT front door. Dealer. If you decide to keep the Note: if a door is opened, it will doors locked when you…
  • Page 26: Engine Immobiliser

    ENGINE IMMOBILISER This prevents the vehicle being Warning lights driven by anyone not in possession Vehicle protection warning light of the vehicle’s RENAULT card. A few seconds after the ignition has vehicle automatically been switched off, warning light 1 protected a few seconds after the will flash continuously.

  • Page 27: Engine Immobiliser System

    ENGINE IMMOBILISER SYSTEM (continued) Operating fault warning light If the RENAULT Card is faulty (rapid flashing of warning light 1 After ignition been and the Card reader), use the second switched on, if warning light 1 RENAULT Card (supplied with the continues to flash or remains vehicle) if possible.

  • Page 28: Front Headrests

    FRONT HEADRESTS To adjust the height To adjust the angle of the headrest While sitting on the seat, pull the The angle of the headrest can be headrest towards you and slide it up adjusted. To do this, move the front or down at the same time.

  • Page 29: Rear Headrests

    REAR HEADRESTS Rear headrest storage position To adjust the height Pull the headrest towards you and Press tab 1 and lower the headrest slowly slide it up or down at the completely. same time. The completely lowered headrest It is normal for the headrest not to position is a storage position: it lower fully.

  • Page 30
    FRONT SEATS WITH MANUAL ADJUSTMENT Heated seats With the ignition on, move switch 6. A warning light on the instrument panel comes on. The system, which is equipped with a thermostat, determines whether heating is necessary. For safety reasons, make these adjustments only when vehicle…
  • Page 31
    Lift or lower the front of the switch. RENAULT Card. The system operates: — with the RENAULT Card in the Accessories position (first notch); — on vehicles fitted with button 2; this can also be used to open the driver’s door, with the ignition…
  • Page 32
    FRONT SEATS WITH ELECTRIC ADJUSTMENT (continued) To tilt the entire seatback: Move switch forwards backwards. Heated seats With the ignition on, move switch 5. A warning light on the instrument panel comes on. The system, which is equipped with For safety reasons, make a thermostat, determines whether these adjustments…
  • Page 33
    RENAULT Card. position. The system operates: — with the RENAULT Card in the Accessories position (first notch); Driver’s seat memory procedure — when the driver’s door is opened, with the ignition off, for about With the RENAULT Card fully 40 minutes.
  • Page 34: Seat Belts

    SEAT BELTS Always wear your seat belt when Adjusting your driving position travelling in your vehicle. You must • Sit well back in your seat (having also comply with the legislation of removed your coat or jacket). the particular country you are in. This is essential to ensure your back is positioned correctly.

  • Page 35
    • If your belt becomes completely • If you keep your seat belt buckled jammed: when the vehicle is stopped (RENAULT Card removed), it will — pull the belt slowly but firmly so lock after approximately forty that just over an inch (3 cm) minutes.
  • Page 36: Rear Seat Belts

    — then allow the belt to rewind automatically, — unwind it again, — if the fault is still present, contact your RENAULT Dealer. Rear side seat belts Rear centre belt buckle housing Locking There is a space for this behind Unlocking housing 2.

  • Page 37
    • No adjustments may be made to the original component parts of the restraint system (belts, seats and their mountings). For special cases (e.g. fitting child seats) contact your RENAULT Dealer. • Do not use devices which allow any play in the belts (e.g. clothes pegs, clips, etc.): a seat belt which is worn too loosely risks causing injuries in the event of an accident.
  • Page 38
    — To avoid premature triggering of Depending on the severity of the the system which may cause impact, the system can trigger: injury, only qualified RENAULT — seat belt locking, Network personnel may work on — the buckle pretensioner (which…
  • Page 39
    ADDITIONAL SYSTEMS TO THE FRONT SEAT BELTS (continued) Force limiter Driver and passenger airbags Above a certain severity of impact, An airbag may be provided for both this mechanism is used to limit the the driver and the front passenger. force of the belt against the body so “Airbag”…
  • Page 40
    (for deflate(s) immediately so that the the most severe impacts). Consult your RENAULT Dealer as passengers are not impeded in any soon as possible. Your protection way as they get out of the vehicle.
  • Page 41
    — Do not attach any objects (badge, logo, clock, telephone holder, etc.) to the steering wheel boss. — The steering wheel must not be removed (except by qualified personnel from the RENAULT Network). — Do not sit too close to the steering wheel when driving. If you sit with your arms slightly bent (see Adjusting your driving position in Section 1), it will ensure that there is sufficient space for the airbag to inflate properly and to be fully effective.
  • Page 42: Methods Of Restraint In Addition To The Rear Seat Belts

    — protection is provided by the belt • To avoid premature triggering of only; the system which may cause — the pretensioner is triggered to injury, only qualified RENAULT pull in any seat belt slack. Network personnel may work on pretensioner airbag system.

  • Page 43
    Contact your RENAULT Dealer to find out if these covers may be purchased from RENAULT outlets. The use of any covers other than those designed for…
  • Page 44: Additional Methods Of Restraint

    • As a safety precaution, have the airbag system checked if your vehicle has been involved in an accident, stolen or broken into. • When selling or lending the vehicle, inform the user of these points and hand over this handbook with the vehicle. • When scrapping your vehicle, contact your RENAULT Dealer for disposal of the gas generator(s). 1.34…

  • Page 45: To Front Seat Belts

    Never RENAULT Network to choose the use the belt for more than one seat suited to your child and person at the same time. recommended for your vehicle.

  • Page 46
    CHILD SAFETY (continued) Passenger seats Weight Seat Front Type of child seat Rear side Rear centre of the child size passenger seat seats seats (1) (3) (4) Carry cot fitted across the vehicle < 10 kg F — G U — IL Approved for group 0 (5) (6) Rear-facing child seat…
  • Page 47
    = Seat which allows child seats with the “Semi-universal” or “specific to RENAULT vehicles” approval to be attached by the ISOFIX device; check that they can be fitted correctly. Refer to the Child safety equipment booklet available from the RENAULT Network to choose the seat suited to your child and recommended for your vehicle.
  • Page 48
    To avoid any risk to your safety, we recommend that you use vehicle seatback. RENAULT approved accessories because they are designed for your vehicle and are the only accessories for which RENAULT will provide a warranty. 1.38…
  • Page 49
    CHILD SAFETY (continued) booster seat with height-adjustable seatback and a belt guide are recommended as this will allow the belt to be worn as close to the base of the neck as possible but not on it. Place the headrest in the top position to allow you to press the seatback of the child seat firmly against the vehicle seatback.
  • Page 50
    CHILD SAFETY (continued) Local legislation regarding the transport of children must be respected. DANGER Since front passenger airbag triggering and the Deactivation front position of a rear-facing passenger airbag child seat are incompatible, it is not permitted to install such a (if fitted) With the ignition on, you must seat in this position unless the…
  • Page 51
    Allowing any other passenger to sit in that seat is not recommended. Consult your RENAULT Dealer as soon as possible. Activating the front passenger airbags You should reactivate the airbag as…
  • Page 52
    RENAULT for securing the belts of Child seat or shell The child seats are fitted with two some rear-facing seats available When the child seat is installed latches which are attached to the from the RENAULT network.
  • Page 53
    CHILD SAFETY (continued) Isofix seat mounting principle Front-facing Rear-facing When a front-facing child seat is When a rear-facing child seat is installed, the front seat must not be installed, the front seat must not be moved back beyond the halfway moved forward beyond the halfway point on the seat runners and the point on the seat runners.
  • Page 54
    CHILD SAFETY (continued) Fitting an Isofix child seat • Read the instructions provided • Lock hooks 3 on the rings and carefully before fitting and using make sure that the seat is properly the seat; locked (by moving it to the left/right and forward/backward).
  • Page 55
    Each of the rear side seats is fitted with two rings for mounting the base of the child seat. Consult your RENAULT Dealer for how to access the rings the first time you install the seat. For the mounting ring on a…
  • Page 56
    CHILD SAFETY (continued) CHILD SAFETY • No modifications may be made to the original component parts of the restraint system (belts and seats and their mountings). • Carefully follow the instructions for fitting provided by the manufacturer of the restraint system. •…
  • Page 57: Steering Wheel

    STEERING WHEEL Height and range adjustment Lower lever 1 and place the steering wheel in the required position: lift the lever to lock the steering wheel in place. Never leave the steering wheel on full lock when the vehicle is stationary as this could damage the power assisted steering pump.

  • Page 58: Driver’s Position

    DRIVER’S POSITION 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 15 16 25 24 23 1.48…

  • Page 59
    25 Cruise control/speed limiter airbag. 2 Side window demisting outlet. switches. 10 Temperature, radio information, car phone, navigation system 26 RENAULT card reader. 3 Stalk for: display etc., depending on — direction indicators, vehicle. — external lighting, 27 Navigation system control.
  • Page 60: Instrument Panel

    4a 4 14 13 12 If the warning light comes on, you should visit a RENAULT Dealer immediately. If the warning light comes on, you must stop as soon as traffic conditions allow. If no information appears on the instrument panel, it is essential to stop as soon as traffic conditions allow.

  • Page 61
    INSTRUMENT PANEL (continued) The presence and operation of the warning lights described below depend on the vehicle equipment and country. Exhaust Particle filter 2 Rev counter Front passenger airbag warning light. warning light (on the instrument panel or the Refer to the information dashboard display) on Special features of diesel 3 Fuel gauge…
  • Page 62
    4a 4 14 13 12 If the warning light comes on, you should visit a RENAULT Dealer immediately. If the warning light comes on, you must stop as soon as traffic conditions allow. If no information appears on the instrument panel, it is essential to stop as soon as traffic conditions allow.
  • Page 63
    Braking will then be as normal, Dealer as soon as possible. is being driven, it is advisable without the ABS system. to visit your RENAULT Dealer • If it flashes, reduce the as soon as possible. Contact your RENAULT Dealer engine speed until the light as soon as possible.
  • Page 64
    4a 4 14 13 12 If the warning light comes on, you should visit a RENAULT Dealer immediately. If the warning light comes on, you must stop as soon as traffic conditions allow. If no information appears on the instrument panel, it is essential to stop as soon as traffic conditions allow.
  • Page 65
    (as soon as Trip computer display soon as traffic conditions allow traffic conditions allow). and contact a RENAULT Dealer. After 30 seconds, the display will switch to trip computer function: see the Trip computer and warning system paragraph…
  • Page 66: Information Display

    Examples of warning messages are can appear on their own or with the given on the following pages. warning light. You should immediately go to your RENAULT Dealer for work to be carried out on your vehicle. The information display 1 groups Examples operation…

  • Page 67
    INFORMATION DISPLAY (continued) Examples of Interpretation of messages information messages «Change Card battery» Card battery failure «Tyre pressure» Tyre pressure sufficient «Shift the gear lever to P» Incorrect starting conditions for vehicles with an automatic gearbox «Cruise control» Indication of cruise control selection (please refer to the information on Cruise control in Section 2).
  • Page 68
    INFORMATION DISPLAY (continued) Examples of fault Interpretation of messages messages «Gearbox to be checked» Gearbox fault: consult your Dealer as soon as possible «Oil level to be readjusted» The oil level is to be readjusted: check the oil level on level ground as soon as possible. «Check ESP»…
  • Page 69
    INFORMATION DISPLAY (continued) Examples of fault Interpretation of messages messages «Inflate tyres for the motorway» Driving speed is not suited to the tyre pressure. Slow down or inflate the tyres to the full load pressure «ESP» ESP being adjusted «Adjust tyre pressure» A shaded wheel indicates a deflated tyre «Injection to be checked»…
  • Page 70
    INFORMATION DISPLAY (continued) Warning messages Interpretation of messages «Engine overheating» Coolant temperature too high «Injection fault, stop the engine» Serious injection fault, stop the vehicle «Braking system fault» Braking circuit fault «Puncture: change wheel» This example shows that the rear left-hand wheel is punctured. «Recharging fault»…
  • Page 71
    INFORMATION DISPLAY (continued) Warning messages Interpretation of messages «Oil pressure fault» Oil pressure fault «Parking brake fault» Assisted parking brake not working «Apply parking brake» «Risk of locked steering» Steering column lock fault 1.61…
  • Page 72: Trip Computer And Warning System

    TRIP COMPUTER AND WARNING SYSTEM Display selection key For the first few miles after pressing the reset key you will notice: Press key 3 repeatedly and briefly to show the following information in • that the range increases as you sequence: travel.

  • Page 73
    TRIP COMPUTER AND WARNING SYSTEM (continued) The display on the instrument panel of the information described below depends on the vehicle equipment and country. Examples of display selections by pressing 3 Interpreting the display a) Total mileage recorder. b) Trip mileage recorder. c) Fuel used (in litres or gallons) since the last reset.
  • Page 74
    TRIP COMPUTER AND WARNING SYSTEM (continued) Examples of display Interpreting the display selections by pressing 3 e) Current consumption (in mpg or litres/100 km) This value is displayed after reaching a speed of 15 mph (35 km/h). f) Estimated range with remaining fuel (in miles or km) This range takes into account the average fuel consumption since the last time the reset button was pressed.
  • Page 75
    TRIP COMPUTER AND WARNING SYSTEM (continued) Examples of display Interpreting the display selections by pressing 3 i) Distance before oil service/Range Distance before the next service. There are several scenarios: • range less than 900 miles (1,500 km) or next service date planned within two months.
  • Page 76: Voice Synthesiser

    VOICE SYNTHESISER The vehicle speaks to you… Types of spoken information Spoken information is transmitted The type of spoken information automatically and acts as a back-up depends on the vehicle equipment for the visual information. level and monitors the following functions: The voice synthesiser keeps you — oil pressure,…

  • Page 77
    VOICE SYNTHESISER (continued) Repeat messages key 1 pressed Spoken information stored in the memory or present at the time of request will be repeated. If no defect is detected the spoken message will be “Welcome, the vehicle’s computer is now checking systems for you”.
  • Page 78
    CLOCK AND OUTSIDE TEMPERATURE Exterior temperature indicator 1 Vehicles fitted with navigation systems, telephones, etc. Special note: Refer to the separate instructions for When the outside temperature is the function to understand the –3°C to +3°C, the °C characters flash special features of this equipment.
  • Page 79: Door Mirrors

    DOOR MIRRORS Heated door mirrors The door mirrors are also de-iced when rear screen demisting is switched on. Auto-dimming door mirrors These darken automatically at night if you are being followed by a vehicle with its lights on. Door mirrors Folding door mirrors With the ignition on, turn knob 1 to: Move button 1 to position F: the…

  • Page 80: Rear View Mirrors

    REAR-VIEW MIRRORS Rear-view mirror Auto-dimming rear-view mirror 2 Its position can be adjusted. For rear-view mirror darkens night driving, to avoid being automatically at night when you are dazzled by the headlights of the car followed by a vehicle with its lights behind you, move the little lever 1 on (main beam headlights).

  • Page 81
    HORN AND SIGNALS Warning beep Hazard warning lights Direction indicators Press steering wheel cushion A. Press switch 2. Shift stalk 1 parallel to the steering wheel and in the direction you are This switch lights up all four going to turn. indicators simultaneously.
  • Page 82: External Lighting And Signals

    — The lights go out when the engine is stopped, when the driver’s door is opened or when the vehicle is locked with the RENAULT card. Side lights Dipped beam headlights Turn the end of switch 1…

  • Page 83
    With the ignition off and the RENAULT Card removed from the reader, pull stalk 1 towards you: the dipped headlights light up for about thirty seconds.
  • Page 84
    EXTERNAL LIGHTING AND SIGNALS (continued) Rear fog lights To avoid inconveniencing other road users, remember to switch off With the headlights on, the rear fog lights when it is no turn centre ring 4 of the stalk until longer needed. the symbol is opposite mark 5 then release: a warning light on the instrument panel lights up.
  • Page 85
    EXTERNAL LIGHTING AND SIGNALS (continued) Automatic operation (depending Lights on warning buzzer on vehicle) If the lights are switched on after the The lights go out when the engine is engine is switched off, a warning stopped, when the driver’s door is beep sounds when the driver’s door opened or when the vehicle is is opened to warn you that the lights…
  • Page 86
    ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENT OF THE DIPPED BEAM HEADLIGHTS Examples of position for adjusting the control A according to the load All versions 2.2 dCi except 2.2 dCi Driver alone or with front passenger Driver with one front passenger and three rear 1 or 2 1 or 2 passengers…
  • Page 87
    WINDSCREEN WASH/WIPE — A off Automatic selection of wiping speed — B automatic wiper function When driving with a wiping speed When this position is selected, selected, the wiping speed changes the system detects water on the to a lower speed if the vehicle windscreen and triggers wiping should stop: at a suitable wiping speed.
  • Page 88
    WINDSCREEN WASH/WIPE (continued) Windscreen washer, headlight washers With the ignition on, pull stalk 1 towards you. In frosty weather, make sure the wiper blades are not stuck by ice — Headlights switched off (risk of motor overheating). The windscreen washer will be Keep an eye on the condition of the activated.
  • Page 89
    REAR SCREEN WASH/WIPE Before using the rear wiper, check that no transported object obstructs the travel of the blade. In frosty weather, make sure the wiper blades are not stuck by ice (risk of motor overheating). Keep an eye on the condition of the blades.
  • Page 90: Fuel Tank (Filling With Fuel)

    Special circumstances RENAULT Cards 80 litres approximately. If the RENAULT Card is faulty, it is The flap locks a few minutes after possible to unlock flap A by To open flap A, press on the area the other doors on the vehicle.

  • Page 91
    FUEL TANK (continued) Fuel grade Filling with fuel Filling up with fuel (continued) Use a high grade fuel that complies Petrol versions Petrol and diesel versions with the standards currently in Use unleaded petrol only. No more than two filling operations force in each country.
  • Page 92
    RENAULT Network. modifications what- soever are permitted on any part of the fuel supply system (computers, wiring, fuel circuit, injector, protection covers, etc.) as this may be dangerous (such work must be undertaken by qualified RENAULT Network personnel). 1.82…
  • Page 93: Emergency Brake Assist

    Section 2: Driving (Advice on use relating to fuel economy and the environment) Running in ………………………….. 2.02 Starting/stopping the engine ………………….. 2.03 2.06 Special features of petrol versions ……………………2.07 Special features of diesel versions ……………………2.08 Special features of diesel versions with exhaust particle filter …………..2.09 Gear lever …………………………..

  • Page 94: Running In

    RUNNING-IN Petrol version Diesel version For the first 625 miles (1,000 km) do For the first 900 miles (1,500 km), not exceed 70 mph (130 km/h) in do not exceed 2,500 rpm. After the highest gear, or 3,000 to completing this mileage you may 3,500 rpm.

  • Page 95
    STARTING AND STOPPING THE ENGINE USING THE REMOTE CONTROL CARD Starting the engine position (Second notch) Once the RENAULT Card is fully inserted into the card reader 2 (when you hear the unlocking noise from the steering column), button 1…
  • Page 96: Starting/Stopping The Engine

    When you leave your vehicle, especially if you When the RENAULT Card is have your RENAULT removed the steering will lock. Card with you, check that the engine is completely switched off.

  • Page 97
    STARTING AND STOPPING THE ENGINE WITH HANDS-FREE RENAULT CARD Stopping the engine With the vehicle stationary, press button 1; accessories such as the radio in use at the time continue to function and the steering locks. (As a precaution, check that it is properly locked.)
  • Page 98
    STARTING AND STOPPING THE ENGINE WITH HANDS-FREE RENAULT CARD (continued) Special cases — When the engine is running, a vehicle door is open and the card is outside the vehicle (for example when the driver gets out to open the garage door): the engine continues to run.
  • Page 99: Special Features Of Petrol Versions

    RENAULT Dealer. low fuel level warning light is lit These faults may be avoided by • Using leaded petrol, regularly taking your vehicle to your RENAULT Dealer at the • Using oil or fuel additives which intervals specified your are not approved by RENAULT.

  • Page 100: Special Features Of Diesel Versions

    However, if after a few seconds and several attempts the engine fails to start, contact a RENAULT Dealer. Do not park the vehicle or run the engine in locations where combustible sub-…

  • Page 101
    “Check emission control”, consult your RENAULT Dealer straight This is due to the exhaust particle away. filter being cleaned automatically, and does not affect the way the Diesel engine speed vehicle runs.
  • Page 102: Gear Lever

    GEAR LEVER POWER STEERING Never leave the steering wheel on full lock when the vehicle is parked if you have power assisted steering fitted as this may damage the pump. Variable power assisted steering variable assistance power steering electronic management system that adapts the level of assistance to the vehicle speed.

  • Page 103
    ASSISTED PARKING BRAKE Indicator light 3 on the dashboard and indicator light 4 on the instrument panel light confirm that the assisted parking brake has been applied. If the parking brake has not been applied, indicator lights 3 and 4 go out when the doors are locked.
  • Page 104: Assisted Parking Brake

    — pull lever 1 whilst pressing the running, and if you leave unlocking button 2 and release it; the vehicle, you must — remove the RENAULT card from apply assisted the reader, for the remote control parking brake manually.

  • Page 105
    3 and 4 flash for to roll away. about 10 seconds. Contact your RENAULT Dealer as soon as possible. 2.13…
  • Page 106
    • idling speed: this does not require booklet. adjustment. Your RENAULT Dealer has all the • air filter, diesel filter: A clogged equipment necessary for ensuring element hinders performance and that your vehicle is maintained to must be replaced.
  • Page 107
    • Do not try to maintain the same — If it comes on continuously, speed up a hill, accelerate no contact your RENAULT Dealer as more than you would on the level. Driving soon as possible. Keep your foot in the same •…
  • Page 108
    ADVICE ON EMISSION CONTROL, FUEL ECONOMY AND DRIVING (continued) — For vehicles equipped with air conditioning. You will normally notice increase fuel consumption (especially in town) when the air conditioning is operating. Switch off the air conditioning when it is not required on vehicles fitted with manual air conditioning.
  • Page 109: Environment

    (empty or filled with oil, etc.) with Parts which can be recycled household waste. Dispose of them through specialist Your vehicle has been designed — RENAULT used organisations. In all cases, comply with the aim of caring for the recycling expertise to reduce with local legislation.

  • Page 110: Tyre Pressure Monitor

    TYRE PRESSURE MONITOR This system monitors the tyre pressure. The tyre pressure can be adjusted when cold (refer to the Tyre pressure information values). If tyre pressures cannot be checked when the tyres are cold, the recommended pressures must be increased by 0.2 to 0.3 bar (3 PSI).

  • Page 111
    Since replacing tyres requires special precautions, we advise you to consult your RENAULT Dealer. Reading the tyre pressures on the instrument panel After checking the vehicle tyre pressures, the instrument panel warning messages and/or values read on the information display A…
  • Page 112
    RENAULT outlets: the use of any Display other accessory could affect the correct operation of the system. The information display A informs you of possible faults (flat tyre,…
  • Page 113
    TYRE PRESSURE MONITOR (continued) Examples of information that can appear on the information display A. Information Interpretation of messages display A «Tyre pressure» The tyre pressure is sufficient. «No tyre sensor» One wheel disappears, indicating that the sensor on this wheel is missing or faulty (e.g. if the emergency spare wheel is fitted etc.).
  • Page 114
    ELECTRONIC STABILITY PROGRAM: ESP WITH UNDERSTEERING CONTROL This system helps you to keep When the function is in operation, control of the vehicle in critical message A lights up to confirm this. driving conditions (avoiding an obstacle, loss of grip in a bend, etc.). Understeer control complemented This system optimises the action of…
  • Page 115
    Correct this as soon as possible by light. This action also deactivates traction pressing switch 1 again. control: see the information on Contact your RENAULT Dealer. the Traction control system in Note: the ESP is automatically Section 2. reactivated when vehicle ignition is switched on.
  • Page 116: Traction Control

    TRACTION CONTROL This system helps to limit skidding The system also adjusts the engine on drive wheels and to control the speed to the grip available under the vehicle when pulling away or wheels, independently of the action accelerating. exerted on the accelerator pedal. When the function is in operation, message A lights up to confirm this.

  • Page 117
    “ESP system” in Section 2. light. output to limit wheelspin. If this is Correct this as soon as possible by Contact your RENAULT Dealer. not required, it is possible to pressing switch 1 again. deactivate the function by pressing switch 1.
  • Page 118: Anti-Lock Braking System: Abs

    ANTI-LOCK BRAKING SYSTEM: ABS Under heavy braking, the system This system also allows you to You will feel pulsing through the has two principal aims; to reduce optimise stopping distances when brake pedal when the system has the stopping distance and keep your the grip of one or more wheels may been activated.

  • Page 119
    ABS is independent of the immediately, as soon as traffic effort applied to the brake pedal. In conditions allow. Contact an emergency, apply firm and RENAULT Dealer. continuous pressure to the brake pedal There is no need to pump it repeatedly. 2.27…
  • Page 120: Brake Assist

    BRAKE ASSIST This system is complementary to ABS and helps reduce vehicle stopping distances. Operating principle The system is for detecting an emergency braking situation. In this case, braking assistance instantly develops its maximum power. This function Maximum braking is maintained for additional aid in case of as long as the brake pedal is not critical driving conditions…

  • Page 121
    CRUISE CONTROL — SPEED LIMITER: limiter function Controls Warning light The speed limiter function helps you to not exceed the driving speed 1 On/Off general switch that you choose. This orange warning light on the 2 Limited speed storage instrument panel lights up to This may be useful, for example, in adjustment limited…
  • Page 122
    CRUISE CONTROL — SPEED LIMITER: limiter function (continued) Driving When a limited speed has been stored, the vehicle works in a similar way to vehicles without the speed limiter function, as long as the limited speed is not reached. From this point, no effort on the accelerator pedal will allow you to exceed the programmed speed except…
  • Page 123
    CRUISE CONTROL — SPEED LIMITER: limiter function (continued) Exceeding the limit speed In the event of an emergency It is possible to exceed the limit speed at any moment, to do this, depress the accelerator pedal firmly and fully (beyond the kickdown point).
  • Page 124: Cruise Control

    CRUISE CONTROL — SPEED LIMITER: cruising function Indicator light This green indicator light on the instrument panel lights up to indicate that the cruising function is in operation. stored speed information appears on information display 6 “cruise control”. This function additional driving aid.

  • Page 125
    CRUISE CONTROL — SPEED LIMITER: cruising function (continued) Driving Once a cruising speed is stored and the cruise control function is active, you may lift your foot off the accelerator pedal. N.B. you are advised to keep your feet near to the pedals case emergency.
  • Page 126
    CRUISE CONTROL — SPEED LIMITER: cruising function (continued) Exceeding the cruising speed In the event of an emergency cruising speed exceeded at any time by pressing the accelerator pedal. The speed indicator on the instrument panel flashes to inform you that the cruising speed is being exceeded.
  • Page 127
    CRUISE CONTROL — SPEED LIMITER: cruising function (continued) Stopping the function Press button 1. In this case, the speed will not be not stored. The instrument panel warning light goes out to confirm that the function is no longer operating. Putting the function on stand-by Recalling the cruising speed The function is interrupted when…
  • Page 128
    Check Parking Proximity (such as a child, animal, pram or Sensor message. Contact your bicycle, etc.) or small, narrow RENAULT Dealer. objects such as stones or posts in your path when manoeuvring or nearing an obstacle. 2.36…
  • Page 129: Parking Proximity Sensor

    PARKING PROXIMITY SENSOR (continued) Deactivating the system You can deactivate the system permanently by pressing the switch Press switch 1 to deactivate the for longer than approximately three system. seconds. The warning light in the switch The warning light in the switch comes on to remind you that the stays on and the Parking Proximity system has been deactivated: the…

  • Page 130
    PARKING PROXIMITY SENSOR (continued) When reverse gear is selected, the Manual activation/deactivation system switches automatically to of the front and rear parking manoeuvre mode. proximity sensor object located less than Press switch 1 quickly to deactivate approximately 1 metre away from the system.
  • Page 131
    PARKING PROXIMITY SENSOR (continued) In this case you can reactivate the Automatic activation/ system by pressing switch 1 for deactivation of the system longer than three seconds: the The system is activated when the warning light in the switch goes out vehicle is being driven at a speed and the Parking Proximity Sensor below…
  • Page 132: Automatic Gearbox

    AUTOMATIC GEARBOX Starting With the lever in position P or N, switch on the ignition. Foot on the brake pedal (the warning light goes out), move the lever out of position P. The lever must only be engaged in D or R when the vehicle is stationary.

  • Page 133
    AUTOMATIC GEARBOX (continued) Accelerating and overtaking Depress the accelerator pedal fully that goes beyond kickdown point). This will enable you to change down to the optimal gear within the engine range. Driving in manual mode With gear lever 1 in position D, move the lever to the left: warning light M and the gear selected light up on the instrument panel.
  • Page 134
    Contact a RENAULT Dealer as Special circumstances soon as possible. — If the bends and hills on the road — If the lever is stuck in P, even — If the “Gearbox Overheating”…
  • Page 135: Your Comfort

    Section 3: Your comfort Air vents …………………………3.02 — 3.03 Climate control ……………………….. 3.04 3.13 Electric windows ……………………… 3.14 — 3.15 Windscreen ………………………….. 3.16 Sun visor …………………………..3.17 Sunroof …………………………3.18 — 3.19 Interior lights ……………………….3.20 — 3.21 Storage compartments/passenger compartment fittings …………..3.22 3.27 Ashtrays/cigarette lighter ……………………..

  • Page 136
    AIR VENTS (air outlets) 1 — left-hand air vent 5 — control panel 6 — right-hand side window demister 2 — left-hand window demister outlet outlet 7 — right-hand side air vent 3 — windscreen demister outlets 8 — footwell heater outlets for front 4 — centre air vents passengers 3.02…
  • Page 137: Air Vents

    AIR VENTS (continued) Air flow Direction Direction Turn wheel 1 or 4 (beyond the point Right and left: move cursors 2 or 3. Right/left: move the tabs 5. where a certain resistance is felt). Up/down: lower or raise tabs 2 or 3. Up/down: lower or raise the tabs 5.

  • Page 138: Automatic Air Conditioning

    AUTOMATIC AIR CONDITIONING 9 — “clear view” button to demist and de-ice the windows 10 — rear screen de-icing button 11 — air conditioning button Information operating instructions: refer to the end of the section Heating conditioning. 11 10 9 8 7 The controls 1 — automatic mode…

  • Page 139
    It is therefore Ambient temperature advisable always to keep the same (automatic mode) RENAULT Card so that you find your personal settings. The heating and ventilation system Operation of the automatic mode guarantees comfort in the passenger…
  • Page 140: Climate Control

    CLIMATE CONTROL (continued) Ambient temperature: (automatic mode) (continued) Operation To reach and keep the chosen comfort level and to maintain good visibility, the system controls: — ventilation speed, — the air distribution, — the air recirculation management, — starting stopping conditioning, — the temperature of the blown air to the right and left;…

  • Page 141
    CLIMATE CONTROL (continued) B A B 10 a 9 8 7 Heated rear screen Press key 10; the warning light 10a To quit this function: lights up and the warning lights A — it stops automatically after a time and B appear on display 3. specified by the system;…
  • Page 142
    CLIMATE CONTROL (continued) Special note For vehicles equipped with an A B C B electric heated windscreen, this is operated when the See Clear function is used. Note.: if you wish to reduce the air flow (which may produce a certain amount of noise in the passenger compartment), press button 8.
  • Page 143
    CLIMATE CONTROL (continued) This is the recommended mode of use: indeed, the automatic climate control system guarantees comfort in the passenger compartment and good visibility (except in the event extreme conditions), while optimising consumption. Return to automatic mode as soon as possible.
  • Page 144
    CLIMATE CONTROL (continued) Switching air conditioning on or off In automatic mode, the system switches conditioning system on or off, depending on the weather conditions. Automatic mode is switched off by pressing button 11: the indicatorg light on button 1 will go out. The air conditioning is switched on (indicator light on) or off (indicator light off) using button 11.
  • Page 145
    CLIMATE CONTROL (continued) Using air recirculation Air recirculation allows the external atmosphere to be isolated (when driving in polluted areas, etc.). During recirculation, air is taken from the passenger compartment and is recycled, with no air being taken from outside the vehicle. In automatic mode, indicator light 5a lights up, the system analyses the external air quality, and when…
  • Page 146
    AUTOMATIC AIR CONDITIONING (continued) Rear passenger controls Distribution passenger compartment Adjusting the amount of air Move control B. • Position blown into passenger compartment • Position The air flow is directed towards the air vents 1 and the footwells. Move control A from OFF to MAX. The air flow is directed mainly Passenger compartment ventilation towards the air vents 1.
  • Page 147: Maintenance

    RENAULT Dealer. conditioning. This device only operates when the — Reduction in de-icing, demisting engine is running and in cold weather; it is controlled by the Some advice reducing or air conditioning performance.

  • Page 148: Electric Windows

    Driver’s responsibility — 1 for the driver’s side; Never leave your vehicle without removing the RENAULT Card from — 2 for the front passenger side; inside and never leave a child (or a pet) inside. With the card present in the vehicle it would be possible to operate the electric windows and there is a — 3 and 5 for the rear passengers.

  • Page 149
    In case of a fault when closing a the RENAULT card for more than completely. window or after the battery cutting 2 seconds, the windows will close…
  • Page 150: Windscreen

    WINDSCREEN Laminated side windows We recommend that you replace damaged (cracked) windows; they may break if a passer-by or passenger puts any pressure on the glass. Windscreen with reflective layer This windscreen reflects the sun and, particular, limits infrared rays entering the passenger compartment.

  • Page 151: Sun Visor

    SUN VISOR Front sun visor Rear door sun blind Rear sun visor blind Lower sun visor 1. Pull the sun visor upwards using Pull the sun blind upwards using tab 4 until each end 5 locks into its tab 7 until the two hooks 6 lock in housing (make sure the blind is their retainers (make sure the blind Lighting courtesy mirrors 2…

  • Page 152: Electric Sunroof

    Never leave your vehicle — opening: pull sliding sun blind 1 — opening: align mark 3 on button 2 without removing towards the rear, then align towards position B according to RENAULT Card from marking 3 on button 2 with desired opening (the…

  • Page 153: Sunroof

    — vehicle with loaded roof rack When you lock the doors using the bars. RENAULT Card and you press the Generally, it is not advisable to locking button on the RENAULT operate the sunroof. Card for more than 2 seconds, the…

  • Page 154: Interior Lighting

    INTERIOR LIGHTING Courtesy light Map reading lights Press switch 2 for: Press switch 1 or 3. — continuous lighting; — for the light to come on fully when one of the doors is opened. The light only goes out when the doors are correctly closed.

  • Page 155: Interior Lights

    INTERIOR LIGHTS (continued) Floor lights 8 Door lights These located under Each light 9 lights up when a door is dashboard: one on the driver’s side, opened. one on the passenger’s side and under the front seats for the rear passengers.

  • Page 156: Passenger Compartment Storage Space And Fittings

    PASSENGER COMPARTMENT STORAGE SPACE AND FITTINGS Central storage compartment Cup holders To open, press the centre of cover 1 To open, press cover 2 then release; then release; it opens automatically. it opens automatically. There are two cup holders 3 and one Note: depending on the vehicle, this storage compartment 4.

  • Page 157: Storage Compartments/Passenger Compartment Fittings

    STORAGE COMPARTMENTS / PASSENGER COMPARTMENT FITTINGS (continued) Storage compartment Front door storage pockets 7 passenger side Door storage compartments 8 This storage compartment, just like Pull handle 5 to open. the passenger compartment, is Inside the cover there is storage ventilated and air conditioned.

  • Page 158
    Lift armrest 9. maximum power of 180 W (voltage 12v) which have been approved by RENAULT’s Technical Department. No objects should be placed on the floor (area in front of driver) as these objects could slide under the pedal during braking manoeuvres, thus obstructing its use.
  • Page 159
    STORAGE COMPARTMENTS / PASSENGER COMPARTMENT FITTINGS (continued) Front seat storage pockets 12 Storage compartment under the rear bench seat To open it, lift handle 13. The unit opens automatically. Press until it locks to close it. 3.25…
  • Page 160
    STORAGE COMPARTMENTS / PASSENGER COMPARTMENT FITTINGS (continued) Glasses holder 14 Grab handle 15 These offer support and can be held when the vehicle is being driven. Do not use them to help you get into or out of the vehicle. 3.26…
  • Page 161
    STORAGE COMPARTMENTS / PASSENGER COMPARTMENT FITTINGS (continued) Rear armrest Cup holder Lower armrest 16. Press bar 19 then release: the cup holder opens automatically, then Depending on the vehicle, lift cover pull it out fully. 17 by unlocking handle 18. 3.27…
  • Page 162: Ashtrays/Cigarette Lighter

    ASHTRAYS / CIGARETTE LIGHTER Ashtray on front console Cigarette lighter on rear console Ashtray in rear door 3 Press on cover 1 to open. Press the top of the cover. The ashtray opens automatically. Release it from its housing to empty. Cigarette lighter Press on the cover to close.

  • Page 163: Rear Bench Seat

    REAR BENCH SEAT Transporting objects If you have to place items on the folded down seatback, refer to the information “transporting objects luggage compartment” in Section 3. This may be folded down for carrying bulky objects. The seat — When refitting cushion and seatback can be folded seatback, make sure it…

  • Page 164: Luggage Compartment

    LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT Opening the doors from inside The tailgate is locked and unlocked To close at the same time as the doors. the vehicle Lower the boot lid by first using the inside handles 2. If it is impossible to lock the boot, it To open can be done from inside.

  • Page 165: Rear Parcel Shelf

    REAR PARCEL SHELF Rear parcel shelf To remove it, unhook the two Lift the rear parcel shelf slightly and cords 1. pull it towards you. To refit it, proceed in reverse order to removal. Do not place any objects, especially heavy or hard objects, on the parcel shelf.

  • Page 166: Luggage Compartment Storage Space And Fittings

    LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT STORAGE SPACE AND FITTINGS Fittings luggage Lashing points 2 compartment These securing items transported luggage Accessory storage space 1 can be compartment (see “transporting used for an oil can, for example. objects in the luggage compart- ment”). 3.32…

  • Page 167
    TRANSPORTING OBJECTS IN THE BOOT Always position objects transported so that the largest surface is against: — The rear bench seatback for normal loads (example A). — The folded down seat maximum loads (example B). Always position heaviest items directly on the floor.
  • Page 168: Roof Bars

    ROOF BARS Access to the mounting points Each trim strip has two flaps. These flaps cover the mounting points for Swivel each flap 1 upward. the roof rack bars. A hinged cover 1 is fitted over each of these flaps. Authorised load on roof rack: refer to the information on “weights”…

  • Page 169: Multimedia Equipment

    MULTIMEDIA EQUIPMENT Hi-fi system 1 Navigation system CD changer 2 Screen. 3 CD-Rom drive. 4 Central control. 5 Steering column controls. For information on how to operate this equipment, refer to the relevant instructions. It is recommended that you keep these instructions with the rest of the vehicle documentation.

  • Page 170
    MULTIMEDIA EQUIPMENT (continued) DVD player 5 Screen. 7 DVD player. 6 Control panel. 3.36…
  • Page 171: Hands-Free Telephone Integral Control

    Please keep these instructions that it can be fitted in the vehicle. with the rest of the vehicle Consult your RENAULT Dealer. documentation. 3.37…

  • Page 172
  • Page 173
    Section 4: Maintenance Bonnet …………………………..4.02 Engine oil level/Oil change ……………………. 4.03 4.06 Levels: Engine coolant ……………………….. 4.07 Power-assisted steering pump ………………….4.07 Brake fluid ……………………….4.08 Windscreen/headlight washer reservoir ……………….. 4.08 Battery …………………………..4.09 Filters …………………………… 4.09 Bodywork maintenance ……………………. 4.10 — 4.11 Interior trim maintenance ……………………..
  • Page 174: Bonnet

    BONNET Closing the bonnet Before closing the bonnet, make sure that nothing has been left in the engine compartment. Hold the middle of the bonnet and guide it down to one foot (30 cm) above the closed position, then release. It will latch automatically under its own weight.

  • Page 175: Engine Oil Level

    Message 1 However, contact your RENAULT advance trip computer Level Dealer if more than 0.5 litres is reading, press the button again.

  • Page 176
    RENAULT dealer. Topping up/Filling Reading the level using the dipstick — take out the dipstick; The vehicle must be parked on level…
  • Page 177
    ENGINE OIL LEVEL (continued) 2.2 dCi — Unscrew cap 1. — top up the level (for information, capacity between minimum and maximum reading on dipstick 2 is between 1.5 and 2 litres depending on the engine); Filling: take care when — wait for approximately 10 minutes topping up the oil that no to allow the oil to flow into the…
  • Page 178: Engine Oil Level/Oil Change

    Never run the engine in an of oil to use. enclosed space as exhaust fumes are poisonous. Consult your RENAULT Dealer at once if you notice an abnormal or repeated drop in any of the fluid levels. 4.06…

  • Page 179: Power Assisted Steering Pump 2

    (very severe damage is likely to be caused to the engine if it runs out of coolant). If topping up is required, only use products approved by RENAULT’s Technical Department: — protection against freezing; — anticorrosion protection of the cooling system.

  • Page 180: Brake Fluid

    Water + special windscreen washer The level normally goes down at the fluid (anti-freeze product in winter) same time as the brake shoe wear, approved by RENAULT’s Technical but, it must never go below the Department. “MIN” warning level. Jets…

  • Page 181: Battery

    Take care when working objects and sparks do not come engine into contact with the battery as Contact your RENAULT Dealer. compartment there is a risk of explosion. engine cooling fan may start to operate at any moment without warning.

  • Page 182: Bodywork Maintenance

    — Allow rust to form following — atmospheric pollution (urban spray products not approved by minor impacts. and industrial areas). RENAULT’s Technical Department. — saline atmosphere (near the sea, If adequate precautions are not — Use solvents not approved by particularly in hot weather),…

  • Page 183
    — mud in the wheel arches and the underside of the body which forms damp patches. have selected special products to care for your vehicle and you can obtain these from RENAULT accessory outlets. 4.11…
  • Page 184: Interior Trim Maintenance

    RENAULT’s Technical Department passenger compartment: unless • natural soap, (RENAULT accessory outlets) or carefully used, such equipment warm soapy water and a sponge • washing up liquid (with one part could interfere with correct and dry off with a dry cloth.

  • Page 185: Practical Advice

    Side mounted repeater indicators (changing bulbs) ………………5.13 Interior lights (changing bulbs) ………………….5.14 5.16 Wipers (replacing blades) ……………………..5.17 Battery …………………………5.18 5.20 Fuses …………………………. 5.21 — 5.22 RENAULT Card: battery ……………………… 5.23 Accessories ………………………….. 5.24 Towing …………………………5.25 5.27 Operating faults ………………………. 5.28 5.36 5.01…

  • Page 186: Emergency Spare Wheel

    EMERGENCY SPARE WHEEL Using the spare wheel The Tyre pressure monitor function does not monitor the emergency spare wheel (the wheel replaced by emergency spare wheel disappears from the information display). Refer to the “Tyre pressure monitor” information in Section 2. Note: the alloy wheel bolts may be used to secure the steel emergency spare wheel.

  • Page 187: Tool Kit

    TOOL KIT Wheel brace 2 This is used to tighten or release the wheel bolts. Hubcap spanner 3 This spanner is used to remove hubcaps. Towing ring 4 Refer information “towing” in Section 5. Storage compartments Jack 1 The tool kit A is located in the boot, Storage compartments are provided on the spare wheel.

  • Page 188
    HUBCAPS — WHEELS Wheel trim with exposed wheel Wheel with exposed bolts 4 nuts 1 Remove the nuts and lift off the wheel. To remove it, use hub cap spanner 3 (from the tool kit), inserting the hook into the recess next to the valve.
  • Page 189: Changing A Wheel

    CHANGING A WHEEL Crank up the jack by hand at first to Park the car on firm, level align the base plate (which should ground which be inclined further inwards than the slippery (e.g. avoid tiled jack head). Place a plank of wood floors), placing a plank under the base plate if on soft under the jack if necessary.

  • Page 190: Tyres (Tyre Safety, Wheels, Winter Use)

    Tyres fitted to the vehicle should to misalignment of the front or either be identical to those fitted rear axle geometry. If such originally or conform to those incidents occur, have recommended your condition of these parts checked RENAULT Dealer. by a RENAULT Dealer. 5.06…

  • Page 191
    TYRES (continued) Tyre pressures Pressures should be checked when Fitting new tyres the tyres are cold; ignore higher Tyre pressures must be adhered to, pressures which may be reached in tyre pressures wheels hot weather or following a fast (including the spare wheel) must be For safety reasons, this journey.
  • Page 192
    If you wish to fit snow chains, you must use special equipment. In all cases, we would recommend Contact your RENAULT Dealer. that you contact your RENAULT Dealer who will be able to advise you on the choice of equipment which is most suitable for your vehicle.
  • Page 193
    (engine compartment high-voltage devices, trims, headlight, etc.), we advise this type of bulb must be you to have the bulbs replaced replaced by a RENAULT agent. by a RENAULT Dealer. 5.09…
  • Page 194
    If you wish to fit long range driving lights to your vehicle, consult a RENAULT Dealer. Front fog lights 1 Changing a bulb Contact your RENAULT Dealer. Bulb type: H11. Any operation on (or modification electrical system must be performed…
  • Page 195
    REAR LIGHTS: replacing bulbs Indicators/Brake and side lights luggage compartment, Raise tabs 2 and 3 to unclip lamp 5 Side and brake lights remove the access grille by raising holder 4. filament bayonet bulb: tab 1. P21/5 W. 6 Direction indicator light Orange PY21 W bayonet bulb.
  • Page 196
    REAR LIGHTS: replacing bulbs (continued) Rear fog lights / Reversing and side lights On the tailgate, unclip the cover 6 From outside, remove the rear lights 8 Side light from the light unit concerned to unit. Two filament bayonet bulb: access the retaining bolt.
  • Page 197: Rear Lights (Changing Bulbs)

    REAR LIGHTS AND SIDE LIGHTS: replacing bulbs (continued) Raised brake light 11 Number plate lights 12 Side mounted indicators 14 Contact your RENAULT Dealer. Unclip light 12 by pressing tab 13. Unclip side indicator 14 (using a tool such flat-blade Remove the light cover to gain screwdriver).

  • Page 198
    INTERIOR LIGHTING: replacing the bulbs Courtesy light A Glove compartment light Unclip cover 1 (using a tool such as Remove the bulb concerned. Unclip the light by pressing tab 7 a flat-blade screwdriver) (using a tool such as a flat Bulb type 2: W5W.
  • Page 199
    INTERIOR LIGHTING: replacing the bulbs (continued) Front floor lights Rear floor lights Door lights They located behind They are located under the front Unclip light 10 (using a tool such as dashboard and at the lower section. seats. a flat-blade screwdriver). Turn the bulb holder 8 one Remove bulb holder 9 from its Turn…
  • Page 200
    INTERIOR LIGHTING: replacing the bulbs (continued) Luggage compartment lights Using a flat-blade screwdriver type Disconnect the light. tool, unclip lights 11 by pressing the Press tab 12 to release the bulb tabs on each side of the light. holder and to gain access to the bulb 13.
  • Page 201: Windscreen Wiper Blades

    WINDSCREEN WIPER BLADES To refit To refit the wiper blade, proceed in reverse order to removal. Make sure that the blade is correctly locked in position. Windscreen washer jets These can be adjusted using a tool such as a flat-blade screwdriver. Replacing windscreen wiper Rear screen wiper 4 Before using the rear…

  • Page 202: Battery

    BATTERY: breakdown To avoid all risk of sparks: — Make sure “electrical consumers” are switched off before disconnecting or reconnecting the battery. — When charging, stop the charger before connecting or disconnecting the battery. — Do not place metal objects on the battery to avoid creating a short circuit between the terminals.

  • Page 203
    Special procedures may be required to charge Have the battery’s charge status some batteries. Contact checked regularly: your RENAULT Dealer. — Especially if you use your vehicle for short journeys or for frequent Avoid all risk of sparks which driving in town.
  • Page 204
    A and B in the RENAULT Dealer or, if you already inverse order (4-3-2-1). have jump leads, ensure that they are in perfect condition. The two batteries must have an identical voltage of 12 volts.
  • Page 205: Fuses

    (risk of fire) in the event of a consumer drawing an excessive accordance with local current. legislation or as a precautionary measure: Obtain a box of spare bulbs and fuses from your RENAULT Dealer. 5.21…

  • Page 206
    FUSES (continued) Allocation of fuses (the presence of fuses depends on the vehicle equipment level) Symbol Allocation Symbol Allocation Symbol Allocation Main beam headlights Hazard warning Right-hand dipped beam lights/Indicators headlight Electronic management Communication unit/Engine immobiliser Left-hand side light / system/Radio Lighting Voice synthesiser /…
  • Page 207: Renault Card: Battery

    RENAULT CARD: BATTERY Replace assembly 2 in accordance with the polarity denoted on the emergency key (check that warning light 3 lights up properly by pressing a button on the RENAULT Card). Hands-Free RENAULT card Remote control RENAULT card Replacing the battery…

  • Page 208: Accessories

    Electrical and electronic Telephones accessories equipment with integrated • Only RENAULT technicians are aerials may cause interference to permitted to carry out work on the original electronic systems the vehicle’s electrical circuit. fitted to the vehicle: it is advisable…

  • Page 209: Towing: Breakdown

    At night the use them for lifting the vehicle vehicle must have its lights on. directly or indirectly. Note: never remove the RENAULT Furthermore, it is essential to card from the reader during towing. respect towing…

  • Page 210: Towing

    Neutral (position N), and for a — RENAULT specifies the distance not exceeding 30 miles use of a rigid towing bar. (50 km).

  • Page 211
    TOWING (attachments) Permissible nose weight, maximum permissible towing weight, braked and unbraked: refer information “Weights” in Section 6. A: 1 030 mm 5.27…
  • Page 212: Operating Faults

    OPERATING FAULTS The following advice will enable you to carry out quick, albeit temporary repairs. For safety reasons you should always contact a RENAULT Dealer as soon as possible. Using the RENAULT card CAUSES REMEDIAL ACTION • The RENAULT Card does not…

  • Page 213
    OPERATING FAULTS (continued) When you operate the starter CAUSES REMEDIAL ACTION • There is no response, the warning Battery lead disconnected Check battery terminals: scrape and lights fail to light up and the starter terminals oxidised. clean if oxidised and retighten. does not turn.
  • Page 214
    (bubbles Let the engine cool down. hot. vaporised fuel in the circuit). Poor compression. Contact a RENAULT Dealer. • The engine will not start. Starting conditions are not fulfilled. Refer to the “starting the engine” information in Section 2. • The engine cannot be turned off.
  • Page 215
    • Abnormal white smoke from the Mechanical fault: damaged cylinder Stop the engine. exhaust. head gasket. Contact a RENAULT Dealer. • Vibrations. Tyres not inflated to correct pressures, Check tyre pressures. If this is not the incorrectly balanced or damaged.
  • Page 216
    “oil level — topping up/refilling in Section 4). — at idle speed, Low oil pressure. Contact the nearest RENAULT Dealer. — is slow to go out or remains lit Low oil pressure. Stop: contact a RENAULT Dealer. when accelerating.
  • Page 217
    Reminder: only products approved by RENAULT’s Technical Department may be used for this purpose.
  • Page 218
    Find the earth wire which is attached to a metallic part, scrape the end of the earth wire and reposition carefully. On both sides: — fuse blown. Replace the fuse. — faulty flasher unit. To replace, contact a RENAULT Dealer. 5.34…
  • Page 219
    OPERATING FAULTS (continued) Electrical equipment CAUSES REMEDIAL ACTION • The headlights One only: — bulb blown. Replace bulb. no longer operate. — disconnected wire or incorrectly- Check and reconnect the wire or the positioned connector, connector. — faulty earth connection. See above.
  • Page 220
  • Page 221: Technical Specifications

    Section 6: Technical specifications Vehicle identification plates ……………………. 6.02 — 6.03 Dimensions ………………………….. 6.04 Engine specifications ……………………….6.05 Towing weights ……………………….6.06 — 6.07 Weights …………………………6.06 — 6.07 Replacement parts ……………………….6.08 6.01…

  • Page 222: Vehicle Identification Plates

    VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION PLATES Quote the vehicle identification plate (right-hand side) and engine plate references when writing or ordering parts. Vehicle identification plate A 1 Vehicle type and chassis number 6 Technical specifications This information is repeated on vehicle marking B. 7 Vehicle paint code 2 Maximum permissible…

  • Page 223
    VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION PLATES (continued) 2.2 dCi Quote the information on the vehicle identification plate and engine plate when writing or ordering parts. Engine marking C 1 Engine type. 2 Engine suffix. 3 Engine number. 6.03…
  • Page 224
    DIMENSIONS (in metres) 1,065 2,840 0,955 1,575 4,860 2,177 1,577 (1) 1,550 (1) Unladen 6.04…
  • Page 225: Engine Specifications

    Only use the spark plugs specified for your vehicle’s engine. The type should be marked on a label stuck inside the engine compartment. If it is not then contact your RENAULT Dealer. – Fitting spark plugs which are not to specification may damage the engine.

  • Page 226
    — It is important to comply with the towing weights, governed by local legislation in each country and, in particular laid down in the Road Traffic Regulations. Contact your RENAULT Dealer about any attachments. Under no circumstances may the gross train weight (= maximum permissible all-up weight plus weight towed) be exceeded.
  • Page 227
    — It is important to comply with the towing weights governed by local legislation in each country and, in particular, those laid down in the Road Traffic Regulations. Contact your RENAULT Dealer about any attachments. Under no circumstances may the gross train weight (= maximum permissible all-up weight plus weight towed) be exceeded.
  • Page 228
    SPARE PARTS AND REPAIRS Original RENAULT parts are based on strict specifications and are regularly tested. Therefore, they are of at least the same level of quality as the originally fitted part. If you always fit genuine RENAULT parts to your vehicle, you will ensure that it performs well. Furthermore, repairs carried out within the RENAULT Network using original replacement parts are guaranteed according to the conditions set out on the reverse of the repair order.
  • Page 229: Alphabetical Index

    ALPHABETICAL INDEX A ABS …………..2.26 — 2.27 C Courtesy mirrors …………3.17 Accessories socket ………… 3.24 Cruise controls ……….2.32 2.35 Additional headlights ……….5.10 Additional methods of restraint ….1.28 1.34 D Dashboard …………1.48 — 1.49 to front seat belts ……..1.28 1.31 Deactivating the front passenger airbags ..

  • Page 230
    ALPHABETICAL INDEX F Fog lights (headlights) ……..1.74 — 5.10 L Lashing rings …………3.32 Front seats (adjustment) ……1.20 1.23 lateral …………..1.33 Fuel (filling) ………….. 1.81 Levels …………4.03 4.08 Fuel (grade) …………… 1.81 Lifting the vehicle (changing a wheel) ….5.05 Fuel economy ……….
  • Page 231
    Traction control system …….. 2.24 — 2.25 Rear seats (operation) ……….3.29 Transporting objects in the luggage Rear-view mirrors ………. 1.69 — 1.70 compartment …………3.33 RENAULT Card: battery ……….. 5.23 Trip computer and warning system … 1.62 1.65 RENAULT Card: use ……..1.02 1.09 Tyre pressure ……….
  • Page 233
    8200642027 Driver’s handbook – 82 00 642 027 – NU 739-4 – 12/2005 – Edition anglaise…

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