На этой странице собраны инструкции по сборке роботов или механизмов из стартового образовательного набора LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 (45544). Кроме инструкций вы найдёте здесь видео, показывающие возможности собранных моделей, и демонстрационные программы. Для некоторых моделей даны рекомендации, с помощью каких приложений можно дистанционно управлять роботами и как настраивать эти приложения.
Пушка EV3
Имея под рукой образовательный набор LEGO Mindstorms EV3 (45544) и шарики для пинг-понга вполне можно собрать пушку, стреляющую шариками. Пушкой можно управлять со смартфона с помощью приложения RoboCam.
Робот с большими картонными колёсами
Если вы горите желанием сделать робота с большими колёсами из образовательного набора LEGO Mindstorms EV3 (45544), но у вас нет таких колёс, не расстраивайтесь. Вы можете изготовить их самостоятельно из толстого гофрированного картона. Как сделать робота с большими картонными колёсами, чтобы колёса нормально крутились и не отваливались, я предлагаю вам прочитать в этой статье.
Робот-художник EV3 Print3rbot
Мне очень понравился проект робота-художника EV3 Print3rbot, в котором, к сожалению, используются нестандартные детали, которые нужно печатать на 3D-принтере. Я решил собрать такого же робота, но используя детали только из образовательного набора LEGO Mindstorms EV3 (45544). И у меня это получилось, правда, пришлось добавить ещё резинок.
Управление роботом LEGO Mindstorms EV3 от первого лица
Роботом, собранным из конструктора LEGO Mindstorms EV3, вы легко можете управлять дистанционно от первого лица. Для этого вам дополнительно понадобится два смартфона, с установленным приложением RoboCam на один из них. Давайте познакомимся подробнее с приложением RoboCam и научимся им пользоваться.
Обнаружение лица на EV3
Используя конструктор LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 и веб-камеру, вы сможете провести эксперимент по обнаружению лиц в помещении. Для эксперимента подойдёт любой колёсный робот EV3, который умеет вращаться на месте, и на который вы сможете закрепить веб камеру. Робот будет сканировать помещение, поворачиваясь вокруг, а, увидев лица, будет останавливаться и дёргаться столько раз, сколько лиц увидел.
Слежение за объектом на EV3
С помощью веб-камеры и образовательного набора конструктора LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 (45544) вполне можно сделать робота, отслеживающего двигающийся объект. Робот сможет не только поворачивать камеру в сторону объекта, но и выдерживать определённую дистанцию до него, т.е. подъехать поближе, если объект удаляется от камеры, или отъехать подальше, если объект приближается. О том, как это сделать поговорим в этой статье.
Гимнаст EV3
Гимнаста выполняющего различные упражнения на турнике сделать достаточно просто, если у вас есть образовательный конструктор LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 (45544). Я научил гимнаста выполнять три упражнения, а вы можете научить его и другим различным трюкам.
Гоночная машина формула 1 EV3
Гоночную машину, имитирующую болид формулы 1, можно сделать с помощью образовательного набора LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 (45544). В машине сидит водитель и держится за руль. Машина дистанционно управляется с Android-смартфона.
Мойщик пола LEGO EV3
Робот мойщик пола передвигается за счёт поворотов двух дисков параллельно полу. С помощью резинок на диски можно закрепить смоченные моющим раствором тряпки и тогда ваш пол станет немного чище.
Робот с клешнёй LEGO EV3
Этот робот с клешнёй умеет не только хватать, но и приподнимать предметы. И оба эти действия он делает с помощью всего одного мотора. А за счёт резиновых кончиков клешни, робот может приподнимать даже скользкие предметы. Ну и конечно, то, что робот схватил, он может перевезти на другое место.
Селеноход из конструктора LEGO EV3
Селеноход – это луноход, созданный российской командой для участия в конкурсе Google Lunar X PRIZE. В настоящий момент проект закрыт, но интересная конструкция с не менее интересной системой передвижения по лунной поверхности остались. С помощью стартового образовательного набора LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 (45544) возможно собрать модель Селенохода, который будет передвигаться по такому же принципу и так же поднимать и опускать «голову».
Собираем часы со стрелками из конструктора LEGO EV3
В базовом образовательном наборе LEGO Mindstorms Education EV3 (45544) оказалось достаточно шестерёнок и других деталей, чтобы собрать часы с часовой и минутной стрелками. Кроме того, что часы точно отображают время, они издают звуковой сигнал каждый час.
Приводная платформа EV3 на гусеничном ходу
В образовательном наборе конструктора Mindstorms Education EV3 всё обучение робототехники в классе ведётся с помощью приводной платформы, на колёсном ходу. Мне же захотелось сделать точно такую же платформу, чтобы на неё точно также можно было установить все датчики, но только, чтобы она передвигалась с помощью гусениц.
Комплектация 45544 Mindstorms EV3.pdf
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Комплектация 45560 Mindstorms EV3.pdf
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Lego mindstorms EV3 45544 инструкция по сборке Гироскоп.pdf
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Lego mindstorms EV3 45544 инструкция по сборке Роборука.pdf
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Lego mindstorms EV3 45544 инструкция по сборке Сортировщик.pdf
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Lego mindstorms EV3 45544 инструкция по сборке Транспортировщик.pdf
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Lego mindstorms EV3 45544 инструкция по сборке Щенок.pdf
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Lego mindstorms EV3 45560 инструкция по сборке Покоритель лестниц.pdf
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Lego mindstorms EV3 45560 инструкция по сборке Производитель волчков_часть 1.pdf
4 мар. 2019 г.
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Lego mindstorms EV3 45560 инструкция по сборке Производитель волчков_часть 2.pdf
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Lego mindstorms EV3 45560 инструкция по сборке Производитель волчков_часть 3.pdf
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Lego mindstorms EV3 45560 инструкция по сборке Робот-монстр.pdf
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Lego mindstorms EV3 45560 инструкция по сборке Слон.pdf
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Lego mindstorms EV3 45560 инструкция по сборке Танкбот.pdf
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lego-ev3-6-in-1 — копия.pdf
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toddle bot-3dcad146d7f5deac4753f93e9dcc0739.pdf
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Thanks for creating these PDF’s. Saves me some work 😉
Are you doing the expansion models as well?
I need this one,thank you
gio isa fagggggg
this does gio 4enogh
Jim hater 69
shut up jim
P.s i got new glasses and still couldnt find who asked
Advantage of the edu-set models is that they have space for the battery. Not all home-set models have that. Thanks LEGO, Laurens and Xander of course.
John Fahey
Thanks Lego for releasing these and Laurens for the PDFs. Is there any news on whether the we’ll be able to download the .ev3 files for these projects?
Yes, thank you. Several of the models look like great fun to build.
And I see some ideas to incorporate into some MOCs.
Thanks! I’ve been bugging Lego Education to release these. These are a Huge Help!
I would love to build Gyroboy, but I only have the standard EV3 set. Would the additional gyro sensor do the trick, or is the edu-pack too different?
Mark Nolan
there is one called balanc3r on this website with a program
you can build it with the 45544 core set, thats no problem, but im a little bit unsure if you can use the 31313 set for it.
I am also wanting to know if LEGO will make the Education Core and Expansion .ev3 files available to download.
Regards Glen
I too am interested in the project files for these robots. We have just introduced EV3 with our 8th graders and they are very interested in creating these robots.
Hi, it is great that these are on here, my son and I have managed to build the sorter with the EV3 kit and bits of his digger but as useful as the instructions are, doing something with it is only useful if the program is obtainable, which it isn’t.
Ethan Maciel
I had camp last week and I had a challenge to build this sorter. I built it and downloaded the mindstorms programmer to my computer. It comes with all the programs to all of the listed builds. If may be a little confusin but it is manageable.
Does anyone know where to find the programming instructions for the Robots of the education pack? My team is looking for them all over the place and can’t find them. We can only build them with these instructions. Thanks in advance for any help.
Joel Conner
Are there parts list available for these projects. The robotic arm requires a few parts that did not come in the basic set.
joel park
My name’s Joel to
Chris Johnston
That wasn’t the question,Joel Park
Roger Carson
Nobody asked,dumb dumb
Sina McCullough
hehehe thats funey
can you please put up the directions for programming the puppy?
Thank you SO much for posting these!
Perhaps you can explain to these people that u need the lego education software to write the code for these projects? or where can we find the program code? please help us out 🙂
Well, that’s not true. The LEGO Education software has the ready-made programs. Sure, that’s easy, but you can also create your own programs for these robots using the Home Edition software, which is free.
The most complicated robot here is GyroBoy. I’ve created my own program for it, so I should be able to share it here soon. I don’t currently have time to build all of the other robots and create my own programs for them, though.
Hey Laurens! Can you upload the program for H25? If you dont have the program, can u pls give me the opportunity to create a post, cuz i have the H25 program, i programmed it with the program turtorial from the education site. Im ten years old, almost eleven 🙂
stop being a jerk to the person
Sina McCullough
hey im yum check out my youtube chanel
Hey Laurens, Where exactly in the Education software can I find the already made programs?
Thanks fjor making these builds avalilable for my lego students.
Thanks for the PDFs. Indeed, my pupils want to build the four Robot models of the EV3 core set.
Does anybody know if there is some documentation / explanation about the Programs of these models? (Not the building instructions, but for the LabView programs, which are quite complex).
The EV3 project files for the education models are unfortunately only available with the education version of the Mindstorms EV3 software, and so they are not available unless you buy that software for US$100. Apparently, the reason for this is to do with intellectual property, but I don’t really understand this argument: if someone has gone out and bought either the EV3 retail set (plus the additional parts to turn it into the EV3 education set), or they’ve bought the EV3 education set itself, then surely it should be no skin off Lego’s teeth to provide the EV3 project files for the education robots as they will have already gotten their money’s worth out of that customer when they bought the EV3 set.
They already provide the building instructions for free, so why not the EV3 project files to go with them? Yes, people can develop the robot programs themselves, of course, but not everyone wants to do that. Sometimes, building a robot and downloading an existing program to it is all people want to do.
Come on Lego — don’t just tease us with the PDF building instructions… give us the EV3 project files for the education robots… pretty please…?
Catalin Zimbresteanu
Can anyone direct me to the programs that come with these projects (SORTER, ROBOT ARM) ?
Anticipated thanks
Yes: Color sorter: /Users/student/Desktop/Unknown.jpeg
And Robot Arm H25: /Users/student/Desktop/Screenshot_100213_085034_PM.jpg
Construction instructions? It is best to get on the software of ev3
thanks a lot!!\(^^)/
Phan Tuan Dung
Hey did anyone delete my comment yesterday?! When I come to this page I can’t see my comment anywhere! So I post again. But thank you for delete all other comments!
Unfortunately, you cannot just share the copyrighted files from LEGO without permission.
LEGO is okay with sharing the building instruction PDFs above, but not the programs.
Phan Tuan Dung
I don’t know what Lego will answer, I am not asked them yet. But I see there’s a board below the secret website:
“You can invite other people to get access to this product. Type in the email address of anyone you want to invite. Don’t forget that you can only invite people who have the rights to access and use the product according to the license agreement.”
Phan Tuan Dung
Lego has said to me: “Sorry, but those are secrets!” Well, I can’t share those…
Phan Tuan Dung
Well, so that’s mean if you buy Home Edition Set, there are many free example robots you can do but if you buy Education Edition Set, you must open your creations and make the program by YOURSELF or BUY the example programs. So, we stop discussing about programming robots here and try to make your own program for these robots!
Educational sets are better
hello Laurens I want a design of a ev3 walking robot using the ev3 core set
Magnus Royster Holch
do you want my number tho?
Paul Sheard
Hi Laurens,
I have a quick question for you (or anyone else here viewing my message).
I have the EV3 Home edition, and I also purchased the EV3 Gyro Sensor separately…
Will I have the parts now to be able to build your Gyro Boy robot? Or would I still be missing some pieces?.
I’m a noob everyone so please be gentle 🙂
Kind regards from the UK
Paul Sheard
Thanks Laurens!
I was just taking a look at your ev3 self balancing robot. I’ll start my project with this design and I’ll see if I can customise it further 🙂
Many thanks for your quick reply.
Kind regards
Paul. -
What is the robot called?
Marco Garnica
Lego Mindstorms Education Kit. Number 45544
Hi Laurens,
I have a question for you and i hope to get a reply from you soon. I have been assigned to build a robot using EV3 Kit 31313, and i am supposed to make a robot which uses IR sensor without IR beacon and it is capable of detecting obstacles using that IR sensor.
I would really appreciate if you would please help me with the design such that the robot is able to move forward or backward and also it is able to move its IR sensor sideways.
Thank You.
can you post the code for the colour sort3r as i have built it but can’t program it
Martin Jones
Thanks so much for sharing all the valuable content.
My daughter and I have the Home set, bought all the elements to bridge the gap between that on the Core Education set , and now have the education expansion set. She loves EV3. We are struggling to find the project code to go with all the extra robots we cannot build, e.g Elephant or Puppy. Does anyone know how we can get these? We are learning to program ourselves bit by bit, however these may be rather beyond our current level and great to see how that are crafted.
Its very very good but make a pdf
I need the solution for Discovery 46 using the proximity mode. Tnx
“This item is currently not avbailale”, which suggests a sold out inventory. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see the Shop-at-Home web site change availability status to late August.Yes, indeedy, the next two weeks are going to be interesting…
hi nice robot sir kid
Could you send ev3 puppy project
Marco Garnica
You mean the building instructions or the program?
gracias me ayudaron mucho solo que ahora necesito la configuracion para moverlos
Hi Laurens,
I was wondering if you have the program file for the colour sorter. If you do can you please post it.
Thank you
could you please tell me what cords go into what ports cheers
I have been looking for robotics manual because am going for the next WRO 2015 thanks alot
Sarah K
I have taken over a school robotics program and have one computer with the education software installed. However, I can not find the programs for the projects above. I am working with our IT department to re-install the software if possible, but are the programs themselves downloadable somewhere if you have your software key?
I had a similar problem myself. You can contact Lego customer service with your software key and they should send you a link to re-install on your new devices.
However, if you have the education software installed, try opening the core models. If you see small window in the upper right hand corner that has a video clip of the model, you are close to the building and programming instructions as well! The video is 1/3, the building instructions is on 2/3 and the built-in program is on 3/3 which may actually take a little while to “magically” appear on your programming canvas.
Unfortunately, much of the built-in programs are full of customized blocks. I would prefer to be able to have the students read the programs so they can understand the entire process…
For those missing the programs, I believe you really are better off at least understanding the mechanics that went into your model. Then you can teach students to tinker with their own programs to have their bots function in a way that makes sense to them. There is so much more educational value to this approach.
thanks Thanks very much hope Beauty programming also
guilherme lima
Hi everyone, where can i download the software for puppy?
charles brisson
Hi everyone,
EV3 Home Edition. I threw out the cardboard sleeve – yes, the one with the mission pad printed in the back – by mistake. Lego tells me that they can’t send me another one, not even a PDF or whatever digital version.
I have been looking on the web but found nothing. Does anyone know how I could get one? Is there anyone that could be kind enough to take a hi-res picture of one and send it to me? My son absolutely wants to start with the mission pad… As it is now, we got a mindstorms that’s not seeing any action at all.
thanks in advance
Amr Abu Naga
and what about the programming blocks to operate these designs?
were is the sorter programing?!
HELP! my five year old was able to assemble the entire robot arm correctly by himself following the 108 steps, but now I have no idea how to help him make it actally work. Isn’t this programing suppose to be easy? we have the software but the instrustuctions are terrible and I have no idea how to use it. I have a chemistry degree– really I am not a moron– this shouldn’t be this hard right? Does anyone know where to find real help with this toy?
it is just incredible !!!
comment programmer le chien puppy?
I’m using 4 sets of the EV3 Education program along with the expansion pieces in a homeschool setting. One of my groups built the Puppy but we’re not having success in programming it ourselves like we can with the groups that just built a vehicle. They can run the pre-made program but trying to program just using the action or sensor blocks on the Lego education gets it to move a portion of its leg but then the block just flashes green like it’s trying to do something but can’t complete the command. Any ideas? Can it be programmed to move a distance and turn around? Any help is greatly appreciated!!
Could you please send us the ev3 robot arm program? We are doing a school project.
good guide for starters
Dear sir,
I need the MYBOT instructionpdf of NXT for the project please provide me the details
Please send me programs for Robot Arm H24, and other robots.
Mercè Alvarez
We’ve the Lego Mindstorm eV3 education 45544. Now my 9 years old son has built the robot sorter but he needs the program code. Please could you send it to us?
Thank you very much
Ben Chello
what are the instructions for the puppy?
I’m wondering why the link I posted is still awaiting moderation, can you tell me at least why.
kind regards’
I would just like to say thank you very much I spent about 30 minutes searching for build instructions and this website has been my savior. Thank you.
The Mindstorms education software is now free of charge. You can login with your Lego ID and download it on the Lego education website.
This includes all building instructions and programs for both sets 45544 and 45560.
Thank you, Frans! I’ve just been to the Lego ed website – the download link is at the bottom of the page. I downloaded and installed the ev3 education software. For clarity – I have a Lego ID and own the Home edition.
Justice Mathonsi
chaouke dargham
Thank you, it was a great help.
Hi … can someone share me the program of puppy pls ?
In GyroBoy, page 13 of instructions, an axle has appeared inside the rectangular grey frame, running from the yellow side to the blue side. Can you tell me where this has come from and what size it should be, please? I can’t see it in your build instructions.
Many thanks.
Hello guys,
does anyone has programe for colour sorter?
Matt Cook
Hey Layrens
I was wondering if you could help me with the coding for the Robot Arm H25 as we school team and I have created the robot but there are so many types of coding and most of them donk work where the others just stop mid way through. Please, can you help us with this as we are trying to beat another team in the school!
Regards Matt Cook
Can you build a Rubik’s cube solver with core set 45544 EV3?
It is not LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Education, it is LEGOⓇ MINDSTORMSⓇ Education EV3.
Candy Wallace
Thank you for the information! I have 2 students that created the robotic arm using the program from the software and neither is working. I have looked at them both and they appear to be built correctly. When they execute the program the display does not show the question mark prompt after it initializes. I was wondering if you had any suggestions as to what a solution might be?
This has No claw instructions WHATSOEVER!!!!
Priya M
Superb and very easy to build
where can i get the programs for all the building instructions?
can there be programming tutorial/instructions for the puppy? i’ve been trying to program mine with file:///C:/Users/s1787954/Downloads/ev3-program-description-puppy-.pdf .which is the only pdf i could find, but the only problem is that i cannot really program it as i have found no way on how to find some certain grey blocks. Does anyone know how to find the grey blocks? (if anyone doesn’t know what i mean, look at CS in the bottom page)
I don’t have the details for the Puppy robots, but I think the grey blocks you refer to are the My Block inputs and outputs. To learn more about these, you might find the EV3 Discovery Book useful.
Well, you download the Mindstorm Ev3 app, and you can start programming right away.
How do you programe the ev3 robot arm h25?
Are these instructions the same as the ones in the EV3 Education Student Edition software ?
Marco Garnica
With the brick that comes on the set.
Angeline and alysha
Y u are a good person u sent the fllow change pdf
It helped me somemuch and also no need of searching for much time
does the puppy robot walk?
does the puppy one walk atleast?
Thank you, I just got the Ev3 robot for Christmas 2017. I got bored of the robot starter instructions when I built it, and then I got to this site, and I was glad to see other robot designs on this web site. I’m just so used to using the normal, school Ev3, and the one I built for FLL™, so thank you and a happy New Year.
Is it possible to add a gyrosensor to the 31313 model? i cant find sensor in the HOME EDITION software
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Marco Garnica
Thanks, man. Best wishes to you.
this helped out alot thnxs
Fat momma
And who asked you again?
happy fellow
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[…] LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Education 45544 Instructions […]
hello! thanks for pdf . can you upload how to programing . please
[…] Voor de Lego Mindstorms Education 45544 vind je de bouwinstructies op deze website. […]
Yu Siang
Are these projects from EV3 core set nd expansion set?
Is there an updated software guide for Mindstorms Education EV3 45544? If so, where can I find it? I only have your Lego Mindstorms EV3 Discovery Book which has pictures of the older software.
I have EV3 45544 and 45560
how many seconds in a hour
How do i add a touch sensor to the educator vehicle?
[…] ΑΡΑΠΟΓΙΑΝΝΗΣ Lego EV3 12 October 2021 0 Comment EV3 Building […]
how do you build a sorter
Juan Pablo Celiz
el que lo le es gay
juan pablo celis
11-1 el mejor
I am on lesson of robots
Название: Lego Mindstorms EV3 45544. Инструкции по сборке
Автор: Коллектив авторов
Издательство: Lego
Год: 2013
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 108+118+114+107+133
Размер: 23 mb
Язык: английский
Набор Lego Mindstorms EV3 предназначен для конструирования и программирования роботов в средней и старшей школе, а также в кружках робототехники. Существует две версии Lego Mindstorms EV3: версия для образовательных учреждений и домашняя версия. В технической части они идентичны, отличаются только комплектом поставки. Базовый набор LEGO Mindstorms Education EV3 оптимизирован для использования в классе или кружке робототехники и содержит все необходимое для обучения с помощью технологий LEGO Mindstorms.
Набор Lego-45544 позволяет ученикам конструировать, программировать и тестировать их решения, используя настоящие технологии робототехники.
В архиве:
Lego mindstorms EV3 45544 инструкция по сборке Сортировщик
Lego mindstorms EV3 45544 инструкция по сборке Роборука
Lego mindstorms EV3 45544 инструкция по сборке Гироскоп
Lego mindstorms EV3 45544 инструкция по сборке Транспортировщик
Lego mindstorms EV3 45544 инструкция по сборке Щенок