Инструкция пользователя микроволновая печь lg ms253

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LG MS253 SERIES Owner's Manual

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Please read this owner’s manual thoroughly before operating.



/ MS393


/ MS423


(optional, please check model specification)




Related Manuals for LG MS253 SERIES

Summary of Contents for LG MS253 SERIES

  • Page 1: Microwave Oven

    OWNER’S MANUAL MICROWAVE OVEN Please read this owner’s manual thoroughly before operating. MS253 **** / MS393 **** / MS423 **** (optional, please check model specification) MFL69621101 www.lg.com…

  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    CONTENTS CONTENTS How the Microwave Function Works IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Microwaves are a form of energy similar to radio, television waves, and ordinary daylight. Normally, BEFORE USE microwaves spread outwards as they travel through the Unpacking & Installing This oven, however, has a magnetron that is designed Control Panel to make use of the energy in microwaves.

  • Page 3
    cause death or serious injury. plants, soil, pets or any other living matter inside it.) oven must only be used for heating or cooking food. or safety risk such as fire, causing burns with reduced be burnt. cooking. ever heat baby bottles with the lid or teat still fitted. oing so can cause an explosion.
  • Page 4
    mode (for ovens with Combination function) • e careful when handling the container. icrowave heating of beverages can result in delayed eruptive boiling, therefore care must be taken when handing the container. will be…
  • Page 5
    must not be used trays and racks them ot doing so could cause them to burst or rupture. liquid and may even cause a fire. ot doing so could cause leak from the container (for ovens fitted with these functions) his model doesn’t provide a temperature probe.
  • Page 6
    arm houses; y clients in hotels, motels and other residential environments; ed and breakfast type environments. his product is intended for domestic household applications only and not for commercial use. t must not be used in mobile applications. nly connect the supply lead plug to an earthed power outlet socket that has the same rating and specification requirement of the oven.
  • Page 7
    refer to the lways install the oven according to the installation requirements that are outlined in this manual. o not use any steam cleaners to clean the oven. aution, hot surface hen the symbol is used, It means that the surfaces are liable to get hot during use. o not place an object (a book, a box, ect.) on the product.
  • Page 8: Before Use

    BEFORE USE BEFORE USE UNPACKING & INSTALLING By following the basic steps on these two pages you will be able to quickly check that your oven is operating correctly. Please pay particular attention to the guidelines on where to install your oven. When unpacking your oven make sure you remove all accessories and packing materials.

  • Page 9
    BEFORE USE Press the STOP button, and press the START button one time to start 30 seconds of cooking time. The DISPLAY will count down from 30 seconds. When it reaches 0 it will chime briefly. Open the oven door and test the temperature of the water.
  • Page 10: Control Panel

    BEFORE USE CONTROL PANEL Part POWER See page 12 “Timed Cooking” INVERTER DEFROST See page 19 “Inverter Defrost” PROOF / WARM See page 20 «Proof» See page 21 “ Keep Warm” INVERTER COOK Inverter Cook allows you to cook most of your favorite food by selecting the food type and the weight of the food.

  • Page 11: Setting Clock

    BEFORE USE SETTING CLOCK MORE/LESS By using the buttons, manual cook settings When your oven is plugged in for the first time or can be adjusted to cook food for a longer or when power resumes after a power interruption, the numbers in the display reset to ‘ 12H ‘.

  • Page 12: How To Use

    HOW TO USE HOW TO USE MICROWAVE POWER LEVELS MANUAL COOKING Your microwave oven is equipped with 10 power levels to give you maximum flexibility and control over cooking. (timed cooking) The adjacent table will give you some idea of which foods are prepared at each of the various power levels.

  • Page 13: Child Lock

    HOW TO USE CHILD LOCK If the CHILD LOCK was already set and you This is a unique safety feature that prevents unwanted oven operations. Once the CHILD touch another key pad, the word Loc shows in LOCK is set, no cooking can take place. the display.

  • Page 14: Popular Menu

    HOW TO USE Initial Weight Menu nsil Code Instructions Temperature Limit Refrigerated 1. Cut leftover pie into pieces. 0.2 — 0.6 kg Microwave- 2. Place food on a microwave-safe dish. safe dish (150 — 200 g . Place food in the oven. Choose the menu and / piece) weight, press START.

  • Page 15
    HOW TO USE Initial Weight Menu nsil Code Instructions Temperature Limit Beef Stroganoff Serving Rump steak, cubed 250 g 500 g 750 g 1000 g Plain flour 2 Tbsp 1/4 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup Small onion, finely chopped Tomato puree 2 tsp 1 Tbsp 1 1/2 Tbsp…
  • Page 16
    HOW TO USE Initial Weight nsil Code Menu Instructions Temperature Limit Microwave- Rice/Pasta 0.1 — 0.3 kg Room Ingredients for rice safe bowl Rice 100 g 200 g 300 g Butter, melted 30 g 40 g 50 g Onion, grated 50 g 75 g 100 g…
  • Page 17: Soften

    HOW TO USE SOFTEN The oven uses low power to soften foods (butter, cream cheese and ice cream) See the following table. Example: To Soften 0.2 kg Cream Cheese. 1. Press STOP. 2. Press Inverter Cook three times. ‘3’ will show in the display.

  • Page 18: Melt

    HOW TO USE MELT The oven uses low power to melt foods (butter, cheese and chocolate). See the following table. Example: To Melt 0.3 kg Chocolate 1. Press STOP. 2. Press Inverter Cook four times. ‘4’ will show in the display. 3.

  • Page 19: Inverter Defrost

    HOW TO USE INVERTER DEFROST Four defrost sequences are preset in the oven. • The length of defrosting time varies according to The INVERTER DEFROST feature provides you how solidly the food is frozen. with the best defrosting method for frozen foods. •…

  • Page 20: Proof (Fermenting)

    HOW TO USE PROOF (fermenting) This feature allows you to make Yogurt by pressing the Proof/Warm button. Example: To make 0.6 kg Yogurt. 1. Press STOP 2. Press Proof/Warm once. ‘1’ will show in the display. 3. Press START. ‘5h00 ’ will show in the display.

  • Page 21: Keep Warm

    HOW TO USE KEEP WARM The Keep Warm function will keep hot food that has just been cooked at serving temperature. Use microwave-safe utensils. Example: To keep food warm for 90minutes 1. Press STOP. Notes : 2. Press Proof/Warm Crisp foods (pastry, pies, turnovers, etc) twice.‘…

  • Page 22: Microwave-Safe Utensils

    MICROWAVE-SAFE UTENSILS MICROWAVE-SAFE UTENSILS test. Do not heat dinner plates that use any painted on decorative as they will arc if the paint has metallic content.

  • Page 23: Food Characteristics & Microwave Cooking


  • Page 24
    FOOD CHARACTERISTICS & MICROWAVE COOKING oven especially if the foil passes too closely to the walls of the oven during rotation.
  • Page 25: To Clean Your Oven

    USING THE SMART DIAGNOSIS™ FUNCTION Use this function if you need an accurate diagnosis by an LG Electronics service centre when the product malfunctions or fails. Use this function only to contact the service representative, not during normal operation.

  • Page 26
    ‘Food’ on the display. When ‘Food’ appears on the display, the microwave will not operate Why doesn’t the microwave oven work when as it assumes that no food has been placed inside. ‘Food’ in the ‘Food’ appears on the display? display will also appear and the remaining time will be cancelled, if the door is opened and closed during cooking and the START button is not pressed within 5 minutes of doing so.
  • Page 27: Technical Specifications

    /or capacitive coupling, for the treat ment of material or inspection/analysis purposes. Class B equipment is equipment suitable for use in domestic dwellings and domestic dwellings directly connected to a low voltage power supply network which supplies buildings used for domestic purposes. You can download an owner’s manual at http://www.lg.com…

  • Page 28
    LGEAP Printed in China…

Посмотреть инструкция для LG MS-253MD бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории микроволновые печи, 1 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 8.1. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: английский. У вас есть вопрос о LG MS-253MD или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

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Каков срок службы микроволновой печи до потери мощности?

Опасно ли включать пустую микроволновую печь?

Вредно ли для здоровья нагревание пищи в микроволновой печи?

Какую пищу не следует разогревать в микроволновой печи?

Инструкция LG MS-253MD доступно в русский?

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Микроволновая печь не реагирует, когда я нажимаю кнопку включения. Что мне делать? Проверенный
Это обычно означает, что дверца микроволновой печи недостаточно плотно закрыта. Откройте и закройте дверцу и попробуйте снова.

Это было полезно (2799)

Можно ли использовать микроволновку, если в ней не вращается тарелка? Проверенный
Вращение тарелки необходимо для равномерного прогревания. Если она не работает, микроволновку нельзя полноценно использовать. Ее нужно отремонтировать.

Это было полезно (1768)

Микроволновая печь включена, но не работает. Это почему? Проверенный
Возможно, дверь закрывается неправильно. В целях безопасности микроволновая печь не будет работать, пока дверца не будет полностью закрыта. Иногда это можно исправить, отрегулировав дверную петлю.

Это было полезно (1095)

Слюдяная/картонная пластина внутри микроволновой печи отвалилась. Могу ли я продолжать использовать СВЧ-печь? Проверенный
Нет, это категорически запрещено. Слюдяная/картонная пластина — это волновод, распределяющий СВЧ-излучение. Верните пластину на место или замените ее.

Это было полезно (1061)

Микроволновая печь продолжает издавать шум после завершения программы. Это нормально? Проверенный
Да, этот звук является нормальным. Это звук вентилятора, охлаждающего микроволновую печь после использования. Длительность охлаждения зависит от того, как долго микроволновая печь работала.

Это было полезно (910)

Можно ли кипятить воду в микроволновке? Проверенный
Нет, абсолютно нет. Вода может перегреться. Это означает, что вода может достигать температуры выше 100 ℃ без кипячения. Когда эта вода затем соприкасается с каким-либо предметом, она может мгновенно закипеть и разбрызгиваться, вызывая ожоги.

Это было полезно (636)

Почему я не могу положить металл в микроволновую печь? Проверенный
Металл не пропускает микроволны, но отбрасывает их обратно. Когда эти микроволны отражаются в одном и том же месте, это может вызвать искры.

Это было полезно (636)

Руководство LG MS2535GISH Микроволновая печь

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