Как сделать из лего пикачу инструкция

Introduction: Lego Pokémon: Lego Charmander and Pikachu

Hello guys and welcome to another Instructable! This time, I will be showing you how to build Pikachu and Charmander from the well known Pokémon series. If you missed my last one, go ahead and check them out (gotta build ’em all, you know it’s your destiny)! Thanks again, and make sure to swing by my brother’s YouTube channel at Brickbuilt Replicas. Enjoy!

Step 1: Pikachu

Here are the pieces you will need for Pikachu.

Step 2: The Ears

Take two yellow cylinders and place two black studs on the BOTTOM of each. Then take two light grey (or any color) guns and place the handle of the gun in the top of each yellow cylinder. Set aside.

Step 3: The Tail

On the tail, I am sure there are many other (better) ways to make the iconic lightning shape, but I decided to go with the fastest, easiest, and most proportionate way I could find. Take a yellow 1×2 with a clip on the end, and place a yellow cheese slope on the front. Then, take a yellow 1×2 plate and place a black and yellow cheese slope facing opposite directions on top. Lastly, take that plate and place it yellow cheese slope first on the other 1×2.

Step 4: The Body

To make Pikachu’s body, take two yellow eyelit bricks and place them facing outwards on a 1×2 plate with handle. Then get another two eyelit bricks and place them facing forward on the other bricks. If you want, for stability, take a 1×2 smooth plate and place it on the eyelit bricks.

Step 5: The Arms and Legs

For the arms, take two yellow 1×1 plates with clip and stick them onto the sideways eyelit bricks. For the feet, take two 1×1 plates and place two yellow studs on top. Take those two feet and place them on the bottom of the 1×2 with hinge.

Step 6: Piecing It Together

Now, if you already haven’t, you can put the tail on the hinge plate, and take the two ears and stick the barrel of the gun piece into the backs of the eyelit bricks.

Step 7: Finally

Finally, to finish off Pikachu, get any combination of Mixel’s eyes and place them on the empty eyelit bricks. White or black studs also will work!

Step 8: Charmander

Here are the pieces you will need for Charmander.

Step 9: The Tail

To make Charmander’s tail, take a sectioned orange hinge plate and place a black droid claw on the middle section. Also, place any kind of fire piece of red stud on the top of an orange cone. Take the cone and stick it ontop of the droid claw. Don’t worry if the fire piece falls off, as you will have to adjust that connection until it works for you.

Step 10: The Body

Charmander’s body was made using the same technique as Pikachu’s only with orange bricks. Place it ontop if the orange hinge plate,

Step 11: The Head

This step is optional, but makes it look a lot better. Just take two orange cheese slopes and put them ontop of the eyelit bricks. Also, if you want to stabilize the head, you can take an orange 1×2 plate and put it behind the eyelit bricks.

Step 12: The Arms and Legs

For Charmander’s arms, you can either use the same thing as Pikachu (just using orange instead) or take two orange cheese sloped and place them on the eyelit bricks facing out. The legs also use the same build as Pikachu, only this time I used a 1×2 plate instead of two 1×1’s.

Step 13: Last (but Not Least)

The eyes. Take any combination of Mixel eyes or black and white studs and place them on the eyelit bricks.

Step 14: Thanks

I don’t know if I can fit my gratitude into this one step, but I will try. I truthfully never expected that my first Instructable would have gotten as much recognition as it has. And now going on to make more, the support has been immense and really heart warming. I just love sharing my ideas with those who are willing to. I just am at a lost for words and can’t thank you enough!!!! Like seriously. I really can’t fit enough «thank you»‘s into this box, or I would put a bajillion. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING, and have an amazing day (or night)!

Introduction: Lego Pikachu

Hi veiwer Pikachu is an amazing Pokemon, so I am going to teach you how to build him!

Step 1: The Feet.

Find two yellow Lego blocks.

Step 2: The Waist.

Find one four block of Lego.

Step 3: The Body.

Then find a two by two block.

Step 4: The Arms.

Then you find two black two by two blocks.

Step 5: The Tail.

Find two yellow two by two blocks and atatch them too a three by two block then add a black block at the top.

Step 6: The Neck.

Then find a four by two and put it over the yellow piece by the feet.

Step 7: The Head.

Find a two by two block.

Step 8: The Ere.

Last find two yellow pieces and two black pieces. Then you have your own Lego Pikachu.

Пикачу Lego Wedo 2.0 инструкция

Пикачу́ (яп. ピカチュウ Пикатю:, англ. Pikachu) — существо из серии игр, манги и аниме «Покемон», принадлежащей компаниям Nintendo и Game Freak. Пикачу, являющийся одним из особенных существ вымышленной вселенной — покемоном, был создан японским игровым дизайнером Кэном Сугимори вместе с командой разработчиков Game Freak и впервые появился в компьютерных играх Pokémon Red и Blue, а затем и в последующих сиквелах. Пикачу считается одним из самых узнаваемых и популярных покемонов, так как является официальным талисманом франшизы, и в последние годы он стал иконой японской поп-культуры.

Пикачу эволюционирует из другого покемона, Пичу, а сам Пикачу впоследствии может эволюционировать в Райчу. В вымышленном мире покемонов Пикачу часто живут в домах, лесах, на равнинах, иногда в горах и на островах, а также на заброшенных электростанциях по всему мир. Будучи покемоном электрического типа, Пикачу может накапливать в своих щёчках электричество и при необходимости атаковать с его помощью. Внутриигровой Покедекс утверждает, что Пикачу является покемоном-мышью.

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LEGO POKEMON Brick Building Farm animation for kids BY Poke Humor Lego Pokemon is a series about Pokemons in Lego .

LEGO POKEMON — SHOPPING by Poke Humor Lego Pokemon is a series about Pokemons in Lego World. Remember to drop a .

• As Mega Charizard X, its body and legs appear more physically fit, though its arms remain thin. Its skin turns black with a sky .

Instructions on how to build Venusaur, Charizard, Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle out of Lego. For a long time, I’ve thought .

Instructions on how to make a Pokeball from Pokemon out of Lego. Also, I accidentally messed up something about the quantities .

Так как Лего еще не выпускает минифигурки Покемонов в этом туториале я решил создать Эша Кетчума . Это моя первая попытка .

Используй промо-код и получи максимальную скидку на SSD и память от HyperX. Прокачай свой комп и будь готов к выходу .

Найди Покемона — получи скидку! Подробнее — goo.gl/g52hZY Помните как было круто смотреть Покемонов после .

I gotta build all Lego Pokémon, and 3 months ago I started this journey with you guys. Now we’re 1/3 in the Lego Pokédex (Gen1) .

A tutorial showing how to make Groudon out of Lego. I designed most of Groudon shortly after the release of Pokemon Omega .

A tutorial showing you how to make the legendary Pokemon Solgaleo and Lunala from Sun and Moon out of Lego. I think these .

A tutorial showing how to build Noctowl, Houndoom, and Magcargo out of Lego. I’ve shown off Noctowl and Houndoom in videos .

Today we are building flipping lego Pokemon. This is through the new Nanoblock X Pokemon series. It is pretty much a tiny tiny .

Instructions on how to make a Great Ball, Ultra Ball, and Master Ball out of Lego. I think they turned out very nicely (once again, .

A tutorial showing you how to build Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres out of Lego. I’ve gotten a few requests for the Kanto region’s .

A tutorial showing how to build the final forms of the Johto starters, Meganium, Typhlosion, and Feraligatr, out of Lego. I’m really .

In this series of videos I will be building and animating lego pokemon from the 7th generation: Alola The animation represents the .

A tutorial showing you how to make the Kanto region Pokemon Exeggutor, Golbat, Dratini, and Dugtrio out of Lego. I hope you all .

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