Mitsubishi Outlander III: Руководства по эксплуатации
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Руководства по эксплуатации Mitsubishi Outlander III. Брошюры, каталоги, спецификации, карты технического обслуживания.
↑ Mitsubishi Outlander III
Язык/Language: | Русский • English |
Брошюры, каталоги, спецификации
Руководства по эксплуатации
- Руководство по эксплуатации Mitsubishi Outlander MY 2013 (Россия), рус., pdf, 102 МБ
- Руководство по эксплуатации Mitsubishi Outlander MY 2015 (Россия), рус., pdf, 17,9 МБ
- Руководство по эксплуатации Mitsubishi Outlander MY 2016 (Россия), рус., pdf, 18,6 МБ
- Руководство по эксплуатации Mitsubishi Outlander MY 2017 (Россия), рус., pdf, 24,7 МБ
- Руководство по эксплуатации Mitsubishi Outlander MY 2019 (Россия), рус., pdf, 28,6 МБ
- Руководство по эксплуатации Mitsubishi Outlander MY 2020 (Россия), рус., pdf, 30,3 МБ
- Руководство по эксплуатации Mitsubishi Outlander MY 2021 (Россия), рус., pdf, 30,7 МБ
- Руководство по эксплуатации Mitsubishi Outlander MY 2014 (North America), eng., pdf, 49,0 МБ
- Руководство по эксплуатации Mitsubishi Outlander MY 2015 (North America), eng., pdf, 59,5 МБ
- Руководство по эксплуатации Mitsubishi Outlander MY 2016 (North America), eng., pdf, 60,7 МБ
- Руководство по эксплуатации Mitsubishi Outlander MY 2017 (North America), eng., pdf, 14,9 МБ
- Руководство по эксплуатации Mitsubishi Outlander MY 2018 (North America), eng., pdf, 13,7 МБ
- Руководство по эксплуатации Mitsubishi Outlander MY 2019 (North America), eng., pdf, 58,0 МБ
- Руководство по эксплуатации Mitsubishi Outlander MY 2020 (North America), eng., pdf, 60,0 МБ
- Руководство по эксплуатации Mitsubishi Outlander MY 2016 (Europe), eng., pdf, 23,1 МБ
- Руководство по эксплуатации Mitsubishi Outlander MY 2017 (Europe), eng., pdf, 24,2 МБ
- Руководство по эксплуатации Mitsubishi Outlander MY 2018 (Europe), eng., pdf, 25,9 МБ
- Руководство по эксплуатации Mitsubishi Outlander MY 2019 (Europe), eng., pdf, 72,2 МБ
- Руководство по эксплуатации Mitsubishi Outlander MY 2020 (Europe), eng., pdf, 69,3 МБ
- Краткое руководство Mitsubishi Outlander MY 2014 (North America), eng., pdf, 2,88 МБ
- Краткое руководство Mitsubishi Outlander MY 2015 (North America), eng., pdf, 1,98 МБ
- Краткое руководство Mitsubishi Outlander MY 2016 (North America), eng., pdf, 2,96 МБ
- Краткое руководство Mitsubishi Outlander MY 2017 (North America), eng., pdf, 1,35 МБ
- Краткое руководство Mitsubishi Outlander MY 2018 (North America), eng., pdf, 1,21 МБ
Руководства по эксплуатации аудио-системы
- См. раздел Аудиооборудование: Руководства по эксплуатации
Карты технического обслуживания
- Периодическое техническое обслуживание (карта ТО), pdf, 301 кБ
- Периодическое техническое обслуживание при тяжелых условиях эксплуатации, pdf, 392 кБ
- Активация противотуманных фар без специального оборудования
Outlander III: Справочники и инструкции
Материал из OUT-CLUB.RU F.A.Q.
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Инструкции Outlander
- Руководство по эксплуатации Outlander III 2013 MY, рус., pdf, 102 МБ
- Руководство по эксплуатации Outlander III 2016 MY, eng., pdf, 60,7 МБ
- Быстрое руководство Outlander III 2014 MY, eng., pdf, 2,59 МБ
- Быстрое руководство Outlander III 2015 MY, eng., pdf, 2,03 МБ
- Быстрое руководство Outlander III 2016 MY, eng., pdf, 2,96 МБ
- Список расходников для ТО-1 или ТО-15 000 км на бензиновом (2.0, 2.4, 3.0) Outlander 2017-2018
- Список расходников для ТО-2 или ТО-30 000 км на бензиновом (2.0, 2.4, 3.0) Outlander 2017-2018
- Список расходников для ТО-3 или ТО-45 000 км на бензиновом (2.0, 2.4, 3.0) Outlander 2017-2018
- Список расходников для ТО-4 или ТО-60 000 км на бензиновом (2.0, 2.4, 3.0) Outlander 2017-2018
- Периодическое техническое обслуживание (карта ТО), pdf, 301 кБ
- Периодическое техническое обслуживание при тяжелых условиях эксплуатации, pdf, 392 кБ
- Руководство по эксплуатации MMCS 2013 MY, eng., pdf, 45,8 МБ
- Руководство по эксплуатации MMCS 2013 MY, рус., pdf, 69,7 МБ
- Руководство по эксплуатации штатной магнитолы 2013 MY, рус., pdf, 1,31 МБ
- Активация противотуманных фар без специального оборудования
Сервис-мануалы Outlander
- Mitsubishi Outlander 2017 Service Manual, eng., оффлайн-версия, rar, 1,07 ГБ
- Mitsubishi Outlander 2016 Service Manual, eng., оффлайн-версия, rar, 1,00 ГБ
- Mitsubishi Outlander III Service Manual, Technical Information Manual & Body Repair Manual, MY 2013, eng., html/pdf/png, онлайн-версия
- Mitsubishi Outlander 2013 Servise Manual, на русском языке, pdf в архиве zip, 130 МБ
- Mitsubishi Outlander 2013 (for Russia) Body Repair Manual, eng., pdf, 8,02 МБ
- Mitsubishi Outlander 2013 (for Russia) Technical Information Manual, eng., pdf, 13,4 МБ
- Mitsubishi Outlander 2013 (for Russia) Workshop Manual, eng., по главам || одним файлом, pdf в архиве zip, 109 МБ
- Mitsubishi Outlander MY 2016 (GF#W) (for Russia) Workshop Manual, eng., pdf, 40,2 МБ
- Mitsubishi Outlander MY 2016 (GF#W) (for Russia) Pre-Delivery Inspection and Periodic Inspection and Maintenance, eng., pdf, 3,34 МБ
Электрические схемы Outlander
- Электрические схемы, eng., pdf, 25,7 МБ
- Схемы компоновки (расположение жгутов и разъемов), eng., pdf, 1,35 МБ
- Расположение электроузлов, eng., pdf, 1,95 МБ
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Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию Mitsubishi Outlander Mark III (GF) с бензиновыми двигателями: 4J11/4B11 2.0 л (1998 см³) 146-150 л.с./107-110 кВт, 4B12 2.4 л (2360 см³) 167 л.с./123 кВт и 6B31 3.0 л (2998 см³) 230 л.с./169 кВт; Инструкция пользователя легковой автомобиль повышенной проходимости Мицубиси Аутлендер компактный кроссовер с цельнометаллическими несущими кузовами пятидверный универсал повышенной вместимости передне- и полноприводные модели третьего поколения выпуска с 2012 года
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Mitsubishi 2013 Карты периодического технического обслуживания, включая для тяжелых условий эксплуатации
Mitsubishi Outlander mk3 Видео замена передних и задних тормозных колодок, топливного фильтра (Мицубиси Аутлендер с 12)
Mitsubishi Outlander Mark III общая информация (Мицубиси Аутлендер с 2012)
Моторное масло
Проверка уровня и заправка моторного масла
Качество используемого моторного масла оказывает существенное влияние на технические характеристики двигателя, его срок службы и пусковые свойства. Следует использовать масло только рекомендованного качества и соответствующей вязкости. В процессе нормальной работы все двигатели расходуют некоторое количество масла.
Ежедневно перед поездкой проверяйте уровень масла в двигателе.
1. Остановите автомобиль на ровной горизонтальной площадке.
2. Выключите двигатель.
3. Подождите несколько минут.
4. Извлеките маслоизмерительный щуп и протрите его чистой ветошью.
5. Вставьте щуп до упора.
6. Извлеките щуп и определите уровень масла, который должен находиться между двумя отметками на щупе.
7. Если уровень масла ниже допустимого, снимите пробку
с маслоналивной горловины в крышке головки блока цилиндров и долейте масло до установленного уровня. Не заливайте излишнее количество масла, т. к. это приведет к повреждению двигателя. Используйте только рекомендованное моторное масло и не смешивайте масла разных типов.
8. После доливки масла плотно закройте пробку маслоналивной горловины.
9. Проверьте уровень масла, повторив пункты 4-6.
• При проверке уровня масла в двигателях объемом 3000 см³ извлекайте щуп вдоль отверстия и проверяйте уровень на верхней стороне щупа.
• При эксплуатации автомобиля в тяжелых условиях моторное масло быстро утрачивает свои свойства, и заменять его требуется чаше. Необходимо соблюдать периодичность планового техобслуживания.
• Указания по утилизации отработанного моторного масла приведены на стр. 7.
Выбор моторного масла
Рекомендуем использовать оригинальные моторные масла Mitsubishi Genuine Oil, классификация которых соответствует указанной в соответствующих разделах.
• Следует выбирать моторное масло соответствующей вязкости по классификации SAE в зависимости от окружающей температуры.
Моторные масла классов SAE 0W-20*, 0W-30, 5W-30 и 5W-40 можно использовать только в том случае, если они соответствуют классам АСЕА АЗ/ВЗ, АЗ/В4 или А5/В5 и API SG (или выше).
*Автомобили, соответствующие нормам токсичности Евро 4.
• Следует использовать моторное масло, соответствующее следующим классам
• По классификации API: «Для условий эксплуатации SG» или выше,
• Масло, сертифицированное но ILSAC.
• По классификации АСЕА:
«Для условий эксплуатации A1/B1, АЗ/ВЗ, АЗ/В4 или А5/В5»
№ | Спецификация / Specs | Данные |
Габариты (мм/mm) и масса (кг/kg) / Dimensions and Weight | ||
1 | Длина / Length | 4655 |
2 | Ширина (без/с зеркалами) / Width | 1800 (1810-с расширенными арками) |
3 | Высота (загружен/пустой) / Height | 1680 (с рейлингами) |
4 | Колёсная база / Wheelbase | 2670 |
5 | Дорожный просвет (клиренс) / Ground clearance | 215⇒195 — при полной нагрузке |
6 | Снаряжённая масса / Total (curb) weight | 1570-1620 с дополнительным оборудованием |
Полная масса / Gross (max.) weight | 2270 | |
Двигатель / Engine |
7 | Тип / Engine Type, Code | Бензиновый, жидкостного охлаждения, четырехтактный, 6B31 |
8 | Количество цилиндров / Cylinder arrangement: Total number of cylinders, of valves | 6-цилиндровый, V-образный, 24V, DOHC с верхним расположением двух распределительных валов, MIVEC |
9 | Диаметр цилиндра / Bore | 87.6 мм |
10 | Ход поршня / Stroke | 82.9 мм |
11 | Объём / Engine displacement | 2998 см³ |
12 | Система питания / Fuel supply, Aspiration | Распределенный впрыск топлива ECI-Multi |
Атмосферный | ||
13 | Степень сжатия / Compression ratio | 10.5:1 |
14 | Максимальная мощность / Max. output power kW (HP) at rpm | 169 кВт (230 л.с.) при 6250 об/мин |
15 | Максимальный крутящий момент / Max. torque N·m at rpm | 292 Нм при 3750 об/мин |
Трансмиссия / Transmission |
16 | Сцепление / Clutch type | Гидротрансформатор с блокировкой/ Torque Converter |
17 | КПП / Transmission type | АКПП 6 Автоматическая, шестиступенчатая, гидромеханическая, адаптивная |
О Книге
- Название: Mitsubishi Outlander Руководство по эксплуатации
- Бензиновые двигатели: 4J11/4B11 2.0 л (1998 см³) 146-150 л.с./107-110 кВт, 4B12 2.4 л (2360 см³) 167 л.с./123 кВт и 6B31 3.0 л (2998 см³) 230 л.с./169 кВт
- Выпуск с 2012 года
- Серия: «Owner Guide»
- Год издания: 2013
- Автор: Коллектив авторов
- Издательство: «Mitsubishi Motors Corporation»
- Формат: PDF
- Страниц в книге: 546
- Размер: 175.67 МБ
- Язык: Русский
- Количество электросхем: 1
- Manuals
- Brands
- Mitsubishi Manuals
- Automobile
- 2013 Outlander
- Service manual
Table of Contents
Related Manuals for Mitsubishi 2013 Outlander
Summary of Contents for Mitsubishi 2013 Outlander
Page 1: Table Of Contents
Page 2: How To Use This Manual
INVECS:Indicates the intelligent and innovative vehi- <4N14> diesel engine. cles electronic control system. 2400:Indicates models equipped with the 2,360 mL MIVEC:Indicates the Mitsubishi innovative valve tim- <4B12> petrol engine. ing electronic control system. 2WD:Indicates the 2-wheel drive vehicles. MPI:Indicates the multipoint injection.
Page 3: Technical Features
GENERAL 00-3 TECHNICAL FEATURES • Long and flat cargo space (with luggage box) + Mode type Explanation 335 mm in comparison with current model. 4WD ECO 2WD at normal situation for fuel economy and turns to 4WD due to ENHANCEMENT OF ACTUAL FUEL road condition automatically.
Page 4
GENERAL 00-4 TECHNICAL FEATURES MAIN FEATURES ACB05806 ACC00047 • Lighter body due to rich tensioned surfaces 1. FRONT DESIGN • Wide and stable image due to the combina- which helps to attain rigidity. (The form itself create rigidity.) tion of horizontal graphic and trapezoid grille. •… -
Page 5: Interior
GENERAL 00-5 TECHNICAL FEATURES INTERIOR M2000018002103 MAIN FEATURES ACC00822AC • Good haptic quality with soft upper pad on 1. INSTRUMENT PANEL • Simple and clear image with few parting lines. front doors. • Wide haptic due to horizontal large decoration •…
Page 6: Spacious Cabin
GENERAL 00-6 TECHNICAL FEATURES SPACIOUS CABIN M2000000400456 COMFORT ACC00826 Item Dimension mm Overall length 4,655 Front overhang Wheelbase 2,670 Rear overhang 1,030 Overall height (unladen) 1,680 Ground clearance (unladen) Overall width 1,800 Front track 1,540 Rear track 1,540 Front leg space Rear leg space Third leg space Head room…
Page 7: Active Safety
GENERAL 00-7 TECHNICAL FEATURES AERODYNAMICS Rear under cover Front under cover <4N1> ACC00050 • NEW OUTLANDER achieved a drag coefficient • ABS (Anti-skid Braking System) with EBD (Elec- of C =0.33, 7-percent reduction as compared to tronic Brake-force Distribution) (Refer to GROUP 35B − Anti-skid Braking System the current model, the cutting-edge computer P.35B-2.) simulation technology and with the numerous…
Page 8: Passive Safety
• Features 6.1 inch QVGA (Quarter Video Start System (OSS) P.42B-18] Graphics Array) full-colour display and touch screen. • Supports USB/iPod control functions • Rear view camera image with reference lines NEWLY DEVELOPED NAVIGATION − MITSUBISHI MULTI COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (MMCS)
Page 9: Environmental Protection
• Dual display function such as navigation and ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AV (Audio Visual)/Vehicle information, etc. • Supports USB/i-Pod control functions and SD M2000027000945 Mitsubishi Motors Corporation has given careful con- audio files sideration to protection of natural resources and the environment. Environmentally friendly features are A/C SYSTEM shown below.
Page 10
GENERAL 00-10 VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION <2200> Model code Seating Engine model Transmission model Fuel supply capacity system GF6W XJHXR6 5-persons 4N14 (2,268 mL) F6MBA (Front wheel Electrical fuel DOHC Direct drive 2WD, 6M/T) injection XJHXL6 injection-diesel with (Direct XJXXL6 7-persons intercooled turbocharger injection-Diesel engine, Auto Stop &… -
Page 11
GENERAL 00-11 VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION No. Item Content Engine type 2.0L MPI (4B11) MIVEC 2.4L MPI (4B12) MIVEC 2.2L Diesel (4N14) 2.0L MPI (4J11) Smart MIVEC Vehicle type Station wagon Body style 4-door with tailgate Transmission type 6M/T 6A/T 5M/T Trim level (Price class) Vehicles for Europe: H-line <5-seating>… -
Page 12
GENERAL 00-12 MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS M2000030003278 VEHICLES FOR EUROPE ACB04339AB <2000> Item GF7W XNSXL6 XTXXL6 Vehicle Front track 1 1,540 1,540 dimension mm Overall width 2 1,800 1,800 Front overhang 3 955 Wheelbase 4 2,670 2,670 Rear overhang 5 1,030 1,030 Overall length 6 4,655… -
Page 13
GENERAL 00-13 MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS Item GF7W XNSXL6 XTXXL6 Turning radius Body 5.73 5.73 Wheel Item GF7W XTHXL6 XTHXZL6 Vehicle Front track 1 1,540 1,540 dimension mm Overall width 2 1,800 1,800 Front overhang 3 955 Wheelbase 4 2,670 2,670 Rear overhang 5 1,030 1,030 Overall length… -
Page 14: Major Specifications
GENERAL 00-14 MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS Item GF7W XTXXZL6 Vehicle Front track 1 1,540 dimension mm Overall width 2 1,800 Front overhang 3 955 Wheelbase 4 2,670 Rear overhang 5 1,030 Overall length 6 4,655 Ground clearance (unladen) 7 215 Overall height (unladen) 8 1,680 Rear track 9 1,540…
Page 15
GENERAL 00-15 MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS <2200> Item GF6W XJHXL6/XJHXR6 XJXXL6 Vehicle Front track 1 1,540 1,540 dimension mm Overall width 2 1,800 1,800 Front overhang 3 955 Wheelbase 4 2,670 2,670 Rear overhang 5 1,030 1,030 Overall length 6 4,655 4,655 Ground clearance (unladen) 7 215 Overall height (unladen) -
Page 16
GENERAL 00-16 MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS Item GF6W XLHFZL6 XLXFZL6/XLXFZR6 Vehicle Front track 1 1,540 1,540 dimension mm Overall width 2 1,800 1,800 Front overhang 3 955 Wheelbase 4 2,670 2,670 Rear overhang 5 1,030 1,030 Overall length 6 4,655 4,655 Ground clearance (unladen) 7 215 Overall height (unladen) 8 1,680… -
Page 17
GENERAL 00-17 MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS Item GF6W XJXXZL6/XJXXZR6 XJSXZL6/XJSXZR6 Vehicle Front track 1 1,540 1,540 dimension mm Overall width 2 1,800 1,800 Front overhang 3 955 Wheelbase 4 2,670 2,670 Rear overhang 5 1,030 1,030 Overall length 6 4,655 4,655 Ground clearance (unladen) 7 215 Overall height (unladen) 8 1,680… -
Page 18
GENERAL 00-18 MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS Item GF6W XJSXZL6/XJSXZR6 Vehicle Front track 1 1,540 dimension mm Overall width 2 1,800 Front overhang 3 955 Wheelbase 4 2,670 Rear overhang 5 1,030 Overall length 6 4,655 Ground clearance (unladen) 7 215 Overall height (unladen) 8 1,680 Rear track 9 1,540… -
Page 19
GENERAL 00-19 MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS VEHICLES FOR RUSSIA ACB04339AB <2000> Item GF2W XTSHL6Z XTSHZL6Z Vehicle Front track 1 1,540 1,540 dimension mm Overall width 2 1,800 1,800 Front overhang 3 955 Wheelbase 4 2,670 2,670 Rear overhang 5 1,030 1,030 Overall length 6 4,655 4,655 Ground clearance (unladen) -
Page 20
GENERAL 00-20 MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS <2400> Item GF3W XTHHZL6Z Vehicle Front track 1 1,540 dimension mm Overall width 2 1,800 Front overhang 3 955 Wheelbase 4 2,670 Rear overhang 5 1,030 Overall length 6 4,655 Ground clearance (unladen) 7 215 Overall height (unladen) 8 1,680 Rear track 9 1,540… -
Page 21
Page 22
• Valve train with direct-acting valve tappets and 4B12 (2,360 cc). • Silent timing chain These engines have adopted the following features: • MIVEC (Mitsubishi Innovative Valve timing Elec- • Unit type balancer<4B12> tronic Control system) for the intake valves MAIN SPECIFICATIONS… -
Page 23
ENGINE MECHANICAL 11-3 BASE ENGINE BASE ENGINE M2112001002194 CYLINDER HEAD RELATION Cylinder head cover PCV valve Front camshaft bearing cap Valve guide Camshaft bearing cap Cylinder head Camshaft Camshaft position bearing sensor Valve seat Cylinder head gasket Oil feeder control valve Oil hole Oil feeder control valve filter… -
Page 24
ENGINE MECHANICAL 11-4 BASE ENGINE CYLINDER BLOCK Crankshaft bearing cap Cylinder block Crankshaft oil seal Ladder frame AKB00850 A cylinder block made of an aluminium alloy has Item 4B11 4B12 been adopted for weight reduction. Overall height 230.1 240.1 Five bearings are provided for the crankshaft jour- nals and the No. -
Page 25
ENGINE MECHANICAL 11-5 BASE ENGINE PISTON RELATION Piston ring No.1 Piston ring No.2 Piston ring No.1 Piston Piston pin Maker mark Piston ring No.2 Connecting <4B11> Oil ring <4B12> Oil ring Rail Spacer Connecting rod bearing AKB00851AB • The connecting rod is made of highly rigid, forged 1. -
Page 26
ENGINE MECHANICAL 11-6 BASE ENGINE CRANKSHAFT RELATION Adapter plate Thrust bearing Upper crankshaft groove bearing Drive plate Crankshaft Crankshaft sensing ring Crankshaft sprocket Crankshaft pulley Lower crankshaft bearing Balance weight Crankshaft sensing ring Crankshaft sprocket Crankshaft Oil hole Balance weight Balance weight AKB00852 1. -
Page 27
ENGINE MECHANICAL 11-7 BASE ENGINE TIMING CHAIN RELATION Inlet V.V.T. sprocket Exhaust camshaft sprocket Timing chain Tensioner lever assembly Timing chain mark Timing mark link plate (blue) Timing chain mark link plate (blue) Chain guide Timing chain V.V.T. sprocket tensioner Camshaft sprocket timing mark timing mark… -
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ENGINE MECHANICAL 11-8 BASE ENGINE VALVE RELATION Valve tappet Inlet camshaft Valve spring Exhaust camshaft Valve stem seal Inlet valve Exhaust valve AK502499 The valve mechanism is based on a 4-valve DOHC 3. VALVE • The valves have heat-resistance. The entire (Double Over Head Camshaft) design having the camshaft on the upper valve. -
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ENGINE MECHANICAL 11-9 BASE ENGINE MIVEC (MITSUBISHI INNOVATIVE VALVE TIMING ELECTRONIC CONTROL SYSTEM) RELATION V.V.T. camshaft sprocket (Inlet ) Oil feeder control valve Cylinder head Oil feeder control valve filter Cylinder block Section A-A AKB00854AB MIVEC (Mitsubishi Innovative Valve timing Electronic… -
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ENGINE MECHANICAL 11-10 BASE ENGINE CAMSHAFT Cam position sensing cam Inlet camshaft Advance oil channel Retard oil channel Dowel pin Sealing cap Hollow section Exhaust camshaft AK502506 The lightweight camshaft is achieved by the hollow A cam position sensing ring is press-fitted onto the design. -
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ENGINE MECHANICAL 11-11 BASE ENGINE BALANCER RELATION<4B12> Crank shaft sprocket Balancer shaft module assembly Counter balancer shaft Balancer chain guide Balancer Timing mark tensioner link plate lever Crankshaft sprocket timing mark Balancer timing chain Crank shaft Balancer tensioner sprocket lever Balancer shaft module Balancer Balancer timing… -
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ENGINE LUBRICATION 12-2 GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION M2120000100465 The lubrication system is the full-flow, filter pumping After the oil is pumped to the individual crankshaft system. journals, it passes through a passage in the crank- The engine oil that accumulates in the oil pan is shaft and is fed to the pins. -
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ENGINE LUBRICATION 12-3 OIL PASSAGE The oil pump case, which is installed to the bottom of Item Specification the ladder flame, is driven by the oil pump chain Displacement L/min(6,000 r/min.) through the oil pump sprocket installed to the front of the oil pump case. OIL PASSAGE M2120000200741 Oil screen… -
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13A-32 PURGE CONTROL ….13A-41 MIVEC (Mitsubishi Innovative Valve CONTROLLER AREA NETWORK Timing Electronic Control (CAN) …… -
Page 40: General Information
MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-2 GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION M2132000102640 The following points of the 4B1 engine introduced to the previous OUTLANDER have been changed: Improvement / Additions Remark The variable valve timing control (V.V.T.) system has Due to this, the exhaust oil control valve and the been discontinued at the engine exhaust side.
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No.2 ignition coil [3] Ignition timing and control for Throttle position sensor (sub) current carrying time No.3 ignition coil Accelerator pedal position MIVEC (Mitsubishi Innovative sensor (main) Valve timing Electronic No.4 ignition coil Control system) Accelerator pedal position sensor (sub) -
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MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-4 GENERAL INFORMATION Control System Diagram Air flow sensor Power supply Injector Engine- Ignition coil Intake air temperature Ignition switch-IG Inlet oil feeder Engine control relay sensor Ignition switch-ST control valve Fuel pump relay Barometric Throttle position sensor Accelerator pedal Throttle valve control Starter relay… -
Page 43: Control Unit
MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-5 CONTROL UNIT CONTROL UNIT M2132021500960 ENGINE-ECU Engine-ECU Microprocessor Input Input Output Output sensor interface interface actuator AK602218AD Engine-ECU is installed in the engine room. Input /Output interface. Engine-ECU uses Engine-ECU judges (calculates) the optimum control flash-memory ROM that allows re-writing of data so to deal with the constant minute changes in driving that change and correction of control data is possible…
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MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-6 CONTROL UNIT Terminal Terminal Terminal name Terminal Terminal Terminal name code code TPS5 Power supply voltage TPSE Throttle position sensor earth applied to throttle position sensor Inlet camshaft position ETV+ Throttle valve control servo (+) sensor ETV−… -
Page 45: Sensor
MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-7 SENSOR Terminal Terminal Terminal name Terminal Terminal Terminal name code code CANL CAN interface (low) Ignition switch-IG GNDE Engine-ECU earth FP/R Fuel pump relay AFS5 Air flow sensor reference AC/R A/C compressor relay voltage Flash EP-ROM data BACK Backup power source rewriting power source…
Page 46: Intake Air Temperature Sensor
MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-8 SENSOR INTAKE AIR TEMPERATURE SENSOR Intake air temperature sensor is built in to the air flow sensor. Intake air temperature sensor detects intake air temperature through thermistor’s resistance change and outputs the voltage according to intake air temperature to engine-ECU.
Page 47: Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-9 SENSOR Output voltage (V) Manifold absolute Engine-ECU pressure sensor Power source Output signal Earth Pressure (kPa) AK602206AF ENGINE COOLANT TEMPERATURE The engine coolant temperature sensor is installed in the thermostat housing. Engine coolant temperature SENSOR sensor uses thermistor’s resistance change to detect coolant temperature and output the voltage accord- ing to coolant temperature to engine-ECU.
Page 48: Throttle Position Sensor
MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-10 SENSOR THROTTLE POSITION SENSOR STRUCTURE AND SYSTEM Throttle position sensor is composed of a permanent Throttle body magnet fixed on the throttle shaft, Hall IC that outputs voltage according to magnetic flux density and a sta- tor that efficiently introduces magnetic flux from the permanent magnet to Hall IC.
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MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-11 SENSOR When abnormality is detected Restrict or shut off the operating Throttle valve control servo Main Throttle position Fuel cut sensor Engine-ECU Injector Accelerator pedal position sensor Main AKB00593 ACCELERATOR PEDAL POSITION Engine-ECU compares output voltage of the throttle SENSOR position sensor (main) and throttle position sensor (sub) to check for abnormality in the throttle position… -
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MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-12 SENSOR Accelerator pedal position sensor is integrated with Magnetic flux density at Hall IC is proportional to the accelerator pedal, and detects accelerator opening output voltage. angle. Engine-ECU uses the output voltage of this The accelerator pedal position sensor has 2 output systems −… -
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MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-13 SENSOR When abnormality is detected Restrict or shut off the operating Throttle valve control servo Main Throttle position Fuel cut sensor Engine-ECU Injector Accelerator pedal position sensor Main AKB00595 OXYGEN SENSOR Engine-ECU compares output voltage of the acceler- Front Rear ator pedal position sensor (main) and accelerator… -
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MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-14 SENSOR From engine control relay Oxygen sensor Heater Engine-ECU Zirconia element 0.5V AK602576AB CRANK ANGLE SENSOR Crankshaft sensing ring Crankshaft sensing ring (36 teeth including 3 missing teeth) Magnet flux Vane Crank angle sensor Magnetic resistance element Crankshaft sensing ring AK602737AE A crank angle sensor is installed on the exhaust side… -
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MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-15 SENSOR the flux from the magnet does not pass the magnetic resistance element and the resistance decreases. The crank angle sensor converts this change in resistance of the magnetic resistance element to a 5 V pulse signal and outputs it to engine-ECU. Engine-ECU Crank angle sensor Magnetic resistance element… -
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MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-16 SENSOR not pass the magnetic resistance element and the resistance decreases. The inlet camshaft position sensor converts this change in resistance of the magnetic resistance element to a 5 V pulse signal and outputs it to engine-ECU. Engine-ECU Camshaft position sensor Magnetic resistance element… -
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MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-17 SENSOR BAROMETRIC PRESSURE SENSOR OIL PRESSURE SWITCH Barometric pressure sensor (built in engine-ECU) pressure Contact switch AK602575AB AK602587AB A barometric pressure sensor is built into The oil pressure switch is installed on the inlet side of engine-ECU. -
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MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-18 SENSOR Battery Engine-ECU Field coil Voltage regulator Alternator AK604998AB ALTERNATOR L TERMINAL tion diode. After the electric generation begins, the current is supplied to the field coil from this circuit. In After turning on the ignition switch, the current is addition, the generated voltage is output from the input by the engine-ECU to the alternator L terminal. -
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MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-19 SENSOR Battery Engine-ECU communication Charge Field coil warning lamp Combination meter Voltage regulator Alternator AK604999 AB… -
Page 58: Actuator
MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-20 ACTUATOR ACTUATOR M2132002001129 INJECTOR An injector is an injection nozzle with the electromag- netic valve that injects fuel based on the injection sig- Fuel nal sent by engine-ECU. 1 injector is installed in the inlet manifold of each cylinder and fixed to the deliv- ery pipe.
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MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-21 ACTUATOR From battery Engine control relay No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 Injectors Engine-ECU AKB00844 Voltage from the battery gets applied from the injec- A throttle valve control servo is installed in throttle tor relay to the injector and up to the engine-ECU. -
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MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-22 ACTUATOR From battery Engine control relay Throttle valve control servo engine-ECU Throttle valve control servo relay Engine-ECU Power source AK602231 IGNITION COIL The inlet oil feeder control valve is installed on the inlet side of the cylinder head. Receiving the duty Refer to GROUP 16 −… -
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MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-23 ACTUATOR From engine control relay Engine-ECU Inlet oil feeder control valve AK700721 ALTERNATOR G TERMINAL adjusted to about 14.4 V. When alternator output voltage is about 14.4 V, alternator outputs current to Engine-ECU uses ON/OFF of alternator G terminal produce electricity. -
Page 62: Fuel Injection Control
MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-24 FUEL INJECTION CONTROL Battery Engine-ECU Field coil Voltage regulator Alternator AK605000 FUEL INJECTION CONTROL M2132003001876 Fuel injection volume is regulated to obtain the opti- intake air volume. Engine-ECU adds prescribed mum air-fuel ratio in accordance with the constant compensations to this basic drive time according to minute changes in engine driving conditions.
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MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-25 FUEL INJECTION CONTROL System Configuration Diagram Air flow sensor Intake air temperature sensor Manifold absolute pressure sensor Barometric pressure sensor Engine coolant temperature sensor Injector Throttle position sensor Engine- Accelerator pedal position sensor Detonation sensor Inlet camshaft position sensor Crank angle sensor Ignition switch-ST… -
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MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-26 FUEL INJECTION CONTROL Fuel Injection During Cranking and Normal Operation <No. 2 TDC> <No.1 TDC> <No. 3 TDC> <No. 4 TDC> <No. 2 TDC> Crank angle sensor signal Inlet camshaft position sensor signal : Fuel injection Cylinder stroke Combustion Exhaust… -
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MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-27 FUEL INJECTION CONTROL signal (engine rotation signal). This basic drive time is compensated according to signals from various 2. Fuel injection volume (injector drive sensors and optimum injector drive time (fuel injec- time) control tion volume) is calculated according to driving condi- Under normal operating conditions, the figure shows tions. -
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MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-28 FUEL INJECTION CONTROL Fuel Injection Volume Control Block Diagram (Normal Operation) Air fuel ratio compensation (Predetermined Air flow sensor compensation) Basic fuel injection time determination Crank angle sensor Oxygen sensor feedback compensation Oxygen sensor Engine coolant Engine coolant temperature temperature sensor… -
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MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-29 FUEL INJECTION CONTROL Intake air volume of each cycle of 1 cylinder is calcu- [Injector drive time compensation] lated by engine-ECU based on the airflow sensor After calculating the injector basic drive time, the signal and crank angle sensor signal. Also, during engine-ECU makes the following compensations to engine start, the map value prescribed by the coolant control the optimum fuel injection volume according… -
Page 68: Ignition Timing And Control For Current Carrying Time
MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-30 IGNITION TIMING AND CONTROL FOR CURRENT CARRYING TIME IGNITION TIMING AND CONTROL FOR CURRENT CARRYING TIME M2132027100573 Ignition timing is pre-set according to engine driving conditions. Compensations are made according to pre-set values depending on conditions such as engine coolant temperature, battery voltage etc.
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MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-31 IGNITION TIMING AND CONTROL FOR CURRENT CARRYING TIME <No. 2 TDC> <No.1 TDC> <No. 3 TDC> <No. 4 TDC> <No. 2 TDC> Crank angle sensor signal Inlet camshaft position sensor signal Cylinder stroke Ignition Combustion Exhaust Intake No. -
Page 70: Throttle Valve Opening Angle Control And Idle Speed Control
MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-32 THROTTLE VALVE OPENING ANGLE CONTROL AND IDLE SPEED CONTROL Compensations Content Battery voltage compensation Compensation is made depending on battery voltage. The lower the battery voltage the greater the current carrying time and when battery voltage is high current carrying time is shortened.
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MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-33 THROTTLE VALVE OPENING ANGLE CONTROL AND IDLE SPEED CONTROL While idling While driving Engine-ECU controls the throttle valve to achieve the Compensations are made to the target opening target opening angle that are set based on the angle set according to the accelerator pedal opening engine coolant temperature. -
Page 72: Mivec (Mitsubishi Innovative Valve Timing Electronic Control System)
MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-34 MIVEC (Mitsubishi Innovative Valve Timing Electronic Control System) MIVEC (Mitsubishi Innovative Valve Timing Electronic Control System) M2132023500911 The MIVEC system effects a continuously variable control on the inlet valve timing. The valve operating angle is not change. MIVEC enables valve timing control that is optimal for the operating conditions of the engine.
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MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-35 MIVEC (Mitsubishi Innovative Valve Timing Electronic Control System) <No.2TDC> <No.1TDC> <No.3TDC> <No.4TDC> <No.2TDC> Crank angle sensor signal Inlet camshaft position sensor signal : Phase angle AKB00756AB The engine-ECU calculates the detected phase angle by using the signal from the inlet camshaft position sensor and the crank angle sensor. -
Page 74: Engine Control Relay Control
MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-36 ENGINE CONTROL RELAY CONTROL ENGINE CONTROL RELAY CONTROL M2132006000720 Battery LOCK Ignition switch Engine control relay ETACS-ECU To each sensor and actuator Power Battery Engine-ECU backup source Engine control relay control Ignition switch-IG AK604134AD • Throttle valve initializing control When the ignition switch-IG «ON»…
Page 75: Fuel Pump Relay Control
MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-37 FUEL PUMP RELAY CONTROL FUEL PUMP RELAY CONTROL M2132006500769 Battery LOCK Ignition switch Engine control relay To engine-ECU ETACS-ECU Fuel pump relay Fuel pump Ignition switch-ST and gauge unit Engine-ECU Fuel pump Crank angle sensor relay control AK700635 When current flows through the fuel pump relay, the…
Page 76: Starter Relay Control
MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-38 STARTER RELAY CONTROL STARTER RELAY CONTROL M2132025500672 Battery Ignition switch-ST Inhibitor switch ETACS -ECU Starter relay Engine-ECU Starter Starter relay control AK800140 When the ignition switch-ST signal is input, engine-ECU turns ON the power transistor for control of the starter relay.
Page 77: Oxygen Sensor Heater Control
MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-39 OXYGEN SENSOR HEATER CONTROL OXYGEN SENSOR HEATER CONTROL M2132007000734 Engine-ECU Oxygen sensor heater Engine coolant Engine control temperature sensor relay Battery AK602241AE When exhaust gas temperature is low, the oxygen the fuel during deceleration. Based on driving condi- sensor response is dull.
Page 78: A/C Compressor Relay Control
MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-40 A/C COMPRESSOR RELAY CONTROL A/C COMPRESSOR RELAY CONTROL M2132034500722 Battery A/C compressor relay refrigerant A/C switch (CAN) temperature switch Crank angle sensor A/C compressor assembly Accelerator pedal position sensor A/C compressor A/C compressor Vehicle speed signal (CAN) clutch relay control Inhibitor switch (CAN)
Page 79: Alternator Control
MULTIPOINT FUEL INJECTION (MPI) 13A-41 ALTERNATOR CONTROL ALTERNATOR CONTROL M2132025000785 Alternator G terminal Engine coolant temperature sensor Alternator FR terminal Crank angle sensor Engine-ECU A/C switch (CAN) Ignition switch-ST Alternator AK602242 AL During engine idle operation, engine-ECU controls increase in alternator output current and output cur- duty of conduction between alternator G terminal and rent is increased only gradually.
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Page 81: Fuel Supply
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FUEL SUPPLY 13B-2 GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION M2134000101676 • Fuel high-pressure hose The fuel system consists of the following compo- • Fuel line pipe nents: • Fuel injector • Fuel tank assembly • Fuel delivery pipe • Fuel pump and gauge assembly •… -
Page 83: Second Seat
FUEL SUPPLY 13B-3 FUEL TANK <4WD> Fuel gauge unit Fuel tank assembly Fuel vapour canister Fuel delivery pipe Fuel injector Fuel pump and Fuel line pipe gauge assembly Fuel high-pressure hose ACB05408AB • A return less fuel system eliminates returned fuel This fuel system is designed with consideration for global environment protection to ensure safety at a from the engine.
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FUEL SUPPLY 13B-4 FUEL TANK CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM <2WD> Fuel pump and gauge assembly Fuel tank ACC00445AB Fuel tank safety valve Fuel tank safety valve ACC00461AB… -
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FUEL SUPPLY 13B-5 FUEL TANK <4WD> Fuel gauge unit Fuel pump and gauge assembly Fuel tank ACC00446AB Fuel tank safety valve Fuel tank safety valve Fuel tank suction hose Fuel in tank filter ACC00462AB… -
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Page 87: Engine Cooling
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ENGINE COOLING 14-2 GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION M2140000101567 • A down-flow radiator has been adopted in order For the cooling method, a forced water-cooling circu- lation system is adopted and it has the following to reduce the number of parts and improve serv- characteristics: iceability. -
Page 89: Water Pump
ENGINE COOLING 14-3 WATER PASSAGE WATER PASSAGE M2140004000718 <Hot> <Cold> Thermostat Thermostat Water pump Water pump Heater Heater Throttle body Throttle body oil cooler oil cooler Radiator Radiator ACB04926 WATER PUMP M2140003000492 The water pump is the centrifugal, impeller type that is installed in front of the cylinder block.
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Page 92: Air Intake System
INTAKE AND EXHAUST 15-2 AIR INTAKE SYSTEM AIR INTAKE SYSTEM AIR DUCT AND AIR CLEANER M2150004001381 CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM Resonator Air cleaner assembly Air duct ACB05021AB In order to save weight, an air cleaner element with- out plastics is used and the panel thicknesses of the cover and the housing are optimised.
Page 93: Exhaust System
INTAKE AND EXHAUST 15-3 EXHAUST SYSTEM EXHAUST SYSTEM EXHAUST MANIFOLD M2150006001105 The exhaust manifold incorporates a catalytic con- verter. In order to reduce vibration, a spherical joint is used at the front pipe connection. EXHAUST PIPE AND MUFFLER M2150003001775 CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM Hanger bracket Tail pipe Hanger bracket…
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Page 96: Starter Motor
ENGINE ELECTRICAL 16-2 STARTER MOTOR STARTER MOTOR M2161002000728 The starter motor is a reduction drive type with plan- etary gear. ALTERNATOR M2162001000687 The alternator is the battery detection type. IGNITION COIL M2163001000561 The ignition coil is the plug-top type. This plug-top type ignition coil has the following fea- tures: Coil •…
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Page 98: Engine Control
ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL 17-2 ENGINE CONTROL ENGINE CONTROL GENERAL INFORMATION This system detects the amount of the accelerator pedal movement by using an accelerator pedal posi- M2170001001522 For the accelerator system, an electronic throttle tion sensor in the accelerator pedal assembly for valve control system has been adopted, eliminating electronically controls the throttle valve.
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ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL 17-3 CRUISE CONTROL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM Fuel injection system <Diesel engine> Accelerator pedal <Standard meter> (Built-in accelerator Cruise control indicator lamp pedal position sensor) Hydraulic unit Assembly Speed limiter display screen (Built-in ABS-ECU ACC00039 <Vehicles without ASC> or ASC-ECU <High contrast meter>… -
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ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL 17-4 CRUISE CONTROL SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND FUNCTIONS Component Function ABS-ECU <Vehicles without ASC> or Outputs the cruise control cancel signal to the engine-ECU. ASC-ECU <Vehicles with ASC> Accelerator pedal position sensor Informs the engine-ECU of the accelerator pedal depression. Cruise control indicator lamp <standard When the cruise control ON/OFF switch is pressed, a lamp will meter>… -
Page 101: Construction And Operation
ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL 17-5 CRUISE CONTROL SYSTEM Component Function • Based on the input signal from each sensors and switches, Engine-ECU the throttle opening angle indication signal is sent. • Based on the input signal from each sensors and switches, the CVT control signal is sent to the CVT-ECU.
Page 102: Block Diagram
ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL 17-6 CRUISE CONTROL SYSTEM • The speed limiter controls the engine output and The combination meter will turn on the cruise control the transmission gear ratio to regulate the vehicle indicator lamp <Standard meter>, the cruise control speed.
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ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL 17-7 CRUISE CONTROL SYSTEM DECELERATION FUNCTION 3. In addition when the RES + switch is pressed for less than approximately 0.5 second, the vehicle 1. When the SET − switch is pressed and held for speed is increased by approximately 1.6 km/h approximately 0.5 second or longer during the from the constant speed driving speed. -
Page 104: Adaptive Cruise Control System (Acc)
ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL 17-8 ADAPTIVE CRUISE CONTROL SYSTEM (ACC) • An abnormality occurs in the stop lamp signal. • An abnormality occurs in the vehicle speed sig- When one of the following conditions is met, unless nal. • Throttle position sensor abnormality. the vehicle is stopped to turn the ignition switch to •…
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ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL 17-9 ADAPTIVE CRUISE CONTROL SYSTEM (ACC) If vehicle travelling in front accelerates faster than your vehicle’s set speed, your vehicle will accelerate Acceleration control until it reaches your set speed gradually, and then be Vehicle travelling ahead driven at a constant speed. -
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ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL 17-10 ADAPTIVE CRUISE CONTROL SYSTEM (ACC) CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM Accelerator pedal (Built-in accelerator Hydraulic unit Assembly pedal position sensor) Steering wheel sensor (Built-in ASC-ECU) Throttle body assembly (Built-in throttle position sensor and throttle valve control servo) Cruise control display screen Multi information Stop lamp switch display… -
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ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL 17-11 ADAPTIVE CRUISE CONTROL SYSTEM (ACC) COMPONENTS AND FUNCTIONS Component Function • ACC status is changed based on the ACC/ cruise control ACC/FCM-ECU system/ adjustable speed limitation control mode and on the signal of switch state sent from engine-ECU. •… -
Page 108: Construction And Operation
ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL 17-12 ADAPTIVE CRUISE CONTROL SYSTEM (ACC) Component Function • Signals of state of steering switches (including failure Engine-ECU judgement result) are sent. • Acceleration/deceleration are controlled according to ACC target torque received from ASC-ECU when ACC mode is ON and ACC status is active.
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ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL 17-13 ADAPTIVE CRUISE CONTROL SYSTEM (ACC) BLOCK DIAGRAM Brake switch Cruise control switches (ACC/ cruise control/ speed limiter) Cruise control switches Stop lamp switch ASC-ECU (ACC distance switch) ACC status or target engine torque Switch signal Switch signal or target primary speed (CAN) -
Page 110: Emission Control
ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL 17-14 EMISSION CONTROL<MPI> EMISSION CONTROL<MPI> GENERAL INFORMATION M2171000101756 The emission control is basically the same as the 4B1 engine mounted on the ASX. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION DIAGRAM Purge control Canister solenoid valve Air cleaner From Positive fuel pump crankcase ventilation valve…
Page 111: Crankcase Ventilation System
ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL 17-15 EMISSION CONTROL<MPI> System Objective / Function Composition parts • Engine-ECU Emission reduction Air-fuel ratio Decrease of CO, HC and • Air flow sensor systems feedback control • Injector Controls air-fuel ratio of • Oxygen sensor air-fuel mixture to become •…
Page 112: Evaporative Emission Control System
ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL 17-16 EMISSION CONTROL<MPI> cover, and it mixes with the blow-by gas in the crank- POSITIVE CRANKCASE VENTILATION case. The blow-by gas in the crankcase is induced to (PCV) VALVE the inlet manifold through the rocker cover and PCV valve.
Page 113: Emission Reduction Systems
ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL 17-17 EMISSION CONTROL<MPI> A purge control solenoid valve is installed in the inlet passes through the coil, air can pass between nipple manifold. The purge control solenoid valve controls A and B and fuel vapour gas is sucked in. the intake volume of fuel vapour gas from the canis- Engine-ECU changes the ON duty ratio according to ter.
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Page 116: Cvt
Fail-safe function Present − (detected by the ABS sensor) Number of speedometer gears (drive/driven) Oil pump Model Vane-type pump Drive type Driven by the engine, sprocket, and chain CVT fluid Brand name MITSUBISHI MOTORS GENUINE CVTF-J4 Capacity (L) Approximately 7.1…
Page 117: Transmission Control
CONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSMISSION (CVT) 23-3 TRANSMISSION CONTROL NEW ACCELERATION CONTROL : New Accelerator pedal operation : Conventional Time New: To reduce a feel of untimely shifting, the downshift amount at the initial acceleration is adjusted. In addition, the upshift amount CVT gear ratio is restricted at the later acceleration with the aim of providing the acceleration feeling like a multi-stage transmission.
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CONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSMISSION (CVT) 23-4 TRANSMISSION CONTROL Transmission control cable Selector lever assembly ACC00027AB… -
Page 119: Propeller Shaft
Page 120: General Information
PROPELLER SHAFT 25-2 GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION M2250000100829 • Inside the rear propeller shaft, the dynamic The 2-piece, 3-joint type propeller shaft with a centre bearing is adopted. damper is integrated to reduce a booming noise It has the following features: cased by the resonance at the high engine •…
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Page 122: General Information
FRONT AXLE 26-2 GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION M2260000101533 • Dynamic damper is mounted on driveshaft (RH) For the front axle, the multi-line angular contact ball bearing with an integral oil seal is adopted as a to reduce differential booming noise. <2000> •…
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FRONT AXLE 26-3 GENERAL INFORMATION CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM Strut assembly AC602514 ACB04894 Knuckle <LH> Driveshaft (LH) Driveshaft (RH) <RH — 4WD> Dynamic damper Front hub <RH — 2WD> Wheel bearing Driveshaft (RH) Magnetic Oil seal encoder AC504925 ACC00499… -
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Page 125: Rear Axle
Page 126: Rear Axle <2Wd
REAR AXLE 27-2 REAR AXLE <2WD> REAR AXLE <2WD> M2270002000325 • The number of parts has been reduced by inte- The rear axle has the following features: • The wheel bearing is a unit ball bearing (dou- grating the magnetic encoder for ABS wheel ble-row angular contact ball bearing) which incor- speed detection into the wheel bearing.
Page 127: Rear Axle <4Wd
REAR AXLE 27-3 REAR AXLE <4WD> REAR AXLE <4WD> M2270003000447 • Lead-free grease for the constant velocity joint For the rear axle, the unit ball bearing (double-row angular contact ball bearing) in which the hub and has been adopted. • Hexavalent chromium has been eliminated from ball bearing are incorporated has been adopted for the wheel bearing, and the EUJ−ETJ type constant the dust cover material.
Page 128: Differential
Straight bevel gear × 2 Pinion gear Number of teeth Drive gear Drive pinion Side gear Pinion gear Gear oil MITSUBISHI MOTORS GENUINE Approx. 0.4 L super hypoid gear oil API classification GL-5, SAE 80W ACB05767 Electronic control coupling Equal altitude Differential…
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REAR AXLE 27-5 DIFFERENTIAL DIFFERENTIAL MOUNT Rear suspension crossmember Upper stopper Rear differential mount insulator Lower Upper stopper stopper Rear differential mount Weight front bracket (LH) Rear differential mount front bracket (RH) Electronic control coupling Lower stopper Differential carrier Weight ACC02383 The front side of the differential carrier is installed to the rear suspension crossmember via rear differen-… -
Page 130: Electronically Controlled 4Wd
REAR AXLE 27-6 ELECTRONICALLY CONTROLLED 4WD ELECTRONICALLY CONTROLLED 4WD • Under severe driving condition, the system is pro- GENERAL INFORMATION tected by minimizing the limitation force of the dif- M2270000101136 • Electronically controlled 4WD has been adopted ferential. • During high-speed driving, the fuel efficiency is to ensure the on-road performance, achieve lighter and smaller body, and realize better fuel improved by reducing the limitation force of the…
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REAR AXLE 27-7 ELECTRONICALLY CONTROLLED 4WD CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM Steering wheel sensor Combination meter ABS/ASC-ECU ECO switch 4WD switch ETACS-ECU Electronic control coupling Engine-ECU 4WD-ECU CVT-ECU or A/T-ECU Diagnosis connector < Standard meter> < High contrast meter> Drive mode indicator Drive mode display ACB05569 AC System component and function Parts name… -
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REAR AXLE 27-8 ELECTRONICALLY CONTROLLED 4WD Parts name Functional description Steering wheel sensor Sends the following signals required by 4WD-ECU via CAN communication. • Steering angle signal 4WD switch Sends the drive mode switch signal (4WD) to 4WD-ECU. ECO switch Sends the ECO ON/OFF signal to 4WD-ECU. -
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REAR AXLE 27-9 ELECTRONICALLY CONTROLLED 4WD System configuration ETACS-ECU Combination meter Engine-ECU ABS/ASC-ECU CAN-C CAN-C-Mid CVT-ECU Steering wheel CAN-C sensor A/T-ECU Diagnosis connector 4WD-ECU Engine Electronic control coupling Transmission 4WD switch NOTE:The dashed line indicates CAN communication lines (CAN-C, CAN-C-Mid). ACC00455 AC… -
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REAR AXLE 27-10 ELECTRONICALLY CONTROLLED 4WD Control schematic diagram 4WD switch (4WD ECO 4WD AUTO 4WD-ECU 4WD LOCK) Coupling torque Engine-ECU CAN-C CAN-C-Mid · Engine r/min Combination meter · Engine torque · Drive mode indicator ETACS-ECU or display ABS/ASC-ECU · Fail information ·… -
Page 135: 4Wd-Ecu
REAR AXLE 27-11 ELECTRONICALLY CONTROLLED 4WD Electronically controlled 4WD electric circuit diagram Fusible link Ignition switch(IG1) Fusible link ETACS-ECU ETACS-ECU 15 A (Fuse) (Fuse) relay Electronic control coupling solenoid 10 A 7.5 A 4WD-ECU 4WD switch ABS/ASC CVT-ECU or Engine-ECU -ECU A/T-ECU ETACS-ECU…
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REAR AXLE 27-12 ELECTRONICALLY CONTROLLED 4WD • Communication with drive mode switch: The • Compares the command current value from signal from the drive mode switch changes CPU with the monitored current and checks if the drive mode. they agree. •… -
Page 137: 4Wd Switch
REAR AXLE 27-13 ELECTRONICALLY CONTROLLED 4WD 4WD SWITCH If the ECO switch is turned on during 4WD AUTO mode, the drive mode will switch into 4WD ECO to M2270001300022 The 4WD switch has been installed on the floor con- reduce fuel consumption. When the ECO switch is sole.
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REAR AXLE 27-14 ELECTRONICALLY CONTROLLED 4WD OPERATION Coupling stops (2WD: Magnetic coil de-energized.) Main clutch Pilot clutch Magnet coil Front housing Propeller shaft Drive pinion Shaft (Rear differential) AC505106AE The drive force from the transfer is transmitted to the front housing connected to the propeller shaft. The drive force is also transferred to the pilot clutch and the outer side of the main clutch assembled to the front housing. -
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REAR AXLE 27-15 ELECTRONICALLY CONTROLLED 4WD Coupling operates (4WD: Magnetic coil energized.) Main cam Main clutch Armature Magnetic field Pilot clutch Front housing Magnet coil Rear housing Propeller shaft Pilot cam Ball Drive pinion Shaft (Rear differential) AC505106AD Pilot cam Main cam Ball AC507947AD… -
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WHEEL AND TYRE 31-2 GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION M2310000102022 The wheels and tyres of the following specifications have been established. SPECIFICATIONS Road wheel and tyre <2000> Item Standard Option <4WD> Wheel Type Steel type Aluminium type Aluminium type 16 × 6.5JJ 16 ×… -
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POWER PLANT MOUNT 32-2 GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION M2320000101503 • Roll-rod stopper has two rubber-to-metal bush- New pendulum engine mounting system reduces noise and vibration, which has the following features. ings including large voided bushing and reduces • The power train mass is supported in line with the vibration and noise doubly. -
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FRONT SUSPENSION 33-2 GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION M2330000101979 • The newly adopted polyurethane bump stopper The well-proven MacPherson strut type suspension has been adopted. Various components such as the absorbs high load without transmitting sharp strut assembly and the coil spring have been modi- vibrations to the bodyshell. -
Page 147: Specifications
FRONT SUSPENSION 33-3 GENERAL INFORMATION CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM Coil spring and strut assembly Strut insulator assembly (Cup for stopper fixation) Strut bearing Upper spring pad Bump stopper Coil spring Lower spring pad Coil spring Strut Stabilizer link Strut assembly Coil spring Stabilizer bar Strut assembly Lower arm assembly…
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FRONT SUSPENSION 33-4 GENERAL INFORMATION Item Specification Toe-in At the centre of tyre tread mm Toe-in angle (per wheel) 0°02’… -
Page 149: Rear Suspension
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REAR SUSPENSION 34-2 GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION M2340000101657 • New designed blade suspension has a slight pas- New blade multi-link rear suspension is an evolution of the current rear suspension to enhance stability sive toe-steer effect and provides safer handling. •… -
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REAR SUSPENSION 34-3 GENERAL INFORMATION CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM <2WD> Shock absorber assembly Upper arm Coil spring Shock absorber assembly Upper arm Stabilizer bar Coil spring Trailing arm Rear suspension crossmember Control link Trailing arm ACB05753 <4WD> Shock absorber assembly Upper arm Coil spring Shock absorber assembly Upper arm… -
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Page 156: General Information
BASIC BRAKE SYSTEM 35A-2 GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION M2350000101755 • The installation of 16-inch ventilated disc brake Brake systems with higher reliability and durability have achieved distinguished braking performance. on the front axle and 16-inch solid disc brake on the rear axle achieves the secure braking force FEATURES and direct braking feeling.
Page 157: Master Cylinder
BASIC BRAKE SYSTEM 35A-3 CONSTRUCTION DESCRIPTION Item Specification Front disc brake Type Floating caliper, 1-piston, ventilated disc Brake disc effective dia. × thickness 241.6 × 26 Cylinder I.D. mm 57.1 Brake pad thickness mm 10.0 Clearance adjustment Automatic adjustment Rear disc brake Type Floating caliper with parking brake mechanism integrated, 1-piston, solid disc…
Page 158: Rear Brake
BASIC BRAKE SYSTEM 35A-4 CONSTRUCTION DESCRIPTION REAR BRAKE M2350004000917 <Brake pads> Inner pad Rear brake assembly Outer pad Brake disc Wear indicator <Normal> <At wear limit> Brake disc Brake disc Wear Wear indicator indicator ACC00071 • The outer disc type brake disc which can be tight- •…
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Page 160: General Information
ANTI-SKID BRAKING SYSTEM (ABS) 35B-2 GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION M2351000101554 • For wiring harness saving and secure data com- The 4ABS ensures directional stability and control during hard braking. munication, CAN bus has been adopted as a This ABS uses a 4-sensor system that controls all tool of communication with another ECU.
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ANTI-SKID BRAKING SYSTEM (ABS) 35B-3 GENERAL INFORMATION CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM <Standard meter> <High contrast meter> 4, 5, 11 <4WD> ACB06010 MAIN COMPONENTS AND FUNCTIONS Name of part Number Outline of function Sensor Wheel speed sensor Outputs the frequency signal in proportion to the rotation speed of each wheel to ABS-ECU. -
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ANTI-SKID BRAKING SYSTEM (ABS) 35B-4 GENERAL INFORMATION Name of part Number Outline of function Actuator Hydraulic unit Drives the solenoid valve using the signal from ABS-ECU, and controls the brake fluid pressure for each wheel. ABS warning lamp Informs the driver of the system status by illuminating, flashing, or turning off the warning lamp according to the signal from ABS-ECU. -
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ANTI-SKID BRAKING SYSTEM (ABS) 35B-5 GENERAL INFORMATION SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM FR solenoid valve (OUT) Wheel speed sensor (FL) FR solenoid valve (IN) Wheel speed sensor (RL) FL solenoid valve (OUT) Wheel speed sensor (RR) FL solenoid valve (IN) RR solenoid valve (OUT) Wheel speed sensor (FR) RR solenoid valve (IN) ABS-ECU… -
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ANTI-SKID BRAKING SYSTEM (ABS) 35B-6 GENERAL INFORMATION ABS ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM Ignition Fusible Fusible switch (IG1) or link No.4 link No.2 OSS-ECU (IG1) CAN drive CAN drive circuit circuit Field Effect Interface Interface Transistor circuit circuit Stop lamp switch 4WD- Diagnosis connector Engine- Hydraulic unit… -
Page 165: Sensor
ANTI-SKID BRAKING SYSTEM (ABS) 35B-7 CONSTRUCTION DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTION DESCRIPTION SENSOR M2351001001000 WHEEL SPEED SENSOR FRONT REAR <2WD> REAR <4WD> Front wheel speed sensor Rear wheel Rear wheel speed sensor speed sensor Encoder for wheel Encoder for wheel Encoder for wheel speed detection speed detection speed detection…
Page 166: Abs-Ecu
ANTI-SKID BRAKING SYSTEM (ABS) 35B-8 CONSTRUCTION DESCRIPTION NOTE: • : The ABS warning lamp and the brake warning lamp stay on until the ignition switch is turned to the LOCK (OFF) position. • When the brake fluid level in the brake fluid reservoir tank is lower than the specified value, or when the parking brake lever is pulled, the brake warning lamp turns ON.
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ANTI-SKID BRAKING SYSTEM (ABS) 35B-9 CONSTRUCTION DESCRIPTION ABS fluid pressure control ABS control cycle Increase Hold Decrease Wheel speed Estimated vehicle speed Actual vehicle speed Brake pressure AC506830AB 1. The ABS-ECU calculates the speed and deceler- 3. When the vehicle deceleration and wheel speed ation of each wheel based on the signals from the begin recovery, and the vehicle speed reaches four wheel speed sensors and the G sensor… -
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ANTI-SKID BRAKING SYSTEM (ABS) 35B-10 CONSTRUCTION DESCRIPTION EBD fluid pressure control EBD control is activated in a range with lower slip tain level or more, EBD increases, holds, and ratio where ABS is disabled. EBD calculates vehicle decreases the pressure at the rear wheel control deceleration and slip amount of the four wheels solenoid valve in the hydraulic unit, and then adjusts based on the wheel speed sensor signal. -
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ANTI-SKID BRAKING SYSTEM (ABS) 35B-11 CONSTRUCTION DESCRIPTION (3) Checks if wheel speed which is abnormally Checks that the ABS-ECU output signal and the higher or lower than the vehicle speed is input. operating conditions of the pump motor and solenoid valve agree with each other. 4. -
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Page 172: Active Stability Control System (Asc)
ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) 35C-2 ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) GENERAL INFORMATION M2355000100694 Active Stability Control System (ASC) has been • The emergency stop signal system (ESS) installed. which makes the hazard warning lamps flash •…
Page 173: Construction Diagram
ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) 35C-3 ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM <Standard meter> <High contrast meter> 13, 15 13, 15 4, 7, 8, 20 <4WD> 19 <4WD> ACC01951…
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ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) 35C-4 ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) MAIN COMPONENTS AND FUNCTIONS Name of part Number Functional description Sensor Wheel speed sensor Outputs the frequency signal in proportion to the rotation speed of each wheel to ASC-ECU. Magnetic encoder for The wheel speed sensor is a pulse generator. -
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ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) 35C-5 ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) Name of part Number Functional description Engine-ECU Controls the engine output based on the signal from ASC-ECU. CVT-ECU CVT-ECU performs integrated control with ASC-ECU. Output the gear position to ASC-ECU. Outputs the drive status to ASC-ECU. -
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ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) 35C-6 ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM Combination meter and multi information display · ABS warning lamp and display · Brake warning lamp and display · ASC operation lamp Wheel speed sensor (FL) · ASC OFF lamp Parking brake ·… -
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ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) 35C-7 ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) ASC ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM Ignition switch (IG1) or OSS-ECU (IG1) Fusible link No.2 ETACS- CAN drive CAN drive No.14 relay circuit circuit No.11 Interface Interface Field Effect Transistor No.15 circuit circuit Steering wheel… -
Page 178: Sensor
ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) 35C-8 ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM The steering wheel sensor is attached to the column switch, and detects the rotational angle of the steer- ing wheel. SENSOR M2355001100471 WHEEL SPEED SENSOR ASC OFF SWITCH Refer to GROUP 35B −…
Page 179: Asc-Ecu
ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) 35C-9 ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) ASC OPERATION LAMP, ASC WARNING ASC warning display and lamp • Turns ON when the system malfunction occurs. DISPLAY AND LAMP, ASC OFF lamp The ASC system illuminates or flashes the ASC ASC OFF lamp •…
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ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) 35C-10 ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) STABILITY CONTROL DESCRIPTION ASC-ECU detects vehicle movement based on infor- mation from various sensors and calculates a model of ideal vehicle movement. ASC-ECU compares the actual vehicle movement with the ideal vehicle model, and manages the brake of the specific wheel so that the actual vehicle movement gets close to the ideal vehicle mode. -
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ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) 35C-11 ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) For example, on a slippery surface, if the vehicle moment (a restorative moment) is created to restrain tends to be under-steered contrary to the driver’s the oversteering by increasing the front-outside intention, a yaw moment (a rotational moment) is wheel braking force. -
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ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) 35C-12 ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) When the driving wheels slip on the slippery road surface, TCL applies the brake automatically, sends the signal requesting engine speed reduction to the engine-ECU, and prevents the loss of the driving force resulting from the slippage of the driving wheel. -
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ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) 35C-13 ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) HSA function state transition diagram (Overview) HSA function control not activated — Steep uphill — The vehicle has been stopped by depressing the brake during uphill driving — The accelerator pedal is not depressed When the conditions above are met HSA function control activated… -
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ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) 35C-14 ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) START MODE FORCIBLE TERMINATION MODE ASC-ECU releases the brake wheel cylinder pres- ASC-ECU immediately releases the brake wheel cyl- sure maintained by the cut valve, depending on the inder pressure maintained by the cut valve and termi- engine torque generated by depressing the accelera- nates HSA function control. -
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ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) 35C-15 ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) ESS FUNCTION ESS SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ASC-ECU Wheel speed sensor Vehicle speed G and yaw rate sensor Vehicle deceleration (longitudinal G) The judgment of a brake operation operation judging ABS operation The lighting state of hazard warning lamp by operation of hazard warning lamp switch CAN-C line… -
Page 186: Description Of Construction And Operation
ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) 35C-16 ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) FAIL-SAFE AND DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTIONS ASC-ECU constantly monitors the input and output All the above items can be diagnosed using signals. If an error is detected in the system, M.U.T.-III. ASC-ECU sends a fail signal and the corresponding CALIBRATION indicator lamp is illuminated or blinks.
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ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) 35C-17 ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) When brake fluid pressure decreases during ABS operation Master cylinder Hydraulic unit Outlet valve Inlet valve Cut valve Suction valve Outlet valve Wheel cylinder Inlet valve (Front) Suction Pressure sensor damper Damping Pump… -
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ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) 35C-18 ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) When brake fluid pressure is held by ABS Master cylinder Hydraulic unit Outlet valve Inlet valve Cut valve Suction valve Outlet valve Wheel cylinder Inlet valve (Front) Suction Pressure sensor damper Damping Pump… -
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ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) 35C-19 ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) When brake fluid pressure is increased by normal braking or ABS Master cylinder Hydraulic unit Outlet valve Inlet valve Cut valve Suction valve Brake fluid flow Outlet valve Wheel cylinder Inlet valve (Front) -
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ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) 35C-20 ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) When brake fluid pressure is increased by stability control (or increased by TCL) Master cylinder Hydraulic unit Outlet valve Inlet valve Cut valve Suction valve Outlet valve Wheel cylinder Inlet valve (Front) Suction… -
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ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) 35C-21 ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) When brake fluid pressure is held by stability control, TCL or HSA (Hill Start Assist) function Master cylinder Hydraulic unit Outlet valve Inlet valve Suction valve Cut valve Outlet valve Wheel cylinder Inlet valve… -
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ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) 35C-22 ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) When brake fluid pressure is decreased by stability control (or decreased by TCL) Master cylinder Hydraulic unit Outlet valve Inlet valve Cut valve Suction valve Outlet valve Wheel cylinder Inlet valve (Front) Suction… -
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ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) 35C-23 ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) other via the CAN bus line. When the accelerator pedal is depressed too far, the signal requesting the engine speed reduction is sent to the engine-ECU. The ASC-ECU performs joint control with CVT-ECU and secures the TCL controllability. -
Page 194: Forward Collision Mitigation (Fcm)
ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) 35C-24 FORWARD COLLISION MITIGATION (FCM) FORWARD COLLISION MITIGATION (FCM) GENERAL INFORMATION d. There are road humps, pothole or any M2357000200136 metal obstacles. CAUTION e. Your vehicle becomes too close to the Do not overestimate the FCM. It is never vehicle-travelling-ahead during overtak- almighty.
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ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) 35C-25 FORWARD COLLISION MITIGATION (FCM) CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM 5, 15 2, 14 ACC00407 ACC00406 MAIN COMPONENTS AND FUNCTIONS Name of part Number Functional description • Switches on and off the FCM. Switch/se FCM ON/OFF switch • Switches the warning timing of the FCM between «FAR» nsor and «NEAR». -
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ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) 35C-26 FORWARD COLLISION MITIGATION (FCM) Name of part Number Functional description Actuator Hydraulic unit Drives the solenoid valve using the signal from ASC-ECU, and controls the brake fluid pressure for each wheel. FCM warning display Is displayed to request the driver to depress the brake pedal when a head-on collision is imminent. -
Page 197: System Operation
ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) 35C-27 FORWARD COLLISION MITIGATION (FCM) Name of part Number Functional description • Contains the stop lamp activation circuit when the FCM ETACS-ECU automatic braking is in progress. • Sends a signal, which indicates FCM ON/OFF switch status and stop lamp switch status via hardwires, to the CAN bus lines.
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ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) 35C-28 FORWARD COLLISION MITIGATION (FCM) Function General Forward collision mitigation brake for low Activates the automatic emergency braking to reduce the speed driving vehicle speed when the system determines that a forward collision is imminent when the vehicle is being driven at 30 km/h or less. -
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ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM (ASC) 35C-29 FORWARD COLLISION MITIGATION (FCM) FCM ON/OFF SWITCH How to switch on and off the FCM The FCM is toggled between on and off when the FCM ON/OFF switch is pressed for 1.5 seconds or more. -
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Page 201: Parking Brakes
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PARKING BRAKES 36-2 GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION M2360000101165 A parking brake lever is used to operate the mechan- ical rear-wheel acting type parking brake. CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM <2WD> Parking brake lever Parking brake rear cable ACB04927… -
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Page 204: General Information
ELECTRIC POWER STEERING (EPS) 37-2 GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION M2370000102158 • 3-spoke type steering wheel integrated with an An electrical power steering system has been adopted. SRS air bag has been adopted. • Shock absorbing mechanism has been adopted FEATURES with the steering column shaft assembly.
Page 205: Steering Wheel
ELECTRIC POWER STEERING (EPS) 37-3 STEERING WHEEL STEERING WHEEL M2370001001474 <Urethane steering wheel> <Leather steering wheel> Section A — A Driver’s air bag module Bezel cover Bezel cover Inflator Steering wheel remote control Cruise control switch switch Driver’s air bag module Driver’s air bag module ACB05486 •…
Page 206: Steering Shaft And Column
ELECTRIC POWER STEERING (EPS) 37-4 STEERING SHAFT AND COLUMN STEERING SHAFT AND COLUMN M2370002001046 Motor Torque sensor Steering column shaft Intermediate shaft Tilt lever Contracting mechanism View A One-way capsule ACB05495AB The steering shaft and column, which informs the IMPACT-ABSORBING MECHANISM EPS-ECU of steering effort on the steering wheel, PRIMARY COLLISION consist of a torque sensor and motors, etc.
Page 207: Electric Power Steering
ELECTRIC POWER STEERING (EPS) 37-5 ELECTRIC POWER STEERING When a vehicle crash occurs and the intermediate SECONDARY COLLISION shaft is loaded from the gearbox side, the intermedi- Before collision ate shaft (A) is forced into the intermediate shaft (B) Resin pin to absorb an impact load.
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ELECTRIC POWER STEERING (EPS) 37-6 ELECTRIC POWER STEERING GENERAL DESCRIPTION ON SYSTEM Motor EPS-ECU Torque sensor ACB05501AB To improve operational reliability, the dual-circuit sys- informs a driver of the system malfunction by illumi- tem has been adopted for the torque sensor. If any nating the warning lamp on the combination meter. -
Page 209: Motor
ELECTRIC POWER STEERING (EPS) 37-7 ELECTRIC POWER STEERING SYSTEM CONFIGURATION EPS-ECU Power supply Output current value Ignition switch Engine speed Engine-ECU Vehicle speed Earth EPS warning lamp Odometer (distance information) Combination ETACS-ECU EPS-ECU Diagnosis code allowed meter to be stored Additional Torque AWC-ECU Torque sensor signal (main)
Page 210: Torque Sensor
ELECTRIC POWER STEERING (EPS) 37-8 ELECTRIC POWER STEERING TORQUE SENSOR M2370001600020 Torque sensor Torque sensor characteristic chart Output voltage (V) Main Torque sensor Input shaft Neutral Torsion bar Lower shaft ACB05508AB The torque sensor is mounted on the column shaft, ELECTRIC POWER STEERING-ECU and detects the steering force.
Page 211: Operation
ELECTRIC POWER STEERING (EPS) 37-9 ELECTRIC POWER STEERING Output signal name Received by Engine-ECU Combination meter Diagnosis connector (via the ETACS-ECU) • − − Motor current signal − • − EPS warning lamp illumination request signal − − • Diagnosis code signal −…
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ELECTRIC POWER STEERING (EPS) 37-10 ELECTRIC POWER STEERING STEERING WHEEL OPERATION Torque sensor signal (main) Motor current Torque sensor Motor EPS-ECU Torque sensor signal (sub) ACB05506 1. When the steering wheel is operated, the torque 3. The motor outputs the rotational torque (assist sensor integrated into the column shaft detects torque) in proportion to the current intensity and the steering torque and outputs the torque sensor… -
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42A-1 GROUP 42A BODY CONTENTS GENERAL INFORMATION ..42A-2 KEYLESS ENTRY SYSTEM <Vehicles without keyless operation system> ..42A-12 POWER WINDOW ….42A-16 MAIN BODY . -
Page 216: General Information
BODY 42A-2 GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION M2420000102064 FEATURES IMPROVEMENTS IN OPERATION PERFORMANCE LIGHT WEIGHT, HIGH RIGIDITY, • The central door locking system which can ANTI-CORROSIVE lock/unlock all the doors and tailgate has been • High-tensile steel plates and anti-corrosion steel adopted.
Page 217: Main Body
BODY 42A-3 MAIN BODY MAIN BODY BODY PANELLING M2420002001554 NOTE: : Anti-corrosion steel panels : High-tensile steel panels (*: Indicates 590MPa-high-tensile steel panels.) (**: Indicates 980MPa-ultra-high-tensile steel panels.) ABC00060…
Page 218: Body Shell
BODY 42A-4 MAIN BODY • RISE (Reinforced Impact Safety Evolution) has • Some high-tensile steel panels in 590 MPa-class been adopted for the main body in order to and 980 MPa-class have been adopted to improve all-round impact safety at high level. improve the rigidity and weight reduction of the •…
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BODY 42A-5 MAIN BODY View A View B Crush box Front floor sidemember View C Section D — D Cowl top panel upper Cowl top stay centre Front floor sidemember Cowl top panel lower Cowl top panel inner ABC00115AB The front and rear structures to absorb high energy, 2. -
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BODY 42A-6 MAIN BODY STEEL PLATE WITH UNEVEN THICK- NESS Front door inner panel Thickness is thicker on the forward part of the vehicle from this line. ABB00850AB The uneven thickness steel panels* (in uneven thick- NOTE: *: A steel sheet of varying thickness that is ness integrated structure) have been adopted for the welded into one steel sheet. -
Page 221: Quietness
BODY 42A-7 MAIN BODY QUIETNESS M2420004000911 ABB00855AB BODY COLOUR CHARTS 1. The sound dampening foam material has been adopted to the upper and lower sections of the M2420005002891 Two types of colour variation have been introduced; front pillar, roof side rail section, centre pillar the colour suggesting the great nature or the colour lower section, wheel house arch, and rear end providing the sporty and tough impression.
Page 222: Hood
BODY 42A-8 HOOD Colour Colour Colour Colour name Coating film Composition of film code number structure WHITE CMW10013 White Pearl Pearl WHITE CMW10037 White Solid Solid BLACK AC11342 Black Mica Interferenced Pearl NOTE: • The coating film structure indicates top coating only (2S: 2 coat solid, 2M: 2 coat metallic, 2P: 2 coat pearl, 3P: 3 coat pearl).
Page 223: Door And Tailgate
BODY 42A-9 DOOR AND TAILGATE DOOR AND TAILGATE DOOR AND TAILGATE LOCK M2420001100317 CENTRAL DOOR LOCKING <Front door> <Rear door> Outside handle Outside handle Inside lock cable Key cylinder (Driver’s side only) Inside lock cable Inside lock knob Inside lock knob Door check Door latch Door check…
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BODY 42A-10 DOOR AND TAILGATE • The selector «P» position-linked door unlocking SELECTOR «P» POSITION-LINKED DOOR function has been introduced. UNLOCKING FUNCTION • The ignition switch «LOCK (OFF)» position-linked • When the selector lever is shifted to the «P» (park- door unlocking function has been introduced. -
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BODY 42A-11 DOOR AND TAILGATE DIRECT COMBINATION KEY CYLINDER The electric tailgate lock release handle which requires a small operating force and has no tempera- MECHANISM ture dependency has been adopted to improve the • Direct combination opening operation. The switch will be turned on by key cylinder mechanism pressing the arrow mark on tailgate lock release han- dle. -
Page 226: Keyless Entry System
BODY 42A-12 DOOR AND TAILGATE TAILGATE OPENER CONTROL When the tailgate lock release handle is operated to open the tailgate (the tailgate lock release handle FUNCTION switch turns ON) while the vehicle is parked and the tailgate is unlocked, ETACS-ECU turns the unlock Vehicle speed relay output ON for 0.3 seconds, thus the tailgate 0km/h…
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BODY 42A-13 DOOR AND TAILGATE • By using the lock/unlock switches, the driver can The transmitter is integrated into the master key. • When either switch is pressed, the transmitter lock/unlock all the doors (including tailgate), fold/unfold the door mirrors. emits a radio signal representing a specific ID •… -
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BODY 42A-14 DOOR AND TAILGATE Function Transmitter operation System operation Multi mode Press the lock switch once to lock all doors The door mirrors are retracted. function (including the tailgate), and within 30 seconds press the lock switch twice consecutively. Press the unlock switch once to unlock all The door mirrors return to the original doors (including the tailgate), and within… -
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BODY 42A-15 DOOR AND TAILGATE KEYLESS ENTRY HAZARD LAMP When LOCK signal from the keyless entry transmit- ter is input to the ETACS-ECU, all doors (including ANSWERBACK FUNCTION tailgate) are locked and the hazard warning lamp flashes once. When UNLOCK signal is input, all LOCK Keyless entry doors (including tailgate) are unlocked and the haz-… -
Page 230: Power Window
BODY 42A-16 DOOR AND TAILGATE POWER WINDOW M2420022000735 <Rear door> <Front door> Door window glass Door window glass Power window motor Power window motor Power window regulator assembly Power window regulator assembly ACB05643 Power window main switch (Driver’s side) Power window lock switch Power window switch ACB04936…
Page 231: Electric Tailgate
BODY 42A-17 DOOR AND TAILGATE • Even after the ignition is switched off, the POWER WINDOW TIMER FUNCTION • The power window can be opened or closed after ETACS-ECU keeps the power window relay acti- vated for approximately 30 seconds, enabling the ignition switch is turned OFF by the timer raising or lowering of the power windows by using function.
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BODY 42A-18 DOOR AND TAILGATE • The electric tailgate can be automatically opened • The safety mechanism has been adopted. • A safety mechanism prevents the electric tailgate and closed using the electric tailgate switch. • The electric tailgate can be closed fully by using from lowering. -
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BODY 42A-19 DOOR AND TAILGATE DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION Electric tailgate control unit system circuit Electric tailgate motor Electro- Pulse magnetic sensor clutch Tailgate motor assembly Tailgate latch assembly Electric tailgate main switch Latch Electric tailgate motor switch Neutral switch A/C-ECU Full latch switch OSS-ECU… -
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BODY 42A-20 DOOR AND TAILGATE ELECTRIC TAILGATE CONTROL UNIT Open No.3 gear No.2 gear No.1 gear Electric tailgate motor assembly Electric tailgate control unit Close ACB05624AB The electric tailgate motor consists of an electric motor assembly (incorporating an electromagnetic clutch and gears), gears and arms. It is integrated in the electric tailgate control unit. -
Page 235: Tailgate Latch
BODY 42A-21 DOOR AND TAILGATE TAILGATE LATCH Neutral switch OFF area Lever Latch motor (Engaged side) Neutral switch ON area (Disengaged side) AC402604 Lever Half latch switch Door-ajar switch AC610260 Full latch switch AC402603 AC610751 The tailgate latch includes the latch motor and NOTE: *: Overrun indicates that the striker is pulled switches.
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BODY 42A-22 DOOR AND TAILGATE TAILGATE SENSOR When the electric tailgate main switch in the instru- ment panel is OFF, the electric tailgate cannot be opened or closed automatically. This prevents the electric tailgate from an unintentional operation caused by the accidental pressing of electric tailgate switch or electric tailgate close switch of the keyless operation key. -
Page 237
BODY 42A-23 DOOR AND TAILGATE • When the vehicle is stationary with the selector CONDITIONS FOR AUTOMATIC lever at «P» (parking) position. OPERATION BY USING THE KEYLESS • When the electric tailgate is opened or closed OPERATION KEY, ELECTRIC TAILGATE fully. -
Page 238
BODY 42A-24 DOOR AND TAILGATE If the electric tailgate switch is operated If the electric tailgate switch is operated when when the tailgate is being opened the tailgate is being closed automatically, the automatically, the tailgate will be closed. tailgate will be opened. Electric tailgate Open Fully open… -
Page 239
BODY 42A-25 DOOR AND TAILGATE Opening and closing of electric tailgate using electric tailgate switch Electric tailgate Door- Door- Fully closed Open Fully open Open Fully closed position ajar ajar Electric tailgate switch Half latch switch Full latch switch Door-ajar switch Neutral switch Warning buzzer Hazard warning… -
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BODY 42A-26 DOOR AND TAILGATE If the electric tailgate switch is operated If the electric tailgate switch is operated when when the tailgate is being opened the tailgate is being closed automatically, the automatically, the tailgate will be closed. tailgate will be opened. Electric tailgate position Open Fully open… -
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BODY 42A-27 DOOR AND TAILGATE Opening the electric tailgate fully by using its tailgate lock release handle Door- Fully closed Open Fully open Electric tailgate position ajar Tailgate lock release handle Half latch switch Full latch switch Door-ajar switch Neutral switch Warning buzzer *¹… -
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BODY 42A-28 DOOR AND TAILGATE If the electric tailgate switch is operated If the electric tailgate switch is operated when when the tailgate is being opened the tailgate is being closed automatically, the automatically, the tailgate will be closed. tailgate will be opened. Electric tailgate position Open Fully open… -
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BODY 42A-29 DOOR AND TAILGATE Closing the electric tailgate fully by using its close switch Door- Fully open Open Fully closed Electric tailgate position ajar Electric tailgate close switch Half latch switch Full latch switch Door-ajar switch Neutral switch Warning buzzer Hazard warning lamps Electro-magnetic clutch Open… -
Page 244
BODY 42A-30 DOOR AND TAILGATE If the electric tailgate switch is operated If the electric tailgate switch is operated when when the tailgate is being opened the tailgate is being closed automatically, the automatically, the tailgate will be closed. tailgate will be opened. Electric tailgate position Open Fully open… -
Page 245
BODY 42A-31 DOOR AND TAILGATE SAFETY MECHANISM If the tailgate bumps against something If something is jammed when the tailgate is when it is being opened automatically, being closed automatically, it will be opened. it will be closed. Fully closed or Electric tailgate position Open Fully open… -
Page 246: Weatherstrip
BODY 42A-32 DOOR AND TAILGATE EASY CLOSER SYSTEM If the electric tailgate is closed to its ajar position, the system will close the tailgate automatically to its full position. This ensures safety by closing the tailgate fully, and improves comfort by eliminating unpleasant noise during slamming.
Page 247: Window Glass
BODY 42A-33 WINDOW GLASS WINDOW GLASS M2420015001640 VISIBLE RAY TRANSMISSIVITY RATE FOR WINDOW GLASS ACB05026 Number Name Type Thickness Colour Visible ray (mm) transmissivity rate (%) Windshield Laminated glass 4.76 Green Front door window glass Tempered glass Green…
Page 248: Sunroof
BODY 42A-34 SUNROOF Number Name Type Thickness Colour Visible ray (mm) transmissivity rate (%) Rear door window glass Tempered glass Green Dark grey (privacy glass) Quarter window glass Green Dark grey (privacy glass) Tailgate window glass Green Dark grey (privacy glass) Sunroof lid glass Dark grey…
Page 249
BODY 42A-35 SUNROOF Close/down switch Tilt-up switch AC505240 Open switch Sunroof switch AC505239 AC506511AB • During the safety mechanism activation, when The electric sliding glass sunroof with tilt-up mecha- nism has been adopted as an option. This sunroof the sunroof close switch is operated, the sunroof has the following characteristics: lid glass stops. -
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BODY 42A-36 SUNROOF SUNROOF-ECU ETACS-ECU Ignition switch Driver Motor circuit Tilt-up switch Sunroof-ECU Open switch Sensor Close/Tilt-down switch Sunroof switch EEPROM Sunroof motor assembly ZC604430 AC609032 ZC604430 AC700720 The sunroof-ECU incorporates a microcomputer and controls motor operations with the sunroof switch signals, depending on various conditions. -
Page 251: Loose Panels
BODY 42A-37 LOOSE PANELS LOOSE PANELS M2420000200418 Front end side panel Front bumper reinforcement A Front bumper reinforcement B ACC00273AB The front end side panel under the engine compart- ment absorbs impact energy during frontal collision more effectively than the predecessor. In addition, an impact-absorbing bumper minimises the risk of injury to pedestrians, in particular to legs and head.
Page 252: Customisation Function
BODY 42A-38 CUSTOMISATION FUNCTION CUSTOMISATION FUNCTION M2420002500891 By operating the M.U.T.-III ETACS system, the fol- lowing functions can be customised. The pro- grammed information is held even when the battery is disconnected. Adjustment Adjustment item Adjusting content Adjusting content item (M.U.T.-III (M.U.T.-III display) display) Hazard answer…
Page 253
BODY 42A-39 CUSTOMISATION FUNCTION Adjustment Adjustment item Adjusting content Adjusting content item (M.U.T.-III (M.U.T.-III display) display) Timer lock timer Timer lock period 30 sec. 30 seconds (initial condition) adjustment 60 sec. 60 seconds 120 sec. 120 seconds 180 sec. 180 seconds Multi mode Multi-mode keyless Disable… -
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Page 256: General Information
KEYLESS OPERATION SYSTEM (KOS) 42B-2 GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION M2421000100630 • The keyless operation key incorporates an emer- The keyless operation system (KOS) enables the driver to lock or unlock all the doors (including the gency key to lock/unlock the front doors in case tailgate) by just operating the lock/unlock switch on the battery in the keyless operation key is dis- the front door outside handles or operating the tail-…
Page 257
KEYLESS OPERATION SYSTEM (KOS) 42B-3 GENERAL INFORMATION CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM Engine switch ACB05528 Lock/Unlock switch Combination meter KOS-ECU (Passenger’s side) Brake pedal OSS-ECU (Stop lamp switch) Key slot Exterior transmitter antenna assembly Engine-ECU (Passenger’s side) Interior transmitter antenna assembly (Rear) Tailgate lock release handle ETACS-ECU Electric… -
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KEYLESS OPERATION SYSTEM (KOS) 42B-4 GENERAL INFORMATION Combination meter <Standard meter> <High contrast meter> Keyless operation Immobilizer/electric Multi information display system indicator steering lock warning lamp KEYLESS OPERATION SYSTEM SERVICE REQUIRED ACB05440 ACB05441 ACC00331 Keyless operation key Indicator lamp Lock switch Unlock switch Emergency key Electric tailgate switch… -
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KEYLESS OPERATION SYSTEM (KOS) 42B-5 GENERAL INFORMATION Parts name Functional description • The keyless operation key receives signals sent from each Keyless operation key (incorporates emergency key) interior/exterior transmitter antenna, certifies the key ID code, calculates the encrypted code, and sends the reply data signal to KOS-ECU. -
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KEYLESS OPERATION SYSTEM (KOS) 42B-6 GENERAL INFORMATION Parts name Functional description OSS-ECU Controls OSS by using the following inputs/outputs and communications. • Input from the engine switch • Input from stop lamp switch • Input from P range detection switch •… -
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KEYLESS OPERATION SYSTEM (KOS) 42B-7 GENERAL INFORMATION System configuration Keyless operation key (Lock/Unlock/Electric tailgate <Vehicles with Frequency electric tailgate>) signal Exterior transmitter Frequency Interior transmitter antenna signal antenna assembly (Driver’s side/ Frequency (Front/Rear) Passenger’s side/ signal Tailgate) Outer buzzer Door lock actuator Tailgate lock actuator Receiver Door mirrors… -
Page 262: System Operation
KEYLESS OPERATION SYSTEM (KOS) 42B-8 SYSTEM OPERATION SYSTEM OPERATION DOOR ENTRY FUNCTION M2421009100411 DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION <Vehicles outside area> Front door outside handle (passenger’s side) Tailgate lock release handle Front door outside handle (driver’s side) ACB05583 Keyless operation key AC608093 ACB05951 Front door outside handle (driver’s side, passenger’s side)
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KEYLESS OPERATION SYSTEM (KOS) 42B-9 SYSTEM OPERATION When a driver carrying a keyless operation key the received factor, and sends the result to presses the lock/unlock switch on the front door out KOS-ECU together with the response data. side handle (driver’s side, front passenger’s side) or KOS-ECU determines that the communication is the lock switch of tailgate lock release handle, the established only when the code calculation results of… -
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KEYLESS OPERATION SYSTEM (KOS) 42B-10 SYSTEM OPERATION CONTROL OF LOCKING OPERATION Lock/unlock switch of Jamming is not transmitted at If there is no keyless operation key response, door outside handle (driver’s the time of tailgate operation. retry that keyless operation key locates outside. side, passenger’s side) or lock switch of tailgate lock release handle… -
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KEYLESS OPERATION SYSTEM (KOS) 42B-11 SYSTEM OPERATION LOCKING OPERATION INHIBITION 6. After the specified time (varies with the number of keyless operation keys registered in KOS-ECU) CONDITIONS has elapsed, a confirmation is made if the lock In the following cases, the door locking operation is conditions are met. -
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KEYLESS OPERATION SYSTEM (KOS) 42B-12 SYSTEM OPERATION CONTROL OF UNLOCKING OPERATION Lock/unlock switch of Jamming is not transmitted at If there is no keyless operation key door outside handle (driver’s the time of tailgate operation. response, retry is performed once. side, passenger’s side) or open switch of tailgate lock release handle… -
Page 267
KEYLESS OPERATION SYSTEM (KOS) 42B-13 SYSTEM OPERATION • When the registered keyless operation key UNLOCKING OPERATION INHIBITION receives the exterior data only, KOS-ECU trans- CONDITIONS mits the unlock request (request to unlock the In the following cases, the unlocking operation is pro- applicable position) to ETACS-ECU. -
Page 268: Keyless Entry Function
KEYLESS OPERATION SYSTEM (KOS) 42B-14 SYSTEM OPERATION KEYLESS ENTRY FUNCTION M2421000400512 KOS-ECU (incorporating receiver and antenna) ACB05509 Radio frequency signal Keyless operation key Lock switch Electric tailgate switch ETACS-ECU <Vehicles with electric tailgate> Electric signal Unlock switch Door lock actuators (lock/unlock) Tailgate latch assembly AC608093 Door mirror assembly (unfolding/folding)
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KEYLESS OPERATION SYSTEM (KOS) 42B-15 SYSTEM OPERATION • The two switches <vehicles without electric tail- DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION AND gate> and three switches <vehicles with electric OPERATION tailgate> have been adopted for keyless opera- KEYLESS OPERATION KEY tion key, and the specific encrypted code is trans- mitted as radio wave signal. -
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KEYLESS OPERATION SYSTEM (KOS) 42B-16 SYSTEM OPERATION Function Keyless operation key operation System operation Standard function Press the lock switch once. All doors (including the tailgate) are (lock/unlock/electri locked. c tailgate <vehicles NOTE: If the retracting function of the with electric electric folding mirrors is added using a tailgate>) customisation function, it can be retracted… -
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KEYLESS OPERATION SYSTEM (KOS) 42B-17 SYSTEM OPERATION KEYLESS ENTRY HAZARD LAMP Transmitter lock or unlock button ANSWERBACK FUNCTION LOCK Keyless entry transmitter switch UNLOCK Lock relay output Data code Unlock relay output AC508281AB Illuminate Hazard Four data codes are transmitted when a switch is warning lamp Extinguish operated once. -
Page 272: Oss (One-Touch Start System)
KEYLESS OPERATION SYSTEM (KOS) 42B-18 SYSTEM OPERATION When the LOCK signal from the keyless operation OPERATION INHIBITION CONDITIONS key is input to ETACS-ECU, all doors (including tail- The operation of the system is inhibited when: gate) are locked, and the room lamp is turned off in •…
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KEYLESS OPERATION SYSTEM (KOS) 42B-19 SYSTEM OPERATION ONE-TOUCH START SYSTEM CONFIGURATION Key slot KOS-ECU CAN-C-Mid Interior/Exterior Receiver antenna transmitter antenna assembly Frequency Frequency Permission signal signal signal for actuator activation CAN-C-Mid Combination meter Keyless operation key Electric steering lock Back-up Power supply power supply for electric… -
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KEYLESS OPERATION SYSTEM (KOS) 42B-20 SYSTEM OPERATION Interior transmitter antenna assembly (Front) Interior transmitter antenna assembly (Rear) Antenna receiving area ACB05584 AB NOTE: Centre panel box Key slot Keyless operation key ACB05527 If the keyless operation key battery is discharged, the one-touch start system (power supply changeover, engine start/stop) becomes available when the key- less operation key is inserted into the key slot… -
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KEYLESS OPERATION SYSTEM (KOS) 42B-21 SYSTEM OPERATION Flow of power supply changeover control <1> Under the power OFF status, operate the engine switch without depressing the brake pedal. <2> By the operation of engine switch, OSS-ECU sends KOS-ECU the certification request via CAN, and at the same time, supplies the electric steering lock unit power to the electric steering lock. -
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KEYLESS OPERATION SYSTEM (KOS) 42B-22 SYSTEM OPERATION Flow of electric steering lock unlocking control <2> By the operation of engine switch, OSS-ECU sends KOS-ECU the certification request via CAN, and at the same time, supplies the electric steering lock unit power to the electric steering lock. •… -
Page 277: Warnings/Alarms
KEYLESS OPERATION SYSTEM (KOS) 42B-23 SYSTEM OPERATION Engine start control (Operation description.) <2> <3> OSS-ECU ETACS-ECU Engine-ECU <3> <2> <4> <1> <1> Engine switch Brake pedal AC905173 Flow of engine start control <1> With the power supply set to OFF, operate the engine switch while depressing the brake pedal. •…
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KEYLESS OPERATION SYSTEM (KOS) 42B-24 SYSTEM OPERATION Item Indicator State Warning operation Warning cancellation condition (when any of the condition met) • The warning • Power supply mode Keyless The keyless operation operation key key is carried out of indicator flashes OFF is detected. -
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KEYLESS OPERATION SYSTEM (KOS) 42B-25 SYSTEM OPERATION Item Indicator State Warning operation Warning cancellation condition (when any of the condition met) System error Engine switch is The warning 5 minutes have passed pressed when an indicator illuminates after the alarm is output, error has been for 5 minutes. -
Page 280
KEYLESS OPERATION SYSTEM (KOS) 42B-26 SYSTEM OPERATION <Sound pattern 1> <Sound pattern 2> : 1.01 seconds : 0.55 second : 0.17 ± 0.01 second : 0.08 ± 0.01 second : 0.11 ± 0.01 second : 2.96 seconds : 5.69 seconds AC501053AE OSS WARNING AND WARNING INDICATOR LIST When the OSS fails or operates improperly, the… -
Page 281: Warnings/Alarms
KEYLESS OPERATION SYSTEM (KOS) 42B-27 SYSTEM OPERATION Item Indicator Factor Warning operation • The warning indicator Electrical steering Displayed when a malfunction lock malfunction occurs to the steering lock illuminates. • Buzzer sounds. system. AC809615 − Steering lock not The door is open with the Buzzer sounds.
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KEYLESS OPERATION SYSTEM (KOS) 42B-28 SYSTEM OPERATION Item Display content State Warning Warning cancellation operation condition (when any of the condition met) • Warning • Lock/unlock switch Door lock KEY STILL The lock/unlock does not IN VEHICLE switch of the front indicator of the front door operate… -
Page 283
KEYLESS OPERATION SYSTEM (KOS) 42B-29 SYSTEM OPERATION Item Display content State Warning Warning cancellation operation condition (when any of the condition met) • The warning • Key is removed REMOVE With the driver’s reminder KEY FROM door kept open, indicator from the key slot. -
Page 284
KEYLESS OPERATION SYSTEM (KOS) 42B-30 SYSTEM OPERATION Item Display contents Factor • Displayed when the Immobilizer error IMMOBILIZER SYSTEM SERVICE REQUIRED certification communication fails with KOS, electrical steering lock, or engine-ECU. AC904253 • Displayed when the power supply mode is turned ON while the keyless operation key is judged to be brought outside the vehicle with the… -
Page 285: Customisation Function
KEYLESS OPERATION SYSTEM (KOS) 42B-31 CUSTOMISATION FUNCTION Item Display contents Factor Engine starting PRESS BRAKE PEDAL Displayed when the shift lever method TO START ENGINE is in other than «P» range or «N» range at the engine start, or when the engine switch is pressed without the brake AC904258 pedal depressed.
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KEYLESS OPERATION SYSTEM (KOS) 42B-32 CUSTOMISATION FUNCTION Adjustment Adjustment item Adjusting content Adjusting content item (M.U.T.-III (M.U.T.-III display) display) Door unlock Adjustment of All Doors Unlock Without function: The first operation of mode power door locks keyless entry system or unlock operation with selective by KOS unlocks all doors (initial condition). -
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Page 288: General Information
EXTERIOR 51-2 GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION M2510000103171 FEATURES 11 Roof rails <Optional> BETTER PRODUCT PACKAGE BETTER APPEARANCE 12. Front bumper to reduce the severity of an injury 1. Newly designed front bumper and radiator grille in an accident with pedestrians. (Refer to P.42A-37) 2.
Page 289: Bumper
EXTERIOR 51-3 BUMPER BUMPER M2510001300566 FRONT BUMPER CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM Front bumper reinforcement Front bumper face Front bumper side bracket Splash shield front Bulge ACC00353AB • Impact-absorbing structure • front side air dam The front bumper reinforcement has been installed The front side air dams have been adopted in front of behind the front bumper assembly and the left and right tyres to suppress the airflow energy-absorbing material has been adopted to…
Page 290: Rear Bumper
EXTERIOR 51-4 BUMPER REAR BUMPER CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM Rear bumper face support bracket Rear bumper face ACB05705AB • Resin-made rear bumper face support brackets have been adopted to improve the alignment with the body.
Page 291: Aero Parts
EXTERIOR 51-5 AERO PARTS AERO PARTS M2510003001348 CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM Roof drip moulding Door mirror Front side air dam Overfender shape Overfender shape ACC00450AB • Roof drip moulding: Groove in the roof moulding Aerodynamic performance has been improved by the optimised shape of the following parts. is eliminated in order to reduce wind noise and •…
Page 292: Garnishes
EXTERIOR 51-6 GARNISHES GARNISHES M2510008300675 CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM Tailgate garnish ACB05464AB The following tailgate garnish have been installed on the body to improve the appearance and marketabil- ity.
Page 293: Wiper And Washer
EXTERIOR 51-7 WIPER AND WASHER WIPER AND WASHER WINDSHIELD WIPER AND WASHER M2510007001469 CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM Lighting control sensor (rain sensor) <Optional> Windshield wiper blade Windshield washer hose Windshield wiper Windshield washer nozzle Windshield Wiper link wiper motor assembly Windshield washer tank <Vehicles with Headlamp washer>…
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EXTERIOR 51-8 WIPER AND WASHER • The windshield washer is a 2-nozzle and 6-jet • The delayed finishing wipe function* has been type. adopted to the windshield wiper. When the wiper • The windshield washer nozzle with the integral operation is stopped after spraying the washer check valve has been adopted to prevent the fluid, the wiper operates once to wipe out the washer fluid from running down, and to improve… -
Page 295
EXTERIOR 51-9 WIPER AND WASHER When the windshield wiper mist switch on the col- umn switch is turned ON while the ignition switch is in ACC or ON position, the column switch turns the windshield wiper relay ON. At the same time, the wiper speed switching relay turns ON (HI). -
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EXTERIOR 51-10 WIPER AND WASHER Windshield wiper linked with washer function <Initial condition: with function> Windshield washer switch Windshield washer relay Windshield wiper auto stop signal Windshield wiper relay Windshield wiper switch in Windshield wiper intermittent operation position switch in off position AC802704 AE t: Less than 0.35 seconds T: Windshield wiper operation time… -
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EXTERIOR 51-11 WIPER AND WASHER NOTE: • Using the customise function, the washer linked windshield wiper function can be invalidated (Refer to P.51-20). • Using the customise function, when the washer linked windshield wiper function is invalidated, only the washer operates. It is useful to melt ice from the frozen windshield. -
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EXTERIOR 51-12 WIPER AND WASHER NOTE: 1. Turn on the windshield washer switch for less • If the windshield washer switch is turned ON for than 0.35 second. less than 0.35 second when the windshield 2. The windshield washer operates for 0.5 seconds. washer is injecting washer fluid for 0.5 seconds 3. -
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EXTERIOR 51-13 WIPER AND WASHER Rain sensitive AUTO wiper function <Optional> Dry windshield Windshield Lighting control sensor Optical element High intensity Infrared rays Emitter diode Receiver diode Wet windshield Raindrop Windshield Optical element Reduced intensity Windshield Infrared rays Emitter diode Receiver diode ACB05683AB •… -
Page 300: Rear Wiper And Washer
EXTERIOR 51-14 WIPER AND WASHER REAR WIPER AND WASHER M2510008000759 CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM Rear washer nozzle Rear washer hose Rear wiper blade Rear wiper arm Rear wiper motor ACC00126 AC • Resin wiper arm has been adopted to achieve • Reverse gear-linked rear wiper function (auto- weight reduction and integration of the arm and matic rear window wiper operation with reverse blade.
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EXTERIOR 51-15 WIPER AND WASHER DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION Rear wiper control <Initial condition: Front or rear wiper switch ON> Rear wiper switch Inhibitor switch «R» position Rear wiper relay AC207474 t: 1.0 second T2: 7.4 seconds T4: 0.6 second T1: 3.0 seconds T3: 8.0 seconds When the rear wiper switch on the column switch is… -
Page 302: Headlamp Washer
EXTERIOR 51-16 HEADLAMP WASHER <OPTIONAL> HEADLAMP WASHER <OPTIONAL> M2510000500448 CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM Windshield washer tank Headlamp washer cover Headlamp washer cover Headlamp washer motor Headlamp washer hose Section A – A <Headlamp washer operated> Section A – A Headlamp Headlamp washer nozzle Headlamp washer actuator assembly…
Page 303: Wiper Deicer
EXTERIOR 51-17 WIPER DEICER <OPTIONAL> WIPER DEICER <OPTIONAL> M2510008200184 CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM Windshield glass Heated print ACB05706AB For the prevention measures for the wiper freeze-up at the stop position, the wiper deicer has been installed. The wiper is deiced by the heater element integrated in the windshield to perform its operation.
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EXTERIOR 51-18 OUTSIDE MIRROR • One of the optional functions, such as the vehicle NOTE: *: Using the customise function, the vehicle speed-dependent automatic unfolding function*, speed-dependent automatic unfolding function, igni- ignition switch-linked function* or keyless tion switch-linked function or the keyless entry-linked entry-linked function*, can be selected. -
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EXTERIOR 51-19 OUTSIDE MIRROR When the vehicle speed reaches 30 km/h with the ignition switch ON and the mirrors folded, ETACS turns the door mirror unfold relay (ON) for 16 sec- onds to unfold the door mirrors. However, the door mirrors do not return to their unfolded positions auto- matically if the ignition switch is turned from OFF to ON, and then the folding/unfolding switch on the… -
Page 306: Customisation Function
EXTERIOR 51-20 CUSTOMISATION FUNCTION NOTE: • : For vehicles with KOS, the door mirrors are folded linked with lock operation of KOS, and unfolded linked with unlock operation. • Using the customise, the functions 1, 2, and 3 can be selected or disabled (Refer to P.51-20). •…
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EXTERIOR 51-21 CUSTOMISATION FUNCTION Adjustment Adjustment item Adjusting content Adjusting content item (M.U.T.-III (M.U.T.-III display) display) Intelligent/Comf With/without Disable No function (Initial condition) ort washer Comfort washer Enable With function function Intermittent time Adjustment of rear 0 sec No wiper interval of rear wiper wiper interval 4 sec… -
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Page 312: General Information
INTERIOR 52A-2 GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION M2520000101767 Functionality, interior comfort, and safety have been 5. Rear console tray emphasized, giving interior design for elegance and 6. Rear floor console box relaxation space. Various measures have been taken 7. Rear side box (lower quarter trim RH) actively to protect the environment and recycle 8.
Page 313: Instrument Panel And Floor Console
INTERIOR 52A-3 INSTRUMENT PANEL AND FLOOR CONSOLE INSTRUMENT PANEL AND FLOOR CONSOLE M2520001001473 Key box Glove box assembly Instrument centre panel Decoration panel Key box Armrest Console cup holder Front floor console Rear floor console Console cup holder Accessory USB adapter socket ACC00967 •…
Page 314: Seat
INTERIOR 52A-4 SEAT • A lamp has been added to the large-sized glove • Soft pads attached around the upper part, thus box with card holder have been installed for the improving the sense of touch. • Ergonomic layout where controls are arranged at improved convenience.
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INTERIOR 52A-5 SEAT • Glared fabric has been newly developed based resulting in the improved riding comfort. By the height adjustment amount up to 45 mm, the more on fine and high-quality fabric has been adopted, optimised driving position can be adjusted. The thus offering tailor-made smoothness. -
Page 316: Second Seat
INTERIOR 52A-6 SEAT SECOND SEAT M2520005000364 Reclining adjustment Double-action folding structure Cup holder <Double-action folding structure> : ISO-FIX child seat fixing bar positions : Tether anchorage positions ACC00464AB • Headrestraints have been installed to the second The second seats offer the following features. •…
Page 317: Seat Belt
INTERIOR 52A-7 SEAT BELT SEAT BELT M2520010001299 Seat belt warning lamp Seat belt warning lamp (passenger’s side) Seat belt retractor ELR 3-point seat belt incorporated in seat ELR 3-point seat belt (RH/LH) ELR 3-point seat belt (RH/LH) Seat belt retractor with a pre-tensioner and force limiter (driver’s side)
Page 318: Trims
INTERIOR 52A-8 TRIMS • A seat belt warning lamp has been included on <Second seat belt> • 3-point seat belt with ELR has been installed. the combination meter to encourage the driver to • The seat belt tongue can be inserted into the fasten the seat belt when the belt is not con- nected.
Page 319: Interior Trim
INTERIOR 52A-9 TRIMS DOOR TRIM M2520012300828 <Rear door trim> <Front door trim> Armrest Armrest Door pocket Door pocket Bottle holder ACB05049 • Soft pads are attached to the front door trim The door trims offer the following features. • Break-proof resin material has been used for trim upper panels.
Page 320: Luggage Room
INTERIOR 52A-10 LUGGAGE ROOM LUGGAGE ROOM M2520013000422 Tonneau cover Rear side box Luggage floor board Luggage floor board Luggage floor box ACC00099AB • The rear side box has been equipped to improve • The luggage floor board is divided into two pieces usability.
Page 321: Headlining
INTERIOR 52A-11 HEADLINING HEADLINING M2520014000674 Headlining ACB05042AB • Chemical substances such as formaldehyde and Interior design with safe material has been adopted, achieving more safe and comfortable interior. organic solvent generated from the interior parts • Headlining which absorbs and dissolves chemi- have been minimised by the refined material and cal substances has been adopted.
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Page 324: General Information
SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT SYSTEM (SRS) 52B-2 GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION M2521000102031 • To provide a better safety upon impact, the • The curtain air bag is activated simultaneously driver’s and front passenger’s air bags have been with the side-airbag upon a side collision to pro- installed to all vehicles as standard.
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SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT SYSTEM (SRS) 52B-3 GENERAL INFORMATION CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM <Standard meter> <High contrast meter> ACB05440 ACB05441 SRS warning lamp SRS warning lamp Passenger’s (front) air bag module Driver’s air bag module Clock spring Passenger’s air bag ON indicator lamp Passenger’s air bag OFF indicator lamp Passenger’s air bag cut off switch ACB05561… -
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SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT SYSTEM (SRS) 52B-4 GENERAL INFORMATION CAUTION LABELS The labels indicating the precautions for handling and maintenance of SRS air bags and seat belt with pre-tensioner are attached to the locations shown in the figure. If the label is damaged or is dirty, replace with the new label. -
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SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT SYSTEM (SRS) 52B-5 GENERAL INFORMATION SRS SYSTEM CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Ignition switch (IG1) Fusible link SRS-ECU relay ETACS-ECU Front impact sensor (LH) 7.5A Driver’s air bag module Front impact sensor (RH) Passenger’s (front) air bag module Side impact sensor (LH) Side-airbag module (LH) Side impact sensor (RH) Side-airbag module (RH) -
Page 328
SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT SYSTEM (SRS) 52B-6 GENERAL INFORMATION Number in system Circuit name Universal harness circuit diagram Wire size and colour Driver’s knee air bag (squib) (-) Driver’s knee air bag (squib) (+) Driver’s air bag squib (-) Driver’s air bag squib (+) Passenger’s (front) air bag squib (+) Passenger’s (front) air bag squib (-) Passenger’s air bag OFF indicator lamp… -
Page 329: System Operation
SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT SYSTEM (SRS) 52B-7 SYSTEM OPERATION SYSTEM OPERATION DUAL STAGE AIR BAGS AND SEAT BELT PRE-TENSIONER M2521000700781 Front impact Front impact Air bags sensor (LH) sensor (RH) Frontal collision against another vehicle Shock SRS-ECU above a certain Ignition signal G-sensor (Front air bag) level Frontal collision against a…
Page 330: Side And Curtain Air Bags
SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT SYSTEM (SRS) 52B-8 SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION SIDE AND CURTAIN AIR BAGS M2521000800573 Side-airbag modules Side impact Side impact sensor (RH) sensor (LH) Side impact against another Shock above a vehicle certain level Ignition signal Ignition judgment G-sensor (Side-airbag, curtain air bag) AC802080 SRS-ECU Curtain air bag modules…
Page 331: Passenger’s (Front) Air Bag Module
SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT SYSTEM (SRS) 52B-9 SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION The airbag module is equipped with an inflator that The air bag is made of nylon and is inflated by the does not contain sodium azide. gas from the inflator. Then, as the air bag contacts the passenger, the gas is discharged through two openings of backside of air bag, thus deflating the air bag to reduce the impact on the passenger.
Page 332: Side-Airbag Module
SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT SYSTEM (SRS) 52B-10 SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION The knee air bag module consists of a cover, an air For the inflator, the gas which is harmless to the bag, an inflator, and the fixing gear relating to those human body has been used. parts, and is installed under the steering column.
Page 333: Curtain Air Bag Module
SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT SYSTEM (SRS) 52B-11 SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION CURTAIN AIR BAG MODULE M2521000500431 Curtain air bag module Inflator ACB05422 ACC00251 • The front impact sensor transmits the coded The curtain air bag module consists of an air bag, an inflator, and the fixing gear relating to those parts, acceleration data to SRS-ECU.
Page 334: Seat Belt With Pre-Tensioner
SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT SYSTEM (SRS) 52B-12 SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION • The front impact sensor transmits the coded • SRS-ECU performs the diagnostics of the side acceleration data to SRS-ECU. Based on the impact sensor internal components. If a malfunc- data, SRS-ECU determines the deployment of tion occurs, it sets the diagnosis code.
Page 335: Passenger’s Air Bag Cut Off Switch
SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT SYSTEM (SRS) 52B-13 SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PASSENGER’S AIR BAG CUT OFF SWITCH M2521001700278 Instrument panel Passenger’s air bag cut OFF switch Front view ACB05631 ACB05632 ACC00118 Passenger’s air bag cut off switch is located in the 3. Insert the key into the ignition switch, and turn instrument panel passenger’s side.
Page 336: Srs-Ecu
SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT SYSTEM (SRS) 52B-14 SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION When passenger’s air bag cut off switch is turned DIAGNOSIS FUNCTION ON, the indicator goes off to show that the passen- To improve the system reliability, SRS-ECU performs ger’s (front) air bag is operational. the diagnostics of each part.
Page 337: Srs Air Bag Special Connector
SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT SYSTEM (SRS) 52B-15 SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION SRS AIR BAG SPECIAL CONNECTOR M2521009001027 Curtain air bag module (RH) Side-airbag module (RH) Seat belt pre-tensioner (RH) Passenger’s (front) air bag module Clock spring SRS-ECU Driver’s air bag module Seat belt pre-tensioner (LH) Lap pre-tensioner Side-airbag module (LH) Curtain air bag module (LH)
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SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT SYSTEM (SRS) 52B-16 SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION • Connector between the clock spring and • Intermediate connector between curtain air bag body-side wiring harness module and SRS-ECU • Each air bag module connector… -
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Page 343: Diagnosis System
CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-3 DIAGNOSIS SYSTEM DIAGNOSIS SYSTEM GENERAL INFORMATION M2544100200740 For improved serviceability, a diagnosis connecter for inspection of M.U.T.-III is built into the instrument panel, near the position of the driver’s left foot. System name Diagnosis Output of Actuator Erasure of Freeze Special…
Page 344: Battery
CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-4 BATTERY DIAGNOSIS CONNECTOR Diagnosis connector Terminal Connecting contents − 2, 3 Earth Earth CAN communication line (CAN_H) 7, 8 − Diagnosis connector 9 to 13 ACB05016AB CAN communication line (CAN_L) Diagnosis connector − Terminal Connecting contents Battery power supply Diagnosis control BATTERY GENERAL INFORMATION…
Page 345: Lighting
CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-5 LIGHTING LIGHTING EXTERIOR LAMPS M2544300301131 Construction diagram <Halogen type headlamp assembly> Low-beam Front turn-signal lamp Side turn-signal lamp (Door mirror type) Side turn-signal lamp (Fender panel type) Position lamp High-beam <Discharge type headlamp assembly> Front turn-signal lamp Low-beam Front fog lamp (vehicles without daytime running lamp), Front fog lamp (vehicles with daytime running lamp),…
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CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-6 LIGHTING • For the low-beam of the headlamp, the headlamp • The rear combination lamp are integrated with manual levelling system <Vehicles with halogen the stop/tail lamp and rear turn-signal lamp. • The LED-type high-mounted stop lamp have type headlamp>… -
Page 347: Third Seat
CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-7 LIGHTING Headlamp manual levelling system The beam direction of the headlamps changes according to the number of passengers and the amount of load. The headlamp manual levelling func- tion is a system that allows the driver to change the direction of headlamp beam so that the drivers of oncoming cars are not dazzled by the headlamps.
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CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-8 LIGHTING Operation AC302836 Fuse Headlamp Headlamp levelling levelling unit (LH) unit (RH) Headlamp levelling Variable resistor Variable resistor switch Motor Voltage Motor Voltage drive comparison drive comparison circuit circuit circuit circuit AC314086AB 1. The headlamp levelling switch increases the 2. -
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CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-9 LIGHTING Vehicle condition Control content When parking When the engine is stopped with the headlamp (low-beam) ON or when the vehicle is stopped with the headlamp (low-beam) ON and the accelerator pedal is released, the ETACS-ECU controls the beam direction according to the height sensor values of the change in load resulting from getting on/off of passengers or loading/unloading of loads. -
Page 350
CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-10 LIGHTING Parts name Functional description Height sensor (rear) Detects the elongation/contraction of the rear suspension and transmits the signal to the ETACS-ECU. Headlamp assembly (integrating Drives the headlamp reflector by receiving signals from the headlamp automatic levelling motor) ETACS-ECU. -
Page 351: Interior Lamp
CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-11 LIGHTING INTERIOR LAMP M2544300400823 CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM Front room lamp (map and room lamp) Rear room lamp Luggage compartment lamp Downlight ACB05572 ACB05571 Glove box lamp Ignition key cylinder illumination lamp Vanity mirror lamp ACB05573 ACC00330 • A front room lamp, installed to the front part of the •…
Page 352: Function And Control By Etacs-Ecu
CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-12 LIGHTING Specifications Item Specification Front room lamp (map and room lamp) W × quantity 8 × 2 Downlight LED type rear room lamp W Luggage compartment lamp W Glove box lamp W Ignition key cylinder illumination lamp W <Vehicles without KOS> Vanity mirror lamp W FUNCTION AND CONTROL BY ETACS-ECU.
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CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-13 LIGHTING HEADLAMP HEADLAMP AUTOMATIC-SHUTDOWN FUNCTION (INITIAL CONDITION: WITH FUNCTION) Ignition switch (IG) (Open) ON Driver’s door switch (Closed) OFF Headlamp Tail lamp Lighting switch Tail lamp output Headlamp output 3 minutes 1 second AC606266 • Auto lamp function automatically turns ON/OFF Even when the lighting switch (tail lamp switch or headlamp switch) is ON, the headlamp (including the the headlamp and tail lamp according to the sig-… -
Page 354
CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-14 LIGHTING AUTO LAMP FUNCTION (INITIAL CONDITION: ILLUMINATES IN STANDARD AMBIENT BRIGHTNESS) <Vehicles with photo sensor> Ignition switch (IG1) AUTO Lighting switch 2.46 V Photo sensor 1.66 V voltage 0.9 V Headlamp and tail lamp T1: 15 m driving or 3 seconds T2: 15 m driving or 1 seconds AC606267 When the lighting switch is turned to the AUTO posi-… -
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CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-15 LIGHTING WIPER-LINKED AUTO LAMP FUNCTION (INITIAL CONDITION: WITHOUT FUNCTION) <Vehicles with photo sensor> Windshield wiper switch AUTO Lighting switch Illuminated Headlight Extinguished AC101630 AB t: 3 seconds T: 1 second When the lighting switch is in AUTO position, the NOTE: Using a customisation function, this function headlamp will illuminate 3 seconds after the wind- can be enabled or disabled. -
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CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-16 LIGHTING NOTE: Using the customisation function, the illumi- With the ignition switch in the ON position, when the nation time can be adjusted to 15 seconds, 30 sec- turn signal switch is turned ON momentarily (0.4 sec- onds, 60 seconds, or 180 seconds. -
Page 357: Fog Lamp
CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-17 LIGHTING FOG LAMP FRONT FOG LAMP FUNCTION Headlamp Lighting switch Tail lamp Fog lamp switch Neutral Headlamp automatic shutdown (Switched off) ON output (Illuminated) OFF Illuminated Front fog lamps Extinguished AC804207AB When the fog lamp switch is turned to ON with the If the tail lamp is turned off by the headlamp auto- tail lamp or the headlamp lit (the tail lamp switch or matic-shutdown function, the front fog lamps turn off…
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CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-18 LIGHTING INTERIOR LAMP INTERIOR LAMP DIMMER CONTROL FUNCTION (INITIAL CONDITION: 15 SECONDS) Ignition switch Key removed Door switch (Any one open) ON (All closed) OFF (Lock) ON Driver’s door lock actuator switch (lock switch) (Unlock) OFF LOCK Keyless entry lock or unlock signal UNLOCK… -
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CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-19 LIGHTING INTERIOR LAMP AUTOMATIC-SHUTOFF FUNCTION (INITIAL CONDITION: 30 MINUTES) Ignition switch (Any one open) ON Door switch (All closed) OFF (Illuminated) ON Interior lamp (Extinguished) OFF T: 30 minutes AC302243AB t: Within 30 minutes • After the auto-turn OFF, the interior lamp returns When the interior lamp such as the room lamp [all interior lamps connecting to the room lamp fuse (the to the illumination state when the doors are… -
Page 360: Customisation Function
CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-20 LIGHTING CUSTOMISATION FUNCTION M2544300700891 By operating the M.U.T.-III ETACS system, the fol- lowing functions can be customised. The pro- grammed information is held even when the battery is disconnected. Adjustment Adjustment item Adjusting content Adjusting content item (M.U.T.-III (M.U.T.-III display) display) Turn power…
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CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-21 LIGHTING Adjustment Adjustment item Adjusting content Adjusting content item (M.U.T.-III (M.U.T.-III display) display) Room lamp Adjustment of 0 sec 0 second (no delay shutdown time) delay timer with interior lamp delay 7.5 sec 7.5 seconds door shutdown time 15 sec 15 seconds (initial condition) 30 sec… -
Page 362: Combination Meter
CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-22 COMBINATION METER COMBINATION METER • An ECO drive assist indicator makes the driver GENERAL INFORMATION aware of economical driving to reduce fuel con- M2545500201078 There are two types of the combination meter; stand- sumption. ard meter and high contrast meter. A speedometer is •…
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CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-23 COMBINATION METER <High contrast meter> Speedometer (km) Tachometer Meter information switch ACB05980 Rheostat illumination switch Multi-information display Tachometer <diesel powered vehicles> Speedometer (mile and km) ACC01604 Standard meter 20. Coolant temperature warning lamp 1. Position lamp indicator lamp 21. -
Page 364: Multi-Information Display
CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-24 COMBINATION METER MULTI-INFORMATION DISPLAY 9. Supplemental restraint system warning lamp 10. Check engine warning lamp <STANDARD METER> 11. Anti-skid braking system warning lamp M2545500500537 In the multi-information display, the followings are 12. Active stability control system OFF indicator lamp displayed;…
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CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-25 COMBINATION METER DRIVING RANGE DISPLAY A long press of the meter information switch will change unit displayed while the average fuel con- sumption is displayed. Possible cruising AS&G STATUS <VEHICLES WITH AS&G distance SYSTEM> AS&G status ACB06037AB Calculates current driving range possible on the remaining fuel and displays it on the multi-informa- tion display. -
Page 366: Multi Information Display
CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-26 COMBINATION METER SERVICE REMINDER ing condition is met, the indicator does not display immediately. It illuminates next time when the ignition Service reminder indicator switch is turned ON. The impending inspection inter- val can be displayed by changing the LCD section by the meter information switch.
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CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-28 COMBINATION METER Item Content ACC main/cruise Displays a ACC/cruise control system/speed limiter status. control/speed limiter status display screen Display screen for ACC set Displays the vehicle speed which the driver sets. speed/speed limiter set speed Display screen for Displays when the ACC system detects a vehicle travelling ahead. -
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CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-29 COMBINATION METER METER ILLUMINATION CONTROL NOTE: The brightness can be set separately for the daytime and nighttime. The configured information is The brightness of the combination meter can be stored in the RAM. In the initial setting of brightness, adjusted in eight stages (LEVEL 1 to LEVELby the daytime is set at LEVEL 8 and the nighttime is pushing the rheostat illumination switch when the…
Page 370: Buzzer
CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-30 COMBINATION METER BUZZER M2545500600404 Using its own signal or signal sent via CAN commu- nication, the combination meter sounds the inte- grated buzzer. Item Relating ECU Front seat belt reminder function Combination meter FCM collision warning buzzer/FCM approaching warning buzzer ACC/FCM-ECU ACC approaching warning buzzer ACC/FCM-ECU…
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CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-31 COMBINATION METER AS&G BUZZER 3. <Except vehicles for Russia> If the vehicle speed exceeds 8 km/h, the driver’s seat belt warning The buzzer will sound if any of the following condi- lamp illuminates and blinks for 90 seconds. The tions is satisfied during the Auto Stop &… -
Page 372: Reversing Sensor (Corner Sensor And Back Sensor)
CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-32 REVERSING SENSOR (CORNER SENSOR AND BACK SENSOR) KEYLESS OPERATION KEY REMINDER ETACS-ECU FUNCTION CUSTOMIZATION BUZZER (VEHICLES WITH KOS) BUZZER With the ignition switch in the LOCK (OFF) position, When entering into the customize mode of when the driver’s door is opened with the keyless ETACS-ECU functions or when the customisation is operation key left in the vehicle, the buzzer sounds.
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CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-33 REVERSING SENSOR (CORNER SENSOR AND BACK SENSOR) CAUTION When the illuminated licence plate is installed, the sensors may not operate because of noise from the plate.Refer to FAIL-SAFE FUNCTION (1) Approx. 100 cm (MAX 150cm) Back sensor detection range Corner sensor detection range Approx. -
Page 374: Chassis Electrical
CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-34 REVERSING SENSOR (CORNER SENSOR AND BACK SENSOR) BACK SENSOR Distance Buzzer duration between The standard mode The towing bar mode back sensor and obstacles Less than Buzzer: OFF Buzzer: ON approximat ely 40 cm Buzzer: OFF Continuity AC808131 Approximat Buzzer: ON…
Page 375: Accessory Socket
CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-35 ACCESSORY SOCKET Distance Buzzer duration between corner sensor and obstacles Approximat Buzzer: ON ely 40 to 50 Buzzer: OFF 0.2s 0.2s 0.2s 0.2s 0.2s AC808132 FAIL-SAFE FUNCTION 3. When an abnormality occurs in the system, the reversing sensor indicator keeps flashing with 1.
Page 376: Column Switch
Vehicles with Rockford Fosgate premium audio as well as the display audio. sound system. • For Mitsubishi Multi Communication System • A roof antenna has been mounted for receiving (MMCS), the multivision display with CD drive radio broadcast. and SD memory card drive is established.
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CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-37 AUDIO AND NAVIGATION SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM GPS antenna Microphone unit Radio and CD player or multivision display (MMCS) Roof antenna CAN box Hands free ECU USB adapter ACB05387 ACB05387AB… -
Page 378: Radio And Cd Player
CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-38 AUDIO AND NAVIGATION SYSTEM DC/DC converter DAB tuner Steering wheel remote control switch Audio amplifier Tweeter ETACS-ECU Front door speaker Rear door speaker Rear view camera Subwoofer ACC00993 RADIO AND CD PLAYER M2544900400632 • 2 line bright white letters on VFD (Vacuum Fluo- For the audio unit, the following two types have been established: the 1CD audio as well as the display rescent Display), umber illumination.
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CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-39 AUDIO AND NAVIGATION SYSTEM Item 1CD audio Display audio − CD player, compatible with Equipped MP3/WMA/AAC format (CD-R/CD-RW supported) Audio integrated 4 channel power General 140 W General 140 W amplifier Supports iPod®/portable music Equipped Equipped player/USB memory device (MP3/WMA/AAC compatible) connection NOTE:… -
Page 380: Mitsubishi Multi Communication System (Mmcs)
Adopt high-definition screen M2544800100571 • Change WQVGA (480 x 234 dot) display into For Mitsubishi Multi Communication System WVGA (800 x 480 dot) in the same size. So, sup- (MMCS), the multivision display (7 inch WVGA dis- ply sharper image.
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CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-41 AUDIO AND NAVIGATION SYSTEM • Group each menu easy to understand (Left side: Improve Usability AV, Right side: Navigation, Under: Setting). Add map of new countries • Create expensive-looking high gross black and • Add new countries as below. plating on the panel. -
Page 382: Rear View Camera
CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-42 AUDIO AND NAVIGATION SYSTEM ETACS FUNCTION CUSTOMISATION REAR VIEW CAMERA M2544700100198 FUNCTION A rear view camera has been established to the tail- The ETACS functions can be customised by select- gate. The rear view camera displays the rear view ing of the multivision display.
Page 383: Steering Wheel Remote Control Switch
CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-43 AUDIO AND NAVIGATION SYSTEM OPERATION When the selector lever is moved to the R (reverse) position with the ignition switch «ON», the image of the rear view camera is displayed on the display audio screen or multivision display screen. Screen display Displays rear view camera.
Page 384: Usb Adapter
CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-44 AUDIO AND NAVIGATION SYSTEM USB ADAPTER An USB adapter is equipped in the rear console. A iPod®/portable music player can be connected M2547100100021 through the USB connection to play its stored audio file on the radio and CD player or the multivision dis- play, or charge its battery.
Page 385: Antenna
And the sound system is tuned thoroughly by professional Mitsubishi and Rockford engineers, the Rockford Fosgate® premium sound system accomplished higher sound quality than the current model having high reputation at world wide markets.
Page 386: Audio Amplifier
CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-46 AUDIO AND NAVIGATION SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM Audio amplifier Tweeter Front door speaker Rear door speaker Subwoofer ACC00014 FUNCTION Wide stereo technology: PremiDIA-WIDE Various attractive new sound adjusting functions are Emphasize stereo image more expanded, beyond added, to select sound setting precisely, according to cabin space.
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CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-47 AUDIO AND NAVIGATION SYSTEM By using AUREUS® 32 bit digital signal processor SPEAKER and BURR-BROWN® 24 bit D/A converter, system M2545000100437 9 speakers [tweeter, front door, rear door (2-way), has higher accretion of digital sound processing, and subwoofer] are provided. -
Page 388: Speaker
CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-48 AUDIO AND NAVIGATION SYSTEM DOOR AS A SPEAKER BOX Resin cover Resin plug Front door speaker Resin cover Resin plug Resin plug Sheet metal cover Rear door speaker Urethane integrated Front door resin sheet water proof film Sheet metal cover Urethane integrated…
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CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-49 AUDIO AND NAVIGATION SYSTEM General operation of DC/DC converter IGNITION SWITCH:OFF Battery <Multivision display> DC/DC converter Battery (+B) output Boost section Radio and CD player Battery Multivision display Battery (+B) input Hands free-ECU Ignition switch Relay 2 Relay 1 (OFF) Control section… -
Page 390: Immobilizer System
CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-50 IMMOBILIZER SYSTEM <Vehicles without keyless operation system> IGNITION SWITCH: ON position <at auto start by Auto Stop & Go (AS&G) System> <Multivision display> Battery DC/DC converter Battery (+B) output Boost section Radio and CD player Battery Multivision display Hands free-ECU Battery (+B) input Ignition switch…
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CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-51 IMMOBILIZER SYSTEM <Vehicles without keyless operation system> CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM Receiver Immobilizer Ignition key antenna ETACS-ECU Engine-ECU antenna Starter relay CAN-C Ignition Transponder Injection Steering lock ACB05551 MAIN COMPONENTS Component name Outline of function Receiver antenna Receives the operation signals from the lock/unlock switches on the ignition key (transmitter and transponder), sends them to ETACS-ECU Sends signal to the transponder in the ignition key and receives the reply data from the transponder via the steering lock (immobilizer antenna), sends the… -
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CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-52 IMMOBILIZER SYSTEM <Vehicles without keyless operation system> System configuration Ignition key Lock switch Unlock switch Transmitter Transponder Room lamp, Door mirror assembly Ignition key cylinder illumination lamp Radio Radio frequency frequency signal signal (Transmitter) Door lock actuator (Transponder) Tailgate latch Steering lock… -
Page 393: Etacs
CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-53 ETACS ETACS GENERAL INFORMATION NOTE: : ETACS (Electronic Time and Alarm Control System) M2545400200744 ETACS -ECU has three main functions (gateway function, coding function, body electrical equipment control function). GATEWAY FUNCTION LIN-TAS ETACS-ECU CAN-C-Mid CAN-C ACC01043AB As a central ECU for the on-vehicle communication CODING FUNCTION network system established in the vehicle, the gate- By writing the coding data such as vehicle model,…
Page 394: Customisation Function
CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-54 ETACS CUSTOMISATION FUNCTION M2545400400953 By operating the M.U.T.-III ETACS system, the fol- lowing functions can be customised. The pro- grammed information is held even when the battery is disconnected. Adjustment Adjustment item Adjusting content Adjusting content item (M.U.T.-III (M.U.T.-III display) display) Turn power…
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CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-55 ETACS Adjustment Adjustment item Adjusting content Adjusting content item (M.U.T.-III (M.U.T.-III display) display) Front/rear wiper Disabling or Only Washer No function washer enabling Washer & Wiper With function: Without delayed finishing washer-linked wiper wipe function <Initial condition (vehicles for function RUSSIA)>… -
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CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-56 ETACS Adjustment Adjustment item Adjusting content Adjusting content item (M.U.T.-III (M.U.T.-III display) display) Room lamp Adjustment of 0 sec. 0 second (no delay shutdown time) delay timer with interior lamp delay 7.5 sec. 7.5 seconds door shutdown time 15 sec. -
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CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-57 ETACS Adjustment Adjustment item Adjusting content Adjusting content item (M.U.T.-III (M.U.T.-III display) display) Timer lock timer Timer lock period 30 sec. 30 seconds (initial condition) adjustment 60 sec. 60 seconds 120 sec. 120 seconds 180 sec. 180 seconds Alarm Enables/disables Disable… -
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CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-58 ETACS Adjustment Adjustment item Adjusting content Adjusting content item (M.U.T.-III (M.U.T.-III display) display) Remote ENG Remote engine Disable No function (Initial condition) starter answer starter answer back Enable With function back function adjustment ACC power Time to ACC power Disable No function auto cut… -
Page 399: Security Alarm
CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-59 SECURITY ALARM Adjustment Adjustment item Adjusting content Adjusting content item (M.U.T.-III (M.U.T.-III display) display) A/C Sensible Adjusting mean Decreases the control temperature two temp. value for degrees than the temperature displayed customize temperature setting on the LCD. Decreases the control temperature one degree than the temperature displayed on the LCD.
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CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-60 SECURITY ALARM CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM Hazard indicators assembly Rear turn-signal lamp Security alarm indicator Security alarm horn Hood latch switch Side turn-signal lamp ETACS-ECU Front turn-signal lamp Horns ACC01584 <Vehicles with security alarm sensor> NOTE: The sensor sensitivity can be adjusted by the M.U.T.-III. -
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CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-61 SECURITY ALARM CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM Hazard indicators assembly Security alarm sensor Rear turn-signal lamp Security alarm indicator Security alarm siren Hood latch switch Side turn-signal lamp ETACS-ECU Front turn-signal lamp ACC01583 SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM keyless entry function or the keyless operation system ignition switch, Door switch, Tailgate latch switch, Hood switch Security alarm sensor… -
Page 402: Etacs-Ecu Functions And Controls
CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-62 SECURITY ALARM ETACS-ECU FUNCTIONS AND CONTROLS <Vehicles without security alarm sensor> M2545700300407 SECURITY ALARM FUNCTION (Default: interior protection 10 seconds) System disarmed · Door(s) is unlocked by the keyless entry function or the keyless operation system. Door(s) is locked by the keyless entry function ·…
Page 403: Etacs-Ecu Functions And Controls
CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-63 SECURITY ALARM ETACS-ECU FUNCTIONS AND CONTROLS <Vehicles with security alarm sensor> M2545700300399 SECURITY ALARM FUNCTION System disarmed · Door(s) is unlocked by the keyless entry function or the keyless operation system. Door(s) is locked by the keyless entry function ·…
Page 404: Lane Departure Warning System (Ldw)
CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-64 LANE DEPARTURE WARNING SYSTEM (LDW) Adjustment item Adjustment item Adjusting content Adjusting content (M.U.T.-III display) (M.U.T.-III display) Alarm Enables/disables security Disable Without function alarm Enable With function (initial condition) Duration of pre-alarm Adjustment of pre-alarm 10 sec. 10 seconds (initial (interior alarm) continue condition)
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CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-65 LANE DEPARTURE WARNING SYSTEM (LDW) Construction diagram LDW-ECU LDW switch ACC00901 ASC-ECU Column switch Steering wheel sensor Combination meter Side turn-signal lamp ETACS-ECU Engine-ECU Stop lamp switch ACC00954 Main components and functions Component name Functional Description LDW-ECU (integrating Controls the LDW by using the following inputs/outputs and communications. -
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CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-66 LANE DEPARTURE WARNING SYSTEM (LDW) Component name Functional Description Engine-ECU Sends vehicle speed signal to the LDW-ECU via CAN communication. ASC-ECU Detects the yaw rate and longitudinal and lateral acceleration of the vehicle, and sends the corresponding signal to the LDW-ECU via CAN communication. Steering wheel sensor Detects steering angle of the steering wheel, and sends the corresponding signal to the LDW-ECU via CAN communication. -
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CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-67 LANE DEPARTURE WARNING SYSTEM (LDW) NOTE: The indicator and warning depend on these 2. Warning monitor status (standby) stages. If predetermined warning conditions are sat- 3. Warning (WARNING L-LANE or WARNING isfied, the buzzer will sound. R-LANE) 1. -
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CHASSIS ELECTRICAL 54A-68 LANE DEPARTURE WARNING SYSTEM (LDW) 3. Warning (WARNING L-LANE or WARN- ING R-LANE) ACC01083AB If your vehicle intrudes a warning range, the LDW will provide visual and audible warnings. The warning will be activated for 10 seconds in maximum. Even if the vehicle exits from the range soon, the warning will con- tinue for at least three seconds. -
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LOCAL INTERCONNECT NETWORK (LIN) 54B-2 GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION M2545600100019 LIN refers to «Local Interconnect Network,» which is a NOTE: : The regulations that have been decided in detail, from software matters such as the necessary serial multiplex communication protocol adminis- transmission rate for communication, the system, trated by LIN consortium. -
Page 411: System Operation
LOCAL INTERCONNECT NETWORK (LIN) 54B-3 SYSTEM OPERATION SYSTEM OPERATION M2545600300132 LIN bus line Slave ECU Master ECU Slave task C Master task Slave task A Slave task B Slave ECU Slave task D State of message on LIN bus line Byte field 1 byte Logical value:…
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LOCAL INTERCONNECT NETWORK (LIN) 54B-4 SYSTEM OPERATION VOLTAGE VARIATION OF LIN BUS LINE Battery voltage Voltage variation of LIN bus line: Earth level Recessive Dominant Recessive State: Logical value: AC309813 • When no communication is established, the LIN When each ECU sends or receives signals, LIN bus line voltage varies as follows: bus line remains recessive (battery voltage). -
Page 413
LOCAL INTERCONNECT NETWORK (LIN) 54B-5 SYSTEM OPERATION Frame Region name Description Response Data region A region to store the control data used by ECU that is called by the header Checksum region A region for checking errors in data content The sending-end ECU calculates data region value according to the specified computing equation, and the result is stored in this filed. -
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CONTROLLER AREA NETWORK (CAN) 54C-2 GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION M2542000100386 • Each ECU connected via the CAN communicates CAN, an abbreviation for Controller Area Network, is an ISO-certified international standard for a serial independently, therefore if the ECU enters dam- aged mode, communications can be continued in multiplex communication protocol . -
Page 417
CONTROLLER AREA NETWORK (CAN) 54C-3 STRUCTURE STRUCTURE M2542000201405 Terminal resistor Terminal resistor ETACS-ECU CAN_L CAN_H CAN_L CAN_H Steering 4WD-ECU OSS-ECU wheel sensor ABS-ECU A/C-ECU SRS-ECU ASC-ECU KOS-ECU CVT-ECU EPS-ECU Radio and CD player Diagnosis or CAN box connector unit Main bus line Electric tailgate… -
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CONTROLLER AREA NETWORK (CAN) 54C-4 SYSTEM OPERATION • With CAN bus, the terminal resistors are incorpo- • ABS-ECU <vehicles without ASC> or rated in ECU. Resistors with approximately 120 ASC-ECU <vehicles with ASC> • CVT-ECU Ω is used for the dominant ECU. •… -
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CONTROLLER AREA NETWORK (CAN) 54C-5 SYSTEM OPERATION • When data frames conflict with one another MEDIATION (when plural ECUs transmit signals simultane- Because each ECU transmits data independently on ously), data is prioritised for transmission by the CAN bus, there are cases of data collision when mediation, therefore, plural data frames are not multiple data frames that ECUs attempt to transmit sent simultaneously. -
Page 420
CONTROLLER AREA NETWORK (CAN) 54C-6 SELF-DIAGNOSIS DATA FRAMES Data Frames ID region Control Data region CRC region region region AC404606 The data frame, which is sent from each ECU (or ACK (Acknowledge) region • Region where to conform the reception of sent sensor) to the CAN bus line, consists of the fields bellow. -
Page 421
CONTROLLER AREA NETWORK (CAN) 54C-7 CAN BUS DIAGNOSTICS CAN BUS DIAGNOSTICS M2542000500339 As ECUs are connected via CAN bus (including M.U.T.-III), always diagnose CAN bus to confirm its normality when inspecting. When the CAN bus diag- nosis is carried out, the M.U.T.-III will monitor the mutual communication status of the ECUs and then display a current status of the CAN bus on its screen. -
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Page 424: General Information
HEATER, AIR CONDITIONER AND VENTILATION 55-2 GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION M2551000101826 • The idle-up speed is controlled in two steps to The new heater unit integrates blower, and evapora- tor, it increases the air flow but reduces air flow secure the air cooling performance during sum- resistance and air flow noise.
Page 425
HEATER, AIR CONDITIONER AND VENTILATION 55-3 GENERAL INFORMATION CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM A/C pressure sensor Ambient temperature sensor ACB03811 ACB03813 Interior temperature sensor ACB05399 AB… -
Page 426
HEATER, AIR CONDITIONER AND VENTILATION 55-4 GENERAL INFORMATION A/C compressor suction hose High-pressure side valve Low-pressure side valve Heater unit A/C compressor discharge hose Condenser A/C compressor assembly A/C condenser outlet pipe ACB05002… -
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Page 428
HEATER, AIR CONDITIONER AND VENTILATION 55-6 GENERAL INFORMATION COMMUNICATION ETACS-ECU ·A/C compressor Ambient temperature sensor · ·Cooling fan Engine water temperature sensor · ·Idle-Up A/C out put · ·Rear defogger relay Rear defogger · Status of ignition key · CAN-C-Mid CAN-C +B (12V) (ETACS) -
Page 429: Heater And Air Conditioner System
HEATER, AIR CONDITIONER AND VENTILATION 55-7 HEATER AND AIR CONDITIONER SYSTEM HEATER AND AIR CONDITIONER SYSTEM M2551001000896 Front defroster Side defroster Side defroster Side outlet Centre outlet Recirculation Fresh Side outlet Heater core Clean air filter Heater outlet for 2nd seat Heater outlet Evaporator for front seat…
Page 430
HEATER, AIR CONDITIONER AND VENTILATION 55-8 HEATER AND AIR CONDITIONER SYSTEM <SINGLE-ZONE AUTO A/C> Heater unit Evaporator Mode selection damper Air intake duct Air mixing damper Outside / inside air selection damper Heater core Clean air filter Blower case ACB05542 <DUAL- ZONE AUTO A/C>… -
Page 431
HEATER, AIR CONDITIONER AND VENTILATION 55-9 HEATER AND AIR CONDITIONER SYSTEM • The evaporator and heater core has been longi- Crushable space tudinally installed in the vehicle length, and a crushable space has been ensured so that it Crushable space absorbs the impact in case of a collision and reduces the risk of passenger injuries. -
Page 432: Heater Control
HEATER, AIR CONDITIONER AND VENTILATION 55-10 HEATER CONTROL HEATER CONTROL M2551000900904 WITHOUT DUAL A/C Air outlet Temperature set switch A/C switch changeover switch Fan mode Outside/inside air changeover switch OFF switch changeover switch AUTO switch Rear defogger switch Defogger switch ACB05984 LCD panel <WITHOUT DUAL A/C>…
Page 433: Air Conditioner Control System
HEATER, AIR CONDITIONER AND VENTILATION 55-11 AIR CONDITIONER CONTROL SYSTEM DUAL A/C Fan mode Air outlet Temperature set switch (LH) changeover switch A/C switch changeover switch Outside/inside air Temperature set switch (RH) OFF switch changeover switch AUTO switch Rear defogger switch Defogger switch ACB05404 LCD panel <DUAL A/C>…
Page 434
HEATER, AIR CONDITIONER AND VENTILATION 55-12 AIR CONDITIONER CONTROL SYSTEM CONTROL IDLE-UP CONTROL A/C-ECU and the engine-ECU communicate with FORCED DEF CONTROL each other through the CAN communication. The When air outlet position is switched to DEF, A/C is idle-up speed of the engine is controlled in two steps automatically turned ON, and outside/inside air depending on the A/C load to secure the air cooling selection damper is set to the fresh air position to… -
Page 435: Operation
HEATER, AIR CONDITIONER AND VENTILATION 55-13 CUSTOMIZATION FUNCTION CUSTOMIZATION FUNCTION M2551003000018 By operating the M.U.T.-III ETACS system, the fol- lowing functions can be customised. The pro- grammed information is held even when the battery is disconnected. Adjustment Adjustment item Adjusting content Adjusting content item (M.U.T.-III (M.U.T.-III display)
Page 436: A/C Compressor
HEATER, AIR CONDITIONER AND VENTILATION 55-14 A/C COMPRESSOR Adjustment Adjustment item Adjusting content Adjusting content item (M.U.T.-III (M.U.T.-III display) display) Auto Rear When ambient Disable No function (Initial condition) Defogger(Engin temperature is 3 Enable With function e Start) degree or less, the rear defogger will be turned on automatically.
Page 437: Condenser
HEATER, AIR CONDITIONER AND VENTILATION 55-15 CONDENSER 3D-PROFILE COMPRESSOR Refrigerant temperature switch Discharge valve (internal relief valve) AC708240 • The 3D profile improves durability and efficiency, • The refrigerant temperature switch can measure and shortens the total length. temperature without any openings on the case. •…
Page 438: Duct
HEATER, AIR CONDITIONER AND VENTILATION 55-16 DUCT DUCT M2551001300842 To windshield (Defroster) To front door window (Side defroster) Side ventilator Centre ventilator To front door window (Side defroster) Side ventilator To driver seat footwell To passenger seat footwell To rear seat footwell To rear seat footwell ACB05540 ACB05540…
Page 439: Ventilation System
HEATER, AIR CONDITIONER AND VENTILATION 55-17 VENTILATION SYSTEM VENTILATION SYSTEM M2551002001096 Rear ventilation duct ACB05000 Fresh air is sucked from the front deck and exhausted through the air outlet behind the rear bumper. Optimising areas of the outside air induction hole and the air outlet enhances ventilated air amount, reducing noise.
Page 440
Сборник руководств на английском языке по кузовному ремонту автомобиля Mitsubishi Outlander 2004-2006 годов выпуска.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Mitsubishi Motors Corp.
- Год издания: 2003-2005
- Страниц: —
- Формат: PDF
- Размер: 23,7 Mb
Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживание и ремонту автомобиля Mitsubishi Outlander 2011 года выпуска.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Mitsubishi Motors Corp.
- Год издания: 2010
- Страниц: 7200
- Формат: PDF
- Размер: 191,0 Mb
Сборник мультимедийных руководств на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Mitsubishi Outlander 2007-2012 годов выпуска.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Mitsubishi Motors Corp.
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: —
- Формат: ISO
- Размер: 2,2 Gb
Сборник мультимедийных руководств на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Mitsubishi Outlander 2013-2016 годов выпуска.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Mitsubishi Motors Corp.
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: —
- Формат: ISO
- Размер: 1,9 Gb
Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту + схемы электрооборудования автомобиля Mitsubishi Outlander первого поколения.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Mitsubishi Motors Corp.
- Год издания: 2003
- Страниц: —
- Формат: PDF
- Размер: 147,9 Mb
Сборник руководств на английском языке по техническому обслуживание и ремонту автомобиля Mitsubishi Outlander 2007 года выпуска.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Mitsubishi Motors Corp.
- Год издания: 2006
- Страниц: —
- Формат: PDF
- Размер: 167,3 Mb
Сборник руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживание и ремонту автомобиля Mitsubishi Outlander 2013 года выпуска.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Mitsubishi Motors Corp.
- Год издания: 2011
- Страниц: —
- Формат: PDF
- Размер: 133,0 Mb
Сборник руководство на английском и немецком языках по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Mitsubishi Outlander первого поколения.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Mitsubishi Motors Corp.
- Год издания: 2006
- Страниц: —
- Формат: PDF
- Размер: 428,8 Mb
Руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Mitsubishi Outlander третьего поколения
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Mitsubishi Motors Corp.
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: —
- Формат: PDF
- Размер: 107,4 Mb
Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту + каталог расходных запчастей автомобиля Mitsubishi Outlander 2002-2007 годов выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями объемом 2,0/2,4 л.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Легион-Автодата
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 526
- Формат: —
- Размер: —
Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту + каталог расходных запчастей автомобиля Mitsubishi Outlander III с 2012 года выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями объемом 2,0/2,4/3.0 л.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Легион-Автодата
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 590
- Формат: —
- Размер: —
Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту + каталог расходных запчастей автомобиля Mitsubishi Outlander 2006-2012 годов выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями объемом 2,0/2,4/3.0 л.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Легион-Автодата
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 738
- Формат: —
- Размер: —
Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобилей Mitsubishi Airtrek и Mitsubishi Outlander XL с 2005 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Монолит
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 458
- Формат: —
- Размер: —
Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобиля Mitsubishi Outlander с 2009 года выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями объемом 2,0/2,4/3,0 л.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Монолит
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 360
- Формат: —
- Размер: —
Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобиля Mitsubishi Outlander с 2013 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Монолит
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 456
- Формат: —
- Размер: —
Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию автомобиля Mitsubishi Outlander XL с 2006 года выпуска.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: MoToR
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 510
- Формат: —
- Размер: —
Сборник руководств по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию автомобиля Mitsubishi Outlander третьего поколения.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Mitsubishi Motors Corp.
- Год издания: 2013
- Страниц: —
- Формат: PDF
- Размер: 161,4 Mb
Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию автомобиля Mitsubishi Outlander XL 2007 года выпуска.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Mitsubishi Motors Corp.
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 522
- Формат: PDF
- Размер: 27,7 Mb
Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию автомобиля Mitsubishi Outlander XL после рестайлинга.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Mitsubishi Motors Corp.
- Год издания: 2010
- Страниц: —
- Формат: PDF
- Размер: 85,1 Mb
Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию автомобиля Mitsubishi Outlander первого поколения.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Mitsubishi Motors
- Год издания: 2005
- Страниц: 350
- Формат: PDF
- Размер: 15,0 Mb
Мультимедийное руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Mitsubishi Outlander с 2003 года выпуска с двигателями объемом 2,0/2,4 л.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Новая версия
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: —
- Формат: —
- Размер: 255,4 Mb