KOMATSU (PC-300-350-8):
Смотрите также каталог для запчастей.
KOMATSU (PC-300-8)
PC300-7 |
40001 è âûøå |
PC300LC-7 |
40001 è âûøå |
PC350-7 |
20001 è âûøå |
PC350LC-7 |
20001 è âûøå |
•В эту заводскую инструкцию могут быть включены приспособления и дополнительное оборудование, отсутствующие в Вашем регионе. По вопросам их приобретения обращайтесь к местному дистрибьютору фирмы Комацу. Материалы и технические характеристики могут быть изменены без уведомления.
•На моделях PC300, 300LC, PC350, 350LC-7 установлен двигатель SAA6D114E. Более подробно об этом двигателе см. Заводскую инструкцию на двигатель серии 114.
© 2002
Все права защищены
Напечатано в Японии 11-02 (01) 00-1
Ñòð. |
01 |
ОБЩИЕ СВЕДЕНИЯ………………………………………………………… |
01-1 |
10 |
10-1 |
20 |
ПРОВЕРКА И РЕГУЛИРОВКА ………………………………………….. |
20-1 |
30 |
РАЗБОРКА И СБОРКА …………………………………………………….. |
30-1 |
90 |
ПРОЧЕЕ………………………………………………………………………….. |
90-1 |
Страницы, на которые распространяются изменения, обозначены следующими метками. В отношении этих страниц должны быть предприняты необходимые действия в соответствии с нижеприведенной таблицей.
Метка |
Значение |
Необходимое |
действие |
Новая страница, которую |
Добавьте |
следует добавить |
Страница, которую |
Замените |
следует заменить |
Страница, которую |
Удалите |
следует изъять |
Страницы, на которых нет таких меток, на момент публикации не исправлялись.
Метка |
Ñòð. |
Номер |
Метка |
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Номер |
Метка |
Номер |
Метка |
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Номер |
Метка |
Ñòð. |
Номер |
исправления |
исправления |
Ñòð. исправления |
исправления |
исправления |
Метка |
Ñòð. |
Номер |
Метка |
Ñòð. |
Номер |
Метка |
Ñòð. |
Номер |
Метка |
Ñòð. |
Номер |
Метка |
Ñòð. |
Номер |
исправления |
исправления |
исправления |
исправления |
исправления |
Метка |
Ñòð. |
Номер |
Метка |
Ñòð. |
Номер |
Метка |
Ñòð. |
Номер |
Метка |
Ñòð. |
Номер |
Метка |
Ñòð. |
Номер |
исправления |
исправления |
исправления |
исправления |
исправления |
Метка |
Ñòð. |
Номер |
Метка |
Ñòð. |
Номер |
Метка |
Ñòð. |
Номер |
Метка |
Ñòð. |
Номер |
Метка |
Ñòð. |
Номер |
исправления |
исправления |
исправления |
исправления |
исправления |
Надлежащее техническое обслуживание и своевременный ремонт — наиболее важные факторы, обеспечивающие безопасную работу машины. Рекомендуемые фирмой Комацу технологии обслуживания и ремонта, приведенные в настоящей инструкции, гарантируют высокую эффективность и безопасность соответствующих операций. Для выполнения некоторых из них требуются специализированные приспособления и инструменты, разработанные фирмой Комацу.
Меры предотвращения травм обслуживающего персонала отмечаются в инструкции символом . Указания по технике безопасности, сопровождающие эти символы, должны всегда неукоснительно выполняться. В случае возникновения опасной ситуации или ее возможности прежде всего следует иметь в виду аспекты безопасности и принимать необходимые меры для ликвидации опасности.
Ошибки при эксплуатации особенно опасны. Внимательно прочитайте Инструкцию по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию, ПРЕЖДЕ чем приступить к работе с машиной.
1.Перед тем как выполнять операции по смазке или ремонту, прочитайте все предупреждения на наклейках, имеющихся на машине.
2.Все операции следует проводить, надев специальную обувь и каску. Нельзя работать в свободной рабочей одежде или в одежде без пуговиц.
•Всегда надевайте защитные очки, когда работаете с молотком.
•Всегда надевайте защитные очки, когда работаете со шлифовальными устройствами и т.п.
3.Если возникла необходимость в сварочных ремонтных работах, то их всегда должен выполнять квалифицированный, опытный сварщик. Во время сварки следует всегда пользоваться специальными перчатками, фартуком, ручным сварочным щитком, каской и другой спецодеждой, предназначенной для этой работы.
4.При выполнении любой операции, требующей присутствия двух и более рабочих, следует всегда согласовать ее последовательность и содержание до начала работы. Всегда предупреждайте остальных участников операции о начале ее нового этапа. Перед началом работ вывешивайте на рычагах управления в кабине оператора предупредительные таблички ИДЕТ РЕМОНТ.
5.Содержите все инструменты в исправном состоянии и научитесь правильному обращению с ними.
6.Выделите специальное место в ремонтной мастерской для хранения инструментов и снятых с машины деталей и узлов. Все инструменты и детали всегда должны находиться в отведенных для них местах. Содержите свое рабочее место в чистоте и следите за тем, чтобы на полу не было грязи или масла. Курите только в отведенных для этого местах. Никогда не курите во время работы.
7.Прежде чем добавлять масло или выполнять какой-либо ремонт, установите машину на твердой ровной поверхности и заблокируйте колеса или гусеницы, чтобы машина не могла сдвинуться с места.
8.Перед началом работы опустите отвал, рыхлитель, ковш или другое рабочее оборудование на грунт. Если это невозможно, то вставьте предохранительный стопорный штифт или подложите упорные колодки, чтобы предотвратить падение рабочего оборудования. Кроме того, обязательно заблокируйте все ры- чаги управления и повесьте на них предупредительные таблички.
9.Прежде чем начинать разборку или сборку, зафиксируйте машину в неподвижном положении с помощью блоков, домкратов или подставок.
10.Тщательно очистите от грязи и масла ступеньки и другие места, используемые для посадки и высадки из машины. Всегда пользуйтесь поручнями, лестницами или ступеньками при посадке и высадке из машины. Никогда не запрыгивайте в машину и не спрыгивайте с нее. Если нельзя воспользоваться поручнями, лестницами или ступеньками, то применяйте устойчивую подставку.
11.При снятии крышки маслозаливной горловины, вывинчивании сливной пробки или заглушки для измерения давления в гидросистеме поворачивайте их медленно во избежание выплескивания масла.
Прежде чем отсоединять или снимать детали масляного, водяного или воздушного контуров, полностью сбросьте давление в соответствующих контурах.
12.Поскольку жидкость и масло в системах охлаждения и смазки двигателя к моменту его остановки имеют высокую температуру, будьте осторожны, чтобы избежать ожогов.
Подождите, пока масло и жидкость не остынут, прежде чем начинать какие-либо работы в соответствующих контурах двигателя.
13.Перед началом работы отсоедините провода от аккумуляторной батареи. Всегда следует в первую очередь снимать провод с отрицательной (–) клеммы.
14.Для поднятия тяжелых деталей или узлов используйте подъемник или кран.
Проверьте, не повреждены ли тросы, цепи и крюки.
Всегда пользуйтесь подъемными устройствами достаточной грузоподъемности. Устанавливайте грузоподъемное оборудование в правильно выбранных местах. Работайте с подъемником или краном медленно, чтобы не ударить снимаемой деталью по другой части машины. Не работайте с какой-либо частью машины, когда она находится в подвешенном положении.
15.При снятии крышек, находящихся под действием внутреннего давления или давления пружины, всегда оставляйте два болта на противоположных сторонах. Сначала постепенно сбросьте давление, а затем медленно ослабьте и отверните болты.
16.При снятии деталей или узлов старайтесь не повредить электропроводку. Повреждение электропроводов может вызвать их возгорание из-за короткого замыкания.
17.При снятии трубопроводов примите меры для предотвращения вытекания рабочей жидкости. Если даже небольшое количество топлива или масла попадет на пол, то немедленно вытрите его. Топливо или масло, пролитое на пол, может стать причиной падения поскользнувшегося человека, а в некоторых слу- чаях даже вызвать пожар.
18.Как правило, не рекомендуется использовать бензин для очистки деталей. В виде исклю- чения при очистке элементов электрооборудования применяйте минимальное количе- ство бензина.
19.При сборке следует убедиться в том, что все детали находятся на своих прежних местах. Заменяйте все поврежденные детали новыми.
•Устанавливая шланги и провода, убедитесь в том, что они не будут повреждены в результате контакта с другими деталями и узлами машины во время ее работы.
20.Перед установкой шлангов высокого давления убедитесь в том, что они не перекруче- ны. Поврежденные трубки представляют собой серьезную опасность, так что будьте особенно внимательны при установке труб для контуров высокого давления. Кроме того, проверьте правильность установки соединяемых элементов.
21.При сборке или установке деталей всегда используйте нормативные моменты затяжки. При сборке или установке деталей ограждения, например, кожухов или щитков, а также деталей, сильно вибрирующих или вращающихся с большой частотой, особенно тщательно следите за правильностью их установки.
22.Чтобы совместить два отверстия, никогда не вставляйте в них пальцы или руку. Будьте осторожны, чтобы пальцы не попали в отверстие.
23.Перед измерением давления в гидросистеме проверьте правильность подключения измерительного инструмента.
24.Будьте осторожны при снятии гусениц с машины и их установке.
При снятии гусеницы происходит резкое разъединение траков, так что в этот момент категорически запрещается находиться у ее переднего или заднего края.
Данная заводская инструкция предназначена для повышения качества ремонта, предоставляя обслуживающему персоналу исчерпывающие сведения относительно особенностей машины, рациональных способов ее ремонта и критериев оценки качества ремонтно-обслуживающих работ. Внимательно изучите инструкцию и используйте ее на практике с максимальной эффективностью.
Данная заводская инструкция содержит главным образом техническую информацию, необходимую для операций, выполняемых на станции техобслуживания. Для простоты использования инструкция подразделяется на главы, разбитые на разделы, которые соответствуют основным узлам и системам машины.
В этой главе описывается устройство и назначение каждого узла машины. Она служит не только для ознакомления с устройством узлов, но и в качестве справочного материала, необходимого для устранения неисправностей.
Âэтой главе приводятся операции проверки, которые следует выполнить до и после ремонта, а также операции регулировки, выполняемые после завершения проверок и ремонта.
Âэту же главу включены таблицы поиска и устранения неисправностей с указанием их признаков и причин возникновения.
В этой главе изложена последовательность операций, которую необходимо соблюдать при снятии, установке, разборке и сборке каждого узла машины, а также меры предосторожности при проведении этих операций.
В этой главе содержатся нормативные требования, предъявляемые к деталям машин при их проверке после разборки.
Содержание этой главы приведено в главе УСТРОЙСТВО И РАБОТА.
В данной главе приводятся главным образом принципиальные гидравлические схемы и схемы электрооборудования.
Кроме того, данная глава содержит технические характеристики рабочего оборудования и опций.
Технические характеристики, содержащиеся в данной заводской инструкции, могут быть изменены в любое время без предварительного уведомления. Используйте технические характеристики, приведенные в последнем выпуске.
Заводские инструкции издаются в качестве руководства по ремонту. Они подразделяются на следующие тома:
Шасси: издается для каждой модели машины Двигатель: издается для каждой серии двигателей
Электрооборудование: каждый том содер- Рабочее оборудование: жит сведения о всех
Эти тома составлены с таким расчетом, чтобы избежать дублирования одной и той же информации. Поэтому для выполнения ремонта любой модели необходимо иметь в распоряжении тома по шасси, двигателю, электрооборудованию и рабочему оборудованию.
Если инструкция вышла в исправленном издании,
то порядковый номер такого издания ( |
….) |
помещается под номером страницы. |
Номера исправленных страниц приводятся в СПИСКЕ ИСПРАВЛЕННЫХ СТРАНИЦ, помещаемом после страницы СОДЕРЖАНИЕ.
Поскольку заводская инструкция предназначена для использования широким кругом лиц, важнейшие ее места, связанные с обеспечением безопасности и качества работ, отмечаются следующими символами.
Все дополнения, усовершенствования и другие изменения направляются фирмой КОМАЦУ своим дистрибьюторам. Обращайтесь к ним за самой свежей информацией, прежде чем начинать любую работу с машиной.
1.Прочитайте номер страницы в ее нижней ча- сти. Сложите страницы по порядку номеров.
2.Следующие примеры поясняют, как правильно расшифровывать номер страницы. Пример 1 (том «Шасси»):
Номер главы (10. Устройство и работа)
Последовательный номер страницы для каждого раздела.
Пример 2 (том «Двигатель»):
Номер узла (1. Двигатель) Номер главы (2. Проверка и регулировка)
Последовательный номер страницы для каждого раздела.
3.Дополнительные страницы: обозначаются с помощью дефиса (-) и номера после номера страницы. Вставьте их, как показано на примере.
Значение |
Примечания |
символа |
При выполнении этой Безопасность работы необходимо
соблюдать особые меры безопасности.
При выполнении этой |
работы необходимо |
Внимание |
выполнять специальные |
технические или иные |
меры предосторожности |
для соблюдения |
нормативных требований. |
Масса деталей или узлов. |
При выборе грузоподъем- |
ного троса или в тех слу- |
Масса |
чаях, когда важным явля- |
ется рабочее положение |
и т.п., необходимо соблю- |
дать меры предосторож- |
ности. |
Момент |
Места, которые требуют |
особого внимания к мо- |
затяжки |
менту затяжки во время |
сборки. |
Покрытие |
Места, на которые должен |
быть нанесен клей, смазка |
è ò.ï. |
Масло, |
Места, куда необходимо до- |
охлажд. |
ливать масло, охлаждающую |
жидкость |
жидкость или топливо, и |
объем заливаемой жидкости. |
Ñëèâ |
Места, откуда необходимо |
сливать масло или охлаж- |
дающую жидкость, и объем |
сливаемой жидкости. |
Тяжелые детали (25 кг и более) следует поднимать грузоподъемными средствами. В разделе РАЗБОРКА И СБОРКА все детали весом 25 кг и более четко обозначены символом
•Если деталь не удается снять с машины простым подъемом, то следует выполнить следующие проверки:
1)Проверьте, сняты ли все болты, крепящие ее к сопряженным деталям.
2)Проверьте, не мешает ли снятию другая деталь.
Строповка троса, произведенная близко к концу крюка, может вызвать соскальзывание троса с крюка во время подъема и в результате привести к несчастному случаю. Максимальная проч- ность крюка достигается в его средней части.
1)Пользуйтесь тросами, диаметр которых соответствует массе поднимаемых деталей, в соответствии с приведенной ниже таблицей:
(Стандартные крученые тросы «Z» или «S» из проволоки без гальванического покрытия)
Диаметр троса |
Допустимая нагрузка |
ìì |
êÍ |
тонны |
:Допустимая нагрузка принимается равной 1/6 или 1/7 прочности на разрыв используемого троса.
2)Строповку тросов следует выполнять в средней части крюка.
3)Не производите строповку тяжелого груза только одним тросом; в этом случае надо использовать не менее двух тросов, симметрич-
íî<охватывающих груз.
Строповка одним тросом может привести к повороту груза во время подъема, раскручиванию троса или его соскальзыванию с груза, что может стать причиной несчастного случая.
4)Не производите строповку тяжелого груза тросами, образующими с крюком большой угол подвеса.
При подъеме груза двумя или более тросами усилие, приложенное к каждому тросу, увеличивается с ростом углов подвеса. В таблице, приведенной ниже, указаны различные значения допустимой нагрузки (КН (кг)) при подъеме двумя тросами, каждый из которых рассчитан на нагрузку до 1000 кг при вертикальной строповке, для различных углов подвеса.
При вертикальной строповке двумя тросами может быть поднят груз общей массой до 2000 кг. Эта величина уменьшается до 1000 кг, если угол подвеса тросов достигает 120°. С другой стороны, оба троса подвергаются недопустимому разрывающему усилию в 4000 кг при строповке груза массой 2000 кг с углом подвеса 150°.
(êã) (êã))(êÍ
Угол подвеса: (градусы)
<Перед проведением описываемых ниже операций сбросьте остаточное давление в гидробаке. Более подробно см. главу ПРОВЕРКА И РЕГУЛИРОВКА, Сброс остаточного давления в гидробаке.
<Даже после сброса остаточного давления в гидробаке при отсоединении шланга из него вытекает некоторое количество масла гидросистемы. Поэтому приготовьте емкость для слива масла.
1)Сбросьте остаточное давление в гидробаке. Более подробно см. главу ПРОВЕРКА И РЕГУЛИРОВКА, Сброс остаточного давления в гидробаке.
2)Возьмите адаптер (1) и вставьте соединительную муфту шланга (2) в ответную часть адап-
òåðà: (3) (ñì. ðèñ. 1).
Адаптер вставляется на глубину пример-
:íî 3,5 ìì.
Не держите муфту шланга за резиновую насадку (4).
3)Вставив соединительную муфту шланга (2) в адаптер (3), надвиньте резиновую насадку (4) на (3) до щелчка (см. рис. 2).
4)Возьмитесь за адаптер шланга (1) или шланг
(5): и извлеките его (см. рис.3).
Так как при этом вытекает масло гидросистемы, приготовьте емкость для слива масла.
1)Возьмитесь за адаптер шланга (1) или шланг
(5)и вставьте его в ответную часть адаптера
(3),: совместив их друг с другом (см. рис. 4). Не держите муфту шланга за резиновую насадку (4).
2)Плотно вставив шланг в ответную часть адаптера, потяните его, чтобы проверить надеж-
ность: соединения (см. рис. 5).
При этом резиновая насадка смещается
âсторону шланга примерно на 3,5 мм. Тем не менее, это не свидетельствует о неисправности.
Òèï 1
Ðèñ. 1
Ðèñ. 2
Ðèñ. 3
Ðèñ. 4
Ðèñ. 5
Òèï 2 |
Òèï 3 |
1) Возьмитесь за наконечник ручки затяжки и про- 1) |
Возьмитесь за наконечник ручки затяжки и про- |
талкивайте корпус соединительной муфты (2) |
талкивайте корпус соединительной муфты (2) |
вперед до тех пор, пока передвижное предохра- |
вперед до тех пор, пока передвижное предохра- |
нительное кольцо (1) не соприкоснется с контак- |
нительное кольцо (1) не соприкоснется с контак- |
тной поверхностью à шестигранной части ште- |
тной поверхностью à шестигранной части ште- |
êåðà. |
êåðà. |
2) Удерживая конструкцию в положении, описанном 2) |
Удерживая конструкцию в положении, описан- |
в пункте 1), поверните рычаг (4) вправо (по часо- |
ном в пункте 1), нажимайте до тех пор, пока |
вой стрелке). |
крышка (3) не соприкоснется с контактной по- |
верхностью a шестигранной части штекера. |
3) Удерживая конструкцию в положении, описанном 3) |
Удерживая конструкцию в положении, описан- |
в пунктах 1) и 2), потяните на себя корпус (2), |
ном в пунктах 1) и 2), потяните на себя корпус |
чтобы его отсоединить. |
(2), чтобы его отсоединить. |
• Возьмитесь за наконечник ручки затяжки и про- • |
Возьмитесь за наконечник ручки затяжки и про- |
талкивайте корпус соединительной муфты (2) |
талкивайте корпус соединительной муфты (2) |
вперед до тех пор, пока передвижное предохра- |
вперед до тех пор, пока передвижное предох- |
нительное кольцо (1) не соприкоснется с контак- |
ранительное кольцо (1) не соприкоснется с кон- |
тной поверхностью à шестигранной части ште- |
тактной поверхностью a шестигранной части |
кера, чтобы подсоединить его. |
штекера, чтобы подсоединить его. |
:Ниже приводятся материалы, рекомендуемые для использования при разборке и сборке, такие как
:клеящие составы, герметики для прокладок и консистентные смазки.
Вместо материалов, не приведенных в данной таблице, используйте эквивалентные из списка.
Three bond
Номер по каталогу
клеящего состава и отвердителя)
150 ã
20 ã (2 øò.)
50 ã
состав: 1 кг Отвердитель:
500 ã
250 ã
75 ã
50 ã
2 ã
50 ñì3
200 ã
1 êã
200 ã
Полиэтиленовый контейнер
Полиэтиленовый контейнер
Полиэтиленовый контейнер
Полиэтиленовый контейнер
Полиэтиленовый контейнер
Полиэтиленовый контейнер
Основная область применения, свойства
•Применяется для предотвращения выпадения резиновых прокладок, резиновых подушек и заглушек кранов.
•Применяется в местах, требующих моментального и надежного склеивания. Используется для различных видов пластика (за исключением полиэтилена, полипропилена, тетрафлуорэтилена и винилхлорида), резины, металлов и неметаллов.
•Свойства: термостойкость, устойчи- вость к воздействию химикатов
•Применяется для предотвращения ослабления резьбовых соединений и в ка- честве герметика для болтов и заглушек.
•Применяется в качестве клея или герметика для металла, стекла и пластика.
•Применяется в качестве герметика фрезерованных отверстий.
•Применяется в качестве термостойкого герметика при ремонте двигателя.
•Быстро затвердевающий клеевой состав.
•Время отвердения: от 5 сек до 3 мин.
•Применяется для склеивания металла, резины, пластика и дерева.
•Быстро затвердевающий клеевой состав.
•Быстро затвердевающий (макс. прочность через 30 минут)
•Применяется для склеивания резины, пластика и металлов.
•Свойства: термостойкость, устойчи- вость к воздействию химикатов
•Применяется на поверхностях шарниров, подверженных воздействию высоких температур.
•Применяется в качестве клеевого состава или герметика для прокладок и для уплотнения корпуса силовой передачи и т.д.
•Применяется в качестве герметика для различных видов резьбы, трубных соединений, фланцев.
•Применяется в качестве герметика для конических пробок, угловых штуцеров, штуцеров гидросистемы.
•Свойства: на силиконовой основе, термостойкий, морозоустойчивый
•Применяется в качестве герметика для фланцевых поверхностей, резьбы.
•Применяется в качестве герметика для масляного поддона, картера конечной передачи и т.д.
Категория |
Обозначение |
Номер по каталогу Кол-во |
Упаковка |
Комацу |
1 ã |
Тюбик |
Клеящие |
составы |
Three bond |
100 ã |
Тюбик |
60 ã |
Банка |
Дисульфид- |
молибдено- |
вая смазка |
200 ã |
Тюбик |
Различное |
Различная |
Консистентная |
смазка |
Различное |
Различная |
Дисульфид- |
400 ã |
Òèïà |
молибденовая |
(ïî 10 ã â |
Belows |
смазка |
упаковке) |
Основная область применения, свойства
•Свойства: на силиконовой основе, малое время отвердения
•Применяется в качестве герметика для кожуха маховика, впускного коллектора, масляного поддона, корпуса термостата и т.д.
•Применяется в качестве термостойкого герметика для ремонта двигателя.
•Применяется в качестве смазки для поверхностей скольжения (для предотвращения скрипа).
•Применяется для предотвращения заедания и задиров резьбы при запрессовке или усадке.
•Применяется в качестве смазки для ры- чажного механизма, подшипников и т.д.
•Общего назначения
•Применяется для подшипников, работающих при нормальной температуре и низкой нагрузке в местах, контактирующих с водой или паром.
•Применяется в местах, подверженных большой нагрузке.
:В случае применения болтов и гаек с метрической резьбой, не снабженных специальной инструкцией, затягивайте их с моментом, указанным в нижеприведенной таблице.ГО КЛЮЧА)
Диаметр резьбы болта |
Размер под ключ |
ìì |
ìì |
Íì |
êãì |
Диаметр резьбы болта |
Размер под ключ |
ìì |
ìì |
Íì |
êãì |
Уплотняющая поверхность
В случае применения гаек с уплотняющим конусом, не снабженных специальной инструкцией, затягивайте их с моментом, указанным в нижеприведенной таблице.
Диаметр резьбы |
Размер под ключ |
Момент затяжки |
ìì |
ìì |
Íì |
êãì |
Болты фланцевых соединений, не снабженные специальными инструкциями, затягивайте с моментом, указанным в нижеприведенной таблице.
Диаметр резьбы |
Размер под ключ |
Момент затяжки |
ìì |
ìì |
Íì |
êãì |
При отсутствии особых указаний затягивайте втулки трубных соединений с уплотнительными кольцами с моментом, указанным ниже.
Диаметр резьбы |
Размер под ключ |
Момент затяжки |
Условный номер |
ìì |
ìì |
Íì |
êãì |
Зависит от типа |
соединителя. |
При отсутствии особых указаний затягивайте заглушки с уплотнительными кольцами с моментом, указанным ниже.
Диаметр резьбы |
Размер под ключ |
Момент затяжки |
Условный номер |
ìì |
ìì |
Íì |
êãì |
Используйте указанные ниже моменты для затяжки болтов и гаек (с метрической резьбой) двигателей Камминз.
Диаметр резьбы |
Момент затяжки |
ìì |
Íì |
êãì |
6 |
10 ± 2 |
1.02 ± 0.20 |
8 |
24 ± 4 |
2.45 ± 0.41 |
10 |
43 ± 6 |
4.38 ± 0.61 |
12 |
77 ± 12 |
7.85 ± 1.22 |
Используйте указанные ниже моменты для затяжки шарнирных соединений (с метрической резьбой) двигателей Камминз.
Диаметр резьбы |
Момент затяжки |
ìì |
Íì |
êãì |
6 |
8 ± 2 |
0.81 ± 0.20 |
8 |
10 ± 2 |
1.02 ± 0.20 |
10 |
12 ± 2 |
1.22 ± 0.20 |
12 |
24 ± 4 |
2.45 ± 0.41 |
14 |
36 ± 5 |
3.67 ± 0.51 |
Используйте указанные ниже моменты для затяжки конических винтов (с неметрической резьбой) двигателей Камминз.
Диаметр резьбы |
Момент затяжки |
ìì |
Íì |
êãì |
1 / 16 |
3 ± 1 |
0.31 ± 0.10 |
1 / 8 |
8 ± 2 |
0.81 ± 0.20 |
1 / 4 |
12 ± 2 |
1.22 ± 0.20 |
3 / 8 |
15 ± 2 |
1.53 ± 0.41 |
1 / 2 |
24 ± 4 |
2.45 ± 0.41 |
3 / 4 |
36 ± 5 |
3.67 ± 0.51 |
1 |
60 ± 9 |
6.12 ± 0.92 |
В монтажных схемах электропроводки для обозначения толщины проводов используются различные цвета и символы.
Нижеприведенная таблица условных обозначений поможет правильно читать МОНТАЖНЫЕ СХЕМЫ ЭЛЕКТРОПРОВОДКИ.
Пример: 5WB соответствует проводу с условным номером 5 и белой изоляцией с черной полосой.
Медный провод |
Наружный |
Расчетная |
Электрическая цепь, в |
Условный |
Диаметр |
Поперечное |
диаметр |
ñèëà òîêà |
которой используется |
номер |
Êîë-âî æèë |
æèëû |
сечение |
провода |
(À) |
провод |
(ìì2) |
(ìì2) |
(ìì) |
Пусковая, осветительная, |
сигнальная и т.д. |
Осветительная, |
сигнальная и т.д. |
Зарядная и сигнальная |
Пусковая (свеча |
накаливания) |
Пусковая |
Пусковая |
Пусковая |
Öåïè |
Зазем- |
Ïðèî- |
Зарядная |
Пусковая |
Осветительная |
Приборная |
Сигнальная |
Прочие |
ритет |
Êëàñ- |
ление |
сификация |
Основ- |
Êîä |
íàÿ |
Öâåò |
Белый |
Черный |
Черный |
Красный |
Желтый |
Зеленый |
Синий |
Êîä |
Öâåò |
Белый с |
Черный с |
Красный с |
Желтый с |
Зеленый с |
Синий с |
красным |
белым |
белым |
красным |
белым |
белым |
Êîä |
Öâåò |
Белый с |
Черный с |
Красный с |
Желтый с |
Зеленый с |
Синий с |
черным |
желтым |
черным |
черным |
красным |
красным |
Âñïî- |
Êîä |
ìîãà- |
Öâåò |
Белый с |
Черный с |
Красный с |
Желтый с |
Зеленый с |
Синий с |
òåëü- |
íàÿ |
синим |
красным |
желтым |
зеленым |
желтым |
желтым |
Êîä |
Öâåò |
Белый с |
Красный с |
Желтый с |
Зеленый с |
Синий с |
зеленым |
зеленым |
синим |
черным |
черным |
Êîä |
Öâåò |
Красный с |
Желтый с |
Зеленый с |
синим |
белым |
синим |
В данном разделе представлены таблицы перевода, позволяющие легко переводить одни единицы измерений в другие. Методика использования этих таблиц подробно изложена в нижеприведенных примерах.
•Метод использования таблицы для перевода миллиметров в дюймы
1. Перевод 55 мм в дюймы. |
(1) |
Найдите число 50 в вертикальной колонке с левой стороны, примите его за A, затем проведите |
горизонтальную линию от A. |
(2) |
Найдите число 5 в верхней строке, примите его за B, затем проведите перпендикулярную линию |
âíèç îò B. |
(3) |
Примите точку пересечения этих линий за C. Данная точка C покажет искомую величину при |
переводе миллиметров в дюймы. Следовательно, 55 мм = 2,165 дюйма.
2.Перевод 550 мм в дюймы.
(1)Число 550 в таблице отсутствует, поэтому разделите его на 10 (переместите десятичную запятую на один знак влево), чтобы преобразовать это число в 55 мм.
(2)Выполните вышеописанную процедуру по переводу 55 мм в 2,165 дюйма.
(3)Исходная величина (550 мм) была разделена на 10, поэтому 2,165 дюйма надо умножить на 10 (переместить десятичную запятую на один знак вправо), чтобы привести это число к исходному виду. Получится: 550 мм = 21,65 дюйма.
Перевод миллиметров в дюймы |
1 мм = 0,03937 дюйма |
Перевод килограммов в фунты
1 кг = 2,2046 фунта
Перевод литров в галлоны США |
1 л = 0,2642 галлона США |
Перевод литров в английские галлоны
1 л = 0,21997 английского галлона
Перевод кгм в футо-фунты
1 кгм = 7,233 футо-фунта
Перевод кг/см2 â ôóíò/äþéì2
1 êã/ñì2 = 14,2233 ôóíò/äþéì2
Перевод градусов Фаренгейта в градусы Цельсия: Простой способ перевести значение температуры по Фаренгейту в значение по Цельсию и наоборот — с помощью прилагаемой таблицы, где между колонкой градусов по Цельсию и колонкой градусов по Фаренгейту имеется центральная колонка, выделенная жирным шрифтом.
Цифры в этой центральной колонке используются для обозначения температуры в градусах как по Фаренгейту, так и по Цельсию.
Если необходимо перевести градусы по Фаренгейту в градусы по Цельсию, исходите из центральной колонки как таблицы градусов по Фаренгейту, а эквивалент в градусах по Цельсию прочитайте в колонке слева.
Если необходимо перевести градусы по Цельсию в градусы по Фаренгейту, исходите из центральной колонки как таблицы градусов по Цельсию, а эквивалент в градусах по Фаренгейту прочитайте в колонке справа. 1°Ñ = 33,8°F
В данной инструкции единицы измерения приведены в международной системе единиц (СИ). Для справки в скобках ( ) указываются значения традиционной системы единиц с основными величинами: масса, длина, время.
Í (êã) Íì (êãì)
ÌÏà (êã/ñì2) êÏà (ìì âîä.ñò.) êÏà (ìì ðò.ñò.)
êÂò / îá/ìèí (ë.ñ. / îá/ìèí) ã/êÂò÷ (ã/ë.ñ.-÷)
Размерные чертежи спецификаций |
…01-2 |
Технические характеристики |
ÐÑ300-7, PÑ300LC-7 ……………… |
01-4 |
PC350-7, PC350LC-7 ……………… |
01-6 |
Таблица масс |
ÐÑ300-7, PÑ300LC-7 ……………… |
01-8 |
PC350-7, PC350LC-7 ……………. |
01-10 |
Топливо, охлаждающая жидкость |
и смазочные материалы ………………. |
01-12 |
Параметр |
Единица |
измерения |
Габаритная длина |
ìì |
Габаритная высота |
ìì |
Габаритная ширина |
ìì |
Ширина гусеничной цепи |
ìì |
Высота кабины |
ìì |
Радиус поворота задней |
ìì |
части платформы |
Габаритная длина гусеничной |
ìì |
öåïè |
Опорная длина гусениц |
ìì |
Мин. дорожный просвет |
ìì |
Параметр |
Единица |
измерения |
Макс. радиус выемки грунта |
ìì |
Макс. глубина выемки грунта |
ìì |
Макс. высота выемки грунта |
ìì |
Макс. глубина вертикальной |
ìì |
стенки котлована |
Макс. высота выгрузки |
ìì |
Мин. высота выгрузки |
ìì |
Макс. радиус действия |
ìì |
на уровне грунта |
ÐÑ300-7, ÐÑ300LC-7
Эксплуатационные характеристики
Модель машины |
Серийный номер |
è âûøå |
Вместимость ковша |
ì3 |
Масса машины |
êã |
диапазоны |
Макс. глубина выемки грунта |
ìì |
Макс. глубина вертикальной стенки |
ìì |
Макс. радиус выемки грунта |
ìì |
Макс. радиус действия на уровне грунта |
ìì |
Рабочие |
Макс. высота выемки грунта |
ìì |
Макс. высота выгрузки |
ìì |
Макс. усилие резания |
êÍ {êã} |
(при макс. мощности) |
êÍ {êã} |
Скорость поворота платформы |
îá/ìèí |
Макс. угол уклона при повороте платформы |
градус |
Скорость передвижения |
êì/÷ |
Преодолеваемый подъем |
градус |
Давление на грунт |
êÏà {êã/ñì2} |
[нормативная ширина башмака] |
[ìì] |
Габаритная длина (в транспортном положении) |
ìì |
Габаритная ширина |
ìì |
Габаритная ширина гусеницы |
ìì |
Габаритная высота (в транспортном положении) |
ìì |
Габаритная высота до шасси |
ìì |
Габаритная высота до верхней точки машины |
ìì |
Дорожный просвет поворотной платформы |
ìì |
Мин. дорожный просвет |
ìì |
Радиус поворота задней части платформы |
ìì |
Высота рабочего оборудования при мин. |
ìì |
радиусе поворота платформы |
ìì |
Опорная длина гусениц |
Колея гусеничного хода |
ìì |
Высота кабины машины |
ìì |
: Режим “Mi” имеется только на моделях машин, оборудованных многофункциональным дисплеем.
Ходовая часть
Модель машины
Серийный номер
Количество цилиндров — диаметр х ход поршня
Рабочий объем
Эксплуатационные характеристики Мощность на маховике Макс. крутящий момент
Макс. частота вращения без нагрузки Мин. частота вращения без нагрузки Мин. расход топлива
Генератор Аккумуляторная батарея
Тип теплообменного элемента радиатора Поддерживающий каток Опорный каток
Башмак гусеницы
ë {ñì3}
êÂò/îá/ìèí {ë.ñ./îá/ìèí} Íì/îá/ìèí {êãì/îá/ìèí}
îá/ìèí ã/êÂò÷ {ã/ë.ñ.-÷}
40001 è âûøå
4-тактный, водяного охлаждения, с рядным вертикальным расположением цилиндров, с непосредственным впрыском,
турбонагнетателем и последующим охладителем
24 Â, 7,5 êÂò
24 Â, 35 À
12 Â, 126 À-÷ x 2
по 2 с каждой стороны
по 7 с каждой стороны |
по 8 с каждой стороны |
Башмак с тройным |
Башмак с тройным |
грунтозацепом сборного |
грунтозацепом сборного |
типа, по 45 с каждой |
типа, по 48 с каждой |
стороны |
стороны |
Гидравлический насос |
Установленное давление |
ÌÏà {êã/ñì2} |
37.8 {380} |
Тип х количество |
Переменной производительности поршневого |
òèïà õ 2 (HPV125+125) |
Распред. клапан |
Производительность |
ë/ìèí |
267.5 õ 2 |
Способ управления |
Гидравлический |
Гидромотор |
Тип х количество |
6-золотниковый + однозолотниковый х 1 |
платформы |
тормозом удержания): х 1 (KMF230АBE-5) |
Гидромотор передвижения |
Поршневого типа (с тормозным клапаном и |
стояночным тормозом): х 2 (HMV160ADT-2) |
Гидромотор поворота |
Поршневого типа (с предохранительным клапаном и |
обратный клапан реверса |
Òèï |
Стрела |
Рукоять |
Êîâø |
Поршень |
Поршень |
Поршень |
Гидроцилиндр |
двустороннего |
двустороннего |
двустороннего |
действия |
действия |
действия |
Внутренний диаметр цилиндра |
ìì |
Диаметр штока поршня |
ìì |
Õîä |
ìì |
Макс. расстояние между пальцами |
ìì |
Мин. расстояние между пальцами |
ìì |
Гидробак |
Закрытого типа |
Фильтр гидросистемы |
С обратной стороны бака |
Маслоохладитель гидросистемы |
CFT-1 (с воздушным охлаждением) |
ÐÑ350-7, ÐÑ350LC-7
Эксплуатационные характеристики
Модель машины |
Серийный номер |
è âûøå |
Вместимость ковша |
ì3 |
Масса машины |
êã |
диапазоны |
Макс. глубина выемки грунта |
ìì |
Макс. глубина вертикальной стенки |
ìì |
Макс. радиус выемки грунта |
ìì |
Макс. радиус действия на уровне грунта |
ìì |
Рабочие |
Макс. высота выемки грунта |
ìì |
Макс. высота выгрузки |
ìì |
Макс. усилие резания |
êÍ {êã} |
(при макс. мощности) |
Скорость поворота платформы |
îá/ìèí |
Макс. угол уклона при повороте платформы |
градус |
Скорость передвижения |
êì/÷ |
Преодолеваемый подъем |
градус |
Давление на грунт |
êÏà {êã/ñì2} |
[нормативная ширина башмака] |
[ìì] |
Габаритная длина (в транспортном положении) |
ìì |
Габаритная ширина |
ìì |
Габаритная ширина гусеницы |
ìì |
Габаритная высота (в транспортном положении) |
ìì |
Габаритная высота до шасси |
ìì |
Габаритная высота до верхней точки машины |
ìì |
Дорожный просвет поворотной платформы |
ìì |
Мин. дорожный просвет |
ìì |
Радиус поворота задней части платформы |
ìì |
Высота рабочего оборудования при мин. |
ìì |
радиусе поворота платформы |
ìì |
Опорная длина гусениц |
Колея гусеничного хода |
ìì |
Высота кабины машины |
ìì |
: Режим “Mi” имеется только на моделях машин, оборудованных многофункциональным дисплеем.
Ходовая часть
Модель машины |
Серийный номер |
è âûøå |
Модель |
Òèï |
4-тактный, водяного охлаждения, с рядным вертикальным |
расположением цилиндров, с непосредственным впрыском, |
турбонагнетателем и последующим охладителем |
Количество цилиндров — диаметр х ход поршня
Рабочий объем
Эксплуатационные характеристики Мощность на маховике Макс. крутящий момент
Макс. частота вращения без нагрузки Мин. частота вращения без нагрузки Мин. расход топлива
Генератор Аккумуляторная батарея
Тип теплообменного элемента радиатора
ë {ñì3} êÂò/îá/ìèí {ë.ñ./îá/ìèí} Íì/îá/ìèí {êãì/îá/ìèí}
îá/ìèí ã/êÂò÷ {ã/ë.ñ.-÷}
24 Â, 4,5 êÂò
24 Â, 35 À
12 Â, 110 À-÷ x 2
Поддерживающий каток
Опорный каток
Башмак гусеницы
Гидравлический насос |
Тип х количество |
Производительность |
ë/ìèí |
Распред. |
клапан |
Установленное давление |
ÌÏà {êã/ñì2} |
Тип х количество |
Гидромотор |
Способ управления |
платформы |
Гидромотор передвижения |
Гидромотор поворота |
Гидроцилиндр |
Òèï |
Внутренний диаметр цилиндра |
ìì |
Диаметр штока поршня |
ìì |
Õîä |
ìì |
Макс. расстояние между пальцами |
ìì |
Мин. расстояние между пальцами |
ìì |
Гидробак Фильтр гидросистемы
Маслоохладитель гидросистемы
по 2 с каждой стороны
по 7 с каждой стороны |
по 8 с каждой стороны |
Башмак с тройным |
Башмак с тройным |
грунтозацепом сборного |
грунтозацепом сборного |
типа, по 45 с каждой |
типа, по 48 с каждой |
стороны |
стороны |
Переменной производительности поршневого типа х 2 (HPV125+125)
267.5õ 2
6-золотниковый + однозолотниковый х 1
Поршневого типа (с тормозным клапаном и стояночным тормозом): х 2 (HMV160ADT-2)
Поршневого типа (с предохранительным клапаном и тормозом удержания): х 1 (KMF230ABE-5)
обратный клапан реверса
Стрела |
Рукоять |
Êîâø |
Поршень |
Поршень |
Поршень |
двустороннего |
двустороннего |
двустороннего |
действия |
действия |
действия |
Закрытого типа С обратной стороны бака
CFT-1 (с воздушным охлаждением)
<Данной таблицей масс следует руководствоваться при транспортировке машины или погрузочно-разгрузочных работах.
PC300-7, PC300LC-7
Модель машины
Серийный номер
Двигатель в сборе
±Гидравлический насос
Радиатор и маслоохладитель в сборе Гидробак и фильтр в сборе (без масла гидросистемы) Топливный бак (без топлива)
Поворотная рама Кабина оператора Сиденье оператора Противовес
Редуктор поворота платформы Распределительный клапан Гидромотор поворота платформы Гидромотор передвижения Центральное поворотное соединение Рама гусеничной тележки в сборе
±Рама гусеничной тележки
±Поворотный круг
±Промежуточная шестерня
±Демпфер направляющего колеса
±Поддерживающий каток
±Опорный каток
±Конечная передача (включая гидромотор передвижения)
Единица измерения: кг
è âûøå
Модель машины
Серийный номер Гусеничная лента в сборе
±Стандартный башмак с тремя грунтозацепами (600 мм)
±Стандартный башмак с тремя грунтозацепами (700 мм)
±Широкий башмак с тремя грунтозацепами (800 мм)
±Вкладыш (с резиновой подкладкой) (600 мм)
Стрела в сборе Рукоять в сборе Ковш в сборе
Цилиндр стрелы в сборе Цилиндр рукояти в сборе Цилиндр ковша в сборе Звено в сборе (большое) Звено в сборе (малое) Палец стрелы Палец рукояти Палец ковша Палец звена
Единица измерения: кг
è âûøå
PC350-7, PC350LC-7
Модель машины
Серийный номер
Двигатель в сборе
±Гидравлический насос
Радиатор и маслоохладитель в сборе Гидробак и фильтр в сборе (без масла гидросистемы) Топливный бак (без топлива)
Поворотная рама Кабина оператора Сиденье оператора Противовес
Редуктор поворота платформы Распределительный клапан Гидромотор поворота платформы Гидромотор передвижения Центральное поворотное соединение Рама гусеничной тележки в сборе
±Рама гусеничной тележки
±Поворотный круг
±Промежуточная шестерня
±Демпфер направляющего колеса
±Поддерживающий каток
±Опорный каток
±Конечная передача (включая гидромотор передвижения)
Единица измерения: кг
è âûøå
Модель машины
Серийный номер Гусеничная лента в сборе
±Стандартный башмак с тремя грунтозацепами (600 мм)
±Стандартный башмак с тремя грунтозацепами (700 мм)
±Широкий башмак с тремя грунтозацепами (800 мм)
±Вкладыш (с резиновой подкладкой) (600 мм)
Стрела в сборе Рукоять в сборе Ковш в сборе
Цилиндр стрелы в сборе Цилиндр рукояти в сборе Цилиндр ковша в сборе Звено в сборе (большое) Звено в сборе (малое) Палец стрелы Палец рукояти Палец ковша Палец звена
Единица измерения: кг
è âûøå
Номинальная При смене |
Масляный поддон двигателя
Корпус демпфера |
Корпус редуктора поворота |
платформы |
Картер конечной передачи |
Моторное |
(c каждой стороны) |
масло |
Направляющее колесо |
0.22 — 0.24 |
0.22 — 0.24 |
(1 с каждой стороны) |
Опорный каток |
0.25 — 0.28 |
0.25 — 0.28 |
(1 с каждой стороны) |
Поддерживающий каток |
0.145 — 0.155 |
0.145 — 0.155 |
(1 с каждой стороны) |
Гидросистема |
Масло |
гидросистемы |
Топливный бак |
Дизельное |
топливо |
Система охлаждения |
Охлаждающая |
Добавьте антифриз |
жидкость |
: Для H-046-HM используйте масло, рекомендуемое фирмой Комацу.
Связанные с двигателем детали …………….. |
10-2 |
Радиатор, маслоохладитель, |
последующий охладитель…………………… |
10-3 |
Силовая передача ………………………………….. |
10-4 |
Конечная передача ………………………………… |
10-6 |
Редуктор поворота платформы ……………….. |
10-8 |
Поворотный круг …………………………………… |
10-10 |
Рама гусеничной тележки, |
натяжная пружина ……………………………. |
10-12 |
Направляющее колесо …………………………. |
10-14 |
Поддерживающий каток………………………… |
10-16 |
Опорный каток ……………………………………… |
10-17 |
Башмак гусеницы …………………………………. |
10-18 |
Схема расположения гидравлического |
оборудования …………………………………… |
10-22 |
Гидробак ………………………………………………. |
10-24 |
Гидравлический насос ………………………….. |
10-26 |
Клапан переменного объема ………………… |
10-47 |
Распределительный клапан ………………….. |
10-50 |
Система обнаружения нагрузки |
с закрытым центром (CLSS) ……………… |
10-66 |
Клапан с автоматическим |
понижением давления………………………. |
10-69 |
Гидромотор поворота платформы …………. |
10-72 |
Клапан предотвращения обратного |
давления …………………………………………. |
10-78 |
Центральное поворотное соединение …… |
10-80 |
Гидромотор передвижения ……………………. |
10-81 |
Объединяющий клапан передвижения ….. |
10-91 |
Челночный клапан PPC передвижения ….. |
10-94 |
Клапанная система управления…………….. |
10-98 |
Рабочее оборудование, клапан РРС |
поворота платформы ……………………….. |
10-99 |
Клапан передвижения РРС …………………. |
10-103 |
Клапан ррс рабочего оборудования …….. |
10-112 |
Электромагнитный клапан…………………… |
10-115 |
Гидроаккумулятор PPC ……………………….. |
10-117 |
Обратный масляный фильтр ……………….. |
10-118 |
Клапан предотвращения |
гидравлического дрейфа стрелы …….. |
10-120 |
Клапан быстрого возврата…………………… |
10-126 |
Обратный клапан подъема ………………….. |
10-128 |
Переключающий клапан контура |
рабочего оборудования …………………… |
10-129 |
Гидроцилиндр …………………………………….. |
10-132 |
Рабочее оборудование ……………………….. |
10-134 |
Кондиционер ………………………………………. |
10-140 |
Система управления двигателем…………. |
10-141 |
Электронная система управления ……….. |
10-149 |
Многофункциональная система контроля … |
10-173 |
7- сегментная система контроля ………….. |
10-193 |
Датчик ………………………………………………… |
10-200 |
1. |
Ведущий диск |
5. |
Демпфер в сборе |
2. |
Торсионная пружина |
6. |
Глушитель |
> Используется демпфер мокрого типа. |
3. |
Стопорный штифт |
7. |
Детали заднего крепления |
4. |
Фрикционная пластина |
двигателя |
Заправочный объем масла: 1,3 л |
8. |
Детали переднего крепления |
двигателя |
10-2 |
PC300-7 |
1. |
Расширительный бачок |
2. |
Маслоохладитель |
3. |
Радиатор |
Радиатор |
: CF19-4 |
4. |
Впускной шланг радиатора |
Маслоохладитель |
: CF40-1 |
5.Выпускной шланг радиатора
8.Крышка радиатора
9.Последующий охладитель
1. |
Направляющее колесо |
8. |
Электромагнитный клапан скорости передвиже- |
2. |
Центральное поворотное соединение |
íèÿ |
3. |
Распределительный клапан |
9. |
Электромагнитный клапан тормоза поворота |
4. |
Конечная передача |
платформы |
5. |
Гидромотор передвижения (HMV 160ADT-2) |
10. |
Редуктор поворота платформы |
6. |
Двигатель (SAA6D114E) |
11. |
Гидромотор механизма поворота платформы |
7. |
Гидравлический насос (HPV125+125) |
(KMF230ABE-5) |
12. |
Поворотный круг |
1-й проход:
2-й проход:
1. |
Контрольно-заливная пробка |
2. |
Сливная пробка |
3. |
Планетарная шестерня ¹ 1 (кол-во зубьев: 42) |
4. |
Солнечная шестерня ¹ 1 (кол-во зубьев: 11) |
5. |
Солнечная шестерня ¹ 2 (кол-во зубьев: 19) |
6. |
Водило планетарной передачи ¹ 1 |
7. |
Водило планетарной передачи ¹ 2 |
8. |
Крышка |
9. |
Коронная шестерня (кол-во зубьев: 97) |
10. |
Ступица |
11. |
Звездочка |
12. |
Плавающее уплотнение |
13. |
Гидромотор передвижения |
14. |
Планетарная шестерня ¹ 2 (кол-во зубьев: |
Передаточное отношение:
— |
11 + 97 |
+ |
19 + 97 |
= -58,943 |
11 |
19 |
Единица измерения: мм
¹ |
Пункт проверки |
Критерии |
Способ устранения |
неисправностей |
15 |
Боковой зазор между солнечной шестер- |
Нормативный зазор |
Предельный зазор |
Замените |
ней ¹ 1 и планетарной шестерней ¹ 1 |
0,12 — 0,44 |
0,90 |
16 |
Боковой зазор между планетарной шес- |
0,18 — 0,62 |
1,20 |
терней ¹ 1 и коронной шестерней |
17 |
Боковой зазор между водилом планетар- |
0,06 — 0,25 |
– |
ной передачи ¹ 2 и гидромотором |
18 |
Боковой зазор между солнечной шестер- |
0,15 — 0,51 |
1,00 |
ней ¹ 2 и планетарной шестерней ¹ 2 |
19 |
Боковой зазор между планетарной шес- |
0,19 — 0,66 |
1,30 |
терней ¹ 2 и коронной шестерней |
20 |
Боковой зазор между водилом планетарной |
0,39 — 0,80 |
1,60 |
передачи ¹ 2 и солнечной шестерней ¹ 2 |
21 |
Износ зуба звездочки |
Ремонтный допуск: 6 |
Отремонтируйте |
Нормативный размер |
Ремонтный допуск |
22 |
Ширина зуба звездочки |
или замените |
87 |
84 |
1. Обегающая шестерня поворота платформы (кол-во зубьев: 13)
2. Распорка
3. Корпус
4. Планетарная шестерня ¹ 2
5. Солнечная шестерня ¹ 2
6. Коронная шестерня
7. Солнечная шестерня ¹ 1
8. Гидромотор поворота платформы
9. Масломерный щуп
10. Планетарная шестерня ¹ 1
11. Водило планетарной передачи ¹ 1
12. Водило планетарной передачи ¹ 2
13. Сливная пробка
Единица измерения: мм |
¹ |
Пункт проверки |
Критерии |
Способ устранения |
неисправностей |
14 |
Боковой зазор между валом гидромотора пово- |
Нормативный зазор |
Предельный зазор |
рота платформы и солнечной шестерней ¹ 1 |
0,18 — 0,28 |
– |
15 |
Боковой зазор между солнечной шестерней |
0,15 — 0,51 |
1,00 |
¹ 1 и планетарной шестерней ¹ 1 |
16 |
Боковой зазор между планетарной шестерней |
0,17 — 0,60 |
1,10 |
¹ 1 и коронной шестерней |
17 |
Боковой зазор между водилом планетарной |
0,40 — 0,75 |
1,20 |
передачи ¹ 1 и солнечной шестерней ¹ 2 |
18 |
Боковой зазор между солнечной шестерней |
0,16 — 0,55 |
1,00 |
Замените |
¹ 2 и планетарной шестерней ¹ 2 |
19 |
Боковой зазор между планетарной шестерней |
0,17 — 0,60 |
1,10 |
¹ 2 и коронной шестерней |
20 |
Боковой зазор между соединительной муфтой |
0,08 — 0,25 |
– |
и обегающей шестерней поворота платформы |
21 |
Боковой зазор между обегающей шестерней |
0,00 — 1,21 |
2,00 |
поворота платформы и поворотным кругом |
22 |
Зазор между пластиной и соединитель- |
0,57 — 1,09 |
– |
ной муфтой |
23 |
Износ контактной поверхности масляного уп- |
Нормативный размер |
Ремонтный допуск |
Выполните хромиро- |
лотнения обегающей шестерни поворота |
0 |
– |
вание, восстановите |
платформы |
145 -0,100 |
или замените |
1. |
Внутренняя обойма поворотного круга |
(кол-во зубьев: 90) |
2. |
Шарик |
— 90 = -6,923 |
3. |
Наружная обойма поворотного круга |
Передаточное отношение: |
13 |
a. Метка «S» внутреннего круга |
b. |
Метка «S» наружного круга |
Кол-во консистентной смазки: 33 л (G2-LI) |
Единица измерения: мм |
¹ |
Пункт проверки |
Критерии |
Способ устранения |
неисправностей |
Осевой зазор подшипника |
Нормативный зазор |
Предельный зазор |
4 |
Замените |
(при установке на шасси) |
0,5 — 1,6 |
3,2 |
10-10 |
PC300-7 |
1. |
Направляющее колесо |
> Размеры и количество опорных катков для разных моде- |
2. |
Рама гусеничной тележки |
лей могут быть различны, но принципиальная конструк- |
3. |
Поддерживающий каток |
> |
ция остается без изменений. |
4. |
Конечная передача |
Количество опорных катков |
5. |
Опорный каток |
6. |
Гусеничная цепь |
Модель |
Êîë-âî |
7. |
Центральное ограждение |
8. |
Натяжная пружина |
PC300-7, PC350-7 |
7 |
9. |
Переднее ограждение |
PC300LC-7, PC350LC-7 |
8 |
Komatsu PC300-8: List of Available Documents
Note for Owners: webproject is not a service center of Komatsu trademark and does not carries out works for diagnosis and repair of faulty Komatsu PC300-8 equipment. For quality services, please contact an official service center of Komatsu company. On our website you can read and download documentation for your Komatsu PC300-8 device for free and familiarize yourself with the technical specifications of device.
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Экскаваторы Komatsu PC300, PC300LC-7, PC350, PC350LC-7:
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Komatsu PC300-7
Table of Contents
Related Manuals for Komatsu ecot3 PC300LC-8
Summary of Contents for Komatsu ecot3 PC300LC-8
Page 1
SEN01983-15 HYDRAULIC PC300 EXCAVATOR PC300LC PC350 PC350LC PC300- 60001 PC300LC- 60001 SERIAL NUMBERS and up PC350- 60001 PC350LC- 60001… -
Page 3
SEN01985-15 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR 1SHOP MANUAL PC300-8 PC300LC-8 PC350-8 PC350LC-8 Machine model Serial number PC300-8 60001 and up PC300LC-8 60001 and up PC350-8 60001 and up PC350LC-8 60001 and up 00 Index and foreword Index Composition of shop manual …………………….. 2 Table of contents ……………………….. -
Page 4
SEN01985-15 00 Index and foreword Composition of shop manual The contents of this shop manual are shown together with Form No. in a list. Note 1: Always keep the latest version of this manual in accordance with this list and utilize accordingly. The marks shown to the right of Form No. -
Page 5
00 Index and foreword SEN01985-15 Troubleshooting of engine (S-mode) SEN02634-02 50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02002-09 General information on disassembly and assembly SEN02635-02 Engine and cooling system SEN02636-03 Power train SEN02637-02 Undercarriage and frame SEN02638-03 Hydraulic system SEN02639-02 Work equipment SEN02640-00 Cab and its attachments SEN02641-02 Electrical system… -
Page 6: Table Of Contents
SEN01985-15 00 Index and foreword Table of contents 00 Index and foreword Index SEN01985-15 Composition of shop manual ………………..Table of contents……………………Foreword and general information SEN01986-02 Safety notice……………………..How to read the shop manual ………………… Explanation of terms for maintenance standard…………….Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component…………
Page 7
00 Index and foreword SEN01985-15 Hydraulic system, Part 3 SEN01995-01 Valve control……………………..PPC valve ……………………… Solenoid valve……………………..26 PPC accumulator ……………………28 Return oil filter ……………………..29 Center swivel joint ……………………30 Travel motor ……………………..31 Swing motor ……………………..43 Hydraulic cylinder…………………… -
Page 8
SEN01985-15 00 Index and foreword Releasing remaining pressure in hydraulic circuit …………… 56 Testing oil leakage amount………………….56 Bleeding air from various parts………………..59 Diode inspection procedures………………….. 61 Installation and adjustment of mirrors ………………62 Testing and adjusting, Part 2 SEN02626-04 Special functions of machine monitor……………… -
Page 9
00 Index and foreword SEN01985-15 Failure code [CA322] Inj #1 (L/B#1) Open/Short Error …………… 51 Failure code [CA323] Inj #5 (L/B#5) Open/Short Error …………… 53 Failure code [CA324] Inj #3 (L/B#3) Open/Short Error …………… 55 Failure code [CA325] Inj #6 (L/B#6) Open/Short Error …………… 57 Failure code [CA331] Inj #2 (L/B#2) Open/Short Error …………… -
Page 10
SEN01985-15 00 Index and foreword Failure code [DWA2KA] Attachment Sol Open Circuit …………..32 Failure code [DWA2KB] Attachment Sol Short Circuit …………..33 Failure code [DWJ0KA] Merge-divider Sol. Open Circuit…………34 Failure code [DWJ0KB] Merge-divider Sol. Short Circuit …………36 Failure code [DWK0KA] 2-stage Relief Sol. -
Page 11
00 Index and foreword SEN01985-15 H-4 Abnormal noise is heard from around hydraulic pump…………H-5 Auto-decelerator does not work ………………. 12 H-6 Fine control mode does not function or responds slow …………12 H-7 Boom moves slowly or lacks power ………………13 H-8 Arm moves slowly or lacks power ……………… -
Page 12
SEN01985-15 00 Index and foreword Removal and installation of aftercooler assembly …………… 30 Removal and installation of engine and hydraulic pump assembly ……….31 Power train SEN02637-02 Removal and installation of final drive assembly…………….. Disassembly and assembly of final drive assembly …………..Removal and installation of swing motor and swing machinery assembly …….. -
Page 13
00 Index and foreword SEN01985-15 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 14
SEN01985-15 PC300, 350(LC)-8 Hydraulic excavator Form No. SEN01985-15 © 2013 KOMATSU All Rights Reserved Printed in Japan 01-13… -
Page 15
SEN01986-02 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR 1SH O P M AN UAL PC300-8 PC300LC-8 PC350-8 PC350LC-8 Machine model Serial number PC300-8 60001 and up PC300LC-8 60001 and up PC350-8 60001 and up PC350LC-8 60001 and up 00 Index and foreword Foreword and general information Safety notice ………………………… -
Page 16: Safety Notice
Proper service and repair are extremely important for safe machine operation. The service and repair techniques recommended by Komatsu and described in this manual are both effective and safe. Some of these techniques require the use of tools specially designed by Komatsu for the specific purpose.
Page 17
00 Index and foreword SEN01986-02 Preparations for work When removing a cover which is under Before adding oil or making any repairs, internal pressure or under pressure from a park the machine on a hard and level spring, always leave 2 bolts in diagonal ground, and apply the parking brake and positions. -
Page 18
SEN01986-02 00 Index and foreword Precautions for sling work and making signs Only one appointed worker must make signs and co-workers must communicate with each other frequently. The appointed sign maker must make specified signs clearly at a place where he is well seen from the operator’s seat and where he can see the working condition easily. -
Page 19
00 Index and foreword SEN01986-02 If the load is unstable or the wire rope 13) If the hoist stops because of a power fail- or chains are twisted, lower the load ure, turn the power switch OFF. When and lift it up again. turning on a switch which was turned OFF Do not lift up the load slantingly. -
Page 20
SEN01986-02 00 Index and foreword a Example of O-ring (Fitted to every joint of Precautions for disconnecting and con- necting hoses and tubes in air conditioner hoses and tubes) circuit Disconnection For the environment, the air condi- tioner of this machine uses the refrigerant (air conditioner gas: R134a) which has fewer factors of the depletion of the ozone layer. -
Page 21: How To Read The Shop Manual
This section explains the method of reproducing, repairing, and replacing parts. Revision and distribution Any additions, revisions, or other change of notices will be sent to KOMATSU distributors. Get the most up-to-date information before you start any work. PC300, 350-8…
Page 22
SEN01986-02 00 Index and foreword Filing method File by the brochures in the correct order of the form number printed in the shop manual composition table. Revised edition mark When a manual is revised, the ones and tens digits of the form number of each brochure is increased by 1. -
Page 23: Explanation Of Terms For Maintenance Standard
00 Index and foreword SEN01986-02 Explanation of terms for maintenance standard The maintenance standard chapter explains the criteria for replacing or reusing products and parts in the machine maintenance work. The following terms are used to explain the criteria. Standard size and tolerance To be accurate, the finishing size of parts is a little different from one to another.
Page 24
SEN01986-02 00 Index and foreword Standard clearance and standard value Clearance limit The clearance made when new parts are Parts can be used until the clearance assembled is called the “standard clear- between them is increased to a certain ance“, which is indicated by the range limit. -
Page 25: Handling Of Electric Equipment And Hydraulic Component
00 Index and foreword SEN01986-02 Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component To maintain the performance of the machine over a long period, and to prevent failures or other troubles before they occur, correct “operation“, “maintenance and inspection“, “troubleshooting“, and “repairs” must be carried out.
Page 26
SEN01986-02 00 Index and foreword Disconnections in wiring If the wiring is held and the connectors are pulled apart, or components are lifted with a crane with the wiring still connected, or a heavy object hits the wiring, the crimping of the connector may separate, or the sol- dering may be damaged, or the wiring may be broken. -
Page 27
00 Index and foreword SEN01986-02 Removing, installing, and drying connec- tors and wiring harnesses Disconnecting connectors Hold the connectors when discon- necting. When disconnecting the connectors, hold the connectors. For connectors held by a screw, loosen the screw fully, then hold the male and female connectors in each hand and pull apart. -
Page 28
SEN01986-02 00 Index and foreword Connecting connectors Check the connector visually. Check that there is no oil, dirt, or water stuck to the connector pins (mating portion). Check that there is no deformation, defective contact, corrosion, or dam- age to the connector pins. Check that there is no damage or breakage to the outside of the con- nector. -
Page 29
00 Index and foreword SEN01986-02 Heavy duty wire connector (DT 8-pole, 12- Disconnection Connection (Example of pole) incomplete setting of (a)) Disconnection (Left of figure) While pressing both sides of locks (a) and (b), pull out female connector (2). Connection (Right of figure) Push in female connector (2) horizon- tally until the lock clicks. -
Page 30
SEN01986-02 00 Index and foreword Drying wiring harness If there is any oil or dirt on the wiring har- ness, wipe it off with a dry cloth. Avoid washing it in water or using steam. If the connector must be washed in water, do not use high-pressure water or steam directly on the wiring harness. -
Page 31
00 Index and foreword SEN01986-02 Handling controller The controller contains a microcomputer and electronic control circuits. These con- trol all of the electronic circuits on the machine, so be extremely careful when handling the controller. Do not place objects on top of the control- ler. -
Page 32
SEN01986-02 00 Index and foreword Points to remember when handling hydraulic equipment With the increase in pressure and precision of hydraulic equipment, the most common cause of failure is dirt (foreign material) in the hydraulic circuit. When adding hydraulic oil, or when disassembling or assembling hydraulic equipment, it is necessary to be particularly careful. -
Page 33
00 Index and foreword SEN01986-02 Change hydraulic oil when the temperature is high When hydraulic oil or other oil is warm, it flows easily. In addition, the sludge can also be drained out easily from the circuit together with the oil, so it is best to change the oil when it is still warm. -
Page 34: Handling Of Connectors Newly Used For Engines
SEN01986-02 00 Index and foreword Handling of connectors newly used for engines a Mainly, following engines are object for follow- Pull lock type (PACKARD-2) ing connectors. 95 – 170, 12V140 engines 95E-5 Various temperature sensors 107E-1 Example) 114E-3 Intake air temperatur e sensor in 125E-5 intake manifold: TIM 140E-5…
Page 35
00 Index and foreword SEN01986-02 Push lock type 95, 107, 114 engines Example) Fuel pressure sensor in common rail (BOSCH-03) Disconnect connector (3) according to the fol- lowing procedure. While pressing lock (C), pull out connector (3) in the direction of the arrow. 114 engine 107, 114 engines Example) -
Page 36
SEN01986-02 00 Index and foreword 95, 125 – 170, 12V140 engines Turn-housing type (Round green connector) While pressing lock (E) of the connector, 140 engine pull out connector (5) in the direction of Example) the arrow. Intake air pressure sensor in intake mani- fold (CANNON-04): PIM etc. -
Page 37: How To Read Electric Wire Code
00 Index and foreword SEN01986-02 How to read electric wire code a The information about the wires unique to each machine model is described in Troubleshooting section, Relational information of troubleshooting. In the electric circuit diagram, the material, thickness, and color of each electric wire are indicated by sym- bols.
Page 38
SEN01986-02 00 Index and foreword Dimensions (Table 2) Nominal No. 0.5f (0.5) 0.75f (0.85) 1.25f (1.25) Number of strands/Diam- 20/0.18 7/0.32 30/0.18 11/0.32 50/0.18 16/0.32 37/0.26 26/0.32 58/0.26 41/0.32 65/0.32 eter of strand Conductor Sectional 0.51 0.56 0.76 0.88 1.27 1.29 1.96 2.09… -
Page 39
00 Index and foreword SEN01986-02 Color codes table (Table 3) Color Code Color of wire Color Code Color of wire Black Light green & White Brown Light green & Yellow Brown & Black Blue & Red Brown & Red Blue & White Brown &… -
Page 40: Precautions When Carrying Out Operation
SEN01986-02 00 Index and foreword Precautions when carrying out operation [When carrying out removal or installation (disassembly or assembly) of units, be sure to follow the general precautions given below when carrying out the operation.] Precautions when carrying out removal work If the coolant contains antifreeze, dispose of it correctly.
Page 41
00 Index and foreword SEN01986-02 Precautions when carrying out installation work Tighten all bolts and nuts (sleeve nuts) to the specified (KES) torque. Install the hoses without twisting or interference and fix them with intermediate clamps, if there are any. Replace all gaskets, O-rings, cotter pins, and lock plates with new parts. -
Page 42
SEN01986-02 00 Index and foreword Checking muffler and exhaust pipe for damage and looseness Visually check the muffler, exhaust pipe and their mounting parts for a crack and damage. If any part is damaged, replace it. Check the mounting bolts and nuts of the muffler, exhaust pipe and their mounting parts for looseness. -
Page 43: Method Of Disassembling And Connecting Push-Pull Type Coupler
00 Index and foreword SEN01986-02 Method of disassembling and connecting push-pull type coupler Before carrying out the following work, loosen the oil filler cap of the hydraulic tank gradually to release the residual pressure from the hydraulic tank. Even if the residual pressure is released from the hydraulic tank, some hydraulic oil flows out when the hose is disconnected.
Page 44
SEN01986-02 00 Index and foreword Type 2 Disconnection Hold the tightening portion and push body (7) straight until sliding prevention ring (6) contacts contact surface (a) of the hexag- onal portion at the male end. (Fig. 6) While holding the condition of Step 1), turn lever (8) to the right (clockwise). -
Page 45
00 Index and foreword SEN01986-02 Type 3 Disconnection Hold the tightening portion and push body (9) straight until sliding prevention ring (8) contacts contact surface (b) of the hexag- onal portion at the male end. (Fig. 10) While holding the condition of Step 1), push cover (10) straight until it contacts contact surface (b) of the hexagonal por- tion at the male end. -
Page 46: Standard Tightening Torque Table
SEN01986-02 00 Index and foreword Standard tightening torque table Table of tightening torques for bolts and nuts a Unless there are special instructions, tighten metric nuts and bolts to the torque below. a The following table applies to the bolts in Fig. A. Thread diameter of bolt Width across flats Tightening torque…
Page 47
00 Index and foreword SEN01986-02 Table of tightening torques for split flange bolts a Unless there are special instructions, tighten split flange bolts to the torque below. Thread diameter of bolt Width across flats Tightening torque 59 – 74 6.0 – 7.5 98 –… -
Page 48
SEN01986-02 00 Index and foreword Table of tightening torques for hoses (taper seal type and face seal type) a Unless there are special instructions, tighten the hoses (taper seal type and face seal type) to the torque below. a Apply the following torque when the threads are coated (wet) with engine oil. Tightening torque Nm {kgm} Taper seal Face seal… -
Page 49
00 Index and foreword SEN01986-02 Table of tightening torques for 102, 107 and 114 engine series (Eye joints) a Unless there are special instructions, tighten the metric eye joints of the 102, 107 and 114 engine series to the torque below. Thread size Tightening torque 8 ±… -
Page 50: Conversion Table
SEN01986-02 00 Index and foreword Conversion table Method of using the conversion table The conversion table in this section is provided to enable simple conversion of figures. For details of the method of using the conversion table, see the example given below. Example: Method of using the conversion table to convert from millimeters to inches Convert 55 mm into inches.
Page 51
00 Index and foreword SEN01986-02 Millimeters to inches 1 mm = 0.03937 in 0.039 0.079 0.118 0.157 0.197 0.236 0.276 0.315 0.354 0.394 0.433 0.472 0.512 0.551 0.591 0.630 0.669 0.709 0.748 0.787 0.827 0.866 0.906 0.945 0.984 1.024 1.063 1.102 1.142 1.181… -
Page 52
SEN01986-02 00 Index and foreword Liters to U.K. Gallons 1 l = 0.21997 U.K.Gal 0.220 0.440 0.660 0.880 1.100 1.320 1.540 1.760 1.980 2.200 2.420 2.640 2.860 3.080 3.300 3.520 3.740 3.950 4.179 4.399 4.619 4.839 5.059 5.279 5.499 5.719 5.939 6.159 6.379… -
Page 53
00 Index and foreword SEN01986-02 kg/cm to lb/in 1 kg/cm = 14.2233 lb/in 14.2 28.4 42.7 56.9 71.1 85.3 99.6 113.8 128.0 142.2 156.5 170.7 184.9 199.1 213.4 227.6 241.8 256.0 270.2 284.5 298.7 312.9 327.1 341.4 355.6 369.8 384.0 398.3 412.5 426.7… -
Page 54
SEN01986-02 00 Index and foreword Temperature Fahrenheit-Centigrade conversion: A simple way to convert a Fahrenheit temperature reading into a Centi- grade temperature reading or vice versa is to enter the accompanying table in the center (boldface column) of figures. These figures refer to the temperature in either Fahrenheit or Centigrade degrees. When convert from Fahrenheit to Centigrade degrees, consider the center column to be a table of Fahren- heit temperatures and read the corresponding Centigrade temperature in the column at the left. -
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00 Index and foreword SEN01986-02 PC300, 350-8… -
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SEN01986-02 PC300, 350(LC)-8 Hydraulic excavator Form No. SEN01986-02 © 2008 KOMATSU All Rights Reserved Printed in Japan 12-08 (01) -
Page 57: Specification
SEN01988-01 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR 1SHOP MANUAL PC300-8 PC300LC-8 PC350-8 PC350LC-8 Machine model Serial number PC300-8 60001 and up PC300LC-8 60001 and up PC350-8 60001 and up PC350LC-8 60001 and up 01 Specification Specification and technical data Specification dimension drawings……………………2 Specifications…………………………4 Weight table…………………………
Page 58: Specification Dimension Drawings
SEN01988-01 01 Specification Specification dimension drawings Dimensions Item Unit PC300-8 PC300LC-8 PC350-8 PC350LC-8 A Overall length 11,140 11,140 11,140 11,140 B Overall height 3,250 3,250 3,250 3,250 C Overall width 3,190 3,190 3,190 3,190 D Shoe width E Cab height 3,110 3,110 3,110…
Page 59: Working Ranges
01 Specification SEN01988-01 Working ranges Item Unit PC300-8 PC300LC-8 PC350-8 PC350LC-8 A Max. digging reach 11,100 11,100 11,100 11,100 B Max. digging depth 7,380 7,380 7,380 7,380 C Max. digging height 10,100 10,100 10,100 10,100 Max. vertical wall 6,400 6,400 6,400 6,400 digging depth…
Page 60: Specifications
SEN01988-01 01 Specification Specifications PC300-8, PC300LC-8 Machine model PC300-8 PC300LC-8 Serial number 60001 and up Bucket capacity Operating weight 31,100 31,600 Max. digging depth 7,380 7,380 Max. vertical wall digging 6,400 6,400 depth Max. digging radius 11,100 11,100 Max. reach at ground level 10,920 10,920 Max.
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01 Specification SEN01988-01 Machine model PC300-8 PC300LC-8 Serial number 60001 and up Model SAA6D114E 4-cycle, water-cooled in-line, direct injection with Type turbocharger and air-cooled aftercooler Number of cylinders – bore x 6-114×135 stroke {cc} 8.27 {8,270} Piston displacement kW/rpm Flywheel horsepower 183.9/1,980 {250/1,980} {HP/rpm} Nm/rpm… -
Page 62
SEN01988-01 01 Specification Machine model PC300-8 PC300LC-8 Serial number 60001 and up Type and numbers HPV125+125, Variable displacement piston type: 2 Delivery /min 267.5 x 2 Set pressure 37.8 {380} {kg/cm Type and numbers 6-spool + 1-spool type: 1 Operating method Hydraulic Travel motor HMV160ADT-2, piston type: 2… -
Page 63
01 Specification SEN01988-01 PC350-8, PC350LC-8 Machine model PC350-8 PC350LC-8 Serial number 60001 and up Bucket capacity Operating weight 32,600 33,660 Max. digging depth 7,380 7,380 Max. vertical wall digging 6,400 6,400 depth Max. digging radius 11,100 11,100 Max. reach at ground level 10,920 10,920 Max. -
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SEN01988-01 01 Specification Machine model PC350-8 PC350LC-8 Serial number 60001 and up Model SAA6D114E 4-cycle, water-cooled in-line, direct injection with Type turbocharger and air-cooled aftercooler Number of cylinders – bore x 6-114×135 stroke Piston displacement {cc} 8.27 {8,270} kW/rpm Flywheel horsepower 183.9/1,950 {250/1,950} {HP/rpm} Nm/rpm… -
Page 65
01 Specification SEN01988-01 Machine model PC350-8 PC350LC-8 Serial number 60001 and up Type and numbers HPV125+125, Variable displacement piston type: 2 Delivery /min 267.5 x 2 Set pressure 37.8 {380} {kg/cm Type and numbers 6-spool + 1-spool type 1 Operating method Hydraulic Travel motor HMV160ADT-2, piston type: 2… -
Page 66: Weight Table
SEN01988-01 01 Specification Weight table This weight table is prepared for your reference when handling or transporting the components. PC300-8, PC300LC-8 Unit: kg Machine model PC300-8 PC300LC-8 Serial number 60001 and up Engine assembly 1,148 1,148 Engine Damper 14.3 14.3 Hydraulic pump Radiator and oil cooler assembly Hydraulic tank and filter assembly (Not including…
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01 Specification SEN01988-01 PC350-8, PC350LC-8 Unit: kg Machine model PC350-8 PC350LC-8 Serial number 60001 and up Engine assembly 1,148 1,148 Engine Damper 14.3 14.3 Hydraulic pump Radiator and oil cooler assembly Hydraulic tank and filter assembly (Not including hydraulic oil) Fuel tank assembly (Not including fuel) Revolving frame 2,828… -
Page 68: Table Of Fuel, Coolant And Lubricants
SEN01988-01 01 Specification Table of fuel, coolant and lubricants a For details of the notes (Notes 1, Note 2…) in the table, see Operation and Maintenance Manual. PC300, 350-8…
Page 69
01 Specification SEN01988-01 Unit: l PC300/300LC-8, PC350/350LC-8 Reservoir Specified (l) Refill (l) Engine oil pan Swing machinery case 16.5 16.5 Final drive case (each) Damper case Hydraulic system Fuel tank — Cooling system — PC300, 350-8… -
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SEN01988-01 PC300, 350(LC)-8 Hydraulic excavator Form No. SEN01988-01 © 2007 KOMATSU All Rights Reserved Printed in Japan 06-07 (01) -
Page 71: Structure, Function And Maintenance Standard
SEN01990-00 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR 1SHOP MANUAL PC300-8 PC300LC-8 PC350-8 PC350LC-8 Machine model Serial number PC300-8 60001 and up PC300LC-8 60001 and up PC350-8 60001 and up PC350LC-8 60001 and up 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Engine and cooling system Engine related parts ……………………….2 Radiator, oil cooler and aftercooler…………………….
Page 72: Engine Related Parts
SEN01990-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Engine related parts 1. Drive plate Outline 2. Torsion spring A wet type damper assembly is used. 3. Stopper pin Oil capacity: 1.3 4. Friction plate 5. Damper assembly 6. Muffler 7. Rear engine mount 8.
Page 73: Radiator, Oil Cooler And Aftercooler
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01990-00 Radiator, oil cooler and aftercooler 1. Reservoir tank 6. Aftercooler 2. Radiator 7. Radiator inlet hose 3. Radiator cap 8. Radiator outlet hose 4. Oil cooler 9. Shroud 5. Guard Specifications Radiator: Aluminum wave type, 4th row Oil cooler: CF40-1 PC300, 350-8…
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SEN01990-00 PC300, 350(LC)-8 Hydraulic excavator Form No. SEN01990-00 © 2007 KOMATSU All Rights Reserved Printed in Japan 04-07 (01) -
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SEN01991-00 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR 1SHOP MANUAL PC300-8 PC300LC-8 PC350-8 PC350LC-8 Machine model Serial number PC300-8 60001 and up PC300LC-8 60001 and up PC350-8 60001 and up PC350LC-8 60001 and up 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Power train Power train…………………………2 Swing circle………………………… -
Page 76: Power Train
SEN01991-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Power train 1. Idler 2. Center swivel joint 3. Control valve 4. Final drive 5. Travel motor (HMV160ADT-2) 6. Engine (SAA6D114E) 7. Hydraulic pump (HPV125+125) 8. Travel speed solenoid valve 9. Swing brake solenoid valve 10.
Page 77: Swing Circle
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01991-00 Swing circle 1. Swing circle inner race (No. of teeth: 90) 2. Ball 3. Swing circle outer race a. Inner race soft zone “S“ position b. Outer race soft zone “S“ position Specifications Reduction ratio: –90/13 = –6.923 Amount of grease: 33 (G2-LI)
Page 78: Swing Machinery
SEN01991-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Swing machinery PC300, 350-8…
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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01991-00 1. Swing pinion (No. of teeth: 13) 8. No. 1 planetary carrier 2. Cover 9. No. 1 planetary gear 3. Plate 10. Swing motor 4. No. 2 planetary carrier 11. Oil level gauge 5. -
Page 80: Final Drive
SEN01991-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Final drive 1. Level plug 8. Cover 2. Drain plug 9. Ring gear (No. of teeth: 97) 3. No.1 planetary gear (No. of teeth: 42) 10. Hub 4. No.1 sun gear (No. of teeth: 11) 11.
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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01991-00 Unit: mm Check Item Criteria Remedy Standard clearance Clearance limit Backlash between No. 1 sun gear and No.1 planetary gear 0.12 – 0.44 Backlash between No. 1 planetary 0.18 – 0.62 gear and ring gear Backlash between No. -
Page 82: Sprocket
SEN01991-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Sprocket Unit: mm Check Item Criteria Remedy Standard size Repair limit Wear of tooth tip 336.5 324.5 Build-up welding Thickness of tooth root for rebuilding or Width of tooth replace Repair limit: 6 (measure with the full-size drawing of sprocket tooth Wear of tooth shape shape) PC300, 350-8…
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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01991-00 Full-size drawing of sprocket tooth shape a The above drawing is reduced to 62%. Enlarge it to 160% to return it to the full scale and make a copy on an OHP sheet. PC300, 350-8… -
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SEN01991-00 PC300, 350(LC)-8 Hydraulic excavator Form No. SEN01991-00 © 2007 KOMATSU All Rights Reserved Printed in Japan 04-07 (01) -
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SEN01992-00 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR 1SHOP MANUAL PC300-8 PC300LC-8 PC350-8 PC350LC-8 Machine model Serial No. PC300-8 60001 and up PC300LC-8 60001 and up PC350-8 60001 and up PC350LC-8 60001 and up 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Undercarriage and frame Track frame and recoil spring…………………….. 2 Idler …………………………… -
Page 86: Track Frame And Recoil Spring
SEN01992-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Track frame and recoil spring a The following drawing indicates PC300-8. 1. Idler The dimensions and the number of track roll- 2. Track frame ers depend on the model, but the basic struc- 3.
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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01992-00 Standard shoe Models PC300-8 PC350-8 PC300LC-8 PC350LC-8 Item Shoe width (triple shoe) (mm) Link pitch (mm) No. of shoes (one side) Unit: mm Check Item Criteria Remedy Standard size Tolerance Rapair limit Track Vertical width of idler frame –1… -
Page 88: Idler
SEN01992-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Idler PC300, 350-8…
Page 89
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01992-00 Unit: mm Check Item Criteria Remedy Standard size Rapair limit Outside diameter of protrusion — Outside diameter of tread Build-up welding for Difference of tread 22.5 28.5 rebuilding or replace Thickness of tread —… -
Page 90: Carrier Roller
SEN01992-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Carrier roller Unit: mm Check Item Criteria Remedy Standard size Rapair limit Outside diameter of flange — Outside diameter of tread Width of tread 50.3 — Thickness of tread Width of flange — Tolerance Standard Standard…
Page 91: Track Roller
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01992-00 Track roller Unit: mm Check Item Criteria Remedy Standard size Rapair limit Outside diameter of outer flange — Outside diameter of inner flange — (Double flange) Outside diameter of tread Thickness of tread Build-up welding for rebuilding or Overal width…
Page 92: Track Shoe
SEN01992-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Track shoe a P portion shows the link of bushing press fitting end. Unit: mm Check Item Criteria Remedy Standard size Repair limit Link pitch 216.3 219.3 Reverse or replace Standard size Repair limit Outside diameter of bushing 66.9 61.9…
Page 93
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01992-00 Unit: mm Check Item Criteria Remedy 178.4 Shoe bolt pitch 140.4 Replace 76.2 Inside width Overall Link 47.8 Repair or replace width Tread 42.6 width Protrusion of pin Protrusion of regular bushing 5.25 Overall length of pin Adjust or replace Overall length of bushing… -
Page 94
SEN01992-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Triple grouser shoe Unit: mm Check Item Criteria Remedy Standard size Repair limit Height Thickness Length of base Build-up welding for rebuilding or replace Length at tip Standard size Repair limit Thickness *: PC300-8, PC350-8, PC350LC-8: 600 mm width shoe PC300, 350-8… -
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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01992-00 PC300, 350-8… -
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SEN01992-00 PC300, 350(LC)-8 Hydraulic excavator Form No. SEN01992-00 © 2007 KOMATSU All Rights Reserved Printed in Japan 04-07 (01) -
Page 97: Hydraulic System, Part 1
SEN01993-00 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR 1SHOP MANUAL PC300-8 PC300LC-8 PC350-8 PC350LC-8 Machine model Serial number PC300-8 60001 and up PC300LC-8 60001 and up PC350-8 60001 and up PC350LC-8 60001 and up 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Hydraulic system, Part 1 Hydraulic equipment layout drawing ………………….. 2 Hydraulic tank and filter ……………………..
Page 98: Hydraulic Equipment Layout Drawing
SEN01993-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Hydraulic equipment layout drawing 1. Bucket cylinder 2. Arm cylinder 3. Boom cylinder 4. Swing motor 5. Control valve 6. Oil cooler 7. Hydraulic filter 8. Hydraulic pump 9. L.H. travel motor 10. Hydraulic tank 11.
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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01993-00 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 100: Hydraulic Tank And Filter
SEN01993-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Hydraulic tank and filter 1. Oil filler cap Specifications 2. Bypass valve Tank capacity: 275 3. Strainer Amount of oil inside tank: 188 4. Filter element 5. Sight gauge Safety valve 6. Hydraulic tank Relief cracking pressure: 16.7 ±…
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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01993-00 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 102: Hydraulic Pump
SEN01993-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Hydraulic pump Type: HPV125+125 PC300, 350-8…
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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01993-00 Outline This pump consists of 2 variable capacity swash plate piston pumps, PC valve, LS valve, EPC valve and variable volume valve. BMP: Breather fitting port IM: PC mode selector current ISIG: LS set pressure selector current OCP: Oil level detection port PAF: Front pump delivery port PAR: Rear pump delivery port… -
Page 104
SEN01993-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard 1. Front shaft 8. Valve plate 2. Cradle 9. End cap 3. Front case 10. Rear shaft 4. Rocker cam 11. Rear case 5. Shoe 12. Servo piston 6. Piston 13. PC valve 7. -
Page 105
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01993-00 Function The pump converts the engine rotation trans- mitted to the shaft to oil pressure and delivers pressurized oil corresponding to the load. It is possible to change the discharge amount by changing the swash plate angle. Structure Cylinder block (7) is supported to shaft (1) by Piston (6) carries out relative movement in the… -
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SEN01993-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Operation of pump Cylinder block (7) rotates together with shaft As center line (X) of rocker cam (4) matches (1), and shoe (5) slides on flat surface (A). the axial direction of cylinder block (7) (swash When this happens, rocker cam (4) moves plate angle (a) = 0), the difference between along cylindrical surface (B), so angle (a) -
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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01993-00 Control of discharge amount If the swash plate angle (a) becomes larger, the difference between volumes (E) and (F) b ec o me s l ar g er a nd pu m p d el i v e r y ( Q ) increases. -
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SEN01993-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard 1. LS valve PA: Pump port 1. Sleeve PDP: Drain port 2. Piston PLP: LS control pressure output port 3. Spool PLS: LS pressure input port 4. Spring PP: Pump port 5. Seat PPL: Control pressure input port 6. -
Page 109
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01993-00 Operation 1) When the control valve is situated at neutral The LS valve is a 3-way selector valve, with Spool (6) is pushed to the right, and port (C) pressure (PLS) (LS pressure) from the outlet and port (D) will be connected. -
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SEN01993-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard 2) Action for the direction of maximizing the pump delivery When the difference between the main pump If the output pressure of the EPC valve for the pressure (PP) and LS pressure (PLS), in other LS valve enters port (G), rightward force is words, LS differential pressure (EPLS) generated on piston (7). -
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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01993-00 3) Action for the direction of minimizing the pump delivery When differential pressure (EPLS) becomes larger (for example, when the area of opening of the control valve becomes smaller and pump pressure (PP) rises) because of the rightward move (it reduces discharge amount) of servo piston (12), pump pressure (PP) pushes spool (6) to the right. -
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SEN01993-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard 4) When servo piston is balanced Let us take the area receiving the pressure at Force of spring (4) is adjusted in such that the the large diameter end of the piston as (A1), position of the balanced stop of this spool (6) the area receiving the pressure at the small may be determined when (PP) –… -
Page 113
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01993-00 2. PC valve PA: Pump port 1. Plug PA2: Pump pressure pilot port 2. Servo piston assembly PDP: Drain port 3. Pin PM: Mode selector pressure pilot port 4. Spool PPL: Control pressure output port (to LS valve) 5. -
Page 114
SEN01993-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Operation 1) When pump controller is normal (1) When the load on the actuator is small and pump discharge pressures (PP1) and (PP2) are low Action of PC-EPC valve solenoid (1) a Other pump’s pressure denotes the pressure Command current (X) is being sent to PC-EPC valve solenoid (1) from the pump controller. -
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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01993-00 PC300, 350-8… -
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SEN01993-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Action of spring Load of springs (4) and (6) on the PC valve is When pump pressures (PP1) and (PP2) are determined by the swash plate position. small, spool (3) will be positioned in the left As servo piston (9) moves to right, spring (6) is side. -
Page 117
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01993-00 As a result, the pressure on port (C) rises and the pressure on the large diameter end of the piston also rises. Thus, the leftward move of servo piston (9) is stopped. Servo piston (9) stop position (= Pump deliv- ery) is decided by the position where the push- ing force generated from the pressures (PP1) and (PP2) applied to spool (3), the pushing… -
Page 118
SEN01993-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard (2) When load on actuator is large and pump discharge pressure is high Outline Operation When the load is large and pump discharge When port (E) and port (G) of the LS valve are pressures (PP1) and (PP2) are high, the force connected, this pressure from port (J) enters pushing spool (3) to the right becomes larger… -
Page 119
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01993-00 The relationship between the average pump pressure (PP1 + PP2)/2 and servo piston (9) in terms of their positions can be represented by the broken line in the figure springs (4) and (6) form the double springs. -
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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01993-00 (2) When the main pump is under heavy load If the emergency pump drive switch is turned The curve resulting when the emergency pump on In the same way as in above, the command drive switch is ON is situated further to the left current (X) sent to PC-EPC valve solenoid (1) (B) than when the pump controller is normal… -
Page 122
SEN01993-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard 3. LS(PC)-EPC Valve C: To LS(PC) valve P: From self pressure reducing valve T: To tank 1. Connector 2. Coil 3. Body 4. Spring 5. Spool 6. Rod 7. Plunger PC300, 350-8… -
Page 123
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01993-00 Function Operation The EPC valve consists of the proportional solenoid portion and the hydraulic valve por- When signal current is 0 (coil is deener- tion. gized) When it receives signal current (i) from the When there is no signal current flowing from controller, it generates the EPC output pres- the controller to coil (2), coil (2) is deenergized. -
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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01993-00 4. Variable Volume Valve C1: To PC valve 1. Plug P1: From self pressure reducing valve 2. Block T1: To tank 3. Piston 4. Spring Function The variable volume valve stabilizes the EPC valve’s output pressure. -
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SEN01993-00 PC300, 350(LC)-8 Hydraulic excavator Form No. SEN01993-00 © 2007 KOMATSU All Rights Reserved Printed in Japan 04-07 (01) -
Page 127: Hydraulic System, Part 2
SEN01994-01 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR 1SHOP MANUAL PC300-8 PC300LC-8 PC350-8 PC350LC-8 Machine model Serial number PC300-8 60001 and up PC300LC-8 60001 and up PC350-8 60001 and up PC350LC-8 60001 and up 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Hydraulic system, Part 2 Control valve…………………………2 CLSS …………………………..
Page 128: Control Valve
SEN01994-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Control valve Outline The control valve consists of a 7-spool valve (6-spool valve + boom Hi, arm Hi valve) and a set of service valves. A merge-divider valve, a back pressure valve, a boom drift prevention valve are installed to it.
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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01994-01 General view PC300, 350-8… -
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SEN01994-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Sectional view (1/5) PC300, 350-8… -
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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01994-01 Pressure compensation valve (Arm out) Pressure compensation valve (R.H. travel reverse) Pressure compensation valve (Left swing) Pressure compensation valve (Boom raise) Pressure compensation valve (L.H. travel reverse) Pressure compensation valve (Bucket dump) Pressure compensation valve (Boom Hi raise) Variable pressure compensation valve (Ser- vice 1) Variable pressure compensation valve (Ser-… -
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SEN01994-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard (2/5) PC300, 350-8… -
Page 133
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01994-01 Safety-suction valve (Arm out) Suction valve (R.H. travel reverse) Suction valve (Boom raise) Suction valve (L.H. travel reverse) Safety-suction valve (Service 1) Safety-suction valve (Service 2) 2-stage safety-suction valve (Service 1) Safety-suction valve (Arm Hi in) Safety-suction valve (Bucket curl) 10. -
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SEN01994-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard (3/5) PC300, 350-8… -
Page 135
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01994-01 Unload valve Safety valve (Boom raise) Main relief valve Lift check valve Arm valve LS shuttle valve Pressure compensation valve (IN) Spool Safety-suction valve (IN) Regeneration circuit check valve 10. Safety-suction valve (OUT) 11. -
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SEN01994-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard (4/5) PC300, 350-8… -
Page 137
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01994-01 Return spring Merge-divide valve (for LS) Valve (Sequence valve) Spring (Sequence valve) Merge-divide valve (Main) Return spring Boom valve Drift prevention valve LS shuttle valve Pressure compensation valve (Lower) 10. Spool 11. 2-stage safety-suction valve (Lower) 12. -
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SEN01994-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard (5/5) PC300, 350-8… -
Page 139
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01994-01 Boom Hi and arm Hi valve Boom Hi check valve Quick return valve Pressure compensation valve (Arm Hi in) Arm Hi spool Safety-suction valve (Arm Hi in) Boom Hi spool Pressure compensation valve (Boom Hi raise) Service valve 1 LS shuttle valve Pressure compensation valve… -
Page 140: Clss
SEN01994-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard CLSS Outline of CLSS Features Configuration CLSS stands for Closed center Load Sensing Sys- CLSS is configured with variable capacity pis- tem, which has the following characteristics: ton pumps, control valves, and respective actuators.
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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01994-01 Basic principle Pump swash plate angle control The pump swash plate angle (pump delivery) The pump swash plate angle shifts toward the is controlled so that LS differential pressure maximum position if LS differential pressure PLS) (the difference between pump pres- PLS) is lower than the set pressure of the sure PP and control valve outlet port LS pres-… -
Page 142
SEN01994-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Pressure compensation control A pressure compensation valve is installed to the outlet port side of the control valve to bal- ance the load. When actuators are operated together, the p r e s s u r e d i ff e r e n c e ( P ) b e t w e e n t h e upstream (inlet port) and downstream (outlet port) of the spool of each valve becomes the… -
Page 143
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01994-01 System diagram a The illustration shows actuator (7) in the merge Front pump mode with stroke end at the time of relief. Rear pump Main relief valve Unload valve Merge-divider valve Control valve Actuator Pump circuit LS circuit… -
Page 144: Functions And Operation By Valve
SEN01994-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Functions and operation by valve Hydraulic circuit diagram and the name of valves PC300, 350-8…
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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01994-01 Arm valve 36. Main relief valve (arm side) R.H. travel valve Set pressure: Swing valve 36.1 ± 0.25 MPa {367.5 ± 2.5 kg/cm (112 l/min) Boom valve L.H. travel valve Bucket valve When digging force increased: Boom Hi valve 38.2.1 ±… -
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SEN01994-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Unload valve When the unload valve is actuating LS circuit Tank circuit Valve Spring Pump circuit Function Operation Drains an oil discharge for the portion of the Pressure of pump circuit (3) is received by the minimum pump swash plate angle while all end of valve (2). -
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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01994-01 Operation of relief valve During operation (a work within a scope of dis- When the cylinder reaches the stroke end, the charge by a minimum swash plate angle), the main relief valve opens. discharge pressure for the portion of minimum The pump delivery (Q) is relieved to the pump swash plate angle is set to LS pressure… -
Page 148
SEN01994-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Introduction of LS pressure Hydraulic pump Main spool Pressure compensation valve Valve Check valve LS circuit LS shuttle valve Function Introduces the upstream pressure (down- stream pressure of the spool meter-in) of pres- sure compensation valve (3) and leads to LS shuttle valve (7) as the LS pressure. -
Page 149
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01994-01 LS bypass plug Hydraulic pump Main spool Pressure compensation valve LS shuttle valve LS bypass plug LS circuit Function Releases the residual pressure in LS pressure circuit (6) from orifices (a) and (b). Slows down the rising rate of LS pressure to prevent a sudden change of hydraulic pres- sure. -
Page 150
SEN01994-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Pressure compensation valve During independent operation and under maximum load pressure (If the load pressure is higher than other work equipment during a combined operation) Hydraulic pump Piston Valve Spring Shuttle valve LS shuttle valve Function As principle, port (C) and spring chamber (E) are not interconnected in an integrated pres-… -
Page 151
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01994-01 When compensated (If the load pressure is lower than other work equipment during a combined operation) Function The pressure compensation valve closes under LS pressure of port (D), and the spool meter-in downstream pressure of port (B) becomes equivalent to the maximum pressure of other work equipment. -
Page 152
SEN01994-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Pressure compensation valve area ratio Function The state of division changes according to the area ratio of pressure compensation portion (A1) and (A2). Area ratio = (A2)/(A1) If area ratio = 1 : the spool meter-in down- stream pressure will be equal to the maximum load pressure, and the pressure will be divided according to the opening area ratio. -
Page 153
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01994-01 Pressure compensation valve inner shuttle valve If holding pressure at port (A) is larger than LS pressure in the springing chamber (B) Hydraulic pump Valve Pressure compensation valve inner shuttle valve Piston Function Shuttle valve (3) is pushed to the right by port (A) pressure and cuts off interconnection between ports (A) and (C). -
Page 154
SEN01994-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard In the case of travel Outline Since no holding pressure is generated at port (A) of the travel circuit, a pressure compensa- tion valve without shuttle valve (3) is adopted. PC300, 350-8… -
Page 155
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01994-01 Boom regeneration circuit If the cylinder head pressure is lower than the bottom pressure (free fall, etc.) Hydraulic pump Boom spool Pressure compensation valve Safety-suction valve Suction valve Check valve LS shuttle valve Function Operation Provides the regeneration circuit from the cyl-… -
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SEN01994-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard If the cylinder head pressure is higher than the bottom pressure (digging work, etc.) Function Check valve (6) provided to regeneration cir- cuit (C) closes to shut off the flow from the cyl- inder bottom to the head. -
Page 157
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01994-01 Arm regeneration circuit If the cylinder head pressure is higher than the bottom pressure Hydraulic pump Arm spool Pressure compensation valve Safety-suction valve Suction valve Check valve LS shuttle valve Function Operation During arm digging, regeneration circuit pro- If the cylinder head pressure is lower than the vided from the cylinder head to the bottom bottom pressure, pressurized oil (A) from the… -
Page 158
SEN01994-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard If the cylinder head pressure is lower than the bottom pressure Function Check valve (6) provided to regeneration cir- cuit (C) closes to shut off the flow from the cyl- inder bottom to the head. PC300, 350-8… -
Page 159: Merge-Divider Valve
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01994-01 Merge-divider valve When flows from the pumps merge [if pilot pressure (PS) is OFF] Main spool LS circuit (bucket side) Spring LS circuit (bucket side) LS spool LS circuit (arm side) Spring LS circuit (arm side) Function Operation Merges pressurized oil (P1) and (P2) dis-…
Page 160
SEN01994-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard When flows from the pumps are divided [if pilot pressure (PS) is ON] Operation Pilot pressure (PS) turns ON, and output pres- sure from the PPC valve shifts main spool (1) to the left, and ports (E) and (F) are divided. Pressurized oil discharged from the two pumps are sent to respective control valves. -
Page 161
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01994-01 LS select valve Function Operation Prevents high LS pressure from the swinging If pilot pressure (BP) is OFF from entering the LS circuit of work valves Since pilot pressure (BP) is OFF, piston (3) is while the swinging and work equipment are in pressed to the left by spring (2). -
Page 162
SEN01994-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Self pressure reducing valve Function Reduces the discharge pressure of the main pump and supplies it as control pressure for the solenoid valves, EPC valves, etc. Operation While engine is stopped Poppet (11) is pressed by spring (12) against the seat and port (PR) is not connected to (TS). -
Page 163
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01994-01 During neutral and when load pressure (P2) When load pressure (P2) is high is low Load pressure (A2) increases with the opera- a When load pressure (A2) is lower than self tion of digging, etc., and the pump discharge pressure reducing valve output pressure (PR) increases accordingly. -
Page 164
SEN01994-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard When abnormally high pressure is gener- ated If pressure (PR) of self pressure reducing valve becomes abnormally high, ball (16) con- tracts spring (15) and becomes separated from the seat. Allows the pressurized oil to (TS) from port (PR) and lowers pressure (PR). -
Page 165
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01994-01 Travel junction valve When pilot pressure is turned ON Function Operation This valve connects the L.H. and R.H. travel Pilot pressure from the travel junction solenoid circuits via travel junction valve so that the valve contracts spring (1), and travel junction hydraulic oil will be supplied evenly to both spool (2) moves to the left to the stroke end. -
Page 166
SEN01994-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard When pilot pressure is turned OFF Operation If pilot pressure (PST) from the solenoid valve If the oil flow rates to the L.H. and R.H. travel is 0, travel junction spool (2) is pressed by the motors become different from each other, the force of spring (1) against the right side and oil flows through the route between port (PTL),… -
Page 167
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01994-01 Travel PPC shuttle valve When travel lever is in neutral Function Operation Regulates flow to each cylinder by controlling The oil in stroke regulation signal chamber (a) the stroke of each spool of the boom, arm, and is drained through orifices (5) and (6) of pis- bucket using the pilot pressure of travel PPC tons (3) and (4) in the travel spring case and… -
Page 168
SEN01994-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard When traveling Operation If the right travel lever is set in the reverse (or Maximum stroke of the spool is limited to (st1) forward) direction, pilot pressure from the PPC for the amount of movement (st2) of piston (8) valve presses spool (7) to the left (or right). -
Page 169
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01994-01 Boom drift prevention valve When raising boom Function This valve prevents the oil in the boom cylinder bottom from leaking through spool (1) and the boom from lowering under its weight while the boom lever is not operated. -
Page 170
SEN01994-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard When the boom is in neutral Operation Moves the lever to neutral with the boom raised. Pressurized oil flown inside poppet (5) from orifice (a) of poppet (5) is closed by pilot piston (2). -
Page 171
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01994-01 When lowering boom Operation When the boom is lowered, pilot pressure from the PPC valve presses pilot spool (2). Pressurized oil in chamber (b) inside the pop- pet is drained via orifice (c). Pressurized oil of the boom bottom flows to ori- fice (a) chamber (b) -
Page 172
SEN01994-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Arm drift prevention valve (if equipped) When arm OUT Function This valve prevents the oil in the arm head from leaking through spool (1) and the boom from lowering under its weight while the arm lever is not operated. -
Page 173
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01994-01 When the arm is in neutral Operation Moves the lever to neutral with the arm dumped. Pressurized oil flown inside poppet (5) from orifice (a) of poppet (5) is closed by pilot piston (2). -
Page 174
SEN01994-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard When arm IN Operation When the arm IN is operated, pilot spool (2) is pushed under the pilot pressure from the PPC valve. Pressurized oil in chamber (b) inside the pop- pet is drained via orifice (c). Pressurized oil of the arm head flows to orifice chamber (b) orifice (c) -
Page 175
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01994-01 When abnormally high pressure is generated If abnormally high pressure is generated in the If arm drift prevention valve (optional) is boom cylinder bottom circuit, the pressurized installed to the arm cylinder head circuit, the oil in port (B) pushes check valve (6) open, boom cylinder bottom circuit pressure force or then safety valve (3) operates. -
Page 176
SEN01994-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Quick return valve When arm OUT Function When arm OUT, large volume of oil returns from the cylinder bottom. Reduces this pressure loss. Operation When the arm OUT is operated, pilot spool (1) increases by the sum of the pressure receiving φ… -
Page 177
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01994-01 When the arm is in neutral Operation Returning the lever to neutral reduces the pilot pressure from the PPC valve to 0 kg/cm The pressurized oil that has flowed and been drained through orifice (a) in valve (2) is closed by pilot piston (1). -
Page 178
SEN01994-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Lift check valve Function While engine is running This valve applies back pressure to the drain Output pressure (PR) of the self pressure circuit to prevent generation of negative pres- reducing valve is applied via the control valve sure on each actuator (motors, cylinders, etc.). -
Page 179
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01994-01 Main relief valve Spring Poppet Function Set pressure of the relief valve is in two stages. When power is needed, pilot pressure (P) is turned ON and the set pressure becomes higher. Operation The set pressure of relief valve is determined by spring (1) installed load. -
Page 180
SEN01994-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard 2-stage safety-suction valve [Installed to port (B) on the boom cylinder head side and port (B) of the service valve] Spring Piston Spring Holder Function Operation Enables to provide the safety valve set pres- The safety set pressure is determined by sure in two stages, and make the low-pressure spring (1) installed load. -
Page 181
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01994-01 If pilot pressure is ON (low-pressure set- ting) If the pilot pressure (P) is ON, the pilot pres- sure is led to section (A) via passage (B). Piston (2) works on the pressure-receiving bore portion [(d2) –… -
Page 182
SEN01994-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Variable pressure compensation valve (Installed to the service valve) Pump discharge pressure (P) (From service Function valve spool) Regulates flow distribution to the service valve Cylinder port when the service valve (attachment) and the C. -
Page 183
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01994-01 Operation when jointly operated with a high- If the difference between the pump discharge pressure (P) and cylinder port pressure (B) is load work equipment (such as the boom rais- larger than the force of spring (5), poppet (4) is ing) pressed to the right. -
Page 184: Attachment Circuit Selector Valve
SEN01994-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Attachment circuit selector valve ACC: To accumulator Spool ATT: To attachment Spring From attachment selector solenoid valve To hydraulic oil tank To hydraulic oil tank To control valve Unit: mm Check item Criteria Remedy Standard size Repair limit…
Page 185
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01994-01 Function When a breaker is installed, the return oil from the breaker does not pass through the main valve, but returns directly to the hydraulic tank. When other attachments (crusher, etc.) are installed, the attachment and the main valve are interconnected. -
Page 186: Hydraulic Drift Prevention Valve
SEN01994-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Hydraulic drift prevention valve (For the boom and arm) PC300, 350-8…
Page 187
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01994-01 To work equipment cylinder PCY: For pressure pickup port and equalizer circuit From PPC valve To tank From control valve Pilot spool Spring (1st stage spool) Spring (2nd stage spool) Safety valve Check valve Spring Unit: mm Check item… -
Page 188
SEN01994-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Function Prevents the pressurized oil from reversing from the work equipment cylinder and the latter from a sudden drop if the piping bursts between the control valve and the work equip- ment cylinder. Operation When the work equipment lever is in neutral When the piping is free of burst… -
Page 189
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01994-01 When pressurized oil flows from the main valve to the cylinder When the piping is free of burst Pressurized oil led to chamber (a) from the control valve becomes higher than the com- bined force of pressure from work equipment cylinder circuit chamber (b) and spring (6). -
Page 190
SEN01994-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard When returning pressurized oil to the main valve from the work equipment cylinder When the piping is free of burst If the piping is bursted Holding pressure of the work equipment cylin- If piping (A) bursts between the control valve der is led to chamber (b) and check valve (5) and the work equipment cylinder. -
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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01994-01 PC300, 350-8… -
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SEN01994-01 PC300, 350(LC)-8 Hydraulic excavator Form No. SEN01994-01 © 2010 KOMATSU All Rights Reserved Printed in Japan 09-10… -
Page 193: Hydraulic System, Part 3
SEN01995-01 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR 1SHOP MANUAL PC300-8 PC300LC-8 PC350-8 PC350LC-8 Machine model Serial number PC300-8 60001 and up PC300LC-8 60001 and up PC350-8 60001 and up PC350LC-8 60001 and up 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Hydraulic system, Part 3 Valve control…………………………2 PPC valve …………………………
Page 194: Valve Control
SEN01995-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Valve control PC300, 350-8…
Page 195
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01995-01 Travel PPC valve Lever positions Service PPC valve Hold Service pedal Boom (RAISE) L.H. travel lever C. Boom (LOWER) R.H travel lever D. Bucket (DUMP) R.H. PPC valve Bucket (CURL) R.H. work equipment control lever Hold Solenoid block Arm (IN) -
Page 196: Ppc Valve
SEN01995-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard PPC valve Work equipment and swing PPC valve From self pressure reducing valve P1: L.H. PPC: Arm out/R.H. PPC: Boom lower P2: L.H. PPC: Arm in/R.H. PPC: Boom raise P3: L.H. PPC: Swing left/R.H. PPC: Bucket curl P4: L.H.
Page 197
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01995-01 Spool Joint Metering spring Plate Centering spring Retainer Piston 10. Body Disc 11. Filter Nut (for lever connection) Unit: mm Check item Criteria Remedy Standard size Repair limit Free length x Installed Installed Installed Centering spring Free length… -
Page 198
SEN01995-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Operation When in neutral The relationship of the position of spool (1) and Ports (A) and (B) of the control valve and ports body (10) [fine control hole (f) is in the middle (P1) and (P2) of the PPC valve are connected between drain chamber (D) and pump pres- to drain chamber (D) via fine control hole (f) in… -
Page 199
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01995-01 During fine control At full stroke (When control lever is returned) Disc (5) pushes down piston (4), and retainer When disc (5) starts to be returned, spool (1) is (9) pushes down spool (1). pushed up by the force of centering spring (3) Fine control hole (f) is shut off from drain and the pressure at port (P1). -
Page 200
SEN01995-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Travel PPC valve From self pressure reducing valve P1: L.H. reverse P2: L.H. forward P3: R.H. reverse P4: R.H. forward P5: Travel signal P6: Steering signal To tank PC300, 350-8… -
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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01995-01 PC300, 350-8… -
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SEN01995-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard PC300, 350-8… -
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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01995-01 Plate Body Piston Collar Centering spring Metering spring Valve Dumper Steering signal spool 10. Steering signal spool spring Unit: mm Check item Criteria Remedy Standard size Repair limit Free length x Installed Installed Installed Free length Centering spring… -
Page 204
SEN01995-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Pressure reducing valve Operation The relationship of the position of spool (1) and body (10) [fine control hole (f) is in the middle When in neutral between drain chamber (D) and pump pres- Ports (A) and (B) of the control valve and ports sure chamber (PP)] does not change until (P1) and (P2) of the PPC valve are connected… -
Page 205
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01995-01 During fine control Therefore, the pilot pressure oil from the self (When control lever is returned) pressure reducing valve passes through fine When lever (5) starts to be returned, spool (1) control hole (f) and flows to chamber (A) from is pushed up by the force of centering spring port (P1) to push the control valve spool. -
Page 206
SEN01995-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Operation When in neutral No output is made from respective output ports [from port (P1) to (P4)], travel signal [port (P5)] and steering signal [port (P6)]. PC300, 350-8… -
Page 207
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01995-01 During straight travel a The Illustration shows the circuit for travelling straight forward. When operating L.H. motor forward [port (P2) output] and R.H. motor forward [port (P4) out- put], pressure of both L.H. spring chamber (k) and R.H. -
Page 208
SEN01995-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard When steered or pivot-turned a The Illustration shows the circuit for left forward (slow) and right forward (fast) operation. If the operation quantities of both levers are dif- Port (P4) pressure of the L.H. or R.H. PPC ferent from each other as in the steering opera- valves, whichever having a higher output pres- tion (if the difference of the pilot pressure… -
Page 209
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01995-01 When counter-rotated a The illustration shows the circuit for travelling left reverse and right forward. When operating L.H. motor reverse [port (P1) output] and R.H. motor forward [port (P4) out- put], pressure of the R.H. spring chamber (l) only rises high. -
Page 210
SEN01995-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Service PPC valve (with EPC valve) a For the details of operation, see the paragraph of “Work equipment swing PPC valve.” PC300, 350-8… -
Page 211
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01995-01 From self pressure reducing valve P1: To service valve P2: To service valve To tank Spool Piston Lever Plate Retainer Block Body EPC valve Unit: mm Check item Criteria Remedy Standard size Repair limit Free length x Installation Installation… -
Page 212
SEN01995-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard 1. EPC valve C: To control valve Spool From self pressure reducing valve Push pin To hydraulic tank Coil Plunger Body Connector Plug Unit: mm Check item Criteria Remedy Standard size Repair limit If damaged or Installation Installation… -
Page 213
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01995-01 Function Operation The EPC valve consists of the proportional 1) When signal current is 0 solenoid portion and the hydraulic valve por- tion. (coil is de-energized) When it receives signal current (i) from the When there is no signal current flowing from pump controller, it generates the EPC output the controller to coil (14), coil (14) is deener-… -
Page 214
SEN01995-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard 2) When signal current is very small 3) When signal current is maximum (coil is energized) (coil is energized) When a very small signal current flows to coil As the signal current flows to coil (5), coil (5) is (5), coil (5) is energized, and a propulsion force energized. -
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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01995-01 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 216
SEN01995-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Service PPC valve (with EPC valve) a For the details of operation, see the paragraph of “Work equipment swing PPC valve.” PC300, 350-8… -
Page 217
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01995-01 From self pressure reducing valve P1: To service valve P2: To service valve To tank Spool Piston Lever Plate Retainer Block Body EPC valve Unit: mm Check item Criteria Remedy Standard size Repair limit Free length x Installation Installation… -
Page 218: Solenoid Valve
SEN01995-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Solenoid valve PPC lock, travel junction, merge-divider, travel speed, swing brake, machine push-up and 2-stage relief solenoid valves PPC lock solenoid valve To tank Travel junction solenoid valve A1: To PPC valve Merge-divider solenoid valve A2: To main valve (Travel junction valve) Travel speed solenoid valve A3: To main valve (Merge-divider valve)
Page 219
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01995-01 Connector Spool Moving core Block Coil Spring Operation When solenoid is deenergized When solenoid is energized Since the signal current does not flow from the The signal current flows from the controller to controller, solenoid (3) is deenergized. -
Page 220: Ppc Accumulator
SEN01995-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard PPC accumulator Gas plug Shell Poppet Holder Bladder Oil port Specifications Gas capacity: 300 cc (for PPC) PC300, 350-8…
Page 221: Return Oil Filter
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01995-01 Return oil filter For breaker Drain plug Specifications Filter Rated pressure: 6.9 MPa {70 kg/cm Case Flow: 200 /min Head cover Relief valve cracking pressure: Relief valve 0.34 ± 0.05 MPa {3.5 ± 0.5 kg/cm Filter mesh size: 6 µm Filtering area: 4,570 cm PC300, 350-8…
Page 222: Center Swivel Joint
SEN01995-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Center swivel joint Cover A1: From control valve port A2 Body A2: To L.H. travel motor REVERSE port PB Slipper seal B1: From control valve port B2 O-ring B2: To L.H. travel motor FORWARD port PA Shaft C1: From control valve port A5 C2: To R.H.
Page 223: Travel Motor
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01995-01 Travel motor Type: HMV160ADT-2 MA: MA pressure detection port Specifications MB: MB pressure detection port Type :HMV160ADT-2 From travel speed solenoid valve Theoretical displacement PA: From control valve (Min.) :103.5 cm /rev PB: From control valve (Max.) :160.8 cm /rev…
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SEN01995-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard PC300, 350-8… -
Page 225
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01995-01 Output shaft Motor case Rocker cam Piston Cylinder block Valve plate End cover Slow return valve Brake spring 10. Brake piston 11. Plate 12. Disc 13. Regulator piston 14. Check valve 15. Counterbalance valve 16. -
Page 226
SEN01995-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Operation of motor At slow speed (motor swash plate angle at maximum) As the solenoid valve is deenergized, the pilot The combined force of the piston propulsion pressurized oil from the self pressure reducing forces works as the moment of inclining rocker valve does not flow to port (P). -
Page 227
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01995-01 At high peed (motor swash plate angle at minimum) As the solenoid valve is energized, the pilot pressurized oil from the self pressure reducing valve flows to port (P). Regulator valve (21) is pushed to the left. The pressurized oil from the control valve passes through passage (d) in regulator valve (21) and enters regulator piston (13). -
Page 228
SEN01995-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Operation of parking brake When starting travel As the travel lever is operated, pressurized oil from the pump activates counterbalance valve spool (17), opening the parking brake circuit. The pressurized oil is conducted to chamber (a) of brake piston (10) and compresses spring (9), pushing piston (10) toward right. -
Page 229
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01995-01 When travel is stopped As the travel lever is placed in neutral, counter- balance valve spool (17) returns to the neutral position and closing the parking brake circuit. The pressurized oil in chamber (a) of brake piston (10) passes through orifice (f) of brake piston (10) and is drained to the motor case. -
Page 230
SEN01995-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Brake valve Operation when pressurized oil is supplied The brake valve consists of check valves (14), Operating the travel lever conducts the pres- counterbalance valve (15) and safety valve surized oil from the control valve to port (PA). (16). -
Page 231
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01995-01 Operation of brake during travelling downhill The pressurized oil on the supply side flows to If indication of the machine runaway is sensed chamber (S1) via orifice (E1) and orifice (E2) of while travelling downhill, the motor will be the spool (24). -
Page 232
SEN01995-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Safety valve (bidirectional 2-stage set safety valve) Function As the pressure goes above the set pressure, [Difference in areas of circles (D1) and (D2) x As long as the machine travel is stopped (or it Pressure] compresses spring (2). -
Page 233
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01995-01 When pressure in chamber (MA) has Operation of mechanism for varying set pres- become high (when rotating counterclock- sure wise) When starting travel (high-pressure setting) As long as the machine travel is stopped (or it As the travel lever is operated, the pressurized is travelling downhill), the check valve of coun- oil from the pump moves spool (19) toward… -
Page 234
SEN01995-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard When travel is stopped (low-pressure set- ting) When the travel lever is placed in neutral, the pressure in chamber (PA) drops and spool (24) returns to the neutral position. When spool (24) is in the process of returning to the neutral position, the pressurized oil in chamber (J) flows to chamber (PA) via pas- sage (H) and chamber (G). -
Page 235: Swing Motor
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01995-01 Swing motor Type: KMF230ABE-5 From swing holding brake solenoid Specifications MA: From control valve Type : KMF230ABE-5 MB: From control valve Theoretical displacement : 229.4 cm /rev From control valve Safety valve set pressure : 27.9 MPa {285 kg/cm To tank Rated engine speed : 1,130 rpm…
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SEN01995-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard PC300, 350-8… -
Page 237
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01995-01 Brake spring Drive shaft Spacer Case Disc Plate Brake piston Housing Piston 10. Cylinder block 11. Valve plate 12. Center shaft 13. Center spring 14. Check valve 15. Check valve spring 16. Shuttle valve 17. -
Page 238
SEN01995-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Swing holding brake When solenoid valve is deenergized When solenoid valve is energized Operation Operation As the swing holding brake is deenergized, the As the swing brake solenoid valve is ener- pressurized oil from the self pressure reducing gized, the valve is switched. -
Page 239
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01995-01 Relief valve portion When swing is stopped When the swing control lever is returned to neutral, the supply of pressurized oil from the Outline pump to port (MA) is stopped. The relief valve portion consists of check The pressurized oil from the motor outlet can’t valves (2) and (3), shuttle valves (4) and (5), return to the tank since the returning circuit to… -
Page 240
SEN01995-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Reverse prevention valve PC300, 350-8… -
Page 241
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01995-01 MA: From control valve MB: From control valve T1: To tank T2: To tank Valve body Spool (MA side) Spring (MA side) Plug (MA side) Spool (MB side) Spring (MB side) Plug (MB side) Explanatory drawing of effects PC300, 350-8… -
Page 242
SEN01995-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Function When motor is stopped temporarily The motor rotation is reversed by the closing This valve reduces the swing back generation pressure generated at port (MB). (1st time: in the swing body by the inertia of the swing reverse rotation) body, the backlash and rigidity of the machin- Reversing pressure is generated on port (MA). -
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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01995-01 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 244: Hydraulic Cylinder
SEN01995-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Hydraulic cylinder Boom cylinder Arm cylinder PC300, 350-8…
Page 245
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01995-01 Bucket cylinder Unit: mm Check item Criteria Remedy Tolerance Standard Standard Clearance Cylinder size clearance limit Shaft Hole -0.036 +0.035 0.041 – Boom 0.412 Clearance between -0.090 +0.005 0.125 Replace bushing piston rod and bushing -0.036 +0.261 0.083 –… -
Page 246
SEN01995-01 PC300, 350(LC)-8 Hydraulic excavator Form No. SEN01995-01 © 2011 KOMATSU All Rights Reserved Printed in Japan 08-11… -
Page 247
SEN01996-01 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR 1SHOP MANUAL PC300-8 PC300LC-8 PC350-8 PC350LC-8 Machine model Serial number PC300-8 60001 and up PC300LC-8 60001 and up PC350-8 60001 and up PC350LC-8 60001 and up 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Work equipment Work equipment……………………….. 2 Dimensions of components…………………….. -
Page 248: Work Equipment
SEN01996-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Work equipment PC300, 350-8…
Page 249
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01996-01 Unit: mm Check item Criteria Remedy Tolerance Standard Standard Clearance Clearance between pin connecting size clearance limit Shaft Hole boom and revolving frame and –0.036 +0.157 0.115 – bushing –0.090 +0.079 0.247 Clearance between pin connecting –0.036 +0.179 0.117 –… -
Page 250: Dimensions Of Components
SEN01996-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Dimensions of components Dimension of arm PC300, 350-8…
Page 251
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01996-01 Unit: mm PC300-8 PC350-8 Measuring position Tolerance Tolerance Standard Standard size size Shaft Hole Shaft Hole –0.036 +0.1 –0.036 +0.1 φ φ – –0.071 –0.071 +1.5 +1.5 Arm side 119.3 119.3 Cylinder head side ±1.2 ±1.2 +0.5… -
Page 252
SEN01996-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Dimension of bucket PC300, 350-8… -
Page 253
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01996-01 Unit: mm PC300-8 PC350-8 Measuring position Standard Standard Tolerance Tolerance size size – 512.2 ±0.5 512.2 ±0.5 – 37.9 ±0.5 37.9 ±0.5 – 94°19′ – 94°14′ – – 513.6 – 513.6 – – 1658 –… -
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SEN01996-01 PC300, 350(LC)-8 Hydraulic excavator Form No. SEN01996-01 © 2007 KOMATSU All Rights Reserved Printed in Japan 06-07 (01) -
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SEN01997-00 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR 1SHOP MANUAL PC300-8 PC300LC-8 PC350-8 PC350LC-8 Machine model Serial number PC300-8 60001 and up PC300LC-8 60001 and up PC350-8 60001 and up PC350LC-8 60001 and up 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Cab and its attachments Air conditioner piping ……………………….2 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 256: Air Conditioner Piping
SEN01997-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Air conditioner piping 1. Hot water pickup piping A: Fresh air 2. Receiver tank B: Recirculated air 3. Hot water return piping C: Hot/cool air 4. Condenser 5. Air conditioner compressor 6. Refrigerant piping 7.
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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01997-00 PC300, 350-8… -
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SEN01997-00 PC300, 350(LC)-8 Hydraulic excavator Form No. SEN01997-00 © 2007 KOMATSU All Rights Reserved Printed in Japan 04-07 (01) -
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SEN01998-05 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR 1SHOP MANUAL PC300-8 PC300LC-8 PC350-8 PC350LC-8 Machine model Serial number PC300-8 60001 and up PC300LC-8 60001 and up PC350-8 60001 and up PC350LC-8 60001 and up 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Electrical system Engine control …………………………2 Electronic control system ……………………..11 Monitor system ……………………….. -
Page 260: Engine Control
SEN01998-05 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Engine control Battery relay Outline Battery The engine can be started and stopped with Starting switch only starting switch (3). Fuel control dial Starting motor Engine throttle controller Pump controller PC300, 350-8…
Page 261
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01998-05 Operation of system Starting engine Stopping engine When the starting switch is turned to the When detecting that the starting switch is set to START position, the starting signal flows to the the “STOP” position, the engine controller cuts starting motor. -
Page 262
SEN01998-05 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Component Fuel control dial Knob Ball Dial Potentiometer Spring Connector Function A potentiometer is installed under the knob. As the knob is turned, the potentiometer shaft is turned. As the potentiometer shaft is turned, the resis- tance of the variable resistor in potentiometer (5) changes and a throttle signal is sent to the engine controller. -
Page 263
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01998-05 Engine controller Meanings of signal classes in the terminal CN-CE01 table shown below are as follows. Input/ Pin No. Signal name A: Power Supply output B: Input Fuel feed pump return C: Ground/Shield/Return NC(*) –… -
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SEN01998-05 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard CN-CE01 CN-CE02 Input/ Input/ Pin No. Signal name Pin No. Signal name output output NC(*) – NC(*) NC(*) – NC(*) NC(*) – NC(*) NC(*) NC(*) NC(*) NC(*) NC(*) NC(*) – NC(*) NC(*) NC(*) NC(*) –… -
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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01998-05 Coolant temperature sensor Connector Sensor O-ring Oil pressure switch Connector Sensor O-ring PC300, 350-8… -
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SEN01998-05 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Rotation sensor Connector Sensor O-ring Boost pressure and temperature sensor Connector Sensor O-ring PC300, 350-8… -
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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01998-05 WIF (water-in-fuel detection) sensor Connector Tube Sensor O-ring Engine oil level sensor Connector Bracket Float Switch PC300, 350-8… -
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SEN01998-05 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard PC300, 350-8… -
Page 269: Electronic Control System
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01998-05 Electronic control system Control function Engine and pump composite control function Pump and valve control function Power maximizing function Machine push-up function Auto-deceleration function Auto-warm-up and overheat prevention function Electronic control system Swing control function Travel control function Attachment flow control and circuit selector function (if equipped)
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SEN01998-05 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Machine control system diagram PC300, 350-8… -
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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01998-05 PC300, 350-8… -
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SEN01998-05 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Engine and pump composite control function PC300, 350-8… -
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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01998-05 Function Control method in each mode P and E modes This function allows the operator to select Matching point in P mode: Rated speed proper engine torque and pump absorption torque according to the type of work. Four Mode Matching point modes are provided: P, E, B and L. -
Page 274
SEN01998-05 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard B and L modes Mode B mode L mode Partial output point Mode Matching point 147.1 kW/1,800 rpm {197 HP/1,800 rpm} 110.3 kW/1,550 rpm {148 HP/1,550 rpm} In B or L mode, the controller controls the pump absorption torque through the pump and engine compound control function to decrease engine speed (N) while main-… -
Page 275
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01998-05 Function to control pump during travel Function to control when emergency pump Traveling the machine in E or B mode drive switch is turned on leaves the working mode unchanged, but Even if any abnormality occurs in the controller raises the pump absorption torque and or sensor, setting emergency pump drive engine speed (N) to values same as those… -
Page 276
SEN01998-05 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Pump and valve control function Function The machine is matched to various types of work properly with the 2-stage relief function to increase the digging force, etc. PC300, 350-8… -
Page 277
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01998-05 LS control function 2-stage relief function Depending on the operation condition of The relief pressure in the normal work is the actuator, this function changes the 34.8 MPa {355 kg/cm }. If the 2-stage pressure output from the LS-EPC valve to relief function is turned on, however, the LS valve to change the change point (LS… -
Page 278
SEN01998-05 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Power maximizing and machine push-up function Function The power maximizing function allows the operator to increase power for a certain time by operating the left knob switch. The machine push-up function allows the oper- ator to increase the boom pushing force by operating the machine push-up switch. -
Page 279
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01998-05 Power maximizing function Machine push-up function This function is used to increase digging The machine push-up function allows the force for a certain period of time (e.g., operator to increase the boom pushing when digging up a large rock). -
Page 280
SEN01998-05 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Auto-deceleration function Function The auto-deceleration function automatically reduces the engine speed to its medium speed range when the all control levers are set in NEUTRAL while waiting for a dump truck or work to reduce the fuel consumption and noise. -
Page 281
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01998-05 Auto-warm-up and overheat prevention function Function engine automatic warm-up function increases the engine speed to warm up the engine if coolant temperature is too low after the engine starts. The overheat prevention function reduces the pump load when coolant or hydraulic oil tem- perature is too high during operation to protect the engine from overheating. -
Page 282
SEN01998-05 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Auto-warm-up function After the engine is started, if the engine coolant temperature is low, the engine speed is raised auto- matically to warm up the engine. Operating condition (All) Operated ⇒ Coolant temperature: Below 30°C. Engine speed: Max. -
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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01998-05 Swing control function Function The swing lock and swing holding brake function are provided as a swing control function. PC300, 350-8… -
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SEN01998-05 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Swing lock and swing holding brake func- Quick hydraulic oil warm-up function when tion swing lock switch is turned on The swing lock function (manual) is used If swing lock switch (1) is turned on, the to lock machine from swinging at any posi- pump cut-off function is cancelled and the tion. -
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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01998-05 Travel control function Function The machine is provided with a function that ensures travel performance best fit to the type of work and jobsite by controlling pumps during travel or allowing operator to change travel speed automatically or manually. -
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SEN01998-05 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Pump control function during travel Travel speed change function If the machine travels in a work mode Manual change with travel speed switch other than P mode, the work mode and If one of Lo, Mi and Hi is selected with the the engine speed are kept as they are and travel speed switch, the pump controller the pump absorption torque is increased. -
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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01998-05 Attachment flow control and circuit selector function (if equipped) Function This function is available only with the attach- ment specification. The function acts as follows according to the flow command and working mode from the monitor. -
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SEN01998-05 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard System component parts PPC oil pressure switch Plug Switch Connector Specifications Type of contacts: Normally open contacts Operating (ON) pressure: 0.5 ± 0.1 MPa {5.0 ± 1.0 kg/cm Resetting (OFF) pressure: 0.3 ± 0.05 MPa {3.0 ± 0.5 kg/cm Function The junction block has 6 PPC oil pressure switches. -
Page 289
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01998-05 Oil pressure sensor Sensor Connector Function The relationship between the pressure applied to sensors (P) and output voltage (E) is shown The pump pressure sensor is installed to the in the figure below. input circuit of the control valve. -
Page 290
SEN01998-05 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Pump pressure sensor (high pressure) Sensor Connector Operation The relationship between the pressure applied to sensors (P) and output voltage (E) is shown in the figure below. PC300, 350-8… -
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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01998-05 Pump controller PC300, 350-8… -
Page 292
SEN01998-05 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard CN-C01 CN-C01 Input/ Pin No. Signal name Input/ output Pin No. Signal name output Service switch Input PWR_IN_BATT Input Boom raise pressure switch Input GND_PWR Input NC(*) — Washer motor output Travel switch Input PWR_IN_BATT Input… -
Page 293
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01998-05 CN-C02 Input/ Pin No. Signal name output NC(*) — NC(*) — NC(*) — NC(*) — Att circuit change solenoid output Travel speed solenoid output NC(*) output NC(*) — NC(*) — NC(*) — NC(*) —… -
Page 294: Monitor System
SEN01998-05 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Monitor system The monitor system notifies the operator of machine status. It monitors the condition of the machine with sensors installed on various parts of the machine, processes and immedi- ately displays the obtained information on the panel.
Page 295
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01998-05 Machine monitor Outline The machine monitor has the functions to dis- play various items and the functions to select modes and electric parts. The machine monitor has a CPU (Central Pro- cessing Unit) in it to process, display, and out- put the information. -
Page 296
SEN01998-05 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Input and output signals CN-CM03 Input/ Pin No. Signal name CN-CM01 output Input/ RS232C CD for communica- Pin No. Signal name Input output tion terminal Battery power (+24V con- RS232C RXD for communica- Input Input stantly) -
Page 297
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01998-05 CN-CM05 Input/ Pin No. Signal name output Electric power supply for cam- Output Camera NTSC signal input 1 Input Camera NTSC signal input 2 Input Camera NTSC signal input 3 Input Electric power supply GND for —… -
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SEN01998-05 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Monitor control, display portion PC300, 350-8… -
Page 299
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01998-05 Hydraulic oil temperature monitor Hydraulic oil temperature gauge Engine coolant temperature monitor Engine coolant temperature gauge KOMTRAX message monitor Air conditioner monitor Wiper monitor Swing lock monitor Engine pre-heating monitor/power maximizing monitor 10. Time/service meter 11. -
Page 300
SEN01998-05 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Monitor items and display Symbol Display item Display method Swing holding brake Swing lock switch Display of symbol release switch Swing lock Flashes Flashes Preheater operates at low temperature and Automatic preheating symbol keeps lighting up for up to about 30 seconds and then goes off after engine starts. -
Page 301
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01998-05 The gauge pointer disappears when information on coolant temperature or hydraulic oil temperature cannot be obtained due to disconnection of CAN. Temperature or vol- Gauge Range Indicator Buzzer sound Engine coolant tem- perature (°C) White Hydraulic oil tempera-… -
Page 302
SEN01998-05 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Checks before starting (all symbols light up), when maintenance interval is exceeded. If the checks before starting or maintenance interval is exceeded items light up, the display of the hydraulic oil temperature gauge and the hydraulic oil temperature monitor disappear and the following symbols are displayed. -
Page 303
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01998-05 Display Symbol Display item Display range Display method category Green: Displays state of message KOMTRAX There is unread message. (for only machine equipped message Blue: with KOMTRAX). There is unreturned message. Air conditioner/ Displays operating condition. -
Page 304
SEN01998-05 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Switches Buzzer cancel switch Auto-deceleration switch Auto-deceleration switch The auto-deceleration switch toggles the auto- Guidance icon deceleration function on and off. When the working Function switch mode is switched, it is automatically set to ON. Working mode selector switch When it is set to ON, the auto-deceleration monitor Travel speed selector switch… -
Page 305
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01998-05 Symbol Switch Item Function Enter Enters selected/set item. Return Returns to previous screen. Select camera screen Selects camera screen. Select service meter/clock Selects service meter and clock alternately. Select maintenance screen Selects maintenance screen. Select user mode screen Selects user mode screen. -
Page 306
SEN01998-05 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Working mode selector switch Travel speed selector switch Pressing working mode selector switch (5) switches Each time you press the travel speed selector among working modes. switch, the travel speed setting switches as shown Check the working mode on the working mode below. -
Page 307
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01998-05 9a : Specifies airflow Camera screen display function 9b : Specifies temperature For an optional-camera-equipped machine, 9c : AUTO pressing the F3 on the normal screen switches 9d : A/C to the camera image. 9e : Switches among air blowing modes For a machine with no camera equipped, the 9f : Switches between inside air and outside air… -
Page 308
SEN01998-05 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard F6, or no operation for 5 sec.: Returns to the cam- era screen. Even when the camera screen is displayed, the working mode selector switch, travel speed selector switch, auto-deceleration switch, buzzer cancel switch, wiper switch, and win- dow washer switch are enabled. -
Page 309
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01998-05 Service meter/time selector function Pressing F4 on the normal screen when the service meter is displayed in the top center of the screen switches the display to the time, and doing so when the time is displayed switches the display to the service meter. -
Page 310
SEN01998-05 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Maintenance function Pressing F5 on the normal screen switches to the maintenance screen. F5 : Cancels the reset to return to the maintenance table screen. F6 : Resets the remaining time to return to the nor- mal screen. -
Page 311
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01998-05 You can lock the maintenance time by a pass- word to prevent it from carelessly being reset. The default password is “000000”. Enabling the password lock on an attachment- equipped machine locks the breaker/attach- ment setting screen at the same time. -
Page 312
SEN01998-05 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard User mode F3 : Selects (highlights) an item one down. F4 : Selects (highlights) an item one up. Pressing F6 on the normal screen enters the F5 : Cancels changes you made before confirming user mode, switching to the user menu screen. -
Page 313
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01998-05 Breaker setting selection screen. On the flow rate level setting screen, On this screen, you can allocate one of change the set flow rate. two set flow rates as a flow rate in breaker mode. -
Page 314
SEN01998-05 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard F3 : Selects (highlights) an item one down. F3 : Selects (highlights) an item one down. F4 : Selects (highlights) an item one up. F4 : Selects (highlights) an item one up. F5 : Returns to the breaker/attachment setting F5 : Returns to the breaker setting menu screen. -
Page 315
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01998-05 Message display For a KOMTRAX-equipped machine, you can view notification from the sales representative. When there is a message, the message moni- tor appears on the upper left of the normal screen. The lighting green monitor indicates that there are messages to be read. -
Page 316
SEN01998-05 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard For a camera-equipped machine, the bright- Clock adjustment ness, contrast, and illuminance of the camera Selecting the Clock adjustment from the user screen are also adjustable. menu and pressing F6 switches to the clock For a camera-equipped machine, selecting adjustment screen. -
Page 317
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01998-05 Summer time Economy mode adjustment Selecting ON for this sets the time forward Selecting the Economy mode adjustment from one hour. Setting OFF returns to the ordi- the user menu and pressing F6 switches to the nary time. -
Page 318
SEN01998-05 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Idle stop guidance function This function displays guidance to control unneces- sary fuel consumption. It is displayed only when all the following conditions are met. Energy saving guidance display of the service menu is specified to ON. No operation is made at least 5 min. -
Page 319
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01998-05 Service meter check function Display LCD check function If you continuously pressing auto-deceleration Continuously pressing the buzzer cancel switch (1) and buzzer cancel switch (2) at the switch (1) and F2 at the same time on the same time when setting the starting switch to password input screen or normal screen the OFF position, the service meter will appear… -
Page 320
SEN01998-05 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard User code/failure code display func- tion If there is any problem in machine operation, the user code and failure code are displayed on the monitor to advise the operator of the steps to take. These codes appear on the normal screen. -
Page 321: Sensor
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01998-05 Sensor The signals from the sensors are input to the monitor panel directly. Either side of a sensor of contact type is always connected to the chassis ground. Type of When When Sensor name sensor normal abnormal…
Page 322
SEN01998-05 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard Hydraulic oil temperature sensor, coolant temperature sensor Thermistor Tube Body Wire Tube Connector Fuel level sensor Float Cover Connector Variable resistor PC300, 350-8… -
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10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01998-05 Air cleaner clogging sensor PC300, 350-8… -
Page 324: Komtrax System
SEN01998-05 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard KOMTRAX system The KOMTRAX system consists of the KOMTRAX terminal, communication antenna, machine monitor and GPS antenna. This system sends various information of the machine via wireless communication. It allows operators of the KOMTRAX to obtain the machine information from the office and to pro- vide various services with the customers.
Page 325
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01998-05 KOMTRAX terminal Model: TH300 The KOMTRAX system uses satellite communication technology. Communication antenna connection Outline Machine harness connection (AMP-14P) This terminal sends various machine informa- Machine harness connection (AMP-10P) tion based on the network signals and input signals obtained through the machine monitor, Input and output signals as well as GPS position data, via wireless… -
Page 326
SEN01998-05 PC300, 350(LC)-8 Hydraulic excavator Form No. SEN01998-05 © 2011 KOMATSU All Rights Reserved Printed in Japan 12-11… -
Page 327: Standard Value Table
SEN02624-03 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR 1SHOP MANUAL PC300-8 PC300LC-8 PC350-8 PC350LC-8 Machine model Serial number PC300-8 60001 and up PC300LC-8 60001 and up PC350-8 60001 and up PC350LC-8 60001 and up 20 Standard value table Standard service value table Standard value table for engine related parts ………………..2 Standard value table for chassis related parts ………………..
Page 328: Standard Value Table For Engine Related Parts
SEN02624-03 20 Standard value table Standard value table for engine related parts PC300, 300LC-8 Applicable model PC350, 350LC-8 Engine SAA6D114E-3 Cate- Standard value Judgement Item Measurement condition Unit gory for new machine criteria High idle 2,050 ± 50 2,050 ± 50 •…
Page 329: Standard Value Table For Chassis Related Parts
20 Standard value table SEN02624-03 Standard value table for chassis related parts PC300, 300LC-8 Applicable model PC350, 350LC-8 Cate- Standard value Judgement Item Measurement condition Unit gory for new machine criteria • Engine coolant temperature: Within operating range • Hydraulic oil temperature: Within 2 pumps at relief 2,030 ±…
Page 330
SEN02624-03 20 Standard value table PC300, 300LC-8 Applicable model PC350, 350LC-8 Cate- Standard value for Judgement Item Measurement condition Unit gory new machine criteria • Hydraulic oil temperature: Within operating range Unload pres- • Engine at high idle 3.9 ± 1.0 3.9 ±… -
Page 331
20 Standard value table SEN02624-03 PC300, 300LC-8 Applicable model PC350, 350LC-8 Cate- Standard value for Judgement Item Measurement condition Unit gory new machine criteria • Hydraulic oil temperature: Within operating range • Engine running at high idle Swing brake deg. PC300: Max. -
Page 332
SEN02624-03 20 Standard value table PC300, 300LC-8 Applicable model PC350, 350LC-8 Cate- Standard value for Judgement Item Measurement condition Unit gory new machine criteria • Hydraulic oil temperature: STD: 55.0 ± 11.0 STD: 42.0 – 70.0 Within operating range LC: 58.0 ± 11.5 LC: 45.0 –… -
Page 333
20 Standard value table SEN02624-03 PC300, 300LC-8 Applicable model PC350, 350LC-8 Cate- Standard value for Judgement Item Measurement condition Unit gory new machine criteria Whole work • Hydraulic oil temperature: Within equipment operating range PC300: Max. 450 PC300: Max. 675 (Lowering dis- •… -
Page 334
SEN02624-03 20 Standard value table PC300, 300LC-8 Applicable model PC350, 350LC-8 Cate- Standard value for Judgement Item Measurement condition Unit gory new machine criteria • Hydraulic oil temperature: Within operating range • Engine at low idle • Working mode: P mode Boom •… -
Page 335
20 Standard value table SEN02624-03 Discharge amount of hydraulic pump (P mode) Pump speed: At 1,950 rpm, PC current 280 mA Test pump Discharge Standard value Judgement Average discharge pressure of for discharge standard lower Check point pressure pressure other pump amount Q limit Q (MPa {kg/cm… -
Page 336
SEN02624-03 20 Standard value table For all models (Posture of machine for measuring performance and measurement procedure) Control valve: Spool stroke Travel 1: Travel speed (without load) Swing 1: Swing brake angle, time taken to start Travel 2: Travel speed (actual run), travel deviation swing, time taken to swing Swing 2: Hydraulic drift of swing Travel 3: Travel deviation… -
Page 337
20 Standard value table SEN02624-03 Travel 4: Hydraulic drift of travel Work equipment 3: Arm speed Work equipment 1: Hydraulic drift of work Work equipment 4: Bucket speed equipment Work equipment 2: Boom speed Work equipment 5: Boom time lag PC300, 350-8… -
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SEN02624-03 20 Standard value table Work equipment 6: Arm time lag Work equipment 7: Bucket time lag PC300, 350-8… -
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20 Standard value table SEN02624-03 PC300, 350-8… -
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SEN02624-03 PC300, 350(LC)-8 Hydraulic excavator Form No. SEN02624-03 © 2011 KOMATSU All Rights Reserved Printed in Japan 12-11… -
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SEN02625-06 PC300, 350-8 SEN02625-03 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR Shop Manual PC300-8 PC300LC-8 PC350-8 PC350LC-8 Machine model Serial number PC300-8 60001 and up PC300LC-8 60001 and up PC350-8 60001 and up PC350LC-8 60001 and up 30 Testing and adjusting Testing and adjusting, Part 1 Tools for testing, adjusting and troubleshooting ……………… -
Page 342
SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting Testing and adjusting oil pressure in work equipment, swing and travel circuit………. 35 Testing and adjusting control circuit oil pressure ………………39 Testing and adjusting pump PC control circuit oil pressure ……………. 40 Testing and adjusting pump LS control circuit oil pressure…………….. 43 Testing solenoid valve output pressure………………….. -
Page 343: Testing And Adjusting
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02625-06 Tools for testing, adjusting and troubleshooting Testing and adjusting Sym- Part No. Part name Remarks item Intake air pressure 799-201-2202 Boost gauge kit 1 -101–200 kPa 799-401-2220 Hose (boost pressure) {-760–1,500 mmHg} 799-201-9001 Handy smoke checker 1 Degree of contamination 0 to 70% (with the standard color) Checking exhaust gas…
Page 344
SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting Testing and adjusting Sym- Part No. Part name Remarks item Pressure gauge: 2.5, 6, 40, 60 MPa 799-101-5002 Hydraulic tester {25, 60, 400, 600 kg/cm Oil pressure of pump LS Pressure gauge: 790-261-1204 Digital hydraulic tester control circuit 60 MPa {600 kg/cm 799-101-5220 Nipple… -
Page 345
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02625-06 Testing and adjusting Sym- Part No. Part name Remarks item 799-601-4101 799-601-4201 T-adapter assembly 799-601-9000 799-601-9200 799-601-9020 Adapter for DT 1 For DT2P 799-601-9030 Adapter for DT 1 For DT3P For A3P (Does not include 799-601-9420 Adapter for AMP 799-601-9000 and 799-601-9200) -
Page 346
SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting Testing and adjusting Sym- Part No. Part name Remarks item 21 mm deep socket Commercially (MITOLOY 4ML-21 or equivalent) Socket available Applicable engine serial No.: Removal and installa- 26850001-26857026 tion of engine coolant — 19 mm deep socket temperature sensor (MITOLOY 4ML-19 or equivalent) 795T-981-1010 Socket… -
Page 347: Sketches Of Special Tools
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02625-06 Sketches of special tools Note: Komatsu cannot accept any responsibility for special tools manufactured according to these sketches. Socket PC300, 350-8…
Page 348: Testing Engine Speed
SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting Testing engine speed Measuring high idle speed 1) Start the engine and set the fuel control dial to the high idle (MAX) position. a Measure the engine speed with the monitoring 2) Set the working mode in the power mode (P) function of the machine monitor.
Page 349: Testing Air Boost Pressure
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02625-06 Testing air boost pressure 5. Run the engine at middle or higher speed and drain oil from the hose. a When draining the oil, open the self seal of a Air boost pressure measuring tools the hose by insert approximately half of the Symbol Part No.
Page 350: Testing Exhaust Gas Color
SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting Testing exhaust gas color 2. Measuring with smoke meter B2 1) Insert probe [1] of smoke meter B2 to the outlet of the exhaust pipe and secure it to the a Exhaust gas color measurement tools exhaust pipe with a clip.
Page 351
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02625-06 7) Start the engine and accelerate it suddenly or run it at high idle and then depress the accel- erator pedal of smoke meter B2 to collect the exhaust gas into the filter paper.Put polluted filtering paper…
Page 352: Adjusting Valve Clearance
SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting Adjusting valve clearance 4. Remove cap (6), set gear C1 and rotate the crank shaft forward to set No.1 cylinder to the compression top dead center. a Valve clearance adjustment tools Symbol Part No. Part name 795-799-1131 Gear Commercially Clearance gauge…
Page 353
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02625-06 6. Adjust the valve clearance in the following 4) Turn the crankshaft forward by 360 ° procedure. align the counter mark applied in step 5 a When No.1 cylinder is at the compression top above accurately to the pointer. a This alignment moves the supply pump dead center, adjust the valve clearance indi- cated with q mark in the valve arrangement… -
Page 354: Testing Compression Pressure
SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting Testing compression pressure 5. Move fuel filter and corrosion resistor assembly (8) to the control valve side along with the hose being connected to it. a Testing tools for compression pressure Symbol Part number Part name 795-799-6700 Puller 795-502-1590 Compression gauge 795-790-6110 Adapter…
Page 355
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02625-06 9. Disconnect high-pressure fuel tube (16). 13. Remove retainer (19) and remove fuel inlet connector (20). 14. Remove holder (21). 15. Remove injector (22). a Remove the injector by use of impacts of the tool, slide hammer D1. a Do not unclench the upper part of the injec- tor. -
Page 356
SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting 16. Install gasket D4 to the tip of adapter D3 and 21. Select the no-injection cranking operation from connect it to the injector mount. the machine monitor. a See the section of «Special functions of ma- chine monitor». -
Page 357
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02625-06 a After installing the rocker arm assembly, adjust Retainer: ± ± the valve clearance. For details, see «Adjusting 40.2 3.9 Nm {4.1 0.4 kgm} valve clearance». Apply the caulking compound (e) Rocker arm assembly mounting bolt : (hatched section) to retaining nut (19) ±… -
Page 358: Testing Blow-By Pressure
SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting Testing blow-by pressure a Blow-by pressure measurement tools Symbol Part No. Part name 799-201-1504 Blow-by checker 795-790-3300 Tool (Nozzle) 1. Remove the under cover of the engine block. 2. Install tool E2 to blow-by hose (1) and connect gauge [1] of blow-by checker E1.
Page 359: Testing Engine Oil Pressure
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02625-06 Testing engine oil pressure 5. Run the engine at the rated output and low idle and test the oil pressure. a Measuring tools for engine oil pressure Symbol Part number Part name 799-101-5002 Hydraulic tester 790-261-1204 Digital hydraulic tester 799-401-2320 Gauge 6732-81-3170 Adapter…
Page 360: Testing Fuel Pressure
SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting Testing fuel pressure Symbol Part number Part name 799-101-5002 Hydraulic tester 790-261-1204 Digital hydraulic tester Adapter 6732-81-3170 (10 × 1.0 mm R1/8) 6215-81-9710 O-ring 799-401-2320 Gauge: 1.0 MPa {10 kg/cm 795-790-1500 Fuel vacuum gauge 799-201-1201 a Fuel pressure shall be checked only in the fol- lowing 2 circuits.
Page 361
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02625-06 3) Run the engine at high idle and measure the 3) Measure pressure in the fuel low-pressure pressure in the fuel negative pressure circuit. circuit when the engine is cranked. a If the pressure in the fuel negative pres- a If the pressure in the fuel low-pressure cir- sure circuit is in the following range, it is cuit (at the fuel filter inlet side) is in the fol-… -
Page 362
SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting 4. Measuring pressure in the fuel low-pressure circuit (fuel filter outlet side) 1) Remove fuel pressure pickup plug (4) situ- ated at the fuel main filter outlet side. 4) After finishing measurement, remove the measuring tools and return the removed parts. -
Page 363
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02625-06 3) Run the engine at high idle and measure 2) Connect M10 computer check fitting G4to drop of the pressure of the fuel low-pressure gauge G3. circuit. Pressure drop in the fuel low-pressure cir- cuit = Fuel filter inlet pressure — Fuel pressure outlet pressure a If the pressure drop in the fuel low-pres-… -
Page 364
SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting If the fuel lift pump outlet pressure is not in the standard range while fuel is in the fuel lift pump, remove check valve (8) of engine controller cooling plate (7) and check to see if the valve is seized. -
Page 365: Handling During Cylinder Cut-Out Operation
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02625-06 Handling during cylinder cut-out Handling during no injection operation cranking operation a Reduced cylinder mode operation means to run a The no injection cranking operation denotes to the engine with the fuel injectors of 1 or more cyl- crank the engine from the starting motor after inders disabled electrically to reduce the number setting all cylinders to no injection mode.
Page 366: Testing Fuel Return Rate And Leakage
SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting Testing fuel return rate and If the engine cannot be started, you may measure the fuel return rate while leakage rotating the engine with the starting motor. Do not rotate for more than 30 a Testing tools for leakage from pressure limiter seconds continuously, however, for and return rate from injector protection of the starting motor.
Page 367
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02625-06 4) Run the engine at low idle and test the return 4) Run the engine at low idle and test the return rate from the pressure limiter. rate from the injector. a If the leakage from the pressure limiter is a If the return rate from the injector is in the in the following range, it is normal. -
Page 368: Bleeding Air From Fuel Circuit
SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting Bleeding air from fuel circuit 3. Fill up the fuel tank with fuel. 4. Keep the starting switch at the ON position for 30 a If fuel is used up or if a fuel circuit part is removed seconds and keep it at the OFF position for 10 and installed, bleed air from the fuel circuit using seconds.
Page 369: Checking Fuel Circuit For Leakage
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02625-06 Checking fuel circuit for leakage 8. Run the engine at high idle and load it. a When checking while the components to be checked are mounted on the machine, stall Very high pressure is generated in the high- the torque converter or relieve the hydraulic pressure circuit of the fuel system.
Page 370: Testing And Adjusting Air Compressor Belt Tension
SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting Testing and adjusting air compressor belt tension Inspection Test belt deflection amount (a) when depressing the mid point between the fan pulley and the compres- sor pulley with your finger. Belt depressing force: 58.8 N {6 kg} or equivalent Adjustment a If the belt deflection amount is not proper, adjust it in the following manner.
Page 371: Replacing Fan Belt
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02625-06 Replacing fan belt 3. Replace the fan belt (4). a The auto-tensioner is provided for the fan belt. Check each pulley for breakage and crack. Thus, testing and adjustment of the belt is usual- ly not necessary. a Disconnect air conditioner compressor belt be- fore replacing the fan belt.
Page 372: Replacing Alternator Belt
SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting Replacing alternator belt 3. Replace the alternator belt (6). a The auto-tensioner is provided for the alternator Check each pulley for breakage and crack. belt. Thus, testing and adjustment of the belt is usually no necessary. a Disconnect air conditioner compressor belt be- fore replacing the fan belt.
Page 373: Testing Clearance In Swing Circle Bearings
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02625-06 Testing clearance in swing circle bearings a Swing circle bearing clearance measurement tool Mark Part No. Part Name Commercially Dial gauge available a Follow the steps explained below when measur- ing clearance in the swing circle bearing on the actual machine.
Page 374: Testing And Adjusting Track Shoe Tension
SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting Testing and adjusting track shoe Adjustment a If the track shoe tension is not proper, adjust it in tension the following manner. Inspection 1. When the tension is too strong 1. Travel the machine forward by the length of track Loosen valve (1) to discharge the grease.
Page 375: Testing And Adjusting Oil Pressure In Work Equipment, Swing And Travel Circuit
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02625-06 Testing and adjusting oil pressure 2) Fit nipple L2 and connect it to oil pressure gauge [1] of hydraulic tester L1. in work equipment, swing and a Use the oil pressure gauge with capacity travel circuit 60 MPa {600 kg/cm a Testing and adjusting tools for hydraulic oil pres- sure in hydraulic circuit for work equipment,…
Page 376
SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting a When the boom LOWER is selected, the Pump Actuator Valve to be relieved (Unload) F unload valve relief pressure is lower than the main re- Service Safety valve lief pressure. Boom Hi Arm Hi F main relief valve a When the boom LOWER is selected, Front Bucket… -
Page 377
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02625-06 Adjustment 3) Check the pressure again after the adjust- a Adjustment of the unload valve is not available. ment, following the aforementioned steps for measurement. a Connect the pilot hose when measuring 1. Adjustment of main relief pressure a When the relief pressure of the work equip- the oil pressure. -
Page 378
SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting 3) Check the pressure again after the adjust- 4. Adjustment of swing relief pressure a If the swing relief pressure is not normal, ad- ment, following the aforementioned steps for measurement. just the swing motor safety valve (12) in the a Connect the pilot hose when measuring following manner. -
Page 379: Testing And Adjusting Control Circuit Oil Pressure
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02625-06 Testing and adjusting control 3. Start the engine and keep it running until the hydraulic oil temperature rises to the operating circuit oil pressure range. a Control circuit oil pressure testing and adjusting 4. Measure hydraulic oil pressure, when the engine tools is running at high idle and all the control levers are moved to the NEUTRAL position.
Page 380: Testing And Adjusting Pump Pc Control Circuit Oil Pressure
SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting Testing and adjusting pump PC control circuit oil pressure a Pump PC control circuit oil pressure testing and adjusting tools Symbol Part No. Part name 799-101-5002 Hydraulic tester 790-261-1204 Digital hydraulic tester 799-101-5220 Nipple (10 × 1.25 mm) 07002-11023 O-ring Measurement…
Page 381
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02625-06 3) Start the engine and keep it running until the 2. Measurement of PC-EPC valve output pres- hydraulic oil temperature rises to the oper- sure ating range. 1) Remove oil pressure measurement plug (5). a The plug is installed in the front side of the machine. -
Page 382
SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting 4) Measure the hydraulic oil pressure with all the control levers kept in the NEUTRAL posi- tion and the engine running at high idle and at low idle. a You can assume that the PC-EPC valve output pressure is normal when the fol- lowing changes are observed. -
Page 383: Testing And Adjusting Pump Ls Control Circuit Oil Pressure
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02625-06 Testing and adjusting pump LS control circuit oil pressure a Pump LS control circuit oil pressure testing and adjusting tools Symbol Part No. Part name 799-101-5002 Hydraulic tester 790-261-1204 Digital hydraulic tester 799-101-5220 Nipple (10 × 1.25 mm) 07002-11023 O-ring 799-401-1340 Differential pressure gauge…
Page 384
SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting a Measurement conditions and judgment method: When the ratio between the pump discharge pressure and LS valve output pressure (servo piston input pressure) reaches the following values, both pres- sures are judged normal. Lever operating condition Travel lever at All levers and half stroke posi-… -
Page 385
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02625-06 2. Measurement of LS differential pressure 2) Fit nipple M2 and connect it to oil pressure a LS differential pressure can be obtained by gauge [1] or differential pressure gauge M3 measuring the pump discharge pressure and of hydraulic tester M1. -
Page 386
SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting 4) Increase the hydraulic oil temperature to the 3. Measurement of LS-EPC valve output pres- operating range. sure 1) Remove oil pressure measurement plug (7). a The plug is installed on the rear pump. 5) Measure the pump discharge pressure and LS pressure (actuator load pressure) at the same time after setting the following condi- 2) Fit nipple M2 and connect it to oil pressure… -
Page 387
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02625-06 4) Measure the oil pressure when the engine is Adjustment a When the LS differential pressure is not normal, running at high idle and the travel speed switch and travel control lever are operated. adjust LS valves (8) and (9) in the following pro- a If LS-EPC valve output pressure changes cedure. -
Page 388: Testing Solenoid Valve Output Pressure
SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting Testing solenoid valve output pressure a Solenoid valve output pressure measurement tools Symbol Part No. Part name 799-101-5002 Hydraulic tester 790-261-1204 Digital hydraulic tester 799-401-3100 Nipple (02 size) 02896-11008 O-ring 799-401-3200 Nipple (03 size) 02896-11009 O-ring a Measure the solenoid valve output pressure af- 2.
Page 389
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02625-06 a When each output pressure shows the fol- 5. Run the engine at full throttle, then turn each solenoid valve ON or OFF by operating the lowing values, it is judged normal. control levers and switches, and measure the pressure. -
Page 390
SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting Table for functioning conditions — Travel junction solenoid valve Func- Functioning conditions tion When the travel steering signal is ON When travel steering When F or R pump pressure is 34.3 MPa {350 When the travel steering signal is independently oper- kg/cm ated… -
Page 391
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02625-06 Table for functioning conditions — Merge-divider solenoid valve Func- Functioning conditions tion When B mode is turned on When the service signal is ON When independent signal of the travel is ON When F or R pump pressure is 19.6 MPa {200 When any mode other kg/cm… -
Page 392: Testing Ppc Valve Output Pressure
SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting Testing PPC valve output pres- 2. Fit nipple [1] of the hydraulic tester P and then connect it to oil pressure gauge [2]. sure a Use the oil pressure gauge with capacity 6.0 MPa {60 kg/cm a PPC valve output pressure measurement tools Symbol Part No.
Page 393: Adjusting Play Of Work Equipment And Swing Ppc Valves
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02625-06 Adjusting play of work equipment and swing PPC valves a If the right and left work equipment levers have large play, adjust them according to the following procedure. 1. Remove the work equipment and swing PPC valve assembly.
Page 394: Inspecting Locations Of Hydraulic Drift Of Work Equipment
SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting Inspecting locations of hydraulic 2. Inspection of arm cylinder 1) Operate the arm cylinder to move the arm to drift of work equipment the position 100 mm before the digging stroke end, and stop the engine. a If hydraulic drift occurred on the work equipment (cylinder), check to see if the cause is on the cyl- inder packing side or control valve side accord-…
Page 395
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02625-06 2] If the internal pressure of the head end 4. Inspection of PPC valve increases, the pressure at the bottom end Measure the amount of hydraulic drift of the work also rises in proportion to this and equipment when the accumulator is charged balanced at certain level (this level with pressure and the lock lever is put to the… -
Page 396: Releasing Remaining Pressure In Hydraulic Circuit
SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting Releasing remaining pressure in Testing oil leakage amount hydraulic circuit 1. Measurement of oil leakage amount from boom cylinder When disconnecting the piping routed from 1) Start the engine and keep it running until the the hydraulic cylinder and the hydraulic mo- hydraulic oil temperature rises to the oper- tor to the control valve, release the residual…
Page 397
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02625-06 4) Continue this condition for 30 seconds, then 4. Measurement of oil leakage amount from measure the oil leakage amount for 1 minute. swing motor 1) Disconnect drain hoses (4) and install the oil stopper plug in the hoses. 2) Turn the swing lock switch to the ON position. -
Page 398
SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting 3) Disconnect drain hose (5) of the travel motor and fit an oil stopper plug in the hose end. 4) Run the engine at high idle, relieve the travel circuit, and measure the oil leakage. Wrong operation of the lever can cause an accident. -
Page 399: Bleeding Air From Various Parts
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02625-06 Bleeding air from various parts Air bleeding procedure Air bleeding items Bleeding air Bleeding air Bleeding air Starting Bleeding air from hydrau- from swing from travel Operation Contents of work engine from cylinder lic pump motor motor Replacement of hydraulic oil…
Page 400
SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting Bleeding air from swing motor 1) Start the engine and run it at low idle. 2) Swing slowly to bleed air. 4. Bleeding air from travel motor 1) Start the engine and run it at low idle. 2) Loosen air bleeder (2) and confirm that oil seeps out from the plug. -
Page 401: Diode Inspection Procedures
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02625-06 Diode inspection procedures a Check an assembled-type diode (8 pins) and in- dependent diode (2 pins) in the following man- ner. a The conduction direction of an assembled-type diode is as shown in the diagram below. a The conduction direction of an independent di- ode is shown on the diode surface.
Page 402: Installation And Adjustment Of Mirrors
SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting Installation and adjustment of mirrors a Retract the mirror into position (C) when transporting the machine. Retractable mirror (b1): Install at 33 mm Installation of retractable mirrors (from the top of the stay). Install mirror Install retractable mirrors (a1) and (b1) as stay (4) so that the mirror will be fixed at shown in the figure.
Page 403
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02625-06 a Retract the mirror into position (C) when transporting the machine. Adjustment of retractable mirrors Adjust the retractable mirrors at position (A). With retractable mirrors (a1) and (b1) open, loosen mirror bolts (1) and (2) and stay mounting bolts (3) and (4) and adjust the mirrors so that the operator can see the right and left rear views best which are… -
Page 404
SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting Tighten the stay mounting bolts so that the clearance to the stay mating face will be even. PC300, 350-8… -
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30 Testing and adjusting SEN02625-06 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 406
SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting PC300, 350(LC)-8 Hydraulic excavator Form No. SEN02625-06 © 2011 KOMATSU All Rights Reserved Printed in Japan 12-11… -
Page 407: Testing And Adjusting, Part 2
SEN02626-04 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR 1SHOP MANUAL PC300-8 PC300LC-8 PC350-8 PC350LC-8 Machine model Serial number PC300-8 60001 and up PC300LC-8 60001 and up PC350-8 60001 and up PC350LC-8 60001 and up 30 Testing and adjusting Testing and adjusting, Part 2 Special functions of machine monitor ………………….2 PC300, 350-8…
Page 408: Special Functions Of Machine Monitor
SEN02626-04 30 Testing and adjusting Special functions of machine monitor Air conditioner specification PC300, 350-8…
Page 409
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02626-04 Heater specification Upper section of machine monitor (Display sec- tion) (a): Multi-display a When the engine is started, the battery voltage may lower suddenly, depending on the ambi- ent temperature and the condition of the bat- tery. -
Page 410
This mode is used for special setting, testing, adjusting, or troubleshooting. Page Page t Operator mode (Outline) Service mode A Display of KOMATSU logo Monitoring A Display of inputting password Mechanical Systems Abnormality A Display of check of breaker mode… -
Page 411
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02626-04 a Classification of operator mode A: Display/Function from time when starting switch is turned ON to time when screen changes to ordi- nary screen and display after starting switch is turned OFF B: Display/Function when switch of machine monitor is operated C: Display/Function when certain condition is satisfied D: Display/Function which needs special operation of switch PC300, 350-8… -
Page 412
— — — 3 — KOMATSU logo is displayed for 2 seconds. before starting a After the KOMATSU logo is displayed for 2 Display of ending of maintenance seconds, the screen changes to “Display of — — — — 3 interval inputting password”, “Display of check of… -
Page 413
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02626-04 Display of inputting password After the KOMATSU logo is displayed, the screen to input the engine start lock password is displayed. a This screen is displayed only when the engine start lock function is set effective. -
Page 414
SEN02626-04 30 Testing and adjusting Display of warning after check before starting Display of check of working mode and travel If any abnormality is detected by the check before speed starting, the warning monitor is displayed on the If the check before starting is finished normally, the screen. -
Page 415
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02626-04 Display of end screen Selection of working mode When the starting switch is turned OFF, the end Select a working mode according to the following screen is displayed for 5 seconds. procedure. a Another message may be displayed on the While the ordinary screen is displayed, press end screen, depending on the message dis- the working mode selector switch, and the… -
Page 416
SEN02626-04 30 Testing and adjusting When the ordinary screen is displayed again, Selection of travel speed large working mode monitor (a) is displayed for While the ordinary screen is displayed, if the travel 2 seconds, and then the setting of the working speed shifting switch is pressed, large travel speed mode is changed. -
Page 417
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02626-04 Operation of windshield wiper Operation of air conditioner/heater While the ordinary screen is displayed, if the wiper While the ordinary screen is displayed, press the air switch is pressed, large wiper monitor (a) is dis- conditioner switch or heater switch, and the air con- played for 2 seconds and the windshield wiper ditioner adjustment screen or heater adjustment… -
Page 418
SEN02626-04 30 Testing and adjusting a When an error that there is a user code occurs Operation to display camera mode (if camera is in the camera mode, if you do not touch any installed) control lever for 10 seconds, the screen When a camera is installed, if [F3] is pressed, the changes to the ordinary screen and displays multi-display changes to the camera image (Set the… -
Page 419
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02626-04 Check of maintenance information Setting and display of user mode While the maintenance monitor or ordinary screen (Including KOMTRAX messages for user) is displayed, press [F5], and the maintenance table While the ordinary screen is displayed, press [F6], screen is displayed. -
Page 420
SEN02626-04 30 Testing and adjusting [KOMTRAX message] Display of energy-saving guidance There are 2 types of KOMTRAX message; 1 is When the machine is set in a certain operating con- for the user and the other is for the service. dition, the energy-saving guidance screen is dis- For user: played automatically to urge the operator to the… -
Page 421
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02626-04 Display of automatic judgment of breaker Display of user code and failure code If the operator performs breaker work in an If an abnormality which displays a user code and a improper working mode, the breaker automatic failure code occurs on the ordinary screen or cam- judgment screen is displayed to urge the operator era mode screen, all the information of the abnor-… -
Page 422
SEN02626-04 30 Testing and adjusting a Remedies given by displayed user codes to operator to take (The following table is an excerpt from the Operation and Maintenance Manual) User code Failure mode Action When emergency pump drive switch is at the up (emergency) Pump control system error position, normal operations become possible, but have inspection carried out immediately. -
Page 423
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02626-04 Function of checking display of LCD (Liquid Function of checking service meter Crystal Display) To check the service meter while the starting switch is turned OFF, operate the numeral input switches While the ordinary screen is displayed, if the follow- as follows. -
Page 424
SEN02626-04 30 Testing and adjusting Function of changing attachment/maintenance After the New password input screen is dis- played, input a new password with the numeral password input switches and confirm it with the function When changing the attachment/maintenance pass- switch. word used for the attachment setting function and a Set a new password of 4 –… -
Page 425
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02626-04 If the screen to notify completion of setting is displayed and then the ordinary screen is dis- played, the password is changed successfully. PC300, 350-8… -
Page 426
SEN02626-04 30 Testing and adjusting a The items which can be selected in the Service mode service menu are as follows (including To change the operator mode to the service mode, some items which need special opera- perform the following operation. tions). -
Page 427
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02626-04 Monitoring The machine monitor can monitor the condition of the machine in real time by receiving signals from various switches, sensors, and actuators installed to many parts of the machine and the information from the controllers which are controlling switches, etc. -
Page 428
SEN02626-04 30 Testing and adjusting Executing monitoring Changing machine setting mode After the “Executing monitoring screen” is dis- To change the setting of the working mode, played, perform the necessary operation of the travel speed, or auto-deceleration during moni- machine and check the monitoring information. toring, operate the corresponding switch under a Monitoring information is indicated by the current condition, and the mode setting… -
Page 429
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02626-04 Monitoring items table Unit (Initial setting: ISO) Com- Code ponent Monitoring item (Display on screen) Remarks meter inch charge 00200 Controller Model Select — PUMP 00201 Machine ID — 01002 Engine speed r/min 01601 2nd Eng. Speed Command r/min PUMP 01100… -
Page 430
SEN02626-04 30 Testing and adjusting Unit (Initial setting: ISO) Com- Code ponent Monitoring item (Display on screen) Remarks meter inch charge Swing ON•OFF PUMP Travel ON•OFF PUMP Boom Lower ON•OFF PUMP 01900 Pressure Switch 1 Boom Raise ON•OFF PUMP Arm Curl ON•OFF PUMP Arm Dump… -
Page 431
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02626-04 Unit (Initial setting: ISO) Com- Code ponent Monitoring item (Display on screen) Remarks meter inch charge ON•OFF ON•OFF ON•OFF Monitor 3rd & 4th 04505 Row Switches SW10 ON•OFF SW11 ON•OFF SW12 ON•OFF SW13 ON•OFF Monitor 5th Row 04506 SW14 ON•OFF… -
Page 432
SEN02626-04 30 Testing and adjusting Abnormality Record (Mechanical Systems) Information displayed on “abnormality record” screen The machine monitor classifies and records the On the “Mechanical Systems” screen, the fol- abnormalities which occurred in the past or which lowing information is displayed. are occurring at present into the mechanical sys- (a) : Occurrence order of abnormalities from tems, electrical systems, and air-conditioning sys-… -
Page 433
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02626-04 Resetting abnormality record The contents of the mechanical system abnor- mality record cannot be reset. Abnormality Record (Electrical Systems) The machine monitor classifies and records the abnormalities which occurred in the past or which are occurring at present into the mechanical sys- tems, electrical systems, and air-conditioning sys- tem. -
Page 434
SEN02626-04 30 Testing and adjusting Resetting abnormality record After the “Electrical Sys. Error Reset” While the “Electrical Systems” screen is screen is displayed, operate the function displayed, perform the following operation switches. with the numeral input switches. [F5]: Return to “Electrical systems” Operation of switches (While pressing screen (Reset mode) [4], perform the operation in order):… -
Page 435
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02626-04 Failure codes table Action Device in Category Failure code Trouble (Displayed on screen) code charge of record Mechanical — 989L00 Engine Controller Lock Caution 1 system Mechanical — 989M00 Engine Controller Lock Caution 2 system Mechanical —… -
Page 436
SEN02626-04 30 Testing and adjusting Action Device in Category Failure code Trouble (Displayed on screen) code charge of record Mechanical — CA234 Eng Overspeed system Electrical CA238 Ne Speed Sens Supply Volt Error system Electrical CA271 IMV/PCV1 Short Error system Electrical CA272 IMV/PCV1 Open Error… -
Page 437
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02626-04 Action Device in Category Failure code Trouble (Displayed on screen) code charge of record Electrical CA689 Ne Speed Sensor Error system Electrical CA731 Bkup Speed Sens Phase Error system Electrical CA757 All Persistent Data Lost Error system Electrical CA778… -
Page 438
SEN02626-04 30 Testing and adjusting Action Device in Category Failure code Trouble (Displayed on screen) code charge of record Electrical — DHPAMA F Pump Press Sensor Abnormality PUMP system Electrical — DHPBMA R Pump Press Sensor Abnormality PUMP system Electrical —… -
Page 439
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02626-04 Action Device in Category Failure code Trouble (Displayed on screen) code charge of record Electrical — DY2CKA Washer Drive Open Circuit PUMP system Electrical — DY2CKB Washer Drive Short Circuit PUMP system Electrical — DY2DKB Wiper Drive (Fwd) Short Circuit PUMP system… -
Page 440
SEN02626-04 30 Testing and adjusting Abnormality Record (Air-conditioning System/ Information displayed on “abnormality record” screen Heater System) On the “Air-conditioning System” or “Heater The machine monitor classifies and records the System” screen, the following information is abnormalities which occurred in the past or which displayed. -
Page 441
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02626-04 a The following items can be selected in the Maintenance Record maintenance record. The machine monitor records the maintenance information of the filters, oils, etc., which the opera- 01 Engine oil change tor can display and check by the following opera- 02 Engine oil filter change tions. -
Page 442
SEN02626-04 30 Testing and adjusting a The following items can be selected on Maintenance Mode Change the Change of maintenance mode screen. The operating condition for maintenance function in the operation mode can be set and changed with 00 Maintenance mode on/off this menu. -
Page 443
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02626-04 Contents of setting of each maintenance item After selecting each maintenance item, if the screen is displayed, set the item with the func- tion switches. Function of initializing all items After selecting “99 Use Default Value”, if the screen is displayed, set with the function switches. -
Page 444
SEN02626-04 30 Testing and adjusting a If [F6] is pressed without inputting a digit, Phone Number Entry there is not information of telephone No. The telephone No. displayed when the user code/ Accordingly, no telephone No. is displayed failure code is displayed in the operator mode can in the operator mode. -
Page 445
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02626-04 Default (Key-on Mode) Mode at Previous Key-off: Final mode in previous operation is displayed when key Check or change various settings related to the is ON machine monitor and machine by «Default». [F3]: Move to lower item The function of working mode with key ON is used [F4]: Move to upper item to set the working mode displayed on the machine… -
Page 446
SEN02626-04 30 Testing and adjusting a When the machine is delivered, the SI unit Default (Unit) system is set. Check or change various settings related to the machine monitor and machine by «Default». The unit selecting function is used to select the unit of the data displayed for monitoring, etc. -
Page 447
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02626-04 a When an attachment is installed, if this Default (With/Without Attachment) setting is not carried out normally, the Check or change various settings related to the attachment cannot be set in the operator machine monitor and machine by «Default». mode. -
Page 448
SEN02626-04 30 Testing and adjusting Default (Attachment/Maintenance Password) Selecting Disable/Enable After the Attachment/Maintenance Password Check or change various settings related to the screen is displayed, select the setting with the machine monitor and machine by «Default». function switches. The function of setting attachment/maintenance Disable : Password screen is not dis- password is used to set the display of the password played… -
Page 449
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02626-04 Default (Camera) Selecting camera setting After the “Camera” setting screen is displayed, Check or change various settings related to the select the setting with the function switches. machine monitor and machine by «Default». OFF: Camera is not used The camera setting function is used to set installa- Original Image: Image of connected cam- tion and removal of a camera. -
Page 450
SEN02626-04 30 Testing and adjusting a If ECO display is turned ON, ECO is dis- Default (ECO Display) played when the screen changes to the Check or change various settings related to the ordinary screen. Even if the energy saving machine monitor and machine by «Default». -
Page 451
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02626-04 Default (Breaker Detect) Selecting display setting After the «Breaker Detect» screen is displayed, Check or change various settings related to the select the setting with the function switches. machine monitor and machine by «Default». [F3]: Move to lower item The function of setting breaker automatic judgment [F4]: Move to upper item is used to set the display to give warning when the… -
Page 452
SEN02626-04 30 Testing and adjusting Adjustment (Pump Absorption Torque) Selecting absorption torque After the «Pump Absorption Torque» screen is The operator can adjust various items related to the displayed, select a set value on the right side machine with the machine monitor. with the function switches. -
Page 453
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02626-04 Adjustment (Low speed) Selecting travel Low speed After the «Low Speed» setting screen is dis- The operator can adjust various items related to the played, select a set value on the right side with machine with the machine monitor. the function switches. -
Page 454
SEN02626-04 30 Testing and adjusting Adjustment (Attachment Flow Adjustment) Selecting distribution of oil flow After the screen of «Attachment Flow Adjust- The operator can adjust various items related to the ment» is displayed, select a set value on the machine with the machine monitor. right side with the function switches. -
Page 455
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02626-04 Cylinder Cut-Out The operator can perform «Cylinder Cut-Out» oper- ation with the machine monitor. «Cylinder Cut-Out» operation means to run the engine with 1 or more fuel injectors disabled electri- cally to reduce the number of effective cylinders. This operation is used to find out a cylinder which does not output power normally (combustion in it is abnormal). -
Page 456
SEN02626-04 30 Testing and adjusting [Reference] No Injection If a normally operating cylinder is Cut-Out, If the engine is operated after long storage of the the following phenomena occur. machine, it may be worn or damaged because of 1) Lowering of engine speed insufficient lubrication with oil. -
Page 457
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02626-04 Starting no injection cranking Prohibiting no injection cranking If no injection cranking (Fuel injection in no cyl- If the operator tries to perform the no injection inders) becomes effective, that is displayed on cranking while the engine is running, the mes- the screen. -
Page 458
SEN02626-04 30 Testing and adjusting Fuel Consumption Display and function during measurement Clock mark (a) flashes during measurement. This function calculates the hourly fuel consump- a While the fuel consumption is being mea- tion from the actual fuel consumption in a measur- sured, the operator can work with the ing period and indicates it. -
Page 459
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02626-04 KOMTRAX Settings (Terminal Status) Contents of display of terminal status On the “Terminal Status” screen, the following The setting condition and operating condition of items are displayed. K O M TR A X c an b e c he c k e d w i t h D i s pla y of Terminal type: Model name of KOMTRAX KOMTRAX setting. -
Page 460
SEN02626-04 30 Testing and adjusting KOMTRAX Settings (GPS & Communication Status) Contents of display of GPS & communication status The setting condition and operating condition of On the screen of “GPS & Communication Sta- KOMTRAX can be checked with “KOMTRAX Set- tus”, the following items are displayed. -
Page 461
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02626-04 KOMTRAX Setting (MODEM S/N: TH300) Contents of display of Modem S/N The serial No. of TH300 Modem is displayed. The setting condition and operating condition of [F5]: Return to KOMTRAX settings screen K O M TR A X c an b e c he c k e d w i t h D i s pla y of KOMTRAX setting. -
Page 462
SEN02626-04 30 Testing and adjusting Display of service message Display of message (with return mail function) If a box to enter a value with the numeral keys Special messages for the serviceman sent from the is displayed under the message, enter a KOMTRAX base station (a distributor, etc.) can be proper number with the numeral input switches checked with this function. -
Page 463
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02626-04 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 464
SEN02626-04 PC300, 350(LC)-8 Hydraulic excavator Form No. SEN02626-04 © 2013 KOMATSU All Rights Reserved Printed in Japan 01-13… -
Page 465: Testing And Adjusting, Part 3
SEN02663-02 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR 1SHOP MANUAL PC300-8 PC300LC-8 PC350-8 PC350LC-8 Machine model Serial number PC300-8 60001 and up PC300LC-8 60001 and up PC350-8 60001 and up PC350LC-8 60001 and up 30 Testing and adjusting Testing and adjusting, Part 3 Handling voltage circuit of engine controller ………………..2 Preparation work for troubleshooting of electrical system …………….
Page 466: Handling Voltage Circuit Of Engine Controller
SEN02663-02 30 Testing and adjusting Handling voltage circuit of engine controller Before disconnecting or connecting a connec- tor between the engine controller and engine, be sure to turn the starting switch OFF. If a T-adapter is inserted in or connected to a connector between the engine controller and engine for troubleshooting, do not start the engine.
Page 467: Preparation Work For Troubleshooting Of Electrical System
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02663-02 Preparation work for Insert or connect troubleshooting T-adapt- ers in or to connectors CM01, CM02, and troubleshooting of electrical CM03 of machine monitor (4). system a Connectors CM02 and CM03 are of a When carrying out troubleshooting of an elec- the same type.
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SEN02663-02 30 Testing and adjusting a The connectors of the pump control- Pump controller Slide the operator’s seat and seat stand to ler have a special locking mecha- the forward end. nism. Disconnect them according to Remove the 5 mounting bolts and cool & steps (a) –… -
Page 469
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02663-02 a Removal and installation of sensor Connect troubleshooting T-adapters to con- nectors CK01 and CK02 of KOMTRAX A deep socket is necessary for removal communication module (13). and installation of the engine oil pressure a Cable (14) is for the communication switch. -
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SEN02663-02 30 Testing and adjusting Supply pump IMV solenoid (FUEL REGU- Common rail pressure sensor (FUEL RAIL LATOR) PRESS) a Disconnection and connection of connector Electric priming pump (FUEL LIFT PUMP) Water-in-fuel sensor intermediate connec- The connector of the common rail pres- tor (WIF) sure sensor has a special locking mecha- a Disconnection and connection of con-… -
Page 471: Procedure For Testing Diodes
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02663-02 Procedure for testing diodes a Test the assembled-type diode (8-pin) and the single diode (2-pin) according to the following procedure. a The conductive directions of the assembled- type diode are as follows. When using analog circuit tester Set the tester in the resistance range.
Page 472: Pm Clinic Service
SEN02663-02 30 Testing and adjusting Pm clinic service Machine model Model number Service meter PC300-8 PC350-8 User name Date of execution Inspector Specifications Main components Attachments Shoe width Boom Standard Breaker 600 mm Standard 700 mm Bucket Standard Check of oil/coolant level When necessary Radiator coolant Damper case oil…
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30 Testing and adjusting SEN02663-02 Items related to engine PC300, 350-8… -
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SEN02663-02 30 Testing and adjusting Items related to oil pressure PC300, 350-8… -
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30 Testing and adjusting SEN02663-02 Check sheet (PC300/350-8) Model Serial No. Service meter User’s name Date of execution Inspector Engine Checking condition Standard Mea- Service limit Fuel Work- Auto- Operation of Check item Unit value for new sured Left knob value control decel-… -
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SEN02663-02 30 Testing and adjusting Hydraulic drift of work equipment Checking condition Standard Mea- value for Service limit Fuel Work- Check item Unit sured value control Checking posture, etc. value machine dial mode Boom top horizontal PC300-8 Max. 450 Max. 675 Hydraulic drift of Engine stopped Arm cylinder retracted fully… -
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30 Testing and adjusting SEN02663-02 * Gauge changing work: Change hoses of gauges [3] and [4]. [3a] [4a] 60 MPa 60 MPa 60 MPa 60 MPa 6 MPa Checking condition {600 kg/ {600 kg/ {600 kg/ {600 kg/ {60 kg/ Check item Fuel Work-… -
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SEN02663-02 PC300, 350(LC)-8 Hydraulic excavator Form No. SEN02663-02 © 2008 KOMATSU All Rights Reserved Printed in Japan 12-08 (01) -
Page 479: Troubleshooting
SEN02627-04 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR 1SHOP MANUAL PC300-8 PC300LC-8 PC350-8 PC350LC-8 Machine model Serial number PC300-8 60001 and up PC300LC-8 60001 and up PC350-8 60001 and up PC350LC-8 60001 and up 40 Troubleshooting Failure code table and fuse locations Failure codes table……………………….2 Fuse locations…………………………
Page 480: Failure Codes Table
SEN02627-04 40 Troubleshooting Failure codes table Action Device in Reference Failure code Trouble (Displayed on screen) Category of record code charge document No. — 989L00 Engine Controller Lock Caution 1 Mechanical system — 989M00 Engine Controller Lock Caution 2 Mechanical system —…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02627-04 Reference Action Device in Failure code Trouble (Displayed on screen) Category of record code charge document No. CA435 Eng Oil Press Sw Error Electrical system CA441 Battery Voltage Low Error Electrical system CA442 Battery Voltage High Error Electrical system CA449 Rail Press Very High Error… -
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SEN02627-04 40 Troubleshooting Action Device in Reference Failure code Trouble (Displayed on screen) Category of record code charge document No. — DW91KB Travel Junction Sol. Short Circuit PUMP Electrical system — DWA2KA Attachment Sol Open Circuit PUMP Electrical system — DWA2KB Attachment Sol Short Circuit PUMP… -
Page 483: Fuse Locations
40 Troubleshooting SEN02627-04 Fuse locations Connection table of fuse box a This connection table shows the devices to which each power supply of the fuse box supplies power (A switch power supply is a device which supplies power while the starting switch is in the ON position and a constant power supply is a device which supplies power while the starting switch is in the OFF and ON positions).
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SEN02627-04 40 Troubleshooting Locations of fusible links Location of fuse box and fuse Nos. PC300, 350-8… -
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02627-04 Troubles that occur when controller power supply of pump controller is defective a The controller power supply (F01-17) of the pump controller drives the controller system. Accordingly, if it is turned off, the controller cannot control the system and the troubles shown below occur simulta- neously (The following is an example of the troubles). -
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SEN02627-04 40 Troubleshooting a Power supply connector (CP01, CP02) of pump controller PC300, 350-8… -
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02627-04 PC300, 350-8… -
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SEN02627-04 PC300, 350(LC)-8 Hydraulic excavator Form No. SEN02627-04 © 2010 KOMATSU All Rights Reserved Printed in Japan 05-10… -
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SEN02628-04 PC300, 350-8 SEN02628-03 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR Shop Manual PC300-8 PC300LC-8 PC350-8 PC350LC-8 Machine model Serial number PC300-8 60001 and up PC300LC-8 60001 and up PC350-8 60001 and up PC350LC-8 60001 and up 40 Troubleshooting General Information on troubleshooting Points to remember when troubleshooting ………………..Sequence of events in troubleshooting………………….. -
Page 490: Points To Remember When Troubleshooting
SEN02628-04 40 Troubleshooting Points to remember when troubleshooting Stop the machine in a level place, and check that the safety pin, blocks, and parking brake are se- curely fitted. When carrying out the operation with 2 or more workers, keep strictly to the agreed signals, and do not allow any unauthorized person to come near.
Page 491: Sequence Of Events In Troubleshooting
40 Troubleshooting SEN02628-04 Sequence of events in troubleshooting PC300, 350-8…
Page 492: Checks Before Troubleshooting
SEN02628-04 40 Troubleshooting Checks before troubleshooting Item Criterion Remedy 1.Check of level and type of fuel — Addoil 2.Check of fuel for foreign matter — Clean and drain 3. Check of hydraulic oil level — Add oil 4. Check of hydraulic oil strainer —…
Page 493: Classification And Troubleshooting Steps
40 Troubleshooting SEN02628-04 Classification and troubleshooting steps Classification of troubleshooting Mode Contents Display of code Troubleshooting by failure code E-mode Troubleshooting of electrical system H-mode Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system S-mode Troubleshooting of engine Troubleshooting steps If a problem that appears to be a failure occurs on the machine, identify the relevant troubleshooting No. by performing the following steps and proceed to the main body of troubleshooting.
Page 494: Information In Troubleshooting Table
SEN02628-04 40 Troubleshooting Information in troubleshooting table Action code Failure code Display on Trouble name displayed in abnormality record machine moni- Display on machine Trouble machine moni- monitor Contents of Contents of trouble detected by machine monitor or controller trouble Action of Action taken by machine monitor or controller to protect system or devices when engine con- machine moni-…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02628-04 Related circuit diagram This drawing is a part of the electric circuit diagram related to troubleshooting. Connector No.: Indicates (Model ? Number of pins) and (Color). «Connector No. and pin No.» from each branching/ merg- ing point: Shows the ends of branch or source of merging within the parts of the same wiring harness. -
Page 496: Possible Problems And Troubleshooting No
SEN02628-04 40 Troubleshooting Possible problems and troubleshooting No. Troubleshooting Phenomena supposed to show troubles Display of E-mode H-mode S-mode code Phenomena related to action code/failure code 1 An action code is displayed on machine monitor. According When abnormality record is checked, failure code is dis- to dis- played in electrical system abnormality record played code…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02628-04 Troubleshooting Phenomena supposed to show troubles Display of E-mode H-mode S-mode code 37 The power maximizing function does not work. E-6, 18?23 H-14 Phenomena related to compound operation In compound operation of work equipment, speed of part H-15 loaded more is low When machine swings and raises boom simultaneously,… -
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SEN02628-04 40 Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Phenomena supposed to show troubles Display of E-mode H-mode S-mode code Monitoring function does not display «Boom RAISE» nor- E-18 mally Monitoring function does not display «Boom LOWER» nor- E-19 mally 72 Monitoring function does not display «Arm IN» normally E-20 73 Monitoring function does not display «Arm OUT»… -
Page 499: Connection Table For Connector Pin Numbers
40 Troubleshooting SEN02628-04 Connection table for connector pin numbers (Rev. 2009. 04) a The terms of male and female refer to the pins, while the terms of male housing and female housing refer to the mating portion of the housing. PC300, 350-8…
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Page 535: T- Branch Box And T- Branch Adapter Table
40 Troubleshooting SEN02628-04 T- branch box and T- branch adapter table (Rev. 2009. 03) a The vertical column indicates a part number of T-branch box or T-branch adapter while the horizontal col- umn indicates a part number of harness checker assembly. T-adapter kit Identification Part number…
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SEN02628-04 40 Troubleshooting T-adapter kit Identification Part number Part name symbol q q q 799-601-7160 Adapter for S (Blue) S12P q q q 799-601-7170 Adapter for S (Blue) S16P 799-601-7330 Adapter for S (White) S16PW 799-601-7350 Adapter for S (White) S12PW 799-601-7180 Adapter for AMP040 799-601-7190 Adapter for AMP040… -
Page 537
40 Troubleshooting SEN02628-04 T-adapter kit Identification Part number Part name symbol Socket for engine (HPI-T2) 795-799-5530* Socket for engine (CRI-T3) Temperature sensor Socket for engine (HPI-T2) 795-799-5540* Socket for engine(CRI-T3) TIM 795-799-5460 Cablefor engine (HPI-T2) 795-799-5470 Cablefor engine (HPI-T2) 795-799-5480 Cablefor engine (HPI-T2) 799-601-4110 Adapter for engine (140-T3) PIM ITT3N 799-601-4130 Adapter for engine (CRI-T3) NE, CAM… -
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SEN02628-04 40 Troubleshooting PC300, 350(LC)-8 Hydraulic excavator Form No. SEN02628-04 © 2011 KOMATSU All Rights Reserved Printed in Japan 12-11… -
Page 539: Troubleshooting By Failure Code (Display Of Code), Part
SEN02629-03 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR 1SHOP MANUAL PC300-8 PC300LC-8 PC350-8 PC350LC-8 Machine model Serial number PC300-8 60001 and up PC300LC-8 60001 and up PC350-8 60001 and up PC350LC-8 60001 and up 40 Troubleshooting Troubleshooting by failure code (Display of code), Part 1 Failure code [989L00] Engine Controller Lock Caution 1 …………….
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SEN02629-03 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA131] Throttle Sensor High Error ………………24 Failure code [CA132] Throttle Sensor Low Error ………………26 Failure code [CA144] Coolant Temp Sens High Error………………. 28 Failure code [CA145] Coolant Temp Sens Low Error ………………. 30 Failure code [CA153] Chg Air Temp Sensor High Error……………. -
Page 541: Failure Code [989L00] Engine Controller Lock Caution 1
40 Troubleshooting SEN02629-03 Failure code [989L00] Engine Controller Lock Caution 1 User code Failure code Engine controller lock caution 1 Trouble (Machine monitor system) — 989L00 Contents of • Engine controller lock is detected (Factor 1). trouble Action of • None in particular. machine monitor •…
Page 542: Failure Code [989N00] Engine Controller Lock Caution 3
SEN02629-03 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [989N00] Engine Controller Lock Caution 3 User code Failure code Engine controller lock caution 3 Trouble (Machine monitor system) — 989N00 Contents of • Engine controller lock is detected (Factor 3). trouble Action of • Tries automatic resetting. machine monitor •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02629-03 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 544: Failure Code [Aa10Nx] Air Cleaner Clogging
SEN02629-03 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [AA10NX] Air cleaner Clogging Action code Failure code Air cleaner clogging Trouble (Machine monitor system) — AA10NX Contents of • While engine was running, signal circuit of air cleaner clogging switch detected clogging of air trouble cleaner (sensor contact opened).
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02629-03 Circuit diagram related to air cleaner clogging switch of machine monitor PC300, 350-8… -
Page 546: Failure Code [Ab00Ke] Charge Voltage Low
SEN02629-03 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [AB00KE] Charge Voltage Low Action code Failure code Charge voltage low Trouble (Machine monitor system) — AB00KE Contents of • While engine is running, signal circuit of alternator detected low charge voltage (below 7.8 V). trouble Action of •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02629-03 Circuit diagram related to starting and charge of machine monitor PC300, 350-8… -
Page 548: Failure Code [B@Bazg] Eng Oil Press. Low
SEN02629-03 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [B@BAZG] Eng Oil Press. Low Action code Failure code Engine oil pressure low Trouble (Engine controller system) — B@BAZG Contents of • While engine was running, signal circuit of engine oil pressure switch detected low engine oil pres- trouble sure (sensor contact opened).
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02629-03 Circuit diagram related to engine oil pressure of machine monitor PC300, 350-8… -
Page 550: Failure Code [B@Bazk] Eng Oil Level Low
SEN02629-03 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [B@BAZK] Eng Oil Level Low Action code Failure code Engine oil level low Trouble (Machine monitor system) — B@BAZK Contents of • When starting switch is turned ON (but engine is not started), signal circuit of engine oil level switch trouble detected low engine oil level (sensor contact opened).
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Page 552: Failure Code [B@Bcns] Eng. Water Overheat
SEN02629-03 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [B@BCNS] Eng. Water Overheat Action code Failure code Engine coolant overheat Trouble (Engine controller system) — B@BCNS Contents of • While engine was running, signal circuit of engine coolant temperature sensor detected overheating trouble of engine coolant (above about 102°C). Action of •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02629-03 Circuit diagram related to engine coolant temperature sensor of machine monitor PC300, 350-8… -
Page 554: Failure Code [B@Bczk] Eng Water Level Low
SEN02629-03 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [B@BCZK] Eng Water Level Low Action code Failure code Engine coolant level low Trouble (Machine monitor system) — B@BCZK Contents of • When starting switch is turned ON, signal circuit of radiator coolant level sensor detected low radiator trouble coolant level (sensor contact opened).
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02629-03 Circuit diagram related to radiator coolant level switch of machine monitor PC300, 350-8… -
Page 556: Failure Code [B@Hans] Hydr Oil Overheat
SEN02629-03 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [B@HANS] Hydr Oil Overheat Action code Failure code Hydraulic oil overheat Trouble (Pump controller system) — B@HANS Contents of • While engine was running, signal circuit of hydraulic oil temperature sensor detected overheating of trouble hydraulic oil (above about 102°C).
Page 557: Failure Code [Ca111] Emc Critical Internal Failure
40 Troubleshooting SEN02629-03 Failure code [CA111] EMC Critical Internal Failure Action code Failure code EMC critical internal failure Trouble (Engine controller system) CA111 Contents of • Memory or power supply circuit in engine controller is defective. trouble Action of con- •…
Page 558: Failure Code [Ca122] Chg Air Press Sensor High Error
SEN02629-03 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA122] Chg Air Press Sensor High Error Action code Failure code Charge air pressure sensor high error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA122 Contents of • Pressure signal circuit of boost pressure, temperature sensor detected high voltage. trouble Action of con- •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02629-03 Circuit diagram related to boost pressure, temperature sensor (combination sensor) PC300, 350-8… -
Page 560: Failure Code [Ca123] Chg Air Press Sensor Low Error
SEN02629-03 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA123] Chg Air Press Sensor Low Error Action code Failure code Charge air pressure sensor low error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA123 Contents of • Pressure signal circuit of boost pressure, temperature sensor detected low voltage. trouble Action of con- •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02629-03 Circuit diagram related to boost pressure, temperature sensor (combination sensor) PC300, 350-8… -
Page 562: Failure Code [Ca131] Throttle Sensor High Error
SEN02629-03 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA131] Throttle Sensor High Error Action code Failure code Throttle sensor high error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA131 Contents of • Signal circuit of fuel control dial detected high voltage. trouble • If trouble occurs while starting switch is in ON position, controller fixes voltage value to level just Action of before detection of trouble and continues operation.
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02629-03 Circuit diagram related to fuel control dial PC300, 350-8… -
Page 564: Failure Code [Ca132] Throttle Sensor Low Error
SEN02629-03 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA132] Throttle Sensor Low Error Action code Failure code Throttle sensor low error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA132 Contents of • Signal circuit of fuel control dial detected low voltage. trouble • If trouble occurs while starting switch is in ON position, controller fixes voltage value to level just Action of before detection of trouble and continues operation.
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02629-03 Circuit diagram related to fuel control dial PC300, 350-8… -
Page 566: Failure Code [Ca144] Coolant Temp Sens High Error
SEN02629-03 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA144] Coolant Temp Sens High Error Action code Failure code Trouble Abnormally high level in coolant temperature CA144 Contents of • High voltage is detected in coolant temperature sensor signal circuit. trouble Action of con- •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02629-03 Circuit diagram related to engine coolant temperature sensor PC300, 350-8… -
Page 568: Failure Code [Ca145] Coolant Temp Sens Low Error
SEN02629-03 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA145] Coolant Temp Sens Low Error Action code Failure code Trouble Abnormally low level in coolant temperature CA145 Contents of • Low voltage is detected in coolant temperature sensor signal circuit. trouble Action of con- •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02629-03 Circuit diagram related to engine coolant temperature sensor PC300, 350-8… -
Page 570: Failure Code [Ca153] Chg Air Temp Sensor High Error
SEN02629-03 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA153] Chg Air Temp Sensor High Error Action code Failure code Trouble Abnormally high level in charge temperature CA153 Contents of • High voltage is detected in temperature signal circuit of boost pressure sensor and temperature sen- trouble sor.
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02629-03 Circuit diagram related to boost pressure, temperature sensor (combination sensor) PC300, 350-8… -
Page 572: Failure Code [Ca154] Chg Air Temp Sensor Low Error
SEN02629-03 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA154] Chg Air Temp Sensor Low Error Action code Failure code Trouble Abnormally low level in charge temperature CA154 Contents of • Low voltage is detected in temperature signal circuit of boost pressure sensor and temperature sen- trouble sor.
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02629-03 Circuit diagram related to boost pressure, temperature sensor (combination sensor) PC300, 350-8… -
Page 574: Failure Code [Ca155] Chg Air Temp High Speed Derate
SEN02629-03 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA155] Chg Air Temp High Speed Derate Action code Failure code Charge air temperature high speed derate Trouble (Engine controller system) CA155 Contents of • Temperature signal of boost pressure/temperature sensor exceeded control upper temperature limit. trouble Action of •…
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Page 576: Failure Code [Ca187] Sens Supply 2 Volt Low Error
SEN02629-03 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA187] Sens Supply 2 Volt Low Error Action code Failure code Sensor power supply 2 voltage low error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA187 Contents of • Low voltage was detected in sensor power supply 2 circuit. trouble Action of con- •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02629-03 Circuit diagram related to sensor power supply 2 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 578: Failure Code [Ca221] Ambient Press Sens High Error
SEN02629-03 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA221] Ambient Press Sens High Error Action code Failure code Ambient pressure sensor high error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA221 Contents of • High voltage was detected in signal circuit of ambient pressure sensor. trouble Action of con- •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02629-03 Circuit diagram related to atmospheric pressure sensor PC300, 350-8… -
Page 580: Failure Code [Ca222] Ambient Press Sens Low Error
SEN02629-03 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA222] Ambient Press Sens Low Error Action code Failure code Ambient pressure sensor low error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA222 Contents of • Low voltage was detected in signal circuit of ambient pressure sensor. trouble Action of con- •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02629-03 Circuit diagram related to atmospheric pressure sensor PC300, 350-8… -
Page 582: Failure Code [Ca227] Sens Supply 2 Volt High Error
SEN02629-03 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA227] Sens Supply 2 Volt High Error Action code Failure code Sensor power supply 2 voltage high error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA227 Contents of • High voltage was detected in sensor power supply 2 circuit. trouble Action of con- •…
Page 583: Failure Code [Ca234] Eng Overspeed
40 Troubleshooting SEN02629-03 Failure code [CA234] Eng Overspeed Action code Failure code Engine overspeed Trouble (Engine controller system) — CA234 Contents of • Engine speed exceeded control upper speed limit. trouble Action of con- • Stops injection until engine speed lowers to normal level. troller Problem that appears on…
Page 584: Failure Code [Ca238] Ne Speed Sens Supply Volt Error
SEN02629-03 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA238] Ne Speed Sens Supply Volt Error Action code Failure code Ne speed sensor supply power voltage error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA238 Contents of • Low voltage was detected in power supply circuit of engine Ne speed sensor. trouble Action of con- •…
Page 585: Failure Code [Ca271] Imv/Pcv1 Short Error
40 Troubleshooting SEN02629-03 Failure code [CA271] IMV/PCV1 Short Error Action code Failure code IMV/PCV1 short error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA271 Contents of • Short circuit was detected in drive circuit of supply pump actuator. trouble Action of con- • None in particular. troller Problem that •…
Page 586: Failure Code [Ca272] Imv/Pcv1 Open Error
SEN02629-03 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA272] IMV/PCV1 Open Error Action code Failure code IMV/PCV1 open error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA272 Contents of • Opening was detected in drive circuit of supply pump actuator. trouble Action of con- • None in particular. troller Problem that •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02629-03 Circuit diagram related to supply pump actuator (metering unit) PC300, 350-8… -
Page 588: Failure Code [Ca281] Pump Press Balance Error
SEN02629-03 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA281] Pump Press Balance Error Action code Failure code Abnormal supply pump pressure balance Trouble (Engine controller system) CA281 Contents of • Due to the abnormality in supply pump mechanical system, response of fuel pressure feed is not trouble appropriate, that is abnormal.
Page 589: Failure Code [Ca322] Inj #1 (L/B#1) Open/Short Error
40 Troubleshooting SEN02629-03 Failure code [CA322] Inj #1 (L/B#1) Open/Short Error Action code Failure code Injector #1 (L/B#1) open/short circuit error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA322 Contents of • Opening or short circuit was detected in drive circuit of No. 1 injector. trouble Action of con- •…
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SEN02629-03 40 Troubleshooting Circuit diagram related to injector No. 1 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 591: Failure Code [Ca323] Inj #5 (L/B#5) Open/Short Error
40 Troubleshooting SEN02629-03 Failure code [CA323] Inj #5 (L/B#5) Open/Short Error Action code Failure code Injector #5 (L/B#5) open/short circuit error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA323 Contents of • Opening or short circuit was detected in drive circuit of No. 5 injector. trouble Action of con- •…
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SEN02629-03 40 Troubleshooting Circuit diagram related to injector No. 5 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 593: Failure Code [Ca324] Inj #3 (L/B#3) Open/Short Error
40 Troubleshooting SEN02629-03 Failure code [CA324] Inj #3 (L/B#3) Open/Short Error Action code Failure code Injector #3 (L/B#3) open/short circuit error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA324 Contents of • Opening or short circuit was detected in drive circuit of No. 3 injector. trouble Action of con- •…
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SEN02629-03 40 Troubleshooting Circuit diagram related to injector No. 3 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 595: Failure Code [Ca325] Inj #6 (L/B#6) Open/Short Error
40 Troubleshooting SEN02629-03 Failure code [CA325] Inj #6 (L/B#6) Open/Short Error Action code Failure code Injector #6 (L/B#6) open/short circuit error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA325 Contents of • Opening or short circuit was detected in drive circuit of No. 6 injector. trouble Action of con- •…
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SEN02629-03 40 Troubleshooting Circuit diagram related to injector No. 6 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 597: Failure Code [Ca331] Inj #2 (L/B#2) Open/Short Error
40 Troubleshooting SEN02629-03 Failure code [CA331] Inj #2 (L/B#2) Open/Short Error Action code Failure code Injector #2 (L/B#2) open/short circuit error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA331 Contents of • Opening or short circuit was detected in drive circuit of No. 2 injector. trouble Action of con- •…
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SEN02629-03 40 Troubleshooting Circuit diagram related to injector No. 2 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 599: Failure Code [Ca332] Inj #4 (L/B#4) Open/Short Error
40 Troubleshooting SEN02629-03 Failure code [CA332] Inj #4 (L/B#4) Open/Short Error Action code Failure code Injector #4 (L/B#4) open/short circuit error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA332 Contents of • Opening or short circuit was detected in drive circuit of No. 4 injector. trouble Action of con- •…
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SEN02629-03 40 Troubleshooting Circuit diagram related to injector No. 4 PC300, 350-8… -
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02629-03 PC300, 350-8… -
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SEN02629-03 PC300, 350(LC)-8 Hydraulic excavator Form No. SEN02629-03 © 2010 KOMATSU All Rights Reserved Printed in Japan 05-10… -
Page 603: Troubleshooting By Failure Code (Display Of Code), Part
SEN02630-05 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR 1SHOP MANUAL PC300-8 PC300LC-8 PC350-8 PC350LC-8 Machine model Serial number PC300-8 60001 and up PC300LC-8 60001 and up PC350-8 60001 and up PC350LC-8 60001 and up 40 Troubleshooting Troubleshooting by failure code (Display of code), Part 2 Failure code [CA342] Calibration Code Incompatibility……………….
Page 604
SEN02630-05 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA559] Rail Press Low Error ………………..30 Failure code [CA689] Eng Ne Speed Sensor Error………………32 Failure code [CA731] Eng Bkup Speed Sens Phase Error …………….34 Failure code [CA757] All Persistent Data Lost Error ………………36 Failure code [CA778] Eng Bkup Speed Sensor Error ………………. -
Page 605: Failure Code [Ca342] Calibration Code Incompatibility
40 Troubleshooting SEN02630-05 Failure code [CA342] Calibration Code Incompatibility Action code Failure code Calibration code incompatibility Trouble (Engine controller system) CA342 Contents of • Incompatibility of data occurred in engine controller. trouble Action of con- • None in particular. troller Problem that appears on •…
Page 606: Failure Code [Ca351] Injectors Drive Circuit Error
SEN02630-05 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA351] Injectors Drive Circuit Error Action code Failure code Injectors drive circuit error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA351 Contents of • There is error in drive power circuit of injector. trouble Action of con- • Limits output and continues operation. troller •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02630-05 Circuit diagram related to engine controller power supply PC300, 350-8… -
Page 608: Failure Code [Ca352] Sens Supply 1 Volt Low Error
SEN02630-05 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA352] Sens Supply 1 Volt Low Error Action code Failure code Sensor power supply 1 voltage low error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA352 Contents of • Low voltage was detected in sensor power supply 1 circuit. trouble Action of con- •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02630-05 Circuit diagram related to sensor power supply 1 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 610: Failure Code [Ca386] Sens Supply 1 Volt High Error
SEN02630-05 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA386] Sens Supply 1 Volt High Error Action code Failure code Sensor power supply 1 voltage high error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA386 Contents of • High voltage was detected in sensor power supply 1 circuit. trouble Action of con- •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02630-05 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 612: Failure Code [Ca428] Water In Fuel Sensor High Error
SEN02630-05 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA428] Water in Fuel Sensor High Error Action code Failure code Water-in-fuel sensor high error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA428 Contents of • High voltage was detected in signal circuit of water-in-fuel sensor. trouble Action of con- •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02630-05 Circuit diagram related to water-in-fuel sensor PC300, 350-8… -
Page 614: Failure Code [Ca429] Water In Fuel Sensor Low Error
SEN02630-05 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA429] Water in Fuel Sensor Low Error Action code Failure code Water-in-fuel sensor low error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA429 Contents of • Low voltage was detected in signal circuit of water-in-fuel sensor. trouble Action of con- •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02630-05 Circuit diagram related to water-in-fuel sensor PC300, 350-8… -
Page 616: Failure Code [Ca435] Eng Oil Press Sw Error
SEN02630-05 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA435] Eng Oil Press Sw Error Action code Failure code Engine oil pressure switch error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA435 Contents of • There is error in signal circuit of engine oil pressure switch. trouble Action of •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02630-05 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 618: Failure Code [Ca441] Battery Voltage Low Error
SEN02630-05 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA441] Battery Voltage Low Error Action code Failure code Battery voltage low error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA441 Contents of • There is low voltage in controller power supply circuit. trouble Action of con- • None in particular. troller Problem that •…
Page 619
40 Troubleshooting SEN02630-05 Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Connecting parts between fuse No. 19 – machine wiring harness – engine controller may be defective. Check them directly. Defective wiring harness • Looseness of connector, breakage of lock, or breakage of seal connector •… -
Page 620: Failure Code [Ca442] Battery Voltage High Error
SEN02630-05 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA442] Battery Voltage High Error Action code Failure code Battery voltage high error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA442 Contents of • There is high voltage (36 V or higher) in controller power supply circuit. trouble Action of con- •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02630-05 Circuit diagram related to engine controller power supply PC300, 350-8… -
Page 622: Failure Code [Ca449] Rail Press Very High Error
SEN02630-05 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA449] Rail Press Very High Error Action code Failure code Common rail pressure very high error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA449 Contents of • There is high pressure error (2) in common rail circuit. trouble Action of con- •…
Page 623
40 Troubleshooting SEN02630-05 Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON and carry out troubleshooting. Defective common rail pres- Monitoring by Monitoring code: 36400 sure sensor machine monitor Common rail pres- While engine is 0 ±… -
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SEN02630-05 40 Troubleshooting Circuit diagram related to common rail pressure sensor and engine controller ground line PC300, 350-8… -
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02630-05 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 626: Failure Code [Ca451] Rail Press Sensor High Error
SEN02630-05 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA451] Rail Press Sensor High Error Action code Failure code Common rail pressure sensor high error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA451 Contents of • There is high voltage in signal circuit of common rail pressure sensor. trouble Action of con- •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02630-05 Circuit diagram related to common rail pressure sensor PC300, 350-8… -
Page 628: Failure Code [Ca452] Rail Press Sensor Low Error
SEN02630-05 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA452] Rail Press Sensor Low Error Action code Failure code Common rail pressure sensor low error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA452 Contents of • There is low voltage in signal circuit of common rail pressure sensor. trouble Action of con- •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02630-05 Circuit diagram related to common rail pressure sensor PC300, 350-8… -
Page 630: Failure Code [Ca488] Chg Air Temp High Torque Derate
SEN02630-05 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA488] Chg Air Temp High Torque Derate User code Failure code Charge air temperature high torque derate Trouble (Engine controller system) CA488 Contents of • Temperature signal of boost pressure/temperature sensor exceeded control upper temperature limit. trouble Action of •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02630-05 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 632: Failure Code [Ca559] Rail Press Low Error
SEN02630-05 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA559] Rail Press Low Error Action code Failure code Common rail pressure low error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA559 Contents of • There is low pressure error (1) in common rail circuit. trouble Action of con- •…
Page 633
40 Troubleshooting SEN02630-05 Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting For check of return rate from injector, see Testing and adjust- ing, Checking fuel return rate and leakage. During cranking Defective injector (if engine cannot be Max. 100 cc/30 sec. (including high pressure pip- started) Return rate from… -
Page 634: Failure Code [Ca689] Eng Ne Speed Sensor Error
SEN02630-05 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA689] Eng Ne Speed Sensor Error Action code Failure code Engine Ne speed sensor error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA689 Contents of • There is error in signal from engine Ne speed sensor. trouble Action of con- •…
Page 635
40 Troubleshooting SEN02630-05 Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot- ing without turning starting switch ON. Wiring harness between CE01 (female) (27) Short circuit in wiring har- Resis- Min. – C15 (female) (3) and between CE01 ness tance 100 kz… -
Page 636: Failure Code [Ca731] Eng Bkup Speed Sens Phase Error
SEN02630-05 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA731] Eng Bkup Speed Sens Phase Error Action code Failure code Engine Bkup speed sensor phase error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA731 Contents of • Phase error was detected in signals from engine Ne speed sensor and engine Bkup speed sensor trouble Action of con- •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02630-05 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 638: Failure Code [Ca757] All Persistent Data Lost Error
SEN02630-05 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA757] All Persistent Data Lost Error Action code Failure code All persistent data lost error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA757 Contents of • All data in engine controller are lost. trouble Action of con- • None in particular. troller Problem that •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02630-05 Circuit diagram related to engine controller power supply PC300, 350-8… -
Page 640: Failure Code [Ca778] Eng Bkup Speed Sensor Error
SEN02630-05 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA778] Eng Bkup Speed Sensor Error Action code Failure code Engine Bkup speed sensor error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA778 Contents of • There is error in signal from engine Bkup speed sensor. trouble Action of con- •…
Page 641
40 Troubleshooting SEN02630-05 Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Connecting parts between engine Bkup speed sensor – engine wir- ing harness – engine controller may be defective. Check them Defective wiring harness directly. Possible causes connector • Looseness of connector, breakage of lock, or breakage of seal and standard •… -
Page 642: Failure Code [Ca1633] Komnet Datalink Timeout Error
SEN02630-05 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA1633] KOMNET Datalink Timeout Error Action code Failure code KOMNET Datalink timeout error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA1633 Contents of • Engine controller detected communication error in KOMNET communication circuit between pump trouble controller and machine monitor. Action of •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02630-05 Circuit diagram related to KOMNET communication PC300, 350-8… -
Page 644: Failure Code [Ca2185] Throt Sens Sup Volt High Error
SEN02630-05 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA2185] Throt Sens Sup Volt High Error Action code Failure code Throttle sensor supply voltage high error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA2185 Contents of • High voltage (5.25 V or higher) was detected in throttle sensor power supply circuit. trouble •…
Page 645: Failure Code [Ca2186] Throt Sens Sup Volt Low Error
40 Troubleshooting SEN02630-05 Failure code [CA2186] Throt Sens Sup Volt Low Error Action code Failure code Throttle sensor supply voltage low error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA2186 Contents of • Low voltage was detected in throttle sensor power supply circuit. trouble •…
Page 646: Failure Code [Ca2249] Rail Press Very Low Error
SEN02630-05 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA2249] Rail Press Very Low Error Action code Failure code Common rail pressure very low error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA2249 Contents of • There is low pressure error (2) in common rail circuit. trouble Action of con- •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02630-05 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 648: Failure Code [Ca2265] Fuel Feed Pump Open Error
SEN02630-05 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA2265] Fuel Feed Pump Open Error Action code Failure code Fuel feed pump open error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA2265 Contents of • Opening was detected in drive circuit of electric fuel feed pump actuator. trouble Action of con- •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02630-05 Circuit diagram related to electric lift pump actuator PC300, 350-8… -
Page 650: Failure Code [Ca2266] Fuel Feed Pump Short Error
SEN02630-05 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA2266] Fuel Feed Pump Short Error Action code Failure code Fuel feed pump short error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA2266 Contents of • Opening was detected in electric fuel feed pump actuator. trouble Action of con- •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02630-05 Circuit diagram related to electric lift pump actuator PC300, 350-8… -
Page 652: Failure Code [Ca2311] Imv Solenoid Error
SEN02630-05 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA2311] IMV Solenoid Error User code Failure code IMV solenoid error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA2311 Contents of • Resistance of supply pump actuator circuit is abnormally high or low. trouble Action of • None in particular. controller Problem that appears on…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02630-05 Circuit diagram related to supply pump actuator (metering unit) PC300, 350-8… -
Page 654: Failure Code [Ca2555] Grid Htr Relay Volt Low Error
SEN02630-05 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA2555] Grid Htr Relay Volt Low Error Action code Failure code Grid heater relay volt low error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA2555 Contents of • Disconnection was detected in drive circuit of intake air heater relay. trouble Action of con- •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02630-05 Circuit diagram related to preheating, starting and charging engine PC300, 350-8… -
Page 656: Failure Code [Ca2556] Grid Htr Relay Volt High Error
SEN02630-05 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [CA2556] Grid Htr Relay Volt High Error Action code Failure code Grid heater relay volt high error Trouble (Engine controller system) CA2556 Contents of • Short circuit was detected in drive circuit of intake air heater relay. trouble Action of con- •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02630-05 Circuit diagram related to preheating, starting and charging engine PC300, 350-8… -
Page 658: Failure Code [D110Kb] Battery Relay Drive S/C
SEN02630-05 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [D110KB] Battery Relay Drive S/C Action code Failure code Battery relay drive short Trouble (Pump controller system) — D110KB Contents of • Abnormal current flowed at output to battery relay drive circuit. trouble Action of con- •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02630-05 Circuit diagram related to battery relay drive PC300, 350-8… -
Page 660: Failure Code [D19Jkz] Personal Code Relay Abnormality
SEN02630-05 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [D19JKZ] Personal Code Relay Abnormality User code Failure code Personal code relay abnormality Trouble (KOMTRAX system in machine monitor) D19JKZ Contents of • Disconnection or short circuit was detected in personal code relay circuit. trouble •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02630-05 Circuit diagram related to engine preheater/starting motor/charging system PC300, 350-8… -
Page 662: Failure Code [D862Ka] Gps Antenna Discon
SEN02630-05 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [D862KA] GPS Antenna Discon User code Failure code GPS antenna disconnection Trouble (KOMTRAX system in machine monitor) — D862KA Contents of • Disconnection was detected in GPS antenna circuit. trouble Action of • None in particular. controller •…
Page 663: Failure Code [Da22Kk] Pump Solenoid Power Low Error
40 Troubleshooting SEN02630-05 Failure code [DA22KK] Pump Solenoid Power Low Error User code Failure code Lowering of solenoid power supply voltage Trouble (Pump controller system) DA22KK Contents of • Solenoid power supply voltage of controller is below 20 V. trouble •…
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SEN02630-05 40 Troubleshooting Circuit diagram related to pump controller power supply PC300, 350-8… -
Page 665: Failure Code [Da25Kp] 5V Sensor 1 Power Abnormality
40 Troubleshooting SEN02630-05 Failure code [DA25KP] 5V sensor 1 power abnormality Action code Failure code 5V sensor power supply output 1 abnormality Trouble (Pump controller system) DA25KP Contents of • Voltage of 5V sensor power supply output 1 circuit is below 2.5 V or above 6.0 V. trouble Action of •…
Page 666
SEN02630-05 40 Troubleshooting Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Wiring harness between CP01 (female) (16) – P08 (female) (2), P08 (female) (1) – J03 – Resis- Min. 1 Mz ground (T08) tance Ground fault in wiring har- [Swing LEFT PPC pressure switch system] ness (Short circuit with GND circuit) Wiring harness between CP01 (female) (9) –… -
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02630-05 Circuit diagram related to pressure sensor power supply of pump controller PC300, 350-8… -
Page 668: Failure Code [Da29Kq] Model Selection Abnormality
SEN02630-05 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [DA29KQ] Model Selection Abnormality User code Failure code Model selection abnormality Trouble (Pump controller system) — DA29KQ Contents of • Model code signal for model which is not registered in controller is input. trouble Action of •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02630-05 Circuit diagram related to model selection connector PC300, 350-8… -
Page 670: Failure Code [Da2Rmc] Pump Comm. Abnormality
SEN02630-05 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [DA2RMC] Pump Comm. Abnormality Action code Failure code Pump communication abnormality Trouble (Pump controller system) DA2RMC Contents of • Pump controller detected communication error in CAN communication circuit between machine mon- trouble itor and engine controller. Action of con- •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02630-05 Circuit diagram related to CAN communication of pump controller PC300, 350-8… -
Page 672: Failure Code [Daf8Kb] Short Circuit In Camera Power Supply
SEN02630-05 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [DAF8KB] Short circuit in camera power supply Serial number 310001 and up User code Failure code Short circuit in camera power supply Trouble (Machine monitor system) — DAF8KB Contents of • Output power supply voltage (Rating: 8 V) from machine monitor to camera is below 6.0 V or above trouble 10 V.
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02630-05 Circuit diagram related to camera PC300, 350-8… -
Page 674: Failure Code [Dafgmc] Gps Module Error
SEN02630-05 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [DAFGMC] GPS Module Error User code Failure code GPS module operation error Trouble (KOMTRAX system in machine monitor) — DAFGMC Contents of • Position data is not sent from GPS module (in machine monitor) to KOMTRAX communication trouble MODEM in 50 seconds after KOMTRAX is started.
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02630-05 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 676
SEN02630-05 PC300, 350(LC)-8 Hydraulic excavator Form No. SEN02630-05 © 2011 KOMATSU All Rights Reserved Printed in Japan 03-11… -
Page 677: Troubleshooting By Failure Code (Display Of Code), Part
SEN02631-02 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR 1SHOP MANUAL PC300-8 PC300LC-8 PC350-8 PC350LC-8 Machine model Serial number PC300-8 60001 and up PC300LC-8 60001 and up PC350-8 60001 and up PC350LC-8 60001 and up 40 Troubleshooting Troubleshooting by failure code (Display of code), Part 3 Failure code [DAFRMC] CAN discon (Monitor detected)…………….
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SEN02631-02 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [DWA2KB] Attachment Sol Short Circuit ……………… 33 Failure code [DWJ0KA] Merge-divider Sol. Open Circuit…………….34 Failure code [DWJ0KB] Merge-divider Sol. Short Circuit…………….36 Failure code [DWK0KA] 2-stage Relief Sol. Open Circuit…………….38 Failure code [DWK0KB] 2-stage Relief Sol. Short Circuit …………….40 Failure code [DXA0KA] PC-EPC Sol. -
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02631-02 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 680: Failure Code [Dafrmc] Can Discon (Monitor Detected)
SEN02631-02 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [DAFRMC] CAN discon (Monitor detected) Action code Failure code CAN disconnection (Monitor detected) Trouble (Machine monitor system) DAFRMC Contents of • Machine monitor detected communication error in CAN communication circuit between pump con- trouble troller and engine controller. Action of machine moni- •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02631-02 Circuit diagram related to CAN communication of machine monitor PC300, 350-8… -
Page 682: Failure Code [Dgh2Kb] Hydr Oil Sensor Short
SEN02631-02 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [DGH2KB] Hydr Oil Sensor Short Action code Failure code Hydraulic oil temperature sensor short Trouble (Pump controller system) — DGH2KB Contents of • Ground fault was detected in hydraulic oil temperature sensor circuit. trouble Action of •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02631-02 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 684: Failure Code [Dhpama] F Pump Press Sensor Abnormality
SEN02631-02 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [DHPAMA] F Pump Press Sensor Abnormality Action code Failure code F pump press sensor abnormality Trouble (Pump controller system) — DHPAMA Contents of • Signal voltage from F pump pressure sensor is below 0.3 V or above 4.42 V. trouble Action of con- •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02631-02 Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry Possible causes out troubleshooting. and standard value in normal CP01 Voltage 6 Defective pump controller state Between (19) – (18) 4.5 –… -
Page 686: Failure Code [Dhpbma] R Pump Press Sensor Abnormality
SEN02631-02 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [DHPBMA] R Pump Press Sensor Abnormality Action code Failure code R pump pressure sensor abnormality Trouble (Pump controller system) — DHPBMA Contents of • Signal voltage from R pump pressure sensor is below 0.3 V or above 4.42 V. trouble Action of con- •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02631-02 Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry Possible causes out troubleshooting. and standard value in normal CP01 Voltage 6 Defective pump controller state Between (9) – (18) 4.5 –… -
Page 688: Failure Code [Dhs3Ma] Arm Curl Ppc Sensor Abnormality
SEN02631-02 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [DHS3MA] Arm Curl PPC Sensor Abnormality Action code Failure code Arm IN PPC pressure sensor abnormality Trouble (Pump controller system) — DHS3MA Contents of • Signal voltage from arm IN PPC pressure sensor is below 0.3 V or above 4.72 V. trouble Action of con- •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02631-02 Circuit diagram related to arm IN PPC pressure sensor of pump controller PC300, 350-8… -
Page 690: Failure Code [Dhs4Ma] Bucket Curl Ppc Press Sensor Abnormality
SEN02631-02 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [DHS4MA] Bucket Curl PPC Press Sensor Abnormality Action code Failure code Bucket CURL PPC press sensor abnormality Trouble (Pump controller system) — DHS4MA Contents of • Signal voltage from bucket curl PPC pressure sensor is below 0.3 V or above 4.42 V. trouble Action of con- •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02631-02 Circuit diagram related to bucket curl PPC pressure sensor of pump controller PC300, 350-8… -
Page 692: Failure Code [Dhx1Ma] Overload Sensor Abnormality (Analog)
SEN02631-02 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [DHX1MA] Overload Sensor Abnormality (Analog) Action code Failure code Overload sensor (analog) Trouble (Pump controller system) — DHX1MA Contents of • Monitor which is not set to be displayed (Overload alarm monitor) is displayed. trouble Action of •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02631-02 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 694: Failure Code [Dw43Ka] Travel Speed Sol. Open Circuit
SEN02631-02 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [DW43KA] Travel Speed Sol. Open Circuit Action code Failure code Travel speed solenoid disconnection Trouble (Pump controller system) — DW43KA Contents of • No current flows at output to travel speed solenoid circuit. trouble Action of con- •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02631-02 Circuit diagram related to travel speed solenoid of pump controller PC300, 350-8… -
Page 696: Failure Code [Dw43Kb] Travel Speed Sol. Short Circuit
SEN02631-02 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [DW43KB] Travel Speed Sol. Short Circuit Action code Failure code Travel speed solenoid short circuit Trouble (Pump controller system) — DW43KB Contents of • Abnormal current flowed at output to travel speed solenoid circuit. trouble Action of con- •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02631-02 Circuit diagram related to travel speed solenoid of pump controller PC300, 350-8… -
Page 698: Failure Code [Dw45Ka] Swing Brake Sol. Open Circuit
SEN02631-02 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [DW45KA] Swing Brake Sol. Open Circuit Action code Failure code Swing holding brake solenoid disconnection Trouble (Pump controller system) DW45KA Contents of • No current flows at output to swing holding brake solenoid circuit. trouble Action of con- •…
Page 699
40 Troubleshooting SEN02631-02 Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot- ing without turning starting switch ON. Ground fault in wiring har- Wiring harness between CP02 (female) ness Resis- (101) – D01 – J02 – H15 – S04 (male) (3) Min. -
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SEN02631-02 40 Troubleshooting Circuit diagram related to swing holding brake solenoid of pump controller PC300, 350-8… -
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02631-02 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 702: Failure Code [Dw45Kb] Swing Brake Sol. Short Circuit
SEN02631-02 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [DW45KB] Swing Brake Sol. Short Circuit Action code Failure code Swing holding brake solenoid short circuit Trouble (Pump controller system) DW45KB Contents of • Abnormal current flowed at output to swing holding brake solenoid circuit. trouble Action of con- •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02631-02 Circuit diagram related to swing holding brake solenoid of pump controller PC300, 350-8… -
Page 704: Failure Code [Dw91Ka] Travel Junction Sol. Open Circuit
SEN02631-02 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [DW91KA] Travel Junction Sol. Open Circuit Action code Failure code Travel junction solenoid disconnection Trouble (Pump controller system) — DW91KA Contents of • No current flows at output to travel junction solenoid circuit. trouble Action of con- •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02631-02 Circuit diagram related to travel junction solenoid of pump controller PC300, 350-8… -
Page 706: Failure Code [Dw91Kb] Travel Junction Sol. Short Circuit
SEN02631-02 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [DW91KB] Travel Junction Sol. Short Circuit Action code Failure code Travel junction solenoid short circuit Trouble (Pump controller system) — DW91KB Contents of • Abnormal current flowed at output to travel junction solenoid circuit. trouble Action of con- •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02631-02 Circuit diagram related to travel junction solenoid of pump controller PC300, 350-8… -
Page 708: Failure Code [Dwa2Ka] Attachment Sol Open Circuit
SEN02631-02 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [DWA2KA] Attachment Sol Open Circuit User code Failure code Attachment solenoid disconnection Trouble (Pump controller system) — DWA2KA Contents of • When output to service solenoid is turned OFF, disconnection was detected in circuit. trouble Action of •…
Page 709: Failure Code [Dwa2Kb] Attachment Sol Short Circuit
40 Troubleshooting SEN02631-02 Failure code [DWA2KB] Attachment Sol Short Circuit User code Failure code Attachment solenoid short circuit Trouble (Pump controller system) — DWA2KB Contents of • When output to service solenoid is turned ON, short circuit was detected in circuit. trouble Action of •…
Page 710: Failure Code [Dwj0Ka] Merge-Divider Sol. Open Circuit
SEN02631-02 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [DWJ0KA] Merge-divider Sol. Open Circuit Action code Failure code Merge-divider solenoid disconnection Trouble (Pump controller system) — DWJ0KA Contents of • No current flows at output to merge-divider solenoid circuit. trouble Action of con- • None in particular. (Since no current flows, solenoid does not operate.) troller •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02631-02 Circuit diagram related to merge-divider solenoid of pump controller PC300, 350-8… -
Page 712: Failure Code [Dwj0Kb] Merge-Divider Sol. Short Circuit
SEN02631-02 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [DWJ0KB] Merge-divider Sol. Short Circuit Action code Failure code Merge-divider solenoid short circuit Trouble (Pump controller system) — DWJ0KB Contents of • Abnormal current flowed at output to merge-divider solenoid circuit. trouble Action of con- •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02631-02 Circuit diagram related to merge-divider solenoid of pump controller PC300, 350-8… -
Page 714: Failure Code [Dwk0Ka] 2-Stage Relief Sol. Open Circuit
SEN02631-02 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [DWK0KA] 2-stage Relief Sol. Open Circuit Action code Failure code 2-stage relief solenoid disconnection Trouble (Pump controller system) — DWK0KA Contents of • No current flows at output to 2-stage relief solenoid circuit. trouble Action of con- •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02631-02 Circuit diagram related to 2-stage relief solenoid of pump controller PC300, 350-8… -
Page 716: Failure Code [Dwk0Kb] 2-Stage Relief Sol. Short Circuit
SEN02631-02 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [DWK0KB] 2-stage Relief Sol. Short Circuit Action code Failure code 2-stage relief solenoid short circuit Trouble (Pump controller system) — DWK0KB Contents of • Abnormal current flowed at output to 2-stage relief solenoid circuit. trouble Action of con- •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02631-02 Circuit diagram related to 2-stage relief solenoid of pump controller PC300, 350-8… -
Page 718: Failure Code [Dxa0Ka] Pc-Epc Sol. Open Circuit
SEN02631-02 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [DXA0KA] PC-EPC Sol. Open Circuit Action code Failure code PC-EPC solenoid disconnection Trouble (Pump controller system) DXA0KA Contents of • No current flows to PC-EPC solenoid circuit. trouble Action of con- • None in particular. (Since no current flows, solenoid does not operate.) troller •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02631-02 Circuit diagram related to LS-EPC and PC-EPC solenoids of pump controller PC300, 350-8… -
Page 720: Failure Code [Dxa0Kb] Pc-Epc Sol. Short Circuit
SEN02631-02 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [DXA0KB] PC-EPC Sol. Short Circuit Action code Failure code PC-EPC solenoid short circuit Trouble (Pump controller system) DXA0KB Contents of • Abnormal current flowed to PC-EPC solenoid circuit. trouble Action of con- • Sets output to PC-EPC solenoid circuit to 0. troller •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02631-02 Circuit diagram related to LS-EPC and PC-EPC solenoids of pump controller PC300, 350-8… -
Page 722: Failure Code [Dxe0Ka] Ls-Epc Sol. Open Circuit
SEN02631-02 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [DXE0KA] LS-EPC Sol. Open Circuit Action code Failure code LS-EPC solenoid disconnection Trouble (Pump controller system) — DXE0KA Contents of • No current flows to LS-EPC solenoid circuit. trouble Action of con- • None in particular. (Since no current flows, solenoid does not operate.) troller •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02631-02 Circuit diagram related to LS-EPC and PC-EPC solenoids of pump controller PC300, 350-8… -
Page 724: Failure Code [Dxe0Kb] Ls-Epc Sol. Short Circuit
SEN02631-02 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [DXE0KB] LS-EPC Sol. Short Circuit Action code Failure code LS-EPC solenoid short circuit Trouble (Pump controller system) — DXE0KB Contents of • Abnormal current flowed to LS-EPC solenoid circuit. trouble Action of con- • Sets output to LS-EPC solenoid circuit to 0. troller •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02631-02 Circuit diagram related to LS-EPC and PC-EPC solenoids of pump controller PC300, 350-8… -
Page 726: Failure Code [Dxe4Ka] Service Current Epc Open Circuit
SEN02631-02 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [DXE4KA] Service Current EPC Open Circuit Action code Failure code Service current EPC solenoid disconnection Trouble (Pump controller system) — DXE4KA Contents of • No current flows to service current EPC solenoid circuit. trouble Action of con- •…
Page 727: Failure Code [Dxe4Kb] Service Current Epc Short Circuit
40 Troubleshooting SEN02631-02 Failure code [DXE4KB] Service Current EPC Short Circuit Action code Failure code Service current EPC solenoid short circuit Trouble (Pump controller system) — DXE4KB Contents of • Abnormal current flowed to service current EPC solenoid circuit. trouble Action of con- •…
Page 728: Failure Code [Dy20Ka] Wiper Working Abnormality
SEN02631-02 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [DY20KA] Wiper Working Abnormality Action code Failure code Wiper working abnormality Trouble (Pump controller system) — DY20KA Contents of • When windshield wiper works, W signal of working ends is not input. trouble Action of •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02631-02 Circuit diagram related to wiper motor of pump controller PC300, 350-8… -
Page 730: Failure Code [Dy20Ma] Wiper Parking Abnormality
SEN02631-02 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [DY20MA] Wiper Parking Abnormality Action code Failure code Wiper resting abnormality Trouble (Pump controller system) — DY20MA Contents of • When windshield wiper rests, P signal of storage area is not input. trouble Action of •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02631-02 Circuit diagram related to wiper motor of pump controller PC300, 350-8… -
Page 732: Failure Code [Dy2Cka] Washer Drive Open Circuit
SEN02631-02 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [DY2CKA] Washer Drive Open Circuit User code Failure code Window washer drive system disconnection Trouble (Pump controller system) — DY2CKA Contents of • When output to window washer drive system was turned ON (when ground circuit was connected), trouble disconnection was detected in circuit.
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02631-02 Circuit diagram related to windshield wiper and window washer PC300, 350-8… -
Page 734: Failure Code [Dy2Ckb] Washer Drive Short Circuit
SEN02631-02 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [DY2CKB] Washer Drive Short Circuit Action code Failure code Window washer drive system short circuit Trouble (Pump controller system) — DY2CKB Contents of • When output to window washer drive system was turned OFF (ground circuit was disconnected), trouble short circuit was detected in circuit.
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02631-02 Circuit diagram related to window washer motor of pump controller PC300, 350-8… -
Page 736: Failure Code [Dy2Dkb] Wiper Drive (Fwd) Short Circuit
SEN02631-02 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [DY2DKB] Wiper Drive (Fwd) Short Circuit Action code Failure code Wiper motor drive forward system short circuit Trouble (Pump controller system) — DY2DKB Contents of • When output to wiper motor drive forward side was turned ON, short circuit was detected in circuit. trouble Action of •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02631-02 Circuit diagram related to wiper motor of pump controller PC300, 350-8… -
Page 738: Failure Code [Dy2Ekb] Wiper Drive (Rev) Short Circuit
SEN02631-02 40 Troubleshooting Failure code [DY2EKB] Wiper Drive (Rev) Short Circuit Action code Failure code Wiper motor drive reverse system short circuit Trouble (Pump controller system) — DY2EKB Contents of • When output to wiper motor drive reverse side was turned ON, short circuit was detected in circuit. trouble Action of •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02631-02 Circuit diagram related to wiper motor of pump controller PC300, 350-8… -
Page 740
SEN02631-02 PC300, 350(LC)-8 Hydraulic excavator Form No. SEN02631-02 © 2008 KOMATSU All Rights Reserved Printed in Japan 12-08 (01) -
Page 741
SEN02632-02 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR 1SHOP MANUAL PC300-8 PC300LC-8 PC350-8 PC350LC-8 Machine model Serial number PC300-8 60001 and up PC300LC-8 60001 and up PC350-8 60001 and up PC350LC-8 60001 and up 40 Troubleshooting Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode) Before carrying out troubleshooting of electrical system …………….4 Information contained in troubleshooting table ……………….. -
Page 742
SEN02632-02 40 Troubleshooting E-13 Fuel level gauge does not indicate normally ………………27 E-14 Swing lock monitor does not indicate normally………………28 E-15 When monitor switch is operated, monitor displays nothing…………..30 E-16 Windshield wiper and window washer do not operate…………….32 E-17 Machine push-up function does not operate normally……………. -
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02632-02 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 744: Before Carrying Out Troubleshooting Of Electrical System
SEN02632-02 40 Troubleshooting Before carrying out troubleshooting of electrical system Connection table of fuse box a This connection table shows the devices to which each power supply of the fuse box supplies power (A switch power supply is a device which supplies power while the starting switch is in the ON position and a constant power supply is a device which supplies power while the starting switch is in the OFF and ON positions).
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02632-02 Locations of fusible links Location of fuse box and fuse Nos. PC300, 350-8… -
Page 746: Information Contained In Troubleshooting Table
SEN02632-02 40 Troubleshooting Information contained in troubleshooting table a Troubleshooting Table and Related Circuit Diagram collectively carry the following information. Carry out troubleshooting work after fully grasping their contents. Failure phe- Phenomenon occurring on machine nomenon Relative infor- Information on the failure occurred as well as the troubleshooting mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting…
Page 747: Engine Does Not Start
40 Troubleshooting SEN02632-02 E-1 Engine does not start Trouble • Engine does not start (Engine does not turn). • Engine starting circuit has following 2 start lock mechanisms: Related infor- 1) Start lock by the machine monitor password mation 2) Start lock by the lock lever •…
Page 748
SEN02632-02 40 Troubleshooting Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot- ing without turning starting switch ON. Wiring harness between F01-17 – H15 Resis- Max. 1 z (female) (1) tance Wiring harness between H15 (female) (4) – Resis- Max. -
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02632-02 Circuit diagram related to engine start and battery charging PC300, 350-8… -
Page 750: Auto-Decelerator Does Not Operate
SEN02632-02 40 Troubleshooting E-2 Auto-decelerator does not operate Trouble • Auto-decelerator does not operate. • Set speed of auto-decelerator is 1,300 rpm. Accordingly, set the fuel control dial to a higher rpm than Related infor- this speed. If set speed is under 1,300 rpm, the auto-decelerator will not operate. mation •…
Page 751
40 Troubleshooting SEN02632-02 Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting In the case monitoring is not normally indicated, proceed to trouble- shooting No. E-29. Monitoring code Item Normal display 8 Defective travel signal Operation of lever: 01900 Travel Lever in neutral: OFF Possible causes and standard In the case monitoring is not normally indicated, proceed to trouble-… -
Page 752: Automatic Warming-Up System Does Not Operate
SEN02632-02 40 Troubleshooting E-3 Automatic warming-up system does not operate Trouble • Automatic warming-up system does not operate. • When engine coolant temperature is below 30°C, automatic warm-up system raises engine speed to Related infor- 1,250 rpm. mation • If fuel control dial is opened more than 70% for 3 seconds or longer when starting switch is turned ON or after engine is started, automatic warm-up system is turned OFF.
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02632-02 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 754: Preheater Does Not Operate
SEN02632-02 40 Troubleshooting E-4 Preheater does not operate Trouble (1) When starting switch is turned to HEAT position, preheating monitor does not light up. • Preheater monitor lights up when starting switch is turned to HEAT and starts flashing about 30 sec- onds after to notify completion of preheating (It stops flashing about 10 seconds after).
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02632-02 Circuit diagram related to engine preheater PC300, 350-8… -
Page 756: All Work Equipment, Swing, And Travel Mechanism Do Not Move
SEN02632-02 40 Troubleshooting E-5 All work equipment, swing, and travel mechanism do not move Trouble • All travel, swing, and work equipment mechanism do not move. Related infor- — mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting 1 Defective fuse No. 3 If fuse is burnt out, the circuit probably has ground fault.
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02632-02 Circuit diagram related to PPC lock solenoid PC300, 350-8… -
Page 758: Power Maximizing Function Does Not Operate
SEN02632-02 40 Troubleshooting E-6 Power maximizing function does not operate Trouble • Power maximizing function does not work. • Symbol mark is indicated on the machine monitor when the power maximizing switch is depressed Related infor- during work equipment operation while the engine is running in P- or E-mode. mation •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02632-02 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 760: Machine Monitor Does Not Display At All
SEN02632-02 40 Troubleshooting E-7 Machine monitor does not display at all Trouble • Machine monitor does not display at all when starting switch is turned ON. Related infor- — mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting 1 Defective fuse No. 3 If fuse is burnt out, the circuit probably has ground fault.
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02632-02 Circuit diagram related to power source in monitor panel PC300, 350-8… -
Page 762: Machine Monitor Does Not Display Some Items
SEN02632-02 40 Troubleshooting E-8 Machine monitor does not display some items Trouble • Machine monitor does not display some items when starting switch is turned ON. Related infor- — mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting When following switches are operated, if all LCD panel is lighted up Possible causes Defective machine monitor (all surface becomes white), LCD panel is normal.
Page 763: Fuel Level Monitor Was Lighted In Red While Engine Running
40 Troubleshooting SEN02632-02 E-10 Fuel level monitor was lighted in red while engine running Trouble • Fuel level monitor was lighted in red while the engine running. • If fuel level gauge on the machine monitor indicates red range, fuel level monitor turns red. Related infor- •…
Page 764: Engine Coolant Temperature Gauge Does Not Indicate Normally
SEN02632-02 40 Troubleshooting E-11 Engine coolant temperature gauge does not indicate normally • While engine coolant temperature is rising normally, temperature gauge does not rise from white Trouble range (C). • While engine coolant temperature is stabilized normally, temperature gauge rises to red range (H). •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02632-02 Circuit diagram related to engine coolant temperature sensor PC300, 350-8… -
Page 766: Hydraulic Oil Temperature Gauge Does Not Indicate Normally
SEN02632-02 40 Troubleshooting E-12 Hydraulic oil temperature gauge does not indicate normally • While hydraulic oil temperature is rising normally, temperature gauge does not rise from white range Trouble (C). • While hydraulic oil temperature is stabilized normally, temperature gauge rises to red range (H). Related infor- •…
Page 767: Fuel Level Gauge Does Not Indicate Normally
40 Troubleshooting SEN02632-02 E-13 Fuel level gauge does not indicate normally • While fuel is added, fuel level gauge does not rise from red range (E). Trouble • While fuel level is low, fuel level gauge does not lower from green range (F). Related infor- •…
Page 768: Swing Lock Monitor Does Not Indicate Normally
SEN02632-02 40 Troubleshooting E-14 Swing lock monitor does not indicate normally • When swing lock switch is turned ON, swing lock monitor does not light up. Trouble • When swing lock switch is turned OFF, swing lock monitor lights up. Related infor- •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02632-02 Circuit diagram related to swing lock switch PC300, 350-8… -
Page 770: When Monitor Switch Is Operated, Monitor Displays Nothing
SEN02632-02 40 Troubleshooting E-15 When monitor switch is operated, monitor displays nothing Trouble (1) • Operating the working mode select switch fails to display working mode monitor. Related infor- — mation Possible causes Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting and standard value in normal 1 Defective machine monitor…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02632-02 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 772: Windshield Wiper And Window Washer Do Not Operate
SEN02632-02 40 Troubleshooting E-16 Windshield wiper and window washer do not operate Trouble (1) When wiper switch is operated, wiper monitor does not light up or go off. Related • Condition of wiper switch signal can be checked with monitoring function. information (Code: 04504 Monitor 1st, 2nd line switches) Possible causes…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02632-02 Circuit diagram related to window washer motor of machine monitor PC300, 350-8… -
Page 774
SEN02632-02 40 Troubleshooting Trouble (3) When window washer switch is operated, window washer does not operate. Related • Condition of window washer switch signal can be checked with monitoring function. information (Code: 04504 Monitor 1st, 2nd line switches) Possible causes Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting and standard… -
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02632-02 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 776: Machine Push-Up Function Does Not Operate Normally
SEN02632-02 40 Troubleshooting E-17 Machine push-up function does not operate normally • Machine push-up function does not oper- Trouble (1) Machine push-up function does not operate. ate normally. Related infor- • When machine push-up function is set to high pressure, solenoid is de-energized. mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting…
Page 777
40 Troubleshooting SEN02632-02 • Machine push-up function does not oper- Trouble (2) Machine push-up function does not release. ate normally. Related infor- • When machine push-up function is set to low pressure, solenoid is energized. mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot- ing without turning starting switch ON. -
Page 778: Monitoring Function Fails To Display «Boom Raise» Normally
SEN02632-02 40 Troubleshooting E-18 Monitoring function fails to display “boom raise” normally Trouble • Boom RAISE operation is not displayed normally by machine monitoring function (Special functions). Related infor- • Monitoring code: 01900 (Pressure Switch 1) mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry Defective boom RAISE PPC out troubleshooting.
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02632-02 Circuit diagram related to boom RAISE PPC oil pressure switch PC300, 350-8… -
Page 780: Monitoring Function Fails To Display «Boom Lower» Normally
SEN02632-02 40 Troubleshooting E-19 Monitoring function fails to display “boom lower” normally • Boom LOWER operation is not displayed normally by machine monitoring function (Special func- Trouble tions). Related infor- • Monitoring code: 01900 (Output Switch 1) mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry Defective boom LOWER out troubleshooting.
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02632-02 Circuit diagram related to boom LOWER PPC oil pressure switch PC300, 350-8… -
Page 782: Monitoring Function Fails To Display «Arm In» Normally
SEN02632-02 40 Troubleshooting E-20 Monitoring function fails to display “arm IN” normally Trouble • Arm IN operation is not displayed normally by machine monitoring function (Special functions). Related infor- • Monitoring code: 01900 (Output Switch 1) mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry Defective arm IN pressure out troubleshooting.
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02632-02 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 784: Monitoring Function Fails To Display «Arm Out» Normally
SEN02632-02 40 Troubleshooting E-21 Monitoring function fails to display “arm OUT” normally Trouble • Arm OUT operation is not displayed normally by machine monitoring function (Special functions). Related infor- • Monitoring code: 01900 (Output Switch 1) mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry out troubleshooting.
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02632-02 Circuit diagram related to arm OUT PPC oil pressure switch PC300, 350-8… -
Page 786: Monitoring Function Fails To Display «Bucket Curl» Normally
SEN02632-02 40 Troubleshooting E-22 Monitoring function fails to display “bucket CURL” normally Trouble • Bucket CURL is not displayed normally by machine monitoring function (Special functions). Related infor- • Monitoring code:01901 (Output Switch 2) mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry out troubleshooting.
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02632-02 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 788: Monitoring Function Fails To Display «Bucket Dump» Normally
SEN02632-02 40 Troubleshooting E-23 Monitoring function fails to display “bucket DUMP” normally Trouble • Bucket DUMP operation is not displayed normally by machine monitoring function (Special functions). Related infor- • Monitoring code: 01900 (Output Switch 2) mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry Defective bucket DUMP PPC out troubleshooting.
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02632-02 Circuit diagram related to bucket DUMP PPC oil pressure switch PC300, 350-8… -
Page 790: Monitoring Function Fails To Display «Swing» Normally
SEN02632-02 40 Troubleshooting E-24 Monitoring function fails to display “swing” normally Trouble • Swing is not displayed normally by machine monitoring function (Special function). Related infor- • Monitoring code: 01900 (Output Switch 1) mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry out troubleshooting.
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02632-02 Circuit diagram related to right and left swing PPC oil pressure switches PC300, 350-8… -
Page 792: Monitoring Function Fails To Display «Travel» Normally
SEN02632-02 40 Troubleshooting E-25 Monitoring function fails to display “travel” normally Trouble • Travel is not displayed normally by machine monitoring function (Special functions). Related infor- • Monitoring code: 01900 (Output Switch 1) mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry Defective travel PPC oil out troubleshooting.
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02632-02 Circuit diagram related to travel PPC oil pressure switch and travel alarm PC300, 350-8… -
Page 794: Monitoring Function Fails To Display «Travel Differential Pressure» Normally
SEN02632-02 40 Troubleshooting E-26 Monitoring function fails to display “travel differential pressure” normally • Travel differential pressure is not displayed normally by machine monitoring function (Special func- Trouble tions). • Travel differential pressure is turned on as a pressure difference occurred between the right and left Related infor- travel PPC circuits (during steering).
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02632-02 Circuit diagram related to travel steering PPC oil pressure switch PC300, 350-8… -
Page 796: Monitoring Function Fails To Display «Service» Normally
SEN02632-02 40 Troubleshooting E-27 Monitoring function fails to display “service” normally Trouble • Service is not displayed normally by machine monitoring function (Special functions). Related infor- • Monitoring code: 01901 (Output Switch 2) mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry Defective service (front) PPC out troubleshooting.
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02632-02 Circuit diagram related to service PPC oil pressure switch PC300, 350-8… -
Page 798: Komtrax System Does Not Operate Normally
SEN02632-02 40 Troubleshooting E-28 KOMTRAX system does not operate normally Trouble • KOMTRAX system does not operate normally. • If KOMTRAX system administrator makes request for checking system on machine side for trouble, Related infor- carry out following troubleshooting. mation •…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02632-02 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 800: Air Conditioner Does Not Operate
SEN02632-02 40 Troubleshooting E-29 Air conditioner does not operate Trouble • Air conditioner does not start. Related infor- • For electrical circuit inside the air conditioner unit, refer to the structure, function and maintenance mation standard, “Air conditioner system.” Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting 1 Defective fuse No.
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02632-02 Circuit diagram related to air conditioner PC300, 350-8… -
Page 802: Travel Alarm Does Not Sound Or Does Not Stop Sounding
SEN02632-02 40 Troubleshooting E-30 Travel alarm does not sound or does not stop sounding • Alarm does not sound during travel. Trouble • Alarm sounds in stopped state. Related infor- — mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting 1 Defective fuse No.
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02632-02 Circuit diagram related to travel PPC oil pressure switch and travel alarm PC300, 350-8… -
Page 804: Horn Does Not Sound
SEN02632-02 40 Troubleshooting E-31 Horn does not sound Trouble Horn does not sound. Related infor- mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting 1 Defective fuse No. 5 If fuse is broken, circuit probably has ground fault. (See Cause 6) 2 Defective horn relay If the horn sounds after replacing the relay, the relay was defective Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02632-02 Circuit diagram related to horn PC300, 350-8… -
Page 806
SEN02632-02 PC300, 350(LC)-8 Hydraulic excavator Form No. SEN02632-02 © 2008 KOMATSU All Rights Reserved Printed in Japan 12-08 (01) -
Page 807
SEN02633-03 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR 1SHOP MANUAL PC300-8 PC300LC-8 PC350-8 PC350LC-8 Machine model Serial number PC300-8 60001 and up PC300LC-8 60001 and up PC350-8 60001 and up PC350LC-8 60001 and up 40 Troubleshooting Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system (H-mode) System chart for hydraulic and mechanical system ………………4 Information contained in troubleshooting table ……………….. -
Page 808
SEN02633-03 40 Troubleshooting H-13 Other work equipment moves when relieving single circuit…………..18 H-14 Power max. switch does not operate ………………..19 H-15 In compound operation, work equipment with larger load moves slowly ……….19 H-16 In swing + boom RAISE operation, boom moves slowly …………..20 H-17 In swing + travel operation, travel speed drops sharply …………… -
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02633-03 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 810: System Chart For Hydraulic And Mechanical System
SEN02633-03 40 Troubleshooting System chart for hydraulic and mechanical system PC300, 350-8…
Page 811
40 Troubleshooting SEN02633-03 a This is a system chart that has been drawn up by simplifying the whole hydraulic circuit chart. Use it as a reference material when troubleshooting the hydraulic and mechanical system. PC300, 350-8… -
Page 812: Information Contained In Troubleshooting Table
SEN02633-03 40 Troubleshooting Information contained in troubleshooting table a Troubleshooting table and related circuit diagram collectively carry the following information. Carry out troubleshooting work after fully grasping their contents. Failure phe- Phenomenon occurring on machine nomenon Relative infor- Information on the failure occurred as well as the troubleshooting mation Cause Standard value in normalcy and references for troubleshooting…
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40 Troubleshooting SEN02633-03 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 814: All Work Equipment Lack Power, Or Travel And Swing Speeds Are Slow
SEN02633-03 40 Troubleshooting H-1 All work equipment lack power, or travel and swing speeds are slow Trouble • Speed or power of whole work equipment, travel, and swing is low. Related infor- • Set the working mode in P-mode before start. mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting…
Page 815
40 Troubleshooting SEN02633-03 Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Prepare with engine stopped, then run engine at high idle and carry out troubleshooting. Oil pressure ratio Measured oil pres- Travel with no load sure All levers in neutral (Lever operated halfway) Defective adjustment or mal-… -
Page 816: Engine Speed Sharply Drops Or Engine Stalls
SEN02633-03 40 Troubleshooting H-2 Engine speed sharply drops or engine stalls Trouble • Engine speed lowers extremely or engine stalls. Related infor- • Set the working mode in P-mode before start. mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Prepare with engine stopped, then run engine at high idle and carry out troubleshooting.
Page 817: No Work Equipment, Swing Or Travel Move
40 Troubleshooting SEN02633-03 H-3 No work equipment, swing or travel move Trouble • All work equipment, swing, and travel mechanism do not move. Related infor- • Set the working mode in P-mode before start. mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Prepare with engine stopped, then run engine at high idle and carry out troubleshooting.
Page 818: Auto-Decelerator Does Not Work
SEN02633-03 40 Troubleshooting H-5 Auto-decelerator does not work Trouble • Auto-decelerator does not operate. • Carry out this troubleshooting if auto-decelerator does not operate when travel lever is operated. Related infor- (Shuttle valve (in PPC valve) is installed between PPC valve and oil pressure switch of only in travel mation circuit.) •…
Page 819: Boom Moves Slowly Or Lacks Power
40 Troubleshooting SEN02633-03 H-7 Boom moves slowly or lacks power Trouble • Speed or power of boom is low. Related infor- • Set the working mode in P-mode before start. mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Prepare with engine stopped, then run engine at high idle and carry out troubleshooting.
Page 820: Arm Moves Slowly Or Lacks Power
SEN02633-03 40 Troubleshooting H-8 Arm moves slowly or lacks power Trouble • Speed or power of arm is low. Related infor- • Set the working mode in P-mode before start. mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Prepare with engine stopped, then run engine at high idle and carry out troubleshooting.
Page 821: Bucket Moves Slowly Or Lacks Power
40 Troubleshooting SEN02633-03 H-9 Bucket moves slowly or lacks power Trouble • Speed or power of bucket is low. Related infor- • Set the working mode in P-mode before start. mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Prepare with engine stopped, then run engine at high idle and carry out troubleshooting.
Page 822: Work Equipment Has A Bit Too Fast Hydraulic Drift
SEN02633-03 40 Troubleshooting H-11 Work equipment has a bit too fast hydraulic drift Trouble (1) • Hydraulic drift of boom is large. Related infor- • Set the working mode in P-mode before start. mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Prepare with engine stopped, then run engine at high idle and carry out troubleshooting.
Page 823
40 Troubleshooting SEN02633-03 Trouble (3) • Hydraulic drift of bucket is large. Related infor- • Set the working mode in P-mode before start. mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Prepare with engine stopped, then run engine at high idle and carry out troubleshooting. -
Page 824: Work Equipment Has Big Time Lag
SEN02633-03 40 Troubleshooting H-12 Work equipment has big time lag Trouble Time lag of work equipment is large. Related infor- Set the working mode in P-mode before start. mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Prepare with engine stopped, then run engine at high idle and carry out troubleshooting.
Page 825: Power Max. Switch Does Not Operate
40 Troubleshooting SEN02633-03 H-14 Power max. switch does not operate Trouble • The power maximizing function does not work. Related infor- • Set the working mode in P-mode before start. mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Prepare with engine stopped, then run engine at high idle and carry out troubleshooting.
Page 826: In Swing + Boom Raise Operation, Boom Moves Slowly
SEN02633-03 40 Troubleshooting H-16 In swing + boom RAISE operation, boom moves slowly Trouble • When machine swings and raises boom simultaneously, boom rising speed is low. Related infor- • If speed of single boom raise operation is also low, carry out troubleshooting H-7 first. mation Possible causes Cause…
Page 827: Machine Swerves In Travel
40 Troubleshooting SEN02633-03 H-18 Machine swerves in travel Trouble • Machine deviates during travel. Related infor- • Set the working mode in P-mode before start. mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Prepare with engine stopped, then run engine at high idle and carry out troubleshooting.
Page 828: Machine Travels Slowly
SEN02633-03 40 Troubleshooting H-19 Machine travels slowly Trouble • Travel speed is low. Related infor- • Set the working mode in P-mode before start. mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Prepare with engine stopped, then run engine at high idle and carry out troubleshooting.
Page 829: Machine Cannot Be Easily Steered Or Lacks Power
40 Troubleshooting SEN02633-03 H-20 Machine cannot be easily steered or lacks power Trouble • Machine is not steered well or steering power is low. Related infor- • Set the working mode in P-mode before start. mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Prepare with engine stopped, then run engine at high idle and carry out troubleshooting.
Page 830: Travel Speed Does Not Shift, Or It Is Too Slow Or Fast
SEN02633-03 40 Troubleshooting H-21 Travel speed does not shift, or it is too slow or fast Trouble • Travel speed does not change or travel speed is low or high. Related infor- • Set the working mode in P-mode before start. mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting…
Page 831: Track Shoe Does Not Turn (On One Side Only)
40 Troubleshooting SEN02633-03 H-22 Track shoe does not turn (on one side only) Trouble • Travel system does not move (only one side). Related infor- • Set the working mode in P-mode before start. mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Defective seal of travel con- Suction valve of travel control valve may have defective seal.
Page 832: Machine Does Not Swing
SEN02633-03 40 Troubleshooting H-23 Machine does not swing Trouble (1) • Upper structure does not swing in either direction. Related infor- • Set the working mode in P-mode before start. mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Prepare with engine stopped, then run engine at high idle and carry out troubleshooting.
Page 833
40 Troubleshooting SEN02633-03 Trouble (2) • Upper structure swings only in one direction. Related infor- • Set the working mode in P-mode before start. mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Prepare with engine stopped, then run engine at high idle and carry out troubleshooting. -
Page 834: Swing Acceleration Is Poor, Or Swing Speed Is Slow
SEN02633-03 40 Troubleshooting H-24 Swing acceleration is poor, or swing speed is slow Trouble (1) • Swing acceleration or swing speed is low in both directions. Related infor- • Set the working mode in P-mode before start. mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Malfunction of LS shuttle LS shuttle valves of all control valves may have malfunction.
Page 835
40 Troubleshooting SEN02633-03 Trouble (2) • Swing acceleration or swing speed is low in only one direction. Related infor- • Set the working mode in P-mode before start. mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Prepare with engine stopped, then run engine at high idle and carry out troubleshooting. -
Page 836: Excessive Overrun When Stopping Swing
SEN02633-03 40 Troubleshooting H-25 Excessive overrun when stopping swing Trouble (1) • Upper structure overruns remarkably when it stops swinging in both directions. Related infor- • Set the working mode in P-mode before start. mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Prepare with engine stopped, then run engine at high idle and carry out troubleshooting.
Page 837: There Is Big Shock When Stopping Swing
40 Troubleshooting SEN02633-03 H-26 There is big shock when stopping swing Trouble • Large shock is made when upper structure stops swinging. Related infor- • Set the working mode in P-mode before start. mation Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting Prepare with engine stopped, then run engine at high idle and carry out troubleshooting.
Page 838: Swing Hydraulic Drift Is Too Big
SEN02633-03 40 Troubleshooting H-28 Swing hydraulic drift is too big Trouble (1) • Hydraulic drift of swing is large (when swing holding brake is applied). Related infor- • When swing emergency reset switch is turned OFF (normal position), swing holding brake operates mation and upper structure is fixed with disc brake.
Page 839
40 Troubleshooting SEN02633-03 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 840
SEN02633-03 PC300, 350(LC)-8 Hydraulic excavator Form No. SEN02633-03 © 2010 KOMATSU All Rights Reserved Printed in Japan 12-10… -
Page 841
SEN02634-02 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR 1SHOP MANUAL PC300-8 PC300LC-8 PC350-8 PC350LC-8 Machine model Serial number PC300-8 60001 and up PC300LC-8 60001 and up PC350-8 60001 and up PC350LC-8 60001 and up 40 Troubleshooting Troubleshooting of engine (S-mode) Method of using troubleshooting chart………………….3 S-1 Starting performance is poor …………………… -
Page 842
SEN02634-02 40 Troubleshooting S-16 Vibration is excessive ……………………… 23 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 843: Method Of Using Troubleshooting Chart
40 Troubleshooting SEN02634-02 Method of using troubleshooting chart The troubleshooting chart consists of the “ques- tions”, “check items”, “causes”, and “troubleshoot- ing” blocks. The questions and check items are used to pinpoint high probability causes by simple inspection or from phenomena without using troubleshooting tools.
Page 844
SEN02634-02 40 Troubleshooting <Example of troubleshooting> Exhaust smoke is black Let us assume that [Clogged air cleaner] is taken to be the cause of black exhaust gas. 3 symptoms have causal relationship with this problem: [Color of exhaust gas gradually became black], [Power was lost gradu- ally], and [Air cleaner clogging caution lamp is flashing]. -
Page 845
40 Troubleshooting SEN02634-02 If we look from these 3 symptoms to find the causes, we find that there is a relationship with 5 causes. Let us explain here the method of using this causal relationship to pinpoint the most probable cause. PC300, 350-8… -
Page 846: Starting Performance Is Poor
SEN02634-02 40 Troubleshooting S-1 Starting performance is poor General causes why starting performance is poor Cause • Defective electrical system • Insufficient supply of fuel • Insufficient intake of air • Improper selection of fuel The common rail fuel injection system (CRI) recognizes the fuel injection timing electrically.
Page 847: Engine Does Not Start
40 Troubleshooting SEN02634-02 S-2 Engine does not start a) Engine does not turn Cause General causes why engine does not turn • Internal parts of engine seized: See “S-4 Engine stops during operations” • Defective electrical system • Defective hydraulic pump Confirm recent repair history Degree of use of Operated for long period…
Page 848
SEN02634-02 40 Troubleshooting b) Engine turns but no exhaust smoke comes out Cause General causes why engine turns but no exhaust smoke comes out • Fuel is not being supplied • Supply of fuel is extremely small • Improper selection of fuel (particularly in winter) Confirm recent repair history Degree of use of Operated for long period… -
Page 849
40 Troubleshooting SEN02634-02 c) Exhaust smoke comes out but engine does not start Cause (fuel is being injected) General causes why exhaust smoke comes out but engine does not start • Lack of rotating force due to defective electrical system •… -
Page 850: Engine Does Not Pick Up Smoothly
SEN02634-02 40 Troubleshooting S-3 Engine does not pick up smoothly General causes why engine does not pick up smoothly Cause • Insufficient intake of air • Insufficient supply of fuel • Defective condition of fuel spray • Improper selection of fuel •…
Page 851: Engine Stops During Operations
40 Troubleshooting SEN02634-02 S-4 Engine stops during operations General causes why engine stops during operations Cause • Seized parts inside engine • Insufficient supply of fuel • There is overheating • Defective hydraulic pump Confirm recent repair history Degree of use of Operated for long period machine Abnormal noise was heard and engine stopped suddenly w w w w…
Page 852: Engine Does Not Rotate Smoothly
SEN02634-02 40 Troubleshooting S-5 Engine does not rotate smoothly General causes why engine does not rotate smoothly Cause • Air in fuel system • Defective speed sensor (Error at degree that it is not indicated) Confirm recent repair history Degree of use of Operated for long period machine Occurs at a certain speed range…
Page 853: Engine Lacks Output (Or Lacks Power)
40 Troubleshooting SEN02634-02 S-6 Engine lacks output (or lacks power) General causes why engine lacks output Cause • Insufficient intake of air • Insufficient supply of fuel • Defective condition of fuel spray • Improper selection of fuel • There is over heating ⇒…
Page 854: Exhaust Smoke Is Black (Incomplete Combustion)
SEN02634-02 40 Troubleshooting S-7 Exhaust smoke is black (incomplete combustion) General causes why exhaust smoke is black Cause • Insufficient intake of air • Defective condition of fuel injection • Improper selection of fuel • There is over heating: See “S-14 Coolant temperature becomes too high (Overheating)”.
Page 855: Oil Consumption Is Excessive (Or Exhaust Smoke Is Blue)
40 Troubleshooting SEN02634-02 S-8 Oil consumption is excessive (or exhaust smoke is blue) General causes why oil consumption is excessive Cause • Abnormal consumption of oil • Long-time operation of engine at low idle or high idle (Do not run engine at idle for more than 20 minutes continuously) •…
Page 856: Oil Becomes Contaminated Quickly
SEN02634-02 40 Troubleshooting S-9 Oil becomes contaminated quickly General causes why oil becomes contaminated quickly Cause • Entry of exhaust gas into oil due to internal wear • Clogging of lubrication passage • Use of improper fuel • Use of improper oil •…
Page 857: Fuel Consumption Is Excessive
40 Troubleshooting SEN02634-02 S-10 Fuel consumption is excessive General causes why fuel consumption is excessive Cause • Leakage of fuel • Defective condition of fuel injection (fuel pressure, injection timing) • Excessive injection of fuel Confirm recent repair history Degree of use of Operated for long period machine Q Q Q…
Page 858: Oil Is In Coolant (Or Coolant Spurts Back Or Coolant Level Goes Down)
SEN02634-02 40 Troubleshooting S-11 Oil is in coolant (or coolant spurts back or coolant level goes down) General causes why oil is in coolant Cause • Internal leakage in lubrication system • Internal leakage in cooling system Confirm recent repair history Degree of use of machine Operated for long period Suddenly occurred Increase of oil level…
Page 859: Oil Pressure Drops
40 Troubleshooting SEN02634-02 S-12 Oil pressure drops General causes why oil pressure drops Cause • Leakage, clogging, wear of lubrication system • Defective oil pressure control • Selection of oil by the temperature etc. specified in the Operation and Maintenance Manual is not observed. •…
Page 860: Oil Level Rises (Entry Of Coolant Or Fuel)
SEN02634-02 40 Troubleshooting S-13 Oil level rises (Entry of coolant or fuel) General causes why oil level rises Cause • Coolant in oil (milky) • Fuel in oil (smells diluted diesel fuel) If oil is in coolant, carry out troubleshooting for “S-11 Oil is in coolant.” Confirm recent repair history Degree of use of Operated for long period…
Page 861: Coolant Temperature Becomes Too High (Overheating)
40 Troubleshooting SEN02634-02 S-14 Coolant temperature becomes too high (overheating) General causes why coolant temperature becomes too high Cause • Lack of cooling air (deformation, damage of fan) • Drop in heat dissipation efficiency • Problem in coolant circulation system Confirm recent repair history Degree of use of Operated for long period…
Page 862: Abnormal Noise Is Made
SEN02634-02 40 Troubleshooting S-15 Abnormal noise is made General causes why abnormal noise is made Cause • Abnormality due to defective parts • Abnormal combustion • Air sucked in from intake system Judge if the noise is an internal noise or an external noise before starting troubleshooting.
Page 863: Vibration Is Excessive
40 Troubleshooting SEN02634-02 S-16 Vibration is excessive General causes why vibration is excessive Cause • Defective parts (abnormal wear, breakage) • Misalignment between engine and chassis • Abnormal combustion If abnormal noise is made and vibration is excessive, carry out trouble- shooting for “S-15 Abnormal noise is made”, too.
Page 864
SEN02634-02 PC300, 350(LC)-8 Hydraulic excavator Form No. SEN02634-02 © 2008 KOMATSU All Rights Reserved Printed in Japan 12-08 (01) -
Page 865: Disassembly And Assembly
SEN02635-02 PC300, 350-8 SEN02635-02 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR Shop Manual PC300-8 PC300LC-8 PC350-8 PC350LC-8 Machine model Serial number PC300-8 60001 and up PC300LC-8 60001 and up PC350-8 60001 and up PC350LC-8 60001 and up 50 Disassembly and assembly General information on disassembly and assembly How to read this manual ……………………..
Page 866: How To Read This Manual
79*T-***-****: means that they are not avail- intended for. able from Komatsu in Japan(i.e. must be The common tools necessary for the installation made locally). work are indicated [1],[2]••• and their part Nos., part names, and quantity are not described.
Page 867
Part No. of special tools starting with The meanings of the symbols used in Assembly 79*T-***-*****: means that they are not avail- section are as follows. able from Komatsu in Japan (i.e. must be :Precautions related to safety in execution of made locally). work a : This mark gives guidance or precautions when doing the procedure. -
Page 868: Coating Materials List
The recommended coating materials such as adhesives, gasket sealants, and greases used for disassem- bly and assembly are listed below. a For coating materials not listed below, use the equivalent of products shown in this manual. Catego Komatsu code Part number Q’ty Container…
Page 869
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02635-02 Catego Komatsu code Part number Q’ty Container Main features and applications LG-10 Used as lubricant/sealant when the radiator ThreeBond 790-129-9320 200 g Tube hoses are inserted. 1206E Can be coated with paint. Feature: Can be used together with gaskets. -
Page 870
SEN02635-02 50 Disassembly and assembly Catego Komatsu code Part number Q’ty Container Main features and applications Feature: Urea (organic system) grease with heat resistance and long life can be packed into the confined space and left intact until G2-U-S 427-12-11871 2 kg next overhaul. -
Page 871: Special Tool List
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02635-02 Special tool list a Tools with part number 79QT-QQQ-QQQQ cannot be supplied (they are items to be locally manufac- tured). a Necessity: t….Cannot be substituted, must always be installed (used) q….Extremely useful if available or can be substituted with commercially available part a New/Remodel: N….Tools with new part numbers, newly developed for this model R….Tools with upgraded part numbers, remodeled from items already available for other models…
Page 872
SEN02635-02 50 Disassembly and assembly Component Part number Part name Nature of work, remarks 791-685-8006 Compressor 791-635-3160 Extension Disassembly and assembly 790-101-1600 Cylinder (686 kN {70 t}) of recoil spring assembly Recoil spring assem- 790-101-1102 Pump 790-201-1500 Plate tool kit 790-201-1620 Plate Installation of dust seal… -
Page 873
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02635-02 Component Part number Part name Nature of work, remarks Disassembly and assembly 1 790-502-1003 Cylinder repair stand of hydraulic cylinder assem- 790-102-4300 Wrench assembly Removal and installation of 790-102-4310 Pin piston assembly 3 790-720-1000 Expander 796-720-1680 Ring Installation of bearing 07281-01589… -
Page 874: Sketches Of Special Tools
SEN02635-02 50 Disassembly and assembly Sketches of special tools Note: Komatsu cannot accept any responsibility for special tools manufactured according to these sketches. D2 push tool E1 push tool PC300, 350-8…
Page 875
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02635-02 Note: Komatsu cannot accept any responsibility for special tools manufactured according to these sketches. E5push tool M4. Push tool PC300, 350-8… -
Page 876
SEN02635-02 50 Disassembly and assembly Note: Komatsu cannot accept any responsibility for special tools manufactured according to these sketches. M5. Push tool M6. Push tool PC300, 350-8… -
Page 877
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02635-02 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 878
SEN02635-02 50 Disassembly and assembly PC300, 350(LC)-8 Hydraulic excavator Form No. SEN02635-02 ©2009 KOMATSU All Rights Reserved Printed in Japan 08-09… -
Page 879
SEN02636-03 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR 1SHOP MANUAL PC300-8 PC300LC-8 PC350-8 PC350LC-8 Machine model Serial number PC300-8 60001 and up PC300LC-8 60001 and up PC350-8 60001 and up PC350LC-8 60001 and up 50 Disassembly and assembly Engine and cooling system Removal and installation of fuel supply pump assembly …………….2 Removal and installation of engine front seal ……………….. -
Page 880: Removal And Installation Of Fuel Supply Pump Assembly
SEN02636-03 50 Disassembly and assembly Removal and installation of fuel Remove air conditioner compressor (10) and bracket together and move them to a place supply pump assembly where they will not be obstacle to the work. Special tools Part number Part name A 1 795-799-1390 Remover…
Page 881
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02636-03 16. Remove front gear cover cap (20). 20. Remove 4 nuts (24). 21. Push in tool A1 installed in step 19 and remove fuel supply pump assembly (25). 17. Rotate the crankshaft forward to set stamp (m) of supply pump drive gear (21) to the top and set the No. -
Page 882
SEN02636-03 50 Disassembly and assembly Install fuel supply pump assembly (25) with 4 mounting nuts (24) and bracket mounting bolts (27). Mounting nut: Adhesive (LT-2) Mounting nut and bolt: 43 ± 6 Nm {4.4 ± 0.6 kgm} a Tighten the No. 1 injector and outlet high-pres- sure pipe to the following torque. -
Page 883: Removal And Installation Of Engine Front Seal
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02636-03 Removal and installation of Loosen tensioner (4) to remove alternator belt (5). [*2] engine front seal a Following the same procedure for removal of fan belt (3), insert the wrench to the por- Special tools tion (B) of tensioner assembly (4), and rotate it to the winding-up direction (a).
Page 884
SEN02636-03 50 Disassembly and assembly Remove front seal and carrier assembly (8) Installation from front cover (9). a Since pilot tool [1] inside the front seal is used to guide the crankshaft, do not remove it from the front seal. a Pilot tool [1] is in the spare front seal. -
Page 885
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02636-03 Install front seal and carrier assembly (8) to Loosen tensioner (2) and install fan belt (3). a Following the same procedure for installa- front cover (9). Apply gasket sealant to the mounting face tion of alternator belt (5), insert the wrench of the carrier. -
Page 886: Removal And Installation Of Engine Rear Seal
SEN02636-03 50 Disassembly and assembly Removal and installation of Temporarily sling engine assembly, and remove engine rear side mount bracket. engine rear seal Remove 12 mounting bolts (4) and lift off fly- Removal wheel housing (5). [*3] Remove the hydraulic pump assembly refer- ring to the section «Removal and installation of hydraulic pump assembly».
Page 887
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02636-03 Installation Check the ends and seal inserting parts of the crankshaft for burrs and rust and clean them thoroughly. Press fit rear seal (8) to seal housing (9). a Using aligning tool [1], insert the rear seal Apply gasket sealant to the seal housing. -
Page 888
SEN02636-03 50 Disassembly and assembly Tighten the mounting bolts according to the fol- Tighten the mounting bolts in the order of lowing procedure. the numbers shown in the figure. Tighten the 4 oil pan mounting bolts (indi- Mounting bolt: cated by the arrows) temporarily. 77 ±… -
Page 889
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02636-03 Measuring facial runout Using plate [103], fit the flywheel in fly- Similarly to measurement of the radial wheel housing. runout, set the probe of the dial Using torque wrench [102], tighten the gauge perpendicular to the end face mounting bolts in the order of the numbers of the flywheel housing. -
Page 890
SEN02636-03 50 Disassembly and assembly Measuring facial runout Similarly to measurement of the radial runout, set the probe of the dial gauge perpendicular to end face (b) of the flywheel near the periphery. a When measuring, bring crankshaft to the front or rear side so that an error will not be caused by the end play. -
Page 891: Removal And Installation Of Cylinder Head Assembly
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02636-03 Removal and installation of Remove air conditioner compressor (10) and bracket together and move them to a place cylinder head assembly where they will not be obstacle to the work. Special tools Part number Part name 795-799-8150 Remover 795-799-6700 Puller 760-331-1110 Wrench…
Page 892
SEN02636-03 50 Disassembly and assembly 14. Remove air intake connector (22) and air 19. Disconnect drain tube (35). heater together. 20. Remove common rail (36). [*5] a Never remove fuel pressure sensor (36a) and relief valve (36b) unless for the pur- pose of replacement. -
Page 893
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02636-03 24. Remove clamp (46). [*7] 35. Remove 12 mounting bolts (60) and turbo- charger and exhaust manifold assembly (61). 25. Remove U-clamp (47) and U-bolts (48) and [*13] (49). Turbocharger and exhaust manifold assembly: 35 kg 26. -
Page 894
SEN02636-03 50 Disassembly and assembly 38. Disconnect hoses (64) and (65) and remove 41. Remove the fuel injector assembly according cylinder head cover (66). to the following procedure. [*15] Clean the inlet connector carefully so that mud, etc. sticking around it will not enter its hole. -
Page 895
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02636-03 Remove bolt (74) and holder (75). 43. Remove 7 mounting bolts (78) and rocker housing assembly (79). [*18] Using tool B2, remove fuel injector assem- bly (76). 44. Remove 26 mounting bolts (80) and cylinder a Do not pry up the injector top. -
Page 896
SEN02636-03 50 Disassembly and assembly Installation Carry out installation in the reverse order to removal. [*1] a Tighten the hose clamps before and after the air intake tube to the following torque. Hose clamp: 9.8 ± 0.5 Nm {1 ± 0.05 kgm} [*2] a Adjust the belt tension. -
Page 897
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02636-03 Install 6 high-pressure pipes (28) between the common rail and injectors. a Install the high-pressure pipes of the No. 1, No. 3, and No. 5 cylinders while the injector wiring harness con- nectors are disconnected. Sleeve nut: 37.3 ±… -
Page 898
SEN02636-03 50 Disassembly and assembly [*7] (Figure2 ) Assembly of turbocharger and muffler. (Figure 1) (1) Assembly the tube(90)and the turbo- charger. Clamp bolt (91): 6.9 — 8.8 Nm {0.7 — 0.9 kgm} (2) Insert the Joint(51) into the tube(90). x= 4 — 6 mm (Figure 2) (3) Apply thermosetting sealant(b) (Holts «FIREGUM»… -
Page 899
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02636-03 [*12] [*14] a Tighten the lubrication hose and lubrication a When installing the crosshead and rocker arm tube to the following torque. assembly, observe the following precautions. a Install the crosshead so that parts (a) and (b) Lubrication hose flare nut: 19.6 –… -
Page 900
SEN02636-03 50 Disassembly and assembly While matching projection (a) of injector If there are burrs or deformation at (76) to notch (b) of the holder, insert injec- the inlet or outlet of the connector, do tor (76) in the cylinder head. not use the inlet connector. -
Page 901
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02636-03 Install inlet connector (71) temporarily with retainer (70) (Push it into the hole of the injector). Retainer: 14.7 ± 5.0 Nm {1.5 ± 0.5 kgm} Tighten bolts (74) of holder (75) alter- nately. a The top of the holder must be in par- allel with the top of the cylinder head. -
Page 902
SEN02636-03 50 Disassembly and assembly [*16] [*17] a Install the injector wiring harness terminal (5) in a Check that the push rod end is in the tappet. a direction where it will not interfere with the Push rod: Engine oil (EO15W-40) rocker arm (6) which moves up and down. -
Page 903
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02636-03 Check that there is no dirt and foreign Tighten the mounting bolts at least 2 – 3 matter on the cylinder head mounting sur- turns with the fingers. face and in the cylinders and then set cyl- Threads and head seat of each inder head gasket (87). -
Page 904: Removal And Installation Of Radiator Assembly
SEN02636-03 50 Disassembly and assembly Removal and installation of Remove seal (5). radiator assembly Disconnect hoses (6) – (9) from the top of the radiator. [*1] Removal Disconnect the negative (–) terminal from battery. When the coolant temperature in the radia- tor is high, you may be scaled.
Page 905
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02636-03 Installation Carry out installation in the reverse order to removal. [*1] a Apply ThreeBond 4324 or equivalent to the adapters of hoses (4), (7), (8), and (9). Refilling with coolant Add coolant through the coolant filler to the specified level. -
Page 906: Removal And Installation Of Hydraulic Oil Cooler Assembly
SEN02636-03 50 Disassembly and assembly Removal and installation of Remove drain plug (5) from the bottom of the hydraulic oil cooler to drain the oil from the pip- hydraulic oil cooler assembly ing. Removal Disconnect tube (6). Lower the work equipment to the ground and stop the engine.
Page 907
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02636-03 13. Remove mounting bolts (10). Installation 14. Remove 2 wing screws (11) from the screen. Carry out installation in the reverse order to removal. Refilling with oil Add oil through the oil filler to the specified level. -
Page 908: Removal And Installation Of Aftercooler Assembly
SEN02636-03 50 Disassembly and assembly Removal and installation of Disconnect hoses (4) and (5). [*1] aftercooler assembly Remove 4 mounting bolts (6) and aftercooler assembly (7). Removal Disconnect the negative (–) terminal from the battery. Open the front cover of the aftercooler. Disconnect connector M06 (1).
Page 909: Removal And Installation Of Engine And Hydraulic Pump Assembly
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02636-03 Removal and installation of Remove air intake connector (5). engine and hydraulic pump Remove belt cover (6) and fan guard (7). assembly Special tools Part number Part name 796-460-1210 Oil stopper 796-770-1320 Adapter Removal Disconnect the negative (–) terminal from Disconnect hoses (8), (9), and (10) from the battery.
Page 910
SEN02636-03 50 Disassembly and assembly 12. Disconnect fuel hoses (16) and (17). 18. Disconnect heater hoses (28) and (29). 19. Disconnect B-terminal M21 (30), R-terminal M18 (31), and E-terminal M22 (32). 13. Disconnect the following connectors. CE02 (18) CE03 (19) P44 (20) 20. -
Page 911
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02636-03 22. Open cover (36). 27. Disconnect hoses (45) – (52). 23. Remove the divider board between the engine and hydraulic pump. 24. Remove covers (37) – (40). 28. Disconnect tube (53). a Prepare a container to receive hydraulic oil which will leak. -
Page 912
SEN02636-03 50 Disassembly and assembly 30. Lift off engine and hydraulic pump assembly Installation (55). a Check that all the wires and pipes Carry out installation in the reverse order to between the chassis and the engine and removal. hydraulic pump assembly are discon- nected. -
Page 913
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02636-03 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 914
SEN02636-03 PC300, 350(LC)-8 Hydraulic excavator Form No. SEN02636-03 © 2012 KOMATSU All Rights Reserved Printed in Japan 03-12… -
Page 915
SEN02637-02 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR 1SHOP MANUAL PC300-8 PC300LC-8 PC350-8 PC350LC-8 Machine model Serial number PC300-8 60001 and up PC300LC-8 60001 and up PC350-8 60001 and up PC350LC-8 60001 and up 50 Disassembly and assembly Power train Removal and installation of final drive assembly ……………….. 2 Disassembly and assembly of final drive assembly……………… -
Page 916: Removal And Installation Of Final Drive Assembly
SEN02637-02 50 Disassembly and assembly Removal and installation of final drive assembly Removal Remove sprocket, referring «Removal and installation of sprocket» section in this manual. Lower the work equipment safely to the ground. Stop the engine and loosen the oil filler cap on the hydraulic tank to release pressure inside.
Page 917: Disassembly And Assembly Of Final Drive Assembly
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02637-02 Disassembly and assembly of Remove cover (1) using eyebolt [2]. final drive assembly Special tools Part number Part name 796-627-1610 Wrench assembly 796-627-1620 • Wrench 796-427-1140 • Pin 01314-20612 • Screw 796T-627-1630 Push tool 790-101-2510 Block Spacer Remove spacer (2).
Page 918
SEN02637-02 50 Disassembly and assembly Disassemble No. 1 carrier assembly as Ring gear follows. Remove ring gear (14) using eyebolt [3]. Insert pin (4) and drive shaft (5) out of carrier (6). a After removing the shaft, remove pin (4). Remove thrust washer (7), gear (8), bearing (9), and thrust washer (10). -
Page 919
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02637-02 10. Nut Disassemble the hub assembly as follows. Remove lockplate (23). Remove floating seal (26). Use tool D1 to remove nut (24). Remove bearings (27) and (28) from hub (29). 11. Hub assembly Using eyebolts [4], remove hub assembly Remove floating seal (30) from travel (25) from travel motor. -
Page 920
SEN02637-02 50 Disassembly and assembly Assembly Using tool D3, install floating seal (30) a Clean all parts and check for dirt or damage. onto travel motor (31). a The procedure for installation is the Coat the sliding surfaces of all parts with same as in Step 2) above. -
Page 921
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02637-02 Under the above condition, measure Install lockplate (23). dimension (a). a When installing the lockplate, avoid notch Measure thickness (b) off the inde- (j) of the travel motor and fit it to the spline pendent nut (24). totally (under the condition of (k)) Determine Calculate a –… -
Page 922
SEN02637-02 50 Disassembly and assembly Align the position of pin holes on the Install No.2 carrier assembly (15). a Align the position so that the 3 tips of shaft and carrier, then tap with a plas- tic hammer to install shaft (17). the gear shafts of carrier assembly a Install the shaft, rotating the plan- (15) enter the 3 hollows in the end… -
Page 923
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02637-02 Thrust washer Insert pin (4). a When inserting the pin, take care Install thrust washer (13). that the 3 claws (parts (f)) on the No.2 sun gear periphery of the pin will not be Install No. 2 sun gear (12). placed on the thin parts of the carrier (parts (g)). -
Page 924
SEN02637-02 50 Disassembly and assembly No.1 sun gear shaft 10. Cover Assemble No. 1 sun gear shaft (11). Using eyebolts [2], install cover (1). Cover mounting surface: Gasket sealant (LG-6) Spacer Install spacer (2). a After installing spacer (2), measure dis- Tighten the mounting bolts according to tance (i) from the top of planetary gear (8) the following procedure. -
Page 925: Removal And Installation Of Swing Motor And Swing Machinery Assembly
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02637-02 Removal and installation of swing motor and swing machinery assembly Removal Release the remaining pressure in the hydraulic circuit. For details, see Testing and adjusting, «Release of remaining pres- sure in hydraulic circuit». Lower the work equipment to the ground for safety.
Page 926: Disassembly And Assembly Of Swing Motor And Swing Machinery Assembly
SEN02637-02 50 Disassembly and assembly Disassembly and assembly of No.1 sun gear Remove No. 1 sun gear shaft (2). swing motor and swing machinery assembly Special tools Part number Part name 1 796T-626-1110 Push tool 3 790-201-2480 Push tool 790-101-5401 Push tool kit 790-101-5521 •…
Page 927
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02637-02 Ring gear Disassemble No. 2 carrier assembly as Remove the mounting bolts to remove ring follows. gear (10). Insert pin (14) and drive shaft (15) out of carrier (16). a After removing the shaft, remove pin (14). -
Page 928
SEN02637-02 50 Disassembly and assembly Disassemble the shaft assembly as fol- Assembly a Clean all related parts and check that there is lows. Using push tool [3], remove cover no dust or damage on the surface. Coat sliding assembly (26) and bearing (27) from surfaces with engine oil and then assemble the shaft (28). -
Page 929
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02637-02 Install cover assembly (26) to case (32) Using push tool E1 [6], press fit bearing and tighten mounting bolts (23). (31). a Match the oil passage of cover a Use a new bearing. a Press the bearing inner race and assembly (26) to hole (A) of case (32). -
Page 930
SEN02637-02 50 Disassembly and assembly Match the pin hole of shaft (15) to that Set No. 2 carrier assembly (13) and tighten of the carrier and install the shaft by mounting bolt (12). hitting it lightly with a plastic hammer, Thread of mounting bolt: etc. -
Page 931
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02637-02 Ring gear No.1 carrier assembly Install the O-ring to ring gear (10) using eyebolt Assemble No. 1 carrier assembly as fol- attached to case (29). lows. a Degrease the mating faces of ring gear Press-fit shaft (5) into the carrier in (10) and case (29). -
Page 932
SEN02637-02 50 Disassembly and assembly No.1 sun gear assembly Install ring gear (10) and swing motor Assemble No. 1 sun gear (2). assembly (1) to the following positions. Swing motor mounting face: a Install the No. 1 sun gear with press-fit Gasket sealant (LG-6) plate (P) down. -
Page 933: Removal And Installation Of Swing Circle Assembly
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02637-02 Removal and installation of swing circle assembly Removal Disconnect the negative terminal (–) from the battery. Disassemble the revolving frame assembly refer- ring to the «Removal and installation of revolving frame assembly» section in this manual. Sling swing circle assembly (1) at 3 points and remove the mounting bolt to remove the assembly.
Page 934
SEN02637-02 PC300, 350(LC)-8 Hydraulic excavator Form No. SEN02637-02 © 2010 KOMATSU All Rights Reserved Printed in Japan 05-10… -
Page 935
SEN02638-03 PC300, 350-8 SEN02638-02 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR Shop Manual PC300-8 PC300LC-8 PC350-8 PC350LC-8 Machine model Serial number PC300-8 60001 and up PC300LC-8 60001 and up PC350-8 60001 and up PC350LC-8 60001 and up 50 Disassembly and assembly Undercarriage and frame Disassembly and assembly of carrier roller ………………..Disassembly and assembly of track roller assembly ……………… -
Page 936: Disassembly And Assembly Of Carrier Roller
SEN02638-03 50 Disassembly and assembly a After inserting the floating seal with tool F1, Disassembly and assembly of check that its slant is less than 1 mm and its pro- carrier roller jection (a) is 5 ? 7 mm. Special tools Part number Part name 1 791-430-3230 Installer…
Page 937: Disassembly And Assembly Of Track Roller Assembly
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02638-03 Disassembly and assembly of track roller assembly Special tools Part number Part name 1 796-670-1010 Installer 2 791-601-1000 Oil pump assembly Disassembly a Disassemble according to the following figure. Mounting roller cover mounting bolt Assembly a Assemble according to the following figure.
Page 938: Disassembly And Assembly Of Idler Assembly
SEN02638-03 50 Disassembly and assembly Disassembly and assembly of 4. Remove floating seal (6) on the opposite side from idler (4), shaft (5) and support assembly (7). idler assembly Special tools Part number Part name 1 796-570-1020 Installer 2 791-601-1000 Oil pump assembly Disassembly 5.
Page 939
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02638-03 a After inserting the floating seal, check that in- Assembly 1. Press fit bushings (9) and (10) to idler (4). clination of the seal is less than 1 mm and that protrusion (a) of the seal remains within 2. -
Page 940
SEN02638-03 50 Disassembly and assembly 5. Using tool H1, install floating seal (3) to idler (4), 7. Using tool H2, fill the idler assembly with oil and shaft (2) and support (7) assembly. tighten the plug. Idler: Approximately 230 Å} 10 cc (EO30) Plug: 130?180 Nm {13?18 kgm} a Coat the sliding surface of the floating seal… -
Page 941: Disassembly And Assembly Of Recoil Spring
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02638-03 Disassembly and assembly of 1. Remove piston assembly (2) from recoil spring assembly (1). recoil spring Disassembly of recoil spring assembly Special tools 1) Set recoil spring assembly (1) to tool J1. The spring is under large installed load, so be very sure to set the tool Part number Part name…
Page 942
SEN02638-03 50 Disassembly and assembly Assembly 2) Assemble cylinder (7), collar (8) and yoke (6) to spring (5), and set it on tool J1. Cylinder sliding part: Grease (G2-LI) 3) Apply hydraulic pressure slowly to compress the spring, and then tighten nut (4) so that the installed length of the spring is dimension (a) and secure it with lockplate (3). -
Page 943: Removal And Installation Of Sprocket
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02638-03 Removal and installation of sprocket Removal 1. Expand the track shoe assembly referencing ÅgExpansion and installation of track shoe assemblyÅh. 2. Swing work equipment 90Åã, push up chassis with work equipment and place blocks [1] between track frame and track shoe.
Page 944: Expansion And Installation Of Track Shoe Assembly
SEN02638-03 50 Disassembly and assembly Expansion and installation of 3. Remove track shoe (3) on master pin (2). [*2] track shoe assembly Special tools Part number Part name 791-630-3000 Remover and installer t 1 Cylinder 790-101-1300 (980 kN {100 t}) 790-101-1102 Pump Expansion of track shoe 1.
Page 945
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02638-03 Installation of track shoe Installation is done in the reverse order of expan- sion. [*1] a Refer to the ÅgChecking and adjusting track shoe tensionÅh section in the Testing and ad- justing chapter of this manual. [*2] Mounting bolt: Seizure prevention agent (Maruzen Morimax No.2 or equivalent) -
Page 946: Removal And Installation Of Revolving Frame Assembly
SEN02638-03 50 Disassembly and assembly Removal and installation of 5. Remove plate (3) and pin (4), and then lift boom cylinder assembly (2) to remove. revolving frame assembly a Remove the boom cylinder assembly on the opposite side in the same manner. Removal Boom cylinder assembly: 260 kg…
Page 947
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02638-03 9. Remove plates (7) and (8). 13. Remove 40 mounting bolts and then lift off revolving frame assembly (20). [*1] a Using the lever block, adjust fore and aft as 10. Remove aftercooler tube (9). a When other parts can interfere with the lifting well as right and left balance of the revolving hook in removal of the revolving frame, such… -
Page 948: Removal And Installation Of Counterweight Assembly
SEN02638-03 50 Disassembly and assembly Removal and installation of coun- 4) Disconnect coaxial cable connector (8) of camera 2 (RC2). terweight assembly Special tools Part number Part name Commercially Impact wrench available Socket wrench Commercially (Width across flats : available 46 mm) a Use the impact wrench and socket wrench cor- responding to the specified torque for mounting…
Page 949
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02638-03 a Precaution when installing the mounting bolts. Installation Install in reverse order of removal. Tight the mounting bolts by using the hand wrench until counterweight mating surface [*1] contacts the counter part. Counterweight mounting bolt: Then, tight the mounting bolts to the specified 1,715?1,911 Nm {175?195 kgm} torque by using large impact wrench or large… -
Page 950
SEN02638-03 50 Disassembly and assembly Attaching procedure for counterweight noise insulation sheet a Attach the counterweight noise insulation sheets according to the following procedure. Attach the noise insulation sheets (1), (2), (3) and (4) to the front surface of the counter- weight. -
Page 951
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02638-03 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 952
SEN02638-03 50 Disassembly and assembly PC300, 350(LC)-8 Hydraulic excavator Form No. SEN02638-03 © 2011 KOMATSU All Rights Reserved Printed in Japan 12-11… -
Page 953
SEN02639-02 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR 1SHOP MANUAL PC300-8 PC300LC-8 PC350-8 PC350LC-8 Machine model Serial number PC300-8 60001 and up PC300LC-8 60001 and up PC350-8 60001 and up PC350LC-8 60001 and up 50 Disassembly and assembly Hydraulic system Removal and installation of center swivel joint assembly …………….2 Disassembly and assembly of center swivel joint assembly……………. -
Page 954: Removal And Installation Of Center Swivel Joint Assembly
SEN02639-02 50 Disassembly and assembly Removal and installation of center Disconnect 7 hoses (9) through (15). (9): Center swivel joint (D port) – swivel joint assembly Swing motor (T port) (10): Center swivel joint (D port) – Removal Hydraulic oil tank Release the remaining pressure in the (11): Center swivel joint (E port) –…
Page 955
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02639-02 Lift and remove center swivel joint assembly Installation (18). [*1] Installation is done in the reverse order of removal. Center swivel joint assembly: 40 kg [*1] a Install the center swivel joint assembly (18) with ports (B) and (D) directed to the front of the machine (in the direction of the arrow). -
Page 956: Disassembly And Assembly Of Center Swivel Joint Assembly
SEN02639-02 50 Disassembly and assembly Disassembly and assembly of Remove cover (1). center swivel joint assembly Remove snap ring (2). Special tools Using tool L, pull out swivel rotor (4) and ring (3) from swivel shaft (5). Part number Part name Remove dust seal (6) from cover (7).
Page 957: Removal And Installation Of Hydraulic Tank Assembly
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02639-02 Removal and installation of Disconnect hoses (8) and (9). hydraulic tank assembly Removal Disconnect the negative (–) terminal from battery. Remove covers (1) and (2). Disconnect hoses (10), (11) and (12). Drain oil from the hydraulic tank Hydraulic tank: 248 l Open the engine hood.
Page 958
SEN02639-02 50 Disassembly and assembly Sling the hydraulic oil tank assembly and Installation remove 6 mounting bolts (14). Installation is done in the reverse order of removal. Refilling with oil (hydraulic tank) Refill hydraulic oil through the oil filler port to the specified level. -
Page 959
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02639-02 Removal and installation of Disconnect 4 boom hoses (5). control valve assembly Remove boom tube mounting clamps (6) and (7). Removal Lower the work equipment to the ground for safety and stop the engine. Unscrew the oil filler cap on the hydraulic tank slowly to release pressure inside the tank. -
Page 960
SEN02639-02 50 Disassembly and assembly Disconnect 8 hoses and 8 tubes on the control Disconnect 2 hoses and 8 tubes on the control valve. valve. (9): TSW port hose (Swing motor S port) (19): Bucket dump (10): T1 port hose (connected to the tank) (Hose band: Yellow -Blue) (11): From the top: (20): PST port hose (Hose band: Brown) -
Page 961
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02639-02 11. Disconnect the 7 hoses and the wiring connec- Installation tors (2 locations). Installation is done in the reverse order of (27): PPS1 port hose (Front pump) removal. (28): PPS2 port hose (Rear pump) (29): PR port hose (Solenoid) Refilling with oil (hydraulic tank) (30): PR port hose… -
Page 962: Disassembly And Assembly Of Control Valve Assembly
SEN02639-02 50 Disassembly and assembly Disassembly and assembly of Pump merge-divider valve Mating face of the merge-divider valve: control valve assembly Seal End 242 or equivalent a This section deals with only precautions to be Tighten the mounting bolts for the merge- followed when reassembling the control valve divider valve in the same sequence as that for assembly.
Page 963: Removal And Installation Of Hydraulic Pump Assembly
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02639-02 Removal and installation of Open cover (1) and remove covers (2) – (4). hydraulic pump assembly Special tools Part number Part name 796-460-1210 Oil stopper 796-770-1320 Adapter Removal Disconnect the negative (–) terminal from Remove cover (5). the battery.
Page 964
SEN02639-02 50 Disassembly and assembly Disconnect the pump wiring connectors at the Disconnect wiring clamp (22) at two locations. following two locations. (8): V19 (LS-EPC solenoid valve) 10. Remove muffler clamp (23) and two U-bolts (9): V11 (PC-EPC solenoid valve) (24) to remove muffler (25). -
Page 965: Removal And Installation Of Oil Seal In Hydraulic Pump Input Shaft
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02639-02 Removal and installation of oil seal Installation Installation is done in the reverse order of in hydraulic pump input shaft removal. Removal [*1] Disconnect the negative (–) terminal from Hydraulic pump involute spline: battery. Molybdenum disulfide grease (LM-G) Mating face of hydraulic pump case: Remove the hydraulic pump assembly.
Page 966: Disassembly And Assembly Of Work Equipment Ppc Valve Assembly
SEN02639-02 50 Disassembly and assembly Disassembly and assembly of work equipment PPC valve assembly a Only precautions for assembling the work Assembly a The head of plug (2) must not be projected equipment PPC valve assembly are explained below. from the body (1) surface. Plug (2): 6 –…
Page 967
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02639-02 a When installing joint (12) to body (1), apply LOCTITE as shown below. When installing the joint, apply 1 drop (approx. 0.02 g) of LOCTITE (No. 648) each to 2 places of the female screw (A) of the body. -
Page 968: Disassembly And Assembly Of Travel Ppc Valve Assembly
SEN02639-02 50 Disassembly and assembly Disassembly and assembly of travel PPC valve assembly Special tool Remove mounting bolt (10) to remove plate (22). a Check the thickness and the mounting position of washer (18). Part No. Part name a Remove pin (23) from body (1). Remove seal (9) and collar (8).
Page 969
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02639-02 Assembly Using tool M5, insert busing (11) in case. a Insert the bushing (11) from the 10° Only the precautions for assembling the travel PPC chamfered side. valve assembly are described. a Insert bushing (11) so that dimension a When assembling, clean and inspect the parts (b) will be as follows. -
Page 970
SEN02639-02 50 Disassembly and assembly a Apply grease (G2-LI) to the rocking part of shaft (14) and the contact surfaces of lever (15) and piston (7) and the contact surfaces of damper (16) and pin (17). Quantity of grease (G2-LI) Rocking part of shaft: 4 –… -
Page 971: Disassembly And Assembly Of Hydraulic Cylinder Assembly
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02639-02 Disassembly and assembly of Disassemble the piston rod assembly as follows. hydraulic cylinder assembly Set piston rod assembly (2) on tool Special tools Part number Part name 1 790-502-1003 Cylinder repair stand 790-102-4300 Wrench assembly 790-102-4310 Pin 3 790-720-1000 Expander 796-720-1680 Ring…
Page 972
SEN02639-02 50 Disassembly and assembly Use tool N2 to remove piston assem- Disassembly of piston assembly bly (4). Remove ring (11). When not using tool N2, use the Remove wear ring (12). φ drill holes ( 10 at 4 locations) to Remove piston ring (13). -
Page 973
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02639-02 Assembly a Be careful not to damage the packing, dust seal and O-ring. a Clean each part, then cover the piping ports and pin-inserting hole to prevent dust from entering them. a Do not try to force the backup ring into posi- tion. -
Page 974
SEN02639-02 50 Disassembly and assembly Tighten screw (3). Screw thread: Loctite No.262 Screw: 58.9 – 73.6 Nm {6 – 7.5 kgm} Caulk 4 places of threaded part (a) with a punch. Set plunger (10) on the piston rod, assem- ble 12 balls (9) to it and secure with cap (8). a Check that there is a small amount of play at the tip of the plunger. -
Page 975
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02639-02 Machine one of the holes used to Assemble piston rod assembly (2). a Set the ring end gap (C) horizontally install screw (3). a Using a drill, level off V-groove (sideways), and then insert it aligning between piston (4) and rod (3). -
Page 976
SEN02639-02 PC300, 350(LC)-8 Hydraulic excavator Form No. SEN02639-02 © 2009 KOMATSU All Rights Reserved Printed in Japan 12-09 (01) -
Page 977
SEN02640-00 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR 1SHOP MANUAL PC300-8 PC300LC-8 PC350-8 PC350LC-8 Machine model Serial number PC300-8 60001 and up PC300LC-8 60001 and up PC350-8 60001 and up PC350LC-8 60001 and up 50 Disassembly and assembly1 Work equipment Removal and installation of work equipment assembly ……………… 2 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 978: Removal And Installation Of Work Equipment Assembly
SEN02640-00 50 Disassembly and assembly Removal and installation of work Start the engine and then retract the piston rod. a Fasten the piston rod with wire and place equipment assembly it on the stand so that it may not slip out, or place a support to prevent the cylinder Special tools from hanging toward the bottom.
Page 979
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02640-00 Installation Installation is done in the reverse order of removal. [*1] a When tightening the locknut, make sure that 0.5 – 1.5 mm clearance (a) is maintained between the plate and nut after the tightening. Remove work assembly (11). -
Page 980
SEN02640-00 50 Disassembly and assembly [*3] Inside surface of bushing when assembling pin: Antifriction agent (LM-P) Feed grease after assembling pin: Grease (LM-G) a Adjust the clearance (c) between the foot’s end face of boom (13) and bracket (14) to 1 mm or less by use of shims. -
Page 981
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02640-00 PC300, 350-8… -
Page 982
SEN02640-00 PC300, 350(LC)-8 Hydraulic excavator Form No. SEN02640-00 © 2007 KOMATSU All Rights Reserved Printed in Japan 08-07 (01) -
Page 983
SEN02641-02 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR 1SHOP MANUAL PC300-8 PC300LC-8 PC350-8 PC350LC-8 Machine model Serial number PC300-8 60001 and up PC300LC-8 60001 and up PC350-8 60001 and up PC350LC-8 60001 and up 50 Disassembly and assembly1 Cab and its attachments Removal and installation of operator’s cab assembly ………………2 Removal and installation of operator cab glass (stuck glass) …………….. -
Page 984: Removal And Installation Of Operator’s Cab Assembly
SEN02641-02 50 Disassembly and assembly Removal and installation of Remove rear covers (10) to (13). operator’s cab assembly Removal Disconnect the negative (–) terminal from battery. Remove front window (1). Remove step plate (2). Remove floor mat (3). Refer to “Removal and installation of monitor assembly”, and remove monitor assembly (4).
Page 985
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02641-02 15. Remove duct (20). 23. Remove ducts (32) and (33). a Cut tie-wrap. 16. Disconnect connector (21). 17. Remove plates (22) and (23) from the operator 24. Disconnect wiper motor connector M05(34). cab. 25. Remove harness (35) and antenna (36) from the cab wall. -
Page 986
SEN02641-02 50 Disassembly and assembly 31. Detach harness clamp (41) from the right back 35. Lift off and remove operator’s cab assembly side of cab. (47). Operator’s cab assembly: 470 kg 32. Remove bolt (42) under the cab and remove lock plate (43). -
Page 987: Removal And Installation Of Operator Cab Glass (Stuck Glass)
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02641-02 Removal and installation of operator cab glass (stuck glass) a Among the panes of window glass on the 4 (1) : Right side window glass sides of the operator’s cab, 5 panes (1) to (4) (2) : Left side rear window glass and (18) are stuck.
Page 988
SEN02641-02 50 Disassembly and assembly Special tools Installation Using a knife and scraper [5], remove the remaining adhesive and dam rubber from the Part number Part name metal sheets (glass sticking surfaces) of the operator’s cab. a Remove the adhesive and dam rubber to 2 793-498-1210 Lifter (Suction cup) a degree that they will not affect adhesion… -
Page 989
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02641-02 Range to apply primer additionally for right side window glass (1): (b) Range to apply primer additionally for door lower window glass (3): (c) a After applying the primer, leave it for at least 5 minutes (within 8 hours) to dry. -
Page 990
SEN02641-02 50 Disassembly and assembly a Never apply the wrong primer. Stick rubber (both-sided adhesive If the glass primer, etc. is applied by mistake, tape)(6) along the inside edge of the glass wipe it off with white gasoline. sticking section. a Do not remove the release tape of dam Apply the glass primer to the sticking sur- rubber on the glass sticking side before… -
Page 991
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02641-02 a Stick dam rubber (6a) additionally to Stick dam rubber (6) for door lower win- right side window glass (1). dow glass (3) to the position as shown in Positions to stick additional dam rub- the figure. -
Page 992
SEN02641-02 50 Disassembly and assembly a Stick dam rubber (6c) of the lower side of the front window glass along the outside edge of the lower line, dif- ferently from other dam rubbers (6). (If it is stuck along the inside, it will be seen through the transparent part of the glass.) a When positioning front window glass… -
Page 993
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02641-02 Remove the release tape of dam rubber on the glass adhesive side. Apply adhesive (15) to the outside of dam rubber (6) of the operator’s cab. Cut the tip of the adhesive nozzle (14) so that dimensions (q) and (r) will be as fol- lows. -
Page 994
SEN02641-02 50 Disassembly and assembly a You can perform this work efficiently by pulling window glass (9) from inside of the operator’s cab with suc- tion cup X2. a After installing front window glass (4), fill the clearances between it and cen- ter trim seal (16) with caulking mate- rial in range (s) with dimensions (t) and (u). -
Page 995
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02641-02 Fix the window glass. After installing right window glass (1) to the operator’s cab, insert stopper rubbers X3 to 2 places (v) at the bottom of the glass to fix the glass. By using styrene foam blocks [9] and rub- ber bands [10], fix the window glass and the dam rubber to fit them completely. -
Page 996
SEN02641-02 50 Disassembly and assembly After installing the window glass, remove any excess of the primer and adhesive from the operator’s cab and window glass. a By using the white gasoline, wipe off the adhesive before it is dried up. a When cleaning the glass, do not give an impact on it. -
Page 997: Removal And Installation Of Front Window Assembly
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02641-02 Removal and installation of front window assembly Lower the work equipment completely to the ground and stop the engine. a To replace the front window glass, the front win- dow assembly must be removed from the oper- ator’s cab.
Page 998
SEN02641-02 50 Disassembly and assembly Twist front window assembly (10) to the right and left to remove both upper rollers (11) and (12) from the rails, and then remove front win- dow assembly (10). Pull out the bottom of front window assembly (10) though the rail opening portion and lower it gradually. -
Page 999
50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02641-02 a Install the right corner block so that clear- Installation ance (a) between the rail and right corner Carry out installation in the reverse order to block (2) becomes 0 – 2.0 mm. removal. a Install the right corner block so that there is no level difference at the rolling surface [*1] (R) of the roller. -
Page 1000
SEN02641-02 50 Disassembly and assembly Adjust the “Close” position of the front window assembly lock according to the following pro- cedure. Tighten left and right corner blocks (1) and (2) at roughly right positions so that front window glass (14) is attached firmly to cab-side trim seal (15). -
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50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02641-02 Adjust the “Open” position of the front window Loosen locknut (20) of right and left side of assembly lock. rubber stoppers (18), and then pull back After adjusting the “Close” position of the both rubber stoppers (18) so that they front window assembly lock in steps 6 and won’t contact with the front window 7, raise the front window assembly to the… -
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SEN02641-02 50 Disassembly and assembly Adjustment of right and left rubber stop- Tighten locknuts (20) of the both pers (18). sides of rubber stopper (18). Bring front window assembly (10) (the lock should be in “Open” position) into contact with right and left rubber stop- pers (18). -
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50 Disassembly and assembly SEN02641-02 10. Check the operating effort of the lock of the front window assembly. After finishing the adjustment of steps 6 – 9, check that latching efforts of both right and left locks (16) and (17) are even. a Check the latching efforts on both “Close”…