Контроллер gefran 600 инструкция по программированию


• Dimensions and cut-out; panel mounting






Panel mounting:

To fix the unit, insert the brackets provided into the seats on either side of the

case. To mount two or more units side by side, respect the cut-out dimensions

shown in the drawing.

CE MARKING: EMC conformity (electromagnetic compatibility) with EEC Directive

89/336/CEE with reference to the generic Standard EN50082-2 (immunity in industrial

environments) and EN50081-1 (emission in residential environments). BT (low voltage)

conformity respecting the Directive 73/23/CEE modified by the Directive 93/68.

MAINTENANCE: Repairs must be done only by trained and specialized personnel. Cut

power to the device before accessing internal parts.

Do not clean the case with hydrocarbon-based solvents (Petrol, Trichlorethylene, etc.).

Use of these solvents can reduce the mechanical reliability of the device. Use a cloth

dampened in ethyl alcohol or water to clean the external plastic case.

SERVICE: GEFRAN has a service department. The warranty excludes defects caused

by any use not conforming to these instructions.







For correct and safe

installation, follow the

instructions and

observe the warnings

contained in this




Edition 01.04.2008

GEFRAN spa via Sebina, 74

25050 Provaglio d’Iseo (BS) ITALIA

Tel. 0309888.1 — Fax 0309839063

Internet: http://www.gefran.com





Main input (settable digital filter)

Type TC Thermocouples


Cold junction error

RTD type (scale configurable within indicated

range, with or without decimal point) (ITS90)

Max line resistance for RTD

PTC type / NTC Type



°C / °F selection

Linear scale ranges


pb — dt — it


Control outputs

Maximum power limit heat / cool

Cycle time

Main output type


Fault power setting

Automatic blanking

Configurable alarms

Alarm masking

Type of relay contact

Logic output for static relays

Triac output

Transmitter power supply

Analogue retransmission signal

Logic inputs

Serial interface (optional)

Baud rate


Optional ammeter input

Power supply (switching type)

Faceplate protection

Working / Storage temperature range

Relative humidity



EMC conformity has been tested with the following connections


Power supply cable

Relay output cable

Digital communication wire

C.T. connection cable

TC input

Pt100 input


2 x 4 digits, green, height 10 and 7mm

4 mechanical keys (Man/Aut, INC, DEC, F)

0.2% full scale ± 1 digit at 25°C room temperature


60mV,1V Riž1Mž; 5V,10V Riž10Kž; 20mA Ri=50ž

Sampling time 120 msec.

J, K, R, S, T, B, E, N (IEC 584-1, CEI EN 60584-1,

60584-2) L GOST, U, G, D, C

custom linearization is available

0,1° / °C

DIN 43760 (Pt100), JPT100


990ž, 25°C / 1Kž, 25°C

detection of short-circuit or opening of probes, LBA

alarm, HB alarm

configurabile da tastieraconfigurable from faceplate

-1999 to 9999 with configurable decimal point position

PID, Self-tuning, on-off

0,0…999,9 % — 0,00…99,99 min — 0,00…99,99 min

Heat / Cool

on / off, continuous

0,0…100,0 %

0…200 sec

relay, logic, continuous (0….10V / 4…20mA)

0,0…500,0 min

-100,0…100,0 %

Displays PV value, optional exclusion

Up to 3 alarm functions assignable to an output,

configurable as: maximum, minimum, symmetrical,

absolute/deviation, LBA, HB

— exclusion during warm up

— latching reset from faceplate or external contact

NO (NC), 5A, 250V/30Vdc cosϕ=1

24V ±10% (10V min at 20mA)

20…240Vac ±10%, 1A max

Snubberless, inductive and resistive load I


10 / 24Vdc, max 30mA short-circuit protection

10V/20mA Rload max 500ž resolution 12 bit

Ri = 4,7Kž (24V, 5mA) or no-voltage contact

RS485, isolated

1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200


T.A. 50mAac, 50/60Hz, Ri = 10ž

(std) 100 … 240Vac/dc ±10%

(opt.) 20…27Vac/dc ±10%;

50/60Hz, 8VA max


0…50°C / -20…70°C

20 … 85% non-condensing

Panel, plug-in from front

160g for the complete version



1 mm


1 m

1 mm


3,5 m

0,35 mm


3,5 m

1,5 mm


3,5 m

0,8 mm



5 m

1 mm


3 m

t = 128A



gefran 600 User Manual

  • Bookmarks

Quick Links
















cod. 80336B / Edit. 05 — 10/03

— Manuale d’uso

— User’s Manual


— Manuel d’Utilisation

— Manual de Uso

— Manual do Usuário









Related Manuals for gefran 600

Summary of Contents for gefran 600

  • Page 1
    SOFTWARE 1.1x cod. 80336B / Edit. 05 — 10/03 Italiano — Manuale d’uso REGOLATORE English — User’s Manual CONTROLLER Deutsch Bedienungsanleitung REGLER Français — Manuel d’Utilisation RÉGULATEUR Español — Manual de Uso REGULADOR Portuguese — Manual do Usuário CONTROLADOR APPENDIX…
  • Page 2: Manuale D’uso

    3,5 mt pulito inumidito con alcool etilico o con acqua. Fili collegamento T.A. 1,5 mm 3,5 mt ASSISTENZA TECNICA: In GEFRAN è disponibile un reparto di assistenza tecnica. Sonda ingresso termocoppia 0,8 mm compensated 5 mt Sono esclusi da garanzia i difetti causati da un uso non conforme alle istruzioni d’uso.

  • Page 3
    3 • DESCRIZIONE FRONTALE STRUMENTO Indicatori di funzione: Indicazione stato delle uscite: Segnalano il tipo di funzionamento dello strumento OUT 1 (AL1); OUT 2 (Main); OUT 3 (HB); OUT 4 MAN/AUTO OFF (regolazione automatica) ON (regolazione manuale) Display PV: Indicazione della variabile di processo SETPONT1/2 = OFF (IN1=OFF-Setpoint locale 1) Visualizzazione errori: LO, HI, Sbr, Err…
  • Page 4
  • Page 5
    6 • PROGRAMMAZIONE e CONFIGURAZIONE VISUALIZZAZIONE LIVELLO 1 Visualizzazione informazioni Variabile di processo (display PV) Ponticello P.V. / S.V. Setpoint di lavoro (display SV) o S4 (CPU) =ON valore uscita di controllo con regolatore in manuale Menù custom Setpoint locale Comunicazione seriale SP.
  • Page 6
    Impostazioni seriale bAud Baudrate Selezione 1200 Baudrate 2400 4800 9600 Codice identificazione strumento 0 … 247 19200 _PAr Parità sr. p Protocollo SER.P Protocollo Seriale Selezione Senza (no parity) interfaccia seriale CENCAL GEFRAN parità Dispari (odd) MODBUS RTU Pari (even)
  • Page 7
    (dove f.s. è riferito al range -200…850°C) TC N °C 0/1300 0.0/999.9 TC N °F 32/2372 32.0/999.9 L-GOST °C 0/600 0.0/600.0 Filtro digitale ingresso L-GOST °F 32/1112 32.0/999.9 (se=0 esclude il filtro di media sul 0.0 … 20.0 sec TC U °C -200/400 -199.9/400.0…
  • Page 8
    l5. 2 Limite minimo 0.0 … 999.9 Scala ingresso ausiliario xs. 2 Limite massimo 0.0 … 999.9 Scala ingresso ausiliario of. 2 Offset correzione -99.9 … 99.9 ingresso ausiliario punti scala Limite inferiore lo. l impostabilità SP Lo.S … Hi.S e allarmi assoluti Limite superiore xi.
  • Page 9
    rl. 1 Out 1 Attribuzione segnale di riferimento rL.o.1, rL.o.2, rL.o.3, rL.o.4 Funzione HEAT (uscita di controllo riscaldamento) COOL (uscita di controllo raffreddamento) AL1 — allarme 1 rl. 2 AL2 — allarme 2 Out 2 AL3 — allarme 3 Attribuzione AL.HB — allarme HB segnale di LBA — allarme LBA…
  • Page 10
    • Prot Codice di protezione Prot Visualizzazione Modifica SP, In2, allarmi, OuP, INF SP, allarmi SP, In2, allarmi, OuP, INF SP, In2, OuP, INF disabilitazione InP, Out disabilitazione CFG, Ser disabilitazione “accensione — spegnimento” software disabilita la memorizzazione della potenza manuale disabilita la modifica del valore della potenza manuale +128 abilta la configurazione estesa N.B: OuP e INF visualizzazione solo in configurazione estesa…
  • Page 11
    AL.nr Allarme 1 Allarme 2 Allarme 3 al. n Selezione numero disabilitato disabilitato disabilitato allarmi abilitati abilitato disabilitato disabilitato disabilitato abilitato disabilitato abilitato abilitato disabilitato disabilitato disabilitato abilitato abilitato disabilitato abilitato disabilitato abilitato abilitato abilitato abilitato abilitato + 8 per abilitare l’allarme HB + 16 per abilitare l’allarme LBA b u t t nessuna funzione (tasto disabilitato)
  • Page 12
    • Lin Linearizzazione custom per ingresso principale s. 0 0 Passo 0 Limiti di visualizzazione del valore inizio scala display (-1999…9999) Il valore del passo n corrisponde ad ingresso: ..mV inizio scala + n*∆mV ∆mV = (mV fondo scala — mV inizio scala) / 32 s.
  • Page 13
    FUNZIONAMENTO ALLARME HB Questo tipo di allarme è condizionato dall’utilizzo dell’ingresso da trasformatore amperometrico (T.A.). Può segnalare variazioni di assorbimento nel carico discriminando il valore della corrente in ingresso amperometrico nel campo (0 … HS.2). Viene abilitato tramite codice di configurazione (AL.n); in questo caso il valore di intercettazione dell’allarme è espresso in punti scala HB.
  • Page 14
    Se il valore del Tempo Integrale è troppo lungo (Azione Integrale debole) è possibile una persistenza della deviazione tra variabile regolata e valore desiderato. Per avere ulteriori informazioni relative alle azioni di controllo contattare GEFRAN. 9 • TECNICA DI TUNE MANUALE A) Impostare il set-point al valore operativo.
  • Page 15
    12 • SELF-TUNING La funzione è valida per sistemi di tipo a singola azione (o caldo o freddo). L’attivazione del self-tuning ha come scopo il calcolo dei parametri ottimali di regolazione in fase di avviamento del processo, la variabile (esempio temperatura) deve essere quella assunta a potenza nulla (temperatura ambiente). Il controllore fornisce il massimo di potenza impostata sino al raggiungimento di un valore intermedio tra il valore di partenza e il set-point, quindi azzera la potenza.
  • Page 16
    Lunghezza cavo: 5,50m PTC 7 x 25 5m • Cavo Interfaccia RS232 / TTL per configurazione strumenti GEFRAN N.B.: L’interfaccia RS232 per la configurazione da PC è fornito unitamente al software di programmazione WINSTRUM. Il collegamento deve essere effettuato con strumento alimentato con ingressi e uscite non collegate.
  • Page 17
    220Vac. Le resistenze devono essere almeno di 2W); montare un diodo 1N4007 in parallelo alla bobina dei carichi induttivi che lavorano in continua La GEFRAN spa non si ritiene in alcun caso responsabile per i danni a persone o cose derivati da manomissioni, da un uso errato, improprio e comunque non conforme alle caratteristiche dello strumento.
  • Page 18: User’s Manual

    Digital communication wire 0,35 mm 3,5 m SERVICE: GEFRAN has a service department. The warranty excludes defects caused C.T. connection cable 1,5 mm 3,5 m by any use not conforming to these instructions.

  • Page 19
    3 • DESCRIPTION OF FACEPLATE Function indicators Indication of output states Indicates modes of operation OUT 1 (AL1); OUT 2 (Main); OUT 3 (HB); OUT 4 (HB) MAN/AUTO = OFF (automatic control) ON (manual control) PV Display: Indication of process variable Error Indication: LO, HI, Sbr, Err SETPONT1/2 = OFF (IN1 = OFF — local Setpoint 1) LO= the value of process variable is <…
  • Page 20
  • Page 21
    6 • PROGRAMMING and CONFIGURATION Information display LEVEL 1 MENU P.V. / S.V. S4 Jumper P.V. / S.V. Process variable (PV display) (CPU) = ON Work Setpoint (SV display) or control output value with controller in manual Custom menu Local Setpoint Serial communication SP.
  • Page 22
    • Ser Serial setting bAud Baudrate Select 1200 Baudrate 2400 4800 9600 Unit identification code 0 … 9999 19200 _PAr Parity sr. p Serial interface SER.P Serial protocol No parity Parity selection protocol CENCAL GEFRAN MODBUS RTU Even…
  • Page 23
    TC E °F -148/1382 -148.0/999.9 TC N °C 0/1300 0.0/999.9 TC N °F 32/2372 32.0/999.9 L-GOST °C 0/600 0.0/600.0 Digital filter on input L-GOST °F 32/1112 32.0/999.9 (if = 0 excludes averaging filter on 0.0 … 20.0 sec TC U °C -200/400 -199.9/400.0…
  • Page 24
    l5. 2 Minimum limit auxiliary 0.0 … 999.9 input scale xs. 2 Maximum limit auxiliary 0.0 … 999.9 input scale of. 2 Offset correction -99.9 … 99.9 of aux input scale points lo. l Lower limit for setting SP Lo.S … Hi.S and absolute alarms xi.
  • Page 25
    rl. 1 Out 1 Allocation of reference signa rL.o.1, rL.o.2, rL.o.3, rL.o.4 Function of main output relay/logic (OUT1) HEAT (control output for heating) rl. 2 COOL (control output for cooling) Out 2 AL1 — alarm 1 Allocation of AL2 — alarm 2 reference signal AL3 — alarm 3 AL.HB — alarm HB…
  • Page 26
    • Prot Protection code Prot Display Modification SP, In2, alarms, OuP, INF SP, alarms SP, In2, alarms, OuP, INF SP, In2, OuP, INF to disable InP, Out to disable CFG, Ser, + 16 to disable SW “power-up — power down” + 32 disable manual power latching + 64 to disable manual power modification +128 enables full configuration…
  • Page 27
    AL.nr Alarm 1 Alarm 2 Alarm 3 al. n Select number of disabled disabled disabled enabled alarms enabled disabled disabled disabled enabled disabled enabled enabled disabled disabled disabled enabled enabled disabled enabled disabled enabled enabled enabled enabled enabled + 8 to enable HB alarm + 16 to enable LBA alarm b u t t No function (key disenabled)
  • Page 28
    • Lin Custom linearization for main input s. 0 0 Step 0 beginning Display limits of scale value (-1999…9999) the n step value corresponds to input: ..mV beginning scale + n*∆mV ∆mV = (mV full scale — mV beginning scale) / 32 s.
  • Page 29
    HB ALARM FUNCTION This type of alarm depends on use of the current transformer (C.T.) input. It can signal variations in load input by identifying the current value in ammeter input in the range (0 … HS.2). It is enabled by means of configuration code (AL.n);…
  • Page 30
    If the Integral Time value is too long (Weak integral action), deviation between the controlled variable and the setpoint may persist. Contact GEFRAN for more information on control actions. 9 • MANUAL TUNING A) Enter the setpoint at its working value.
  • Page 31
    12 • SELF-TUNING The function works for single output systems (heating or cooling). The self-tuning action calculates optimum control parameter values during process startup. The variable (for example, temperature) must be that assumed at zero power (room temperature). The controller supplies maximum power until an intermediate value between starting value and setpoint is reached, after which it zeros power. PID parameters are calculated by measuring overshoot and the time needed to reach peak.
  • Page 32
    Wire length: 5,50m PTC 7 x 25 5m • RS232 / TTL interface for GEFRAN instrument configuration N.B. RS232 interface for PC configuration is supplied with the WINSTRUM programming software. Make connection with instrument powered but with inputs and outputs disconnected.
  • Page 33
    1N4007 diode in parallel with the coil of inductive loads that operate in DC. GEFRAN spa will not be held liable for any injury to persons and/or damage to property deriving from tampering, from any incorrect or erroneous use, or…
  • Page 34: Bedienungsanleitung

    WARTUNG: Dieses Gerät ist wartungsfrei. Sollte der Regler einen Fehler aufweisen, Installation Schalttafeleinbau, von vorn herausnehmbar kontaktieren Sie bitte die nächste GEFRAN Niederlassung. Kundenseitige Reparaturen Gewicht 160 g in Ausführung mit vollständiger Ausstattung sind nicht zulässig. Die EMV-Konformität wurde mit folgenden Verbindungen geprüft: Das Gehäuse nicht mit Lösemitteln auf Kohlenwasserstoffbasis (Trichlorethylen, Benzin…

  • Page 35
    3 • BEDIEN- UND ANZEIGEELEMENTE Funktionsanzeiger: Zustandsanzeige der Ausgänge: Sie signalisieren die Betriebsart des Instruments: OUT 1 (AL 1); OUT 2 (Main); OUT 3 (HB); OUT 4 MAN/AUTO AUS (automatische Regelung) EIN (manuelle Steuerung) PV-Anzeige: Istwert SETPONT1/2 = AUS (IN1= AUS — interner Sollwert 1) Fehleranzeige: LO, HI, Sbr, Err LO = der Istwert unterschreitet die Skalengrenze (LO_S) EIN (IN1= EIN — interner Sollwert 2)
  • Page 36
  • Page 37
    6 • PROGRAMMIERUNG und KONFIGURATION ANZEIGEEBENE 1 Informationsdisplay NEIN Istwert (PV-Anzeige) Brücke S4 P.V. / S.V. Sollwert (SV-Anzeige) oder (CPU) = ON Stellgröße bei Handbetrieb des Reglers Kundenspezifisches Menü Interner Sollwert Parameter der seriellen Schnittstelle SP. 1 Sollwert 1 Eingangskonfiguration F-Taste lösen um SP.
  • Page 38
    Relativverstärkung» (CtrL = 14) im Nur-Lese-Modus angezeigt. • Ser Menü Einstellung serielle Schnittstelle bAud Baudrate Baudrate 1200 2400 4800 9600 Geräteadresse 0 … 9999 19200 _PAr Parität sr. p Schnittstellen- SER.P Schnittstellenprotokoll keine Parität protokoll CENCAL GEFRAN ungerade MODBUS RTU gerade…
  • Page 39
    TC E °F -148/1382 -148.0/999.9 (Endwert bezogen auf den Bereich -200…850°C) TC N °C 0/1300 0.0/999.9 TC N °F 32/2372 32,0/999.9 L-GOST °C 0/600 0.0/600.0 L-GOST °F 32/1112 32.0/999.9 TC U °C -200/400 -199.9/400.0 Digitalfilter Haupteingang TC U °F -328/752 -199.9/752.0…
  • Page 40
    l5. 2 Untere Skalengrenze 0.0 … 999.9 Hilfseingang xs. 2 Obere Skalengrenze 0.0 … 999.9 Hilfseingang of. 2 Korrekturoffset -99,9 … 99,9 Hilfseingang Skaleneinheiten Unterer Grenzwert für die lo. l Einstellung des Sollwerts Lo.S … Hi.S und der absoluten Alarme Oberer Grenzwert für die xi.
  • Page 41
    rl. 1 Out1 Vereinbarung der Ausgangsfunktion rL.o.1, rL.o.2, rL.o.3, rL.o.4 Funktion Heizen (Regelungsausgang Heizen) rl. 2 Kühlen (Regelungsausgang Kühlen) Out2 AL1 — Alarm 1 Vereinbarung der AL2 — Alarm 2 Ausgangsfunktion AL3 — Alarm 3 AL.HB — Alarm HB LBA — Alarm LBA IN — Zustand logischer Eingang Wiederholung Taste but (wenn but = 8) AL1 oder AL2…
  • Page 42
    • Prot Menü Zugangssperre Prot Anzeige Änderung SP, In2, alarme, OuP, INF SP, alarme SP, In2, alarme, OuP, INF SP, In2, OuP, INF zum Sperren von InP, Out zum Sperren von CFG, Ser +16 zum Sperren der Software Geräteabschaltung +32 zum Sperren der Speicherung der manuellen Stellgradvorgabe +64 zum Sperren der Änderung der manuellen Stellgradvorgabe +128 Freigabe der erweiterten Konfiguration •…
  • Page 43
    Wahl der Anzahl AL.nr Alarm 1 Alarm 2 Alarm 3 al. n der freigegebenen gesperrt gesperrt gesperrt Alarme freigegeben gesperrt gesperrt gesperrt freigegeben gesperrt freigegeben freigegeben gesperrt gesperrt gesperrt freigegeben freigegeben gesperrt freigegeben gesperrt freigegeben freigegeben freigegeben freigegeben freigegeben +8 zum Freigeben von Alarm HB. +16 zum Freigeben von Alarm LBA.
  • Page 44
    • Lin Menü Kundenspezifische Linearisierung für Haupteingang s. 0 0 Schritt 0 Grenzwerte der Anzeige Skalengrenzwerte (-1999…9999) Der Wert von Schritt n entspricht Eingang ..mV Skalenanfang + n*∆mV ∆mV = (mV Skalenendwert — mV Skalenanfang) / 32 s. 3 2 Schritt 32 Grenzwerte der Anzeige Skalengrenzwerte…
  • Page 45
    FUNKTIONSWEISE DES HEIZSTROM-ALARMS (HB) Dieser Alarmtyp erfordert die Verwendung des Stromwandlereingangs (T.A.). Er kann Variationen der Stromaufnahme bei der Last signalisieren, indem er den Strom am Stromwandlereingang im Bereich (0… HS.2) liest. Er wird durch den Konfigurationskode (Al.n) aktiviert; in diesem Fall wird der Auslösewert des Alarms in HB- Skaleneinheiten ausgedrückt.
  • Page 46
    8 • HINWEISE ZU DEN REGELUNGSPARAMETERN Proportionale Regelung: ist die Bezeichnung für den Wert, dessen Einfluss auf den Ausgang proportional zum Unterschied zwischen Soll- und Istwert ist. Vorhalteregelung: ist die Bezeichnung für den Wert, dessen Einfluss auf den Ausgang proportional zur Änderungsgeschwindigkeit des Istwertes ist. Integrale Regelung: ist die Bezeichnung für den Wert, dessen Einfluss auf den Ausgang proportional zum Integral der Sollwertdifferenz über die Zeit ist.
  • Page 47
    12 • SELBSTOPTIMIERUNG Die Funktion optimiert nur die Regelparameter für Heizen oder Kühlen. Bei Regelstrecken mit Heizen/Kühlen ist es erforderlich jeweils eine Selbstoptimierung für Heizen und Kühlen durchzuführen. Die Selbstoptimierung dient zum Berechnen der optimalen Werte für die Regelparameter während der Anlaufphase des Prozesses. Die Regelstrecke muss sich auf den Wert des Null-Stellgrades befinden (bei Temperaturregelung Umgebungstemperatur).
  • Page 48
    PVC — Kabel (12/0,18) Kabellänge: 5,50m PTC 7 x 25 5m • Schnittstellenkabel RS232 / TTL für GEFRAN Instrumentenkonfiguration HINWEIS: Die Schnittstelle RS232 für die PC-Konfiguration wird nur in Verbindung mit der Programmiersoftware WINSTRUM geliefert. Beim Anschluss an den PC muss das Instrument eingeschaltet sein, doch die Ein- und Ausgänge…
  • Page 49
    Last muss eine Diode vom Typ 1N4007 parallel zur Last geschaltet werden. Die Firma GEFRAN spa übernimmt in keinem Fall die Haftung für Sach- oder Personenschäden, die auf unbefugte Eingriffe sowie unsachgemäße oder den technischen Eigenschaften des Gerätes nicht angemessene Bedienung oder Anwendung zurückzuführen sind.
  • Page 50
    éthylique ou d’eau. Câble raccordement série 0,35 mm 3,5 m ASSISTANCE TECHNIQUE: Gefran met à disposition un service d’assistance Fil raccordement T.I. 1,5 mm 3,5 m technique. Ne sont pas couverts par la garantie les défauts causés par une utilisation Capteur entrée thermocouple…
  • Page 51
    3 • DESCRIPTION FAÇADE INSTRUMENT Indicateurs de fonction: Indication état des sorties: Signalent le type de fonctionnement de l’instrument: OUT 1 (AL 1); OUT 2 (Main); OUT 3 (HB); OUT 4 MAN/AUTO OFF (réglage automatique) Afficheur PV: Indication de la variable de process ON (réglage manuel) Affichage erreurs: LO, HI, Sbr, Err SETPONT1/2 =…
  • Page 52
  • Page 53
    6 • PROGRAMMATION ET CONFIGURATION Affichage informations AFFICHAGE NIVEAU 1 Cavalier P.V. / S.V. Mesure (afficheur PV) P.V. / S.V. S4 (CPU)=ON Consigne de travail (afficheur SV) ou valeur sortie de régulation avec régulateur en manuel Menu personnalisé Consigne locale Communication série SP.
  • Page 54
    Configuration série bAud Débit en bauds Sélection débit en 1200 bauds 2400 4800 9600 Adresse de l’appareil 0 … 9999 19200 _PAr Parité sr. p Protocole SER.P Protocole série Aucune Sélection parité interface série: CENCAL GEFRAN Impaire MODBUS RTU Paire…
  • Page 55
    TC E °F -148/1382 -148.0/999.9 (où p.e. se rapporte à la plage -200…850°C) TC N °C 0/1300 0.0/999.9 TC N °F 32/2372 32.0/999.9 L-GOST °C 0/600 0.0/600.0 L-GOST °F 32/1112 32.0/999.9 TC U °C -200/400 -199.9/400.0 TC U °F -328/752 -199.9/752.0 TC G °C…
  • Page 56
    l5. 2 Limite mini échelle entrée 0.0 … 999.9 auxiliaire xs. 2 Limite maxi échelle entrée 0.0 … 999.9 auxiliaire of. 2 Offset correction entrée -99,9 … 99,9 auxiliaire points d’échelle lo. l Limite basse réglage SP Lo.S … Hi.S et alarmes absolues xi.
  • Page 57
    rl. 1 Out 1 Attribution signal de référence rL.o.1, rL.o.2, rL.o.3, rL.o.4 Fonction CHAUD (sortie régulation chauffage) rl. 2 FROID (sortie régulation refroidissement) Out 2 AL1 — alarme 1 Attribution signal AL2 — alarme 2 de référence AL3 — alarme 3 AL.HB — alarme HB LBA — alarme LBA IN — Répétition entrée logique…
  • Page 58
    • Prot Code de protection Prot Affichage Modification SP, In2, alarmes, OuP, INF SP, alarmes SP, In2, alarmes, OuP, INF SP, In2, OuP, INF inhibition InP, Out inhibition CFG, Ser +16 inhibition «marche — arrêt» par voie logicielle +32 inhibe la mémorisation de la puissance manuelle +64 inhibe la modification de la valeur de la puissance manuelle +128 valide la configuration étendue •…
  • Page 59
    AL.nr Alarme 1 Alarme 2 Alarme 3 al. n Sélection alarmes inhibée inhibée inhibée validées validée inhibée inhibée inhibée validée inhibée validée validée inhibée inhibée inhibée validée validée inhibée validée inhibée validée validée validée validée validée +8 pour valider l’alarme HB. +16 pour valider l’alarme LBA.
  • Page 60
    • Lin Linéarisation personnalisée pour entrée principale Pas 0 s. 0 0 Limites d’affichage Valeur origine (-1999…9999) échelle la valeur du segment n correspond à l’entrée: ..mV d’origine échelle + n*∆mV ∆mV = (mV fin échelle — mV origine échelle) / 32 s.
  • Page 61
    FONCTIONNEMENT ALARME HB Ce type d’alarme nécessite l’utilisation de l’entrée par transformateur d’intensité (T.I.). Elle peut signaler des variations d’absorption dans la charge en discriminant la valeur du courant en entrée de courant dans la plage (0 … HS.2). Elle est validée au moyen d’un paramètre de configuration (AL.n); dans ce cas la valeur de franchissement du seuil de l’alarme est exprimée en points d’échelle HB.
  • Page 62
    Si la valeur du Temps d’Intégrale est trop grande (Action Intégrale faible), on peut avoir une persistance de l’écart entre mesure et consigne. Pour d’autres informations relatives aux actions de régulation, contacter GEFRAN. 9 • TECHNIQUE DE REGLAGE MANUELLE A) Régler la consigne à la valeur de travail..
  • Page 63
    12 • AUTOADAPTATIVITÉ Cette fonction est valable pour des systèmes à action simple (chaud ou froid). L’activation de l’autoadaptativité a pour but de calculer les paramètres optimaux de régulation au moment du démarrage du process; la mesure (par ex. température) doit être celle prise à puissance nulle (température ambiante). Le régulateur fournit le maximum de puissance programmée jusqu’à…
  • Page 64
    Ce type de transformateur est utilisé pour des mesures de courant en 50-60 Hz de 25 A à 600 A (courant primaire nominal). La caractéristique particulière de ce transformateur est le grand nombre de spires au secondaire. Cela permet d’avoir un courant secondaire très faible, adapté…
  • Page 65
    2 W). Monter une diode 1N4007 en parallèle avec la bobine des charges inductives qui travaillent en continu. GEFRAN spa ne pourra en aucun cas être tenue pour responsable des dommages causés à des personnes ou des biens dus à des déréglages, une…
  • Page 66: Manual De Uso

    Hilos de conexión serie 0,35 mm 3,5 m ASISTENCIA TÉCNICA. El departamento de asistencia técnica GEFRAN se encuentra Hilos de conexión T.A. 1,5 mm 3,5 m a disposición del cliente. Quedan excluidos de la garantía los desperfectos derivados…

  • Page 67
    3 • DESCRIPCIÓN PARTE FRONTAL INSTRUMENTO Indicadores de función: Indicación estado de las salidas Señalan el tipo de funcionamiento del instrumento OUT 1 (AL 1); OUT 2 (Main); OUT 3 (HB); OUT 4 MAN/AUTO OFF (regulación automática) Visualizador PV: Indicación de la variable del proceso ON (regulación manual) Visualización de errores: LO, HI, Sbr, Err SETPONT1/2 =…
  • Page 68
  • Page 69
    6 • PROGRAMACIÓN Y CONFIGURACIÓN Visualización informaciones VISUALIZACIÓN NIVEL 1 Puente S4 Variable de proceso (Visualizador PV) P.V. / S.V. Setpoint de trabajo (Visualizador SV) (CPU) = ON o valor salida de regulación con regulador en manual Menú personalizado Setpoint local Comunicación serie SP.
  • Page 70
    Selección velocidad de bAud Veloc. de transm. transmisión (en 1200 baudios) 2400 4800 9600 Código identificación instrumento 0 … 9999 19200 _PAr Paridad sr. p Protocolo interfaz SER.P Protocolo serie Selección Sin paridad serie CENCAL GEFRAN paridad Impares MODBUS RTU Pares…
  • Page 71
    (en que f.s. se refiere al rango -200…850°C) TC N °C 0/1300 0.0/999.9 TC N °F 32/2372 32,0/999.9 L-GOST °C 0/600 0.0/600.0 Filtro digital en la entrada L-GOST °F 32/1112 32.0/999.9 (si = 0 excluye el filtro de media en el 0.0 … 20.0 seg.
  • Page 72
    l5. 2 Límite mínimo escala 0.0 … 999.9 entrada auxiliar xs. 2 Límite máximo escala 0.0 … 999.9 entrada auxiliar of. 2 Offset corrección entrada -99,9 … 99,9 auxiliar puntos escala Límite inferior lo. l predisponibilidad SP y Lo.S … Hi.S alarmas absolutas Límite superior xi.
  • Page 73
    rl. 1 Out 1 Asignación señal de referencia rL.o.1, rL.o.2, rL.o.3, rL.o.4 Función salida lógica, relé (OUT1) HEAT (salida de control calentamiento) rl. 2 COOL (salida de control enfriamiento) Out 2 AL1 — alarma 1 Asignación AL2 — alarma 2 señal de AL3 — alarma 3 referencia…
  • Page 74
    • Prot Código de protección Prot Visualización Modificación SP, In2, alarmas, OuP, INF SP, alarmas SP, In2, alarmas, OuP, INF SP, In2, OuP, INF inhabilitación InP, Out inhabilitación CFG, Ser +16 inhabilitación «encendido-apagado» del software +32 inhabilita la memorización de la potencia manual +64 inhabilita la modificación del valor de la potencia manual +128 habilita la configuración amplia •…
  • Page 75
    Selección número AL.nr Alarma 1 Alarma 2 Alarma 3 al. n alarmas inhabilitada inhabilitada inhabilitada habilitadas habilitada inhabilitada inhabilitada inhabilitada habilitada inhabilitada habilitada habilitada inhabilitada inhabilitada inhabilitada habilitada habilitada inhabilitada habilitada inhabilitada habilitada habilitada habilitada habilitada habilitada para habilitar la alarma HB +16 para habilitar la alarma LBA b u t t ninguna función (tecla inhabilitada)
  • Page 76
    • Lin Linearización personalizada para entrada principal s. 0 0 Paso 0 valor de Límites de visualización del inicio escala visualizador (-1999…9999) el valor del paso n corresponde a entrada: ..mV inicio escala + n*∆mV ∆mV = (mV plena escala — mV inicio escala) / 32 s.
  • Page 77
    FUNCIONAMIENTO ALARMA HB Este tipo de alarma está condicionada por el uso de la entrada desde transformador amperimétrico (T.A.). Puede indicar variaciones de consumo en la carga, discriminando el valor de la corriente en entrada amperimétrica en el campo (0 … HS.2). Es habilitada mediante código de configuración (AL.n); en este caso el valor de interceptación de la alarma es expresado en puntos escala HB.
  • Page 78
    Si el valor del Tiempo Integral es demasiado largo (Acción Integral débil), es posible que persista la desviación entre la variable regulada y el valor requerido. Para mayor información sobre las acciones de control, sírvase contactar con GEFRAN. 9 • TÉCNICA DE SINTONIA MANUAL A) Ajustar el setpoint a su valor de trabajo.
  • Page 79
    12 • SELF-TUNING Esta función es válida para sistemas de tipo de acción simple ( calor o frío). La activación del selftuning tiene como objeto el cálculo de los parámetros óptimos de regulación en la fase de inicio del proceso. La variable (por ejemplo, la temperatura) debe ser aquélla considerada como a potencia nula (temperatura ambiente).
  • Page 80
    Longitud cable: 5,50m PTC 7 x 25 5m • Cable Interfaz RS232 / TTL para configuración instrumentos GEFRAN NOTA: La interfaz RS232 para la configuración desde PC se suministra junto con el software de programación WINSTRUM. La conexión debe efectuarse con instrumento alimentado con entradas y salidas no conectadas.
  • Page 81
    2 W., como mínimo); montar un diodo 1N4007 en paralelo con la bobina de las cargas inductivas que actúan con corriente contínua. GEFRAN spa declina toda responsabilidad por los daños a personas ó cosas, originados por alteraciones, uso erróneo, impropio o no conforme con las…
  • Page 82: Manual Do Usuário

    álcool etílico ou com água. Cabo de saída do relé 1 mm 3,5 mt ASSISTÊNCIA TÉCNICA: A GEFRAN tem um departamento de assistência técnica Fios de ligação serial 0,35 mm 3,5 mt nas próprias instalações, que está à disposição do cliente.

  • Page 83
    3 • DESCRIÇÃO FRONTAL DO INSTRUMENTO Indicadores de função: Indicação do estado das saídas: Indicam o modo de operação OUT 1 (AL 1); OUT 2 (Principal); OUT 3 (HB); OUT 4 MAN/AUTO OFF (controle automático) Display PV: Indicação da variável de processo ON (controle manual) Visualização do erros: LO, HI, Sbr, Err SETPONT1/2 =…
  • Page 84
    5 • PROGRAMAÇÃO E CONFIGURAÇÃO «EASY» Ponte A CONFIGURAÇÃO EASY É INDICADA PARA AS VERSÕES COM Menu custom (personalização) S4 (CPU) DUAS SAÍDAS (OUT1, OUT2). PARA ACESSO AOS OUTROS PARÂMETROS ADICIONE 128 AO VALOR Pro Definições das entradas MENU NÍVEL 1 Definições das saídas Variável de processo (display PV) P.V.
  • Page 85
    6 • PROGRAMAÇÃO E CONFIGURAÇÃO MENU NÍVEL 1 Visualização de informações NÃO Variável de processo (display PV) Ponte S4 P.V. / S.V. Setpoint de trabalho (display SV) ou (CPU) = ON valor de saída de regulagem com o controlador em manual Menu custom (personalização) Setpoint local Comunicação serial…
  • Page 86
    Configuração serial bAud Baudrate Seleção da 1200 Baudrate 2400 4800 Código de identificação 9600 0 … 9999 do instrumento 19200 _PAr Paridade sr. p Protocolo da SER.P Protocolo serial Seleção de interface serial CENCAL GEFRAN paridade Ímpares MODBUS RTU Pares…
  • Page 87
    -148.0/999.9 TC N °C 0/1300 0.0/999.9 TC N °F 32/2372 32,0/999.9 L-GOST °C 0/600 0.0/600.0 Filtro digital na entrada L-GOST °F 32/1112 32.0/999.9 (se = 0 exclui o filtro da média no valor 0.0 … 20.0 seg. TC U °C -200/400 -199.9/400.0…
  • Page 88
    l5. 2 Limite mínimo de escala 0.0 … 999.9 da entrada auxiliar xs. 2 Limite máximo de escala 0.0 … 999.9 da entrada auxiliar of. 2 Offset de correção da -99,9 … 99,9 entrada auxiliar pontos de escala Limite inferior de lo.
  • Page 89
    rl. 1 Out1 Atribuição do sinal de referência rL.o.1, rL.o.2, rL.o.3, rL.o.4 Função HEAT (saída de controle aquecimento) rl. 2 COOL (saída de controle resfriamento) Out2 AL1 — alarme 1 Atribuição do AL2 — alarme 2 sinal de AL3 — alarme 3 referência AL.HB — alarme HB LBA — alarme LBA…
  • Page 90
    • Prot Código de proteção Prot Visualização Modificação SP, In2, alarmes, OuP, INF SP, alarmes SP, In2, alarmes, OuP, INF SP, In2, OuP, INF desabilitação InP, Out desabilitação CFG, Ser desabilitação do «ligar-desligar» através de software desabilita a memorização da potência manual desabilita a modificação do valor da potência manual +128 habilita a configuração extensa •…
  • Page 91
    Seleção do número AL.nr Alarme 1 Alarme 2 Alarme 3 al. n de alarmes desabilitado desabilitado desabilitado habilitados habilitado desabilitado desabilitado desabilitado habilitado desabilitado habilitado habilitado desabilitado desabilitado desabilitado habilitado habilitado desabilitado habilitado desabilitado habilitado habilitado habilitado habilitado habilitado para habilitar o alarme HB +16 para habilitar o alarme LBA b u t t nenhuma função (tecla desabilitada)
  • Page 92
    • Lin Linearização Custom para a entrada principal Passo 0 s. 0 0 Limites de visualização do (valor de início display (de -1999…9999) de escala) o valor do passo n corresponde na entrada a: ..mV início de escala + n*∆mV ∆mV = (mV fundo de escala — mV início de escala) / 32 Passo 32 s.
  • Page 93
    FUNCIONAMENTO DO ALARME HB Este tipo de alarme é condicionado à utilização da entrada de transformador amperométrico (T.A.). Pode sinalizar variações de absorção na carga, descriminado o valor da corrente na entrada amperométrica no campo (0 … HS.2). É habilitado através do código de configuração (AL.n). Neste caso o valor de interceptação do alarme é expresso em pontos da escala HB.
  • Page 94
    Se o valor do Tempo Integral for excessivo (Ação Integral fraca) é possível uma persistência do desvio entre a variável controlada e o valor desejado. Para mais informações relativas às ações de controle contate a GEFRAN. 9 • TÉCNICA DE AJUSTE MANUAL A) Defina o setpoint com o valor operativo B) Defina a banda proporcional ao valor 0,1% (com regulagem do tipo on-off).
  • Page 95
    12 • SELF-TUNING A função é válida para sistemas do tipo com ação simples (aquecimento ou resfriamento). A ativação do self-tuning tem como objetivo calcular os parâmetros de regulagem ideais em fase de partida do processo. A variável (exemplo temperatura) deve ser a assumida com potência nula (temperatura ambiente). O controlador fornece o máximo da potência definida até…
  • Page 96
    Unipolar em PVC (12/0,18) Comprimento do cabo: 5,50m PTC 7 x 25 5m • Cabo Interface RS232 / TTL para configuração de instrumentos GEFRAN NOTA: A interface RS232 para configuração usando o PC é fornecida junto com o software de programação WINSTRUM.
  • Page 97
    2W). Monte um díodo 1N4007 em paralelo com a bobina das cargas indutivas que trabalham em corrente contínua. A GEFRAN spa não se considera, de modo nenhum, responsável por ferimento de pessoas ou danos de objetos provocados por adulteração, uso…
  • Page 98
    GENERALITES Cette carte supporte la fonction sortie prévue comme OUT2 dans l’outil 600. Elle est apte à piloter les charges en ca jus- qu’à un maximum de 240Vca, 1A. La carte est automatiquement reconnue par l’outil qui habilite la visibilité et la program- mation des paramètres appropriés.
  • Page 99
    PROFILE This board supports the output function provided as OUT2 on the 600 instrument. Suitable for piloting resistive loads up to a maximum of 5A at 250V AC/30Vdc. The board is automatically recognized by the instrument, which enables display and set- ting of the parameters involved.
  • Page 100
    PROFILE This board supports the output function provided as OUT3 on the 600 instrument. Suitable for piloting resistive loads up to a maximum of 5A at 250V AC/30Vdc. The board is automatically recognized by the instrument, which enables display and set- ting of the parameters involved.
  • Page 101
    PERFIL Esta ficha soporta la función de entrada lógica como alternativa a OUT3 en el instrumento 600. Mando de contacto limpio o de tensión 24 V. La ficha es reconocida de modo automático por el instrumento, que habilita visibilidad y programación de los respectivos parámetros.
  • Page 102
    Parameter. PERFIL Esta ficha soporta la función de salida prevista como OUT3 en el instrumento 600. Idónea para pilotear entradas lógicas, aplicación típica para interfaz hacia interruptores estáticos (GTS). La ficha es reconocida de modo automático por el instrumento, que habilita visibilidad y programación de los respectivos parámetros.
  • Page 103
    Parameter. PERFIL Esta ficha soporta la función de salida prevista como OUT3 en el instrumento 600. Idónea para pilotear entradas lógicas, aplicación típica para interfaz hacia interruptores estáticos (GTS). La ficha es reconocida de modo automático por el instrumento, que habilita visibilidad y programación de los respectivos parámetros.
  • Page 104
    PROFILE This board supports the output function provided as OUT3 on the 600 instrument. Normally used to retransmit the probe value. Theboard is automatically recognized by the instrument, which enables display and setting of the parameters involved.
  • Page 105
    PROFILE This board supports the output function provided as OUT4 on the 600 instrument. Suitable for piloting resistive loads up to a maximum of 5A at 250V AC/30Vdc. The board is automatically recognized by the instrument, which enables display and set- ting of the parameters involved.
  • Page 106
    Parameter. PERFIL Esta ficha soporta la función de salida prevista como OUT4 en el instrumento 600. Interfaz serie estándar RS485. La ficha es reconocida de modo automático por el instrumento, que habilita visibilidad y programación de los respectivos parámetros PERFIL Esta placa suporta a função de saída prevista como OUT4 no instrumento 600.
  • Page 107
    The board is automatically recognized by the instrument, which enables display and setting of the parameters involved. GENERALITES Cette carte supporte la fonction sortie prévue comme OUT3 dans l’outil 600. Normalement utilisée en tant que sortie de régu- lation. La carte est automatiquement reconnue par l’outil qui habilite la visibilité et la programmation des paramètres appro- priés.
  • Page 108
    Das Gerät erkennt die Karte automatisch und aktiviert die Funktionen für die Anzeige und die Einstellung der entsprechenden Parameter. PERFIL Esta ficha soporta la función de entrada desde transformador amperimétrico como alternativa a OUT3 en el instrumento 600. La ficha es reconocida de modo automático por el instrumento, que habilita visibilidad y programación de los respectivos parámetros.
  • Page 109
  • Page 110
  • Page 111
  • Page 112
    GEFRAN spa via Sebina, 74 — 25050 Provaglio d’Iseo (BS) — ITALIA Tel. +39 0309888.1 — Fax +39 0309839063 www.gefran.com ISO 9001 www.gefranonline.com…

gefran 600: List of Available Documents

Note for Owners:

Guidesimo.com webproject is not a service center of gefran trademark and does not carries out works for diagnosis and repair of faulty gefran 600 equipment. For quality services, please contact an official service center of gefran company. On our website you can read and download documentation for your gefran 600 device for free and familiarize yourself with the technical specifications of device.

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Recommended Documentation:
  • 7/23/2019 Gefran 600 Controller User Manual


    Logic inputs Ri = 4,7K (24V, 5mA) or no-voltage contact

    Protocol Gefran CENCAL / MODBUS

    Serial interface (optional) RS485, isolated

    Analogue retransmission signal 10V/20mA Rload max 500 resolution
    12 bit

    Transmitter power supply 10 / 24Vdc, max 30mA short-circuit

    Type of relay contact NO (NC), 5A, 250V/30Vdc cos=1

    Logic output for static relays 24V 10% (10V min at 20mA)

    Cycle time 0…200 sec

    Main output type relay, logic, continuous (0….10V /

    Control outputs on / off, continuous

    Maximum power limit heat / cool 0,0…100,0 %

    C / F selection configurabile da tastieraconfigurable from

    Linear scale ranges -1999 to 9999 with configurable decimal
    point position

    Controls PID, Self-tuning, on-offpb — dt — it 0,0…999,9 % —
    0,00…99,99 min — 0,00…99,99 min

    Action Heat / Cool

    Softstart 0,0…500,0 min

    Configurable alarms

    Up to 3 alarm functions assignable to an output,configurable as:
    maximum, minimum, symmetrical,

    absolute/deviation, LBA, HB

    Fault power setting -100,0…100,0 %

    Automatic blanking Displays PV value, optional exclusion

    Alarm masking- exclusion during warm up

    — latching reset from faceplate or external contact

    Optional ammeter inputT.A. 50mAac, 50/60Hz, Ri = 10

    Faceplate protection IP65

    Working / Storage temperature range 0…50C / -20…70C

    Relative humidity 20 … 85% non-condensing

    Installation Panel, plug-in from front

    Weight 160g for the complete version

    Power supply (switching type)

    (std) 100 … 240Vac/dc 10%(opt.) 20…27Vac/dc 10%;

    50/60Hz, 8VA max

    Safetydetection of short-circuit or opening of probes, LBA

    alarm, HB alarm

    RTD type (scale configurable within indicated

    range, with or without decimal point) (ITS90)

    Max line resistance for RTD

    DIN 43760 (Pt100), JPT100


    Cold junction error 0,1 / C

    PTC type / NTC Type 990 , 25C / 1K , 25C


    SOFTWARE VERSION 2.09Edition 01.04.2008


    For correct and safe

    installation, follow the

    instructions and

    observe the warnings

    contained in this


    Type TC Thermocouples


    Display 2 x 4 digits, green, height 10 and 7mm

    Keys 4 mechanical keys (Man/Aut, INC, DEC, F)Accuracy 0.2% full
    scale 1 digit at 25C room temperature

    Main input (settable digital filter)TC, RTD, PTC, NTC60mV,1V
    Ri1M ; 5V,10V Ri10K; 20mA Ri=50

    Sampling time 120 msec.


    Dimensions and cut-out; panel mounting

    Panel moun ting:

    To fix the unit, insert the brackets provided into the seats on
    either side of the

    case. To mount two or more units side by side, respect the
    cut-out dimensions

    shown in the drawing.

    CE MARKING:EMC conformity (electromagnetic compatibility) with
    EEC Directive

    89/336/CEE with reference to the generic Standard EN50082-2
    (immunity in industrial

    environments) and EN50081-1 (emission in residential
    environments). BT (low voltage)

    conformity respecting the Directive 73/23/CEE modified by the
    Directive 93/68.

    MAINTENANCE:Repairs must be done only by trained and specialized
    personnel. Cut

    power to the device before accessing internal parts.

    Do not clean the case with hydrocarbon-based solvents (Petrol,
    Trichlorethylene, etc.).

    Use of these solvents can reduce the mechanical reliability of
    the device. Use a cloth

    dampened in ethyl alcohol or water to clean the external plastic

    SERVICE:GEFRAN has a service department. The warranty excludes
    defects caused

    by any use not conforming to these instructions.




    GEFRAN spa via Sebina, 7425050 Provaglio d’Iseo (BS) ITALIA

    Tel. 0309888.1 — Fax 0309839063

    Internet: http://www.gefran.com











    Power supply cable 1 mm2 1 mRelay output cable 1 mm2 3,5 m

    Digital communication wire 0,35 mm2 3,5 mC.T. connection cable
    1,5 mm2 3,5 m

    TC input 0,8 mm2 compensated 5 mPt100 input 1 mm2 3 m

    EMC conformity has been tested with the following

    J, K, R, S, T, B, E, N (IEC 584-1, CEI EN 60584-1,60584-2) L
    GOST, U, G, D, C

    custom linearization is available

    Triac output20…240Vac 10%, 1A max

    Snubberless, inductive and resistive load I2t = 128A2s

    Baud rate 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200

  • 7/23/2019 Gefran 600 Controller User Manual





    Inc and Dec key

    Press to increment (decrement) any numerical parameter Increment
    (decrement) speed is

    proportional to time key stays pressed The operation is not
    cyclic: once the maximum

    (minimum) value of a field is reached, the value will not change
    even if the key remains pressed.

    Automatic/Manual adjustment selection

    Active only when PV display visualises

    the process variable

    Function indicators

    Indicates modes of operation

    MAN/AUTO = OFF (automatic control)

    ON (manual control)

    SETPONT1/2 = OFF (IN1 = OFF — local Setpoint 1)

    ON (IN1 = ON — local Setpoint 2)

    SELFTUNING = ON (enabled Self)

    OFF (disabled Self)

    PV Display: Indication of process variableError Indication: LO,
    HI, Sbr, Err

    LO= the value of process variable is < di LO_SHI= the value
    of process variable is > di HI_S

    Sbr= faulty sensor or input values higher than max. limitsEr r=
    PT100 third wire opened for PT100, PTC or input

    values lower than min. limits (i.e.: TC wrong connection)

    Function key

    Gives access to the various configuration phases

    Confirms change of set parameters and browses next or

    previous parameter (if Auto/Man key is pressed)

    SV display: Indication of setpoint

    Indication of output statesOUT 1 (AL1); OUT 2 (Main); OUT 3
    (HB); OUT 4 (HB)

    -Maximum driving torque for screws: 0,5 Nm

    -Maximum Section of flexible or rigid stripped wire: 0,5
    mm-Maximum Section of flexible or rigid stripped wire: 1,5 mm

    1) Hardware:

    1.1) Factory settings:The Gefran 600-R-R(D)-0-0-1 is factory set
    for PID heating, direct absolute alarm, input type «J» and access
    to the «EASY» programming menu

    (Protection level «0»).

    The main control output is mapped to «Out2» (terminals 19 &
    20). This is noteworthy as one would intuitively consider OUT1 to
    be the main output. Thisimplies that one changes the cycle time of
    the main control output by adjusting Ct.2 in the Out menu.The Alarm
    output is mapped to Out1 (terminals 21 & 22).

    1.2) Transmitter supply / Pt100: Inside the controller are
    jumper settings to connect either the third wire input for Pt100 or
    the internal +24V(10V)transmitter voltage to terminal no. 3Note:
    the factory setting of the jumper is for Pt100 input. You need to
    change the jumper setting to enable the +24V output on terminal no.
    3 (see sketch

    on hardware).The internal transmitter supply is common negative
    (internally linked to negative sensor input on terminal no. 2). The
    positive output is connected toterminal 3 via the jumper (see

    1.3) Transmitter supply voltage: inside the controller is a
    solder link to select the transmitter output voltage (24, 15, 10,
    5, 1.23VDC). Factory setting is

    24VDC (small track on PCB needs to be cut when changing to other
    voltage). (see sketch on hardware).

    1.4) Digital input: On models 600(I)-R-?-N-?-? the digital input
    is NOT isolated. It is common negative (terminal 6 and terminal 2).
    To activate the inputyou need to apply 24VDC to the digital input
    (terminals 5 and 6). Alternatively you can enable the internal 24V
    transmitter supply (jumper setting, seeabove) and use a dry contact
    between terminals no. 3 and no. 5

    1.5) Outputs: Type 600 controllers have up to 4 outputs,
    depending on the model. Each output can be mapped via software to
    perform one or more

    functions. It is for example possible to assign a combination of
    alarms to one output relay. It is also possible to assign the main
    control function to any ofthe outputs. If for example the relay
    contact on output 2 (factory setting for main control output) is
    damaged, you can by software change the main

    control function to output 1.Factory setting: output 1 is mapped
    to alarm 1 and output 2 is mapped to main control (heating).

    1.6) Analog output: Type 600-R-?-C-?-? and 600-R-?-W-?-? have a
    small PC-board attached to the CPU board. There is a jumper setting
    on this board: with the jumper in place (factory default) the
    output is set to 0(2)-10V. When the jumper is removed the output is
    0(4) to 20mA.

  • 7/23/2019 Gefran 600 Controller User Manual


    Device structure Identification of boards




    Power board




    signal atcontact 3

    CPU board










    (*) The automatic return PV/SVdisplay is disabled for these








    If Inc, Dec, F keys are not pressed within 15 sec, display

    automatically to P.V. value.


    P.V. / S.V.P.V. / S.V.

    Process variable (PV display)

    Work Setpoint (SV display) or controloutput value with
    controller in manual

    Alarm point 2 (scale points)

    Alarm point 3 (scale points)

    Heater break alarm pointscale points of ammeter input)

    Control output value

    (+Heat / -Cool)

    Serial communicationsSEr



    PAS = 99



    Input settings

    Output settings

    Hardware configuration

    Input linearization


    Keep the F key

    pressed to scrollthe menus

    Release the F key

    to select the

    displayed menu

    Press the F key to

    access theparameters

    Keep the F key

    pressed to exit anymenu

    Keep F + Auto/Man

    keys pressed for 2sec. on any menu

    to go immediately

    to level 1 display



    Local Setpoint






    Custom menu


    User calibration

    Protection code

    Information display

    Setpoint 1

    Setpoint 2

    Ammeter input value

    (with CT input present)

    Alarm point 1 (scale points)

    N.B.: Once a particular configuration is entered, all
    unnecessary parameters are no longer displayed






    On the 600-R-?-C-?-? the analog output can only be used for
    control purposes.

    The 600-R-?-W-?-? can be configured for analog control or for
    analog retransmission.

    Change from 0-20 (0-10V) to 4-20mA (2-10V): This is a software
    setting. In the «Out» menu set rL.3=64 heat) or 65 (cool) for
    control purposes. Forretransmission go into the «U.CAL» menu,
    function 1. Connect a mA (V) meter to the analog output and adjust
    the value (4mA or 2V) with the UPand DOWN arrow keys. The factory
    default setting is 0—20 mA.

  • 7/23/2019 Gefran 600 Controller User Manual


    2) Configuration menus:

    2.1) Description of menus:The programming of the 600 controller
    is divided into 10 menus:

    INF: the information menu contains general information (software
    version etc.)CFG: the configuration menu contains all parameters
    affecting the control behavior (enabling of self-/autotune, PID
    parameters, hysteresis, softstarttime, loop break power etc.)Ser:
    The serial communication menu only applies to controllers with
    serial communication. It allows selection of addresses, protocol,
    baud rate,Parity checking etc.InP: the input menu contains
    selection of input type, the input range, filters, and limits for
    setpoints.Out: the output menu allows selection of reference
    signals for the various alarms, alarm types, heater-and sensor
    failure functions, mapping ofcontrol output and alarms to the four
    output ports, setting of the cycle time for all PID outputs,
    assignment of the reference signal for the analogoutput.

    PAS: the following menus (7-9) are password protected. Entering
    a password of «99» allows access to these menus:

    Pro: the protection menu allows tamper proofing and restriction
    of access to the various menus and settings.Hrd: the hardware
    configuration menu allows enabling of control via serial comms,
    selection of control type (PID heat, heat-cool), the alarm
    types,function of the three LED’s (L1—L3) , the «Auto/Manual»
    key, the digital input, function of the lower displayLin: Custom
    linearization for the main input can be performed in 35 steps.

    U.CA: User calibration allows precision calibration of inputs
    and analog outputs.

    2.2) Getting into the various menus:Press and hold the «F» key
    on the controller down: The menus INF, CFG, Ser, InP, OuT, PASS and
    LEVEL 1(main menu displaying temperature andsetpoint) will appear
    in succession.Release the function key whenever the desired menu is
    displayed.Press the button briefly to get to the first parameter in
    the selected menu. The parameter type is indicated in the top
    display, the value is shown in thebottom display.Use the up/down
    arrow keys to change the parameter value.Press the function key
    briefly to accept the parameter value and to move on to the next
    parameter.Press and hold the «F» key down to move to other

    Note: It is possible that some menus do not appear while holding
    the function key down. This is because the protection level is
    preventing access tothese menus. Refer to step 3.2)

    Password protected menus:Press and hold the «F» key on the
    controller down to get to «PAS». Release the F-key and enter the
    password: 99To get into the Pro menu, press the F-key briefly.To
    get into any subsequent menu (Hrd, Lin, U.CAL) press and hold the
    «F» key on the controller down to get to «PAS». Release the F-key
    and enterthe password: 99

    Now press and hold the function key down until the desired menu
    is displayed. Release the function key, then press the function key
    briefly to get tothe first parameter in the menu.

    3) Setting up the controller:When setting up a controller it is
    advisable to work through the menus in the following sequence:PAS
    (password=99)-Pro (enable access to menus), PAS (password=99)-Hrd,
    InP, Out and then CFG.The reason is that by selecting options in a
    menu, some parameters in another menu become superfluous and are
    thus skipped, making setting-upeasier.(e.g. in ON/OFF control the
    h.It and h.dt parameters are skipped)

    3.1) «Pro» protection (barring access to settings):The
    protection menu allows tamper proofing by restricting access to the
    various menus and settings. After configuring and tuning the
    controller werecommend setting Pro=12, thus protecting the setup,
    only allowing access to the control setpoint and the alarm
    setpoints.Pro=0 (factory default) allows access to the «Easy»
    Programming menu, which contains onlythe most commonly used set-up
    parameters.Pro=128 enables full access to all parameters.Pro=12
    allows access to the control setpoint and alarm setpoint, blocking
    access to all othermenus.Pro=13 will prevent changing of alarm
    setpoints.Pro=14 will also prevent changes to the control

    Con figu ratio n Menu s

    «Easy» configuration:(only applies to 600-R-R(D)-0-0-1 units)The
    «EASY» configuration is an abbreviated version, containing only the
    most commonly used parameters. It is enabled by setting the

    level Pro=0. (factory default setting)

    InFo Display

    Example: 1 1 1 = R + R + RS 485


    0 = None

    1 = RS 4852 = Relay


    0 = None

    1 = Relay2 = Logic

    3 = Continuous

    4 = Analog5 = In TA

    6 = In digital

    OUTPUT 2

    0 = None

    1 = Relay2 = Logic

    3 = Triac

    0 No Error1 Lo

    2 Hi3 ERR

    4 SBR


    +8 error OUT2 card recognition

    +16 error OUT3 card recognition



    Self diagnosticerror code






    Er r




  • 7/23/2019 Gefran 600 Controller User Manual


    + 8 to disable at power-on until first alarm+ 16 to enable alarm

    + 32 Hys becomes delay time when alarm trips (0…999
    sec.)(excluding symmetrical absolute)

    + 64 Hys becomes delay time when alarm trips (0…999 min.)

    (excluding symmetrical absolute)

    1…200 sec.Cycle time for

    Out2(Heat or Cool)

    Ct .2

    A1.tAL.1.t, AL.2.t, AL.3.t

    AL.x.t Direct (high limit) Absolute Normal

    Inverse (low limi t) or relative Symmetrical

    to active setpoint (window)

    0 direct absolute normal1 inverse absolute normal

    2 direct relative normal3 inverse relative normal

    4 direct absolute symmetrical

    5 inverse absolute symmetrical

    6 direct relative symmetrical

    7 inverse relative symmetrical




    3.2.2) Output parameters (OuT):Press and hold the «F» key down
    until you get to the OuP menu,then release the «F» key.Press the
    «F» key briefly. The top display will show:

    «Al.t» Use the up/down arrow keys to select the alarm
    functionfor the alarm output 1.Normal (factory default) setting:
    Al.t=0See note 4.5

    Press the «F» key briefly. The top display will show:»Ct.2″ Use
    the up/down arrow keys to select the desired cycle

    time.Set Ct.2=1 If the control output switches a solidstate

    (controller type 600-R-D-0-0-1).Set Ct.2=20 if the control
    output switches a contactor or relay(controller type
    600-R-R-0-0-1).See note 4.12


    3.2.1) Input parameters (InP):press and hold the «F» key down
    until you get to the InP menu, then release the «F» key.Press the
    «F» key briefly. The top display will show:»tyP.» Use the up/down
    arrow keys to select the sensor input type ( 0=J, 2=K, 30=Pt100,


    Press the «F» key briefly. The display will show:»dP.S» enter
    the number of decimal points required. (0=no decimal point, 1=one
    decimalpoint. For J, K and Pt100 sensors not more than one decimal
    point are possible).NB: See note 4.1

    Press the «F» key briefly. The top display will show:»Lo.S» this
    is the minimum sensor input scale. Leave the setting at 0 (0.0) for
    J or K sensorsand set to -200 (-199.9) for Pt100 sensors.See note

    Press the «F» key briefly. The display will show:»Hi.S» this is
    the maximum sensor input scale. Set to 1000 (999.9) for J sensor,
    set to 1300(999.9) for K sensor and set to 850 (850.0) for Pt100
    sensors.NB: See note 4.1 and 4.2Press the «F» key briefly. The
    display will show:

    «Lo.L» this is the lower limit for the control and alarm
    setpoints.It prevents operators from setting the setpoints below
    this limit. Normal setting: Lo.L=0Press the «F» key briefly. The
    display will show:»Hi.L» this is the upper limit for the control
    and alarm setpoints. It prevents operators from

    setting the setpoints above this limit. Normal setting: Hi.L=
    Hi.S (see above)

    t y P. Probe type, signal, enable custom linearization, and main
    inputscale (See type table, page 6)



    Decimal point position formain input scale

    Minimum limit of main

    input scale

    Maximum limit of main

    input scale

    dP_S Format

    0 xxxx1 xxx.x

    2 xx.xx

    3 x.xxx

    min…max input range

    selected in tyP

    min…max input range

    selected in tyP

    Hi .L

    Lo.LLower limit for local

    setpoint and absolutealarms

    Lo.S … Hi.S

    Upper limit for localsetpoint and absolute


    Lo.S … Hi.S



    P.V. / S.V.

    P.V. / S.V.

    Process variable (PV display)Work Setpoint (SV display) or

    output value with controller in manual



    PAS = 99

    Input settings

    Output settings




    Custom menu


    Alarm point 1 (scale points)






    Pro Protection code

    Hi .S

  • 7/23/2019 Gefran 600 Controller User Manual



    3.2.3) Configuration parameters (CFG):

    Press and hold the «F» key down until you get to the CFG menu,
    then release the «F» key.Press the «F» key briefly. The top display
    will show:»h.Pb» Use the up/down arrow keys to select the
    proportional band for the main control

    output. The value is a % of the input range (Hi.S — Lo.S in the
    InP menu).E.g. for Type «J» sensors h.Pb =4 equals 40C (4% of

    Press the «F» key briefly. The top display will show:»h.It» Use
    the up/down arrow keys to select the integral time for the main
    control output. The

    time is set in minutes.Press the «F» key briefly. The top
    display will show:

    «h.dt» Use the up/down arrow keys to select the derivative time
    for the main control output.The time is set in minutes. (this
    parameter should not exceed of the h.It parameter)See note 4.10
    (PID parameters)

    Press the «F» key briefly. The top display will show:»hP.H»
    Normally this parameter remains set to 100 %. Use the down arrow
    key if you want toreduce the maximum output power of the control
    output. This parameter is useful if

    elements are rated too high for the application.Press the «F»
    key briefly. The top display will show:»hy.1″ This sets the
    hysteresis for the Alarm output (output 1) and is a % of the input
    range. Itshould normally remain set at 0.1 Use the up/down arrow
    keys to change thisparameter. Setting it to 100 means the alarm
    will latch.

    Alternatively hy.1 sets the time delay before the alarm trips if
    the alarm type (Al.t parameter) in the Out menu is set to n+32 or

    999 scale points0…999 sec.If +32 in A1.t0…999 min.If +64 in

    Alarm 1 hysteresis

    0.0 … 100.0%

    0.00 … 99.99 min

    0.00 … 99.99 min

    0 … 999.9%

    full scale

    Maximum power limit

    for heating

    Derivative time

    for heating

    Integral timefor heating

    Proportional band

    for heating







    + 4 to disable InP, Out

    + 8 to disable CFG+128 enables full configuration

    Prot Display Modification

    0 SP, alarms SP, alarms

    1 SP, alarms SP2 SP

    Protection codePro

    Protecting (tamper proofing) the unit:To get into the Prot. Menu
    (changing the protection level) hold the F key

    down until PASS appears in the top display. Release the F key
    and usethe up/down arrow keys to enter the password 99. Then press
    the F keybriefly. Prot will appear in the top display. Use the
    up/down arrow keys toselect the desired protection level.Typical
    values:0: enabling the EASY configuration menu128: enabling full
    access to all parameters1: allowing access to EASY configuration
    menu, but barring access to theAlarm setpoint (view only).2:
    allowing access to the EASY configuration menu, but barring access
    to theAlarm setpoint and disabling alarm setpoint display.5:
    barring access to the InP and Out menu and barring access to the
    Alarmsetpoint (view only). Access to the CFG menu (PID parameters)
    is stillenabled.13: barring access to the EASY configuration menu
    and barring access to theAlarm setpoint (view only). Access to the
    CFG menu (PID parameters) is stillenabled.

    Press and hold the F key down until you get to the level 1 menu,
    thenrelease the F key.

  • 7/23/2019 Gefran 600 Controller User Manual



    S.t u








    c.i t

















    Enabling self-



    CFG Control parameters

    Proportional band for


    Integral time for heating

    Derivative time for


    Maximum power limit for


    Setpoint for coolingrelative to heating


    Proportional band forcooling

    Integral time for cooling

    Derivative time for


    Maximum power limit forcooling

    Manual reset

    Alarm 2 hysteresis

    Alarm 3 hysteresis

    Waiting time for HB alarm


    Waiting time for LBA alarm intervention

    (Set to 0 to disable LBA alarm)

    Power limit for LBAalarm condition

    Power output in fault condition(when probe is faulty)

    S.tun Continuous Sel-ftuning Softstartautotuning


    2 NO YES NO


    5 YES NO YES

    0.00 … 99.99 min

    0.00 … 99.99 min

    0.0 … 100.0%

    -999 … 999

    scale points

    0 … 999.9%

    full scale

    0.00 … 99.99 min

    0.00 … 99.99 min

    0.0 … 100.0%

    Minimum power limitfor heating

    (not available for doubleheat/cool action)

    0.0 … 100.0%


    full scale

    0 … 999.9% f.s.

    0999 secIf +32 in A1.t

    0999 minIf +64 in A1.t

    0999 secIf +32 in A1.t0999 minIf +64 in A1.t

    0 … 999


    0.0 … 500.0 min

    -100.0 … 100.0%

    -100.0 … 100.0%ON / OFF

    Set gradient(see applicable note)

    0.0…999.9 digit/min.(digit / sec see SP.r)



    0 … 9999

    scale points

    -100.0 … 100.0%

    Reset power -100.0 … 100.0%

    Alarm 1 hysteresis

    0999 secIf +32 in A1.t0999 minIf +64 in A1.t

    Softstart time0.0 … 500.0 min

    (Value has to be higher than cycle time value of

    output to which HB alarm is assigned)

    Cooling medium 0 … 2

    C.MEd Relative gain (Rg)

    (see applicable note)0 Air 1

    1 Oil 0,82 Water 0,4

    Minimum power limit for

    cooling (not available forheating/cooling double


    0.0 … 100.0%




    (*) LBA alarm may be reset by simultaneously pressing + keys
    when OutP is displayed or byswitching to Manual.


    C_Pb, c_it, c_dt parameters are read only if the option relative
    gain heat/cool control (Ctrl = 14) has

    been selected.

    999 scale points

    999 scale points

    999 scale points


    7 COMPREHENSIVE CONFIGURATIONThe comprehensive menu is enabled
    by setting the protection level Pro= 128:

    Press and hold the «F» key down until you get to PAS then
    release the «F» key.Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to enter the
    password 99Now press the «F» key briefly. The protection code Pro
    will be displayed.

    Use UP/DOWN arrow keys to enter the protection level 128 .

  • 7/23/2019 Gefran 600 Controller User Manual


    Type Probe type without decimal po int with decimal point

    Sensore: TC0 TC J C 0/1000 0.0/999.9

    1 TC J F 32/1832 32.0/999.92 TC K C 0/1300 0.0/999.9

    3 TC K F 32/2372 32.0/999.9

    4 TC R C 0/1750 0.0/999.95 TC R F 32/3182 32.0/999.9

    6 TC S C 0/1750 0.0/999.97 TC S F 32/3182 32.0/999.9

    8 TC T C -200/400 -199.9/400.09 TC T F -328/752 -199.9/752.0

    10 TC B C 44/1800 44.0/999.9

    11 TC B F 111/3272 111.0/999.912 TC E C -100/750

    13 TC E F -148/1382 -148.0/999.914 TC N C 0/1300 0.0/999.9

    15 TC N F 32/2372 32.0/999.9

    16 L-GOST C 0/600 0.0/600.017 L-GOST F 32/1112 32.0/999.9

    18 TC U C -200/400 -199.9/400.019 TC U F -328/752

    20 TC G C 0/2300 0.0/999.921 TC G F 32/4172 32.0/999.9

    22 TC D C 0/2300 0.0/999.9

    23 TC D F 32/4172 32.0/999.924 TC C C 0/2300 0.0/999.9

    25 TC C F 32/4172 32.0/999.926 Ni-Ni18Mo C 0/1100 0.0/999.9

    27 Ni-Ni18Mo F 32/2012 32.0/999.928 TC CUSTOM CUSTOM


    30 PT100 C -200/850 -199.9/850.031 PT100 F -328/156 2

    32 JPT100 C -200/600 -199.9/600.033 JPT100 F -328/1112

    34 PTC C -55/120 -55.0/120.035 PTC F -67/248 -67.0/248.0

    36 NTC C -10/70 -10.0/70.0

    37 NTC F 14/158 14.0/158.038 0…60 mV -1999/9999

    39 0…60 mV Custom scale Custom scale40 12…60 mV -1999/9999

    41 12…60 mV Custom scale Custom scale42 0…20 mA -1999/9999

    43 0…20 mA Custom scale Custom scale

    44 4…20 mA -1999/9999 -199.9/999.945 4…20 mA Custom scale
    Custom scale

    46 0…10 V -1999/9999 -199.9/999.947 0…10 V Custom scale
    Custom scale

    48 2…10 V -1999/9999 -199.9/999.949 2…10 V Custom scale
    Custom scale

    50 0…5 V -1999/9999 -199.9/999.9

    51 0…5 V Custom scale Custom scale52 1…5 V -1999/9999

    53 1…5 V Custom scale Custom scale54 0…1 V -1999/9999

    55 0…1 V Custom scale Custom scale56 200mv..1V -1999/9999

    57 200mv..1V Custom scale Custom scale

    58 Cust10 V-20mA -1999/9999 -199.9/999.959 Cust10 V-20mA Custom
    scale Custom scale

    60 Cust 60mV -1999/9999 -199.9/999.9

    61 Cust 60mV Custom scale Custom scale62 PT100-JPT CUSTOM



    t y P. Probe type, signal, enable custom linearization,and main
    input scale

    InP Input settings

    +2 set gradient in digit / sec





    Hi .S


    Ft .2

    Digital filter on input

    (if = 0 excludes averaging filter onsample value)

    (*) not available for TC, RTD,PTC and NTC scales

    Digital filter on inputdisplay

    Decimal point position for

    input scale

    Minimum limit of maininput scale

    Maximum limit of main

    input scale

    Offset correction

    of main input

    Digital filter

    aux. input

    0.0 … 20.0 sec

    0 … 9.9

    scale points

    dP_S Format0 xxxx

    1 xxx.x2 xx.xx (*)

    3 x.xxx (*)

    min…max input range

    selected in tyP

    min…max input range

    selected in tyP

    -999 … 999

    scale points

    0.0 … 20.0 sec

    SP.r Def. remote setpoint Val. Type of remote setpoint Absolute
    Relative0 Digital Absolute(from serial line)

    1 Digital Reletive to(from serial line) local setpoint

    For custom linearization:

    — LO signal is generated with variable below Lo.S or at minimum


    — HI signal is generated with variable above Lo.S or at maximum


    Max. non-linearity error forthermocouples (TC),resistors (PT100)
    andthermistors (PTC, NTC).

    The error is calculated asdeviation from theoreticalvalue and is
    expressed aspercentage of full scale (inC).

    S, R range 0…1750C; error < 0.2% f.s. (t > 300C) / for

    range; error < 0.5% f.s.T error < 0.2% f.s. (t >

    B range 44…1800C; error < 0.5% f.s. (t > 300C) /

    44,0…999,9; error < 1% f.s. (t > 300C)U range
    -99,9…99,9 and -99…99C; error < 0.5% f.s. / for other

    range; error < 0.2% f.s. (t > -150C)G error < 0.2% f.s.
    (t > 300C)

    D error < 0.2% f.s. (t > 200C)

    C range 0…2300; error < 0.2% f.s. / for other range;error
    < 0.5% f.s.

    NTC error < 0.5% f.s.

    Tc: J, K, E, N, L error < 0,2% f.s.

    JPT100 and PTC error < 0,2% f.s.PT100 scale -200…850C

    Precision better than 0,2% f.s. at 25C

    In range 0…50C: Precision better than 0,2% f.s. in range

    Precision better than 0,4% f.s. in range +400…850C(where f.s.
    refers to range -200… +850C)


  • 7/23/2019 Gefran 600 Controller User Manual


    Hi .L




    LS.2 Minimum limit auxiliaryinput scale

    Offset correctionof aux input

    0.0 … 999.9

    Maximum limit auxiliary

    input scale0.0 … 999.9

    -99.9 … 99.9scale points

    Lower limit for setting SPand absolute alarms

    Lo.S … Hi.S

    Upper limit for setting SP

    and absolute alarmsLo.S … Hi.S


    Out Output settings



    signal foralarm 1

    AL.1.r, AL.2.r, AL.3.rSelect

    referencesignal for

    alarm 2


    referencesignal for

    alarm 3

    AL.x.r Variable to be compared Reference setpoint

    0 PV (Process variable) AL

    1 SSP (active setpoint) AL (only absolute)2 PV (process
    variable) AL (only relative and

    referred to SP1 withmultiset function)]






    +8 to disable on power up until first interception

    +16 to latch alarm+ 32 Hys becomes delay time when alarm trips
    (0…999 sec.) (excluding symmetrical absolute)

    + 64 Hys becomes delay time when alarm trips (0…999 min.)
    (excluding symmetrical absolute)

    AL.x.t Direct (high limit) Absolute or Normal

    Inverse (low limi t) relat ive to Symmetricalactive setpoint

    0 direct absolute normal1 inverse absolute normal

    2 direct relative normal

    3 inverse relative normal4 direct absolute symmetrical

    5 inverse absolute symmetrical

    6 direct relative symmetrical

    7 inverse relative symmetrical

    AL.1.t, AL.2.t, AL.3.t

    HB alarm


    Val. Function description0 Relay, logic output: alarm active

    on load current level lower thansetpoint during the ON

    time of the control output

    1 Relay, logic output: alarm activeon load current level higher

    setpoint during the OFFtime of the control output

    2 Alarm active if one of functions 0 and 1

    is true (OR logic between 0 and 1) (*)

    3 For continuous heating output

    7 For continuous cooling output

    + 0 assigned to Out1 (only for Hb_F= 0, 1, 2)

    + 4 assigned to Out2 (only for Hb_F= 0, 1, 2)+ 12 assigned to
    Out4 (only for Hb_F= 0, 1, 2)

    +16 inverse HB alarm

    (*) minimum setting is fixed at 12% of amperometric full






    A2 .t



  • 7/23/2019 Gefran 600 Controller User Manual



    r L.1

    r L.2

    r L.3

    r L.4

    Ct .1


    Ct .2

    Ct .3



    Fault action (sets state in

    case of probe fault)Err, Sbr

    Minimum limit ofanalogue repetition

    signal output 0

    Maximum limit ofanalogue repetition

    signal output

    Val Reference value

    0 PV — process var iable1 SSP — active setpoint

    2 SP — local setpoint

    3 -4 Deviation (SSP-PV)

    5 HEAT (*)6 COOL (*)

    7 AL1 (alarm point)8 AL2 (alarm point)

    9 AL3 (alarm point)

    10 -11 Value acquired from serial line (*)

    Out W

    Assignment of signal or reference value

    Out 1

    Allocation ofreference signa

    _rEL. Alarm Alarm Alarm

    1 2 30 OFF OFF OFF

    1 ON OFF OFF



    6 OFF ON ON

    7 ON ON ON

    -1999 … 9999

    16 for code 0 if input is in error status Err Sbr output
    assumesminimum trimming value.

    (*) — Fixed scale limits- Retransmission output not available
    with ON/OFF control action

    Cycle time for

    OUT1(Heat or Cool)

    Cycle time for

    OUT2(Heat or Cool)

    Cycle time for

    OUT3(Heat or Cool)

    1…200 sec.

    1…200 sec.

    1…200 sec.

    (0.1 sec. fixed with continuous out,Ct. 3 does not appear in

    Out 2

    Allocation of

    reference signal

    Out 3

    Allocation ofreference signal

    Out 4

    Allocation ofreference signal

    -1999 … 9999

    rL.o.1, rL.o.2, rL.o.3, rL.o.4

    + 32 for inverse logic signal output

    Val Function of main output relay/logic (OUT1)

    0 HEAT (control output for heating)

    1 COOL (control output for cooling)2 AL1 — alarm 1

    3 AL2 — alarm 2

    4 AL3 — alarm 35 AL.HB — alarm HB

    6 LBA — alarm LBA7 IN1 — repetit ion of logic input

    8 Repeat but key (i f but = 8)9 AL1 or AL2

    10 AL1 or AL2 or AL311 AL1 and AL2

    12 AL1 and AL2 and AL3

    13 AL1 or ALHB14 AL1 or AL2 or ALHB

    15 AL1 and ALHB16 AL1 and AL2 and ALHB

    Ct .4 Cycle time forOUT4(Heat or Cool)

    1…200 sec.

    64 HEAT continuous out 2-10V (*)65 COOL continuous out 2-10V

    (*) only for rL.3


  • 7/23/2019 Gefran 600 Controller User Manual


    Ct r



    Hrd Hardware configuration

    Enable multiset

    instrument controlby serial

    Val Multi set Reversed Instrument(2 SP) LED control by

    state serial0

    1 x

    2 x3 x x

    4 x5 x x

    6 x x7 x x x

    Control type

    Val Control type

    0 P heat1 P cool

    2 P heat / cool3 PI heat4 PI cool

    5 PI heat / cool6 PID heat

    7 PID cool8 PID heat / cool

    9 ON-OFF heat

    10 ON-OFF cool11 ON-OFF heat / coo l

    12 PID heat + ON-OFF cool13 ON-OFF heat + PID cool

    14 PID heat + cool with relative gain(see C.MEd parameter)

    Selection of derivative action sampling time:+ 0 sample 1

    + 16 sample 4 sec.

    + 32 sample 8 sec.+ 64 sample 240 msec.

    Note: LbA alarm is not enabled with

    ON/OFF type control


    Pro Protection code

    Prot Display Modification0 SP, In2, alarms, OuP, INF SP,

    1 SP, In2, alarms, OuP, INF SP2 SP, In2, OuP, INF

    + 4 to disable InP, Out+ 8 to disable CFG, Ser,

    + 16 to disable SW power-up — power down+ 32 disable manual
    power latching

    + 64 to disable manual power modification

    +128 enables full configuration


  • 7/23/2019 Gefran 600 Controller User Manual


    di G.

    AL .n

    but .

    + 8 to enable HB alarm

    + 16 to enable LBA alarm


    Functionof digital input

    + 16 for input in denied logic (NPN)+ 32 to force logic state 0

    + 48 to force logic state 1 (ON)

    AL.nr Alarm 1 Alarm 2 Alarm 30 disabled disabled disabled

    1 enabled disabled disabled

    2 disabled enabled disabled3 enabled enabled disabled

    4 disabled disabled enabled5 enabled disabled enabled

    6 disabled enabled enabled7 enabled enabled enabled

    0 No function (key disenabled)

    1 MAN / AUTO controller2 LOC / REM

    3 HOLD4 Alarms memory reset

    5 SP1/SP2 Selection

    6 Software on/of f

    Select number of

    enabled alarms

    0 No function (key disenabled)

    1 MAN / AUTO controller2 LOC / REM

    3 HOLD4 Alarms memory reset

    5 SP1 / SP2 Select ion6 Start / Stop self tuning

    7 Start / Stop autotuning

    8 Set / Reset outputs Out 1… Out 4

    + 16 disable function in configuration menu

    b u t t

    Function of M/A





    Val. Function0 none

    1 MAN/AUTO controller 2 LOC / REM

    3 HOLD

    4 sel f- tuning enab led5 autotuning enabled

    6 IN1 repetition7 enable ser ial dialogue

    8 Error present

    9 Softstart running10 SP1…SP2 Indication

    Function of LEDs

    + 16 LED flashes if active

    dSP Defining SVdisplay functiondiSP Lower display (SV)

    0 SSP — se tpoint enab led

    1 InP.2 — aux input2 Control output value

    3 Deviation (SSP — PV)


  • 7/23/2019 Gefran 600 Controller User Manual


    Step 34 mV full scale


    Step 33 mV beginning scaleS.33




    Lin Custom linearization for main input

    the n step value corresponds to input:

    mV beginning scale + n*mVmV = (mV full scale — mV beginning
    scale) / 32

    Step 0 beginning

    of scale value

    Step 32full of scale value

    Display limits


    Display limits(-19999999)





    Step 35 mV at 50CS.35

    Val Function

    1 Analogue output (1)

    2 Input 1 custom 10V / 20mA

    3 Input 1 — custom 60mV4 Custom PT100 / J PT100

    5 Custom PTC6 Custom NTC

    7 Input 2 — custom TA (2)

    Only for TYP = Tc custom

    (1) The analog output in 20mA is calibrated with accuracy higher
    than 0.2 % f.s.; calibrate whenconverting to 10V output.

    (2) In the absence of calibration, accuracy is higher than 1%
    f.s.; calibrate only if higheraccuracy is required.





    Sr .P

    Serial setting

    Unit identification code

    0 … 9999

    Serial interface

    protocolSER.P Serial protocol






    bAud Baudrate

    0 12001 2400

    2 48003 9600

    4 19200

    Parity selection

    _PAr Parity

    0 No parity1 Odd

    2 Even

    S.in Virtual instrumentinputs 0 … 31Inputs IN PV AL3 AL2

    Bit 4 3 2 1 0

    Ex: 1 1 0 0 0

    Set code 24 in S.in. to manage serial line AN andIN

    s.0u Virtual instrumentoutputs 0 … 31Outputs OUTW OUT4 OUT3
    OUT2 OUT1

    Bit 4 3 2 1 0

    Ex: 1 0 0 1 1

    set code 19 in S.Ou. to manage serial line OUT1, OUT2and

    S.U.iVirtual instrument user

    interface0 … 63


    1/2/3 OUT4 OUT3 OUT2 OUT1

    Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

    Ex: 1 0 1 0 0 0

    If you want to manage KEYB and DISH from serial line, set code
    80 inS.U.I.

  • 7/23/2019 Gefran 600 Controller User Manual


    Press and hold the «F» key down until you get to PAS then
    release the «F» key.Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to enter the
    password 99

    Now press and hold the «F» key until you get to the Hrd
    menu.Press the «F» key briefly to move from one parameter within
    the menu to the next.Use the up/down arrow keys to change the
    parameter value.

    «hd.1» This can be used to select one or a combination of the
    following functions: Multiset (having 2 setpoints), Reversed LED
    state, or instrument

    control by serial communication.»Ctr» This sets the control
    type. Usually Ctr=6 (PID heating) or Ctr=7 (PID cooling).For
    combined heat/cool applications Ctr=12 (PID heat + ON/OFF cool,
    typicalfor extruders with air cooling) or Ctr=14 (advanced PID heat
    + PID cool) is useful.

    See note 10″AL.n» Use this function to select the combination of
    alarms you wish to enable.See note 13″but.» Use this to program the
    function of the Manual/Auto key on the faceplate.(but.=5 to switch
    between setpoints; but.=6 to start/stop self-tuning; but.=7 to

    auto-tuning)»diG» this parameter defines the function of the
    digital input. The digital input serves afunction similar to the
    M/A button, but is operated via remote switch.(only applies to
    models 600-R-?-N-?-?)»dSP» defines the value to be indicated in the
    lower display. Usually dSP=0, i.e. the lower

    display indicates the control setpoint.See note 17

    «Ld.1» This sets the function of LED 1. (4 to indicate
    self-tuning status; 5 to indicate auto-

    tuning status; 9 to indicate softstart running; 10 to indicate
    status of multisetpoint. Add16 to any one of these codes to make
    LED flash if the associated function is active.)»Ld.2″ This sets
    the function of LED 2.»Ld.3″ This sets the function of LED 3.See
    note 17

    press and hold the «F» key down until you get to the InP menu,
    then release the «F» key.Press the «F» key briefly to move from one
    parameter within the menu to the next.

    Use the up/down arrow keys to change the parameter value.»SP.r»
    (only applies to models with serial communication) defines if the
    remote setpoint isabsolute or relative to the local setpoint.»tyP.»
    Selects the sensor input type: 0=J, 2=K, 30=Pt100 (see table)

    For scaling of analog inputs (e.g. 0-10V, 4-20mA) refer to note
    9″FLt» This sets the filtering of the input signal. While the
    filter reduces the effect of interferenceon the sensor wiring, it
    also delays the response time, thus affecting the
    controlperformance. On very fast processes (hotrunner nozzles, air
    heating) set FLt=0.1On slow processes set FLt=0.5 (default)

    «FLd» This filter stabilizes the display when the input variable
    fluctuates rapidly. It does notaffect control behavior. (Fld=0.5
    factory setting)»dP.S» Enter the number of decimal points required.
    (0=no decimal point, 1=one decimalpoint). For J, K and Pt100
    sensors not more than one decimal point are possible).

    NB: See note 8″Lo.S» this is the minimum sensor input scale.
    Leave the setting at 0 (0.0) for J or K sensorsand set to -200
    (199.9) for Pt100 sensors. On analog input types (e.g. 0-10V,

    20mA) this defines the minimum value of the input scale.»Hi.S»
    this is the maximum sensor input scale. Set to 1000 (999.9) for J
    sensor, set to 1300

    (999.9) for K sensor and set to 850 (850.0) for Pt100 sensors.
    On analog input types(e.g. 0-10V, 4-20mA) this defines the maximum
    value of the input scale.See note 9″oFS.» Allows offset correction
    of the main input. It is normally set to «0».»FT.2″ Sets the
    filtering of the auxiliary Input signal (applies only to

    «LS.2″ this is the minimum auxiliary input scale (applies only
    to 600-R-?-H-?)»HS.2″ this is the maximum auxiliary input scale
    (applies only to 600-R-?-H-?)»oF.2» Allows offset correction of the
    auxiliary input. It is normally set to «0»»Lo.L» this is the lower
    limit for the control and alarm setpoints. It prevents operators
    from setting the setpoints below this limit.

    «Hi.L» this is the upper limit for the control and alarm
    setpoints. It prevents operators fromsetting the setpoints above
    this limit.NB: See note 9

    Hardware Parameters

    Input Parameters


  • 7/23/2019 Gefran 600 Controller User Manual


    press and hold the «F» key down until you get to the InP menu,
    then release the «F» key.Press the «F» key briefly to move from one
    parameter within the menu to the next.Use the up/down arrow keys to
    change the parameter value.»SP.r» (only applies to models with
    serial communication) defines if the remote setpoint isabsolute or
    relative to the local setpoint.

    «tyP.» Selects the sensor input type: 0=J, 2=K, 30=Pt100 (see
    table)For scaling of analog inputs (e.g. 0-10V, 4-20mA) refer to
    note 4.2

    «FLt» This sets the filtering of the input signal. While the
    filter reduces the effect of interferenceon the sensor wiring, it
    also delays the response time, thus affecting the control

    performance. On very fast processes (hotrunner nozzles, air
    heating) set FLt=0.1

    On slow processes set FLt=0.5 (default)»FLd» This filter
    stabilizes the display when the input variable fluctuates rapidly.
    It does notaffect control behavior. (Fld=0.5 factory setting)»dP.S»
    Enter the number of decimal points required. (0=no decimal point,
    1=one decimal

    point). For J, K and Pt100 sensors not more than one decimal
    point are possible).NB: See note 9″Lo.S» this is the minimum sensor
    input scale. Leave the setting at 0 (0.0) for J or K sensorsand set
    to -200 (199.9) for Pt100 sensors. On analog input types (e.g.
    0-10V, 4-

    20mA) this defines the minimum value of the input scale.»Hi.S»
    this is the maximum sensor input scale. Set to 1000 (999.9) for J
    sensor, set to 1300(999.9) for K sensor and set to 850 (850.0) for
    Pt100 sensors. On analog input types(e.g. 0-10V, 4-20mA) this
    defines the maximum value of the input scale.See note 9

    «oFS.» Allows offset correction of the main input. It is
    normally set to «0».»FT.2″ Sets the filtering of the auxiliary
    Input signal (applies only to 600-R-?-H-?)»LS.2″ this is the
    minimum auxiliary input scale (applies only to 600-R-?-H-?)»HS.2″
    this is the maximum auxiliary input scale (applies only to
    600-R-?-H-?)»oF.2″ Allows offset correction of the auxiliary input.
    It is normally set to «0»

    «Lo.L» this is the lower limit for the control and alarm
    setpoints. It prevents operators from setting the setpoints below
    this limit.»Hi.L» this is the upper limit for the control and alarm
    setpoints. It prevents operators fromsetting the setpoints above
    this limit.NB: See note 9

    3.3.3) Output parameters (OuT):Press and hold the «F» key down
    until you get to the OuT menu, then release the «F» key.Press the
    «F» key briefly to move from one parameter within the menu to the

    «Al.r» this sets the variable and the reference setpoint for
    Alarm 1.»A2.r» same function as Al.r above but applies to Alarm
    2.»A3.r» same function as Al.r above but applies to Alarm 3.See
    note 13

    «Al.t» Selects the alarm function for alarm 1.

    «A2.t» Selects the alarm function for alarm 2.»A3.t» Selects the
    alarm function for alarm 3.See note 17

    «Hb.F» defines the Heater Break function. See note 15

    «rL.1» sets the function of out1 (terminals 21 + 22). Normally
    rL.1=2 resulting in this output being mapped to Alarm1. For
    combined Heat/Cool operationthis output is usually set for cooling

    «rL.2″ sets the function of out2 (terminals 19 + 20). Normally
    rL.2=0, (main output for heating)»rL.3» sets the function of out3
    (terminals 5 + 6). It only applies to units with a third output.For
    controllers with analog control output (600-R-?-C—) this is set
    as the main outputFor Heating (rL.3=0)

    «rL.4» sets the function of out4 (terminals 11 + 12). It only
    applies to units with a fourth output.See note 13

    «Ct.1» sets the cycle time for output 1 (cooling output for

    «Ct.2″ sets the cycle time for output 2 (main or heating
    output).»Ct.3″ sets the cycle time for output 3 (main or heating
    output).»Ct.4» sets the cycle time for output 4 (main or heating
    output).The above parameters only apply to PID control with relay
    or logic outputs.

    Set Ct.=1 If the control output switches a solidstate relay
    (controller type 600-R-D-0-0-1).Set Ct.=20 if the control output
    switches a contactor or relay (controller type
    600-R-R-0-0-1).Setting a shorter cycle time can adversely affect
    the life span of the contactor.NB: See note 20″rEL» sets the state
    to which the various alarms should revert when a sensor fault

    «An.o» This applies only to units with analog retransmission
    (600-R?W-) and assigns thevariable to be transmitted. Apart from
    the input variable you can also retransmitdeviation from setpoint
    (An.o=4). This is useful to influence other variables in the

    (e.g. to reduce conveyor speed when the oven temperature drops
    below the set value. Use the retransmission output) to feed into
    the variable speeddrive or PLC).Setpoints can also be
    retransmitted, for example where one controller provides the master
    setpoint for various slave units.

    «L.An» sets the minimum limit («zero») of the retransmission

    «H.An» sets the maximum limit («span») of the retransmission
    signalThis applies only to units with analog retransmission

    Output Parameters


  • 7/23/2019 Gefran 600 Controller User Manual


    Configuration Parameters

    (press and hold the «F» key down until you get to the CFG menu,
    then release the «F» key.Press the «F» key briefly to move from one
    parameter within the menu to the next»S.tu» This enables
    self-tuning, auto-tuning and softstart.See note 18

    «h.Pb» Sets the proportional band for the main control output.
    The value is a % of the inputrange (Hi.S — Lo.S,) in the InP
    menu.e.g. for Type «J» sensors h.Pb =4 equals 40C (4% of 1000C)

    «h.It» Sets the integral time for the main control output. The
    time is set in minutes.

    «h.dt» Sets the derivative time for the main control output. The
    time is set in minutes. (thisparameter should not exceed of the
    h.It parameter)See note 18

    «hP.H» limits the maximum heating power. Normally this parameter
    remains set to 100 %.The parameter can be reduced if elements are
    rated too high for the application. Thisreduces overshoot and also
    stress due to thermal expansion in the heat-up phase.

    «hP.L» limits the minimum heating power. Normally this parameter
    remains set to 0 %.

    «C.ME» only applies to PID heat/PID cool control (Ctr=14 in Hrd
    menu). By selecting therelevant cooling medium the PID parameters
    for cooling are automatically set.»c.SP» sets the deadband between
    heating and cooling (only applies to heat / cool control

    functions). Because the controller prevents overlap between
    heating and cooling outputs, the deadband can be set very narrow
    (c.SP=2—5).»c.Pb» Sets the proportional band for the cooling
    control output. The value is a % of the inputrange (Hi.S — Lo.S,)
    in the InP menu.

    «c.It» Sets the integral time for the cooling control output.
    The time is set in minutes.

    «c.dt» Sets the derivative time for the main control output. The
    time is set in minutes. (thisparameter should not exceed of the
    c.It parameter)See note 18″cP.H» limits the maximum cooling power.
    Normally this parameter remains set to 100 %.

    «cP.L» limits the minimum cooling power. Normally this parameter
    remains set to 0 %.

    «rSt» Manual reset shifts the proportional band manually by a
    fixed amount (scale points -999to 999), in order to remove a steady
    error. This function only applies to PID control. Normally

    See note 18

    «P,rS» Power reset shifts the proportional band up and down
    about the set point by apercentage of the proportional band
    (0-100%). Normally P.rs=0At 0% the proportional band is entirely
    below the set point.

    At 50% the proportional band is centered about the set point.At
    100% the proportional band is entirely above the set point.

    This function only applies to PID control.See note 19

    «A.rS» Anti reset reduces the window (scale points 0-9999)
    within the proportional band whereintegral action is active.
    (Normally integral action is active as soon as the processvariable
    enters the proportional band). Outside this window integral action
    isdeactivated. Normally A.rs=0

    See note 19

    «FFd» Feed forward adds a calculated proportion to the output
    power, and thus effectivelyshifts the proportional band (0-100%)
    up. Normally A.rs=0See note 19

    «SoF» Soft-start time is in the range 0.0 to 99.9 minutes. The
    soft-start action terminates whenthe set time has expired or when
    the controlled variable enters the Proportional Band.This function
    is an alternative to self-tuning and if programmed it is activated
    each timethe instrument is powered up.

    «Hy.1» sets the hysteresis for the Alarm output (output 1) and
    is a % of the input range. Itshould normally remain set at 0.1 Use
    the up/down arrow keys to change thisparameter. Setting it to 100
    means the alarm will latch. Alternatively hy.1 parameter

    sets the time delay before the alarm trips if the alarm type
    (Ai.t parameter) in the Outmenu is set to n+32 or n+64.»Hy.2″ sets
    the hysteresis for output 2 and is a % of the input range.»Hy.3″
    sets the hysteresis for output 3 and is a % of the input
    range.»Hb.t» sets the the waiting period for the heater break alarm
    (only applies to 600-R-?-H—)

    «Lb.t» sets the the waiting period for the loop break alarm.
    (Lb.t=0 to disable)»Lb.P» sets the default % output power under
    loop break conditions.

    See note 14&15″FA.P» sets the default % output power under
    sensor fault conditions.

    See note 14″G.SP» sets the ramping gradient.See note 21

    Press and hold the «F» key down until you get to the level 1
    menu, then release the «F» key.


  • 7/23/2019 Gefran 600 Controller User Manual


    Standard Sensor



    When changing the decimal point the parameters Lo.S, Hi.S, oFS,
    Lo.L and Hi.L are affected and also the control and alarm
    setpoints! Make

    sure to check and adjust all these parameters after changing the
    decimal point.For example changing the decimal point from 0 to 1
    will change Hi.S from 1000 to 100.0. As a result the unit will
    register a sensor fault if the

    temperature exceeds 100C. Set the HI.S parameter to 999.9 to
    rectify this.


    The control type is determined by the Ctr parameter in the Hrd

    Most commonly used setups are:

    Ctr=6 PID heating (factory default setting)Ctr=9 ON / OFF
    heating (the h.Pb parameter in the CFG menu sets the hysteresis,
    normal setting: h.Pb=0.1)

    Ctr=10 ON / OFF cooling (the c.Pb parameter in the CFG menu sets
    the hysteresis, normal

    setting: c.Pb=-0.1)

    Ctr=12 PID heating, ON/OFF cooling (c.Pb sets hysteresis, same
    as above): This controlmode is ideally suited for extruders with
    air cooling using fans. In this mode the

    controller prevents overlap of the heating and cooling

    The deadband (temperature band between heating and cooling) is
    set by adjusting c.SP in the CFG menu. Because overlapping of

    and cooling is prevented by the controller, it is possible to
    set the deadband very small ( e.g. c.SP=0.2), thus achieving very
    accurate control.

    This control mode is preferable to normal PID heating (Ctr=6)
    using the alarm function for cooling. Normal PID heating with Alarm
    usuallynecessitates a large deadband (5-10C) to prevent overlapping
    of the heat / cool operations.

    Please note: you have to enable the cooling output (Out1) by
    setting rL.1=1 in the Out menu.

    Also check that the heating output is enabled by rL.2=0
    (alternatively rL.3=0 for analog control).

    You also have to set the deadband c.SP in the CFG menu.

    Ctr=12 PID heating, PID cooling: This control mode is ideally
    suited for applications where the

    cooling medium (air, water, oil) is controlled via a solenoid
    valve or motorized valve.

    The deadband (temperature band between heating and cooling) is
    set by adjustingc.SP (e.g. c.SP=0.2) in the CFG menu.

    The PID parameters for the cooling function are automatically
    set by entering the

    relevant cooling medium in C.ME in the CFG menu (e.g. C.ME=2 for
    water cooling).

    Check the note above regarding enabling of the cooling

    The input scale is defined by the parameters Lo.S and Hi.s in
    the CFG menu.

    If the temperature falls outside the scale defined by Lo.S and
    Hi.s, the controller will indicate a sensor fault.

    Changing the input scale also affects the proportional band in
    PID control because h.Pb and c.Pb are a % of the input range.

    The Gefran 600 controller allows changing of the sensor

    For standard temperature sensors (thermocouples, Pt100) the Lo.S
    and Hi.s parameters should normally correspond with the minimum

    maximum temperature scale of the particular sensor, as listed in
    the input table.Example: for a type «J» thermocouple Lo.S=0 and
    Hi.s=1000 .

    NB: When a decimal point is selected, these parameters are
    affected and must be reset. For instance on a sensor input type «K»

    dP.S=1 in the InP menu will change Lo.S=0 to 0.0 and Hi.s= 1300
    (no decimal point) to130.0 (with decimal point) . When the

    rises above 130.0C, the controller will thus indicate a sensor
    fault. The Hi.S parameter must therefor be reset to Hi.s=999.9 to
    eliminate this


    Analog Inputs

    For analog inputs (e.g. 4-20mA or 0-10V) Lo.S and Hi.s represent
    the zero and span of the input signal.Example: input type is a
    temperature transmitter 4-20mA and a zero and span of -5-C and
    +100C respectively (4mA representing -50C

    and 20mA representing +100C).

    The correct setting for Lo.S= -50 and Hi.S= +100. If a decimal
    point is set (dP.S=1) then the correct setting is Lo.S= -50.0 and
    Hi.S= +100.0

    Custom Inputs (user calibration)

    For custom lnputs the calibration (32 step) is performed in the
    LIN menu. The steps are numbered from 5.00 to 5.32Example: Custom
    input tyP.=53 (1-5V), corresponding to a reading of 0 to 150C


    divide the input signal range by 32: (5-1)/32=4/32=0.125 Venter
    the corresponding value to be displayed for each step. Since the
    curve is not linear, look up the matching reading for each input

    on the graph or table for the input device.step 5.00 (first
    step): enter value for input signal 1V ( in this case «0»)

    step 5.01 (second step): enter value for input signal 1.125V

    step 5.02 (third step): enter value for input signal 1.250V

    continue through all 32 steps, increasing the input signal by
    0.125V per step and entering the corresponding value to be
    displayed.step 5.32 (final step): enter value for input signal 5.0V
    (in this case «150»)

    Now set the input range in the InP menue as follows: Lo.S=0 and
    Hi.S=150. This will define when the input signal is out of


  • 7/23/2019 Gefran 600 Controller User Manual


    For very fast processes (e.g. air heaters and Infrared heaters)
    PID control performance is improved by:

    -selecting a faster derivative action sampling time. This is
    achieved by adding 64 to the Ctr parameter in the Hrd menu ( e.g.
    Ctr=6+64=70).-reducing the digital input filter action by reducing
    FLT (e.g. FLt=0.1) in the InP menu.

    -selecting the shortest possible cycle time for the control
    output (e.g. Ct.2=1 in the Out menu)

    -using analog output (20mA, 10V) in conjunction with Thyristor








    +100%Control output









    +100%Control output




    Control output with proportional action only if proportional
    heating band

    overlaps proportional cooling band.

    Control output with proportional action only if proportional
    heating band

    overlaps proportional cooling band.

    PV = Process Value SP = Heating Setpoint

    SP+cSP = cooling setpoint h_Pb = proportional heating band

    c_Pb = Proportional cooling band

    Heating/Cooling control with relative gain

    In this control mode (enabled with Ctr = 14 parameter) the type
    of cooling has to be specified.

    Cooling PID parameters are therefore calculated based on heating
    parameters according to the specified ratio.

    (for example: C.ME = 1 (oil), H_Pb = 10, H_dt = 1, H_It = 4
    implies: C_Pb = 12,5, C_dt = 1, C_It = 4)

    We advise you to apply the following values when setting output
    cycle times:Air T Cool Cycle = 10 sec.

    Oil T Cool Cycle = 4 sec.

    Water T Cool Cycle = 2 sec.

    NB.: Cooling parameters cannot be modified in this mode.

    Control mode:The control type is determined by the Ctr parameter
    in the Hrd menu.Most commonly used setups are:

    Ctr=6 PID heating (factory default setting)Ctr=9 ON / OFF
    heating (the h.Pb parameter in the CFG menu sets the hysteresis,
    normal setting: h.Pb=0.1)

    Ctr=10 ON / OFF cooling (the c.Pb parameter in the CFG menu sets
    the hysteresis, normalsetting: c.Pb=-0.1)

    Ctr=12 PID heating, ON/OFF cooling (c.Pb sets hysteresis, same
    as above): This controlmode is ideally suited for extruders with
    air cooling using fans. In this mode thecontroller prevents overlap
    of the heating and cooling output.The deadband (temperature band
    between heating and cooling) is set by adjusting c.SP in the CFG
    menu. Because overlapping of heating and coolingis prevented by the
    controller, it is possible to set the deadband very small ( e.g.
    c.SP=0.2), thus achieving very accurate control.

    This control mode is preferable to normal PID heating (Ctr=6)
    using the alarm function for cooling. Normal PID heating with Alarm
    usually necessitatesa large deadband (5-10C) to prevent overlapping
    of the heat / cool operations.Please note: you have to enable the
    cooling output (Out1) by setting rL.1=1 in the Out menu.Also check
    that the heating output is enabled by rL.2=0 (alternatively rL.3=0
    for analog control).

    You also have to set the deadband c.SP in the CFG menu.

    Ctr=12 PID heating, PID cooling: This control mode is ideally
    suited for applications where thecooling medium (air, water, oil)
    is controlled via a solenoid valve or motorized valve.The deadband
    (temperature band between heating and cooling) is set by

    c.SP (e.g. c.SP=0.2) in the CFG menu.

    The PID parameters for the cooling function are automatically
    set by entering therelevant cooling medium in C.ME in the CFG menu
    (e.g. C.ME=2 for water cooling).Check the note above regarding
    enabling of the cooling output.


  • 7/23/2019 Gefran 600 Controller User Manual


    13 ALARMS

    Alarm Reference Signals

    Enabling Alarms:Before any alarms can be configured they need to
    be enabled (see Al.n in the Hrd menu).

    If you do not require an alarm function, set AL.n=0. This will
    remove the prompt for an alarm setpoint in the level1 menu.For
    combined heat/cool control two outputs will be occupied. Hence you
    need a controller with more than two outputs (e.g. 600-R-D-R-0-1)
    if you wantheat/cool control with alarm.

    If you use a controller with only two outputs for heat/cool
    control (e.g 600-R-R-0-0-1), no spare output for alarm is
    available, hence the alarm should bedisabled by setting Al.n=0

    It is possible to enable up to 3 alarms. In addition the HB
    alarm (heater break) and the LBA (sensor fault) alarm can be
    activated.Alarm outputs:Each alarm can be assigned to any one of
    the available outputs (see parameters rL.1-rL.4 in the Out menu).It
    is possible to assign more than one alarm to the same output. It is
    therefor possible to use one output relay to operate if either one
    ( AL1 or AL2)

    alarm condition occurs. Alternatively the condition can be set
    that both alarms have to be flagged ( AL1 and AL2) before the
    output relay operates.Alternatively the same alarm can be assigned
    to more than one output. For example setting rL.1=2 and rL.3=11
    will cause Relay Out1 to operate ifalarm 1 is on and relay Out3 to
    operate if both alarm1 and alarm2 are on.This makes alarm functions
    very versatile and reduces the number of output relays
    necessary.Example: Extruder with heat / cool control, a contactor
    to shut down the machine if a high temperature condition or low
    temperature condition occurs,

    and a relay to start the process when the temperature is at
    operating temperature.This would normally necessitate 5 outputs
    (heat, cool, high alarm, low alarm, symmetrical alarm). On the
    Gefran 600 this can be achieved with 4outputs, using the

    The alarm reference signals (usually the process variable) are
    set by the Al.r-A3. parameters in the Out menu.

    There are two variables that can cause alarms to trigger:Firstly
    you can cause an alarm in response to a change in the process
    variable PV ( e.g high temperature condition, low temperature
    condition etc.)You can also cause an alarm if the control setpoint
    is set to excessive levels.The reference setpoint for an alarm can
    either be absolute or relative to the main setpoint (see next

    Al.r=0 ( normal setting) means the alarm will react if the main
    input signal is higher (lower) than the AL.1 setpointAl.r=1 means
    the alarm will react if the main (active) setpoint is set higher
    (lower) than the AL.1 setpoint. (only applies to absolute alarm).
    This featureis useful to draw attention if the main setpoint is set
    to excessive levels by machine operators.Al.r=2 is identical to
    Al.r=0 except that it only applies to relative alarms, referred to
    the active setpoint in multiset function (special case where a

    control setpoint is introduced via serial communication)The
    above also applies to A2.r and A3.r

    The alarm types are set by the A1.t-A3.t parameters in the Out
    menu.Alarms can be set to be absolute, relative or symmetrical.

    «Direct» alarm means the alarm contact closes when the input
    variable (eg. Temperature) exceeds the alarm setpoint»Inverse»
    alarm means the alarm contact closes when the input variable drops
    below the alarm setpoint.»Absolute» means the setpoint is
    independent of the active (control) setpoint.»Relative» means the
    alarm setpoint is relative to the active (control) setpoint


    Symmetrical deviation AlarmDeviation alarm







    direct alarm

    reverse alarm




    For AL1 = Symmetrical Lo deviation alarm with Hyst 1, AL1 t =

    For AL1 = Symmetrical Hi deviation alarm with Hyst 1, AL1 t =

    For AL1 = Lo deviation alarm with negative Hyst 1, AL1 t = 3

    For AL1 = Hi deviation alarm with negative Hyst 1, AL1 t = 2


    AL1 — [ Hyst1 ]

    AL1 + [ Hyst1 ]


    direct alarm

    reverse alarm

    Symmetrical absolute alarmNormal absolute alarm

    For AL1 = symmetrical Lo absolute alarm with Hyst1, AL1 t =

    For AL1 = symmetrical Hi absolute alarm with Hyst1, AL1 t =

    For AL1 = reverse absolute alarm (low) with positive Hyst1, AL1
    t = 1

    (*) = OFF if disabled on power-up

    For AL2 = direct absolute alarm (high) with negative Hyst2, AL2
    t = 0


    alarm 2

    alarm 1



    AL2 + Hyst2

    AL1 + Hyst1



  • 7/23/2019 Gefran 600 Controller User Manual


    «symmetrical» means the alarm is active inside / outside a
    window around the control setpoint. It is used to detect abnormal
    deviation (positive andnegative) of the input variable from
    setpoint.Alarms can be delayed by adding 32 (delay in seconds)or 64
    (delay in minutes) to the selected alarm parameter. The
    Hy-parameter (Hy.1 -Hy.4 in

    CFG menu) becomes the delay time.Examples:Al.t=0 means that the
    alarm relay will close when the temperature exceeds the alarm
    setpoint («high temperature alarm»)Al.t=2 and an alarm setpoint
    AL.1=10 means that the alarm relay will energise when the
    temperature rises by 10C above the control setpoint.

    Al.t=33 (1+32) and Hy.1=45 means that a low temperature alarm
    will come on if the low temperature condition has prevailed for 45


    Alarm Types

    The system will indicate a sensor fault whenever the input
    signal falls outside the range set by Lo.S and Hi.s ( InP menu).In
    this condition the main control output power will default to the %
    set in FA.P (CFG menu).

    This is a useful feature, allowing you to finish a production
    run before attending to a sensor fault. We recommend monitoring the
    % outputpower during normal operation (temporarily set dSP=2 in HrD
    menu) and then entering this value as the FA.P parameter.

    Alternatively set FA.P=0 to disable the control output (failsafe

    Sensor Fault


    LBA loop break alarm:

    The LBA alarm is enabled by setting Al.n= (between 16 and 31) in
    Hrd menu, but can be disabled by setting Lb.t=0 in the CFG

    Lb.t sets the waiting time for a LBA alarm. The % output power
    under fault condition is set by Lb.P in the CFG menu. An alarm
    output can beenabled by setting rL.1 (2, 3 or4)=6 in the Out menu.
    LBA is triggered when the output power is fully on (100%) but the
    process variable does

    not respond. This will typically happen when the heating circuit
    is defective, a fuse is blown, the thermocouple cable is short
    circuited or the

    sensor is not mounted in position.

    Apart from triggering an alarm output, the LBA alarm can be
    configured to force the control output into a preset % output power
    when a loop

    fault occurs. The idea is to enter an output power at which the
    process will continue at normal temperature without causing
    overheating.NB: Do not set the Lb.t too short to avoid nuisance
    tripping. Do not set Lb.t too long causing overheating before
    output power is reduced.


    controllers with input/output 3 option =»H» monitor the load
    current via a 50mA secondary current transformer (refer to Gefran
    CT type 330200

    and 330201). The load current can be displayed via the bottom SV
    display (set dSP=1 in Hrd menu). The scaling of the input is
    achieved bysetting LS.2 (normally LS2=0) and HS.2 in the InP

    The heater Break (HB) Alarm is enabled by setting either rL.1 or
    rL.2 or rL.3 or rL.4=5, 13, 14, 15 or 16 and by setting Hb.F to the

    level (see Out menu).

    A.Hb in level 1 menu sets the HB alarm setpoint.Hb.t in the CFG
    menu sets the waiting period before a HB alarm is triggered.

    16 MANUAL MODEThe controller can be set into manual mode. This
    is achieved by setting but.=1 in the Hrd menu. It is also
    recommended to set either Ld.1,

    LD.2 or Ld.3=17 (flashing) in the the Hrd menu, thus getting LED
    indication if the controller is in manual mode. By operating
    theAUTO/MANUAL button on the faceplate the controller will switch
    from normal control to manual control. The PV display ( bottom
    display) will

    now show the % output power. The power can be adjusted via the
    UP/DOWN arrow keys.

    The controller will return to AUTO mode if the AUTO/MANUAL
    button is operated again.


    This type of alarm depends on use of the current transformer
    (C.T.) input.

    It can signal variations in load input by identifying the
    current value in ammeter input in the range (0 … HS.2). It is
    enabled by means ofconfiguration code (AL.n); in this case, the
    alarm trip value is expressed in HB scale points.

    By means of code Hb.F (Out phase), select the type of
    functioning and the assigned control output.

    The alarm limit setting is A.Hb.

    The direct HB alarm trips when the ammeter input value is below
    the limit set for Hb.t seconds of the «ON» time for the selected
    output.The HB alarm can be activated only with ON times greater
    than 0.4 seconds (excludes continuous output).

    The HB alarm also checks load current during the OFF interval of
    the cycle time for the selected output. The HB alarm trips if the

    current exceeds approximately 12.5% of the full scale set for
    HB.t seconds of OFF status of the output (parameter HS.2 in

    The alarm is reset automatically if its cause is
    eliminated.Setting limit A.Hb = 0 disables both types of HB alarms,
    with de-energizing of the assigned relay.

    You can display the load current by selecting the item In.2.
    (level 1).

    NOTE: ON/OFF times refer to the cycle time set for the selected

    Continuous alarm Hb_F = 3 (7) is active for a load current value
    below the set limit. It is disabled if the heating (cooling) output
    value is below3%.

    HOLD function

    The input value and alarms are frozen while the logic input is
    closed.With logic input closed, a reset turns OFF both the relay
    outputs and the alarms latch.

  • 7/23/2019 Gefran 600 Controller User Manual


    If a process is out of tune we recommend to first disable the
    Integral and Derivative action by setting the Integral and
    Derivative parameters to

    zero. Increase the proportional band until you obtain stability
    (no cyclic fluctuation). You will get a constant error (offset).
    Now introduce integral

    action. This will remove the error (offset). If excessive
    ringing occurs, increase the integral time. Reduce the integral
    time if the error reducestoo slow. Now add a very short Derivative
    time (e.g. h.dt=0.02), not more than 25% of the Integral time.

    A) Enter the setpoint at its working value.

    B) Set the proportional band at 0.1% (with on-off type
    setting).C) Switch to automatic and observe the behavior of the
    variable. It will be similar to that in the figure:

    D) The PID parameters are calculated s follows: Proportional


    P.B.= —————————————- x 100

    (V max — V min)

    (V max — V min) is the scale range.

    Integral time: It = 1.5 x T

    Derivative time: dt = It/4

    E) Switch the unit to manual, set the calculated parameters.
    Return to PID action by settingthe appropriate relay output cycle
    time, and switch back to Automatic.

    F) If possible, to optimize parameters, change the setpoint and
    check temporary response. Ifan oscillation persists, increase the
    proportional band. If the response is too slow, reduce it.

    The function of this display can be configured by setting the
    dSP parameter in the Hrd menu.

    Normally dSP=0, showing the control setpoint. However the
    display can also be configured to display the value of the
    auxiliary input, the

    output power or the deviation of the process variable from the
    setpoint.Display of the % output power (dSP=2) is useful to
    determine the output power during normal running conditions, thus
    obtaining the value to

    feed into the FA.P parameter in the CFG menu. This will then be
    the % output power the controller defaults to when a LBA (sensor

    alarm occurs.

    PID parameters must be tuned to provide accurate control . There
    is often a tradeoff between rapid response to deviations from the
    setpoint ,

    elimination of overshoot and stability of the process. PID
    parameters can either be tuned manually or automatically through
    selftuning or


    PID parameters:

    The PID parameters determine the control performance and are
    settable in the CFG menu.

    P: Proportional band:

    The function of the Proportional band (see h.Pb and c.Pb) is to
    eliminate the cyclic overshoot/undershoot caused by thermal lag.
    This isachieved by reducing output power before the setpoint is
    reached, thus anticipating the overshoot. The closer one gets to
    the setpoint, the less

    power is provided. The proportional band is expressed as a
    percentage of the input scale (Hi.S-Lo.S). See example below.

    A very narrow proportional band can lead to cyclic
    overshoot/undershoot. An excessively wide proportional band will
    slow down the heat up

    time becvause power is reduced too early.Proportional control
    results in an error (offset).

    e.g. for a type «J» input with Lo.S=0 and Hi.S=1000 and h.Pb=4.5
    the proportional band is 4.5% of (1000-0)=45C. As a result the

    power of the control output will be reduced when the rising
    temperature enters a 45C window below the setpoint.

    I: Integral parameter

    The Integral parameter (see h.it and c.it) automatically removes
    the error (offset) caused by the proportional control. It reduces
    or increases

    power to counteract any deviation of the process variable from
    setpoint. The integral parameter represents time («Integral time»)
    and isexpressed in minutes. A long integral time results in slow
    correction of errors. A very fast integral time can cause ringing
    (oscillation) as a

    result of aggressive error correction.

    D: Derivative parameter

    The Derivative parameter (see h.dt and c.dt) counteracts rapid
    changes in the process variable. It is useful to reduce overshoot
    caused by

    aggressive Integral action. It also provides fast corrective
    action to a sudden change in the process variable. The Derivative

    represents time («Derivative time») and is expressed in minutes.
    A long Derivative time results in a strong response to a change in
    the processvariable. Derivative time should be used with caution as
    it can lead to instability by overreacting to noise
    (electromagnetic interference) on the

    sensor input line. As a rule of thumb the Derivative time should
    be less than 25% of the Integral time. Any higher value will lead
    to a conflict

    between Integral and Derivative action, resulting in the process
    spiraling out of control.


    Manual Tuning

    L1, L2,L3 LED Displays

    The three LEDs on the left hand side of the faceplate can be
    configured to indicate various conditions. The function of each LED

    determined by the Ld.1-Ld.3 parameters in the Hrd

    menu. The LEDs can also be configured to flash by adding 16 to
    the selected parameter.

    Each LED can be assigned a different function. It is also
    possible to assign the same function to all three LEDs . e.g.
    settingLd.1=Ld.2=Ld.3=24 will cause all three LEDs to flash when an
    error (sensor fault) occurs. This is a very visible indication.

    It is recommended to assign these LEDs when any of the following
    features are being enabled:

    Softstart, selftuning, autotuning, Manual/Auto mode.

    It makes diagnostics easy if one can see in which mode the
    controller presently is.


    SV Display (bottom display)


  • 7/23/2019 Gefran 600 Controller User Manual


    Selftune is performed on a cold process (power-up) and is a
    once-off process. At power-up the controller will provide full
    power for a briefmoment, then monitor rise and fall of the process
    variable, calculate the PID parameters and the revert to normal
    control. It is useful to

    configure one of the three LEDs L1, L2 or L3 to indicate or
    flash while autotuning is active.

    How to activate self-tuning:1. Activation at power-up1.1 Adjust
    the setpoint to the required value

    1.2 Enable selftuning by setting Stun=2 in the CFG menu)1.3
    Switch off power to the instrument and to the process1.4 Make sure
    the process has cooled down and is far below the setpoint

    1.5 Apply power to the controller and the process

    2. Activation from keyboard2.1 Adjust the sepoint to the
    required value

    2.2 Enable self tuning by setting S.tu=2 in the CFG menu2.3
    Enable stop/start self tuning via the M/A button by setting but.=6
    in the Hrd menu2.4 Make sure the process has cooled down and is far
    below the setpoint Usually this is done by switching power off or
    disabling the heating

    elements2.5 Apply power to the process and press the M/A button
    on the faceplate of the instrument2. Activation from keyboard

    1) Continuous autotune:Enable autotuning by setting S.tu=1, 3 or
    5 in the CFG menu.

    The controller measures system oscillations to find the
    optimum.The calculated parameters are not stored.

    2) One-shot autotune:2.1) Enable autotuning by setting S.tu=8,
    10 or 12 in the CFG menu.2.2) Enable stop/start autotuning via the
    M/A button by setting but.=7 in the Hrd menu2.3) Initiate
    autotuning by pressing the M/A button on the faceplate of the
    instrument.The controller produces 10% variations from normal
    output power, examines the effect and optimizes PID parameters over
    time. It then stores

    the new PID parameters and automatically ends the autotuning

    The tuning process can be ended prematurely by pressing the M/A

    3) Automatic GO autotune:In this mode the controller
    automatically triggers an autotune cycle when the process deviates
    from the setpoint. There are four sensitivity

    levels (deviation thresholds) that can be selected by choosing
    the appropriate S.tu parameter.At power-up or after a change of
    setpoint, autotuning is inhibited for a time equal to five times
    the integral time, with a minimum of 5 minutes.3.1) Deviation
    threshold=0.5%: Set S.tu=24, 26 or 28 in the CFG Menu3.2) Deviation
    threshold=1%: Set S.tu=40, 42 or 44 in the CFG Menu3.3) Deviation
    threshold=2%: Set S.tu=72, 74 or 76 in the CFG Menu.3.4) Deviation
    threshold=4%: Set S.tu= 136, 138 or 140 in the CFG Menu.


    The reset facilities listed below effectively shift the
    proportional band in order to eliminate the error (offset) caused
    by proportional control. This

    method has its origin in the pre-microprocessor time when offset
    was removed by adjusting potentiometers.

    We recommend that you disable the parameters below buy setting
    them to 0.

    «rSt» This function shifts the proportional band manually, by a
    fixed amount (scale points -999 to 999), in order to remove a
    steady error. It can

    be used instead of the automatic Integral parameter.

    This function is only effective for a steady set point, as it
    calculates the shift according to the proportional band and not the
    set point for which

    it aims.

    «P,rS» Reset power is interchangeable with Manual Reset. It
    shifts the proportional band up and down about the set point by a
    percentage of

    the proportional band (0-100%).

    At 0% the proportional band is entirely below the set point.At
    50% the proportional band is centred about the set point.

    At 100% the proportional band is entirely above the set

    This function has no effect on on-off control.

    «A.rS» Anti reset reduces the window (scale points 0-9999)
    within the proportional band where the integral action is
    calculated. Normally

    integral action is active as soon as the process variable enters
    the proportional band Outside of this window the integral time is
    frozen. ie:

    Antireset will inhibit the integral action WITHIN the
    proportional band. Ultimately, this will decrease overshoot.

    «FFd» This function adds a calculated proportion of the set
    point to the output power, and thus effectively shifts the
    proportional band (0-100%). Like Manual Reset, it can be used
    instead of the integral parameter, but this function is more suited
    to processes that require large

    variations of the set point, due to its mechanism of calculating
    the shift according to the set point and not the proportional band

    The formula for this calculation is as follows:

    OUT%(contribution of the feedforward power) = feedforward
    coefficient x (Set point — LoS) / (HiS — LoS)This OUT% is then
    added to the output power.



  • 7/23/2019 Gefran 600 Controller User Manual


    The multiset function is enabled in hd.1.

    The gradient function is always enabled.

    You can select between setpoint 1 and setpoint 2 with the
    faceplate key or with digitalinput.

    You can display the setpoint 1-2 selection by means of LED.

    SET GRADIENT: if set to 0, the setpoint is assumed equal to PV
    at power-on and

    auto/man switchover. With gradient set, it reaches the local
    setpoint or the oneselected.

    Every variation in setpoint is subject to a gradient.

    The set gradient is inhibited at power-on when self-tuning is

    If the set gradient is set to 0, it is active even with
    variations of the local setpoint,settable only on the relative SP

    The control setpoint reaches the set value at the speed defined
    by the gradient.

    (*) if the set gradient is










    (*) SP1SPrem



    How to switch the unit OFF: hold down the F and Raise keys
    simultaneously for 5 seconds to deactivate the unit, which will go
    to the OFF

    state while keeping the line supply connected and keeping the
    process value displayed. The SV display is OFF.All outputs (alarms
    and controls) are OFF (logic level 0, relays de-energized) and all
    unit functions are disabled except the switch-on function

    and digital communication.

    How to switch the unit ON: hold down the F key for 5 seconds and
    the unit will switch OFF to ON. If there is a power failure during
    the OFFstate, the unit will remain in OFF state at the next
    power-up (ON/OFF state is memorized).The function is normally
    enabled, but can be disabled by setting the parameter Prot = Prot
    +16. This function can be assigned to a digital input

    (d.i.G) and excludes deactivation from the keyboard.


    To get into the Prot. Menu (changing the protection level) hold
    the «F» key down until «PASS» appears in the top display. Release
    the»F» key and use the up/down arrow keys to enter the password
    «99». Then press the «F» key briefly. «Prot» will appear in the
    topdisplay. Use the up/down arrow keys to select the desired
    protection level.Typical values:0: enabling the EASY configuration

    128: enabling full access to all parameters1: allowing access to
    EASY configuration menu, but barring access to the Alarm setpoint
    (view only).2: allowing access to the EASY configuration menu, but
    barring access to the Alarm setpoint and disabling alarm setpoint
    display.5: barring access to the InP and Out menu and barring
    access to the Alarm setpoint (view only). Access to the CFG menu
    (PIDparameters) is still enabled.13: barring access to the EASY
    configuration menu and bar

Table of Contents for gefran 600:

  • An.o rL.1 rL.2 rL.3 rL.4 Ct.1 rEL Ct.2 Ct.3 H.An L.An Fault action (sets state in case of probe fault) Err, Sbr Minimum limit of analogue repetition signal output 0 Maximum limit of analogue repetition signal output Val Reference value 0 PV — process variable 1 SSP — active setpoint 2 SP — local setpoint 3- 4 Deviation (SSP-PV) 5 HEAT (*) 6 COOL (*) 7 AL1 (alarm point) 8 AL2 (alarm point) 9 AL3 (alarm point) 10 — 11 Value acquired from serial line (*) Out W Assignment of signal or reference value Out 1 Alloca

  • diG. AL.n but. + 8 to enable HB alarm + 16 to enable LBA alarm dig. Function of digital input + 16 for input in denied logic (NPN) + 32 to force logic state 0 (OFF) + 48 to force logic state 1 (ON) AL.nr Alarm 1 Alarm 2 Alarm 3 0 disabled disabled disabled 1 enabled disabled disabled 2 disabled enabled disabled 3 enabled enabled disabled 4 disabled disabled enabled 5 enabled disabled enabled 6 disabled enabled enabled 7 enabled enabled enabled 0 No function (key disenabled) 1 MAN / AUTO controller 2 LOC / REM 3 HOLD 4 Alarms memory reset 5 S

  • For very fast processes (e.g. air heaters and Infrared heaters) PID control performance is improved by: -selecting a faster derivative action sampling time. This is achieved by adding 64 to the Ctr parameter in the Hrd menu ( e.g. Ctr=6+64=70). -reducing the digital input filter action by reducing FLT (e.g. FLt=0.1) in the InP menu. -selecting the shortest possible cycle time for the control output (e.g. Ct.2=1 in the Out menu) -using analog output (20mA, 10V) in co

  • 3 • Device structure • Identification of boards DISPLAY POWER SERIAL INTERFACE/OUT4 Power board Select transmitter voltage Select signal at contact 3 CPU board CPU 24V 15V 10V 5V 1,23V PT100 +VT — (*) The automatic return PV/SV display is disabled for these displays AL.1 AL.2 A.Hb 0u.P SP SP.1 SP.2 in.2 If Inc, Dec, F keys are not pressed within 15 sec, display returns automatically to P.V. value. INF P.V. / S.V. P.V. / S.V. Process variable (PV display) Work Setpoint (SV display) or control output value with controller in manual Alarm point 2

  • Step 34 mV full scale S.34 Step 33 mV beginning scale S.33 …… S.00 • Lin Lin Custom linearization for main input the n step value corresponds to input: mV beginning scale + n*³mV ³mV = (mV full scale — mV beginning scale) / 32 Step 0 beginning of scale value Step 32 full of scale value Display limits (-1999…9999) Display limits (-1999…9999) • U.CAL U.CA User calibration S.32 Step 35 mV at 50°C S.35 Val Function 1 Analogue output (1) 2 Input 1 – custom 10V /

  • Ctr hd.1 • Hrd Hrd Hardware configuration Enable multiset instrument control by serial Val Multiset Reversed Instrument (2 SP) LED control by state serial 0 1x 2x 3x x 4x 5x x 6xx 7x x x Control type Val Control type 0 P heat 1 P cool 2 P heat / cool 3 PI heat 4 PI cool 5 PI heat / cool 6 PID heat 7 PID cool 8 PID heat / cool 9 ON-OFF heat 10 ON-OFF cool 11 ON-OFF heat / cool 12 PID heat + ON-OFF cool 13 ON-OFF heat + P

  • Hi.L Lo.L oF.2 HS.2 LS.2 Minimum limit auxiliary input scale Offset correction of aux input 0.0 … 999.9 Maximum limit auxiliary input scale 0.0 … 999.9 -99.9 … 99.9 scale points Lower limit for setting SP and absolute alarms Lo.S … Hi.S Upper limit for setting SP and absolute alarms Lo.S … Hi.S • Out Out Output settings Select reference signal for alarm 1 AL.1.r, AL.2.r, AL.3.r Select reference signal for alarm 2 Select r

  • 5 + 8 to disable at power-on until first alarm + 16 to enable alarm memory + 32 Hys becomes delay time when alarm trips (0…999 sec.) (excluding symmetrical absolute) + 64 Hys becomes delay time when alarm trips (0…999 min.) (excluding symmetrical absolute) 1…200 sec. Cycle time for Out2 (Heat or Cool) Ct.2 A1.t AL.1.t, AL.2.t, AL.3.t AL.x.t Direct (high limit) Absolute Normal Inverse (low limit) or relative Symmetrical to active setpoint (window) 0 direct absolute normal 1 inverse absolute normal 2 direct relative normal 3 inverse relative normal

  • The multiset function is enabled in hd.1. The gradient function is always enabled. You can select between setpoint 1 and setpoint 2 with the faceplate key or with digital input. You can display the setpoint 1-2 selection by means of LED. SET GRADIENT: if set to ¤0, the setpoint is assumed equal to PV at power-on and auto/man switchover. With gradient set, it reaches the local setpoint or the one selected. Every variation in setpoint is subject to a gradient. The set gradient i

  • 21 If a process is out of tune we recommend to first disable the Integral and Derivative action by setting the Integral and Derivative parameters to zero. Increase the proportional band until you obtain stability (no cyclic fluctuation). You will get a constant error (offset). Now introduce integral action. This will remove the error (offset). If excessive ringing occurs, incre

Questions, Opinions and Exploitation Impressions:

You can ask a question, express your opinion or share our experience of gefran 600 device using right now.




code 80336L / Edition 15 07/2011



Dimensions and cut-out; panel mounting

Panel mounting:

To fix the unit, insert the brackets provided into the seats on either side of the case.

To mount two or more units side by side, respect the cut-out dimensions shown in the drawing.

CE MARKING: The instrument conforms to the European Directives 2004/108/CE and

2006/95/CE with reference to the generic standards: EN 61000-6-2 (immunity in industrial

environment) EN 61000-6-3 (emission in residential environment) EN 61010-1 (safety).

MAINTENANCE: Repairs must be done only by trained and specialized personnel.

Cut power to the device before accessing internal parts.

Do not clean the case with hydrocarbon-based solvents (Petrol, Trichlorethylene, etc.). Use of

these solvents can reduce the mechanical reliability of the device. Use a cloth dampened in

ethyl alcohol or water to clean the external plastic case.

SERVICE: GEFRAN has a service department. The warranty excludes defects caused by any

use not conforming to these instructions.











Power supply cable 1 mm


1 m

Relay output cable 1 mm


3,5 m

Digital communication wire 0,35 mm


3,5 m

C.T. connection cable 1,5 mm


3,5 m

TC input 0,8 mm


compensated 5 m

Pt100 input 1 mm


3 m

EMC conformity has been tested with the following connections

For correct and safe installation, follow

the instructions and observe the warnings

contained in this manual.


Logic inputs Ri = 4,7KΩ (24V, 5mA) or no-voltage contact

Protocol Gefran CENCAL / MODBUS

Serial interface (optional) RS485, isolated

Analogue retransmission signal

0…10V Rload ≥ 250KΩ, 0/4…20mA Rload ≤ 500Ω

resolution 12 bit

Transmitter power supply 15/24Vdc, max 30mA short-circuit protection

Type of relay contact NO (NC), 5A, 250V/30Vdc cosϕ=1

Logic output for static relays 24V ±10% (10V min at 20mA)

Cycle time 0…200 sec

Main output type

relay, logic, continuous (0…10V Rload ≥ 250KΩ,

0/4…20mA Rload ≤ 500Ω)

Control outputs on / off, continuous

Maximum power limit heat / cool 0,0…100,0 %

°C / °F selection configurable from faceplate

Linear scale ranges -1999 to 9999 with configurable decimal point position

Controls PID, Self-tuning, on-off

pb — dt — it 0,0…999,9 % — 0,00…99,99 min — 0,00…99,99 min

Action Heat / Cool

Softstart 0,0…500,0 min

Configurable alarms

Up to 3 alarm functions assignable to an output,

configurable as: maximum, minimum, symmetrical,

absolute/deviation, LBA, HB

Fault power setting -100,0…100,0 %

Automatic blanking Displays PV value, optional exclusion

Alarm masking

— exclusion during warm up

— latching reset from faceplate or external contact

Optional ammeter input T.A. 50mAac, 50/60Hz, Ri = 10Ω

Faceplate protection IP65

Working / Storage temperature range 0…50°C / -20…70°C

Relative humidity 20 … 85% non-condensing

Installation Panel, plug-in from front

Weight 160g for the complete version

Power supply (switching type)

(std) 100 … 240Vac ±10%

(opt.) 11…27Vac/dc ±10%;

50/60Hz, 8VA max


detection of short-circuit or opening of probes,

LBA alarm, HB alarm

RTD type (scale configurable within indicated

range, with or without decimal point)


Max line resistance for RTD

DIN 43760 (Pt100), JPT100


Cold junction error

0,1° / °C

PTC type / NTC Type 990Ω, 25°C / 1KΩ, 25°C

Type TC Thermocouples


Display 2×4 digit green, high display 10 and 7mm

Keys 4 of mechanical type (Man/Aut, INC, DEC, F)

Accuracy 0.2% f.s. ±1 digit ambient temperature 25°C

Main input (settable digital filter)


60mV,1V Ri≥1MΩ; 5V,10V Ri≥10KΩ; 20mA Ri=50Ω

Tempo di campionamento 120 msec.


Type TC Thermocouples : J,K,R,S,T (IEC 584-1,

CEI EN 60584-1, 60584-2) ; custom linearization

is available / types B,E,N,L GOST,U,G,D,C are

available by using the custom linearization.

Triac output

20…240Vac ±10%, 1A max

Snubberless, inductive and resistive load I


t = 128A



Baude rate 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200

Environmental conditions of use for internal use only, altitude up to 2000m

Digital Insulated Output

optoinsulated MOS output 1500V


Load ON max 0,8Ω


1 / 31

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